diff --git a/bash/bash_login.host b/bash/bash_login.host index fd3902d91..7335d8745 100644 --- a/bash/bash_login.host +++ b/bash/bash_login.host @@ -2,16 +2,16 @@ ## Configure static SSH Agent export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$HOME/.spool/ssh-agent.sock" -if [ -e $SSH_AUTH_SOCK ]; then - rm $SSH_AUTH_SOCK +if [ -e "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ]; then + rm "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" fi -if [ -e "$HOME/.spool/ssh-agent.env "]; then +if [ -e "$HOME/.spool/ssh-agent.env" ]; then rm "$HOME/.spool/ssh-agent.env" fi if [[ "$(pgrep ssh-agent)" ]]; then pkill ssh-agent fi -. "$HOME/scripts/ssh-agent.sh" +. ${HOME}/scripts/ssh-agent.sh # Static/predictable Sway socket export SWAYSOCK="$HOME/.spool/sway-ipc.sock" diff --git a/bash/bashrc.host b/bash/bashrc.host index 7dabf6b36..c5a623978 100644 --- a/bash/bashrc.host +++ b/bash/bashrc.host @@ -1,18 +1,8 @@ # vim: ft=sh -export TERMINAL="alacritty" +# Setup editor export EDITOR="flatpak run io.neovim.nvim" export SSH_AUTH_SOCK="$HOME/.spool/ssh-agent.sock" -if [ -z "$SSH_AGENT_PID" ]; then - if [ -f "$HOME/.spool/ssh-agent.env" ]; then - source "$HOME/.spool/ssh-agent.env" >/dev/null - else - if [ ! -f "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" ]; then - touch "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" - fi - $HOME/scripts/ssh-agent.sh - fi -fi echo "This is the host OS. You probably want to open a Distrobox." diff --git a/nvim.bk/init.lua b/nvim.bk/init.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2bf8f14e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/init.lua @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +local impatient_ok, impatient = pcall(require, "impatient") +if impatient_ok then impatient.enable_profile() end + +for _, source in ipairs { + "core.utils", + "core.options", + "core.bootstrap", + "core.diagnostics", + "core.autocmds", + "core.mappings", + "configs.which-key-register", +} do + local status_ok, fault = pcall(require, source) + if not status_ok then vim.api.nvim_err_writeln("Failed to load " .. source .. "\n\n" .. fault) end +end + +astronvim.conditional_func(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("polish", nil, false)) + +if vim.fn.has "nvim-0.8" ~= 1 or vim.version().prerelease then + vim.schedule(function() astronvim.notify("Unsupported Neovim Version! Please check the requirements", "error") end) +end diff --git a/nvim.bk/init.vim.old b/nvim.bk/init.vim.old new file mode 100644 index 000000000..694ed2fc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/init.vim.old @@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ +let plug_install = 0 +let autoload_plug_path = stdpath('config') . '/autoload/plug.vim' +if !filereadable(autoload_plug_path) + silent exe '!curl -fL --create-dirs -o ' . autoload_plug_path . + \ ' https://raw.github.com/junegunn/vim-plug/master/plug.vim' + execute 'source ' . fnameescape(autoload_plug_path) + let plug_install = 1 +endif +unlet autoload_plug_path + +call plug#begin('~/.dotfiles/nvim/plugins') +" Plugins here + +" LSP - Language Server Protocol +" Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig' +Plug 'hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp' +Plug 'hrsh7th/cmp-buffer' +Plug 'hrsh7th/cmp-path' +Plug 'hrsh7th/cmp-cmdline' +Plug 'hrsh7th/nvim-cmp' +" TreeSitter - Syntax highlighting +Plug 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', {'do': ':TSUpdate'} +" Fold-Cycle - Better management of foldable blocks +Plug 'jghauser/fold-cycle.nvim' +" Git Gutter - Git diff markers +Plug 'airblade/vim-gitgutter' +" Lightline - lightweight status/tabline beautification +Plug 'itchyny/lightline.vim' +" Nerdtree - Tree explorer +Plug 'preservim/nerdtree' +" Conqueror of Completion +Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'} +Plug 'bmeneg/coc-perl', {'do': 'yarn install && yarn build'} +" Dart lsp +Plug 'dart-lang/dart-vim-plugin' + +call plug#end() + +let g:coc_global_extensions = ['coc-json', 'coc-html', 'coc-python', 'coc-php', 'coc-perl', 'coc-flutter', 'coc-git'] +if plug_install + PlugInstall --sync +endif +unlet plug_install + +source $HOME/.dotfiles/vim/generic + +lua <lua vim.lsp.buf.declaration()', opts) + buf_set_keymap('n', 'gd', 'tab split | lua vim.lsp.buf.definition()', opts) + buf_set_keymap('n', 'K', 'lua vim.lsp.buf.hover()', opts) + buf_set_keymap('n', 'gi', 'lua vim.lsp.buf.implementation()', opts) + buf_set_keymap('n', 't', 'lua vim.lsp.buf.signature_help()', opts) + buf_set_keymap('n', 'rn', 'lua vim.lsp.buf.rename()', opts) + buf_set_keymap('n', 'gr', 'lua vim.lsp.buf.references()', opts) + buf_set_keymap('n', 'e', 'lua vim.diagnostic.open_float(0, {{opts2}, scope="line", border="rounded"})', opts) + buf_set_keymap('n', '[d', 'lua vim.diagnostic.goto_prev({ float = { border = "rounded" }})', opts) + buf_set_keymap('n', ']d', 'lua vim.diagnostic.goto_next({ float = { border = "rounded" }})', opts) + buf_set_keymap("n", "q", "lua vim.diagnostic.setloclist({open = true})", opts) + -- Set some keybinds conditional on server capabilities + if client.resolved_capabilities.document_formatting then + buf_set_keymap("n", "lf", "lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting()", opts) + end + if client.resolved_capabilities.document_range_formatting then + buf_set_keymap("n", "lf", "lua vim.lsp.buf.formatting()", opts) + end +end +-- NOTE: Don't use more than 1 servers otherwise nvim is unstable +local capabilities = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities() +capabilities = require('cmp_nvim_lsp').update_capabilities(capabilities) +capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.snippetSupport = true +-- Use pylsp +-- nvim_lsp.pylsp.setup({ + -- on_attach = on_attach, + -- settings = { + -- pylsp = { + -- plugins = { + -- pylint = { enabled = true, executable = "pylint" }, + -- pyflakes = { enabled = true }, + -- pycodestyle = { enabled = false }, + -- jedi_completion = { fuzzy = true }, + -- pyls_isort = { enabled = true }, + -- pylsp_mypy = { enabled = true }, + -- }, + -- }, }, + -- flags = { + -- debounce_text_changes = 200, + -- }, + -- capabilities = capabilities, +-- }) +-- Use pyright or jedi_language_server +--local servers = {'jedi_language_server'} +--local servers = {'pyright'} +--for _, lsp in ipairs(servers) do +-- nvim_lsp[lsp].setup({ +-- on_attach = on_attach, +-- capabilities = capabilities +--}) +--end +-- Change diagnostic signs. +vim.fn.sign_define("DiagnosticSignError", { text = "✗", texthl = "DiagnosticSignError" }) +vim.fn.sign_define("DiagnosticSignWarn", { text = "!", texthl = "DiagnosticSignWarn" }) +vim.fn.sign_define("DiagnosticSignInformation", { text = "", texthl = "DiagnosticSignInfo" }) +vim.fn.sign_define("DiagnosticSignHint", { text = "", texthl = "DiagnosticSignHint" }) +-- global config for diagnostic +vim.diagnostic.config({ + underline = false, + virtual_text = true, + signs = true, + severity_sort = true, +}) +-- Change border of documentation hover window, See https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/13998. +vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/hover"] = vim.lsp.with(vim.lsp.handlers.hover, { + border = "rounded", +}) + +-- require'lspconfig'.perlpls.setup() + +require('fold-cycle').setup({ + open_if_closed = true, + close_if_opened = true, + softwrap_movement_fix = true, +}) +vim.keymap.set('n', '', + function() return require('fold-cycle').open() end, + {silent = true, desc = 'Fold-cycle: open folds'}) +vim.keymap.set('n', '', + function() return require('fold-cycle').close() end, + {silent = true, desc = 'Fold-cycle: close folds'}) +vim.keymap.set('n', 'zC', + function() return require('fold-cycle').close_all() end, + {remap = true, silent = true, desc = 'Fold-cycle: close all folds'}) +EOF + +set foldmethod=expr +set cursorline +set foldexpr=nvim_treesitter#foldexpr() diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/Comment.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/Comment.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6521d72ba --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/Comment.lua @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +local utils = require "Comment.utils" +require("Comment").setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.Comment", { + pre_hook = function(ctx) + local location = nil + if ctx.ctype == utils.ctype.blockwise then + location = require("ts_context_commentstring.utils").get_cursor_location() + elseif ctx.cmotion == utils.cmotion.v or ctx.cmotion == utils.cmotion.V then + location = require("ts_context_commentstring.utils").get_visual_start_location() + end + + return require("ts_context_commentstring.internal").calculate_commentstring { + key = ctx.ctype == utils.ctype.linewise and "__default" or "__multiline", + location = location, + } + end, +})) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/aerial.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/aerial.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d4c73109a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/aerial.lua @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +require("aerial").setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.aerial", { + attach_mode = "global", + backends = { "lsp", "treesitter", "markdown", "man" }, + layout = { + min_width = 28, + }, + show_guides = true, + filter_kind = false, + guides = { + mid_item = "├ ", + last_item = "└ ", + nested_top = "│ ", + whitespace = " ", + }, + keymaps = { + ["[y"] = "actions.prev", + ["]y"] = "actions.next", + ["[Y"] = "actions.prev_up", + ["]Y"] = "actions.next_up", + ["{"] = false, + ["}"] = false, + ["[["] = false, + ["]]"] = false, + }, +})) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/alpha.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/alpha.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eccde8f30 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/alpha.lua @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +require("alpha").setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.alpha", { + layout = { + { type = "padding", val = vim.fn.max { 2, vim.fn.floor(vim.fn.winheight(0) * 0.2) } }, + { + type = "text", + val = astronvim.user_plugin_opts("header", { + " █████ ███████ ████████ ██████ ██████", + "██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██", + "███████ ███████ ██ ██████ ██ ██", + "██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██", + "██ ██ ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██████", + " ", + " ███  ██ ██  ██ ██ ███  ███", + " ████  ██ ██  ██ ██ ████  ████", + " ██ ██  ██ ██  ██ ██ ██ ████ ██", + " ██  ██ ██  ██  ██  ██ ██  ██  ██", + " ██   ████   ████   ██ ██      ██", + }, false), + opts = { position = "center", hl = "DashboardHeader" }, + }, + { type = "padding", val = 5 }, + { + type = "group", + val = { + astronvim.alpha_button("LDR f F", " Find File "), + astronvim.alpha_button("LDR f o", " Recents "), + astronvim.alpha_button("LDR f w", " Find Word "), + astronvim.alpha_button("LDR f n", " New File "), + astronvim.alpha_button("LDR f m", " Bookmarks "), + astronvim.alpha_button("LDR S l", " Last Session "), + }, + opts = { spacing = 1 }, + }, + }, + opts = { noautocmd = true }, +})) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/autopairs.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/autopairs.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fb9e08678 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/autopairs.lua @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +local npairs = require "nvim-autopairs" +npairs.setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.nvim-autopairs", { + check_ts = true, + ts_config = { java = false }, + fast_wrap = { + map = "", + chars = { "{", "[", "(", '"', "'" }, + pattern = string.gsub([[ [%'%"%)%>%]%)%}%,] ]], "%s+", ""), + offset = 0, + end_key = "$", + keys = "qwertyuiopzxcvbnmasdfghjkl", + check_comma = true, + highlight = "PmenuSel", + highlight_grey = "LineNr", + }, +})) + +if not vim.g.autopairs_enabled then npairs.disable() end + +local rules = astronvim.user_plugin_opts("nvim-autopairs").add_rules +if vim.tbl_contains({ "function", "table" }, type(rules)) then + npairs.add_rules(type(rules) == "function" and rules(npairs) or rules) +end + +local cmp_status_ok, cmp = pcall(require, "cmp") +if cmp_status_ok then + cmp.event:on("confirm_done", require("nvim-autopairs.completion.cmp").on_confirm_done { tex = false }) +end diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/better_escape.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/better_escape.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d6afb229e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/better_escape.lua @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +require("better_escape").setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts "plugins.better_escape") diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/bufferline.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/bufferline.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..96626dedc --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/bufferline.lua @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +local close_func = function(bufnum) + local bufdelete_avail, bufdelete = pcall(require, "bufdelete") + if bufdelete_avail then + bufdelete.bufdelete(bufnum, true) + else + vim.cmd.bdelete { args = { bufnum }, bang = true } + end +end +require("bufferline").setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.bufferline", { + options = { + offsets = { + { filetype = "NvimTree", text = "", padding = 1 }, + { filetype = "neo-tree", text = "", padding = 1 }, + { filetype = "Outline", text = "", padding = 1 }, + }, + buffer_close_icon = astronvim.get_icon "BufferClose", + modified_icon = astronvim.get_icon "FileModified", + close_icon = astronvim.get_icon "NeovimClose", + close_command = close_func, + right_mouse_command = close_func, + max_name_length = 14, + max_prefix_length = 13, + tab_size = 20, + separator_style = "thin", + }, +})) +local highlights = require "bufferline.highlights" +vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", { + pattern = "AstroColorScheme", + group = "BufferlineCmds", + desc = "Bufferline apply colors after astronvim colorscheme change", + callback = function() + highlights.reset_icon_hl_cache() + highlights.set_all(require("bufferline.config").update_highlights()) + end, +}) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/cmp.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/cmp.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8255531c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/cmp.lua @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +local cmp = require "cmp" +local snip_status_ok, luasnip = pcall(require, "luasnip") +local lspkind_status_ok, lspkind = pcall(require, "lspkind") +if not snip_status_ok then return end +local setup = cmp.setup +local border_opts = + { border = "single", winhighlight = "Normal:Normal,FloatBorder:FloatBorder,CursorLine:Visual,Search:None" } + +local function has_words_before() + local line, col = unpack(vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)) + return col ~= 0 and vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, line - 1, line, true)[1]:sub(col, col):match "%s" == nil +end + +setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.cmp", { + enabled = function() + if vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, "buftype") == "prompt" then return false end + return vim.g.cmp_enabled + end, + preselect = cmp.PreselectMode.None, + formatting = { + fields = { "kind", "abbr", "menu" }, + format = lspkind_status_ok and lspkind.cmp_format(astronvim.lspkind) or nil, + }, + snippet = { + expand = function(args) luasnip.lsp_expand(args.body) end, + }, + duplicates = { + nvim_lsp = 1, + luasnip = 1, + cmp_tabnine = 1, + buffer = 1, + path = 1, + }, + confirm_opts = { + behavior = cmp.ConfirmBehavior.Replace, + select = false, + }, + window = { + completion = cmp.config.window.bordered(border_opts), + documentation = cmp.config.window.bordered(border_opts), + }, + mapping = { + [""] = cmp.mapping.select_prev_item { behavior = cmp.SelectBehavior.Select }, + [""] = cmp.mapping.select_next_item { behavior = cmp.SelectBehavior.Select }, + [""] = cmp.mapping.select_prev_item { behavior = cmp.SelectBehavior.Insert }, + [""] = cmp.mapping.select_next_item { behavior = cmp.SelectBehavior.Insert }, + [""] = cmp.mapping.select_prev_item { behavior = cmp.SelectBehavior.Insert }, + [""] = cmp.mapping.select_next_item { behavior = cmp.SelectBehavior.Insert }, + [""] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(-1), { "i", "c" }), + [""] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(1), { "i", "c" }), + [""] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.complete(), { "i", "c" }), + [""] = cmp.config.disable, + [""] = cmp.mapping { + i = cmp.mapping.abort(), + c = cmp.mapping.close(), + }, + [""] = cmp.mapping.confirm { select = false }, + [""] = cmp.mapping(function(fallback) + if cmp.visible() then + cmp.select_next_item() + elseif luasnip.expandable() then + luasnip.expand() + elseif luasnip.expand_or_jumpable() then + luasnip.expand_or_jump() + elseif has_words_before() then + cmp.complete() + else + fallback() + end + end, { + "i", + "s", + }), + [""] = cmp.mapping(function(fallback) + if cmp.visible() then + cmp.select_prev_item() + elseif luasnip.jumpable(-1) then + luasnip.jump(-1) + else + fallback() + end + end, { + "i", + "s", + }), + }, +})) +for setup_opt, setup_table in pairs(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("cmp.setup", {})) do + for pattern, options in pairs(setup_table) do + setup[setup_opt](pattern, options) + end +end diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/colorizer.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/colorizer.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..004e89e66 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/colorizer.lua @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +require("colorizer").setup( + astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.colorizer", { user_default_options = { names = false } }) +) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/dap.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/dap.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..def9731ef --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/dap.lua @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +local dap = require "dap" +dap.adapters = astronvim.user_plugin_opts("dap.adapters", dap.adapters) +dap.configurations = astronvim.user_plugin_opts("dap.configurations", dap.configurations) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/dapui.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/dapui.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..144017e4a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/dapui.lua @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +local dap, dapui = require "dap", require "dapui" +dap.listeners.after.event_initialized["dapui_config"] = function() dapui.open() end +dap.listeners.before.event_terminated["dapui_config"] = function() dapui.close() end +dap.listeners.before.event_exited["dapui_config"] = function() dapui.close() end +dapui.setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.dapui", { floating = { border = "rounded" } })) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/dressing.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/dressing.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..837f51b17 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/dressing.lua @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +require("dressing").setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.dressing", { + input = { + default_prompt = "➤ ", + win_options = { winhighlight = "Normal:Normal,NormalNC:Normal" }, + }, + select = { + backend = { "telescope", "builtin" }, + builtin = { win_options = { winhighlight = "Normal:Normal,NormalNC:Normal" } }, + }, +})) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/gitsigns.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/gitsigns.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..92ca456a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/gitsigns.lua @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +require("gitsigns").setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.gitsigns", { + signs = { + add = { text = "▎" }, + change = { text = "▎" }, + delete = { text = "▎" }, + topdelete = { text = "契" }, + changedelete = { text = "▎" }, + untracked = { text = "▎" }, + }, +})) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/heirline.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/heirline.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f5cddb097 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/heirline.lua @@ -0,0 +1,309 @@ +local heirline = require "heirline" +if not astronvim.status then return end +local C = require "default_theme.colors" + +local function setup_colors() + local Normal = astronvim.get_hlgroup("Normal", { fg = C.fg, bg = C.bg }) + local Comment = astronvim.get_hlgroup("Comment", { fg = C.grey_2, bg = C.bg }) + local Error = astronvim.get_hlgroup("Error", { fg = C.red, bg = C.bg }) + local StatusLine = astronvim.get_hlgroup("StatusLine", { fg = C.fg, bg = C.grey_4 }) + local TabLine = astronvim.get_hlgroup("TabLine", { fg = C.grey, bg = C.none }) + local TabLineSel = astronvim.get_hlgroup("TabLineSel", { fg = C.fg, bg = C.none }) + local WinBar = astronvim.get_hlgroup("WinBar", { fg = C.grey_2, bg = C.bg }) + local WinBarNC = astronvim.get_hlgroup("WinBarNC", { fg = C.grey, bg = C.bg }) + local Conditional = astronvim.get_hlgroup("Conditional", { fg = C.purple_1, bg = C.grey_4 }) + local String = astronvim.get_hlgroup("String", { fg = C.green, bg = C.grey_4 }) + local TypeDef = astronvim.get_hlgroup("TypeDef", { fg = C.yellow, bg = C.grey_4 }) + local GitSignsAdd = astronvim.get_hlgroup("GitSignsAdd", { fg = C.green, bg = C.grey_4 }) + local GitSignsChange = astronvim.get_hlgroup("GitSignsChange", { fg = C.orange_1, bg = C.grey_4 }) + local GitSignsDelete = astronvim.get_hlgroup("GitSignsDelete", { fg = C.red_1, bg = C.grey_4 }) + local DiagnosticError = astronvim.get_hlgroup("DiagnosticError", { fg = C.red_1, bg = C.grey_4 }) + local DiagnosticWarn = astronvim.get_hlgroup("DiagnosticWarn", { fg = C.orange_1, bg = C.grey_4 }) + local DiagnosticInfo = astronvim.get_hlgroup("DiagnosticInfo", { fg = C.white_2, bg = C.grey_4 }) + local DiagnosticHint = astronvim.get_hlgroup("DiagnosticHint", { fg = C.yellow_1, bg = C.grey_4 }) + local HeirlineInactive = astronvim.get_hlgroup("HeirlineInactive", { fg = nil }).fg + or astronvim.status.hl.lualine_mode("inactive", C.grey_7) + local HeirlineNormal = astronvim.get_hlgroup("HeirlineNormal", { fg = nil }).fg + or astronvim.status.hl.lualine_mode("normal", C.blue) + local HeirlineInsert = astronvim.get_hlgroup("HeirlineInsert", { fg = nil }).fg + or astronvim.status.hl.lualine_mode("insert", C.green) + local HeirlineVisual = astronvim.get_hlgroup("HeirlineVisual", { fg = nil }).fg + or astronvim.status.hl.lualine_mode("visual", C.purple) + local HeirlineReplace = astronvim.get_hlgroup("HeirlineReplace", { fg = nil }).fg + or astronvim.status.hl.lualine_mode("replace", C.red_1) + local HeirlineCommand = astronvim.get_hlgroup("HeirlineCommand", { fg = nil }).fg + or astronvim.status.hl.lualine_mode("command", C.yellow_1) + local HeirlineTerminal = astronvim.get_hlgroup("HeirlineTerminal", { fg = nil }).fg + or astronvim.status.hl.lualine_mode("inactive", HeirlineInsert) + + local colors = astronvim.user_plugin_opts("heirline.colors", { + close_fg = Error.fg, + fg = StatusLine.fg, + bg = StatusLine.bg, + section_fg = StatusLine.fg, + section_bg = StatusLine.bg, + git_branch_fg = Conditional.fg, + mode_fg = StatusLine.bg, + treesitter_fg = String.fg, + scrollbar = TypeDef.fg, + git_added = GitSignsAdd.fg, + git_changed = GitSignsChange.fg, + git_removed = GitSignsDelete.fg, + diag_ERROR = DiagnosticError.fg, + diag_WARN = DiagnosticWarn.fg, + diag_INFO = DiagnosticInfo.fg, + diag_HINT = DiagnosticHint.fg, + winbar_fg = WinBar.fg, + winbar_bg = WinBar.bg, + winbarnc_fg = WinBarNC.fg, + winbarnc_bg = WinBarNC.bg, + tabline_bg = StatusLine.bg, + tabline_fg = StatusLine.bg, + buffer_fg = Comment.fg, + buffer_path_fg = WinBarNC.fg, + buffer_close_fg = Comment.fg, + buffer_bg = StatusLine.bg, + buffer_active_fg = Normal.fg, + buffer_active_path_fg = WinBarNC.fg, + buffer_active_close_fg = Error.fg, + buffer_active_bg = Normal.bg, + buffer_visible_fg = Normal.fg, + buffer_visible_path_fg = WinBarNC.fg, + buffer_visible_close_fg = Error.fg, + buffer_visible_bg = Normal.bg, + buffer_overflow_fg = Comment.fg, + buffer_overflow_bg = StatusLine.bg, + buffer_picker_fg = Error.fg, + tab_close_fg = Error.fg, + tab_close_bg = StatusLine.bg, + tab_fg = TabLine.fg, + tab_bg = TabLine.bg, + tab_active_fg = TabLineSel.fg, + tab_active_bg = TabLineSel.bg, + inactive = HeirlineInactive, + normal = HeirlineNormal, + insert = HeirlineInsert, + visual = HeirlineVisual, + replace = HeirlineReplace, + command = HeirlineCommand, + terminal = HeirlineTerminal, + }) + + for _, section in ipairs { + "git_branch", + "file_info", + "git_diff", + "diagnostics", + "lsp", + "macro_recording", + "mode", + "cmd_info", + "treesitter", + "nav", + } do + if not colors[section .. "_bg"] then colors[section .. "_bg"] = colors["section_bg"] end + if not colors[section .. "_fg"] then colors[section .. "_fg"] = colors["section_fg"] end + end + return colors +end + +--- a submodule of heirline specific functions and aliases +astronvim.status.heirline = {} + +--- A helper function to get the type a tab or buffer is +-- @param self the self table from a heirline component function +-- @param prefix the prefix of the type, either "tab" or "buffer" (Default: "buffer") +-- @return the string of prefix with the type (i.e. "_active" or "_visible") +function astronvim.status.heirline.tab_type(self, prefix) + local tab_type = "" + if self.is_active then + tab_type = "_active" + elseif self.is_visible then + tab_type = "_visible" + end + return (prefix or "buffer") .. tab_type +end + +--- Make a list of buffers, rendering each buffer with the provided component +---@param component table +---@return table +astronvim.status.heirline.make_buflist = function(component) + local overflow_hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes("buffer_overflow", true) + return require("heirline.utils").make_buflist( + astronvim.status.utils.surround( + "tab", + function(self) + return { + main = astronvim.status.heirline.tab_type(self) .. "_bg", + left = "tabline_bg", + right = "tabline_bg", + } + end, + { -- bufferlist + init = function(self) self.tab_type = astronvim.status.heirline.tab_type(self) end, + on_click = { -- add clickable component to each buffer + callback = function(_, minwid) vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(0, minwid) end, + minwid = function(self) return self.bufnr end, + name = "heirline_tabline_buffer_callback", + }, + { -- add buffer picker functionality to each buffer + condition = function(self) return self._show_picker end, + update = false, + init = function(self) + local bufname = astronvim.status.provider.filename { fallback = "empty_file" }(self) + local label = bufname:sub(1, 1) + local i = 2 + while label ~= " " and self._picker_labels[label] do + if i > #bufname then break end + label = bufname:sub(i, i) + i = i + 1 + end + self._picker_labels[label] = self.bufnr + self.label = label + end, + provider = function(self) + return astronvim.status.provider.str { str = self.label, padding = { left = 1, right = 1 } } + end, + hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes "buffer_picker", + }, + component, -- create buffer component + }, + false -- disable surrounding + ), + { provider = astronvim.get_icon "ArrowLeft" .. " ", hl = overflow_hl }, + { provider = astronvim.get_icon "ArrowRight" .. " ", hl = overflow_hl }, + function() return vim.t.bufs end, -- use astronvim bufs variable + false -- disable internal caching + ) +end + +--- Alias to require("heirline.utils").make_tablist +astronvim.status.heirline.make_tablist = require("heirline.utils").make_tablist + +--- Run the buffer picker and execute the callback function on the selected buffer +-- @param callback function with a single parameter of the buffer number +function astronvim.status.heirline.buffer_picker(callback) + local tabline = require("heirline").tabline + local buflist = tabline and tabline._buflist[1] + if buflist then + local prev_showtabline = vim.opt.showtabline + buflist._picker_labels = {} + buflist._show_picker = true + vim.opt.showtabline = 2 + vim.cmd.redrawtabline() + local char = vim.fn.getcharstr() + local bufnr = buflist._picker_labels[char] + if bufnr then callback(bufnr) end + buflist._show_picker = false + vim.opt.showtabline = prev_showtabline + vim.cmd.redrawtabline() + end +end + +heirline.load_colors(setup_colors()) +local heirline_opts = astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.heirline", { + { -- statusline + hl = { fg = "fg", bg = "bg" }, + astronvim.status.component.mode(), + astronvim.status.component.git_branch(), + -- TODO: REMOVE THIS WITH v3 + astronvim.status.component.file_info( + (astronvim.is_available "bufferline.nvim" or vim.g.heirline_bufferline) + and { filetype = {}, filename = false, file_modified = false } + or nil + ), + -- astronvim.status.component.file_info { filetype = {}, filename = false, file_modified = false }, + astronvim.status.component.git_diff(), + astronvim.status.component.diagnostics(), + astronvim.status.component.fill(), + astronvim.status.component.cmd_info(), + astronvim.status.component.fill(), + astronvim.status.component.lsp(), + astronvim.status.component.treesitter(), + astronvim.status.component.nav(), + astronvim.status.component.mode { surround = { separator = "right" } }, + }, + { -- winbar + static = { + disabled = { + buftype = { "terminal", "prompt", "nofile", "help", "quickfix" }, + filetype = { "NvimTree", "neo%-tree", "dashboard", "Outline", "aerial" }, + }, + }, + init = function(self) self.bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() end, + fallthrough = false, + { + condition = function(self) + return vim.opt.diff:get() or astronvim.status.condition.buffer_matches(self.disabled or {}) + end, + init = function() vim.opt_local.winbar = nil end, + }, + astronvim.status.component.file_info { + condition = function() return not astronvim.status.condition.is_active() end, + unique_path = {}, + file_icon = { hl = astronvim.status.hl.file_icon "winbar" }, + file_modified = false, + file_read_only = false, + hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes("winbarnc", true), + surround = false, + update = "BufEnter", + }, + astronvim.status.component.breadcrumbs { hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes("winbar", true) }, + }, + vim.g.heirline_bufferline -- TODO v3: remove this option and make bufferline default + and { -- bufferline + { -- file tree padding + condition = function(self) + self.winid = vim.api.nvim_tabpage_list_wins(0)[1] + return astronvim.status.condition.buffer_matches( + { filetype = { "neo%-tree", "NvimTree" } }, + vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(self.winid) + ) + end, + provider = function(self) return string.rep(" ", vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(self.winid)) end, + hl = { bg = "tabline_bg" }, + }, + astronvim.status.heirline.make_buflist(astronvim.status.component.tabline_file_info()), -- component for each buffer tab + astronvim.status.component.fill { hl = { bg = "tabline_bg" } }, -- fill the rest of the tabline with background color + { -- tab list + condition = function() return #vim.api.nvim_list_tabpages() >= 2 end, -- only show tabs if there are more than one + astronvim.status.heirline.make_tablist { -- component for each tab + provider = astronvim.status.provider.tabnr(), + hl = function(self) + return astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes(astronvim.status.heirline.tab_type(self, "tab"), true) + end, + }, + { -- close button for current tab + provider = astronvim.status.provider.close_button { kind = "TabClose", padding = { left = 1, right = 1 } }, + hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes("tab_close", true), + on_click = { callback = astronvim.close_tab, name = "heirline_tabline_close_tab_callback" }, + }, + }, + } + or nil, +}) +heirline.setup(heirline_opts[1], heirline_opts[2], heirline_opts[3]) + +local augroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("Heirline", { clear = true }) +vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", { + pattern = "AstroColorScheme", + group = augroup, + desc = "Refresh heirline colors", + callback = function() require("heirline.utils").on_colorscheme(setup_colors()) end, +}) +vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", { + pattern = "HeirlineInitWinbar", + group = augroup, + desc = "Disable winbar for some filetypes", + callback = function() + if + vim.opt.diff:get() + or astronvim.status.condition.buffer_matches(require("heirline").winbar.disabled or { + buftype = { "terminal", "prompt", "nofile", "help", "quickfix" }, + filetype = { "NvimTree", "neo%-tree", "dashboard", "Outline", "aerial" }, + }) -- TODO v3: remove the default fallback here + then + vim.opt_local.winbar = nil + end + end, +}) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/indent-line.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/indent-line.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0adb60363 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/indent-line.lua @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +require("indent_blankline").setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.indent_blankline", { + buftype_exclude = { + "nofile", + "terminal", + }, + filetype_exclude = { + "help", + "startify", + "aerial", + "alpha", + "dashboard", + "packer", + "neogitstatus", + "NvimTree", + "neo-tree", + "Trouble", + }, + context_patterns = { + "class", + "return", + "function", + "method", + "^if", + "^while", + "jsx_element", + "^for", + "^object", + "^table", + "block", + "arguments", + "if_statement", + "else_clause", + "jsx_element", + "jsx_self_closing_element", + "try_statement", + "catch_clause", + "import_statement", + "operation_type", + }, + show_trailing_blankline_indent = false, + use_treesitter = true, + char = "▏", + context_char = "▏", + show_current_context = true, +})) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/indent-o-matic.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/indent-o-matic.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..490ca08ab --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/indent-o-matic.lua @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +local indent_o_matic = require "indent-o-matic" +indent_o_matic.setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts "plugins.indent-o-matic") +indent_o_matic.detect() diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/lspconfig.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/lspconfig.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..96bf7abda --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/lspconfig.lua @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +if vim.g.lsp_handlers_enabled then + vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/hover"] = vim.lsp.with(vim.lsp.handlers.hover, { border = "rounded" }) + vim.lsp.handlers["textDocument/signatureHelp"] = vim.lsp.with(vim.lsp.handlers.signature_help, { border = "rounded" }) +end +local setup_servers = function() + vim.tbl_map(astronvim.lsp.setup, astronvim.user_plugin_opts "lsp.servers") + vim.cmd "silent! do FileType" +end +if astronvim.is_available "mason-lspconfig.nvim" then + vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", { pattern = "AstroLspSetup", once = true, callback = setup_servers }) +else + setup_servers() +end diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/lspkind.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/lspkind.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6f1376374 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/lspkind.lua @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +astronvim.lspkind = astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.lspkind", { + mode = "symbol", + symbol_map = { + NONE = "", + Array = "", + Boolean = "⊨", + Class = "", + Constructor = "", + Key = "", + Namespace = "", + Null = "NULL", + Number = "#", + Object = "⦿", + Package = "", + Property = "", + Reference = "", + Snippet = "", + String = "𝓐", + TypeParameter = "", + Unit = "", + }, +}) +require("lspkind").init(astronvim.lspkind) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/luasnip.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/luasnip.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5ee7d1494 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/luasnip.lua @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +local user_settings = astronvim.user_plugin_opts "luasnip" +local luasnip = require "luasnip" +if user_settings.config then luasnip.config.setup(user_settings.config) end +for _, load_type in ipairs { "vscode", "snipmate", "lua" } do + local loader = require("luasnip.loaders.from_" .. load_type) + loader.lazy_load() + -- TODO: DEPRECATE _snippet_paths option in next major version release + local paths = user_settings[load_type .. "_snippet_paths"] + if paths then loader.lazy_load { paths = paths } end + local loader_settings = user_settings[load_type] + if loader_settings then loader.lazy_load(loader_settings) end +end +if type(user_settings.filetype_extend) == "table" then + for filetype, snippets in pairs(user_settings.filetype_extend) do + luasnip.filetype_extend(filetype, snippets) + end +end diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/mason-lspconfig.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/mason-lspconfig.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8fb1efd60 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/mason-lspconfig.lua @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +local mason_lspconfig = require "mason-lspconfig" +mason_lspconfig.setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts "plugins.mason-lspconfig") +mason_lspconfig.setup_handlers( + astronvim.user_plugin_opts("mason-lspconfig.setup_handlers", { function(server) astronvim.lsp.setup(server) end }) +) +astronvim.event "LspSetup" diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/mason-null-ls.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/mason-null-ls.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fe398de4a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/mason-null-ls.lua @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +local mason_null_ls = require "mason-null-ls" +mason_null_ls.setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.mason-null-ls", { automatic_setup = true })) +mason_null_ls.setup_handlers(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("mason-null-ls.setup_handlers", {})) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/mason-nvim-dap.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/mason-nvim-dap.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7c60a86e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/mason-nvim-dap.lua @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +local mason_nvim_dap = require "mason-nvim-dap" +mason_nvim_dap.setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.mason-nvim-dap", { automatic_setup = true })) +mason_nvim_dap.setup_handlers(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("mason-nvim-dap.setup_handlers", {})) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/mason.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/mason.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f5b3fca4c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/mason.lua @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +require("mason").setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.mason", { + ui = { + icons = { + package_installed = "✓", + package_uninstalled = "✗", + package_pending = "⟳", + }, + }, +})) + +local cmd = vim.api.nvim_create_user_command +cmd("MasonUpdateAll", function() astronvim.mason.update_all() end, { desc = "Update Mason Packages" }) +cmd("MasonUpdate", function(opts) astronvim.mason.update(opts.args) end, { nargs = 1, desc = "Update Mason Package" }) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/neo-tree.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/neo-tree.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1051ebcaf --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/neo-tree.lua @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +require("neo-tree").setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.neo-tree", { + close_if_last_window = true, + enable_diagnostics = false, + source_selector = { + winbar = true, + content_layout = "center", + tab_labels = { + filesystem = astronvim.get_icon "FolderClosed" .. " File", + buffers = astronvim.get_icon "DefaultFile" .. " Bufs", + git_status = astronvim.get_icon "Git" .. " Git", + diagnostics = astronvim.get_icon "Diagnostic" .. " Diagnostic", + }, + }, + default_component_configs = { + indent = { padding = 0 }, + icon = { + folder_closed = astronvim.get_icon "FolderClosed", + folder_open = astronvim.get_icon "FolderOpen", + folder_empty = astronvim.get_icon "FolderEmpty", + default = astronvim.get_icon "DefaultFile", + }, + git_status = { + symbols = { + added = astronvim.get_icon "GitAdd", + deleted = astronvim.get_icon "GitDelete", + modified = astronvim.get_icon "GitChange", + renamed = astronvim.get_icon "GitRenamed", + untracked = astronvim.get_icon "GitUntracked", + ignored = astronvim.get_icon "GitIgnored", + unstaged = astronvim.get_icon "GitUnstaged", + staged = astronvim.get_icon "GitStaged", + conflict = astronvim.get_icon "GitConflict", + }, + }, + }, + window = { + width = 30, + mappings = { + [""] = false, -- disable space until we figure out which-key disabling + o = "open", + H = "prev_source", + L = "next_source", + }, + }, + filesystem = { + follow_current_file = true, + hijack_netrw_behavior = "open_current", + use_libuv_file_watcher = true, + window = { + mappings = { + O = "system_open", + h = "toggle_hidden", + }, + }, + commands = { + system_open = function(state) astronvim.system_open(state.tree:get_node():get_id()) end, + }, + }, + event_handlers = { + { event = "neo_tree_buffer_enter", handler = function(_) vim.opt_local.signcolumn = "auto" end }, + }, +})) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/notify.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/notify.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a4388fbae --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/notify.lua @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +local notify = require "notify" +notify.setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.notify", { stages = "fade" })) +vim.notify = notify diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/null-ls.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/null-ls.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e1eca3b9e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/null-ls.lua @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +require("null-ls").setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.null-ls", { on_attach = astronvim.lsp.on_attach })) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/nvim-web-devicons.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/nvim-web-devicons.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54f461553 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/nvim-web-devicons.lua @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +require("nvim-web-devicons").set_default_icon(astronvim.get_icon "DefaultFile", "#6d8086", "66") +require("nvim-web-devicons").set_icon(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.nvim-web-devicons", { + deb = { icon = "", name = "Deb" }, + lock = { icon = "", name = "Lock" }, + mp3 = { icon = "", name = "Mp3" }, + mp4 = { icon = "", name = "Mp4" }, + out = { icon = "", name = "Out" }, + ["robots.txt"] = { icon = "ﮧ", name = "Robots" }, + ttf = { icon = "", name = "TrueTypeFont" }, + rpm = { icon = "", name = "Rpm" }, + woff = { icon = "", name = "WebOpenFontFormat" }, + woff2 = { icon = "", name = "WebOpenFontFormat2" }, + xz = { icon = "", name = "Xz" }, + zip = { icon = "", name = "Zip" }, +})) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/server-settings/jsonls.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/server-settings/jsonls.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..98da93bf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/server-settings/jsonls.lua @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +return { + settings = { + json = { + schemas = require("schemastore").json.schemas(), + validate = { enable = true }, + }, + }, +} diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/server-settings/sumneko_lua.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/server-settings/sumneko_lua.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..378f7c31d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/server-settings/sumneko_lua.lua @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +return { + settings = { + Lua = { + telemetry = { enable = false }, + runtime = { version = "LuaJIT" }, + diagnostics = { globals = { "vim", "astronvim", "astronvim_installation", "packer_plugins", "bit" } }, + workspace = { + library = { + vim.fn.expand "$VIMRUNTIME/lua", + astronvim.install.home .. "/lua", + astronvim.install.config .. "/lua", + }, + }, + }, + }, +} diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/session_manager.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/session_manager.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..409a1dd7c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/session_manager.lua @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +require("session_manager").setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts "plugins.session_manager") diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/smart-splits.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/smart-splits.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f43f7acef --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/smart-splits.lua @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +require("smart-splits").setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.smart-splits", { + ignored_filetypes = { + "nofile", + "quickfix", + "qf", + "prompt", + }, + ignored_buftypes = { "nofile" }, +})) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/telescope.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/telescope.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6dd3432a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/telescope.lua @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +local telescope = require "telescope" +local actions = require "telescope.actions" + +telescope.setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.telescope", { + defaults = { + + prompt_prefix = string.format("%s ", astronvim.get_icon "Search"), + selection_caret = string.format("%s ", astronvim.get_icon "Selected"), + path_display = { "truncate" }, + sorting_strategy = "ascending", + layout_config = { + horizontal = { + prompt_position = "top", + preview_width = 0.55, + results_width = 0.8, + }, + vertical = { + mirror = false, + }, + width = 0.87, + height = 0.80, + preview_cutoff = 120, + }, + + mappings = { + i = { + [""] = actions.cycle_history_next, + [""] = actions.cycle_history_prev, + [""] = actions.move_selection_next, + [""] = actions.move_selection_previous, + }, + n = { ["q"] = actions.close }, + }, + }, +})) + +astronvim.conditional_func(telescope.load_extension, pcall(require, "notify"), "notify") +astronvim.conditional_func(telescope.load_extension, pcall(require, "aerial"), "aerial") diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/toggleterm.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/toggleterm.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8fb144404 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/toggleterm.lua @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +require("toggleterm").setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.toggleterm", { + size = 10, + open_mapping = [[]], + shading_factor = 2, + direction = "float", + float_opts = { + border = "curved", + highlights = { + border = "Normal", + background = "Normal", + }, + }, +})) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/treesitter.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/treesitter.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bf024f941 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/treesitter.lua @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +require("nvim-treesitter.configs").setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.treesitter", { + highlight = { + enable = true, + additional_vim_regex_highlighting = false, + }, + context_commentstring = { + enable = true, + enable_autocmd = false, + }, + rainbow = { + enable = true, + disable = { "html" }, + extended_mode = false, + max_file_lines = nil, + }, + autotag = { enable = true }, + incremental_selection = { enable = true }, + indent = { enable = false }, +})) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/which-key-register.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/which-key-register.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e5d38b7dd --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/which-key-register.lua @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +local is_available = astronvim.is_available +local user_plugin_opts = astronvim.user_plugin_opts +local mappings = { + n = { + [""] = { + f = { name = "File" }, + p = { name = "Packages" }, + l = { name = "LSP" }, + u = { name = "UI" }, + }, + }, +} + +local extra_sections = { + b = "Buffers", + D = "Debugger", + g = "Git", + s = "Search", + S = "Session", + t = "Terminal", +} + +local function init_table(mode, prefix, idx) + if not mappings[mode][prefix][idx] then mappings[mode][prefix][idx] = { name = extra_sections[idx] } end +end + +-- TODO v3: remove vim.g.heirline_bufferline check +if is_available "heirline.nvim" and vim.g.heirline_bufferline then init_table("n", "", "b") end + +if is_available "neovim-session-manager" then init_table("n", "", "S") end + +if is_available "gitsigns.nvim" then init_table("n", "", "g") end + +if is_available "toggleterm.nvim" then + init_table("n", "", "g") + init_table("n", "", "t") +end + +if is_available "telescope.nvim" then + init_table("n", "", "s") + init_table("n", "", "g") +end + +if is_available "nvim-dap" then init_table("n", "", "D") end + +if is_available "Comment.nvim" then + for _, mode in ipairs { "n", "v" } do + if not mappings[mode] then mappings[mode] = {} end + if not mappings[mode].g then mappings[mode].g = {} end + mappings[mode].g.c = "Comment toggle linewise" + mappings[mode].g.b = "Comment toggle blockwise" + end +end + +astronvim.which_key_register(user_plugin_opts("which-key.register", mappings)) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/which-key.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/which-key.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b2061c0e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/which-key.lua @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +require("which-key").setup(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.which-key", { + plugins = { + spelling = { enabled = true }, + presets = { operators = false }, + }, + window = { + border = "rounded", + padding = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }, + }, + disable = { filetypes = { "TelescopePrompt" } }, +})) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/configs/window-picker.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/window-picker.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b8df293fa --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/configs/window-picker.lua @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +local colors = require "default_theme.colors" +require("window-picker").setup( + astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.window-picker", { use_winbar = "smart", other_win_hl_color = colors.grey_4 }) +) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/core/autocmds.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/core/autocmds.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1e4ba057c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/core/autocmds.lua @@ -0,0 +1,213 @@ +local is_available = astronvim.is_available +local user_plugin_opts = astronvim.user_plugin_opts +local namespace = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace +local cmd = vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd +local augroup = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup +local create_command = vim.api.nvim_create_user_command + +vim.on_key(function(char) + if vim.fn.mode() == "n" then + local new_hlsearch = vim.tbl_contains({ "", "n", "N", "*", "#", "?", "/" }, vim.fn.keytrans(char)) + if vim.opt.hlsearch:get() ~= new_hlsearch then vim.opt.hlsearch = new_hlsearch end + end +end, namespace "auto_hlsearch") + +if vim.g.heirline_bufferline then + local bufferline_group = augroup("bufferline", { clear = true }) + cmd({ "BufAdd", "BufEnter" }, { + desc = "Update buffers when adding new buffers", + group = bufferline_group, + callback = function(args) + if not vim.t.bufs then vim.t.bufs = {} end + local bufs = vim.t.bufs + if not vim.tbl_contains(bufs, args.buf) then + table.insert(bufs, args.buf) + vim.t.bufs = bufs + end + vim.t.bufs = vim.tbl_filter(astronvim.is_valid_buffer, vim.t.bufs) + end, + }) + cmd("BufDelete", { + desc = "Update buffers when deleting buffers", + group = bufferline_group, + callback = function(args) + for _, tab in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_list_tabpages()) do + local bufs = vim.t[tab].bufs + if bufs then + for i, bufnr in ipairs(bufs) do + if bufnr == args.buf then + table.remove(bufs, i) + vim.t[tab].bufs = bufs + break + end + end + end + end + vim.t.bufs = vim.tbl_filter(astronvim.is_valid_buffer, vim.t.bufs) + vim.cmd.redrawtabline() + end, + }) +end + +cmd({ "VimEnter", "FileType", "BufEnter", "WinEnter" }, { + desc = "URL Highlighting", + group = augroup("highlighturl", { clear = true }), + pattern = "*", + callback = function() astronvim.set_url_match() end, +}) + +cmd("TextYankPost", { + desc = "Highlight yanked text", + group = augroup("highlightyank", { clear = true }), + pattern = "*", + callback = function() vim.highlight.on_yank() end, +}) + +cmd("FileType", { + desc = "Unlist quickfist buffers", + group = augroup("unlist_quickfist", { clear = true }), + pattern = "qf", + callback = function() vim.opt_local.buflisted = false end, +}) + +cmd("BufEnter", { + desc = "Quit AstroNvim if more than one window is open and only sidebar windows are list", + group = augroup("auto_quit", { clear = true }), + callback = function() + local wins = vim.api.nvim_tabpage_list_wins(0) + -- Both neo-tree and aerial will auto-quit if there is only a single window left + if #wins <= 1 then return end + local sidebar_fts = { aerial = true, ["neo-tree"] = true } + for _, winid in ipairs(wins) do + if vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(winid) then + local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(winid) + local filetype = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, "filetype") + -- If any visible windows are not sidebars, early return + if not sidebar_fts[filetype] then + return + -- If the visible window is a sidebar + else + -- only count filetypes once, so remove a found sidebar from the detection + sidebar_fts[filetype] = nil + end + end + end + if #vim.api.nvim_list_tabpages() > 1 then + vim.cmd.tabclose() + else + vim.cmd.qall() + end + end, +}) + +if is_available "alpha-nvim" then + local group_name = augroup("alpha_settings", { clear = true }) + cmd("User", { + desc = "Disable status and tablines for alpha", + group = group_name, + pattern = "AlphaReady", + callback = function() + local prev_showtabline = vim.opt.showtabline + local prev_status = vim.opt.laststatus + vim.opt.laststatus = 0 + vim.opt.showtabline = 0 + vim.opt_local.winbar = nil + cmd("BufUnload", { + pattern = "", + callback = function() + vim.opt.laststatus = prev_status + vim.opt.showtabline = prev_showtabline + end, + }) + end, + }) + cmd("VimEnter", { + desc = "Start Alpha when vim is opened with no arguments", + group = group_name, + callback = function() + local should_skip = false + if vim.fn.argc() > 0 or vim.fn.line2byte "$" ~= -1 or not vim.o.modifiable then + should_skip = true + else + for _, arg in pairs(vim.v.argv) do + if arg == "-b" or arg == "-c" or vim.startswith(arg, "+") or arg == "-S" then + should_skip = true + break + end + end + end + if not should_skip then + if is_available "bufferline.nvim" then pcall(require, "bufferline") end -- TODO v3: remove this line + require("alpha").start(true) + end + end, + }) +end + +if is_available "neo-tree.nvim" then + cmd("BufEnter", { + desc = "Open Neo-Tree on startup with directory", + group = augroup("neotree_start", { clear = true }), + callback = function() + local stats = vim.loop.fs_stat(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0)) + if stats and stats.type == "directory" then require("neo-tree.setup.netrw").hijack() end + end, + }) +end + +if is_available "nvim-dap-ui" then + vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", { + desc = "Make q close dap floating windows", + group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("dapui", { clear = true }), + pattern = "dap-float", + callback = function() vim.keymap.set("n", "q", "close!") end, + }) +end + +cmd({ "VimEnter", "ColorScheme" }, { + desc = "Load custom highlights from user configuration", + group = augroup("astronvim_highlights", { clear = true }), + callback = function() + if vim.g.colors_name then + for _, module in ipairs { "init", vim.g.colors_name } do + for group, spec in pairs(user_plugin_opts("highlights." .. module)) do + vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, group, spec) + end + end + end + astronvim.event "ColorScheme" + end, +}) + +vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufRead", { + group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("git_plugin_lazy_load", { clear = true }), + callback = function() + vim.fn.system("git -C " .. vim.fn.expand "%:p:h" .. " rev-parse") + if vim.v.shell_error == 0 then + vim.api.nvim_del_augroup_by_name "git_plugin_lazy_load" + local packer = require "packer" + vim.tbl_map(function(plugin) packer.loader(plugin) end, astronvim.git_plugins) + end + end, +}) +vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "BufRead", "BufWinEnter", "BufNewFile" }, { + group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("file_plugin_lazy_load", { clear = true }), + callback = function(args) + if not (vim.fn.expand "%" == "" or vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(args.buf, "buftype") == "nofile") then + vim.api.nvim_del_augroup_by_name "file_plugin_lazy_load" + local packer = require "packer" + vim.tbl_map(function(plugin) packer.loader(plugin) end, astronvim.file_plugins) + end + end, +}) + +create_command( + "AstroUpdatePackages", + function() astronvim.updater.update_packages() end, + { desc = "Update Packer and Mason" } +) +create_command("AstroUpdate", function() astronvim.updater.update() end, { desc = "Update AstroNvim" }) +create_command("AstroReload", function() astronvim.updater.reload() end, { desc = "Reload AstroNvim" }) +create_command("AstroVersion", function() astronvim.updater.version() end, { desc = "Check AstroNvim Version" }) +create_command("AstroChangelog", function() astronvim.updater.changelog() end, { desc = "Check AstroNvim Changelog" }) +create_command("ToggleHighlightURL", function() astronvim.ui.toggle_url_match() end, { desc = "Toggle URL Highlights" }) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/core/bootstrap.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/core/bootstrap.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..48839f8c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/core/bootstrap.lua @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +astronvim.initialize_packer() + +local colorscheme = astronvim.user_plugin_opts("colorscheme", nil, false) +vim.cmd.colorscheme(vim.tbl_contains(vim.fn.getcompletion("", "color"), colorscheme) and colorscheme or "default_theme") diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/core/diagnostics.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/core/diagnostics.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c214098d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/core/diagnostics.lua @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +local signs = { + { name = "DiagnosticSignError", text = astronvim.get_icon "DiagnosticError" }, + { name = "DiagnosticSignWarn", text = astronvim.get_icon "DiagnosticWarn" }, + { name = "DiagnosticSignHint", text = astronvim.get_icon "DiagnosticHint" }, + { name = "DiagnosticSignInfo", text = astronvim.get_icon "DiagnosticInfo" }, + { name = "DiagnosticSignError", text = astronvim.get_icon "DiagnosticError" }, + { name = "DapStopped", text = astronvim.get_icon "DapStopped", texthl = "DiagnosticWarn" }, + { name = "DapBreakpoint", text = astronvim.get_icon "DapBreakpoint", texthl = "DiagnosticInfo" }, + { name = "DapBreakpointRejected", text = astronvim.get_icon "DapBreakpointRejected", texthl = "DiagnosticError" }, + { name = "DapBreakpointCondition", text = astronvim.get_icon "DapBreakpointCondition", texthl = "DiagnosticInfo" }, + { name = "DapLogPoint", text = astronvim.get_icon "DapLogPoint", texthl = "DiagnosticInfo" }, +} + +for _, sign in ipairs(signs) do + if not sign.texthl then sign.texthl = sign.name end + vim.fn.sign_define(sign.name, sign) +end + +astronvim.lsp.diagnostics = { + off = { + underline = false, + virtual_text = false, + signs = false, + update_in_insert = false, + }, + on = astronvim.user_plugin_opts("diagnostics", { + virtual_text = true, + signs = { active = signs }, + update_in_insert = true, + underline = true, + severity_sort = true, + float = { + focused = false, + style = "minimal", + border = "rounded", + source = "always", + header = "", + prefix = "", + }, + }), +} + +vim.diagnostic.config(astronvim.lsp.diagnostics[vim.g.diagnostics_enabled and "on" or "off"]) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/core/icons/nerd_font.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/core/icons/nerd_font.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b083a06cc --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/core/icons/nerd_font.lua @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +return { + ActiveLSP = "", + ActiveTS = "綠", + ArrowLeft = "", + ArrowRight = "", + BufferClose = "", + DapBreakpoint = "", + DapBreakpointCondition = "", + DapBreakpointRejected = "", + DapLogPoint = ".>", + DapStopped = "", + DefaultFile = "", + Diagnostic = "裂", + DiagnosticError = "", + DiagnosticHint = "", + DiagnosticInfo = "", + DiagnosticWarn = "", + Ellipsis = "…", + FileModified = "", + FileReadOnly = "", + FolderClosed = "", + FolderEmpty = "", + FolderOpen = "", + Git = "", + GitAdd = "", + GitBranch = "", + GitChange = "", + GitConflict = "", + GitDelete = "", + GitIgnored = "◌", + GitRenamed = "➜", + GitStaged = "✓", + GitUnstaged = "✗", + GitUntracked = "★", + LSPLoaded = "", + LSPLoading1 = "", + LSPLoading2 = "", + LSPLoading3 = "", + MacroRecording = "", + NeovimClose = "", -- TODO v3: remove this icon + Paste = "", + Search = "", + Selected = "❯", + Spellcheck = "暈", + TabClose = "", +} diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/core/icons/text.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/core/icons/text.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bc7921832 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/core/icons/text.lua @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +return { + ActiveLSP = "LSP:", + ArrowLeft = "<", + ArrowRight = ">", + BufferClose = "x", + DapBreakpoint = "B", + DapBreakpointCondition = "C", + DapBreakpointRejected = "R", + DapLogPoint = "L", + DapStopped = ">", + DefaultFile = "[F]", + DiagnosticError = "X", + DiagnosticHint = "?", + DiagnosticInfo = "i", + DiagnosticWarn = "!", + Ellipsis = "...", + FileModified = "*", + FileReadOnly = "[lock]", + FolderClosed = "[D]", + FolderEmpty = "[E]", + FolderOpen = "[O]", + GitAdd = "[+]", + GitChange = "[/]", + GitConflict = "[!]", + GitDelete = "[-]", + GitIgnored = "[I]", + GitRenamed = "[R]", + GitStaged = "[S]", + GitUnstaged = "[U]", + GitUntracked = "[?]", + MacroRecording = "Recording:", + NeovimClose = "X", -- TODO v3: remove this icon + Paste = "[PASTE]", + Search = "?", + Selected = "*", + Spellcheck = "[SPELL]", + TabClose = "X", +} diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/core/mappings.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/core/mappings.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..508830ed5 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/core/mappings.lua @@ -0,0 +1,317 @@ +local is_available = astronvim.is_available + +local maps = { i = {}, n = {}, v = {}, t = {} } + +-- Normal -- +-- Standard Operations +maps.n["w"] = { "w", desc = "Save" } +maps.n["q"] = { "q", desc = "Quit" } +maps.n["h"] = { "nohlsearch", desc = "No Highlight" } -- TODO: REMOVE IN v3 +maps.n["fn"] = { "enew", desc = "New File" } +maps.n["gx"] = { function() astronvim.system_open() end, desc = "Open the file under cursor with system app" } +maps.n[""] = { "w!", desc = "Force write" } +maps.n[""] = { "q!", desc = "Force quit" } +maps.n["Q"] = "" +maps.n["|"] = { "vsplit", desc = "Vertical Split" } +maps.n["\\"] = { "split", desc = "Horizontal Split" } + +-- Packer +maps.n["pc"] = { "PackerCompile", desc = "Packer Compile" } +maps.n["pi"] = { "PackerInstall", desc = "Packer Install" } +maps.n["ps"] = { "PackerSync", desc = "Packer Sync" } +maps.n["pS"] = { "PackerStatus", desc = "Packer Status" } +maps.n["pu"] = { "PackerUpdate", desc = "Packer Update" } + +-- AstroNvim +maps.n["pa"] = { "AstroUpdatePackages", desc = "Update Packer and Mason" } +maps.n["pA"] = { "AstroUpdate", desc = "AstroNvim Update" } +maps.n["pv"] = { "AstroVersion", desc = "AstroNvim Version" } +maps.n["pl"] = { "AstroChangelog", desc = "AstroNvim Changelog" } + +-- Alpha +if is_available "alpha-nvim" then + maps.n["d"] = { function() require("alpha").start() end, desc = "Alpha Dashboard" } +end + +if vim.g.heirline_bufferline then + -- Manage Buffers + maps.n["c"] = { function() astronvim.close_buf(0) end, desc = "Close buffer" } + maps.n["C"] = { function() astronvim.close_buf(0, true) end, desc = "Force close buffer" } + maps.n[""] = { function() astronvim.nav_buf(vim.v.count > 0 and vim.v.count or 1) end, desc = "Next buffer" } + maps.n[""] = + { function() astronvim.nav_buf(-(vim.v.count > 0 and vim.v.count or 1)) end, desc = "Previous buffer" } + maps.n[">b"] = + { function() astronvim.move_buf(vim.v.count > 0 and vim.v.count or 1) end, desc = "Move buffer tab right" } + maps.n[" 0 and vim.v.count or 1)) end, desc = "Move buffer tab left" } + + maps.n["bb"] = { + function() + astronvim.status.heirline.buffer_picker(function(bufnr) vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(0, bufnr) end) + end, + desc = "Select buffer from tabline", + } + maps.n["bd"] = { + function() + astronvim.status.heirline.buffer_picker(function(bufnr) astronvim.close_buf(bufnr) end) + end, + desc = "Delete buffer from tabline", + } + maps.n["b\\"] = { + function() + astronvim.status.heirline.buffer_picker(function(bufnr) + vim.cmd.split() + vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(0, bufnr) + end) + end, + desc = "Horizontal split buffer from tabline", + } + maps.n["b|"] = { + function() + astronvim.status.heirline.buffer_picker(function(bufnr) + vim.cmd.vsplit() + vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(0, bufnr) + end) + end, + desc = "Vertical split buffer from tabline", + } +else -- TODO v3: remove this else block + -- Bufdelete + if is_available "bufdelete.nvim" then + maps.n["c"] = { function() require("bufdelete").bufdelete(0, false) end, desc = "Close buffer" } + maps.n["C"] = { function() require("bufdelete").bufdelete(0, true) end, desc = "Force close buffer" } + else + maps.n["c"] = { "bdelete", desc = "Close buffer" } + maps.n["C"] = { "bdelete!", desc = "Force close buffer" } + end + + -- Navigate buffers + if is_available "bufferline.nvim" then + maps.n[""] = { "BufferLineCycleNext", desc = "Next buffer tab" } + maps.n[""] = { "BufferLineCyclePrev", desc = "Previous buffer tab" } + maps.n[">b"] = { "BufferLineMoveNext", desc = "Move buffer tab right" } + maps.n["BufferLineMovePrev", desc = "Move buffer tab left" } + else + maps.n[""] = { "bnext", desc = "Next buffer" } + maps.n[""] = { "bprevious", desc = "Previous buffer" } + end +end + +-- Navigate tabs +maps.n["]t"] = { function() vim.cmd.tabnext() end, desc = "Next tab" } +maps.n["[t"] = { function() vim.cmd.tabprevious() end, desc = "Previous tab" } + +-- Comment +if is_available "Comment.nvim" then + maps.n["/"] = { function() require("Comment.api").toggle.linewise.current() end, desc = "Comment line" } + maps.v["/"] = { + "lua require('Comment.api').toggle.linewise(vim.fn.visualmode())", + desc = "Toggle comment line", + } +end + +-- GitSigns +if is_available "gitsigns.nvim" then + maps.n["gj"] = { function() require("gitsigns").next_hunk() end, desc = "Next Git hunk" } + maps.n["gk"] = { function() require("gitsigns").prev_hunk() end, desc = "Previous Git hunk" } + maps.n["gl"] = { function() require("gitsigns").blame_line() end, desc = "View Git blame" } + maps.n["gp"] = { function() require("gitsigns").preview_hunk() end, desc = "Preview Git hunk" } + maps.n["gh"] = { function() require("gitsigns").reset_hunk() end, desc = "Reset Git hunk" } + maps.n["gr"] = { function() require("gitsigns").reset_buffer() end, desc = "Reset Git buffer" } + maps.n["gs"] = { function() require("gitsigns").stage_hunk() end, desc = "Stage Git hunk" } + maps.n["gu"] = { function() require("gitsigns").undo_stage_hunk() end, desc = "Unstage Git hunk" } + maps.n["gd"] = { function() require("gitsigns").diffthis() end, desc = "View Git diff" } +end + +-- NeoTree +if is_available "neo-tree.nvim" then + maps.n["e"] = { "Neotree toggle", desc = "Toggle Explorer" } + maps.n["o"] = { "Neotree focus", desc = "Focus Explorer" } +end + +-- Session Manager +if is_available "neovim-session-manager" then + maps.n["Sl"] = { "SessionManager! load_last_session", desc = "Load last session" } + maps.n["Ss"] = { "SessionManager! save_current_session", desc = "Save this session" } + maps.n["Sd"] = { "SessionManager! delete_session", desc = "Delete session" } + maps.n["Sf"] = { "SessionManager! load_session", desc = "Search sessions" } + maps.n["S."] = + { "SessionManager! load_current_dir_session", desc = "Load current directory session" } +end + +-- Package Manager +if is_available "mason.nvim" then + maps.n["pI"] = { "Mason", desc = "Mason Installer" } + maps.n["pU"] = { "MasonUpdateAll", desc = "Mason Update" } +end + +-- Smart Splits +if is_available "smart-splits.nvim" then + -- Better window navigation + maps.n[""] = { function() require("smart-splits").move_cursor_left() end, desc = "Move to left split" } + maps.n[""] = { function() require("smart-splits").move_cursor_down() end, desc = "Move to below split" } + maps.n[""] = { function() require("smart-splits").move_cursor_up() end, desc = "Move to above split" } + maps.n[""] = { function() require("smart-splits").move_cursor_right() end, desc = "Move to right split" } + + -- Resize with arrows + maps.n[""] = { function() require("smart-splits").resize_up() end, desc = "Resize split up" } + maps.n[""] = { function() require("smart-splits").resize_down() end, desc = "Resize split down" } + maps.n[""] = { function() require("smart-splits").resize_left() end, desc = "Resize split left" } + maps.n[""] = { function() require("smart-splits").resize_right() end, desc = "Resize split right" } +else + maps.n[""] = { "h", desc = "Move to left split" } + maps.n[""] = { "j", desc = "Move to below split" } + maps.n[""] = { "k", desc = "Move to above split" } + maps.n[""] = { "l", desc = "Move to right split" } + maps.n[""] = { "resize -2", desc = "Resize split up" } + maps.n[""] = { "resize +2", desc = "Resize split down" } + maps.n[""] = { "vertical resize -2", desc = "Resize split left" } + maps.n[""] = { "vertical resize +2", desc = "Resize split right" } +end + +-- SymbolsOutline +if is_available "aerial.nvim" then + maps.n["lS"] = { function() require("aerial").toggle() end, desc = "Symbols outline" } +end + +-- Telescope +if is_available "telescope.nvim" then + maps.n["fw"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").live_grep() end, desc = "Search words" } + maps.n["fW"] = { + function() + require("telescope.builtin").live_grep { + additional_args = function(args) return vim.list_extend(args, { "--hidden", "--no-ignore" }) end, + } + end, + desc = "Search words in all files", + } + maps.n["gt"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").git_status() end, desc = "Git status" } + maps.n["gb"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").git_branches() end, desc = "Git branches" } + maps.n["gc"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").git_commits() end, desc = "Git commits" } + maps.n["ff"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").find_files( { hidden = true } ) end, desc = "Search files" } + maps.n["fF"] = { + function() require("telescope.builtin").find_files { hidden = true, no_ignore = true } end, + desc = "Search all files", + } + maps.n["fb"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").buffers() end, desc = "Search buffers" } + maps.n["fh"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").help_tags() end, desc = "Search help" } + maps.n["fm"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").marks() end, desc = "Search marks" } + maps.n["fo"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").oldfiles() end, desc = "Search history" } + maps.n["fc"] = + { function() require("telescope.builtin").grep_string() end, desc = "Search for word under cursor" } + maps.n["sb"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").git_branches() end, desc = "Git branches" } + maps.n["sh"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").help_tags() end, desc = "Search help" } + maps.n["sm"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").man_pages() end, desc = "Search man" } + maps.n["sr"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").registers() end, desc = "Search registers" } + maps.n["sk"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").keymaps() end, desc = "Search keymaps" } + maps.n["sc"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").commands() end, desc = "Search commands" } + if astronvim.is_available "nvim-notify" then + maps.n["sn"] = + { function() require("telescope").extensions.notify.notify() end, desc = "Search notifications" } + end + maps.n["ls"] = { + function() + local aerial_avail, _ = pcall(require, "aerial") + if aerial_avail then + require("telescope").extensions.aerial.aerial() + else + require("telescope.builtin").lsp_document_symbols() + end + end, + desc = "Search symbols", + } + maps.n["lD"] = { function() require("telescope.builtin").diagnostics() end, desc = "Search diagnostics" } +end + +-- Terminal +if is_available "toggleterm.nvim" then + local toggle_term_cmd = astronvim.toggle_term_cmd + if vim.fn.executable "lazygit" == 1 then + maps.n["gg"] = { function() toggle_term_cmd "lazygit" end, desc = "ToggleTerm lazygit" } + maps.n["tl"] = { function() toggle_term_cmd "lazygit" end, desc = "ToggleTerm lazygit" } + end + if vim.fn.executable "node" == 1 then + maps.n["tn"] = { function() toggle_term_cmd "node" end, desc = "ToggleTerm node" } + end + if vim.fn.executable "gdu" == 1 then + maps.n["tu"] = { function() toggle_term_cmd "gdu" end, desc = "ToggleTerm gdu" } + end + if vim.fn.executable "btm" == 1 then + maps.n["tt"] = { function() toggle_term_cmd "btm" end, desc = "ToggleTerm btm" } + end + if vim.fn.executable "python" == 1 then + maps.n["tp"] = { function() toggle_term_cmd "python" end, desc = "ToggleTerm python" } + end + maps.n["tf"] = { "ToggleTerm direction=float", desc = "ToggleTerm float" } + maps.n["th"] = { "ToggleTerm size=10 direction=horizontal", desc = "ToggleTerm horizontal split" } + maps.n["tv"] = { "ToggleTerm size=80 direction=vertical", desc = "ToggleTerm vertical split" } + maps.n[""] = { "ToggleTerm", desc = "Toggle terminal" } + maps.t[""] = maps.n[""] + maps.n[""] = maps.n[""] + maps.t[""] = maps.n[""] +end + +if is_available "nvim-dap" then + -- modified function keys found with `showkey -a` in the terminal to get key code + -- run `nvim -V3log +quit` and search through the "Terminal info" in the `log` file for the correct keyname + maps.n[""] = { function() require("dap").continue() end, desc = "Debugger: Start" } + maps.n[""] = { function() require("dap").terminate() end, desc = "Debugger: Stop" } -- Shift+F5 + maps.n[""] = { function() require("dap").restart_frame() end, desc = "Debugger: Restart" } -- Control+F5 + maps.n[""] = { function() require("dap").pause() end, desc = "Debugger: Pause" } + maps.n[""] = { function() require("dap").toggle_breakpoint() end, desc = "Debugger: Toggle Breakpoint" } + maps.n[""] = { function() require("dap").step_over() end, desc = "Debugger: Step Over" } + maps.n[""] = { function() require("dap").step_into() end, desc = "Debugger: Step Into" } + maps.n[""] = { function() require("dap").step_out() end, desc = "Debugger: Step Out" } -- Shift+F11 + maps.n["Db"] = { function() require("dap").toggle_breakpoint() end, desc = "Toggle Breakpoint (F9)" } + maps.n["DB"] = { function() require("dap").clear_breakpoints() end, desc = "Clear Breakpoints" } + maps.n["Dc"] = { function() require("dap").continue() end, desc = "Start/Continue (F5)" } + maps.n["Di"] = { function() require("dap").step_into() end, desc = "Step Into (F11)" } + maps.n["Do"] = { function() require("dap").step_over() end, desc = "Step Over (F10)" } + maps.n["DO"] = { function() require("dap").step_out() end, desc = "Step Out (S-F11)" } + maps.n["Dq"] = { function() require("dap").close() end, desc = "Close Session" } + maps.n["DQ"] = { function() require("dap").terminate() end, desc = "Terminate Session (S-F5)" } + maps.n["Dp"] = { function() require("dap").pause() end, desc = "Pause (F6)" } + maps.n["Dr"] = { function() require("dap").restart_frame() end, desc = "Restart (C-F5)" } + maps.n["DR"] = { function() require("dap").repl.toggle() end, desc = "Toggle REPL" } + if is_available "nvim-dap-ui" then + maps.n["Du"] = { function() require("dapui").toggle() end, desc = "Toggle Debugger UI" } + maps.n["Dh"] = { function() require("dap.ui.widgets").hover() end, desc = "Debugger Hover" } + end +end + +-- Stay in indent mode +maps.v["<"] = { ""] = { ">gv", desc = "indent line" } + +-- Improved Terminal Navigation +maps.t[""] = { "h", desc = "Terminal left window navigation" } +maps.t[""] = { "j", desc = "Terminal down window navigation" } +maps.t[""] = { "k", desc = "Terminal up window navigation" } +maps.t[""] = { "l", desc = "Terminal right window navigation" } + +-- Custom menu for modification of the user experience +if is_available "nvim-autopairs" then + maps.n["ua"] = { function() astronvim.ui.toggle_autopairs() end, desc = "Toggle autopairs" } +end +maps.n["ub"] = { function() astronvim.ui.toggle_background() end, desc = "Toggle background" } +if is_available "nvim-cmp" then + maps.n["uc"] = { function() astronvim.ui.toggle_cmp() end, desc = "Toggle autocompletion" } +end +if is_available "nvim-colorizer.lua" then + maps.n["uC"] = { "ColorizerToggle", desc = "Toggle color highlight" } +end +maps.n["uS"] = { function() astronvim.ui.toggle_conceal() end, desc = "Toggle conceal" } +maps.n["ud"] = { function() astronvim.ui.toggle_diagnostics() end, desc = "Toggle diagnostics" } +maps.n["ug"] = { function() astronvim.ui.toggle_signcolumn() end, desc = "Toggle signcolumn" } +maps.n["ui"] = { function() astronvim.ui.set_indent() end, desc = "Change indent setting" } +maps.n["ul"] = { function() astronvim.ui.toggle_statusline() end, desc = "Toggle statusline" } +maps.n["un"] = { function() astronvim.ui.change_number() end, desc = "Change line numbering" } +maps.n["us"] = { function() astronvim.ui.toggle_spell() end, desc = "Toggle spellcheck" } +maps.n["up"] = { function() astronvim.ui.toggle_paste() end, desc = "Toggle paste mode" } +maps.n["ut"] = { function() astronvim.ui.toggle_tabline() end, desc = "Toggle tabline" } +maps.n["uu"] = { function() astronvim.ui.toggle_url_match() end, desc = "Toggle URL highlight" } +maps.n["uw"] = { function() astronvim.ui.toggle_wrap() end, desc = "Toggle wrap" } +maps.n["uy"] = { function() astronvim.ui.toggle_syntax() end, desc = "Toggle syntax highlight" } +maps.n["uN"] = { function() astronvim.ui.toggle_ui_notifications() end, desc = "Toggle UI notifications" } + +astronvim.set_mappings(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("mappings", maps)) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/core/options.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/core/options.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ce2a54cbc --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/core/options.lua @@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ +vim.opt.shortmess:append { s = true, I = true } -- disable startup message +astronvim.vim_opts(astronvim.user_plugin_opts("options", { + opt = { + backspace = vim.opt.backspace + { "nostop" }, -- Don't stop backspace at insert + clipboard = "unnamedplus", -- Connection to the system clipboard + cmdheight = 0, -- hide command line unless needed + completeopt = { "menuone", "noselect" }, -- Options for insert mode completion + copyindent = true, -- Copy the previous indentation on autoindenting + cursorline = true, -- Highlight the text line of the cursor + expandtab = true, -- Enable the use of space in tab + fileencoding = "utf-8", -- File content encoding for the buffer + fillchars = { eob = " " }, -- Disable `~` on nonexistent lines + history = 100, -- Number of commands to remember in a history table + ignorecase = true, -- Case insensitive searching + laststatus = 3, -- globalstatus + mouse = "a", -- Enable mouse support + number = true, -- Show numberline + preserveindent = true, -- Preserve indent structure as much as possible + pumheight = 10, -- Height of the pop up menu + relativenumber = true, -- Show relative numberline + scrolloff = 8, -- Number of lines to keep above and below the cursor + shiftwidth = 2, -- Number of space inserted for indentation + showmode = false, -- Disable showing modes in command line + showtabline = 2, -- always display tabline + sidescrolloff = 8, -- Number of columns to keep at the sides of the cursor + signcolumn = "yes", -- Always show the sign column + smartcase = true, -- Case sensitivie searching + splitbelow = true, -- Splitting a new window below the current one + splitright = true, -- Splitting a new window at the right of the current one + tabstop = 2, -- Number of space in a tab + termguicolors = true, -- Enable 24-bit RGB color in the TUI + timeoutlen = 300, -- Length of time to wait for a mapped sequence + undofile = true, -- Enable persistent undo + updatetime = 300, -- Length of time to wait before triggering the plugin + wrap = false, -- Disable wrapping of lines longer than the width of window + writebackup = false, -- Disable making a backup before overwriting a file + }, + g = { + highlighturl_enabled = true, -- highlight URLs by default + mapleader = " ", -- set leader key + zipPlugin = false, -- disable zip + load_black = false, -- disable black + loaded_2html_plugin = true, -- disable 2html + loaded_getscript = true, -- disable getscript + loaded_getscriptPlugin = true, -- disable getscript + loaded_gzip = true, -- disable gzip + loaded_logipat = true, -- disable logipat + loaded_matchit = true, -- disable matchit + loaded_netrwFileHandlers = true, -- disable netrw + loaded_netrwPlugin = true, -- disable netrw + loaded_netrwSettngs = true, -- disable netrw + loaded_remote_plugins = true, -- disable remote plugins + loaded_tar = true, -- disable tar + loaded_tarPlugin = true, -- disable tar + loaded_zip = true, -- disable zip + loaded_zipPlugin = true, -- disable zip + loaded_vimball = true, -- disable vimball + loaded_vimballPlugin = true, -- disable vimball + autoformat_enabled = true, -- enable or disable auto formatting at start (lsp.formatting.format_on_save must be enabled) + lsp_handlers_enabled = true, -- enable or disable default vim.lsp.handlers (hover and signatureHelp) + cmp_enabled = true, -- enable completion at start + autopairs_enabled = true, -- enable autopairs at start + diagnostics_enabled = true, -- enable diagnostics at start + status_diagnostics_enabled = true, -- enable diagnostics in statusline + icons_enabled = true, -- disable icons in the UI (disable if no nerd font is available) + ui_notifications_enabled = true, -- disable notifications when toggling UI elements + heirline_bufferline = false, -- enable heirline bufferline (TODO v3: remove this option and make it default) + }, + t = { + bufs = vim.tbl_filter(astronvim.is_valid_buffer, vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()), -- buffers in tab + }, +})) diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/core/plugins.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/core/plugins.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..330a46642 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/core/plugins.lua @@ -0,0 +1,375 @@ +local astro_plugins = { + -- Plugin manager + ["wbthomason/packer.nvim"] = { + setup = function() + astronvim.lazy_load_commands("packer.nvim", { + "PackerSnapshot", + "PackerSnapshotRollback", + "PackerSnapshotDelete", + "PackerInstall", + "PackerUpdate", + "PackerSync", + "PackerClean", + "PackerCompile", + "PackerStatus", + "PackerProfile", + "PackerLoad", + }) + end, + config = function() require "core.plugins" end, + }, + + -- Optimiser + ["lewis6991/impatient.nvim"] = {}, + + -- Lua functions + ["nvim-lua/plenary.nvim"] = { module = "plenary" }, + + -- Indent detection + ["Darazaki/indent-o-matic"] = { + opt = true, + setup = function() table.insert(astronvim.file_plugins, "indent-o-matic") end, + config = function() require "configs.indent-o-matic" end, + }, + + -- Notification Enhancer + ["rcarriga/nvim-notify"] = { + module = "notify", + setup = function() astronvim.load_plugin_with_func("nvim-notify", vim, "notify") end, + config = function() require "configs.notify" end, + }, + + -- Neovim UI Enhancer + ["stevearc/dressing.nvim"] = { + opt = true, + setup = function() astronvim.load_plugin_with_func("dressing.nvim", vim.ui, { "input", "select" }) end, + config = function() require "configs.dressing" end, + }, + + -- Smarter Splits + ["mrjones2014/smart-splits.nvim"] = { + module = "smart-splits", + config = function() require "configs.smart-splits" end, + }, + + -- Icons + ["nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons"] = { + disable = not vim.g.icons_enabled, + module = "nvim-web-devicons", + config = function() require "configs.nvim-web-devicons" end, + }, + + -- LSP Icons + ["onsails/lspkind.nvim"] = { + disable = not vim.g.icons_enabled, + module = "lspkind", + config = function() require "configs.lspkind" end, + }, + + -- Bufferline + ["akinsho/bufferline.nvim"] = { -- TODO v3: remove this plugin + disable = vim.g.heirline_bufferline, + module = "bufferline", + event = "UIEnter", + config = function() require "configs.bufferline" end, + }, + + -- Better buffer closing + ["famiu/bufdelete.nvim"] = { + module = "bufdelete", + setup = function() astronvim.lazy_load_commands("bufdelete.nvim", { "Bdelete", "Bwipeout" }) end, + }, + + ["s1n7ax/nvim-window-picker"] = { + tag = "v1.*", + module = "window-picker", + config = function() require "configs.window-picker" end, + }, + + -- File explorer + ["nvim-neo-tree/neo-tree.nvim"] = { + branch = "v2.x", + module = "neo-tree", + requires = { { "MunifTanjim/nui.nvim", module = "nui" } }, + setup = function() + astronvim.lazy_load_commands("neo-tree.nvim", "Neotree") + vim.g.neo_tree_remove_legacy_commands = true + end, + config = function() require "configs.neo-tree" end, + }, + + -- Statusline + ["rebelot/heirline.nvim"] = { event = "VimEnter", config = function() require "configs.heirline" end }, + + -- Syntax highlighting + ["nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter"] = { + module = "nvim-treesitter", + setup = function() + table.insert(astronvim.file_plugins, "nvim-treesitter") + astronvim.lazy_load_commands("nvim-treesitter", { + "TSBufDisable", + "TSBufEnable", + "TSBufToggle", + "TSDisable", + "TSEnable", + "TSToggle", + "TSInstall", + "TSInstallInfo", + "TSInstallSync", + "TSModuleInfo", + "TSUninstall", + "TSUpdate", + "TSUpdateSync", + }) + end, + run = function() require("nvim-treesitter.install").update { with_sync = true }() end, + config = function() require "configs.treesitter" end, + }, + + -- Parenthesis highlighting + ["p00f/nvim-ts-rainbow"] = { after = "nvim-treesitter" }, + + -- Autoclose tags + ["windwp/nvim-ts-autotag"] = { after = "nvim-treesitter" }, + + -- Context based commenting + ["JoosepAlviste/nvim-ts-context-commentstring"] = { after = "nvim-treesitter" }, + + -- Snippet collection + ["rafamadriz/friendly-snippets"] = { opt = true }, + + -- Snippet engine + ["L3MON4D3/LuaSnip"] = { + module = "luasnip", + wants = "friendly-snippets", + config = function() require "configs.luasnip" end, + }, + + -- Completion engine + ["hrsh7th/nvim-cmp"] = { event = "InsertEnter", config = function() require "configs.cmp" end }, + + -- Snippet completion source + ["saadparwaiz1/cmp_luasnip"] = { + after = "nvim-cmp", + config = function() astronvim.add_user_cmp_source "luasnip" end, + }, + + -- Buffer completion source + ["hrsh7th/cmp-buffer"] = { after = "nvim-cmp", config = function() astronvim.add_user_cmp_source "buffer" end }, + + -- Path completion source + ["hrsh7th/cmp-path"] = { after = "nvim-cmp", config = function() astronvim.add_user_cmp_source "path" end }, + + -- LSP completion source + ["hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp"] = { after = "nvim-cmp", config = function() astronvim.add_user_cmp_source "nvim_lsp" end }, + + -- Built-in LSP + ["neovim/nvim-lspconfig"] = { + module = "lspconfig", + setup = function() table.insert(astronvim.file_plugins, "nvim-lspconfig") end, + config = function() require "configs.lspconfig" end, + }, + + -- Formatting and linting + ["jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim"] = { + module = "null-ls", + setup = function() table.insert(astronvim.file_plugins, "null-ls.nvim") end, + config = function() require "configs.null-ls" end, + }, + + -- Debugger + ["mfussenegger/nvim-dap"] = { + disable = vim.fn.has "win32" == 1, + module = "dap", + config = function() require "configs.dap" end, + }, + + -- Debugger UI + ["rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui"] = { + disable = vim.fn.has "win32" == 1, + after = "nvim-dap", + config = function() require "configs.dapui" end, + }, + + -- Package Manager + ["williamboman/mason.nvim"] = { + module = "mason", + cmd = { + "Mason", + "MasonInstall", + "MasonUninstall", + "MasonUninstallAll", + "MasonLog", + "MasonUpdate", -- astronvim command + "MasonUpdateAll", -- astronvim command + }, + config = function() + require "configs.mason" + vim.tbl_map(function(plugin) pcall(require, plugin) end, { "lspconfig", "null-ls", "dap" }) + end, + }, + + -- LSP manager + ["williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim"] = { + after = "nvim-lspconfig", + config = function() require "configs.mason-lspconfig" end, + }, + + -- null-ls manager + ["jayp0521/mason-null-ls.nvim"] = { after = "null-ls.nvim", config = function() require "configs.mason-null-ls" end }, + + -- dap manager + ["jayp0521/mason-nvim-dap.nvim"] = { + disable = vim.fn.has "win32" == 1, + after = "nvim-dap", + config = function() require "configs.mason-nvim-dap" end, + }, + + -- LSP symbols + ["stevearc/aerial.nvim"] = { + module = "aerial", + after = { "nvim-treesitter", "nvim-lspconfig" }, + ft = { "man", "markdown" }, + config = function() require "configs.aerial" end, + }, + + -- Fuzzy finder + ["nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim"] = { + module = "telescope", + setup = function() astronvim.lazy_load_commands("telescope.nvim", "Telescope") end, + config = function() require "configs.telescope" end, + }, + + -- Fuzzy finder syntax support + ["nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim"] = { + after = "telescope.nvim", + disable = vim.fn.executable "make" == 0, + run = "make", + config = function() require("telescope").load_extension "fzf" end, + }, + + -- Git integration + ["lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim"] = { + disable = vim.fn.executable "git" == 0, + ft = "gitcommit", + setup = function() table.insert(astronvim.git_plugins, "gitsigns.nvim") end, + config = function() require "configs.gitsigns" end, + }, + + -- Start screen + ["goolord/alpha-nvim"] = { + module = "alpha", + setup = function() astronvim.lazy_load_commands("alpha-nvim", "Alpha") end, + config = function() require "configs.alpha" end, + }, + + -- Color highlighting + ["NvChad/nvim-colorizer.lua"] = { + opt = true, + setup = function() + astronvim.lazy_load_commands( + "nvim-colorizer.lua", + { "ColorizerToggle", "ColorizerAttachToBuffer", "ColorizerDetachFromBuffer", "ColorizerReloadAllBuffers" } + ) + table.insert(astronvim.file_plugins, "nvim-colorizer.lua") + end, + config = function() require "configs.colorizer" end, + }, + + -- Autopairs + ["windwp/nvim-autopairs"] = { event = "InsertEnter", config = function() require "configs.autopairs" end }, + + -- Terminal + ["akinsho/toggleterm.nvim"] = { + module = "toggleterm", + setup = function() astronvim.lazy_load_commands("toggleterm.nvim", { "ToggleTerm", "TermExec" }) end, + config = function() require "configs.toggleterm" end, + }, + + -- Commenting + ["numToStr/Comment.nvim"] = { + module = "Comment", + keys = { "gc", "gb" }, + config = function() require "configs.Comment" end, + }, + + -- Indentation + ["lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim"] = { + opt = true, + setup = function() table.insert(astronvim.file_plugins, "indent-blankline.nvim") end, + config = function() require "configs.indent-line" end, + }, + + -- Keymaps popup + ["folke/which-key.nvim"] = { module = "which-key", config = function() require "configs.which-key" end }, + + -- Smooth escaping + ["max397574/better-escape.nvim"] = { + event = "InsertCharPre", + config = function() require "configs.better_escape" end, + }, + + -- Get extra JSON schemas + ["b0o/SchemaStore.nvim"] = { module = "schemastore" }, + + -- Session manager + ["Shatur/neovim-session-manager"] = { + module = "session_manager", + event = "BufWritePost", + setup = function() astronvim.lazy_load_commands("neovim-session-manager", "SessionManager") end, + config = function() require "configs.session_manager" end, + }, +} + +if astronvim.updater.snapshot then + for plugin, options in pairs(astro_plugins) do + local pin = astronvim.updater.snapshot[plugin:match "/([^/]*)$"] + if pin and pin.commit then + options.commit = pin.commit + options.tag = nil + end + end +end + +local user_plugin_opts = astronvim.user_plugin_opts +local status_ok, packer = pcall(require, "packer") +if status_ok then + packer.startup { + function(use) + local plugins = user_plugin_opts("plugins.init", astro_plugins) + for key, plugin in pairs(plugins) do + if type(key) == "string" and not plugin[1] then plugin[1] = key end + if key == "williamboman/mason.nvim" and plugin.cmd then + for mason_plugin, commands in pairs { -- lazy load mason plugin commands with Mason + ["jayp0521/mason-null-ls.nvim"] = { "NullLsInstall", "NullLsUninstall" }, + ["williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim"] = { "LspInstall", "LspUninstall" }, + ["jayp0521/mason-nvim-dap.nvim"] = { "DapInstall", "DapUninstall" }, + } do + if plugins[mason_plugin] and not plugins[mason_plugin].disable then + vim.list_extend(plugin.cmd, commands) + end + end + end + use(plugin) + end + end, + config = user_plugin_opts("plugins.packer", { + compile_path = astronvim.default_compile_path, + display = { + open_fn = function() return require("packer.util").float { border = "rounded" } end, + }, + profile = { + enable = true, + threshold = 0.0001, + }, + git = { + clone_timeout = 300, + subcommands = { + update = "pull --rebase", + }, + }, + auto_clean = true, + compile_on_sync = true, + }), + } +end diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/core/utils/git.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/core/utils/git.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..125d296e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/core/utils/git.lua @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +--- ### Git LUA API +-- +-- This module can be loaded with `local git = require "core.utils.git"` +-- +-- @module core.utils.git +-- @copyright 2022 +-- @license GNU General Public License v3.0 + +local git = { url = "https://github.com/" } + +--- Run a git command from the AstroNvim installation directory +-- @param args the git arguments +-- @return the result of the command or nil if unsuccessful +function git.cmd(args, ...) return astronvim.cmd("git -C " .. astronvim.install.home .. " " .. args, ...) end + +--- Check if the AstroNvim is able to reach the `git` command +-- @return the result of running `git --help` +function git.available() return vim.fn.executable "git" == 1 end + +--- Check if the AstroNvim home is a git repo +-- @return the result of the command +function git.is_repo() return git.cmd("rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree", false) end + +--- Fetch git remote +-- @param remote the remote to fetch +-- @return the result of the command +function git.fetch(remote, ...) return git.cmd("fetch " .. remote, ...) end + +--- Pull the git repo +-- @return the result of the command +function git.pull(...) return git.cmd("pull --rebase", ...) end + +--- Checkout git target +-- @param dest the target to checkout +-- @return the result of the command +function git.checkout(dest, ...) return git.cmd("checkout " .. dest, ...) end + +--- Hard reset to a git target +-- @param dest the target to hard reset to +-- @return the result of the command +function git.hard_reset(dest, ...) return git.cmd("reset --hard " .. dest, ...) end + +--- Check if a branch contains a commit +-- @param remote the git remote to check +-- @param branch the git branch to check +-- @param commit the git commit to check for +-- @return the result of the command +function git.branch_contains(remote, branch, commit, ...) + return git.cmd("merge-base --is-ancestor " .. commit .. " " .. remote .. "/" .. branch, ...) ~= nil +end + +--- Add a git remote +-- @param remote the remote to add +-- @param url the url of the remote +-- @return the result of the command +function git.remote_add(remote, url, ...) return git.cmd("remote add " .. remote .. " " .. url, ...) end + +--- Update a git remote URL +-- @param remote the remote to update +-- @param url the new URL of the remote +-- @return the result of the command +function git.remote_update(remote, url, ...) return git.cmd("remote set-url " .. remote .. " " .. url, ...) end + +--- Get the URL of a given git remote +-- @param remote the remote to get the URL of +-- @return the url of the remote +function git.remote_url(remote, ...) return astronvim.trim_or_nil(git.cmd("remote get-url " .. remote, ...)) end + +--- Get the current version with git describe including tags +-- @return the current git describe string +function git.current_version(...) return astronvim.trim_or_nil(git.cmd("describe --tags", ...)) end + +--- Get the current branch +-- @return the branch of the AstroNvim installation +function git.current_branch(...) return astronvim.trim_or_nil(git.cmd("rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD", ...)) end + +--- Get the current head of the git repo +-- @return the head string +function git.local_head(...) return astronvim.trim_or_nil(git.cmd("rev-parse HEAD", ...)) end + +--- Get the current head of a git remote +-- @param remote the remote to check +-- @param branch the branch to check +-- @return the head string of the remote branch +function git.remote_head(remote, branch, ...) + return astronvim.trim_or_nil(git.cmd("rev-list -n 1 " .. remote .. "/" .. branch, ...)) +end + +--- Get the commit hash of a given tag +-- @param tag the tag to resolve +-- @return the commit hash of a git tag +function git.tag_commit(tag, ...) return astronvim.trim_or_nil(git.cmd("rev-list -n 1 " .. tag, ...)) end + +--- Get the commit log between two commit hashes +-- @param start_hash the start commit hash +-- @param end_hash the end commit hash +-- @return an array like table of commit messages +function git.get_commit_range(start_hash, end_hash, ...) + local range = "" + if start_hash and end_hash then range = start_hash .. ".." .. end_hash end + local log = git.cmd('log --no-merges --pretty="format:[%h] %s" ' .. range, ...) + return log and vim.fn.split(log, "\n") or {} +end + +--- Get a list of all tags with a regex filter +-- @param search a regex to search the tags with (defaults to "v*" for version tags) +-- @return an array like table of tags that match the search +function git.get_versions(search, ...) + local tags = git.cmd('tag -l --sort=version:refname "' .. (search == "latest" and "v*" or search) .. '"', ...) + return tags and vim.fn.split(tags, "\n") or {} +end + +--- Get the latest version of a list of versions +-- @param versions a list of versions to search (defaults to all versions available) +-- @return the latest version from the array +function git.latest_version(versions, ...) + if not versions then versions = git.get_versions(...) end + return versions[#versions] +end + +--- Parse a remote url +-- @param str the remote to parse to a full git url +-- @return the full git url for the given remote string +function git.parse_remote_url(str) + return vim.fn.match(str, astronvim.url_matcher) == -1 + and git.url .. str .. (vim.fn.match(str, "/") == -1 and "/AstroNvim.git" or ".git") + or str +end + +--- Check if a Conventional Commit commit message is breaking or not +-- @param commit a commit message +-- @return boolean true if the message is breaking, false if the commit message is not breaking +function git.is_breaking(commit) return vim.fn.match(commit, "\\[.*\\]\\s\\+\\w\\+\\((\\w\\+)\\)\\?!:") ~= -1 end + +--- Get a list of breaking commits from commit messages using Conventional Commit standard +-- @param commits an array like table of commit messages +-- @return an array like table of commits that are breaking +function git.breaking_changes(commits) return vim.tbl_filter(git.is_breaking, commits) end + +--- Generate a table of commit messages for neovim's echo API with highlighting +-- @param commits an array like table of commit messages +-- @return an array like table of echo messages to provide to nvim_echo or astronvim.echo +function git.pretty_changelog(commits) + local changelog = {} + for _, commit in ipairs(commits) do + local hash, type, msg = commit:match "(%[.*%])(.*:)(.*)" + if hash and type and msg then + vim.list_extend( + changelog, + { { hash, "DiffText" }, { type, git.is_breaking(commit) and "DiffDelete" or "DiffChange" }, { msg }, { "\n" } } + ) + end + end + return changelog +end + +return git diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/core/utils/init.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/core/utils/init.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0ef452b90 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/core/utils/init.lua @@ -0,0 +1,606 @@ +--- ### AstroNvim Utilities +-- +-- This module is automatically loaded by AstroNvim on during it's initialization into global variable `astronvim` +-- +-- This module can also be manually loaded with `local astronvim = require "core.utils"` +-- +-- @module core.utils +-- @copyright 2022 +-- @license GNU General Public License v3.0 + +_G.astronvim = {} +local stdpath = vim.fn.stdpath +local tbl_insert = table.insert +local map = vim.keymap.set + +--- installation details from external installers +astronvim.install = astronvim_installation or { home = stdpath "config" } +--- external astronvim configuration folder +astronvim.install.config = stdpath("config"):gsub("nvim$", "astronvim") +vim.opt.rtp:append(astronvim.install.config) +local supported_configs = { astronvim.install.home, astronvim.install.config } + +--- Looks to see if a module path references a lua file in a configuration folder and tries to load it. If there is an error loading the file, write an error and continue +-- @param module the module path to try and load +-- @return the loaded module if successful or nil +local function load_module_file(module) + -- placeholder for final return value + local found_module = nil + -- search through each of the supported configuration locations + for _, config_path in ipairs(supported_configs) do + -- convert the module path to a file path (example user.init -> user/init.lua) + local module_path = config_path .. "/lua/" .. module:gsub("%.", "/") .. ".lua" + -- check if there is a readable file, if so, set it as found + if vim.fn.filereadable(module_path) == 1 then found_module = module_path end + end + -- if we found a readable lua file, try to load it + if found_module then + -- try to load the file + local status_ok, loaded_module = pcall(require, module) + -- if successful at loading, set the return variable + if status_ok then + found_module = loaded_module + -- if unsuccessful, throw an error + else + vim.api.nvim_err_writeln("Error loading file: " .. found_module .. "\n\n" .. loaded_module) + end + end + -- return the loaded module or nil if no file found + return found_module +end + +--- user settings from the base `user/init.lua` file +astronvim.user_settings = load_module_file "user.init" +--- default packer compilation location to be used in bootstrapping and packer setup call +astronvim.default_compile_path = stdpath "data" .. "/packer_compiled.lua" +--- table of user created terminals +astronvim.user_terminals = {} +--- table of plugins to load with git +astronvim.git_plugins = {} +--- table of plugins to load when file opened +astronvim.file_plugins = {} +--- regex used for matching a valid URL/URI string +astronvim.url_matcher = + "\\v\\c%(%(h?ttps?|ftp|file|ssh|git)://|[a-z]+[@][a-z]+[.][a-z]+:)%([&:#*@~%_\\-=?!+;/0-9a-z]+%(%([.;/?]|[.][.]+)[&:#*@~%_\\-=?!+/0-9a-z]+|:\\d+|,%(%(%(h?ttps?|ftp|file|ssh|git)://|[a-z]+[@][a-z]+[.][a-z]+:)@![0-9a-z]+))*|\\([&:#*@~%_\\-=?!+;/.0-9a-z]*\\)|\\[[&:#*@~%_\\-=?!+;/.0-9a-z]*\\]|\\{%([&:#*@~%_\\-=?!+;/.0-9a-z]*|\\{[&:#*@~%_\\-=?!+;/.0-9a-z]*})\\})+" + +--- Main configuration engine logic for extending a default configuration table with either a function override or a table to merge into the default option +-- @function astronvim.func_or_extend +-- @param overrides the override definition, either a table or a function that takes a single parameter of the original table +-- @param default the default configuration table +-- @param extend boolean value to either extend the default or simply overwrite it if an override is provided +-- @return the new configuration table +local function func_or_extend(overrides, default, extend) + -- if we want to extend the default with the provided override + if extend then + -- if the override is a table, use vim.tbl_deep_extend + if type(overrides) == "table" then + default = astronvim.default_tbl(overrides, default) + -- if the override is a function, call it with the default and overwrite default with the return value + elseif type(overrides) == "function" then + default = overrides(default) + end + -- if extend is set to false and we have a provided override, simply override the default + elseif overrides ~= nil then + default = overrides + end + -- return the modified default table + return default +end + +--- Merge extended options with a default table of options +-- @param opts the new options that should be merged with the default table +-- @param default the default table that you want to merge into +-- @return the merged table +function astronvim.default_tbl(opts, default) + opts = opts or {} + return default and vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", default, opts) or opts +end + +--- Call function if a condition is met +-- @param func the function to run +-- @param condition a boolean value of whether to run the function or not +function astronvim.conditional_func(func, condition, ...) + -- if the condition is true or no condition is provided, evaluate the function with the rest of the parameters and return the result + if (condition == nil or condition) and type(func) == "function" then return func(...) end +end + +--- Get highlight properties for a given highlight name +-- @param name highlight group name +-- @return table of highlight group properties +function astronvim.get_hlgroup(name, fallback) + if vim.fn.hlexists(name) == 1 then + local hl = vim.api.nvim_get_hl_by_name(name, vim.o.termguicolors) + if not hl["foreground"] then hl["foreground"] = "NONE" end + if not hl["background"] then hl["background"] = "NONE" end + hl.fg, hl.bg, hl.sp = hl.foreground, hl.background, hl.special + hl.ctermfg, hl.ctermbg = hl.foreground, hl.background + return hl + end + return fallback +end + +--- Trim a string or return nil +-- @param str the string to trim +-- @return a trimmed version of the string or nil if the parameter isn't a string +function astronvim.trim_or_nil(str) return type(str) == "string" and vim.trim(str) or nil end + +--- Add left and/or right padding to a string +-- @param str the string to add padding to +-- @param padding a table of the format `{ left = 0, right = 0}` that defines the number of spaces to include to the left and the right of the string +-- @return the padded string +function astronvim.pad_string(str, padding) + padding = padding or {} + return str and str ~= "" and string.rep(" ", padding.left or 0) .. str .. string.rep(" ", padding.right or 0) or "" +end + +--- Initialize icons used throughout the user interface +function astronvim.initialize_icons() + astronvim.icons = astronvim.user_plugin_opts("icons", require "core.icons.nerd_font") + astronvim.text_icons = astronvim.user_plugin_opts("text_icons", require "core.icons.text") +end + +--- Get an icon from `lspkind` if it is available and return it +-- @param kind the kind of icon in `lspkind` to retrieve +-- @return the icon +function astronvim.get_icon(kind) + local icon_pack = vim.g.icons_enabled and "icons" or "text_icons" + if not astronvim[icon_pack] then astronvim.initialize_icons() end + return astronvim[icon_pack] and astronvim[icon_pack][kind] or "" +end + +--- Serve a notification with a title of AstroNvim +-- @param msg the notification body +-- @param type the type of the notification (:help vim.log.levels) +-- @param opts table of nvim-notify options to use (:help notify-options) +function astronvim.notify(msg, type, opts) + vim.schedule(function() vim.notify(msg, type, astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { title = "AstroNvim" })) end) +end + +--- Trigger an AstroNvim user event +-- @param event the event name to be appended to Astro +function astronvim.event(event) + vim.schedule(function() vim.api.nvim_exec_autocmds("User", { pattern = "Astro" .. event }) end) +end + +--- Wrapper function for neovim echo API +-- @param messages an array like table where each item is an array like table of strings to echo +function astronvim.echo(messages) + -- if no parameter provided, echo a new line + messages = messages or { { "\n" } } + if type(messages) == "table" then vim.api.nvim_echo(messages, false, {}) end +end + +--- Echo a message and prompt the user for yes or no response +-- @param messages the message to echo +-- @return True if the user responded y, False for any other response +function astronvim.confirm_prompt(messages) + if messages then astronvim.echo(messages) end + local confirmed = string.lower(vim.fn.input "(y/n) ") == "y" + astronvim.echo() + astronvim.echo() + return confirmed +end + +--- Search the user settings (user/init.lua table) for a table with a module like path string +-- @param module the module path like string to look up in the user settings table +-- @return the value of the table entry if exists or nil +local function user_setting_table(module) + -- get the user settings table + local settings = astronvim.user_settings or {} + -- iterate over the path string split by '.' to look up the table value + for tbl in string.gmatch(module, "([^%.]+)") do + settings = settings[tbl] + -- if key doesn't exist, keep the nil value and stop searching + if settings == nil then break end + end + -- return the found settings + return settings +end + +--- Check if packer is installed and loadable, if not then install it and make sure it loads +function astronvim.initialize_packer() + -- try loading packer + local packer_path = stdpath "data" .. "/site/pack/packer/opt/packer.nvim" + local packer_avail = vim.fn.empty(vim.fn.glob(packer_path)) == 0 + -- if packer isn't availble, reinstall it + if not packer_avail then + -- set the location to install packer + -- delete the old packer install if one exists + vim.fn.delete(packer_path, "rf") + -- clone packer + vim.fn.system { + "git", + "clone", + "--depth", + "1", + "https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim", + packer_path, + } + -- add packer and try loading it + vim.cmd.packadd "packer.nvim" + local packer_loaded, _ = pcall(require, "packer") + packer_avail = packer_loaded + -- if packer didn't load, print error + if not packer_avail then vim.api.nvim_err_writeln("Failed to load packer at:" .. packer_path) end + end + -- if packer is available, check if there is a compiled packer file + if packer_avail then + -- try to load the packer compiled file + local run_me, _ = loadfile( + astronvim.user_plugin_opts("plugins.packer", { compile_path = astronvim.default_compile_path }).compile_path + ) + if run_me then + -- if the file loads, run the compiled function + run_me() + else + -- if there is no compiled file, ask user to sync packer + require "core.plugins" + vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", { + once = true, + pattern = "PackerComplete", + callback = function() + vim.cmd.bw() + vim.tbl_map(require, { "nvim-treesitter", "mason" }) + astronvim.notify "Mason is installing packages if configured, check status with :Mason" + end, + }) + vim.opt.cmdheight = 1 + vim.notify "Please wait while plugins are installed..." + vim.cmd.PackerSync() + end + end +end + +function astronvim.lazy_load_commands(plugin, commands) + if type(commands) == "string" then commands = { commands } end + if astronvim.is_available(plugin) and not packer_plugins[plugin].loaded then + for _, command in ipairs(commands) do + pcall( + vim.cmd, + string.format( + 'command -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file %s lua require("packer.load")({"%s"}, { cmd = "%s", l1 = , l2 = , bang = , args = , mods = "" }, _G.packer_plugins)', + command, + plugin, + command + ) + ) + end + end +end + +--- Set vim options with a nested table like API with the format vim... +-- @param options the nested table of vim options +function astronvim.vim_opts(options) + for scope, table in pairs(options) do + for setting, value in pairs(table) do + vim[scope][setting] = value + end + end +end + +--- User configuration entry point to override the default options of a configuration table with a user configuration file or table in the user/init.lua user settings +-- @param module the module path of the override setting +-- @param default the default settings that will be overridden +-- @param extend boolean value to either extend the default settings or overwrite them with the user settings entirely (default: true) +-- @param prefix a module prefix for where to search (default: user) +-- @return the new configuration settings with the user overrides applied +function astronvim.user_plugin_opts(module, default, extend, prefix) + -- default to extend = true + if extend == nil then extend = true end + -- if no default table is provided set it to an empty table + default = default or {} + -- try to load a module file if it exists + local user_settings = load_module_file((prefix or "user") .. "." .. module) + -- if no user module file is found, try to load an override from the user settings table from user/init.lua + if user_settings == nil and prefix == nil then user_settings = user_setting_table(module) end + -- if a user override was found call the configuration engine + if user_settings ~= nil then default = func_or_extend(user_settings, default, extend) end + -- return the final configuration table with any overrides applied + return default +end + +--- Open a URL under the cursor with the current operating system (Supports Mac OS X and *nix) +-- @param path the path of the file to open with the system opener +function astronvim.system_open(path) + path = path or vim.fn.expand "" + if vim.fn.has "mac" == 1 then + -- if mac use the open command + vim.fn.jobstart({ "open", path }, { detach = true }) + elseif vim.fn.has "unix" == 1 then + -- if unix then use xdg-open + vim.fn.jobstart({ "xdg-open", path }, { detach = true }) + else + -- if any other operating system notify the user that there is currently no support + astronvim.notify("System open is not supported on this OS!", "error") + end +end + +-- term_details can be either a string for just a command or +-- a complete table to provide full access to configuration when calling Terminal:new() + +--- Toggle a user terminal if it exists, if not then create a new one and save it +-- @param term_details a terminal command string or a table of options for Terminal:new() (Check toggleterm.nvim documentation for table format) +function astronvim.toggle_term_cmd(opts) + local terms = astronvim.user_terminals + -- if a command string is provided, create a basic table for Terminal:new() options + if type(opts) == "string" then opts = { cmd = opts, hidden = true } end + local num = vim.v.count > 0 and vim.v.count or 1 + -- if terminal doesn't exist yet, create it + if not terms[opts.cmd] then terms[opts.cmd] = {} end + if not terms[opts.cmd][num] then + if not opts.count then opts.count = vim.tbl_count(terms) * 100 + num end + terms[opts.cmd][num] = require("toggleterm.terminal").Terminal:new(opts) + end + -- toggle the terminal + astronvim.user_terminals[opts.cmd][num]:toggle() +end + +--- Add a source to cmp +-- @param source the cmp source string or table to add (see cmp documentation for source table format) +function astronvim.add_cmp_source(source) + -- load cmp if available + local cmp_avail, cmp = pcall(require, "cmp") + if cmp_avail then + -- get the current cmp config + local config = cmp.get_config() + -- add the source to the list of sources + tbl_insert(config.sources, source) + -- call the setup function again + cmp.setup(config) + end +end + +--- Get the priority of a cmp source +-- @param source the cmp source string or table (see cmp documentation for source table format) +-- @return a cmp source table with the priority set from the user configuration +function astronvim.get_user_cmp_source(source) + -- if the source is a string, convert it to a cmp source table + source = type(source) == "string" and { name = source } or source + -- get the priority of the source name from the user configuration + local priority = astronvim.user_plugin_opts("cmp.source_priority", { + nvim_lsp = 1000, + luasnip = 750, + buffer = 500, + path = 250, + })[source.name] + -- if a priority is found, set it in the source + if priority then source.priority = priority end + -- return the source table + return source +end + +--- add a source to cmp with the user configured priority +-- @param source a cmp source string or table (see cmp documentation for source table format) +function astronvim.add_user_cmp_source(source) astronvim.add_cmp_source(astronvim.get_user_cmp_source(source)) end + +--- register mappings table with which-key +-- @param mappings nested table of mappings where the first key is the mode, the second key is the prefix, and the value is the mapping table for which-key +-- @param opts table of which-key options when setting the mappings (see which-key documentation for possible values) +function astronvim.which_key_register(mappings, opts) + local status_ok, which_key = pcall(require, "which-key") + if not status_ok then return end + for mode, prefixes in pairs(mappings) do + for prefix, mapping_table in pairs(prefixes) do + which_key.register( + mapping_table, + astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { + mode = mode, + prefix = prefix, + buffer = nil, + silent = true, + noremap = true, + nowait = true, + }) + ) + end + end +end + +--- Get a list of registered null-ls providers for a given filetype +-- @param filetype the filetype to search null-ls for +-- @return a list of null-ls sources +function astronvim.null_ls_providers(filetype) + local registered = {} + -- try to load null-ls + local sources_avail, sources = pcall(require, "null-ls.sources") + if sources_avail then + -- get the available sources of a given filetype + for _, source in ipairs(sources.get_available(filetype)) do + -- get each source name + for method in pairs(source.methods) do + registered[method] = registered[method] or {} + tbl_insert(registered[method], source.name) + end + end + end + -- return the found null-ls sources + return registered +end + +--- Get the null-ls sources for a given null-ls method +-- @param filetype the filetype to search null-ls for +-- @param method the null-ls method (check null-ls documentation for available methods) +-- @return the available sources for the given filetype and method +function astronvim.null_ls_sources(filetype, method) + local methods_avail, methods = pcall(require, "null-ls.methods") + return methods_avail and astronvim.null_ls_providers(filetype)[methods.internal[method]] or {} +end + +--- Create a button entity to use with the alpha dashboard +-- @param sc the keybinding string to convert to a button +-- @param txt the explanation text of what the keybinding does +-- @return a button entity table for an alpha configuration +function astronvim.alpha_button(sc, txt) + -- replace in shortcut text with LDR for nicer printing + local sc_ = sc:gsub("%s", ""):gsub("LDR", "") + -- if the leader is set, replace the text with the actual leader key for nicer printing + if vim.g.mapleader then sc = sc:gsub("LDR", vim.g.mapleader == " " and "SPC" or vim.g.mapleader) end + -- return the button entity to display the correct text and send the correct keybinding on press + return { + type = "button", + val = txt, + on_press = function() + local key = vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(sc_, true, false, true) + vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(key, "normal", false) + end, + opts = { + position = "center", + text = txt, + shortcut = sc, + cursor = 5, + width = 36, + align_shortcut = "right", + hl = "DashboardCenter", + hl_shortcut = "DashboardShortcut", + }, + } +end + +--- Check if a plugin is defined in packer. Useful with lazy loading when a plugin is not necessarily loaded yet +-- @param plugin the plugin string to search for +-- @return boolean value if the plugin is available +function astronvim.is_available(plugin) return packer_plugins ~= nil and packer_plugins[plugin] ~= nil end + +--- A helper function to wrap a module function to require a plugin before running +-- @param plugin the plugin string to call `require("packer").laoder` with +-- @param module the system module where the functions live (e.g. `vim.ui`) +-- @param func_names a string or a list like table of strings for functions to wrap in the given moduel (e.g. `{ "ui", "select }`) +function astronvim.load_plugin_with_func(plugin, module, func_names) + if type(func_names) == "string" then func_names = { func_names } end + for _, func in ipairs(func_names) do + local old_func = module[func] + module[func] = function(...) + module[func] = old_func + require("packer").loader(plugin) + module[func](...) + end + end +end + +--- Table based API for setting keybindings +-- @param map_table A nested table where the first key is the vim mode, the second key is the key to map, and the value is the function to set the mapping to +-- @param base A base set of options to set on every keybinding +function astronvim.set_mappings(map_table, base) + -- iterate over the first keys for each mode + for mode, maps in pairs(map_table) do + -- iterate over each keybinding set in the current mode + for keymap, options in pairs(maps) do + -- build the options for the command accordingly + if options then + local cmd = options + local keymap_opts = base or {} + if type(options) == "table" then + cmd = options[1] + keymap_opts = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", options, keymap_opts) + keymap_opts[1] = nil + end + -- extend the keybinding options with the base provided and set the mapping + map(mode, keymap, cmd, keymap_opts) + end + end + end +end + +--- Delete the syntax matching rules for URLs/URIs if set +function astronvim.delete_url_match() + for _, match in ipairs(vim.fn.getmatches()) do + if match.group == "HighlightURL" then vim.fn.matchdelete(match.id) end + end +end + +--- Add syntax matching rules for highlighting URLs/URIs +function astronvim.set_url_match() + astronvim.delete_url_match() + if vim.g.highlighturl_enabled then vim.fn.matchadd("HighlightURL", astronvim.url_matcher, 15) end +end + +--- Run a shell command and capture the output and if the command succeeded or failed +-- @param cmd the terminal command to execute +-- @param show_error boolean of whether or not to show an unsuccessful command as an error to the user +-- @return the result of a successfully executed command or nil +function astronvim.cmd(cmd, show_error) + if vim.fn.has "win32" == 1 then cmd = { "cmd.exe", "/C", cmd } end + local result = vim.fn.system(cmd) + local success = vim.api.nvim_get_vvar "shell_error" == 0 + if not success and (show_error == nil and true or show_error) then + vim.api.nvim_err_writeln("Error running command: " .. cmd .. "\nError message:\n" .. result) + end + return success and result:gsub("[\27\155][][()#;?%d]*[A-PRZcf-ntqry=><~]", "") or nil +end + +--- Check if a buffer is valid +-- @param bufnr the buffer to check +-- @return true if the buffer is valid or false +function astronvim.is_valid_buffer(bufnr) + if not bufnr or bufnr < 1 then return false end + return vim.bo[bufnr].buflisted and vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) +end + +--- Move the current buffer tab n places in the bufferline +-- @param n numer of tabs to move the current buffer over by (positive = right, negative = left) +function astronvim.move_buf(n) + if n == 0 then return end -- if n = 0 then no shifts are needed + local bufs = vim.t.bufs -- make temp variable + for i, bufnr in ipairs(bufs) do -- loop to find current buffer + if bufnr == vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() then -- found index of current buffer + for _ = 0, (n % #bufs) - 1 do -- calculate number of right shifts + local new_i = i + 1 -- get next i + if i == #bufs then -- if at end, cycle to beginning + new_i = 1 -- next i is actually 1 if at the end + local val = bufs[i] -- save value + table.remove(bufs, i) -- remove from end + table.insert(bufs, new_i, val) -- insert at beginning + else -- if not at the end,then just do an in place swap + bufs[i], bufs[new_i] = bufs[new_i], bufs[i] + end + i = new_i -- iterate i to next value + end + break + end + end + vim.t.bufs = bufs -- set buffers + vim.cmd.redrawtabline() -- redraw tabline +end + +--- Navigate left and right by n places in the bufferline +-- @param n the number of tabs to navigate to (positive = right, negative = left) +function astronvim.nav_buf(n) + local current = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() + for i, v in ipairs(vim.t.bufs) do + if current == v then + vim.cmd.b(vim.t.bufs[(i + n - 1) % #vim.t.bufs + 1]) + break + end + end +end + +--- Close a given buffer +-- @param bufnr? the buffer number to close or the current buffer if not provided +function astronvim.close_buf(bufnr, force) + if force == nil then force = false end + local current = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() + if not bufnr or bufnr == 0 then bufnr = current end + if bufnr == current then astronvim.nav_buf(-1) end + + if astronvim.is_available "bufdelete.nvim" then + require("bufdelete").bufdelete(bufnr, force) + else + vim.cmd((force and "bd!" or "confirm bd") .. bufnr) + end +end + +--- Close the current tab +function astronvim.close_tab() + if #vim.api.nvim_list_tabpages() > 1 then + vim.t.bufs = nil + vim.cmd.tabclose() + end +end + +require "core.utils.ui" +require "core.utils.status" +require "core.utils.updater" +require "core.utils.mason" +require "core.utils.lsp" + +return astronvim diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/core/utils/lsp.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/core/utils/lsp.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..69872669b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/core/utils/lsp.lua @@ -0,0 +1,243 @@ +--- ### AstroNvim LSP +-- +-- This module is automatically loaded by AstroNvim on during it's initialization into global variable `astronvim.lsp` +-- +-- This module can also be manually loaded with `local updater = require("core.utils").lsp` +-- +-- @module core.utils.lsp +-- @see core.utils +-- @copyright 2022 +-- @license GNU General Public License v3.0 + +astronvim.lsp = {} +local tbl_contains = vim.tbl_contains +local tbl_isempty = vim.tbl_isempty +local user_plugin_opts = astronvim.user_plugin_opts +local conditional_func = astronvim.conditional_func +local is_available = astronvim.is_available +local user_registration = user_plugin_opts("lsp.server_registration", nil, false) +local skip_setup = user_plugin_opts "lsp.skip_setup" + +astronvim.lsp.formatting = + astronvim.user_plugin_opts("lsp.formatting", { format_on_save = { enabled = true }, disabled = {} }) +if type(astronvim.lsp.formatting.format_on_save) == "boolean" then + astronvim.lsp.formatting.format_on_save = { enabled = astronvim.lsp.formatting.format_on_save } +end + +astronvim.lsp.format_opts = vim.deepcopy(astronvim.lsp.formatting) +astronvim.lsp.format_opts.disabled = nil +astronvim.lsp.format_opts.format_on_save = nil +astronvim.lsp.format_opts.filter = function(client) + local filter = astronvim.lsp.formatting.filter + local disabled = astronvim.lsp.formatting.disabled or {} + -- check if client is fully disabled or filtered by function + return not (vim.tbl_contains(disabled, client.name) or (type(filter) == "function" and not filter(client))) +end + +--- Helper function to set up a given server with the Neovim LSP client +-- @param server the name of the server to be setup +astronvim.lsp.setup = function(server) + if not tbl_contains(skip_setup, server) then + -- if server doesn't exist, set it up from user server definition + if not pcall(require, "lspconfig.server_configurations." .. server) then + local server_definition = user_plugin_opts("lsp.server-settings." .. server) + if server_definition.cmd then require("lspconfig.configs")[server] = { default_config = server_definition } end + end + local opts = astronvim.lsp.server_settings(server) + if type(user_registration) == "function" then + user_registration(server, opts) + else + require("lspconfig")[server].setup(opts) + end + end +end + +--- The `on_attach` function used by AstroNvim +-- @param client the LSP client details when attaching +-- @param bufnr the number of the buffer that the LSP client is attaching to +astronvim.lsp.on_attach = function(client, bufnr) + local capabilities = client.server_capabilities + local lsp_mappings = { + n = { + ["ld"] = { function() vim.diagnostic.open_float() end, desc = "Hover diagnostics" }, + ["[d"] = { function() vim.diagnostic.goto_prev() end, desc = "Previous diagnostic" }, + ["]d"] = { function() vim.diagnostic.goto_next() end, desc = "Next diagnostic" }, + ["gl"] = { function() vim.diagnostic.open_float() end, desc = "Hover diagnostics" }, + }, + v = {}, + } + + if is_available "mason-lspconfig.nvim" then + lsp_mappings.n["li"] = { "LspInfo", desc = "LSP information" } + end + + if is_available "null-ls.nvim" then + lsp_mappings.n["lI"] = { "NullLsInfo", desc = "Null-ls information" } + end + + if capabilities.codeActionProvider then + lsp_mappings.n["la"] = { function() vim.lsp.buf.code_action() end, desc = "LSP code action" } + lsp_mappings.v["la"] = lsp_mappings.n["la"] + end + + if capabilities.codeLensProvider then + lsp_mappings.n["ll"] = { function() vim.lsp.codelens.refresh() end, desc = "LSP codelens refresh" } + lsp_mappings.n["lL"] = { function() vim.lsp.codelens.run() end, desc = "LSP codelens run" } + end + + if capabilities.declarationProvider then + lsp_mappings.n["gD"] = { function() vim.lsp.buf.declaration() end, desc = "Declaration of current symbol" } + end + + if capabilities.definitionProvider then + lsp_mappings.n["gd"] = { function() vim.lsp.buf.definition() end, desc = "Show the definition of current symbol" } + end + + if capabilities.documentFormattingProvider and not tbl_contains(astronvim.lsp.formatting.disabled, client.name) then + lsp_mappings.n["lf"] = { + function() vim.lsp.buf.format(astronvim.lsp.format_opts) end, + desc = "Format buffer", + } + lsp_mappings.v["lf"] = lsp_mappings.n["lf"] + + vim.api.nvim_buf_create_user_command( + bufnr, + "Format", + function() vim.lsp.buf.format(astronvim.lsp.format_opts) end, + { desc = "Format file with LSP" } + ) + local autoformat = astronvim.lsp.formatting.format_on_save + local filetype = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(bufnr, "filetype") + if + autoformat.enabled + and (tbl_isempty(autoformat.allow_filetypes or {}) or tbl_contains(autoformat.allow_filetypes, filetype)) + and (tbl_isempty(autoformat.ignore_filetypes or {}) or not tbl_contains(autoformat.ignore_filetypes, filetype)) + then + local autocmd_group = "auto_format_" .. bufnr + vim.api.nvim_create_augroup(autocmd_group, { clear = true }) + vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufWritePre", { + group = autocmd_group, + buffer = bufnr, + desc = "Auto format buffer " .. bufnr .. " before save", + callback = function() + if vim.g.autoformat_enabled then + vim.lsp.buf.format(astronvim.default_tbl({ bufnr = bufnr }, astronvim.lsp.format_opts)) + end + end, + }) + lsp_mappings.n["uf"] = { + function() astronvim.ui.toggle_autoformat() end, + desc = "Toggle autoformatting", + } + end + end + + if capabilities.documentHighlightProvider then + local highlight_name = vim.fn.printf("lsp_document_highlight_%d", bufnr) + vim.api.nvim_create_augroup(highlight_name, {}) + vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({ "CursorHold", "CursorHoldI" }, { + group = highlight_name, + buffer = bufnr, + callback = function() vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight() end, + }) + vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("CursorMoved", { + group = highlight_name, + buffer = bufnr, + callback = function() vim.lsp.buf.clear_references() end, + }) + end + + if capabilities.hoverProvider then + lsp_mappings.n["K"] = { function() vim.lsp.buf.hover() end, desc = "Hover symbol details" } + end + + if capabilities.implementationProvider then + lsp_mappings.n["gI"] = { function() vim.lsp.buf.implementation() end, desc = "Implementation of current symbol" } + end + + if capabilities.referencesProvider then + lsp_mappings.n["gr"] = { function() vim.lsp.buf.references() end, desc = "References of current symbol" } + lsp_mappings.n["lR"] = { function() vim.lsp.buf.references() end, desc = "Search references" } + end + + if capabilities.renameProvider then + lsp_mappings.n["lr"] = { function() vim.lsp.buf.rename() end, desc = "Rename current symbol" } + end + + if capabilities.signatureHelpProvider then + lsp_mappings.n["lh"] = { function() vim.lsp.buf.signature_help() end, desc = "Signature help" } + end + + if capabilities.typeDefinitionProvider then + lsp_mappings.n["gT"] = { function() vim.lsp.buf.type_definition() end, desc = "Definition of current type" } + end + + if capabilities.workspaceSymbolProvider then + lsp_mappings.n["lG"] = { function() vim.lsp.buf.workspace_symbol() end, desc = "Search workspace symbols" } + end + + if is_available "telescope.nvim" then -- setup telescope mappings if available + if lsp_mappings.n.gd then lsp_mappings.n.gd[1] = function() require("telescope.builtin").lsp_definitions() end end + if lsp_mappings.n.gI then + lsp_mappings.n.gI[1] = function() require("telescope.builtin").lsp_implementations() end + end + if lsp_mappings.n.gr then lsp_mappings.n.gr[1] = function() require("telescope.builtin").lsp_references() end end + if lsp_mappings.n["lR"] then + lsp_mappings.n["lR"][1] = function() require("telescope.builtin").lsp_references() end + end + if lsp_mappings.n.gT then + lsp_mappings.n.gT[1] = function() require("telescope.builtin").lsp_type_definitions() end + end + if lsp_mappings.n["lG"] then + lsp_mappings.n["lG"][1] = function() require("telescope.builtin").lsp_workspace_symbols() end + end + end + + astronvim.set_mappings(user_plugin_opts("lsp.mappings", lsp_mappings), { buffer = bufnr }) + if not vim.tbl_isempty(lsp_mappings.v) then + astronvim.which_key_register({ v = { [""] = { l = { name = "LSP" } } } }, { buffer = bufnr }) + end + + local on_attach_override = user_plugin_opts("lsp.on_attach", nil, false) + conditional_func(on_attach_override, true, client, bufnr) +end + +--- The default AstroNvim LSP capabilities +astronvim.lsp.capabilities = vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilities() +astronvim.lsp.capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.documentationFormat = { "markdown", "plaintext" } +astronvim.lsp.capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.snippetSupport = true +astronvim.lsp.capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.preselectSupport = true +astronvim.lsp.capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.insertReplaceSupport = true +astronvim.lsp.capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.labelDetailsSupport = true +astronvim.lsp.capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.deprecatedSupport = true +astronvim.lsp.capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.commitCharactersSupport = true +astronvim.lsp.capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.tagSupport = { valueSet = { 1 } } +astronvim.lsp.capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.resolveSupport = { + properties = { "documentation", "detail", "additionalTextEdits" }, +} +astronvim.lsp.capabilities = user_plugin_opts("lsp.capabilities", astronvim.lsp.capabilities) +astronvim.lsp.flags = user_plugin_opts "lsp.flags" + +--- Get the server settings for a given language server to be provided to the server's `setup()` call +-- @param server_name the name of the server +-- @return the table of LSP options used when setting up the given language server +function astronvim.lsp.server_settings(server_name) + local server = require("lspconfig")[server_name] + local opts = user_plugin_opts( -- get user server-settings + "lsp.server-settings." .. server_name, -- TODO: RENAME lsp.server-settings to lsp.config in v3 + user_plugin_opts("server-settings." .. server_name, { -- get default server-settings + capabilities = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", astronvim.lsp.capabilities, server.capabilities or {}), + flags = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", astronvim.lsp.flags, server.flags or {}), + }, true, "configs") + ) + local old_on_attach = server.on_attach + local user_on_attach = opts.on_attach + opts.on_attach = function(client, bufnr) + conditional_func(old_on_attach, true, client, bufnr) + astronvim.lsp.on_attach(client, bufnr) + conditional_func(user_on_attach, true, client, bufnr) + end + return opts +end + +return astronvim.lsp diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/core/utils/mason.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/core/utils/mason.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c3d9ad22 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/core/utils/mason.lua @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +--- ### AstroNvim Mason Utils +-- +-- This module is automatically loaded by AstroNvim on during it's initialization into global variable `astronvim.mason` +-- +-- This module can also be manually loaded with `local updater = require("core.utils").mason` +-- +-- @module core.utils.mason +-- @see core.utils +-- @copyright 2022 +-- @license GNU General Public License v3.0 + +astronvim.mason = {} + +--- Update a mason package +-- @param pkg_name string of the name of the package as defined in Mason (Not mason-lspconfig or mason-null-ls) +-- @param auto_install boolean of whether or not to install a package that is not currently installed (default: True) +function astronvim.mason.update(pkg_name, auto_install) + if auto_install == nil then auto_install = true end + local registry_avail, registry = pcall(require, "mason-registry") + if not registry_avail then + vim.api.nvim_err_writeln "Unable to access mason registry" + return + end + + local pkg_avail, pkg = pcall(registry.get_package, pkg_name) + if not pkg_avail then + astronvim.notify(("Mason: %s is not available"):format(pkg_name), "error") + else + if not pkg:is_installed() then + if auto_install then + astronvim.notify(("Mason: Installing %s"):format(pkg.name)) + pkg:install() + else + astronvim.notify(("Mason: %s not installed"):format(pkg.name), "warn") + end + else + pkg:check_new_version(function(update_available, version) + if update_available then + astronvim.notify(("Mason: Updating %s to %s"):format(pkg.name, version.latest_version)) + pkg:install():on("closed", function() astronvim.notify(("Mason: Updated %s"):format(pkg.name)) end) + else + astronvim.notify(("Mason: No updates available for %s"):format(pkg.name)) + end + end) + end + end +end + +--- Update all packages in Mason +function astronvim.mason.update_all() + local registry_avail, registry = pcall(require, "mason-registry") + if not registry_avail then + vim.api.nvim_err_writeln "Unable to access mason registry" + return + end + + local installed_pkgs = registry.get_installed_packages() + local running = #installed_pkgs + local no_pkgs = running == 0 + astronvim.notify "Mason: Checking for package updates..." + + if no_pkgs then + astronvim.notify "Mason: No updates available" + astronvim.event "MasonUpdateComplete" + else + local updated = false + for _, pkg in ipairs(installed_pkgs) do + pkg:check_new_version(function(update_available, version) + if update_available then + updated = true + astronvim.notify(("Mason: Updating %s to %s"):format(pkg.name, version.latest_version)) + pkg:install():on("closed", function() + running = running - 1 + if running == 0 then + astronvim.notify "Mason: Update Complete" + astronvim.event "MasonUpdateComplete" + end + end) + else + running = running - 1 + if running == 0 then + if updated then + astronvim.notify "Mason: Update Complete" + else + astronvim.notify "Mason: No updates available" + end + astronvim.event "MasonUpdateComplete" + end + end + end) + end + end +end + +return astronvim.mason diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/core/utils/status.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/core/utils/status.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0e6e7d5d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/core/utils/status.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1215 @@ +--- ### AstroNvim Status +-- +-- This module is automatically loaded by AstroNvim on during it's initialization into global variable `astronvim.status` +-- +-- This module can also be manually loaded with `local status = require "core.utils.status"` +-- +-- @module core.utils.status +-- @copyright 2022 +-- @license GNU General Public License v3.0 +astronvim.status = { hl = {}, init = {}, provider = {}, condition = {}, component = {}, utils = {}, env = {} } + +astronvim.status.env.modes = { + ["n"] = { "NORMAL", "normal" }, + ["no"] = { "OP", "normal" }, + ["nov"] = { "OP", "normal" }, + ["noV"] = { "OP", "normal" }, + ["no"] = { "OP", "normal" }, + ["niI"] = { "NORMAL", "normal" }, + ["niR"] = { "NORMAL", "normal" }, + ["niV"] = { "NORMAL", "normal" }, + ["i"] = { "INSERT", "insert" }, + ["ic"] = { "INSERT", "insert" }, + ["ix"] = { "INSERT", "insert" }, + ["t"] = { "TERM", "terminal" }, + ["nt"] = { "TERM", "terminal" }, + ["v"] = { "VISUAL", "visual" }, + ["vs"] = { "VISUAL", "visual" }, + ["V"] = { "LINES", "visual" }, + ["Vs"] = { "LINES", "visual" }, + [""] = { "BLOCK", "visual" }, + ["s"] = { "BLOCK", "visual" }, + ["R"] = { "REPLACE", "replace" }, + ["Rc"] = { "REPLACE", "replace" }, + ["Rx"] = { "REPLACE", "replace" }, + ["Rv"] = { "V-REPLACE", "replace" }, + ["s"] = { "SELECT", "visual" }, + ["S"] = { "SELECT", "visual" }, + [""] = { "BLOCK", "visual" }, + ["c"] = { "COMMAND", "command" }, + ["cv"] = { "COMMAND", "command" }, + ["ce"] = { "COMMAND", "command" }, + ["r"] = { "PROMPT", "inactive" }, + ["rm"] = { "MORE", "inactive" }, + ["r?"] = { "CONFIRM", "inactive" }, + ["!"] = { "SHELL", "inactive" }, + ["null"] = { "null", "inactive" }, +} + +astronvim.status.env.separators = astronvim.user_plugin_opts("heirline.separators", { + none = { "", "" }, + left = { "", " " }, + right = { " ", "" }, + center = { " ", " " }, + tab = { "", " " }, +}) + +astronvim.status.env.attributes = astronvim.user_plugin_opts("heirline.attributes", { + buffer_active = { bold = true, italic = true }, + buffer_picker = { bold = true }, + macro_recording = { bold = true }, + git_branch = { bold = true }, + git_diff = { bold = true }, +}) + +astronvim.status.env.icon_highlights = astronvim.user_plugin_opts("heirline.icon_highlights", { + file_icon = { + tabline = function(self) return self.is_active or self.is_visible end, + statusline = true, + }, +}) + +local function pattern_match(str, pattern_list) + for _, pattern in ipairs(pattern_list) do + if str:find(pattern) then return true end + end + return false +end + +astronvim.status.env.buf_matchers = { + filetype = function(pattern_list, bufnr) return pattern_match(vim.bo[bufnr or 0].filetype, pattern_list) end, + buftype = function(pattern_list, bufnr) return pattern_match(vim.bo[bufnr or 0].buftype, pattern_list) end, + bufname = function(pattern_list, bufnr) + return pattern_match(vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr or 0), ":t"), pattern_list) + end, +} + +--- Get the highlight background color of the lualine theme for the current colorscheme +-- @param mode the neovim mode to get the color of +-- @param fallback the color to fallback on if a lualine theme is not present +-- @return The background color of the lualine theme or the fallback parameter if one doesn't exist +function astronvim.status.hl.lualine_mode(mode, fallback) + local lualine_avail, lualine = pcall(require, "lualine.themes." .. (vim.g.colors_name or "default_theme")) + local lualine_opts = lualine_avail and lualine[mode] + return lualine_opts and type(lualine_opts.a) == "table" and lualine_opts.a.bg or fallback +end + +--- Get the highlight for the current mode +-- @return the highlight group for the current mode +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", hl = astronvim.status.hl.mode }, +function astronvim.status.hl.mode() return { bg = astronvim.status.hl.mode_bg() } end + +--- Get the foreground color group for the current mode, good for usage with Heirline surround utility +-- @return the highlight group for the current mode foreground +-- @usage local heirline_component = require("heirline.utils").surround({ "|", "|" }, astronvim.status.hl.mode_bg, heirline_component), + +function astronvim.status.hl.mode_bg() return astronvim.status.env.modes[vim.fn.mode()][2] end + +--- Get the foreground color group for the current filetype +-- @return the highlight group for the current filetype foreground +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.fileicon(), hl = astronvim.status.hl.filetype_color }, +function astronvim.status.hl.filetype_color(self) + local devicons_avail, devicons = pcall(require, "nvim-web-devicons") + if not devicons_avail then return {} end + local _, color = devicons.get_icon_color( + vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(self and self.bufnr or 0), ":t"), + nil, + { default = true } + ) + return { fg = color } +end + +--- Merge the color and attributes from user settings for a given name +-- @param name string, the name of the element to get the attributes and colors for +-- @param include_bg boolean whether or not to include background color (Default: false) +-- @return a table of highlight information +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes("treesitter") }, +function astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes(name, include_bg) + local hl = astronvim.status.env.attributes[name] or {} + hl.fg = name .. "_fg" + if include_bg then hl.bg = name .. "_bg" end + return hl +end + +--- Enable filetype color highlight if enabled in icon_highlights.file_icon options +-- @param name string of the icon_highlights.file_icon table element +-- @return function for setting hl property in a component +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", hl = astronvim.status.hl.file_icon("winbar") }, +function astronvim.status.hl.file_icon(name) + return function(self) + local hl_enabled = astronvim.status.env.icon_highlights.file_icon[name] + if type(hl_enabled) == "function" then hl_enabled = hl_enabled(self) end + if hl_enabled then return astronvim.status.hl.filetype_color(self) end + end +end + +--- An `init` function to build a set of children components for LSP breadcrumbs +-- @param opts options for configuring the breadcrumbs (default: `{ separator = " > ", icon = { enabled = true, hl = false }, padding = { left = 0, right = 0 } }`) +-- @return The Heirline init function +-- @usage local heirline_component = { init = astronvim.status.init.breadcrumbs { padding = { left = 1 } } } +function astronvim.status.init.breadcrumbs(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { + separator = " > ", + icon = { enabled = true, hl = astronvim.status.env.icon_highlights.breadcrumbs }, + padding = { left = 0, right = 0 }, + }) + return function(self) + local data = require("aerial").get_location(true) or {} + local children = {} + -- create a child for each level + for i, d in ipairs(data) do + local pos = astronvim.status.utils.encode_pos(d.lnum, d.col, self.winnr) + local child = { + { provider = string.gsub(d.name, "%%", "%%%%"):gsub("%s*->%s*", "") }, -- add symbol name + on_click = { -- add on click function + minwid = pos, + callback = function(_, minwid) + local lnum, col, winnr = astronvim.status.utils.decode_pos(minwid) + vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(vim.fn.win_getid(winnr), { lnum, col }) + end, + name = "heirline_breadcrumbs", + }, + } + if opts.icon.enabled then -- add icon and highlight if enabled + local hl = opts.icon.hl + if type(hl) == "function" then hl = hl(self) end + table.insert(child, 1, { + provider = string.format("%s ", d.icon), + hl = hl and string.format("Aerial%sIcon", d.kind) or nil, + }) + end + if #data > 1 and i < #data then table.insert(child, { provider = opts.separator }) end -- add a separator only if needed + table.insert(children, child) + end + if opts.padding.left > 0 then -- add left padding + table.insert(children, 1, { provider = astronvim.pad_string(" ", { left = opts.padding.left - 1 }) }) + end + if opts.padding.right > 0 then -- add right padding + table.insert(children, { provider = astronvim.pad_string(" ", { right = opts.padding.right - 1 }) }) + end + -- instantiate the new child + self[1] = self:new(children, 1) + end +end + +--- An `init` function to build multiple update events which is not supported yet by Heirline's update field +-- @param opts an array like table of autocmd events as either just a string or a table with custom patterns and callbacks. +-- @return The Heirline init function +-- @usage local heirline_component = { init = astronvim.status.init.update_events { "BufEnter", { "User", pattern = "LspProgressUpdate" } } } +function astronvim.status.init.update_events(opts) + return function(self) + if not rawget(self, "once") then + local clear_cache = function() self._win_cache = nil end + for _, event in ipairs(opts) do + local event_opts = { callback = clear_cache } + if type(event) == "table" then + event_opts.pattern = event.pattern + event_opts.callback = event.callback or clear_cache + event.pattern = nil + event.callback = nil + end + vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd(event, event_opts) + end + self.once = true + end + end +end + +--- A provider function for the fill string +-- @return the statusline string for filling the empty space +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.fill } +function astronvim.status.provider.fill() return "%=" end + +--- A provider function for the current tab numbre +-- @return the statusline function to return a string for a tab number +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.tabnr() } +function astronvim.status.provider.tabnr() + return function(self) return (self and self.tabnr) and "%" .. self.tabnr .. "T " .. self.tabnr .. " %T" or "" end +end + +--- A provider function for showing if spellcheck is on +-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function +-- @return the function for outputting if spell is enabled +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.spell() } +-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize +function astronvim.status.provider.spell(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { str = "", icon = { kind = "Spellcheck" }, show_empty = true }) + return function() return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(vim.wo.spell and opts.str, opts) end +end + +--- A provider function for showing if paste is enabled +-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function +-- @return the function for outputting if paste is enabled + +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.paste() } +-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize +function astronvim.status.provider.paste(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { str = "", icon = { kind = "Paste" }, show_empty = true }) + return function() return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(vim.opt.paste:get() and opts.str, opts) end +end + +--- A provider function for displaying if a macro is currently being recorded +-- @param opts a prefix before the recording register and options passed to the stylize function +-- @return a function that returns a string of the current recording status +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.macro_recording() } +-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize +function astronvim.status.provider.macro_recording(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { prefix = "@" }) + return function() + local register = vim.fn.reg_recording() + if register ~= "" then register = opts.prefix .. register end + return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(register, opts) + end +end + +--- A provider function for displaying the current search count +-- @param opts options for `vim.fn.searchcount` and options passed to the stylize function +-- @return a function that returns a string of the current search location +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.search_count() } +-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize +function astronvim.status.provider.search_count(opts) + local search_func = vim.tbl_isempty(opts or {}) and function() return vim.fn.searchcount() end + or function() return vim.fn.searchcount(opts) end + return function() + local search_ok, search = pcall(search_func) + if search_ok and type(search) == "table" and search.total then + return astronvim.status.utils.stylize( + string.format( + "%s%d/%s%d", + search.current > search.maxcount and ">" or "", + math.min(search.current, search.maxcount), + search.incomplete == 2 and ">" or "", + math.min(search.total, search.maxcount) + ), + opts + ) + end + end +end + +--- A provider function for showing the text of the current vim mode +-- @param opts options for padding the text and options passed to the stylize function +-- @return the function for displaying the text of the current vim mode +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.mode_text() } +-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize +function astronvim.status.provider.mode_text(opts) + local max_length = + math.max(unpack(vim.tbl_map(function(str) return #str[1] end, vim.tbl_values(astronvim.status.env.modes)))) + return function() + local text = astronvim.status.env.modes[vim.fn.mode()][1] + if opts.pad_text then + local padding = max_length - #text + if opts.pad_text == "right" then + text = string.rep(" ", padding) .. text + elseif opts.pad_text == "left" then + text = text .. string.rep(" ", padding) + elseif opts.pad_text == "center" then + text = string.rep(" ", math.floor(padding / 2)) .. text .. string.rep(" ", math.ceil(padding / 2)) + end + end + return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(text, opts) + end +end + +--- A provider function for showing the percentage of the current location in a document +-- @param opts options for Top/Bot text, fixed width, and options passed to the stylize function +-- @return the statusline string for displaying the percentage of current document location +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.percentage() } +-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize +function astronvim.status.provider.percentage(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { fixed_width = false, edge_text = true }) + return function() + local text = "%" .. (opts.fixed_width and "3" or "") .. "p%%" + if opts.edge_text then + local current_line = vim.fn.line "." + if current_line == 1 then + text = (opts.fixed_width and " " or "") .. "Top" + elseif current_line == vim.fn.line "$" then + text = (opts.fixed_width and " " or "") .. "Bot" + end + end + return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(text, opts) + end +end + +--- A provider function for showing the current line and character in a document +-- @param opts options for padding the line and character locations and options passed to the stylize function +-- @return the statusline string for showing location in document line_num:char_num +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.ruler({ pad_ruler = { line = 3, char = 2 } }) } +-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize +function astronvim.status.provider.ruler(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { pad_ruler = { line = 0, char = 0 } }) + local padding_str = string.format("%%%dd:%%%dd", opts.pad_ruler.line, opts.pad_ruler.char) + return function() + local line = vim.fn.line "." + local char = vim.fn.virtcol "." + return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(string.format(padding_str, line, char), opts) + end +end + +--- A provider function for showing the current location as a scrollbar +-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function +-- @return the function for outputting the scrollbar +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.scrollbar() } +-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize +function astronvim.status.provider.scrollbar(opts) + local sbar = { "▁", "▂", "▃", "▄", "▅", "▆", "▇", "█" } + return function() + local curr_line = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)[1] + local lines = vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(0) + local i = math.floor((curr_line - 1) / lines * #sbar) + 1 + return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(string.rep(sbar[i], 2), opts) + end +end + +--- A provider to simply show a cloes button icon +-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function and the kind of icon to use +-- @return return the stylized icon +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.close_button() } +-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize +function astronvim.status.provider.close_button(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { kind = "BufferClose" }) + return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(astronvim.get_icon(opts.kind), opts) +end + +--- A provider function for showing the current filetype +-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function +-- @return the function for outputting the filetype +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.filetype() } +-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize +function astronvim.status.provider.filetype(opts) + return function(self) + local buffer = vim.bo[self and self.bufnr or 0] + return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(string.lower(buffer.filetype), opts) + end +end + +--- A provider function for showing the current filename +-- @param opts options for argument to fnamemodify to format filename and options passed to the stylize function +-- @return the function for outputting the filename +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.filename() } +-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize +function astronvim.status.provider.filename(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl( + opts, + { fallback = "[No Name]", fname = function(nr) return vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(nr) end, modify = ":t" } + ) + return function(self) + local filename = vim.fn.fnamemodify(opts.fname(self and self.bufnr or 0), opts.modify) + return astronvim.status.utils.stylize((filename == "" and opts.fallback or filename), opts) + end +end + +--- Get a unique filepath between all buffers +-- @param opts options for function to get the buffer name, a buffer number, max length, and options passed to the stylize function +-- @return path to file that uniquely identifies each buffer +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.unique_path() } +-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize +function astronvim.status.provider.unique_path(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { + buf_name = function(bufnr) return vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(bufnr), ":t") end, + bufnr = 0, + max_length = 16, + }) + return function(self) + opts.bufnr = self and self.bufnr or opts.bufnr + local name = opts.buf_name(opts.bufnr) + local unique_path = "" + -- check for same buffer names under different dirs + -- TODO v3: remove get_valid_buffers + for _, value in ipairs(vim.g.heirline_bufferline and vim.t.bufs or astronvim.status.utils.get_valid_buffers()) do + if name == opts.buf_name(value) and value ~= opts.bufnr then + local other = {} + for match in (vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(value) .. "/"):gmatch("(.-)" .. "/") do + table.insert(other, match) + end + + local current = {} + for match in (vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(opts.bufnr) .. "/"):gmatch("(.-)" .. "/") do + table.insert(current, match) + end + + unique_path = "" + + for i = #current - 1, 1, -1 do + local value_current = current[i] + local other_current = other[i] + + if value_current ~= other_current then + unique_path = value_current .. "/" + break + end + end + break + end + end + return astronvim.status.utils.stylize( + ( + opts.max_length > 0 + and #unique_path > opts.max_length + and string.sub(unique_path, 1, opts.max_length - 2) .. astronvim.get_icon "Ellipsis" .. "/" + ) or unique_path, + opts + ) + end +end + +--- A provider function for showing if the current file is modifiable +-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function +-- @return the function for outputting the indicator if the file is modified +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.file_modified() } +-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize +function astronvim.status.provider.file_modified(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { str = "", icon = { kind = "FileModified" }, show_empty = true }) + return function(self) + return astronvim.status.utils.stylize( + astronvim.status.condition.file_modified((self or {}).bufnr) and opts.str, + opts + ) + end +end + +--- A provider function for showing if the current file is read-only +-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function +-- @return the function for outputting the indicator if the file is read-only +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.file_read_only() } +-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize +function astronvim.status.provider.file_read_only(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { str = "", icon = { kind = "FileReadOnly" }, show_empty = true }) + return function(self) + return astronvim.status.utils.stylize( + astronvim.status.condition.file_read_only((self or {}).bufnr) and opts.str, + opts + ) + end +end + +--- A provider function for showing the current filetype icon +-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function +-- @return the function for outputting the filetype icon +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.file_icon() } +-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize +function astronvim.status.provider.file_icon(opts) + return function(self) + local devicons_avail, devicons = pcall(require, "nvim-web-devicons") + if not devicons_avail then return "" end + local ft_icon, _ = devicons.get_icon( + vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(self and self.bufnr or 0), ":t"), + nil, + { default = true } + ) + return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(ft_icon, opts) + end +end + +--- A provider function for showing the current git branch +-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function +-- @return the function for outputting the git branch +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.git_branch() } +-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize +function astronvim.status.provider.git_branch(opts) + return function(self) return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(vim.b[self and self.bufnr or 0].gitsigns_head or "", opts) end +end + +--- A provider function for showing the current git diff count of a specific type +-- @param opts options for type of git diff and options passed to the stylize function +-- @return the function for outputting the git diff +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.git_diff({ type = "added" }) } +-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize +function astronvim.status.provider.git_diff(opts) + if not opts or not opts.type then return end + return function(self) + local status = vim.b[self and self.bufnr or 0].gitsigns_status_dict + return astronvim.status.utils.stylize( + status and status[opts.type] and status[opts.type] > 0 and tostring(status[opts.type]) or "", + opts + ) + end +end + +--- A provider function for showing the current diagnostic count of a specific severity +-- @param opts options for severity of diagnostic and options passed to the stylize function +-- @return the function for outputting the diagnostic count +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.diagnostics({ severity = "ERROR" }) } +-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize +function astronvim.status.provider.diagnostics(opts) + if not opts or not opts.severity then return end + return function(self) + local bufnr = self and self.bufnr or 0 + local count = #vim.diagnostic.get(bufnr, opts.severity and { severity = vim.diagnostic.severity[opts.severity] }) + return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(count ~= 0 and tostring(count) or "", opts) + end +end + +--- A provider function for showing the current progress of loading language servers +-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function +-- @return the function for outputting the LSP progress +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.lsp_progress() } +-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize +function astronvim.status.provider.lsp_progress(opts) + return function() + local Lsp = vim.lsp.util.get_progress_messages()[1] + return astronvim.status.utils.stylize( + Lsp + and string.format( + " %%<%s %s %s (%s%%%%) ", + astronvim.get_icon("LSP" .. ((Lsp.percentage or 0) >= 70 and { "Loaded", "Loaded", "Loaded" } or { + "Loading1", + "Loading2", + "Loading3", + })[math.floor(vim.loop.hrtime() / 12e7) % 3 + 1]), + Lsp.title or "", + Lsp.message or "", + Lsp.percentage or 0 + ) + or "", + opts + ) + end +end + +--- A provider function for showing the connected LSP client names +-- @param opts options for explanding null_ls clients, max width percentage, and options passed to the stylize function +-- @return the function for outputting the LSP client names +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.lsp_client_names({ expand_null_ls = true, truncate = 0.25 }) } +-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize +function astronvim.status.provider.lsp_client_names(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { expand_null_ls = true, truncate = 0.25 }) + return function(self) + local buf_client_names = {} + for _, client in pairs(vim.lsp.get_active_clients { bufnr = self and self.bufnr or 0 }) do + if client.name == "null-ls" and opts.expand_null_ls then + local null_ls_sources = {} + for _, type in ipairs { "FORMATTING", "DIAGNOSTICS" } do + for _, source in ipairs(astronvim.null_ls_sources(vim.bo.filetype, type)) do + null_ls_sources[source] = true + end + end + vim.list_extend(buf_client_names, vim.tbl_keys(null_ls_sources)) + else + table.insert(buf_client_names, client.name) + end + end + local str = table.concat(buf_client_names, ", ") + if type(opts.truncate) == "number" then + local max_width = math.floor(astronvim.status.utils.width() * opts.truncate) + if #str > max_width then str = string.sub(str, 0, max_width) .. "…" end + end + return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(str, opts) + end +end + +--- A provider function for showing if treesitter is connected +-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function +-- @return the function for outputting TS if treesitter is connected +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.treesitter_status() } +-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize +function astronvim.status.provider.treesitter_status(opts) + return function() + return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(require("nvim-treesitter.parser").has_parser() and "TS" or "", opts) + end +end + +--- A provider function for displaying a single string +-- @param opts options passed to the stylize function +-- @return the stylized statusline string +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = astronvim.status.provider.str({ str = "Hello" }) } +-- @see astronvim.status.utils.stylize +function astronvim.status.provider.str(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { str = " " }) + return astronvim.status.utils.stylize(opts.str, opts) +end + +--- A condition function if the window is currently active +-- @return boolean of wether or not the window is currently actie +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.is_active } +function astronvim.status.condition.is_active() return vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() == tonumber(vim.g.actual_curwin) end + +--- A condition function if the buffer filetype,buftype,bufname match a pattern +-- @param patterns the table of patterns to match +-- @param bufnr number of the buffer to match (Default: 0 [current]) +-- @return boolean of wether or not LSP is attached +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = function() return astronvim.status.condition.buffer_matches { buftype = { "terminal" } } end } +function astronvim.status.condition.buffer_matches(patterns, bufnr) + for kind, pattern_list in pairs(patterns) do + if astronvim.status.env.buf_matchers[kind](pattern_list, bufnr) then return true end + end + return false +end + +--- A condition function if a macro is being recorded +-- @return boolean of wether or not a macro is currently being recorded +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.is_macro_recording } +function astronvim.status.condition.is_macro_recording() return vim.fn.reg_recording() ~= "" end + +--- A condition function if search is visible +-- @return boolean of wether or not searching is currently visible +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.is_hlsearch } +function astronvim.status.condition.is_hlsearch() return vim.v.hlsearch ~= 0 end + +--- A condition function if the current file is in a git repo +-- @param bufnr a buffer number to check the condition for, a table with bufnr property, or nil to get the current buffer +-- @return boolean of wether or not the current file is in a git repo +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.is_git_repo } +function astronvim.status.condition.is_git_repo(bufnr) + if type(bufnr) == "table" then bufnr = bufnr.bufnr end + return vim.b[bufnr or 0].gitsigns_head or vim.b[bufnr or 0].gitsigns_status_dict +end + +--- A condition function if there are any git changes +-- @param bufnr a buffer number to check the condition for, a table with bufnr property, or nil to get the current buffer +-- @return boolean of wether or not there are any git changes +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.git_changed } +function astronvim.status.condition.git_changed(bufnr) + if type(bufnr) == "table" then bufnr = bufnr.bufnr end + local git_status = vim.b[bufnr or 0].gitsigns_status_dict + return git_status and (git_status.added or 0) + (git_status.removed or 0) + (git_status.changed or 0) > 0 +end + +--- A condition function if the current buffer is modified +-- @param bufnr a buffer number to check the condition for, a table with bufnr property, or nil to get the current buffer +-- @return boolean of wether or not the current buffer is modified +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.file_modified } +function astronvim.status.condition.file_modified(bufnr) + if type(bufnr) == "table" then bufnr = bufnr.bufnr end + return vim.bo[bufnr or 0].modified +end + +--- A condition function if the current buffer is read only +-- @param bufnr a buffer number to check the condition for, a table with bufnr property, or nil to get the current buffer +-- @return boolean of wether or not the current buffer is read only or not modifiable +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.file_read_only } +function astronvim.status.condition.file_read_only(bufnr) + if type(bufnr) == "table" then bufnr = bufnr.bufnr end + local buffer = vim.bo[bufnr or 0] + return not buffer.modifiable or buffer.readonly +end + +--- A condition function if the current file has any diagnostics +-- @param bufnr a buffer number to check the condition for, a table with bufnr property, or nil to get the current buffer +-- @return boolean of wether or not the current file has any diagnostics +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.has_diagnostics } +function astronvim.status.condition.has_diagnostics(bufnr) + if type(bufnr) == "table" then bufnr = bufnr.bufnr end + return vim.g.status_diagnostics_enabled and #vim.diagnostic.get(bufnr or 0) > 0 +end + +--- A condition function if there is a defined filetype +-- @param bufnr a buffer number to check the condition for, a table with bufnr property, or nil to get the current buffer +-- @return boolean of wether or not there is a filetype +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.has_filetype } +function astronvim.status.condition.has_filetype(bufnr) + if type(bufnr) == "table" then bufnr = bufnr.bufnr end + return vim.fn.empty(vim.fn.expand "%:t") ~= 1 and vim.bo[bufnr or 0].filetype and vim.bo[bufnr or 0].filetype ~= "" +end + +--- A condition function if Aerial is available +-- @return boolean of wether or not aerial plugin is installed +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.aerial_available } +-- function astronvim.status.condition.aerial_available() return astronvim.is_available "aerial.nvim" end +function astronvim.status.condition.aerial_available() return package.loaded["aerial"] end + +--- A condition function if LSP is attached +-- @param bufnr a buffer number to check the condition for, a table with bufnr property, or nil to get the current buffer +-- @return boolean of wether or not LSP is attached +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.lsp_attached } +function astronvim.status.condition.lsp_attached(bufnr) + if type(bufnr) == "table" then bufnr = bufnr.bufnr end + return next(vim.lsp.get_active_clients { bufnr = bufnr or 0 }) ~= nil +end + +--- A condition function if treesitter is in use +-- @param bufnr a buffer number to check the condition for, a table with bufnr property, or nil to get the current buffer +-- @return boolean of wether or not treesitter is active +-- @usage local heirline_component = { provider = "Example Provider", condition = astronvim.status.condition.treesitter_available } +function astronvim.status.condition.treesitter_available(bufnr) + if not package.loaded["nvim-treesitter"] then return false end + if type(bufnr) == "table" then bufnr = bufnr.bufnr end + local parsers = require "nvim-treesitter.parsers" + return parsers.has_parser(parsers.get_buf_lang(bufnr or vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf())) +end + +--- A utility function to stylize a string with an icon from lspkind, separators, and left/right padding +-- @param str the string to stylize +-- @param opts options of `{ padding = { left = 0, right = 0 }, separator = { left = "|", right = "|" }, show_empty = false, icon = { kind = "NONE", padding = { left = 0, right = 0 } } }` +-- @return the stylized string +-- @usage local string = astronvim.status.utils.stylize("Hello", { padding = { left = 1, right = 1 }, icon = { kind = "String" } }) +function astronvim.status.utils.stylize(str, opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { + padding = { left = 0, right = 0 }, + separator = { left = "", right = "" }, + show_empty = false, + icon = { kind = "NONE", padding = { left = 0, right = 0 } }, + }) + local icon = astronvim.pad_string(astronvim.get_icon(opts.icon.kind), opts.icon.padding) + return str + and (str ~= "" or opts.show_empty) + and opts.separator.left .. astronvim.pad_string(icon .. str, opts.padding) .. opts.separator.right + or "" +end + +--- A Heirline component for filling in the empty space of the bar +-- @param opts options for configuring the other fields of the heirline component +-- @return The heirline component table +-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.fill() +function astronvim.status.component.fill(opts) + return astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { provider = astronvim.status.provider.fill() }) +end + +--- A function to build a set of children components for an entire file information section +-- @param opts options for configuring file_icon, filename, filetype, file_modified, file_read_only, and the overall padding +-- @return The Heirline component table +-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.file_info() +function astronvim.status.component.file_info(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { + file_icon = { + hl = astronvim.status.hl.file_icon "statusline", + padding = { left = 1, right = 1 }, + }, -- TODO: REWORK THIS + filename = {}, + file_modified = { padding = { left = 1 } }, + file_read_only = { padding = { left = 1 } }, + surround = { separator = "left", color = "file_info_bg", condition = astronvim.status.condition.has_filetype }, + hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes "file_info", + }) + return astronvim.status.component.builder(astronvim.status.utils.setup_providers(opts, { + "file_icon", + "unique_path", + "filename", + "filetype", + "file_modified", + "file_read_only", + "close_button", + })) +end + +--- A function with different file_info defaults specifically for use in the tabline +-- @param opts options for configuring file_icon, filename, filetype, file_modified, file_read_only, and the overall padding +-- @return The Heirline component table +-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.tabline_file_info() +function astronvim.status.component.tabline_file_info(opts) + return astronvim.status.component.file_info(astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { + file_icon = { + condition = function(self) return not self._show_picker end, + hl = astronvim.status.hl.file_icon "tabline", + }, + unique_path = { + hl = function(self) return astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes(self.tab_type .. "_path") end, + }, + close_button = { + hl = function(self) return astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes(self.tab_type .. "_close") end, + padding = { left = 1, right = 1 }, + on_click = { + callback = function(_, minwid) astronvim.close_buf(minwid) end, + minwid = function(self) return self.bufnr end, + name = "heirline_tabline_close_buffer_callback", + }, + }, + padding = { left = 1, right = 1 }, + hl = function(self) + local tab_type = self.tab_type + if self._show_picker and self.tab_type ~= "buffer_active" then tab_type = "buffer_visible" end + return astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes(tab_type) + end, + surround = false, + })) +end + +--- A function to build a set of children components for an entire navigation section +-- @param opts options for configuring ruler, percentage, scrollbar, and the overall padding +-- @return The Heirline component table +-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.nav() +function astronvim.status.component.nav(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { + ruler = {}, + percentage = { padding = { left = 1 } }, + scrollbar = { padding = { left = 1 }, hl = { fg = "scrollbar" } }, + surround = { separator = "right", color = "nav_bg" }, + hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes "nav", + update = { "CursorMoved", "BufEnter" }, + }) + return astronvim.status.component.builder( + astronvim.status.utils.setup_providers(opts, { "ruler", "percentage", "scrollbar" }) + ) +end + +--- A function to build a set of children components for a macro recording section +-- @param opts options for configuring macro recording and the overall padding +-- @return The Heirline component table +-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.macro_recording() +-- TODO: deprecate on next major version release +function astronvim.status.component.macro_recording(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { + macro_recording = { icon = { kind = "MacroRecording", padding = { right = 1 } } }, + surround = { + separator = "center", + color = "macro_recording_bg", + condition = astronvim.status.condition.is_macro_recording, + }, + hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes "macro_recording", + update = { "RecordingEnter", "RecordingLeave" }, + }) + return astronvim.status.component.builder(astronvim.status.utils.setup_providers(opts, { "macro_recording" })) +end + +--- A function to build a set of children components for information shown in the cmdline +-- @param opts options for configuring macro recording, search count, and the overall padding +-- @return The Heirline component table +-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.cmd_info() +function astronvim.status.component.cmd_info(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { + macro_recording = { + icon = { kind = "MacroRecording", padding = { right = 1 } }, + condition = astronvim.status.condition.is_macro_recording, + update = { "RecordingEnter", "RecordingLeave" }, + }, + search_count = { + icon = { kind = "Search", padding = { right = 1 } }, + padding = { left = 1 }, + condition = astronvim.status.condition.is_hlsearch, + }, + surround = { + separator = "center", + color = "cmd_info_bg", + condition = function() + return astronvim.status.condition.is_hlsearch() or astronvim.status.condition.is_macro_recording() + end, + }, + condition = function() return vim.opt.cmdheight:get() == 0 end, + hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes "cmd_info", + }) + return astronvim.status.component.builder( + astronvim.status.utils.setup_providers(opts, { "macro_recording", "search_count" }) + ) +end + +--- A function to build a set of children components for a mode section +-- @param opts options for configuring mode_text, paste, spell, and the overall padding +-- @return The Heirline component table +-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.mode { mode_text = true } +function astronvim.status.component.mode(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { + mode_text = false, + paste = false, + spell = false, + surround = { separator = "left", color = astronvim.status.hl.mode_bg }, + hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes "mode", + update = "ModeChanged", + }) + if not opts["mode_text"] then opts.str = { str = " " } end + return astronvim.status.component.builder( + astronvim.status.utils.setup_providers(opts, { "mode_text", "str", "paste", "spell" }) + ) +end + +--- A function to build a set of children components for an LSP breadcrumbs section +-- @param opts options for configuring breadcrumbs and the overall padding +-- @return The Heirline component table +-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.breadcumbs() +function astronvim.status.component.breadcrumbs(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl( + opts, + { padding = { left = 1 }, condition = astronvim.status.condition.aerial_available, update = "CursorMoved" } + ) + opts.init = astronvim.status.init.breadcrumbs(opts) + return opts +end + +--- A function to build a set of children components for a git branch section +-- @param opts options for configuring git branch and the overall padding +-- @return The Heirline component table +-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.git_branch() +function astronvim.status.component.git_branch(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { + git_branch = { icon = { kind = "GitBranch", padding = { right = 1 } } }, + surround = { separator = "left", color = "git_branch_bg", condition = astronvim.status.condition.is_git_repo }, + hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes "git_branch", + on_click = { + name = "heirline_branch", + callback = function() + if astronvim.is_available "telescope.nvim" then + vim.defer_fn(function() require("telescope.builtin").git_branches() end, 100) + end + end, + }, + update = { "User", pattern = "GitSignsUpdate" }, + init = astronvim.status.init.update_events { "BufEnter" }, + }) + return astronvim.status.component.builder(astronvim.status.utils.setup_providers(opts, { "git_branch" })) +end + +--- A function to build a set of children components for a git difference section +-- @param opts options for configuring git changes and the overall padding +-- @return The Heirline component table +-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.git_diff() +function astronvim.status.component.git_diff(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { + added = { icon = { kind = "GitAdd", padding = { left = 1, right = 1 } } }, + changed = { icon = { kind = "GitChange", padding = { left = 1, right = 1 } } }, + removed = { icon = { kind = "GitDelete", padding = { left = 1, right = 1 } } }, + hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes "git_diff", + on_click = { + name = "heirline_git", + callback = function() + if astronvim.is_available "telescope.nvim" then + vim.defer_fn(function() require("telescope.builtin").git_status() end, 100) + end + end, + }, + surround = { separator = "left", color = "git_diff_bg", condition = astronvim.status.condition.git_changed }, + update = { "User", pattern = "GitSignsUpdate" }, + init = astronvim.status.init.update_events { "BufEnter" }, + }) + return astronvim.status.component.builder( + astronvim.status.utils.setup_providers(opts, { "added", "changed", "removed" }, function(p_opts, provider) + local out = astronvim.status.utils.build_provider(p_opts, provider) + if out then + out.provider = "git_diff" + out.opts.type = provider + if out.hl == nil then out.hl = { fg = "git_" .. provider } end + end + return out + end) + ) +end + +--- A function to build a set of children components for a diagnostics section +-- @param opts options for configuring diagnostic providers and the overall padding +-- @return The Heirline component table +-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.diagnostics() +function astronvim.status.component.diagnostics(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { + ERROR = { icon = { kind = "DiagnosticError", padding = { left = 1, right = 1 } } }, + WARN = { icon = { kind = "DiagnosticWarn", padding = { left = 1, right = 1 } } }, + INFO = { icon = { kind = "DiagnosticInfo", padding = { left = 1, right = 1 } } }, + HINT = { icon = { kind = "DiagnosticHint", padding = { left = 1, right = 1 } } }, + surround = { separator = "left", color = "diagnostics_bg", condition = astronvim.status.condition.has_diagnostics }, + hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes "diagnostics", + on_click = { + name = "heirline_diagnostic", + callback = function() + if astronvim.is_available "telescope.nvim" then + vim.defer_fn(function() require("telescope.builtin").diagnostics() end, 100) + end + end, + }, + update = { "DiagnosticChanged", "BufEnter" }, + }) + return astronvim.status.component.builder( + astronvim.status.utils.setup_providers(opts, { "ERROR", "WARN", "INFO", "HINT" }, function(p_opts, provider) + local out = astronvim.status.utils.build_provider(p_opts, provider) + if out then + out.provider = "diagnostics" + out.opts.severity = provider + if out.hl == nil then out.hl = { fg = "diag_" .. provider } end + end + return out + end) + ) +end + +--- A function to build a set of children components for a Treesitter section +-- @param opts options for configuring diagnostic providers and the overall padding +-- @return The Heirline component table +-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.treesitter() +function astronvim.status.component.treesitter(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { + str = { str = "TS", icon = { kind = "ActiveTS" } }, + surround = { + separator = "right", + color = "treesitter_bg", + condition = astronvim.status.condition.treesitter_available, + }, + hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes "treesitter", + update = { "OptionSet", pattern = "syntax" }, + init = astronvim.status.init.update_events { "BufEnter" }, + }) + return astronvim.status.component.builder(astronvim.status.utils.setup_providers(opts, { "str" })) +end + +--- A function to build a set of children components for an LSP section +-- @param opts options for configuring lsp progress and client_name providers and the overall padding +-- @return The Heirline component table +-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.component.lsp() +function astronvim.status.component.lsp(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { + lsp_progress = { + str = "", + padding = { right = 1 }, + update = { "User", pattern = { "LspProgressUpdate", "LspRequest" } }, + }, + lsp_client_names = { + str = "LSP", + update = { "LspAttach", "LspDetach", "BufEnter" }, + icon = { kind = "ActiveLSP", padding = { right = 2 } }, + }, + hl = astronvim.status.hl.get_attributes "lsp", + surround = { separator = "right", color = "lsp_bg", condition = astronvim.status.condition.lsp_attached }, + on_click = { + name = "heirline_lsp", + callback = function() + vim.defer_fn(function() vim.cmd.LspInfo() end, 100) + end, + }, + }) + return astronvim.status.component.builder( + astronvim.status.utils.setup_providers( + opts, + { "lsp_progress", "lsp_client_names" }, + function(p_opts, provider, i) + return p_opts + and { + flexible = i, + astronvim.status.utils.build_provider(p_opts, astronvim.status.provider[provider](p_opts)), + astronvim.status.utils.build_provider(p_opts, astronvim.status.provider.str(p_opts)), + } + or false + end + ) + ) +end + +--- A general function to build a section of astronvim status providers with highlights, conditions, and section surrounding +-- @param opts a list of components to build into a section +-- @return The Heirline component table +-- @usage local heirline_component = astronvim.status.components.builder({ { provider = "file_icon", opts = { padding = { right = 1 } } }, { provider = "filename" } }) +function astronvim.status.component.builder(opts) + opts = astronvim.default_tbl(opts, { padding = { left = 0, right = 0 } }) + local children = {} + if opts.padding.left > 0 then -- add left padding + table.insert(children, { provider = astronvim.pad_string(" ", { left = opts.padding.left - 1 }) }) + end + for key, entry in pairs(opts) do + if + type(key) == "number" + and type(entry) == "table" + and astronvim.status.provider[entry.provider] + and (entry.opts == nil or type(entry.opts) == "table") + then + entry.provider = astronvim.status.provider[entry.provider](entry.opts) + end + children[key] = entry + end + if opts.padding.right > 0 then -- add right padding + table.insert(children, { provider = astronvim.pad_string(" ", { right = opts.padding.right - 1 }) }) + end + return opts.surround + and astronvim.status.utils.surround( + opts.surround.separator, + opts.surround.color, + children, + opts.surround.condition + ) + or children +end + +--- Convert a component parameter table to a table that can be used with the component builder +-- @param opts a table of provider options +-- @param provider a provider in `astronvim.status.providers` +-- @return the provider table that can be used in `astronvim.status.component.builder` +function astronvim.status.utils.build_provider(opts, provider, _) + return opts + and { + provider = provider, + opts = opts, + condition = opts.condition, + on_click = opts.on_click, + update = opts.update, + hl = opts.hl, + } + or false +end + +--- Convert key/value table of options to an array of providers for the component builder +-- @param opts the table of options for the components +-- @param providers an ordered list like array of providers that are configured in the options table +-- @param setup a function that takes provider options table, provider name, provider index and returns the setup provider table, optional, default is `astronvim.status.utils.build_provider` +-- @return the fully setup options table with the appropriately ordered providers +function astronvim.status.utils.setup_providers(opts, providers, setup) + setup = setup or astronvim.status.utils.build_provider + for i, provider in ipairs(providers) do + opts[i] = setup(opts[provider], provider, i) + end + return opts +end + +--- A utility function to get the width of the bar +-- @param is_winbar boolean true if you want the width of the winbar, false if you want the statusline width +-- @return the width of the specified bar +function astronvim.status.utils.width(is_winbar) + return vim.o.laststatus == 3 and not is_winbar and vim.o.columns or vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(0) +end + +--- Surround component with separator and color adjustment +-- @param separator the separator index to use in `astronvim.status.env.separators` +-- @param color the color to use as the separator foreground/component background +-- @param component the component to surround +-- @param condition the condition for displaying the surrounded component +-- @return the new surrounded component +function astronvim.status.utils.surround(separator, color, component, condition) + local function surround_color(self) + local colors = type(color) == "function" and color(self) or color + return type(colors) == "string" and { main = colors } or colors + end + + separator = type(separator) == "string" and astronvim.status.env.separators[separator] or separator + local surrounded = { condition = condition } + if separator[1] ~= "" then + table.insert(surrounded, { + provider = separator[1], + hl = function(self) + local s_color = surround_color(self) + if s_color then return { fg = s_color.main, bg = s_color.left } end + end, + }) + end + table.insert(surrounded, { + hl = function(self) + local s_color = surround_color(self) + if s_color then return { bg = s_color.main } end + end, + astronvim.default_tbl({}, component), + }) + if separator[2] ~= "" then + table.insert(surrounded, { + provider = separator[2], + hl = function(self) + local s_color = surround_color(self) + if s_color then return { fg = s_color.main, bg = s_color.right } end + end, + }) + end + return surrounded +end + +--- Check if a buffer is valid +-- @param bufnr the buffer to check +-- @return true if the buffer is valid or false +function astronvim.status.utils.is_valid_buffer(bufnr) -- TODO v3: remove this function + if not bufnr or bufnr < 1 then return false end + return vim.bo[bufnr].buflisted and vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) +end + +--- Get all valid buffers +-- @return array-like table of valid buffer numbers +function astronvim.status.utils.get_valid_buffers() -- TODO v3: remove this function + return vim.tbl_filter(astronvim.status.utils.is_valid_buffer, vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()) +end + +--- Encode a position to a single value that can be decoded later +-- @param line line number of position +-- @param col column number of position +-- @param winnr a window number +-- @return the encoded position +function astronvim.status.utils.encode_pos(line, col, winnr) + return bit.bor(bit.lshift(line, 16), bit.lshift(col, 6), winnr) +end + +--- Decode a previously encoded position to it's sub parts +-- @param c the encoded position +-- @return line number, column number, window id +function astronvim.status.utils.decode_pos(c) + return bit.rshift(c, 16), bit.band(bit.rshift(c, 6), 1023), bit.band(c, 63) +end + +return astronvim.status diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/core/utils/ui.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/core/utils/ui.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..256b3581e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/core/utils/ui.lua @@ -0,0 +1,188 @@ +--- ### AstroNvim UI Options +-- +-- This module is automatically loaded by AstroNvim on during it's initialization into global variable `astronvim.ui` +-- +-- This module can also be manually loaded with `local updater = require("core.utils").ui` +-- +-- @module core.utils.ui +-- @see core.utils +-- @copyright 2022 +-- @license GNU General Public License v3.0 + +astronvim.ui = {} + +local function bool2str(bool) return bool and "on" or "off" end + +local function ui_notify(str) + if vim.g.ui_notifications_enabled then astronvim.notify(str) end +end + +--- Toggle notifications for UI toggles +function astronvim.ui.toggle_ui_notifications() + vim.g.ui_notifications_enabled = not vim.g.ui_notifications_enabled + ui_notify(string.format("ui notifications %s", bool2str(vim.g.ui_notifications_enabled))) +end + +--- Toggle autopairs +function astronvim.ui.toggle_autopairs() + local ok, autopairs = pcall(require, "nvim-autopairs") + if ok then + if autopairs.state.disabled then + autopairs.enable() + else + autopairs.disable() + end + vim.g.autopairs_enabled = autopairs.state.disabled + ui_notify(string.format("autopairs %s", bool2str(not autopairs.state.disabled))) + else + ui_notify "autopairs not available" + end +end + +--- Toggle diagnostics +function astronvim.ui.toggle_diagnostics() + local status = "on" + if vim.g.status_diagnostics_enabled then + if vim.g.diagnostics_enabled then + vim.g.diagnostics_enabled = false + status = "virtual text off" + else + vim.g.status_diagnostics_enabled = false + status = "fully off" + end + else + vim.g.diagnostics_enabled = true + vim.g.status_diagnostics_enabled = true + end + + vim.diagnostic.config(astronvim.lsp.diagnostics[bool2str(vim.g.diagnostics_enabled)]) + ui_notify(string.format("diagnostics %s", status)) +end + +--- Toggle background="dark"|"light" +function astronvim.ui.toggle_background() + vim.go.background = vim.go.background == "light" and "dark" or "light" + ui_notify(string.format("background=%s", vim.go.background)) +end + +--- Toggle cmp entrirely +function astronvim.ui.toggle_cmp() + vim.g.cmp_enabled = not vim.g.cmp_enabled + local ok, _ = pcall(require, "cmp") + ui_notify(ok and string.format("completion %s", bool2str(vim.g.cmp_enabled)) or "completion not available") +end + +--- Toggle auto format +function astronvim.ui.toggle_autoformat() + vim.g.autoformat_enabled = not vim.g.autoformat_enabled + ui_notify(string.format("Autoformatting %s", bool2str(vim.g.autoformat_enabled))) +end + +--- Toggle showtabline=2|0 +function astronvim.ui.toggle_tabline() + vim.opt.showtabline = vim.opt.showtabline:get() == 0 and 2 or 0 + ui_notify(string.format("tabline %s", bool2str(vim.opt.showtabline:get() == 2))) +end + +--- Toggle conceal=2|0 +function astronvim.ui.toggle_conceal() + vim.opt.conceallevel = vim.opt.conceallevel:get() == 0 and 2 or 0 + ui_notify(string.format("conceal %s", bool2str(vim.opt.conceallevel:get() == 2))) +end + +--- Toggle laststatus=3|2|0 +function astronvim.ui.toggle_statusline() + local laststatus = vim.opt.laststatus:get() + local status + if laststatus == 0 then + vim.opt.laststatus = 2 + status = "local" + elseif laststatus == 2 then + vim.opt.laststatus = 3 + status = "global" + elseif laststatus == 3 then + vim.opt.laststatus = 0 + status = "off" + end + ui_notify(string.format("statusline %s", status)) +end + +--- Toggle signcolumn="auto"|"no" +function astronvim.ui.toggle_signcolumn() + if vim.wo.signcolumn == "no" then + vim.wo.signcolumn = "yes" + elseif vim.wo.signcolumn == "yes" then + vim.wo.signcolumn = "auto" + else + vim.wo.signcolumn = "no" + end + ui_notify(string.format("signcolumn=%s", vim.wo.signcolumn)) +end + +--- Set the indent and tab related numbers +function astronvim.ui.set_indent() + local input_avail, input = pcall(vim.fn.input, "Set indent value (>0 expandtab, <=0 noexpandtab): ") + if input_avail then + local indent = tonumber(input) + if not indent or indent == 0 then return end + vim.bo.expandtab = (indent > 0) -- local to buffer + indent = math.abs(indent) + vim.bo.tabstop = indent -- local to buffer + vim.bo.softtabstop = indent -- local to buffer + vim.bo.shiftwidth = indent -- local to buffer + ui_notify(string.format("indent=%d %s", indent, vim.bo.expandtab and "expandtab" or "noexpandtab")) + end +end + +--- Change the number display modes +function astronvim.ui.change_number() + local number = vim.wo.number -- local to window + local relativenumber = vim.wo.relativenumber -- local to window + if not number and not relativenumber then + vim.wo.number = true + elseif number and not relativenumber then + vim.wo.relativenumber = true + elseif number and relativenumber then + vim.wo.number = false + else -- not number and relativenumber + vim.wo.relativenumber = false + end + ui_notify(string.format("number %s, relativenumber %s", bool2str(vim.wo.number), bool2str(vim.wo.relativenumber))) +end + +--- Toggle spell +function astronvim.ui.toggle_spell() + vim.wo.spell = not vim.wo.spell -- local to window + ui_notify(string.format("spell %s", bool2str(vim.wo.spell))) +end + +--- Toggle paste +function astronvim.ui.toggle_paste() + vim.opt.paste = not vim.opt.paste:get() -- local to window + ui_notify(string.format("paste %s", bool2str(vim.opt.paste:get()))) +end + +--- Toggle wrap +function astronvim.ui.toggle_wrap() + vim.wo.wrap = not vim.wo.wrap -- local to window + ui_notify(string.format("wrap %s", bool2str(vim.wo.wrap))) +end + +--- Toggle syntax highlighting and treesitter +function astronvim.ui.toggle_syntax() + local ts_avail, parsers = pcall(require, "nvim-treesitter.parsers") + if vim.g.syntax_on then -- global var for on//off + if ts_avail and parsers.has_parser() then vim.cmd.TSBufDisable "highlight" end + vim.cmd.syntax "off" -- set vim.g.syntax_on = false + else + if ts_avail and parsers.has_parser() then vim.cmd.TSBufEnable "highlight" end + vim.cmd.syntax "on" -- set vim.g.syntax_on = true + end + ui_notify(string.format("syntax %s", bool2str(vim.g.syntax_on))) +end + +--- Toggle URL/URI syntax highlighting rules +function astronvim.ui.toggle_url_match() + vim.g.highlighturl_enabled = not vim.g.highlighturl_enabled + astronvim.set_url_match() +end diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/core/utils/updater.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/core/utils/updater.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..552ac44e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/core/utils/updater.lua @@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ +--- ### AstroNvim Updater +-- +-- This module is automatically loaded by AstroNvim on during it's initialization into global variable `astronvim.updater` +-- +-- This module can also be manually loaded with `local updater = require("core.utils").updater` +-- +-- @module core.utils.updater +-- @see core.utils +-- @copyright 2022 +-- @license GNU General Public License v3.0 + +local fn = vim.fn +local git = require "core.utils.git" +--- Updater settings overridden with any user provided configuration +local options = astronvim.user_plugin_opts("updater", { + remote = "origin", + channel = "stable", + show_changelog = true, + auto_reload = true, + auto_quit = true, +}) + +-- set the install channel +if options.branch then options.channel = "nightly" end +if astronvim.install.is_stable ~= nil then options.channel = astronvim.install.is_stable and "stable" or "nightly" end + +astronvim.updater = { options = options } +-- if the channel is stable or the user has chosen to pin the system plugins +if options.pin_plugins == nil and options.channel == "stable" or options.pin_plugins then + -- load the current packer snapshot from the installation home location + local loaded, snapshot = pcall(fn.readfile, astronvim.install.home .. "/packer_snapshot") + if loaded then + -- decode the snapshot JSON and save it to a variable + loaded, snapshot = pcall(fn.json_decode, snapshot) + astronvim.updater.snapshot = type(snapshot) == "table" and snapshot or nil + end + -- if there is an error loading the snapshot, print an error + if not loaded then vim.api.nvim_err_writeln "Error loading packer snapshot" end +end + +--- Get the current AstroNvim version +-- @param quiet boolean to quietly execute or send a notification +-- @return the current AstroNvim version string +function astronvim.updater.version(quiet) + local version = astronvim.install.version or git.current_version(false) + if version and not quiet then astronvim.notify("Version: " .. version) end + return version +end + +--- Get the full AstroNvim changelog +-- @param quiet boolean to quietly execute or display the changelog +-- @return the current AstroNvim changelog table of commit messages +function astronvim.updater.changelog(quiet) + local summary = {} + vim.list_extend(summary, git.pretty_changelog(git.get_commit_range())) + if not quiet then astronvim.echo(summary) end + return summary +end + +--- Attempt an update of AstroNvim +-- @param target the target if checking out a specific tag or commit or nil if just pulling +local function attempt_update(target) + -- if updating to a new stable version or a specific commit checkout the provided target + if options.channel == "stable" or options.commit then + return git.checkout(target, false) + -- if no target, pull the latest + else + return git.pull(false) + end +end + +--- Cancelled update message +local cancelled_message = { { "Update cancelled", "WarningMsg" } } + +--- Reload the AstroNvim configuration live (Experimental) +-- @param quiet boolean to quietly execute or send a notification +function astronvim.updater.reload(quiet) + -- stop LSP if it is running + if vim.fn.exists ":LspStop" ~= 0 then vim.cmd.LspStop() end + local reload_module = require("plenary.reload").reload_module + -- unload AstroNvim configuration files + reload_module "user" + reload_module "configs" + reload_module "default_theme" + reload_module "core" + -- manual unload some plugins that need it if they exist + reload_module "cmp" + reload_module "which-key" + -- source the AstroNvim configuration + local reloaded, _ = pcall(dofile, vim.fn.expand "$MYVIMRC") + -- if successful reload and not quiet, display a notification + if reloaded and not quiet then astronvim.notify "Reloaded AstroNvim" end +end + +--- Sync Packer and then update Mason +function astronvim.updater.update_packages() + vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", { + once = true, + desc = "Update Mason with Packer", + group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("astro_sync", { clear = true }), + pattern = "PackerComplete", + callback = function() + if astronvim.is_available "mason.nvim" then + vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", { + pattern = "AstroMasonUpdateComplete", + once = true, + callback = function() astronvim.event "UpdatePackagesComplete" end, + }) + astronvim.mason.update_all() + else + astronvim.event "UpdatePackagesComplete" + end + end, + }) + vim.cmd.PackerSync() +end + +--- AstroNvim's updater function +function astronvim.updater.update() + -- if the git command is not available, then throw an error + if not git.available() then + astronvim.notify( + "git command is not available, please verify it is accessible in a command line. This may be an issue with your PATH", + "error" + ) + return + end + + -- if installed with an external package manager, disable the internal updater + if not git.is_repo() then + astronvim.notify("Updater not available for non-git installations", "error") + return + end + -- set up any remotes defined by the user if they do not exist + for remote, entry in pairs(options.remotes and options.remotes or {}) do + local url = git.parse_remote_url(entry) + local current_url = git.remote_url(remote, false) + local check_needed = false + if not current_url then + git.remote_add(remote, url) + check_needed = true + elseif + current_url ~= url + and astronvim.confirm_prompt { + { "Remote " }, + { remote, "Title" }, + { " is currently set to " }, + { current_url, "WarningMsg" }, + { "\nWould you like us to set it to " }, + { url, "String" }, + { "?" }, + } + then + git.remote_update(remote, url) + check_needed = true + end + if check_needed and git.remote_url(remote, false) ~= url then + vim.api.nvim_err_writeln("Error setting up remote " .. remote .. " to " .. url) + return + end + end + local is_stable = options.channel == "stable" + if is_stable then + options.branch = "main" + elseif not options.branch then + options.branch = "nightly" + end + -- fetch the latest remote + if not git.fetch(options.remote) then + vim.api.nvim_err_writeln("Error fetching remote: " .. options.remote) + return + end + -- switch to the necessary branch only if not on the stable channel + if not is_stable then + local local_branch = (options.remote == "origin" and "" or (options.remote .. "_")) .. options.branch + if git.current_branch() ~= local_branch then + astronvim.echo { + { "Switching to branch: " }, + { options.remote .. "/" .. options.branch .. "\n\n", "String" }, + } + if not git.checkout(local_branch, false) then + git.checkout("-b " .. local_branch .. " " .. options.remote .. "/" .. options.branch, false) + end + end + -- check if the branch was switched to successfully + if git.current_branch() ~= local_branch then + vim.api.nvim_err_writeln("Error checking out branch: " .. options.remote .. "/" .. options.branch) + return + end + end + local source = git.local_head() -- calculate current commit + local target -- calculate target commit + if is_stable then -- if stable get tag commit + local version_search = options.version or "latest" + options.version = git.latest_version(git.get_versions(version_search)) + if not options.version then -- continue only if stable version is found + vim.api.nvim_err_writeln("Error finding version: " .. version_search) + return + end + target = git.tag_commit(options.version) + elseif options.commit then -- if commit specified use it + target = git.branch_contains(options.remote, options.branch, options.commit) and options.commit or nil + else -- get most recent commit + target = git.remote_head(options.remote, options.branch) + end + if not source or not target then -- continue if current and target commits were found + vim.api.nvim_err_writeln "Error checking for updates" + return + elseif source == target then + astronvim.echo { { "No updates available", "String" } } + return + elseif -- prompt user if they want to accept update + not options.skip_prompts + and not astronvim.confirm_prompt { + { "Update available to ", "Title" }, + { is_stable and options.version or target, "String" }, + { "\nUpdating requires a restart, continue?" }, + } + then + astronvim.echo(cancelled_message) + return + else -- perform update + -- calculate and print the changelog + local changelog = git.get_commit_range(source, target) + local breaking = git.breaking_changes(changelog) + local breaking_prompt = { { "Update contains the following breaking changes:\n", "WarningMsg" } } + vim.list_extend(breaking_prompt, git.pretty_changelog(breaking)) + vim.list_extend(breaking_prompt, { { "\nWould you like to continue?" } }) + if #breaking > 0 and not options.skip_prompts and not astronvim.confirm_prompt(breaking_prompt) then + astronvim.echo(cancelled_message) + return + end + -- attempt an update + local updated = attempt_update(target) + -- check for local file conflicts and prompt user to continue or abort + if + not updated + and not options.skip_prompts + and not astronvim.confirm_prompt { + { "Unable to pull due to local modifications to base files.\n", "ErrorMsg" }, + { "Reset local files and continue?" }, + } + then + astronvim.echo(cancelled_message) + return + -- if continued and there were errors reset the base config and attempt another update + elseif not updated then + git.hard_reset(source) + updated = attempt_update(target) + end + -- if update was unsuccessful throw an error + if not updated then + vim.api.nvim_err_writeln "Error ocurred performing update" + return + end + -- print a summary of the update with the changelog + local summary = { + { "AstroNvim updated successfully to ", "Title" }, + { git.current_version(), "String" }, + { "!\n", "Title" }, + { + options.auto_reload and "AstroNvim will now sync packer and quit.\n\n" + or "Please restart and run :PackerSync.\n\n", + "WarningMsg", + }, + } + if options.show_changelog and #changelog > 0 then + vim.list_extend(summary, { { "Changelog:\n", "Title" } }) + vim.list_extend(summary, git.pretty_changelog(changelog)) + end + astronvim.echo(summary) + + -- if the user wants to auto quit, create an autocommand to quit AstroNvim on the update completing + if options.auto_quit then + vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", { pattern = "AstroUpdateComplete", command = "quitall" }) + end + + -- if the user wants to reload and sync packer + if options.auto_reload then + -- perform a reload + vim.opt.modifiable = true + astronvim.updater.reload(true) -- run quiet to not show notification on reload + vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", { + once = true, + pattern = "AstroUpdatePackagesComplete", + callback = function() astronvim.event "UpdateComplete" end, + }) + require "core.plugins" + astronvim.updater.update_packages() + -- if packer isn't available send successful update event + else + -- send user event of successful update + astronvim.event "UpdateComplete" + end + end +end diff --git a/nvim.bk/lua/user/init.lua b/nvim.bk/lua/user/init.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..41cccdc34 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/lua/user/init.lua @@ -0,0 +1,363 @@ +-- AstroNvim Configuration Table +-- All configuration changes should go inside of the table below + +-- You can think of a Lua "table" as a dictionary like data structure the +-- normal format is "key = value". These also handle array like data structures +-- where a value with no key simply has an implicit numeric key +local config = { + + -- Configure AstroNvim updates + updater = { + remote = "origin", -- remote to use + channel = "nightly", -- "stable" or "nightly" + version = "latest", -- "latest", tag name, or regex search like "v1.*" to only do updates before v2 (STABLE ONLY) + branch = "main", -- branch name (NIGHTLY ONLY) + commit = nil, -- commit hash (NIGHTLY ONLY) + pin_plugins = nil, -- nil, true, false (nil will pin plugins on stable only) + skip_prompts = false, -- skip prompts about breaking changes + show_changelog = true, -- show the changelog after performing an update + auto_reload = false, -- automatically reload and sync packer after a successful update + auto_quit = false, -- automatically quit the current session after a successful update + -- remotes = { -- easily add new remotes to track + -- ["remote_name"] = "https://remote_url.come/repo.git", -- full remote url + -- ["remote2"] = "github_user/repo", -- GitHub user/repo shortcut, + -- ["remote3"] = "github_user", -- GitHub user assume AstroNvim fork + -- }, + }, + + -- Set colorscheme to use + colorscheme = "default_theme", + + -- Add highlight groups in any theme + highlights = { + -- init = { -- this table overrides highlights in all themes + -- Normal = { bg = "#000000" }, + -- } + -- duskfox = { -- a table of overrides/changes to the duskfox theme + -- Normal = { bg = "#000000" }, + -- }, + }, + + -- set vim options here (vim.. = value) + options = { + opt = { + -- set to true or false etc. + relativenumber = true, -- sets vim.opt.relativenumber + number = true, -- sets vim.opt.number + spell = false, -- sets vim.opt.spell + signcolumn = "auto", -- sets vim.opt.signcolumn to auto + wrap = false, -- sets vim.opt.wrap + }, + g = { + mapleader = " ", -- sets vim.g.mapleader + autoformat_enabled = true, -- enable or disable auto formatting at start (lsp.formatting.format_on_save must be enabled) + cmp_enabled = true, -- enable completion at start + autopairs_enabled = true, -- enable autopairs at start + diagnostics_enabled = true, -- enable diagnostics at start + status_diagnostics_enabled = true, -- enable diagnostics in statusline + icons_enabled = true, -- disable icons in the UI (disable if no nerd font is available, requires :PackerSync after changing) + ui_notifications_enabled = true, -- disable notifications when toggling UI elements + heirline_bufferline = false, -- enable new heirline based bufferline (requires :PackerSync after changing) + }, + }, + -- If you need more control, you can use the function()...end notation + -- options = function(local_vim) + -- local_vim.opt.relativenumber = true + -- local_vim.g.mapleader = " " + -- local_vim.opt.whichwrap = vim.opt.whichwrap - { 'b', 's' } -- removing option from list + -- local_vim.opt.shortmess = vim.opt.shortmess + { I = true } -- add to option list + -- + -- return local_vim + -- end, + + -- Set dashboard header + header = { + " █████ ███████ ████████ ██████ ██████", + "██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██", + "███████ ███████ ██ ██████ ██ ██", + "██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██", + "██ ██ ███████ ██ ██ ██ ██████", + " ", + " ███  ██ ██  ██ ██ ███  ███", + " ████  ██ ██  ██ ██ ████  ████", + " ██ ██  ██ ██  ██ ██ ██ ████ ██", + " ██  ██ ██  ██  ██  ██ ██  ██  ██", + " ██   ████   ████   ██ ██      ██", + }, + + -- Default theme configuration + default_theme = { + -- Modify the color palette for the default theme + colors = { + fg = "#abb2bf", + bg = "#1e222a", + }, + highlights = function(hl) -- or a function that returns a new table of colors to set + local C = require "default_theme.colors" + + hl.Normal = { fg = C.fg, bg = C.bg } + + -- New approach instead of diagnostic_style + hl.DiagnosticError.italic = true + hl.DiagnosticHint.italic = true + hl.DiagnosticInfo.italic = true + hl.DiagnosticWarn.italic = true + + return hl + end, + -- enable or disable highlighting for extra plugins + plugins = { + aerial = true, + beacon = false, + bufferline = true, + cmp = true, + dashboard = true, + highlighturl = true, + hop = false, + indent_blankline = true, + lightspeed = false, + ["neo-tree"] = true, + notify = true, + ["nvim-tree"] = false, + ["nvim-web-devicons"] = true, + rainbow = true, + symbols_outline = false, + telescope = true, + treesitter = true, + vimwiki = false, + ["which-key"] = true, + }, + }, + + -- Diagnostics configuration (for vim.diagnostics.config({...})) when diagnostics are on + diagnostics = { + virtual_text = true, + underline = true, + }, + + -- Extend LSP configuration + lsp = { + -- enable servers that you already have installed without mason + servers = { + -- "pyright" + }, + formatting = { + -- control auto formatting on save + format_on_save = { + enabled = true, -- enable or disable format on save globally + allow_filetypes = { -- enable format on save for specified filetypes only + -- "go", + }, + ignore_filetypes = { -- disable format on save for specified filetypes + -- "python", + }, + }, + disabled = { -- disable formatting capabilities for the listed language servers + -- "sumneko_lua", + }, + timeout_ms = 1000, -- default format timeout + -- filter = function(client) -- fully override the default formatting function + -- return true + -- end + }, + -- easily add or disable built in mappings added during LSP attaching + mappings = { + n = { + -- ["lf"] = false -- disable formatting keymap + }, + }, + -- add to the global LSP on_attach function + -- on_attach = function(client, bufnr) + -- end, + + -- override the mason server-registration function + -- server_registration = function(server, opts) + -- require("lspconfig")[server].setup(opts) + -- end, + + -- Add overrides for LSP server settings, the keys are the name of the server + ["server-settings"] = { + -- example for addings schemas to yamlls + -- yamlls = { -- override table for require("lspconfig").yamlls.setup({...}) + -- settings = { + -- yaml = { + -- schemas = { + -- ["http://json.schemastore.org/github-workflow"] = ".github/workflows/*.{yml,yaml}", + -- ["http://json.schemastore.org/github-action"] = ".github/action.{yml,yaml}", + -- ["http://json.schemastore.org/ansible-stable-2.9"] = "roles/tasks/*.{yml,yaml}", + -- }, + -- }, + -- }, + -- }, + }, + }, + + -- Mapping data with "desc" stored directly by vim.keymap.set(). + -- + -- Please use this mappings table to set keyboard mapping since this is the + -- lower level configuration and more robust one. (which-key will + -- automatically pick-up stored data by this setting.) + mappings = { + -- first key is the mode + n = { + -- second key is the lefthand side of the map + -- mappings seen under group name "Buffer" + ["bb"] = { "tabnew", desc = "New tab" }, + ["bc"] = { "BufferLinePickClose", desc = "Pick to close" }, + ["bj"] = { "BufferLinePick", desc = "Pick to jump" }, + ["bt"] = { "BufferLineSortByTabs", desc = "Sort by tabs" }, + -- quick save + -- [""] = { ":w!", desc = "Save File" }, -- change description but the same command + }, + t = { + -- setting a mapping to false will disable it + -- [""] = false, + }, + }, + + -- Configure plugins + plugins = { + init = { + -- You can disable default plugins as follows: + -- ["goolord/alpha-nvim"] = { disable = true }, + + -- You can also add new plugins here as well: + -- Add plugins, the packer syntax without the "use" + -- { "andweeb/presence.nvim" }, + -- { + -- "ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim", + -- event = "BufRead", + -- config = function() + -- require("lsp_signature").setup() + -- end, + -- }, + + -- We also support a key value style plugin definition similar to NvChad: + -- ["ray-x/lsp_signature.nvim"] = { + -- event = "BufRead", + -- config = function() + -- require("lsp_signature").setup() + -- end, + -- }, + }, + -- All other entries override the require("").setup({...}) call for default plugins + ["null-ls"] = function(config) -- overrides `require("null-ls").setup(config)` + -- config variable is the default configuration table for the setup function call + -- local null_ls = require "null-ls" + + -- Check supported formatters and linters + -- https://github.com/jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim/tree/main/lua/null-ls/builtins/formatting + -- https://github.com/jose-elias-alvarez/null-ls.nvim/tree/main/lua/null-ls/builtins/diagnostics + config.sources = { + -- Set a formatter + -- null_ls.builtins.formatting.stylua, + -- null_ls.builtins.formatting.prettier, + } + return config -- return final config table + end, + treesitter = { -- overrides `require("treesitter").setup(...)` + -- ensure_installed = { "lua" }, + }, + -- use mason-lspconfig to configure LSP installations + ["mason-lspconfig"] = { -- overrides `require("mason-lspconfig").setup(...)` + -- ensure_installed = { "sumneko_lua" }, + }, + -- use mason-null-ls to configure Formatters/Linter installation for null-ls sources + ["mason-null-ls"] = { -- overrides `require("mason-null-ls").setup(...)` + -- ensure_installed = { "prettier", "stylua" }, + }, + ["mason-nvim-dap"] = { -- overrides `require("mason-nvim-dap").setup(...)` + -- ensure_installed = { "python" }, + }, + }, + + -- LuaSnip Options + luasnip = { + -- Extend filetypes + filetype_extend = { + -- javascript = { "javascriptreact" }, + }, + -- Configure luasnip loaders (vscode, lua, and/or snipmate) + vscode = { + -- Add paths for including more VS Code style snippets in luasnip + paths = {}, + }, + }, + + -- CMP Source Priorities + -- modify here the priorities of default cmp sources + -- higher value == higher priority + -- The value can also be set to a boolean for disabling default sources: + -- false == disabled + -- true == 1000 + cmp = { + source_priority = { + nvim_lsp = 1000, + luasnip = 750, + buffer = 500, + path = 250, + }, + }, + + -- Customize Heirline options + heirline = { + -- -- Customize different separators between sections + -- separators = { + -- tab = { "", "" }, + -- }, + -- -- Customize colors for each element each element has a `_fg` and a `_bg` + -- colors = function(colors) + -- colors.git_branch_fg = astronvim.get_hlgroup "Conditional" + -- return colors + -- end, + -- -- Customize attributes of highlighting in Heirline components + -- attributes = { + -- -- styling choices for each heirline element, check possible attributes with `:h attr-list` + -- git_branch = { bold = true }, -- bold the git branch statusline component + -- }, + -- -- Customize if icons should be highlighted + -- icon_highlights = { + -- breadcrumbs = false, -- LSP symbols in the breadcrumbs + -- file_icon = { + -- winbar = false, -- Filetype icon in the winbar inactive windows + -- statusline = true, -- Filetype icon in the statusline + -- }, + -- }, + }, + + -- Modify which-key registration (Use this with mappings table in the above.) + ["which-key"] = { + -- Add bindings which show up as group name + register = { + -- first key is the mode, n == normal mode + n = { + -- second key is the prefix, prefixes + [""] = { + -- third key is the key to bring up next level and its displayed + -- group name in which-key top level menu + ["b"] = { name = "Buffer" }, + }, + }, + }, + }, + + -- This function is run last and is a good place to configuring + -- augroups/autocommands and custom filetypes also this just pure lua so + -- anything that doesn't fit in the normal config locations above can go here + polish = function() + -- Set up custom filetypes + -- vim.filetype.add { + -- extension = { + -- foo = "fooscript", + -- }, + -- filename = { + -- ["Foofile"] = "fooscript", + -- }, + -- pattern = { + -- ["~/%.config/foo/.*"] = "fooscript", + -- }, + -- } + end, +} + +return config diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/Dockerfile b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/Dockerfile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4e67c024d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/Dockerfile @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +FROM archlinux:base-devel +WORKDIR /setup +RUN pacman -Sy git neovim python --noconfirm +RUN useradd -m test + +USER test +RUN git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/nvim-lua/plenary.nvim ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/vendor/start/plenary.nvim +RUN mkdir -p /home/test/.cache/nvim/packer.nvim +RUN touch /home/test/.cache/nvim/packer.nvim/test_completion{,1,2,3} + +USER test +RUN mkdir -p /home/test/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/ +WORKDIR /home/test/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/ +COPY . ./ + +USER root +RUN chmod 777 -R /home/test/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim +RUN touch /home/test/.cache/nvim/packer.nvim/not_writeable + +USER test +ENTRYPOINT make test diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/LICENSE b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 000000000..102ede444 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2017 Wil Thomason + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/Makefile b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/Makefile new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79364570a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/Makefile @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +test: + nvim --headless --noplugin -u tests/minimal.vim -c "PlenaryBustedDirectory tests/ { minimal_init = './tests/minimal.vim' }" +run: + docker build . -t neovim-stable:latest && docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash neovim-stable:latest +run-test: + docker build . -t neovim-stable:latest && docker run --rm neovim-stable:latest diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/README.md b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e1a3c412f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,676 @@ +# packer.nvim + +[![Gitter](https://badges.gitter.im/packer-nvim/community.svg)](https://gitter.im/packer-nvim/community?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge) + +[`use-package`](https://github.com/jwiegley/use-package) inspired plugin/package management for +Neovim. + +Have questions? Start a [discussion](https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim/discussions). + +Have a problem or idea? Make an [issue](https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim/issues) or a [PR](https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim/pulls). + +**Packer is built on native packages. You may wish to read `:h packages` before continuing** + +## Table of Contents +1. [Features](#features) +2. [Requirements](#requirements) +3. [Quickstart](#quickstart) +4. [Bootstrapping](#bootstrapping) +5. [Usage](#usage) + 1. [The startup function](#the-startup-function) + 2. [Custom Initialization](#custom-initialization) + 3. [Specifying Plugins](#specifying-plugins) + 4. [Performing plugin management operations](#performing-plugin-management-operations) + 5. [Extending packer](#extending-packer) + 6. [Compiling Lazy-Loaders](#compiling-lazy-loaders) + 7. [User autocommands](#user-autocommands) + 8. [Using a floating window](#using-a-floating-window) +6. [Profiling](#profiling) +7. [Debugging](#debugging) +8. [Compatibility and known issues](#compatibility-and-known-issues) +9. [Contributors](#contributors) + +## Features +- Declarative plugin specification +- Support for dependencies +- Support for Luarocks dependencies +- Expressive configuration and lazy-loading options +- Automatically compiles efficient lazy-loading code to improve startup time +- Uses native packages +- Extensible +- Written in Lua, configured in Lua +- Post-install/update hooks +- Uses jobs for async installation +- Support for `git` tags, branches, revisions, submodules +- Support for local plugins + +## Requirements +- You need to be running **Neovim v0.5.0+** +- If you are on Windows 10, you need developer mode enabled in order to use local plugins (creating + symbolic links requires admin privileges on Windows - credit to @TimUntersberger for this note) + +## Quickstart +To get started, first clone this repository to somewhere on your `packpath`, e.g.: + +> Unix, Linux Installation + +```shell +git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim\ + ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim +``` + +If you use Arch Linux, there is also [an AUR +package](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nvim-packer-git/). + +> Windows Powershell Installation + +```shell +git clone https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim-data\site\pack\packer\start\packer.nvim" +``` + +Then you can write your plugin specification in Lua, e.g. (in `~/.config/nvim/lua/plugins.lua`): + +```lua +-- This file can be loaded by calling `lua require('plugins')` from your init.vim + +-- Only required if you have packer configured as `opt` +vim.cmd [[packadd packer.nvim]] + +return require('packer').startup(function(use) + -- Packer can manage itself + use 'wbthomason/packer.nvim' + + -- Simple plugins can be specified as strings + use 'rstacruz/vim-closer' + + -- Lazy loading: + -- Load on specific commands + use {'tpope/vim-dispatch', opt = true, cmd = {'Dispatch', 'Make', 'Focus', 'Start'}} + + -- Load on an autocommand event + use {'andymass/vim-matchup', event = 'VimEnter'} + + -- Load on a combination of conditions: specific filetypes or commands + -- Also run code after load (see the "config" key) + use { + 'w0rp/ale', + ft = {'sh', 'zsh', 'bash', 'c', 'cpp', 'cmake', 'html', 'markdown', 'racket', 'vim', 'tex'}, + cmd = 'ALEEnable', + config = 'vim.cmd[[ALEEnable]]' + } + + -- Plugins can have dependencies on other plugins + use { + 'haorenW1025/completion-nvim', + opt = true, + requires = {{'hrsh7th/vim-vsnip', opt = true}, {'hrsh7th/vim-vsnip-integ', opt = true}} + } + + -- Plugins can also depend on rocks from luarocks.org: + use { + 'my/supercoolplugin', + rocks = {'lpeg', {'lua-cjson', version = '2.1.0'}} + } + + -- You can specify rocks in isolation + use_rocks 'penlight' + use_rocks {'lua-resty-http', 'lpeg'} + + -- Local plugins can be included + use '~/projects/personal/hover.nvim' + + -- Plugins can have post-install/update hooks + use {'iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim', run = 'cd app && yarn install', cmd = 'MarkdownPreview'} + + -- Post-install/update hook with neovim command + use { 'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', run = ':TSUpdate' } + + -- Post-install/update hook with call of vimscript function with argument + use { 'glacambre/firenvim', run = function() vim.fn['firenvim#install'](0) end } + + -- Use specific branch, dependency and run lua file after load + use { + 'glepnir/galaxyline.nvim', branch = 'main', config = function() require'statusline' end, + requires = {'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons'} + } + + -- Use dependency and run lua function after load + use { + 'lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim', requires = { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' }, + config = function() require('gitsigns').setup() end + } + + -- You can specify multiple plugins in a single call + use {'tjdevries/colorbuddy.vim', {'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', opt = true}} + + -- You can alias plugin names + use {'dracula/vim', as = 'dracula'} +end) +``` + +Note that if you get linter complaints about `use` being an undefined global, these errors are +spurious - `packer` injects `use` into the scope of the function passed to `startup`. +If these errors bother you, the easiest fix is to simply specify `use` as an argument to the +function you pass to `startup`, e.g. +```lua +packer.startup(function(use) +...your config... +end) +``` + +`packer` provides the following commands after you've run and configured `packer` with `require('packer').startup(...)`: + +``` +-- You must run this or `PackerSync` whenever you make changes to your plugin configuration +-- Regenerate compiled loader file +:PackerCompile + +-- Remove any disabled or unused plugins +:PackerClean + +-- Clean, then install missing plugins +:PackerInstall + +-- Clean, then update and install plugins +-- supports the `--preview` flag as an optional first argument to preview updates +:PackerUpdate + +-- Perform `PackerUpdate` and then `PackerCompile` +-- supports the `--preview` flag as an optional first argument to preview updates +:PackerSync + +-- Show list of installed plugins +:PackerStatus + +-- Loads opt plugin immediately +:PackerLoad completion-nvim ale +``` + +You can configure Neovim to automatically run `:PackerCompile` whenever `plugins.lua` is updated with +[an autocommand](https://neovim.io/doc/user/autocmd.html#:autocmd): + +``` +augroup packer_user_config + autocmd! + autocmd BufWritePost plugins.lua source | PackerCompile +augroup end +``` + +This autocommand can be placed in your `init.vim`, or any other startup file as per your setup. +Placing this in `plugins.lua` could look like this: + +```lua +vim.cmd([[ + augroup packer_user_config + autocmd! + autocmd BufWritePost plugins.lua source | PackerCompile + augroup end +]]) +``` + +## Bootstrapping + +If you want to automatically install and set up `packer.nvim` on any machine you clone your configuration to, +add the following snippet (which is due to @Iron-E and @khuedoan) somewhere in your config **before** your first usage of `packer`: + +```lua +local ensure_packer = function() + local fn = vim.fn + local install_path = fn.stdpath('data')..'/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim' + if fn.empty(fn.glob(install_path)) > 0 then + fn.system({'git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', 'https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim', install_path}) + vim.cmd [[packadd packer.nvim]] + return true + end + return false +end + +local packer_bootstrap = ensure_packer() + +return require('packer').startup(function(use) + use 'wbthomason/packer.nvim' + -- My plugins here + -- use 'foo1/bar1.nvim' + -- use 'foo2/bar2.nvim' + + -- Automatically set up your configuration after cloning packer.nvim + -- Put this at the end after all plugins + if packer_bootstrap then + require('packer').sync() + end +end) +``` + +You can also use the following command (with `packer` bootstrapped) to have `packer` setup your +configuration (or simply run updates) and close once all operations are completed: + +```sh +$ nvim --headless -c 'autocmd User PackerComplete quitall' -c 'PackerSync' +``` + +## Usage + +The above snippets give some examples of `packer` features and use. Examples include: + +- My dotfiles: + - [Specification file](https://github.com/wbthomason/dotfiles/blob/linux/neovim/.config/nvim/lua/plugins.lua) + - [Loading file](https://github.com/wbthomason/dotfiles/blob/linux/neovim/.config/nvim/lua/plugins.lua) + - [Generated lazy-loader file](https://github.com/wbthomason/dotfiles/blob/linux/neovim/.config/nvim/plugin/packer_compiled.lua) +- An example using the `startup` method: [tjdevries](https://github.com/tjdevries/config_manager/blob/master/xdg_config/nvim/lua/tj/plugins.lua) + - Using this method, you do not require a "loading" file. You can simply `lua require('plugins')` from your `init.vim` + +The following is a more in-depth explanation of `packer`'s features and use. + +### The `startup` function +`packer` provides `packer.startup(spec)`, which is used in the above examples. + +`startup` is a convenience function for simple setup and can be invoked as follows: +- `spec` can be a function: `packer.startup(function() use 'tjdevries/colorbuddy.vim' end)` +- `spec` can be a table with a function as its first element and config overrides as another element: + `packer.startup({function() use 'tjdevries/colorbuddy.vim' end, config = { ... }})` +- `spec` can be a table with a table of plugin specifications as its first element, config overrides as another element, and optional rock specifications as another element: + `packer.startup({{'tjdevries/colorbuddy.vim'}, config = { ... }, rocks = { ... }})` + +### Custom Initialization +You are not required to use `packer.startup` if you prefer a more manual setup with finer control +over configuration and loading. + +To take this approach, load `packer` like any other Lua module. You must call `packer.init()` before +performing any operations; it is recommended to call `packer.reset()` if you may be re-running your +specification code (e.g. by sourcing your plugin specification file with `luafile`). + +You may pass a table of configuration values to `packer.init()` to customize its operation. The +default configuration values (and structure of the configuration table) are: +```lua +{ + ensure_dependencies = true, -- Should packer install plugin dependencies? + snapshot = nil, -- Name of the snapshot you would like to load at startup + snapshot_path = join_paths(stdpath 'cache', 'packer.nvim'), -- Default save directory for snapshots + package_root = util.join_paths(vim.fn.stdpath('data'), 'site', 'pack'), + compile_path = util.join_paths(vim.fn.stdpath('config'), 'plugin', 'packer_compiled.lua'), + plugin_package = 'packer', -- The default package for plugins + max_jobs = nil, -- Limit the number of simultaneous jobs. nil means no limit + auto_clean = true, -- During sync(), remove unused plugins + compile_on_sync = true, -- During sync(), run packer.compile() + disable_commands = false, -- Disable creating commands + opt_default = false, -- Default to using opt (as opposed to start) plugins + transitive_opt = true, -- Make dependencies of opt plugins also opt by default + transitive_disable = true, -- Automatically disable dependencies of disabled plugins + auto_reload_compiled = true, -- Automatically reload the compiled file after creating it. + preview_updates = false, -- If true, always preview updates before choosing which plugins to update, same as `PackerUpdate --preview`. + git = { + cmd = 'git', -- The base command for git operations + subcommands = { -- Format strings for git subcommands + update = 'pull --ff-only --progress --rebase=false', + install = 'clone --depth %i --no-single-branch --progress', + fetch = 'fetch --depth 999999 --progress', + checkout = 'checkout %s --', + update_branch = 'merge --ff-only @{u}', + current_branch = 'branch --show-current', + diff = 'log --color=never --pretty=format:FMT --no-show-signature HEAD@{1}...HEAD', + diff_fmt = '%%h %%s (%%cr)', + get_rev = 'rev-parse --short HEAD', + get_msg = 'log --color=never --pretty=format:FMT --no-show-signature HEAD -n 1', + submodules = 'submodule update --init --recursive --progress' + }, + depth = 1, -- Git clone depth + clone_timeout = 60, -- Timeout, in seconds, for git clones + default_url_format = 'https://github.com/%s' -- Lua format string used for "aaa/bbb" style plugins + }, + display = { + non_interactive = false, -- If true, disable display windows for all operations + compact = false, -- If true, fold updates results by default + open_fn = nil, -- An optional function to open a window for packer's display + open_cmd = '65vnew \\[packer\\]', -- An optional command to open a window for packer's display + working_sym = '⟳', -- The symbol for a plugin being installed/updated + error_sym = '✗', -- The symbol for a plugin with an error in installation/updating + done_sym = '✓', -- The symbol for a plugin which has completed installation/updating + removed_sym = '-', -- The symbol for an unused plugin which was removed + moved_sym = '→', -- The symbol for a plugin which was moved (e.g. from opt to start) + header_sym = '━', -- The symbol for the header line in packer's display + show_all_info = true, -- Should packer show all update details automatically? + prompt_border = 'double', -- Border style of prompt popups. + keybindings = { -- Keybindings for the display window + quit = 'q', + toggle_update = 'u', -- only in preview + continue = 'c', -- only in preview + toggle_info = '', + diff = 'd', + prompt_revert = 'r', + } + }, + luarocks = { + python_cmd = 'python' -- Set the python command to use for running hererocks + }, + log = { level = 'warn' }, -- The default print log level. One of: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal". + profile = { + enable = false, + threshold = 1, -- integer in milliseconds, plugins which load faster than this won't be shown in profile output + }, + autoremove = false, -- Remove disabled or unused plugins without prompting the user +} +``` + +### Specifying plugins + +`packer` is based around declarative specification of plugins. You can declare a plugin using the +function `packer.use`, which I highly recommend locally binding to `use` for conciseness. + +`use` takes either a string or a table. If a string is provided, it is treated as a plugin location +for a non-optional plugin with no additional configuration. Plugin locations may be specified as + +1. Absolute paths to a local plugin +2. Full URLs (treated as plugins managed with `git`) +3. `username/repo` paths (treated as Github `git` plugins) + +A table given to `use` can take two forms: + +1. A list of plugin specifications (strings or tables) +2. A table specifying a single plugin. It must have a plugin location string as its first element, + and may additionally have a number of optional keyword elements, shown below: +```lua +use { + 'myusername/example', -- The plugin location string + -- The following keys are all optional + disable = boolean, -- Mark a plugin as inactive + as = string, -- Specifies an alias under which to install the plugin + installer = function, -- Specifies custom installer. See "custom installers" below. + updater = function, -- Specifies custom updater. See "custom installers" below. + after = string or list, -- Specifies plugins to load before this plugin. See "sequencing" below + rtp = string, -- Specifies a subdirectory of the plugin to add to runtimepath. + opt = boolean, -- Manually marks a plugin as optional. + bufread = boolean, -- Manually specifying if a plugin needs BufRead after being loaded + branch = string, -- Specifies a git branch to use + tag = string, -- Specifies a git tag to use. Supports '*' for "latest tag" + commit = string, -- Specifies a git commit to use + lock = boolean, -- Skip updating this plugin in updates/syncs. Still cleans. + run = string, function, or table, -- Post-update/install hook. See "update/install hooks". + requires = string or list, -- Specifies plugin dependencies. See "dependencies". + rocks = string or list, -- Specifies Luarocks dependencies for the plugin + config = string or function, -- Specifies code to run after this plugin is loaded. + -- The setup key implies opt = true + setup = string or function, -- Specifies code to run before this plugin is loaded. The code is ran even if + -- the plugin is waiting for other conditions (ft, cond...) to be met. + -- The following keys all imply lazy-loading and imply opt = true + cmd = string or list, -- Specifies commands which load this plugin. Can be an autocmd pattern. + ft = string or list, -- Specifies filetypes which load this plugin. + keys = string or list, -- Specifies maps which load this plugin. See "Keybindings". + event = string or list, -- Specifies autocommand events which load this plugin. + fn = string or list -- Specifies functions which load this plugin. + cond = string, function, or list of strings/functions, -- Specifies a conditional test to load this plugin + module = string or list -- Specifies Lua module names for require. When requiring a string which starts + -- with one of these module names, the plugin will be loaded. + module_pattern = string/list -- Specifies Lua pattern of Lua module names for require. When + -- requiring a string which matches one of these patterns, the plugin will be loaded. +} +``` + +For the `cmd` option, the command may be a full command, or an autocommand pattern. If the command contains any +non-alphanumeric characters, it is assumed to be a pattern, and instead of creating a stub command, it creates +a CmdUndefined autocmd to load the plugin when a command that matches the pattern is invoked. + +#### Checking plugin statuses +You can check whether or not a particular plugin is installed with `packer` as well as if that plugin is loaded. +To do this you can check for the plugin's name in the `packer_plugins` global table. +Plugins in this table are saved using only the last section of their names +e.g. `tpope/vim-fugitive` if installed will be under the key `vim-fugitive`. + +```lua +if packer_plugins["vim-fugitive"] and packer_plugins["vim-fugitive"].loaded then +print("Vim fugitive is loaded") +-- other custom logic +end +``` +**NOTE:** this table is only available *after* `packer_compiled.vim` is loaded so cannot be used till *after* plugins +have been loaded. + +#### Luarocks support + +You may specify that a plugin requires one or more Luarocks packages using the `rocks` key. This key +takes either a string specifying the name of a package (e.g. `rocks=lpeg`), or a list specifying one or more packages. +Entries in the list may either be strings, a list of strings or a table --- the latter case is used to specify arguments such as the +particular version of a package. +all supported luarocks keys are allowed except: `tree` and `local`. Environment variables for the luarocks command can also be +specified using the `env` key which takes a table as the value as shown below. +```lua +rocks = {'lpeg', {'lua-cjson', version = '2.1.0'}} +use_rocks {'lua-cjson', 'lua-resty-http'} +use_rocks {'luaformatter', server = 'https://luarocks.org/dev'} +use_rocks {'openssl' env = {OPENSSL_DIR = "/path/to/dir"}} +``` + +Currently, `packer` only supports equality constraints on package versions. + +`packer` also provides the function `packer.luarocks.install_commands()`, which creates the +`PackerRocks ` command. `` must be one of "install" or "remove"; +`` is one or more package names (currently, version restrictions are not supported with +this command). Running `PackerRocks` will install or remove the given packages. You can use this +command even if you don't use `packer` to manage your plugins. However, please note that (1) +packages installed through `PackerRocks` **will** be removed by calls to `packer.luarocks.clean()` +(unless they are also part of a `packer` plugin specification), and (2) you will need to manually +invoke `packer.luarocks.setup_paths` (or otherwise modify your `package.path`) to ensure that Neovim +can find the installed packages. + +Finally, `packer` provides the function `packer.use_rocks`, which takes a string or table specifying +one or more Luarocks packages as in the `rocks` key. You can use this to ensure that `packer` +downloads and manages some rocks which you want to use, but which are not associated with any +particular plugin. + +#### Custom installers + +You may specify a custom installer & updater for a plugin using the `installer` and `updater` keys. +Note that either both or none of these keys are required. These keys should be functions which take +as an argument a `display` object (from `lua/packer/display.lua`) and return an async function (per +`lua/packer/async.lua`) which (respectively) installs/updates the given plugin. + +Providing the `installer`/`updater` keys overrides plugin type detection, but you still need to +provide a location string for the name of the plugin. + +#### Update/install hooks + +You may specify operations to be run after successful installs/updates of a plugin with the `run` +key. This key may either be a Lua function, which will be called with the `plugin` table for this +plugin (containing the information passed to `use` as well as output from the installation/update +commands, the installation path of the plugin, etc.), a string, or a table of functions and strings. + +If an element of `run` is a string, then either: + +1. If the first character of `run` is ":", it is treated as a Neovim command and executed. +2. Otherwise, `run` is treated as a shell command and run in the installation directory of the + plugin via `$SHELL -c ''`. + +#### Dependencies + +Plugins may specify dependencies via the `requires` key. This key can be a string or a list (table). + +If `requires` is a string, it is treated as specifying a single plugin. If a plugin with the name +given in `requires` is already known in the managed set, nothing happens. Otherwise, the string is +treated as a plugin location string and the corresponding plugin is added to the managed set. + +If `requires` is a list, it is treated as a list of plugin specifications following the format given +above. + +If `ensure_dependencies` is true, the plugins specified in `requires` will be installed. + +Plugins specified in `requires` are removed when no active plugins require them. + +#### Sequencing + +You may specify a loading order for plugins using the `after` key. This key can be a string or a +list (table). + +If `after` is a string, it must be the name of another plugin managed by `packer` (e.g. the final segment of a plugin's path - for a Github plugin `FooBar/Baz`, the name would be just `Baz`). If `after` is a table, it must be a list of plugin names. If a plugin has an alias (i.e. uses the `as` key), this alias is its name. + +The set of plugins specified in a plugin's `after` key must **all** be loaded before the plugin +using `after` will be loaded. For example, in the specification +```lua + use {'FooBar/Baz', ft = 'bax'} + use {'Something/Else', after = 'Baz'} +``` +the plugin `Else` will only be loaded after the plugin `Baz`, which itself is only loaded for files +with `bax` filetype. + +#### Keybindings + +Plugins may be lazy-loaded on the use of keybindings/maps. Individual keybindings are specified either as a string (in which case they are treated as normal mode maps) or a table in the format `{mode, map}`. + +### Performing plugin management operations +`packer` exposes the following functions for common plugin management operations. In all of the +below, `plugins` is an optional table of plugin names; if not provided, the default is "all managed +plugins": + +- `packer.install(plugins)`: Install the specified plugins if they are not already installed +- `packer.update(plugins)`: Update the specified plugins, installing any that are missing +- `packer.update(opts, plugins)`: First argument can be a table specifying options, such as `{preview_updates = true}` to preview potential changes before updating (same as `PackerUpdate --preview`). +- `packer.clean()`: Remove any disabled or no longer managed plugins +- `packer.sync(plugins)`: Perform a `clean` followed by an `update`. +- `packer.sync(opts, plugins)`: Can take same optional options as `update`. +- `packer.compile(path)`: Compile lazy-loader code and save to `path`. +- `packer.snapshot(snapshot_name, ...)`: Creates a snapshot file that will live under `config.snapshot_path/`. If `snapshot_name` is an absolute path, then that will be the location where the snapshot will be taken. Optionally, a list of plugins name can be provided to selectively choose the plugins to snapshot. +- `packer.rollback(snapshot_name, ...)`: Rollback plugins status a snapshot file that will live under `config.snapshot_path/`. If `snapshot_name` is an absolute path, then that will be the location where the snapshot will be taken. Optionally, a list of plugins name can be provided to selectively choose which plugins to revert. +- `packer.delete(snapshot_name)`: Deletes a snapshot file under `config.snapshot_path/`. If `snapshot_name` is an absolute path, then that will be the location where the snapshot will be deleted. + +### Extending `packer` +You can add custom key handlers to `packer` by calling `packer.set_handler(name, func)` where `name` +is the key you wish to handle and `func` is a function with the signature `func(plugins, plugin, +value)` where `plugins` is the global table of managed plugins, `plugin` is the table for a specific +plugin, and `value` is the value associated with key `name` in `plugin`. + +### Compiling Lazy-Loaders +To optimize startup time, `packer.nvim` compiles code to perform the lazy-loading operations you +specify. This means that you do not need to load `packer.nvim` unless you want to perform some +plugin management operations. + +To generate the compiled code, call `packer.compile(path)`, where `path` is some file path on your +`runtimepath`, with a `.vim` extension. This will generate a blend of Lua and Vimscript to load and +configure all your lazy-loaded plugins (e.g. generating commands, autocommands, etc.) and save it to +`path`. Then, when you start vim, the file at `path` is loaded (because `path` must be on your +`runtimepath`), and lazy-loading works. + +If `path` is not provided to `packer.compile`, the output file will default to the value of +`config.compile_path`. + +The option `compile_on_sync`, which defaults to `true`, will run `packer.compile()` during +`packer.sync()`, if set to `true`. Note that otherwise, you **must** run `packer.compile` yourself +to generate the lazy-loader file! + +**NOTE:** If you use a function value for `config` or `setup` keys in any plugin specifications, it +**must not** have any upvalues (i.e. captures). We currently use Lua's `string.dump` to compile +config/setup functions to bytecode, which has this limitation. +Additionally, if functions are given for these keys, the functions will be passed the plugin +name and information table as arguments. + +### User autocommands +`packer` runs most of its operations asyncronously. If you would like to implement automations that +require knowing when the operations are complete, you can use the following `User` autocmds (see +`:help User` for more info on how to use): + +- `PackerComplete`: Fires after install, update, clean, and sync asynchronous operations finish. +- `PackerCompileDone`: Fires after compiling (see [the section on compilation](#compiling-lazy-loaders)) + +### Using a floating window +You can configure Packer to use a floating window for command outputs by passing a utility +function to `packer`'s config: +```lua +packer.startup({function() + -- Your plugins here +end, +config = { + display = { + open_fn = require('packer.util').float, + } +}}) +``` + +By default, this floating window will show doubled borders. If you want to customize the window +appearance, you can pass a configuration to `float`, which is the same configuration that would be +passed to `nvim_open_win`: +```lua +packer.startup({function() + -- Your plugins here +end, +config = { + display = { + open_fn = function() + return require('packer.util').float({ border = 'single' }) + end + } +}}) +``` + +## Profiling +Packer has built in functionality that can allow you to profile the time taken loading your plugins. +In order to use this functionality you must either enable profiling in your config, or pass in an argument +when running packer compile. + +#### Setup via config +```lua +config = { + profile = { + enable = true, + threshold = 1 -- the amount in ms that a plugin's load time must be over for it to be included in the profile + } +} +``` + +#### Using the packer compile command +```vim +:PackerCompile profile=true +" or +:PackerCompile profile=false +``` + +#### Profiling usage +This will rebuild your `packer_compiled.vim` with profiling code included. In order to visualise the output of the profile +restart your neovim and run `PackerProfile`. This will open a window with the output of your profiling. + +## Debugging +`packer.nvim` logs to `stdpath(cache)/packer.nvim.log`. Looking at this file is usually a good start +if something isn't working as expected. + +## Compatibility and known issues + +- **2021-07-31:** If you're on macOS, note that building Neovim with the version of `luv` from `homebrew` [will cause any `packer` command to crash](https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim/issues/496#issuecomment-890371022). More about this issue at [neovim/neovim#15054](https://github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/15054). +- **2021-07-28:** `packer` will now highlight commits/plugin names with potentially breaking changes + (determined by looking for `breaking change` or `breaking_change`, case insensitive, in the update + commit bodies and headers) as `WarningMsg` in the status window. +- **2021-06-06**: Your Neovim must include https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/14659; `packer` uses the `noautocmd` key. +- **2021-04-19**: `packer` now provides built-in profiling for your config via the `packer_compiled` + file. Take a look at [the docs](#profiling) for more information! +- **2021-02-18**: Having trouble with Luarocks on macOS? See [this issue](https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim/issues/180). +- **2021-01-19**: Basic Luarocks support has landed! Use the `rocks` key with a string or table to specify packages to install. +- **2020-12-10**: The `disable_commands` configuration flag now affects non-`startup` use as well. This means that, by default, `packer` will create commands for basic operations for you. +- **2020-11-13**: There is now a default implementation for a floating window `open_fn` in `packer.util`. +- **2020-09-04:** Due to changes to the Neovim `extmark` api (see: https://github.com/neovim/neovim/commit/3853276d9cacc99a2698117e904475dbf7033383), users will need to update to a version of Neovim **after** the aforementioned PR was merged. There are currently shims around the changed functions which should maintain support for earlier versions of Neovim, but these are intended to be temporary and will be removed by **2020-10-04**. Therefore Packer will not work with Neovim v0.4.4, which was released before the `extmark` change. + +## Contributors +Many thanks to those who have contributed to the project! PRs and issues are always welcome. This +list is infrequently updated; please feel free to bug me if you're not listed here and you would +like to be. + +- [@akinsho](https://github.com/akinsho) +- [@nanotee](https://github.com/nanotee) +- [@weilbith](https://github.com/weilbith) +- [@Iron-E](https://github.com/Iron-E) +- [@tjdevries](https://github.com/tjdevries) +- [@numToStr](https://github.com/numToStr) +- [@fsouza](https://github.com/fsouza) +- [@gbrlsnchs](https://github.com/gbrlsnchs) +- [@lewis6991](https://github.com/lewis6991) +- [@TimUntersberger](https://github.com/TimUntersberger) +- [@bfredl](https://github.com/bfredl) +- [@sunjon](https://github.com/sunjon) +- [@gwerbin](https://github.com/gwerbin) +- [@shadmansaleh](https://github.com/shadmansaleh) +- [@ur4ltz](https://github.com/ur4ltz) +- [@EdenEast](https://github.com/EdenEast) +- [@khuedoan](https://github.com/khuedoan) +- [@kevinhwang91](https://github.com/kevinhwang91) +- [@runiq](https://github.com/runiq) +- [@n3wborn](https://github.com/n3wborn) +- [@deathlyfrantic](https://github.com/deathlyfrantic) +- [@doctoromer](https://github.com/doctoromer) +- [@elianiva](https://github.com/elianiva) +- [@dundargoc](https://github.com/dundargoc) +- [@jdelkins](https://github.com/jdelkins) +- [@dsully](https://github.com/dsully) diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/doc/packer.txt b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/doc/packer.txt new file mode 100644 index 000000000..01d5c19a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/doc/packer.txt @@ -0,0 +1,618 @@ +*packer.txt* A use-package inspired Neovim plugin manager +*packer.nvim* + +Author: Wil Thomason + +CONTENTS *packer-contents* +Introduction |packer-introduction| + Features |packer-intro-features| + Requirements |packer-intro-requirements| + Quickstart |packer-intro-quickstart| +Usage |packer-usage| +API |packer-api| +============================================================================== +INTRODUCTION *packer-introduction* + +This is a Neovim plugin manager. It is written in Lua, uses the native +|packages| feature, and has features for declarative plugin configuration +inspired by the `use-package` library from Emacs. + +============================================================================== +REQUIREMENTS *packer-intro-requirements* + +- You need to be running Neovim v0.5.0+; `packer` makes use of extmarks and + other newly-added Neovim features. +- Your version of Neovim must be compiled with LuaJIT support; `packer` relies + on this to detect whether you are running Windows or a Unix-like OS (for path + separators) +- If you are on Windows 10, you need developer mode enabled in order to use + local plugins (creating symbolic links requires admin privileges on Windows + - credit to @TimUntersberger for this note) + +============================================================================== +FEATURES *packer-intro-features* + +- Declarative plugin specification +- Support for dependencies +- Support for Luarocks dependencies +- Expressive configuration and lazy-loading options +- Automatically compiles efficient lazy-loading code to improve startup time +- Uses native packages +- Extensible +- Written in Lua, configured in Lua +- Post-install/update hooks +- Uses jobs for async installation +- Support for `git` tags, branches, revisions, submodules +- Support for local plugins +- Support for saving/restoring snapshots for plugin versions (`git` only) + +============================================================================== +QUICKSTART *packer-intro-quickstart* + +To get started, first clone this repository to somewhere on your `packpath`, e.g.: >sh + git clone https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim\ + ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/opt/packer.nvim + + +Then you can write your plugin specification in Lua, e.g. (in `~/.config/nvim/lua/plugins.lua`): >lua + + -- This file can be loaded by calling `lua require('plugins')` from your init.vim + + -- Only required if you have packer in your `opt` pack + vim.cmd [[packadd packer.nvim]] + -- Only if your version of Neovim doesn't have https://github.com/neovim/neovim/pull/12632 merged + vim._update_package_paths() + + return require('packer').startup(function() + -- Packer can manage itself as an optional plugin + use {'wbthomason/packer.nvim', opt = true} + + -- Simple plugins can be specified as strings + use '9mm/vim-closer' + + -- Lazy loading: + -- Load on specific commands + use {'tpope/vim-dispatch', opt = true, cmd = {'Dispatch', 'Make', 'Focus', 'Start'}} + + -- Load on an autocommand event + use {'andymass/vim-matchup', event = 'VimEnter *'} + + -- Load on a combination of conditions: specific filetypes or commands + -- Also run code after load (see the "config" key) + use { + 'w0rp/ale', + ft = {'sh', 'zsh', 'bash', 'c', 'cpp', 'cmake', 'html', 'markdown', 'racket', 'vim', 'tex'}, + cmd = 'ALEEnable', + config = 'vim.cmd[[ALEEnable]]' + } + + -- Plugins can have dependencies on other plugins + use { + 'haorenW1025/completion-nvim', + opt = true, + requires = {{'hrsh7th/vim-vsnip', opt = true}, {'hrsh7th/vim-vsnip-integ', opt = true}} + } + + -- Local plugins can be included + use '~/projects/personal/hover.nvim' + + -- Plugins can have post-install/update hooks + use {'iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim', run = 'cd app && yarn install', cmd = 'MarkdownPreview'} + + -- You can specify multiple plugins in a single call + use {'tjdevries/colorbuddy.vim', {'nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter', opt = true}} + + -- You can alias plugin names + use {'dracula/vim', as = 'dracula'} + end) + +`packer` provides the following commands after you've run and configured `packer` with `require('packer').startup(...)`: *packer-default-commands* *packer-commands* + +`PackerClean` *packer-commands-clean* +Remove any disabled or unused plugins. + +`PackerCompile` *packer-commands-compile* +You must run this or `PackerSync` whenever you make changes to your plugin +configuration. Regenerate compiled loader file. + +`PackerInstall` *packer-commands-install* +Clean, then install missing plugins. + +`PackerUpdate` *packer-commands-update* +Clean, then update and install plugins. +Supports the `--preview` flag as an optional first argument to preview +updates. + +`PackerSync` *packer-commands-sync* +Perform `PackerUpdate` and then `PackerCompile`. +Supports the `--preview` flag as an optional first argument to preview +updates. + +`PackerLoad` *packer-commands-load* +Loads opt plugin immediately + +`PackerSnapshot` *packer-commands-snapshot* +Snapshots your plugins to a file + +`PackerSnapshotDelete` *packer-commands-delete* +Deletes a snapshot + +`PackerSnapshotRollback` *packer-commands-rollback* +Rolls back plugins' commit specified by the snapshot +============================================================================== +USAGE *packer-usage* + +Although the example in |packer-intro-quickstart| will be enough to get you +going for basic usage, `packer` has a number of other features and options +detailed in this section. + +STARTUP *packer-startup* + +The easiest way to use `packer` is via the |packer.startup()| function. In +short, `startup` is a convenience function for simple setup, and is invoked as +`packer.startup(spec)`, where: + +- `spec` can be a function: >lua + packer.startup(function() use 'tjdevries/colorbuddy.vim' end) +- `spec` can be a table with a function as its first element and config + overrides as another element: >lua + packer.startup({ + function() use 'tjdevries/colorbuddy.vim' end, config = { ... } + }) +- `spec` can be a table with a table of plugin specifications as its first + element, config overrides as another element, and optional rock + specifications as another element: >lua + packer.startup({{'tjdevries/colorbuddy.vim'}, config = { ... }, rocks = { ... }}) + +See |packer-configuration| for the allowed configuration keys. + +`startup` will handle calling |packer.init()| and |packer.reset()| for you, as +well as creating the commands given in |packer-commands|. + +CUSTOM INITIALIZATION *packer-custom-initialization* +If you prefer a more manual setup with finer control over configuration and +loading, you may use custom initialization for `packer`. This approach has the +benefit of not requiring that the `packer` plugin be loaded unless you want to +perform plugin management operations, but it is more involved to use. + +To take this approach, load `packer` like any other Lua module. You must call +|packer.init()| before performing any operations; it is recommended to call +|packer.reset()| if you may be re-running your specification code (e.g. by +sourcing your plugin specification file with `luafile`). + +See |packer.init()| for more details on initialization; in short, `init` takes +a table of configuration values like that which can be passed to `startup`. + +If you use custom initialization, you'll probably want to define commands to +load `packer` and perform common package management operations. The following +commands work well for this purpose: >vim + + command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,v:lua.require'packer'.plugin_complete PackerInstall lua require('packer').install() + command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,v:lua.require'packer'.plugin_complete PackerUpdate lua require('packer').update() + command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,v:lua.require'packer'.plugin_complete PackerSync lua require('packer').sync() + command! PackerClean packadd packer.nvim | lua require('plugins').clean() + command! PackerCompile packadd packer.nvim | lua require('plugins').compile('~/.config/nvim/plugin/packer_load.vim') + command! -bang -nargs=+ -complete=customlist,v:lua.require'packer'.loader_complete PackerLoad lua require('packer').loader(, '') + +CONFIGURATION *packer-configuration* +`packer` provides the following configuration variables, presented in the +structure of the `config` table expected by `startup` or `init`, with their +default values: >lua + { + ensure_dependencies = true, -- Should packer install plugin dependencies? + package_root = util.join_paths(vim.fn.stdpath('data'), 'site', 'pack'), + compile_path = util.join_paths(vim.fn.stdpath('config'), 'plugin', 'packer_compiled.lua'), + plugin_package = 'packer', -- The default package for plugins + max_jobs = nil, -- Limit the number of simultaneous jobs. nil means no limit + auto_clean = true, -- During sync(), remove unused plugins + compile_on_sync = true, -- During sync(), run packer.compile() + disable_commands = false, -- Disable creating commands + opt_default = false, -- Default to using opt (as opposed to start) plugins + transitive_opt = true, -- Make dependencies of opt plugins also opt by default + transitive_disable = true, -- Automatically disable dependencies of disabled plugins + auto_reload_compiled = true, -- Automatically reload the compiled file after creating it. + preview_updates = false, -- If true, always preview updates before choosing which plugins to update, same as `PackerUpdate --preview`. + git = { + cmd = 'git', -- The base command for git operations + subcommands = { -- Format strings for git subcommands + update = 'pull --ff-only --progress --rebase=false', + install = 'clone --depth %i --no-single-branch --progress', + fetch = 'fetch --depth 999999 --progress', + checkout = 'checkout %s --', + update_branch = 'merge --ff-only @{u}', + current_branch = 'branch --show-current', + diff = 'log --color=never --pretty=format:FMT --no-show-signature HEAD@{1}...HEAD', + diff_fmt = '%%h %%s (%%cr)', + get_rev = 'rev-parse --short HEAD', + get_msg = 'log --color=never --pretty=format:FMT --no-show-signature HEAD -n 1', + submodules = 'submodule update --init --recursive --progress' + }, + depth = 1, -- Git clone depth + clone_timeout = 60, -- Timeout, in seconds, for git clones + default_url_format = 'https://github.com/%s' -- Lua format string used for "aaa/bbb" style plugins + }, + log = { level = 'warn' }, -- The default print log level. One of: "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal". + display = { + non_interactive = false, -- If true, disable display windows for all operations + compact = false, -- If true, fold updates results by default + open_fn = nil, -- An optional function to open a window for packer's display + open_cmd = '65vnew \\[packer\\]', -- An optional command to open a window for packer's display + working_sym = '⟳', -- The symbol for a plugin being installed/updated + error_sym = '✗', -- The symbol for a plugin with an error in installation/updating + done_sym = '✓', -- The symbol for a plugin which has completed installation/updating + removed_sym = '-', -- The symbol for an unused plugin which was removed + moved_sym = '→', -- The symbol for a plugin which was moved (e.g. from opt to start) + header_sym = '━', -- The symbol for the header line in packer's display + show_all_info = true, -- Should packer show all update details automatically? + prompt_border = 'double', -- Border style of prompt popups. + keybindings = { -- Keybindings for the display window + quit = 'q', + toggle_update = 'u', -- only in preview + continue = 'c', -- only in preview + toggle_info = '', + diff = 'd', + prompt_revert = 'r', + } + } + autoremove = false, -- Remove disabled or unused plugins without prompting the user + } + +SPECIFYING PLUGINS *packer-specifying-plugins* +`packer` is based around declarative specification of plugins. You can declare +a plugin using the function |packer.use()|, which I highly recommend locally +binding to `use` for conciseness. + +`use` takes either a string or a table. If a string is provided, it is treated +as a plugin location for a non-optional plugin with no additional +configuration. Plugin locations may be specified as: + 1. Absolute paths to a local plugin + 2. Full URLs (treated as plugins managed with `git`) + 3. `username/repo` paths (treated as Github `git` plugins) + +A table given to `use` can take two forms: + 1. A list of plugin specifications (strings or tables) + 2. A table specifying a single plugin. It must have a plugin location string + as its first element, and may additionally have a number of optional keyword + elements, detailed in |packer.use()| + +CONFIGURING PLUGINS *packer-plugin-configuration* +`packer` allows you to configure plugins either before they are loaded (the +`setup` key described in |packer.use()|) or after they are loaded (the +`config` key described in |packer.use()|). +If functions are given for these keys, the functions will be passed the plugin +name and information table as arguments. + +PLUGIN STATUSES *packer-plugin-status* +You can check whether or not a particular plugin is installed with `packer` as +well as if that plugin is loaded. To do this you can check for the plugin's +name in the `packer_plugins` global table. Plugins in this table are saved +using only the last section of their names e.g. `tpope/vim-fugitive` if +installed will be under the key `vim-fugitive`. +>lua + if packer_plugins["vim-fugitive"] and packer_plugins["vim-fugitive"].loaded then + print("Vim fugitive is loaded") + -- other custom logic + end + +CUSTOM INSTALLERS *packer-custom-installers* +You may specify a custom installer & updater for a plugin using the +`installer` and `updater` keys in a plugin specification. Note that either +both or none of these keys are required. These keys should be functions which +take as an argument a `display` object (from `lua/packer/display.lua`) and +return an async function (per `lua/packer/async.lua`) which (respectively) +installs/updates the given plugin. + +Providing the `installer`/`updater` keys overrides plugin type detection, but +you still need to provide a location string for the name of the plugin. + +POST-UPDATE HOOKS *packer-plugin-hooks* +You may specify operations to be run after successful installs/updates of a +plugin with the `run` key. This key may either be a Lua function, which will be +called with the `plugin` table for this plugin (containing the information +passed to `use` as well as output from the installation/update commands, the +installation path of the plugin, etc.), a string, or a table of functions and +strings. + +If an element of `run` is a string, then either: + +1. If the first character of `run` is ":", it is treated as a Neovim command and +executed. +2. Otherwise, `run` is treated as a shell command and run in the installation +directory of the plugin via `$SHELL -c ''`. + +DEPENDENCIES *packer-plugin-dependencies* +Plugins may specify dependencies via the `requires` key in their specification +table. This key can be a string or a list (table). + +If `requires` is a string, it is treated as specifying a single plugin. If a +plugin with the name given in `requires` is already known in the managed set, +nothing happens. Otherwise, the string is treated as a plugin location string +and the corresponding plugin is added to the managed set. + +If `requires` is a list, it is treated as a list of plugin specifications +following the format given above. + +If `ensure_dependencies` is true, the plugins specified in `requires` will be +installed. + +Plugins specified in `requires` are removed when no active plugins require +them. + +LUAROCKS *packer-plugin-luarocks* + +You may specify that a plugin requires one or more Luarocks packages using the +`rocks` key. This key takes either a string specifying the name of a package +(e.g. `rocks=lpeg`), or a list specifying one or more packages. Entries in the +list may either be strings or lists --- the latter case is used to specify a +particular version of a package, e.g. `rocks = {'lpeg', {'lua-cjson', +'2.1.0'}}`. + +Currently, `packer` only supports equality constraints on package versions. + +`packer` also provides the function `packer.luarocks.install_commands()`, which +creates the `PackerRocks ` command. `` must be one of +"install" or "remove"; `` is one or more package names (currently, +version restrictions are not supported with this command). Running `PackerRocks` +will install or remove the given packages. You can use this command even if you +don't use `packer` to manage your plugins. However, please note that (1) +packages installed through `PackerRocks` **will** be removed by calls to +`packer.luarocks.clean()` (unless they are also part of a `packer` plugin +specification), and (2) you will need to manually invoke +`packer.luarocks.setup_paths` (or otherwise modify your `package.path`) to +ensure that Neovim can find the installed packages. + +Finally, `packer` provides the function `packer.use_rocks`, which takes a string +or table specifying one or more Luarocks packages as in the `rocks` key. You can +use this to ensure that `packer` downloads and manages some rocks which you want +to use, but which are not associated with any particular plugin. + +SEQUENCING *packer-plugin-sequencing* + +You may specify a loading order for plugins using the `after` key. This key can +be a string or a list (table). + +If `after` is a string, it must be the name of another plugin managed by +`packer` (e.g. the final segment of a plugin's path - for a Github plugin +`FooBar/Baz`, the name would be just `Baz`). If `after` is a table, it must be a +list of plugin names. If a plugin has an alias (i.e. uses the `as` key), this +alias is its name. + +The set of plugins specified in a plugin's `after` key must *all* be loaded +before the plugin using `after` will be loaded. For example, in the +specification >lua + use {'FooBar/Baz', ft = 'bax'} + use {'Something/Else', after = 'Baz'} + +the plugin `Else` will only be loaded after the plugin `Baz`, which itself is +only loaded for files with `bax` filetype. + +KEYBINDINGS *packer-plugin-keybindings* +Plugins may be lazy-loaded on the use of keybindings/maps. Individual +keybindings are specified under the `keys` key in a plugin specification +either as a string (in which case they are treated as normal mode maps) or a +table in the format `{mode, map}`. + +LAZY-LOADING *packer-lazy-load* +To optimize startup time, `packer.nvim` compiles code to perform the +lazy-loading operations you specify. This means that you do not need to load +`packer.nvim` unless you want to perform some plugin management operations. + +To generate the compiled code, call `packer.compile(path)`, where `path` is +some file path on your `runtimepath`, with a `.vim` extension. This will +generate a blend of Lua and Vimscript to load and configure all your +lazy-loaded plugins (e.g. generating commands, autocommands, etc.) and save it +to `path`. Then, when you start vim, the file at `path` is loaded (because +`path` must be on your `runtimepath`), and lazy-loading works. + +If `path` is not provided to |packer.compile()|, the output file will default +to the value of `config.compile_path`. + +The option `compile_on_sync`, which defaults to `true`, will run +`packer.compile()` during `packer.sync()`, if set to `true`. +Note that otherwise, you **must** run `packer.compile` yourself to generate +the lazy-loader file! + +USING A FLOATING WINDOW *packer-floating-window* +You can configure Packer to use a floating window for command outputs by +passing a utility function to `packer`'s config: >lua + + packer.startup({function() + -- Your plugins here + end, + config = { + display = { + open_fn = require('packer.util').float, + } + }}) +< +By default, this floating window will show doubled borders. If you want to +customize the window appearance, you can pass a configuration to `float`, +which is the same configuration that would be passed to |nvim_open_win|: >lua + + packer.startup({function() + -- Your plugins here + end, + config = { + display = { + open_fn = function() + return require('packer.util').float({ border = 'single' }) + end + } + }}) +< +PROFILING PLUGINS *packer-profiling* +You can measure how long it takes your plugins to load using packer's builtin +profiling functionality. +In order to use this functionality you must either enable profiling in your config, or pass in an argument +when running packer compile. + +Setup via config >lua + config = { + profile = { + enable = true, + threshold = 1 -- the amount in ms that a plugin's load time must be over for it to be included in the profile + } + } +< + +Using the packer compile command +>vim + :PackerCompile profile=true + " or + :PackerCompile profile=false +< + +NOTE you can also set a `threshold` in your profile config which is a number +in `ms` above which plugin load times will be show e.g. if you set a threshold +value of `3` then any plugin that loads slower than `3ms` will not be included in +the output window. + +This will rebuild your `packer_compiled.vim` with profiling code included. In order to visualise the output of the profile +Restart your neovim and run `PackerProfile`. This will open a window with the output of your profiling. + +EXTENDING PACKER *packer-extending* +You can add custom key handlers to `packer` by calling +`packer.set_handler(name, func)` where `name` is the key you wish to handle +and `func` is a function with the signature `func(plugins, plugin, value)` +where `plugins` is the global table of managed plugins, `plugin` is the table +for a specific plugin, and `value` is the value associated with key `name` in +`plugin`. + +RESULTS WINDOW KEYBINDINGS *packer-results-keybindings* +Once an operation completes, the results are shown in the display window. +`packer` sets up default keybindings for this window: + +q close the display window + toggle information about a particular plugin +r revert an update + +They can be configured by changing the value of `config.display.keybindings` +(see |packer-configuration|). Setting it to `false` will disable all keybindings. +Setting any of its keys to `false` will disable the corresponding keybinding. + +USER AUTOCMDS *packer-user-autocmds* +`packer` runs most of its operations asyncronously. If you would like to +implement automations that require knowing when the operations are complete, +you can use the following User autocmds (see |User| for more info on how to +use): + +`PackerComplete` Fires after install, update, clean, and sync + asynchronous operations finish. +`PackerCompileDone` Fires after compiling (see |packer-lazy-load|) + +============================================================================== +API *packer-api* + +clean() *packer.clean()* +`clean` scans for and removes all disabled or no longer managed plugins. It is +invoked without arguments. + +compile() *packer.compile()* +`compile` builds lazy-loader code from your plugin specification and saves it +to either `config.compile_path` if it is invoked with no argument, or to the +path it is invoked with if it is given a single argument. This path should end +in `.vim` and be on your |runtimepath| in order for lazy-loading to work. You +**must** call `compile` to update lazy-loaders after your configuration +changes. + +init() *packer.init()* +Initializes `packer`; must be called before any calls to any other `packer` +function. Takes an optional table of configuration values as described in +|packer-configuration|. + +install() *packer.install()* +`install` installs any missing plugins, runs post-update hooks, and updates +rplugins (|remote-plugin|) and helptags. + +It can be invoked with no arguments or with a list of plugin names to install. +These plugin names must already be managed by `packer` via a call to +|packer.use()|. + +reset() *packer.reset()* +`reset` empties the set of managed plugins. Called with no arguments; used to +ensure plugin specifications are reinitialized if the specification file is +reloaded. Called by |packer.startup()| or manually before calling +|packer.use()|. + +set_handler() *packer.set_handler()* +`set_handler` allows custom extension of `packer`. See |packer-extending| for +details. + +startup() *packer.startup()* +`startup` is a convenience function for simple setup. See |packer-startup| for +details. + +sync() *packer.sync()* +`sync` runs |packer.clean()| followed by |packer.update()|. + +Supports options as the first argument, see |packer.update()|. + +update() *packer.update()* +`update` installs any missing plugins, updates all installed plugins, runs +post-update hooks, and updates rplugins (|remote-plugin|) and helptags. + +It can be invoked with no arguments or with a list of plugin names to update. +These plugin names must already be managed by `packer` via a call to +|packer.use()|. + +Additionally, the first argument can be a table specifying options, +such as `update({preview_updates = true}, ...)` to preview potential changes before updating +(same as `PackerUpdate --preview`). + +snapshot(snapshot_name, ...) *packer.snapshot()* +`snapshot` takes the rev of all the installed plugins and serializes them into a Lua table which will be saved under `config.snapshot_path` (which is the directory that will hold all the snapshots files) as `config.snapshot_path/` or an absolute path provided by the users. +Optionally plugins name can be specified so that only those plugins will be +snapshotted. +Snapshot files can be loaded manually via `dofile` which will return a table with the plugins name as keys the commit short hash as value. + +delete(snapshot_name) *packer.delete()* +`delete` deletes a snapshot given the name or the absolute path. + +rollback(snapshot_name, ...) *packer.rollback()* +`rollback` reverts all plugins or only the specified as extra arguments to the commit specified in the snapshot file + +use() *packer.use()* +`use` allows you to add one or more plugins to the managed set. It can be +invoked as follows: +- With a single plugin location string, e.g. `use ` +- With a single plugin specification table, e.g. >lua + use { + 'myusername/example', -- The plugin location string + -- The following keys are all optional + disable = boolean, -- Mark a plugin as inactive + as = string, -- Specifies an alias under which to install the plugin + installer = function, -- Specifies custom installer. See |packer-custom-installers| + updater = function, -- Specifies custom updater. See |packer-custom-installers| + after = string or list, -- Specifies plugins to load before this plugin. + rtp = string, -- Specifies a subdirectory of the plugin to add to runtimepath. + opt = boolean, -- Manually marks a plugin as optional. + bufread = boolean, -- Manually specifying if a plugin needs BufRead after being loaded + branch = string, -- Specifies a git branch to use + tag = string, -- Specifies a git tag to use. Supports '*' for "latest tag" + commit = string, -- Specifies a git commit to use + lock = boolean, -- Skip updating this plugin in updates/syncs. Still cleans. + run = string, function, or table -- Post-update/install hook. See |packer-plugin-hooks| + requires = string or list -- Specifies plugin dependencies. See |packer-plugin-dependencies| + config = string or function, -- Specifies code to run after this plugin is loaded. + rocks = string or list, -- Specifies Luarocks dependencies for the plugin + -- The following keys all imply lazy-loading + cmd = string or list, -- Specifies commands which load this plugin. Can be an autocmd pattern. + ft = string or list, -- Specifies filetypes which load this plugin. + keys = string or list, -- Specifies maps which load this plugin. See |packer-plugin-keybindings| + event = string or list, -- Specifies autocommand events which load this plugin. + fn = string or list -- Specifies functions which load this plugin. + cond = string, function, or list of strings/functions, -- Specifies a conditional test to load this plugin + setup = string or function, -- Specifies code to run before this plugin is loaded. The code is ran even if + -- the plugin is waiting for other conditions (ft, cond...) to be met. + module = string or list -- Specifies Lua module names for require. When requiring a string which starts + -- with one of these module names, the plugin will be loaded. + module_pattern = string/list -- Specifies Lua pattern of Lua module names for require. When requiring a string + -- which matches one of these patterns, the plugin will be loaded. + } +- With a list of plugins specified in either of the above two forms + +For the *cmd* option, the command may be a full command, or an autocommand pattern. If the command contains any +non-alphanumeric characters, it is assumed to be a pattern, and instead of creating a stub command, it creates +a CmdUndefined autocmd to load the plugin when a command that matches the pattern is invoked. + + vim:tw=78:ts=2:ft=help:norl: diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2394f449c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1042 @@ +-- TODO: Performance analysis/tuning +-- TODO: Merge start plugins? +local util = require 'packer.util' + +local join_paths = util.join_paths +local stdpath = vim.fn.stdpath + +-- Config +local packer = {} +local config_defaults = { + ensure_dependencies = true, + snapshot = nil, + snapshot_path = join_paths(stdpath 'cache', 'packer.nvim'), + package_root = join_paths(stdpath 'data', 'site', 'pack'), + compile_path = join_paths(stdpath 'config', 'plugin', 'packer_compiled.lua'), + plugin_package = 'packer', + max_jobs = nil, + auto_clean = true, + compile_on_sync = true, + disable_commands = false, + opt_default = false, + transitive_opt = true, + transitive_disable = true, + auto_reload_compiled = true, + preview_updates = false, + git = { + mark_breaking_changes = true, + cmd = 'git', + subcommands = { + update = 'pull --ff-only --progress --rebase=false', + update_head = 'merge FETCH_HEAD', + install = 'clone --depth %i --no-single-branch --progress', + fetch = 'fetch --depth 999999 --progress', + checkout = 'checkout %s --', + update_branch = 'merge --ff-only @{u}', + current_branch = 'rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', + diff = 'log --color=never --pretty=format:FMT --no-show-signature %s...%s', + diff_fmt = '%%h %%s (%%cr)', + git_diff_fmt = 'show --no-color --pretty=medium %s', + get_rev = 'rev-parse --short HEAD', + get_header = 'log --color=never --pretty=format:FMT --no-show-signature HEAD -n 1', + get_bodies = 'log --color=never --pretty=format:"===COMMIT_START===%h%n%s===BODY_START===%b" --no-show-signature HEAD@{1}...HEAD', + get_fetch_bodies = 'log --color=never --pretty=format:"===COMMIT_START===%h%n%s===BODY_START===%b" --no-show-signature HEAD...FETCH_HEAD', + submodules = 'submodule update --init --recursive --progress', + revert = 'reset --hard HEAD@{1}', + revert_to = 'reset --hard %s --', + tags_expand_fmt = 'tag -l %s --sort -version:refname', + }, + depth = 1, + clone_timeout = 60, + default_url_format = 'https://github.com/%s.git', + }, + display = { + non_interactive = false, + compact = false, + open_fn = nil, + open_cmd = '65vnew', + working_sym = '⟳', + error_sym = '✗', + done_sym = '✓', + removed_sym = '-', + moved_sym = '→', + item_sym = '•', + header_sym = '━', + header_lines = 2, + title = 'packer.nvim', + show_all_info = true, + prompt_border = 'double', + keybindings = { + quit = 'q', + toggle_update = 'u', + continue = 'c', + toggle_info = '', + diff = 'd', + prompt_revert = 'r', + retry = 'R', + }, + }, + luarocks = { python_cmd = 'python' }, + log = { level = 'warn' }, + profile = { enable = false }, + autoremove = false, +} + +--- Initialize global namespace for use for callbacks and other data generated whilst packer is +--- running +_G._packer = _G._packer or {} + +local config = vim.tbl_extend('force', {}, config_defaults) +local plugins = nil +local plugin_specifications = nil +local rocks = nil + +local configurable_modules = { + clean = false, + compile = false, + display = false, + handlers = false, + install = false, + plugin_types = false, + plugin_utils = false, + update = false, + luarocks = false, + log = false, + snapshot = false, +} + +local function require_and_configure(module_name) + local fully_qualified_name = 'packer.' .. module_name + local module = require(fully_qualified_name) + if not configurable_modules[module_name] and module.cfg then + configurable_modules[module_name] = true + module.cfg(config) + return module + end + + return module +end + +--- Initialize packer +-- Forwards user configuration to sub-modules, resets the set of managed plugins, and ensures that +-- the necessary package directories exist +packer.init = function(user_config) + user_config = user_config or {} + config = util.deep_extend('force', config, user_config) + packer.reset() + config.package_root = vim.fn.fnamemodify(config.package_root, ':p') + local _ + config.package_root, _ = string.gsub(config.package_root, util.get_separator() .. '$', '', 1) + config.pack_dir = join_paths(config.package_root, config.plugin_package) + config.opt_dir = join_paths(config.pack_dir, 'opt') + config.start_dir = join_paths(config.pack_dir, 'start') + if #vim.api.nvim_list_uis() == 0 then + config.display.non_interactive = true + end + + local plugin_utils = require_and_configure 'plugin_utils' + plugin_utils.ensure_dirs() + + require_and_configure 'snapshot' + + if not config.disable_commands then + packer.make_commands() + end + + if vim.fn.mkdir(config.snapshot_path, 'p') ~= 1 then + require_and_configure('log').warn("Couldn't create " .. config.snapshot_path) + end +end + +packer.make_commands = function() + vim.cmd [[command! -nargs=+ -complete=customlist,v:lua.require'packer.snapshot'.completion.create PackerSnapshot lua require('packer').snapshot()]] + vim.cmd [[command! -nargs=+ -complete=customlist,v:lua.require'packer.snapshot'.completion.rollback PackerSnapshotRollback lua require('packer').rollback()]] + vim.cmd [[command! -nargs=+ -complete=customlist,v:lua.require'packer.snapshot'.completion.snapshot PackerSnapshotDelete lua require('packer.snapshot').delete()]] + vim.cmd [[command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,v:lua.require'packer'.plugin_complete PackerInstall lua require('packer').install()]] + vim.cmd [[command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,v:lua.require'packer'.plugin_complete PackerUpdate lua require('packer').update()]] + vim.cmd [[command! -nargs=* -complete=customlist,v:lua.require'packer'.plugin_complete PackerSync lua require('packer').sync()]] + vim.cmd [[command! PackerClean lua require('packer').clean()]] + vim.cmd [[command! -nargs=* PackerCompile lua require('packer').compile()]] + vim.cmd [[command! PackerStatus lua require('packer').status()]] + vim.cmd [[command! PackerProfile lua require('packer').profile_output()]] + vim.cmd [[command! -bang -nargs=+ -complete=customlist,v:lua.require'packer'.loader_complete PackerLoad lua require('packer').loader(, '' == '!')]] +end + +packer.reset = function() + plugins = {} + plugin_specifications = {} + rocks = {} +end + +--- Add a Luarocks package to be managed +packer.use_rocks = function(rock) + if type(rock) == 'string' then + rock = { rock } + end + if not vim.tbl_islist(rock) and type(rock[1]) == 'string' then + rocks[rock[1]] = rock + else + for _, r in ipairs(rock) do + local rock_name = (type(r) == 'table') and r[1] or r + rocks[rock_name] = r + end + end +end + +--- The main logic for adding a plugin (and any dependencies) to the managed set +-- Can be invoked with (1) a single plugin spec as a string, (2) a single plugin spec table, or (3) +-- a list of plugin specs +-- TODO: This should be refactored into its own module and the various keys should be implemented +-- (as much as possible) as ordinary handlers +local manage = nil +manage = function(plugin_data) + local plugin_spec = plugin_data.spec + local spec_line = plugin_data.line + local spec_type = type(plugin_spec) + if spec_type == 'string' then + plugin_spec = { plugin_spec } + elseif spec_type == 'table' and #plugin_spec > 1 then + for _, spec in ipairs(plugin_spec) do + manage { spec = spec, line = spec_line } + end + return + end + + local log = require_and_configure 'log' + if plugin_spec[1] == vim.NIL or plugin_spec[1] == nil then + log.warn('No plugin name provided at line ' .. spec_line .. '!') + return + end + + local name, path = util.get_plugin_short_name(plugin_spec) + + if name == '' then + log.warn('"' .. plugin_spec[1] .. '" is an invalid plugin name!') + return + end + + if plugins[name] and not plugins[name].from_requires then + log.warn('Plugin "' .. name .. '" is used twice! (line ' .. spec_line .. ')') + return + end + + if plugin_spec.as and plugins[plugin_spec.as] then + log.error( + 'The alias ' + .. plugin_spec.as + .. ', specified for ' + .. path + .. ' at ' + .. spec_line + .. ' is already used as another plugin name!' + ) + return + end + + -- Handle aliases + plugin_spec.short_name = name + plugin_spec.name = path + plugin_spec.path = path + + -- Some config keys modify a plugin type + if plugin_spec.opt then + plugin_spec.manual_opt = true + elseif plugin_spec.opt == nil and config.opt_default then + plugin_spec.manual_opt = true + plugin_spec.opt = true + end + + local compile = require_and_configure 'compile' + for _, key in ipairs(compile.opt_keys) do + if plugin_spec[key] ~= nil then + plugin_spec.opt = true + break + end + end + + plugin_spec.install_path = join_paths(plugin_spec.opt and config.opt_dir or config.start_dir, plugin_spec.short_name) + + local plugin_utils = require_and_configure 'plugin_utils' + local plugin_types = require_and_configure 'plugin_types' + local handlers = require_and_configure 'handlers' + if not plugin_spec.type then + plugin_utils.guess_type(plugin_spec) + end + if plugin_spec.type ~= plugin_utils.custom_plugin_type then + plugin_types[plugin_spec.type].setup(plugin_spec) + end + for k, v in pairs(plugin_spec) do + if handlers[k] then + handlers[k](plugins, plugin_spec, v) + end + end + plugins[plugin_spec.short_name] = plugin_spec + if plugin_spec.rocks then + packer.use_rocks(plugin_spec.rocks) + end + + -- Add the git URL for displaying in PackerStatus and PackerSync. + plugins[plugin_spec.short_name].url = util.remove_ending_git_url(plugin_spec.url) + + if plugin_spec.requires and config.ensure_dependencies then + -- Handle single plugins given as strings or single plugin specs given as tables + if + type(plugin_spec.requires) == 'string' + or ( + type(plugin_spec.requires) == 'table' + and not vim.tbl_islist(plugin_spec.requires) + and #plugin_spec.requires == 1 + ) + then + plugin_spec.requires = { plugin_spec.requires } + end + for _, req in ipairs(plugin_spec.requires) do + if type(req) == 'string' then + req = { req } + end + local req_name_segments = vim.split(req[1], '/') + local req_name = req_name_segments[#req_name_segments] + -- this flag marks a plugin as being from a require which we use to allow + -- multiple requires for a plugin without triggering a duplicate warning *IF* + -- the plugin is from a `requires` field and the full specificaiton has not been called yet. + -- @see: https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim/issues/258#issuecomment-876568439 + req.from_requires = true + if not plugins[req_name] then + if config.transitive_opt and plugin_spec.manual_opt then + req.opt = true + if type(req.after) == 'string' then + req.after = { req.after, plugin_spec.short_name } + elseif type(req.after) == 'table' then + local already_after = false + for _, name in ipairs(req.after) do + already_after = already_after or (name == plugin_spec.short_name) + end + if not already_after then + table.insert(req.after, plugin_spec.short_name) + end + elseif req.after == nil then + req.after = plugin_spec.short_name + end + end + + if config.transitive_disable and plugin_spec.disable then + req.disable = true + end + + manage { spec = req, line = spec_line } + end + end + end +end + +--- Add a new keyword handler +packer.set_handler = function(name, func) + require_and_configure('handlers')[name] = func +end + +--- Add a plugin to the managed set +packer.use = function(plugin_spec) + plugin_specifications[#plugin_specifications + 1] = { + spec = plugin_spec, + line = debug.getinfo(2, 'l').currentline, + } +end + +local function manage_all_plugins() + local log = require_and_configure 'log' + log.debug 'Processing plugin specs' + if plugins == nil or next(plugins) == nil then + for _, spec in ipairs(plugin_specifications) do + manage(spec) + end + end +end + +packer.__manage_all = manage_all_plugins + +--- Hook to fire events after packer operations +packer.on_complete = vim.schedule_wrap(function() + vim.cmd [[doautocmd User PackerComplete]] +end) + +--- Hook to fire events after packer compilation +packer.on_compile_done = function() + local log = require_and_configure 'log' + + vim.cmd [[doautocmd User PackerCompileDone]] + log.debug 'packer.compile: Complete' +end + +--- Clean operation: +-- Finds plugins present in the `packer` package but not in the managed set +packer.clean = function(results) + local plugin_utils = require_and_configure 'plugin_utils' + local a = require 'packer.async' + local async = a.sync + local await = a.wait + local luarocks = require_and_configure 'luarocks' + local clean = require_and_configure 'clean' + require_and_configure 'display' + + manage_all_plugins() + async(function() + local luarocks_clean_task = luarocks.clean(rocks, results, nil) + if luarocks_clean_task ~= nil then + await(luarocks_clean_task) + end + local fs_state = await(plugin_utils.get_fs_state(plugins)) + await(clean(plugins, fs_state, results)) + packer.on_complete() + end)() +end + +--- Install operation: +-- Takes an optional list of plugin names as an argument. If no list is given, operates on all +-- managed plugins. +-- Installs missing plugins, then updates helptags and rplugins +packer.install = function(...) + local log = require_and_configure 'log' + log.debug 'packer.install: requiring modules' + local plugin_utils = require_and_configure 'plugin_utils' + local a = require 'packer.async' + local async = a.sync + local await = a.wait + local luarocks = require_and_configure 'luarocks' + local clean = require_and_configure 'clean' + local install = require_and_configure 'install' + local display = require_and_configure 'display' + + manage_all_plugins() + local install_plugins + if ... then + install_plugins = { ... } + end + async(function() + local fs_state = await(plugin_utils.get_fs_state(plugins)) + if not install_plugins then + install_plugins = vim.tbl_keys(fs_state.missing) + end + if #install_plugins == 0 then + log.info 'All configured plugins are installed' + packer.on_complete() + return + end + + await(a.main) + local start_time = vim.fn.reltime() + local results = {} + await(clean(plugins, fs_state, results)) + await(a.main) + log.debug 'Gathering install tasks' + local tasks, display_win = install(plugins, install_plugins, results) + if next(tasks) then + log.debug 'Gathering Luarocks tasks' + local luarocks_ensure_task = luarocks.ensure(rocks, results, display_win) + if luarocks_ensure_task ~= nil then + table.insert(tasks, luarocks_ensure_task) + end + table.insert(tasks, 1, function() + return not display.status.running + end) + table.insert(tasks, 1, config.max_jobs and config.max_jobs or (#tasks - 1)) + log.debug 'Running tasks' + display_win:update_headline_message('installing ' .. #tasks - 2 .. ' / ' .. #tasks - 2 .. ' plugins') + a.interruptible_wait_pool(unpack(tasks)) + local install_paths = {} + for plugin_name, r in pairs(results.installs) do + if r.ok then + table.insert(install_paths, results.plugins[plugin_name].install_path) + end + end + + await(a.main) + plugin_utils.update_helptags(install_paths) + plugin_utils.update_rplugins() + local delta = string.gsub(vim.fn.reltimestr(vim.fn.reltime(start_time)), ' ', '') + display_win:final_results(results, delta) + packer.on_complete() + else + log.info 'Nothing to install!' + packer.on_complete() + end + end)() +end + +-- Filter out options specified as the first argument to update or sync +-- returns the options table and the plugin names +local filter_opts_from_plugins = function(...) + local args = { ... } + local opts = {} + if not vim.tbl_isempty(args) then + local first = args[1] + if type(first) == 'table' then + table.remove(args, 1) + opts = first + elseif first == '--preview' then + table.remove(args, 1) + opts = { preview_updates = true } + end + end + if opts.preview_updates == nil and config.preview_updates then + opts.preview_updates = true + end + return opts, util.nonempty_or(args, vim.tbl_keys(plugins)) +end + +--- Update operation: +-- Takes an optional list of plugin names as an argument. If no list is given, operates on all +-- managed plugins. +-- Fixes plugin types, installs missing plugins, then updates installed plugins and updates helptags +-- and rplugins +-- Options can be specified in the first argument as either a table or explicit `'--preview'`. +packer.update = function(...) + local log = require_and_configure 'log' + log.debug 'packer.update: requiring modules' + local plugin_utils = require_and_configure 'plugin_utils' + local a = require 'packer.async' + local async = a.sync + local await = a.wait + local luarocks = require_and_configure 'luarocks' + local clean = require_and_configure 'clean' + local install = require_and_configure 'install' + local display = require_and_configure 'display' + local update = require_and_configure 'update' + + manage_all_plugins() + + local opts, update_plugins = filter_opts_from_plugins(...) + async(function() + local start_time = vim.fn.reltime() + local results = {} + local fs_state = await(plugin_utils.get_fs_state(plugins)) + local missing_plugins, installed_plugins = util.partition(vim.tbl_keys(fs_state.missing), update_plugins) + update.fix_plugin_types(plugins, missing_plugins, results, fs_state) + await(clean(plugins, fs_state, results)) + local _ + _, missing_plugins = util.partition(vim.tbl_keys(results.moves), missing_plugins) + log.debug 'Gathering install tasks' + await(a.main) + local tasks, display_win = install(plugins, missing_plugins, results) + local update_tasks + log.debug 'Gathering update tasks' + await(a.main) + update_tasks, display_win = update(plugins, installed_plugins, display_win, results, opts) + vim.list_extend(tasks, update_tasks) + log.debug 'Gathering luarocks tasks' + local luarocks_ensure_task = luarocks.ensure(rocks, results, display_win) + if luarocks_ensure_task ~= nil then + table.insert(tasks, luarocks_ensure_task) + end + + if #tasks == 0 then + return + end + + table.insert(tasks, 1, function() + return not display.status.running + end) + table.insert(tasks, 1, config.max_jobs and config.max_jobs or (#tasks - 1)) + display_win:update_headline_message('updating ' .. #tasks - 2 .. ' / ' .. #tasks - 2 .. ' plugins') + log.debug 'Running tasks' + a.interruptible_wait_pool(unpack(tasks)) + local install_paths = {} + for plugin_name, r in pairs(results.installs) do + if r.ok then + table.insert(install_paths, results.plugins[plugin_name].install_path) + end + end + + for plugin_name, r in pairs(results.updates) do + if r.ok then + table.insert(install_paths, results.plugins[plugin_name].install_path) + end + end + + await(a.main) + plugin_utils.update_helptags(install_paths) + plugin_utils.update_rplugins() + local delta = string.gsub(vim.fn.reltimestr(vim.fn.reltime(start_time)), ' ', '') + display_win:final_results(results, delta, opts) + packer.on_complete() + end)() +end + +--- Sync operation: +-- Takes an optional list of plugin names as an argument. If no list is given, operates on all +-- managed plugins. +-- Runs (in sequence): +-- - Update plugin types +-- - Clean stale plugins +-- - Install missing plugins and update installed plugins +-- - Update helptags and rplugins +packer.sync = function(...) + local log = require_and_configure 'log' + log.debug 'packer.sync: requiring modules' + local plugin_utils = require_and_configure 'plugin_utils' + local a = require 'packer.async' + local async = a.sync + local await = a.wait + local luarocks = require_and_configure 'luarocks' + local clean = require_and_configure 'clean' + local install = require_and_configure 'install' + local display = require_and_configure 'display' + local update = require_and_configure 'update' + + manage_all_plugins() + + local opts, sync_plugins = filter_opts_from_plugins(...) + async(function() + local start_time = vim.fn.reltime() + local results = {} + local fs_state = await(plugin_utils.get_fs_state(plugins)) + local missing_plugins, installed_plugins = util.partition(vim.tbl_keys(fs_state.missing), sync_plugins) + + await(a.main) + update.fix_plugin_types(plugins, missing_plugins, results, fs_state) + local _ + _, missing_plugins = util.partition(vim.tbl_keys(results.moves), missing_plugins) + if config.auto_clean then + await(clean(plugins, fs_state, results)) + _, installed_plugins = util.partition(vim.tbl_keys(results.removals), installed_plugins) + end + + await(a.main) + log.debug 'Gathering install tasks' + local tasks, display_win = install(plugins, missing_plugins, results) + local update_tasks + log.debug 'Gathering update tasks' + await(a.main) + update_tasks, display_win = update(plugins, installed_plugins, display_win, results, opts) + vim.list_extend(tasks, update_tasks) + log.debug 'Gathering luarocks tasks' + local luarocks_clean_task = luarocks.clean(rocks, results, display_win) + if luarocks_clean_task ~= nil then + table.insert(tasks, luarocks_clean_task) + end + + local luarocks_ensure_task = luarocks.ensure(rocks, results, display_win) + if luarocks_ensure_task ~= nil then + table.insert(tasks, luarocks_ensure_task) + end + if #tasks == 0 then + return + end + + table.insert(tasks, 1, function() + return not display.status.running + end) + table.insert(tasks, 1, config.max_jobs and config.max_jobs or (#tasks - 1)) + log.debug 'Running tasks' + display_win:update_headline_message('syncing ' .. #tasks - 2 .. ' / ' .. #tasks - 2 .. ' plugins') + a.interruptible_wait_pool(unpack(tasks)) + local install_paths = {} + for plugin_name, r in pairs(results.installs) do + if r.ok then + table.insert(install_paths, results.plugins[plugin_name].install_path) + end + end + + for plugin_name, r in pairs(results.updates) do + if r.ok then + table.insert(install_paths, results.plugins[plugin_name].install_path) + end + end + + await(a.main) + if config.compile_on_sync then + packer.compile(nil, false) + end + plugin_utils.update_helptags(install_paths) + plugin_utils.update_rplugins() + local delta = string.gsub(vim.fn.reltimestr(vim.fn.reltime(start_time)), ' ', '') + display_win:final_results(results, delta, opts) + packer.on_complete() + end)() +end + +packer.status = function() + local async = require('packer.async').sync + local display = require_and_configure 'display' + local log = require_and_configure 'log' + manage_all_plugins() + async(function() + local display_win = display.open(config.display.open_fn or config.display.open_cmd) + if _G.packer_plugins ~= nil then + display_win:status(_G.packer_plugins) + else + log.warn 'packer_plugins table is nil! Cannot run packer.status()!' + end + end)() +end + +local function reload_module(name) + if name then + package.loaded[name] = nil + return require(name) + end +end + +--- Search through all the loaded packages for those that +--- return a function, then cross reference them with all +--- the plugin configs and setups and if there are any matches +--- reload the user module. +local function refresh_configs(plugs) + local reverse_index = {} + for k, v in pairs(package.loaded) do + if type(v) == 'function' then + reverse_index[v] = k + end + end + for _, plugin in pairs(plugs) do + local cfg = reload_module(reverse_index[plugin.config]) + local setup = reload_module(reverse_index[plugin.setup]) + if cfg then + plugin.config = cfg + end + if setup then + plugin.setup = setup + end + end +end + +local function parse_value(value) + if value == 'true' then + return true + end + if value == 'false' then + return false + end + return value +end + +local function parse_args(args) + local result = {} + if args then + local parts = vim.split(args, ' ') + for _, part in ipairs(parts) do + if part then + if part:find '=' then + local key, value = unpack(vim.split(part, '=')) + result[key] = parse_value(value) + end + end + end + end + return result +end + +--- Update the compiled lazy-loader code +--- Takes an optional argument of a path to which to output the resulting compiled code +packer.compile = function(raw_args, move_plugins) + local compile = require_and_configure 'compile' + local log = require_and_configure 'log' + local a = require 'packer.async' + local async = a.sync + local await = a.wait + + manage_all_plugins() + async(function() + if move_plugins ~= false then + local update = require_and_configure 'update' + local plugin_utils = require_and_configure 'plugin_utils' + local fs_state = await(plugin_utils.get_fs_state(plugins)) + await(a.main) + update.fix_plugin_types(plugins, vim.tbl_keys(fs_state.missing), {}, fs_state) + end + local args = parse_args(raw_args) + local output_path = args.output_path or config.compile_path + local output_lua = vim.fn.fnamemodify(output_path, ':e') == 'lua' + local should_profile = args.profile + -- the user might explicitly choose for this value to be false in which case + -- an or operator will not work + if should_profile == nil then + should_profile = config.profile.enable + end + refresh_configs(plugins) + -- NOTE: we copy the plugins table so the in memory value is not mutated during compilation + local compiled_loader = compile(vim.deepcopy(plugins), output_lua, should_profile) + output_path = vim.fn.expand(output_path, true) + vim.fn.mkdir(vim.fn.fnamemodify(output_path, ':h'), 'p') + local output_file = io.open(output_path, 'w') + output_file:write(compiled_loader) + output_file:close() + if config.auto_reload_compiled then + local configs_to_run = {} + if _G.packer_plugins ~= nil then + for plugin_name, plugin_info in pairs(_G.packer_plugins) do + if plugin_info.loaded and plugin_info.config and plugins[plugin_name] and plugins[plugin_name].cmd then + configs_to_run[plugin_name] = plugin_info.config + end + end + end + + vim.cmd('source ' .. output_path) + for plugin_name, plugin_config in pairs(configs_to_run) do + for _, config_line in ipairs(plugin_config) do + local success, err = pcall(loadstring(config_line), plugin_name, _G.packer_plugins[plugin_name]) + if not success then + log.error('Error running config for ' .. plugin_name .. ': ' .. vim.inspect(err)) + end + end + end + end + log.info 'Finished compiling lazy-loaders!' + packer.on_compile_done() + end)() +end + +packer.profile_output = function() + local async = require('packer.async').sync + local display = require_and_configure 'display' + local log = require_and_configure 'log' + + manage_all_plugins() + if _G._packer.profile_output then + async(function() + local display_win = display.open(config.display.open_fn or config.display.open_cmd) + display_win:profile_output(_G._packer.profile_output) + end)() + else + log.warn 'You must run PackerCompile with profiling enabled first e.g. PackerCompile profile=true' + end +end + +-- Load plugins +-- @param plugins string String of space separated plugins names +-- intended for PackerLoad command +-- or list of plugin names as independent strings +packer.loader = function(...) + local plugin_names = { ... } + local force = plugin_names[#plugin_names] == true + if type(plugin_names[#plugin_names]) == 'boolean' then + plugin_names[#plugin_names] = nil + end + + -- We make a new table here because it's more convenient than expanding a space-separated string + -- into the existing plugin_names + local plugin_list = {} + for _, plugin_name in ipairs(plugin_names) do + vim.list_extend( + plugin_list, + vim.tbl_filter(function(name) + return #name > 0 + end, vim.split(plugin_name, ' ')) + ) + end + + require 'packer.load'(plugin_list, {}, _G.packer_plugins, force) +end + +-- Completion for not yet loaded plugins +-- Intended to provide completion for PackerLoad command +packer.loader_complete = function(lead, _, _) + local completion_list = {} + for name, plugin in pairs(_G.packer_plugins) do + if vim.startswith(name, lead) and not plugin.loaded then + table.insert(completion_list, name) + end + end + table.sort(completion_list) + return completion_list +end + +-- Completion user plugins +-- Intended to provide completion for PackerUpdate/Sync/Install command +packer.plugin_complete = function(lead, _, _) + local completion_list = vim.tbl_filter(function(name) + return vim.startswith(name, lead) + end, vim.tbl_keys(_G.packer_plugins)) + table.sort(completion_list) + return completion_list +end + +---Snapshots installed plugins +---@param snapshot_name string absolute path or just a snapshot name +packer.snapshot = function(snapshot_name, ...) + local async = require('packer.async').sync + local await = require('packer.async').wait + local snapshot = require 'packer.snapshot' + local log = require_and_configure 'log' + local args = { ... } + snapshot_name = snapshot_name or require('os').date '%Y-%m-%d' + local snapshot_path = vim.fn.expand(snapshot_name) + + local fmt = string.format + log.debug(fmt('Taking snapshots of currently installed plugins to %s...', snapshot_name)) + if vim.fn.fnamemodify(snapshot_name, ':p') ~= snapshot_path then -- is not absolute path + if config.snapshot_path == nil then + log.warn 'config.snapshot_path is not set' + return + else + snapshot_path = util.join_paths(config.snapshot_path, snapshot_path) -- set to default path + end + end + + manage_all_plugins() + + local target_plugins = plugins + if next(args) ~= nil then -- provided extra args + target_plugins = vim.tbl_filter( -- filter plugins + function(plugin) + for k, plugin_shortname in pairs(args) do + if plugin_shortname == plugin.short_name then + args[k] = nil + return true + end + end + return false + end, + plugins + ) + end + + local write_snapshot = true + + if vim.fn.filereadable(snapshot_path) == 1 then + vim.ui.select( + { 'Replace', 'Cancel' }, + { prompt = fmt("Do you want to replace '%s'?", snapshot_path) }, + function(_, idx) + write_snapshot = idx == 1 + end + ) + end + + async(function() + if write_snapshot then + await(snapshot.create(snapshot_path, target_plugins)) + :map_ok(function(ok) + log.info(ok.message) + if next(ok.failed) then + log.warn("Couldn't snapshot " .. vim.inspect(ok.failed)) + end + end) + :map_err(function(err) + log.warn(err.message) + end) + end + end)() +end + +---Instantly rolls back plugins to a previous state specified by `snapshot_name` +---If `snapshot_name` doesn't exist an error will be displayed +---@param snapshot_name string @name of the snapshot or the absolute path to the snapshot +---@vararg string @ if provided, the only plugins to be rolled back, +---otherwise all the plugins will be rolled back +packer.rollback = function(snapshot_name, ...) + local args = { ... } + local a = require 'packer.async' + local async = a.sync + local await = a.wait + local wait_all = a.wait_all + local snapshot = require 'packer.snapshot' + local log = require_and_configure 'log' + local fmt = string.format + + async(function() + manage_all_plugins() + + local snapshot_path = vim.loop.fs_realpath(util.join_paths(config.snapshot_path, snapshot_name)) + or vim.loop.fs_realpath(snapshot_name) + + if snapshot_path == nil then + local warn = fmt("Snapshot '%s' is wrong or doesn't exist", snapshot_name) + log.warn(warn) + return + end + + local target_plugins = plugins + + if next(args) ~= nil then -- provided extra args + target_plugins = vim.tbl_filter(function(plugin) + for _, plugin_sname in pairs(args) do + if plugin_sname == plugin.short_name then + return true + end + end + return false + end, plugins) + end + + await(snapshot.rollback(snapshot_path, target_plugins)) + :map_ok(function(ok) + await(a.main) + log.info('Rollback to "' .. snapshot_path .. '" completed') + if next(ok.failed) then + log.warn("Couldn't rollback " .. vim.inspect(ok.failed)) + end + end) + :map_err(function(err) + await(a.main) + log.error(err) + end) + + packer.on_complete() + end)() +end + +packer.config = config + +--- Convenience function for simple setup +-- Can be invoked as follows: +-- spec can be a function: +-- packer.startup(function() use 'tjdevries/colorbuddy.vim' end) +-- +-- spec can be a table with a function as its first element and config overrides as another +-- element: +-- packer.startup({function() use 'tjdevries/colorbuddy.vim' end, config = { ... }}) +-- +-- spec can be a table with a table of plugin specifications as its first element, config overrides +-- as another element, and an optional table of Luarocks rock specifications as another element: +-- packer.startup({{'tjdevries/colorbuddy.vim'}, config = { ... }, rocks = { ... }}) +packer.startup = function(spec) + local log = require 'packer.log' + local user_func = nil + local user_config = nil + local user_plugins = nil + local user_rocks = nil + if type(spec) == 'function' then + user_func = spec + elseif type(spec) == 'table' then + if type(spec[1]) == 'function' then + user_func = spec[1] + elseif type(spec[1]) == 'table' then + user_plugins = spec[1] + user_rocks = spec.rocks + else + log.error 'You must provide a function or table of specifications as the first element of the argument to startup!' + return + end + + -- NOTE: It might be more convenient for users to allow arbitrary config keys to be specified + -- and to merge them, but I feel that only avoids a single layer of nesting and adds more + -- complication here, so I'm not sure if the benefit justifies the cost + user_config = spec.config + end + + packer.init(user_config) + packer.reset() + log = require_and_configure 'log' + + if user_func then + setfenv(user_func, vim.tbl_extend('force', getfenv(), { use = packer.use, use_rocks = packer.use_rocks })) + local status, err = pcall(user_func, packer.use, packer.use_rocks) + if not status then + log.error('Failure running setup function: ' .. vim.inspect(err)) + error(err) + end + else + packer.use(user_plugins) + if user_rocks then + packer.use_rocks(user_rocks) + end + end + + if config.snapshot ~= nil then + packer.rollback(config.snapshot) + end + + return packer +end + +return packer diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/async.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/async.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f837824fc --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/async.lua @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +-- Adapted from https://ms-jpq.github.io/neovim-async-tutorial/ +local log = require 'packer.log' +local yield = coroutine.yield +local resume = coroutine.resume +local thread_create = coroutine.create + +local function EMPTY_CALLBACK() end +local function step(func, callback) + local thread = thread_create(func) + local tick = nil + tick = function(...) + local ok, val = resume(thread, ...) + if ok then + if type(val) == 'function' then + val(tick) + else + (callback or EMPTY_CALLBACK)(val) + end + else + log.error('Error in coroutine: ' .. val); + (callback or EMPTY_CALLBACK)(nil) + end + end + + tick() +end + +local function wrap(func) + return function(...) + local params = { ... } + return function(tick) + params[#params + 1] = tick + return func(unpack(params)) + end + end +end + +local function join(...) + local thunks = { ... } + local thunk_all = function(s) + if #thunks == 0 then + return s() + end + local to_go = #thunks + local results = {} + for i, thunk in ipairs(thunks) do + local callback = function(...) + results[i] = { ... } + if to_go == 1 then + s(unpack(results)) + else + to_go = to_go - 1 + end + end + + thunk(callback) + end + end + + return thunk_all +end + +local function wait_all(...) + return yield(join(...)) +end + +local function pool(n, interrupt_check, ...) + local thunks = { ... } + return function(s) + if #thunks == 0 then + return s() + end + local remaining = { select(n + 1, unpack(thunks)) } + local results = {} + local to_go = #thunks + local make_callback = nil + make_callback = function(idx, left) + local i = (left == nil) and idx or (idx + left) + return function(...) + results[i] = { ... } + to_go = to_go - 1 + if to_go == 0 then + s(unpack(results)) + elseif not interrupt_check or not interrupt_check() then + if remaining and #remaining > 0 then + local next_task = table.remove(remaining) + next_task(make_callback(n, #remaining + 1)) + end + end + end + end + + for i = 1, math.min(n, #thunks) do + local thunk = thunks[i] + thunk(make_callback(i)) + end + end +end + +local function wait_pool(limit, ...) + return yield(pool(limit, false, ...)) +end + +local function interruptible_wait_pool(limit, interrupt_check, ...) + return yield(pool(limit, interrupt_check, ...)) +end + +local function main(f) + vim.schedule(f) +end + +local M = { + --- Wrapper for functions that do not take a callback to make async functions + sync = wrap(step), + --- Alias for yielding to await the result of an async function + wait = yield, + --- Await the completion of a full set of async functions + wait_all = wait_all, + --- Await the completion of a full set of async functions, with a limit on how many functions can + -- run simultaneously + wait_pool = wait_pool, + --- Like wait_pool, but additionally checks at every function completion to see if a condition is + -- met indicating that it should keep running the remaining tasks + interruptible_wait_pool = interruptible_wait_pool, + --- Wrapper for functions that do take a callback to make async functions + wrap = wrap, + --- Convenience function to ensure a function runs on the main "thread" (i.e. for functions which + -- use Neovim functions, etc.) + main = main, +} + +return M diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/clean.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/clean.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..26ed901d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/clean.lua @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +local plugin_utils = require 'packer.plugin_utils' +local a = require 'packer.async' +local display = require 'packer.display' +local log = require 'packer.log' +local util = require 'packer.util' + +local await = a.wait +local async = a.sync + +local config + +local PLUGIN_OPTIONAL_LIST = 1 +local PLUGIN_START_LIST = 2 + +local function is_dirty(plugin, typ) + return (plugin.opt and typ == PLUGIN_START_LIST) or (not plugin.opt and typ == PLUGIN_OPTIONAL_LIST) +end + +-- Find and remove any plugins not currently configured for use +local clean_plugins = function(_, plugins, fs_state, results) + return async(function() + log.debug 'Starting clean' + local dirty_plugins = {} + results = results or {} + results.removals = results.removals or {} + local opt_plugins = vim.deepcopy(fs_state.opt) + local start_plugins = vim.deepcopy(fs_state.start) + local missing_plugins = fs_state.missing + -- test for dirty / 'missing' plugins + for _, plugin_config in pairs(plugins) do + local path = plugin_config.install_path + local plugin_source = nil + if opt_plugins[path] then + plugin_source = PLUGIN_OPTIONAL_LIST + opt_plugins[path] = nil + elseif start_plugins[path] then + plugin_source = PLUGIN_START_LIST + start_plugins[path] = nil + end + + -- We don't want to report paths which don't exist for removal; that will confuse people + local path_exists = false + if missing_plugins[plugin_config.short_name] or plugin_config.disable then + path_exists = vim.loop.fs_stat(path) ~= nil + end + + local plugin_missing = path_exists and missing_plugins[plugin_config.short_name] + local disabled_but_installed = path_exists and plugin_config.disable + if plugin_missing or is_dirty(plugin_config, plugin_source) or disabled_but_installed then + dirty_plugins[#dirty_plugins + 1] = path + end + end + + -- Any path which was not set to `nil` above will be set to dirty here + local function mark_remaining_as_dirty(plugin_list) + for path, _ in pairs(plugin_list) do + dirty_plugins[#dirty_plugins + 1] = path + end + end + + mark_remaining_as_dirty(opt_plugins) + mark_remaining_as_dirty(start_plugins) + if next(dirty_plugins) then + local lines = {} + for _, path in ipairs(dirty_plugins) do + table.insert(lines, ' - ' .. path) + end + await(a.main) + if config.autoremove or await(display.ask_user('Removing the following directories. OK? (y/N)', lines)) then + results.removals = dirty_plugins + log.debug('Removed ' .. vim.inspect(dirty_plugins)) + for _, path in ipairs(dirty_plugins) do + local result = vim.fn.delete(path, 'rf') + if result == -1 then + log.warn('Could not remove ' .. path) + end + end + else + log.warn 'Cleaning cancelled!' + end + else + log.info 'Already clean!' + end + end) +end + +local function cfg(_config) + config = _config +end + +local clean = setmetatable({ cfg = cfg }, { __call = clean_plugins }) +return clean diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/compile.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/compile.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0284ab2ac --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/compile.lua @@ -0,0 +1,824 @@ +-- Compiling plugin specifications to Lua for lazy-loading +local util = require 'packer.util' +local log = require 'packer.log' +local fmt = string.format +local luarocks = require 'packer.luarocks' + +local config +local function cfg(_config) + config = _config.profile +end + +local feature_guard = [[ +if !has('nvim-0.5') + echohl WarningMsg + echom "Invalid Neovim version for packer.nvim!" + echohl None + finish +endif + +packadd packer.nvim + +try +]] + +local feature_guard_lua = [[ +if vim.api.nvim_call_function('has', {'nvim-0.5'}) ~= 1 then + vim.api.nvim_command('echohl WarningMsg | echom "Invalid Neovim version for packer.nvim! | echohl None"') + return +end + +vim.api.nvim_command('packadd packer.nvim') + +local no_errors, error_msg = pcall(function() +]] + +local enter_packer_compile = [[ +_G._packer = _G._packer or {} +_G._packer.inside_compile = true +]] + +local exit_packer_compile = [[ + +_G._packer.inside_compile = false +if _G._packer.needs_bufread == true then + vim.cmd("doautocmd BufRead") +end +_G._packer.needs_bufread = false +]] + +local catch_errors = [[ +catch + echohl ErrorMsg + echom "Error in packer_compiled: " .. v:exception + echom "Please check your config for correctness" + echohl None +endtry +]] + +local catch_errors_lua = [[ +end) + +if not no_errors then + error_msg = error_msg:gsub('"', '\\"') + vim.api.nvim_command('echohl ErrorMsg | echom "Error in packer_compiled: '..error_msg..'" | echom "Please check your config for correctness" | echohl None') +end +]] + +---@param should_profile boolean +---@return string +local profile_time = function(should_profile) + return fmt( + [[ +local time +local profile_info +local should_profile = %s +if should_profile then + local hrtime = vim.loop.hrtime + profile_info = {} + time = function(chunk, start) + if start then + profile_info[chunk] = hrtime() + else + profile_info[chunk] = (hrtime() - profile_info[chunk]) / 1e6 + end + end +else + time = function(chunk, start) end +end +]], + vim.inspect(should_profile) + ) +end + +local profile_output = [[ +local function save_profiles(threshold) + local sorted_times = {} + for chunk_name, time_taken in pairs(profile_info) do + sorted_times[#sorted_times + 1] = {chunk_name, time_taken} + end + table.sort(sorted_times, function(a, b) return a[2] > b[2] end) + local results = {} + for i, elem in ipairs(sorted_times) do + if not threshold or threshold and elem[2] > threshold then + results[i] = elem[1] .. ' took ' .. elem[2] .. 'ms' + end + end + if threshold then + table.insert(results, '(Only showing plugins that took longer than ' .. threshold .. ' ms ' .. 'to load)') + end + + _G._packer.profile_output = results +end +]] + +---@param threshold number +---@return string +local conditionally_output_profile = function(threshold) + if threshold then + return fmt( + [[ +if should_profile then save_profiles(%d) end +]], + threshold + ) + else + return [[ +if should_profile then save_profiles() end +]] + end +end + +local try_loadstring = [[ +local function try_loadstring(s, component, name) + local success, result = pcall(loadstring(s), name, _G.packer_plugins[name]) + if not success then + vim.schedule(function() + vim.api.nvim_notify('packer.nvim: Error running ' .. component .. ' for ' .. name .. ': ' .. result, vim.log.levels.ERROR, {}) + end) + end + return result +end +]] + +local module_loader = [[ +local lazy_load_called = {['packer.load'] = true} +local function lazy_load_module(module_name) + local to_load = {} + if lazy_load_called[module_name] then return nil end + lazy_load_called[module_name] = true + for module_pat, plugin_name in pairs(module_lazy_loads) do + if not _G.packer_plugins[plugin_name].loaded and string.match(module_name, module_pat) then + to_load[#to_load + 1] = plugin_name + end + end + + if #to_load > 0 then + require('packer.load')(to_load, {module = module_name}, _G.packer_plugins) + local loaded_mod = package.loaded[module_name] + if loaded_mod then + return function(modname) return loaded_mod end + end + end +end + +if not vim.g.packer_custom_loader_enabled then + table.insert(package.loaders, 1, lazy_load_module) + vim.g.packer_custom_loader_enabled = true +end +]] + +local function timed_chunk(chunk, name, output_table) + output_table = output_table or {} + output_table[#output_table + 1] = 'time([[' .. name .. ']], true)' + if type(chunk) == 'string' then + output_table[#output_table + 1] = chunk + else + vim.list_extend(output_table, chunk) + end + + output_table[#output_table + 1] = 'time([[' .. name .. ']], false)' + return output_table +end + +local function dump_loaders(loaders) + local result = vim.deepcopy(loaders) + for k, _ in pairs(result) do + if result[k].only_setup or result[k].only_sequence then + result[k].loaded = true + end + result[k].only_setup = nil + result[k].only_sequence = nil + end + + return vim.inspect(result) +end + +local function make_try_loadstring(item, chunk, name) + local bytecode = string.dump(item, true) + local executable_string = 'try_loadstring(' .. vim.inspect(bytecode) .. ', "' .. chunk .. '", "' .. name .. '")' + return executable_string, bytecode +end + +local after_plugin_pattern = table.concat({ 'after', 'plugin', [[**/*.\(vim\|lua\)]] }, util.get_separator()) +local function detect_after_plugin(name, plugin_path) + local path = plugin_path .. util.get_separator() .. after_plugin_pattern + local glob_ok, files = pcall(vim.fn.glob, path, false, true) + if not glob_ok then + if string.find(files, 'E77') then + return { path } + else + log.error('Error compiling ' .. name .. ': ' .. vim.inspect(files)) + error(files) + end + elseif #files > 0 then + return files + end + + return nil +end + +local ftdetect_patterns = { + table.concat({ 'ftdetect', [[**/*.\(vim\|lua\)]] }, util.get_separator()), + table.concat({ 'after', 'ftdetect', [[**/*.\(vim\|lua\)]] }, util.get_separator()), +} +local function detect_ftdetect(name, plugin_path) + local paths = { + plugin_path .. util.get_separator() .. ftdetect_patterns[1], + plugin_path .. util.get_separator() .. ftdetect_patterns[2], + } + local source_paths = {} + for i = 1, 2 do + local path = paths[i] + local glob_ok, files = pcall(vim.fn.glob, path, false, true) + if not glob_ok then + if string.find(files, 'E77') then + source_paths[#source_paths + 1] = path + else + log.error('Error compiling ' .. name .. ': ' .. vim.inspect(files)) + error(files) + end + elseif #files > 0 then + vim.list_extend(source_paths, files) + end + end + + return source_paths +end + +local source_dirs = { 'ftdetect', 'ftplugin', 'after/ftdetect', 'after/ftplugin' } +local function detect_bufread(plugin_path) + local path = plugin_path + for i = 1, 4 do + if #vim.fn.finddir(source_dirs[i], path) > 0 then + return true + end + end + return false +end + +local function make_loaders(_, plugins, output_lua, should_profile) + local loaders = {} + local configs = {} + local rtps = {} + local setup = {} + local fts = {} + local events = {} + local condition_ids = {} + local commands = {} + local keymaps = {} + local after = {} + local fns = {} + local ftdetect_paths = {} + local module_lazy_loads = {} + for name, plugin in pairs(plugins) do + if not plugin.disable then + plugin.simple_load = true + local quote_name = "'" .. name .. "'" + if plugin.config and not plugin.executable_config then + plugin.simple_load = false + plugin.executable_config = {} + if type(plugin.config) ~= 'table' then + plugin.config = { plugin.config } + end + for i, config_item in ipairs(plugin.config) do + local executable_string = config_item + if type(config_item) == 'function' then + local bytecode + executable_string, bytecode = make_try_loadstring(config_item, 'config', name) + plugin.config[i] = bytecode + end + + table.insert(plugin.executable_config, executable_string) + end + end + + local path = plugin.install_path + if plugin.rtp then + path = util.join_paths(plugin.install_path, plugin.rtp) + table.insert(rtps, path) + end + + loaders[name] = { + loaded = not plugin.opt, + config = plugin.config, + path = path, + only_sequence = plugin.manual_opt == nil, + only_setup = false, + } + + if plugin.opt then + plugin.simple_load = false + loaders[name].after_files = detect_after_plugin(name, loaders[name].path) + if plugin.bufread ~= nil then + loaders[name].needs_bufread = plugin.bufread + else + loaders[name].needs_bufread = detect_bufread(loaders[name].path) + end + end + + if plugin.setup then + plugin.simple_load = false + if type(plugin.setup) ~= 'table' then + plugin.setup = { plugin.setup } + end + for i, setup_item in ipairs(plugin.setup) do + if type(setup_item) == 'function' then + plugin.setup[i], _ = make_try_loadstring(setup_item, 'setup', name) + end + end + + loaders[name].only_setup = plugin.manual_opt == nil + setup[name] = plugin.setup + end + + -- Keep this as first opt loader to maintain only_cond ? + if plugin.cond ~= nil then + plugin.simple_load = false + loaders[name].only_sequence = false + loaders[name].only_setup = false + loaders[name].only_cond = true + if type(plugin.cond) ~= 'table' then + plugin.cond = { plugin.cond } + end + + for _, condition in ipairs(plugin.cond) do + loaders[name].cond = {} + if type(condition) == 'function' then + _, condition = make_try_loadstring(condition, 'condition', name) + elseif type(condition) == 'string' then + condition = 'return ' .. condition + end + + condition_ids[condition] = condition_ids[condition] or {} + table.insert(loaders[name].cond, condition) + table.insert(condition_ids[condition], name) + end + end + + -- Add the git URL for displaying in PackerStatus and PackerSync. https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim/issues/542 + loaders[name].url = plugin.url + + if plugin.ft then + plugin.simple_load = false + loaders[name].only_sequence = false + loaders[name].only_setup = false + loaders[name].only_cond = false + vim.list_extend(ftdetect_paths, detect_ftdetect(name, loaders[name].path)) + if type(plugin.ft) == 'string' then + plugin.ft = { plugin.ft } + end + for _, ft in ipairs(plugin.ft) do + fts[ft] = fts[ft] or {} + table.insert(fts[ft], quote_name) + end + end + + if plugin.event then + plugin.simple_load = false + loaders[name].only_sequence = false + loaders[name].only_setup = false + loaders[name].only_cond = false + if type(plugin.event) == 'string' then + if not plugin.event:find '%s' then + plugin.event = { plugin.event .. ' *' } + else + plugin.event = { plugin.event } + end + end + + for _, event in ipairs(plugin.event) do + if event:sub(#event, -1) ~= '*' and not event:find '%s' then + event = event .. ' *' + end + events[event] = events[event] or {} + table.insert(events[event], quote_name) + end + end + + if plugin.cmd then + plugin.simple_load = false + loaders[name].only_sequence = false + loaders[name].only_setup = false + loaders[name].only_cond = false + if type(plugin.cmd) == 'string' then + plugin.cmd = { plugin.cmd } + end + + loaders[name].commands = {} + for _, command in ipairs(plugin.cmd) do + commands[command] = commands[command] or {} + table.insert(loaders[name].commands, command) + table.insert(commands[command], quote_name) + end + end + + if plugin.keys then + plugin.simple_load = false + loaders[name].only_sequence = false + loaders[name].only_setup = false + loaders[name].only_cond = false + if type(plugin.keys) == 'string' then + plugin.keys = { plugin.keys } + end + loaders[name].keys = {} + for _, keymap in ipairs(plugin.keys) do + if type(keymap) == 'string' then + keymap = { '', keymap } + end + keymaps[keymap] = keymaps[keymap] or {} + table.insert(loaders[name].keys, keymap) + table.insert(keymaps[keymap], quote_name) + end + end + + if plugin.after then + plugin.simple_load = false + loaders[name].only_setup = false + + if type(plugin.after) == 'string' then + plugin.after = { plugin.after } + end + + for _, other_plugin in ipairs(plugin.after) do + after[other_plugin] = after[other_plugin] or {} + table.insert(after[other_plugin], name) + end + end + + if plugin.wants then + plugin.simple_load = false + if type(plugin.wants) == 'string' then + plugin.wants = { plugin.wants } + end + loaders[name].wants = plugin.wants + end + + if plugin.fn then + plugin.simple_load = false + loaders[name].only_sequence = false + loaders[name].only_setup = false + if type(plugin.fn) == 'string' then + plugin.fn = { plugin.fn } + end + for _, fn in ipairs(plugin.fn) do + fns[fn] = fns[fn] or {} + table.insert(fns[fn], quote_name) + end + end + + if plugin.module or plugin.module_pattern then + plugin.simple_load = false + loaders[name].only_sequence = false + loaders[name].only_setup = false + loaders[name].only_cond = false + + if plugin.module then + if type(plugin.module) == 'string' then + plugin.module = { plugin.module } + end + + for _, module_name in ipairs(plugin.module) do + module_lazy_loads['^' .. vim.pesc(module_name)] = name + end + else + if type(plugin.module_pattern) == 'string' then + plugin.module_pattern = { plugin.module_pattern } + end + + for _, module_pattern in ipairs(plugin.module_pattern) do + module_lazy_loads[module_pattern] = name + end + end + end + + if plugin.config and (not plugin.opt or loaders[name].only_setup) then + plugin.simple_load = false + plugin.only_config = true + configs[name] = plugin.executable_config + end + end + end + + local ft_aucmds = {} + for ft, names in pairs(fts) do + table.insert( + ft_aucmds, + fmt( + 'vim.cmd [[au FileType %s ++once lua require("packer.load")({%s}, { ft = "%s" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]', + ft, + table.concat(names, ', '), + ft + ) + ) + end + + local event_aucmds = {} + for event, names in pairs(events) do + table.insert( + event_aucmds, + fmt( + 'vim.cmd [[au %s ++once lua require("packer.load")({%s}, { event = "%s" }, _G.packer_plugins)]]', + event, + table.concat(names, ', '), + event:gsub([[\]], [[\\]]) + ) + ) + end + + local config_lines = {} + for name, plugin_config in pairs(configs) do + local lines = { '-- Config for: ' .. name } + timed_chunk(plugin_config, 'Config for ' .. name, lines) + vim.list_extend(config_lines, lines) + end + + local rtp_line = '' + for _, rtp in ipairs(rtps) do + rtp_line = rtp_line .. ' .. ",' .. vim.fn.escape(rtp, '\\,') .. '"' + end + + if rtp_line ~= '' then + rtp_line = 'vim.o.runtimepath = vim.o.runtimepath' .. rtp_line + end + + local setup_lines = {} + for name, plugin_setup in pairs(setup) do + local lines = { '-- Setup for: ' .. name } + timed_chunk(plugin_setup, 'Setup for ' .. name, lines) + if loaders[name].only_setup then + timed_chunk('vim.cmd [[packadd ' .. name .. ']]', 'packadd for ' .. name, lines) + end + + vim.list_extend(setup_lines, lines) + end + + local conditionals = {} + for _, names in pairs(condition_ids) do + for _, name in ipairs(names) do + if loaders[name].only_cond then + timed_chunk( + fmt(' require("packer.load")({"%s"}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)', name), + 'Conditional loading of ' .. name, + conditionals + ) + end + end + end + + local command_defs = {} + for command, names in pairs(commands) do + local command_line + if string.match(command, '^%w+$') then + -- Better command completions here are due to @folke and @lewis6991 + command_line = fmt( + [[pcall(vim.api.nvim_create_user_command, '%s', function(cmdargs) + require('packer.load')({%s}, { cmd = '%s', l1 = cmdargs.line1, l2 = cmdargs.line2, bang = cmdargs.bang, args = cmdargs.args, mods = cmdargs.mods }, _G.packer_plugins) + end, + {nargs = '*', range = true, bang = true, complete = function() + require('packer.load')({%s}, { cmd = '%s' }, _G.packer_plugins) + return vim.fn.getcompletion('%s ', 'cmdline') + end})]], + command, + table.concat(names, ', '), + command, + table.concat(names, ', '), + command, + command + ) + else + command_line = fmt( + 'pcall(vim.cmd, [[au CmdUndefined %s ++once lua require"packer.load"({%s}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]])', + command, + table.concat(names, ', ') + ) + end + command_defs[#command_defs + 1] = command_line + end + + local keymap_defs = {} + for keymap, names in pairs(keymaps) do + local prefix = nil + if keymap[1] ~= 'i' then + prefix = '' + end + local escaped_map_lt = string.gsub(keymap[2], '<', '') + local escaped_map = string.gsub(escaped_map_lt, '([\\"])', '\\%1') + local keymap_line = fmt( + 'vim.cmd [[%snoremap %s lua require("packer.load")({%s}, { keys = "%s"%s }, _G.packer_plugins)]]', + keymap[1], + keymap[2], + table.concat(names, ', '), + escaped_map, + prefix == nil and '' or (', prefix = "' .. prefix .. '"') + ) + + table.insert(keymap_defs, keymap_line) + end + + local sequence_loads = {} + for pre, posts in pairs(after) do + if plugins[pre] == nil then + error(string.format('Dependency %s for %s not found', pre, vim.inspect(posts))) + end + + if plugins[pre].opt then + loaders[pre].after = posts + elseif plugins[pre].only_config then + loaders[pre].after = posts + loaders[pre].only_sequence = true + loaders[pre].only_config = true + end + + if plugins[pre].simple_load or plugins[pre].opt or plugins[pre].only_config then + for _, name in ipairs(posts) do + loaders[name].load_after = {} + sequence_loads[name] = sequence_loads[name] or {} + table.insert(sequence_loads[name], pre) + end + end + end + + local fn_aucmds = {} + for fn, names in pairs(fns) do + table.insert( + fn_aucmds, + fmt( + 'vim.cmd[[au FuncUndefined %s ++once lua require("packer.load")({%s}, {}, _G.packer_plugins)]]', + fn, + table.concat(names, ', ') + ) + ) + end + + local sequence_lines = {} + local graph = {} + for name, precedents in pairs(sequence_loads) do + graph[name] = graph[name] or { in_links = {}, out_links = {} } + for _, pre in ipairs(precedents) do + graph[pre] = graph[pre] or { in_links = {}, out_links = {} } + graph[name].in_links[pre] = true + table.insert(graph[pre].out_links, name) + end + end + + local frontier = {} + for name, links in pairs(graph) do + if next(links.in_links) == nil then + table.insert(frontier, name) + end + end + + while next(frontier) ~= nil do + local plugin = table.remove(frontier) + if loaders[plugin].only_sequence and not (loaders[plugin].only_setup or loaders[plugin].only_config) then + table.insert(sequence_lines, 'vim.cmd [[ packadd ' .. plugin .. ' ]]') + if plugins[plugin].config then + local lines = { '', '-- Config for: ' .. plugin } + vim.list_extend(lines, plugins[plugin].executable_config) + table.insert(lines, '') + vim.list_extend(sequence_lines, lines) + end + end + + for _, name in ipairs(graph[plugin].out_links) do + if not loaders[plugin].only_sequence then + loaders[name].only_sequence = false + loaders[name].load_after[plugin] = true + end + + graph[name].in_links[plugin] = nil + if next(graph[name].in_links) == nil then + table.insert(frontier, name) + end + end + + graph[plugin] = nil + end + + if next(graph) then + log.warn 'Cycle detected in sequenced loads! Load order may be incorrect' + -- TODO: This should actually just output the cycle, then continue with toposort. But I'm too + -- lazy to do that right now, so. + for plugin, _ in pairs(graph) do + table.insert(sequence_lines, 'vim.cmd [[ packadd ' .. plugin .. ' ]]') + if plugins[plugin].config then + local lines = { '-- Config for: ' .. plugin } + vim.list_extend(lines, plugins[plugin].config) + vim.list_extend(sequence_lines, lines) + end + end + end + + -- Output everything: + + -- First, the Lua code + local result = { (output_lua and '--' or '"') .. ' Automatically generated packer.nvim plugin loader code\n' } + if output_lua then + table.insert(result, feature_guard_lua) + else + table.insert(result, feature_guard) + table.insert(result, 'lua << END') + end + table.insert(result, enter_packer_compile) + table.insert(result, profile_time(should_profile)) + table.insert(result, profile_output) + timed_chunk(luarocks.generate_path_setup(), 'Luarocks path setup', result) + timed_chunk(try_loadstring, 'try_loadstring definition', result) + timed_chunk(fmt('_G.packer_plugins = %s\n', dump_loaders(loaders)), 'Defining packer_plugins', result) + -- Then the runtimepath line + if rtp_line ~= '' then + table.insert(result, '-- Runtimepath customization') + timed_chunk(rtp_line, 'Runtimepath customization', result) + end + + -- Then the module lazy loads + if next(module_lazy_loads) then + table.insert(result, 'local module_lazy_loads = ' .. vim.inspect(module_lazy_loads)) + table.insert(result, module_loader) + end + + -- Then setups, configs, and conditionals + if next(setup_lines) then + vim.list_extend(result, setup_lines) + end + if next(config_lines) then + vim.list_extend(result, config_lines) + end + if next(conditionals) then + table.insert(result, '-- Conditional loads') + vim.list_extend(result, conditionals) + end + + -- The sequenced loads + if next(sequence_lines) then + table.insert(result, '-- Load plugins in order defined by `after`') + timed_chunk(sequence_lines, 'Sequenced loading', result) + end + + -- The command and keymap definitions + if next(command_defs) then + table.insert(result, '\n-- Command lazy-loads') + timed_chunk(command_defs, 'Defining lazy-load commands', result) + table.insert(result, '') + end + + if next(keymap_defs) then + table.insert(result, '-- Keymap lazy-loads') + timed_chunk(keymap_defs, 'Defining lazy-load keymaps', result) + table.insert(result, '') + end + + -- The filetype, event and function autocommands + local some_ft = next(ft_aucmds) ~= nil + local some_event = next(event_aucmds) ~= nil + local some_fn = next(fn_aucmds) ~= nil + if some_ft or some_event or some_fn then + table.insert(result, 'vim.cmd [[augroup packer_load_aucmds]]\nvim.cmd [[au!]]') + end + + if some_ft then + table.insert(result, ' -- Filetype lazy-loads') + timed_chunk(ft_aucmds, 'Defining lazy-load filetype autocommands', result) + end + + if some_event then + table.insert(result, ' -- Event lazy-loads') + timed_chunk(event_aucmds, 'Defining lazy-load event autocommands', result) + end + + if some_fn then + table.insert(result, ' -- Function lazy-loads') + timed_chunk(fn_aucmds, 'Defining lazy-load function autocommands', result) + end + + if some_ft or some_event or some_fn then + table.insert(result, 'vim.cmd("augroup END")') + end + if next(ftdetect_paths) then + table.insert(result, 'vim.cmd [[augroup filetypedetect]]') + for _, path in ipairs(ftdetect_paths) do + local escaped_path = vim.fn.escape(path, ' ') + timed_chunk('vim.cmd [[source ' .. escaped_path .. ']]', 'Sourcing ftdetect script at: ' .. escaped_path, result) + end + + table.insert(result, 'vim.cmd("augroup END")') + end + + table.insert(result, exit_packer_compile) + + table.insert(result, conditionally_output_profile(config.threshold)) + if output_lua then + table.insert(result, catch_errors_lua) + else + table.insert(result, 'END\n') + table.insert(result, catch_errors) + end + return table.concat(result, '\n') +end + +local compile = setmetatable({ cfg = cfg }, { __call = make_loaders }) + +compile.opt_keys = { 'after', 'cmd', 'ft', 'keys', 'event', 'cond', 'setup', 'fn', 'module', 'module_pattern' } + +return compile diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/display.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/display.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5164b0018 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/display.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1040 @@ +local api = vim.api +local log = require 'packer.log' +local a = require 'packer.async' +local plugin_utils = require 'packer.plugin_utils' +local fmt = string.format + +local in_headless = #api.nvim_list_uis() == 0 + +-- Temporary wrappers to compensate for the updated extmark API, until most people have updated to +-- the latest HEAD (2020-09-04) +local function set_extmark(buf, ns, id, line, col) + if not api.nvim_buf_is_valid(buf) then + return + end + local opts = { id = id } + local result, mark_id = pcall(api.nvim_buf_set_extmark, buf, ns, line, col, opts) + if result then + return mark_id + end + -- We must be in an older version of Neovim + if not id then + id = 0 + end + return api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(buf, ns, id, line, col, {}) +end + +local function get_extmark_by_id(buf, ns, id) + local result, line, col = pcall(api.nvim_buf_get_extmark_by_id, buf, ns, id, {}) + if result then + return line, col + else + log.error('Failed to get extmark: ' .. line) + end + -- We must be in an older version of Neovim + return api.nvim_buf_get_extmark_by_id(buf, ns, id) +end + +local function strip_newlines(raw_lines) + local lines = {} + for _, line in ipairs(raw_lines) do + for _, chunk in ipairs(vim.split(line, '\n')) do + table.insert(lines, chunk) + end + end + + return lines +end + +local function unpack_config_value(value, value_type, formatter) + if value_type == 'string' then + return { value } + elseif value_type == 'table' then + local result = {} + for _, k in ipairs(value) do + local item = formatter and formatter(k) or k + table.insert(result, fmt(' - %s', item)) + end + return result + end + return '' +end + +local function format_keys(value) + local value_type = type(value) + local mapping = value_type == 'string' and value or value[2] + local mode = value[1] ~= '' and 'mode: ' .. value[1] or '' + local line = fmt('"%s", %s', mapping, mode) + return line +end + +local function format_cmd(value) + return fmt('"%s"', value) +end + +---format a configuration value of unknown type into a string or list of strings +---@param key string +---@param value any +---@return string|string[] +local function format_values(key, value) + local value_type = type(value) + if key == 'path' then + local is_opt = value:match 'opt' ~= nil + return { fmt('"%s"', vim.fn.fnamemodify(value, ':~')), fmt('opt: %s', vim.inspect(is_opt)) } + elseif key == 'url' then + return fmt('"%s"', value) + elseif key == 'keys' then + return unpack_config_value(value, value_type, format_keys) + elseif key == 'commands' then + return unpack_config_value(value, value_type, format_cmd) + else + return vim.inspect(value) + end +end + +local status_keys = { + 'path', + 'url', + 'commands', + 'keys', + 'module', + 'as', + 'ft', + 'event', + 'rocks', + 'branch', + 'commit', + 'tag', + 'lock', +} + +local config = nil +local keymaps = { + quit = { rhs = 'lua require"packer.display".quit()', action = 'quit' }, + diff = { rhs = 'lua require"packer.display".diff()', action = 'show the diff' }, + toggle_update = { rhs = 'lua require"packer.display".toggle_update()', action = 'toggle update' }, + continue = { rhs = 'lua require"packer.display".continue()', action = 'continue with updates' }, + toggle_info = { + rhs = 'lua require"packer.display".toggle_info()', + action = 'show more info', + }, + prompt_revert = { + rhs = 'lua require"packer.display".prompt_revert()', + action = 'revert an update', + }, + retry = { + rhs = 'lua require"packer.display".retry()', + action = 'retry failed operations', + }, +} + +--- The order of the keys in a dict-like table isn't guaranteed, meaning the display window can +--- potentially show the keybindings in a different order every time +local default_keymap_display_order = { + 'quit', + 'toggle_info', + 'diff', + 'prompt_revert', + 'retry', +} + +--- Utility function to prompt a user with a question in a floating window +local function prompt_user(headline, body, callback) + if config.non_interactive then + callback(true) + return + end + + local buf = api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) + local longest_line = 0 + for _, line in ipairs(body) do + local line_length = string.len(line) + if line_length > longest_line then + longest_line = line_length + end + end + + local width = math.min(longest_line + 2, math.floor(0.9 * vim.o.columns)) + local height = #body + 3 + local x = (vim.o.columns - width) / 2.0 + local y = (vim.o.lines - height) / 2.0 + local pad_width = math.max(math.floor((width - string.len(headline)) / 2.0), 0) + api.nvim_buf_set_lines( + buf, + 0, + -1, + true, + vim.list_extend({ + string.rep(' ', pad_width) .. headline .. string.rep(' ', pad_width), + '', + }, body) + ) + api.nvim_buf_set_option(buf, 'modifiable', false) + local opts = { + relative = 'editor', + width = width, + height = height, + col = x, + row = y, + focusable = false, + style = 'minimal', + border = config.prompt_border, + noautocmd = true, + } + + local win = api.nvim_open_win(buf, false, opts) + local check = vim.loop.new_prepare() + local prompted = false + vim.loop.prepare_start( + check, + vim.schedule_wrap(function() + if not api.nvim_win_is_valid(win) then + return + end + vim.loop.prepare_stop(check) + if not prompted then + prompted = true + local ans = string.lower(vim.fn.input 'OK to remove? [y/N] ') == 'y' + api.nvim_win_close(win, true) + callback(ans) + end + end) + ) +end + +local make_update_msg = function(symbol, status, plugin_name, plugin) + return fmt( + ' %s %s %s: %s..%s', + symbol, + status, + plugin_name, + plugin.revs[1], + plugin.revs[2] + ) +end + +local display = {} +local display_mt = { + --- Check if we have a valid display window + valid_display = function(self) + return self and self.interactive and api.nvim_buf_is_valid(self.buf) and api.nvim_win_is_valid(self.win) + end, + --- Update the text of the display buffer + set_lines = function(self, start_idx, end_idx, lines) + if not self:valid_display() then + return + end + api.nvim_buf_set_option(self.buf, 'modifiable', true) + api.nvim_buf_set_lines(self.buf, start_idx, end_idx, true, lines) + api.nvim_buf_set_option(self.buf, 'modifiable', false) + end, + get_lines = function(self, start_idx, end_idx) + if not self:valid_display() then + return + end + return api.nvim_buf_get_lines(self.buf, start_idx, end_idx, true) + end, + get_current_line = function(self) + if not self:valid_display() then + return + end + return api.nvim_get_current_line() + end, + --- Start displaying a new task + task_start = vim.schedule_wrap(function(self, plugin, message) + if not self:valid_display() then + return + end + if self.marks[plugin] then + self:task_update(plugin, message) + return + end + display.status.running = true + self:set_lines(config.header_lines, config.header_lines, { + fmt(' %s %s: %s', config.working_sym, plugin, message), + }) + self.marks[plugin] = set_extmark(self.buf, self.ns, nil, config.header_lines, 0) + end), + + --- Decrement the count of active operations in the headline + decrement_headline_count = vim.schedule_wrap(function(self) + if not self:valid_display() then + return + end + local headline = api.nvim_buf_get_lines(self.buf, 0, 1, false)[1] + local count_start, count_end = string.find(headline, '%d+') + local count = tonumber(string.sub(headline, count_start, count_end)) + local updated_headline = string.sub(headline, 1, count_start - 1) + .. tostring(count - 1) + .. string.sub(headline, count_end + 1) + api.nvim_buf_set_option(self.buf, 'modifiable', true) + api.nvim_buf_set_lines(self.buf, 0, 1, false, { updated_headline }) + api.nvim_buf_set_option(self.buf, 'modifiable', false) + end), + + --- Update a task as having successfully completed + task_succeeded = vim.schedule_wrap(function(self, plugin, message) + if not self:valid_display() then + return + end + local line, _ = get_extmark_by_id(self.buf, self.ns, self.marks[plugin]) + self:set_lines(line[1], line[1] + 1, { fmt(' %s %s: %s', config.done_sym, plugin, message) }) + api.nvim_buf_del_extmark(self.buf, self.ns, self.marks[plugin]) + self.marks[plugin] = nil + self:decrement_headline_count() + end), + + --- Update a task as having unsuccessfully failed + task_failed = vim.schedule_wrap(function(self, plugin, message) + if not self:valid_display() then + return + end + local line, _ = get_extmark_by_id(self.buf, self.ns, self.marks[plugin]) + self:set_lines(line[1], line[1] + 1, { fmt(' %s %s: %s', config.error_sym, plugin, message) }) + api.nvim_buf_del_extmark(self.buf, self.ns, self.marks[plugin]) + self.marks[plugin] = nil + self:decrement_headline_count() + end), + + --- Update the status message of a task in progress + task_update = vim.schedule_wrap(function(self, plugin, message) + if not self:valid_display() then + return + end + if not self.marks[plugin] then + return + end + local line, _ = get_extmark_by_id(self.buf, self.ns, self.marks[plugin]) + self:set_lines(line[1], line[1] + 1, { fmt(' %s %s: %s', config.working_sym, plugin, message) }) + set_extmark(self.buf, self.ns, self.marks[plugin], line[1], 0) + end), + + open_preview = function(_, commit, lines) + if not lines or #lines < 1 then + return log.warn 'No diff available' + end + vim.cmd('pedit ' .. commit) + vim.cmd [[wincmd P]] + vim.wo.previewwindow = true + vim.bo.buftype = 'nofile' + vim.bo.buflisted = false + vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, -1, false, lines) + vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 'n', 'q', 'close!', { silent = true, noremap = true, nowait = true }) + vim.bo.filetype = 'git' + end, + + --- Update the text of the headline message + update_headline_message = vim.schedule_wrap(function(self, message) + if not self:valid_display() then + return + end + local headline = config.title .. ' - ' .. message + local width = api.nvim_win_get_width(self.win) - 2 + local pad_width = math.max(math.floor((width - string.len(headline)) / 2.0), 0) + self:set_lines(0, config.header_lines - 1, { string.rep(' ', pad_width) .. headline }) + end), + + --- Setup new syntax group links for the status window + setup_status_syntax = function(self) + local highlights = { + 'hi def link packerStatus Type', + 'hi def link packerStatusCommit Constant', + 'hi def link packerStatusSuccess Constant', + 'hi def link packerStatusFail ErrorMsg', + 'hi def link packerPackageName Label', + 'hi def link packerPackageNotLoaded Comment', + 'hi def link packerString String', + 'hi def link packerBool Boolean', + 'hi def link packerBreakingChange WarningMsg', + } + for _, c in ipairs(highlights) do + vim.cmd(c) + end + end, + + setup_profile_syntax = function(_) + local highlights = { + 'hi def link packerTimeHigh ErrorMsg', + 'hi def link packerTimeMedium WarningMsg', + 'hi def link packerTimeLow String', + 'hi def link packerTimeTrivial Comment', + } + for _, c in ipairs(highlights) do + vim.cmd(c) + end + end, + + status = vim.schedule_wrap(function(self, plugins) + if not self:valid_display() then + return + end + self:setup_status_syntax() + self:update_headline_message(fmt('Total plugins: %d', vim.tbl_count(plugins))) + + local plugs = {} + local lines = {} + + local padding = string.rep(' ', 3) + local rtps = api.nvim_list_runtime_paths() + for plug_name, plug_conf in pairs(plugins) do + local load_state = plug_conf.loaded and '' + or vim.tbl_contains(rtps, plug_conf.path) and ' (manually loaded)' + or ' (not loaded)' + local header_lines = { fmt(' %s %s', config.item_sym, plug_name) .. load_state } + local config_lines = {} + for key, value in pairs(plug_conf) do + if vim.tbl_contains(status_keys, key) then + local details = format_values(key, value) + if type(details) == 'string' then + -- insert a position one so that one line details appear above multiline ones + table.insert(config_lines, 1, fmt('%s%s: %s', padding, key, details)) + else + details = vim.tbl_map(function(line) + return padding .. line + end, details) + vim.list_extend(config_lines, { fmt('%s%s: ', padding, key), unpack(details) }) + end + plugs[plug_name] = { lines = config_lines, displayed = false } + end + end + vim.list_extend(lines, header_lines) + end + table.sort(lines) + self.items = plugs + self:set_lines(config.header_lines, -1, lines) + end), + + is_previewing = function(self) + local opts = self.opts or {} + return opts.preview_updates + end, + + has_changes = function(self, plugin) + if plugin.type ~= plugin_utils.git_plugin_type or plugin.revs[1] == plugin.revs[2] then + return false + end + if self:is_previewing() and plugin.commit ~= nil then + return false + end + return true + end, + + --- Display the final results of an operation + final_results = vim.schedule_wrap(function(self, results, time, opts) + self.opts = opts + if not self:valid_display() then + return + end + local keymap_display_order = {} + vim.list_extend(keymap_display_order, default_keymap_display_order) + self.results = results + self:setup_status_syntax() + display.status.running = false + time = tonumber(time) + self:update_headline_message(fmt('finished in %.3fs', time)) + local raw_lines = {} + local item_order = {} + local rocks_items = {} + if results.removals then + for _, plugin_dir in ipairs(results.removals) do + table.insert(item_order, plugin_dir) + table.insert(raw_lines, fmt(' %s Removed %s', config.removed_sym, plugin_dir)) + end + end + + if results.moves then + for plugin, result in pairs(results.moves) do + table.insert(item_order, plugin) + table.insert( + raw_lines, + fmt( + ' %s %s %s: %s %s %s', + result.result.ok and config.done_sym or config.error_sym, + result.result.ok and 'Moved' or 'Failed to move', + plugin, + result.from, + config.moved_sym, + result.to + ) + ) + end + end + + display.status.any_failed_install = false + display.status.failed_update_list = {} + + if results.installs then + for plugin, result in pairs(results.installs) do + table.insert(item_order, plugin) + table.insert( + raw_lines, + fmt( + ' %s %s %s', + result.ok and config.done_sym or config.error_sym, + result.ok and 'Installed' or 'Failed to install', + plugin + ) + ) + display.status.any_failed_install = display.status.any_failed_install or not result.ok + end + end + + if results.updates then + local status_msg = 'Updated' + if self:is_previewing() then + status_msg = 'Can update' + table.insert(keymap_display_order, 1, 'continue') + table.insert(keymap_display_order, 2, 'toggle_update') + end + for plugin_name, result in pairs(results.updates) do + local plugin = results.plugins[plugin_name] + local message = {} + local actual_update = true + local failed_update = false + if result.ok then + if self:has_changes(plugin) then + table.insert(item_order, plugin_name) + table.insert( + message, + make_update_msg(config.done_sym, status_msg, plugin_name, plugin) + ) + else + actual_update = false + table.insert(message, fmt(' %s %s is already up to date', config.done_sym, plugin_name)) + end + else + failed_update = true + actual_update = false + table.insert(display.status.failed_update_list, plugin.short_name) + table.insert(item_order, plugin_name) + table.insert(message, fmt(' %s Failed to update %s', config.error_sym, plugin_name)) + end + + plugin.actual_update = actual_update + if actual_update or failed_update then + vim.list_extend(raw_lines, message) + end + end + end + + if results.luarocks then + if results.luarocks.installs then + for package, result in pairs(results.luarocks.installs) do + if result.err then + rocks_items[package] = { lines = strip_newlines(result.err.output.data.stderr) } + end + + table.insert( + raw_lines, + fmt( + ' %s %s %s', + result.ok and config.done_sym or config.error_sym, + result.ok and 'Installed' or 'Failed to install', + package + ) + ) + display.status.any_failed_install = display.status.any_failed_install or not result.ok + end + end + + if results.luarocks.removals then + for package, result in pairs(results.luarocks.removals) do + if result.err then + rocks_items[package] = { lines = strip_newlines(result.err.output.data.stderr) } + end + + table.insert( + raw_lines, + fmt( + ' %s %s %s', + result.ok and config.done_sym or config.error_sym, + result.ok and 'Removed' or 'Failed to remove', + package + ) + ) + end + end + end + + if #raw_lines == 0 then + table.insert(raw_lines, ' Everything already up to date!') + end + + table.insert(raw_lines, '') + local show_retry = display.status.any_failed_install or #display.status.failed_update_list > 0 + for _, keymap in ipairs(keymap_display_order) do + if keymaps[keymap].lhs then + if not (keymap == 'retry') or show_retry then + table.insert(raw_lines, fmt(" Press '%s' to %s", keymaps[keymap].lhs, keymaps[keymap].action)) + end + end + end + + -- Ensure there are no newlines + local lines = strip_newlines(raw_lines) + self:set_lines(config.header_lines, -1, lines) + local plugins = {} + for plugin_name, plugin in pairs(results.plugins) do + local plugin_data = { displayed = false, lines = {}, spec = plugin } + if plugin.output then + if plugin.output.err and #plugin.output.err > 0 then + table.insert(plugin_data.lines, ' Errors:') + for _, line in ipairs(plugin.output.err) do + line = vim.trim(line) + if line:find '\n' then + for sub_line in line:gmatch '[^\r\n]+' do + table.insert(plugin_data.lines, ' ' .. sub_line) + end + else + table.insert(plugin_data.lines, ' ' .. line) + end + end + end + end + + if plugin.messages and #plugin.messages > 0 then + table.insert(plugin_data.lines, fmt(' URL: %s', plugin.url)) + table.insert(plugin_data.lines, ' Commits:') + for _, msg in ipairs(plugin.messages) do + for _, line in ipairs(vim.split(msg, '\n')) do + table.insert(plugin_data.lines, string.rep(' ', 4) .. line) + end + end + + table.insert(plugin_data.lines, '') + end + + if plugin.breaking_commits and #plugin.breaking_commits > 0 then + vim.cmd('syntax match packerBreakingChange "' .. plugin_name .. '" containedin=packerStatusSuccess') + for _, commit_hash in ipairs(plugin.breaking_commits) do + log.warn('Potential breaking change in commit ' .. commit_hash .. ' of ' .. plugin_name) + vim.cmd('syntax match packerBreakingChange "' .. commit_hash .. '" containedin=packerHash') + end + end + + plugins[plugin_name] = plugin_data + end + + self.items = vim.tbl_extend('keep', plugins, rocks_items) + self.item_order = item_order + if config.show_all_info then + self:show_all_info() + end + end), + + --- Toggle the display of detailed information for all plugins in the final results display + show_all_info = function(self) + if not self:valid_display() then + return + end + if next(self.items) == nil then + log.info 'Operations are still running; plugin info is not ready yet' + return + end + + local line = config.header_lines + 1 + for _, plugin_name in pairs(self.item_order) do + local plugin_data = self.items[plugin_name] + if plugin_data and plugin_data.spec.actual_update and #plugin_data.lines > 0 then + local next_line + if config.compact then + next_line = line + 1 + plugin_data.displayed = false + else + self:set_lines(line, line, plugin_data.lines) + next_line = line + #plugin_data.lines + 1 + plugin_data.displayed = true + end + self.marks[plugin_name] = { + start = set_extmark(self.buf, self.ns, nil, line - 1, 0), + end_ = set_extmark(self.buf, self.ns, nil, next_line - 1, 0), + } + line = next_line + else + line = line + 1 + end + end + end, + + profile_output = function(self, output) + self:setup_profile_syntax() + local result = {} + for i, line in ipairs(output) do + result[i] = string.rep(' ', 2) .. line + end + self:set_lines(config.header_lines, -1, result) + end, + + --- Toggle the display of detailed information for a plugin in the final results display + toggle_info = function(self) + if not self:valid_display() then + return + end + if self.items == nil or next(self.items) == nil then + log.info 'Operations are still running; plugin info is not ready yet' + return + end + + local plugin_name, cursor_pos = self:find_nearest_plugin() + if plugin_name == nil then + log.warn 'No plugin selected!' + return + end + + local plugin_data = self.items[plugin_name] + if plugin_data.displayed then + self:set_lines(cursor_pos[1], cursor_pos[1] + #plugin_data.lines, {}) + plugin_data.displayed = false + elseif #plugin_data.lines > 0 then + self:set_lines(cursor_pos[1], cursor_pos[1], plugin_data.lines) + plugin_data.displayed = true + else + log.info('No further information for ' .. plugin_name) + end + + api.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, cursor_pos) + end, + + diff = function(self) + if not self:valid_display() then + return + end + if next(self.items) == nil then + log.info 'Operations are still running; plugin info is not ready yet' + return + end + + local plugin_name, _ = self:find_nearest_plugin() + if plugin_name == nil then + log.warn 'No plugin selected!' + return + end + + if not self.items[plugin_name] or not self.items[plugin_name].spec then + log.warn 'Plugin not available!' + return + end + + local plugin_data = self.items[plugin_name].spec + local current_line = self:get_current_line() + local commit_pattern = [[[0-9a-f]\{7,9}]] + local commit_single_pattern = string.format([[\<%s\>]], commit_pattern) + local commit_range_pattern = string.format([[\<%s\.\.%s\>]], commit_pattern, commit_pattern) + local commit = vim.fn.matchstr(current_line, commit_range_pattern) + if commit == '' then + commit = vim.fn.matchstr(current_line, commit_single_pattern) + end + if commit == '' then + log.warn 'Unable to find the diff for this line' + return + end + plugin_data.diff(commit, function(lines, err) + if err then + return log.warn 'Unable to get diff!' + end + vim.schedule(function() + self:open_preview(commit, lines) + end) + end) + end, + + toggle_update = function(self) + if not self:is_previewing() then + return + end + local plugin_name, _ = self:find_nearest_plugin() + local plugin = self.items[plugin_name] + if not plugin then + log.warn 'Plugin not available!' + return + end + local plugin_data = plugin.spec + if not plugin_data.actual_update then + return + end + plugin_data.ignore_update = not plugin_data.ignore_update + self:toggle_plugin_text(plugin_name, plugin_data) + end, + + toggle_plugin_text = function(self, plugin_name, plugin_data) + local mark_ids = self.marks[plugin_name] + local start_idx = get_extmark_by_id(self.buf, self.ns, mark_ids.start)[1] + local symbol + local status_msg + if plugin_data.ignore_update then + status_msg = [[Won't update]] + symbol = config.item_sym + else + status_msg = 'Can update' + symbol = config.done_sym + end + self:set_lines( + start_idx, + start_idx + 1, + {make_update_msg(symbol, status_msg, plugin_name, plugin_data)} + ) + -- NOTE we need to reset the mark + self.marks[plugin_name].start = set_extmark(self.buf, self.ns, nil, start_idx, 0) + end, + + continue = function(self) + if not self:is_previewing() then + return + end + local plugins = {} + for plugin_name, _ in pairs(self.results.updates) do + local plugin_data = self.items[plugin_name].spec + if plugin_data.actual_update and not plugin_data.ignore_update then + table.insert(plugins, plugin_data.short_name) + end + end + if #plugins > 0 then + require('packer').update({pull_head = true, preview_updates = false}, unpack(plugins)) + else + log.warn 'No plugins selected!' + end + end, + + --- Prompt a user to revert the latest update for a plugin + prompt_revert = function(self) + if not self:valid_display() then + return + end + if next(self.items) == nil then + log.info 'Operations are still running; plugin info is not ready yet' + return + end + + local plugin_name, _ = self:find_nearest_plugin() + if plugin_name == nil then + log.warn 'No plugin selected!' + return + end + + local plugin_data = self.items[plugin_name].spec + if plugin_data.actual_update then + prompt_user('Revert update for ' .. plugin_name .. '?', { + 'Do you want to revert ' + .. plugin_name + .. ' from ' + .. plugin_data.revs[2] + .. ' to ' + .. plugin_data.revs[1] + .. '?', + }, function(ans) + if ans then + local r = plugin_data.revert_last() + if r.ok then + log.info('Reverted update for ' .. plugin_name) + else + log.error('Reverting update for ' .. plugin_name .. ' failed!') + end + end + end) + else + log.warn(plugin_name .. " wasn't updated; can't revert!") + end + end, + + is_plugin_line = function(self, line) + for _, sym in pairs { config.item_sym, config.done_sym, config.working_sym, config.error_sym } do + if string.find(line, sym, 1, true) then + return true + end + end + return false + end, + + --- Heuristically find the plugin nearest to the cursor for displaying detailed information + find_nearest_plugin = function(self) + if not self:valid_display() then + return + end + + local current_cursor_pos = api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0) + local nb_lines = api.nvim_buf_line_count(0) + local cursor_pos_y = math.max(current_cursor_pos[1], config.header_lines + 1) + if cursor_pos_y > nb_lines then + return + end + for i = cursor_pos_y, 1, -1 do + local curr_line = api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, i - 1, i, true)[1] + if self:is_plugin_line(curr_line) then + for name, _ in pairs(self.items) do + if string.find(curr_line, name, 1, true) then + return name, { i, 0 } + end + end + end + end + end, +} + +display_mt.__index = display_mt + +local function look_back(str) + return string.format([[\(%s\)\@%d<=]], str, #str) +end + +-- TODO: Option for no colors +local function make_filetype_cmds(working_sym, done_sym, error_sym) + return { + -- Adapted from https://github.com/kristijanhusak/vim-packager + 'setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nobuflisted nolist noswapfile nowrap nospell nonumber norelativenumber nofoldenable signcolumn=no', + 'syntax clear', + 'syn match packerWorking /^ ' .. working_sym .. '/', + 'syn match packerSuccess /^ ' .. done_sym .. '/', + 'syn match packerFail /^ ' .. error_sym .. '/', + 'syn match packerStatus /^+.*—\\zs\\s.*$/', + 'syn match packerStatusSuccess /' .. look_back('^ ' .. done_sym) .. '\\s.*$/', + 'syn match packerStatusFail /' .. look_back('^ ' .. error_sym) .. '\\s.*$/', + 'syn match packerStatusCommit /^\\*.*—\\zs\\s.*$/', + 'syn match packerHash /\\(\\s\\)[0-9a-f]\\{7,8}\\(\\s\\)/', + 'syn match packerRelDate /([^)]*)$/', + 'syn match packerProgress /\\[\\zs[\\=]*/', + 'syn match packerOutput /\\(Output:\\)\\|\\(Commits:\\)\\|\\(Errors:\\)/', + [[syn match packerTimeHigh /\d\{3\}\.\d\+ms/]], + [[syn match packerTimeMedium /\d\{2\}\.\d\+ms/]], + [[syn match packerTimeLow /\d\.\d\+ms/]], + [[syn match packerTimeTrivial /0\.\d\+ms/]], + [[syn match packerPackageNotLoaded /(not loaded)$/]], + [[syn match packerString /\v(''|""|(['"]).{-}[^\\]\2)/]], + [[syn match packerBool /\<\(false\|true\)\>/]], + [[syn match packerPackageName /^\ • \zs[^ ]*/]], + 'hi def link packerWorking SpecialKey', + 'hi def link packerSuccess Question', + 'hi def link packerFail ErrorMsg', + 'hi def link packerHash Identifier', + 'hi def link packerRelDate Comment', + 'hi def link packerProgress Boolean', + 'hi def link packerOutput Type', + } +end + +display.cfg = function(_config) + config = _config.display + if config.keybindings then + for name, lhs in pairs(config.keybindings) do + if keymaps[name] then + keymaps[name].lhs = lhs + end + end + end + config.filetype_cmds = make_filetype_cmds(config.working_sym, config.done_sym, config.error_sym) +end + +--- Utility to make the initial display buffer header +local function make_header(disp) + local width = api.nvim_win_get_width(0) + local pad_width = math.floor((width - string.len(config.title)) / 2.0) + api.nvim_buf_set_lines(disp.buf, 0, 1, true, { + string.rep(' ', pad_width) .. config.title, + ' ' .. string.rep(config.header_sym, width - 2), + }) +end + +--- Initialize options, settings, and keymaps for display windows +local function setup_window(disp) + api.nvim_buf_set_option(disp.buf, 'filetype', 'packer') + api.nvim_buf_set_name(disp.buf, '[packer]') + for _, m in pairs(keymaps) do + if m.lhs then + api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(disp.buf, 'n', m.lhs, m.rhs, { nowait = true, silent = true }) + end + end + for _, c in ipairs(config.filetype_cmds) do + vim.cmd(c) + end +end + +--- Open a new display window +-- Takes either a string representing a command or a function returning a (window, buffer) pair. +display.open = function(opener) + if display.status.disp then + if api.nvim_win_is_valid(display.status.disp.win) then + api.nvim_win_close(display.status.disp.win, true) + end + + display.status.disp = nil + end + + local disp = setmetatable({}, display_mt) + disp.marks = {} + disp.plugins = {} + disp.interactive = not config.non_interactive and not in_headless + + if disp.interactive then + if type(opener) == 'string' then + vim.cmd(opener) + disp.win = api.nvim_get_current_win() + disp.buf = api.nvim_get_current_buf() + else + local status, win, buf = opener '[packer]' + if not status then + log.error('Failure running opener function: ' .. vim.inspect(win)) + error(win) + end + + disp.win = win + disp.buf = buf + end + + disp.ns = api.nvim_create_namespace '' + make_header(disp) + setup_window(disp) + display.status.disp = disp + end + + return disp +end + +display.status = { running = false, disp = nil } + +--- Close a display window and signal that any running operations should terminate +display.quit = function() + display.status.running = false + vim.fn.execute('q!', 'silent') +end + +display.toggle_info = function() + if display.status.disp then + display.status.disp:toggle_info() + end +end + +display.diff = function() + if display.status.disp then + display.status.disp:diff() + end +end + +display.toggle_update = function() + if display.status.disp then + display.status.disp:toggle_update() + end +end + +display.continue = function() + if display.status.disp then + display.status.disp:continue() + end +end + +display.prompt_revert = function() + if display.status.disp then + display.status.disp:prompt_revert() + end +end + +display.retry = function() + if display.status.any_failed_install then + require('packer').install() + elseif #display.status.failed_update_list > 0 then + require('packer').update(unpack(display.status.failed_update_list)) + end +end + +--- Async prompt_user +display.ask_user = a.wrap(prompt_user) + +return display diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/handlers.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/handlers.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..63a090643 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/handlers.lua @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +local config = nil + +local function cfg(_config) + config = _config +end + +local handlers = { + cfg = cfg, +} + +return handlers diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/install.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/install.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a80f26fe5 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/install.lua @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +local a = require 'packer.async' +local log = require 'packer.log' +local util = require 'packer.util' +local display = require 'packer.display' +local plugin_utils = require 'packer.plugin_utils' + +local fmt = string.format +local async = a.sync +local await = a.wait + +local config = nil + +local function install_plugin(plugin, display_win, results) + local plugin_name = util.get_plugin_full_name(plugin) + return async(function() + display_win:task_start(plugin_name, 'installing...') + -- TODO: If the user provided a custom function as an installer, we would like to use pcall + -- here. Need to figure out how that integrates with async code + local r = await(plugin.installer(display_win)) + r = r:and_then(await, plugin_utils.post_update_hook(plugin, display_win)) + if r.ok then + display_win:task_succeeded(plugin_name, 'installed') + log.debug('Installed ' .. plugin_name) + else + display_win:task_failed(plugin_name, 'failed to install') + log.debug(fmt('Failed to install %s: %s', plugin_name, vim.inspect(r.err))) + end + + results.installs[plugin_name] = r + results.plugins[plugin_name] = plugin + end) +end + +local function do_install(_, plugins, missing_plugins, results) + results = results or {} + results.installs = results.installs or {} + results.plugins = results.plugins or {} + local display_win = nil + local tasks = {} + if #missing_plugins > 0 then + display_win = display.open(config.display.open_fn or config.display.open_cmd) + for _, v in ipairs(missing_plugins) do + if not plugins[v].disable then + table.insert(tasks, install_plugin(plugins[v], display_win, results)) + end + end + end + + return tasks, display_win +end + +local function cfg(_config) + config = _config +end + +local install = setmetatable({ cfg = cfg }, { __call = do_install }) + +return install diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/jobs.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/jobs.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cd791d89e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/jobs.lua @@ -0,0 +1,216 @@ +-- Interface with Neovim job control and provide a simple job sequencing structure +local split = vim.split +local loop = vim.loop +local a = require 'packer.async' +local log = require 'packer.log' +local result = require 'packer.result' + +--- Utility function to make a "standard" logging callback for a given set of tables +-- Arguments: +-- - err_tbl: table to which err messages will be logged +-- - data_tbl: table to which data (non-err messages) will be logged +-- - pipe: the pipe for which this callback will be used. Passed in so that we can make sure all +-- output flushes before finishing reading +-- - disp: optional packer.display object for updating task status. Requires `name` +-- - name: optional string name for a current task. Used to update task status +local function make_logging_callback(err_tbl, data_tbl, pipe, disp, name) + return function(err, data) + if err then + table.insert(err_tbl, vim.trim(err)) + end + if data ~= nil then + local trimmed = vim.trim(data) + table.insert(data_tbl, trimmed) + if disp then + disp:task_update(name, split(trimmed, '\n')[1]) + end + else + loop.read_stop(pipe) + loop.close(pipe) + end + end +end + +--- Utility function to make a table for capturing output with "standard" structure +local function make_output_table() + return { err = { stdout = {}, stderr = {} }, data = { stdout = {}, stderr = {} } } +end + +--- Utility function to merge stdout and stderr from two tables with "standard" structure (either +-- the err or data subtables, specifically) +local function extend_output(to, from) + vim.list_extend(to.stdout, from.stdout) + vim.list_extend(to.stderr, from.stderr) + return to +end + +--- Wrapper for vim.loop.spawn. Takes a command, options, and callback just like vim.loop.spawn, but +-- (1) makes an async function and (2) ensures that all output from the command has been flushed +-- before calling the callback +local spawn = a.wrap(function(cmd, options, callback) + local handle = nil + local timer = nil + handle = loop.spawn(cmd, options, function(exit_code, signal) + handle:close() + if timer ~= nil then + timer:stop() + timer:close() + end + + loop.close(options.stdio[1]) + local check = loop.new_check() + loop.check_start(check, function() + for _, pipe in pairs(options.stdio) do + if not loop.is_closing(pipe) then + return + end + end + loop.check_stop(check) + callback(exit_code, signal) + end) + end) + + if options.stdio then + for i, pipe in pairs(options.stdio) do + if options.stdio_callbacks[i] then + loop.read_start(pipe, options.stdio_callbacks[i]) + end + end + end + + if options.timeout then + timer = loop.new_timer() + timer:start(options.timeout, 0, function() + timer:stop() + timer:close() + if loop.is_active(handle) then + log.warn('Killing ' .. cmd .. ' due to timeout!') + loop.process_kill(handle, 'sigint') + handle:close() + for _, pipe in pairs(options.stdio) do + loop.close(pipe) + end + callback(-9999, 'sigint') + end + end) + end +end) + +--- Utility function to perform a common check for process success and return a result object +local function was_successful(r) + if r.exit_code == 0 and (not r.output or not r.output.err or #r.output.err == 0) then + return result.ok(r) + else + return result.err(r) + end +end + +--- Main exposed function for the jobs module. Takes a task and options and returns an async +-- function that will run the task with the given opts via vim.loop.spawn +-- Arguments: +-- - task: either a string or table. If string, split, and the first component is treated as the +-- command. If table, first element is treated as the command. All subsequent elements are passed +-- as args +-- - opts: table of options. Can include the keys "options" (like the options table passed to +-- vim.loop.spawn), "success_test" (a function, called like `was_successful` (above)), +-- "capture_output" (either a boolean, in which case default output capture is set up and the +-- resulting tables are included in the result, or a set of tables, in which case output is logged +-- to the given tables) +local run_job = function(task, opts) + return a.sync(function() + local options = opts.options or { hide = true } + local stdout = nil + local stderr = nil + local job_result = { exit_code = -1, signal = -1 } + local success_test = opts.success_test or was_successful + local uv_err + local output = make_output_table() + local callbacks = {} + local output_valid = false + if opts.capture_output then + if type(opts.capture_output) == 'boolean' then + stdout, uv_err = loop.new_pipe(false) + if uv_err then + log.error('Failed to open stdout pipe: ' .. uv_err) + return result.err() + end + + stderr, uv_err = loop.new_pipe(false) + if uv_err then + log.error('Failed to open stderr pipe: ' .. uv_err) + return job_result + end + + callbacks.stdout = make_logging_callback(output.err.stdout, output.data.stdout, stdout) + callbacks.stderr = make_logging_callback(output.err.stderr, output.data.stderr, stderr) + output_valid = true + elseif type(opts.capture_output) == 'table' then + if opts.capture_output.stdout then + stdout, uv_err = loop.new_pipe(false) + if uv_err then + log.error('Failed to open stdout pipe: ' .. uv_err) + return job_result + end + + callbacks.stdout = function(err, data) + if data ~= nil then + opts.capture_output.stdout(err, data) + else + loop.read_stop(stdout) + loop.close(stdout) + end + end + end + if opts.capture_output.stderr then + stderr, uv_err = loop.new_pipe(false) + if uv_err then + log.error('Failed to open stderr pipe: ' .. uv_err) + return job_result + end + + callbacks.stderr = function(err, data) + if data ~= nil then + opts.capture_output.stderr(err, data) + else + loop.read_stop(stderr) + loop.close(stderr) + end + end + end + end + end + + if type(task) == 'string' then + local split_pattern = '%s+' + task = split(task, split_pattern) + end + + local cmd = task[1] + if opts.timeout then + options.timeout = 1000 * opts.timeout + end + + options.cwd = opts.cwd + + local stdin = loop.new_pipe(false) + options.args = { unpack(task, 2) } + options.stdio = { stdin, stdout, stderr } + options.stdio_callbacks = { nil, callbacks.stdout, callbacks.stderr } + + local exit_code, signal = a.wait(spawn(cmd, options)) + job_result = { exit_code = exit_code, signal = signal } + if output_valid then + job_result.output = output + end + return success_test(job_result) + end) +end + +local jobs = { + run = run_job, + logging_callback = make_logging_callback, + output_table = make_output_table, + extend_output = extend_output, +} + +return jobs diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/load.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/load.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f967d23c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/load.lua @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +local packer_load = nil +local cmd = vim.api.nvim_command +local fmt = string.format + +local function verify_conditions(conds, name) + if conds == nil then + return true + end + for _, cond in ipairs(conds) do + local success, result + if type(cond) == 'boolean' then + result = cond + elseif type(cond) == 'string' then + success, result = pcall(loadstring(cond)) + if not success then + vim.schedule(function() + vim.api.nvim_notify( + 'packer.nvim: Error running cond for ' .. name .. ': ' .. result, + vim.log.levels.ERROR, + {} + ) + end) + return false + end + end + if result == false then + return false + end + end + return true +end + +local function loader_clear_loaders(plugin) + if plugin.commands then + for _, del_cmd in ipairs(plugin.commands) do + cmd('silent! delcommand ' .. del_cmd) + end + end + + if plugin.keys then + for _, key in ipairs(plugin.keys) do + cmd(fmt('silent! %sunmap %s', key[1], key[2])) + end + end +end + +local function loader_apply_config(plugin, name) + if plugin.config then + for _, config_line in ipairs(plugin.config) do + local success, err = pcall(loadstring(config_line), name, plugin) + if not success then + vim.schedule(function() + vim.api.nvim_notify('packer.nvim: Error running config for ' .. name .. ': ' .. err, vim.log.levels.ERROR, {}) + end) + end + end + end +end + +local function loader_apply_wants(plugin, plugins) + if plugin.wants then + for _, wanted_name in ipairs(plugin.wants) do + packer_load({ wanted_name }, {}, plugins) + end + end +end + +local function loader_apply_after(plugin, plugins, name) + if plugin.after then + for _, after_name in ipairs(plugin.after) do + local after_plugin = plugins[after_name] + after_plugin.load_after[name] = nil + if next(after_plugin.load_after) == nil then + packer_load({ after_name }, {}, plugins) + end + end + end +end + +local function apply_cause_side_effects(cause) + if cause.cmd then + local lines = cause.l1 == cause.l2 and '' or (cause.l1 .. ',' .. cause.l2) + -- This is a hack to deal with people who haven't recompiled after updating to the new command + -- creation logic + local bang = '' + if type(cause.bang) == 'string' then + bang = cause.bang + elseif type(cause.bang) == 'boolean' and cause.bang then + bang = '!' + end + cmd(fmt('%s %s%s%s %s', cause.mods or '', lines, cause.cmd, bang, cause.args)) + elseif cause.keys then + local extra = '' + while true do + local c = vim.fn.getchar(0) + if c == 0 then + break + end + extra = extra .. vim.fn.nr2char(c) + end + + if cause.prefix then + local prefix = vim.v.count ~= 0 and vim.v.count or '' + prefix = prefix .. '"' .. vim.v.register .. cause.prefix + if vim.fn.mode 'full' == 'no' then + if vim.v.operator == 'c' then + prefix = '' .. prefix + end + prefix = prefix .. vim.v.operator + end + + vim.fn.feedkeys(prefix, 'n') + end + + local escaped_keys = vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(cause.keys .. extra, true, true, true) + vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(escaped_keys, 'm', true) + elseif cause.event then + cmd(fmt('doautocmd %s', cause.event)) + elseif cause.ft then + cmd(fmt('doautocmd %s FileType %s', 'filetypeplugin', cause.ft)) + cmd(fmt('doautocmd %s FileType %s', 'filetypeindent', cause.ft)) + cmd(fmt('doautocmd %s FileType %s', 'syntaxset', cause.ft)) + end +end + +packer_load = function(names, cause, plugins, force) + local some_unloaded = false + local needs_bufread = false + local num_names = #names + for i = 1, num_names do + local plugin = plugins[names[i]] + if not plugin then + local err_message = 'Error: attempted to load ' .. names[i] .. ' which is not present in plugins table!' + vim.notify(err_message, vim.log.levels.ERROR, { title = 'packer.nvim' }) + error(err_message) + end + + if not plugin.loaded then + loader_clear_loaders(plugin) + if force or verify_conditions(plugin.cond, names[i]) then + -- Set the plugin as loaded before config is run in case something in the config tries to load + -- this same plugin again + plugin.loaded = true + some_unloaded = true + needs_bufread = needs_bufread or plugin.needs_bufread + loader_apply_wants(plugin, plugins) + cmd('packadd ' .. names[i]) + if plugin.after_files then + for _, file in ipairs(plugin.after_files) do + cmd('silent source ' .. file) + end + end + loader_apply_config(plugin, names[i]) + loader_apply_after(plugin, plugins, names[i]) + end + end + end + + if not some_unloaded then + return + end + + if needs_bufread then + if _G._packer and _G._packer.inside_compile == true then + -- delaying BufRead to end of packer_compiled + _G._packer.needs_bufread = true + else + cmd 'doautocmd BufRead' + end + end + -- Retrigger cmd/keymap... + apply_cause_side_effects(cause) +end + +local function load_wrapper(names, cause, plugins, force) + local success, err_msg = pcall(packer_load, names, cause, plugins, force) + if not success then + vim.cmd 'echohl ErrorMsg' + vim.cmd('echomsg "Error in packer_compiled: ' .. vim.fn.escape(err_msg, '"') .. '"') + vim.cmd 'echomsg "Please check your config for correctness"' + vim.cmd 'echohl None' + end +end + +return load_wrapper diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/log.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/log.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..637e69c23 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/log.lua @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +-- log.lua +-- +-- Inspired by rxi/log.lua +-- Modified by tjdevries and can be found at github.com/tjdevries/vlog.nvim +-- +-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it +-- under the terms of the MIT license. See LICENSE for details. +-- User configuration section +local default_config = { + -- Name of the plugin. Prepended to log messages + plugin = 'packer.nvim', + + -- Should print the output to neovim while running + use_console = true, + + -- Should highlighting be used in console (using echohl) + highlights = true, + + -- Should write to a file + use_file = true, + + -- Any messages above this level will be logged. + level = 'debug', + + -- Level configuration + modes = { + { name = 'trace', hl = 'Comment' }, + { name = 'debug', hl = 'Comment' }, + { name = 'info', hl = 'None' }, + { name = 'warn', hl = 'WarningMsg' }, + { name = 'error', hl = 'ErrorMsg' }, + { name = 'fatal', hl = 'ErrorMsg' }, + }, + + -- Which levels should be logged? + active_levels = { [1] = true, [2] = true, [3] = true, [4] = true, [5] = true, [6] = true }, + + -- Can limit the number of decimals displayed for floats + float_precision = 0.01, +} + +-- {{{ NO NEED TO CHANGE +local log = {} + +local unpack = unpack or table.unpack + +local level_ids = { trace = 1, debug = 2, info = 3, warn = 4, error = 5, fatal = 6 } +log.cfg = function(_config) + local min_active_level = level_ids[_config.log.level] + local config = { active_levels = {} } + if min_active_level then + for i = min_active_level, 6 do + config.active_levels[i] = true + end + end + log.new(config, true) +end + +log.new = function(config, standalone) + config = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', default_config, config) + local outfile = string.format('%s/%s.log', vim.fn.stdpath 'cache', config.plugin) + vim.fn.mkdir(vim.fn.stdpath 'cache', 'p') + local obj + if standalone then + obj = log + else + obj = {} + end + + local levels = {} + for i, v in ipairs(config.modes) do + levels[v.name] = i + end + + local round = function(x, increment) + increment = increment or 1 + x = x / increment + return (x > 0 and math.floor(x + 0.5) or math.ceil(x - 0.5)) * increment + end + + local make_string = function(...) + local t = {} + for i = 1, select('#', ...) do + local x = select(i, ...) + + if type(x) == 'number' and config.float_precision then + x = tostring(round(x, config.float_precision)) + elseif type(x) == 'table' then + x = vim.inspect(x) + else + x = tostring(x) + end + + t[#t + 1] = x + end + return table.concat(t, ' ') + end + + local console_output = vim.schedule_wrap(function(level_config, info, nameupper, msg) + local console_lineinfo = vim.fn.fnamemodify(info.short_src, ':t') .. ':' .. info.currentline + local console_string = string.format('[%-6s%s] %s: %s', nameupper, os.date '%H:%M:%S', console_lineinfo, msg) + -- Heuristic to check for nvim-notify + local is_fancy_notify = type(vim.notify) == 'table' + vim.notify( + string.format([[%s%s]], is_fancy_notify and '' or ('[' .. config.plugin .. '] '), console_string), + vim.log.levels[level_config.name:upper()], + { title = config.plugin } + ) + end) + + local log_at_level = function(level, level_config, message_maker, ...) + -- Return early if we're below the config.level + if level < levels[config.level] then + return + end + local nameupper = level_config.name:upper() + + local msg = message_maker(...) + local info = debug.getinfo(2, 'Sl') + local lineinfo = info.short_src .. ':' .. info.currentline + + -- Output to console + if config.use_console and config.active_levels[level] then + console_output(level_config, info, nameupper, msg) + end + + -- Output to log file + if config.use_file and config.active_levels[level] then + local fp, err = io.open(outfile, 'a') + if not fp then + print(err) + return + end + + local str = string.format('[%-6s%s %s] %s: %s\n', nameupper, os.date(), vim.loop.hrtime(), lineinfo, msg) + fp:write(str) + fp:close() + end + end + + for i, x in ipairs(config.modes) do + obj[x.name] = function(...) + return log_at_level(i, x, make_string, ...) + end + + obj[('fmt_%s'):format(x.name)] = function() + return log_at_level(i, x, function(...) + local passed = { ... } + local fmt = table.remove(passed, 1) + local inspected = {} + for _, v in ipairs(passed) do + table.insert(inspected, vim.inspect(v)) + end + return string.format(fmt, unpack(inspected)) + end) + end + end +end + +log.new(default_config, true) +-- }}} + +return log diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/luarocks.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/luarocks.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a93075469 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/luarocks.lua @@ -0,0 +1,577 @@ +-- Add support for installing and cleaning Luarocks dependencies +-- Based off of plenary/neorocks/init.lua in https://github.com/nvim-lua/plenary.nvim +local a = require 'packer.async' +local jobs = require 'packer.jobs' +local log = require 'packer.log' +local result = require 'packer.result' +local util = require 'packer.util' + +local fmt = string.format +local async = a.sync +local await = a.wait + +local config = nil +local function cfg(_config) + config = _config.luarocks +end +local function warn_need_luajit() + log.error 'LuaJIT is required for Luarocks functionality!' +end + +local lua_version = nil +if jit then + local jit_version = string.gsub(jit.version, 'LuaJIT ', '') + lua_version = { lua = string.gsub(_VERSION, 'Lua ', ''), jit = jit_version, dir = jit_version } +else + return { + handle_command = warn_need_luajit, + install_commands = warn_need_luajit, + list = warn_need_luajit, + install_hererocks = warn_need_luajit, + setup_paths = warn_need_luajit, + uninstall = warn_need_luajit, + clean = warn_need_luajit, + install = warn_need_luajit, + ensure = warn_need_luajit, + generate_path_setup = function() + return '' + end, + cfg = cfg, + } +end + +local cache_path = vim.fn.stdpath 'cache' +local rocks_path = util.join_paths(cache_path, 'packer_hererocks') +local hererocks_file = util.join_paths(rocks_path, 'hererocks.py') +local hererocks_install_dir = util.join_paths(rocks_path, lua_version.dir) +local shell_hererocks_dir = vim.fn.shellescape(hererocks_install_dir) +local _hererocks_setup_done = false +local function hererocks_is_setup() + if _hererocks_setup_done then + return true + end + local path_info = vim.loop.fs_stat(util.join_paths(hererocks_install_dir, 'lib')) + _hererocks_setup_done = (path_info ~= nil) and (path_info['type'] == 'directory') + return _hererocks_setup_done +end + +local function hererocks_installer(disp) + return async(function() + local hererocks_url = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/luarocks/hererocks/master/hererocks.py' + local hererocks_cmd + await(a.main) + vim.fn.mkdir(rocks_path, 'p') + if vim.fn.executable 'curl' > 0 then + hererocks_cmd = 'curl ' .. hererocks_url .. ' -o ' .. hererocks_file + elseif vim.fn.executable 'wget' > 0 then + hererocks_cmd = 'wget ' .. hererocks_url .. ' -O ' .. hererocks_file .. ' --verbose' + else + return result.err '"curl" or "wget" is required to install hererocks' + end + + if disp ~= nil then + disp:task_start('luarocks-hererocks', 'installing hererocks...') + end + local output = jobs.output_table() + local callbacks = { + stdout = jobs.logging_callback(output.err.stdout, output.data.stdout, nil, disp, 'luarocks-hererocks'), + stderr = jobs.logging_callback(output.err.stderr, output.data.stderr), + } + + local opts = { capture_output = callbacks } + local r = await(jobs.run(hererocks_cmd, opts)):map_err(function(err) + return { msg = 'Error installing hererocks', data = err, output = output } + end) + + local luarocks_cmd = config.python_cmd + .. ' ' + .. hererocks_file + .. ' --verbose -j ' + .. lua_version.jit + .. ' -r latest ' + .. hererocks_install_dir + r:and_then(await, jobs.run(luarocks_cmd, opts)) + :map_ok(function() + if disp then + disp:task_succeeded('luarocks-hererocks', 'installed hererocks!') + end + end) + :map_err(function(err) + if disp then + disp:task_failed('luarocks-hererocks', 'failed to install hererocks!') + end + log.error('Failed to install hererocks: ' .. vim.inspect(err)) + return { msg = 'Error installing luarocks', data = err, output = output } + end) + return r + end) +end + +local function package_patterns(dir) + local sep = util.get_separator() + return fmt('%s%s?.lua;%s%s?%sinit.lua', dir, sep, dir, sep, sep) +end + +local package_paths = (function() + local install_path = util.join_paths(hererocks_install_dir, 'lib', 'luarocks', fmt('rocks-%s', lua_version.lua)) + local share_path = util.join_paths(hererocks_install_dir, 'share', 'lua', lua_version.lua) + return package_patterns(share_path) .. ';' .. package_patterns(install_path) +end)() + +local nvim_paths_are_setup = false +local function setup_nvim_paths() + if not hererocks_is_setup() then + log.warn 'Tried to setup Neovim Lua paths before hererocks was setup!' + return + end + + if nvim_paths_are_setup then + log.warn 'Tried to setup Neovim Lua paths redundantly!' + return + end + + if not string.find(package.path, package_paths, 1, true) then + package.path = package.path .. ';' .. package_paths + end + + local install_cpath = util.join_paths(hererocks_install_dir, 'lib', 'lua', lua_version.lua) + local install_cpath_pattern = fmt('%s%s?.so', install_cpath, util.get_separator()) + if not string.find(package.cpath, install_cpath_pattern, 1, true) then + package.cpath = package.cpath .. ';' .. install_cpath_pattern + end + + nvim_paths_are_setup = true +end + +local function generate_path_setup_code() + local package_path_str = vim.inspect(package_paths) + local install_cpath = util.join_paths(hererocks_install_dir, 'lib', 'lua', lua_version.lua) + local install_cpath_pattern = fmt('"%s%s?.so"', install_cpath, util.get_separator()) + install_cpath_pattern = vim.fn.escape(install_cpath_pattern, [[\]]) + return [[ +local package_path_str = ]] .. package_path_str .. [[ + +local install_cpath_pattern = ]] .. install_cpath_pattern .. [[ + +if not string.find(package.path, package_path_str, 1, true) then + package.path = package.path .. ';' .. package_path_str +end + +if not string.find(package.cpath, install_cpath_pattern, 1, true) then + package.cpath = package.cpath .. ';' .. install_cpath_pattern +end +]] +end + +local function activate_hererocks_cmd(install_path) + local activate_file = 'activate' + local user_shell = os.getenv 'SHELL' + local shell = user_shell:gmatch '([^/]*)$'() + if shell == 'fish' then + activate_file = 'activate.fish' + elseif shell == 'csh' then + activate_file = 'activate.csh' + end + + return fmt('source %s', util.join_paths(install_path, 'bin', activate_file)) +end + +local function run_luarocks(args, disp, operation_name) + local cmd = { + os.getenv 'SHELL', + '-c', + fmt('%s && luarocks --tree=%s %s', activate_hererocks_cmd(hererocks_install_dir), shell_hererocks_dir, args), + } + return async(function() + local output = jobs.output_table() + local callbacks = { + stdout = jobs.logging_callback(output.err.stdout, output.data.stdout, nil, disp, operation_name), + stderr = jobs.logging_callback(output.err.stderr, output.data.stderr), + } + + local opts = { capture_output = callbacks } + return await(jobs.run(cmd, opts)) + :map_err(function(err) + return { msg = fmt('Error running luarocks %s', args), data = err, output = output } + end) + :map_ok(function(data) + return { data = data, output = output } + end) + end) +end + +local luarocks_keys = { only_server = 'only-server', only_source = 'only-sources' } + +local function is_valid_luarock_key(key) + return not (key == 'tree' or key == 'local') +end + +local function format_luarocks_args(package) + if type(package) ~= 'table' then + return '' + end + local args = {} + for key, value in pairs(package) do + if type(key) == 'string' and is_valid_luarock_key(key) then + local luarock_key = luarocks_keys[key] and luarocks_keys[key] or key + if luarock_key and type(value) == 'string' then + table.insert(args, string.format('--%s=%s', key, value)) + elseif key == 'env' and type(value) == 'table' then + for name, env_value in pairs(value) do + table.insert(args, string.format('%s=%s', name, env_value)) + end + end + end + end + return ' ' .. table.concat(args, ' ') +end + +local function luarocks_install(package, results, disp) + return async(function() + local package_name = type(package) == 'table' and package[1] or package + if disp then + disp:task_update('luarocks-install', 'installing ' .. package_name) + end + local args = format_luarocks_args(package) + local version = package.version and ' ' .. package.version .. ' ' or '' + local install_result = await(run_luarocks('install ' .. package_name .. version .. args, disp, 'luarocks-install')) + if results then + results.luarocks.installs[package_name] = install_result + end + return install_result + end) +end + +local function install_packages(packages, results, disp) + return async(function() + local r = result.ok() + if not hererocks_is_setup() then + r:and_then(await, hererocks_installer(disp)) + end + if disp then + disp:task_start('luarocks-install', 'installing rocks...') + end + if results then + results.luarocks.installs = {} + end + for _, package in ipairs(packages) do + r:and_then(await, luarocks_install(package, results, disp)) + end + r:map_ok(function() + if disp then + disp:task_succeeded('luarocks-install', 'rocks installed!') + end + end):map_err(function() + if disp then + disp:task_failed('luarocks-install', 'installing rocks failed!') + end + end) + return r + end) +end + +--- Install the packages specified with `packages` synchronously +local function install_sync(packages) + return async(function() + return await(install_packages(packages)) + end)() +end + +local function chunk_output(output) + -- Merge the output to a single line, then split again. Helps to deal with inconsistent + -- chunking in the output collection + local res = table.concat(output, '\n') + return vim.split(res, '\n') +end + +local function luarocks_list(disp) + return async(function() + local r = result.ok() + if not hererocks_is_setup() then + r:and_then(await, hererocks_installer(disp)) + end + r:and_then(await, run_luarocks 'list --porcelain') + return r:map_ok(function(data) + local results = {} + local output = chunk_output(data.output.data.stdout) + for _, line in ipairs(output) do + for l_package, version, status, install_path in string.gmatch(line, '([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+)') do + table.insert(results, { + name = l_package, + version = version, + status = status, + install_path = install_path, + }) + end + end + + return results + end) + end) +end + +local function luarocks_show(package, disp) + return async(function() + local r = result.ok() + if not hererocks_is_setup() then + r:and_then(await, hererocks_installer(disp)) + end + r:and_then(await, run_luarocks('show --porcelain ' .. package)) + return r:map_ok(function(data) + local output = chunk_output(data.output.data.stdout) + local dependencies = {} + for _, line in ipairs(output) do + local components = {} + for component in string.gmatch(line, '([^%s]+)') do + components[#components + 1] = component + end + + if (components[1] == 'dependency' or components[1] == 'indirect_dependency') and (components[2] ~= 'lua') then + dependencies[components[2]] = components[2] + end + end + + return dependencies + end) + end) +end + +local function luarocks_remove(package, results, disp) + return async(function() + if disp then + disp:task_update('luarocks-remove', 'removing ' .. package) + end + local remove_result = await(run_luarocks('remove ' .. package, disp, 'luarocks-remove')) + if results then + results.luarocks.removals[package] = remove_result + end + return remove_result + end) +end + +local function uninstall_packages(packages, results, disp) + return async(function() + local r = result.ok() + if not hererocks_is_setup() then + r:and_then(await, hererocks_installer(disp)) + end + if disp then + disp:task_start('luarocks-remove', 'uninstalling rocks...') + end + if results then + results.luarocks.removals = {} + end + for _, package in ipairs(packages) do + local name = type(package) == 'table' and package[1] or package + r:and_then(await, luarocks_remove(name, results, disp)) + end + r:map_ok(function() + if disp then + disp:task_succeeded('luarocks-remove', 'rocks cleaned!') + end + end):map_err(function() + if disp then + disp:task_failed('luarocks-remove', 'cleaning rocks failed!') + end + end) + return r + end) +end + +--- Uninstall the packages specified with `packages` synchronously +local function uninstall_sync(packages) + return async(function() + return await(uninstall_packages(packages)) + end)() +end + +local function clean_rocks(rocks, results, disp) + return async(function() + local r = result.ok() + if not hererocks_is_setup() then + return r + end + r:and_then(await, luarocks_list(disp)) + local installed_packages + if r.ok then + installed_packages = r.ok + else + return r + end + + local dependency_info = {} + for _, package in ipairs(installed_packages) do + r:and_then(await, luarocks_show(package.name, disp)) + if r.ok then + dependency_info[package.name] = r.ok + end + end + + r = r:map_ok(function() + local to_remove = {} + for _, package in ipairs(installed_packages) do + to_remove[package.name] = package + end + for _, rock in pairs(rocks) do + if type(rock) == 'table' then + if to_remove[rock[1]] and (not rock.version or to_remove[rock[1]].version == rock.version) then + to_remove[rock[1]] = nil + end + else + to_remove[rock] = nil + end + end + + for rock, dependencies in pairs(dependency_info) do + if rocks[rock] ~= nil then + for _, dependency in pairs(dependencies) do + to_remove[dependency] = nil + end + end + end + + -- Toposort to ensure that we remove packages before their dependencies + local removal_order = {} + local frontier = {} + for rock, _ in pairs(to_remove) do + if next(dependency_info[rock]) == nil then + frontier[#frontier + 1] = rock + dependency_info[rock] = nil + end + end + + local inverse_dependencies = {} + for rock, depends in pairs(dependency_info) do + for d, _ in pairs(depends) do + inverse_dependencies[d] = inverse_dependencies[d] or {} + inverse_dependencies[d][rock] = true + end + end + + while #frontier > 0 do + local rock = table.remove(frontier) + removal_order[#removal_order + 1] = rock + local inv_depends = inverse_dependencies[rock] + if inv_depends ~= nil then + for depends, _ in pairs(inverse_dependencies[rock]) do + table.remove(dependency_info[depends]) + if #dependency_info[depends] == 0 then + frontier[#frontier + 1] = depends + end + end + end + end + + local reverse_order = {} + for i = #removal_order, 1, -1 do + reverse_order[#reverse_order + 1] = removal_order[i] + end + return reverse_order + end) + + if results ~= nil then + results.luarocks = results.luarocks or {} + end + return r:and_then(await, uninstall_packages(r.ok, results, disp)) + end) +end + +local function ensure_rocks(rocks, results, disp) + return async(function() + local to_install = {} + for _, rock in pairs(rocks) do + if type(rock) == 'table' then + to_install[rock[1]:lower()] = rock + else + to_install[rock:lower()] = true + end + end + + local r = result.ok() + if next(to_install) == nil then + return r + end + if disp == nil then + disp = require('packer.display').open(config.display.open_fn or config.display.open_cmd) + end + if not hererocks_is_setup() then + r = r:and_then(await, hererocks_installer(disp)) + end + r:and_then(await, luarocks_list(disp)) + r:map_ok(function(installed_packages) + for _, package in ipairs(installed_packages) do + local spec = to_install[package.name] + if spec then + if type(spec) == 'table' then + -- if the package is on the system and the spec has no version + -- or it has a version and that is the version on the system do not install it again + if not spec.version or (spec.version and spec.version == package.version) then + to_install[package.name] = nil + end + else + to_install[package.name] = nil + end + end + end + + local package_specs = {} + for name, spec in pairs(to_install) do + if type(spec) == 'table' then + table.insert(package_specs, spec) + else + table.insert(package_specs, { name }) + end + end + + return package_specs + end) + + results.luarocks = results.luarocks or {} + return r:and_then(await, install_packages(r.ok, results, disp)) + end) +end + +local function handle_command(cmd, ...) + local task + local packages = { ... } + if cmd == 'install' then + task = install_packages(packages) + elseif cmd == 'remove' then + task = uninstall_packages(packages) + else + log.warn 'Unrecognized command!' + return result.err 'Unrecognized command' + end + + return async(function() + local r = await(task) + await(a.main) + local package_names = vim.fn.escape(vim.inspect(packages), '"') + return r:map_ok(function(data) + local operation_name = cmd:sub(1, 1):upper() .. cmd:sub(2) + log.info(fmt('%sed packages %s', operation_name, package_names)) + return data + end):map_err(function(err) + log.error(fmt('Failed to %s packages %s: %s', cmd, package_names, vim.fn.escape(vim.inspect(err), '"\n'))) + return err + end) + end)() +end + +local function make_commands() + vim.cmd [[ command! -nargs=+ PackerRocks lua require('packer.luarocks').handle_command() ]] +end + +return { + handle_command = handle_command, + install_commands = make_commands, + list = luarocks_list, + install_hererocks = hererocks_installer, + setup_paths = setup_nvim_paths, + uninstall = uninstall_sync, + clean = clean_rocks, + install = install_sync, + ensure = ensure_rocks, + generate_path_setup = generate_path_setup_code, + cfg = cfg, +} diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/plugin_types.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/plugin_types.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..37f81a88c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/plugin_types.lua @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +local config + +local function cfg(_config) + config = _config +end + +local plugin_types = setmetatable({ cfg = cfg }, { + __index = function(self, k) + local v = require('packer.plugin_types.' .. k) + v.cfg(config) + self[k] = v + return v + end, +}) + +return plugin_types diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/plugin_types/git.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/plugin_types/git.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..011efe6fa --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/plugin_types/git.lua @@ -0,0 +1,565 @@ +local util = require 'packer.util' +local jobs = require 'packer.jobs' +local a = require 'packer.async' +local result = require 'packer.result' +local log = require 'packer.log' +local await = a.wait +local async = a.sync +local fmt = string.format + +local vim = vim + +local git = {} + +local blocked_env_vars = { + GIT_DIR = true, + GIT_INDEX_FILE = true, + GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY = true, + GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT = true, + GIT_WORK_TREE = true, + GIT_COMMON_DIR = true, +} + +local function ensure_git_env() + if git.job_env == nil then + local job_env = {} + for k, v in pairs(vim.fn.environ()) do + if not blocked_env_vars[k] then + table.insert(job_env, k .. '=' .. v) + end + end + + table.insert(job_env, 'GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT=0') + git.job_env = job_env + end +end + +local function has_wildcard(tag) + if not tag then + return false + end + return string.match(tag, '*') ~= nil +end + +local break_tag_pattern = [=[[bB][rR][eE][aA][kK]!?:]=] +local breaking_change_pattern = [=[[bB][rR][eE][aA][kK][iI][nN][gG][ _][cC][hH][aA][nN][gG][eE]]=] +local type_exclam_pattern = [=[[a-zA-Z]+!:]=] +local type_scope_exclam_pattern = [=[[a-zA-Z]+%([^)]+%)!:]=] +local function mark_breaking_commits(plugin, commit_bodies) + local commits = vim.gsplit(table.concat(commit_bodies, '\n'), '===COMMIT_START===', true) + for commit in commits do + local commit_parts = vim.split(commit, '===BODY_START===') + local body = commit_parts[2] + local lines = vim.split(commit_parts[1], '\n') + local is_breaking = ( + body ~= nil + and ( + (string.match(body, breaking_change_pattern) ~= nil) + or (string.match(body, break_tag_pattern) ~= nil) + or (string.match(body, type_exclam_pattern) ~= nil) + or (string.match(body, type_scope_exclam_pattern) ~= nil) + ) + ) + or ( + lines[2] ~= nil + and ( + (string.match(lines[2], breaking_change_pattern) ~= nil) + or (string.match(lines[2], break_tag_pattern) ~= nil) + or (string.match(lines[2], type_exclam_pattern) ~= nil) + or (string.match(lines[2], type_scope_exclam_pattern) ~= nil) + ) + ) + if is_breaking then + plugin.breaking_commits[#plugin.breaking_commits + 1] = lines[1] + end + end +end + +local config = nil +git.cfg = function(_config) + config = _config.git + config.base_dir = _config.package_root + config.default_base_dir = util.join_paths(config.base_dir, _config.plugin_package) + config.exec_cmd = config.cmd .. ' ' + ensure_git_env() +end + +---Resets a git repo `dest` to `commit` +---@param dest string @ path to the local git repo +---@param commit string @ commit hash +---@return function @ async function +local function reset(dest, commit) + local reset_cmd = fmt(config.exec_cmd .. config.subcommands.revert_to, commit) + local opts = { capture_output = true, cwd = dest, options = { env = git.job_env } } + return async(function() + return await(jobs.run(reset_cmd, opts)) + end) +end + +local handle_checkouts = function(plugin, dest, disp, opts) + local plugin_name = util.get_plugin_full_name(plugin) + return async(function() + if disp ~= nil then + disp:task_update(plugin_name, 'fetching reference...') + end + local output = jobs.output_table() + local callbacks = { + stdout = jobs.logging_callback(output.err.stdout, output.data.stdout, nil, disp, plugin_name), + stderr = jobs.logging_callback(output.err.stderr, output.data.stderr), + } + + local job_opts = { capture_output = callbacks, cwd = dest, options = { env = git.job_env } } + + local r = result.ok() + + if plugin.tag and has_wildcard(plugin.tag) then + disp:task_update(plugin_name, fmt('getting tag for wildcard %s...', plugin.tag)) + local fetch_tags = config.exec_cmd .. fmt(config.subcommands.tags_expand_fmt, plugin.tag) + r:and_then(await, jobs.run(fetch_tags, job_opts)) + local data = output.data.stdout[1] + if data then + plugin.tag = vim.split(data, '\n')[1] + else + log.warn( + fmt('Wildcard expansion did not found any tag for plugin %s: defaulting to latest commit...', plugin.name) + ) + plugin.tag = nil -- Wildcard is not found, then we bypass the tag + end + end + + if plugin.branch or (plugin.tag and not opts.preview_updates) then + local branch_or_tag = plugin.branch and plugin.branch or plugin.tag + if disp ~= nil then + disp:task_update(plugin_name, fmt('checking out %s %s...', plugin.branch and 'branch' or 'tag', branch_or_tag)) + end + r:and_then(await, jobs.run(config.exec_cmd .. fmt(config.subcommands.checkout, branch_or_tag), job_opts)) + :map_err(function(err) + return { + msg = fmt( + 'Error checking out %s %s for %s', + plugin.branch and 'branch' or 'tag', + branch_or_tag, + plugin_name + ), + data = err, + output = output, + } + end) + end + + if plugin.commit then + if disp ~= nil then + disp:task_update(plugin_name, fmt('checking out %s...', plugin.commit)) + end + r:and_then(await, jobs.run(config.exec_cmd .. fmt(config.subcommands.checkout, plugin.commit), job_opts)) + :map_err(function(err) + return { + msg = fmt('Error checking out commit %s for %s', plugin.commit, plugin_name), + data = err, + output = output, + } + end) + end + + return r:map_ok(function(ok) + return { status = ok, output = output } + end):map_err(function(err) + if not err.msg then + return { + msg = fmt('Error updating %s: %s', plugin_name, table.concat(err, '\n')), + data = err, + output = output, + } + end + + err.output = output + return err + end) + end) +end + +local get_rev = function(plugin) + local plugin_name = util.get_plugin_full_name(plugin) + + local rev_cmd = config.exec_cmd .. config.subcommands.get_rev + + return async(function() + local rev = await(jobs.run(rev_cmd, { cwd = plugin.install_path, options = { env = git.job_env }, capture_output = true })) + :map_ok(function(ok) + local _, r = next(ok.output.data.stdout) + return r + end) + :map_err(function(err) + local _, msg = fmt('%s: %s', plugin_name, next(err.output.data.stderr)) + return msg + end) + + return rev + end) +end + +local split_messages = function(messages) + local lines = {} + for _, message in ipairs(messages) do + vim.list_extend(lines, vim.split(message, '\n')) + table.insert(lines, '') + end + return lines +end + +git.setup = function(plugin) + local plugin_name = util.get_plugin_full_name(plugin) + local install_to = plugin.install_path + local install_cmd = + vim.split(config.exec_cmd .. fmt(config.subcommands.install, plugin.commit and 999999 or config.depth), '%s+') + + local submodule_cmd = config.exec_cmd .. config.subcommands.submodules + local rev_cmd = config.exec_cmd .. config.subcommands.get_rev + local update_cmd = config.exec_cmd .. config.subcommands.update + local update_head_cmd = config.exec_cmd .. config.subcommands.update_head + local fetch_cmd = config.exec_cmd .. config.subcommands.fetch + if plugin.commit or plugin.tag then + update_cmd = fetch_cmd + end + + local branch_cmd = config.exec_cmd .. config.subcommands.current_branch + local current_commit_cmd = vim.split(config.exec_cmd .. config.subcommands.get_header, '%s+') + for i, arg in ipairs(current_commit_cmd) do + current_commit_cmd[i] = string.gsub(arg, 'FMT', config.subcommands.diff_fmt) + end + + if plugin.branch or (plugin.tag and not has_wildcard(plugin.tag)) then + install_cmd[#install_cmd + 1] = '--branch' + install_cmd[#install_cmd + 1] = plugin.branch and plugin.branch or plugin.tag + end + + install_cmd[#install_cmd + 1] = plugin.url + install_cmd[#install_cmd + 1] = install_to + + local needs_checkout = plugin.tag ~= nil or plugin.commit ~= nil or plugin.branch ~= nil + + plugin.installer = function(disp) + local output = jobs.output_table() + local callbacks = { + stdout = jobs.logging_callback(output.err.stdout, output.data.stdout), + stderr = jobs.logging_callback(output.err.stderr, output.data.stderr, nil, disp, plugin_name), + } + + local installer_opts = { + capture_output = callbacks, + timeout = config.clone_timeout, + options = { env = git.job_env }, + } + + return async(function() + disp:task_update(plugin_name, 'cloning...') + local r = await(jobs.run(install_cmd, installer_opts)) + + installer_opts.cwd = install_to + r:and_then(await, jobs.run(submodule_cmd, installer_opts)) + + if plugin.commit then + disp:task_update(plugin_name, fmt('checking out %s...', plugin.commit)) + r:and_then(await, jobs.run(config.exec_cmd .. fmt(config.subcommands.checkout, plugin.commit), installer_opts)) + :map_err(function(err) + return { + msg = fmt('Error checking out commit %s for %s', plugin.commit, plugin_name), + data = { err, output }, + } + end) + end + + r:and_then(await, jobs.run(current_commit_cmd, installer_opts)) + :map_ok(function(_) + plugin.messages = output.data.stdout + end) + :map_err(function(err) + plugin.output = { err = output.data.stderr } + if not err.msg then + return { + msg = fmt('Error installing %s: %s', plugin_name, table.concat(output.data.stderr, '\n')), + data = { err, output }, + } + end + end) + + return r + end) + end + + plugin.remote_url = function() + return async(function() + return await( + jobs.run( + fmt('%s remote get-url origin', config.exec_cmd), + { capture_output = true, cwd = plugin.install_path, options = { env = git.job_env } } + ) + ):map_ok(function(data) + return { remote = data.output.data.stdout[1] } + end) + end) + end + + plugin.updater = function(disp, opts) + return async(function() + local update_info = { err = {}, revs = {}, output = {}, messages = {} } + local function exit_ok(r) + if #update_info.err > 0 or r.exit_code ~= 0 then + return result.err(r) + end + return result.ok(r) + end + + local rev_onread = jobs.logging_callback(update_info.err, update_info.revs) + local rev_callbacks = { stdout = rev_onread, stderr = rev_onread } + disp:task_update(plugin_name, 'checking current commit...') + local r = await( + jobs.run( + rev_cmd, + { success_test = exit_ok, capture_output = rev_callbacks, cwd = install_to, options = { env = git.job_env } } + ) + ):map_err(function(err) + plugin.output = { err = vim.list_extend(update_info.err, update_info.revs), data = {} } + + return { + msg = fmt('Error getting current commit for %s: %s', plugin_name, table.concat(update_info.revs, '\n')), + data = err, + } + end) + + local current_branch + disp:task_update(plugin_name, 'checking current branch...') + r:and_then( + await, + jobs.run( + branch_cmd, + { success_test = exit_ok, capture_output = true, cwd = install_to, options = { env = git.job_env } } + ) + ) + :map_ok(function(ok) + current_branch = ok.output.data.stdout[1] + end) + :map_err(function(err) + plugin.output = { err = vim.list_extend(update_info.err, update_info.revs), data = {} } + + return { + msg = fmt('Error checking current branch for %s: %s', plugin_name, table.concat(update_info.revs, '\n')), + data = err, + } + end) + + if not needs_checkout then + local origin_branch = '' + disp:task_update(plugin_name, 'checking origin branch...') + local origin_refs_path = util.join_paths(install_to, '.git', 'refs', 'remotes', 'origin', 'HEAD') + local origin_refs_file = vim.loop.fs_open(origin_refs_path, 'r', 438) + if origin_refs_file ~= nil then + local origin_refs_stat = vim.loop.fs_fstat(origin_refs_file) + -- NOTE: This should check for errors + local origin_refs = vim.split(vim.loop.fs_read(origin_refs_file, origin_refs_stat.size, 0), '\n') + vim.loop.fs_close(origin_refs_file) + if #origin_refs > 0 then + origin_branch = string.match(origin_refs[1], [[^ref: refs/remotes/origin/(.*)]]) + end + end + + if current_branch ~= origin_branch then + needs_checkout = true + plugin.branch = origin_branch + end + end + + local update_callbacks = { + stdout = jobs.logging_callback(update_info.err, update_info.output), + stderr = jobs.logging_callback(update_info.err, update_info.output, nil, disp, plugin_name), + } + local update_opts = { + success_test = exit_ok, + capture_output = update_callbacks, + cwd = install_to, + options = { env = git.job_env }, + } + + if needs_checkout then + r:and_then(await, jobs.run(config.exec_cmd .. config.subcommands.fetch, update_opts)) + r:and_then(await, handle_checkouts(plugin, install_to, disp, opts)) + local function merge_output(res) + if res.output ~= nil then + vim.list_extend(update_info.err, res.output.err.stderr) + vim.list_extend(update_info.err, res.output.err.stdout) + vim.list_extend(update_info.output, res.output.data.stdout) + vim.list_extend(update_info.output, res.output.data.stderr) + end + end + + r:map_ok(merge_output) + r:map_err(function(err) + merge_output(err) + plugin.output = { err = vim.list_extend(update_info.err, update_info.output), data = {} } + local errmsg = '' + if err ~= nil and err.msg ~= nil then + errmsg = err.msg + end + return { msg = errmsg .. ' ' .. table.concat(update_info.output, '\n'), data = err.data } + end) + end + + if opts.preview_updates then + disp:task_update(plugin_name, 'fetching updates...') + r:and_then(await, jobs.run(fetch_cmd, update_opts)) + elseif opts.pull_head then + disp:task_update(plugin_name, 'pulling updates from head...') + r:and_then(await, jobs.run(update_head_cmd, update_opts)) + else + disp:task_update(plugin_name, 'pulling updates...') + r:and_then(await, jobs.run(update_cmd, update_opts)):and_then(await, jobs.run(submodule_cmd, update_opts)) + end + r:map_err(function(err) + plugin.output = { err = vim.list_extend(update_info.err, update_info.output), data = {} } + + return { + msg = fmt('Error getting updates for %s: %s', plugin_name, table.concat(update_info.output, '\n')), + data = err, + } + end) + + local post_rev_cmd + if plugin.tag ~= nil then + -- NOTE that any tag wildcard should already been expanded to a specific commit at this point + post_rev_cmd = string.gsub(rev_cmd, 'HEAD', string.format('%s^{}', plugin.tag)) + elseif opts.preview_updates then + post_rev_cmd = string.gsub(rev_cmd, 'HEAD', 'FETCH_HEAD') + else + post_rev_cmd = rev_cmd + end + disp:task_update(plugin_name, 'checking updated commit...') + r:and_then( + await, + jobs.run(post_rev_cmd, { + success_test = exit_ok, + capture_output = rev_callbacks, + cwd = install_to, + options = { env = git.job_env }, + }) + ):map_err(function(err) + plugin.output = { err = vim.list_extend(update_info.err, update_info.revs), data = {} } + return { + msg = fmt('Error checking updated commit for %s: %s', plugin_name, table.concat(update_info.revs, '\n')), + data = err, + } + end) + + if r.ok then + if update_info.revs[1] ~= update_info.revs[2] then + local commit_headers_onread = jobs.logging_callback(update_info.err, update_info.messages) + local commit_headers_callbacks = { stdout = commit_headers_onread, stderr = commit_headers_onread } + + local diff_cmd = string.format(config.subcommands.diff, update_info.revs[1], update_info.revs[2]) + local commit_headers_cmd = vim.split(config.exec_cmd .. diff_cmd, '%s+') + for i, arg in ipairs(commit_headers_cmd) do + commit_headers_cmd[i] = string.gsub(arg, 'FMT', config.subcommands.diff_fmt) + end + + disp:task_update(plugin_name, 'getting commit messages...') + r:and_then( + await, + jobs.run(commit_headers_cmd, { + success_test = exit_ok, + capture_output = commit_headers_callbacks, + cwd = install_to, + options = { env = git.job_env }, + }) + ) + + plugin.output = { err = update_info.err, data = update_info.output } + if r.ok then + plugin.messages = update_info.messages + plugin.revs = update_info.revs + end + + if config.mark_breaking_changes then + local commit_bodies = { err = {}, output = {} } + local commit_bodies_onread = jobs.logging_callback(commit_bodies.err, commit_bodies.output) + local commit_bodies_callbacks = { stdout = commit_bodies_onread, stderr = commit_bodies_onread } + local commit_bodies_cmd = config.exec_cmd .. config.subcommands.get_bodies + if opts.preview_updates then + commit_bodies_cmd = config.exec_cmd .. config.subcommands.get_fetch_bodies + end + disp:task_update(plugin_name, 'checking for breaking changes...') + r:and_then( + await, + jobs.run(commit_bodies_cmd, { + success_test = exit_ok, + capture_output = commit_bodies_callbacks, + cwd = install_to, + options = { env = git.job_env }, + }) + ):map_ok(function(ok) + plugin.breaking_commits = {} + mark_breaking_commits(plugin, commit_bodies.output) + return ok + end) + end + else + plugin.revs = update_info.revs + plugin.messages = update_info.messages + end + else + plugin.output.err = vim.list_extend(plugin.output.err, update_info.messages) + end + + r.info = update_info + return r + end) + end + + plugin.diff = function(commit, callback) + async(function() + local diff_cmd = config.exec_cmd .. fmt(config.subcommands.git_diff_fmt, commit) + local diff_info = { err = {}, output = {}, messages = {} } + local diff_onread = jobs.logging_callback(diff_info.err, diff_info.messages) + local diff_callbacks = { stdout = diff_onread, stderr = diff_onread } + return await(jobs.run(diff_cmd, { capture_output = diff_callbacks, cwd = install_to, options = { env = git.job_env } })) + :map_ok(function(_) + return callback(split_messages(diff_info.messages)) + end) + :map_err(function(err) + return callback(nil, err) + end) + end)() + end + + plugin.revert_last = function() + local r = result.ok() + async(function() + local revert_cmd = config.exec_cmd .. config.subcommands.revert + r:and_then( + await, + jobs.run(revert_cmd, { capture_output = true, cwd = install_to, options = { env = git.job_env } }) + ) + if needs_checkout then + r:and_then(await, handle_checkouts(plugin, install_to, nil, {})) + end + return r + end)() + return r + end + + ---Reset the plugin to `commit` + ---@param commit string + plugin.revert_to = function(commit) + assert(type(commit) == 'string', fmt("commit: string expected but '%s' provided", type(commit))) + return async(function() + require('packer.log').debug(fmt("Reverting '%s' to commit '%s'", plugin.name, commit)) + return await(reset(install_to, commit)) + end) + end + + ---Returns HEAD's short hash + ---@return string + plugin.get_rev = function() + return get_rev(plugin) + end +end + +return git diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/plugin_types/local.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/plugin_types/local.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a0908ce22 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/plugin_types/local.lua @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +local a = require 'packer.async' +local log = require 'packer.log' +local util = require 'packer.util' +local result = require 'packer.result' + +local async = a.sync +local await = a.wait +local fmt = string.format + +local config = nil +local function cfg(_config) + config = _config +end + +-- Due to #679, we know that fs_symlink requires admin privileges on Windows. This is a workaround, +-- as suggested by @nonsleepr. + +local symlink_fn +if util.is_windows then + symlink_fn = function(path, new_path, flags, callback) + flags = flags or {} + flags.junction = true + return vim.loop.fs_symlink(path, new_path, flags, callback) + end +else + symlink_fn = vim.loop.fs_symlink +end + +local symlink = a.wrap(symlink_fn) +local unlink = a.wrap(vim.loop.fs_unlink) + +local function setup_local(plugin) + local from = vim.loop.fs_realpath(util.strip_trailing_sep(plugin.path)) + local to = util.strip_trailing_sep(plugin.install_path) + + local plugin_name = util.get_plugin_full_name(plugin) + plugin.installer = function(disp) + return async(function() + disp:task_update(plugin_name, 'making symlink...') + local err, success = await(symlink(from, to, { dir = true })) + if not success then + plugin.output = { err = { err } } + return result.err(err) + end + return result.ok() + end) + end + + plugin.updater = function(disp) + return async(function() + local r = result.ok() + disp:task_update(plugin_name, 'checking symlink...') + local resolved_path = vim.loop.fs_realpath(to) + if resolved_path ~= from then + disp:task_update(plugin_name, 'updating symlink...') + r = await(unlink(to)):and_then(symlink(from, to, { dir = true })) + end + + return r + end) + end + + plugin.revert_last = function(_) + log.warn "Can't revert a local plugin!" + return result.ok() + end +end + +return { setup = setup_local, cfg = cfg } diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/plugin_utils.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/plugin_utils.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f7ec8780c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/plugin_utils.lua @@ -0,0 +1,287 @@ +local a = require 'packer.async' +local jobs = require 'packer.jobs' +local util = require 'packer.util' +local result = require 'packer.result' +local log = require 'packer.log' + +local await = a.wait + +local config = nil +local plugin_utils = {} +plugin_utils.cfg = function(_config) + config = _config +end + +plugin_utils.custom_plugin_type = 'custom' +plugin_utils.local_plugin_type = 'local' +plugin_utils.git_plugin_type = 'git' + +plugin_utils.guess_type = function(plugin) + if plugin.installer then + plugin.type = plugin_utils.custom_plugin_type + elseif vim.fn.isdirectory(plugin.path) ~= 0 then + plugin.url = plugin.path + plugin.type = plugin_utils.local_plugin_type + elseif + string.sub(plugin.path, 1, 6) == 'git://' + or string.sub(plugin.path, 1, 4) == 'http' + or string.match(plugin.path, '@') + then + plugin.url = plugin.path + plugin.type = plugin_utils.git_plugin_type + else + local path = table.concat(vim.split(plugin.path, '\\', true), '/') + plugin.url = string.format(config.git.default_url_format, path) + plugin.type = plugin_utils.git_plugin_type + end +end + +plugin_utils.guess_dir_type = function(dir) + local globdir = vim.fn.glob(dir) + local dir_type = (vim.loop.fs_lstat(globdir) or { type = 'noexist' }).type + + --[[ NOTE: We're assuming here that: + 1. users only create custom plugins for non-git repos; + 2. custom plugins don't use symlinks to install; + otherwise, there's no consistent way to tell from a dir alone… ]] + if dir_type == 'link' then + return plugin_utils.local_plugin_type + elseif vim.loop.fs_stat(globdir .. '/.git') then + return plugin_utils.git_plugin_type + elseif dir_type ~= 'noexist' then + return plugin_utils.custom_plugin_type + end +end + +plugin_utils.helptags_stale = function(dir) + -- Adapted directly from minpac.vim + local txts = vim.fn.glob(util.join_paths(dir, '*.txt'), true, true) + vim.list_extend(txts, vim.fn.glob(util.join_paths(dir, '*.[a-z][a-z]x'), true, true)) + local tags = vim.fn.glob(util.join_paths(dir, 'tags'), true, true) + vim.list_extend(tags, vim.fn.glob(util.join_paths(dir, 'tags-[a-z][a-z]'), true, true)) + local txt_ftimes = util.map(vim.fn.getftime, txts) + local tag_ftimes = util.map(vim.fn.getftime, tags) + if #txt_ftimes == 0 then + return false + end + if #tag_ftimes == 0 then + return true + end + local txt_newest = math.max(unpack(txt_ftimes)) + local tag_oldest = math.min(unpack(tag_ftimes)) + return txt_newest > tag_oldest +end + +plugin_utils.update_helptags = vim.schedule_wrap(function(...) + for _, dir in ipairs(...) do + local doc_dir = util.join_paths(dir, 'doc') + if plugin_utils.helptags_stale(doc_dir) then + log.info('Updating helptags for ' .. doc_dir) + vim.cmd('silent! helptags ' .. vim.fn.fnameescape(doc_dir)) + end + end +end) + +plugin_utils.update_rplugins = vim.schedule_wrap(function() + if vim.fn.exists ':UpdateRemotePlugins' == 2 then + vim.cmd [[silent UpdateRemotePlugins]] + end +end) + +plugin_utils.ensure_dirs = function() + if vim.fn.isdirectory(config.opt_dir) == 0 then + vim.fn.mkdir(config.opt_dir, 'p') + end + + if vim.fn.isdirectory(config.start_dir) == 0 then + vim.fn.mkdir(config.start_dir, 'p') + end +end + +plugin_utils.list_installed_plugins = function() + local opt_plugins = {} + local start_plugins = {} + local opt_dir_handle = vim.loop.fs_opendir(config.opt_dir, nil, 50) + if opt_dir_handle then + local opt_dir_items = vim.loop.fs_readdir(opt_dir_handle) + while opt_dir_items do + for _, item in ipairs(opt_dir_items) do + opt_plugins[util.join_paths(config.opt_dir, item.name)] = true + end + + opt_dir_items = vim.loop.fs_readdir(opt_dir_handle) + end + end + + local start_dir_handle = vim.loop.fs_opendir(config.start_dir, nil, 50) + if start_dir_handle then + local start_dir_items = vim.loop.fs_readdir(start_dir_handle) + while start_dir_items do + for _, item in ipairs(start_dir_items) do + start_plugins[util.join_paths(config.start_dir, item.name)] = true + end + + start_dir_items = vim.loop.fs_readdir(start_dir_handle) + end + end + + return opt_plugins, start_plugins +end + +plugin_utils.find_missing_plugins = function(plugins, opt_plugins, start_plugins) + return a.sync(function() + if opt_plugins == nil or start_plugins == nil then + opt_plugins, start_plugins = plugin_utils.list_installed_plugins() + end + + -- NOTE/TODO: In the case of a plugin gaining/losing an alias, this will force a clean and + -- reinstall + local missing_plugins = {} + for _, plugin_name in ipairs(vim.tbl_keys(plugins)) do + local plugin = plugins[plugin_name] + if not plugin.disable then + local plugin_path = util.join_paths(config[plugin.opt and 'opt_dir' or 'start_dir'], plugin.short_name) + local plugin_installed = (plugin.opt and opt_plugins or start_plugins)[plugin_path] + + await(a.main) + local guessed_type = plugin_utils.guess_dir_type(plugin_path) + if not plugin_installed or plugin.type ~= guessed_type then + missing_plugins[plugin_name] = true + elseif guessed_type == plugin_utils.git_plugin_type then + local r = await(plugin.remote_url()) + local remote = r.ok and r.ok.remote or nil + if remote then + -- Form a Github-style user/repo string + local parts = vim.split(remote, '[:/]') + local repo_name = parts[#parts - 1] .. '/' .. parts[#parts] + repo_name = repo_name:gsub('%.git', '') + + -- Also need to test for "full URL" plugin names, but normalized to get rid of the + -- protocol + local normalized_remote = remote:gsub('https://', ''):gsub('ssh://git@', '') + local normalized_plugin_name = plugin.name:gsub('https://', ''):gsub('ssh://git@', ''):gsub('\\', '/') + if (normalized_remote ~= normalized_plugin_name) and (repo_name ~= normalized_plugin_name) then + missing_plugins[plugin_name] = true + end + end + end + end + end + + return missing_plugins + end) +end + +plugin_utils.get_fs_state = function(plugins) + log.debug 'Updating FS state' + local opt_plugins, start_plugins = plugin_utils.list_installed_plugins() + return a.sync(function() + local missing_plugins = await(plugin_utils.find_missing_plugins(plugins, opt_plugins, start_plugins)) + return { opt = opt_plugins, start = start_plugins, missing = missing_plugins } + end) +end + +plugin_utils.load_plugin = function(plugin) + if plugin.opt then + vim.cmd('packadd ' .. plugin.short_name) + else + vim.o.runtimepath = vim.o.runtimepath .. ',' .. plugin.install_path + for _, pat in ipairs { + table.concat({ 'plugin', '**/*.vim' }, util.get_separator()), + table.concat({ 'after', 'plugin', '**/*.vim' }, util.get_separator()), + } do + local path = util.join_paths(plugin.install_path, pat) + local glob_ok, files = pcall(vim.fn.glob, path, false, true) + if not glob_ok then + if string.find(files, 'E77') then + vim.cmd('silent exe "source ' .. path .. '"') + else + error(files) + end + elseif #files > 0 then + for _, file in ipairs(files) do + file = file:gsub('\\', '/') + vim.cmd('silent exe "source ' .. file .. '"') + end + end + end + end +end + +plugin_utils.post_update_hook = function(plugin, disp) + local plugin_name = util.get_plugin_full_name(plugin) + return a.sync(function() + if plugin.run or not plugin.opt then + await(a.main) + plugin_utils.load_plugin(plugin) + end + + if plugin.run then + if type(plugin.run) ~= 'table' then + plugin.run = { plugin.run } + end + disp:task_update(plugin_name, 'running post update hooks...') + local hook_result = result.ok() + for _, task in ipairs(plugin.run) do + if type(task) == 'function' then + local success, err = pcall(task, plugin, disp) + if not success then + return result.err { + msg = 'Error running post update hook: ' .. vim.inspect(err), + } + end + elseif type(task) == 'string' then + if string.sub(task, 1, 1) == ':' then + await(a.main) + vim.cmd(string.sub(task, 2)) + else + local hook_output = { err = {}, output = {} } + local hook_callbacks = { + stderr = jobs.logging_callback(hook_output.err, hook_output.output, nil, disp, plugin_name), + stdout = jobs.logging_callback(hook_output.err, hook_output.output, nil, disp, plugin_name), + } + local cmd + local shell = os.getenv 'SHELL' or vim.o.shell + if shell:find 'cmd.exe$' then + cmd = { shell, '/c', task } + else + cmd = { shell, '-c', task } + end + hook_result = await(jobs.run(cmd, { capture_output = hook_callbacks, cwd = plugin.install_path })):map_err( + function(err) + return { + msg = string.format('Error running post update hook: %s', table.concat(hook_output.output, '\n')), + data = err, + } + end + ) + + if hook_result.err then + return hook_result + end + end + else + -- TODO/NOTE: This case should also capture output in case of error. The minor difficulty is + -- what to do if the plugin's run table (i.e. this case) already specifies output handling. + + hook_result = await(jobs.run(task)):map_err(function(err) + return { + msg = string.format('Error running post update hook: %s', vim.inspect(err)), + data = err, + } + end) + + if hook_result.err then + return hook_result + end + end + end + + return hook_result + else + return result.ok() + end + end) +end + +return plugin_utils diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/result.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/result.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1e3a3d47a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/result.lua @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +-- A simple Result type to simplify control flow with installers and updaters +local result = {} + +local ok_result_mt = { + and_then = function(self, f, ...) + local r = f(...) + if r == nil then + return result.err('Nil result in and_then! ' .. vim.inspect(debug.traceback())) + end + + self.ok = r.ok + self.err = r.err + setmetatable(self, getmetatable(r)) + return self + end, + or_else = function(self) + return self + end, + map_ok = function(self, f) + self.ok = f(self.ok) or self.ok + return self + end, + map_err = function(self) + return self + end, +} + +ok_result_mt.__index = ok_result_mt + +local err_result_mt = { + and_then = function(self) + return self + end, + or_else = function(self, f, ...) + local r = f(...) + if r == nil then + return result.err('Nil result in or_else! ' .. vim.inspect(debug.traceback())) + end + + self.ok = r.ok + self.err = r.err + setmetatable(self, getmetatable(r)) + return self + end, + map_ok = function(self) + return self + end, + map_err = function(self, f) + self.err = f(self.err) or self.err + return self + end, +} + +err_result_mt.__index = err_result_mt + +result.ok = function(val) + if val == nil then + val = true + end + local r = setmetatable({}, ok_result_mt) + r.ok = val + return r +end + +result.err = function(err) + if err == nil then + err = true + end + local r = setmetatable({}, err_result_mt) + r.err = err + return r +end + +return result diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/snapshot.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/snapshot.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0f4131b73 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/snapshot.lua @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ +local a = require 'packer.async' +local util = require 'packer.util' +local log = require 'packer.log' +local plugin_utils = require 'packer.plugin_utils' +local plugin_complete = require('packer').plugin_complete +local result = require 'packer.result' +local async = a.sync +local await = a.wait +local fmt = string.format + +local config = {} + +local snapshot = { + completion = {}, +} + +snapshot.cfg = function(_config) + config = _config +end + +--- Completion for listing snapshots in `config.snapshot_path` +--- Intended to provide completion for PackerSnapshotDelete command +snapshot.completion.snapshot = function(lead, cmdline, pos) + local completion_list = {} + if config.snapshot_path == nil then + return completion_list + end + + local dir = vim.loop.fs_opendir(config.snapshot_path) + + if dir ~= nil then + local res = vim.loop.fs_readdir(dir) + while res ~= nil do + for _, entry in ipairs(res) do + if entry.type == 'file' and vim.startswith(entry.name, lead) then + completion_list[#completion_list + 1] = entry.name + end + end + + res = vim.loop.fs_readdir(dir) + end + end + + vim.loop.fs_closedir(dir) + return completion_list +end + +--- Completion for listing single plugins before taking snapshot +--- Intended to provide completion for PackerSnapshot command +snapshot.completion.create = function(lead, cmdline, pos) + local cmd_args = (vim.fn.split(cmdline, ' ')) + + if #cmd_args > 1 then + return plugin_complete(lead, cmdline, pos) + end + + return {} +end + +--- Completion for listing snapshots in `config.snapshot_path` and single plugins after +--- the first argument is provided +--- Intended to provide completion for PackerSnapshotRollback command +snapshot.completion.rollback = function(lead, cmdline, pos) + local cmd_args = vim.split(cmdline, ' ') + + if #cmd_args > 2 then + return plugin_complete(lead) + else + return snapshot.completion.snapshot(lead, cmdline, pos) + end +end + +--- Creates a with with `completed` and `failed` keys, each containing a map with plugin name as key and commit hash/error as value +--- @param plugins list +--- @return { ok: { failed : table, completed : table}} +local function generate_snapshot(plugins) + local completed = {} + local failed = {} + local opt, start = plugin_utils.list_installed_plugins() + local installed = vim.tbl_extend('error', start, opt) + + plugins = vim.tbl_filter(function(plugin) + if installed[plugin.install_path] and plugin.type == plugin_utils.git_plugin_type then -- this plugin is installed + return plugin + end + end, plugins) + return async(function() + for _, plugin in pairs(plugins) do + local rev = await(plugin.get_rev()) + + if rev.err then + failed[plugin.short_name] = + fmt("Snapshotting %s failed because of error '%s'", plugin.short_name, vim.inspect(rev.err)) + else + completed[plugin.short_name] = { commit = rev.ok } + end + end + + return result.ok { failed = failed, completed = completed } + end) +end + +---Serializes a table of git-plugins with `short_name` as table key and another +---table with `commit`; the serialized tables will be written in the path `snapshot_path` +---provided, if there is already a snapshot it will be overwritten +---Snapshotting work only with `plugin_utils.git_plugin_type` type of plugins, +---other will be ignored. +---@param snapshot_path string realpath for snapshot file +---@param plugins table[] +snapshot.create = function(snapshot_path, plugins) + assert(type(snapshot_path) == 'string', fmt("filename needs to be a string but '%s' provided", type(snapshot_path))) + assert(type(plugins) == 'table', fmt("plugins needs to be an array but '%s' provided", type(plugins))) + return async(function() + local commits = await(generate_snapshot(plugins)) + + await(a.main) + local snapshot_content = vim.fn.json_encode(commits.ok.completed) + + local status, res = pcall(function() + return vim.fn.writefile({ snapshot_content }, snapshot_path) == 0 + end) + + if status and res then + return result.ok { + message = fmt("Snapshot '%s' complete", snapshot_path), + completed = commits.ok.completed, + failed = commits.ok.failed, + } + else + return result.err { message = fmt("Error on creation of snapshot '%s': '%s'", snapshot_path, res) } + end + end) +end + +local function fetch(plugin) + local git = require 'packer.plugin_types.git' + local opts = { capture_output = true, cwd = plugin.install_path, options = { env = git.job_env } } + + return async(function() + return await(require('packer.jobs').run('git ' .. config.git.subcommands.fetch, opts)) + end) +end + +---Rollbacks `plugins` to the hash specified in `snapshot_path` if exists. +---It automatically runs `git fetch --depth 999999 --progress` to retrieve the history +---@param snapshot_path string @ realpath to the snapshot file +---@param plugins list @ of `plugin_utils.git_plugin_type` type of plugins +---@return {ok: {completed: table, failed: table}} +snapshot.rollback = function(snapshot_path, plugins) + assert(type(snapshot_path) == 'string', 'snapshot_path: expected string but got ' .. type(snapshot_path)) + assert(type(plugins) == 'table', 'plugins: expected table but got ' .. type(snapshot_path)) + log.debug('Rolling back to ' .. snapshot_path) + local content = vim.fn.readfile(snapshot_path) + ---@type string + local plugins_snapshot = vim.fn.json_decode(content) + if plugins_snapshot == nil then -- not valid snapshot file + return result.err(fmt("Couldn't load '%s' file", snapshot_path)) + end + + local completed = {} + local failed = {} + + return async(function() + for _, plugin in pairs(plugins) do + local function err_handler(err) + failed[plugin.short_name] = failed[plugin.short_name] or {} + failed[plugin.short_name][#failed[plugin.short_name] + 1] = err + end + + if plugins_snapshot[plugin.short_name] then + local commit = plugins_snapshot[plugin.short_name].commit + if commit ~= nil then + await(fetch(plugin)) + :map_err(err_handler) + :and_then(await, plugin.revert_to(commit)) + :map_ok(function(ok) + completed[plugin.short_name] = ok + end) + :map_err(err_handler) + end + end + end + + return result.ok { completed = completed, failed = failed } + end) +end + +---Deletes the snapshot provided +---@param snapshot_name string absolute path or just a snapshot name +snapshot.delete = function(snapshot_name) + assert(type(snapshot_name) == 'string', fmt('Expected string, got %s', type(snapshot_name))) + ---@type string + local snapshot_path = vim.loop.fs_realpath(snapshot_name) + or vim.loop.fs_realpath(util.join_paths(config.snapshot_path, snapshot_name)) + + if snapshot_path == nil then + local warn = fmt("Snapshot '%s' is wrong or doesn't exist", snapshot_name) + log.warn(warn) + return + end + + log.debug('Deleting ' .. snapshot_path) + if vim.loop.fs_unlink(snapshot_path) then + local info = 'Deleted ' .. snapshot_path + log.info(info) + else + local warn = "Couldn't delete " .. snapshot_path + log.warn(warn) + end +end + +return snapshot diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/update.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/update.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e3bfe953c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/update.lua @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +local util = require 'packer.util' +local result = require 'packer.result' +local display = require 'packer.display' +local a = require 'packer.async' +local log = require 'packer.log' +local plugin_utils = require 'packer.plugin_utils' + +local fmt = string.format +local async = a.sync +local await = a.wait + +local config = nil + +local function get_plugin_status(plugins, plugin_name, start_plugins, opt_plugins) + local status = {} + local plugin = plugins[plugin_name] + status.wrong_type = (plugin.opt and vim.tbl_contains(start_plugins, util.join_paths(config.start_dir, plugin_name))) + or vim.tbl_contains(opt_plugins, util.join_paths(config.opt_dir, plugin_name)) + return status +end + +local function cfg(_config) + config = _config +end + +local function fix_plugin_type(plugin, results, fs_state) + local from + local to + if plugin.opt then + from = util.join_paths(config.start_dir, plugin.short_name) + to = util.join_paths(config.opt_dir, plugin.short_name) + fs_state.opt[to] = true + fs_state.start[from] = nil + fs_state.missing[plugin.short_name] = nil + else + from = util.join_paths(config.opt_dir, plugin.short_name) + to = util.join_paths(config.start_dir, plugin.short_name) + fs_state.start[to] = true + fs_state.opt[from] = nil + fs_state.missing[plugin.short_name] = nil + end + + -- NOTE: If we stored all plugins somewhere off-package-path and used symlinks to put them in the + -- right directories, this could be lighter-weight + local success, msg = os.rename(from, to) + if not success then + log.error('Failed to move ' .. from .. ' to ' .. to .. ': ' .. msg) + results.moves[plugin.short_name] = { from = from, to = to, result = result.err(success) } + else + log.debug('Moved ' .. plugin.short_name .. ' from ' .. from .. ' to ' .. to) + results.moves[plugin.short_name] = { from = from, to = to, result = result.ok(success) } + end +end + +local function fix_plugin_types(plugins, plugin_names, results, fs_state) + log.debug 'Fixing plugin types' + results = results or {} + results.moves = results.moves or {} + -- NOTE: This function can only be run on plugins already installed + for _, v in ipairs(plugin_names) do + local plugin = plugins[v] + local install_dir = util.join_paths(plugin.opt and config.start_dir or config.opt_dir, plugin.short_name) + if vim.loop.fs_stat(install_dir) ~= nil then + fix_plugin_type(plugin, results, fs_state) + end + end + log.debug 'Done fixing plugin types' +end + +local function update_plugin(plugin, display_win, results, opts) + local plugin_name = util.get_plugin_full_name(plugin) + -- TODO: This will have to change when separate packages are implemented + local install_path = util.join_paths(config.pack_dir, plugin.opt and 'opt' or 'start', plugin.short_name) + plugin.install_path = install_path + return async(function() + if plugin.lock or plugin.disable then + return + end + display_win:task_start(plugin_name, 'updating...') + local r = await(plugin.updater(display_win, opts)) + if r ~= nil and r.ok then + local msg = 'up to date' + if plugin.type == plugin_utils.git_plugin_type then + local info = r.info + local actual_update = info.revs[1] ~= info.revs[2] + msg = actual_update and ('updated: ' .. info.revs[1] .. '...' .. info.revs[2]) or 'already up to date' + if actual_update and not opts.preview_updates then + log.debug(fmt('Updated %s: %s', plugin_name, vim.inspect(info))) + r = r:and_then(await, plugin_utils.post_update_hook(plugin, display_win)) + end + end + + if r.ok then + display_win:task_succeeded(plugin_name, msg) + end + else + display_win:task_failed(plugin_name, 'failed to update') + local errmsg = '' + if r ~= nil and r.err ~= nil then + errmsg = r.err + end + log.debug(fmt('Failed to update %s: %s', plugin_name, vim.inspect(errmsg))) + end + + results.updates[plugin_name] = r + results.plugins[plugin_name] = plugin + end) +end + +local function do_update(_, plugins, update_plugins, display_win, results, opts) + results = results or {} + results.updates = results.updates or {} + results.plugins = results.plugins or {} + local tasks = {} + for _, v in ipairs(update_plugins) do + local plugin = plugins[v] + if plugin == nil then + log.error(fmt('Unknown plugin: %s', v)) + end + if plugin and not plugin.frozen then + if display_win == nil then + display_win = display.open(config.display.open_fn or config.display.open_cmd) + end + + table.insert(tasks, update_plugin(plugin, display_win, results, opts)) + end + end + + if #tasks == 0 then + log.info 'Nothing to update!' + end + + return tasks, display_win +end + +local update = setmetatable({ cfg = cfg }, { __call = do_update }) + +update.get_plugin_status = get_plugin_status +update.fix_plugin_types = fix_plugin_types + +return update diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/util.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/util.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a582b0145 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/lua/packer/util.lua @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +local util = {} + +util.map = function(func, seq) + local result = {} + for _, v in ipairs(seq) do + table.insert(result, func(v)) + end + + return result +end + +util.partition = function(sub, seq) + local sub_vals = {} + for _, val in ipairs(sub) do + sub_vals[val] = true + end + + local result = { {}, {} } + for _, val in ipairs(seq) do + if sub_vals[val] then + table.insert(result[1], val) + else + table.insert(result[2], val) + end + end + + return unpack(result) +end + +util.nonempty_or = function(opt, alt) + if #opt > 0 then + return opt + else + return alt + end +end + +if jit ~= nil then + util.is_windows = jit.os == 'Windows' +else + util.is_windows = package.config:sub(1, 1) == '\\' +end + +if util.is_windows and vim.o.shellslash then + util.use_shellslash = true +else + util.use_shallslash = false +end + +util.get_separator = function() + if util.is_windows and not util.use_shellslash then + return '\\' + end + return '/' +end + +util.strip_trailing_sep = function(path) + local res, _ = string.gsub(path, util.get_separator() .. '$', '', 1) + return res +end + +util.join_paths = function(...) + local separator = util.get_separator() + return table.concat({ ... }, separator) +end + +util.get_plugin_short_name = function(plugin) + local path = vim.fn.expand(plugin[1]) + local name_segments = vim.split(path, util.get_separator()) + local segment_idx = #name_segments + local name = plugin.as or name_segments[segment_idx] + while name == '' and segment_idx > 0 do + name = name_segments[segment_idx] + segment_idx = segment_idx - 1 + end + return name, path +end + +util.get_plugin_full_name = function(plugin) + local plugin_name = plugin.name + if plugin.branch and plugin.branch ~= 'master' then + -- NOTE: maybe have to change the seperator here too + plugin_name = plugin_name .. '/' .. plugin.branch + end + + if plugin.rev then + plugin_name = plugin_name .. '@' .. plugin.rev + end + + return plugin_name +end + +util.remove_ending_git_url = function(url) + return vim.endswith(url, '.git') and url:sub(1, -5) or url +end + +util.deep_extend = function(policy, ...) + local result = {} + local function helper(policy, k, v1, v2) + if type(v1) ~= 'table' or type(v2) ~= 'table' then + if policy == 'error' then + error('Key ' .. vim.inspect(k) .. ' is already present with value ' .. vim.inspect(v1)) + elseif policy == 'force' then + return v2 + else + return v1 + end + else + return util.deep_extend(policy, v1, v2) + end + end + + for _, t in ipairs { ... } do + for k, v in pairs(t) do + if result[k] ~= nil then + result[k] = helper(policy, k, result[k], v) + else + result[k] = v + end + end + end + + return result +end + +-- Credit to @crs for the original function +util.float = function(opts) + local last_win = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() + local last_pos = vim.api.nvim_win_get_cursor(last_win) + local columns = vim.o.columns + local lines = vim.o.lines + local width = math.ceil(columns * 0.8) + local height = math.ceil(lines * 0.8 - 4) + local left = math.ceil((columns - width) * 0.5) + local top = math.ceil((lines - height) * 0.5 - 1) + + --- TODO: this is an impromptu fix for + --- https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim/pull/325#issuecomment-832874005 + --- ideally we should decide if the string argument passed to display openers is + --- required or not + if type(opts) ~= 'table' then + opts = {} + end + + opts = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', { + relative = 'editor', + style = 'minimal', + border = 'double', + width = width, + height = height, + col = left, + row = top, + }, opts or {}) + + local buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) + local win = vim.api.nvim_open_win(buf, true, opts) + + function _G.__packer_restore_cursor() + vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(last_win) + vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(last_win, last_pos) + end + + vim.cmd 'autocmd! BufWipeout lua __packer_restore_cursor()' + + return true, win, buf +end + +return util diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/selene.toml b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/selene.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7312a916d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/selene.toml @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +std="vim" diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/stylua.toml b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/stylua.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2cf0ca640 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/stylua.toml @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +indent_type = "Spaces" +indent_width = 2 +quote_style = "AutoPreferSingle" +no_call_parentheses = true diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/tests/helpers.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/tests/helpers.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..71879702b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/tests/helpers.lua @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +local util = require 'packer.util' + +local M = { base_dir = '/tmp/__packer_tests__' } + +---Create a fake git repository +---@param name string +---@param base string +function M.create_git_dir(name, base) + base = base or M.base_dir + local repo_path = util.join_paths(base, name) + local path = util.join_paths(repo_path, '.git') + if vim.fn.isdirectory(path) > 0 then + M.cleanup_dirs(path) + end + vim.fn.mkdir(path, 'p') + return repo_path +end + +---Remove directories created for test purposes +---@vararg string +function M.cleanup_dirs(...) + for _, dir in ipairs { ... } do + vim.fn.delete(dir, 'rf') + end +end + +return M diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/tests/local_plugin_spec.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/tests/local_plugin_spec.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bfbbb7f71 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/tests/local_plugin_spec.lua @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +local a = require('plenary.async_lib.tests') +local await = require('packer.async').wait +local local_plugin = require('packer.plugin_types.local') +local packer_path = vim.fn.stdpath('data') .. '/site/pack/packer/start/' +local helpers = require('tests.helpers') + +a.describe('Local plugin -', function() + a.describe('installer', function() + local local_plugin_path + local repo_name = 'test.nvim' + local plugin_install_path = packer_path .. repo_name + + before_each(function() + vim.fn.mkdir(packer_path, 'p') + local_plugin_path = helpers.create_git_dir(repo_name) + end) + + after_each(function() helpers.cleanup_dirs(local_plugin_path, plugin_install_path) end) + + a.it('should create a symlink', function() + local plugin_spec = { + name = local_plugin_path, + path = local_plugin_path, + install_path = plugin_install_path + } + + local_plugin.setup(plugin_spec) + await(plugin_spec.installer({task_update = function() end})) + + assert.equal('link', vim.loop.fs_lstat(plugin_install_path).type) + end) + end) +end) diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/tests/minimal.vim b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/tests/minimal.vim new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7547e39f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/tests/minimal.vim @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +set rtp+=. +set rtp+=../plenary.nvim +runtime! plugin/plenary.vim diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/tests/packer_plugin_utils_spec.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/tests/packer_plugin_utils_spec.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ce029bf58 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/tests/packer_plugin_utils_spec.lua @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +local a = require('plenary.async_lib.tests') +local await = require('packer.async').wait +local plugin_utils = require("packer.plugin_utils") +local packer_path = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/site/pack/packer/start/" + +a.describe("Packer post update hooks", function() + local test_plugin_path = packer_path .. "test_plugin/" + local run_hook = plugin_utils.post_update_hook + + before_each(function() vim.fn.mkdir(test_plugin_path, "p") end) + + after_each(function() vim.fn.delete(test_plugin_path, "rf") end) + + a.it("should run the command in the correct folder", function() + local plugin_spec = { + name = "test/test_plugin", + install_path = test_plugin_path, + run = "touch 'this_file_should_exist'" + } + + await(run_hook(plugin_spec, {task_update = function() end})) + + assert.truthy(vim.loop.fs_stat(test_plugin_path .. "this_file_should_exist")) + end) +end) diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/tests/packer_use_spec.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/tests/packer_use_spec.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8e0c3cd75 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/tests/packer_use_spec.lua @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +local packer = require("packer") +local use = packer.use +local packer_path = vim.fn.stdpath("data").."/site/pack/packer/start/" + +describe("Packer use tests", function() + after_each(function() + packer.reset() + end) + + it("should set the correct install path", function () + local spec = {"test/plugin1"} + packer.startup(function() + use(spec) + end) + packer.__manage_all() + assert.truthy(spec.install_path) + assert.equal(spec.install_path, packer_path .. spec.short_name) + end) + + it("should add metadata to a plugin from a spec", function () + local spec = {"test/plugin1"} + packer.startup(function() + use(spec) + end) + packer.__manage_all() + assert.equal(spec.name, "test/plugin1") + assert.equal(spec.path, "test/plugin1") + end) +end) diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/tests/plugin_utils_spec.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/tests/plugin_utils_spec.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c73b3bd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/tests/plugin_utils_spec.lua @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +local a = require('plenary.async_lib.tests') +local await = require('packer.async').wait +local async = require('packer.async').sync +local plugin_utils = require('packer.plugin_utils') +local helpers = require("tests.helpers") + +local fmt = string.format + +a.describe('Plugin utils -', function() + + a.describe('find_missing_plugins', function() + local repo_name = "test.nvim" + local path + + plugin_utils.cfg({start_dir = helpers.base_dir}) + + before_each(function() path = helpers.create_git_dir(repo_name) end) + + after_each(function() helpers.cleanup_dirs("tmp/packer") end) + + a.it('should pick up plugins with a different remote URL', function() + local test_repo_name = fmt('user2/%s', repo_name) + local plugins = { + [repo_name] = { + opt = false, + type = "git", + name = fmt("user1/%s", repo_name), + short_name = repo_name, + remote_url = function() + return async(function() + return {ok = {remote = fmt('https://github.com/%s', test_repo_name)}} + end) + end + } + } + local result = await(plugin_utils.find_missing_plugins(plugins, {}, {[path] = true})) + assert.truthy(result) + assert.equal(1, #vim.tbl_keys(result)) + end) + + a.it('should not pick up plugins with the same remote URL', function() + local test_repo_name = fmt('user1/%s', repo_name) + local plugins = { + [repo_name] = { + opt = false, + type = "git", + name = test_repo_name, + short_name = repo_name, + remote_url = function() + return async(function() + return {ok = {remote = fmt('https://github.com/%s', test_repo_name)}} + end) + end + } + } + local result = await(plugin_utils.find_missing_plugins(plugins, {}, {[path] = true})) + assert.truthy(result) + assert.equal(0, #result) + end) + + a.it('should handle ssh git urls', function() + local test_repo_name = fmt('user2/%s', repo_name) + local plugins = { + [repo_name] = { + opt = false, + type = "git", + name = fmt("user1/%s", repo_name), + short_name = repo_name, + remote_url = function() + return async(function() + return {ok = {remote = fmt('git@github.com:%s.git', test_repo_name)}} + end) + end + } + } + local result = await(plugin_utils.find_missing_plugins(plugins, {}, {[path] = true})) + assert.truthy(result) + assert.equal(1, #vim.tbl_keys(result)) + end) + end) +end) diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/tests/snapshot_spec.lua b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/tests/snapshot_spec.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..573b60d88 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/tests/snapshot_spec.lua @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ +local before_each = require('plenary.busted').before_each +local a = require 'plenary.async_lib.tests' +local util = require 'packer.util' +local mocked_plugin_utils = require 'packer.plugin_utils' +local log = require 'packer.log' +local async = require('packer.async').sync +local await = require('packer.async').wait +local wait_all = require('packer.async').wait_all +local main = require('packer.async').main +local packer = require 'packer' +local jobs = require 'packer.jobs' +local git = require 'packer.plugin_types.git' +local join_paths = util.join_paths +local stdpath = vim.fn.stdpath +local fmt = string.format + +local config = { + ensure_dependencies = true, + snapshot = nil, + snapshot_path = join_paths(stdpath 'cache', 'packer.nvim'), + package_root = join_paths(stdpath 'data', 'site', 'pack'), + compile_path = join_paths(stdpath 'config', 'plugin', 'packer_compiled.lua'), + plugin_package = 'packer', + max_jobs = nil, + auto_clean = true, + compile_on_sync = true, + disable_commands = false, + opt_default = false, + transitive_opt = true, + transitive_disable = true, + auto_reload_compiled = true, + git = { + mark_breaking_changes = true, + cmd = 'git', + subcommands = { + update = 'pull --ff-only --progress --rebase=false', + install = 'clone --depth %i --no-single-branch --progress', + fetch = 'fetch --depth 999999 --progress', + checkout = 'checkout %s --', + update_branch = 'merge --ff-only @{u}', + current_branch = 'rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD', + diff = 'log --color=never --pretty=format:FMT --no-show-signature HEAD@{1}...HEAD', + diff_fmt = '%%h %%s (%%cr)', + git_diff_fmt = 'show --no-color --pretty=medium %s', + get_rev = 'rev-parse --short HEAD', + get_header = 'log --color=never --pretty=format:FMT --no-show-signature HEAD -n 1', + get_bodies = 'log --color=never --pretty=format:"===COMMIT_START===%h%n%s===BODY_START===%b" --no-show-signature HEAD@{1}...HEAD', + submodules = 'submodule update --init --recursive --progress', + revert = 'reset --hard HEAD@{1}', + revert_to = 'reset --hard %s --', + }, + depth = 1, + clone_timeout = 60, + default_url_format = 'https://github.com/%s.git', + }, + display = { + non_interactive = false, + open_fn = nil, + open_cmd = '65vnew', + working_sym = '⟳', + error_sym = '✗', + done_sym = '✓', + removed_sym = '-', + moved_sym = '→', + header_sym = '━', + header_lines = 2, + title = 'packer.nvim', + show_all_info = true, + prompt_border = 'double', + keybindings = { quit = 'q', toggle_info = '', diff = 'd', prompt_revert = 'r' }, + }, + luarocks = { python_cmd = 'python' }, + log = { level = 'trace' }, + profile = { enable = false }, +} + +git.cfg(config) + +--[[ For testing purposes the spec file is made up so that when running `packer` +it could manage itself as if it was in `~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/` --]] +local install_path = vim.fn.getcwd() + +mocked_plugin_utils.list_installed_plugins = function() + return { [install_path] = true }, {} +end + +local old_require = _G.require + +_G.require = function(modname) + if modname == 'plugin_utils' then + return mocked_plugin_utils + end + + return old_require(modname) +end + +local spec = { 'wbthomason/packer.nvim' } + +local function exec_cmd(cmd, opts) + return async(function() + local r = await(jobs.run(cmd, opts)) + if r.err then + print(fmt("Failed on command '%s': %s", cmd, vim.inspect(r.err))) + end + assert.is_not_nil(r.ok) + local _, result = next(r.ok.output.data.stdout) + return result + end) +end + +local snapshotted_plugins = {} +a.describe('Packer testing ', function() + local snapshot_name = 'test' + local test_path = join_paths(config.snapshot_path, snapshot_name) + local snapshot = require 'packer.snapshot' + snapshot.cfg(config) + + before_each(function() + packer.reset() + packer.init(config) + packer.use(spec) + packer.__manage_all() + end) + + after_each(function() + spec = { 'wbthomason/packer.nvim' } + spec.install_path = install_path + end) + + a.describe('snapshot.create()', function() + a.it(fmt("create snapshot in '%s'", test_path), function() + local result = await(snapshot.create(test_path, { spec })) + local stat = vim.loop.fs_stat(test_path) + assert.truthy(stat) + end) + + a.it("checking if snapshot content corresponds to plugins'", function() + async(function() + local file_content = vim.fn.readfile(test_path) + snapshotted_plugins = vim.fn.json_decode(file_content) + local expected_rev = await(spec.get_rev()) + assert.are.equals(expected_rev.ok, snapshotted_plugins['packer.nvim'].commit) + end)() + end) + end) + + a.describe('packer.delete()', function() + a.it(fmt("delete '%s' snapshot", snapshot_name), function() + snapshot.delete(snapshot_name) + local stat = vim.loop.fs_stat(test_path) + assert.falsy(stat) + end) + end) + + a.describe('packer.rollback()', function() + local rollback_snapshot_name = 'rollback_test' + local rollback_test_path = join_paths(config.snapshot_path, rollback_snapshot_name) + local prev_commit_cmd = 'git rev-parse --short HEAD~5' + local get_rev_cmd = 'git rev-parse --short HEAD' + + local opts = { capture_output = true, cwd = spec.install_path, options = { env = git.job_env } } + + a.it("restore 'packer' to the commit hash HEAD~5", function() + async(function() + local commit = await(exec_cmd(prev_commit_cmd, opts)) + snapshotted_plugins['packer.nvim'] = { commit = commit } + await(main) + local encoded_json = vim.fn.json_encode(snapshotted_plugins) + vim.fn.writefile({ encoded_json }, rollback_test_path) + await(snapshot.rollback(rollback_test_path, { spec })) + local rev = await(exec_cmd(get_rev_cmd, opts)) + assert.are.equals(snapshotted_plugins['packer.nvim'].commit, rev) + end)() + end) + end) +end) diff --git a/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/vim.toml b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/vim.toml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4206f6cf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim/vim.toml @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +[selene] +base = "lua51" +name = "vim" + +[vim] +any = true + +[jit] +any = true + +[[describe.args]] +type = "string" +[[describe.args]] +type = "function" + +[[it.args]] +type = "string" +[[it.args]] +type = "function" + +[[before_each.args]] +type = "function" +[[after_each.args]] +type = "function" + +[assert.is_not] +any = true + +[[assert.equals.args]] +type = "any" +[[assert.equals.args]] +type = "any" +[[assert.equals.args]] +type = "any" +required = false + +[[assert.same.args]] +type = "any" +[[assert.same.args]] +type = "any" + +[[assert.truthy.args]] +type = "any" + +[[assert.spy.args]] +type = "any" + +[[assert.stub.args]] +type = "any" diff --git a/nvim.bk/plugin/packer_compiled.lua b/nvim.bk/plugin/packer_compiled.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b034126d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim.bk/plugin/packer_compiled.lua @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +-- Automatically generated packer.nvim plugin loader code + +if vim.api.nvim_call_function('has', {'nvim-0.5'}) ~= 1 then + vim.api.nvim_command('echohl WarningMsg | echom "Invalid Neovim version for packer.nvim! | echohl None"') + return +end + +vim.api.nvim_command('packadd packer.nvim') + +local no_errors, error_msg = pcall(function() + +_G._packer = _G._packer or {} +_G._packer.inside_compile = true + +local time +local profile_info +local should_profile = false +if should_profile then + local hrtime = vim.loop.hrtime + profile_info = {} + time = function(chunk, start) + if start then + profile_info[chunk] = hrtime() + else + profile_info[chunk] = (hrtime() - profile_info[chunk]) / 1e6 + end + end +else + time = function(chunk, start) end +end + +local function save_profiles(threshold) + local sorted_times = {} + for chunk_name, time_taken in pairs(profile_info) do + sorted_times[#sorted_times + 1] = {chunk_name, time_taken} + end + table.sort(sorted_times, function(a, b) return a[2] > b[2] end) + local results = {} + for i, elem in ipairs(sorted_times) do + if not threshold or threshold and elem[2] > threshold then + results[i] = elem[1] .. ' took ' .. elem[2] .. 'ms' + end + end + if threshold then + table.insert(results, '(Only showing plugins that took longer than ' .. threshold .. ' ms ' .. 'to load)') + end + + _G._packer.profile_output = results +end + +time([[Luarocks path setup]], true) +local package_path_str = "/home/jpm/.cache/nvim/packer_hererocks/2.1.0-beta3/share/lua/5.1/?.lua;/home/jpm/.cache/nvim/packer_hererocks/2.1.0-beta3/share/lua/5.1/?/init.lua;/home/jpm/.cache/nvim/packer_hererocks/2.1.0-beta3/lib/luarocks/rocks-5.1/?.lua;/home/jpm/.cache/nvim/packer_hererocks/2.1.0-beta3/lib/luarocks/rocks-5.1/?/init.lua" +local install_cpath_pattern = "/home/jpm/.cache/nvim/packer_hererocks/2.1.0-beta3/lib/lua/5.1/?.so" +if not string.find(package.path, package_path_str, 1, true) then + package.path = package.path .. ';' .. package_path_str +end + +if not string.find(package.cpath, install_cpath_pattern, 1, true) then + package.cpath = package.cpath .. ';' .. install_cpath_pattern +end + +time([[Luarocks path setup]], false) +time([[try_loadstring definition]], true) +local function try_loadstring(s, component, name) + local success, result = pcall(loadstring(s), name, _G.packer_plugins[name]) + if not success then + vim.schedule(function() + vim.api.nvim_notify('packer.nvim: Error running ' .. component .. ' for ' .. name .. ': ' .. result, vim.log.levels.ERROR, {}) + end) + end + return result +end + +time([[try_loadstring definition]], false) +time([[Defining packer_plugins]], true) +_G.packer_plugins = { + ["cmp-buffer"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/home/jpm/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/cmp-buffer", + url = "https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-buffer" + }, + ["cmp-cmdline"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/home/jpm/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/cmp-cmdline", + url = "https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-cmdline" + }, + ["cmp-nvim-lsp"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/home/jpm/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/cmp-nvim-lsp", + url = "https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp" + }, + ["cmp-path"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/home/jpm/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/cmp-path", + url = "https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-path" + }, + ["coc-perl"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/home/jpm/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/coc-perl", + url = "https://github.com/bmeneg/coc-perl" + }, + ["coc.nvim"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/home/jpm/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/coc.nvim", + url = "https://github.com/neoclide/coc.nvim" + }, + ["fold-cycle.nvim"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/home/jpm/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/fold-cycle.nvim", + url = "https://github.com/jghauser/fold-cycle.nvim" + }, + ["lightline.vim"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/home/jpm/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/lightline.vim", + url = "https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim" + }, + nerdtree = { + loaded = true, + path = "/home/jpm/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nerdtree", + url = "https://github.com/preservim/nerdtree" + }, + ["nvim-cmp"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/home/jpm/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-cmp", + url = "https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp" + }, + ["nvim-cursorline"] = { + config = { "\27LJ\2\n\1\0\0\5\0\v\0\0156\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0005\2\6\0005\3\3\0005\4\4\0=\4\5\3=\3\a\0025\3\b\0005\4\t\0=\4\5\3=\3\n\2B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\15cursorword\1\0\2\14underline\1\tbold\2\1\0\2\15min_length\3\3\venable\2\15cursorline\1\0\0\ahl\1\0\2\14underline\1\tbold\2\1\0\3\ftimeout\3\a\vnumber\1\venable\2\nsetup\20nvim-cursorline\frequire\0" }, + loaded = true, + path = "/home/jpm/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-cursorline", + url = "https://github.com/yamatsum/nvim-cursorline" + }, + ["nvim-treesitter"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/home/jpm/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/nvim-treesitter", + url = "https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter" + }, + ["packer.nvim"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/home/jpm/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/packer.nvim", + url = "https://github.com/wbthomason/packer.nvim" + }, + ["vim-gitgutter"] = { + loaded = true, + path = "/home/jpm/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/vim-gitgutter", + url = "https://github.com/airblade/vim-gitgutter" + } +} + +time([[Defining packer_plugins]], false) +-- Config for: nvim-cursorline +time([[Config for nvim-cursorline]], true) +try_loadstring("\27LJ\2\n\1\0\0\5\0\v\0\0156\0\0\0'\2\1\0B\0\2\0029\0\2\0005\2\6\0005\3\3\0005\4\4\0=\4\5\3=\3\a\0025\3\b\0005\4\t\0=\4\5\3=\3\n\2B\0\2\1K\0\1\0\15cursorword\1\0\2\14underline\1\tbold\2\1\0\2\15min_length\3\3\venable\2\15cursorline\1\0\0\ahl\1\0\2\14underline\1\tbold\2\1\0\3\ftimeout\3\a\vnumber\1\venable\2\nsetup\20nvim-cursorline\frequire\0", "config", "nvim-cursorline") +time([[Config for nvim-cursorline]], false) + +_G._packer.inside_compile = false +if _G._packer.needs_bufread == true then + vim.cmd("doautocmd BufRead") +end +_G._packer.needs_bufread = false + +if should_profile then save_profiles() end + +end) + +if not no_errors then + error_msg = error_msg:gsub('"', '\\"') + vim.api.nvim_command('echohl ErrorMsg | echom "Error in packer_compiled: '..error_msg..'" | echom "Please check your config for correctness" | echohl None') +end diff --git a/nvim.bk/shada/main.shada b/nvim.bk/shada/main.shada new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c954e2178 Binary files /dev/null and b/nvim.bk/shada/main.shada differ diff --git a/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swh b/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swh new file mode 100644 index 000000000..995d7c663 Binary files /dev/null and b/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swh differ diff --git a/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swi b/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swi new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9237bca3e Binary files /dev/null and b/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swi differ diff --git a/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swj b/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swj new file mode 100644 index 000000000..68c30e95c Binary files /dev/null and b/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swj differ diff --git a/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swk b/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swk new file mode 100644 index 000000000..02920d407 Binary files /dev/null and b/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swk differ diff --git a/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swl b/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swl new file mode 100644 index 000000000..682a797a4 Binary files /dev/null and b/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swl differ diff --git a/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swm b/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swm new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bbb6c1a42 Binary files /dev/null and b/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swm differ diff --git a/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swn b/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swn new file mode 100644 index 000000000..45443ad6b Binary files /dev/null and b/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swn differ diff --git a/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swo b/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swo new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ff80436d0 Binary files /dev/null and b/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swo differ diff --git a/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swp b/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..491603de1 Binary files /dev/null and b/nvim.bk/swap/%home%jpm%.cpanm%work%1657211596.229383%Neovim-Ext-0.05.swp differ diff --git a/nvim.bk/swap/%tmp%av6Y2envV4.swp b/nvim.bk/swap/%tmp%av6Y2envV4.swp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..20c6df9f7 Binary files /dev/null and b/nvim.bk/swap/%tmp%av6Y2envV4.swp differ diff --git a/nvim.bk/swap/%tmp%nvimgIVIMj%0.swp b/nvim.bk/swap/%tmp%nvimgIVIMj%0.swp new file mode 100644 index 000000000..abc3e3119 Binary files /dev/null and b/nvim.bk/swap/%tmp%nvimgIVIMj%0.swp differ diff --git a/nvim/.neoconf.json b/nvim/.neoconf.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7c4808746 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/.neoconf.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +{ + "neodev": { + "library": { + "enabled": true, + "plugins": true + } + }, + "neoconf": { + "plugins": { + "lua_ls": { + "enabled": true + } + } + } +} diff --git a/nvim/README.md b/nvim/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..185280b01 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +# 💤 LazyVim + +A starter template for [LazyVim](https://github.com/LazyVim/LazyVim). +Refer to the [documentation](https://lazyvim.github.io/installation) to get started. diff --git a/nvim/lazy-lock.json b/nvim/lazy-lock.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..501bd11d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/lazy-lock.json @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +{ + "LazyVim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "6d8be7ae46b8c750d68e218819415524460bd424" }, + "LuaSnip": { "branch": "master", "commit": "105b5f7f72c13e682a3aa5d29eac2408ae513b22" }, + "alpha-nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "9e33db324b8bb7a147bce9ea5496686ee859461d" }, + "bufferline.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "2f391fde91b9c3876eee359ee24cc352050e5e48" }, + "catppuccin": { "branch": "main", "commit": "12894370fa3c9e2200f3724c4184354d6b79733a" }, + "cmp-buffer": { "branch": "main", "commit": "3022dbc9166796b644a841a02de8dd1cc1d311fa" }, + "cmp-nvim-lsp": { "branch": "main", "commit": "44b16d11215dce86f253ce0c30949813c0a90765" }, + "cmp-path": { "branch": "main", "commit": "91ff86cd9c29299a64f968ebb45846c485725f23" }, + "cmp_luasnip": { "branch": "master", "commit": "18095520391186d634a0045dacaa346291096566" }, + "dressing.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "e6eff7a5a950a853c3903d906dbcea03f778db5f" }, + "flit.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "5c9a78b97f7f4301473ea5e37501b5b1d4da167b" }, + "friendly-snippets": { "branch": "main", "commit": "1723ae01d83f3b3ac1530f1ae22b7b9d5da7749b" }, + "gitsigns.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "a36bc3360d584d39b4fb076d855c4180842d4444" }, + "indent-blankline.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "7075d7861f7a6bbf0de0298c83f8a13195e6ec01" }, + "lazy.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "de0a911ad97e273edb6e3890ddb1aac59e2d0fb4" }, + "leap.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "f41de5c1cfeb146e4b8c5ed20e5b32230457ff25" }, + "lualine.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "05d78e9fd0cdfb4545974a5aa14b1be95a86e9c9" }, + "mason-lspconfig.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "4f1c72767bec31397d59554f84096909b2887195" }, + "mason.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "b68d3be4b664671002221d43c82e74a0f1006b26" }, + "mini.ai": { "branch": "main", "commit": "5218ea75e635df78a807bc9d5a7162594fb76d02" }, + "mini.bufremove": { "branch": "main", "commit": "7821606e35c1ac931b56d8e3155f45ffe76ee7e5" }, + "mini.comment": { "branch": "main", "commit": "877acea5b2a32ff55f808fc0ebe9aa898648318c" }, + "mini.indentscope": { "branch": "main", "commit": "f60e9b51a6214c73a170ffc5445ce91560981031" }, + "mini.pairs": { "branch": "main", "commit": "963b800d0524eadd297199207011b98684205ada" }, + "mini.surround": { "branch": "main", "commit": "14f418209ecf52d1a8de9d091eb6bd63c31a4e01" }, + "neo-tree.nvim": { "branch": "v2.x", "commit": "f765e75e7d2444629b5ace3cd7609c12251de254" }, + "neoconf.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "08f146d53e075055500dca35e93281faff95716b" }, + "neodev.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "a2b1d8fb9fa4daa35d3fd9123bccccccbd4a3520" }, + "noice.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "2cb37edea88b7baa45324ac7b791f1f1b4e48316" }, + "nui.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "d146966a423e60699b084eeb28489fe3b6427599" }, + "null-ls.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "aac27a1fa550de3d0b2c651168167cc0d5366a9a" }, + "nvim-cmp": { "branch": "main", "commit": "2743dd989e9b932e1b4813a4927d7b84272a14e2" }, + "nvim-lspconfig": { "branch": "master", "commit": "0011c435282f043a018e23393cae06ed926c3f4a" }, + "nvim-navic": { "branch": "master", "commit": "32cff45f1c84bec5e2a7bf15c0f3c6739b64c85d" }, + "nvim-notify": { "branch": "master", "commit": "ea9c8ce7a37f2238f934e087c255758659948e0f" }, + "nvim-spectre": { "branch": "master", "commit": "6e9dfd6f0ad24074ba03fe420b2b5c59075bc205" }, + "nvim-treesitter": { "branch": "master", "commit": "393bc5bec591caeedb0a4c696d15946c5d6c2de8" }, + "nvim-treesitter-textobjects": { "branch": "master", "commit": "52f1f3280d9092bfaee5c45be5962fabee3d9654" }, + "nvim-ts-context-commentstring": { "branch": "main", "commit": "7f625207f225eea97ef7a6abe7611e556c396d2f" }, + "nvim-web-devicons": { "branch": "master", "commit": "9ab9b0b894b2388a9dbcdee5f00ce72e25d85bf9" }, + "persistence.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "4b8051c01f696d8849a5cb8afa9767be8db16e40" }, + "plenary.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "102c02903c74b93c705406bf362049383abc87c8" }, + "telescope.nvim": { "branch": "master", "commit": "c5b11f4fe780f4acd6ed0d58575d3cb7af3e893a" }, + "todo-comments.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "09b0b17d824d2d56f02ff15967e8a2499a89c731" }, + "tokyonight.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "fd0a005fd8986ec0d98a1938dc570303e8d8444b" }, + "trouble.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "d99e2abd10808ef91738ce98a5c767e6a51df449" }, + "vim-illuminate": { "branch": "master", "commit": "a2907275a6899c570d16e95b9db5fd921c167502" }, + "vim-repeat": { "branch": "master", "commit": "24afe922e6a05891756ecf331f39a1f6743d3d5a" }, + "vim-startuptime": { "branch": "master", "commit": "454b3de856b7bd298700de33d79774ca9b9e3875" }, + "which-key.nvim": { "branch": "main", "commit": "d871f2b664afd5aed3dc1d1573bef2fb24ce0484" } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/lua/config/autocmds.lua b/nvim/lua/config/autocmds.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..27e9e0645 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/lua/config/autocmds.lua @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +-- Autocmds are automatically loaded on the VeryLazy event +-- Default autocmds that are always set: https://github.com/LazyVim/LazyVim/blob/main/lua/lazyvim/config/autocmds.lua +-- Add any additional autocmds here diff --git a/nvim/lua/config/keymaps.lua b/nvim/lua/config/keymaps.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2c134f7bc --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/lua/config/keymaps.lua @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +-- Keymaps are automatically loaded on the VeryLazy event +-- Default keymaps that are always set: https://github.com/LazyVim/LazyVim/blob/main/lua/lazyvim/config/keymaps.lua +-- Add any additional keymaps here diff --git a/nvim/lua/config/lazy.lua b/nvim/lua/config/lazy.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..891b1901b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/lua/config/lazy.lua @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +local lazypath = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/lazy/lazy.nvim" +if not vim.loop.fs_stat(lazypath) then + -- bootstrap lazy.nvim + -- stylua: ignore + vim.fn.system({ "git", "clone", "--filter=blob:none", "https://github.com/folke/lazy.nvim.git", "--branch=stable", lazypath }) +end +vim.opt.rtp:prepend(vim.env.LAZY or lazypath) + +require("lazy").setup({ + spec = { + -- add LazyVim and import its plugins + { "LazyVim/LazyVim", import = "lazyvim.plugins" }, + -- import any extras modules here + -- { import = "lazyvim.plugins.extras.lang.typescript" }, + -- { import = "lazyvim.plugins.extras.lang.json" }, + -- { import = "lazyvim.plugins.extras.ui.mini-animate" }, + -- import/override with your plugins + { import = "plugins" }, + }, + defaults = { + -- By default, only LazyVim plugins will be lazy-loaded. Your custom plugins will load during startup. + -- If you know what you're doing, you can set this to `true` to have all your custom plugins lazy-loaded by default. + lazy = false, + -- It's recommended to leave version=false for now, since a lot the plugin that support versioning, + -- have outdated releases, which may break your Neovim install. + version = false, -- always use the latest git commit + -- version = "*", -- try installing the latest stable version for plugins that support semver + }, + install = { colorscheme = { "tokyonight", "habamax" } }, + checker = { enabled = true }, -- automatically check for plugin updates + performance = { + rtp = { + -- disable some rtp plugins + disabled_plugins = { + "gzip", + -- "matchit", + -- "matchparen", + -- "netrwPlugin", + "tarPlugin", + "tohtml", + "tutor", + "zipPlugin", + }, + }, + }, +}) diff --git a/nvim/lua/config/options.lua b/nvim/lua/config/options.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..674c80b86 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/lua/config/options.lua @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +-- Options are automatically loaded before lazy.nvim startup +-- Default options that are always set: https://github.com/LazyVim/LazyVim/blob/main/lua/lazyvim/config/options.lua +-- Add any additional options here +local opt = vim.opt +opt.tabstop = 4 +opt.expandtab = true +opt.shiftwidth = 4 diff --git a/nvim/mason/bin/lua-language-server b/nvim/mason/bin/lua-language-server new file mode 120000 index 000000000..234ecb956 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/bin/lua-language-server @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/home/jpm/.config/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/lua-language-server \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/bin/shfmt b/nvim/mason/bin/shfmt new file mode 120000 index 000000000..8e63f3c13 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/bin/shfmt @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/home/jpm/.config/nvim/mason/packages/shfmt/shfmt_v3.7.0_linux_amd64 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/bin/stylua b/nvim/mason/bin/stylua new file mode 120000 index 000000000..8b2d6ccca --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/bin/stylua @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/home/jpm/.config/nvim/mason/packages/stylua/stylua \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/LICENSE b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9bfa8ae49 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +MIT License + +Copyright (c) 2018 最萌小汐 + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/bin/lua-language-server b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/bin/lua-language-server new file mode 100755 index 000000000..fd99b2337 Binary files /dev/null and b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/bin/lua-language-server differ diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/bin/main.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/bin/main.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..00036f34e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/bin/main.lua @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +local main, exec +local i = 1 +while arg[i] do + if arg[i] == '-E' then + elseif arg[i] == '-e' then + i = i + 1 + local expr = assert(arg[i], "'-e' needs argument") + assert(load(expr, "=(command line)"))() + -- exit after the executing + exec = true + elseif not main and arg[i]:sub(1, 1) ~= '-' then + main = i + elseif arg[i]:sub(1, 2) == '--' then + break + end + i = i + 1 +end + +if exec and not main then + return +end + +if main then + for i = -1, -999, -1 do + if not arg[i] then + for j = i + 1, -1 do + arg[j - main + 1] = arg[j] + end + break + end + end + for j = 1, #arg do + arg[j - main] = arg[j] + end + for j = #arg - main + 1, #arg do + arg[j] = nil + end +end + +local root +do + if main then + local fs = require 'bee.filesystem' + local mainPath = fs.path(arg[0]) + root = mainPath:parent_path():string() + if root == '' then + root = '.' + end + else + local sep = package.config:sub(1, 1) + if sep == '\\' then + sep = '/\\' + end + local pattern = "[" .. sep .. "]+[^" .. sep .. "]+" + root = package.cpath:match("([^;]+)" .. pattern .. pattern .. "$") + arg[0] = root .. package.config:sub(1, 1) .. 'main.lua' + end + root = root:gsub('[/\\]', package.config:sub(1, 1)) +end + +package.path = table.concat({ + root .. "/script/?.lua", + root .. "/script/?/init.lua", +}, ";"):gsub('/', package.config:sub(1, 1)) + +package.searchers[2] = function (name) + local filename, err = package.searchpath(name, package.path) + if not filename then + return err + end + local f = io.open(filename) + if not f then + return 'cannot open file:' .. filename + end + local buf = f:read '*a' + f:close() + local relative = filename:sub(1, #root) == root and filename:sub(#root + 2) or filename + local init, err = load(buf, '@' .. relative) + if not init then + return err + end + return init, filename +end + +assert(loadfile(arg[0]))(table.unpack(arg)) diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/changelog.md b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/changelog.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ebd197b8d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/changelog.md @@ -0,0 +1,1881 @@ +# changelog + +## 3.6.22 +`2023-6-14` +* `FIX` [#2038] +* `FIX` [#2042] +* `FIX` [#2062] +* `FIX` [#2083] +* `FIX` [#2088] +* `FIX` [#2110] +* `FIX` [#2129] + +[#2038]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/2038 +[#2042]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/2042 +[#2062]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/2062 +[#2083]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/2083 +[#2088]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/2088 +[#2110]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/2110 +[#2129]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/2129 + +## 3.6.21 +`2023-5-24` +* `FIX` disable ffi plugin + +## 3.6.20 +`2023-5-23` +* `NEW` support connecting by socket with `--socket=PORT` +* `FIX` [#2113] + +[#2113]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/2113 + +## 3.6.19 +`2023-4-26` +* `FIX` commandline parameter `checklevel` may not work +* `FIX` [#2036] +* `FIX` [#2037] +* `FIX` [#2056] +* `FIX` [#2077] +* `FIX` [#2081] + +[#2036]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/2036 +[#2037]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/2037 +[#2056]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/2056 +[#2077]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/2077 +[#2081]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/2081 + +## 3.6.18 +`2023-3-23` +* `FIX` [#1943] +* `FIX` [#1996] +* `FIX` [#2004] +* `FIX` [#2013] + +[#1943]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1943 +[#1996]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1996 +[#2004]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/2004 +[#2013]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/2013 + +## 3.6.17 +`2023-3-9` +* `CHG` export documents: export global variables +* `FIX` [#1715] +* `FIX` [#1753] +* `FIX` [#1914] +* `FIX` [#1922] +* `FIX` [#1924] +* `FIX` [#1928] +* `FIX` [#1945] +* `FIX` [#1955] +* `FIX` [#1978] + +[#1715]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1715 +[#1753]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1753 +[#1914]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1914 +[#1922]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1922 +[#1924]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1924 +[#1928]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1928 +[#1945]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1945 +[#1955]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1955 +[#1978]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1978 + +## 3.6.13 +`2023-3-2` +* `FIX` setting: `Lua.addonManager.enable` should be `true` by default +* `FIX` failed to publish to Windows + +## 3.6.12 +`2023-3-2` +* `NEW` [Addon Manager](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/discussions/1607), try it with command `lua.addon_manager.open`. Thanks to [carsakiller](https://github.com/carsakiller)! + +## 3.6.11 +`2023-2-13` +* `CHG` completion: don't show loading process +* `FIX` [#1886] +* `FIX` [#1887] +* `FIX` [#1889] +* `FIX` [#1895] +* `FIX` [#1902] + +[#1886]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1886 +[#1887]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1887 +[#1889]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1889 +[#1895]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1895 +[#1902]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1902 + +## 3.6.10 +`2023-2-7` +* `FIX` [#1869] +* `FIX` [#1872] + +[#1869]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1869 +[#1872]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1872 + +## 3.6.9 +`2023-2-2` +* `FIX` [#1864] +* `FIX` [#1868] +* `FIX` [#1869] +* `FIX` [#1871] + +[#1864]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1864 +[#1868]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1868 +[#1869]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1869 +[#1871]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1871 + +## 3.6.8 +`2023-1-31` +* `NEW` command `lua.exportDocument` . VSCode will display this command in the right-click menu +* `CHG` setting `Lua.workspace.supportScheme` has been removed. All schemes are supported if the language id is `lua` +* `FIX` [#1831] +* `FIX` [#1838] +* `FIX` [#1841] +* `FIX` [#1851] +* `FIX` [#1855] +* `FIX` [#1857] + +[#1831]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1831 +[#1838]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1838 +[#1841]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1841 +[#1851]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1851 +[#1855]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1855 +[#1857]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1857 + +## 3.6.7 +`2023-1-20` +* `FIX` [#1810] +* `FIX` [#1829] + +[#1810]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1810 +[#1829]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1829 + +## 3.6.6 +`2023-1-17` +* `FIX` [#1825] +* `FIX` [#1826] + +[#1825]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1825 +[#1826]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1826 + +## 3.6.5 +`2023-1-16` +* `NEW` support casting global variables +* `NEW` code lens: this feature is disabled by default. +* `NEW` settings: + * `Lua.codeLens.enable`: Enable code lens. +* `CHG` improve memory usage for large libraries +* `CHG` definition: supports finding definitions for `@class` and `@alias`, since they may be defined multi times +* `CHG` rename: supports `@field` +* `CHG` improve patch for `.luarc.json` +* `CHG` `---@meta [name]`: once declared `name`, user can only require this file by declared name. meta file can not be required with name `_` +* `CHG` remove telemetry +* `FIX` [#831] +* `FIX` [#1729] +* `FIX` [#1737] +* `FIX` [#1751] +* `FIX` [#1767] +* `FIX` [#1796] +* `FIX` [#1805] +* `FIX` [#1808] +* `FIX` [#1811] +* `FIX` [#1824] + +[#831]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/831 +[#1729]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1729 +[#1737]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1737 +[#1751]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1751 +[#1767]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1767 +[#1796]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1796 +[#1805]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1805 +[#1808]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1808 +[#1811]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1811 +[#1824]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1824 + +## 3.6.4 +`2022-11-29` +* `NEW` modify `require` after renaming files +* `FIX` circulation reference in process analysis + ```lua + ---@type number + local x + + ---@type number + local y + + x = y + + y = x --> Can not infer `y` before + ``` +* `FIX` [#1698] +* `FIX` [#1704] +* `FIX` [#1717] + +[#1698]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1698 +[#1704]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1704 +[#1717]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1717 + +## 3.6.3 +`2022-11-14` +* `FIX` [#1684] +* `FIX` [#1692] + +[#1684]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1684 +[#1692]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1692 + +## 3.6.2 +`2022-11-10` +* `FIX` incorrect type check for generic with nil +* `FIX` [#1676] +* `FIX` [#1677] +* `FIX` [#1679] +* `FIX` [#1680] + +[#1676]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1676 +[#1677]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1677 +[#1679]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1679 +[#1680]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1680 + +## 3.6.1 +`2022-11-8` +* `FIX` wrong diagnostics for `pcall` and `xpcall` +* `FIX` duplicate fields in table hover +* `FIX` description disapeared for overloaded function +* `FIX` [#1675] + +[#1675]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1675 + +## 3.6.0 +`2022-11-8` +* `NEW` supports `private`/`protected`/`public`/`package` + * mark in `doc.field` + ```lua + ---@class unit + ---@field private uuid integer + ``` + * mark with `---@private`, `---@protected`, `---@public` and `---@package` + ```lua + ---@class unit + local mt = {} + + ---@private + function mt:init() + end + + ---@protected + function mt:update() + end + ``` + * mark by settings `Lua.doc.privateName`, `Lua.doc.protectedName` and `Lua.doc.packageName` + ```lua + ---@class unit + ---@field _uuid integer --> treat as private when `Lua.doc.privateName` has `"_*"` + ``` +* `NEW` settings: + * `Lua.misc.executablePath`: [#1557] specify the executable path in VSCode + * `Lua.diagnostics.workspaceEvent`: [#1626] set the time to trigger workspace diagnostics. + * `Lua.doc.privateName`: treat matched fields as private + * `Lua.doc.protectedName`: treat matched fields as protected + * `Lua.doc.packageName`: treat matched fields as package +* `NEW` CLI `--doc [path]` to make docs. +server will generate `doc.json` and `doc.md` in `LOGPATH`. +`doc.md` is generated by `doc.json` by example code `script/cli/doc2md.lua`. +* `CHG` [#1558] detect multi libraries +* `CHG` [#1458] `semantic-tokens`: global variable is setted to `variable.global` + ```jsonc + // color global variables to red + "editor.semanticTokenColorCustomizations": { + "rules": { + "variable.global": "#ff0000" + } + } + ``` +* `CHG` [#1177] re-support for symlinks, users need to maintain the correctness of symlinks themselves +* `CHG` [#1561] infer definitions and types across chain expression + ```lua + ---@class myClass + local myClass = {} + + myClass.a.b.c.e.f.g = 1 + + ---@type myClass + local class + + print(class.a.b.c.e.f.g) --> inferred as integer + ``` +* `CHG` [#1582] the following diagnostics consider `overload` + * `missing-return` + * `missing-return-value` + * `redundant-return-value` + * `return-type-mismatch` +* `CHG` workspace-symbol: supports chain fields based on global variables and types. try `io.open` or `iolib.open` +* `CHG` [#1641] if a function only has varargs and has `---@overload`, the varargs will be ignored +* `CHG` [#1575] search definitions by first argument of `setmetatable` + ```lua + ---@class Object + local obj = setmetatable({ + initValue = 1, + }, mt) + + print(obj.initValue) --> `obj.initValue` is integer + ``` +* `CHG` [#1153] infer type by generic parameters or returns of function + ```lua + ---@generic T + ---@param f fun(x: T) + ---@return T[] + local function x(f) end + + ---@type fun(x: integer) + local cb + + local arr = x(cb) --> `arr` is inferred as `integer[]` + ``` +* `CHG` [#1201] infer parameter type by expected returned function of parent function + ```lua + ---@return fun(x: integer) + local function f() + return function (x) --> `x` is inferred as `integer` + end + end + ``` +* `CHG` [#1332] infer parameter type when function in table + ```lua + ---@class A + ---@field f fun(x: string) + + ---@type A + local t = { + f = function (x) end --> `x` is inferred as `string` + } + ``` +* `CHG` find reference: respect `includeDeclaration` (although I don't know how to turn off this option in VSCode) +* `CHG` [#1344] improve `---@see` +* `CHG` [#1484] setting `runtime.special` supports fields + ```jsonc + { + "runtime.special": { + "sandbox.require": "require" + } + } + ``` +* `CHG` [#1533] supports completion with table field of function +* `CHG` [#1457] infer parameter type by function type + ```lua + ---@type fun(x: number) + local function f(x) --> `x` is inferred as `number` + end + ``` +* `CHG` [#1663] check parameter types of generic extends + ```lua + ---@generic T: string | boolean + ---@param x T + ---@return T + local function f(x) + return x + end + + local x = f(1) --> Warning: Cannot assign `integer` to parameter ``. + ``` +* `CHG` [#1434] type check: check the fields in table: + ```lua + ---@type table + local x + + ---@type table + local y + + x = y --> Warning: Cannot assign `` to `` + ``` +* `CHG` [#1374] type check: supports array part in literal table + ```lua + ---@type boolean[] + local t = { 1, 2, 3 } --> Warning: Cannot assign `integer` to `boolean` + ``` +* `CHG` `---@enum` supports runtime values +* `FIX` [#1479] +* `FIX` [#1480] +* `FIX` [#1567] +* `FIX` [#1593] +* `FIX` [#1595] +* `FIX` [#1599] +* `FIX` [#1606] +* `FIX` [#1608] +* `FIX` [#1637] +* `FIX` [#1640] +* `FIX` [#1642] +* `FIX` [#1662] +* `FIX` [#1672] + +[#1153]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1153 +[#1177]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1177 +[#1201]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1201 +[#1202]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1202 +[#1332]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1332 +[#1344]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1344 +[#1374]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1374 +[#1434]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1434 +[#1457]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1457 +[#1458]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1458 +[#1479]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1479 +[#1480]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1480 +[#1484]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1484 +[#1533]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1533 +[#1557]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1557 +[#1558]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1558 +[#1561]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1561 +[#1567]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1567 +[#1575]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1575 +[#1582]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1582 +[#1593]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1593 +[#1595]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1595 +[#1599]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1599 +[#1606]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1606 +[#1608]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1608 +[#1626]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1626 +[#1637]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1637 +[#1640]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1640 +[#1641]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1641 +[#1642]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1642 +[#1662]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1662 +[#1663]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1663 +[#1670]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1670 +[#1672]: https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1672 + +## 3.5.6 +`2022-9-16` +* `FIX` [#1439](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1439) +* `FIX` [#1467](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1467) +* `FIX` [#1506](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1506) +* `FIX` [#1537](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1537) + +## 3.5.5 +`2022-9-7` +* `FIX` [#1529](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1529) +* `FIX` [#1530](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1530) + +## 3.5.4 +`2022-9-6` +* `NEW` `type-formatting`: fix wrong indentation of VSCode +* `CHG` `document-symbol`: redesigned to better support for `Sticky Scroll` feature of VSCode +* `FIX` `diagnostics.workspaceDelay` can not prevent first workspace diagnostic +* `FIX` [#1476](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1476) +* `FIX` [#1490](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1490) +* `FIX` [#1493](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1493) +* `FIX` [#1499](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1499) +* `FIX` [#1526](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1526) + +## 3.5.3 +`2022-8-13` +* `FIX` [#1409](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1409) +* `FIX` [#1422](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1422) +* `FIX` [#1425](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1425) +* `FIX` [#1428](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1428) +* `FIX` [#1430](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1430) +* `FIX` [#1431](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1431) +* `FIX` [#1446](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1446) +* `FIX` [#1451](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1451) +* `FIX` [#1461](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1461) +* `FIX` [#1463](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1463) + +## 3.5.2 +`2022-8-1` +* `FIX` [#1395](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1395) +* `FIX` [#1403](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1403) +* `FIX` [#1405](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1405) +* `FIX` [#1406](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1406) +* `FIX` [#1418](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1418) + +## 3.5.1 +`2022-7-26` +* `NEW` supports [color](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/pull/1379) +* `NEW` setting `Lua.runtime.pluginArgs` +* `CHG` setting `type.castNumberToInteger` default by `true` +* `CHG` improve supports for multi-workspace +* `FIX` [#1354](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1354) +* `FIX` [#1355](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1355) +* `FIX` [#1363](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1363) +* `FIX` [#1365](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1365) +* `FIX` [#1367](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1367) +* `FIX` [#1368](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1368) +* `FIX` [#1370](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1370) +* `FIX` [#1375](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1375) +* `FIX` [#1391](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1391) + +## 3.5.0 +`2022-7-19` +* `NEW` `LuaDoc`: `---@operator`: + ```lua + ---@class fspath + ---@operator div(string|fspath): fspath + + ---@type fspath + local root + + local fileName = root / 'script' / 'main.lua' -- `fileName` is `fspath` here + ``` +* `NEW` `LuaDoc`: `---@source`: + ```lua + -- Also supports absolute path or relative path (based on current file path) + ---@source file:///xxx.c:50:20 + XXX = 1 -- when finding definitions of `XXX`, returns `file:///xxx.c:50:20` instead here. + ``` +* `NEW` `LuaDoc`: `---@enum`: + ```lua + ---@enum animal + Animal = { + Cat = 1, + Dog = 2, + } + + ---@param x animal + local function f(x) end + + f() -- suggests `Animal.Cat`, `Animal.Dog`, `1`, `2` as the first parameter + ``` +* `NEW` diagnostics: + * `unknown-operator` + * `unreachable-code` +* `NEW` settings: + * `diagnostics.unusedLocalExclude` +* `NEW` VSCode: add support for [EmmyLuaUnity](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=CppCXY.emmylua-unity) +* `CHG` support multi-type: + ```lua + ---@type number, _, boolean + local a, b, c -- `a` is `number`, `b` is `unknown`, `c` is `boolean` + ``` +* `CHG` treat `_ENV = XXX` as `local _ENV = XXX` + * `_ENV = nil`: disable all globals + * `_ENV = {}`: allow all globals + * `_ENV = {} ---@type mathlib`: only allow globals in `mathlib` +* `CHG` hover: dose not show unknown `---@XXX` as description +* `CHG` contravariance is allowed at the class declaration + ```lua + ---@class BaseClass + local BaseClass + + ---@class MyClass: BaseClass + local MyClass = BaseClass -- OK! + ``` +* `CHG` hover: supports path in link + ```lua + --![](image.png) --> will convert to `--![](file:///xxxx/image.png)` + local x + ``` +* `CHG` signature: only show signatures matching the entered parameters +* `FIX` [#880](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/880) +* `FIX` [#1284](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1284) +* `FIX` [#1292](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1292) +* `FIX` [#1294](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1294) +* `FIX` [#1306](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1306) +* `FIX` [#1311](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1311) +* `FIX` [#1317](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1317) +* `FIX` [#1320](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1320) +* `FIX` [#1330](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1330) +* `FIX` [#1345](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1345) +* `FIX` [#1346](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1346) +* `FIX` [#1348](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1348) + +## 3.4.2 +`2022-7-6` +* `CHG` diagnostic: `type-check` ignores `nil` in `getfield` +* `CHG` diagnostic: `---@diagnostic disable: ` can suppress syntax errors +* `CHG` completion: `completion.callSnippet` no longer generate parameter types +* `CHG` hover: show `---@type {x: number, y: number}` as detail instead of `table` +* `CHG` dose not infer as `nil` by `t.field = nil` +* `FIX` [#1278](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1278) +* `FIX` [#1288](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1288) + +## 3.4.1 +`2022-7-5` +* `NEW` settings: + * `type.weakNilCheck` +* `CHG` allow type contravariance for `setmetatable` when initializing a class + ```lua + ---@class A + local a = {} + + ---@class B: A + local b = setmetatable({}, { __index = a }) -- OK! + ``` +* `FIX` [#1256](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1256) +* `FIX` [#1257](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1257) +* `FIX` [#1267](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1267) +* `FIX` [#1269](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1269) +* `FIX` [#1273](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1273) +* `FIX` [#1275](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1275) +* `FIX` [#1279](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1279) + +## 3.4.0 +`2022-6-29` +* `NEW` diagnostics: + * `cast-local-type` + * `assign-type-mismatch` + * `param-type-mismatch` + * `unknown-cast-variable` + * `cast-type-mismatch` + * `missing-return-value` + * `redundant-return-value` + * `missing-return` + * `return-type-mismatch` +* `NEW` settings: + * `diagnostics.groupSeverity` + * `diagnostics.groupFileStatus` + * `type.castNumberToInteger` + * `type.weakUnionCheck` + * `hint.semicolon` +* `CHG` infer `nil` as redundant return value + ```lua + local function f() end + local x = f() -- `x` is `nil` instead of `unknown` + ``` +* `CHG` infer called function by params num + ```lua + ---@overload fun(x: number, y: number):string + ---@overload fun(x: number):number + ---@return boolean + local function f() end + + local n1 = f() -- `n1` is `boolean` + local n2 = f(0) -- `n2` is `number` + local n3 = f(0, 0) -- `n3` is `string` + ``` +* `CHG` semicolons and parentheses can be used in `DocTable` + ```lua + ---@type { (x: number); (y: boolean) } + ``` +* `CHG` return names and parentheses can be used in `DocFunction` + ```lua + ---@type fun():(x: number, y: number, ...: number) + ``` +* `CHG` supports `---@return boolean ...` +* `CHG` improve experience for diagnostics and semantic-tokens +* `FIX` diagnostics flash when opening a file +* `FIX` sometimes workspace diagnostics are not triggered +* `FIX` [#1228](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1228) +* `FIX` [#1229](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1229) +* `FIX` [#1242](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1242) +* `FIX` [#1243](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1243) +* `FIX` [#1249](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1249) + +## 3.3.1 +`2022-6-17` +* `FIX` [#1213](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1213) +* `FIX` [#1215](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1215) +* `FIX` [#1217](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1217) +* `FIX` [#1218](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1218) +* `FIX` [#1220](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1220) +* `FIX` [#1223](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1223) + +## 3.3.0 +`2022-6-15` +* `NEW` `LuaDoc` supports `` `CODE` `` + ```lua + ---@type `CONST.X` | `CONST.Y` + local x + + if x == -- suggest `CONST.X` and `CONST.Y` here + ``` +* `CHG` infer type by `error` + ```lua + ---@type integer|nil + local n + + if not n then + error('n is nil') + end + + print(n) -- `n` is `integer` here + ``` +* `CHG` infer type by `t and t.x` + ```lua + ---@type table|nil + local t + + local s = t and t.x or 1 -- `t` in `t.x` is `table` + ``` +* `CHG` infer type by `type(x)` + ```lua + local x + + if type(x) == 'string' then + print(x) -- `x` is `string` here + end + + local tp = type(x) + + if tp == 'boolean' then + print(x) -- `x` is `boolean` here + end + ``` +* `CHG` infer type by `>`/`<`/`>=`/`<=` +* `FIX` with clients that support LSP 3.17 (VSCode), workspace diagnostics are triggered every time when opening a file. +* `FIX` [#1204](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1204) +* `FIX` [#1208](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1208) + +## 3.2.5 +`2022-6-9` +* `NEW` provide config docs in `LUA_LANGUAGE_SERVER/doc/` +* `FIX` [#1148](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1148) +* `FIX` [#1149](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1149) +* `FIX` [#1192](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1192) + +## 3.2.4 +`2022-5-25` +* `NEW` settings: + + `workspace.supportScheme`: `["file", "untitled", "git"]` + + `diagnostics.disableScheme`: `["git"]` +* `NEW` folding: support folding `---@alias` +* `CHG` if `rootUri` or `workspaceFolder` is set to `ROOT` or `HOME`, this extension will refuse to load these directories and show an error message. +* `CHG` show warning message when scanning more than 100,000 files. +* `CHG` upgrade [LSP](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specifications/lsp/3.17/specification/) to `3.17` +* `FIX` hover: can not union `table` with other basic types +* `FIX` [#1125](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1125) +* `FIX` [#1131](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1131) +* `FIX` [#1134](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1134) +* `FIX` [#1141](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1141) +* `FIX` [#1144](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1144) +* `FIX` [#1150](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1150) +* `FIX` [#1155](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1155) + +## 3.2.3 +`2022-5-16` +* `CHG` parse `.luarc.json` as jsonc. In order to please the editor, it also supports `.luarc.jsonc` as the file name. +* `CHG` dose not load files in symbol links +* `FIX` memory leak with symbol links +* `FIX` diagnostic: send empty results to every file after startup +* `FIX` [#1103](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1103) +* `FIX` [#1107](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1107) + +## 3.2.2 +`2022-4-26` +* `FIX` diagnostic: `unused-function` cannot handle recursion correctly +* `FIX` [#1092](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1092) +* `FIX` [#1093](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1093) +* `FIX` runtime errors reported by telemetry, see [#1091](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1091) + +## 3.2.1 +`2022-4-25` +* `FIX` broken in VSCode + +## 3.2.0 +`2022-4-25` +* `NEW` supports infer of callback parameter + ```lua + ---@type string[] + local t + + table.sort(t, function (a, b) + -- `a` and `b` is `string` here + end) + ``` +* `NEW` using `---@overload` as class constructor + ```lua + ---@class Class + ---@overload fun():Class + local mt + + local x = mt() --> x is `Class` here + ``` +* `NEW` add `--[[@as type]]` + ```lua + local x = true + local y = x--[[@as integer]] -- y is `integer` here + ``` +* `NEW` add `---@cast` + * `---@cast localname type` + * `---@cast localname +type` + * `---@cast localname -type` + * `---@cast localname +?` + * `---@cast localname -?` +* `NEW` generic: resolve `T[]` by `table` or `---@field [integer] type` +* `NEW` resolve `class[1]` by `---@field [integer] type` +* `NEW` diagnostic: `missing-parameter` +* `NEW` diagnostic: `need-check-nil` +* `CHG` diagnostic: no longer mark `redundant-parameter` as `Unnecessary` +* `FIX` diagnostic: `unused-function` does not recognize recursion +* `FIX` [#1051](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1051) +* `FIX` [#1072](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1072) +* `FIX` [#1077](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1077) +* `FIX` [#1088](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1088) +* `FIX` runtime errors + +## 3.1.0 +`2022-4-17` +* `NEW` support find definition in method +* `CHG` hint: move to LSP. Its font is now controlled by the client. +* `CHG` hover: split `local` into `local` / `parameter` / `upvalue` / `self`. +* `CHG` hover: added parentheses to some words, such as `global` / `field` / `class`. +* `FIX` definition of `table` +* `FIX` [#994](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/994) +* `FIX` [#1057](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1057) +* `FIX` runtime errors reported by telemetry, see [#1058](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1058) + +## 3.0.2 +`2022-4-15` +* `FIX` `table[string] -> boolean` +* `FIX` goto `type definition` +* `FIX` [#1050](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1050) + +## 3.0.1 +`2022-4-11` +* `FIX` [#1033](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1033) +* `FIX` [#1034](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1034) +* `FIX` [#1035](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1035) +* `FIX` [#1036](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1036) +* `FIX` runtime errors reported by telemetry, see [#1037](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1037) + +## 3.0.0 +`2022-4-10` +* `CHG` [break changes](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/980) +* `CHG` diagnostic: + + `type-check`: removed for now + + `no-implicit-any`: renamed to `no-unknown` +* `CHG` formatter: no longer need` --preview` +* `CHG` `LuaDoc`: supports `---@type (string|integer)[]` +* `FIX` semantic: color of `function` +* `FIX` [#1027](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1027) +* `FIX` [#1028](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1028) + +## 2.6.8 +`2022-4-9` +* `CHG` completion: call snippet shown as `Function` instead of `Snippet` when `Lua.completion.callSnippet` is `Replace` +* `FIX` [#976](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/976) +* `FIX` [#995](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/995) +* `FIX` [#1004](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1004) +* `FIX` [#1008](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1008) +* `FIX` [#1009](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1009) +* `FIX` [#1011](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1011) +* `FIX` [#1014](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1014) +* `FIX` [#1016](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1016) +* `FIX` [#1017](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/1017) +* `FIX` runtime errors reported by telemetry + +## 2.6.7 +`2022-3-9` +* `NEW` offline diagnostic, [read more](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Offline-Diagnostic) +* `CHG` `VSCode`: 1.65 has built in new `Lua` syntax files, so this extension no longer provides syntax files, which means you can install other syntax extensions in the marketplace. If you have any suggestions or issues, please [open issues here](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua.tmbundle). +* `CHG` telemetry: the prompt will only appear in VSCode to avoid repeated prompts in other platforms due to the inability to automatically modify the settings. +* `FIX` [#965](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/965) +* `FIX` [#975](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/975) + +## 2.6.6 +`2022-2-21` +* `NEW` formatter preview, use `--preview` to enable this feature, [read more](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/960) +* `FIX` [#958](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/958) +* `FIX` runtime errors + +## 2.6.5 +`2022-2-17` +* `FIX` telemetry is not disabled by default (since 2.6.0) +* `FIX` [#934](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/934) +* `FIX` [#952](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/952) + +## 2.6.4 +`2022-2-9` +* `CHG` completion: reduced sorting priority for postfix completion +* `FIX` [#936](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/936) +* `FIX` [#937](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/937) +* `FIX` [#940](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/940) +* `FIX` [#941](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/941) +* `FIX` [#941](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/942) +* `FIX` [#943](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/943) +* `FIX` [#946](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/946) + +## 2.6.3 +`2022-1-25` +* `FIX` new files are not loaded correctly +* `FIX` [#923](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/923) +* `FIX` [#926](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/926) + +## 2.6.2 +`2022-1-25` +* `FIX` [#925](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/925) + +## 2.6.1 +`2022-1-24` +* `CHG` default values of settings: + + `Lua.diagnostics.workspaceDelay`: `0` sec -> `3` sec + + `Lua.workspace.maxPreload`: `1000` -> `5000` + + `Lua.workspace.preloadFileSize`: `100` KB -> `500` KB +* `CHG` improve performance +* `FIX` modify luarc failed +* `FIX` library files not recognized correctly +* `FIX` [#903](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/903) +* `FIX` [#906](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/906) +* `FIX` [#920](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/920) + +## 2.6.0 +`2022-1-13` +* `NEW` supports multi-workspace in server side, for developers of language clients, please [read here](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Multi-workspace-supports) to learn more. +* `NEW` setting: + + `Lua.hint.arrayIndex` + + `Lua.semantic.enable` + + `Lua.semantic.variable` + + `Lua.semantic.annotation` + + `Lua.semantic.keyword` +* `CHG` completion: improve response speed +* `CHG` completion: can be triggered in `LuaDoc` and strings +* `CHG` diagnostic: smoother +* `CHG` settings `Lua.color.mode` removed +* `FIX` [#876](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/876) +* `FIX` [#879](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/879) +* `FIX` [#884](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/884) +* `FIX` [#885](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/885) +* `FIX` [#886](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/886) +* `FIX` [#902](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/902) + +## 2.5.6 +`2021-12-27` +* `CHG` diagnostic: now syntax errors in `LuaDoc` are shown as `Warning` +* `FIX` [#863](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/863) +* `FIX` return type of `math.floor` +* `FIX` runtime errors + +## 2.5.5 +`2021-12-16` +* `FIX` dose not work in VSCode + +## 2.5.4 +`2021-12-16` +* `FIX` [#847](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/847) +* `FIX` [#848](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/848) +* `FIX` completion: incorrect cache +* `FIX` hover: always view string + +## 2.5.3 +`2021-12-6` +* `FIX` [#842](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/844) +* `FIX` [#844](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/844) + +## 2.5.2 +`2021-12-2` +* `FIX` [#815](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/815) +* `FIX` [#825](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/825) +* `FIX` [#826](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/826) +* `FIX` [#827](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/827) +* `FIX` [#831](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/831) +* `FIX` [#837](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/837) +* `FIX` [#838](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/838) +* `FIX` postfix +* `FIX` runtime errors + +## 2.5.1 +`2021-11-29` +* `FIX` incorrect syntax error + +## 2.5.0 +`2021-11-29` +* `NEW` settings: + + `Lua.runtime.pathStrict`: not check subdirectories when using `runtime.path` + + `Lua.hint.await`: display `await` when calling a function marked as async + + `Lua.completion.postfix`: the symbol that triggers postfix, default is `@` +* `NEW` add supports for `lovr` +* `NEW` file encoding supports `utf16le` and `utf16be` +* `NEW` full IntelliSense supports for literal tables, see [#720](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/720) and [#727](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/727) +* `NEW` `LuaDoc` annotations: + + `---@async`: mark a function as async + + `---@nodiscard`: the return value of the marking function cannot be discarded +* `NEW` diagnostics: + + `await-in-sync`: check whether calls async function in sync function. disabled by default. + + `not-yieldable`: check whether the function supports async functions as parameters. disabled by default. + + `discard-returns`: check whether the return value is discarded. +* `NEW` locale `pt-br`, thanks [Jeferson Ferreira](https://github.com/jefersonf) +* `NEW` supports [utf-8-offsets](https://clangd.llvm.org/extensions#utf-8-offsets) +* `NEW` supports quickfix for `.luarc.json` +* `NEW` completion postifx: `@function`, `@method`, `@pcall`, `@xpcall`, `@insert`, `@remove`, `@concat`, `++`, `++?` +* `CHG` `LuaDoc`: + + `---@class` can be re-declared + + supports unicode + + supports `---@param ... number`, equivalent to `---@vararg number` + + supports `fun(...: string)` + + supports `fun(x, y, ...)`, equivalent to `fun(x: any, y: any, ...: any)` +* `CHG` settings from `--configpath`, `.luarc.json`, `client` no longer prevent subsequent settings, instead they are merged in order +* `CHG` no longer asks to trust plugin in VSCode, because VSCode already provides the workspace trust feature +* `CHG` skip huge files (>= 10 MB) +* `CHG` after using `Lua.runtime.nonstandardSymbol` to treat `//` as a comment, `//` is no longer parsed as an operator + +## 2.4.11 +`2021-11-25` +* `FIX` [#816](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/816) +* `FIX` [#817](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/817) +* `FIX` [#818](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/818) +* `FIX` [#820](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/820) + +## 2.4.10 +`2021-11-23` +* `FIX` [#790](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/790) +* `FIX` [#798](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/798) +* `FIX` [#804](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/804) +* `FIX` [#805](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/805) +* `FIX` [#806](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/806) +* `FIX` [#807](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/807) +* `FIX` [#809](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/809) + +## 2.4.9 +`2021-11-18` +* `CHG` for performance reasons, some of the features that are not cost-effective in IntelliSense have been disabled by default, and you can re-enable them through the following settings: + + `Lua.IntelliSense.traceLocalSet` + + `Lua.IntelliSense.traceReturn` + + `Lua.IntelliSense.traceBeSetted` + + `Lua.IntelliSense.traceFieldInject` + + [read more](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/IntelliSense-optional-features) + +## 2.4.8 +`2021-11-15` +* `FIX` incorrect IntelliSense in specific situations +* `FIX` [#777](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/777) +* `FIX` [#778](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/778) +* `FIX` [#779](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/779) +* `FIX` [#780](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/780) + +## 2.4.7 +`2021-10-27` +* `FIX` [#762](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/762) + +## 2.4.6 +`2021-10-26` +* `NEW` diagnostic: `redundant-return` +* `FIX` [#744](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/744) +* `FIX` [#748](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/748) +* `FIX` [#749](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/749) +* `FIX` [#752](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/752) +* `FIX` [#753](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/753) +* `FIX` [#756](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/756) +* `FIX` [#758](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/758) +* `FIX` [#760](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/760) + +## 2.4.5 +`2021-10-18` +* `FIX` accidentally load lua files from user workspace + +## 2.4.4 +`2021-10-15` +* `CHG` improve `.luarc.json` +* `FIX` [#722](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/722) + +## 2.4.3 +`2021-10-13` +* `FIX` [#713](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/713) +* `FIX` [#718](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/718) +* `FIX` [#719](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/719) +* `FIX` [#725](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/725) +* `FIX` [#729](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/729) +* `FIX` [#730](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/730) +* `FIX` runtime errors + +## 2.4.2 +`2021-10-8` +* `FIX` [#702](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/702) +* `FIX` [#706](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/706) +* `FIX` [#707](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/707) +* `FIX` [#709](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/709) +* `FIX` [#712](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/712) + +## 2.4.1 +`2021-10-2` +* `FIX` broken with single file +* `FIX` [#698](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/698) +* `FIX` [#699](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/699) + +## 2.4.0 +`2021-10-1` +* `NEW` loading settings from `.luarc.json` +* `NEW` settings: + + `Lua.diagnostics.libraryFiles` + + `Lua.diagnostics.ignoredFiles` + + `Lua.completion.showWord` + + `Lua.completion.requireSeparator` +* `NEW` diagnostics: + + `different-requires` +* `NEW` `---@CustomClass` +* `NEW` supports `$/cancelRequest` +* `NEW` `EventEmitter` + ```lua + --- @class Emit + --- @field on fun(eventName: string, cb: function) + --- @field on fun(eventName: '"died"', cb: fun(i: integer)) + --- @field on fun(eventName: '"won"', cb: fun(s: string)) + local emit = {} + + emit:on(--[[support autocomplete fr "died" and "won"]]) + + emit:on("died", function (i) + -- should be i: integer + end) + + emit:on('won', function (s) + -- should be s: string + end) + ``` +* `NEW` `---@module 'moduleName'` + ```lua + ---@module 'mylib' + local lib -- the same as `local lib = require 'mylib'` + ``` +* `NEW` add supports of `skynet` +* `CHG` hover: improve showing multi defines +* `CHG` hover: improve showing multi comments at enums +* `CHG` hover: shows method +* `CHG` hint: `Lua.hint.paramName` now supports `Disable`, `Literal` and `All` +* `CHG` only search first file by `require` +* `CHG` no longer infer by usage +* `CHG` no longer ignore file names case in Windows +* `CHG` watching library changes +* `CHG` completion: improve misspelling results +* `CHG` completion: `Lua.completion.displayContext` default to `0` +* `CHG` completion: `autoRequire` has better inserting position +* `CHG` diagnostics: + + `redundant-parameter` default severity to `Warning` + + `redundant-value` default severity to `Warning` +* `CHG` infer: more strict of calculation results +* `CHG` [#663](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/663) +* `FIX` runtime errors +* `FIX` hint: may show param-2 as `self` +* `FIX` semantic: may fail when scrolling +* `FIX` [#647](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/647) +* `FIX` [#660](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/660) +* `FIX` [#673](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/673) + +## 2.3.7 +`2021-8-17` +* `CHG` improve performance +* `FIX` [#244](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/244) + +## 2.3.6 +`2021-8-9` +* `FIX` completion: can not find global fields +* `FIX` globals and class may lost + +## 2.3.5 +`2021-8-9` +* `CHG` improve memory usage +* `CHG` completion: call snip triggers signature (VSCode only) +* `FIX` completion: may not find results + +## 2.3.4 +`2021-8-6` +* `CHG` improve performance +* `FIX` [#625](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/625) + +## 2.3.3 +`2021-7-26` +* `NEW` config supports prop +* `FIX` [#612](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/612) +* `FIX` [#613](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/613) +* `FIX` [#618](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/618) +* `FIX` [#620](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/620) + +## 2.3.2 +`2021-7-21` +* `NEW` `LuaDoc`: supports `['string']` as field: + ```lua + ---@class keyboard + ---@field ['!'] number + ---@field ['?'] number + ---@field ['#'] number + ``` +* `NEW` add supports of `love2d` +* `FIX` gitignore pattern `\` broken initialization +* `FIX` runtime errors + +## 2.3.1 +`2021-7-19` +* `NEW` setting `Lua.workspace.userThirdParty`, add private user [third-parth](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/tree/master/meta/3rd) by this setting +* `CHG` path in config supports `~/xxxx` +* `FIX` `autoRequire` inserted incorrect code +* `FIX` `autoRequire` may provide dumplicated options +* `FIX` [#606](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/606) +* `FIX` [#607](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/607) + +## 2.3.0 +`2021-7-16` +* `NEW` `VSCode`: click the status bar icon to operate: + * run workspace diagnostics +* `NEW` `LuaDoc`: supports `[1]` as field: + ```lua + ---@class position + ---@field [1] number + ---@field [2] number + ---@field [3] number + ``` +* `NEW` hover: view array `local array = {'a', 'b', 'c'}`: + ```lua + local array: { + [1]: string = "a", + [2]: string = "b", + [3]: string = "c", + } + ``` +* `NEW` completion: supports enums in `fun()` + ```lua + ---@type fun(x: "'aaa'"|"'bbb'") + local f + + f(--[[show `'aaa'` and `'bbb'` here]]) + ``` +* `FIX` loading workspace may hang +* `FIX` `debug.getuservalue` and `debug.setuservalue` should not exist in `Lua 5.1` +* `FIX` infer of `---@type class[][]` +* `FIX` infer of `---@type {}[]` +* `FIX` completion: displaying `@fenv` in `Lua 5.1` +* `FIX` completion: incorrect at end of line +* `FIX` when a file is renamed, the file will still be loaded even if the new file name has been set to ignore +* `FIX` [#596](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/596) +* `FIX` [#597](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/597) +* `FIX` [#598](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/598) +* `FIX` [#601](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/601) + +## 2.2.3 +`2021-7-9` +* `CHG` improve `auto require` +* `CHG` will not sleep anymore +* `FIX` incorrect doc: `debug.getlocal` +* `FIX` completion: incorrect callback +* `FIX` [#592](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/592) + +## 2.2.2 +`2021-7-9` +* `FIX` incorrect syntax color +* `FIX` incorrect type infer + +## 2.2.1 +`2021-7-8` +* `FIX` change setting may failed + +## 2.2.0 +`2021-7-8` +* `NEW` detect and apply third-party libraries, including: + * OpenResty + * Cocos4.0 + * Jass +* `NEW` `LuaDoc`: supports literal table: + ```lua + ---@generic T + ---@param x T + ---@return { x: number, y: T, z?: boolean} + local function f(x) end + + local t = f('str') + -- hovering "t" shows: + local t: { + x: number, + y: string, + z?: boolean, + } + ``` +* `CHG` improve changing config from server side +* `CHG` improve hover color +* `CHG` improve performance +* `CHG` telemetry: sends version of this extension +* `FIX` supports for file with LF +* `FIX` may infer a custom class as a string + +## 2.1.0 +`2021-7-2` +* `NEW` supports local config file, using `--configpath="config.json"`, [learn more here](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Setting-without-VSCode) +* `NEW` goto `type definition` +* `NEW` infer type by callback param: + ```lua + ---@param callback fun(value: string) + local function work(callback) + end + + work(function (value) + -- value is string here + end) + ``` +* `NEW` optional field `---@field name? type` +* `CHG` [#549](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/549) +* `CHG` diagnostics: always ignore the ignored files even if they are opened +* `FIX` completion: `type() ==` may does not work + +## 2.0.5 +`2021-7-1` +* `NEW` `hover` and `completion` reports initialization progress +* `CHG` `class field` consider implicit definition + ```lua + ---@class Class + local mt = {} + + function mt:init() + self.xxx = 1 + end + + function mt:func() + print(self.xxx) -- self.xxx is defined + end + ``` +* `CHG` improve performance +* `FIX` [#580](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/580) + +## 2.0.4 +`2021-6-25` +* `FIX` [#550](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/550) +* `FIX` [#555](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/555) +* `FIX` [#574](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/574) + +## 2.0.3 +`2021-6-24` +* `CHG` improve memory usage +* `FIX` some dialog boxes block the initialization process +* `FIX` diagnostics `undefined-field`: blocks main thread +* `FIX` [#565](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/565) + +## 2.0.2 +`2021-6-23` +* `NEW` supports literal table in `pairs` + ```lua + local t = { a = 1, b = 2, c = 3 } + for k, v in pairs(t) do + -- `k` is string and `v` is integer here + end + ``` +* `CHG` view `local f ---@type fun(x:number):boolean` + ```lua + ---before + function f(x: number) + -> boolean + ---after + local f: fun(x: number): boolean + ``` +* `FIX` [#558](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/558) +* `FIX` [#567](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/567) +* `FIX` [#568](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/568) +* `FIX` [#570](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/570) +* `FIX` [#571](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/571) + +## 2.0.1 +`2021-6-21` +* `FIX` [#566](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/566) + +## 2.0.0 +`2021-6-21` +* `NEW` implement +* `CHG` diagnostics `undefined-field`, `deprecated`: default by `Opened` instead of `None` +* `CHG` setting `Lua.runtime.plugin`: default by `""` instead of `".vscode/lua/plugin.lua"` (for security) +* `CHG` setting `Lua.intelliSense.searchDepth`: removed +* `CHG` setting `Lua.misc.parameters`: `string array` instead of `string` +* `CHG` setting `Lua.develop.enable`, `Lua.develop.debuggerPort`, `Lua.develop.debuggerWait`: removed, use `Lua.misc.parameters` instead +* `FIX` [#441](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/441) +* `FIX` [#493](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/493) +* `FIX` [#531](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/531) +* `FIX` [#542](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/542) +* `FIX` [#543](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/543) +* `FIX` [#553](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/553) +* `FIX` [#562](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/562) +* `FIX` [#563](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/563) + +## 1.21.3 +`2021-6-17` +* `NEW` supports `untrusted workspaces` +* `FIX` performance issues, thanks to [folke](https://github.com/folke) + +## 1.21.2 +`2021-5-18` +* `FIX` loaded new file with ignored filename +* `FIX` [#536](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/536) +* `FIX` [#537](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/537) +* `FIX` [#538](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/538) +* `FIX` [#539](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/539) + +## 1.21.1 +`2021-5-8` +* `FIX` [#529](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/529) + +## 1.21.0 +`2021-5-7` +* `NEW` setting: `completion.showParams` +* `NEW` `LuaDoc`: supports multiline comments +* `NEW` `LuaDoc`: tail comments support lua string + +## 1.20.5 +`2021-4-30` +* `NEW` setting: `completion.autoRequire` +* `NEW` setting: `hover.enumsLimit` +* `CHG` folding: supports `-- #region` +* `FIX` completion: details may be suspended +* `FIX` [#522](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/522) +* `FIX` [#523](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/523) + +## 1.20.4 +`2021-4-13` +* `NEW` diagnostic: `deprecated` +* `FIX` [#464](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/464) +* `FIX` [#497](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/497) +* `FIX` [#502](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/502) + +## 1.20.3 +`2021-4-6` +* `FIX` [#479](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/479) +* `FIX` [#483](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/483) +* `FIX` [#485](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/485) +* `FIX` [#487](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/487) +* `FIX` [#488](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/488) +* `FIX` [#490](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/490) +* `FIX` [#495](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/495) + +## 1.20.2 +`2021-4-2` +* `CHG` `LuaDoc`: supports `---@param self TYPE` +* `CHG` completion: does not show suggests after `\n`, `{` and `,`, unless your setting `editor.acceptSuggestionOnEnter` is `off` +* `FIX` [#482](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/482) + +## 1.20.1 +`2021-3-27` +* `FIX` telemetry window blocks initializing +* `FIX` [#468](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/468) + +## 1.20.0 +`2021-3-27` +* `CHG` telemetry: change to opt-in, see [#462](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/462) and [Privacy-Policy](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Privacy-Policy) +* `FIX` [#467](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/467) + +## 1.19.1 +`2021-3-22` +* `CHG` improve performance +* `FIX` [#457](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/457) +* `FIX` [#458](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/458) + +## 1.19.0 +`2021-3-18` +* `NEW` VSCode: new setting `Lua.misc.parameters` +* `NEW` new setting `Lua.runtime.builtin`, used to disable some built-in libraries +* `NEW` quick fix: disable diagnostic in line/file +* `NEW` setting: `Lua.runtime.path` supports absolute path +* `NEW` completion: field in table +```lua +---@class A +---@field x number +---@field y number +---@field z number + +---@type A +local t = { + -- provide `x`, `y` and `z` here +} +``` +* `NEW` `LuaDoc`: supports multi-line comment before resume +```lua +---this is +---a multi line +---comment +---@alias XXXX +---comment 1 +---comment 1 +---| '1' +---comment 2 +---comment 2 +---| '2' + +---@param x XXXX +local function f(x) +end + +f( -- view comments of `1` and `2` in completion +``` +* `CHG` intelli-scense: search from generic param to return +* `CHG` intelli-scense: search across vararg +* `CHG` text-document-synchronization: refactored +* `CHG` diagnostic: improve `newline-call` +* `CHG` completion: improve `then .. end` +* `CHG` improve initialization speed +* `CHG` improve performance +* `FIX` missed syntax error `function m['x']() end` +* `FIX` [#452](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/452) + +## 1.18.1 +`2021-3-10` +* `CHG` semantic-tokens: improve colors of `const` and `close` +* `CHG` type-formating: improve execution conditions +* `FIX` [#444](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/444) + +## 1.18.0 +`2021-3-9` +* `NEW` `LuaDoc`: supports `---@diagnostic disable` +* `NEW` code-action: convert JSON to Lua +* `NEW` completion: provide `then .. end` snippet +* `NEW` type-formating: + ```lua + -- press `enter` at $ + local function f() $ end + -- formating result: + local function f() + $ + end + + -- as well as + do $ end + -- formating result + do + $ + end + ``` +* `CHG` `Windows`: dose not provide `ucrt` any more +* `CHG` `Lua.workspace.library`: use `path[]` instead of `` +* `FIX` missed syntax error `local a = 1` +* `FIX` workspace: preload blocked when hitting `Lua.workspace.maxPreload` +* `FIX` [#443](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/443) +* `FIX` [#445](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/445) + +## 1.17.4 +`2021-3-4` +* `FIX` [#437](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/437) again +* `FIX` [#438](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/438) + +## 1.17.3 +`2021-3-3` +* `CHG` intelli-scense: treat `V[]` as `table` in `pairs` +* `FIX` completion: `detail` disappears during continuous input +* `FIX` [#435](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/435) +* `FIX` [#436](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/436) +* `FIX` [#437](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/437) + +## 1.17.2 +`2021-3-2` +* `FIX` running in Windows + +## 1.17.1 +`2021-3-1` +* `CHG` intelli-scense: improve infer across `table` and `V[]`. +* `CHG` intelli-scense: improve infer across `pairs` and `ipairs` +* `FIX` hover: shows nothing when hovering unknown function +* `FIX` [#398](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/398) +* `FIX` [#421](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/421) +* `FIX` [#422](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/422) + +## 1.17.0 +`2021-2-24` +* `NEW` diagnostic: `duplicate-set-field` +* `NEW` diagnostic: `no-implicit-any`, disabled by default +* `CHG` completion: improve field and table +* `CHG` improve infer cross `ipairs` +* `CHG` cache globals when loading +* `CHG` completion: remove trigger character `\n` for now, see [#401](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/401) +* `FIX` diagnositc: may open file with wrong uri case +* `FIX` [#406](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/406) + +## 1.16.1 +`2021-2-22` +* `FIX` signature: parameters may be misplaced +* `FIX` completion: interface in nested table +* `FIX` completion: interface not show after `,` +* `FIX` [#400](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/400) +* `FIX` [#402](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/402) +* `FIX` [#403](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/403) +* `FIX` [#404](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/404) +* `FIX` runtime errors + +## 1.16.0 +`2021-2-20` +* `NEW` file encoding supports `ansi` +* `NEW` completion: supports interface, see [#384](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/384) +* `NEW` `LuaDoc`: supports multiple class inheritance: `---@class Food: Burger, Pizza, Pie, Pasta` +* `CHG` rename `table*` to `tablelib` +* `CHG` `LuaDoc`: revert compatible with `--@`, see [#392](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/392) +* `CHG` improve performance +* `FIX` missed syntax error `f() = 1` +* `FIX` missed global `bit` in `LuaJIT` +* `FIX` completion: may insert error text when continuous inputing +* `FIX` completion: may insert error text after resolve +* `FIX` [#349](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/349) +* `FIX` [#396](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/396) + +## 1.15.1 +`2021-2-18` +* `CHG` diagnostic: `unused-local` excludes `doc.param` +* `CHG` definition: excludes values, see [#391](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/391) +* `FIX` not works on Linux and macOS + +## 1.15.0 +`2021-2-9` +* `NEW` LUNAR YEAR, BE HAPPY! +* `CHG` diagnostic: when there are too many errors, the main errors will be displayed first +* `CHG` main thread no longer loop sleeps, see [#329](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/329) [#386](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/386) +* `CHG` improve performance + +## 1.14.3 +`2021-2-8` +* `CHG` hint: disabled by default, see [#380](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/380) +* `FIX` [#381](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/381) +* `FIX` [#382](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/382) +* `FIX` [#388](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/388) + +## 1.14.2 +`2021-2-4` +* `FIX` [#356](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/356) +* `FIX` [#375](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/375) +* `FIX` [#376](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/376) +* `FIX` [#377](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/377) +* `FIX` [#378](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/378) +* `FIX` [#379](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/379) +* `FIX` a lot of runtime errors + +## 1.14.1 +`2021-2-2` +* `FIX` [#372](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/372) + +## 1.14.0 +`2021-2-2` +* `NEW` `VSCode` hint +* `NEW` flush cache after 5 min +* `NEW` `VSCode` help semantic color with market theme +* `CHG` create/delete/rename files no longer reload workspace +* `CHG` `LuaDoc`: compatible with `--@` +* `FIX` `VSCode` settings +* `FIX` [#368](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/368) +* `FIX` [#371](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/371) + +## 1.13.0 +`2021-1-28` +* `NEW` `VSCode` status bar +* `NEW` `VSCode` options in some window +* `CHG` performance optimization +* `FIX` endless loop + +## 1.12.2 +`2021-1-27` +* `CHG` performance optimization +* `FIX` modifying the code before loading finish makes confusion +* `FIX` signature: not works + +## 1.12.1 +`2021-1-27` +* `FIX` endless loop + +## 1.12.0 +`2021-1-26` +* `NEW` progress +* `NEW` [#340](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/pull/340): supports `---@type table` +* `FIX` [#355](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/pull/355) +* `FIX` [#359](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/359) +* `FIX` [#361](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/361) + +## 1.11.2 +`2021-1-7` +* `FIX` [#345](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/345): not works with unexpect args +* `FIX` [#346](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/346): dont modify the cache + +## 1.11.1 +`2021-1-5` +* `CHG` performance optimization + +## 1.11.0 +`2021-1-5` +* `NEW` `Lua.runtime.plugin` +* `NEW` intelli-scense: improved `m.f = function (self) end` from `self` to `m` +* `CHG` performance optimization +* `CHG` completion: improve performance of workspace words +* `FIX` hover: tail comments may be cutted +* `FIX` runtime errors + +## 1.10.0 +`2021-1-4` +* `NEW` workspace: supports `.dll`(`.so`) in `require` +* `NEW` folding: `---@class`, `--#region` and docs of function +* `NEW` diagnostic: `count-down-loop` +* `CHG` supports `~` in command line +* `CHG` completion: improve workspace words +* `CHG` completion: show words in string +* `CHG` completion: split `for .. in` to `for .. ipairs` and `for ..pairs` +* `CHG` diagnostic: `unused-function` checks recursive +* `FIX` [#339](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/339) + +## 1.9.0 +`2020-12-31` +* `NEW` YEAR! Peace and love! +* `NEW` specify path of `log` and `meta` by `--logpath=xxx` and `--metapath=XXX` in command line +* `NEW` completion: worksapce word +* `NEW` completion: show words in comment +* `NEW` completion: generate function documentation +* `CHG` got arg after script name: `lua-language-server.exe main.lua --logpath=D:\log --metapath=D:\meta --develop=false` +* `FIX` runtime errors + +## 1.8.2 +`2020-12-29` +* `CHG` performance optimization + +## 1.8.1 +`2020-12-24` +* `FIX` telemetry: connect failed caused not working + +## 1.8.0 +`2020-12-23` +* `NEW` runtime: support nonstandard symbol +* `NEW` diagnostic: `close-non-object` +* `FIX` [#318](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/318) + +## 1.7.4 +`2020-12-20` +* `FIX` workspace: preload may failed + +## 1.7.3 +`2020-12-20` +* `FIX` luadoc: typo of `package.config` +* `FIX` [#310](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/310) + +## 1.7.2 +`2020-12-17` +* `CHG` completion: use custom tabsize +* `FIX` [#307](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/307) +* `FIX` a lot of runtime errors + +## 1.7.1 +`2020-12-16` +* `NEW` setting: `diagnostics.neededFileStatus` +* `FIX` scan workspace may fails +* `FIX` quickfix: `newline-call` failed +* `FIX` a lot of other runtime errors + +## 1.7.0 +`2020-12-16` +* `NEW` diagnostic: `undefined-field` +* `NEW` telemetry: + + [What data will be sent](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/blob/master/script/service/telemetry.lua) + + [How to use this data](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-telemetry-server/tree/master/method) +* `CHG` diagnostic: `unused-function` ignores function with `` +* `CHG` semantic: not cover local call +* `CHG` language client: update to [7.0.0](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-languageserver-node/commit/20681d7632bb129def0c751be73cf76bd01f2f3a) +* `FIX` semantic: tokens may not be updated correctly +* `FIX` completion: require path broken +* `FIX` hover: document uri +* `FIX` [#291](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/291) +* `FIX` [#294](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/294) + +## 1.6.0 +`2020-12-14` +* `NEW` completion: auto require local modules +* `NEW` completion: support delegate +* `NEW` hover: show function by keyword `function` +* `NEW` code action: swap params +* `CHG` standalone: unbind the relative path between binaries and scripts +* `CHG` hover: `LuaDoc` also catchs `--` (no need `---`) +* `CHG` rename: support doc +* `CHG` completion: keyword considers expression +* `FIX` [#297](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/297) + +## 1.5.0 +`2020-12-5` +* `NEW` setting `runtime.unicodeName` +* `NEW` fully supports `---@generic T` +* `FIX` [#274](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/274) +* `FIX` [#276](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/276) +* `FIX` [#279](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/279) +* `FIX` [#280](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/280) + +## 1.4.0 +`2020-12-3` +* `NEW` setting `hover.previewFields`: limit how many fields are shown in table hover +* `NEW` fully supports `---@type Object[]` +* `NEW` supports `---@see` +* `NEW` diagnostic `unbalanced-assignments` +* `CHG` resolves infer of `string|table` +* `CHG` `unused-local` ignores local with `---@class` +* `CHG` locale file format changes to `lua` + +## 1.3.0 +`2020-12-1` + +* `NEW` provides change logs, I think it's good idea for people knowing what's new ~~(bugs)~~ +* `NEW` meta files of LuaJIT +* `NEW` support completion of `type(o) == ?` +* `CHG` now I think it's a bad idea as it took me nearly an hour to complete the logs started from version `1.0.0` +* `FIX` closing ignored or library file dose not clean diagnostics +* `FIX` searching of `t.f1` when `t.f1 = t.f2` +* `FIX` missing signature help of global function + +## 1.2.1 +`2020-11-27` + +* `FIX` syntaxes tokens: [#272](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/272) + +## 1.2.0 +`2020-11-27` + +* `NEW` hover shows comments from `---@param` and `---@return`: [#135](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/135) +* `NEW` support `LuaDoc` as tail comment +* `FIX` `---@class` inheritance +* `FIX` missed syntaxes token: `punctuation.definition.parameters.finish.lua` + +## 1.1.4 +`2020-11-25` + +* `FIX` wiered completion suggests for require paths in `Linux` and `macOS`: [#269](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/269) + +## 1.1.3 +`2020-11-25` + +* `FIX` extension not works in `Ubuntu`: [#268](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/268) + +## 1.1.2 +`2020-11-24` + +* `NEW` auto completion finds globals from `Lua.diagnostics.globals` +* `NEW` support tail `LuaDoc` +* `CHG` no more `Lua.intelliScense.fastGlobal`, now globals always fast and accurate +* `CHG` `LuaDoc` supports `--- @` +* `CHG` `find reference` uses extra `Lua.intelliSense.searchDepth` +* `CHG` diagnostics are limited by `100` in each file +* `FIX` library files are under limit of `Lua.workspace.maxPreload`: [#266](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/266) + +## 1.1.1 +`2020-11-23` + +* `NEW` auto completion special marks deprecated items +* `FIX` diagnostics may push wrong uri in `Linux` and `macOS` +* `FIX` diagnostics not cleaned up when closing ignored lua file +* `FIX` reload workspace remains old caches +* `FIX` incorrect hover of local attribute + +## 1.1.0 +`2020-11-20` + +* `NEW` no longer `BETA` +* `NEW` use `meta.lua` instead of `meta.lni`, now you can find the definition of builtin function +* `CHG` Lua files outside of workspace no longer launch a new server + +## 1.0.6 +`2020-11-20` + +* `NEW` diagnostic `code-after-break` +* `CHG` optimize performance +* `CHG` updated language client +* `CHG` `unused-function` ignores global functions (may used out of Lua) +* `CHG` checks if client supports `Lua.completion.enable`: [#259](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/259) +* `FIX` support for single Lua file +* `FIX` [#257](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/257) + +## 1.0.5 +`2020-11-14` + +* `NEW` `LuaDoc` supports more `EmmyLua` + +## 1.0.4 +`2020-11-12` + +* `FIX` extension not works + +## 1.0.3 +`2020-11-12` + +* `NEW` server kills itself when disconnecting +* `NEW` `LuaDoc` supports more `EmmyLua` +* `FIX` `Lua.diagnostics.enable` not works: [#251](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/251) + +## 1.0.2 +`2020-11-11` + +* `NEW` supports `---|` after `doc.type` +* `CHG` `lowcase-global` ignores globals with `---@class` +* `FIX` endless loop +* `FIX` [#244](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/244) + +## 1.0.1 +`2020-11-10` + +* `FIX` autocompletion not works. + +## 1.0.0 +`2020-11-9` + +* `NEW` implementation, NEW start! diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/debugger.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/debugger.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..db5b2d5da --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/debugger.lua @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +if not DEVELOP then + return +end + +local fs = require 'bee.filesystem' +local luaDebugs = {} + +local home = os.getenv 'USERPROFILE' or os.getenv 'HOME' +if not home then + log.error('Cannot find home directory') + return +end +for _, vscodePath in ipairs { '.vscode', '.vscode-insiders', '.vscode-server-insiders' } do + local extensionPath = fs.path(home) / vscodePath / 'extensions' + log.debug('Search extensions at:', extensionPath:string()) + + if fs.exists(extensionPath) then + for path in fs.pairs(extensionPath) do + if fs.is_directory(path) then + local name = path:filename():string() + if name:find('actboy168.lua-debug-', 1, true) then + luaDebugs[#luaDebugs+1] = path:string() + end + end + end + end +end + +if #luaDebugs == 0 then + log.debug('Cant find "actboy168.lua-debug"') + return +end + +local function getVer(filename) + local a, b, c = filename:match('actboy168%.lua%-debug%-(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)') + if not a then + return 0 + end + return a * 1000000 + b * 1000 + c +end + +table.sort(luaDebugs, function (a, b) + return getVer(a) > getVer(b) +end) + +local debugPath = luaDebugs[1] +local cpath = "/runtime/win64/lua54/?.dll;/runtime/win64/lua54/?.so" +local path = "/script/?.lua" + +local function tryDebugger() + local entry = assert(package.searchpath('debugger', debugPath .. path)) + local root = debugPath + local addr = (""):format(DBGPORT) + local dbg = loadfile(entry)(root) + dbg:start { + address = addr, + } + log.debug('Debugger startup, listen port:', DBGPORT) + log.debug('Debugger args:', addr, root, path, cpath) + if DBGWAIT then + dbg:event('wait') + end + return dbg +end + +xpcall(tryDebugger, log.debug) diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/en-us/meta.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/en-us/meta.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ab6aab88 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/en-us/meta.lua @@ -0,0 +1,764 @@ +---@diagnostic disable: undefined-global, lowercase-global + +arg = +'Command-line arguments of Lua Standalone.' + +assert = +'Raises an error if the value of its argument v is false (i.e., `nil` or `false`); otherwise, returns all its arguments. In case of error, `message` is the error object; when absent, it defaults to `"assertion failed!"`' + +cgopt.collect = +'Performs a full garbage-collection cycle.' +cgopt.stop = +'Stops automatic execution.' +cgopt.restart = +'Restarts automatic execution.' +cgopt.count = +'Returns the total memory in Kbytes.' +cgopt.step = +'Performs a garbage-collection step.' +cgopt.setpause = +'Set `pause`.' +cgopt.setstepmul = +'Set `step multiplier`.' +cgopt.incremental = +'Change the collector mode to incremental.' +cgopt.generational = +'Change the collector mode to generational.' +cgopt.isrunning = +'Returns whether the collector is running.' + +collectgarbage = +'This function is a generic interface to the garbage collector. It performs different functions according to its first argument, `opt`.' + +dofile = +'Opens the named file and executes its content as a Lua chunk. When called without arguments, `dofile` executes the content of the standard input (`stdin`). Returns all values returned by the chunk. In case of errors, `dofile` propagates the error to its caller. (That is, `dofile` does not run in protected mode.)' + +error = +[[ +Terminates the last protected function called and returns message as the error object. + +Usually, `error` adds some information about the error position at the beginning of the message, if the message is a string. +]] + +_G = +'A global variable (not a function) that holds the global environment (see §2.2). Lua itself does not use this variable; changing its value does not affect any environment, nor vice versa.' + +getfenv = +'Returns the current environment in use by the function. `f` can be a Lua function or a number that specifies the function at that stack level.' + +getmetatable = +'If object does not have a metatable, returns nil. Otherwise, if the object\'s metatable has a __metatable field, returns the associated value. Otherwise, returns the metatable of the given object.' + +ipairs = +[[ +Returns three values (an iterator function, the table `t`, and `0`) so that the construction +```lua + for i,v in ipairs(t) do body end +``` +will iterate over the key–value pairs `(1,t[1]), (2,t[2]), ...`, up to the first absent index. +]] + +loadmode.b = +'Only binary chunks.' +loadmode.t = +'Only text chunks.' +loadmode.bt = +'Both binary and text.' + +load['<5.1'] = +'Loads a chunk using function `func` to get its pieces. Each call to `func` must return a string that concatenates with previous results.' +load['>5.2'] = +[[ +Loads a chunk. + +If `chunk` is a string, the chunk is this string. If `chunk` is a function, `load` calls it repeatedly to get the chunk pieces. Each call to `chunk` must return a string that concatenates with previous results. A return of an empty string, `nil`, or no value signals the end of the chunk. +]] + +loadfile = +'Loads a chunk from file `filename` or from the standard input, if no file name is given.' + +loadstring = +'Loads a chunk from the given string.' + +module = +'Creates a module.' + +next = +[[ +Allows a program to traverse all fields of a table. Its first argument is a table and its second argument is an index in this table. A call to `next` returns the next index of the table and its associated value. When called with `nil` as its second argument, `next` returns an initial index and its associated value. When called with the last index, or with `nil` in an empty table, `next` returns `nil`. If the second argument is absent, then it is interpreted as `nil`. In particular, you can use `next(t)` to check whether a table is empty. + +The order in which the indices are enumerated is not specified, *even for numeric indices*. (To traverse a table in numerical order, use a numerical `for`.) + +The behavior of `next` is undefined if, during the traversal, you assign any value to a non-existent field in the table. You may however modify existing fields. In particular, you may set existing fields to nil. +]] + +pairs = +[[ +If `t` has a metamethod `__pairs`, calls it with t as argument and returns the first three results from the call. + +Otherwise, returns three values: the $next function, the table `t`, and `nil`, so that the construction +```lua + for k,v in pairs(t) do body end +``` +will iterate over all key–value pairs of table `t`. + +See function $next for the caveats of modifying the table during its traversal. +]] + +pcall = +[[ +Calls the function `f` with the given arguments in *protected mode*. This means that any error inside `f` is not propagated; instead, `pcall` catches the error and returns a status code. Its first result is the status code (a boolean), which is true if the call succeeds without errors. In such case, `pcall` also returns all results from the call, after this first result. In case of any error, `pcall` returns `false` plus the error object. +]] + +print = +[[ +Receives any number of arguments and prints their values to `stdout`, converting each argument to a string following the same rules of $tostring. +The function print is not intended for formatted output, but only as a quick way to show a value, for instance for debugging. For complete control over the output, use $string.format and $io.write. +]] + +rawequal = +'Checks whether v1 is equal to v2, without invoking the `__eq` metamethod.' + +rawget = +'Gets the real value of `table[index]`, without invoking the `__index` metamethod.' + +rawlen = +'Returns the length of the object `v`, without invoking the `__len` metamethod.' + +rawset = +[[ +Sets the real value of `table[index]` to `value`, without using the `__newindex` metavalue. `table` must be a table, `index` any value different from `nil` and `NaN`, and `value` any Lua value. +This function returns `table`. +]] + +select = +'If `index` is a number, returns all arguments after argument number `index`; a negative number indexes from the end (`-1` is the last argument). Otherwise, `index` must be the string `"#"`, and `select` returns the total number of extra arguments it received.' + +setfenv = +'Sets the environment to be used by the given function.' + +setmetatable = +[[ +Sets the metatable for the given table. If `metatable` is `nil`, removes the metatable of the given table. If the original metatable has a `__metatable` field, raises an error. + +This function returns `table`. + +To change the metatable of other types from Lua code, you must use the debug library (§6.10). +]] + +tonumber = +[[ +When called with no `base`, `tonumber` tries to convert its argument to a number. If the argument is already a number or a string convertible to a number, then `tonumber` returns this number; otherwise, it returns `fail`. + +The conversion of strings can result in integers or floats, according to the lexical conventions of Lua (see §3.1). The string may have leading and trailing spaces and a sign. +]] + +tostring = +[[ +Receives a value of any type and converts it to a string in a human-readable format. + +If the metatable of `v` has a `__tostring` field, then `tostring` calls the corresponding value with `v` as argument, and uses the result of the call as its result. Otherwise, if the metatable of `v` has a `__name` field with a string value, `tostring` may use that string in its final result. + +For complete control of how numbers are converted, use $string.format. +]] + +type = +[[ +Returns the type of its only argument, coded as a string. The possible results of this function are `"nil"` (a string, not the value `nil`), `"number"`, `"string"`, `"boolean"`, `"table"`, `"function"`, `"thread"`, and `"userdata"`. +]] + +_VERSION = +'A global variable (not a function) that holds a string containing the running Lua version.' + +warn = +'Emits a warning with a message composed by the concatenation of all its arguments (which should be strings).' + +xpcall['=5.1'] = +'Calls function `f` with the given arguments in protected mode with a new message handler.' +xpcall['>5.2'] = +'Calls function `f` with the given arguments in protected mode with a new message handler.' + +unpack = +[[ +Returns the elements from the given `list`. This function is equivalent to +```lua + return list[i], list[i+1], ···, list[j] +``` +]] + +bit32 = +'' +bit32.arshift = +[[ +Returns the number `x` shifted `disp` bits to the right. Negative displacements shift to the left. + +This shift operation is what is called arithmetic shift. Vacant bits on the left are filled with copies of the higher bit of `x`; vacant bits on the right are filled with zeros. +]] +bit32.band = +'Returns the bitwise *and* of its operands.' +bit32.bnot = +[[ +Returns the bitwise negation of `x`. + +```lua +assert(bit32.bnot(x) == +(-1 - x) % 2^32) +``` +]] +bit32.bor = +'Returns the bitwise *or* of its operands.' +bit32.btest = +'Returns a boolean signaling whether the bitwise *and* of its operands is different from zero.' +bit32.bxor = +'Returns the bitwise *exclusive or* of its operands.' +bit32.extract = +'Returns the unsigned number formed by the bits `field` to `field + width - 1` from `n`.' +bit32.replace = +'Returns a copy of `n` with the bits `field` to `field + width - 1` replaced by the value `v` .' +bit32.lrotate = +'Returns the number `x` rotated `disp` bits to the left. Negative displacements rotate to the right.' +bit32.lshift = +[[ +Returns the number `x` shifted `disp` bits to the left. Negative displacements shift to the right. In any direction, vacant bits are filled with zeros. + +```lua +assert(bit32.lshift(b, disp) == +(b * 2^disp) % 2^32) +``` +]] +bit32.rrotate = +'Returns the number `x` rotated `disp` bits to the right. Negative displacements rotate to the left.' +bit32.rshift = +[[ +Returns the number `x` shifted `disp` bits to the right. Negative displacements shift to the left. In any direction, vacant bits are filled with zeros. + +```lua +assert(bit32.rshift(b, disp) == +math.floor(b % 2^32 / 2^disp)) +``` +]] + +coroutine = +'' +coroutine.create = +'Creates a new coroutine, with body `f`. `f` must be a function. Returns this new coroutine, an object with type `"thread"`.' +coroutine.isyieldable = +'Returns true when the running coroutine can yield.' +coroutine.isyieldable['>5.4']= +'Returns true when the coroutine `co` can yield. The default for `co` is the running coroutine.' +coroutine.close = +'Closes coroutine `co` , closing all its pending to-be-closed variables and putting the coroutine in a dead state.' +coroutine.resume = +'Starts or continues the execution of coroutine `co`.' +coroutine.running = +'Returns the running coroutine plus a boolean, true when the running coroutine is the main one.' +coroutine.status = +'Returns the status of coroutine `co`.' +coroutine.wrap = +'Creates a new coroutine, with body `f`; `f` must be a function. Returns a function that resumes the coroutine each time it is called.' +coroutine.yield = +'Suspends the execution of the calling coroutine.' + +costatus.running = +'Is running.' +costatus.suspended = +'Is suspended or not started.' +costatus.normal = +'Is active but not running.' +costatus.dead = +'Has finished or stopped with an error.' + +debug = +'' +debug.debug = +'Enters an interactive mode with the user, running each string that the user enters.' +debug.getfenv = +'Returns the environment of object `o` .' +debug.gethook = +'Returns the current hook settings of the thread.' +debug.getinfo = +'Returns a table with information about a function.' +debug.getlocal['<5.1'] = +'Returns the name and the value of the local variable with index `local` of the function at level `level` of the stack.' +debug.getlocal['>5.2'] = +'Returns the name and the value of the local variable with index `local` of the function at level `f` of the stack.' +debug.getmetatable = +'Returns the metatable of the given value.' +debug.getregistry = +'Returns the registry table.' +debug.getupvalue = +'Returns the name and the value of the upvalue with index `up` of the function.' +debug.getuservalue['<5.3'] = +'Returns the Lua value associated to u.' +debug.getuservalue['>5.4'] = +[[ +Returns the `n`-th user value associated +to the userdata `u` plus a boolean, +`false` if the userdata does not have that value. +]] +debug.setcstacklimit = +[[ +### **Deprecated in `Lua 5.4.2`** + +Sets a new limit for the C stack. This limit controls how deeply nested calls can go in Lua, with the intent of avoiding a stack overflow. + +In case of success, this function returns the old limit. In case of error, it returns `false`. +]] +debug.setfenv = +'Sets the environment of the given `object` to the given `table` .' +debug.sethook = +'Sets the given function as a hook.' +debug.setlocal = +'Assigns the `value` to the local variable with index `local` of the function at `level` of the stack.' +debug.setmetatable = +'Sets the metatable for the given value to the given table (which can be `nil`).' +debug.setupvalue = +'Assigns the `value` to the upvalue with index `up` of the function.' +debug.setuservalue['<5.3'] = +'Sets the given value as the Lua value associated to the given udata.' +debug.setuservalue['>5.4'] = +[[ +Sets the given `value` as +the `n`-th user value associated to the given `udata`. +`udata` must be a full userdata. +]] +debug.traceback = +'Returns a string with a traceback of the call stack. The optional message string is appended at the beginning of the traceback.' +debug.upvalueid = +'Returns a unique identifier (as a light userdata) for the upvalue numbered `n` from the given function.' +debug.upvaluejoin = +'Make the `n1`-th upvalue of the Lua closure `f1` refer to the `n2`-th upvalue of the Lua closure `f2`.' + +infowhat.n = +'`name` and `namewhat`' +infowhat.S = +'`source`, `short_src`, `linedefined`, `lastlinedefined`, and `what`' +infowhat.l = +'`currentline`' +infowhat.t = +'`istailcall`' +infowhat.u['<5.1'] = +'`nups`' +infowhat.u['>5.2'] = +'`nups`, `nparams`, and `isvararg`' +infowhat.f = +'`func`' +infowhat.r = +'`ftransfer` and `ntransfer`' +infowhat.L = +'`activelines`' + +hookmask.c = +'Calls hook when Lua calls a function.' +hookmask.r = +'Calls hook when Lua returns from a function.' +hookmask.l = +'Calls hook when Lua enters a new line of code.' + +file = +'' +file[':close'] = +'Close `file`.' +file[':flush'] = +'Saves any written data to `file`.' +file[':lines'] = +[[ +------ +```lua +for c in file:lines(...) do + body +end +``` +]] +file[':read'] = +'Reads the `file`, according to the given formats, which specify what to read.' +file[':seek'] = +'Sets and gets the file position, measured from the beginning of the file.' +file[':setvbuf'] = +'Sets the buffering mode for an output file.' +file[':write'] = +'Writes the value of each of its arguments to `file`.' + +readmode.n = +'Reads a numeral and returns it as number.' +readmode.a = +'Reads the whole file.' +readmode.l = +'Reads the next line skipping the end of line.' +readmode.L = +'Reads the next line keeping the end of line.' + +seekwhence.set = +'Base is beginning of the file.' +seekwhence.cur = +'Base is current position.' +seekwhence['.end'] = +'Base is end of file.' + +vbuf.no = +'Output operation appears immediately.' +vbuf.full = +'Performed only when the buffer is full.' +vbuf.line = +'Buffered until a newline is output.' + +io = +'' +io.stdin = +'standard input.' +io.stdout = +'standard output.' +io.stderr = +'standard error.' +io.close = +'Close `file` or default output file.' +io.flush = +'Saves any written data to default output file.' +io.input = +'Sets `file` as the default input file.' +io.lines = +[[ +------ +```lua +for c in io.lines(filename, ...) do + body +end +``` +]] +io.open = +'Opens a file, in the mode specified in the string `mode`.' +io.output = +'Sets `file` as the default output file.' +io.popen = +'Starts program prog in a separated process.' +io.read = +'Reads the `file`, according to the given formats, which specify what to read.' +io.tmpfile = +'In case of success, returns a handle for a temporary file.' +io.type = +'Checks whether `obj` is a valid file handle.' +io.write = +'Writes the value of each of its arguments to default output file.' + +openmode.r = +'Read mode.' +openmode.w = +'Write mode.' +openmode.a = +'Append mode.' +openmode['.r+'] = +'Update mode, all previous data is preserved.' +openmode['.w+'] = +'Update mode, all previous data is erased.' +openmode['.a+'] = +'Append update mode, previous data is preserved, writing is only allowed at the end of file.' +openmode.rb = +'Read mode. (in binary mode.)' +openmode.wb = +'Write mode. (in binary mode.)' +openmode.ab = +'Append mode. (in binary mode.)' +openmode['.r+b'] = +'Update mode, all previous data is preserved. (in binary mode.)' +openmode['.w+b'] = +'Update mode, all previous data is erased. (in binary mode.)' +openmode['.a+b'] = +'Append update mode, previous data is preserved, writing is only allowed at the end of file. (in binary mode.)' + +popenmode.r = +'Read data from this program by `file`.' +popenmode.w = +'Write data to this program by `file`.' + +filetype.file = +'Is an open file handle.' +filetype['.closed file'] = +'Is a closed file handle.' +filetype['.nil'] = +'Is not a file handle.' + +math = +'' +math.abs = +'Returns the absolute value of `x`.' +math.acos = +'Returns the arc cosine of `x` (in radians).' +math.asin = +'Returns the arc sine of `x` (in radians).' +math.atan['<5.2'] = +'Returns the arc tangent of `x` (in radians).' +math.atan['>5.3'] = +'Returns the arc tangent of `y/x` (in radians).' +math.atan2 = +'Returns the arc tangent of `y/x` (in radians).' +math.ceil = +'Returns the smallest integral value larger than or equal to `x`.' +math.cos = +'Returns the cosine of `x` (assumed to be in radians).' +math.cosh = +'Returns the hyperbolic cosine of `x` (assumed to be in radians).' +math.deg = +'Converts the angle `x` from radians to degrees.' +math.exp = +'Returns the value `e^x` (where `e` is the base of natural logarithms).' +math.floor = +'Returns the largest integral value smaller than or equal to `x`.' +math.fmod = +'Returns the remainder of the division of `x` by `y` that rounds the quotient towards zero.' +math.frexp = +'Decompose `x` into tails and exponents. Returns `m` and `e` such that `x = m * (2 ^ e)`, `e` is an integer and the absolute value of `m` is in the range [0.5, 1) (or zero when `x` is zero).' +math.huge = +'A value larger than any other numeric value.' +math.ldexp = +'Returns `m * (2 ^ e)` .' +math.log['<5.1'] = +'Returns the natural logarithm of `x` .' +math.log['>5.2'] = +'Returns the logarithm of `x` in the given base.' +math.log10 = +'Returns the base-10 logarithm of x.' +math.max = +'Returns the argument with the maximum value, according to the Lua operator `<`.' +math.maxinteger = +'An integer with the maximum value for an integer.' +math.min = +'Returns the argument with the minimum value, according to the Lua operator `<`.' +math.mininteger = +'An integer with the minimum value for an integer.' +math.modf = +'Returns the integral part of `x` and the fractional part of `x`.' +math.pi = +'The value of *π*.' +math.pow = +'Returns `x ^ y` .' +math.rad = +'Converts the angle `x` from degrees to radians.' +math.random = +[[ +* `math.random()`: Returns a float in the range [0,1). +* `math.random(n)`: Returns a integer in the range [1, n]. +* `math.random(m, n)`: Returns a integer in the range [m, n]. +]] +math.randomseed['<5.3'] = +'Sets `x` as the "seed" for the pseudo-random generator.' +math.randomseed['>5.4'] = +[[ +* `math.randomseed(x, y)`: Concatenate `x` and `y` into a 128-bit `seed` to reinitialize the pseudo-random generator. +* `math.randomseed(x)`: Equate to `math.randomseed(x, 0)` . +* `math.randomseed()`: Generates a seed with a weak attempt for randomness. +]] +math.sin = +'Returns the sine of `x` (assumed to be in radians).' +math.sinh = +'Returns the hyperbolic sine of `x` (assumed to be in radians).' +math.sqrt = +'Returns the square root of `x`.' +math.tan = +'Returns the tangent of `x` (assumed to be in radians).' +math.tanh = +'Returns the hyperbolic tangent of `x` (assumed to be in radians).' +math.tointeger = +'If the value `x` is convertible to an integer, returns that integer.' +math.type = +'Returns `"integer"` if `x` is an integer, `"float"` if it is a float, or `nil` if `x` is not a number.' +math.ult = +'Returns `true` if and only if `m` is below `n` when they are compared as unsigned integers.' + +os = +'' +os.clock = +'Returns an approximation of the amount in seconds of CPU time used by the program.' +os.date = +'Returns a string or a table containing date and time, formatted according to the given string `format`.' +os.difftime = +'Returns the difference, in seconds, from time `t1` to time `t2`.' +os.execute = +'Passes `command` to be executed by an operating system shell.' +os.exit['<5.1'] = +'Calls the C function `exit` to terminate the host program.' +os.exit['>5.2'] = +'Calls the ISO C function `exit` to terminate the host program.' +os.getenv = +'Returns the value of the process environment variable `varname`.' +os.remove = +'Deletes the file with the given name.' +os.rename = +'Renames the file or directory named `oldname` to `newname`.' +os.setlocale = +'Sets the current locale of the program.' +os.time = +'Returns the current time when called without arguments, or a time representing the local date and time specified by the given table.' +os.tmpname = +'Returns a string with a file name that can be used for a temporary file.' + +osdate.year = +'four digits' +osdate.month = +'1-12' +osdate.day = +'1-31' +osdate.hour = +'0-23' +osdate.min = +'0-59' +osdate.sec = +'0-61' +osdate.wday = +'weekday, 1–7, Sunday is 1' +osdate.yday = +'day of the year, 1–366' +osdate.isdst = +'daylight saving flag, a boolean' + +package = +'' + +require['<5.3'] = +'Loads the given module, returns any value returned by the given module(`true` when `nil`).' +require['>5.4'] = +'Loads the given module, returns any value returned by the searcher(`true` when `nil`). Besides that value, also returns as a second result the loader data returned by the searcher, which indicates how `require` found the module. (For instance, if the module came from a file, this loader data is the file path.)' + +package.config = +'A string describing some compile-time configurations for packages.' +package.cpath = +'The path used by `require` to search for a C loader.' +package.loaded = +'A table used by `require` to control which modules are already loaded.' +package.loaders = +'A table used by `require` to control how to load modules.' +package.loadlib = +'Dynamically links the host program with the C library `libname`.' +package.path = +'The path used by `require` to search for a Lua loader.' +package.preload = +'A table to store loaders for specific modules.' +package.searchers = +'A table used by `require` to control how to load modules.' +package.searchpath = +'Searches for the given `name` in the given `path`.' +package.seeall = +'Sets a metatable for `module` with its `__index` field referring to the global environment, so that this module inherits values from the global environment. To be used as an option to function `module` .' + +string = +'' +string.byte = +'Returns the internal numeric codes of the characters `s[i], s[i+1], ..., s[j]`.' +string.char = +'Returns a string with length equal to the number of arguments, in which each character has the internal numeric code equal to its corresponding argument.' +string.dump = +'Returns a string containing a binary representation (a *binary chunk*) of the given function.' +string.find = +'Looks for the first match of `pattern` (see §6.4.1) in the string.' +string.format = +'Returns a formatted version of its variable number of arguments following the description given in its first argument.' +string.gmatch = +[[ +Returns an iterator function that, each time it is called, returns the next captures from `pattern` (see §6.4.1) over the string s. + +As an example, the following loop will iterate over all the words from string s, printing one per line: +```lua + s = +"hello world from Lua" + for w in string.gmatch(s, "%a+") do + print(w) + end +``` +]] +string.gsub = +'Returns a copy of s in which all (or the first `n`, if given) occurrences of the `pattern` (see §6.4.1) have been replaced by a replacement string specified by `repl`.' +string.len = +'Returns its length.' +string.lower = +'Returns a copy of this string with all uppercase letters changed to lowercase.' +string.match = +'Looks for the first match of `pattern` (see §6.4.1) in the string.' +string.pack = +'Returns a binary string containing the values `v1`, `v2`, etc. packed (that is, serialized in binary form) according to the format string `fmt` (see §6.4.2) .' +string.packsize = +'Returns the size of a string resulting from `string.pack` with the given format string `fmt` (see §6.4.2) .' +string.rep['>5.2'] = +'Returns a string that is the concatenation of `n` copies of the string `s` separated by the string `sep`.' +string.rep['<5.1'] = +'Returns a string that is the concatenation of `n` copies of the string `s` .' +string.reverse = +'Returns a string that is the string `s` reversed.' +string.sub = +'Returns the substring of the string that starts at `i` and continues until `j`.' +string.unpack = +'Returns the values packed in string according to the format string `fmt` (see §6.4.2) .' +string.upper = +'Returns a copy of this string with all lowercase letters changed to uppercase.' + +table = +'' +table.concat = +'Given a list where all elements are strings or numbers, returns the string `list[i]..sep..list[i+1] ··· sep..list[j]`.' +table.insert = +'Inserts element `value` at position `pos` in `list`.' +table.maxn = +'Returns the largest positive numerical index of the given table, or zero if the table has no positive numerical indices.' +table.move = +[[ +Moves elements from table `a1` to table `a2`. +```lua +a2[t],··· = +a1[f],···,a1[e] +return a2 +``` +]] +table.pack = +'Returns a new table with all arguments stored into keys `1`, `2`, etc. and with a field `"n"` with the total number of arguments.' +table.remove = +'Removes from `list` the element at position `pos`, returning the value of the removed element.' +table.sort = +'Sorts list elements in a given order, *in-place*, from `list[1]` to `list[#list]`.' +table.unpack = +[[ +Returns the elements from the given list. This function is equivalent to +```lua + return list[i], list[i+1], ···, list[j] +``` +By default, `i` is `1` and `j` is `#list`. +]] +table.foreach = +'Executes the given f over all elements of table. For each element, f is called with the index and respective value as arguments. If f returns a non-nil value, then the loop is broken, and this value is returned as the final value of foreach.' +table.foreachi = +'Executes the given f over the numerical indices of table. For each index, f is called with the index and respective value as arguments. Indices are visited in sequential order, from 1 to n, where n is the size of the table. If f returns a non-nil value, then the loop is broken and this value is returned as the result of foreachi.' +table.getn = +'Returns the number of elements in the table. This function is equivalent to `#list`.' +table.new = +[[This creates a pre-sized table, just like the C API equivalent `lua_createtable()`. This is useful for big tables if the final table size is known and automatic table resizing is too expensive. `narray` parameter specifies the number of array-like items, and `nhash` parameter specifies the number of hash-like items. The function needs to be required before use. +```lua + require("table.new") +``` +]] +table.clear = +[[This clears all keys and values from a table, but preserves the allocated array/hash sizes. This is useful when a table, which is linked from multiple places, needs to be cleared and/or when recycling a table for use by the same context. This avoids managing backlinks, saves an allocation and the overhead of incremental array/hash part growth. The function needs to be required before use. +```lua + require("table.clear"). +``` +Please note this function is meant for very specific situations. In most cases it's better to replace the (usually single) link with a new table and let the GC do its work. +]] + +utf8 = +'' +utf8.char = +'Receives zero or more integers, converts each one to its corresponding UTF-8 byte sequence and returns a string with the concatenation of all these sequences.' +utf8.charpattern = +'The pattern which matches exactly one UTF-8 byte sequence, assuming that the subject is a valid UTF-8 string.' +utf8.codes = +[[ +Returns values so that the construction +```lua +for p, c in utf8.codes(s) do + body +end +``` +will iterate over all UTF-8 characters in string s, with p being the position (in bytes) and c the code point of each character. It raises an error if it meets any invalid byte sequence. +]] +utf8.codepoint = +'Returns the codepoints (as integers) from all characters in `s` that start between byte position `i` and `j` (both included).' +utf8.len = +'Returns the number of UTF-8 characters in string `s` that start between positions `i` and `j` (both inclusive).' +utf8.offset = +'Returns the position (in bytes) where the encoding of the `n`-th character of `s` (counting from position `i`) starts.' diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/en-us/script.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/en-us/script.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c2dd28be --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/en-us/script.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1274 @@ +DIAG_LINE_ONLY_SPACE = +'Line with spaces only.' +DIAG_LINE_POST_SPACE = +'Line with postspace.' +DIAG_UNUSED_LOCAL = +'Unused local `{}`.' +DIAG_UNDEF_GLOBAL = +'Undefined global `{}`.' +DIAG_UNDEF_FIELD = +'Undefined field `{}`.' +DIAG_UNDEF_ENV_CHILD = +'Undefined variable `{}` (overloaded `_ENV` ).' +DIAG_UNDEF_FENV_CHILD = +'Undefined variable `{}` (inside module).' +DIAG_GLOBAL_IN_NIL_ENV = +'Invalid global (`_ENV` is `nil`).' +DIAG_GLOBAL_IN_NIL_FENV = +'Invalid global (module environment is `nil`).' +DIAG_UNUSED_LABEL = +'Unused label `{}`.' +DIAG_UNUSED_FUNCTION = +'Unused functions.' +DIAG_UNUSED_VARARG = +'Unused vararg.' +DIAG_REDEFINED_LOCAL = +'Redefined local `{}`.' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_INDEX = +'Duplicate index `{}`.' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_METHOD = +'Duplicate method `{}`.' +DIAG_PREVIOUS_CALL = +'Will be interpreted as `{}{}`. It may be necessary to add a `,`.' +DIAG_PREFIELD_CALL = +'Will be interpreted as `{}{}`. It may be necessary to add a `,` or `;`.' +DIAG_OVER_MAX_ARGS = +'This function expects a maximum of {:d} argument(s) but instead it is receiving {:d}.' +DIAG_MISS_ARGS = +'This function requires {:d} argument(s) but instead it is receiving {:d}.' +DIAG_OVER_MAX_VALUES = +'Only has {} variables, but you set {} values.' +DIAG_AMBIGUITY_1 = +'Compute `{}` first. You may need to add brackets.' +DIAG_LOWERCASE_GLOBAL = +'Global variable in lowercase initial, Did you miss `local` or misspell it?' +DIAG_EMPTY_BLOCK = +'Empty block.' +DIAG_DIAGNOSTICS = +'Lua Diagnostics.' +DIAG_SYNTAX_CHECK = +'Lua Syntax Check.' +DIAG_NEED_VERSION = +'Supported in {}, current is {}.' +DIAG_DEFINED_VERSION = +'Defined in {}, current is {}.' +DIAG_DEFINED_CUSTOM = +'Defined in {}.' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_CLASS = +'Duplicate Class `{}`.' +DIAG_UNDEFINED_CLASS = +'Undefined Class `{}`.' +DIAG_CYCLIC_EXTENDS = +'Cyclic extends.' +DIAG_INEXISTENT_PARAM = +'Inexistent param.' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_PARAM = +'Duplicate param.' +DIAG_NEED_CLASS = +'Class needs to be defined first.' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_SET_FIELD= +'Duplicate field `{}`.' +DIAG_SET_CONST = +'Assignment to const variable.' +DIAG_SET_FOR_STATE = +'Assignment to for-state variable.' +DIAG_CODE_AFTER_BREAK = +'Unable to execute code after `break`.' +DIAG_UNBALANCED_ASSIGNMENTS = +'The value is assigned as `nil` because the number of values is not enough. In Lua, `x, y = 1 ` is equivalent to `x, y = 1, nil` .' +DIAG_REQUIRE_LIKE = +'You can treat `{}` as `require` by setting.' +DIAG_COSE_NON_OBJECT = +'Cannot close a value of this type. (Unless set `__close` meta method)' +DIAG_COUNT_DOWN_LOOP = +'Do you mean `{}` ?' +DIAG_UNKNOWN = +'Can not infer type.' +DIAG_DEPRECATED = +'Deprecated.' +DIAG_DIFFERENT_REQUIRES = +'The same file is required with different names.' +DIAG_REDUNDANT_RETURN = +'Redundant return.' +DIAG_AWAIT_IN_SYNC = +'Async function can only be called in async function.' +DIAG_NOT_YIELDABLE = +'The {}th parameter of this function was not marked as yieldable, but an async function was passed in. (Use `---@param name async fun()` to mark as yieldable)' +DIAG_DISCARD_RETURNS = +'The return values of this function cannot be discarded.' +DIAG_NEED_CHECK_NIL = +'Need check nil.' +DIAG_CIRCLE_DOC_CLASS = +'Circularly inherited classes.' +DIAG_DOC_FIELD_NO_CLASS = +'The field must be defined after the class.' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_DOC_ALIAS = +'Duplicate defined alias `{}`.' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_DOC_FIELD = +'Duplicate defined fields `{}`.' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_DOC_PARAM = +'Duplicate params `{}`.' +DIAG_UNDEFINED_DOC_CLASS = +'Undefined class `{}`.' +DIAG_UNDEFINED_DOC_NAME = +'Undefined type or alias `{}`.' +DIAG_UNDEFINED_DOC_PARAM = +'Undefined param `{}`.' +DIAG_MISSING_GLOBAL_DOC_COMMENT = +'Missing comment for global function `{}`.' +DIAG_MISSING_GLOBAL_DOC_PARAM = +'Missing @param annotation for parameter `{}` in global function `{}`.' +DIAG_MISSING_GLOBAL_DOC_RETURN = +'Missing @return annotation at index `{}` in global function `{}`.' +DIAG_MISSING_LOCAL_EXPORT_DOC_COMMENT = +'Missing comment for exported local function `{}`.' +DIAG_MISSING_LOCAL_EXPORT_DOC_PARAM = +'Missing @param annotation for parameter `{}` in exported local function `{}`.' +DIAG_MISSING_LOCAL_EXPORT_DOC_RETURN = +'Missing @return annotation at index `{}` in exported local function `{}`.' +DIAG_INCOMPLETE_SIGNATURE_DOC_PARAM = +'Incomplete signature. Missing @param annotation for parameter `{}` in function `{}`.' +DIAG_INCOMPLETE_SIGNATURE_DOC_RETURN = +'Incomplete signature. Missing @return annotation at index `{}` in function `{}`.' +DIAG_UNKNOWN_DIAG_CODE = +'Unknown diagnostic code `{}`.' +DIAG_CAST_LOCAL_TYPE = +'This variable is defined as type `{def}`. Cannot convert its type to `{ref}`.' +DIAG_CAST_FIELD_TYPE = +'This field is defined as type `{def}`. Cannot convert its type to `{ref}`.' +DIAG_ASSIGN_TYPE_MISMATCH = +'Cannot assign `{ref}` to `{def}`.' +DIAG_PARAM_TYPE_MISMATCH = +'Cannot assign `{ref}` to parameter `{def}`.' +DIAG_UNKNOWN_CAST_VARIABLE = +'Unknown type conversion variable `{}`.' +DIAG_CAST_TYPE_MISMATCH = +'Cannot convert `{def}` to `{ref}`。' +DIAG_MISSING_RETURN_VALUE = +'Annotations specify that at least {min} return value(s) are required, found {rmax} returned here instead.' +DIAG_MISSING_RETURN_VALUE_RANGE = +'Annotations specify that at least {min} return value(s) are required, found {rmin} to {rmax} returned here instead.' +DIAG_REDUNDANT_RETURN_VALUE = +'Annotations specify that at most {max} return value(s) are required, found {rmax} returned here instead.' +DIAG_REDUNDANT_RETURN_VALUE_RANGE = +'Annotations specify that at most {max} return value(s) are required, found {rmin} to {rmax} returned here instead.' +DIAG_MISSING_RETURN = +'Annotations specify that a return value is required here.' +DIAG_RETURN_TYPE_MISMATCH = +'Annotations specify that return value #{index} has a type of `{def}`, returning value of type `{ref}` here instead.' +DIAG_UNKNOWN_OPERATOR = +'Unknown operator `{}`.' +DIAG_UNREACHABLE_CODE = +'Unreachable code.' +DIAG_INVISIBLE_PRIVATE = +'Field `{field}` is private, it can only be accessed in class `{class}`.' +DIAG_INVISIBLE_PROTECTED = +'Field `{field}` is protected, it can only be accessed in class `{class}` and its subclasses.' +DIAG_INVISIBLE_PACKAGE = +'Field `{field}` can only be accessed in same file `{uri}`.' +DIAG_GLOBAL_ELEMENT = +'Element is global.' + +MWS_NOT_SUPPORT = +'{} does not support multi workspace for now, I may need to restart to support the new workspace ...' +MWS_RESTART = +'Restart' +MWS_NOT_COMPLETE = +'Workspace is not complete yet. You may try again later...' +MWS_COMPLETE = +'Workspace is complete now. You may try again...' +MWS_MAX_PRELOAD = +'Preloaded files has reached the upper limit ({}), you need to manually open the files that need to be loaded.' +MWS_UCONFIG_FAILED = +'Saving user setting failed.' +MWS_UCONFIG_UPDATED = +'User setting updated.' +MWS_WCONFIG_UPDATED = +'Workspace setting updated.' + +WORKSPACE_SKIP_LARGE_FILE = +'Too large file: {} skipped. The currently set size limit is: {} KB, and the file size is: {} KB.' +WORKSPACE_LOADING = +'Loading workspace' +WORKSPACE_DIAGNOSTIC = +'Diagnosing workspace' +WORKSPACE_SKIP_HUGE_FILE = +'For performance reasons, the parsing of this file has been stopped: {}' +WORKSPACE_NOT_ALLOWED = +'Your workspace is set to `{}`. Lua language server refused to load this directory. Please check your configuration.[learn more here](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/FAQ#why-is-the-server-scanning-the-wrong-folder)' +WORKSPACE_SCAN_TOO_MUCH = +'More than {} files have been scanned. The current scanned directory is `{}`. Please see the [FAQ](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/FAQ#how-can-i-improve-startup-speeds) to see how you can include fewer files. It is also possible that your [configuration is incorrect](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/FAQ#why-is-the-server-scanning-the-wrong-folder).' + +PARSER_CRASH = +'Parser crashed! Last words:{}' +PARSER_UNKNOWN = +'Unknown syntax error...' +PARSER_MISS_NAME = +' expected.' +PARSER_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL = +'Unexpected symbol `{symbol}`.' +PARSER_MISS_SYMBOL = +'Missed symbol `{symbol}`.' +PARSER_MISS_ESC_X = +'Should be 2 hexadecimal digits.' +PARSER_UTF8_SMALL = +'At least 1 hexadecimal digit.' +PARSER_UTF8_MAX = +'Should be between {min} and {max} .' +PARSER_ERR_ESC = +'Invalid escape sequence.' +PARSER_MUST_X16 = +'Should be hexadecimal digits.' +PARSER_MISS_EXPONENT = +'Missed digits for the exponent.' +PARSER_MISS_EXP = +' expected.' +PARSER_MISS_FIELD = +' expected.' +PARSER_MISS_METHOD = +' expected.' +PARSER_ARGS_AFTER_DOTS = +'`...` should be the last arg.' +PARSER_KEYWORD = +' cannot be used as name.' +PARSER_EXP_IN_ACTION = +'Unexpected .' +PARSER_BREAK_OUTSIDE = +' not inside a loop.' +PARSER_MALFORMED_NUMBER = +'Malformed number.' +PARSER_ACTION_AFTER_RETURN = +' expected after `return`.' +PARSER_ACTION_AFTER_BREAK = +' expected after `break`.' +PARSER_NO_VISIBLE_LABEL = +'No visible label `{label}` .' +PARSER_REDEFINE_LABEL = +'Label `{label}` already defined.' +PARSER_UNSUPPORT_SYMBOL = +'{version} does not support this grammar.' +PARSER_UNEXPECT_DOTS = +'Cannot use `...` outside a vararg function.' +PARSER_UNEXPECT_SYMBOL = +'Unexpected symbol `{symbol}` .' +PARSER_UNKNOWN_TAG = +'Unknown attribute.' +PARSER_MULTI_TAG = +'Does not support multi attributes.' +PARSER_UNEXPECT_LFUNC_NAME = +'Local function can only use identifiers as name.' +PARSER_UNEXPECT_EFUNC_NAME = +'Function as expression cannot be named.' +PARSER_ERR_LCOMMENT_END = +'Multi-line annotations should be closed by `{symbol}` .' +PARSER_ERR_C_LONG_COMMENT = +'Lua should use `--[[ ]]` for multi-line annotations.' +PARSER_ERR_LSTRING_END = +'Long string should be closed by `{symbol}` .' +PARSER_ERR_ASSIGN_AS_EQ = +'Should use `=` for assignment.' +PARSER_ERR_EQ_AS_ASSIGN = +'Should use `==` for equal.' +PARSER_ERR_UEQ = +'Should use `~=` for not equal.' +PARSER_ERR_THEN_AS_DO = +'Should use `then` .' +PARSER_ERR_DO_AS_THEN = +'Should use `do` .' +PARSER_MISS_END = +'Miss corresponding `end` .' +PARSER_ERR_COMMENT_PREFIX = +'Lua should use `--` for annotations.' +PARSER_MISS_SEP_IN_TABLE = +'Miss symbol `,` or `;` .' +PARSER_SET_CONST = +'Assignment to const variable.' +PARSER_UNICODE_NAME = +'Contains Unicode characters.' +PARSER_ERR_NONSTANDARD_SYMBOL = +'Lua should use `{symbol}` .' +PARSER_MISS_SPACE_BETWEEN = +'Spaces must be left between symbols.' +PARSER_INDEX_IN_FUNC_NAME = +'The `[name]` form cannot be used in the name of a named function.' +PARSER_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE = +'Local attribute should be `const` or `close`' +PARSER_AMBIGUOUS_SYNTAX = -- TODO: need translate! +'In Lua 5.1, the left brackets called by the function must be in the same line as the function.' +PARSER_NEED_PAREN = -- TODO: need translate! +'Need to add a pair of parentheses.' +PARSER_NESTING_LONG_MARK = +'Nesting of `[[...]]` is not allowed in Lua 5.1 .' +PARSER_LOCAL_LIMIT = +'Only 200 active local variables and upvalues can be existed at the same time.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_CLASS_NAME = +' expected.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_EXTENDS_SYMBOL = +'`:` expected.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_CLASS_EXTENDS_NAME = +' expected.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_SYMBOL = +'`{symbol}` expected.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_ARG_NAME = +' expected.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_TYPE_NAME = +' expected.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_ALIAS_NAME = +' expected.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_ALIAS_EXTENDS = +' expected.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_PARAM_NAME = +' expected.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_PARAM_EXTENDS = +' expected.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_FIELD_NAME = +' expected.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_FIELD_EXTENDS = +' expected.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_GENERIC_NAME = +' expected.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_GENERIC_EXTENDS_NAME = +' expected.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_VARARG_TYPE = +' expected.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_FUN_AFTER_OVERLOAD = +'`fun` expected.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_CATE_NAME = +' expected.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_DIAG_MODE = +' expected.' +PARSER_LUADOC_ERROR_DIAG_MODE = +' incorrect.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_LOCAL_NAME = +' expected.' + +SYMBOL_ANONYMOUS = +'' + +HOVER_VIEW_DOCUMENTS = +'View documents' +HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA51 = +'http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#{}' +HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA52 = +'http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#{}' +HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA53 = +'http://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#{}' +HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA54 = +'http://www.lua.org/manual/5.4/manual.html#{}' +HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUAJIT = +'http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#{}' +HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA51 = +'command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/{}"]' +HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA52 = +'command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/52/manual.html/{}"]' +HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA53 = +'command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/53/manual.html/{}"]' +HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA54 = +'command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/{}"]' +HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUAJIT = +'command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/{}"]' +HOVER_MULTI_PROTOTYPE = +'({} prototypes)' +HOVER_STRING_BYTES = +'{} bytes' +HOVER_STRING_CHARACTERS = +'{} bytes, {} characters' +HOVER_MULTI_DEF_PROTO = +'({} definitions, {} prototypes)' +HOVER_MULTI_PROTO_NOT_FUNC = +'({} non functional definition)' +HOVER_USE_LUA_PATH = +'(Search path: `{}`)' +HOVER_EXTENDS = +'Expand to {}' +HOVER_TABLE_TIME_UP = +'Partial type inference has been disabled for performance reasons.' +HOVER_WS_LOADING = +'Workspace loading: {} / {}' +HOVER_AWAIT_TOOLTIP = +'Calling async function, current thread may be yielded.' + +ACTION_DISABLE_DIAG = +'Disable diagnostics in the workspace ({}).' +ACTION_MARK_GLOBAL = +'Mark `{}` as defined global.' +ACTION_REMOVE_SPACE = +'Clear all postemptive spaces.' +ACTION_ADD_SEMICOLON = +'Add `;` .' +ACTION_ADD_BRACKETS = +'Add brackets.' +ACTION_RUNTIME_VERSION = +'Change runtime version to {} .' +ACTION_OPEN_LIBRARY = +'Load globals from {} .' +ACTION_ADD_DO_END = +'Add `do ... end` .' +ACTION_FIX_LCOMMENT_END = +'Modify to the correct multi-line annotations closing symbol.' +ACTION_ADD_LCOMMENT_END = +'Close multi-line annotations.' +ACTION_FIX_C_LONG_COMMENT = +'Modify to Lua multi-line annotations format.' +ACTION_FIX_LSTRING_END = +'Modify to the correct long string closing symbol.' +ACTION_ADD_LSTRING_END = +'Close long string.' +ACTION_FIX_ASSIGN_AS_EQ = +'Modify to `=` .' +ACTION_FIX_EQ_AS_ASSIGN = +'Modify to `==` .' +ACTION_FIX_UEQ = +'Modify to `~=` .' +ACTION_FIX_THEN_AS_DO = +'Modify to `then` .' +ACTION_FIX_DO_AS_THEN = +'Modify to `do` .' +ACTION_ADD_END = +'Add `end` (infer the addition location ny indentations).' +ACTION_FIX_COMMENT_PREFIX = +'Modify to `--` .' +ACTION_FIX_NONSTANDARD_SYMBOL = +'Modify to `{symbol}` .' +ACTION_RUNTIME_UNICODE_NAME = +'Allow Unicode characters.' +ACTION_SWAP_PARAMS = +'Change to parameter {index} of `{node}`' +ACTION_FIX_INSERT_SPACE = +'Insert space.' +ACTION_JSON_TO_LUA = +'Convert JSON to Lua' +ACTION_DISABLE_DIAG_LINE= +'Disable diagnostics on this line ({}).' +ACTION_DISABLE_DIAG_FILE= +'Disable diagnostics in this file ({}).' +ACTION_MARK_ASYNC = +'Mark current function as async.' +ACTION_ADD_DICT = +'Add \'{}\' to workspace dict' +ACTION_FIX_ADD_PAREN = -- TODO: need translate! +'Add parentheses.' + +COMMAND_DISABLE_DIAG = +'Disable diagnostics' +COMMAND_MARK_GLOBAL = +'Mark defined global' +COMMAND_REMOVE_SPACE = +'Clear all postemptive spaces' +COMMAND_ADD_BRACKETS = +'Add brackets' +COMMAND_RUNTIME_VERSION = +'Change runtime version' +COMMAND_OPEN_LIBRARY = +'Load globals from 3rd library' +COMMAND_UNICODE_NAME = +'Allow Unicode characters.' +COMMAND_JSON_TO_LUA = +'Convert JSON to Lua' +COMMAND_JSON_TO_LUA_FAILED = +'Convert JSON to Lua failed: {}' +COMMAND_ADD_DICT = +'Add Word to dictionary' +COMMAND_REFERENCE_COUNT = +'{} references' + +COMPLETION_IMPORT_FROM = +'Import from {}' +COMPLETION_DISABLE_AUTO_REQUIRE = +'Disable auto require' +COMPLETION_ASK_AUTO_REQUIRE = +'Add the code at the top of the file to require this file?' + +DEBUG_MEMORY_LEAK = +"{} I'm sorry for the serious memory leak. The language service will be restarted soon." +DEBUG_RESTART_NOW = +'Restart now' + +WINDOW_COMPILING = +'Compiling' +WINDOW_DIAGNOSING = +'Diagnosing' +WINDOW_INITIALIZING = +'Initializing...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_HOVER = +'Processing hover...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_DEFINITION = +'Processing definition...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_REFERENCE = +'Processing reference...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_RENAME = +'Processing rename...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_COMPLETION = +'Processing completion...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_SIGNATURE = +'Processing signature help...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_SYMBOL = +'Processing file symbols...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_WS_SYMBOL = +'Processing workspace symbols...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_SEMANTIC_FULL = +'Processing full semantic tokens...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_SEMANTIC_RANGE = +'Processing incremental semantic tokens...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_HINT = +'Processing inline hint...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_BUILD_META = +'Processing build meta...' +WINDOW_INCREASE_UPPER_LIMIT = +'Increase upper limit' +WINDOW_CLOSE = +'Close' +WINDOW_SETTING_WS_DIAGNOSTIC = +'You can delay or disable workspace diagnostics in settings' +WINDOW_DONT_SHOW_AGAIN = +"Don't show again" +WINDOW_DELAY_WS_DIAGNOSTIC = +'Idle time diagnosis (delay {} seconds)' +WINDOW_DISABLE_DIAGNOSTIC = +'Disable workspace diagnostics' +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_WORKSPACE = +'Workspace : {}' +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_CACHED_FILES = +'Cached files: {ast}/{max}' +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_MEMORY_COUNT = +'Memory usage: {mem:.f}M' +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_TIP = +[[ + +This icon is a cat, +Not a dog nor a fox! + ↓↓↓ +]] +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_DIAGNOSIS_TITLE= +'Perform workspace diagnosis' +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_DIAGNOSIS_MSG = +'Do you want to perform workspace diagnosis?' +WINDOW_APPLY_SETTING = +'Apply setting' +WINDOW_CHECK_SEMANTIC = +'If you are using the color theme in the market, you may need to modify `editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled` to `true` to make semantic tokens take effect.' +WINDOW_TELEMETRY_HINT = +'Please allow sending anonymous usage data and error reports to help us further improve this extension. Read our privacy policy [here](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Home#privacy) .' +WINDOW_TELEMETRY_ENABLE = +'Allow' +WINDOW_TELEMETRY_DISABLE = +'Prohibit' +WINDOW_CLIENT_NOT_SUPPORT_CONFIG = +'Your client does not support modifying settings from the server side, please manually modify the following settings:' +WINDOW_LCONFIG_NOT_SUPPORT_CONFIG= +'Automatic modification of local settings is not currently supported, please manually modify the following settings:' +WINDOW_MANUAL_CONFIG_ADD = +'`{key}`: add element `{value:q}` ;' +WINDOW_MANUAL_CONFIG_SET = +'`{key}`: set to `{value:q}` ;' +WINDOW_MANUAL_CONFIG_PROP = +'`{key}`: set the property `{prop}` to `{value:q}`;' +WINDOW_APPLY_WHIT_SETTING = +'Apply and modify settings' +WINDOW_APPLY_WHITOUT_SETTING = +'Apply but do not modify settings' +WINDOW_ASK_APPLY_LIBRARY = +'Do you need to configure your work environment as `{}`?' +WINDOW_SEARCHING_IN_FILES = +'Searching in files...' +WINDOW_CONFIG_LUA_DEPRECATED = +'`config.lua` is deprecated, please use `config.json` instead.' +WINDOW_CONVERT_CONFIG_LUA = +'Convert to `config.json`' +WINDOW_MODIFY_REQUIRE_PATH = +'Do you want to modify the require path?' +WINDOW_MODIFY_REQUIRE_OK = +'Modify' + +CONFIG_LOAD_FAILED = +'Unable to read the settings file: {}' +CONFIG_LOAD_ERROR = +'Setting file loading error: {}' +CONFIG_TYPE_ERROR = +'The setting file must be in lua or json format: {}' +CONFIG_MODIFY_FAIL_SYNTAX_ERROR = +'Failed to modify settings, there are syntax errors in the settings file: {}' +CONFIG_MODIFY_FAIL_NO_WORKSPACE = +[[ +Failed to modify settings: +* The current mode is single-file mode, server cannot create `.luarc.json` without workspace. +* The language client dose not support modifying settings from the server side. + +Please modify following settings manually: +{} +]] +CONFIG_MODIFY_FAIL = +[[ +Failed to modify settings + +Please modify following settings manually: +{} +]] + +PLUGIN_RUNTIME_ERROR = +[[ +An error occurred in the plugin, please report it to the plugin author. +Please check the details in the output or log. +Plugin path: {} +]] +PLUGIN_TRUST_LOAD = +[[ +The current settings try to load the plugin at this location:{} + +Note that malicious plugin may harm your computer +]] +PLUGIN_TRUST_YES = +[[ +Trust and load this plugin +]] +PLUGIN_TRUST_NO = +[[ +Don't load this plugin +]] + +CLI_CHECK_ERROR_TYPE = +'The argument of CHECK must be a string, but got {}' +CLI_CHECK_ERROR_URI = +'The argument of CHECK must be a valid uri, but got {}' +CLI_CHECK_ERROR_LEVEL = +'Checklevel must be one of: {}' +CLI_CHECK_INITING = +'Initializing ...' +CLI_CHECK_SUCCESS = +'Diagnosis completed, no problems found' +CLI_CHECK_RESULTS = +'Diagnosis complete, {} problems found, see {}' +CLI_DOC_INITING = +'Loading documents ...' +CLI_DOC_DONE = +[[ +Document exporting completed! +Raw data: {} +Markdown(example): {} +]] + +TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_GLOBAL_DISMATCH = +'Type `{child}` cannot match enumeration type of `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_GENERIC_UNSUPPORTED = +'Cannot use generic `{child}` in enumeration' +TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_LITERAL_DISMATCH = +'Literal `{child}` cannot match the enumeration value of `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_OBJECT_DISMATCH = +'The object `{child}` cannot match the enumeration value of `{parent}`. They must be the same object' +TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_NO_OBJECT = +'The passed in enumeration value `{child}` is not recognized' +TYPE_ERROR_INTEGER_DISMATCH = +'Literal `{child}` cannot match integer `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_STRING_DISMATCH = +'Literal `{child}` cannot match string `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_BOOLEAN_DISMATCH = +'Literal `{child}` cannot match boolean `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_TABLE_NO_FIELD = +'Field `{key}` does not exist in the table' +TYPE_ERROR_TABLE_FIELD_DISMATCH = +'The type of field `{key}` is `{child}`, which cannot match `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_CHILD_ALL_DISMATCH = +'All subtypes in `{child}` cannot match `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_PARENT_ALL_DISMATCH = +'`{child}` cannot match any subtypes in `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_UNION_DISMATCH = +'`{child}` cannot match `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_OPTIONAL_DISMATCH = +'Optional type cannot match `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_NUMBER_LITERAL_TO_INTEGER = +'The number `{child}` cannot be converted to an integer' +TYPE_ERROR_NUMBER_TYPE_TO_INTEGER = +'Cannot convert number type to integer type' +TYPE_ERROR_DISMATCH = +'Type `{child}` cannot match `{parent}`' + +LUADOC_DESC_CLASS = +[=[ +Defines a class/table structure +## Syntax +`---@class [: [, ]...]` +## Usage +``` +---@class Manager: Person, Human +Manager = {} +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#class) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_TYPE = +[=[ +Specify the type of a certain variable + +Default types: `nil`, `any`, `boolean`, `string`, `number`, `integer`, +`function`, `table`, `thread`, `userdata`, `lightuserdata` + +(Custom types can be provided using `@alias`) + +## Syntax +`---@type [| [type]...` + +## Usage +### General +``` +---@type nil|table|myClass +local Example = nil +``` + +### Arrays +``` +---@type number[] +local phoneNumbers = {} +``` + +### Enums +``` +---@type "red"|"green"|"blue" +local color = "" +``` + +### Tables +``` +---@type table +local settings = { + disableLogging = true, + preventShutdown = false, +} + +---@type { [string]: true } +local x --x[""] is true +``` + +### Functions +``` +---@type fun(mode?: "r"|"w"): string +local myFunction +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#types-and-type) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_ALIAS = +[=[ +Create your own custom type that can be used with `@param`, `@type`, etc. + +## Syntax +`---@alias [description]`\ +or +``` +---@alias +---| 'value' [# comment] +---| 'value2' [# comment] +... +``` + +## Usage +### Expand to other type +``` +---@alias filepath string Path to a file + +---@param path filepath Path to the file to search in +function find(path, pattern) end +``` + +### Enums +``` +---@alias font-style +---| '"underlined"' # Underline the text +---| '"bold"' # Bolden the text +---| '"italic"' # Make the text italicized + +---@param style font-style Style to apply +function setFontStyle(style) end +``` + +### Literal Enum +``` +local enums = { + READ = 0, + WRITE = 1, + CLOSED = 2 +} + +---@alias FileStates +---| `enums.READ` +---| `enums.WRITE` +---| `enums.CLOSE` +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#alias) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_PARAM = +[=[ +Declare a function parameter + +## Syntax +`@param [?] [comment]` + +## Usage +### General +``` +---@param url string The url to request +---@param headers? table HTTP headers to send +---@param timeout? number Timeout in seconds +function get(url, headers, timeout) end +``` + +### Variable Arguments +``` +---@param base string The base to concat to +---@param ... string The values to concat +function concat(base, ...) end +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#param) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_RETURN = +[=[ +Declare a return value + +## Syntax +`@return [name] [description]`\ +or\ +`@return [# description]` + +## Usage +### General +``` +---@return number +---@return number # The green component +---@return number b The blue component +function hexToRGB(hex) end +``` + +### Type & name only +``` +---@return number x, number y +function getCoords() end +``` + +### Type only +``` +---@return string, string +function getFirstLast() end +``` + +### Return variable values +``` +---@return string ... The tags of the item +function getTags(item) end +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#return) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_FIELD = +[=[ +Declare a field in a class/table. This allows you to provide more in-depth +documentation for a table. As of `v3.6.0`, you can mark a field as `private`, +`protected`, `public`, or `package`. + +## Syntax +`---@field [scope] [description]` + +## Usage +``` +---@class HTTP_RESPONSE +---@field status HTTP_STATUS +---@field headers table The headers of the response + +---@class HTTP_STATUS +---@field code number The status code of the response +---@field message string A message reporting the status + +---@return HTTP_RESPONSE response The response from the server +function get(url) end + +--This response variable has all of the fields defined above +response = get("localhost") + +--Extension provided intellisense for the below assignment +statusCode = response.status.code +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#field) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_GENERIC = +[=[ +Simulates generics. Generics can allow types to be re-used as they help define +a "generic shape" that can be used with different types. + +## Syntax +`---@generic [:parent_type] [, [:parent_type]]` + +## Usage +### General +``` +---@generic T +---@param value T The value to return +---@return T value The exact same value +function echo(value) + return value +end + +-- Type is string +s = echo("e") + +-- Type is number +n = echo(10) + +-- Type is boolean +b = echo(true) + +-- We got all of this info from just using +-- @generic rather than manually specifying +-- each allowed type +``` + +### Capture name of generic type +``` +---@class Foo +local Foo = {} +function Foo:Bar() end + +---@generic T +---@param name `T` # the name generic type is captured here +---@return T # generic type is returned +function Generic(name) end + +local v = Generic("Foo") -- v is an object of Foo +``` + +### How Lua tables use generics +``` +---@class table: { [K]: V } + +-- This is what allows us to create a table +-- and intellisense keeps track of any type +-- we give for key (K) or value (V) +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#generics-and-generic) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_VARARG = +[=[ +Primarily for legacy support for EmmyLua annotations. `@vararg` does not +provide typing or allow descriptions. + +**You should instead use `@param` when documenting parameters (variable or not).** + +## Syntax +`@vararg ` + +## Usage +``` +---Concat strings together +---@vararg string +function concat(...) end +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#vararg) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_OVERLOAD = +[=[ +Allows defining of multiple function signatures. + +## Syntax +`---@overload fun([: ] [, [: ]]...)[: [, ]...]` + +## Usage +``` +---@overload fun(t: table, value: any): number +function table.insert(t, position, value) end +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#overload) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_DEPRECATED = +[=[ +Marks a function as deprecated. This results in any deprecated function calls +being ~~struck through~~. + +## Syntax +`---@deprecated` + +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#deprecated) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_META = +[=[ +Indicates that this is a meta file and should be used for definitions and intellisense only. + +There are 3 main distinctions to note with meta files: +1. There won't be any context-based intellisense in a meta file +2. Hovering a `require` filepath in a meta file shows `[meta]` instead of an absolute path +3. The `Find Reference` function will ignore meta files + +## Syntax +`---@meta` + +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#meta) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_VERSION = +[=[ +Specifies Lua versions that this function is exclusive to. + +Lua versions: `5.1`, `5.2`, `5.3`, `5.4`, `JIT`. + +Requires configuring the `Diagnostics: Needed File Status` setting. + +## Syntax +`---@version [, ]...` + +## Usage +### General +``` +---@version JIT +function onlyWorksInJIT() end +``` +### Specify multiple versions +``` +---@version <5.2,JIT +function oldLuaOnly() end +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#version) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_SEE = +[=[ +Define something that can be viewed for more information + +## Syntax +`---@see ` + +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#see) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_DIAGNOSTIC = +[=[ +Enable/disable diagnostics for error/warnings/etc. + +Actions: `disable`, `enable`, `disable-line`, `disable-next-line` + +[Names](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/blob/cbb6e6224094c4eb874ea192c5f85a6cba099588/script/proto/define.lua#L54) + +## Syntax +`---@diagnostic [: ]` + +## Usage +### Disable next line +``` +---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-global +``` + +### Manually toggle +``` +---@diagnostic disable: unused-local +local unused = "hello world" +---@diagnostic enable: unused-local +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#diagnostic) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_MODULE = +[=[ +Provides the semantics of `require`. + +## Syntax +`---@module <'module_name'>` + +## Usage +``` +---@module 'string.utils' +local stringUtils +-- This is functionally the same as: +local module = require('string.utils') +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#module) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_ASYNC = +[=[ +Marks a function as asynchronous. + +## Syntax +`---@async` + +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#async) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_NODISCARD = +[=[ +Prevents this function's return values from being discarded/ignored. +This will raise the `discard-returns` warning should the return values +be ignored. + +## Syntax +`---@nodiscard` + +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#nodiscard) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_CAST = +[=[ +Allows type casting (type conversion). + +## Syntax +`@cast <[+|-]type>[, <[+|-]type>]...` + +## Usage +### Overwrite type +``` +---@type integer +local x --> integer + +---@cast x string +print(x) --> string +``` +### Add Type +``` +---@type string +local x --> string + +---@cast x +boolean, +number +print(x) --> string|boolean|number +``` +### Remove Type +``` +---@type string|table +local x --> string|table + +---@cast x -string +print(x) --> table +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#cast) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_OPERATOR = +[=[ +Provide type declaration for [operator metamethods](http://lua-users.org/wiki/MetatableEvents). + +## Syntax +`@operator [(input_type)]:` + +## Usage +### Vector Add Metamethod +``` +---@class Vector +---@operation add(Vector):Vector + +vA = Vector.new(1, 2, 3) +vB = Vector.new(10, 20, 30) + +vC = vA + vB +--> Vector +``` +### Unary Minus +``` +---@class Passcode +---@operation unm:integer + +pA = Passcode.new(1234) +pB = -pA +--> integer +``` +[View Request](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/599) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_ENUM = +[=[ +Mark a table as an enum. If you want an enum but can't define it as a Lua +table, take a look at the [`@alias`](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#alias) +tag. + +## Syntax +`@enum ` + +## Usage +``` +---@enum colors +local colors = { + white = 0, + orange = 2, + yellow = 4, + green = 8, + black = 16, +} + +---@param color colors +local function setColor(color) end + +-- Completion and hover is provided for the below param +setColor(colors.green) +``` +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_PACKAGE = +[=[ +Mark a function as private to the file it is defined in. A packaged function +cannot be accessed from another file. + +## Syntax +`@package` + +## Usage +``` +---@class Animal +---@field private eyes integer +local Animal = {} + +---@package +---This cannot be accessed in another file +function Animal:eyesCount() + return self.eyes +end +``` +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_PRIVATE = +[=[ +Mark a function as private to a @class. Private functions can be accessed only +from within their class and are not accessable from child classes. + +## Syntax +`@private` + +## Usage +``` +---@class Animal +---@field private eyes integer +local Animal = {} + +---@private +function Animal:eyesCount() + return self.eyes +end + +---@class Dog:Animal +local myDog = {} + +---NOT PERMITTED! +myDog:eyesCount(); +``` +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_PROTECTED = +[=[ +Mark a function as protected within a @class. Protected functions can be +accessed only from within their class or from child classes. + +## Syntax +`@protected` + +## Usage +``` +---@class Animal +---@field private eyes integer +local Animal = {} + +---@protected +function Animal:eyesCount() + return self.eyes +end + +---@class Dog:Animal +local myDog = {} + +---Permitted because function is protected, not private. +myDog:eyesCount(); +``` +]=] diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/en-us/setting.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/en-us/setting.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b15f3659d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/en-us/setting.lua @@ -0,0 +1,444 @@ +---@diagnostic disable: undefined-global + +config.addonManager.enable = +"Whether the addon manager is enabled or not." +config.runtime.version = +"Lua runtime version." +config.runtime.path = +[[ +When using `require`, how to find the file based on the input name. +Setting this config to `?/init.lua` means that when you enter `require 'myfile'`, `${workspace}/myfile/init.lua` will be searched from the loaded files. +if `runtime.pathStrict` is `false`, `${workspace}/**/myfile/init.lua` will also be searched. +If you want to load files outside the workspace, you need to set `Lua.workspace.library` first. +]] +config.runtime.pathStrict = +'When enabled, `runtime.path` will only search the first level of directories, see the description of `runtime.path`.' +config.runtime.special = +[[The custom global variables are regarded as some special built-in variables, and the language server will provide special support +The following example shows that 'include' is treated as' require '. +```json +"Lua.runtime.special" : { + "include" : "require" +} +``` +]] +config.runtime.unicodeName = +"Allows Unicode characters in name." +config.runtime.nonstandardSymbol = +"Supports non-standard symbols. Make sure that your runtime environment supports these symbols." +config.runtime.plugin = +"Plugin path. Please read [wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Plugins) to learn more." +config.runtime.pluginArgs = +"Additional arguments for the plugin." +config.runtime.fileEncoding = +"File encoding. The `ansi` option is only available under the `Windows` platform." +config.runtime.builtin = +[[ +Adjust the enabled state of the built-in library. You can disable (or redefine) the non-existent library according to the actual runtime environment. + +* `default`: Indicates that the library will be enabled or disabled according to the runtime version +* `enable`: always enable +* `disable`: always disable +]] +config.runtime.meta = +'Format of the directory name of the meta files.' +config.diagnostics.enable = +"Enable diagnostics." +config.diagnostics.disable = +"Disabled diagnostic (Use code in hover brackets)." +config.diagnostics.globals = +"Defined global variables." +config.diagnostics.severity = +[[ +Modify the diagnostic severity. + +End with `!` means override the group setting `diagnostics.groupSeverity`. +]] +config.diagnostics.neededFileStatus = +[[ +* Opened: only diagnose opened files +* Any: diagnose all files +* None: disable this diagnostic + +End with `!` means override the group setting `diagnostics.groupFileStatus`. +]] +config.diagnostics.groupSeverity = +[[ +Modify the diagnostic severity in a group. +`Fallback` means that diagnostics in this group are controlled by `diagnostics.severity` separately. +Other settings will override individual settings without end of `!`. +]] +config.diagnostics.groupFileStatus = +[[ +Modify the diagnostic needed file status in a group. + +* Opened: only diagnose opened files +* Any: diagnose all files +* None: disable this diagnostic + +`Fallback` means that diagnostics in this group are controlled by `diagnostics.neededFileStatus` separately. +Other settings will override individual settings without end of `!`. +]] +config.diagnostics.workspaceEvent = +"Set the time to trigger workspace diagnostics." +config.diagnostics.workspaceEvent.OnChange = +"Trigger workspace diagnostics when the file is changed." +config.diagnostics.workspaceEvent.OnSave = +"Trigger workspace diagnostics when the file is saved." +config.diagnostics.workspaceEvent.None = +"Disable workspace diagnostics." +config.diagnostics.workspaceDelay = +"Latency (milliseconds) for workspace diagnostics." +config.diagnostics.workspaceRate = +"Workspace diagnostics run rate (%). Decreasing this value reduces CPU usage, but also reduces the speed of workspace diagnostics. The diagnosis of the file you are currently editing is always done at full speed and is not affected by this setting." +config.diagnostics.libraryFiles = +"How to diagnose files loaded via `Lua.workspace.library`." +config.diagnostics.libraryFiles.Enable = +"Always diagnose these files." +config.diagnostics.libraryFiles.Opened = +"Only when these files are opened will it be diagnosed." +config.diagnostics.libraryFiles.Disable = +"These files are not diagnosed." +config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles = +"How to diagnose ignored files." +config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles.Enable = +"Always diagnose these files." +config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles.Opened = +"Only when these files are opened will it be diagnosed." +config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles.Disable = +"These files are not diagnosed." +config.diagnostics.disableScheme = +'Do not diagnose Lua files that use the following scheme.' +config.diagnostics.unusedLocalExclude = +'Do not diagnose `unused-local` when the variable name matches the following pattern.' +config.workspace.ignoreDir = +"Ignored files and directories (Use `.gitignore` grammar)."-- .. example.ignoreDir, +config.workspace.ignoreSubmodules = +"Ignore submodules." +config.workspace.useGitIgnore = +"Ignore files list in `.gitignore` ." +config.workspace.maxPreload = +"Max preloaded files." +config.workspace.preloadFileSize = +"Skip files larger than this value (KB) when preloading." +config.workspace.library = +"In addition to the current workspace, which directories will load files from. The files in these directories will be treated as externally provided code libraries, and some features (such as renaming fields) will not modify these files." +config.workspace.checkThirdParty = +[[ +Automatic detection and adaptation of third-party libraries, currently supported libraries are: + +* OpenResty +* Cocos4.0 +* LÖVE +* LÖVR +* skynet +* Jass +]] +config.workspace.userThirdParty = +'Add private third-party library configuration file paths here, please refer to the built-in [configuration file path](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/tree/master/meta/3rd)' +config.workspace.supportScheme = +'Provide language server for the Lua files of the following scheme.' +config.completion.enable = +'Enable completion.' +config.completion.callSnippet = +'Shows function call snippets.' +config.completion.callSnippet.Disable = +"Only shows `function name`." +config.completion.callSnippet.Both = +"Shows `function name` and `call snippet`." +config.completion.callSnippet.Replace = +"Only shows `call snippet.`" +config.completion.keywordSnippet = +'Shows keyword syntax snippets.' +config.completion.keywordSnippet.Disable = +"Only shows `keyword`." +config.completion.keywordSnippet.Both = +"Shows `keyword` and `syntax snippet`." +config.completion.keywordSnippet.Replace = +"Only shows `syntax snippet`." +config.completion.displayContext = +"Previewing the relevant code snippet of the suggestion may help you understand the usage of the suggestion. The number set indicates the number of intercepted lines in the code fragment. If it is set to `0`, this feature can be disabled." +config.completion.workspaceWord = +"Whether the displayed context word contains the content of other files in the workspace." +config.completion.showWord = +"Show contextual words in suggestions." +config.completion.showWord.Enable = +"Always show context words in suggestions." +config.completion.showWord.Fallback = +"Contextual words are only displayed when suggestions based on semantics cannot be provided." +config.completion.showWord.Disable = +"Do not display context words." +config.completion.autoRequire = +"When the input looks like a file name, automatically `require` this file." +config.completion.showParams = +"Display parameters in completion list. When the function has multiple definitions, they will be displayed separately." +config.completion.requireSeparator = +"The separator used when `require`." +config.completion.postfix = +"The symbol used to trigger the postfix suggestion." +config.color.mode = +"Color mode." +config.color.mode.Semantic = +"Semantic color. You may need to set `editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled` to `true` to take effect." +config.color.mode.SemanticEnhanced = +"Enhanced semantic color. Like `Semantic`, but with additional analysis which might be more computationally expensive." +config.color.mode.Grammar = +"Grammar color." +config.semantic.enable = +"Enable semantic color. You may need to set `editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled` to `true` to take effect." +config.semantic.variable = +"Semantic coloring of variables/fields/parameters." +config.semantic.annotation = +"Semantic coloring of type annotations." +config.semantic.keyword = +"Semantic coloring of keywords/literals/operators. You only need to enable this feature if your editor cannot do syntax coloring." +config.signatureHelp.enable = +"Enable signature help." +config.hover.enable = +"Enable hover." +config.hover.viewString = +"Hover to view the contents of a string (only if the literal contains an escape character)." +config.hover.viewStringMax = +"The maximum length of a hover to view the contents of a string." +config.hover.viewNumber = +"Hover to view numeric content (only if literal is not decimal)." +config.hover.fieldInfer = +"When hovering to view a table, type infer will be performed for each field. When the accumulated time of type infer reaches the set value (MS), the type infer of subsequent fields will be skipped." +config.hover.previewFields = +"When hovering to view a table, limits the maximum number of previews for fields." +config.hover.enumsLimit = +"When the value corresponds to multiple types, limit the number of types displaying." +config.hover.expandAlias = +[[ +Whether to expand the alias. For example, expands `---@alias myType boolean|number` appears as `boolean|number`, otherwise it appears as `myType'. +]] +config.develop.enable = +'Developer mode. Do not enable, performance will be affected.' +config.develop.debuggerPort = +'Listen port of debugger.' +config.develop.debuggerWait = +'Suspend before debugger connects.' +config.intelliSense.searchDepth = +'Set the search depth for IntelliSense. Increasing this value increases accuracy, but decreases performance. Different workspace have different tolerance for this setting. Please adjust it to the appropriate value.' +config.intelliSense.fastGlobal = +'In the global variable completion, and view `_G` suspension prompt. This will slightly reduce the accuracy of type speculation, but it will have a significant performance improvement for projects that use a lot of global variables.' +config.window.statusBar = +'Show extension status in status bar.' +config.window.progressBar = +'Show progress bar in status bar.' +config.hint.enable = +'Enable inlay hint.' +config.hint.paramType = +'Show type hints at the parameter of the function.' +config.hint.setType = +'Show hints of type at assignment operation.' +config.hint.paramName = +'Show hints of parameter name at the function call.' +config.hint.paramName.All = +'All types of parameters are shown.' +config.hint.paramName.Literal = +'Only literal type parameters are shown.' +config.hint.paramName.Disable = +'Disable parameter hints.' +config.hint.arrayIndex = +'Show hints of array index when constructing a table.' +config.hint.arrayIndex.Enable = +'Show hints in all tables.' +config.hint.arrayIndex.Auto = +'Show hints only when the table is greater than 3 items, or the table is a mixed table.' +config.hint.arrayIndex.Disable = +'Disable hints of array index.' +config.hint.await = +'If the called function is marked `---@async`, prompt `await` at the call.' +config.hint.semicolon = +'If there is no semicolon at the end of the statement, display a virtual semicolon.' +config.hint.semicolon.All = +'All statements display virtual semicolons.' +config.hint.semicolon.SameLine = +'When two statements are on the same line, display a semicolon between them.' +config.hint.semicolon.Disable = +'Disable virtual semicolons.' +config.codeLens.enable = +'Enable code lens.' +config.format.enable = +'Enable code formatter.' +config.format.defaultConfig = +[[ +The default format configuration. Has a lower priority than `.editorconfig` file in the workspace. +Read [formatter docs](https://github.com/CppCXY/EmmyLuaCodeStyle/tree/master/docs) to learn usage. +]] +config.spell.dict = +'Custom words for spell checking.' +config.nameStyle.config = +'Set name style config' +config.telemetry.enable = +[[ +Enable telemetry to send your editor information and error logs over the network. Read our privacy policy [here](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Home#privacy). +]] +config.misc.parameters = +'[Command line parameters](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-telemetry-server/tree/master/method) when starting the language server in VSCode.' +config.misc.executablePath = +'Specify the executable path in VSCode.' +config.IntelliSense.traceLocalSet = +'Please read [wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/IntelliSense-optional-features) to learn more.' +config.IntelliSense.traceReturn = +'Please read [wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/IntelliSense-optional-features) to learn more.' +config.IntelliSense.traceBeSetted = +'Please read [wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/IntelliSense-optional-features) to learn more.' +config.IntelliSense.traceFieldInject = +'Please read [wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/IntelliSense-optional-features) to learn more.' +config.type.castNumberToInteger = +'Allowed to assign the `number` type to the `integer` type.' +config.type.weakUnionCheck = +[[ +Once one subtype of a union type meets the condition, the union type also meets the condition. + +When this setting is `false`, the `number|boolean` type cannot be assigned to the `number` type. It can be with `true`. +]] +config.type.weakNilCheck = +[[ +When checking the type of union type, ignore the `nil` in it. + +When this setting is `false`, the `number|nil` type cannot be assigned to the `number` type. It can be with `true`. +]] +config.doc.privateName = +'Treat specific field names as private, e.g. `m_*` means `XXX.m_id` and `XXX.m_type` are private, witch can only be accessed in the class where the definition is located.' +config.doc.protectedName = +'Treat specific field names as protected, e.g. `m_*` means `XXX.m_id` and `XXX.m_type` are protected, witch can only be accessed in the class where the definition is located and its subclasses.' +config.doc.packageName = +'Treat specific field names as package, e.g. `m_*` means `XXX.m_id` and `XXX.m_type` are package, witch can only be accessed in the file where the definition is located.' +config.diagnostics['unused-local'] = +'Enable unused local variable diagnostics.' +config.diagnostics['unused-function'] = +'Enable unused function diagnostics.' +config.diagnostics['undefined-global'] = +'Enable undefined global variable diagnostics.' +config.diagnostics['global-in-nil-env'] = +'Enable cannot use global variables ( `_ENV` is set to `nil`) diagnostics.' +config.diagnostics['unused-label'] = +'Enable unused label diagnostics.' +config.diagnostics['unused-vararg'] = +'Enable unused vararg diagnostics.' +config.diagnostics['trailing-space'] = +'Enable trailing space diagnostics.' +config.diagnostics['redefined-local'] = +'Enable redefined local variable diagnostics.' +config.diagnostics['newline-call'] = +'Enable newline call diagnostics. Is\'s raised when a line starting with `(` is encountered, which is syntactically parsed as a function call on the previous line.' +config.diagnostics['newfield-call'] = +'Enable newfield call diagnostics. It is raised when the parenthesis of a function call appear on the following line when defining a field in a table.' +config.diagnostics['redundant-parameter'] = +'Enable redundant function parameter diagnostics.' +config.diagnostics['ambiguity-1'] = +'Enable ambiguous operator precedence diagnostics. For example, the `num or 0 + 1` expression will be suggested `(num or 0) + 1` instead.' +config.diagnostics['lowercase-global'] = +'Enable lowercase global variable definition diagnostics.' +config.diagnostics['undefined-env-child'] = +'Enable undefined environment variable diagnostics. It\'s raised when `_ENV` table is set to a new literal table, but the used global variable is no longer present in the global environment.' +config.diagnostics['duplicate-index'] = +'Enable duplicate table index diagnostics.' +config.diagnostics['empty-block'] = +'Enable empty code block diagnostics.' +config.diagnostics['redundant-value'] = +'Enable the redundant values assigned diagnostics. It\'s raised during assignment operation, when the number of values is higher than the number of objects being assigned.' +config.diagnostics['assign-type-mismatch'] = +'Enable diagnostics for assignments in which the value\'s type does not match the type of the assigned variable.' +config.diagnostics['await-in-sync'] = +'Enable diagnostics for calls of asynchronous functions within a synchronous function.' +config.diagnostics['cast-local-type'] = +'Enable diagnostics for casts of local variables where the target type does not match the defined type.' +config.diagnostics['cast-type-mismatch'] = +'Enable diagnostics for casts where the target type does not match the initial type.' +config.diagnostics['circular-doc-class'] = +'Enable diagnostics for two classes inheriting from each other introducing a circular relation.' +config.diagnostics['close-non-object'] = +'Enable diagnostics for attempts to close a variable with a non-object.' +config.diagnostics['code-after-break'] = +'Enable diagnostics for code placed after a break statement in a loop.' +config.diagnostics['codestyle-check'] = +'Enable diagnostics for incorrectly styled lines.' +config.diagnostics['count-down-loop'] = +'Enable diagnostics for `for` loops which will never reach their max/limit because the loop is incrementing instead of decrementing.' +config.diagnostics['deprecated'] = +'Enable diagnostics to highlight deprecated API.' +config.diagnostics['different-requires'] = +'Enable diagnostics for files which are required by two different paths.' +config.diagnostics['discard-returns'] = +'Enable diagnostics for calls of functions annotated with `---@nodiscard` where the return values are ignored.' +config.diagnostics['doc-field-no-class'] = +'Enable diagnostics to highlight a field annotation without a defining class annotation.' +config.diagnostics['duplicate-doc-alias'] = +'Enable diagnostics for a duplicated alias annotation name.' +config.diagnostics['duplicate-doc-field'] = +'Enable diagnostics for a duplicated field annotation name.' +config.diagnostics['duplicate-doc-param'] = +'Enable diagnostics for a duplicated param annotation name.' +config.diagnostics['duplicate-set-field'] = +'Enable diagnostics for setting the same field in a class more than once.' +config.diagnostics['incomplete-signature-doc'] = +'Incomplete @param or @return annotations for functions.' +config.diagnostics['invisible'] = +'Enable diagnostics for accesses to fields which are invisible.' +config.diagnostics['missing-global-doc'] = +'Missing annotations for globals! Global functions must have a comment and annotations for all parameters and return values.' +config.diagnostics['missing-local-export-doc'] = +'Missing annotations for exported locals! Exported local functions must have a comment and annotations for all parameters and return values.' +config.diagnostics['missing-parameter'] = +'Enable diagnostics for function calls where the number of arguments is less than the number of annotated function parameters.' +config.diagnostics['missing-return'] = +'Enable diagnostics for functions with return annotations which have no return statement.' +config.diagnostics['missing-return-value'] = +'Enable diagnostics for return statements without values although the containing function declares returns.' +config.diagnostics['need-check-nil'] = +'Enable diagnostics for variable usages if `nil` or an optional (potentially `nil`) value was assigned to the variable before.' +config.diagnostics['no-unknown'] = +'Enable diagnostics for cases in which the type cannot be inferred.' +config.diagnostics['not-yieldable'] = +'Enable diagnostics for calls to `coroutine.yield()` when it is not permitted.' +config.diagnostics['param-type-mismatch'] = +'Enable diagnostics for function calls where the type of a provided parameter does not match the type of the annotated function definition.' +config.diagnostics['redundant-return'] = +'Enable diagnostics for return statements which are not needed because the function would exit on its own.' +config.diagnostics['redundant-return-value']= +'Enable diagnostics for return statements which return an extra value which is not specified by a return annotation.' +config.diagnostics['return-type-mismatch'] = +'Enable diagnostics for return values whose type does not match the type declared in the corresponding return annotation.' +config.diagnostics['spell-check'] = +'Enable diagnostics for typos in strings.' +config.diagnostics['name-style-check'] = +'Enable diagnostics for name style.' +config.diagnostics['unbalanced-assignments']= +'Enable diagnostics on multiple assignments if not all variables obtain a value (e.g., `local x,y = 1`).' +config.diagnostics['undefined-doc-class'] = +'Enable diagnostics for class annotations in which an undefined class is referenced.' +config.diagnostics['undefined-doc-name'] = +'Enable diagnostics for type annotations referencing an undefined type or alias.' +config.diagnostics['undefined-doc-param'] = +'Enable diagnostics for cases in which a parameter annotation is given without declaring the parameter in the function definition.' +config.diagnostics['undefined-field'] = +'Enable diagnostics for cases in which an undefined field of a variable is read.' +config.diagnostics['unknown-cast-variable'] = +'Enable diagnostics for casts of undefined variables.' +config.diagnostics['unknown-diag-code'] = +'Enable diagnostics in cases in which an unknown diagnostics code is entered.' +config.diagnostics['unknown-operator'] = +'Enable diagnostics for unknown operators.' +config.diagnostics['unreachable-code'] = +'Enable diagnostics for unreachable code.' +config.diagnostics['global-element'] = +'Enable diagnostics to warn about global elements.' +config.typeFormat.config = +'Configures the formatting behavior while typing Lua code.' +config.typeFormat.config.auto_complete_end = +'Controls if `end` is automatically completed at suitable positions.' +config.typeFormat.config.auto_complete_table_sep = +'Controls if a separator is automatically appended at the end of a table declaration.' +config.typeFormat.config.format_line = +'Controls if a line is formatted at all.' + +command.exportDocument = +'Lua: Export Document ...' +command.addon_manager.open = +'Lua: Open Addon Manager ...' +command.reloadFFIMeta = +'Lua: Reload luajit ffi meta' diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/pt-br/meta.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/pt-br/meta.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f21dac60e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/pt-br/meta.lua @@ -0,0 +1,764 @@ +---@diagnostic disable: undefined-global, lowercase-global + +arg = +'Argumentos de inicialização para a versão standalone da linguagem Lua.' + +assert = +'Emite um erro se o valor de seu argumento v for falso (i.e., `nil` ou `false`); caso contrário, devolve todos os seus argumentos. Em caso de erro, `message` é o objeto de erro que, quando ausente, por padrão é `"assertion failed!"`' + +cgopt.collect = +'Realiza um ciclo completo de coleta de lixo (i.e., garbage-collection cycle).' +cgopt.stop = +'Interrompe a execução automática.' +cgopt.restart = +'Reinicia a execução automática.' +cgopt.count = +'Retorna, em Kbytes, a quantidade total de memória utilizada pela linguagem Lua.' +cgopt.step = +'Executa a coleta de lixo (i.e., garbage-collection) em uma única etapa. A quantidade de execuções por etapa é controlada via `arg`.' +cgopt.setpause = +'Estabelece pausa. Defina via `arg` o intervalo de pausa do coletor de lixo (i.e., garbage-collection).' +cgopt.setstepmul = +'Estabelece um multiplicador para etapa de coleta de lixo (i.e., garbage-collection). Defina via `arg` o valor multiplicador.' +cgopt.incremental = +'Altera o modo do coletor para incremental.' +cgopt.generational = +'Altera o modo do coletor para geracional.' +cgopt.isrunning = +'Retorna um valor booleano indicando se o coletor de lixo (i.e., garbage-collection) está em execução.' + +collectgarbage = +'Esta função é uma interface genérica para o coletor de lixo (i.e., garbage-collection). Ela executa diferentes funções de acordo com seu primeiro argumento, `opt`.' + +dofile = +'Abre o arquivo fornecido por argumento e executa seu conteúdo como código Lua. Quando chamado sem argumentos, `dofile` executa o conteúdo da entrada padrão (`stdin`). Retorna todos os valores retornados pelo trecho de código contido no arquivo. Em caso de erros, o `dofile` propaga o erro para seu chamador. Ou seja, o `dofile` não funciona em modo protegido.' + +error = +[[ +Termina a última chamada de função protegida e retorna `message` como objeto de `erro`. + +Normalmente, o 'erro' adiciona algumas informações sobre a localização do erro no início da mensagem, quando a mensagem for uma string. +]] + +_G = +'Uma variável global (não uma função) que detém o ambiente global (ver §2.2). Lua em si não usa esta variável; mudar seu valor não afeta nenhum ambiente e vice-versa.' + +getfenv = +'Retorna o ambiente atual em uso pela função. O `f` pode ser uma função Lua ou um número que especifica a função naquele nível de pilha.' + +getmetatable = +'Se o objeto não tiver uma metatable, o retorno é `nil`. Mas caso a metatable do objeto tenha um campo `__metatable`, é retornado o valor associado. Caso contrário, retorna a metatable do objeto dado.' + +ipairs = +[[ +Retorna três valores (uma função iteradora, a tabela `t`, e `0`) para que a seguinte construção +```lua + for i,v in ipairs(t) do body end +``` +possa iterar sobre os pares de valor-chave `(1,t[1]), (2,t[2]), ...`, até o primeiro índice ausente. +]] + +loadmode.b = +'Somente blocos binários.' +loadmode.t = +'Somente blocos de texto.' +loadmode.bt = +'Tanto binário quanto texto.' + +load['<5.1'] = +'Carrega um bloco utilizando a função `func` para obter suas partes. Cada chamada para o `func` deve retornar uma string que é concatenada com os resultados anteriores.' +load['>5.2'] = +[[ +Carrega um bloco. + +Se o bloco (i.e., `chunk`) é uma string, o bloco é essa string. Se o bloco é uma função, a função "load" é chamada repetidamente para obter suas partes. Cada chamada para o bloco deve retornar uma string que é concatenada com os resultados anteriores. O fim do bloco é sinalizado com o retorno de uma string vazia ou `nil`. +]] + +loadfile = +'Carrega um bloco de arquivo `filename` ou da entrada padrão, se nenhum nome de arquivo for dado.' + +loadstring = +'Carrega um bloco a partir de uma string dada.' + +module = +'Cria um módulo.' + +next = +[[ +Permite que um programa percorra todos os campos de uma tabela. Seu primeiro argumento é uma tabela e seu segundo argumento é um índice nesta tabela. Uma chamada `next` retorna o próximo índice da tabela e seu valor associado. Quando chamado usando `nil` como segundo argumento, `next` retorna um índice inicial e seu valor associado. Quando chamado com o último índice, ou com `nil` em uma tabela vazia, o `next` retorna o `nil`. Se o segundo argumento estiver ausente, então é interpretado como `nil`. Portanto, pode-se utilizar o `next(t)` para verificar se uma tabela está vazia. + +A ordem na qual os índices são enumerados não é especificada, *mesmo para índices numéricos*. (Para percorrer uma tabela em ordem numérica, utilize um `for`). + +O comportamento do `next` é indefinido se, durante a iteração/travessia, você atribuir qualquer valor a um campo inexistente na tabela. Você pode, entretanto, modificar os campos existentes e pode, inclusive, os definir como nulos. +]] + +pairs = +[[ +Se `t` tem um "meta" método (i.e., metamethod) `__pairs`, a chamada é feita usando t como argumento e retorna os três primeiros resultados. + +Caso contrário, retorna três valores: a função $next, a tabela `t` e `nil`, para que a seguinte construção +```lua + for k,v in pairs(t) do body end +``` +possa iterar sobre todos os pares de valor-chave da tabela 't'. + +Veja a função $next para saber as ressalvas em modificar uma tabela durante sua iteração. +]] + +pcall = +[[ +Chama a função `f` com os argumentos dados em modo *protegido*. Isto significa que qualquer erro dentro de `f` não é propagado; em vez disso, o `pcall` captura o erro e retorna um código de status. Seu primeiro resultado é o código de status (booleano), que é verdadeiro se a chamada for bem sucedida sem erros. Neste caso, `pcall' também retorna todos os resultados da chamada, após este primeiro resultado. Em caso de qualquer erro, `pcall` retorna `false` mais o objeto de erro. +]] + +print = +[[ +Recebe qualquer número de argumentos e imprime seus valores na saída padrão `stdout`, convertendo cada argumento em uma string seguindo as mesmas regras do $tostring. +A função `print` não é destinada à saída formatada, mas apenas como uma forma rápida de mostrar um valor, por exemplo, para debugging. Para controle completo sobre a saída, use $string.format e $io.write. +]] + +rawequal = +'Verifica se v1 é igual a v2, sem invocar a metatable `__eq`.' + +rawget = +'Obtém o valor real de `table[index]`, sem invocar a metatable `__index`.' + +rawlen = +'Retorna o comprimento do objeto `v`, sem invocar a metatable `__len`.' + +rawset = +[[ +Define o valor real de `table[index]` para `value`, sem utilizar o metavalue `__newindex`. `table` deve ser uma tabela, `index` qualquer valor diferente de `nil` e `NaN`, e `value` qualquer valor de tipos do Lua. +Esta função retorna uma `table`. +]] + +select = +'Se `index` é um número, retorna todos os argumentos após o número do argumento `index`; um número negativo de índices do final (`-1` é o último argumento). Caso contrário, `index` deve ser a string `"#"`, e `select` retorna o número total de argumentos extras dados.' + +setfenv = +'Define o ambiente a ser utilizado pela função em questão.' + +setmetatable = +[[ +Define a metatable para a tabela dada. Se `metatabela` for `nil`, remove a metatable da tabela em questão. Se a metatable original tiver um campo `__metatable', um erro é lançado. + +Esta função retorna uma `table`. + +Para alterar a metatable de outros tipos do código Lua, você deve utilizar a biblioteca de debugging (§6.10). +]] + +tonumber = +[[ +Quando chamado sem a base, `tonumber` tenta converter seu argumento para um número. Se o argumento já for um número ou uma string numérica, então `tonumber` retorna este número; caso contrário, retorna `fail`. + +A conversão de strings pode resultar em números inteiros ou de ponto flutuante, de acordo com as convenções lexicais de Lua (ver §3.1). A string pode ter espaços antes e depois e um sinal. +]] + +tostring = +[[ +Recebe um valor de qualquer tipo e o converte em uma string em formato legível por humanos. + +Se a metatable de `v` tem um campo `__tostring', então `tostring' chama o valor correspondente usando `v` como argumento, e utiliza o resultado da chamada como seu resultado. Caso contrário, se a metatable de `v` tiver um campo `__name` com um valor do tipo string, `tostring` pode utilizar essa string em seu resultado final. + +Para controle completo de como os números são convertidos, utilize $string.format. +]] + +type = +[[ +Retorna o tipo de seu único argumento, codificado como uma string. Os resultados possíveis desta função são `"nil"` (uma string, não o valor `nil`), `"number"`, `"string"`, `"boolean"`, `"table"`, `"function"`, `"thread"`, e `"userdata"`. +]] + +_VERSION = +'Uma variável global (não uma função) que contém uma string contendo a versão Lua em execução.' + +warn = +'Emite um aviso com uma mensagem composta pela concatenação de todos os seus argumentos (que devem ser strings).' + +xpcall['=5.1'] = +'Faz chamada a função `f` com os argumentos dados e em modo protegido, usando um manipulador de mensagens dado.' +xpcall['>5.2'] = +'Faz chamada a função `f` com os argumentos dados e em modo protegido, usando um manipulador de mensagens dado.' + +unpack = +[[ +Retorna os elementos da lista dada. Esta função é equivalente a +```lua + return list[i], list[i+1], ···, list[j] +``` +]] + +bit32 = +'' +bit32.arshift = +[[ +Retorna o número `x` deslocado `disp` bits para a direita. Deslocamentos negativos movem os bits para a esquerda. + +Esta operação de deslocamento é chamada de deslocamento aritmético. Os bits vagos à esquerda são preenchidos com cópias do bit mais significativo de `x`; os bits vagos à direita são preenchidos com zeros. +]] +bit32.band = +'Retorna a operação bitwise *and* de seus operandos.' +bit32.bnot = +[[ +Retorna a negação da operação bitwise de `x`. + +```lua +assert(bit32.bnot(x) == +(-1 - x) % 2^32) +``` +]] +bit32.bor = +'Retorna a operação bitwise *or* de seus operandos.' +bit32.btest = +'Retorna um valor booleano verdadeiro se a operação bitwise *and* de seus operandos for diferente de zero. Falso, caso contrário.' +bit32.bxor = +'Retorna a operação bitwise *exclusive or* de seus operandos.' +bit32.extract = +'Retorna o número formado pelos bits de `field` a `field + width - 1` de `n`, sem sinal.' +bit32.replace = +'Retorna uma cópia de `n` com os bits de `field` a `field + width - 1` substituídos pelo valor `v` .' +bit32.lrotate = +'Retorna o número `x` rotacionado `disp` bits para a esquerda. Rotações negativos movem os bits para a direita. ' +bit32.lshift = +[[ +Retorna o número `x` deslocado `disp` bits para a esquerda. Deslocamentos negativos movem os bits para a direita. Em ambas as direções, os bits vazios/vagos são preenchidos com zeros. + +```lua +assert(bit32.lshift(b, disp) == +(b * 2^disp) % 2^32) +``` +]] +bit32.rrotate = +'Retorna o número `x` rotacionado `disp` bits para a direita. Deslocamentos negativos movem os bits para a esquerda.' +bit32.rshift = +[[ +Retorna o número `x` deslocado `disp` bits para a direita. Deslocamentos negativos movem os bits para a esquerda. Em ambas as direções, os bits vazios são preenchidos com zeros. + +```lua +assert(bit32.rshift(b, disp) == +math.floor(b % 2^32 / 2^disp)) +``` +]] + +coroutine = +'' +coroutine.create = +'Cria uma nova `coroutine`, a partir de uma função `f` e retorna esta coroutine como objeto do tipo `"thread"`.' +coroutine.isyieldable = +'Retorna verdadeiro quando a `coroutine` em execução for finalizada.' +coroutine.isyieldable['>5.4']= +'Retorna verdadeiro quando a `coroutine` `co` for finalizada. Por padrão `co` é uma coroutine em execução.' +coroutine.close = +'Finaliza a coroutine `co` , encerrando todas as variáveis pendentes e colocando a coroutine em um estado morto.' +coroutine.resume = +'Inicia ou continua a execução da coroutine `co`.' +coroutine.running = +'Retorna a `coroutine` corrente e um booleana verdadeiro quando a coroutine corrente é a principal.' +coroutine.status = +'Retorna o status da `coroutine `co`.' +coroutine.wrap = +'Cria uma nova `coroutine`, a partir de uma função `f` e retorna uma função que retorna a coroutine cada vez que ele é chamado.' +coroutine.yield = +'Suspende a execução da coroutine chamada.' + +costatus.running = +'Está em execução.' +costatus.suspended = +'Está suspenso ou não foi iniciado.' +costatus.normal = +'Está ativo, mas não está em execução.' +costatus.dead = +'Terminou ou parou devido a erro' + +debug = +'' +debug.debug = +'Entra em modo interativo com o usuário, executando os comandos de entrada.' +debug.getfenv = +'Retorna o ambiente do objeto `o` .' +debug.gethook = +'Retorna as configurações do `hook` atual da `thread`.' +debug.getinfo = +'Retorna uma tabela com informações sobre uma função.' +debug.getlocal['<5.1'] = +'Retorna o nome e o valor da variável local com índice `local` da função de nível `level` da pilha.' +debug.getlocal['>5.2'] = +'Retorna o nome e o valor da variável local com índice `local` da função de nível `f` da pilha.' +debug.getmetatable = +'Retorna a `metatable` do valor dado.' +debug.getregistry = +'Retorna a tabela de registro.' +debug.getupvalue = +'Retorna o nome e o valor da variável antecedente com índice `up` da função.' +debug.getuservalue['<5.3'] = +'Retorna o valor de Lua associado a `u` (i.e., user).' +debug.getuservalue['>5.4'] = +[[ +Retorna o `n`-ésimo valor de usuário associado +aos dados do usuário `u` e um booleano, +`false`, se nos dados do usuário não existir esse valor. +]] +debug.setcstacklimit = +[[ +### **Deprecated in `Lua 5.4.2`** + +Estabelece um novo limite para a pilha C. Este limite controla quão profundamente as chamadas aninhadas podem ir em Lua, com a intenção de evitar um transbordamento da pilha. + +Em caso de sucesso, esta função retorna o antigo limite. Em caso de erro, ela retorna `false`. +]] +debug.setfenv = +'Define o ambiente do `object` dado para a `table` dada .' +debug.sethook = +'Define a função dada como um `hook`.' +debug.setlocal = +'Atribui o valor `value` à variável local com índice `local` da função de nível `level` da pilha.' +debug.setmetatable = +'Define a `metatable` com o valor dado para tabela dada (que pode ser `nil`).' +debug.setupvalue = +'Atribui `value` a variável antecedente com índice `up` da função.' +debug.setuservalue['<5.3'] = +'Define o valor dado como o valor Lua associado ao `udata` (i.e., user data).' +debug.setuservalue['>5.4'] = +[[ +Define o valor dado como +o `n`-ésimo valor de usuário associado ao `udata` (i.e., user data). +O `udata` deve ser um dado de usuário completo. +]] +debug.traceback = +'Retorna uma string com um `traceback` de chamadas. A string de mensagen (opcional) é anexada no início do traceback.' +debug.upvalueid = +'Retorna um identificador único (como um dado de usuário leve) para o valor antecedente de numero `n` da função dada.' +debug.upvaluejoin = +'Faz o `n1`-ésimo valor da função `f1` (i.e., closure Lua) referir-se ao `n2`-ésimo valor da função `f2`.' + +infowhat.n = +'`name` e `namewhat`' +infowhat.S = +'`source`, `short_src`, `linedefined`, `lastlinedefined` e `what`' +infowhat.l = +'`currentline`' +infowhat.t = +'`istailcall`' +infowhat.u['<5.1'] = +'`nups`' +infowhat.u['>5.2'] = +'`nups`, `nparams` e `isvararg`' +infowhat.f = +'`func`' +infowhat.r = +'`ftransfer` e `ntransfer`' +infowhat.L = +'`activelines`' + +hookmask.c = +'Faz chamada a um `hook` quando o Lua chama uma função.' +hookmask.r = +'Faz chamada a um `hook` quando o retorno de uma função é executado.' +hookmask.l = +'Faz chamada a um `hook` quando encontra nova linha de código.' + +file = +'' +file[':close'] = +'Fecha o arquivo `file`.' +file[':flush'] = +'Salva qualquer dado de entrada no arquivo `file`.' +file[':lines'] = +[[ +------ +```lua +for c in file:lines(...) do + body +end +``` +]] +file[':read'] = +'Lê o arquivo de acordo com o formato fornecido e que especifica o que deve ser lido.' +file[':seek'] = +'Define e obtém a posição do arquivo, medida a partir do início do arquivo.' +file[':setvbuf'] = +'Define o modo de `buffer` para um arquivo de saída.' +file[':write'] = +'Escreve o valor de cada um de seus argumentos no arquivo.' + +readmode.n = +'Lê um numeral e o devolve como número.' +readmode.a = +'Lê o arquivo completo.' +readmode.l = +'Lê a próxima linha pulando o final da linha.' +readmode.L = +'Lê a próxima linha mantendo o final da linha.' + +seekwhence.set = +'O cursor base é o início do arquivo.' +seekwhence.cur = +'O cursor base é a posição atual.' +seekwhence['.end'] = +'O cursor base é o final do arquivo.' + +vbuf.no = +'A saída da operação aparece imediatamente.' +vbuf.full = +'Realizado apenas quando o `buffer` está cheio.' +vbuf.line = +'`Buffered` até que uma nova linha seja encontrada.' + +io = +'' +io.stdin = +'Entrada padrão.' +io.stdout = +'Saída padrão.' +io.stderr = +'Erro padrão.' +io.close = +'Fecha o arquivo dado ou o arquivo de saída padrão.' +io.flush = +'Salva todos os dados gravados no arquivo de saída padrão.' +io.input = +'Define o arquivo de entrada padrão.' +io.lines = +[[ +------ +```lua +for c in io.lines(filename, ...) do + body +end +``` +]] +io.open = +'Abre um arquivo no modo especificado pela *string* `mode`.' +io.output = +'Define o arquivo de saída padrão.' +io.popen = +'Inicia o programa dado em um processo separado.' +io.read = +'Lê o arquivo de acordo com o formato fornecido e que especifica o que deve ser lido.' +io.tmpfile = +'Em caso de sucesso, retorna um `handler` para um arquivo temporário.' +io.type = +'Verifica se `obj` é um identificador de arquivo válido.' +io.write = +'Escreve o valor de cada um dos seus argumentos para o arquivo de saída padrão.' + +openmode.r = +'Modo de leitura.' +openmode.w = +'Modo de escrita.' +openmode.a = +'Modo de anexação.' +openmode['.r+'] = +'Modo de atualização, todos os dados anteriores são preservados.' +openmode['.w+'] = +'Modo de atualização, todos os dados anteriores são apagados.' +openmode['.a+'] = +'Modo de anexação e atualização, os dados anteriores são preservados, a escrita só é permitida no final do arquivo.' +openmode.rb = +'Modo de leitura. (em modo binário)' +openmode.wb = +'Modo de escrita. (em modo binário)' +openmode.ab = +'Modo de anexação. (em modo binário)' +openmode['.r+b'] = +'Modo de atualização, todos os dados anteriores são preservados. (em modo binário)' +openmode['.w+b'] = +'Modo de atualização, todos os dados anteriores são apagados. (em modo binário)' +openmode['.a+b'] = +'Modo de anexação e atualização, todos os dados anteriores são preservados, a escrita só é permitida no final do arquivo. (em modo binário)' + +popenmode.r = +'Leia dados deste programa pelo arquivo.' +popenmode.w = +'Escreva dados neste programa pelo arquivo.' + +filetype.file = +'`handler` para arquivo aberto.' +filetype['.closed file'] = +'`handler` para arquivo fechado.' +filetype['.nil'] = +'Não é um `handler` de arquivo' + +math = +'' +math.abs = +'Retorna o valor absoluto de `x`.' +math.acos = +'Retorna o arco cosseno de `x` (em radianos).' +math.asin = +'Retorna o arco seno de `x` (em radianos).' +math.atan['<5.2'] = +'Retorna o arco tangente de `x` (em radianos).' +math.atan['>5.3'] = +'Retorna o arco tangente de `y/x` (em radianos).' +math.atan2 = +'Retorna o arco tangente de `y/x` (em radianos).' +math.ceil = +'Retorna o menor valor inteiro maior ou igual a `x`.' +math.cos = +'Retorna o cosseno de `x` (requer valor em radianos).' +math.cosh = +'Retorna o cosseno hiperbólico de `x` (requer valor em radianos).' +math.deg = +'Converte o ângulo `x` de radianos para graus.' +math.exp = +'Retorna o valor `e^x` (onde `e` é a base do logaritmo natural).' +math.floor = +'Retorna o maior valor inteiro menor ou igual a `x`.' +math.fmod = +'Retorna o resto da divisão de `x` por `y` que arredonda o quociente para zero.' +math.frexp = +'Decompõe `x` em fatores e expoentes. Retorna `m` e `e` tal que `x = m * (2 ^ e)` é um inteiro e o valor absoluto de `m` está no intervalo [0,5, 1) (ou zero quando `x` é zero).' +math.huge = +'Um valor maior que qualquer outro valor numérico.' +math.ldexp = +'Retorna `m * (2 ^ e)`.' +math.log['<5.1'] = +'Retorna o logaritmo natural de `x`.' +math.log['>5.2'] = +'Retorna o logaritmo de `x` na base dada.' +math.log10 = +'Retorna o logaritmo `x` na base 10.' +math.max = +'Retorna o argumento com o valor máximo de acordo com o operador `<`.' +math.maxinteger = +'Retorna o valor máximo para um inteiro.' +math.min = +'Retorna o argumento com o valor mínimo de acordo com o operador `<`.' +math.mininteger = +'Retorna o valor mínimo para um inteiro.' +math.modf = +'Retorna a parte inteira e a parte fracionária de `x`.' +math.pi = +'O valor de *π*.' +math.pow = +'Retorna `x ^ y`.' +math.rad = +'Converte o ângulo `x` de graus para radianos.' +math.random = +[[ +* `math.random()`: Retorna um valor real (i.e., ponto flutuante) no intervalo [0,1). +* `math.random(n)`: Retorna um inteiro no intervalo [1, n]. +* `math.random(m, n)`: Retorna um inteiro no intervalo [m, n]. +]] +math.randomseed['<5.3'] = +'Define `x` como valor semente (i.e., `seed`) para a função geradora de números pseudo-aleatória.' +math.randomseed['>5.4'] = +[[ +* `math.randomseed(x, y)`: Concatena `x` e `y` em um espaço de 128-bits que é usado como valor semente (`seed`) para reinicializar o gerador de números pseudo-aleatório. +* `math.randomseed(x)`: Equivale a `math.randomseed(x, 0)` . +* `math.randomseed()`: Gera um valor semente (i.e., `seed`) com fraca probabilidade de aleatoriedade. +]] +math.sin = +'Retorna o seno de `x` (requer valor em radianos).' +math.sinh = +'Retorna o seno hiperbólico de `x` (requer valor em radianos).' +math.sqrt = +'Retorna a raiz quadrada de `x`.' +math.tan = +'Retorna a tangente de `x` (requer valor em radianos).' +math.tanh = +'Retorna a tangente hiperbólica de `x` (requer valor em radianos).' +math.tointeger = +'Se o valor `x` pode ser convertido para um inteiro, retorna esse inteiro.' +math.type = +'Retorna `"integer"` se `x` é um inteiro, `"float"` se for um valor real (i.e., ponto flutuante), ou `nil` se `x` não é um número.' +math.ult = +'Retorna `true` se e somente se `m` é menor `n` quando eles são comparados como inteiros sem sinal.' + +os = +'' +os.clock = +'Retorna uma aproximação do valor, em segundos, do tempo de CPU usado pelo programa.' +os.date = +'Retorna uma string ou uma tabela contendo data e hora, formatada de acordo com a string `format` fornecida.' +os.difftime = +'Retorna a diferença, em segundos, do tempo `t1` para o tempo` t2`.' +os.execute = +'Passa `command` para ser executado por um `shell` do sistema operacional.' +os.exit['<5.1'] = +'Chama a função `exit` do C para encerrar o programa.' +os.exit['>5.2'] = +'Chama a função `exit` do ISO C para encerrar o programa.' +os.getenv = +'Retorna o valor da variável de ambiente de processo `varname`.' +os.remove = +'Remove o arquivo com o nome dado.' +os.rename = +'Renomeia o arquivo ou diretório chamado `oldname` para `newname`.' +os.setlocale = +'Define a localidade atual do programa.' +os.time = +'Retorna a hora atual quando chamada sem argumentos, ou um valor representando a data e a hora local especificados pela tabela fornecida.' +os.tmpname = +'Retorna uma string com um nome de arquivo que pode ser usado como arquivo temporário.' + +osdate.year = +'Quatro dígitos.' +osdate.month = +'1-12' +osdate.day = +'1-31' +osdate.hour = +'0-23' +osdate.min = +'0-59' +osdate.sec = +'0-61' +osdate.wday = +'Dia da semana, 1–7, Domingo é 1' +osdate.yday = +'Dia do ano, 1–366' +osdate.isdst = +'Bandeira para indicar horário de verão (i.e., `Daylight Saving Time`), um valor booleano.' + +package = +'' + +require['<5.3'] = +'Carrega o módulo fornecido e retorna qualquer valor retornado pelo módulo (`true` quando `nil`).' +require['>5.4'] = +'Carrega o módulo fornecido e retorna qualquer valor retornado pelo pesquisador (`true` quando `nil`). Além desse valor, também retorna como segundo resultado um carregador de dados retornados pelo pesquisador, o que indica como `require` encontrou o módulo. (Por exemplo, se o módulo vier de um arquivo, este carregador de dados é o caminho do arquivo.)' + +package.config = +'string descrevendo configurações a serem utilizadas durante a compilação de pacotes.' +package.cpath = +'O caminho usado pelo `require` para procurar pelo carregador C.' +package.loaded = +'Uma tabela usada pelo `require` para controlar quais módulos já estão carregados.' +package.loaders = +'Uma tabela usada pelo `require` para controlar como carregar módulos.' +package.loadlib = +'Dinamicamente vincula o programa no `host` com a biblioteca C `libname`.' +package.path = +'O caminho usado pelo `require` para procurar por um carregador Lua.' +package.preload = +'Uma tabela para armazenar carregadores de módulos específicos.' +package.searchers = +'Uma tabela usada pelo `require` para controlar como buscar módulos.' +package.searchpath = +'Procura por `name` em `path`.' +package.seeall = +'Define uma `metatable` `module` com o campo `__index` referenciando o ambiente global, para que este módulo herde valores do ambiente global. Para ser usado como uma opção a função `module`.' + +string = +'' +string.byte = +'Retorna os códigos numéricos internos dos caracteres `s[i], s[i+1], ..., s[j]`.' +string.char = +'Retorna uma string com comprimento igual ao número de argumentos, no qual cada caractere possui o código numérico interno igual ao seu argumento correspondente.' +string.dump = +'Retorna uma string contendo uma representação binária (i.e., *binary chunk*) da função dada.' +string.find = +'Procura a primeira correspondencia de `pattern` (veja §6.4.1) na string.' +string.format = +'Retorna uma versão formatada de seu número variável de argumentos após a descrição dada em seu primeiro argumento.' +string.gmatch = +[[ +Retorna um iterator que, a cada vez que é chamado, retorna as próximas capturas de `pattern` (veja §6.4.1) sobre a string *s*. + +Por exemplo, o loop a seguir irá iterar em todas as palavras da string *s*, imprimindo cada palavra por linha: +```lua + s = +"hello world from Lua" + for w in string.gmatch(s, "%a+") do + print(w) + end +``` +]] +string.gsub = +'Retorna uma cópia da *s* em que todas ou, caso fornecido, as primeiras `n` ocorrências de `pattern` (veja §6.4.1) que tiverem sido substituídas por uma string de substituição especificada por `repl`.' +string.len = +'Retorna o comprimento da string.' +string.lower = +'Retorna uma cópia desta string com todas as letras maiúsculas alteradas para minúsculas.' +string.match = +'Procura a primeira ocorrência do `pattern` (veja §6.4.1) na string.' +string.pack = +'Retorna uma string binária contendo os valores `V1`, `v2`, etc. empacotados (isto é, serializado de forma binário) de acordo com o formato da string `fmt` fornecida (veja §6.4.2).' +string.packsize = +'Retorna o tamanho de uma string resultante de `string.pack` com o formato da string `fmt` fornecida (veja §6.4.2).' +string.rep['>5.2'] = +'Retorna uma string que é a concatenação de `n` cópias da string `s` separadas pela string `sep`.' +string.rep['<5.1'] = +'Retorna uma string que é a concatenação de `n` cópias da string `s`.' +string.reverse = +'Retorna uma string que representa a string `s` invertida.' +string.sub = +'Retorna a substring da string `s` que começa no índice `i` e continua até o índice `j`.' +string.unpack = +'Retorna os valores empacotados na string de acordo com o formato da string `fmt` fornecida (veja §6.4.2).' +string.upper = +'Retorna uma cópia desta string com todas as letras minúsculas alteradas para maiúsculas.' + +table = +'' +table.concat = +'Dada uma lista onde todos os elementos são strings ou números, retorna a string `list[i]..sep..list[i+1] ··· sep..list[j]`.' +table.insert = +'Insere o elemento `value` na posição `pos` de `list`.' +table.maxn = +'Retorna o maior índice numérico positivo da tabela fornecida ou zero se a tabela não tiver índices numéricos positivos.' +table.move = +[[ +Move os elementos da tabela `a1` para tabela `a2`. +```lua +a2[t],··· = +a1[f],···,a1[e] +return a2 +``` +]] +table.pack = +'Retorna uma nova tabela com todos os argumentos armazenados em chaves `1`, `2`, etc. e com um campo `"n"` com o número total de argumentos.' +table.remove = +'Remove de `list` o elemento na posição `pos`, retornando o valor do elemento removido.' +table.sort = +'Ordena os elementos de `list` em uma determinada ordem, *in-place*, de `list[1]` para `list[#list]`.' +table.unpack = +[[ +Retorna os elementos da lista fornecida. Esta função é equivalente a +```lua + return list[i], list[i+1], ···, list[j] +``` +Por padrão, `i` é `1` e `j` é `#list`. +]] +table.foreach = -- TODO: need translate! +'Executes the given f over all elements of table. For each element, f is called with the index and respective value as arguments. If f returns a non-nil value, then the loop is broken, and this value is returned as the final value of foreach.' +table.foreachi = -- TODO: need translate! +'Executes the given f over the numerical indices of table. For each index, f is called with the index and respective value as arguments. Indices are visited in sequential order, from 1 to n, where n is the size of the table. If f returns a non-nil value, then the loop is broken and this value is returned as the result of foreachi.' +table.getn = -- TODO: need translate! +'Returns the number of elements in the table. This function is equivalent to `#list`.' +table.new = -- TODO: need translate! +[[This creates a pre-sized table, just like the C API equivalent `lua_createtable()`. This is useful for big tables if the final table size is known and automatic table resizing is too expensive. `narray` parameter specifies the number of array-like items, and `nhash` parameter specifies the number of hash-like items. The function needs to be required before use. +```lua + require("table.new") +``` +]] +table.clear = -- TODO: need translate! +[[This clears all keys and values from a table, but preserves the allocated array/hash sizes. This is useful when a table, which is linked from multiple places, needs to be cleared and/or when recycling a table for use by the same context. This avoids managing backlinks, saves an allocation and the overhead of incremental array/hash part growth. The function needs to be required before use. +```lua + require("table.clear"). +``` +Please note this function is meant for very specific situations. In most cases it's better to replace the (usually single) link with a new table and let the GC do its work. +]] + +utf8 = +'' +utf8.char = +'Recebe zero ou mais inteiros, converte cada um à sua sequência de byte UTF-8 correspondente e retorna uma string com a concatenação de todas essas sequências.' +utf8.charpattern = +'O padrão que corresponde exatamente uma sequência de byte UTF-8, supondo que seja uma sequência válida UTF-8.' +utf8.codes = +[[ +Retorna valores tal que a seguinte construção +```lua +for p, c in utf8.codes(s) do + body +end +``` +itere em todos os caracteres UTF-8 na string s, com p sendo a posição (em bytes) e c o *codepoint* de cada caractere. Ele gera um erro se encontrado qualquer sequência de byte inválida. +]] +utf8.codepoint = +'Retorna os *codepoints* (em inteiros) de todos os caracteres em `s` que iniciam entre as posições do byte `i` e `j` (ambos inclusos).' +utf8.len = +'Retorna o número de caracteres UTF-8 na string `s` que começa entre as posições `i` e `j` (ambos inclusos).' +utf8.offset = +'Retorna a posição (em bytes) onde a codificação do `n`-ésimo caractere de `s` inícia (contando a partir da posição `i`).' diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/pt-br/script.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/pt-br/script.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..804779e31 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/pt-br/script.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1274 @@ +DIAG_LINE_ONLY_SPACE = +'Linha com espaços apenas.' +DIAG_LINE_POST_SPACE = +'Linha com espaço extra ao final.' +DIAG_UNUSED_LOCAL = +'Escopo não utilizado `{}`.' +DIAG_UNDEF_GLOBAL = +'Escopo global indefinido `{}`.' +DIAG_UNDEF_FIELD = +'Campo indefinido `{}`.' +DIAG_UNDEF_ENV_CHILD = +'Variável indefinida `{}` (overloaded `_ENV` ).' +DIAG_UNDEF_FENV_CHILD = +'Variável indefinida `{}` (módulo interno).' +DIAG_GLOBAL_IN_NIL_ENV = +'Valor global inválido (`_ENV` é `nil`).' +DIAG_GLOBAL_IN_NIL_FENV = +'Valor global inválido (Ambiente do módulo é `nil`).' +DIAG_UNUSED_LABEL = +'Identificador não utilizado `{}`.' +DIAG_UNUSED_FUNCTION = +'Funções não utilizadas.' +DIAG_UNUSED_VARARG = +'vararg não utilizado.' +DIAG_REDEFINED_LOCAL = +'Valor local redefinido `{}`.' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_INDEX = +'Índice duplicado `{}`.' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_METHOD = +'Método duplicado `{}`.' +DIAG_PREVIOUS_CALL = +'Será interpretado como `{}{}`. Pode ser necessário adicionar uma `,`.' +DIAG_PREFIELD_CALL = +'Será interpretado como `{}{}`. Pode ser necessário adicionar uma `,` ou `;`.' +DIAG_OVER_MAX_ARGS = +'A função aceita apenas os parâmetros {:d}, mas você passou {:d}.' +DIAG_MISS_ARGS = +'A função recebe pelo menos {:d} argumentos, mas há {:d}.' +DIAG_OVER_MAX_VALUES = +'Apenas há {} variáveis, mas você declarou {} valores.' +DIAG_AMBIGUITY_1 = +'Calcule primeiro `{}`. Você pode precisar adicionar colchetes.' +DIAG_LOWERCASE_GLOBAL = +'Variável global com inicial minúscula, você esqueceu o `local` ou digitou errado?' +DIAG_EMPTY_BLOCK = +'Bloco vazio.' +DIAG_DIAGNOSTICS = +'Diagnósticos Lua.' +DIAG_SYNTAX_CHECK = +'Verificação de sintaxe Lua.' +DIAG_NEED_VERSION = +'Suportado em {}, atual é {}.' +DIAG_DEFINED_VERSION = +'Definido em {}, a corrente é {}.' +DIAG_DEFINED_CUSTOM = +'Definido em {}.' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_CLASS = +'Classe duplicada `{}`.' +DIAG_UNDEFINED_CLASS = +'Classe indefinida `{}`.' +DIAG_CYCLIC_EXTENDS = +'Herança cíclica.' +DIAG_INEXISTENT_PARAM = +'Parâmetro inexistente.' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_PARAM = +'Parâmetro duplicado.' +DIAG_NEED_CLASS = +'Classe precisa ser definida primeiro.' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_SET_FIELD= +'Campo duplicado `{}`.' +DIAG_SET_CONST = +'Atribuição à variável constante.' +DIAG_SET_FOR_STATE = +'Atribuição à variável to tipo for-state.' +DIAG_CODE_AFTER_BREAK = +'Não é possível executar o código depois `break`.' +DIAG_UNBALANCED_ASSIGNMENTS = +'O valor é atribuído como `nil` porque o número de valores não é suficiente. Em Lua, `x, y = 1` é equivalente a `x, y = 1, nil` .' +DIAG_REQUIRE_LIKE = +'Você pode tratar `{}` como `require` por configuração.' +DIAG_COSE_NON_OBJECT = +'Não é possível fechar um valor desse tipo. (A menos que se defina o meta método `__close`)' +DIAG_COUNT_DOWN_LOOP = +'Você quer dizer `{}` ?' +DIAG_UNKNOWN = +'Não pode inferir tipo.' +DIAG_DEPRECATED = +'Descontinuada.' +DIAG_DIFFERENT_REQUIRES = +'O mesmo arquivo é necessário com nomes diferentes.' +DIAG_REDUNDANT_RETURN = +'Retorno redundante.' +DIAG_AWAIT_IN_SYNC = +'Funções assíncronas apenas podem ser chamada em funções assíncronas.' +DIAG_NOT_YIELDABLE = +'O {}-ésimo parâmetro desta função não foi marcada como produzível, mas uma função assíncrona foi passada. (Use `---@param name async fun()` para marcar como produzível)' +DIAG_DISCARD_RETURNS = +'Os valores retornados desta função não podem ser descartáveis.' +DIAG_NEED_CHECK_NIL = +'Necessário checar o nil.' +DIAG_CIRCLE_DOC_CLASS = +'Classes com herança cíclica.' +DIAG_DOC_FIELD_NO_CLASS = +'O campo deve ser definido após a classe.' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_DOC_ALIAS = -- TODO: need translate! +'Duplicate defined alias `{}`.' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_DOC_FIELD = +'Campos definidos duplicados `{}`.' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_DOC_PARAM = +'Parâmetros duplicados `{}`.' +DIAG_UNDEFINED_DOC_CLASS = +'Classe indefinida `{}`.' +DIAG_UNDEFINED_DOC_NAME = +'Tipo ou alias indefinido `{}`.' +DIAG_UNDEFINED_DOC_PARAM = +'Parâmetro indefinido `{}`.' +DIAG_MISSING_GLOBAL_DOC_COMMENT = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing comment for global function `{}`.' +DIAG_MISSING_GLOBAL_DOC_PARAM = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing @param annotation for parameter `{}` in global function `{}`.' +DIAG_MISSING_GLOBAL_DOC_RETURN = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing @return annotation at index `{}` in global function `{}`.' +DIAG_MISSING_LOCAL_EXPORT_DOC_COMMENT = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing comment for exported local function `{}`.' +DIAG_MISSING_LOCAL_EXPORT_DOC_PARAM = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing @param annotation for parameter `{}` in exported local function `{}`.' +DIAG_MISSING_LOCAL_EXPORT_DOC_RETURN = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing @return annotation at index `{}` in exported local function `{}`.' +DIAG_INCOMPLETE_SIGNATURE_DOC_PARAM = -- TODO: need translate! +'Incomplete signature. Missing @param annotation for parameter `{}` in function `{}`.' +DIAG_INCOMPLETE_SIGNATURE_DOC_RETURN = -- TODO: need translate! +'Incomplete signature. Missing @return annotation at index `{}` in function `{}`.' +DIAG_UNKNOWN_DIAG_CODE = -- TODO: need translate! +'Código de diagnóstico desconhecido `{}`.' +DIAG_CAST_LOCAL_TYPE = -- TODO: need translate! +'This variable is defined as type `{def}`. Cannot convert its type to `{ref}`.' +DIAG_CAST_FIELD_TYPE = -- TODO: need translate! +'This field is defined as type `{def}`. Cannot convert its type to `{ref}`.' +DIAG_ASSIGN_TYPE_MISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'Cannot assign `{ref}` to `{def}`.' +DIAG_PARAM_TYPE_MISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'Cannot assign `{ref}` to parameter `{def}`.' +DIAG_UNKNOWN_CAST_VARIABLE = -- TODO: need translate! +'Unknown type conversion variable `{}`.' +DIAG_CAST_TYPE_MISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'Cannot convert `{ref}` to `{def}`。' +DIAG_MISSING_RETURN_VALUE = -- TODO: need translate! +'At least {min} return values are required, but here only {rmax} values are returned.' +DIAG_MISSING_RETURN_VALUE_RANGE = -- TODO: need translate! +'At least {min} return values are required, but here only {rmin} to {rmax} values are returned.' +DIAG_REDUNDANT_RETURN_VALUE = -- TODO: need translate! +'At most {max} values returned, but the {rmax}th value was returned here.' +DIAG_REDUNDANT_RETURN_VALUE_RANGE = -- TODO: need translate! +'At most {max} values returned, but {rmin}th to {rmax}th values were returned here.' +DIAG_MISSING_RETURN = -- TODO: need translate! +'Return value is required here.' +DIAG_RETURN_TYPE_MISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'The type of the {index} return value is `{def}`, but the actual return is `{ref}`.\n{err}' +DIAG_UNKNOWN_OPERATOR = -- TODO: need translate! +'Unknown operator `{}`.' +DIAG_UNREACHABLE_CODE = -- TODO: need translate! +'Unreachable code.' +DIAG_INVISIBLE_PRIVATE = -- TODO: need translate! +'Field `{field}` is private, it can only be accessed in class `{class}`.' +DIAG_INVISIBLE_PROTECTED = -- TODO: need translate! +'Field `{field}` is protected, it can only be accessed in class `{class}` and its subclasses.' +DIAG_INVISIBLE_PACKAGE = -- TODO: need translate! +'Field `{field}` can only be accessed in same file `{uri}`.' +DIAG_GLOBAL_ELEMENT = -- TODO: need translate! +'Element is global.' + +MWS_NOT_SUPPORT = +'{} não é suportado múltiplos espaços de trabalho por enquanto, posso precisar reiniciar para estabelecer um novo espaço de trabalho ...' +MWS_RESTART = +'Reiniciar' +MWS_NOT_COMPLETE = +'O espaço de trabalho ainda não está completo. Você pode tentar novamente mais tarde ...' +MWS_COMPLETE = +'O espaço de trabalho está completo agora. Você pode tentar novamente ...' +MWS_MAX_PRELOAD = +'Arquivos pré-carregados atingiram o limite máximo ({}), você precisa abrir manualmente os arquivos que precisam ser carregados.' +MWS_UCONFIG_FAILED = +'Armazenamento da configuração do usuário falhou.' +MWS_UCONFIG_UPDATED = +'Configuração do usuário atualizada.' +MWS_WCONFIG_UPDATED = +'Configuração do espaço de trabalho atualizado.' + +WORKSPACE_SKIP_LARGE_FILE = +'Arquivo muito grande: {} ignorada. O limite de tamanho atualmente definido é: {} KB, e o tamanho do arquivo é: {} KB.' +WORKSPACE_LOADING = +'Carregando espaço de trabalho.' +WORKSPACE_DIAGNOSTIC = +'Diagnóstico de espaço de trabalho.' +WORKSPACE_SKIP_HUGE_FILE = +'Por motivos de desempenho, a análise deste arquivo foi interrompida: {}' +WORKSPACE_NOT_ALLOWED = +'Seu espaço de trabalho foi definido para `{}`. Servidor da linguagem Lua recusou o carregamneto neste diretório. Por favor, cheque sua configuração. [aprenda mais aqui](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/FAQ#why-is-the-server-scanning-the-wrong-folder)' +WORKSPACE_SCAN_TOO_MUCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'Mais do que {} arquivos foram escaneados. O diretório atual escaneado é `{}`. Please see the [FAQ](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/FAQ#how-can-i-improve-startup-speeds) to see how you can include fewer files. It is also possible that your [configuration is incorrect](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/FAQ#why-is-the-server-scanning-the-wrong-folder).' + +PARSER_CRASH = +'Parser quebrou! Últimas palavras: {}' +PARSER_UNKNOWN = +'Erro de sintaxe desconhecido ...' +PARSER_MISS_NAME = +' esperado.' +PARSER_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL = +'Símbolo inesperado `{symbol}`.' +PARSER_MISS_SYMBOL = +'Símbolo não encontrado `{symbol}`.' +PARSER_MISS_ESC_X = +'Deve ser 2 dígitos hexadecimais.' +PARSER_UTF8_SMALL = +'Pelo menos 1 dígito hexadecimal.' +PARSER_UTF8_MAX = +'Deve estar entre {min} e {max}.' +PARSER_ERR_ESC = +'Sequência de saída inválida.' +PARSER_MUST_X16 = +'Deve ser dígitos hexadecimais.' +PARSER_MISS_EXPONENT = +'Dígitos perdidos para o expoente.' +PARSER_MISS_EXP = +' esperada.' +PARSER_MISS_FIELD = +' esperado.' +PARSER_MISS_METHOD = +' esperado.' +PARSER_ARGS_AFTER_DOTS = +'`...` deve ser o último argumento.' +PARSER_KEYWORD = +' não pode ser usado como nome.' +PARSER_EXP_IN_ACTION = +'Inesperada .' +PARSER_BREAK_OUTSIDE = +' não está dentro de um loop.' +PARSER_MALFORMED_NUMBER = +'Número malformado.' +PARSER_ACTION_AFTER_RETURN = +' esperado após `return`.' +PARSER_ACTION_AFTER_BREAK = +' esperado após `break`.' +PARSER_NO_VISIBLE_LABEL = +'Nenhum identificador visível `{label}` .' +PARSER_REDEFINE_LABEL = +'Identificador `{label}` já foi definido.' +PARSER_UNSUPPORT_SYMBOL = +'{version} não suporta esta gramática.' +PARSER_UNEXPECT_DOTS = +'Não pode usar `...` fora de uma função vararg.' +PARSER_UNEXPECT_SYMBOL = +'Símbolo inesperado `{symbol}` .' +PARSER_UNKNOWN_TAG = +'Atributo desconhecido.' +PARSER_MULTI_TAG = +'Não suporta múltiplos atributos.' +PARSER_UNEXPECT_LFUNC_NAME = +'A função local só pode usar identificadores como nome.' +PARSER_UNEXPECT_EFUNC_NAME = +'Função como expressão não pode ser nomeada.' +PARSER_ERR_LCOMMENT_END = +'Anotações em múltiplas linhas devem ser fechadas por `{symbol}` .' +PARSER_ERR_C_LONG_COMMENT = +'Lua deve usar `--[[ ]]` para anotações em múltiplas linhas.' +PARSER_ERR_LSTRING_END = +'String longa deve ser fechada por `{symbol}` .' +PARSER_ERR_ASSIGN_AS_EQ = +'Deveria usar `=` para atribuição.' +PARSER_ERR_EQ_AS_ASSIGN = +'Deveria usar `==` para comparação de igualdade.' +PARSER_ERR_UEQ = +'Deveria usar `~=` para comparação de desigualdade.' +PARSER_ERR_THEN_AS_DO = +'Deveria usar `then` .' +PARSER_ERR_DO_AS_THEN = +'Deveria usar `do` .' +PARSER_MISS_END = +'Falta o `end` correspondente.' +PARSER_ERR_COMMENT_PREFIX = +'Lua usa `--` para anotações/comentários.' +PARSER_MISS_SEP_IN_TABLE = +'Falta o símbolo `,` ou `;` .' +PARSER_SET_CONST = +'Atribuição à variável constante.' +PARSER_UNICODE_NAME = +'Contém caracteres Unicode.' +PARSER_ERR_NONSTANDARD_SYMBOL = +'Deveria usar `{symbol}`.' +PARSER_MISS_SPACE_BETWEEN = +'Devem ser deixados espaços entre símbolos.' +PARSER_INDEX_IN_FUNC_NAME = +'A forma `[name]` não pode ser usada em nome de uma função nomeada.' +PARSER_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE = +'Atributo local deve ser `const` ou `close`' +PARSER_AMBIGUOUS_SYNTAX = -- TODO: need translate! +'In Lua 5.1, the left brackets called by the function must be in the same line as the function.' +PARSER_NEED_PAREN = -- TODO: need translate! +'需要添加一对括号。' +PARSER_NESTING_LONG_MARK = -- TODO: need translate! +'Nesting of `[[...]]` is not allowed in Lua 5.1 .' +PARSER_LOCAL_LIMIT = -- TODO: need translate! +'Only 200 active local variables and upvalues can be existed at the same time.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_CLASS_NAME = +'Esperado .' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_EXTENDS_SYMBOL = +'Esperado `:`.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_CLASS_EXTENDS_NAME = +'Esperado .' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_SYMBOL = +'Esperado `{symbol}`.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_ARG_NAME = +'Esperado .' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_TYPE_NAME = +'Esperado .' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_ALIAS_NAME = +'Esperado .' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_ALIAS_EXTENDS = +'Esperado .' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_PARAM_NAME = +'Esperado .' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_PARAM_EXTENDS = +'Esperado .' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_FIELD_NAME = +'Esperado .' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_FIELD_EXTENDS = +'Esperado .' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_GENERIC_NAME = +'Esperado .' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_GENERIC_EXTENDS_NAME = +'Esperado .' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_VARARG_TYPE = +'Esperado .' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_FUN_AFTER_OVERLOAD = +'Esperado `fun`.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_CATE_NAME = +'Esperado .' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_DIAG_MODE = +'Esperado .' +PARSER_LUADOC_ERROR_DIAG_MODE = +' incorreto.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_LOCAL_NAME = +' esperado.' + +SYMBOL_ANONYMOUS = +'' + +HOVER_VIEW_DOCUMENTS = +'Visualizar documentos' +HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA51 = +'http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#{}' +HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA52 = +'http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#{}' +HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA53 = +'http://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#{}' +HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA54 = +'http://www.lua.org/manual/5.4/manual.html#{}' +HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUAJIT = +'http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#{}' +HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA51 = +'command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/{}"]' +HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA52 = +'command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/52/manual.html/{}"]' +HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA53 = +'command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/53/manual.html/{}"]' +HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA54 = +'command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/{}"]' +HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUAJIT = +'command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/{}"]' +HOVER_MULTI_PROTOTYPE = +'({} protótipos)' +HOVER_STRING_BYTES = +'{} bytes' +HOVER_STRING_CHARACTERS = +'{} bytes, {} caracteres' +HOVER_MULTI_DEF_PROTO = +'({} definições., {} protótipos)' +HOVER_MULTI_PROTO_NOT_FUNC = +'({} definição não funcional)' +HOVER_USE_LUA_PATH = +'(Caminho de busca: `{}`)' +HOVER_EXTENDS = +'Expande para {}' +HOVER_TABLE_TIME_UP = +'Inferência de tipo parcial foi desativada por motivos de desempenho.' +HOVER_WS_LOADING = +'Carregando espaço de trabalho: {} / {}' +HOVER_AWAIT_TOOLTIP = +'Chamando a função assíncrona, a thread atual deve ser produzível' + +ACTION_DISABLE_DIAG = +'Desativar diagnósticos no espaço de trabalho ({}).' +ACTION_MARK_GLOBAL = +'Marque `{}` como definição global.' +ACTION_REMOVE_SPACE = +'Limpe todos os espaços desnecessários.' +ACTION_ADD_SEMICOLON = +'Adicione `;` .' +ACTION_ADD_BRACKETS = +'Adicione colchetes.' +ACTION_RUNTIME_VERSION = +'Altere a versão de tempo de execução para {}.' +ACTION_OPEN_LIBRARY = +'Carregue variáveis globais de {}.' +ACTION_ADD_DO_END = +'Adicione `do ... end`.' +ACTION_FIX_LCOMMENT_END = +'Modifique para o símbolo de fechamento de anotação/comentário de múltiplas linhas correto.' +ACTION_ADD_LCOMMENT_END = +'Feche as anotações/comentário de múltiplas linhas.' +ACTION_FIX_C_LONG_COMMENT = +'Modifique para o formato de anotações/comentários em múltiplas linhas.' +ACTION_FIX_LSTRING_END = +'Modifique para o símbolo de fechamento de string correta.' +ACTION_ADD_LSTRING_END = +'Feche a string longa.' +ACTION_FIX_ASSIGN_AS_EQ = +'Modifique para `=` .' +ACTION_FIX_EQ_AS_ASSIGN = +'Modifique para `==` .' +ACTION_FIX_UEQ = +'Modifique para `~=` .' +ACTION_FIX_THEN_AS_DO = +'Modifique para `then` .' +ACTION_FIX_DO_AS_THEN = +'Modifique para `do` .' +ACTION_ADD_END = +'Adicione `end` (Adiciona marcação de fim com base na identação).' +ACTION_FIX_COMMENT_PREFIX = +'Modifique para `--` .' +ACTION_FIX_NONSTANDARD_SYMBOL = +'Modifique para `{symbol}` .' +ACTION_RUNTIME_UNICODE_NAME = +'Permite caracteres Unicode.' +ACTION_SWAP_PARAMS = +'Mude para o parâmetro {index} de `{node}`.' +ACTION_FIX_INSERT_SPACE = +'Insira espaço.' +ACTION_JSON_TO_LUA = +'Converte de JSON para Lua.' +ACTION_DISABLE_DIAG_LINE= +'Desativa diagnósticos nesta linha ({}).' +ACTION_DISABLE_DIAG_FILE= +'Desativa diagnósticos nesta linha ({}).' +ACTION_MARK_ASYNC = +'Marque a função atual como assíncrona' +ACTION_ADD_DICT = +'Adicione \'{}\' ao seu espaço de trabalho no ' +ACTION_FIX_ADD_PAREN = -- TODO: need translate! +'添加括号。' + +COMMAND_DISABLE_DIAG = +'Desativar diagnósticos.' +COMMAND_MARK_GLOBAL = +'Marca como variável global.' +COMMAND_REMOVE_SPACE = +'Limpa todos os espaços desnecessários.' +COMMAND_ADD_BRACKETS = +'Adiciona colchetes.' +COMMAND_RUNTIME_VERSION = +'Altera a versão de tempo de execução.' +COMMAND_OPEN_LIBRARY = +'Carrega variáveis globais de bibliotecas de terceiros.' +COMMAND_UNICODE_NAME = +'Permite caracteres Unicode.' +COMMAND_JSON_TO_LUA = +'Converte de JSON para Lua.' +COMMAND_JSON_TO_LUA_FAILED = +'Converção de JSON para Lua falhou: {}.' +COMMAND_ADD_DICT = +'Adicione uma palavra ao dicionário' +COMMAND_REFERENCE_COUNT = -- TODO: need translate! +'{} references' + +COMPLETION_IMPORT_FROM = +'Importa de {}.' +COMPLETION_DISABLE_AUTO_REQUIRE = +'Desativa auto require.' +COMPLETION_ASK_AUTO_REQUIRE = +'Adicione o código na parte superior do arquivo como auto require?' + +DEBUG_MEMORY_LEAK = +"{} Sinto muito pelo sério vazamento de memória. O serviço de idioma será reiniciado em breve." +DEBUG_RESTART_NOW = +'Reinicie agora' + +WINDOW_COMPILING = +'Compilando' +WINDOW_DIAGNOSING = +'Realizando diagnóstico' +WINDOW_INITIALIZING = +'Inicializando...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_HOVER = +'Processando hover...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_DEFINITION = +'Processando definições...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_REFERENCE = +'Processando referências...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_RENAME = +'Processando renomeações...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_COMPLETION = +'Processando finalizações...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_SIGNATURE = +'Processando ajuda de assinatura...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_SYMBOL = +'Processando símbolos do arquivo...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_WS_SYMBOL = +'Processando símbolos do espaço de trabalho...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_SEMANTIC_FULL = +'Processando tokens semânticas completos...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_SEMANTIC_RANGE = +'Processando tokens semânticas incrementais...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_HINT = +'Processando dicas de lina...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_BUILD_META = -- TODO: need translate! +'Processing build meta...' +WINDOW_INCREASE_UPPER_LIMIT = +'Aumente o limite superior' +WINDOW_CLOSE = +'Fechar' +WINDOW_SETTING_WS_DIAGNOSTIC = +'Você pode atrasar ou desativar os diagnósticos do espaço de trabalho nas configurações' +WINDOW_DONT_SHOW_AGAIN = +'Não mostre novamente' +WINDOW_DELAY_WS_DIAGNOSTIC = +'Diagnóstico de tempo ocioso (atraso de {} segundos)' +WINDOW_DISABLE_DIAGNOSTIC = +'Desativa diagnósticos do espaço de trabalho' +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_WORKSPACE = +'Área de trabalho : {}' +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_CACHED_FILES = +'Arquivos em cache: {ast}/{max}' +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_MEMORY_COUNT = +'Uso de memória : {mem:.f}M' +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_TIP = +[[ + +Este ícone é um gato, +não é um cachorro nem uma raposa! + ↓↓↓ +]] +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_DIAGNOSIS_TITLE= +'Execute seu diagnóstico do espaço de trabalho' +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_DIAGNOSIS_MSG = +'Você quer executar um diagnóstico do espaço de trabalho?' +WINDOW_APPLY_SETTING = +'Aplicar configuração' +WINDOW_CHECK_SEMANTIC = +'Se você estiver usando o tema de cores do market, talvez seja necessário modificar `editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled` para `true` para fazer com tokens semânticas sejam habilitados.' +WINDOW_TELEMETRY_HINT = +'Por favor, permita o envio de dados de uso e relatórios de erro anônimos para nos ajudar a melhorar ainda mais essa extensão. Leia nossa política de privacidade [aqui](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Home#privacy) .' +WINDOW_TELEMETRY_ENABLE = +'Permitir' +WINDOW_TELEMETRY_DISABLE = +'Desabilitar' +WINDOW_CLIENT_NOT_SUPPORT_CONFIG = +'Seu cliente não suporta configurações de modificação do lado do servidor, modifique manualmente as seguintes configurações:' +WINDOW_LCONFIG_NOT_SUPPORT_CONFIG= +'A modificação automática de configurações locais não é suportada atualmente, modifique manualmente as seguintes configurações:' +WINDOW_MANUAL_CONFIG_ADD = +'`{key}`: adiciona o elemento `{value:q}` ;' +WINDOW_MANUAL_CONFIG_SET = +'`{key}`: defini como `{value:q}` ;' +WINDOW_MANUAL_CONFIG_PROP = +'`{key}`: define a propriedade `{prop}` para `{value:q}`;' +WINDOW_APPLY_WHIT_SETTING = +'Aplicar e modificar configurações' +WINDOW_APPLY_WHITOUT_SETTING = +'Aplicar mas não modificar configurações' +WINDOW_ASK_APPLY_LIBRARY = +'Você precisa configurar seu ambiente de trabalho como `{}`?' +WINDOW_SEARCHING_IN_FILES = -- TODO: need translate! +'Procurando nos arquivos...' +WINDOW_CONFIG_LUA_DEPRECATED = -- TODO: need translate! +'`config.lua` is deprecated, please use `config.json` instead.' +WINDOW_CONVERT_CONFIG_LUA = -- TODO: need translate! +'Convert to `config.json`' +WINDOW_MODIFY_REQUIRE_PATH = -- TODO: need translate! +'Do you want to modify the require path?' +WINDOW_MODIFY_REQUIRE_OK = -- TODO: need translate! +'Modify' + +CONFIG_LOAD_FAILED = +'Não é possível ler o arquivo de configurações: {}' +CONFIG_LOAD_ERROR = +'Configurando o erro de carregamento do arquivo: {}' +CONFIG_TYPE_ERROR = +'O arquivo de configuração deve estar no formato LUA ou JSON: {}' +CONFIG_MODIFY_FAIL_SYNTAX_ERROR = -- TODO: need translate! +'Failed to modify settings, there are syntax errors in the settings file: {}' +CONFIG_MODIFY_FAIL_NO_WORKSPACE = -- TODO: need translate! +[[ +Failed to modify settings: +* The current mode is single-file mode, server cannot create `.luarc.json` without workspace. +* The language client dose not support modifying settings from the server side. + +Please modify following settings manually: +{} +]] +CONFIG_MODIFY_FAIL = -- TODO: need translate! +[[ +Failed to modify settings + +Please modify following settings manually: +{} +]] + +PLUGIN_RUNTIME_ERROR = +[[ +Ocorreu um erro no plugin, envie o erro ao autor do plugin. +Por favor, verifique os detalhes na saída ou log. +Caminho do plugin: {} +]] +PLUGIN_TRUST_LOAD = +[[ +As configurações atuais tentam carregar o plugin neste local: {} + +Note que plugins mal-intencionados podem prejudicar seu computador +]] +PLUGIN_TRUST_YES = +[[ +Confie e carregue este plugin +]] +PLUGIN_TRUST_NO = +[[ +Não carregue este plugin +]] + +CLI_CHECK_ERROR_TYPE = +'O argumento do CHECK deve ser uma string, mas é {}' +CLI_CHECK_ERROR_URI = +'O argumento do CHECK deve ser uma uri válida, mas é {}' +CLI_CHECK_ERROR_LEVEL = +'Checklevel deve ser um de: {}' +CLI_CHECK_INITING = +'Inicializando ...' +CLI_CHECK_SUCCESS = +'Diagnóstico completo, nenhum problema encontrado' +CLI_CHECK_RESULTS = +'Diagnóstico completo, {} problemas encontrados, veja {}' +CLI_DOC_INITING = -- TODO: need translate! +'Loading documents ...' +CLI_DOC_DONE = -- TODO: need translate! +[[ +Document exporting completed! +Raw data: {} +Markdown(example): {} +]] + +TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_GLOBAL_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'Type `{child}` cannot match enumeration type of `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_GENERIC_UNSUPPORTED = -- TODO: need translate! +'Cannot use generic `{child}` in enumeration' +TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_LITERAL_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'Literal `{child}` cannot match the enumeration value of `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_OBJECT_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'The object `{child}` cannot match the enumeration value of `{parent}`. They must be the same object' +TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_NO_OBJECT = -- TODO: need translate! +'The passed in enumeration value `{child}` is not recognized' +TYPE_ERROR_INTEGER_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'Literal `{child}` cannot match integer `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_STRING_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'Literal `{child}` cannot match string `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_BOOLEAN_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'Literal `{child}` cannot match boolean `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_TABLE_NO_FIELD = -- TODO: need translate! +'Field `{key}` does not exist in the table' +TYPE_ERROR_TABLE_FIELD_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'The type of field `{key}` is `{child}`, which cannot match `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_CHILD_ALL_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'All subtypes in `{child}` cannot match `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_PARENT_ALL_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'`{child}` cannot match any subtypes in `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_UNION_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'`{child}` cannot match `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_OPTIONAL_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'Optional type cannot match `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_NUMBER_LITERAL_TO_INTEGER = -- TODO: need translate! +'The number `{child}` cannot be converted to an integer' +TYPE_ERROR_NUMBER_TYPE_TO_INTEGER = -- TODO: need translate! +'Cannot convert number type to integer type' +TYPE_ERROR_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'Type `{child}` cannot match `{parent}`' + +LUADOC_DESC_CLASS = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Defines a class/table structure +## Syntax +`---@class [: [, ]...]` +## Usage +``` +---@class Manager: Person, Human +Manager = {} +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#class) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_TYPE = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Specify the type of a certain variable + +Default types: `nil`, `any`, `boolean`, `string`, `number`, `integer`, +`function`, `table`, `thread`, `userdata`, `lightuserdata` + +(Custom types can be provided using `@alias`) + +## Syntax +`---@type [| [type]...` + +## Usage +### General +``` +---@type nil|table|myClass +local Example = nil +``` + +### Arrays +``` +---@type number[] +local phoneNumbers = {} +``` + +### Enums +``` +---@type "red"|"green"|"blue" +local color = "" +``` + +### Tables +``` +---@type table +local settings = { + disableLogging = true, + preventShutdown = false, +} + +---@type { [string]: true } +local x --x[""] is true +``` + +### Functions +``` +---@type fun(mode?: "r"|"w"): string +local myFunction +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#types-and-type) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_ALIAS = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Create your own custom type that can be used with `@param`, `@type`, etc. + +## Syntax +`---@alias [description]`\ +or +``` +---@alias +---| 'value' [# comment] +---| 'value2' [# comment] +... +``` + +## Usage +### Expand to other type +``` +---@alias filepath string Path to a file + +---@param path filepath Path to the file to search in +function find(path, pattern) end +``` + +### Enums +``` +---@alias font-style +---| '"underlined"' # Underline the text +---| '"bold"' # Bolden the text +---| '"italic"' # Make the text italicized + +---@param style font-style Style to apply +function setFontStyle(style) end +``` + +### Literal Enum +``` +local enums = { + READ = 0, + WRITE = 1, + CLOSED = 2 +} + +---@alias FileStates +---| `enums.READ` +---| `enums.WRITE` +---| `enums.CLOSE` +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#alias) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_PARAM = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Declare a function parameter + +## Syntax +`@param [?] [comment]` + +## Usage +### General +``` +---@param url string The url to request +---@param headers? table HTTP headers to send +---@param timeout? number Timeout in seconds +function get(url, headers, timeout) end +``` + +### Variable Arguments +``` +---@param base string The base to concat to +---@param ... string The values to concat +function concat(base, ...) end +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#param) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_RETURN = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Declare a return value + +## Syntax +`@return [name] [description]`\ +or\ +`@return [# description]` + +## Usage +### General +``` +---@return number +---@return number # The green component +---@return number b The blue component +function hexToRGB(hex) end +``` + +### Type & name only +``` +---@return number x, number y +function getCoords() end +``` + +### Type only +``` +---@return string, string +function getFirstLast() end +``` + +### Return variable values +``` +---@return string ... The tags of the item +function getTags(item) end +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#return) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_FIELD = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Declare a field in a class/table. This allows you to provide more in-depth +documentation for a table. As of `v3.6.0`, you can mark a field as `private`, +`protected`, `public`, or `package`. + +## Syntax +`---@field [description]` + +## Usage +``` +---@class HTTP_RESPONSE +---@field status HTTP_STATUS +---@field headers table The headers of the response + +---@class HTTP_STATUS +---@field code number The status code of the response +---@field message string A message reporting the status + +---@return HTTP_RESPONSE response The response from the server +function get(url) end + +--This response variable has all of the fields defined above +response = get("localhost") + +--Extension provided intellisense for the below assignment +statusCode = response.status.code +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#field) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_GENERIC = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Simulates generics. Generics can allow types to be re-used as they help define +a "generic shape" that can be used with different types. + +## Syntax +`---@generic [:parent_type] [, [:parent_type]]` + +## Usage +### General +``` +---@generic T +---@param value T The value to return +---@return T value The exact same value +function echo(value) + return value +end + +-- Type is string +s = echo("e") + +-- Type is number +n = echo(10) + +-- Type is boolean +b = echo(true) + +-- We got all of this info from just using +-- @generic rather than manually specifying +-- each allowed type +``` + +### Capture name of generic type +``` +---@class Foo +local Foo = {} +function Foo:Bar() end + +---@generic T +---@param name `T` # the name generic type is captured here +---@return T # generic type is returned +function Generic(name) end + +local v = Generic("Foo") -- v is an object of Foo +``` + +### How Lua tables use generics +``` +---@class table: { [K]: V } + +-- This is what allows us to create a table +-- and intellisense keeps track of any type +-- we give for key (K) or value (V) +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#generics-and-generic) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_VARARG = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Primarily for legacy support for EmmyLua annotations. `@vararg` does not +provide typing or allow descriptions. + +**You should instead use `@param` when documenting parameters (variable or not).** + +## Syntax +`@vararg ` + +## Usage +``` +---Concat strings together +---@vararg string +function concat(...) end +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#vararg) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_OVERLOAD = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Allows defining of multiple function signatures. + +## Syntax +`---@overload fun([: ] [, [: ]]...)[: [, ]...]` + +## Usage +``` +---@overload fun(t: table, value: any): number +function table.insert(t, position, value) end +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#overload) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_DEPRECATED = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Marks a function as deprecated. This results in any deprecated function calls +being ~~struck through~~. + +## Syntax +`---@deprecated` + +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#deprecated) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_META = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Indicates that this is a meta file and should be used for definitions and intellisense only. + +There are 3 main distinctions to note with meta files: +1. There won't be any context-based intellisense in a meta file +2. Hovering a `require` filepath in a meta file shows `[meta]` instead of an absolute path +3. The `Find Reference` function will ignore meta files + +## Syntax +`---@meta` + +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#meta) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_VERSION = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Specifies Lua versions that this function is exclusive to. + +Lua versions: `5.1`, `5.2`, `5.3`, `5.4`, `JIT`. + +Requires configuring the `Diagnostics: Needed File Status` setting. + +## Syntax +`---@version [, ]...` + +## Usage +### General +``` +---@version JIT +function onlyWorksInJIT() end +``` +### Specify multiple versions +``` +---@version <5.2,JIT +function oldLuaOnly() end +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#version) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_SEE = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Define something that can be viewed for more information + +## Syntax +`---@see ` + +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#see) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_DIAGNOSTIC = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Enable/disable diagnostics for error/warnings/etc. + +Actions: `disable`, `enable`, `disable-line`, `disable-next-line` + +[Names](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/blob/cbb6e6224094c4eb874ea192c5f85a6cba099588/script/proto/define.lua#L54) + +## Syntax +`---@diagnostic [: ]` + +## Usage +### Disable next line +``` +---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-global +``` + +### Manually toggle +``` +---@diagnostic disable: unused-local +local unused = "hello world" +---@diagnostic enable: unused-local +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#diagnostic) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_MODULE = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Provides the semantics of `require`. + +## Syntax +`---@module <'module_name'>` + +## Usage +``` +---@module 'string.utils' +local stringUtils +-- This is functionally the same as: +local module = require('string.utils') +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#module) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_ASYNC = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Marks a function as asynchronous. + +## Syntax +`---@async` + +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#async) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_NODISCARD = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Prevents this function's return values from being discarded/ignored. +This will raise the `discard-returns` warning should the return values +be ignored. + +## Syntax +`---@nodiscard` + +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#nodiscard) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_CAST = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Allows type casting (type conversion). + +## Syntax +`@cast <[+|-]type>[, <[+|-]type>]...` + +## Usage +### Overwrite type +``` +---@type integer +local x --> integer + +---@cast x string +print(x) --> string +``` +### Add Type +``` +---@type string +local x --> string + +---@cast x +boolean, +number +print(x) --> string|boolean|number +``` +### Remove Type +``` +---@type string|table +local x --> string|table + +---@cast x -string +print(x) --> table +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#cast) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_OPERATOR = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Provide type declaration for [operator metamethods](http://lua-users.org/wiki/MetatableEvents). + +## Syntax +`@operator [(input_type)]:` + +## Usage +### Vector Add Metamethod +``` +---@class Vector +---@operation add(Vector):Vector + +vA = Vector.new(1, 2, 3) +vB = Vector.new(10, 20, 30) + +vC = vA + vB +--> Vector +``` +### Unary Minus +``` +---@class Passcode +---@operation unm:integer + +pA = Passcode.new(1234) +pB = -pA +--> integer +``` +[View Request](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/599) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_ENUM = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Mark a table as an enum. If you want an enum but can't define it as a Lua +table, take a look at the [`@alias`](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#alias) +tag. + +## Syntax +`@enum ` + +## Usage +``` +---@enum colors +local colors = { + white = 0, + orange = 2, + yellow = 4, + green = 8, + black = 16, +} + +---@param color colors +local function setColor(color) end + +-- Completion and hover is provided for the below param +setColor(colors.green) +``` +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_PACKAGE = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Mark a function as private to the file it is defined in. A packaged function +cannot be accessed from another file. + +## Syntax +`@package` + +## Usage +``` +---@class Animal +---@field private eyes integer +local Animal = {} + +---@package +---This cannot be accessed in another file +function Animal:eyesCount() + return self.eyes +end +``` +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_PRIVATE = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Mark a function as private to a @class. Private functions can be accessed only +from within their class and are not accessable from child classes. + +## Syntax +`@private` + +## Usage +``` +---@class Animal +---@field private eyes integer +local Animal = {} + +---@private +function Animal:eyesCount() + return self.eyes +end + +---@class Dog:Animal +local myDog = {} + +---NOT PERMITTED! +myDog:eyesCount(); +``` +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_PROTECTED = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Mark a function as protected within a @class. Protected functions can be +accessed only from within their class or from child classes. + +## Syntax +`@protected` + +## Usage +``` +---@class Animal +---@field private eyes integer +local Animal = {} + +---@protected +function Animal:eyesCount() + return self.eyes +end + +---@class Dog:Animal +local myDog = {} + +---Permitted because function is protected, not private. +myDog:eyesCount(); +``` +]=] diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/pt-br/setting.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/pt-br/setting.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5297bdddb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/pt-br/setting.lua @@ -0,0 +1,444 @@ +---@diagnostic disable: undefined-global + +config.addonManager.enable = -- TODO: need translate! +"Whether the addon manager is enabled or not." +config.runtime.version = -- TODO: need translate! +"Lua runtime version." +config.runtime.path = -- TODO: need translate! +[[ +When using `require`, how to find the file based on the input name. +Setting this config to `?/init.lua` means that when you enter `require 'myfile'`, `${workspace}/myfile/init.lua` will be searched from the loaded files. +if `runtime.pathStrict` is `false`, `${workspace}/**/myfile/init.lua` will also be searched. +If you want to load files outside the workspace, you need to set `Lua.workspace.library` first. +]] +config.runtime.pathStrict = -- TODO: need translate! +'When enabled, `runtime.path` will only search the first level of directories, see the description of `runtime.path`.' +config.runtime.special = -- TODO: need translate! +[[The custom global variables are regarded as some special built-in variables, and the language server will provide special support +The following example shows that 'include' is treated as' require '. +```json +"Lua.runtime.special" : { + "include" : "require" +} +``` +]] +config.runtime.unicodeName = -- TODO: need translate! +"Allows Unicode characters in name." +config.runtime.nonstandardSymbol = -- TODO: need translate! +"Supports non-standard symbols. Make sure that your runtime environment supports these symbols." +config.runtime.plugin = -- TODO: need translate! +"Plugin path. Please read [wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Plugins) to learn more." +config.runtime.pluginArgs = -- TODO: need translate! +"Additional arguments for the plugin." +config.runtime.fileEncoding = -- TODO: need translate! +"File encoding. The `ansi` option is only available under the `Windows` platform." +config.runtime.builtin = -- TODO: need translate! +[[ +Adjust the enabled state of the built-in library. You can disable (or redefine) the non-existent library according to the actual runtime environment. + +* `default`: Indicates that the library will be enabled or disabled according to the runtime version +* `enable`: always enable +* `disable`: always disable +]] +config.runtime.meta = -- TODO: need translate! +'Format of the directory name of the meta files.' +config.diagnostics.enable = -- TODO: need translate! +"Enable diagnostics." +config.diagnostics.disable = -- TODO: need translate! +"Disabled diagnostic (Use code in hover brackets)." +config.diagnostics.globals = -- TODO: need translate! +"Defined global variables." +config.diagnostics.severity = -- TODO: need translate! +[[ +Modify the diagnostic severity. + +End with `!` means override the group setting `diagnostics.groupSeverity`. +]] +config.diagnostics.neededFileStatus = -- TODO: need translate! +[[ +* Opened: only diagnose opened files +* Any: diagnose all files +* None: disable this diagnostic + +End with `!` means override the group setting `diagnostics.groupFileStatus`. +]] +config.diagnostics.groupSeverity = -- TODO: need translate! +[[ +Modify the diagnostic severity in a group. +`Fallback` means that diagnostics in this group are controlled by `diagnostics.severity` separately. +Other settings will override individual settings without end of `!`. +]] +config.diagnostics.groupFileStatus = -- TODO: need translate! +[[ +Modify the diagnostic needed file status in a group. + +* Opened: only diagnose opened files +* Any: diagnose all files +* None: disable this diagnostic + +`Fallback` means that diagnostics in this group are controlled by `diagnostics.neededFileStatus` separately. +Other settings will override individual settings without end of `!`. +]] +config.diagnostics.workspaceEvent = -- TODO: need translate! +"Set the time to trigger workspace diagnostics." +config.diagnostics.workspaceEvent.OnChange = -- TODO: need translate! +"Trigger workspace diagnostics when the file is changed." +config.diagnostics.workspaceEvent.OnSave = -- TODO: need translate! +"Trigger workspace diagnostics when the file is saved." +config.diagnostics.workspaceEvent.None = -- TODO: need translate! +"Disable workspace diagnostics." +config.diagnostics.workspaceDelay = -- TODO: need translate! +"Latency (milliseconds) for workspace diagnostics." +config.diagnostics.workspaceRate = -- TODO: need translate! +"Workspace diagnostics run rate (%). Decreasing this value reduces CPU usage, but also reduces the speed of workspace diagnostics. The diagnosis of the file you are currently editing is always done at full speed and is not affected by this setting." +config.diagnostics.libraryFiles = -- TODO: need translate! +"How to diagnose files loaded via `Lua.workspace.library`." +config.diagnostics.libraryFiles.Enable = -- TODO: need translate! +"Always diagnose these files." +config.diagnostics.libraryFiles.Opened = -- TODO: need translate! +"Only when these files are opened will it be diagnosed." +config.diagnostics.libraryFiles.Disable = -- TODO: need translate! +"These files are not diagnosed." +config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles = -- TODO: need translate! +"How to diagnose ignored files." +config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles.Enable = -- TODO: need translate! +"Always diagnose these files." +config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles.Opened = -- TODO: need translate! +"Only when these files are opened will it be diagnosed." +config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles.Disable = -- TODO: need translate! +"These files are not diagnosed." +config.diagnostics.disableScheme = -- TODO: need translate! +'Do not diagnose Lua files that use the following scheme.' +config.diagnostics.unusedLocalExclude = -- TODO: need translate! +'Do not diagnose `unused-local` when the variable name matches the following pattern.' +config.workspace.ignoreDir = -- TODO: need translate! +"Ignored files and directories (Use `.gitignore` grammar)."-- .. example.ignoreDir, +config.workspace.ignoreSubmodules = -- TODO: need translate! +"Ignore submodules." +config.workspace.useGitIgnore = -- TODO: need translate! +"Ignore files list in `.gitignore` ." +config.workspace.maxPreload = -- TODO: need translate! +"Max preloaded files." +config.workspace.preloadFileSize = -- TODO: need translate! +"Skip files larger than this value (KB) when preloading." +config.workspace.library = -- TODO: need translate! +"In addition to the current workspace, which directories will load files from. The files in these directories will be treated as externally provided code libraries, and some features (such as renaming fields) will not modify these files." +config.workspace.checkThirdParty = -- TODO: need translate! +[[ +Automatic detection and adaptation of third-party libraries, currently supported libraries are: + +* OpenResty +* Cocos4.0 +* LÖVE +* LÖVR +* skynet +* Jass +]] +config.workspace.userThirdParty = -- TODO: need translate! +'Add private third-party library configuration file paths here, please refer to the built-in [configuration file path](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/tree/master/meta/3rd)' +config.workspace.supportScheme = -- TODO: need translate! +'Provide language server for the Lua files of the following scheme.' +config.completion.enable = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable completion.' +config.completion.callSnippet = -- TODO: need translate! +'Shows function call snippets.' +config.completion.callSnippet.Disable = -- TODO: need translate! +"Only shows `function name`." +config.completion.callSnippet.Both = -- TODO: need translate! +"Shows `function name` and `call snippet`." +config.completion.callSnippet.Replace = -- TODO: need translate! +"Only shows `call snippet.`" +config.completion.keywordSnippet = -- TODO: need translate! +'Shows keyword syntax snippets.' +config.completion.keywordSnippet.Disable = -- TODO: need translate! +"Only shows `keyword`." +config.completion.keywordSnippet.Both = -- TODO: need translate! +"Shows `keyword` and `syntax snippet`." +config.completion.keywordSnippet.Replace = -- TODO: need translate! +"Only shows `syntax snippet`." +config.completion.displayContext = -- TODO: need translate! +"Previewing the relevant code snippet of the suggestion may help you understand the usage of the suggestion. The number set indicates the number of intercepted lines in the code fragment. If it is set to `0`, this feature can be disabled." +config.completion.workspaceWord = -- TODO: need translate! +"Whether the displayed context word contains the content of other files in the workspace." +config.completion.showWord = -- TODO: need translate! +"Show contextual words in suggestions." +config.completion.showWord.Enable = -- TODO: need translate! +"Always show context words in suggestions." +config.completion.showWord.Fallback = -- TODO: need translate! +"Contextual words are only displayed when suggestions based on semantics cannot be provided." +config.completion.showWord.Disable = -- TODO: need translate! +"Do not display context words." +config.completion.autoRequire = -- TODO: need translate! +"When the input looks like a file name, automatically `require` this file." +config.completion.showParams = -- TODO: need translate! +"Display parameters in completion list. When the function has multiple definitions, they will be displayed separately." +config.completion.requireSeparator = -- TODO: need translate! +"The separator used when `require`." +config.completion.postfix = -- TODO: need translate! +"The symbol used to trigger the postfix suggestion." +config.color.mode = -- TODO: need translate! +"Color mode." +config.color.mode.Semantic = -- TODO: need translate! +"Semantic color. You may need to set `editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled` to `true` to take effect." +config.color.mode.SemanticEnhanced = -- TODO: need translate! +"Enhanced semantic color. Like `Semantic`, but with additional analysis which might be more computationally expensive." +config.color.mode.Grammar = -- TODO: need translate! +"Grammar color." +config.semantic.enable = -- TODO: need translate! +"Enable semantic color. You may need to set `editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled` to `true` to take effect." +config.semantic.variable = -- TODO: need translate! +"Semantic coloring of variables/fields/parameters." +config.semantic.annotation = -- TODO: need translate! +"Semantic coloring of type annotations." +config.semantic.keyword = -- TODO: need translate! +"Semantic coloring of keywords/literals/operators. You only need to enable this feature if your editor cannot do syntax coloring." +config.signatureHelp.enable = -- TODO: need translate! +"Enable signature help." +config.hover.enable = -- TODO: need translate! +"Enable hover." +config.hover.viewString = -- TODO: need translate! +"Hover to view the contents of a string (only if the literal contains an escape character)." +config.hover.viewStringMax = -- TODO: need translate! +"The maximum length of a hover to view the contents of a string." +config.hover.viewNumber = -- TODO: need translate! +"Hover to view numeric content (only if literal is not decimal)." +config.hover.fieldInfer = -- TODO: need translate! +"When hovering to view a table, type infer will be performed for each field. When the accumulated time of type infer reaches the set value (MS), the type infer of subsequent fields will be skipped." +config.hover.previewFields = -- TODO: need translate! +"When hovering to view a table, limits the maximum number of previews for fields." +config.hover.enumsLimit = -- TODO: need translate! +"When the value corresponds to multiple types, limit the number of types displaying." +config.hover.expandAlias = -- TODO: need translate! +[[ +Whether to expand the alias. For example, expands `---@alias myType boolean|number` appears as `boolean|number`, otherwise it appears as `myType'. +]] +config.develop.enable = -- TODO: need translate! +'Developer mode. Do not enable, performance will be affected.' +config.develop.debuggerPort = -- TODO: need translate! +'Listen port of debugger.' +config.develop.debuggerWait = -- TODO: need translate! +'Suspend before debugger connects.' +config.intelliSense.searchDepth = -- TODO: need translate! +'Set the search depth for IntelliSense. Increasing this value increases accuracy, but decreases performance. Different workspace have different tolerance for this setting. Please adjust it to the appropriate value.' +config.intelliSense.fastGlobal = -- TODO: need translate! +'In the global variable completion, and view `_G` suspension prompt. This will slightly reduce the accuracy of type speculation, but it will have a significant performance improvement for projects that use a lot of global variables.' +config.window.statusBar = -- TODO: need translate! +'Show extension status in status bar.' +config.window.progressBar = -- TODO: need translate! +'Show progress bar in status bar.' +config.hint.enable = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable inlay hint.' +config.hint.paramType = -- TODO: need translate! +'Show type hints at the parameter of the function.' +config.hint.setType = -- TODO: need translate! +'Show hints of type at assignment operation.' +config.hint.paramName = -- TODO: need translate! +'Show hints of parameter name at the function call.' +config.hint.paramName.All = -- TODO: need translate! +'All types of parameters are shown.' +config.hint.paramName.Literal = -- TODO: need translate! +'Only literal type parameters are shown.' +config.hint.paramName.Disable = -- TODO: need translate! +'Disable parameter hints.' +config.hint.arrayIndex = -- TODO: need translate! +'Show hints of array index when constructing a table.' +config.hint.arrayIndex.Enable = -- TODO: need translate! +'Show hints in all tables.' +config.hint.arrayIndex.Auto = -- TODO: need translate! +'Show hints only when the table is greater than 3 items, or the table is a mixed table.' +config.hint.arrayIndex.Disable = -- TODO: need translate! +'Disable hints of array index.' +config.hint.await = -- TODO: need translate! +'If the called function is marked `---@async`, prompt `await` at the call.' +config.hint.semicolon = -- TODO: need translate! +'If there is no semicolon at the end of the statement, display a virtual semicolon.' +config.hint.semicolon.All = -- TODO: need translate! +'All statements display virtual semicolons.' +config.hint.semicolon.SameLine = -- TODO: need translate! +'When two statements are on the same line, display a semicolon between them.' +config.hint.semicolon.Disable = -- TODO: need translate! +'Disable virtual semicolons.' +config.codeLens.enable = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable code lens.' +config.format.enable = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable code formatter.' +config.format.defaultConfig = -- TODO: need translate! +[[ +The default format configuration. Has a lower priority than `.editorconfig` file in the workspace. +Read [formatter docs](https://github.com/CppCXY/EmmyLuaCodeStyle/tree/master/docs) to learn usage. +]] +config.spell.dict = -- TODO: need translate! +'Custom words for spell checking.' +config.nameStyle.config = -- TODO: need translate! +'Set name style config' +config.telemetry.enable = -- TODO: need translate! +[[ +Enable telemetry to send your editor information and error logs over the network. Read our privacy policy [here](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Home#privacy). +]] +config.misc.parameters = -- TODO: need translate! +'[Command line parameters](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-telemetry-server/tree/master/method) when starting the language service in VSCode.' +config.misc.executablePath = -- TODO: need translate! +'Specify the executable path in VSCode.' +config.IntelliSense.traceLocalSet = -- TODO: need translate! +'Please read [wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/IntelliSense-optional-features) to learn more.' +config.IntelliSense.traceReturn = -- TODO: need translate! +'Please read [wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/IntelliSense-optional-features) to learn more.' +config.IntelliSense.traceBeSetted = -- TODO: need translate! +'Please read [wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/IntelliSense-optional-features) to learn more.' +config.IntelliSense.traceFieldInject = -- TODO: need translate! +'Please read [wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/IntelliSense-optional-features) to learn more.' +config.type.castNumberToInteger = -- TODO: need translate! +'Allowed to assign the `number` type to the `integer` type.' +config.type.weakUnionCheck = -- TODO: need translate! +[[ +Once one subtype of a union type meets the condition, the union type also meets the condition. + +When this setting is `false`, the `number|boolean` type cannot be assigned to the `number` type. It can be with `true`. +]] +config.type.weakNilCheck = -- TODO: need translate! +[[ +When checking the type of union type, ignore the `nil` in it. + +When this setting is `false`, the `number|nil` type cannot be assigned to the `number` type. It can be with `true`. +]] +config.doc.privateName = -- TODO: need translate! +'Treat specific field names as private, e.g. `m_*` means `XXX.m_id` and `XXX.m_type` are private, witch can only be accessed in the class where the definition is located.' +config.doc.protectedName = -- TODO: need translate! +'Treat specific field names as protected, e.g. `m_*` means `XXX.m_id` and `XXX.m_type` are protected, witch can only be accessed in the class where the definition is located and its subclasses.' +config.doc.packageName = -- TODO: need translate! +'Treat specific field names as package, e.g. `m_*` means `XXX.m_id` and `XXX.m_type` are package, witch can only be accessed in the file where the definition is located.' +config.diagnostics['unused-local'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'未使用的局部变量' +config.diagnostics['unused-function'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'未使用的函数' +config.diagnostics['undefined-global'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'未定义的全局变量' +config.diagnostics['global-in-nil-env'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'不能使用全局变量( `_ENV` 被设置为了 `nil`)' +config.diagnostics['unused-label'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'未使用的标签' +config.diagnostics['unused-vararg'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'未使用的不定参数' +config.diagnostics['trailing-space'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'后置空格' +config.diagnostics['redefined-local'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'重复定义的局部变量' +config.diagnostics['newline-call'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'以 `(` 开始的新行,在语法上被解析为了上一行的函数调用' +config.diagnostics['newfield-call'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'在字面量表中,2行代码之间缺少分隔符,在语法上被解析为了一次索引操作' +config.diagnostics['redundant-parameter'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'函数调用时,传入了多余的参数' +config.diagnostics['ambiguity-1'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'优先级歧义,如:`num or 0 + 1`,推测用户的实际期望为 `(num or 0) + 1` ' +config.diagnostics['lowercase-global'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'首字母小写的全局变量定义' +config.diagnostics['undefined-env-child'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'`_ENV` 被设置为了新的字面量表,但是试图获取的全局变量不再这张表中' +config.diagnostics['duplicate-index'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'在字面量表中重复定义了索引' +config.diagnostics['empty-block'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'空代码块' +config.diagnostics['redundant-value'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'赋值操作时,值的数量比被赋值的对象多' +config.diagnostics['assign-type-mismatch'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for assignments in which the value\'s type does not match the type of the assigned variable.' +config.diagnostics['await-in-sync'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for calls of asynchronous functions within a synchronous function.' +config.diagnostics['cast-local-type'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for casts of local variables where the target type does not match the defined type.' +config.diagnostics['cast-type-mismatch'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for casts where the target type does not match the initial type.' +config.diagnostics['circular-doc-class'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for two classes inheriting from each other introducing a circular relation.' +config.diagnostics['close-non-object'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for attempts to close a variable with a non-object.' +config.diagnostics['code-after-break'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for code placed after a break statement in a loop.' +config.diagnostics['codestyle-check'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for incorrectly styled lines.' +config.diagnostics['count-down-loop'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for `for` loops which will never reach their max/limit because the loop is incrementing instead of decrementing.' +config.diagnostics['deprecated'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics to highlight deprecated API.' +config.diagnostics['different-requires'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for files which are required by two different paths.' +config.diagnostics['discard-returns'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for calls of functions annotated with `---@nodiscard` where the return values are ignored.' +config.diagnostics['doc-field-no-class'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics to highlight a field annotation without a defining class annotation.' +config.diagnostics['duplicate-doc-alias'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for a duplicated alias annotation name.' +config.diagnostics['duplicate-doc-field'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for a duplicated field annotation name.' +config.diagnostics['duplicate-doc-param'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for a duplicated param annotation name.' +config.diagnostics['duplicate-set-field'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for setting the same field in a class more than once.' +config.diagnostics['incomplete-signature-doc'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Incomplete @param or @return annotations for functions.' +config.diagnostics['invisible'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for accesses to fields which are invisible.' +config.diagnostics['missing-global-doc'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing annotations for globals! Global functions must have a comment and annotations for all parameters and return values.' +config.diagnostics['missing-local-export-doc'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing annotations for exported locals! Exported local functions must have a comment and annotations for all parameters and return values.' +config.diagnostics['missing-parameter'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for function calls where the number of arguments is less than the number of annotated function parameters.' +config.diagnostics['missing-return'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for functions with return annotations which have no return statement.' +config.diagnostics['missing-return-value'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for return statements without values although the containing function declares returns.' +config.diagnostics['need-check-nil'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for variable usages if `nil` or an optional (potentially `nil`) value was assigned to the variable before.' +config.diagnostics['no-unknown'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for cases in which the type cannot be inferred.' +config.diagnostics['not-yieldable'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for calls to `coroutine.yield()` when it is not permitted.' +config.diagnostics['param-type-mismatch'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for function calls where the type of a provided parameter does not match the type of the annotated function definition.' +config.diagnostics['redundant-return'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for return statements which are not needed because the function would exit on its own.' +config.diagnostics['redundant-return-value']= -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for return statements which return an extra value which is not specified by a return annotation.' +config.diagnostics['return-type-mismatch'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for return values whose type does not match the type declared in the corresponding return annotation.' +config.diagnostics['spell-check'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for typos in strings.' +config.diagnostics['name-style-check'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for name style.' +config.diagnostics['unbalanced-assignments']= -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics on multiple assignments if not all variables obtain a value (e.g., `local x,y = 1`).' +config.diagnostics['undefined-doc-class'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for class annotations in which an undefined class is referenced.' +config.diagnostics['undefined-doc-name'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for type annotations referencing an undefined type or alias.' +config.diagnostics['undefined-doc-param'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for cases in which a parameter annotation is given without declaring the parameter in the function definition.' +config.diagnostics['undefined-field'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for cases in which an undefined field of a variable is read.' +config.diagnostics['unknown-cast-variable'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for casts of undefined variables.' +config.diagnostics['unknown-diag-code'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics in cases in which an unknown diagnostics code is entered.' +config.diagnostics['unknown-operator'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for unknown operators.' +config.diagnostics['unreachable-code'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for unreachable code.' +config.diagnostics['global-element'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics to warn about global elements.' +config.typeFormat.config = -- TODO: need translate! +'Configures the formatting behavior while typing Lua code.' +config.typeFormat.config.auto_complete_end = -- TODO: need translate! +'Controls if `end` is automatically completed at suitable positions.' +config.typeFormat.config.auto_complete_table_sep = -- TODO: need translate! +'Controls if a separator is automatically appended at the end of a table declaration.' +config.typeFormat.config.format_line = -- TODO: need translate! +'Controls if a line is formatted at all.' + +command.exportDocument = -- TODO: need translate! +'Lua: Export Document ...' +command.addon_manager.open = -- TODO: need translate! +'Lua: Open Addon Manager ...' +command.reloadFFIMeta = -- TODO: need translate! +'Lua: Reload luajit ffi meta' diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/zh-cn/meta.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/zh-cn/meta.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c4b5fbb65 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/zh-cn/meta.lua @@ -0,0 +1,742 @@ +---@diagnostic disable: undefined-global, lowercase-global + +arg = +'独立版Lua的启动参数。' + +assert = +'如果其参数 `v` 的值为假(`nil` 或 `false`), 它就调用 $error; 否则,返回所有的参数。 在错误情况时, `message` 指那个错误对象; 如果不提供这个参数,参数默认为 `"assertion failed!"` 。' + +cgopt.collect = +'做一次完整的垃圾收集循环。' +cgopt.stop = +'停止垃圾收集器的运行。' +cgopt.restart = +'重启垃圾收集器的自动运行。' +cgopt.count = +'以 K 字节数为单位返回 Lua 使用的总内存数。' +cgopt.step = +'单步运行垃圾收集器。 步长“大小”由 `arg` 控制。' +cgopt.setpause = +'将 `arg` 设为收集器的 *间歇率* 。' +cgopt.setstepmul = +'将 `arg` 设为收集器的 *步进倍率* 。' +cgopt.incremental = +'改变收集器模式为增量模式。' +cgopt.generational = +'改变收集器模式为分代模式。' +cgopt.isrunning = +'返回表示收集器是否在工作的布尔值。' + +collectgarbage = +'这个函数是垃圾收集器的通用接口。 通过参数 opt 它提供了一组不同的功能。' + +dofile = +'打开该名字的文件,并执行文件中的 Lua 代码块。 不带参数调用时, `dofile` 执行标准输入的内容(`stdin`)。 返回该代码块的所有返回值。 对于有错误的情况,`dofile` 将错误反馈给调用者 (即,`dofile` 没有运行在保护模式下)。' + +error = +[[ +中止上一次保护函数调用, 将错误对象 `message` 返回。 函数 `error` 永远不会返回。 + +当 `message` 是一个字符串时,通常 `error` 会把一些有关出错位置的信息附加在消息的前头。 level 参数指明了怎样获得出错位置。 +]] + +_G = +'一个全局变量(非函数), 内部储存有全局环境(参见 §2.2)。 Lua 自己不使用这个变量; 改变这个变量的值不会对任何环境造成影响,反之亦然。' + +getfenv = +'返回给定函数的环境。`f` 可以是一个Lua函数,也可是一个表示调用栈层级的数字。' + +getmetatable = +'如果 `object` 不包含元表,返回 `nil` 。 否则,如果在该对象的元表中有 `"__metatable"` 域时返回其关联值, 没有时返回该对象的元表。' + +ipairs = +[[ +返回三个值(迭代函数、表 `t` 以及 `0` ), 如此,以下代码 +```lua + for i,v in ipairs(t) do body end +``` +将迭代键值对 `(1,t[1]) ,(2,t[2]), ...` ,直到第一个空值。 +]] + +loadmode.b = +'只能是二进制代码块。' +loadmode.t = +'只能是文本代码块。' +loadmode.bt = +'可以是二进制也可以是文本。' + +load['<5.1'] = +'使用 `func` 分段加载代码块。 每次调用 `func` 必须返回一个字符串用于连接前文。' +load['>5.2'] = +[[ +加载一个代码块。 + +如果 `chunk` 是一个字符串,代码块指这个字符串。 如果 `chunk` 是一个函数, `load` 不断地调用它获取代码块的片断。 每次对 `chunk` 的调用都必须返回一个字符串紧紧连接在上次调用的返回串之后。 当返回空串、`nil`、或是不返回值时,都表示代码块结束。 +]] + +loadfile = +'从文件 `filename` 或标准输入(如果文件名未提供)中获取代码块。' + +loadstring = +'使用给定字符串加载代码块。' + +module = +'创建一个模块。' + +next = +[[ +运行程序来遍历表中的所有域。 第一个参数是要遍历的表,第二个参数是表中的某个键。 `next` 返回该键的下一个键及其关联的值。 如果用 `nil` 作为第二个参数调用 `next` 将返回初始键及其关联值。 当以最后一个键去调用,或是以 `nil` 调用一张空表时, `next` 返回 `nil`。 如果不提供第二个参数,将认为它就是 `nil`。 特别指出,你可以用 `next(t)` 来判断一张表是否是空的。 + +索引在遍历过程中的次序无定义, 即使是数字索引也是这样。 (如果想按数字次序遍历表,可以使用数字形式的 `for` 。) + +当在遍历过程中你给表中并不存在的域赋值, `next` 的行为是未定义的。 然而你可以去修改那些已存在的域。 特别指出,你可以清除一些已存在的域。 +]] + +pairs = +[[ +如果 `t` 有元方法 `__pairs`, 以 `t` 为参数调用它,并返回其返回的前三个值。 + +否则,返回三个值:`next` 函数, 表 `t`,以及 `nil`。 因此以下代码 +```lua + for k,v in pairs(t) do body end +``` +能迭代表 `t` 中的所有键值对。 + +参见函数 $next 中关于迭代过程中修改表的风险。 +]] + +pcall = +'传入参数,以 *保护模式* 调用函数 `f` 。 这意味着 `f` 中的任何错误不会抛出; 取而代之的是,`pcall` 会将错误捕获到,并返回一个状态码。 第一个返回值是状态码(一个布尔量), 当没有错误时,其为真。 此时,`pcall` 同样会在状态码后返回所有调用的结果。 在有错误时,`pcall` 返回 `false` 加错误消息。' + +print = +'接收任意数量的参数,并将它们的值打印到 `stdout`。 它用 `tostring` 函数将每个参数都转换为字符串。 `print` 不用于做格式化输出。仅作为看一下某个值的快捷方式。 多用于调试。 完整的对输出的控制,请使用 $string.format 以及 $io.write。' + +rawequal = +'在不触发任何元方法的情况下 检查 `v1` 是否和 `v2` 相等。 返回一个布尔量。' + +rawget = +'在不触发任何元方法的情况下 获取 `table[index]` 的值。 `table` 必须是一张表; `index` 可以是任何值。' + +rawlen = +'在不触发任何元方法的情况下 返回对象 `v` 的长度。 `v` 可以是表或字符串。 它返回一个整数。' + +rawset = +[[ +在不触发任何元方法的情况下 将 `table[index]` 设为 `value。` `table` 必须是一张表, `index` 可以是 `nil` 与 `NaN` 之外的任何值。 `value` 可以是任何 Lua 值。 +这个函数返回 `table`。 +]] + +select = +'如果 `index` 是个数字, 那么返回参数中第 `index` 个之后的部分; 负的数字会从后向前索引(`-1` 指最后一个参数)。 否则,`index` 必须是字符串 `"#"`, 此时 `select` 返回参数的个数。' + +setfenv = +'设置给定函数的环境。' + +setmetatable = +[[ +给指定表设置元表。 (你不能在 Lua 中改变其它类型值的元表,那些只能在 C 里做。) 如果 `metatable` 是 `nil`, 将指定表的元表移除。 如果原来那张元表有 `"__metatable"` 域,抛出一个错误。 +]] + +tonumber = +[[ +如果调用的时候没有 `base`, `tonumber` 尝试把参数转换为一个数字。 如果参数已经是一个数字,或是一个可以转换为数字的字符串, `tonumber` 就返回这个数字; 否则返回 `nil`。 + +字符串的转换结果可能是整数也可能是浮点数, 这取决于 Lua 的转换文法(参见 §3.1)。 (字符串可以有前置和后置的空格,可以带符号。) +]] + +tostring = +[[ +可以接收任何类型,它将其转换为人可阅读的字符串形式。 浮点数总被转换为浮点数的表现形式(小数点形式或是指数形式)。 (如果想完全控制数字如何被转换,可以使用 $string.format。) +如果 `v` 有 `"__tostring"` 域的元表, `tostring` 会以 `v` 为参数调用它。 并用它的结果作为返回值。 +]] + +type = +[[ +将参数的类型编码为一个字符串返回。 函数可能的返回值有 `"nil"` (一个字符串,而不是 `nil` 值), `"number"`, `"string"`, `"boolean"`, `"table"`, `"function"`, `"thread"`, `"userdata"`。 +]] + +_VERSION = +'一个包含有当前解释器版本号的全局变量(并非函数)。' + +warn = +'使用所有参数组成的字符串消息来发送警告。' + +xpcall['=5.1'] = +'传入参数,以 *保护模式* 调用函数 `f` 。这个函数和 `pcall` 类似。 不过它可以额外设置一个消息处理器 `err`。' +xpcall['>5.2'] = +'传入参数,以 *保护模式* 调用函数 `f` 。这个函数和 `pcall` 类似。 不过它可以额外设置一个消息处理器 `msgh`。' + +unpack = +[[ +返回给定 `list` 中的所有元素。 改函数等价于 +```lua +return list[i], list[i+1], ···, list[j] +``` +]] + +bit32 = +'' +bit32.arshift = +[[ +返回 `x` 向右位移 `disp` 位的结果。`disp` 为负时向左位移。这是算数位移操作,左侧的空位使用 `x` 的高位填充,右侧空位使用 `0` 填充。 +]] +bit32.band = +'返回参数按位与的结果。' +bit32.bnot = +[[ +返回 `x` 按位取反的结果。 + +```lua +assert(bit32.bnot(x) == +(-1 - x) % 2^32) +``` +]] +bit32.bor = +'返回参数按位或的结果。' +bit32.btest = +'参数按位与的结果不为0时,返回 `true` 。' +bit32.bxor = +'返回参数按位异或的结果。' +bit32.extract = +'返回 `n` 中第 `field` 到第 `field + width - 1` 位组成的结果。' +bit32.replace = +'返回 `v` 的第 `field` 到第 `field + width - 1` 位替换 `n` 的对应位后的结果。' +bit32.lrotate = +'返回 `x` 向左旋转 `disp` 位的结果。`disp` 为负时向右旋转。' +bit32.lshift = +[[ +返回 `x` 向左位移 `disp` 位的结果。`disp` 为负时向右位移。空位总是使用 `0` 填充。 + +```lua +assert(bit32.lshift(b, disp) == +(b * 2^disp) % 2^32) +``` +]] +bit32.rrotate = +'返回 `x` 向右旋转 `disp` 位的结果。`disp` 为负时向左旋转。' +bit32.rshift = +[[ +返回 `x` 向右位移 `disp` 位的结果。`disp` 为负时向左位移。空位总是使用 `0` 填充。 + +```lua +assert(bit32.lshift(b, disp) == +(b * 2^disp) % 2^32) +``` +]] + +coroutine = +'' +coroutine.create = +'创建一个主体函数为 `f` 的新协程。 f 必须是一个 Lua 的函数。 返回这个新协程,它是一个类型为 `"thread"` 的对象。' +coroutine.isyieldable = +'如果正在运行的协程可以让出,则返回真。' +coroutine.isyieldable['>5.4'] = +'如果协程 `co` 可以让出,则返回真。`co` 默认为正在运行的协程。' +coroutine.close = +'关闭协程 `co`,并关闭它所有等待 *to-be-closed* 的变量,并将协程状态设为 `dead` 。' +coroutine.resume = +'开始或继续协程 `co` 的运行。' +coroutine.running = +'返回当前正在运行的协程加一个布尔量。 如果当前运行的协程是主线程,其为真。' +coroutine.status = +'以字符串形式返回协程 `co` 的状态。' +coroutine.wrap = +'创建一个主体函数为 `f` 的新协程。 f 必须是一个 Lua 的函数。 返回一个函数, 每次调用该函数都会延续该协程。' +coroutine.yield = +'挂起正在调用的协程的执行。' + +costatus.running = +'正在运行。' +costatus.suspended = +'挂起或是还没有开始运行。' +costatus.normal = +'是活动的,但并不在运行。' +costatus.dead = +'运行完主体函数或因错误停止。' + +debug = +'' +debug.debug = +'进入一个用户交互模式,运行用户输入的每个字符串。' +debug.getfenv = +'返回对象 `o` 的环境。' +debug.gethook = +'返回三个表示线程钩子设置的值: 当前钩子函数,当前钩子掩码,当前钩子计数 。' +debug.getinfo = +'返回关于一个函数信息的表。' +debug.getlocal['<5.1'] = +'返回在栈的 `level` 层处函数的索引为 `index` 的局部变量的名字和值。' +debug.getlocal['>5.2'] = +'返回在栈的 `f` 层处函数的索引为 `index` 的局部变量的名字和值。' +debug.getmetatable = +'返回给定 `value` 的元表。' +debug.getregistry = +'返回注册表。' +debug.getupvalue = +'返回函数 `f` 的第 `up` 个上值的名字和值。' +debug.getuservalue['<5.3']= +'返回关联在 `u` 上的 `Lua` 值。' +debug.getuservalue['>5.4']= +'返回关联在 `u` 上的第 `n` 个 `Lua` 值,以及一个布尔,`false`表示值不存在。' +debug.setcstacklimit = +[[ +### **已在 `Lua 5.4.2` 中废弃** + +设置新的C栈限制。该限制控制Lua中嵌套调用的深度,以避免堆栈溢出。 + +如果设置成功,该函数返回之前的限制;否则返回`false`。 +]] +debug.setfenv = +'将 `table` 设置为 `object` 的环境。' +debug.sethook = +'将一个函数作为钩子函数设入。' +debug.setlocal = +'将 `value` 赋给 栈上第 `level` 层函数的第 `local` 个局部变量。' +debug.setmetatable = +'将 `value` 的元表设为 `table` (可以是 `nil`)。' +debug.setupvalue = +'将 `value` 设为函数 `f` 的第 `up` 个上值。' +debug.setuservalue['<5.3']= +'将 `value` 设为 `udata` 的关联值。' +debug.setuservalue['>5.4']= +'将 `value` 设为 `udata` 的第 `n` 个关联值。' +debug.traceback = +'返回调用栈的栈回溯信息。 字符串可选项 `message` 被添加在栈回溯信息的开头。' +debug.upvalueid = +'返回指定函数第 `n` 个上值的唯一标识符(一个轻量用户数据)。' +debug.upvaluejoin = +'让 Lua 闭包 `f1` 的第 `n1` 个上值 引用 `Lua` 闭包 `f2` 的第 `n2` 个上值。' + +infowhat.n = +'`name` 和 `namewhat`' +infowhat.S = +'`source`,`short_src`,`linedefined`,`lalinedefined`,和 `what`' +infowhat.l = +'`currentline`' +infowhat.t = +'`istailcall`' +infowhat.u['<5.1'] = +'`nups`' +infowhat.u['>5.2'] = +'`nups`、`nparams` 和 `isvararg`' +infowhat.f = +'`func`' +infowhat.r = +'`ftransfer` 和 `ntransfer`' +infowhat.L = +'`activelines`' + +hookmask.c = +'每当 Lua 调用一个函数时,调用钩子。' +hookmask.r = +'每当 Lua 从一个函数内返回时,调用钩子。' +hookmask.l = +'每当 Lua 进入新的一行时,调用钩子。' + +file = +'' +file[':close'] = +'关闭 `file`。' +file[':flush'] = +'将写入的数据保存到 `file` 中。' +file[':lines'] = +[[ +------ +```lua +for c in file:lines(...) do + body +end +``` +]] +file[':read'] = +'读文件 `file`, 指定的格式决定了要读什么。' +file[':seek'] = +'设置及获取基于文件开头处计算出的位置。' +file[':setvbuf'] = +'设置输出文件的缓冲模式。' +file[':write'] = +'将参数的值逐个写入 `file`。' + +readmode.n = +'读取一个数字,根据 Lua 的转换文法返回浮点数或整数。' +readmode.a = +'从当前位置开始读取整个文件。' +readmode.l = +'读取一行并忽略行结束标记。' +readmode.L = +'读取一行并保留行结束标记。' + +seekwhence.set = +'基点为 0 (文件开头)。' +seekwhence.cur = +'基点为当前位置。' +seekwhence['.end'] = +'基点为文件尾。' + +vbuf.no = +'不缓冲;输出操作立刻生效。' +vbuf.full = +'完全缓冲;只有在缓存满或调用 flush 时才做输出操作。' +vbuf.line = +'行缓冲;输出将缓冲到每次换行前。' + +io = +'' +io.stdin = +'标准输入。' +io.stdout = +'标准输出。' +io.stderr = +'标准错误。' +io.close = +'关闭 `file` 或默认输出文件。' +io.flush = +'将写入的数据保存到默认输出文件中。' +io.input = +'设置 `file` 为默认输入文件。' +io.lines = +[[ +------ +```lua +for c in io.lines(filename, ...) do + body +end +``` +]] +io.open = +'用字符串 `mode` 指定的模式打开一个文件。' +io.output = +'设置 `file` 为默认输出文件。' +io.popen = +'用一个分离进程开启程序 `prog` 。' +io.read = +'读文件 `file`, 指定的格式决定了要读什么。' +io.tmpfile = +'如果成功,返回一个临时文件的句柄。' +io.type = +'检查 `obj` 是否是合法的文件句柄。' +io.write = +'将参数的值逐个写入默认输出文件。' + +openmode.r = +'读模式。' +openmode.w = +'写模式。' +openmode.a = +'追加模式。' +openmode['.r+'] = +'更新模式,所有之前的数据都保留。' +openmode['.w+'] = +'更新模式,所有之前的数据都删除。' +openmode['.a+'] = +'追加更新模式,所有之前的数据都保留,只允许在文件尾部做写入。' +openmode.rb = +'读模式。(二进制方式)' +openmode.wb = +'写模式。(二进制方式)' +openmode.ab = +'追加模式。(二进制方式)' +openmode['.r+b'] = +'更新模式,所有之前的数据都保留。(二进制方式)' +openmode['.w+b'] = +'更新模式,所有之前的数据都删除。(二进制方式)' +openmode['.a+b'] = +'追加更新模式,所有之前的数据都保留,只允许在文件尾部做写入。(二进制方式)' + +popenmode.r = +'从这个程序中读取数据。(二进制方式)' +popenmode.w = +'向这个程序写入输入。(二进制方式)' + +filetype.file = +'是一个打开的文件句柄。' +filetype['.closed file'] = +'是一个关闭的文件句柄。' +filetype['.nil'] = +'不是文件句柄。' + +math = +'' +math.abs = +'返回 `x` 的绝对值。' +math.acos = +'返回 `x` 的反余弦值(用弧度表示)。' +math.asin = +'返回 `x` 的反正弦值(用弧度表示)。' +math.atan['<5.2'] = +'返回 `x` 的反正切值(用弧度表示)。' +math.atan['>5.3'] = +'返回 `y/x` 的反正切值(用弧度表示)。' +math.atan2 = +'返回 `y/x` 的反正切值(用弧度表示)。' +math.ceil = +'返回不小于 `x` 的最小整数值。' +math.cos = +'返回 `x` 的余弦(假定参数是弧度)。' +math.cosh = +'返回 `x` 的双曲余弦(假定参数是弧度)。' +math.deg = +'将角 `x` 从弧度转换为角度。' +math.exp = +'返回 `e^x` 的值 (e 为自然对数的底)。' +math.floor = +'返回不大于 `x` 的最大整数值。' +math.fmod = +'返回 `x` 除以 `y`,将商向零圆整后的余数。' +math.frexp = +'将 `x` 分解为尾数与指数,返回值符合 `x = m * (2 ^ e)` 。`e` 是一个整数,`m` 是 [0.5, 1) 之间的规格化小数 (`x` 为0时 `m` 为0)。' +math.huge = +'一个比任何数字值都大的浮点数。' +math.ldexp = +'返回 `m * (2 ^ e)` 。' +math.log['<5.1'] = +'返回 `x` 的自然对数。' +math.log['>5.2'] = +'回以指定底的 `x` 的对数。' +math.log10 = +'返回 `x` 的以10为底的对数。' +math.max = +'返回参数中最大的值, 大小由 Lua 操作 `<` 决定。' +math.maxinteger = +'最大值的整数。' +math.min = +'返回参数中最小的值, 大小由 Lua 操作 `<` 决定。' +math.mininteger = +'最小值的整数。' +math.modf = +'返回 `x` 的整数部分和小数部分。' +math.pi = +'*π* 的值。' +math.pow = +'返回 `x ^ y` 。' +math.rad = +'将角 `x` 从角度转换为弧度。' +math.random = +[[ +* `math.random()`: 返回 [0,1) 区间内一致分布的浮点伪随机数。 +* `math.random(n)`: 返回 [1, n] 区间内一致分布的整数伪随机数。 +* `math.random(m, n)`: 返回 [m, n] 区间内一致分布的整数伪随机数。 +]] +math.randomseed['<5.3'] = +'把 `x` 设为伪随机数发生器的“种子”: 相同的种子产生相同的随机数列。' +math.randomseed['>5.4'] = +[[ +* `math.randomseed(x, y)`: 将 `x` 与 `y` 连接为128位的种子来重新初始化伪随机生成器。 +* `math.randomseed(x)`: 等同于 `math.randomseed(x, 0)` 。 +* `math.randomseed()`: Generates a seed with a weak attempt for randomness.(不会翻) +]] +math.sin = +'返回 `x` 的正弦值(假定参数是弧度)。' +math.sinh = +'返回 `x` 的双曲正弦值(假定参数是弧度)。' +math.sqrt = +'返回 `x` 的平方根。' +math.tan = +'返回 `x` 的正切值(假定参数是弧度)。' +math.tanh = +'返回 `x` 的双曲正切值(假定参数是弧度)。' +math.tointeger = +'如果 `x` 可以转换为一个整数, 返回该整数。' +math.type = +'如果 `x` 是整数,返回 `"integer"`, 如果它是浮点数,返回 `"float"`, 如果 `x` 不是数字,返回 `nil`。' +math.ult = +'如果整数 `m` 和 `n` 以无符号整数形式比较, `m` 在 `n` 之下,返回布尔真否则返回假。' + +os = +'' +os.clock = +'返回程序使用的按秒计 CPU 时间的近似值。' +os.date = +'返回一个包含日期及时刻的字符串或表。 格式化方法取决于所给字符串 `format`。' +os.difftime = +'返回以秒计算的时刻 `t1` 到 `t2` 的差值。' +os.execute = +'调用系统解释器执行 `command`。' +os.exit['<5.1'] = +'调用 C 函数 `exit` 终止宿主程序。' +os.exit['>5.2'] = +'调用 ISO C 函数 `exit` 终止宿主程序。' +os.getenv = +'返回进程环境变量 `varname` 的值。' +os.remove = +'删除指定名字的文件。' +os.rename = +'将名字为 `oldname` 的文件或目录更名为 `newname`。' +os.setlocale = +'设置程序的当前区域。' +os.time = +'当不传参数时,返回当前时刻。 如果传入一张表,就返回由这张表表示的时刻。' +os.tmpname = +'返回一个可用于临时文件的文件名字符串。' + +osdate.year = +'四位数字' +osdate.month = +'1-12' +osdate.day = +'1-31' +osdate.hour = +'0-23' +osdate.min = +'0-59' +osdate.sec = +'0-61' +osdate.wday = +'星期几,1-7,星期天为 1' +osdate.yday = +'当年的第几天,1-366' +osdate.isdst = +'夏令时标记,一个布尔量' + +package = +'' + +require['<5.3'] = +'加载一个模块,返回该模块的返回值(`nil`时为`true`)。' +require['>5.4'] = +'加载一个模块,返回该模块的返回值(`nil`时为`true`)与搜索器返回的加载数据。默认搜索器的加载数据指示了加载位置,对于文件来说就是文件路径。' + +package.config = +'一个描述有一些为包管理准备的编译期配置信息的串。' +package.cpath = +'这个路径被 `require` 在 C 加载器中做搜索时用到。' +package.loaded = +'用于 `require` 控制哪些模块已经被加载的表。' +package.loaders = +'用于 `require` 控制如何加载模块的表。' +package.loadlib = +'让宿主程序动态链接 C 库 `libname` 。' +package.path = +'这个路径被 `require` 在 Lua 加载器中做搜索时用到。' +package.preload = +'保存有一些特殊模块的加载器。' +package.searchers = +'用于 `require` 控制如何加载模块的表。' +package.searchpath = +'在指定 `path` 中搜索指定的 `name` 。' +package.seeall = +'给 `module` 设置一个元表,该元表的 `__index` 域为全局环境,这样模块便会继承全局环境的值。可作为 `module` 函数的选项。' + +string = +'' +string.byte = +'返回字符 `s[i]`, `s[i+1]`, ... ,`s[j]` 的内部数字编码。' +string.char = +'接收零或更多的整数。 返回和参数数量相同长度的字符串。 其中每个字符的内部编码值等于对应的参数值。' +string.dump = +'返回包含有以二进制方式表示的(一个 *二进制代码块* )指定函数的字符串。' +string.find = +'查找第一个字符串中匹配到的 `pattern`(参见 §6.4.1)。' +string.format = +'返回不定数量参数的格式化版本,格式化串为第一个参数。' +string.gmatch = +[[ +返回一个迭代器函数。 每次调用这个函数都会继续以 `pattern` (参见 §6.4.1) 对 s 做匹配,并返回所有捕获到的值。 + +下面这个例子会循环迭代字符串 s 中所有的单词, 并逐行打印: +```lua + s = +"hello world from Lua" + for w in string.gmatch(s, "%a+") do + print(w) + end +``` +]] +string.gsub = +'将字符串 s 中,所有的(或是在 n 给出时的前 n 个) pattern (参见 §6.4.1)都替换成 repl ,并返回其副本。' +string.len = +'返回其长度。' +string.lower = +'将其中的大写字符都转为小写后返回其副本。' +string.match = +'在字符串 s 中找到第一个能用 pattern (参见 §6.4.1)匹配到的部分。 如果能找到,match 返回其中的捕获物; 否则返回 nil 。' +string.pack = +'返回一个打包了(即以二进制形式序列化) v1, v2 等值的二进制字符串。 字符串 fmt 为打包格式(参见 §6.4.2)。' +string.packsize = +[[返回以指定格式用 $string.pack 打包的字符串的长度。 格式化字符串中不可以有变长选项 's' 或 'z' (参见 §6.4.2)。]] +string.rep['>5.2'] = +'返回 `n` 个字符串 `s` 以字符串 `sep` 为分割符连在一起的字符串。 默认的 `sep` 值为空字符串(即没有分割符)。 如果 `n` 不是正数则返回空串。' +string.rep['<5.1'] = +'返回 `n` 个字符串 `s` 连在一起的字符串。 如果 `n` 不是正数则返回空串。' +string.reverse = +'返回字符串 s 的翻转串。' +string.sub = +'返回字符串的子串, 该子串从 `i` 开始到 `j` 为止。' +string.unpack = +'返回以格式 fmt (参见 §6.4.2) 打包在字符串 s (参见 string.pack) 中的值。' +string.upper = +'接收一个字符串,将其中的小写字符都转为大写后返回其副本。' + +table = +'' +table.concat = +'提供一个列表,其所有元素都是字符串或数字,返回字符串 `list[i]..sep..list[i+1] ··· sep..list[j]`。' +table.insert = +'在 `list` 的位置 `pos` 处插入元素 `value`。' +table.maxn = +'返回给定表的最大正数索引,如果表没有正数索引,则返回零。' +table.move = +[[ +将元素从表 `a1` 移到表 `a2`。 +```lua +a2[t],··· = +a1[f],···,a1[e] +return a2 +``` +]] +table.pack = +'返回用所有参数以键 `1`,`2`, 等填充的新表, 并将 `"n"` 这个域设为参数的总数。' +table.remove = +'移除 `list` 中 `pos` 位置上的元素,并返回这个被移除的值。' +table.sort = +'在表内从 `list[1]` 到 `list[#list]` *原地* 对其间元素按指定次序排序。' +table.unpack = +[[ +返回列表中的元素。 这个函数等价于 +```lua + return list[i], list[i+1], ···, list[j] +``` +i 默认为 1 ,j 默认为 #list。 +]] +table.foreach = +'遍历表中的每一个元素,并以key和value执行回调函数。如果回调函数返回一个非nil值则循环终止,并且返回这个值。该函数等同pair(list),比pair(list)更慢。不推荐使用' +table.foreachi = +'遍历数组中的每一个元素,并以索引号index和value执行回调函数。如果回调函数返回一个非nil值则循环终止,并且返回这个值。该函数等同ipair(list),比ipair(list)更慢。不推荐使用' +table.getn = +'返回表的长度。该函数等价于#list。' +table.new = -- TODO: need translate! +[[This creates a pre-sized table, just like the C API equivalent `lua_createtable()`. This is useful for big tables if the final table size is known and automatic table resizing is too expensive. `narray` parameter specifies the number of array-like items, and `nhash` parameter specifies the number of hash-like items. The function needs to be required before use. +```lua + require("table.new") +``` +]] +table.clear = -- TODO: need translate! +[[This clears all keys and values from a table, but preserves the allocated array/hash sizes. This is useful when a table, which is linked from multiple places, needs to be cleared and/or when recycling a table for use by the same context. This avoids managing backlinks, saves an allocation and the overhead of incremental array/hash part growth. The function needs to be required before use. +```lua + require("table.clear"). +``` +Please note this function is meant for very specific situations. In most cases it's better to replace the (usually single) link with a new table and let the GC do its work. +]] + +utf8 = +'' +utf8.char = +'接收零或多个整数, 将每个整数转换成对应的 UTF-8 字节序列,并返回这些序列连接到一起的字符串。' +utf8.charpattern = +'用于精确匹配到一个 UTF-8 字节序列的模式,它假定处理的对象是一个合法的 UTF-8 字符串。' +utf8.codes = +[[ +返回一系列的值,可以让 +```lua +for p, c in utf8.codes(s) do + body +end +``` +迭代出字符串 s 中所有的字符。 这里的 p 是位置(按字节数)而 c 是每个字符的编号。 如果处理到一个不合法的字节序列,将抛出一个错误。 +]] +utf8.codepoint = +'以整数形式返回 `s` 中 从位置 `i` 到 `j` 间(包括两端) 所有字符的编号。' +utf8.len = +'返回字符串 `s` 中 从位置 `i` 到 `j` 间 (包括两端) UTF-8 字符的个数。' +utf8.offset = +'返回编码在 `s` 中的第 `n` 个字符的开始位置(按字节数) (从位置 `i` 处开始统计)。' diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/zh-cn/script.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/zh-cn/script.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a898c4f02 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/zh-cn/script.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1274 @@ +DIAG_LINE_ONLY_SPACE = +'只有空格的空行。' +DIAG_LINE_POST_SPACE = +'后置空格。' +DIAG_UNUSED_LOCAL = +'未使用的局部变量 `{}`。' +DIAG_UNDEF_GLOBAL = +'未定义的全局变量 `{}`。' +DIAG_UNDEF_FIELD = +'未定义的属性/字段 `{}`。' +DIAG_UNDEF_ENV_CHILD = +'未定义的变量 `{}`(重载了 `_ENV` )。' +DIAG_UNDEF_FENV_CHILD = +'未定义的变量 `{}`(处于模块中)。' +DIAG_GLOBAL_IN_NIL_ENV = +'不能使用全局变量(`_ENV`被置为了`nil`)。' +DIAG_GLOBAL_IN_NIL_FENV = +'不能使用全局变量(模块被置为了`nil`)。' +DIAG_UNUSED_LABEL = +'未使用的标签 `{}`。' +DIAG_UNUSED_FUNCTION = +'未使用的函数。' +DIAG_UNUSED_VARARG = +'未使用的不定参数。' +DIAG_REDEFINED_LOCAL = +'重定义局部变量 `{}`。' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_INDEX = +'重复的索引 `{}`。' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_METHOD = +'重复的方法 `{}`。' +DIAG_PREVIOUS_CALL = +'会被解释为 `{}{}`。你可能需要加一个 `;`。' +DIAG_PREFIELD_CALL = +'会被解释为 `{}{}`。你可能需要加一个`,`或`;`。' +DIAG_OVER_MAX_ARGS = +'函数最多接收 {:d} 个参数,但获得了 {:d} 个。' +DIAG_MISS_ARGS = +'函数最少接收 {:d} 个参数,但获得了 {:d} 个。' +DIAG_OVER_MAX_VALUES = +'只有 {} 个变量,但你设置了 {} 个值。' +DIAG_AMBIGUITY_1 = +'会优先运算 `{}`,你可能需要加个括号。' +DIAG_LOWERCASE_GLOBAL = +'首字母小写的全局变量,你是否漏了 `local` 或是有拼写错误?' +DIAG_EMPTY_BLOCK = +'空代码块' +DIAG_DIAGNOSTICS = +'Lua 诊断' +DIAG_SYNTAX_CHECK = +'Lua 语法检查' +DIAG_NEED_VERSION = +'在 {} 中是合法的,当前为 {}' +DIAG_DEFINED_VERSION = +'在 {} 中有定义,当前为 {}' +DIAG_DEFINED_CUSTOM = +'在 {} 中有定义' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_CLASS = +'重复定义的 Class `{}`。' +DIAG_UNDEFINED_CLASS = +'未定义的 Class `{}`。' +DIAG_CYCLIC_EXTENDS = +'循环继承。' +DIAG_INEXISTENT_PARAM = +'不存在的参数。' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_PARAM = +'重复的参数。' +DIAG_NEED_CLASS = +'需要先定义 Class 。' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_SET_FIELD= +'重复定义的字段 `{}`。' +DIAG_SET_CONST = +'不能对常量赋值。' +DIAG_SET_FOR_STATE = +'修改了循环变量。' +DIAG_CODE_AFTER_BREAK = +'无法执行到 `break` 后的代码。' +DIAG_UNBALANCED_ASSIGNMENTS = +'由于值的数量不够而被赋值为了 `nil` 。在Lua中, `x, y = 1` 等价于 `x, y = 1, nil` 。' +DIAG_REQUIRE_LIKE = +'你可以在设置中将 `{}` 视为 `require`。' +DIAG_COSE_NON_OBJECT = +'无法 close 此类型的值。(除非给此类型设置 `__close` 元方法)' +DIAG_COUNT_DOWN_LOOP = +'你的意思是 `{}` 吗?' +DIAG_UNKNOWN = +'无法推测出类型。' +DIAG_DEPRECATED = +'已废弃。' +DIAG_DIFFERENT_REQUIRES = +'使用了不同的名字 require 了同一个文件。' +DIAG_REDUNDANT_RETURN = +'冗余返回。' +DIAG_AWAIT_IN_SYNC = +'只能在标记为异步的函数中调用异步函数。' +DIAG_NOT_YIELDABLE = +'此函数的第 {} 个参数没有被标记为可让出,但是传入了异步函数。(使用 `---@param name async fun()` 来标记为可让出)' +DIAG_DISCARD_RETURNS = +'不能丢弃此函数的返回值。' +DIAG_NEED_CHECK_NIL = +'需要判空。' +DIAG_CIRCLE_DOC_CLASS = +'循环继承的类。' +DIAG_DOC_FIELD_NO_CLASS = +'字段必须定义在类之后。' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_DOC_ALIAS = +'重复定义的别名 `{}`。' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_DOC_FIELD = +'重复定义的字段 `{}`。' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_DOC_PARAM = +'重复指向的参数 `{}`。' +DIAG_UNDEFINED_DOC_CLASS = +'未定义的类 `{}`。' +DIAG_UNDEFINED_DOC_NAME = +'未定义的类型或别名 `{}`。' +DIAG_UNDEFINED_DOC_PARAM = +'指向了未定义的参数 `{}`。' +DIAG_MISSING_GLOBAL_DOC_COMMENT = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing comment for global function `{}`.' +DIAG_MISSING_GLOBAL_DOC_PARAM = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing @param annotation for parameter `{}` in global function `{}`.' +DIAG_MISSING_GLOBAL_DOC_RETURN = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing @return annotation at index `{}` in global function `{}`.' +DIAG_MISSING_LOCAL_EXPORT_DOC_COMMENT = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing comment for exported local function `{}`.' +DIAG_MISSING_LOCAL_EXPORT_DOC_PARAM = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing @param annotation for parameter `{}` in exported local function `{}`.' +DIAG_MISSING_LOCAL_EXPORT_DOC_RETURN = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing @return annotation at index `{}` in exported local function `{}`.' +DIAG_INCOMPLETE_SIGNATURE_DOC_PARAM = -- TODO: need translate! +'Incomplete signature. Missing @param annotation for parameter `{}` in function `{}`.' +DIAG_INCOMPLETE_SIGNATURE_DOC_RETURN = -- TODO: need translate! +'Incomplete signature. Missing @return annotation at index `{}` in function `{}`.' +DIAG_UNKNOWN_DIAG_CODE = +'未知的诊断代号 `{}`。' +DIAG_CAST_LOCAL_TYPE = +'已显式定义变量的类型为 `{def}` ,不能再将其类型转换为 `{ref}`。' +DIAG_CAST_FIELD_TYPE = +'已显式定义字段的类型为 `{def}` ,不能再将其类型转换为 `{ref}`。' +DIAG_ASSIGN_TYPE_MISMATCH = +'不能将 `{ref}` 赋值给 `{def}`。' +DIAG_PARAM_TYPE_MISMATCH = +'不能将 `{ref}` 赋给参数 `{def}`。' +DIAG_UNKNOWN_CAST_VARIABLE = +'未知的类型转换变量 `{}`。' +DIAG_CAST_TYPE_MISMATCH = +'不能将 `{def}` 转换为 `{ref}`。' +DIAG_MISSING_RETURN_VALUE = +'至少需要 {min} 个返回值,但此处只返回 {rmax} 个值。' +DIAG_MISSING_RETURN_VALUE_RANGE = +'至少需要 {min} 个返回值,但此处只返回 {rmin} 到 {rmax} 个值。' +DIAG_REDUNDANT_RETURN_VALUE = +'最多只有 {max} 个返回值,但此处返回了第 {rmax} 个值。' +DIAG_REDUNDANT_RETURN_VALUE_RANGE = +'最多只有 {max} 个返回值,但此处返回了第 {rmin} 到第 {rmax} 个值。' +DIAG_MISSING_RETURN = +'此处需要返回值。' +DIAG_RETURN_TYPE_MISMATCH = +'第 {index} 个返回值的类型为 `{def}` ,但实际返回的是 `{ref}`。' +DIAG_UNKNOWN_OPERATOR = +'未知的运算符 `{}`。' +DIAG_UNREACHABLE_CODE = +'不可达的代码。' +DIAG_INVISIBLE_PRIVATE = +'字段 `{field}` 是私有的,只能在 `{class}` 类中才能访问。' +DIAG_INVISIBLE_PROTECTED = +'字段 `{field}` 受到保护,只能在 `{class}` 类极其子类中才能访问。' +DIAG_INVISIBLE_PACKAGE = +'字段 `{field}` 只能在相同的文件 `{uri}` 中才能访问。' +DIAG_GLOBAL_ELEMENT = -- TODO: need translate! +'Element is global.' + +MWS_NOT_SUPPORT = +'{} 目前还不支持多工作目录,我可能需要重启才能支持新的工作目录...' +MWS_RESTART = +'重启' +MWS_NOT_COMPLETE = +'工作目录还没有准备好,你可以稍后再试一下...' +MWS_COMPLETE = +'工作目录准备好了,你可以再试一下了...' +MWS_MAX_PRELOAD = +'预加载文件数已达上限({}),你需要手动打开需要加载的文件。' +MWS_UCONFIG_FAILED = +'用户配置保存失败。' +MWS_UCONFIG_UPDATED = +'用户配置已更新。' +MWS_WCONFIG_UPDATED = +'工作区配置已更新。' + +WORKSPACE_SKIP_LARGE_FILE = +'已跳过过大的文件:{}。当前设置的大小限制为:{} KB,该文件大小为:{} KB' +WORKSPACE_LOADING = +'正在加载工作目录' +WORKSPACE_DIAGNOSTIC = +'正在对工作目录进行诊断' +WORKSPACE_SKIP_HUGE_FILE = +'出于性能考虑,已停止对此文件解析:{}' +WORKSPACE_NOT_ALLOWED = +'你的工作目录被设置为了 `{}`,Lua语言服务拒绝加载此目录,请检查你的配置。[了解更多](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/FAQ#why-is-the-server-scanning-the-wrong-folder)' +WORKSPACE_SCAN_TOO_MUCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'已扫描了超过 {} 个文件,当前扫描的目录为 `{}`. Please see the [FAQ](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/FAQ#how-can-i-improve-startup-speeds) to see how you can include fewer files. It is also possible that your [configuration is incorrect](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/FAQ#why-is-the-server-scanning-the-wrong-folder).' + +PARSER_CRASH = +'语法解析崩溃了!遗言:{}' +PARSER_UNKNOWN = +'未知语法错误...' +PARSER_MISS_NAME = +'缺少名称。' +PARSER_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL = +'未知符号`{symbol}`。' +PARSER_MISS_SYMBOL = +'缺少符号`{symbol}`。' +PARSER_MISS_ESC_X = +'必须是2个16进制字符。' +PARSER_UTF8_SMALL = +'至少有1个字符。' +PARSER_UTF8_MAX = +'必须在 {min} 与 {max} 之间。' +PARSER_ERR_ESC = +'错误的转义符。' +PARSER_MUST_X16 = +'必须是16进制字符。' +PARSER_MISS_EXPONENT = +'缺少指数部分。' +PARSER_MISS_EXP = +'缺少表达式。' +PARSER_MISS_FIELD = +'缺少字段/属性名。' +PARSER_MISS_METHOD = +'缺少方法名。' +PARSER_ARGS_AFTER_DOTS = +'`...`必须是最后一个参数。' +PARSER_KEYWORD = +'关键字无法作为名称。' +PARSER_EXP_IN_ACTION = +'该表达式不能作为语句。' +PARSER_BREAK_OUTSIDE = +'`break`必须在循环内部。' +PARSER_MALFORMED_NUMBER = +'无法构成有效数字。' +PARSER_ACTION_AFTER_RETURN = +'`return`之后不能再执行代码。' +PARSER_ACTION_AFTER_BREAK = +'`break`之后不能再执行代码。' +PARSER_NO_VISIBLE_LABEL = +'标签`{label}`不可见。' +PARSER_REDEFINE_LABEL = +'标签`{label}`重复定义。' +PARSER_UNSUPPORT_SYMBOL = +'{version} 不支持该符号。' +PARSER_UNEXPECT_DOTS = +'`...`只能在不定参函数中使用。' +PARSER_UNEXPECT_SYMBOL = +'未知的符号 `{symbol}` 。' +PARSER_UNKNOWN_TAG = +'不支持的属性。' +PARSER_MULTI_TAG = +'只能设置一个属性。' +PARSER_UNEXPECT_LFUNC_NAME = +'局部函数只能使用标识符作为名称。' +PARSER_UNEXPECT_EFUNC_NAME = +'函数作为表达式时不能命名。' +PARSER_ERR_LCOMMENT_END = +'应使用`{symbol}`来关闭多行注释。' +PARSER_ERR_C_LONG_COMMENT = +'Lua应使用`--[[ ]]`来进行多行注释。' +PARSER_ERR_LSTRING_END = +'应使用`{symbol}`来关闭长字符串。' +PARSER_ERR_ASSIGN_AS_EQ = +'应使用`=`来进行赋值操作。' +PARSER_ERR_EQ_AS_ASSIGN = +'应使用`==`来进行等于判断。' +PARSER_ERR_UEQ = +'应使用`~=`来进行不等于判断。' +PARSER_ERR_THEN_AS_DO = +'应使用`then`。' +PARSER_ERR_DO_AS_THEN = +'应使用`do`。' +PARSER_MISS_END = +'缺少对应的`end`。' +PARSER_ERR_COMMENT_PREFIX = +'Lua应使用`--`来进行注释。' +PARSER_MISS_SEP_IN_TABLE = +'需要用`,`或`;`进行分割。' +PARSER_SET_CONST = +'不能对常量赋值。' +PARSER_UNICODE_NAME = +'包含了 Unicode 字符。' +PARSER_ERR_NONSTANDARD_SYMBOL = +'Lua中应使用符号 `{symbol}`。' +PARSER_MISS_SPACE_BETWEEN = +'符号之间必须保留空格' +PARSER_INDEX_IN_FUNC_NAME = +'命名函数的名称中不能使用 `[name]` 形式。' +PARSER_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE = +'局部变量属性应该是 `const` 或 `close`' +PARSER_AMBIGUOUS_SYNTAX = +'在 Lua 5.1 中,函数调用的左括号必须与函数在同一行。' +PARSER_NEED_PAREN = +'需要添加一对括号。' +PARSER_NESTING_LONG_MARK = +'Lua 5.1 中不允许使用嵌套的 `[[...]]` 。' +PARSER_LOCAL_LIMIT = +'只能同时存在200个活跃的局部变量与上值。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_CLASS_NAME = +'缺少类名称。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_EXTENDS_SYMBOL = +'缺少符号 `:`。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_CLASS_EXTENDS_NAME = +'缺少要继承的类名称。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_SYMBOL = +'缺少符号 `{symbol}`。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_ARG_NAME = +'缺少参数名称。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_TYPE_NAME = +'缺少类型名。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_ALIAS_NAME = +'缺少别名。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_ALIAS_EXTENDS = +'缺少别名定义。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_PARAM_NAME = +'缺少要指向的参数名称。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_PARAM_EXTENDS = +'缺少参数的类型定义。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_FIELD_NAME = +'缺少字段名称。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_FIELD_EXTENDS = +'缺少字段的类型定义。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_GENERIC_NAME = +'缺少泛型名称。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_GENERIC_EXTENDS_NAME = +'缺少泛型要继承的类名称。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_VARARG_TYPE = +'缺少不定参的类型定义。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_FUN_AFTER_OVERLOAD = +'缺少关键字 `fun`。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_CATE_NAME = +'缺少文档类型名称。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_DIAG_MODE = +'缺少诊断模式。' +PARSER_LUADOC_ERROR_DIAG_MODE = +'诊断模式不正确。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_LOCAL_NAME = +'缺少变量名。' + +SYMBOL_ANONYMOUS = +'<匿名函数>' + +HOVER_VIEW_DOCUMENTS = +'查看文档' +HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA51 = +'http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#{}' +HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA52 = +'http://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#{}' +HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA53 = +'http://cloudwu.github.io/lua53doc/manual.html#{}' +HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA54 = +'http://www.lua.org/manual/5.4/manual.html#{}' +HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUAJIT = +'http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#{}' +HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA51 = +'command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/{}"]' +HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA52 = +'command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/52/manual.html/{}"]' +HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA53 = +'command:extension.lua.doc?["zh-cn/53/manual.html/{}"]' +HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA54 = +'command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/{}"]' +HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUAJIT = +'command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/{}"]' +HOVER_MULTI_PROTOTYPE = +'({} 个原型)' +HOVER_STRING_BYTES = +'{} 个字节' +HOVER_STRING_CHARACTERS = +'{} 个字节,{} 个字符' +HOVER_MULTI_DEF_PROTO = +'({} 个定义,{} 个原型)' +HOVER_MULTI_PROTO_NOT_FUNC = +'({} 个非函数定义)' +HOVER_USE_LUA_PATH = +'(搜索路径: `{}`)' +HOVER_EXTENDS = +'展开为 {}' +HOVER_TABLE_TIME_UP = +'出于性能考虑,已禁用了部分类型推断。' +HOVER_WS_LOADING = +'正在加载工作目录:{} / {}' +HOVER_AWAIT_TOOLTIP = +'正在调用异步函数,可能会让出当前协程' + +ACTION_DISABLE_DIAG = +'在工作区禁用诊断 ({})。' +ACTION_MARK_GLOBAL = +'标记 `{}` 为已定义的全局变量。' +ACTION_REMOVE_SPACE = +'清除所有后置空格。' +ACTION_ADD_SEMICOLON = +'添加 `;` 。' +ACTION_ADD_BRACKETS = +'添加括号。' +ACTION_RUNTIME_VERSION = +'修改运行版本为 {} 。' +ACTION_OPEN_LIBRARY = +'加载 {} 中的全局变量。' +ACTION_ADD_DO_END = +'添加 `do ... end` 。' +ACTION_FIX_LCOMMENT_END = +'改用正确的多行注释关闭符号。' +ACTION_ADD_LCOMMENT_END = +'关闭多行注释。' +ACTION_FIX_C_LONG_COMMENT = +'修改为 Lua 的多行注释格式。' +ACTION_FIX_LSTRING_END = +'改用正确的长字符串关闭符号。' +ACTION_ADD_LSTRING_END = +'关闭长字符串。' +ACTION_FIX_ASSIGN_AS_EQ = +'改为 `=` 。' +ACTION_FIX_EQ_AS_ASSIGN = +'改为 `==` 。' +ACTION_FIX_UEQ = +'改为 `~=` 。' +ACTION_FIX_THEN_AS_DO = +'改为 `then` 。' +ACTION_FIX_DO_AS_THEN = +'改为 `do` 。' +ACTION_ADD_END = +'添加 `end` (根据缩进推测添加位置)。' +ACTION_FIX_COMMENT_PREFIX = +'改为 `--` 。' +ACTION_FIX_NONSTANDARD_SYMBOL = +'改为 `{symbol}`' +ACTION_RUNTIME_UNICODE_NAME = +'允许使用 Unicode 字符。' +ACTION_SWAP_PARAMS = +'将其改为 `{node}` 的第 {index} 个参数' +ACTION_FIX_INSERT_SPACE = +'插入空格' +ACTION_JSON_TO_LUA = +'把 JSON 转成 Lua' +ACTION_DISABLE_DIAG_LINE= +'在此行禁用诊断 ({})。' +ACTION_DISABLE_DIAG_FILE= +'在此文件禁用诊断 ({})。' +ACTION_MARK_ASYNC = +'将当前函数标记为异步。' +ACTION_ADD_DICT = +'将 \'{}\' 添加到工作区的词典中。' +ACTION_FIX_ADD_PAREN = +'添加括号。' + +COMMAND_DISABLE_DIAG = +'禁用诊断' +COMMAND_MARK_GLOBAL = +'标记全局变量' +COMMAND_REMOVE_SPACE = +'清除所有后置空格' +COMMAND_ADD_BRACKETS = +'添加括号' +COMMAND_RUNTIME_VERSION = +'修改运行版本' +COMMAND_OPEN_LIBRARY = +'加载第三方库中的全局变量' +COMMAND_UNICODE_NAME = +'允许使用 Unicode 字符' +COMMAND_JSON_TO_LUA = +'JSON 转 Lua' +COMMAND_JSON_TO_LUA_FAILED = +'JSON 转 Lua 失败:{}' +COMMAND_ADD_DICT = -- TODO: need translate! +'Add Word to dictionary' +COMMAND_REFERENCE_COUNT = +'{} 个引用' + +COMPLETION_IMPORT_FROM = +'从 {} 中导入' +COMPLETION_DISABLE_AUTO_REQUIRE = +'禁用自动require' +COMPLETION_ASK_AUTO_REQUIRE = +'在文件顶部添加代码 require 此文件?' + +DEBUG_MEMORY_LEAK = +'{} 很抱歉发生了严重的内存泄漏,语言服务即将重启。' +DEBUG_RESTART_NOW = +'立即重启' + +WINDOW_COMPILING = +'正在编译' +WINDOW_DIAGNOSING = +'正在诊断' +WINDOW_INITIALIZING = +'正在初始化...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_HOVER = +'正在处理悬浮提示...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_DEFINITION = +'正在处理转到定义...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_REFERENCE = +'正在处理转到引用...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_RENAME = +'正在处理重命名...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_COMPLETION = +'正在处理自动完成...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_SIGNATURE = +'正在处理参数提示...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_SYMBOL = +'正在处理文件符号...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_WS_SYMBOL = +'正在处理工作区符号...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_SEMANTIC_FULL = +'正在处理全量语义着色...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_SEMANTIC_RANGE = +'正在处理差量语义着色...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_HINT = +'正在处理内联提示...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_BUILD_META = +'正在处理编译器元数据...' +WINDOW_INCREASE_UPPER_LIMIT = +'增加上限' +WINDOW_CLOSE = +'关闭' +WINDOW_SETTING_WS_DIAGNOSTIC = +'你可以在设置中延迟或禁用工作目录诊断' +WINDOW_DONT_SHOW_AGAIN = +'不再提示' +WINDOW_DELAY_WS_DIAGNOSTIC = +'空闲时诊断(延迟{}秒)' +WINDOW_DISABLE_DIAGNOSTIC = +'禁用工作区诊断' +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_WORKSPACE = +'工作区:{}' +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_CACHED_FILES = +'已缓存文件:{ast}/{max}' +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_MEMORY_COUNT = +'内存占用:{mem:.f}M' +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_TIP = +[[ + +这个图标是猫, +不是狗也不是狐狸! + ↓↓↓ +]] +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_DIAGNOSIS_TITLE= +'进行工作区诊断' +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_DIAGNOSIS_MSG = +'是否进行工作区诊断?' +WINDOW_APPLY_SETTING = +'应用设置' +WINDOW_CHECK_SEMANTIC = +'如果你正在使用市场中的颜色主题,你可能需要同时修改 `editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled` 选项为 `true` 才会使语义着色生效。' +WINDOW_TELEMETRY_HINT = +'请允许发送匿名的使用数据与错误报告,帮助我们进一步完善此插件。在[此处](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Home#privacy)阅读我们的隐私声明。' +WINDOW_TELEMETRY_ENABLE = +'允许' +WINDOW_TELEMETRY_DISABLE = +'禁止' +WINDOW_CLIENT_NOT_SUPPORT_CONFIG = +'你的客户端不支持从服务侧修改设置,请手动修改如下设置:' +WINDOW_LCONFIG_NOT_SUPPORT_CONFIG= +'暂不支持自动修改本地设置,请手动修改如下设置:' +WINDOW_MANUAL_CONFIG_ADD = +'为 `{key}` 添加元素 `{value:q}`;' +WINDOW_MANUAL_CONFIG_SET = +'将 `{key}` 的值设置为 `{value:q}`;' +WINDOW_MANUAL_CONFIG_PROP = +'将 `{key}` 的属性 `{prop}` 设置为 `{value:q}`;' +WINDOW_APPLY_WHIT_SETTING = +'应用并修改设置' +WINDOW_APPLY_WHITOUT_SETTING = +'应用但不修改设置' +WINDOW_ASK_APPLY_LIBRARY = +'是否需要将你的工作环境配置为 `{}` ?' +WINDOW_SEARCHING_IN_FILES = +'正在文件中搜索...' +WINDOW_CONFIG_LUA_DEPRECATED = +'`config.lua` 已废弃,请改用 `config.json` 。' +WINDOW_CONVERT_CONFIG_LUA = +'转换为 `config.json`' +WINDOW_MODIFY_REQUIRE_PATH = +'你想要修改 `require` 的路径吗?' +WINDOW_MODIFY_REQUIRE_OK = +'修改' + +CONFIG_LOAD_FAILED = +'无法读取设置文件:{}' +CONFIG_LOAD_ERROR = +'设置文件加载错误:{}' +CONFIG_TYPE_ERROR = +'设置文件必须是lua或json格式:{}' +CONFIG_MODIFY_FAIL_SYNTAX_ERROR = +'修改设置失败,设置文件中有语法错误:{}' +CONFIG_MODIFY_FAIL_NO_WORKSPACE = +[[ +修改设置失败: +* 当前模式为单文件模式,服务器只能在工作区中创建 `.luarc.json` 文件。 +* 语言客户端不支持从服务器侧修改设置。 + +请手动修改以下设置: +{} +]] +CONFIG_MODIFY_FAIL = +[[ +修改设置失败 + +请手动修改以下设置: +{} +]] + +PLUGIN_RUNTIME_ERROR = +[[ +插件发生错误,请汇报给插件作者。 +请在输出或日志中查看详细信息。 +插件路径:{} +]] +PLUGIN_TRUST_LOAD = +[[ +当前设置试图加载位于此位置的插件:{} + +注意,恶意的插件可能会危害您的电脑 +]] +PLUGIN_TRUST_YES = +[[ +信任并加载插件 +]] +PLUGIN_TRUST_NO = +[[ +不要加载此插件 +]] + +CLI_CHECK_ERROR_TYPE = +'check 必须是一个字符串,但是是一个 {}' +CLI_CHECK_ERROR_URI = +'check 必须是一个有效的 URI,但是是 {}' +CLI_CHECK_ERROR_LEVEL = +'checklevel 必须是这些值之一:{}' +CLI_CHECK_INITING = +'正在初始化...' +CLI_CHECK_SUCCESS = +'诊断完成,没有发现问题' +CLI_CHECK_RESULTS = +'诊断完成,共有 {} 个问题,请查看 {}' +CLI_DOC_INITING = +'加载文档 ...' +CLI_DOC_DONE = +[[ +文档导出完成! +原始数据: {} +Markdown(演示用): {} +]] + +TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_GLOBAL_DISMATCH = +'类型 `{child}` 无法匹配 `{parent}` 的枚举类型' +TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_GENERIC_UNSUPPORTED = +'无法在枚举中使用泛型 `{child}`' +TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_LITERAL_DISMATCH = +'字面量 `{child}` 无法匹配 `{parent}` 的枚举值' +TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_OBJECT_DISMATCH = +'对象 `{child}` 无法匹配 `{parent}` 的枚举值,它们必须是同一个对象' +TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_NO_OBJECT = +'无法识别传入的枚举值 `{child}`' +TYPE_ERROR_INTEGER_DISMATCH = +'字面量 `{child}` 无法匹配整数 `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_STRING_DISMATCH = +'字面量 `{child}` 无法匹配字符串 `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_BOOLEAN_DISMATCH = +'字面量 `{child}` 无法匹配布尔值 `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_TABLE_NO_FIELD = +'表中不存在字段 `{key}`' +TYPE_ERROR_TABLE_FIELD_DISMATCH = +'字段 `{key}` 的类型为 `{child}`,无法匹配 `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_CHILD_ALL_DISMATCH = +'`{child}` 中的所有子类型均无法匹配 `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_PARENT_ALL_DISMATCH = +'`{child}` 无法匹配 `{parent}` 中的任何子类' +TYPE_ERROR_UNION_DISMATCH = +'`{child}` 无法匹配 `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_OPTIONAL_DISMATCH = +'可选类型无法匹配 `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_NUMBER_LITERAL_TO_INTEGER = +'无法将数字 `{child}` 转换为整数' +TYPE_ERROR_NUMBER_TYPE_TO_INTEGER = +'无法将数字类型转换为整数类型' +TYPE_ERROR_DISMATCH = +'类型 `{child}` 无法匹配 `{parent}`' + +LUADOC_DESC_CLASS = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Defines a class/table structure +## Syntax +`---@class [: [, ]...]` +## Usage +``` +---@class Manager: Person, Human +Manager = {} +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#class) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_TYPE = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Specify the type of a certain variable + +Default types: `nil`, `any`, `boolean`, `string`, `number`, `integer`, +`function`, `table`, `thread`, `userdata`, `lightuserdata` + +(Custom types can be provided using `@alias`) + +## Syntax +`---@type [| [type]...` + +## Usage +### General +``` +---@type nil|table|myClass +local Example = nil +``` + +### Arrays +``` +---@type number[] +local phoneNumbers = {} +``` + +### Enums +``` +---@type "red"|"green"|"blue" +local color = "" +``` + +### Tables +``` +---@type table +local settings = { + disableLogging = true, + preventShutdown = false, +} + +---@type { [string]: true } +local x --x[""] is true +``` + +### Functions +``` +---@type fun(mode?: "r"|"w"): string +local myFunction +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#types-and-type) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_ALIAS = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Create your own custom type that can be used with `@param`, `@type`, etc. + +## Syntax +`---@alias [description]`\ +or +``` +---@alias +---| 'value' [# comment] +---| 'value2' [# comment] +... +``` + +## Usage +### Expand to other type +``` +---@alias filepath string Path to a file + +---@param path filepath Path to the file to search in +function find(path, pattern) end +``` + +### Enums +``` +---@alias font-style +---| '"underlined"' # Underline the text +---| '"bold"' # Bolden the text +---| '"italic"' # Make the text italicized + +---@param style font-style Style to apply +function setFontStyle(style) end +``` + +### Literal Enum +``` +local enums = { + READ = 0, + WRITE = 1, + CLOSED = 2 +} + +---@alias FileStates +---| `enums.READ` +---| `enums.WRITE` +---| `enums.CLOSE` +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#alias) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_PARAM = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Declare a function parameter + +## Syntax +`@param [?] [comment]` + +## Usage +### General +``` +---@param url string The url to request +---@param headers? table HTTP headers to send +---@param timeout? number Timeout in seconds +function get(url, headers, timeout) end +``` + +### Variable Arguments +``` +---@param base string The base to concat to +---@param ... string The values to concat +function concat(base, ...) end +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#param) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_RETURN = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Declare a return value + +## Syntax +`@return [name] [description]`\ +or\ +`@return [# description]` + +## Usage +### General +``` +---@return number +---@return number # The green component +---@return number b The blue component +function hexToRGB(hex) end +``` + +### Type & name only +``` +---@return number x, number y +function getCoords() end +``` + +### Type only +``` +---@return string, string +function getFirstLast() end +``` + +### Return variable values +``` +---@return string ... The tags of the item +function getTags(item) end +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#return) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_FIELD = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Declare a field in a class/table. This allows you to provide more in-depth +documentation for a table. As of `v3.6.0`, you can mark a field as `private`, +`protected`, `public`, or `package`. + +## Syntax +`---@field [description]` + +## Usage +``` +---@class HTTP_RESPONSE +---@field status HTTP_STATUS +---@field headers table The headers of the response + +---@class HTTP_STATUS +---@field code number The status code of the response +---@field message string A message reporting the status + +---@return HTTP_RESPONSE response The response from the server +function get(url) end + +--This response variable has all of the fields defined above +response = get("localhost") + +--Extension provided intellisense for the below assignment +statusCode = response.status.code +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#field) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_GENERIC = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Simulates generics. Generics can allow types to be re-used as they help define +a "generic shape" that can be used with different types. + +## Syntax +`---@generic [:parent_type] [, [:parent_type]]` + +## Usage +### General +``` +---@generic T +---@param value T The value to return +---@return T value The exact same value +function echo(value) + return value +end + +-- Type is string +s = echo("e") + +-- Type is number +n = echo(10) + +-- Type is boolean +b = echo(true) + +-- We got all of this info from just using +-- @generic rather than manually specifying +-- each allowed type +``` + +### Capture name of generic type +``` +---@class Foo +local Foo = {} +function Foo:Bar() end + +---@generic T +---@param name `T` # the name generic type is captured here +---@return T # generic type is returned +function Generic(name) end + +local v = Generic("Foo") -- v is an object of Foo +``` + +### How Lua tables use generics +``` +---@class table: { [K]: V } + +-- This is what allows us to create a table +-- and intellisense keeps track of any type +-- we give for key (K) or value (V) +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#generics-and-generic) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_VARARG = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Primarily for legacy support for EmmyLua annotations. `@vararg` does not +provide typing or allow descriptions. + +**You should instead use `@param` when documenting parameters (variable or not).** + +## Syntax +`@vararg ` + +## Usage +``` +---Concat strings together +---@vararg string +function concat(...) end +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#vararg) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_OVERLOAD = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Allows defining of multiple function signatures. + +## Syntax +`---@overload fun([: ] [, [: ]]...)[: [, ]...]` + +## Usage +``` +---@overload fun(t: table, value: any): number +function table.insert(t, position, value) end +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#overload) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_DEPRECATED = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Marks a function as deprecated. This results in any deprecated function calls +being ~~struck through~~. + +## Syntax +`---@deprecated` + +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#deprecated) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_META = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Indicates that this is a meta file and should be used for definitions and intellisense only. + +There are 3 main distinctions to note with meta files: +1. There won't be any context-based intellisense in a meta file +2. Hovering a `require` filepath in a meta file shows `[meta]` instead of an absolute path +3. The `Find Reference` function will ignore meta files + +## Syntax +`---@meta` + +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#meta) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_VERSION = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Specifies Lua versions that this function is exclusive to. + +Lua versions: `5.1`, `5.2`, `5.3`, `5.4`, `JIT`. + +Requires configuring the `Diagnostics: Needed File Status` setting. + +## Syntax +`---@version [, ]...` + +## Usage +### General +``` +---@version JIT +function onlyWorksInJIT() end +``` +### Specify multiple versions +``` +---@version <5.2,JIT +function oldLuaOnly() end +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#version) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_SEE = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Define something that can be viewed for more information + +## Syntax +`---@see ` + +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#see) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_DIAGNOSTIC = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Enable/disable diagnostics for error/warnings/etc. + +Actions: `disable`, `enable`, `disable-line`, `disable-next-line` + +[Names](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/blob/cbb6e6224094c4eb874ea192c5f85a6cba099588/script/proto/define.lua#L54) + +## Syntax +`---@diagnostic [: ]` + +## Usage +### Disable next line +``` +---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-global +``` + +### Manually toggle +``` +---@diagnostic disable: unused-local +local unused = "hello world" +---@diagnostic enable: unused-local +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#diagnostic) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_MODULE = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Provides the semantics of `require`. + +## Syntax +`---@module <'module_name'>` + +## Usage +``` +---@module 'string.utils' +local stringUtils +-- This is functionally the same as: +local module = require('string.utils') +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#module) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_ASYNC = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Marks a function as asynchronous. + +## Syntax +`---@async` + +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#async) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_NODISCARD = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Prevents this function's return values from being discarded/ignored. +This will raise the `discard-returns` warning should the return values +be ignored. + +## Syntax +`---@nodiscard` + +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#nodiscard) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_CAST = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Allows type casting (type conversion). + +## Syntax +`@cast <[+|-]type>[, <[+|-]type>]...` + +## Usage +### Overwrite type +``` +---@type integer +local x --> integer + +---@cast x string +print(x) --> string +``` +### Add Type +``` +---@type string +local x --> string + +---@cast x +boolean, +number +print(x) --> string|boolean|number +``` +### Remove Type +``` +---@type string|table +local x --> string|table + +---@cast x -string +print(x) --> table +``` +--- +[View Wiki](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#cast) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_OPERATOR = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Provide type declaration for [operator metamethods](http://lua-users.org/wiki/MetatableEvents). + +## Syntax +`@operator [(input_type)]:` + +## Usage +### Vector Add Metamethod +``` +---@class Vector +---@operation add(Vector):Vector + +vA = Vector.new(1, 2, 3) +vB = Vector.new(10, 20, 30) + +vC = vA + vB +--> Vector +``` +### Unary Minus +``` +---@class Passcode +---@operation unm:integer + +pA = Passcode.new(1234) +pB = -pA +--> integer +``` +[View Request](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/599) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_ENUM = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Mark a table as an enum. If you want an enum but can't define it as a Lua +table, take a look at the [`@alias`](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#alias) +tag. + +## Syntax +`@enum ` + +## Usage +``` +---@enum colors +local colors = { + white = 0, + orange = 2, + yellow = 4, + green = 8, + black = 16, +} + +---@param color colors +local function setColor(color) end + +-- Completion and hover is provided for the below param +setColor(colors.green) +``` +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_PACKAGE = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Mark a function as private to the file it is defined in. A packaged function +cannot be accessed from another file. + +## Syntax +`@package` + +## Usage +``` +---@class Animal +---@field private eyes integer +local Animal = {} + +---@package +---This cannot be accessed in another file +function Animal:eyesCount() + return self.eyes +end +``` +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_PRIVATE = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Mark a function as private to a @class. Private functions can be accessed only +from within their class and are not accessable from child classes. + +## Syntax +`@private` + +## Usage +``` +---@class Animal +---@field private eyes integer +local Animal = {} + +---@private +function Animal:eyesCount() + return self.eyes +end + +---@class Dog:Animal +local myDog = {} + +---NOT PERMITTED! +myDog:eyesCount(); +``` +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_PROTECTED = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Mark a function as protected within a @class. Protected functions can be +accessed only from within their class or from child classes. + +## Syntax +`@protected` + +## Usage +``` +---@class Animal +---@field private eyes integer +local Animal = {} + +---@protected +function Animal:eyesCount() + return self.eyes +end + +---@class Dog:Animal +local myDog = {} + +---Permitted because function is protected, not private. +myDog:eyesCount(); +``` +]=] diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/zh-cn/setting.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/zh-cn/setting.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..72ff9c75c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/zh-cn/setting.lua @@ -0,0 +1,443 @@ +---@diagnostic disable: undefined-global + +config.addonManager.enable = -- TODO: need translate! +"Whether the addon manager is enabled or not." +config.runtime.version = +"Lua运行版本。" +config.runtime.path = +[[ +当使用 `require` 时,如何根据输入的名字来查找文件。 +此选项设置为 `?/init.lua` 意味着当你输入 `require 'myfile'` 时,会从已加载的文件中搜索 `{workspace}/myfile/init.lua`。 +当 `runtime.pathStrict` 设置为 `false` 时,还会尝试搜索 `${workspace}/**/myfile/init.lua`。 +如果你想要加载工作区以外的文件,你需要先设置 `Lua.workspace.library`。 +]] +config.runtime.pathStrict = +'启用后 `runtime.path` 将只搜索第一层目录,见 `runtime.path` 的说明。' +config.runtime.special = +[[将自定义全局变量视为一些特殊的内置变量,语言服务将提供特殊的支持。 +下面这个例子表示将 `include` 视为 `require` 。 +```json +"Lua.runtime.special" : { + "include" : "require" +} +``` +]] +config.runtime.unicodeName = +"允许在名字中使用 Unicode 字符。" +config.runtime.nonstandardSymbol = +"支持非标准的符号。请务必确认你的运行环境支持这些符号。" +config.runtime.plugin = +"插件路径,请查阅[文档](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Plugins)了解用法。" +config.runtime.pluginArgs = -- TODO: need translate! +"Additional arguments for the plugin." +config.runtime.fileEncoding = +"文件编码,`ansi` 选项只在 `Windows` 平台下有效。" +config.runtime.builtin = +[[ +调整内置库的启用状态,你可以根据实际运行环境禁用掉不存在的库(或重新定义)。 + +* `default`: 表示库会根据运行版本启用或禁用 +* `enable`: 总是启用 +* `disable`: 总是禁用 +]] +config.runtime.meta = +'meta文件的目录名称格式。' +config.diagnostics.enable = +"启用诊断。" +config.diagnostics.disable = +"禁用的诊断(使用浮框括号内的代码)。" +config.diagnostics.globals = +"已定义的全局变量。" +config.diagnostics.severity = +[[ +修改诊断等级。 +以 `!` 结尾的设置优先级高于组设置 `diagnostics.groupSeverity`。 +]] +config.diagnostics.neededFileStatus = +[[ +* Opened: 只诊断打开的文件 +* Any: 诊断任何文件 +* None: 禁用此诊断 + +以 `!` 结尾的设置优先级高于组设置 `diagnostics.groupFileStatus`。 +]] +config.diagnostics.groupSeverity = +[[ +批量修改一个组中的诊断等级。 +设置为 `Fallback` 意味着组中的诊断由 `diagnostics.severity` 单独设置。 +其他设置将覆盖单独设置,但是不会覆盖以 `!` 结尾的设置。 +]] +config.diagnostics.groupFileStatus = +[[ +批量修改一个组中的文件状态。 + +* Opened: 只诊断打开的文件 +* Any: 诊断任何文件 +* None: 禁用此诊断 + +设置为 `Fallback` 意味着组中的诊断由 `diagnostics.neededFileStatus` 单独设置。 +其他设置将覆盖单独设置,但是不会覆盖以 `!` 结尾的设置。 +]] +config.diagnostics.workspaceEvent = +"设置触发工作区诊断的时机。" +config.diagnostics.workspaceEvent.OnChange = +"当文件发生变化时触发工作区诊断。" +config.diagnostics.workspaceEvent.OnSave = +"当文件保存时触发工作区诊断。" +config.diagnostics.workspaceEvent.None = +"关闭工作区诊断。" +config.diagnostics.workspaceDelay = +"进行工作区诊断的延迟(毫秒)。" +config.diagnostics.workspaceRate = +"工作区诊断的运行速率(百分比)。降低该值会减少CPU占用,但是也会降低工作区诊断的速度。你当前正在编辑的文件的诊断总是全速完成,不受该选项影响。" +config.diagnostics.libraryFiles = +"如何诊断通过 `Lua.workspace.library` 加载的文件。" +config.diagnostics.libraryFiles.Enable = +"总是诊断这些文件。" +config.diagnostics.libraryFiles.Opened = +"只有打开这些文件时才会诊断。" +config.diagnostics.libraryFiles.Disable = +"不诊断这些文件。" +config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles = +"如何诊断被忽略的文件。" +config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles.Enable = +"总是诊断这些文件。" +config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles.Opened = +"只有打开这些文件时才会诊断。" +config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles.Disable = +"不诊断这些文件。" +config.diagnostics.disableScheme = +'不诊断使用以下 scheme 的lua文件。' +config.diagnostics.unusedLocalExclude = +'如果变量名匹配以下规则,则不对其进行 `unused-local` 诊断。' +config.workspace.ignoreDir = +"忽略的文件与目录(使用 `.gitignore` 语法)。" +config.workspace.ignoreSubmodules = +"忽略子模块。" +config.workspace.useGitIgnore = +"忽略 `.gitignore` 中列举的文件。" +config.workspace.maxPreload = +"最大预加载文件数。" +config.workspace.preloadFileSize = +"预加载时跳过大小大于该值(KB)的文件。" +config.workspace.library = +"除了当前工作区以外,还会从哪些目录中加载文件。这些目录中的文件将被视作外部提供的代码库,部分操作(如重命名字段)不会修改这些文件。" +config.workspace.checkThirdParty = +[[ +自动检测与适配第三方库,目前支持的库为: + +* OpenResty +* Cocos4.0 +* LÖVE +* LÖVR +* skynet +* Jass +]] +config.workspace.userThirdParty = +'在这里添加私有的第三方库适配文件路径,请参考内置的[配置文件路径](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/tree/master/meta/3rd)' +config.workspace.supportScheme = +'为以下 scheme 的lua文件提供语言服务。' +config.completion.enable = +'启用自动完成。' +config.completion.callSnippet = +'显示函数调用片段。' +config.completion.callSnippet.Disable = +"只显示 `函数名`。" +config.completion.callSnippet.Both = +"显示 `函数名` 与 `调用片段`。" +config.completion.callSnippet.Replace = +"只显示 `调用片段`。" +config.completion.keywordSnippet = +'显示关键字语法片段' +config.completion.keywordSnippet.Disable = +"只显示 `关键字`。" +config.completion.keywordSnippet.Both = +"显示 `关键字` 与 `语法片段`。" +config.completion.keywordSnippet.Replace = +"只显示 `语法片段`。" +config.completion.displayContext = +"预览建议的相关代码片段,可能可以帮助你了解这项建议的用法。设置的数字表示代码片段的截取行数,设置为`0`可以禁用此功能。" +config.completion.workspaceWord = +"显示的上下文单词是否包含工作区中其他文件的内容。" +config.completion.showWord = +"在建议中显示上下文单词。" +config.completion.showWord.Enable = +"总是在建议中显示上下文单词。" +config.completion.showWord.Fallback = +"无法根据语义提供建议时才显示上下文单词。" +config.completion.showWord.Disable = +"不显示上下文单词。" +config.completion.autoRequire = +"输入内容看起来是个文件名时,自动 `require` 此文件。" +config.completion.showParams = +"在建议列表中显示函数的参数信息,函数拥有多个定义时会分开显示。" +config.completion.requireSeparator = +"`require` 时使用的分隔符。" +config.completion.postfix = +"用于触发后缀建议的符号。" +config.color.mode = +"着色模式。" +config.color.mode.Semantic = +"语义着色。你可能需要同时将 `editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled` 设置为 `true` 才能生效。" +config.color.mode.SemanticEnhanced = +"增强的语义颜色。 类似于`Semantic`,但会进行额外的分析(也会带来额外的开销)。" +config.color.mode.Grammar = +"语法着色。" +config.semantic.enable = +"启用语义着色。你可能需要同时将 `editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled` 设置为 `true` 才能生效。" +config.semantic.variable = +"对变量/字段/参数进行语义着色。" +config.semantic.annotation = +"对类型注解进行语义着色。" +config.semantic.keyword = +"对关键字/字面量/运算符进行语义着色。只有当你的编辑器无法进行语法着色时才需要启用此功能。" +config.signatureHelp.enable = +"启用参数提示。" +config.hover.enable = +"启用悬停提示。" +config.hover.viewString = +"悬停提示查看字符串内容(仅当字面量包含转义符时)。" +config.hover.viewStringMax = +"悬停提示查看字符串内容时的最大长度。" +config.hover.viewNumber = +"悬停提示查看数字内容(仅当字面量不是十进制时)。" +config.hover.fieldInfer = +"悬停提示查看表时,会对表的每个字段进行类型推测,当类型推测的用时累计达到该设定值(毫秒)时,将跳过后续字段的类型推测。" +config.hover.previewFields = +"悬停提示查看表时,限制表内字段的最大预览数量。" +config.hover.enumsLimit = +"当值对应多个类型时,限制类型的显示数量。" +config.hover.expandAlias = +[[ +是否展开别名。例如 `---@alias myType boolean|number` 展开后显示为 `boolean|number`,否则显示为 `myType`。 +]] +config.develop.enable = +'开发者模式。请勿开启,会影响性能。' +config.develop.debuggerPort = +'调试器监听端口。' +config.develop.debuggerWait = +'调试器连接之前挂起。' +config.intelliSense.searchDepth = +'设置智能感知的搜索深度。增大该值可以增加准确度,但会降低性能。不同的项目对该设置的容忍度差异较大,请自己调整为合适的值。' +config.intelliSense.fastGlobal = +'在对全局变量进行补全,及查看 `_G` 的悬浮提示时进行优化。这会略微降低类型推测的准确度,但是对于大量使用全局变量的项目会有大幅的性能提升。' +config.window.statusBar = +'在状态栏显示插件状态。' +config.window.progressBar = +'在状态栏显示进度条。' +config.hint.enable = +'启用内联提示。' +config.hint.paramType = +'在函数的参数位置提示类型。' +config.hint.setType = +'在赋值操作位置提示类型。' +config.hint.paramName = +'在函数调用处提示参数名。' +config.hint.paramName.All = +'所有类型的参数均进行提示。' +config.hint.paramName.Literal = +'只有字面量类型的参数进行提示。' +config.hint.paramName.Disable = +'禁用参数提示。' +config.hint.arrayIndex = +'在构造表时提示数组索引。' +config.hint.arrayIndex.Enable = +'所有的表中都提示数组索引。' +config.hint.arrayIndex.Auto = +'只有表大于3项,或者表是混合类型时才进行提示。' +config.hint.arrayIndex.Disable = +'禁用数组索引提示。' +config.hint.await = +'如果调用的函数被标记为了 `---@async` ,则在调用处提示 `await` 。' +config.hint.semicolon = +'若语句尾部没有分号,则显示虚拟分号。' +config.hint.semicolon.All = +'所有语句都显示虚拟分号。' +config.hint.semicolon.SameLine = +'2个语句在同一行时,在它们之间显示分号。' +config.hint.semicolon.Disable = +'禁用虚拟分号。' +config.codeLens.enable = -- TODO: need translate! +'启用代码度量。' +config.format.enable = +'启用代码格式化程序。' +config.format.defaultConfig = +[[ +默认的格式化配置,优先级低于工作区内的 `.editorconfig` 文件。 +请查阅[格式化文档](https://github.com/CppCXY/EmmyLuaCodeStyle/tree/master/docs)了解用法。 +]] +config.spell.dict = +'拼写检查的自定义单词。' +config.nameStyle.config = +'设定命名风格检查的配置' +config.telemetry.enable = +[[ +启用遥测,通过网络发送你的编辑器信息与错误日志。在[此处](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Home#privacy)阅读我们的隐私声明。 +]] +config.misc.parameters = +'VSCode中启动语言服务时的[命令行参数](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Getting-Started#arguments)。' +config.misc.executablePath = +'VSCode中指定可执行文件路径。' +config.IntelliSense.traceLocalSet = +'请查阅[文档](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/IntelliSense-optional-features)了解用法。' +config.IntelliSense.traceReturn = +'请查阅[文档](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/IntelliSense-optional-features)了解用法。' +config.IntelliSense.traceBeSetted = +'请查阅[文档](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/IntelliSense-optional-features)了解用法。' +config.IntelliSense.traceFieldInject = +'请查阅[文档](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/IntelliSense-optional-features)了解用法。' +config.type.castNumberToInteger = +'允许将 `number` 类型赋给 `integer` 类型。' +config.type.weakUnionCheck = +[[ +联合类型中只要有一个子类型满足条件,则联合类型也满足条件。 + +此设置为 `false` 时,`number|boolean` 类型无法赋给 `number` 类型;为 `true` 时则可以。 +]] +config.type.weakNilCheck = +[[ +对联合类型进行类型检查时,忽略其中的 `nil`。 + +此设置为 `false` 时,`numer|nil` 类型无法赋给 `number` 类型;为 `true` 是则可以。 +]] +config.doc.privateName = +'将特定名称的字段视为私有,例如 `m_*` 意味着 `XXX.m_id` 与 `XXX.m_type` 是私有字段,只能在定义所在的类中访问。' +config.doc.protectedName = +'将特定名称的字段视为受保护,例如 `m_*` 意味着 `XXX.m_id` 与 `XXX.m_type` 是受保护的字段,只能在定义所在的类极其子类中访问。' +config.doc.packageName = +'将特定名称的字段视为package,例如 `m_*` 意味着 `XXX.m_id` 与 `XXX.m_type` 只能在定义所在的文件中访问。' +config.diagnostics['unused-local'] = +'未使用的局部变量' +config.diagnostics['unused-function'] = +'未使用的函数' +config.diagnostics['undefined-global'] = +'未定义的全局变量' +config.diagnostics['global-in-nil-env'] = +'不能使用全局变量( `_ENV` 被设置为了 `nil`)' +config.diagnostics['unused-label'] = +'未使用的标签' +config.diagnostics['unused-vararg'] = +'未使用的不定参数' +config.diagnostics['trailing-space'] = +'后置空格' +config.diagnostics['redefined-local'] = +'重复定义的局部变量' +config.diagnostics['newline-call'] = +'以 `(` 开始的新行,在语法上被解析为了上一行的函数调用' +config.diagnostics['newfield-call'] = +'在字面量表中,2行代码之间缺少分隔符,在语法上被解析为了一次索引操作' +config.diagnostics['redundant-parameter'] = +'函数调用时,传入了多余的参数' +config.diagnostics['ambiguity-1'] = +'优先级歧义,如:`num or 0 + 1`,推测用户的实际期望为 `(num or 0) + 1` ' +config.diagnostics['lowercase-global'] = +'首字母小写的全局变量定义' +config.diagnostics['undefined-env-child'] = +'`_ENV` 被设置为了新的字面量表,但是试图获取的全局变量不再这张表中' +config.diagnostics['duplicate-index'] = +'在字面量表中重复定义了索引' +config.diagnostics['empty-block'] = +'空代码块' +config.diagnostics['redundant-value'] = +'赋值操作时,值的数量比被赋值的对象多' +config.diagnostics['assign-type-mismatch'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for assignments in which the value\'s type does not match the type of the assigned variable.' +config.diagnostics['await-in-sync'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for calls of asynchronous functions within a synchronous function.' +config.diagnostics['cast-local-type'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for casts of local variables where the target type does not match the defined type.' +config.diagnostics['cast-type-mismatch'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for casts where the target type does not match the initial type.' +config.diagnostics['circular-doc-class'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for two classes inheriting from each other introducing a circular relation.' +config.diagnostics['close-non-object'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for attempts to close a variable with a non-object.' +config.diagnostics['code-after-break'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for code placed after a break statement in a loop.' +config.diagnostics['codestyle-check'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for incorrectly styled lines.' +config.diagnostics['count-down-loop'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for `for` loops which will never reach their max/limit because the loop is incrementing instead of decrementing.' +config.diagnostics['deprecated'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics to highlight deprecated API.' +config.diagnostics['different-requires'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for files which are required by two different paths.' +config.diagnostics['discard-returns'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for calls of functions annotated with `---@nodiscard` where the return values are ignored.' +config.diagnostics['doc-field-no-class'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics to highlight a field annotation without a defining class annotation.' +config.diagnostics['duplicate-doc-alias'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for a duplicated alias annotation name.' +config.diagnostics['duplicate-doc-field'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for a duplicated field annotation name.' +config.diagnostics['duplicate-doc-param'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for a duplicated param annotation name.' +config.diagnostics['duplicate-set-field'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for setting the same field in a class more than once.' +config.diagnostics['incomplete-signature-doc'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Incomplete @param or @return annotations for functions.' +config.diagnostics['invisible'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for accesses to fields which are invisible.' +config.diagnostics['missing-global-doc'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing annotations for globals! Global functions must have a comment and annotations for all parameters and return values.' +config.diagnostics['missing-local-export-doc'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing annotations for exported locals! Exported local functions must have a comment and annotations for all parameters and return values.' +config.diagnostics['missing-parameter'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for function calls where the number of arguments is less than the number of annotated function parameters.' +config.diagnostics['missing-return'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for functions with return annotations which have no return statement.' +config.diagnostics['missing-return-value'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for return statements without values although the containing function declares returns.' +config.diagnostics['need-check-nil'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for variable usages if `nil` or an optional (potentially `nil`) value was assigned to the variable before.' +config.diagnostics['no-unknown'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for cases in which the type cannot be inferred.' +config.diagnostics['not-yieldable'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for calls to `coroutine.yield()` when it is not permitted.' +config.diagnostics['param-type-mismatch'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for function calls where the type of a provided parameter does not match the type of the annotated function definition.' +config.diagnostics['redundant-return'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for return statements which are not needed because the function would exit on its own.' +config.diagnostics['redundant-return-value']= -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for return statements which return an extra value which is not specified by a return annotation.' +config.diagnostics['return-type-mismatch'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for return values whose type does not match the type declared in the corresponding return annotation.' +config.diagnostics['spell-check'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for typos in strings.' +config.diagnostics['name-style-check'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for name style.' +config.diagnostics['unbalanced-assignments']= -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics on multiple assignments if not all variables obtain a value (e.g., `local x,y = 1`).' +config.diagnostics['undefined-doc-class'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for class annotations in which an undefined class is referenced.' +config.diagnostics['undefined-doc-name'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for type annotations referencing an undefined type or alias.' +config.diagnostics['undefined-doc-param'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for cases in which a parameter annotation is given without declaring the parameter in the function definition.' +config.diagnostics['undefined-field'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for cases in which an undefined field of a variable is read.' +config.diagnostics['unknown-cast-variable'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for casts of undefined variables.' +config.diagnostics['unknown-diag-code'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics in cases in which an unknown diagnostics code is entered.' +config.diagnostics['unknown-operator'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for unknown operators.' +config.diagnostics['unreachable-code'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for unreachable code.' +config.diagnostics['global-element'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics to warn about global elements.' +config.typeFormat.config = -- TODO: need translate! +'Configures the formatting behavior while typing Lua code.' +config.typeFormat.config.auto_complete_end = -- TODO: need translate! +'Controls if `end` is automatically completed at suitable positions.' +config.typeFormat.config.auto_complete_table_sep = -- TODO: need translate! +'Controls if a separator is automatically appended at the end of a table declaration.' +config.typeFormat.config.format_line = -- TODO: need translate! +'Controls if a line is formatted at all.' + +command.exportDocument = +'Lua: 导出文档...' +command.addon_manager.open = +'Lua: 打开插件管理器...' +command.reloadFFIMeta = +'Lua: 重新生成luajit的FFI模块C语言元数据' diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/zh-tw/meta.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/zh-tw/meta.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..23af021af --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/zh-tw/meta.lua @@ -0,0 +1,743 @@ +---@diagnostic disable: undefined-global, lowercase-global + +arg = +'獨立版Lua的啟動引數。' + +assert = +'如果其引數 `v` 的值為假( `nil` 或 `false` ),它就呼叫 $error ;否則,回傳所有的引數。在錯誤情況時, `message` 指那個錯誤對象;如果不提供這個引數,預設為 `"assertion failed!"` 。' + +cgopt.collect = +'做一次完整的垃圾回收循環。' +cgopt.stop = +'停止垃圾回收器的執行。' +cgopt.restart = +'重新啟動垃圾回收器的自動執行。' +cgopt.count = +'以 K 位元組數為單位回傳 Lua 使用的總記憶體數。' +cgopt.step = +'單步執行垃圾回收器。 步長“大小”由 `arg` 控制。' +cgopt.setpause = +'將 `arg` 設為回收器的 *間歇率* 。' +cgopt.setstepmul = +'將 `arg` 設為回收器的 *步進倍率* 。' +cgopt.incremental = +'改變回收器模式為增量模式。' +cgopt.generational = +'改變回收器模式為分代模式。' +cgopt.isrunning = +'回傳表示回收器是否在工作的布林值。' + +collectgarbage = +'這個函式是垃圾回收器的一般介面。透過引數 opt 它提供了一組不同的功能。' + +dofile = +'打開該名字的檔案,並執行檔案中的 Lua 程式碼區塊。不帶引數呼叫時, `dofile` 執行標準輸入的內容(`stdin`)。回傳該程式碼區塊的所有回傳值。對於有錯誤的情況, `dofile` 將錯誤回饋給呼叫者(即 `dofile` 沒有執行在保護模式下)。' + +error = +[[ +中止上一次保護函式呼叫,將錯誤對象 `message` 回傳。函式 `error` 永遠不會回傳。 + +當 `message` 是一個字串時,通常 `error` 會把一些有關出錯位置的資訊附加在訊息的開頭。 `level` 引數指明了怎樣獲得出錯位置。 +]] + +_G = +'一個全域變數(非函式),內部儲存有全域環境(參見 §2.2)。 Lua 自己不使用這個變數;改變這個變數的值不會對任何環境造成影響,反之亦然。' + +getfenv = +'回傳給定函式的環境。 `f` 可以是一個Lua函式,也可是一個表示呼叫堆疊層級的數字。' + +getmetatable = +'如果 `object` 不包含中繼資料表,回傳 `nil` 。否則,如果在該物件的中繼資料表中有 `"__metatable"` 域時回傳其關聯值,沒有時回傳該對象的中繼資料表。' + +ipairs = +[[ +回傳三個值(疊代函式、表 `t` 以及 `0` ),如此,以下程式碼 +```lua + for i,v in ipairs(t) do body end +``` +將疊代鍵值對 `(1,t[1])、(2,t[2])...` ,直到第一個空值。 +]] + +loadmode.b = +'只能是二進制程式碼區塊。' +loadmode.t = +'只能是文字程式碼區塊。' +loadmode.bt = +'可以是二進制也可以是文字。' + +load['<5.1'] = +'使用 `func` 分段載入程式碼區塊。每次呼叫 `func` 必須回傳一個字串用於連接前文。' +load['>5.2'] = +[[ +載入一個程式碼區塊。 + +如果 `chunk` 是一個字串,程式碼區塊指這個字串。如果 `chunk` 是一個函式, `load` 不斷地呼叫它獲取程式碼區塊的片段。每次對 `chunk` 的呼叫都必須回傳一個字串緊緊連接在上次呼叫的回傳串之後。當回傳空串、 `nil` 、或是不回傳值時,都表示程式碼區塊結束。 +]] + +loadfile = +'從檔案 `filename` 或標準輸入(如果檔名未提供)中獲取程式碼區塊。' + +loadstring = +'使用給定字串載入程式碼區塊。' + +module = +'建立一個模組。' + +next = +[[ +執行程式來走訪表中的所有域。第一個引數是要走訪的表,第二個引數是表中的某個鍵。 `next` 回傳該鍵的下一個鍵及其關聯的值。如果用 `nil` 作為第二個引數呼叫 `next` 將回傳初始鍵及其關聯值。當以最後一個鍵去呼叫,或是以 `nil` 呼叫一張空表時, `next` 回傳 `nil`。如果不提供第二個引數,將預設它就是 `nil`。特別指出,你可以用 `next(t)` 來判斷一張表是否是空的。 + +索引在走訪過程中的順序無定義,即使是數字索引也是這樣。(如果想按數字順序走訪表,可以使用數字形式的 `for` 。) + +當在走訪過程中你給表中並不存在的域賦值, `next` 的行為是未定義的。然而你可以去修改那些已存在的域。特別指出,你可以清除一些已存在的域。 +]] + +pairs = +[[ +如果 `t` 有元方法 `__pairs` ,以 `t` 為引數呼叫它,並回傳其回傳的前三個值。 + +否則,回傳三個值: `next` 函式,表 `t` ,以及 `nil` 。因此以下程式碼 +```lua + for k,v in pairs(t) do body end +``` +能疊代表 `t` 中的所有鍵值對。 + +參見函式 $next 中關於疊代過程中修改表的風險。 +]] + +pcall = +'透過將函式 `f` 傳入引數,以 *保護模式* 呼叫 `f` 。這意味著 `f` 中的任何錯誤不會擲回;取而代之的是, `pcall` 會將錯誤捕獲到,並回傳一個狀態碼。第一個回傳值是狀態碼(一個布林值),當沒有錯誤時,其為 `true` 。此時, `pcall` 同樣會在狀態碼後回傳所有呼叫的結果。在有錯誤時,`pcall` 回傳 `false` 加錯誤訊息。' + +print = +'接收任意數量的引數,並將它們的值列印到 `stdout`。它用 `tostring` 函式將每個引數都轉換為字串。 `print` 不用於做格式化輸出。僅作為看一下某個值的快捷方式,多用於除錯。完整的對輸出的控制,請使用 $string.format 以及 $io.write。' + +rawequal = +'在不觸發任何元方法的情況下,檢查 `v1` 是否和 `v2` 相等。回傳一個布林值。' + +rawget = +'在不觸發任何元方法的情況下,獲取 `table[index]` 的值。 `table` 必須是一張表; `index` 可以是任何值。' + +rawlen = +'在不觸發任何元方法的情況下,回傳物件 `v` 的長度。 `v` 可以是表或字串。它回傳一個整數。' + +rawset = +[[ +在不觸發任何元方法的情況下,將 `table[index]` 設為 `value`。 `table` 必須是一張表, `index` 可以是 `nil` 與 `NaN` 之外的任何值。 `value` 可以是任何 Lua 值。 +這個函式回傳 `table`。 +]] + +select = +'如果 `index` 是個數字,那麼回傳引數中第 `index` 個之後的部分;負的數字會從後向前索引(`-1` 指最後一個引數)。否則, `index` 必須是字串 `"#"` ,此時 `select` 回傳引數的個數。' + +setfenv = +'設定給定函式的環境。' + +setmetatable = +[[ +為指定的表設定中繼資料表。(你不能在 Lua 中改變其它類型值的中繼資料表,那些只能在 C 裡做。)如果 `metatable` 是 `nil`,將指定的表的中繼資料表移除。如果原來那張中繼資料表有 `"__metatable"` 域,擲回一個錯誤。 +]] + +tonumber = +[[ +如果呼叫的時候沒有 `base` , `tonumber` 嘗試把引數轉換為一個數字。如果引數已經是一個數字,或是一個可以轉換為數字的字串, `tonumber` 就回傳這個數字,否則回傳 `fail`。 + +字串的轉換結果可能是整數也可能是浮點數,這取決於 Lua 的轉換文法(參見 §3.1)。(字串可以有前置和後置的空格,可以帶符號。) +]] + +tostring = +[[ +可以接收任何類型,它將其轉換為人可閱讀的字串形式。浮點數總被轉換為浮點數的表現形式(小數點形式或是指數形式)。 +如果 `v` 有 `"__tostring"` 域的中繼資料表, `tostring` 會以 `v` 為引數呼叫它。並用它的結果作為回傳值。 +如果想完全控制數字如何被轉換,可以使用 $string.format 。 +]] + +type = +[[ +將引數的類型編碼為一個字串回傳。 函式可能的回傳值有 `"nil"` (一個字串,而不是 `nil` 值)、 `"number"` 、 `"string"` 、 `"boolean"` 、 `"table"` 、 `"function"` 、 `"thread"` 和 `"userdata"`。 +]] + +_VERSION = +'一個包含有目前直譯器版本號的全域變數(並非函式)。' + +warn = +'使用所有引數組成的字串訊息來發送警告。' + +xpcall['=5.1'] = +'透過將函式 `f` 傳入引數,以 *保護模式* 呼叫 `f` 。這個函式和 `pcall` 類似。不過它可以額外設定一個訊息處理器 `err`。' +xpcall['>5.2'] = +'透過將函式 `f` 傳入引數,以 *保護模式* 呼叫 `f` 。這個函式和 `pcall` 類似。不過它可以額外設定一個訊息處理器 `msgh`。' + +unpack = +[[ +回傳給定 `list` 中的所有元素。該函式等價於 +```lua +return list[i], list[i+1], ···, list[j] +``` +]] + +bit32 = +'' +bit32.arshift = +[[ +回傳 `x` 向右位移 `disp` 位的結果。`disp` 為負時向左位移。這是算數位元運算,左側的空位使用 `x` 的高位元填充,右側空位使用 `0` 填充。 +]] +bit32.band = +'回傳參數按位元及的結果。' +bit32.bnot = +[[ +回傳 `x` 按位元取反的結果。 + +```lua +assert(bit32.bnot(x) == +(-1 - x) % 2^32) +``` +]] +bit32.bor = +'回傳參數按位元或的結果。' +bit32.btest = +'參數按位元與的結果不為 `0` 時,回傳 `true` 。' +bit32.bxor = +'回傳參數按位元互斥或的結果。' +bit32.extract = +'回傳 `n` 中第 `field` 到第 `field + width - 1` 位組成的結果。' +bit32.replace = +'回傳 `v` 的第 `field` 到第 `field + width - 1` 位替換 `n` 的對應位後的結果。' +bit32.lrotate = +'回傳 `x` 向左旋轉 `disp` 位的結果。`disp` 為負時向右旋轉。' +bit32.lshift = +[[ +回傳 `x` 向左位移 `disp` 位的結果。`disp` 為負時向右位移。空位總是使用 `0` 填充。 + +```lua +assert(bit32.lshift(b, disp) == +(b * 2^disp) % 2^32) +``` +]] +bit32.rrotate = +'回傳 `x` 向右旋轉 `disp` 位的結果。`disp` 為負時向左旋轉。' +bit32.rshift = +[[ +回傳 `x` 向右位移 `disp` 位的結果。`disp` 為負時向左位移。空位總是使用 `0` 填充。 + +```lua +assert(bit32.lshift(b, disp) == +(b * 2^disp) % 2^32) +``` +]] + +coroutine = +'' +coroutine.create = +'建立一個主體函式為 `f` 的新共常式。 f 必須是一個 Lua 的函式。回傳這個新共常式,它是一個類型為 `"thread"` 的物件。' +coroutine.isyieldable = +'如果正在執行的共常式可以讓出,則回傳真。' +coroutine.isyieldable['>5.4'] = +'如果共常式 `co` 可以讓出,則回傳真。 `co` 預設為正在執行的共常式。' +coroutine.close = +'關閉共常式 `co` ,並關閉它所有等待 *to-be-closed* 的變數,並將共常式狀態設為 `dead` 。' +coroutine.resume = +'開始或繼續共常式 `co` 的執行。' +coroutine.running = +'回傳目前正在執行的共常式加一個布林值。如果目前執行的共常式是主執行緒,其為真。' +coroutine.status = +'以字串形式回傳共常式 `co` 的狀態。' +coroutine.wrap = +'建立一個主體函式為 `f` 的新共常式。 f 必須是一個 Lua 的函式。回傳一個函式,每次呼叫該函式都會延續該共常式。' +coroutine.yield = +'懸置正在呼叫的共常式的執行。' + +costatus.running = +'正在執行。' +costatus.suspended = +'懸置或是還沒有開始執行。' +costatus.normal = +'是活動的,但並不在執行。' +costatus.dead = +'執行完主體函式或因錯誤停止。' + +debug = +'' +debug.debug = +'進入一個使用者互動模式,執行使用者輸入的每個字串。' +debug.getfenv = +'回傳物件 `o` 的環境。' +debug.gethook = +'回傳三個表示執行緒攔截設定的值:目前攔截函式,目前攔截遮罩,目前攔截計數。' +debug.getinfo = +'回傳關於一個函式資訊的表。' +debug.getlocal['<5.1'] = +'回傳在堆疊的 `level` 層處函式的索引為 `index` 的區域變數的名字和值。' +debug.getlocal['>5.2'] = +'回傳在堆疊的 `f` 層處函式的索引為 `index` 的區域變數的名字和值。' +debug.getmetatable = +'回傳給定 `value` 的中繼資料表。' +debug.getregistry = +'回傳註冊表。' +debug.getupvalue = +'回傳函式 `f` 的第 `up` 個上值的名字和值。' +debug.getuservalue['<5.3']= +'回傳關聯在 `u` 上的 `Lua` 值。' +debug.getuservalue['>5.4']= +'回傳關聯在 `u` 上的第 `n` 個 `Lua` 值,以及一個布林, `false` 表示值不存在。' +debug.setcstacklimit = +[[ +### **已在 `Lua 5.4.2` 中棄用** + +設定新的C堆疊限制。該限制控制Lua中巢狀呼叫的深度,以避免堆疊溢出。 + +如果設定成功,該函式回傳之前的限制;否則回傳`false`。 +]] +debug.setfenv = +'將 `table` 設定為 `object` 的環境。' +debug.sethook = +'將一個函式設定為攔截函式。' +debug.setlocal = +'將 `value` 賦給 堆疊上第 `level` 層函式的第 `local` 個區域變數。' +debug.setmetatable = +'將 `value` 的中繼資料表設為 `table` (可以是 `nil` )。' +debug.setupvalue = +'將 `value` 設為函式 `f` 的第 `up` 個上值。' +debug.setuservalue['<5.3']= +'將 `value` 設為 `udata` 的關聯值。' +debug.setuservalue['>5.4']= +'將 `value` 設為 `udata` 的第 `n` 個關聯值。' +debug.traceback = +'回傳呼叫堆疊的堆疊回溯資訊。字串可選項 `message` 被添加在堆疊回溯資訊的開頭。' +debug.upvalueid = +'回傳指定函式第 `n` 個上值的唯一識別字(一個輕量使用者資料)。' +debug.upvaluejoin = +'讓 Lua 閉包 `f1` 的第 `n1` 個上值 引用 `Lua` 閉包 `f2` 的第 `n2` 個上值。' + +infowhat.n = +'`name` 和 `namewhat`' +infowhat.S = +'`source` 、 `short_src` 、 `linedefined` 、 `lalinedefined` 和 `what`' +infowhat.l = +'`currentline`' +infowhat.t = +'`istailcall`' +infowhat.u['<5.1'] = +'`nups`' +infowhat.u['>5.2'] = +'`nups` 、 `nparams` 和 `isvararg`' +infowhat.f = +'`func`' +infowhat.r = +'`ftransfer` 和 `ntransfer`' +infowhat.L = +'`activelines`' + +hookmask.c = +'每當 Lua 呼叫一個函式時,呼叫攔截。' +hookmask.r = +'每當 Lua 從一個函式內回傳時,呼叫攔截。' +hookmask.l = +'每當 Lua 進入新的一行時,呼叫攔截。' + +file = +'' +file[':close'] = +'關閉 `file`。' +file[':flush'] = +'將寫入的資料儲存到 `file` 中。' +file[':lines'] = +[[ +------ +```lua +for c in file:lines(...) do + body +end +``` +]] +file[':read'] = +'讀取檔案 `file` ,指定的格式決定了要讀取什麼。' +file[':seek'] = +'設定及獲取基於檔案開頭處計算出的位置。' +file[':setvbuf'] = +'設定輸出檔案的緩衝模式。' +file[':write'] = +'將引數的值逐個寫入 `file` 。' + +readmode.n = +'讀取一個數字,根據 Lua 的轉換文法回傳浮點數或整數。' +readmode.a = +'從目前位置開始讀取整個檔案。' +readmode.l = +'讀取一行並忽略行尾標記。' +readmode.L = +'讀取一行並保留行尾標記。' + +seekwhence.set = +'基點為 0 (檔案開頭)。' +seekwhence.cur = +'基點為目前位置。' +seekwhence['.end'] = +'基點為檔案尾。' + +vbuf.no = +'不緩衝;輸出操作立刻生效。' +vbuf.full = +'完全緩衝;只有在快取滿或呼叫 flush 時才做輸出操作。' +vbuf.line = +'行緩衝;輸出將緩衝到每次換行前。' + +io = +'' +io.stdin = +'標準輸入。' +io.stdout = +'標準輸出。' +io.stderr = +'標準錯誤。' +io.close = +'關閉 `file` 或預設輸出檔案。' +io.flush = +'將寫入的資料儲存到預設輸出檔案中。' +io.input = +'設定 `file` 為預設輸入檔案。' +io.lines = +[[ +------ +```lua +for c in io.lines(filename, ...) do + body +end +``` +]] +io.open = +'用字串 `mode` 指定的模式打開一個檔案。' +io.output = +'設定 `file` 為預設輸出檔案。' +io.popen = +'用一個分離處理程序開啟程式 `prog` 。' +io.read = +'讀取檔案 `file` ,指定的格式決定了要讀取什麼。' +io.tmpfile = +'如果成功,回傳一個臨時檔案的控制代碼。' +io.type = +'檢查 `obj` 是否是合法的檔案控制代碼。' +io.write = +'將引數的值逐個寫入預設輸出檔案。' + +openmode.r = +'讀取模式。' +openmode.w = +'寫入模式。' +openmode.a = +'追加模式。' +openmode['.r+'] = +'更新模式,所有之前的資料都保留。' +openmode['.w+'] = +'更新模式,所有之前的資料都刪除。' +openmode['.a+'] = +'追加更新模式,所有之前的資料都保留,只允許在檔案尾部做寫入。' +openmode.rb = +'讀取模式。(二進制方式)' +openmode.wb = +'寫入模式。(二進制方式)' +openmode.ab = +'追加模式。(二進制方式)' +openmode['.r+b'] = +'更新模式,所有之前的資料都保留。(二進制方式)' +openmode['.w+b'] = +'更新模式,所有之前的資料都刪除。(二進制方式)' +openmode['.a+b'] = +'追加更新模式,所有之前的資料都保留,只允許在檔案尾部做寫入。(二進制方式)' + +popenmode.r = +'從這個程式中讀取資料。(二進制方式)' +popenmode.w = +'向這個程式寫入輸入。(二進制方式)' + +filetype.file = +'是一個打開的檔案控制代碼。' +filetype['.closed file'] = +'是一個關閉的檔案控制代碼。' +filetype['.nil'] = +'不是檔案控制代碼。' + +math = +'' +math.abs = +'回傳 `x` 的絕對值。' +math.acos = +'回傳 `x` 的反餘弦值(用弧度表示)。' +math.asin = +'回傳 `x` 的反正弦值(用弧度表示)。' +math.atan['<5.2'] = +'回傳 `x` 的反正切值(用弧度表示)。' +math.atan['>5.3'] = +'回傳 `y/x` 的反正切值(用弧度表示)。' +math.atan2 = +'回傳 `y/x` 的反正切值(用弧度表示)。' +math.ceil = +'回傳不小於 `x` 的最小整數值。' +math.cos = +'回傳 `x` 的餘弦(假定引數是弧度)。' +math.cosh = +'回傳 `x` 的雙曲餘弦(假定引數是弧度)。' +math.deg = +'將角 `x` 從弧度轉換為角度。' +math.exp = +'回傳 `e^x` 的值(e 為自然對數的底)。' +math.floor = +'回傳不大於 `x` 的最大整數值。' +math.fmod = +'回傳 `x` 除以 `y`,將商向零捨入後的餘數。' +math.frexp = +'將 `x` 分解為尾數與指數,回傳值符合 `x = m * (2 ^ e)` 。`e` 是一個整數,`m` 是 [0.5, 1) 之間的規格化小數 (`x` 為0時 `m` 為0)。' +math.huge = +'一個比任何數字值都大的浮點數。' +math.ldexp = +'回傳 `m * (2 ^ e)` 。' +math.log['<5.1'] = +'回傳 `x` 的自然對數。' +math.log['>5.2'] = +'回以指定底的 `x` 的對數。' +math.log10 = +'回傳 `x` 的以10為底的對數。' +math.max = +'回傳引數中最大的值,大小由 Lua 運算子 `<` 決定。' +math.maxinteger = +'最大值的整數。' +math.min = +'回傳引數中最小的值,大小由 Lua 運算子 `<` 決定。' +math.mininteger = +'最小值的整數。' +math.modf = +'回傳 `x` 的整數部分和小數部分。' +math.pi = +'*π* 的值。' +math.pow = +'回傳 `x ^ y` 。' +math.rad = +'將角 `x` 從角度轉換為弧度。' +math.random = +[[ +* `math.random()` :回傳 [0,1) 區間內均勻分佈的浮點偽隨機數。 +* `math.random(n)` :回傳 [1, n] 區間內均勻分佈的整數偽隨機數。 +* `math.random(m, n)` :回傳 [m, n] 區間內均勻分佈的整數偽隨機數。 +]] +math.randomseed['<5.3'] = +'把 `x` 設為偽隨機數發生器的“種子”: 相同的種子產生相同的隨機數列。' +math.randomseed['>5.4'] = +[[ +* `math.randomseed(x, y)` :將 `x` 與 `y` 連接為128位的種子來重新初始化偽隨機產生器。 +* `math.randomseed(x)` :等同於 `math.randomseed(x, 0)` 。 +* `math.randomseed()` :產生一個較弱的隨機種子。 +]] +math.sin = +'回傳 `x` 的正弦值(假定引數是弧度)。' +math.sinh = +'回傳 `x` 的雙曲正弦值(假定引數是弧度)。' +math.sqrt = +'回傳 `x` 的平方根。' +math.tan = +'回傳 `x` 的正切值(假定引數是弧度)。' +math.tanh = +'回傳 `x` 的雙曲正切值(假定引數是弧度)。' +math.tointeger = +'如果 `x` 可以轉換為一個整數,回傳該整數。' +math.type = +'如果 `x` 是整數,回傳 `"integer"` ,如果它是浮點數,回傳 `"float"` ,如果 `x` 不是數字,回傳 `nil` 。' +math.ult = +'整數 `m` 和 `n` 以無符號整數形式比較,如果 `m` 在 `n` 之下則回傳布林真,否則回傳假。' + +os = +'' +os.clock = +'回傳程式使用的 CPU 時間的近似值,單位為秒。' +os.date = +'回傳一個包含日期及時刻的字串或表。格式化方法取決於所給字串 `format` 。' +os.difftime = +'回傳以秒計算的時刻 `t1` 到 `t2` 的差值。' +os.execute = +'呼叫作業系統殼層執行 `command` 。' +os.exit['<5.1'] = +'呼叫 C 函式 `exit` 終止宿主程式。' +os.exit['>5.2'] = +'呼叫 ISO C 函式 `exit` 終止宿主程式。' +os.getenv = +'回傳處理程序環境變數 `varname` 的值。' +os.remove = +'刪除指定名字的檔案。' +os.rename = +'將名字為 `oldname` 的檔案或目錄更名為 `newname`。' +os.setlocale = +'設定程式的目前區域。' +os.time = +'當不傳引數時,回傳目前時刻。如果傳入一張表,就回傳由這張表表示的時刻。' +os.tmpname = +'回傳一個可用於臨時檔案的檔名字串。' + +osdate.year = +'四位數字' +osdate.month = +'1-12' +osdate.day = +'1-31' +osdate.hour = +'0-23' +osdate.min = +'0-59' +osdate.sec = +'0-61' +osdate.wday = +'星期幾,範圍為1-7,星期天為 1' +osdate.yday = +'該年的第幾天,範圍為1-366' +osdate.isdst = +'是否為夏令時間,一個布林值' + +package = +'' + +require['<5.3'] = +'載入一個模組,回傳該模組的回傳值( `nil` 時為 `true` )。' +require['>5.4'] = +'載入一個模組,回傳該模組的回傳值( `nil` 時為 `true` )與搜尋器回傳的載入資料。預設搜尋器的載入資料指示了載入位置,對於檔案來説就是檔案路徑。' + +package.config = +'一個描述一些為包管理準備的編譯時期組態的字串。' +package.cpath = +'這個路徑被 `require` 在 C 載入器中做搜尋時用到。' +package.loaded = +'用於 `require` 控制哪些模組已經被載入的表。' +package.loaders = +'用於 `require` 控制如何載入模組的表。' +package.loadlib = +'讓宿主程式動態連結 C 庫 `libname` 。' +package.path = +'這個路徑被 `require` 在 Lua 載入器中做搜尋時用到。' +package.preload = +'儲存有一些特殊模組的載入器。' +package.searchers = +'用於 `require` 控制如何載入模組的表。' +package.searchpath = +'在指定 `path` 中搜尋指定的 `name` 。' +package.seeall = +'給 `module` 設定一個中繼資料表,該中繼資料表的 `__index` 域為全域環境,這樣模組便會繼承全域環境的值。可作為 `module` 函式的選項。' + +string = +'' +string.byte = +'回傳字元 `s[i]` 、 `s[i+1]` ... `s[j]` 的內部數字編碼。' +string.char = +'接收零或更多的整數,回傳和引數數量相同長度的字串。其中每個字元的內部編碼值等於對應的引數值。' +string.dump = +'回傳包含有以二進制方式表示的(一個 *二進制程式碼區塊* )指定函式的字串。' +string.find = +'尋找第一個字串中配對到的 `pattern`(參見 §6.4.1)。' +string.format = +'回傳不定數量引數的格式化版本,格式化字串為第一個引數。' +string.gmatch = +[[ +回傳一個疊代器函式。每次呼叫這個函式都會繼續以 `pattern` (參見 §6.4.1)對 s 做配對,並回傳所有捕獲到的值。 + +下面這個例子會循環疊代字串 s 中所有的單詞, 並逐行列印: +```lua + s = +"hello world from Lua" + for w in string.gmatch(s, "%a+") do + print(w) + end +``` +]] +string.gsub = +'將字串 s 中,所有的(或是在 n 給出時的前 n 個) `pattern` (參見 §6.4.1)都替換成 `repl` ,並回傳其副本。' +string.len = +'回傳其長度。' +string.lower = +'將其中的大寫字元都轉為小寫後回傳其副本。' +string.match = +'在字串 s 中找到第一個能用 `pattern` (參見 §6.4.1)配對到的部分。如果能找到,回傳其中的捕獲物,否則回傳 `nil` 。' +string.pack = +'回傳一個壓縮了(即以二進制形式序列化) v1, v2 等值的二進制字串。字串 `fmt` 為壓縮格式(參見 §6.4.2)。' +string.packsize = +[[回傳以指定格式用 $string.pack 壓縮的字串的長度。格式化字串中不可以有變長選項 's' 或 'z' (參見 §6.4.2)。]] +string.rep['>5.2'] = +'回傳 `n` 個字串 `s` 以字串 `sep` 為分割符連在一起的字串。預設的 `sep` 值為空字串(即沒有分割符)。如果 `n` 不是正數則回傳空字串。' +string.rep['<5.1'] = +'回傳 `n` 個字串 `s` 連在一起的字串。如果 `n` 不是正數則回傳空字串。' +string.reverse = +'回傳字串 s 的反轉字串。' +string.sub = +'回傳一個從 `i` 開始並在 `j` 結束的子字串。' +string.unpack = +'回傳以格式 `fmt` (參見 §6.4.2) 壓縮在字串 `s` (參見 $string.pack) 中的值。' +string.upper = +'接收一個字串,將其中的小寫字元都轉為大寫後回傳其副本。' + +table = +'' +table.concat = +'提供一個列表,其所有元素都是字串或數字,回傳字串 `list[i]..sep..list[i+1] ··· sep..list[j]`。' +table.insert = +'在 `list` 的位置 `pos` 處插入元素 `value`。' +table.maxn = +'回傳給定表的最大正數索引,如果表沒有正數索引,則回傳零。' +table.move = +[[ +將元素從表 `a1` 移到表 `a2`。 +```lua +a2[t],··· = +a1[f],···,a1[e] +return a2 +``` +]] +table.pack = +'回傳用所有引數以鍵 `1`,`2`, 等填充的新表,並將 `"n"` 這個域設為引數的總數。' +table.remove = +'移除 `list` 中 `pos` 位置上的元素,並回傳這個被移除的值。' +table.sort = +'在表內從 `list[1]` 到 `list[#list]` *原地* 對其間元素按指定順序排序。' +table.unpack = +[[ +回傳列表中的元素。這個函式等價於 +```lua + return list[i], list[i+1], ···, list[j] +``` +i 預設為 1 , j 預設為 #list。 +]] +table.foreach = +'走訪表中的每一個元素,並以key和value執行回呼函式。如果回呼函式回傳一個非nil值則循環終止,並且回傳這個值。該函式等同pair(list),比pair(list)更慢。不推薦使用。' +table.foreachi = +'走訪表中的每一個元素,並以索引號index和value執行回呼函式。如果回呼函式回傳一個非nil值則循環終止,並且回傳這個值。該函式等同ipair(list),比ipair(list)更慢。不推薦使用。' +table.getn = +'回傳表的長度。該函式等價於#list。' +table.new = +[[這將建立一個預先確定大小的表,就像和 C API 等價的 `lua_createtable()` 一樣。如果已確定最終表的大小,而且自動更改大小很耗效能的話,這對大表很有用。 `narray` 參數指定像陣列般元素的數量,而 `nhash` 參數指定像雜湊般元素的數量。使用這個函式前需要先 require。 +```lua + require("table.new") +``` +]] +table.clear = +[[這會清除表中的所有的鍵值對,但保留分配的陣列或雜湊大小。當需要清除從多個位置連結的表,或回收表以供同一上下文使用時很有用。這避免了管理反向連結,節省了分配和增加陣列/雜湊部分而增長的開銷。使用這個函式前需要先 require。 +```lua + require("table.clear") +``` +請注意,此函式適用於非常特殊的情況。在大多數情況下,最好用新表替換(通常是單個)連結,並讓垃圾回收自行處理。 +]] + +utf8 = +'' +utf8.char = +'接收零或多個整數,將每個整數轉換成對應的 UTF-8 位元組序列,並回傳這些序列連接到一起的字串。' +utf8.charpattern = +'用於精確配對到一個 UTF-8 位元組序列的模式,它假定處理的對象是一個合法的 UTF-8 字串。' +utf8.codes = +[[ +回傳一系列的值,可以讓 +```lua +for p, c in utf8.codes(s) do + body +end +``` +疊代出字串 `s` 中所有的字元。這裡的 `p` 是位置(按位元組數)而 `c` 是每個字元的編號。如果處理到一個不合法的位元組序列,將擲回一個錯誤。 +]] +utf8.codepoint = +'以整數形式回傳 `s` 中 從位置 `i` 到 `j` 間(包括兩端)所有字元的編號。' +utf8.len = +'回傳字串 `s` 中 從位置 `i` 到 `j` 間 (包括兩端) UTF-8 字元的個數。' +utf8.offset = +'回傳編碼在 `s` 中的第 `n` 個字元的開始位置(按位元組數)(從位置 `i` 處開始統計)。' diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/zh-tw/script.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/zh-tw/script.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e19eb220f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/zh-tw/script.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1268 @@ +DIAG_LINE_ONLY_SPACE = +'只有空格的空行。' +DIAG_LINE_POST_SPACE = +'後置空格。' +DIAG_UNUSED_LOCAL = +'未使用的區域變數 `{}`。' +DIAG_UNDEF_GLOBAL = +'未定義的全域變數 `{}`。' +DIAG_UNDEF_FIELD = +'未定義的屬性/欄位 `{}`。' +DIAG_UNDEF_ENV_CHILD = +'未定義的變數 `{}`(多載了 `_ENV` )。' +DIAG_UNDEF_FENV_CHILD = +'未定義的變數 `{}`(處於模組中)。' +DIAG_GLOBAL_IN_NIL_ENV = +'不能使用全域變數( `_ENV` 被設為了 `nil` )。' +DIAG_GLOBAL_IN_NIL_FENV = +'不能使用全域變數(模組被設為了 `nil` )。' +DIAG_UNUSED_LABEL = +'未使用的標籤 `{}`。' +DIAG_UNUSED_FUNCTION = +'未使用的函式。' +DIAG_UNUSED_VARARG = +'未使用的不定引數。' +DIAG_REDEFINED_LOCAL = +'重複定義區域變數 `{}`。' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_INDEX = +'重複的索引 `{}`。' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_METHOD = +'重複的方法 `{}`。' +DIAG_PREVIOUS_CALL = +'會被直譯為 `{}{}` 。你可能需要加一個 `;`。' +DIAG_PREFIELD_CALL = +'會被直譯為 `{}{}` 。你可能需要加一個 `,` 或 `;` 。' +DIAG_OVER_MAX_ARGS = +'函式最多接收 {:d} 個引數,但獲得了 {:d} 個。' +DIAG_MISS_ARGS = +'函式最少接收 {:d} 個引數,但獲得了 {:d} 個。' +DIAG_OVER_MAX_VALUES = +'只有 {} 個變數,但你設定了 {} 個值。' +DIAG_AMBIGUITY_1 = +'會優先運算 `{}` ,你可能需要加個括號。' +DIAG_LOWERCASE_GLOBAL = +'首字母小寫的全域變數,你是否漏了 `local` 或是有拼寫錯誤?' +DIAG_EMPTY_BLOCK = +'空程式碼區塊' +DIAG_DIAGNOSTICS = +'Lua 診斷' +DIAG_SYNTAX_CHECK = +'Lua 語法檢查' +DIAG_NEED_VERSION = +'在 {} 中是合法的,目前為 {}' +DIAG_DEFINED_VERSION = +'在 {} 中有定義,目前為 {}' +DIAG_DEFINED_CUSTOM = +'在 {} 中有定義' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_CLASS = +'重複定義的 Class `{}`。' +DIAG_UNDEFINED_CLASS = +'未定義的 Class `{}`。' +DIAG_CYCLIC_EXTENDS = +'循環繼承。' +DIAG_INEXISTENT_PARAM = +'不存在的參數。' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_PARAM = +'重複的參數。' +DIAG_NEED_CLASS = +'需要先定義 Class 。' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_SET_FIELD= +'重複定義的欄位 `{}`。' +DIAG_SET_CONST = +'不能對常數賦值。' +DIAG_SET_FOR_STATE = +'修改了循環變數。' +DIAG_CODE_AFTER_BREAK = +'無法執行到 `break` 後的程式碼。' +DIAG_UNBALANCED_ASSIGNMENTS = +'由於值的數量不夠而被賦值為了 `nil` 。在Lua中, `x, y = 1` 等價於 `x, y = 1, nil` 。' +DIAG_REQUIRE_LIKE = +'你可以在設定中將 `{}` 視為 `require`。' +DIAG_COSE_NON_OBJECT = +'無法 close 此類型的值。(除非給此類型設定 `__close` 元方法)' +DIAG_COUNT_DOWN_LOOP = +'你的意思是 `{}` 嗎?' +DIAG_UNKNOWN = +'無法推測出類型。' +DIAG_DEPRECATED = +'已棄用。' +DIAG_DIFFERENT_REQUIRES = +'使用了不同的名字 `require` 了同一個檔案。' +DIAG_REDUNDANT_RETURN = +'冗餘回傳。' +DIAG_AWAIT_IN_SYNC = +'只能在標記為非同步的函式中呼叫非同步函式。' +DIAG_NOT_YIELDABLE = +'此函式的第 {} 個參數沒有被標記為可讓出,但是傳入了非同步函式。(使用 `---@param name async fun()` 來標記為可讓出)' +DIAG_DISCARD_RETURNS = +'不能丟棄此函式的回傳值。' +DIAG_NEED_CHECK_NIL = +'需要判空' +DIAG_CIRCLE_DOC_CLASS = +'循環繼承的類別。' +DIAG_DOC_FIELD_NO_CLASS = +'欄位必須定義在類別之後。' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_DOC_ALIAS = +'重複定義的別名 `{}`.' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_DOC_FIELD = +'重複定義的欄位 `{}`。' +DIAG_DUPLICATE_DOC_PARAM = +'重複指向的參數 `{}`。' +DIAG_UNDEFINED_DOC_CLASS = +'未定義的類別 `{}`。' +DIAG_UNDEFINED_DOC_NAME = +'未定義的類型或別名 `{}`。' +DIAG_UNDEFINED_DOC_PARAM = +'指向了未定義的參數 `{}`。' +DIAG_MISSING_GLOBAL_DOC_COMMENT = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing comment for global function `{}`.' +DIAG_MISSING_GLOBAL_DOC_PARAM = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing @param annotation for parameter `{}` in global function `{}`.' +DIAG_MISSING_GLOBAL_DOC_RETURN = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing @return annotation at index `{}` in global function `{}`.' +DIAG_MISSING_LOCAL_EXPORT_DOC_COMMENT = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing comment for exported local function `{}`.' +DIAG_MISSING_LOCAL_EXPORT_DOC_PARAM = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing @param annotation for parameter `{}` in exported local function `{}`.' +DIAG_MISSING_LOCAL_EXPORT_DOC_RETURN = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing @return annotation at index `{}` in exported local function `{}`.' +DIAG_INCOMPLETE_SIGNATURE_DOC_PARAM = -- TODO: need translate! +'Incomplete signature. Missing @param annotation for parameter `{}` in function `{}`.' +DIAG_INCOMPLETE_SIGNATURE_DOC_RETURN = -- TODO: need translate! +'Incomplete signature. Missing @return annotation at index `{}` in function `{}`.' +DIAG_UNKNOWN_DIAG_CODE = +'未知的診斷代碼 `{}`。' +DIAG_CAST_LOCAL_TYPE = +'已顯式定義變數的類型為 `{def}`,不能再將其類型轉換為 `{ref}`。' +DIAG_CAST_FIELD_TYPE = +'已顯式定義欄位的類型為 `{def}`,不能再將其類型轉換為 `{ref}`。' +DIAG_ASSIGN_TYPE_MISMATCH = +'不能將 `{ref}` 賦值給 `{def}`。' +DIAG_PARAM_TYPE_MISMATCH = +'不能將 `{ref}` 賦值給參數 `{def}`.' +DIAG_UNKNOWN_CAST_VARIABLE = +'未知的類型轉換變數 `{}`.' +DIAG_CAST_TYPE_MISMATCH = +'不能將 `{ref}` 轉換為 `{def}`。' +DIAG_MISSING_RETURN_VALUE = +'至少需要 {min} 個回傳值,但此處只回傳 {rmax} 個值。' +DIAG_MISSING_RETURN_VALUE_RANGE = +'至少需要 {min} 個回傳值,但此處只回傳 {rmin} 到 {rmax} 個值。' +DIAG_REDUNDANT_RETURN_VALUE = +'最多只有 {max} 個回傳值,但此處回傳了第 {rmax} 個值。' +DIAG_REDUNDANT_RETURN_VALUE_RANGE = +'最多只有 {max} 個回傳值,但此處回傳了第 {rmin} 到第 {rmax} 個值。' +DIAG_MISSING_RETURN = +'此處需要回傳值。' +DIAG_RETURN_TYPE_MISMATCH = +'第 {index} 個回傳值的類型為 `{def}` ,但實際回傳的是 `{ref}`。\n{err}' +DIAG_UNKNOWN_OPERATOR = -- TODO: need translate! +'Unknown operator `{}`.' +DIAG_UNREACHABLE_CODE = -- TODO: need translate! +'Unreachable code.' +DIAG_INVISIBLE_PRIVATE = -- TODO: need translate! +'Field `{field}` is private, it can only be accessed in class `{class}`.' +DIAG_INVISIBLE_PROTECTED = -- TODO: need translate! +'Field `{field}` is protected, it can only be accessed in class `{class}` and its subclasses.' +DIAG_INVISIBLE_PACKAGE = -- TODO: need translate! +'Field `{field}` can only be accessed in same file `{uri}`.' +DIAG_GLOBAL_ELEMENT = -- TODO: need translate! +'Element is global.' + +MWS_NOT_SUPPORT = +'{} 目前還不支援多工作目錄,我可能需要重新啟動才能支援新的工作目錄...' +MWS_RESTART = +'重新啟動' +MWS_NOT_COMPLETE = +'工作目錄還沒有準備好,你可以稍後再試一下...' +MWS_COMPLETE = +'工作目錄準備好了,你可以再試一下了...' +MWS_MAX_PRELOAD = +'預載入檔案數已達上限({}),你需要手動打開需要載入的檔案。' +MWS_UCONFIG_FAILED = +'使用者設定檔儲存失敗。' +MWS_UCONFIG_UPDATED = +'使用者設定檔已更新。' +MWS_WCONFIG_UPDATED = +'工作區設定檔已更新。' + +WORKSPACE_SKIP_LARGE_FILE = +'已跳過過大的檔案:{}。目前設定的大小限制為:{} KB,該檔案大小為:{} KB' +WORKSPACE_LOADING = +'正在載入工作目錄' +WORKSPACE_DIAGNOSTIC = +'正在對工作目錄進行診斷' +WORKSPACE_SKIP_HUGE_FILE = +'出於效能考慮,已停止對此檔案解析:{}' +WORKSPACE_NOT_ALLOWED = +'你的工作目錄被設定為了 `{}` ,Lua語言伺服拒絕載入此目錄,請檢查你的設定檔。[了解更多](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/FAQ#why-is-the-server-scanning-the-wrong-folder)' +WORKSPACE_SCAN_TOO_MUCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'已掃描了超過 {} 個檔案,目前掃描的目錄為 `{}`. Please see the [FAQ](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/FAQ#how-can-i-improve-startup-speeds) to see how you can include fewer files. It is also possible that your [configuration is incorrect](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/FAQ#why-is-the-server-scanning-the-wrong-folder).' + +PARSER_CRASH = +'語法解析崩潰了!遺言:{}' +PARSER_UNKNOWN = +'未知語法錯誤...' +PARSER_MISS_NAME = +'缺少名稱。' +PARSER_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL = +'未知符號`{symbol}`。' +PARSER_MISS_SYMBOL = +'缺少符號`{symbol}`。' +PARSER_MISS_ESC_X = +'必須是2個16進制字元。' +PARSER_UTF8_SMALL = +'至少有1個字元。' +PARSER_UTF8_MAX = +'必須在 {min} 與 {max} 之間。' +PARSER_ERR_ESC = +'錯誤的跳脫字元。' +PARSER_MUST_X16 = +'必須是16進制字元。' +PARSER_MISS_EXPONENT = +'缺少指數部分。' +PARSER_MISS_EXP = +'缺少表達式。' +PARSER_MISS_FIELD = +'缺少欄位/屬性名。' +PARSER_MISS_METHOD = +'缺少方法名。' +PARSER_ARGS_AFTER_DOTS = +'`...`必須是最後一個引數。' +PARSER_KEYWORD = +'關鍵字無法作為名稱。' +PARSER_EXP_IN_ACTION = +'該表達式不能作為敘述。' +PARSER_BREAK_OUTSIDE = +'`break`必須在循環內部。' +PARSER_MALFORMED_NUMBER = +'無法構成有效數字。' +PARSER_ACTION_AFTER_RETURN = +'`return`之後不能再執行程式碼。' +PARSER_ACTION_AFTER_BREAK = +'`break`之後不能再執行程式碼。' +PARSER_NO_VISIBLE_LABEL = +'標籤`{label}`不可見。' +PARSER_REDEFINE_LABEL = +'標籤`{label}`重定義。' +PARSER_UNSUPPORT_SYMBOL = +'{version} 不支援該符號。' +PARSER_UNEXPECT_DOTS = +'`...`只能在不定參函式中使用。' +PARSER_UNEXPECT_SYMBOL = +'未知的符號 `{symbol}` 。' +PARSER_UNKNOWN_TAG = +'不支援的屬性。' +PARSER_MULTI_TAG = +'只能設定一個屬性。' +PARSER_UNEXPECT_LFUNC_NAME = +'區域函式只能使用識別字作為名稱。' +PARSER_UNEXPECT_EFUNC_NAME = +'函式作為表達式時不能命名。' +PARSER_ERR_LCOMMENT_END = +'應使用 `{symbol}` 來關閉多行註解。' +PARSER_ERR_C_LONG_COMMENT = +'Lua應使用 `--[[ ]]` 來進行多行註解。' +PARSER_ERR_LSTRING_END = +'應使用 `{symbol}` 來關閉長字串。' +PARSER_ERR_ASSIGN_AS_EQ = +'應使用 `=` 來進行賦值操作。' +PARSER_ERR_EQ_AS_ASSIGN = +'應使用 `==` 來進行等於判斷。' +PARSER_ERR_UEQ = +'應使用 `~=` 來進行不等於判斷。' +PARSER_ERR_THEN_AS_DO = +'應使用 `then` 。' +PARSER_ERR_DO_AS_THEN = +'應使用 `do` 。' +PARSER_MISS_END = +'缺少對應的 `end` 。' +PARSER_ERR_COMMENT_PREFIX = +'Lua應使用 `--` 來進行註解。' +PARSER_MISS_SEP_IN_TABLE = +'需要用 `,` 或 `;` 進行分割。' +PARSER_SET_CONST = +'不能對常數賦值。' +PARSER_UNICODE_NAME = +'包含了 Unicode 字元。' +PARSER_ERR_NONSTANDARD_SYMBOL = +'Lua中應使用符號 `{symbol}` 。' +PARSER_MISS_SPACE_BETWEEN = +'符號之間必須保留空格。' +PARSER_INDEX_IN_FUNC_NAME = +'命名函式的名稱中不能使用 `[name]` 形式。' +PARSER_UNKNOWN_ATTRIBUTE = +'區域變數屬性應該是 `const` 或 `close` 。' +PARSER_AMBIGUOUS_SYNTAX = -- TODO: need translate! +'在 Lua 5.1 中,函数调用的左括号必须与函数在同一行。' +PARSER_NEED_PAREN = -- TODO: need translate! +'需要添加一对括号。' +PARSER_NESTING_LONG_MARK = -- TODO: need translate! +'Nesting of `[[...]]` is not allowed in Lua 5.1 .' +PARSER_LOCAL_LIMIT = -- TODO: need translate! +'Only 200 active local variables and upvalues can be existed at the same time.' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_CLASS_NAME = +'缺少類別名稱。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_EXTENDS_SYMBOL = +'缺少符號 `:` 。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_CLASS_EXTENDS_NAME = +'缺少要繼承的類別名稱。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_SYMBOL = +'缺少符號 `{symbol}`。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_ARG_NAME = +'缺少參數名稱。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_TYPE_NAME = +'缺少類型名。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_ALIAS_NAME = +'缺少別名。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_ALIAS_EXTENDS = +'缺少別名定義。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_PARAM_NAME = +'缺少要指向的參數名稱。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_PARAM_EXTENDS = +'缺少參數的類型定義。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_FIELD_NAME = +'缺少欄位名稱。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_FIELD_EXTENDS = +'缺少欄位的類型定義。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_GENERIC_NAME = +'缺少泛型名稱。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_GENERIC_EXTENDS_NAME = +'缺少泛型要繼承的類別名稱。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_VARARG_TYPE = +'缺少可變引數的類型定義。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_FUN_AFTER_OVERLOAD = +'缺少關鍵字 `fun` 。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_CATE_NAME = +'缺少文件類型名稱。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_DIAG_MODE = +'缺少診斷模式。' +PARSER_LUADOC_ERROR_DIAG_MODE = +'診斷模式不正確。' +PARSER_LUADOC_MISS_LOCAL_NAME = +'缺少變數名。' + +SYMBOL_ANONYMOUS = +'<匿名函式>' + +HOVER_VIEW_DOCUMENTS = +'檢視文件' +HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA51 = +'https://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#{}' +HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA52 = +'https://www.lua.org/manual/5.2/manual.html#{}' +HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA53 = +'http://cloudwu.github.io/lua53doc/manual.html#{}' +HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUA54 = +'https://www.lua.org/manual/5.4/manual.html#{}' +HOVER_DOCUMENT_LUAJIT = +'https://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#{}' +HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA51 = +'command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/{}"]' +HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA52 = +'command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/52/manual.html/{}"]' +HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA53 = +'command:extension.lua.doc?["zh-cn/53/manual.html/{}"]' +HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUA54 = +'command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/{}"]' +HOVER_NATIVE_DOCUMENT_LUAJIT = +'command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/{}"]' +HOVER_MULTI_PROTOTYPE = +'({} 個原型)' +HOVER_STRING_BYTES = +'{} 個位元組' +HOVER_STRING_CHARACTERS = +'{} 個位元組,{} 個字元' +HOVER_MULTI_DEF_PROTO = +'({} 個定義,{} 個原型)' +HOVER_MULTI_PROTO_NOT_FUNC = +'({} 個非函式定義)' +HOVER_USE_LUA_PATH = +'(搜尋路徑: `{}` )' +HOVER_EXTENDS = +'展開為 {}' +HOVER_TABLE_TIME_UP = +'出於效能考慮,已停用了部分類型推斷。' +HOVER_WS_LOADING = +'正在載入工作目錄:{} / {}' +HOVER_AWAIT_TOOLTIP = +'正在呼叫非同步函式,可能會讓出目前共常式' + +ACTION_DISABLE_DIAG = +'在工作區停用診斷 ({})。' +ACTION_MARK_GLOBAL = +'標記 `{}` 為已定義的全域變數。' +ACTION_REMOVE_SPACE = +'清除所有後置空格。' +ACTION_ADD_SEMICOLON = +'添加 `;` 。' +ACTION_ADD_BRACKETS = +'添加括號。' +ACTION_RUNTIME_VERSION = +'修改執行版本為 {} 。' +ACTION_OPEN_LIBRARY = +'載入 {} 中的全域變數。' +ACTION_ADD_DO_END = +'添加 `do ... end` 。' +ACTION_FIX_LCOMMENT_END = +'改用正確的多行註解關閉符號。' +ACTION_ADD_LCOMMENT_END = +'關閉多行註解。' +ACTION_FIX_C_LONG_COMMENT = +'修改為 Lua 的多行註解格式。' +ACTION_FIX_LSTRING_END = +'改用正確的長字串關閉符號。' +ACTION_ADD_LSTRING_END = +'關閉長字串。' +ACTION_FIX_ASSIGN_AS_EQ = +'改為 `=` 。' +ACTION_FIX_EQ_AS_ASSIGN = +'改為 `==` 。' +ACTION_FIX_UEQ = +'改為 `~=` 。' +ACTION_FIX_THEN_AS_DO = +'改為 `then` 。' +ACTION_FIX_DO_AS_THEN = +'改為 `do` 。' +ACTION_ADD_END = +'添加 `end` (根據縮排推測添加位置)。' +ACTION_FIX_COMMENT_PREFIX = +'改為 `--` 。' +ACTION_FIX_NONSTANDARD_SYMBOL = +'改為 `{symbol}`。' +ACTION_RUNTIME_UNICODE_NAME = +'允許使用 Unicode 字元。' +ACTION_SWAP_PARAMS = +'將其改為 `{node}` 的第 {index} 個參數' +ACTION_FIX_INSERT_SPACE = +'插入空格' +ACTION_JSON_TO_LUA = +'把 JSON 轉成 Lua' +ACTION_DISABLE_DIAG_LINE= +'在此行停用診斷 ({})。' +ACTION_DISABLE_DIAG_FILE= +'在此檔案停用診斷 ({})。' +ACTION_MARK_ASYNC = +'將目前函式標記為非同步。' +ACTION_ADD_DICT = +'添加 \'{}\' 到工作區字典' +ACTION_FIX_ADD_PAREN = -- TODO: need translate! +'添加括号。' + +COMMAND_DISABLE_DIAG = +'停用診斷' +COMMAND_MARK_GLOBAL = +'標記全域變數' +COMMAND_REMOVE_SPACE = +'清除所有後置空格' +COMMAND_ADD_BRACKETS = +'添加括號' +COMMAND_RUNTIME_VERSION = +'修改執行版本' +COMMAND_OPEN_LIBRARY = +'載入第三方庫中的全域變數' +COMMAND_UNICODE_NAME = +'允許使用 Unicode 字元' +COMMAND_JSON_TO_LUA = +'JSON 轉 Lua' +COMMAND_JSON_TO_LUA_FAILED = +'JSON 轉 Lua 失敗:{}' +COMMAND_ADD_DICT = +'添加單字到字典裡' +COMMAND_REFERENCE_COUNT = -- TODO: need translate! +'{} references' + +COMPLETION_IMPORT_FROM = +'從 {} 中匯入' +COMPLETION_DISABLE_AUTO_REQUIRE = +'停用自動require' +COMPLETION_ASK_AUTO_REQUIRE = +'在檔案頂部添加程式碼 require 此檔案?' + +DEBUG_MEMORY_LEAK = +'{} 很抱歉發生了嚴重的記憶體漏失,語言伺服即將重新啟動。' +DEBUG_RESTART_NOW = +'立即重新啟動' + +WINDOW_COMPILING = +'正在編譯' +WINDOW_DIAGNOSING = +'正在診斷' +WINDOW_INITIALIZING = +'正在初始化...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_HOVER = +'正在處理懸浮提示...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_DEFINITION = +'正在處理轉到定義...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_REFERENCE = +'正在處理轉到引用...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_RENAME = +'正在處理重新命名...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_COMPLETION = +'正在處理自動完成...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_SIGNATURE = +'正在處理參數提示...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_SYMBOL = +'正在處理檔案符號...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_WS_SYMBOL = +'正在處理工作區符號...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_SEMANTIC_FULL = +'正在處理全量語義著色...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_SEMANTIC_RANGE = +'正在處理差量語義著色...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_HINT = +'正在處理內嵌提示...' +WINDOW_PROCESSING_BUILD_META = -- TODO: need translate! +'Processing build meta...' +WINDOW_INCREASE_UPPER_LIMIT = +'增加上限' +WINDOW_CLOSE = +'關閉' +WINDOW_SETTING_WS_DIAGNOSTIC = +'你可以在設定中延遲或停用工作目錄診斷' +WINDOW_DONT_SHOW_AGAIN = +'不再提示' +WINDOW_DELAY_WS_DIAGNOSTIC = +'空閒時診斷(延遲{}秒)' +WINDOW_DISABLE_DIAGNOSTIC = +'停用工作區診斷' +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_WORKSPACE = +'工作區:{}' +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_CACHED_FILES = +'已快取檔案:{ast}/{max}' +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_MEMORY_COUNT = +'記憶體佔用:{mem:.f}M' +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_TIP = +[[ + +這個圖標是貓, +不是狗也不是狐狸! + ↓↓↓ +]] +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_DIAGNOSIS_TITLE= +'進行工作區診斷' +WINDOW_LUA_STATUS_DIAGNOSIS_MSG = +'是否進行工作區診斷?' +WINDOW_APPLY_SETTING = +'套用設定' +WINDOW_CHECK_SEMANTIC = +'如果你正在使用市場中的顏色主題,你可能需要同時修改 `editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled` 選項為 `true` 才會使語義著色生效。' +WINDOW_TELEMETRY_HINT = +'請允許發送匿名的使用資料與錯誤報告,幫助我們進一步完善此延伸模組。在[此處](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Home#privacy)閱讀我們的隱私聲明。' +WINDOW_TELEMETRY_ENABLE = +'允許' +WINDOW_TELEMETRY_DISABLE = +'禁止' +WINDOW_CLIENT_NOT_SUPPORT_CONFIG = +'你的用戶端不支援從伺服端修改設定,請手動修改以下設定:' +WINDOW_LCONFIG_NOT_SUPPORT_CONFIG= +'暫時不支援自動修改本地設定,請手動修改以下設定:' +WINDOW_MANUAL_CONFIG_ADD = +'為 `{key}` 添加值 `{value:q}`;' +WINDOW_MANUAL_CONFIG_SET = +'將 `{key}` 的值設定為 `{value:q}`;' +WINDOW_MANUAL_CONFIG_PROP = +'將 `{key}` 的屬性 `{prop}` 設定為 `{value:q}`;' +WINDOW_APPLY_WHIT_SETTING = +'套用並修改設定' +WINDOW_APPLY_WHITOUT_SETTING = +'套用但不修改設定' +WINDOW_ASK_APPLY_LIBRARY = +'是否需要將你的工作環境配置為 `{}` ?' +WINDOW_SEARCHING_IN_FILES = +'正在檔案中搜尋...' +WINDOW_CONFIG_LUA_DEPRECATED = -- TODO: need translate! +'`config.lua` is deprecated, please use `config.json` instead.' +WINDOW_CONVERT_CONFIG_LUA = -- TODO: need translate! +'Convert to `config.json`' +WINDOW_MODIFY_REQUIRE_PATH = -- TODO: need translate! +'Do you want to modify the require path?' +WINDOW_MODIFY_REQUIRE_OK = -- TODO: need translate! +'Modify' + +CONFIG_LOAD_FAILED = +'無法讀取設定檔案:{}' +CONFIG_LOAD_ERROR = +'設定檔案載入錯誤:{}' +CONFIG_TYPE_ERROR = +'設定檔案必須是lua或json格式:{}' +CONFIG_MODIFY_FAIL_SYNTAX_ERROR = -- TODO: need translate! +'Failed to modify settings, there are syntax errors in the settings file: {}' +CONFIG_MODIFY_FAIL_NO_WORKSPACE = -- TODO: need translate! +[[ +Failed to modify settings: +* The current mode is single-file mode, server cannot create `.luarc.json` without workspace. +* The language client dose not support modifying settings from the server side. + +Please modify following settings manually: +{} +]] +CONFIG_MODIFY_FAIL = -- TODO: need translate! +[[ +Failed to modify settings + +Please modify following settings manually: +{} +]] + +PLUGIN_RUNTIME_ERROR = +[[ +延伸模組發生錯誤,請彙報給延伸模組作者。 +請在輸出或日誌中查看詳細資訊。 +延伸模組路徑:{} +]] +PLUGIN_TRUST_LOAD = +[[ +目前設定試圖載入位於此位置的延伸模組:{} + +注意,惡意的延伸模組可能會危害您的電腦 +]] +PLUGIN_TRUST_YES = +[[ +信任並載入延伸模組 +]] +PLUGIN_TRUST_NO = +[[ +不要載入此延伸模組 +]] + +CLI_CHECK_ERROR_TYPE = +'check 必須是一個字串,但是是一個 {}' +CLI_CHECK_ERROR_URI = +'check 必須是一個有效的 URI,但是是 {}' +CLI_CHECK_ERROR_LEVEL = +'checklevel 必須是這些值之一:{}' +CLI_CHECK_INITING = +'正在初始化...' +CLI_CHECK_SUCCESS = +'診斷完成,沒有發現問題' +CLI_CHECK_RESULTS = +'診斷完成,共有 {} 個問題,請查看 {}' +CLI_DOC_INITING = -- TODO: need translate! +'Loading documents ...' +CLI_DOC_DONE = -- TODO: need translate! +[[ +Document exporting completed! +Raw data: {} +Markdown(example): {} +]] + +TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_GLOBAL_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'Type `{child}` cannot match enumeration type of `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_GENERIC_UNSUPPORTED = -- TODO: need translate! +'Cannot use generic `{child}` in enumeration' +TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_LITERAL_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'Literal `{child}` cannot match the enumeration value of `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_OBJECT_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'The object `{child}` cannot match the enumeration value of `{parent}`. They must be the same object' +TYPE_ERROR_ENUM_NO_OBJECT = -- TODO: need translate! +'The passed in enumeration value `{child}` is not recognized' +TYPE_ERROR_INTEGER_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'Literal `{child}` cannot match integer `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_STRING_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'Literal `{child}` cannot match string `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_BOOLEAN_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'Literal `{child}` cannot match boolean `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_TABLE_NO_FIELD = -- TODO: need translate! +'Field `{key}` does not exist in the table' +TYPE_ERROR_TABLE_FIELD_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'The type of field `{key}` is `{child}`, which cannot match `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_CHILD_ALL_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'All subtypes in `{child}` cannot match `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_PARENT_ALL_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'`{child}` cannot match any subtypes in `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_UNION_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'`{child}` cannot match `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_OPTIONAL_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'Optional type cannot match `{parent}`' +TYPE_ERROR_NUMBER_LITERAL_TO_INTEGER = -- TODO: need translate! +'The number `{child}` cannot be converted to an integer' +TYPE_ERROR_NUMBER_TYPE_TO_INTEGER = -- TODO: need translate! +'Cannot convert number type to integer type' +TYPE_ERROR_DISMATCH = -- TODO: need translate! +'Type `{child}` cannot match `{parent}`' + +LUADOC_DESC_CLASS = +[=[ +定義一個類別/表結構 +## 語法 +`---@class [: [, ]...]` +## 用法 +``` +---@class Manager: Person, Human +Manager = {} +``` +--- +[檢視文件](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#class) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_TYPE = +[=[ +指定一個變數的類型 + +預設類型: `nil` 、 `any` 、 `boolean` 、 `string` 、 `number` 、 `integer`、 +`function` 、 `table` 、 `thread` 、 `userdata` 、 `lightuserdata` + +(可以使用 `@alias` 提供自訂類型) + +## 語法 +`---@type [| [type]...` + +## 用法 +### 一般 +``` +---@type nil|table|myClass +local Example = nil +``` + +### 陣列 +``` +---@type number[] +local phoneNumbers = {} +``` + +### 列舉 +``` +---@type "red"|"green"|"blue" +local color = "" +``` + +### 表 +``` +---@type table +local settings = { + disableLogging = true, + preventShutdown = false, +} + +---@type { [string]: true } +local x --x[""] is true +``` + +### 函式 +``` +---@type fun(mode?: "r"|"w"): string +local myFunction +``` +--- +[檢視文件](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#types-and-type) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_ALIAS = +[=[ +新增你的自訂類型,可以與 `@param`、`@type` 等一起使用。 + +## 語法 +`---@alias [description]`\ +或 +``` +---@alias +---| 'value' [# comment] +---| 'value2' [# comment] +... +``` + +## 用法 +### Expand to other type +``` +---@alias filepath string Path to a file + +---@param path filepath Path to the file to search in +function find(path, pattern) end +``` + +### 列舉 +``` +---@alias font-style +---| '"underlined"' # Underline the text +---| '"bold"' # Bolden the text +---| '"italic"' # Make the text italicized + +---@param style font-style Style to apply +function setFontStyle(style) end +``` + +### Literal Enum +``` +local enums = { + READ = 0, + WRITE = 1, + CLOSED = 2 +} + +---@alias FileStates +---| `enums.READ` +---| `enums.WRITE` +---| `enums.CLOSE` +``` +--- +[檢視文件](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#alias) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_PARAM = +[=[ +宣告一個函式參數 + +## 語法 +`@param [?] [comment]` + +## 用法 +### 一般 +``` +---@param url string The url to request +---@param headers? table HTTP headers to send +---@param timeout? number Timeout in seconds +function get(url, headers, timeout) end +``` + +### 可變引數 +``` +---@param base string The base to concat to +---@param ... string The values to concat +function concat(base, ...) end +``` +--- +[檢視文件](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#param) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_RETURN = +[=[ +宣告一個回傳值 + +## 語法 +`@return [name] [description]`\ +或\ +`@return [# description]` + +## 用法 +### 一般 +``` +---@return number +---@return number # The green component +---@return number b The blue component +function hexToRGB(hex) end +``` + +### 僅限類型和名稱 +``` +---@return number x, number y +function getCoords() end +``` + +### 僅限類型 +``` +---@return string, string +function getFirstLast() end +``` + +### 回傳變數值 +``` +---@return string ... The tags of the item +function getTags(item) end +``` +--- +[檢視文件](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#return) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_FIELD = +[=[ +在類別/表中宣告一個欄位。 這使你可以為表提供更深入詳細的文件。 + +## 語法 +`---@field [description]` + +## 用法 +``` +---@class HTTP_RESPONSE +---@field status HTTP_STATUS +---@field headers table The headers of the response + +---@class HTTP_STATUS +---@field code number The status code of the response +---@field message string A message reporting the status + +---@return HTTP_RESPONSE response The response from the server +function get(url) end + +--This response variable has all of the fields defined above +response = get("localhost") + +--Extension provided intellisense for the below assignment +statusCode = response.status.code +``` +--- +[檢視文件](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#field) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_GENERIC = +[=[ +模擬泛型。 泛型可以允許類型被重用,因為它們有助於定義可用於不同類型的"通用形狀"。 + +## 語法 +`---@generic [:parent_type] [, [:parent_type]]` + +## 用法 +### 一般 +``` +---@generic T +---@param value T The value to return +---@return T value The exact same value +function echo(value) + return value +end + +-- Type is string +s = echo("e") + +-- Type is number +n = echo(10) + +-- Type is boolean +b = echo(true) + +-- We got all of this info from just using +-- @generic rather than manually specifying +-- each allowed type +``` + +### 捕獲泛型類型的名稱 +``` +---@class Foo +local Foo = {} +function Foo:Bar() end + +---@generic T +---@param name `T` # the name generic type is captured here +---@return T # generic type is returned +function Generic(name) end + +local v = Generic("Foo") -- v is an object of Foo +``` + +### Lua 表如何使用泛型 +``` +---@class table: { [K]: V } + +-- This is what allows us to create a table +-- and intellisense keeps track of any type +-- we give for key (K) or value (V) +``` +--- +[檢視文件](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#generics-and-generic) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_VARARG = +[=[ +主要用於對 EmmyLua 註解的向下支援。 `@vararg` 不提供輸入或允許描述。 + +**在記錄參數(變數或非變數)時,您應該改用 `@param`。** + +## 語法 +`@vararg ` + +## 用法 +``` +---Concat strings together +---@vararg string +function concat(...) end +``` +--- +[檢視文件](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#vararg) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_OVERLOAD = +[=[ +允許定義多個函數簽章。 + +## 語法 +`---@overload fun([: ] [, [: ]]...)[: [, ]...]` + +## 用法 +``` +---@overload fun(t: table, value: any): number +function table.insert(t, position, value) end +``` +--- +[檢視文件](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#overload) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_DEPRECATED = +[=[ +將函式標記為已棄用。 這會導致任何不推薦使用的函式呼叫被 ~~擊穿~~。 + +## 語法 +`---@deprecated` + +--- +[檢視文件](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#deprecated) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_META = +[=[ +表示這是一個中繼檔案,應僅用於定義和智慧感知。 + +中繼檔案有 3 個主要區別需要注意: +1. 中繼檔案中不會有任何基於上下文的智慧感知 +2. 將 `require` 檔案路徑懸停在中繼檔案中會顯示 `[meta]` 而不是絕對路徑 +3. `Find Reference` 功能會忽略中繼檔案 + +## 語法 +`---@meta` + +--- +[檢視文件](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#meta) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_VERSION = +[=[ +指定此函式獨有的 Lua 版本。 + +Lua 版本:`5.1` 、 `5.2` 、 `5.3` 、 `5.4` 、 `JIT`。 + +需要 `Diagnostics: Needed File Status` 設定。 + +## 語法 +`---@version [, ]...` + +## 用法 +### 一般 +``` +---@version JIT +function onlyWorksInJIT() end +``` +### 指定多個版本 +``` +---@version <5.2,JIT +function oldLuaOnly() end +``` +--- +[檢視文件](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#version) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_SEE = +[=[ +定義可以檢視以獲取更多資訊的內容 + +## Syntax +`---@see ` + +--- +[檢視文件](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#see) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_DIAGNOSTIC = +[=[ +啟用/停用診斷錯誤與警告等。 + +操作:`disable` 、 `enable` 、 `disable-line` 、 `disable-next-line` + +[名稱](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/blob/cbb6e6224094c4eb874ea192c5f85a6cba099588/script/proto/define.lua#L54) + +## 語法 +`---@diagnostic [: ]` + +## 用法 +### 停用下一行 +``` +---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-global +``` + +### 手動切換 +``` +---@diagnostic disable: unused-local +local unused = "hello world" +---@diagnostic enable: unused-local +``` +--- +[檢視文件](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#diagnostic) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_MODULE = +[=[ +提供 `require` 的語義。 + +## 語法 +`---@module <'module_name'>` + +## 用法 +``` +---@module 'string.utils' +local stringUtils +-- This is functionally the same as: +local module = require('string.utils') +``` +--- +[檢視文件](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#module) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_ASYNC = +[=[ +將函式標記為非同步。 + +## 語法 +`---@async` + +--- +[檢視文件](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#async) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_NODISCARD = +[=[ +防止此函式的回傳值被丟棄/忽略。 +如果忽略回傳值,這將引發 `discard-returns` 警告。 + +## 語法 +`---@nodiscard` + +--- +[檢視文件](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#nodiscard) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_CAST = +[=[ +允許轉型(類型轉換)。 + +## 語法 +`@cast <[+|-]type>[, <[+|-]type>]...` + +## 用法 +### 覆蓋類型 +``` +---@type integer +local x --> integer + +---@cast x string +print(x) --> string +``` +### 增加類型 +``` +---@type string +local x --> string + +---@cast x +boolean, +number +print(x) --> string|boolean|number +``` +### 移除類型 +``` +---@type string|table +local x --> string|table + +---@cast x -string +print(x) --> table +``` +--- +[檢視文件](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#cast) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_OPERATOR = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Provide type declaration for [operator metamethods](http://lua-users.org/wiki/MetatableEvents). + +## Syntax +`@operator [(input_type)]:` + +## Usage +### Vector Add Metamethod +``` +---@class Vector +---@operation add(Vector):Vector + +vA = Vector.new(1, 2, 3) +vB = Vector.new(10, 20, 30) + +vC = vA + vB +--> Vector +``` +### Unary Minus +``` +---@class Passcode +---@operation unm:integer + +pA = Passcode.new(1234) +pB = -pA +--> integer +``` +[View Request](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/599) +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_ENUM = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Mark a table as an enum. If you want an enum but can't define it as a Lua +table, take a look at the [`@alias`](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Annotations#alias) +tag. + +## Syntax +`@enum ` + +## Usage +``` +---@enum colors +local colors = { + white = 0, + orange = 2, + yellow = 4, + green = 8, + black = 16, +} + +---@param color colors +local function setColor(color) end + +-- Completion and hover is provided for the below param +setColor(colors.green) +``` +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_PACKAGE = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Mark a function as private to the file it is defined in. A packaged function +cannot be accessed from another file. + +## Syntax +`@package` + +## Usage +``` +---@class Animal +---@field private eyes integer +local Animal = {} + +---@package +---This cannot be accessed in another file +function Animal:eyesCount() + return self.eyes +end +``` +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_PRIVATE = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Mark a function as private to a @class. Private functions can be accessed only +from within their class and are not accessable from child classes. + +## Syntax +`@private` + +## Usage +``` +---@class Animal +---@field private eyes integer +local Animal = {} + +---@private +function Animal:eyesCount() + return self.eyes +end + +---@class Dog:Animal +local myDog = {} + +---NOT PERMITTED! +myDog:eyesCount(); +``` +]=] +LUADOC_DESC_PROTECTED = -- TODO: need translate! +[=[ +Mark a function as protected within a @class. Protected functions can be +accessed only from within their class or from child classes. + +## Syntax +`@protected` + +## Usage +``` +---@class Animal +---@field private eyes integer +local Animal = {} + +---@protected +function Animal:eyesCount() + return self.eyes +end + +---@class Dog:Animal +local myDog = {} + +---Permitted because function is protected, not private. +myDog:eyesCount(); +``` +]=] diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/zh-tw/setting.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/zh-tw/setting.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..351e6ca0e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/locale/zh-tw/setting.lua @@ -0,0 +1,443 @@ +---@diagnostic disable: undefined-global + +config.addonManager.enable = -- TODO: need translate! +"Whether the addon manager is enabled or not." +config.runtime.version = +"Lua執行版本。" +config.runtime.path = +[[ +當使用 `require` 時,如何根據輸入的名字來尋找檔案。 +此選項設定為 `?/init.lua` 意味著當你輸入 `require 'myfile'` 時,會從已載入的檔案中搜尋 `{workspace}/myfile/init.lua`。 +當 `runtime.pathStrict` 設定為 `false` 時,還會嘗試搜尋 `${workspace}/**/myfile/init.lua`。 +如果你想要載入工作區以外的檔案,你需要先設定 `Lua.workspace.library`。 +]] +config.runtime.pathStrict = +'啟用後 `runtime.path` 將只搜尋第一層目錄,見 `runtime.path` 的説明。' +config.runtime.special = +[[將自訂全域變數視為一些特殊的內建變數,語言伺服將提供特殊的支援。 +下面這個例子表示將 `include` 視為 `require` 。 +```json +"Lua.runtime.special" : { + "include" : "require" +} +``` +]] +config.runtime.unicodeName = +"允許在名字中使用 Unicode 字元。" +config.runtime.nonstandardSymbol = +"支援非標準的符號。請務必確認你的執行環境支援這些符號。" +config.runtime.plugin = +"延伸模組路徑,請查閱[文件](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Plugins)瞭解用法。" +config.runtime.pluginArgs = -- TODO: need translate! +"Additional arguments for the plugin." +config.runtime.fileEncoding = +"檔案編碼,選項 `ansi` 只在 `Windows` 平台下有效。" +config.runtime.builtin = +[[ +調整內建庫的啟用狀態,你可以根據實際執行環境停用(或重新定義)不存在的庫。 + +* `default`: 表示庫會根據執行版本啟用或停用 +* `enable`: 總是啟用 +* `disable`: 總是停用 +]] +config.runtime.meta = +'meta檔案的目錄名稱格式' +config.diagnostics.enable = +"啟用診斷。" +config.diagnostics.disable = +"停用的診斷(使用浮框括號內的程式碼)。" +config.diagnostics.globals = +"已定義的全域變數。" +config.diagnostics.severity = +[[ +修改診斷等級。 +以 `!` 結尾的設定優先順序高於組設定 `diagnostics.groupSeverity`。 +]] +config.diagnostics.neededFileStatus = +[[ +* Opened: 只診斷打開的檔案 +* Any: 診斷所有檔案 +* None: 停用此診斷 + +以 `!` 結尾的設定優先順序高於組設定 `diagnostics.groupFileStatus`。 +]] +config.diagnostics.groupSeverity = +[[ +批量修改一個組中的診斷等級。 +設定為 `Fallback` 意味著組中的診斷由 `diagnostics.severity` 單獨設定。 +其他設定將覆蓋單獨設定,但是不會覆蓋以 `!` 結尾的設定。 +]] +config.diagnostics.groupFileStatus = +[[ +批量修改一個組中的檔案狀態。 + +* Opened: 只診斷打開的檔案 +* Any: 診斷所有檔案 +* None: 停用此診斷 + +設定為 `Fallback` 意味著組中的診斷由 `diagnostics.neededFileStatus` 單獨設定。 +其他設定將覆蓋單獨設定,但是不會覆蓋以 `!` 結尾的設定。 +]] +config.diagnostics.workspaceEvent = -- TODO: need translate! +"Set the time to trigger workspace diagnostics." +config.diagnostics.workspaceEvent.OnChange = -- TODO: need translate! +"Trigger workspace diagnostics when the file is changed." +config.diagnostics.workspaceEvent.OnSave = -- TODO: need translate! +"Trigger workspace diagnostics when the file is saved." +config.diagnostics.workspaceEvent.None = -- TODO: need translate! +"Disable workspace diagnostics." +config.diagnostics.workspaceDelay = +"進行工作區診斷的延遲(毫秒)。" +config.diagnostics.workspaceRate = +"工作區診斷的執行速率(百分比)。降低該值會減少CPU使用率,但是也會降低工作區診斷的速度。你目前正在編輯的檔案的診斷總是全速完成,不受該選項影響。" +config.diagnostics.libraryFiles = +"如何診斷透過 `Lua.workspace.library` 載入的檔案。" +config.diagnostics.libraryFiles.Enable = +"總是診斷這些檔案。" +config.diagnostics.libraryFiles.Opened = +"只有打開這些檔案時才會診斷。" +config.diagnostics.libraryFiles.Disable = +"不診斷這些檔案。" +config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles = +"如何診斷被忽略的檔案。" +config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles.Enable = +"總是診斷這些檔案。" +config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles.Opened = +"只有打開這些檔案時才會診斷。" +config.diagnostics.ignoredFiles.Disable = +"不診斷這些檔案。" +config.diagnostics.disableScheme = +'不診斷使用以下 scheme 的lua檔案。' +config.diagnostics.unusedLocalExclude = -- TODO: need translate! +'Do not diagnose `unused-local` when the variable name matches the following pattern.' +config.workspace.ignoreDir = +"忽略的檔案與目錄(使用 `.gitignore` 語法)。" +config.workspace.ignoreSubmodules = +"忽略子模組。" +config.workspace.useGitIgnore = +"忽略 `.gitignore` 中列舉的檔案。" +config.workspace.maxPreload = +"最大預載入檔案數。" +config.workspace.preloadFileSize = +"預載入時跳過大小大於該值(KB)的檔案。" +config.workspace.library = +"除了目前工作區以外,還會從哪些目錄中載入檔案。這些目錄中的檔案將被視作外部提供的程式碼庫,部分操作(如重新命名欄位)不會修改這些檔案。" +config.workspace.checkThirdParty = +[[ +自動偵測與適應第三方庫,目前支援的庫為: + +* OpenResty +* Cocos4.0 +* LÖVE +* LÖVR +* skynet +* Jass +]] +config.workspace.userThirdParty = +'在這裡添加私有的第三方庫適應檔案路徑,請參考內建的[組態檔案路徑](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/tree/master/meta/3rd)' +config.workspace.supportScheme = +'為以下 `scheme` 的lua檔案提供語言伺服。' +config.completion.enable = +'啟用自動完成。' +config.completion.callSnippet = +'顯示函式呼叫片段。' +config.completion.callSnippet.Disable = +"只顯示 `函式名`。" +config.completion.callSnippet.Both = +"顯示 `函式名` 與 `呼叫片段`。" +config.completion.callSnippet.Replace = +"只顯示 `呼叫片段`。" +config.completion.keywordSnippet = +'顯示關鍵字語法片段。' +config.completion.keywordSnippet.Disable = +"只顯示 `關鍵字`。" +config.completion.keywordSnippet.Both = +"顯示 `關鍵字` 與 `語法片段`。" +config.completion.keywordSnippet.Replace = +"只顯示 `語法片段`。" +config.completion.displayContext = +"預覽建議的相關程式碼片段,可能可以幫助你瞭解這項建議的用法。設定的數字表示程式碼片段的擷取行數,設定為 `0` 可以停用此功能。" +config.completion.workspaceWord = +"顯示的上下文單詞是否包含工作區中其他檔案的內容。" +config.completion.showWord = +"在建議中顯示上下文單詞。" +config.completion.showWord.Enable = +"總是在建議中顯示上下文單詞。" +config.completion.showWord.Fallback = +"無法根據語義提供建議時才顯示上下文單詞。" +config.completion.showWord.Disable = +"不顯示上下文單詞。" +config.completion.autoRequire = +"輸入內容看起來是個檔名時,自動 `require` 此檔案。" +config.completion.showParams = +"在建議列表中顯示函式的參數資訊,函式擁有多個定義時會分開顯示。" +config.completion.requireSeparator = +"`require` 時使用的分隔符。" +config.completion.postfix = +"用於觸發後綴建議的符號。" +config.color.mode = +"著色模式。" +config.color.mode.Semantic = +"語義著色。你可能需要同時將 `editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled` 設定為 `true` 才能生效。" +config.color.mode.SemanticEnhanced = +"增強的語義顏色。類似於`Semantic`,但會進行額外的分析(也會帶來額外的開銷)。" +config.color.mode.Grammar = +"語法著色。" +config.semantic.enable = +"啟用語義著色。你可能需要同時將 `editor.semanticHighlighting.enabled` 設定為 `true` 才能生效。" +config.semantic.variable = +"對變數/欄位/參數進行語義著色。" +config.semantic.annotation = +"對類型註解進行語義著色。" +config.semantic.keyword = +"對關鍵字/字面常數/運算子進行語義著色。只有當你的編輯器無法進行語法著色時才需要啟用此功能。" +config.signatureHelp.enable = +"啟用參數提示。" +config.hover.enable = +"啟用懸浮提示。" +config.hover.viewString = +"懸浮提示檢視字串內容(僅當字面常數包含跳脫字元時)。" +config.hover.viewStringMax = +"懸浮提示檢視字串內容時的最大長度。" +config.hover.viewNumber = +"懸浮提示檢視數字內容(僅當字面常數不是十進制時)。" +config.hover.fieldInfer = +"懸浮提示檢視表時,會對表的每個欄位進行類型推測,當類型推測的用時累計達到該設定值(毫秒)時,將跳過後續欄位的類型推測。" +config.hover.previewFields = +"懸浮提示檢視表時,限制表內欄位的最大預覽數量。" +config.hover.enumsLimit = +"當值對應多個類型時,限制類型的顯示數量。" +config.hover.expandAlias = +[[ +是否展開別名。例如 `---@alias myType boolean|number` 展開後顯示為 `boolean|number`,否則顯示為 `myType'。 +]] +config.develop.enable = +'開發者模式。請勿開啟,會影響效能。' +config.develop.debuggerPort = +'除錯器監聽埠。' +config.develop.debuggerWait = +'除錯器連接之前懸置。' +config.intelliSense.searchDepth = +'設定智慧感知的搜尋深度。增大該值可以增加準確度,但會降低效能。不同的工作區對該設定的容忍度差異較大,請自己調整為合適的值。' +config.intelliSense.fastGlobal = +'在對全域變數進行補全,及檢視 `_G` 的懸浮提示時進行最佳化。這會略微降低類型推測的準確度,但是對於大量使用全域變數的專案會有大幅的效能提升。' +config.window.statusBar = +'在狀態欄顯示延伸模組狀態。' +config.window.progressBar = +'在狀態欄顯示進度條。' +config.hint.enable = +'啟用內嵌提示。' +config.hint.paramType = +'在函式的參數位置提示類型。' +config.hint.setType = +'在賦值操作位置提示類型。' +config.hint.paramName = +'在函式呼叫處提示參數名。' +config.hint.paramName.All = +'所有類型的參數均進行提示。' +config.hint.paramName.Literal = +'只有字面常數類型的參數進行提示。' +config.hint.paramName.Disable = +'停用參數提示。' +config.hint.arrayIndex = +'在建構表時提示陣列索引。' +config.hint.arrayIndex.Enable = +'所有的表中都提示陣列索引。' +config.hint.arrayIndex.Auto = +'只有表大於3項,或者表是混合類型時才進行提示。' +config.hint.arrayIndex.Disable = +'停用陣列索引提示。' +config.hint.await = +'如果呼叫的函數被標記為了 `---@async`,則在呼叫處提示 `await`。' +config.hint.semicolon = +'若陳述式尾部沒有分號,則顯示虛擬分號。' +config.hint.semicolon.All = +'所有陳述式都顯示虛擬分號。' +config.hint.semicolon.SameLine = +'兩個陳述式在同一行時,在它們之間顯示分號。' +config.hint.semicolon.Disable = +'停用虛擬分號。' +config.codeLens.enable = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable code lens.' +config.format.enable = +'啟用程式碼格式化程式。' +config.format.defaultConfig = +[[ +預設的格式化組態,優先順序低於工作區內的 `.editorconfig` 檔案。 +請查閱[格式化文件](https://github.com/CppCXY/EmmyLuaCodeStyle/tree/master/docs)了解用法。 +]] +config.spell.dict = +'拼寫檢查的自訂單詞。' +config.nameStyle.config = -- TODO: need translate! +'Set name style config' +config.telemetry.enable = +[[ +啟用遙測,透過網路發送你的編輯器資訊與錯誤日誌。在[此處](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Home#privacy)閱讀我們的隱私聲明。 +]] +config.misc.parameters = +'VSCode中啟動語言伺服時的[命令列參數](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Getting-Started#arguments)。' +config.misc.executablePath = -- TODO: need translate! +'Specify the executable path in VSCode.' +config.IntelliSense.traceLocalSet = +'請查閱[文件](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/IntelliSense-optional-features)瞭解用法。' +config.IntelliSense.traceReturn = +'請查閱[文件](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/IntelliSense-optional-features)瞭解用法。' +config.IntelliSense.traceBeSetted = +'請查閱[文件](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/IntelliSense-optional-features)瞭解用法。' +config.IntelliSense.traceFieldInject = +'請查閱[文件](https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/IntelliSense-optional-features)瞭解用法。' +config.type.castNumberToInteger = +'允許將 `number` 類型賦值給 `integer` 類型。' +config.type.weakUnionCheck = +[[ +同位類型中只要有一個子類型滿足條件,則同位類型也滿足條件。 + +此設定為 `false` 時,`number|boolean` 類型無法賦給 `number` 類型;為 `true` 時則可以。 +]] +config.type.weakNilCheck = -- TODO: need translate! +[[ +When checking the type of union type, ignore the `nil` in it. + +When this setting is `false`, the `number|nil` type cannot be assigned to the `number` type. It can be with `true`. +]] +config.doc.privateName = -- TODO: need translate! +'Treat specific field names as private, e.g. `m_*` means `XXX.m_id` and `XXX.m_type` are private, witch can only be accessed in the class where the definition is located.' +config.doc.protectedName = -- TODO: need translate! +'Treat specific field names as protected, e.g. `m_*` means `XXX.m_id` and `XXX.m_type` are protected, witch can only be accessed in the class where the definition is located and its subclasses.' +config.doc.packageName = -- TODO: need translate! +'Treat specific field names as package, e.g. `m_*` means `XXX.m_id` and `XXX.m_type` are package, witch can only be accessed in the file where the definition is located.' +config.diagnostics['unused-local'] = +'未使用的區域變數' +config.diagnostics['unused-function'] = +'未使用的函式' +config.diagnostics['undefined-global'] = +'未定義的全域變數' +config.diagnostics['global-in-nil-env'] = +'不能使用全域變數( `_ENV` 被設定為 `nil`)' +config.diagnostics['unused-label'] = +'未使用的標籤' +config.diagnostics['unused-vararg'] = +'未使用的不定引數' +config.diagnostics['trailing-space'] = +'後置空格' +config.diagnostics['redefined-local'] = +'重複定義的區域變數' +config.diagnostics['newline-call'] = +'以 `(` 開始的新行,在語法上被解析為了上一行的函式呼叫' +config.diagnostics['newfield-call'] = +'在字面常數表中,2行程式碼之間缺少分隔符,在語法上被解析為了一次索引操作' +config.diagnostics['redundant-parameter'] = +'函式呼叫時,傳入了多餘的引數' +config.diagnostics['ambiguity-1'] = +'優先順序歧義,如: `num or 0 + 1` ,推測使用者的實際期望為 `(num or 0) + 1`' +config.diagnostics['lowercase-global'] = +'首字母小寫的全域變數定義' +config.diagnostics['undefined-env-child'] = +'`_ENV` 被設定為了新的字面常數表,但是試圖獲取的全域變數不在這張表中' +config.diagnostics['duplicate-index'] = +'在字面常數表中重複定義了索引' +config.diagnostics['empty-block'] = +'空程式碼區塊' +config.diagnostics['redundant-value'] = +'賦值操作時,值的數量比被賦值的對象多' +config.diagnostics['assign-type-mismatch'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for assignments in which the value\'s type does not match the type of the assigned variable.' +config.diagnostics['await-in-sync'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for calls of asynchronous functions within a synchronous function.' +config.diagnostics['cast-local-type'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for casts of local variables where the target type does not match the defined type.' +config.diagnostics['cast-type-mismatch'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for casts where the target type does not match the initial type.' +config.diagnostics['circular-doc-class'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for two classes inheriting from each other introducing a circular relation.' +config.diagnostics['close-non-object'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for attempts to close a variable with a non-object.' +config.diagnostics['code-after-break'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for code placed after a break statement in a loop.' +config.diagnostics['codestyle-check'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for incorrectly styled lines.' +config.diagnostics['count-down-loop'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for `for` loops which will never reach their max/limit because the loop is incrementing instead of decrementing.' +config.diagnostics['deprecated'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics to highlight deprecated API.' +config.diagnostics['different-requires'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for files which are required by two different paths.' +config.diagnostics['discard-returns'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for calls of functions annotated with `---@nodiscard` where the return values are ignored.' +config.diagnostics['doc-field-no-class'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics to highlight a field annotation without a defining class annotation.' +config.diagnostics['duplicate-doc-alias'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for a duplicated alias annotation name.' +config.diagnostics['duplicate-doc-field'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for a duplicated field annotation name.' +config.diagnostics['duplicate-doc-param'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for a duplicated param annotation name.' +config.diagnostics['duplicate-set-field'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for setting the same field in a class more than once.' +config.diagnostics['incomplete-signature-doc'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Incomplete @param or @return annotations for functions.' +config.diagnostics['invisible'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for accesses to fields which are invisible.' +config.diagnostics['missing-global-doc'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing annotations for globals! Global functions must have a comment and annotations for all parameters and return values.' +config.diagnostics['missing-local-export-doc'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Missing annotations for exported locals! Exported local functions must have a comment and annotations for all parameters and return values.' +config.diagnostics['missing-parameter'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for function calls where the number of arguments is less than the number of annotated function parameters.' +config.diagnostics['missing-return'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for functions with return annotations which have no return statement.' +config.diagnostics['missing-return-value'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for return statements without values although the containing function declares returns.' +config.diagnostics['need-check-nil'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for variable usages if `nil` or an optional (potentially `nil`) value was assigned to the variable before.' +config.diagnostics['no-unknown'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for cases in which the type cannot be inferred.' +config.diagnostics['not-yieldable'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for calls to `coroutine.yield()` when it is not permitted.' +config.diagnostics['param-type-mismatch'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for function calls where the type of a provided parameter does not match the type of the annotated function definition.' +config.diagnostics['redundant-return'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for return statements which are not needed because the function would exit on its own.' +config.diagnostics['redundant-return-value']= -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for return statements which return an extra value which is not specified by a return annotation.' +config.diagnostics['return-type-mismatch'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for return values whose type does not match the type declared in the corresponding return annotation.' +config.diagnostics['spell-check'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for typos in strings.' +config.diagnostics['name-style-check'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for name style.' +config.diagnostics['unbalanced-assignments']= -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics on multiple assignments if not all variables obtain a value (e.g., `local x,y = 1`).' +config.diagnostics['undefined-doc-class'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for class annotations in which an undefined class is referenced.' +config.diagnostics['undefined-doc-name'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for type annotations referencing an undefined type or alias.' +config.diagnostics['undefined-doc-param'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for cases in which a parameter annotation is given without declaring the parameter in the function definition.' +config.diagnostics['undefined-field'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for cases in which an undefined field of a variable is read.' +config.diagnostics['unknown-cast-variable'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for casts of undefined variables.' +config.diagnostics['unknown-diag-code'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics in cases in which an unknown diagnostics code is entered.' +config.diagnostics['unknown-operator'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for unknown operators.' +config.diagnostics['unreachable-code'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics for unreachable code.' +config.diagnostics['global-element'] = -- TODO: need translate! +'Enable diagnostics to warn about global elements.' +config.typeFormat.config = -- TODO: need translate! +'Configures the formatting behavior while typing Lua code.' +config.typeFormat.config.auto_complete_end = -- TODO: need translate! +'Controls if `end` is automatically completed at suitable positions.' +config.typeFormat.config.auto_complete_table_sep = -- TODO: need translate! +'Controls if a separator is automatically appended at the end of a table declaration.' +config.typeFormat.config.format_line = -- TODO: need translate! +'Controls if a line is formatted at all.' + +command.exportDocument = -- TODO: need translate! +'Lua: Export Document ...' +command.addon_manager.open = -- TODO: need translate! +'Lua: Open Addon Manager ...' +command.reloadFFIMeta = -- TODO: need translate! +'Lua: Reload luajit ffi meta' diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/log/middleScript.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/log/middleScript.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e8c3f2402 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/log/middleScript.lua @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +PUSH [===[]===] +if not JIT then DISABLE() end +PUSH [===[ +---@meta bit + +---@version JIT +---@class bitlib +bit = {} + +---@param x integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.tobit(x) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n? integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.tohex(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.bnot(x) end + +---@param x integer +---@param x2 integer +---@param ... integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.bor(x, x2, ...) end + +---@param x integer +---@param x2 integer +---@param ... integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.band(x, x2, ...) end + +---@param x integer +---@param x2 integer +---@param ... integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.bxor(x, x2, ...) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.lshift(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.rshift(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.arshift(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.rol(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.ror(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.bswap(x) end + +return bit +]===] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/main.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/main.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cbf27129a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/main.lua @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +local fs = require 'bee.filesystem' +local util = require 'utility' +local version = require 'version' + +local function getValue(value) + if value == 'true' or value == nil then + value = true + elseif value == 'false' then + value = false + elseif tonumber(value) then + value = tonumber(value) + elseif value:sub(1, 1) == '"' and value:sub(-1, -1) == '"' then + value = value:sub(2, -2) + end + return value +end + +local function loadArgs() + ---@type string? + local lastKey + for _, v in ipairs(arg) do + ---@type string? + local key, tail = v:match '^%-%-([%w_]+)(.*)$' + local value + if key then + value = tail:match '=(.+)' + lastKey = nil + if not value then + lastKey = key + end + else + if lastKey then + key = lastKey + value = v + lastKey = nil + end + end + if key then + _G[key:upper()] = getValue(value) + end + end +end + +loadArgs() + +local currentPath = debug.getinfo(1, 'S').source:sub(2) +local rootPath = currentPath:gsub('[/\\]*[^/\\]-$', '') + +rootPath = (rootPath == '' and '.' or rootPath) +ROOT = fs.path(util.expandPath(rootPath)) +LOGPATH = LOGPATH and util.expandPath(LOGPATH) or (ROOT:string() .. '/log') +METAPATH = METAPATH and util.expandPath(METAPATH) or (ROOT:string() .. '/meta') + +---@diagnostic disable-next-line: deprecated +debug.setcstacklimit(200) +collectgarbage('generational', 10, 50) +--collectgarbage('incremental', 120, 120, 0) + +---@diagnostic disable-next-line: lowercase-global +log = require 'log' +log.init(ROOT, fs.path(LOGPATH) / 'service.log') +if LOGLEVEL then + log.level = tostring(LOGLEVEL):lower() +end + +log.info('Lua Lsp startup, root: ', ROOT) +log.info('ROOT:', ROOT:string()) +log.info('LOGPATH:', LOGPATH) +log.info('METAPATH:', METAPATH) +log.info('VERSION:', version.getVersion()) + +require 'tracy' + +xpcall(dofile, log.debug, (ROOT / 'debugger.lua'):string()) + +require 'cli' + +local _, service = xpcall(require, log.error, 'service') + +service.start() diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/198256b1/unittest/ffi.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/198256b1/unittest/ffi.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2ea42896d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/198256b1/unittest/ffi.lua @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +---@meta + ---@class ffi.namespace*. + local m = {} +function m.test() end + diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/config.json b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/config.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a967b6ffc --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/config.json @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +{ + "name": "Cocos", + "files": ["cocos"], + "settings": { + "Lua.runtime.version": "LuaJIT" + } +} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Action.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Action.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c41651ff --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Action.lua @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Action :cc.Ref +local Action={ } +cc.Action=Action + + + + +---* Called before the action start. It will also set the target.
+---* param target A certain target. +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function Action:startWithTarget (target) end +---* Set the original target, since target can be nil.
+---* Is the target that were used to run the action. Unless you are doing something complex, like ActionManager, you should NOT call this method.
+---* The target is 'assigned', it is not 'retained'.
+---* since v0.8.2
+---* param originalTarget Is 'assigned', it is not 'retained'. +---@param originalTarget cc.Node +---@return self +function Action:setOriginalTarget (originalTarget) end +---* Returns a clone of action.
+---* return A clone action. +---@return self +function Action:clone () end +---* Return a original Target.
+---* return A original Target. +---@return cc.Node +function Action:getOriginalTarget () end +---* Called after the action has finished. It will set the 'target' to nil.
+---* IMPORTANT: You should never call "Action::stop()" manually. Instead, use: "target->stopAction(action);". +---@return self +function Action:stop () end +---* Called once per frame. time a value between 0 and 1.
+---* For example:
+---* - 0 Means that the action just started.
+---* - 0.5 Means that the action is in the middle.
+---* - 1 Means that the action is over.
+---* param time A value between 0 and 1. +---@param time float +---@return self +function Action:update (time) end +---* Return certain target.
+---* return A certain target. +---@return cc.Node +function Action:getTarget () end +---* Returns a flag field that is used to group the actions easily.
+---* return A tag. +---@return unsigned_int +function Action:getFlags () end +---* Called every frame with it's delta time, dt in seconds. DON'T override unless you know what you are doing.
+---* param dt In seconds. +---@param dt float +---@return self +function Action:step (dt) end +---* Changes the tag that is used to identify the action easily.
+---* param tag Used to identify the action easily. +---@param tag int +---@return self +function Action:setTag (tag) end +---* Changes the flag field that is used to group the actions easily.
+---* param flags Used to group the actions easily. +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function Action:setFlags (flags) end +---* Returns a tag that is used to identify the action easily.
+---* return A tag. +---@return int +function Action:getTag () end +---* The action will modify the target properties.
+---* param target A certain target. +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function Action:setTarget (target) end +---* Return true if the action has finished.
+---* return Is true if the action has finished. +---@return boolean +function Action:isDone () end +---* Returns a new action that performs the exact reverse of the action.
+---* return A new action that performs the exact reverse of the action.
+---* js NA +---@return self +function Action:reverse () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionCamera.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionCamera.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2333d79d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionCamera.lua @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ActionCamera :cc.ActionInterval +local ActionCamera={ } +cc.ActionCamera=ActionCamera + + + + +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(float0:vec3_table):self +---@param x float +---@param y float +---@param z float +---@return self +function ActionCamera:setEye (x,y,z) end +---* +---@return vec3_table +function ActionCamera:getEye () end +---* +---@param up vec3_table +---@return self +function ActionCamera:setUp (up) end +---* +---@return vec3_table +function ActionCamera:getCenter () end +---* +---@param center vec3_table +---@return self +function ActionCamera:setCenter (center) end +---* +---@return vec3_table +function ActionCamera:getUp () end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function ActionCamera:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function ActionCamera:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function ActionCamera:reverse () end +---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function ActionCamera:ActionCamera () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionEase.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionEase.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e07b89240 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionEase.lua @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ActionEase :cc.ActionInterval +local ActionEase={ } +cc.ActionEase=ActionEase + + + + +---* brief Initializes the action.
+---* return Return true when the initialization success, otherwise return false. +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return boolean +function ActionEase:initWithAction (action) end +---* brief Get the pointer of the inner action.
+---* return The pointer of the inner action. +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function ActionEase:getInnerAction () end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function ActionEase:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function ActionEase:stop () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function ActionEase:update (time) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionFloat.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionFloat.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..861e18058 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionFloat.lua @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ActionFloat :cc.ActionInterval +local ActionFloat={ } +cc.ActionFloat=ActionFloat + + + + +---* +---@param duration float +---@param from float +---@param to float +---@param callback function +---@return boolean +function ActionFloat:initWithDuration (duration,from,to,callback) end +---* Creates FloatAction with specified duration, from value, to value and callback to report back
+---* results
+---* param duration of the action
+---* param from value to start from
+---* param to value to be at the end of the action
+---* param callback to report back result
+---* return An autoreleased ActionFloat object +---@param duration float +---@param from float +---@param to float +---@param callback function +---@return self +function ActionFloat:create (duration,from,to,callback) end +---* Overridden ActionInterval methods +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function ActionFloat:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function ActionFloat:clone () end +---* +---@param delta float +---@return self +function ActionFloat:update (delta) end +---* +---@return self +function ActionFloat:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function ActionFloat:ActionFloat () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionInstant.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionInstant.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6c523c62b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionInstant.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ActionInstant :cc.FiniteTimeAction +local ActionInstant={ } +cc.ActionInstant=ActionInstant + + + + +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function ActionInstant:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function ActionInstant:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function ActionInstant:clone () end +---* param time In seconds. +---@param time float +---@return self +function ActionInstant:update (time) end +---* param dt In seconds. +---@param dt float +---@return self +function ActionInstant:step (dt) end +---* +---@return boolean +function ActionInstant:isDone () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionInterval.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionInterval.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..feea7eefb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionInterval.lua @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ActionInterval :cc.FiniteTimeAction +local ActionInterval={ } +cc.ActionInterval=ActionInterval + + + + +---* Gets the amplitude rate, extension in GridAction
+---* return The amplitude rate. +---@return float +function ActionInterval:getAmplitudeRate () end +---* initializes the action +---@param d float +---@return boolean +function ActionInterval:initWithDuration (d) end +---* Sets the amplitude rate, extension in GridAction
+---* param amp The amplitude rate. +---@param amp float +---@return self +function ActionInterval:setAmplitudeRate (amp) end +---* How many seconds had elapsed since the actions started to run.
+---* return The seconds had elapsed since the actions started to run. +---@return float +function ActionInterval:getElapsed () end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function ActionInterval:startWithTarget (target) end +---* param dt in seconds +---@param dt float +---@return self +function ActionInterval:step (dt) end +---* +---@return self +function ActionInterval:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function ActionInterval:reverse () end +---* +---@return boolean +function ActionInterval:isDone () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionManager.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionManager.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..12a08c488 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionManager.lua @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ActionManager :cc.Ref +local ActionManager={ } +cc.ActionManager=ActionManager + + + + +---* Gets an action given its tag an a target.
+---* param tag The action's tag.
+---* param target A certain target.
+---* return The Action the with the given tag. +---@param tag int +---@param target cc.Node +---@return cc.Action +function ActionManager:getActionByTag (tag,target) end +---* Removes an action given its tag and the target.
+---* param tag The action's tag.
+---* param target A certain target. +---@param tag int +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function ActionManager:removeActionByTag (tag,target) end +---* Removes all actions matching at least one bit in flags and the target.
+---* param flags The flag field to match the actions' flags based on bitwise AND.
+---* param target A certain target.
+---* js NA +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function ActionManager:removeActionsByFlags (flags,target) end +---* Removes all actions from all the targets. +---@return self +function ActionManager:removeAllActions () end +---* Adds an action with a target.
+---* If the target is already present, then the action will be added to the existing target.
+---* If the target is not present, a new instance of this target will be created either paused or not, and the action will be added to the newly created target.
+---* When the target is paused, the queued actions won't be 'ticked'.
+---* param action A certain action.
+---* param target The target which need to be added an action.
+---* param paused Is the target paused or not. +---@param action cc.Action +---@param target cc.Node +---@param paused boolean +---@return self +function ActionManager:addAction (action,target,paused) end +---* Resumes the target. All queued actions will be resumed.
+---* param target A certain target. +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function ActionManager:resumeTarget (target) end +---* Returns the numbers of actions that are running in all targets.
+---* return The numbers of actions that are running in all target.
+---* js NA +---@return int +function ActionManager:getNumberOfRunningActions () end +---* Pauses the target: all running actions and newly added actions will be paused.
+---* param target A certain target. +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function ActionManager:pauseTarget (target) end +---* Returns the numbers of actions that are running in a certain target.
+---* Composable actions are counted as 1 action. Example:
+---* - If you are running 1 Sequence of 7 actions, it will return 1.
+---* - If you are running 7 Sequences of 2 actions, it will return 7.
+---* param target A certain target.
+---* return The numbers of actions that are running in a certain target.
+---* js NA +---@param target cc.Node +---@return int +function ActionManager:getNumberOfRunningActionsInTarget (target) end +---* Removes all actions from a certain target.
+---* All the actions that belongs to the target will be removed.
+---* param target A certain target. +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function ActionManager:removeAllActionsFromTarget (target) end +---* Resume a set of targets (convenience function to reverse a pauseAllRunningActions call).
+---* param targetsToResume A set of targets need to be resumed. +---@param targetsToResume array_table +---@return self +function ActionManager:resumeTargets (targetsToResume) end +---* Removes an action given an action reference.
+---* param action A certain target. +---@param action cc.Action +---@return self +function ActionManager:removeAction (action) end +---* Pauses all running actions, returning a list of targets whose actions were paused.
+---* return A list of targets whose actions were paused. +---@return array_table +function ActionManager:pauseAllRunningActions () end +---* Main loop of ActionManager.
+---* param dt In seconds. +---@param dt float +---@return self +function ActionManager:update (dt) end +---* Removes all actions given its tag and the target.
+---* param tag The actions' tag.
+---* param target A certain target.
+---* js NA +---@param tag int +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function ActionManager:removeAllActionsByTag (tag,target) end +---* Returns the numbers of actions that are running in a
+---* certain target with a specific tag.
+---* Like getNumberOfRunningActionsInTarget Composable actions
+---* are counted as 1 action. Example:
+---* - If you are running 1 Sequence of 7 actions, it will return 1.
+---* - If you are running 7 Sequences of 2 actions, it will return 7.
+---* param target A certain target.
+---* param tag Tag that will be searched.
+---* return The numbers of actions that are running in a certain target
+---* with a specific tag.
+---* see getNumberOfRunningActionsInTarget
+---* js NA +---@param target cc.Node +---@param tag int +---@return unsigned_int +function ActionManager:getNumberOfRunningActionsInTargetByTag (target,tag) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ActionManager:ActionManager () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionTween.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionTween.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8ee28f6ee --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ActionTween.lua @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ActionTween :cc.ActionInterval +local ActionTween={ } +cc.ActionTween=ActionTween + + + + +---* brief Initializes the action with the property name (key), and the from and to parameters.
+---* param duration The duration of the ActionTween. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param key The key of property which should be updated.
+---* param from The value of the specified property when the action begin.
+---* param to The value of the specified property when the action end.
+---* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false. +---@param duration float +---@param key string +---@param from float +---@param to float +---@return boolean +function ActionTween:initWithDuration (duration,key,from,to) end +---* brief Create and initializes the action with the property name (key), and the from and to parameters.
+---* param duration The duration of the ActionTween. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param key The key of property which should be updated.
+---* param from The value of the specified property when the action begin.
+---* param to The value of the specified property when the action end.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of ActionTween; otherwise, return nil. +---@param duration float +---@param key string +---@param from float +---@param to float +---@return self +function ActionTween:create (duration,key,from,to) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function ActionTween:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function ActionTween:clone () end +---* +---@param dt float +---@return self +function ActionTween:update (dt) end +---* +---@return self +function ActionTween:reverse () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AmbientLight.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AmbientLight.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b607f61fc --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AmbientLight.lua @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.AmbientLight :cc.BaseLight +local AmbientLight={ } +cc.AmbientLight=AmbientLight + + + + +---* Creates a ambient light.
+---* param color The light's color.
+---* return The new ambient light. +---@param color color3b_table +---@return self +function AmbientLight:create (color) end +---* +---@return int +function AmbientLight:getLightType () end +---* +---@return self +function AmbientLight:AmbientLight () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Animate.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Animate.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a57e80452 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Animate.lua @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Animate :cc.ActionInterval +local Animate={ } +cc.Animate=Animate + + + + +---* initializes the action with an Animation and will restore the original frame when the animation is over +---@param animation cc.Animation +---@return boolean +function Animate:initWithAnimation (animation) end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun():self +---@return cc.Animation +function Animate:getAnimation () end +---* Gets the index of sprite frame currently displayed.
+---* return int the index of sprite frame currently displayed. +---@return int +function Animate:getCurrentFrameIndex () end +---* Sets the Animation object to be animated
+---* param animation certain animation. +---@param animation cc.Animation +---@return self +function Animate:setAnimation (animation) end +---* Creates the action with an Animation and will restore the original frame when the animation is over.
+---* param animation A certain animation.
+---* return An autoreleased Animate object. +---@param animation cc.Animation +---@return self +function Animate:create (animation) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function Animate:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function Animate:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function Animate:stop () end +---* +---@return self +function Animate:reverse () end +---* param t In seconds. +---@param t float +---@return self +function Animate:update (t) end +---* +---@return self +function Animate:Animate () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Animate3D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Animate3D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ec8b2cfd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Animate3D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Animate3D :cc.ActionInterval +local Animate3D={ } +cc.Animate3D=Animate3D + + + + +---* +---@param keyFrame int +---@param userInfo map_table +---@return self +function Animate3D:setKeyFrameUserInfo (keyFrame,userInfo) end +---* get & set speed, negative speed means playing reverse +---@return float +function Animate3D:getSpeed () end +---* set animate quality +---@param quality int +---@return self +function Animate3D:setQuality (quality) end +---* +---@param weight float +---@return self +function Animate3D:setWeight (weight) end +---* +---@return self +function Animate3D:removeFromMap () end +---* +---@param animation cc.Animation3D +---@param startFrame int +---@param endFrame int +---@param frameRate float +---@return boolean +function Animate3D:initWithFrames (animation,startFrame,endFrame,frameRate) end +---* +---@return float +function Animate3D:getOriginInterval () end +---* +---@param speed float +---@return self +function Animate3D:setSpeed (speed) end +---@overload fun(cc.Animation3D:cc.Animation3D,float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(cc.Animation3D:cc.Animation3D):self +---@param animation cc.Animation3D +---@param fromTime float +---@param duration float +---@return boolean +function Animate3D:init (animation,fromTime,duration) end +---* get & set origin interval +---@param interval float +---@return self +function Animate3D:setOriginInterval (interval) end +---* get & set blend weight, weight must positive +---@return float +function Animate3D:getWeight () end +---* get animate quality +---@return int +function Animate3D:getQuality () end +---@overload fun(cc.Animation3D:cc.Animation3D,float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(cc.Animation3D:cc.Animation3D):self +---@param animation cc.Animation3D +---@param fromTime float +---@param duration float +---@return self +function Animate3D:create (animation,fromTime,duration) end +---* get animate transition time between 3d animations +---@return float +function Animate3D:getTransitionTime () end +---* create Animate3D by frame section, [startFrame, endFrame)
+---* param animation used to generate animate3D
+---* param startFrame
+---* param endFrame
+---* param frameRate default is 30 per second
+---* return Animate3D created using animate +---@param animation cc.Animation3D +---@param startFrame int +---@param endFrame int +---@param frameRate float +---@return self +function Animate3D:createWithFrames (animation,startFrame,endFrame,frameRate) end +---* set animate transition time between 3d animations +---@param transTime float +---@return self +function Animate3D:setTransitionTime (transTime) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function Animate3D:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function Animate3D:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function Animate3D:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function Animate3D:stop () end +---* +---@param t float +---@return self +function Animate3D:update (t) end +---* +---@param dt float +---@return self +function Animate3D:step (dt) end +---* +---@return self +function Animate3D:Animate3D () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Animation.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Animation.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1f3624a61 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Animation.lua @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Animation :cc.Ref +local Animation={ } +cc.Animation=Animation + + + + +---* Gets the times the animation is going to loop. 0 means animation is not animated. 1, animation is executed one time, ...
+---* return The times the animation is going to loop. +---@return unsigned_int +function Animation:getLoops () end +---* Adds a SpriteFrame to a Animation.
+---* param frame The frame will be added with one "delay unit". +---@param frame cc.SpriteFrame +---@return self +function Animation:addSpriteFrame (frame) end +---* Sets whether to restore the original frame when animation finishes.
+---* param restoreOriginalFrame Whether to restore the original frame when animation finishes. +---@param restoreOriginalFrame boolean +---@return self +function Animation:setRestoreOriginalFrame (restoreOriginalFrame) end +---* +---@return self +function Animation:clone () end +---* Gets the duration in seconds of the whole animation. It is the result of totalDelayUnits * delayPerUnit.
+---* return Result of totalDelayUnits * delayPerUnit. +---@return float +function Animation:getDuration () end +---* Initializes a Animation with AnimationFrame.
+---* since v2.0 +---@param arrayOfAnimationFrameNames array_table +---@param delayPerUnit float +---@param loops unsigned_int +---@return boolean +function Animation:initWithAnimationFrames (arrayOfAnimationFrameNames,delayPerUnit,loops) end +---* Initializes a Animation. +---@return boolean +function Animation:init () end +---* Sets the array of AnimationFrames.
+---* param frames The array of AnimationFrames. +---@param frames array_table +---@return self +function Animation:setFrames (frames) end +---* Gets the array of AnimationFrames.
+---* return The array of AnimationFrames. +---@return array_table +function Animation:getFrames () end +---* Sets the times the animation is going to loop. 0 means animation is not animated. 1, animation is executed one time, ...
+---* param loops The times the animation is going to loop. +---@param loops unsigned_int +---@return self +function Animation:setLoops (loops) end +---* Sets the delay in seconds of the "delay unit".
+---* param delayPerUnit The delay in seconds of the "delay unit". +---@param delayPerUnit float +---@return self +function Animation:setDelayPerUnit (delayPerUnit) end +---* Adds a frame with an image filename. Internally it will create a SpriteFrame and it will add it.
+---* The frame will be added with one "delay unit".
+---* Added to facilitate the migration from v0.8 to v0.9.
+---* param filename The path of SpriteFrame. +---@param filename string +---@return self +function Animation:addSpriteFrameWithFile (filename) end +---* Gets the total Delay units of the Animation.
+---* return The total Delay units of the Animation. +---@return float +function Animation:getTotalDelayUnits () end +---* Gets the delay in seconds of the "delay unit".
+---* return The delay in seconds of the "delay unit". +---@return float +function Animation:getDelayPerUnit () end +---* Initializes a Animation with frames and a delay between frames.
+---* since v0.99.5 +---@param arrayOfSpriteFrameNames array_table +---@param delay float +---@param loops unsigned_int +---@return boolean +function Animation:initWithSpriteFrames (arrayOfSpriteFrameNames,delay,loops) end +---* Checks whether to restore the original frame when animation finishes.
+---* return Restore the original frame when animation finishes. +---@return boolean +function Animation:getRestoreOriginalFrame () end +---* Adds a frame with a texture and a rect. Internally it will create a SpriteFrame and it will add it.
+---* The frame will be added with one "delay unit".
+---* Added to facilitate the migration from v0.8 to v0.9.
+---* param pobTexture A frame with a texture.
+---* param rect The Texture of rect. +---@param pobTexture cc.Texture2D +---@param rect rect_table +---@return self +function Animation:addSpriteFrameWithTexture (pobTexture,rect) end +---@overload fun(array_table:array_table,float:float,unsigned_int:unsigned_int):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param arrayOfAnimationFrameNames array_table +---@param delayPerUnit float +---@param loops unsigned_int +---@return self +function Animation:create (arrayOfAnimationFrameNames,delayPerUnit,loops) end +---* +---@param arrayOfSpriteFrameNames array_table +---@param delay float +---@param loops unsigned_int +---@return self +function Animation:createWithSpriteFrames (arrayOfSpriteFrameNames,delay,loops) end +---* +---@return self +function Animation:Animation () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Animation3D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Animation3D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1cae23286 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Animation3D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Animation3D :cc.Ref +local Animation3D={ } +cc.Animation3D=Animation3D + + + + +---* init Animation3D with file name and animation name +---@param filename string +---@param animationName string +---@return boolean +function Animation3D:initWithFile (filename,animationName) end +---* init Animation3D from bundle data +---@param data cc.Animation3DData +---@return boolean +function Animation3D:init (data) end +---* get duration +---@return float +function Animation3D:getDuration () end +---* read all animation or only the animation with given animationName? animationName == "" read the first. +---@param filename string +---@param animationName string +---@return self +function Animation3D:create (filename,animationName) end +---* +---@return self +function Animation3D:Animation3D () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AnimationCache.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AnimationCache.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..14469d9eb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AnimationCache.lua @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.AnimationCache :cc.Ref +local AnimationCache={ } +cc.AnimationCache=AnimationCache + + + + +---* Returns a Animation that was previously added.
+---* If the name is not found it will return nil.
+---* You should retain the returned copy if you are going to use it.
+---* return A Animation that was previously added. If the name is not found it will return nil. +---@param name string +---@return cc.Animation +function AnimationCache:getAnimation (name) end +---* Adds a Animation with a name.
+---* param animation An animation.
+---* param name The name of animation. +---@param animation cc.Animation +---@param name string +---@return self +function AnimationCache:addAnimation (animation,name) end +---* +---@return boolean +function AnimationCache:init () end +---* Adds an animation from an NSDictionary.
+---* Make sure that the frames were previously loaded in the SpriteFrameCache.
+---* param dictionary An NSDictionary.
+---* param plist The path of the relative file,it use to find the plist path for load SpriteFrames.
+---* since v1.1
+---* js NA +---@param dictionary map_table +---@param plist string +---@return self +function AnimationCache:addAnimationsWithDictionary (dictionary,plist) end +---* Deletes a Animation from the cache.
+---* param name The name of animation. +---@param name string +---@return self +function AnimationCache:removeAnimation (name) end +---* Adds an animation from a plist file.
+---* Make sure that the frames were previously loaded in the SpriteFrameCache.
+---* since v1.1
+---* js addAnimations
+---* lua addAnimations
+---* param plist An animation from a plist file. +---@param plist string +---@return self +function AnimationCache:addAnimationsWithFile (plist) end +---* Purges the cache. It releases all the Animation objects and the shared instance.
+---* js NA +---@return self +function AnimationCache:destroyInstance () end +---* Returns the shared instance of the Animation cache
+---* js NA +---@return self +function AnimationCache:getInstance () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function AnimationCache:AnimationCache () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AnimationFrame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AnimationFrame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be1a8e8b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AnimationFrame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.AnimationFrame :cc.Ref +local AnimationFrame={ } +cc.AnimationFrame=AnimationFrame + + + + +---* Set the SpriteFrame.
+---* param frame A SpriteFrame will be used. +---@param frame cc.SpriteFrame +---@return self +function AnimationFrame:setSpriteFrame (frame) end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun():self +---@return map_table +function AnimationFrame:getUserInfo () end +---* Sets the units of time the frame takes.
+---* param delayUnits The units of time the frame takes. +---@param delayUnits float +---@return self +function AnimationFrame:setDelayUnits (delayUnits) end +---* +---@return self +function AnimationFrame:clone () end +---* Return a SpriteFrameName to be used.
+---* return a SpriteFrameName to be used. +---@return cc.SpriteFrame +function AnimationFrame:getSpriteFrame () end +---* Gets the units of time the frame takes.
+---* return The units of time the frame takes. +---@return float +function AnimationFrame:getDelayUnits () end +---* Sets user information.
+---* param userInfo A dictionary as UserInfo. +---@param userInfo map_table +---@return self +function AnimationFrame:setUserInfo (userInfo) end +---* initializes the animation frame with a spriteframe, number of delay units and a notification user info +---@param spriteFrame cc.SpriteFrame +---@param delayUnits float +---@param userInfo map_table +---@return boolean +function AnimationFrame:initWithSpriteFrame (spriteFrame,delayUnits,userInfo) end +---* Creates the animation frame with a spriteframe, number of delay units and a notification user info.
+---* param spriteFrame The animation frame with a spriteframe.
+---* param delayUnits Number of delay units.
+---* param userInfo A notification user info.
+---* since 3.0 +---@param spriteFrame cc.SpriteFrame +---@param delayUnits float +---@param userInfo map_table +---@return self +function AnimationFrame:create (spriteFrame,delayUnits,userInfo) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function AnimationFrame:AnimationFrame () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Application.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Application.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..507e9f91c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Application.lua @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Application +local Application={ } +cc.Application=Application + + + + +---* brief Get target platform +---@return int +function Application:getTargetPlatform () end +---* brief Get current language config
+---* return Current language config +---@return int +function Application:getCurrentLanguage () end +---* brief Get current language iso 639-1 code
+---* return Current language iso 639-1 code +---@return char +function Application:getCurrentLanguageCode () end +---* brief Open url in default browser
+---* param String with url to open.
+---* return true if the resource located by the URL was successfully opened; otherwise false. +---@param url string +---@return boolean +function Application:openURL (url) end +---* brief Get application version. +---@return string +function Application:getVersion () end +---* brief Callback by Director to limit FPS.
+---* param interval The time, expressed in seconds, between current frame and next. +---@param interval float +---@return self +function Application:setAnimationInterval (interval) end +---* brief Get current application instance.
+---* return Current application instance pointer. +---@return self +function Application:getInstance () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AssetsManager.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AssetsManager.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3bef0d796 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AssetsManager.lua @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.AssetsManager :cc.Node +local AssetsManager={ } +cc.AssetsManager=AssetsManager + + + + +---* +---@param storagePath char +---@return self +function AssetsManager:setStoragePath (storagePath) end +---* +---@param packageUrl char +---@return self +function AssetsManager:setPackageUrl (packageUrl) end +---* +---@return boolean +function AssetsManager:checkUpdate () end +---* +---@return char +function AssetsManager:getStoragePath () end +---* +---@return self +function AssetsManager:update () end +---* @brief Sets connection time out in seconds +---@param timeout unsigned_int +---@return self +function AssetsManager:setConnectionTimeout (timeout) end +---* +---@param versionFileUrl char +---@return self +function AssetsManager:setVersionFileUrl (versionFileUrl) end +---* +---@return char +function AssetsManager:getPackageUrl () end +---* @brief Gets connection time out in seconds +---@return unsigned_int +function AssetsManager:getConnectionTimeout () end +---* +---@return string +function AssetsManager:getVersion () end +---* +---@return char +function AssetsManager:getVersionFileUrl () end +---* +---@return self +function AssetsManager:deleteVersion () end +---* +---@param packageUrl char +---@param versionFileUrl char +---@param storagePath char +---@param errorCallback function +---@param progressCallback function +---@param successCallback function +---@return self +function AssetsManager:create (packageUrl,versionFileUrl,storagePath,errorCallback,progressCallback,successCallback) end +---* +---@return self +function AssetsManager:AssetsManager () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AssetsManagerEx.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AssetsManagerEx.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8830fa4f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AssetsManagerEx.lua @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.AssetsManagerEx :cc.Ref +local AssetsManagerEx={ } +cc.AssetsManagerEx=AssetsManagerEx + + + + +---* @brief Gets the current update state. +---@return int +function AssetsManagerEx:getState () end +---* @brief Function for retrieving the max concurrent task count +---@return int +function AssetsManagerEx:getMaxConcurrentTask () end +---* @brief Check out if there is a new version of manifest.
+---* You may use this method before updating, then let user determine whether
+---* he wants to update resources. +---@return self +function AssetsManagerEx:checkUpdate () end +---* @brief Set the verification function for checking whether downloaded asset is correct, e.g. using md5 verification
+---* param callback The verify callback function +---@param callback function +---@return self +function AssetsManagerEx:setVerifyCallback (callback) end +---* @brief Gets storage path. +---@return string +function AssetsManagerEx:getStoragePath () end +---* @brief Update with the current local manifest. +---@return self +function AssetsManagerEx:update () end +---* @brief Set the handle function for comparing manifests versions
+---* param handle The compare function +---@param handle function +---@return self +function AssetsManagerEx:setVersionCompareHandle (handle) end +---* @brief Function for setting the max concurrent task count +---@param max int +---@return self +function AssetsManagerEx:setMaxConcurrentTask (max) end +---* @brief Function for retrieving the local manifest object +---@return cc.Manifest +function AssetsManagerEx:getLocalManifest () end +---* @brief Function for retrieving the remote manifest object +---@return cc.Manifest +function AssetsManagerEx:getRemoteManifest () end +---* @brief Reupdate all failed assets under the current AssetsManagerEx context +---@return self +function AssetsManagerEx:downloadFailedAssets () end +---* @brief Create function for creating a new AssetsManagerEx
+---* param manifestUrl The url for the local manifest file
+---* param storagePath The storage path for downloaded assets
+---* warning The cached manifest in your storage path have higher priority and will be searched first,
+---* only if it doesn't exist, AssetsManagerEx will use the given manifestUrl. +---@param manifestUrl string +---@param storagePath string +---@return self +function AssetsManagerEx:create (manifestUrl,storagePath) end +---* +---@param manifestUrl string +---@param storagePath string +---@return self +function AssetsManagerEx:AssetsManagerEx (manifestUrl,storagePath) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AsyncTaskPool.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AsyncTaskPool.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9fc6c67d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AsyncTaskPool.lua @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.AsyncTaskPool +local AsyncTaskPool={ } +cc.AsyncTaskPool=AsyncTaskPool + + + + +---@overload fun(int:int,function:function):self +---@overload fun(int:int,function:function,void:void,function:function):self +---@param type int +---@param callback function +---@param callbackParam void +---@param task function +---@return self +function AsyncTaskPool:enqueue (type,callback,callbackParam,task) end +---* Stop tasks.
+---* param type Task type you want to stop. +---@param type int +---@return self +function AsyncTaskPool:stopTasks (type) end +---* Destroys the async task pool. +---@return self +function AsyncTaskPool:destroyInstance () end +---* Returns the shared instance of the async task pool. +---@return self +function AsyncTaskPool:getInstance () end +---* +---@return self +function AsyncTaskPool:AsyncTaskPool () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AtlasNode.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AtlasNode.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..914e3baf8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AtlasNode.lua @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.AtlasNode :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,TextureProtocol +local AtlasNode={ } +cc.AtlasNode=AtlasNode + + + + +---* lua NA +---@return cc.BlendFunc +function AtlasNode:getBlendFunc () end +---* Initializes an AtlasNode with an Atlas file the width and height of each item and the quantity of items to render +---@param tile string +---@param tileWidth int +---@param tileHeight int +---@param itemsToRender int +---@return boolean +function AtlasNode:initWithTileFile (tile,tileWidth,tileHeight,itemsToRender) end +---* code
+---* When this function bound into js or lua,the parameter will be changed
+---* In js: var setBlendFunc(var src, var dst)
+---* endcode
+---* lua NA +---@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc +---@return self +function AtlasNode:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end +---* Set an buffer manager of the texture vertex. +---@param textureAtlas cc.TextureAtlas +---@return self +function AtlasNode:setTextureAtlas (textureAtlas) end +---* +---@return cc.Texture2D +function AtlasNode:getTexture () end +---* Return the buffer manager of the texture vertex.
+---* return Return A TextureAtlas. +---@return cc.TextureAtlas +function AtlasNode:getTextureAtlas () end +---* updates the Atlas (indexed vertex array).
+---* Shall be overridden in subclasses. +---@return self +function AtlasNode:updateAtlasValues () end +---* +---@param texture cc.Texture2D +---@return self +function AtlasNode:setTexture (texture) end +---* Initializes an AtlasNode with a texture the width and height of each item measured in points and the quantity of items to render +---@param texture cc.Texture2D +---@param tileWidth int +---@param tileHeight int +---@param itemsToRender int +---@return boolean +function AtlasNode:initWithTexture (texture,tileWidth,tileHeight,itemsToRender) end +---* +---@return unsigned_int +function AtlasNode:getQuadsToDraw () end +---* +---@param quadsToDraw int +---@return self +function AtlasNode:setQuadsToDraw (quadsToDraw) end +---* creates a AtlasNode with an Atlas file the width and height of each item and the quantity of items to render.
+---* param filename The path of Atlas file.
+---* param tileWidth The width of the item.
+---* param tileHeight The height of the item.
+---* param itemsToRender The quantity of items to render. +---@param filename string +---@param tileWidth int +---@param tileHeight int +---@param itemsToRender int +---@return self +function AtlasNode:create (filename,tileWidth,tileHeight,itemsToRender) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function AtlasNode:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* +---@return boolean +function AtlasNode:isOpacityModifyRGB () end +---* +---@param color color3b_table +---@return self +function AtlasNode:setColor (color) end +---* +---@return color3b_table +function AtlasNode:getColor () end +---* +---@param isOpacityModifyRGB boolean +---@return self +function AtlasNode:setOpacityModifyRGB (isOpacityModifyRGB) end +---* +---@param opacity unsigned_char +---@return self +function AtlasNode:setOpacity (opacity) end +---* +---@return self +function AtlasNode:AtlasNode () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AttachNode.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AttachNode.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..185931a8a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AttachNode.lua @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.AttachNode :cc.Node +local AttachNode={ } +cc.AttachNode=AttachNode + + + + +---* creates an AttachNode
+---* param attachBone The bone to which the AttachNode is going to attach, the attacheBone must be a bone of the AttachNode's parent +---@param attachBone cc.Bone3D +---@return self +function AttachNode:create (attachBone) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param parentTransform mat4_table +---@param parentFlags unsigned_int +---@return self +function AttachNode:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end +---* +---@return mat4_table +function AttachNode:getWorldToNodeTransform () end +---* +---@return mat4_table +function AttachNode:getNodeToWorldTransform () end +---* +---@return mat4_table +function AttachNode:getNodeToParentTransform () end +---* +---@return self +function AttachNode:AttachNode () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AudioEngine.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AudioEngine.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a43c9e2b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AudioEngine.lua @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.AudioEngine +local AudioEngine={ } +cc.AudioEngine=AudioEngine + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function AudioEngine:lazyInit () end +---* Sets the current playback position of an audio instance.
+---* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.
+---* param sec The offset in seconds from the start to seek to.
+---* return +---@param audioID int +---@param sec float +---@return boolean +function AudioEngine:setCurrentTime (audioID,sec) end +---* Gets the volume value of an audio instance.
+---* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.
+---* return Volume value (range from 0.0 to 1.0). +---@param audioID int +---@return float +function AudioEngine:getVolume (audioID) end +---* Uncache the audio data from internal buffer.
+---* AudioEngine cache audio data on ios,mac, and win32 platform.
+---* warning This can lead to stop related audio first.
+---* param filePath Audio file path. +---@param filePath string +---@return self +function AudioEngine:uncache (filePath) end +---* Resume all suspended audio instances. +---@return self +function AudioEngine:resumeAll () end +---* Stop all audio instances. +---@return self +function AudioEngine:stopAll () end +---* Pause an audio instance.
+---* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function. +---@param audioID int +---@return self +function AudioEngine:pause (audioID) end +---* Gets the maximum number of simultaneous audio instance of AudioEngine. +---@return int +function AudioEngine:getMaxAudioInstance () end +---* Check whether AudioEngine is enabled. +---@return boolean +function AudioEngine:isEnabled () end +---* Gets the current playback position of an audio instance.
+---* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.
+---* return The current playback position of an audio instance. +---@param audioID int +---@return float +function AudioEngine:getCurrentTime (audioID) end +---* Sets the maximum number of simultaneous audio instance for AudioEngine.
+---* param maxInstances The maximum number of simultaneous audio instance. +---@param maxInstances int +---@return boolean +function AudioEngine:setMaxAudioInstance (maxInstances) end +---* Checks whether an audio instance is loop.
+---* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.
+---* return Whether or not an audio instance is loop. +---@param audioID int +---@return boolean +function AudioEngine:isLoop (audioID) end +---* Pause all playing audio instances. +---@return self +function AudioEngine:pauseAll () end +---* Uncache all audio data from internal buffer.
+---* warning All audio will be stopped first. +---@return self +function AudioEngine:uncacheAll () end +---* Sets volume for an audio instance.
+---* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.
+---* param volume Volume value (range from 0.0 to 1.0). +---@param audioID int +---@param volume float +---@return self +function AudioEngine:setVolume (audioID,volume) end +---@overload fun(string:string,function:function):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param filePath string +---@param callback function +---@return self +function AudioEngine:preload (filePath,callback) end +---* Whether to enable playing audios
+---* note If it's disabled, current playing audios will be stopped and the later 'preload', 'play2d' methods will take no effects. +---@param isEnabled boolean +---@return self +function AudioEngine:setEnabled (isEnabled) end +---* Play 2d sound.
+---* param filePath The path of an audio file.
+---* param loop Whether audio instance loop or not.
+---* param volume Volume value (range from 0.0 to 1.0).
+---* param profile A profile for audio instance. When profile is not specified, default profile will be used.
+---* return An audio ID. It allows you to dynamically change the behavior of an audio instance on the fly.
+---* see `AudioProfile` +---@param filePath string +---@param loop boolean +---@param volume float +---@param profile cc.AudioProfile +---@return int +function AudioEngine:play2d (filePath,loop,volume,profile) end +---* Returns the state of an audio instance.
+---* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.
+---* return The status of an audio instance. +---@param audioID int +---@return int +function AudioEngine:getState (audioID) end +---* Resume an audio instance.
+---* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function. +---@param audioID int +---@return self +function AudioEngine:resume (audioID) end +---* Stop an audio instance.
+---* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function. +---@param audioID int +---@return self +function AudioEngine:stop (audioID) end +---* Release objects relating to AudioEngine.
+---* warning It must be called before the application exit.
+---* lua endToLua +---@return self +function AudioEngine:endToLua () end +---* Gets the duration of an audio instance.
+---* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.
+---* return The duration of an audio instance. +---@param audioID int +---@return float +function AudioEngine:getDuration (audioID) end +---* Sets whether an audio instance loop or not.
+---* param audioID An audioID returned by the play2d function.
+---* param loop Whether audio instance loop or not. +---@param audioID int +---@param loop boolean +---@return self +function AudioEngine:setLoop (audioID,loop) end +---* Gets the default profile of audio instances.
+---* return The default profile of audio instances. +---@return cc.AudioProfile +function AudioEngine:getDefaultProfile () end +---@overload fun(int0:string):self +---@overload fun(int:int):self +---@param audioID int +---@return cc.AudioProfile +function AudioEngine:getProfile (audioID) end +---* Gets playing audio count. +---@return int +function AudioEngine:getPlayingAudioCount () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AudioProfile.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AudioProfile.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d2503ccd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AudioProfile.lua @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.AudioProfile +local AudioProfile={ } +cc.AudioProfile=AudioProfile + + + + +---* Default constructor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function AudioProfile:AudioProfile () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AutoPolygon.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AutoPolygon.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6aa221dd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/AutoPolygon.lua @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.AutoPolygon +local AutoPolygon={ } +cc.AutoPolygon=AutoPolygon + + + + +---* create an AutoPolygon and initialize it with an image file
+---* the image must be a 32bit PNG for current version 3.7
+---* param filename a path to image file, e.g., "scene1/monster.png".
+---* return an AutoPolygon object; +---@param filename string +---@return self +function AutoPolygon:AutoPolygon (filename) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/BaseLight.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/BaseLight.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0f0a12fe7 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/BaseLight.lua @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.BaseLight :cc.Node +local BaseLight={ } +cc.BaseLight=BaseLight + + + + +---* light enabled getter and setter. +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function BaseLight:setEnabled (enabled) end +---* intensity getter and setter +---@return float +function BaseLight:getIntensity () end +---* +---@return boolean +function BaseLight:isEnabled () end +---* Get the light type,light type MUST be one of LightType::DIRECTIONAL ,
+---* LightType::POINT, LightType::SPOT, LightType::AMBIENT. +---@return int +function BaseLight:getLightType () end +---* +---@param flag int +---@return self +function BaseLight:setLightFlag (flag) end +---* +---@param intensity float +---@return self +function BaseLight:setIntensity (intensity) end +---* light flag getter and setter +---@return int +function BaseLight:getLightFlag () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/BezierBy.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/BezierBy.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b717eb3b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/BezierBy.lua @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.BezierBy :cc.ActionInterval +local BezierBy={ } +cc.BezierBy=BezierBy + + + + +---* initializes the action with a duration and a bezier configuration
+---* param t in seconds +---@param t float +---@param c cc._ccBezierConfig +---@return boolean +function BezierBy:initWithDuration (t,c) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function BezierBy:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function BezierBy:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function BezierBy:reverse () end +---* param time In seconds. +---@param time float +---@return self +function BezierBy:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function BezierBy:BezierBy () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/BezierTo.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/BezierTo.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5ff279ea0 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/BezierTo.lua @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.BezierTo :cc.BezierBy +local BezierTo={ } +cc.BezierTo=BezierTo + + + + +---* param t In seconds. +---@param t float +---@param c cc._ccBezierConfig +---@return boolean +function BezierTo:initWithDuration (t,c) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function BezierTo:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function BezierTo:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function BezierTo:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function BezierTo:BezierTo () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/BillBoard.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/BillBoard.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6f4f2ef4e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/BillBoard.lua @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.BillBoard :cc.Sprite +local BillBoard={ } +cc.BillBoard=BillBoard + + + + +---* Get the billboard rotation mode. +---@return int +function BillBoard:getMode () end +---* Set the billboard rotation mode. +---@param mode int +---@return self +function BillBoard:setMode (mode) end +---@overload fun(string:string,rect_table1:int):self +---@overload fun(string0:int):self +---@overload fun(string:string,rect_table:rect_table,int:int):self +---@param filename string +---@param rect rect_table +---@param mode int +---@return self +function BillBoard:create (filename,rect,mode) end +---* Creates a BillBoard with a Texture2D object.
+---* After creation, the rect will be the size of the texture, and the offset will be (0,0).
+---* param texture A pointer to a Texture2D object.
+---* return An autoreleased BillBoard object +---@param texture cc.Texture2D +---@param mode int +---@return self +function BillBoard:createWithTexture (texture,mode) end +---* update billboard's transform and turn it towards camera +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param parentTransform mat4_table +---@param parentFlags unsigned_int +---@return self +function BillBoard:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end +---* +---@return self +function BillBoard:BillBoard () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Blink.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Blink.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8b90aede2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Blink.lua @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Blink :cc.ActionInterval +local Blink={ } +cc.Blink=Blink + + + + +---* initializes the action
+---* param duration in seconds +---@param duration float +---@param blinks int +---@return boolean +function Blink:initWithDuration (duration,blinks) end +---* Creates the action.
+---* param duration Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param blinks Blink times.
+---* return An autoreleased Blink object. +---@param duration float +---@param blinks int +---@return self +function Blink:create (duration,blinks) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function Blink:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function Blink:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function Blink:stop () end +---* +---@return self +function Blink:reverse () end +---* param time In seconds. +---@param time float +---@return self +function Blink:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function Blink:Blink () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Bundle3D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Bundle3D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..918a67701 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Bundle3D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Bundle3D +local Bundle3D={ } +cc.Bundle3D=Bundle3D + + + + +---* load a file. You must load a file first, then call loadMeshData, loadSkinData, and so on
+---* param path File to be loaded
+---* return result of load +---@param path string +---@return boolean +function Bundle3D:load (path) end +---* load skin data from bundle
+---* param id The ID of the skin, load the first Skin in the bundle if it is empty +---@param id string +---@param skindata cc.SkinData +---@return boolean +function Bundle3D:loadSkinData (id,skindata) end +---* +---@return self +function Bundle3D:clear () end +---* +---@param materialdatas cc.MaterialDatas +---@return boolean +function Bundle3D:loadMaterials (materialdatas) end +---* +---@param nodedatas cc.NodeDatas +---@return boolean +function Bundle3D:loadNodes (nodedatas) end +---* load material data from bundle
+---* param id The ID of the animation, load the first animation in the bundle if it is empty +---@param id string +---@param animationdata cc.Animation3DData +---@return boolean +function Bundle3D:loadAnimationData (id,animationdata) end +---* get define data type
+---* param str The type in string +---@param str string +---@return int +function Bundle3D:parseSamplerAddressMode (str) end +---* +---@param bundle cc.Bundle3D +---@return self +function Bundle3D:destroyBundle (bundle) end +---* create a new bundle, destroy it when finish using it +---@return self +function Bundle3D:createBundle () end +---* get define data type
+---* param str The type in string +---@param str string +---@param size int +---@return int +function Bundle3D:parseGLDataType (str,size) end +---* +---@return self +function Bundle3D:Bundle3D () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CSLoader.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CSLoader.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ae7c41381 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CSLoader.lua @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.CSLoader +local CSLoader={ } +cc.CSLoader=CSLoader + + + + +---* +---@param filename string +---@return cc.Node +function CSLoader:createNodeFromJson (filename) end +---* +---@param filename string +---@return cc.Node +function CSLoader:createNodeWithFlatBuffersFile (filename) end +---* +---@param fileName string +---@return cc.Node +function CSLoader:loadNodeWithFile (fileName) end +---* +---@param callbackName string +---@param callbackType string +---@param sender ccui.Widget +---@param handler cc.Node +---@return boolean +function CSLoader:bindCallback (callbackName,callbackType,sender,handler) end +---* +---@param jsonPath string +---@return self +function CSLoader:setJsonPath (jsonPath) end +---* +---@return self +function CSLoader:init () end +---* +---@param content string +---@return cc.Node +function CSLoader:loadNodeWithContent (content) end +---* +---@return boolean +function CSLoader:isRecordJsonPath () end +---* +---@return string +function CSLoader:getJsonPath () end +---* +---@param record boolean +---@return self +function CSLoader:setRecordJsonPath (record) end +---* +---@param filename string +---@return cc.Node +function CSLoader:createNodeWithFlatBuffersForSimulator (filename) end +---* +---@return self +function CSLoader:destroyInstance () end +---@overload fun(string:string,function:function):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param filename string +---@param callback function +---@return cc.Node +function CSLoader:createNodeWithVisibleSize (filename,callback) end +---* +---@return self +function CSLoader:getInstance () end +---* +---@return self +function CSLoader:CSLoader () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CallFunc.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CallFunc.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..07c43c84c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CallFunc.lua @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.CallFunc :cc.ActionInstant +local CallFunc={ } +cc.CallFunc=CallFunc + + + + +---* Executes the callback. +---@return self +function CallFunc:execute () end +---* +---@return self +function CallFunc:clone () end +---* param time In seconds. +---@param time float +---@return self +function CallFunc:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function CallFunc:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function CallFunc:CallFunc () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Camera.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Camera.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e24035763 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Camera.lua @@ -0,0 +1,166 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Camera :cc.Node +local Camera={ } +cc.Camera=Camera + + + + +---* get depth, camera with larger depth is drawn on top of camera with smaller depth, the depth of camera with CameraFlag::DEFAULT is 0, user defined camera is -1 by default +---@return char +function Camera:getDepth () end +---* get view projection matrix +---@return mat4_table +function Camera:getViewProjectionMatrix () end +---* +---@return self +function Camera:applyViewport () end +---* set the background brush. See CameraBackgroundBrush for more information.
+---* param clearBrush Brush used to clear the background +---@param clearBrush cc.CameraBackgroundBrush +---@return self +function Camera:setBackgroundBrush (clearBrush) end +---* Make Camera looks at target
+---* param target The target camera is point at
+---* param up The up vector, usually it's Y axis +---@param target vec3_table +---@param up vec3_table +---@return self +function Camera:lookAt (target,up) end +---* Apply the FBO, RenderTargets and viewport. +---@return self +function Camera:apply () end +---* Get clear brush +---@return cc.CameraBackgroundBrush +function Camera:getBackgroundBrush () end +---* Gets the camera's projection matrix.
+---* return The camera projection matrix. +---@return mat4_table +function Camera:getProjectionMatrix () end +---* +---@return boolean +function Camera:isBrushValid () end +---* Get object depth towards camera +---@param transform mat4_table +---@return float +function Camera:getDepthInView (transform) end +---* Before rendering scene with this camera, the background need to be cleared. It clears the depth buffer with max depth by default. Use setBackgroundBrush to modify the default behavior +---@return self +function Camera:clearBackground () end +---* set additional matrix for the projection matrix, it multiplies mat to projection matrix when called, used by WP8 +---@param mat mat4_table +---@return self +function Camera:setAdditionalProjection (mat) end +---* init camera +---@return boolean +function Camera:initDefault () end +---* get & set Camera flag +---@return int +function Camera:getCameraFlag () end +---* Gets the type of camera.
+---* return The camera type. +---@return int +function Camera:getType () end +---* +---@param zoomX float +---@param zoomY float +---@param nearPlane float +---@param farPlane float +---@return boolean +function Camera:initOrthographic (zoomX,zoomY,nearPlane,farPlane) end +---* get rendered order +---@return int +function Camera:getRenderOrder () end +---* Is this aabb visible in frustum +---@param aabb cc.AABB +---@return boolean +function Camera:isVisibleInFrustum (aabb) end +---* set depth, camera with larger depth is drawn on top of camera with smaller depth, the depth of camera with CameraFlag::DEFAULT is 0, user defined camera is -1 by default +---@param depth char +---@return self +function Camera:setDepth (depth) end +---* Set the scene,this method shall not be invoke manually +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function Camera:setScene (scene) end +---* +---@param src vec3_table +---@return vec2_table +function Camera:projectGL (src) end +---* Gets the camera's view matrix.
+---* return The camera view matrix. +---@return mat4_table +function Camera:getViewMatrix () end +---* Get the frustum's near plane. +---@return float +function Camera:getNearPlane () end +---* +---@param src vec3_table +---@return vec2_table +function Camera:project (src) end +---* +---@param flag int +---@return self +function Camera:setCameraFlag (flag) end +---* Get the frustum's far plane. +---@return float +function Camera:getFarPlane () end +---* Whether or not the viewprojection matrix was updated since the last frame.
+---* return True if the viewprojection matrix was updated since the last frame. +---@return boolean +function Camera:isViewProjectionUpdated () end +---* +---@param fieldOfView float +---@param aspectRatio float +---@param nearPlane float +---@param farPlane float +---@return boolean +function Camera:initPerspective (fieldOfView,aspectRatio,nearPlane,farPlane) end +---* Creates an orthographic camera.
+---* param zoomX The zoom factor along the X-axis of the orthographic projection (the width of the ortho projection).
+---* param zoomY The zoom factor along the Y-axis of the orthographic projection (the height of the ortho projection).
+---* param nearPlane The near plane distance.
+---* param farPlane The far plane distance. +---@param zoomX float +---@param zoomY float +---@param nearPlane float +---@param farPlane float +---@return self +function Camera:createOrthographic (zoomX,zoomY,nearPlane,farPlane) end +---* Get the visiting camera , the visiting camera shall be set on Scene::render +---@return self +function Camera:getVisitingCamera () end +---* create default camera, the camera type depends on Director::getProjection, the depth of the default camera is 0 +---@return self +function Camera:create () end +---* Creates a perspective camera.
+---* param fieldOfView The field of view for the perspective camera (normally in the range of 40-60 degrees).
+---* param aspectRatio The aspect ratio of the camera (normally the width of the viewport divided by the height of the viewport).
+---* param nearPlane The near plane distance.
+---* param farPlane The far plane distance. +---@param fieldOfView float +---@param aspectRatio float +---@param nearPlane float +---@param farPlane float +---@return self +function Camera:createPerspective (fieldOfView,aspectRatio,nearPlane,farPlane) end +---* +---@return cc.Viewport +function Camera:getDefaultViewport () end +---* +---@param vp cc.Viewport +---@return self +function Camera:setDefaultViewport (vp) end +---* Get the default camera of the current running scene. +---@return self +function Camera:getDefaultCamera () end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param parentTransform mat4_table +---@param parentFlags unsigned_int +---@return self +function Camera:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end +---* +---@return self +function Camera:Camera () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundBrush.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundBrush.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..77d38214c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundBrush.lua @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.CameraBackgroundBrush :cc.Ref +local CameraBackgroundBrush={ } +cc.CameraBackgroundBrush=CameraBackgroundBrush + + + + +---* get brush type
+---* return BrushType +---@return int +function CameraBackgroundBrush:getBrushType () end +---* draw the background +---@param a cc.Camer +---@return self +function CameraBackgroundBrush:drawBackground (a) end +---* +---@return boolean +function CameraBackgroundBrush:init () end +---* +---@return boolean +function CameraBackgroundBrush:isValid () end +---* Creates a Skybox brush with 6 textures.
+---* param positive_x texture for the right side of the texture cube face.
+---* param negative_x texture for the up side of the texture cube face.
+---* param positive_y texture for the top side of the texture cube face
+---* param negative_y texture for the bottom side of the texture cube face
+---* param positive_z texture for the forward side of the texture cube face.
+---* param negative_z texture for the rear side of the texture cube face.
+---* return A new brush inited with given parameters. +---@param positive_x string +---@param negative_x string +---@param positive_y string +---@param negative_y string +---@param positive_z string +---@param negative_z string +---@return cc.CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush +function CameraBackgroundBrush:createSkyboxBrush (positive_x,negative_x,positive_y,negative_y,positive_z,negative_z) end +---* Creates a color brush
+---* param color Color of brush
+---* param depth Depth used to clear depth buffer
+---* return Created brush +---@param color color4f_table +---@param depth float +---@return cc.CameraBackgroundColorBrush +function CameraBackgroundBrush:createColorBrush (color,depth) end +---* Creates a none brush, it does nothing when clear the background
+---* return Created brush. +---@return self +function CameraBackgroundBrush:createNoneBrush () end +---* Creates a depth brush, which clears depth buffer with a given depth.
+---* param depth Depth used to clear depth buffer
+---* return Created brush +---@return cc.CameraBackgroundDepthBrush +function CameraBackgroundBrush:createDepthBrush () end +---* +---@return self +function CameraBackgroundBrush:CameraBackgroundBrush () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundColorBrush.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundColorBrush.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..541f7d017 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundColorBrush.lua @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.CameraBackgroundColorBrush :cc.CameraBackgroundDepthBrush +local CameraBackgroundColorBrush={ } +cc.CameraBackgroundColorBrush=CameraBackgroundColorBrush + + + + +---* Set clear color
+---* param color Color used to clear the color buffer +---@param color color4f_table +---@return self +function CameraBackgroundColorBrush:setColor (color) end +---* Create a color brush
+---* param color Color used to clear the color buffer
+---* param depth Depth used to clear the depth buffer
+---* return Created brush +---@param color color4f_table +---@param depth float +---@return self +function CameraBackgroundColorBrush:create (color,depth) end +---* Get brush type. Should be BrushType::COLOR
+---* return brush type +---@return int +function CameraBackgroundColorBrush:getBrushType () end +---* Draw background +---@param camera cc.Camera +---@return self +function CameraBackgroundColorBrush:drawBackground (camera) end +---* +---@return boolean +function CameraBackgroundColorBrush:init () end +---* +---@return self +function CameraBackgroundColorBrush:CameraBackgroundColorBrush () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundDepthBrush.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundDepthBrush.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79ec5b3e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundDepthBrush.lua @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.CameraBackgroundDepthBrush :cc.CameraBackgroundBrush +local CameraBackgroundDepthBrush={ } +cc.CameraBackgroundDepthBrush=CameraBackgroundDepthBrush + + + + +---* Set depth
+---* param depth Depth used to clear depth buffer +---@param depth float +---@return self +function CameraBackgroundDepthBrush:setDepth (depth) end +---* Create a depth brush
+---* param depth Depth used to clear the depth buffer
+---* return Created brush +---@param depth float +---@return self +function CameraBackgroundDepthBrush:create (depth) end +---* Get brush type. Should be BrushType::DEPTH
+---* return brush type +---@return int +function CameraBackgroundDepthBrush:getBrushType () end +---* Draw background +---@param camera cc.Camera +---@return self +function CameraBackgroundDepthBrush:drawBackground (camera) end +---* +---@return boolean +function CameraBackgroundDepthBrush:init () end +---* +---@return self +function CameraBackgroundDepthBrush:CameraBackgroundDepthBrush () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..59e531d05 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush.lua @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush :cc.CameraBackgroundBrush +local CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush={ } +cc.CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush=CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush + + + + +---* +---@param valid boolean +---@return self +function CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush:setTextureValid (valid) end +---* Set skybox texture
+---* param texture Skybox texture +---@param texture cc.TextureCube +---@return self +function CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush:setTexture (texture) end +---* +---@param actived boolean +---@return self +function CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush:setActived (actived) end +---* +---@return boolean +function CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush:isActived () end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string):self +---@param positive_x string +---@param negative_x string +---@param positive_y string +---@param negative_y string +---@param positive_z string +---@param negative_z string +---@return self +function CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush:create (positive_x,negative_x,positive_y,negative_y,positive_z,negative_z) end +---* Get brush type. Should be BrushType::SKYBOX
+---* return brush type +---@return int +function CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush:getBrushType () end +---* Draw background +---@param camera cc.Camera +---@return self +function CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush:drawBackground (camera) end +---* init Skybox. +---@return boolean +function CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush:init () end +---* +---@return boolean +function CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush:isValid () end +---* +---@return self +function CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush:CameraBackgroundSkyBoxBrush () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CardinalSplineBy.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CardinalSplineBy.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..03359cb95 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CardinalSplineBy.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.CardinalSplineBy :cc.CardinalSplineTo +local CardinalSplineBy={ } +cc.CardinalSplineBy=CardinalSplineBy + + + + +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function CardinalSplineBy:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function CardinalSplineBy:clone () end +---* +---@param newPos vec2_table +---@return self +function CardinalSplineBy:updatePosition (newPos) end +---* +---@return self +function CardinalSplineBy:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function CardinalSplineBy:CardinalSplineBy () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CardinalSplineTo.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CardinalSplineTo.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f9f92d4e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CardinalSplineTo.lua @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.CardinalSplineTo :cc.ActionInterval +local CardinalSplineTo={ } +cc.CardinalSplineTo=CardinalSplineTo + + + + +---* Return a PointArray.
+---* return A PointArray. +---@return point_table +function CardinalSplineTo:getPoints () end +---* It will update the target position and change the _previousPosition to newPos
+---* param newPos The new position. +---@param newPos vec2_table +---@return self +function CardinalSplineTo:updatePosition (newPos) end +---* Initializes the action with a duration and an array of points.
+---* param duration In seconds.
+---* param points An PointArray.
+---* param tension Goodness of fit. +---@param duration float +---@param points point_table +---@param tension float +---@return boolean +function CardinalSplineTo:initWithDuration (duration,points,tension) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function CardinalSplineTo:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function CardinalSplineTo:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function CardinalSplineTo:reverse () end +---* param time In seconds. +---@param time float +---@return self +function CardinalSplineTo:update (time) end +---* js ctor
+---* lua NA +---@return self +function CardinalSplineTo:CardinalSplineTo () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CatmullRomBy.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CatmullRomBy.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..89314338a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CatmullRomBy.lua @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.CatmullRomBy :cc.CardinalSplineBy +local CatmullRomBy={ } +cc.CatmullRomBy=CatmullRomBy + + + + +---* Initializes the action with a duration and an array of points.
+---* param dt In seconds.
+---* param points An PointArray. +---@param dt float +---@param points point_table +---@return boolean +function CatmullRomBy:initWithDuration (dt,points) end +---* +---@return self +function CatmullRomBy:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function CatmullRomBy:reverse () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CatmullRomTo.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CatmullRomTo.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..88e53310b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/CatmullRomTo.lua @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.CatmullRomTo :cc.CardinalSplineTo +local CatmullRomTo={ } +cc.CatmullRomTo=CatmullRomTo + + + + +---* Initializes the action with a duration and an array of points.
+---* param dt In seconds.
+---* param points An PointArray. +---@param dt float +---@param points point_table +---@return boolean +function CatmullRomTo:initWithDuration (dt,points) end +---* +---@return self +function CatmullRomTo:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function CatmullRomTo:reverse () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ClippingNode.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ClippingNode.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b21396a2a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ClippingNode.lua @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ClippingNode :cc.Node +local ClippingNode={ } +cc.ClippingNode=ClippingNode + + + + +---* If stencil has no children it will not be drawn.
+---* If you have custom stencil-based node with stencil drawing mechanics other then children-based,
+---* then this method should return true every time you wish stencil to be visited.
+---* By default returns true if has any children attached.
+---* return If you have custom stencil-based node with stencil drawing mechanics other then children-based,
+---* then this method should return true every time you wish stencil to be visited.
+---* By default returns true if has any children attached.
+---* js NA +---@return boolean +function ClippingNode:hasContent () end +---* Set the ClippingNode whether or not invert.
+---* param inverted A bool Type,to set the ClippingNode whether or not invert. +---@param inverted boolean +---@return self +function ClippingNode:setInverted (inverted) end +---* Set the Node to use as a stencil to do the clipping.
+---* param stencil The Node to use as a stencil to do the clipping. +---@param stencil cc.Node +---@return self +function ClippingNode:setStencil (stencil) end +---* The alpha threshold.
+---* The content is drawn only where the stencil have pixel with alpha greater than the alphaThreshold.
+---* Should be a float between 0 and 1.
+---* This default to 1 (so alpha test is disabled).
+---* return The alpha threshold value,Should be a float between 0 and 1. +---@return float +function ClippingNode:getAlphaThreshold () end +---* Initializes a clipping node with an other node as its stencil.
+---* The stencil node will be retained, and its parent will be set to this clipping node. +---@param stencil cc.Node +---@return boolean +function ClippingNode:init (stencil) end +---* The Node to use as a stencil to do the clipping.
+---* The stencil node will be retained.
+---* This default to nil.
+---* return The stencil node. +---@return cc.Node +function ClippingNode:getStencil () end +---* Set the alpha threshold.
+---* param alphaThreshold The alpha threshold. +---@param alphaThreshold float +---@return self +function ClippingNode:setAlphaThreshold (alphaThreshold) end +---* Inverted. If this is set to true,
+---* the stencil is inverted, so the content is drawn where the stencil is NOT drawn.
+---* This default to false.
+---* return If the clippingNode is Inverted, it will be return true. +---@return boolean +function ClippingNode:isInverted () end +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param stencil cc.Node +---@return self +function ClippingNode:create (stencil) end +---* +---@param mask unsigned short +---@param applyChildren boolean +---@return self +function ClippingNode:setCameraMask (mask,applyChildren) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param parentTransform mat4_table +---@param parentFlags unsigned_int +---@return self +function ClippingNode:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end +---* Initializes a clipping node without a stencil. +---@return boolean +function ClippingNode:init () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ClippingRectangleNode.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ClippingRectangleNode.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0f15c0cb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ClippingRectangleNode.lua @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ClippingRectangleNode :cc.Node +local ClippingRectangleNode={ } +cc.ClippingRectangleNode=ClippingRectangleNode + + + + +---* brief Get whether the clipping is enabled or not.
+---* return Whether the clipping is enabled or not. Default is true. +---@return boolean +function ClippingRectangleNode:isClippingEnabled () end +---* brief Enable/Disable the clipping.
+---* param enabled Pass true to enable clipping. Pass false to disable clipping. +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function ClippingRectangleNode:setClippingEnabled (enabled) end +---* brief Get the clipping rectangle.
+---* return The clipping rectangle. +---@return rect_table +function ClippingRectangleNode:getClippingRegion () end +---* brief Set the clipping rectangle.
+---* param clippingRegion Specify the clipping rectangle. +---@param clippingRegion rect_table +---@return self +function ClippingRectangleNode:setClippingRegion (clippingRegion) end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun(rect_table:rect_table):self +---@param clippingRegion rect_table +---@return self +function ClippingRectangleNode:create (clippingRegion) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param parentTransform mat4_table +---@param parentFlags unsigned_int +---@return self +function ClippingRectangleNode:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Component.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Component.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..feed6e830 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Component.lua @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Component :cc.Ref +local Component={ } +cc.Component=Component + + + + +---* +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function Component:setEnabled (enabled) end +---* +---@return self +function Component:onRemove () end +---* +---@param name string +---@return self +function Component:setName (name) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Component:isEnabled () end +---* +---@param delta float +---@return self +function Component:update (delta) end +---* +---@return cc.Node +function Component:getOwner () end +---* +---@return boolean +function Component:init () end +---* +---@param owner cc.Node +---@return self +function Component:setOwner (owner) end +---* +---@return string +function Component:getName () end +---* +---@return self +function Component:onAdd () end +---* +---@return self +function Component:create () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ComponentLua.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ComponentLua.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7abc184be --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ComponentLua.lua @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ComponentLua :cc.Component +local ComponentLua={ } +cc.ComponentLua=ComponentLua + + + + +---* This function is used to be invoked from lua side to get the corresponding script object of this component. +---@return void +function ComponentLua:getScriptObject () end +---* +---@param dt float +---@return self +function ComponentLua:update (dt) end +---* +---@param scriptFileName string +---@return self +function ComponentLua:create (scriptFileName) end +---* +---@param scriptFileName string +---@return self +function ComponentLua:ComponentLua (scriptFileName) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Console.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Console.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..14bb7c0ae --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Console.lua @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Console :cc.Ref +local Console={ } +cc.Console=Console + + + + +---* starts listening to specified TCP port +---@param port int +---@return boolean +function Console:listenOnTCP (port) end +---* log something in the console +---@param buf char +---@return self +function Console:log (buf) end +---* delete custom command +---@param cmdName string +---@return self +function Console:delCommand (cmdName) end +---* stops the Console. 'stop' will be called at destruction time as well +---@return self +function Console:stop () end +---* starts listening to specified file descriptor +---@param fd int +---@return boolean +function Console:listenOnFileDescriptor (fd) end +---* +---@param var char +---@return self +function Console:setCommandSeparator (var) end +---* set bind address
+---* address : +---@param address string +---@return self +function Console:setBindAddress (address) end +---* Checks whether the server for console is bound with ipv6 address +---@return boolean +function Console:isIpv6Server () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Control.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Control.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3e86c06b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Control.lua @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Control :cc.Layer +local Control={ } +cc.Control=Control + + + + +---* Tells whether the control is enabled. +---@param bEnabled boolean +---@return self +function Control:setEnabled (bEnabled) end +---* +---@return int +function Control:getState () end +---* Sends action messages for the given control events.
+---* param controlEvents A bitmask whose set flags specify the control events for
+---* which action messages are sent. See "CCControlEvent" for bitmask constants. +---@param controlEvents int +---@return self +function Control:sendActionsForControlEvents (controlEvents) end +---* A Boolean value that determines the control selected state. +---@param bSelected boolean +---@return self +function Control:setSelected (bSelected) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Control:isEnabled () end +---* Updates the control layout using its current internal state. +---@return self +function Control:needsLayout () end +---* +---@return boolean +function Control:hasVisibleParents () end +---* +---@return boolean +function Control:isSelected () end +---* Returns a boolean value that indicates whether a touch is inside the bounds
+---* of the receiver. The given touch must be relative to the world.
+---* param touch A Touch object that represents a touch.
+---* return Whether a touch is inside the receiver's rect. +---@param touch cc.Touch +---@return boolean +function Control:isTouchInside (touch) end +---* A Boolean value that determines whether the control is highlighted. +---@param bHighlighted boolean +---@return self +function Control:setHighlighted (bHighlighted) end +---* Returns a point corresponding to the touch location converted into the
+---* control space coordinates.
+---* param touch A Touch object that represents a touch. +---@param touch cc.Touch +---@return vec2_table +function Control:getTouchLocation (touch) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Control:isHighlighted () end +---* Creates a Control object +---@return self +function Control:create () end +---* +---@param touch cc.Touch +---@param event cc.Event +---@return self +function Control:onTouchMoved (touch,event) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Control:isOpacityModifyRGB () end +---* +---@param bOpacityModifyRGB boolean +---@return self +function Control:setOpacityModifyRGB (bOpacityModifyRGB) end +---* +---@param touch cc.Touch +---@param event cc.Event +---@return self +function Control:onTouchCancelled (touch,event) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Control:init () end +---* +---@param touch cc.Touch +---@param event cc.Event +---@return self +function Control:onTouchEnded (touch,event) end +---* +---@param touch cc.Touch +---@param event cc.Event +---@return boolean +function Control:onTouchBegan (touch,event) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function Control:Control () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlButton.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlButton.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..81e70b397 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlButton.lua @@ -0,0 +1,263 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ControlButton :cc.Control +local ControlButton={ } +cc.ControlButton=ControlButton + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function ControlButton:isPushed () end +---* Sets the title label to use for the specified state.
+---* If a property is not specified for a state, the default is to use
+---* the ButtonStateNormal value.
+---* param label The title label to use for the specified state.
+---* param state The state that uses the specified title. The values are described
+---* in "CCControlState". +---@param label cc.Node +---@param state int +---@return self +function ControlButton:setTitleLabelForState (label,state) end +---* +---@param adjustBackgroundImage boolean +---@return self +function ControlButton:setAdjustBackgroundImage (adjustBackgroundImage) end +---* Sets the title string to use for the specified state.
+---* If a property is not specified for a state, the default is to use
+---* the ButtonStateNormal value.
+---* param title The title string to use for the specified state.
+---* param state The state that uses the specified title. The values are described
+---* in "CCControlState". +---@param title string +---@param state int +---@return self +function ControlButton:setTitleForState (title,state) end +---* +---@param var vec2_table +---@return self +function ControlButton:setLabelAnchorPoint (var) end +---* +---@return vec2_table +function ControlButton:getLabelAnchorPoint () end +---* +---@param sprite ccui.Scale9Sprite +---@return boolean +function ControlButton:initWithBackgroundSprite (sprite) end +---* +---@param state int +---@return float +function ControlButton:getTitleTTFSizeForState (state) end +---* +---@param fntFile string +---@param state int +---@return self +function ControlButton:setTitleTTFForState (fntFile,state) end +---* +---@param size float +---@param state int +---@return self +function ControlButton:setTitleTTFSizeForState (size,state) end +---* +---@param var cc.Node +---@return self +function ControlButton:setTitleLabel (var) end +---* +---@param var size_table +---@return self +function ControlButton:setPreferredSize (var) end +---* +---@return color3b_table +function ControlButton:getCurrentTitleColor () end +---* +---@param var boolean +---@return self +function ControlButton:setZoomOnTouchDown (var) end +---* +---@param var ccui.Scale9Sprite +---@return self +function ControlButton:setBackgroundSprite (var) end +---* Returns the background sprite used for a state.
+---* param state The state that uses the background sprite. Possible values are
+---* described in "CCControlState". +---@param state int +---@return ccui.Scale9Sprite +function ControlButton:getBackgroundSpriteForState (state) end +---* +---@return int +function ControlButton:getHorizontalOrigin () end +---* +---@param title string +---@param fontName string +---@param fontSize float +---@return boolean +function ControlButton:initWithTitleAndFontNameAndFontSize (title,fontName,fontSize) end +---* Sets the font of the label, changes the label to a BMFont if necessary.
+---* param fntFile The name of the font to change to
+---* param state The state that uses the specified fntFile. The values are described
+---* in "CCControlState". +---@param fntFile string +---@param state int +---@return self +function ControlButton:setTitleBMFontForState (fntFile,state) end +---* +---@return float +function ControlButton:getScaleRatio () end +---* +---@param state int +---@return string +function ControlButton:getTitleTTFForState (state) end +---* +---@return ccui.Scale9Sprite +function ControlButton:getBackgroundSprite () end +---* Returns the title color used for a state.
+---* param state The state that uses the specified color. The values are described
+---* in "CCControlState".
+---* return The color of the title for the specified state. +---@param state int +---@return color3b_table +function ControlButton:getTitleColorForState (state) end +---* Sets the color of the title to use for the specified state.
+---* param color The color of the title to use for the specified state.
+---* param state The state that uses the specified color. The values are described
+---* in "CCControlState". +---@param color color3b_table +---@param state int +---@return self +function ControlButton:setTitleColorForState (color,state) end +---* Adjust the background image. YES by default. If the property is set to NO, the
+---* background will use the preferred size of the background image. +---@return boolean +function ControlButton:doesAdjustBackgroundImage () end +---* Sets the background spriteFrame to use for the specified button state.
+---* param spriteFrame The background spriteFrame to use for the specified state.
+---* param state The state that uses the specified image. The values are described
+---* in "CCControlState". +---@param spriteFrame cc.SpriteFrame +---@param state int +---@return self +function ControlButton:setBackgroundSpriteFrameForState (spriteFrame,state) end +---* Sets the background sprite to use for the specified button state.
+---* param sprite The background sprite to use for the specified state.
+---* param state The state that uses the specified image. The values are described
+---* in "CCControlState". +---@param sprite ccui.Scale9Sprite +---@param state int +---@return self +function ControlButton:setBackgroundSpriteForState (sprite,state) end +---* +---@param var float +---@return self +function ControlButton:setScaleRatio (var) end +---* +---@param state int +---@return string +function ControlButton:getTitleBMFontForState (state) end +---* +---@return cc.Node +function ControlButton:getTitleLabel () end +---* +---@return size_table +function ControlButton:getPreferredSize () end +---* +---@return int +function ControlButton:getVerticalMargin () end +---* Returns the title label used for a state.
+---* param state The state that uses the title label. Possible values are described
+---* in "CCControlState". +---@param state int +---@return cc.Node +function ControlButton:getTitleLabelForState (state) end +---* +---@param marginH int +---@param marginV int +---@return self +function ControlButton:setMargins (marginH,marginV) end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun():self +---@return string +function ControlButton:getCurrentTitle () end +---* +---@param label cc.Node +---@param backgroundSprite ccui.Scale9Sprite +---@param adjustBackGroundSize boolean +---@return boolean +function ControlButton:initWithLabelAndBackgroundSprite (label,backgroundSprite,adjustBackGroundSize) end +---* +---@return boolean +function ControlButton:getZoomOnTouchDown () end +---* Returns the title used for a state.
+---* param state The state that uses the title. Possible values are described in
+---* "CCControlState".
+---* return The title for the specified state. +---@param state int +---@return string +function ControlButton:getTitleForState (state) end +---@overload fun(cc.Node0:ccui.Scale9Sprite):self +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,ccui.Scale9Sprite:ccui.Scale9Sprite):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node0:string,ccui.Scale9Sprite1:string,boolean2:float):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,ccui.Scale9Sprite:ccui.Scale9Sprite,boolean:boolean):self +---@param label cc.Node +---@param backgroundSprite ccui.Scale9Sprite +---@param adjustBackGroundSize boolean +---@return self +function ControlButton:create (label,backgroundSprite,adjustBackGroundSize) end +---* +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function ControlButton:setEnabled (enabled) end +---* +---@param touch cc.Touch +---@param event cc.Event +---@return self +function ControlButton:onTouchEnded (touch,event) end +---* +---@param e color3b_tabl +---@return self +function ControlButton:setColor (e) end +---* +---@param touch cc.Touch +---@param event cc.Event +---@return self +function ControlButton:onTouchMoved (touch,event) end +---* +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function ControlButton:setSelected (enabled) end +---* +---@param touch cc.Touch +---@param event cc.Event +---@return self +function ControlButton:onTouchCancelled (touch,event) end +---* +---@return self +function ControlButton:needsLayout () end +---* +---@param touch cc.Touch +---@param event cc.Event +---@return boolean +function ControlButton:onTouchBegan (touch,event) end +---* +---@param parentOpacity unsigned_char +---@return self +function ControlButton:updateDisplayedOpacity (parentOpacity) end +---* +---@return boolean +function ControlButton:init () end +---* +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function ControlButton:setHighlighted (enabled) end +---* +---@param parentColor color3b_table +---@return self +function ControlButton:updateDisplayedColor (parentColor) end +---* +---@param var unsigned_char +---@return self +function ControlButton:setOpacity (var) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ControlButton:ControlButton () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlColourPicker.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlColourPicker.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d3690c6c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlColourPicker.lua @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ControlColourPicker :cc.Control +local ControlColourPicker={ } +cc.ControlColourPicker=ControlColourPicker + + + + +---* +---@param sender cc.Ref +---@param controlEvent int +---@return self +function ControlColourPicker:hueSliderValueChanged (sender,controlEvent) end +---* +---@return cc.ControlHuePicker +function ControlColourPicker:getHuePicker () end +---* +---@return cc.ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker +function ControlColourPicker:getcolourPicker () end +---* +---@param var cc.Sprite +---@return self +function ControlColourPicker:setBackground (var) end +---* +---@param var cc.ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker +---@return self +function ControlColourPicker:setcolourPicker (var) end +---* +---@param sender cc.Ref +---@param controlEvent int +---@return self +function ControlColourPicker:colourSliderValueChanged (sender,controlEvent) end +---* +---@param var cc.ControlHuePicker +---@return self +function ControlColourPicker:setHuePicker (var) end +---* +---@return cc.Sprite +function ControlColourPicker:getBackground () end +---* +---@return self +function ControlColourPicker:create () end +---* +---@param bEnabled boolean +---@return self +function ControlColourPicker:setEnabled (bEnabled) end +---* +---@return boolean +function ControlColourPicker:init () end +---* +---@param colorValue color3b_table +---@return self +function ControlColourPicker:setColor (colorValue) end +---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function ControlColourPicker:ControlColourPicker () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlHuePicker.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlHuePicker.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8b4451d37 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlHuePicker.lua @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ControlHuePicker :cc.Control +local ControlHuePicker={ } +cc.ControlHuePicker=ControlHuePicker + + + + +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@param pos vec2_table +---@return boolean +function ControlHuePicker:initWithTargetAndPos (target,pos) end +---* +---@param val float +---@return self +function ControlHuePicker:setHue (val) end +---* +---@return vec2_table +function ControlHuePicker:getStartPos () end +---* +---@return float +function ControlHuePicker:getHue () end +---* +---@return cc.Sprite +function ControlHuePicker:getSlider () end +---* +---@param var cc.Sprite +---@return self +function ControlHuePicker:setBackground (var) end +---* +---@param val float +---@return self +function ControlHuePicker:setHuePercentage (val) end +---* +---@return cc.Sprite +function ControlHuePicker:getBackground () end +---* +---@return float +function ControlHuePicker:getHuePercentage () end +---* +---@param var cc.Sprite +---@return self +function ControlHuePicker:setSlider (var) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@param pos vec2_table +---@return self +function ControlHuePicker:create (target,pos) end +---* +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function ControlHuePicker:setEnabled (enabled) end +---* +---@param pTouch cc.Touch +---@param pEvent cc.Event +---@return self +function ControlHuePicker:onTouchMoved (pTouch,pEvent) end +---* +---@param touch cc.Touch +---@param pEvent cc.Event +---@return boolean +function ControlHuePicker:onTouchBegan (touch,pEvent) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ControlHuePicker:ControlHuePicker () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlPotentiometer.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlPotentiometer.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..21dcac5e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlPotentiometer.lua @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ControlPotentiometer :cc.Control +local ControlPotentiometer={ } +cc.ControlPotentiometer=ControlPotentiometer + + + + +---* +---@param var vec2_table +---@return self +function ControlPotentiometer:setPreviousLocation (var) end +---* +---@param value float +---@return self +function ControlPotentiometer:setValue (value) end +---* +---@return cc.ProgressTimer +function ControlPotentiometer:getProgressTimer () end +---* +---@return float +function ControlPotentiometer:getMaximumValue () end +---* Returns the angle in degree between line1 and line2. +---@param beginLineA vec2_table +---@param endLineA vec2_table +---@param beginLineB vec2_table +---@param endLineB vec2_table +---@return float +function ControlPotentiometer:angleInDegreesBetweenLineFromPoint_toPoint_toLineFromPoint_toPoint (beginLineA,endLineA,beginLineB,endLineB) end +---* Factorize the event dispatch into these methods. +---@param location vec2_table +---@return self +function ControlPotentiometer:potentiometerBegan (location) end +---* +---@param maximumValue float +---@return self +function ControlPotentiometer:setMaximumValue (maximumValue) end +---* +---@return float +function ControlPotentiometer:getMinimumValue () end +---* +---@param var cc.Sprite +---@return self +function ControlPotentiometer:setThumbSprite (var) end +---* +---@return float +function ControlPotentiometer:getValue () end +---* Returns the distance between the point1 and point2. +---@param point1 vec2_table +---@param point2 vec2_table +---@return float +function ControlPotentiometer:distanceBetweenPointAndPoint (point1,point2) end +---* +---@param location vec2_table +---@return self +function ControlPotentiometer:potentiometerEnded (location) end +---* +---@return vec2_table +function ControlPotentiometer:getPreviousLocation () end +---* +---@param var cc.ProgressTimer +---@return self +function ControlPotentiometer:setProgressTimer (var) end +---* +---@param minimumValue float +---@return self +function ControlPotentiometer:setMinimumValue (minimumValue) end +---* +---@return cc.Sprite +function ControlPotentiometer:getThumbSprite () end +---* Initializes a potentiometer with a track sprite and a progress bar.
+---* param trackSprite Sprite, that is used as a background.
+---* param progressTimer ProgressTimer, that is used as a progress bar. +---@param trackSprite cc.Sprite +---@param progressTimer cc.ProgressTimer +---@param thumbSprite cc.Sprite +---@return boolean +function ControlPotentiometer:initWithTrackSprite_ProgressTimer_ThumbSprite (trackSprite,progressTimer,thumbSprite) end +---* +---@param location vec2_table +---@return self +function ControlPotentiometer:potentiometerMoved (location) end +---* Creates potentiometer with a track filename and a progress filename. +---@param backgroundFile char +---@param progressFile char +---@param thumbFile char +---@return self +function ControlPotentiometer:create (backgroundFile,progressFile,thumbFile) end +---* +---@param touch cc.Touch +---@return boolean +function ControlPotentiometer:isTouchInside (touch) end +---* +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function ControlPotentiometer:setEnabled (enabled) end +---* +---@param pTouch cc.Touch +---@param pEvent cc.Event +---@return self +function ControlPotentiometer:onTouchMoved (pTouch,pEvent) end +---* +---@param pTouch cc.Touch +---@param pEvent cc.Event +---@return self +function ControlPotentiometer:onTouchEnded (pTouch,pEvent) end +---* +---@param pTouch cc.Touch +---@param pEvent cc.Event +---@return boolean +function ControlPotentiometer:onTouchBegan (pTouch,pEvent) end +---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function ControlPotentiometer:ControlPotentiometer () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..27b931ba6 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker.lua @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker :cc.Control +local ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker={ } +cc.ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker=ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker + + + + +---* +---@return cc.Sprite +function ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker:getShadow () end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@param pos vec2_table +---@return boolean +function ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker:initWithTargetAndPos (target,pos) end +---* +---@return vec2_table +function ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker:getStartPos () end +---* +---@return cc.Sprite +function ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker:getOverlay () end +---* +---@return cc.Sprite +function ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker:getSlider () end +---* +---@return cc.Sprite +function ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker:getBackground () end +---* +---@return float +function ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker:getSaturation () end +---* +---@return float +function ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker:getBrightness () end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@param pos vec2_table +---@return self +function ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker:create (target,pos) end +---* +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker:setEnabled (enabled) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker:ControlSaturationBrightnessPicker () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlSlider.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlSlider.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..071954e75 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlSlider.lua @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ControlSlider :cc.Control +local ControlSlider={ } +cc.ControlSlider=ControlSlider + + + + +---* +---@return float +function ControlSlider:getMaximumAllowedValue () end +---@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite):self +---@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite):self +---@param backgroundSprite cc.Sprite +---@param progressSprite cc.Sprite +---@param thumbSprite cc.Sprite +---@param selectedThumbSprite cc.Sprite +---@return boolean +function ControlSlider:initWithSprites (backgroundSprite,progressSprite,thumbSprite,selectedThumbSprite) end +---* +---@return float +function ControlSlider:getMinimumAllowedValue () end +---* +---@return float +function ControlSlider:getMaximumValue () end +---* +---@return cc.Sprite +function ControlSlider:getSelectedThumbSprite () end +---* +---@param var cc.Sprite +---@return self +function ControlSlider:setProgressSprite (var) end +---* +---@param val float +---@return self +function ControlSlider:setMaximumValue (val) end +---* +---@return float +function ControlSlider:getMinimumValue () end +---* +---@param var cc.Sprite +---@return self +function ControlSlider:setThumbSprite (var) end +---* +---@return float +function ControlSlider:getValue () end +---* +---@return cc.Sprite +function ControlSlider:getBackgroundSprite () end +---* +---@return cc.Sprite +function ControlSlider:getThumbSprite () end +---* +---@param val float +---@return self +function ControlSlider:setValue (val) end +---* +---@param touch cc.Touch +---@return vec2_table +function ControlSlider:locationFromTouch (touch) end +---* +---@param val float +---@return self +function ControlSlider:setMinimumValue (val) end +---* +---@param var float +---@return self +function ControlSlider:setMinimumAllowedValue (var) end +---* +---@return cc.Sprite +function ControlSlider:getProgressSprite () end +---* +---@param var cc.Sprite +---@return self +function ControlSlider:setSelectedThumbSprite (var) end +---* +---@param var cc.Sprite +---@return self +function ControlSlider:setBackgroundSprite (var) end +---* +---@param var float +---@return self +function ControlSlider:setMaximumAllowedValue (var) end +---@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite):self +---@overload fun(cc.Sprite0:char,cc.Sprite1:char,cc.Sprite2:char):self +---@overload fun(cc.Sprite0:char,cc.Sprite1:char,cc.Sprite2:char,cc.Sprite3:char):self +---@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite):self +---@param backgroundSprite cc.Sprite +---@param pogressSprite cc.Sprite +---@param thumbSprite cc.Sprite +---@param selectedThumbSprite cc.Sprite +---@return self +function ControlSlider:create (backgroundSprite,pogressSprite,thumbSprite,selectedThumbSprite) end +---* +---@param touch cc.Touch +---@return boolean +function ControlSlider:isTouchInside (touch) end +---* +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function ControlSlider:setEnabled (enabled) end +---* +---@return self +function ControlSlider:needsLayout () end +---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function ControlSlider:ControlSlider () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlStepper.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlStepper.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ef7a6dc2c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlStepper.lua @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ControlStepper :cc.Control +local ControlStepper={ } +cc.ControlStepper=ControlStepper + + + + +---* +---@return cc.Sprite +function ControlStepper:getMinusSprite () end +---* +---@param value double +---@return self +function ControlStepper:setValue (value) end +---* +---@param stepValue double +---@return self +function ControlStepper:setStepValue (stepValue) end +---* +---@param minusSprite cc.Sprite +---@param plusSprite cc.Sprite +---@return boolean +function ControlStepper:initWithMinusSpriteAndPlusSprite (minusSprite,plusSprite) end +---* Set the numeric value of the stepper. If send is true, the Control::EventType::VALUE_CHANGED is sent. +---@param value double +---@param send boolean +---@return self +function ControlStepper:setValueWithSendingEvent (value,send) end +---* +---@param maximumValue double +---@return self +function ControlStepper:setMaximumValue (maximumValue) end +---* +---@return cc.Label +function ControlStepper:getMinusLabel () end +---* +---@return cc.Label +function ControlStepper:getPlusLabel () end +---* +---@param wraps boolean +---@return self +function ControlStepper:setWraps (wraps) end +---* +---@param var cc.Label +---@return self +function ControlStepper:setMinusLabel (var) end +---* Start the autorepeat increment/decrement. +---@return self +function ControlStepper:startAutorepeat () end +---* Update the layout of the stepper with the given touch location. +---@param location vec2_table +---@return self +function ControlStepper:updateLayoutUsingTouchLocation (location) end +---* +---@return boolean +function ControlStepper:isContinuous () end +---* Stop the autorepeat. +---@return self +function ControlStepper:stopAutorepeat () end +---* +---@param minimumValue double +---@return self +function ControlStepper:setMinimumValue (minimumValue) end +---* +---@param var cc.Label +---@return self +function ControlStepper:setPlusLabel (var) end +---* +---@return double +function ControlStepper:getValue () end +---* +---@return cc.Sprite +function ControlStepper:getPlusSprite () end +---* +---@param var cc.Sprite +---@return self +function ControlStepper:setPlusSprite (var) end +---* +---@param var cc.Sprite +---@return self +function ControlStepper:setMinusSprite (var) end +---* +---@param minusSprite cc.Sprite +---@param plusSprite cc.Sprite +---@return self +function ControlStepper:create (minusSprite,plusSprite) end +---* +---@param pTouch cc.Touch +---@param pEvent cc.Event +---@return self +function ControlStepper:onTouchMoved (pTouch,pEvent) end +---* +---@param pTouch cc.Touch +---@param pEvent cc.Event +---@return self +function ControlStepper:onTouchEnded (pTouch,pEvent) end +---* +---@param dt float +---@return self +function ControlStepper:update (dt) end +---* +---@param pTouch cc.Touch +---@param pEvent cc.Event +---@return boolean +function ControlStepper:onTouchBegan (pTouch,pEvent) end +---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function ControlStepper:ControlStepper () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlSwitch.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlSwitch.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..28b927e7c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ControlSwitch.lua @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ControlSwitch :cc.Control +local ControlSwitch={ } +cc.ControlSwitch=ControlSwitch + + + + +---@overload fun(boolean:boolean):self +---@overload fun(boolean:boolean,boolean:boolean):self +---@param isOn boolean +---@param animated boolean +---@return self +function ControlSwitch:setOn (isOn,animated) end +---* +---@param touch cc.Touch +---@return vec2_table +function ControlSwitch:locationFromTouch (touch) end +---* +---@return boolean +function ControlSwitch:isOn () end +---@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Label:cc.Label,cc.Label:cc.Label):self +---@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite):self +---@param maskSprite cc.Sprite +---@param onSprite cc.Sprite +---@param offSprite cc.Sprite +---@param thumbSprite cc.Sprite +---@param onLabel cc.Label +---@param offLabel cc.Label +---@return boolean +function ControlSwitch:initWithMaskSprite (maskSprite,onSprite,offSprite,thumbSprite,onLabel,offLabel) end +---* +---@return boolean +function ControlSwitch:hasMoved () end +---@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite):self +---@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,cc.Label:cc.Label,cc.Label:cc.Label):self +---@param maskSprite cc.Sprite +---@param onSprite cc.Sprite +---@param offSprite cc.Sprite +---@param thumbSprite cc.Sprite +---@param onLabel cc.Label +---@param offLabel cc.Label +---@return self +function ControlSwitch:create (maskSprite,onSprite,offSprite,thumbSprite,onLabel,offLabel) end +---* +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function ControlSwitch:setEnabled (enabled) end +---* +---@param pTouch cc.Touch +---@param pEvent cc.Event +---@return self +function ControlSwitch:onTouchMoved (pTouch,pEvent) end +---* +---@param pTouch cc.Touch +---@param pEvent cc.Event +---@return self +function ControlSwitch:onTouchEnded (pTouch,pEvent) end +---* +---@param pTouch cc.Touch +---@param pEvent cc.Event +---@return self +function ControlSwitch:onTouchCancelled (pTouch,pEvent) end +---* +---@param pTouch cc.Touch +---@param pEvent cc.Event +---@return boolean +function ControlSwitch:onTouchBegan (pTouch,pEvent) end +---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function ControlSwitch:ControlSwitch () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Controller.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Controller.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6ed4b19ce --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Controller.lua @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Controller +local Controller={ } +cc.Controller=Controller + + + + +---* Activate receives key event from external key. e.g. back,menu.
+---* Controller receives only standard key which contained within enum Key by default.
+---* warning The API only work on the android platform for support diversified game controller.
+---* param externalKeyCode External key code.
+---* param receive True if external key event on this controller should be receive, false otherwise. +---@param externalKeyCode int +---@param receive boolean +---@return self +function Controller:receiveExternalKeyEvent (externalKeyCode,receive) end +---* Gets the name of this Controller object. +---@return string +function Controller:getDeviceName () end +---* Indicates whether the Controller is connected. +---@return boolean +function Controller:isConnected () end +---* Gets the Controller id. +---@return int +function Controller:getDeviceId () end +---* Changes the tag that is used to identify the controller easily.
+---* param tag A integer that identifies the controller. +---@param tag int +---@return self +function Controller:setTag (tag) end +---* Returns a tag that is used to identify the controller easily.
+---* return An integer that identifies the controller. +---@return int +function Controller:getTag () end +---* Start discovering new controllers.
+---* warning The API has an empty implementation on Android. +---@return self +function Controller:startDiscoveryController () end +---* Stop the discovery process.
+---* warning The API has an empty implementation on Android. +---@return self +function Controller:stopDiscoveryController () end +---* Gets a Controller object with device ID.
+---* param deviceId A unique identifier to find the controller.
+---* return A Controller object. +---@param deviceId int +---@return self +function Controller:getControllerByDeviceId (deviceId) end +---* Gets a Controller object with tag.
+---* param tag An identifier to find the controller.
+---* return A Controller object. +---@param tag int +---@return self +function Controller:getControllerByTag (tag) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/DelayTime.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/DelayTime.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fd9e5d28d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/DelayTime.lua @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.DelayTime :cc.ActionInterval +local DelayTime={ } +cc.DelayTime=DelayTime + + + + +---* Creates the action.
+---* param d Duration time, in seconds.
+---* return An autoreleased DelayTime object. +---@param d float +---@return self +function DelayTime:create (d) end +---* +---@return self +function DelayTime:clone () end +---* param time In seconds. +---@param time float +---@return self +function DelayTime:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function DelayTime:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function DelayTime:DelayTime () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Device.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Device.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2458b36ef --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Device.lua @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Device +local Device={ } +cc.Device=Device + + + + +---* To enable or disable accelerometer. +---@param isEnabled boolean +---@return self +function Device:setAccelerometerEnabled (isEnabled) end +---* Sets the interval of accelerometer. +---@param interval float +---@return self +function Device:setAccelerometerInterval (interval) end +---* Controls whether the screen should remain on.
+---* param keepScreenOn One flag indicating that the screen should remain on. +---@param keepScreenOn boolean +---@return self +function Device:setKeepScreenOn (keepScreenOn) end +---* Vibrate for the specified amount of time.
+---* If vibrate is not supported, then invoking this method has no effect.
+---* Some platforms limit to a maximum duration of 5 seconds.
+---* Duration is ignored on iOS due to API limitations.
+---* param duration The duration in seconds. +---@param duration float +---@return self +function Device:vibrate (duration) end +---* Gets the DPI of device
+---* return The DPI of device. +---@return int +function Device:getDPI () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/DirectionLight.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/DirectionLight.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e47abc2c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/DirectionLight.lua @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.DirectionLight :cc.BaseLight +local DirectionLight={ } +cc.DirectionLight=DirectionLight + + + + +---* Returns the Direction in parent. +---@return vec3_table +function DirectionLight:getDirection () end +---* Returns direction in world. +---@return vec3_table +function DirectionLight:getDirectionInWorld () end +---* Sets the Direction in parent.
+---* param dir The Direction in parent. +---@param dir vec3_table +---@return self +function DirectionLight:setDirection (dir) end +---* Creates a direction light.
+---* param direction The light's direction
+---* param color The light's color.
+---* return The new direction light. +---@param direction vec3_table +---@param color color3b_table +---@return self +function DirectionLight:create (direction,color) end +---* +---@return int +function DirectionLight:getLightType () end +---* +---@return self +function DirectionLight:DirectionLight () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Director.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Director.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..24593ac5f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Director.lua @@ -0,0 +1,309 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Director +local Director={ } +cc.Director=Director + + + + +---* Pauses the running scene.
+---* The running scene will be _drawed_ but all scheduled timers will be paused.
+---* While paused, the draw rate will be 4 FPS to reduce CPU consumption. +---@return self +function Director:pause () end +---* Sets the EventDispatcher associated with this director.
+---* since v3.0
+---* js NA +---@param dispatcher cc.EventDispatcher +---@return self +function Director:setEventDispatcher (dispatcher) end +---* The size in pixels of the surface. It could be different than the screen size.
+---* High-res devices might have a higher surface size than the screen size.
+---* Only available when compiled using SDK >= 4.0.
+---* since v0.99.4 +---@param scaleFactor float +---@return self +function Director:setContentScaleFactor (scaleFactor) end +---* +---@return float +function Director:getDeltaTime () end +---* Gets content scale factor.
+---* see Director::setContentScaleFactor() +---@return float +function Director:getContentScaleFactor () end +---* Returns the size of the OpenGL view in pixels. +---@return size_table +function Director:getWinSizeInPixels () end +---* Returns safe area rectangle of the OpenGL view in points. +---@return rect_table +function Director:getSafeAreaRect () end +---* Sets the OpenGL default values.
+---* It will enable alpha blending, disable depth test.
+---* js NA +---@return self +function Director:setGLDefaultValues () end +---* Sets the ActionManager associated with this director.
+---* since v2.0 +---@param actionManager cc.ActionManager +---@return self +function Director:setActionManager (actionManager) end +---* Pops out all scenes from the stack until the root scene in the queue.
+---* This scene will replace the running one.
+---* Internally it will call `popToSceneStackLevel(1)`. +---@return self +function Director:popToRootScene () end +---* Adds a matrix to the top of specified type of matrix stack.
+---* param type Matrix type.
+---* param mat The matrix that to be added.
+---* js NA +---@param type int +---@param mat mat4_table +---@return self +function Director:loadMatrix (type,mat) end +---* This object will be visited after the main scene is visited.
+---* This object MUST implement the "visit" function.
+---* Useful to hook a notification object, like Notifications (http:github.com/manucorporat/CCNotifications)
+---* since v0.99.5 +---@return cc.Node +function Director:getNotificationNode () end +---* Returns the size of the OpenGL view in points. +---@return size_table +function Director:getWinSize () end +---* +---@return cc.TextureCache +function Director:getTextureCache () end +---* Whether or not the replaced scene will receive the cleanup message.
+---* If the new scene is pushed, then the old scene won't receive the "cleanup" message.
+---* If the new scene replaces the old one, the it will receive the "cleanup" message.
+---* since v0.99.0 +---@return boolean +function Director:isSendCleanupToScene () end +---* Returns visible origin coordinate of the OpenGL view in points. +---@return vec2_table +function Director:getVisibleOrigin () end +---@overload fun(float:float):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param dt float +---@return self +function Director:mainLoop (dt) end +---* Gets Frame Rate.
+---* js NA +---@return float +function Director:getFrameRate () end +---* Get seconds per frame. +---@return float +function Director:getSecondsPerFrame () end +---* Clear all types of matrix stack, and add identity matrix to these matrix stacks.
+---* js NA +---@return self +function Director:resetMatrixStack () end +---* Converts an OpenGL coordinate to a screen coordinate.
+---* Useful to convert node points to window points for calls such as glScissor. +---@param point vec2_table +---@return vec2_table +function Director:convertToUI (point) end +---* Clones a specified type matrix and put it to the top of specified type of matrix stack.
+---* js NA +---@param type int +---@return self +function Director:pushMatrix (type) end +---* Sets the default values based on the Configuration info. +---@return self +function Director:setDefaultValues () end +---* +---@return boolean +function Director:init () end +---* Sets the Scheduler associated with this director.
+---* since v2.0 +---@param scheduler cc.Scheduler +---@return self +function Director:setScheduler (scheduler) end +---* Gets the top matrix of specified type of matrix stack.
+---* js NA +---@param type int +---@return mat4_table +function Director:getMatrix (type) end +---* returns whether or not the Director is in a valid state +---@return boolean +function Director:isValid () end +---* The main loop is triggered again.
+---* Call this function only if [stopAnimation] was called earlier.
+---* warning Don't call this function to start the main loop. To run the main loop call runWithScene. +---@return self +function Director:startAnimation () end +---* Returns the Renderer associated with this director.
+---* since v3.0 +---@return cc.Renderer +function Director:getRenderer () end +---* Get the GLView.
+---* lua NA +---@return cc.GLView +function Director:getOpenGLView () end +---* Gets current running Scene. Director can only run one Scene at a time. +---@return cc.Scene +function Director:getRunningScene () end +---* Sets the glViewport. +---@return self +function Director:setViewport () end +---* Stops the animation. Nothing will be drawn. The main loop won't be triggered anymore.
+---* If you don't want to pause your animation call [pause] instead. +---@return self +function Director:stopAnimation () end +---* Pops out all scenes from the stack until it reaches `level`.
+---* If level is 0, it will end the director.
+---* If level is 1, it will pop all scenes until it reaches to root scene.
+---* If level is <= than the current stack level, it won't do anything. +---@param level int +---@return self +function Director:popToSceneStackLevel (level) end +---* Resumes the paused scene.
+---* The scheduled timers will be activated again.
+---* The "delta time" will be 0 (as if the game wasn't paused). +---@return self +function Director:resume () end +---* Whether or not `_nextDeltaTimeZero` is set to 0. +---@return boolean +function Director:isNextDeltaTimeZero () end +---* Sets clear values for the color buffers,
+---* value range of each element is [0.0, 1.0].
+---* js NA +---@param clearColor color4f_table +---@return self +function Director:setClearColor (clearColor) end +---* Ends the execution, releases the running scene.
+---* lua endToLua +---@return self +function Director:endToLua () end +---* Sets the GLView.
+---* lua NA +---@param openGLView cc.GLView +---@return self +function Director:setOpenGLView (openGLView) end +---* Converts a screen coordinate to an OpenGL coordinate.
+---* Useful to convert (multi) touch coordinates to the current layout (portrait or landscape). +---@param point vec2_table +---@return vec2_table +function Director:convertToGL (point) end +---* Removes all cocos2d cached data.
+---* It will purge the TextureCache, SpriteFrameCache, LabelBMFont cache
+---* since v0.99.3 +---@return self +function Director:purgeCachedData () end +---* How many frames were called since the director started +---@return unsigned_int +function Director:getTotalFrames () end +---* Enters the Director's main loop with the given Scene.
+---* Call it to run only your FIRST scene.
+---* Don't call it if there is already a running scene.
+---* It will call pushScene: and then it will call startAnimation
+---* js NA +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function Director:runWithScene (scene) end +---* Sets the notification node.
+---* see Director::getNotificationNode() +---@param node cc.Node +---@return self +function Director:setNotificationNode (node) end +---* Draw the scene.
+---* This method is called every frame. Don't call it manually. +---@return self +function Director:drawScene () end +---* +---@return self +function Director:restart () end +---* Pops out a scene from the stack.
+---* This scene will replace the running one.
+---* The running scene will be deleted. If there are no more scenes in the stack the execution is terminated.
+---* ONLY call it if there is a running scene. +---@return self +function Director:popScene () end +---* Adds an identity matrix to the top of specified type of matrix stack.
+---* js NA +---@param type int +---@return self +function Director:loadIdentityMatrix (type) end +---* Whether or not displaying the FPS on the bottom-left corner of the screen. +---@return boolean +function Director:isDisplayStats () end +---* Sets OpenGL projection. +---@param projection int +---@return self +function Director:setProjection (projection) end +---* Returns the Console associated with this director.
+---* since v3.0
+---* js NA +---@return cc.Console +function Director:getConsole () end +---* Multiplies a matrix to the top of specified type of matrix stack.
+---* param type Matrix type.
+---* param mat The matrix that to be multiplied.
+---* js NA +---@param type int +---@param mat mat4_table +---@return self +function Director:multiplyMatrix (type,mat) end +---* Gets the distance between camera and near clipping frame.
+---* It is correct for default camera that near clipping frame is same as the screen. +---@return float +function Director:getZEye () end +---* Sets the delta time between current frame and next frame is 0.
+---* This value will be used in Schedule, and will affect all functions that are using frame delta time, such as Actions.
+---* This value will take effect only one time. +---@param nextDeltaTimeZero boolean +---@return self +function Director:setNextDeltaTimeZero (nextDeltaTimeZero) end +---* Pops the top matrix of the specified type of matrix stack.
+---* js NA +---@param type int +---@return self +function Director:popMatrix (type) end +---* Returns visible size of the OpenGL view in points.
+---* The value is equal to `Director::getWinSize()` if don't invoke `GLView::setDesignResolutionSize()`. +---@return size_table +function Director:getVisibleSize () end +---* Gets the Scheduler associated with this director.
+---* since v2.0 +---@return cc.Scheduler +function Director:getScheduler () end +---* Suspends the execution of the running scene, pushing it on the stack of suspended scenes.
+---* The new scene will be executed.
+---* Try to avoid big stacks of pushed scenes to reduce memory allocation.
+---* ONLY call it if there is a running scene. +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function Director:pushScene (scene) end +---* Gets the FPS value. +---@return float +function Director:getAnimationInterval () end +---* Whether or not the Director is paused. +---@return boolean +function Director:isPaused () end +---* Display the FPS on the bottom-left corner of the screen. +---@param displayStats boolean +---@return self +function Director:setDisplayStats (displayStats) end +---* Gets the EventDispatcher associated with this director.
+---* since v3.0
+---* js NA +---@return cc.EventDispatcher +function Director:getEventDispatcher () end +---* Replaces the running scene with a new one. The running scene is terminated.
+---* ONLY call it if there is a running scene.
+---* js NA +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function Director:replaceScene (scene) end +---* Sets the FPS value. FPS = 1/interval. +---@param interval float +---@return self +function Director:setAnimationInterval (interval) end +---* Gets the ActionManager associated with this director.
+---* since v2.0 +---@return cc.ActionManager +function Director:getActionManager () end +---* Returns a shared instance of the director.
+---* js _getInstance +---@return self +function Director:getInstance () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/DrawNode.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/DrawNode.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b8c419d67 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/DrawNode.lua @@ -0,0 +1,185 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.DrawNode :cc.Node +local DrawNode={ } +cc.DrawNode=DrawNode + + + + +---* Draw an line from origin to destination with color.
+---* param origin The line origin.
+---* param destination The line destination.
+---* param color The line color.
+---* js NA +---@param origin vec2_table +---@param destination vec2_table +---@param color color4f_table +---@return self +function DrawNode:drawLine (origin,destination,color) end +---* When isolated is set, the position of the node is no longer affected by parent nodes.
+---* Which means it will be drawn just like a root node. +---@param isolated boolean +---@return self +function DrawNode:setIsolated (isolated) end +---@overload fun(vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table:vec2_table,color4f_table:color4f_table):self +---@overload fun(vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table2:color4f_table):self +---@param p1 vec2_table +---@param p2 vec2_table +---@param p3 vec2_table +---@param p4 vec2_table +---@param color color4f_table +---@return self +function DrawNode:drawRect (p1,p2,p3,p4,color) end +---@overload fun(vec2_table:vec2_table,float:float,float:float,unsigned_int:unsigned_int,float4:color4f_table):self +---@overload fun(vec2_table:vec2_table,float:float,float:float,unsigned_int:unsigned_int,float:float,float:float,color4f_table:color4f_table):self +---@param center vec2_table +---@param radius float +---@param angle float +---@param segments unsigned_int +---@param scaleX float +---@param scaleY float +---@param color color4f_table +---@return self +function DrawNode:drawSolidCircle (center,radius,angle,segments,scaleX,scaleY,color) end +---* +---@param lineWidth float +---@return self +function DrawNode:setLineWidth (lineWidth) end +---* draw a dot at a position, with a given radius and color.
+---* param pos The dot center.
+---* param radius The dot radius.
+---* param color The dot color. +---@param pos vec2_table +---@param radius float +---@param color color4f_table +---@return self +function DrawNode:drawDot (pos,radius,color) end +---* draw a segment with a radius and color.
+---* param from The segment origin.
+---* param to The segment destination.
+---* param radius The segment radius.
+---* param color The segment color. +---@param from vec2_table +---@param to vec2_table +---@param radius float +---@param color color4f_table +---@return self +function DrawNode:drawSegment (from,to,radius,color) end +---* Get the color mixed mode.
+---* lua NA +---@return cc.BlendFunc +function DrawNode:getBlendFunc () end +---@overload fun(vec2_table:vec2_table,float:float,float:float,unsigned_int:unsigned_int,boolean:boolean,float5:color4f_table):self +---@overload fun(vec2_table:vec2_table,float:float,float:float,unsigned_int:unsigned_int,boolean:boolean,float:float,float:float,color4f_table:color4f_table):self +---@param center vec2_table +---@param radius float +---@param angle float +---@param segments unsigned_int +---@param drawLineToCenter boolean +---@param scaleX float +---@param scaleY float +---@param color color4f_table +---@return self +function DrawNode:drawCircle (center,radius,angle,segments,drawLineToCenter,scaleX,scaleY,color) end +---* Draws a quad bezier path.
+---* param origin The origin of the bezier path.
+---* param control The control of the bezier path.
+---* param destination The destination of the bezier path.
+---* param segments The number of segments.
+---* param color Set the quad bezier color. +---@param origin vec2_table +---@param control vec2_table +---@param destination vec2_table +---@param segments unsigned_int +---@param color color4f_table +---@return self +function DrawNode:drawQuadBezier (origin,control,destination,segments,color) end +---* draw a triangle with color.
+---* param p1 The triangle vertex point.
+---* param p2 The triangle vertex point.
+---* param p3 The triangle vertex point.
+---* param color The triangle color.
+---* js NA +---@param p1 vec2_table +---@param p2 vec2_table +---@param p3 vec2_table +---@param color color4f_table +---@return self +function DrawNode:drawTriangle (p1,p2,p3,color) end +---* Set the color mixed mode.
+---* code
+---* When this function bound into js or lua,the parameter will be changed
+---* In js: var setBlendFunc(var src, var dst)
+---* endcode
+---* lua NA +---@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc +---@return self +function DrawNode:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end +---* Clear the geometry in the node's buffer. +---@return self +function DrawNode:clear () end +---* Draws a solid rectangle given the origin and destination point measured in points.
+---* The origin and the destination can not have the same x and y coordinate.
+---* param origin The rectangle origin.
+---* param destination The rectangle destination.
+---* param color The rectangle color.
+---* js NA +---@param origin vec2_table +---@param destination vec2_table +---@param color color4f_table +---@return self +function DrawNode:drawSolidRect (origin,destination,color) end +---* +---@return float +function DrawNode:getLineWidth () end +---* Draw a point.
+---* param point A Vec2 used to point.
+---* param pointSize The point size.
+---* param color The point color.
+---* js NA +---@param point vec2_table +---@param pointSize float +---@param color color4f_table +---@return self +function DrawNode:drawPoint (point,pointSize,color) end +---* +---@return boolean +function DrawNode:isIsolated () end +---* Draw a cubic bezier curve with color and number of segments
+---* param origin The origin of the bezier path.
+---* param control1 The first control of the bezier path.
+---* param control2 The second control of the bezier path.
+---* param destination The destination of the bezier path.
+---* param segments The number of segments.
+---* param color Set the cubic bezier color. +---@param origin vec2_table +---@param control1 vec2_table +---@param control2 vec2_table +---@param destination vec2_table +---@param segments unsigned_int +---@param color color4f_table +---@return self +function DrawNode:drawCubicBezier (origin,control1,control2,destination,segments,color) end +---* creates and initialize a DrawNode node.
+---* return Return an autorelease object. +---@return self +function DrawNode:create () end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function DrawNode:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param parentTransform mat4_table +---@param parentFlags unsigned_int +---@return self +function DrawNode:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end +---* +---@return boolean +function DrawNode:init () end +---* +---@return self +function DrawNode:DrawNode () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBackIn.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBackIn.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9f9543e53 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBackIn.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseBackIn :cc.ActionEase +local EaseBackIn={ } +cc.EaseBackIn=EaseBackIn + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseBackIn:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseBackIn:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseBackIn:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseBackIn:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseBackIn:EaseBackIn () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBackInOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBackInOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..83a9200d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBackInOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseBackInOut :cc.ActionEase +local EaseBackInOut={ } +cc.EaseBackInOut=EaseBackInOut + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseBackInOut:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseBackInOut:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseBackInOut:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseBackInOut:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseBackInOut:EaseBackInOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBackOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBackOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b40fd0bd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBackOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseBackOut :cc.ActionEase +local EaseBackOut={ } +cc.EaseBackOut=EaseBackOut + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseBackOut:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseBackOut:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseBackOut:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseBackOut:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseBackOut:EaseBackOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBezierAction.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBezierAction.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f1e44116d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBezierAction.lua @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseBezierAction :cc.ActionEase +local EaseBezierAction={ } +cc.EaseBezierAction=EaseBezierAction + + + + +---* brief Set the bezier parameters. +---@param p0 float +---@param p1 float +---@param p2 float +---@param p3 float +---@return self +function EaseBezierAction:setBezierParamer (p0,p1,p2,p3) end +---* brief Create the action with the inner action.
+---* param action The pointer of the inner action.
+---* return A pointer of EaseBezierAction action. If creation failed, return nil. +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseBezierAction:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseBezierAction:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseBezierAction:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseBezierAction:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseBezierAction:EaseBezierAction () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBounce.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBounce.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..341dc7e4c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBounce.lua @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseBounce :cc.ActionEase +local EaseBounce={ } +cc.EaseBounce=EaseBounce + + + diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBounceIn.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBounceIn.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..877e9cd0c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBounceIn.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseBounceIn :cc.ActionEase +local EaseBounceIn={ } +cc.EaseBounceIn=EaseBounceIn + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseBounceIn:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseBounceIn:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseBounceIn:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseBounceIn:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseBounceIn:EaseBounceIn () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBounceInOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBounceInOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2072de5d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBounceInOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseBounceInOut :cc.ActionEase +local EaseBounceInOut={ } +cc.EaseBounceInOut=EaseBounceInOut + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseBounceInOut:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseBounceInOut:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseBounceInOut:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseBounceInOut:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseBounceInOut:EaseBounceInOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBounceOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBounceOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d4ec0f6ae --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseBounceOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseBounceOut :cc.ActionEase +local EaseBounceOut={ } +cc.EaseBounceOut=EaseBounceOut + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseBounceOut:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseBounceOut:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseBounceOut:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseBounceOut:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseBounceOut:EaseBounceOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCircleActionIn.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCircleActionIn.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c4b1cf186 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCircleActionIn.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseCircleActionIn :cc.ActionEase +local EaseCircleActionIn={ } +cc.EaseCircleActionIn=EaseCircleActionIn + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseCircleActionIn:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseCircleActionIn:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseCircleActionIn:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseCircleActionIn:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseCircleActionIn:EaseCircleActionIn () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCircleActionInOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCircleActionInOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ad8aaa92e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCircleActionInOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseCircleActionInOut :cc.ActionEase +local EaseCircleActionInOut={ } +cc.EaseCircleActionInOut=EaseCircleActionInOut + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseCircleActionInOut:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseCircleActionInOut:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseCircleActionInOut:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseCircleActionInOut:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseCircleActionInOut:EaseCircleActionInOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCircleActionOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCircleActionOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e5f8b4814 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCircleActionOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseCircleActionOut :cc.ActionEase +local EaseCircleActionOut={ } +cc.EaseCircleActionOut=EaseCircleActionOut + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseCircleActionOut:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseCircleActionOut:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseCircleActionOut:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseCircleActionOut:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseCircleActionOut:EaseCircleActionOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCubicActionIn.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCubicActionIn.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d3e714f5c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCubicActionIn.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseCubicActionIn :cc.ActionEase +local EaseCubicActionIn={ } +cc.EaseCubicActionIn=EaseCubicActionIn + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseCubicActionIn:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseCubicActionIn:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseCubicActionIn:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseCubicActionIn:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseCubicActionIn:EaseCubicActionIn () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCubicActionInOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCubicActionInOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..38f58f188 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCubicActionInOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseCubicActionInOut :cc.ActionEase +local EaseCubicActionInOut={ } +cc.EaseCubicActionInOut=EaseCubicActionInOut + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseCubicActionInOut:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseCubicActionInOut:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseCubicActionInOut:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseCubicActionInOut:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseCubicActionInOut:EaseCubicActionInOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCubicActionOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCubicActionOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..76ff12dbd --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseCubicActionOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseCubicActionOut :cc.ActionEase +local EaseCubicActionOut={ } +cc.EaseCubicActionOut=EaseCubicActionOut + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseCubicActionOut:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseCubicActionOut:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseCubicActionOut:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseCubicActionOut:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseCubicActionOut:EaseCubicActionOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElastic.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElastic.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9be9bdc92 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElastic.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseElastic :cc.ActionEase +local EaseElastic={ } +cc.EaseElastic=EaseElastic + + + + +---* brief Set period of the wave in radians.
+---* param fPeriod The value will be set. +---@param fPeriod float +---@return self +function EaseElastic:setPeriod (fPeriod) end +---* brief Initializes the action with the inner action and the period in radians.
+---* param action The pointer of the inner action.
+---* param period Period of the wave in radians. Default is 0.3.
+---* return Return true when the initialization success, otherwise return false. +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@param period float +---@return boolean +function EaseElastic:initWithAction (action,period) end +---* brief Get period of the wave in radians. Default value is 0.3.
+---* return Return the period of the wave in radians. +---@return float +function EaseElastic:getPeriod () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElasticIn.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElasticIn.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a14a0cde9 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElasticIn.lua @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseElasticIn :cc.EaseElastic +local EaseElasticIn={ } +cc.EaseElasticIn=EaseElasticIn + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@param rate float +---@return self +function EaseElasticIn:create (action,rate) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseElasticIn:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseElasticIn:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.EaseElastic +function EaseElasticIn:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseElasticIn:EaseElasticIn () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElasticInOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElasticInOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c4f9feb8b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElasticInOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseElasticInOut :cc.EaseElastic +local EaseElasticInOut={ } +cc.EaseElasticInOut=EaseElasticInOut + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@param rate float +---@return self +function EaseElasticInOut:create (action,rate) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseElasticInOut:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseElasticInOut:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.EaseElastic +function EaseElasticInOut:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseElasticInOut:EaseElasticInOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElasticOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElasticOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8ea63ffc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseElasticOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseElasticOut :cc.EaseElastic +local EaseElasticOut={ } +cc.EaseElasticOut=EaseElasticOut + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@param rate float +---@return self +function EaseElasticOut:create (action,rate) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseElasticOut:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseElasticOut:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.EaseElastic +function EaseElasticOut:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseElasticOut:EaseElasticOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseExponentialIn.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseExponentialIn.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fc96859d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseExponentialIn.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseExponentialIn :cc.ActionEase +local EaseExponentialIn={ } +cc.EaseExponentialIn=EaseExponentialIn + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseExponentialIn:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseExponentialIn:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseExponentialIn:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseExponentialIn:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseExponentialIn:EaseExponentialIn () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseExponentialInOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseExponentialInOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..652983ce3 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseExponentialInOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseExponentialInOut :cc.ActionEase +local EaseExponentialInOut={ } +cc.EaseExponentialInOut=EaseExponentialInOut + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseExponentialInOut:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseExponentialInOut:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseExponentialInOut:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseExponentialInOut:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseExponentialInOut:EaseExponentialInOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseExponentialOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseExponentialOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..554998054 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseExponentialOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseExponentialOut :cc.ActionEase +local EaseExponentialOut={ } +cc.EaseExponentialOut=EaseExponentialOut + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseExponentialOut:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseExponentialOut:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseExponentialOut:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseExponentialOut:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseExponentialOut:EaseExponentialOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseIn.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseIn.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0cd1fff36 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseIn.lua @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseIn :cc.EaseRateAction +local EaseIn={ } +cc.EaseIn=EaseIn + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@param rate float +---@return self +function EaseIn:create (action,rate) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseIn:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseIn:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.EaseRateAction +function EaseIn:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseIn:EaseIn () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseInOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseInOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9f47567e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseInOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseInOut :cc.EaseRateAction +local EaseInOut={ } +cc.EaseInOut=EaseInOut + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@param rate float +---@return self +function EaseInOut:create (action,rate) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseInOut:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseInOut:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.EaseRateAction +function EaseInOut:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseInOut:EaseInOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b786c607e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseOut :cc.EaseRateAction +local EaseOut={ } +cc.EaseOut=EaseOut + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@param rate float +---@return self +function EaseOut:create (action,rate) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseOut:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseOut:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.EaseRateAction +function EaseOut:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseOut:EaseOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuadraticActionIn.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuadraticActionIn.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..afdbf7b6f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuadraticActionIn.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseQuadraticActionIn :cc.ActionEase +local EaseQuadraticActionIn={ } +cc.EaseQuadraticActionIn=EaseQuadraticActionIn + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseQuadraticActionIn:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseQuadraticActionIn:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseQuadraticActionIn:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseQuadraticActionIn:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseQuadraticActionIn:EaseQuadraticActionIn () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuadraticActionInOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuadraticActionInOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3638a1db1 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuadraticActionInOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseQuadraticActionInOut :cc.ActionEase +local EaseQuadraticActionInOut={ } +cc.EaseQuadraticActionInOut=EaseQuadraticActionInOut + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseQuadraticActionInOut:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseQuadraticActionInOut:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseQuadraticActionInOut:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseQuadraticActionInOut:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseQuadraticActionInOut:EaseQuadraticActionInOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuadraticActionOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuadraticActionOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1c252fcec --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuadraticActionOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseQuadraticActionOut :cc.ActionEase +local EaseQuadraticActionOut={ } +cc.EaseQuadraticActionOut=EaseQuadraticActionOut + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseQuadraticActionOut:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseQuadraticActionOut:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseQuadraticActionOut:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseQuadraticActionOut:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseQuadraticActionOut:EaseQuadraticActionOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuarticActionIn.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuarticActionIn.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..97c4152ea --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuarticActionIn.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseQuarticActionIn :cc.ActionEase +local EaseQuarticActionIn={ } +cc.EaseQuarticActionIn=EaseQuarticActionIn + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseQuarticActionIn:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseQuarticActionIn:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseQuarticActionIn:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseQuarticActionIn:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseQuarticActionIn:EaseQuarticActionIn () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuarticActionInOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuarticActionInOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..96a619dd7 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuarticActionInOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseQuarticActionInOut :cc.ActionEase +local EaseQuarticActionInOut={ } +cc.EaseQuarticActionInOut=EaseQuarticActionInOut + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseQuarticActionInOut:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseQuarticActionInOut:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseQuarticActionInOut:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseQuarticActionInOut:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseQuarticActionInOut:EaseQuarticActionInOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuarticActionOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuarticActionOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e96994b42 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuarticActionOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseQuarticActionOut :cc.ActionEase +local EaseQuarticActionOut={ } +cc.EaseQuarticActionOut=EaseQuarticActionOut + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseQuarticActionOut:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseQuarticActionOut:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseQuarticActionOut:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseQuarticActionOut:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseQuarticActionOut:EaseQuarticActionOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuinticActionIn.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuinticActionIn.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f913a19a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuinticActionIn.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseQuinticActionIn :cc.ActionEase +local EaseQuinticActionIn={ } +cc.EaseQuinticActionIn=EaseQuinticActionIn + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseQuinticActionIn:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseQuinticActionIn:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseQuinticActionIn:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseQuinticActionIn:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseQuinticActionIn:EaseQuinticActionIn () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuinticActionInOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuinticActionInOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..65640609f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuinticActionInOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseQuinticActionInOut :cc.ActionEase +local EaseQuinticActionInOut={ } +cc.EaseQuinticActionInOut=EaseQuinticActionInOut + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseQuinticActionInOut:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseQuinticActionInOut:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseQuinticActionInOut:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseQuinticActionInOut:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseQuinticActionInOut:EaseQuinticActionInOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuinticActionOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuinticActionOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d6ffd0226 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseQuinticActionOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseQuinticActionOut :cc.ActionEase +local EaseQuinticActionOut={ } +cc.EaseQuinticActionOut=EaseQuinticActionOut + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseQuinticActionOut:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseQuinticActionOut:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseQuinticActionOut:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseQuinticActionOut:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseQuinticActionOut:EaseQuinticActionOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseRateAction.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseRateAction.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..554b31d91 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseRateAction.lua @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseRateAction :cc.ActionEase +local EaseRateAction={ } +cc.EaseRateAction=EaseRateAction + + + + +---* brief Set the rate value for the ease rate action.
+---* param rate The value will be set. +---@param rate float +---@return self +function EaseRateAction:setRate (rate) end +---* brief Initializes the action with the inner action and the rate parameter.
+---* param pAction The pointer of the inner action.
+---* param fRate The value of the rate parameter.
+---* return Return true when the initialization success, otherwise return false. +---@param pAction cc.ActionInterval +---@param fRate float +---@return boolean +function EaseRateAction:initWithAction (pAction,fRate) end +---* brief Get the rate value of the ease rate action.
+---* return Return the rate value of the ease rate action. +---@return float +function EaseRateAction:getRate () end +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@param rate float +---@return self +function EaseRateAction:create (action,rate) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseSineIn.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseSineIn.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3b1f42fc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseSineIn.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseSineIn :cc.ActionEase +local EaseSineIn={ } +cc.EaseSineIn=EaseSineIn + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseSineIn:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseSineIn:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseSineIn:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseSineIn:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseSineIn:EaseSineIn () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseSineInOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseSineInOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dd4458358 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseSineInOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseSineInOut :cc.ActionEase +local EaseSineInOut={ } +cc.EaseSineInOut=EaseSineInOut + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseSineInOut:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseSineInOut:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseSineInOut:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseSineInOut:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseSineInOut:EaseSineInOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseSineOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseSineOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..62e678b00 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EaseSineOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EaseSineOut :cc.ActionEase +local EaseSineOut={ } +cc.EaseSineOut=EaseSineOut + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function EaseSineOut:create (action) end +---* +---@return self +function EaseSineOut:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function EaseSineOut:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionEase +function EaseSineOut:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function EaseSineOut:EaseSineOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Event.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Event.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7055f7a0c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Event.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Event :cc.Ref +local Event={ } +cc.Event=Event + + + + +---* Checks whether the event has been stopped.
+---* return True if the event has been stopped. +---@return boolean +function Event:isStopped () end +---* Gets the event type.
+---* return The event type. +---@return int +function Event:getType () end +---* Gets current target of the event.
+---* return The target with which the event associates.
+---* note It's only available when the event listener is associated with node.
+---* It returns 0 when the listener is associated with fixed priority. +---@return cc.Node +function Event:getCurrentTarget () end +---* Stops propagation for current event. +---@return self +function Event:stopPropagation () end +---* Constructor +---@param type int +---@return self +function Event:Event (type) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventAcceleration.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventAcceleration.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a85af2d34 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventAcceleration.lua @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EventAcceleration :cc.Event +local EventAcceleration={ } +cc.EventAcceleration=EventAcceleration + + + diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventAssetsManagerEx.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventAssetsManagerEx.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..952a5ae84 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventAssetsManagerEx.lua @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EventAssetsManagerEx :cc.EventCustom +local EventAssetsManagerEx={ } +cc.EventAssetsManagerEx=EventAssetsManagerEx + + + + +---* +---@return cc.AssetsManagerEx +function EventAssetsManagerEx:getAssetsManagerEx () end +---* +---@return string +function EventAssetsManagerEx:getAssetId () end +---* +---@return int +function EventAssetsManagerEx:getCURLECode () end +---* +---@return string +function EventAssetsManagerEx:getMessage () end +---* +---@return int +function EventAssetsManagerEx:getCURLMCode () end +---* +---@return float +function EventAssetsManagerEx:getPercentByFile () end +---* +---@return int +function EventAssetsManagerEx:getEventCode () end +---* +---@return float +function EventAssetsManagerEx:getPercent () end +---* Constructor +---@param eventName string +---@param manager cc.AssetsManagerEx +---@param code int +---@param percent float +---@param percentByFile float +---@param assetId string +---@param message string +---@param curle_code int +---@param curlm_code int +---@return self +function EventAssetsManagerEx:EventAssetsManagerEx (eventName,manager,code,percent,percentByFile,assetId,message,curle_code,curlm_code) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventController.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventController.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3ce0a942a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventController.lua @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EventController :cc.Event +local EventController={ } +cc.EventController=EventController + + + + +---* Gets the event type of the controller.
+---* return The event type of the controller. +---@return int +function EventController:getControllerEventType () end +---* Sets the connect status.
+---* param True if it's connected. +---@param isConnected boolean +---@return self +function EventController:setConnectStatus (isConnected) end +---* Gets the connect status.
+---* return True if it's connected. +---@return boolean +function EventController:isConnected () end +---* +---@param keyCode int +---@return self +function EventController:setKeyCode (keyCode) end +---* +---@return cc.Controller +function EventController:getController () end +---* Gets the key code of the controller.
+---* return The key code of the controller. +---@return int +function EventController:getKeyCode () end +---@overload fun(int:int,cc.Controller:cc.Controller,int2:boolean):self +---@overload fun(int:int,cc.Controller:cc.Controller,int:int):self +---@param type int +---@param controller cc.Controller +---@param keyCode int +---@return self +function EventController:EventController (type,controller,keyCode) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventCustom.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventCustom.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..68cde923b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventCustom.lua @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EventCustom :cc.Event +local EventCustom={ } +cc.EventCustom=EventCustom + + + + +---* Gets event name.
+---* return The name of the event. +---@return string +function EventCustom:getEventName () end +---* Constructor.
+---* param eventName A given name of the custom event.
+---* js ctor +---@param eventName string +---@return self +function EventCustom:EventCustom (eventName) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventDispatcher.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventDispatcher.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c82980803 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventDispatcher.lua @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EventDispatcher :cc.Ref +local EventDispatcher={ } +cc.EventDispatcher=EventDispatcher + + + + +---* Pauses all listeners which are associated the specified target.
+---* param target A given target node.
+---* param recursive True if pause recursively, the default value is false. +---@param target cc.Node +---@param recursive boolean +---@return self +function EventDispatcher:pauseEventListenersForTarget (target,recursive) end +---* Adds a event listener for a specified event with the priority of scene graph.
+---* param listener The listener of a specified event.
+---* param node The priority of the listener is based on the draw order of this node.
+---* note The priority of scene graph will be fixed value 0. So the order of listener item
+---* in the vector will be ' <0, scene graph (0 priority), >0'. +---@param listener cc.EventListener +---@param node cc.Node +---@return self +function EventDispatcher:addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority (listener,node) end +---* Whether to enable dispatching events.
+---* param isEnabled True if enable dispatching events. +---@param isEnabled boolean +---@return self +function EventDispatcher:setEnabled (isEnabled) end +---* Adds a event listener for a specified event with the fixed priority.
+---* param listener The listener of a specified event.
+---* param fixedPriority The fixed priority of the listener.
+---* note A lower priority will be called before the ones that have a higher value.
+---* 0 priority is forbidden for fixed priority since it's used for scene graph based priority. +---@param listener cc.EventListener +---@param fixedPriority int +---@return self +function EventDispatcher:addEventListenerWithFixedPriority (listener,fixedPriority) end +---* Remove a listener.
+---* param listener The specified event listener which needs to be removed. +---@param listener cc.EventListener +---@return self +function EventDispatcher:removeEventListener (listener) end +---* Dispatches a Custom Event with a event name an optional user data.
+---* param eventName The name of the event which needs to be dispatched.
+---* param optionalUserData The optional user data, it's a void*, the default value is nullptr. +---@param eventName string +---@param optionalUserData void +---@return self +function EventDispatcher:dispatchCustomEvent (eventName,optionalUserData) end +---* Resumes all listeners which are associated the specified target.
+---* param target A given target node.
+---* param recursive True if resume recursively, the default value is false. +---@param target cc.Node +---@param recursive boolean +---@return self +function EventDispatcher:resumeEventListenersForTarget (target,recursive) end +---* Removes all listeners which are associated with the specified target.
+---* param target A given target node.
+---* param recursive True if remove recursively, the default value is false. +---@param target cc.Node +---@param recursive boolean +---@return self +function EventDispatcher:removeEventListenersForTarget (target,recursive) end +---* Sets listener's priority with fixed value.
+---* param listener A given listener.
+---* param fixedPriority The fixed priority value. +---@param listener cc.EventListener +---@param fixedPriority int +---@return self +function EventDispatcher:setPriority (listener,fixedPriority) end +---* Adds a Custom event listener.
+---* It will use a fixed priority of 1.
+---* param eventName A given name of the event.
+---* param callback A given callback method that associated the event name.
+---* return the generated event. Needed in order to remove the event from the dispatcher +---@param eventName string +---@param callback function +---@return cc.EventListenerCustom +function EventDispatcher:addCustomEventListener (eventName,callback) end +---* Dispatches the event.
+---* Also removes all EventListeners marked for deletion from the
+---* event dispatcher list.
+---* param event The event needs to be dispatched. +---@param event cc.Event +---@return self +function EventDispatcher:dispatchEvent (event) end +---* Query whether the specified event listener id has been added.
+---* param listenerID The listenerID of the event listener id.
+---* return True if dispatching events is exist +---@param listenerID string +---@return boolean +function EventDispatcher:hasEventListener (listenerID) end +---* Removes all listeners. +---@return self +function EventDispatcher:removeAllEventListeners () end +---* Removes all custom listeners with the same event name.
+---* param customEventName A given event listener name which needs to be removed. +---@param customEventName string +---@return self +function EventDispatcher:removeCustomEventListeners (customEventName) end +---* Checks whether dispatching events is enabled.
+---* return True if dispatching events is enabled. +---@return boolean +function EventDispatcher:isEnabled () end +---* Removes all listeners with the same event listener type.
+---* param listenerType A given event listener type which needs to be removed. +---@param listenerType int +---@return self +function EventDispatcher:removeEventListenersForType (listenerType) end +---* Constructor of EventDispatcher. +---@return self +function EventDispatcher:EventDispatcher () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventFocus.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventFocus.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..17265e0a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventFocus.lua @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EventFocus :cc.Event +local EventFocus={ } +cc.EventFocus=EventFocus + + + + +---* Constructor.
+---* param widgetLoseFocus The widget which lose focus.
+---* param widgetGetFocus The widget which get focus.
+---* js ctor +---@param widgetLoseFocus ccui.Widget +---@param widgetGetFocus ccui.Widget +---@return self +function EventFocus:EventFocus (widgetLoseFocus,widgetGetFocus) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventKeyboard.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventKeyboard.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..06ef6db53 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventKeyboard.lua @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EventKeyboard :cc.Event +local EventKeyboard={ } +cc.EventKeyboard=EventKeyboard + + + + +---* Constructor.
+---* param keyCode A given keycode.
+---* param isPressed True if the key is pressed.
+---* js ctor +---@param keyCode int +---@param isPressed boolean +---@return self +function EventKeyboard:EventKeyboard (keyCode,isPressed) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListener.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListener.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eb3cc6a59 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListener.lua @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EventListener :cc.Ref +local EventListener={ } +cc.EventListener=EventListener + + + + +---* Enables or disables the listener.
+---* note Only listeners with `enabled` state will be able to receive events.
+---* When an listener was initialized, it's enabled by default.
+---* An event listener can receive events when it is enabled and is not paused.
+---* paused state is always false when it is a fixed priority listener.
+---* param enabled True if enables the listener. +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function EventListener:setEnabled (enabled) end +---* Checks whether the listener is enabled.
+---* return True if the listener is enabled. +---@return boolean +function EventListener:isEnabled () end +---* Clones the listener, its subclasses have to override this method. +---@return self +function EventListener:clone () end +---* Checks whether the listener is available.
+---* return True if the listener is available. +---@return boolean +function EventListener:checkAvailable () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerAcceleration.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerAcceleration.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a162ebe84 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerAcceleration.lua @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EventListenerAcceleration :cc.EventListener +local EventListenerAcceleration={ } +cc.EventListenerAcceleration=EventListenerAcceleration + + + + +---* +---@param callback function +---@return boolean +function EventListenerAcceleration:init (callback) end +---* / Overrides +---@return self +function EventListenerAcceleration:clone () end +---* +---@return boolean +function EventListenerAcceleration:checkAvailable () end +---* +---@return self +function EventListenerAcceleration:EventListenerAcceleration () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerAssetsManagerEx.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerAssetsManagerEx.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..55e37f25d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerAssetsManagerEx.lua @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EventListenerAssetsManagerEx :cc.EventListenerCustom +local EventListenerAssetsManagerEx={ } +cc.EventListenerAssetsManagerEx=EventListenerAssetsManagerEx + + + + +---* Initializes event with type and callback function +---@param AssetsManagerEx cc.AssetsManagerEx +---@param callback function +---@return boolean +function EventListenerAssetsManagerEx:init (AssetsManagerEx,callback) end +---* +---@return self +function EventListenerAssetsManagerEx:clone () end +---* / Overrides +---@return boolean +function EventListenerAssetsManagerEx:checkAvailable () end +---* Constructor +---@return self +function EventListenerAssetsManagerEx:EventListenerAssetsManagerEx () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerController.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerController.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..81db209f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerController.lua @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EventListenerController :cc.EventListener +local EventListenerController={ } +cc.EventListenerController=EventListenerController + + + + +---* Create a controller event listener.
+---* return An autoreleased EventListenerController object. +---@return self +function EventListenerController:create () end +---* +---@return self +function EventListenerController:clone () end +---* / Overrides +---@return boolean +function EventListenerController:checkAvailable () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerCustom.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerCustom.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d553d2120 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerCustom.lua @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EventListenerCustom :cc.EventListener +local EventListenerCustom={ } +cc.EventListenerCustom=EventListenerCustom + + + + +---* +---@return self +function EventListenerCustom:clone () end +---* / Overrides +---@return boolean +function EventListenerCustom:checkAvailable () end +---* Constructor +---@return self +function EventListenerCustom:EventListenerCustom () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerFocus.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerFocus.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1cb7cda89 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerFocus.lua @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EventListenerFocus :cc.EventListener +local EventListenerFocus={ } +cc.EventListenerFocus=EventListenerFocus + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function EventListenerFocus:init () end +---* / Overrides +---@return self +function EventListenerFocus:clone () end +---* +---@return boolean +function EventListenerFocus:checkAvailable () end +---* +---@return self +function EventListenerFocus:EventListenerFocus () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerKeyboard.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerKeyboard.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2f1102ba6 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerKeyboard.lua @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EventListenerKeyboard :cc.EventListener +local EventListenerKeyboard={ } +cc.EventListenerKeyboard=EventListenerKeyboard + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function EventListenerKeyboard:init () end +---* / Overrides +---@return self +function EventListenerKeyboard:clone () end +---* +---@return boolean +function EventListenerKeyboard:checkAvailable () end +---* +---@return self +function EventListenerKeyboard:EventListenerKeyboard () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerMouse.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerMouse.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0de14fd02 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerMouse.lua @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EventListenerMouse :cc.EventListener +local EventListenerMouse={ } +cc.EventListenerMouse=EventListenerMouse + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function EventListenerMouse:init () end +---* / Overrides +---@return self +function EventListenerMouse:clone () end +---* +---@return boolean +function EventListenerMouse:checkAvailable () end +---* +---@return self +function EventListenerMouse:EventListenerMouse () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContact.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContact.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..42722cff0 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContact.lua @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EventListenerPhysicsContact :cc.EventListenerCustom +local EventListenerPhysicsContact={ } +cc.EventListenerPhysicsContact=EventListenerPhysicsContact + + + + +---* Create the listener. +---@return self +function EventListenerPhysicsContact:create () end +---* Clone an object from this listener. +---@return self +function EventListenerPhysicsContact:clone () end +---* Check the listener is available.
+---* return True if there's one available callback function at least, false if there's no one. +---@return boolean +function EventListenerPhysicsContact:checkAvailable () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ec64ae38d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies.lua @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies :cc.EventListenerPhysicsContact +local EventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies={ } +cc.EventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies=EventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies + + + + +---* +---@param shapeA cc.PhysicsShape +---@param shapeB cc.PhysicsShape +---@return boolean +function EventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies:hitTest (shapeA,shapeB) end +---* Create the listener. +---@param bodyA cc.PhysicsBody +---@param bodyB cc.PhysicsBody +---@return self +function EventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies:create (bodyA,bodyB) end +---* +---@return self +function EventListenerPhysicsContactWithBodies:clone () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..259bc1f43 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup.lua @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup :cc.EventListenerPhysicsContact +local EventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup={ } +cc.EventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup=EventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup + + + + +---* +---@param shapeA cc.PhysicsShape +---@param shapeB cc.PhysicsShape +---@return boolean +function EventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup:hitTest (shapeA,shapeB) end +---* Create the listener. +---@param group int +---@return self +function EventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup:create (group) end +---* +---@return self +function EventListenerPhysicsContactWithGroup:clone () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b1c619df7 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes.lua @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes :cc.EventListenerPhysicsContact +local EventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes={ } +cc.EventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes=EventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes + + + + +---* +---@param shapeA cc.PhysicsShape +---@param shapeB cc.PhysicsShape +---@return boolean +function EventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes:hitTest (shapeA,shapeB) end +---* Create the listener. +---@param shapeA cc.PhysicsShape +---@param shapeB cc.PhysicsShape +---@return self +function EventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes:create (shapeA,shapeB) end +---* +---@return self +function EventListenerPhysicsContactWithShapes:clone () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..70fece9f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce.lua @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce :cc.EventListener +local EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce={ } +cc.EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce=EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce:init () end +---* / Overrides +---@return self +function EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce:clone () end +---* +---@return boolean +function EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce:checkAvailable () end +---* +---@return self +function EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce:EventListenerTouchAllAtOnce () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerTouchOneByOne.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerTouchOneByOne.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8f2fc78a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventListenerTouchOneByOne.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EventListenerTouchOneByOne :cc.EventListener +local EventListenerTouchOneByOne={ } +cc.EventListenerTouchOneByOne=EventListenerTouchOneByOne + + + + +---* Is swall touches or not.
+---* return True if needs to swall touches. +---@return boolean +function EventListenerTouchOneByOne:isSwallowTouches () end +---* Whether or not to swall touches.
+---* param needSwallow True if needs to swall touches. +---@param needSwallow boolean +---@return self +function EventListenerTouchOneByOne:setSwallowTouches (needSwallow) end +---* +---@return boolean +function EventListenerTouchOneByOne:init () end +---* / Overrides +---@return self +function EventListenerTouchOneByOne:clone () end +---* +---@return boolean +function EventListenerTouchOneByOne:checkAvailable () end +---* +---@return self +function EventListenerTouchOneByOne:EventListenerTouchOneByOne () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventMouse.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventMouse.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f611c3423 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventMouse.lua @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EventMouse :cc.Event +local EventMouse={ } +cc.EventMouse=EventMouse + + + + +---* Returns the previous touch location in screen coordinates.
+---* return The previous touch location in screen coordinates.
+---* js NA +---@return vec2_table +function EventMouse:getPreviousLocationInView () end +---* Returns the current touch location in OpenGL coordinates.
+---* return The current touch location in OpenGL coordinates. +---@return vec2_table +function EventMouse:getLocation () end +---* Get mouse button.
+---* return The mouse button.
+---* js getButton +---@return int +function EventMouse:getMouseButton () end +---* Returns the previous touch location in OpenGL coordinates.
+---* return The previous touch location in OpenGL coordinates.
+---* js NA +---@return vec2_table +function EventMouse:getPreviousLocation () end +---* Returns the delta of 2 current touches locations in screen coordinates.
+---* return The delta of 2 current touches locations in screen coordinates. +---@return vec2_table +function EventMouse:getDelta () end +---* Set mouse scroll data.
+---* param scrollX The scroll data of x axis.
+---* param scrollY The scroll data of y axis. +---@param scrollX float +---@param scrollY float +---@return self +function EventMouse:setScrollData (scrollX,scrollY) end +---* Returns the start touch location in screen coordinates.
+---* return The start touch location in screen coordinates.
+---* js NA +---@return vec2_table +function EventMouse:getStartLocationInView () end +---* Returns the start touch location in OpenGL coordinates.
+---* return The start touch location in OpenGL coordinates.
+---* js NA +---@return vec2_table +function EventMouse:getStartLocation () end +---* Set mouse button.
+---* param button a given mouse button.
+---* js setButton +---@param button int +---@return self +function EventMouse:setMouseButton (button) end +---* Returns the current touch location in screen coordinates.
+---* return The current touch location in screen coordinates. +---@return vec2_table +function EventMouse:getLocationInView () end +---* Get mouse scroll data of y axis.
+---* return The scroll data of y axis. +---@return float +function EventMouse:getScrollY () end +---* Get mouse scroll data of x axis.
+---* return The scroll data of x axis. +---@return float +function EventMouse:getScrollX () end +---* Get the cursor position of x axis.
+---* return The x coordinate of cursor position.
+---* js getLocationX +---@return float +function EventMouse:getCursorX () end +---* Get the cursor position of y axis.
+---* return The y coordinate of cursor position.
+---* js getLocationY +---@return float +function EventMouse:getCursorY () end +---* Set the cursor position.
+---* param x The x coordinate of cursor position.
+---* param y The y coordinate of cursor position.
+---* js setLocation +---@param x float +---@param y float +---@return self +function EventMouse:setCursorPosition (x,y) end +---* Constructor.
+---* param mouseEventCode A given mouse event type.
+---* js ctor +---@param mouseEventCode int +---@return self +function EventMouse:EventMouse (mouseEventCode) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventTouch.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventTouch.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..78eb00070 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/EventTouch.lua @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.EventTouch :cc.Event +local EventTouch={ } +cc.EventTouch=EventTouch + + + + +---* Get event code.
+---* return The code of the event. +---@return int +function EventTouch:getEventCode () end +---* Set the event code.
+---* param eventCode A given EventCode. +---@param eventCode int +---@return self +function EventTouch:setEventCode (eventCode) end +---* Constructor.
+---* js NA +---@return self +function EventTouch:EventTouch () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeIn.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeIn.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..adad8d336 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeIn.lua @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.FadeIn :cc.FadeTo +local FadeIn={ } +cc.FadeIn=FadeIn + + + + +---* js NA +---@param ac cc.FadeTo +---@return self +function FadeIn:setReverseAction (ac) end +---* Creates the action.
+---* param d Duration time, in seconds.
+---* return An autoreleased FadeIn object. +---@param d float +---@return self +function FadeIn:create (d) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function FadeIn:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function FadeIn:clone () end +---* +---@return cc.FadeTo +function FadeIn:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function FadeIn:FadeIn () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1162eef2f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.FadeOut :cc.FadeTo +local FadeOut={ } +cc.FadeOut=FadeOut + + + + +---* js NA +---@param ac cc.FadeTo +---@return self +function FadeOut:setReverseAction (ac) end +---* Creates the action.
+---* param d Duration time, in seconds. +---@param d float +---@return self +function FadeOut:create (d) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function FadeOut:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function FadeOut:clone () end +---* +---@return cc.FadeTo +function FadeOut:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function FadeOut:FadeOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOutBLTiles.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOutBLTiles.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c053df865 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOutBLTiles.lua @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.FadeOutBLTiles :cc.FadeOutTRTiles +local FadeOutBLTiles={ } +cc.FadeOutBLTiles=FadeOutBLTiles + + + + +---* brief Create the action with the grid size and the duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the FadeOutBLTiles action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of FadeOutBLTiles action; otherwise, return nil. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@return self +function FadeOutBLTiles:create (duration,gridSize) end +---* +---@return self +function FadeOutBLTiles:clone () end +---* +---@param pos size_table +---@param time float +---@return float +function FadeOutBLTiles:testFunc (pos,time) end +---* +---@return self +function FadeOutBLTiles:FadeOutBLTiles () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOutDownTiles.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOutDownTiles.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..59b76c4fe --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOutDownTiles.lua @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.FadeOutDownTiles :cc.FadeOutUpTiles +local FadeOutDownTiles={ } +cc.FadeOutDownTiles=FadeOutDownTiles + + + + +---* brief Create the action with the grid size and the duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the FadeOutDownTiles action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of FadeOutDownTiles action; otherwise, return nil. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@return self +function FadeOutDownTiles:create (duration,gridSize) end +---* +---@return self +function FadeOutDownTiles:clone () end +---* +---@param pos size_table +---@param time float +---@return float +function FadeOutDownTiles:testFunc (pos,time) end +---* +---@return self +function FadeOutDownTiles:FadeOutDownTiles () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOutTRTiles.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOutTRTiles.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c753534b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOutTRTiles.lua @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.FadeOutTRTiles :cc.TiledGrid3DAction +local FadeOutTRTiles={ } +cc.FadeOutTRTiles=FadeOutTRTiles + + + + +---* brief Show the tile at specified position.
+---* param pos The position index of the tile should be shown. +---@param pos vec2_table +---@return self +function FadeOutTRTiles:turnOnTile (pos) end +---* brief Hide the tile at specified position.
+---* param pos The position index of the tile should be hide. +---@param pos vec2_table +---@return self +function FadeOutTRTiles:turnOffTile (pos) end +---* brief Show part of the tile.
+---* param pos The position index of the tile should be shown.
+---* param distance The percentage that the tile should be shown. +---@param pos vec2_table +---@param distance float +---@return self +function FadeOutTRTiles:transformTile (pos,distance) end +---* brief Calculate the percentage a tile should be shown.
+---* param pos The position index of the tile.
+---* param time The current percentage of the action.
+---* return Return the percentage the tile should be shown. +---@param pos size_table +---@param time float +---@return float +function FadeOutTRTiles:testFunc (pos,time) end +---* brief Create the action with the grid size and the duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the FadeOutTRTiles action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of FadeOutTRTiles action; otherwise, return nil. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@return self +function FadeOutTRTiles:create (duration,gridSize) end +---* +---@return self +function FadeOutTRTiles:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function FadeOutTRTiles:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function FadeOutTRTiles:FadeOutTRTiles () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOutUpTiles.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOutUpTiles.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2e5f8389f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeOutUpTiles.lua @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.FadeOutUpTiles :cc.FadeOutTRTiles +local FadeOutUpTiles={ } +cc.FadeOutUpTiles=FadeOutUpTiles + + + + +---* brief Create the action with the grid size and the duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the FadeOutUpTiles action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of FadeOutUpTiles action; otherwise, return nil. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@return self +function FadeOutUpTiles:create (duration,gridSize) end +---* +---@return self +function FadeOutUpTiles:clone () end +---* +---@param pos vec2_table +---@param distance float +---@return self +function FadeOutUpTiles:transformTile (pos,distance) end +---* +---@param pos size_table +---@param time float +---@return float +function FadeOutUpTiles:testFunc (pos,time) end +---* +---@return self +function FadeOutUpTiles:FadeOutUpTiles () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeTo.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeTo.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0e775a6cc --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FadeTo.lua @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.FadeTo :cc.ActionInterval +local FadeTo={ } +cc.FadeTo=FadeTo + + + + +---* initializes the action with duration and opacity
+---* param duration in seconds +---@param duration float +---@param opacity unsigned_char +---@return boolean +function FadeTo:initWithDuration (duration,opacity) end +---* Creates an action with duration and opacity.
+---* param duration Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param opacity A certain opacity, the range is from 0 to 255.
+---* return An autoreleased FadeTo object. +---@param duration float +---@param opacity unsigned_char +---@return self +function FadeTo:create (duration,opacity) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function FadeTo:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function FadeTo:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function FadeTo:reverse () end +---* param time In seconds. +---@param time float +---@return self +function FadeTo:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function FadeTo:FadeTo () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FastTMXLayer.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FastTMXLayer.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1abec8992 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FastTMXLayer.lua @@ -0,0 +1,135 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.FastTMXLayer :cc.Node +local FastTMXLayer={ } +cc.FastTMXLayer=FastTMXLayer + + + + +---* Returns the position in points of a given tile coordinate.
+---* param tileCoordinate The tile Coordinate.
+---* return The position in points of a given tile coordinate. +---@param tileCoordinate vec2_table +---@return vec2_table +function FastTMXLayer:getPositionAt (tileCoordinate) end +---* Set Layer orientation, which is the same as the map orientation.
+---* param orientation Layer orientation, which is the same as the map orientation. +---@param orientation int +---@return self +function FastTMXLayer:setLayerOrientation (orientation) end +---* Size of the layer in tiles.
+---* return Size of the layer in tiles. +---@return size_table +function FastTMXLayer:getLayerSize () end +---* Set the size of the map's tile.
+---* param size The new size of the map's tile. +---@param size size_table +---@return self +function FastTMXLayer:setMapTileSize (size) end +---* Layer orientation, which is the same as the map orientation.
+---* return Layer orientation, which is the same as the map orientation. +---@return int +function FastTMXLayer:getLayerOrientation () end +---* Set the properties to the layer.
+---* param properties The properties to the layer. +---@param properties map_table +---@return self +function FastTMXLayer:setProperties (properties) end +---* Set the tile layer name.
+---* param layerName The new layer name. +---@param layerName string +---@return self +function FastTMXLayer:setLayerName (layerName) end +---* Removes a tile at given tile coordinate.
+---* param tileCoordinate The tile Coordinate. +---@param tileCoordinate vec2_table +---@return self +function FastTMXLayer:removeTileAt (tileCoordinate) end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun():self +---@return map_table +function FastTMXLayer:getProperties () end +---* Creates the tiles. +---@return self +function FastTMXLayer:setupTiles () end +---* Set an sprite to the tile,with the tile coordinate and gid.
+---* param sprite A Sprite.
+---* param pos The tile coordinate.
+---* param gid The tile gid. +---@param sprite cc.Sprite +---@param pos vec2_table +---@param gid unsigned_int +---@return self +function FastTMXLayer:setupTileSprite (sprite,pos,gid) end +---@overload fun(int:int,vec2_table:vec2_table,int:int):self +---@overload fun(int:int,vec2_table:vec2_table):self +---@param gid int +---@param tileCoordinate vec2_table +---@param flags int +---@return self +function FastTMXLayer:setTileGID (gid,tileCoordinate,flags) end +---* Size of the map's tile (could be different from the tile's size).
+---* return Size of the map's tile (could be different from the tile's size). +---@return size_table +function FastTMXLayer:getMapTileSize () end +---* Return the value for the specific property name.
+---* param propertyName The value for the specific property name.
+---* return The value for the specific property name. +---@param propertyName string +---@return cc.Value +function FastTMXLayer:getProperty (propertyName) end +---* Set the size of the layer in tiles.
+---* param size The new size of the layer in tiles. +---@param size size_table +---@return self +function FastTMXLayer:setLayerSize (size) end +---* Get the tile layer name.
+---* return The tile layer name. +---@return string +function FastTMXLayer:getLayerName () end +---* Set the tileset information for the layer.
+---* param info The new tileset information for the layer. +---@param info cc.TMXTilesetInfo +---@return self +function FastTMXLayer:setTileSet (info) end +---* Tileset information for the layer.
+---* return Tileset information for the layer. +---@return cc.TMXTilesetInfo +function FastTMXLayer:getTileSet () end +---* Returns the tile (Sprite) at a given a tile coordinate.
+---* The returned Sprite will be already added to the TMXLayer. Don't add it again.
+---* The Sprite can be treated like any other Sprite: rotated, scaled, translated, opacity, color, etc.
+---* You can remove either by calling:
+---* - layer->removeChild(sprite, cleanup);
+---* return Returns the tile (Sprite) at a given a tile coordinate. +---@param tileCoordinate vec2_table +---@return cc.Sprite +function FastTMXLayer:getTileAt (tileCoordinate) end +---* Creates a FastTMXLayer with an tileset info, a layer info and a map info.
+---* param tilesetInfo An tileset info.
+---* param layerInfo A layer info.
+---* param mapInfo A map info.
+---* return Return an autorelease object. +---@param tilesetInfo cc.TMXTilesetInfo +---@param layerInfo cc.TMXLayerInfo +---@param mapInfo cc.TMXMapInfo +---@return self +function FastTMXLayer:create (tilesetInfo,layerInfo,mapInfo) end +---* +---@param child cc.Node +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function FastTMXLayer:removeChild (child,cleanup) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function FastTMXLayer:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* +---@return string +function FastTMXLayer:getDescription () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function FastTMXLayer:FastTMXLayer () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FastTMXTiledMap.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FastTMXTiledMap.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a35cf02c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FastTMXTiledMap.lua @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.FastTMXTiledMap :cc.Node +local FastTMXTiledMap={ } +cc.FastTMXTiledMap=FastTMXTiledMap + + + + +---* Set object groups.
+---* param groups An object groups. +---@param groups array_table +---@return self +function FastTMXTiledMap:setObjectGroups (groups) end +---* Return the value for the specific property name.
+---* return Return the value for the specific property name. +---@param propertyName string +---@return cc.Value +function FastTMXTiledMap:getProperty (propertyName) end +---* Set the map's size property measured in tiles.
+---* param mapSize The map's size property measured in tiles. +---@param mapSize size_table +---@return self +function FastTMXTiledMap:setMapSize (mapSize) end +---* Return the TMXObjectGroup for the specific group.
+---* return Return the TMXObjectGroup for the specific group. +---@param groupName string +---@return cc.TMXObjectGroup +function FastTMXTiledMap:getObjectGroup (groupName) end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun():self +---@return array_table +function FastTMXTiledMap:getObjectGroups () end +---* The tiles's size property measured in pixels.
+---* return The tiles's size property measured in pixels. +---@return size_table +function FastTMXTiledMap:getTileSize () end +---* The map's size property measured in tiles.
+---* return The map's size property measured in tiles. +---@return size_table +function FastTMXTiledMap:getMapSize () end +---* Get properties.
+---* return Properties. +---@return map_table +function FastTMXTiledMap:getProperties () end +---* Return properties dictionary for tile GID.
+---* return Return properties dictionary for tile GID. +---@param GID int +---@return cc.Value +function FastTMXTiledMap:getPropertiesForGID (GID) end +---* Set the tiles's size property measured in pixels.
+---* param tileSize The tiles's size property measured in pixels. +---@param tileSize size_table +---@return self +function FastTMXTiledMap:setTileSize (tileSize) end +---* Set properties.
+---* param properties An ValueMap Properties. +---@param properties map_table +---@return self +function FastTMXTiledMap:setProperties (properties) end +---* Return the FastTMXLayer for the specific layer.
+---* return Return the FastTMXLayer for the specific layer. +---@param layerName string +---@return cc.FastTMXLayer +function FastTMXTiledMap:getLayer (layerName) end +---* Get map orientation.
+---* return The map orientation. +---@return int +function FastTMXTiledMap:getMapOrientation () end +---* Set map orientation.
+---* param mapOrientation The map orientation. +---@param mapOrientation int +---@return self +function FastTMXTiledMap:setMapOrientation (mapOrientation) end +---* Creates a TMX Tiled Map with a TMX file.
+---* return An autorelease object. +---@param tmxFile string +---@return self +function FastTMXTiledMap:create (tmxFile) end +---* Initializes a TMX Tiled Map with a TMX formatted XML string and a path to TMX resources.
+---* param tmxString A TMX formatted XML string.
+---* param resourcePath A path to TMX resources.
+---* return An autorelease object. +---@param tmxString string +---@param resourcePath string +---@return self +function FastTMXTiledMap:createWithXML (tmxString,resourcePath) end +---* +---@return string +function FastTMXTiledMap:getDescription () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FileUtils.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FileUtils.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..290756c30 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FileUtils.lua @@ -0,0 +1,343 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.FileUtils +local FileUtils={ } +cc.FileUtils=FileUtils + + + + +---* Returns the fullpath for a given filename.
+---* First it will try to get a new filename from the "filenameLookup" dictionary.
+---* If a new filename can't be found on the dictionary, it will use the original filename.
+---* Then it will try to obtain the full path of the filename using the FileUtils search rules: resolutions, and search paths.
+---* The file search is based on the array element order of search paths and resolution directories.
+---* For instance:
+---* We set two elements("/mnt/sdcard/", "internal_dir/") to search paths vector by setSearchPaths,
+---* and set three elements("resources-ipadhd/", "resources-ipad/", "resources-iphonehd")
+---* to resolutions vector by setSearchResolutionsOrder. The "internal_dir" is relative to "Resources/".
+---* If we have a file named 'sprite.png', the mapping in fileLookup dictionary contains `key: sprite.png -> value: sprite.pvr.gz`.
+---* Firstly, it will replace 'sprite.png' with 'sprite.pvr.gz', then searching the file sprite.pvr.gz as follows:
+---* /mnt/sdcard/resources-ipadhd/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)
+---* /mnt/sdcard/resources-ipad/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)
+---* /mnt/sdcard/resources-iphonehd/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)
+---* /mnt/sdcard/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)
+---* internal_dir/resources-ipadhd/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)
+---* internal_dir/resources-ipad/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)
+---* internal_dir/resources-iphonehd/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)
+---* internal_dir/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, return "sprite.png")
+---* If the filename contains relative path like "gamescene/uilayer/sprite.png",
+---* and the mapping in fileLookup dictionary contains `key: gamescene/uilayer/sprite.png -> value: gamescene/uilayer/sprite.pvr.gz`.
+---* The file search order will be:
+---* /mnt/sdcard/gamescene/uilayer/resources-ipadhd/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)
+---* /mnt/sdcard/gamescene/uilayer/resources-ipad/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)
+---* /mnt/sdcard/gamescene/uilayer/resources-iphonehd/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)
+---* /mnt/sdcard/gamescene/uilayer/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)
+---* internal_dir/gamescene/uilayer/resources-ipadhd/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)
+---* internal_dir/gamescene/uilayer/resources-ipad/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)
+---* internal_dir/gamescene/uilayer/resources-iphonehd/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, search next)
+---* internal_dir/gamescene/uilayer/sprite.pvr.gz (if not found, return "gamescene/uilayer/sprite.png")
+---* If the new file can't be found on the file system, it will return the parameter filename directly.
+---* This method was added to simplify multiplatform support. Whether you are using cocos2d-js or any cross-compilation toolchain like StellaSDK or Apportable,
+---* you might need to load different resources for a given file in the different platforms.
+---* since v2.1 +---@param filename string +---@return string +function FileUtils:fullPathForFilename (filename) end +---@overload fun(string:string,function:function):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param path string +---@param callback function +---@return self +function FileUtils:getStringFromFile (path,callback) end +---* Sets the filenameLookup dictionary.
+---* param filenameLookupDict The dictionary for replacing filename.
+---* since v2.1 +---@param filenameLookupDict map_table +---@return self +function FileUtils:setFilenameLookupDictionary (filenameLookupDict) end +---@overload fun(string:string,function:function):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param filepath string +---@param callback function +---@return self +function FileUtils:removeFile (filepath,callback) end +---* List all files recursively in a directory, async off the main cocos thread.
+---* param dirPath The path of the directory, it could be a relative or an absolute path.
+---* param callback The callback to be called once the list operation is complete.
+---* Will be called on the main cocos thread.
+---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@param dirPath string +---@param callback function +---@return self +function FileUtils:listFilesRecursivelyAsync (dirPath,callback) end +---* Checks whether the path is an absolute path.
+---* note On Android, if the parameter passed in is relative to "assets/", this method will treat it as an absolute path.
+---* Also on Blackberry, path starts with "app/native/Resources/" is treated as an absolute path.
+---* param path The path that needs to be checked.
+---* return True if it's an absolute path, false if not. +---@param path string +---@return boolean +function FileUtils:isAbsolutePath (path) end +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string:string,function:function):self +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string:string):self +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string):self +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string2:function):self +---@param path string +---@param oldname string +---@param name string +---@param callback function +---@return self +function FileUtils:renameFile (path,oldname,name,callback) end +---* Get default resource root path. +---@return string +function FileUtils:getDefaultResourceRootPath () end +---* Loads the filenameLookup dictionary from the contents of a filename.
+---* note The plist file name should follow the format below:
+---* code
+---* filenames
+---* sounds/click.wav
+---* sounds/click.caf
+---* sounds/endgame.wav
+---* sounds/endgame.caf
+---* sounds/gem-0.wav
+---* sounds/gem-0.caf

+---* metadata
+---* version
+---* 1



+---* endcode
+---* param filename The plist file name.
+---* since v2.1
+---* js loadFilenameLookup
+---* lua loadFilenameLookup +---@param filename string +---@return self +function FileUtils:loadFilenameLookupDictionaryFromFile (filename) end +---* Checks whether to pop up a message box when failed to load an image.
+---* return True if pop up a message box when failed to load an image, false if not. +---@return boolean +function FileUtils:isPopupNotify () end +---* +---@param filename string +---@return array_table +function FileUtils:getValueVectorFromFile (filename) end +---* Gets the array of search paths.
+---* return The array of search paths which may contain the prefix of default resource root path.
+---* note In best practise, getter function should return the value of setter function passes in.
+---* But since we should not break the compatibility, we keep using the old logic.
+---* Therefore, If you want to get the original search paths, please call 'getOriginalSearchPaths()' instead.
+---* see fullPathForFilename(const char*).
+---* lua NA +---@return array_table +function FileUtils:getSearchPaths () end +---* write a ValueMap into a plist file
+---* param dict the ValueMap want to save
+---* param fullPath The full path to the file you want to save a string
+---* return bool +---@param dict map_table +---@param fullPath string +---@return boolean +function FileUtils:writeToFile (dict,fullPath) end +---* Gets the original search path array set by 'setSearchPaths' or 'addSearchPath'.
+---* return The array of the original search paths +---@return array_table +function FileUtils:getOriginalSearchPaths () end +---* Gets the new filename from the filename lookup dictionary.
+---* It is possible to have a override names.
+---* param filename The original filename.
+---* return The new filename after searching in the filename lookup dictionary.
+---* If the original filename wasn't in the dictionary, it will return the original filename. +---@param filename string +---@return string +function FileUtils:getNewFilename (filename) end +---* List all files in a directory.
+---* param dirPath The path of the directory, it could be a relative or an absolute path.
+---* return File paths in a string vector +---@param dirPath string +---@return array_table +function FileUtils:listFiles (dirPath) end +---* Converts the contents of a file to a ValueMap.
+---* param filename The filename of the file to gets content.
+---* return ValueMap of the file contents.
+---* note This method is used internally. +---@param filename string +---@return map_table +function FileUtils:getValueMapFromFile (filename) end +---@overload fun(string:string,function:function):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param filepath string +---@param callback function +---@return self +function FileUtils:getFileSize (filepath,callback) end +---* Converts the contents of a file to a ValueMap.
+---* This method is used internally. +---@param filedata char +---@param filesize int +---@return map_table +function FileUtils:getValueMapFromData (filedata,filesize) end +---@overload fun(string:string,function:function):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param dirPath string +---@param callback function +---@return self +function FileUtils:removeDirectory (dirPath,callback) end +---* Sets the array of search paths.
+---* You can use this array to modify the search path of the resources.
+---* If you want to use "themes" or search resources in the "cache", you can do it easily by adding new entries in this array.
+---* note This method could access relative path and absolute path.
+---* If the relative path was passed to the vector, FileUtils will add the default resource directory before the relative path.
+---* For instance:
+---* On Android, the default resource root path is "assets/".
+---* If "/mnt/sdcard/" and "resources-large" were set to the search paths vector,
+---* "resources-large" will be converted to "assets/resources-large" since it was a relative path.
+---* param searchPaths The array contains search paths.
+---* see fullPathForFilename(const char*)
+---* since v2.1
+---* In js:var setSearchPaths(var jsval);
+---* lua NA +---@param searchPaths array_table +---@return self +function FileUtils:setSearchPaths (searchPaths) end +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string,function:function):self +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string):self +---@param dataStr string +---@param fullPath string +---@param callback function +---@return self +function FileUtils:writeStringToFile (dataStr,fullPath,callback) end +---* Sets the array that contains the search order of the resources.
+---* param searchResolutionsOrder The source array that contains the search order of the resources.
+---* see getSearchResolutionsOrder(), fullPathForFilename(const char*).
+---* since v2.1
+---* In js:var setSearchResolutionsOrder(var jsval)
+---* lua NA +---@param searchResolutionsOrder array_table +---@return self +function FileUtils:setSearchResolutionsOrder (searchResolutionsOrder) end +---* Append search order of the resources.
+---* see setSearchResolutionsOrder(), fullPathForFilename().
+---* since v2.1 +---@param order string +---@param front boolean +---@return self +function FileUtils:addSearchResolutionsOrder (order,front) end +---* Add search path.
+---* since v2.1 +---@param path string +---@param front boolean +---@return self +function FileUtils:addSearchPath (path,front) end +---@overload fun(array_table:array_table,string:string,function:function):self +---@overload fun(array_table:array_table,string:string):self +---@param vecData array_table +---@param fullPath string +---@param callback function +---@return self +function FileUtils:writeValueVectorToFile (vecData,fullPath,callback) end +---@overload fun(string:string,function:function):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param filename string +---@param callback function +---@return self +function FileUtils:isFileExist (filename,callback) end +---* Purges full path caches. +---@return self +function FileUtils:purgeCachedEntries () end +---* Gets full path from a file name and the path of the relative file.
+---* param filename The file name.
+---* param relativeFile The path of the relative file.
+---* return The full path.
+---* e.g. filename: hello.png, pszRelativeFile: /User/path1/path2/hello.plist
+---* Return: /User/path1/path2/hello.pvr (If there a a key(hello.png)-value(hello.pvr) in FilenameLookup dictionary. ) +---@param filename string +---@param relativeFile string +---@return string +function FileUtils:fullPathFromRelativeFile (filename,relativeFile) end +---* Windows fopen can't support UTF-8 filename
+---* Need convert all parameters fopen and other 3rd-party libs
+---* param filenameUtf8 std::string name file for conversion from utf-8
+---* return std::string ansi filename in current locale +---@param filenameUtf8 string +---@return string +function FileUtils:getSuitableFOpen (filenameUtf8) end +---@overload fun(map_table:map_table,string:string,function:function):self +---@overload fun(map_table:map_table,string:string):self +---@param dict map_table +---@param fullPath string +---@param callback function +---@return self +function FileUtils:writeValueMapToFile (dict,fullPath,callback) end +---* Gets filename extension is a suffix (separated from the base filename by a dot) in lower case.
+---* Examples of filename extensions are .png, .jpeg, .exe, .dmg and .txt.
+---* param filePath The path of the file, it could be a relative or absolute path.
+---* return suffix for filename in lower case or empty if a dot not found. +---@param filePath string +---@return string +function FileUtils:getFileExtension (filePath) end +---* Sets writable path. +---@param writablePath string +---@return self +function FileUtils:setWritablePath (writablePath) end +---* Sets whether to pop-up a message box when failed to load an image. +---@param notify boolean +---@return self +function FileUtils:setPopupNotify (notify) end +---@overload fun(string:string,function:function):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param fullPath string +---@param callback function +---@return self +function FileUtils:isDirectoryExist (fullPath,callback) end +---* Set default resource root path. +---@param path string +---@return self +function FileUtils:setDefaultResourceRootPath (path) end +---* Gets the array that contains the search order of the resources.
+---* see setSearchResolutionsOrder(const std::vector&), fullPathForFilename(const char*).
+---* since v2.1
+---* lua NA +---@return array_table +function FileUtils:getSearchResolutionsOrder () end +---@overload fun(string:string,function:function):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param dirPath string +---@param callback function +---@return self +function FileUtils:createDirectory (dirPath,callback) end +---* List all files in a directory async, off of the main cocos thread.
+---* param dirPath The path of the directory, it could be a relative or an absolute path.
+---* param callback The callback to be called once the list operation is complete. Will be called on the main cocos thread.
+---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@param dirPath string +---@param callback function +---@return self +function FileUtils:listFilesAsync (dirPath,callback) end +---* Gets the writable path.
+---* return The path that can be write/read a file in +---@return string +function FileUtils:getWritablePath () end +---* List all files recursively in a directory.
+---* param dirPath The path of the directory, it could be a relative or an absolute path.
+---* return File paths in a string vector +---@param dirPath string +---@param files array_table +---@return self +function FileUtils:listFilesRecursively (dirPath,files) end +---* Destroys the instance of FileUtils. +---@return self +function FileUtils:destroyInstance () end +---* Gets the instance of FileUtils. +---@return self +function FileUtils:getInstance () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FiniteTimeAction.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FiniteTimeAction.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d5a1a356b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FiniteTimeAction.lua @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.FiniteTimeAction :cc.Action +local FiniteTimeAction={ } +cc.FiniteTimeAction=FiniteTimeAction + + + + +---* Set duration in seconds of the action.
+---* param duration In seconds of the action. +---@param duration float +---@return self +function FiniteTimeAction:setDuration (duration) end +---* Get duration in seconds of the action.
+---* return The duration in seconds of the action. +---@return float +function FiniteTimeAction:getDuration () end +---* +---@return self +function FiniteTimeAction:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function FiniteTimeAction:reverse () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FlipX.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FlipX.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..97adb228a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FlipX.lua @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.FlipX :cc.ActionInstant +local FlipX={ } +cc.FlipX=FlipX + + + + +---* init the action +---@param x boolean +---@return boolean +function FlipX:initWithFlipX (x) end +---* Create the action.
+---* param x Flips the sprite horizontally if true.
+---* return An autoreleased FlipX object. +---@param x boolean +---@return self +function FlipX:create (x) end +---* +---@return self +function FlipX:clone () end +---* param time In seconds. +---@param time float +---@return self +function FlipX:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function FlipX:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function FlipX:FlipX () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FlipX3D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FlipX3D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a782d5d47 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FlipX3D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.FlipX3D :cc.Grid3DAction +local FlipX3D={ } +cc.FlipX3D=FlipX3D + + + + +---* brief Initializes an action with duration and grid size.
+---* param gridSize Specify the grid size of the FlipX3D action.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the FlipX3D action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false. +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param duration float +---@return boolean +function FlipX3D:initWithSize (gridSize,duration) end +---* brief Initializes an action with duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the FlipX3D action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false. +---@param duration float +---@return boolean +function FlipX3D:initWithDuration (duration) end +---* brief Create the action with duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the FilpX3D action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of FilpX3D action; otherwise, return nil. +---@param duration float +---@return self +function FlipX3D:create (duration) end +---* +---@return self +function FlipX3D:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function FlipX3D:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function FlipX3D:FlipX3D () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FlipY.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FlipY.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..107ba69f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FlipY.lua @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.FlipY :cc.ActionInstant +local FlipY={ } +cc.FlipY=FlipY + + + + +---* init the action +---@param y boolean +---@return boolean +function FlipY:initWithFlipY (y) end +---* Create the action.
+---* param y Flips the sprite vertically if true.
+---* return An autoreleased FlipY object. +---@param y boolean +---@return self +function FlipY:create (y) end +---* +---@return self +function FlipY:clone () end +---* param time In seconds. +---@param time float +---@return self +function FlipY:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function FlipY:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function FlipY:FlipY () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FlipY3D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FlipY3D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..97f30896a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/FlipY3D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.FlipY3D :cc.FlipX3D +local FlipY3D={ } +cc.FlipY3D=FlipY3D + + + + +---* brief Create the action with duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the FlipY3D action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of FlipY3D action; otherwise, return nil. +---@param duration float +---@return self +function FlipY3D:create (duration) end +---* +---@return self +function FlipY3D:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function FlipY3D:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function FlipY3D:FlipY3D () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Follow.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Follow.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..88ab9fb7e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Follow.lua @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Follow :cc.Action +local Follow={ } +cc.Follow=Follow + + + + +---* Alter behavior - turn on/off boundary.
+---* param value Turn on/off boundary. +---@param value boolean +---@return self +function Follow:setBoundarySet (value) end +---* Initializes the action with a set boundary or with no boundary.
+---* param followedNode The node to be followed.
+---* param rect The boundary. If \p rect is equal to Rect::ZERO, it'll work
+---* with no boundary. +---@param followedNode cc.Node +---@param rect rect_table +---@return boolean +function Follow:initWithTarget (followedNode,rect) end +---* Initializes the action with a set boundary or with no boundary with offsets.
+---* param followedNode The node to be followed.
+---* param rect The boundary. If \p rect is equal to Rect::ZERO, it'll work
+---* with no boundary.
+---* param xOffset The horizontal offset from the center of the screen from which the
+---* node is to be followed.It can be positive,negative or zero.If
+---* set to zero the node will be horizontally centered followed.
+---* param yOffset The vertical offset from the center of the screen from which the
+---* node is to be followed.It can be positive,negative or zero.
+---* If set to zero the node will be vertically centered followed.
+---* If both xOffset and yOffset are set to zero,then the node will be horizontally and vertically centered followed. +---@param followedNode cc.Node +---@param xOffset float +---@param yOffset float +---@param rect rect_table +---@return boolean +function Follow:initWithTargetAndOffset (followedNode,xOffset,yOffset,rect) end +---* Return boundarySet.
+---* return Return boundarySet. +---@return boolean +function Follow:isBoundarySet () end +---* Creates the action with a set boundary or with no boundary.
+---* param followedNode The node to be followed.
+---* param rect The boundary. If \p rect is equal to Rect::ZERO, it'll work
+---* with no boundary. +---@param followedNode cc.Node +---@param rect rect_table +---@return self +function Follow:create (followedNode,rect) end +---* Creates the action with a set boundary or with no boundary with offsets.
+---* param followedNode The node to be followed.
+---* param rect The boundary. If \p rect is equal to Rect::ZERO, it'll work
+---* with no boundary.
+---* param xOffset The horizontal offset from the center of the screen from which the
+---* node is to be followed.It can be positive,negative or zero.If
+---* set to zero the node will be horizontally centered followed.
+---* param yOffset The vertical offset from the center of the screen from which the
+---* node is to be followed.It can be positive,negative or zero.
+---* If set to zero the node will be vertically centered followed.
+---* If both xOffset and yOffset are set to zero,then the node will be horizontally and vertically centered followed. +---@param followedNode cc.Node +---@param xOffset float +---@param yOffset float +---@param rect rect_table +---@return self +function Follow:createWithOffset (followedNode,xOffset,yOffset,rect) end +---* param dt in seconds.
+---* js NA +---@param dt float +---@return self +function Follow:step (dt) end +---* +---@return self +function Follow:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function Follow:stop () end +---* +---@return self +function Follow:reverse () end +---* +---@return boolean +function Follow:isDone () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function Follow:Follow () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/GLView.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/GLView.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0a00dc415 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/GLView.lua @@ -0,0 +1,187 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.GLView :cc.Ref +local GLView={ } +cc.GLView=GLView + + + + +---* Set the frame size of EGL view.
+---* param width The width of the fram size.
+---* param height The height of the fram size. +---@param width float +---@param height float +---@return self +function GLView:setFrameSize (width,height) end +---* Get the opengl view port rectangle.
+---* return Return the opengl view port rectangle. +---@return rect_table +function GLView:getViewPortRect () end +---* Get scale factor of the vertical direction.
+---* return Scale factor of the vertical direction. +---@return float +function GLView:getScaleY () end +---* Only works on ios platform. Set Content Scale of the Factor. +---@param t floa +---@return boolean +function GLView:setContentScaleFactor (t) end +---* Only works on ios platform. Get Content Scale of the Factor. +---@return float +function GLView:getContentScaleFactor () end +---* Open or close IME keyboard , subclass must implement this method.
+---* param open Open or close IME keyboard. +---@param open boolean +---@return self +function GLView:setIMEKeyboardState (open) end +---* Gets safe area rectangle +---@return rect_table +function GLView:getSafeAreaRect () end +---* Set Scissor rectangle with points.
+---* param x Set the points of x.
+---* param y Set the points of y.
+---* param w Set the width of the view port
+---* param h Set the Height of the view port. +---@param x float +---@param y float +---@param w float +---@param h float +---@return self +function GLView:setScissorInPoints (x,y,w,h) end +---* Get the view name.
+---* return The view name. +---@return string +function GLView:getViewName () end +---* Get whether opengl render system is ready, subclass must implement this method. +---@return boolean +function GLView:isOpenGLReady () end +---* Hide or Show the mouse cursor if there is one.
+---* param isVisible Hide or Show the mouse cursor if there is one. +---@param l boo +---@return self +function GLView:setCursorVisible (l) end +---* Get the frame size of EGL view.
+---* In general, it returns the screen size since the EGL view is a fullscreen view.
+---* return The frame size of EGL view. +---@return size_table +function GLView:getFrameSize () end +---* Set default window icon (implemented for windows and linux).
+---* On windows it will use icon from .exe file (if included).
+---* On linux it will use default window icon. +---@return self +function GLView:setDefaultIcon () end +---* Get scale factor of the horizontal direction.
+---* return Scale factor of the horizontal direction. +---@return float +function GLView:getScaleX () end +---* Get the visible origin point of opengl viewport.
+---* return The visible origin point of opengl viewport. +---@return vec2_table +function GLView:getVisibleOrigin () end +---* Set zoom factor for frame. This methods are for
+---* debugging big resolution (e.g.new ipad) app on desktop.
+---* param zoomFactor The zoom factor for frame. +---@param t floa +---@return self +function GLView:setFrameZoomFactor (t) end +---* Get zoom factor for frame. This methods are for
+---* debugging big resolution (e.g.new ipad) app on desktop.
+---* return The zoom factor for frame. +---@return float +function GLView:getFrameZoomFactor () end +---* Get design resolution size.
+---* Default resolution size is the same as 'getFrameSize'.
+---* return The design resolution size. +---@return size_table +function GLView:getDesignResolutionSize () end +---@overload fun(string0:array_table):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param filename string +---@return self +function GLView:setIcon (filename) end +---* When the window is closed, it will return false if the platforms is Ios or Android.
+---* If the platforms is windows or Mac,it will return true.
+---* return In ios and android it will return false,if in windows or Mac it will return true. +---@return boolean +function GLView:windowShouldClose () end +---* Exchanges the front and back buffers, subclass must implement this method. +---@return self +function GLView:swapBuffers () end +---* Set the design resolution size.
+---* param width Design resolution width.
+---* param height Design resolution height.
+---* param resolutionPolicy The resolution policy desired, you may choose:
+---* [1] EXACT_FIT Fill screen by stretch-to-fit: if the design resolution ratio of width to height is different from the screen resolution ratio, your game view will be stretched.
+---* [2] NO_BORDER Full screen without black border: if the design resolution ratio of width to height is different from the screen resolution ratio, two areas of your game view will be cut.
+---* [3] SHOW_ALL Full screen with black border: if the design resolution ratio of width to height is different from the screen resolution ratio, two black borders will be shown. +---@param width float +---@param height float +---@param resolutionPolicy int +---@return self +function GLView:setDesignResolutionSize (width,height,resolutionPolicy) end +---* Returns the current Resolution policy.
+---* return The current Resolution policy. +---@return int +function GLView:getResolutionPolicy () end +---* Force destroying EGL view, subclass must implement this method.
+---* lua endToLua +---@return self +function GLView:endToLua () end +---* Returns whether or not the view is in Retina Display mode.
+---* return Returns whether or not the view is in Retina Display mode. +---@return boolean +function GLView:isRetinaDisplay () end +---* Renders a Scene with a Renderer
+---* This method is called directly by the Director +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@return self +function GLView:renderScene (scene,renderer) end +---* Set opengl view port rectangle with points.
+---* param x Set the points of x.
+---* param y Set the points of y.
+---* param w Set the width of the view port
+---* param h Set the Height of the view port. +---@param x float +---@param y float +---@param w float +---@param h float +---@return self +function GLView:setViewPortInPoints (x,y,w,h) end +---* Get the current scissor rectangle.
+---* return The current scissor rectangle. +---@return rect_table +function GLView:getScissorRect () end +---* Get retina factor.
+---* return The retina factor. +---@return int +function GLView:getRetinaFactor () end +---* Set the view name.
+---* param viewname A string will be set to the view as name. +---@param viewname string +---@return self +function GLView:setViewName (viewname) end +---* Get the visible rectangle of opengl viewport.
+---* return The visible rectangle of opengl viewport. +---@return rect_table +function GLView:getVisibleRect () end +---* Get the visible area size of opengl viewport.
+---* return The visible area size of opengl viewport. +---@return size_table +function GLView:getVisibleSize () end +---* Get whether GL_SCISSOR_TEST is enable.
+---* return Whether GL_SCISSOR_TEST is enable. +---@return boolean +function GLView:isScissorEnabled () end +---* Polls the events. +---@return self +function GLView:pollEvents () end +---* Static method and member so that we can modify it on all platforms before create OpenGL context.
+---* param glContextAttrs The OpenGL context attrs. +---@param glContextAttrs GLContextAttrs +---@return self +function GLView:setGLContextAttrs (glContextAttrs) end +---* Return the OpenGL context attrs.
+---* return Return the OpenGL context attrs. +---@return GLContextAttrs +function GLView:getGLContextAttrs () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/GLViewImpl.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/GLViewImpl.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..12937390e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/GLViewImpl.lua @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.GLViewImpl :cc.GLView +local GLViewImpl={ } +cc.GLViewImpl=GLViewImpl + + + + +---* +---@param viewName string +---@param rect rect_table +---@param frameZoomFactor float +---@return self +function GLViewImpl:createWithRect (viewName,rect,frameZoomFactor) end +---* +---@param viewname string +---@return self +function GLViewImpl:create (viewname) end +---* +---@param viewName string +---@return self +function GLViewImpl:createWithFullScreen (viewName) end +---* +---@param bOpen boolean +---@return self +function GLViewImpl:setIMEKeyboardState (bOpen) end +---* +---@return boolean +function GLViewImpl:isOpenGLReady () end +---* +---@return rect_table +function GLViewImpl:getSafeAreaRect () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Grid3D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Grid3D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0bfdadd9d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Grid3D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Grid3D :cc.GridBase +local Grid3D={ } +cc.Grid3D=Grid3D + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function Grid3D:getNeedDepthTestForBlit () end +---* Getter and Setter for depth test state when blit.
+---* js NA +---@param neededDepthTest boolean +---@return self +function Grid3D:setNeedDepthTestForBlit (neededDepthTest) end +---@overload fun(size_table:size_table,cc.Texture2D1:rect_table):self +---@overload fun(size_table:size_table):self +---@overload fun(size_table:size_table,cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,boolean:boolean):self +---@overload fun(size_table:size_table,cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,boolean:boolean,rect_table:rect_table):self +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param texture cc.Texture2D +---@param flipped boolean +---@param rect rect_table +---@return self +function Grid3D:create (gridSize,texture,flipped,rect) end +---* +---@return self +function Grid3D:calculateVertexPoints () end +---* Implementations for interfaces in base class. +---@return self +function Grid3D:beforeBlit () end +---* +---@return self +function Grid3D:afterBlit () end +---* +---@return self +function Grid3D:reuse () end +---* +---@return self +function Grid3D:blit () end +---* Constructor.
+---* js ctor +---@return self +function Grid3D:Grid3D () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Grid3DAction.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Grid3DAction.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cb6e30aba --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Grid3DAction.lua @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Grid3DAction :cc.GridAction +local Grid3DAction={ } +cc.Grid3DAction=Grid3DAction + + + + +---* brief Get the effect grid rect.
+---* return Return the effect grid rect. +---@return rect_table +function Grid3DAction:getGridRect () end +---* +---@return self +function Grid3DAction:clone () end +---* +---@return cc.GridBase +function Grid3DAction:getGrid () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/GridAction.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/GridAction.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c74cdb175 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/GridAction.lua @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.GridAction :cc.ActionInterval +local GridAction={ } +cc.GridAction=GridAction + + + + +---* brief Get the pointer of GridBase.
+---* return The pointer of GridBase. +---@return cc.GridBase +function GridAction:getGrid () end +---* brief Initializes the action with size and duration.
+---* param duration The duration of the GridAction. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize The size of the GridAction should be.
+---* return Return true when the initialization success, otherwise return false. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@return boolean +function GridAction:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function GridAction:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function GridAction:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function GridAction:reverse () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/GridBase.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/GridBase.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..285484c2d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/GridBase.lua @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.GridBase :cc.Ref +local GridBase={ } +cc.GridBase=GridBase + + + + +---* Set the size of the grid. +---@param gridSize size_table +---@return self +function GridBase:setGridSize (gridSize) end +---* brief Set the effect grid rect.
+---* param rect The effect grid rect. +---@param rect rect_table +---@return self +function GridBase:setGridRect (rect) end +---* Interface, Calculate the vertices used for the blit. +---@return self +function GridBase:calculateVertexPoints () end +---* Interface, Reuse the grid vertices. +---@return self +function GridBase:reuse () end +---* Init and reset the status when render effects by using the grid. +---@return self +function GridBase:beforeDraw () end +---* brief Get the effect grid rect.
+---* return Return the effect grid rect. +---@return rect_table +function GridBase:getGridRect () end +---* is texture flipped. +---@return boolean +function GridBase:isTextureFlipped () end +---* Size of the grid. +---@return size_table +function GridBase:getGridSize () end +---* +---@return self +function GridBase:afterBlit () end +---* Change projection to 2D for grabbing. +---@return self +function GridBase:set2DProjection () end +---* Pixels between the grids. +---@return vec2_table +function GridBase:getStep () end +---* Get the pixels between the grids. +---@param step vec2_table +---@return self +function GridBase:setStep (step) end +---* Set the texture flipped or not. +---@param flipped boolean +---@return self +function GridBase:setTextureFlipped (flipped) end +---* Interface used to blit the texture with grid to screen. +---@return self +function GridBase:blit () end +---* +---@param active boolean +---@return self +function GridBase:setActive (active) end +---* Get number of times that the grid will be reused. +---@return int +function GridBase:getReuseGrid () end +---@overload fun(size_table:size_table,cc.Texture2D1:rect_table):self +---@overload fun(size_table:size_table):self +---@overload fun(size_table:size_table,cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,boolean:boolean):self +---@overload fun(size_table:size_table,cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,boolean:boolean,rect_table:rect_table):self +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param texture cc.Texture2D +---@param flipped boolean +---@param rect rect_table +---@return boolean +function GridBase:initWithSize (gridSize,texture,flipped,rect) end +---* Interface for custom action when before or after draw.
+---* js NA +---@return self +function GridBase:beforeBlit () end +---* Set number of times that the grid will be reused. +---@param reuseGrid int +---@return self +function GridBase:setReuseGrid (reuseGrid) end +---* Getter and setter of the active state of the grid. +---@return boolean +function GridBase:isActive () end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function GridBase:afterDraw (target) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Hide.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Hide.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d22972cd2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Hide.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Hide :cc.ActionInstant +local Hide={ } +cc.Hide=Hide + + + + +---* Allocates and initializes the action.
+---* return An autoreleased Hide object. +---@return self +function Hide:create () end +---* +---@return self +function Hide:clone () end +---* param time In seconds. +---@param time float +---@return self +function Hide:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionInstant +function Hide:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function Hide:Hide () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Image.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Image.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e1c28616a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Image.lua @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Image :cc.Ref +local Image={ } +cc.Image=Image + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function Image:hasPremultipliedAlpha () end +---* +---@return self +function Image:reversePremultipliedAlpha () end +---* +---@return boolean +function Image:isCompressed () end +---* +---@return boolean +function Image:hasAlpha () end +---* +---@return int +function Image:getPixelFormat () end +---* +---@return int +function Image:getHeight () end +---* +---@return self +function Image:premultiplyAlpha () end +---* brief Load the image from the specified path.
+---* param path the absolute file path.
+---* return true if loaded correctly. +---@param path string +---@return boolean +function Image:initWithImageFile (path) end +---* +---@return int +function Image:getWidth () end +---* +---@return int +function Image:getBitPerPixel () end +---* +---@return int +function Image:getFileType () end +---* +---@return string +function Image:getFilePath () end +---* +---@return int +function Image:getNumberOfMipmaps () end +---* brief Save Image data to the specified file, with specified format.
+---* param filePath the file's absolute path, including file suffix.
+---* param isToRGB whether the image is saved as RGB format. +---@param filename string +---@param isToRGB boolean +---@return boolean +function Image:saveToFile (filename,isToRGB) end +---* treats (or not) PVR files as if they have alpha premultiplied.
+---* Since it is impossible to know at runtime if the PVR images have the alpha channel premultiplied, it is
+---* possible load them as if they have (or not) the alpha channel premultiplied.
+---* By default it is disabled. +---@param haveAlphaPremultiplied boolean +---@return self +function Image:setPVRImagesHavePremultipliedAlpha (haveAlphaPremultiplied) end +---* Enables or disables premultiplied alpha for PNG files.
+---* param enabled (default: true) +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function Image:setPNGPremultipliedAlphaEnabled (enabled) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function Image:Image () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/JumpBy.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/JumpBy.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9122cb5f8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/JumpBy.lua @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.JumpBy :cc.ActionInterval +local JumpBy={ } +cc.JumpBy=JumpBy + + + + +---* initializes the action
+---* param duration in seconds +---@param duration float +---@param position vec2_table +---@param height float +---@param jumps int +---@return boolean +function JumpBy:initWithDuration (duration,position,height,jumps) end +---* Creates the action.
+---* param duration Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param position The jumping distance.
+---* param height The jumping height.
+---* param jumps The jumping times.
+---* return An autoreleased JumpBy object. +---@param duration float +---@param position vec2_table +---@param height float +---@param jumps int +---@return self +function JumpBy:create (duration,position,height,jumps) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function JumpBy:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function JumpBy:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function JumpBy:reverse () end +---* param time In seconds. +---@param time float +---@return self +function JumpBy:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function JumpBy:JumpBy () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/JumpTiles3D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/JumpTiles3D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f19233b23 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/JumpTiles3D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.JumpTiles3D :cc.TiledGrid3DAction +local JumpTiles3D={ } +cc.JumpTiles3D=JumpTiles3D + + + + +---* brief Set the amplitude rate of the effect.
+---* param amplitudeRate The value of amplitude rate will be set. +---@param amplitudeRate float +---@return self +function JumpTiles3D:setAmplitudeRate (amplitudeRate) end +---* brief Initializes the action with the number of jumps, the sin amplitude, the grid size and the duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the JumpTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param numberOfJumps Specify the jump tiles count.
+---* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the JumpTiles3D action.
+---* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param numberOfJumps unsigned_int +---@param amplitude float +---@return boolean +function JumpTiles3D:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,numberOfJumps,amplitude) end +---* brief Get the amplitude of the effect.
+---* return Return the amplitude of the effect. +---@return float +function JumpTiles3D:getAmplitude () end +---* brief Get the amplitude rate of the effect.
+---* return Return the amplitude rate of the effect. +---@return float +function JumpTiles3D:getAmplitudeRate () end +---* brief Set the amplitude to the effect.
+---* param amplitude The value of amplitude will be set. +---@param amplitude float +---@return self +function JumpTiles3D:setAmplitude (amplitude) end +---* brief Create the action with the number of jumps, the sin amplitude, the grid size and the duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the JumpTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param numberOfJumps Specify the jump tiles count.
+---* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the JumpTiles3D action.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of JumpTiles3D action; otherwise, return nil. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param numberOfJumps unsigned_int +---@param amplitude float +---@return self +function JumpTiles3D:create (duration,gridSize,numberOfJumps,amplitude) end +---* +---@return self +function JumpTiles3D:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function JumpTiles3D:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function JumpTiles3D:JumpTiles3D () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/JumpTo.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/JumpTo.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d05902713 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/JumpTo.lua @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.JumpTo :cc.JumpBy +local JumpTo={ } +cc.JumpTo=JumpTo + + + + +---* initializes the action
+---* param duration In seconds. +---@param duration float +---@param position vec2_table +---@param height float +---@param jumps int +---@return boolean +function JumpTo:initWithDuration (duration,position,height,jumps) end +---* Creates the action.
+---* param duration Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param position The jumping destination position.
+---* param height The jumping height.
+---* param jumps The jumping times.
+---* return An autoreleased JumpTo object. +---@param duration float +---@param position vec2_table +---@param height float +---@param jumps int +---@return self +function JumpTo:create (duration,position,height,jumps) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function JumpTo:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function JumpTo:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function JumpTo:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function JumpTo:JumpTo () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Label.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Label.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4fd8684d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Label.lua @@ -0,0 +1,400 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Label :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,LabelProtocol,BlendProtocol +local Label={ } +cc.Label=Label + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function Label:isClipMarginEnabled () end +---* Enable shadow effect to Label.
+---* todo Support blur for shadow effect. +---@return self +function Label:enableShadow () end +---* Sets the untransformed size of the Label in a more efficient way. +---@param width float +---@param height float +---@return self +function Label:setDimensions (width,height) end +---* +---@return float +function Label:getWidth () end +---* Return the text the Label is currently displaying. +---@return string +function Label:getString () end +---* +---@return float +function Label:getHeight () end +---@overload fun(int:int):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param effect int +---@return self +function Label:disableEffect (effect) end +---* Sets a new TTF configuration to Label.
+---* see `TTFConfig` +---@param ttfConfig cc._ttfConfig +---@return boolean +function Label:setTTFConfig (ttfConfig) end +---* Returns type of label
+---* warning Not support system font.
+---* return the type of label
+---* since v3.18.0 +---@return int +function Label:getLabelType () end +---* Returns the text color of the Label. +---@return color4b_table +function Label:getTextColor () end +---* +---@return cc.BlendFunc +function Label:getBlendFunc () end +---* Toggle wrap option of the label.
+---* Note: System font doesn't support manually toggle wrap.
+---* param enable Set true to enable wrap and false to disable wrap. +---@param enable boolean +---@return self +function Label:enableWrap (enable) end +---* Makes the Label exactly this untransformed width.
+---* The Label's width be used for text align if the value not equal zero. +---@param width float +---@return self +function Label:setWidth (width) end +---* Returns the additional kerning of the Label.
+---* warning Not support system font.
+---* since v3.2.0 +---@return float +function Label:getAdditionalKerning () end +---* Return the user define BMFont size.
+---* return The BMFont size in float value. +---@return float +function Label:getBMFontSize () end +---* +---@return float +function Label:getMaxLineWidth () end +---* Returns the Label's text horizontal alignment. +---@return int +function Label:getHorizontalAlignment () end +---* Return shadow effect offset value. +---@return size_table +function Label:getShadowOffset () end +---* +---@return float +function Label:getLineSpacing () end +---* Clips upper and lower margin to reduce height of Label. +---@param clipEnabled boolean +---@return self +function Label:setClipMarginEnabled (clipEnabled) end +---* Sets the text that this Label is to display. +---@param text string +---@return self +function Label:setString (text) end +---* Sets a new system font to Label.
+---* param font A font file or a font family name.
+---* warning +---@param font string +---@return self +function Label:setSystemFontName (font) end +---* Query the wrap is enabled or not.
+---* Note: System font will always return true. +---@return boolean +function Label:isWrapEnabled () end +---* Return the outline effect size value. +---@return float +function Label:getOutlineSize () end +---* Sets a new bitmap font to Label +---@param bmfontFilePath string +---@param imageOffset vec2_table +---@param fontSize float +---@return boolean +function Label:setBMFontFilePath (bmfontFilePath,imageOffset,fontSize) end +---@overload fun(string0:cc._ttfConfig,string:string,float2:int,size_table3:int):self +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string,float:float,size_table:size_table,int:int,int:int):self +---@param text string +---@param fontFilePath string +---@param fontSize float +---@param dimensions size_table +---@param hAlignment int +---@param vAlignment int +---@return boolean +function Label:initWithTTF (text,fontFilePath,fontSize,dimensions,hAlignment,vAlignment) end +---* +---@return cc.FontAtlas +function Label:getFontAtlas () end +---* Sets the line height of the Label.
+---* warning Not support system font.
+---* since v3.2.0 +---@param height float +---@return self +function Label:setLineHeight (height) end +---* +---@param fontSize float +---@return self +function Label:setSystemFontSize (fontSize) end +---* Change the label's Overflow type, currently only TTF and BMFont support all the valid Overflow type.
+---* Char Map font supports all the Overflow type except for SHRINK, because we can't measure it's font size.
+---* System font only support Overflow::Normal and Overflow::RESIZE_HEIGHT.
+---* param overflow see `Overflow` +---@param overflow int +---@return self +function Label:setOverflow (overflow) end +---* Enables strikethrough.
+---* Underline and Strikethrough cannot be enabled at the same time.
+---* Strikethrough is like an underline but at the middle of the glyph +---@return self +function Label:enableStrikethrough () end +---* Update content immediately. +---@return self +function Label:updateContent () end +---* Return length of string. +---@return int +function Label:getStringLength () end +---* Specify what happens when a line is too long for Label.
+---* param breakWithoutSpace Lines are automatically broken between words if this value is false. +---@param breakWithoutSpace boolean +---@return self +function Label:setLineBreakWithoutSpace (breakWithoutSpace) end +---* Return the number of lines of text. +---@return int +function Label:getStringNumLines () end +---* Enable outline effect to Label.
+---* warning Limiting use to only when the Label created with true type font or system font. +---@param outlineColor color4b_table +---@param outlineSize int +---@return self +function Label:enableOutline (outlineColor,outlineSize) end +---* Return the shadow effect blur radius. +---@return float +function Label:getShadowBlurRadius () end +---* Return current effect color value. +---@return color4f_table +function Label:getEffectColor () end +---* +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function Label:removeAllChildrenWithCleanup (cleanup) end +---@overload fun(string0:cc.Texture2D,int:int,int:int,int:int):self +---@overload fun(string:string,int:int,int:int,int:int):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param charMapFile string +---@param itemWidth int +---@param itemHeight int +---@param startCharMap int +---@return boolean +function Label:setCharMap (charMapFile,itemWidth,itemHeight,startCharMap) end +---* +---@return size_table +function Label:getDimensions () end +---* Makes the Label at most this line untransformed width.
+---* The Label's max line width be used for force line breaks if the value not equal zero. +---@param maxLineWidth float +---@return self +function Label:setMaxLineWidth (maxLineWidth) end +---* Returns the system font used by the Label. +---@return string +function Label:getSystemFontName () end +---* Sets the Label's text vertical alignment. +---@param vAlignment int +---@return self +function Label:setVerticalAlignment (vAlignment) end +---* +---@param height float +---@return self +function Label:setLineSpacing (height) end +---* Returns font size +---@return float +function Label:getRenderingFontSize () end +---* Returns the line height of this Label.
+---* warning Not support system font.
+---* since v3.2.0 +---@return float +function Label:getLineHeight () end +---* Return the shadow effect color value. +---@return color4f_table +function Label:getShadowColor () end +---* Returns the TTF configuration object used by the Label.
+---* see `TTFConfig` +---@return cc._ttfConfig +function Label:getTTFConfig () end +---* Enable italics rendering +---@return self +function Label:enableItalics () end +---* Sets the text color of Label.
+---* The text color is different from the color of Node.
+---* warning Limiting use to only when the Label created with true type font or system font. +---@param color color4b_table +---@return self +function Label:setTextColor (color) end +---* Provides a way to treat each character like a Sprite.
+---* warning No support system font. +---@param lettetIndex int +---@return cc.Sprite +function Label:getLetter (lettetIndex) end +---* Makes the Label exactly this untransformed height.
+---* The Label's height be used for text align if the value not equal zero.
+---* The text will display incomplete if the size of Label is not large enough to display all text. +---@param height float +---@return self +function Label:setHeight (height) end +---* Return whether the shadow effect is enabled. +---@return boolean +function Label:isShadowEnabled () end +---* Enable glow effect to Label.
+---* warning Limiting use to only when the Label created with true type font. +---@param glowColor color4b_table +---@return self +function Label:enableGlow (glowColor) end +---* Query the label's Overflow type.
+---* return see `Overflow` +---@return int +function Label:getOverflow () end +---* Returns the Label's text vertical alignment. +---@return int +function Label:getVerticalAlignment () end +---* Sets the additional kerning of the Label.
+---* warning Not support system font.
+---* since v3.2.0 +---@param space float +---@return self +function Label:setAdditionalKerning (space) end +---* Returns the bitmap font path used by the Label. +---@return float +function Label:getSystemFontSize () end +---* +---@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc +---@return self +function Label:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end +---* Returns the Label's text horizontal alignment. +---@return int +function Label:getTextAlignment () end +---* Returns the bitmap font used by the Label. +---@return string +function Label:getBMFontFilePath () end +---* Sets the Label's text horizontal alignment. +---@param hAlignment int +---@return self +function Label:setHorizontalAlignment (hAlignment) end +---* Enable bold rendering +---@return self +function Label:enableBold () end +---* Enable underline +---@return self +function Label:enableUnderline () end +---* Return current effect type. +---@return int +function Label:getLabelEffectType () end +---@overload fun(int:int,int:int):self +---@overload fun(int:int):self +---@param hAlignment int +---@param vAlignment int +---@return self +function Label:setAlignment (hAlignment,vAlignment) end +---* warning This method is not recommended for game developers. +---@return self +function Label:requestSystemFontRefresh () end +---* Change font size of label type BMFONT
+---* Note: This function only scale the BMFONT letter to mimic the font size change effect.
+---* param fontSize The desired font size in float. +---@param fontSize float +---@return self +function Label:setBMFontSize (fontSize) end +---* Allocates and initializes a Label, with a bitmap font file.
+---* param bmfontPath A bitmap font file, it's a FNT format.
+---* param text The initial text.
+---* param hAlignment Text horizontal alignment.
+---* param maxLineWidth The max line width.
+---* param imageOffset
+---* return An automatically released Label object.
+---* see setBMFontFilePath setMaxLineWidth +---@param bmfontPath string +---@param text string +---@param hAlignment int +---@param maxLineWidth int +---@param imageOffset vec2_table +---@return self +function Label:createWithBMFont (bmfontPath,text,hAlignment,maxLineWidth,imageOffset) end +---* Allocates and initializes a Label, with default settings.
+---* return An automatically released Label object. +---@return self +function Label:create () end +---@overload fun(string0:cc.Texture2D,int:int,int:int,int:int):self +---@overload fun(string:string,int:int,int:int,int:int):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param charMapFile string +---@param itemWidth int +---@param itemHeight int +---@param startCharMap int +---@return self +function Label:createWithCharMap (charMapFile,itemWidth,itemHeight,startCharMap) end +---* Allocates and initializes a Label, base on platform-dependent API.
+---* param text The initial text.
+---* param font A font file or a font family name.
+---* param fontSize The font size. This value must be > 0.
+---* param dimensions
+---* param hAlignment The text horizontal alignment.
+---* param vAlignment The text vertical alignment.
+---* warning It will generate texture by the platform-dependent code.
+---* return An automatically released Label object. +---@param text string +---@param font string +---@param fontSize float +---@param dimensions size_table +---@param hAlignment int +---@param vAlignment int +---@return self +function Label:createWithSystemFont (text,font,fontSize,dimensions,hAlignment,vAlignment) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function Label:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Label:isOpacityModifyRGB () end +---* +---@param mask unsigned short +---@param applyChildren boolean +---@return self +function Label:setCameraMask (mask,applyChildren) end +---* +---@param child cc.Node +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function Label:removeChild (child,cleanup) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param parentTransform mat4_table +---@param parentFlags unsigned_int +---@return self +function Label:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end +---* +---@return string +function Label:getDescription () end +---* +---@param isOpacityModifyRGB boolean +---@return self +function Label:setOpacityModifyRGB (isOpacityModifyRGB) end +---* +---@param parentOpacity unsigned_char +---@return self +function Label:updateDisplayedOpacity (parentOpacity) end +---* set ProgramState of current render command +---@param programState cc.backend.ProgramState +---@return self +function Label:setProgramState (programState) end +---* +---@return size_table +function Label:getContentSize () end +---* +---@return rect_table +function Label:getBoundingBox () end +---* +---@param parentColor color3b_table +---@return self +function Label:updateDisplayedColor (parentColor) end +---* +---@param globalZOrder float +---@return self +function Label:setGlobalZOrder (globalZOrder) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/LabelAtlas.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/LabelAtlas.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a7ea88289 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/LabelAtlas.lua @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.LabelAtlas :cc.AtlasNode@all parent class: AtlasNode,LabelProtocol +local LabelAtlas={ } +cc.LabelAtlas=LabelAtlas + + + + +---* +---@param label string +---@return self +function LabelAtlas:setString (label) end +---@overload fun(string:string,cc.Texture2D1:string):self +---@overload fun(string:string,cc.Texture2D1:string,int:int,int:int,int:int):self +---@overload fun(string:string,cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,int:int,int:int,int:int):self +---@param string string +---@param texture cc.Texture2D +---@param itemWidth int +---@param itemHeight int +---@param startCharMap int +---@return boolean +function LabelAtlas:initWithString (string,texture,itemWidth,itemHeight,startCharMap) end +---* +---@return string +function LabelAtlas:getString () end +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string,int:int,int:int,int:int):self +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string):self +---@param string string +---@param charMapFile string +---@param itemWidth int +---@param itemHeight int +---@param startCharMap int +---@return self +function LabelAtlas:create (string,charMapFile,itemWidth,itemHeight,startCharMap) end +---* +---@return self +function LabelAtlas:updateAtlasValues () end +---* js NA +---@return string +function LabelAtlas:getDescription () end +---* +---@return self +function LabelAtlas:LabelAtlas () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Layer.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Layer.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..67feb9a9f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Layer.lua @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Layer :cc.Node +local Layer={ } +cc.Layer=Layer + + + + +---* Creates a fullscreen black layer.
+---* return An autoreleased Layer object. +---@return self +function Layer:create () end +---* +---@return boolean +function Layer:init () end +---* +---@return string +function Layer:getDescription () end +---* +---@return self +function Layer:Layer () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/LayerColor.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/LayerColor.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..faaf445af --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/LayerColor.lua @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.LayerColor :cc.Layer@all parent class: Layer,BlendProtocol +local LayerColor={ } +cc.LayerColor=LayerColor + + + + +---* Change width and height in Points.
+---* param w The width of layer.
+---* param h The Height of layer.
+---* since v0.8 +---@param w float +---@param h float +---@return self +function LayerColor:changeWidthAndHeight (w,h) end +---* BlendFunction. Conforms to BlendProtocol protocol
+---* lua NA +---@return cc.BlendFunc +function LayerColor:getBlendFunc () end +---* code
+---* When this function bound into js or lua,the parameter will be changed
+---* In js: var setBlendFunc(var src, var dst)
+---* In lua: local setBlendFunc(local src, local dst)
+---* endcode +---@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc +---@return self +function LayerColor:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end +---* Change width in Points.
+---* param w The width of layer. +---@param w float +---@return self +function LayerColor:changeWidth (w) end +---@overload fun(color4b_table:color4b_table):self +---@overload fun(color4b_table:color4b_table,float:float,float:float):self +---@param color color4b_table +---@param width float +---@param height float +---@return boolean +function LayerColor:initWithColor (color,width,height) end +---* Change height in Points.
+---* param h The height of layer. +---@param h float +---@return self +function LayerColor:changeHeight (h) end +---@overload fun(color4b_table:color4b_table,float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun(color4b_table:color4b_table):self +---@param color color4b_table +---@param width float +---@param height float +---@return self +function LayerColor:create (color,width,height) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function LayerColor:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* +---@return boolean +function LayerColor:init () end +---* +---@param var size_table +---@return self +function LayerColor:setContentSize (var) end +---* +---@return self +function LayerColor:LayerColor () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/LayerGradient.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/LayerGradient.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5254aa729 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/LayerGradient.lua @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.LayerGradient :cc.LayerColor +local LayerGradient={ } +cc.LayerGradient=LayerGradient + + + + +---* Returns the start color of the gradient.
+---* return The start color. +---@return color3b_table +function LayerGradient:getStartColor () end +---* Get the compressedInterpolation
+---* return The interpolation will be compressed if true. +---@return boolean +function LayerGradient:isCompressedInterpolation () end +---* Returns the start opacity of the gradient.
+---* return The start opacity. +---@return unsigned_char +function LayerGradient:getStartOpacity () end +---* Sets the directional vector that will be used for the gradient.
+---* The default value is vertical direction (0,-1).
+---* param alongVector The direction of gradient. +---@param alongVector vec2_table +---@return self +function LayerGradient:setVector (alongVector) end +---* Returns the start opacity of the gradient.
+---* param startOpacity The start opacity, from 0 to 255. +---@param startOpacity unsigned_char +---@return self +function LayerGradient:setStartOpacity (startOpacity) end +---* Whether or not the interpolation will be compressed in order to display all the colors of the gradient both in canonical and non canonical vectors.
+---* Default: true.
+---* param compressedInterpolation The interpolation will be compressed if true. +---@param compressedInterpolation boolean +---@return self +function LayerGradient:setCompressedInterpolation (compressedInterpolation) end +---* Returns the end opacity of the gradient.
+---* param endOpacity The end opacity, from 0 to 255. +---@param endOpacity unsigned_char +---@return self +function LayerGradient:setEndOpacity (endOpacity) end +---* Returns the directional vector used for the gradient.
+---* return The direction of gradient. +---@return vec2_table +function LayerGradient:getVector () end +---* Sets the end color of the gradient.
+---* param endColor The end color. +---@param endColor color3b_table +---@return self +function LayerGradient:setEndColor (endColor) end +---@overload fun(color4b_table:color4b_table,color4b_table:color4b_table,vec2_table:vec2_table):self +---@overload fun(color4b_table:color4b_table,color4b_table:color4b_table):self +---@param start color4b_table +---@param _end color4b_table +---@param v vec2_table +---@return boolean +function LayerGradient:initWithColor (start,_end,v) end +---* Returns the end color of the gradient.
+---* return The end color. +---@return color3b_table +function LayerGradient:getEndColor () end +---* Returns the end opacity of the gradient.
+---* return The end opacity. +---@return unsigned_char +function LayerGradient:getEndOpacity () end +---* Sets the start color of the gradient.
+---* param startColor The start color. +---@param startColor color3b_table +---@return self +function LayerGradient:setStartColor (startColor) end +---@overload fun(color4b_table:color4b_table,color4b_table:color4b_table):self +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun(color4b_table:color4b_table,color4b_table:color4b_table,vec2_table:vec2_table):self +---@param start color4b_table +---@param _end color4b_table +---@param v vec2_table +---@return self +function LayerGradient:create (start,_end,v) end +---* +---@return boolean +function LayerGradient:init () end +---* +---@return string +function LayerGradient:getDescription () end +---* +---@return self +function LayerGradient:LayerGradient () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/LayerMultiplex.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/LayerMultiplex.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ab1714bce --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/LayerMultiplex.lua @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.LayerMultiplex :cc.Layer +local LayerMultiplex={ } +cc.LayerMultiplex=LayerMultiplex + + + + +---* initializes a MultiplexLayer with an array of layers
+---* since v2.1 +---@param arrayOfLayers array_table +---@return boolean +function LayerMultiplex:initWithArray (arrayOfLayers) end +---* release the current layer and switches to another layer indexed by n.
+---* The current (old) layer will be removed from it's parent with 'cleanup=true'.
+---* param n The layer indexed by n will display. +---@param n int +---@return self +function LayerMultiplex:switchToAndReleaseMe (n) end +---* Add a certain layer to LayerMultiplex.
+---* param layer A layer need to be added to the LayerMultiplex. +---@param layer cc.Layer +---@return self +function LayerMultiplex:addLayer (layer) end +---@overload fun(int:int,boolean:boolean):self +---@overload fun(int:int):self +---@param n int +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function LayerMultiplex:switchTo (n,cleanup) end +---* +---@return boolean +function LayerMultiplex:init () end +---* +---@return string +function LayerMultiplex:getDescription () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function LayerMultiplex:LayerMultiplex () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/LayerRadialGradient.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/LayerRadialGradient.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0292f71a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/LayerRadialGradient.lua @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.LayerRadialGradient :cc.Layer +local LayerRadialGradient={ } +cc.LayerRadialGradient=LayerRadialGradient + + + + +---* +---@return color4b_table +function LayerRadialGradient:getStartColor () end +---* +---@return cc.BlendFunc +function LayerRadialGradient:getBlendFunc () end +---* +---@return color3b_table +function LayerRadialGradient:getStartColor3B () end +---* +---@return unsigned_char +function LayerRadialGradient:getStartOpacity () end +---* +---@param center vec2_table +---@return self +function LayerRadialGradient:setCenter (center) end +---* +---@return color4b_table +function LayerRadialGradient:getEndColor () end +---* +---@param opacity unsigned_char +---@return self +function LayerRadialGradient:setStartOpacity (opacity) end +---* +---@return vec2_table +function LayerRadialGradient:getCenter () end +---* +---@param opacity unsigned_char +---@return self +function LayerRadialGradient:setEndOpacity (opacity) end +---* +---@param expand float +---@return self +function LayerRadialGradient:setExpand (expand) end +---* +---@return unsigned_char +function LayerRadialGradient:getEndOpacity () end +---* +---@param startColor color4b_table +---@param endColor color4b_table +---@param radius float +---@param center vec2_table +---@param expand float +---@return boolean +function LayerRadialGradient:initWithColor (startColor,endColor,radius,center,expand) end +---@overload fun(color3b_table0:color4b_table):self +---@overload fun(color3b_table:color3b_table):self +---@param color color3b_table +---@return self +function LayerRadialGradient:setEndColor (color) end +---* +---@return color3b_table +function LayerRadialGradient:getEndColor3B () end +---* +---@param radius float +---@return self +function LayerRadialGradient:setRadius (radius) end +---@overload fun(color3b_table0:color4b_table):self +---@overload fun(color3b_table:color3b_table):self +---@param color color3b_table +---@return self +function LayerRadialGradient:setStartColor (color) end +---* +---@return float +function LayerRadialGradient:getExpand () end +---* +---@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc +---@return self +function LayerRadialGradient:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end +---* +---@return float +function LayerRadialGradient:getRadius () end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun(color4b_table:color4b_table,color4b_table:color4b_table,float:float,vec2_table:vec2_table,float:float):self +---@param startColor color4b_table +---@param endColor color4b_table +---@param radius float +---@param center vec2_table +---@param expand float +---@return self +function LayerRadialGradient:create (startColor,endColor,radius,center,expand) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function LayerRadialGradient:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* +---@param size size_table +---@return self +function LayerRadialGradient:setContentSize (size) end +---* +---@return self +function LayerRadialGradient:LayerRadialGradient () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Lens3D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Lens3D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..43f437f39 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Lens3D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Lens3D :cc.Grid3DAction +local Lens3D={ } +cc.Lens3D=Lens3D + + + + +---* brief Set whether lens is concave.
+---* param concave Whether lens is concave. +---@param concave boolean +---@return self +function Lens3D:setConcave (concave) end +---* brief Initializes the action with center position, radius, grid size and duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the Lens3D action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param position Specify the center position of the lens effect.
+---* param radius Specify the radius of the lens effect.
+---* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param position vec2_table +---@param radius float +---@return boolean +function Lens3D:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,position,radius) end +---* brief Set the value of lens effect.
+---* param lensEffect The value of lens effect will be set. +---@param lensEffect float +---@return self +function Lens3D:setLensEffect (lensEffect) end +---* brief Get the value of lens effect. Default value is 0.7.
+---* return The value of lens effect. +---@return float +function Lens3D:getLensEffect () end +---* brief Set the center position of lens effect.
+---* param position The center position will be set. +---@param position vec2_table +---@return self +function Lens3D:setPosition (position) end +---* brief Get the center position of lens effect.
+---* return The center position of lens effect. +---@return vec2_table +function Lens3D:getPosition () end +---* brief Create the action with center position, radius, a grid size and duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the Lens3D action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param position Specify the center position of the lens.
+---* param radius Specify the radius of the lens.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of Lens3D action; otherwise, return nil. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param position vec2_table +---@param radius float +---@return self +function Lens3D:create (duration,gridSize,position,radius) end +---* +---@return self +function Lens3D:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function Lens3D:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function Lens3D:Lens3D () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Liquid.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Liquid.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2e6588d74 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Liquid.lua @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Liquid :cc.Grid3DAction +local Liquid={ } +cc.Liquid=Liquid + + + + +---* brief Set the amplitude rate of the effect.
+---* param amplitudeRate The value of amplitude rate will be set. +---@param amplitudeRate float +---@return self +function Liquid:setAmplitudeRate (amplitudeRate) end +---* brief Initializes the action with amplitude, grid size, waves count and duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the Liquid action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param waves Specify the waves count of the Liquid action.
+---* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Liquid action.
+---* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param waves unsigned_int +---@param amplitude float +---@return boolean +function Liquid:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,waves,amplitude) end +---* brief Get the amplitude of the effect.
+---* return Return the amplitude of the effect. +---@return float +function Liquid:getAmplitude () end +---* brief Get the amplitude rate of the effect.
+---* return Return the amplitude rate of the effect. +---@return float +function Liquid:getAmplitudeRate () end +---* brief Set the amplitude to the effect.
+---* param amplitude The value of amplitude will be set. +---@param amplitude float +---@return self +function Liquid:setAmplitude (amplitude) end +---* brief Create the action with amplitude, grid size, waves count and duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the Liquid action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param waves Specify the waves count of the Liquid action.
+---* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Liquid action.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of Liquid action; otherwise, return nil. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param waves unsigned_int +---@param amplitude float +---@return self +function Liquid:create (duration,gridSize,waves,amplitude) end +---* +---@return self +function Liquid:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function Liquid:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function Liquid:Liquid () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Manifest.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Manifest.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5f72dfa9e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Manifest.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Manifest :cc.Ref +local Manifest={ } +cc.Manifest=Manifest + + + + +---* @brief Gets remote manifest file url. +---@return string +function Manifest:getManifestFileUrl () end +---* @brief Check whether the version informations have been fully loaded +---@return boolean +function Manifest:isVersionLoaded () end +---* @brief Check whether the manifest have been fully loaded +---@return boolean +function Manifest:isLoaded () end +---* @brief Gets remote package url. +---@return string +function Manifest:getPackageUrl () end +---* @brief Gets manifest version. +---@return string +function Manifest:getVersion () end +---* @brief Gets remote version file url. +---@return string +function Manifest:getVersionFileUrl () end +---* @brief Get the search paths list related to the Manifest. +---@return array_table +function Manifest:getSearchPaths () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Material.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Material.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2d5ed078a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Material.lua @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Material :cc.Ref +local Material={ } +cc.Material=Material + + + + +---* returns a clone (deep-copy) of the material +---@return self +function Material:clone () end +---* +---@param meshCommand cc.MeshCommand +---@param globalZOrder float +---@param vertexBuffer cc.backend.Buffer +---@param indexBuffer cc.backend.Buffer +---@param primitive int +---@param indexFormat int +---@param indexCount unsigned_int +---@param modelView mat4_table +---@return self +function Material:draw (meshCommand,globalZOrder,vertexBuffer,indexBuffer,primitive,indexFormat,indexCount,modelView) end +---* +---@return cc.RenderState +function Material:getRenderState () end +---* / sets the material name +---@param name string +---@return self +function Material:setName (name) end +---* Returns a Technique by index.
+---* returns `nullptr` if the index is invalid. +---@param index int +---@return cc.Technique +function Material:getTechniqueByIndex (index) end +---* / returns the material name +---@return string +function Material:getName () end +---* Returns the list of Techniques +---@return array_table +function Material:getTechniques () end +---* Returns the number of Techniques in the Material. +---@return int +function Material:getTechniqueCount () end +---* Sets the current technique +---@param techniqueName string +---@return self +function Material:setTechnique (techniqueName) end +---* Returns a Technique by its name.
+---* returns `nullptr` if the Technique can't be found. +---@param name string +---@return cc.Technique +function Material:getTechniqueByName (name) end +---* Adds a Technique into the Material +---@param technique cc.Technique +---@return self +function Material:addTechnique (technique) end +---* Returns the Technique used by the Material +---@return cc.Technique +function Material:getTechnique () end +---* Creates a Material using the data from the Properties object defined at the specified URL,
+---* where the URL is of the format ".#//.../"
+---* (and "#//.../" is optional).
+---* param url The URL pointing to the Properties object defining the material.
+---* return A new Material or NULL if there was an error. +---@param path string +---@return self +function Material:createWithFilename (path) end +---* Creates a material from the specified properties object.
+---* param materialProperties The properties object defining the
+---* material (must have namespace equal to 'material').
+---* return A new Material. +---@param materialProperties cc.Properties +---@return self +function Material:createWithProperties (materialProperties) end +---* Creates a Material with a GLProgramState.
+---* It will only contain one Technique and one Pass.
+---* Added in order to support legacy code. +---@param programState cc.backend.ProgramState +---@return self +function Material:createWithProgramState (programState) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Menu.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Menu.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..61d5ef51d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Menu.lua @@ -0,0 +1,71 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Menu :cc.Layer +local Menu={ } +cc.Menu=Menu + + + + +---* initializes a Menu with a NSArray of MenuItem objects +---@param arrayOfItems array_table +---@return boolean +function Menu:initWithArray (arrayOfItems) end +---* Set whether the menu is enabled. If set to false, interacting with the menu
+---* will have no effect.
+---* The default value is true, a menu is enabled by default.
+---* param value true if menu is to be enabled, false if menu is to be disabled. +---@param value boolean +---@return self +function Menu:setEnabled (value) end +---* Align items vertically. +---@return self +function Menu:alignItemsVertically () end +---* Determines if the menu is enabled.
+---* see `setEnabled(bool)`.
+---* return whether the menu is enabled or not. +---@return boolean +function Menu:isEnabled () end +---* Align items horizontally. +---@return self +function Menu:alignItemsHorizontally () end +---* Align items horizontally with padding.
+---* since v0.7.2 +---@param padding float +---@return self +function Menu:alignItemsHorizontallyWithPadding (padding) end +---* Align items vertically with padding.
+---* since v0.7.2 +---@param padding float +---@return self +function Menu:alignItemsVerticallyWithPadding (padding) end +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string2:int):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string:string):self +---@param child cc.Node +---@param zOrder int +---@param name string +---@return self +function Menu:addChild (child,zOrder,name) end +---* +---@return string +function Menu:getDescription () end +---* +---@param child cc.Node +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function Menu:removeChild (child,cleanup) end +---* initializes an empty Menu +---@return boolean +function Menu:init () end +---* +---@param value boolean +---@return self +function Menu:setOpacityModifyRGB (value) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Menu:isOpacityModifyRGB () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function Menu:Menu () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItem.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItem.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8405b5a24 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItem.lua @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.MenuItem :cc.Node +local MenuItem={ } +cc.MenuItem=MenuItem + + + + +---* Enables or disables the item. +---@param value boolean +---@return self +function MenuItem:setEnabled (value) end +---* Activate the item. +---@return self +function MenuItem:activate () end +---* Returns whether or not the item is enabled. +---@return boolean +function MenuItem:isEnabled () end +---* The item was selected (not activated), similar to "mouse-over". +---@return self +function MenuItem:selected () end +---* Returns whether or not the item is selected. +---@return boolean +function MenuItem:isSelected () end +---* The item was unselected. +---@return self +function MenuItem:unselected () end +---* Returns the outside box. +---@return rect_table +function MenuItem:rect () end +---* js NA +---@return string +function MenuItem:getDescription () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function MenuItem:MenuItem () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemAtlasFont.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemAtlasFont.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ce96ac831 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemAtlasFont.lua @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.MenuItemAtlasFont :cc.MenuItemLabel +local MenuItemAtlasFont={ } +cc.MenuItemAtlasFont=MenuItemAtlasFont + + + + +---* Initializes a menu item from a string and atlas with a target/selector. +---@param value string +---@param charMapFile string +---@param itemWidth int +---@param itemHeight int +---@param startCharMap char +---@param callback function +---@return boolean +function MenuItemAtlasFont:initWithString (value,charMapFile,itemWidth,itemHeight,startCharMap,callback) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function MenuItemAtlasFont:MenuItemAtlasFont () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemFont.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemFont.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5f45ef104 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemFont.lua @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.MenuItemFont :cc.MenuItemLabel +local MenuItemFont={ } +cc.MenuItemFont=MenuItemFont + + + + +---* Returns the name of the Font.
+---* js getFontNameObj
+---* js NA +---@return string +function MenuItemFont:getFontNameObj () end +---* Set the font name .
+---* c++ can not overload static and non-static member functions with the same parameter types.
+---* so change the name to setFontNameObj.
+---* js setFontName
+---* js NA +---@param name string +---@return self +function MenuItemFont:setFontNameObj (name) end +---* Initializes a menu item from a string with a target/selector. +---@param value string +---@param callback function +---@return boolean +function MenuItemFont:initWithString (value,callback) end +---* get font size .
+---* js getFontSize
+---* js NA +---@return int +function MenuItemFont:getFontSizeObj () end +---* Set font size.
+---* c++ can not overload static and non-static member functions with the same parameter types.
+---* so change the name to setFontSizeObj.
+---* js setFontSize
+---* js NA +---@param size int +---@return self +function MenuItemFont:setFontSizeObj (size) end +---* Set the default font name. +---@param name string +---@return self +function MenuItemFont:setFontName (name) end +---* Get default font size. +---@return int +function MenuItemFont:getFontSize () end +---* Get the default font name. +---@return string +function MenuItemFont:getFontName () end +---* Set default font size. +---@param size int +---@return self +function MenuItemFont:setFontSize (size) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function MenuItemFont:MenuItemFont () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemImage.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemImage.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4b0f3815e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemImage.lua @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.MenuItemImage :cc.MenuItemSprite +local MenuItemImage={ } +cc.MenuItemImage=MenuItemImage + + + + +---* Sets the sprite frame for the disabled image. +---@param frame cc.SpriteFrame +---@return self +function MenuItemImage:setDisabledSpriteFrame (frame) end +---* Sets the sprite frame for the selected image. +---@param frame cc.SpriteFrame +---@return self +function MenuItemImage:setSelectedSpriteFrame (frame) end +---* Sets the sprite frame for the normal image. +---@param frame cc.SpriteFrame +---@return self +function MenuItemImage:setNormalSpriteFrame (frame) end +---* +---@return boolean +function MenuItemImage:init () end +---* Initializes a menu item with a normal, selected and disabled image with a callable object. +---@param normalImage string +---@param selectedImage string +---@param disabledImage string +---@param callback function +---@return boolean +function MenuItemImage:initWithNormalImage (normalImage,selectedImage,disabledImage,callback) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function MenuItemImage:MenuItemImage () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemLabel.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemLabel.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..01061a05c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemLabel.lua @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.MenuItemLabel :cc.MenuItem +local MenuItemLabel={ } +cc.MenuItemLabel=MenuItemLabel + + + + +---* Sets the label that is rendered. +---@param node cc.Node +---@return self +function MenuItemLabel:setLabel (node) end +---* Get the inner string of the inner label. +---@return string +function MenuItemLabel:getString () end +---* Gets the color that will be used when the item is disabled. +---@return color3b_table +function MenuItemLabel:getDisabledColor () end +---* Sets a new string to the inner label. +---@param label string +---@return self +function MenuItemLabel:setString (label) end +---* Initializes a MenuItemLabel with a Label, target and selector. +---@param label cc.Node +---@param callback function +---@return boolean +function MenuItemLabel:initWithLabel (label,callback) end +---* Sets the color that will be used when the item is disabled. +---@param color color3b_table +---@return self +function MenuItemLabel:setDisabledColor (color) end +---* Gets the label that is rendered. +---@return cc.Node +function MenuItemLabel:getLabel () end +---* +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function MenuItemLabel:setEnabled (enabled) end +---* +---@return self +function MenuItemLabel:activate () end +---* +---@return self +function MenuItemLabel:unselected () end +---* +---@return self +function MenuItemLabel:selected () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function MenuItemLabel:MenuItemLabel () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemSprite.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemSprite.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..78a1f885a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemSprite.lua @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.MenuItemSprite :cc.MenuItem +local MenuItemSprite={ } +cc.MenuItemSprite=MenuItemSprite + + + + +---* Enables or disables the item. +---@param bEnabled boolean +---@return self +function MenuItemSprite:setEnabled (bEnabled) end +---* The item was selected (not activated), similar to "mouse-over".
+---* since v0.99.5 +---@return self +function MenuItemSprite:selected () end +---* Sets the image used when the item is not selected. +---@param image cc.Node +---@return self +function MenuItemSprite:setNormalImage (image) end +---* Sets the image used when the item is disabled. +---@param image cc.Node +---@return self +function MenuItemSprite:setDisabledImage (image) end +---* Initializes a menu item with a normal, selected and disabled image with a callable object. +---@param normalSprite cc.Node +---@param selectedSprite cc.Node +---@param disabledSprite cc.Node +---@param callback function +---@return boolean +function MenuItemSprite:initWithNormalSprite (normalSprite,selectedSprite,disabledSprite,callback) end +---* Sets the image used when the item is selected. +---@param image cc.Node +---@return self +function MenuItemSprite:setSelectedImage (image) end +---* Gets the image used when the item is disabled. +---@return cc.Node +function MenuItemSprite:getDisabledImage () end +---* Gets the image used when the item is selected. +---@return cc.Node +function MenuItemSprite:getSelectedImage () end +---* Gets the image used when the item is not selected. +---@return cc.Node +function MenuItemSprite:getNormalImage () end +---* The item was unselected. +---@return self +function MenuItemSprite:unselected () end +---* +---@return self +function MenuItemSprite:MenuItemSprite () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemToggle.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemToggle.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..db7cc1469 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MenuItemToggle.lua @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.MenuItemToggle :cc.MenuItem +local MenuItemToggle={ } +cc.MenuItemToggle=MenuItemToggle + + + + +---* Sets the array that contains the subitems. +---@param items array_table +---@return self +function MenuItemToggle:setSubItems (items) end +---* Initializes a menu item with a item. +---@param item cc.MenuItem +---@return boolean +function MenuItemToggle:initWithItem (item) end +---* Gets the index of the selected item. +---@return unsigned_int +function MenuItemToggle:getSelectedIndex () end +---* Add more menu item. +---@param item cc.MenuItem +---@return self +function MenuItemToggle:addSubItem (item) end +---* Return the selected item. +---@return cc.MenuItem +function MenuItemToggle:getSelectedItem () end +---* Sets the index of the selected item. +---@param index unsigned_int +---@return self +function MenuItemToggle:setSelectedIndex (index) end +---* +---@param var boolean +---@return self +function MenuItemToggle:setEnabled (var) end +---* +---@return self +function MenuItemToggle:cleanup () end +---* +---@return self +function MenuItemToggle:activate () end +---* +---@return self +function MenuItemToggle:unselected () end +---* +---@return self +function MenuItemToggle:selected () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function MenuItemToggle:MenuItemToggle () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Mesh.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Mesh.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..eff1e527e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Mesh.lua @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Mesh :cc.Ref +local Mesh={ } +cc.Mesh=Mesh + + + + +---* Returns the Material being used by the Mesh +---@return cc.Material +function Mesh:getMaterial () end +---* get per vertex size in bytes +---@return int +function Mesh:getVertexSizeInBytes () end +---* Sets a new ProgramState for the Mesh
+---* A new Material will be created for it +---@param programState cc.backend.ProgramState +---@return self +function Mesh:setProgramState (programState) end +---* Sets a new Material to the Mesh +---@param material cc.Material +---@return self +function Mesh:setMaterial (material) end +---* name getter +---@return string +function Mesh:getName () end +---* get MeshVertexAttribute by index +---@param idx int +---@return cc.MeshVertexAttrib +function Mesh:getMeshVertexAttribute (idx) end +---* calculate the AABB of the mesh
+---* note the AABB is in the local space, not the world space +---@return self +function Mesh:calculateAABB () end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param globalZ float +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@param lightMask unsigned_int +---@param color vec4_table +---@param forceDepthWrite boolean +---@return self +function Mesh:draw (renderer,globalZ,transform,flags,lightMask,color,forceDepthWrite) end +---* +---@return cc.BlendFunc +function Mesh:getBlendFunc () end +---* name setter +---@param name string +---@return self +function Mesh:setName (name) end +---* Mesh index data setter +---@param indexdata cc.MeshIndexData +---@return self +function Mesh:setMeshIndexData (indexdata) end +---* get ProgramState
+---* lua NA +---@return cc.backend.ProgramState +function Mesh:getProgramState () end +---* get mesh vertex attribute count +---@return int +function Mesh:getMeshVertexAttribCount () end +---* +---@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc +---@return self +function Mesh:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end +---* force set this Sprite3D to 2D render queue +---@param force2D boolean +---@return self +function Mesh:setForce2DQueue (force2D) end +---* skin setter +---@param skin cc.MeshSkin +---@return self +function Mesh:setSkin (skin) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Mesh:isVisible () end +---* visible getter and setter +---@param visible boolean +---@return self +function Mesh:setVisible (visible) end +---* +---@return self +function Mesh:Mesh () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MotionStreak.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MotionStreak.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7aecbd2f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MotionStreak.lua @@ -0,0 +1,124 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.MotionStreak :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,TextureProtocol +local MotionStreak={ } +cc.MotionStreak=MotionStreak + + + + +---* Remove all living segments of the ribbon. +---@return self +function MotionStreak:reset () end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@return cc.BlendFunc +function MotionStreak:getBlendFunc () end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc +---@return self +function MotionStreak:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end +---* Color used for the tint.
+---* param colors The color used for the tint. +---@param colors color3b_table +---@return self +function MotionStreak:tintWithColor (colors) end +---* +---@return cc.Texture2D +function MotionStreak:getTexture () end +---* Sets the starting position initialized or not.
+---* param bStartingPositionInitialized True if initialized the starting position. +---@param bStartingPositionInitialized boolean +---@return self +function MotionStreak:setStartingPositionInitialized (bStartingPositionInitialized) end +---* +---@param texture cc.Texture2D +---@return self +function MotionStreak:setTexture (texture) end +---* Is the starting position initialized or not.
+---* return True if the starting position is initialized. +---@return boolean +function MotionStreak:isStartingPositionInitialized () end +---* When fast mode is enabled, new points are added faster but with lower precision.
+---* return True if fast mode is enabled. +---@return boolean +function MotionStreak:isFastMode () end +---* Get stroke.
+---* return float stroke. +---@return float +function MotionStreak:getStroke () end +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,color3b_table:color3b_table,string4:cc.Texture2D):self +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,color3b_table:color3b_table,string:string):self +---@param fade float +---@param minSeg float +---@param stroke float +---@param color color3b_table +---@param path string +---@return boolean +function MotionStreak:initWithFade (fade,minSeg,stroke,color,path) end +---* Sets fast mode or not.
+---* param bFastMode True if enabled fast mode. +---@param bFastMode boolean +---@return self +function MotionStreak:setFastMode (bFastMode) end +---* Set stroke.
+---* param stroke The width of stroke. +---@param stroke float +---@return self +function MotionStreak:setStroke (stroke) end +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,color3b_table:color3b_table,string4:cc.Texture2D):self +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,color3b_table:color3b_table,string:string):self +---@param timeToFade float +---@param minSeg float +---@param strokeWidth float +---@param strokeColor color3b_table +---@param imagePath string +---@return self +function MotionStreak:create (timeToFade,minSeg,strokeWidth,strokeColor,imagePath) end +---* +---@return boolean +function MotionStreak:isOpacityModifyRGB () end +---* +---@param opacity unsigned_char +---@return self +function MotionStreak:setOpacity (opacity) end +---* +---@param y float +---@return self +function MotionStreak:setPositionY (y) end +---* +---@param x float +---@return self +function MotionStreak:setPositionX (x) end +---* +---@return float +function MotionStreak:getPositionY () end +---* +---@return float +function MotionStreak:getPositionX () end +---* +---@return vec3_table +function MotionStreak:getPosition3D () end +---* +---@param value boolean +---@return self +function MotionStreak:setOpacityModifyRGB (value) end +---* +---@return unsigned_char +function MotionStreak:getOpacity () end +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(float0:vec2_table):self +---@param x float +---@param y float +---@return self +function MotionStreak:setPosition (x,y) end +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param x float +---@param y float +---@return self +function MotionStreak:getPosition (x,y) end +---* +---@return self +function MotionStreak:MotionStreak () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MotionStreak3D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MotionStreak3D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fae595d99 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MotionStreak3D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.MotionStreak3D :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,TextureProtocol +local MotionStreak3D={ } +cc.MotionStreak3D=MotionStreak3D + + + + +---* Remove all living segments of the ribbon. +---@return self +function MotionStreak3D:reset () end +---* +---@param texture cc.Texture2D +---@return self +function MotionStreak3D:setTexture (texture) end +---* +---@return cc.Texture2D +function MotionStreak3D:getTexture () end +---* Color used for the tint.
+---* param colors The color used for the tint. +---@param colors color3b_table +---@return self +function MotionStreak3D:tintWithColor (colors) end +---* Get the direction of sweeping line segment +---@return vec3_table +function MotionStreak3D:getSweepAxis () end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc +---@return self +function MotionStreak3D:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end +---* Sets the starting position initialized or not.
+---* param bStartingPositionInitialized True if initialized the starting position. +---@param bStartingPositionInitialized boolean +---@return self +function MotionStreak3D:setStartingPositionInitialized (bStartingPositionInitialized) end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@return cc.BlendFunc +function MotionStreak3D:getBlendFunc () end +---* Is the starting position initialized or not.
+---* return True if the starting position is initialized. +---@return boolean +function MotionStreak3D:isStartingPositionInitialized () end +---* Get stroke.
+---* return float stroke. +---@return float +function MotionStreak3D:getStroke () end +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,color3b_table:color3b_table,string4:cc.Texture2D):self +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,color3b_table:color3b_table,string:string):self +---@param fade float +---@param minSeg float +---@param stroke float +---@param color color3b_table +---@param path string +---@return boolean +function MotionStreak3D:initWithFade (fade,minSeg,stroke,color,path) end +---* Set the direction of sweeping line segment.
+---* param sweepAxis Direction of sweeping line segment +---@param sweepAxis vec3_table +---@return self +function MotionStreak3D:setSweepAxis (sweepAxis) end +---* Set stroke.
+---* param stroke The width of stroke. +---@param stroke float +---@return self +function MotionStreak3D:setStroke (stroke) end +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,color3b_table:color3b_table,string4:cc.Texture2D):self +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,color3b_table:color3b_table,string:string):self +---@param fade float +---@param minSeg float +---@param stroke float +---@param color color3b_table +---@param path string +---@return self +function MotionStreak3D:create (fade,minSeg,stroke,color,path) end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function MotionStreak3D:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* +---@param value boolean +---@return self +function MotionStreak3D:setOpacityModifyRGB (value) end +---* +---@param y float +---@return self +function MotionStreak3D:setPositionY (y) end +---* +---@param rotation vec3_table +---@return self +function MotionStreak3D:setRotation3D (rotation) end +---* +---@param x float +---@return self +function MotionStreak3D:setPositionX (x) end +---* +---@param position vec3_table +---@return self +function MotionStreak3D:setPosition3D (position) end +---* +---@return float +function MotionStreak3D:getPositionY () end +---* +---@return float +function MotionStreak3D:getPositionX () end +---* +---@return vec3_table +function MotionStreak3D:getPosition3D () end +---* +---@param opacity unsigned_char +---@return self +function MotionStreak3D:setOpacity (opacity) end +---* lua NA +---@param delta float +---@return self +function MotionStreak3D:update (delta) end +---* +---@param quat cc.Quaternion +---@return self +function MotionStreak3D:setRotationQuat (quat) end +---* +---@return unsigned_char +function MotionStreak3D:getOpacity () end +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(float0:vec2_table):self +---@param x float +---@param y float +---@return self +function MotionStreak3D:setPosition (x,y) end +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param x float +---@param y float +---@return self +function MotionStreak3D:getPosition (x,y) end +---* +---@return boolean +function MotionStreak3D:isOpacityModifyRGB () end +---* +---@return self +function MotionStreak3D:MotionStreak3D () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MoveBy.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MoveBy.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a7eb9bed1 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MoveBy.lua @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.MoveBy :cc.ActionInterval +local MoveBy={ } +cc.MoveBy=MoveBy + + + + +---@overload fun(float:float,vec2_table1:vec3_table):self +---@overload fun(float:float,vec2_table:vec2_table):self +---@param duration float +---@param deltaPosition vec2_table +---@return boolean +function MoveBy:initWithDuration (duration,deltaPosition) end +---@overload fun(float:float,vec2_table1:vec3_table):self +---@overload fun(float:float,vec2_table:vec2_table):self +---@param duration float +---@param deltaPosition vec2_table +---@return self +function MoveBy:create (duration,deltaPosition) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function MoveBy:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function MoveBy:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function MoveBy:reverse () end +---* param time in seconds +---@param time float +---@return self +function MoveBy:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function MoveBy:MoveBy () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MoveTo.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MoveTo.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bae3dfc3e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/MoveTo.lua @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.MoveTo :cc.MoveBy +local MoveTo={ } +cc.MoveTo=MoveTo + + + + +---@overload fun(float:float,vec2_table1:vec3_table):self +---@overload fun(float:float,vec2_table:vec2_table):self +---@param duration float +---@param position vec2_table +---@return boolean +function MoveTo:initWithDuration (duration,position) end +---@overload fun(float:float,vec2_table1:vec3_table):self +---@overload fun(float:float,vec2_table:vec2_table):self +---@param duration float +---@param position vec2_table +---@return self +function MoveTo:create (duration,position) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function MoveTo:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function MoveTo:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function MoveTo:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function MoveTo:MoveTo () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NavMesh.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NavMesh.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a78e83369 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NavMesh.lua @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.NavMesh :cc.Ref +local NavMesh={ } +cc.NavMesh=NavMesh + + + + +---* remove a obstacle from navmesh. +---@param obstacle cc.NavMeshObstacle +---@return self +function NavMesh:removeNavMeshObstacle (obstacle) end +---* remove a agent from navmesh. +---@param agent cc.NavMeshAgent +---@return self +function NavMesh:removeNavMeshAgent (agent) end +---* update navmesh. +---@param dt float +---@return self +function NavMesh:update (dt) end +---* Check enabled debug draw. +---@return boolean +function NavMesh:isDebugDrawEnabled () end +---* add a agent to navmesh. +---@param agent cc.NavMeshAgent +---@return self +function NavMesh:addNavMeshAgent (agent) end +---* add a obstacle to navmesh. +---@param obstacle cc.NavMeshObstacle +---@return self +function NavMesh:addNavMeshObstacle (obstacle) end +---* Enable debug draw or disable. +---@param enable boolean +---@return self +function NavMesh:setDebugDrawEnable (enable) end +---* Internal method, the updater of debug drawing, need called each frame. +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@return self +function NavMesh:debugDraw (renderer) end +---* Create navmesh
+---* param navFilePath The NavMesh File path.
+---* param geomFilePath The geometry File Path,include offmesh information,etc. +---@param navFilePath string +---@param geomFilePath string +---@return self +function NavMesh:create (navFilePath,geomFilePath) end +---* +---@return self +function NavMesh:NavMesh () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NavMeshAgent.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NavMeshAgent.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b00b29434 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NavMeshAgent.lua @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.NavMeshAgent :cc.Component +local NavMeshAgent={ } +cc.NavMeshAgent=NavMeshAgent + + + + +---* set maximal speed of agent +---@param maxSpeed float +---@return self +function NavMeshAgent:setMaxSpeed (maxSpeed) end +---* synchronize parameter to node. +---@return self +function NavMeshAgent:syncToNode () end +---* Traverse OffMeshLink manually +---@return self +function NavMeshAgent:completeOffMeshLink () end +---* get separation weight +---@return float +function NavMeshAgent:getSeparationWeight () end +---* Set automatic Traverse OffMeshLink +---@param isAuto boolean +---@return self +function NavMeshAgent:setAutoTraverseOffMeshLink (isAuto) end +---* get current velocity +---@return vec3_table +function NavMeshAgent:getCurrentVelocity () end +---* synchronize parameter to agent. +---@return self +function NavMeshAgent:syncToAgent () end +---* Check agent arrived OffMeshLink +---@return boolean +function NavMeshAgent:isOnOffMeshLink () end +---* set separation weight +---@param weight float +---@return self +function NavMeshAgent:setSeparationWeight (weight) end +---* pause movement +---@return self +function NavMeshAgent:pause () end +---* +---@return void +function NavMeshAgent:getUserData () end +---* Set automatic Orientation +---@param isAuto boolean +---@return self +function NavMeshAgent:setAutoOrientation (isAuto) end +---* get agent height +---@return float +function NavMeshAgent:getHeight () end +---* get maximal speed of agent +---@return float +function NavMeshAgent:getMaxSpeed () end +---* Get current OffMeshLink information +---@return cc.OffMeshLinkData +function NavMeshAgent:getCurrentOffMeshLinkData () end +---* get agent radius +---@return float +function NavMeshAgent:getRadius () end +---* synchronization between node and agent is time consuming, you can skip some synchronization using this function +---@param flag int +---@return self +function NavMeshAgent:setSyncFlag (flag) end +---* +---@return int +function NavMeshAgent:getSyncFlag () end +---* resume movement +---@return self +function NavMeshAgent:resume () end +---* stop movement +---@return self +function NavMeshAgent:stop () end +---* set maximal acceleration of agent +---@param maxAcceleration float +---@return self +function NavMeshAgent:setMaxAcceleration (maxAcceleration) end +---* Set the reference axes of agent's orientation
+---* param rotRefAxes The value of reference axes in local coordinate system. +---@param rotRefAxes vec3_table +---@return self +function NavMeshAgent:setOrientationRefAxes (rotRefAxes) end +---* get maximal acceleration of agent +---@return float +function NavMeshAgent:getMaxAcceleration () end +---* set agent height +---@param height float +---@return self +function NavMeshAgent:setHeight (height) end +---* +---@param data void +---@return self +function NavMeshAgent:setUserData (data) end +---* get obstacle avoidance type +---@return unsigned_char +function NavMeshAgent:getObstacleAvoidanceType () end +---* get current velocity +---@return vec3_table +function NavMeshAgent:getVelocity () end +---* set agent radius +---@param radius float +---@return self +function NavMeshAgent:setRadius (radius) end +---* set obstacle avoidance type +---@param type unsigned_char +---@return self +function NavMeshAgent:setObstacleAvoidanceType (type) end +---* +---@return string +function NavMeshAgent:getNavMeshAgentComponentName () end +---* Create agent
+---* param param The parameters of agent. +---@param param cc.NavMeshAgentParam +---@return self +function NavMeshAgent:create (param) end +---* +---@return self +function NavMeshAgent:onEnter () end +---* +---@return self +function NavMeshAgent:onExit () end +---* +---@return self +function NavMeshAgent:NavMeshAgent () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NavMeshObstacle.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NavMeshObstacle.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2923a9b0e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NavMeshObstacle.lua @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.NavMeshObstacle :cc.Component +local NavMeshObstacle={ } +cc.NavMeshObstacle=NavMeshObstacle + + + + +---* +---@return int +function NavMeshObstacle:getSyncFlag () end +---* +---@param radius float +---@param height float +---@return boolean +function NavMeshObstacle:initWith (radius,height) end +---* synchronize parameter to obstacle. +---@return self +function NavMeshObstacle:syncToObstacle () end +---* synchronize parameter to node. +---@return self +function NavMeshObstacle:syncToNode () end +---* Get height of obstacle +---@return float +function NavMeshObstacle:getHeight () end +---* synchronization between node and obstacle is time consuming, you can skip some synchronization using this function +---@param flag int +---@return self +function NavMeshObstacle:setSyncFlag (flag) end +---* Get radius of obstacle +---@return float +function NavMeshObstacle:getRadius () end +---* Create obstacle, shape is cylinder
+---* param radius The radius of obstacle.
+---* param height The height of obstacle. +---@param radius float +---@param height float +---@return self +function NavMeshObstacle:create (radius,height) end +---* +---@return string +function NavMeshObstacle:getNavMeshObstacleComponentName () end +---* +---@return self +function NavMeshObstacle:onEnter () end +---* +---@return self +function NavMeshObstacle:onExit () end +---* +---@return self +function NavMeshObstacle:NavMeshObstacle () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Node.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Node.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..498a49ba8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Node.lua @@ -0,0 +1,805 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Node :cc.Ref +local Node={ } +cc.Node=Node + + + + +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string2:int):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string:string):self +---@param child cc.Node +---@param localZOrder int +---@param name string +---@return self +function Node:addChild (child,localZOrder,name) end +---@overload fun(string0:cc.Component):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param name string +---@return boolean +function Node:removeComponent (name) end +---* +---@param physicsBody cc.PhysicsBody +---@return self +function Node:setPhysicsBody (physicsBody) end +---* Get the callback of event ExitTransitionDidStart.
+---* return std::function +---@return function +function Node:getOnExitTransitionDidStartCallback () end +---* Gets the description string. It makes debugging easier.
+---* return A string
+---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@return string +function Node:getDescription () end +---* Sets the Y rotation (angle) of the node in degrees which performs a vertical rotational skew.
+---* The difference between `setRotationalSkew()` and `setSkew()` is that the first one simulate Flash's skew functionality,
+---* while the second one uses the real skew function.
+---* 0 is the default rotation angle.
+---* Positive values rotate node clockwise, and negative values for anti-clockwise.
+---* param rotationY The Y rotation in degrees.
+---* warning The physics body doesn't support this.
+---* js setRotationY +---@param rotationY float +---@return self +function Node:setRotationSkewY (rotationY) end +---* If you want the opacity affect the color property, then set to true.
+---* param value A boolean value. +---@param value boolean +---@return self +function Node:setOpacityModifyRGB (value) end +---* Change node's cascadeOpacity property.
+---* param cascadeOpacityEnabled True to enable cascadeOpacity, false otherwise. +---@param cascadeOpacityEnabled boolean +---@return self +function Node:setCascadeOpacityEnabled (cascadeOpacityEnabled) end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun():self +---@return array_table +function Node:getChildren () end +---* Set the callback of event onExit.
+---* param callback A std::function callback. +---@param callback function +---@return self +function Node:setOnExitCallback (callback) end +---* Sets the ActionManager object that is used by all actions.
+---* warning If you set a new ActionManager, then previously created actions will be removed.
+---* param actionManager A ActionManager object that is used by all actions. +---@param actionManager cc.ActionManager +---@return self +function Node:setActionManager (actionManager) end +---* Converts a local Vec2 to world space coordinates.The result is in Points.
+---* treating the returned/received node point as anchor relative.
+---* param nodePoint A given coordinate.
+---* return A point in world space coordinates, anchor relative. +---@param nodePoint vec2_table +---@return vec2_table +function Node:convertToWorldSpaceAR (nodePoint) end +---* Gets whether the anchor point will be (0,0) when you position this node.
+---* see `setIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition(bool)`
+---* return true if the anchor point will be (0,0) when you position this node. +---@return boolean +function Node:isIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition () end +---* Gets a child from the container with its name.
+---* param name An identifier to find the child node.
+---* return a Node object whose name equals to the input parameter.
+---* since v3.2 +---@param name string +---@return self +function Node:getChildByName (name) end +---* Update the displayed opacity of node with it's parent opacity;
+---* param parentOpacity The opacity of parent node. +---@param parentOpacity unsigned_char +---@return self +function Node:updateDisplayedOpacity (parentOpacity) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Node:init () end +---* get & set camera mask, the node is visible by the camera whose camera flag & node's camera mask is true +---@return unsigned short +function Node:getCameraMask () end +---* Sets the rotation (angle) of the node in degrees.
+---* 0 is the default rotation angle.
+---* Positive values rotate node clockwise, and negative values for anti-clockwise.
+---* param rotation The rotation of the node in degrees. +---@param rotation float +---@return self +function Node:setRotation (rotation) end +---* Changes the scale factor on Z axis of this node
+---* The Default value is 1.0 if you haven't changed it before.
+---* param scaleZ The scale factor on Z axis.
+---* warning The physics body doesn't support this. +---@param scaleZ float +---@return self +function Node:setScaleZ (scaleZ) end +---* Sets the scale (y) of the node.
+---* It is a scaling factor that multiplies the height of the node and its children.
+---* param scaleY The scale factor on Y axis.
+---* warning The physics body doesn't support this. +---@param scaleY float +---@return self +function Node:setScaleY (scaleY) end +---* Sets the scale (x) of the node.
+---* It is a scaling factor that multiplies the width of the node and its children.
+---* param scaleX The scale factor on X axis.
+---* warning The physics body doesn't support this. +---@param scaleX float +---@return self +function Node:setScaleX (scaleX) end +---* Sets the X rotation (angle) of the node in degrees which performs a horizontal rotational skew.
+---* The difference between `setRotationalSkew()` and `setSkew()` is that the first one simulate Flash's skew functionality,
+---* while the second one uses the real skew function.
+---* 0 is the default rotation angle.
+---* Positive values rotate node clockwise, and negative values for anti-clockwise.
+---* param rotationX The X rotation in degrees which performs a horizontal rotational skew.
+---* warning The physics body doesn't support this.
+---* js setRotationX +---@param rotationX float +---@return self +function Node:setRotationSkewX (rotationX) end +---* Removes all components +---@return self +function Node:removeAllComponents () end +---* +---@param z int +---@return self +function Node:_setLocalZOrder (z) end +---* Modify the camera mask for current node.
+---* If applyChildren is true, then it will modify the camera mask of its children recursively.
+---* param mask A unsigned short bit for mask.
+---* param applyChildren A boolean value to determine whether the mask bit should apply to its children or not. +---@param mask unsigned short +---@param applyChildren boolean +---@return self +function Node:setCameraMask (mask,applyChildren) end +---* Returns a tag that is used to identify the node easily.
+---* return An integer that identifies the node.
+---* Please use `getTag()` instead. +---@return int +function Node:getTag () end +---* +---@return cc.AffineTransform +function Node:getNodeToWorldAffineTransform () end +---* Returns the world affine transform matrix. The matrix is in Pixels.
+---* return transformation matrix, in pixels. +---@return mat4_table +function Node:getNodeToWorldTransform () end +---* Returns the position (X,Y,Z) in its parent's coordinate system.
+---* return The position (X, Y, and Z) in its parent's coordinate system.
+---* js NA +---@return vec3_table +function Node:getPosition3D () end +---* Removes a child from the container. It will also cleanup all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter.
+---* param child The child node which will be removed.
+---* param cleanup True if all running actions and callbacks on the child node will be cleanup, false otherwise. +---@param child cc.Node +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function Node:removeChild (child,cleanup) end +---* Converts a Vec2 to world space coordinates. The result is in Points.
+---* param nodePoint A given coordinate.
+---* return A point in world space coordinates. +---@param nodePoint vec2_table +---@return vec2_table +function Node:convertToWorldSpace (nodePoint) end +---* Returns the Scene that contains the Node.
+---* It returns `nullptr` if the node doesn't belong to any Scene.
+---* This function recursively calls parent->getScene() until parent is a Scene object. The results are not cached. It is that the user caches the results in case this functions is being used inside a loop.
+---* return The Scene that contains the node. +---@return cc.Scene +function Node:getScene () end +---* Get the event dispatcher of scene.
+---* return The event dispatcher of scene. +---@return cc.EventDispatcher +function Node:getEventDispatcher () end +---* Changes the X skew angle of the node in degrees.
+---* The difference between `setRotationalSkew()` and `setSkew()` is that the first one simulate Flash's skew functionality
+---* while the second one uses the real skew function.
+---* This angle describes the shear distortion in the X direction.
+---* Thus, it is the angle between the Y coordinate and the left edge of the shape
+---* The default skewX angle is 0. Positive values distort the node in a CW direction.
+---* param skewX The X skew angle of the node in degrees.
+---* warning The physics body doesn't support this. +---@param skewX float +---@return self +function Node:setSkewX (skewX) end +---* Changes the Y skew angle of the node in degrees.
+---* The difference between `setRotationalSkew()` and `setSkew()` is that the first one simulate Flash's skew functionality
+---* while the second one uses the real skew function.
+---* This angle describes the shear distortion in the Y direction.
+---* Thus, it is the angle between the X coordinate and the bottom edge of the shape.
+---* The default skewY angle is 0. Positive values distort the node in a CCW direction.
+---* param skewY The Y skew angle of the node in degrees.
+---* warning The physics body doesn't support this. +---@param skewY float +---@return self +function Node:setSkewY (skewY) end +---* Set the callback of event onEnter.
+---* param callback A std::function callback. +---@param callback function +---@return self +function Node:setOnEnterCallback (callback) end +---* Removes all actions from the running action list by its flags.
+---* param flags A flag field that removes actions based on bitwise AND. +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function Node:stopActionsByFlags (flags) end +---* +---@param position vec2_table +---@return self +function Node:setNormalizedPosition (position) end +---* convenience methods which take a Touch instead of Vec2.
+---* param touch A given touch.
+---* return A point in world space coordinates. +---@param touch cc.Touch +---@return vec2_table +function Node:convertTouchToNodeSpace (touch) end +---@overload fun(boolean:boolean):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function Node:removeAllChildrenWithCleanup (cleanup) end +---* Set the callback of event EnterTransitionDidFinish.
+---* param callback A std::function callback. +---@param callback function +---@return self +function Node:setOnEnterTransitionDidFinishCallback (callback) end +---* +---@param programState cc.backend.ProgramState +---@return self +function Node:setProgramState (programState) end +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param ancestor cc.Node +---@return cc.AffineTransform +function Node:getNodeToParentAffineTransform (ancestor) end +---* Whether cascadeOpacity is enabled or not.
+---* return A boolean value. +---@return boolean +function Node:isCascadeOpacityEnabled () end +---* Sets the parent node.
+---* param parent A pointer to the parent node. +---@param parent cc.Node +---@return self +function Node:setParent (parent) end +---* Returns a string that is used to identify the node.
+---* return A string that identifies the node.
+---* since v3.2 +---@return string +function Node:getName () end +---* Resumes all scheduled selectors, actions and event listeners.
+---* This method is called internally by onEnter. +---@return self +function Node:resume () end +---* Returns the rotation (X,Y,Z) in degrees.
+---* return The rotation of the node in 3d.
+---* js NA +---@return vec3_table +function Node:getRotation3D () end +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param ancestor cc.Node +---@return mat4_table +function Node:getNodeToParentTransform (ancestor) end +---* converts a Touch (world coordinates) into a local coordinate. This method is AR (Anchor Relative).
+---* param touch A given touch.
+---* return A point in world space coordinates, anchor relative. +---@param touch cc.Touch +---@return vec2_table +function Node:convertTouchToNodeSpaceAR (touch) end +---* Converts a Vec2 to node (local) space coordinates. The result is in Points.
+---* param worldPoint A given coordinate.
+---* return A point in node (local) space coordinates. +---@param worldPoint vec2_table +---@return vec2_table +function Node:convertToNodeSpace (worldPoint) end +---* Sets the position (x,y) using values between 0 and 1.
+---* The positions in pixels is calculated like the following:
+---* code pseudo code
+---* void setNormalizedPosition(Vec2 pos) {
+---* Size s = getParent()->getContentSize();
+---* _position = pos * s;
+---* }
+---* endcode
+---* param position The normalized position (x,y) of the node, using value between 0 and 1. +---@param position vec2_table +---@return self +function Node:setPositionNormalized (position) end +---* Pauses all scheduled selectors, actions and event listeners.
+---* This method is called internally by onExit. +---@return self +function Node:pause () end +---* If node opacity will modify the RGB color value, then you should override this method and return true.
+---* return A boolean value, true indicates that opacity will modify color; false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function Node:isOpacityModifyRGB () end +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(float0:vec2_table):self +---@param x float +---@param y float +---@return self +function Node:setPosition (x,y) end +---* Removes an action from the running action list by its tag.
+---* param tag A tag that indicates the action to be removed. +---@param tag int +---@return self +function Node:stopActionByTag (tag) end +---* Reorders a child according to a new z value.
+---* param child An already added child node. It MUST be already added.
+---* param localZOrder Z order for drawing priority. Please refer to setLocalZOrder(int). +---@param child cc.Node +---@param localZOrder int +---@return self +function Node:reorderChild (child,localZOrder) end +---* Sets the 'z' coordinate in the position. It is the OpenGL Z vertex value.
+---* The OpenGL depth buffer and depth testing are disabled by default. You need to turn them on.
+---* In order to use this property correctly.
+---* `setPositionZ()` also sets the `setGlobalZValue()` with the positionZ as value.
+---* see `setGlobalZValue()`
+---* param positionZ OpenGL Z vertex of this node.
+---* js setVertexZ +---@param positionZ float +---@return self +function Node:setPositionZ (positionZ) end +---* Sets the rotation (X,Y,Z) in degrees.
+---* Useful for 3d rotations.
+---* warning The physics body doesn't support this.
+---* param rotation The rotation of the node in 3d.
+---* js NA +---@param rotation vec3_table +---@return self +function Node:setRotation3D (rotation) end +---* Gets/Sets x or y coordinate individually for position.
+---* These methods are used in Lua and Javascript Bindings
+---* Sets the x coordinate of the node in its parent's coordinate system.
+---* param x The x coordinate of the node. +---@param x float +---@return self +function Node:setPositionX (x) end +---* Sets the transformation matrix manually.
+---* param transform A given transformation matrix. +---@param transform mat4_table +---@return self +function Node:setNodeToParentTransform (transform) end +---* Returns the anchor point in percent.
+---* see `setAnchorPoint(const Vec2&)`
+---* return The anchor point of node. +---@return vec2_table +function Node:getAnchorPoint () end +---* Returns the numbers of actions that are running plus the ones that are schedule to run (actions in actionsToAdd and actions arrays).
+---* Composable actions are counted as 1 action. Example:
+---* If you are running 1 Sequence of 7 actions, it will return 1.
+---* If you are running 7 Sequences of 2 actions, it will return 7.
+---* return The number of actions that are running plus the ones that are schedule to run. +---@return int +function Node:getNumberOfRunningActions () end +---* Calls children's updateTransform() method recursively.
+---* This method is moved from Sprite, so it's no longer specific to Sprite.
+---* As the result, you apply SpriteBatchNode's optimization on your customed Node.
+---* e.g., `batchNode->addChild(myCustomNode)`, while you can only addChild(sprite) before. +---@return self +function Node:updateTransform () end +---* Determines if the node is visible.
+---* see `setVisible(bool)`
+---* return true if the node is visible, false if the node is hidden. +---@return boolean +function Node:isVisible () end +---* Returns the amount of children.
+---* return The amount of children. +---@return int +function Node:getChildrenCount () end +---* Converts a Vec2 to node (local) space coordinates. The result is in Points.
+---* treating the returned/received node point as anchor relative.
+---* param worldPoint A given coordinate.
+---* return A point in node (local) space coordinates, anchor relative. +---@param worldPoint vec2_table +---@return vec2_table +function Node:convertToNodeSpaceAR (worldPoint) end +---* Adds a component.
+---* param component A given component.
+---* return True if added success. +---@param component cc.Component +---@return boolean +function Node:addComponent (component) end +---* Executes an action, and returns the action that is executed.
+---* This node becomes the action's target. Refer to Action::getTarget().
+---* warning Actions don't retain their target.
+---* param action An Action pointer. +---@param action cc.Action +---@return cc.Action +function Node:runAction (action) end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun(cc.Renderer:cc.Renderer,mat4_table:mat4_table,unsigned_int:unsigned_int):self +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param parentTransform mat4_table +---@param parentFlags unsigned_int +---@return self +function Node:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end +---* Returns the rotation of the node in degrees.
+---* see `setRotation(float)`
+---* return The rotation of the node in degrees. +---@return float +function Node:getRotation () end +---* +---@return cc.PhysicsBody +function Node:getPhysicsBody () end +---* Returns the anchorPoint in absolute pixels.
+---* warning You can only read it. If you wish to modify it, use anchorPoint instead.
+---* see `getAnchorPoint()`
+---* return The anchor point in absolute pixels. +---@return vec2_table +function Node:getAnchorPointInPoints () end +---* Removes a child from the container by tag value. It will also cleanup all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter.
+---* param name A string that identifies a child node.
+---* param cleanup True if all running actions and callbacks on the child node will be cleanup, false otherwise. +---@param name string +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function Node:removeChildByName (name,cleanup) end +---* Sets a Scheduler object that is used to schedule all "updates" and timers.
+---* warning If you set a new Scheduler, then previously created timers/update are going to be removed.
+---* param scheduler A Scheduler object that is used to schedule all "update" and timers. +---@param scheduler cc.Scheduler +---@return self +function Node:setScheduler (scheduler) end +---* Stops and removes all actions from the running action list . +---@return self +function Node:stopAllActions () end +---* Returns the X skew angle of the node in degrees.
+---* see `setSkewX(float)`
+---* return The X skew angle of the node in degrees. +---@return float +function Node:getSkewX () end +---* Returns the Y skew angle of the node in degrees.
+---* see `setSkewY(float)`
+---* return The Y skew angle of the node in degrees. +---@return float +function Node:getSkewY () end +---* Get the callback of event EnterTransitionDidFinish.
+---* return std::function +---@return function +function Node:getOnEnterTransitionDidFinishCallback () end +---* Query node's displayed color.
+---* return A Color3B color value. +---@return color3b_table +function Node:getDisplayedColor () end +---* Gets an action from the running action list by its tag.
+---* see `setTag(int)`, `getTag()`.
+---* return The action object with the given tag. +---@param tag int +---@return cc.Action +function Node:getActionByTag (tag) end +---* Changes the name that is used to identify the node easily.
+---* param name A string that identifies the node.
+---* since v3.2 +---@param name string +---@return self +function Node:setName (name) end +---* Update method will be called automatically every frame if "scheduleUpdate" is called, and the node is "live".
+---* param delta In seconds. +---@param delta float +---@return self +function Node:update (delta) end +---* Return the node's display opacity.
+---* The difference between opacity and displayedOpacity is:
+---* The displayedOpacity is what's the final rendering opacity of node.
+---* return A GLubyte value. +---@return unsigned_char +function Node:getDisplayedOpacity () end +---* Gets the local Z order of this node.
+---* see `setLocalZOrder(int)`
+---* return The local (relative to its siblings) Z order. +---@return int +function Node:getLocalZOrder () end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun():self +---@return cc.Scheduler +function Node:getScheduler () end +---* +---@return cc.AffineTransform +function Node:getParentToNodeAffineTransform () end +---* Returns the normalized position.
+---* return The normalized position. +---@return vec2_table +function Node:getPositionNormalized () end +---* Change the color of node.
+---* param color A Color3B color value. +---@param color color3b_table +---@return self +function Node:setColor (color) end +---* Returns whether or not the node is "running".
+---* If the node is running it will accept event callbacks like onEnter(), onExit(), update().
+---* return Whether or not the node is running. +---@return boolean +function Node:isRunning () end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun():self +---@return self +function Node:getParent () end +---* Gets position Z coordinate of this node.
+---* see setPositionZ(float)
+---* return The position Z coordinate of this node.
+---* js getVertexZ +---@return float +function Node:getPositionZ () end +---* Gets the y coordinate of the node in its parent's coordinate system.
+---* return The y coordinate of the node. +---@return float +function Node:getPositionY () end +---* Gets the x coordinate of the node in its parent's coordinate system.
+---* return The x coordinate of the node. +---@return float +function Node:getPositionX () end +---* Removes a child from the container by tag value. It will also cleanup all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter.
+---* param tag An integer number that identifies a child node.
+---* param cleanup True if all running actions and callbacks on the child node will be cleanup, false otherwise.
+---* Please use `removeChildByName` instead. +---@param tag int +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function Node:removeChildByTag (tag,cleanup) end +---* Sets the y coordinate of the node in its parent's coordinate system.
+---* param y The y coordinate of the node. +---@param y float +---@return self +function Node:setPositionY (y) end +---* Update node's displayed color with its parent color.
+---* param parentColor A Color3B color value. +---@param parentColor color3b_table +---@return self +function Node:updateDisplayedColor (parentColor) end +---* Sets whether the node is visible.
+---* The default value is true, a node is default to visible.
+---* param visible true if the node is visible, false if the node is hidden. +---@param visible boolean +---@return self +function Node:setVisible (visible) end +---* Returns the matrix that transform parent's space coordinates to the node's (local) space coordinates.
+---* The matrix is in Pixels.
+---* return The transformation matrix. +---@return mat4_table +function Node:getParentToNodeTransform () end +---* Checks whether a lambda function is scheduled.
+---* param key key of the callback
+---* return Whether the lambda function selector is scheduled.
+---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@param key string +---@return boolean +function Node:isScheduled (key) end +---* Defines the order in which the nodes are renderer.
+---* Nodes that have a Global Z Order lower, are renderer first.
+---* In case two or more nodes have the same Global Z Order, the order is not guaranteed.
+---* The only exception if the Nodes have a Global Z Order == 0. In that case, the Scene Graph order is used.
+---* By default, all nodes have a Global Z Order = 0. That means that by default, the Scene Graph order is used to render the nodes.
+---* Global Z Order is useful when you need to render nodes in an order different than the Scene Graph order.
+---* Limitations: Global Z Order can't be used by Nodes that have SpriteBatchNode as one of their ancestors.
+---* And if ClippingNode is one of the ancestors, then "global Z order" will be relative to the ClippingNode.
+---* see `setLocalZOrder()`
+---* see `setVertexZ()`
+---* since v3.0
+---* param globalZOrder The global Z order value. +---@param globalZOrder float +---@return self +function Node:setGlobalZOrder (globalZOrder) end +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(float:float):self +---@param scaleX float +---@param scaleY float +---@return self +function Node:setScale (scaleX,scaleY) end +---* Gets a child from the container with its tag.
+---* param tag An identifier to find the child node.
+---* return a Node object whose tag equals to the input parameter.
+---* Please use `getChildByName()` instead. +---@param tag int +---@return self +function Node:getChildByTag (tag) end +---* Returns the scale factor on Z axis of this node
+---* see `setScaleZ(float)`
+---* return The scale factor on Z axis. +---@return float +function Node:getScaleZ () end +---* Returns the scale factor on Y axis of this node
+---* see `setScaleY(float)`
+---* return The scale factor on Y axis. +---@return float +function Node:getScaleY () end +---* Returns the scale factor on X axis of this node
+---* see setScaleX(float)
+---* return The scale factor on X axis. +---@return float +function Node:getScaleX () end +---* LocalZOrder is the 'key' used to sort the node relative to its siblings.
+---* The Node's parent will sort all its children based on the LocalZOrder value.
+---* If two nodes have the same LocalZOrder, then the node that was added first to the children's array will be in front of the other node in the array.
+---* Also, the Scene Graph is traversed using the "In-Order" tree traversal algorithm ( http:en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_traversal#In-order )
+---* And Nodes that have LocalZOrder values < 0 are the "left" subtree
+---* While Nodes with LocalZOrder >=0 are the "right" subtree.
+---* see `setGlobalZOrder`
+---* see `setVertexZ`
+---* param localZOrder The local Z order value. +---@param localZOrder int +---@return self +function Node:setLocalZOrder (localZOrder) end +---* +---@return cc.AffineTransform +function Node:getWorldToNodeAffineTransform () end +---* If you want node's color affect the children node's color, then set it to true.
+---* Otherwise, set it to false.
+---* param cascadeColorEnabled A boolean value. +---@param cascadeColorEnabled boolean +---@return self +function Node:setCascadeColorEnabled (cascadeColorEnabled) end +---* Change node opacity.
+---* param opacity A GLubyte opacity value. +---@param opacity unsigned_char +---@return self +function Node:setOpacity (opacity) end +---* Stops all running actions and schedulers +---@return self +function Node:cleanup () end +---* / @{/ @name component functions
+---* Gets a component by its name.
+---* param name A given name of component.
+---* return The Component by name. +---@param name string +---@return cc.Component +function Node:getComponent (name) end +---* Returns the untransformed size of the node.
+---* see `setContentSize(const Size&)`
+---* return The untransformed size of the node. +---@return size_table +function Node:getContentSize () end +---* Removes all actions from the running action list by its tag.
+---* param tag A tag that indicates the action to be removed. +---@param tag int +---@return self +function Node:stopAllActionsByTag (tag) end +---* Query node's color value.
+---* return A Color3B color value. +---@return color3b_table +function Node:getColor () end +---* Returns an AABB (axis-aligned bounding-box) in its parent's coordinate system.
+---* return An AABB (axis-aligned bounding-box) in its parent's coordinate system +---@return rect_table +function Node:getBoundingBox () end +---* Sets whether the anchor point will be (0,0) when you position this node.
+---* This is an internal method, only used by Layer and Scene. Don't call it outside framework.
+---* The default value is false, while in Layer and Scene are true.
+---* param ignore true if anchor point will be (0,0) when you position this node. +---@param ignore boolean +---@return self +function Node:setIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition (ignore) end +---* Set event dispatcher for scene.
+---* param dispatcher The event dispatcher of scene. +---@param dispatcher cc.EventDispatcher +---@return self +function Node:setEventDispatcher (dispatcher) end +---* Returns the Node's Global Z Order.
+---* see `setGlobalZOrder(int)`
+---* return The node's global Z order +---@return float +function Node:getGlobalZOrder () end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun(cc.Renderer:cc.Renderer,mat4_table:mat4_table,unsigned_int:unsigned_int):self +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function Node:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* Returns a user assigned Object.
+---* Similar to UserData, but instead of holding a void* it holds an object.
+---* The UserObject will be retained once in this method,
+---* and the previous UserObject (if existed) will be released.
+---* The UserObject will be released in Node's destructor.
+---* param userObject A user assigned Object. +---@param userObject cc.Ref +---@return self +function Node:setUserObject (userObject) end +---@overload fun(boolean:boolean):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function Node:removeFromParentAndCleanup (cleanup) end +---* Sets the position (X, Y, and Z) in its parent's coordinate system.
+---* param position The position (X, Y, and Z) in its parent's coordinate system.
+---* js NA +---@param position vec3_table +---@return self +function Node:setPosition3D (position) end +---* Returns the numbers of actions that are running plus the ones that are
+---* schedule to run (actions in actionsToAdd and actions arrays) with a
+---* specific tag.
+---* Composable actions are counted as 1 action. Example:
+---* If you are running 1 Sequence of 7 actions, it will return 1.
+---* If you are running 7 Sequences of 2 actions, it will return 7.
+---* param tag The tag that will be searched.
+---* return The number of actions that are running plus the
+---* ones that are schedule to run with specific tag. +---@param tag int +---@return int +function Node:getNumberOfRunningActionsByTag (tag) end +---* Sorts the children array once before drawing, instead of every time when a child is added or reordered.
+---* This approach can improve the performance massively.
+---* note Don't call this manually unless a child added needs to be removed in the same frame. +---@return self +function Node:sortAllChildren () end +---* +---@return cc.backend.ProgramState +function Node:getProgramState () end +---* Returns the inverse world affine transform matrix. The matrix is in Pixels.
+---* return The transformation matrix. +---@return mat4_table +function Node:getWorldToNodeTransform () end +---* Gets the scale factor of the node, when X and Y have the same scale factor.
+---* warning Assert when `_scaleX != _scaleY`
+---* see setScale(float)
+---* return The scale factor of the node. +---@return float +function Node:getScale () end +---* Return the node's opacity.
+---* return A GLubyte value. +---@return unsigned_char +function Node:getOpacity () end +---* !!! ONLY FOR INTERNAL USE
+---* Sets the arrival order when this node has a same ZOrder with other children.
+---* A node which called addChild subsequently will take a larger arrival order,
+---* If two children have the same Z order, the child with larger arrival order will be drawn later.
+---* warning This method is used internally for localZOrder sorting, don't change this manually
+---* param orderOfArrival The arrival order. +---@return self +function Node:updateOrderOfArrival () end +---* +---@return vec2_table +function Node:getNormalizedPosition () end +---* Set the callback of event ExitTransitionDidStart.
+---* param callback A std::function callback. +---@param callback function +---@return self +function Node:setOnExitTransitionDidStartCallback (callback) end +---* Gets the X rotation (angle) of the node in degrees which performs a horizontal rotation skew.
+---* see `setRotationSkewX(float)`
+---* return The X rotation in degrees.
+---* js getRotationX +---@return float +function Node:getRotationSkewX () end +---* Gets the Y rotation (angle) of the node in degrees which performs a vertical rotational skew.
+---* see `setRotationSkewY(float)`
+---* return The Y rotation in degrees.
+---* js getRotationY +---@return float +function Node:getRotationSkewY () end +---* Changes the tag that is used to identify the node easily.
+---* Please refer to getTag for the sample code.
+---* param tag A integer that identifies the node.
+---* Please use `setName()` instead. +---@param tag int +---@return self +function Node:setTag (tag) end +---* Query whether cascadeColor is enabled or not.
+---* return Whether cascadeColor is enabled or not. +---@return boolean +function Node:isCascadeColorEnabled () end +---* Stops and removes an action from the running action list.
+---* param action The action object to be removed. +---@param action cc.Action +---@return self +function Node:stopAction (action) end +---@overload fun():cc.ActionManager +---@overload fun():cc.ActionManager +---@return cc.ActionManager +function Node:getActionManager () end +---* Allocates and initializes a node.
+---* return A initialized node which is marked as "autorelease". +---@return self +function Node:create () end +---* Gets count of nodes those are attached to scene graph. +---@return int +function Node:getAttachedNodeCount () end +---* +---@return self +function Node:Node () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NodeGrid.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NodeGrid.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..29bb85399 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/NodeGrid.lua @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.NodeGrid :cc.Node +local NodeGrid={ } +cc.NodeGrid=NodeGrid + + + + +---* brief Set the effect grid rect.
+---* param gridRect The effect grid rect. +---@param gridRect rect_table +---@return self +function NodeGrid:setGridRect (gridRect) end +---* Set the Grid Target.
+---* param target A Node is used to set the Grid Target. +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function NodeGrid:setTarget (target) end +---* Changes a grid object that is used when applying effects.
+---* param grid A Grid object that is used when applying effects. +---@param grid cc.GridBase +---@return self +function NodeGrid:setGrid (grid) end +---@overload fun():cc.GridBase +---@overload fun():cc.GridBase +---@return cc.GridBase +function NodeGrid:getGrid () end +---* brief Get the effect grid rect.
+---* return Return the effect grid rect. +---@return rect_table +function NodeGrid:getGridRect () end +---@overload fun(rect_table:rect_table):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param rect rect_table +---@return self +function NodeGrid:create (rect) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param parentTransform mat4_table +---@param parentFlags unsigned_int +---@return self +function NodeGrid:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end +---* +---@return self +function NodeGrid:NodeGrid () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/OrbitCamera.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/OrbitCamera.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8114d7f88 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/OrbitCamera.lua @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.OrbitCamera :cc.ActionCamera +local OrbitCamera={ } +cc.OrbitCamera=OrbitCamera + + + + +---* Initializes a OrbitCamera action with radius, delta-radius, z, deltaZ, x, deltaX. +---@param t float +---@param radius float +---@param deltaRadius float +---@param angleZ float +---@param deltaAngleZ float +---@param angleX float +---@param deltaAngleX float +---@return boolean +function OrbitCamera:initWithDuration (t,radius,deltaRadius,angleZ,deltaAngleZ,angleX,deltaAngleX) end +---* Creates a OrbitCamera action with radius, delta-radius, z, deltaZ, x, deltaX.
+---* param t Duration in seconds.
+---* param radius The start radius.
+---* param deltaRadius The delta radius.
+---* param angleZ The start angle in Z.
+---* param deltaAngleZ The delta angle in Z.
+---* param angleX The start angle in X.
+---* param deltaAngleX The delta angle in X.
+---* return An OrbitCamera. +---@param t float +---@param radius float +---@param deltaRadius float +---@param angleZ float +---@param deltaAngleZ float +---@param angleX float +---@param deltaAngleX float +---@return self +function OrbitCamera:create (t,radius,deltaRadius,angleZ,deltaAngleZ,angleX,deltaAngleX) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function OrbitCamera:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function OrbitCamera:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function OrbitCamera:update (time) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function OrbitCamera:OrbitCamera () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PUParticleSystem3D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PUParticleSystem3D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..037bd82be --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PUParticleSystem3D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,195 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PUParticleSystem3D :cc.ParticleSystem3D +local PUParticleSystem3D={ } +cc.PUParticleSystem3D=PUParticleSystem3D + + + + +---* +---@param filePath string +---@return boolean +function PUParticleSystem3D:initWithFilePath (filePath) end +---* Returns the velocity scale, defined in the particle system, but passed to the technique for convenience. +---@return float +function PUParticleSystem3D:getParticleSystemScaleVelocity () end +---* +---@param quota unsigned_int +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:setEmittedSystemQuota (quota) end +---* default particle depth +---@return float +function PUParticleSystem3D:getDefaultDepth () end +---* +---@return unsigned_int +function PUParticleSystem3D:getEmittedSystemQuota () end +---* +---@param filePath string +---@param materialPath string +---@return boolean +function PUParticleSystem3D:initWithFilePathAndMaterialPath (filePath,materialPath) end +---* +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:clearAllParticles () end +---* +---@return string +function PUParticleSystem3D:getMaterialName () end +---* +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:calulateRotationOffset () end +---* Return the maximum velocity a particle can have, even if the velocity of the particle has been set higher (either by initialisation of the particle or by means of an affector). +---@return float +function PUParticleSystem3D:getMaxVelocity () end +---* +---@param delta float +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:forceUpdate (delta) end +---* +---@return float +function PUParticleSystem3D:getTimeElapsedSinceStart () end +---* +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:removeAllBehaviourTemplate () end +---* +---@return unsigned_int +function PUParticleSystem3D:getEmittedEmitterQuota () end +---* Forces emission of particles.
+---* remarks The number of requested particles are the exact number that are emitted. No down-scaling is applied. +---@param emitter cc.PUEmitter +---@param requested unsigned_int +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:forceEmission (emitter,requested) end +---* +---@param listener cc.PUListener +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:addListener (listener) end +---* +---@return boolean +function PUParticleSystem3D:isMarkedForEmission () end +---* default particle width +---@return float +function PUParticleSystem3D:getDefaultWidth () end +---* +---@param quota unsigned_int +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:setEmittedEmitterQuota (quota) end +---* +---@param isMarked boolean +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:setMarkedForEmission (isMarked) end +---* +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:clone () end +---* add particle affector +---@param emitter cc.PUEmitter +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:addEmitter (emitter) end +---* +---@param behaviour cc.PUBehaviour +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:addBehaviourTemplate (behaviour) end +---* +---@param width float +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:setDefaultWidth (width) end +---* +---@param system cc.PUParticleSystem3D +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:copyAttributesTo (system) end +---* +---@param name string +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:setMaterialName (name) end +---* +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:getParentParticleSystem () end +---* +---@param listener cc.PUListener +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:removeListener (listener) end +---* Set the maximum velocity a particle can have. +---@param maxVelocity float +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:setMaxVelocity (maxVelocity) end +---* default particle height +---@return float +function PUParticleSystem3D:getDefaultHeight () end +---* +---@return vec3_table +function PUParticleSystem3D:getDerivedPosition () end +---* If the orientation of the particle system has been changed since the last update, the passed vector is rotated accordingly. +---@param pos vec3_table +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:rotationOffset (pos) end +---* +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:removeAllEmitter () end +---* +---@param scaleVelocity float +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:setParticleSystemScaleVelocity (scaleVelocity) end +---* +---@return vec3_table +function PUParticleSystem3D:getDerivedScale () end +---* +---@param height float +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:setDefaultHeight (height) end +---* +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:removeAllListener () end +---* +---@param filePath string +---@return boolean +function PUParticleSystem3D:initSystem (filePath) end +---* +---@param particle cc.PUParticle3D +---@return boolean +function PUParticleSystem3D:makeParticleLocal (particle) end +---* +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:removerAllObserver () end +---* +---@param depth float +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:setDefaultDepth (depth) end +---* +---@param observer cc.PUObserver +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:addObserver (observer) end +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string):self +---@param filePath string +---@param materialPath string +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:create (filePath,materialPath) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* particle system play control +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:startParticleSystem () end +---* stop particle +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:stopParticleSystem () end +---* +---@param delta float +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:update (delta) end +---* pause particle +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:pauseParticleSystem () end +---* resume particle +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:resumeParticleSystem () end +---* +---@return int +function PUParticleSystem3D:getAliveParticleCount () end +---* +---@return self +function PUParticleSystem3D:PUParticleSystem3D () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PageTurn3D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PageTurn3D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fdf16d5fc --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PageTurn3D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PageTurn3D :cc.Grid3DAction +local PageTurn3D={ } +cc.PageTurn3D=PageTurn3D + + + + +---* brief Create an action with duration, grid size.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the PageTurn3D action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of PageTurn3D action; otherwise, return nil. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@return self +function PageTurn3D:create (duration,gridSize) end +---* +---@return self +function PageTurn3D:clone () end +---* js NA +---@return cc.GridBase +function PageTurn3D:getGrid () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function PageTurn3D:update (time) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParallaxNode.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParallaxNode.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1c7959026 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParallaxNode.lua @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ParallaxNode :cc.Node +local ParallaxNode={ } +cc.ParallaxNode=ParallaxNode + + + + +---* Adds a child to the container with a local z-order, parallax ratio and position offset.
+---* param child A child node.
+---* param z Z order for drawing priority.
+---* param parallaxRatio A given parallax ratio.
+---* param positionOffset A given position offset. +---@param child cc.Node +---@param z int +---@param parallaxRatio vec2_table +---@param positionOffset vec2_table +---@return self +function ParallaxNode:addChild (child,z,parallaxRatio,positionOffset) end +---* +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function ParallaxNode:removeAllChildrenWithCleanup (cleanup) end +---* Create a Parallax node.
+---* return An autoreleased ParallaxNode object. +---@return self +function ParallaxNode:create () end +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int2:string):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int:int):self +---@param child cc.Node +---@param zOrder int +---@param tag int +---@return self +function ParallaxNode:addChild (child,zOrder,tag) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param parentTransform mat4_table +---@param parentFlags unsigned_int +---@return self +function ParallaxNode:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end +---* +---@param child cc.Node +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function ParallaxNode:removeChild (child,cleanup) end +---* Adds a child to the container with a z-order, a parallax ratio and a position offset
+---* It returns self, so you can chain several addChilds.
+---* since v0.8
+---* js ctor +---@return self +function ParallaxNode:ParallaxNode () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleBatchNode.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleBatchNode.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a4235205e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleBatchNode.lua @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ParticleBatchNode :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,TextureProtocol +local ParticleBatchNode={ } +cc.ParticleBatchNode=ParticleBatchNode + + + + +---* +---@param texture cc.Texture2D +---@return self +function ParticleBatchNode:setTexture (texture) end +---* initializes the particle system with Texture2D, a capacity of particles +---@param tex cc.Texture2D +---@param capacity int +---@return boolean +function ParticleBatchNode:initWithTexture (tex,capacity) end +---* Disables a particle by inserting a 0'd quad into the texture atlas.
+---* param particleIndex The index of the particle. +---@param particleIndex int +---@return self +function ParticleBatchNode:disableParticle (particleIndex) end +---* +---@return cc.Texture2D +function ParticleBatchNode:getTexture () end +---* Sets the texture atlas used for drawing the quads.
+---* param atlas The texture atlas used for drawing the quads. +---@param atlas cc.TextureAtlas +---@return self +function ParticleBatchNode:setTextureAtlas (atlas) end +---* initializes the particle system with the name of a file on disk (for a list of supported formats look at the Texture2D class), a capacity of particles +---@param fileImage string +---@param capacity int +---@return boolean +function ParticleBatchNode:initWithFile (fileImage,capacity) end +---* code
+---* When this function bound into js or lua,the parameter will be changed
+---* In js: var setBlendFunc(var src, var dst)
+---* endcode
+---* lua NA +---@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc +---@return self +function ParticleBatchNode:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end +---* +---@param doCleanup boolean +---@return self +function ParticleBatchNode:removeAllChildrenWithCleanup (doCleanup) end +---* Gets the texture atlas used for drawing the quads.
+---* return The texture atlas used for drawing the quads. +---@return cc.TextureAtlas +function ParticleBatchNode:getTextureAtlas () end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@return cc.BlendFunc +function ParticleBatchNode:getBlendFunc () end +---* Inserts a child into the ParticleBatchNode.
+---* param system A given particle system.
+---* param index The insert index. +---@param system cc.ParticleSystem +---@param index int +---@return self +function ParticleBatchNode:insertChild (system,index) end +---* Remove a child of the ParticleBatchNode.
+---* param index The index of the child.
+---* param doCleanup True if all actions and callbacks on this node should be removed, false otherwise. +---@param index int +---@param doCleanup boolean +---@return self +function ParticleBatchNode:removeChildAtIndex (index,doCleanup) end +---* Create the particle system with the name of a file on disk (for a list of supported formats look at the Texture2D class), a capacity of particles.
+---* param fileImage A given file name.
+---* param capacity A capacity of particles.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleBatchNode object. +---@param fileImage string +---@param capacity int +---@return self +function ParticleBatchNode:create (fileImage,capacity) end +---* Create the particle system with Texture2D, a capacity of particles, which particle system to use.
+---* param tex A given texture.
+---* param capacity A capacity of particles.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleBatchNode object.
+---* js NA +---@param tex cc.Texture2D +---@param capacity int +---@return self +function ParticleBatchNode:createWithTexture (tex,capacity) end +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int2:string):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int:int):self +---@param child cc.Node +---@param zOrder int +---@param tag int +---@return self +function ParticleBatchNode:addChild (child,zOrder,tag) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function ParticleBatchNode:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param parentTransform mat4_table +---@param parentFlags unsigned_int +---@return self +function ParticleBatchNode:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end +---* +---@param child cc.Node +---@param zOrder int +---@return self +function ParticleBatchNode:reorderChild (child,zOrder) end +---* +---@param child cc.Node +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function ParticleBatchNode:removeChild (child,cleanup) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ParticleBatchNode:ParticleBatchNode () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleData.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleData.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..663070b31 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleData.lua @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ParticleData +local ParticleData={ } +cc.ParticleData=ParticleData + + + + +---* +---@return self +function ParticleData:release () end +---* +---@return unsigned_int +function ParticleData:getMaxCount () end +---* +---@param count int +---@return boolean +function ParticleData:init (count) end +---* +---@param p1 int +---@param p2 int +---@return self +function ParticleData:copyParticle (p1,p2) end +---* +---@return self +function ParticleData:ParticleData () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleExplosion.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleExplosion.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6d3cada56 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleExplosion.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ParticleExplosion :cc.ParticleSystemQuad +local ParticleExplosion={ } +cc.ParticleExplosion=ParticleExplosion + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function ParticleExplosion:init () end +---* +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return boolean +function ParticleExplosion:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* Create a explosion particle system.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleExplosion object. +---@return self +function ParticleExplosion:create () end +---* Create a explosion particle system withe a fixed number of particles.
+---* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleExplosion object.
+---* js NA +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return self +function ParticleExplosion:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ParticleExplosion:ParticleExplosion () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleFire.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleFire.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6574783dc --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleFire.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ParticleFire :cc.ParticleSystemQuad +local ParticleFire={ } +cc.ParticleFire=ParticleFire + + + + +---* Create a fire particle system.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleFire object. +---@return self +function ParticleFire:create () end +---* Create a fire particle system withe a fixed number of particles.
+---* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleFire object.
+---* js NA +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return self +function ParticleFire:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* +---@return boolean +function ParticleFire:init () end +---* +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return boolean +function ParticleFire:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ParticleFire:ParticleFire () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleFireworks.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleFireworks.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5254e088d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleFireworks.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ParticleFireworks :cc.ParticleSystemQuad +local ParticleFireworks={ } +cc.ParticleFireworks=ParticleFireworks + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function ParticleFireworks:init () end +---* +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return boolean +function ParticleFireworks:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* Create a fireworks particle system.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleFireworks object. +---@return self +function ParticleFireworks:create () end +---* Create a fireworks particle system withe a fixed number of particles.
+---* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleFireworks object.
+---* js NA +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return self +function ParticleFireworks:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ParticleFireworks:ParticleFireworks () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleFlower.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleFlower.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fafae8b9d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleFlower.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ParticleFlower :cc.ParticleSystemQuad +local ParticleFlower={ } +cc.ParticleFlower=ParticleFlower + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function ParticleFlower:init () end +---* +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return boolean +function ParticleFlower:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* Create a flower particle system.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleFlower object. +---@return self +function ParticleFlower:create () end +---* Create a flower particle system withe a fixed number of particles.
+---* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleFlower object.
+---* js NA +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return self +function ParticleFlower:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ParticleFlower:ParticleFlower () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleGalaxy.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleGalaxy.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3a323f4eb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleGalaxy.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ParticleGalaxy :cc.ParticleSystemQuad +local ParticleGalaxy={ } +cc.ParticleGalaxy=ParticleGalaxy + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function ParticleGalaxy:init () end +---* +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return boolean +function ParticleGalaxy:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* Create a galaxy particle system.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleGalaxy object. +---@return self +function ParticleGalaxy:create () end +---* Create a galaxy particle system withe a fixed number of particles.
+---* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleGalaxy object.
+---* js NA +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return self +function ParticleGalaxy:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ParticleGalaxy:ParticleGalaxy () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleMeteor.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleMeteor.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6752d6bb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleMeteor.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ParticleMeteor :cc.ParticleSystemQuad +local ParticleMeteor={ } +cc.ParticleMeteor=ParticleMeteor + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function ParticleMeteor:init () end +---* +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return boolean +function ParticleMeteor:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* Create a meteor particle system.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleMeteor object. +---@return self +function ParticleMeteor:create () end +---* Create a meteor particle system withe a fixed number of particles.
+---* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleMeteor object.
+---* js NA +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return self +function ParticleMeteor:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ParticleMeteor:ParticleMeteor () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleRain.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleRain.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e851f3cb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleRain.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ParticleRain :cc.ParticleSystemQuad +local ParticleRain={ } +cc.ParticleRain=ParticleRain + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function ParticleRain:init () end +---* +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return boolean +function ParticleRain:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* Create a rain particle system.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleRain object. +---@return self +function ParticleRain:create () end +---* Create a rain particle system withe a fixed number of particles.
+---* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleRain object.
+---* js NA +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return self +function ParticleRain:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ParticleRain:ParticleRain () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSmoke.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSmoke.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c342f9f71 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSmoke.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ParticleSmoke :cc.ParticleSystemQuad +local ParticleSmoke={ } +cc.ParticleSmoke=ParticleSmoke + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function ParticleSmoke:init () end +---* +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return boolean +function ParticleSmoke:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* Create a smoke particle system.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleSmoke object. +---@return self +function ParticleSmoke:create () end +---* Create a smoke particle system withe a fixed number of particles.
+---* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleSmoke object.
+---* js NA +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return self +function ParticleSmoke:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ParticleSmoke:ParticleSmoke () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSnow.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSnow.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..11c2327af --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSnow.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ParticleSnow :cc.ParticleSystemQuad +local ParticleSnow={ } +cc.ParticleSnow=ParticleSnow + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function ParticleSnow:init () end +---* +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return boolean +function ParticleSnow:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* Create a snow particle system.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleSnow object. +---@return self +function ParticleSnow:create () end +---* Create a snow particle system withe a fixed number of particles.
+---* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleSnow object.
+---* js NA +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return self +function ParticleSnow:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ParticleSnow:ParticleSnow () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSpiral.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSpiral.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a6a808753 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSpiral.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ParticleSpiral :cc.ParticleSystemQuad +local ParticleSpiral={ } +cc.ParticleSpiral=ParticleSpiral + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function ParticleSpiral:init () end +---* +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return boolean +function ParticleSpiral:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* Create a spiral particle system.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleSpiral object. +---@return self +function ParticleSpiral:create () end +---* Create a spiral particle system withe a fixed number of particles.
+---* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleSpiral object.
+---* js NA +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return self +function ParticleSpiral:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ParticleSpiral:ParticleSpiral () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSun.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSun.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f43472365 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSun.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ParticleSun :cc.ParticleSystemQuad +local ParticleSun={ } +cc.ParticleSun=ParticleSun + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function ParticleSun:init () end +---* +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return boolean +function ParticleSun:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* Create a sun particle system.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleSun object. +---@return self +function ParticleSun:create () end +---* Create a sun particle system withe a fixed number of particles.
+---* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleSun object.
+---* js NA +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return self +function ParticleSun:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ParticleSun:ParticleSun () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSystem.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSystem.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2ef35e52b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSystem.lua @@ -0,0 +1,529 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ParticleSystem :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,TextureProtocol,PlayableProtocol +local ParticleSystem={ } +cc.ParticleSystem=ParticleSystem + + + + +---* Gets the start size variance in pixels of each particle.
+---* return The start size variance in pixels of each particle. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getStartSizeVar () end +---* +---@return cc.Texture2D +function ParticleSystem:getTexture () end +---* Whether or not the system is full.
+---* return True if the system is full. +---@return boolean +function ParticleSystem:isFull () end +---* Gets the batch node.
+---* return The batch node. +---@return cc.ParticleBatchNode +function ParticleSystem:getBatchNode () end +---* Gets the start color of each particle.
+---* return The start color of each particle. +---@return color4f_table +function ParticleSystem:getStartColor () end +---* Gets the particles movement type: Free or Grouped.
+---* since v0.8
+---* return The particles movement type. +---@return int +function ParticleSystem:getPositionType () end +---* Sets the position variance of the emitter.
+---* param pos The position variance of the emitter. +---@param pos vec2_table +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setPosVar (pos) end +---* Gets the end spin of each particle.
+---* return The end spin of each particle. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getEndSpin () end +---* Sets the rotate per second variance.
+---* param degrees The rotate per second variance. +---@param degrees float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setRotatePerSecondVar (degrees) end +---* / @} end of PlayableProtocol +---@param sourcePositionCompatible boolean +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setSourcePositionCompatible (sourcePositionCompatible) end +---* Gets the start spin variance of each particle.
+---* return The start spin variance of each particle. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getStartSpinVar () end +---* Gets the radial acceleration variance.
+---* return The radial acceleration variance. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getRadialAccelVar () end +---* Gets the end size variance in pixels of each particle.
+---* return The end size variance in pixels of each particle. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getEndSizeVar () end +---* Sets the tangential acceleration.
+---* param t The tangential acceleration. +---@param t float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setTangentialAccel (t) end +---* Gets the radial acceleration.
+---* return The radial acceleration. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getRadialAccel () end +---* Sets the start radius.
+---* param startRadius The start radius. +---@param startRadius float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setStartRadius (startRadius) end +---* Sets the number of degrees to rotate a particle around the source pos per second.
+---* param degrees The number of degrees to rotate a particle around the source pos per second. +---@param degrees float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setRotatePerSecond (degrees) end +---* Sets the end size in pixels of each particle.
+---* param endSize The end size in pixels of each particle. +---@param endSize float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setEndSize (endSize) end +---* Gets the gravity.
+---* return The gravity. +---@return vec2_table +function ParticleSystem:getGravity () end +---* +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:resumeEmissions () end +---* Gets the tangential acceleration.
+---* return The tangential acceleration. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getTangentialAccel () end +---* Sets the end radius.
+---* param endRadius The end radius. +---@param endRadius float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setEndRadius (endRadius) end +---* Gets the speed.
+---* return The speed. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getSpeed () end +---* +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:pauseEmissions () end +---* Gets the angle of each particle.
+---* return The angle of each particle. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getAngle () end +---* Sets the end color and end color variation of each particle.
+---* param color The end color and end color variation of each particle. +---@param color color4f_table +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setEndColor (color) end +---* Sets the start spin of each particle.
+---* param spin The start spin of each particle. +---@param spin float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setStartSpin (spin) end +---* Sets how many seconds the emitter will run. -1 means 'forever'.
+---* param duration The seconds that the emitter will run. -1 means 'forever'. +---@param duration float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setDuration (duration) end +---* Initializes a system with a fixed number of particles +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return boolean +function ParticleSystem:initWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* +---@param count int +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:addParticles (count) end +---* +---@param texture cc.Texture2D +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setTexture (texture) end +---* Gets the position variance of the emitter.
+---* return The position variance of the emitter. +---@return vec2_table +function ParticleSystem:getPosVar () end +---* Call the update method with no time.. +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:updateWithNoTime () end +---* Whether or not the particle system is blend additive.
+---* return True if the particle system is blend additive. +---@return boolean +function ParticleSystem:isBlendAdditive () end +---* Gets the speed variance.
+---* return The speed variance. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getSpeedVar () end +---* Sets the particles movement type: Free or Grouped.
+---* since v0.8
+---* param type The particles movement type. +---@param type int +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setPositionType (type) end +---* +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:stopSystem () end +---* Gets the source position of the emitter.
+---* return The source position of the emitter. +---@return vec2_table +function ParticleSystem:getSourcePosition () end +---* Sets the life variance of each particle.
+---* param lifeVar The life variance of each particle. +---@param lifeVar float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setLifeVar (lifeVar) end +---* Sets the maximum particles of the system.
+---* param totalParticles The maximum particles of the system. +---@param totalParticles int +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setTotalParticles (totalParticles) end +---* Sets the end color variance of each particle.
+---* param color The end color variance of each particle. +---@param color color4f_table +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setEndColorVar (color) end +---* Gets the index of system in batch node array.
+---* return The index of system in batch node array. +---@return int +function ParticleSystem:getAtlasIndex () end +---* Gets the start size in pixels of each particle.
+---* return The start size in pixels of each particle. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getStartSize () end +---* Sets the start spin variance of each particle.
+---* param pinVar The start spin variance of each particle. +---@param pinVar float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setStartSpinVar (pinVar) end +---* Kill all living particles. +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:resetSystem () end +---* Sets the index of system in batch node array.
+---* param index The index of system in batch node array. +---@param index int +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setAtlasIndex (index) end +---* Sets the tangential acceleration variance.
+---* param t The tangential acceleration variance. +---@param t float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setTangentialAccelVar (t) end +---* Sets the end radius variance.
+---* param endRadiusVar The end radius variance. +---@param endRadiusVar float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setEndRadiusVar (endRadiusVar) end +---* Gets the end radius.
+---* return The end radius. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getEndRadius () end +---* Whether or not the particle system is active.
+---* return True if the particle system is active. +---@return boolean +function ParticleSystem:isActive () end +---* Sets the radial acceleration variance.
+---* param t The radial acceleration variance. +---@param t float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setRadialAccelVar (t) end +---* Sets the start size in pixels of each particle.
+---* param startSize The start size in pixels of each particle. +---@param startSize float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setStartSize (startSize) end +---* Sets the speed.
+---* param speed The speed. +---@param speed float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setSpeed (speed) end +---* Gets the start spin of each particle.
+---* return The start spin of each particle. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getStartSpin () end +---* +---@return string +function ParticleSystem:getResourceFile () end +---* Gets the number of degrees to rotate a particle around the source pos per second.
+---* return The number of degrees to rotate a particle around the source pos per second. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getRotatePerSecond () end +---* Sets the mode of the emitter.
+---* param mode The mode of the emitter. +---@param mode int +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setEmitterMode (mode) end +---* Gets how many seconds the emitter will run. -1 means 'forever'.
+---* return The seconds that the emitter will run. -1 means 'forever'. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getDuration () end +---* Sets the source position of the emitter.
+---* param pos The source position of the emitter. +---@param pos vec2_table +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setSourcePosition (pos) end +---* +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:stop () end +---* Update the verts position data of particle,
+---* should be overridden by subclasses. +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:updateParticleQuads () end +---* Gets the end spin variance of each particle.
+---* return The end spin variance of each particle. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getEndSpinVar () end +---* Sets the particle system blend additive.
+---* param value True if the particle system is blend additive. +---@param value boolean +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setBlendAdditive (value) end +---* Sets the life of each particle.
+---* param life The life of each particle. +---@param life float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setLife (life) end +---* Sets the angle variance of each particle.
+---* param angleVar The angle variance of each particle. +---@param angleVar float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setAngleVar (angleVar) end +---* Sets the rotation of each particle to its direction.
+---* param t True if the rotation is the direction. +---@param t boolean +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setRotationIsDir (t) end +---* / @{/ @name implement Playable Protocol +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:start () end +---* Sets the end size variance in pixels of each particle.
+---* param sizeVar The end size variance in pixels of each particle. +---@param sizeVar float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setEndSizeVar (sizeVar) end +---* Sets the angle of each particle.
+---* param angle The angle of each particle. +---@param angle float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setAngle (angle) end +---* Sets the batch node.
+---* param batchNode The batch node. +---@param batchNode cc.ParticleBatchNode +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setBatchNode (batchNode) end +---* Gets the tangential acceleration variance.
+---* return The tangential acceleration variance. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getTangentialAccelVar () end +---* Switch between different kind of emitter modes:
+---* - kParticleModeGravity: uses gravity, speed, radial and tangential acceleration.
+---* - kParticleModeRadius: uses radius movement + rotation.
+---* return The mode of the emitter. +---@return int +function ParticleSystem:getEmitterMode () end +---* Sets the end spin variance of each particle.
+---* param endSpinVar The end spin variance of each particle. +---@param endSpinVar float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setEndSpinVar (endSpinVar) end +---* initializes a ParticleSystem from a plist file.
+---* This plist files can be created manually or with Particle Designer:
+---* http:particledesigner.71squared.com/
+---* since v0.99.3 +---@param plistFile string +---@return boolean +function ParticleSystem:initWithFile (plistFile) end +---* Gets the angle variance of each particle.
+---* return The angle variance of each particle. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getAngleVar () end +---* Sets the start color of each particle.
+---* param color The start color of each particle. +---@param color color4f_table +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setStartColor (color) end +---* Gets the rotate per second variance.
+---* return The rotate per second variance. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getRotatePerSecondVar () end +---* Gets the end size in pixels of each particle.
+---* return The end size in pixels of each particle. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getEndSize () end +---* Gets the life of each particle.
+---* return The life of each particle. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getLife () end +---* Are the emissions paused
+---* return True if the emissions are paused, else false +---@return boolean +function ParticleSystem:isPaused () end +---* Sets the speed variance.
+---* param speed The speed variance. +---@param speed float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setSpeedVar (speed) end +---* Set the particle system auto removed it self on finish.
+---* param var True if the particle system removed self on finish. +---@param var boolean +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setAutoRemoveOnFinish (var) end +---* Sets the gravity.
+---* param g The gravity. +---@param g vec2_table +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setGravity (g) end +---* Update the VBO verts buffer which does not use batch node,
+---* should be overridden by subclasses. +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:postStep () end +---* Sets the emission rate of the particles.
+---* param rate The emission rate of the particles. +---@param rate float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setEmissionRate (rate) end +---* Gets the end color variance of each particle.
+---* return The end color variance of each particle. +---@return color4f_table +function ParticleSystem:getEndColorVar () end +---* Whether or not the rotation of each particle to its direction.
+---* return True if the rotation is the direction. +---@return boolean +function ParticleSystem:getRotationIsDir () end +---* Gets the emission rate of the particles.
+---* return The emission rate of the particles. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getEmissionRate () end +---* Gets the end color and end color variation of each particle.
+---* return The end color and end color variation of each particle. +---@return color4f_table +function ParticleSystem:getEndColor () end +---* Gets the life variance of each particle.
+---* return The life variance of each particle. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getLifeVar () end +---* Sets the start size variance in pixels of each particle.
+---* param sizeVar The start size variance in pixels of each particle. +---@param sizeVar float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setStartSizeVar (sizeVar) end +---* Gets the start radius.
+---* return The start radius. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getStartRadius () end +---* Gets the Quantity of particles that are being simulated at the moment.
+---* return The Quantity of particles that are being simulated at the moment. +---@return unsigned_int +function ParticleSystem:getParticleCount () end +---* Gets the start radius variance.
+---* return The start radius variance. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getStartRadiusVar () end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@return cc.BlendFunc +function ParticleSystem:getBlendFunc () end +---* Sets the start color variance of each particle.
+---* param color The start color variance of each particle. +---@param color color4f_table +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setStartColorVar (color) end +---* Sets the end spin of each particle.
+---* param endSpin The end spin of each particle. +---@param endSpin float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setEndSpin (endSpin) end +---* Sets the radial acceleration.
+---* param t The radial acceleration. +---@param t float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setRadialAccel (t) end +---@overload fun(map_table:map_table,string:string):self +---@overload fun(map_table:map_table):self +---@param dictionary map_table +---@param dirname string +---@return boolean +function ParticleSystem:initWithDictionary (dictionary,dirname) end +---* Whether or not the particle system removed self on finish.
+---* return True if the particle system removed self on finish. +---@return boolean +function ParticleSystem:isAutoRemoveOnFinish () end +---* +---@return boolean +function ParticleSystem:isSourcePositionCompatible () end +---* Gets the maximum particles of the system.
+---* return The maximum particles of the system. +---@return int +function ParticleSystem:getTotalParticles () end +---* Sets the start radius variance.
+---* param startRadiusVar The start radius variance. +---@param startRadiusVar float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setStartRadiusVar (startRadiusVar) end +---* code
+---* When this function bound into js or lua,the parameter will be changed
+---* In js: var setBlendFunc(var src, var dst)
+---* In lua: local setBlendFunc(local src, local dst)
+---* endcode +---@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end +---* Gets the end radius variance.
+---* return The end radius variance. +---@return float +function ParticleSystem:getEndRadiusVar () end +---* Gets the start color variance of each particle.
+---* return The start color variance of each particle. +---@return color4f_table +function ParticleSystem:getStartColorVar () end +---* Creates an initializes a ParticleSystem from a plist file.
+---* This plist files can be created manually or with Particle Designer:
+---* http:particledesigner.71squared.com/
+---* since v2.0
+---* param plistFile Particle plist file name.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleSystem object. +---@param plistFile string +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:create (plistFile) end +---* Create a system with a fixed number of particles.
+---* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleSystemQuad object.
+---* js NA +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* Gets all ParticleSystem references +---@return array_table +function ParticleSystem:getAllParticleSystems () end +---* +---@param newScaleY float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setScaleY (newScaleY) end +---* +---@param newScaleX float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setScaleX (newScaleX) end +---* +---@return boolean +function ParticleSystem:isOpacityModifyRGB () end +---* does the alpha value modify color +---@param opacityModifyRGB boolean +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setOpacityModifyRGB (opacityModifyRGB) end +---* +---@param s float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setScale (s) end +---* +---@param dt float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:update (dt) end +---* initializes a ParticleSystem +---@return boolean +function ParticleSystem:init () end +---* +---@param newRotation float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:setRotation (newRotation) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ParticleSystem:ParticleSystem () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSystem3D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSystem3D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3f5664a35 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSystem3D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ParticleSystem3D :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,BlendProtocol +local ParticleSystem3D={ } +cc.ParticleSystem3D=ParticleSystem3D + + + + +---* remove affector by index +---@param index int +---@return self +function ParticleSystem3D:removeAffector (index) end +---* resume particle +---@return self +function ParticleSystem3D:resumeParticleSystem () end +---* remove all particle affector +---@return self +function ParticleSystem3D:removeAllAffector () end +---* add particle affector +---@param affector cc.Particle3DAffector +---@return self +function ParticleSystem3D:addAffector (affector) end +---* particle system play control +---@return self +function ParticleSystem3D:startParticleSystem () end +---* is enabled +---@return boolean +function ParticleSystem3D:isEnabled () end +---* return particle render +---@return cc.Particle3DRender +function ParticleSystem3D:getRender () end +---* set emitter for particle system, can set your own particle emitter +---@param emitter cc.Particle3DEmitter +---@return self +function ParticleSystem3D:setEmitter (emitter) end +---* +---@return boolean +function ParticleSystem3D:isKeepLocal () end +---* Enables or disables the system. +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function ParticleSystem3D:setEnabled (enabled) end +---* get particle quota +---@return unsigned_int +function ParticleSystem3D:getParticleQuota () end +---* override function +---@return cc.BlendFunc +function ParticleSystem3D:getBlendFunc () end +---* pause particle +---@return self +function ParticleSystem3D:pauseParticleSystem () end +---* get particle playing state +---@return int +function ParticleSystem3D:getState () end +---* get alive particles count +---@return int +function ParticleSystem3D:getAliveParticleCount () end +---* set particle quota +---@param quota unsigned_int +---@return self +function ParticleSystem3D:setParticleQuota (quota) end +---* override function +---@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc +---@return self +function ParticleSystem3D:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end +---* set particle render, can set your own particle render +---@param render cc.Particle3DRender +---@return self +function ParticleSystem3D:setRender (render) end +---* stop particle +---@return self +function ParticleSystem3D:stopParticleSystem () end +---* +---@param keepLocal boolean +---@return self +function ParticleSystem3D:setKeepLocal (keepLocal) end +---* override function +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function ParticleSystem3D:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* override function +---@param delta float +---@return self +function ParticleSystem3D:update (delta) end +---* +---@return self +function ParticleSystem3D:ParticleSystem3D () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSystemQuad.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSystemQuad.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a538e57c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ParticleSystemQuad.lua @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ParticleSystemQuad :cc.ParticleSystem +local ParticleSystemQuad={ } +cc.ParticleSystemQuad=ParticleSystemQuad + + + + +---* Sets a new SpriteFrame as particle.
+---* WARNING: this method is experimental. Use setTextureWithRect instead.
+---* param spriteFrame A given sprite frame as particle texture.
+---* since v0.99.4 +---@param spriteFrame cc.SpriteFrame +---@return self +function ParticleSystemQuad:setDisplayFrame (spriteFrame) end +---* Sets a new texture with a rect. The rect is in Points.
+---* since v0.99.4
+---* js NA
+---* lua NA
+---* param texture A given texture.
+---* 8 @param rect A given rect, in points. +---@param texture cc.Texture2D +---@param rect rect_table +---@return self +function ParticleSystemQuad:setTextureWithRect (texture,rect) end +---* Listen the event that renderer was recreated on Android/WP8.
+---* js NA
+---* lua NA
+---* param event the event that renderer was recreated on Android/WP8. +---@param event cc.EventCustom +---@return self +function ParticleSystemQuad:listenRendererRecreated (event) end +---@overload fun(map_table0:string):self +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun(map_table:map_table):self +---@param dictionary map_table +---@return self +function ParticleSystemQuad:create (dictionary) end +---* Creates a Particle Emitter with a number of particles.
+---* param numberOfParticles A given number of particles.
+---* return An autoreleased ParticleSystemQuad object. +---@param numberOfParticles int +---@return self +function ParticleSystemQuad:createWithTotalParticles (numberOfParticles) end +---* +---@return string +function ParticleSystemQuad:getDescription () end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@return self +function ParticleSystemQuad:updateParticleQuads () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ParticleSystemQuad:ParticleSystemQuad () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Pass.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Pass.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a1f36d492 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Pass.lua @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Pass :cc.Ref +local Pass={ } +cc.Pass=Pass + + + + +---* +---@param d voi +---@param t unsigned in +---@return self +function Pass:setUniformPointLightPosition (d,t) end +---* +---@param d voi +---@param t unsigned in +---@return self +function Pass:setUniformDirLightDir (d,t) end +---* +---@param technique cc.Technique +---@return self +function Pass:setTechnique (technique) end +---* Returns the vertex attribute binding for this pass.
+---* return The vertex attribute binding for this pass. +---@return cc.VertexAttribBinding +function Pass:getVertexAttributeBinding () end +---* +---@param d voi +---@param t unsigned in +---@return self +function Pass:setUniformSpotLightOuterAngleCos (d,t) end +---* +---@param d voi +---@param t unsigned in +---@return self +function Pass:setUniformSpotLightDir (d,t) end +---* +---@param d voi +---@param t unsigned in +---@return self +function Pass:setUniformMatrixPalette (d,t) end +---* +---@param name string +---@return self +function Pass:setName (name) end +---* +---@return string +function Pass:getName () end +---* +---@param d voi +---@param t unsigned in +---@return self +function Pass:setUniformSpotLightRangeInverse (d,t) end +---* Returns a clone (deep-copy) of this instance +---@return self +function Pass:clone () end +---* +---@param meshCommand cc.MeshCommand +---@param globalZOrder float +---@param vertexBuffer cc.backend.Buffer +---@param indexBuffer cc.backend.Buffer +---@param primitive int +---@param indexFormat int +---@param indexCount unsigned_int +---@param modelView mat4_table +---@return self +function Pass:draw (meshCommand,globalZOrder,vertexBuffer,indexBuffer,primitive,indexFormat,indexCount,modelView) end +---* +---@param d voi +---@param t unsigned in +---@return self +function Pass:setUniformPointLightRangeInverse (d,t) end +---* +---@param slot unsigned_int +---@param d cc.backend.TextureBacken +---@return self +function Pass:setUniformNormTexture (slot,d) end +---* +---@param modelView mat4_table +---@return self +function Pass:updateMVPUniform (modelView) end +---* Returns the ProgramState +---@return cc.backend.ProgramState +function Pass:getProgramState () end +---* +---@param d voi +---@param t unsigned in +---@return self +function Pass:setUniformSpotLightColor (d,t) end +---* +---@param d voi +---@param t unsigned in +---@return self +function Pass:setUniformAmbientLigthColor (d,t) end +---* +---@param d voi +---@param t unsigned in +---@return self +function Pass:setUniformDirLightColor (d,t) end +---* +---@param d voi +---@param t unsigned in +---@return self +function Pass:setUniformSpotLightPosition (d,t) end +---* Sets a vertex attribute binding for this pass.
+---* When a mesh binding is set, the VertexAttribBinding will be automatically
+---* bound when the bind() method is called for the pass.
+---* param binding The VertexAttribBinding to set (or NULL to remove an existing binding). +---@param binding cc.VertexAttribBinding +---@return self +function Pass:setVertexAttribBinding (binding) end +---* +---@param slot unsigned_int +---@param d cc.backend.TextureBacken +---@return self +function Pass:setUniformTexture (slot,d) end +---* +---@param d voi +---@param t unsigned in +---@return self +function Pass:setUniformSpotLightInnerAngleCos (d,t) end +---* +---@param d voi +---@param t unsigned in +---@return self +function Pass:setUniformColor (d,t) end +---* +---@param d voi +---@param t unsigned in +---@return self +function Pass:setUniformPointLightColor (d,t) end +---* Creates a Pass with a GLProgramState. +---@param parent cc.Technique +---@param programState cc.backend.ProgramState +---@return self +function Pass:createWithProgramState (parent,programState) end +---* +---@param parent cc.Technique +---@return self +function Pass:create (parent) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3D6DofConstraint.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3D6DofConstraint.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7101db2d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3D6DofConstraint.lua @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Physics3D6DofConstraint :cc.Physics3DConstraint +local Physics3D6DofConstraint={ } +cc.Physics3D6DofConstraint=Physics3D6DofConstraint + + + + +---* set linear lower limit +---@param linearLower vec3_table +---@return self +function Physics3D6DofConstraint:setLinearLowerLimit (linearLower) end +---* get linear lower limit +---@return vec3_table +function Physics3D6DofConstraint:getLinearLowerLimit () end +---* get angular upper limit +---@return vec3_table +function Physics3D6DofConstraint:getAngularUpperLimit () end +---* access for UseFrameOffset +---@return boolean +function Physics3D6DofConstraint:getUseFrameOffset () end +---* get linear upper limit +---@return vec3_table +function Physics3D6DofConstraint:getLinearUpperLimit () end +---* set angular lower limit +---@param angularLower vec3_table +---@return self +function Physics3D6DofConstraint:setAngularLowerLimit (angularLower) end +---* is limited?
+---* param limitIndex first 3 are linear, next 3 are angular +---@param limitIndex int +---@return boolean +function Physics3D6DofConstraint:isLimited (limitIndex) end +---* set use frame offset +---@param frameOffsetOnOff boolean +---@return self +function Physics3D6DofConstraint:setUseFrameOffset (frameOffsetOnOff) end +---* set linear upper limit +---@param linearUpper vec3_table +---@return self +function Physics3D6DofConstraint:setLinearUpperLimit (linearUpper) end +---* get angular lower limit +---@return vec3_table +function Physics3D6DofConstraint:getAngularLowerLimit () end +---* set angular upper limit +---@param angularUpper vec3_table +---@return self +function Physics3D6DofConstraint:setAngularUpperLimit (angularUpper) end +---@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody1:mat4_table,mat4_table2:boolean):self +---@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,mat4_table:mat4_table,mat4_table:mat4_table,boolean:boolean):self +---@param rbA cc.Physics3DRigidBody +---@param rbB cc.Physics3DRigidBody +---@param frameInA mat4_table +---@param frameInB mat4_table +---@param useLinearReferenceFrameA boolean +---@return self +function Physics3D6DofConstraint:create (rbA,rbB,frameInA,frameInB,useLinearReferenceFrameA) end +---* +---@return self +function Physics3D6DofConstraint:Physics3D6DofConstraint () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DComponent.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DComponent.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..62dc9de91 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DComponent.lua @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Physics3DComponent :cc.Component +local Physics3DComponent={ } +cc.Physics3DComponent=Physics3DComponent + + + + +---* synchronize node transformation to physics +---@return self +function Physics3DComponent:syncNodeToPhysics () end +---* add this component to physics world, called by scene +---@param world cc.Physics3DWorld +---@return self +function Physics3DComponent:addToPhysicsWorld (world) end +---* synchronize physics transformation to node +---@return self +function Physics3DComponent:syncPhysicsToNode () end +---* get physics object +---@return cc.Physics3DObject +function Physics3DComponent:getPhysics3DObject () end +---* set Physics object to the component +---@param physicsObj cc.Physics3DObject +---@return self +function Physics3DComponent:setPhysics3DObject (physicsObj) end +---* synchronization between node and physics is time consuming, you can skip some synchronization using this function +---@param syncFlag int +---@return self +function Physics3DComponent:setSyncFlag (syncFlag) end +---* get the component name, it is used to find whether it is Physics3DComponent +---@return string +function Physics3DComponent:getPhysics3DComponentName () end +---* set it enable or not +---@param b boolean +---@return self +function Physics3DComponent:setEnabled (b) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Physics3DComponent:init () end +---* +---@return self +function Physics3DComponent:onEnter () end +---* +---@return self +function Physics3DComponent:onExit () end +---* +---@return self +function Physics3DComponent:Physics3DComponent () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DConeTwistConstraint.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DConeTwistConstraint.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aa617d96f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DConeTwistConstraint.lua @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Physics3DConeTwistConstraint :cc.Physics3DConstraint +local Physics3DConeTwistConstraint={ } +cc.Physics3DConeTwistConstraint=Physics3DConeTwistConstraint + + + + +---* get B's frame +---@return mat4_table +function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:getBFrame () end +---* set fix thresh +---@param fixThresh float +---@return self +function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:setFixThresh (fixThresh) end +---* get B's frame offset +---@return mat4_table +function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:getFrameOffsetB () end +---* get A's frame offset +---@return mat4_table +function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:getFrameOffsetA () end +---* get fix thresh +---@return float +function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:getFixThresh () end +---* get swing span2 +---@return float +function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:getSwingSpan2 () end +---* get swing span1 +---@return float +function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:getSwingSpan1 () end +---* set max motor impulse +---@param maxMotorImpulse float +---@return self +function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:setMaxMotorImpulse (maxMotorImpulse) end +---* set A and B's frame +---@param frameA mat4_table +---@param frameB mat4_table +---@return self +function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:setFrames (frameA,frameB) end +---* get twist angle +---@return float +function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:getTwistAngle () end +---* get point for angle +---@param fAngleInRadians float +---@param fLength float +---@return vec3_table +function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:GetPointForAngle (fAngleInRadians,fLength) end +---* set max motor impulse normalize +---@param maxMotorImpulse float +---@return self +function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:setMaxMotorImpulseNormalized (maxMotorImpulse) end +---* get twist span +---@return float +function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:getTwistSpan () end +---* set damping +---@param damping float +---@return self +function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:setDamping (damping) end +---* set limits
+---* param swingSpan1 swing span1
+---* param swingSpan2 swing span2
+---* param twistSpan twist span
+---* param softness 0->1, recommend ~0.8->1. Describes % of limits where movement is free. Beyond this softness %, the limit is gradually enforced until the "hard" (1.0) limit is reached.
+---* param biasFactor 0->1?, recommend 0.3 +/-0.3 or so. Strength with which constraint resists zeroth order (angular, not angular velocity) limit violation.
+---* param relaxationFactor 0->1, recommend to stay near 1. the lower the value, the less the constraint will fight velocities which violate the angular limits. +---@param swingSpan1 float +---@param swingSpan2 float +---@param twistSpan float +---@param softness float +---@param biasFactor float +---@param relaxationFactor float +---@return self +function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:setLimit (swingSpan1,swingSpan2,twistSpan,softness,biasFactor,relaxationFactor) end +---* get A's frame +---@return mat4_table +function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:getAFrame () end +---* enable motor +---@param b boolean +---@return self +function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:enableMotor (b) end +---@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,mat4_table:mat4_table,mat4_table:mat4_table):self +---@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody1:mat4_table):self +---@param rbA cc.Physics3DRigidBody +---@param rbB cc.Physics3DRigidBody +---@param frameA mat4_table +---@param frameB mat4_table +---@return self +function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:create (rbA,rbB,frameA,frameB) end +---* +---@return self +function Physics3DConeTwistConstraint:Physics3DConeTwistConstraint () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DConstraint.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DConstraint.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6c04127c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DConstraint.lua @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Physics3DConstraint :cc.Ref +local Physics3DConstraint={ } +cc.Physics3DConstraint=Physics3DConstraint + + + + +---* set enable or not +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function Physics3DConstraint:setEnabled (enabled) end +---* set the impulse that break the constraint +---@param impulse float +---@return self +function Physics3DConstraint:setBreakingImpulse (impulse) end +---* get user data +---@return void +function Physics3DConstraint:getUserData () end +---* get the impulse that break the constraint +---@return float +function Physics3DConstraint:getBreakingImpulse () end +---* get rigid body a +---@return cc.Physics3DRigidBody +function Physics3DConstraint:getBodyA () end +---* is it enabled +---@return boolean +function Physics3DConstraint:isEnabled () end +---* get override number of solver iterations +---@return int +function Physics3DConstraint:getOverrideNumSolverIterations () end +---* get rigid body b +---@return cc.Physics3DRigidBody +function Physics3DConstraint:getBodyB () end +---* override the number of constraint solver iterations used to solve this constraint, -1 will use the default number of iterations, as specified in SolverInfo.m_numIterations +---@param overrideNumIterations int +---@return self +function Physics3DConstraint:setOverrideNumSolverIterations (overrideNumIterations) end +---* get constraint type +---@return int +function Physics3DConstraint:getConstraintType () end +---* get user data +---@param userData void +---@return self +function Physics3DConstraint:setUserData (userData) end +---* +---@return btTypedConstraint +function Physics3DConstraint:getbtContraint () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DHingeConstraint.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DHingeConstraint.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ddd60bff --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DHingeConstraint.lua @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Physics3DHingeConstraint :cc.Physics3DConstraint +local Physics3DHingeConstraint={ } +cc.Physics3DHingeConstraint=Physics3DHingeConstraint + + + + +---@overload fun(mat4_table:mat4_table,mat4_table:mat4_table):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param transA mat4_table +---@param transB mat4_table +---@return float +function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getHingeAngle (transA,transB) end +---* get motor target velocity +---@return float +function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getMotorTargetVelosity () end +---* get rigid body A's frame offset +---@return mat4_table +function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getFrameOffsetA () end +---* get rigid body B's frame offset +---@return mat4_table +function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getFrameOffsetB () end +---* set max motor impulse +---@param maxMotorImpulse float +---@return self +function Physics3DHingeConstraint:setMaxMotorImpulse (maxMotorImpulse) end +---* enable angular motor +---@param enableMotor boolean +---@param targetVelocity float +---@param maxMotorImpulse float +---@return self +function Physics3DHingeConstraint:enableAngularMotor (enableMotor,targetVelocity,maxMotorImpulse) end +---* get upper limit +---@return float +function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getUpperLimit () end +---* get max motor impulse +---@return float +function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getMaxMotorImpulse () end +---* get lower limit +---@return float +function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getLowerLimit () end +---* set use frame offset +---@param frameOffsetOnOff boolean +---@return self +function Physics3DHingeConstraint:setUseFrameOffset (frameOffsetOnOff) end +---* get enable angular motor +---@return boolean +function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getEnableAngularMotor () end +---* +---@param enableMotor boolean +---@return self +function Physics3DHingeConstraint:enableMotor (enableMotor) end +---* get B's frame +---@return mat4_table +function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getBFrame () end +---* set frames for rigid body A and B +---@param frameA mat4_table +---@param frameB mat4_table +---@return self +function Physics3DHingeConstraint:setFrames (frameA,frameB) end +---* access for UseFrameOffset +---@return boolean +function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getUseFrameOffset () end +---* set angular only +---@param angularOnly boolean +---@return self +function Physics3DHingeConstraint:setAngularOnly (angularOnly) end +---* set limit +---@param low float +---@param high float +---@param _softness float +---@param _biasFactor float +---@param _relaxationFactor float +---@return self +function Physics3DHingeConstraint:setLimit (low,high,_softness,_biasFactor,_relaxationFactor) end +---* get angular only +---@return boolean +function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getAngularOnly () end +---* set axis +---@param axisInA vec3_table +---@return self +function Physics3DHingeConstraint:setAxis (axisInA) end +---* get A's frame +---@return mat4_table +function Physics3DHingeConstraint:getAFrame () end +---@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody1:vec3_table,vec3_table:vec3_table,vec3_table3:boolean):self +---@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody1:mat4_table,vec3_table2:boolean):self +---@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,vec3_table:vec3_table,vec3_table:vec3_table,vec3_table:vec3_table,vec3_table:vec3_table,boolean:boolean):self +---@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,vec3_table2:mat4_table,vec3_table3:mat4_table,vec3_table4:boolean):self +---@param rbA cc.Physics3DRigidBody +---@param rbB cc.Physics3DRigidBody +---@param pivotInA vec3_table +---@param pivotInB vec3_table +---@param axisInA vec3_table +---@param axisInB vec3_table +---@param useReferenceFrameA boolean +---@return self +function Physics3DHingeConstraint:create (rbA,rbB,pivotInA,pivotInB,axisInA,axisInB,useReferenceFrameA) end +---* +---@return self +function Physics3DHingeConstraint:Physics3DHingeConstraint () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DObject.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DObject.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..86fe2733c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DObject.lua @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Physics3DObject :cc.Ref +local Physics3DObject={ } +cc.Physics3DObject=Physics3DObject + + + + +---* Set the user data. +---@param userData void +---@return self +function Physics3DObject:setUserData (userData) end +---* Get the user data. +---@return void +function Physics3DObject:getUserData () end +---* Get the Physics3DObject Type. +---@return int +function Physics3DObject:getObjType () end +---* Internal method. Set the pointer of Physics3DWorld. +---@param world cc.Physics3DWorld +---@return self +function Physics3DObject:setPhysicsWorld (world) end +---* Get the world matrix of Physics3DObject. +---@return mat4_table +function Physics3DObject:getWorldTransform () end +---* Get the pointer of Physics3DWorld. +---@return cc.Physics3DWorld +function Physics3DObject:getPhysicsWorld () end +---* Set the mask of Physics3DObject. +---@param mask unsigned_int +---@return self +function Physics3DObject:setMask (mask) end +---* Get the collision callback function. +---@return function +function Physics3DObject:getCollisionCallback () end +---* Get the mask of Physics3DObject. +---@return unsigned_int +function Physics3DObject:getMask () end +---* Check has collision callback function. +---@return boolean +function Physics3DObject:needCollisionCallback () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DPointToPointConstraint.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DPointToPointConstraint.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a891f0455 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DPointToPointConstraint.lua @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Physics3DPointToPointConstraint :cc.Physics3DConstraint +local Physics3DPointToPointConstraint={ } +cc.Physics3DPointToPointConstraint=Physics3DPointToPointConstraint + + + + +---* get pivot point in A's local space +---@return vec3_table +function Physics3DPointToPointConstraint:getPivotPointInA () end +---* get pivot point in B's local space +---@return vec3_table +function Physics3DPointToPointConstraint:getPivotPointInB () end +---@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,vec3_table:vec3_table,vec3_table:vec3_table):self +---@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody1:vec3_table):self +---@param rbA cc.Physics3DRigidBody +---@param rbB cc.Physics3DRigidBody +---@param pivotPointInA vec3_table +---@param pivotPointInB vec3_table +---@return boolean +function Physics3DPointToPointConstraint:init (rbA,rbB,pivotPointInA,pivotPointInB) end +---* set pivot point in A's local space +---@param pivotA vec3_table +---@return self +function Physics3DPointToPointConstraint:setPivotPointInA (pivotA) end +---* set pivot point in B's local space +---@param pivotB vec3_table +---@return self +function Physics3DPointToPointConstraint:setPivotPointInB (pivotB) end +---@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,vec3_table:vec3_table,vec3_table:vec3_table):self +---@overload fun(cc.Physics3DRigidBody:cc.Physics3DRigidBody,cc.Physics3DRigidBody1:vec3_table):self +---@param rbA cc.Physics3DRigidBody +---@param rbB cc.Physics3DRigidBody +---@param pivotPointInA vec3_table +---@param pivotPointInB vec3_table +---@return self +function Physics3DPointToPointConstraint:create (rbA,rbB,pivotPointInA,pivotPointInB) end +---* +---@return self +function Physics3DPointToPointConstraint:Physics3DPointToPointConstraint () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DRigidBody.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DRigidBody.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5c68569d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DRigidBody.lua @@ -0,0 +1,204 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Physics3DRigidBody :cc.Physics3DObject +local Physics3DRigidBody={ } +cc.Physics3DRigidBody=Physics3DRigidBody + + + + +---* Set the acceleration. +---@param acceleration vec3_table +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:setGravity (acceleration) end +---* Get friction. +---@return float +function Physics3DRigidBody:getFriction () end +---@overload fun(vec3_table0:float):self +---@overload fun(vec3_table:vec3_table):self +---@param angFac vec3_table +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:setAngularFactor (angFac) end +---* +---@param constraint cc.Physics3DConstraint +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:addConstraint (constraint) end +---* Get the pointer of btRigidBody. +---@return btRigidBody +function Physics3DRigidBody:getRigidBody () end +---* Get total force. +---@return vec3_table +function Physics3DRigidBody:getTotalForce () end +---* Get the total number of constraints. +---@return unsigned_int +function Physics3DRigidBody:getConstraintCount () end +---* Apply a central force.
+---* param force the value of the force +---@param force vec3_table +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:applyCentralForce (force) end +---* Set mass and inertia. +---@param mass float +---@param inertia vec3_table +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:setMassProps (mass,inertia) end +---* Set friction. +---@param frict float +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:setFriction (frict) end +---* Set kinematic object. +---@param kinematic boolean +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:setKinematic (kinematic) end +---* Set linear damping and angular damping. +---@param lin_damping float +---@param ang_damping float +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:setDamping (lin_damping,ang_damping) end +---* Apply a impulse.
+---* param impulse the value of the impulse
+---* param rel_pos the position of the impulse +---@param impulse vec3_table +---@param rel_pos vec3_table +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:applyImpulse (impulse,rel_pos) end +---* Check rigid body is kinematic object. +---@return boolean +function Physics3DRigidBody:isKinematic () end +---* Apply a torque.
+---* param torque the value of the torque +---@param torque vec3_table +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:applyTorque (torque) end +---* Set motion threshold, don't do continuous collision detection if the motion (in one step) is less then ccdMotionThreshold +---@param ccdMotionThreshold float +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:setCcdMotionThreshold (ccdMotionThreshold) end +---* Set rolling friction. +---@param frict float +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:setRollingFriction (frict) end +---* Get motion threshold. +---@return float +function Physics3DRigidBody:getCcdMotionThreshold () end +---* Get the linear factor. +---@return vec3_table +function Physics3DRigidBody:getLinearFactor () end +---* Damps the velocity, using the given linearDamping and angularDamping. +---@param timeStep float +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:applyDamping (timeStep) end +---* Get the angular velocity. +---@return vec3_table +function Physics3DRigidBody:getAngularVelocity () end +---* +---@param info cc.Physics3DRigidBodyDes +---@return boolean +function Physics3DRigidBody:init (info) end +---* Apply a torque impulse.
+---* param torque the value of the torque +---@param torque vec3_table +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:applyTorqueImpulse (torque) end +---* Active or inactive. +---@param active boolean +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:setActive (active) end +---* Set the linear factor. +---@param linearFactor vec3_table +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:setLinearFactor (linearFactor) end +---* Set the linear velocity. +---@param lin_vel vec3_table +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:setLinearVelocity (lin_vel) end +---* Get the linear velocity. +---@return vec3_table +function Physics3DRigidBody:getLinearVelocity () end +---* Set swept sphere radius. +---@param radius float +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:setCcdSweptSphereRadius (radius) end +---* Apply a force.
+---* param force the value of the force
+---* param rel_pos the position of the force +---@param force vec3_table +---@param rel_pos vec3_table +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:applyForce (force,rel_pos) end +---* Set the angular velocity. +---@param ang_vel vec3_table +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:setAngularVelocity (ang_vel) end +---* Apply a central impulse.
+---* param impulse the value of the impulse +---@param impulse vec3_table +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:applyCentralImpulse (impulse) end +---* Get the acceleration. +---@return vec3_table +function Physics3DRigidBody:getGravity () end +---* Get rolling friction. +---@return float +function Physics3DRigidBody:getRollingFriction () end +---* Set the center of mass. +---@param xform mat4_table +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:setCenterOfMassTransform (xform) end +---* Set the inverse of local inertia. +---@param diagInvInertia vec3_table +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:setInvInertiaDiagLocal (diagInvInertia) end +---@overload fun(cc.Physics3DConstraint0:unsigned_int):self +---@overload fun(cc.Physics3DConstraint:cc.Physics3DConstraint):self +---@param constraint cc.Physics3DConstraint +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:removeConstraint (constraint) end +---* Get total torque. +---@return vec3_table +function Physics3DRigidBody:getTotalTorque () end +---* Get inverse of mass. +---@return float +function Physics3DRigidBody:getInvMass () end +---* Get constraint by index. +---@param idx unsigned_int +---@return cc.Physics3DConstraint +function Physics3DRigidBody:getConstraint (idx) end +---* Get restitution. +---@return float +function Physics3DRigidBody:getRestitution () end +---* Get swept sphere radius. +---@return float +function Physics3DRigidBody:getCcdSweptSphereRadius () end +---* Get hit friction. +---@return float +function Physics3DRigidBody:getHitFraction () end +---* Get angular damping. +---@return float +function Physics3DRigidBody:getAngularDamping () end +---* Get the inverse of local inertia. +---@return vec3_table +function Physics3DRigidBody:getInvInertiaDiagLocal () end +---* Get the center of mass. +---@return mat4_table +function Physics3DRigidBody:getCenterOfMassTransform () end +---* Get the angular factor. +---@return vec3_table +function Physics3DRigidBody:getAngularFactor () end +---* Set restitution. +---@param rest float +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:setRestitution (rest) end +---* Set hit friction. +---@param hitFraction float +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:setHitFraction (hitFraction) end +---* Get linear damping. +---@return float +function Physics3DRigidBody:getLinearDamping () end +---* override. +---@return mat4_table +function Physics3DRigidBody:getWorldTransform () end +---* +---@return self +function Physics3DRigidBody:Physics3DRigidBody () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DShape.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DShape.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..964783dd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DShape.lua @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Physics3DShape :cc.Ref +local Physics3DShape={ } +cc.Physics3DShape=Physics3DShape + + + + +---* +---@return btCollisionShape +function Physics3DShape:getbtShape () end +---* +---@param radius float +---@return boolean +function Physics3DShape:initSphere (radius) end +---* +---@param ext vec3_table +---@return boolean +function Physics3DShape:initBox (ext) end +---* +---@param radius float +---@param height float +---@return boolean +function Physics3DShape:initCapsule (radius,height) end +---* +---@param radius float +---@param height float +---@return boolean +function Physics3DShape:initCylinder (radius,height) end +---* get shape type +---@return int +function Physics3DShape:getShapeType () end +---* create box shape
+---* param extent The extent of sphere. +---@param extent vec3_table +---@return self +function Physics3DShape:createBox (extent) end +---* create cylinder shape
+---* param radius The radius of cylinder.
+---* param height The height. +---@param radius float +---@param height float +---@return self +function Physics3DShape:createCylinder (radius,height) end +---* create convex hull
+---* param points The vertices of convex hull
+---* param numPoints The number of vertices. +---@param points vec3_table +---@param numPoints int +---@return self +function Physics3DShape:createConvexHull (points,numPoints) end +---* create capsule shape
+---* param radius The radius of capsule.
+---* param height The height (cylinder part). +---@param radius float +---@param height float +---@return self +function Physics3DShape:createCapsule (radius,height) end +---* create sphere shape
+---* param radius The radius of sphere. +---@param radius float +---@return self +function Physics3DShape:createSphere (radius) end +---* +---@return self +function Physics3DShape:Physics3DShape () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DSliderConstraint.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DSliderConstraint.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..307c2e70e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DSliderConstraint.lua @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Physics3DSliderConstraint :cc.Physics3DConstraint +local Physics3DSliderConstraint={ } +cc.Physics3DSliderConstraint=Physics3DSliderConstraint + + + + +---* +---@param onOff boolean +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setPoweredAngMotor (onOff) end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getDampingLimAng () end +---* +---@param restitutionOrthoLin float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setRestitutionOrthoLin (restitutionOrthoLin) end +---* +---@param restitutionDirLin float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setRestitutionDirLin (restitutionDirLin) end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getLinearPos () end +---* get A's frame offset +---@return mat4_table +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getFrameOffsetA () end +---* get B's frame offset +---@return mat4_table +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getFrameOffsetB () end +---* +---@param onOff boolean +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setPoweredLinMotor (onOff) end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getDampingDirAng () end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getRestitutionLimLin () end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getSoftnessOrthoAng () end +---* +---@param softnessOrthoLin float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setSoftnessOrthoLin (softnessOrthoLin) end +---* +---@param softnessLimLin float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setSoftnessLimLin (softnessLimLin) end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getAngularPos () end +---* +---@param restitutionLimAng float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setRestitutionLimAng (restitutionLimAng) end +---* set upper linear limit +---@param upperLimit float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setUpperLinLimit (upperLimit) end +---* +---@param dampingDirLin float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setDampingDirLin (dampingDirLin) end +---* get upper angular limit +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getUpperAngLimit () end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getDampingDirLin () end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getSoftnessDirAng () end +---* +---@return boolean +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getPoweredAngMotor () end +---* set lower angular limit +---@param lowerLimit float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setLowerAngLimit (lowerLimit) end +---* set upper angular limit +---@param upperLimit float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setUpperAngLimit (upperLimit) end +---* +---@param targetLinMotorVelocity float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setTargetLinMotorVelocity (targetLinMotorVelocity) end +---* +---@param dampingLimAng float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setDampingLimAng (dampingLimAng) end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getRestitutionLimAng () end +---* access for UseFrameOffset +---@return boolean +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getUseFrameOffset () end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getSoftnessOrthoLin () end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getDampingOrthoAng () end +---* set use frame offset +---@param frameOffsetOnOff boolean +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setUseFrameOffset (frameOffsetOnOff) end +---* set lower linear limit +---@param lowerLimit float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setLowerLinLimit (lowerLimit) end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getRestitutionDirLin () end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getTargetLinMotorVelocity () end +---* get lower linear limit +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getLowerLinLimit () end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getSoftnessLimLin () end +---* +---@param dampingOrthoAng float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setDampingOrthoAng (dampingOrthoAng) end +---* +---@param softnessDirAng float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setSoftnessDirAng (softnessDirAng) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getPoweredLinMotor () end +---* +---@param restitutionOrthoAng float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setRestitutionOrthoAng (restitutionOrthoAng) end +---* +---@param dampingDirAng float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setDampingDirAng (dampingDirAng) end +---* set frames for rigid body A and B +---@param frameA mat4_table +---@param frameB mat4_table +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setFrames (frameA,frameB) end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getRestitutionOrthoAng () end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getMaxAngMotorForce () end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getDampingOrthoLin () end +---* get upper linear limit +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getUpperLinLimit () end +---* +---@param maxLinMotorForce float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setMaxLinMotorForce (maxLinMotorForce) end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getRestitutionOrthoLin () end +---* +---@param targetAngMotorVelocity float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setTargetAngMotorVelocity (targetAngMotorVelocity) end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getSoftnessLimAng () end +---* +---@param restitutionDirAng float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setRestitutionDirAng (restitutionDirAng) end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getDampingLimLin () end +---* get lower angular limit +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getLowerAngLimit () end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getRestitutionDirAng () end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getTargetAngMotorVelocity () end +---* +---@param restitutionLimLin float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setRestitutionLimLin (restitutionLimLin) end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getMaxLinMotorForce () end +---* +---@param dampingOrthoLin float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setDampingOrthoLin (dampingOrthoLin) end +---* +---@param softnessOrthoAng float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setSoftnessOrthoAng (softnessOrthoAng) end +---* +---@param dampingLimLin float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setDampingLimLin (dampingLimLin) end +---* +---@param softnessDirLin float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setSoftnessDirLin (softnessDirLin) end +---* +---@param maxAngMotorForce float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setMaxAngMotorForce (maxAngMotorForce) end +---* +---@return float +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getSoftnessDirLin () end +---* +---@param softnessLimAng float +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:setSoftnessLimAng (softnessLimAng) end +---* use A's frame as linear reference +---@return boolean +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:getUseLinearReferenceFrameA () end +---* create slider constraint
+---* param rbA rigid body A
+---* param rbB rigid body B
+---* param frameInA frame in A's local space
+---* param frameInB frame in B's local space
+---* param useLinearReferenceFrameA use fixed frame A for linear limits +---@param rbA cc.Physics3DRigidBody +---@param rbB cc.Physics3DRigidBody +---@param frameInA mat4_table +---@param frameInB mat4_table +---@param useLinearReferenceFrameA boolean +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:create (rbA,rbB,frameInA,frameInB,useLinearReferenceFrameA) end +---* +---@return self +function Physics3DSliderConstraint:Physics3DSliderConstraint () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DWorld.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DWorld.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..42e24fc0b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Physics3DWorld.lua @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Physics3DWorld :cc.Ref +local Physics3DWorld={ } +cc.Physics3DWorld=Physics3DWorld + + + + +---* set gravity for the physics world +---@param gravity vec3_table +---@return self +function Physics3DWorld:setGravity (gravity) end +---* Simulate one frame. +---@param dt float +---@return self +function Physics3DWorld:stepSimulate (dt) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Physics3DWorld:needCollisionChecking () end +---* +---@return self +function Physics3DWorld:collisionChecking () end +---* +---@return self +function Physics3DWorld:setGhostPairCallback () end +---* Remove all Physics3DObjects. +---@return self +function Physics3DWorld:removeAllPhysics3DObjects () end +---* Check debug drawing is enabled. +---@return boolean +function Physics3DWorld:isDebugDrawEnabled () end +---* Remove all Physics3DConstraint. +---@return self +function Physics3DWorld:removeAllPhysics3DConstraints () end +---* get current gravity +---@return vec3_table +function Physics3DWorld:getGravity () end +---* Remove a Physics3DConstraint. +---@param constraint cc.Physics3DConstraint +---@return self +function Physics3DWorld:removePhysics3DConstraint (constraint) end +---* Add a Physics3DObject. +---@param physicsObj cc.Physics3DObject +---@return self +function Physics3DWorld:addPhysics3DObject (physicsObj) end +---* Enable or disable debug drawing. +---@param enableDebugDraw boolean +---@return self +function Physics3DWorld:setDebugDrawEnable (enableDebugDraw) end +---* Remove a Physics3DObject. +---@param physicsObj cc.Physics3DObject +---@return self +function Physics3DWorld:removePhysics3DObject (physicsObj) end +---* Add a Physics3DConstraint. +---@param constraint cc.Physics3DConstraint +---@param disableCollisionsBetweenLinkedObjs boolean +---@return self +function Physics3DWorld:addPhysics3DConstraint (constraint,disableCollisionsBetweenLinkedObjs) end +---* Internal method, the updater of debug drawing, need called each frame. +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@return self +function Physics3DWorld:debugDraw (renderer) end +---* +---@return self +function Physics3DWorld:Physics3DWorld () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsBody.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsBody.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..27ada7ac0 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsBody.lua @@ -0,0 +1,338 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsBody :cc.Component +local PhysicsBody={ } +cc.PhysicsBody=PhysicsBody + + + + +---* Whether this physics body is affected by the physics world's gravitational force. +---@return boolean +function PhysicsBody:isGravityEnabled () end +---* reset all the force applied to body. +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:resetForces () end +---* get the max of velocity +---@return float +function PhysicsBody:getVelocityLimit () end +---* Set the group of body.
+---* Collision groups let you specify an integral group index. You can have all fixtures with the same group index always collide (positive index) or never collide (negative index).
+---* It have high priority than bit masks. +---@param group int +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:setGroup (group) end +---* Get the body mass. +---@return float +function PhysicsBody:getMass () end +---* Return bitmask of first shape.
+---* return If there is no shape in body, return default value.(0xFFFFFFFF) +---@return int +function PhysicsBody:getCollisionBitmask () end +---* set the body rotation offset +---@return float +function PhysicsBody:getRotationOffset () end +---* get the body rotation. +---@return float +function PhysicsBody:getRotation () end +---* Get the body moment of inertia. +---@return float +function PhysicsBody:getMoment () end +---* Applies a immediate force to body.
+---* param impulse The impulse is applies to this body.
+---* param offset A Vec2 object, it is the offset from the body's center of gravity in world coordinates. +---@param impulse vec2_table +---@param offset vec2_table +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:applyImpulse (impulse,offset) end +---* set body rotation offset, it's the rotation witch relative to node +---@param rotation float +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:setRotationOffset (rotation) end +---* Applies a continuous force to body.
+---* param force The force is applies to this body.
+---* param offset A Vec2 object, it is the offset from the body's center of gravity in world coordinates. +---@param force vec2_table +---@param offset vec2_table +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:applyForce (force,offset) end +---* brief Add a shape to body.
+---* param shape The shape to be added.
+---* param addMassAndMoment If this is true, the shape's mass and moment will be added to body. The default is true.
+---* return This shape's pointer if added success or nullptr if failed. +---@param shape cc.PhysicsShape +---@param addMassAndMoment boolean +---@return cc.PhysicsShape +function PhysicsBody:addShape (shape,addMassAndMoment) end +---* Applies a torque force to body.
+---* param torque The torque is applies to this body. +---@param torque float +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:applyTorque (torque) end +---* get the max of angular velocity +---@return float +function PhysicsBody:getAngularVelocityLimit () end +---* set the max of angular velocity +---@param limit float +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:setAngularVelocityLimit (limit) end +---* Get the velocity of a body. +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsBody:getVelocity () end +---* get linear damping. +---@return float +function PhysicsBody:getLinearDamping () end +---* Remove all shapes.
+---* param reduceMassAndMoment If this is true, the body mass and moment will be reduced by shape. The default is true. +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:removeAllShapes () end +---* Set angular damping.
+---* It is used to simulate fluid or air friction forces on the body.
+---* param damping The value is 0.0f to 1.0f. +---@param damping float +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:setAngularDamping (damping) end +---* set the max of velocity +---@param limit float +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:setVelocityLimit (limit) end +---* set body to rest +---@param rest boolean +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:setResting (rest) end +---* get body position offset. +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsBody:getPositionOffset () end +---* A mask that defines which categories this physics body belongs to.
+---* Every physics body in a scene can be assigned to up to 32 different categories, each corresponding to a bit in the bit mask. You define the mask values used in your game. In conjunction with the collisionBitMask and contactTestBitMask properties, you define which physics bodies interact with each other and when your game is notified of these interactions.
+---* param bitmask An integer number, the default value is 0xFFFFFFFF (all bits set). +---@param bitmask int +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:setCategoryBitmask (bitmask) end +---* get the world body added to. +---@return cc.PhysicsWorld +function PhysicsBody:getWorld () end +---* get the angular velocity of a body +---@return float +function PhysicsBody:getAngularVelocity () end +---* get the body position. +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsBody:getPosition () end +---* Set the body is affected by the physics world's gravitational force or not. +---@param enable boolean +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:setGravityEnable (enable) end +---* Return group of first shape.
+---* return If there is no shape in body, return default value.(0) +---@return int +function PhysicsBody:getGroup () end +---* brief Set the body moment of inertia.
+---* note If you need add/subtract moment to body, don't use setMoment(getMoment() +/- moment), because the moment of body may be equal to PHYSICS_INFINITY, it will cause some unexpected result, please use addMoment() instead. +---@param moment float +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:setMoment (moment) end +---* Get the body's tag. +---@return int +function PhysicsBody:getTag () end +---* Convert the local point to world. +---@param point vec2_table +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsBody:local2World (point) end +---* Return bitmask of first shape.
+---* return If there is no shape in body, return default value.(0xFFFFFFFF) +---@return int +function PhysicsBody:getCategoryBitmask () end +---* brief Set dynamic to body.
+---* A dynamic body will effect with gravity. +---@param dynamic boolean +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:setDynamic (dynamic) end +---* Get the first shape of the body shapes.
+---* return The first shape in this body. +---@return cc.PhysicsShape +function PhysicsBody:getFirstShape () end +---* Get the body shapes.
+---* return A Vector object contains PhysicsShape pointer. +---@return array_table +function PhysicsBody:getShapes () end +---* Return bitmask of first shape.
+---* return If there is no shape in body, return default value.(0x00000000) +---@return int +function PhysicsBody:getContactTestBitmask () end +---* Set the angular velocity of a body.
+---* param velocity The angular velocity is set to this body. +---@param velocity float +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:setAngularVelocity (velocity) end +---* Convert the world point to local. +---@param point vec2_table +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsBody:world2Local (point) end +---@overload fun(cc.PhysicsShape0:int,boolean:boolean):self +---@overload fun(cc.PhysicsShape:cc.PhysicsShape,boolean:boolean):self +---@param shape cc.PhysicsShape +---@param reduceMassAndMoment boolean +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:removeShape (shape,reduceMassAndMoment) end +---* brief Set the body mass.
+---* attention If you need add/subtract mass to body, don't use setMass(getMass() +/- mass), because the mass of body may be equal to PHYSICS_INFINITY, it will cause some unexpected result, please use addMass() instead. +---@param mass float +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:setMass (mass) end +---* brief Add moment of inertia to body.
+---* param moment If _moment(moment of the body) == PHYSICS_INFINITY, it remains.
+---* if moment == PHYSICS_INFINITY, _moment will be PHYSICS_INFINITY.
+---* if moment == -PHYSICS_INFINITY, _moment will not change.
+---* if moment + _moment <= 0, _moment will equal to MASS_DEFAULT(1.0)
+---* other wise, moment = moment + _moment; +---@param moment float +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:addMoment (moment) end +---* Set the velocity of a body.
+---* param velocity The velocity is set to this body. +---@param velocity vec2_table +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:setVelocity (velocity) end +---* Set linear damping.
+---* it is used to simulate fluid or air friction forces on the body.
+---* param damping The value is 0.0f to 1.0f. +---@param damping float +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:setLinearDamping (damping) end +---* A mask that defines which categories of physics bodies can collide with this physics body.
+---* When two physics bodies contact each other, a collision may occur. This body's collision mask is compared to the other body's category mask by performing a logical AND operation. If the result is a non-zero value, then this body is affected by the collision. Each body independently chooses whether it wants to be affected by the other body. For example, you might use this to avoid collision calculations that would make negligible changes to a body's velocity.
+---* param bitmask An integer number, the default value is 0xFFFFFFFF (all bits set). +---@param bitmask int +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:setCollisionBitmask (bitmask) end +---* set body position offset, it's the position witch relative to node +---@param position vec2_table +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:setPositionOffset (position) end +---* Set the body is allow rotation or not +---@param enable boolean +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:setRotationEnable (enable) end +---* Whether the body can rotation. +---@return boolean +function PhysicsBody:isRotationEnabled () end +---* Get the rigid body of chipmunk. +---@return cpBody +function PhysicsBody:getCPBody () end +---* Get angular damping. +---@return float +function PhysicsBody:getAngularDamping () end +---* Get the angular velocity of a body at a local point. +---@param point vec2_table +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsBody:getVelocityAtLocalPoint (point) end +---* Whether the body is at rest. +---@return boolean +function PhysicsBody:isResting () end +---* brief Add mass to body.
+---* param mass If _mass(mass of the body) == PHYSICS_INFINITY, it remains.
+---* if mass == PHYSICS_INFINITY, _mass will be PHYSICS_INFINITY.
+---* if mass == -PHYSICS_INFINITY, _mass will not change.
+---* if mass + _mass <= 0, _mass will equal to MASS_DEFAULT(1.0)
+---* other wise, mass = mass + _mass; +---@param mass float +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:addMass (mass) end +---* get the shape of the body.
+---* param tag An integer number that identifies a PhysicsShape object.
+---* return A PhysicsShape object pointer or nullptr if no shapes were found. +---@param tag int +---@return cc.PhysicsShape +function PhysicsBody:getShape (tag) end +---* set the body's tag. +---@param tag int +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:setTag (tag) end +---* get the angular velocity of a body at a world point +---@param point vec2_table +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsBody:getVelocityAtWorldPoint (point) end +---* A mask that defines which categories of bodies cause intersection notifications with this physics body.
+---* When two bodies share the same space, each body's category mask is tested against the other body's contact mask by performing a logical AND operation. If either comparison results in a non-zero value, an PhysicsContact object is created and passed to the physics world’s delegate. For best performance, only set bits in the contacts mask for interactions you are interested in.
+---* param bitmask An integer number, the default value is 0x00000000 (all bits cleared). +---@param bitmask int +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:setContactTestBitmask (bitmask) end +---* remove the body from the world it added to +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:removeFromWorld () end +---* brief Test the body is dynamic or not.
+---* A dynamic body will effect with gravity. +---@return boolean +function PhysicsBody:isDynamic () end +---* get the node the body set to. +---@return cc.Node +function PhysicsBody:getNode () end +---* Create a body contains a box shape.
+---* param size Size contains this box's width and height.
+---* param material A PhysicsMaterial object, the default value is PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT.
+---* param offset A Vec2 object, it is the offset from the body's center of gravity in body local coordinates.
+---* return An autoreleased PhysicsBody object pointer. +---@param size size_table +---@param material cc.PhysicsMaterial +---@param offset vec2_table +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:createBox (size,material,offset) end +---* Create a body contains a EdgeSegment shape.
+---* param a It's the edge's begin position.
+---* param b It's the edge's end position.
+---* param material A PhysicsMaterial object, the default value is PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT.
+---* param border It's a edge's border width.
+---* return An autoreleased PhysicsBody object pointer. +---@param a vec2_table +---@param b vec2_table +---@param material cc.PhysicsMaterial +---@param border float +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:createEdgeSegment (a,b,material,border) end +---@overload fun(float:float):self +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self +---@param mass float +---@param moment float +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:create (mass,moment) end +---* Create a body contains a EdgeBox shape.
+---* param size Size contains this box's width and height.
+---* param material A PhysicsMaterial object, the default value is PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT.
+---* param border It's a edge's border width.
+---* param offset A Vec2 object, it is the offset from the body's center of gravity in body local coordinates.
+---* return An autoreleased PhysicsBody object pointer. +---@param size size_table +---@param material cc.PhysicsMaterial +---@param border float +---@param offset vec2_table +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:createEdgeBox (size,material,border,offset) end +---* Create a body contains a circle.
+---* param radius A float number, it is the circle's radius.
+---* param material A PhysicsMaterial object, the default value is PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT.
+---* param offset A Vec2 object, it is the offset from the body's center of gravity in body local coordinates.
+---* return An autoreleased PhysicsBody object pointer. +---@param radius float +---@param material cc.PhysicsMaterial +---@param offset vec2_table +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:createCircle (radius,material,offset) end +---* Set the enable value.
+---* If the body it isn't enabled, it will not has simulation by world. +---@param enable boolean +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:setEnabled (enable) end +---* +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:onRemove () end +---* +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:onEnter () end +---* +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:onExit () end +---* +---@return self +function PhysicsBody:onAdd () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsContact.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsContact.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d5855b65e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsContact.lua @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsContact :cc.EventCustom +local PhysicsContact={ } +cc.PhysicsContact=PhysicsContact + + + + +---* Get contact data. +---@return cc.PhysicsContactData +function PhysicsContact:getContactData () end +---* Get the event code +---@return int +function PhysicsContact:getEventCode () end +---* Get previous contact data +---@return cc.PhysicsContactData +function PhysicsContact:getPreContactData () end +---* Get contact shape A. +---@return cc.PhysicsShape +function PhysicsContact:getShapeA () end +---* Get contact shape B. +---@return cc.PhysicsShape +function PhysicsContact:getShapeB () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsContactPostSolve.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsContactPostSolve.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7aff2b1ea --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsContactPostSolve.lua @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsContactPostSolve +local PhysicsContactPostSolve={ } +cc.PhysicsContactPostSolve=PhysicsContactPostSolve + + + + +---* Get friction between two bodies. +---@return float +function PhysicsContactPostSolve:getFriction () end +---* Get surface velocity between two bodies. +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsContactPostSolve:getSurfaceVelocity () end +---* Get restitution between two bodies. +---@return float +function PhysicsContactPostSolve:getRestitution () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsContactPreSolve.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsContactPreSolve.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ab3b6b437 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsContactPreSolve.lua @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsContactPreSolve +local PhysicsContactPreSolve={ } +cc.PhysicsContactPreSolve=PhysicsContactPreSolve + + + + +---* Get friction between two bodies. +---@return float +function PhysicsContactPreSolve:getFriction () end +---* Get restitution between two bodies. +---@return float +function PhysicsContactPreSolve:getRestitution () end +---* Set the friction. +---@param friction float +---@return self +function PhysicsContactPreSolve:setFriction (friction) end +---* Ignore the rest of the contact presolve and postsolve callbacks. +---@return self +function PhysicsContactPreSolve:ignore () end +---* Get surface velocity between two bodies. +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsContactPreSolve:getSurfaceVelocity () end +---* Set the surface velocity. +---@param velocity vec2_table +---@return self +function PhysicsContactPreSolve:setSurfaceVelocity (velocity) end +---* Set the restitution. +---@param restitution float +---@return self +function PhysicsContactPreSolve:setRestitution (restitution) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJoint.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJoint.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4655e1560 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJoint.lua @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsJoint +local PhysicsJoint={ } +cc.PhysicsJoint=PhysicsJoint + + + + +---* Get physics body a connected to this joint. +---@return cc.PhysicsBody +function PhysicsJoint:getBodyA () end +---* Get physics body b connected to this joint. +---@return cc.PhysicsBody +function PhysicsJoint:getBodyB () end +---* Get the max force setting. +---@return float +function PhysicsJoint:getMaxForce () end +---* Set the max force between two bodies. +---@param force float +---@return self +function PhysicsJoint:setMaxForce (force) end +---* Determines if the joint is enable. +---@return boolean +function PhysicsJoint:isEnabled () end +---* Enable/Disable the joint. +---@param enable boolean +---@return self +function PhysicsJoint:setEnable (enable) end +---* Enable/disable the collision between two bodies. +---@param enable boolean +---@return self +function PhysicsJoint:setCollisionEnable (enable) end +---* Get the physics world. +---@return cc.PhysicsWorld +function PhysicsJoint:getWorld () end +---* Set this joint's tag.
+---* param tag An integer number that identifies a PhysicsJoint. +---@param tag int +---@return self +function PhysicsJoint:setTag (tag) end +---* Remove the joint from the world. +---@return self +function PhysicsJoint:removeFormWorld () end +---* Determines if the collision is enable. +---@return boolean +function PhysicsJoint:isCollisionEnabled () end +---* Get this joint's tag.
+---* return An integer number. +---@return int +function PhysicsJoint:getTag () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointDistance.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointDistance.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d8d8461f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointDistance.lua @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsJointDistance :cc.PhysicsJoint +local PhysicsJointDistance={ } +cc.PhysicsJointDistance=PhysicsJointDistance + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function PhysicsJointDistance:createConstraints () end +---* Set the distance of the anchor points. +---@param distance float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointDistance:setDistance (distance) end +---* Get the distance of the anchor points. +---@return float +function PhysicsJointDistance:getDistance () end +---* Create a fixed distance joint.
+---* param a A is the body to connect.
+---* param b B is the body to connect.
+---* param anchr1 Anchr1 is the anchor point on body a.
+---* param anchr2 Anchr2 is the anchor point on body b.
+---* return A object pointer. +---@param a cc.PhysicsBody +---@param b cc.PhysicsBody +---@param anchr1 vec2_table +---@param anchr2 vec2_table +---@return self +function PhysicsJointDistance:construct (a,b,anchr1,anchr2) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointFixed.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointFixed.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1dc195a2e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointFixed.lua @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsJointFixed :cc.PhysicsJoint +local PhysicsJointFixed={ } +cc.PhysicsJointFixed=PhysicsJointFixed + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function PhysicsJointFixed:createConstraints () end +---* Create a fixed joint.
+---* param a A is the body to connect.
+---* param b B is the body to connect.
+---* param anchr It's the pivot position.
+---* return A object pointer. +---@param a cc.PhysicsBody +---@param b cc.PhysicsBody +---@param anchr vec2_table +---@return self +function PhysicsJointFixed:construct (a,b,anchr) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointGear.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointGear.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e8c0330bc --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointGear.lua @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsJointGear :cc.PhysicsJoint +local PhysicsJointGear={ } +cc.PhysicsJointGear=PhysicsJointGear + + + + +---* Set the ratio. +---@param ratchet float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointGear:setRatio (ratchet) end +---* Get the angular offset of the two bodies. +---@return float +function PhysicsJointGear:getPhase () end +---* Set the angular offset of the two bodies. +---@param phase float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointGear:setPhase (phase) end +---* +---@return boolean +function PhysicsJointGear:createConstraints () end +---* Get the ratio. +---@return float +function PhysicsJointGear:getRatio () end +---* Create a gear joint.
+---* param a A is the body to connect.
+---* param b B is the body to connect.
+---* param phase Phase is the initial angular offset of the two bodies.
+---* param ratio Ratio is always measured in absolute terms.
+---* return A object pointer. +---@param a cc.PhysicsBody +---@param b cc.PhysicsBody +---@param phase float +---@param ratio float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointGear:construct (a,b,phase,ratio) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointGroove.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointGroove.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f88b37f45 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointGroove.lua @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsJointGroove :cc.PhysicsJoint +local PhysicsJointGroove={ } +cc.PhysicsJointGroove=PhysicsJointGroove + + + + +---* Set the anchor point on body b. +---@param anchr2 vec2_table +---@return self +function PhysicsJointGroove:setAnchr2 (anchr2) end +---* Set the line begin position +---@param grooveA vec2_table +---@return self +function PhysicsJointGroove:setGrooveA (grooveA) end +---* Set the line end position +---@param grooveB vec2_table +---@return self +function PhysicsJointGroove:setGrooveB (grooveB) end +---* Get the line begin position +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsJointGroove:getGrooveA () end +---* Get the line end position +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsJointGroove:getGrooveB () end +---* Get the anchor point on body b. +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsJointGroove:getAnchr2 () end +---* +---@return boolean +function PhysicsJointGroove:createConstraints () end +---* Create a groove joint.
+---* param a A is the body to connect.
+---* param b B is the body to connect.
+---* param grooveA The line begin position.
+---* param grooveB The line end position.
+---* param anchr2 Anchr2 is the anchor point on body b.
+---* return A object pointer. +---@param a cc.PhysicsBody +---@param b cc.PhysicsBody +---@param grooveA vec2_table +---@param grooveB vec2_table +---@param anchr2 vec2_table +---@return self +function PhysicsJointGroove:construct (a,b,grooveA,grooveB,anchr2) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointLimit.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointLimit.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6c4475ef8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointLimit.lua @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsJointLimit :cc.PhysicsJoint +local PhysicsJointLimit={ } +cc.PhysicsJointLimit=PhysicsJointLimit + + + + +---* Set the anchor point on body b. +---@param anchr2 vec2_table +---@return self +function PhysicsJointLimit:setAnchr2 (anchr2) end +---* Set the anchor point on body a. +---@param anchr1 vec2_table +---@return self +function PhysicsJointLimit:setAnchr1 (anchr1) end +---* Set the max distance of the anchor points. +---@param max float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointLimit:setMax (max) end +---* Get the anchor point on body b. +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsJointLimit:getAnchr2 () end +---* Get the anchor point on body a. +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsJointLimit:getAnchr1 () end +---* +---@return boolean +function PhysicsJointLimit:createConstraints () end +---* Get the allowed min distance of the anchor points. +---@return float +function PhysicsJointLimit:getMin () end +---* Get the allowed max distance of the anchor points. +---@return float +function PhysicsJointLimit:getMax () end +---* Set the min distance of the anchor points. +---@param min float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointLimit:setMin (min) end +---@overload fun(cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody,cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody,vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table:vec2_table,float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody,cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody,vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table:vec2_table):self +---@param a cc.PhysicsBody +---@param b cc.PhysicsBody +---@param anchr1 vec2_table +---@param anchr2 vec2_table +---@param min float +---@param max float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointLimit:construct (a,b,anchr1,anchr2,min,max) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointMotor.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointMotor.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..77e792415 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointMotor.lua @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsJointMotor :cc.PhysicsJoint +local PhysicsJointMotor={ } +cc.PhysicsJointMotor=PhysicsJointMotor + + + + +---* Set the relative angular velocity. +---@param rate float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointMotor:setRate (rate) end +---* Get the relative angular velocity. +---@return float +function PhysicsJointMotor:getRate () end +---* +---@return boolean +function PhysicsJointMotor:createConstraints () end +---* Create a motor joint.
+---* param a A is the body to connect.
+---* param b B is the body to connect.
+---* param rate Rate is the desired relative angular velocity.
+---* return A object pointer. +---@param a cc.PhysicsBody +---@param b cc.PhysicsBody +---@param rate float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointMotor:construct (a,b,rate) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointPin.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointPin.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d19d23fde --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointPin.lua @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsJointPin :cc.PhysicsJoint +local PhysicsJointPin={ } +cc.PhysicsJointPin=PhysicsJointPin + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function PhysicsJointPin:createConstraints () end +---@overload fun(cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody,cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody,vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table:vec2_table):self +---@overload fun(cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody,cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody,vec2_table:vec2_table):self +---@param a cc.PhysicsBody +---@param b cc.PhysicsBody +---@param anchr1 vec2_table +---@param anchr2 vec2_table +---@return self +function PhysicsJointPin:construct (a,b,anchr1,anchr2) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointRatchet.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointRatchet.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be8033b41 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointRatchet.lua @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsJointRatchet :cc.PhysicsJoint +local PhysicsJointRatchet={ } +cc.PhysicsJointRatchet=PhysicsJointRatchet + + + + +---* Get the ratchet angle. +---@return float +function PhysicsJointRatchet:getAngle () end +---* Set the ratchet angle. +---@param angle float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointRatchet:setAngle (angle) end +---* +---@return boolean +function PhysicsJointRatchet:createConstraints () end +---* Set the initial offset. +---@param phase float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointRatchet:setPhase (phase) end +---* Get the initial offset. +---@return float +function PhysicsJointRatchet:getPhase () end +---* Set the distance between "clicks". +---@param ratchet float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointRatchet:setRatchet (ratchet) end +---* Get the distance between "clicks". +---@return float +function PhysicsJointRatchet:getRatchet () end +---* Create a ratchet joint.
+---* param a A is the body to connect.
+---* param b B is the body to connect.
+---* param phase Phase is the initial offset to use when deciding where the ratchet angles are.
+---* param ratchet Ratchet is the distance between "clicks".
+---* return A object pointer. +---@param a cc.PhysicsBody +---@param b cc.PhysicsBody +---@param phase float +---@param ratchet float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointRatchet:construct (a,b,phase,ratchet) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointRotaryLimit.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointRotaryLimit.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..467f0887a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointRotaryLimit.lua @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsJointRotaryLimit :cc.PhysicsJoint +local PhysicsJointRotaryLimit={ } +cc.PhysicsJointRotaryLimit=PhysicsJointRotaryLimit + + + + +---* Get the max rotation limit. +---@return float +function PhysicsJointRotaryLimit:getMax () end +---* +---@return boolean +function PhysicsJointRotaryLimit:createConstraints () end +---* Set the min rotation limit. +---@param min float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointRotaryLimit:setMin (min) end +---* Set the max rotation limit. +---@param max float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointRotaryLimit:setMax (max) end +---* Get the min rotation limit. +---@return float +function PhysicsJointRotaryLimit:getMin () end +---@overload fun(cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody,cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody):self +---@overload fun(cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody,cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody,float:float,float:float):self +---@param a cc.PhysicsBody +---@param b cc.PhysicsBody +---@param min float +---@param max float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointRotaryLimit:construct (a,b,min,max) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointRotarySpring.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointRotarySpring.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..94884149d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointRotarySpring.lua @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsJointRotarySpring :cc.PhysicsJoint +local PhysicsJointRotarySpring={ } +cc.PhysicsJointRotarySpring=PhysicsJointRotarySpring + + + + +---* Get the spring soft constant. +---@return float +function PhysicsJointRotarySpring:getDamping () end +---* Set the relative angle in radians from the body a to b. +---@param restAngle float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointRotarySpring:setRestAngle (restAngle) end +---* Get the spring constant. +---@return float +function PhysicsJointRotarySpring:getStiffness () end +---* +---@return boolean +function PhysicsJointRotarySpring:createConstraints () end +---* Set the spring constant. +---@param stiffness float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointRotarySpring:setStiffness (stiffness) end +---* Set the spring soft constant. +---@param damping float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointRotarySpring:setDamping (damping) end +---* Get the relative angle in radians from the body a to b. +---@return float +function PhysicsJointRotarySpring:getRestAngle () end +---* Create a damped rotary spring joint.
+---* param a A is the body to connect.
+---* param b B is the body to connect.
+---* param stiffness It's the spring constant.
+---* param damping It's how soft to make the damping of the spring.
+---* return A object pointer. +---@param a cc.PhysicsBody +---@param b cc.PhysicsBody +---@param stiffness float +---@param damping float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointRotarySpring:construct (a,b,stiffness,damping) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointSpring.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointSpring.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3cd52cdb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsJointSpring.lua @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsJointSpring :cc.PhysicsJoint +local PhysicsJointSpring={ } +cc.PhysicsJointSpring=PhysicsJointSpring + + + + +---* Set the anchor point on body b. +---@param anchr2 vec2_table +---@return self +function PhysicsJointSpring:setAnchr2 (anchr2) end +---* Set the anchor point on body a. +---@param anchr1 vec2_table +---@return self +function PhysicsJointSpring:setAnchr1 (anchr1) end +---* Get the spring soft constant. +---@return float +function PhysicsJointSpring:getDamping () end +---* Set the spring constant. +---@param stiffness float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointSpring:setStiffness (stiffness) end +---* Get the distance of the anchor points. +---@return float +function PhysicsJointSpring:getRestLength () end +---* Get the anchor point on body b. +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsJointSpring:getAnchr2 () end +---* Get the anchor point on body a. +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsJointSpring:getAnchr1 () end +---* Get the spring constant. +---@return float +function PhysicsJointSpring:getStiffness () end +---* +---@return boolean +function PhysicsJointSpring:createConstraints () end +---* Set the distance of the anchor points. +---@param restLength float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointSpring:setRestLength (restLength) end +---* Set the spring soft constant. +---@param damping float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointSpring:setDamping (damping) end +---* Create a fixed distance joint.
+---* param a A is the body to connect.
+---* param b B is the body to connect.
+---* param anchr1 Anchr1 is the anchor point on body a.
+---* param anchr2 Anchr2 is the anchor point on body b.
+---* param stiffness It's the spring constant.
+---* param damping It's how soft to make the damping of the spring.
+---* return A object pointer. +---@param a cc.PhysicsBody +---@param b cc.PhysicsBody +---@param anchr1 vec2_table +---@param anchr2 vec2_table +---@param stiffness float +---@param damping float +---@return self +function PhysicsJointSpring:construct (a,b,anchr1,anchr2,stiffness,damping) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShape.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShape.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..372bc7654 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShape.lua @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsShape :cc.Ref +local PhysicsShape={ } +cc.PhysicsShape=PhysicsShape + + + + +---* Get this shape's friction.
+---* return A float number. +---@return float +function PhysicsShape:getFriction () end +---* Set the group of body.
+---* Collision groups let you specify an integral group index. You can have all fixtures with the same group index always collide (positive index) or never collide (negative index).
+---* param group An integer number, it have high priority than bit masks. +---@param group int +---@return self +function PhysicsShape:setGroup (group) end +---* Set this shape's density.
+---* It will change the body's mass this shape attaches.
+---* param density A float number. +---@param density float +---@return self +function PhysicsShape:setDensity (density) end +---* Get the mass of this shape.
+---* return A float number. +---@return float +function PhysicsShape:getMass () end +---* Get this shape's PhysicsMaterial object.
+---* return A PhysicsMaterial object reference. +---@return cc.PhysicsMaterial +function PhysicsShape:getMaterial () end +---* +---@param sensor boolean +---@return self +function PhysicsShape:setSensor (sensor) end +---* Get a mask that defines which categories of physics bodies can collide with this physics body.
+---* return An integer number. +---@return int +function PhysicsShape:getCollisionBitmask () end +---* Return this shape's area.
+---* return A float number. +---@return float +function PhysicsShape:getArea () end +---* Set a mask that defines which categories this physics body belongs to.
+---* Every physics body in a scene can be assigned to up to 32 different categories, each corresponding to a bit in the bit mask. You define the mask values used in your game. In conjunction with the collisionBitMask and contactTestBitMask properties, you define which physics bodies interact with each other and when your game is notified of these interactions.
+---* param bitmask An integer number, the default value is 0xFFFFFFFF (all bits set). +---@param bitmask int +---@return self +function PhysicsShape:setCategoryBitmask (bitmask) end +---* Get the group of body.
+---* return An integer number. +---@return int +function PhysicsShape:getGroup () end +---* Set this shape's moment.
+---* It will change the body's moment this shape attaches.
+---* param moment A float number. +---@param moment float +---@return self +function PhysicsShape:setMoment (moment) end +---* Test point is inside this shape or not.
+---* param point A Vec2 object.
+---* return A bool object. +---@param point vec2_table +---@return boolean +function PhysicsShape:containsPoint (point) end +---* Get a mask that defines which categories this physics body belongs to.
+---* return An integer number. +---@return int +function PhysicsShape:getCategoryBitmask () end +---* +---@return boolean +function PhysicsShape:isSensor () end +---* Return this shape's type.
+---* return A Type object. +---@return int +function PhysicsShape:getType () end +---* Get a mask that defines which categories of bodies cause intersection notifications with this physics body.
+---* return An integer number. +---@return int +function PhysicsShape:getContactTestBitmask () end +---* Get this shape's center position.
+---* This function should be overridden in inherit classes.
+---* return A Vec2 object. +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsShape:getCenter () end +---* Get this shape's density.
+---* return A float number. +---@return float +function PhysicsShape:getDensity () end +---* Set this shape's mass.
+---* It will change the body's mass this shape attaches.
+---* param mass A float number. +---@param mass float +---@return self +function PhysicsShape:setMass (mass) end +---* Get this shape's tag.
+---* return An integer number. +---@return int +function PhysicsShape:getTag () end +---* Calculate the default moment value.
+---* This function should be overridden in inherit classes.
+---* return A float number, equals 0.0. +---@return float +function PhysicsShape:calculateDefaultMoment () end +---* A mask that defines which categories of physics bodies can collide with this physics body.
+---* When two physics bodies contact each other, a collision may occur. This body's collision mask is compared to the other body's category mask by performing a logical AND operation. If the result is a non-zero value, then this body is affected by the collision. Each body independently chooses whether it wants to be affected by the other body. For example, you might use this to avoid collision calculations that would make negligible changes to a body's velocity.
+---* param bitmask An integer number, the default value is 0xFFFFFFFF (all bits set). +---@param bitmask int +---@return self +function PhysicsShape:setCollisionBitmask (bitmask) end +---* Get this shape's moment.
+---* return A float number. +---@return float +function PhysicsShape:getMoment () end +---* Get this shape's position offset.
+---* This function should be overridden in inherit classes.
+---* return A Vec2 object. +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsShape:getOffset () end +---* Get this shape's restitution.
+---* return A float number. +---@return float +function PhysicsShape:getRestitution () end +---* Set this shape's friction.
+---* It will change the shape's friction.
+---* param friction A float number. +---@param friction float +---@return self +function PhysicsShape:setFriction (friction) end +---* Set this shape's material.
+---* It will change the shape's mass, elasticity and friction.
+---* param material A PhysicsMaterial object. +---@param material cc.PhysicsMaterial +---@return self +function PhysicsShape:setMaterial (material) end +---* Set this shape's tag.
+---* param tag An integer number that identifies a shape object. +---@param tag int +---@return self +function PhysicsShape:setTag (tag) end +---* A mask that defines which categories of bodies cause intersection notifications with this physics body.
+---* When two bodies share the same space, each body's category mask is tested against the other body's contact mask by performing a logical AND operation. If either comparison results in a non-zero value, an PhysicsContact object is created and passed to the physics world’s delegate. For best performance, only set bits in the contacts mask for interactions you are interested in.
+---* param bitmask An integer number, the default value is 0x00000000 (all bits cleared). +---@param bitmask int +---@return self +function PhysicsShape:setContactTestBitmask (bitmask) end +---* Set this shape's restitution.
+---* It will change the shape's elasticity.
+---* param restitution A float number. +---@param restitution float +---@return self +function PhysicsShape:setRestitution (restitution) end +---* Get the body that this shape attaches.
+---* return A PhysicsBody object pointer. +---@return cc.PhysicsBody +function PhysicsShape:getBody () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeBox.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeBox.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..818a6a62e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeBox.lua @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsShapeBox :cc.PhysicsShapePolygon +local PhysicsShapeBox={ } +cc.PhysicsShapeBox=PhysicsShapeBox + + + + +---* Get this box's width and height.
+---* return An Size object. +---@return size_table +function PhysicsShapeBox:getSize () end +---* Creates a PhysicsShapeBox with specified value.
+---* param size Size contains this box's width and height.
+---* param material A PhysicsMaterial object, the default value is PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT.
+---* param offset A Vec2 object, it is the offset from the body's center of gravity in body local coordinates.
+---* return An autoreleased PhysicsShapeBox object pointer. +---@param size size_table +---@param material cc.PhysicsMaterial +---@param offset vec2_table +---@param radius float +---@return self +function PhysicsShapeBox:create (size,material,offset,radius) end +---* Get this box's position offset.
+---* return A Vec2 object. +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsShapeBox:getOffset () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeCircle.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeCircle.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c8bfc8116 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeCircle.lua @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsShapeCircle :cc.PhysicsShape +local PhysicsShapeCircle={ } +cc.PhysicsShapeCircle=PhysicsShapeCircle + + + + +---* Get the circle's radius.
+---* return A float number. +---@return float +function PhysicsShapeCircle:getRadius () end +---* Creates a PhysicsShapeCircle with specified value.
+---* param radius A float number, it is the circle's radius.
+---* param material A PhysicsMaterial object, the default value is PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT.
+---* param offset A Vec2 object, it is the offset from the body's center of gravity in body local coordinates.
+---* return An autoreleased PhysicsShapeCircle object pointer. +---@param radius float +---@param material cc.PhysicsMaterial +---@param offset vec2_table +---@return self +function PhysicsShapeCircle:create (radius,material,offset) end +---* Calculate the area of a circle with specified radius.
+---* param radius A float number
+---* return A float number +---@param radius float +---@return float +function PhysicsShapeCircle:calculateArea (radius) end +---* Calculate the moment of a circle with specified value.
+---* param mass A float number
+---* param radius A float number
+---* param offset A Vec2 object, it is the offset from the body's center of gravity in body local coordinates.
+---* return A float number +---@param mass float +---@param radius float +---@param offset vec2_table +---@return float +function PhysicsShapeCircle:calculateMoment (mass,radius,offset) end +---* Get this circle's position offset.
+---* return A Vec2 object. +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsShapeCircle:getOffset () end +---* Calculate the moment for a circle.
+---* return A float number. +---@return float +function PhysicsShapeCircle:calculateDefaultMoment () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeEdgeBox.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeEdgeBox.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a48f9e6e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeEdgeBox.lua @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsShapeEdgeBox :cc.PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon +local PhysicsShapeEdgeBox={ } +cc.PhysicsShapeEdgeBox=PhysicsShapeEdgeBox + + + + +---* Creates a PhysicsShapeEdgeBox with specified value.
+---* param size Size contains this box's width and height.
+---* param material A PhysicsMaterial object, the default value is PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT.
+---* param border It's a edge's border width.
+---* param offset A Vec2 object, it is the offset from the body's center of gravity in body local coordinates.
+---* return An autoreleased PhysicsShapeEdgeBox object pointer. +---@param size size_table +---@param material cc.PhysicsMaterial +---@param border float +---@param offset vec2_table +---@return self +function PhysicsShapeEdgeBox:create (size,material,border,offset) end +---* Get this box's position offset.
+---* return A Vec2 object. +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsShapeEdgeBox:getOffset () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeEdgeChain.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeEdgeChain.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d2c605efa --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeEdgeChain.lua @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsShapeEdgeChain :cc.PhysicsShape +local PhysicsShapeEdgeChain={ } +cc.PhysicsShapeEdgeChain=PhysicsShapeEdgeChain + + + + +---* Get this chain's points array count.
+---* return An integer number. +---@return int +function PhysicsShapeEdgeChain:getPointsCount () end +---* Get this chain's center position.
+---* return A Vec2 object. +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsShapeEdgeChain:getCenter () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..915e0f24f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon.lua @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon :cc.PhysicsShape +local PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon={ } +cc.PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon=PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon + + + + +---* Get this polygon's points array count.
+---* return An integer number. +---@return int +function PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon:getPointsCount () end +---* Get this polygon's center position.
+---* return A Vec2 object. +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsShapeEdgePolygon:getCenter () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cea281266 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment.lua @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment :cc.PhysicsShape +local PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment={ } +cc.PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment=PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment + + + + +---* Get this edge's end position.
+---* return A Vec2 object. +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment:getPointB () end +---* Get this edge's begin position.
+---* return A Vec2 object. +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment:getPointA () end +---* Creates a PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment with specified value.
+---* param a It's the edge's begin position.
+---* param b It's the edge's end position.
+---* param material A PhysicsMaterial object, the default value is PHYSICSSHAPE_MATERIAL_DEFAULT.
+---* param border It's a edge's border width.
+---* return An autoreleased PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment object pointer. +---@param a vec2_table +---@param b vec2_table +---@param material cc.PhysicsMaterial +---@param border float +---@return self +function PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment:create (a,b,material,border) end +---* Get this edge's center position.
+---* return A Vec2 object. +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsShapeEdgeSegment:getCenter () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapePolygon.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapePolygon.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9bf3aa46a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsShapePolygon.lua @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsShapePolygon :cc.PhysicsShape +local PhysicsShapePolygon={ } +cc.PhysicsShapePolygon=PhysicsShapePolygon + + + + +---* Get this polygon's points array count.
+---* return An integer number. +---@return int +function PhysicsShapePolygon:getPointsCount () end +---* Get a point of this polygon's points array.
+---* param i A index of this polygon's points array.
+---* return A point value. +---@param i int +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsShapePolygon:getPoint (i) end +---* Calculate the moment for a polygon.
+---* return A float number. +---@return float +function PhysicsShapePolygon:calculateDefaultMoment () end +---* Get this polygon's center position.
+---* return A Vec2 object. +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsShapePolygon:getCenter () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsSprite3D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsSprite3D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d85d7f4fb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsSprite3D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsSprite3D :cc.Sprite3D +local PhysicsSprite3D={ } +cc.PhysicsSprite3D=PhysicsSprite3D + + + + +---* synchronize node transformation to physics. +---@return self +function PhysicsSprite3D:syncNodeToPhysics () end +---* synchronize physics transformation to node. +---@return self +function PhysicsSprite3D:syncPhysicsToNode () end +---* Get the Physics3DObject. +---@return cc.Physics3DObject +function PhysicsSprite3D:getPhysicsObj () end +---* Set synchronization flag, see Physics3DComponent. +---@param syncFlag int +---@return self +function PhysicsSprite3D:setSyncFlag (syncFlag) end +---* +---@return self +function PhysicsSprite3D:PhysicsSprite3D () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsWorld.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsWorld.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c46e5ef7c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PhysicsWorld.lua @@ -0,0 +1,150 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PhysicsWorld +local PhysicsWorld={ } +cc.PhysicsWorld=PhysicsWorld + + + + +---* set the gravity value of this physics world.
+---* param gravity A gravity value of this physics world. +---@param gravity vec2_table +---@return self +function PhysicsWorld:setGravity (gravity) end +---* Get all the bodies that in this physics world.
+---* return A Vector& object contains all bodies in this physics world. +---@return array_table +function PhysicsWorld:getAllBodies () end +---* set the number of update of the physics world in a second.
+---* 0 - disable fixed step system
+---* default value is 0 +---@param updatesPerSecond int +---@return self +function PhysicsWorld:setFixedUpdateRate (updatesPerSecond) end +---* set the number of substeps in an update of the physics world.
+---* One physics update will be divided into several substeps to increase its accuracy.
+---* param steps An integer number, default value is 1. +---@param steps int +---@return self +function PhysicsWorld:setSubsteps (steps) end +---* To control the step of physics.
+---* If you want control it by yourself( fixed-timestep for example ), you can set this to false and call step by yourself.
+---* attention If you set auto step to false, setSpeed setSubsteps and setUpdateRate won't work, you need to control the time step by yourself.
+---* param autoStep A bool object, default value is true. +---@param autoStep boolean +---@return self +function PhysicsWorld:setAutoStep (autoStep) end +---* Adds a joint to this physics world.
+---* This joint will be added to this physics world at next frame.
+---* attention If this joint is already added to another physics world, it will be removed from that world first and then add to this world.
+---* param joint A pointer to an existing PhysicsJoint object. +---@param joint cc.PhysicsJoint +---@return self +function PhysicsWorld:addJoint (joint) end +---* Remove all joints from this physics world.
+---* attention This function is invoked in the destructor of this physics world, you do not use this api in common.
+---* param destroy true all joints will be destroyed after remove from this world, false otherwise. +---@return self +function PhysicsWorld:removeAllJoints () end +---* Get the debug draw mask.
+---* return An integer number. +---@return int +function PhysicsWorld:getDebugDrawMask () end +---* set the callback which invoked before update of each object in physics world. +---@param callback function +---@return self +function PhysicsWorld:setPreUpdateCallback (callback) end +---* Get the auto step of this physics world.
+---* return A bool object. +---@return boolean +function PhysicsWorld:isAutoStep () end +---* set the callback which invoked after update of each object in physics world. +---@param callback function +---@return self +function PhysicsWorld:setPostUpdateCallback (callback) end +---@overload fun(cc.PhysicsBody0:int):self +---@overload fun(cc.PhysicsBody:cc.PhysicsBody):self +---@param body cc.PhysicsBody +---@return self +function PhysicsWorld:removeBody (body) end +---* Remove a joint from this physics world.
+---* If this world is not locked, the joint is removed immediately, otherwise at next frame.
+---* If this joint is connected with a body, it will be removed from the body also.
+---* param joint A pointer to an existing PhysicsJoint object.
+---* param destroy true this joint will be destroyed after remove from this world, false otherwise. +---@param joint cc.PhysicsJoint +---@param destroy boolean +---@return self +function PhysicsWorld:removeJoint (joint,destroy) end +---* Get physics shapes that contains the point.
+---* All shapes contains the point will be pushed in a Vector object.
+---* attention The point must lie inside a shape.
+---* param point A Vec2 object contains the position of the point.
+---* return A Vector object contains all found PhysicsShape pointer. +---@param point vec2_table +---@return array_table +function PhysicsWorld:getShapes (point) end +---* The step for physics world.
+---* The times passing for simulate the physics.
+---* attention You need to setAutoStep(false) first before it can work.
+---* param delta A float number. +---@param delta float +---@return self +function PhysicsWorld:step (delta) end +---* Set the debug draw mask of this physics world.
+---* This physics world will draw shapes and joints by DrawNode according to mask.
+---* param mask Mask has four value:DEBUGDRAW_NONE, DEBUGDRAW_SHAPE, DEBUGDRAW_JOINT, DEBUGDRAW_CONTACT and DEBUGDRAW_ALL, default is DEBUGDRAW_NONE +---@param mask int +---@return self +function PhysicsWorld:setDebugDrawMask (mask) end +---* Get the gravity value of this physics world.
+---* return A Vec2 object. +---@return vec2_table +function PhysicsWorld:getGravity () end +---* Set the update rate of this physics world
+---* Update rate is the value of EngineUpdateTimes/PhysicsWorldUpdateTimes.
+---* Set it higher can improve performance, set it lower can improve accuracy of physics world simulation.
+---* attention if you setAutoStep(false), this won't work.
+---* param rate An integer number, default value is 1.0. +---@param rate int +---@return self +function PhysicsWorld:setUpdateRate (rate) end +---* get the number of substeps +---@return int +function PhysicsWorld:getFixedUpdateRate () end +---* Get the number of substeps of this physics world.
+---* return An integer number. +---@return int +function PhysicsWorld:getSubsteps () end +---* Get the speed of this physics world.
+---* return A float number. +---@return float +function PhysicsWorld:getSpeed () end +---* Get the update rate of this physics world.
+---* return An integer number. +---@return int +function PhysicsWorld:getUpdateRate () end +---* Remove all bodies from physics world.
+---* If this world is not locked, those body are removed immediately, otherwise at next frame. +---@return self +function PhysicsWorld:removeAllBodies () end +---* Set the speed of this physics world.
+---* attention if you setAutoStep(false), this won't work.
+---* param speed A float number. Speed is the rate at which the simulation executes. default value is 1.0. +---@param speed float +---@return self +function PhysicsWorld:setSpeed (speed) end +---* Get the nearest physics shape that contains the point.
+---* Query this physics world at point and return the closest shape.
+---* param point A Vec2 object contains the position of the point.
+---* return A PhysicsShape object pointer or nullptr if no shapes were found +---@param point vec2_table +---@return cc.PhysicsShape +function PhysicsWorld:getShape (point) end +---* Get a body by tag.
+---* param tag An integer number that identifies a PhysicsBody object.
+---* return A PhysicsBody object pointer or nullptr if no shapes were found. +---@param tag int +---@return cc.PhysicsBody +function PhysicsWorld:getBody (tag) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Place.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Place.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c97c1caf9 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Place.lua @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Place :cc.ActionInstant +local Place={ } +cc.Place=Place + + + + +---* Initializes a Place action with a position +---@param pos vec2_table +---@return boolean +function Place:initWithPosition (pos) end +---* Creates a Place action with a position.
+---* param pos A certain position.
+---* return An autoreleased Place object. +---@param pos vec2_table +---@return self +function Place:create (pos) end +---* +---@return self +function Place:clone () end +---* param time In seconds. +---@param time float +---@return self +function Place:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function Place:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function Place:Place () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PointLight.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PointLight.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f041d240d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PointLight.lua @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PointLight :cc.BaseLight +local PointLight={ } +cc.PointLight=PointLight + + + + +---* get or set range +---@return float +function PointLight:getRange () end +---* +---@param range float +---@return point_table +function PointLight:setRange (range) end +---* Creates a point light.
+---* param position The light's position
+---* param color The light's color.
+---* param range The light's range.
+---* return The new point light. +---@param position vec3_table +---@param color color3b_table +---@param range float +---@return point_table +function PointLight:create (position,color,range) end +---* +---@return int +function PointLight:getLightType () end +---* +---@return point_table +function PointLight:PointLight () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PolygonInfo.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PolygonInfo.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a4cb3b2b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/PolygonInfo.lua @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.PolygonInfo +local PolygonInfo={ } +cc.PolygonInfo=PolygonInfo + + + + +---* +---@return string +function PolygonInfo:getFilename () end +---* get sum of all triangle area size
+---* return sum of all triangle area size +---@return float +function PolygonInfo:getArea () end +---* +---@return rect_table +function PolygonInfo:getRect () end +---* +---@param filename string +---@return self +function PolygonInfo:setFilename (filename) end +---* set the data to be a pointer to a number of Quads
+---* the member verts will not be released when this PolygonInfo destructs
+---* as the verts memory are managed by other objects
+---* param quad a pointer to the V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad quads +---@param quads cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad +---@param numberOfQuads int +---@return self +function PolygonInfo:setQuads (quads,numberOfQuads) end +---* get vertex count
+---* return number of vertices +---@return unsigned_int +function PolygonInfo:getVertCount () end +---* get triangles count
+---* return number of triangles +---@return unsigned_int +function PolygonInfo:getTrianglesCount () end +---* set the data to be a pointer to a quad
+---* the member verts will not be released when this PolygonInfo destructs
+---* as the verts memory are managed by other objects
+---* param quad a pointer to the V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad object +---@param quad cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad +---@return self +function PolygonInfo:setQuad (quad) end +---* set the data to be a pointer to a triangles
+---* the member verts will not be released when this PolygonInfo destructs
+---* as the verts memory are managed by other objects
+---* param triangles a pointer to the TrianglesCommand::Triangles object +---@param triangles cc.TrianglesCommand.Triangles +---@return self +function PolygonInfo:setTriangles (triangles) end +---* +---@param rect rect_table +---@return self +function PolygonInfo:setRect (rect) end +---* / @name Creators/ @{
+---* Creates an empty Polygon info
+---* memberof PolygonInfo
+---* return PolygonInfo object +---@return self +function PolygonInfo:PolygonInfo () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProgressFromTo.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProgressFromTo.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c3235dca8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProgressFromTo.lua @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ProgressFromTo :cc.ActionInterval +local ProgressFromTo={ } +cc.ProgressFromTo=ProgressFromTo + + + + +---* brief Initializes the action with a duration, a "from" percentage and a "to" percentage.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the ProgressFromTo action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param fromPercentage Specify the source percentage.
+---* param toPercentage Specify the destination percentage.
+---* return If the creation success, return true; otherwise, return false. +---@param duration float +---@param fromPercentage float +---@param toPercentage float +---@return boolean +function ProgressFromTo:initWithDuration (duration,fromPercentage,toPercentage) end +---* brief Create and initializes the action with a duration, a "from" percentage and a "to" percentage.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the ProgressFromTo action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param fromPercentage Specify the source percentage.
+---* param toPercentage Specify the destination percentage.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of ProgressFromTo action; otherwise, return nil. +---@param duration float +---@param fromPercentage float +---@param toPercentage float +---@return self +function ProgressFromTo:create (duration,fromPercentage,toPercentage) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function ProgressFromTo:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function ProgressFromTo:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function ProgressFromTo:reverse () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function ProgressFromTo:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function ProgressFromTo:ProgressFromTo () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProgressTimer.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProgressTimer.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a797081ce --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProgressTimer.lua @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ProgressTimer :cc.Node +local ProgressTimer={ } +cc.ProgressTimer=ProgressTimer + + + + +---* Initializes a progress timer with the sprite as the shape the timer goes through +---@param sp cc.Sprite +---@return boolean +function ProgressTimer:initWithSprite (sp) end +---* Return the Reverse direction.
+---* return If the direction is Anti-clockwise,it will return true. +---@return boolean +function ProgressTimer:isReverseDirection () end +---* This allows the bar type to move the component at a specific rate.
+---* Set the component to 0 to make sure it stays at 100%.
+---* For example you want a left to right bar but not have the height stay 100%.
+---* Set the rate to be Vec2(0,1); and set the midpoint to = Vec2(0,.5f).
+---* param barChangeRate A Vec2. +---@param barChangeRate vec2_table +---@return self +function ProgressTimer:setBarChangeRate (barChangeRate) end +---* Percentages are from 0 to 100.
+---* return Percentages. +---@return float +function ProgressTimer:getPercentage () end +---* Set the sprite as the shape.
+---* param sprite The sprite as the shape. +---@param sprite cc.Sprite +---@return self +function ProgressTimer:setSprite (sprite) end +---* Change the percentage to change progress.
+---* return A Type +---@return int +function ProgressTimer:getType () end +---* The image to show the progress percentage, retain.
+---* return A sprite. +---@return cc.Sprite +function ProgressTimer:getSprite () end +---* Midpoint is used to modify the progress start position.
+---* If you're using radials type then the midpoint changes the center point.
+---* If you're using bar type then the midpoint changes the bar growth.
+---* it expands from the center but clamps to the sprites edge so:
+---* you want a left to right then set the midpoint all the way to Vec2(0,y).
+---* you want a right to left then set the midpoint all the way to Vec2(1,y).
+---* you want a bottom to top then set the midpoint all the way to Vec2(x,0).
+---* you want a top to bottom then set the midpoint all the way to Vec2(x,1).
+---* param point A Vec2 point. +---@param point vec2_table +---@return self +function ProgressTimer:setMidpoint (point) end +---* Returns the BarChangeRate.
+---* return A barChangeRate. +---@return vec2_table +function ProgressTimer:getBarChangeRate () end +---* Set the Reverse direction.
+---* param value If value is false it will clockwise,if is true it will Anti-clockwise. +---@param value boolean +---@return self +function ProgressTimer:setReverseDirection (value) end +---* Returns the Midpoint.
+---* return A Vec2. +---@return vec2_table +function ProgressTimer:getMidpoint () end +---* Set the initial percentage values.
+---* param percentage The initial percentage values. +---@param percentage float +---@return self +function ProgressTimer:setPercentage (percentage) end +---* Set the ProgressTimer type.
+---* param type Is an Type. +---@param type int +---@return self +function ProgressTimer:setType (type) end +---* Creates a progress timer with the sprite as the shape the timer goes through.
+---* param sp The sprite as the shape the timer goes through.
+---* return A ProgressTimer. +---@param sp cc.Sprite +---@return self +function ProgressTimer:create (sp) end +---* +---@param anchorPoint vec2_table +---@return self +function ProgressTimer:setAnchorPoint (anchorPoint) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function ProgressTimer:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* +---@param color color3b_table +---@return self +function ProgressTimer:setColor (color) end +---* +---@return color3b_table +function ProgressTimer:getColor () end +---* +---@param opacity unsigned_char +---@return self +function ProgressTimer:setOpacity (opacity) end +---* +---@return unsigned_char +function ProgressTimer:getOpacity () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ProgressTimer:ProgressTimer () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProgressTo.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProgressTo.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9494199ac --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProgressTo.lua @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ProgressTo :cc.ActionInterval +local ProgressTo={ } +cc.ProgressTo=ProgressTo + + + + +---* brief Initializes with a duration and destination percentage.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the ProgressTo action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param percent Specify the destination percentage.
+---* return If the creation success, return true; otherwise, return false. +---@param duration float +---@param percent float +---@return boolean +function ProgressTo:initWithDuration (duration,percent) end +---* brief Create and initializes with a duration and a destination percentage.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the ProgressTo action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param percent Specify the destination percentage.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of ProgressTo action; otherwise, return nil. +---@param duration float +---@param percent float +---@return self +function ProgressTo:create (duration,percent) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function ProgressTo:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function ProgressTo:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function ProgressTo:reverse () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function ProgressTo:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function ProgressTo:ProgressTo () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Properties.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Properties.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..608823065 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Properties.lua @@ -0,0 +1,229 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Properties +local Properties={ } +cc.Properties=Properties + + + + +---* Returns the value of a variable that is set in this Properties object.
+---* Variables take on the format ${name} and are inherited from parent Property objects.
+---* param name Name of the variable to get.
+---* param defaultValue Value to return if the variable is not found.
+---* return The value of the specified variable, or defaultValue if not found. +---@param name char +---@param defaultValue char +---@return char +function Properties:getVariable (name,defaultValue) end +---* Get the value of the given property as a string. This can always be retrieved,
+---* whatever the intended type of the property.
+---* param name The name of the property to interpret, or NULL to return the current property's value.
+---* param defaultValue The default value to return if the specified property does not exist.
+---* return The value of the given property as a string, or the empty string if no property with that name exists. +---@return char +function Properties:getString () end +---* Interpret the value of the given property as a long integer.
+---* If the property does not exist, zero will be returned.
+---* If the property exists but could not be scanned, an error will be logged and zero will be returned.
+---* param name The name of the property to interpret, or NULL to return the current property's value.
+---* return The value of the given property interpreted as a long.
+---* Zero if the property does not exist or could not be scanned. +---@return long +function Properties:getLong () end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun(char:char,boolean:boolean,boolean:boolean):self +---@param id char +---@param searchNames boolean +---@param recurse boolean +---@return self +function Properties:getNamespace (id,searchNames,recurse) end +---* Gets the file path for the given property if the file exists.
+---* This method will first search for the file relative to the working directory.
+---* If the file is not found then it will search relative to the directory the bundle file is in.
+---* param name The name of the property.
+---* param path The string to copy the path to if the file exists.
+---* return True if the property exists and the file exists, false otherwise.
+---* script{ignore} +---@param name char +---@param path string +---@return boolean +function Properties:getPath (name,path) end +---* Interpret the value of the given property as a Matrix.
+---* If the property does not exist, out will be set to the identity matrix.
+---* If the property exists but could not be scanned, an error will be logged and out will be set
+---* to the identity matrix.
+---* param name The name of the property to interpret, or NULL to return the current property's value.
+---* param out The matrix to set to this property's interpreted value.
+---* return True on success, false if the property does not exist or could not be scanned. +---@param name char +---@param out mat4_table +---@return boolean +function Properties:getMat4 (name,out) end +---* Check if a property with the given name is specified in this Properties object.
+---* param name The name of the property to query.
+---* return True if the property exists, false otherwise. +---@param name char +---@return boolean +function Properties:exists (name) end +---* Sets the value of the property with the specified name.
+---* If there is no property in this namespace with the current name,
+---* one is added. Otherwise, the value of the first property with the
+---* specified name is updated.
+---* If name is NULL, the value current property (see getNextProperty) is
+---* set, unless there is no current property, in which case false
+---* is returned.
+---* param name The name of the property to set.
+---* param value The property value.
+---* return True if the property was set, false otherwise. +---@param name char +---@param value char +---@return boolean +function Properties:setString (name,value) end +---* Get the ID of this Property's namespace. The ID should be a unique identifier,
+---* but its uniqueness is not enforced.
+---* return The ID of this Property's namespace. +---@return char +function Properties:getId () end +---* Rewind the getNextProperty() and getNextNamespace() iterators
+---* to the beginning of the file. +---@return self +function Properties:rewind () end +---* Sets the value of the specified variable.
+---* param name Name of the variable to set.
+---* param value The value to set. +---@param name char +---@param value char +---@return self +function Properties:setVariable (name,value) end +---* Interpret the value of the given property as a boolean.
+---* param name The name of the property to interpret, or NULL to return the current property's value.
+---* param defaultValue the default value to return if the specified property does not exist within the properties file.
+---* return true if the property exists and its value is "true", otherwise false. +---@return boolean +function Properties:getBool () end +---@overload fun(char:char,vec3_table1:vec4_table):self +---@overload fun(char:char,vec3_table:vec3_table):self +---@param name char +---@param out vec3_table +---@return boolean +function Properties:getColor (name,out) end +---* Returns the type of a property.
+---* param name The name of the property to interpret, or NULL to return the current property's type.
+---* return The type of the property. +---@return int +function Properties:getType () end +---* Get the next namespace. +---@return self +function Properties:getNextNamespace () end +---* Interpret the value of the given property as an integer.
+---* If the property does not exist, zero will be returned.
+---* If the property exists but could not be scanned, an error will be logged and zero will be returned.
+---* param name The name of the property to interpret, or NULL to return the current property's value.
+---* return The value of the given property interpreted as an integer.
+---* Zero if the property does not exist or could not be scanned. +---@return int +function Properties:getInt () end +---* Interpret the value of the given property as a Vector3.
+---* If the property does not exist, out will be set to Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f).
+---* If the property exists but could not be scanned, an error will be logged and out will be set
+---* to Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f).
+---* param name The name of the property to interpret, or NULL to return the current property's value.
+---* param out The vector to set to this property's interpreted value.
+---* return True on success, false if the property does not exist or could not be scanned. +---@param name char +---@param out vec3_table +---@return boolean +function Properties:getVec3 (name,out) end +---* Interpret the value of the given property as a Vector2.
+---* If the property does not exist, out will be set to Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f).
+---* If the property exists but could not be scanned, an error will be logged and out will be set
+---* to Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f).
+---* param name The name of the property to interpret, or NULL to return the current property's value.
+---* param out The vector to set to this property's interpreted value.
+---* return True on success, false if the property does not exist or could not be scanned. +---@param name char +---@param out vec2_table +---@return boolean +function Properties:getVec2 (name,out) end +---* Interpret the value of the given property as a Vector4.
+---* If the property does not exist, out will be set to Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f).
+---* If the property exists but could not be scanned, an error will be logged and out will be set
+---* to Vector4(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f).
+---* param name The name of the property to interpret, or NULL to return the current property's value.
+---* param out The vector to set to this property's interpreted value.
+---* return True on success, false if the property does not exist or could not be scanned. +---@param name char +---@param out vec4_table +---@return boolean +function Properties:getVec4 (name,out) end +---* Get the name of the next property.
+---* If a valid next property is returned, the value of the property can be
+---* retrieved using any of the get methods in this class, passing NULL for the property name.
+---* return The name of the next property, or NULL if there are no properties remaining. +---@return char +function Properties:getNextProperty () end +---* Interpret the value of the given property as a floating-point number.
+---* If the property does not exist, zero will be returned.
+---* If the property exists but could not be scanned, an error will be logged and zero will be returned.
+---* param name The name of the property to interpret, or NULL to return the current property's value.
+---* return The value of the given property interpreted as a float.
+---* Zero if the property does not exist or could not be scanned. +---@return float +function Properties:getFloat () end +---* Interpret the value of the given property as a Quaternion specified as an axis angle.
+---* If the property does not exist, out will be set to Quaternion().
+---* If the property exists but could not be scanned, an error will be logged and out will be set
+---* to Quaternion().
+---* param name The name of the property to interpret, or NULL to return the current property's value.
+---* param out The quaternion to set to this property's interpreted value.
+---* return True on success, false if the property does not exist or could not be scanned. +---@param name char +---@param out cc.Quaternion +---@return boolean +function Properties:getQuaternionFromAxisAngle (name,out) end +---@overload fun(char:char,vec3_table1:vec4_table):self +---@overload fun(char:char,vec3_table:vec3_table):self +---@param str char +---@param out vec3_table +---@return boolean +function Properties:parseColor (str,out) end +---* Attempts to parse the specified string as a Vector3 value.
+---* On error, false is returned and the output is set to all zero values.
+---* param str The string to parse.
+---* param out The value to populate if successful.
+---* return True if a valid Vector3 was parsed, false otherwise. +---@param str char +---@param out vec3_table +---@return boolean +function Properties:parseVec3 (str,out) end +---* Attempts to parse the specified string as an axis-angle value.
+---* The specified string is expected to contain four comma-separated
+---* values, where the first three values represents the axis and the
+---* fourth value represents the angle, in degrees.
+---* On error, false is returned and the output is set to all zero values.
+---* param str The string to parse.
+---* param out A Quaternion populated with the orientation of the axis-angle, if successful.
+---* return True if a valid axis-angle was parsed, false otherwise. +---@param str char +---@param out cc.Quaternion +---@return boolean +function Properties:parseAxisAngle (str,out) end +---* Attempts to parse the specified string as a Vector2 value.
+---* On error, false is returned and the output is set to all zero values.
+---* param str The string to parse.
+---* param out The value to populate if successful.
+---* return True if a valid Vector2 was parsed, false otherwise. +---@param str char +---@param out vec2_table +---@return boolean +function Properties:parseVec2 (str,out) end +---* Attempts to parse the specified string as a Vector4 value.
+---* On error, false is returned and the output is set to all zero values.
+---* param str The string to parse.
+---* param out The value to populate if successful.
+---* return True if a valid Vector4 was parsed, false otherwise. +---@param str char +---@param out vec4_table +---@return boolean +function Properties:parseVec4 (str,out) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProtectedNode.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProtectedNode.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c77f3f744 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ProtectedNode.lua @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ProtectedNode :cc.Node +local ProtectedNode={ } +cc.ProtectedNode=ProtectedNode + + + + +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int:int):self +---@param child cc.Node +---@param localZOrder int +---@param tag int +---@return self +function ProtectedNode:addProtectedChild (child,localZOrder,tag) end +---* +---@return self +function ProtectedNode:disableCascadeColor () end +---* Removes a child from the container by tag value. It will also cleanup all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter.
+---* param tag An integer number that identifies a child node.
+---* param cleanup true if all running actions and callbacks on the child node will be cleanup, false otherwise. +---@param tag int +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function ProtectedNode:removeProtectedChildByTag (tag,cleanup) end +---* Reorders a child according to a new z value.
+---* param child An already added child node. It MUST be already added.
+---* param localZOrder Z order for drawing priority. Please refer to setLocalZOrder(int) +---@param child cc.Node +---@param localZOrder int +---@return self +function ProtectedNode:reorderProtectedChild (child,localZOrder) end +---* Removes all children from the container, and do a cleanup to all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter.
+---* param cleanup true if all running actions on all children nodes should be cleanup, false otherwise.
+---* js removeAllChildren
+---* lua removeAllChildren +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function ProtectedNode:removeAllProtectedChildrenWithCleanup (cleanup) end +---* +---@return self +function ProtectedNode:disableCascadeOpacity () end +---* Sorts the children array once before drawing, instead of every time when a child is added or reordered.
+---* This approach can improves the performance massively.
+---* note Don't call this manually unless a child added needs to be removed in the same frame +---@return self +function ProtectedNode:sortAllProtectedChildren () end +---* Gets a child from the container with its tag.
+---* param tag An identifier to find the child node.
+---* return a Node object whose tag equals to the input parameter. +---@param tag int +---@return cc.Node +function ProtectedNode:getProtectedChildByTag (tag) end +---* Removes a child from the container. It will also cleanup all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter.
+---* param child The child node which will be removed.
+---* param cleanup true if all running actions and callbacks on the child node will be cleanup, false otherwise. +---@param child cc.Node +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function ProtectedNode:removeProtectedChild (child,cleanup) end +---* Removes all children from the container with a cleanup.
+---* see `removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(bool)`. +---@return self +function ProtectedNode:removeAllProtectedChildren () end +---* Creates a ProtectedNode with no argument.
+---* return A instance of ProtectedNode. +---@return self +function ProtectedNode:create () end +---* +---@param mask unsigned short +---@param applyChildren boolean +---@return self +function ProtectedNode:setCameraMask (mask,applyChildren) end +---* +---@param globalZOrder float +---@return self +function ProtectedNode:setGlobalZOrder (globalZOrder) end +---* js NA +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param parentTransform mat4_table +---@param parentFlags unsigned_int +---@return self +function ProtectedNode:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end +---* +---@param parentOpacity unsigned_char +---@return self +function ProtectedNode:updateDisplayedOpacity (parentOpacity) end +---* +---@param parentColor color3b_table +---@return self +function ProtectedNode:updateDisplayedColor (parentColor) end +---* +---@return self +function ProtectedNode:cleanup () end +---* +---@return self +function ProtectedNode:ProtectedNode () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Ref.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Ref.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2814940e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Ref.lua @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Ref +local Ref={ } +cc.Ref=Ref + + + + +---* Releases the ownership immediately.
+---* This decrements the Ref's reference count.
+---* If the reference count reaches 0 after the decrement, this Ref is
+---* destructed.
+---* see retain, autorelease
+---* js NA +---@return self +function Ref:release () end +---* Retains the ownership.
+---* This increases the Ref's reference count.
+---* see release, autorelease
+---* js NA +---@return self +function Ref:retain () end +---* Returns the Ref's current reference count.
+---* returns The Ref's reference count.
+---* js NA +---@return unsigned_int +function Ref:getReferenceCount () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RemoveSelf.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RemoveSelf.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c794a5e76 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RemoveSelf.lua @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.RemoveSelf :cc.ActionInstant +local RemoveSelf={ } +cc.RemoveSelf=RemoveSelf + + + + +---* init the action +---@param isNeedCleanUp boolean +---@return boolean +function RemoveSelf:init (isNeedCleanUp) end +---* Create the action.
+---* param isNeedCleanUp Is need to clean up, the default value is true.
+---* return An autoreleased RemoveSelf object. +---@return self +function RemoveSelf:create () end +---* +---@return self +function RemoveSelf:clone () end +---* param time In seconds. +---@param time float +---@return self +function RemoveSelf:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function RemoveSelf:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function RemoveSelf:RemoveSelf () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RenderState.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RenderState.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..40c0dcec5 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RenderState.lua @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.RenderState :cc.Ref +local RenderState={ } +cc.RenderState=RenderState + + + + +---* +---@return string +function RenderState:getName () end +---* Binds the render state for this RenderState and any of its parents, top-down,
+---* for the given pass. +---@param pass cc.Pass +---@param d cc.MeshComman +---@return self +function RenderState:bindPass (pass,d) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RenderTexture.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RenderTexture.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9b9a889b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RenderTexture.lua @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.RenderTexture :cc.Node +local RenderTexture={ } +cc.RenderTexture=RenderTexture + + + + +---* Used for grab part of screen to a texture.
+---* param rtBegin The position of renderTexture on the fullRect.
+---* param fullRect The total size of screen.
+---* param fullViewport The total viewportSize. +---@param rtBegin vec2_table +---@param fullRect rect_table +---@param fullViewport rect_table +---@return self +function RenderTexture:setVirtualViewport (rtBegin,fullRect,fullViewport) end +---* Clears the texture with a specified stencil value.
+---* param stencilValue A specified stencil value. +---@param stencilValue int +---@return self +function RenderTexture:clearStencil (stencilValue) end +---* Value for clearDepth. Valid only when "autoDraw" is true.
+---* return Value for clearDepth. +---@return float +function RenderTexture:getClearDepth () end +---* Value for clear Stencil. Valid only when "autoDraw" is true.
+---* return Value for clear Stencil. +---@return int +function RenderTexture:getClearStencil () end +---* Set Value for clear Stencil.
+---* param clearStencil Value for clear Stencil. +---@param clearStencil int +---@return self +function RenderTexture:setClearStencil (clearStencil) end +---* Sets the Sprite being used.
+---* param sprite A Sprite. +---@param sprite cc.Sprite +---@return self +function RenderTexture:setSprite (sprite) end +---* Gets the Sprite being used.
+---* return A Sprite. +---@return cc.Sprite +function RenderTexture:getSprite () end +---* When enabled, it will render its children into the texture automatically. Disabled by default for compatibility reasons.
+---* Will be enabled in the future.
+---* return Return the autoDraw value. +---@return boolean +function RenderTexture:isAutoDraw () end +---@overload fun(string:string,int:int,boolean:boolean,function:function):self +---@overload fun(string:string,int1:boolean,boolean2:function):self +---@param fileName string +---@param format int +---@param isRGBA boolean +---@param callback function +---@return boolean +function RenderTexture:saveToFileAsNonPMA (fileName,format,isRGBA,callback) end +---* Flag: Use stack matrix computed from scene hierarchy or generate new modelView and projection matrix.
+---* param keepMatrix Whether or not use stack matrix computed from scene hierarchy or generate new modelView and projection matrix.
+---* js NA +---@param keepMatrix boolean +---@return self +function RenderTexture:setKeepMatrix (keepMatrix) end +---* Set flags.
+---* param clearFlags set clear flags. +---@param clearFlags int +---@return self +function RenderTexture:setClearFlags (clearFlags) end +---* Starts grabbing. +---@return self +function RenderTexture:begin () end +---@overload fun(string:string,int:int,boolean:boolean,function:function):self +---@overload fun(string:string,int1:boolean,boolean2:function):self +---@param filename string +---@param format int +---@param isRGBA boolean +---@param callback function +---@return boolean +function RenderTexture:saveToFile (filename,format,isRGBA,callback) end +---* Set a valve to control whether or not render its children into the texture automatically.
+---* param isAutoDraw Whether or not render its children into the texture automatically. +---@param isAutoDraw boolean +---@return self +function RenderTexture:setAutoDraw (isAutoDraw) end +---* Set color value.
+---* param clearColor Color value. +---@param clearColor color4f_table +---@return self +function RenderTexture:setClearColor (clearColor) end +---* Ends grabbing.
+---* lua endToLua +---@return self +function RenderTexture:endToLua () end +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,float:float,float:float,int:int):self +---@param r float +---@param g float +---@param b float +---@param a float +---@param depthValue float +---@param stencilValue int +---@return self +function RenderTexture:beginWithClear (r,g,b,a,depthValue,stencilValue) end +---* Clears the texture with a specified depth value.
+---* param depthValue A specified depth value. +---@param depthValue float +---@return self +function RenderTexture:clearDepth (depthValue) end +---* Clear color value. Valid only when "autoDraw" is true.
+---* return Color value. +---@return color4f_table +function RenderTexture:getClearColor () end +---* Clears the texture with a color.
+---* param r Red.
+---* param g Green.
+---* param b Blue.
+---* param a Alpha. +---@param r float +---@param g float +---@param b float +---@param a float +---@return self +function RenderTexture:clear (r,g,b,a) end +---* Valid when "autoDraw" is true.
+---* return Clear flags. +---@return int +function RenderTexture:getClearFlags () end +---* Set Value for clearDepth.
+---* param clearDepth Value for clearDepth. +---@param clearDepth float +---@return self +function RenderTexture:setClearDepth (clearDepth) end +---@overload fun(int:int,int:int,int:int,int:int):self +---@overload fun(int:int,int:int,int:int):self +---@param w int +---@param h int +---@param format int +---@param depthStencilFormat int +---@return boolean +function RenderTexture:initWithWidthAndHeight (w,h,format,depthStencilFormat) end +---@overload fun(int:int,int:int,int:int):self +---@overload fun(int:int,int:int,int:int,int:int):self +---@overload fun(int:int,int:int):self +---@param w int +---@param h int +---@param format int +---@param depthStencilFormat int +---@return self +function RenderTexture:create (w,h,format,depthStencilFormat) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function RenderTexture:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param parentTransform mat4_table +---@param parentFlags unsigned_int +---@return self +function RenderTexture:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end +---* FIXME: should be protected.
+---* but due to a bug in PowerVR + Android,
+---* the constructor is public again.
+---* js ctor +---@return self +function RenderTexture:RenderTexture () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Renderer.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Renderer.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0e00c762e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Renderer.lua @@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Renderer +local Renderer={ } +cc.Renderer=Renderer + + + + +---* Get winding mode.
+---* return The winding mode. +---@return int +function Renderer:getWinding () end +---* +---@return int +function Renderer:getDrawnVertices () end +---* Renders into the GLView all the queued `RenderCommand` objects +---@return self +function Renderer:render () end +---* Creates a render queue and returns its Id +---@return int +function Renderer:createRenderQueue () end +---* Get whether stencil test is enabled or not.
+---* return true if stencil test is enabled, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function Renderer:getStencilTest () end +---* Get the render target flag.
+---* return The render target flag. +---@return int +function Renderer:getRenderTargetFlag () end +---* Get the clear flag.
+---* return The clear flag. +---@return int +function Renderer:getClearFlag () end +---* Get stencil reference value set by `setStencilCompareFunction`.
+---* return Stencil reference value.
+---* see `setStencilCompareFunction(backend::CompareFunction func, unsigned int ref, unsigned int readMask)` +---@return unsigned_int +function Renderer:getStencilReferenceValue () end +---* Get stencil attachment.
+---* return Stencil attachment. +---@return cc.Texture2D +function Renderer:getStencilAttachment () end +---* Fixed-function state
+---* param x The x coordinate of the upper-left corner of the viewport.
+---* param y The y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the viewport.
+---* param w The width of the viewport, in pixels.
+---* param h The height of the viewport, in pixels. +---@param x int +---@param y int +---@param w unsigned_int +---@param h unsigned_int +---@return self +function Renderer:setViewPort (x,y,w,h) end +---* Get the stencil readMask.
+---* return Stencil read mask.
+---* see `setStencilCompareFunction(backend::CompareFunction func, unsigned int ref, unsigned int readMask)` +---@return unsigned_int +function Renderer:getStencilReadMask () end +---* Get depth clear value.
+---* return Depth clear value. +---@return float +function Renderer:getClearDepth () end +---* Set front and back function and reference value for stencil testing.
+---* param func Specifies the stencil test function.
+---* param ref Specifies the reference value for the stencil test.
+---* readMask Specifies a mask that is ANDed with both the reference value and the stored stencil value when the test is done. +---@param func int +---@param ref unsigned_int +---@param readMask unsigned_int +---@return self +function Renderer:setStencilCompareFunction (func,ref,readMask) end +---* / Get viewport. +---@return cc.Viewport +function Renderer:getViewport () end +---* Get the index when the stencil buffer is cleared.
+---* return The index used when the stencil buffer is cleared. +---@return unsigned_int +function Renderer:getClearStencil () end +---* Enable/disable stencil test.
+---* param value true means enable stencil test, otherwise false. +---@param value boolean +---@return self +function Renderer:setStencilTest (value) end +---* / Get the action to take when the stencil test fails. +---@return int +function Renderer:getStencilFailureOperation () end +---* Get color attachment.
+---* return Color attachment. +---@return cc.Texture2D +function Renderer:getColorAttachment () end +---@overload fun(cc.RenderCommand:cc.RenderCommand,int:int):self +---@overload fun(cc.RenderCommand:cc.RenderCommand):self +---@param command cc.RenderCommand +---@param renderQueueID int +---@return self +function Renderer:addCommand (command,renderQueueID) end +---* Enable/disable depth test.
+---* param value true means enable depth test, otherwise false. +---@param value boolean +---@return self +function Renderer:setDepthTest (value) end +---* Fixed-function state
+---* param x, y Specifies the lower left corner of the scissor box
+---* param wdith Specifies the width of the scissor box
+---* param height Specifies the height of the scissor box +---@param x float +---@param y float +---@param width float +---@param height float +---@return self +function Renderer:setScissorRect (x,y,width,height) end +---* Get whether depth test state is enabled or disabled.
+---* return true if depth test is enabled, otherwise false. +---@return boolean +function Renderer:getDepthTest () end +---* +---@return self +function Renderer:init () end +---* Enable/disable to update depth buffer.
+---* param value true means enable writing into the depth buffer, otherwise false. +---@param value boolean +---@return self +function Renderer:setDepthWrite (value) end +---* / Get the stencil action when the stencil test passes, but the depth test fails. +---@return int +function Renderer:getStencilPassDepthFailureOperation () end +---* Fixed-function state
+---* param mode Controls if primitives are culled when front facing, back facing, or not culled at all. +---@param mode int +---@return self +function Renderer:setCullMode (mode) end +---* Pops a group from the render queue +---@return self +function Renderer:popGroup () end +---* Pushes a group into the render queue +---@param renderQueueID int +---@return self +function Renderer:pushGroup (renderQueueID) end +---* +---@return cc.ScissorRect +function Renderer:getScissorRect () end +---* +---@return boolean +function Renderer:getScissorTest () end +---* Get the stencil write mask.
+---* return Stencil write mask.
+---* see `setStencilWriteMask(unsigned int mask)` +---@return unsigned_int +function Renderer:getStencilWriteMask () end +---* +---@param number int +---@return self +function Renderer:addDrawnBatches (number) end +---* returns whether or not a rectangle is visible or not +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param size size_table +---@return boolean +function Renderer:checkVisibility (transform,size) end +---* Set front and back stencil test actions.
+---* param stencilFailureOp Specifies the action to take when the stencil test fails.
+---* param depthFailureOp Specifies the stencil action when the stencil test passes, but the depth test fails.
+---* param stencilDepthPassOp Specifies the stencil action when both the stencil test and the depth test pass, or when the stencil test passes and either there is no depth buffer or depth testing is not enabled. +---@param stencilFailureOp int +---@param depthFailureOp int +---@param stencilDepthPassOp int +---@return self +function Renderer:setStencilOperation (stencilFailureOp,depthFailureOp,stencilDepthPassOp) end +---* Get whether writing to depth buffer is enabled or not.
+---* return true if enable writing into the depth buffer, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function Renderer:getDepthWrite () end +---* Get cull mode.
+---* return The cull mode. +---@return int +function Renderer:getCullMode () end +---* / Get the stencil test function. +---@return int +function Renderer:getStencilCompareFunction () end +---* Get color clear value.
+---* return Color clear value. +---@return color4f_table +function Renderer:getClearColor () end +---* Set depth compare function.
+---* param func Specifies the value used for depth buffer comparisons. +---@param func int +---@return self +function Renderer:setDepthCompareFunction (func) end +---* Control the front and back writing of individual bits in the stencil planes.
+---* param mask Specifies a bit mask to enable and disable writing of individual bits in the stencil planes. +---@param mask unsigned_int +---@return self +function Renderer:setStencilWriteMask (mask) end +---* / Get the stencil action when both the stencil test and the depth test pass, or when the stencil test passes and either there is no depth buffer or depth testing is not enabled. +---@return int +function Renderer:getStencilDepthPassOperation () end +---* Enable/disable scissor test.
+---* param enabled true if enable scissor test, false otherwise. +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function Renderer:setScissorTest (enabled) end +---* Fixed-function state
+---* param winding The winding order of front-facing primitives. +---@param winding int +---@return self +function Renderer:setWinding (winding) end +---* Set clear values for each attachment.
+---* flags Flags to indicate which attachment clear value to be modified.
+---* color The clear color value.
+---* depth The clear depth value.
+---* stencil The clear stencil value. +---@param flags int +---@param color color4f_table +---@param depth float +---@param stencil unsigned_int +---@param globalOrder float +---@return self +function Renderer:clear (flags,color,depth,stencil,globalOrder) end +---* Set render targets. If not set, will use default render targets. It will effect all commands.
+---* flags Flags to indicate which attachment to be replaced.
+---* colorAttachment The value to replace color attachment, only one color attachment supported now.
+---* depthAttachment The value to repalce depth attachment.
+---* stencilAttachment The value to replace stencil attachment. Depth attachment and stencil attachment
+---* can be the same value. +---@param flags int +---@param colorAttachment cc.Texture2D +---@param depthAttachment cc.Texture2D +---@param stencilAttachment cc.Texture2D +---@return self +function Renderer:setRenderTarget (flags,colorAttachment,depthAttachment,stencilAttachment) end +---* Get depth attachment.
+---* return Depth attachment. +---@return cc.Texture2D +function Renderer:getDepthAttachment () end +---* +---@param number int +---@return self +function Renderer:addDrawnVertices (number) end +---* Cleans all `RenderCommand`s in the queue +---@return self +function Renderer:clean () end +---* +---@return int +function Renderer:getDrawnBatches () end +---* +---@return self +function Renderer:clearDrawStats () end +---* Get depth compare function.
+---* return Depth compare function. +---@return int +function Renderer:getDepthCompareFunction () end +---* Constructor. +---@return self +function Renderer:Renderer () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Repeat.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Repeat.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..099ec2a9a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Repeat.lua @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Repeat :cc.ActionInterval +local Repeat={ } +cc.Repeat=Repeat + + + + +---* Sets the inner action.
+---* param action The inner action. +---@param action cc.FiniteTimeAction +---@return self +function Repeat:setInnerAction (action) end +---* initializes a Repeat action. Times is an unsigned integer between 1 and pow(2,30) +---@param pAction cc.FiniteTimeAction +---@param times unsigned_int +---@return boolean +function Repeat:initWithAction (pAction,times) end +---* Gets the inner action.
+---* return The inner action. +---@return cc.FiniteTimeAction +function Repeat:getInnerAction () end +---* Creates a Repeat action. Times is an unsigned integer between 1 and pow(2,30).
+---* param action The action needs to repeat.
+---* param times The repeat times.
+---* return An autoreleased Repeat object. +---@param action cc.FiniteTimeAction +---@param times unsigned_int +---@return self +function Repeat:create (action,times) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function Repeat:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function Repeat:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function Repeat:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function Repeat:stop () end +---* param dt In seconds. +---@param dt float +---@return self +function Repeat:update (dt) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Repeat:isDone () end +---* +---@return self +function Repeat:Repeat () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RepeatForever.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RepeatForever.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f4c0962a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RepeatForever.lua @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.RepeatForever :cc.ActionInterval +local RepeatForever={ } +cc.RepeatForever=RepeatForever + + + + +---* Sets the inner action.
+---* param action The inner action. +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function RepeatForever:setInnerAction (action) end +---* initializes the action +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return boolean +function RepeatForever:initWithAction (action) end +---* Gets the inner action.
+---* return The inner action. +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function RepeatForever:getInnerAction () end +---* Creates the action.
+---* param action The action need to repeat forever.
+---* return An autoreleased RepeatForever object. +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function RepeatForever:create (action) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function RepeatForever:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function RepeatForever:clone () end +---* +---@return boolean +function RepeatForever:isDone () end +---* +---@return self +function RepeatForever:reverse () end +---* param dt In seconds. +---@param dt float +---@return self +function RepeatForever:step (dt) end +---* +---@return self +function RepeatForever:RepeatForever () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ReuseGrid.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ReuseGrid.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8b727e8f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ReuseGrid.lua @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ReuseGrid :cc.ActionInstant +local ReuseGrid={ } +cc.ReuseGrid=ReuseGrid + + + + +---* brief Initializes an action with the number of times that the current grid will be reused.
+---* param times Specify times the grid will be reused.
+---* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false. +---@param times int +---@return boolean +function ReuseGrid:initWithTimes (times) end +---* brief Create an action with the number of times that the current grid will be reused.
+---* param times Specify times the grid will be reused.
+---* return Return a pointer of ReuseGrid. When the creation failed, return nil. +---@param times int +---@return self +function ReuseGrid:create (times) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function ReuseGrid:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function ReuseGrid:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function ReuseGrid:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function ReuseGrid:ReuseGrid () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Ripple3D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Ripple3D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a49579c38 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Ripple3D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Ripple3D :cc.Grid3DAction +local Ripple3D={ } +cc.Ripple3D=Ripple3D + + + + +---* brief Set the amplitude rate of ripple effect.
+---* param fAmplitudeRate The amplitude rate of ripple effect. +---@param fAmplitudeRate float +---@return self +function Ripple3D:setAmplitudeRate (fAmplitudeRate) end +---* brief Initializes the action with center position, radius, number of waves, amplitude, a grid size and duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the Ripple3D action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param position Specify the center position of the ripple effect.
+---* param radius Specify the radius of the ripple effect.
+---* param waves Specify the waves count of the ripple effect.
+---* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the ripple effect.
+---* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param position vec2_table +---@param radius float +---@param waves unsigned_int +---@param amplitude float +---@return boolean +function Ripple3D:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,position,radius,waves,amplitude) end +---* brief Get the amplitude rate of ripple effect.
+---* return The amplitude rate of ripple effect. +---@return float +function Ripple3D:getAmplitudeRate () end +---* brief Set the amplitude of ripple effect.
+---* param fAmplitude The amplitude of ripple effect. +---@param fAmplitude float +---@return self +function Ripple3D:setAmplitude (fAmplitude) end +---* brief Get the amplitude of ripple effect.
+---* return The amplitude of ripple effect. +---@return float +function Ripple3D:getAmplitude () end +---* brief Set the center position of ripple effect.
+---* param position The center position of ripple effect will be set. +---@param position vec2_table +---@return self +function Ripple3D:setPosition (position) end +---* brief Get the center position of ripple effect.
+---* return The center position of ripple effect. +---@return vec2_table +function Ripple3D:getPosition () end +---* brief Create the action with center position, radius, number of waves, amplitude, a grid size and duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the Ripple3D action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param position Specify the center position of the ripple effect.
+---* param radius Specify the radius of the ripple effect.
+---* param waves Specify the waves count of the ripple effect.
+---* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the ripple effect.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of Ripple3D action; otherwise, return nil. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param position vec2_table +---@param radius float +---@param waves unsigned_int +---@param amplitude float +---@return self +function Ripple3D:create (duration,gridSize,position,radius,waves,amplitude) end +---* +---@return self +function Ripple3D:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function Ripple3D:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function Ripple3D:Ripple3D () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RotateBy.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RotateBy.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1e4a156e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RotateBy.lua @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.RotateBy :cc.ActionInterval +local RotateBy={ } +cc.RotateBy=RotateBy + + + + +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(float:float,float1:vec3_table):self +---@param duration float +---@param deltaAngleZ_X float +---@param deltaAngleZ_Y float +---@return boolean +function RotateBy:initWithDuration (duration,deltaAngleZ_X,deltaAngleZ_Y) end +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(float:float,float1:vec3_table):self +---@param duration float +---@param deltaAngleZ_X float +---@param deltaAngleZ_Y float +---@return self +function RotateBy:create (duration,deltaAngleZ_X,deltaAngleZ_Y) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function RotateBy:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function RotateBy:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function RotateBy:reverse () end +---* param time In seconds. +---@param time float +---@return self +function RotateBy:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function RotateBy:RotateBy () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RotateTo.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RotateTo.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ba78b8705 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/RotateTo.lua @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.RotateTo :cc.ActionInterval +local RotateTo={ } +cc.RotateTo=RotateTo + + + + +---@overload fun(float:float,float1:vec3_table):self +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float):self +---@param duration float +---@param dstAngleX float +---@param dstAngleY float +---@return boolean +function RotateTo:initWithDuration (duration,dstAngleX,dstAngleY) end +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(float:float,float1:vec3_table):self +---@param duration float +---@param dstAngleX float +---@param dstAngleY float +---@return self +function RotateTo:create (duration,dstAngleX,dstAngleY) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function RotateTo:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function RotateTo:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function RotateTo:reverse () end +---* param time In seconds. +---@param time float +---@return self +function RotateTo:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function RotateTo:RotateTo () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ScaleBy.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ScaleBy.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1913930e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ScaleBy.lua @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ScaleBy :cc.ScaleTo +local ScaleBy={ } +cc.ScaleBy=ScaleBy + + + + +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,float:float):self +---@param duration float +---@param sx float +---@param sy float +---@param sz float +---@return self +function ScaleBy:create (duration,sx,sy,sz) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function ScaleBy:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function ScaleBy:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function ScaleBy:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function ScaleBy:ScaleBy () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ScaleTo.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ScaleTo.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3fc15b4fe --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ScaleTo.lua @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ScaleTo :cc.ActionInterval +local ScaleTo={ } +cc.ScaleTo=ScaleTo + + + + +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,float:float):self +---@param duration float +---@param sx float +---@param sy float +---@param sz float +---@return boolean +function ScaleTo:initWithDuration (duration,sx,sy,sz) end +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float,float:float,float:float):self +---@param duration float +---@param sx float +---@param sy float +---@param sz float +---@return self +function ScaleTo:create (duration,sx,sy,sz) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function ScaleTo:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function ScaleTo:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function ScaleTo:reverse () end +---* param time In seconds. +---@param time float +---@return self +function ScaleTo:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function ScaleTo:ScaleTo () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Scene.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Scene.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0a44a14ed --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Scene.lua @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Scene :cc.Node +local Scene={ } +cc.Scene=Scene + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function Scene:initWithPhysics () end +---* +---@return self +function Scene:setCameraOrderDirty () end +---* Render the scene.
+---* param renderer The renderer use to render the scene.
+---* param eyeTransform The AdditionalTransform of camera.
+---* param eyeProjection The projection matrix of camera.
+---* js NA +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param eyeTransform mat4_table +---@param eyeProjection mat4_table +---@return self +function Scene:render (renderer,eyeTransform,eyeProjection) end +---* +---@param deltaTime float +---@return self +function Scene:stepPhysicsAndNavigation (deltaTime) end +---* +---@param event cc.EventCustom +---@return self +function Scene:onProjectionChanged (event) end +---* Get the physics world of the scene.
+---* return The physics world of the scene.
+---* js NA +---@return cc.PhysicsWorld +function Scene:getPhysicsWorld () end +---* +---@param size size_table +---@return boolean +function Scene:initWithSize (size) end +---* Get the default camera.
+---* js NA
+---* return The default camera of scene. +---@return cc.Camera +function Scene:getDefaultCamera () end +---* Creates a new Scene object with a predefined Size.
+---* param size The predefined size of scene.
+---* return An autoreleased Scene object.
+---* js NA +---@param size size_table +---@return self +function Scene:createWithSize (size) end +---* Creates a new Scene object.
+---* return An autoreleased Scene object. +---@return self +function Scene:create () end +---* Create a scene with physics.
+---* return An autoreleased Scene object with physics.
+---* js NA +---@return self +function Scene:createWithPhysics () end +---* +---@return boolean +function Scene:init () end +---* +---@return string +function Scene:getDescription () end +---* override function +---@return self +function Scene:removeAllChildren () end +---* +---@return self +function Scene:Scene () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Scheduler.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Scheduler.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..93810725f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Scheduler.lua @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Scheduler :cc.Ref +local Scheduler={ } +cc.Scheduler=Scheduler + + + + +---* Modifies the time of all scheduled callbacks.
+---* You can use this property to create a 'slow motion' or 'fast forward' effect.
+---* Default is 1.0. To create a 'slow motion' effect, use values below 1.0.
+---* To create a 'fast forward' effect, use values higher than 1.0.
+---* since v0.8
+---* warning It will affect EVERY scheduled selector / action. +---@param timeScale float +---@return self +function Scheduler:setTimeScale (timeScale) end +---* Remove all pending functions queued to be performed with Scheduler::performFunctionInCocosThread
+---* Functions unscheduled in this manner will not be executed
+---* This function is thread safe
+---* since v3.14
+---* js NA +---@return self +function Scheduler:removeAllFunctionsToBePerformedInCocosThread () end +---* Gets the time scale of schedule callbacks.
+---* see Scheduler::setTimeScale() +---@return float +function Scheduler:getTimeScale () end +---* Constructor
+---* js ctor +---@return self +function Scheduler:Scheduler () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Sequence.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Sequence.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9624f70ea --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Sequence.lua @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Sequence :cc.ActionInterval +local Sequence={ } +cc.Sequence=Sequence + + + + +---* +---@param arrayOfActions array_table +---@return boolean +function Sequence:init (arrayOfActions) end +---* initializes the action +---@param pActionOne cc.FiniteTimeAction +---@param pActionTwo cc.FiniteTimeAction +---@return boolean +function Sequence:initWithTwoActions (pActionOne,pActionTwo) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function Sequence:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function Sequence:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function Sequence:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function Sequence:stop () end +---* param t In seconds. +---@param t float +---@return self +function Sequence:update (t) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Sequence:isDone () end +---* +---@return self +function Sequence:Sequence () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShaderCache.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShaderCache.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e27a855bb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShaderCache.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ShaderCache :cc.Ref +local ShaderCache={ } +cc.ShaderCache=ShaderCache + + + + +---* Remove all unused shaders. +---@return cc.backend.ShaderCache +function ShaderCache:removeUnusedShader () end +---* purges the cache. It releases the retained instance. +---@return cc.backend.ShaderCache +function ShaderCache:destroyInstance () end +---* Create a vertex shader module and add it to cache.
+---* If it is created before, then just return the cached shader module.
+---* param shaderSource The source code of the shader. +---@param shaderSource string +---@return cc.backend.ShaderModule +function ShaderCache:newVertexShaderModule (shaderSource) end +---* Create a fragment shader module.
+---* If it is created before, then just return the cached shader module.
+---* param shaderSource The source code of the shader. +---@param shaderSource string +---@return cc.backend.ShaderModule +function ShaderCache:newFragmentShaderModule (shaderSource) end +---* returns the shared instance +---@return cc.backend.ShaderCache +function ShaderCache:getInstance () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Shaky3D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Shaky3D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..187c10cde --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Shaky3D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Shaky3D :cc.Grid3DAction +local Shaky3D={ } +cc.Shaky3D=Shaky3D + + + + +---* brief Initializes the action with a range, shake Z vertices, grid size and duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the Shaky3D action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param range Specify the range of the shaky effect.
+---* param shakeZ Specify whether shake on the z axis.
+---* return If the Initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param range int +---@param shakeZ boolean +---@return boolean +function Shaky3D:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,range,shakeZ) end +---* brief Create the action with a range, shake Z vertices, a grid and duration.
+---* param initWithDuration Specify the duration of the Shaky3D action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param range Specify the range of the shaky effect.
+---* param shakeZ Specify whether shake on the z axis.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of Shaky3D action; otherwise, return nil. +---@param initWithDuration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param range int +---@param shakeZ boolean +---@return self +function Shaky3D:create (initWithDuration,gridSize,range,shakeZ) end +---* +---@return self +function Shaky3D:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function Shaky3D:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function Shaky3D:Shaky3D () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShakyTiles3D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShakyTiles3D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bdc5cc379 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShakyTiles3D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ShakyTiles3D :cc.TiledGrid3DAction +local ShakyTiles3D={ } +cc.ShakyTiles3D=ShakyTiles3D + + + + +---* brief Initializes the action with a range, shake Z vertices, grid size and duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the ShakyTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param range Specify the range of the shaky effect.
+---* param shakeZ Specify whether shake on the z axis.
+---* return If the Initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param range int +---@param shakeZ boolean +---@return boolean +function ShakyTiles3D:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,range,shakeZ) end +---* brief Create the action with a range, shake Z vertices, a grid and duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the ShakyTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param range Specify the range of the shaky effect.
+---* param shakeZ Specify whether shake on the z axis.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of ShakyTiles3D action; otherwise, return nil. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param range int +---@param shakeZ boolean +---@return self +function ShakyTiles3D:create (duration,gridSize,range,shakeZ) end +---* +---@return self +function ShakyTiles3D:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function ShakyTiles3D:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function ShakyTiles3D:ShakyTiles3D () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShatteredTiles3D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShatteredTiles3D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1fa5198ec --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShatteredTiles3D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ShatteredTiles3D :cc.TiledGrid3DAction +local ShatteredTiles3D={ } +cc.ShatteredTiles3D=ShatteredTiles3D + + + + +---* brief Initializes the action with a range, shatter Z vertices, grid size and duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the ShatteredTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param range Specify the range of the shatter effect.
+---* param shatterZ Specify whether shake on the z axis.
+---* return If the Initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param range int +---@param shatterZ boolean +---@return boolean +function ShatteredTiles3D:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,range,shatterZ) end +---* brief Create the action with a range, whether of not to shatter Z vertices, grid size and duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the ShatteredTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param range Specify the range of the shatter effect.
+---* param shatterZ Specify whether shatter on the z axis.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of ShatteredTiles3D action; otherwise, return nil. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param range int +---@param shatterZ boolean +---@return self +function ShatteredTiles3D:create (duration,gridSize,range,shatterZ) end +---* +---@return self +function ShatteredTiles3D:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function ShatteredTiles3D:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function ShatteredTiles3D:ShatteredTiles3D () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Show.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Show.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6f35e4f22 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Show.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Show :cc.ActionInstant +local Show={ } +cc.Show=Show + + + + +---* Allocates and initializes the action.
+---* return An autoreleased Show object. +---@return self +function Show:create () end +---* +---@return self +function Show:clone () end +---* param time In seconds. +---@param time float +---@return self +function Show:update (time) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionInstant +function Show:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function Show:Show () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShuffleTiles.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShuffleTiles.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1fa121a3c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ShuffleTiles.lua @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ShuffleTiles :cc.TiledGrid3DAction +local ShuffleTiles={ } +cc.ShuffleTiles=ShuffleTiles + + + + +---* brief Initializes the action with grid size, random seed and duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the ShuffleTiles action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param seed Specify the random seed.
+---* return If the Initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param seed unsigned_int +---@return boolean +function ShuffleTiles:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,seed) end +---* +---@param pos size_table +---@return size_table +function ShuffleTiles:getDelta (pos) end +---* brief Create the action with grid size, random seed and duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the ShuffleTiles action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param seed Specify the random seed.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of ShuffleTiles action; otherwise, return nil. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param seed unsigned_int +---@return self +function ShuffleTiles:create (duration,gridSize,seed) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function ShuffleTiles:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function ShuffleTiles:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function ShuffleTiles:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function ShuffleTiles:ShuffleTiles () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Skeleton3D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Skeleton3D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c5bd2fe7f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Skeleton3D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Skeleton3D :cc.Ref +local Skeleton3D={ } +cc.Skeleton3D=Skeleton3D + + + + +---* remove all bones +---@return self +function Skeleton3D:removeAllBones () end +---* add bone +---@param bone cc.Bone3D +---@return self +function Skeleton3D:addBone (bone) end +---* +---@param id string +---@return cc.Bone3D +function Skeleton3D:getBoneByName (id) end +---* +---@param index int +---@return cc.Bone3D +function Skeleton3D:getRootBone (index) end +---* refresh bone world matrix +---@return self +function Skeleton3D:updateBoneMatrix () end +---* get bone +---@param index unsigned_int +---@return cc.Bone3D +function Skeleton3D:getBoneByIndex (index) end +---* get & set root bone +---@return int +function Skeleton3D:getRootCount () end +---* get bone index +---@param bone cc.Bone3D +---@return int +function Skeleton3D:getBoneIndex (bone) end +---* get total bone count +---@return int +function Skeleton3D:getBoneCount () end +---* +---@return self +function Skeleton3D:Skeleton3D () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SkewBy.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SkewBy.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..884969c62 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SkewBy.lua @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.SkewBy :cc.SkewTo +local SkewBy={ } +cc.SkewBy=SkewBy + + + + +---* param t In seconds. +---@param t float +---@param sx float +---@param sy float +---@return boolean +function SkewBy:initWithDuration (t,sx,sy) end +---* Creates the action.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param deltaSkewX Skew x delta angle.
+---* param deltaSkewY Skew y delta angle.
+---* return An autoreleased SkewBy object. +---@param t float +---@param deltaSkewX float +---@param deltaSkewY float +---@return self +function SkewBy:create (t,deltaSkewX,deltaSkewY) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function SkewBy:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function SkewBy:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function SkewBy:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function SkewBy:SkewBy () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SkewTo.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SkewTo.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..559be8624 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SkewTo.lua @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.SkewTo :cc.ActionInterval +local SkewTo={ } +cc.SkewTo=SkewTo + + + + +---* param t In seconds. +---@param t float +---@param sx float +---@param sy float +---@return boolean +function SkewTo:initWithDuration (t,sx,sy) end +---* Creates the action.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param sx Skew x angle.
+---* param sy Skew y angle.
+---* return An autoreleased SkewTo object. +---@param t float +---@param sx float +---@param sy float +---@return self +function SkewTo:create (t,sx,sy) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function SkewTo:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function SkewTo:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function SkewTo:reverse () end +---* param time In seconds. +---@param time float +---@return self +function SkewTo:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function SkewTo:SkewTo () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Skybox.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Skybox.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..46087487a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Skybox.lua @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Skybox :cc.Node +local Skybox={ } +cc.Skybox=Skybox + + + + +---* reload sky box after GLESContext reconstructed. +---@return self +function Skybox:reload () end +---* initialize with texture path +---@param positive_x string +---@param negative_x string +---@param positive_y string +---@param negative_y string +---@param positive_z string +---@param negative_z string +---@return boolean +function Skybox:init (positive_x,negative_x,positive_y,negative_y,positive_z,negative_z) end +---* texture getter and setter +---@param e cc.TextureCub +---@return self +function Skybox:setTexture (e) end +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param positive_x string +---@param negative_x string +---@param positive_y string +---@param negative_y string +---@param positive_z string +---@param negative_z string +---@return self +function Skybox:create (positive_x,negative_x,positive_y,negative_y,positive_z,negative_z) end +---* draw Skybox object +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function Skybox:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* init Skybox. +---@return boolean +function Skybox:init () end +---* Constructor. +---@return self +function Skybox:Skybox () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Spawn.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Spawn.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1547373cc --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Spawn.lua @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Spawn :cc.ActionInterval +local Spawn={ } +cc.Spawn=Spawn + + + + +---* +---@param arrayOfActions array_table +---@return boolean +function Spawn:init (arrayOfActions) end +---* initializes the Spawn action with the 2 actions to spawn +---@param action1 cc.FiniteTimeAction +---@param action2 cc.FiniteTimeAction +---@return boolean +function Spawn:initWithTwoActions (action1,action2) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function Spawn:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function Spawn:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function Spawn:stop () end +---* +---@return self +function Spawn:reverse () end +---* param time In seconds. +---@param time float +---@return self +function Spawn:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function Spawn:Spawn () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Speed.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Speed.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..df4e392af --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Speed.lua @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Speed :cc.Action +local Speed={ } +cc.Speed=Speed + + + + +---* Replace the interior action.
+---* param action The new action, it will replace the running action. +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return self +function Speed:setInnerAction (action) end +---* Return the speed.
+---* return The action speed. +---@return float +function Speed:getSpeed () end +---* Alter the speed of the inner function in runtime.
+---* param speed Alter the speed of the inner function in runtime. +---@param speed float +---@return self +function Speed:setSpeed (speed) end +---* Initializes the action. +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@param speed float +---@return boolean +function Speed:initWithAction (action,speed) end +---* Return the interior action.
+---* return The interior action. +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function Speed:getInnerAction () end +---* Create the action and set the speed.
+---* param action An action.
+---* param speed The action speed. +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@param speed float +---@return self +function Speed:create (action,speed) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function Speed:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function Speed:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function Speed:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function Speed:stop () end +---* param dt in seconds. +---@param dt float +---@return self +function Speed:step (dt) end +---* Return true if the action has finished.
+---* return Is true if the action has finished. +---@return boolean +function Speed:isDone () end +---* +---@return self +function Speed:Speed () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SplitCols.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SplitCols.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1af8372f6 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SplitCols.lua @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.SplitCols :cc.TiledGrid3DAction +local SplitCols={ } +cc.SplitCols=SplitCols + + + + +---* brief Initializes the action with the number columns and the duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the SplitCols action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param cols Specify the columns count should be split.
+---* return If the creation success, return true; otherwise, return false. +---@param duration float +---@param cols unsigned_int +---@return boolean +function SplitCols:initWithDuration (duration,cols) end +---* brief Create the action with the number of columns and the duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the SplitCols action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param cols Specify the columns count should be split.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of SplitCols action; otherwise, return nil. +---@param duration float +---@param cols unsigned_int +---@return self +function SplitCols:create (duration,cols) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function SplitCols:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function SplitCols:clone () end +---* param time in seconds +---@param time float +---@return self +function SplitCols:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function SplitCols:SplitCols () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SplitRows.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SplitRows.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..da2b82231 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SplitRows.lua @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.SplitRows :cc.TiledGrid3DAction +local SplitRows={ } +cc.SplitRows=SplitRows + + + + +---* brief Initializes the action with the number rows and the duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the SplitRows action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param rows Specify the rows count should be split.
+---* return If the creation success, return true; otherwise, return false. +---@param duration float +---@param rows unsigned_int +---@return boolean +function SplitRows:initWithDuration (duration,rows) end +---* brief Create the action with the number of rows and the duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the SplitRows action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param rows Specify the rows count should be split.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of SplitRows action; otherwise, return nil. +---@param duration float +---@param rows unsigned_int +---@return self +function SplitRows:create (duration,rows) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function SplitRows:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function SplitRows:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function SplitRows:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function SplitRows:SplitRows () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SpotLight.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SpotLight.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fc94c3dc7 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SpotLight.lua @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.SpotLight :cc.BaseLight +local SpotLight={ } +cc.SpotLight=SpotLight + + + + +---* Returns the range of point or spot light.
+---* return The range of the point or spot light. +---@return float +function SpotLight:getRange () end +---* Sets the Direction in parent.
+---* param dir The Direction in parent. +---@param dir vec3_table +---@return self +function SpotLight:setDirection (dir) end +---* get cos innerAngle +---@return float +function SpotLight:getCosInnerAngle () end +---* Returns the outer angle of the spot light (in radians). +---@return float +function SpotLight:getOuterAngle () end +---* Returns the inner angle the spot light (in radians). +---@return float +function SpotLight:getInnerAngle () end +---* Returns the Direction in parent. +---@return vec3_table +function SpotLight:getDirection () end +---* get cos outAngle +---@return float +function SpotLight:getCosOuterAngle () end +---* Sets the outer angle of a spot light (in radians).
+---* param outerAngle The angle of spot light (in radians). +---@param outerAngle float +---@return self +function SpotLight:setOuterAngle (outerAngle) end +---* Sets the inner angle of a spot light (in radians).
+---* param angle The angle of spot light (in radians). +---@param angle float +---@return self +function SpotLight:setInnerAngle (angle) end +---* Returns direction in world. +---@return vec3_table +function SpotLight:getDirectionInWorld () end +---* Sets the range of point or spot light.
+---* param range The range of point or spot light. +---@param range float +---@return self +function SpotLight:setRange (range) end +---* Creates a spot light.
+---* param direction The light's direction
+---* param position The light's position
+---* param color The light's color.
+---* param innerAngle The light's inner angle (in radians).
+---* param outerAngle The light's outer angle (in radians).
+---* param range The light's range.
+---* return The new spot light. +---@param direction vec3_table +---@param position vec3_table +---@param color color3b_table +---@param innerAngle float +---@param outerAngle float +---@param range float +---@return self +function SpotLight:create (direction,position,color,innerAngle,outerAngle,range) end +---* +---@return int +function SpotLight:getLightType () end +---* +---@return self +function SpotLight:SpotLight () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Sprite.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Sprite.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4a76c9156 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Sprite.lua @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Sprite :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,TextureProtocol +local Sprite={ } +cc.Sprite=Sprite + + + + +---@overload fun(string0:cc.SpriteFrame):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param spriteFrameName string +---@return self +function Sprite:setSpriteFrame (spriteFrameName) end +---@overload fun(string0:cc.Texture2D):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param filename string +---@return self +function Sprite:setTexture (filename) end +---* Returns the Texture2D object used by the sprite. +---@return cc.Texture2D +function Sprite:getTexture () end +---* Sets whether the sprite should be flipped vertically or not.
+---* param flippedY true if the sprite should be flipped vertically, false otherwise. +---@param flippedY boolean +---@return self +function Sprite:setFlippedY (flippedY) end +---* Sets whether the sprite should be flipped horizontally or not.
+---* param flippedX true if the sprite should be flipped horizontally, false otherwise. +---@param flippedX boolean +---@return self +function Sprite:setFlippedX (flippedX) end +---* / @} +---@return int +function Sprite:getResourceType () end +---* / @{/ @name Animation methods
+---* Changes the display frame with animation name and index.
+---* The animation name will be get from the AnimationCache. +---@param animationName string +---@param frameIndex unsigned_int +---@return self +function Sprite:setDisplayFrameWithAnimationName (animationName,frameIndex) end +---* Returns the batch node object if this sprite is rendered by SpriteBatchNode.
+---* return The SpriteBatchNode object if this sprite is rendered by SpriteBatchNode,
+---* nullptr if the sprite isn't used batch node. +---@return cc.SpriteBatchNode +function Sprite:getBatchNode () end +---* Gets the offset position of the sprite. Calculated automatically by editors like Zwoptex. +---@return vec2_table +function Sprite:getOffsetPosition () end +---* brief Returns the Cap Insets rect
+---* return Scale9Sprite's cap inset. +---@return rect_table +function Sprite:getCenterRect () end +---* setCenterRectNormalized
+---* Useful to implement "9 sliced" sprites.
+---* The default value is (0,0) - (1,1), which means that only one "slice" will be used: From top-left (0,0) to bottom-right (1,1).
+---* If the value is different than (0,0), (1,1), then the sprite will be sliced into a 3 x 3 grid. The four corners of this grid are applied without
+---* performing any scaling. The upper- and lower-middle parts are scaled horizontally, and the left- and right-middle parts are scaled vertically.
+---* The center is scaled in both directions.
+---* Important: The scaling is based the Sprite's trimmed size.
+---* Limitations: Does not work when the sprite is part of `SpriteBatchNode`. +---@param rect rect_table +---@return self +function Sprite:setCenterRectNormalized (rect) end +---* returns whether or not contentSize stretches the sprite's texture +---@return boolean +function Sprite:isStretchEnabled () end +---@overload fun(rect_table:rect_table,boolean:boolean,size_table:size_table):self +---@overload fun(rect_table:rect_table):self +---@param rect rect_table +---@param rotated boolean +---@param untrimmedSize size_table +---@return self +function Sprite:setTextureRect (rect,rotated,untrimmedSize) end +---* Initializes a sprite with an sprite frame name.
+---* A SpriteFrame will be fetched from the SpriteFrameCache by name.
+---* If the SpriteFrame doesn't exist it will raise an exception.
+---* param spriteFrameName A key string that can fetched a valid SpriteFrame from SpriteFrameCache.
+---* return True if the sprite is initialized properly, false otherwise. +---@param spriteFrameName string +---@return boolean +function Sprite:initWithSpriteFrameName (spriteFrameName) end +---* whether or not contentSize stretches the sprite's texture +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function Sprite:setStretchEnabled (enabled) end +---* Returns whether or not a SpriteFrame is being displayed. +---@param frame cc.SpriteFrame +---@return boolean +function Sprite:isFrameDisplayed (frame) end +---* Returns the index used on the TextureAtlas. +---@return unsigned_int +function Sprite:getAtlasIndex () end +---* Sets the weak reference of the TextureAtlas when the sprite is rendered using via SpriteBatchNode. +---@param textureAtlas cc.TextureAtlas +---@return self +function Sprite:setTextureAtlas (textureAtlas) end +---* Sets the batch node to sprite.
+---* warning This method is not recommended for game developers. Sample code for using batch node
+---* code
+---* SpriteBatchNode *batch = SpriteBatchNode::create("Images/grossini_dance_atlas.png", 15);
+---* Sprite *sprite = Sprite::createWithTexture(batch->getTexture(), Rect(0, 0, 57, 57));
+---* batch->addChild(sprite);
+---* layer->addChild(batch);
+---* endcode +---@param spriteBatchNode cc.SpriteBatchNode +---@return self +function Sprite:setBatchNode (spriteBatchNode) end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@return cc.BlendFunc +function Sprite:getBlendFunc () end +---* +---@param rect rect_table +---@return self +function Sprite:setCenterRect (rect) end +---* Returns the current displayed frame. +---@return cc.SpriteFrame +function Sprite:getSpriteFrame () end +---* +---@return self +function Sprite:setVertexLayout () end +---* +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function Sprite:removeAllChildrenWithCleanup (cleanup) end +---* +---@return string +function Sprite:getResourceName () end +---* Whether or not the Sprite needs to be updated in the Atlas.
+---* return True if the sprite needs to be updated in the Atlas, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function Sprite:isDirty () end +---* getCenterRectNormalized
+---* Returns the CenterRect in normalized coordinates +---@return rect_table +function Sprite:getCenterRectNormalized () end +---* Sets the index used on the TextureAtlas.
+---* warning Don't modify this value unless you know what you are doing. +---@param atlasIndex unsigned_int +---@return self +function Sprite:setAtlasIndex (atlasIndex) end +---@overload fun(cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,rect_table:rect_table):self +---@overload fun(cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D):self +---@overload fun(cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,rect_table:rect_table,boolean:boolean):self +---@param texture cc.Texture2D +---@param rect rect_table +---@param rotated boolean +---@return boolean +function Sprite:initWithTexture (texture,rect,rotated) end +---* Makes the Sprite to be updated in the Atlas. +---@param dirty boolean +---@return self +function Sprite:setDirty (dirty) end +---* Returns whether or not the texture rectangle is rotated. +---@return boolean +function Sprite:isTextureRectRotated () end +---* Returns the rect of the Sprite in points. +---@return rect_table +function Sprite:getTextureRect () end +---@overload fun(string:string,rect_table:rect_table):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param filename string +---@param rect rect_table +---@return boolean +function Sprite:initWithFile (filename,rect) end +---* / @{/ @name Functions inherited from TextureProtocol.
+---* code
+---* When this function bound into js or lua,the parameter will be changed.
+---* In js: var setBlendFunc(var src, var dst).
+---* In lua: local setBlendFunc(local src, local dst).
+---* endcode +---@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc +---@return self +function Sprite:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end +---* +---@param vert char +---@param frag char +---@return self +function Sprite:updateShaders (vert,frag) end +---* Gets the weak reference of the TextureAtlas when the sprite is rendered using via SpriteBatchNode. +---@return cc.TextureAtlas +function Sprite:getTextureAtlas () end +---* Initializes a sprite with an SpriteFrame. The texture and rect in SpriteFrame will be applied on this sprite.
+---* param spriteFrame A SpriteFrame object. It should includes a valid texture and a rect.
+---* return True if the sprite is initialized properly, false otherwise. +---@param spriteFrame cc.SpriteFrame +---@return boolean +function Sprite:initWithSpriteFrame (spriteFrame) end +---* Returns the flag which indicates whether the sprite is flipped horizontally or not.
+---* It only flips the texture of the sprite, and not the texture of the sprite's children.
+---* Also, flipping the texture doesn't alter the anchorPoint.
+---* If you want to flip the anchorPoint too, and/or to flip the children too use:
+---* sprite->setScaleX(sprite->getScaleX() * -1);
+---* return true if the sprite is flipped horizontally, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function Sprite:isFlippedX () end +---* Return the flag which indicates whether the sprite is flipped vertically or not.
+---* It only flips the texture of the sprite, and not the texture of the sprite's children.
+---* Also, flipping the texture doesn't alter the anchorPoint.
+---* If you want to flip the anchorPoint too, and/or to flip the children too use:
+---* sprite->setScaleY(sprite->getScaleY() * -1);
+---* return true if the sprite is flipped vertically, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function Sprite:isFlippedY () end +---* Sets the vertex rect.
+---* It will be called internally by setTextureRect.
+---* Useful if you want to create 2x images from SD images in Retina Display.
+---* Do not call it manually. Use setTextureRect instead. +---@param rect rect_table +---@return self +function Sprite:setVertexRect (rect) end +---@overload fun(cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,rect_table:rect_table,boolean:boolean):self +---@overload fun(cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D):self +---@param texture cc.Texture2D +---@param rect rect_table +---@param rotated boolean +---@return self +function Sprite:createWithTexture (texture,rect,rotated) end +---* Creates a sprite with an sprite frame name.
+---* A SpriteFrame will be fetched from the SpriteFrameCache by spriteFrameName param.
+---* If the SpriteFrame doesn't exist it will raise an exception.
+---* param spriteFrameName The name of sprite frame.
+---* return An autoreleased sprite object. +---@param spriteFrameName string +---@return self +function Sprite:createWithSpriteFrameName (spriteFrameName) end +---* Creates a sprite with an sprite frame.
+---* param spriteFrame A sprite frame which involves a texture and a rect.
+---* return An autoreleased sprite object. +---@param spriteFrame cc.SpriteFrame +---@return self +function Sprite:createWithSpriteFrame (spriteFrame) end +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int2:string):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int:int):self +---@param child cc.Node +---@param zOrder int +---@param tag int +---@return self +function Sprite:addChild (child,zOrder,tag) end +---* +---@param anchor vec2_table +---@return self +function Sprite:setAnchorPoint (anchor) end +---* +---@param rotationX float +---@return self +function Sprite:setRotationSkewX (rotationX) end +---* +---@param scaleY float +---@return self +function Sprite:setScaleY (scaleY) end +---@overload fun(float:float):self +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self +---@param scaleX float +---@param scaleY float +---@return self +function Sprite:setScale (scaleX,scaleY) end +---* Set ProgramState +---@param programState cc.backend.ProgramState +---@return self +function Sprite:setProgramState (programState) end +---* +---@param size size_table +---@return self +function Sprite:setContentSize (size) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Sprite:isOpacityModifyRGB () end +---* +---@param modify boolean +---@return self +function Sprite:setOpacityModifyRGB (modify) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Sprite:init () end +---* +---@param rotation float +---@return self +function Sprite:setRotation (rotation) end +---* +---@param value boolean +---@return self +function Sprite:setIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition (value) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function Sprite:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* / @{/ @name Functions inherited from Node. +---@param scaleX float +---@return self +function Sprite:setScaleX (scaleX) end +---* js NA +---@return string +function Sprite:getDescription () end +---* +---@param rotationY float +---@return self +function Sprite:setRotationSkewY (rotationY) end +---* Get current ProgramState +---@return cc.backend.ProgramState +function Sprite:getProgramState () end +---* +---@return self +function Sprite:sortAllChildren () end +---* +---@param child cc.Node +---@param zOrder int +---@return self +function Sprite:reorderChild (child,zOrder) end +---* +---@param positionZ float +---@return self +function Sprite:setPositionZ (positionZ) end +---* +---@param child cc.Node +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function Sprite:removeChild (child,cleanup) end +---* Updates the quad according the rotation, position, scale values. +---@return self +function Sprite:updateTransform () end +---* +---@param sx float +---@return self +function Sprite:setSkewX (sx) end +---* +---@param sy float +---@return self +function Sprite:setSkewY (sy) end +---* +---@param bVisible boolean +---@return self +function Sprite:setVisible (bVisible) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function Sprite:Sprite () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Sprite3D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Sprite3D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a7929c0e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Sprite3D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Sprite3D :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,BlendProtocol +local Sprite3D={ } +cc.Sprite3D=Sprite3D + + + + +---* +---@param enable boolean +---@return self +function Sprite3D:setCullFaceEnabled (enable) end +---@overload fun(string0:cc.Texture2D):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param texFile string +---@return self +function Sprite3D:setTexture (texFile) end +---* +---@return unsigned_int +function Sprite3D:getLightMask () end +---* Adds a new material to a particular mesh of the sprite.
+---* meshIndex is the mesh that will be applied to.
+---* if meshIndex == -1, then it will be applied to all the meshes that belong to the sprite. +---@param meshIndex int +---@return cc.Material +function Sprite3D:getMaterial (meshIndex) end +---* +---@param side int +---@return self +function Sprite3D:setCullFace (side) end +---* Get meshes used in sprite 3d +---@return array_table +function Sprite3D:getMeshes () end +---* remove all attach nodes +---@return self +function Sprite3D:removeAllAttachNode () end +---@overload fun(cc.Material:cc.Material,int:int):self +---@overload fun(cc.Material:cc.Material):self +---@param material cc.Material +---@param meshIndex int +---@return self +function Sprite3D:setMaterial (material,meshIndex) end +---* get mesh +---@return cc.Mesh +function Sprite3D:getMesh () end +---* get mesh count +---@return int +function Sprite3D:getMeshCount () end +---* get Mesh by index +---@param index int +---@return cc.Mesh +function Sprite3D:getMeshByIndex (index) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Sprite3D:isForceDepthWrite () end +---* +---@return cc.BlendFunc +function Sprite3D:getBlendFunc () end +---* light mask getter & setter, light works only when _lightmask & light's flag is true, default value of _lightmask is 0xffff +---@param mask unsigned_int +---@return self +function Sprite3D:setLightMask (mask) end +---* get AttachNode by bone name, return nullptr if not exist +---@param boneName string +---@return cc.AttachNode +function Sprite3D:getAttachNode (boneName) end +---* +---@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc +---@return self +function Sprite3D:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end +---* force set this Sprite3D to 2D render queue +---@param force2D boolean +---@return self +function Sprite3D:setForce2DQueue (force2D) end +---* generate default material +---@return self +function Sprite3D:genMaterial () end +---* remove attach node +---@param boneName string +---@return self +function Sprite3D:removeAttachNode (boneName) end +---* +---@return cc.Skeleton3D +function Sprite3D:getSkeleton () end +---* Force to write to depth buffer, this is useful if you want to achieve effects like fading. +---@param value boolean +---@return self +function Sprite3D:setForceDepthWrite (value) end +---* get Mesh by Name, it returns the first one if there are more than one mesh with the same name +---@param name string +---@return cc.Mesh +function Sprite3D:getMeshByName (name) end +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string):self +---@param modelPath string +---@param texturePath string +---@return self +function Sprite3D:create (modelPath,texturePath) end +---* draw +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function Sprite3D:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* Executes an action, and returns the action that is executed. For Sprite3D special logic are needed to take care of Fading.
+---* This node becomes the action's target. Refer to Action::getTarget()
+---* warning Actions don't retain their target.
+---* return An Action pointer +---@param action cc.Action +---@return cc.Action +function Sprite3D:runAction (action) end +---* set ProgramState, you should bind attributes by yourself +---@param programState cc.backend.ProgramState +---@return self +function Sprite3D:setProgramState (programState) end +---* Returns 2d bounding-box
+---* Note: the bounding-box is just get from the AABB which as Z=0, so that is not very accurate. +---@return rect_table +function Sprite3D:getBoundingBox () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Sprite3DCache.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Sprite3DCache.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3b346ec5a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Sprite3DCache.lua @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Sprite3DCache +local Sprite3DCache={ } +cc.Sprite3DCache=Sprite3DCache + + + + +---* remove the SpriteData from Sprite3D by given the specified key +---@param key string +---@return self +function Sprite3DCache:removeSprite3DData (key) end +---* remove all the SpriteData from Sprite3D +---@return self +function Sprite3DCache:removeAllSprite3DData () end +---* +---@return self +function Sprite3DCache:destroyInstance () end +---* get & destroy +---@return self +function Sprite3DCache:getInstance () end +---* +---@return self +function Sprite3DCache:Sprite3DCache () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Sprite3DMaterial.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Sprite3DMaterial.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b1f947eb4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Sprite3DMaterial.lua @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Sprite3DMaterial :cc.Material +local Sprite3DMaterial={ } +cc.Sprite3DMaterial=Sprite3DMaterial + + + + +---* Get material type
+---* return Material type +---@return int +function Sprite3DMaterial:getMaterialType () end +---* Create material with file name, it creates material from cache if it is previously loaded
+---* param path Path of material file
+---* return Created material +---@param path string +---@return self +function Sprite3DMaterial:createWithFilename (path) end +---* Release all cached materials +---@return self +function Sprite3DMaterial:releaseCachedMaterial () end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun(int:int,boolean:boolean):self +---@param type int +---@param skinned boolean +---@return self +function Sprite3DMaterial:createBuiltInMaterial (type,skinned) end +---* Release all built in materials +---@return self +function Sprite3DMaterial:releaseBuiltInMaterial () end +---* +---@param programState cc.backend.ProgramState +---@return self +function Sprite3DMaterial:createWithProgramState (programState) end +---* Clone material +---@return cc.Material +function Sprite3DMaterial:clone () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SpriteBatchNode.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SpriteBatchNode.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..56dd97ce2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SpriteBatchNode.lua @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.SpriteBatchNode :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,TextureProtocol +local SpriteBatchNode={ } +cc.SpriteBatchNode=SpriteBatchNode + + + + +---* Append the child.
+---* param sprite A Sprite. +---@param sprite cc.Sprite +---@return self +function SpriteBatchNode:appendChild (sprite) end +---* +---@param reorder boolean +---@return self +function SpriteBatchNode:reorderBatch (reorder) end +---* +---@return cc.Texture2D +function SpriteBatchNode:getTexture () end +---* +---@param texture cc.Texture2D +---@return self +function SpriteBatchNode:setTexture (texture) end +---* Removes a child given a certain index. It will also cleanup the running actions depending on the cleanup parameter.
+---* param index A certain index.
+---* param doCleanup Whether or not to cleanup the running actions.
+---* warning Removing a child from a SpriteBatchNode is very slow. +---@param index int +---@param doCleanup boolean +---@return self +function SpriteBatchNode:removeChildAtIndex (index,doCleanup) end +---* Remove a sprite from Atlas.
+---* param sprite A Sprite. +---@param sprite cc.Sprite +---@return self +function SpriteBatchNode:removeSpriteFromAtlas (sprite) end +---* +---@param child cc.Sprite +---@param z int +---@param aTag int +---@return self +function SpriteBatchNode:addSpriteWithoutQuad (child,z,aTag) end +---* Get the nearest index from the sprite in z.
+---* param sprite The parent sprite.
+---* param z Z order for drawing priority.
+---* return Index. +---@param sprite cc.Sprite +---@param z int +---@return int +function SpriteBatchNode:atlasIndexForChild (sprite,z) end +---* Increase the Atlas Capacity. +---@return self +function SpriteBatchNode:increaseAtlasCapacity () end +---* Get the Min image block index,in all child.
+---* param sprite The parent sprite.
+---* return Index. +---@param sprite cc.Sprite +---@return int +function SpriteBatchNode:lowestAtlasIndexInChild (sprite) end +---* lua NA +---@return cc.BlendFunc +function SpriteBatchNode:getBlendFunc () end +---* initializes a SpriteBatchNode with a texture2d and capacity of children.
+---* The capacity will be increased in 33% in runtime if it runs out of space. +---@param tex cc.Texture2D +---@param capacity int +---@return boolean +function SpriteBatchNode:initWithTexture (tex,capacity) end +---* Sets the TextureAtlas object.
+---* param textureAtlas The TextureAtlas object. +---@param textureAtlas cc.TextureAtlas +---@return self +function SpriteBatchNode:setTextureAtlas (textureAtlas) end +---* reserves capacity for the batch node.
+---* If the current capacity is bigger, nothing happens.
+---* otherwise, a new capacity is allocated +---@param newCapacity int +---@return self +function SpriteBatchNode:reserveCapacity (newCapacity) end +---* js NA +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function SpriteBatchNode:removeAllChildrenWithCleanup (cleanup) end +---* Inserts a quad at a certain index into the texture atlas. The Sprite won't be added into the children array.
+---* This method should be called only when you are dealing with very big AtlasSprite and when most of the Sprite won't be updated.
+---* For example: a tile map (TMXMap) or a label with lots of characters (LabelBMFont). +---@param sprite cc.Sprite +---@param index int +---@return self +function SpriteBatchNode:insertQuadFromSprite (sprite,index) end +---* initializes a SpriteBatchNode with a file image (.png, .jpeg, .pvr, etc) and a capacity of children.
+---* The capacity will be increased in 33% in runtime if it runs out of space.
+---* The file will be loaded using the TextureMgr.
+---* js init
+---* lua init +---@param fileImage string +---@param capacity int +---@return boolean +function SpriteBatchNode:initWithFile (fileImage,capacity) end +---* code
+---* When this function bound into js or lua,the parameter will be changed.
+---* In js: var setBlendFunc(var src, var dst).
+---* endcode
+---* lua NA +---@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc +---@return self +function SpriteBatchNode:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end +---* Rebuild index with a sprite all child.
+---* param parent The parent sprite.
+---* param index The child index.
+---* return Index. +---@param parent cc.Sprite +---@param index int +---@return int +function SpriteBatchNode:rebuildIndexInOrder (parent,index) end +---* Returns the TextureAtlas object.
+---* return The TextureAtlas object. +---@return cc.TextureAtlas +function SpriteBatchNode:getTextureAtlas () end +---* Get the Max image block index,in all child.
+---* param sprite The parent sprite.
+---* return Index. +---@param sprite cc.Sprite +---@return int +function SpriteBatchNode:highestAtlasIndexInChild (sprite) end +---* Creates a SpriteBatchNode with a file image (.png, .jpeg, .pvr, etc) and capacity of children.
+---* The capacity will be increased in 33% in runtime if it runs out of space.
+---* The file will be loaded using the TextureMgr.
+---* param fileImage A file image (.png, .jpeg, .pvr, etc).
+---* param capacity The capacity of children.
+---* return Return an autorelease object. +---@param fileImage string +---@param capacity int +---@return self +function SpriteBatchNode:create (fileImage,capacity) end +---* Creates a SpriteBatchNode with a texture2d and capacity of children.
+---* The capacity will be increased in 33% in runtime if it runs out of space.
+---* param tex A texture2d.
+---* param capacity The capacity of children.
+---* return Return an autorelease object. +---@param tex cc.Texture2D +---@param capacity int +---@return self +function SpriteBatchNode:createWithTexture (tex,capacity) end +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int2:string):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int:int):self +---@param child cc.Node +---@param zOrder int +---@param tag int +---@return self +function SpriteBatchNode:addChild (child,zOrder,tag) end +---* js NA +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function SpriteBatchNode:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* js NA +---@return string +function SpriteBatchNode:getDescription () end +---* js NA +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param parentTransform mat4_table +---@param parentFlags unsigned_int +---@return self +function SpriteBatchNode:visit (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end +---* +---@return self +function SpriteBatchNode:sortAllChildren () end +---* +---@param child cc.Node +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function SpriteBatchNode:removeChild (child,cleanup) end +---* +---@return boolean +function SpriteBatchNode:init () end +---* Set ProgramState +---@param programState cc.backend.ProgramState +---@return self +function SpriteBatchNode:setProgramState (programState) end +---* +---@param child cc.Node +---@param zOrder int +---@return self +function SpriteBatchNode:reorderChild (child,zOrder) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function SpriteBatchNode:SpriteBatchNode () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SpriteFrame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SpriteFrame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9c4bf5226 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SpriteFrame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.SpriteFrame :cc.Ref +local SpriteFrame={ } +cc.SpriteFrame=SpriteFrame + + + + +---* Set anchor point of the frame.
+---* param anchorPoint The anchor point of the sprite frame. +---@param anchorPoint vec2_table +---@return self +function SpriteFrame:setAnchorPoint (anchorPoint) end +---* Set texture of the frame, the texture is retained.
+---* param pobTexture The texture of the sprite frame. +---@param pobTexture cc.Texture2D +---@return self +function SpriteFrame:setTexture (pobTexture) end +---* Get texture of the frame.
+---* return The texture of the sprite frame. +---@return cc.Texture2D +function SpriteFrame:getTexture () end +---* Set offset of the frame.
+---* param offsetInPixels The offset of the sprite frame, in pixels. +---@param offsetInPixels vec2_table +---@return self +function SpriteFrame:setOffsetInPixels (offsetInPixels) end +---* Get original size of the trimmed image.
+---* return The original size of the trimmed image, in pixels. +---@return size_table +function SpriteFrame:getOriginalSizeInPixels () end +---* Set original size of the trimmed image.
+---* param sizeInPixels The original size of the trimmed image. +---@param sizeInPixels size_table +---@return self +function SpriteFrame:setOriginalSize (sizeInPixels) end +---* Get center rect of the frame.
+---* Useful to create 9-slice sprites
+---* return The center rect of the sprite frame in points +---@return rect_table +function SpriteFrame:getCenterRect () end +---* Set rect of the sprite frame.
+---* param rectInPixels The rect of the sprite frame, in pixels. +---@param rectInPixels rect_table +---@return self +function SpriteFrame:setRectInPixels (rectInPixels) end +---* Get rect of the frame.
+---* return The rect of the sprite frame. +---@return rect_table +function SpriteFrame:getRect () end +---* setCenterRect
+---* Useful to implement "9 sliced" sprites.
+---* The sprite will be sliced into a 3 x 3 grid. The four corners of this grid are applied without
+---* performing any scaling. The upper- and lower-middle parts are scaled horizontally, and the left- and right-middle parts are scaled vertically.
+---* The center is scaled in both directions.
+---* Important: The scaling is based the Sprite's trimmed size.
+---* Limitations: Does not work when the sprite is part of `SpriteBatchNode`.
+---* param centerRect the Rect in points +---@param centerRect rect_table +---@return self +function SpriteFrame:setCenterRectInPixels (centerRect) end +---* Set offset of the frame.
+---* param offsets The offset of the sprite frame. +---@param offsets vec2_table +---@return self +function SpriteFrame:setOffset (offsets) end +---@overload fun(string:string,rect_table:rect_table,boolean:boolean,vec2_table:vec2_table,size_table:size_table):self +---@overload fun(string:string,rect_table:rect_table):self +---@param filename string +---@param rect rect_table +---@param rotated boolean +---@param offset vec2_table +---@param originalSize size_table +---@return boolean +function SpriteFrame:initWithTextureFilename (filename,rect,rotated,offset,originalSize) end +---* Set rect of the frame.
+---* param rect The rect of the sprite. +---@param rect rect_table +---@return self +function SpriteFrame:setRect (rect) end +---@overload fun(cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,rect_table:rect_table,boolean:boolean,vec2_table:vec2_table,size_table:size_table):self +---@overload fun(cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,rect_table:rect_table):self +---@param pobTexture cc.Texture2D +---@param rect rect_table +---@param rotated boolean +---@param offset vec2_table +---@param originalSize size_table +---@return boolean +function SpriteFrame:initWithTexture (pobTexture,rect,rotated,offset,originalSize) end +---* Get original size of the trimmed image.
+---* return The original size of the trimmed image. +---@return size_table +function SpriteFrame:getOriginalSize () end +---* +---@return self +function SpriteFrame:clone () end +---* Get rect of the sprite frame.
+---* return The rect of the sprite frame, in pixels. +---@return rect_table +function SpriteFrame:getRectInPixels () end +---* Is the sprite frame rotated or not.
+---* return Is rotated if true. +---@return boolean +function SpriteFrame:isRotated () end +---* hasCenterRect
+---* return Whether or not it has a centerRect +---@return boolean +function SpriteFrame:hasCenterRect () end +---* Set rotated of the sprite frame.
+---* param rotated Rotated the sprite frame if true. +---@param rotated boolean +---@return self +function SpriteFrame:setRotated (rotated) end +---* Get offset of the frame.
+---* return The offset of the sprite frame. +---@return vec2_table +function SpriteFrame:getOffset () end +---* Set original size of the trimmed image.
+---* param sizeInPixels The original size of the trimmed image, in pixels. +---@param sizeInPixels size_table +---@return self +function SpriteFrame:setOriginalSizeInPixels (sizeInPixels) end +---* Get anchor point of the frame.
+---* return The anchor point of the sprite frame. +---@return vec2_table +function SpriteFrame:getAnchorPoint () end +---* Check if anchor point is defined for the frame.
+---* return true if anchor point is available. +---@return boolean +function SpriteFrame:hasAnchorPoint () end +---* Get offset of the frame.
+---* return The offset of the sprite frame, in pixels. +---@return vec2_table +function SpriteFrame:getOffsetInPixels () end +---@overload fun(string:string,rect_table:rect_table,boolean:boolean,vec2_table:vec2_table,size_table:size_table):self +---@overload fun(string:string,rect_table:rect_table):self +---@param filename string +---@param rect rect_table +---@param rotated boolean +---@param offset vec2_table +---@param originalSize size_table +---@return self +function SpriteFrame:create (filename,rect,rotated,offset,originalSize) end +---@overload fun(cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,rect_table:rect_table,boolean:boolean,vec2_table:vec2_table,size_table:size_table):self +---@overload fun(cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,rect_table:rect_table):self +---@param pobTexture cc.Texture2D +---@param rect rect_table +---@param rotated boolean +---@param offset vec2_table +---@param originalSize size_table +---@return self +function SpriteFrame:createWithTexture (pobTexture,rect,rotated,offset,originalSize) end +---* lua NA +---@return self +function SpriteFrame:SpriteFrame () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SpriteFrameCache.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SpriteFrameCache.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ae3b3307d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/SpriteFrameCache.lua @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.SpriteFrameCache :cc.Ref +local SpriteFrameCache={ } +cc.SpriteFrameCache=SpriteFrameCache + + + + +---* +---@param plist string +---@return boolean +function SpriteFrameCache:reloadTexture (plist) end +---* Adds multiple Sprite Frames from a plist file content. The texture will be associated with the created sprite frames.
+---* js NA
+---* lua addSpriteFrames
+---* param plist_content Plist file content string.
+---* param texture Texture pointer. +---@param plist_content string +---@param texture cc.Texture2D +---@return self +function SpriteFrameCache:addSpriteFramesWithFileContent (plist_content,texture) end +---* Adds an sprite frame with a given name.
+---* If the name already exists, then the contents of the old name will be replaced with the new one.
+---* param frame A certain sprite frame.
+---* param frameName The name of the sprite frame. +---@param frame cc.SpriteFrame +---@param frameName string +---@return self +function SpriteFrameCache:addSpriteFrame (frame,frameName) end +---@overload fun(string:string,cc.Texture2D1:string):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@overload fun(string:string,cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D):self +---@param plist string +---@param texture cc.Texture2D +---@return self +function SpriteFrameCache:addSpriteFramesWithFile (plist,texture) end +---* Returns an Sprite Frame that was previously added.
+---* If the name is not found it will return nil.
+---* You should retain the returned copy if you are going to use it.
+---* js getSpriteFrame
+---* lua getSpriteFrame
+---* param name A certain sprite frame name.
+---* return The sprite frame. +---@param name string +---@return cc.SpriteFrame +function SpriteFrameCache:getSpriteFrameByName (name) end +---* Removes multiple Sprite Frames from a plist file.
+---* Sprite Frames stored in this file will be removed.
+---* It is convenient to call this method when a specific texture needs to be removed.
+---* since v0.99.5
+---* param plist The name of the plist that needs to removed. +---@param plist string +---@return self +function SpriteFrameCache:removeSpriteFramesFromFile (plist) end +---* Initialize method.
+---* return if success return true. +---@return boolean +function SpriteFrameCache:init () end +---* Purges the dictionary of loaded sprite frames.
+---* Call this method if you receive the "Memory Warning".
+---* In the short term: it will free some resources preventing your app from being killed.
+---* In the medium term: it will allocate more resources.
+---* In the long term: it will be the same. +---@return self +function SpriteFrameCache:removeSpriteFrames () end +---* Removes unused sprite frames.
+---* Sprite Frames that have a retain count of 1 will be deleted.
+---* It is convenient to call this method after when starting a new Scene.
+---* js NA +---@return self +function SpriteFrameCache:removeUnusedSpriteFrames () end +---* Removes multiple Sprite Frames from a plist file content.
+---* Sprite Frames stored in this file will be removed.
+---* It is convenient to call this method when a specific texture needs to be removed.
+---* param plist_content The string of the plist content that needs to removed.
+---* js NA +---@param plist_content string +---@return self +function SpriteFrameCache:removeSpriteFramesFromFileContent (plist_content) end +---* Deletes an sprite frame from the sprite frame cache.
+---* param name The name of the sprite frame that needs to removed. +---@param name string +---@return self +function SpriteFrameCache:removeSpriteFrameByName (name) end +---* Check if multiple Sprite Frames from a plist file have been loaded.
+---* js NA
+---* lua NA
+---* param plist Plist file name.
+---* return True if the file is loaded. +---@param plist string +---@return boolean +function SpriteFrameCache:isSpriteFramesWithFileLoaded (plist) end +---* Removes all Sprite Frames associated with the specified textures.
+---* It is convenient to call this method when a specific texture needs to be removed.
+---* since v0.995.
+---* param texture The texture that needs to removed. +---@param texture cc.Texture2D +---@return self +function SpriteFrameCache:removeSpriteFramesFromTexture (texture) end +---* Destroys the cache. It releases all the Sprite Frames and the retained instance.
+---* js NA +---@return self +function SpriteFrameCache:destroyInstance () end +---* Returns the shared instance of the Sprite Frame cache.
+---* return The instance of the Sprite Frame Cache.
+---* js NA +---@return self +function SpriteFrameCache:getInstance () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/StopGrid.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/StopGrid.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..446323cf8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/StopGrid.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.StopGrid :cc.ActionInstant +local StopGrid={ } +cc.StopGrid=StopGrid + + + + +---* brief Create a StopGrid Action.
+---* return Return a pointer of StopGrid. When the creation failed, return nil. +---@return self +function StopGrid:create () end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function StopGrid:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function StopGrid:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function StopGrid:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function StopGrid:StopGrid () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXLayer.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXLayer.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..718603b91 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXLayer.lua @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TMXLayer :cc.SpriteBatchNode +local TMXLayer={ } +cc.TMXLayer=TMXLayer + + + + +---* Returns the position in points of a given tile coordinate.
+---* param tileCoordinate The tile coordinate.
+---* return The position in points of a given tile coordinate. +---@param tileCoordinate vec2_table +---@return vec2_table +function TMXLayer:getPositionAt (tileCoordinate) end +---* Set layer orientation, which is the same as the map orientation.
+---* param orientation Layer orientation,which is the same as the map orientation. +---@param orientation int +---@return self +function TMXLayer:setLayerOrientation (orientation) end +---* Dealloc the map that contains the tile position from memory.
+---* Unless you want to know at runtime the tiles positions, you can safely call this method.
+---* If you are going to call layer->tileGIDAt() then, don't release the map. +---@return self +function TMXLayer:releaseMap () end +---* Size of the layer in tiles.
+---* return Size of the layer in tiles. +---@return size_table +function TMXLayer:getLayerSize () end +---* Set the size of the map's tile.
+---* param size The size of the map's tile. +---@param size size_table +---@return self +function TMXLayer:setMapTileSize (size) end +---* Layer orientation, which is the same as the map orientation.
+---* return Layer orientation, which is the same as the map orientation. +---@return int +function TMXLayer:getLayerOrientation () end +---* Set an Properties from to layer.
+---* param properties It is used to set the layer Properties. +---@param properties map_table +---@return self +function TMXLayer:setProperties (properties) end +---* Set the layer name.
+---* param layerName The layer name. +---@param layerName string +---@return self +function TMXLayer:setLayerName (layerName) end +---* Removes a tile at given tile coordinate.
+---* param tileCoordinate The tile coordinate. +---@param tileCoordinate vec2_table +---@return self +function TMXLayer:removeTileAt (tileCoordinate) end +---* Initializes a TMXLayer with a tileset info, a layer info and a map info.
+---* param tilesetInfo An tileset info.
+---* param layerInfo A layer info.
+---* param mapInfo A map info.
+---* return If initializes successfully, it will return true. +---@param tilesetInfo cc.TMXTilesetInfo +---@param layerInfo cc.TMXLayerInfo +---@param mapInfo cc.TMXMapInfo +---@return boolean +function TMXLayer:initWithTilesetInfo (tilesetInfo,layerInfo,mapInfo) end +---* Creates the tiles. +---@return self +function TMXLayer:setupTiles () end +---@overload fun(unsigned_int:unsigned_int,vec2_table:vec2_table,int:int):self +---@overload fun(unsigned_int:unsigned_int,vec2_table:vec2_table):self +---@param gid unsigned_int +---@param tileCoordinate vec2_table +---@param flags int +---@return self +function TMXLayer:setTileGID (gid,tileCoordinate,flags) end +---* Size of the map's tile (could be different from the tile's size).
+---* return The size of the map's tile. +---@return size_table +function TMXLayer:getMapTileSize () end +---* Return the value for the specific property name.
+---* param propertyName The specific property name.
+---* return Return the value for the specific property name. +---@param propertyName string +---@return cc.Value +function TMXLayer:getProperty (propertyName) end +---* Set size of the layer in tiles.
+---* param size Size of the layer in tiles. +---@param size size_table +---@return self +function TMXLayer:setLayerSize (size) end +---* Get the layer name.
+---* return The layer name. +---@return string +function TMXLayer:getLayerName () end +---* Set tileset information for the layer.
+---* param info The tileset information for the layer.
+---* js NA +---@param info cc.TMXTilesetInfo +---@return self +function TMXLayer:setTileSet (info) end +---* Tileset information for the layer.
+---* return Tileset information for the layer. +---@return cc.TMXTilesetInfo +function TMXLayer:getTileSet () end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun():self +---@return map_table +function TMXLayer:getProperties () end +---* Returns the tile (Sprite) at a given a tile coordinate.
+---* The returned Sprite will be already added to the TMXLayer. Don't add it again.
+---* The Sprite can be treated like any other Sprite: rotated, scaled, translated, opacity, color, etc.
+---* You can remove either by calling:
+---* - layer->removeChild(sprite, cleanup);
+---* - or layer->removeTileAt(Vec2(x,y));
+---* param tileCoordinate A tile coordinate.
+---* return Returns the tile (Sprite) at a given a tile coordinate. +---@param tileCoordinate vec2_table +---@return cc.Sprite +function TMXLayer:getTileAt (tileCoordinate) end +---* Creates a TMXLayer with an tileset info, a layer info and a map info.
+---* param tilesetInfo An tileset info.
+---* param layerInfo A layer info.
+---* param mapInfo A map info.
+---* return An autorelease object. +---@param tilesetInfo cc.TMXTilesetInfo +---@param layerInfo cc.TMXLayerInfo +---@param mapInfo cc.TMXMapInfo +---@return self +function TMXLayer:create (tilesetInfo,layerInfo,mapInfo) end +---* +---@param child cc.Node +---@param zOrder int +---@param tag int +---@return self +function TMXLayer:addChild (child,zOrder,tag) end +---* js NA +---@return string +function TMXLayer:getDescription () end +---* +---@param child cc.Node +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function TMXLayer:removeChild (child,cleanup) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function TMXLayer:TMXLayer () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXLayerInfo.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXLayerInfo.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..734d52d3b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXLayerInfo.lua @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TMXLayerInfo :cc.Ref +local TMXLayerInfo={ } +cc.TMXLayerInfo=TMXLayerInfo + + + + +---* +---@param properties map_table +---@return self +function TMXLayerInfo:setProperties (properties) end +---* +---@return map_table +function TMXLayerInfo:getProperties () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function TMXLayerInfo:TMXLayerInfo () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXMapInfo.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXMapInfo.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ffb027450 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXMapInfo.lua @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TMXMapInfo +local TMXMapInfo={ } +cc.TMXMapInfo=TMXMapInfo + + + + +---* +---@param currentString string +---@return self +function TMXMapInfo:setCurrentString (currentString) end +---* / map hexsidelength +---@return int +function TMXMapInfo:getHexSideLength () end +---* +---@param tileSize size_table +---@return self +function TMXMapInfo:setTileSize (tileSize) end +---* / map orientation +---@return int +function TMXMapInfo:getOrientation () end +---* +---@param groups array_table +---@return self +function TMXMapInfo:setObjectGroups (groups) end +---* +---@param layers array_table +---@return self +function TMXMapInfo:setLayers (layers) end +---* initializes parsing of an XML file, either a tmx (Map) file or tsx (Tileset) file +---@param xmlFilename string +---@return boolean +function TMXMapInfo:parseXMLFile (xmlFilename) end +---* / parent element +---@return int +function TMXMapInfo:getParentElement () end +---* +---@param fileName string +---@return self +function TMXMapInfo:setTMXFileName (fileName) end +---* +---@param xmlString string +---@return boolean +function TMXMapInfo:parseXMLString (xmlString) end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun():self +---@return array_table +function TMXMapInfo:getLayers () end +---* / map staggeraxis +---@return int +function TMXMapInfo:getStaggerAxis () end +---* +---@param hexSideLength int +---@return self +function TMXMapInfo:setHexSideLength (hexSideLength) end +---* initializes a TMX format with a tmx file +---@param tmxFile string +---@return boolean +function TMXMapInfo:initWithTMXFile (tmxFile) end +---* / parent GID +---@return int +function TMXMapInfo:getParentGID () end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun():self +---@return array_table +function TMXMapInfo:getTilesets () end +---* +---@param element int +---@return self +function TMXMapInfo:setParentElement (element) end +---* initializes a TMX format with an XML string and a TMX resource path +---@param tmxString string +---@param resourcePath string +---@return boolean +function TMXMapInfo:initWithXML (tmxString,resourcePath) end +---* +---@param gid int +---@return self +function TMXMapInfo:setParentGID (gid) end +---* / layer attribs +---@return int +function TMXMapInfo:getLayerAttribs () end +---* / tiles width & height +---@return size_table +function TMXMapInfo:getTileSize () end +---* +---@return map_table +function TMXMapInfo:getTileProperties () end +---* / is storing characters? +---@return boolean +function TMXMapInfo:isStoringCharacters () end +---* +---@return string +function TMXMapInfo:getExternalTilesetFileName () end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun():self +---@return array_table +function TMXMapInfo:getObjectGroups () end +---* +---@return string +function TMXMapInfo:getTMXFileName () end +---* +---@param staggerIndex int +---@return self +function TMXMapInfo:setStaggerIndex (staggerIndex) end +---* +---@param properties map_table +---@return self +function TMXMapInfo:setProperties (properties) end +---* +---@param orientation int +---@return self +function TMXMapInfo:setOrientation (orientation) end +---* +---@param tileProperties map_table +---@return self +function TMXMapInfo:setTileProperties (tileProperties) end +---* +---@param mapSize size_table +---@return self +function TMXMapInfo:setMapSize (mapSize) end +---* +---@return string +function TMXMapInfo:getCurrentString () end +---* +---@param storingCharacters boolean +---@return self +function TMXMapInfo:setStoringCharacters (storingCharacters) end +---* +---@param staggerAxis int +---@return self +function TMXMapInfo:setStaggerAxis (staggerAxis) end +---* / map width & height +---@return size_table +function TMXMapInfo:getMapSize () end +---* +---@param tilesets array_table +---@return self +function TMXMapInfo:setTilesets (tilesets) end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun():self +---@return map_table +function TMXMapInfo:getProperties () end +---* / map stagger index +---@return int +function TMXMapInfo:getStaggerIndex () end +---* +---@param layerAttribs int +---@return self +function TMXMapInfo:setLayerAttribs (layerAttribs) end +---* creates a TMX Format with a tmx file +---@param tmxFile string +---@return self +function TMXMapInfo:create (tmxFile) end +---* creates a TMX Format with an XML string and a TMX resource path +---@param tmxString string +---@param resourcePath string +---@return self +function TMXMapInfo:createWithXML (tmxString,resourcePath) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function TMXMapInfo:TMXMapInfo () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXObjectGroup.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXObjectGroup.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9e6088d78 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXObjectGroup.lua @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TMXObjectGroup :cc.Ref +local TMXObjectGroup={ } +cc.TMXObjectGroup=TMXObjectGroup + + + + +---* Sets the offset position of child objects.
+---* param offset The offset position of child objects. +---@param offset vec2_table +---@return self +function TMXObjectGroup:setPositionOffset (offset) end +---* Return the value for the specific property name.
+---* param propertyName The specific property name.
+---* return Return the value for the specific property name.
+---* js NA +---@param propertyName string +---@return cc.Value +function TMXObjectGroup:getProperty (propertyName) end +---* Gets the offset position of child objects.
+---* return The offset position of child objects. +---@return vec2_table +function TMXObjectGroup:getPositionOffset () end +---* Return the dictionary for the specific object name.
+---* It will return the 1st object found on the array for the given name.
+---* return Return the dictionary for the specific object name. +---@param objectName string +---@return map_table +function TMXObjectGroup:getObject (objectName) end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun():self +---@return array_table +function TMXObjectGroup:getObjects () end +---* Set the group name.
+---* param groupName A string,it is used to set the group name. +---@param groupName string +---@return self +function TMXObjectGroup:setGroupName (groupName) end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun():self +---@return map_table +function TMXObjectGroup:getProperties () end +---* Get the group name.
+---* return The group name. +---@return string +function TMXObjectGroup:getGroupName () end +---* Sets the list of properties.
+---* param properties The list of properties. +---@param properties map_table +---@return self +function TMXObjectGroup:setProperties (properties) end +---* Sets the array of the objects.
+---* param objects The array of the objects. +---@param objects array_table +---@return self +function TMXObjectGroup:setObjects (objects) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function TMXObjectGroup:TMXObjectGroup () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXTiledMap.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXTiledMap.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..50a1c5ed6 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXTiledMap.lua @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TMXTiledMap :cc.Node +local TMXTiledMap={ } +cc.TMXTiledMap=TMXTiledMap + + + + +---* Set the object groups.
+---* param groups The object groups. +---@param groups array_table +---@return self +function TMXTiledMap:setObjectGroups (groups) end +---* Return the value for the specific property name.
+---* param propertyName The specific property name.
+---* return Return the value for the specific property name. +---@param propertyName string +---@return cc.Value +function TMXTiledMap:getProperty (propertyName) end +---* +---@return int +function TMXTiledMap:getLayerNum () end +---* Set the map's size property measured in tiles.
+---* param mapSize The map's size property measured in tiles. +---@param mapSize size_table +---@return self +function TMXTiledMap:setMapSize (mapSize) end +---* Return the TMXObjectGroup for the specific group.
+---* param groupName The group Name.
+---* return A Type of TMXObjectGroup. +---@param groupName string +---@return cc.TMXObjectGroup +function TMXTiledMap:getObjectGroup (groupName) end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun():self +---@return array_table +function TMXTiledMap:getObjectGroups () end +---* +---@return string +function TMXTiledMap:getResourceFile () end +---* initializes a TMX Tiled Map with a TMX file +---@param tmxFile string +---@return boolean +function TMXTiledMap:initWithTMXFile (tmxFile) end +---* The tiles's size property measured in pixels.
+---* return The tiles's size property measured in pixels. +---@return size_table +function TMXTiledMap:getTileSize () end +---* The map's size property measured in tiles.
+---* return The map's size property measured in tiles. +---@return size_table +function TMXTiledMap:getMapSize () end +---* initializes a TMX Tiled Map with a TMX formatted XML string and a path to TMX resources +---@param tmxString string +---@param resourcePath string +---@return boolean +function TMXTiledMap:initWithXML (tmxString,resourcePath) end +---* Properties.
+---* return Properties. +---@return map_table +function TMXTiledMap:getProperties () end +---* Set the tiles's size property measured in pixels.
+---* param tileSize The tiles's size property measured in pixels. +---@param tileSize size_table +---@return self +function TMXTiledMap:setTileSize (tileSize) end +---* Set the properties.
+---* param properties A Type of ValueMap to set the properties. +---@param properties map_table +---@return self +function TMXTiledMap:setProperties (properties) end +---* Return the TMXLayer for the specific layer.
+---* param layerName A specific layer.
+---* return The TMXLayer for the specific layer. +---@param layerName string +---@return cc.TMXLayer +function TMXTiledMap:getLayer (layerName) end +---* Map orientation.
+---* return Map orientation. +---@return int +function TMXTiledMap:getMapOrientation () end +---* Set map orientation.
+---* param mapOrientation The map orientation. +---@param mapOrientation int +---@return self +function TMXTiledMap:setMapOrientation (mapOrientation) end +---* Creates a TMX Tiled Map with a TMX file.
+---* param tmxFile A TMX file.
+---* return An autorelease object. +---@param tmxFile string +---@return self +function TMXTiledMap:create (tmxFile) end +---* Initializes a TMX Tiled Map with a TMX formatted XML string and a path to TMX resources.
+---* param tmxString A TMX formatted XML string.
+---* param resourcePath The path to TMX resources.
+---* return An autorelease object.
+---* js NA +---@param tmxString string +---@param resourcePath string +---@return self +function TMXTiledMap:createWithXML (tmxString,resourcePath) end +---* Get the description.
+---* js NA +---@return string +function TMXTiledMap:getDescription () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function TMXTiledMap:TMXTiledMap () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXTilesetInfo.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXTilesetInfo.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d64270595 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TMXTilesetInfo.lua @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TMXTilesetInfo :cc.Ref +local TMXTilesetInfo={ } +cc.TMXTilesetInfo=TMXTilesetInfo + + + + +---* +---@param gid unsigned_int +---@return rect_table +function TMXTilesetInfo:getRectForGID (gid) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function TMXTilesetInfo:TMXTilesetInfo () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TableView.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TableView.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f7465ff75 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TableView.lua @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TableView :ccui.ScrollView@all parent class: ScrollView,ScrollViewDelegate +local TableView={ } +cc.TableView=TableView + + + + +---* Updates the content of the cell at a given index.
+---* param idx index to find a cell +---@param idx int +---@return self +function TableView:updateCellAtIndex (idx) end +---* determines how cell is ordered and filled in the view. +---@param order int +---@return self +function TableView:setVerticalFillOrder (order) end +---* +---@return self +function TableView:_updateContentSize () end +---* +---@return int +function TableView:getVerticalFillOrder () end +---* Removes a cell at a given index
+---* param idx index to find a cell +---@param idx int +---@return self +function TableView:removeCellAtIndex (idx) end +---* +---@param size size_table +---@param container cc.Node +---@return boolean +function TableView:initWithViewSize (size,container) end +---* +---@param view cc.ScrollView +---@return self +function TableView:scrollViewDidScroll (view) end +---* reloads data from data source. the view will be refreshed. +---@return self +function TableView:reloadData () end +---* +---@param view cc.ScrollView +---@return self +function TableView:scrollViewDidZoom (view) end +---* Inserts a new cell at a given index
+---* param idx location to insert +---@param idx int +---@return self +function TableView:insertCellAtIndex (idx) end +---* Returns an existing cell at a given index. Returns nil if a cell is nonexistent at the moment of query.
+---* param idx index
+---* return a cell at a given index +---@param idx int +---@return cc.TableViewCell +function TableView:cellAtIndex (idx) end +---* Dequeues a free cell if available. nil if not.
+---* return free cell +---@return cc.TableViewCell +function TableView:dequeueCell () end +---* +---@param pTouch cc.Touch +---@param pEvent cc.Event +---@return self +function TableView:onTouchMoved (pTouch,pEvent) end +---* +---@param pTouch cc.Touch +---@param pEvent cc.Event +---@return self +function TableView:onTouchEnded (pTouch,pEvent) end +---* +---@param pTouch cc.Touch +---@param pEvent cc.Event +---@return self +function TableView:onTouchCancelled (pTouch,pEvent) end +---* +---@param pTouch cc.Touch +---@param pEvent cc.Event +---@return boolean +function TableView:onTouchBegan (pTouch,pEvent) end +---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function TableView:TableView () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TableViewCell.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TableViewCell.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..15b6f772b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TableViewCell.lua @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TableViewCell :cc.Node +local TableViewCell={ } +cc.TableViewCell=TableViewCell + + + + +---* Cleans up any resources linked to this cell and resets idx property. +---@return self +function TableViewCell:reset () end +---* The index used internally by SWTableView and its subclasses +---@return int +function TableViewCell:getIdx () end +---* +---@param uIdx int +---@return self +function TableViewCell:setIdx (uIdx) end +---* +---@return self +function TableViewCell:create () end +---* +---@return self +function TableViewCell:TableViewCell () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TargetedAction.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TargetedAction.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f3d88acfe --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TargetedAction.lua @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TargetedAction :cc.ActionInterval +local TargetedAction={ } +cc.TargetedAction=TargetedAction + + + + +---@overload fun():cc.Node +---@overload fun():cc.Node +---@return cc.Node +function TargetedAction:getForcedTarget () end +---* Init an action with the specified action and forced target +---@param target cc.Node +---@param action cc.FiniteTimeAction +---@return boolean +function TargetedAction:initWithTarget (target,action) end +---* Sets the target that the action will be forced to run with.
+---* param forcedTarget The target that the action will be forced to run with. +---@param forcedTarget cc.Node +---@return self +function TargetedAction:setForcedTarget (forcedTarget) end +---* Create an action with the specified action and forced target.
+---* param target The target needs to override.
+---* param action The action needs to override.
+---* return An autoreleased TargetedAction object. +---@param target cc.Node +---@param action cc.FiniteTimeAction +---@return self +function TargetedAction:create (target,action) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function TargetedAction:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function TargetedAction:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function TargetedAction:stop () end +---* +---@return self +function TargetedAction:reverse () end +---* param time In seconds. +---@param time float +---@return self +function TargetedAction:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function TargetedAction:TargetedAction () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Technique.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Technique.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0c21dd2c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Technique.lua @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Technique :cc.Ref +local Technique={ } +cc.Technique=Technique + + + + +---* Returns the number of Passes in the Technique +---@return int +function Technique:getPassCount () end +---* +---@param material cc.Material +---@return self +function Technique:setMaterial (material) end +---* Returns a new clone of the Technique +---@return self +function Technique:clone () end +---* Adds a new pass to the Technique.
+---* Order matters. First added, first rendered +---@param pass cc.Pass +---@return self +function Technique:addPass (pass) end +---* Returns the list of passes +---@return array_table +function Technique:getPasses () end +---* Returns the name of the Technique +---@return string +function Technique:getName () end +---* Returns the Pass at given index +---@param index int +---@return cc.Pass +function Technique:getPassByIndex (index) end +---* Creates a new Technique with a GLProgramState.
+---* Method added to support legacy code +---@param parent cc.Material +---@param state cc.backend.ProgramState +---@return self +function Technique:createWithProgramState (parent,state) end +---* +---@param parent cc.Material +---@return self +function Technique:create (parent) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Terrain.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Terrain.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cf4899265 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Terrain.lua @@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Terrain :cc.Node +local Terrain={ } +cc.Terrain=Terrain + + + + +---* initialize heightMap data +---@param heightMap string +---@return boolean +function Terrain:initHeightMap (heightMap) end +---* set the MaxDetailAmount. +---@param maxValue int +---@return self +function Terrain:setMaxDetailMapAmount (maxValue) end +---* show the wireline instead of the surface,Debug Use only.
+---* Note only support desktop platform +---@param boolValue boolean +---@return self +function Terrain:setDrawWire (boolValue) end +---* get the terrain's height data +---@return array_table +function Terrain:getHeightData () end +---* set the Detail Map +---@param index unsigned_int +---@param detailMap cc.Terrain.DetailMap +---@return self +function Terrain:setDetailMap (index,detailMap) end +---* reset the heightmap data. +---@param heightMap string +---@return self +function Terrain:resetHeightMap (heightMap) end +---* set directional light for the terrain
+---* param lightDir The direction of directional light, Note that lightDir is in the terrain's local space. Most of the time terrain is placed at (0,0,0) and without rotation, so lightDir is also in the world space. +---@param lightDir vec3_table +---@return self +function Terrain:setLightDir (lightDir) end +---* set the alpha map +---@param newAlphaMapTexture cc.Texture2D +---@return self +function Terrain:setAlphaMap (newAlphaMapTexture) end +---* set the skirt height ratio +---@param ratio float +---@return self +function Terrain:setSkirtHeightRatio (ratio) end +---* Convert a world Space position (X,Z) to terrain space position (X,Z) +---@param worldSpace vec2_table +---@return vec2_table +function Terrain:convertToTerrainSpace (worldSpace) end +---* initialize alphaMap ,detailMaps textures +---@return boolean +function Terrain:initTextures () end +---* initialize all Properties which terrain need +---@return boolean +function Terrain:initProperties () end +---* +---@param parameter cc.Terrain.TerrainData +---@param fixedType int +---@return boolean +function Terrain:initWithTerrainData (parameter,fixedType) end +---* Set threshold distance of each LOD level,must equal or greater than the chunk size
+---* Note when invoke initHeightMap, the LOD distance will be automatic calculated. +---@param lod1 float +---@param lod2 float +---@param lod3 float +---@return self +function Terrain:setLODDistance (lod1,lod2,lod3) end +---* get the terrain's size +---@return size_table +function Terrain:getTerrainSize () end +---* get the normal of the specified position in terrain
+---* return the normal vector of the specified position of the terrain.
+---* note the fast normal calculation may not get precise normal vector. +---@param pixelX int +---@param pixelY int +---@return vec3_table +function Terrain:getNormal (pixelX,pixelY) end +---* +---@return self +function Terrain:reload () end +---* get height from the raw height filed +---@param pixelX int +---@param pixelY int +---@return float +function Terrain:getImageHeight (pixelX,pixelY) end +---* set light map texture +---@param fileName string +---@return self +function Terrain:setLightMap (fileName) end +---* Switch frustum Culling Flag
+---* Note frustum culling will remarkable improve your terrain rendering performance. +---@param boolValue boolean +---@return self +function Terrain:setIsEnableFrustumCull (boolValue) end +---* get the terrain's minimal height. +---@return float +function Terrain:getMinHeight () end +---* get the terrain's maximal height. +---@return float +function Terrain:getMaxHeight () end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function Terrain:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* +---@return self +function Terrain:Terrain () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Texture2D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Texture2D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..96de66d8b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Texture2D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Texture2D :cc.Ref +local Texture2D={ } +cc.Texture2D=Texture2D + + + + +---* Gets max T. +---@return float +function Texture2D:getMaxT () end +---* +---@param alphaTexture cc.Texture2D +---@return self +function Texture2D:setAlphaTexture (alphaTexture) end +---* Returns the pixel format.
+---* since v2.0 +---@return char +function Texture2D:getStringForFormat () end +---@overload fun(cc.Image:cc.Image,int:int):self +---@overload fun(cc.Image:cc.Image):self +---@param image cc.Image +---@param format int +---@return boolean +function Texture2D:initWithImage (image,format) end +---* Gets max S. +---@return float +function Texture2D:getMaxS () end +---* Whether or not the texture has their Alpha premultiplied. +---@return boolean +function Texture2D:hasPremultipliedAlpha () end +---* Gets the height of the texture in pixels. +---@return int +function Texture2D:getPixelsHigh () end +---* +---@return boolean +function Texture2D:getAlphaTextureName () end +---@overload fun(int:int):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param format int +---@return unsigned_int +function Texture2D:getBitsPerPixelForFormat (format) end +---* Sets max S. +---@param maxS float +---@return self +function Texture2D:setMaxS (maxS) end +---@overload fun(char:char,string1:cc.FontDefinition):self +---@overload fun(char:char,string:string,float:float,size_table:size_table,int:int,int:int,boolean:boolean,int:int):self +---@param text char +---@param fontName string +---@param fontSize float +---@param dimensions size_table +---@param hAlignment int +---@param vAlignment int +---@param enableWrap boolean +---@param overflow int +---@return boolean +function Texture2D:initWithString (text,fontName,fontSize,dimensions,hAlignment,vAlignment,enableWrap,overflow) end +---* Sets max T. +---@param maxT float +---@return self +function Texture2D:setMaxT (maxT) end +---* +---@return string +function Texture2D:getPath () end +---* Draws a texture inside a rect. +---@param rect rect_table +---@param globalZOrder float +---@return self +function Texture2D:drawInRect (rect,globalZOrder) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Texture2D:isRenderTarget () end +---* Get the texture content size. +---@return size_table +function Texture2D:getContentSize () end +---* Sets alias texture parameters:
+---* warning Calling this method could allocate additional texture memory.
+---* since v0.8 +---@return self +function Texture2D:setAliasTexParameters () end +---* Sets antialias texture parameters:
+---* warning Calling this method could allocate additional texture memory.
+---* since v0.8 +---@return self +function Texture2D:setAntiAliasTexParameters () end +---* Generates mipmap images for the texture.
+---* It only works if the texture size is POT (power of 2).
+---* since v0.99.0 +---@return self +function Texture2D:generateMipmap () end +---* +---@return self +function Texture2D:getAlphaTexture () end +---* Gets the pixel format of the texture. +---@return int +function Texture2D:getPixelFormat () end +---* +---@return cc.backend.TextureBackend +function Texture2D:getBackendTexture () end +---* Get content size. +---@return size_table +function Texture2D:getContentSizeInPixels () end +---* Gets the width of the texture in pixels. +---@return int +function Texture2D:getPixelsWide () end +---* Drawing extensions to make it easy to draw basic quads using a Texture2D object.
+---* These functions require GL_TEXTURE_2D and both GL_VERTEX_ARRAY and GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY client states to be enabled.
+---* Draws a texture at a given point. +---@param point vec2_table +---@param globalZOrder float +---@return self +function Texture2D:drawAtPoint (point,globalZOrder) end +---* Whether or not the texture has mip maps. +---@return boolean +function Texture2D:hasMipmaps () end +---* +---@param renderTarget boolean +---@return self +function Texture2D:setRenderTarget (renderTarget) end +---* +---@param texture cc.backend.TextureBackend +---@param preMultipliedAlpha boolean +---@return boolean +function Texture2D:initWithBackendTexture (texture,preMultipliedAlpha) end +---* sets the default pixel format for UIImagescontains alpha channel.
+---* param format
+---* If the UIImage contains alpha channel, then the options are:
+---* - generate 32-bit textures: backend::PixelFormat::RGBA8888 (default one)
+---* - generate 24-bit textures: backend::PixelFormat::RGB888
+---* - generate 16-bit textures: backend::PixelFormat::RGBA4444
+---* - generate 16-bit textures: backend::PixelFormat::RGB5A1
+---* - generate 16-bit textures: backend::PixelFormat::RGB565
+---* - generate 8-bit textures: backend::PixelFormat::A8 (only use it if you use just 1 color)
+---* How does it work ?
+---* - If the image is an RGBA (with Alpha) then the default pixel format will be used (it can be a 8-bit, 16-bit or 32-bit texture)
+---* - If the image is an RGB (without Alpha) then: If the default pixel format is RGBA8888 then a RGBA8888 (32-bit) will be used. Otherwise a RGB565 (16-bit texture) will be used.
+---* This parameter is not valid for PVR / PVR.CCZ images.
+---* since v0.8 +---@param format int +---@return self +function Texture2D:setDefaultAlphaPixelFormat (format) end +---* Returns the alpha pixel format.
+---* since v0.8 +---@return int +function Texture2D:getDefaultAlphaPixelFormat () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function Texture2D:Texture2D () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TextureCache.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TextureCache.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..55753f104 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TextureCache.lua @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TextureCache :cc.Ref +local TextureCache={ } +cc.TextureCache=TextureCache + + + + +---* Reload texture from the image file.
+---* If the file image hasn't loaded before, load it.
+---* Otherwise the texture will be reloaded from the file image.
+---* param fileName It's the related/absolute path of the file image.
+---* return True if the reloading is succeed, otherwise return false. +---@param fileName string +---@return boolean +function TextureCache:reloadTexture (fileName) end +---* Unbind all bound image asynchronous load callbacks.
+---* since v3.1 +---@return self +function TextureCache:unbindAllImageAsync () end +---* Deletes a texture from the cache given a its key name.
+---* param key It's the related/absolute path of the file image.
+---* since v0.99.4 +---@param key string +---@return self +function TextureCache:removeTextureForKey (key) end +---* Purges the dictionary of loaded textures.
+---* Call this method if you receive the "Memory Warning".
+---* In the short term: it will free some resources preventing your app from being killed.
+---* In the medium term: it will allocate more resources.
+---* In the long term: it will be the same. +---@return self +function TextureCache:removeAllTextures () end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@return string +function TextureCache:getDescription () end +---* Output to CCLOG the current contents of this TextureCache.
+---* This will attempt to calculate the size of each texture, and the total texture memory in use.
+---* since v1.0 +---@return string +function TextureCache:getCachedTextureInfo () end +---@overload fun(cc.Image:cc.Image,string:string):cc.Texture2D +---@overload fun(cc.Image0:string):cc.Texture2D +---@param image cc.Image +---@param key string +---@return cc.Texture2D +function TextureCache:addImage (image,key) end +---* Unbind a specified bound image asynchronous callback.
+---* In the case an object who was bound to an image asynchronous callback was destroyed before the callback is invoked,
+---* the object always need to unbind this callback manually.
+---* param filename It's the related/absolute path of the file image.
+---* since v3.1 +---@param filename string +---@return self +function TextureCache:unbindImageAsync (filename) end +---* Returns an already created texture. Returns nil if the texture doesn't exist.
+---* param key It's the related/absolute path of the file image.
+---* since v0.99.5 +---@param key string +---@return cc.Texture2D +function TextureCache:getTextureForKey (key) end +---* Get the file path of the texture
+---* param texture A Texture2D object pointer.
+---* return The full path of the file. +---@param texture cc.Texture2D +---@return string +function TextureCache:getTextureFilePath (texture) end +---* Reload texture from a new file.
+---* This function is mainly for editor, won't suggest use it in game for performance reason.
+---* param srcName Original texture file name.
+---* param dstName New texture file name.
+---* since v3.10 +---@param srcName string +---@param dstName string +---@return self +function TextureCache:renameTextureWithKey (srcName,dstName) end +---* Removes unused textures.
+---* Textures that have a retain count of 1 will be deleted.
+---* It is convenient to call this method after when starting a new Scene.
+---* since v0.8 +---@return self +function TextureCache:removeUnusedTextures () end +---* Deletes a texture from the cache given a texture. +---@param texture cc.Texture2D +---@return self +function TextureCache:removeTexture (texture) end +---* Called by director, please do not called outside. +---@return self +function TextureCache:waitForQuit () end +---* +---@param suffix string +---@return self +function TextureCache:setETC1AlphaFileSuffix (suffix) end +---* +---@return string +function TextureCache:getETC1AlphaFileSuffix () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function TextureCache:TextureCache () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TextureCube.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TextureCube.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b51d2a9c4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TextureCube.lua @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TextureCube :cc.Ref +local TextureCube={ } +cc.TextureCube=TextureCube + + + + +---* reload texture cube after GLESContext reconstructed. +---@return boolean +function TextureCube:reloadTexture () end +---* +---@return cc.backend.TextureBackend +function TextureCube:getBackendTexture () end +---* Sets the min filter, mag filter, wrap s and wrap t texture parameters.
+---* If the texture size is NPOT (non power of 2), then in can only use GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE in GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_{S,T}. +---@param r cc.backend.SamplerDescripto +---@return self +function TextureCube:setTexParameters (r) end +---* create cube texture from 6 textures.
+---* param positive_x texture for the right side of the texture cube face.
+---* param negative_x texture for the up side of the texture cube face.
+---* param positive_y texture for the top side of the texture cube face
+---* param negative_y texture for the bottom side of the texture cube face
+---* param positive_z texture for the forward side of the texture cube face.
+---* param negative_z texture for the rear side of the texture cube face.
+---* return A new texture cube inited with given parameters. +---@param positive_x string +---@param negative_x string +---@param positive_y string +---@param negative_y string +---@param positive_z string +---@param negative_z string +---@return self +function TextureCube:create (positive_x,negative_x,positive_y,negative_y,positive_z,negative_z) end +---* Constructor. +---@return self +function TextureCube:TextureCube () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TileMapAtlas.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TileMapAtlas.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ba326bb0a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TileMapAtlas.lua @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TileMapAtlas :cc.AtlasNode +local TileMapAtlas={ } +cc.TileMapAtlas=TileMapAtlas + + + + +---* initializes a TileMap with a tile file (atlas) with a map file and the width and height of each tile in points.
+---* The file will be loaded using the TextureMgr. +---@param tile string +---@param mapFile string +---@param tileWidth int +---@param tileHeight int +---@return boolean +function TileMapAtlas:initWithTileFile (tile,mapFile,tileWidth,tileHeight) end +---* dealloc the map from memory +---@return self +function TileMapAtlas:releaseMap () end +---* Returns a tile from position x,y.
+---* For the moment only channel R is used +---@param position vec2_table +---@return color3b_table +function TileMapAtlas:getTileAt (position) end +---* sets a tile at position x,y.
+---* For the moment only channel R is used +---@param tile color3b_table +---@param position vec2_table +---@return self +function TileMapAtlas:setTile (tile,position) end +---* creates a TileMap with a tile file (atlas) with a map file and the width and height of each tile in points.
+---* The tile file will be loaded using the TextureMgr. +---@param tile string +---@param mapFile string +---@param tileWidth int +---@param tileHeight int +---@return self +function TileMapAtlas:create (tile,mapFile,tileWidth,tileHeight) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function TileMapAtlas:TileMapAtlas () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TiledGrid3D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TiledGrid3D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1e0d7d72f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TiledGrid3D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TiledGrid3D :cc.GridBase +local TiledGrid3D={ } +cc.TiledGrid3D=TiledGrid3D + + + + +---@overload fun(size_table:size_table,cc.Texture2D1:rect_table):self +---@overload fun(size_table:size_table):self +---@overload fun(size_table:size_table,cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,boolean:boolean):self +---@overload fun(size_table:size_table,cc.Texture2D:cc.Texture2D,boolean:boolean,rect_table:rect_table):self +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param texture cc.Texture2D +---@param flipped boolean +---@param rect rect_table +---@return self +function TiledGrid3D:create (gridSize,texture,flipped,rect) end +---* +---@return self +function TiledGrid3D:calculateVertexPoints () end +---* Implementations for interfaces in base class. +---@return self +function TiledGrid3D:blit () end +---* +---@return self +function TiledGrid3D:reuse () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TiledGrid3DAction.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TiledGrid3DAction.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5f65f5bbf --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TiledGrid3DAction.lua @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TiledGrid3DAction :cc.GridAction +local TiledGrid3DAction={ } +cc.TiledGrid3DAction=TiledGrid3DAction + + + + +---* +---@return self +function TiledGrid3DAction:clone () end +---* returns the grid +---@return cc.GridBase +function TiledGrid3DAction:getGrid () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Timer.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Timer.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e7078c8a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Timer.lua @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Timer :cc.Ref +local Timer={ } +cc.Timer=Timer + + + + +---* +---@param seconds float +---@param _repeat unsigned_int +---@param delay float +---@return self +function Timer:setupTimerWithInterval (seconds,_repeat,delay) end +---* triggers the timer +---@param dt float +---@return self +function Timer:update (dt) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Timer:isAborted () end +---* +---@return boolean +function Timer:isExhausted () end +---* +---@param dt float +---@return self +function Timer:trigger (dt) end +---* +---@return self +function Timer:cancel () end +---* +---@return self +function Timer:setAborted () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TintBy.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TintBy.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..14c6f2984 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TintBy.lua @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TintBy :cc.ActionInterval +local TintBy={ } +cc.TintBy=TintBy + + + + +---* initializes the action with duration and color +---@param duration float +---@param deltaRed short +---@param deltaGreen short +---@param deltaBlue short +---@return boolean +function TintBy:initWithDuration (duration,deltaRed,deltaGreen,deltaBlue) end +---* Creates an action with duration and color.
+---* param duration Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param deltaRed Delta red color.
+---* param deltaGreen Delta green color.
+---* param deltaBlue Delta blue color.
+---* return An autoreleased TintBy object. +---@param duration float +---@param deltaRed short +---@param deltaGreen short +---@param deltaBlue short +---@return self +function TintBy:create (duration,deltaRed,deltaGreen,deltaBlue) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function TintBy:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function TintBy:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function TintBy:reverse () end +---* param time In seconds. +---@param time float +---@return self +function TintBy:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function TintBy:TintBy () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TintTo.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TintTo.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..904217839 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TintTo.lua @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TintTo :cc.ActionInterval +local TintTo={ } +cc.TintTo=TintTo + + + + +---* initializes the action with duration and color +---@param duration float +---@param red unsigned_char +---@param green unsigned_char +---@param blue unsigned_char +---@return boolean +function TintTo:initWithDuration (duration,red,green,blue) end +---@overload fun(float:float,unsigned_char1:color3b_table):self +---@overload fun(float:float,unsigned_char:unsigned_char,unsigned_char:unsigned_char,unsigned_char:unsigned_char):self +---@param duration float +---@param red unsigned_char +---@param green unsigned_char +---@param blue unsigned_char +---@return self +function TintTo:create (duration,red,green,blue) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function TintTo:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function TintTo:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function TintTo:reverse () end +---* param time In seconds. +---@param time float +---@return self +function TintTo:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function TintTo:TintTo () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ToggleVisibility.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ToggleVisibility.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..905a91d0c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/ToggleVisibility.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.ToggleVisibility :cc.ActionInstant +local ToggleVisibility={ } +cc.ToggleVisibility=ToggleVisibility + + + + +---* Allocates and initializes the action.
+---* return An autoreleased ToggleVisibility object. +---@return self +function ToggleVisibility:create () end +---* +---@return self +function ToggleVisibility:clone () end +---* param time In seconds. +---@param time float +---@return self +function ToggleVisibility:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function ToggleVisibility:reverse () end +---* +---@return self +function ToggleVisibility:ToggleVisibility () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Touch.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Touch.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a862efbfe --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Touch.lua @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Touch :cc.Ref +local Touch={ } +cc.Touch=Touch + + + + +---* Returns the previous touch location in screen coordinates.
+---* return The previous touch location in screen coordinates. +---@return vec2_table +function Touch:getPreviousLocationInView () end +---* Returns the current touch location in OpenGL coordinates.
+---* return The current touch location in OpenGL coordinates. +---@return vec2_table +function Touch:getLocation () end +---* Returns the delta of 2 current touches locations in screen coordinates.
+---* return The delta of 2 current touches locations in screen coordinates. +---@return vec2_table +function Touch:getDelta () end +---* Returns the start touch location in screen coordinates.
+---* return The start touch location in screen coordinates. +---@return vec2_table +function Touch:getStartLocationInView () end +---* Returns the current touch force for 3d touch.
+---* return The current touch force for 3d touch. +---@return float +function Touch:getCurrentForce () end +---* Returns the start touch location in OpenGL coordinates.
+---* return The start touch location in OpenGL coordinates. +---@return vec2_table +function Touch:getStartLocation () end +---* Get touch id.
+---* js getId
+---* lua getId
+---* return The id of touch. +---@return int +function Touch:getID () end +---@overload fun(int:int,float:float,float:float,float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(int:int,float:float,float:float):self +---@param id int +---@param x float +---@param y float +---@param force float +---@param maxForce float +---@return self +function Touch:setTouchInfo (id,x,y,force,maxForce) end +---* Returns the maximum touch force for 3d touch.
+---* return The maximum touch force for 3d touch. +---@return float +function Touch:getMaxForce () end +---* Returns the current touch location in screen coordinates.
+---* return The current touch location in screen coordinates. +---@return vec2_table +function Touch:getLocationInView () end +---* Returns the previous touch location in OpenGL coordinates.
+---* return The previous touch location in OpenGL coordinates. +---@return vec2_table +function Touch:getPreviousLocation () end +---* Constructor.
+---* js ctor +---@return self +function Touch:Touch () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionCrossFade.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionCrossFade.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2015fda89 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionCrossFade.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionCrossFade :cc.TransitionScene +local TransitionCrossFade={ } +cc.TransitionCrossFade=TransitionCrossFade + + + + +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return A autoreleased TransitionCrossFade object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionCrossFade:create (t,scene) end +---* lua NA +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function TransitionCrossFade:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionCrossFade:TransitionCrossFade () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionEaseScene.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionEaseScene.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f4bdb723 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionEaseScene.lua @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionEaseScene +local TransitionEaseScene={ } +cc.TransitionEaseScene=TransitionEaseScene + + + + +---* Returns the Ease action that will be performed on a linear action.
+---* since v0.8.2
+---* param action A given interval action.
+---* return The Ease action that will be performed on a linear action. +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function TransitionEaseScene:easeActionWithAction (action) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFade.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFade.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..20ed7ed1b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFade.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionFade :cc.TransitionScene +local TransitionFade={ } +cc.TransitionFade=TransitionFade + + + + +---@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene):self +---@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene,color3b_table:color3b_table):self +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@param color color3b_table +---@return boolean +function TransitionFade:initWithDuration (t,scene,color) end +---@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene):self +---@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene,color3b_table:color3b_table):self +---@param duration float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@param color color3b_table +---@return self +function TransitionFade:create (duration,scene,color) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionFade:TransitionFade () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeBL.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeBL.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c92a31164 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeBL.lua @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionFadeBL :cc.TransitionFadeTR +local TransitionFadeBL={ } +cc.TransitionFadeBL=TransitionFadeBL + + + + +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return A autoreleased TransitionFadeBL object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionFadeBL:create (t,scene) end +---* +---@param size size_table +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function TransitionFadeBL:actionWithSize (size) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionFadeBL:TransitionFadeBL () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeDown.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeDown.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..169094322 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeDown.lua @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionFadeDown :cc.TransitionFadeTR +local TransitionFadeDown={ } +cc.TransitionFadeDown=TransitionFadeDown + + + + +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return A autoreleased TransitionFadeDown object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionFadeDown:create (t,scene) end +---* +---@param size size_table +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function TransitionFadeDown:actionWithSize (size) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionFadeDown:TransitionFadeDown () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeTR.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeTR.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..82ec16fb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeTR.lua @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionFadeTR :cc.TransitionScene@all parent class: TransitionScene,TransitionEaseScene +local TransitionFadeTR={ } +cc.TransitionFadeTR=TransitionFadeTR + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function TransitionFadeTR:easeActionWithAction (action) end +---* Returns the action that will be performed with size.
+---* param size A given size.
+---* return The action that will be performed. +---@param size size_table +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function TransitionFadeTR:actionWithSize (size) end +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return A autoreleased TransitionFadeTR object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionFadeTR:create (t,scene) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function TransitionFadeTR:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionFadeTR:TransitionFadeTR () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeUp.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeUp.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d0e59d42f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFadeUp.lua @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionFadeUp :cc.TransitionFadeTR +local TransitionFadeUp={ } +cc.TransitionFadeUp=TransitionFadeUp + + + + +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return A autoreleased TransitionFadeUp object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionFadeUp:create (t,scene) end +---* +---@param size size_table +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function TransitionFadeUp:actionWithSize (size) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionFadeUp:TransitionFadeUp () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFlipAngular.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFlipAngular.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2b684e54d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFlipAngular.lua @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionFlipAngular :cc.TransitionSceneOriented +local TransitionFlipAngular={ } +cc.TransitionFlipAngular=TransitionFlipAngular + + + + +---@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene):self +---@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene,int:int):self +---@param t float +---@param s cc.Scene +---@param o int +---@return self +function TransitionFlipAngular:create (t,s,o) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionFlipAngular:TransitionFlipAngular () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFlipX.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFlipX.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..17b84c981 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFlipX.lua @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionFlipX :cc.TransitionSceneOriented +local TransitionFlipX={ } +cc.TransitionFlipX=TransitionFlipX + + + + +---@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene):self +---@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene,int:int):self +---@param t float +---@param s cc.Scene +---@param o int +---@return self +function TransitionFlipX:create (t,s,o) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionFlipX:TransitionFlipX () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFlipY.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFlipY.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0594172d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionFlipY.lua @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionFlipY :cc.TransitionSceneOriented +local TransitionFlipY={ } +cc.TransitionFlipY=TransitionFlipY + + + + +---@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene):self +---@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene,int:int):self +---@param t float +---@param s cc.Scene +---@param o int +---@return self +function TransitionFlipY:create (t,s,o) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionFlipY:TransitionFlipY () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionJumpZoom.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionJumpZoom.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bbce19bdc --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionJumpZoom.lua @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionJumpZoom :cc.TransitionScene +local TransitionJumpZoom={ } +cc.TransitionJumpZoom=TransitionJumpZoom + + + + +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return A autoreleased TransitionJumpZoom object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionJumpZoom:create (t,scene) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionJumpZoom:TransitionJumpZoom () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInB.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInB.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8b99a21bf --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInB.lua @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionMoveInB :cc.TransitionMoveInL +local TransitionMoveInB={ } +cc.TransitionMoveInB=TransitionMoveInB + + + + +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return A autoreleased TransitionMoveInB object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionMoveInB:create (t,scene) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionMoveInB:TransitionMoveInB () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInL.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInL.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7c84908fd --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInL.lua @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionMoveInL :cc.TransitionScene@all parent class: TransitionScene,TransitionEaseScene +local TransitionMoveInL={ } +cc.TransitionMoveInL=TransitionMoveInL + + + + +---* Returns the action that will be performed.
+---* return The action that will be performed. +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function TransitionMoveInL:action () end +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function TransitionMoveInL:easeActionWithAction (action) end +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return A autoreleased TransitionMoveInL object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionMoveInL:create (t,scene) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionMoveInL:TransitionMoveInL () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInR.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInR.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..88a5dc8bf --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInR.lua @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionMoveInR :cc.TransitionMoveInL +local TransitionMoveInR={ } +cc.TransitionMoveInR=TransitionMoveInR + + + + +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return A autoreleased TransitionMoveInR object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionMoveInR:create (t,scene) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionMoveInR:TransitionMoveInR () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInT.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInT.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b6ecc1833 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionMoveInT.lua @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionMoveInT :cc.TransitionMoveInL +local TransitionMoveInT={ } +cc.TransitionMoveInT=TransitionMoveInT + + + + +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return A autoreleased TransitionMoveInT object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionMoveInT:create (t,scene) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionMoveInT:TransitionMoveInT () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionPageTurn.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionPageTurn.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fe75e9623 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionPageTurn.lua @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionPageTurn :cc.TransitionScene +local TransitionPageTurn={ } +cc.TransitionPageTurn=TransitionPageTurn + + + + +---* Returns the action that will be performed with size.
+---* param vector A given size.
+---* return The action that will be performed. +---@param vector size_table +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function TransitionPageTurn:actionWithSize (vector) end +---* Creates a base transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* If back is true then the effect is reversed to appear as if the incoming
+---* scene is being turned from left over the outgoing scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* param backwards If back is true then the effect is reversed to appear as if the incoming scene is being turned from left over the outgoing scene.
+---* return True if initialize success. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@param backwards boolean +---@return boolean +function TransitionPageTurn:initWithDuration (t,scene,backwards) end +---* Creates a base transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* If back is true then the effect is reversed to appear as if the incoming
+---* scene is being turned from left over the outgoing scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* param backwards If back is true then the effect is reversed to appear as if the incoming scene is being turned from left over the outgoing scene.
+---* return An autoreleased TransitionPageTurn object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@param backwards boolean +---@return self +function TransitionPageTurn:create (t,scene,backwards) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function TransitionPageTurn:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function TransitionPageTurn:TransitionPageTurn () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgress.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgress.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0e7883733 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgress.lua @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionProgress :cc.TransitionScene +local TransitionProgress={ } +cc.TransitionProgress=TransitionProgress + + + + +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return An autoreleased TransitionProgress object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionProgress:create (t,scene) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionProgress:TransitionProgress () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressHorizontal.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressHorizontal.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4da6689d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressHorizontal.lua @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionProgressHorizontal :cc.TransitionProgress +local TransitionProgressHorizontal={ } +cc.TransitionProgressHorizontal=TransitionProgressHorizontal + + + + +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return An autoreleased TransitionProgressHorizontal object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionProgressHorizontal:create (t,scene) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function TransitionProgressHorizontal:TransitionProgressHorizontal () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressInOut.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressInOut.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..07190fc4d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressInOut.lua @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionProgressInOut :cc.TransitionProgress +local TransitionProgressInOut={ } +cc.TransitionProgressInOut=TransitionProgressInOut + + + + +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return An autoreleased TransitionProgressInOut object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionProgressInOut:create (t,scene) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function TransitionProgressInOut:TransitionProgressInOut () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressOutIn.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressOutIn.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c3eec85c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressOutIn.lua @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionProgressOutIn :cc.TransitionProgress +local TransitionProgressOutIn={ } +cc.TransitionProgressOutIn=TransitionProgressOutIn + + + + +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return An autoreleased TransitionProgressOutIn object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionProgressOutIn:create (t,scene) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function TransitionProgressOutIn:TransitionProgressOutIn () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressRadialCCW.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressRadialCCW.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..660457074 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressRadialCCW.lua @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionProgressRadialCCW :cc.TransitionProgress +local TransitionProgressRadialCCW={ } +cc.TransitionProgressRadialCCW=TransitionProgressRadialCCW + + + + +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return An autoreleased TransitionProgressRadialCCW object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionProgressRadialCCW:create (t,scene) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function TransitionProgressRadialCCW:TransitionProgressRadialCCW () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressRadialCW.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressRadialCW.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ce6682e73 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressRadialCW.lua @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionProgressRadialCW :cc.TransitionProgress +local TransitionProgressRadialCW={ } +cc.TransitionProgressRadialCW=TransitionProgressRadialCW + + + + +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return An autoreleased TransitionProgressRadialCW object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionProgressRadialCW:create (t,scene) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function TransitionProgressRadialCW:TransitionProgressRadialCW () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressVertical.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressVertical.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4bdf31dc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionProgressVertical.lua @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionProgressVertical :cc.TransitionProgress +local TransitionProgressVertical={ } +cc.TransitionProgressVertical=TransitionProgressVertical + + + + +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return An autoreleased TransitionProgressVertical object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionProgressVertical:create (t,scene) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function TransitionProgressVertical:TransitionProgressVertical () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionRotoZoom.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionRotoZoom.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4c94d87fd --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionRotoZoom.lua @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionRotoZoom :cc.TransitionScene +local TransitionRotoZoom={ } +cc.TransitionRotoZoom=TransitionRotoZoom + + + + +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return A autoreleased TransitionRotoZoom object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionRotoZoom:create (t,scene) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionRotoZoom:TransitionRotoZoom () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionScene.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionScene.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..110aec3d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionScene.lua @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionScene :cc.Scene +local TransitionScene={ } +cc.TransitionScene=TransitionScene + + + + +---* +---@return cc.Scene +function TransitionScene:getInScene () end +---* Called after the transition finishes. +---@return self +function TransitionScene:finish () end +---* initializes a transition with duration and incoming scene +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return boolean +function TransitionScene:initWithDuration (t,scene) end +---* +---@return float +function TransitionScene:getDuration () end +---* Used by some transitions to hide the outer scene. +---@return self +function TransitionScene:hideOutShowIn () end +---* Creates a base transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return A autoreleased TransitionScene object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionScene:create (t,scene) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function TransitionScene:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionScene:cleanup () end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionScene:TransitionScene () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSceneOriented.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSceneOriented.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..903a6a52f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSceneOriented.lua @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionSceneOriented :cc.TransitionScene +local TransitionSceneOriented={ } +cc.TransitionSceneOriented=TransitionSceneOriented + + + + +---* initializes a transition with duration and incoming scene +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@param orientation int +---@return boolean +function TransitionSceneOriented:initWithDuration (t,scene,orientation) end +---* Creates a transition with duration, incoming scene and orientation.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* param orientation A given orientation: LeftOver, RightOver, UpOver, DownOver.
+---* return A autoreleased TransitionSceneOriented object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@param orientation int +---@return self +function TransitionSceneOriented:create (t,scene,orientation) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionSceneOriented:TransitionSceneOriented () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionShrinkGrow.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionShrinkGrow.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..551069582 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionShrinkGrow.lua @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionShrinkGrow :cc.TransitionScene@all parent class: TransitionScene,TransitionEaseScene +local TransitionShrinkGrow={ } +cc.TransitionShrinkGrow=TransitionShrinkGrow + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function TransitionShrinkGrow:easeActionWithAction (action) end +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return A autoreleased TransitionShrinkGrow object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionShrinkGrow:create (t,scene) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionShrinkGrow:TransitionShrinkGrow () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInB.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInB.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4179b479f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInB.lua @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionSlideInB :cc.TransitionSlideInL +local TransitionSlideInB={ } +cc.TransitionSlideInB=TransitionSlideInB + + + + +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return A autoreleased TransitionSlideInB object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionSlideInB:create (t,scene) end +---* returns the action that will be performed by the incoming and outgoing scene +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function TransitionSlideInB:action () end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionSlideInB:TransitionSlideInB () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInL.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInL.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..49af57b34 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInL.lua @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionSlideInL :cc.TransitionScene@all parent class: TransitionScene,TransitionEaseScene +local TransitionSlideInL={ } +cc.TransitionSlideInL=TransitionSlideInL + + + + +---* Returns the action that will be performed by the incoming and outgoing scene.
+---* return The action that will be performed by the incoming and outgoing scene. +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function TransitionSlideInL:action () end +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function TransitionSlideInL:easeActionWithAction (action) end +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return A autoreleased TransitionSlideInL object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionSlideInL:create (t,scene) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionSlideInL:TransitionSlideInL () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInR.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInR.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5b21e0a77 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInR.lua @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionSlideInR :cc.TransitionSlideInL +local TransitionSlideInR={ } +cc.TransitionSlideInR=TransitionSlideInR + + + + +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return A autoreleased TransitionSlideInR object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionSlideInR:create (t,scene) end +---* Returns the action that will be performed by the incoming and outgoing scene. +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function TransitionSlideInR:action () end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionSlideInR:TransitionSlideInR () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInT.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInT.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d5b1f7738 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSlideInT.lua @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionSlideInT :cc.TransitionSlideInL +local TransitionSlideInT={ } +cc.TransitionSlideInT=TransitionSlideInT + + + + +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return A autoreleased TransitionSlideInT object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionSlideInT:create (t,scene) end +---* returns the action that will be performed by the incoming and outgoing scene +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function TransitionSlideInT:action () end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionSlideInT:TransitionSlideInT () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSplitCols.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSplitCols.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..73dd67594 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSplitCols.lua @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionSplitCols :cc.TransitionScene@all parent class: TransitionScene,TransitionEaseScene +local TransitionSplitCols={ } +cc.TransitionSplitCols=TransitionSplitCols + + + + +---* Returns the action that will be performed.
+---* return The action that will be performed. +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function TransitionSplitCols:action () end +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function TransitionSplitCols:easeActionWithAction (action) end +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return A autoreleased TransitionSplitCols object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionSplitCols:create (t,scene) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function TransitionSplitCols:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionSplitCols:TransitionSplitCols () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSplitRows.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSplitRows.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7d2fd42e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionSplitRows.lua @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionSplitRows :cc.TransitionSplitCols +local TransitionSplitRows={ } +cc.TransitionSplitRows=TransitionSplitRows + + + + +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return A autoreleased TransitionSplitRows object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionSplitRows:create (t,scene) end +---* +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function TransitionSplitRows:action () end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionSplitRows:TransitionSplitRows () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionTurnOffTiles.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionTurnOffTiles.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f0a18701d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionTurnOffTiles.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionTurnOffTiles :cc.TransitionScene@all parent class: TransitionScene,TransitionEaseScene +local TransitionTurnOffTiles={ } +cc.TransitionTurnOffTiles=TransitionTurnOffTiles + + + + +---* +---@param action cc.ActionInterval +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function TransitionTurnOffTiles:easeActionWithAction (action) end +---* Creates a transition with duration and incoming scene.
+---* param t Duration time, in seconds.
+---* param scene A given scene.
+---* return A autoreleased TransitionTurnOffTiles object. +---@param t float +---@param scene cc.Scene +---@return self +function TransitionTurnOffTiles:create (t,scene) end +---* js NA +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function TransitionTurnOffTiles:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionTurnOffTiles:TransitionTurnOffTiles () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionZoomFlipAngular.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionZoomFlipAngular.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..18240a6ca --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionZoomFlipAngular.lua @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionZoomFlipAngular :cc.TransitionSceneOriented +local TransitionZoomFlipAngular={ } +cc.TransitionZoomFlipAngular=TransitionZoomFlipAngular + + + + +---@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene):self +---@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene,int:int):self +---@param t float +---@param s cc.Scene +---@param o int +---@return self +function TransitionZoomFlipAngular:create (t,s,o) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionZoomFlipAngular:TransitionZoomFlipAngular () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionZoomFlipX.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionZoomFlipX.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..21618e934 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionZoomFlipX.lua @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionZoomFlipX :cc.TransitionSceneOriented +local TransitionZoomFlipX={ } +cc.TransitionZoomFlipX=TransitionZoomFlipX + + + + +---@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene):self +---@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene,int:int):self +---@param t float +---@param s cc.Scene +---@param o int +---@return self +function TransitionZoomFlipX:create (t,s,o) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionZoomFlipX:TransitionZoomFlipX () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionZoomFlipY.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionZoomFlipY.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0371ccf60 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TransitionZoomFlipY.lua @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TransitionZoomFlipY :cc.TransitionSceneOriented +local TransitionZoomFlipY={ } +cc.TransitionZoomFlipY=TransitionZoomFlipY + + + + +---@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene):self +---@overload fun(float:float,cc.Scene:cc.Scene,int:int):self +---@param t float +---@param s cc.Scene +---@param o int +---@return self +function TransitionZoomFlipY:create (t,s,o) end +---* +---@return self +function TransitionZoomFlipY:TransitionZoomFlipY () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TurnOffTiles.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TurnOffTiles.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..41bb79e28 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/TurnOffTiles.lua @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.TurnOffTiles :cc.TiledGrid3DAction +local TurnOffTiles={ } +cc.TurnOffTiles=TurnOffTiles + + + + +---* brief Show the tile at specified position.
+---* param pos The position index of the tile should be shown. +---@param pos vec2_table +---@return self +function TurnOffTiles:turnOnTile (pos) end +---* brief Hide the tile at specified position.
+---* param pos The position index of the tile should be hide. +---@param pos vec2_table +---@return self +function TurnOffTiles:turnOffTile (pos) end +---* brief Initializes the action with grid size, random seed and duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the TurnOffTiles action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param seed Specify the random seed.
+---* return If the Initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param seed unsigned_int +---@return boolean +function TurnOffTiles:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,seed) end +---@overload fun(float:float,size_table:size_table,unsigned_int:unsigned_int):self +---@overload fun(float:float,size_table:size_table):self +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param seed unsigned_int +---@return self +function TurnOffTiles:create (duration,gridSize,seed) end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function TurnOffTiles:startWithTarget (target) end +---* +---@return self +function TurnOffTiles:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function TurnOffTiles:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function TurnOffTiles:TurnOffTiles () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Twirl.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Twirl.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cf839c24c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Twirl.lua @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Twirl :cc.Grid3DAction +local Twirl={ } +cc.Twirl=Twirl + + + + +---* brief Set the amplitude rate of the effect.
+---* param amplitudeRate The value of amplitude rate will be set. +---@param amplitudeRate float +---@return self +function Twirl:setAmplitudeRate (amplitudeRate) end +---* brief Initializes the action with center position, number of twirls, amplitude, a grid size and duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the Twirl action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param position Specify the center position of the twirl action.
+---* param twirls Specify the twirls count of the Twirl action.
+---* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Twirl action.
+---* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param position vec2_table +---@param twirls unsigned_int +---@param amplitude float +---@return boolean +function Twirl:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,position,twirls,amplitude) end +---* brief Get the amplitude rate of the effect.
+---* return Return the amplitude rate of the effect. +---@return float +function Twirl:getAmplitudeRate () end +---* brief Set the amplitude to the effect.
+---* param amplitude The value of amplitude will be set. +---@param amplitude float +---@return self +function Twirl:setAmplitude (amplitude) end +---* brief Get the amplitude of the effect.
+---* return Return the amplitude of the effect. +---@return float +function Twirl:getAmplitude () end +---* brief Set the center position of twirl action.
+---* param position The center position of twirl action will be set. +---@param position vec2_table +---@return self +function Twirl:setPosition (position) end +---* brief Get the center position of twirl action.
+---* return The center position of twirl action. +---@return vec2_table +function Twirl:getPosition () end +---* brief Create the action with center position, number of twirls, amplitude, a grid size and duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the Twirl action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param position Specify the center position of the twirl action.
+---* param twirls Specify the twirls count of the Twirl action.
+---* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Twirl action.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of Twirl action; otherwise, return nil. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param position vec2_table +---@param twirls unsigned_int +---@param amplitude float +---@return self +function Twirl:create (duration,gridSize,position,twirls,amplitude) end +---* +---@return self +function Twirl:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function Twirl:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function Twirl:Twirl () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/UserDefault.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/UserDefault.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..407787190 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/UserDefault.lua @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.UserDefault +local UserDefault={ } +cc.UserDefault=UserDefault + + + + +---* Set integer value by key.
+---* param key The key to set.
+---* param value A integer value to set to the key.
+---* js NA +---@param key char +---@param value int +---@return self +function UserDefault:setIntegerForKey (key,value) end +---* delete any value by key,
+---* param key The key to delete value.
+---* js NA +---@param key char +---@return self +function UserDefault:deleteValueForKey (key) end +---@overload fun(char:char,float:float):self +---@overload fun(char:char):self +---@param key char +---@param defaultValue float +---@return float +function UserDefault:getFloatForKey (key,defaultValue) end +---@overload fun(char:char,boolean:boolean):self +---@overload fun(char:char):self +---@param key char +---@param defaultValue boolean +---@return boolean +function UserDefault:getBoolForKey (key,defaultValue) end +---* Set double value by key.
+---* param key The key to set.
+---* param value A double value to set to the key.
+---* js NA +---@param key char +---@param value double +---@return self +function UserDefault:setDoubleForKey (key,value) end +---* Set float value by key.
+---* param key The key to set.
+---* param value A float value to set to the key.
+---* js NA +---@param key char +---@param value float +---@return self +function UserDefault:setFloatForKey (key,value) end +---@overload fun(char:char,string:string):self +---@overload fun(char:char):self +---@param key char +---@param defaultValue string +---@return string +function UserDefault:getStringForKey (key,defaultValue) end +---* Set string value by key.
+---* param key The key to set.
+---* param value A string value to set to the key.
+---* js NA +---@param key char +---@param value string +---@return self +function UserDefault:setStringForKey (key,value) end +---* You should invoke this function to save values set by setXXXForKey().
+---* js NA +---@return self +function UserDefault:flush () end +---@overload fun(char:char,int:int):self +---@overload fun(char:char):self +---@param key char +---@param defaultValue int +---@return int +function UserDefault:getIntegerForKey (key,defaultValue) end +---@overload fun(char:char,double:double):self +---@overload fun(char:char):self +---@param key char +---@param defaultValue double +---@return double +function UserDefault:getDoubleForKey (key,defaultValue) end +---* Set bool value by key.
+---* param key The key to set.
+---* param value A bool value to set to the key.
+---* js NA +---@param key char +---@param value boolean +---@return self +function UserDefault:setBoolForKey (key,value) end +---* js NA +---@return self +function UserDefault:destroyInstance () end +---* All supported platforms other iOS & Android use xml file to save values. This function is return the file path of the xml path.
+---* js NA +---@return string +function UserDefault:getXMLFilePath () end +---* All supported platforms other iOS & Android use xml file to save values. This function checks whether the xml file exists or not.
+---* return True if the xml file exists, false if not.
+---* js NA +---@return boolean +function UserDefault:isXMLFileExist () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Waves.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Waves.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..725bd16d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Waves.lua @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Waves :cc.Grid3DAction +local Waves={ } +cc.Waves=Waves + + + + +---* brief Set the amplitude rate of the effect.
+---* param amplitudeRate The value of amplitude rate will be set. +---@param amplitudeRate float +---@return self +function Waves:setAmplitudeRate (amplitudeRate) end +---* brief Initializes the action with amplitude, horizontal sin, vertical sin, grid size, waves count and duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the Waves action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param waves Specify the waves count of the Waves action.
+---* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Waves action.
+---* param horizontal Specify whether waves on horizontal.
+---* param vertical Specify whether waves on vertical.
+---* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param waves unsigned_int +---@param amplitude float +---@param horizontal boolean +---@param vertical boolean +---@return boolean +function Waves:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,waves,amplitude,horizontal,vertical) end +---* brief Get the amplitude of the effect.
+---* return Return the amplitude of the effect. +---@return float +function Waves:getAmplitude () end +---* brief Get the amplitude rate of the effect.
+---* return Return the amplitude rate of the effect. +---@return float +function Waves:getAmplitudeRate () end +---* brief Set the amplitude to the effect.
+---* param amplitude The value of amplitude will be set. +---@param amplitude float +---@return self +function Waves:setAmplitude (amplitude) end +---* brief Create the action with amplitude, horizontal sin, vertical sin, grid size, waves count and duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the Waves action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param waves Specify the waves count of the Waves action.
+---* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Waves action.
+---* param horizontal Specify whether waves on horizontal.
+---* param vertical Specify whether waves on vertical.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of Waves action; otherwise, return nil. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param waves unsigned_int +---@param amplitude float +---@param horizontal boolean +---@param vertical boolean +---@return self +function Waves:create (duration,gridSize,waves,amplitude,horizontal,vertical) end +---* +---@return self +function Waves:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function Waves:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function Waves:Waves () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Waves3D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Waves3D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..918acfe4d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/Waves3D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.Waves3D :cc.Grid3DAction +local Waves3D={ } +cc.Waves3D=Waves3D + + + + +---* brief Set the amplitude rate of the effect.
+---* param amplitudeRate The value of amplitude rate will be set. +---@param amplitudeRate float +---@return self +function Waves3D:setAmplitudeRate (amplitudeRate) end +---* brief Initializes an action with duration, grid size, waves and amplitude.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the Waves3D action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param waves Specify the waves count of the Waves3D action.
+---* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Waves3D action.
+---* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param waves unsigned_int +---@param amplitude float +---@return boolean +function Waves3D:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,waves,amplitude) end +---* brief Get the amplitude of the effect.
+---* return Return the amplitude of the effect. +---@return float +function Waves3D:getAmplitude () end +---* brief Get the amplitude rate of the effect.
+---* return Return the amplitude rate of the effect. +---@return float +function Waves3D:getAmplitudeRate () end +---* brief Set the amplitude to the effect.
+---* param amplitude The value of amplitude will be set. +---@param amplitude float +---@return self +function Waves3D:setAmplitude (amplitude) end +---* brief Create an action with duration, grid size, waves and amplitude.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the Waves3D action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param waves Specify the waves count of the Waves3D action.
+---* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the Waves3D action.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of Waves3D action; otherwise, return nil. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param waves unsigned_int +---@param amplitude float +---@return self +function Waves3D:create (duration,gridSize,waves,amplitude) end +---* +---@return self +function Waves3D:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function Waves3D:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function Waves3D:Waves3D () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/WavesTiles3D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/WavesTiles3D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4b404e0b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/cc/WavesTiles3D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +---@meta + +---@class cc.WavesTiles3D :cc.TiledGrid3DAction +local WavesTiles3D={ } +cc.WavesTiles3D=WavesTiles3D + + + + +---* brief Set the amplitude rate of the effect.
+---* param amplitudeRate The value of amplitude rate will be set. +---@param amplitudeRate float +---@return self +function WavesTiles3D:setAmplitudeRate (amplitudeRate) end +---* brief Initializes an action with duration, grid size, waves count and amplitude.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the WavesTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param waves Specify the waves count of the WavesTiles3D action.
+---* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the WavesTiles3D action.
+---* return If the initialization success, return true; otherwise, return false. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param waves unsigned_int +---@param amplitude float +---@return boolean +function WavesTiles3D:initWithDuration (duration,gridSize,waves,amplitude) end +---* brief Get the amplitude of the effect.
+---* return Return the amplitude of the effect. +---@return float +function WavesTiles3D:getAmplitude () end +---* brief Get the amplitude rate of the effect.
+---* return Return the amplitude rate of the effect. +---@return float +function WavesTiles3D:getAmplitudeRate () end +---* brief Set the amplitude to the effect.
+---* param amplitude The value of amplitude will be set. +---@param amplitude float +---@return self +function WavesTiles3D:setAmplitude (amplitude) end +---* brief Create the action with a number of waves, the waves amplitude, the grid size and the duration.
+---* param duration Specify the duration of the WavesTiles3D action. It's a value in seconds.
+---* param gridSize Specify the size of the grid.
+---* param waves Specify the waves count of the WavesTiles3D action.
+---* param amplitude Specify the amplitude of the WavesTiles3D action.
+---* return If the creation success, return a pointer of WavesTiles3D action; otherwise, return nil. +---@param duration float +---@param gridSize size_table +---@param waves unsigned_int +---@param amplitude float +---@return self +function WavesTiles3D:create (duration,gridSize,waves,amplitude) end +---* +---@return self +function WavesTiles3D:clone () end +---* +---@param time float +---@return self +function WavesTiles3D:update (time) end +---* +---@return self +function WavesTiles3D:WavesTiles3D () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccb/Program.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccb/Program.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..01759b99a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccb/Program.lua @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccb.Program :cc.Ref +local Program={ } +ccb.Program=Program + + + + +---* Get maximum vertex location.
+---* return Maximum vertex locaiton. +---@return int +function Program:getMaxVertexLocation () end +---* Get maximum fragment location.
+---* return Maximum fragment location. +---@return int +function Program:getMaxFragmentLocation () end +---* Get fragment shader.
+---* Fragment shader. +---@return string +function Program:getFragmentShader () end +---* Get uniform buffer size in bytes that can hold all the uniforms.
+---* param stage Specifies the shader stage. The symbolic constant can be either VERTEX or FRAGMENT.
+---* return The uniform buffer size in bytes. +---@param stage int +---@return unsigned_int +function Program:getUniformBufferSize (stage) end +---@overload fun(string0:int):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param uniform string +---@return cc.backend.UniformLocation +function Program:getUniformLocation (uniform) end +---* Get engine built-in program type.
+---* return The built-in program type. +---@return int +function Program:getProgramType () end +---* Get active vertex attributes.
+---* return Active vertex attributes. key is active attribute name, Value is corresponding attribute info. +---@return map_table +function Program:getActiveAttributes () end +---@overload fun(string0:int):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param name string +---@return int +function Program:getAttributeLocation (name) end +---* Get vertex shader.
+---* return Vertex shader. +---@return string +function Program:getVertexShader () end +---* Get engine built-in program.
+---* param type Specifies the built-in program type. +---@param type int +---@return cc.backend.Program +function Program:getBuiltinProgram (type) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccb/ProgramState.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccb/ProgramState.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..942a120a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccb/ProgramState.lua @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccb.ProgramState :cc.Ref +local ProgramState={ } +ccb.ProgramState=ProgramState + + + + +---* Set texture.
+---* param uniformLocation Specifies texture location.
+---* param slot Specifies texture slot selector.
+---* param texture Specifies a pointer to backend texture. +---@param uniformLocation cc.backend.UniformLocation +---@param slot unsigned_int +---@param texture cc.backend.TextureBackend +---@return cc.backend.ProgramState +function ProgramState:setTexture (uniformLocation,slot,texture) end +---* Deep clone ProgramState +---@return cc.backend.ProgramState +function ProgramState:clone () end +---* Sets a uniform auto-binding.
+---* This method parses the passed in autoBinding string and attempts to convert it
+---* to an enumeration value. If it matches to one of the predefined strings, it will create a
+---* callback to get the correct value at runtime.
+---* param uniformName The name of the material parameter to store an auto-binding for.
+---* param autoBinding A string matching one of the built-in AutoBinding enum constants. +---@param uniformName string +---@param autoBinding string +---@return cc.backend.ProgramState +function ProgramState:setParameterAutoBinding (uniformName,autoBinding) end +---* Get the program object. +---@return cc.backend.Program +function ProgramState:getProgram () end +---@overload fun(string0:int):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param name string +---@return int +function ProgramState:getAttributeLocation (name) end +---* param program Specifies the program. +---@param program cc.backend.Program +---@return cc.backend.ProgramState +function ProgramState:ProgramState (program) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccb/Texture2DBackend.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccb/Texture2DBackend.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a06988b75 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccb/Texture2DBackend.lua @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccb.Texture2DBackend :ccb.TextureBackend +local Texture2DBackend={ } +ccb.Texture2DBackend=Texture2DBackend + + + + +---* Get texture height.
+---* return Texture height. +---@return unsigned_int +function Texture2DBackend:getHeight () end +---* Get texture width.
+---* return Texture width. +---@return unsigned_int +function Texture2DBackend:getWidth () end +---* Update a two-dimensional texture image
+---* param data Specifies a pointer to the image data in memory.
+---* param width Specifies the width of the texture image.
+---* param height Specifies the height of the texture image.
+---* param level Specifies the level-of-detail number. Level 0 is the base image level. Level n is the nth mipmap reduction image. +---@param data unsigned_char +---@param width unsigned_int +---@param height unsigned_int +---@param level unsigned_int +---@return cc.backend.Texture2DBackend +function Texture2DBackend:updateData (data,width,height,level) end +---* Update a two-dimensional texture image in a compressed format
+---* param data Specifies a pointer to the compressed image data in memory.
+---* param width Specifies the width of the texture image.
+---* param height Specifies the height of the texture image.
+---* param dataLen Specifies the totoal size of compressed image in bytes.
+---* param level Specifies the level-of-detail number. Level 0 is the base image level. Level n is the nth mipmap reduction image. +---@param data unsigned_char +---@param width unsigned_int +---@param height unsigned_int +---@param dataLen unsigned_int +---@param level unsigned_int +---@return cc.backend.Texture2DBackend +function Texture2DBackend:updateCompressedData (data,width,height,dataLen,level) end +---* Update a two-dimensional texture subimage
+---* param xoffset Specifies a texel offset in the x direction within the texture array.
+---* param yoffset Specifies a texel offset in the y direction within the texture array.
+---* param width Specifies the width of the texture subimage.
+---* param height Specifies the height of the texture subimage.
+---* param level Specifies the level-of-detail number. Level 0 is the base image level. Level n is the nth mipmap reduction image.
+---* param data Specifies a pointer to the image data in memory. +---@param xoffset unsigned_int +---@param yoffset unsigned_int +---@param width unsigned_int +---@param height unsigned_int +---@param level unsigned_int +---@param data unsigned_char +---@return cc.backend.Texture2DBackend +function Texture2DBackend:updateSubData (xoffset,yoffset,width,height,level,data) end +---* Update a two-dimensional texture subimage in a compressed format
+---* param xoffset Specifies a texel offset in the x direction within the texture array.
+---* param yoffset Specifies a texel offset in the y direction within the texture array.
+---* param width Specifies the width of the texture subimage.
+---* param height Specifies the height of the texture subimage.
+---* param dataLen Specifies the totoal size of compressed subimage in bytes.
+---* param level Specifies the level-of-detail number. Level 0 is the base image level. Level n is the nth mipmap reduction image.
+---* param data Specifies a pointer to the compressed image data in memory. +---@param xoffset unsigned_int +---@param yoffset unsigned_int +---@param width unsigned_int +---@param height unsigned_int +---@param dataLen unsigned_int +---@param level unsigned_int +---@param data unsigned_char +---@return cc.backend.Texture2DBackend +function Texture2DBackend:updateCompressedSubData (xoffset,yoffset,width,height,dataLen,level,data) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccb/TextureBackend.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccb/TextureBackend.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e880e7cd1 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccb/TextureBackend.lua @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccb.TextureBackend :cc.Ref +local TextureBackend={ } +ccb.TextureBackend=TextureBackend + + + + +---* Get texture format.
+---* return Texture format. +---@return int +function TextureBackend:getTextureFormat () end +---* Get texture type. Symbolic constant value can be either TEXTURE_2D or TEXTURE_CUBE.
+---* return Texture type. +---@return int +function TextureBackend:getTextureType () end +---* Update sampler
+---* param sampler Specifies the sampler descriptor. +---@param sampler cc.backend.SamplerDescriptor +---@return cc.backend.TextureBackend +function TextureBackend:updateSamplerDescriptor (sampler) end +---* Update texture description.
+---* param descriptor Specifies texture and sampler descriptor. +---@param descriptor cc.backend.TextureDescriptor +---@return cc.backend.TextureBackend +function TextureBackend:updateTextureDescriptor (descriptor) end +---* Get texture usage. Symbolic constant can be READ, WRITE or RENDER_TARGET.
+---* return Texture usage. +---@return int +function TextureBackend:getTextureUsage () end +---* Check if mipmap had generated before.
+---* return true if the mipmap has always generated before, otherwise false. +---@return boolean +function TextureBackend:hasMipmaps () end +---* / Generate mipmaps. +---@return cc.backend.TextureBackend +function TextureBackend:generateMipmaps () end +---* Read a block of pixels from the drawable texture
+---* param x,y Specify the window coordinates of the first pixel that is read from the drawable texture. This location is the lower left corner of a rectangular block of pixels.
+---* param width,height Specify the dimensions of the pixel rectangle. width and height of one correspond to a single pixel.
+---* param flipImage Specifies if needs to flip the image.
+---* param callback Specifies a call back function to deal with the image. +---@param x unsigned_int +---@param y unsigned_int +---@param width unsigned_int +---@param height unsigned_int +---@param flipImage boolean +---@param callback function +---@return cc.backend.TextureBackend +function TextureBackend:getBytes (x,y,width,height,flipImage,callback) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccb/TextureCubemapBackend.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccb/TextureCubemapBackend.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ff64c23cd --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccb/TextureCubemapBackend.lua @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccb.TextureCubemapBackend :ccb.TextureBackend +local TextureCubemapBackend={ } +ccb.TextureCubemapBackend=TextureCubemapBackend + + + + +---* Update texutre cube data in give slice side.
+---* param side Specifies which slice texture of cube to be update.
+---* param data Specifies a pointer to the image data in memory. +---@param side int +---@param data void +---@return cc.backend.TextureCubemapBackend +function TextureCubemapBackend:updateFaceData (side,data) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccb/VertexLayout.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccb/VertexLayout.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2c379aa15 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccb/VertexLayout.lua @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccb.VertexLayout +local VertexLayout={ } +ccb.VertexLayout=VertexLayout + + + + +---* Get vertex step function. Default value is VERTEX.
+---* return Vertex step function.
+---* note Used in metal. +---@return int +function VertexLayout:getVertexStepMode () end +---* Check if vertex layout has been set. +---@return boolean +function VertexLayout:isValid () end +---* Set stride of vertices.
+---* param stride Specifies the distance between the data of two vertices, in bytes. +---@param stride unsigned_int +---@return cc.backend.VertexLayout +function VertexLayout:setLayout (stride) end +---* Set attribute values to name.
+---* param name Specifies the attribute name.
+---* param index Specifies the index of the generic vertex attribute to be modified.
+---* param format Specifies how the vertex attribute data is laid out in memory.
+---* param offset Specifies the byte offset to the first component of the first generic vertex attribute.
+---* param needToBeNormallized Specifies whether fixed-point data values should be normalized (true) or converted directly as fixed-point values (false) when they are accessed. +---@param name string +---@param index unsigned_int +---@param format int +---@param offset unsigned_int +---@param needToBeNormallized boolean +---@return cc.backend.VertexLayout +function VertexLayout:setAttribute (name,index,format,offset,needToBeNormallized) end +---* Get the distance between the data of two vertices, in bytes.
+---* return The distance between the data of two vertices, in bytes. +---@return unsigned_int +function VertexLayout:getStride () end +---* +---@return cc.backend.VertexLayout +function VertexLayout:VertexLayout () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionFadeFrame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionFadeFrame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..12934b00a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionFadeFrame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ActionFadeFrame :ccs.ActionFrame +local ActionFadeFrame={ } +ccs.ActionFadeFrame=ActionFadeFrame + + + + +---* Gets the fade action opacity.
+---* return the fade action opacity. +---@return int +function ActionFadeFrame:getOpacity () end +---* Gets the ActionInterval of ActionFrame.
+---* param duration the duration time of ActionFrame
+---* return ActionInterval +---@param duration float +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function ActionFadeFrame:getAction (duration) end +---* Changes the fade action opacity.
+---* param opacity the fade action opacity +---@param opacity int +---@return self +function ActionFadeFrame:setOpacity (opacity) end +---* Default constructor +---@return self +function ActionFadeFrame:ActionFadeFrame () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionFrame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionFrame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1443e9216 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionFrame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ActionFrame :cc.Ref +local ActionFrame={ } +ccs.ActionFrame=ActionFrame + + + + +---@overload fun(float:float,ccs.ActionFrame:ccs.ActionFrame):self +---@overload fun(float:float):self +---@param duration float +---@param srcFrame ccs.ActionFrame +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function ActionFrame:getAction (duration,srcFrame) end +---* Gets the type of action frame
+---* return the type of action frame +---@return int +function ActionFrame:getFrameType () end +---* Changes the time of action frame
+---* param fTime the time of action frame +---@param fTime float +---@return self +function ActionFrame:setFrameTime (fTime) end +---* Changes the easing type.
+---* param easingType the easing type. +---@param easingType int +---@return self +function ActionFrame:setEasingType (easingType) end +---* Gets the time of action frame
+---* return fTime the time of action frame +---@return float +function ActionFrame:getFrameTime () end +---* Gets the index of action frame
+---* return the index of action frame +---@return int +function ActionFrame:getFrameIndex () end +---* Changes the type of action frame
+---* param frameType the type of action frame +---@param frameType int +---@return self +function ActionFrame:setFrameType (frameType) end +---* Changes the index of action frame
+---* param index the index of action frame +---@param index int +---@return self +function ActionFrame:setFrameIndex (index) end +---* Set the ActionInterval easing parameter.
+---* param parameter the parameter for frame ease +---@param parameter array_table +---@return self +function ActionFrame:setEasingParameter (parameter) end +---* Gets the easing type.
+---* return the easing type. +---@return int +function ActionFrame:getEasingType () end +---* Default constructor +---@return self +function ActionFrame:ActionFrame () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionManagerEx.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionManagerEx.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4d33ba4bd --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionManagerEx.lua @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ActionManagerEx :cc.Ref +local ActionManagerEx={ } +ccs.ActionManagerEx=ActionManagerEx + + + + +---* Stop an Action with a name.
+---* param jsonName UI file name
+---* param actionName action name in the UIfile.
+---* return ActionObject which named as the param name +---@param jsonName char +---@param actionName char +---@return ccs.ActionObject +function ActionManagerEx:stopActionByName (jsonName,actionName) end +---* Gets an ActionObject with a name.
+---* param jsonName UI file name
+---* param actionName action name in the UI file.
+---* return ActionObject which named as the param name +---@param jsonName char +---@param actionName char +---@return ccs.ActionObject +function ActionManagerEx:getActionByName (jsonName,actionName) end +---* +---@return int +function ActionManagerEx:getStudioVersionNumber () end +---@overload fun(char:char,char:char,cc.CallFunc:cc.CallFunc):self +---@overload fun(char:char,char:char):self +---@param jsonName char +---@param actionName char +---@param func cc.CallFunc +---@return ccs.ActionObject +function ActionManagerEx:playActionByName (jsonName,actionName,func) end +---* Release all actions. +---@return self +function ActionManagerEx:releaseActions () end +---* Purges ActionManager point.
+---* js purge
+---* lua destroyActionManager +---@return self +function ActionManagerEx:destroyInstance () end +---* Gets the static instance of ActionManager.
+---* js getInstance
+---* lua getInstance +---@return self +function ActionManagerEx:getInstance () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionMoveFrame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionMoveFrame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5deb7bfd9 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionMoveFrame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ActionMoveFrame :ccs.ActionFrame +local ActionMoveFrame={ } +ccs.ActionMoveFrame=ActionMoveFrame + + + + +---* Changes the move action position.
+---* param the move action position. +---@param pos vec2_table +---@return self +function ActionMoveFrame:setPosition (pos) end +---* Gets the ActionInterval of ActionFrame.
+---* param duration the duration time of ActionFrame
+---* return ActionInterval +---@param duration float +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function ActionMoveFrame:getAction (duration) end +---* Gets the move action position.
+---* return the move action position. +---@return vec2_table +function ActionMoveFrame:getPosition () end +---* Default constructor +---@return self +function ActionMoveFrame:ActionMoveFrame () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionObject.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionObject.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b9c73f30d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionObject.lua @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ActionObject :cc.Ref +local ActionObject={ } +ccs.ActionObject=ActionObject + + + + +---* Sets the current time of frame.
+---* param fTime the current time of frame +---@param fTime float +---@return self +function ActionObject:setCurrentTime (fTime) end +---* Pause the action. +---@return self +function ActionObject:pause () end +---* Sets name for object
+---* param name name of object +---@param name char +---@return self +function ActionObject:setName (name) end +---* Sets the time interval of frame.
+---* param fTime the time interval of frame +---@param fTime float +---@return self +function ActionObject:setUnitTime (fTime) end +---* Gets the total time of frame.
+---* return the total time of frame +---@return float +function ActionObject:getTotalTime () end +---* Gets name of object
+---* return name of object +---@return char +function ActionObject:getName () end +---* Stop the action. +---@return self +function ActionObject:stop () end +---@overload fun(cc.CallFunc:cc.CallFunc):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param func cc.CallFunc +---@return self +function ActionObject:play (func) end +---* Gets the current time of frame.
+---* return the current time of frame +---@return float +function ActionObject:getCurrentTime () end +---* Removes a ActionNode which play the action.
+---* param node the ActionNode which play the action +---@param node ccs.ActionNode +---@return self +function ActionObject:removeActionNode (node) end +---* Gets if the action will loop play.
+---* return that if the action will loop play +---@return boolean +function ActionObject:getLoop () end +---* Adds a ActionNode to play the action.
+---* param node the ActionNode which will play the action +---@param node ccs.ActionNode +---@return self +function ActionObject:addActionNode (node) end +---* Gets the time interval of frame.
+---* return the time interval of frame +---@return float +function ActionObject:getUnitTime () end +---* Return if the action is playing.
+---* return true if the action is playing, false the otherwise +---@return boolean +function ActionObject:isPlaying () end +---* +---@param fTime float +---@return self +function ActionObject:updateToFrameByTime (fTime) end +---* Sets if the action will loop play.
+---* param bLoop that if the action will loop play +---@param bLoop boolean +---@return self +function ActionObject:setLoop (bLoop) end +---* +---@param dt float +---@return self +function ActionObject:simulationActionUpdate (dt) end +---* Default constructor +---@return self +function ActionObject:ActionObject () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionRotationFrame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionRotationFrame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..656e27f65 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionRotationFrame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ActionRotationFrame :ccs.ActionFrame +local ActionRotationFrame={ } +ccs.ActionRotationFrame=ActionRotationFrame + + + + +---* Changes rotate action rotation.
+---* param rotation rotate action rotation. +---@param rotation float +---@return self +function ActionRotationFrame:setRotation (rotation) end +---@overload fun(float:float,ccs.ActionFrame:ccs.ActionFrame):cc.ActionInterval +---@overload fun(float:float):cc.ActionInterval +---@param duration float +---@param srcFrame ccs.ActionFrame +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function ActionRotationFrame:getAction (duration,srcFrame) end +---* Gets the rotate action rotation.
+---* return the rotate action rotation. +---@return float +function ActionRotationFrame:getRotation () end +---* Default constructor +---@return self +function ActionRotationFrame:ActionRotationFrame () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionScaleFrame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionScaleFrame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..638e1a779 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionScaleFrame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ActionScaleFrame :ccs.ActionFrame +local ActionScaleFrame={ } +ccs.ActionScaleFrame=ActionScaleFrame + + + + +---* Changes the scale action scaleY.
+---* param rotation the scale action scaleY. +---@param scaleY float +---@return self +function ActionScaleFrame:setScaleY (scaleY) end +---* Changes the scale action scaleX.
+---* param the scale action scaleX. +---@param scaleX float +---@return self +function ActionScaleFrame:setScaleX (scaleX) end +---* Gets the scale action scaleY.
+---* return the scale action scaleY. +---@return float +function ActionScaleFrame:getScaleY () end +---* Gets the scale action scaleX.
+---* return the scale action scaleX. +---@return float +function ActionScaleFrame:getScaleX () end +---* Gets the ActionInterval of ActionFrame.
+---* param duration the duration time of ActionFrame
+---* return ActionInterval +---@param duration float +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function ActionScaleFrame:getAction (duration) end +---* Default constructor +---@return self +function ActionScaleFrame:ActionScaleFrame () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionTimeline.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionTimeline.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..71987d4a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionTimeline.lua @@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ActionTimeline :cc.Action@all parent class: Action,PlayableProtocol +local ActionTimeline={ } +ccs.ActionTimeline=ActionTimeline + + + + +---* +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:clearFrameEndCallFuncs () end +---* add a frame end call back to animation's end frame
+---* param animationName @addFrameEndCallFunc, make the animationName as funcKey
+---* param func the callback function +---@param animationName string +---@param func function +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:setAnimationEndCallFunc (animationName,func) end +---* add Timeline to ActionTimeline +---@param timeline ccs.Timeline +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:addTimeline (timeline) end +---* Get current frame. +---@return int +function ActionTimeline:getCurrentFrame () end +---* Start frame index of this action +---@return int +function ActionTimeline:getStartFrame () end +---* Pause the animation. +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:pause () end +---* / @{/ @name implement Playable Protocol +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:start () end +---* +---@return boolean +function ActionTimeline:init () end +---* +---@param timeline ccs.Timeline +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:removeTimeline (timeline) end +---* +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:clearFrameEventCallFunc () end +---* Last frame callback will call when arriving last frame +---@param listener function +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:setLastFrameCallFunc (listener) end +---* +---@return array_table +function ActionTimeline:getTimelines () end +---* +---@param animationName string +---@param loop boolean +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:play (animationName,loop) end +---* +---@param animationName string +---@return ccs.AnimationInfo +function ActionTimeline:getAnimationInfo (animationName) end +---* Resume the animation. +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:resume () end +---* add a callback function after played frameIndex
+---* param frameIndex the frame index call back after
+---* param funcKey for identity the callback function
+---* param func the callback function +---@param frameIndex int +---@param funcKey string +---@param func function +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:addFrameEndCallFunc (frameIndex,funcKey,func) end +---* +---@param animationName string +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:removeAnimationInfo (animationName) end +---* Get current animation speed. +---@return float +function ActionTimeline:getTimeSpeed () end +---* AnimationInfo +---@param animationInfo ccs.AnimationInfo +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:addAnimationInfo (animationInfo) end +---* +---@return int +function ActionTimeline:getDuration () end +---* Goto the specified frame index, and pause at this index.
+---* param startIndex The animation will pause at this index. +---@param startIndex int +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:gotoFrameAndPause (startIndex) end +---* Whether or not Action is playing. +---@return boolean +function ActionTimeline:isPlaying () end +---* +---@param frameIndex int +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:removeFrameEndCallFuncs (frameIndex) end +---@overload fun(int:int,int1:boolean):self +---@overload fun(int:int):self +---@overload fun(int:int,int:int,int2:boolean):self +---@overload fun(int:int,int:int,int:int,boolean:boolean):self +---@param startIndex int +---@param endIndex int +---@param currentFrameIndex int +---@param loop boolean +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:gotoFrameAndPlay (startIndex,endIndex,currentFrameIndex,loop) end +---* +---@param animationName string +---@return boolean +function ActionTimeline:IsAnimationInfoExists (animationName) end +---* End frame of this action.
+---* When action play to this frame, if action is not loop, then it will stop,
+---* or it will play from start frame again. +---@return int +function ActionTimeline:getEndFrame () end +---* Set the animation speed, this will speed up or slow down the speed. +---@param speed float +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:setTimeSpeed (speed) end +---* +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:clearLastFrameCallFunc () end +---* duration of the whole action +---@param duration int +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:setDuration (duration) end +---* Set current frame index, this will cause action plays to this frame. +---@param frameIndex int +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:setCurrentFrame (frameIndex) end +---* +---@param frameIndex int +---@param funcKey string +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:removeFrameEndCallFunc (frameIndex,funcKey) end +---* +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:create () end +---* +---@param target cc.Node +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:startWithTarget (target) end +---* Returns a reverse of ActionTimeline.
+---* Not implement yet. +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:reverse () end +---* Returns a clone of ActionTimeline +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:stop () end +---* +---@param delta float +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:step (delta) end +---* +---@return boolean +function ActionTimeline:isDone () end +---* +---@return self +function ActionTimeline:ActionTimeline () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionTimelineCache.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionTimelineCache.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..36d0afba8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionTimelineCache.lua @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ActionTimelineCache +local ActionTimelineCache={ } +ccs.ActionTimelineCache=ActionTimelineCache + + + + +---* Clone a action with the specified name from the container. +---@param fileName string +---@return ccs.ActionTimeline +function ActionTimelineCache:createActionFromJson (fileName) end +---* +---@param fileName string +---@return ccs.ActionTimeline +function ActionTimelineCache:createActionWithFlatBuffersFile (fileName) end +---* +---@param fileName string +---@return ccs.ActionTimeline +function ActionTimelineCache:loadAnimationActionWithFlatBuffersFile (fileName) end +---* +---@param fileName string +---@param content string +---@return ccs.ActionTimeline +function ActionTimelineCache:createActionFromContent (fileName,content) end +---* +---@return self +function ActionTimelineCache:purge () end +---* +---@return self +function ActionTimelineCache:init () end +---* +---@param fileName string +---@param content string +---@return ccs.ActionTimeline +function ActionTimelineCache:loadAnimationActionWithContent (fileName,content) end +---* +---@param fileName string +---@return ccs.ActionTimeline +function ActionTimelineCache:loadAnimationActionWithFile (fileName) end +---* Remove action with filename, and also remove other resource relate with this file +---@param fileName string +---@return self +function ActionTimelineCache:removeAction (fileName) end +---* +---@param fileName string +---@return ccs.ActionTimeline +function ActionTimelineCache:createActionWithFlatBuffersForSimulator (fileName) end +---* Destroys the singleton +---@return self +function ActionTimelineCache:destroyInstance () end +---* +---@param fileName string +---@return ccs.ActionTimeline +function ActionTimelineCache:createAction (fileName) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionTimelineData.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionTimelineData.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3cce40a68 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionTimelineData.lua @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ActionTimelineData :cc.Ref +local ActionTimelineData={ } +ccs.ActionTimelineData=ActionTimelineData + + + + +---* +---@param actionTag int +---@return self +function ActionTimelineData:setActionTag (actionTag) end +---* +---@param actionTag int +---@return boolean +function ActionTimelineData:init (actionTag) end +---* +---@return int +function ActionTimelineData:getActionTag () end +---* +---@param actionTag int +---@return self +function ActionTimelineData:create (actionTag) end +---* +---@return self +function ActionTimelineData:ActionTimelineData () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionTimelineNode.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionTimelineNode.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..373e5643c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionTimelineNode.lua @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ActionTimelineNode :cc.Node +local ActionTimelineNode={ } +ccs.ActionTimelineNode=ActionTimelineNode + + + + +---* +---@return cc.Node +function ActionTimelineNode:getRoot () end +---* +---@return ccs.ActionTimeline +function ActionTimelineNode:getActionTimeline () end +---* +---@param action ccs.ActionTimeline +---@return self +function ActionTimelineNode:setActionTimeline (action) end +---* +---@param root cc.Node +---@param action ccs.ActionTimeline +---@return boolean +function ActionTimelineNode:init (root,action) end +---* +---@param root cc.Node +---@return self +function ActionTimelineNode:setRoot (root) end +---* +---@param root cc.Node +---@param action ccs.ActionTimeline +---@return self +function ActionTimelineNode:create (root,action) end +---* +---@return boolean +function ActionTimelineNode:init () end +---* +---@return self +function ActionTimelineNode:ActionTimelineNode () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionTintFrame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionTintFrame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79d083838 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ActionTintFrame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ActionTintFrame :ccs.ActionFrame +local ActionTintFrame={ } +ccs.ActionTintFrame=ActionTintFrame + + + + +---* Gets the tint action color.
+---* return the tint action color. +---@return color3b_table +function ActionTintFrame:getColor () end +---* Gets the ActionInterval of ActionFrame.
+---* param duration the duration time of ActionFrame
+---* return ActionInterval +---@param duration float +---@return cc.ActionInterval +function ActionTintFrame:getAction (duration) end +---* Changes the tint action color.
+---* param ccolor the tint action color +---@param ccolor color3b_table +---@return self +function ActionTintFrame:setColor (ccolor) end +---* Default constructor +---@return self +function ActionTintFrame:ActionTintFrame () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/AlphaFrame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/AlphaFrame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6cea459b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/AlphaFrame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.AlphaFrame :ccs.Frame +local AlphaFrame={ } +ccs.AlphaFrame=AlphaFrame + + + + +---* +---@return unsigned_char +function AlphaFrame:getAlpha () end +---* +---@param alpha unsigned_char +---@return self +function AlphaFrame:setAlpha (alpha) end +---* +---@return self +function AlphaFrame:create () end +---* +---@return ccs.Frame +function AlphaFrame:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function AlphaFrame:AlphaFrame () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/AnchorPointFrame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/AnchorPointFrame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bcda480d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/AnchorPointFrame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.AnchorPointFrame :ccs.Frame +local AnchorPointFrame={ } +ccs.AnchorPointFrame=AnchorPointFrame + + + + +---* +---@param point vec2_table +---@return self +function AnchorPointFrame:setAnchorPoint (point) end +---* +---@return vec2_table +function AnchorPointFrame:getAnchorPoint () end +---* +---@return self +function AnchorPointFrame:create () end +---* +---@return ccs.Frame +function AnchorPointFrame:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function AnchorPointFrame:AnchorPointFrame () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/AnimationData.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/AnimationData.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be213ea8e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/AnimationData.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.AnimationData :cc.Ref +local AnimationData={ } +ccs.AnimationData=AnimationData + + + + +---* +---@param movementName string +---@return ccs.MovementData +function AnimationData:getMovement (movementName) end +---* +---@return int +function AnimationData:getMovementCount () end +---* +---@param movData ccs.MovementData +---@return self +function AnimationData:addMovement (movData) end +---* +---@return self +function AnimationData:create () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function AnimationData:AnimationData () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Armature.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Armature.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c5b6dc1ab --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Armature.lua @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.Armature :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,BlendProtocol +local Armature={ } +ccs.Armature=Armature + + + + +---* Get a bone with the specified name
+---* param name The bone's name you want to get +---@param name string +---@return ccs.Bone +function Armature:getBone (name) end +---* Change a bone's parent with the specified parent name.
+---* param bone The bone you want to change parent
+---* param parentName The new parent's name. +---@param bone ccs.Bone +---@param parentName string +---@return self +function Armature:changeBoneParent (bone,parentName) end +---* +---@param animation ccs.ArmatureAnimation +---@return self +function Armature:setAnimation (animation) end +---* +---@param x float +---@param y float +---@return ccs.Bone +function Armature:getBoneAtPoint (x,y) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Armature:getArmatureTransformDirty () end +---* +---@param version float +---@return self +function Armature:setVersion (version) end +---* Set contentsize and Calculate anchor point. +---@return self +function Armature:updateOffsetPoint () end +---* +---@return ccs.Bone +function Armature:getParentBone () end +---* Remove a bone with the specified name. If recursion it will also remove child Bone recursionly.
+---* param bone The bone you want to remove
+---* param recursion Determine whether remove the bone's child recursion. +---@param bone ccs.Bone +---@param recursion boolean +---@return self +function Armature:removeBone (bone,recursion) end +---* +---@return ccs.BatchNode +function Armature:getBatchNode () end +---@overload fun(string:string,ccs.Bone:ccs.Bone):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param name string +---@param parentBone ccs.Bone +---@return boolean +function Armature:init (name,parentBone) end +---* +---@param parentBone ccs.Bone +---@return self +function Armature:setParentBone (parentBone) end +---* +---@param batchNode ccs.BatchNode +---@return self +function Armature:setBatchNode (batchNode) end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@return cc.BlendFunc +function Armature:getBlendFunc () end +---* +---@param armatureData ccs.ArmatureData +---@return self +function Armature:setArmatureData (armatureData) end +---* Add a Bone to this Armature,
+---* param bone The Bone you want to add to Armature
+---* param parentName The parent Bone's name you want to add to . If it's nullptr, then set Armature to its parent +---@param bone ccs.Bone +---@param parentName string +---@return self +function Armature:addBone (bone,parentName) end +---* +---@return ccs.ArmatureData +function Armature:getArmatureData () end +---* +---@return float +function Armature:getVersion () end +---* +---@return ccs.ArmatureAnimation +function Armature:getAnimation () end +---* +---@return vec2_table +function Armature:getOffsetPoints () end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc +---@return self +function Armature:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end +---* Get Armature's bone dictionary
+---* return Armature's bone dictionary +---@return map_table +function Armature:getBoneDic () end +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun(string:string,ccs.Bone:ccs.Bone):self +---@param name string +---@param parentBone ccs.Bone +---@return self +function Armature:create (name,parentBone) end +---* +---@param point vec2_table +---@return self +function Armature:setAnchorPoint (point) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function Armature:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* +---@return vec2_table +function Armature:getAnchorPointInPoints () end +---* +---@param dt float +---@return self +function Armature:update (dt) end +---* Init the empty armature +---@return boolean +function Armature:init () end +---* +---@return mat4_table +function Armature:getNodeToParentTransform () end +---* This boundingBox will calculate all bones' boundingBox every time +---@return rect_table +function Armature:getBoundingBox () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function Armature:Armature () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureAnimation.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureAnimation.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a27dca216 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureAnimation.lua @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ArmatureAnimation +local ArmatureAnimation={ } +ccs.ArmatureAnimation=ArmatureAnimation + + + + +---* +---@return float +function ArmatureAnimation:getSpeedScale () end +---* Play animation by animation name.
+---* param animationName The animation name you want to play
+---* param durationTo The frames between two animation changing-over.
+---* It's meaning is changing to this animation need how many frames
+---* -1 : use the value from MovementData get from flash design panel
+---* param loop Whether the animation is loop
+---* loop < 0 : use the value from MovementData get from flash design panel
+---* loop = 0 : this animation is not loop
+---* loop > 0 : this animation is loop +---@param animationName string +---@param durationTo int +---@param loop int +---@return self +function ArmatureAnimation:play (animationName,durationTo,loop) end +---* Go to specified frame and pause current movement. +---@param frameIndex int +---@return self +function ArmatureAnimation:gotoAndPause (frameIndex) end +---* +---@param movementIndexes array_table +---@param durationTo int +---@param loop boolean +---@return self +function ArmatureAnimation:playWithIndexes (movementIndexes,durationTo,loop) end +---* +---@param data ccs.AnimationData +---@return self +function ArmatureAnimation:setAnimationData (data) end +---* Scale animation play speed.
+---* param animationScale Scale value +---@param speedScale float +---@return self +function ArmatureAnimation:setSpeedScale (speedScale) end +---* +---@return ccs.AnimationData +function ArmatureAnimation:getAnimationData () end +---* Go to specified frame and play current movement.
+---* You need first switch to the movement you want to play, then call this function.
+---* example : playByIndex(0);
+---* gotoAndPlay(0);
+---* playByIndex(1);
+---* gotoAndPlay(0);
+---* gotoAndPlay(15); +---@param frameIndex int +---@return self +function ArmatureAnimation:gotoAndPlay (frameIndex) end +---* Init with a Armature
+---* param armature The Armature ArmatureAnimation will bind to +---@param armature ccs.Armature +---@return boolean +function ArmatureAnimation:init (armature) end +---* +---@param movementNames array_table +---@param durationTo int +---@param loop boolean +---@return self +function ArmatureAnimation:playWithNames (movementNames,durationTo,loop) end +---* Get movement count +---@return int +function ArmatureAnimation:getMovementCount () end +---* +---@param animationIndex int +---@param durationTo int +---@param loop int +---@return self +function ArmatureAnimation:playWithIndex (animationIndex,durationTo,loop) end +---* Get current movementID
+---* return The name of current movement +---@return string +function ArmatureAnimation:getCurrentMovementID () end +---* Create with a Armature
+---* param armature The Armature ArmatureAnimation will bind to +---@param armature ccs.Armature +---@return self +function ArmatureAnimation:create (armature) end +---* Pause the Process +---@return self +function ArmatureAnimation:pause () end +---* Stop the Process +---@return self +function ArmatureAnimation:stop () end +---* +---@param dt float +---@return self +function ArmatureAnimation:update (dt) end +---* Resume the Process +---@return self +function ArmatureAnimation:resume () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ArmatureAnimation:ArmatureAnimation () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureData.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureData.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6fcdc0d82 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureData.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ArmatureData :cc.Ref +local ArmatureData={ } +ccs.ArmatureData=ArmatureData + + + + +---* +---@param boneData ccs.BoneData +---@return self +function ArmatureData:addBoneData (boneData) end +---* +---@return boolean +function ArmatureData:init () end +---* +---@param boneName string +---@return ccs.BoneData +function ArmatureData:getBoneData (boneName) end +---* +---@return self +function ArmatureData:create () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ArmatureData:ArmatureData () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureDataManager.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureDataManager.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be1883c6b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureDataManager.lua @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ArmatureDataManager :cc.Ref +local ArmatureDataManager={ } +ccs.ArmatureDataManager=ArmatureDataManager + + + + +---* brief remove animation data
+---* param id the id of the animation data +---@param id string +---@return self +function ArmatureDataManager:removeAnimationData (id) end +---* Add armature data
+---* param id The id of the armature data
+---* param armatureData ArmatureData * +---@param id string +---@param armatureData ccs.ArmatureData +---@param configFilePath string +---@return self +function ArmatureDataManager:addArmatureData (id,armatureData,configFilePath) end +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string:string):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param imagePath string +---@param plistPath string +---@param configFilePath string +---@return self +function ArmatureDataManager:addArmatureFileInfo (imagePath,plistPath,configFilePath) end +---* +---@param configFilePath string +---@return self +function ArmatureDataManager:removeArmatureFileInfo (configFilePath) end +---* +---@return map_table +function ArmatureDataManager:getTextureDatas () end +---* brief get texture data
+---* param id the id of the texture data you want to get
+---* return TextureData * +---@param id string +---@return ccs.TextureData +function ArmatureDataManager:getTextureData (id) end +---* brief get armature data
+---* param id the id of the armature data you want to get
+---* return ArmatureData * +---@param id string +---@return ccs.ArmatureData +function ArmatureDataManager:getArmatureData (id) end +---* brief get animation data from _animationDatas(Dictionary)
+---* param id the id of the animation data you want to get
+---* return AnimationData * +---@param id string +---@return ccs.AnimationData +function ArmatureDataManager:getAnimationData (id) end +---* brief add animation data
+---* param id the id of the animation data
+---* return AnimationData * +---@param id string +---@param animationData ccs.AnimationData +---@param configFilePath string +---@return self +function ArmatureDataManager:addAnimationData (id,animationData,configFilePath) end +---* Init ArmatureDataManager +---@return boolean +function ArmatureDataManager:init () end +---* brief remove armature data
+---* param id the id of the armature data you want to get +---@param id string +---@return self +function ArmatureDataManager:removeArmatureData (id) end +---* +---@return map_table +function ArmatureDataManager:getArmatureDatas () end +---* brief remove texture data
+---* param id the id of the texture data you want to get +---@param id string +---@return self +function ArmatureDataManager:removeTextureData (id) end +---* brief add texture data
+---* param id the id of the texture data
+---* return TextureData * +---@param id string +---@param textureData ccs.TextureData +---@param configFilePath string +---@return self +function ArmatureDataManager:addTextureData (id,textureData,configFilePath) end +---* +---@return map_table +function ArmatureDataManager:getAnimationDatas () end +---* brief Judge whether or not need auto load sprite file +---@return boolean +function ArmatureDataManager:isAutoLoadSpriteFile () end +---* brief Add sprite frame to CCSpriteFrameCache, it will save display name and it's relative image name +---@param plistPath string +---@param imagePath string +---@param configFilePath string +---@return self +function ArmatureDataManager:addSpriteFrameFromFile (plistPath,imagePath,configFilePath) end +---* +---@return self +function ArmatureDataManager:destroyInstance () end +---* +---@return self +function ArmatureDataManager:getInstance () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureDisplayData.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureDisplayData.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b6092573f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ArmatureDisplayData.lua @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ArmatureDisplayData :ccs.DisplayData +local ArmatureDisplayData={ } +ccs.ArmatureDisplayData=ArmatureDisplayData + + + + +---* +---@return self +function ArmatureDisplayData:create () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ArmatureDisplayData:ArmatureDisplayData () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BaseData.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BaseData.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3a4170414 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BaseData.lua @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.BaseData :cc.Ref +local BaseData={ } +ccs.BaseData=BaseData + + + + +---* +---@return color4b_table +function BaseData:getColor () end +---* +---@param color color4b_table +---@return self +function BaseData:setColor (color) end +---* +---@return self +function BaseData:create () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function BaseData:BaseData () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BatchNode.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BatchNode.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a73467aab --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BatchNode.lua @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.BatchNode :cc.Node +local BatchNode={ } +ccs.BatchNode=BatchNode + + + + +---* +---@return self +function BatchNode:create () end +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int2:string):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,int:int):self +---@param pChild cc.Node +---@param zOrder int +---@param tag int +---@return self +function BatchNode:addChild (pChild,zOrder,tag) end +---* js NA +---@return boolean +function BatchNode:init () end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function BatchNode:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* +---@param child cc.Node +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function BatchNode:removeChild (child,cleanup) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BlendFuncFrame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BlendFuncFrame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..10c1a4eb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BlendFuncFrame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.BlendFuncFrame :ccs.Frame +local BlendFuncFrame={ } +ccs.BlendFuncFrame=BlendFuncFrame + + + + +---* +---@return cc.BlendFunc +function BlendFuncFrame:getBlendFunc () end +---* +---@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc +---@return self +function BlendFuncFrame:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end +---* +---@return self +function BlendFuncFrame:create () end +---* +---@return ccs.Frame +function BlendFuncFrame:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function BlendFuncFrame:BlendFuncFrame () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Bone.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Bone.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a69c93238 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Bone.lua @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.Bone :cc.Node +local Bone={ } +ccs.Bone=Bone + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function Bone:isTransformDirty () end +---* +---@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc +---@return self +function Bone:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Bone:isIgnoreMovementBoneData () end +---* Update zorder +---@return self +function Bone:updateZOrder () end +---* +---@return cc.Node +function Bone:getDisplayRenderNode () end +---* +---@return boolean +function Bone:isBlendDirty () end +---* Add a child to this bone, and it will let this child call setParent(Bone *parent) function to set self to it's parent
+---* param child the child you want to add +---@param child ccs.Bone +---@return self +function Bone:addChildBone (child) end +---* +---@return ccs.BaseData +function Bone:getWorldInfo () end +---* +---@return ccs.Tween +function Bone:getTween () end +---* Get parent bone
+---* return parent bone +---@return self +function Bone:getParentBone () end +---* Update color to render display +---@return self +function Bone:updateColor () end +---* +---@param dirty boolean +---@return self +function Bone:setTransformDirty (dirty) end +---* +---@return int +function Bone:getDisplayRenderNodeType () end +---* +---@param index int +---@return self +function Bone:removeDisplay (index) end +---* +---@param boneData ccs.BoneData +---@return self +function Bone:setBoneData (boneData) end +---* Initializes a Bone with the specified name
+---* param name Bone's name. +---@param name string +---@return boolean +function Bone:init (name) end +---* Set parent bone.
+---* If parent is null, then also remove this bone from armature.
+---* It will not set the Armature, if you want to add the bone to a Armature, you should use Armature::addBone(Bone *bone, const char* parentName).
+---* param parent the parent bone.
+---* nullptr : remove this bone from armature +---@param parent ccs.Bone +---@return self +function Bone:setParentBone (parent) end +---@overload fun(ccs.DisplayData0:cc.Node,int:int):self +---@overload fun(ccs.DisplayData:ccs.DisplayData,int:int):self +---@param displayData ccs.DisplayData +---@param index int +---@return self +function Bone:addDisplay (displayData,index) end +---* +---@return cc.BlendFunc +function Bone:getBlendFunc () end +---* Remove itself from its parent.
+---* param recursion whether or not to remove childBone's display +---@param recursion boolean +---@return self +function Bone:removeFromParent (recursion) end +---* +---@return ccs.ColliderDetector +function Bone:getColliderDetector () end +---* +---@return ccs.Armature +function Bone:getChildArmature () end +---* +---@return ccs.FrameData +function Bone:getTweenData () end +---* +---@param index int +---@param force boolean +---@return self +function Bone:changeDisplayWithIndex (index,force) end +---* +---@param name string +---@param force boolean +---@return self +function Bone:changeDisplayWithName (name,force) end +---* +---@param armature ccs.Armature +---@return self +function Bone:setArmature (armature) end +---* +---@param dirty boolean +---@return self +function Bone:setBlendDirty (dirty) end +---* Removes a child Bone
+---* param bone the bone you want to remove +---@param bone ccs.Bone +---@param recursion boolean +---@return self +function Bone:removeChildBone (bone,recursion) end +---* +---@param childArmature ccs.Armature +---@return self +function Bone:setChildArmature (childArmature) end +---* +---@return mat4_table +function Bone:getNodeToArmatureTransform () end +---* +---@return ccs.DisplayManager +function Bone:getDisplayManager () end +---* +---@return ccs.Armature +function Bone:getArmature () end +---* +---@return ccs.BoneData +function Bone:getBoneData () end +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param name string +---@return self +function Bone:create (name) end +---* +---@return mat4_table +function Bone:getNodeToWorldTransform () end +---* +---@param zOrder int +---@return self +function Bone:setLocalZOrder (zOrder) end +---* +---@param delta float +---@return self +function Bone:update (delta) end +---* +---@param parentOpacity unsigned_char +---@return self +function Bone:updateDisplayedOpacity (parentOpacity) end +---* Initializes an empty Bone with nothing init. +---@return boolean +function Bone:init () end +---* +---@param parentColor color3b_table +---@return self +function Bone:updateDisplayedColor (parentColor) end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function Bone:Bone () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BoneData.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BoneData.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bea88fac7 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BoneData.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.BoneData :ccs.BaseData +local BoneData={ } +ccs.BoneData=BoneData + + + + +---* +---@param index int +---@return ccs.DisplayData +function BoneData:getDisplayData (index) end +---* +---@return boolean +function BoneData:init () end +---* +---@param displayData ccs.DisplayData +---@return self +function BoneData:addDisplayData (displayData) end +---* +---@return self +function BoneData:create () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function BoneData:BoneData () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BoneNode.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BoneNode.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ad68dcb9e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/BoneNode.lua @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.BoneNode :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,BlendProtocol +local BoneNode={ } +ccs.BoneNode=BoneNode + + + + +---* +---@return float +function BoneNode:getDebugDrawWidth () end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun():self +---@return array_table +function BoneNode:getChildBones () end +---* +---@return cc.BlendFunc +function BoneNode:getBlendFunc () end +---* brief: get all bones in this bone tree +---@return array_table +function BoneNode:getAllSubBones () end +---* +---@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc +---@return self +function BoneNode:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end +---* +---@param isDebugDraw boolean +---@return self +function BoneNode:setDebugDrawEnabled (isDebugDraw) end +---* get displayings rect in self transform +---@return rect_table +function BoneNode:getVisibleSkinsRect () end +---* brief: get all skins in this bone tree +---@return array_table +function BoneNode:getAllSubSkins () end +---@overload fun(cc.Node0:string,boolean:boolean):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,boolean:boolean):self +---@param skin cc.Node +---@param hideOthers boolean +---@return self +function BoneNode:displaySkin (skin,hideOthers) end +---* +---@return boolean +function BoneNode:isDebugDrawEnabled () end +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,boolean:boolean,boolean:boolean):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,boolean:boolean):self +---@param skin cc.Node +---@param display boolean +---@param hideOthers boolean +---@return self +function BoneNode:addSkin (skin,display,hideOthers) end +---* +---@return ccs.SkeletonNode +function BoneNode:getRootSkeletonNode () end +---* +---@param length float +---@return self +function BoneNode:setDebugDrawLength (length) end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun():self +---@return array_table +function BoneNode:getSkins () end +---* +---@return array_table +function BoneNode:getVisibleSkins () end +---* +---@param width float +---@return self +function BoneNode:setDebugDrawWidth (width) end +---* +---@return float +function BoneNode:getDebugDrawLength () end +---* +---@param color color4f_table +---@return self +function BoneNode:setDebugDrawColor (color) end +---* +---@return color4f_table +function BoneNode:getDebugDrawColor () end +---@overload fun(int:int):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param length int +---@return self +function BoneNode:create (length) end +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string2:int):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string:string):self +---@param child cc.Node +---@param localZOrder int +---@param name string +---@return self +function BoneNode:addChild (child,localZOrder,name) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function BoneNode:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* +---@param name string +---@return self +function BoneNode:setName (name) end +---* +---@param anchorPoint vec2_table +---@return self +function BoneNode:setAnchorPoint (anchorPoint) end +---* +---@param localZOrder int +---@return self +function BoneNode:setLocalZOrder (localZOrder) end +---* +---@param child cc.Node +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function BoneNode:removeChild (child,cleanup) end +---* +---@return boolean +function BoneNode:init () end +---* +---@return rect_table +function BoneNode:getBoundingBox () end +---* +---@param contentSize size_table +---@return self +function BoneNode:setContentSize (contentSize) end +---* +---@param visible boolean +---@return self +function BoneNode:setVisible (visible) end +---* +---@return self +function BoneNode:BoneNode () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ColorFrame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ColorFrame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..27bedcddc --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ColorFrame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ColorFrame :ccs.Frame +local ColorFrame={ } +ccs.ColorFrame=ColorFrame + + + + +---* +---@return color3b_table +function ColorFrame:getColor () end +---* +---@param color color3b_table +---@return self +function ColorFrame:setColor (color) end +---* +---@return self +function ColorFrame:create () end +---* +---@return ccs.Frame +function ColorFrame:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function ColorFrame:ColorFrame () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComAttribute.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComAttribute.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..34cf92702 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComAttribute.lua @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ComAttribute :cc.Component +local ComAttribute={ } +ccs.ComAttribute=ComAttribute + + + + +---* +---@param key string +---@param def float +---@return float +function ComAttribute:getFloat (key,def) end +---* +---@param key string +---@param def string +---@return string +function ComAttribute:getString (key,def) end +---* +---@param key string +---@param value float +---@return self +function ComAttribute:setFloat (key,value) end +---* +---@param key string +---@param value string +---@return self +function ComAttribute:setString (key,value) end +---* +---@param key string +---@param def boolean +---@return boolean +function ComAttribute:getBool (key,def) end +---* +---@param key string +---@param value int +---@return self +function ComAttribute:setInt (key,value) end +---* +---@param jsonFile string +---@return boolean +function ComAttribute:parse (jsonFile) end +---* +---@param key string +---@param def int +---@return int +function ComAttribute:getInt (key,def) end +---* +---@param key string +---@param value boolean +---@return self +function ComAttribute:setBool (key,value) end +---* +---@return self +function ComAttribute:create () end +---* +---@return cc.Ref +function ComAttribute:createInstance () end +---* +---@return boolean +function ComAttribute:init () end +---* +---@param r void +---@return boolean +function ComAttribute:serialize (r) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComAudio.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComAudio.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d198e2ef0 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComAudio.lua @@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ComAudio :cc.Component@all parent class: Component,PlayableProtocol +local ComAudio={ } +ccs.ComAudio=ComAudio + + + + +---* +---@return self +function ComAudio:stopAllEffects () end +---* +---@return float +function ComAudio:getEffectsVolume () end +---* +---@param nSoundId unsigned_int +---@return self +function ComAudio:stopEffect (nSoundId) end +---* +---@return float +function ComAudio:getBackgroundMusicVolume () end +---* +---@return boolean +function ComAudio:willPlayBackgroundMusic () end +---* +---@param volume float +---@return self +function ComAudio:setBackgroundMusicVolume (volume) end +---* / @{/ @name implement Playable Protocol +---@return self +function ComAudio:start () end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun(boolean:boolean):self +---@param bReleaseData boolean +---@return self +function ComAudio:stopBackgroundMusic (bReleaseData) end +---* +---@return self +function ComAudio:pauseBackgroundMusic () end +---* +---@return boolean +function ComAudio:isBackgroundMusicPlaying () end +---* +---@return boolean +function ComAudio:isLoop () end +---* +---@return self +function ComAudio:resumeAllEffects () end +---* +---@return self +function ComAudio:pauseAllEffects () end +---* +---@param pszFilePath char +---@return self +function ComAudio:preloadBackgroundMusic (pszFilePath) end +---@overload fun(char:char):self +---@overload fun(char:char,boolean:boolean):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param pszFilePath char +---@param bLoop boolean +---@return self +function ComAudio:playBackgroundMusic (pszFilePath,bLoop) end +---* +---@return self +function ComAudio:stop () end +---* lua endToLua +---@return self +function ComAudio:endToLua () end +---@overload fun(char:char):self +---@overload fun(char:char,boolean:boolean):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param pszFilePath char +---@param bLoop boolean +---@return unsigned_int +function ComAudio:playEffect (pszFilePath,bLoop) end +---* +---@param pszFilePath char +---@return self +function ComAudio:preloadEffect (pszFilePath) end +---* +---@param bLoop boolean +---@return self +function ComAudio:setLoop (bLoop) end +---* +---@param pszFilePath char +---@return self +function ComAudio:unloadEffect (pszFilePath) end +---* +---@return self +function ComAudio:rewindBackgroundMusic () end +---* +---@param nSoundId unsigned_int +---@return self +function ComAudio:pauseEffect (nSoundId) end +---* +---@return self +function ComAudio:resumeBackgroundMusic () end +---* +---@param pszFilePath char +---@return self +function ComAudio:setFile (pszFilePath) end +---* +---@param volume float +---@return self +function ComAudio:setEffectsVolume (volume) end +---* +---@return char +function ComAudio:getFile () end +---* +---@param nSoundId unsigned_int +---@return self +function ComAudio:resumeEffect (nSoundId) end +---* +---@return self +function ComAudio:create () end +---* +---@return cc.Ref +function ComAudio:createInstance () end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@return self +function ComAudio:onRemove () end +---* +---@param r void +---@return boolean +function ComAudio:serialize (r) end +---* +---@return boolean +function ComAudio:init () end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@return self +function ComAudio:onAdd () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComController.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComController.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..49c7deaec --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComController.lua @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ComController :cc.Component@all parent class: Component,InputDelegate +local ComController={ } +ccs.ComController=ComController + + + + +---* +---@return self +function ComController:create () end +---* +---@return cc.Ref +function ComController:createInstance () end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@return self +function ComController:onRemove () end +---* +---@param delta float +---@return self +function ComController:update (delta) end +---* +---@return boolean +function ComController:init () end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@return self +function ComController:onAdd () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ComController:ComController () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComExtensionData.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComExtensionData.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8136debb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComExtensionData.lua @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ComExtensionData :cc.Component +local ComExtensionData={ } +ccs.ComExtensionData=ComExtensionData + + + + +---* +---@param actionTag int +---@return self +function ComExtensionData:setActionTag (actionTag) end +---* +---@return string +function ComExtensionData:getCustomProperty () end +---* +---@return int +function ComExtensionData:getActionTag () end +---* +---@param customProperty string +---@return self +function ComExtensionData:setCustomProperty (customProperty) end +---* +---@return self +function ComExtensionData:create () end +---* +---@return cc.Ref +function ComExtensionData:createInstance () end +---* +---@return boolean +function ComExtensionData:init () end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@return self +function ComExtensionData:onRemove () end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@return self +function ComExtensionData:onAdd () end +---* +---@return self +function ComExtensionData:ComExtensionData () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComRender.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComRender.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9600711c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ComRender.lua @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ComRender :cc.Component +local ComRender={ } +ccs.ComRender=ComRender + + + + +---* +---@param node cc.Node +---@return self +function ComRender:setNode (node) end +---* +---@return cc.Node +function ComRender:getNode () end +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,char:char):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param node cc.Node +---@param comName char +---@return self +function ComRender:create (node,comName) end +---* +---@return cc.Ref +function ComRender:createInstance () end +---* +---@param r void +---@return boolean +function ComRender:serialize (r) end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@return self +function ComRender:onRemove () end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@return self +function ComRender:onAdd () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ContourData.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ContourData.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2bbb1fd6d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ContourData.lua @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ContourData :cc.Ref +local ContourData={ } +ccs.ContourData=ContourData + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function ContourData:init () end +---* +---@param vertex vec2_table +---@return self +function ContourData:addVertex (vertex) end +---* +---@return self +function ContourData:create () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ContourData:ContourData () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/DisplayData.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/DisplayData.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..91233cd2f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/DisplayData.lua @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.DisplayData :cc.Ref +local DisplayData={ } +ccs.DisplayData=DisplayData + + + + +---* +---@param displayData ccs.DisplayData +---@return self +function DisplayData:copy (displayData) end +---* +---@param displayName string +---@return string +function DisplayData:changeDisplayToTexture (displayName) end +---* +---@return self +function DisplayData:create () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function DisplayData:DisplayData () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/DisplayManager.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/DisplayManager.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..64fa7b3ab --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/DisplayManager.lua @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.DisplayManager :cc.Ref +local DisplayManager={ } +ccs.DisplayManager=DisplayManager + + + + +---* +---@return cc.Node +function DisplayManager:getDisplayRenderNode () end +---* +---@return vec2_table +function DisplayManager:getAnchorPointInPoints () end +---* +---@return int +function DisplayManager:getDisplayRenderNodeType () end +---* +---@param index int +---@return self +function DisplayManager:removeDisplay (index) end +---* +---@param force boolean +---@return self +function DisplayManager:setForceChangeDisplay (force) end +---* +---@param bone ccs.Bone +---@return boolean +function DisplayManager:init (bone) end +---* +---@return size_table +function DisplayManager:getContentSize () end +---* +---@return rect_table +function DisplayManager:getBoundingBox () end +---@overload fun(ccs.DisplayData0:cc.Node,int:int):self +---@overload fun(ccs.DisplayData:ccs.DisplayData,int:int):self +---@param displayData ccs.DisplayData +---@param index int +---@return self +function DisplayManager:addDisplay (displayData,index) end +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(float0:vec2_table):self +---@param x float +---@param y float +---@return boolean +function DisplayManager:containPoint (x,y) end +---* Change display by index. You can just use this method to change display in the display list.
+---* The display list is just used for this bone, and it is the displays you may use in every frame.
+---* Note : if index is the same with prev index, the method will not effect
+---* param index The index of the display you want to change
+---* param force If true, then force change display to specified display, or current display will set to display index edit in the flash every key frame. +---@param index int +---@param force boolean +---@return self +function DisplayManager:changeDisplayWithIndex (index,force) end +---* +---@param name string +---@param force boolean +---@return self +function DisplayManager:changeDisplayWithName (name,force) end +---* +---@return boolean +function DisplayManager:isForceChangeDisplay () end +---* +---@return int +function DisplayManager:getCurrentDisplayIndex () end +---* +---@return vec2_table +function DisplayManager:getAnchorPoint () end +---* +---@return array_table +function DisplayManager:getDecorativeDisplayList () end +---* Determines if the display is visible
+---* see setVisible(bool)
+---* return true if the node is visible, false if the node is hidden. +---@return boolean +function DisplayManager:isVisible () end +---* Sets whether the display is visible
+---* The default value is true, a node is default to visible
+---* param visible true if the node is visible, false if the node is hidden. +---@param visible boolean +---@return self +function DisplayManager:setVisible (visible) end +---* +---@param bone ccs.Bone +---@return self +function DisplayManager:create (bone) end +---* +---@return self +function DisplayManager:DisplayManager () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/EventFrame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/EventFrame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6b7e32624 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/EventFrame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.EventFrame :ccs.Frame +local EventFrame={ } +ccs.EventFrame=EventFrame + + + + +---* +---@param event string +---@return self +function EventFrame:setEvent (event) end +---* +---@return self +function EventFrame:init () end +---* +---@return string +function EventFrame:getEvent () end +---* +---@return self +function EventFrame:create () end +---* +---@return ccs.Frame +function EventFrame:clone () end +---* +---@param node cc.Node +---@return self +function EventFrame:setNode (node) end +---* +---@return self +function EventFrame:EventFrame () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Frame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Frame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..174224b7b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Frame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.Frame :cc.Ref +local Frame={ } +ccs.Frame=Frame + + + + +---* +---@return self +function Frame:clone () end +---* +---@param tweenType int +---@return self +function Frame:setTweenType (tweenType) end +---* +---@param node cc.Node +---@return self +function Frame:setNode (node) end +---* +---@param timeline ccs.Timeline +---@return self +function Frame:setTimeline (timeline) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Frame:isEnterWhenPassed () end +---* +---@return int +function Frame:getTweenType () end +---* +---@return array_table +function Frame:getEasingParams () end +---* +---@param easingParams array_table +---@return self +function Frame:setEasingParams (easingParams) end +---* +---@return unsigned_int +function Frame:getFrameIndex () end +---* +---@param percent float +---@return self +function Frame:apply (percent) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Frame:isTween () end +---* +---@param frameIndex unsigned_int +---@return self +function Frame:setFrameIndex (frameIndex) end +---* +---@param tween boolean +---@return self +function Frame:setTween (tween) end +---* +---@return ccs.Timeline +function Frame:getTimeline () end +---* +---@return cc.Node +function Frame:getNode () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/FrameData.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/FrameData.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5e867fb6e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/FrameData.lua @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.FrameData :ccs.BaseData +local FrameData={ } +ccs.FrameData=FrameData + + + + +---* +---@param baseData ccs.BaseData +---@return self +function FrameData:copy (baseData) end +---* +---@return self +function FrameData:create () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function FrameData:FrameData () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/GUIReader.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/GUIReader.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b39b65ef1 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/GUIReader.lua @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.GUIReader :cc.Ref +local GUIReader={ } +ccs.GUIReader=GUIReader + + + + +---* +---@param strFilePath string +---@return self +function GUIReader:setFilePath (strFilePath) end +---* +---@param fileName char +---@return ccui.Widget +function GUIReader:widgetFromJsonFile (fileName) end +---* +---@return string +function GUIReader:getFilePath () end +---* +---@param fileName char +---@return ccui.Widget +function GUIReader:widgetFromBinaryFile (fileName) end +---* +---@param str char +---@return int +function GUIReader:getVersionInteger (str) end +---* +---@return self +function GUIReader:destroyInstance () end +---* +---@return self +function GUIReader:getInstance () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/InnerActionFrame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/InnerActionFrame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ea5002ea9 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/InnerActionFrame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.InnerActionFrame :ccs.Frame +local InnerActionFrame={ } +ccs.InnerActionFrame=InnerActionFrame + + + + +---* +---@return int +function InnerActionFrame:getEndFrameIndex () end +---* +---@return int +function InnerActionFrame:getStartFrameIndex () end +---* +---@return int +function InnerActionFrame:getInnerActionType () end +---* +---@param frameIndex int +---@return self +function InnerActionFrame:setEndFrameIndex (frameIndex) end +---* +---@param isEnterWithName boolean +---@return self +function InnerActionFrame:setEnterWithName (isEnterWithName) end +---* +---@param frameIndex int +---@return self +function InnerActionFrame:setSingleFrameIndex (frameIndex) end +---* +---@param frameIndex int +---@return self +function InnerActionFrame:setStartFrameIndex (frameIndex) end +---* +---@return int +function InnerActionFrame:getSingleFrameIndex () end +---* +---@param type int +---@return self +function InnerActionFrame:setInnerActionType (type) end +---* +---@param animationNamed string +---@return self +function InnerActionFrame:setAnimationName (animationNamed) end +---* +---@return self +function InnerActionFrame:create () end +---* +---@return ccs.Frame +function InnerActionFrame:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function InnerActionFrame:InnerActionFrame () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/MovementBoneData.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/MovementBoneData.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9a04a3c8e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/MovementBoneData.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.MovementBoneData :cc.Ref +local MovementBoneData={ } +ccs.MovementBoneData=MovementBoneData + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function MovementBoneData:init () end +---* +---@param index int +---@return ccs.FrameData +function MovementBoneData:getFrameData (index) end +---* +---@param frameData ccs.FrameData +---@return self +function MovementBoneData:addFrameData (frameData) end +---* +---@return self +function MovementBoneData:create () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function MovementBoneData:MovementBoneData () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/MovementData.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/MovementData.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b7cda9fdf --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/MovementData.lua @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.MovementData :cc.Ref +local MovementData={ } +ccs.MovementData=MovementData + + + + +---* +---@param boneName string +---@return ccs.MovementBoneData +function MovementData:getMovementBoneData (boneName) end +---* +---@param movBoneData ccs.MovementBoneData +---@return self +function MovementData:addMovementBoneData (movBoneData) end +---* +---@return self +function MovementData:create () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function MovementData:MovementData () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ParticleDisplayData.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ParticleDisplayData.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..895a932e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ParticleDisplayData.lua @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ParticleDisplayData :ccs.DisplayData +local ParticleDisplayData={ } +ccs.ParticleDisplayData=ParticleDisplayData + + + + +---* +---@return self +function ParticleDisplayData:create () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function ParticleDisplayData:ParticleDisplayData () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/PlayableFrame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/PlayableFrame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..861a22e45 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/PlayableFrame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.PlayableFrame :ccs.Frame +local PlayableFrame={ } +ccs.PlayableFrame=PlayableFrame + + + + +---* +---@param playact string +---@return self +function PlayableFrame:setPlayableAct (playact) end +---* +---@return string +function PlayableFrame:getPlayableAct () end +---* +---@return self +function PlayableFrame:create () end +---* +---@return ccs.Frame +function PlayableFrame:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function PlayableFrame:PlayableFrame () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/PositionFrame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/PositionFrame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c9aa38be6 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/PositionFrame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.PositionFrame :ccs.Frame +local PositionFrame={ } +ccs.PositionFrame=PositionFrame + + + + +---* +---@return float +function PositionFrame:getX () end +---* +---@return float +function PositionFrame:getY () end +---* +---@param position vec2_table +---@return self +function PositionFrame:setPosition (position) end +---* +---@param x float +---@return self +function PositionFrame:setX (x) end +---* +---@param y float +---@return self +function PositionFrame:setY (y) end +---* +---@return vec2_table +function PositionFrame:getPosition () end +---* +---@return self +function PositionFrame:create () end +---* +---@return ccs.Frame +function PositionFrame:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function PositionFrame:PositionFrame () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/RotationFrame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/RotationFrame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ca2f96527 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/RotationFrame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.RotationFrame :ccs.Frame +local RotationFrame={ } +ccs.RotationFrame=RotationFrame + + + + +---* +---@param rotation float +---@return self +function RotationFrame:setRotation (rotation) end +---* +---@return float +function RotationFrame:getRotation () end +---* +---@return self +function RotationFrame:create () end +---* +---@return ccs.Frame +function RotationFrame:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function RotationFrame:RotationFrame () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/RotationSkewFrame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/RotationSkewFrame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e7baa172b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/RotationSkewFrame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.RotationSkewFrame :ccs.SkewFrame +local RotationSkewFrame={ } +ccs.RotationSkewFrame=RotationSkewFrame + + + + +---* +---@return self +function RotationSkewFrame:create () end +---* +---@return ccs.Frame +function RotationSkewFrame:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function RotationSkewFrame:RotationSkewFrame () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ScaleFrame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ScaleFrame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..00c2d9a4b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ScaleFrame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ScaleFrame :ccs.Frame +local ScaleFrame={ } +ccs.ScaleFrame=ScaleFrame + + + + +---* +---@param scaleY float +---@return self +function ScaleFrame:setScaleY (scaleY) end +---* +---@param scaleX float +---@return self +function ScaleFrame:setScaleX (scaleX) end +---* +---@return float +function ScaleFrame:getScaleY () end +---* +---@return float +function ScaleFrame:getScaleX () end +---* +---@param scale float +---@return self +function ScaleFrame:setScale (scale) end +---* +---@return self +function ScaleFrame:create () end +---* +---@return ccs.Frame +function ScaleFrame:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function ScaleFrame:ScaleFrame () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SceneReader.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SceneReader.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e9692b802 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SceneReader.lua @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.SceneReader +local SceneReader={ } +ccs.SceneReader=SceneReader + + + + +---* +---@param selector function +---@return self +function SceneReader:setTarget (selector) end +---* +---@param fileName string +---@param attachComponent int +---@return cc.Node +function SceneReader:createNodeWithSceneFile (fileName,attachComponent) end +---* +---@return int +function SceneReader:getAttachComponentType () end +---* +---@param nTag int +---@return cc.Node +function SceneReader:getNodeByTag (nTag) end +---* js purge
+---* lua destroySceneReader +---@return self +function SceneReader:destroyInstance () end +---* +---@return char +function SceneReader:sceneReaderVersion () end +---* +---@return self +function SceneReader:getInstance () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SkeletonNode.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SkeletonNode.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b467be900 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SkeletonNode.lua @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.SkeletonNode :ccs.BoneNode +local SkeletonNode={ } +ccs.SkeletonNode=SkeletonNode + + + + +---* get bonenode in skeleton node by bone name +---@param boneName string +---@return ccs.BoneNode +function SkeletonNode:getBoneNode (boneName) end +---@overload fun(map_table0:string):self +---@overload fun(map_table:map_table):self +---@param boneSkinNameMap map_table +---@return self +function SkeletonNode:changeSkins (boneSkinNameMap) end +---* brief: add a boneSkinNameMap as a SkinGroup named groupName
+---* param: groupName, key
+---* param: boneSkinNameMap, map +---@param groupName string +---@param boneSkinNameMap map_table +---@return self +function SkeletonNode:addSkinGroup (groupName,boneSkinNameMap) end +---* get All bones in this skeleton, +---@return map_table +function SkeletonNode:getAllSubBonesMap () end +---* +---@return self +function SkeletonNode:create () end +---* +---@return rect_table +function SkeletonNode:getBoundingBox () end +---* +---@return boolean +function SkeletonNode:init () end +---* +---@return self +function SkeletonNode:SkeletonNode () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SkewFrame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SkewFrame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a8285224b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SkewFrame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.SkewFrame :ccs.Frame +local SkewFrame={ } +ccs.SkewFrame=SkewFrame + + + + +---* +---@return float +function SkewFrame:getSkewY () end +---* +---@param skewx float +---@return self +function SkewFrame:setSkewX (skewx) end +---* +---@param skewy float +---@return self +function SkewFrame:setSkewY (skewy) end +---* +---@return float +function SkewFrame:getSkewX () end +---* +---@return self +function SkewFrame:create () end +---* +---@return ccs.Frame +function SkewFrame:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function SkewFrame:SkewFrame () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Skin.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Skin.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dfc24f153 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Skin.lua @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.Skin :cc.Sprite +local Skin={ } +ccs.Skin=Skin + + + + +---* +---@return ccs.Bone +function Skin:getBone () end +---* +---@return mat4_table +function Skin:getNodeToWorldTransformAR () end +---* +---@return string +function Skin:getDisplayName () end +---* +---@return self +function Skin:updateArmatureTransform () end +---* +---@param bone ccs.Bone +---@return self +function Skin:setBone (bone) end +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param pszFileName string +---@return self +function Skin:create (pszFileName) end +---* +---@param pszSpriteFrameName string +---@return self +function Skin:createWithSpriteFrameName (pszSpriteFrameName) end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function Skin:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* +---@return mat4_table +function Skin:getNodeToWorldTransform () end +---* +---@param spriteFrameName string +---@return boolean +function Skin:initWithSpriteFrameName (spriteFrameName) end +---* +---@param filename string +---@return boolean +function Skin:initWithFile (filename) end +---* +---@return self +function Skin:updateTransform () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function Skin:Skin () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SpriteDisplayData.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SpriteDisplayData.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..84649ab3d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/SpriteDisplayData.lua @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.SpriteDisplayData :ccs.DisplayData +local SpriteDisplayData={ } +ccs.SpriteDisplayData=SpriteDisplayData + + + + +---* +---@param displayData ccs.DisplayData +---@return self +function SpriteDisplayData:copy (displayData) end +---* +---@return self +function SpriteDisplayData:create () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function SpriteDisplayData:SpriteDisplayData () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/TextureData.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/TextureData.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2fbb79d92 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/TextureData.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.TextureData :cc.Ref +local TextureData={ } +ccs.TextureData=TextureData + + + + +---* +---@param index int +---@return ccs.ContourData +function TextureData:getContourData (index) end +---* +---@return boolean +function TextureData:init () end +---* +---@param contourData ccs.ContourData +---@return self +function TextureData:addContourData (contourData) end +---* +---@return self +function TextureData:create () end +---* js ctor +---@return self +function TextureData:TextureData () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/TextureFrame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/TextureFrame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7e3a5aabf --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/TextureFrame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.TextureFrame :ccs.Frame +local TextureFrame={ } +ccs.TextureFrame=TextureFrame + + + + +---* +---@return string +function TextureFrame:getTextureName () end +---* +---@param textureName string +---@return self +function TextureFrame:setTextureName (textureName) end +---* +---@return self +function TextureFrame:create () end +---* +---@return ccs.Frame +function TextureFrame:clone () end +---* +---@param node cc.Node +---@return self +function TextureFrame:setNode (node) end +---* +---@return self +function TextureFrame:TextureFrame () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Timeline.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Timeline.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d73c7aa6d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Timeline.lua @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.Timeline :cc.Ref +local Timeline={ } +ccs.Timeline=Timeline + + + + +---* +---@return self +function Timeline:clone () end +---* +---@param frameIndex int +---@return self +function Timeline:gotoFrame (frameIndex) end +---* +---@param node cc.Node +---@return self +function Timeline:setNode (node) end +---* +---@return ccs.ActionTimeline +function Timeline:getActionTimeline () end +---* +---@param frame ccs.Frame +---@param index int +---@return self +function Timeline:insertFrame (frame,index) end +---* +---@param tag int +---@return self +function Timeline:setActionTag (tag) end +---* +---@param frame ccs.Frame +---@return self +function Timeline:addFrame (frame) end +---* +---@return array_table +function Timeline:getFrames () end +---* +---@return int +function Timeline:getActionTag () end +---* +---@return cc.Node +function Timeline:getNode () end +---* +---@param frame ccs.Frame +---@return self +function Timeline:removeFrame (frame) end +---* +---@param action ccs.ActionTimeline +---@return self +function Timeline:setActionTimeline (action) end +---* +---@param frameIndex int +---@return self +function Timeline:stepToFrame (frameIndex) end +---* +---@return self +function Timeline:create () end +---* +---@return self +function Timeline:Timeline () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Tween.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Tween.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..58f978bf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/Tween.lua @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.Tween +local Tween={ } +ccs.Tween=Tween + + + + +---* +---@return ccs.ArmatureAnimation +function Tween:getAnimation () end +---* +---@param frameIndex int +---@return self +function Tween:gotoAndPause (frameIndex) end +---* Start the Process
+---* param movementBoneData the MovementBoneData include all FrameData
+---* param durationTo the number of frames changing to this animation needs.
+---* param durationTween the number of frames this animation actual last.
+---* param loop whether the animation is loop
+---* loop < 0 : use the value from MovementData get from Action Editor
+---* loop = 0 : this animation is not loop
+---* loop > 0 : this animation is loop
+---* param tweenEasing tween easing is used for calculate easing effect
+---* TWEEN_EASING_MAX : use the value from MovementData get from Action Editor
+---* -1 : fade out
+---* 0 : line
+---* 1 : fade in
+---* 2 : fade in and out +---@param movementBoneData ccs.MovementBoneData +---@param durationTo int +---@param durationTween int +---@param loop int +---@param tweenEasing int +---@return self +function Tween:play (movementBoneData,durationTo,durationTween,loop,tweenEasing) end +---* +---@param frameIndex int +---@return self +function Tween:gotoAndPlay (frameIndex) end +---* Init with a Bone
+---* param bone the Bone Tween will bind to +---@param bone ccs.Bone +---@return boolean +function Tween:init (bone) end +---* +---@param animation ccs.ArmatureAnimation +---@return self +function Tween:setAnimation (animation) end +---* Create with a Bone
+---* param bone the Bone Tween will bind to +---@param bone ccs.Bone +---@return self +function Tween:create (bone) end +---* +---@return self +function Tween:Tween () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/VisibleFrame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/VisibleFrame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..25dd30d62 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/VisibleFrame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.VisibleFrame :ccs.Frame +local VisibleFrame={ } +ccs.VisibleFrame=VisibleFrame + + + + +---* +---@return boolean +function VisibleFrame:isVisible () end +---* +---@param visible boolean +---@return self +function VisibleFrame:setVisible (visible) end +---* +---@return self +function VisibleFrame:create () end +---* +---@return ccs.Frame +function VisibleFrame:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function VisibleFrame:VisibleFrame () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ZOrderFrame.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ZOrderFrame.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b0d4d1ebb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccs/ZOrderFrame.lua @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccs.ZOrderFrame :ccs.Frame +local ZOrderFrame={ } +ccs.ZOrderFrame=ZOrderFrame + + + + +---* +---@return int +function ZOrderFrame:getZOrder () end +---* +---@param zorder int +---@return self +function ZOrderFrame:setZOrder (zorder) end +---* +---@return self +function ZOrderFrame:create () end +---* +---@return ccs.Frame +function ZOrderFrame:clone () end +---* +---@return self +function ZOrderFrame:ZOrderFrame () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/AbstractCheckButton.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/AbstractCheckButton.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2a2ae13c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/AbstractCheckButton.lua @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.AbstractCheckButton :ccui.Widget +local AbstractCheckButton={ } +ccui.AbstractCheckButton=AbstractCheckButton + + + + +---* +---@return cc.ResourceData +function AbstractCheckButton:getCrossDisabledFile () end +---* +---@return cc.ResourceData +function AbstractCheckButton:getBackDisabledFile () end +---* Load background selected state texture for check button.
+---* param backGroundSelected The background selected state image name.
+---* param texType @see `Widget::TextureResType` +---@param backGroundSelected string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function AbstractCheckButton:loadTextureBackGroundSelected (backGroundSelected,texType) end +---* Load background disabled state texture for checkbox.
+---* param backGroundDisabled The background disabled state texture name.
+---* param texType @see `Widget::TextureResType` +---@param backGroundDisabled string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function AbstractCheckButton:loadTextureBackGroundDisabled (backGroundDisabled,texType) end +---* +---@return cc.ResourceData +function AbstractCheckButton:getCrossNormalFile () end +---* Change CheckBox state.
+---* Set to true will cause the CheckBox's state to "selected", false otherwise.
+---* param selected Set to true will change CheckBox to selected state, false otherwise. +---@param selected boolean +---@return self +function AbstractCheckButton:setSelected (selected) end +---* +---@return cc.ResourceData +function AbstractCheckButton:getBackPressedFile () end +---* brief Return the sprite instance of front cross when disabled
+---* return the sprite instance of front cross when disabled +---@return cc.Sprite +function AbstractCheckButton:getRendererFrontCrossDisabled () end +---* brief Return the sprite instance of background
+---* return the sprite instance of background. +---@return cc.Sprite +function AbstractCheckButton:getRendererBackground () end +---* Load cross texture for check button.
+---* param crossTextureName The cross texture name.
+---* param texType @see `Widget::TextureResType` +---@param crossTextureName string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function AbstractCheckButton:loadTextureFrontCross (crossTextureName,texType) end +---* brief Return the sprite instance of background when disabled
+---* return the sprite instance of background when disabled +---@return cc.Sprite +function AbstractCheckButton:getRendererBackgroundDisabled () end +---* Query whether CheckBox is selected or not.
+---* return true means "selected", false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function AbstractCheckButton:isSelected () end +---* +---@param backGround string +---@param backGroundSelected string +---@param cross string +---@param backGroundDisabled string +---@param frontCrossDisabled string +---@param texType int +---@return boolean +function AbstractCheckButton:init (backGround,backGroundSelected,cross,backGroundDisabled,frontCrossDisabled,texType) end +---* +---@return cc.ResourceData +function AbstractCheckButton:getBackNormalFile () end +---* Load all textures for initializing a check button.
+---* param background The background image name.
+---* param backgroundSelected The background selected image name.
+---* param cross The cross image name.
+---* param backgroundDisabled The background disabled state texture.
+---* param frontCrossDisabled The front cross disabled state image name.
+---* param texType @see `Widget::TextureResType` +---@param background string +---@param backgroundSelected string +---@param cross string +---@param backgroundDisabled string +---@param frontCrossDisabled string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function AbstractCheckButton:loadTextures (background,backgroundSelected,cross,backgroundDisabled,frontCrossDisabled,texType) end +---* brief Return a zoom scale
+---* return A zoom scale of Checkbox.
+---* since v3.3 +---@return float +function AbstractCheckButton:getZoomScale () end +---* brief Return the sprite instance of front cross
+---* return the sprite instance of front cross +---@return cc.Sprite +function AbstractCheckButton:getRendererFrontCross () end +---* brief Return the sprite instance of background when selected
+---* return the sprite instance of background when selected +---@return cc.Sprite +function AbstractCheckButton:getRendererBackgroundSelected () end +---* Load background texture for check button.
+---* param backGround The background image name.
+---* param type @see `Widget::TextureResType` +---@param backGround string +---@param type int +---@return self +function AbstractCheckButton:loadTextureBackGround (backGround,type) end +---* When user pressed the CheckBox, the button will zoom to a scale.
+---* The final scale of the CheckBox equals (CheckBox original scale + _zoomScale)
+---* since v3.3 +---@param scale float +---@return self +function AbstractCheckButton:setZoomScale (scale) end +---* Load frontcross disabled texture for checkbox.
+---* param frontCrossDisabled The front cross disabled state texture name.
+---* param texType @see `Widget::TextureResType` +---@param frontCrossDisabled string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function AbstractCheckButton:loadTextureFrontCrossDisabled (frontCrossDisabled,texType) end +---* +---@return cc.Node +function AbstractCheckButton:getVirtualRenderer () end +---* +---@return boolean +function AbstractCheckButton:init () end +---* +---@return size_table +function AbstractCheckButton:getVirtualRendererSize () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Button.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Button.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7d68bd914 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Button.lua @@ -0,0 +1,226 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.Button :ccui.Widget +local Button={ } +ccui.Button=Button + + + + +---* +---@return size_table +function Button:getNormalTextureSize () end +---* Query the button title content.
+---* return Get the button's title content. +---@return string +function Button:getTitleText () end +---* replaces the current Label node with a new one +---@param label cc.Label +---@return self +function Button:setTitleLabel (label) end +---* Change the font size of button's title
+---* param size Title font size in float. +---@param size float +---@return self +function Button:setTitleFontSize (size) end +---* +---@return self +function Button:resetPressedRender () end +---* Enable scale9 renderer.
+---* param enable Set to true will use scale9 renderer, false otherwise. +---@param enable boolean +---@return self +function Button:setScale9Enabled (enable) end +---* +---@return self +function Button:resetDisabledRender () end +---* Return the inner title renderer of Button.
+---* return The button title.
+---* since v3.3 +---@return cc.Label +function Button:getTitleRenderer () end +---* brief Return the nine-patch sprite of clicked state
+---* return the nine-patch sprite of clicked state
+---* since v3.9 +---@return ccui.Scale9Sprite +function Button:getRendererClicked () end +---* +---@return cc.ResourceData +function Button:getDisabledFile () end +---* brief Return a zoom scale
+---* return the zoom scale in float
+---* since v3.3 +---@return float +function Button:getZoomScale () end +---* Return the capInsets of disabled state scale9sprite.
+---* return The disabled scale9 renderer capInsets. +---@return rect_table +function Button:getCapInsetsDisabledRenderer () end +---* Change the color of button's title.
+---* param color The title color in Color3B. +---@param color color3b_table +---@return self +function Button:setTitleColor (color) end +---* +---@return cc.ResourceData +function Button:getNormalFile () end +---* +---@return self +function Button:resetNormalRender () end +---* brief Return the nine-patch sprite of disabled state
+---* return the nine-patch sprite of disabled state
+---* since v3.9 +---@return ccui.Scale9Sprite +function Button:getRendererDisabled () end +---* Sets capInsets for button, only the disabled state scale9 renderer will be affected.
+---* param capInsets capInsets in Rect. +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return self +function Button:setCapInsetsDisabledRenderer (capInsets) end +---* Sets capInsets for button.
+---* The capInset affects all button scale9 renderer only if `setScale9Enabled(true)` is called
+---* param capInsets capInset in Rect. +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return self +function Button:setCapInsets (capInsets) end +---* Load disabled state texture for button.
+---* param disabled dark state texture.
+---* param texType @see `TextureResType` +---@param disabled string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function Button:loadTextureDisabled (disabled,texType) end +---* +---@param normalImage string +---@param selectedImage string +---@param disableImage string +---@param texType int +---@return boolean +function Button:init (normalImage,selectedImage,disableImage,texType) end +---* Change the content of button's title.
+---* param text The title in std::string. +---@param text string +---@return self +function Button:setTitleText (text) end +---* Sets capInsets for button, only the normal state scale9 renderer will be affected.
+---* param capInsets capInsets in Rect. +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return self +function Button:setCapInsetsNormalRenderer (capInsets) end +---* Load selected state texture for button.
+---* param selected selected state texture.
+---* param texType @see `TextureResType` +---@param selected string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function Button:loadTexturePressed (selected,texType) end +---* Change the font name of button's title
+---* param fontName a font name string. +---@param fontName string +---@return self +function Button:setTitleFontName (fontName) end +---* Return the capInsets of normal state scale9sprite.
+---* return The normal scale9 renderer capInsets. +---@return rect_table +function Button:getCapInsetsNormalRenderer () end +---@overload fun(int:int,int:int):self +---@overload fun(int:int):self +---@param hAlignment int +---@param vAlignment int +---@return self +function Button:setTitleAlignment (hAlignment,vAlignment) end +---* Return the capInsets of pressed state scale9sprite.
+---* return The pressed scale9 renderer capInsets. +---@return rect_table +function Button:getCapInsetsPressedRenderer () end +---* Load textures for button.
+---* param normal normal state texture name.
+---* param selected selected state texture name.
+---* param disabled disabled state texture name.
+---* param texType @see `TextureResType` +---@param normal string +---@param selected string +---@param disabled string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function Button:loadTextures (normal,selected,disabled,texType) end +---* Query whether button is using scale9 renderer or not.
+---* return whether button use scale9 renderer or not. +---@return boolean +function Button:isScale9Enabled () end +---* Load normal state texture for button.
+---* param normal normal state texture.
+---* param texType @see `TextureResType` +---@param normal string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function Button:loadTextureNormal (normal,texType) end +---* Sets capInsets for button, only the pressed state scale9 renderer will be affected.
+---* param capInsets capInsets in Rect +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return self +function Button:setCapInsetsPressedRenderer (capInsets) end +---* +---@return cc.ResourceData +function Button:getPressedFile () end +---* returns the current Label being used +---@return cc.Label +function Button:getTitleLabel () end +---* Query the font size of button title
+---* return font size in float. +---@return float +function Button:getTitleFontSize () end +---* brief Return the nine-patch sprite of normal state
+---* return the nine-patch sprite of normal state
+---* since v3.9 +---@return ccui.Scale9Sprite +function Button:getRendererNormal () end +---* Query the font name of button's title
+---* return font name in std::string +---@return string +function Button:getTitleFontName () end +---* Query the button title color.
+---* return Color3B of button title. +---@return color3b_table +function Button:getTitleColor () end +---* Enable zooming action when button is pressed.
+---* param enabled Set to true will enable zoom effect, false otherwise. +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function Button:setPressedActionEnabled (enabled) end +---* @brief When user pressed the button, the button will zoom to a scale.
+---* The final scale of the button equals (button original scale + _zoomScale)
+---* since v3.3 +---@param scale float +---@return self +function Button:setZoomScale (scale) end +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string:string,int:int):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param normalImage string +---@param selectedImage string +---@param disableImage string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function Button:create (normalImage,selectedImage,disableImage,texType) end +---* +---@return cc.Ref +function Button:createInstance () end +---* +---@return cc.Node +function Button:getVirtualRenderer () end +---* +---@return boolean +function Button:init () end +---* +---@return string +function Button:getDescription () end +---* +---@return size_table +function Button:getVirtualRendererSize () end +---* +---@param ignore boolean +---@return self +function Button:ignoreContentAdaptWithSize (ignore) end +---* Default constructor. +---@return self +function Button:Button () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/CheckBox.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/CheckBox.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b4079bfb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/CheckBox.lua @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.CheckBox :ccui.AbstractCheckButton +local CheckBox={ } +ccui.CheckBox=CheckBox + + + + +---* Add a callback function which would be called when checkbox is selected or unselected.
+---* param callback A std::function with type @see `ccCheckBoxCallback` +---@param callback function +---@return self +function CheckBox:addEventListener (callback) end +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string,int:int):self +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string2:int):self +---@param backGround string +---@param backGroundSelected string +---@param cross string +---@param backGroundDisabled string +---@param frontCrossDisabled string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function CheckBox:create (backGround,backGroundSelected,cross,backGroundDisabled,frontCrossDisabled,texType) end +---* +---@return cc.Ref +function CheckBox:createInstance () end +---* +---@return string +function CheckBox:getDescription () end +---* Default constructor.
+---* lua new +---@return self +function CheckBox:CheckBox () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/EditBox.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/EditBox.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1cd1fb9bb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/EditBox.lua @@ -0,0 +1,323 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.EditBox :ccui.Widget@all parent class: Widget,IMEDelegate +local EditBox={ } +ccui.EditBox=EditBox + + + + +---* Get the font size.
+---* return The font size. +---@return int +function EditBox:getFontSize () end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@param info cc.IMEKeyboardNotificationInfo +---@return self +function EditBox:keyboardDidShow (info) end +---* Sets the maximum input length of the edit box.
+---* Setting this value enables multiline input mode by default.
+---* Available on Android, iOS and Windows Phone.
+---* param maxLength The maximum length. +---@param maxLength int +---@return self +function EditBox:setMaxLength (maxLength) end +---* +---@return self +function EditBox:openKeyboard () end +---* Set the font size.
+---* param fontSize The font size. +---@param fontSize int +---@return self +function EditBox:setFontSize (fontSize) end +---* Get the text entered in the edit box.
+---* return The text entered in the edit box. +---@return char +function EditBox:getText () end +---* Get the input mode of the edit box.
+---* return One of the EditBox::InputMode constants. +---@return int +function EditBox:getInputMode () end +---@overload fun(size_table:size_table,ccui.Scale9Sprite:ccui.Scale9Sprite):self +---@overload fun(size_table:size_table,ccui.Scale9Sprite1:string,ccui.Scale9Sprite2:int):self +---@overload fun(size_table:size_table,ccui.Scale9Sprite:ccui.Scale9Sprite,ccui.Scale9Sprite:ccui.Scale9Sprite,ccui.Scale9Sprite:ccui.Scale9Sprite):self +---@param size size_table +---@param normalSprite ccui.Scale9Sprite +---@param pressedSprite ccui.Scale9Sprite +---@param disabledSprite ccui.Scale9Sprite +---@return boolean +function EditBox:initWithSizeAndBackgroundSprite (size,normalSprite,pressedSprite,disabledSprite) end +---* Get the placeholder's font name. only system font is allowed.
+---* return The font name. +---@return char +function EditBox:getPlaceholderFontName () end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@param info cc.IMEKeyboardNotificationInfo +---@return self +function EditBox:keyboardDidHide (info) end +---* Set the placeholder's font name. only system font is allowed.
+---* param pFontName The font name. +---@param pFontName char +---@return self +function EditBox:setPlaceholderFontName (pFontName) end +---* Get the placeholder's font size.
+---* return The font size. +---@return int +function EditBox:getPlaceholderFontSize () end +---* Return the capInsets of disabled state scale9sprite.
+---* return The disabled scale9 renderer capInsets. +---@return rect_table +function EditBox:getCapInsetsDisabledRenderer () end +---* Get a text in the edit box that acts as a placeholder when an
+---* edit box is empty. +---@return char +function EditBox:getPlaceHolder () end +---* Set the font name. Only system font is allowed.
+---* param pFontName The font name. +---@param pFontName char +---@return self +function EditBox:setFontName (pFontName) end +---* Registers a script function that will be called for EditBox events.
+---* This handler will be removed automatically after onExit() called.
+---* code
+---* -- lua sample
+---* local function editboxEventHandler(eventType)
+---* if eventType == "began" then
+---* -- triggered when an edit box gains focus after keyboard is shown
+---* elseif eventType == "ended" then
+---* -- triggered when an edit box loses focus after keyboard is hidden.
+---* elseif eventType == "changed" then
+---* -- triggered when the edit box text was changed.
+---* elseif eventType == "return" then
+---* -- triggered when the return button was pressed or the outside area of keyboard was touched.
+---* end
+---* end
+---* local editbox = EditBox:create(Size(...), Scale9Sprite:create(...))
+---* editbox = registerScriptEditBoxHandler(editboxEventHandler)
+---* endcode
+---* param handler A number that indicates a lua function.
+---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@param handler int +---@return self +function EditBox:registerScriptEditBoxHandler (handler) end +---* Sets capInsets for edit box, only the disabled state scale9 renderer will be affected.
+---* param capInsets capInsets in Rect. +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return self +function EditBox:setCapInsetsDisabledRenderer (capInsets) end +---* Set the placeholder's font size.
+---* param fontSize The font size. +---@param fontSize int +---@return self +function EditBox:setPlaceholderFontSize (fontSize) end +---* Load disabled state texture for edit box.
+---* param disabled dark state texture.
+---* param texType @see `TextureResType` +---@param disabled string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function EditBox:loadTextureDisabled (disabled,texType) end +---* Set the input mode of the edit box.
+---* param inputMode One of the EditBox::InputMode constants. +---@param inputMode int +---@return self +function EditBox:setInputMode (inputMode) end +---* Unregisters a script function that will be called for EditBox events.
+---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@return self +function EditBox:unregisterScriptEditBoxHandler () end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@param info cc.IMEKeyboardNotificationInfo +---@return self +function EditBox:keyboardWillShow (info) end +---@overload fun(color3b_table0:color4b_table):self +---@overload fun(color3b_table:color3b_table):self +---@param color color3b_table +---@return self +function EditBox:setPlaceholderFontColor (color) end +---* Get the return type that are to be applied to the edit box.
+---* return One of the EditBox::KeyboardReturnType constants. +---@return int +function EditBox:getReturnType () end +---@overload fun(color3b_table0:color4b_table):self +---@overload fun(color3b_table:color3b_table):self +---@param color color3b_table +---@return self +function EditBox:setFontColor (color) end +---* Get the font name.
+---* return The font name. +---@return char +function EditBox:getFontName () end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@param info cc.IMEKeyboardNotificationInfo +---@return self +function EditBox:keyboardWillHide (info) end +---* Sets capInsets for edit box, only the normal state scale9 renderer will be affected.
+---* param capInsets capInsets in Rect. +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return self +function EditBox:setCapInsetsNormalRenderer (capInsets) end +---* Load pressed state texture for edit box.
+---* param pressed pressed state texture.
+---* param texType @see `TextureResType` +---@param pressed string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function EditBox:loadTexturePressed (pressed,texType) end +---* Get the font color of the widget's text. +---@return color4b_table +function EditBox:getFontColor () end +---* Get the input flags that are to be applied to the edit box.
+---* return One of the EditBox::InputFlag constants. +---@return int +function EditBox:getInputFlag () end +---* Init edit box with specified size. This method should be invoked right after constructor.
+---* param size The size of edit box.
+---* param normalImage normal state texture name.
+---* param pressedImage pressed state texture name.
+---* param disabledImage disabled state texture name.
+---* return Whether initialization is successfully or not. +---@param size size_table +---@param normalImage string +---@param pressedImage string +---@param disabledImage string +---@param texType int +---@return boolean +function EditBox:initWithSizeAndTexture (size,normalImage,pressedImage,disabledImage,texType) end +---* Get the text horizontal alignment. +---@return int +function EditBox:getTextHorizontalAlignment () end +---* Return the capInsets of normal state scale9sprite.
+---* return The normal scale9 renderer capInsets. +---@return rect_table +function EditBox:getCapInsetsNormalRenderer () end +---* Return the capInsets of pressed state scale9sprite.
+---* return The pressed scale9 renderer capInsets. +---@return rect_table +function EditBox:getCapInsetsPressedRenderer () end +---* get a script Handler
+---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@return int +function EditBox:getScriptEditBoxHandler () end +---* Load textures for edit box.
+---* param normal normal state texture name.
+---* param pressed pressed state texture name.
+---* param disabled disabled state texture name.
+---* param texType @see `TextureResType` +---@param normal string +---@param pressed string +---@param disabled string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function EditBox:loadTextures (normal,pressed,disabled,texType) end +---* Set a text in the edit box that acts as a placeholder when an
+---* edit box is empty.
+---* param pText The given text. +---@param pText char +---@return self +function EditBox:setPlaceHolder (pText) end +---* Set the input flags that are to be applied to the edit box.
+---* param inputFlag One of the EditBox::InputFlag constants. +---@param inputFlag int +---@return self +function EditBox:setInputFlag (inputFlag) end +---* Set the return type that are to be applied to the edit box.
+---* param returnType One of the EditBox::KeyboardReturnType constants. +---@param returnType int +---@return self +function EditBox:setReturnType (returnType) end +---* Load normal state texture for edit box.
+---* param normal normal state texture.
+---* param texType @see `TextureResType` +---@param normal string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function EditBox:loadTextureNormal (normal,texType) end +---* Gets the maximum input length of the edit box.
+---* return Maximum input length. +---@return int +function EditBox:getMaxLength () end +---* Sets capInsets for edit box, only the pressed state scale9 renderer will be affected.
+---* param capInsets capInsets in Rect +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return self +function EditBox:setCapInsetsPressedRenderer (capInsets) end +---* Set the text entered in the edit box.
+---* param pText The given text. +---@param pText char +---@return self +function EditBox:setText (pText) end +---* Set the placeholder's font. Only system font is allowed.
+---* param pFontName The font name.
+---* param fontSize The font size. +---@param pFontName char +---@param fontSize int +---@return self +function EditBox:setPlaceholderFont (pFontName,fontSize) end +---* Get the font color of the placeholder text when the edit box is empty. +---@return color4b_table +function EditBox:getPlaceholderFontColor () end +---* Sets capInsets for edit box.
+---* param capInsets capInset in Rect. +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return self +function EditBox:setCapInsets (capInsets) end +---* Set the font. Only system font is allowed.
+---* param pFontName The font name.
+---* param fontSize The font size. +---@param pFontName char +---@param fontSize int +---@return self +function EditBox:setFont (pFontName,fontSize) end +---* Set the text horizontal alignment. +---@param alignment int +---@return self +function EditBox:setTextHorizontalAlignment (alignment) end +---@overload fun(size_table:size_table,string:string,string2:int):self +---@overload fun(size_table:size_table,string1:ccui.Scale9Sprite,string2:ccui.Scale9Sprite,string3:ccui.Scale9Sprite):self +---@overload fun(size_table:size_table,string:string,string:string,string:string,int:int):self +---@param size size_table +---@param normalImage string +---@param pressedImage string +---@param disabledImage string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function EditBox:create (size,normalImage,pressedImage,disabledImage,texType) end +---* +---@param anchorPoint vec2_table +---@return self +function EditBox:setAnchorPoint (anchorPoint) end +---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param parentTransform mat4_table +---@param parentFlags unsigned_int +---@return self +function EditBox:draw (renderer,parentTransform,parentFlags) end +---* Returns the "class name" of widget. +---@return string +function EditBox:getDescription () end +---* +---@param pos vec2_table +---@return self +function EditBox:setPosition (pos) end +---* +---@param visible boolean +---@return self +function EditBox:setVisible (visible) end +---* +---@param size size_table +---@return self +function EditBox:setContentSize (size) end +---* Constructor.
+---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function EditBox:EditBox () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/HBox.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/HBox.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1bf9ae879 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/HBox.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.HBox :ccui.Layout +local HBox={ } +ccui.HBox=HBox + + + + +---* +---@param size size_table +---@return boolean +function HBox:initWithSize (size) end +---@overload fun(size_table:size_table):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param size size_table +---@return self +function HBox:create (size) end +---* +---@return boolean +function HBox:init () end +---* Default constructor
+---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function HBox:HBox () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Helper.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Helper.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..742cdcce0 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Helper.lua @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.Helper +local Helper={ } +ccui.Helper=Helper + + + + +---* brief Get a UTF8 substring from a std::string with a given start position and length
+---* Sample: std::string str = "中国中国中国"; substr = getSubStringOfUTF8String(str,0,2) will = "中国"
+---* param str The source string.
+---* param start The start position of the substring.
+---* param length The length of the substring in UTF8 count
+---* return a UTF8 substring
+---* js NA +---@param str string +---@param start unsigned_int +---@param length unsigned_int +---@return string +function Helper:getSubStringOfUTF8String (str,start,length) end +---* brief Convert a node's boundingBox rect into screen coordinates.
+---* param node Any node pointer.
+---* return A Rect in screen coordinates. +---@param node cc.Node +---@return rect_table +function Helper:convertBoundingBoxToScreen (node) end +---* Change the active property of Layout's @see `LayoutComponent`
+---* param active A boolean value. +---@param active boolean +---@return self +function Helper:changeLayoutSystemActiveState (active) end +---* Find a widget with a specific action tag from root widget
+---* This search will be recursive through all child widgets.
+---* param root The be searched root widget.
+---* param tag The widget action's tag.
+---* return Widget instance pointer. +---@param root ccui.Widget +---@param tag int +---@return ccui.Widget +function Helper:seekActionWidgetByActionTag (root,tag) end +---* Find a widget with a specific name from root widget.
+---* This search will be recursive through all child widgets.
+---* param root The be searched root widget.
+---* param name The widget name.
+---* return Widget instance pointer. +---@param root ccui.Widget +---@param name string +---@return ccui.Widget +function Helper:seekWidgetByName (root,name) end +---* Find a widget with a specific tag from root widget.
+---* This search will be recursive through all child widgets.
+---* param root The be searched root widget.
+---* param tag The widget tag.
+---* return Widget instance pointer. +---@param root ccui.Widget +---@param tag int +---@return ccui.Widget +function Helper:seekWidgetByTag (root,tag) end +---* brief restrict capInsetSize, when the capInsets's width is larger than the textureSize, it will restrict to 0,
+---* the height goes the same way as width.
+---* param capInsets A user defined capInsets.
+---* param textureSize The size of a scale9enabled texture
+---* return a restricted capInset. +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@param textureSize size_table +---@return rect_table +function Helper:restrictCapInsetRect (capInsets,textureSize) end +---* Refresh object and it's children layout state
+---* param rootNode A Node* or Node* descendant instance pointer. +---@param rootNode cc.Node +---@return self +function Helper:doLayout (rootNode) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/ImageView.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/ImageView.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0297e1ae2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/ImageView.lua @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.ImageView :ccui.Widget@all parent class: Widget,BlendProtocol +local ImageView={ } +ccui.ImageView=ImageView + + + + +---* Returns the blending function that is currently being used.
+---* return A BlendFunc structure with source and destination factor which specified pixel arithmetic.
+---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@return cc.BlendFunc +function ImageView:getBlendFunc () end +---* Load texture for imageview.
+---* param fileName file name of texture.
+---* param texType @see `Widget::TextureResType` +---@param fileName string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function ImageView:loadTexture (fileName,texType) end +---* Sets the source blending function.
+---* param blendFunc A structure with source and destination factor to specify pixel arithmetic. e.g. {BlendFactor::ONE, BlendFactor::ONE}, {BlendFactor::SRC_ALPHA, BlendFactor::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA}.
+---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc +---@return self +function ImageView:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end +---* +---@param imageFileName string +---@param texType int +---@return boolean +function ImageView:init (imageFileName,texType) end +---* Enable scale9 renderer.
+---* param enabled Set to true will use scale9 renderer, false otherwise. +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function ImageView:setScale9Enabled (enabled) end +---* Updates the texture rect of the ImageView in points.
+---* It will call setTextureRect:rotated:untrimmedSize with rotated = NO, and utrimmedSize = rect.size. +---@param rect rect_table +---@return self +function ImageView:setTextureRect (rect) end +---* Sets capInsets for imageview.
+---* The capInsets affects the ImageView's renderer only if `setScale9Enabled(true)` is called.
+---* param capInsets capinsets for imageview +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return self +function ImageView:setCapInsets (capInsets) end +---* +---@return cc.ResourceData +function ImageView:getRenderFile () end +---* Get ImageView's capInsets size.
+---* return Query capInsets size in Rect
+---* see `setCapInsets(const Rect&)` +---@return rect_table +function ImageView:getCapInsets () end +---* Query whether button is using scale9 renderer or not.
+---* return whether button use scale9 renderer or not. +---@return boolean +function ImageView:isScale9Enabled () end +---@overload fun(string:string,int:int):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param imageFileName string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function ImageView:create (imageFileName,texType) end +---* +---@return cc.Ref +function ImageView:createInstance () end +---* +---@return cc.Node +function ImageView:getVirtualRenderer () end +---* +---@return boolean +function ImageView:init () end +---* +---@return string +function ImageView:getDescription () end +---* +---@return size_table +function ImageView:getVirtualRendererSize () end +---* +---@param ignore boolean +---@return self +function ImageView:ignoreContentAdaptWithSize (ignore) end +---* Default constructor
+---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function ImageView:ImageView () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Layout.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Layout.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ca634f289 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Layout.lua @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.Layout :ccui.Widget@all parent class: Widget,LayoutProtocol +local Layout={ } +ccui.Layout=Layout + + + + +---* Sets background color vector for layout.
+---* This setting only take effect when layout's color type is BackGroundColorType::GRADIENT
+---* param vector The color vector in `Vec2`. +---@param vector vec2_table +---@return self +function Layout:setBackGroundColorVector (vector) end +---* Change the clipping type of layout.
+---* On default, the clipping type is `ClippingType::STENCIL`.
+---* see `ClippingType`
+---* param type The clipping type of layout. +---@param type int +---@return self +function Layout:setClippingType (type) end +---* Sets Color Type for layout's background
+---* param type @see `BackGroundColorType` +---@param type int +---@return self +function Layout:setBackGroundColorType (type) end +---* If a layout is loop focused which means that the focus movement will be inside the layout
+---* param loop pass true to let the focus movement loop inside the layout +---@param loop boolean +---@return self +function Layout:setLoopFocus (loop) end +---* Set layout's background image color.
+---* param color Background color value in `Color3B`. +---@param color color3b_table +---@return self +function Layout:setBackGroundImageColor (color) end +---* Get the layout's background color vector.
+---* return Background color vector. +---@return vec2_table +function Layout:getBackGroundColorVector () end +---* see `setClippingType(ClippingType)` +---@return int +function Layout:getClippingType () end +---* +---@return cc.ResourceData +function Layout:getRenderFile () end +---* return If focus loop is enabled, then it will return true, otherwise it returns false. The default value is false. +---@return boolean +function Layout:isLoopFocus () end +---* Remove the background image of layout. +---@return self +function Layout:removeBackGroundImage () end +---* Get the layout's background color opacity.
+---* return Background color opacity value. +---@return unsigned_char +function Layout:getBackGroundColorOpacity () end +---* Gets if layout is clipping enabled.
+---* return if layout is clipping enabled. +---@return boolean +function Layout:isClippingEnabled () end +---* Set opacity of background image.
+---* param opacity Background image opacity in GLubyte. +---@param opacity unsigned_char +---@return self +function Layout:setBackGroundImageOpacity (opacity) end +---* Sets a background image for layout.
+---* param fileName image file path.
+---* param texType @see TextureResType. +---@param fileName string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function Layout:setBackGroundImage (fileName,texType) end +---@overload fun(color3b_table:color3b_table,color3b_table:color3b_table):self +---@overload fun(color3b_table:color3b_table):self +---@param startColor color3b_table +---@param endColor color3b_table +---@return self +function Layout:setBackGroundColor (startColor,endColor) end +---* request to refresh widget layout +---@return self +function Layout:requestDoLayout () end +---* Query background image's capInsets size.
+---* return The background image capInsets. +---@return rect_table +function Layout:getBackGroundImageCapInsets () end +---* Query the layout's background color.
+---* return Background color in Color3B. +---@return color3b_table +function Layout:getBackGroundColor () end +---* Toggle layout clipping.
+---* If you do need clipping, you pass true to this function.
+---* param enabled Pass true to enable clipping, false otherwise. +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function Layout:setClippingEnabled (enabled) end +---* Get color of layout's background image.
+---* return Layout's background image color. +---@return color3b_table +function Layout:getBackGroundImageColor () end +---* Query background image scale9 enable status.
+---* return Whether background image is scale9 enabled or not. +---@return boolean +function Layout:isBackGroundImageScale9Enabled () end +---* Query the layout's background color type.
+---* return The layout's background color type. +---@return int +function Layout:getBackGroundColorType () end +---* Get the gradient background end color.
+---* return Gradient background end color value. +---@return color3b_table +function Layout:getBackGroundEndColor () end +---* Sets background color opacity of layout.
+---* param opacity The opacity in `GLubyte`. +---@param opacity unsigned_char +---@return self +function Layout:setBackGroundColorOpacity (opacity) end +---* Get the opacity of layout's background image.
+---* return The opacity of layout's background image. +---@return unsigned_char +function Layout:getBackGroundImageOpacity () end +---* return To query whether the layout will pass the focus to its children or not. The default value is true +---@return boolean +function Layout:isPassFocusToChild () end +---* Sets a background image capinsets for layout, it only affects the scale9 enabled background image
+---* param capInsets The capInsets in Rect. +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return self +function Layout:setBackGroundImageCapInsets (capInsets) end +---* Gets background image texture size.
+---* return background image texture size. +---@return size_table +function Layout:getBackGroundImageTextureSize () end +---* force refresh widget layout +---@return self +function Layout:forceDoLayout () end +---* Query layout type.
+---* return Get the layout type. +---@return int +function Layout:getLayoutType () end +---* param pass To specify whether the layout pass its focus to its child +---@param pass boolean +---@return self +function Layout:setPassFocusToChild (pass) end +---* Get the gradient background start color.
+---* return Gradient background start color value. +---@return color3b_table +function Layout:getBackGroundStartColor () end +---* Enable background image scale9 rendering.
+---* param enabled True means enable scale9 rendering for background image, false otherwise. +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function Layout:setBackGroundImageScale9Enabled (enabled) end +---* Change the layout type.
+---* param type Layout type. +---@param type int +---@return self +function Layout:setLayoutType (type) end +---* Create a empty layout. +---@return self +function Layout:create () end +---* +---@return cc.Ref +function Layout:createInstance () end +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string2:int):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string:string):self +---@param child cc.Node +---@param localZOrder int +---@param name string +---@return self +function Layout:addChild (child,localZOrder,name) end +---* Returns the "class name" of widget. +---@return string +function Layout:getDescription () end +---* Removes all children from the container, and do a cleanup to all running actions depending on the cleanup parameter.
+---* param cleanup true if all running actions on all children nodes should be cleanup, false otherwise.
+---* js removeAllChildren
+---* lua removeAllChildren +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function Layout:removeAllChildrenWithCleanup (cleanup) end +---* Removes all children from the container with a cleanup.
+---* see `removeAllChildrenWithCleanup(bool)` +---@return self +function Layout:removeAllChildren () end +---* When a widget is in a layout, you could call this method to get the next focused widget within a specified direction.
+---* If the widget is not in a layout, it will return itself
+---* param direction the direction to look for the next focused widget in a layout
+---* param current the current focused widget
+---* return the next focused widget in a layout +---@param direction int +---@param current ccui.Widget +---@return ccui.Widget +function Layout:findNextFocusedWidget (direction,current) end +---* +---@param child cc.Node +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function Layout:removeChild (child,cleanup) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Layout:init () end +---* Override function. Set camera mask, the node is visible by the camera whose camera flag & node's camera mask is true.
+---* param mask Mask being set
+---* param applyChildren If true call this function recursively from this node to its children. +---@param mask unsigned short +---@param applyChildren boolean +---@return self +function Layout:setCameraMask (mask,applyChildren) end +---* +---@param globalZOrder float +---@return self +function Layout:setGlobalZOrder (globalZOrder) end +---* Default constructor
+---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function Layout:Layout () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LayoutComponent.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LayoutComponent.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..32f719861 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LayoutComponent.lua @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.LayoutComponent :cc.Component +local LayoutComponent={ } +ccui.LayoutComponent=LayoutComponent + + + + +---* Toggle enable stretch width.
+---* param isUsed True if enable stretch width, false otherwise. +---@param isUsed boolean +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setStretchWidthEnabled (isUsed) end +---* Change percent width of owner.
+---* param percentWidth Percent Width in float. +---@param percentWidth float +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setPercentWidth (percentWidth) end +---* Query the anchor position.
+---* return Anchor position to it's parent +---@return vec2_table +function LayoutComponent:getAnchorPosition () end +---* Toggle position percentX enabled.
+---* param isUsed True if enable position percentX, false otherwise. +---@param isUsed boolean +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setPositionPercentXEnabled (isUsed) end +---* Toggle enable stretch height.
+---* param isUsed True if stretch height is enabled, false otherwise. +---@param isUsed boolean +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setStretchHeightEnabled (isUsed) end +---* Toggle active enabled of LayoutComponent's owner.
+---* param enable True if active layout component, false otherwise. +---@param enable boolean +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setActiveEnabled (enable) end +---* Query the right margin of owner relative to its parent.
+---* return Right margin in float. +---@return float +function LayoutComponent:getRightMargin () end +---* Query owner's content size.
+---* return Owner's content size. +---@return size_table +function LayoutComponent:getSize () end +---* Change the anchor position to it's parent.
+---* param point A value in (x,y) format. +---@param point vec2_table +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setAnchorPosition (point) end +---* Refresh layout of the owner. +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:refreshLayout () end +---* Query whether percent width is enabled or not.
+---* return True if percent width is enabled, false, otherwise. +---@return boolean +function LayoutComponent:isPercentWidthEnabled () end +---* Change element's vertical dock type.
+---* param vEage Vertical dock type @see `VerticalEdge`. +---@param vEage int +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setVerticalEdge (vEage) end +---* Query the top margin of owner relative to its parent.
+---* return Top margin in float. +---@return float +function LayoutComponent:getTopMargin () end +---* Change content size width of owner.
+---* param width Content size width in float. +---@param width float +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setSizeWidth (width) end +---* Query the percent content size value.
+---* return Percent (x,y) in Vec2. +---@return vec2_table +function LayoutComponent:getPercentContentSize () end +---* Query element vertical dock type.
+---* return Vertical dock type. +---@return int +function LayoutComponent:getVerticalEdge () end +---* Toggle enable percent width.
+---* param isUsed True if percent width is enabled, false otherwise. +---@param isUsed boolean +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setPercentWidthEnabled (isUsed) end +---* Query whether stretch width is enabled or not.
+---* return True if stretch width is enabled, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function LayoutComponent:isStretchWidthEnabled () end +---* Change left margin of owner relative to its parent.
+---* param margin Margin in float. +---@param margin float +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setLeftMargin (margin) end +---* Query content size width of owner.
+---* return Content size width in float. +---@return float +function LayoutComponent:getSizeWidth () end +---* Toggle position percentY enabled.
+---* param isUsed True if position percentY is enabled, false otherwise. +---@param isUsed boolean +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setPositionPercentYEnabled (isUsed) end +---* Query size height of owner.
+---* return Size height in float. +---@return float +function LayoutComponent:getSizeHeight () end +---* Query the position percentY Y value.
+---* return Position percent Y value in float. +---@return float +function LayoutComponent:getPositionPercentY () end +---* Query the position percent X value.
+---* return Position percent X value in float. +---@return float +function LayoutComponent:getPositionPercentX () end +---* Change the top margin of owner relative to its parent.
+---* param margin Margin in float. +---@param margin float +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setTopMargin (margin) end +---* Query percent height of owner.
+---* return Percent height in float. +---@return float +function LayoutComponent:getPercentHeight () end +---* Query whether use percent content size or not.
+---* return True if using percent content size, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function LayoutComponent:getUsingPercentContentSize () end +---* Change position percentY value.
+---* param percentMargin Margin in float. +---@param percentMargin float +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setPositionPercentY (percentMargin) end +---* Change position percent X value.
+---* param percentMargin Margin in float. +---@param percentMargin float +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setPositionPercentX (percentMargin) end +---* Change right margin of owner relative to its parent.
+---* param margin Margin in float. +---@param margin float +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setRightMargin (margin) end +---* Whether position percentY is enabled or not.
+---* see `setPositionPercentYEnabled`
+---* return True if position percentY is enabled, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function LayoutComponent:isPositionPercentYEnabled () end +---* Change percent height value of owner.
+---* param percentHeight Percent height in float. +---@param percentHeight float +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setPercentHeight (percentHeight) end +---* Toggle enable percent only.
+---* param enable True if percent only is enabled, false otherwise. +---@param enable boolean +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setPercentOnlyEnabled (enable) end +---* Change element's horizontal dock type.
+---* param hEage Horizontal dock type @see `HorizontalEdge` +---@param hEage int +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setHorizontalEdge (hEage) end +---* Change the position of component owner.
+---* param position A position in (x,y) +---@param position vec2_table +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setPosition (position) end +---* Percent content size is used to adapt node's content size based on parent's content size.
+---* If set to true then node's content size will be changed based on the value set by @see setPercentContentSize
+---* param isUsed True to enable percent content size, false otherwise. +---@param isUsed boolean +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setUsingPercentContentSize (isUsed) end +---* Query left margin of owner relative to its parent.
+---* return Left margin in float. +---@return float +function LayoutComponent:getLeftMargin () end +---* Query the owner's position.
+---* return The owner's position. +---@return vec2_table +function LayoutComponent:getPosition () end +---* Change size height of owner.
+---* param height Size height in float. +---@param height float +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setSizeHeight (height) end +---* Whether position percentX is enabled or not.
+---* return True if position percentX is enable, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function LayoutComponent:isPositionPercentXEnabled () end +---* Query the bottom margin of owner relative to its parent.
+---* return Bottom margin in float. +---@return float +function LayoutComponent:getBottomMargin () end +---* Toggle enable percent height.
+---* param isUsed True if percent height is enabled, false otherwise. +---@param isUsed boolean +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setPercentHeightEnabled (isUsed) end +---* Set percent content size.
+---* The value should be [0-1], 0 means the child's content size will be 0
+---* and 1 means the child's content size is the same as its parents.
+---* param percent The percent (x,y) of the node in [0-1] scope. +---@param percent vec2_table +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setPercentContentSize (percent) end +---* Query whether percent height is enabled or not.
+---* return True if percent height is enabled, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function LayoutComponent:isPercentHeightEnabled () end +---* Query percent width of owner.
+---* return percent width in float. +---@return float +function LayoutComponent:getPercentWidth () end +---* Query element horizontal dock type.
+---* return Horizontal dock type. +---@return int +function LayoutComponent:getHorizontalEdge () end +---* Query whether stretch height is enabled or not.
+---* return True if stretch height is enabled, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function LayoutComponent:isStretchHeightEnabled () end +---* Change the bottom margin of owner relative to its parent.
+---* param margin in float. +---@param margin float +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setBottomMargin (margin) end +---* Change the content size of owner.
+---* param size Content size in @see `Size`. +---@param size size_table +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:setSize (size) end +---* +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:create () end +---* Bind a LayoutComponent to a specified node.
+---* If the node has already binded a LayoutComponent named __LAYOUT_COMPONENT_NAME, just return the LayoutComponent.
+---* Otherwise, create a new LayoutComponent and bind the LayoutComponent to the node.
+---* param node A Node* instance pointer.
+---* return The binded LayoutComponent instance pointer. +---@param node cc.Node +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:bindLayoutComponent (node) end +---* +---@return boolean +function LayoutComponent:init () end +---* Default constructor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function LayoutComponent:LayoutComponent () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LayoutParameter.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LayoutParameter.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..72769f8e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LayoutParameter.lua @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.LayoutParameter :cc.Ref +local LayoutParameter={ } +ccui.LayoutParameter=LayoutParameter + + + + +---* Create a copy of original LayoutParameter.
+---* return A LayoutParameter pointer. +---@return self +function LayoutParameter:clone () end +---* Gets LayoutParameterType of LayoutParameter.
+---* see LayoutParameterType.
+---* return LayoutParameterType +---@return int +function LayoutParameter:getLayoutType () end +---* Create a cloned instance of LayoutParameter.
+---* return A LayoutParameter pointer. +---@return self +function LayoutParameter:createCloneInstance () end +---* Copy all the member field from argument LayoutParameter to self.
+---* param model A LayoutParameter instance. +---@param model ccui.LayoutParameter +---@return self +function LayoutParameter:copyProperties (model) end +---* Create a empty LayoutParameter.
+---* return A autorelease LayoutParameter instance. +---@return self +function LayoutParameter:create () end +---* Default constructor.
+---* lua new +---@return self +function LayoutParameter:LayoutParameter () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LinearLayoutParameter.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LinearLayoutParameter.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..10adc0007 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LinearLayoutParameter.lua @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.LinearLayoutParameter :ccui.LayoutParameter +local LinearLayoutParameter={ } +ccui.LinearLayoutParameter=LinearLayoutParameter + + + + +---* Sets LinearGravity parameter for LayoutParameter.
+---* see LinearGravity
+---* param gravity Gravity in LinearGravity. +---@param gravity int +---@return self +function LinearLayoutParameter:setGravity (gravity) end +---* Gets LinearGravity parameter for LayoutParameter.
+---* see LinearGravity
+---* return LinearGravity +---@return int +function LinearLayoutParameter:getGravity () end +---* Create a empty LinearLayoutParameter instance.
+---* return A initialized LayoutParameter which is marked as "autorelease". +---@return self +function LinearLayoutParameter:create () end +---* +---@return ccui.LayoutParameter +function LinearLayoutParameter:createCloneInstance () end +---* +---@param model ccui.LayoutParameter +---@return self +function LinearLayoutParameter:copyProperties (model) end +---* Default constructor.
+---* lua new +---@return self +function LinearLayoutParameter:LinearLayoutParameter () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/ListView.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/ListView.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..56bd28d41 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/ListView.lua @@ -0,0 +1,305 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.ListView :ccui.ScrollView +local ListView={ } +ccui.ListView=ListView + + + + +---* Set the gravity of ListView.
+---* see `ListViewGravity` +---@param gravity int +---@return self +function ListView:setGravity (gravity) end +---* Removes the last item of ListView. +---@return self +function ListView:removeLastItem () end +---* Get the left padding in ListView
+---* return Left padding in float +---@return float +function ListView:getLeftPadding () end +---* brief Query the center item
+---* return An item instance. +---@return ccui.Widget +function ListView:getCenterItemInCurrentView () end +---* brief Query current selected widget's index.
+---* return An index of a selected item. +---@return int +function ListView:getCurSelectedIndex () end +---* Get the time in seconds to scroll between items.
+---* return The time in seconds to scroll between items
+---* see setScrollDuration(float) +---@return float +function ListView:getScrollDuration () end +---* Query whether the magnetic out of boundary is allowed. +---@return boolean +function ListView:getMagneticAllowedOutOfBoundary () end +---* brief Query margin between each item in ListView.
+---* return A margin in float. +---@return float +function ListView:getItemsMargin () end +---@overload fun(int:int,vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table:vec2_table,float:float):self +---@overload fun(int:int,vec2_table:vec2_table,vec2_table:vec2_table):self +---@param itemIndex int +---@param positionRatioInView vec2_table +---@param itemAnchorPoint vec2_table +---@param timeInSec float +---@return self +function ListView:scrollToItem (itemIndex,positionRatioInView,itemAnchorPoint,timeInSec) end +---* brief Jump to specific item
+---* param itemIndex Specifies the item's index
+---* param positionRatioInView Specifies the position with ratio in list view's content size.
+---* param itemAnchorPoint Specifies an anchor point of each item for position to calculate distance. +---@param itemIndex int +---@param positionRatioInView vec2_table +---@param itemAnchorPoint vec2_table +---@return self +function ListView:jumpToItem (itemIndex,positionRatioInView,itemAnchorPoint) end +---* Change padding with top padding
+---* param t Top padding in float +---@param t float +---@return self +function ListView:setTopPadding (t) end +---* Return the index of specified widget.
+---* param item A widget pointer.
+---* return The index of a given widget in ListView. +---@param item ccui.Widget +---@return int +function ListView:getIndex (item) end +---* Insert a custom item into the end of ListView.
+---* param item An item in `Widget*`. +---@param item ccui.Widget +---@return self +function ListView:pushBackCustomItem (item) end +---* brief Set current selected widget's index and call TouchEventType::ENDED event.
+---* param itemIndex A index of a selected item. +---@param itemIndex int +---@return self +function ListView:setCurSelectedIndex (itemIndex) end +---* Insert a default item(create by cloning model) into listview at a give index.
+---* param index An index in ssize_t. +---@param index int +---@return self +function ListView:insertDefaultItem (index) end +---* Set magnetic type of ListView.
+---* see `MagneticType` +---@param magneticType int +---@return self +function ListView:setMagneticType (magneticType) end +---* Set magnetic allowed out of boundary. +---@param magneticAllowedOutOfBoundary boolean +---@return self +function ListView:setMagneticAllowedOutOfBoundary (magneticAllowedOutOfBoundary) end +---* Add an event click callback to ListView, then one item of Listview is clicked, the callback will be called.
+---* param callback A callback function with type of `ccListViewCallback`. +---@param callback function +---@return self +function ListView:addEventListener (callback) end +---* +---@return self +function ListView:doLayout () end +---* brief Query the topmost item in horizontal list
+---* return An item instance. +---@return ccui.Widget +function ListView:getTopmostItemInCurrentView () end +---* Change padding with left, top, right, and bottom padding.
+---* param l Left padding in float.
+---* param t Top margin in float.
+---* param r Right margin in float.
+---* param b Bottom margin in float. +---@param l float +---@param t float +---@param r float +---@param b float +---@return self +function ListView:setPadding (l,t,r,b) end +---* brief Remove all items in current ListView. +---@return self +function ListView:removeAllItems () end +---* Get the right padding in ListView
+---* return Right padding in float +---@return float +function ListView:getRightPadding () end +---* brief Query the bottommost item in horizontal list
+---* return An item instance. +---@return ccui.Widget +function ListView:getBottommostItemInCurrentView () end +---* Return all items in a ListView.
+---* returns A vector of widget pointers. +---@return array_table +function ListView:getItems () end +---* brief Query the leftmost item in horizontal list
+---* return An item instance. +---@return ccui.Widget +function ListView:getLeftmostItemInCurrentView () end +---* Set the margin between each item in ListView.
+---* param margin A margin in float. +---@param margin float +---@return self +function ListView:setItemsMargin (margin) end +---* Get magnetic type of ListView. +---@return int +function ListView:getMagneticType () end +---* Return an item at a given index.
+---* param index A given index in ssize_t.
+---* return A widget instance. +---@param index int +---@return ccui.Widget +function ListView:getItem (index) end +---* Remove an item at given index.
+---* param index A given index in ssize_t. +---@param index int +---@return self +function ListView:removeItem (index) end +---* Get the top padding in ListView
+---* return Top padding in float +---@return float +function ListView:getTopPadding () end +---* Insert a default item(create by a cloned model) at the end of the listview. +---@return self +function ListView:pushBackDefaultItem () end +---* Change padding with left padding
+---* param l Left padding in float. +---@param l float +---@return self +function ListView:setLeftPadding (l) end +---* brief Query the closest item to a specific position in inner container.
+---* param targetPosition Specifies the target position in inner container's coordinates.
+---* param itemAnchorPoint Specifies an anchor point of each item for position to calculate distance.
+---* return An item instance if list view is not empty. Otherwise, returns null. +---@param targetPosition vec2_table +---@param itemAnchorPoint vec2_table +---@return ccui.Widget +function ListView:getClosestItemToPosition (targetPosition,itemAnchorPoint) end +---* Change padding with bottom padding
+---* param b Bottom padding in float +---@param b float +---@return self +function ListView:setBottomPadding (b) end +---* Set the time in seconds to scroll between items.
+---* Subsequent calls of function 'scrollToItem', will take 'time' seconds for scrolling.
+---* param time The seconds needed to scroll between two items. 'time' must be >= 0
+---* see scrollToItem(ssize_t, const Vec2&, const Vec2&) +---@param time float +---@return self +function ListView:setScrollDuration (time) end +---* brief Query the closest item to a specific position in current view.
+---* For instance, to find the item in the center of view, call 'getClosestItemToPositionInCurrentView(Vec2::ANCHOR_MIDDLE, Vec2::ANCHOR_MIDDLE)'.
+---* param positionRatioInView Specifies the target position with ratio in list view's content size.
+---* param itemAnchorPoint Specifies an anchor point of each item for position to calculate distance.
+---* return An item instance if list view is not empty. Otherwise, returns null. +---@param positionRatioInView vec2_table +---@param itemAnchorPoint vec2_table +---@return ccui.Widget +function ListView:getClosestItemToPositionInCurrentView (positionRatioInView,itemAnchorPoint) end +---* brief Query the rightmost item in horizontal list
+---* return An item instance. +---@return ccui.Widget +function ListView:getRightmostItemInCurrentView () end +---* Change padding with right padding
+---* param r Right padding in float +---@param r float +---@return self +function ListView:setRightPadding (r) end +---* Set an item model for listview.
+---* When calling `pushBackDefaultItem`, the model will be used as a blueprint and new model copy will be inserted into ListView.
+---* param model Model in `Widget*`. +---@param model ccui.Widget +---@return self +function ListView:setItemModel (model) end +---* Get the bottom padding in ListView
+---* return Bottom padding in float +---@return float +function ListView:getBottomPadding () end +---* brief Insert a custom widget into ListView at a given index.
+---* param item A widget pointer to be inserted.
+---* param index A given index in ssize_t. +---@param item ccui.Widget +---@param index int +---@return self +function ListView:insertCustomItem (item,index) end +---* Create an empty ListView.
+---* return A ListView instance. +---@return self +function ListView:create () end +---* +---@return cc.Ref +function ListView:createInstance () end +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string2:int):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string:string):self +---@param child cc.Node +---@param zOrder int +---@param name string +---@return self +function ListView:addChild (child,zOrder,name) end +---* Override functions +---@return self +function ListView:jumpToBottom () end +---* +---@return boolean +function ListView:init () end +---* Changes scroll direction of scrollview.
+---* Direction Direction::VERTICAL means vertical scroll, Direction::HORIZONTAL means horizontal scroll.
+---* param dir Set the list view's scroll direction. +---@param dir int +---@return self +function ListView:setDirection (dir) end +---* +---@return self +function ListView:jumpToTopRight () end +---* +---@return self +function ListView:jumpToLeft () end +---* +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function ListView:removeAllChildrenWithCleanup (cleanup) end +---* +---@return self +function ListView:requestDoLayout () end +---* +---@return self +function ListView:removeAllChildren () end +---* +---@return self +function ListView:jumpToTopLeft () end +---* +---@param child cc.Node +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function ListView:removeChild (child,cleanup) end +---* +---@return self +function ListView:jumpToBottomRight () end +---* +---@return self +function ListView:jumpToTop () end +---* +---@return self +function ListView:jumpToBottomLeft () end +---* +---@param percent vec2_table +---@return self +function ListView:jumpToPercentBothDirection (percent) end +---* +---@param percent float +---@return self +function ListView:jumpToPercentHorizontal (percent) end +---* +---@return self +function ListView:jumpToRight () end +---* +---@return string +function ListView:getDescription () end +---* +---@param percent float +---@return self +function ListView:jumpToPercentVertical (percent) end +---* Default constructor
+---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function ListView:ListView () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LoadingBar.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LoadingBar.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9f2cfbf40 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/LoadingBar.lua @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.LoadingBar :ccui.Widget +local LoadingBar={ } +ccui.LoadingBar=LoadingBar + + + + +---* Changes the progress value of LoadingBar.
+---* param percent Percent value from 1 to 100. +---@param percent float +---@return self +function LoadingBar:setPercent (percent) end +---* Load texture for LoadingBar.
+---* param texture File name of texture.
+---* param texType Texture resource type,@see TextureResType. +---@param texture string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function LoadingBar:loadTexture (texture,texType) end +---* Change the progress direction of LoadingBar.
+---* see Direction `LEFT` means progress left to right, `RIGHT` otherwise.
+---* param direction Direction +---@param direction int +---@return self +function LoadingBar:setDirection (direction) end +---* +---@return cc.ResourceData +function LoadingBar:getRenderFile () end +---* Enable scale9 renderer.
+---* param enabled Set to true will use scale9 renderer, false otherwise. +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function LoadingBar:setScale9Enabled (enabled) end +---* Set capInsets for LoadingBar.
+---* This setting only take effect when enable scale9 renderer.
+---* param capInsets CapInset in `Rect`. +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return self +function LoadingBar:setCapInsets (capInsets) end +---* Get the progress direction of LoadingBar.
+---* see Direction `LEFT` means progress left to right, `RIGHT` otherwise.
+---* return LoadingBar progress direction. +---@return int +function LoadingBar:getDirection () end +---* brief Query LoadingBar's capInsets.
+---* return CapInsets of LoadingBar. +---@return rect_table +function LoadingBar:getCapInsets () end +---* brief Query whether LoadingBar is using scale9 renderer or not.
+---* return Whether LoadingBar uses scale9 renderer or not. +---@return boolean +function LoadingBar:isScale9Enabled () end +---* Get the progress value of LoadingBar.
+---* return Progress value from 1 to 100. +---@return float +function LoadingBar:getPercent () end +---@overload fun(string:string,int1:float):self +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun(string:string,int:int,float:float):self +---@param textureName string +---@param texType int +---@param percentage float +---@return self +function LoadingBar:create (textureName,texType,percentage) end +---* +---@return cc.Ref +function LoadingBar:createInstance () end +---* +---@return cc.Node +function LoadingBar:getVirtualRenderer () end +---* +---@return string +function LoadingBar:getDescription () end +---* +---@return size_table +function LoadingBar:getVirtualRendererSize () end +---* +---@param ignore boolean +---@return self +function LoadingBar:ignoreContentAdaptWithSize (ignore) end +---* Default constructor.
+---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function LoadingBar:LoadingBar () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/PageView.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/PageView.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..98f6b6a3a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/PageView.lua @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.PageView :ccui.ListView +local PageView={ } +ccui.PageView=PageView + + + + +---* brief Set space between page indicator's index nodes.
+---* param spaceBetweenIndexNodes Space between nodes in pixel. +---@param spaceBetweenIndexNodes float +---@return self +function PageView:setIndicatorSpaceBetweenIndexNodes (spaceBetweenIndexNodes) end +---* Insert a page into PageView at a given index.
+---* param page Page to be inserted.
+---* param idx A given index. +---@param page ccui.Widget +---@param idx int +---@return self +function PageView:insertPage (page,idx) end +---* brief Set opacity of page indicator's index nodes.
+---* param opacity New indicator node opacity. +---@param opacity unsigned_char +---@return self +function PageView:setIndicatorIndexNodesOpacity (opacity) end +---* brief Set opacity of page indicator's selected index.
+---* param color New opacity for selected (current) index. +---@param opacity unsigned_char +---@return self +function PageView:setIndicatorSelectedIndexOpacity (opacity) end +---* brief Remove all pages of the PageView. +---@return self +function PageView:removeAllPages () end +---* +---@param epsilon float +---@return self +function PageView:setAutoScrollStopEpsilon (epsilon) end +---* brief Set scale of page indicator's index nodes.
+---* param indexNodesScale Scale of index nodes. +---@param indexNodesScale float +---@return self +function PageView:setIndicatorIndexNodesScale (indexNodesScale) end +---* brief Toggle page indicator enabled.
+---* param enabled True if enable page indicator, false otherwise. +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function PageView:setIndicatorEnabled (enabled) end +---* brief Set color of page indicator's selected index.
+---* param color New color for selected (current) index. +---@param color color3b_table +---@return self +function PageView:setIndicatorSelectedIndexColor (color) end +---* brief Add a page turn callback to PageView, then when one page is turning, the callback will be called.
+---* param callback A page turning callback. +---@param callback function +---@return self +function PageView:addEventListener (callback) end +---* brief Get the page indicator's position.
+---* return positionAsAnchorPoint +---@return vec2_table +function PageView:getIndicatorPosition () end +---* Jump to a page with a given index without scrolling.
+---* This is the different between scrollToPage.
+---* param index A given index in PageView. Index start from 0 to pageCount -1. +---@param index int +---@return self +function PageView:setCurrentPageIndex (index) end +---* brief Get the color of page indicator's index nodes.
+---* return color +---@return color3b_table +function PageView:getIndicatorIndexNodesColor () end +---* brief Get the color of page indicator's selected index.
+---* return color +---@return color3b_table +function PageView:getIndicatorSelectedIndexColor () end +---* brief Get scale of page indicator's index nodes.
+---* return indexNodesScale +---@return float +function PageView:getIndicatorIndexNodesScale () end +---* brief Set the page indicator's position in page view.
+---* param position The position in page view +---@param position vec2_table +---@return self +function PageView:setIndicatorPosition (position) end +---* brief Get the opacity of page indicator's selected index.
+---* return opacity +---@return unsigned_char +function PageView:getIndicatorSelectedIndexOpacity () end +---@overload fun(int:int,float:float):self +---@overload fun(int:int):self +---@param idx int +---@param time float +---@return self +function PageView:scrollToPage (idx,time) end +---* brief Set the page indicator's position using anchor point.
+---* param positionAsAnchorPoint The position as anchor point. +---@param positionAsAnchorPoint vec2_table +---@return self +function PageView:setIndicatorPositionAsAnchorPoint (positionAsAnchorPoint) end +---@overload fun(int:int,float:float):self +---@overload fun(int:int):self +---@param idx int +---@param time float +---@return self +function PageView:scrollToItem (idx,time) end +---* brief Set color of page indicator's index nodes.
+---* param color New indicator node color. +---@param color color3b_table +---@return self +function PageView:setIndicatorIndexNodesColor (color) end +---* brief Get the opacity of page indicator's index nodes.
+---* return opacity +---@return unsigned_char +function PageView:getIndicatorIndexNodesOpacity () end +---* brief Get the page indicator's position as anchor point.
+---* return positionAsAnchorPoint +---@return vec2_table +function PageView:getIndicatorPositionAsAnchorPoint () end +---* Gets current displayed page index.
+---* return current page index. +---@return int +function PageView:getCurrentPageIndex () end +---* Remove a page of PageView.
+---* param page Page to be removed. +---@param page ccui.Widget +---@return self +function PageView:removePage (page) end +---* sets texture for index nodes.
+---* param fileName File name of texture.
+---* param resType @see TextureResType . +---@param texName string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function PageView:setIndicatorIndexNodesTexture (texName,texType) end +---* brief Query page indicator state.
+---* return True if page indicator is enabled, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function PageView:getIndicatorEnabled () end +---* Remove a page at a given index of PageView.
+---* param index A given index. +---@param index int +---@return self +function PageView:removePageAtIndex (index) end +---* brief Get the space between page indicator's index nodes.
+---* return spaceBetweenIndexNodes +---@return float +function PageView:getIndicatorSpaceBetweenIndexNodes () end +---* Insert a page into the end of PageView.
+---* param page Page to be inserted. +---@param page ccui.Widget +---@return self +function PageView:addPage (page) end +---* Create an empty PageView.
+---* return A PageView instance. +---@return self +function PageView:create () end +---* +---@return cc.Ref +function PageView:createInstance () end +---* +---@return self +function PageView:doLayout () end +---* +---@return boolean +function PageView:init () end +---* +---@return string +function PageView:getDescription () end +---* Changes direction
+---* Direction Direction::VERTICAL means vertical scroll, Direction::HORIZONTAL means horizontal scroll.
+---* param direction Set the page view's scroll direction. +---@param direction int +---@return self +function PageView:setDirection (direction) end +---* Default constructor
+---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function PageView:PageView () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RadioButton.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RadioButton.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..10b6c1374 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RadioButton.lua @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.RadioButton :ccui.AbstractCheckButton +local RadioButton={ } +ccui.RadioButton=RadioButton + + + + +---* Add a callback function which would be called when radio button is selected or unselected.
+---* param callback A std::function with type @see `ccRadioButtonCallback` +---@param callback function +---@return self +function RadioButton:addEventListener (callback) end +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string,int:int):self +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string2:int):self +---@param backGround string +---@param backGroundSelected string +---@param cross string +---@param backGroundDisabled string +---@param frontCrossDisabled string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function RadioButton:create (backGround,backGroundSelected,cross,backGroundDisabled,frontCrossDisabled,texType) end +---* +---@return cc.Ref +function RadioButton:createInstance () end +---* +---@return string +function RadioButton:getDescription () end +---* Default constructor.
+---* lua new +---@return self +function RadioButton:RadioButton () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RadioButtonGroup.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RadioButtonGroup.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2dab4ebc5 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RadioButtonGroup.lua @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.RadioButtonGroup :ccui.Widget +local RadioButtonGroup={ } +ccui.RadioButtonGroup=RadioButtonGroup + + + + +---* Remove a radio button from this group.
+---* param radio button instance +---@param radioButton ccui.RadioButton +---@return self +function RadioButtonGroup:removeRadioButton (radioButton) end +---* Query whether no-selection is allowed or not.
+---* param true means no-selection is allowed, false means no-selection is not allowed. +---@return boolean +function RadioButtonGroup:isAllowedNoSelection () end +---* Get the index of selected radio button.
+---* return the selected button's index. Returns -1 if no button is selected. +---@return int +function RadioButtonGroup:getSelectedButtonIndex () end +---* Set a flag for allowing no-selection feature.
+---* If it is allowed, no radio button can be selected.
+---* If it is not allowed, one radio button must be selected all time except it is empty.
+---* Default is not allowed.
+---* param true means allowing no-selection, false means disallowing no-selection. +---@param allowedNoSelection boolean +---@return self +function RadioButtonGroup:setAllowedNoSelection (allowedNoSelection) end +---@overload fun(int0:ccui.RadioButton):self +---@overload fun(int:int):self +---@param index int +---@return self +function RadioButtonGroup:setSelectedButtonWithoutEvent (index) end +---* Add a callback function which would be called when radio button is selected or unselected.
+---* param callback A std::function with type @see `ccRadioButtonGroupCallback` +---@param callback function +---@return self +function RadioButtonGroup:addEventListener (callback) end +---* Remove all radio button from this group. +---@return self +function RadioButtonGroup:removeAllRadioButtons () end +---* Get a radio button in this group by index.
+---* param index of the radio button
+---* return radio button instance. Returns nullptr if out of index. +---@param index int +---@return ccui.RadioButton +function RadioButtonGroup:getRadioButtonByIndex (index) end +---* Get the number of radio buttons in this group.
+---* return the number of radio buttons in this group +---@return int +function RadioButtonGroup:getNumberOfRadioButtons () end +---* Add a radio button into this group.
+---* param radio button instance +---@param radioButton ccui.RadioButton +---@return self +function RadioButtonGroup:addRadioButton (radioButton) end +---@overload fun(int0:ccui.RadioButton):self +---@overload fun(int:int):self +---@param index int +---@return self +function RadioButtonGroup:setSelectedButton (index) end +---* Create and return a empty RadioButtonGroup instance pointer. +---@return self +function RadioButtonGroup:create () end +---* +---@return string +function RadioButtonGroup:getDescription () end +---* Default constructor.
+---* lua new +---@return self +function RadioButtonGroup:RadioButtonGroup () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RelativeBox.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RelativeBox.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f4845c695 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RelativeBox.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.RelativeBox :ccui.Layout +local RelativeBox={ } +ccui.RelativeBox=RelativeBox + + + + +---* +---@param size size_table +---@return boolean +function RelativeBox:initWithSize (size) end +---@overload fun(size_table:size_table):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param size size_table +---@return self +function RelativeBox:create (size) end +---* +---@return boolean +function RelativeBox:init () end +---* Default constructor.
+---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function RelativeBox:RelativeBox () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RelativeLayoutParameter.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RelativeLayoutParameter.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2a46c3a9c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RelativeLayoutParameter.lua @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.RelativeLayoutParameter :ccui.LayoutParameter +local RelativeLayoutParameter={ } +ccui.RelativeLayoutParameter=RelativeLayoutParameter + + + + +---* Sets RelativeAlign parameter for LayoutParameter.
+---* see RelativeAlign
+---* param align Relative align in `RelativeAlign`. +---@param align int +---@return self +function RelativeLayoutParameter:setAlign (align) end +---* Set widget name your widget want to relative to.
+---* param name Relative widget name. +---@param name string +---@return self +function RelativeLayoutParameter:setRelativeToWidgetName (name) end +---* Get a name of LayoutParameter in Relative Layout.
+---* return name Relative name in string. +---@return string +function RelativeLayoutParameter:getRelativeName () end +---* Get the relative widget name.
+---* return name A relative widget name in string. +---@return string +function RelativeLayoutParameter:getRelativeToWidgetName () end +---* Set a name for LayoutParameter in Relative Layout.
+---* param name A string name. +---@param name string +---@return self +function RelativeLayoutParameter:setRelativeName (name) end +---* Get RelativeAlign parameter for LayoutParameter.
+---* see RelativeAlign
+---* return A RelativeAlign variable. +---@return int +function RelativeLayoutParameter:getAlign () end +---* Create a RelativeLayoutParameter instance.
+---* return A initialized LayoutParameter which is marked as "autorelease". +---@return self +function RelativeLayoutParameter:create () end +---* +---@return ccui.LayoutParameter +function RelativeLayoutParameter:createCloneInstance () end +---* +---@param model ccui.LayoutParameter +---@return self +function RelativeLayoutParameter:copyProperties (model) end +---* Default constructor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function RelativeLayoutParameter:RelativeLayoutParameter () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElement.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElement.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6e303f703 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElement.lua @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.RichElement :cc.Ref +local RichElement={ } +ccui.RichElement=RichElement + + + + +---* +---@param type int +---@return boolean +function RichElement:equalType (type) end +---* brief Initialize a rich element with different arguments.
+---* param tag A integer tag value.
+---* param color A color in @see `Color3B`.
+---* param opacity A opacity value in `GLubyte`.
+---* return True if initialize success, false otherwise. +---@param tag int +---@param color color3b_table +---@param opacity unsigned_char +---@return boolean +function RichElement:init (tag,color,opacity) end +---* +---@param color color3b_table +---@return self +function RichElement:setColor (color) end +---* brief Default constructor.
+---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function RichElement:RichElement () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementCustomNode.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementCustomNode.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c9f03fb44 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementCustomNode.lua @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.RichElementCustomNode :ccui.RichElement +local RichElementCustomNode={ } +ccui.RichElementCustomNode=RichElementCustomNode + + + + +---* brief Initialize a RichElementCustomNode with various arguments.
+---* param tag A integer tag value.
+---* param color A color in Color3B.
+---* param opacity A opacity in GLubyte.
+---* param customNode A custom node pointer.
+---* return True if initialize success, false otherwise. +---@param tag int +---@param color color3b_table +---@param opacity unsigned_char +---@param customNode cc.Node +---@return boolean +function RichElementCustomNode:init (tag,color,opacity,customNode) end +---* brief Create a RichElementCustomNode with various arguments.
+---* param tag A integer tag value.
+---* param color A color in Color3B.
+---* param opacity A opacity in GLubyte.
+---* param customNode A custom node pointer.
+---* return A RichElementCustomNode instance. +---@param tag int +---@param color color3b_table +---@param opacity unsigned_char +---@param customNode cc.Node +---@return self +function RichElementCustomNode:create (tag,color,opacity,customNode) end +---* brief Default constructor.
+---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function RichElementCustomNode:RichElementCustomNode () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementImage.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementImage.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fc14a6942 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementImage.lua @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.RichElementImage :ccui.RichElement +local RichElementImage={ } +ccui.RichElementImage=RichElementImage + + + + +---* +---@param height int +---@return self +function RichElementImage:setHeight (height) end +---* brief Initialize a RichElementImage with various arguments.
+---* param tag A integer tag value.
+---* param color A color in Color3B.
+---* param opacity A opacity in GLubyte.
+---* param filePath A image file name.
+---* param url uniform resource locator
+---* param texType texture type, may be a valid file path, or a sprite frame name
+---* return True if initialize success, false otherwise. +---@param tag int +---@param color color3b_table +---@param opacity unsigned_char +---@param filePath string +---@param url string +---@param texType int +---@return boolean +function RichElementImage:init (tag,color,opacity,filePath,url,texType) end +---* +---@param width int +---@return self +function RichElementImage:setWidth (width) end +---* +---@param url string +---@return self +function RichElementImage:setUrl (url) end +---* brief Create a RichElementImage with various arguments.
+---* param tag A integer tag value.
+---* param color A color in Color3B.
+---* param opacity A opacity in GLubyte.
+---* param filePath A image file name.
+---* param url uniform resource locator
+---* param texType texture type, may be a valid file path, or a sprite frame name
+---* return A RichElementImage instance. +---@param tag int +---@param color color3b_table +---@param opacity unsigned_char +---@param filePath string +---@param url string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function RichElementImage:create (tag,color,opacity,filePath,url,texType) end +---* brief Default constructor.
+---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function RichElementImage:RichElementImage () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementNewLine.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementNewLine.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..58f494623 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementNewLine.lua @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.RichElementNewLine :ccui.RichElement +local RichElementNewLine={ } +ccui.RichElementNewLine=RichElementNewLine + + + + +---* brief Create a RichElementNewLine with various arguments.
+---* param tag A integer tag value.
+---* param color A color in Color3B.
+---* param opacity A opacity in GLubyte.
+---* return A RichElementNewLine instance. +---@param tag int +---@param color color3b_table +---@param opacity unsigned_char +---@return self +function RichElementNewLine:create (tag,color,opacity) end +---* brief Default constructor.
+---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function RichElementNewLine:RichElementNewLine () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementText.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementText.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..77d0aff06 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichElementText.lua @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.RichElementText :ccui.RichElement +local RichElementText={ } +ccui.RichElementText=RichElementText + + + + +---* brief Initialize a RichElementText with various arguments.
+---* param tag A integer tag value.
+---* param color A color in Color3B.
+---* param opacity A opacity in GLubyte.
+---* param text Content string.
+---* param fontName Content font name.
+---* param fontSize Content font size.
+---* param flags italics, bold, underline, strikethrough, url, outline, shadow or glow
+---* param url uniform resource locator
+---* param outlineColor the color of the outline
+---* param outlineSize the outline effect size value
+---* param shadowColor the shadow effect color value
+---* param shadowOffset shadow effect offset value
+---* param shadowBlurRadius the shadow effect blur radius
+---* param glowColor glow color
+---* return True if initialize success, false otherwise. +---@param tag int +---@param color color3b_table +---@param opacity unsigned_char +---@param text string +---@param fontName string +---@param fontSize float +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@param url string +---@param outlineColor color3b_table +---@param outlineSize int +---@param shadowColor color3b_table +---@param shadowOffset size_table +---@param shadowBlurRadius int +---@param glowColor color3b_table +---@return boolean +function RichElementText:init (tag,color,opacity,text,fontName,fontSize,flags,url,outlineColor,outlineSize,shadowColor,shadowOffset,shadowBlurRadius,glowColor) end +---* brief Create a RichElementText with various arguments.
+---* param tag A integer tag value.
+---* param color A color in Color3B.
+---* param opacity A opacity in GLubyte.
+---* param text Content string.
+---* param fontName Content font name.
+---* param fontSize Content font size.
+---* param flags italics, bold, underline, strikethrough, url, outline, shadow or glow
+---* param url uniform resource locator
+---* param outlineColor the color of the outline
+---* param outlineSize the outline effect size value
+---* param shadowColor the shadow effect color value
+---* param shadowOffset shadow effect offset value
+---* param shadowBlurRadius the shadow effect blur radius
+---* param glowColor glow color
+---* return RichElementText instance. +---@param tag int +---@param color color3b_table +---@param opacity unsigned_char +---@param text string +---@param fontName string +---@param fontSize float +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@param url string +---@param outlineColor color3b_table +---@param outlineSize int +---@param shadowColor color3b_table +---@param shadowOffset size_table +---@param shadowBlurRadius int +---@param glowColor color3b_table +---@return self +function RichElementText:create (tag,color,opacity,text,fontName,fontSize,flags,url,outlineColor,outlineSize,shadowColor,shadowOffset,shadowBlurRadius,glowColor) end +---* brief Default constructor.
+---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function RichElementText:RichElementText () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichText.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichText.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c00940fa2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/RichText.lua @@ -0,0 +1,211 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.RichText :ccui.Widget +local RichText={ } +ccui.RichText=RichText + + + + +---* brief Insert a RichElement at a given index.
+---* param element A RichElement type.
+---* param index A given index. +---@param element ccui.RichElement +---@param index int +---@return self +function RichText:insertElement (element,index) end +---* @brief enable the outline of a-tag +---@param enable boolean +---@param outlineColor color3b_table +---@param outlineSize int +---@return self +function RichText:setAnchorTextOutline (enable,outlineColor,outlineSize) end +---* +---@return float +function RichText:getFontSize () end +---* brief Add a RichElement at the end of RichText.
+---* param element A RichElement instance. +---@param element ccui.RichElement +---@return self +function RichText:pushBackElement (element) end +---* +---@param enable boolean +---@return self +function RichText:setAnchorTextBold (enable) end +---* +---@return string +function RichText:getAnchorFontColor () end +---* +---@return int +function RichText:getAnchorTextShadowBlurRadius () end +---* @brief enable the shadow of a-tag +---@param enable boolean +---@param shadowColor color3b_table +---@param offset size_table +---@param blurRadius int +---@return self +function RichText:setAnchorTextShadow (enable,shadowColor,offset,blurRadius) end +---* +---@return boolean +function RichText:isAnchorTextItalicEnabled () end +---* +---@param color string +---@return self +function RichText:setAnchorFontColor (color) end +---* +---@param face string +---@return self +function RichText:setFontFace (face) end +---* +---@param enable boolean +---@param glowColor color3b_table +---@return self +function RichText:setAnchorTextGlow (enable,glowColor) end +---* +---@return int +function RichText:getHorizontalAlignment () end +---* +---@param a int +---@return self +function RichText:setHorizontalAlignment (a) end +---* +---@param enable boolean +---@return self +function RichText:setAnchorTextDel (enable) end +---* +---@return color3b_table +function RichText:getAnchorTextOutlineColor3B () end +---* +---@param color4b color4b_table +---@return string +function RichText:stringWithColor4B (color4b) end +---* +---@param xml string +---@param defaults map_table +---@param handleOpenUrl function +---@return boolean +function RichText:initWithXML (xml,defaults,handleOpenUrl) end +---* +---@return color3b_table +function RichText:getAnchorFontColor3B () end +---* brief Rearrange all RichElement in the RichText.
+---* It's usually called internally. +---@return self +function RichText:formatText () end +---* +---@return color3b_table +function RichText:getAnchorTextGlowColor3B () end +---* +---@param url string +---@return self +function RichText:openUrl (url) end +---* +---@return string +function RichText:getFontFace () end +---* +---@param color string +---@return self +function RichText:setFontColor (color) end +---* +---@return boolean +function RichText:isAnchorTextGlowEnabled () end +---* +---@return map_table +function RichText:getDefaults () end +---* +---@return boolean +function RichText:isAnchorTextUnderlineEnabled () end +---* +---@return string +function RichText:getFontColor () end +---* +---@return boolean +function RichText:isAnchorTextShadowEnabled () end +---* +---@return int +function RichText:getAnchorTextOutlineSize () end +---* brief Set vertical space between each RichElement.
+---* param space Point in float. +---@param space float +---@return self +function RichText:setVerticalSpace (space) end +---* +---@return boolean +function RichText:isAnchorTextDelEnabled () end +---* +---@param defaults map_table +---@return self +function RichText:setDefaults (defaults) end +---* +---@param wrapMode int +---@return self +function RichText:setWrapMode (wrapMode) end +---* +---@param size float +---@return self +function RichText:setFontSize (size) end +---@overload fun(int0:ccui.RichElement):self +---@overload fun(int:int):self +---@param index int +---@return self +function RichText:removeElement (index) end +---* +---@param enable boolean +---@return self +function RichText:setAnchorTextItalic (enable) end +---* +---@return size_table +function RichText:getAnchorTextShadowOffset () end +---* +---@return boolean +function RichText:isAnchorTextBoldEnabled () end +---* +---@return color3b_table +function RichText:getAnchorTextShadowColor3B () end +---* +---@param color3b color3b_table +---@return string +function RichText:stringWithColor3B (color3b) end +---* +---@return boolean +function RichText:isAnchorTextOutlineEnabled () end +---* +---@return color3b_table +function RichText:getFontColor3B () end +---* +---@return int +function RichText:getWrapMode () end +---* +---@param enable boolean +---@return self +function RichText:setAnchorTextUnderline (enable) end +---* +---@param color string +---@return color3b_table +function RichText:color3BWithString (color) end +---* brief Create a empty RichText.
+---* return RichText instance. +---@return self +function RichText:create () end +---* brief Create a RichText from an XML
+---* return RichText instance. +---@param xml string +---@param defaults map_table +---@param handleOpenUrl function +---@return self +function RichText:createWithXML (xml,defaults,handleOpenUrl) end +---* +---@return boolean +function RichText:init () end +---* +---@return string +function RichText:getDescription () end +---* +---@param ignore boolean +---@return self +function RichText:ignoreContentAdaptWithSize (ignore) end +---* brief Default constructor.
+---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function RichText:RichText () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Scale9Sprite.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Scale9Sprite.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..56442b044 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Scale9Sprite.lua @@ -0,0 +1,225 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.Scale9Sprite :cc.Sprite +local Scale9Sprite={ } +ccui.Scale9Sprite=Scale9Sprite + + + + +---@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,rect_table:rect_table,boolean:boolean,vec2_table:vec2_table,size_table:size_table,rect_table:rect_table):self +---@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,rect_table:rect_table,boolean:boolean,vec2_table3:rect_table):self +---@param sprite cc.Sprite +---@param rect rect_table +---@param rotated boolean +---@param offset vec2_table +---@param originalSize size_table +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return boolean +function Scale9Sprite:updateWithSprite (sprite,rect,rotated,offset,originalSize,capInsets) end +---* Creates and returns a new sprite object with the specified cap insets.
+---* You use this method to add cap insets to a sprite or to change the existing
+---* cap insets of a sprite. In both cases, you get back a new image and the
+---* original sprite remains untouched.
+---* param capInsets The values to use for the cap insets.
+---* return A Scale9Sprite instance. +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return self +function Scale9Sprite:resizableSpriteWithCapInsets (capInsets) end +---* Returns the Cap Insets +---@return rect_table +function Scale9Sprite:getCapInsets () end +---* Change the state of 9-slice sprite.
+---* see `State`
+---* param state A enum value in State.
+---* since v3.4 +---@param state int +---@return self +function Scale9Sprite:setState (state) end +---* brief Change the bottom sprite's cap inset.
+---* param bottomInset The values to use for the cap inset. +---@param bottomInset float +---@return self +function Scale9Sprite:setInsetBottom (bottomInset) end +---* Initializes a 9-slice sprite with an sprite frame name and with the specified
+---* cap insets.
+---* Once the sprite is created, you can then call its "setContentSize:" method
+---* to resize the sprite will all it's 9-slice goodness interact.
+---* It respects the anchorPoint too.
+---* param spriteFrameName The sprite frame name.
+---* param capInsets The values to use for the cap insets.
+---* return True if initializes success, false otherwise. +---@param spriteFrameName string +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return boolean +function Scale9Sprite:initWithSpriteFrameName (spriteFrameName,capInsets) end +---* brief Get the original no 9-sliced sprite
+---* return A sprite instance. +---@return cc.Sprite +function Scale9Sprite:getSprite () end +---* brief Change the top sprite's cap inset.
+---* param topInset The values to use for the cap inset. +---@param topInset float +---@return self +function Scale9Sprite:setInsetTop (topInset) end +---* Set the slice sprite rendering type.
+---* When setting to SIMPLE, only 4 vertexes is used to rendering.
+---* otherwise 16 vertexes will be used to rendering.
+---* see RenderingType +---@param type int +---@return self +function Scale9Sprite:setRenderingType (type) end +---@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,rect_table:rect_table,boolean2:rect_table):self +---@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,rect_table:rect_table,boolean:boolean,vec2_table3:rect_table):self +---@overload fun(cc.Sprite:cc.Sprite,rect_table:rect_table,boolean:boolean,vec2_table:vec2_table,size_table:size_table,rect_table:rect_table):self +---@param sprite cc.Sprite +---@param rect rect_table +---@param rotated boolean +---@param offset vec2_table +---@param originalSize size_table +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return boolean +function Scale9Sprite:init (sprite,rect,rotated,offset,originalSize,capInsets) end +---* brief Change the preferred size of Scale9Sprite.
+---* param size A delimitation zone. +---@param size size_table +---@return self +function Scale9Sprite:setPreferredSize (size) end +---* brief copies self to copy +---@param copy ccui.Scale9Sprite +---@return self +function Scale9Sprite:copyTo (copy) end +---* brief Change inner sprite's sprite frame.
+---* param spriteFrame A sprite frame pointer.
+---* param capInsets The values to use for the cap insets. +---@param spriteFrame cc.SpriteFrame +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return self +function Scale9Sprite:setSpriteFrame (spriteFrame,capInsets) end +---* Query the current bright state.
+---* return @see `State`
+---* since v3.7 +---@return int +function Scale9Sprite:getState () end +---* brief Query the bottom sprite's cap inset.
+---* return The bottom sprite's cap inset. +---@return float +function Scale9Sprite:getInsetBottom () end +---* brief Toggle 9-slice feature.
+---* If Scale9Sprite is 9-slice disabled, the Scale9Sprite will rendered as a normal sprite.
+---* warning: Don't use setScale9Enabled(false), use setRenderingType(RenderingType::SIMPLE) instead.
+---* The setScale9Enabled(false) is kept only for back back compatibility.
+---* param enabled True to enable 9-slice, false otherwise.
+---* js NA +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function Scale9Sprite:setScale9Enabled (enabled) end +---* brief Query whether the Scale9Sprite is enable 9-slice or not.
+---* return True if 9-slice is enabled, false otherwise.
+---* js NA +---@return boolean +function Scale9Sprite:isScale9Enabled () end +---* +---@return self +function Scale9Sprite:resetRender () end +---* Return the slice sprite rendering type. +---@return int +function Scale9Sprite:getRenderingType () end +---* brief Query the right sprite's cap inset.
+---* return The right sprite's cap inset. +---@return float +function Scale9Sprite:getInsetRight () end +---* brief Query the sprite's original size.
+---* return Sprite size. +---@return size_table +function Scale9Sprite:getOriginalSize () end +---@overload fun(string0:rect_table,rect_table1:string):self +---@overload fun(string:string,rect_table:rect_table,rect_table:rect_table):self +---@param file string +---@param rect rect_table +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return boolean +function Scale9Sprite:initWithFile (file,rect,capInsets) end +---* brief Query the top sprite's cap inset.
+---* return The top sprite's cap inset. +---@return float +function Scale9Sprite:getInsetTop () end +---* brief Change the left sprite's cap inset.
+---* param leftInset The values to use for the cap inset. +---@param leftInset float +---@return self +function Scale9Sprite:setInsetLeft (leftInset) end +---* Initializes a 9-slice sprite with an sprite frame and with the specified
+---* cap insets.
+---* Once the sprite is created, you can then call its "setContentSize:" method
+---* to resize the sprite will all it's 9-slice goodness interact.
+---* It respects the anchorPoint too.
+---* param spriteFrame The sprite frame object.
+---* param capInsets The values to use for the cap insets.
+---* return True if initializes success, false otherwise. +---@param spriteFrame cc.SpriteFrame +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return boolean +function Scale9Sprite:initWithSpriteFrame (spriteFrame,capInsets) end +---* brief Query the Scale9Sprite's preferred size.
+---* return Scale9Sprite's preferred size. +---@return size_table +function Scale9Sprite:getPreferredSize () end +---* Set the Cap Insets in Points using the untrimmed size as reference +---@param insets rect_table +---@return self +function Scale9Sprite:setCapInsets (insets) end +---* brief Query the left sprite's cap inset.
+---* return The left sprite's cap inset. +---@return float +function Scale9Sprite:getInsetLeft () end +---* brief Change the right sprite's cap inset.
+---* param rightInset The values to use for the cap inset. +---@param rightInset float +---@return self +function Scale9Sprite:setInsetRight (rightInset) end +---@overload fun(string:string,rect_table:rect_table,rect_table:rect_table):self +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun(string0:rect_table,rect_table1:string):self +---@overload fun(string:string,rect_table:rect_table):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param file string +---@param rect rect_table +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return self +function Scale9Sprite:create (file,rect,capInsets) end +---@overload fun(string:string,rect_table:rect_table):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param spriteFrameName string +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return self +function Scale9Sprite:createWithSpriteFrameName (spriteFrameName,capInsets) end +---@overload fun(cc.SpriteFrame:cc.SpriteFrame,rect_table:rect_table):self +---@overload fun(cc.SpriteFrame:cc.SpriteFrame):self +---@param spriteFrame cc.SpriteFrame +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return self +function Scale9Sprite:createWithSpriteFrame (spriteFrame,capInsets) end +---* Initializes a 9-slice sprite with an sprite frame name.
+---* Once the sprite is created, you can then call its "setContentSize:" method
+---* to resize the sprite will all it's 9-slice goodness interact.
+---* It respects the anchorPoint too.
+---* param spriteFrameName The sprite frame name.
+---* return True if initializes success, false otherwise. +---@param spriteFrameName string +---@return boolean +function Scale9Sprite:initWithSpriteFrameName (spriteFrameName) end +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@overload fun(string:string,rect_table:rect_table):self +---@param file string +---@param rect rect_table +---@return boolean +function Scale9Sprite:initWithFile (file,rect) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Scale9Sprite:init () end +---* Default constructor.
+---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function Scale9Sprite:Scale9Sprite () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/ScrollView.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/ScrollView.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..afa425d89 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/ScrollView.lua @@ -0,0 +1,378 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.ScrollView :ccui.Layout +local ScrollView={ } +ccui.ScrollView=ScrollView + + + + +---* Scroll inner container to top boundary of scrollview.
+---* param timeInSec Time in seconds.
+---* param attenuated Whether scroll speed attenuate or not. +---@param timeInSec float +---@param attenuated boolean +---@return self +function ScrollView:scrollToTop (timeInSec,attenuated) end +---* Scroll inner container to horizontal percent position of scrollview.
+---* param percent A value between 0 and 100.
+---* param timeInSec Time in seconds.
+---* param attenuated Whether scroll speed attenuate or not. +---@param percent float +---@param timeInSec float +---@param attenuated boolean +---@return self +function ScrollView:scrollToPercentHorizontal (percent,timeInSec,attenuated) end +---* brief Set the scroll bar's opacity
+---* param the scroll bar's opacity +---@param opacity unsigned_char +---@return self +function ScrollView:setScrollBarOpacity (opacity) end +---* brief Toggle scroll bar enabled.
+---* param enabled True if enable scroll bar, false otherwise. +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function ScrollView:setScrollBarEnabled (enabled) end +---* brief Query inertia scroll state.
+---* return True if inertia is enabled, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function ScrollView:isInertiaScrollEnabled () end +---* Scroll inner container to bottom boundary of scrollview.
+---* param timeInSec Time in seconds.
+---* param attenuated Whether scroll speed attenuate or not. +---@param timeInSec float +---@param attenuated boolean +---@return self +function ScrollView:scrollToBottom (timeInSec,attenuated) end +---* return How far the scroll view is scrolled in both axes, combined as a Vec2 +---@return vec2_table +function ScrollView:getScrolledPercentBothDirection () end +---* Query scroll direction of scrollview.
+---* see `Direction` Direction::VERTICAL means vertical scroll, Direction::HORIZONTAL means horizontal scroll
+---* return Scrollview scroll direction. +---@return int +function ScrollView:getDirection () end +---* brief Set the scroll bar's color
+---* param the scroll bar's color +---@param color color3b_table +---@return self +function ScrollView:setScrollBarColor (color) end +---* Scroll inner container to bottom and left boundary of scrollview.
+---* param timeInSec Time in seconds.
+---* param attenuated Whether scroll speed attenuate or not. +---@param timeInSec float +---@param attenuated boolean +---@return self +function ScrollView:scrollToBottomLeft (timeInSec,attenuated) end +---* Get inner container of scrollview.
+---* Inner container is a child of scrollview.
+---* return Inner container pointer. +---@return ccui.Layout +function ScrollView:getInnerContainer () end +---* Move inner container to bottom boundary of scrollview. +---@return self +function ScrollView:jumpToBottom () end +---* Set inner container position
+---* param pos Inner container position. +---@param pos vec2_table +---@return self +function ScrollView:setInnerContainerPosition (pos) end +---* Changes scroll direction of scrollview.
+---* see `Direction`
+---* param dir Scroll direction enum. +---@param dir int +---@return self +function ScrollView:setDirection (dir) end +---* Scroll inner container to top and left boundary of scrollview.
+---* param timeInSec Time in seconds.
+---* param attenuated Whether scroll speed attenuate or not. +---@param timeInSec float +---@param attenuated boolean +---@return self +function ScrollView:scrollToTopLeft (timeInSec,attenuated) end +---* Move inner container to top and right boundary of scrollview. +---@return self +function ScrollView:jumpToTopRight () end +---* Scroll inner container to both direction percent position of scrollview.
+---* param percent A value between 0 and 100.
+---* param timeInSec Time in seconds.
+---* param attenuated Whether scroll speed attenuate or not. +---@param percent vec2_table +---@param timeInSec float +---@param attenuated boolean +---@return self +function ScrollView:scrollToPercentBothDirection (percent,timeInSec,attenuated) end +---* Change inner container size of scrollview.
+---* Inner container size must be larger than or equal scrollview's size.
+---* param size Inner container size. +---@param size size_table +---@return self +function ScrollView:setInnerContainerSize (size) end +---* Get inner container position
+---* return The inner container position. +---@return vec2_table +function ScrollView:getInnerContainerPosition () end +---* Move inner container to top boundary of scrollview. +---@return self +function ScrollView:jumpToTop () end +---* return How far the scroll view is scrolled in the vertical axis +---@return float +function ScrollView:getScrolledPercentVertical () end +---* brief Query bounce state.
+---* return True if bounce is enabled, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function ScrollView:isBounceEnabled () end +---* Move inner container to vertical percent position of scrollview.
+---* param percent A value between 0 and 100. +---@param percent float +---@return self +function ScrollView:jumpToPercentVertical (percent) end +---* Add callback function which will be called when scrollview event triggered.
+---* param callback A callback function with type of `ccScrollViewCallback`. +---@param callback function +---@return self +function ScrollView:addEventListener (callback) end +---* brief Set scroll bar auto hide time
+---* param scroll bar auto hide time +---@param autoHideTime float +---@return self +function ScrollView:setScrollBarAutoHideTime (autoHideTime) end +---* Immediately stops inner container scroll (auto scrolling is not affected). +---@return self +function ScrollView:stopScroll () end +---* brief Set the horizontal scroll bar position from left-bottom corner.
+---* param positionFromCorner The position from left-bottom corner +---@param positionFromCorner vec2_table +---@return self +function ScrollView:setScrollBarPositionFromCornerForHorizontal (positionFromCorner) end +---* brief Toggle whether enable scroll inertia while scrolling.
+---* param enabled True if enable inertia, false otherwise. +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function ScrollView:setInertiaScrollEnabled (enabled) end +---* brief Set scroll bar auto hide state
+---* param scroll bar auto hide state +---@param autoHideEnabled boolean +---@return self +function ScrollView:setScrollBarAutoHideEnabled (autoHideEnabled) end +---* brief Get the scroll bar's color
+---* return the scroll bar's color +---@return color3b_table +function ScrollView:getScrollBarColor () end +---* Move inner container to top and left boundary of scrollview. +---@return self +function ScrollView:jumpToTopLeft () end +---* brief Query scroll bar state.
+---* return True if scroll bar is enabled, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function ScrollView:isScrollBarEnabled () end +---* return Whether the ScrollView is currently scrolling because of a bounceback or inertia slowdown. +---@return boolean +function ScrollView:isAutoScrolling () end +---* Move inner container to bottom and right boundary of scrollview. +---@return self +function ScrollView:jumpToBottomRight () end +---* brief Set the touch total time threshold
+---* param the touch total time threshold +---@param touchTotalTimeThreshold float +---@return self +function ScrollView:setTouchTotalTimeThreshold (touchTotalTimeThreshold) end +---* brief Get the touch total time threshold
+---* return the touch total time threshold +---@return float +function ScrollView:getTouchTotalTimeThreshold () end +---* brief Get the horizontal scroll bar's position from right-top corner.
+---* return positionFromCorner +---@return vec2_table +function ScrollView:getScrollBarPositionFromCornerForHorizontal () end +---* return How far the scroll view is scrolled in the horizontal axis +---@return float +function ScrollView:getScrolledPercentHorizontal () end +---* brief Toggle bounce enabled when scroll to the edge.
+---* param enabled True if enable bounce, false otherwise. +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function ScrollView:setBounceEnabled (enabled) end +---* Immediately stops inner container scroll initiated by any of the "scrollTo*" member functions +---@return self +function ScrollView:stopAutoScroll () end +---* Scroll inner container to top and right boundary of scrollview.
+---* param timeInSec Time in seconds.
+---* param attenuated Whether scroll speed attenuate or not. +---@param timeInSec float +---@param attenuated boolean +---@return self +function ScrollView:scrollToTopRight (timeInSec,attenuated) end +---* return Whether the user is currently dragging the ScrollView to scroll it +---@return boolean +function ScrollView:isScrolling () end +---* Scroll inner container to left boundary of scrollview.
+---* param timeInSec Time in seconds.
+---* param attenuated Whether scroll speed attenuate or not. +---@param timeInSec float +---@param attenuated boolean +---@return self +function ScrollView:scrollToLeft (timeInSec,attenuated) end +---* Move inner container to both direction percent position of scrollview.
+---* param percent A value between 0 and 100. +---@param percent vec2_table +---@return self +function ScrollView:jumpToPercentBothDirection (percent) end +---* Immediately stops inner container scroll if any. +---@return self +function ScrollView:stopOverallScroll () end +---* Scroll inner container to vertical percent position of scrollview.
+---* param percent A value between 0 and 100.
+---* param timeInSec Time in seconds.
+---* param attenuated Whether scroll speed attenuate or not. +---@param percent float +---@param timeInSec float +---@param attenuated boolean +---@return self +function ScrollView:scrollToPercentVertical (percent,timeInSec,attenuated) end +---* brief Set the scroll bar's width
+---* param width The scroll bar's width +---@param width float +---@return self +function ScrollView:setScrollBarWidth (width) end +---* brief Get the scroll bar's opacity
+---* return the scroll bar's opacity +---@return unsigned_char +function ScrollView:getScrollBarOpacity () end +---* Scroll inner container to bottom and right boundary of scrollview.
+---* param timeInSec Time in seconds
+---* param attenuated Whether scroll speed attenuate or not. +---@param timeInSec float +---@param attenuated boolean +---@return self +function ScrollView:scrollToBottomRight (timeInSec,attenuated) end +---* brief Set the scroll bar positions from the left-bottom corner (horizontal) and right-top corner (vertical).
+---* param positionFromCorner The position from the left-bottom corner (horizontal) and right-top corner (vertical). +---@param positionFromCorner vec2_table +---@return self +function ScrollView:setScrollBarPositionFromCorner (positionFromCorner) end +---* brief Set the vertical scroll bar position from right-top corner.
+---* param positionFromCorner The position from right-top corner +---@param positionFromCorner vec2_table +---@return self +function ScrollView:setScrollBarPositionFromCornerForVertical (positionFromCorner) end +---* brief Get the scroll bar's auto hide time
+---* return the scroll bar's auto hide time +---@return float +function ScrollView:getScrollBarAutoHideTime () end +---* Move inner container to left boundary of scrollview. +---@return self +function ScrollView:jumpToLeft () end +---* Scroll inner container to right boundary of scrollview.
+---* param timeInSec Time in seconds.
+---* param attenuated Whether scroll speed attenuate or not. +---@param timeInSec float +---@param attenuated boolean +---@return self +function ScrollView:scrollToRight (timeInSec,attenuated) end +---* brief Get the vertical scroll bar's position from right-top corner.
+---* return positionFromCorner +---@return vec2_table +function ScrollView:getScrollBarPositionFromCornerForVertical () end +---* brief Get the scroll bar's width
+---* return the scroll bar's width +---@return float +function ScrollView:getScrollBarWidth () end +---* brief Query scroll bar auto hide state
+---* return True if scroll bar auto hide is enabled, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function ScrollView:isScrollBarAutoHideEnabled () end +---* Move inner container to bottom and left boundary of scrollview. +---@return self +function ScrollView:jumpToBottomLeft () end +---* Move inner container to right boundary of scrollview. +---@return self +function ScrollView:jumpToRight () end +---* Get inner container size of scrollview.
+---* Inner container size must be larger than or equal scrollview's size.
+---* return The inner container size. +---@return size_table +function ScrollView:getInnerContainerSize () end +---* Move inner container to horizontal percent position of scrollview.
+---* param percent A value between 0 and 100. +---@param percent float +---@return self +function ScrollView:jumpToPercentHorizontal (percent) end +---* Create an empty ScrollView.
+---* return A ScrollView instance. +---@return self +function ScrollView:create () end +---* +---@return cc.Ref +function ScrollView:createInstance () end +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string2:int):self +---@overload fun(cc.Node:cc.Node,int:int,string:string):self +---@param child cc.Node +---@param localZOrder int +---@param name string +---@return self +function ScrollView:addChild (child,localZOrder,name) end +---* +---@return boolean +function ScrollView:init () end +---* +---@param name string +---@return cc.Node +function ScrollView:getChildByName (name) end +---* Return the "class name" of widget. +---@return string +function ScrollView:getDescription () end +---* +---@param dt float +---@return self +function ScrollView:update (dt) end +---* Get the layout type for scrollview.
+---* see `Layout::Type`
+---* return LayoutType +---@return int +function ScrollView:getLayoutType () end +---* +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function ScrollView:removeAllChildrenWithCleanup (cleanup) end +---* +---@return self +function ScrollView:removeAllChildren () end +---* When a widget is in a layout, you could call this method to get the next focused widget within a specified direction.
+---* If the widget is not in a layout, it will return itself
+---* param direction the direction to look for the next focused widget in a layout
+---* param current the current focused widget
+---* return the next focused widget in a layout +---@param direction int +---@param current ccui.Widget +---@return ccui.Widget +function ScrollView:findNextFocusedWidget (direction,current) end +---* +---@param child cc.Node +---@param cleanup boolean +---@return self +function ScrollView:removeChild (child,cleanup) end +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun():self +---@return array_table +function ScrollView:getChildren () end +---* +---@param tag int +---@return cc.Node +function ScrollView:getChildByTag (tag) end +---* +---@return int +function ScrollView:getChildrenCount () end +---* Set layout type for scrollview.
+---* see `Layout::Type`
+---* param type Layout type enum. +---@param type int +---@return self +function ScrollView:setLayoutType (type) end +---* Default constructor
+---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function ScrollView:ScrollView () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Slider.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Slider.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cc9c92ff2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Slider.lua @@ -0,0 +1,191 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.Slider :ccui.Widget +local Slider={ } +ccui.Slider=Slider + + + + +---* Changes the progress direction of slider.
+---* param percent Percent value from 1 to 100. +---@param percent int +---@return self +function Slider:setPercent (percent) end +---* Query the maximum percent of Slider. The default value is 100.
+---* since v3.7
+---* return The maximum percent of the Slider. +---@return int +function Slider:getMaxPercent () end +---* Load normal state texture for slider ball.
+---* param normal Normal state texture.
+---* param resType @see TextureResType . +---@param normal string +---@param resType int +---@return self +function Slider:loadSlidBallTextureNormal (normal,resType) end +---* Load dark state texture for slider progress bar.
+---* param fileName File path of texture.
+---* param resType @see TextureResType . +---@param fileName string +---@param resType int +---@return self +function Slider:loadProgressBarTexture (fileName,resType) end +---* +---@return cc.ResourceData +function Slider:getBallNormalFile () end +---* +---@return cc.Sprite +function Slider:getSlidBallDisabledRenderer () end +---* Sets if slider is using scale9 renderer.
+---* param able True that using scale9 renderer, false otherwise. +---@param able boolean +---@return self +function Slider:setScale9Enabled (able) end +---* +---@return cc.ResourceData +function Slider:getBallPressedFile () end +---* brief Return a zoom scale
+---* since v3.3 +---@return float +function Slider:getZoomScale () end +---* Sets capinsets for progress bar slider, if slider is using scale9 renderer.
+---* param capInsets Capinsets for progress bar slider.
+---* js NA +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return self +function Slider:setCapInsetProgressBarRenderer (capInsets) end +---* Load textures for slider ball.
+---* param normal Normal state texture.
+---* param pressed Pressed state texture.
+---* param disabled Disabled state texture.
+---* param texType @see TextureResType . +---@param normal string +---@param pressed string +---@param disabled string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function Slider:loadSlidBallTextures (normal,pressed,disabled,texType) end +---* +---@return cc.Node +function Slider:getSlidBallRenderer () end +---* Add call back function called when slider's percent has changed to slider.
+---* param callback An given call back function called when slider's percent has changed to slider. +---@param callback function +---@return self +function Slider:addEventListener (callback) end +---* Set a large value could give more control to the precision.
+---* since v3.7
+---* param percent The max percent of Slider. +---@param percent int +---@return self +function Slider:setMaxPercent (percent) end +---* Load texture for slider bar.
+---* param fileName File name of texture.
+---* param resType @see TextureResType . +---@param fileName string +---@param resType int +---@return self +function Slider:loadBarTexture (fileName,resType) end +---* +---@return cc.ResourceData +function Slider:getProgressBarFile () end +---* Gets capinsets for bar slider, if slider is using scale9 renderer.
+---* return capInsets Capinsets for bar slider. +---@return rect_table +function Slider:getCapInsetsBarRenderer () end +---* Updates the visual elements of the slider. +---@return self +function Slider:updateVisualSlider () end +---* Gets capinsets for progress bar slider, if slider is using scale9 renderer.
+---* return Capinsets for progress bar slider.
+---* js NA +---@return rect_table +function Slider:getCapInsetsProgressBarRenderer () end +---* +---@return cc.Sprite +function Slider:getSlidBallPressedRenderer () end +---* Load pressed state texture for slider ball.
+---* param pressed Pressed state texture.
+---* param resType @see TextureResType . +---@param pressed string +---@param resType int +---@return self +function Slider:loadSlidBallTexturePressed (pressed,resType) end +---* +---@return cc.ResourceData +function Slider:getBackFile () end +---* Gets If slider is using scale9 renderer.
+---* return True that using scale9 renderer, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function Slider:isScale9Enabled () end +---* +---@return cc.ResourceData +function Slider:getBallDisabledFile () end +---* Sets capinsets for bar slider, if slider is using scale9 renderer.
+---* param capInsets Capinsets for bar slider. +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return self +function Slider:setCapInsetsBarRenderer (capInsets) end +---* Gets the progress direction of slider.
+---* return percent Percent value from 1 to 100. +---@return int +function Slider:getPercent () end +---* Sets capinsets for slider, if slider is using scale9 renderer.
+---* param capInsets Capinsets for slider. +---@param capInsets rect_table +---@return self +function Slider:setCapInsets (capInsets) end +---* Load disabled state texture for slider ball.
+---* param disabled Disabled state texture.
+---* param resType @see TextureResType . +---@param disabled string +---@param resType int +---@return self +function Slider:loadSlidBallTextureDisabled (disabled,resType) end +---* +---@return cc.Sprite +function Slider:getSlidBallNormalRenderer () end +---* When user pressed the button, the button will zoom to a scale.
+---* The final scale of the button equals (button original scale + _zoomScale)
+---* since v3.3 +---@param scale float +---@return self +function Slider:setZoomScale (scale) end +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string,int:int):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param barTextureName string +---@param normalBallTextureName string +---@param resType int +---@return self +function Slider:create (barTextureName,normalBallTextureName,resType) end +---* +---@return cc.Ref +function Slider:createInstance () end +---* +---@return cc.Node +function Slider:getVirtualRenderer () end +---* +---@param ignore boolean +---@return self +function Slider:ignoreContentAdaptWithSize (ignore) end +---* Returns the "class name" of widget. +---@return string +function Slider:getDescription () end +---* +---@param pt vec2_table +---@param camera cc.Camera +---@param p vec3_table +---@return boolean +function Slider:hitTest (pt,camera,p) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Slider:init () end +---* +---@return size_table +function Slider:getVirtualRendererSize () end +---* Default constructor.
+---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function Slider:Slider () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TabControl.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TabControl.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..98cb14ab4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TabControl.lua @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.TabControl :ccui.Widget +local TabControl={ } +ccui.TabControl=TabControl + + + + +---* set header width, affect all tab
+---* param headerWidth each tab header's width +---@param headerWidth float +---@return self +function TabControl:setHeaderWidth (headerWidth) end +---* remove the tab from this TabControl
+---* param index The index of tab +---@param index int +---@return self +function TabControl:removeTab (index) end +---* get the count of tabs in this TabControl
+---* return the count of tabs +---@return unsigned_int +function TabControl:getTabCount () end +---* +---@return int +function TabControl:getHeaderDockPlace () end +---* get current selected tab's index
+---* return the current selected tab index +---@return int +function TabControl:getSelectedTabIndex () end +---* insert tab, and init the position of header and container
+---* param index The index tab should be
+---* param header The header Button, will be a protected child in TabControl
+---* param container The container, will be a protected child in TabControl +---@param index int +---@param header ccui.TabHeader +---@param container ccui.Layout +---@return self +function TabControl:insertTab (index,header,container) end +---* ignore the textures' size in header, scale them with _headerWidth and _headerHeight
+---* param ignore is `true`, the header's texture scale with _headerWidth and _headerHeight
+---* ignore is `false`, use the texture's size, do not scale them +---@param ignore boolean +---@return self +function TabControl:ignoreHeadersTextureSize (ignore) end +---* get tab header's width
+---* return header's width +---@return float +function TabControl:getHeaderWidth () end +---* the header dock place of header in TabControl
+---* param dockPlace The strip place +---@param dockPlace int +---@return self +function TabControl:setHeaderDockPlace (dockPlace) end +---@overload fun(int0:ccui.TabHeader):self +---@overload fun(int:int):self +---@param index int +---@return self +function TabControl:setSelectTab (index) end +---* get TabHeader
+---* param index The index of tab +---@param index int +---@return ccui.TabHeader +function TabControl:getTabHeader (index) end +---* get whether ignore the textures' size in header, scale them with _headerWidth and _headerHeight
+---* return whether ignore the textures' size in header +---@return boolean +function TabControl:isIgnoreHeadersTextureSize () end +---* Add a callback function which would be called when selected tab changed
+---* param callback A std::function with type @see `ccTabControlCallback` +---@param callback function +---@return self +function TabControl:setTabChangedEventListener (callback) end +---* set the delta zoom of selected tab
+---* param zoom The delta zoom +---@param zoom float +---@return self +function TabControl:setHeaderSelectedZoom (zoom) end +---* set header height, affect all tab
+---* param headerHeight each tab header's height +---@param headerHeight float +---@return self +function TabControl:setHeaderHeight (headerHeight) end +---* get the index of tabCell in TabView, return -1 if not exists in.
+---* return the index of tabCell in TabView, `-1` means not exists in. +---@param tabCell ccui.TabHeader +---@return int +function TabControl:indexOfTabHeader (tabCell) end +---* get Container
+---* param index The index of tab +---@param index int +---@return ccui.Layout +function TabControl:getTabContainer (index) end +---* get the delta zoom of selected tab
+---* return zoom, the delta zoom +---@return float +function TabControl:getHeaderSelectedZoom () end +---* get tab header's height
+---* return header's height +---@return int +function TabControl:getHeaderHeight () end +---* +---@return self +function TabControl:create () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TabHeader.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TabHeader.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9377970b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TabHeader.lua @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.TabHeader :ccui.AbstractCheckButton +local TabHeader={ } +ccui.TabHeader=TabHeader + + + + +---* get the index this header in the TabControl
+---* return -1 means not in any TabControl +---@return int +function TabHeader:getIndexInTabControl () end +---* get the TabHeader text
+---* return he TabHeader text +---@return string +function TabHeader:getTitleText () end +---* Change the font size of TabHeader text
+---* param size TabHeader text's font size in float. +---@param size float +---@return self +function TabHeader:setTitleFontSize (size) end +---* Change the font name of TabHeader text
+---* param fontName a font name string. +---@param fontName string +---@return self +function TabHeader:setTitleFontName (fontName) end +---* get the font size of TabHeader text
+---* return TabHeader text's font size in float. +---@return float +function TabHeader:getTitleFontSize () end +---* get the font name of TabHeader text
+---* return font name in std::string +---@return string +function TabHeader:getTitleFontName () end +---* get the TabHeader text color.
+---* return Color4B of TabHeader text. +---@return color4b_table +function TabHeader:getTitleColor () end +---* Return the inner Label renderer of TabHeader.
+---* return The TabHeader Label. +---@return cc.Label +function TabHeader:getTitleRenderer () end +---* Change the content of Header's text.
+---* param text The Header's text. +---@param text string +---@return self +function TabHeader:setTitleText (text) end +---* Change the color of he TabHeader text
+---* param color The he TabHeader text's color in Color4B. +---@param color color4b_table +---@return self +function TabHeader:setTitleColor (color) end +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string:string,string3:int):self +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string,string:string,int:int):self +---@param titleStr string +---@param backGround string +---@param backGroundSelected string +---@param cross string +---@param backGroundDisabled string +---@param frontCrossDisabled string +---@param texType int +---@return self +function TabHeader:create (titleStr,backGround,backGroundSelected,cross,backGroundDisabled,frontCrossDisabled,texType) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Text.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Text.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a82addf3c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Text.lua @@ -0,0 +1,206 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.Text :ccui.Widget@all parent class: Widget,BlendProtocol +local Text={ } +ccui.Text=Text + + + + +---* Enable shadow for the label.
+---* todo support blur for shadow effect
+---* param shadowColor The color of shadow effect.
+---* param offset The offset of shadow effect.
+---* param blurRadius The blur radius of shadow effect. +---@return self +function Text:enableShadow () end +---* Gets the font size of label.
+---* return The font size. +---@return float +function Text:getFontSize () end +---* Gets the string value of label.
+---* return String value. +---@return string +function Text:getString () end +---@overload fun(int:int):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param effect int +---@return self +function Text:disableEffect (effect) end +---* Return current effect type. +---@return int +function Text:getLabelEffectType () end +---* Gets text color.
+---* return Text color. +---@return color4b_table +function Text:getTextColor () end +---* Returns the blending function that is currently being used.
+---* return A BlendFunc structure with source and destination factor which specified pixel arithmetic.
+---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@return cc.BlendFunc +function Text:getBlendFunc () end +---* Sets text vertical alignment.
+---* param alignment vertical text alignment type +---@param alignment int +---@return self +function Text:setTextVerticalAlignment (alignment) end +---* Sets the font name of label.
+---* If you are trying to use a system font, you could just pass a font name
+---* If you are trying to use a TTF, you should pass a file path to the TTF file
+---* Usage:
+---* code
+---* create a system font UIText
+---* Text *text = Text::create("Hello", "Arial", 20);
+---* it will change the font to system font no matter the previous font type is TTF or system font
+---* text->setFontName("Marfelt");
+---* it will change the font to TTF font no matter the previous font type is TTF or system font
+---* text->setFontName("xxxx/xxx.ttf");
+---* endcode
+---* param name Font name. +---@param name string +---@return self +function Text:setFontName (name) end +---* Sets the touch scale enabled of label.
+---* param enabled Touch scale enabled of label. +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function Text:setTouchScaleChangeEnabled (enabled) end +---* Return shadow effect offset value. +---@return size_table +function Text:getShadowOffset () end +---* Changes the string value of label.
+---* param text String value. +---@param text string +---@return self +function Text:setString (text) end +---* Return the outline effect size value. +---@return int +function Text:getOutlineSize () end +---* +---@param textContent string +---@param fontName string +---@param fontSize float +---@return boolean +function Text:init (textContent,fontName,fontSize) end +---* Return the shadow effect blur radius. +---@return float +function Text:getShadowBlurRadius () end +---* Gets the touch scale enabled of label.
+---* return Touch scale enabled of label. +---@return boolean +function Text:isTouchScaleChangeEnabled () end +---* Gets the font name.
+---* return Font name. +---@return string +function Text:getFontName () end +---* Sets the rendering size of the text, you should call this method
+---* along with calling `ignoreContentAdaptWithSize(false)`, otherwise the text area
+---* size is calculated by the real size of the text content.
+---* param size The text rendering area size. +---@param size size_table +---@return self +function Text:setTextAreaSize (size) end +---* Gets the string length of the label.
+---* Note: This length will be larger than the raw string length,
+---* if you want to get the raw string length,
+---* you should call this->getString().size() instead.
+---* return String length. +---@return int +function Text:getStringLength () end +---* Gets the render size in auto mode.
+---* return The size of render size in auto mode. +---@return size_table +function Text:getAutoRenderSize () end +---* Enable outline for the label.
+---* It only works on IOS and Android when you use System fonts.
+---* param outlineColor The color of outline.
+---* param outlineSize The size of outline. +---@param outlineColor color4b_table +---@param outlineSize int +---@return self +function Text:enableOutline (outlineColor,outlineSize) end +---* Return current effect color value. +---@return color4b_table +function Text:getEffectColor () end +---* Gets the font type.
+---* return The font type. +---@return int +function Text:getType () end +---* Gets text horizontal alignment.
+---* return Horizontal text alignment type +---@return int +function Text:getTextHorizontalAlignment () end +---* Return whether the shadow effect is enabled. +---@return boolean +function Text:isShadowEnabled () end +---* Sets the font size of label.
+---* param size The font size. +---@param size float +---@return self +function Text:setFontSize (size) end +---* Return the shadow effect color value. +---@return color4b_table +function Text:getShadowColor () end +---* Sets text color.
+---* param color Text color. +---@param color color4b_table +---@return self +function Text:setTextColor (color) end +---* Only support for TTF.
+---* param glowColor The color of glow. +---@param glowColor color4b_table +---@return self +function Text:enableGlow (glowColor) end +---* Provides a way to treat each character like a Sprite.
+---* warning No support system font. +---@param lettetIndex int +---@return cc.Sprite +function Text:getLetter (lettetIndex) end +---* Sets the source blending function.
+---* param blendFunc A structure with source and destination factor to specify pixel arithmetic. e.g. {BlendFactor::ONE, BlendFactor::ONE}, {BlendFactor::SRC_ALPHA, BlendFactor::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA}.
+---* js NA
+---* lua NA +---@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc +---@return self +function Text:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end +---* Gets text vertical alignment.
+---* return Vertical text alignment type +---@return int +function Text:getTextVerticalAlignment () end +---* Return the text rendering area size.
+---* return The text rendering area size. +---@return size_table +function Text:getTextAreaSize () end +---* Sets text horizontal alignment.
+---* param alignment Horizontal text alignment type +---@param alignment int +---@return self +function Text:setTextHorizontalAlignment (alignment) end +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string,float:float):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param textContent string +---@param fontName string +---@param fontSize float +---@return self +function Text:create (textContent,fontName,fontSize) end +---* +---@return cc.Ref +function Text:createInstance () end +---* +---@return cc.Node +function Text:getVirtualRenderer () end +---* +---@return boolean +function Text:init () end +---* Returns the "class name" of widget. +---@return string +function Text:getDescription () end +---* +---@return size_table +function Text:getVirtualRendererSize () end +---* Default constructor.
+---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function Text:Text () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TextAtlas.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TextAtlas.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9f9170bac --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TextAtlas.lua @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.TextAtlas :ccui.Widget +local TextAtlas={ } +ccui.TextAtlas=TextAtlas + + + + +---* Gets the string length of the label.
+---* Note: This length will be larger than the raw string length,
+---* if you want to get the raw string length, you should call this->getString().size() instead
+---* return string length. +---@return int +function TextAtlas:getStringLength () end +---* Get string value for labelatlas.
+---* return The string value of TextAtlas. +---@return string +function TextAtlas:getString () end +---* Set string value for labelatlas.
+---* param value A given string needs to be displayed. +---@param value string +---@return self +function TextAtlas:setString (value) end +---* +---@return cc.ResourceData +function TextAtlas:getRenderFile () end +---* Initializes the LabelAtlas with a string, a char map file(the atlas), the width and height of each element and the starting char of the atlas.
+---* param stringValue A given string needs to be displayed.
+---* param charMapFile A given char map file name.
+---* param itemWidth The element width.
+---* param itemHeight The element height.
+---* param startCharMap The starting char of the atlas. +---@param stringValue string +---@param charMapFile string +---@param itemWidth int +---@param itemHeight int +---@param startCharMap string +---@return self +function TextAtlas:setProperty (stringValue,charMapFile,itemWidth,itemHeight,startCharMap) end +---* js NA +---@return self +function TextAtlas:adaptRenderers () end +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string,int:int,int:int,string:string):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param stringValue string +---@param charMapFile string +---@param itemWidth int +---@param itemHeight int +---@param startCharMap string +---@return self +function TextAtlas:create (stringValue,charMapFile,itemWidth,itemHeight,startCharMap) end +---* +---@return cc.Ref +function TextAtlas:createInstance () end +---* +---@return cc.Node +function TextAtlas:getVirtualRenderer () end +---* Returns the "class name" of widget. +---@return string +function TextAtlas:getDescription () end +---* +---@return size_table +function TextAtlas:getVirtualRendererSize () end +---* Default constructor.
+---* lua new +---@return self +function TextAtlas:TextAtlas () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TextBMFont.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TextBMFont.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8f5354399 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TextBMFont.lua @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.TextBMFont :ccui.Widget +local TextBMFont={ } +ccui.TextBMFont=TextBMFont + + + + +---* Gets the string length of the label.
+---* Note: This length will be larger than the raw string length,
+---* if you want to get the raw string length, you should call this->getString().size() instead
+---* return string length. +---@return int +function TextBMFont:getStringLength () end +---* get string value for labelbmfont +---@return string +function TextBMFont:getString () end +---* set string value for labelbmfont +---@param value string +---@return self +function TextBMFont:setString (value) end +---* +---@return cc.ResourceData +function TextBMFont:getRenderFile () end +---* init a bitmap font atlas with an initial string and the FNT file +---@param fileName string +---@return self +function TextBMFont:setFntFile (fileName) end +---* reset TextBMFont inner label +---@return self +function TextBMFont:resetRender () end +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param text string +---@param filename string +---@return self +function TextBMFont:create (text,filename) end +---* +---@return cc.Ref +function TextBMFont:createInstance () end +---* +---@return cc.Node +function TextBMFont:getVirtualRenderer () end +---* Returns the "class name" of widget. +---@return string +function TextBMFont:getDescription () end +---* +---@return size_table +function TextBMFont:getVirtualRendererSize () end +---* Default constructor
+---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function TextBMFont:TextBMFont () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TextField.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TextField.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8b1c2f619 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/TextField.lua @@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.TextField :ccui.Widget +local TextField={ } +ccui.TextField=TextField + + + + +---* brief Toggle attach with IME.
+---* param attach True if attach with IME, false otherwise. +---@param attach boolean +---@return self +function TextField:setAttachWithIME (attach) end +---* brief Query the font size.
+---* return The integer font size. +---@return int +function TextField:getFontSize () end +---* Query the content of TextField.
+---* return The string value of TextField. +---@return string +function TextField:getString () end +---* brief Change password style text.
+---* param styleText The styleText for password mask, the default value is "*". +---@param styleText char +---@return self +function TextField:setPasswordStyleText (styleText) end +---* brief Whether it is ready to delete backward in TextField.
+---* return True is the delete backward is enabled, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function TextField:getDeleteBackward () end +---* brief Query the text string color.
+---* return The color of the text. +---@return color4b_table +function TextField:getTextColor () end +---* brief Get the placeholder of TextField.
+---* return A placeholder string. +---@return string +function TextField:getPlaceHolder () end +---* brief Query whether the IME is attached or not.
+---* return True if IME is attached, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function TextField:getAttachWithIME () end +---* brief Change the font name of TextField.
+---* param name The font name string. +---@param name string +---@return self +function TextField:setFontName (name) end +---* brief Whether it is ready to get the inserted text or not.
+---* return True if the insert text is ready, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function TextField:getInsertText () end +---* brief Toggle enable insert text mode
+---* param insertText True if enable insert text, false otherwise. +---@param insertText boolean +---@return self +function TextField:setInsertText (insertText) end +---* Change content of TextField.
+---* param text A string content. +---@param text string +---@return self +function TextField:setString (text) end +---* brief Query whether IME is detached or not.
+---* return True if IME is detached, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function TextField:getDetachWithIME () end +---* brief Change the vertical text alignment.
+---* param alignment A alignment arguments in @see `TextVAlignment`. +---@param alignment int +---@return self +function TextField:setTextVerticalAlignment (alignment) end +---* Add a event listener to TextField, when some predefined event happens, the callback will be called.
+---* param callback A callback function with type of `ccTextFieldCallback`. +---@param callback function +---@return self +function TextField:addEventListener (callback) end +---* brief Detach the IME. +---@return self +function TextField:didNotSelectSelf () end +---* brief Query the TextField's font name.
+---* return The font name string. +---@return string +function TextField:getFontName () end +---* brief Change the text area size.
+---* param size A delimitation zone. +---@param size size_table +---@return self +function TextField:setTextAreaSize (size) end +---* brief Attach the IME for inputing. +---@return self +function TextField:attachWithIME () end +---* brief Query the input string length.
+---* return A integer length value. +---@return int +function TextField:getStringLength () end +---* brief Get the renderer size in auto mode.
+---* return A delimitation zone. +---@return size_table +function TextField:getAutoRenderSize () end +---* brief Toggle enable password input mode.
+---* param enable True if enable password input mode, false otherwise. +---@param enable boolean +---@return self +function TextField:setPasswordEnabled (enable) end +---* brief Query the placeholder string color.
+---* return The color of placeholder. +---@return color4b_table +function TextField:getPlaceHolderColor () end +---* brief Query the password style text.
+---* return A password style text. +---@return char +function TextField:getPasswordStyleText () end +---* brief Toggle maximize length enable
+---* param enable True if enable maximize length, false otherwise. +---@param enable boolean +---@return self +function TextField:setMaxLengthEnabled (enable) end +---* brief Query whether password is enabled or not.
+---* return True if password is enabled, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function TextField:isPasswordEnabled () end +---* brief Toggle enable delete backward mode.
+---* param deleteBackward True is delete backward is enabled, false otherwise. +---@param deleteBackward boolean +---@return self +function TextField:setDeleteBackward (deleteBackward) end +---* Set cursor position, if enabled
+---* js NA +---@param cursorPosition unsigned_int +---@return self +function TextField:setCursorPosition (cursorPosition) end +---* brief Inquire the horizontal alignment
+---* return The horizontal alignment +---@return int +function TextField:getTextHorizontalAlignment () end +---* brief Change font size of TextField.
+---* param size The integer font size. +---@param size int +---@return self +function TextField:setFontSize (size) end +---* brief Set placeholder of TextField.
+---* param value The string value of placeholder. +---@param value string +---@return self +function TextField:setPlaceHolder (value) end +---* Set cursor position to hit letter, if enabled
+---* js NA +---@param point vec2_table +---@param camera cc.Camera +---@return self +function TextField:setCursorFromPoint (point,camera) end +---@overload fun(color3b_table0:color4b_table):self +---@overload fun(color3b_table:color3b_table):self +---@param color color3b_table +---@return self +function TextField:setPlaceHolderColor (color) end +---* brief Change horizontal text alignment.
+---* param alignment A alignment arguments in @see `TextHAlignment`. +---@param alignment int +---@return self +function TextField:setTextHorizontalAlignment (alignment) end +---* brief Change the text color.
+---* param textColor The color value in `Color4B`. +---@param textColor color4b_table +---@return self +function TextField:setTextColor (textColor) end +---* Set char showing cursor.
+---* js NA +---@param cursor char +---@return self +function TextField:setCursorChar (cursor) end +---* brief Query maximize input length of TextField.
+---* return The integer value of maximize input length. +---@return int +function TextField:getMaxLength () end +---* brief Query whether max length is enabled or not.
+---* return True if maximize length is enabled, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function TextField:isMaxLengthEnabled () end +---* brief Toggle detach with IME.
+---* param detach True if detach with IME, false otherwise. +---@param detach boolean +---@return self +function TextField:setDetachWithIME (detach) end +---* brief Inquire the horizontal alignment
+---* return The horizontal alignment +---@return int +function TextField:getTextVerticalAlignment () end +---* brief Toggle enable touch area.
+---* param enable True if enable touch area, false otherwise. +---@param enable boolean +---@return self +function TextField:setTouchAreaEnabled (enable) end +---* brief Change maximize input length limitation.
+---* param length A character count in integer. +---@param length int +---@return self +function TextField:setMaxLength (length) end +---* Set enable cursor use.
+---* js NA +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function TextField:setCursorEnabled (enabled) end +---* brief Set the touch size
+---* The touch size is used for @see `hitTest`.
+---* param size A delimitation zone. +---@param size size_table +---@return self +function TextField:setTouchSize (size) end +---* brief Get current touch size of TextField.
+---* return The TextField's touch size. +---@return size_table +function TextField:getTouchSize () end +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string,int:int):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param placeholder string +---@param fontName string +---@param fontSize int +---@return self +function TextField:create (placeholder,fontName,fontSize) end +---* +---@return cc.Ref +function TextField:createInstance () end +---* +---@return cc.Node +function TextField:getVirtualRenderer () end +---* Returns the "class name" of widget. +---@return string +function TextField:getDescription () end +---* +---@param dt float +---@return self +function TextField:update (dt) end +---* +---@param pt vec2_table +---@param camera cc.Camera +---@param p vec3_table +---@return boolean +function TextField:hitTest (pt,camera,p) end +---* +---@return boolean +function TextField:init () end +---* +---@return size_table +function TextField:getVirtualRendererSize () end +---* brief Default constructor. +---@return self +function TextField:TextField () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/VBox.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/VBox.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8fbea878e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/VBox.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.VBox :ccui.Layout +local VBox={ } +ccui.VBox=VBox + + + + +---* +---@param size size_table +---@return boolean +function VBox:initWithSize (size) end +---@overload fun(size_table:size_table):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param size size_table +---@return self +function VBox:create (size) end +---* +---@return boolean +function VBox:init () end +---* Default constructor
+---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function VBox:VBox () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/VideoPlayer.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/VideoPlayer.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c976116f0 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/VideoPlayer.lua @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.VideoPlayer :ccui.Widget +local VideoPlayer={ } +ccui.VideoPlayer=VideoPlayer + + + + +---* brief Get the local video file name.
+---* return The video file name. +---@return string +function VideoPlayer:getFileName () end +---* brief Get the URL of remoting video source.
+---* return A remoting URL address. +---@return string +function VideoPlayer:getURL () end +---* Starts playback. +---@return self +function VideoPlayer:play () end +---* Checks whether the VideoPlayer is set to listen user input to resume and pause the video
+---* return true if the videoplayer user input is set, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function VideoPlayer:isUserInputEnabled () end +---* Causes the video player to keep aspect ratio or no when displaying the video.
+---* param enable Specify true to keep aspect ratio or false to scale the video until
+---* both dimensions fit the visible bounds of the view exactly. +---@param enable boolean +---@return self +function VideoPlayer:setKeepAspectRatioEnabled (enable) end +---* Stops playback. +---@return self +function VideoPlayer:stop () end +---* Causes the video player to enter or exit full-screen mode.
+---* param fullscreen Specify true to enter full-screen mode or false to exit full-screen mode. +---@param fullscreen boolean +---@return self +function VideoPlayer:setFullScreenEnabled (fullscreen) end +---* Sets a file path as a video source for VideoPlayer. +---@param videoPath string +---@return self +function VideoPlayer:setFileName (videoPath) end +---* Sets a URL as a video source for VideoPlayer. +---@param _videoURL string +---@return self +function VideoPlayer:setURL (_videoURL) end +---* Set the style of the player
+---* param style The corresponding style +---@param style int +---@return self +function VideoPlayer:setStyle (style) end +---* Seeks to specified time position.
+---* param sec The offset in seconds from the start to seek to. +---@param sec float +---@return self +function VideoPlayer:seekTo (sec) end +---* Indicates whether the video player keep aspect ratio when displaying the video. +---@return boolean +function VideoPlayer:isKeepAspectRatioEnabled () end +---* brief A function which will be called when video is playing.
+---* param event @see VideoPlayer::EventType. +---@param event int +---@return self +function VideoPlayer:onPlayEvent (event) end +---* Indicates whether the video player is in full-screen mode.
+---* return True if the video player is in full-screen mode, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function VideoPlayer:isFullScreenEnabled () end +---* Checks whether the VideoPlayer is set with looping mode.
+---* return true if the videoplayer is set to loop, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function VideoPlayer:isLooping () end +---* Checks whether the VideoPlayer is playing.
+---* return True if currently playing, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function VideoPlayer:isPlaying () end +---* brief Set if playback is done in loop mode
+---* param looping the video will or not automatically restart at the end +---@param looping boolean +---@return self +function VideoPlayer:setLooping (looping) end +---* Set if the player will enable user input for basic pause and resume of video
+---* param enableInput If true, input will be handled for basic functionality (pause/resume) +---@param enableInput boolean +---@return self +function VideoPlayer:setUserInputEnabled (enableInput) end +---* +---@return self +function VideoPlayer:create () end +---* +---@param renderer cc.Renderer +---@param transform mat4_table +---@param flags unsigned_int +---@return self +function VideoPlayer:draw (renderer,transform,flags) end +---* Pauses playback. +---@return self +function VideoPlayer:pause () end +---* +---@return self +function VideoPlayer:onEnter () end +---* +---@return self +function VideoPlayer:onExit () end +---* Resumes playback. +---@return self +function VideoPlayer:resume () end +---* +---@param visible boolean +---@return self +function VideoPlayer:setVisible (visible) end +---* +---@return self +function VideoPlayer:VideoPlayer () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/WebView.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/WebView.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b89cfbd1c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/WebView.lua @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.WebView :ccui.Widget +local WebView={ } +ccui.WebView=WebView + + + + +---* SetOpacity of webview. +---@param opacity float +---@return self +function WebView:setOpacityWebView (opacity) end +---* Gets whether this WebView has a back history item.
+---* return WebView has a back history item. +---@return boolean +function WebView:canGoBack () end +---* Sets the main page content and base URL.
+---* param string The content for the main page.
+---* param baseURL The base URL for the content. +---@param string string +---@param baseURL string +---@return self +function WebView:loadHTMLString (string,baseURL) end +---* Goes forward in the history. +---@return self +function WebView:goForward () end +---* Goes back in the history. +---@return self +function WebView:goBack () end +---* Set WebView should support zooming. The default value is false. +---@param scalesPageToFit boolean +---@return self +function WebView:setScalesPageToFit (scalesPageToFit) end +---* Loads the given fileName.
+---* param fileName Content fileName. +---@param fileName string +---@return self +function WebView:loadFile (fileName) end +---@overload fun(string:string,boolean:boolean):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param url string +---@param cleanCachedData boolean +---@return self +function WebView:loadURL (url,cleanCachedData) end +---* Set whether the webview bounces at end of scroll of WebView. +---@param bounce boolean +---@return self +function WebView:setBounces (bounce) end +---* Evaluates JavaScript in the context of the currently displayed page. +---@param js string +---@return self +function WebView:evaluateJS (js) end +---* set the background transparent +---@return self +function WebView:setBackgroundTransparent () end +---* Get the Javascript callback. +---@return function +function WebView:getOnJSCallback () end +---* Gets whether this WebView has a forward history item.
+---* return WebView has a forward history item. +---@return boolean +function WebView:canGoForward () end +---* Stops the current load. +---@return self +function WebView:stopLoading () end +---* getOpacity of webview. +---@return float +function WebView:getOpacityWebView () end +---* Reloads the current URL. +---@return self +function WebView:reload () end +---* Set javascript interface scheme.
+---* see WebView::setOnJSCallback() +---@param scheme string +---@return self +function WebView:setJavascriptInterfaceScheme (scheme) end +---* Allocates and initializes a WebView. +---@return self +function WebView:create () end +---* +---@return self +function WebView:onEnter () end +---* Toggle visibility of WebView. +---@param visible boolean +---@return self +function WebView:setVisible (visible) end +---* +---@return self +function WebView:onExit () end +---* Default constructor. +---@return self +function WebView:WebView () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Widget.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Widget.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..44c79f9bd --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/ccui/Widget.lua @@ -0,0 +1,399 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ccui.Widget :cc.ProtectedNode@all parent class: ProtectedNode,LayoutParameterProtocol +local Widget={ } +ccui.Widget=Widget + + + + +---* Toggle layout component enable.
+---* param enable Layout Component of a widget +---@param enable boolean +---@return self +function Widget:setLayoutComponentEnabled (enable) end +---* Changes the percent that is widget's percent size
+---* param percent that is widget's percent size +---@param percent vec2_table +---@return self +function Widget:setSizePercent (percent) end +---* Get the user defined widget size.
+---* return User defined size. +---@return size_table +function Widget:getCustomSize () end +---* Gets the left boundary position of this widget in parent's coordination system.
+---* return The left boundary position of this widget. +---@return float +function Widget:getLeftBoundary () end +---* Sets whether the widget should be flipped horizontally or not.
+---* param flippedX true if the widget should be flipped horizontally, false otherwise. +---@param flippedX boolean +---@return self +function Widget:setFlippedX (flippedX) end +---* Set callback name.
+---* param callbackName A string representation of callback name. +---@param callbackName string +---@return self +function Widget:setCallbackName (callbackName) end +---* Gets the inner Renderer node of widget.
+---* For example, a button's Virtual Renderer is it's texture renderer.
+---* return Node pointer. +---@return cc.Node +function Widget:getVirtualRenderer () end +---* brief Allow widget touch events to propagate to its parents. Set false will disable propagation
+---* param isPropagate True to allow propagation, false otherwise.
+---* since v3.3 +---@param isPropagate boolean +---@return self +function Widget:setPropagateTouchEvents (isPropagate) end +---* Query whether unify size enable state.
+---* return true represent the widget use Unify Size, false represent the widget couldn't use Unify Size +---@return boolean +function Widget:isUnifySizeEnabled () end +---* Get size percent of widget.
+---* return Percent size. +---@return vec2_table +function Widget:getSizePercent () end +---* Set the percent(x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates
+---* param percent The percent (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates +---@param percent vec2_table +---@return self +function Widget:setPositionPercent (percent) end +---* Toggle widget swallow touch option.
+---* brief Specify widget to swallow touches or not
+---* param swallow True to swallow touch, false otherwise.
+---* since v3.3 +---@param swallow boolean +---@return self +function Widget:setSwallowTouches (swallow) end +---* Get the content size of widget.
+---* warning This API exists mainly for keeping back compatibility.
+---* return +---@return size_table +function Widget:getLayoutSize () end +---* Sets whether the widget is highlighted
+---* The default value is false, a widget is default to not highlighted
+---* param highlight true if the widget is highlighted, false if the widget is not highlighted. +---@param highlight boolean +---@return self +function Widget:setHighlighted (highlight) end +---* Changes the position type of the widget
+---* see `PositionType`
+---* param type the position type of widget +---@param type int +---@return self +function Widget:setPositionType (type) end +---* Query whether the widget ignores user defined content size or not
+---* return True means ignore user defined content size, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function Widget:isIgnoreContentAdaptWithSize () end +---* Get the virtual renderer's size
+---* return Widget virtual renderer size. +---@return size_table +function Widget:getVirtualRendererSize () end +---* Determines if the widget is highlighted
+---* return true if the widget is highlighted, false if the widget is not highlighted. +---@return boolean +function Widget:isHighlighted () end +---* Gets LayoutParameter of widget.
+---* see LayoutParameter
+---* return LayoutParameter +---@return ccui.LayoutParameter +function Widget:getLayoutParameter () end +---* Gets the position type of the widget
+---* see `PositionType`
+---* return type the position type of widget +---@return int +function Widget:getPositionType () end +---* Gets the top boundary position of this widget in parent's coordination system.
+---* return The top boundary position of this widget. +---@return float +function Widget:getTopBoundary () end +---* Toggle whether ignore user defined content size for widget.
+---* Set true will ignore user defined content size which means
+---* the widget size is always equal to the return value of `getVirtualRendererSize`.
+---* param ignore set member variable _ignoreSize to ignore +---@param ignore boolean +---@return self +function Widget:ignoreContentAdaptWithSize (ignore) end +---* When a widget is in a layout, you could call this method to get the next focused widget within a specified direction.
+---* If the widget is not in a layout, it will return itself
+---* param direction the direction to look for the next focused widget in a layout
+---* param current the current focused widget
+---* return the next focused widget in a layout +---@param direction int +---@param current ccui.Widget +---@return self +function Widget:findNextFocusedWidget (direction,current) end +---* Determines if the widget is enabled or not.
+---* return true if the widget is enabled, false if the widget is disabled. +---@return boolean +function Widget:isEnabled () end +---* Query whether widget is focused or not.
+---* return whether the widget is focused or not +---@return boolean +function Widget:isFocused () end +---* Gets the touch began point of widget when widget is selected.
+---* return the touch began point. +---@return vec2_table +function Widget:getTouchBeganPosition () end +---* Determines if the widget is touch enabled
+---* return true if the widget is touch enabled, false if the widget is touch disabled. +---@return boolean +function Widget:isTouchEnabled () end +---* Query callback name.
+---* return The callback name. +---@return string +function Widget:getCallbackName () end +---* Get the action tag.
+---* return Action tag. +---@return int +function Widget:getActionTag () end +---* Gets position of widget in world space.
+---* return Position of widget in world space. +---@return vec2_table +function Widget:getWorldPosition () end +---* Query widget's focus enable state.
+---* return true represent the widget could accept focus, false represent the widget couldn't accept focus +---@return boolean +function Widget:isFocusEnabled () end +---* Toggle widget focus status.
+---* param focus pass true to let the widget get focus or pass false to let the widget lose focus +---@param focus boolean +---@return self +function Widget:setFocused (focus) end +---* Set the tag of action.
+---* param tag A integer tag value. +---@param tag int +---@return self +function Widget:setActionTag (tag) end +---* Sets whether the widget is touch enabled.
+---* The default value is false, a widget is default to touch disabled.
+---* param enabled True if the widget is touch enabled, false if the widget is touch disabled. +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function Widget:setTouchEnabled (enabled) end +---* Sets whether the widget should be flipped vertically or not.
+---* param flippedY true if the widget should be flipped vertically, false otherwise. +---@param flippedY boolean +---@return self +function Widget:setFlippedY (flippedY) end +---* Sets whether the widget is enabled
+---* true if the widget is enabled, widget may be touched , false if the widget is disabled, widget cannot be touched.
+---* Note: If you want to change the widget's appearance to disabled state, you should also call `setBright(false)`.
+---* The default value is true, a widget is default to enable touch.
+---* param enabled Set to true to enable touch, false otherwise. +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function Widget:setEnabled (enabled) end +---* Gets the right boundary position of this widget in parent's coordination system.
+---* return The right boundary position of this widget. +---@return float +function Widget:getRightBoundary () end +---* To set the bright style of widget.
+---* see BrightStyle
+---* param style BrightStyle::NORMAL means the widget is in normal state, BrightStyle::HIGHLIGHT means the widget is in highlight state. +---@param style int +---@return self +function Widget:setBrightStyle (style) end +---* Sets a LayoutParameter to widget.
+---* see LayoutParameter
+---* param parameter LayoutParameter pointer +---@param parameter ccui.LayoutParameter +---@return self +function Widget:setLayoutParameter (parameter) end +---* Create a new widget copy of the original one.
+---* return A cloned widget copy of original. +---@return self +function Widget:clone () end +---* Allow widget to accept focus.
+---* param enable pass true/false to enable/disable the focus ability of a widget +---@param enable boolean +---@return self +function Widget:setFocusEnabled (enable) end +---* Gets the bottom boundary position of this widget in parent's coordination system.
+---* return The bottom boundary position of this widget. +---@return float +function Widget:getBottomBoundary () end +---* Determines if the widget is bright
+---* return true if the widget is bright, false if the widget is dark. +---@return boolean +function Widget:isBright () end +---* Dispatch a EventFocus through a EventDispatcher
+---* param widgetLoseFocus The widget which lose its focus
+---* param widgetGetFocus he widget which get its focus +---@param widgetLoseFocus ccui.Widget +---@param widgetGetFocus ccui.Widget +---@return self +function Widget:dispatchFocusEvent (widgetLoseFocus,widgetGetFocus) end +---* Toggle use unify size.
+---* param enable True to use unify size, false otherwise. +---@param enable boolean +---@return self +function Widget:setUnifySizeEnabled (enable) end +---* Return whether the widget is propagate touch events to its parents or not
+---* return whether touch event propagation is allowed or not.
+---* since v3.3 +---@return boolean +function Widget:isPropagateTouchEvents () end +---* Checks a point is in widget's content space.
+---* This function is used for determining touch area of widget.
+---* param pt The point in `Vec2`.
+---* param camera The camera look at widget, used to convert GL screen point to near/far plane.
+---* param p Point to a Vec3 for store the intersect point, if don't need them set to nullptr.
+---* return true if the point is in widget's content space, false otherwise. +---@param pt vec2_table +---@param camera cc.Camera +---@param p vec3_table +---@return boolean +function Widget:hitTest (pt,camera,p) end +---* Query whether layout component is enabled or not.
+---* return true represent the widget use Layout Component, false represent the widget couldn't use Layout Component. +---@return boolean +function Widget:isLayoutComponentEnabled () end +---* when a widget calls this method, it will get focus immediately. +---@return self +function Widget:requestFocus () end +---@overload fun(size_table:size_table):self +---@overload fun():self +---@param parentSize size_table +---@return self +function Widget:updateSizeAndPosition (parentSize) end +---* This method is called when a focus change event happens
+---* param widgetLostFocus The widget which lose its focus
+---* param widgetGetFocus The widget which get its focus +---@param widgetLostFocus ccui.Widget +---@param widgetGetFocus ccui.Widget +---@return self +function Widget:onFocusChange (widgetLostFocus,widgetGetFocus) end +---* +---@return vec2_table +function Widget:getTouchMovePosition () end +---* Gets the size type of widget.
+---* see `SizeType` +---@return int +function Widget:getSizeType () end +---* Query callback type.
+---* return Callback type string. +---@return string +function Widget:getCallbackType () end +---* +---@return vec2_table +function Widget:getTouchEndPosition () end +---* Gets the percent (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates
+---* see setPosition(const Vec2&)
+---* return The percent (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates +---@return vec2_table +function Widget:getPositionPercent () end +---* brief Propagate touch events to its parents +---@param event int +---@param sender ccui.Widget +---@param touch cc.Touch +---@return self +function Widget:propagateTouchEvent (event,sender,touch) end +---* Returns the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped horizontally or not.
+---* It not only flips the texture of the widget, but also the texture of the widget's children.
+---* Also, flipping relies on widget's anchor point.
+---* Internally, it just use setScaleX(-1) to flip the widget.
+---* return true if the widget is flipped horizontally, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function Widget:isFlippedX () end +---* Return the flag which indicates whether the widget is flipped vertically or not.
+---* It not only flips the texture of the widget, but also the texture of the widget's children.
+---* Also, flipping relies on widget's anchor point.
+---* Internally, it just use setScaleY(-1) to flip the widget.
+---* return true if the widget is flipped vertically, false otherwise. +---@return boolean +function Widget:isFlippedY () end +---* Checks a point if in parent's area.
+---* param pt A point in `Vec2`.
+---* return true if the point is in parent's area, false otherwise. +---@param pt vec2_table +---@return boolean +function Widget:isClippingParentContainsPoint (pt) end +---* Changes the size type of widget.
+---* see `SizeType`
+---* param type that is widget's size type +---@param type int +---@return self +function Widget:setSizeType (type) end +---* +---@param event int +---@param sender ccui.Widget +---@param touch cc.Touch +---@return self +function Widget:interceptTouchEvent (event,sender,touch) end +---* Sets whether the widget is bright
+---* The default value is true, a widget is default to bright
+---* param bright true if the widget is bright, false if the widget is dark. +---@param bright boolean +---@return self +function Widget:setBright (bright) end +---* Set callback type.
+---* param callbackType A string representation of callback type. +---@param callbackType string +---@return self +function Widget:setCallbackType (callbackType) end +---* Return whether the widget is swallowing touch or not
+---* return Whether touch is swallowed.
+---* since v3.3 +---@return boolean +function Widget:isSwallowTouches () end +---* +---@param enable boolean +---@return self +function Widget:enableDpadNavigation (enable) end +---* Return a current focused widget in your UI scene.
+---* No matter what widget object you call this method on , it will return you the exact one focused widget. +---@return self +function Widget:getCurrentFocusedWidget () end +---* Create and return a empty Widget instance pointer. +---@return self +function Widget:create () end +---* +---@param scaleY float +---@return self +function Widget:setScaleY (scaleY) end +---* +---@param scaleX float +---@return self +function Widget:setScaleX (scaleX) end +---* +---@return float +function Widget:getScaleY () end +---* +---@return float +function Widget:getScaleX () end +---* Returns the string representation of widget class name
+---* return get the class description. +---@return string +function Widget:getDescription () end +---@overload fun(float:float,float:float):self +---@overload fun(float:float):self +---@param scalex float +---@param scaley float +---@return self +function Widget:setScale (scalex,scaley) end +---* +---@return boolean +function Widget:init () end +---* Changes the position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates
+---* Usually we use p(x,y) to compose a Vec2 object.
+---* The original point (0,0) is at the left-bottom corner of screen.
+---* param pos The position (x,y) of the widget in OpenGL coordinates +---@param pos vec2_table +---@return self +function Widget:setPosition (pos) end +---* Changes the size that is widget's size
+---* param contentSize A content size in `Size`. +---@param contentSize size_table +---@return self +function Widget:setContentSize (contentSize) end +---* +---@return float +function Widget:getScale () end +---* Default constructor
+---* js ctor
+---* lua new +---@return self +function Widget:Widget () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/global.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/global.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2ccdbb667 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/global.lua @@ -0,0 +1,216 @@ +---@meta + +---require emmylua 0.3.36 + +---@class ccui +ccui={} +---@class cc +cc={} +---@class ccs +ccs={} +---@class ccb +ccb={} +---@class sp +sp={} +---@class cc.ResourceData + +---@class int + +---@class float + +---@class size_table + +---@class unsigned_int + +---@class vec3_table + +---@class array_table + +---@class char + +---@class vec2_table + +---@class ccs.ActionNode + +---@class ccs.AnimationInfo + +---@class color3b_table + +---@class unsigned_char + +---@class map_table + +---@class rect_table + +---@class cc.Animation3DData + +---@class cc.BlendFunc + +---@class mat4_table + +---@class void + +---@class cc.TextureAtlas + +---@class cc.Bone3D + +---@class color4b_table + +---@class cc._ccBezierConfig + +---@class ccs.ColliderDetector + +---@class color4f_table + +---@class cc.SkinData + +---@class cc.MaterialDatas + +---@class cc.NodeDatas + +---@class cc.AABB + +---@class cc.Viewport + +---@class cc.Camer + +---@class point_table + +---@class unsigned short + +---@class color3b_tabl + +---@class double + +---@class cc.IMEKeyboardNotificationInfo + +---@class cc.Value + +---@class floa + +---@class boo + +---@class GLContextAttrs + +---@class cc._ttfConfig + +---@class cc.FontAtlas + +---@class cc.backend.ProgramState + +---@class cc.MeshCommand + +---@class cc.backend.Buffer + +---@class cc.MeshVertexAttrib + +---@class vec4_table + +---@class cc.MeshIndexData + +---@class cc.MeshSkin + +---@class cc.Quaternion + +---@class cc.OffMeshLinkData + +---@class cc.NavMeshAgentParam + +---@class cc.AffineTransform + +---@class cc.Particle3DAffector + +---@class cc.Particle3DRender + +---@class cc.Particle3DEmitter + +---@class voi + +---@class unsigned in + +---@class cc.VertexAttribBinding + +---@class cc.backend.TextureBacken + +---@class btTypedConstraint + +---@class btRigidBody + +---@class cc.Physics3DRigidBodyDes + +---@class btCollisionShape + +---@class cpBody + +---@class cc.PhysicsMaterial + +---@class cc.PhysicsContactData + +---@class cc.V3F_C4B_T2F_Quad + +---@class cc.TrianglesCommand.Triangles + +---@class cc.backend.UniformLocation + +---@class cc.backend.Program + +---@class cc.backend.TextureBackend + +---@class long + +---@class cc.PUEmitter + +---@class cc.PUListener + +---@class cc.PUBehaviour + +---@class cc.PUParticle3D + +---@class cc.PUObserver + +---@class cc.RenderCommand + +---@class cc.ScissorRect + +---@class cc.MeshComman + +---@class cc.backend.ShaderCache + +---@class cc.backend.ShaderModule + +---@class spTrackEntry + +---@class spAnimation + +---@class spAtlas + +---@class spSkeletonData + +---@class spVertexEffect + +---@class spSkeleton + +---@class cc.TextureCub + +---@class cc.ScrollView + +---@class cc.Terrain.DetailMap + +---@class cc.Terrain.TerrainData + +---@class cc.FontDefinition + +---@class cc.backend.Texture2DBackend + +---@class cc.backend.SamplerDescriptor + +---@class cc.backend.TextureDescriptor + +---@class cc.backend.SamplerDescripto + +---@class cc.backend.TextureCubemapBackend + +---@class short + +---@class cc.backend.VertexLayout + diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/sp/SkeletonAnimation.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/sp/SkeletonAnimation.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..da925d3ca --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/sp/SkeletonAnimation.lua @@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ +---@meta + +---@class sp.SkeletonAnimation :sp.SkeletonRenderer +local SkeletonAnimation={ } +sp.SkeletonAnimation=SkeletonAnimation + + + + +---* +---@param entry spTrackEntry +---@param listener function +---@return self +function SkeletonAnimation:setTrackCompleteListener (entry,listener) end +---* +---@param name string +---@return spAnimation +function SkeletonAnimation:findAnimation (name) end +---* +---@param listener function +---@return self +function SkeletonAnimation:setCompleteListener (listener) end +---* +---@param fromAnimation string +---@param toAnimation string +---@param duration float +---@return self +function SkeletonAnimation:setMix (fromAnimation,toAnimation,duration) end +---* +---@param entry spTrackEntry +---@param listener function +---@return self +function SkeletonAnimation:setTrackStartListener (entry,listener) end +---* +---@param trackIndex int +---@param mixDuration float +---@param delay float +---@return spTrackEntry +function SkeletonAnimation:addEmptyAnimation (trackIndex,mixDuration,delay) end +---* +---@param listener function +---@return self +function SkeletonAnimation:setDisposeListener (listener) end +---* +---@param entry spTrackEntry +---@param listener function +---@return self +function SkeletonAnimation:setTrackInterruptListener (entry,listener) end +---* +---@param listener function +---@return self +function SkeletonAnimation:setEndListener (listener) end +---* +---@param entry spTrackEntry +---@param listener function +---@return self +function SkeletonAnimation:setTrackDisposeListener (entry,listener) end +---* +---@param listener function +---@return self +function SkeletonAnimation:setEventListener (listener) end +---* +---@param trackIndex int +---@param mixDuration float +---@return spTrackEntry +function SkeletonAnimation:setEmptyAnimation (trackIndex,mixDuration) end +---* +---@param entry spTrackEntry +---@param listener function +---@return self +function SkeletonAnimation:setTrackEventListener (entry,listener) end +---* +---@return self +function SkeletonAnimation:clearTrack () end +---* +---@param listener function +---@return self +function SkeletonAnimation:setInterruptListener (listener) end +---* +---@param mixDuration float +---@return self +function SkeletonAnimation:setEmptyAnimations (mixDuration) end +---* +---@return self +function SkeletonAnimation:clearTracks () end +---* +---@param entry spTrackEntry +---@param listener function +---@return self +function SkeletonAnimation:setTrackEndListener (entry,listener) end +---* +---@param listener function +---@return self +function SkeletonAnimation:setStartListener (listener) end +---@overload fun(string:string,spAtlas1:string,float:float):self +---@overload fun(string:string,spAtlas:spAtlas,float:float):self +---@param skeletonBinaryFile string +---@param atlas spAtlas +---@param scale float +---@return self +function SkeletonAnimation:createWithBinaryFile (skeletonBinaryFile,atlas,scale) end +---* +---@return self +function SkeletonAnimation:create () end +---@overload fun(string:string,spAtlas1:string,float:float):self +---@overload fun(string:string,spAtlas:spAtlas,float:float):self +---@param skeletonJsonFile string +---@param atlas spAtlas +---@param scale float +---@return self +function SkeletonAnimation:createWithJsonFile (skeletonJsonFile,atlas,scale) end +---* +---@return self +function SkeletonAnimation:initialize () end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/sp/SkeletonRenderer.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/sp/SkeletonRenderer.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c8a618d7b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Cocos4.0/library/sp/SkeletonRenderer.lua @@ -0,0 +1,129 @@ +---@meta + +---@class sp.SkeletonRenderer :cc.Node@all parent class: Node,BlendProtocol +local SkeletonRenderer={ } +sp.SkeletonRenderer=SkeletonRenderer + + + + +---* +---@param scale float +---@return self +function SkeletonRenderer:setTimeScale (scale) end +---* +---@return boolean +function SkeletonRenderer:getDebugSlotsEnabled () end +---* +---@return self +function SkeletonRenderer:setBonesToSetupPose () end +---* +---@param skeletonData spSkeletonData +---@param ownsSkeletonData boolean +---@return self +function SkeletonRenderer:initWithData (skeletonData,ownsSkeletonData) end +---* +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function SkeletonRenderer:setDebugSlotsEnabled (enabled) end +---@overload fun(string:string,spAtlas1:string,float:float):self +---@overload fun(string:string,spAtlas:spAtlas,float:float):self +---@param skeletonDataFile string +---@param atlas spAtlas +---@param scale float +---@return self +function SkeletonRenderer:initWithJsonFile (skeletonDataFile,atlas,scale) end +---* +---@return self +function SkeletonRenderer:setSlotsToSetupPose () end +---@overload fun(string:string,spAtlas1:string,float:float):self +---@overload fun(string:string,spAtlas:spAtlas,float:float):self +---@param skeletonDataFile string +---@param atlas spAtlas +---@param scale float +---@return self +function SkeletonRenderer:initWithBinaryFile (skeletonDataFile,atlas,scale) end +---* +---@return self +function SkeletonRenderer:setToSetupPose () end +---* +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function SkeletonRenderer:setDebugMeshesEnabled (enabled) end +---* +---@return boolean +function SkeletonRenderer:isTwoColorTint () end +---* +---@return cc.BlendFunc +function SkeletonRenderer:getBlendFunc () end +---* +---@return self +function SkeletonRenderer:initialize () end +---* +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function SkeletonRenderer:setDebugBonesEnabled (enabled) end +---* +---@return boolean +function SkeletonRenderer:getDebugBonesEnabled () end +---* +---@return float +function SkeletonRenderer:getTimeScale () end +---* +---@param enabled boolean +---@return self +function SkeletonRenderer:setTwoColorTint (enabled) end +---* +---@return boolean +function SkeletonRenderer:getDebugMeshesEnabled () end +---* +---@param blendFunc cc.BlendFunc +---@return self +function SkeletonRenderer:setBlendFunc (blendFunc) end +---* +---@param effect spVertexEffect +---@return self +function SkeletonRenderer:setVertexEffect (effect) end +---@overload fun(string0:char):self +---@overload fun(string:string):self +---@param skinName string +---@return boolean +function SkeletonRenderer:setSkin (skinName) end +---* +---@return spSkeleton +function SkeletonRenderer:getSkeleton () end +---@overload fun(string:string,spAtlas1:string,float:float):self +---@overload fun(string:string,spAtlas:spAtlas,float:float):self +---@param skeletonDataFile string +---@param atlas spAtlas +---@param scale float +---@return self +function SkeletonRenderer:createWithFile (skeletonDataFile,atlas,scale) end +---* +---@return self +function SkeletonRenderer:create () end +---* +---@return self +function SkeletonRenderer:onEnter () end +---* +---@return self +function SkeletonRenderer:onExit () end +---* +---@param value boolean +---@return self +function SkeletonRenderer:setOpacityModifyRGB (value) end +---* +---@return rect_table +function SkeletonRenderer:getBoundingBox () end +---* +---@return boolean +function SkeletonRenderer:isOpacityModifyRGB () end +---@overload fun(string0:spSkeletonData,string1:boolean):self +---@overload fun():self +---@overload fun(string:string,string1:spAtlas,float:float):self +---@overload fun(string:string,string:string,float:float):self +---@param skeletonDataFile string +---@param atlasFile string +---@param scale float +---@return self +function SkeletonRenderer:SkeletonRenderer (skeletonDataFile,atlasFile,scale) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/config.json b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/config.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5ab875d94 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/config.json @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +{ + "name" : "Defold", + "files" : ["game.project", "*%.script", "*%.gui_script"], + "settings" : { + "Lua.runtime.version" : "Lua 5.1", + "Lua.workspace.library" : [".internal"], + "Lua.workspace.ignoreDir" : [".internal"], + "Lua.diagnostics.globals" : [ + "on_input", + "on_message", + "init", + "update", + "final" + ], + "files.associations" : { + "*.script" : "lua", + "*.gui_script" : "lua", + "*.render_script" : "lua", + "*.editor_script" : "lua" + } + } +} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/base.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/base.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5aac30df8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/base.lua @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +------@meta +--- +--- +---@class vector3 +---@field x number +---@field y number +---@field z number +---@operator sub(vector3): vector3 +---@operator add(vector3): vector3 + +---@class vector4 +---@field x number +---@field y number +---@field z number +---@field w number +---@operator sub(vector4): vector4 +---@operator add(vector4): vector4 + +---@class quaternion +---@field x number +---@field y number +---@field z number +---@field w number + +---@alias quat quaternion + +---@class url string|hash +---@field socket string|hash +---@field path string|hash +---@field fragment string|hash + +---@alias hash userdata +---@alias constant userdata +---@alias bool boolean +---@alias float number +---@alias object userdata +---@alias matrix4 userdata +---@alias node userdata + +--mb use number instead of vector4 +---@alias vector vector4 + +--luasocket +---@alias master userdata +---@alias unconnected userdata +---@alias client userdata + +--render +---@alias constant_buffer userdata +---@alias render_target userdata +---@alias predicate userdata + +--- Calls error if the value of its argument `v` is false (i.e., **nil** or +--- **false**); otherwise, returns all its arguments. In case of error, +--- `message` is the error object; when absent, it defaults to "assertion +--- failed!" +---@generic ANY +---@overload fun(v:any):any +---@param v ANY +---@param message string +---@return ANY +function assert(v,message) return v end + +---@param self object +function init(self) end + +---@param self object +---@param dt number +function update(self, dt) end + +---@param self object +---@param message_id hash +---@param message table +---@param sender url +function on_message(self, message_id, message, sender) end + +---@param self object +---@param action_id hash +---@param action table +function on_input(self, action_id, action) end + +---@param self object +function final(self) end; diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/buffer.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/buffer.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d5841e3cb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/buffer.lua @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +---Buffer API documentation +---Functions for manipulating buffers and streams +---@class buffer +buffer = {} +---float32 +buffer.VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT32 = nil +---int16 +buffer.VALUE_TYPE_INT16 = nil +---int32 +buffer.VALUE_TYPE_INT32 = nil +---int64 +buffer.VALUE_TYPE_INT64 = nil +---int8 +buffer.VALUE_TYPE_INT8 = nil +---uint16 +buffer.VALUE_TYPE_UINT16 = nil +---uint32 +buffer.VALUE_TYPE_UINT32 = nil +---uint64 +buffer.VALUE_TYPE_UINT64 = nil +---uint8 +buffer.VALUE_TYPE_UINT8 = nil +---Copy all data streams from one buffer to another, element wise. +--- Each of the source streams must have a matching stream in the +---destination buffer. The streams must match in both type and size. +---The source and destination buffer can be the same. +---@param dst buffer # the destination buffer +---@param dstoffset number # the offset to start copying data to +---@param src buffer # the source data buffer +---@param srcoffset number # the offset to start copying data from +---@param count number # the number of elements to copy +function buffer.copy_buffer(dst, dstoffset, src, srcoffset, count) end + +---Copy a specified amount of data from one stream to another. +--- The value type and size must match between source and destination streams. +---The source and destination streams can be the same. +---@param dst bufferstream # the destination stream +---@param dstoffset number # the offset to start copying data to (measured in value type) +---@param src bufferstream # the source data stream +---@param srcoffset number # the offset to start copying data from (measured in value type) +---@param count number # the number of values to copy (measured in value type) +function buffer.copy_stream(dst, dstoffset, src, srcoffset, count) end + +---Create a new data buffer containing a specified set of streams. A data buffer +---can contain one or more streams with typed data. This is useful for managing +---compound data, for instance a vertex buffer could contain separate streams for +---vertex position, color, normal etc. +---@param element_count number # The number of elements the buffer should hold +---@param declaration table # A table where each entry (table) describes a stream +---@return buffer # the new buffer +function buffer.create(element_count, declaration) end + +---Get a copy of all the bytes from a specified stream as a Lua string. +---@param buffer buffer # the source buffer +---@param stream_name hash # the name of the stream +---@return string # the buffer data as a Lua string +function buffer.get_bytes(buffer, stream_name) end + +---Get a specified stream from a buffer. +---@param buffer buffer # the buffer to get the stream from +---@param stream_name hash|string # the stream name +---@return bufferstream # the data stream +function buffer.get_stream(buffer, stream_name) end + + + + +return buffer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/built-ins.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/built-ins.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9365baf01 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/built-ins.lua @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +---Built-ins API documentation +---Built-in scripting functions. + +---All ids in the engine are represented as hashes, so a string needs to be hashed +---before it can be compared with an id. +---@param s string # string to hash +---@return hash # a hashed string +function hash(s) end + +---Returns a hexadecimal representation of a hash value. +---The returned string is always padded with leading zeros. +---@param h hash # hash value to get hex string for +---@return string # hex representation of the hash +function hash_to_hex(h) end + +---Pretty printing of Lua values. This function prints Lua values +---in a manner similar to +print()+, but will also recurse into tables +---and pretty print them. There is a limit to how deep the function +---will recurse. +---@param v any # value to print +function pprint(v) end + + + diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/collection_factory.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/collection_factory.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e96137a8e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/collection_factory.lua @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +---Collection factory API documentation +---Functions for controlling collection factory components which are +---used to dynamically spawn collections into the runtime. +---@class collectionfactory +collectionfactory = {} +---loaded +collectionfactory.STATUS_LOADED = nil +---loading +collectionfactory.STATUS_LOADING = nil +---unloaded +collectionfactory.STATUS_UNLOADED = nil +---The URL identifies the collectionfactory component that should do the spawning. +---Spawning is instant, but spawned game objects get their first update calls the following frame. The supplied parameters for position, rotation and scale +---will be applied to the whole collection when spawned. +---Script properties in the created game objects can be overridden through +---a properties-parameter table. The table should contain game object ids +---(hash) as keys and property tables as values to be used when initiating each +---spawned game object. +---See go.property for more information on script properties. +---The function returns a table that contains a key for each game object +---id (hash), as addressed if the collection file was top level, and the +---corresponding spawned instance id (hash) as value with a unique path +---prefix added to each instance. +--- Calling collectionfactory.create <> create on a collection factory that is marked as dynamic without having loaded resources +---using collectionfactory.load <> will synchronously load and create resources which may affect application performance. +---@param url string|hash|url # the collection factory component to be used +---@param position vector3? # position to assign to the newly spawned collection +---@param rotation quaternion? # rotation to assign to the newly spawned collection +---@param properties table? # table of script properties to propagate to any new game object instances +---@param scale number? # uniform scaling to apply to the newly spawned collection (must be greater than 0). +---@return table # a table mapping the id:s from the collection to the new instance id:s +function collectionfactory.create(url, position, rotation, properties, scale) end + +---This returns status of the collection factory. +---Calling this function when the factory is not marked as dynamic loading always returns COMP_COLLECTION_FACTORY_STATUS_LOADED. +---@param url string|hash|url? # the collection factory component to get status from +---@return constant # status of the collection factory component +function collectionfactory.get_status(url) end + +---Resources loaded are referenced by the collection factory component until the existing (parent) collection is destroyed or collectionfactory.unload is called. +---Calling this function when the factory is not marked as dynamic loading does nothing. +---@param url string|hash|url? # the collection factory component to load +---@param complete_function (fun(self: object, url: url, result: boolean))? # function to call when resources are loaded. +function collectionfactory.load(url, complete_function) end + +---This decreases the reference count for each resource loaded with collectionfactory.load. If reference is zero, the resource is destroyed. +---Calling this function when the factory is not marked as dynamic loading does nothing. +---@param url string|hash|url? # the collection factory component to unload +function collectionfactory.unload(url) end + + + + +return collectionfactory \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/collection_proxy.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/collection_proxy.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d49ed6d11 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/collection_proxy.lua @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +---Collection proxy API documentation +---Messages for controlling and interacting with collection proxies +---which are used to dynamically load collections into the runtime. +---@class collectionproxy +collectionproxy = {} + + + +return collectionproxy \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/collision_object.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/collision_object.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..41a6ac6a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/collision_object.lua @@ -0,0 +1,149 @@ +---Collision object physics API documentation +---Collision object physics API documentation +---@class physics +physics = {} +---fixed joint type +physics.JOINT_TYPE_FIXED = nil +---hinge joint type +physics.JOINT_TYPE_HINGE = nil +---slider joint type +physics.JOINT_TYPE_SLIDER = nil +---spring joint type +physics.JOINT_TYPE_SPRING = nil +---weld joint type +physics.JOINT_TYPE_WELD = nil +---Create a physics joint between two collision object components. +---Note: Currently only supported in 2D physics. +---@param joint_type number # the joint type +---@param collisionobject_a string|hash|url # first collision object +---@param joint_id string|hash # id of the joint +---@param position_a vector3 # local position where to attach the joint on the first collision object +---@param collisionobject_b string|hash|url # second collision object +---@param position_b vector3 # local position where to attach the joint on the second collision object +---@param properties table? # optional joint specific properties table See each joint type for possible properties field. The one field that is accepted for all joint types is: - boolean collide_connected: Set this flag to true if the attached bodies should collide. +function physics.create_joint(joint_type, collisionobject_a, joint_id, position_a, collisionobject_b, position_b, properties) end + +---Destroy an already physics joint. The joint has to be created before a +---destroy can be issued. +---Note: Currently only supported in 2D physics. +---@param collisionobject string|hash|url # collision object where the joint exist +---@param joint_id string|hash # id of the joint +function physics.destroy_joint(collisionobject, joint_id) end + +---Get the gravity in runtime. The gravity returned is not global, it will return +---the gravity for the collection that the function is called from. +---Note: For 2D physics the z component will always be zero. +---@return vector3 # gravity vector of collection +function physics.get_gravity() end + +---Returns the group name of a collision object as a hash. +---@param url string|hash|url # the collision object to return the group of. +---@return hash # hash value of the group. local function check_is_enemy() local group = physics.get_group("#collisionobject") return group == hash("enemy") end +function physics.get_group(url) end + +---Get a table for properties for a connected joint. The joint has to be created before +---properties can be retrieved. +---Note: Currently only supported in 2D physics. +---@param collisionobject string|hash|url # collision object where the joint exist +---@param joint_id string|hash # id of the joint +---@return table # properties table. See the joint types for what fields are available, the only field available for all types is: +function physics.get_joint_properties(collisionobject, joint_id) end + +---Get the reaction force for a joint. The joint has to be created before +---the reaction force can be calculated. +---Note: Currently only supported in 2D physics. +---@param collisionobject string|hash|url # collision object where the joint exist +---@param joint_id string|hash # id of the joint +---@return vector3 # reaction force for the joint +function physics.get_joint_reaction_force(collisionobject, joint_id) end + +---Get the reaction torque for a joint. The joint has to be created before +---the reaction torque can be calculated. +---Note: Currently only supported in 2D physics. +---@param collisionobject string|hash|url # collision object where the joint exist +---@param joint_id string|hash # id of the joint +---@return float # the reaction torque on bodyB in N*m. +function physics.get_joint_reaction_torque(collisionobject, joint_id) end + +---Returns true if the specified group is set in the mask of a collision +---object, false otherwise. +---@param url string|hash|url # the collision object to check the mask of. +---@param group string # the name of the group to check for. +---@return boolean # boolean value of the maskbit. 'true' if present, 'false' otherwise. local function is_invincible() -- check if the collisionobject would collide with the "bullet" group local invincible = physics.get_maskbit("#collisionobject", "bullet") return invincible end +function physics.get_maskbit(url, group) end + +---Ray casts are used to test for intersections against collision objects in the physics world. +---Collision objects of types kinematic, dynamic and static are tested against. Trigger objects +---do not intersect with ray casts. +---Which collision objects to hit is filtered by their collision groups and can be configured +---through groups. +---@param from vector3 # the world position of the start of the ray +---@param to vector3 # the world position of the end of the ray +---@param groups table # a lua table containing the hashed groups for which to test collisions against +---@param options table # a lua table containing options for the raycast. +---@return table # It returns a list. If missed it returns nil. See ray_cast_response for details on the returned values. +function physics.raycast(from, to, groups, options) end + +---Ray casts are used to test for intersections against collision objects in the physics world. +---Collision objects of types kinematic, dynamic and static are tested against. Trigger objects +---do not intersect with ray casts. +---Which collision objects to hit is filtered by their collision groups and can be configured +---through groups. +---The actual ray cast will be performed during the physics-update. +--- +--- +--- * If an object is hit, the result will be reported via a ray_cast_response message. +--- +--- * If there is no object hit, the result will be reported via a ray_cast_missed message. +---@param from vector3 # the world position of the start of the ray +---@param to vector3 # the world position of the end of the ray +---@param groups table # a lua table containing the hashed groups for which to test collisions against +---@param request_id number] a number between [0,-255? # . It will be sent back in the response for identification, 0 by default +function physics.raycast_async(from, to, groups, request_id) end + +---Set the gravity in runtime. The gravity change is not global, it will only affect +---the collection that the function is called from. +---Note: For 2D physics the z component of the gravity vector will be ignored. +---@param gravity vector3 # the new gravity vector +function physics.set_gravity(gravity) end + +---Updates the group property of a collision object to the specified +---string value. The group name should exist i.e. have been used in +---a collision object in the editor. +---@param url string|hash|url # the collision object affected. +---@param group string # the new group name to be assigned. local function change_collision_group() physics.set_group("#collisionobject", "enemy") end +function physics.set_group(url, group) end + +---Flips the collision shapes horizontally for a collision object +---@param url string|hash|url # the collision object that should flip its shapes +---@param flip boolean # true if the collision object should flip its shapes, false if not +function physics.set_hflip(url, flip) end + +---Updates the properties for an already connected joint. The joint has to be created before +---properties can be changed. +---Note: Currently only supported in 2D physics. +---@param collisionobject string|hash|url # collision object where the joint exist +---@param joint_id string|hash # id of the joint +---@param properties table # joint specific properties table Note: The collide_connected field cannot be updated/changed after a connection has been made. +function physics.set_joint_properties(collisionobject, joint_id, properties) end + +---Sets or clears the masking of a group (maskbit) in a collision object. +---@param url string|hash|url # the collision object to change the mask of. +---@param group string # the name of the group (maskbit) to modify in the mask. +---@param maskbit boolean # boolean value of the new maskbit. 'true' to enable, 'false' to disable. local function make_invincible() -- no longer collide with the "bullet" group physics.set_maskbit("#collisionobject", "bullet", false) end +function physics.set_maskbit(url, group, maskbit) end + +---Flips the collision shapes vertically for a collision object +---@param url string|hash|url # the collision object that should flip its shapes +---@param flip boolean # true if the collision object should flip its shapes, false if not +function physics.set_vflip(url, flip) end + +---Collision objects tend to fall asleep when inactive for a small period of time for +---efficiency reasons. This function wakes them up. +---@param url string|hash|url # the collision object to wake. function on_input(self, action_id, action) if action_id == hash("test") and action.pressed then physics.wakeup("#collisionobject") end end +function physics.wakeup(url) end + + + + +return physics \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/factory.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/factory.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..773327891 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/factory.lua @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +---Factory API documentation +---Functions for controlling factory components which are used to +---dynamically spawn game objects into the runtime. +---@class factory +factory = {} +---loaded +factory.STATUS_LOADED = nil +---loading +factory.STATUS_LOADING = nil +---unloaded +factory.STATUS_UNLOADED = nil +---The URL identifies which factory should create the game object. +---If the game object is created inside of the frame (e.g. from an update callback), the game object will be created instantly, but none of its component will be updated in the same frame. +---Properties defined in scripts in the created game object can be overridden through the properties-parameter below. +---See go.property for more information on script properties. +--- Calling factory.create <> on a factory that is marked as dynamic without having loaded resources +---using factory.load <> will synchronously load and create resources which may affect application performance. +---@param url string|hash|url # the factory that should create a game object. +---@param position vector3? # the position of the new game object, the position of the game object calling factory.create() is used by default, or if the value is nil. +---@param rotation quaternion? # the rotation of the new game object, the rotation of the game object calling factory.create() is used by default, or if the value is nil. +---@param properties table? # the properties defined in a script attached to the new game object. +---@param scale number|vector3? # the scale of the new game object (must be greater than 0), the scale of the game object containing the factory is used by default, or if the value is nil +---@return hash # the global id of the spawned game object +function factory.create(url, position, rotation, properties, scale) end + +---This returns status of the factory. +---Calling this function when the factory is not marked as dynamic loading always returns +---factory.STATUS_LOADED. +---@param url string|hash|url? # the factory component to get status from +---@return constant # status of the factory component +function factory.get_status(url) end + +---Resources are referenced by the factory component until the existing (parent) collection is destroyed or factory.unload is called. +---Calling this function when the factory is not marked as dynamic loading does nothing. +---@param url string|hash|url? # the factory component to load +---@param complete_function (fun(self: object, url: url, result: boolean))? # function to call when resources are loaded. +function factory.load(url, complete_function) end + +---This decreases the reference count for each resource loaded with factory.load. If reference is zero, the resource is destroyed. +---Calling this function when the factory is not marked as dynamic loading does nothing. +---@param url string|hash|url? # the factory component to unload +function factory.unload(url) end + + + + +return factory \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/game_object.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/game_object.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..08054a077 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/game_object.lua @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ +---Game object API documentation +---Functions, core hooks, messages and constants for manipulation of +---game objects. The "go" namespace is accessible from game object script +---files. +---@class go +go = {} +---This is a callback-function, which is called by the engine when a script component is finalized (destroyed). It can +---be used to e.g. take some last action, report the finalization to other game object instances, delete spawned objects +---or release user input focus (see release_input_focus <>). +---@param self object # reference to the script state to be used for storing data +function final(self) end + +---in-back +go.EASING_INBACK = nil +---in-bounce +go.EASING_INBOUNCE = nil +---in-circlic +go.EASING_INCIRC = nil +---in-cubic +go.EASING_INCUBIC = nil +---in-elastic +go.EASING_INELASTIC = nil +---in-exponential +go.EASING_INEXPO = nil +---in-out-back +go.EASING_INOUTBACK = nil +---in-out-bounce +go.EASING_INOUTBOUNCE = nil +---in-out-circlic +go.EASING_INOUTCIRC = nil +---in-out-cubic +go.EASING_INOUTCUBIC = nil +---in-out-elastic +go.EASING_INOUTELASTIC = nil +---in-out-exponential +go.EASING_INOUTEXPO = nil +---in-out-quadratic +go.EASING_INOUTQUAD = nil +---in-out-quartic +go.EASING_INOUTQUART = nil +---in-out-quintic +go.EASING_INOUTQUINT = nil +---in-out-sine +go.EASING_INOUTSINE = nil +---in-quadratic +go.EASING_INQUAD = nil +---in-quartic +go.EASING_INQUART = nil +---in-quintic +go.EASING_INQUINT = nil +---in-sine +go.EASING_INSINE = nil +---linear interpolation +go.EASING_LINEAR = nil +---out-back +go.EASING_OUTBACK = nil +---out-bounce +go.EASING_OUTBOUNCE = nil +---out-circlic +go.EASING_OUTCIRC = nil +---out-cubic +go.EASING_OUTCUBIC = nil +---out-elastic +go.EASING_OUTELASTIC = nil +---out-exponential +go.EASING_OUTEXPO = nil +---out-in-back +go.EASING_OUTINBACK = nil +---out-in-bounce +go.EASING_OUTINBOUNCE = nil +---out-in-circlic +go.EASING_OUTINCIRC = nil +---out-in-cubic +go.EASING_OUTINCUBIC = nil +---out-in-elastic +go.EASING_OUTINELASTIC = nil +---out-in-exponential +go.EASING_OUTINEXPO = nil +---out-in-quadratic +go.EASING_OUTINQUAD = nil +---out-in-quartic +go.EASING_OUTINQUART = nil +---out-in-quintic +go.EASING_OUTINQUINT = nil +---out-in-sine +go.EASING_OUTINSINE = nil +---out-quadratic +go.EASING_OUTQUAD = nil +---out-quartic +go.EASING_OUTQUART = nil +---out-quintic +go.EASING_OUTQUINT = nil +---out-sine +go.EASING_OUTSINE = nil +---loop backward +go.PLAYBACK_LOOP_BACKWARD = nil +---loop forward +go.PLAYBACK_LOOP_FORWARD = nil +---ping pong loop +go.PLAYBACK_LOOP_PINGPONG = nil +---no playback +go.PLAYBACK_NONE = nil +---once backward +go.PLAYBACK_ONCE_BACKWARD = nil +---once forward +go.PLAYBACK_ONCE_FORWARD = nil +---once ping pong +go.PLAYBACK_ONCE_PINGPONG = nil +---This is only supported for numerical properties. If the node property is already being +---animated, that animation will be canceled and replaced by the new one. +---If a complete_function (lua function) is specified, that function will be called when the animation has completed. +---By starting a new animation in that function, several animations can be sequenced together. See the examples for more information. +--- If you call go.animate() from a game object's final() function, +---any passed complete_function will be ignored and never called upon animation completion. +---See the properties guide <> for which properties can be animated and the animation guide <> for how +---them. +---@param url string|hash|url # url of the game object or component having the property +---@param property string|hash # id of the property to animate +---@param playback constant # playback mode of the animation +---@param to number|vector3|vector4|quaternion # target property value +---@param easing constant|vector # easing to use during animation. Either specify a constant, see the animation guide <> for a complete list, or a vmath.vector with a curve +---@param duration number # duration of the animation in seconds +---@param delay number? # delay before the animation starts in seconds +---@param complete_function (fun(self: object, url: url, property: hash))? # optional function to call when the animation has completed +function go.animate(url, property, playback, to, easing, duration, delay, complete_function) end + +---By calling this function, all or specified stored property animations of the game object or component will be canceled. +---See the properties guide <> for which properties can be animated and the animation guide <> for how to animate them. +---@param url string|hash|url # url of the game object or component +---@param property string|hash? # optional id of the property to cancel +function go.cancel_animations(url, property) end + +---Delete one or more game objects identified by id. Deletion is asynchronous meaning that +---the game object(s) are scheduled for deletion which will happen at the end of the current +---frame. Note that game objects scheduled for deletion will be counted against +---max_instances in "game.project" until they are actually removed. +--- Deleting a game object containing a particle FX component emitting particles will not immediately stop the particle FX from emitting particles. You need to manually stop the particle FX using particlefx.stop(). +--- Deleting a game object containing a sound component that is playing will not immediately stop the sound from playing. You need to manually stop the sound using sound.stop(). +---@param id string|hash|url|table? # optional id or table of id's of the instance(s) to delete, the instance of the calling script is deleted by default +---@param recursive boolean? # optional boolean, set to true to recursively delete child hiearchy in child to parent order +function go.delete(id, recursive) end + +---gets a named property of the specified game object or component +---@param url string|hash|url # url of the game object or component having the property +---@param property string|hash # id of the property to retrieve +---@param options table # (optional) options table - index integer index into array property (1 based) - key hash name of internal property +---@return any # the value of the specified property +function go.get(url, property, options) end + +---Returns or constructs an instance identifier. The instance id is a hash +---of the absolute path to the instance. +--- +--- +--- * If path is specified, it can either be absolute or relative to the instance of the calling script. +--- +--- * If path is not specified, the id of the game object instance the script is attached to will be returned. +---@param path string? # path of the instance for which to return the id +---@return hash # instance id +function go.get_id(path) end + +---Get the parent for a game object instance. +---@param id string|hash|url? # optional id of the game object instance to get parent for, defaults to the instance containing the calling script +---@return hash # parent instance or nil +function go.get_parent(id) end + +---The position is relative the parent (if any). Use go.get_world_position <> to retrieve the global world position. +---@param id string|hash|url? # optional id of the game object instance to get the position for, by default the instance of the calling script +---@return vector3 # instance position +function go.get_position(id) end + +---The rotation is relative to the parent (if any). Use go.get_world_rotation <> to retrieve the global world rotation. +---@param id string|hash|url? # optional id of the game object instance to get the rotation for, by default the instance of the calling script +---@return quaternion # instance rotation +function go.get_rotation(id) end + +---The scale is relative the parent (if any). Use go.get_world_scale <> to retrieve the global world 3D scale factor. +---@param id string|hash|url? # optional id of the game object instance to get the scale for, by default the instance of the calling script +---@return vector3 # instance scale factor +function go.get_scale(id) end + +---The uniform scale is relative the parent (if any). If the underlying scale vector is non-uniform the min element of the vector is returned as the uniform scale factor. +---@param id string|hash|url? # optional id of the game object instance to get the uniform scale for, by default the instance of the calling script +---@return number # uniform instance scale factor +function go.get_scale_uniform(id) end + +---The function will return the world position calculated at the end of the previous frame. +---Use go.get_position <> to retrieve the position relative to the parent. +---@param id string|hash|url? # optional id of the game object instance to get the world position for, by default the instance of the calling script +---@return vector3 # instance world position +function go.get_world_position(id) end + +---The function will return the world rotation calculated at the end of the previous frame. +---Use go.get_rotation <> to retrieve the rotation relative to the parent. +---@param id string|hash|url? # optional id of the game object instance to get the world rotation for, by default the instance of the calling script +---@return quaternion # instance world rotation +function go.get_world_rotation(id) end + +---The function will return the world 3D scale factor calculated at the end of the previous frame. +---Use go.get_scale <> to retrieve the 3D scale factor relative to the parent. +---This vector is derived by decomposing the transformation matrix and should be used with care. +---For most cases it should be fine to use go.get_world_scale_uniform <> instead. +---@param id string|hash|url? # optional id of the game object instance to get the world scale for, by default the instance of the calling script +---@return vector3 # instance world 3D scale factor +function go.get_world_scale(id) end + +---The function will return the world scale factor calculated at the end of the previous frame. +---Use go.get_scale_uniform <> to retrieve the scale factor relative to the parent. +---@param id string|hash|url? # optional id of the game object instance to get the world scale for, by default the instance of the calling script +---@return number # instance world scale factor +function go.get_world_scale_uniform(id) end + +---The function will return the world transform matrix calculated at the end of the previous frame. +---@param id string|hash|url? # optional id of the game object instance to get the world transform for, by default the instance of the calling script +---@return matrix4 # instance world transform +function go.get_world_transform(id) end + +---This function defines a property which can then be used in the script through the self-reference. +---The properties defined this way are automatically exposed in the editor in game objects and collections which use the script. +---Note that you can only use this function outside any callback-functions like init and update. +---@param name string # the id of the property +---@param value number|hash|url|vector3|vector4|quaternion|resource # default value of the property. In the case of a url, only the empty constructor msg.url() is allowed. In the case of a resource one of the resource constructors (eg resource.atlas(), resource.font() etc) is expected. +function go.property(name, value) end + +---sets a named property of the specified game object or component, or a material constant +---@param url string|hash|url # url of the game object or component having the property +---@param property string|hash # id of the property to set +---@param value any # the value to set +---@param options table # (optional) options table - index integer index into array property (1 based) - key hash name of internal property +function go.set(url, property, value, options) end + +---Sets the parent for a game object instance. This means that the instance will exist in the geometrical space of its parent, +---like a basic transformation hierarchy or scene graph. If no parent is specified, the instance will be detached from any parent and exist in world +---space. +---This function will generate a set_parent message. It is not until the message has been processed that the change actually takes effect. This +---typically happens later in the same frame or the beginning of the next frame. Refer to the manual to learn how messages are processed by the +---engine. +---@param id string|hash|url? # optional id of the game object instance to set parent for, defaults to the instance containing the calling script +---@param parent_id string|hash|url? # optional id of the new parent game object, defaults to detaching game object from its parent +---@param keep_world_transform boolean? # optional boolean, set to true to maintain the world transform when changing spaces. Defaults to false. +function go.set_parent(id, parent_id, keep_world_transform) end + +---The position is relative to the parent (if any). The global world position cannot be manually set. +---@param position vector3 # position to set +---@param id string|hash|url? # optional id of the game object instance to set the position for, by default the instance of the calling script +function go.set_position(position, id) end + +---The rotation is relative to the parent (if any). The global world rotation cannot be manually set. +---@param rotation quaternion # rotation to set +---@param id string|hash|url? # optional id of the game object instance to get the rotation for, by default the instance of the calling script +function go.set_rotation(rotation, id) end + +---The scale factor is relative to the parent (if any). The global world scale factor cannot be manually set. +--- Physics are currently not affected when setting scale from this function. +---@param scale number|vector3 # vector or uniform scale factor, must be greater than 0 +---@param id string|hash|url? # optional id of the game object instance to get the scale for, by default the instance of the calling script +function go.set_scale(scale, id) end + +---This is a callback-function, which is called by the engine when a script component is initialized. It can be used +---to set the initial state of the script. +---@param self object # reference to the script state to be used for storing data +function init(self) end + +---This is a callback-function, which is called by the engine when user input is sent to the game object instance of the script. +---It can be used to take action on the input, e.g. move the instance according to the input. +---For an instance to obtain user input, it must first acquire input focus +---through the message acquire_input_focus. +---Any instance that has obtained input will be put on top of an +---input stack. Input is sent to all listeners on the stack until the +---end of stack is reached, or a listener returns true +---to signal that it wants input to be consumed. +---See the documentation of acquire_input_focus <> for more +---information. +---The action parameter is a table containing data about the input mapped to the +---action_id. +---For mapped actions it specifies the value of the input and if it was just pressed or released. +---Actions are mapped to input in an input_binding-file. +---Mouse movement is specifically handled and uses nil as its action_id. +---The action only contains positional parameters in this case, such as x and y of the pointer. +---Here is a brief description of the available table fields: +--- +---Field Description +---value The amount of input given by the user. This is usually 1 for buttons and 0-1 for analogue inputs. This is not present for mouse movement. +---pressed If the input was pressed this frame. This is not present for mouse movement. +---released If the input was released this frame. This is not present for mouse movement. +---repeated If the input was repeated this frame. This is similar to how a key on a keyboard is repeated when you hold it down. This is not present for mouse movement. +---x The x value of a pointer device, if present. +---y The y value of a pointer device, if present. +---screen_x The screen space x value of a pointer device, if present. +---screen_y The screen space y value of a pointer device, if present. +---dx The change in x value of a pointer device, if present. +---dy The change in y value of a pointer device, if present. +---screen_dx The change in screen space x value of a pointer device, if present. +---screen_dy The change in screen space y value of a pointer device, if present. +---gamepad The index of the gamepad device that provided the input. +---touch List of touch input, one element per finger, if present. See table below about touch input +---Touch input table: +--- +---Field Description +---id A number identifying the touch input during its duration. +---pressed True if the finger was pressed this frame. +---released True if the finger was released this frame. +---tap_count Number of taps, one for single, two for double-tap, etc +---x The x touch location. +---y The y touch location. +---dx The change in x value. +---dy The change in y value. +---acc_x Accelerometer x value (if present). +---acc_y Accelerometer y value (if present). +---acc_z Accelerometer z value (if present). +---@param self object # reference to the script state to be used for storing data +---@param action_id hash # id of the received input action, as mapped in the input_binding-file +---@param action table # a table containing the input data, see above for a description +---@return boolean? # optional boolean to signal if the input should be consumed (not passed on to others) or not, default is false +function on_input(self, action_id, action) end + +---This is a callback-function, which is called by the engine whenever a message has been sent to the script component. +---It can be used to take action on the message, e.g. send a response back to the sender of the message. +---The message parameter is a table containing the message data. If the message is sent from the engine, the +---documentation of the message specifies which data is supplied. +---@param self object # reference to the script state to be used for storing data +---@param message_id hash # id of the received message +---@param message table # a table containing the message data +---@param sender url # address of the sender +function on_message(self, message_id, message, sender) end + +---This is a callback-function, which is called by the engine when the script component is reloaded, e.g. from the editor. +---It can be used for live development, e.g. to tweak constants or set up the state properly for the instance. +---@param self object # reference to the script state to be used for storing data +function on_reload(self) end + +---This is a callback-function, which is called by the engine every frame to update the state of a script component. +---It can be used to perform any kind of game related tasks, e.g. moving the game object instance. +---@param self object # reference to the script state to be used for storing data +---@param dt number # the time-step of the frame update +function update(self, dt) end + + + + +return go \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/gui.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/gui.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f4b82cd08 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/gui.lua @@ -0,0 +1,929 @@ +---GUI API documentation +---GUI API documentation +---@class gui +gui = {} +---This is a callback-function, which is called by the engine when a gui component is finalized (destroyed). It can +---be used to e.g. take some last action, report the finalization to other game object instances +---or release user input focus (see release_input_focus). There is no use in starting any animations or similar +---from this function since the gui component is about to be destroyed. +---@param self object # reference to the script state to be used for storing data +function final(self) end + +---fit adjust mode +gui.ADJUST_FIT = nil +---stretch adjust mode +gui.ADJUST_STRETCH = nil +---zoom adjust mode +gui.ADJUST_ZOOM = nil +---bottom y-anchor +gui.ANCHOR_BOTTOM = nil +---left x-anchor +gui.ANCHOR_LEFT = nil +---no anchor +gui.ANCHOR_NONE = nil +---right x-anchor +gui.ANCHOR_RIGHT = nil +---top y-anchor +gui.ANCHOR_TOP = nil +---additive blending +gui.BLEND_ADD = nil +---additive alpha blending +gui.BLEND_ADD_ALPHA = nil +---alpha blending +gui.BLEND_ALPHA = nil +---multiply blending +gui.BLEND_MULT = nil +---clipping mode none +gui.CLIPPING_MODE_NONE = nil +---clipping mode stencil +gui.CLIPPING_MODE_STENCIL = nil +---in-back +gui.EASING_INBACK = nil +---in-bounce +gui.EASING_INBOUNCE = nil +---in-circlic +gui.EASING_INCIRC = nil +---in-cubic +gui.EASING_INCUBIC = nil +---in-elastic +gui.EASING_INELASTIC = nil +---in-exponential +gui.EASING_INEXPO = nil +---in-out-back +gui.EASING_INOUTBACK = nil +---in-out-bounce +gui.EASING_INOUTBOUNCE = nil +---in-out-circlic +gui.EASING_INOUTCIRC = nil +---in-out-cubic +gui.EASING_INOUTCUBIC = nil +---in-out-elastic +gui.EASING_INOUTELASTIC = nil +---in-out-exponential +gui.EASING_INOUTEXPO = nil +---in-out-quadratic +gui.EASING_INOUTQUAD = nil +---in-out-quartic +gui.EASING_INOUTQUART = nil +---in-out-quintic +gui.EASING_INOUTQUINT = nil +---in-out-sine +gui.EASING_INOUTSINE = nil +---in-quadratic +gui.EASING_INQUAD = nil +---in-quartic +gui.EASING_INQUART = nil +---in-quintic +gui.EASING_INQUINT = nil +---in-sine +gui.EASING_INSINE = nil +---linear interpolation +gui.EASING_LINEAR = nil +---out-back +gui.EASING_OUTBACK = nil +---out-bounce +gui.EASING_OUTBOUNCE = nil +---out-circlic +gui.EASING_OUTCIRC = nil +---out-cubic +gui.EASING_OUTCUBIC = nil +---out-elastic +gui.EASING_OUTELASTIC = nil +---out-exponential +gui.EASING_OUTEXPO = nil +---out-in-back +gui.EASING_OUTINBACK = nil +---out-in-bounce +gui.EASING_OUTINBOUNCE = nil +---out-in-circlic +gui.EASING_OUTINCIRC = nil +---out-in-cubic +gui.EASING_OUTINCUBIC = nil +---out-in-elastic +gui.EASING_OUTINELASTIC = nil +---out-in-exponential +gui.EASING_OUTINEXPO = nil +---out-in-quadratic +gui.EASING_OUTINQUAD = nil +---out-in-quartic +gui.EASING_OUTINQUART = nil +---out-in-quintic +gui.EASING_OUTINQUINT = nil +---out-in-sine +gui.EASING_OUTINSINE = nil +---out-quadratic +gui.EASING_OUTQUAD = nil +---out-quartic +gui.EASING_OUTQUART = nil +---out-quintic +gui.EASING_OUTQUINT = nil +---out-sine +gui.EASING_OUTSINE = nil +---default keyboard +gui.KEYBOARD_TYPE_DEFAULT = nil +---email keyboard +gui.KEYBOARD_TYPE_EMAIL = nil +---number input keyboard +gui.KEYBOARD_TYPE_NUMBER_PAD = nil +---password keyboard +gui.KEYBOARD_TYPE_PASSWORD = nil +---elliptical pie node bounds +gui.PIEBOUNDS_ELLIPSE = nil +---rectangular pie node bounds +gui.PIEBOUNDS_RECTANGLE = nil +---center pivot +gui.PIVOT_CENTER = nil +---east pivot +gui.PIVOT_E = nil +---north pivot +gui.PIVOT_N = nil +---north-east pivot +gui.PIVOT_NE = nil +---north-west pivot +gui.PIVOT_NW = nil +---south pivot +gui.PIVOT_S = nil +---south-east pivot +gui.PIVOT_SE = nil +---south-west pivot +gui.PIVOT_SW = nil +---west pivot +gui.PIVOT_W = nil +---loop backward +gui.PLAYBACK_LOOP_BACKWARD = nil +---loop forward +gui.PLAYBACK_LOOP_FORWARD = nil +---ping pong loop +gui.PLAYBACK_LOOP_PINGPONG = nil +---once backward +gui.PLAYBACK_ONCE_BACKWARD = nil +---once forward +gui.PLAYBACK_ONCE_FORWARD = nil +---once forward and then backward +gui.PLAYBACK_ONCE_PINGPONG = nil +---color property +gui.PROP_COLOR = nil +---fill_angle property +gui.PROP_FILL_ANGLE = nil +---inner_radius property +gui.PROP_INNER_RADIUS = nil +---outline color property +gui.PROP_OUTLINE = nil +---position property +gui.PROP_POSITION = nil +---rotation property +gui.PROP_ROTATION = nil +---scale property +gui.PROP_SCALE = nil +---shadow color property +gui.PROP_SHADOW = nil +---size property +gui.PROP_SIZE = nil +---slice9 property +gui.PROP_SLICE9 = nil +---data error +gui.RESULT_DATA_ERROR = nil +---out of resource +gui.RESULT_OUT_OF_RESOURCES = nil +---texture already exists +gui.RESULT_TEXTURE_ALREADY_EXISTS = nil +---automatic size mode +gui.SIZE_MODE_AUTO = nil +---manual size mode +gui.SIZE_MODE_MANUAL = nil +---This starts an animation of a node property according to the specified parameters. +---If the node property is already being animated, that animation will be canceled and +---replaced by the new one. Note however that several different node properties +---can be animated simultaneously. Use gui.cancel_animation to stop the animation +---before it has completed. +---Composite properties of type vector3, vector4 or quaternion +---also expose their sub-components (x, y, z and w). +---You can address the components individually by suffixing the name with a dot '.' +---and the name of the component. +---For instance, "position.x" (the position x coordinate) or "color.w" +---(the color alpha value). +---If a complete_function (Lua function) is specified, that function will be called +---when the animation has completed. +---By starting a new animation in that function, several animations can be sequenced +---together. See the examples below for more information. +---@param node node # node to animate +---@param property string|constant # property to animate +---@param to vector3|vector4 # target property value +---@param easing constant|vector # easing to use during animation. Either specify one of the gui.EASING_* constants or provide a vector with a custom curve. See the animation guide <> for more information. +---@param duration number # duration of the animation in seconds. +---@param delay number? # delay before the animation starts in seconds. +---@param complete_function (fun(self: any, node: any))? # function to call when the animation has completed +---@param playback constant? # playback mode +function gui.animate(node, property, to, easing, duration, delay, complete_function, playback) end + +---If an animation of the specified node is currently running (started by gui.animate), it will immediately be canceled. +---@param node node # node that should have its animation canceled +---@param property string|constant # property for which the animation should be canceled +function gui.cancel_animation(node, property) end + +---Cancels any running flipbook animation on the specified node. +---@param node node # node cancel flipbook animation for +function gui.cancel_flipbook(node) end + +---Make a clone instance of a node. +---This function does not clone the supplied node's children nodes. +---Use gui.clone_tree for that purpose. +---@param node node # node to clone +---@return node # the cloned node +function gui.clone(node) end + +---Make a clone instance of a node and all its children. +---Use gui.clone to clone a node excluding its children. +---@param node node # root node to clone +---@return table # a table mapping node ids to the corresponding cloned nodes +function gui.clone_tree(node) end + +---Deletes the specified node. Any child nodes of the specified node will be +---recursively deleted. +---@param node node # node to delete +function gui.delete_node(node) end + +---Delete a dynamically created texture. +---@param texture string|hash # texture id +function gui.delete_texture(texture) end + +---Returns the adjust mode of a node. +---The adjust mode defines how the node will adjust itself to screen +---resolutions that differs from the one in the project settings. +---@param node node # node from which to get the adjust mode (node) +---@return constant # the current adjust mode +function gui.get_adjust_mode(node) end + +---gets the node alpha +---@param node node # node from which to get alpha +function gui.get_alpha(node) end + +---Returns the blend mode of a node. +---Blend mode defines how the node will be blended with the background. +---@param node node # node from which to get the blend mode +---@return constant # blend mode +function gui.get_blend_mode(node) end + +---If node is set as an inverted clipping node, it will clip anything inside as opposed to outside. +---@param node node # node from which to get the clipping inverted state +---@return boolean # true or false +function gui.get_clipping_inverted(node) end + +---Clipping mode defines how the node will clip it's children nodes +---@param node node # node from which to get the clipping mode +---@return constant # clipping mode +function gui.get_clipping_mode(node) end + +---If node is set as visible clipping node, it will be shown as well as clipping. Otherwise, it will only clip but not show visually. +---@param node node # node from which to get the clipping visibility state +---@return boolean # true or false +function gui.get_clipping_visible(node) end + +---Returns the color of the supplied node. The components +---of the returned vector4 contains the color channel values: +--- +---Component Color value +---x Red value +---y Green value +---z Blue value +---w Alpha value +---@param node node # node to get the color from +---@return vector4 # node color +function gui.get_color(node) end + +---Returns the sector angle of a pie node. +---@param node node # node from which to get the fill angle +---@return number # sector angle +function gui.get_fill_angle(node) end + +---Get node flipbook animation. +---@param node node # node to get flipbook animation from +---@return hash # animation id +function gui.get_flipbook(node) end + +---This is only useful nodes with flipbook animations. Gets the normalized cursor of the flipbook animation on a node. +---@param node node # node to get the cursor for (node) +---@return # value number cursor value +function gui.get_flipbook_cursor(node) end + +---This is only useful nodes with flipbook animations. Gets the playback rate of the flipbook animation on a node. +---@param node node # node to set the cursor for +---@return number # playback rate +function gui.get_flipbook_playback_rate(node) end + +---This is only useful for text nodes. The font must be mapped to the gui scene in the gui editor. +---@param node node # node from which to get the font +---@return hash # font id +function gui.get_font(node) end + +---This is only useful for text nodes. The font must be mapped to the gui scene in the gui editor. +---@param font_name hash|string # font of which to get the path hash +---@return hash # path hash to resource +function gui.get_font_resource(font_name) end + +---Returns the scene height. +---@return number # scene height +function gui.get_height() end + +---Retrieves the id of the specified node. +---@param node node # the node to retrieve the id from +---@return hash # the id of the node +function gui.get_id(node) end + +---Retrieve the index of the specified node among its siblings. +---The index defines the order in which a node appear in a GUI scene. +---Higher index means the node is drawn on top of lower indexed nodes. +---@param node node # the node to retrieve the id from +---@return number # the index of the node +function gui.get_index(node) end + +---gets the node inherit alpha state +---@param node node # node from which to get the inherit alpha state +function gui.get_inherit_alpha(node) end + +---Returns the inner radius of a pie node. +---The radius is defined along the x-axis. +---@param node node # node from where to get the inner radius +---@return number # inner radius +function gui.get_inner_radius(node) end + +---The layer must be mapped to the gui scene in the gui editor. +---@param node node # node from which to get the layer +---@return hash # layer id +function gui.get_layer(node) end + +---gets the scene current layout +---@return hash # layout id +function gui.get_layout() end + +---Returns the leading value for a text node. +---@param node node # node from where to get the leading +---@return number # leading scaling value (default=1) +function gui.get_leading(node) end + +---Returns whether a text node is in line-break mode or not. +---This is only useful for text nodes. +---@param node node # node from which to get the line-break for +---@return boolean # true or false +function gui.get_line_break(node) end + +---Retrieves the node with the specified id. +---@param id string|hash # id of the node to retrieve +---@return node # a new node instance +function gui.get_node(id) end + +---Returns the outer bounds mode for a pie node. +---@param node node # node from where to get the outer bounds mode +---@return constant # the outer bounds mode of the pie node: +function gui.get_outer_bounds(node) end + +---Returns the outline color of the supplied node. +---See gui.get_color <> for info how vectors encode color values. +---@param node node # node to get the outline color from +---@return vector4 # outline color +function gui.get_outline(node) end + +---Returns the parent node of the specified node. +---If the supplied node does not have a parent, nil is returned. +---@param node node # the node from which to retrieve its parent +---@return node # parent instance or nil +function gui.get_parent(node) end + +---Get the paricle fx for a gui node +---@param node node # node to get particle fx for +---@return hash # particle fx id +function gui.get_particlefx(node) end + +---Returns the number of generated vertices around the perimeter +---of a pie node. +---@param node node # pie node +---@return number # vertex count +function gui.get_perimeter_vertices(node) end + +---The pivot specifies how the node is drawn and rotated from its position. +---@param node node # node to get pivot from +---@return constant # pivot constant +function gui.get_pivot(node) end + +---Returns the position of the supplied node. +---@param node node # node to get the position from +---@return vector3 # node position +function gui.get_position(node) end + +---Returns the rotation of the supplied node. +---The rotation is expressed in degree Euler angles. +---@param node node # node to get the rotation from +---@return vector3 # node rotation +function gui.get_rotation(node) end + +---Returns the scale of the supplied node. +---@param node node # node to get the scale from +---@return vector3 # node scale +function gui.get_scale(node) end + +---Returns the screen position of the supplied node. This function returns the +---calculated transformed position of the node, taking into account any parent node +---transforms. +---@param node node # node to get the screen position from +---@return vector3 # node screen position +function gui.get_screen_position(node) end + +---Returns the shadow color of the supplied node. +---See gui.get_color <> for info how vectors encode color values. +---@param node node # node to get the shadow color from +---@return vector4 # node shadow color +function gui.get_shadow(node) end + +---Returns the size of the supplied node. +---@param node node # node to get the size from +---@return vector3 # node size +function gui.get_size(node) end + +---Returns the size of a node. +---The size mode defines how the node will adjust itself in size. Automatic +---size mode alters the node size based on the node's content. Automatic size +---mode works for Box nodes and Pie nodes which will both adjust their size +---to match the assigned image. Particle fx and Text nodes will ignore +---any size mode setting. +---@param node node # node from which to get the size mode (node) +---@return constant # the current size mode +function gui.get_size_mode(node) end + +---Returns the slice9 configuration values for the node. +---@param node node # node to manipulate +---@return vector4 # configuration values +function gui.get_slice9(node) end + +---Returns the text value of a text node. This is only useful for text nodes. +---@param node node # node from which to get the text +---@return string # text value +function gui.get_text(node) end + +---Returns the texture of a node. +---This is currently only useful for box or pie nodes. +---The texture must be mapped to the gui scene in the gui editor. +---@param node node # node to get texture from +---@return hash # texture id +function gui.get_texture(node) end + +---Returns the tracking value of a text node. +---@param node node # node from where to get the tracking +---@return number # tracking scaling number (default=0) +function gui.get_tracking(node) end + +---Returns true if a node is visible and false if it's not. +---Invisible nodes are not rendered. +---@param node node # node to query +---@return boolean # whether the node is visible or not +function gui.get_visible(node) end + +---Returns the scene width. +---@return number # scene width +function gui.get_width() end + +---The x-anchor specifies how the node is moved when the game is run in a different resolution. +---@param node node # node to get x-anchor from +---@return constant # anchor constant +function gui.get_xanchor(node) end + +---The y-anchor specifies how the node is moved when the game is run in a different resolution. +---@param node node # node to get y-anchor from +---@return constant # anchor constant +function gui.get_yanchor(node) end + +---Hides the on-display touch keyboard on the device. +function gui.hide_keyboard() end + +---Returns true if a node is enabled and false if it's not. +---Disabled nodes are not rendered and animations acting on them are not evaluated. +---@param node node # node to query +---@param recursive boolean # check hierarchy recursively +---@return boolean # whether the node is enabled or not +function gui.is_enabled(node, recursive) end + +---Alters the ordering of the two supplied nodes by moving the first node +---above the second. +---If the second argument is nil the first node is moved to the top. +---@param node node # to move +---@param node node|nil # reference node above which the first node should be moved +function gui.move_above(node, node) end + +---Alters the ordering of the two supplied nodes by moving the first node +---below the second. +---If the second argument is nil the first node is moved to the bottom. +---@param node node # to move +---@param node node|nil # reference node below which the first node should be moved +function gui.move_below(node, node) end + +---Dynamically create a new box node. +---@param pos vector3|vector4 # node position +---@param size vector3 # node size +---@return node # new box node +function gui.new_box_node(pos, size) end + +---Dynamically create a particle fx node. +---@param pos vector3|vector4 # node position +---@param particlefx hash|string # particle fx resource name +---@return node # new particle fx node +function gui.new_particlefx_node(pos, particlefx) end + +---Dynamically create a new pie node. +---@param pos vector3|vector4 # node position +---@param size vector3 # node size +---@return node # new pie node +function gui.new_pie_node(pos, size) end + +---Dynamically create a new text node. +---@param pos vector3|vector4 # node position +---@param text string # node text +---@return node # new text node +function gui.new_text_node(pos, text) end + +---Dynamically create a new texture. +---@param texture string|hash # texture id +---@param width number # texture width +---@param height number # texture height +---@param type string|constant # texture type +---@param buffer string # texture data +---@param flip boolean # flip texture vertically +---@return boolean # texture creation was successful +---@return number # one of the gui.RESULT_* codes if unsuccessful +function gui.new_texture(texture, width, height, type, buffer, flip) end + +---Tests whether a coordinate is within the bounding box of a +---node. +---@param node node # node to be tested for picking +---@param x number # x-coordinate (see on_input <> ) +---@param y number # y-coordinate (see on_input <> ) +---@return boolean # pick result +function gui.pick_node(node, x, y) end + +---Play flipbook animation on a box or pie node. +---The current node texture must contain the animation. +---Use this function to set one-frame still images on the node. +---@param node node # node to set animation for +---@param animation string|hash # animation id +---@param complete_function (fun(self: object, node: node))? # optional function to call when the animation has completed +---@param play_properties table? # optional table with properties +function gui.play_flipbook(node, animation, complete_function, play_properties) end + +---Plays the paricle fx for a gui node +---@param node node # node to play particle fx for +---@param emitter_state_function (fun(self: object, node: hash, emitter: hash, state: constant))? # optional callback function that will be called when an emitter attached to this particlefx changes state. +function gui.play_particlefx(node, emitter_state_function) end + +---Resets the input context of keyboard. This will clear marked text. +function gui.reset_keyboard() end + +---Resets all nodes in the current GUI scene to their initial state. +---The reset only applies to static node loaded from the scene. +---Nodes that are created dynamically from script are not affected. +function gui.reset_nodes() end + +---Convert the screen position to the local position of supplied node +---@param node node # node used for getting local transformation matrix +---@param screen_position vector3 # screen position +---@return vector3 # local position +function gui.screen_to_local(node, screen_position) end + +---Sets the adjust mode on a node. +---The adjust mode defines how the node will adjust itself to screen +---resolutions that differs from the one in the project settings. +---@param node node # node to set adjust mode for +---@param adjust_mode constant # adjust mode to set +function gui.set_adjust_mode(node, adjust_mode) end + +---sets the node alpha +---@param node node # node for which to set alpha +---@param alpha number # 0..1 alpha color +function gui.set_alpha(node, alpha) end + +---Set the blend mode of a node. +---Blend mode defines how the node will be blended with the background. +---@param node node # node to set blend mode for +---@param blend_mode constant # blend mode to set +function gui.set_blend_mode(node, blend_mode) end + +---If node is set as an inverted clipping node, it will clip anything inside as opposed to outside. +---@param node node # node to set clipping inverted state for +---@param inverted boolean # true or false +function gui.set_clipping_inverted(node, inverted) end + +---Clipping mode defines how the node will clip it's children nodes +---@param node node # node to set clipping mode for +---@param clipping_mode constant # clipping mode to set +function gui.set_clipping_mode(node, clipping_mode) end + +---If node is set as an visible clipping node, it will be shown as well as clipping. Otherwise, it will only clip but not show visually. +---@param node node # node to set clipping visibility for +---@param visible boolean # true or false +function gui.set_clipping_visible(node, visible) end + +---Sets the color of the supplied node. The components +---of the supplied vector3 or vector4 should contain the color channel values: +--- +---Component Color value +---x Red value +---y Green value +---z Blue value +---w vector4 Alpha value +---@param node node # node to set the color for +---@param color vector3|vector4 # new color +function gui.set_color(node, color) end + +---Sets a node to the disabled or enabled state. +---Disabled nodes are not rendered and animations acting on them are not evaluated. +---@param node node # node to be enabled/disabled +---@param enabled boolean # whether the node should be enabled or not +function gui.set_enabled(node, enabled) end + +---Set the sector angle of a pie node. +---@param node node # node to set the fill angle for +---@param angle number # sector angle +function gui.set_fill_angle(node, angle) end + +---This is only useful nodes with flipbook animations. The cursor is normalized. +---@param node node # node to set the cursor for +---@param cursor number # cursor value +function gui.set_flipbook_cursor(node, cursor) end + +---This is only useful nodes with flipbook animations. Sets the playback rate of the flipbook animation on a node. Must be positive. +---@param node node # node to set the cursor for +---@param playback_rate number # playback rate +function gui.set_flipbook_playback_rate(node, playback_rate) end + +---This is only useful for text nodes. +---The font must be mapped to the gui scene in the gui editor. +---@param node node # node for which to set the font +---@param font string|hash # font id +function gui.set_font(node, font) end + +---Set the id of the specicied node to a new value. +---Nodes created with the gui.new_*_node() functions get +---an empty id. This function allows you to give dynamically +---created nodes an id. +--- No checking is done on the uniqueness of supplied ids. +---It is up to you to make sure you use unique ids. +---@param node node # node to set the id for +---@param id string|hash # id to set +function gui.set_id(node, id) end + +---sets the node inherit alpha state +---@param node node # node from which to set the inherit alpha state +---@param inherit_alpha boolean # true or false +function gui.set_inherit_alpha(node, inherit_alpha) end + +---Sets the inner radius of a pie node. +---The radius is defined along the x-axis. +---@param node node # node to set the inner radius for +---@param radius number # inner radius +function gui.set_inner_radius(node, radius) end + +---The layer must be mapped to the gui scene in the gui editor. +---@param node node # node for which to set the layer +---@param layer string|hash # layer id +function gui.set_layer(node, layer) end + +---Sets the leading value for a text node. This value is used to +---scale the line spacing of text. +---@param node node # node for which to set the leading +---@param leading number # a scaling value for the line spacing (default=1) +function gui.set_leading(node, leading) end + +---Sets the line-break mode on a text node. +---This is only useful for text nodes. +---@param node node # node to set line-break for +---@param line_break boolean # true or false +function gui.set_line_break(node, line_break) end + +---Sets the outer bounds mode for a pie node. +---@param node node # node for which to set the outer bounds mode +---@param bounds_mode constant # the outer bounds mode of the pie node: +function gui.set_outer_bounds(node, bounds_mode) end + +---Sets the outline color of the supplied node. +---See gui.set_color <> for info how vectors encode color values. +---@param node node # node to set the outline color for +---@param color vector3|vector4 # new outline color +function gui.set_outline(node, color) end + +---Sets the parent node of the specified node. +---@param node node # node for which to set its parent +---@param parent node # parent node to set +---@param keep_scene_transform boolean # optional flag to make the scene position being perserved +function gui.set_parent(node, parent, keep_scene_transform) end + +---Set the paricle fx for a gui node +---@param node node # node to set particle fx for +---@param particlefx hash|string # particle fx id +function gui.set_particlefx(node, particlefx) end + +---Sets the number of generated vertices around the perimeter of a pie node. +---@param node node # pie node +---@param vertices number # vertex count +function gui.set_perimeter_vertices(node, vertices) end + +---The pivot specifies how the node is drawn and rotated from its position. +---@param node node # node to set pivot for +---@param pivot constant # pivot constant +function gui.set_pivot(node, pivot) end + +---Sets the position of the supplied node. +---@param node node # node to set the position for +---@param position vector3|vector4 # new position +function gui.set_position(node, position) end + +---Set the order number for the current GUI scene. +---The number dictates the sorting of the "gui" render predicate, +---in other words in which order the scene will be rendered in relation +---to other currently rendered GUI scenes. +---The number must be in the range 0 to 15. +---@param order number # rendering order (0-15) +function gui.set_render_order(order) end + +---Sets the rotation of the supplied node. +---The rotation is expressed in degree Euler angles. +---@param node node # node to set the rotation for +---@param rotation vector3|vector4 # new rotation +function gui.set_rotation(node, rotation) end + +---Sets the scaling of the supplied node. +---@param node node # node to set the scale for +---@param scale vector3|vector4 # new scale +function gui.set_scale(node, scale) end + +---Set the screen position to the supplied node +---@param node node # node to set the screen position to +---@param screen_position vector3 # screen position +function gui.set_screen_position(node, screen_position) end + +---Sets the shadow color of the supplied node. +---See gui.set_color <> for info how vectors encode color values. +---@param node node # node to set the shadow color for +---@param color vector3|vector4 # new shadow color +function gui.set_shadow(node, color) end + +---Sets the size of the supplied node. +--- You can only set size on nodes with size mode set to SIZE_MODE_MANUAL +---@param node node # node to set the size for +---@param size vector3|vector4 # new size +function gui.set_size(node, size) end + +---Sets the size mode of a node. +---The size mode defines how the node will adjust itself in size. Automatic +---size mode alters the node size based on the node's content. Automatic size +---mode works for Box nodes and Pie nodes which will both adjust their size +---to match the assigned image. Particle fx and Text nodes will ignore +---any size mode setting. +---@param node node # node to set size mode for +---@param size_mode constant # size mode to set +function gui.set_size_mode(node, size_mode) end + +---Set the slice9 configuration values for the node. +---@param node node # node to manipulate +---@param values vector4 # new values +function gui.set_slice9(node, values) end + +---Set the text value of a text node. This is only useful for text nodes. +---@param node node # node to set text for +---@param text string # text to set +function gui.set_text(node, text) end + +---Set the texture on a box or pie node. The texture must be mapped to +---the gui scene in the gui editor. The function points out which texture +---the node should render from. If the texture is an atlas, further +---information is needed to select which image/animation in the atlas +---to render. In such cases, use gui.play_flipbook() in +---addition to this function. +---@param node node # node to set texture for +---@param texture string|hash # texture id +function gui.set_texture(node, texture) end + +---Set the texture buffer data for a dynamically created texture. +---@param texture string|hash # texture id +---@param width number # texture width +---@param height number # texture height +---@param type string|constant # texture type +---@param buffer string # texture data +---@param flip boolean # flip texture vertically +---@return boolean # setting the data was successful +function gui.set_texture_data(texture, width, height, type, buffer, flip) end + +---Sets the tracking value of a text node. This value is used to +---adjust the vertical spacing of characters in the text. +---@param node node # node for which to set the tracking +---@param tracking number # a scaling number for the letter spacing (default=0) +function gui.set_tracking(node, tracking) end + +---Set if a node should be visible or not. Only visible nodes are rendered. +---@param node node # node to be visible or not +---@param visible boolean # whether the node should be visible or not +function gui.set_visible(node, visible) end + +---The x-anchor specifies how the node is moved when the game is run in a different resolution. +---@param node node # node to set x-anchor for +---@param anchor constant # anchor constant +function gui.set_xanchor(node, anchor) end + +---The y-anchor specifies how the node is moved when the game is run in a different resolution. +---@param node node # node to set y-anchor for +---@param anchor constant # anchor constant +function gui.set_yanchor(node, anchor) end + +---Shows the on-display touch keyboard. +---The specified type of keyboard is displayed if it is available on +---the device. +---This function is only available on iOS and Android. . +---@param type constant # keyboard type +---@param autoclose boolean # if the keyboard should automatically close when clicking outside +function gui.show_keyboard(type, autoclose) end + +---Stops the particle fx for a gui node +---@param node node # node to stop particle fx for +---@param options table # options when stopping the particle fx. Supported options: +function gui.stop_particlefx(node, options) end + +---This is a callback-function, which is called by the engine when a gui component is initialized. It can be used +---to set the initial state of the script and gui scene. +---@param self object # reference to the script state to be used for storing data +function init(self) end + +---This is a callback-function, which is called by the engine when user input is sent to the instance of the gui component. +---It can be used to take action on the input, e.g. modify the gui according to the input. +---For an instance to obtain user input, it must first acquire input +---focus through the message acquire_input_focus. +---Any instance that has obtained input will be put on top of an +---input stack. Input is sent to all listeners on the stack until the +---end of stack is reached, or a listener returns true +---to signal that it wants input to be consumed. +---See the documentation of acquire_input_focus <> for more +---information. +---The action parameter is a table containing data about the input mapped to the +---action_id. +---For mapped actions it specifies the value of the input and if it was just pressed or released. +---Actions are mapped to input in an input_binding-file. +---Mouse movement is specifically handled and uses nil as its action_id. +---The action only contains positional parameters in this case, such as x and y of the pointer. +---Here is a brief description of the available table fields: +--- +---Field Description +---value The amount of input given by the user. This is usually 1 for buttons and 0-1 for analogue inputs. This is not present for mouse movement. +---pressed If the input was pressed this frame. This is not present for mouse movement. +---released If the input was released this frame. This is not present for mouse movement. +---repeated If the input was repeated this frame. This is similar to how a key on a keyboard is repeated when you hold it down. This is not present for mouse movement. +---x The x value of a pointer device, if present. +---y The y value of a pointer device, if present. +---screen_x The screen space x value of a pointer device, if present. +---screen_y The screen space y value of a pointer device, if present. +---dx The change in x value of a pointer device, if present. +---dy The change in y value of a pointer device, if present. +---screen_dx The change in screen space x value of a pointer device, if present. +---screen_dy The change in screen space y value of a pointer device, if present. +---gamepad The index of the gamepad device that provided the input. +---touch List of touch input, one element per finger, if present. See table below about touch input +---Touch input table: +--- +---Field Description +---id A number identifying the touch input during its duration. +---pressed True if the finger was pressed this frame. +---released True if the finger was released this frame. +---tap_count Number of taps, one for single, two for double-tap, etc +---x The x touch location. +---y The y touch location. +---dx The change in x value. +---dy The change in y value. +---acc_x Accelerometer x value (if present). +---acc_y Accelerometer y value (if present). +---acc_z Accelerometer z value (if present). +---@param self object # reference to the script state to be used for storing data +---@param action_id hash # id of the received input action, as mapped in the input_binding-file +---@param action table # a table containing the input data, see above for a description +---@return boolean? # optional boolean to signal if the input should be consumed (not passed on to others) or not, default is false +function on_input(self, action_id, action) end + +---This is a callback-function, which is called by the engine whenever a message has been sent to the gui component. +---It can be used to take action on the message, e.g. update the gui or send a response back to the sender of the message. +---The message parameter is a table containing the message data. If the message is sent from the engine, the +---documentation of the message specifies which data is supplied. +---See the update <> function for examples on how to use this callback-function. +---@param self object # reference to the script state to be used for storing data +---@param message_id hash # id of the received message +---@param message table # a table containing the message data +function on_message(self, message_id, message) end + +--- +---This is a callback-function, which is called by the engine when the gui script is reloaded, e.g. from the editor. +---It can be used for live development, e.g. to tweak constants or set up the state properly for the script. +---@param self object # reference to the script state to be used for storing data +function on_reload(self) end + +---This is a callback-function, which is called by the engine every frame to update the state of a gui component. +---It can be used to perform any kind of gui related tasks, e.g. animating nodes. +---@param self object # reference to the script state to be used for storing data +---@param dt number # the time-step of the frame update +function update(self, dt) end + + + + +return gui \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/html5.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/html5.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e87568a9f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/html5.lua @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +---HTML5 API documentation +---HTML5 platform specific functions. +--- The following functions are only available on HTML5 builds, the html5.* Lua namespace will not be available on other platforms. +---@class html5 +html5 = {} +---Executes the supplied string as JavaScript inside the browser. +---A call to this function is blocking, the result is returned as-is, as a string. +---(Internally this will execute the string using the eval() JavaScript function.) +---@param code string # Javascript code to run +---@return string # result as string +function html5.run(code) end + +---Set a JavaScript interaction listener callaback from lua that will be +---invoked when a user interacts with the web page by clicking, touching or typing. +---The callback can then call DOM restricted actions like requesting a pointer lock, +---or start playing sounds the first time the callback is invoked. +---@param callback fun(self: object) # The interaction callback. Pass an empty function or nil if you no longer wish to receive callbacks. +function html5.set_interaction_listener(callback) end + + + + +return html5 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/http.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/http.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..67e7774f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/http.lua @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +---HTTP API documentation +---Functions for performing HTTP and HTTPS requests. +---@class http +http = {} +---Perform a HTTP/HTTPS request. +--- If no timeout value is passed, the configuration value "network.http_timeout" is used. If that is not set, the timeout value is 0 (which blocks indefinitely). +---@param url string # target url +---@param method string # HTTP/HTTPS method, e.g. "GET", "PUT", "POST" etc. +---@param callback fun(self: object, id: hash, response: table) # response callback function +---@param headers table? # optional table with custom headers +---@param post_data string? # optional data to send +---@param options table? # optional table with request parameters. Supported entries: +function http.request(url, method, callback, headers, post_data, options) end + + + + +return http \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/image.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/image.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1dcab0220 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/image.lua @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +---Image API documentation +---Functions for creating image objects. +---@class image +image = {} +---luminance image type +image.TYPE_LUMINANCE = nil +---RGB image type +image.TYPE_RGB = nil +---RGBA image type +image.TYPE_RGBA = nil +---Load image (PNG or JPEG) from buffer. +---@param buffer string # image data buffer +---@param premult boolean? # optional flag if alpha should be premultiplied. Defaults to false +---@return table # object or nil if loading fails. The object is a table with the following fields: +function image.load(buffer, premult) end + + + + +return image \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/json.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/json.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2421d95eb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/json.lua @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +---JSON API documentation +---Manipulation of JSON data strings. +---@class json +json = {} +---Decode a string of JSON data into a Lua table. +---A Lua error is raised for syntax errors. +---@param json string # json data +---@return table # decoded json +function json.decode(json) end + +---Encode a lua table to a JSON string. +---A Lua error is raised for syntax errors. +---@param tbl table # lua table to encode +---@return string # encoded json +function json.encode(tbl) end + + + + +return json \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/label.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/label.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7646a0a88 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/label.lua @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +---Label API documentation +---Label API documentation +---@class label +label = {} +---Gets the text from a label component +---@param url string|hash|url # the label to get the text from +---@return string # the label text +function label.get_text(url) end + +---Sets the text of a label component +--- This method uses the message passing that means the value will be set after dispatch messages step. +---More information is available in the Application Lifecycle manual <>. +---@param url string|hash|url # the label that should have a constant set +---@param text string # the text +function label.set_text(url, text) end + + + + +return label \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/luasocket.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/luasocket.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6f4d91039 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/luasocket.lua @@ -0,0 +1,484 @@ +---LuaSocket API documentation +---LuaSocket is a Lua extension library that provides +---support for the TCP and UDP transport layers. Defold provides the "socket" namespace in +---runtime, which contain the core C functionality. Additional LuaSocket support modules for +---SMTP, HTTP, FTP etc are not part of the core included, but can be easily added to a project +---and used. +---Note the included helper module "socket.lua" in "builtins/scripts/socket.lua". Require this +---module to add some additional functions and shortcuts to the namespace: +---require "builtins.scripts.socket" +--- +--- +---LuaSocket is Copyright 2004-2007 Diego Nehab. All rights reserved. +---LuaSocket is free software, released under the MIT license (same license as the Lua core). +---@class socket +socket = {} +---Closes the TCP object. The internal socket used by the object is closed and the local address to which the object was bound is made available to other applications. No further operations (except for further calls to the close method) are allowed on a closed socket. +--- It is important to close all used sockets once they are not needed, since, in many systems, each socket uses a file descriptor, which are limited system resources. Garbage-collected objects are automatically closed before destruction, though. +function client:close() end + +---Check the read buffer status. +--- This is an internal method, any use is unlikely to be portable. +---@return boolean # true if there is any data in the read buffer, false otherwise. +function client:dirty() end + +---Returns the underlying socket descriptor or handle associated to the object. +--- This is an internal method, any use is unlikely to be portable. +---@return number # the descriptor or handle. In case the object has been closed, the return will be -1. +function client:getfd() end + +---Gets options for the TCP object. See client:setoption <> for description of the option names and values. +---@param option string # the name of the option to get: +---@return any # the option value, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function client:getoption(option) end + +---Returns information about the remote side of a connected client object. +--- It makes no sense to call this method on server objects. +---@return string # a string with the IP address of the peer, the port number that peer is using for the connection, and the family ("inet" or "inet6"). In case of error, the method returns nil. +function client:getpeername() end + +---Returns the local address information associated to the object. +---@return string # a string with local IP address, the local port number, and the family ("inet" or "inet6"). In case of error, the method returns nil. +function client:getsockname() end + +---Returns accounting information on the socket, useful for throttling of bandwidth. +---@return string # a string with the number of bytes received, the number of bytes sent, and the age of the socket object in seconds. +function client:getstats() end + +---Reads data from a client object, according to the specified read pattern. Patterns follow the Lua file I/O format, and the difference in performance between patterns is negligible. +---@param pattern string|number? # the read pattern that can be any of the following: +---@param prefix string? # an optional string to be concatenated to the beginning of any received data before return. +---@return string # the received pattern, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. The error message can be the string "closed" in case the connection was closed before the transmission was completed or the string "timeout" in case there was a timeout during the operation. +---@return string # a (possibly empty) string containing the partial that was received, or nil if no error occurred. +function client:receive(pattern, prefix) end + +---Sends data through client object. +---The optional arguments i and j work exactly like the standard string.sub <> Lua function to allow the selection of a substring to be sent. +--- Output is not buffered. For small strings, it is always better to concatenate them in Lua (with the .. operator) and send the result in one call instead of calling the method several times. +---@param data string # the string to be sent. +---@param i number? # optional starting index of the string. +---@param j number? # optional end index of string. +---@return number] the index of the last byte within [i, j # that has been sent, or nil in case of error. Notice that, if i is 1 or absent, this is effectively the total number of bytes sent. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. The error message can be "closed" in case the connection was closed before the transmission was completed or the string "timeout" in case there was a timeout during the operation. +---@return number] in case of error, the index of the last byte within [i, j # that has been sent. You might want to try again from the byte following that. nil if no error occurred. +function client:send(data, i, j) end + +---Sets the underling socket descriptor or handle associated to the object. The current one is simply replaced, not closed, and no other change to the object state is made +---@param handle number # the descriptor or handle to set. +function client:setfd(handle) end + +---Sets options for the TCP object. Options are only needed by low-level or time-critical applications. You should only modify an option if you are sure you need it. +---@param option string # the name of the option to set. The value is provided in the value parameter: +---@param value any? # the value to set for the specified option. +---@return number # the value 1, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function client:setoption(option, value) end + +---Resets accounting information on the socket, useful for throttling of bandwidth. +---@param received number # the new number of bytes received. +---@param sent number # the new number of bytes sent. +---@param age number # the new age in seconds. +---@return number # the value 1 in case of success, or nil in case of error. +function client:setstats(received, sent, age) end + +---Changes the timeout values for the object. By default, all I/O operations are blocking. That is, any call to the methods send, receive, and accept will block indefinitely, until the operation completes. The settimeout method defines a limit on the amount of time the I/O methods can block. When a timeout is set and the specified amount of time has elapsed, the affected methods give up and fail with an error code. +---There are two timeout modes and both can be used together for fine tuning. +--- Although timeout values have millisecond precision in LuaSocket, large blocks can cause I/O functions not to respect timeout values due to the time the library takes to transfer blocks to and from the OS and to and from the Lua interpreter. Also, function that accept host names and perform automatic name resolution might be blocked by the resolver for longer than the specified timeout value. +---@param value number # the amount of time to wait, in seconds. The nil timeout value allows operations to block indefinitely. Negative timeout values have the same effect. +---@param mode string? # optional timeout mode to set: +function client:settimeout(value, mode) end + +---Shuts down part of a full-duplex connection. +---@param mode string # which way of the connection should be shut down: +---@return number # the value 1. +function client:shutdown(mode) end + +---Closes a UDP object. The internal socket used by the object is closed and the local address to which the object was bound is made available to other applications. No further operations (except for further calls to the close method) are allowed on a closed socket. +--- It is important to close all used sockets once they are not needed, since, in many systems, each socket uses a file descriptor, which are limited system resources. Garbage-collected objects are automatically closed before destruction, though. +function connected:close() end + +---Gets an option value from the UDP object. See connected:setoption <> for description of the option names and values. +---@param option string # the name of the option to get: +---@return any # the option value, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function connected:getoption(option) end + +---Retrieves information about the peer associated with a connected UDP object. +--- It makes no sense to call this method on unconnected objects. +---@return string # a string with the IP address of the peer, the port number that peer is using for the connection, and the family ("inet" or "inet6"). In case of error, the method returns nil. +function connected:getpeername() end + +---Returns the local address information associated to the object. +--- UDP sockets are not bound to any address until the setsockname or the sendto method is called for the first time (in which case it is bound to an ephemeral port and the wild-card address). +---@return string # a string with local IP address, a number with the local port, and the family ("inet" or "inet6"). In case of error, the method returns nil. +function connected:getsockname() end + +---Receives a datagram from the UDP object. If the UDP object is connected, only datagrams coming from the peer are accepted. Otherwise, the returned datagram can come from any host. +---@param size number? # optional maximum size of the datagram to be retrieved. If there are more than size bytes available in the datagram, the excess bytes are discarded. If there are less then size bytes available in the current datagram, the available bytes are returned. If size is omitted, the maximum datagram size is used (which is currently limited by the implementation to 8192 bytes). +---@return string # the received datagram, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function connected:receive(size) end + +---Sends a datagram to the UDP peer of a connected object. +--- In UDP, the send method never blocks and the only way it can fail is if the underlying transport layer refuses to send a message to the specified address (i.e. no interface accepts the address). +---@param datagram string # a string with the datagram contents. The maximum datagram size for UDP is 64K minus IP layer overhead. However datagrams larger than the link layer packet size will be fragmented, which may deteriorate performance and/or reliability. +---@return number # the value 1 on success, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function connected:send(datagram) end + +---Sets options for the UDP object. Options are only needed by low-level or time-critical applications. You should only modify an option if you are sure you need it. +---@param option string # the name of the option to set. The value is provided in the value parameter: +---@param value any? # the value to set for the specified option. +---@return number # the value 1, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function connected:setoption(option, value) end + +---Changes the peer of a UDP object. This method turns an unconnected UDP object into a connected UDP object or vice versa. +---For connected objects, outgoing datagrams will be sent to the specified peer, and datagrams received from other peers will be discarded by the OS. Connected UDP objects must use the send and receive methods instead of sendto and receivefrom. +--- Since the address of the peer does not have to be passed to and from the OS, the use of connected UDP objects is recommended when the same peer is used for several transmissions and can result in up to 30% performance gains. +---@param _ string # if address is "*" and the object is connected, the peer association is removed and the object becomes an unconnected object again. +---@return number # the value 1 on success, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function connected:setpeername(_) end + +---Changes the timeout values for the object. By default, the receive and receivefrom operations are blocking. That is, any call to the methods will block indefinitely, until data arrives. The settimeout function defines a limit on the amount of time the functions can block. When a timeout is set and the specified amount of time has elapsed, the affected methods give up and fail with an error code. +--- In UDP, the send and sendto methods never block (the datagram is just passed to the OS and the call returns immediately). Therefore, the settimeout method has no effect on them. +---@param value number # the amount of time to wait, in seconds. The nil timeout value allows operations to block indefinitely. Negative timeout values have the same effect. +function connected:settimeout(value) end + +---Binds a master object to address and port on the local host. +---@param address string # an IP address or a host name. If address is "*", the system binds to all local interfaces using the INADDR_ANY constant. +---@param port number # the port to commect to, in the range [0..64K). If port is 0, the system automatically chooses an ephemeral port. +---@return number # the value 1, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function master:bind(address, port) end + +---Closes the TCP object. The internal socket used by the object is closed and the local address to which the object was bound is made available to other applications. No further operations (except for further calls to the close method) are allowed on a closed socket. +--- It is important to close all used sockets once they are not needed, since, in many systems, each socket uses a file descriptor, which are limited system resources. Garbage-collected objects are automatically closed before destruction, though. +function master:close() end + +---Attempts to connect a master object to a remote host, transforming it into a client object. Client objects support methods send, receive, getsockname, getpeername, settimeout, and close. +---Note that the function socket.connect is available and is a shortcut for the creation of client sockets. +---@param address string # an IP address or a host name. If address is "*", the system binds to all local interfaces using the INADDR_ANY constant. +---@param port number # the port to commect to, in the range [0..64K). If port is 0, the system automatically chooses an ephemeral port. +---@return number # the value 1, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function master:connect(address, port) end + +---Check the read buffer status. +--- This is an internal method, any use is unlikely to be portable. +---@return boolean # true if there is any data in the read buffer, false otherwise. +function master:dirty() end + +---Returns the underlying socket descriptor or handle associated to the object. +--- This is an internal method, any use is unlikely to be portable. +---@return number # the descriptor or handle. In case the object has been closed, the return will be -1. +function master:getfd() end + +---Returns the local address information associated to the object. +---@return string # a string with local IP address, the local port number, and the family ("inet" or "inet6"). In case of error, the method returns nil. +function master:getsockname() end + +---Returns accounting information on the socket, useful for throttling of bandwidth. +---@return string # a string with the number of bytes received, the number of bytes sent, and the age of the socket object in seconds. +function master:getstats() end + +---Specifies the socket is willing to receive connections, transforming the object into a server object. Server objects support the accept, getsockname, setoption, settimeout, and close methods. +---@param backlog number # the number of client connections that can be queued waiting for service. If the queue is full and another client attempts connection, the connection is refused. +---@return number # the value 1, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function master:listen(backlog) end + +---Sets the underling socket descriptor or handle associated to the object. The current one is simply replaced, not closed, and no other change to the object state is made +---@param handle number # the descriptor or handle to set. +function master:setfd(handle) end + +---Resets accounting information on the socket, useful for throttling of bandwidth. +---@param received number # the new number of bytes received. +---@param sent number # the new number of bytes sent. +---@param age number # the new age in seconds. +---@return number # the value 1 in case of success, or nil in case of error. +function master:setstats(received, sent, age) end + +---Changes the timeout values for the object. By default, all I/O operations are blocking. That is, any call to the methods send, receive, and accept will block indefinitely, until the operation completes. The settimeout method defines a limit on the amount of time the I/O methods can block. When a timeout is set and the specified amount of time has elapsed, the affected methods give up and fail with an error code. +---There are two timeout modes and both can be used together for fine tuning. +--- Although timeout values have millisecond precision in LuaSocket, large blocks can cause I/O functions not to respect timeout values due to the time the library takes to transfer blocks to and from the OS and to and from the Lua interpreter. Also, function that accept host names and perform automatic name resolution might be blocked by the resolver for longer than the specified timeout value. +---@param value number # the amount of time to wait, in seconds. The nil timeout value allows operations to block indefinitely. Negative timeout values have the same effect. +---@param mode string? # optional timeout mode to set: +function master:settimeout(value, mode) end + +---Waits for a remote connection on the server object and returns a client object representing that connection. +--- Calling socket.select with a server object in the recvt parameter before a call to accept does not guarantee accept will return immediately. Use the settimeout method or accept might block until another client shows up. +---@return client # if a connection is successfully initiated, a client object is returned, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. The error is "timeout" if a timeout condition is met. +function server:accept() end + +---Closes the TCP object. The internal socket used by the object is closed and the local address to which the object was bound is made available to other applications. No further operations (except for further calls to the close method) are allowed on a closed socket. +--- It is important to close all used sockets once they are not needed, since, in many systems, each socket uses a file descriptor, which are limited system resources. Garbage-collected objects are automatically closed before destruction, though. +function server:close() end + +---Check the read buffer status. +--- This is an internal method, any use is unlikely to be portable. +---@return boolean # true if there is any data in the read buffer, false otherwise. +function server:dirty() end + +---Returns the underlying socket descriptor or handle associated to the object. +--- This is an internal method, any use is unlikely to be portable. +---@return number # the descriptor or handle. In case the object has been closed, the return will be -1. +function server:getfd() end + +---Gets options for the TCP object. See server:setoption <> for description of the option names and values. +---@param option string # the name of the option to get: +---@return any # the option value, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function server:getoption(option) end + +---Returns the local address information associated to the object. +---@return string # a string with local IP address, the local port number, and the family ("inet" or "inet6"). In case of error, the method returns nil. +function server:getsockname() end + +---Returns accounting information on the socket, useful for throttling of bandwidth. +---@return string # a string with the number of bytes received, the number of bytes sent, and the age of the socket object in seconds. +function server:getstats() end + +---Sets the underling socket descriptor or handle associated to the object. The current one is simply replaced, not closed, and no other change to the object state is made +---@param handle number # the descriptor or handle to set. +function server:setfd(handle) end + +---Sets options for the TCP object. Options are only needed by low-level or time-critical applications. You should only modify an option if you are sure you need it. +---@param option string # the name of the option to set. The value is provided in the value parameter: +---@param value any? # the value to set for the specified option. +---@return number # the value 1, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function server:setoption(option, value) end + +---Resets accounting information on the socket, useful for throttling of bandwidth. +---@param received number # the new number of bytes received. +---@param sent number # the new number of bytes sent. +---@param age number # the new age in seconds. +---@return number # the value 1 in case of success, or nil in case of error. +function server:setstats(received, sent, age) end + +---Changes the timeout values for the object. By default, all I/O operations are blocking. That is, any call to the methods send, receive, and accept will block indefinitely, until the operation completes. The settimeout method defines a limit on the amount of time the I/O methods can block. When a timeout is set and the specified amount of time has elapsed, the affected methods give up and fail with an error code. +---There are two timeout modes and both can be used together for fine tuning. +--- Although timeout values have millisecond precision in LuaSocket, large blocks can cause I/O functions not to respect timeout values due to the time the library takes to transfer blocks to and from the OS and to and from the Lua interpreter. Also, function that accept host names and perform automatic name resolution might be blocked by the resolver for longer than the specified timeout value. +---@param value number # the amount of time to wait, in seconds. The nil timeout value allows operations to block indefinitely. Negative timeout values have the same effect. +---@param mode string? # optional timeout mode to set: +function server:settimeout(value, mode) end + +---max numbers of sockets the select function can handle +socket._SETSIZE = nil +---the current LuaSocket version +socket._VERSION = nil +---This function is a shortcut that creates and returns a TCP client object connected to a remote +---address at a given port. Optionally, the user can also specify the local address and port to +---bind (locaddr and locport), or restrict the socket family to "inet" or "inet6". +---Without specifying family to connect, whether a tcp or tcp6 connection is created depends on +---your system configuration. +---@param address string # the address to connect to. +---@param port number # the port to connect to. +---@param locaddr string? # optional local address to bind to. +---@param locport number? # optional local port to bind to. +---@param family string? # optional socket family to use, "inet" or "inet6". +---@return client # a new IPv6 TCP client object, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function socket.connect(address, port, locaddr, locport, family) end + +---This function converts a host name to IPv4 or IPv6 address. +---The supplied address can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address or host name. +---The function returns a table with all information returned by the resolver: +---{ +--- [1] = { +--- family = family-name-1, +--- addr = address-1 +--- }, +--- ... +--- [n] = { +--- family = family-name-n, +--- addr = address-n +--- } +---} +--- +--- +---Here, family contains the string "inet" for IPv4 addresses, and "inet6" for IPv6 addresses. +---In case of error, the function returns nil followed by an error message. +---@param address string # a hostname or an IPv4 or IPv6 address. +---@return table # a table with all information returned by the resolver, or if an error occurs, nil. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function socket.dns.getaddrinfo(address) end + +---Returns the standard host name for the machine as a string. +---@return string # the host name for the machine. +function socket.dns.gethostname() end + +---This function converts an address to host name. +---The supplied address can be an IPv4 or IPv6 address or host name. +---The function returns a table with all information returned by the resolver: +---{ +--- [1] = host-name-1, +--- ... +--- [n] = host-name-n, +---} +---@param address string # a hostname or an IPv4 or IPv6 address. +---@return table # a table with all information returned by the resolver, or if an error occurs, nil. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function socket.dns.getnameinfo(address) end + +---This function converts from an IPv4 address to host name. +---The address can be an IPv4 address or a host name. +---@param address string # an IPv4 address or host name. +---@return string # the canonic host name of the given address, or nil in case of an error. +---@return table|string # a table with all information returned by the resolver, or if an error occurs, the error message string. +function socket.dns.tohostname(address) end + +---This function converts a host name to IPv4 address. +---The address can be an IP address or a host name. +---@param address string # a hostname or an IP address. +---@return string # the first IP address found for the hostname, or nil in case of an error. +---@return table|string # a table with all information returned by the resolver, or if an error occurs, the error message string. +function socket.dns.toip(address) end + +---Returns the time in seconds, relative to the system epoch (Unix epoch time since January 1, 1970 (UTC) or Windows file time since January 1, 1601 (UTC)). +---You should use the values returned by this function for relative measurements only. +---@return number # the number of seconds elapsed. +function socket.gettime() end + +---This function creates and returns a clean try function that allows for cleanup before the exception is raised. +---The finalizer function will be called in protected mode (see protect <>). +---@param finalizer fun() # a function that will be called before the try throws the exception. +---@return fun() # the customized try function. +function socket.newtry(finalizer) end + +---Converts a function that throws exceptions into a safe function. This function only catches exceptions thrown by try functions. It does not catch normal Lua errors. +--- Beware that if your function performs some illegal operation that raises an error, the protected function will catch the error and return it as a string. This is because try functions uses errors as the mechanism to throw exceptions. +---@param func fun() # a function that calls a try function (or assert, or error) to throw exceptions. +---@return fun(fun:fun()) # an equivalent function that instead of throwing exceptions, returns nil followed by an error message. +function socket.protect(func) end + +---The function returns a list with the sockets ready for reading, a list with the sockets ready for writing and an error message. The error message is "timeout" if a timeout condition was met and nil otherwise. The returned tables are doubly keyed both by integers and also by the sockets themselves, to simplify the test if a specific socket has changed status. +---Recvt and sendt parameters can be empty tables or nil. Non-socket values (or values with non-numeric indices) in these arrays will be silently ignored. +---The returned tables are doubly keyed both by integers and also by the sockets themselves, to simplify the test if a specific socket has changed status. +--- This function can monitor a limited number of sockets, as defined by the constant socket._SETSIZE. This number may be as high as 1024 or as low as 64 by default, depending on the system. It is usually possible to change this at compile time. Invoking select with a larger number of sockets will raise an error. +--- A known bug in WinSock causes select to fail on non-blocking TCP sockets. The function may return a socket as writable even though the socket is not ready for sending. +--- Calling select with a server socket in the receive parameter before a call to accept does not guarantee accept will return immediately. Use the settimeout method or accept might block forever. +--- If you close a socket and pass it to select, it will be ignored. +---(Using select with non-socket objects: Any object that implements getfd and dirty can be used with select, allowing objects from other libraries to be used within a socket.select driven loop.) +---@param recvt table # array with the sockets to test for characters available for reading. +---@param sendt table # array with sockets that are watched to see if it is OK to immediately write on them. +---@param timeout number? # the maximum amount of time (in seconds) to wait for a change in status. Nil, negative or omitted timeout value allows the function to block indefinitely. +---@return table # a list with the sockets ready for reading. +---@return table # a list with the sockets ready for writing. +---@return string # an error message. "timeout" if a timeout condition was met, otherwise nil. +function socket.select(recvt, sendt, timeout) end + +---This function drops a number of arguments and returns the remaining. +---It is useful to avoid creation of dummy variables: +---D is the number of arguments to drop. Ret1 to retN are the arguments. +---The function returns retD+1 to retN. +---@param d number # the number of arguments to drop. +---@param ret1 any? # argument 1. +---@param ret2 any? # argument 2. +---@param retN any? # argument N. +---@return any? # argument D+1. +---@return any? # argument D+2. +---@return any? # argument N. +function socket.skip(d, ret1, ret2, retN) end + +---Freezes the program execution during a given amount of time. +---@param time number # the number of seconds to sleep for. +function socket.sleep(time) end + +---Creates and returns an IPv4 TCP master object. A master object can be transformed into a server object with the method listen (after a call to bind) or into a client object with the method connect. The only other method supported by a master object is the close method. +---@return master # a new IPv4 TCP master object, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function socket.tcp() end + +---Creates and returns an IPv6 TCP master object. A master object can be transformed into a server object with the method listen (after a call to bind) or into a client object with the method connect. The only other method supported by a master object is the close method. +---Note: The TCP object returned will have the option "ipv6-v6only" set to true. +---@return master # a new IPv6 TCP master object, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function socket.tcp6() end + +---Creates and returns an unconnected IPv4 UDP object. Unconnected objects support the sendto, receive, receivefrom, getoption, getsockname, setoption, settimeout, setpeername, setsockname, and close methods. The setpeername method is used to connect the object. +---@return unconnected # a new unconnected IPv4 UDP object, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function socket.udp() end + +---Creates and returns an unconnected IPv6 UDP object. Unconnected objects support the sendto, receive, receivefrom, getoption, getsockname, setoption, settimeout, setpeername, setsockname, and close methods. The setpeername method is used to connect the object. +---Note: The UDP object returned will have the option "ipv6-v6only" set to true. +---@return unconnected # a new unconnected IPv6 UDP object, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function socket.udp6() end + +---Closes a UDP object. The internal socket used by the object is closed and the local address to which the object was bound is made available to other applications. No further operations (except for further calls to the close method) are allowed on a closed socket. +--- It is important to close all used sockets once they are not needed, since, in many systems, each socket uses a file descriptor, which are limited system resources. Garbage-collected objects are automatically closed before destruction, though. +function unconnected:close() end + +---Gets an option value from the UDP object. See unconnected:setoption <> for description of the option names and values. +---@param option string # the name of the option to get: +---@return any # the option value, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function unconnected:getoption(option) end + +---Returns the local address information associated to the object. +--- UDP sockets are not bound to any address until the setsockname or the sendto method is called for the first time (in which case it is bound to an ephemeral port and the wild-card address). +---@return string # a string with local IP address, a number with the local port, and the family ("inet" or "inet6"). In case of error, the method returns nil. +function unconnected:getsockname() end + +---Receives a datagram from the UDP object. If the UDP object is connected, only datagrams coming from the peer are accepted. Otherwise, the returned datagram can come from any host. +---@param size number? # optional maximum size of the datagram to be retrieved. If there are more than size bytes available in the datagram, the excess bytes are discarded. If there are less then size bytes available in the current datagram, the available bytes are returned. If size is omitted, the maximum datagram size is used (which is currently limited by the implementation to 8192 bytes). +---@return string # the received datagram, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function unconnected:receive(size) end + +---Works exactly as the receive method, except it returns the IP address and port as extra return values (and is therefore slightly less efficient). +---@param size number? # optional maximum size of the datagram to be retrieved. +---@return string # the received datagram, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the IP address, or the error message in case of error. +---@return number # the port number, or nil in case of error. +function unconnected:receivefrom(size) end + +---Sends a datagram to the specified IP address and port number. +--- In UDP, the send method never blocks and the only way it can fail is if the underlying transport layer refuses to send a message to the specified address (i.e. no interface accepts the address). +---@param datagram string # a string with the datagram contents. The maximum datagram size for UDP is 64K minus IP layer overhead. However datagrams larger than the link layer packet size will be fragmented, which may deteriorate performance and/or reliability. +---@param ip string # the IP address of the recipient. Host names are not allowed for performance reasons. +---@param port number # the port number at the recipient. +---@return number # the value 1 on success, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function unconnected:sendto(datagram, ip, port) end + +---Sets options for the UDP object. Options are only needed by low-level or time-critical applications. You should only modify an option if you are sure you need it. +---@param option string # the name of the option to set. The value is provided in the value parameter: +---@param value any? # the value to set for the specified option. +---@return number # the value 1, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function unconnected:setoption(option, value) end + +---Changes the peer of a UDP object. This method turns an unconnected UDP object into a connected UDP object or vice versa. +---For connected objects, outgoing datagrams will be sent to the specified peer, and datagrams received from other peers will be discarded by the OS. Connected UDP objects must use the send and receive methods instead of sendto and receivefrom. +--- Since the address of the peer does not have to be passed to and from the OS, the use of connected UDP objects is recommended when the same peer is used for several transmissions and can result in up to 30% performance gains. +---@param address string # an IP address or a host name. +---@param port number # the port number. +---@return number # the value 1 on success, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function unconnected:setpeername(address, port) end + +---Binds the UDP object to a local address. +--- This method can only be called before any datagram is sent through the UDP object, and only once. Otherwise, the system automatically binds the object to all local interfaces and chooses an ephemeral port as soon as the first datagram is sent. After the local address is set, either automatically by the system or explicitly by setsockname, it cannot be changed. +---@param address string # an IP address or a host name. If address is "*" the system binds to all local interfaces using the constant INADDR_ANY. +---@param port number # the port number. If port is 0, the system chooses an ephemeral port. +---@return number # the value 1 on success, or nil in case of error. +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred. +function unconnected:setsockname(address, port) end + +---Changes the timeout values for the object. By default, the receive and receivefrom operations are blocking. That is, any call to the methods will block indefinitely, until data arrives. The settimeout function defines a limit on the amount of time the functions can block. When a timeout is set and the specified amount of time has elapsed, the affected methods give up and fail with an error code. +--- In UDP, the send and sendto methods never block (the datagram is just passed to the OS and the call returns immediately). Therefore, the settimeout method has no effect on them. +---@param value number # the amount of time to wait, in seconds. The nil timeout value allows operations to block indefinitely. Negative timeout values have the same effect. +function unconnected:settimeout(value) end + + + + +return socket \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/message.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/message.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..726b54a93 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/message.lua @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +---Messaging API documentation +---Functions for passing messages and constructing URL objects. +---@class msg +msg = {} +---Post a message to a receiving URL. The most common case is to send messages +---to a component. If the component part of the receiver is omitted, the message +---is broadcast to all components in the game object. +---The following receiver shorthands are available: +--- +--- +--- * "." the current game object +--- +--- * "#" the current component +--- +--- There is a 2 kilobyte limit to the message parameter table size. +---@param receiver string|url|hash # The receiver must be a string in URL-format, a URL object or a hashed string. +---@param message_id string|hash # The id must be a string or a hashed string. +---@param message table|nil? # a lua table with message parameters to send. +function msg.post(receiver, message_id, message) end + +---This is equivalent to msg.url(nil) or msg.url("#"), which creates an url to the current +---script component. +---@return url # a new URL +function msg.url() end + +---The format of the string must be [socket:][path][#fragment], which is similar to a HTTP URL. +---When addressing instances: +--- +--- +--- * socket is the name of a valid world (a collection) +--- +--- * path is the id of the instance, which can either be relative the instance of the calling script or global +--- +--- * fragment would be the id of the desired component +--- +---In addition, the following shorthands are available: +--- +--- +--- * "." the current game object +--- +--- * "#" the current component +---@param urlstring string # string to create the url from +---@return url # a new URL +function msg.url(urlstring) end + +---creates a new URL from separate arguments +---@param socket string|hash? # socket of the URL +---@param path string|hash? # path of the URL +---@param fragment string|hash? # fragment of the URL +---@return url # a new URL +function msg.url(socket, path, fragment) end + + + + +return msg \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/model.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/model.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0631365e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/model.lua @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +---Model API documentation +---Model API documentation +---@class model +model = {} +---Cancels all animation on a model component. +---@param url string|hash|url # the model for which to cancel the animation +function model.cancel(url) end + +---Gets the id of the game object that corresponds to a model skeleton bone. +---The returned game object can be used for parenting and transform queries. +---This function has complexity O(n), where n is the number of bones in the model skeleton. +---Game objects corresponding to a model skeleton bone can not be individually deleted. +---@param url string|hash|url # the model to query +---@param bone_id string|hash # id of the corresponding bone +---@return hash # id of the game object +function model.get_go(url, bone_id) end + +---Plays an animation on a model component with specified playback +---mode and parameters. +---An optional completion callback function can be provided that will be called when +---the animation has completed playing. If no function is provided, +---a model_animation_done <> message is sent to the script that started the animation. +--- The callback is not called (or message sent) if the animation is +---cancelled with model.cancel <>. The callback is called (or message sent) only for +---animations that play with the following playback modes: +--- +--- +--- * go.PLAYBACK_ONCE_FORWARD +--- +--- * go.PLAYBACK_ONCE_BACKWARD +--- +--- * go.PLAYBACK_ONCE_PINGPONG +---@param url string|hash|url # the model for which to play the animation +---@param anim_id string|hash # id of the animation to play +---@param playback constant # playback mode of the animation +---@param play_properties table? # optional table with properties Play properties table: +---@param complete_function (fun(self: object, message_id: hash, message: table, sender: hash))? # function to call when the animation has completed. +function model.play_anim(url, anim_id, playback, play_properties, complete_function) end + + + + +return model \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/particle_effects.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/particle_effects.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5bc8a5a67 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/particle_effects.lua @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +---Particle effects API documentation +---Functions for controlling particle effect component playback and +---shader constants. +---@class particlefx +particlefx = {} +---postspawn state +particlefx.EMITTER_STATE_POSTSPAWN = nil +---prespawn state +particlefx.EMITTER_STATE_PRESPAWN = nil +---sleeping state +particlefx.EMITTER_STATE_SLEEPING = nil +---spawning state +particlefx.EMITTER_STATE_SPAWNING = nil +---Starts playing a particle FX component. +---Particle FX started this way need to be manually stopped through particlefx.stop(). +---Which particle FX to play is identified by the URL. +--- A particle FX will continue to emit particles even if the game object the particle FX component belonged to is deleted. You can call particlefx.stop() to stop it from emitting more particles. +---@param url string|hash|url # the particle fx that should start playing. +---@param emitter_state_function (fun(self: object, id: hash, emitter: hash, state: constant))? # optional callback function that will be called when an emitter attached to this particlefx changes state. +function particlefx.play(url, emitter_state_function) end + +---Resets a shader constant for a particle FX component emitter. +---The constant must be defined in the material assigned to the emitter. +---Resetting a constant through this function implies that the value defined in the material will be used. +---Which particle FX to reset a constant for is identified by the URL. +---@param url string|hash|url # the particle FX that should have a constant reset +---@param emitter string|hash # the id of the emitter +---@param constant string|hash # the name of the constant +function particlefx.reset_constant(url, emitter, constant) end + +---Sets a shader constant for a particle FX component emitter. +---The constant must be defined in the material assigned to the emitter. +---Setting a constant through this function will override the value set for that constant in the material. +---The value will be overridden until particlefx.reset_constant is called. +---Which particle FX to set a constant for is identified by the URL. +---@param url string|hash|url # the particle FX that should have a constant set +---@param emitter string|hash # the id of the emitter +---@param constant string|hash # the name of the constant +---@param value vector4 # the value of the constant +function particlefx.set_constant(url, emitter, constant, value) end + +---Stops a particle FX component from playing. +---Stopping a particle FX does not remove already spawned particles. +---Which particle FX to stop is identified by the URL. +---@param url string|hash|url # the particle fx that should stop playing +---@param options table # Options when stopping the particle fx. Supported options: +function particlefx.stop(url, options) end + + + + +return particlefx \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/profiler.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/profiler.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ed2a36fa4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/profiler.lua @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +---Profiler API documentation +---Functions for getting profiling data in runtime. +---More detailed profiling and debugging information available in the manuals. +---@class profiler +profiler = {} +---pause on current frame +profiler.MODE_PAUSE = nil +---start recording +profiler.MODE_RECORD = nil +---continously show latest frame +profiler.MODE_RUN = nil +---pause at peak frame +profiler.MODE_SHOW_PEAK_FRAME = nil +---show full profiler ui +profiler.VIEW_MODE_FULL = nil +---show mimimal profiler ui +profiler.VIEW_MODE_MINIMIZED = nil +---Creates and shows or hides and destroys the on-sceen profiler ui +---The profiler is a real-time tool that shows the numbers of milliseconds spent +---in each scope per frame as well as counters. The profiler is very useful for +---tracking down performance and resource problems. +---@param enabled boolean # true to enable, false to disable +function profiler.enable_ui(enabled) end + +---Get the percent of CPU usage by the application, as reported by the OS. +--- This function is not available on HTML5. +---For some platforms ( Android, Linux and Windows), this information is only available +---by default in the debug version of the engine. It can be enabled in release version as well +---by checking track_cpu under profiler in the game.project file. +---(This means that the engine will sample the CPU usage in intervalls during execution even in release mode.) +---@return number # of CPU used by the application +function profiler.get_cpu_usage() end + +---Get the amount of memory used (resident/working set) by the application in bytes, as reported by the OS. +--- This function is not available on HTML5. +---The values are gathered from internal OS functions which correspond to the following; +--- +---OS Value +--- iOS MacOSAndrod Linux Resident memory +--- Windows Working set +--- HTML5 Not available +---@return number # used by the application +function profiler.get_memory_usage() end + +---Send a text to the profiler +---@param text string # the string to send to the profiler +function profiler.log_text(text) end + +---Get the number of recorded frames in the on-screen profiler ui recording buffer +---@return number # the number of recorded frames, zero if on-screen profiler is disabled +function profiler.recorded_frame_count() end + +---Starts a profile scope. +---@param name string # The name of the scope +function profiler.scope_begin(name) end + +---End the current profile scope. +function profiler.scope_end() end + +---Set the on-screen profile mode - run, pause, record or show peak frame +---@param mode constant # the mode to set the ui profiler in +function profiler.set_ui_mode(mode) end + +---Set the on-screen profile view mode - minimized or expanded +---@param mode constant # the view mode to set the ui profiler in +function profiler.set_ui_view_mode(mode) end + +---Shows or hides the time the engine waits for vsync in the on-screen profiler +---Each frame the engine waits for vsync and depending on your vsync settings and how much time +---your game logic takes this time can dwarf the time in the game logic making it hard to +---see details in the on-screen profiler graph and lists. +---Also, by hiding this the FPS times in the header show the time spent each time excuding the +---time spent waiting for vsync. This shows you how long time your game is spending actively +---working each frame. +---This setting also effects the display of recorded frames but does not affect the actual +---recorded frames so it is possible to toggle this on and off when viewing recorded frames. +---By default the vsync wait times is displayed in the profiler. +---@param visible boolean # true to include it in the display, false to hide it. +function profiler.set_ui_vsync_wait_visible(visible) end + +---Pauses and displays a frame from the recording buffer in the on-screen profiler ui +---The frame to show can either be an absolute frame or a relative frame to the current frame. +---@param frame_index table # a table where you specify one of the following parameters: +function profiler.view_recorded_frame(frame_index) end + + + + +return profiler \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/render.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/render.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5e3a111e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/render.lua @@ -0,0 +1,439 @@ +---Rendering API documentation +---Rendering functions, messages and constants. The "render" namespace is +---accessible only from render scripts. +---The rendering API was originally built on top of OpenGL ES 2.0, and it uses a subset of the +---OpenGL computer graphics rendering API for rendering 2D and 3D computer +---graphics. Our current target is OpenGLES 3.0 with fallbacks to 2.0 on some platforms. +--- It is possible to create materials and write shaders that +---require features not in OpenGL ES 2.0, but those will not work cross platform. +---@class render +render = {} +render.BLEND_CONSTANT_ALPHA = nil +render.BLEND_CONSTANT_COLOR = nil +render.BLEND_DST_ALPHA = nil +render.BLEND_DST_COLOR = nil +render.BLEND_ONE = nil +render.BLEND_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA = nil +render.BLEND_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR = nil +render.BLEND_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA = nil +render.BLEND_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR = nil +render.BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA = nil +render.BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR = nil +render.BLEND_SRC_ALPHA = nil +render.BLEND_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE = nil +render.BLEND_SRC_COLOR = nil +render.BLEND_ZERO = nil +render.BUFFER_COLOR0_BIT = nil +render.BUFFER_COLOR1_BIT = nil +render.BUFFER_COLOR2_BIT = nil +render.BUFFER_COLOR3_BIT = nil +render.BUFFER_COLOR_BIT = nil +render.BUFFER_DEPTH_BIT = nil +render.BUFFER_STENCIL_BIT = nil +render.COMPARE_FUNC_ALWAYS = nil +render.COMPARE_FUNC_EQUAL = nil +render.COMPARE_FUNC_GEQUAL = nil +render.COMPARE_FUNC_GREATER = nil +render.COMPARE_FUNC_LEQUAL = nil +render.COMPARE_FUNC_LESS = nil +render.COMPARE_FUNC_NEVER = nil +render.COMPARE_FUNC_NOTEQUAL = nil +render.FACE_BACK = nil +render.FACE_FRONT = nil +render.FACE_FRONT_AND_BACK = nil +render.FILTER_LINEAR = nil +render.FILTER_NEAREST = nil +render.FORMAT_DEPTH = nil +render.FORMAT_LUMINANCE = nil +---May be nil if the format isn't supported +render.FORMAT_R16F = nil +---May be nil if the format isn't supported +render.FORMAT_R32F = nil +---May be nil if the format isn't supported +render.FORMAT_RG16F = nil +---May be nil if the format isn't supported +render.FORMAT_RG32F = nil +render.FORMAT_RGB = nil +---May be nil if the format isn't supported +render.FORMAT_RGB16F = nil +---May be nil if the format isn't supported +render.FORMAT_RGB32F = nil +render.FORMAT_RGBA = nil +---May be nil if the format isn't supported +render.FORMAT_RGBA16F = nil +---May be nil if the format isn't supported +render.FORMAT_RGBA32F = nil +render.FORMAT_STENCIL = nil +render.RENDER_TARGET_DEFAULT = nil +render.STATE_BLEND = nil +render.STATE_CULL_FACE = nil +render.STATE_DEPTH_TEST = nil +render.STATE_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL = nil +render.STATE_STENCIL_TEST = nil +render.STENCIL_OP_DECR = nil +render.STENCIL_OP_DECR_WRAP = nil +render.STENCIL_OP_INCR = nil +render.STENCIL_OP_INCR_WRAP = nil +render.STENCIL_OP_INVERT = nil +render.STENCIL_OP_KEEP = nil +render.STENCIL_OP_REPLACE = nil +render.STENCIL_OP_ZERO = nil +render.WRAP_CLAMP_TO_BORDER = nil +render.WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGE = nil +render.WRAP_MIRRORED_REPEAT = nil +render.WRAP_REPEAT = nil +---Clear buffers in the currently enabled render target with specified value. If the render target has been created with multiple +---color attachments, all buffers will be cleared with the same value. +---@param buffers table # table with keys specifying which buffers to clear and values set to clear values. Available keys are: +function render.clear(buffers) end + +---Constant buffers are used to set shader program variables and are optionally passed to the render.draw() function. +---The buffer's constant elements can be indexed like an ordinary Lua table, but you can't iterate over them with pairs() or ipairs(). +---@return constant_buffer # new constant buffer +function render.constant_buffer() end + +---Deletes a previously created render target. +---@param render_target render_target # render target to delete +function render.delete_render_target(render_target) end + +---If a material is currently enabled, disable it. +---The name of the material must be specified in the ".render" resource set +---in the "game.project" setting. +function render.disable_material() end + +---Disables a render state. +---@param state constant # state to disable +function render.disable_state(state) end + +---Disables a texture unit for a render target that has previourly been enabled. +---@param unit number # texture unit to disable +function render.disable_texture(unit) end + +---Draws all objects that match a specified predicate. An optional constant buffer can be +---provided to override the default constants. If no constants buffer is provided, a default +---system constants buffer is used containing constants as defined in materials and set through +---go.set <> (or particlefx.set_constant <>) on visual components. +---@param predicate predicate # predicate to draw for +---@param options table? # optional table with properties: +function render.draw(predicate, options) end + +---Draws all 3d debug graphics such as lines drawn with "draw_line" messages and physics visualization. +---@param options table? # optional table with properties: +function render.draw_debug3d(options) end + +---If another material was already enabled, it will be automatically disabled +---and the specified material is used instead. +---The name of the material must be specified in the ".render" resource set +---in the "game.project" setting. +---@param material_id string|hash # material id to enable +function render.enable_material(material_id) end + +---Enables a particular render state. The state will be enabled until disabled. +---@param state constant # state to enable +function render.enable_state(state) end + +---Sets the specified render target's specified buffer to be +---used as texture with the specified unit. +---A material shader can then use the texture to sample from. +---@param unit number # texture unit to enable texture for +---@param render_target render_target # render target from which to enable the specified texture unit +---@param buffer_type constant # buffer type from which to enable the texture +function render.enable_texture(unit, render_target, buffer_type) end + +---Returns the logical window height that is set in the "game.project" settings. +---Note that the actual window pixel size can change, either by device constraints +---or user input. +---@return number # specified window height +function render.get_height() end + +---Returns the specified buffer height from a render target. +---@param render_target render_target # render target from which to retrieve the buffer height +---@param buffer_type constant # which type of buffer to retrieve the height from +---@return number # the height of the render target buffer texture +function render.get_render_target_height(render_target, buffer_type) end + +---Returns the specified buffer width from a render target. +---@param render_target render_target # render target from which to retrieve the buffer width +---@param buffer_type constant # which type of buffer to retrieve the width from +---@return number # the width of the render target buffer texture +function render.get_render_target_width(render_target, buffer_type) end + +---Returns the logical window width that is set in the "game.project" settings. +---Note that the actual window pixel size can change, either by device constraints +---or user input. +---@return number # specified window width (number) +function render.get_width() end + +---Returns the actual physical window height. +---Note that this value might differ from the logical height that is set in the +---"game.project" settings. +---@return number # actual window height +function render.get_window_height() end + +---Returns the actual physical window width. +---Note that this value might differ from the logical width that is set in the +---"game.project" settings. +---@return number # actual window width +function render.get_window_width() end + +---This function returns a new render predicate for objects with materials matching +---the provided material tags. The provided tags are combined into a bit mask +---for the predicate. If multiple tags are provided, the predicate matches materials +---with all tags ANDed together. +---The current limit to the number of tags that can be defined is 64. +---@param tags table # table of tags that the predicate should match. The tags can be of either hash or string type +---@return predicate # new predicate +function render.predicate(tags) end + +---Creates a new render target according to the supplied +---specification table. +---The table should contain keys specifying which buffers should be created +---with what parameters. Each buffer key should have a table value consisting +---of parameters. The following parameter keys are available: +--- +---Key Values +---format render.FORMAT_LUMINANCErender.FORMAT_RGBrender.FORMAT_RGBArender.FORMAT_DEPTHrender.FORMAT_STENCILrender.FORMAT_RGBA32Frender.FORMAT_RGBA16F +---width number +---height number +---min_filter render.FILTER_LINEARrender.FILTER_NEAREST +---mag_filter render.FILTER_LINEARrender.FILTER_NEAREST +---u_wrap render.WRAP_CLAMP_TO_BORDERrender.WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGErender.WRAP_MIRRORED_REPEATrender.WRAP_REPEAT +---v_wrap render.WRAP_CLAMP_TO_BORDERrender.WRAP_CLAMP_TO_EDGErender.WRAP_MIRRORED_REPEATrender.WRAP_REPEAT +---The render target can be created to support multiple color attachments. Each attachment can have different format settings and texture filters, +---but attachments must be added in sequence, meaning you cannot create a render target at slot 0 and 3. +---Instead it has to be created with all four buffer types ranging from [0..3] (as denoted by render.BUFFER_COLORX_BIT where 'X' is the attachment you want to create). +---@param name string # render target name +---@param parameters table # table of buffer parameters, see the description for available keys and values +---@return render_target # new render target +function render.render_target(name, parameters) end + +---Specifies the arithmetic used when computing pixel values that are written to the frame +---buffer. In RGBA mode, pixels can be drawn using a function that blends the source RGBA +---pixel values with the destination pixel values already in the frame buffer. +---Blending is initially disabled. +---source_factor specifies which method is used to scale the source color components. +---destination_factor specifies which method is used to scale the destination color +---components. +---Source color components are referred to as (Rs,Gs,Bs,As). +---Destination color components are referred to as (Rd,Gd,Bd,Ad). +---The color specified by setting the blendcolor is referred to as (Rc,Gc,Bc,Ac). +---The source scale factor is referred to as (sR,sG,sB,sA). +---The destination scale factor is referred to as (dR,dG,dB,dA). +---The color values have integer values between 0 and (kR,kG,kB,kA), where kc = 2mc - 1 and mc is the number of bitplanes for that color. I.e for 8 bit color depth, color values are between 0 and 255. +---Available factor constants and corresponding scale factors: +--- +---Factor constant Scale factor (fR,fG,fB,fA) +---render.BLEND_ZERO (0,0,0,0) +---render.BLEND_ONE (1,1,1,1) +---render.BLEND_SRC_COLOR (Rs/kR,Gs/kG,Bs/kB,As/kA) +---render.BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR(1,1,1,1) - (Rs/kR,Gs/kG,Bs/kB,As/kA) +---render.BLEND_DST_COLOR (Rd/kR,Gd/kG,Bd/kB,Ad/kA) +---render.BLEND_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR(1,1,1,1) - (Rd/kR,Gd/kG,Bd/kB,Ad/kA) +---render.BLEND_SRC_ALPHA (As/kA,As/kA,As/kA,As/kA) +---render.BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA(1,1,1,1) - (As/kA,As/kA,As/kA,As/kA) +---render.BLEND_DST_ALPHA (Ad/kA,Ad/kA,Ad/kA,Ad/kA) +---render.BLEND_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA(1,1,1,1) - (Ad/kA,Ad/kA,Ad/kA,Ad/kA) +---render.BLEND_CONSTANT_COLOR (Rc,Gc,Bc,Ac) +---render.BLEND_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR(1,1,1,1) - (Rc,Gc,Bc,Ac) +---render.BLEND_CONSTANT_ALPHA (Ac,Ac,Ac,Ac) +---render.BLEND_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA(1,1,1,1) - (Ac,Ac,Ac,Ac) +---render.BLEND_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE(i,i,i,1) where i = min(As, kA - Ad) /kA +---The blended RGBA values of a pixel comes from the following equations: +--- +--- +--- * Rd = min(kR, Rs * sR + Rd * dR) +--- +--- * Gd = min(kG, Gs * sG + Gd * dG) +--- +--- * Bd = min(kB, Bs * sB + Bd * dB) +--- +--- * Ad = min(kA, As * sA + Ad * dA) +--- +---Blend function (render.BLEND_SRC_ALPHA, render.BLEND_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) is useful for +---drawing with transparency when the drawn objects are sorted from farthest to nearest. +---It is also useful for drawing antialiased points and lines in arbitrary order. +---@param source_factor constant # source factor +---@param destination_factor constant # destination factor +function render.set_blend_func(source_factor, destination_factor) end + +---Specifies whether the individual color components in the frame buffer is enabled for writing (true) or disabled (false). For example, if blue is false, nothing is written to the blue component of any pixel in any of the color buffers, regardless of the drawing operation attempted. Note that writing are either enabled or disabled for entire color components, not the individual bits of a component. +---The component masks are all initially true. +---@param red boolean # red mask +---@param green boolean # green mask +---@param blue boolean # blue mask +---@param alpha boolean # alpha mask +function render.set_color_mask(red, green, blue, alpha) end + +---Specifies whether front- or back-facing polygons can be culled +---when polygon culling is enabled. Polygon culling is initially disabled. +---If mode is render.FACE_FRONT_AND_BACK, no polygons are drawn, but other +---primitives such as points and lines are drawn. The initial value for +---face_type is render.FACE_BACK. +---@param face_type constant # face type +function render.set_cull_face(face_type) end + +---Specifies the function that should be used to compare each incoming pixel +---depth value with the value present in the depth buffer. +---The comparison is performed only if depth testing is enabled and specifies +---the conditions under which a pixel will be drawn. +---Function constants: +--- +--- +--- * render.COMPARE_FUNC_NEVER (never passes) +--- +--- * render.COMPARE_FUNC_LESS (passes if the incoming depth value is less than the stored value) +--- +--- * render.COMPARE_FUNC_LEQUAL (passes if the incoming depth value is less than or equal to the stored value) +--- +--- * render.COMPARE_FUNC_GREATER (passes if the incoming depth value is greater than the stored value) +--- +--- * render.COMPARE_FUNC_GEQUAL (passes if the incoming depth value is greater than or equal to the stored value) +--- +--- * render.COMPARE_FUNC_EQUAL (passes if the incoming depth value is equal to the stored value) +--- +--- * render.COMPARE_FUNC_NOTEQUAL (passes if the incoming depth value is not equal to the stored value) +--- +--- * render.COMPARE_FUNC_ALWAYS (always passes) +--- +---The depth function is initially set to render.COMPARE_FUNC_LESS. +---@param func constant # depth test function, see the description for available values +function render.set_depth_func(func) end + +---Specifies whether the depth buffer is enabled for writing. The supplied mask governs +---if depth buffer writing is enabled (true) or disabled (false). +---The mask is initially true. +---@param depth boolean # depth mask +function render.set_depth_mask(depth) end + +---Sets the scale and units used to calculate depth values. +---If render.STATE_POLYGON_OFFSET_FILL is enabled, each fragment's depth value +---is offset from its interpolated value (depending on the depth value of the +---appropriate vertices). Polygon offset can be used when drawing decals, rendering +---hidden-line images etc. +---factor specifies a scale factor that is used to create a variable depth +---offset for each polygon. The initial value is 0. +---units is multiplied by an implementation-specific value to create a +---constant depth offset. The initial value is 0. +---The value of the offset is computed as factor ? DZ + r ? units +---DZ is a measurement of the depth slope of the polygon which is the change in z (depth) +---values divided by the change in either x or y coordinates, as you traverse a polygon. +---The depth values are in window coordinates, clamped to the range [0, 1]. +---r is the smallest value that is guaranteed to produce a resolvable difference. +---It's value is an implementation-specific constant. +---The offset is added before the depth test is performed and before the +---value is written into the depth buffer. +---@param factor number # polygon offset factor +---@param units number # polygon offset units +function render.set_polygon_offset(factor, units) end + +---Sets the projection matrix to use when rendering. +---@param matrix matrix4 # projection matrix +function render.set_projection(matrix) end + +---Sets a render target. Subsequent draw operations will be to the +---render target until it is replaced by a subsequent call to set_render_target. +---@param render_target render_target # render target to set. render.RENDER_TARGET_DEFAULT to set the default render target +---@param options table? # optional table with behaviour parameters +function render.set_render_target(render_target, options) end + +---sets the render target size +---@param render_target render_target # render target to set size for +---@param width number # new render target width +---@param height number # new render target height +function render.set_render_target_size(render_target, width, height) end + +---Stenciling is similar to depth-buffering as it enables and disables drawing on a +---per-pixel basis. First, GL drawing primitives are drawn into the stencil planes. +---Second, geometry and images are rendered but using the stencil planes to mask out +---where to draw. +---The stencil test discards a pixel based on the outcome of a comparison between the +---reference value ref and the corresponding value in the stencil buffer. +---func specifies the comparison function. See the table below for values. +---The initial value is render.COMPARE_FUNC_ALWAYS. +---ref specifies the reference value for the stencil test. The value is clamped to +---the range [0, 2n-1], where n is the number of bitplanes in the stencil buffer. +---The initial value is 0. +---mask is ANDed with both the reference value and the stored stencil value when the test +---is done. The initial value is all 1's. +---Function constant: +--- +--- +--- * render.COMPARE_FUNC_NEVER (never passes) +--- +--- * render.COMPARE_FUNC_LESS (passes if (ref & mask) < (stencil & mask)) +--- +--- * render.COMPARE_FUNC_LEQUAL (passes if (ref & mask) <= (stencil & mask)) +--- +--- * render.COMPARE_FUNC_GREATER (passes if (ref & mask) > (stencil & mask)) +--- +--- * render.COMPARE_FUNC_GEQUAL (passes if (ref & mask) >= (stencil & mask)) +--- +--- * render.COMPARE_FUNC_EQUAL (passes if (ref & mask) = (stencil & mask)) +--- +--- * render.COMPARE_FUNC_NOTEQUAL (passes if (ref & mask) != (stencil & mask)) +--- +--- * render.COMPARE_FUNC_ALWAYS (always passes) +---@param func constant # stencil test function, see the description for available values +---@param ref number # reference value for the stencil test +---@param mask number # mask that is ANDed with both the reference value and the stored stencil value when the test is done +function render.set_stencil_func(func, ref, mask) end + +---The stencil mask controls the writing of individual bits in the stencil buffer. +---The least significant n bits of the parameter mask, where n is the number of +---bits in the stencil buffer, specify the mask. +---Where a 1 bit appears in the mask, the corresponding +---bit in the stencil buffer can be written. Where a 0 bit appears in the mask, +---the corresponding bit in the stencil buffer is never written. +---The mask is initially all 1's. +---@param mask number # stencil mask +function render.set_stencil_mask(mask) end + +---The stencil test discards a pixel based on the outcome of a comparison between the +---reference value ref and the corresponding value in the stencil buffer. +---To control the test, call render.set_stencil_func <>. +---This function takes three arguments that control what happens to the stored stencil +---value while stenciling is enabled. If the stencil test fails, no change is made to the +---pixel's color or depth buffers, and sfail specifies what happens to the stencil buffer +---contents. +---Operator constants: +--- +--- +--- * render.STENCIL_OP_KEEP (keeps the current value) +--- +--- * render.STENCIL_OP_ZERO (sets the stencil buffer value to 0) +--- +--- * render.STENCIL_OP_REPLACE (sets the stencil buffer value to ref, as specified by render.set_stencil_func <>) +--- +--- * render.STENCIL_OP_INCR (increments the stencil buffer value and clamp to the maximum representable unsigned value) +--- +--- * render.STENCIL_OP_INCR_WRAP (increments the stencil buffer value and wrap to zero when incrementing the maximum representable unsigned value) +--- +--- * render.STENCIL_OP_DECR (decrements the current stencil buffer value and clamp to 0) +--- +--- * render.STENCIL_OP_DECR_WRAP (decrements the current stencil buffer value and wrap to the maximum representable unsigned value when decrementing zero) +--- +--- * render.STENCIL_OP_INVERT (bitwise inverts the current stencil buffer value) +--- +---dppass and dpfail specify the stencil buffer actions depending on whether subsequent +---depth buffer tests succeed (dppass) or fail (dpfail). +---The initial value for all operators is render.STENCIL_OP_KEEP. +---@param sfail constant # action to take when the stencil test fails +---@param dpfail constant # the stencil action when the stencil test passes +---@param dppass constant # the stencil action when both the stencil test and the depth test pass, or when the stencil test passes and either there is no depth buffer or depth testing is not enabled +function render.set_stencil_op(sfail, dpfail, dppass) end + +---Sets the view matrix to use when rendering. +---@param matrix matrix4 # view matrix to set +function render.set_view(matrix) end + +---Set the render viewport to the specified rectangle. +---@param x number # left corner +---@param y number # bottom corner +---@param width number # viewport width +---@param height number # viewport height +function render.set_viewport(x, y, width, height) end + + + + +return render \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/resource.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/resource.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5db356fcd --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/resource.lua @@ -0,0 +1,181 @@ +---Resource API documentation +---Functions and constants to access resources. +---@class resource +resource = {} +---LIVEUPDATE_BUNDLED_RESOURCE_MISMATCH +resource.LIVEUPDATE_BUNDLED_RESOURCE_MISMATCH = nil +---LIVEUPDATE_ENGINE_VERSION_MISMATCH +resource.LIVEUPDATE_ENGINE_VERSION_MISMATCH = nil +---LIVEUPDATE_FORMAT_ERROR +resource.LIVEUPDATE_FORMAT_ERROR = nil +---LIVEUPDATE_INVALID_RESOURCE +resource.LIVEUPDATE_INVALID_RESOURCE = nil +---LIVEUPDATE_OK +resource.LIVEUPDATE_OK = nil +---LIVEUPDATE_SCHEME_MISMATCH +resource.LIVEUPDATE_SCHEME_MISMATCH = nil +---LIVEUPDATE_SIGNATURE_MISMATCH +resource.LIVEUPDATE_SIGNATURE_MISMATCH = nil +---LIVEUPDATE_VERSION_MISMATCH +resource.LIVEUPDATE_VERSION_MISMATCH = nil +---luminance type texture format +resource.TEXTURE_FORMAT_LUMINANCE = nil +---RGB type texture format +resource.TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGB = nil +---RGBA type texture format +resource.TEXTURE_FORMAT_RGBA = nil +---2D texture type +resource.TEXTURE_TYPE_2D = nil +---Constructor-like function with two purposes: +--- +--- +--- * Load the specified resource as part of loading the script +--- +--- * Return a hash to the run-time version of the resource +--- +--- This function can only be called within go.property <> function calls. +---@param path string? # optional resource path string to the resource +---@return hash # a path hash to the binary version of the resource +function resource.atlas(path) end + +---Constructor-like function with two purposes: +--- +--- +--- * Load the specified resource as part of loading the script +--- +--- * Return a hash to the run-time version of the resource +--- +--- This function can only be called within go.property <> function calls. +---@param path string? # optional resource path string to the resource +---@return hash # a path hash to the binary version of the resource +function resource.buffer(path) end + +---Constructor-like function with two purposes: +--- +--- +--- * Load the specified resource as part of loading the script +--- +--- * Return a hash to the run-time version of the resource +--- +--- This function can only be called within go.property <> function calls. +---@param path string? # optional resource path string to the resource +---@return hash # a path hash to the binary version of the resource +function resource.font(path) end + +---gets the buffer from a resource +---@param path hash|string # The path to the resource +---@return buffer # The resource buffer +function resource.get_buffer(path) end + +---Return a reference to the Manifest that is currently loaded. +---@return number # reference to the Manifest that is currently loaded +function resource.get_current_manifest() end + +---Gets the text metrics from a font +---@param url hash # the font to get the (unscaled) metrics from +---@param text string # text to measure +---@param options table? # A table containing parameters for the text. Supported entries: +---@return table # a table with the following fields: +function resource.get_text_metrics(url, text, options) end + +---Is any liveupdate data mounted and currently in use? +---This can be used to determine if a new manifest or zip file should be downloaded. +---@return bool # true if a liveupdate archive (any format) has been loaded +function resource.is_using_liveupdate_data() end + +---Loads the resource data for a specific resource. +---@param path string # The path to the resource +---@return buffer # Returns the buffer stored on disc +function resource.load(path) end + +---Constructor-like function with two purposes: +--- +--- +--- * Load the specified resource as part of loading the script +--- +--- * Return a hash to the run-time version of the resource +--- +--- This function can only be called within go.property <> function calls. +---@param path string? # optional resource path string to the resource +---@return hash # a path hash to the binary version of the resource +function resource.material(path) end + +---Sets the resource data for a specific resource +---@param path string|hash # The path to the resource +---@param buffer buffer # The buffer of precreated data, suitable for the intended resource type +function resource.set(path, buffer) end + +---sets the buffer of a resource +---@param path hash|string # The path to the resource +---@param buffer buffer # The resource buffer +function resource.set_buffer(path, buffer) end + +---Update internal sound resource (wavc/oggc) with new data +---@param path hash|string # The path to the resource +---@param buffer string # A lua string containing the binary sound data +function resource.set_sound(path, buffer) end + +---Sets the pixel data for a specific texture. +---@param path hash|string # The path to the resource +---@param table table # A table containing info about the texture. Supported entries: +---@param buffer buffer # The buffer of precreated pixel data Currently, only 1 mipmap is generated. +function resource.set_texture(path, table, buffer) end + +---Stores a zip file and uses it for live update content. The contents of the +---zip file will be verified against the manifest to ensure file integrity. +---It is possible to opt out of the resource verification using an option passed +---to this function. +---The path is stored in the (internal) live update location. +---@param path string # the path to the original file on disc +---@param callback fun(self: object, status: constant) # the callback function executed after the storage has completed +---@param options table? # optional table with extra parameters. Supported entries: +function resource.store_archive(path, callback, options) end + +---Create a new manifest from a buffer. The created manifest is verified +---by ensuring that the manifest was signed using the bundled public/private +---key-pair during the bundle process and that the manifest supports the current +---running engine version. Once the manifest is verified it is stored on device. +---The next time the engine starts (or is rebooted) it will look for the stored +---manifest before loading resources. Storing a new manifest allows the +---developer to update the game, modify existing resources, or add new +---resources to the game through LiveUpdate. +---@param manifest_buffer string # the binary data that represents the manifest +---@param callback fun(self: object, status: constant) # the callback function executed once the engine has attempted to store the manifest. +function resource.store_manifest(manifest_buffer, callback) end + +---add a resource to the data archive and runtime index. The resource will be verified +---internally before being added to the data archive. +---@param manifest_reference number # The manifest to check against. +---@param data string # The resource data that should be stored. +---@param hexdigest string # The expected hash for the resource, retrieved through collectionproxy.missing_resources. +---@param callback fun(self: object, hexdigest: string, status: boolean) # The callback function that is executed once the engine has been attempted to store the resource. +function resource.store_resource(manifest_reference, data, hexdigest, callback) end + +---Constructor-like function with two purposes: +--- +--- +--- * Load the specified resource as part of loading the script +--- +--- * Return a hash to the run-time version of the resource +--- +--- This function can only be called within go.property <> function calls. +---@param path string? # optional resource path string to the resource +---@return hash # a path hash to the binary version of the resource +function resource.texture(path) end + +---Constructor-like function with two purposes: +--- +--- +--- * Load the specified resource as part of loading the script +--- +--- * Return a hash to the run-time version of the resource +--- +--- This function can only be called within go.property <> function calls. +---@param path string? # optional resource path string to the resource +---@return hash # a path hash to the binary version of the resource +function resource.tile_source(path) end + + + + +return resource \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/sound.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/sound.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..647de702c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/sound.lua @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +---Sound API documentation +---Sound API documentation +---@class sound +sound = {} +---Get mixer group gain +--- Note that gain is in linear scale, between 0 and 1. +---To get the dB value from the gain, use the formula 20 * log(gain). +---Inversely, to find the linear value from a dB value, use the formula +---10db/20. +---@param group string|hash # group name +---@return number # gain in linear scale +function sound.get_group_gain(group) end + +---Get a mixer group name as a string. +--- This function is to be used for debugging and +---development tooling only. The function does a reverse hash lookup, which does not +---return a proper string value when the game is built in release mode. +---@param group string|hash # group name +---@return string # group name +function sound.get_group_name(group) end + +---Get a table of all mixer group names (hashes). +---@return table # table of mixer group names +function sound.get_groups() end + +---Get peak value from mixer group. +--- Note that gain is in linear scale, between 0 and 1. +---To get the dB value from the gain, use the formula 20 * log(gain). +---Inversely, to find the linear value from a dB value, use the formula +---10db/20. +---Also note that the returned value might be an approximation and in particular +---the effective window might be larger than specified. +---@param group string|hash # group name +---@param window number # window length in seconds +---@return number # peak value for left channel +---@return number # peak value for right channel +function sound.get_peak(group, window) end + +---Get RMS (Root Mean Square) value from mixer group. This value is the +---square root of the mean (average) value of the squared function of +---the instantaneous values. +---For instance: for a sinewave signal with a peak gain of -1.94 dB (0.8 linear), +---the RMS is 0.8 ? 1/sqrt(2) which is about 0.566. +--- Note the returned value might be an approximation and in particular +---the effective window might be larger than specified. +---@param group string|hash # group name +---@param window number # window length in seconds +---@return number # RMS value for left channel +---@return number # RMS value for right channel +function sound.get_rms(group, window) end + +---Checks if background music is playing, e.g. from iTunes. +--- On non mobile platforms, +---this function always return false. +--- On Android you can only get a correct reading +---of this state if your game is not playing any sounds itself. This is a limitation +---in the Android SDK. If your game is playing any sounds, even with a gain of zero, this +---function will return false. +---The best time to call this function is: +--- +--- +--- * In the init function of your main collection script before any sounds are triggered +--- +--- * In a window listener callback when the window.WINDOW_EVENT_FOCUS_GAINED event is received +--- +---Both those times will give you a correct reading of the state even when your application is +---swapped out and in while playing sounds and it works equally well on Android and iOS. +---@return boolean # true if music is playing, otherwise false. +function sound.is_music_playing() end + +---Checks if a phone call is active. If there is an active phone call all +---other sounds will be muted until the phone call is finished. +--- On non mobile platforms, +---this function always return false. +---@return boolean # true if there is an active phone call, false otherwise. +function sound.is_phone_call_active() end + +---Pause all active voices +---@param url string|hash|url # the sound that should pause +---@param pause bool # true if the sound should pause +function sound.pause(url, pause) end + +---Make the sound component play its sound. Multiple voices are supported. The limit is set to 32 voices per sound component. +--- Note that gain is in linear scale, between 0 and 1. +---To get the dB value from the gain, use the formula 20 * log(gain). +---Inversely, to find the linear value from a dB value, use the formula +---10db/20. +--- A sound will continue to play even if the game object the sound component belonged to is deleted. You can call sound.stop() to stop the sound. +---@param url string|hash|url # the sound that should play +---@param play_properties table? # +---@param complete_function (fun(self: object, message_id: hash, message: table, sender: number))? # function to call when the sound has finished playing. +---@return number # The identifier for the sound voice +function sound.play(url, play_properties, complete_function) end + +---Set gain on all active playing voices of a sound. +--- Note that gain is in linear scale, between 0 and 1. +---To get the dB value from the gain, use the formula 20 * log(gain). +---Inversely, to find the linear value from a dB value, use the formula +---10db/20. +---@param url string|hash|url # the sound to set the gain of +---@param gain number? # sound gain between 0 and 1. The final gain of the sound will be a combination of this gain, the group gain and the master gain. +function sound.set_gain(url, gain) end + +---Set mixer group gain +--- Note that gain is in linear scale, between 0 and 1. +---To get the dB value from the gain, use the formula 20 * log(gain). +---Inversely, to find the linear value from a dB value, use the formula +---10db/20. +---@param group string|hash # group name +---@param gain number # gain in linear scale +function sound.set_group_gain(group, gain) end + +---Set panning on all active playing voices of a sound. +---The valid range is from -1.0 to 1.0, representing -45 degrees left, to +45 degrees right. +---@param url string|hash|url # the sound to set the panning value to +---@param pan number? # sound panning between -1.0 and 1.0 +function sound.set_pan(url, pan) end + +---Stop playing all active voices +---@param url string|hash|url # the sound that should stop +function sound.stop(url) end + + + + +return sound \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/sprite.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/sprite.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6e909d15f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/sprite.lua @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +---Sprite API documentation +---Sprite API documentation +---@class sprite +sprite = {} +---Play an animation on a sprite component from its tile set +---An optional completion callback function can be provided that will be called when +---the animation has completed playing. If no function is provided, +---a animation_done <> message is sent to the script that started the animation. +---@param url string|hash|url # the sprite that should play the animation +---@param id # hash name hash of the animation to play +---@param complete_function (fun(self: object, message_id: hash, message: table, sender: number))? # function to call when the animation has completed. +---@param play_properties table? # optional table with properties: +function sprite.play_flipbook(url, id, complete_function, play_properties) end + +---Sets horizontal flipping of the provided sprite's animations. +---The sprite is identified by its URL. +---If the currently playing animation is flipped by default, flipping it again will make it appear like the original texture. +---@param url string|hash|url # the sprite that should flip its animations +---@param flip boolean # true if the sprite should flip its animations, false if not +function sprite.set_hflip(url, flip) end + +---Sets vertical flipping of the provided sprite's animations. +---The sprite is identified by its URL. +---If the currently playing animation is flipped by default, flipping it again will make it appear like the original texture. +---@param url string|hash|url # the sprite that should flip its animations +---@param flip boolean # true if the sprite should flip its animations, false if not +function sprite.set_vflip(url, flip) end + + + + +return sprite \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/system.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/system.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..039f74903 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/system.lua @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +---System API documentation +---Functions and messages for using system resources, controlling the engine, +---error handling and debugging. +---@class sys +sys = {} +---network connected through other, non cellular, connection +sys.NETWORK_CONNECTED = nil +---network connected through mobile cellular +sys.NETWORK_CONNECTED_CELLULAR = nil +---no network connection found +sys.NETWORK_DISCONNECTED = nil +---deserializes buffer into a lua table +---@param buffer string # buffer to deserialize from +---@return table # lua table with deserialized data +function sys.deserialize(buffer) end + +---Terminates the game application and reports the specified code to the OS. +---@param code number # exit code to report to the OS, 0 means clean exit +function sys.exit(code) end + +---Returns a table with application information for the requested app. +--- On iOS, the app_string is an url scheme for the app that is queried. Your +---game needs to list the schemes that are queried in an LSApplicationQueriesSchemes array +---in a custom "Info.plist". +--- On Android, the app_string is the package identifier for the app. +---@param app_string string # platform specific string with application package or query, see above for details. +---@return table # table with application information in the following fields: +function sys.get_application_info(app_string) end + +---The path from which the application is run. +---@return string # path to application executable +function sys.get_application_path() end + +---Get config value from the game.project configuration file. +---In addition to the project file, configuration values can also be passed +---to the runtime as command line arguments with the --config argument. +---@param key string # key to get value for. The syntax is SECTION.KEY +---@return string # config value as a string. nil if the config key doesn't exists +function sys.get_config(key) end + +---Get config value from the game.project configuration file with default value +---@param key string # key to get value for. The syntax is SECTION.KEY +---@param default_value string # default value to return if the value does not exist +---@return string # config value as a string. default_value if the config key does not exist +function sys.get_config(key, default_value) end + +--- Returns the current network connectivity status +---on mobile platforms. +---On desktop, this function always return sys.NETWORK_CONNECTED. +---@return constant # network connectivity status: +function sys.get_connectivity() end + +---Returns a table with engine information. +---@return table # table with engine information in the following fields: +function sys.get_engine_info() end + +---Returns an array of tables with information on network interfaces. +---@return table # an array of tables. Each table entry contain the following fields: +function sys.get_ifaddrs() end + +---The save-file path is operating system specific and is typically located under the user's home directory. +---@param application_id string # user defined id of the application, which helps define the location of the save-file +---@param file_name string # file-name to get path for +---@return string # path to save-file +function sys.get_save_file(application_id, file_name) end + +---Returns a table with system information. +---@param options table # (optional) options table - ignore_secure boolean this flag ignores values might be secured by OS e.g. device_ident +---@return table # table with system information in the following fields: +function sys.get_sys_info(options) end + +---If the file exists, it must have been created by sys.save to be loaded. +---@param filename string # file to read from +---@return table # lua table, which is empty if the file could not be found +function sys.load(filename) end + +---Loads a custom resource. Specify the full filename of the resource that you want +---to load. When loaded, the file data is returned as a string. +---If loading fails, the function returns nil plus the error message. +---In order for the engine to include custom resources in the build process, you need +---to specify them in the "custom_resources" key in your "game.project" settings file. +---You can specify single resource files or directories. If a directory is included +---in the resource list, all files and directories in that directory is recursively +---included: +---For example "main/data/,assets/level_data.json". +---@param filename string # resource to load, full path +---@return string # loaded data, or nil if the resource could not be loaded +---@return string # the error message, or nil if no error occurred +function sys.load_resource(filename) end + +---Open URL in default application, typically a browser +---@param url string # url to open +---@param attributes table? # table with attributes target - string : Optional. Specifies the target attribute or the name of the window. The following values are supported: - _self - (default value) URL replaces the current page. - _blank - URL is loaded into a new window, or tab. - _parent - URL is loaded into the parent frame. - _top - URL replaces any framesets that may be loaded. - name - The name of the window (Note: the name does not specify the title of the new window). +---@return boolean # a boolean indicating if the url could be opened or not +function sys.open_url(url, attributes) end + +---Reboots the game engine with a specified set of arguments. +---Arguments will be translated into command line arguments. Calling reboot +---function is equivalent to starting the engine with the same arguments. +---On startup the engine reads configuration from "game.project" in the +---project root. +---@param arg1 string # argument 1 +---@param arg2 string # argument 2 +---@param arg3 string # argument 3 +---@param arg4 string # argument 4 +---@param arg5 string # argument 5 +---@param arg6 string # argument 6 +function sys.reboot(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) end + +---The table can later be loaded by sys.load. +---Use sys.get_save_file to obtain a valid location for the file. +---Internally, this function uses a workspace buffer sized output file sized 512kb. +---This size reflects the output file size which must not exceed this limit. +---Additionally, the total number of rows that any one table may contain is limited to 65536 +---(i.e. a 16 bit range). When tables are used to represent arrays, the values of +---keys are permitted to fall within a 32 bit range, supporting sparse arrays, however +---the limit on the total number of rows remains in effect. +---@param filename string # file to write to +---@param table table # lua table to save +---@return boolean # a boolean indicating if the table could be saved or not +function sys.save(filename, table) end + +---The buffer can later deserialized by sys.deserialize. +---This method has all the same limitations as sys.save. +---@param table table # lua table to serialize +---@return string # serialized data buffer +function sys.serialize(table) end + +---Sets the host that is used to check for network connectivity against. +---@param host string # hostname to check against +function sys.set_connectivity_host(host) end + +---Set the Lua error handler function. +---The error handler is a function which is called whenever a lua runtime error occurs. +---@param error_handler fun(source: string, message: string, traceback: string) # the function to be called on error +function sys.set_error_handler(error_handler) end + +---Set game update-frequency (frame cap). This option is equivalent to display.update_frequency in +---the "game.project" settings but set in run-time. If Vsync checked in "game.project", the rate will +---be clamped to a swap interval that matches any detected main monitor refresh rate. If Vsync is +---unchecked the engine will try to respect the rate in software using timers. There is no +---guarantee that the frame cap will be achieved depending on platform specifics and hardware settings. +---@param frequency number # target frequency. 60 for 60 fps +function sys.set_update_frequency(frequency) end + +---Set the vsync swap interval. The interval with which to swap the front and back buffers +---in sync with vertical blanks (v-blank), the hardware event where the screen image is updated +---with data from the front buffer. A value of 1 swaps the buffers at every v-blank, a value of +---2 swaps the buffers every other v-blank and so on. A value of 0 disables waiting for v-blank +---before swapping the buffers. Default value is 1. +---When setting the swap interval to 0 and having vsync disabled in +---"game.project", the engine will try to respect the set frame cap value from +---"game.project" in software instead. +---This setting may be overridden by driver settings. +---@param swap_interval number # target swap interval. +function sys.set_vsync_swap_interval(swap_interval) end + + + + +return sys \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/tilemap.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/tilemap.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d9e4e8bb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/tilemap.lua @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +---Tilemap API documentation +---Functions and messages used to manipulate tile map components. +---@class tilemap +tilemap = {} +---flip tile horizontally +tilemap.H_FLIP = nil +---rotate tile 180 degrees clockwise +tilemap.ROTATE_180 = nil +---rotate tile 270 degrees clockwise +tilemap.ROTATE_270 = nil +---rotate tile 90 degrees clockwise +tilemap.ROTATE_90 = nil +---flip tile vertically +tilemap.V_FLIP = nil +---Get the bounds for a tile map. This function returns multiple values: +---The lower left corner index x and y coordinates (1-indexed), +---the tile map width and the tile map height. +---The resulting values take all tile map layers into account, meaning that +---the bounds are calculated as if all layers were collapsed into one. +---@param url string|hash|url # the tile map +---@return number # x coordinate of the bottom left corner +---@return number # y coordinate of the bottom left corner +---@return number # number of columns (width) in the tile map +---@return number # number of rows (height) in the tile map +function tilemap.get_bounds(url) end + +---Get the tile set at the specified position in the tilemap. +---The position is identified by the tile index starting at origin +---with index 1, 1. (see tilemap.set_tile() <>) +---Which tile map and layer to query is identified by the URL and the +---layer name parameters. +---@param url string|hash|url # the tile map +---@param layer string|hash # name of the layer for the tile +---@param x number # x-coordinate of the tile +---@param y number # y-coordinate of the tile +---@return number # index of the tile +function tilemap.get_tile(url, layer, x, y) end + +---Replace a tile in a tile map with a new tile. +---The coordinates of the tiles are indexed so that the "first" tile just +---above and to the right of origin has coordinates 1,1. +---Tiles to the left of and below origin are indexed 0, -1, -2 and so forth. +--- +---+-------+-------+------+------+ +---| 0,3 | 1,3 | 2,3 | 3,3 | +---+-------+-------+------+------+ +---| 0,2 | 1,2 | 2,2 | 3,2 | +---+-------+-------+------+------+ +---| 0,1 | 1,1 | 2,1 | 3,1 | +---+-------O-------+------+------+ +---| 0,0 | 1,0 | 2,0 | 3,0 | +---+-------+-------+------+------+ +--- +--- +---The coordinates must be within the bounds of the tile map as it were created. +---That is, it is not possible to extend the size of a tile map by setting tiles outside the edges. +---To clear a tile, set the tile to number 0. Which tile map and layer to manipulate is identified by the URL and the layer name parameters. +---Transform bitmask is arithmetic sum of one or both FLIP constants (tilemap.H_FLIP, tilemap.V_FLIP) and/or one of ROTATION constants +---(tilemap.ROTATE_90, tilemap.ROTATE_180, tilemap.ROTATE_270). +---Flip always applies before rotation (clockwise). +---@param url string|hash|url # the tile map +---@param layer string|hash # name of the layer for the tile +---@param x number # x-coordinate of the tile +---@param y number # y-coordinate of the tile +---@param tile number # index of new tile to set. 0 resets the cell +---@param transform_bitmask number? # optional flip and/or rotation should be applied to the tile +function tilemap.set_tile(url, layer, x, y, tile, transform_bitmask) end + +---Sets the visibility of the tilemap layer +---@param url string|hash|url # the tile map +---@param layer string|hash # name of the layer for the tile +---@param visible boolean # should the layer be visible +function tilemap.set_visible(url, layer, visible) end + + + + +return tilemap \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/timer.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/timer.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4a112fcd1 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/timer.lua @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +---Timer API documentation +---Timers allow you to set a delay and a callback to be called when the timer completes. +---The timers created with this API are updated with the collection timer where they +---are created. If you pause or speed up the collection (using set_time_step) it will +---also affect the new timer. +---@class timer +timer = {} +---Indicates an invalid timer handle +timer.INVALID_TIMER_HANDLE = nil +---You may cancel a timer from inside a timer callback. +---Cancelling a timer that is already executed or cancelled is safe. +---@param handle hash # the timer handle returned by timer.delay() +---@return boolean # if the timer was active, false if the timer is already cancelled / complete +function timer.cancel(handle) end + +---Adds a timer and returns a unique handle +---You may create more timers from inside a timer callback. +---Using a delay of 0 will result in a timer that triggers at the next frame just before +---script update functions. +---If you want a timer that triggers on each frame, set delay to 0.0f and repeat to true. +---Timers created within a script will automatically die when the script is deleted. +---@param delay number # time interval in seconds +---@param _repeat boolean # true = repeat timer until cancel, false = one-shot timer +---@param callback fun(self: object, handle: number, time_elapsed: number) # timer callback function +---@return hash # handle identifier for the create timer, returns timer.INVALID_TIMER_HANDLE if the timer can not be created +function timer.delay(delay, _repeat, callback) end + +---Manual triggering a callback for a timer. +---@param handle hash # the timer handle returned by timer.delay() +---@return boolean # if the timer was active, false if the timer is already cancelled / complete +function timer.trigger(handle) end + + + + +return timer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/vector_math.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/vector_math.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8196bfd6a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/vector_math.lua @@ -0,0 +1,406 @@ +---Vector math API documentation +---Functions for mathematical operations on vectors, matrices and quaternions. +--- +--- +--- * The vector types (vmath.vector3 and vmath.vector4) supports addition and subtraction +--- with vectors of the same type. Vectors can be negated and multiplied (scaled) or divided by numbers. +--- +--- * The quaternion type (vmath.quat) supports multiplication with other quaternions. +--- +--- * The matrix type (vmath.matrix4) can be multiplied with numbers, other matrices +--- and vmath.vector4 values. +--- +--- * All types performs equality comparison by each component value. +--- +---The following components are available for the various types: +--- +--- vector3 +---x, y and z. Example: v.y +--- vector4 +---x, y, z, and w. Example: v.w +--- quaternion +---x, y, z, and w. Example: q.w +--- matrix4 +---m00 to m33 where the first number is the row (starting from 0) and the second +---number is the column. Columns can be accessed with c0 to c3, returning a vector4. +---Example: m.m21 which is equal to m.c1.z +--- vector +---indexed by number 1 to the vector length. Example: v[3] + +---@class vmath +vmath = {} +---Calculates the conjugate of a quaternion. The result is a +---quaternion with the same magnitudes but with the sign of +---the imaginary (vector) parts changed: +---q* = [w, -v] +---@param q1 quaternion # quaternion of which to calculate the conjugate +---@return quaternion # the conjugate +function vmath.conj(q1) end + +---Given two linearly independent vectors P and Q, the cross product, +---P ? Q, is a vector that is perpendicular to both P and Q and +---therefore normal to the plane containing them. +---If the two vectors have the same direction (or have the exact +---opposite direction from one another, i.e. are not linearly independent) +---or if either one has zero length, then their cross product is zero. +---@param v1 vector3 # first vector +---@param v2 vector3 # second vector +---@return vector3 # a new vector representing the cross product +function vmath.cross(v1, v2) end + +---The returned value is a scalar defined as: +---P ? Q = |P| |Q| cos ? +---where ? is the angle between the vectors P and Q. +--- +--- +--- * If the dot product is positive then the angle between the vectors is below 90 degrees. +--- +--- * If the dot product is zero the vectors are perpendicular (at right-angles to each other). +--- +--- * If the dot product is negative then the angle between the vectors is more than 90 degrees. +---@param v1 vector3|vector4 # first vector +---@param v2 vector3|vector4 # second vector +---@return number # dot product +function vmath.dot(v1, v2) end + +---The resulting matrix is the inverse of the supplied matrix. +--- For ortho-normal matrices, e.g. regular object transformation, +---use vmath.ortho_inv() instead. +---The specialized inverse for ortho-normalized matrices is much faster +---than the general inverse. +---@param m1 matrix4 # matrix to invert +---@return matrix4 # inverse of the supplied matrix +function vmath.inv(m1) end + +---Returns the length of the supplied vector or quaternion. +---If you are comparing the lengths of vectors or quaternions, you should compare +---the length squared instead as it is slightly more efficient to calculate +---(it eliminates a square root calculation). +---@param v vector3|vector4|quat # value of which to calculate the length +---@return number # length +function vmath.length(v) end + +---Returns the squared length of the supplied vector or quaternion. +---@param v vector3|vector4|quat # value of which to calculate the squared length +---@return number # squared length +function vmath.length_sqr(v) end + +---Linearly interpolate between two vectors. The function +---treats the vectors as positions and interpolates between +---the positions in a straight line. Lerp is useful to describe +---transitions from one place to another over time. +--- The function does not clamp t between 0 and 1. +---@param t number # interpolation parameter, 0-1 +---@param v1 vector3|vector4 # vector to lerp from +---@param v2 vector3|vector4 # vector to lerp to +---@return vector3|vector4 # the lerped vector +function vmath.lerp(t, v1, v2) end + +---Linearly interpolate between two quaternions. Linear +---interpolation of rotations are only useful for small +---rotations. For interpolations of arbitrary rotations, +---vmath.slerp <> yields much better results. +--- The function does not clamp t between 0 and 1. +---@param t number # interpolation parameter, 0-1 +---@param q1 quaternion # quaternion to lerp from +---@param q2 quaternion # quaternion to lerp to +---@return quaternion # the lerped quaternion +function vmath.lerp(t, q1, q2) end + +---Linearly interpolate between two values. Lerp is useful +---to describe transitions from one value to another over time. +--- The function does not clamp t between 0 and 1. +---@param t number # interpolation parameter, 0-1 +---@param n1 number # number to lerp from +---@param n2 number # number to lerp to +---@return number # the lerped number +function vmath.lerp(t, n1, n2) end + +---The resulting identity matrix describes a transform with +---no translation or rotation. +---@return matrix4 # identity matrix +function vmath.matrix4() end + +---Creates a new matrix with all components set to the +---corresponding values from the supplied matrix. I.e. +---the function creates a copy of the given matrix. +---@param m1 matrix4 # existing matrix +---@return matrix4 # matrix which is a copy of the specified matrix +function vmath.matrix4(m1) end + +---The resulting matrix describes a rotation around the axis by the specified angle. +---@param v vector3 # axis +---@param angle number # angle in radians +---@return matrix4 # matrix represented by axis and angle +function vmath.matrix4_axis_angle(v, angle) end + +---The resulting matrix describes the same rotation as the quaternion, but does not have any translation (also like the quaternion). +---@param q quaternion # quaternion to create matrix from +---@return matrix4 # matrix represented by quaternion +function vmath.matrix4_from_quat(q) end + +---Constructs a frustum matrix from the given values. The left, right, +---top and bottom coordinates of the view cone are expressed as distances +---from the center of the near clipping plane. The near and far coordinates +---are expressed as distances from the tip of the view frustum cone. +---@param left number # coordinate for left clipping plane +---@param right number # coordinate for right clipping plane +---@param bottom number # coordinate for bottom clipping plane +---@param top number # coordinate for top clipping plane +---@param near number # coordinate for near clipping plane +---@param far number # coordinate for far clipping plane +---@return matrix4 # matrix representing the frustum +function vmath.matrix4_frustum(left, right, bottom, top, near, far) end + +---The resulting matrix is created from the supplied look-at parameters. +---This is useful for constructing a view matrix for a camera or +---rendering in general. +---@param eye vector3 # eye position +---@param look_at vector3 # look-at position +---@param up vector3 # up vector +---@return matrix4 # look-at matrix +function vmath.matrix4_look_at(eye, look_at, up) end + +---Creates an orthographic projection matrix. +---This is useful to construct a projection matrix for a camera or rendering in general. +---@param left number # coordinate for left clipping plane +---@param right number # coordinate for right clipping plane +---@param bottom number # coordinate for bottom clipping plane +---@param top number # coordinate for top clipping plane +---@param near number # coordinate for near clipping plane +---@param far number # coordinate for far clipping plane +---@return matrix4 # orthographic projection matrix +function vmath.matrix4_orthographic(left, right, bottom, top, near, far) end + +---Creates a perspective projection matrix. +---This is useful to construct a projection matrix for a camera or rendering in general. +---@param fov number # angle of the full vertical field of view in radians +---@param aspect number # aspect ratio +---@param near number # coordinate for near clipping plane +---@param far number # coordinate for far clipping plane +---@return matrix4 # perspective projection matrix +function vmath.matrix4_perspective(fov, aspect, near, far) end + +---The resulting matrix describes a rotation around the x-axis +---by the specified angle. +---@param angle number # angle in radians around x-axis +---@return matrix4 # matrix from rotation around x-axis +function vmath.matrix4_rotation_x(angle) end + +---The resulting matrix describes a rotation around the y-axis +---by the specified angle. +---@param angle number # angle in radians around y-axis +---@return matrix4 # matrix from rotation around y-axis +function vmath.matrix4_rotation_y(angle) end + +---The resulting matrix describes a rotation around the z-axis +---by the specified angle. +---@param angle number # angle in radians around z-axis +---@return matrix4 # matrix from rotation around z-axis +function vmath.matrix4_rotation_z(angle) end + +---The resulting matrix describes a translation of a point +---in euclidean space. +---@param position vector3|vector4 # position vector to create matrix from +---@return matrix4 # matrix from the supplied position vector +function vmath.matrix4_translation(position) end + +---Performs an element wise multiplication between two vectors of the same type +---The returned value is a vector defined as (e.g. for a vector3): +---v = vmath.mul_per_elem(a, b) = vmath.vector3(a.x * b.x, a.y * b.y, a.z * b.z) +---@param v1 vector3|vector4 # first vector +---@param v2 vector3|vector4 # second vector +---@return vector3|vector4 # multiplied vector +function vmath.mul_per_elem(v1, v2) end + +---Normalizes a vector, i.e. returns a new vector with the same +---direction as the input vector, but with length 1. +--- The length of the vector must be above 0, otherwise a +---division-by-zero will occur. +---@param v1 vector3|vector4|quat # vector to normalize +---@return vector3|vector4|quat # new normalized vector +function vmath.normalize(v1) end + +---The resulting matrix is the inverse of the supplied matrix. +---The supplied matrix has to be an ortho-normal matrix, e.g. +---describe a regular object transformation. +--- For matrices that are not ortho-normal +---use the general inverse vmath.inv() instead. +---@param m1 matrix4 # ortho-normalized matrix to invert +---@return matrix4 # inverse of the supplied matrix +function vmath.ortho_inv(m1) end + +---Calculates the extent the projection of the first vector onto the second. +---The returned value is a scalar p defined as: +---p = |P| cos ? / |Q| +---where ? is the angle between the vectors P and Q. +---@param v1 vector3 # vector to be projected on the second +---@param v2 vector3 # vector onto which the first will be projected, must not have zero length +---@return number # the projected extent of the first vector onto the second +function vmath.project(v1, v2) end + +---Creates a new identity quaternion. The identity +---quaternion is equal to: +---vmath.quat(0, 0, 0, 1) +---@return quaternion # new identity quaternion +function vmath.quat() end + +---Creates a new quaternion with all components set to the +---corresponding values from the supplied quaternion. I.e. +---This function creates a copy of the given quaternion. +---@param q1 quaternion # existing quaternion +---@return quaternion # new quaternion +function vmath.quat(q1) end + +---Creates a new quaternion with the components set +---according to the supplied parameter values. +---@param x number # x coordinate +---@param y number # y coordinate +---@param z number # z coordinate +---@param w number # w coordinate +---@return quaternion # new quaternion +function vmath.quat(x, y, z, w) end + +---The resulting quaternion describes a rotation of angle +---radians around the axis described by the unit vector v. +---@param v vector3 # axis +---@param angle number # angle +---@return quaternion # quaternion representing the axis-angle rotation +function vmath.quat_axis_angle(v, angle) end + +---The resulting quaternion describes the rotation from the +---identity quaternion (no rotation) to the coordinate system +---as described by the given x, y and z base unit vectors. +---@param x vector3 # x base vector +---@param y vector3 # y base vector +---@param z vector3 # z base vector +---@return quaternion # quaternion representing the rotation of the specified base vectors +function vmath.quat_basis(x, y, z) end + +---The resulting quaternion describes the rotation that, +---if applied to the first vector, would rotate the first +---vector to the second. The two vectors must be unit +---vectors (of length 1). +--- The result is undefined if the two vectors point in opposite directions +---@param v1 vector3 # first unit vector, before rotation +---@param v2 vector3 # second unit vector, after rotation +---@return quaternion # quaternion representing the rotation from first to second vector +function vmath.quat_from_to(v1, v2) end + +---The resulting quaternion describes a rotation of angle +---radians around the x-axis. +---@param angle number # angle in radians around x-axis +---@return quaternion # quaternion representing the rotation around the x-axis +function vmath.quat_rotation_x(angle) end + +---The resulting quaternion describes a rotation of angle +---radians around the y-axis. +---@param angle number # angle in radians around y-axis +---@return quaternion # quaternion representing the rotation around the y-axis +function vmath.quat_rotation_y(angle) end + +---The resulting quaternion describes a rotation of angle +---radians around the z-axis. +---@param angle number # angle in radians around z-axis +---@return quaternion # quaternion representing the rotation around the z-axis +function vmath.quat_rotation_z(angle) end + +---Returns a new vector from the supplied vector that is +---rotated by the rotation described by the supplied +---quaternion. +---@param q quaternion # quaternion +---@param v1 vector3 # vector to rotate +---@return vector3 # the rotated vector +function vmath.rotate(q, v1) end + +---Spherically interpolates between two vectors. The difference to +---lerp is that slerp treats the vectors as directions instead of +---positions in space. +---The direction of the returned vector is interpolated by the angle +---and the magnitude is interpolated between the magnitudes of the +---from and to vectors. +--- Slerp is computationally more expensive than lerp. +---The function does not clamp t between 0 and 1. +---@param t number # interpolation parameter, 0-1 +---@param v1 vector3|vector4 # vector to slerp from +---@param v2 vector3|vector4 # vector to slerp to +---@return vector3|vector4 # the slerped vector +function vmath.slerp(t, v1, v2) end + +---Slerp travels the torque-minimal path maintaining constant +---velocity, which means it travels along the straightest path along +---the rounded surface of a sphere. Slerp is useful for interpolation +---of rotations. +---Slerp travels the torque-minimal path, which means it travels +---along the straightest path the rounded surface of a sphere. +--- The function does not clamp t between 0 and 1. +---@param t number # interpolation parameter, 0-1 +---@param q1 quaternion # quaternion to slerp from +---@param q2 quaternion # quaternion to slerp to +---@return quaternion # the slerped quaternion +function vmath.slerp(t, q1, q2) end + +---Creates a vector of arbitrary size. The vector is initialized +---with numeric values from a table. +--- The table values are converted to floating point +---values. If a value cannot be converted, a 0 is stored in that +---value position in the vector. +---@param t table # table of numbers +---@return vector # new vector +function vmath.vector(t) end + +---Creates a new zero vector with all components set to 0. +---@return vector3 # new zero vector +function vmath.vector3() end + +---Creates a new vector with all components set to the +---supplied scalar value. +---@param n number # scalar value to splat +---@return vector3 # new vector +function vmath.vector3(n) end + +---Creates a new vector with all components set to the +---corresponding values from the supplied vector. I.e. +---This function creates a copy of the given vector. +---@param v1 vector3 # existing vector +---@return vector3 # new vector +function vmath.vector3(v1) end + +---Creates a new vector with the components set to the +---supplied values. +---@param x number # x coordinate +---@param y number # y coordinate +---@param z number # z coordinate +---@return vector3 # new vector +function vmath.vector3(x, y, z) end + +---Creates a new zero vector with all components set to 0. +---@return vector4 # new zero vector +function vmath.vector4() end + +---Creates a new vector with all components set to the +---supplied scalar value. +---@param n number # scalar value to splat +---@return vector4 # new vector +function vmath.vector4(n) end + +---Creates a new vector with all components set to the +---corresponding values from the supplied vector. I.e. +---This function creates a copy of the given vector. +---@param v1 vector4 # existing vector +---@return vector4 # new vector +function vmath.vector4(v1) end + +---Creates a new vector with the components set to the +---supplied values. +---@param x number # x coordinate +---@param y number # y coordinate +---@param z number # z coordinate +---@param w number # w coordinate +---@return vector4 # new vector +function vmath.vector4(x, y, z, w) end + + + + +return vmath \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/window.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/window.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e62ae7c4c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/window.lua @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +---Window API documentation +---Functions and constants to access the window, window event listeners +---and screen dimming. +---@class window +window = {} +---dimming mode off +window.DIMMING_OFF = nil +---dimming mode on +window.DIMMING_ON = nil +---dimming mode unknown +window.DIMMING_UNKNOWN = nil +---deiconified window event +window.WINDOW_EVENT_DEICONIFIED = nil +---focus gained window event +window.WINDOW_EVENT_FOCUS_GAINED = nil +---focus lost window event +window.WINDOW_EVENT_FOCUS_LOST = nil +---iconify window event +window.WINDOW_EVENT_ICONFIED = nil +---resized window event +window.WINDOW_EVENT_RESIZED = nil +--- Returns the current dimming mode set on a mobile device. +---The dimming mode specifies whether or not a mobile device should dim the screen after a period without user interaction. +---On platforms that does not support dimming, window.DIMMING_UNKNOWN is always returned. +---@return constant # The mode for screen dimming +function window.get_dim_mode() end + +---This returns the current lock state of the mouse cursor +---@return boolean # The lock state +function window.get_mouse_lock() end + +---This returns the current window size (width and height). +---@return number # The window width +---@return number # The window height +function window.get_size() end + +--- Sets the dimming mode on a mobile device. +---The dimming mode specifies whether or not a mobile device should dim the screen after a period without user interaction. The dimming mode will only affect the mobile device while the game is in focus on the device, but not when the game is running in the background. +---This function has no effect on platforms that does not support dimming. +---@param mode constant # The mode for screen dimming +function window.set_dim_mode(mode) end + +---Sets a window event listener. +---@param callback fun(self: object, event: constant, data: table) # A callback which receives info about window events. Pass an empty function or nil if you no longer wish to receive callbacks. +function window.set_listener(callback) end + +---Set the locking state for current mouse cursor on a PC platform. +---This function locks or unlocks the mouse cursor to the center point of the window. While the cursor is locked, +---mouse position updates will still be sent to the scripts as usual. +---@param flag boolean # The lock state for the mouse cursor +function window.set_mouse_lock(flag) end + + + + +return window \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/zlib.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/zlib.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9d05c1920 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Defold/library/zlib.lua @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +---Zlib compression API documentation +---Functions for compression and decompression of string buffers. +---@class zlib +zlib = {} +---A lua error is raised is on error +---@param buf string # buffer to deflate +---@return string # deflated buffer +function zlib.deflate(buf) end + +---A lua error is raised is on error +---@param buf string # buffer to inflate +---@return string # inflated buffer +function zlib.inflate(buf) end + + + + +return zlib \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Jass/config.json b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Jass/config.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1bbb0c7c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Jass/config.json @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +{ + "words" : ["jass%.common"], + "settings" : { + "Lua.runtime.version": "Lua 5.3" + } +} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Jass/library/jass/common.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Jass/library/jass/common.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4c49c1105 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/Jass/library/jass/common.lua @@ -0,0 +1,12329 @@ +---@meta +---@class real +---@class handle +---@class agent +---@class event +---@class player +---@class widget +---@class unit +---@class destructable +---@class item +---@class ability +---@class buff +---@class force +---@class group +---@class trigger +---@class triggercondition +---@class triggeraction +---@class timer +---@class location +---@class region +---@class rect +---@class boolexpr +---@class sound +---@class conditionfunc +---@class filterfunc +---@class unitpool +---@class itempool +---@class race +---@class alliancetype +---@class racepreference +---@class gamestate +---@class igamestate +---@class fgamestate +---@class playerstate +---@class playerscore +---@class playergameresult +---@class unitstate +---@class aidifficulty +---@class eventid +---@class gameevent +---@class playerevent +---@class playerunitevent +---@class unitevent +---@class limitop +---@class widgetevent +---@class dialogevent +---@class unittype +---@class gamespeed +---@class gamedifficulty +---@class gametype +---@class mapflag +---@class mapvisibility +---@class mapsetting +---@class mapdensity +---@class mapcontrol +---@class minimapicon +---@class playerslotstate +---@class volumegroup +---@class camerafield +---@class camerasetup +---@class playercolor +---@class placement +---@class startlocprio +---@class raritycontrol +---@class blendmode +---@class texmapflags +---@class effect +---@class effecttype +---@class weathereffect +---@class terraindeformation +---@class fogstate +---@class fogmodifier +---@class dialog +---@class button +---@class quest +---@class questitem +---@class defeatcondition +---@class timerdialog +---@class leaderboard +---@class multiboard +---@class multiboarditem +---@class trackable +---@class gamecache +---@class version +---@class itemtype +---@class texttag +---@class attacktype +---@class damagetype +---@class weapontype +---@class soundtype +---@class lightning +---@class pathingtype +---@class mousebuttontype +---@class animtype +---@class subanimtype +---@class image +---@class ubersplat +---@class hashtable +---@class framehandle +---@class originframetype +---@class framepointtype +---@class textaligntype +---@class frameeventtype +---@class oskeytype +---@class abilityintegerfield +---@class abilityrealfield +---@class abilitybooleanfield +---@class abilitystringfield +---@class abilityintegerlevelfield +---@class abilityreallevelfield +---@class abilitybooleanlevelfield +---@class abilitystringlevelfield +---@class abilityintegerlevelarrayfield +---@class abilityreallevelarrayfield +---@class abilitybooleanlevelarrayfield +---@class abilitystringlevelarrayfield +---@class unitintegerfield +---@class unitrealfield +---@class unitbooleanfield +---@class unitstringfield +---@class unitweaponintegerfield +---@class unitweaponrealfield +---@class unitweaponbooleanfield +---@class unitweaponstringfield +---@class itemintegerfield +---@class itemrealfield +---@class itembooleanfield +---@class itemstringfield +---@class movetype +---@class targetflag +---@class armortype +---@class heroattribute +---@class defensetype +---@class regentype +---@class unitcategory +---@class pathingflag +---@class commandbuttoneffect + +---'common' +---@class common +--- +---FALSE 'common.FALSE' +---@field FALSE boolean _false +--- +---TRUE 'common.TRUE' +---@field TRUE boolean _true +--- +---JASS_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE 'common.JASS_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE' +---@field JASS_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE integer _8192 +--- +---PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE 'common.PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE' +---@field PLAYER_NEUTRAL_PASSIVE integer _GetPlayerNeutralPassive() +--- +---PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE 'common.PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE' +---@field PLAYER_NEUTRAL_AGGRESSIVE integer _GetPlayerNeutralAggressive() +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_RED 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_RED' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_RED playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(0) +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_BLUE 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_BLUE' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_BLUE playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(1) +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_CYAN 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_CYAN' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_CYAN playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(2) +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_PURPLE 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_PURPLE' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_PURPLE playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(3) +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_YELLOW 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_YELLOW' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_YELLOW playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(4) +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_ORANGE 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_ORANGE' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_ORANGE playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(5) +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_GREEN 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_GREEN' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_GREEN playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(6) +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_PINK 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_PINK' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_PINK playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(7) +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_LIGHT_GRAY playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(8) +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(9) +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_AQUA 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_AQUA' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_AQUA playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(10) +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_BROWN 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_BROWN' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_BROWN playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(11) +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_MAROON 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_MAROON' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_MAROON playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(12) +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_NAVY 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_NAVY' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_NAVY playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(13) +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_TURQUOISE 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_TURQUOISE' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_TURQUOISE playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(14) +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_VIOLET 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_VIOLET' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_VIOLET playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(15) +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_WHEAT 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_WHEAT' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_WHEAT playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(16) +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_PEACH 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_PEACH' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_PEACH playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(17) +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_MINT 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_MINT' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_MINT playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(18) +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_LAVENDER 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_LAVENDER' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_LAVENDER playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(19) +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_COAL 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_COAL' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_COAL playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(20) +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_SNOW 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_SNOW' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_SNOW playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(21) +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_EMERALD 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_EMERALD' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_EMERALD playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(22) +--- +---PLAYER_COLOR_PEANUT 'common.PLAYER_COLOR_PEANUT' +---@field PLAYER_COLOR_PEANUT playercolor _ConvertPlayerColor(23) +--- +---RACE_HUMAN 'common.RACE_HUMAN' +---@field RACE_HUMAN race _ConvertRace(1) +--- +---RACE_ORC 'common.RACE_ORC' +---@field RACE_ORC race _ConvertRace(2) +--- +---RACE_UNDEAD 'common.RACE_UNDEAD' +---@field RACE_UNDEAD race _ConvertRace(3) +--- +---RACE_NIGHTELF 'common.RACE_NIGHTELF' +---@field RACE_NIGHTELF race _ConvertRace(4) +--- +---RACE_DEMON 'common.RACE_DEMON' +---@field RACE_DEMON race _ConvertRace(5) +--- +---RACE_OTHER 'common.RACE_OTHER' +---@field RACE_OTHER race _ConvertRace(7) +--- +---PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_VICTORY 'common.PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_VICTORY' +---@field PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_VICTORY playergameresult _ConvertPlayerGameResult(0) +--- +---PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_DEFEAT 'common.PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_DEFEAT' +---@field PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_DEFEAT playergameresult _ConvertPlayerGameResult(1) +--- +---PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_TIE 'common.PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_TIE' +---@field PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_TIE playergameresult _ConvertPlayerGameResult(2) +--- +---PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_NEUTRAL 'common.PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_NEUTRAL' +---@field PLAYER_GAME_RESULT_NEUTRAL playergameresult _ConvertPlayerGameResult(3) +--- +---ALLIANCE_PASSIVE 'common.ALLIANCE_PASSIVE' +---@field ALLIANCE_PASSIVE alliancetype _ConvertAllianceType(0) +--- +---ALLIANCE_HELP_REQUEST 'common.ALLIANCE_HELP_REQUEST' +---@field ALLIANCE_HELP_REQUEST alliancetype _ConvertAllianceType(1) +--- +---ALLIANCE_HELP_RESPONSE 'common.ALLIANCE_HELP_RESPONSE' +---@field ALLIANCE_HELP_RESPONSE alliancetype _ConvertAllianceType(2) +--- +---ALLIANCE_SHARED_XP 'common.ALLIANCE_SHARED_XP' +---@field ALLIANCE_SHARED_XP alliancetype _ConvertAllianceType(3) +--- +---ALLIANCE_SHARED_SPELLS 'common.ALLIANCE_SHARED_SPELLS' +---@field ALLIANCE_SHARED_SPELLS alliancetype _ConvertAllianceType(4) +--- +---ALLIANCE_SHARED_VISION 'common.ALLIANCE_SHARED_VISION' +---@field ALLIANCE_SHARED_VISION alliancetype _ConvertAllianceType(5) +--- +---ALLIANCE_SHARED_CONTROL 'common.ALLIANCE_SHARED_CONTROL' +---@field ALLIANCE_SHARED_CONTROL alliancetype _ConvertAllianceType(6) +--- +---ALLIANCE_SHARED_ADVANCED_CONTROL 'common.ALLIANCE_SHARED_ADVANCED_CONTROL' +---@field ALLIANCE_SHARED_ADVANCED_CONTROL alliancetype _ConvertAllianceType(7) +--- +---ALLIANCE_RESCUABLE 'common.ALLIANCE_RESCUABLE' +---@field ALLIANCE_RESCUABLE alliancetype _ConvertAllianceType(8) +--- +---ALLIANCE_SHARED_VISION_FORCED 'common.ALLIANCE_SHARED_VISION_FORCED' +---@field ALLIANCE_SHARED_VISION_FORCED alliancetype _ConvertAllianceType(9) +--- +---VERSION_REIGN_OF_CHAOS 'common.VERSION_REIGN_OF_CHAOS' +---@field VERSION_REIGN_OF_CHAOS version _ConvertVersion(0) +--- +---VERSION_FROZEN_THRONE 'common.VERSION_FROZEN_THRONE' +---@field VERSION_FROZEN_THRONE version _ConvertVersion(1) +--- +---ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL 'common.ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL' +---@field ATTACK_TYPE_NORMAL attacktype _ConvertAttackType(0) +--- +---ATTACK_TYPE_MELEE 'common.ATTACK_TYPE_MELEE' +---@field ATTACK_TYPE_MELEE attacktype _ConvertAttackType(1) +--- +---ATTACK_TYPE_PIERCE 'common.ATTACK_TYPE_PIERCE' +---@field ATTACK_TYPE_PIERCE attacktype _ConvertAttackType(2) +--- +---ATTACK_TYPE_SIEGE 'common.ATTACK_TYPE_SIEGE' +---@field ATTACK_TYPE_SIEGE attacktype _ConvertAttackType(3) +--- +---ATTACK_TYPE_MAGIC 'common.ATTACK_TYPE_MAGIC' +---@field ATTACK_TYPE_MAGIC attacktype _ConvertAttackType(4) +--- +---ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS 'common.ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS' +---@field ATTACK_TYPE_CHAOS attacktype _ConvertAttackType(5) +--- +---ATTACK_TYPE_HERO 'common.ATTACK_TYPE_HERO' +---@field ATTACK_TYPE_HERO attacktype _ConvertAttackType(6) +--- +---DAMAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN 'common.DAMAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN' +---@field DAMAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN damagetype _ConvertDamageType(0) +--- +---DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL 'common.DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL' +---@field DAMAGE_TYPE_NORMAL damagetype _ConvertDamageType(4) +--- +---DAMAGE_TYPE_ENHANCED 'common.DAMAGE_TYPE_ENHANCED' +---@field DAMAGE_TYPE_ENHANCED damagetype _ConvertDamageType(5) +--- +---DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE 'common.DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE' +---@field DAMAGE_TYPE_FIRE damagetype _ConvertDamageType(8) +--- +---DAMAGE_TYPE_COLD 'common.DAMAGE_TYPE_COLD' +---@field DAMAGE_TYPE_COLD damagetype _ConvertDamageType(9) +--- +---DAMAGE_TYPE_LIGHTNING 'common.DAMAGE_TYPE_LIGHTNING' +---@field DAMAGE_TYPE_LIGHTNING damagetype _ConvertDamageType(10) +--- +---DAMAGE_TYPE_POISON 'common.DAMAGE_TYPE_POISON' +---@field DAMAGE_TYPE_POISON damagetype _ConvertDamageType(11) +--- +---DAMAGE_TYPE_DISEASE 'common.DAMAGE_TYPE_DISEASE' +---@field DAMAGE_TYPE_DISEASE damagetype _ConvertDamageType(12) +--- +---DAMAGE_TYPE_DIVINE 'common.DAMAGE_TYPE_DIVINE' +---@field DAMAGE_TYPE_DIVINE damagetype _ConvertDamageType(13) +--- +---DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC 'common.DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC' +---@field DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGIC damagetype _ConvertDamageType(14) +--- +---DAMAGE_TYPE_SONIC 'common.DAMAGE_TYPE_SONIC' +---@field DAMAGE_TYPE_SONIC damagetype _ConvertDamageType(15) +--- +---DAMAGE_TYPE_ACID 'common.DAMAGE_TYPE_ACID' +---@field DAMAGE_TYPE_ACID damagetype _ConvertDamageType(16) +--- +---DAMAGE_TYPE_FORCE 'common.DAMAGE_TYPE_FORCE' +---@field DAMAGE_TYPE_FORCE damagetype _ConvertDamageType(17) +--- +---DAMAGE_TYPE_DEATH 'common.DAMAGE_TYPE_DEATH' +---@field DAMAGE_TYPE_DEATH damagetype _ConvertDamageType(18) +--- +---DAMAGE_TYPE_MIND 'common.DAMAGE_TYPE_MIND' +---@field DAMAGE_TYPE_MIND damagetype _ConvertDamageType(19) +--- +---DAMAGE_TYPE_PLANT 'common.DAMAGE_TYPE_PLANT' +---@field DAMAGE_TYPE_PLANT damagetype _ConvertDamageType(20) +--- +---DAMAGE_TYPE_DEFENSIVE 'common.DAMAGE_TYPE_DEFENSIVE' +---@field DAMAGE_TYPE_DEFENSIVE damagetype _ConvertDamageType(21) +--- +---DAMAGE_TYPE_DEMOLITION 'common.DAMAGE_TYPE_DEMOLITION' +---@field DAMAGE_TYPE_DEMOLITION damagetype _ConvertDamageType(22) +--- +---DAMAGE_TYPE_SLOW_POISON 'common.DAMAGE_TYPE_SLOW_POISON' +---@field DAMAGE_TYPE_SLOW_POISON damagetype _ConvertDamageType(23) +--- +---DAMAGE_TYPE_SPIRIT_LINK 'common.DAMAGE_TYPE_SPIRIT_LINK' +---@field DAMAGE_TYPE_SPIRIT_LINK damagetype _ConvertDamageType(24) +--- +---DAMAGE_TYPE_SHADOW_STRIKE 'common.DAMAGE_TYPE_SHADOW_STRIKE' +---@field DAMAGE_TYPE_SHADOW_STRIKE damagetype _ConvertDamageType(25) +--- +---DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL 'common.DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL' +---@field DAMAGE_TYPE_UNIVERSAL damagetype _ConvertDamageType(26) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(0) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_LIGHT_CHOP 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_LIGHT_CHOP' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_LIGHT_CHOP weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(1) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_MEDIUM_CHOP 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_MEDIUM_CHOP' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_MEDIUM_CHOP weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(2) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_HEAVY_CHOP 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_HEAVY_CHOP' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_HEAVY_CHOP weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(3) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_LIGHT_SLICE 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_LIGHT_SLICE' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_LIGHT_SLICE weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(4) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_MEDIUM_SLICE 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_MEDIUM_SLICE' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_MEDIUM_SLICE weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(5) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_HEAVY_SLICE 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_HEAVY_SLICE' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_HEAVY_SLICE weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(6) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_MEDIUM_BASH 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_MEDIUM_BASH' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_MEDIUM_BASH weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(7) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_HEAVY_BASH 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_HEAVY_BASH' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_HEAVY_BASH weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(8) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_MEDIUM_STAB 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_MEDIUM_STAB' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_MEDIUM_STAB weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(9) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_HEAVY_STAB 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_HEAVY_STAB' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_METAL_HEAVY_STAB weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(10) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_LIGHT_SLICE 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_LIGHT_SLICE' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_LIGHT_SLICE weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(11) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_MEDIUM_SLICE 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_MEDIUM_SLICE' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_MEDIUM_SLICE weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(12) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_HEAVY_SLICE 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_HEAVY_SLICE' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_HEAVY_SLICE weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(13) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_LIGHT_BASH 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_LIGHT_BASH' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_LIGHT_BASH weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(14) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_MEDIUM_BASH 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_MEDIUM_BASH' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_MEDIUM_BASH weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(15) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_HEAVY_BASH 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_HEAVY_BASH' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_HEAVY_BASH weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(16) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_LIGHT_STAB 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_LIGHT_STAB' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_LIGHT_STAB weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(17) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_MEDIUM_STAB 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_MEDIUM_STAB' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_WOOD_MEDIUM_STAB weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(18) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_CLAW_LIGHT_SLICE 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_CLAW_LIGHT_SLICE' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_CLAW_LIGHT_SLICE weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(19) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_CLAW_MEDIUM_SLICE 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_CLAW_MEDIUM_SLICE' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_CLAW_MEDIUM_SLICE weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(20) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_CLAW_HEAVY_SLICE 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_CLAW_HEAVY_SLICE' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_CLAW_HEAVY_SLICE weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(21) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_AXE_MEDIUM_CHOP 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_AXE_MEDIUM_CHOP' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_AXE_MEDIUM_CHOP weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(22) +--- +---WEAPON_TYPE_ROCK_HEAVY_BASH 'common.WEAPON_TYPE_ROCK_HEAVY_BASH' +---@field WEAPON_TYPE_ROCK_HEAVY_BASH weapontype _ConvertWeaponType(23) +--- +---PATHING_TYPE_ANY 'common.PATHING_TYPE_ANY' +---@field PATHING_TYPE_ANY pathingtype _ConvertPathingType(0) +--- +---PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY 'common.PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY' +---@field PATHING_TYPE_WALKABILITY pathingtype _ConvertPathingType(1) +--- +---PATHING_TYPE_FLYABILITY 'common.PATHING_TYPE_FLYABILITY' +---@field PATHING_TYPE_FLYABILITY pathingtype _ConvertPathingType(2) +--- +---PATHING_TYPE_BUILDABILITY 'common.PATHING_TYPE_BUILDABILITY' +---@field PATHING_TYPE_BUILDABILITY pathingtype _ConvertPathingType(3) +--- +---PATHING_TYPE_PEONHARVESTPATHING 'common.PATHING_TYPE_PEONHARVESTPATHING' +---@field PATHING_TYPE_PEONHARVESTPATHING pathingtype _ConvertPathingType(4) +--- +---PATHING_TYPE_BLIGHTPATHING 'common.PATHING_TYPE_BLIGHTPATHING' +---@field PATHING_TYPE_BLIGHTPATHING pathingtype _ConvertPathingType(5) +--- +---PATHING_TYPE_FLOATABILITY 'common.PATHING_TYPE_FLOATABILITY' +---@field PATHING_TYPE_FLOATABILITY pathingtype _ConvertPathingType(6) +--- +---PATHING_TYPE_AMPHIBIOUSPATHING 'common.PATHING_TYPE_AMPHIBIOUSPATHING' +---@field PATHING_TYPE_AMPHIBIOUSPATHING pathingtype _ConvertPathingType(7) +--- +---MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE_LEFT 'common.MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE_LEFT' +---@field MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE_LEFT mousebuttontype _ConvertMouseButtonType(1) +--- +---MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE_MIDDLE 'common.MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE_MIDDLE' +---@field MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE_MIDDLE mousebuttontype _ConvertMouseButtonType(2) +--- +---MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE_RIGHT 'common.MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE_RIGHT' +---@field MOUSE_BUTTON_TYPE_RIGHT mousebuttontype _ConvertMouseButtonType(3) +--- +---ANIM_TYPE_BIRTH 'common.ANIM_TYPE_BIRTH' +---@field ANIM_TYPE_BIRTH animtype _ConvertAnimType(0) +--- +---ANIM_TYPE_DEATH 'common.ANIM_TYPE_DEATH' +---@field ANIM_TYPE_DEATH animtype _ConvertAnimType(1) +--- +---ANIM_TYPE_DECAY 'common.ANIM_TYPE_DECAY' +---@field ANIM_TYPE_DECAY animtype _ConvertAnimType(2) +--- +---ANIM_TYPE_DISSIPATE 'common.ANIM_TYPE_DISSIPATE' +---@field ANIM_TYPE_DISSIPATE animtype _ConvertAnimType(3) +--- +---ANIM_TYPE_STAND 'common.ANIM_TYPE_STAND' +---@field ANIM_TYPE_STAND animtype _ConvertAnimType(4) +--- +---ANIM_TYPE_WALK 'common.ANIM_TYPE_WALK' +---@field ANIM_TYPE_WALK animtype _ConvertAnimType(5) +--- +---ANIM_TYPE_ATTACK 'common.ANIM_TYPE_ATTACK' +---@field ANIM_TYPE_ATTACK animtype _ConvertAnimType(6) +--- +---ANIM_TYPE_MORPH 'common.ANIM_TYPE_MORPH' +---@field ANIM_TYPE_MORPH animtype _ConvertAnimType(7) +--- +---ANIM_TYPE_SLEEP 'common.ANIM_TYPE_SLEEP' +---@field ANIM_TYPE_SLEEP animtype _ConvertAnimType(8) +--- +---ANIM_TYPE_SPELL 'common.ANIM_TYPE_SPELL' +---@field ANIM_TYPE_SPELL animtype _ConvertAnimType(9) +--- +---ANIM_TYPE_PORTRAIT 'common.ANIM_TYPE_PORTRAIT' +---@field ANIM_TYPE_PORTRAIT animtype _ConvertAnimType(10) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_ROOTED 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_ROOTED' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_ROOTED subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(11) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_ALTERNATE_EX 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_ALTERNATE_EX' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_ALTERNATE_EX subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(12) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_LOOPING 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_LOOPING' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_LOOPING subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(13) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_SLAM 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_SLAM' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_SLAM subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(14) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_THROW 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_THROW' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_THROW subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(15) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_SPIKED 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_SPIKED' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_SPIKED subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(16) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_FAST 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_FAST' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_FAST subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(17) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_SPIN 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_SPIN' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_SPIN subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(18) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_READY 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_READY' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_READY subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(19) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_CHANNEL 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_CHANNEL' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_CHANNEL subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(20) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_DEFEND 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_DEFEND' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_DEFEND subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(21) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_VICTORY 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_VICTORY' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_VICTORY subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(22) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_TURN 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_TURN' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_TURN subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(23) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_LEFT 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_LEFT' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_LEFT subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(24) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_RIGHT 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_RIGHT' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_RIGHT subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(25) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_FIRE 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_FIRE' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_FIRE subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(26) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_FLESH 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_FLESH' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_FLESH subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(27) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_HIT 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_HIT' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_HIT subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(28) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_WOUNDED 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_WOUNDED' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_WOUNDED subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(29) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_LIGHT 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_LIGHT' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_LIGHT subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(30) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_MODERATE 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_MODERATE' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_MODERATE subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(31) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_SEVERE 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_SEVERE' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_SEVERE subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(32) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_CRITICAL 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_CRITICAL' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_CRITICAL subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(33) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_COMPLETE 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_COMPLETE' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_COMPLETE subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(34) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_GOLD 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_GOLD' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_GOLD subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(35) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_LUMBER 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_LUMBER' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_LUMBER subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(36) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_WORK 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_WORK' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_WORK subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(37) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_TALK 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_TALK' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_TALK subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(38) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_FIRST 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_FIRST' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_FIRST subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(39) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_SECOND 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_SECOND' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_SECOND subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(40) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_THIRD 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_THIRD' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_THIRD subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(41) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_FOURTH 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_FOURTH' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_FOURTH subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(42) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_FIFTH 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_FIFTH' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_FIFTH subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(43) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_ONE 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_ONE' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_ONE subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(44) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_TWO 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_TWO' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_TWO subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(45) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_THREE 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_THREE' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_THREE subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(46) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_FOUR 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_FOUR' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_FOUR subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(47) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_FIVE 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_FIVE' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_FIVE subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(48) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_SMALL 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_SMALL' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_SMALL subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(49) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_MEDIUM 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_MEDIUM' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_MEDIUM subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(50) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_LARGE 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_LARGE' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_LARGE subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(51) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_UPGRADE 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_UPGRADE' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_UPGRADE subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(52) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_DRAIN 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_DRAIN' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_DRAIN subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(53) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_FILL 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_FILL' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_FILL subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(54) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_CHAINLIGHTNING 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_CHAINLIGHTNING' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_CHAINLIGHTNING subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(55) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_EATTREE 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_EATTREE' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_EATTREE subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(56) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_PUKE 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_PUKE' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_PUKE subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(57) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_FLAIL 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_FLAIL' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_FLAIL subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(58) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_OFF 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_OFF' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_OFF subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(59) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_SWIM 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_SWIM' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_SWIM subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(60) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_ENTANGLE 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_ENTANGLE' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_ENTANGLE subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(61) +--- +---SUBANIM_TYPE_BERSERK 'common.SUBANIM_TYPE_BERSERK' +---@field SUBANIM_TYPE_BERSERK subanimtype _ConvertSubAnimType(62) +--- +---RACE_PREF_HUMAN 'common.RACE_PREF_HUMAN' +---@field RACE_PREF_HUMAN racepreference _ConvertRacePref(1) +--- +---RACE_PREF_ORC 'common.RACE_PREF_ORC' +---@field RACE_PREF_ORC racepreference _ConvertRacePref(2) +--- +---RACE_PREF_NIGHTELF 'common.RACE_PREF_NIGHTELF' +---@field RACE_PREF_NIGHTELF racepreference _ConvertRacePref(4) +--- +---RACE_PREF_UNDEAD 'common.RACE_PREF_UNDEAD' +---@field RACE_PREF_UNDEAD racepreference _ConvertRacePref(8) +--- +---RACE_PREF_DEMON 'common.RACE_PREF_DEMON' +---@field RACE_PREF_DEMON racepreference _ConvertRacePref(16) +--- +---RACE_PREF_RANDOM 'common.RACE_PREF_RANDOM' +---@field RACE_PREF_RANDOM racepreference _ConvertRacePref(32) +--- +---RACE_PREF_USER_SELECTABLE 'common.RACE_PREF_USER_SELECTABLE' +---@field RACE_PREF_USER_SELECTABLE racepreference _ConvertRacePref(64) +--- +---MAP_CONTROL_USER 'common.MAP_CONTROL_USER' +---@field MAP_CONTROL_USER mapcontrol _ConvertMapControl(0) +--- +---MAP_CONTROL_COMPUTER 'common.MAP_CONTROL_COMPUTER' +---@field MAP_CONTROL_COMPUTER mapcontrol _ConvertMapControl(1) +--- +---MAP_CONTROL_RESCUABLE 'common.MAP_CONTROL_RESCUABLE' +---@field MAP_CONTROL_RESCUABLE mapcontrol _ConvertMapControl(2) +--- +---MAP_CONTROL_NEUTRAL 'common.MAP_CONTROL_NEUTRAL' +---@field MAP_CONTROL_NEUTRAL mapcontrol _ConvertMapControl(3) +--- +---MAP_CONTROL_CREEP 'common.MAP_CONTROL_CREEP' +---@field MAP_CONTROL_CREEP mapcontrol _ConvertMapControl(4) +--- +---MAP_CONTROL_NONE 'common.MAP_CONTROL_NONE' +---@field MAP_CONTROL_NONE mapcontrol _ConvertMapControl(5) +--- +---GAME_TYPE_MELEE 'common.GAME_TYPE_MELEE' +---@field GAME_TYPE_MELEE gametype _ConvertGameType(1) +--- +---GAME_TYPE_FFA 'common.GAME_TYPE_FFA' +---@field GAME_TYPE_FFA gametype _ConvertGameType(2) +--- +---GAME_TYPE_USE_MAP_SETTINGS 'common.GAME_TYPE_USE_MAP_SETTINGS' +---@field GAME_TYPE_USE_MAP_SETTINGS gametype _ConvertGameType(4) +--- +---GAME_TYPE_BLIZ 'common.GAME_TYPE_BLIZ' +---@field GAME_TYPE_BLIZ gametype _ConvertGameType(8) +--- +---GAME_TYPE_ONE_ON_ONE 'common.GAME_TYPE_ONE_ON_ONE' +---@field GAME_TYPE_ONE_ON_ONE gametype _ConvertGameType(16) +--- +---GAME_TYPE_TWO_TEAM_PLAY 'common.GAME_TYPE_TWO_TEAM_PLAY' +---@field 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+---MAP_DIFFICULTY_EASY 'common.MAP_DIFFICULTY_EASY' +---@field MAP_DIFFICULTY_EASY gamedifficulty _ConvertGameDifficulty(0) +--- +---MAP_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL 'common.MAP_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL' +---@field MAP_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL gamedifficulty _ConvertGameDifficulty(1) +--- +---MAP_DIFFICULTY_HARD 'common.MAP_DIFFICULTY_HARD' +---@field MAP_DIFFICULTY_HARD gamedifficulty _ConvertGameDifficulty(2) +--- +---MAP_DIFFICULTY_INSANE 'common.MAP_DIFFICULTY_INSANE' +---@field MAP_DIFFICULTY_INSANE gamedifficulty _ConvertGameDifficulty(3) +--- +---MAP_SPEED_SLOWEST 'common.MAP_SPEED_SLOWEST' +---@field MAP_SPEED_SLOWEST gamespeed _ConvertGameSpeed(0) +--- +---MAP_SPEED_SLOW 'common.MAP_SPEED_SLOW' +---@field MAP_SPEED_SLOW gamespeed _ConvertGameSpeed(1) +--- +---MAP_SPEED_NORMAL 'common.MAP_SPEED_NORMAL' +---@field MAP_SPEED_NORMAL gamespeed _ConvertGameSpeed(2) +--- +---MAP_SPEED_FAST 'common.MAP_SPEED_FAST' +---@field MAP_SPEED_FAST gamespeed _ConvertGameSpeed(3) +--- +---MAP_SPEED_FASTEST 'common.MAP_SPEED_FASTEST' +---@field MAP_SPEED_FASTEST gamespeed _ConvertGameSpeed(4) +--- +---PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_EMPTY 'common.PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_EMPTY' +---@field PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_EMPTY playerslotstate _ConvertPlayerSlotState(0) +--- +---PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING 'common.PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING' +---@field PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING playerslotstate _ConvertPlayerSlotState(1) +--- +---PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_LEFT 'common.PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_LEFT' +---@field PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_LEFT playerslotstate _ConvertPlayerSlotState(2) +--- +---SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_UNITMOVEMENT 'common.SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_UNITMOVEMENT' +---@field SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_UNITMOVEMENT volumegroup _ConvertVolumeGroup(0) +--- +---SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_UNITSOUNDS 'common.SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_UNITSOUNDS' +---@field SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_UNITSOUNDS volumegroup _ConvertVolumeGroup(1) +--- +---SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_COMBAT 'common.SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_COMBAT' +---@field SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_COMBAT volumegroup _ConvertVolumeGroup(2) +--- +---SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_SPELLS 'common.SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_SPELLS' +---@field SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_SPELLS volumegroup _ConvertVolumeGroup(3) +--- +---SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_UI 'common.SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_UI' +---@field SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_UI volumegroup _ConvertVolumeGroup(4) +--- +---SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_MUSIC 'common.SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_MUSIC' +---@field SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_MUSIC volumegroup _ConvertVolumeGroup(5) +--- +---SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_AMBIENTSOUNDS 'common.SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_AMBIENTSOUNDS' +---@field SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_AMBIENTSOUNDS volumegroup _ConvertVolumeGroup(6) +--- +---SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_FIRE 'common.SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_FIRE' +---@field SOUND_VOLUMEGROUP_FIRE volumegroup _ConvertVolumeGroup(7) +--- +---GAME_STATE_DIVINE_INTERVENTION 'common.GAME_STATE_DIVINE_INTERVENTION' +---@field GAME_STATE_DIVINE_INTERVENTION igamestate _ConvertIGameState(0) +--- +---GAME_STATE_DISCONNECTED 'common.GAME_STATE_DISCONNECTED' +---@field GAME_STATE_DISCONNECTED igamestate _ConvertIGameState(1) +--- +---GAME_STATE_TIME_OF_DAY 'common.GAME_STATE_TIME_OF_DAY' +---@field GAME_STATE_TIME_OF_DAY fgamestate _ConvertFGameState(2) +--- +---PLAYER_STATE_GAME_RESULT 'common.PLAYER_STATE_GAME_RESULT' +---@field PLAYER_STATE_GAME_RESULT playerstate _ConvertPlayerState(0) +--- +---current resource levels 'common.PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD' +---@field PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_GOLD playerstate _ConvertPlayerState(1) +--- +---PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER 'common.PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER' +---@field PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_LUMBER playerstate _ConvertPlayerState(2) +--- +---PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_HERO_TOKENS 'common.PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_HERO_TOKENS' +---@field PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_HERO_TOKENS playerstate _ConvertPlayerState(3) +--- +---PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_FOOD_CAP 'common.PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_FOOD_CAP' +---@field PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_FOOD_CAP playerstate _ConvertPlayerState(4) +--- +---PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_FOOD_USED 'common.PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_FOOD_USED' +---@field PLAYER_STATE_RESOURCE_FOOD_USED playerstate _ConvertPlayerState(5) +--- +---PLAYER_STATE_FOOD_CAP_CEILING 'common.PLAYER_STATE_FOOD_CAP_CEILING' +---@field PLAYER_STATE_FOOD_CAP_CEILING playerstate _ConvertPlayerState(6) +--- +---PLAYER_STATE_GIVES_BOUNTY 'common.PLAYER_STATE_GIVES_BOUNTY' +---@field PLAYER_STATE_GIVES_BOUNTY playerstate _ConvertPlayerState(7) +--- +---PLAYER_STATE_ALLIED_VICTORY 'common.PLAYER_STATE_ALLIED_VICTORY' +---@field PLAYER_STATE_ALLIED_VICTORY playerstate _ConvertPlayerState(8) +--- +---PLAYER_STATE_PLACED 'common.PLAYER_STATE_PLACED' +---@field PLAYER_STATE_PLACED playerstate _ConvertPlayerState(9) +--- +---PLAYER_STATE_OBSERVER_ON_DEATH 'common.PLAYER_STATE_OBSERVER_ON_DEATH' +---@field PLAYER_STATE_OBSERVER_ON_DEATH playerstate _ConvertPlayerState(10) +--- +---PLAYER_STATE_OBSERVER 'common.PLAYER_STATE_OBSERVER' +---@field PLAYER_STATE_OBSERVER playerstate _ConvertPlayerState(11) +--- +---PLAYER_STATE_UNFOLLOWABLE 'common.PLAYER_STATE_UNFOLLOWABLE' +---@field PLAYER_STATE_UNFOLLOWABLE playerstate _ConvertPlayerState(12) +--- +---taxation rate for each resource 'common.PLAYER_STATE_GOLD_UPKEEP_RATE' +---@field PLAYER_STATE_GOLD_UPKEEP_RATE playerstate _ConvertPlayerState(13) +--- +---PLAYER_STATE_LUMBER_UPKEEP_RATE 'common.PLAYER_STATE_LUMBER_UPKEEP_RATE' +---@field PLAYER_STATE_LUMBER_UPKEEP_RATE playerstate _ConvertPlayerState(14) +--- +---cumulative resources collected by the player during the mission 'common.PLAYER_STATE_GOLD_GATHERED' +---@field PLAYER_STATE_GOLD_GATHERED playerstate _ConvertPlayerState(15) +--- +---PLAYER_STATE_LUMBER_GATHERED 'common.PLAYER_STATE_LUMBER_GATHERED' +---@field PLAYER_STATE_LUMBER_GATHERED playerstate _ConvertPlayerState(16) +--- +---PLAYER_STATE_NO_CREEP_SLEEP 'common.PLAYER_STATE_NO_CREEP_SLEEP' +---@field PLAYER_STATE_NO_CREEP_SLEEP playerstate _ConvertPlayerState(25) +--- +---UNIT_STATE_LIFE 'common.UNIT_STATE_LIFE' +---@field UNIT_STATE_LIFE unitstate _ConvertUnitState(0) +--- +---UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE 'common.UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE' +---@field UNIT_STATE_MAX_LIFE unitstate _ConvertUnitState(1) +--- +---UNIT_STATE_MANA 'common.UNIT_STATE_MANA' +---@field UNIT_STATE_MANA unitstate _ConvertUnitState(2) +--- +---UNIT_STATE_MAX_MANA 'common.UNIT_STATE_MAX_MANA' +---@field UNIT_STATE_MAX_MANA unitstate _ConvertUnitState(3) +--- +---AI_DIFFICULTY_NEWBIE 'common.AI_DIFFICULTY_NEWBIE' +---@field AI_DIFFICULTY_NEWBIE aidifficulty _ConvertAIDifficulty(0) +--- +---AI_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL 'common.AI_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL' +---@field AI_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL aidifficulty _ConvertAIDifficulty(1) +--- +---AI_DIFFICULTY_INSANE 'common.AI_DIFFICULTY_INSANE' +---@field AI_DIFFICULTY_INSANE aidifficulty _ConvertAIDifficulty(2) +--- +---player score values 'common.PLAYER_SCORE_UNITS_TRAINED' +---@field PLAYER_SCORE_UNITS_TRAINED playerscore _ConvertPlayerScore(0) +--- +---PLAYER_SCORE_UNITS_KILLED 'common.PLAYER_SCORE_UNITS_KILLED' +---@field PLAYER_SCORE_UNITS_KILLED playerscore 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PLAYER_SCORE_GOLD_RECEIVED playerscore _ConvertPlayerScore(15) +--- +---PLAYER_SCORE_LUMBER_TOTAL 'common.PLAYER_SCORE_LUMBER_TOTAL' +---@field PLAYER_SCORE_LUMBER_TOTAL playerscore _ConvertPlayerScore(16) +--- +---PLAYER_SCORE_LUMBER_LOST_UPKEEP 'common.PLAYER_SCORE_LUMBER_LOST_UPKEEP' +---@field PLAYER_SCORE_LUMBER_LOST_UPKEEP playerscore _ConvertPlayerScore(17) +--- +---PLAYER_SCORE_LUMBER_LOST_TAX 'common.PLAYER_SCORE_LUMBER_LOST_TAX' +---@field PLAYER_SCORE_LUMBER_LOST_TAX playerscore _ConvertPlayerScore(18) +--- +---PLAYER_SCORE_LUMBER_GIVEN 'common.PLAYER_SCORE_LUMBER_GIVEN' +---@field PLAYER_SCORE_LUMBER_GIVEN playerscore _ConvertPlayerScore(19) +--- +---PLAYER_SCORE_LUMBER_RECEIVED 'common.PLAYER_SCORE_LUMBER_RECEIVED' +---@field PLAYER_SCORE_LUMBER_RECEIVED playerscore _ConvertPlayerScore(20) +--- +---PLAYER_SCORE_UNIT_TOTAL 'common.PLAYER_SCORE_UNIT_TOTAL' +---@field PLAYER_SCORE_UNIT_TOTAL playerscore _ConvertPlayerScore(21) +--- +---PLAYER_SCORE_HERO_TOTAL 'common.PLAYER_SCORE_HERO_TOTAL' +---@field PLAYER_SCORE_HERO_TOTAL playerscore _ConvertPlayerScore(22) +--- +---PLAYER_SCORE_RESOURCE_TOTAL 'common.PLAYER_SCORE_RESOURCE_TOTAL' +---@field PLAYER_SCORE_RESOURCE_TOTAL playerscore _ConvertPlayerScore(23) +--- +---PLAYER_SCORE_TOTAL 'common.PLAYER_SCORE_TOTAL' +---@field PLAYER_SCORE_TOTAL playerscore _ConvertPlayerScore(24) +--- +---EVENT_GAME_VICTORY 'common.EVENT_GAME_VICTORY' +---@field EVENT_GAME_VICTORY gameevent _ConvertGameEvent(0) +--- +---EVENT_GAME_END_LEVEL 'common.EVENT_GAME_END_LEVEL' +---@field EVENT_GAME_END_LEVEL gameevent _ConvertGameEvent(1) +--- +---EVENT_GAME_VARIABLE_LIMIT 'common.EVENT_GAME_VARIABLE_LIMIT' +---@field EVENT_GAME_VARIABLE_LIMIT gameevent _ConvertGameEvent(2) +--- +---EVENT_GAME_STATE_LIMIT 'common.EVENT_GAME_STATE_LIMIT' +---@field EVENT_GAME_STATE_LIMIT gameevent _ConvertGameEvent(3) +--- +---EVENT_GAME_TIMER_EXPIRED 'common.EVENT_GAME_TIMER_EXPIRED' +---@field EVENT_GAME_TIMER_EXPIRED gameevent _ConvertGameEvent(4) +--- +---EVENT_GAME_ENTER_REGION 'common.EVENT_GAME_ENTER_REGION' +---@field EVENT_GAME_ENTER_REGION gameevent _ConvertGameEvent(5) +--- +---EVENT_GAME_LEAVE_REGION 'common.EVENT_GAME_LEAVE_REGION' +---@field EVENT_GAME_LEAVE_REGION gameevent _ConvertGameEvent(6) +--- +---EVENT_GAME_TRACKABLE_HIT 'common.EVENT_GAME_TRACKABLE_HIT' +---@field EVENT_GAME_TRACKABLE_HIT gameevent _ConvertGameEvent(7) +--- +---EVENT_GAME_TRACKABLE_TRACK 'common.EVENT_GAME_TRACKABLE_TRACK' +---@field EVENT_GAME_TRACKABLE_TRACK gameevent _ConvertGameEvent(8) +--- +---EVENT_GAME_SHOW_SKILL 'common.EVENT_GAME_SHOW_SKILL' +---@field EVENT_GAME_SHOW_SKILL gameevent _ConvertGameEvent(9) +--- +---EVENT_GAME_BUILD_SUBMENU 'common.EVENT_GAME_BUILD_SUBMENU' +---@field EVENT_GAME_BUILD_SUBMENU gameevent _ConvertGameEvent(10) +--- +---For use with TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_STATE_LIMIT' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_STATE_LIMIT playerevent _ConvertPlayerEvent(11) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_ALLIANCE_CHANGED 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_ALLIANCE_CHANGED' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_ALLIANCE_CHANGED playerevent _ConvertPlayerEvent(12) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_DEFEAT 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_DEFEAT' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_DEFEAT playerevent _ConvertPlayerEvent(13) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_VICTORY 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_VICTORY' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_VICTORY playerevent _ConvertPlayerEvent(14) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_LEAVE 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_LEAVE' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_LEAVE playerevent _ConvertPlayerEvent(15) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_CHAT 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_CHAT' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_CHAT playerevent _ConvertPlayerEvent(16) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_END_CINEMATIC 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_END_CINEMATIC' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_END_CINEMATIC playerevent _ConvertPlayerEvent(17) +--- +---玩家單位被攻擊 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ATTACKED' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ATTACKED playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(18) +--- +---玩家單位被救援 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESCUED' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESCUED playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(19) +--- +---玩家單位死亡 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(20) +--- +---玩家單位開始腐爛 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DECAY' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DECAY playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(21) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DETECTED 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DETECTED' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DETECTED playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(22) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_HIDDEN 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_HIDDEN' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_HIDDEN playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(23) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELECTED 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELECTED' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELECTED playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(24) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DESELECTED 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DESELECTED' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DESELECTED playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(25) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_START 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_START' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_START playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(26) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_CANCEL 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_CANCEL' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_CANCEL playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(27) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_FINISH 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_FINISH' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_FINISH playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(28) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_UPGRADE_START 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_UPGRADE_START' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_UPGRADE_START playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(29) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_UPGRADE_CANCEL 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_UPGRADE_CANCEL' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_UPGRADE_CANCEL playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(30) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_UPGRADE_FINISH 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_UPGRADE_FINISH' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_UPGRADE_FINISH playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(31) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_TRAIN_START 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_TRAIN_START' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_TRAIN_START playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(32) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_TRAIN_CANCEL 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_TRAIN_CANCEL' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_TRAIN_CANCEL playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(33) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_TRAIN_FINISH 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_TRAIN_FINISH' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_TRAIN_FINISH playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(34) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESEARCH_START 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESEARCH_START' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESEARCH_START playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(35) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESEARCH_CANCEL 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESEARCH_CANCEL' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESEARCH_CANCEL playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(36) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESEARCH_FINISH 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESEARCH_FINISH' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESEARCH_FINISH playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(37) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(38) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(39) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(40) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_UNIT_ORDER 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_UNIT_ORDER' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_UNIT_ORDER playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(40) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_LEVEL 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_LEVEL' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_LEVEL playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(41) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_SKILL 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_SKILL' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_SKILL playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(42) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVABLE 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVABLE' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVABLE playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(43) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVE_START 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVE_START' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVE_START playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(44) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVE_CANCEL 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVE_CANCEL' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVE_CANCEL playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(45) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVE_FINISH 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVE_FINISH' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVE_FINISH playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(46) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SUMMON 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SUMMON' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SUMMON playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(47) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DROP_ITEM 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DROP_ITEM' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DROP_ITEM playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(48) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(49) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_USE_ITEM 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_USE_ITEM' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_USE_ITEM playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(50) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_LOADED 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_LOADED' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_LOADED playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(51) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DAMAGED 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DAMAGED' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DAMAGED playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(308) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DAMAGING 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DAMAGING' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DAMAGING playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(315) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED 'common.EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(52) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGING 'common.EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGING' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGING unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(314) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_DEATH 'common.EVENT_UNIT_DEATH' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_DEATH unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(53) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_DECAY 'common.EVENT_UNIT_DECAY' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_DECAY unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(54) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_DETECTED 'common.EVENT_UNIT_DETECTED' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_DETECTED unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(55) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_HIDDEN 'common.EVENT_UNIT_HIDDEN' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_HIDDEN unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(56) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_SELECTED 'common.EVENT_UNIT_SELECTED' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_SELECTED unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(57) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_DESELECTED 'common.EVENT_UNIT_DESELECTED' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_DESELECTED unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(58) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_STATE_LIMIT 'common.EVENT_UNIT_STATE_LIMIT' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_STATE_LIMIT unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(59) +--- +---Events which may have a filter for the "other unit" 'common.EVENT_UNIT_ACQUIRED_TARGET' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_ACQUIRED_TARGET unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(60) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_TARGET_IN_RANGE 'common.EVENT_UNIT_TARGET_IN_RANGE' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_TARGET_IN_RANGE unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(61) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_ATTACKED 'common.EVENT_UNIT_ATTACKED' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_ATTACKED unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(62) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_RESCUED 'common.EVENT_UNIT_RESCUED' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_RESCUED unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(63) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_CANCEL 'common.EVENT_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_CANCEL' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_CANCEL unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(64) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_FINISH 'common.EVENT_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_FINISH' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_FINISH unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(65) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_UPGRADE_START 'common.EVENT_UNIT_UPGRADE_START' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_UPGRADE_START unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(66) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_UPGRADE_CANCEL 'common.EVENT_UNIT_UPGRADE_CANCEL' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_UPGRADE_CANCEL unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(67) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_UPGRADE_FINISH 'common.EVENT_UNIT_UPGRADE_FINISH' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_UPGRADE_FINISH unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(68) +--- +---Events which involve the specified unit performing +---training of other units 'common.EVENT_UNIT_TRAIN_START' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_TRAIN_START unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(69) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_TRAIN_CANCEL 'common.EVENT_UNIT_TRAIN_CANCEL' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_TRAIN_CANCEL unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(70) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_TRAIN_FINISH 'common.EVENT_UNIT_TRAIN_FINISH' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_TRAIN_FINISH unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(71) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_RESEARCH_START 'common.EVENT_UNIT_RESEARCH_START' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_RESEARCH_START unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(72) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_RESEARCH_CANCEL 'common.EVENT_UNIT_RESEARCH_CANCEL' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_RESEARCH_CANCEL unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(73) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_RESEARCH_FINISH 'common.EVENT_UNIT_RESEARCH_FINISH' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_RESEARCH_FINISH unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(74) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER 'common.EVENT_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(75) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER 'common.EVENT_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(76) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER 'common.EVENT_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(77) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_HERO_LEVEL 'common.EVENT_UNIT_HERO_LEVEL' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_HERO_LEVEL unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(78) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_HERO_SKILL 'common.EVENT_UNIT_HERO_SKILL' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_HERO_SKILL unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(79) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_HERO_REVIVABLE 'common.EVENT_UNIT_HERO_REVIVABLE' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_HERO_REVIVABLE unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(80) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_HERO_REVIVE_START 'common.EVENT_UNIT_HERO_REVIVE_START' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_HERO_REVIVE_START unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(81) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_HERO_REVIVE_CANCEL 'common.EVENT_UNIT_HERO_REVIVE_CANCEL' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_HERO_REVIVE_CANCEL unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(82) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_HERO_REVIVE_FINISH 'common.EVENT_UNIT_HERO_REVIVE_FINISH' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_HERO_REVIVE_FINISH unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(83) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_SUMMON 'common.EVENT_UNIT_SUMMON' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_SUMMON unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(84) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_DROP_ITEM 'common.EVENT_UNIT_DROP_ITEM' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_DROP_ITEM unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(85) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM 'common.EVENT_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(86) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_USE_ITEM 'common.EVENT_UNIT_USE_ITEM' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_USE_ITEM unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(87) +--- +---EVENT_UNIT_LOADED 'common.EVENT_UNIT_LOADED' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_LOADED unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(88) +--- +---EVENT_WIDGET_DEATH 'common.EVENT_WIDGET_DEATH' +---@field EVENT_WIDGET_DEATH widgetevent _ConvertWidgetEvent(89) +--- +---EVENT_DIALOG_BUTTON_CLICK 'common.EVENT_DIALOG_BUTTON_CLICK' +---@field EVENT_DIALOG_BUTTON_CLICK dialogevent _ConvertDialogEvent(90) +--- +---EVENT_DIALOG_CLICK 'common.EVENT_DIALOG_CLICK' +---@field EVENT_DIALOG_CLICK dialogevent _ConvertDialogEvent(91) +--- +---EVENT_GAME_LOADED 'common.EVENT_GAME_LOADED' +---@field EVENT_GAME_LOADED gameevent _ConvertGameEvent(256) +--- +---EVENT_GAME_TOURNAMENT_FINISH_SOON 'common.EVENT_GAME_TOURNAMENT_FINISH_SOON' +---@field EVENT_GAME_TOURNAMENT_FINISH_SOON gameevent _ConvertGameEvent(257) +--- +---EVENT_GAME_TOURNAMENT_FINISH_NOW 'common.EVENT_GAME_TOURNAMENT_FINISH_NOW' +---@field EVENT_GAME_TOURNAMENT_FINISH_NOW gameevent _ConvertGameEvent(258) +--- +---EVENT_GAME_SAVE 'common.EVENT_GAME_SAVE' +---@field EVENT_GAME_SAVE gameevent _ConvertGameEvent(259) +--- +---EVENT_GAME_CUSTOM_UI_FRAME 'common.EVENT_GAME_CUSTOM_UI_FRAME' +---@field EVENT_GAME_CUSTOM_UI_FRAME gameevent _ConvertGameEvent(310) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_LEFT_DOWN 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_LEFT_DOWN' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_LEFT_DOWN playerevent _ConvertPlayerEvent(261) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_LEFT_UP 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_LEFT_UP' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_LEFT_UP playerevent _ConvertPlayerEvent(262) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_RIGHT_DOWN 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_RIGHT_DOWN' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_RIGHT_DOWN playerevent _ConvertPlayerEvent(263) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_RIGHT_UP 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_RIGHT_UP' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_RIGHT_UP playerevent _ConvertPlayerEvent(264) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_DOWN_DOWN 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_DOWN_DOWN' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_DOWN_DOWN playerevent _ConvertPlayerEvent(265) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_DOWN_UP 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_DOWN_UP' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_DOWN_UP playerevent _ConvertPlayerEvent(266) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_DOWN 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_DOWN' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_DOWN playerevent _ConvertPlayerEvent(267) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_UP 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_UP' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_ARROW_UP_UP playerevent _ConvertPlayerEvent(268) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_MOUSE_DOWN 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_MOUSE_DOWN' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_MOUSE_DOWN playerevent _ConvertPlayerEvent(305) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_MOUSE_UP 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_MOUSE_UP' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_MOUSE_UP playerevent _ConvertPlayerEvent(306) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_MOUSE_MOVE 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_MOUSE_MOVE' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_MOUSE_MOVE playerevent _ConvertPlayerEvent(307) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_SYNC_DATA 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_SYNC_DATA' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_SYNC_DATA playerevent _ConvertPlayerEvent(309) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_KEY 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_KEY' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_KEY playerevent _ConvertPlayerEvent(311) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_KEY_DOWN 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_KEY_DOWN' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_KEY_DOWN playerevent _ConvertPlayerEvent(312) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_KEY_UP 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_KEY_UP' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_KEY_UP playerevent _ConvertPlayerEvent(313) +--- +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELL 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELL' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELL playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(269) +--- +---玩家單位更改所有者 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CHANGE_OWNER' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CHANGE_OWNER playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(270) +--- +---玩家單位出售物品 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELL_ITEM' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELL_ITEM playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(271) +--- +---玩家單位準備施放技能 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_CHANNEL' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_CHANNEL playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(272) +--- +---玩家單位開始施放技能 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_CAST' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_CAST playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(273) +--- +---玩家單位發動技能效果 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(274) +--- +---玩家單位釋放技能結束 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_FINISH' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_FINISH playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(275) +--- +---玩家單位停止施放技能 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_ENDCAST' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_ENDCAST playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(276) +--- +---玩家單位抵押物品 'common.EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PAWN_ITEM' +---@field EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PAWN_ITEM playerunitevent _ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(277) +--- +---For use with TriggerRegisterUnitEvent +---单位出售 'common.EVENT_UNIT_SELL' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_SELL unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(286) +--- +---单位所属改变 'common.EVENT_UNIT_CHANGE_OWNER' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_CHANGE_OWNER unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(287) +--- +---出售物品 'common.EVENT_UNIT_SELL_ITEM' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_SELL_ITEM unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(288) +--- +---准备施放技能 (前摇开始) 'common.EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_CHANNEL' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_CHANNEL unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(289) +--- +---开始施放技能 (前摇结束) 'common.EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_CAST' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_CAST unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(290) +--- +---发动技能效果 (后摇开始) 'common.EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(291) +--- +---发动技能结束 (后摇结束) 'common.EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_FINISH' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_FINISH unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(292) +--- +---停止施放技能 'common.EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_ENDCAST' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_ENDCAST unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(293) +--- +---抵押物品 'common.EVENT_UNIT_PAWN_ITEM' +---@field EVENT_UNIT_PAWN_ITEM unitevent _ConvertUnitEvent(294) +--- +---LESS_THAN 'common.LESS_THAN' +---@field LESS_THAN limitop _ConvertLimitOp(0) +--- +---LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL 'common.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL' +---@field LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL limitop _ConvertLimitOp(1) +--- +---EQUAL 'common.EQUAL' +---@field EQUAL limitop _ConvertLimitOp(2) +--- +---GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL 'common.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL' +---@field GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL limitop _ConvertLimitOp(3) +--- +---GREATER_THAN 'common.GREATER_THAN' +---@field GREATER_THAN limitop _ConvertLimitOp(4) +--- +---NOT_EQUAL 'common.NOT_EQUAL' +---@field NOT_EQUAL limitop _ConvertLimitOp(5) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_HERO 'common.UNIT_TYPE_HERO' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_HERO unittype _ConvertUnitType(0) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_DEAD 'common.UNIT_TYPE_DEAD' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_DEAD unittype _ConvertUnitType(1) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE 'common.UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_STRUCTURE unittype _ConvertUnitType(2) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_FLYING 'common.UNIT_TYPE_FLYING' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_FLYING unittype _ConvertUnitType(3) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_GROUND 'common.UNIT_TYPE_GROUND' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_GROUND unittype _ConvertUnitType(4) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_ATTACKS_FLYING 'common.UNIT_TYPE_ATTACKS_FLYING' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_ATTACKS_FLYING unittype _ConvertUnitType(5) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_ATTACKS_GROUND 'common.UNIT_TYPE_ATTACKS_GROUND' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_ATTACKS_GROUND unittype _ConvertUnitType(6) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_MELEE_ATTACKER 'common.UNIT_TYPE_MELEE_ATTACKER' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_MELEE_ATTACKER unittype _ConvertUnitType(7) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_RANGED_ATTACKER 'common.UNIT_TYPE_RANGED_ATTACKER' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_RANGED_ATTACKER unittype _ConvertUnitType(8) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_GIANT 'common.UNIT_TYPE_GIANT' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_GIANT unittype _ConvertUnitType(9) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_SUMMONED 'common.UNIT_TYPE_SUMMONED' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_SUMMONED unittype _ConvertUnitType(10) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_STUNNED 'common.UNIT_TYPE_STUNNED' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_STUNNED unittype _ConvertUnitType(11) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_PLAGUED 'common.UNIT_TYPE_PLAGUED' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_PLAGUED unittype _ConvertUnitType(12) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_SNARED 'common.UNIT_TYPE_SNARED' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_SNARED unittype _ConvertUnitType(13) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_UNDEAD 'common.UNIT_TYPE_UNDEAD' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_UNDEAD unittype _ConvertUnitType(14) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_MECHANICAL 'common.UNIT_TYPE_MECHANICAL' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_MECHANICAL unittype _ConvertUnitType(15) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_PEON 'common.UNIT_TYPE_PEON' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_PEON unittype _ConvertUnitType(16) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_SAPPER 'common.UNIT_TYPE_SAPPER' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_SAPPER unittype _ConvertUnitType(17) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_TOWNHALL 'common.UNIT_TYPE_TOWNHALL' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_TOWNHALL unittype _ConvertUnitType(18) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_ANCIENT 'common.UNIT_TYPE_ANCIENT' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_ANCIENT unittype _ConvertUnitType(19) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_TAUREN 'common.UNIT_TYPE_TAUREN' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_TAUREN unittype _ConvertUnitType(20) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_POISONED 'common.UNIT_TYPE_POISONED' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_POISONED unittype _ConvertUnitType(21) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_POLYMORPHED 'common.UNIT_TYPE_POLYMORPHED' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_POLYMORPHED unittype _ConvertUnitType(22) +--- +---UNIT_TYPE_SLEEPING 'common.UNIT_TYPE_SLEEPING' +---@field UNIT_TYPE_SLEEPING 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OSKEY_OEM_FINISH oskeytype _ConvertOsKeyType($F1) +--- +---OSKEY_OEM_COPY 'common.OSKEY_OEM_COPY' +---@field OSKEY_OEM_COPY oskeytype _ConvertOsKeyType($F2) +--- +---OSKEY_OEM_AUTO 'common.OSKEY_OEM_AUTO' +---@field OSKEY_OEM_AUTO oskeytype _ConvertOsKeyType($F3) +--- +---OSKEY_OEM_ENLW 'common.OSKEY_OEM_ENLW' +---@field OSKEY_OEM_ENLW oskeytype _ConvertOsKeyType($F4) +--- +---OSKEY_OEM_BACKTAB 'common.OSKEY_OEM_BACKTAB' +---@field OSKEY_OEM_BACKTAB oskeytype _ConvertOsKeyType($F5) +--- +---OSKEY_ATTN 'common.OSKEY_ATTN' +---@field OSKEY_ATTN oskeytype _ConvertOsKeyType($F6) +--- +---OSKEY_CRSEL 'common.OSKEY_CRSEL' +---@field OSKEY_CRSEL oskeytype _ConvertOsKeyType($F7) +--- +---OSKEY_EXSEL 'common.OSKEY_EXSEL' +---@field OSKEY_EXSEL oskeytype _ConvertOsKeyType($F8) +--- +---OSKEY_EREOF 'common.OSKEY_EREOF' +---@field OSKEY_EREOF oskeytype _ConvertOsKeyType($F9) +--- +---OSKEY_PLAY 'common.OSKEY_PLAY' +---@field OSKEY_PLAY oskeytype _ConvertOsKeyType($FA) +--- +---OSKEY_ZOOM 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'common.ABILITY_IF_BUTTON_POSITION_ACTIVATED_Y' +---@field ABILITY_IF_BUTTON_POSITION_ACTIVATED_Y abilityintegerfield _ConvertAbilityIntegerField('auby') +--- +---ABILITY_IF_BUTTON_POSITION_RESEARCH_X 'common.ABILITY_IF_BUTTON_POSITION_RESEARCH_X' +---@field ABILITY_IF_BUTTON_POSITION_RESEARCH_X abilityintegerfield _ConvertAbilityIntegerField('arpx') +--- +---ABILITY_IF_BUTTON_POSITION_RESEARCH_Y 'common.ABILITY_IF_BUTTON_POSITION_RESEARCH_Y' +---@field ABILITY_IF_BUTTON_POSITION_RESEARCH_Y abilityintegerfield _ConvertAbilityIntegerField('arpy') +--- +---ABILITY_IF_MISSILE_SPEED 'common.ABILITY_IF_MISSILE_SPEED' +---@field ABILITY_IF_MISSILE_SPEED abilityintegerfield _ConvertAbilityIntegerField('amsp') +--- +---ABILITY_IF_TARGET_ATTACHMENTS 'common.ABILITY_IF_TARGET_ATTACHMENTS' +---@field ABILITY_IF_TARGET_ATTACHMENTS abilityintegerfield _ConvertAbilityIntegerField('atac') +--- +---ABILITY_IF_CASTER_ATTACHMENTS 'common.ABILITY_IF_CASTER_ATTACHMENTS' +---@field 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'common.ABILITY_RLF_MAGIC_DAMAGE_REDUCTION_AMS2' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_MAGIC_DAMAGE_REDUCTION_AMS2 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Ams2') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_AURA_DURATION 'common.ABILITY_RLF_AURA_DURATION' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_AURA_DURATION abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Apl1') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_PER_SECOND_APL2 'common.ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_PER_SECOND_APL2' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_PER_SECOND_APL2 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Apl2') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_DURATION_OF_PLAGUE_WARD 'common.ABILITY_RLF_DURATION_OF_PLAGUE_WARD' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_DURATION_OF_PLAGUE_WARD abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Apl3') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_AMOUNT_OF_HIT_POINTS_REGENERATED 'common.ABILITY_RLF_AMOUNT_OF_HIT_POINTS_REGENERATED' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_AMOUNT_OF_HIT_POINTS_REGENERATED abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Oar1') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_INCREASE_AKB1 'common.ABILITY_RLF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_INCREASE_AKB1' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_INCREASE_AKB1 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Akb1') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_MANA_LOSS_ADM1 'common.ABILITY_RLF_MANA_LOSS_ADM1' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_MANA_LOSS_ADM1 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Adm1') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_SUMMONED_UNIT_DAMAGE_ADM2 'common.ABILITY_RLF_SUMMONED_UNIT_DAMAGE_ADM2' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_SUMMONED_UNIT_DAMAGE_ADM2 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Adm2') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_EXPANSION_AMOUNT 'common.ABILITY_RLF_EXPANSION_AMOUNT' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_EXPANSION_AMOUNT abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Bli1') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_INTERVAL_DURATION_BGM2 'common.ABILITY_RLF_INTERVAL_DURATION_BGM2' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_INTERVAL_DURATION_BGM2 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Bgm2') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_RADIUS_OF_MINING_RING 'common.ABILITY_RLF_RADIUS_OF_MINING_RING' +---@field 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'common.ABILITY_RLF_MAX_HIT_POINTS' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_MAX_HIT_POINTS abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Can2') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_PER_SECOND_DEV2 'common.ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_PER_SECOND_DEV2' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_PER_SECOND_DEV2 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Dev2') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_MOVEMENT_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_CHD1 'common.ABILITY_RLF_MOVEMENT_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_CHD1' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_MOVEMENT_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_CHD1 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Chd1') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_ATTACK_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_CHD2 'common.ABILITY_RLF_ATTACK_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_CHD2' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_ATTACK_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_CHD2 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Chd2') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_SUMMONED_UNIT_DAMAGE_CHD3 'common.ABILITY_RLF_SUMMONED_UNIT_DAMAGE_CHD3' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_SUMMONED_UNIT_DAMAGE_CHD3 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Chd3') +--- 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'common.ABILITY_RLF_INTERVAL_DURATION_EGM2' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_INTERVAL_DURATION_EGM2 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Egm2') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_EFFECT_DELAY_FLA2 'common.ABILITY_RLF_EFFECT_DELAY_FLA2' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_EFFECT_DELAY_FLA2 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Fla2') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_MINING_DURATION 'common.ABILITY_RLF_MINING_DURATION' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_MINING_DURATION abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Gld2') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_RADIUS_OF_GRAVESTONES 'common.ABILITY_RLF_RADIUS_OF_GRAVESTONES' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_RADIUS_OF_GRAVESTONES abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Gyd2') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_RADIUS_OF_CORPSES 'common.ABILITY_RLF_RADIUS_OF_CORPSES' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_RADIUS_OF_CORPSES abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Gyd3') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_HIT_POINTS_GAINED_HEA1 'common.ABILITY_RLF_HIT_POINTS_GAINED_HEA1' +---@field 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'common.ABILITY_RLF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_INCREASE_CAC1' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_INCREASE_CAC1 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Cac1') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_PER_SECOND_COR1 'common.ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_PER_SECOND_COR1' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_PER_SECOND_COR1 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Cor1') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_ATTACK_SPEED_INCREASE_ISX1 'common.ABILITY_RLF_ATTACK_SPEED_INCREASE_ISX1' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_ATTACK_SPEED_INCREASE_ISX1 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Isx1') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_WRS1 'common.ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_WRS1' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_WRS1 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Wrs1') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_TERRAIN_DEFORMATION_AMPLITUDE 'common.ABILITY_RLF_TERRAIN_DEFORMATION_AMPLITUDE' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_TERRAIN_DEFORMATION_AMPLITUDE abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Wrs2') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_CTC1 'common.ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_CTC1' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_CTC1 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Ctc1') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_EXTRA_DAMAGE_TO_TARGET 'common.ABILITY_RLF_EXTRA_DAMAGE_TO_TARGET' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_EXTRA_DAMAGE_TO_TARGET abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Ctc2') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_MOVEMENT_SPEED_REDUCTION_CTC3 'common.ABILITY_RLF_MOVEMENT_SPEED_REDUCTION_CTC3' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_MOVEMENT_SPEED_REDUCTION_CTC3 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Ctc3') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_ATTACK_SPEED_REDUCTION_CTC4 'common.ABILITY_RLF_ATTACK_SPEED_REDUCTION_CTC4' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_ATTACK_SPEED_REDUCTION_CTC4 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Ctc4') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_CTB1 'common.ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_CTB1' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_CTB1 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Ctb1') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_CASTING_DELAY_SECONDS 'common.ABILITY_RLF_CASTING_DELAY_SECONDS' 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'common.ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_BONUS_NBA1' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_BONUS_NBA1 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Nba1') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_SUMMONED_UNIT_DURATION_SECONDS_NBA3 'common.ABILITY_RLF_SUMMONED_UNIT_DURATION_SECONDS_NBA3' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_SUMMONED_UNIT_DURATION_SECONDS_NBA3 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Nba3') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_MANA_PER_SUMMONED_HITPOINT 'common.ABILITY_RLF_MANA_PER_SUMMONED_HITPOINT' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_MANA_PER_SUMMONED_HITPOINT abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Cmg2') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_CHARGE_FOR_CURRENT_LIFE 'common.ABILITY_RLF_CHARGE_FOR_CURRENT_LIFE' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_CHARGE_FOR_CURRENT_LIFE abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Cmg3') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_HIT_POINTS_DRAINED 'common.ABILITY_RLF_HIT_POINTS_DRAINED' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_HIT_POINTS_DRAINED abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Ndr1') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_MANA_POINTS_DRAINED 'common.ABILITY_RLF_MANA_POINTS_DRAINED' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_MANA_POINTS_DRAINED abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Ndr2') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_DRAIN_INTERVAL_SECONDS 'common.ABILITY_RLF_DRAIN_INTERVAL_SECONDS' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_DRAIN_INTERVAL_SECONDS abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Ndr3') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_LIFE_TRANSFERRED_PER_SECOND 'common.ABILITY_RLF_LIFE_TRANSFERRED_PER_SECOND' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_LIFE_TRANSFERRED_PER_SECOND abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Ndr4') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_MANA_TRANSFERRED_PER_SECOND 'common.ABILITY_RLF_MANA_TRANSFERRED_PER_SECOND' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_MANA_TRANSFERRED_PER_SECOND abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Ndr5') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_BONUS_LIFE_FACTOR 'common.ABILITY_RLF_BONUS_LIFE_FACTOR' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_BONUS_LIFE_FACTOR abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('Ndr6') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_BONUS_LIFE_DECAY 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'common.ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_BONUS_IPV1' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_BONUS_IPV1 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('ipv1') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_LIFE_STEAL_AMOUNT 'common.ABILITY_RLF_LIFE_STEAL_AMOUNT' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_LIFE_STEAL_AMOUNT abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('ipv2') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_LIFE_RESTORED_FACTOR 'common.ABILITY_RLF_LIFE_RESTORED_FACTOR' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_LIFE_RESTORED_FACTOR abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('ast1') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_MANA_RESTORED_FACTOR 'common.ABILITY_RLF_MANA_RESTORED_FACTOR' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_MANA_RESTORED_FACTOR abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('ast2') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_ATTACH_DELAY 'common.ABILITY_RLF_ATTACH_DELAY' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_ATTACH_DELAY abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('gra1') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_REMOVE_DELAY 'common.ABILITY_RLF_REMOVE_DELAY' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_REMOVE_DELAY abilityreallevelfield 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+---ABILITY_RLF_MAX_MANA_DRAINED_HEROS 'common.ABILITY_RLF_MAX_MANA_DRAINED_HEROS' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_MAX_MANA_DRAINED_HEROS abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('fbk3') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_RATIO_HEROS_PERCENT 'common.ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_RATIO_HEROS_PERCENT' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_DAMAGE_RATIO_HEROS_PERCENT abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('fbk4') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_SUMMONED_DAMAGE 'common.ABILITY_RLF_SUMMONED_DAMAGE' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_SUMMONED_DAMAGE abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('fbk5') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_DISTRIBUTED_DAMAGE_FACTOR_NCA1 'common.ABILITY_RLF_DISTRIBUTED_DAMAGE_FACTOR_NCA1' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_DISTRIBUTED_DAMAGE_FACTOR_NCA1 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('nca1') +--- +---ABILITY_RLF_INITIAL_DAMAGE_PXF1 'common.ABILITY_RLF_INITIAL_DAMAGE_PXF1' +---@field ABILITY_RLF_INITIAL_DAMAGE_PXF1 abilityreallevelfield _ConvertAbilityRealLevelField('pxf1') +--- 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UNIT_RF_ACQUISITION_RANGE unitrealfield _ConvertUnitRealField('uacq') +--- +---UNIT_RF_CAST_BACK_SWING 'common.UNIT_RF_CAST_BACK_SWING' +---@field UNIT_RF_CAST_BACK_SWING unitrealfield _ConvertUnitRealField('ucbs') +--- +---UNIT_RF_CAST_POINT 'common.UNIT_RF_CAST_POINT' +---@field UNIT_RF_CAST_POINT unitrealfield _ConvertUnitRealField('ucpt') +--- +---UNIT_RF_MINIMUM_ATTACK_RANGE 'common.UNIT_RF_MINIMUM_ATTACK_RANGE' +---@field UNIT_RF_MINIMUM_ATTACK_RANGE unitrealfield _ConvertUnitRealField('uamn') +--- +---UNIT_BF_RAISABLE 'common.UNIT_BF_RAISABLE' +---@field UNIT_BF_RAISABLE unitbooleanfield _ConvertUnitBooleanField('urai') +--- +---UNIT_BF_DECAYABLE 'common.UNIT_BF_DECAYABLE' +---@field UNIT_BF_DECAYABLE unitbooleanfield _ConvertUnitBooleanField('udec') +--- +---UNIT_BF_IS_A_BUILDING 'common.UNIT_BF_IS_A_BUILDING' +---@field UNIT_BF_IS_A_BUILDING unitbooleanfield _ConvertUnitBooleanField('ubdg') +--- +---UNIT_BF_USE_EXTENDED_LINE_OF_SIGHT 'common.UNIT_BF_USE_EXTENDED_LINE_OF_SIGHT' +---@field UNIT_BF_USE_EXTENDED_LINE_OF_SIGHT unitbooleanfield _ConvertUnitBooleanField('ulos') +--- +---UNIT_BF_NEUTRAL_BUILDING_SHOWS_MINIMAP_ICON 'common.UNIT_BF_NEUTRAL_BUILDING_SHOWS_MINIMAP_ICON' +---@field UNIT_BF_NEUTRAL_BUILDING_SHOWS_MINIMAP_ICON unitbooleanfield _ConvertUnitBooleanField('unbm') +--- +---UNIT_BF_HERO_HIDE_HERO_INTERFACE_ICON 'common.UNIT_BF_HERO_HIDE_HERO_INTERFACE_ICON' +---@field UNIT_BF_HERO_HIDE_HERO_INTERFACE_ICON unitbooleanfield _ConvertUnitBooleanField('uhhb') +--- +---UNIT_BF_HERO_HIDE_HERO_MINIMAP_DISPLAY 'common.UNIT_BF_HERO_HIDE_HERO_MINIMAP_DISPLAY' +---@field UNIT_BF_HERO_HIDE_HERO_MINIMAP_DISPLAY unitbooleanfield _ConvertUnitBooleanField('uhhm') +--- +---UNIT_BF_HERO_HIDE_HERO_DEATH_MESSAGE 'common.UNIT_BF_HERO_HIDE_HERO_DEATH_MESSAGE' +---@field UNIT_BF_HERO_HIDE_HERO_DEATH_MESSAGE unitbooleanfield _ConvertUnitBooleanField('uhhd') +--- +---UNIT_BF_HIDE_MINIMAP_DISPLAY 'common.UNIT_BF_HIDE_MINIMAP_DISPLAY' +---@field UNIT_BF_HIDE_MINIMAP_DISPLAY unitbooleanfield _ConvertUnitBooleanField('uhom') +--- +---UNIT_BF_SCALE_PROJECTILES 'common.UNIT_BF_SCALE_PROJECTILES' +---@field UNIT_BF_SCALE_PROJECTILES unitbooleanfield _ConvertUnitBooleanField('uscb') +--- +---UNIT_BF_SELECTION_CIRCLE_ON_WATER 'common.UNIT_BF_SELECTION_CIRCLE_ON_WATER' +---@field UNIT_BF_SELECTION_CIRCLE_ON_WATER unitbooleanfield _ConvertUnitBooleanField('usew') +--- +---UNIT_BF_HAS_WATER_SHADOW 'common.UNIT_BF_HAS_WATER_SHADOW' +---@field UNIT_BF_HAS_WATER_SHADOW unitbooleanfield _ConvertUnitBooleanField('ushr') +--- +---UNIT_SF_NAME 'common.UNIT_SF_NAME' +---@field UNIT_SF_NAME unitstringfield _ConvertUnitStringField('unam') +--- +---UNIT_SF_PROPER_NAMES 'common.UNIT_SF_PROPER_NAMES' +---@field UNIT_SF_PROPER_NAMES unitstringfield _ConvertUnitStringField('upro') +--- +---UNIT_SF_GROUND_TEXTURE 'common.UNIT_SF_GROUND_TEXTURE' +---@field UNIT_SF_GROUND_TEXTURE unitstringfield _ConvertUnitStringField('uubs') +--- +---UNIT_SF_SHADOW_IMAGE_UNIT 'common.UNIT_SF_SHADOW_IMAGE_UNIT' +---@field UNIT_SF_SHADOW_IMAGE_UNIT unitstringfield _ConvertUnitStringField('ushu') +--- +---Unit Weapon +---Unit Weapon 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_IF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_NUMBER_OF_DICE' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_IF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_NUMBER_OF_DICE unitweaponintegerfield _ConvertUnitWeaponIntegerField('ua1d') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_IF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_BASE 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_IF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_BASE' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_IF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_BASE unitweaponintegerfield _ConvertUnitWeaponIntegerField('ua1b') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_IF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_SIDES_PER_DIE 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_IF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_SIDES_PER_DIE' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_IF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_SIDES_PER_DIE unitweaponintegerfield _ConvertUnitWeaponIntegerField('ua1s') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_IF_ATTACK_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TARGETS 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_IF_ATTACK_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TARGETS' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_IF_ATTACK_MAXIMUM_NUMBER_OF_TARGETS unitweaponintegerfield _ConvertUnitWeaponIntegerField('utc1') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_IF_ATTACK_ATTACK_TYPE 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_IF_ATTACK_ATTACK_TYPE' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_IF_ATTACK_ATTACK_TYPE unitweaponintegerfield _ConvertUnitWeaponIntegerField('ua1t') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_IF_ATTACK_WEAPON_SOUND 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_IF_ATTACK_WEAPON_SOUND' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_IF_ATTACK_WEAPON_SOUND unitweaponintegerfield _ConvertUnitWeaponIntegerField('ucs1') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_IF_ATTACK_AREA_OF_EFFECT_TARGETS 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_IF_ATTACK_AREA_OF_EFFECT_TARGETS' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_IF_ATTACK_AREA_OF_EFFECT_TARGETS unitweaponintegerfield _ConvertUnitWeaponIntegerField('ua1p') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_IF_ATTACK_TARGETS_ALLOWED 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_IF_ATTACK_TARGETS_ALLOWED' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_IF_ATTACK_TARGETS_ALLOWED unitweaponintegerfield _ConvertUnitWeaponIntegerField('ua1g') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_BACKSWING_POINT 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_BACKSWING_POINT' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_BACKSWING_POINT unitweaponrealfield _ConvertUnitWeaponRealField('ubs1') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_POINT 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_POINT' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_POINT unitweaponrealfield _ConvertUnitWeaponRealField('udp1') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_BASE_COOLDOWN 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_BASE_COOLDOWN' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_BASE_COOLDOWN unitweaponrealfield _ConvertUnitWeaponRealField('ua1c') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_LOSS_FACTOR 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_LOSS_FACTOR' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_LOSS_FACTOR unitweaponrealfield _ConvertUnitWeaponRealField('udl1') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_FACTOR_MEDIUM 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_FACTOR_MEDIUM' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_FACTOR_MEDIUM unitweaponrealfield _ConvertUnitWeaponRealField('uhd1') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_FACTOR_SMALL 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_FACTOR_SMALL' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_FACTOR_SMALL unitweaponrealfield _ConvertUnitWeaponRealField('uqd1') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_SPILL_DISTANCE 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_SPILL_DISTANCE' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_SPILL_DISTANCE unitweaponrealfield _ConvertUnitWeaponRealField('usd1') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_SPILL_RADIUS 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_SPILL_RADIUS' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_DAMAGE_SPILL_RADIUS unitweaponrealfield _ConvertUnitWeaponRealField('usr1') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_PROJECTILE_SPEED 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_PROJECTILE_SPEED' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_PROJECTILE_SPEED unitweaponrealfield _ConvertUnitWeaponRealField('ua1z') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_PROJECTILE_ARC 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_PROJECTILE_ARC' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_PROJECTILE_ARC unitweaponrealfield _ConvertUnitWeaponRealField('uma1') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_AREA_OF_EFFECT_FULL_DAMAGE 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_AREA_OF_EFFECT_FULL_DAMAGE' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_AREA_OF_EFFECT_FULL_DAMAGE unitweaponrealfield _ConvertUnitWeaponRealField('ua1f') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_AREA_OF_EFFECT_MEDIUM_DAMAGE 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_AREA_OF_EFFECT_MEDIUM_DAMAGE' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_AREA_OF_EFFECT_MEDIUM_DAMAGE unitweaponrealfield _ConvertUnitWeaponRealField('ua1h') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_AREA_OF_EFFECT_SMALL_DAMAGE 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_AREA_OF_EFFECT_SMALL_DAMAGE' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_AREA_OF_EFFECT_SMALL_DAMAGE unitweaponrealfield _ConvertUnitWeaponRealField('ua1q') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_RANGE 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_RANGE' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_RF_ATTACK_RANGE unitweaponrealfield _ConvertUnitWeaponRealField('ua1r') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_BF_ATTACK_SHOW_UI 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_BF_ATTACK_SHOW_UI' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_BF_ATTACK_SHOW_UI unitweaponbooleanfield _ConvertUnitWeaponBooleanField('uwu1') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_BF_ATTACKS_ENABLED 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_BF_ATTACKS_ENABLED' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_BF_ATTACKS_ENABLED unitweaponbooleanfield _ConvertUnitWeaponBooleanField('uaen') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_BF_ATTACK_PROJECTILE_HOMING_ENABLED 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_BF_ATTACK_PROJECTILE_HOMING_ENABLED' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_BF_ATTACK_PROJECTILE_HOMING_ENABLED unitweaponbooleanfield _ConvertUnitWeaponBooleanField('umh1') +--- +---UNIT_WEAPON_SF_ATTACK_PROJECTILE_ART 'common.UNIT_WEAPON_SF_ATTACK_PROJECTILE_ART' +---@field UNIT_WEAPON_SF_ATTACK_PROJECTILE_ART unitweaponstringfield _ConvertUnitWeaponStringField('ua1m') +--- +---Move Type +---Move Type 'common.MOVE_TYPE_UNKNOWN' +---@field MOVE_TYPE_UNKNOWN movetype _ConvertMoveType(0) +--- +---MOVE_TYPE_FOOT 'common.MOVE_TYPE_FOOT' +---@field MOVE_TYPE_FOOT movetype _ConvertMoveType(1) +--- +---MOVE_TYPE_FLY 'common.MOVE_TYPE_FLY' +---@field MOVE_TYPE_FLY movetype _ConvertMoveType(2) +--- +---MOVE_TYPE_HORSE 'common.MOVE_TYPE_HORSE' +---@field MOVE_TYPE_HORSE movetype _ConvertMoveType(4) +--- +---MOVE_TYPE_HOVER 'common.MOVE_TYPE_HOVER' +---@field MOVE_TYPE_HOVER movetype _ConvertMoveType(8) +--- +---MOVE_TYPE_FLOAT 'common.MOVE_TYPE_FLOAT' +---@field MOVE_TYPE_FLOAT movetype _ConvertMoveType(16) +--- +---MOVE_TYPE_AMPHIBIOUS 'common.MOVE_TYPE_AMPHIBIOUS' +---@field MOVE_TYPE_AMPHIBIOUS movetype _ConvertMoveType(32) +--- +---MOVE_TYPE_UNBUILDABLE 'common.MOVE_TYPE_UNBUILDABLE' +---@field MOVE_TYPE_UNBUILDABLE movetype _ConvertMoveType(64) +--- +---Target Flag +---Target Flag 'common.TARGET_FLAG_NONE' +---@field TARGET_FLAG_NONE targetflag _ConvertTargetFlag(1) +--- +---TARGET_FLAG_GROUND 'common.TARGET_FLAG_GROUND' +---@field TARGET_FLAG_GROUND targetflag _ConvertTargetFlag(2) +--- +---TARGET_FLAG_AIR 'common.TARGET_FLAG_AIR' +---@field TARGET_FLAG_AIR targetflag _ConvertTargetFlag(4) +--- +---TARGET_FLAG_STRUCTURE 'common.TARGET_FLAG_STRUCTURE' +---@field TARGET_FLAG_STRUCTURE targetflag _ConvertTargetFlag(8) +--- +---TARGET_FLAG_WARD 'common.TARGET_FLAG_WARD' +---@field TARGET_FLAG_WARD targetflag _ConvertTargetFlag(16) +--- +---TARGET_FLAG_ITEM 'common.TARGET_FLAG_ITEM' +---@field TARGET_FLAG_ITEM targetflag _ConvertTargetFlag(32) +--- +---TARGET_FLAG_TREE 'common.TARGET_FLAG_TREE' +---@field TARGET_FLAG_TREE targetflag _ConvertTargetFlag(64) +--- +---TARGET_FLAG_WALL 'common.TARGET_FLAG_WALL' +---@field TARGET_FLAG_WALL targetflag _ConvertTargetFlag(128) +--- +---TARGET_FLAG_DEBRIS 'common.TARGET_FLAG_DEBRIS' +---@field TARGET_FLAG_DEBRIS targetflag _ConvertTargetFlag(256) +--- +---TARGET_FLAG_DECORATION 'common.TARGET_FLAG_DECORATION' +---@field TARGET_FLAG_DECORATION targetflag _ConvertTargetFlag(512) +--- +---TARGET_FLAG_BRIDGE 'common.TARGET_FLAG_BRIDGE' +---@field TARGET_FLAG_BRIDGE targetflag _ConvertTargetFlag(1024) +--- +---defense type +---defense type 'common.DEFENSE_TYPE_LIGHT' +---@field DEFENSE_TYPE_LIGHT defensetype _ConvertDefenseType(0) +--- +---DEFENSE_TYPE_MEDIUM 'common.DEFENSE_TYPE_MEDIUM' +---@field DEFENSE_TYPE_MEDIUM defensetype _ConvertDefenseType(1) +--- +---DEFENSE_TYPE_LARGE 'common.DEFENSE_TYPE_LARGE' +---@field DEFENSE_TYPE_LARGE defensetype _ConvertDefenseType(2) +--- +---DEFENSE_TYPE_FORT 'common.DEFENSE_TYPE_FORT' +---@field DEFENSE_TYPE_FORT defensetype _ConvertDefenseType(3) +--- +---DEFENSE_TYPE_NORMAL 'common.DEFENSE_TYPE_NORMAL' +---@field DEFENSE_TYPE_NORMAL defensetype _ConvertDefenseType(4) +--- +---DEFENSE_TYPE_HERO 'common.DEFENSE_TYPE_HERO' +---@field DEFENSE_TYPE_HERO defensetype _ConvertDefenseType(5) +--- +---DEFENSE_TYPE_DIVINE 'common.DEFENSE_TYPE_DIVINE' +---@field DEFENSE_TYPE_DIVINE defensetype _ConvertDefenseType(6) +--- +---DEFENSE_TYPE_NONE 'common.DEFENSE_TYPE_NONE' +---@field DEFENSE_TYPE_NONE defensetype _ConvertDefenseType(7) +--- +---Hero Attribute +---Hero Attribute 'common.HERO_ATTRIBUTE_STR' +---@field HERO_ATTRIBUTE_STR heroattribute _ConvertHeroAttribute(1) +--- +---HERO_ATTRIBUTE_INT 'common.HERO_ATTRIBUTE_INT' +---@field HERO_ATTRIBUTE_INT heroattribute _ConvertHeroAttribute(2) +--- +---HERO_ATTRIBUTE_AGI 'common.HERO_ATTRIBUTE_AGI' +---@field HERO_ATTRIBUTE_AGI heroattribute _ConvertHeroAttribute(3) +--- +---Armor Type +---Armor Type 'common.ARMOR_TYPE_WHOKNOWS' +---@field ARMOR_TYPE_WHOKNOWS armortype _ConvertArmorType(0) +--- +---ARMOR_TYPE_FLESH 'common.ARMOR_TYPE_FLESH' +---@field ARMOR_TYPE_FLESH armortype _ConvertArmorType(1) +--- +---ARMOR_TYPE_METAL 'common.ARMOR_TYPE_METAL' +---@field ARMOR_TYPE_METAL armortype _ConvertArmorType(2) +--- +---ARMOR_TYPE_WOOD 'common.ARMOR_TYPE_WOOD' +---@field ARMOR_TYPE_WOOD armortype _ConvertArmorType(3) +--- +---ARMOR_TYPE_ETHREAL 'common.ARMOR_TYPE_ETHREAL' +---@field ARMOR_TYPE_ETHREAL armortype _ConvertArmorType(4) +--- +---ARMOR_TYPE_STONE 'common.ARMOR_TYPE_STONE' +---@field ARMOR_TYPE_STONE armortype _ConvertArmorType(5) +--- +---Regeneration Type +---Regeneration Type 'common.REGENERATION_TYPE_NONE' +---@field REGENERATION_TYPE_NONE regentype _ConvertRegenType(0) +--- +---REGENERATION_TYPE_ALWAYS 'common.REGENERATION_TYPE_ALWAYS' +---@field REGENERATION_TYPE_ALWAYS regentype _ConvertRegenType(1) +--- +---REGENERATION_TYPE_BLIGHT 'common.REGENERATION_TYPE_BLIGHT' +---@field REGENERATION_TYPE_BLIGHT regentype _ConvertRegenType(2) +--- +---REGENERATION_TYPE_DAY 'common.REGENERATION_TYPE_DAY' +---@field REGENERATION_TYPE_DAY regentype _ConvertRegenType(3) +--- +---REGENERATION_TYPE_NIGHT 'common.REGENERATION_TYPE_NIGHT' +---@field REGENERATION_TYPE_NIGHT regentype _ConvertRegenType(4) +--- +---Unit Category +---Unit Category 'common.UNIT_CATEGORY_GIANT' +---@field UNIT_CATEGORY_GIANT unitcategory _ConvertUnitCategory(1) +--- +---UNIT_CATEGORY_UNDEAD 'common.UNIT_CATEGORY_UNDEAD' +---@field UNIT_CATEGORY_UNDEAD unitcategory _ConvertUnitCategory(2) +--- +---UNIT_CATEGORY_SUMMONED 'common.UNIT_CATEGORY_SUMMONED' +---@field UNIT_CATEGORY_SUMMONED unitcategory _ConvertUnitCategory(4) +--- +---UNIT_CATEGORY_MECHANICAL 'common.UNIT_CATEGORY_MECHANICAL' +---@field UNIT_CATEGORY_MECHANICAL unitcategory _ConvertUnitCategory(8) +--- +---UNIT_CATEGORY_PEON 'common.UNIT_CATEGORY_PEON' +---@field UNIT_CATEGORY_PEON unitcategory _ConvertUnitCategory(16) +--- +---UNIT_CATEGORY_SAPPER 'common.UNIT_CATEGORY_SAPPER' +---@field UNIT_CATEGORY_SAPPER unitcategory _ConvertUnitCategory(32) +--- +---UNIT_CATEGORY_TOWNHALL 'common.UNIT_CATEGORY_TOWNHALL' +---@field UNIT_CATEGORY_TOWNHALL unitcategory _ConvertUnitCategory(64) +--- +---UNIT_CATEGORY_ANCIENT 'common.UNIT_CATEGORY_ANCIENT' +---@field UNIT_CATEGORY_ANCIENT unitcategory _ConvertUnitCategory(128) +--- +---UNIT_CATEGORY_NEUTRAL 'common.UNIT_CATEGORY_NEUTRAL' +---@field UNIT_CATEGORY_NEUTRAL unitcategory _ConvertUnitCategory(256) +--- +---UNIT_CATEGORY_WARD 'common.UNIT_CATEGORY_WARD' +---@field UNIT_CATEGORY_WARD unitcategory _ConvertUnitCategory(512) +--- +---UNIT_CATEGORY_STANDON 'common.UNIT_CATEGORY_STANDON' +---@field UNIT_CATEGORY_STANDON unitcategory _ConvertUnitCategory(1024) +--- +---UNIT_CATEGORY_TAUREN 'common.UNIT_CATEGORY_TAUREN' +---@field UNIT_CATEGORY_TAUREN unitcategory _ConvertUnitCategory(2048) +--- +---Pathing Flag +---Pathing Flag 'common.PATHING_FLAG_UNWALKABLE' +---@field PATHING_FLAG_UNWALKABLE pathingflag _ConvertPathingFlag(2) +--- +---PATHING_FLAG_UNFLYABLE 'common.PATHING_FLAG_UNFLYABLE' +---@field PATHING_FLAG_UNFLYABLE pathingflag _ConvertPathingFlag(4) +--- +---PATHING_FLAG_UNBUILDABLE 'common.PATHING_FLAG_UNBUILDABLE' +---@field PATHING_FLAG_UNBUILDABLE pathingflag _ConvertPathingFlag(8) +--- +---PATHING_FLAG_UNPEONHARVEST 'common.PATHING_FLAG_UNPEONHARVEST' +---@field PATHING_FLAG_UNPEONHARVEST pathingflag _ConvertPathingFlag(16) +--- +---PATHING_FLAG_BLIGHTED 'common.PATHING_FLAG_BLIGHTED' +---@field PATHING_FLAG_BLIGHTED pathingflag _ConvertPathingFlag(32) +--- +---PATHING_FLAG_UNFLOATABLE 'common.PATHING_FLAG_UNFLOATABLE' +---@field PATHING_FLAG_UNFLOATABLE pathingflag _ConvertPathingFlag(64) +--- +---PATHING_FLAG_UNAMPHIBIOUS 'common.PATHING_FLAG_UNAMPHIBIOUS' +---@field PATHING_FLAG_UNAMPHIBIOUS pathingflag _ConvertPathingFlag(128) +--- +---PATHING_FLAG_UNITEMPLACABLE 'common.PATHING_FLAG_UNITEMPLACABLE' +---@field PATHING_FLAG_UNITEMPLACABLE pathingflag _ConvertPathingFlag(256) +local common = {} + +---转换种族 +---@param i integer +---@return race +function common.ConvertRace(i) end + +---转换联盟类型 +---@param i integer +---@return alliancetype +function common.ConvertAllianceType(i) end + +---ConvertRacePref +---@param i integer +---@return racepreference +function common.ConvertRacePref(i) end + +---ConvertIGameState +---@param i integer +---@return igamestate +function common.ConvertIGameState(i) end + +---ConvertFGameState +---@param i integer +---@return fgamestate +function common.ConvertFGameState(i) end + +---ConvertPlayerState +---@param i integer +---@return playerstate +function common.ConvertPlayerState(i) end + +---ConvertPlayerScore +---@param i integer +---@return playerscore +function common.ConvertPlayerScore(i) end + +---ConvertPlayerGameResult +---@param i integer +---@return playergameresult +function common.ConvertPlayerGameResult(i) end + +---ConvertUnitState +---@param i integer +---@return unitstate +function common.ConvertUnitState(i) end + +---ConvertAIDifficulty +---@param i integer +---@return aidifficulty +function common.ConvertAIDifficulty(i) end + +---ConvertGameEvent +---@param i integer +---@return gameevent +function common.ConvertGameEvent(i) end + +---ConvertPlayerEvent +---@param i integer +---@return playerevent +function common.ConvertPlayerEvent(i) end + +---ConvertPlayerUnitEvent +---@param i integer +---@return playerunitevent +function common.ConvertPlayerUnitEvent(i) end + +---ConvertWidgetEvent +---@param i integer +---@return widgetevent +function common.ConvertWidgetEvent(i) end + +---ConvertDialogEvent +---@param i integer +---@return dialogevent +function common.ConvertDialogEvent(i) end + +---ConvertUnitEvent +---@param i integer +---@return unitevent +function common.ConvertUnitEvent(i) end + +---ConvertLimitOp +---@param i integer +---@return limitop +function common.ConvertLimitOp(i) end + +---ConvertUnitType +---@param i integer +---@return unittype +function common.ConvertUnitType(i) end + +---ConvertGameSpeed +---@param i integer +---@return gamespeed +function common.ConvertGameSpeed(i) end + +---ConvertPlacement +---@param i integer +---@return placement +function common.ConvertPlacement(i) end + +---ConvertStartLocPrio +---@param i integer +---@return startlocprio +function common.ConvertStartLocPrio(i) end + +---ConvertGameDifficulty +---@param i integer +---@return gamedifficulty +function common.ConvertGameDifficulty(i) end + +---ConvertGameType +---@param i integer +---@return gametype +function common.ConvertGameType(i) end + +---ConvertMapFlag +---@param i integer +---@return mapflag +function common.ConvertMapFlag(i) end + +---ConvertMapVisibility +---@param i integer +---@return mapvisibility +function common.ConvertMapVisibility(i) end + +---ConvertMapSetting +---@param i integer +---@return mapsetting +function common.ConvertMapSetting(i) end + +---ConvertMapDensity +---@param i integer +---@return mapdensity +function common.ConvertMapDensity(i) end + +---ConvertMapControl +---@param i integer +---@return mapcontrol +function common.ConvertMapControl(i) end + +---ConvertPlayerColor +---@param i integer +---@return playercolor +function common.ConvertPlayerColor(i) end + +---ConvertPlayerSlotState +---@param i integer +---@return playerslotstate +function common.ConvertPlayerSlotState(i) end + +---ConvertVolumeGroup +---@param i integer +---@return volumegroup +function common.ConvertVolumeGroup(i) end + +---ConvertCameraField +---@param i integer +---@return camerafield +function common.ConvertCameraField(i) end + +---ConvertBlendMode +---@param i integer +---@return blendmode +function common.ConvertBlendMode(i) end + +---ConvertRarityControl +---@param i integer +---@return raritycontrol +function common.ConvertRarityControl(i) end + +---ConvertTexMapFlags +---@param i integer +---@return texmapflags +function common.ConvertTexMapFlags(i) end + +---ConvertFogState +---@param i integer +---@return fogstate +function common.ConvertFogState(i) end + +---ConvertEffectType +---@param i integer +---@return effecttype +function common.ConvertEffectType(i) end + +---ConvertVersion +---@param i integer +---@return version +function common.ConvertVersion(i) end + +---ConvertItemType +---@param i integer +---@return itemtype +function common.ConvertItemType(i) end + +---ConvertAttackType +---@param i integer +---@return attacktype +function common.ConvertAttackType(i) end + +---ConvertDamageType +---@param i integer +---@return damagetype +function common.ConvertDamageType(i) end + +---ConvertWeaponType +---@param i integer +---@return weapontype +function common.ConvertWeaponType(i) end + +---ConvertSoundType +---@param i integer +---@return soundtype +function common.ConvertSoundType(i) end + +---ConvertPathingType +---@param i integer +---@return pathingtype +function common.ConvertPathingType(i) end + +---ConvertMouseButtonType +---@param i integer +---@return mousebuttontype +function common.ConvertMouseButtonType(i) end + +---ConvertAnimType +---@param i integer +---@return animtype +function common.ConvertAnimType(i) end + +---ConvertSubAnimType +---@param i integer +---@return subanimtype +function common.ConvertSubAnimType(i) end + +---ConvertOriginFrameType +---@param i integer +---@return originframetype +function common.ConvertOriginFrameType(i) end + +---ConvertFramePointType +---@param i integer +---@return framepointtype +function common.ConvertFramePointType(i) end + +---ConvertTextAlignType +---@param i integer +---@return textaligntype +function common.ConvertTextAlignType(i) end + +---ConvertFrameEventType +---@param i integer +---@return frameeventtype +function common.ConvertFrameEventType(i) end + +---ConvertOsKeyType +---@param i integer +---@return oskeytype +function common.ConvertOsKeyType(i) end + +---ConvertAbilityIntegerField +---@param i integer +---@return abilityintegerfield +function common.ConvertAbilityIntegerField(i) end + +---ConvertAbilityRealField +---@param i integer +---@return abilityrealfield +function common.ConvertAbilityRealField(i) end + +---ConvertAbilityBooleanField +---@param i integer +---@return abilitybooleanfield +function common.ConvertAbilityBooleanField(i) end + +---ConvertAbilityStringField +---@param i integer +---@return abilitystringfield +function common.ConvertAbilityStringField(i) end + +---ConvertAbilityIntegerLevelField +---@param i integer +---@return abilityintegerlevelfield +function common.ConvertAbilityIntegerLevelField(i) end + +---ConvertAbilityRealLevelField +---@param i integer +---@return abilityreallevelfield +function common.ConvertAbilityRealLevelField(i) end + +---ConvertAbilityBooleanLevelField +---@param i integer +---@return abilitybooleanlevelfield +function common.ConvertAbilityBooleanLevelField(i) end + +---ConvertAbilityStringLevelField +---@param i integer +---@return abilitystringlevelfield +function common.ConvertAbilityStringLevelField(i) end + +---ConvertAbilityIntegerLevelArrayField +---@param i integer +---@return abilityintegerlevelarrayfield +function common.ConvertAbilityIntegerLevelArrayField(i) end + +---ConvertAbilityRealLevelArrayField +---@param i integer +---@return abilityreallevelarrayfield +function common.ConvertAbilityRealLevelArrayField(i) end + +---ConvertAbilityBooleanLevelArrayField +---@param i integer +---@return abilitybooleanlevelarrayfield +function common.ConvertAbilityBooleanLevelArrayField(i) end + +---ConvertAbilityStringLevelArrayField +---@param i integer +---@return abilitystringlevelarrayfield +function common.ConvertAbilityStringLevelArrayField(i) end + +---ConvertUnitIntegerField +---@param i integer +---@return unitintegerfield +function common.ConvertUnitIntegerField(i) end + +---ConvertUnitRealField +---@param i integer +---@return unitrealfield +function common.ConvertUnitRealField(i) end + +---ConvertUnitBooleanField +---@param i integer +---@return unitbooleanfield +function common.ConvertUnitBooleanField(i) end + +---ConvertUnitStringField +---@param i integer +---@return unitstringfield +function common.ConvertUnitStringField(i) end + +---ConvertUnitWeaponIntegerField +---@param i integer +---@return unitweaponintegerfield +function common.ConvertUnitWeaponIntegerField(i) end + +---ConvertUnitWeaponRealField +---@param i integer +---@return unitweaponrealfield +function common.ConvertUnitWeaponRealField(i) end + +---ConvertUnitWeaponBooleanField +---@param i integer +---@return unitweaponbooleanfield +function common.ConvertUnitWeaponBooleanField(i) end + +---ConvertUnitWeaponStringField +---@param i integer +---@return unitweaponstringfield +function common.ConvertUnitWeaponStringField(i) end + +---ConvertItemIntegerField +---@param i integer +---@return itemintegerfield +function common.ConvertItemIntegerField(i) end + +---ConvertItemRealField +---@param i integer +---@return itemrealfield +function common.ConvertItemRealField(i) end + +---ConvertItemBooleanField +---@param i integer +---@return itembooleanfield +function common.ConvertItemBooleanField(i) end + +---ConvertItemStringField +---@param i integer +---@return itemstringfield +function common.ConvertItemStringField(i) end + +---ConvertMoveType +---@param i integer +---@return movetype +function common.ConvertMoveType(i) end + +---ConvertTargetFlag +---@param i integer +---@return targetflag +function common.ConvertTargetFlag(i) end + +---ConvertArmorType +---@param i integer +---@return armortype +function common.ConvertArmorType(i) end + +---ConvertHeroAttribute +---@param i integer +---@return heroattribute +function common.ConvertHeroAttribute(i) end + +---ConvertDefenseType +---@param i integer +---@return defensetype +function common.ConvertDefenseType(i) end + +---ConvertRegenType +---@param i integer +---@return regentype +function common.ConvertRegenType(i) end + +---ConvertUnitCategory +---@param i integer +---@return unitcategory +function common.ConvertUnitCategory(i) end + +---ConvertPathingFlag +---@param i integer +---@return pathingflag +function common.ConvertPathingFlag(i) end + +---OrderId +---@param orderIdString string +---@return integer +function common.OrderId(orderIdString) end + +---OrderId2String +---@param orderId integer +---@return string +function common.OrderId2String(orderId) end + +---UnitId +---@param unitIdString string +---@return integer +function common.UnitId(unitIdString) end + +---UnitId2String +---@param unitId integer +---@return string +function common.UnitId2String(unitId) end + +---Not currently working correctly... +---@param abilityIdString string +---@return integer +function common.AbilityId(abilityIdString) end + +---AbilityId2String +---@param abilityId integer +---@return string +function common.AbilityId2String(abilityId) end + +---Looks up the "name" field for any object (unit, item, ability) +---物体名称 [C] +---@param objectId integer +---@return string +function common.GetObjectName(objectId) end + +---获取最大的玩家数 +---@return integer +function common.GetBJMaxPlayers() end + +---GetBJPlayerNeutralVictim +---@return integer +function common.GetBJPlayerNeutralVictim() end + +---GetBJPlayerNeutralExtra +---@return integer +function common.GetBJPlayerNeutralExtra() end + +---GetBJMaxPlayerSlots +---@return integer +function common.GetBJMaxPlayerSlots() end + +---GetPlayerNeutralPassive +---@return integer +function common.GetPlayerNeutralPassive() end + +---GetPlayerNeutralAggressive +---@return integer +function common.GetPlayerNeutralAggressive() end + +---MathAPI +---转换 度 到 弧度 +---@param degrees real +---@return real +function common.Deg2Rad(degrees) end + +---转换 弧度 到 度 +---@param radians real +---@return real +function common.Rad2Deg(radians) end + +---正弦(弧度) [R] +---@param radians real +---@return real +function common.Sin(radians) end + +---余弦(弧度) [R] +---@param radians real +---@return real +function common.Cos(radians) end + +---正切(弧度) [R] +---@param radians real +---@return real +function common.Tan(radians) end + +---Expect values between -1 and 1...returns 0 for invalid input +---反正弦(弧度) [R] +---@param y real +---@return real +function common.Asin(y) end + +---反余弦(弧度) [R] +---@param x real +---@return real +function common.Acos(x) end + +---反正切(弧度) [R] +---@param x real +---@return real +function common.Atan(x) end + +---Returns 0 if x and y are both 0 +---反正切(Y:X)(弧度) [R] +---@param y real +---@param x real +---@return real +function common.Atan2(y,x) end + +---Returns 0 if x < 0 +---平方根 +---@param x real +---@return real +function common.SquareRoot(x) end + +---computes x to the y power +---y 0.0 > 1 +---x 0.0 and y < 0 > 0 +---求幂 +---@param x real +---@param power real +---@return real +function common.Pow(x,power) end + +---MathRound +---@param r real +---@return integer +function common.MathRound(r) end + +---String Utility API +---转换整数变量为实数 +---@param i integer +---@return real +function common.I2R(i) end + +---转换实数为整数 +---@param r real +---@return integer +function common.R2I(r) end + +---将整数转换为字符串 +---@param i integer +---@return string +function common.I2S(i) end + +---将实数转换为字符串 +---@param r real +---@return string +function common.R2S(r) end + +---将实数转换为格式化字符串 +---@param r real +---@param width integer +---@param precision integer +---@return string +function common.R2SW(r,width,precision) end + +---转换字串符为整数 +---@param s string +---@return integer +function common.S2I(s) end + +---转换字符串为实数 +---@param s string +---@return real +function common.S2R(s) end + +---GetHandleId +---@param h handle +---@return integer +function common.GetHandleId(h) end + +---截取字符串 [R] +---@param source string +---@param start integer +---@param end_ integer +---@return string +function common.SubString(source,start,end_) end + +---字串符长度 +---@param s string +---@return integer +function common.StringLength(s) end + +---将字串符转换为大小写字母 +---@param source string +---@param upper boolean +---@return string +function common.StringCase(source,upper) end + +---StringHash +---@param s string +---@return integer +function common.StringHash(s) end + +---本地字符串 [R] +---@param source string +---@return string +function common.GetLocalizedString(source) end + +---本地热键 +---@param source string +---@return integer +function common.GetLocalizedHotkey(source) end + +---SetMapName +---@param name string +function common.SetMapName(name) end + +---SetMapDescription +---@param description string +function common.SetMapDescription(description) end + +---SetTeams +---@param teamcount integer +function common.SetTeams(teamcount) end + +---SetPlayers +---@param playercount integer +function common.SetPlayers(playercount) end + +---DefineStartLocation +---@param whichStartLoc integer +---@param x real +---@param y real +function common.DefineStartLocation(whichStartLoc,x,y) end + +---DefineStartLocationLoc +---@param whichStartLoc integer +---@param whichLocation location +function common.DefineStartLocationLoc(whichStartLoc,whichLocation) end + +---SetStartLocPrioCount +---@param whichStartLoc integer +---@param prioSlotCount integer +function common.SetStartLocPrioCount(whichStartLoc,prioSlotCount) end + +---SetStartLocPrio +---@param whichStartLoc integer +---@param prioSlotIndex integer +---@param otherStartLocIndex integer +---@param priority startlocprio +function common.SetStartLocPrio(whichStartLoc,prioSlotIndex,otherStartLocIndex,priority) end + +---GetStartLocPrioSlot +---@param whichStartLoc integer +---@param prioSlotIndex integer +---@return integer +function common.GetStartLocPrioSlot(whichStartLoc,prioSlotIndex) end + +---GetStartLocPrio +---@param whichStartLoc integer +---@param prioSlotIndex integer +---@return startlocprio +function common.GetStartLocPrio(whichStartLoc,prioSlotIndex) end + +---SetEnemyStartLocPrioCount +---@param whichStartLoc integer +---@param prioSlotCount integer +function common.SetEnemyStartLocPrioCount(whichStartLoc,prioSlotCount) end + +---SetEnemyStartLocPrio +---@param whichStartLoc integer +---@param prioSlotIndex integer +---@param otherStartLocIndex integer +---@param priority startlocprio +function common.SetEnemyStartLocPrio(whichStartLoc,prioSlotIndex,otherStartLocIndex,priority) end + +---SetGameTypeSupported +---@param whichGameType gametype +---@param value boolean +function common.SetGameTypeSupported(whichGameType,value) end + +---设置地图参数 +---@param whichMapFlag mapflag +---@param value boolean +function common.SetMapFlag(whichMapFlag,value) end + +---SetGamePlacement +---@param whichPlacementType placement +function common.SetGamePlacement(whichPlacementType) end + +---设定游戏速度 +---@param whichspeed gamespeed +function common.SetGameSpeed(whichspeed) end + +---设置游戏难度 [R] +---@param whichdifficulty gamedifficulty +function common.SetGameDifficulty(whichdifficulty) end + +---SetResourceDensity +---@param whichdensity mapdensity +function common.SetResourceDensity(whichdensity) end + +---SetCreatureDensity +---@param whichdensity mapdensity +function common.SetCreatureDensity(whichdensity) end + +---队伍数量 +---@return integer +function common.GetTeams() end + +---玩家数量 +---@return integer +function common.GetPlayers() end + +---IsGameTypeSupported +---@param whichGameType gametype +---@return boolean +function common.IsGameTypeSupported(whichGameType) end + +---GetGameTypeSelected +---@return gametype +function common.GetGameTypeSelected() end + +---地图参数 +---@param whichMapFlag mapflag +---@return boolean +function common.IsMapFlagSet(whichMapFlag) end + +---GetGamePlacement +---@return placement +function common.GetGamePlacement() end + +---当前游戏速度 +---@return gamespeed +function common.GetGameSpeed() end + +---难度等级 +---@return gamedifficulty +function common.GetGameDifficulty() end + +---GetResourceDensity +---@return mapdensity +function common.GetResourceDensity() end + +---GetCreatureDensity +---@return mapdensity +function common.GetCreatureDensity() end + +---GetStartLocationX +---@param whichStartLocation integer +---@return real +function common.GetStartLocationX(whichStartLocation) end + +---GetStartLocationY +---@param whichStartLocation integer +---@return real +function common.GetStartLocationY(whichStartLocation) end + +---GetStartLocationLoc +---@param whichStartLocation integer +---@return location +function common.GetStartLocationLoc(whichStartLocation) end + +---设置玩家队伍 +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param whichTeam integer +function common.SetPlayerTeam(whichPlayer,whichTeam) end + +---SetPlayerStartLocation +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param startLocIndex integer +function common.SetPlayerStartLocation(whichPlayer,startLocIndex) end + +---forces player to have the specified start loc and marks the start loc as occupied +---which removes it from consideration for subsequently placed players +---( i.e. you can use this to put people in a fixed loc and then +---use random placement for any unplaced players etc ) +---use random placement for any unplaced players etc ) +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param startLocIndex integer +function common.ForcePlayerStartLocation(whichPlayer,startLocIndex) end + +---改变玩家颜色 [R] +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param color playercolor +function common.SetPlayerColor(whichPlayer,color) end + +---设置联盟状态(指定项目) [R] +---@param sourcePlayer player +---@param otherPlayer player +---@param whichAllianceSetting alliancetype +---@param value boolean +function common.SetPlayerAlliance(sourcePlayer,otherPlayer,whichAllianceSetting,value) end + +---设置税率 [R] +---@param sourcePlayer player +---@param otherPlayer player +---@param whichResource playerstate +---@param rate integer +function common.SetPlayerTaxRate(sourcePlayer,otherPlayer,whichResource,rate) end + +---SetPlayerRacePreference +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param whichRacePreference racepreference +function common.SetPlayerRacePreference(whichPlayer,whichRacePreference) end + +---SetPlayerRaceSelectable +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param value boolean +function common.SetPlayerRaceSelectable(whichPlayer,value) end + +---SetPlayerController +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param controlType mapcontrol +function common.SetPlayerController(whichPlayer,controlType) end + +---设置玩家名字 +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param name string +function common.SetPlayerName(whichPlayer,name) end + +---显示/隐藏计分屏显示 [R] +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param flag boolean +function common.SetPlayerOnScoreScreen(whichPlayer,flag) end + +---玩家在的队伍 +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return integer +function common.GetPlayerTeam(whichPlayer) end + +---GetPlayerStartLocation +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return integer +function common.GetPlayerStartLocation(whichPlayer) end + +---玩家的颜色 +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return playercolor +function common.GetPlayerColor(whichPlayer) end + +---GetPlayerSelectable +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return boolean +function common.GetPlayerSelectable(whichPlayer) end + +---玩家控制者 +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return mapcontrol +function common.GetPlayerController(whichPlayer) end + +---玩家游戏属性 +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return playerslotstate +function common.GetPlayerSlotState(whichPlayer) end + +---玩家税率 [R] +---@param sourcePlayer player +---@param otherPlayer player +---@param whichResource playerstate +---@return integer +function common.GetPlayerTaxRate(sourcePlayer,otherPlayer,whichResource) end + +---玩家的种族选择 +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param pref racepreference +---@return boolean +function common.IsPlayerRacePrefSet(whichPlayer,pref) end + +---玩家名字 +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return string +function common.GetPlayerName(whichPlayer) end + +---Timer API +---新建计时器 [R] +---@return timer +function common.CreateTimer() end + +---删除计时器 [R] +---@param whichTimer timer +function common.DestroyTimer(whichTimer) end + +---运行计时器 [C] +---@param whichTimer timer +---@param timeout real +---@param periodic boolean +---@param handlerFunc code +function common.TimerStart(whichTimer,timeout,periodic,handlerFunc) end + +---计时器经过的时间 +---@param whichTimer timer +---@return real +function common.TimerGetElapsed(whichTimer) end + +---计时器剩余时间 +---@param whichTimer timer +---@return real +function common.TimerGetRemaining(whichTimer) end + +---计时器初始的时间 +---@param whichTimer timer +---@return real +function common.TimerGetTimeout(whichTimer) end + +---暂停计时器 [R] +---@param whichTimer timer +function common.PauseTimer(whichTimer) end + +---恢复计时器 [R] +---@param whichTimer timer +function common.ResumeTimer(whichTimer) end + +---事件响应 - 计时器期满 +---@return timer +function common.GetExpiredTimer() end + +---Group API +---新建的单位组 [R] +---@return group +function common.CreateGroup() end + +---删除单位组 [R] +---@param whichGroup group +function common.DestroyGroup(whichGroup) end + +---添加单位 [R] +---@param whichGroup group +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return boolean +function common.GroupAddUnit(whichGroup,whichUnit) end + +---移除单位 [R] +---@param whichGroup group +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return boolean +function common.GroupRemoveUnit(whichGroup,whichUnit) end + +---清除 +---@param whichGroup group +function common.GroupClear(whichGroup) end + +---GroupEnumUnitsOfType +---@param whichGroup group +---@param unitname string +---@param filter boolexpr +function common.GroupEnumUnitsOfType(whichGroup,unitname,filter) end + +---GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer +---@param whichGroup group +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param filter boolexpr +function common.GroupEnumUnitsOfPlayer(whichGroup,whichPlayer,filter) end + +---GroupEnumUnitsOfTypeCounted +---@param whichGroup group +---@param unitname string +---@param filter boolexpr +---@param countLimit integer +function common.GroupEnumUnitsOfTypeCounted(whichGroup,unitname,filter,countLimit) end + +---GroupEnumUnitsInRect +---@param whichGroup group +---@param r rect +---@param filter boolexpr +function common.GroupEnumUnitsInRect(whichGroup,r,filter) end + +---GroupEnumUnitsInRectCounted +---@param whichGroup group +---@param r rect +---@param filter boolexpr +---@param countLimit integer +function common.GroupEnumUnitsInRectCounted(whichGroup,r,filter,countLimit) end + +---选取单位添加到单位组(坐标) +---@param whichGroup group +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param radius real +---@param filter boolexpr +function common.GroupEnumUnitsInRange(whichGroup,x,y,radius,filter) end + +---选取单位添加到单位组(点) +---@param whichGroup group +---@param whichLocation location +---@param radius real +---@param filter boolexpr +function common.GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(whichGroup,whichLocation,radius,filter) end + +---选取单位添加到单位组(坐标)(不建议使用) +---@param whichGroup group +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param radius real +---@param filter boolexpr +---@param countLimit integer +function common.GroupEnumUnitsInRangeCounted(whichGroup,x,y,radius,filter,countLimit) end + +---选取单位添加到单位组(点)(不建议使用) +---@param whichGroup group +---@param whichLocation location +---@param radius real +---@param filter boolexpr +---@param countLimit integer +function common.GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLocCounted(whichGroup,whichLocation,radius,filter,countLimit) end + +---GroupEnumUnitsSelected +---@param whichGroup group +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param filter boolexpr +function common.GroupEnumUnitsSelected(whichGroup,whichPlayer,filter) end + +---发送单位组命令到 没有目标 +---@param whichGroup group +---@param order string +---@return boolean +function common.GroupImmediateOrder(whichGroup,order) end + +---发布命令(无目标)(ID) +---@param whichGroup group +---@param order integer +---@return boolean +function common.GroupImmediateOrderById(whichGroup,order) end + +---发布命令(指定坐标) [R] +---@param whichGroup group +---@param order string +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@return boolean +function common.GroupPointOrder(whichGroup,order,x,y) end + +---发送单位组命令到 点 +---@param whichGroup group +---@param order string +---@param whichLocation location +---@return boolean +function common.GroupPointOrderLoc(whichGroup,order,whichLocation) end + +---发布命令(指定坐标)(ID) +---@param whichGroup group +---@param order integer +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@return boolean +function common.GroupPointOrderById(whichGroup,order,x,y) end + +---发布命令(指定点)(ID) +---@param whichGroup group +---@param order integer +---@param whichLocation location +---@return boolean +function common.GroupPointOrderByIdLoc(whichGroup,order,whichLocation) end + +---发送单位组命令到 单位 +---@param whichGroup group +---@param order string +---@param targetWidget widget +---@return boolean +function common.GroupTargetOrder(whichGroup,order,targetWidget) end + +---发布命令(指定单位)(ID) +---@param whichGroup group +---@param order integer +---@param targetWidget widget +---@return boolean +function common.GroupTargetOrderById(whichGroup,order,targetWidget) end + +---This will be difficult to support with potentially disjoint, cell-based regions +---as it would involve enumerating all the cells that are covered by a particularregion +---a better implementation would be a trigger that adds relevant units as they enter +---and removes them if they leave... +---选取所有单位在单位组做 多动作 +---@param whichGroup group +---@param callback code +function common.ForGroup(whichGroup,callback) end + +---单位组中第一个单位 +---@param whichGroup group +---@return unit +function common.FirstOfGroup(whichGroup) end + +---Force API +---新建玩家组 [R] +---@return force +function common.CreateForce() end + +---删除玩家组 [R] +---@param whichForce force +function common.DestroyForce(whichForce) end + +---添加玩家 [R] +---@param whichForce force +---@param whichPlayer player +function common.ForceAddPlayer(whichForce,whichPlayer) end + +---移除玩家 [R] +---@param whichForce force +---@param whichPlayer player +function common.ForceRemovePlayer(whichForce,whichPlayer) end + +---清除玩家 +---@param whichForce force +function common.ForceClear(whichForce) end + +---ForceEnumPlayers +---@param whichForce force +---@param filter boolexpr +function common.ForceEnumPlayers(whichForce,filter) end + +---ForceEnumPlayersCounted +---@param whichForce force +---@param filter boolexpr +---@param countLimit integer +function common.ForceEnumPlayersCounted(whichForce,filter,countLimit) end + +---ForceEnumAllies +---@param whichForce force +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param filter boolexpr +function common.ForceEnumAllies(whichForce,whichPlayer,filter) end + +---ForceEnumEnemies +---@param whichForce force +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param filter boolexpr +function common.ForceEnumEnemies(whichForce,whichPlayer,filter) end + +---选取所有玩家在玩家组做动作(单一的) +---@param whichForce force +---@param callback code +function common.ForForce(whichForce,callback) end + +---Region and Location API +---将坐标转换为区域 +---@param minx real +---@param miny real +---@param maxx real +---@param maxy real +---@return rect +function common.Rect(minx,miny,maxx,maxy) end + +---将点转换为区域 +---@param min location +---@param max location +---@return rect +function common.RectFromLoc(min,max) end + +---删除矩形区域 [R] +---@param whichRect rect +function common.RemoveRect(whichRect) end + +---设置矩形区域(指定坐标) [R] +---@param whichRect rect +---@param minx real +---@param miny real +---@param maxx real +---@param maxy real +function common.SetRect(whichRect,minx,miny,maxx,maxy) end + +---设置矩形区域(指定点) [R] +---@param whichRect rect +---@param min location +---@param max location +function common.SetRectFromLoc(whichRect,min,max) end + +---移动矩形区域(指定坐标) [R] +---@param whichRect rect +---@param newCenterX real +---@param newCenterY real +function common.MoveRectTo(whichRect,newCenterX,newCenterY) end + +---移动区域 +---@param whichRect rect +---@param newCenterLoc location +function common.MoveRectToLoc(whichRect,newCenterLoc) end + +---区域中心的 X 坐标 +---@param whichRect rect +---@return real +function common.GetRectCenterX(whichRect) end + +---区域中心的 Y 坐标 +---@param whichRect rect +---@return real +function common.GetRectCenterY(whichRect) end + +---区域最小 X 坐标 +---@param whichRect rect +---@return real +function common.GetRectMinX(whichRect) end + +---区域最小 Y 坐标 +---@param whichRect rect +---@return real +function common.GetRectMinY(whichRect) end + +---区域最大 X 坐标 +---@param whichRect rect +---@return real +function common.GetRectMaxX(whichRect) end + +---区域最大 Y 坐标 +---@param whichRect rect +---@return real +function common.GetRectMaxY(whichRect) end + +---新建区域 [R] +---@return region +function common.CreateRegion() end + +---删除不规则区域 [R] +---@param whichRegion region +function common.RemoveRegion(whichRegion) end + +---添加区域 [R] +---@param whichRegion region +---@param r rect +function common.RegionAddRect(whichRegion,r) end + +---移除区域 [R] +---@param whichRegion region +---@param r rect +function common.RegionClearRect(whichRegion,r) end + +---添加单元点(指定坐标) [R] +---@param whichRegion region +---@param x real +---@param y real +function common.RegionAddCell(whichRegion,x,y) end + +---添加单元点(指定点) [R] +---@param whichRegion region +---@param whichLocation location +function common.RegionAddCellAtLoc(whichRegion,whichLocation) end + +---移除单元点(指定坐标) [R] +---@param whichRegion region +---@param x real +---@param y real +function common.RegionClearCell(whichRegion,x,y) end + +---移除单元点(指定点) [R] +---@param whichRegion region +---@param whichLocation location +function common.RegionClearCellAtLoc(whichRegion,whichLocation) end + +---转换坐标到点 +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@return location +function common.Location(x,y) end + +---清除点 [R] +---@param whichLocation location +function common.RemoveLocation(whichLocation) end + +---移动点 [R] +---@param whichLocation location +---@param newX real +---@param newY real +function common.MoveLocation(whichLocation,newX,newY) end + +---X 坐标 +---@param whichLocation location +---@return real +function common.GetLocationX(whichLocation) end + +---Y 坐标 +---@param whichLocation location +---@return real +function common.GetLocationY(whichLocation) end + +---This function is asynchronous. The values it returns are not guaranteed synchronous between each player. +---If you attempt to use it in a synchronous manner, it may cause a desync. +---点的Z轴高度 [R] +---@param whichLocation location +---@return real +function common.GetLocationZ(whichLocation) end + +---单位检查 +---@param whichRegion region +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnitInRegion(whichRegion,whichUnit) end + +---包含坐标 +---@param whichRegion region +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@return boolean +function common.IsPointInRegion(whichRegion,x,y) end + +---包含点 +---@param whichRegion region +---@param whichLocation location +---@return boolean +function common.IsLocationInRegion(whichRegion,whichLocation) end + +---Returns full map bounds, including unplayable borders, in world coordinates +---Returns full map bounds, including unplayable borders, in world coordinates +---@return rect +function common.GetWorldBounds() end + +---Native trigger interface +---新建触发 [R] +---@return trigger +function common.CreateTrigger() end + +---删除触发器 [R] +---@param whichTrigger trigger +function common.DestroyTrigger(whichTrigger) end + +---ResetTrigger +---@param whichTrigger trigger +function common.ResetTrigger(whichTrigger) end + +---打开触发器 +---@param whichTrigger trigger +function common.EnableTrigger(whichTrigger) end + +---关掉触发器 +---@param whichTrigger trigger +function common.DisableTrigger(whichTrigger) end + +---触发器打开 +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@return boolean +function common.IsTriggerEnabled(whichTrigger) end + +---TriggerWaitOnSleeps +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param flag boolean +function common.TriggerWaitOnSleeps(whichTrigger,flag) end + +---IsTriggerWaitOnSleeps +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@return boolean +function common.IsTriggerWaitOnSleeps(whichTrigger) end + +---匹配的单位 +---@return unit +function common.GetFilterUnit() end + +---选取的单位 +---@return unit +function common.GetEnumUnit() end + +---匹配的可毁坏物 +---@return destructable +function common.GetFilterDestructable() end + +---选取的可毁坏物 +---@return destructable +function common.GetEnumDestructable() end + +---匹配的物品 +---@return item +function common.GetFilterItem() end + +---选取的物品 +---@return item +function common.GetEnumItem() end + +---ParseTags +---@param taggedString string +---@return string +function common.ParseTags(taggedString) end + +---匹配的玩家 +---@return player +function common.GetFilterPlayer() end + +---选取的玩家 +---@return player +function common.GetEnumPlayer() end + +---当前触发器 +---@return trigger +function common.GetTriggeringTrigger() end + +---GetTriggerEventId +---@return eventid +function common.GetTriggerEventId() end + +---触发器赋值统计 +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@return integer +function common.GetTriggerEvalCount(whichTrigger) end + +---触发器运行次数统计 +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@return integer +function common.GetTriggerExecCount(whichTrigger) end + +---运行函数 [R] +---@param funcName string +function common.ExecuteFunc(funcName) end + +---Boolean Expr API ( for compositing trigger conditions and unit filter funcs...) +---@param operandA boolexpr +---@param operandB boolexpr +---@return boolexpr +function common.And(operandA,operandB) end + +---Or +---@param operandA boolexpr +---@param operandB boolexpr +---@return boolexpr +function common.Or(operandA,operandB) end + +---Not +---@param operand boolexpr +---@return boolexpr +function common.Not(operand) end + +---限制条件为 +---@param func code +---@return conditionfunc +function common.Condition(func) end + +---DestroyCondition +---@param c conditionfunc +function common.DestroyCondition(c) end + +---Filter +---@param func code +---@return filterfunc +function common.Filter(func) end + +---DestroyFilter +---@param f filterfunc +function common.DestroyFilter(f) end + +---DestroyBoolExpr +---@param e boolexpr +function common.DestroyBoolExpr(e) end + +---变量的值 +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param varName string +---@param opcode limitop +---@param limitval real +---@return event +function common.TriggerRegisterVariableEvent(whichTrigger,varName,opcode,limitval) end + +---Creates it's own timer and triggers when it expires +---Creates it's own timer and triggers when it expires +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param timeout real +---@param periodic boolean +---@return event +function common.TriggerRegisterTimerEvent(whichTrigger,timeout,periodic) end + +---Triggers when the timer you tell it about expires +---Triggers when the timer you tell it about expires +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param t timer +---@return event +function common.TriggerRegisterTimerExpireEvent(whichTrigger,t) end + +---TriggerRegisterGameStateEvent +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param whichState gamestate +---@param opcode limitop +---@param limitval real +---@return event +function common.TriggerRegisterGameStateEvent(whichTrigger,whichState,opcode,limitval) end + +---TriggerRegisterDialogEvent +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param whichDialog dialog +---@return event +function common.TriggerRegisterDialogEvent(whichTrigger,whichDialog) end + +---对话框按钮被点击 [R] +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param whichButton button +---@return event +function common.TriggerRegisterDialogButtonEvent(whichTrigger,whichButton) end + +---EVENT_GAME_STATE_LIMIT +---EVENT_GAME_STATE_LIMIT +---@return gamestate +function common.GetEventGameState() end + +---比赛游戏事件 +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param whichGameEvent gameevent +---@return event +function common.TriggerRegisterGameEvent(whichTrigger,whichGameEvent) end + +---EVENT_GAME_VICTORY +---EVENT_GAME_VICTORY +---@return player +function common.GetWinningPlayer() end + +---单位进入不规则区域(指定条件) [R] +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param whichRegion region +---@param filter boolexpr +---@return event +function common.TriggerRegisterEnterRegion(whichTrigger,whichRegion,filter) end + +---EVENT_GAME_ENTER_REGION +---触发区域 [R] +---@return region +function common.GetTriggeringRegion() end + +---正在进入的单位 +---@return unit +function common.GetEnteringUnit() end + +---单位离开不规则区域(指定条件) [R] +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param whichRegion region +---@param filter boolexpr +---@return event +function common.TriggerRegisterLeaveRegion(whichTrigger,whichRegion,filter) end + +---正在离开的单位 +---@return unit +function common.GetLeavingUnit() end + +---鼠标点击可追踪物 [R] +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param t trackable +---@return event +function common.TriggerRegisterTrackableHitEvent(whichTrigger,t) end + +---鼠标移动到追踪对象 [R] +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param t trackable +---@return event +function common.TriggerRegisterTrackableTrackEvent(whichTrigger,t) end + +---EVENT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICK +---EVENT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICK +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param whichAbility integer +---@param order string +---@return event +function common.TriggerRegisterCommandEvent(whichTrigger,whichAbility,order) end + +---TriggerRegisterUpgradeCommandEvent +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param whichUpgrade integer +---@return event +function common.TriggerRegisterUpgradeCommandEvent(whichTrigger,whichUpgrade) end + +---EVENT_GAME_TRACKABLE_HIT +---EVENT_GAME_TRACKABLE_TRACK +---事件响应 - 触发可追踪物 [R] +---@return trackable +function common.GetTriggeringTrackable() end + +---EVENT_DIALOG_BUTTON_CLICK +---EVENT_DIALOG_BUTTON_CLICK +---@return button +function common.GetClickedButton() end + +---GetClickedDialog +---@return dialog +function common.GetClickedDialog() end + +---EVENT_GAME_TOURNAMENT_FINISH_SOON +---比赛剩余时间 +---@return real +function common.GetTournamentFinishSoonTimeRemaining() end + +---比赛结束规则 +---@return integer +function common.GetTournamentFinishNowRule() end + +---GetTournamentFinishNowPlayer +---@return player +function common.GetTournamentFinishNowPlayer() end + +---对战比赛得分 +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return integer +function common.GetTournamentScore(whichPlayer) end + +---EVENT_GAME_SAVE +---储存游戏文件名 +---@return string +function common.GetSaveBasicFilename() end + +---TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param whichPlayerEvent playerevent +---@return event +function common.TriggerRegisterPlayerEvent(whichTrigger,whichPlayer,whichPlayerEvent) end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_DEFEAT +---EVENT_PLAYER_VICTORY +---触发玩家 +---@return player +function common.GetTriggerPlayer() end + +---TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param whichPlayerUnitEvent playerunitevent +---@param filter boolexpr +---@return event +function common.TriggerRegisterPlayerUnitEvent(whichTrigger,whichPlayer,whichPlayerUnitEvent,filter) end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_LEVEL +---EVENT_UNIT_HERO_LEVEL +---英雄升级 +---@return unit +function common.GetLevelingUnit() end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_SKILL +---EVENT_UNIT_HERO_SKILL +---学习技能的英雄 +---@return unit +function common.GetLearningUnit() end + +---学习技能 [R] +---@return integer +function common.GetLearnedSkill() end + +---学习的技能的等级 +---@return integer +function common.GetLearnedSkillLevel() end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVABLE +---可复活的英雄 +---@return unit +function common.GetRevivableUnit() end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVE_START +---EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVE_CANCEL +---EVENT_PLAYER_HERO_REVIVE_FINISH +---EVENT_UNIT_HERO_REVIVE_START +---EVENT_UNIT_HERO_REVIVE_CANCEL +---EVENT_UNIT_HERO_REVIVE_FINISH +---复活英雄 +---@return unit +function common.GetRevivingUnit() end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ATTACKED +---攻击的单位 +---@return unit +function common.GetAttacker() end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESCUED +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESCUED +---@return unit +function common.GetRescuer() end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DEATH +---垂死的单位 +---@return unit +function common.GetDyingUnit() end + +---GetKillingUnit +---@return unit +function common.GetKillingUnit() end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DECAY +---尸体腐烂单位 +---@return unit +function common.GetDecayingUnit() end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_START +---正在建造的建筑 +---@return unit +function common.GetConstructingStructure() end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_FINISH +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CONSTRUCT_CANCEL +---取消建造中的建筑 +---@return unit +function common.GetCancelledStructure() end + +---已建造的建筑 +---@return unit +function common.GetConstructedStructure() end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESEARCH_START +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESEARCH_CANCEL +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_RESEARCH_FINISH +---研究科技单位 +---@return unit +function common.GetResearchingUnit() end + +---研究的 科技-类型 +---@return integer +function common.GetResearched() end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_TRAIN_START +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_TRAIN_CANCEL +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_TRAIN_FINISH +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_TRAIN_FINISH +---@return integer +function common.GetTrainedUnitType() end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_TRAIN_FINISH +---@return unit +function common.GetTrainedUnit() end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DETECTED +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DETECTED +---@return unit +function common.GetDetectedUnit() end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SUMMONED +---正在召唤的单位 +---@return unit +function common.GetSummoningUnit() end + +---已召唤单位 +---@return unit +function common.GetSummonedUnit() end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_LOADED +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_LOADED +---@return unit +function common.GetTransportUnit() end + +---GetLoadedUnit +---@return unit +function common.GetLoadedUnit() end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELL +---出售单位 +---@return unit +function common.GetSellingUnit() end + +---被出售单位 +---@return unit +function common.GetSoldUnit() end + +---在购买的单位 +---@return unit +function common.GetBuyingUnit() end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SELL_ITEM +---卖出的物品 +---@return item +function common.GetSoldItem() end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_CHANGE_OWNER +---改变了所有者的单位 +---@return unit +function common.GetChangingUnit() end + +---前一个所有者 +---@return player +function common.GetChangingUnitPrevOwner() end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_DROP_ITEM +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_PICKUP_ITEM +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_USE_ITEM +---英雄操作物品 +---@return unit +function common.GetManipulatingUnit() end + +---物品存在操作 +---@return item +function common.GetManipulatedItem() end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_ORDER +---收到命令的单位 +---@return unit +function common.GetOrderedUnit() end + +---GetIssuedOrderId +---@return integer +function common.GetIssuedOrderId() end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_POINT_ORDER +---命令发布点X坐标 [R] +---@return real +function common.GetOrderPointX() end + +---命令发布点Y坐标 [R] +---@return real +function common.GetOrderPointY() end + +---目标的位置 +---@return location +function common.GetOrderPointLoc() end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ISSUED_TARGET_ORDER +---@return widget +function common.GetOrderTarget() end + +---目标的可毁坏物 +---@return destructable +function common.GetOrderTargetDestructable() end + +---目标的物品 +---@return item +function common.GetOrderTargetItem() end + +---目标的单位 +---@return unit +function common.GetOrderTargetUnit() end + +---EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_CHANNEL +---EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_CAST +---EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT +---EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_FINISH +---EVENT_UNIT_SPELL_ENDCAST +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_CHANNEL +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_CAST +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_EFFECT +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_FINISH +---EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_SPELL_ENDCAST +---技能单位 +---@return unit +function common.GetSpellAbilityUnit() end + +---使用的技能 +---@return integer +function common.GetSpellAbilityId() end + +---使用的技能 +---@return ability +function common.GetSpellAbility() end + +---对其使用技能的目标点 +---@return location +function common.GetSpellTargetLoc() end + +---GetSpellTargetX +---@return real +function common.GetSpellTargetX() end + +---GetSpellTargetY +---@return real +function common.GetSpellTargetY() end + +---对其使用技能的目标可毁坏物 +---@return destructable +function common.GetSpellTargetDestructable() end + +---对其使用技能的目标物品 +---@return item +function common.GetSpellTargetItem() end + +---对其使用技能的目标单位 +---@return unit +function common.GetSpellTargetUnit() end + +---联盟状态改变(特殊) +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param whichAlliance alliancetype +---@return event +function common.TriggerRegisterPlayerAllianceChange(whichTrigger,whichPlayer,whichAlliance) end + +---属性 +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param whichState playerstate +---@param opcode limitop +---@param limitval real +---@return event +function common.TriggerRegisterPlayerStateEvent(whichTrigger,whichPlayer,whichState,opcode,limitval) end + +---EVENT_PLAYER_STATE_LIMIT +---EVENT_PLAYER_STATE_LIMIT +---@return playerstate +function common.GetEventPlayerState() end + +---玩家输入聊天信息 +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param chatMessageToDetect string +---@param exactMatchOnly boolean +---@return event +function common.TriggerRegisterPlayerChatEvent(whichTrigger,whichPlayer,chatMessageToDetect,exactMatchOnly) end + +---returns the actual string they typed in ( same as what you registered for +---if you required exact match ) +---输入的聊天字符 +---@return string +function common.GetEventPlayerChatString() end + +---returns the string that you registered for +---匹配的聊天字符 +---@return string +function common.GetEventPlayerChatStringMatched() end + +---可毁坏物死亡 +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param whichWidget widget +---@return event +function common.TriggerRegisterDeathEvent(whichTrigger,whichWidget) end + +---触发单位 +---@return unit +function common.GetTriggerUnit() end + +---TriggerRegisterUnitStateEvent +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichState unitstate +---@param opcode limitop +---@param limitval real +---@return event +function common.TriggerRegisterUnitStateEvent(whichTrigger,whichUnit,whichState,opcode,limitval) end + +---EVENT_UNIT_STATE_LIMIT +---EVENT_UNIT_STATE_LIMIT +---获取单位状态 +---@return unitstate +function common.GetEventUnitState() end + +---详细单位的事件 +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichEvent unitevent +---@return event +function common.TriggerRegisterUnitEvent(whichTrigger,whichUnit,whichEvent) end + +---EVENT_UNIT_DAMAGED +---被伤害的生命值 +---@return real +function common.GetEventDamage() end + +---伤害来源 +---@return unit +function common.GetEventDamageSource() end + +---EVENT_UNIT_DETECTED +---EVENT_UNIT_DETECTED +---@return player +function common.GetEventDetectingPlayer() end + +---TriggerRegisterFilterUnitEvent +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichEvent unitevent +---@param filter boolexpr +---@return event +function common.TriggerRegisterFilterUnitEvent(whichTrigger,whichUnit,whichEvent,filter) end + +---EVENT_UNIT_ACQUIRED_TARGET +---EVENT_UNIT_TARGET_IN_RANGE +---目标单位 +---@return unit +function common.GetEventTargetUnit() end + +---TriggerRegisterUnitInRange +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param range real +---@param filter boolexpr +---@return event +function common.TriggerRegisterUnitInRange(whichTrigger,whichUnit,range,filter) end + +---添加触发器限制条件 +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param condition boolexpr +---@return triggercondition +function common.TriggerAddCondition(whichTrigger,condition) end + +---TriggerRemoveCondition +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param whichCondition triggercondition +function common.TriggerRemoveCondition(whichTrigger,whichCondition) end + +---TriggerClearConditions +---@param whichTrigger trigger +function common.TriggerClearConditions(whichTrigger) end + +---添加触发器动作 +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param actionFunc code +---@return triggeraction +function common.TriggerAddAction(whichTrigger,actionFunc) end + +---TriggerRemoveAction +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@param whichAction triggeraction +function common.TriggerRemoveAction(whichTrigger,whichAction) end + +---TriggerClearActions +---@param whichTrigger trigger +function common.TriggerClearActions(whichTrigger) end + +---等待 +---@param timeout real +function common.TriggerSleepAction(timeout) end + +---TriggerWaitForSound +---@param s sound +---@param offset real +function common.TriggerWaitForSound(s,offset) end + +---触发器条件成立 +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@return boolean +function common.TriggerEvaluate(whichTrigger) end + +---运行触发器 (忽略条件) +---@param whichTrigger trigger +function common.TriggerExecute(whichTrigger) end + +---TriggerExecuteWait +---@param whichTrigger trigger +function common.TriggerExecuteWait(whichTrigger) end + +---TriggerSyncStart +function common.TriggerSyncStart() end + +---TriggerSyncReady +function common.TriggerSyncReady() end + +---Widget API +---Widget API +---@param whichWidget widget +---@return real +function common.GetWidgetLife(whichWidget) end + +---SetWidgetLife +---@param whichWidget widget +---@param newLife real +function common.SetWidgetLife(whichWidget,newLife) end + +---GetWidgetX +---@param whichWidget widget +---@return real +function common.GetWidgetX(whichWidget) end + +---GetWidgetY +---@param whichWidget widget +---@return real +function common.GetWidgetY(whichWidget) end + +---GetTriggerWidget +---@return widget +function common.GetTriggerWidget() end + +---Destructable Object API +---Facing arguments are specified in degrees +---Facing arguments are specified in degrees +---@param objectid integer +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param face real +---@param scale real +---@param variation integer +---@return destructable +function common.CreateDestructable(objectid,x,y,face,scale,variation) end + +---新建可破坏物 [R] +---@param objectid integer +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param z real +---@param face real +---@param scale real +---@param variation integer +---@return destructable +function common.CreateDestructableZ(objectid,x,y,z,face,scale,variation) end + +---CreateDeadDestructable +---@param objectid integer +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param face real +---@param scale real +---@param variation integer +---@return destructable +function common.CreateDeadDestructable(objectid,x,y,face,scale,variation) end + +---新建可破坏物(死亡的) [R] +---@param objectid integer +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param z real +---@param face real +---@param scale real +---@param variation integer +---@return destructable +function common.CreateDeadDestructableZ(objectid,x,y,z,face,scale,variation) end + +---删除 可毁坏物 +---@param d destructable +function common.RemoveDestructable(d) end + +---杀死 可毁坏物 +---@param d destructable +function common.KillDestructable(d) end + +---SetDestructableInvulnerable +---@param d destructable +---@param flag boolean +function common.SetDestructableInvulnerable(d,flag) end + +---IsDestructableInvulnerable +---@param d destructable +---@return boolean +function common.IsDestructableInvulnerable(d) end + +---EnumDestructablesInRect +---@param r rect +---@param filter boolexpr +---@param actionFunc code +function common.EnumDestructablesInRect(r,filter,actionFunc) end + +---建筑的类型 +---@param d destructable +---@return integer +function common.GetDestructableTypeId(d) end + +---可破坏物所在X轴坐标 [R] +---@param d destructable +---@return real +function common.GetDestructableX(d) end + +---可破坏物所在Y轴坐标 [R] +---@param d destructable +---@return real +function common.GetDestructableY(d) end + +---设置 可毁坏物 生命 (值) +---@param d destructable +---@param life real +function common.SetDestructableLife(d,life) end + +---生命值 (可毁坏物) +---@param d destructable +---@return real +function common.GetDestructableLife(d) end + +---SetDestructableMaxLife +---@param d destructable +---@param max real +function common.SetDestructableMaxLife(d,max) end + +---最大生命值 (可毁坏物) +---@param d destructable +---@return real +function common.GetDestructableMaxLife(d) end + +---复活 可毁坏物 +---@param d destructable +---@param life real +---@param birth boolean +function common.DestructableRestoreLife(d,life,birth) end + +---QueueDestructableAnimation +---@param d destructable +---@param whichAnimation string +function common.QueueDestructableAnimation(d,whichAnimation) end + +---SetDestructableAnimation +---@param d destructable +---@param whichAnimation string +function common.SetDestructableAnimation(d,whichAnimation) end + +---改变可破坏物动画播放速度 [R] +---@param d destructable +---@param speedFactor real +function common.SetDestructableAnimationSpeed(d,speedFactor) end + +---显示/隐藏 [R] +---@param d destructable +---@param flag boolean +function common.ShowDestructable(d,flag) end + +---闭塞高度 (可毁坏物) +---@param d destructable +---@return real +function common.GetDestructableOccluderHeight(d) end + +---设置闭塞高度 +---@param d destructable +---@param height real +function common.SetDestructableOccluderHeight(d,height) end + +---可毁坏物的名字 +---@param d destructable +---@return string +function common.GetDestructableName(d) end + +---GetTriggerDestructable +---@return destructable +function common.GetTriggerDestructable() end + +---Item API +---创建 +---@param itemid integer +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@return item +function common.CreateItem(itemid,x,y) end + +---删除物品 +---@param whichItem item +function common.RemoveItem(whichItem) end + +---物品的所有者 +---@param whichItem item +---@return player +function common.GetItemPlayer(whichItem) end + +---物品的类别 +---@param i item +---@return integer +function common.GetItemTypeId(i) end + +---物品的X轴坐标 [R] +---@param i item +---@return real +function common.GetItemX(i) end + +---物品的Y轴坐标 [R] +---@param i item +---@return real +function common.GetItemY(i) end + +---移动物品到坐标(立即)(指定坐标) [R] +---@param i item +---@param x real +---@param y real +function common.SetItemPosition(i,x,y) end + +---SetItemDropOnDeath +---@param whichItem item +---@param flag boolean +function common.SetItemDropOnDeath(whichItem,flag) end + +---SetItemDroppable +---@param i item +---@param flag boolean +function common.SetItemDroppable(i,flag) end + +---设置物品能否变卖 +---@param i item +---@param flag boolean +function common.SetItemPawnable(i,flag) end + +---SetItemPlayer +---@param whichItem item +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param changeColor boolean +function common.SetItemPlayer(whichItem,whichPlayer,changeColor) end + +---SetItemInvulnerable +---@param whichItem item +---@param flag boolean +function common.SetItemInvulnerable(whichItem,flag) end + +---物品是无敌的 +---@param whichItem item +---@return boolean +function common.IsItemInvulnerable(whichItem) end + +---显示/隐藏 [R] +---@param whichItem item +---@param show boolean +function common.SetItemVisible(whichItem,show) end + +---物品可见 [R] +---@param whichItem item +---@return boolean +function common.IsItemVisible(whichItem) end + +---物品所有者 +---@param whichItem item +---@return boolean +function common.IsItemOwned(whichItem) end + +---物品是拾取时自动使用的 [R] +---@param whichItem item +---@return boolean +function common.IsItemPowerup(whichItem) end + +---物品可被市场随机出售 [R] +---@param whichItem item +---@return boolean +function common.IsItemSellable(whichItem) end + +---物品可被抵押 [R] +---@param whichItem item +---@return boolean +function common.IsItemPawnable(whichItem) end + +---IsItemIdPowerup +---@param itemId integer +---@return boolean +function common.IsItemIdPowerup(itemId) end + +---IsItemIdSellable +---@param itemId integer +---@return boolean +function common.IsItemIdSellable(itemId) end + +---IsItemIdPawnable +---@param itemId integer +---@return boolean +function common.IsItemIdPawnable(itemId) end + +---EnumItemsInRect +---@param r rect +---@param filter boolexpr +---@param actionFunc code +function common.EnumItemsInRect(r,filter,actionFunc) end + +---物品等级 +---@param whichItem item +---@return integer +function common.GetItemLevel(whichItem) end + +---GetItemType +---@param whichItem item +---@return itemtype +function common.GetItemType(whichItem) end + +---设置重生神符的产生单位类型 +---@param whichItem item +---@param unitId integer +function common.SetItemDropID(whichItem,unitId) end + +---物品名 +---@param whichItem item +---@return string +function common.GetItemName(whichItem) end + +---物品的数量 +---@param whichItem item +---@return integer +function common.GetItemCharges(whichItem) end + +---设置物品数量[使用次数] +---@param whichItem item +---@param charges integer +function common.SetItemCharges(whichItem,charges) end + +---物品自定义值 +---@param whichItem item +---@return integer +function common.GetItemUserData(whichItem) end + +---设置物品自定义数据 +---@param whichItem item +---@param data integer +function common.SetItemUserData(whichItem,data) end + +---Unit API +---Facing arguments are specified in degrees +---新建单位(指定坐标) [R] +---@param id player +---@param unitid integer +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param face real +---@return unit +function common.CreateUnit(id,unitid,x,y,face) end + +---CreateUnitByName +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param unitname string +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param face real +---@return unit +function common.CreateUnitByName(whichPlayer,unitname,x,y,face) end + +---新建单位(指定点) [R] +---@param id player +---@param unitid integer +---@param whichLocation location +---@param face real +---@return unit +function common.CreateUnitAtLoc(id,unitid,whichLocation,face) end + +---CreateUnitAtLocByName +---@param id player +---@param unitname string +---@param whichLocation location +---@param face real +---@return unit +function common.CreateUnitAtLocByName(id,unitname,whichLocation,face) end + +---新建尸体 [R] +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param unitid integer +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param face real +---@return unit +function common.CreateCorpse(whichPlayer,unitid,x,y,face) end + +---杀死单位 +---@param whichUnit unit +function common.KillUnit(whichUnit) end + +---删除单位 +---@param whichUnit unit +function common.RemoveUnit(whichUnit) end + +---显示/隐藏 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param show boolean +function common.ShowUnit(whichUnit,show) end + +---设置单位属性 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichUnitState unitstate +---@param newVal real +function common.SetUnitState(whichUnit,whichUnitState,newVal) end + +---设置X坐标 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param newX real +function common.SetUnitX(whichUnit,newX) end + +---设置Y坐标 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param newY real +function common.SetUnitY(whichUnit,newY) end + +---移动单位(立即)(指定坐标) [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param newX real +---@param newY real +function common.SetUnitPosition(whichUnit,newX,newY) end + +---移动单位 (立刻) +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichLocation location +function common.SetUnitPositionLoc(whichUnit,whichLocation) end + +---设置单位面向角度 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param facingAngle real +function common.SetUnitFacing(whichUnit,facingAngle) end + +---设置单位面对角度 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param facingAngle real +---@param duration real +function common.SetUnitFacingTimed(whichUnit,facingAngle,duration) end + +---设置单位移动速度 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param newSpeed real +function common.SetUnitMoveSpeed(whichUnit,newSpeed) end + +---SetUnitFlyHeight +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param newHeight real +---@param rate real +function common.SetUnitFlyHeight(whichUnit,newHeight,rate) end + +---SetUnitTurnSpeed +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param newTurnSpeed real +function common.SetUnitTurnSpeed(whichUnit,newTurnSpeed) end + +---改变单位转向角度(弧度制) [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param newPropWindowAngle real +function common.SetUnitPropWindow(whichUnit,newPropWindowAngle) end + +---SetUnitAcquireRange +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param newAcquireRange real +function common.SetUnitAcquireRange(whichUnit,newAcquireRange) end + +---锁定指定单位的警戒点 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param creepGuard boolean +function common.SetUnitCreepGuard(whichUnit,creepGuard) end + +---单位射程 (当前) +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return real +function common.GetUnitAcquireRange(whichUnit) end + +---转向速度 (当前) +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return real +function common.GetUnitTurnSpeed(whichUnit) end + +---当前转向角度(弧度制) [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return real +function common.GetUnitPropWindow(whichUnit) end + +---飞行高度 (当前) +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return real +function common.GetUnitFlyHeight(whichUnit) end + +---单位射程 (默认) +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return real +function common.GetUnitDefaultAcquireRange(whichUnit) end + +---转向速度 (默认) +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return real +function common.GetUnitDefaultTurnSpeed(whichUnit) end + +---GetUnitDefaultPropWindow +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return real +function common.GetUnitDefaultPropWindow(whichUnit) end + +---飞行高度 (默认) +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return real +function common.GetUnitDefaultFlyHeight(whichUnit) end + +---改变单位所有者 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param changeColor boolean +function common.SetUnitOwner(whichUnit,whichPlayer,changeColor) end + +---改变单位颜色 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichColor playercolor +function common.SetUnitColor(whichUnit,whichColor) end + +---改变单位尺寸(按倍数) [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param scaleX real +---@param scaleY real +---@param scaleZ real +function common.SetUnitScale(whichUnit,scaleX,scaleY,scaleZ) end + +---改变单位动画播放速度(按倍数) [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param timeScale real +function common.SetUnitTimeScale(whichUnit,timeScale) end + +---SetUnitBlendTime +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param blendTime real +function common.SetUnitBlendTime(whichUnit,blendTime) end + +---改变单位的颜色(RGB:0-255) [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param red integer +---@param green integer +---@param blue integer +---@param alpha integer +function common.SetUnitVertexColor(whichUnit,red,green,blue,alpha) end + +---QueueUnitAnimation +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichAnimation string +function common.QueueUnitAnimation(whichUnit,whichAnimation) end + +---播放单位动作 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichAnimation string +function common.SetUnitAnimation(whichUnit,whichAnimation) end + +---播放单位指定序号动动作 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichAnimation integer +function common.SetUnitAnimationByIndex(whichUnit,whichAnimation) end + +---播放单位动作 (指定概率) +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichAnimation string +---@param rarity raritycontrol +function common.SetUnitAnimationWithRarity(whichUnit,whichAnimation,rarity) end + +---添加/删除 单位动画附加名 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param animProperties string +---@param add boolean +function common.AddUnitAnimationProperties(whichUnit,animProperties,add) end + +---锁定单位脸面对方向 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichBone string +---@param lookAtTarget unit +---@param offsetX real +---@param offsetY real +---@param offsetZ real +function common.SetUnitLookAt(whichUnit,whichBone,lookAtTarget,offsetX,offsetY,offsetZ) end + +---重置单位面对方向 +---@param whichUnit unit +function common.ResetUnitLookAt(whichUnit) end + +---设置可否营救(对玩家) [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param byWhichPlayer player +---@param flag boolean +function common.SetUnitRescuable(whichUnit,byWhichPlayer,flag) end + +---设置营救单位的营救距离 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param range real +function common.SetUnitRescueRange(whichUnit,range) end + +---设置英雄力量 [R] +---@param whichHero unit +---@param newStr integer +---@param permanent boolean +function common.SetHeroStr(whichHero,newStr,permanent) end + +---设置英雄敏捷 [R] +---@param whichHero unit +---@param newAgi integer +---@param permanent boolean +function common.SetHeroAgi(whichHero,newAgi,permanent) end + +---设置英雄智力 [R] +---@param whichHero unit +---@param newInt integer +---@param permanent boolean +function common.SetHeroInt(whichHero,newInt,permanent) end + +---英雄力量 [R] +---@param whichHero unit +---@param includeBonuses boolean +---@return integer +function common.GetHeroStr(whichHero,includeBonuses) end + +---英雄敏捷 [R] +---@param whichHero unit +---@param includeBonuses boolean +---@return integer +function common.GetHeroAgi(whichHero,includeBonuses) end + +---英雄智力 [R] +---@param whichHero unit +---@param includeBonuses boolean +---@return integer +function common.GetHeroInt(whichHero,includeBonuses) end + +---降低等级 [R] +---@param whichHero unit +---@param howManyLevels integer +---@return boolean +function common.UnitStripHeroLevel(whichHero,howManyLevels) end + +---英雄的经验值 +---@param whichHero unit +---@return integer +function common.GetHeroXP(whichHero) end + +---设置英雄经验值 +---@param whichHero unit +---@param newXpVal integer +---@param showEyeCandy boolean +function common.SetHeroXP(whichHero,newXpVal,showEyeCandy) end + +---未用完的技能点数 +---@param whichHero unit +---@return integer +function common.GetHeroSkillPoints(whichHero) end + +---添加剩余技能点 [R] +---@param whichHero unit +---@param skillPointDelta integer +---@return boolean +function common.UnitModifySkillPoints(whichHero,skillPointDelta) end + +---增加经验值 [R] +---@param whichHero unit +---@param xpToAdd integer +---@param showEyeCandy boolean +function common.AddHeroXP(whichHero,xpToAdd,showEyeCandy) end + +---设置英雄等级 +---@param whichHero unit +---@param level integer +---@param showEyeCandy boolean +function common.SetHeroLevel(whichHero,level,showEyeCandy) end + +---英雄等级 +---@param whichHero unit +---@return integer +function common.GetHeroLevel(whichHero) end + +---单位等级 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return integer +function common.GetUnitLevel(whichUnit) end + +---英雄的姓名 +---@param whichHero unit +---@return string +function common.GetHeroProperName(whichHero) end + +---允许/禁止经验获取 [R] +---@param whichHero unit +---@param flag boolean +function common.SuspendHeroXP(whichHero,flag) end + +---英雄获得经验值 +---@param whichHero unit +---@return boolean +function common.IsSuspendedXP(whichHero) end + +---英雄学习技能 +---@param whichHero unit +---@param abilcode integer +function common.SelectHeroSkill(whichHero,abilcode) end + +---单位技能等级 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param abilcode integer +---@return integer +function common.GetUnitAbilityLevel(whichUnit,abilcode) end + +---降低技能等级 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param abilcode integer +---@return integer +function common.DecUnitAbilityLevel(whichUnit,abilcode) end + +---提升技能等级 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param abilcode integer +---@return integer +function common.IncUnitAbilityLevel(whichUnit,abilcode) end + +---设置技能等级 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param abilcode integer +---@param level integer +---@return integer +function common.SetUnitAbilityLevel(whichUnit,abilcode,level) end + +---立即复活(指定坐标) [R] +---@param whichHero unit +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param doEyecandy boolean +---@return boolean +function common.ReviveHero(whichHero,x,y,doEyecandy) end + +---复活英雄(立即) +---@param whichHero unit +---@param loc location +---@param doEyecandy boolean +---@return boolean +function common.ReviveHeroLoc(whichHero,loc,doEyecandy) end + +---SetUnitExploded +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param exploded boolean +function common.SetUnitExploded(whichUnit,exploded) end + +---设置单位 无敌/可攻击 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param flag boolean +function common.SetUnitInvulnerable(whichUnit,flag) end + +---暂停/恢复 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param flag boolean +function common.PauseUnit(whichUnit,flag) end + +---IsUnitPaused +---@param whichHero unit +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnitPaused(whichHero) end + +---设置碰撞 打开/关闭 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param flag boolean +function common.SetUnitPathing(whichUnit,flag) end + +---清除所有选定 +function common.ClearSelection() end + +---SelectUnit +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param flag boolean +function common.SelectUnit(whichUnit,flag) end + +---单位的 附加值 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return integer +function common.GetUnitPointValue(whichUnit) end + +---单位-类型的 附加值 +---@param unitType integer +---@return integer +function common.GetUnitPointValueByType(unitType) end + +---给予物品 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichItem item +---@return boolean +function common.UnitAddItem(whichUnit,whichItem) end + +---UnitAddItemById +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param itemId integer +---@return item +function common.UnitAddItemById(whichUnit,itemId) end + +---新建物品到指定物品栏 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param itemId integer +---@param itemSlot integer +---@return boolean +function common.UnitAddItemToSlotById(whichUnit,itemId,itemSlot) end + +---UnitRemoveItem +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichItem item +function common.UnitRemoveItem(whichUnit,whichItem) end + +---UnitRemoveItemFromSlot +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param itemSlot integer +---@return item +function common.UnitRemoveItemFromSlot(whichUnit,itemSlot) end + +---英雄已有物品 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichItem item +---@return boolean +function common.UnitHasItem(whichUnit,whichItem) end + +---单位持有物品 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param itemSlot integer +---@return item +function common.UnitItemInSlot(whichUnit,itemSlot) end + +---UnitInventorySize +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return integer +function common.UnitInventorySize(whichUnit) end + +---发布丢弃物品命令(指定坐标) [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichItem item +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@return boolean +function common.UnitDropItemPoint(whichUnit,whichItem,x,y) end + +---移动物品到物品栏 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichItem item +---@param slot integer +---@return boolean +function common.UnitDropItemSlot(whichUnit,whichItem,slot) end + +---UnitDropItemTarget +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichItem item +---@param target widget +---@return boolean +function common.UnitDropItemTarget(whichUnit,whichItem,target) end + +---使用物品 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichItem item +---@return boolean +function common.UnitUseItem(whichUnit,whichItem) end + +---使用物品(指定坐标) +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichItem item +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@return boolean +function common.UnitUseItemPoint(whichUnit,whichItem,x,y) end + +---对单位使用物品 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichItem item +---@param target widget +---@return boolean +function common.UnitUseItemTarget(whichUnit,whichItem,target) end + +---单位所在X轴坐标 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return real +function common.GetUnitX(whichUnit) end + +---单位所在Y轴坐标 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return real +function common.GetUnitY(whichUnit) end + +---单位的位置 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return location +function common.GetUnitLoc(whichUnit) end + +---单位面向角度 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return real +function common.GetUnitFacing(whichUnit) end + +---单位移动速度 (当前) +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return real +function common.GetUnitMoveSpeed(whichUnit) end + +---单位移动速度 (默认) +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return real +function common.GetUnitDefaultMoveSpeed(whichUnit) end + +---属性 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichUnitState unitstate +---@return real +function common.GetUnitState(whichUnit,whichUnitState) end + +---单位的所有者 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return player +function common.GetOwningPlayer(whichUnit) end + +---单位的类型 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return integer +function common.GetUnitTypeId(whichUnit) end + +---单位的种族 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return race +function common.GetUnitRace(whichUnit) end + +---单位名字 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return string +function common.GetUnitName(whichUnit) end + +---GetUnitFoodUsed +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return integer +function common.GetUnitFoodUsed(whichUnit) end + +---GetUnitFoodMade +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return integer +function common.GetUnitFoodMade(whichUnit) end + +---单位-类型 提供的人口 +---@param unitId integer +---@return integer +function common.GetFoodMade(unitId) end + +---单位-类型 使用的人口 +---@param unitId integer +---@return integer +function common.GetFoodUsed(unitId) end + +---允许/禁止 人口占用 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param useFood boolean +function common.SetUnitUseFood(whichUnit,useFood) end + +---聚集点 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return location +function common.GetUnitRallyPoint(whichUnit) end + +---拥有源聚集点单位 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return unit +function common.GetUnitRallyUnit(whichUnit) end + +---单位 聚集点 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return destructable +function common.GetUnitRallyDestructable(whichUnit) end + +---单位在 单位组 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichGroup group +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnitInGroup(whichUnit,whichGroup) end + +---是玩家组里玩家的单位 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichForce force +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnitInForce(whichUnit,whichForce) end + +---是玩家的单位 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnitOwnedByPlayer(whichUnit,whichPlayer) end + +---单位所属玩家的同盟玩家 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnitAlly(whichUnit,whichPlayer) end + +---单位所属玩家的敌对玩家 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnitEnemy(whichUnit,whichPlayer) end + +---单位对于玩家可见 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnitVisible(whichUnit,whichPlayer) end + +---被检测到 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnitDetected(whichUnit,whichPlayer) end + +---单位对于玩家不可见 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnitInvisible(whichUnit,whichPlayer) end + +---单位被战争迷雾遮挡 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnitFogged(whichUnit,whichPlayer) end + +---单位被黑色阴影遮挡 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnitMasked(whichUnit,whichPlayer) end + +---玩家已选定单位 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnitSelected(whichUnit,whichPlayer) end + +---单位种族检查 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichRace race +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnitRace(whichUnit,whichRace) end + +---检查单位 分类 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichUnitType unittype +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnitType(whichUnit,whichUnitType) end + +---IsUnit +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichSpecifiedUnit unit +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnit(whichUnit,whichSpecifiedUnit) end + +---在指定单位范围内 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param otherUnit unit +---@param distance real +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnitInRange(whichUnit,otherUnit,distance) end + +---在指定坐标范围内 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param distance real +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnitInRangeXY(whichUnit,x,y,distance) end + +---在指定点范围内 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichLocation location +---@param distance real +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnitInRangeLoc(whichUnit,whichLocation,distance) end + +---IsUnitHidden +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnitHidden(whichUnit) end + +---IsUnitIllusion +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnitIllusion(whichUnit) end + +---IsUnitInTransport +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichTransport unit +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnitInTransport(whichUnit,whichTransport) end + +---IsUnitLoaded +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnitLoaded(whichUnit) end + +---单位类型是英雄单位 +---@param unitId integer +---@return boolean +function common.IsHeroUnitId(unitId) end + +---检查单位-类型 分类 +---@param unitId integer +---@param whichUnitType unittype +---@return boolean +function common.IsUnitIdType(unitId,whichUnitType) end + +---共享视野 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param share boolean +function common.UnitShareVision(whichUnit,whichPlayer,share) end + +---暂停尸体腐烂 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param suspend boolean +function common.UnitSuspendDecay(whichUnit,suspend) end + +---添加类别 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichUnitType unittype +---@return boolean +function common.UnitAddType(whichUnit,whichUnitType) end + +---删除类别 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param whichUnitType unittype +---@return boolean +function common.UnitRemoveType(whichUnit,whichUnitType) end + +---添加技能 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param abilityId integer +---@return boolean +function common.UnitAddAbility(whichUnit,abilityId) end + +---删除技能 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param abilityId integer +---@return boolean +function common.UnitRemoveAbility(whichUnit,abilityId) end + +---设置技能永久性 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param permanent boolean +---@param abilityId integer +---@return boolean +function common.UnitMakeAbilityPermanent(whichUnit,permanent,abilityId) end + +---删除魔法效果(指定极性) [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param removePositive boolean +---@param removeNegative boolean +function common.UnitRemoveBuffs(whichUnit,removePositive,removeNegative) end + +---删除魔法效果(详细类别) [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param removePositive boolean +---@param removeNegative boolean +---@param magic boolean +---@param physical boolean +---@param timedLife boolean +---@param aura boolean +---@param autoDispel boolean +function common.UnitRemoveBuffsEx(whichUnit,removePositive,removeNegative,magic,physical,timedLife,aura,autoDispel) end + +---UnitHasBuffsEx +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param removePositive boolean +---@param removeNegative boolean +---@param magic boolean +---@param physical boolean +---@param timedLife boolean +---@param aura boolean +---@param autoDispel boolean +---@return boolean +function common.UnitHasBuffsEx(whichUnit,removePositive,removeNegative,magic,physical,timedLife,aura,autoDispel) end + +---拥有Buff数量 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param removePositive boolean +---@param removeNegative boolean +---@param magic boolean +---@param physical boolean +---@param timedLife boolean +---@param aura boolean +---@param autoDispel boolean +---@return integer +function common.UnitCountBuffsEx(whichUnit,removePositive,removeNegative,magic,physical,timedLife,aura,autoDispel) end + +---UnitAddSleep +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param add boolean +function common.UnitAddSleep(whichUnit,add) end + +---UnitCanSleep +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return boolean +function common.UnitCanSleep(whichUnit) end + +---设置单位睡眠(无论何时) +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param add boolean +function common.UnitAddSleepPerm(whichUnit,add) end + +---单位在睡觉 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return boolean +function common.UnitCanSleepPerm(whichUnit) end + +---UnitIsSleeping +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return boolean +function common.UnitIsSleeping(whichUnit) end + +---UnitWakeUp +---@param whichUnit unit +function common.UnitWakeUp(whichUnit) end + +---设置生命周期 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param buffId integer +---@param duration real +function common.UnitApplyTimedLife(whichUnit,buffId,duration) end + +---UnitIgnoreAlarm +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param flag boolean +---@return boolean +function common.UnitIgnoreAlarm(whichUnit,flag) end + +---UnitIgnoreAlarmToggled +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return boolean +function common.UnitIgnoreAlarmToggled(whichUnit) end + +---重设单位技能Cooldown +---@param whichUnit unit +function common.UnitResetCooldown(whichUnit) end + +---设置建筑物 建筑升级比 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param constructionPercentage integer +function common.UnitSetConstructionProgress(whichUnit,constructionPercentage) end + +---设置建筑物 科技升级比 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param upgradePercentage integer +function common.UnitSetUpgradeProgress(whichUnit,upgradePercentage) end + +---暂停/恢复生命周期 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param flag boolean +function common.UnitPauseTimedLife(whichUnit,flag) end + +---UnitSetUsesAltIcon +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param flag boolean +function common.UnitSetUsesAltIcon(whichUnit,flag) end + +---伤害区域 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param delay real +---@param radius real +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param amount real +---@param attack boolean +---@param ranged boolean +---@param attackType attacktype +---@param damageType damagetype +---@param weaponType weapontype +---@return boolean +function common.UnitDamagePoint(whichUnit,delay,radius,x,y,amount,attack,ranged,attackType,damageType,weaponType) end + +---伤害目标 [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param target widget +---@param amount real +---@param attack boolean +---@param ranged boolean +---@param attackType attacktype +---@param damageType damagetype +---@param weaponType weapontype +---@return boolean +function common.UnitDamageTarget(whichUnit,target,amount,attack,ranged,attackType,damageType,weaponType) end + +---给单位发送命令到 没有目标 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param order string +---@return boolean +function common.IssueImmediateOrder(whichUnit,order) end + +---发布命令(无目标)(ID) +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param order integer +---@return boolean +function common.IssueImmediateOrderById(whichUnit,order) end + +---发布命令(指定坐标) +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param order string +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@return boolean +function common.IssuePointOrder(whichUnit,order,x,y) end + +---给单位发送命令到 点 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param order string +---@param whichLocation location +---@return boolean +function common.IssuePointOrderLoc(whichUnit,order,whichLocation) end + +---发布命令(指定坐标)(ID) +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param order integer +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@return boolean +function common.IssuePointOrderById(whichUnit,order,x,y) end + +---发布命令(指定点)(ID) +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param order integer +---@param whichLocation location +---@return boolean +function common.IssuePointOrderByIdLoc(whichUnit,order,whichLocation) end + +---给单位发送命令到 单位 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param order string +---@param targetWidget widget +---@return boolean +function common.IssueTargetOrder(whichUnit,order,targetWidget) end + +---发布命令(指定单位)(ID) +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param order integer +---@param targetWidget widget +---@return boolean +function common.IssueTargetOrderById(whichUnit,order,targetWidget) end + +---IssueInstantPointOrder +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param order string +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param instantTargetWidget widget +---@return boolean +function common.IssueInstantPointOrder(whichUnit,order,x,y,instantTargetWidget) end + +---IssueInstantPointOrderById +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param order integer +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param instantTargetWidget widget +---@return boolean +function common.IssueInstantPointOrderById(whichUnit,order,x,y,instantTargetWidget) end + +---IssueInstantTargetOrder +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param order string +---@param targetWidget widget +---@param instantTargetWidget widget +---@return boolean +function common.IssueInstantTargetOrder(whichUnit,order,targetWidget,instantTargetWidget) end + +---IssueInstantTargetOrderById +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param order integer +---@param targetWidget widget +---@param instantTargetWidget widget +---@return boolean +function common.IssueInstantTargetOrderById(whichUnit,order,targetWidget,instantTargetWidget) end + +---IssueBuildOrder +---@param whichPeon unit +---@param unitToBuild string +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@return boolean +function common.IssueBuildOrder(whichPeon,unitToBuild,x,y) end + +---发布建造命令(指定坐标) [R] +---@param whichPeon unit +---@param unitId integer +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@return boolean +function common.IssueBuildOrderById(whichPeon,unitId,x,y) end + +---发布中介命令(无目标) +---@param forWhichPlayer player +---@param neutralStructure unit +---@param unitToBuild string +---@return boolean +function common.IssueNeutralImmediateOrder(forWhichPlayer,neutralStructure,unitToBuild) end + +---发布中介命令(无目标)(ID) +---@param forWhichPlayer player +---@param neutralStructure unit +---@param unitId integer +---@return boolean +function common.IssueNeutralImmediateOrderById(forWhichPlayer,neutralStructure,unitId) end + +---发布中介命令(指定坐标) +---@param forWhichPlayer player +---@param neutralStructure unit +---@param unitToBuild string +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@return boolean +function common.IssueNeutralPointOrder(forWhichPlayer,neutralStructure,unitToBuild,x,y) end + +---发布中介命令(指定坐标)(ID) +---@param forWhichPlayer player +---@param neutralStructure unit +---@param unitId integer +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@return boolean +function common.IssueNeutralPointOrderById(forWhichPlayer,neutralStructure,unitId,x,y) end + +---发布中介命令(指定单位) +---@param forWhichPlayer player +---@param neutralStructure unit +---@param unitToBuild string +---@param target widget +---@return boolean +function common.IssueNeutralTargetOrder(forWhichPlayer,neutralStructure,unitToBuild,target) end + +---发布中介命令(指定单位)(ID) +---@param forWhichPlayer player +---@param neutralStructure unit +---@param unitId integer +---@param target widget +---@return boolean +function common.IssueNeutralTargetOrderById(forWhichPlayer,neutralStructure,unitId,target) end + +---单位当前的命令 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return integer +function common.GetUnitCurrentOrder(whichUnit) end + +---设置金矿资源 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param amount integer +function common.SetResourceAmount(whichUnit,amount) end + +---添加金矿资源 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param amount integer +function common.AddResourceAmount(whichUnit,amount) end + +---黄金资源数量 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return integer +function common.GetResourceAmount(whichUnit) end + +---传送门目的地X坐标 +---@param waygate unit +---@return real +function common.WaygateGetDestinationX(waygate) end + +---传送门目的地Y坐标 +---@param waygate unit +---@return real +function common.WaygateGetDestinationY(waygate) end + +---设置传送门目的坐标 [R] +---@param waygate unit +---@param x real +---@param y real +function common.WaygateSetDestination(waygate,x,y) end + +---WaygateActivate +---@param waygate unit +---@param activate boolean +function common.WaygateActivate(waygate,activate) end + +---WaygateIsActive +---@param waygate unit +---@return boolean +function common.WaygateIsActive(waygate) end + +---增加 物品-类型 (到所有商店) +---@param itemId integer +---@param currentStock integer +---@param stockMax integer +function common.AddItemToAllStock(itemId,currentStock,stockMax) end + +---AddItemToStock +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param itemId integer +---@param currentStock integer +---@param stockMax integer +function common.AddItemToStock(whichUnit,itemId,currentStock,stockMax) end + +---增加 单位-类型 (到所有商店) +---@param unitId integer +---@param currentStock integer +---@param stockMax integer +function common.AddUnitToAllStock(unitId,currentStock,stockMax) end + +---AddUnitToStock +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param unitId integer +---@param currentStock integer +---@param stockMax integer +function common.AddUnitToStock(whichUnit,unitId,currentStock,stockMax) end + +---删除 物品-类型 (从所有商店) +---@param itemId integer +function common.RemoveItemFromAllStock(itemId) end + +---RemoveItemFromStock +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param itemId integer +function common.RemoveItemFromStock(whichUnit,itemId) end + +---删除 单位-类型 (从所有商店) +---@param unitId integer +function common.RemoveUnitFromAllStock(unitId) end + +---RemoveUnitFromStock +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param unitId integer +function common.RemoveUnitFromStock(whichUnit,unitId) end + +---限制物品的位置 (从所有商店) +---@param slots integer +function common.SetAllItemTypeSlots(slots) end + +---限制单位的位置 (从所有商店) +---@param slots integer +function common.SetAllUnitTypeSlots(slots) end + +---限制物品的位置 (从商店) +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param slots integer +function common.SetItemTypeSlots(whichUnit,slots) end + +---限制单位的位置 (从商店) +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param slots integer +function common.SetUnitTypeSlots(whichUnit,slots) end + +---单位自定义值 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return integer +function common.GetUnitUserData(whichUnit) end + +---设置单位自定义数据 +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param data integer +function common.SetUnitUserData(whichUnit,data) end + +---Player API +---Player API +---@param number integer +---@return player +function common.Player(number) end + +---本地玩家 [R] +---@return player +function common.GetLocalPlayer() end + +---玩家是玩家的同盟 +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param otherPlayer player +---@return boolean +function common.IsPlayerAlly(whichPlayer,otherPlayer) end + +---玩家是玩家的敌人 +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param otherPlayer player +---@return boolean +function common.IsPlayerEnemy(whichPlayer,otherPlayer) end + +---玩家在玩家组 +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param whichForce force +---@return boolean +function common.IsPlayerInForce(whichPlayer,whichForce) end + +---玩家是裁判或观察者 [R] +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return boolean +function common.IsPlayerObserver(whichPlayer) end + +---坐标可见 +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return boolean +function common.IsVisibleToPlayer(x,y,whichPlayer) end + +---点对于玩家可见 +---@param whichLocation location +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return boolean +function common.IsLocationVisibleToPlayer(whichLocation,whichPlayer) end + +---坐标在迷雾中 +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return boolean +function common.IsFoggedToPlayer(x,y,whichPlayer) end + +---点被迷雾遮挡 +---@param whichLocation location +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return boolean +function common.IsLocationFoggedToPlayer(whichLocation,whichPlayer) end + +---坐标在黑色阴影中 +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return boolean +function common.IsMaskedToPlayer(x,y,whichPlayer) end + +---点被黑色阴影遮挡 +---@param whichLocation location +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return boolean +function common.IsLocationMaskedToPlayer(whichLocation,whichPlayer) end + +---玩家的种族 +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return race +function common.GetPlayerRace(whichPlayer) end + +---玩家ID - 1 [R] +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return integer +function common.GetPlayerId(whichPlayer) end + +---单位数量 +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param includeIncomplete boolean +---@return integer +function common.GetPlayerUnitCount(whichPlayer,includeIncomplete) end + +---GetPlayerTypedUnitCount +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param unitName string +---@param includeIncomplete boolean +---@param includeUpgrades boolean +---@return integer +function common.GetPlayerTypedUnitCount(whichPlayer,unitName,includeIncomplete,includeUpgrades) end + +---获得建筑数量 +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param includeIncomplete boolean +---@return integer +function common.GetPlayerStructureCount(whichPlayer,includeIncomplete) end + +---获得玩家属性 +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param whichPlayerState playerstate +---@return integer +function common.GetPlayerState(whichPlayer,whichPlayerState) end + +---获得玩家得分 +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param whichPlayerScore playerscore +---@return integer +function common.GetPlayerScore(whichPlayer,whichPlayerScore) end + +---玩家与玩家结盟 +---@param sourcePlayer player +---@param otherPlayer player +---@param whichAllianceSetting alliancetype +---@return boolean +function common.GetPlayerAlliance(sourcePlayer,otherPlayer,whichAllianceSetting) end + +---GetPlayerHandicap +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return real +function common.GetPlayerHandicap(whichPlayer) end + +---GetPlayerHandicapXP +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return real +function common.GetPlayerHandicapXP(whichPlayer) end + +---GetPlayerHandicapReviveTime +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return real +function common.GetPlayerHandicapReviveTime(whichPlayer) end + +---GetPlayerHandicapDamage +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return real +function common.GetPlayerHandicapDamage(whichPlayer) end + +---设置生命上限 [R] +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param handicap real +function common.SetPlayerHandicap(whichPlayer,handicap) end + +---设置经验获得率 [R] +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param handicap real +function common.SetPlayerHandicapXP(whichPlayer,handicap) end + +---SetPlayerHandicapReviveTime +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param handicap real +function common.SetPlayerHandicapReviveTime(whichPlayer,handicap) end + +---SetPlayerHandicapDamage +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param handicap real +function common.SetPlayerHandicapDamage(whichPlayer,handicap) end + +---SetPlayerTechMaxAllowed +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param techid integer +---@param maximum integer +function common.SetPlayerTechMaxAllowed(whichPlayer,techid,maximum) end + +---GetPlayerTechMaxAllowed +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param techid integer +---@return integer +function common.GetPlayerTechMaxAllowed(whichPlayer,techid) end + +---增加科技等级 +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param techid integer +---@param levels integer +function common.AddPlayerTechResearched(whichPlayer,techid,levels) end + +---SetPlayerTechResearched +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param techid integer +---@param setToLevel integer +function common.SetPlayerTechResearched(whichPlayer,techid,setToLevel) end + +---GetPlayerTechResearched +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param techid integer +---@param specificonly boolean +---@return boolean +function common.GetPlayerTechResearched(whichPlayer,techid,specificonly) end + +---获取玩家科技数量 +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param techid integer +---@param specificonly boolean +---@return integer +function common.GetPlayerTechCount(whichPlayer,techid,specificonly) end + +---SetPlayerUnitsOwner +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param newOwner integer +function common.SetPlayerUnitsOwner(whichPlayer,newOwner) end + +---CripplePlayer +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param toWhichPlayers force +---@param flag boolean +function common.CripplePlayer(whichPlayer,toWhichPlayers,flag) end + +---允许/禁用 技能 [R] +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param abilid integer +---@param avail boolean +function common.SetPlayerAbilityAvailable(whichPlayer,abilid,avail) end + +---设置玩家属性 +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param whichPlayerState playerstate +---@param value integer +function common.SetPlayerState(whichPlayer,whichPlayerState,value) end + +---踢除玩家 +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param gameResult playergameresult +function common.RemovePlayer(whichPlayer,gameResult) end + +---Used to store hero level data for the scorescreen +---before units are moved to neutral passive in melee games +---@param whichPlayer player +function common.CachePlayerHeroData(whichPlayer) end + +---Fog of War API +---设置地图迷雾(矩形区域) [R] +---@param forWhichPlayer player +---@param whichState fogstate +---@param where rect +---@param useSharedVision boolean +function common.SetFogStateRect(forWhichPlayer,whichState,where,useSharedVision) end + +---设置地图迷雾(圆范围) [R] +---@param forWhichPlayer player +---@param whichState fogstate +---@param centerx real +---@param centerY real +---@param radius real +---@param useSharedVision boolean +function common.SetFogStateRadius(forWhichPlayer,whichState,centerx,centerY,radius,useSharedVision) end + +---SetFogStateRadiusLoc +---@param forWhichPlayer player +---@param whichState fogstate +---@param center location +---@param radius real +---@param useSharedVision boolean +function common.SetFogStateRadiusLoc(forWhichPlayer,whichState,center,radius,useSharedVision) end + +---启用/禁用黑色阴影 [R] +---@param enable boolean +function common.FogMaskEnable(enable) end + +---允许黑色阴影 +---@return boolean +function common.IsFogMaskEnabled() end + +---启用/禁用 战争迷雾 [R] +---@param enable boolean +function common.FogEnable(enable) end + +---允许战争迷雾 +---@return boolean +function common.IsFogEnabled() end + +---新建可见度修正器(矩形区域) [R] +---@param forWhichPlayer player +---@param whichState fogstate +---@param where rect +---@param useSharedVision boolean +---@param afterUnits boolean +---@return fogmodifier +function common.CreateFogModifierRect(forWhichPlayer,whichState,where,useSharedVision,afterUnits) end + +---新建可见度修正器(圆范围) [R] +---@param forWhichPlayer player +---@param whichState fogstate +---@param centerx real +---@param centerY real +---@param radius real +---@param useSharedVision boolean +---@param afterUnits boolean +---@return fogmodifier +function common.CreateFogModifierRadius(forWhichPlayer,whichState,centerx,centerY,radius,useSharedVision,afterUnits) end + +---CreateFogModifierRadiusLoc +---@param forWhichPlayer player +---@param whichState fogstate +---@param center location +---@param radius real +---@param useSharedVision boolean +---@param afterUnits boolean +---@return fogmodifier +function common.CreateFogModifierRadiusLoc(forWhichPlayer,whichState,center,radius,useSharedVision,afterUnits) end + +---删除可见度修正器 +---@param whichFogModifier fogmodifier +function common.DestroyFogModifier(whichFogModifier) end + +---允许可见度修正器 +---@param whichFogModifier fogmodifier +function common.FogModifierStart(whichFogModifier) end + +---禁止可见度修正器 +---@param whichFogModifier fogmodifier +function common.FogModifierStop(whichFogModifier) end + +---Game API +---Game API +---@return version +function common.VersionGet() end + +---VersionCompatible +---@param whichVersion version +---@return boolean +function common.VersionCompatible(whichVersion) end + +---VersionSupported +---@param whichVersion version +---@return boolean +function common.VersionSupported(whichVersion) end + +---EndGame +---@param doScoreScreen boolean +function common.EndGame(doScoreScreen) end + +---Async only! +---切换关卡 [R] +---@param newLevel string +---@param doScoreScreen boolean +function common.ChangeLevel(newLevel,doScoreScreen) end + +---RestartGame +---@param doScoreScreen boolean +function common.RestartGame(doScoreScreen) end + +---ReloadGame +function common.ReloadGame() end + +---%%% SetCampaignMenuRace is deprecated. It must remain to support +---old maps which use it, but all new maps should use SetCampaignMenuRaceEx +---old maps which use it, but all new maps should use SetCampaignMenuRaceEx +---@param r race +function common.SetCampaignMenuRace(r) end + +---SetCampaignMenuRaceEx +---@param campaignIndex integer +function common.SetCampaignMenuRaceEx(campaignIndex) end + +---ForceCampaignSelectScreen +function common.ForceCampaignSelectScreen() end + +---LoadGame +---@param saveFileName string +---@param doScoreScreen boolean +function common.LoadGame(saveFileName,doScoreScreen) end + +---保存进度 [R] +---@param saveFileName string +function common.SaveGame(saveFileName) end + +---RenameSaveDirectory +---@param sourceDirName string +---@param destDirName string +---@return boolean +function common.RenameSaveDirectory(sourceDirName,destDirName) end + +---RemoveSaveDirectory +---@param sourceDirName string +---@return boolean +function common.RemoveSaveDirectory(sourceDirName) end + +---CopySaveGame +---@param sourceSaveName string +---@param destSaveName string +---@return boolean +function common.CopySaveGame(sourceSaveName,destSaveName) end + +---游戏进度是存在的 +---@param saveName string +---@return boolean +function common.SaveGameExists(saveName) end + +---SetMaxCheckpointSaves +---@param maxCheckpointSaves integer +function common.SetMaxCheckpointSaves(maxCheckpointSaves) end + +---SaveGameCheckpoint +---@param saveFileName string +---@param showWindow boolean +function common.SaveGameCheckpoint(saveFileName,showWindow) end + +---SyncSelections +function common.SyncSelections() end + +---SetFloatGameState +---@param whichFloatGameState fgamestate +---@param value real +function common.SetFloatGameState(whichFloatGameState,value) end + +---GetFloatGameState +---@param whichFloatGameState fgamestate +---@return real +function common.GetFloatGameState(whichFloatGameState) end + +---SetIntegerGameState +---@param whichIntegerGameState igamestate +---@param value integer +function common.SetIntegerGameState(whichIntegerGameState,value) end + +---GetIntegerGameState +---@param whichIntegerGameState igamestate +---@return integer +function common.GetIntegerGameState(whichIntegerGameState) end + +---Campaign API +---Campaign API +---@param cleared boolean +function common.SetTutorialCleared(cleared) end + +---SetMissionAvailable +---@param campaignNumber integer +---@param missionNumber integer +---@param available boolean +function common.SetMissionAvailable(campaignNumber,missionNumber,available) end + +---SetCampaignAvailable +---@param campaignNumber integer +---@param available boolean +function common.SetCampaignAvailable(campaignNumber,available) end + +---SetOpCinematicAvailable +---@param campaignNumber integer +---@param available boolean +function common.SetOpCinematicAvailable(campaignNumber,available) end + +---SetEdCinematicAvailable +---@param campaignNumber integer +---@param available boolean +function common.SetEdCinematicAvailable(campaignNumber,available) end + +---GetDefaultDifficulty +---@return gamedifficulty +function common.GetDefaultDifficulty() end + +---SetDefaultDifficulty +---@param g gamedifficulty +function common.SetDefaultDifficulty(g) end + +---SetCustomCampaignButtonVisible +---@param whichButton integer +---@param visible boolean +function common.SetCustomCampaignButtonVisible(whichButton,visible) end + +---GetCustomCampaignButtonVisible +---@param whichButton integer +---@return boolean +function common.GetCustomCampaignButtonVisible(whichButton) end + +---关闭游戏录像功能 [R] +function common.DoNotSaveReplay() end + +---Dialog API +---新建对话框 [R] +---@return dialog +function common.DialogCreate() end + +---删除 [R] +---@param whichDialog dialog +function common.DialogDestroy(whichDialog) end + +---DialogClear +---@param whichDialog dialog +function common.DialogClear(whichDialog) end + +---DialogSetMessage +---@param whichDialog dialog +---@param messageText string +function common.DialogSetMessage(whichDialog,messageText) end + +---添加对话框按钮 [R] +---@param whichDialog dialog +---@param buttonText string +---@param hotkey integer +---@return button +function common.DialogAddButton(whichDialog,buttonText,hotkey) end + +---添加退出游戏按钮 [R] +---@param whichDialog dialog +---@param doScoreScreen boolean +---@param buttonText string +---@param hotkey integer +---@return button +function common.DialogAddQuitButton(whichDialog,doScoreScreen,buttonText,hotkey) end + +---显示/隐藏 [R] +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param whichDialog dialog +---@param flag boolean +function common.DialogDisplay(whichPlayer,whichDialog,flag) end + +---Creates a new or reads in an existing game cache file stored +---in the current campaign profile dir +---读取所有缓存 +---@return boolean +function common.ReloadGameCachesFromDisk() end + +---新建游戏缓存 [R] +---@param campaignFile string +---@return gamecache +function common.InitGameCache(campaignFile) end + +---SaveGameCache +---@param whichCache gamecache +---@return boolean +function common.SaveGameCache(whichCache) end + +---记录整数 +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +---@param value integer +function common.StoreInteger(cache,missionKey,key,value) end + +---记录实数 +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +---@param value real +function common.StoreReal(cache,missionKey,key,value) end + +---记录布尔值 +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +---@param value boolean +function common.StoreBoolean(cache,missionKey,key,value) end + +---StoreUnit +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return boolean +function common.StoreUnit(cache,missionKey,key,whichUnit) end + +---记录字符串 +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +---@param value string +---@return boolean +function common.StoreString(cache,missionKey,key,value) end + +---SyncStoredInteger +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +function common.SyncStoredInteger(cache,missionKey,key) end + +---SyncStoredReal +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +function common.SyncStoredReal(cache,missionKey,key) end + +---SyncStoredBoolean +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +function common.SyncStoredBoolean(cache,missionKey,key) end + +---SyncStoredUnit +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +function common.SyncStoredUnit(cache,missionKey,key) end + +---SyncStoredString +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +function common.SyncStoredString(cache,missionKey,key) end + +---HaveStoredInteger +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +---@return boolean +function common.HaveStoredInteger(cache,missionKey,key) end + +---HaveStoredReal +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +---@return boolean +function common.HaveStoredReal(cache,missionKey,key) end + +---HaveStoredBoolean +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +---@return boolean +function common.HaveStoredBoolean(cache,missionKey,key) end + +---HaveStoredUnit +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +---@return boolean +function common.HaveStoredUnit(cache,missionKey,key) end + +---HaveStoredString +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +---@return boolean +function common.HaveStoredString(cache,missionKey,key) end + +---删除缓存 [C] +---@param cache gamecache +function common.FlushGameCache(cache) end + +---删除类别 +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +function common.FlushStoredMission(cache,missionKey) end + +---FlushStoredInteger +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +function common.FlushStoredInteger(cache,missionKey,key) end + +---FlushStoredReal +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +function common.FlushStoredReal(cache,missionKey,key) end + +---FlushStoredBoolean +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +function common.FlushStoredBoolean(cache,missionKey,key) end + +---FlushStoredUnit +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +function common.FlushStoredUnit(cache,missionKey,key) end + +---FlushStoredString +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +function common.FlushStoredString(cache,missionKey,key) end + +---Will return 0 if the specified value's data is not found in the cache +---缓存读取整数 [C] +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +---@return integer +function common.GetStoredInteger(cache,missionKey,key) end + +---缓存读取实数 [C] +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +---@return real +function common.GetStoredReal(cache,missionKey,key) end + +---读取布尔值[R] +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +---@return boolean +function common.GetStoredBoolean(cache,missionKey,key) end + +---读取字符串 [C] +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +---@return string +function common.GetStoredString(cache,missionKey,key) end + +---RestoreUnit +---@param cache gamecache +---@param missionKey string +---@param key string +---@param forWhichPlayer player +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param facing real +---@return unit +function common.RestoreUnit(cache,missionKey,key,forWhichPlayer,x,y,facing) end + +---<1.24> 新建哈希表 [C] +---@return hashtable +function common.InitHashtable() end + +---<1.24> 保存整数 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param value integer +function common.SaveInteger(table,parentKey,childKey,value) end + +---<1.24> 保存实数 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param value real +function common.SaveReal(table,parentKey,childKey,value) end + +---<1.24> 保存布尔 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param value boolean +function common.SaveBoolean(table,parentKey,childKey,value) end + +---<1.24> 保存字符串 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param value string +---@return boolean +function common.SaveStr(table,parentKey,childKey,value) end + +---<1.24> 保存玩家 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichPlayer player +---@return boolean +function common.SavePlayerHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichPlayer) end + +---SaveWidgetHandle +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichWidget widget +---@return boolean +function common.SaveWidgetHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichWidget) end + +---<1.24> 保存可破坏物 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichDestructable destructable +---@return boolean +function common.SaveDestructableHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichDestructable) end + +---<1.24> 保存物品 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichItem item +---@return boolean +function common.SaveItemHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichItem) end + +---<1.24> 保存单位 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichUnit unit +---@return boolean +function common.SaveUnitHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichUnit) end + +---SaveAbilityHandle +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichAbility ability +---@return boolean +function common.SaveAbilityHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichAbility) end + +---<1.24> 保存计时器 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichTimer timer +---@return boolean +function common.SaveTimerHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichTimer) end + +---<1.24> 保存触发器 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichTrigger trigger +---@return boolean +function common.SaveTriggerHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichTrigger) end + +---<1.24> 保存触发条件 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichTriggercondition triggercondition +---@return boolean +function common.SaveTriggerConditionHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichTriggercondition) end + +---<1.24> 保存触发动作 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichTriggeraction triggeraction +---@return boolean +function common.SaveTriggerActionHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichTriggeraction) end + +---<1.24> 保存触发事件 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichEvent event +---@return boolean +function common.SaveTriggerEventHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichEvent) end + +---<1.24> 保存玩家组 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichForce force +---@return boolean +function common.SaveForceHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichForce) end + +---<1.24> 保存单位组 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichGroup group +---@return boolean +function common.SaveGroupHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichGroup) end + +---<1.24> 保存点 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichLocation location +---@return boolean +function common.SaveLocationHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichLocation) end + +---<1.24> 保存区域(矩型) [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichRect rect +---@return boolean +function common.SaveRectHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichRect) end + +---<1.24> 保存布尔表达式 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichBoolexpr boolexpr +---@return boolean +function common.SaveBooleanExprHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichBoolexpr) end + +---<1.24> 保存音效 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichSound sound +---@return boolean +function common.SaveSoundHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichSound) end + +---<1.24> 保存特效 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichEffect effect +---@return boolean +function common.SaveEffectHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichEffect) end + +---<1.24> 保存单位池 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichUnitpool unitpool +---@return boolean +function common.SaveUnitPoolHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichUnitpool) end + +---<1.24> 保存物品池 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichItempool itempool +---@return boolean +function common.SaveItemPoolHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichItempool) end + +---<1.24> 保存任务 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichQuest quest +---@return boolean +function common.SaveQuestHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichQuest) end + +---<1.24> 保存任务要求 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichQuestitem questitem +---@return boolean +function common.SaveQuestItemHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichQuestitem) end + +---<1.24> 保存失败条件 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichDefeatcondition defeatcondition +---@return boolean +function common.SaveDefeatConditionHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichDefeatcondition) end + +---<1.24> 保存计时器窗口 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichTimerdialog timerdialog +---@return boolean +function common.SaveTimerDialogHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichTimerdialog) end + +---<1.24> 保存排行榜 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichLeaderboard leaderboard +---@return boolean +function common.SaveLeaderboardHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichLeaderboard) end + +---<1.24> 保存多面板 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichMultiboard multiboard +---@return boolean +function common.SaveMultiboardHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichMultiboard) end + +---<1.24> 保存多面板项目 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichMultiboarditem multiboarditem +---@return boolean +function common.SaveMultiboardItemHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichMultiboarditem) end + +---<1.24> 保存可追踪物 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichTrackable trackable +---@return boolean +function common.SaveTrackableHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichTrackable) end + +---<1.24> 保存对话框 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichDialog dialog +---@return boolean +function common.SaveDialogHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichDialog) end + +---<1.24> 保存对话框按钮 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichButton button +---@return boolean +function common.SaveButtonHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichButton) end + +---<1.24> 保存漂浮文字 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichTexttag texttag +---@return boolean +function common.SaveTextTagHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichTexttag) end + +---<1.24> 保存闪电效果 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichLightning lightning +---@return boolean +function common.SaveLightningHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichLightning) end + +---<1.24> 保存图像 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichImage image +---@return boolean +function common.SaveImageHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichImage) end + +---<1.24> 保存地面纹理变化 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichUbersplat ubersplat +---@return boolean +function common.SaveUbersplatHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichUbersplat) end + +---<1.24> 保存区域(不规则) [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichRegion region +---@return boolean +function common.SaveRegionHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichRegion) end + +---<1.24> 保存迷雾状态 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichFogState fogstate +---@return boolean +function common.SaveFogStateHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichFogState) end + +---<1.24> 保存可见度修正器 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichFogModifier fogmodifier +---@return boolean +function common.SaveFogModifierHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichFogModifier) end + +---<1.24> 保存实体对象 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichAgent agent +---@return boolean +function common.SaveAgentHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichAgent) end + +---<1.24> 保存哈希表 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichHashtable hashtable +---@return boolean +function common.SaveHashtableHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichHashtable) end + +---SaveFrameHandle +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@param whichFrameHandle framehandle +---@return boolean +function common.SaveFrameHandle(table,parentKey,childKey,whichFrameHandle) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取整数 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return integer +function common.LoadInteger(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取实数 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return real +function common.LoadReal(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取布尔 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return boolean +function common.LoadBoolean(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取字符串 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return string +function common.LoadStr(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取玩家 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return player +function common.LoadPlayerHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---LoadWidgetHandle +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return widget +function common.LoadWidgetHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取可破坏物 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return destructable +function common.LoadDestructableHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取物品 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return item +function common.LoadItemHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取单位 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return unit +function common.LoadUnitHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---LoadAbilityHandle +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return ability +function common.LoadAbilityHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取计时器 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return timer +function common.LoadTimerHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取触发器 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return trigger +function common.LoadTriggerHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取触发条件 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return triggercondition +function common.LoadTriggerConditionHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取触发动作 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return triggeraction +function common.LoadTriggerActionHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取触发事件 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return event +function common.LoadTriggerEventHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取玩家组 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return force +function common.LoadForceHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取单位组 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return group +function common.LoadGroupHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取点 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return location +function common.LoadLocationHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取区域(矩型) [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return rect +function common.LoadRectHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取布尔表达式 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return boolexpr +function common.LoadBooleanExprHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取音效 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return sound +function common.LoadSoundHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取特效 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return effect +function common.LoadEffectHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取单位池 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return unitpool +function common.LoadUnitPoolHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取物品池 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return itempool +function common.LoadItemPoolHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取任务 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return quest +function common.LoadQuestHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取任务要求 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return questitem +function common.LoadQuestItemHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取失败条件 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return defeatcondition +function common.LoadDefeatConditionHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取计时器窗口 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return timerdialog +function common.LoadTimerDialogHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取排行榜 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return leaderboard +function common.LoadLeaderboardHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取多面板 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return multiboard +function common.LoadMultiboardHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取多面板项目 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return multiboarditem +function common.LoadMultiboardItemHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取可追踪物 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return trackable +function common.LoadTrackableHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取对话框 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return dialog +function common.LoadDialogHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取对话框按钮 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return button +function common.LoadButtonHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取漂浮文字 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return texttag +function common.LoadTextTagHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取闪电效果 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return lightning +function common.LoadLightningHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取图象 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return image +function common.LoadImageHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取地面纹理变化 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return ubersplat +function common.LoadUbersplatHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取区域(不规则) [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return region +function common.LoadRegionHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取迷雾状态 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return fogstate +function common.LoadFogStateHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取可见度修正器 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return fogmodifier +function common.LoadFogModifierHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 从哈希表提取哈希表 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return hashtable +function common.LoadHashtableHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---LoadFrameHandle +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return framehandle +function common.LoadFrameHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---HaveSavedInteger +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return boolean +function common.HaveSavedInteger(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---HaveSavedReal +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return boolean +function common.HaveSavedReal(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---HaveSavedBoolean +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return boolean +function common.HaveSavedBoolean(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---HaveSavedString +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return boolean +function common.HaveSavedString(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---HaveSavedHandle +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +---@return boolean +function common.HaveSavedHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---RemoveSavedInteger +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +function common.RemoveSavedInteger(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---RemoveSavedReal +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +function common.RemoveSavedReal(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---RemoveSavedBoolean +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +function common.RemoveSavedBoolean(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---RemoveSavedString +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +function common.RemoveSavedString(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---RemoveSavedHandle +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +---@param childKey integer +function common.RemoveSavedHandle(table,parentKey,childKey) end + +---<1.24> 清空哈希表 [C] +---@param table hashtable +function common.FlushParentHashtable(table) end + +---<1.24> 清空哈希表主索引 [C] +---@param table hashtable +---@param parentKey integer +function common.FlushChildHashtable(table,parentKey) end + +---Randomization API +---随机数字 +---@param lowBound integer +---@param highBound integer +---@return integer +function common.GetRandomInt(lowBound,highBound) end + +---随机数 +---@param lowBound real +---@param highBound real +---@return real +function common.GetRandomReal(lowBound,highBound) end + +---新建单位池 [R] +---@return unitpool +function common.CreateUnitPool() end + +---删除单位池 [R] +---@param whichPool unitpool +function common.DestroyUnitPool(whichPool) end + +---添加单位类型 [R] +---@param whichPool unitpool +---@param unitId integer +---@param weight real +function common.UnitPoolAddUnitType(whichPool,unitId,weight) end + +---删除单位类型 [R] +---@param whichPool unitpool +---@param unitId integer +function common.UnitPoolRemoveUnitType(whichPool,unitId) end + +---选择放置单位 [R] +---@param whichPool unitpool +---@param forWhichPlayer player +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param facing real +---@return unit +function common.PlaceRandomUnit(whichPool,forWhichPlayer,x,y,facing) end + +---新建物品池 [R] +---@return itempool +function common.CreateItemPool() end + +---删除物品池 [R] +---@param whichItemPool itempool +function common.DestroyItemPool(whichItemPool) end + +---添加物品类型 [R] +---@param whichItemPool itempool +---@param itemId integer +---@param weight real +function common.ItemPoolAddItemType(whichItemPool,itemId,weight) end + +---删除物品类型 [R] +---@param whichItemPool itempool +---@param itemId integer +function common.ItemPoolRemoveItemType(whichItemPool,itemId) end + +---选择放置物品 [R] +---@param whichItemPool itempool +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@return item +function common.PlaceRandomItem(whichItemPool,x,y) end + +---Choose any random unit/item. (NP means Neutral Passive) +---Choose any random unit/item. (NP means Neutral Passive) +---@param level integer +---@return integer +function common.ChooseRandomCreep(level) end + +---ChooseRandomNPBuilding +---@return integer +function common.ChooseRandomNPBuilding() end + +---ChooseRandomItem +---@param level integer +---@return integer +function common.ChooseRandomItem(level) end + +---ChooseRandomItemEx +---@param whichType itemtype +---@param level integer +---@return integer +function common.ChooseRandomItemEx(whichType,level) end + +---设置随机种子 +---@param seed integer +function common.SetRandomSeed(seed) end + +---Visual API +---Visual API +---@param a real +---@param b real +---@param c real +---@param d real +---@param e real +function common.SetTerrainFog(a,b,c,d,e) end + +---ResetTerrainFog +function common.ResetTerrainFog() end + +---SetUnitFog +---@param a real +---@param b real +---@param c real +---@param d real +---@param e real +function common.SetUnitFog(a,b,c,d,e) end + +---设置迷雾 [R] +---@param style integer +---@param zstart real +---@param zend real +---@param density real +---@param red real +---@param green real +---@param blue real +function common.SetTerrainFogEx(style,zstart,zend,density,red,green,blue) end + +---对玩家显示文本消息(自动限时) [R] +---@param toPlayer player +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param message string +function common.DisplayTextToPlayer(toPlayer,x,y,message) end + +---对玩家显示文本消息(指定时间) [R] +---@param toPlayer player +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param duration real +---@param message string +function common.DisplayTimedTextToPlayer(toPlayer,x,y,duration,message) end + +---DisplayTimedTextFromPlayer +---@param toPlayer player +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param duration real +---@param message string +function common.DisplayTimedTextFromPlayer(toPlayer,x,y,duration,message) end + +---清空文本信息(所有玩家) [R] +function common.ClearTextMessages() end + +---SetDayNightModels +---@param terrainDNCFile string +---@param unitDNCFile string +function common.SetDayNightModels(terrainDNCFile,unitDNCFile) end + +---SetPortraitLight +---@param portraitDNCFile string +function common.SetPortraitLight(portraitDNCFile) end + +---设置天空 +---@param skyModelFile string +function common.SetSkyModel(skyModelFile) end + +---启用/禁用玩家控制权(所有玩家) [R] +---@param b boolean +function common.EnableUserControl(b) end + +---EnableUserUI +---@param b boolean +function common.EnableUserUI(b) end + +---SuspendTimeOfDay +---@param b boolean +function common.SuspendTimeOfDay(b) end + +---设置昼夜时间流逝速度 [R] +---@param r real +function common.SetTimeOfDayScale(r) end + +---GetTimeOfDayScale +---@return real +function common.GetTimeOfDayScale() end + +---开启/关闭 信箱模式(所有玩家) [R] +---@param flag boolean +---@param fadeDuration real +function common.ShowInterface(flag,fadeDuration) end + +---暂停/恢复游戏 [R] +---@param flag boolean +function common.PauseGame(flag) end + +---闪动指示器(对单位) [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param red integer +---@param green integer +---@param blue integer +---@param alpha integer +function common.UnitAddIndicator(whichUnit,red,green,blue,alpha) end + +---AddIndicator +---@param whichWidget widget +---@param red integer +---@param green integer +---@param blue integer +---@param alpha integer +function common.AddIndicator(whichWidget,red,green,blue,alpha) end + +---小地图信号(所有玩家) [R] +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param duration real +function common.PingMinimap(x,y,duration) end + +---小地图信号(指定颜色)(所有玩家) [R] +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param duration real +---@param red integer +---@param green integer +---@param blue integer +---@param extraEffects boolean +function common.PingMinimapEx(x,y,duration,red,green,blue,extraEffects) end + +---CreateMinimapIconOnUnit +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param red integer +---@param green integer +---@param blue integer +---@param pingPath string +---@param fogVisibility fogstate +---@return minimapicon +function common.CreateMinimapIconOnUnit(whichUnit,red,green,blue,pingPath,fogVisibility) end + +---CreateMinimapIconAtLoc +---@param where location +---@param red integer +---@param green integer +---@param blue integer +---@param pingPath string +---@param fogVisibility fogstate +---@return minimapicon +function common.CreateMinimapIconAtLoc(where,red,green,blue,pingPath,fogVisibility) end + +---CreateMinimapIcon +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param red integer +---@param green integer +---@param blue integer +---@param pingPath string +---@param fogVisibility fogstate +---@return minimapicon +function common.CreateMinimapIcon(x,y,red,green,blue,pingPath,fogVisibility) end + +---SkinManagerGetLocalPath +---@param key string +---@return string +function common.SkinManagerGetLocalPath(key) end + +---DestroyMinimapIcon +---@param pingId minimapicon +function common.DestroyMinimapIcon(pingId) end + +---SetMinimapIconVisible +---@param whichMinimapIcon minimapicon +---@param visible boolean +function common.SetMinimapIconVisible(whichMinimapIcon,visible) end + +---SetMinimapIconOrphanDestroy +---@param whichMinimapIcon minimapicon +---@param doDestroy boolean +function common.SetMinimapIconOrphanDestroy(whichMinimapIcon,doDestroy) end + +---允许/禁止闭塞(所有玩家) [R] +---@param flag boolean +function common.EnableOcclusion(flag) end + +---SetIntroShotText +---@param introText string +function common.SetIntroShotText(introText) end + +---SetIntroShotModel +---@param introModelPath string +function common.SetIntroShotModel(introModelPath) end + +---允许/禁止 边界染色(所有玩家) [R] +---@param b boolean +function common.EnableWorldFogBoundary(b) end + +---PlayModelCinematic +---@param modelName string +function common.PlayModelCinematic(modelName) end + +---PlayCinematic +---@param movieName string +function common.PlayCinematic(movieName) end + +---ForceUIKey +---@param key string +function common.ForceUIKey(key) end + +---ForceUICancel +function common.ForceUICancel() end + +---DisplayLoadDialog +function common.DisplayLoadDialog() end + +---改变小地图的特殊图标 +---@param iconPath string +function common.SetAltMinimapIcon(iconPath) end + +---禁用 重新开始任务按钮 +---@param flag boolean +function common.DisableRestartMission(flag) end + +---新建漂浮文字 [R] +---@return texttag +function common.CreateTextTag() end + +---DestroyTextTag +---@param t texttag +function common.DestroyTextTag(t) end + +---改变文字内容 [R] +---@param t texttag +---@param s string +---@param height real +function common.SetTextTagText(t,s,height) end + +---改变位置(坐标) [R] +---@param t texttag +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param heightOffset real +function common.SetTextTagPos(t,x,y,heightOffset) end + +---SetTextTagPosUnit +---@param t texttag +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param heightOffset real +function common.SetTextTagPosUnit(t,whichUnit,heightOffset) end + +---改变颜色 [R] +---@param t texttag +---@param red integer +---@param green integer +---@param blue integer +---@param alpha integer +function common.SetTextTagColor(t,red,green,blue,alpha) end + +---设置速率 [R] +---@param t texttag +---@param xvel real +---@param yvel real +function common.SetTextTagVelocity(t,xvel,yvel) end + +---显示/隐藏 (所有玩家) [R] +---@param t texttag +---@param flag boolean +function common.SetTextTagVisibility(t,flag) end + +---SetTextTagSuspended +---@param t texttag +---@param flag boolean +function common.SetTextTagSuspended(t,flag) end + +---SetTextTagPermanent +---@param t texttag +---@param flag boolean +function common.SetTextTagPermanent(t,flag) end + +---SetTextTagAge +---@param t texttag +---@param age real +function common.SetTextTagAge(t,age) end + +---SetTextTagLifespan +---@param t texttag +---@param lifespan real +function common.SetTextTagLifespan(t,lifespan) end + +---SetTextTagFadepoint +---@param t texttag +---@param fadepoint real +function common.SetTextTagFadepoint(t,fadepoint) end + +---保留英雄按钮 +---@param reserved integer +function common.SetReservedLocalHeroButtons(reserved) end + +---结盟滤色镜的设置值 +---@return integer +function common.GetAllyColorFilterState() end + +---设置结盟滤色镜 +---@param state integer +function common.SetAllyColorFilterState(state) end + +---野生单位显示是开启的 +---@return boolean +function common.GetCreepCampFilterState() end + +---显示/隐藏野生生物图标在小地图 +---@param state boolean +function common.SetCreepCampFilterState(state) end + +---允许/禁止小地图按钮 +---@param enableAlly boolean +---@param enableCreep boolean +function common.EnableMinimapFilterButtons(enableAlly,enableCreep) end + +---允许/禁止框选 +---@param state boolean +---@param ui boolean +function common.EnableDragSelect(state,ui) end + +---允许/禁止预选 +---@param state boolean +---@param ui boolean +function common.EnablePreSelect(state,ui) end + +---允许/禁止选择 +---@param state boolean +---@param ui boolean +function common.EnableSelect(state,ui) end + +---Trackable API +---新建可追踪物 [R] +---@param trackableModelPath string +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param facing real +---@return trackable +function common.CreateTrackable(trackableModelPath,x,y,facing) end + +---Quest API +---新建任务 [R] +---@return quest +function common.CreateQuest() end + +---DestroyQuest +---@param whichQuest quest +function common.DestroyQuest(whichQuest) end + +---QuestSetTitle +---@param whichQuest quest +---@param title string +function common.QuestSetTitle(whichQuest,title) end + +---QuestSetDescription +---@param whichQuest quest +---@param description string +function common.QuestSetDescription(whichQuest,description) end + +---QuestSetIconPath +---@param whichQuest quest +---@param iconPath string +function common.QuestSetIconPath(whichQuest,iconPath) end + +---QuestSetRequired +---@param whichQuest quest +---@param required boolean +function common.QuestSetRequired(whichQuest,required) end + +---QuestSetCompleted +---@param whichQuest quest +---@param completed boolean +function common.QuestSetCompleted(whichQuest,completed) end + +---QuestSetDiscovered +---@param whichQuest quest +---@param discovered boolean +function common.QuestSetDiscovered(whichQuest,discovered) end + +---QuestSetFailed +---@param whichQuest quest +---@param failed boolean +function common.QuestSetFailed(whichQuest,failed) end + +---启用/禁用 任务 [R] +---@param whichQuest quest +---@param enabled boolean +function common.QuestSetEnabled(whichQuest,enabled) end + +---任务是必须完成的 +---@param whichQuest quest +---@return boolean +function common.IsQuestRequired(whichQuest) end + +---任务完成 +---@param whichQuest quest +---@return boolean +function common.IsQuestCompleted(whichQuest) end + +---任务已发现 +---@param whichQuest quest +---@return boolean +function common.IsQuestDiscovered(whichQuest) end + +---任务失败 +---@param whichQuest quest +---@return boolean +function common.IsQuestFailed(whichQuest) end + +---允许任务 +---@param whichQuest quest +---@return boolean +function common.IsQuestEnabled(whichQuest) end + +---QuestCreateItem +---@param whichQuest quest +---@return questitem +function common.QuestCreateItem(whichQuest) end + +---QuestItemSetDescription +---@param whichQuestItem questitem +---@param description string +function common.QuestItemSetDescription(whichQuestItem,description) end + +---QuestItemSetCompleted +---@param whichQuestItem questitem +---@param completed boolean +function common.QuestItemSetCompleted(whichQuestItem,completed) end + +---任务条件完成 +---@param whichQuestItem questitem +---@return boolean +function common.IsQuestItemCompleted(whichQuestItem) end + +---CreateDefeatCondition +---@return defeatcondition +function common.CreateDefeatCondition() end + +---DestroyDefeatCondition +---@param whichCondition defeatcondition +function common.DestroyDefeatCondition(whichCondition) end + +---DefeatConditionSetDescription +---@param whichCondition defeatcondition +---@param description string +function common.DefeatConditionSetDescription(whichCondition,description) end + +---FlashQuestDialogButton +function common.FlashQuestDialogButton() end + +---ForceQuestDialogUpdate +function common.ForceQuestDialogUpdate() end + +---Timer Dialog API +---新建计时器窗口 [R] +---@param t timer +---@return timerdialog +function common.CreateTimerDialog(t) end + +---销毁计时器窗口 +---@param whichDialog timerdialog +function common.DestroyTimerDialog(whichDialog) end + +---设置计时器窗口标题 +---@param whichDialog timerdialog +---@param title string +function common.TimerDialogSetTitle(whichDialog,title) end + +---改变计时器窗口文字颜色 [R] +---@param whichDialog timerdialog +---@param red integer +---@param green integer +---@param blue integer +---@param alpha integer +function common.TimerDialogSetTitleColor(whichDialog,red,green,blue,alpha) end + +---改变计时器窗口计时颜色 [R] +---@param whichDialog timerdialog +---@param red integer +---@param green integer +---@param blue integer +---@param alpha integer +function common.TimerDialogSetTimeColor(whichDialog,red,green,blue,alpha) end + +---设置计时器窗口速率 [R] +---@param whichDialog timerdialog +---@param speedMultFactor real +function common.TimerDialogSetSpeed(whichDialog,speedMultFactor) end + +---显示/隐藏 计时器窗口(所有玩家) [R] +---@param whichDialog timerdialog +---@param display boolean +function common.TimerDialogDisplay(whichDialog,display) end + +---判断计时器窗口是否显示 +---@param whichDialog timerdialog +---@return boolean +function common.IsTimerDialogDisplayed(whichDialog) end + +---TimerDialogSetRealTimeRemaining +---@param whichDialog timerdialog +---@param timeRemaining real +function common.TimerDialogSetRealTimeRemaining(whichDialog,timeRemaining) end + +---Create a leaderboard object +---新建排行榜 [R] +---@return leaderboard +function common.CreateLeaderboard() end + +---DestroyLeaderboard +---@param lb leaderboard +function common.DestroyLeaderboard(lb) end + +---显示/隐藏 [R] +---@param lb leaderboard +---@param show boolean +function common.LeaderboardDisplay(lb,show) end + +---IsLeaderboardDisplayed +---@param lb leaderboard +---@return boolean +function common.IsLeaderboardDisplayed(lb) end + +---行数 +---@param lb leaderboard +---@return integer +function common.LeaderboardGetItemCount(lb) end + +---LeaderboardSetSizeByItemCount +---@param lb leaderboard +---@param count integer +function common.LeaderboardSetSizeByItemCount(lb,count) end + +---LeaderboardAddItem +---@param lb leaderboard +---@param label string +---@param value integer +---@param p player +function common.LeaderboardAddItem(lb,label,value,p) end + +---LeaderboardRemoveItem +---@param lb leaderboard +---@param index integer +function common.LeaderboardRemoveItem(lb,index) end + +---LeaderboardRemovePlayerItem +---@param lb leaderboard +---@param p player +function common.LeaderboardRemovePlayerItem(lb,p) end + +---清空 [R] +---@param lb leaderboard +function common.LeaderboardClear(lb) end + +---LeaderboardSortItemsByValue +---@param lb leaderboard +---@param ascending boolean +function common.LeaderboardSortItemsByValue(lb,ascending) end + +---LeaderboardSortItemsByPlayer +---@param lb leaderboard +---@param ascending boolean +function common.LeaderboardSortItemsByPlayer(lb,ascending) end + +---LeaderboardSortItemsByLabel +---@param lb leaderboard +---@param ascending boolean +function common.LeaderboardSortItemsByLabel(lb,ascending) end + +---LeaderboardHasPlayerItem +---@param lb leaderboard +---@param p player +---@return boolean +function common.LeaderboardHasPlayerItem(lb,p) end + +---LeaderboardGetPlayerIndex +---@param lb leaderboard +---@param p player +---@return integer +function common.LeaderboardGetPlayerIndex(lb,p) end + +---LeaderboardSetLabel +---@param lb leaderboard +---@param label string +function common.LeaderboardSetLabel(lb,label) end + +---LeaderboardGetLabelText +---@param lb leaderboard +---@return string +function common.LeaderboardGetLabelText(lb) end + +---设置玩家使用的排行榜 [R] +---@param toPlayer player +---@param lb leaderboard +function common.PlayerSetLeaderboard(toPlayer,lb) end + +---PlayerGetLeaderboard +---@param toPlayer player +---@return leaderboard +function common.PlayerGetLeaderboard(toPlayer) end + +---设置文字颜色 [R] +---@param lb leaderboard +---@param red integer +---@param green integer +---@param blue integer +---@param alpha integer +function common.LeaderboardSetLabelColor(lb,red,green,blue,alpha) end + +---设置数值颜色 [R] +---@param lb leaderboard +---@param red integer +---@param green integer +---@param blue integer +---@param alpha integer +function common.LeaderboardSetValueColor(lb,red,green,blue,alpha) end + +---LeaderboardSetStyle +---@param lb leaderboard +---@param showLabel boolean +---@param showNames boolean +---@param showValues boolean +---@param showIcons boolean +function common.LeaderboardSetStyle(lb,showLabel,showNames,showValues,showIcons) end + +---LeaderboardSetItemValue +---@param lb leaderboard +---@param whichItem integer +---@param val integer +function common.LeaderboardSetItemValue(lb,whichItem,val) end + +---LeaderboardSetItemLabel +---@param lb leaderboard +---@param whichItem integer +---@param val string +function common.LeaderboardSetItemLabel(lb,whichItem,val) end + +---LeaderboardSetItemStyle +---@param lb leaderboard +---@param whichItem integer +---@param showLabel boolean +---@param showValue boolean +---@param showIcon boolean +function common.LeaderboardSetItemStyle(lb,whichItem,showLabel,showValue,showIcon) end + +---LeaderboardSetItemLabelColor +---@param lb leaderboard +---@param whichItem integer +---@param red integer +---@param green integer +---@param blue integer +---@param alpha integer +function common.LeaderboardSetItemLabelColor(lb,whichItem,red,green,blue,alpha) end + +---LeaderboardSetItemValueColor +---@param lb leaderboard +---@param whichItem integer +---@param red integer +---@param green integer +---@param blue integer +---@param alpha integer +function common.LeaderboardSetItemValueColor(lb,whichItem,red,green,blue,alpha) end + +---Create a multiboard object +---新建多面板 [R] +---@return multiboard +function common.CreateMultiboard() end + +---DestroyMultiboard +---@param lb multiboard +function common.DestroyMultiboard(lb) end + +---显示/隐藏 [R] +---@param lb multiboard +---@param show boolean +function common.MultiboardDisplay(lb,show) end + +---多列面板 是已显示的 +---@param lb multiboard +---@return boolean +function common.IsMultiboardDisplayed(lb) end + +---最大/最小化 [R] +---@param lb multiboard +---@param minimize boolean +function common.MultiboardMinimize(lb,minimize) end + +---多列面板 是最小化的 +---@param lb multiboard +---@return boolean +function common.IsMultiboardMinimized(lb) end + +---清除 多列面板 +---@param lb multiboard +function common.MultiboardClear(lb) end + +---改变 多列面板 标题 +---@param lb multiboard +---@param label string +function common.MultiboardSetTitleText(lb,label) end + +---多列面板 的标题 +---@param lb multiboard +---@return string +function common.MultiboardGetTitleText(lb) end + +---设置标题颜色 [R] +---@param lb multiboard +---@param red integer +---@param green integer +---@param blue integer +---@param alpha integer +function common.MultiboardSetTitleTextColor(lb,red,green,blue,alpha) end + +---获得多列面板 的行数 +---@param lb multiboard +---@return integer +function common.MultiboardGetRowCount(lb) end + +---获得多列面板 的列数 +---@param lb multiboard +---@return integer +function common.MultiboardGetColumnCount(lb) end + +---改变多列面板'列数' +---@param lb multiboard +---@param count integer +function common.MultiboardSetColumnCount(lb,count) end + +---改变多列面板'行数' +---@param lb multiboard +---@param count integer +function common.MultiboardSetRowCount(lb,count) end + +---broadcast settings to all items +---设置所有项目显示风格 [R] +---@param lb multiboard +---@param showValues boolean +---@param showIcons boolean +function common.MultiboardSetItemsStyle(lb,showValues,showIcons) end + +---设置所有项目文本 [R] +---@param lb multiboard +---@param value string +function common.MultiboardSetItemsValue(lb,value) end + +---设置所有项目颜色 [R] +---@param lb multiboard +---@param red integer +---@param green integer +---@param blue integer +---@param alpha integer +function common.MultiboardSetItemsValueColor(lb,red,green,blue,alpha) end + +---设置所有项目宽度 [R] +---@param lb multiboard +---@param width real +function common.MultiboardSetItemsWidth(lb,width) end + +---设置所有项目图标 [R] +---@param lb multiboard +---@param iconPath string +function common.MultiboardSetItemsIcon(lb,iconPath) end + +---funcs for modifying individual items +---多面板项目 [R] +---@param lb multiboard +---@param row integer +---@param column integer +---@return multiboarditem +function common.MultiboardGetItem(lb,row,column) end + +---删除多面板项目 [R] +---@param mbi multiboarditem +function common.MultiboardReleaseItem(mbi) end + +---设置指定项目显示风格 [R] +---@param mbi multiboarditem +---@param showValue boolean +---@param showIcon boolean +function common.MultiboardSetItemStyle(mbi,showValue,showIcon) end + +---设置指定项目文本 [R] +---@param mbi multiboarditem +---@param val string +function common.MultiboardSetItemValue(mbi,val) end + +---设置指定项目颜色 [R] +---@param mbi multiboarditem +---@param red integer +---@param green integer +---@param blue integer +---@param alpha integer +function common.MultiboardSetItemValueColor(mbi,red,green,blue,alpha) end + +---设置指定项目宽度 [R] +---@param mbi multiboarditem +---@param width real +function common.MultiboardSetItemWidth(mbi,width) end + +---设置指定项目图标 [R] +---@param mbi multiboarditem +---@param iconFileName string +function common.MultiboardSetItemIcon(mbi,iconFileName) end + +---meant to unequivocally suspend display of existing and +---subsequently displayed multiboards +---显示/隐藏多面板模式 [R] +---@param flag boolean +function common.MultiboardSuppressDisplay(flag) end + +---Camera API +---Camera API +---@param x real +---@param y real +function common.SetCameraPosition(x,y) end + +---设置空格键转向点(所有玩家) [R] +---@param x real +---@param y real +function common.SetCameraQuickPosition(x,y) end + +---设置可用镜头区域(所有玩家) [R] +---@param x1 real +---@param y1 real +---@param x2 real +---@param y2 real +---@param x3 real +---@param y3 real +---@param x4 real +---@param y4 real +function common.SetCameraBounds(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4) end + +---停止播放镜头(所有玩家) [R] +function common.StopCamera() end + +---重置游戏镜头(所有玩家) [R] +---@param duration real +function common.ResetToGameCamera(duration) end + +---PanCameraTo +---@param x real +---@param y real +function common.PanCameraTo(x,y) end + +---平移镜头(所有玩家)(限时) [R] +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param duration real +function common.PanCameraToTimed(x,y,duration) end + +---PanCameraToWithZ +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param zOffsetDest real +function common.PanCameraToWithZ(x,y,zOffsetDest) end + +---指定高度平移镜头(所有玩家)(限时) [R] +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param zOffsetDest real +---@param duration real +function common.PanCameraToTimedWithZ(x,y,zOffsetDest,duration) end + +---播放电影镜头(所有玩家) [R] +---@param cameraModelFile string +function common.SetCinematicCamera(cameraModelFile) end + +---指定点旋转镜头(所有玩家)(弧度)(限时) [R] +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param radiansToSweep real +---@param duration real +function common.SetCameraRotateMode(x,y,radiansToSweep,duration) end + +---设置镜头属性(所有玩家)(限时) [R] +---@param whichField camerafield +---@param value real +---@param duration real +function common.SetCameraField(whichField,value,duration) end + +---AdjustCameraField +---@param whichField camerafield +---@param offset real +---@param duration real +function common.AdjustCameraField(whichField,offset,duration) end + +---锁定镜头到单位(所有玩家) [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param xoffset real +---@param yoffset real +---@param inheritOrientation boolean +function common.SetCameraTargetController(whichUnit,xoffset,yoffset,inheritOrientation) end + +---锁定镜头到单位(固定镜头源)(所有玩家) [R] +---@param whichUnit unit +---@param xoffset real +---@param yoffset real +function common.SetCameraOrientController(whichUnit,xoffset,yoffset) end + +---CreateCameraSetup +---@return camerasetup +function common.CreateCameraSetup() end + +---CameraSetupSetField +---@param whichSetup camerasetup +---@param whichField camerafield +---@param value real +---@param duration real +function common.CameraSetupSetField(whichSetup,whichField,value,duration) end + +---镜头属性(指定镜头) [R] +---@param whichSetup camerasetup +---@param whichField camerafield +---@return real +function common.CameraSetupGetField(whichSetup,whichField) end + +---CameraSetupSetDestPosition +---@param whichSetup camerasetup +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param duration real +function common.CameraSetupSetDestPosition(whichSetup,x,y,duration) end + +---摄象机的目标 +---@param whichSetup camerasetup +---@return location +function common.CameraSetupGetDestPositionLoc(whichSetup) end + +---CameraSetupGetDestPositionX +---@param whichSetup camerasetup +---@return real +function common.CameraSetupGetDestPositionX(whichSetup) end + +---CameraSetupGetDestPositionY +---@param whichSetup camerasetup +---@return real +function common.CameraSetupGetDestPositionY(whichSetup) end + +---CameraSetupApply +---@param whichSetup camerasetup +---@param doPan boolean +---@param panTimed boolean +function common.CameraSetupApply(whichSetup,doPan,panTimed) end + +---CameraSetupApplyWithZ +---@param whichSetup camerasetup +---@param zDestOffset real +function common.CameraSetupApplyWithZ(whichSetup,zDestOffset) end + +---应用镜头(所有玩家)(限时) [R] +---@param whichSetup camerasetup +---@param doPan boolean +---@param forceDuration real +function common.CameraSetupApplyForceDuration(whichSetup,doPan,forceDuration) end + +---CameraSetupApplyForceDurationWithZ +---@param whichSetup camerasetup +---@param zDestOffset real +---@param forceDuration real +function common.CameraSetupApplyForceDurationWithZ(whichSetup,zDestOffset,forceDuration) end + +---CameraSetTargetNoise +---@param mag real +---@param velocity real +function common.CameraSetTargetNoise(mag,velocity) end + +---CameraSetSourceNoise +---@param mag real +---@param velocity real +function common.CameraSetSourceNoise(mag,velocity) end + +---摇晃镜头目标(所有玩家) [R] +---@param mag real +---@param velocity real +---@param vertOnly boolean +function common.CameraSetTargetNoiseEx(mag,velocity,vertOnly) end + +---摇晃镜头源(所有玩家) [R] +---@param mag real +---@param velocity real +---@param vertOnly boolean +function common.CameraSetSourceNoiseEx(mag,velocity,vertOnly) end + +---CameraSetSmoothingFactor +---@param factor real +function common.CameraSetSmoothingFactor(factor) end + +---CameraSetFocalDistance +---@param distance real +function common.CameraSetFocalDistance(distance) end + +---CameraSetDepthOfFieldScale +---@param scale real +function common.CameraSetDepthOfFieldScale(scale) end + +---SetCineFilterTexture +---@param filename string +function common.SetCineFilterTexture(filename) end + +---SetCineFilterBlendMode +---@param whichMode blendmode +function common.SetCineFilterBlendMode(whichMode) end + +---SetCineFilterTexMapFlags +---@param whichFlags texmapflags +function common.SetCineFilterTexMapFlags(whichFlags) end + +---SetCineFilterStartUV +---@param minu real +---@param minv real +---@param maxu real +---@param maxv real +function common.SetCineFilterStartUV(minu,minv,maxu,maxv) end + +---SetCineFilterEndUV +---@param minu real +---@param minv real +---@param maxu real +---@param maxv real +function common.SetCineFilterEndUV(minu,minv,maxu,maxv) end + +---SetCineFilterStartColor +---@param red integer +---@param green integer +---@param blue integer +---@param alpha integer +function common.SetCineFilterStartColor(red,green,blue,alpha) end + +---SetCineFilterEndColor +---@param red integer +---@param green integer +---@param blue integer +---@param alpha integer +function common.SetCineFilterEndColor(red,green,blue,alpha) end + +---SetCineFilterDuration +---@param duration real +function common.SetCineFilterDuration(duration) end + +---DisplayCineFilter +---@param flag boolean +function common.DisplayCineFilter(flag) end + +---IsCineFilterDisplayed +---@return boolean +function common.IsCineFilterDisplayed() end + +---SetCinematicScene +---@param portraitUnitId integer +---@param color playercolor +---@param speakerTitle string +---@param text string +---@param sceneDuration real +---@param voiceoverDuration real +function common.SetCinematicScene(portraitUnitId,color,speakerTitle,text,sceneDuration,voiceoverDuration) end + +---EndCinematicScene +function common.EndCinematicScene() end + +---ForceCinematicSubtitles +---@param flag boolean +function common.ForceCinematicSubtitles(flag) end + +---SetCinematicAudio +---@param cinematicAudio boolean +function common.SetCinematicAudio(cinematicAudio) end + +---GetCameraMargin +---@param whichMargin integer +---@return real +function common.GetCameraMargin(whichMargin) end + +---These return values for the local players camera only... +---These return values for the local players camera only... +---@return real +function common.GetCameraBoundMinX() end + +---GetCameraBoundMinY +---@return real +function common.GetCameraBoundMinY() end + +---GetCameraBoundMaxX +---@return real +function common.GetCameraBoundMaxX() end + +---GetCameraBoundMaxY +---@return real +function common.GetCameraBoundMaxY() end + +---当前摄象机的数值 +---@param whichField camerafield +---@return real +function common.GetCameraField(whichField) end + +---当前摄象机的目标的 X 坐标 +---@return real +function common.GetCameraTargetPositionX() end + +---当前摄象机的目标的 Y 坐标 +---@return real +function common.GetCameraTargetPositionY() end + +---当前摄象机的目标的 Z 坐标 +---@return real +function common.GetCameraTargetPositionZ() end + +---当前摄象机的目标 +---@return location +function common.GetCameraTargetPositionLoc() end + +---当前摄象机的位置的 X 坐标 +---@return real +function common.GetCameraEyePositionX() end + +---当前摄象机的位置的 Y 坐标 +---@return real +function common.GetCameraEyePositionY() end + +---当前摄象机的位置的 Z 坐标 +---@return real +function common.GetCameraEyePositionZ() end + +---当前照相机的位置 +---@return location +function common.GetCameraEyePositionLoc() end + +---Sound API +---@param environmentName string +function common.NewSoundEnvironment(environmentName) end + +---CreateSound +---@param fileName string +---@param looping boolean +---@param is3D boolean +---@param stopwhenoutofrange boolean +---@param fadeInRate integer +---@param fadeOutRate integer +---@param eaxSetting string +---@return sound +function common.CreateSound(fileName,looping,is3D,stopwhenoutofrange,fadeInRate,fadeOutRate,eaxSetting) end + +---CreateSoundFilenameWithLabel +---@param fileName string +---@param looping boolean +---@param is3D boolean +---@param stopwhenoutofrange boolean +---@param fadeInRate integer +---@param fadeOutRate integer +---@param SLKEntryName string +---@return sound +function common.CreateSoundFilenameWithLabel(fileName,looping,is3D,stopwhenoutofrange,fadeInRate,fadeOutRate,SLKEntryName) end + +---CreateSoundFromLabel +---@param soundLabel string +---@param looping boolean +---@param is3D boolean +---@param stopwhenoutofrange boolean +---@param fadeInRate integer +---@param fadeOutRate integer +---@return sound +function common.CreateSoundFromLabel(soundLabel,looping,is3D,stopwhenoutofrange,fadeInRate,fadeOutRate) end + +---CreateMIDISound +---@param soundLabel string +---@param fadeInRate integer +---@param fadeOutRate integer +---@return sound +function common.CreateMIDISound(soundLabel,fadeInRate,fadeOutRate) end + +---SetSoundParamsFromLabel +---@param soundHandle sound +---@param soundLabel string +function common.SetSoundParamsFromLabel(soundHandle,soundLabel) end + +---SetSoundDistanceCutoff +---@param soundHandle sound +---@param cutoff real +function common.SetSoundDistanceCutoff(soundHandle,cutoff) end + +---SetSoundChannel +---@param soundHandle sound +---@param channel integer +function common.SetSoundChannel(soundHandle,channel) end + +---设置音效音量 [R] +---@param soundHandle sound +---@param volume integer +function common.SetSoundVolume(soundHandle,volume) end + +---SetSoundPitch +---@param soundHandle sound +---@param pitch real +function common.SetSoundPitch(soundHandle,pitch) end + +---the following method must be called immediately after calling "StartSound" +---设置音效播放时间点 [R] +---@param soundHandle sound +---@param millisecs integer +function common.SetSoundPlayPosition(soundHandle,millisecs) end + +---these calls are only valid if the sound was created with 3d enabled +---设置3D声音距离 +---@param soundHandle sound +---@param minDist real +---@param maxDist real +function common.SetSoundDistances(soundHandle,minDist,maxDist) end + +---SetSoundConeAngles +---@param soundHandle sound +---@param inside real +---@param outside real +---@param outsideVolume integer +function common.SetSoundConeAngles(soundHandle,inside,outside,outsideVolume) end + +---SetSoundConeOrientation +---@param soundHandle sound +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param z real +function common.SetSoundConeOrientation(soundHandle,x,y,z) end + +---设置3D音效位置(指定坐标) [R] +---@param soundHandle sound +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param z real +function common.SetSoundPosition(soundHandle,x,y,z) end + +---SetSoundVelocity +---@param soundHandle sound +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param z real +function common.SetSoundVelocity(soundHandle,x,y,z) end + +---AttachSoundToUnit +---@param soundHandle sound +---@param whichUnit unit +function common.AttachSoundToUnit(soundHandle,whichUnit) end + +---StartSound +---@param soundHandle sound +function common.StartSound(soundHandle) end + +---StopSound +---@param soundHandle sound +---@param killWhenDone boolean +---@param fadeOut boolean +function common.StopSound(soundHandle,killWhenDone,fadeOut) end + +---KillSoundWhenDone +---@param soundHandle sound +function common.KillSoundWhenDone(soundHandle) end + +---Music Interface. Note that if music is disabled, these calls do nothing +---设置背景音乐列表 [R] +---@param musicName string +---@param random boolean +---@param index integer +function common.SetMapMusic(musicName,random,index) end + +---ClearMapMusic +function common.ClearMapMusic() end + +---PlayMusic +---@param musicName string +function common.PlayMusic(musicName) end + +---PlayMusicEx +---@param musicName string +---@param frommsecs integer +---@param fadeinmsecs integer +function common.PlayMusicEx(musicName,frommsecs,fadeinmsecs) end + +---StopMusic +---@param fadeOut boolean +function common.StopMusic(fadeOut) end + +---ResumeMusic +function common.ResumeMusic() end + +---播放主题音乐 [C] +---@param musicFileName string +function common.PlayThematicMusic(musicFileName) end + +---跳播主题音乐 [R] +---@param musicFileName string +---@param frommsecs integer +function common.PlayThematicMusicEx(musicFileName,frommsecs) end + +---停止主题音乐[C] +function common.EndThematicMusic() end + +---设置背景音乐音量 [R] +---@param volume integer +function common.SetMusicVolume(volume) end + +---设置背景音乐播放时间点 [R] +---@param millisecs integer +function common.SetMusicPlayPosition(millisecs) end + +---SetThematicMusicVolume +---@param volume integer +function common.SetThematicMusicVolume(volume) end + +---设置主题音乐播放时间点 [R] +---@param millisecs integer +function common.SetThematicMusicPlayPosition(millisecs) end + +---other music and sound calls +---other music and sound calls +---@param soundHandle sound +---@param duration integer +function common.SetSoundDuration(soundHandle,duration) end + +---GetSoundDuration +---@param soundHandle sound +---@return integer +function common.GetSoundDuration(soundHandle) end + +---GetSoundFileDuration +---@param musicFileName string +---@return integer +function common.GetSoundFileDuration(musicFileName) end + +---设置多通道音量 [R] +---@param vgroup volumegroup +---@param scale real +function common.VolumeGroupSetVolume(vgroup,scale) end + +---VolumeGroupReset +function common.VolumeGroupReset() end + +---GetSoundIsPlaying +---@param soundHandle sound +---@return boolean +function common.GetSoundIsPlaying(soundHandle) end + +---GetSoundIsLoading +---@param soundHandle sound +---@return boolean +function common.GetSoundIsLoading(soundHandle) end + +---RegisterStackedSound +---@param soundHandle sound +---@param byPosition boolean +---@param rectwidth real +---@param rectheight real +function common.RegisterStackedSound(soundHandle,byPosition,rectwidth,rectheight) end + +---UnregisterStackedSound +---@param soundHandle sound +---@param byPosition boolean +---@param rectwidth real +---@param rectheight real +function common.UnregisterStackedSound(soundHandle,byPosition,rectwidth,rectheight) end + +---SetSoundFacialAnimationLabel +---@param soundHandle sound +---@param animationLabel string +---@return boolean +function common.SetSoundFacialAnimationLabel(soundHandle,animationLabel) end + +---SetSoundFacialAnimationGroupLabel +---@param soundHandle sound +---@param groupLabel string +---@return boolean +function common.SetSoundFacialAnimationGroupLabel(soundHandle,groupLabel) end + +---SetSoundFacialAnimationSetFilepath +---@param soundHandle sound +---@param animationSetFilepath string +---@return boolean +function common.SetSoundFacialAnimationSetFilepath(soundHandle,animationSetFilepath) end + +---Subtitle support that is attached to the soundHandle rather than as disperate data with the legacy UI +---Subtitle support that is attached to the soundHandle rather than as disperate data with the legacy UI +---@param soundHandle sound +---@param speakerName string +---@return boolean +function common.SetDialogueSpeakerNameKey(soundHandle,speakerName) end + +---GetDialogueSpeakerNameKey +---@param soundHandle sound +---@return string +function common.GetDialogueSpeakerNameKey(soundHandle) end + +---SetDialogueTextKey +---@param soundHandle sound +---@param dialogueText string +---@return boolean +function common.SetDialogueTextKey(soundHandle,dialogueText) end + +---GetDialogueTextKey +---@param soundHandle sound +---@return string +function common.GetDialogueTextKey(soundHandle) end + +---Effects API +---新建天气效果 [R] +---@param where rect +---@param effectID integer +---@return weathereffect +function common.AddWeatherEffect(where,effectID) end + +---RemoveWeatherEffect +---@param whichEffect weathereffect +function common.RemoveWeatherEffect(whichEffect) end + +---打开/关闭天气效果 +---@param whichEffect weathereffect +---@param enable boolean +function common.EnableWeatherEffect(whichEffect,enable) end + +---新建地形变化:弹坑 [R] +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param radius real +---@param depth real +---@param duration integer +---@param permanent boolean +---@return terraindeformation +function common.TerrainDeformCrater(x,y,radius,depth,duration,permanent) end + +---新建地形变化:波纹 [R] +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param radius real +---@param depth real +---@param duration integer +---@param count integer +---@param spaceWaves real +---@param timeWaves real +---@param radiusStartPct real +---@param limitNeg boolean +---@return terraindeformation +function common.TerrainDeformRipple(x,y,radius,depth,duration,count,spaceWaves,timeWaves,radiusStartPct,limitNeg) end + +---新建地形变化:冲击波 [R] +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param dirX real +---@param dirY real +---@param distance real +---@param speed real +---@param radius real +---@param depth real +---@param trailTime integer +---@param count integer +---@return terraindeformation +function common.TerrainDeformWave(x,y,dirX,dirY,distance,speed,radius,depth,trailTime,count) end + +---新建地形变化:随机 [R] +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param radius real +---@param minDelta real +---@param maxDelta real +---@param duration integer +---@param updateInterval integer +---@return terraindeformation +function common.TerrainDeformRandom(x,y,radius,minDelta,maxDelta,duration,updateInterval) end + +---停止地形变化 [R] +---@param deformation terraindeformation +---@param duration integer +function common.TerrainDeformStop(deformation,duration) end + +---停止所有地域变形 +function common.TerrainDeformStopAll() end + +---新建特效(创建到坐标) [R] +---@param modelName string +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@return effect +function common.AddSpecialEffect(modelName,x,y) end + +---新建特效(创建到点) [R] +---@param modelName string +---@param where location +---@return effect +function common.AddSpecialEffectLoc(modelName,where) end + +---新建特效(创建到单位) [R] +---@param modelName string +---@param targetWidget widget +---@param attachPointName string +---@return effect +function common.AddSpecialEffectTarget(modelName,targetWidget,attachPointName) end + +---DestroyEffect +---@param whichEffect effect +function common.DestroyEffect(whichEffect) end + +---AddSpellEffect +---@param abilityString string +---@param t effecttype +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@return effect +function common.AddSpellEffect(abilityString,t,x,y) end + +---AddSpellEffectLoc +---@param abilityString string +---@param t effecttype +---@param where location +---@return effect +function common.AddSpellEffectLoc(abilityString,t,where) end + +---新建特效(指定技能,创建到坐标) [R] +---@param abilityId integer +---@param t effecttype +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@return effect +function common.AddSpellEffectById(abilityId,t,x,y) end + +---新建特效(指定技能,创建到点) [R] +---@param abilityId integer +---@param t effecttype +---@param where location +---@return effect +function common.AddSpellEffectByIdLoc(abilityId,t,where) end + +---AddSpellEffectTarget +---@param modelName string +---@param t effecttype +---@param targetWidget widget +---@param attachPoint string +---@return effect +function common.AddSpellEffectTarget(modelName,t,targetWidget,attachPoint) end + +---新建特效(指定技能,创建到单位) [R] +---@param abilityId integer +---@param t effecttype +---@param targetWidget widget +---@param attachPoint string +---@return effect +function common.AddSpellEffectTargetById(abilityId,t,targetWidget,attachPoint) end + +---新建闪电效果 [R] +---@param codeName string +---@param checkVisibility boolean +---@param x1 real +---@param y1 real +---@param x2 real +---@param y2 real +---@return lightning +function common.AddLightning(codeName,checkVisibility,x1,y1,x2,y2) end + +---新建闪电效果(指定Z轴) [R] +---@param codeName string +---@param checkVisibility boolean +---@param x1 real +---@param y1 real +---@param z1 real +---@param x2 real +---@param y2 real +---@param z2 real +---@return lightning +function common.AddLightningEx(codeName,checkVisibility,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2) end + +---DestroyLightning +---@param whichBolt lightning +---@return boolean +function common.DestroyLightning(whichBolt) end + +---MoveLightning +---@param whichBolt lightning +---@param checkVisibility boolean +---@param x1 real +---@param y1 real +---@param x2 real +---@param y2 real +---@return boolean +function common.MoveLightning(whichBolt,checkVisibility,x1,y1,x2,y2) end + +---移动闪电效果(指定坐标) [R] +---@param whichBolt lightning +---@param checkVisibility boolean +---@param x1 real +---@param y1 real +---@param z1 real +---@param x2 real +---@param y2 real +---@param z2 real +---@return boolean +function common.MoveLightningEx(whichBolt,checkVisibility,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2) end + +---GetLightningColorA +---@param whichBolt lightning +---@return real +function common.GetLightningColorA(whichBolt) end + +---GetLightningColorR +---@param whichBolt lightning +---@return real +function common.GetLightningColorR(whichBolt) end + +---GetLightningColorG +---@param whichBolt lightning +---@return real +function common.GetLightningColorG(whichBolt) end + +---GetLightningColorB +---@param whichBolt lightning +---@return real +function common.GetLightningColorB(whichBolt) end + +---SetLightningColor +---@param whichBolt lightning +---@param r real +---@param g real +---@param b real +---@param a real +---@return boolean +function common.SetLightningColor(whichBolt,r,g,b,a) end + +---GetAbilityEffect +---@param abilityString string +---@param t effecttype +---@param index integer +---@return string +function common.GetAbilityEffect(abilityString,t,index) end + +---GetAbilityEffectById +---@param abilityId integer +---@param t effecttype +---@param index integer +---@return string +function common.GetAbilityEffectById(abilityId,t,index) end + +---GetAbilitySound +---@param abilityString string +---@param t soundtype +---@return string +function common.GetAbilitySound(abilityString,t) end + +---GetAbilitySoundById +---@param abilityId integer +---@param t soundtype +---@return string +function common.GetAbilitySoundById(abilityId,t) end + +---Terrain API +---地形悬崖高度(指定坐标) [R] +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@return integer +function common.GetTerrainCliffLevel(x,y) end + +---设置水颜色 [R] +---@param red integer +---@param green integer +---@param blue integer +---@param alpha integer +function common.SetWaterBaseColor(red,green,blue,alpha) end + +---设置 水变形 开/关 +---@param val boolean +function common.SetWaterDeforms(val) end + +---指定坐标地形 [R] +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@return integer +function common.GetTerrainType(x,y) end + +---地形样式(指定坐标) [R] +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@return integer +function common.GetTerrainVariance(x,y) end + +---改变地形类型(指定坐标) [R] +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param terrainType integer +---@param variation integer +---@param area integer +---@param shape integer +function common.SetTerrainType(x,y,terrainType,variation,area,shape) end + +---地形通行状态关闭(指定坐标) [R] +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param t pathingtype +---@return boolean +function common.IsTerrainPathable(x,y,t) end + +---设置地形通行状态(指定坐标) [R] +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param t pathingtype +---@param flag boolean +function common.SetTerrainPathable(x,y,t,flag) end + +---Image API +---新建图像 [R] +---@param file string +---@param sizeX real +---@param sizeY real +---@param sizeZ real +---@param posX real +---@param posY real +---@param posZ real +---@param originX real +---@param originY real +---@param originZ real +---@param imageType integer +---@return image +function common.CreateImage(file,sizeX,sizeY,sizeZ,posX,posY,posZ,originX,originY,originZ,imageType) end + +---删除图像 +---@param whichImage image +function common.DestroyImage(whichImage) end + +---显示/隐藏 [R] +---@param whichImage image +---@param flag boolean +function common.ShowImage(whichImage,flag) end + +---改变图像高度 +---@param whichImage image +---@param flag boolean +---@param height real +function common.SetImageConstantHeight(whichImage,flag,height) end + +---改变图像位置(指定坐标) [R] +---@param whichImage image +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param z real +function common.SetImagePosition(whichImage,x,y,z) end + +---改变图像颜色 [R] +---@param whichImage image +---@param red integer +---@param green integer +---@param blue integer +---@param alpha integer +function common.SetImageColor(whichImage,red,green,blue,alpha) end + +---改变图像着色状态 +---@param whichImage image +---@param flag boolean +function common.SetImageRender(whichImage,flag) end + +---改变图像永久着色状态 +---@param whichImage image +---@param flag boolean +function common.SetImageRenderAlways(whichImage,flag) end + +---改变图像水上状态 +---@param whichImage image +---@param flag boolean +---@param useWaterAlpha boolean +function common.SetImageAboveWater(whichImage,flag,useWaterAlpha) end + +---改变图像类型 +---@param whichImage image +---@param imageType integer +function common.SetImageType(whichImage,imageType) end + +---Ubersplat API +---新建地面纹理变化 [R] +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param name string +---@param red integer +---@param green integer +---@param blue integer +---@param alpha integer +---@param forcePaused boolean +---@param noBirthTime boolean +---@return ubersplat +function common.CreateUbersplat(x,y,name,red,green,blue,alpha,forcePaused,noBirthTime) end + +---删除地面纹理 +---@param whichSplat ubersplat +function common.DestroyUbersplat(whichSplat) end + +---重置地面纹理 +---@param whichSplat ubersplat +function common.ResetUbersplat(whichSplat) end + +---完成地面纹理 +---@param whichSplat ubersplat +function common.FinishUbersplat(whichSplat) end + +---显示/隐藏 地面纹理变化[R] +---@param whichSplat ubersplat +---@param flag boolean +function common.ShowUbersplat(whichSplat,flag) end + +---改变地面纹理着色状态 +---@param whichSplat ubersplat +---@param flag boolean +function common.SetUbersplatRender(whichSplat,flag) end + +---改变地面纹理永久着色状态 +---@param whichSplat ubersplat +---@param flag boolean +function common.SetUbersplatRenderAlways(whichSplat,flag) end + +---Blight API +---创建/删除荒芜地表(圆范围)(指定坐标) [R] +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param radius real +---@param addBlight boolean +function common.SetBlight(whichPlayer,x,y,radius,addBlight) end + +---创建/删除荒芜地表(矩形区域) [R] +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param r rect +---@param addBlight boolean +function common.SetBlightRect(whichPlayer,r,addBlight) end + +---SetBlightPoint +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param addBlight boolean +function common.SetBlightPoint(whichPlayer,x,y,addBlight) end + +---SetBlightLoc +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param whichLocation location +---@param radius real +---@param addBlight boolean +function common.SetBlightLoc(whichPlayer,whichLocation,radius,addBlight) end + +---新建不死族金矿 [R] +---@param id player +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param face real +---@return unit +function common.CreateBlightedGoldmine(id,x,y,face) end + +---坐标点被荒芜地表覆盖 [R] +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@return boolean +function common.IsPointBlighted(x,y) end + +---Doodad API +---播放圆范围内地形装饰物动画 [R] +---@param x real +---@param y real +---@param radius real +---@param doodadID integer +---@param nearestOnly boolean +---@param animName string +---@param animRandom boolean +function common.SetDoodadAnimation(x,y,radius,doodadID,nearestOnly,animName,animRandom) end + +---播放矩形区域内地形装饰物动画 [R] +---@param r rect +---@param doodadID integer +---@param animName string +---@param animRandom boolean +function common.SetDoodadAnimationRect(r,doodadID,animName,animRandom) end + +---Computer AI interface +---启动对战 AI +---@param num player +---@param script string +function common.StartMeleeAI(num,script) end + +---启动战役 AI +---@param num player +---@param script string +function common.StartCampaignAI(num,script) end + +---发送 AI 命令 +---@param num player +---@param command integer +---@param data integer +function common.CommandAI(num,command,data) end + +---暂停/恢复 AI脚本运行 [R] +---@param p player +---@param pause boolean +function common.PauseCompAI(p,pause) end + +---对战 AI +---@param num player +---@return aidifficulty +function common.GetAIDifficulty(num) end + +---忽略单位的防守职责 +---@param hUnit unit +function common.RemoveGuardPosition(hUnit) end + +---恢复单位的防守职责 +---@param hUnit unit +function common.RecycleGuardPosition(hUnit) end + +---忽略所有单位的防守职责 +---@param num player +function common.RemoveAllGuardPositions(num) end + +---** Cheat标签 ** +---@param cheatStr string +function common.Cheat(cheatStr) end + +---无法胜利 [R] +---@return boolean +function common.IsNoVictoryCheat() end + +---无法失败 [R] +---@return boolean +function common.IsNoDefeatCheat() end + +---预读文件 +---@param filename string +function common.Preload(filename) end + +---开始预读 +---@param timeout real +function common.PreloadEnd(timeout) end + +---PreloadStart +function common.PreloadStart() end + +---PreloadRefresh +function common.PreloadRefresh() end + +---PreloadEndEx +function common.PreloadEndEx() end + +---PreloadGenClear +function common.PreloadGenClear() end + +---PreloadGenStart +function common.PreloadGenStart() end + +---PreloadGenEnd +---@param filename string +function common.PreloadGenEnd(filename) end + +---预读一批文件 +---@param filename string +function common.Preloader(filename) end + +---Automation Test +---Automation Test +---@param testType string +function common.AutomationSetTestType(testType) end + +---AutomationTestStart +---@param testName string +function common.AutomationTestStart(testName) end + +---AutomationTestEnd +function common.AutomationTestEnd() end + +---AutomationTestingFinished +function common.AutomationTestingFinished() end + +---RequestExtraIntegerData +---@param dataType integer +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param param1 string +---@param param2 string +---@param param3 boolean +---@param param4 integer +---@param param5 integer +---@param param6 integer +---@return integer +function common.RequestExtraIntegerData(dataType,whichPlayer,param1,param2,param3,param4,param5,param6) end + +---RequestExtraBooleanData +---@param dataType integer +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param param1 string +---@param param2 string +---@param param3 boolean +---@param param4 integer +---@param param5 integer +---@param param6 integer +---@return boolean +function common.RequestExtraBooleanData(dataType,whichPlayer,param1,param2,param3,param4,param5,param6) end + +---RequestExtraStringData +---@param dataType integer +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param param1 string +---@param param2 string +---@param param3 boolean +---@param param4 integer +---@param param5 integer +---@param param6 integer +---@return string +function common.RequestExtraStringData(dataType,whichPlayer,param1,param2,param3,param4,param5,param6) end + +---RequestExtraRealData +---@param dataType integer +---@param whichPlayer player +---@param param1 string +---@param param2 string +---@param param3 boolean +---@param param4 integer +---@param param5 integer +---@param param6 integer +---@return real +function common.RequestExtraRealData(dataType,whichPlayer,param1,param2,param3,param4,param5,param6) end + +---CreateCommandButtonEffect +---@param abilityId integer +---@param order string +---@return commandbuttoneffect +function common.CreateCommandButtonEffect(abilityId,order) end + +---CreateUpgradeCommandButtonEffect +---@param whichUprgade integer +---@return commandbuttoneffect +function common.CreateUpgradeCommandButtonEffect(whichUprgade) end + +---CreateLearnCommandButtonEffect +---@param abilityId integer +---@return commandbuttoneffect +function common.CreateLearnCommandButtonEffect(abilityId) end + +---DestroyCommandButtonEffect +---@param whichEffect commandbuttoneffect +function common.DestroyCommandButtonEffect(whichEffect) end + +return common diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/config.json b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/config.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..39d495fc9 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/config.json @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +{ + "files" : [ + "resty/redis%.lua", + "lib/resty/.*%.lua", + "src/resty/.*%.lua", + "lib/ngx.*/.*%.lua", + "src/ngx.*/.*%.lua" + ], + "words" : [ + "resty%.%w+", + "ngx%.%w+" + ], + "settings" : { + "Lua.runtime.version" : "LuaJIT", + "Lua.diagnostics.globals" : [ + "ngx" + ] + } +} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/cjson.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/cjson.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aeef436a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/cjson.lua @@ -0,0 +1,488 @@ +---@meta + +--- lua cjson +--- +--- https://kyne.com.au/~mark/software/lua-cjson.php +--- https://kyne.com.au/~mark/software/lua-cjson-manual.html +--- https://openresty.org/en/lua-cjson-library.html +--- +--- **NOTE:** This includes the additions in the OpenResty-maintained cjson fork: https://github.com/openresty/lua-cjson +--- +--- --- +--- +--- The cjson module will throw an error during JSON conversion if any invalid +--- data is encountered. Refer to `cjson.encode` and cjson.decode for details. +--- +--- The cjson.safe module behaves identically to the cjson module, except when +--- errors are encountered during JSON conversion. On error, the cjson_safe.encode +--- and cjson_safe.decode functions will return nil followed by the error message. +--- +--- cjson.new can be used to instantiate an independent copy of the Lua CJSON +--- module. The new module has a separate persistent encoding buffer, and default settings. +--- +--- Lua CJSON can support Lua implementations using multiple preemptive threads +--- within a single Lua state provided the persistent encoding buffer is not +--- shared. This can be achieved by one of the following methods: +--- +--- * Disabling the persistent encoding buffer with cjson.encode_keep_buffer +--- * Ensuring each thread calls cjson.encode separately (ie, treat cjson.encode as non-reentrant). +--- * Using a separate cjson module table per preemptive thread (cjson.new) +--- +--- ## Note +--- +--- Lua CJSON uses `strtod` and `snprintf` to perform numeric conversion as they +--- are usually well supported, fast and bug free. However, these functions +--- require a workaround for JSON encoding/parsing under locales using a comma +--- decimal separator. Lua CJSON detects the current locale during instantiation +--- to determine and automatically implement the workaround if required. Lua +--- CJSON should be reinitialised via cjson.new if the locale of the current +--- process changes. Using a different locale per thread is not supported. +--- +---@class cjson +---@field _NAME string +---@field _VERSION string +---@field null cjson.null +---@field empty_array cjson.empty_array +---@field array_mt cjson.array_mt +---@field empty_array_mt cjson.empty_array_mt +--- +local cjson = {} + + +--- A metatable which can "tag" a table as a JSON Array in case it is empty (that +--- is, if the table has no elements, `cjson.encode()` will encode it as an empty +--- JSON Array). +--- +--- Instead of: +--- +---```lua +--- local function serialize(arr) +--- if #arr < 1 then +--- arr = cjson.empty_array +--- end +--- +--- return cjson.encode({some_array = arr}) +--- end +---``` +--- +--- This is more concise: +--- +---```lua +--- local function serialize(arr) +--- setmetatable(arr, cjson.empty_array_mt) +--- +--- return cjson.encode({some_array = arr}) +--- end +---``` +--- +--- Both will generate: +--- +---```json +--- { +--- "some_array": [] +--- } +---``` +--- +--- **NOTE:** This field is specific to the OpenResty cjson fork. +--- +---@alias cjson.empty_array_mt table + + +--- When lua-cjson encodes a table with this metatable, it will systematically +--- encode it as a JSON Array. The resulting, encoded Array will contain the +--- array part of the table, and will be of the same length as the `#` operator +--- on that table. Holes in the table will be encoded with the null JSON value. +--- +--- ## Example +--- +---```lua +--- local t = { "hello", "world" } +--- setmetatable(t, cjson.array_mt) +--- cjson.encode(t) -- ["hello","world"] +---``` +--- +--- Or: +--- +---```lua +--- local t = {} +--- t[1] = "one" +--- t[2] = "two" +--- t[4] = "three" +--- t.foo = "bar" +--- setmetatable(t, cjson.array_mt) +--- cjson.encode(t) -- ["one","two",null,"three"] +---``` +--- +--- **NOTE:** This field is specific to the OpenResty cjson fork. +--- +--- This value was introduced in the release of this module. +--- +---@alias cjson.array_mt table + + +--- Sentinel type that denotes a JSON `null` value +---@alias cjson.null lightuserdata + + +--- A lightuserdata, similar to `cjson.null`, which will be encoded as an empty +--- JSON Array by `cjson.encode()`. +--- +--- For example, since encode_empty_table_as_object is true by default: +--- +---```lua +--- local cjson = require "cjson" +--- +--- local json = cjson.encode({ +--- foo = "bar", +--- some_object = {}, +--- some_array = cjson.empty_array +--- }) +---``` +--- +--- This will generate: +--- +---```json +--- { +--- "foo": "bar", +--- "some_object": {}, +--- "some_array": [] +--- } +---``` +--- +--- **NOTE:** This field is specific to the OpenResty cjson fork. +--- +---@alias cjson.empty_array lightuserdata + + +--- unserialize a json string to a lua value +--- +--- `cjson.decode` will deserialise any UTF-9 JSON string into a Lua value or table. +--- +--- UTF-16 and UTF-32 JSON strings are not supported. +--- +--- cjson.decode requires that any NULL (ASCII 0) and double quote (ASCII 34) characters are escaped within strings. All escape codes will be decoded and other bytes will be passed transparently. UTF-8 characters are not validated during decoding and should be checked elsewhere if required. +--- +--- JSON null will be converted to a NULL lightuserdata value. This can be compared with `cjson.null` for convenience. +--- +--- By default, numbers incompatible with the JSON specification (infinity, NaN, hexadecimal) can be decoded. This default can be changed with `cjson.decode_invalid_numbers()`. +--- +--- ```lua +--- local json_text '[ true, { "foo": "bar" } ]' +--- cjson.decode(json_text) --> { true, { foo = "bar" } } +--- ``` +--- +---@param json string +---@return any +function cjson.decode(json) end + + +--- decode_invalid_numbers +--- +--- Lua CJSON may generate an error when trying to decode numbers not supported +--- by the JSON specification. Invalid numbers are defined as: +--- +--- * infinity +--- * not-a-number (NaN) +--- * hexadecimal +--- +--- Available settings: +--- +--- * `true`: Accept and decode invalid numbers. This is the default setting. +--- * `false`: Throw an error when invalid numbers are encountered. +--- +--- The current setting is always returned, and is only updated when an argument is provided. +--- +---@param setting? boolean # (default: `true`) +---@return boolean setting # the value of the current setting +function cjson.decode_invalid_numbers(setting) end + + +--- decode_max_depth +--- +--- Lua CJSON will generate an error when parsing deeply nested JSON once the +--- maximum array/object depth has been exceeded. This check prevents +--- unnecessarily complicated JSON from slowing down the application, or crashing +--- the application due to lack of process stack space. +--- +--- An error may be generated before the depth limit is hit if Lua is unable to +--- allocate more objects on the Lua stack. +--- +--- By default, Lua CJSON will reject JSON with arrays and/or objects nested +--- more than 1000 levels deep. +--- +--- The current setting is always returned, and is only updated when an argument is provided. +--- +---@param depth? integer # must be positive (default `1000`) +---@return integer depth +function cjson.decode_max_depth(depth) end + + +--- decode_array_with_array_mt +--- +--- If enabled, JSON Arrays decoded by cjson.decode will result in Lua tables +--- with the array_mt metatable. This can ensure a 1-to-1 relationship between +--- arrays upon multiple encoding/decoding of your JSON data with this module. +--- +--- If disabled, JSON Arrays will be decoded to plain Lua tables, without the +--- `cjson.array_mt` metatable. +--- +--- ## Example +--- +---```lua +--- local cjson = require "cjson" +--- +--- -- default behavior +--- local my_json = [[{"my_array":[]}]] +--- local t = cjson.decode(my_json) +--- cjson.encode(t) -- {"my_array":{}} back to an object +--- +--- -- now, if this behavior is enabled +--- cjson.decode_array_with_array_mt(true) +--- +--- local my_json = [[{"my_array":[]}]] +--- local t = cjson.decode(my_json) +--- cjson.encode(t) -- {"my_array":[]} properly re-encoded as an array +---``` +--- +--- **NOTE:** This function is specific to the OpenResty cjson fork. +--- +---@param enabled boolean # (default: false) +function cjson.decode_array_with_array_mt(enabled) end + + +--- serialize a lua value to a json string +--- +--- cjson.encode will serialise a Lua value into a string containing the JSON representation. +--- +--- cjson.encode supports the following types: +--- +--- * boolean +--- * lightuserdata (NULL value only) +--- * nil +--- * number +--- * string +--- * table +--- +--- The remaining Lua types will generate an error: +--- +--- * function +--- * lightuserdata (non-NULL values) +--- * thread +--- * userdata +--- +--- By default, numbers are encoded with 14 significant digits. Refer to cjson.encode_number_precision for details. +--- +--- Lua CJSON will escape the following characters within each UTF-8 string: +--- +--- * Control characters (ASCII 0 - 31) +--- * Double quote (ASCII 34) +--- * Forward slash (ASCII 47) +--- * Blackslash (ASCII 92) +--- * Delete (ASCII 127) +--- +--- All other bytes are passed transparently. +--- +--- +--- ## Caution +--- +--- Lua CJSON will successfully encode/decode binary strings, but this is technically not supported by JSON and may not be compatible with other JSON libraries. To ensure the output is valid JSON, applications should ensure all Lua strings passed to cjson.encode are UTF-8. +--- +--- --- +--- Base64 is commonly used to encode binary data as the most efficient encoding under UTF-8 can only reduce the encoded size by a further ~8%. Lua Base64 routines can be found in the LuaSocket and lbase64 packages. +--- +--- Lua CJSON uses a heuristic to determine whether to encode a Lua table as a JSON array or an object. A Lua table with only positive integer keys of type number will be encoded as a JSON array. All other tables will be encoded as a JSON object. +--- +--- Lua CJSON does not use metamethods when serialising tables. +--- +--- * `rawget()` is used to iterate over Lua arrays +--- * `next()` is used to iterate over Lua objects +--- +--- Lua arrays with missing entries (sparse arrays) may optionally be encoded in +--- several different ways. Refer to cjson.encode_sparse_array for details. +--- +--- JSON object keys are always strings. Hence cjson.encode only supports table +--- keys which are type number or string. All other types will generate an error. +--- +--- ## Note +--- Standards compliant JSON must be encapsulated in either an object ({}) or an array ([]). If strictly standards compliant JSON is desired, a table must be passed to cjson.encode. +--- +--- --- +--- +--- By default, encoding the following Lua values will generate errors: +--- +--- * Numbers incompatible with the JSON specification (infinity, NaN) +--- * Tables nested more than 1000 levels deep +--- * Excessively sparse Lua arrays +--- +--- These defaults can be changed with: +--- +--- * cjson.encode_invalid_numbers +--- * cjson.encode_max_depth +--- * cjson.encode_sparse_array +--- +---```lua +--- local value = { true, { foo = "bar" } } +--- cjson.encode(value) --> '[true,{"foo":"bar"}]' +---``` +--- +---@param value any +---@return string json +function cjson.encode(value) end + + +--- encode_invalid_numbers +--- +--- Lua CJSON may generate an error when encoding floating point numbers not +--- supported by the JSON specification (invalid numbers): +--- +--- * infinity +--- * not-a-number (NaN) +--- +--- Available settings: +--- +--- * `true`: Allow invalid numbers to be encoded. This will generate non-standard JSON, but this output is supported by some libraries. +--- * `false`: Throw an error when attempting to encode invalid numbers. This is the default setting. +--- * `"null"`: Encode invalid numbers as a JSON null value. This allows infinity and NaN to be encoded into valid JSON. +--- +--- The current setting is always returned, and is only updated when an argument is provided. +--- +---@param setting? boolean|'"null"' +---@return boolean|'"null"' setting +function cjson.encode_invalid_numbers(setting) end + + +--- encode_keep_buffer +--- +--- Lua CJSON can reuse the JSON encoding buffer to improve performance. +--- +--- Available settings: +--- +--- * `true` - The buffer will grow to the largest size required and is not freed until the Lua CJSON module is garbage collected. This is the default setting. +--- * `false` - Free the encode buffer after each call to cjson.encode. +--- +--- The current setting is always returned, and is only updated when an argument is provided. +--- +---@param setting? boolean +---@return boolean setting +function cjson.encode_keep_buffer(setting) end + + +--- encode_max_depth +--- +--- Once the maximum table depth has been exceeded Lua CJSON will generate an +--- error. This prevents a deeply nested or recursive data structure from +--- crashing the application. +--- +--- By default, Lua CJSON will generate an error when trying to encode data +--- structures with more than 1000 nested tables. +--- +--- The current setting is always returned, and is only updated when an argument is provided. +--- +---@param depth? integer # must be positive (default `1000`) +---@return integer depth +function cjson.encode_max_depth(depth) end + + +--- encode_number_precision +--- +--- The amount of significant digits returned by Lua CJSON when encoding numbers +--- can be changed to balance accuracy versus performance. For data structures +--- containing many numbers, setting cjson.encode_number_precision to a smaller +--- integer, for example 3, can improve encoding performance by up to 50%. +--- +--- By default, Lua CJSON will output 14 significant digits when converting a number to text. +--- +--- The current setting is always returned, and is only updated when an argument is provided. +--- +--- **NOTE:** The maximum value of 16 is only supported by the OpenResty cjson +--- fork. The maximum in the upstream mpx/lua-cjson module is 14. +--- +---@param precision? integer # must be between 1 and 16 +---@return integer precision +function cjson.encode_number_precision(precision) end + + +--- encode_sparse_array +--- +--- Lua CJSON classifies a Lua table into one of three kinds when encoding a JSON array. This is determined by the number of values missing from the Lua array as follows: +--- +--- * Normal - All values are available. +--- * Sparse - At least 1 value is missing. +--- * Excessively sparse - The number of values missing exceeds the configured ratio. +--- +--- Lua CJSON encodes sparse Lua arrays as JSON arrays using JSON null for the missing entries. +--- +--- An array is excessively sparse when all the following conditions are met: +--- +--- * ratio > 0 +--- * maximum_index > safe +--- * maximum_index > item_count * ratio +--- +--- Lua CJSON will never consider an array to be excessively sparse when ratio = 0. +--- The safe limit ensures that small Lua arrays are always encoded as sparse arrays. +--- +--- By default, attempting to encode an excessively sparse array will generate +--- an error. If convert is set to true, excessively sparse arrays will be +--- converted to a JSON object. +--- +--- The current settings are always returned. A particular setting is only +--- changed when the argument is provided (non-nil). +--- +--- ## Example: Encoding a sparse array +--- +---```lua +--- cjson.encode({ [3] = "data" }) +--- -- Returns: '[null,null,"data"]' +---``` +--- +--- ## Example: Enabling conversion to a JSON object +--- +---```lua +--- cjson.encode_sparse_array(true) +--- cjson.encode({ [1000] = "excessively sparse" }) +--- -- Returns: '{"1000":"excessively sparse"}' +---``` +--- +---@param convert? boolean # (default: false) +---@param ratio? integer # must be positive (default: 2) +---@param safe? integer # must be positive (default: 10) +---@return boolean convert +---@return integer ratio +---@return integer safe +function cjson.encode_sparse_array(convert, ratio, safe) end + + +--- encode_empty_table_as_object +--- +--- Change the default behavior when encoding an empty Lua table. +--- +--- By default, empty Lua tables are encoded as empty JSON Objects (`{}`). If +--- this is set to false, empty Lua tables will be encoded as empty JSON Arrays +--- instead (`[]`). +--- +--- **NOTE:** This function is specific to the OpenResty cjson fork. +--- +---@param setting boolean|'"on"'|'"off"' +function cjson.encode_empty_table_as_object(setting) end + + +--- encode_escape_forward_slash +--- +--- If enabled, forward slash '/' will be encoded as '\/'. +--- +--- If disabled, forward slash '/' will be encoded as '/' (no escape is applied). +--- +--- **NOTE:** This function is specific to the OpenResty cjson fork. +--- +---@param enabled boolean # (default: true) +function cjson.encode_escape_forward_slash(enabled) end + + +--- instantiate an independent copy of the Lua CJSON module +--- +--- The new module has a separate persistent encoding buffer, and default settings +---@return cjson +function cjson.new() end + + +return cjson diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/cjson/safe.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/cjson/safe.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..64244b150 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/cjson/safe.lua @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +---@meta + +--- The `cjson.safe` module behaves identically to the `cjson` module, except when +--- errors are encountered during JSON conversion. On error, the `cjson.safe.encode` +--- and `cjson.safe.decode` functions will return `nil` followed by the error message. +--- +--- @see cjson +--- +---@class cjson.safe : cjson +local cjson_safe = {} + + +--- unserialize a json string to a lua value +--- +--- Returns `nil` and an error string when the input cannot be decoded. +--- +--- ```lua +--- local value, err = cjson_safe.decode(some_json_string) +--- ``` +---@param json string +---@return any? decoded +---@return string? error +function cjson_safe.decode(json) end + + +--- serialize a lua value to a json string +--- +--- Returns `nil` and an error string when the input cannot be encoded. +--- +--- ```lua +--- local json, err = cjson_safe.encode(some_lua_value) +--- ``` +---@param value any +---@return string? encoded +---@return string? error +function cjson_safe.encode(value) end + + +--- instantiate an independent copy of the Lua CJSON module +--- +--- The new module has a separate persistent encoding buffer, and default settings +---@return cjson.safe +function cjson_safe.new() end + + +return cjson_safe diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/jit.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/jit.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1adb40fad --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/jit.lua @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +---@meta + + +--- Returns (and optionally sets) the current PRNG state (an array of 8 Lua +--- numbers with 32-bit integer values) currently used by the JIT compiler. +--- +--- When the `state` argument is non-nil, it is expected to be an array of up to 8 +--- unsigned Lua numbers, each with value less than 2\*\*32-1. This will set the +--- current PRNG state and return the state that was overridden. +--- +--- **Note:** For backward compatibility, `state` argument can also be an unsigned +--- Lua number less than 2\*\*32-1. +--- +--- **Note:** When the `state` argument is an array and less than 8 numbers, or the +--- `state` is a number, the remaining positions are filled with zeros. +--- +--- Usage: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local state = jit.prngstate() +--- local oldstate = jit.prngstate{ a, b, c, ... } +--- +--- jit.prngstate(32) -- {32, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} +--- jit.prngstate{432, 23, 50} -- {432, 23, 50, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} +--- ``` +--- +--- **Note:** This API has no effect if LuaJIT is compiled with +--- `-DLUAJIT_DISABLE_JIT`, and will return a table with all `0`. +--- +---@param state? integer[] +---@return integer[] state +function jit.prngstate(state) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ndk.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ndk.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..17085c92e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ndk.lua @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +---@meta +ndk={} +ndk.set_var={} +return ndk \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a223709db --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx.lua @@ -0,0 +1,4393 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ngx : table +--- +--- The `ngx.null` constant is a `NULL` light userdata usually used to represent nil values in Lua tables etc and is similar to the `lua-cjson` library's `cjson.null` constant. +---@field null userdata +--- +--- Read and write the current request's response status. This should be called +--- before sending out the response headers. +--- +--- ```lua +--- -- set +--- ngx.status = ngx.HTTP_CREATED +--- -- get +--- status = ngx.status +--- ``` +--- +--- Setting `ngx.status` after the response header is sent out has no effect but leaving an error message in your NGINX's error log file: +--- attempt to set ngx.status after sending out response headers +---@field status ngx.http.status_code +--- +--- Returns `true` if the response headers have been sent (by ngx_lua), and `false` otherwise. +--- +---@field headers_sent boolean +--- +--- Returns `true` if the current request is an NGINX subrequest, or `false` otherwise. +---@field is_subrequest boolean +--- +ngx = {} + +---@class ngx.OK +ngx.OK = 0 +---@class ngx.ERROR +ngx.ERROR = -1 +ngx.AGAIN = -2 +ngx.DONE = -4 +ngx.DECLINED = -5 + +ngx.HTTP_GET = 2 +ngx.HTTP_HEAD = 4 +ngx.HTTP_POST = 8 +ngx.HTTP_PUT = 16 +ngx.HTTP_DELETE = 32 +ngx.HTTP_MKCOL = 64 +ngx.HTTP_COPY = 128 +ngx.HTTP_MOVE = 256 +ngx.HTTP_OPTIONS = 512 +ngx.HTTP_PROPFIND = 1024 +ngx.HTTP_PROPPATCH = 2048 +ngx.HTTP_LOCK = 4096 +ngx.HTTP_UNLOCK = 8192 +ngx.HTTP_PATCH = 16384 +ngx.HTTP_TRACE = 32768 + +---@alias ngx.http.method +---| `ngx.HTTP_GET` +---| `ngx.HTTP_HEAD` +---| `ngx.HTTP_POST` +---| `ngx.HTTP_PUT` +---| `ngx.HTTP_DELETE` +---| `ngx.HTTP_MKCOL` +---| `ngx.HTTP_COPY` +---| `ngx.HTTP_MOVE` +---| `ngx.HTTP_OPTIONS` +---| `ngx.HTTP_PROPFIND` +---| `ngx.HTTP_PROPPATCH` +---| `ngx.HTTP_LOCK` +---| `ngx.HTTP_UNLOCK` +---| `ngx.HTTP_PATCH` +---| `ngx.HTTP_TRACE` + +ngx.HTTP_CONTINUE = 100 +ngx.HTTP_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS = 101 +ngx.HTTP_OK = 200 +ngx.HTTP_CREATED = 201 +ngx.HTTP_ACCEPTED = 202 +ngx.HTTP_NO_CONTENT = 204 +ngx.HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT = 206 +ngx.HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE = 300 +ngx.HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY = 301 +ngx.HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY = 302 +ngx.HTTP_SEE_OTHER = 303 +ngx.HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED = 304 +ngx.HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = 307 +ngx.HTTP_PERMANENT_REDIRECT = 308 +ngx.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST = 400 +ngx.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED = 401 +ngx.HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED = 402 +ngx.HTTP_FORBIDDEN = 403 +ngx.HTTP_NOT_FOUND = 404 +ngx.HTTP_NOT_ALLOWED = 405 +ngx.HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE = 406 +ngx.HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 408 +ngx.HTTP_CONFLICT = 409 +ngx.HTTP_GONE = 410 +ngx.HTTP_UPGRADE_REQUIRED = 426 +ngx.HTTP_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS = 429 +ngx.HTTP_CLOSE = 444 +ngx.HTTP_ILLEGAL = 451 +ngx.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 500 +ngx.HTTP_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 501 +ngx.HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY = 502 +ngx.HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 503 +ngx.HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = 504 +ngx.HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 505 +ngx.HTTP_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE = 507 + +---@alias ngx.http.status_code +---| integer +---| `ngx.HTTP_CONTINUE` +---| `ngx.HTTP_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS` +---| `ngx.HTTP_OK` +---| `ngx.HTTP_CREATED` +---| `ngx.HTTP_ACCEPTED` +---| `ngx.HTTP_NO_CONTENT` +---| `ngx.HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT` +---| `ngx.HTTP_SPECIAL_RESPONSE` +---| `ngx.HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY` +---| `ngx.HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY` +---| `ngx.HTTP_SEE_OTHER` +---| `ngx.HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED` +---| `ngx.HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT` +---| `ngx.HTTP_PERMANENT_REDIRECT` +---| `ngx.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST` +---| `ngx.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED` +---| `ngx.HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED` +---| `ngx.HTTP_FORBIDDEN` +---| `ngx.HTTP_NOT_FOUND` +---| `ngx.HTTP_NOT_ALLOWED` +---| `ngx.HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE` +---| `ngx.HTTP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT` +---| `ngx.HTTP_CONFLICT` +---| `ngx.HTTP_GONE` +---| `ngx.HTTP_UPGRADE_REQUIRED` +---| `ngx.HTTP_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS` +---| `ngx.HTTP_CLOSE` +---| `ngx.HTTP_ILLEGAL` +---| `ngx.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR` +---| `ngx.HTTP_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED` +---| `ngx.HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY` +---| `ngx.HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE` +---| `ngx.HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT` +---| `ngx.HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED` +---| `ngx.HTTP_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE` + + +ngx.DEBUG = 8 +ngx.INFO = 7 +ngx.NOTICE = 6 +ngx.WARN = 5 +ngx.ERR = 4 +ngx.CRIT = 3 +ngx.ALERT = 2 +ngx.EMERG = 1 +ngx.STDERR = 0 + +--- NGINX log level constants +--- https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module/#nginx-log-level-constants +---@alias ngx.log.level +---| `ngx.DEBUG` # debug +---| `ngx.INFO` # info +---| `ngx.NOTICE` # notice +---| `ngx.WARN` # warning +---| `ngx.ERR` # error +---| `ngx.ALERT` # alert +---| `ngx.CRIT` # critical +---| `ngx.EMERG` # emergency +---| `ngx.STDERR` # standard error + + +--- ngx.ctx table +--- +--- This table can be used to store per-request Lua context data and has a life time identical to the current request (as with the NGINX variables). +--- +--- Consider the following example, +--- +--- ```nginx +--- location /test { +--- rewrite_by_lua_block { +--- ngx.ctx.foo = 76 +--- } +--- access_by_lua_block { +--- ngx.ctx.foo = ngx.ctx.foo + 3 +--- } +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- ngx.say(ngx.ctx.foo) +--- } +--- } +--- ``` +--- +--- Then `GET /test` will yield the output +--- +--- ```bash +--- 79 +--- ``` +--- +--- That is, the `ngx.ctx.foo` entry persists across the rewrite, access, and content phases of a request. +--- +--- Every request, including subrequests, has its own copy of the table. For example: +--- +--- ```nginx +--- location /sub { +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- ngx.say("sub pre: ", ngx.ctx.blah) +--- ngx.ctx.blah = 32 +--- ngx.say("sub post: ", ngx.ctx.blah) +--- } +--- } +--- +--- location /main { +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- ngx.ctx.blah = 73 +--- ngx.say("main pre: ", ngx.ctx.blah) +--- local res = ngx.location.capture("/sub") +--- ngx.print(res.body) +--- ngx.say("main post: ", ngx.ctx.blah) +--- } +--- } +--- ``` +--- +--- Then `GET /main` will give the output +--- +--- ```bash +--- main pre: 73 +--- sub pre: nil +--- sub post: 32 +--- main post: 73 +--- ``` +--- +--- Here, modification of the `ngx.ctx.blah` entry in the subrequest does not affect the one in the parent request. This is because they have two separate versions of `ngx.ctx.blah`. +--- +--- Internal redirection will destroy the original request `ngx.ctx` data (if any) and the new request will have an empty `ngx.ctx` table. For instance, +--- +--- ```nginx +--- location /new { +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- ngx.say(ngx.ctx.foo) +--- } +--- } +--- +--- location /orig { +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- ngx.ctx.foo = "hello" +--- ngx.exec("/new") +--- } +--- } +--- ``` +--- +--- Then `GET /orig` will give +--- +--- ```bash +--- nil +--- ``` +--- +--- rather than the original `"hello"` value. +--- +--- Arbitrary data values, including Lua closures and nested tables, can be inserted into this "magic" table. It also allows the registration of custom meta methods. +--- +--- Overriding `ngx.ctx` with a new Lua table is also supported, for example, +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.ctx = { foo = 32, bar = 54 } +--- ``` +--- +--- When being used in the context of `init_worker_by_lua*`, this table just has the same lifetime of the current Lua handler. +--- +--- The `ngx.ctx` lookup requires relatively expensive metamethod calls and it is much slower than explicitly passing per-request data along by your own function arguments. So do not abuse this API for saving your own function arguments because it usually has quite some performance impact. +--- +--- Because of the metamethod magic, never "local" the `ngx.ctx` table outside your Lua function scope on the Lua module level due to `worker-level data sharing`. For example, the following is bad: +--- +--- ```lua +--- -- mymodule.lua +--- local _M = {} +--- +--- -- the following line is bad since ngx.ctx is a per-request +--- -- data while this ctx variable is on the Lua module level +--- -- and thus is per-nginx-worker. +--- local ctx = ngx.ctx +--- +--- function _M.main() +--- ctx.foo = "bar" +--- end +--- +--- return _M +--- ``` +--- +--- Use the following instead: +--- +--- ```lua +--- -- mymodule.lua +--- local _M = {} +--- +--- function _M.main(ctx) +--- ctx.foo = "bar" +--- end +--- +--- return _M +--- ``` +--- +--- That is, let the caller pass the `ctx` table explicitly via a function argument. +ngx.ctx = {} + +--- NGINX thread methods +ngx.thread = {} + +---@class ngx.thread : thread + +--- Kills a running "light thread" created by `ngx.thread.spawn`. Returns a true value when successful or `nil` and a string describing the error otherwise. +--- +--- According to the current implementation, only the parent coroutine (or "light thread") can kill a thread. Also, a running "light thread" with pending NGINX subrequests (initiated by `ngx.location.capture` for example) cannot be killed due to a limitation in the NGINX core. +--- +---@param thread ngx.thread +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function ngx.thread.kill(thread) end + +--- Waits on one or more child "light threads" and returns the results of the first "light thread" that terminates (either successfully or with an error). +--- +--- The arguments `thread1`, `thread2`, and etc are the Lua thread objects returned by earlier calls of `ngx.thread.spawn`. +--- +--- The return values have exactly the same meaning as `coroutine.resume`, that is, the first value returned is a boolean value indicating whether the "light thread" terminates successfully or not, and subsequent values returned are the return values of the user Lua function that was used to spawn the "light thread" (in case of success) or the error object (in case of failure). +--- +--- Only the direct "parent coroutine" can wait on its child "light thread", otherwise a Lua exception will be raised. +--- +--- The following example demonstrates the use of `ngx.thread.wait` and `ngx.location.capture` to emulate `ngx.location.capture_multi`: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local capture = ngx.location.capture +--- local spawn = ngx.thread.spawn +--- local wait = ngx.thread.wait +--- local say = ngx.say +--- +--- local function fetch(uri) +--- return capture(uri) +--- end +--- +--- local threads = { +--- spawn(fetch, "/foo"), +--- spawn(fetch, "/bar"), +--- spawn(fetch, "/baz") +--- } +--- +--- for i = 1, #threads do +--- local ok, res = wait(threads[i]) +--- if not ok then +--- say(i, ": failed to run: ", res) +--- else +--- say(i, ": status: ", res.status) +--- say(i, ": body: ", res.body) +--- end +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- Here it essentially implements the "wait all" model. +--- +--- And below is an example demonstrating the "wait any" model: +--- +--- ```lua +--- function f() +--- ngx.sleep(0.2) +--- ngx.say("f: hello") +--- return "f done" +--- end +--- +--- function g() +--- ngx.sleep(0.1) +--- ngx.say("g: hello") +--- return "g done" +--- end +--- +--- local tf, err = ngx.thread.spawn(f) +--- if not tf then +--- ngx.say("failed to spawn thread f: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- +--- ngx.say("f thread created: ", coroutine.status(tf)) +--- +--- local tg, err = ngx.thread.spawn(g) +--- if not tg then +--- ngx.say("failed to spawn thread g: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- +--- ngx.say("g thread created: ", coroutine.status(tg)) +--- +--- ok, res = ngx.thread.wait(tf, tg) +--- if not ok then +--- ngx.say("failed to wait: ", res) +--- return +--- end +--- +--- ngx.say("res: ", res) +--- +--- -- stop the "world", aborting other running threads +--- ngx.exit(ngx.OK) +--- ``` +--- +--- And it will generate the following output: +--- +--- f thread created: running +--- g thread created: running +--- g: hello +--- res: g done +--- +---@param ... ngx.thread +---@return boolean ok +---@return any ret_or_error +function ngx.thread.wait(...) end + +--- Spawns a new user "light thread" with the Lua function `func` as well as those optional arguments `arg1`, `arg2`, and etc. Returns a Lua thread (or Lua coroutine) object represents this "light thread". +--- +--- "Light threads" are just a special kind of Lua coroutines that are scheduled by the ngx_lua module. +--- +--- Before `ngx.thread.spawn` returns, the `func` will be called with those optional arguments until it returns, aborts with an error, or gets yielded due to I/O operations via the NGINX APIs for lua (like `tcpsock:receive`). +--- +--- After `ngx.thread.spawn` returns, the newly-created "light thread" will keep running asynchronously usually at various I/O events. +--- +--- All the Lua code chunks running by `rewrite_by_lua`, `access_by_lua`, and `content_by_lua` are in a boilerplate "light thread" created automatically by ngx_lua. Such boilerplate "light thread" are also called "entry threads". +--- +--- By default, the corresponding NGINX handler (e.g., `rewrite_by_lua` handler) will not terminate until +--- +--- 1. both the "entry thread" and all the user "light threads" terminates, +--- 1. a "light thread" (either the "entry thread" or a user "light thread" aborts by calling `ngx.exit`, `ngx.exec`, `ngx.redirect`, or `ngx.req.set_uri(uri, true)`, or +--- 1. the "entry thread" terminates with a Lua error. +--- +--- When the user "light thread" terminates with a Lua error, however, it will not abort other running "light threads" like the "entry thread" does. +--- +--- Due to the limitation in the NGINX subrequest model, it is not allowed to abort a running NGINX subrequest in general. So it is also prohibited to abort a running "light thread" that is pending on one ore more NGINX subrequests. You must call `ngx.thread.wait` to wait for those "light thread" to terminate before quitting the "world". A notable exception here is that you can abort pending subrequests by calling `ngx.exit` with and only with the status code `ngx.ERROR` (-1), `408`, `444`, or `499`. +--- +--- The "light threads" are not scheduled in a pre-emptive way. In other words, no time-slicing is performed automatically. A "light thread" will keep running exclusively on the CPU until +--- +--- 1. a (nonblocking) I/O operation cannot be completed in a single run, +--- 1. it calls `coroutine.yield` to actively give up execution, or +--- 1. it is aborted by a Lua error or an invocation of `ngx.exit`, `ngx.exec`, `ngx.redirect`, or `ngx.req.set_uri(uri, true)`. +--- +--- For the first two cases, the "light thread" will usually be resumed later by the ngx_lua scheduler unless a "stop-the-world" event happens. +--- +--- User "light threads" can create "light threads" themselves. And normal user coroutines created by `coroutine.create` can also create "light threads". The coroutine (be it a normal Lua coroutine or a "light thread") that directly spawns the "light thread" is called the "parent coroutine" for the "light thread" newly spawned. +--- +--- The "parent coroutine" can call `ngx.thread.wait` to wait on the termination of its child "light thread". +--- +--- You can call coroutine.status() and coroutine.yield() on the "light thread" coroutines. +--- +--- The status of the "light thread" coroutine can be "zombie" if +--- +--- 1. the current "light thread" already terminates (either successfully or with an error), +--- 1. its parent coroutine is still alive, and +--- 1. its parent coroutine is not waiting on it with `ngx.thread.wait`. +--- +--- The following example demonstrates the use of coroutine.yield() in the "light thread" coroutines +--- to do manual time-slicing: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local yield = coroutine.yield +--- +--- function f() +--- local self = coroutine.running() +--- ngx.say("f 1") +--- yield(self) +--- ngx.say("f 2") +--- yield(self) +--- ngx.say("f 3") +--- end +--- +--- local self = coroutine.running() +--- ngx.say("0") +--- yield(self) +--- +--- ngx.say("1") +--- ngx.thread.spawn(f) +--- +--- ngx.say("2") +--- yield(self) +--- +--- ngx.say("3") +--- yield(self) +--- +--- ngx.say("4") +--- ``` +--- +--- Then it will generate the output +--- +--- 0 +--- 1 +--- f 1 +--- 2 +--- f 2 +--- 3 +--- f 3 +--- 4 +--- +--- "Light threads" are mostly useful for making concurrent upstream requests in a single NGINX request handler, much like a generalized version of `ngx.location.capture_multi` that can work with all the NGINX APIs for lua. The following example demonstrates parallel requests to MySQL, Memcached, and upstream HTTP services in a single Lua handler, and outputting the results in the order that they actually return (similar to Facebook's BigPipe model): +--- +--- ```lua +--- -- query mysql, memcached, and a remote http service at the same time, +--- -- output the results in the order that they +--- -- actually return the results. +--- +--- local mysql = require "resty.mysql" +--- local memcached = require "resty.memcached" +--- +--- local function query_mysql() +--- local db = mysql:new() +--- db:connect{ +--- host = "", +--- port = 3306, +--- database = "test", +--- user = "monty", +--- password = "mypass" +--- } +--- local res, err, errno, sqlstate = +--- db:query("select * from cats order by id asc") +--- db:set_keepalive(0, 100) +--- ngx.say("mysql done: ", cjson.encode(res)) +--- end +--- +--- local function query_memcached() +--- local memc = memcached:new() +--- memc:connect("", 11211) +--- local res, err = memc:get("some_key") +--- ngx.say("memcached done: ", res) +--- end +--- +--- local function query_http() +--- local res = ngx.location.capture("/my-http-proxy") +--- ngx.say("http done: ", res.body) +--- end +--- +--- ngx.thread.spawn(query_mysql) -- create thread 1 +--- ngx.thread.spawn(query_memcached) -- create thread 2 +--- ngx.thread.spawn(query_http) -- create thread 3 +--- ``` +--- +---@param func function +---@param ... any +---@return ngx.thread +function ngx.thread.spawn(func, ...) end + +--- NGINX worker methods +ngx.worker = {} + +--- This function returns a boolean value indicating whether the current NGINX worker process already starts exiting. NGINX worker process exiting happens on NGINX server quit or configuration reload (aka HUP reload). +--- +---@return boolean +function ngx.worker.exiting() end + +--- Returns the ordinal number of the current NGINX worker processes (starting from number 0). +--- +--- So if the total number of workers is `N`, then this method may return a number between 0 +--- and `N - 1` (inclusive). +--- +---@return number +function ngx.worker.id() end + +--- Returns the total number of the NGINX worker processes (i.e., the value configured +--- by the `worker_processes` +--- directive in `nginx.conf`). +--- +---@return number +function ngx.worker.count() end + +--- This function returns a Lua number for the process ID (PID) of the current NGINX worker process. This API is more efficient than `ngx.var.pid` and can be used in contexts where the `ngx.var.VARIABLE` API cannot be used (like `init_worker_by_lua`). +--- +---@return number +function ngx.worker.pid() end + +---@class ngx.config : table +--- +--- This string field indicates the current NGINX subsystem the current Lua environment is based on. For this module, this field always takes the string value `"http"`. +--- For `ngx_stream_lua_module`, however, this field takes the value `"stream"`. +---@field subsystem '"http"'|'"stream"' +--- +--- This field takes an integral value indicating the version number of the current NGINX core being used. For example, the version number `1.4.3` results in the Lua number 1004003. +---@field nginx_version number +--- +--- This field takes an integral value indicating the version number of the current `ngx_lua` module being used. +--- For example, the version number `0.9.3` results in the Lua number 9003. +---@field ngx_lua_version number +--- +--- This boolean field indicates whether the current NGINX is a debug build, i.e., being built by the `./configure` option `--with-debug`. +---@field debug boolean +--- +--- This boolean field indicates whether the current NGINX run by resty. +---@field is_console boolean +--- +ngx.config = {} + + +--- Returns the NGINX server "prefix" path, as determined by the `-p` command-line option when running the NGINX executable, or the path specified by the `--prefix` command-line option when building NGINX with the `./configure` script. +--- +---@return string +function ngx.config.prefix() end + +--- This function returns a string for the NGINX `./configure` command's arguments string. +--- +---@return string +function ngx.config.nginx_configure() end + +ngx.timer = {} + +---@alias ngx.timer.callback fun(premature:boolean, ...:any) + +--- Returns the number of pending timers. +--- +---@return number +function ngx.timer.pending_count() end + +--- Returns the number of timers currently running. +--- +---@return integer +function ngx.timer.running_count() end + +--- Similar to the `ngx.timer.at` API function, but +--- +--- 1. `delay` *cannot* be zero, +--- 2. timer will be created every `delay` seconds until the current NGINX worker process starts exiting. +--- +--- When success, returns a "conditional true" value (but not a `true`). Otherwise, returns a "conditional false" value and a string describing the error. +--- +--- This API also respect the `lua_max_pending_timers` and `lua_max_running_timers`. +--- +---@param delay number the interval to execute the timer on +---@param callback ngx.timer.callback the function to call +---@param ... any extra arguments to pass to `callback` +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function ngx.timer.every(delay, callback, ...) end + +--- Creates an NGINX timer with a user callback function as well as optional user arguments. +--- +--- The first argument, `delay`, specifies the delay for the timer, +--- in seconds. One can specify fractional seconds like `0.001` to mean 1 +--- millisecond here. `0` delay can also be specified, in which case the +--- timer will immediately expire when the current handler yields +--- execution. +--- +--- The second argument, `callback`, can +--- be any Lua function, which will be invoked later in a background +--- "light thread" after the delay specified. The user callback will be +--- called automatically by the NGINX core with the arguments `premature`, +--- `user_arg1`, `user_arg2`, and etc, where the `premature` +--- argument takes a boolean value indicating whether it is a premature timer +--- expiration or not, and `user_arg1`, `user_arg2`, and etc, are +--- those (extra) user arguments specified when calling `ngx.timer.at` +--- as the remaining arguments. +--- +--- Premature timer expiration happens when the NGINX worker process is +--- trying to shut down, as in an NGINX configuration reload triggered by +--- the `HUP` signal or in an NGINX server shutdown. When the NGINX worker +--- is trying to shut down, one can no longer call `ngx.timer.at` to +--- create new timers with nonzero delays and in that case `ngx.timer.at` will return a "conditional false" value and +--- a string describing the error, that is, "process exiting". +--- +--- It is allowed to create zero-delay timers even when the NGINX worker process starts shutting down. +--- +--- When a timer expires, the user Lua code in the timer callback is +--- running in a "light thread" detached completely from the original +--- request creating the timer. So objects with the same lifetime as the +--- request creating them, like `cosockets`, cannot be shared between the +--- original request and the timer user callback function. +--- +--- Here is a simple example: +--- +--- ```nginx +--- location / { +--- ... +--- log_by_lua_block { +--- local function push_data(premature, uri, args, status) +--- -- push the data uri, args, and status to the remote +--- -- via ngx.socket.tcp or ngx.socket.udp +--- -- (one may want to buffer the data in Lua a bit to +--- -- save I/O operations) +--- end +--- local ok, err = ngx.timer.at(0, push_data, +--- ngx.var.uri, ngx.var.args, ngx.header.status) +--- if not ok then +--- ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to create timer: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- } +--- } +--- ``` +--- +--- One can also create infinite re-occurring timers, for instance, a timer getting triggered every `5` seconds, by calling `ngx.timer.at` recursively in the timer callback function. Here is such an example, +--- +--- ```lua +--- local delay = 5 +--- local handler +--- handler = function (premature) +--- -- do some routine job in Lua just like a cron job +--- if premature then +--- return +--- end +--- local ok, err = ngx.timer.at(delay, handler) +--- if not ok then +--- ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to create the timer: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- end +--- +--- local ok, err = ngx.timer.at(delay, handler) +--- if not ok then +--- ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to create the timer: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- It is recommended, however, to use the `ngx.timer.every` API function +--- instead for creating recurring timers since it is more robust. +--- +--- Because timer callbacks run in the background and their running time +--- will not add to any client request's response time, they can easily +--- accumulate in the server and exhaust system resources due to either +--- Lua programming mistakes or just too much client traffic. To prevent +--- extreme consequences like crashing the NGINX server, there are +--- built-in limitations on both the number of "pending timers" and the +--- number of "running timers" in an NGINX worker process. The "pending +--- timers" here mean timers that have not yet been expired and "running +--- timers" are those whose user callbacks are currently running. +--- +--- The maximal number of pending timers allowed in an NGINX +--- worker is controlled by the `lua_max_pending_timers` +--- directive. The maximal number of running timers is controlled by the +--- `lua_max_running_timers` directive. +--- +--- According to the current implementation, each "running timer" will +--- take one (fake) connection record from the global connection record +--- list configured by the standard `worker_connections` directive in +--- `nginx.conf`. So ensure that the +--- `worker_connections` directive is set to +--- a large enough value that takes into account both the real connections +--- and fake connections required by timer callbacks (as limited by the +--- `lua_max_running_timers` directive). +--- +--- A lot of the Lua APIs for NGINX are enabled in the context of the timer +--- callbacks, like stream/datagram cosockets (`ngx.socket.tcp` and `ngx.socket.udp`), shared +--- memory dictionaries (`ngx.shared.DICT`), user coroutines (`coroutine.*`), +--- user "light threads" (`ngx.thread.*`), `ngx.exit`, `ngx.now`/`ngx.time`, +--- `ngx.md5`/`ngx.sha1_bin`, are all allowed. But the subrequest API (like +--- `ngx.location.capture`), the `ngx.req.*` API, the downstream output API +--- (like `ngx.say`, `ngx.print`, and `ngx.flush`) are explicitly disabled in +--- this context. +--- +--- You can pass most of the standard Lua values (nils, booleans, numbers, strings, tables, closures, file handles, and etc) into the timer callback, either explicitly as user arguments or implicitly as upvalues for the callback closure. There are several exceptions, however: you *cannot* pass any thread objects returned by `coroutine.create` and `ngx.thread.spawn` or any cosocket objects returned by `ngx.socket.tcp`, `ngx.socket.udp`, and `ngx.req.socket` because these objects' lifetime is bound to the request context creating them while the timer callback is detached from the creating request's context (by design) and runs in its own (fake) request context. If you try to share the thread or cosocket objects across the boundary of the creating request, then you will get the "no co ctx found" error (for threads) or "bad request" (for cosockets). It is fine, however, to create all these objects inside your timer callback. +--- +---@param delay number +---@param callback ngx.timer.callback +---@param ... any +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function ngx.timer.at(delay, callback, ...) end + + +--- Unescape `str` as an escaped URI component. +--- +--- For example, +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.say(ngx.unescape_uri("b%20r56+7")) +--- ``` +--- +--- gives the output +--- +--- b r56 7 +--- +---@param str string +---@return string +function ngx.unescape_uri(str) end + +--- Escape `str` as a URI component. +--- +---@param str string +---@return string +function ngx.escape_uri(str) end + +--- Returns the binary form of the SHA-1 digest of the `str` argument. +--- +--- This function requires SHA-1 support in the NGINX build. (This usually just means OpenSSL should be installed while building NGINX). +--- +---@param str string +---@return any +function ngx.sha1_bin(str) end + +--- Calculates the CRC-32 (Cyclic Redundancy Code) digest for the `str` argument. +--- +--- This method performs better on relatively short `str` inputs (i.e., less than 30 ~ 60 bytes), as compared to `ngx.crc32_long`. The result is exactly the same as `ngx.crc32_long`. +--- +--- Behind the scene, it is just a thin wrapper around the `ngx_crc32_short` function defined in the NGINX core. +--- +---@param str string +---@return number +function ngx.crc32_short(str) end + +--- Calculates the CRC-32 (Cyclic Redundancy Code) digest for the `str` argument. +--- +--- This method performs better on relatively long `str` inputs (i.e., longer than 30 ~ 60 bytes), as compared to `ngx.crc32_short`. The result is exactly the same as `ngx.crc32_short`. +--- +--- Behind the scene, it is just a thin wrapper around the `ngx_crc32_long` function defined in the NGINX core. +--- +---@param str string +---@return number +function ngx.crc32_long(str) end + +--- Returns the binary form of the MD5 digest of the `str` argument. +--- +--- See `ngx.md5` if the hexadecimal form of the MD5 digest is required. +--- +---@param str string +---@return string +function ngx.md5_bin(str) end + +--- Returns the hexadecimal representation of the MD5 digest of the `str` argument. +--- +--- For example, +--- +--- ```nginx +--- location = /md5 { +--- content_by_lua_block { ngx.say(ngx.md5("hello")) } +--- } +--- ``` +--- +--- yields the output +--- +--- 5d41402abc4b2a76b9719d911017c592 +--- +--- See `ngx.md5_bin` if the raw binary MD5 digest is required. +--- +---@param str string +---@return string +function ngx.md5(str) end + +--- Computes the `HMAC-SHA1` digest of the argument `str` and turns the result using the secret key ``. +--- +--- The raw binary form of the `HMAC-SHA1` digest will be generated, use `ngx.encode_base64`, for example, to encode the result to a textual representation if desired. +--- +--- For example, +--- +--- ```lua +--- local key = "thisisverysecretstuff" +--- local src = "some string we want to sign" +--- local digest = ngx.hmac_sha1(key, src) +--- ngx.say(ngx.encode_base64(digest)) +--- ``` +--- +--- yields the output +--- +--- R/pvxzHC4NLtj7S+kXFg/NePTmk= +--- +---@param secret_key string +---@param str string +---@return string +function ngx.hmac_sha1(secret_key, str) end + +--- Returns a quoted SQL string literal according to the MySQL quoting rules. +--- +---@param raw_value string +---@return string +function ngx.quote_sql_str(raw_value) end + +ngx.re = {} + + +--- PCRE regex options string +--- +--- This is a string made up of single-letter PCRE option names, usable in all `ngx.re.*` functions. +--- +--- Options: +--- +--- a - anchored mode (only match from the beginning) +--- d - enable the DFA mode (or the longest token match semantics). +--- D - enable duplicate named pattern support. This allows named subpattern names to be repeated, returning the captures in an array-like Lua table. +--- i - case insensitive mode +--- j - enable PCRE JIT compilation. For optimum performance, this option should always be used together with the 'o' option. +--- J - enable the PCRE Javascript compatible mode +--- m - multi-line mode +--- o - compile-once mode, to enable the worker-process-level compiled-regex cache +--- s - single-line mode +--- u - UTF-8 mode. +--- U - similar to "u" but disables PCRE's UTF-8 validity check on the subject string +--- x - extended mode +--- +--- These options can be combined: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local m, err = ngx.re.match("hello, world", "HEL LO", "ix") +--- -- m[0] == "hello" +--- ``` +--- +--- ```lua +--- local m, err = ngx.re.match("hello, 美好生活", "HELLO, (.{2})", "iu") +--- -- m[0] == "hello, 美好" +--- -- m[1] == "美好" +--- ``` +--- +--- The `o` option is useful for performance tuning, because the regex pattern in question will only be compiled once, cached in the worker-process level, and shared among all requests in the current NGINX worker process. The upper limit of the regex cache can be tuned via the `lua_regex_cache_max_entries` directive. +--- +---@alias ngx.re.options string + + +--- ngx.re.match capture table +--- +--- This table may have both integer and string keys. +--- +--- `captures[0]` is special and contains the whole substring match +--- +--- `captures[1]` through `captures[n]` contain the values of unnamed, parenthesized sub-pattern captures +--- +--- ```lua +--- local m, err = ngx.re.match("hello, 1234", "[0-9]+") +--- if m then +--- -- m[0] == "1234" +--- +--- else +--- if err then +--- ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "error: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- +--- ngx.say("match not found") +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- ```lua +--- local m, err = ngx.re.match("hello, 1234", "([0-9])[0-9]+") +--- -- m[0] == "1234" +--- -- m[1] == "1" +--- ``` +--- +--- Named captures are stored with string keys corresponding to the capture name (e.g. `captures["my_capture_name"]`) _in addition to_ their sequential integer key (`captures[n]`): +--- +--- ```lua +--- local m, err = ngx.re.match("hello, 1234", "([0-9])(?[0-9]+)") +--- -- m[0] == "1234" +--- -- m[1] == "1" +--- -- m[2] == "234" +--- -- m["remaining"] == "234" +--- ``` +--- +--- Unmatched captures (named or unnamed) take the value `false`. +--- +--- ```lua +--- local m, err = ngx.re.match("hello, world", "(world)|(hello)|(?howdy)") +--- -- m[0] == "hello" +--- -- m[1] == false +--- -- m[2] == "hello" +--- -- m[3] == false +--- -- m["named"] == false +--- ``` +--- +---@alias ngx.re.captures table + +--- ngx.re.match context table +--- +--- A Lua table holding an optional `pos` field. When the `pos` field in the `ctx` table argument is specified, `ngx.re.match` will start matching from that offset (starting from 1). Regardless of the presence of the `pos` field in the `ctx` table, `ngx.re.match` will always set this `pos` field to the position *after* the substring matched by the whole pattern in case of a successful match. When match fails, the `ctx` table will be left intact. +--- +--- ```lua +--- local ctx = {} +--- local m, err = ngx.re.match("1234, hello", "[0-9]+", "", ctx) +--- -- m[0] = "1234" +--- -- ctx.pos == 5 +--- ``` +--- +--- ```lua +--- local ctx = { pos = 2 } +--- local m, err = ngx.re.match("1234, hello", "[0-9]+", "", ctx) +--- -- m[0] = "234" +--- -- ctx.pos == 5 +--- ``` +--- +---@class ngx.re.ctx : table +---@field pos? integer + + +--- Similar to `ngx.re.match` but only returns the beginning index (`from`) and end index (`to`) of the matched substring. The returned indexes are 1-based and can be fed directly into the `string.sub` API function to obtain the matched substring. +--- +--- In case of errors (like bad regexes or any PCRE runtime errors), this API function returns two `nil` values followed by a string describing the error. +--- +--- If no match is found, this function just returns a `nil` value. +--- +--- Below is an example: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local s = "hello, 1234" +--- local from, to, err = ngx.re.find(s, "([0-9]+)", "jo") +--- if from then +--- ngx.say("from: ", from) +--- ngx.say("to: ", to) +--- ngx.say("matched: ", string.sub(s, from, to)) +--- else +--- if err then +--- ngx.say("error: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- ngx.say("not matched!") +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- This example produces the output +--- +--- from: 8 +--- to: 11 +--- matched: 1234 +--- +--- Because this API function does not create new Lua strings nor new Lua tables, it is much faster than `ngx.re.match`. It should be used wherever possible. +--- +--- The optional 5th argument, `nth`, allows the caller to specify which (submatch) capture's indexes to return. When `nth` is 0 (which is the default), the indexes for the whole matched substring is returned; when `nth` is 1, then the 1st submatch capture's indexes are returned; when `nth` is 2, then the 2nd submatch capture is returned, and so on. When the specified submatch does not have a match, then two `nil` values will be returned. Below is an example for this: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local str = "hello, 1234" +--- local from, to = ngx.re.find(str, "([0-9])([0-9]+)", "jo", nil, 2) +--- if from then +--- ngx.say("matched 2nd submatch: ", string.sub(str, from, to)) -- yields "234" +--- end +--- ``` +--- +---@param subject string +---@param regex string +---@param options? ngx.re.options +---@param ctx? ngx.re.ctx +---@param nth? integer +---@return integer? from +---@return integer? to +---@return string? error +function ngx.re.find(subject, regex, options, ctx, nth) end + + +--- Similar to `ngx.re.match`, but returns a Lua iterator instead, so as to let the user programmer iterate all the matches over the `` string argument with the PCRE `regex`. +--- +--- In case of errors, like seeing an ill-formed regular expression, `nil` and a string describing the error will be returned. +--- +--- Here is a small example to demonstrate its basic usage: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local iterator, err = ngx.re.gmatch("hello, world!", "([a-z]+)", "i") +--- if not iterator then +--- ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "error: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- +--- local m +--- m, err = iterator() -- m[0] == m[1] == "hello" +--- if err then +--- ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "error: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- +--- m, err = iterator() -- m[0] == m[1] == "world" +--- if err then +--- ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "error: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- +--- m, err = iterator() -- m == nil +--- if err then +--- ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "error: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- More often we just put it into a Lua loop: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local it, err = ngx.re.gmatch("hello, world!", "([a-z]+)", "i") +--- if not it then +--- ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "error: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- +--- while true do +--- local m, err = it() +--- if err then +--- ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "error: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- +--- if not m then +--- -- no match found (any more) +--- break +--- end +--- +--- -- found a match +--- ngx.say(m[0]) +--- ngx.say(m[1]) +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- The current implementation requires that the iterator returned should only be used in a single request. That is, one should *not* assign it to a variable belonging to persistent namespace like a Lua package. +--- +---@alias ngx.re.gmatch.iterator fun():string,string +--- +---@param subject string +---@param regex string +---@param options? ngx.re.options +---@return ngx.re.gmatch.iterator? iterator +---@return string? error +function ngx.re.gmatch(subject, regex, options) end + + +--- Matches the `subject` string using the Perl compatible regular expression `regex` with the optional `options`. +--- +--- Only the first occurrence of the match is returned, or `nil` if no match is found. In case of errors, like seeing a bad regular expression or exceeding the PCRE stack limit, `nil` and a string describing the error will be returned. +--- +--- The optional fourth argument, `ctx`, can be a Lua table holding an optional `pos` field. When the `pos` field in the `ctx` table argument is specified, `ngx.re.match` will start matching from that offset (starting from 1). Regardless of the presence of the `pos` field in the `ctx` table, `ngx.re.match` will always set this `pos` field to the position *after* the substring matched by the whole pattern in case of a successful match. When match fails, the `ctx` table will be left intact. +--- +--- ```lua +--- local ctx = {} +--- local m, err = ngx.re.match("1234, hello", "[0-9]+", "", ctx) +--- -- m[0] = "1234" +--- -- ctx.pos == 5 +--- ``` +--- +--- ```lua +--- local ctx = { pos = 2 } +--- local m, err = ngx.re.match("1234, hello", "[0-9]+", "", ctx) +--- -- m[0] = "234" +--- -- ctx.pos == 5 +--- ``` +--- +--- The `ctx` table argument combined with the `a` regex modifier can be used to construct a lexer atop `ngx.re.match`. +--- +--- Note that, the `options` argument is not optional when the `ctx` argument is specified and that the empty Lua string (`""`) must be used as placeholder for `options` if no meaningful regex options are required. +--- +--- The optional 5th argument, `res_table`, allows the caller to supply the Lua table used to hold all the capturing results. Starting from `0.9.6`, it is the caller's responsibility to ensure this table is empty. This is very useful for recycling Lua tables and saving GC and table allocation overhead. +--- +---@param subject string +---@param regex string +---@param options? ngx.re.options +---@param ctx? ngx.re.ctx +---@param res? ngx.re.captures +---@return ngx.re.captures? captures +---@return string? error +function ngx.re.match(subject, regex, options, ctx, res) end + +--- Just like `ngx.re.sub`, but does global substitution. +--- +--- Here is some examples: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local newstr, n, err = ngx.re.gsub("hello, world", "([a-z])[a-z]+", "[$0,$1]", "i") +--- if newstr then +--- -- newstr == "[hello,h], [world,w]" +--- -- n == 2 +--- else +--- ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "error: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- ```lua +--- local func = function (m) +--- return "[" .. m[0] .. "," .. m[1] .. "]" +--- end +--- local newstr, n, err = ngx.re.gsub("hello, world", "([a-z])[a-z]+", func, "i") +--- -- newstr == "[hello,h], [world,w]" +--- -- n == 2 +--- ``` +--- +---@param subject string +---@param regex string +---@param replace ngx.re.replace +---@param options? ngx.re.options +---@return string? new +---@return integer? n +---@return string? error +function ngx.re.gsub(subject, regex, replace, options) end + +--- When `replace` is string, then it is treated as a special template for string replacement: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local newstr, n, err = ngx.re.sub("hello, 1234", "([0-9])[0-9]", "[$0][$1]") +--- if newstr then +--- -- newstr == "hello, [12][1]34" +--- -- n == 1 +--- else +--- ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "error: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- ...where `$0` refers to the whole substring matched by the pattern, and `$1` referring to the first parenthesized capturing substring. +--- +--- Curly braces can also be used to disambiguate variable names from the background string literals: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local newstr, n, err = ngx.re.sub("hello, 1234", "[0-9]", "${0}00") +--- -- newstr == "hello, 100234" +--- -- n == 1 +--- ``` +--- +--- Literal dollar sign characters (`$`) in the `replace` string argument can be escaped by another dollar sign: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local newstr, n, err = ngx.re.sub("hello, 1234", "[0-9]", "$$") +--- -- newstr == "hello, $234" +--- -- n == 1 +--- ``` +--- +--- Do not use backlashes to escape dollar signs; it will not work as expected. +---@alias ngx.re.replace.string string + +--- When `replace` is a function, it will be invoked with the capture table as the argument to generate the replace string literal for substitution. The capture table fed into the `replace` function is exactly the same as the return value of `ngx.re.match`. Here is an example: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local func = function (m) +--- return "[" .. m[0] .. "][" .. m[1] .. "]" +--- end +--- local newstr, n, err = ngx.re.sub("hello, 1234", "( [0-9] ) [0-9]", func, "x") +--- -- newstr == "hello, [12][1]34" +--- -- n == 1 +--- ``` +--- +--- The dollar sign characters in the return value of the `replace` function argument are not special at all. +--- +---@alias ngx.re.replace.fn fun(m:ngx.re.captures):string + +---@alias ngx.re.replace ngx.re.replace.string|ngx.re.replace.fn + +--- Substitutes the first match of the Perl compatible regular expression `regex` on the `subject` argument string with the string or function argument `replace`. +--- +--- This method returns the resulting new string as well as the number of successful substitutions. In case of failures, like syntax errors in the regular expressions or the `` string argument, it will return `nil` and a string describing the error. +--- +---@param subject string +---@param regex string +---@param replace ngx.re.replace +---@param options? ngx.re.options +---@return string? new +---@return integer? n +---@return string? error +function ngx.re.sub(subject, regex, replace, options) end + + +--- Decodes the `str` argument as a base64 digest to the raw form. Returns `nil` if `str` is not well formed. +--- +---@param str string +---@return string +function ngx.decode_base64(str) end + +--- Encodes `str` to a base64 digest. +--- +--- An optional boolean-typed `no_padding` argument can be specified to control whether the base64 padding should be appended to the resulting digest (default to `false`, i.e., with padding enabled). +--- +---@param str string +---@param no_padding? boolean +---@return string +function ngx.encode_base64(str, no_padding) end + +--- Fetching the shm-based Lua dictionary object for the shared memory zone named `DICT` defined by the `lua_shared_dict` directive. +--- +--- All these methods are *atomic* operations, that is, safe from concurrent accesses from multiple NGINX worker processes for the same `lua_shared_dict` zone. +--- +--- The shared dictionary will retain its contents through a server config reload (either by sending the `HUP` signal to the NGINX process or by using the `-s reload` command-line option). +--- +--- The contents in the dictionary storage will be lost, however, when the NGINX server quits. +--- +---@type table +ngx.shared = {} + +---@class ngx.shared.DICT +local DICT = {} + +--- Valid values for ngx.shared.DICT +---@alias ngx.shared.DICT.value +---| string +---| number +---| boolean +---| nil + +--- Retrieve a value. If the key does not exist or has expired, then `nil` will be returned. +--- +--- In case of errors, `nil` and a string describing the error will be returned. +--- +--- The value returned will have the original data type when they were inserted into the dictionary, for example, Lua booleans, numbers, or strings. +--- +--- ```lua +--- local cats = ngx.shared.cats +--- local value, flags = cats:get("Marry") +--- ``` +--- +--- If the user flags is `0` (the default), then no flags value will be returned. +--- +---@param key string +---@return ngx.shared.DICT.value? value +---@return ngx.shared.DICT.flags|string|nil flags_or_error +function DICT:get(key) end + + +--- Similar to the `get` method but returns the value even if the key has already expired. +--- +--- Returns a 3rd value, `stale`, indicating whether the key has expired or not. +--- +--- Note that the value of an expired key is not guaranteed to be available so one should never rely on the availability of expired items. +--- +---@param key string +---@return ngx.shared.DICT.value? value +---@return ngx.shared.DICT.flags|string flags_or_error +---@return boolean stale +function DICT:get_stale(key) end + +---@alias ngx.shared.DICT.error string +---| '"no memory"' # not enough available memory to store a value +---| '"exists"' # called add() on an existing value +---| '"not found"' # called a method (replace/ttl/expire) on an absent value +---| '"not a number"' # called incr() on a non-number value +---| '"value not a list"' # called list methods (lpush/lpop/rpush/rpop/llen) on a non-list value + +--- Optional user flags associated with a shm value. +--- +--- The user flags is stored as an unsigned 32-bit integer internally. Defaults to `0`. +--- +---@alias ngx.shared.DICT.flags integer + +--- Expiration time of an shm value (in seconds) +--- +--- The time resolution is `0.001` seconds. +--- If this value is set to `0` (the default), the shm value will never expire. +--- +---@alias ngx.shared.DICT.exptime number + +--- Unconditionally sets a key-value pair into the shm-based dictionary. +--- +--- When it fails to allocate memory for the current key-value item, then `set` will try removing existing items in the storage according to the Least-Recently Used (LRU) algorithm. Note that, LRU takes priority over expiration time here. If up to tens of existing items have been removed and the storage left is still insufficient (either due to the total capacity limit specified by `lua_shared_dict` or memory segmentation), then the `err` return value will be `no memory` and `success` will be `false`. +--- +--- If this method succeeds in storing the current item by forcibly removing other not-yet-expired items in the dictionary via LRU, the `forcible` return value will be `true`. If it stores the item without forcibly removing other valid items, then the return value `forcible` will be `false`. +--- +--- ```lua +--- local cats = ngx.shared.cats +--- local succ, err, forcible = cats:set("Marry", "it is a nice cat!") +--- ``` +--- +--- Please note that while internally the key-value pair is set atomically, the atomicity does not go across the method call boundary. +--- +---@param key string +---@param value ngx.shared.DICT.value +---@param exptime? ngx.shared.DICT.exptime +---@param flags? ngx.shared.DICT.flags +---@return boolean ok # whether the key-value pair is stored or not +---@return ngx.shared.DICT.error? error +---@return boolean forcible # indicates whether other valid items have been removed forcibly when out of storage in the shared memory zone. +function DICT:set(key, value, exptime, flags) end + +--- Similar to the `set` method, but never overrides the (least recently used) unexpired items in the store when running out of storage in the shared memory zone. In this case, it will immediately return `nil` and the string "no memory". +--- +---@param key string +---@param value ngx.shared.DICT.value +---@param exptime? ngx.shared.DICT.exptime +---@param flags? ngx.shared.DICT.flags +---@return boolean ok # whether the key-value pair is stored or not +---@return ngx.shared.DICT.error? error +---@return boolean forcible # indicates whether other valid items have been removed forcibly when out of storage in the shared memory zone. +function DICT:safe_set(key, value, exptime, flags) end + +--- Just like the `set` method, but only stores the key-value pair if the key does *not* exist. +--- +--- If the `key` argument already exists in the dictionary (and not expired for sure), the `success` return value will be `false` and the `err` return value will be `"exists"`. +--- +---@param key string +---@param value ngx.shared.DICT.value +---@param exptime? ngx.shared.DICT.exptime +---@param flags? ngx.shared.DICT.flags +---@return boolean ok # whether the key-value pair is stored or not +---@return ngx.shared.DICT.error? error +---@return boolean forcible # indicates whether other valid items have been removed forcibly when out of storage in the shared memory zone. +function DICT:add(key, value, exptime, flags) end + +--- Similar to the `add` method, but never overrides the (least recently used) unexpired items in the store when running out of storage in the shared memory zone. In this case, it will immediately return `nil` and the string "no memory". +--- +---@param key string +---@param value ngx.shared.DICT.value +---@param exptime? ngx.shared.DICT.exptime +---@param flags? ngx.shared.DICT.flags +---@return boolean ok # whether the key-value pair is stored or not +---@return ngx.shared.DICT.error? error +---@return boolean forcible # indicates whether other valid items have been removed forcibly when out of storage in the shared memory zone. +function DICT:safe_add(key, value, exptime, flags) end + + +--- Just like the `set` method, but only stores the key-value pair if the key *does* exist. +--- +--- If the `key` argument does *not* exist in the dictionary (or expired already), the `success` return value will be `false` and the `err` return value will be `"not found"`. +--- +---@param key string +---@param value ngx.shared.DICT.value +---@param exptime? ngx.shared.DICT.exptime +---@param flags? ngx.shared.DICT.flags +---@return boolean ok # whether the key-value pair is stored or not +---@return ngx.shared.DICT.error? error +---@return boolean forcible # indicates whether other valid items have been removed forcibly when out of storage in the shared memory zone. +function DICT:replace(key, value, exptime, flags) end + +--- Unconditionally removes the key-value pair. +--- +--- It is equivalent to `ngx.shared.DICT:set(key, nil)`. +--- +---@param key string +function DICT:delete(key) end + + +--- Increments the (numerical) value for `key` by the step value `value`. Returns the new resulting number if the operation is successfully completed or `nil` and an error message otherwise. +--- +--- When the key does not exist or has already expired in the shared dictionary, +--- +--- 1. if the `init` argument is not specified or takes the value `nil`, this method will return `nil` and the error string `"not found"`, or +--- 1. if the `init` argument takes a number value, this method will create a new `key` with the value `init + value`. +--- +--- Like the `add` method, it also overrides the (least recently used) unexpired items in the store when running out of storage in the shared memory zone. +--- +--- The optional `init_ttl` argument specifies expiration time (in seconds) of the value when it is initialized via the `init` argument. This argument cannot be provided without providing the `init` argument as well, and has no effect if the value already exists (e.g., if it was previously inserted via `set` or the likes). +--- +--- ```lua +--- local cats = ngx.shared.cats +--- local newval, err = cats:incr("black_cats", 1, 0, 0.1) +--- +--- print(newval) -- 1 +--- +--- ngx.sleep(0.2) +--- +--- local val, err = cats:get("black_cats") +--- print(val) -- nil +--- ``` +--- +--- The `forcible` return value will always be `nil` when the `init` argument is not specified. +--- +--- If this method succeeds in storing the current item by forcibly removing other not-yet-expired items in the dictionary via LRU, the `forcible` return value will be `true`. If it stores the item without forcibly removing other valid items, then the return value `forcible` will be `false`. +--- +--- If the original value is not a valid Lua number in the dictionary, it will return `nil` and `"not a number"`. +--- +--- The `value` argument and `init` argument can be any valid Lua numbers, like negative numbers or floating-point numbers. +--- +--- +---@param key string +---@param value number +---@param init? number +---@param init_ttl? ngx.shared.DICT.exptime +---@return integer? new +---@return ngx.shared.DICT.error? error +---@return boolean forcible +function DICT:incr(key, value, init, init_ttl) end + +--- Valid ngx.shared.DICT value for lists +---@alias ngx.shared.DICT.list_value +---| string +---| number + +--- Inserts the specified (numerical or string) `value` at the head of the list named `key`. +--- +--- If `key` does not exist, it is created as an empty list before performing the push operation. When the `key` already takes a value that is not a list, it will return `nil` and `"value not a list"`. +--- +--- It never overrides the (least recently used) unexpired items in the store when running out of storage in the shared memory zone. In this case, it will immediately return `nil` and the string "no memory". +--- +---@param key string +---@param value ngx.shared.DICT.list_value +---@return number? len # number of elements in the list after the push operation +---@return ngx.shared.DICT.error? error +function DICT:lpush(key, value) end + + +--- Similar to the `lpush` method, but inserts the specified (numerical or string) `value` at the tail of the list named `key`. +--- +---@param key string +---@param value ngx.shared.DICT.list_value +---@return number? len # number of elements in the list after the push operation +---@return ngx.shared.DICT.error? error +function DICT:rpush(key, value) end + + +--- Removes and returns the first element of the list named `key`. +--- +--- If `key` does not exist, it will return `nil`. When the `key` already takes a value that is not a list, it will return `nil` and `"value not a list"`. +--- +---@param key string +---@return ngx.shared.DICT.list_value? item +---@return ngx.shared.DICT.error? error +function DICT:lpop(key) end + + +--- Removes and returns the last element of the list named `key`. +--- +--- If `key` does not exist, it will return `nil`. When the `key` already takes a value that is not a list, it will return `nil` and `"value not a list"`. +--- +---@param key string +---@return ngx.shared.DICT.list_value? item +---@return ngx.shared.DICT.error? error +function DICT:rpop(key) end + +--- Returns the number of elements in the list named `key`. +--- +--- If key does not exist, it is interpreted as an empty list and 0 is returned. When the `key` already takes a value that is not a list, it will return `nil` and `"value not a list"`. +--- +---@param key string +---@return number? len +---@return ngx.shared.DICT.error? error +function DICT:llen(key) end + + +--- Retrieves the remaining TTL (time-to-live in seconds) of a key-value pair. +--- +--- Returns the TTL as a number if the operation is successfully completed or `nil` and an error message otherwise. +--- +--- If the key does not exist (or has already expired), this method will return `nil` and the error string `"not found"`. +--- +--- The TTL is originally determined by the `exptime` argument of the `set`, `add`, `replace` (and the likes) methods. It has a time resolution of `0.001` seconds. A value of `0` means that the item will never expire. +--- +--- Example: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local cats = ngx.shared.cats +--- local succ, err = cats:set("Marry", "a nice cat", 0.5) +--- +--- ngx.sleep(0.2) +--- +--- local ttl, err = cats:ttl("Marry") +--- ngx.say(ttl) -- 0.3 +--- ``` +---@param key string +---@return number? ttl +---@return ngx.shared.DICT.error? error +function DICT:ttl(key) end + + +--- Updates the `exptime` (in second) of a key-value pair. +--- +--- Returns a boolean indicating success if the operation completes or `nil` and an error message otherwise. +--- +--- If the key does not exist, this method will return `nil` and the error string `"not found"`. +--- +--- ```lua +--- local cats = ngx.shared.cats +--- local succ, err = cats:set("Marry", "a nice cat", 0.1) +--- +--- succ, err = cats:expire("Marry", 0.5) +--- +--- ngx.sleep(0.2) +--- +--- local val, err = cats:get("Marry") +--- ngx.say(val) -- "a nice cat" +--- ``` +--- +---@param key string +---@param exptime ngx.shared.DICT.exptime +---@return boolean ok +---@return ngx.shared.DICT.error? error +function DICT:expire(key, exptime) end + + +--- Flushes out all the items in the dictionary. This method does not actuall free up all the memory blocks in the dictionary but just marks all the existing items as expired. +--- +function DICT:flush_all() end + + +--- Flushes out the expired items in the dictionary, up to the maximal number specified by the optional `max_count` argument. When the `max_count` argument is given `0` or not given at all, then it means unlimited. Returns the number of items that have actually been flushed. +--- +--- Unlike the `flush_all` method, this method actually frees up the memory used by the expired items. +--- +---@param max_count? number +---@return number flushed +function DICT:flush_expired(max_count) end + + +--- Fetch a list of the keys from the dictionary, up to ``. +--- +--- By default, only the first 1024 keys (if any) are returned. When the `` argument is given the value `0`, then all the keys will be returned even there is more than 1024 keys in the dictionary. +--- +--- **CAUTION** Avoid calling this method on dictionaries with a very large number of keys as it may lock the dictionary for significant amount of time and block NGINX worker processes trying to access the dictionary. +--- +---@param max_count? number +---@return string[] keys +function DICT:get_keys(max_count) end + + +--- Retrieves the capacity in bytes for the shm-based dictionary. +--- +--- ```lua +--- local cats = ngx.shared.cats +--- local capacity_bytes = cats:capacity() +--- ``` +--- +---@return number +function DICT:capacity() end + + +--- Retrieves the free page size in bytes for the shm-based dictionary. +--- +--- **Note:** The memory for ngx.shared.DICT is allocated via the NGINX slab allocator which has each slot for +--- data size ranges like \~8, 9\~16, 17\~32, ..., 1025\~2048, 2048\~ bytes. And pages are assigned to a slot if there is no room in already assigned pages for the slot. +--- +--- So even if the return value of the `free_space` method is zero, there may be room in already assigned pages, so +--- you may successfully set a new key value pair to the shared dict without getting `true` for `forcible` or +--- non nil `err` from the `ngx.shared.DICT.set`. +--- +--- On the other hand, if already assigned pages for a slot are full and a new key value pair is added to the +--- slot and there is no free page, you may get `true` for `forcible` or non nil `err` from the +--- `ngx.shared.DICT.set` method. +--- +--- ```lua +--- local cats = ngx.shared.cats +--- local free_page_bytes = cats:free_space() +--- ``` +--- +---@return number +function DICT:free_space() end + +--- Read and write NGINX variable values. +--- +--- Usage: +--- +---```lua +--- value = ngx.var.some_nginx_variable_name +--- ngx.var.some_nginx_variable_name = value +---``` +--- +--- Note that only already defined NGINX variables can be written to. +--- For example: +--- +--- ```nginx +--- location /foo { +--- set $my_var ''; # this line is required to create $my_var at config time +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- ngx.var.my_var = 123 +--- ... +--- } +--- } +--- ``` +--- +--- That is, NGINX variables cannot be created on-the-fly. +--- +--- Some special NGINX variables like `$args` and `$limit_rate` can be assigned a value, +--- many others are not, like `$query_string`, `$arg_PARAMETER`, and `$http_NAME`. +--- +--- NGINX regex group capturing variables `$1`, `$2`, `$3`, and etc, can be read by this +--- interface as well, by writing `ngx.var[1]`, `ngx.var[2]`, `ngx.var[3]`, and etc. +--- +--- Setting `ngx.var.Foo` to a `nil` value will unset the `$Foo` NGINX variable. +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.var.args = nil +--- ``` +--- +--- **CAUTION** When reading from an NGINX variable, NGINX will allocate memory in the per-request memory pool which is freed only at request termination. So when you need to read from an NGINX variable repeatedly in your Lua code, cache the NGINX variable value to your own Lua variable, for example, +--- +--- ```lua +--- local val = ngx.var.some_var +--- --- use the val repeatedly later +--- ``` +--- +--- to prevent (temporary) memory leaking within the current request's lifetime. Another way of caching the result is to use the `ngx.ctx` table. +--- +--- Undefined NGINX variables are evaluated to `nil` while uninitialized (but defined) NGINX variables are evaluated to an empty Lua string. +--- +--- This API requires a relatively expensive metamethod call and it is recommended to avoid using it on hot code paths. +--- +---@type table +ngx.var = {} + +--- Embedded Variables +--- see https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_core_module.html#variables + +--- client address in a binary form, value’s length is always 4 bytes for IPv4 addresses or 16 bytes for IPv6 addresses +---@type string +ngx.var.binary_remote_addr = nil + +--- number of bytes sent to a client, not counting the response header; this variable is compatible with the “%B” parameter of the mod_log_config Apache module +---@type number +ngx.var.body_bytes_sent = nil + +--- number of bytes sent to a client (1.3.8, 1.2.5) +---@type number +ngx.var.bytes_sent = nil + +--- connection serial number (1.3.8, 1.2.5) +---@type string +ngx.var.connection = nil + +--- current number of requests made through a connection (1.3.8, 1.2.5) +---@type string +ngx.var.connection_requests = nil + +--- connection time in seconds with a milliseconds resolution (1.19.10) +---@type string +ngx.var.connection_time = nil + +--- “Content-Length” request header field +---@type string +ngx.var.content_length = nil + +--- “Content-Type” request header field +---@type string +ngx.var.content_type = nil + +--- root or alias directive’s value for the current request +---@type string +ngx.var.document_root = nil + +--- same as ngx.var.uri +---@type string +ngx.var.document_uri = nil + +--- in this order of precedence: host name from the request line, or host name from the “Host” request header field, or the server name matching a request +---@type string +ngx.var.host = nil + +--- host name +---@type string +ngx.var.hostname = nil + +--- “on” if connection operates in SSL mode, or an empty string otherwise +---@type string '"on"'|'""' +ngx.var.https = nil + +--- “?” if a request line has arguments, or an empty string otherwise +---@type string +ngx.var.is_args = nil + +--- setting this variable enables response rate limiting; see limit_rate +---@type string +ngx.var.limit_rate = nil + +--- current time in seconds with the milliseconds resolution (1.3.9, 1.2.6) +---@type string +ngx.var.msec = nil + +--- nginx version +---@type string +ngx.var.nginx_version = nil + +--- PID of the worker process +---@type string +ngx.var.pid = nil + +--- “p” if request was pipelined, “.” otherwise (1.3.12, 1.2.7) +---@type string +ngx.var.pipe = nil + +--- client address from the PROXY protocol header (1.5.12) +--- The PROXY protocol must be previously enabled by setting the proxy_protocol parameter in the listen directive. +---@type string +ngx.var.proxy_protocol_addr = nil + +--- client port from the PROXY protocol header (1.11.0) +--- +--- The PROXY protocol must be previously enabled by setting the proxy_protocol parameter in the listen directive. +---@type string +ngx.var.proxy_protocol_port = nil + +--- server address from the PROXY protocol header (1.17.6) +--- +--- The PROXY protocol must be previously enabled by setting the proxy_protocol parameter in the listen directive. +---@type string +ngx.var.proxy_protocol_server_addr = nil + +--- server port from the PROXY protocol header (1.17.6) +--- +--- The PROXY protocol must be previously enabled by setting the proxy_protocol parameter in the listen directive. +---@type string +ngx.var.proxy_protocol_server_port = nil + +--- same as ngx.var.args +---@type string +ngx.var.query_string = nil + +--- an absolute pathname corresponding to the root or alias directive’s value for the current request, with all symbolic links resolved to real paths +---@type string +ngx.var.realpath_root = nil + +--- client address +---@type string +ngx.var.remote_addr = nil + +--- client port +---@type string +ngx.var.remote_port = nil + +--- user name supplied with the Basic authentication +---@type string +ngx.var.remote_user = nil + +--- full original request line +---@type string +ngx.var.request = nil + +--- request body +--- +--- The variable’s value is made available in locations processed by the proxy_pass, fastcgi_pass, uwsgi_pass, and scgi_pass directives when the request body was read to a memory buffer. +---@type string +ngx.var.request_body = nil + +--- name of a temporary file with the request body +--- +--- At the end of processing, the file needs to be removed. +--- To always write the request body to a file, client_body_in_file_only needs to be enabled. +--- When the name of a temporary file is passed in a proxied request or in a request to a FastCGI/uwsgi/SCGI server, passing the request body should be disabled by the proxy_pass_request_body off, fastcgi_pass_request_body off, uwsgi_pass_request_body off, or scgi_pass_request_body off directives, respectively. +---@type string +ngx.var.request_body_file = nil + +--- “OK” if a request has completed, or an empty string otherwise +---@type string +ngx.var.request_completion = nil + +--- file path for the current request, based on the root or alias directives, and the request URI +---@type string +ngx.var.request_filename = nil + +--- unique request identifier generated from 16 random bytes, in hexadecimal (1.11.0) +---@type string +ngx.var.request_id = nil + +--- request length (including request line, header, and request body) (1.3.12, 1.2.7) +---@type string +ngx.var.request_length = nil + +--- request method, usually “GET” or “POST” +---@type string +ngx.var.request_method = nil + +--- request processing time in seconds with a milliseconds resolution (1.3.9, 1.2.6); time elapsed since the first bytes were read from the client +---@type string +ngx.var.request_time = nil + +--- full original request URI (with arguments) +---@type string +ngx.var.request_uri = nil + +--- request scheme, “http” or “https” +---@type string +ngx.var.scheme = nil + +--- an address of the server which accepted a request +--- +--- Computing a value of this variable usually requires one system call. To avoid a system call, the listen directives must specify addresses and use the bind parameter. +---@type string +ngx.var.server_addr = nil + +--- name of the server which accepted a request +---@type string +ngx.var.server_name = nil + +--- port of the server which accepted a request +---@type string +ngx.var.server_port = nil + +--- request protocol, usually “HTTP/1.0”, “HTTP/1.1”, or “HTTP/2.0” +---@type string +ngx.var.server_protocol = nil + +--- response status (1.3.2, 1.2.2) +---@type string +ngx.var.status = nil + +--- local time in the ISO 8601 standard format (1.3.12, 1.2.7) +---@type string +ngx.var.time_iso8601 = nil + +--- local time in the Common Log Format (1.3.12, 1.2.7) +---@type string +ngx.var.time_local = nil + +--- current URI in request, normalized +--- The value of $uri may change during request processing, e.g. when doing internal redirects, or when using index files. +---@type string +ngx.var.uri = nil + +--- Updating query arguments via the NGINX variable `$args` (or `ngx.var.args` in Lua) at runtime is also supported: +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.var.args = "a=3&b=42" +--- local args, err = ngx.req.get_uri_args() +--- ``` +--- +--- Here the `args` table will always look like +--- +--- ```lua +--- {a = 3, b = 42} +--- ``` +--- +--- regardless of the actual request query string. +---@type string +ngx.var.args = nil + +--- embedded upstream variables +--- https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_upstream_module.html#variables + +--- IP address and port, or the path to the UNIX-domain socket of the upstream server. +--- If several servers were contacted during request processing, their addresses are separated by commas, e.g. “,, unix:/tmp/sock”. +--- If an internal redirect from one server group to another happens, initiated by “X-Accel-Redirect” or error_page, then the server addresses from different groups are separated by colons, e.g. “,, unix:/tmp/sock :,”. +--- If a server cannot be selected, the variable keeps the name of the server group. +---@type string +ngx.var.upstream_addr = nil + +--- number of bytes received from an upstream server (1.11.4). Values from several connections are separated by commas and colons like addresses in the $upstream_addr variable. +---@type string +ngx.var.upstream_bytes_received = nil + +--- number of bytes sent to an upstream server (1.15.8). Values from several connections are separated by commas and colons like addresses in the $upstream_addr variable. +---@type string +ngx.var.upstream_bytes_sent = nil + +--- status of accessing a response cache (0.8.3). The status can be either “MISS”, “BYPASS”, “EXPIRED”, “STALE”, “UPDATING”, “REVALIDATED”, or “HIT”. +---@type string +ngx.var.upstream_cache_status = nil + +--- time spent on establishing a connection with the upstream server (1.9.1) +-- +--- the time is kept in seconds with millisecond resolution. +--- In case of SSL, includes time spent on handshake. +--- Times of several connections are separated by commas and colons like addresses in the $upstream_addr variable. +---@type string +ngx.var.upstream_connect_time = nil + +--- time spent on receiving the response header from the upstream server (1.7.10) +--- the time is kept in seconds with millisecond resolution. +--- Times of several responses are separated by commas and colons like addresses in the $upstream_addr variable. +---@type string +ngx.var.upstream_header_time = nil + +--- the time the request spent in the upstream queue (1.13.9). +--- the time is kept in seconds with millisecond resolution. +--- Times of several responses are separated by commas and colons like addresses in the $upstream_addr variable. +---@type string +ngx.var.upstream_queue_time = nil + +--- the length of the response obtained from the upstream server (0.7.27). +--- the length is kept in bytes. +--- Lengths of several responses are separated by commas and colons like addresses in the $upstream_addr variable. +---@type string +ngx.var.upstream_response_length = nil + +--- time spent on receiving the response from the upstream server +--- +--- the time is kept in seconds with millisecond resolution. +--- Times of several responses are separated by commas and colons like addresses in the $upstream_addr variable. +---@type string +ngx.var.upstream_response_time = nil + +--- status code of the response obtained from the upstream server. +--- Status codes of several responses are separated by commas and colons like addresses in the $upstream_addr variable. +--- If a server cannot be selected, the variable keeps the 502 (Bad Gateway) status code. +---@type string +ngx.var.upstream_status = nil + + +ngx.req = {} + +--- Returns a boolean indicating whether the current request is an "internal request", i.e., +--- a request initiated from inside the current NGINX server instead of from the client side. +--- +--- Subrequests are all internal requests and so are requests after internal redirects. +--- +---@return boolean +function ngx.req.is_internal() end + +--- Returns the HTTP version number for the current request as a Lua number. +--- +--- Current possible values are 2.0, 1.0, 1.1, and 0.9. Returns `nil` for unrecognized values. +--- +---@return '2.0'|'1.0'|'1.1'|'0.9'|'nil' +function ngx.req.http_version() end + +--- Set the current request's request body using the in-memory data specified by the `data` argument. +--- +--- If the request body has not been read yet, call `ngx.req.read_body` first (or turn on `lua_need_request_body` to force this module to read the request body. This is not recommended however). Additionally, the request body must not have been previously discarded by `ngx.req.discard_body`. +--- +--- Whether the previous request body has been read into memory or buffered into a disk file, it will be freed or the disk file will be cleaned up immediately, respectively. +--- +---@param data any +function ngx.req.set_body_data(data) end + +--- Returns a Lua table holding all the current request POST query arguments (of the MIME type `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`). Call `ngx.req.read_body` to read the request body first or turn on the `lua_need_request_body` directive to avoid errors. +--- +--- ```nginx +--- location = /test { +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- ngx.req.read_body() +--- local args, err = ngx.req.get_post_args() +--- +--- if err == "truncated" then +--- -- one can choose to ignore or reject the current request here +--- end +--- +--- if not args then +--- ngx.say("failed to get post args: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- for key, val in pairs(args) do +--- if type(val) == "table" then +--- ngx.say(key, ": ", table.concat(val, ", ")) +--- else +--- ngx.say(key, ": ", val) +--- end +--- end +--- } +--- } +--- ``` +--- +--- Then +--- +--- ```bash +--- # Post request with the body 'foo=bar&bar=baz&bar=blah' +--- $ curl --data 'foo=bar&bar=baz&bar=blah' localhost/test +--- ``` +--- +--- will yield the response body like +--- +--- ```bash +--- foo: bar +--- bar: baz, blah +--- ``` +--- +--- Multiple occurrences of an argument key will result in a table value holding all of the values for that key in order. +--- +--- Keys and values will be unescaped according to URI escaping rules. +--- +--- With the settings above, +--- +--- ```bash +--- # POST request with body 'a%20b=1%61+2' +--- $ curl -d 'a%20b=1%61+2' localhost/test +--- ``` +--- +--- will yield: +--- +--- ```bash +--- a b: 1a 2 +--- ``` +--- +--- Arguments without the `=` parts are treated as boolean arguments. `POST /test` with the request body `foo&bar` will yield: +--- +--- ```bash +--- foo: true +--- bar: true +--- ``` +--- +--- That is, they will take Lua boolean values `true`. However, they are different from arguments taking empty string values. `POST /test` with request body `foo=&bar=` will return something like +--- +--- ```bash +--- foo: +--- bar: +--- ``` +--- +--- Empty key arguments are discarded. `POST /test` with body `=hello&=world` will yield empty outputs for instance. +--- +--- Note that a maximum of 100 request arguments are parsed by default (including those with the same name) and that additional request arguments are silently discarded to guard against potential denial of service attacks. When the limit is exceeded, it will return a second value which is the string `"truncated"`. +--- +--- However, the optional `max_args` function argument can be used to override this limit: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local args, err = ngx.req.get_post_args(10) +--- if err == "truncated" then +--- -- one can choose to ignore or reject the current request here +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- This argument can be set to zero to remove the limit and to process all request arguments received: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local args, err = ngx.req.get_post_args(0) +--- ``` +--- +--- Removing the `max_args` cap is strongly discouraged. +--- +---@param max_args? number +---@return table args +---@return string|'"truncated"' error +function ngx.req.get_post_args(max_args) end + +--- Returns a Lua table holding all the current request URL query arguments. An optional `tab` argument can be used to reuse the table returned by this method. +--- +--- ```nginx +--- location = /test { +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- local args, err = ngx.req.get_uri_args() +--- +--- if err == "truncated" then +--- -- one can choose to ignore or reject the current request here +--- end +--- +--- for key, val in pairs(args) do +--- if type(val) == "table" then +--- ngx.say(key, ": ", table.concat(val, ", ")) +--- else +--- ngx.say(key, ": ", val) +--- end +--- end +--- } +--- } +--- ``` +--- +--- Then `GET /test?foo=bar&bar=baz&bar=blah` will yield the response body +--- +--- ```bash +--- foo: bar +--- bar: baz, blah +--- ``` +--- +--- Multiple occurrences of an argument key will result in a table value holding all the values for that key in order. +--- +--- Keys and values are unescaped according to URI escaping rules. In the settings above, `GET /test?a%20b=1%61+2` will yield: +--- +--- ```bash +--- a b: 1a 2 +--- ``` +--- +--- Arguments without the `=` parts are treated as boolean arguments. `GET /test?foo&bar` will yield: +--- +--- ```bash +--- foo: true +--- bar: true +--- ``` +--- +--- That is, they will take Lua boolean values `true`. However, they are different from arguments taking empty string values. `GET /test?foo=&bar=` will give something like +--- +--- ```bash +--- foo: +--- bar: +--- ``` +--- +--- Empty key arguments are discarded. `GET /test?=hello&=world` will yield an empty output for instance. +--- +--- Updating query arguments via the NGINX variable `$args` (or `ngx.var.args` in Lua) at runtime is also supported: +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.var.args = "a=3&b=42" +--- local args, err = ngx.req.get_uri_args() +--- ``` +--- +--- Here the `args` table will always look like +--- +--- ```lua +--- {a = 3, b = 42} +--- ``` +--- +--- regardless of the actual request query string. +--- +--- Note that a maximum of 100 request arguments are parsed by default (including those with the same name) and that additional request arguments are silently discarded to guard against potential denial of service attacks. When the limit is exceeded, it will return a second value which is the string `"truncated"`. +--- +--- However, the optional `max_args` function argument can be used to override this limit: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local args, err = ngx.req.get_uri_args(10) +--- if err == "truncated" then +--- -- one can choose to ignore or reject the current request here +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- This argument can be set to zero to remove the limit and to process all request arguments received: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local args, err = ngx.req.get_uri_args(0) +--- ``` +--- +--- Removing the `max_args` cap is strongly discouraged. +--- +---@param max_args? number +---@param tab? table +---@return table args +---@return string|'"truncated"' error +function ngx.req.get_uri_args(max_args, tab) end + +--- Rewrite the current request's (parsed) URI by the `uri` argument. The `uri` argument must be a Lua string and cannot be of zero length, or a Lua exception will be thrown. +--- +--- The optional boolean `jump` argument can trigger location rematch (or location jump) as `ngx_http_rewrite_module`'s `rewrite` directive, that is, when `jump` is `true` (default to `false`), this function will never return and it will tell NGINX to try re-searching locations with the new URI value at the later `post-rewrite` phase and jumping to the new location. +--- +--- Location jump will not be triggered otherwise, and only the current request's URI will be modified, which is also the default behavior. This function will return but with no returned values when the `jump` argument is `false` or absent altogether. +--- +--- For example, the following NGINX config snippet +--- +--- ```nginx +--- rewrite ^ /foo last; +--- ``` +--- +--- can be coded in Lua like this: +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.req.set_uri("/foo", true) +--- ``` +--- +--- Similarly, NGINX config +--- +--- ```nginx +--- rewrite ^ /foo break; +--- ``` +--- +--- can be coded in Lua as +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.req.set_uri("/foo", false) +--- ``` +--- +--- or equivalently, +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.req.set_uri("/foo") +--- ``` +--- +--- The `jump` argument can only be set to `true` in `rewrite_by_lua*`. Use of jump in other contexts is prohibited and will throw out a Lua exception. +--- +--- A more sophisticated example involving regex substitutions is as follows +--- +--- ```nginx +--- location /test { +--- rewrite_by_lua_block { +--- local uri = ngx.re.sub(ngx.var.uri, "^/test/(.*)", "/$1", "o") +--- ngx.req.set_uri(uri) +--- } +--- proxy_pass http://my_backend; +--- } +--- ``` +--- +--- which is functionally equivalent to +--- +--- ```nginx +--- location /test { +--- rewrite ^/test/(.*) /$1 break; +--- proxy_pass http://my_backend; +--- } +--- ``` +--- +--- Note: this function throws a Lua error if the `uri` argument +--- contains unsafe characters (control characters). +--- +--- Note that it is not possible to use this interface to rewrite URI arguments and that `ngx.req.set_uri_args` should be used for this instead. For instance, NGINX config +--- +--- ```nginx +--- rewrite ^ /foo?a=3? last; +--- ``` +--- +--- can be coded as +--- +--- ```nginx +--- ngx.req.set_uri_args("a=3") +--- ngx.req.set_uri("/foo", true) +--- ``` +--- +--- or +--- +--- ```nginx +--- ngx.req.set_uri_args({a = 3}) +--- ngx.req.set_uri("/foo", true) +--- ``` +--- +--- An optional boolean `binary` argument allows arbitrary binary URI data. By default, this `binary` argument is false and this function will throw out a Lua error such as the one below when the `uri` argument contains any control characters (ASCII Code 0 ~ 0x08, 0x0A ~ 0x1F and 0x7F). +--- +--- [error] 23430#23430: *1 lua entry thread aborted: runtime error: +--- content_by_lua(nginx.conf:44):3: ngx.req.set_uri unsafe byte "0x00" +--- in "\x00foo" (maybe you want to set the 'binary' argument?) +--- +---@param uri string +---@param jump? boolean +---@param binary? boolean +function ngx.req.set_uri(uri, jump, binary) end + +--- Append new data chunk specified by the `data_chunk` argument onto the existing request body created by the `ngx.req.init_body` call. +--- +--- When the data can no longer be hold in the memory buffer for the request body, then the data will be flushed onto a temporary file just like the standard request body reader in the NGINX core. +--- +--- It is important to always call the `ngx.req.finish_body` after all the data has been appended onto the current request body. +--- +--- This function can be used with `ngx.req.init_body`, `ngx.req.finish_body`, and `ngx.req.socket` to implement efficient input filters in pure Lua (in the context of `rewrite_by_lua*` or `access_by_lua*`), which can be used with other NGINX content handler or upstream modules like `ngx_http_proxy_module` and `ngx_http_fastcgi_module`. +--- +---@param data_chunk any +function ngx.req.append_body(data_chunk) end + +--- Overrides the current request's request method with the `method_id` argument. Currently only numerical `method constants` are supported, like `ngx.HTTP_POST` and `ngx.HTTP_GET`. +--- +--- If the current request is an NGINX subrequest, then the subrequest's method will be overridden. +--- +---@param method_id ngx.http.method +function ngx.req.set_method(method_id) end + +--- Retrieves the current request's request method name. Strings like `"GET"` and `"POST"` are returned instead of numerical `method constants`. +--- +--- If the current request is an NGINX subrequest, then the subrequest's method name will be returned. +--- +---@return string +function ngx.req.get_method() end + +--- Returns a read-only cosocket object that wraps the downstream connection. Only `receive` and `receiveuntil` methods are supported on this object. +--- +--- In case of error, `nil` will be returned as well as a string describing the error. +--- +--- The socket object returned by this method is usually used to read the current request's body in a streaming fashion. Do not turn on the `lua_need_request_body` directive, and do not mix this call with `ngx.req.read_body` and `ngx.req.discard_body`. +--- +--- If any request body data has been pre-read into the NGINX core request header buffer, the resulting cosocket object will take care of this to avoid potential data loss resulting from such pre-reading. +--- Chunked request bodies are not yet supported in this API. +--- +--- An optional boolean `raw` argument can be provided. When this argument is `true`, this function returns a full-duplex cosocket object wrapping around the raw downstream connection socket, upon which you can call the `receive`, `receiveuntil`, and `send` methods. +--- +--- When the `raw` argument is `true`, it is required that no pending data from any previous `ngx.say`, `ngx.print`, or `ngx.send_headers` calls exists. So if you have these downstream output calls previously, you should call `ngx.flush(true)` before calling `ngx.req.socket(true)` to ensure that there is no pending output data. If the request body has not been read yet, then this "raw socket" can also be used to read the request body. +--- +--- You can use the "raw request socket" returned by `ngx.req.socket(true)` to implement fancy protocols like `WebSocket`, or just emit your own raw HTTP response header or body data. You can refer to the `lua-resty-websocket library` for a real world example. +--- +---@param raw? boolean +---@return tcpsock? socket +---@return string? error +function ngx.req.socket(raw) end + +--- Completes the construction process of the new request body created by the `ngx.req.init_body` and `ngx.req.append_body` calls. +--- +--- This function can be used with `ngx.req.init_body`, `ngx.req.append_body`, and `ngx.req.socket` to implement efficient input filters in pure Lua (in the context of `rewrite_by_lua*` or `access_by_lua*`), which can be used with other NGINX content handler or upstream modules like `ngx_http_proxy_module` and `ngx_http_fastcgi_module`. +--- +function ngx.req.finish_body() end + +--- Returns the original raw HTTP protocol header received by the NGINX server. +--- +--- By default, the request line and trailing `CR LF` terminator will also be included. For example, +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.print(ngx.req.raw_header()) +--- ``` +--- +--- gives something like this: +--- +--- GET /t HTTP/1.1 +--- Host: localhost +--- Connection: close +--- Foo: bar +--- +--- You can specify the optional +--- `no_request_line` argument as a `true` value to exclude the request line from the result. For example, +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.print(ngx.req.raw_header(true)) +--- ``` +--- +--- outputs something like this: +--- +--- Host: localhost +--- Connection: close +--- Foo: bar +--- +--- This method does not work in HTTP/2 requests yet. +--- +---@param no_request_line? boolean +---@return string +function ngx.req.raw_header(no_request_line) end + +--- Returns a floating-point number representing the timestamp (including milliseconds as the decimal part) when the current request was created. +--- +--- The following example emulates the `$request_time` variable value (provided by `ngx_http_log_module`) in pure Lua: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local request_time = ngx.now() - ngx.req.start_time() +--- ``` +--- +---@return number +function ngx.req.start_time() end + +--- Creates a new blank request body for the current request and inializes the buffer for later request body data writing via the `ngx.req.append_body` and `ngx.req.finish_body` APIs. +--- +--- If the `buffer_size` argument is specified, then its value will be used for the size of the memory buffer for body writing with `ngx.req.append_body`. If the argument is omitted, then the value specified by the standard `client_body_buffer_size` directive will be used instead. +--- +--- When the data can no longer be hold in the memory buffer for the request body, then the data will be flushed onto a temporary file just like the standard request body reader in the NGINX core. +--- +--- It is important to always call the `ngx.req.finish_body` after all the data has been appended onto the current request body. Also, when this function is used together with `ngx.req.socket`, it is required to call `ngx.req.socket` *before* this function, or you will get the "request body already exists" error message. +--- +--- The usage of this function is often like this: +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.req.init_body(128 * 1024) -- buffer is 128KB +--- for chunk in next_data_chunk() do +--- ngx.req.append_body(chunk) -- each chunk can be 4KB +--- end +--- ngx.req.finish_body() +--- ``` +--- +--- This function can be used with `ngx.req.append_body`, `ngx.req.finish_body`, and `ngx.req.socket` to implement efficient input filters in pure Lua (in the context of `rewrite_by_lua*` or `access_by_lua*`), which can be used with other NGINX content handler or upstream modules like `ngx_http_proxy_module` and `ngx_http_fastcgi_module`. +--- +---@param buffer_size? number +function ngx.req.init_body(buffer_size) end + +--- Set the current request's request body using the in-file data specified by the `file_name` argument. +--- +--- If the request body has not been read yet, call `ngx.req.read_body` first (or turn on `lua_need_request_body` to force this module to read the request body. This is not recommended however). Additionally, the request body must not have been previously discarded by `ngx.req.discard_body`. +--- +--- If the optional `auto_clean` argument is given a `true` value, then this file will be removed at request completion or the next time this function or `ngx.req.set_body_data` are called in the same request. The `auto_clean` is default to `false`. +--- +--- Please ensure that the file specified by the `file_name` argument exists and is readable by an NGINX worker process by setting its permission properly to avoid Lua exception errors. +--- +--- Whether the previous request body has been read into memory or buffered into a disk file, it will be freed or the disk file will be cleaned up immediately, respectively. +--- +---@param file_name string +---@param auto_clean? boolean +function ngx.req.set_body_file(file_name, auto_clean) end + +--- Clears the current request's request header named `header_name`. None of the current request's existing subrequests will be affected but subsequently initiated subrequests will inherit the change by default. +--- +---@param header_name string +function ngx.req.clear_header(header_name) end + +--- Returns a Lua table holding all the current request headers. +--- +--- ```lua +--- local h, err = ngx.req.get_headers() +--- +--- if err == "truncated" then +--- -- one can choose to ignore or reject the current request here +--- end +--- +--- for k, v in pairs(h) do +--- ... +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- To read an individual header: +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.say("Host: ", ngx.req.get_headers()["Host"]) +--- ``` +--- +--- Note that the `ngx.var.HEADER` API call, which uses core `$http_HEADER` variables, may be more preferable for reading individual request headers. +--- +--- For multiple instances of request headers such as: +--- +--- ```bash +--- Foo: foo +--- Foo: bar +--- Foo: baz +--- ``` +--- +--- the value of `ngx.req.get_headers()["Foo"]` will be a Lua (array) table such as: +--- +--- ```lua +--- {"foo", "bar", "baz"} +--- ``` +--- +--- Note that a maximum of 100 request headers are parsed by default (including those with the same name) and that additional request headers are silently discarded to guard against potential denial of service attacks. When the limit is exceeded, it will return a second value which is the string `"truncated"`. +--- +--- However, the optional `max_headers` function argument can be used to override this limit: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local headers, err = ngx.req.get_headers(10) +--- +--- if err == "truncated" then +--- -- one can choose to ignore or reject the current request here +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- This argument can be set to zero to remove the limit and to process all request headers received: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local headers, err = ngx.req.get_headers(0) +--- ``` +--- +--- Removing the `max_headers` cap is strongly discouraged. +--- +--- All the header names in the Lua table returned are converted to the pure lower-case form by default, unless the `raw` argument is set to `true` (default to `false`). +--- +--- Also, by default, an `__index` metamethod is added to the resulting Lua table and will normalize the keys to a pure lowercase form with all underscores converted to dashes in case of a lookup miss. For example, if a request header `My-Foo-Header` is present, then the following invocations will all pick up the value of this header correctly: +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.say(headers.my_foo_header) +--- ngx.say(headers["My-Foo-Header"]) +--- ngx.say(headers["my-foo-header"]) +--- ``` +--- +--- The `__index` metamethod will not be added when the `raw` argument is set to `true`. +--- +---@param max_headers? number +---@param raw? boolean +---@return table headers +---@return string|'"truncated"' error +function ngx.req.get_headers(max_headers, raw) end + +--- Explicitly discard the request body, i.e., read the data on the connection and throw it away immediately (without using the request body by any means). +--- +--- This function is an asynchronous call and returns immediately. +--- +--- If the request body has already been read, this function does nothing and returns immediately. +--- +function ngx.req.discard_body() end + +--- Set the current request's request header named `header_name` to value `header_value`, overriding any existing ones. +--- +--- By default, all the subrequests subsequently initiated by `ngx.location.capture` and `ngx.location.capture_multi` will inherit the new header. +--- +--- Here is an example of setting the `Content-Type` header: +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.req.set_header("Content-Type", "text/css") +--- ``` +--- +--- The `header_value` can take an array list of values, +--- for example, +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.req.set_header("Foo", {"a", "abc"}) +--- ``` +--- +--- will produce two new request headers: +--- +--- ```bash +--- Foo: a +--- Foo: abc +--- ``` +--- +--- and old `Foo` headers will be overridden if there is any. +--- +--- When the `header_value` argument is `nil`, the request header will be removed. So +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.req.set_header("X-Foo", nil) +--- ``` +--- +--- is equivalent to +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.req.clear_header("X-Foo") +--- ``` +--- +---@param header_name string +---@param header_value string|string[]|nil +function ngx.req.set_header(header_name, header_value) end + +--- Retrieves in-memory request body data. It returns a Lua string rather than a Lua table holding all the parsed query arguments. Use the `ngx.req.get_post_args` function instead if a Lua table is required. +--- +--- This function returns `nil` if +--- +--- 1. the request body has not been read, +--- 1. the request body has been read into disk temporary files, +--- 1. or the request body has zero size. +--- +--- If the request body has not been read yet, call `ngx.req.read_body` first (or turn on `lua_need_request_body` to force this module to read the request body. This is not recommended however). +--- +--- If the request body has been read into disk files, try calling the `ngx.req.get_body_file` function instead. +--- +--- To force in-memory request bodies, try setting `client_body_buffer_size` to the same size value in `client_max_body_size`. +--- +--- Note that calling this function instead of using `ngx.var.request_body` or `ngx.var.echo_request_body` is more efficient because it can save one dynamic memory allocation and one data copy. +--- +---@return string? +function ngx.req.get_body_data() end + +--- Reads the client request body synchronously without blocking the NGINX event loop. +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.req.read_body() +--- local args = ngx.req.get_post_args() +--- ``` +--- +--- If the request body is already read previously by turning on `lua_need_request_body` or by using other modules, then this function does not run and returns immediately. +--- +--- If the request body has already been explicitly discarded, either by the `ngx.req.discard_body` function or other modules, this function does not run and returns immediately. +--- +--- In case of errors, such as connection errors while reading the data, this method will throw out a Lua exception *or* terminate the current request with a 500 status code immediately. +--- +--- The request body data read using this function can be retrieved later via `ngx.req.get_body_data` or, alternatively, the temporary file name for the body data cached to disk using `ngx.req.get_body_file`. This depends on +--- +--- 1. whether the current request body is already larger than the `client_body_buffer_size`, +--- 1. and whether `client_body_in_file_only` has been switched on. +--- +--- In cases where current request may have a request body and the request body data is not required, The `ngx.req.discard_body` function must be used to explicitly discard the request body to avoid breaking things under HTTP 1.1 keepalive or HTTP 1.1 pipelining. +--- +function ngx.req.read_body() end + +--- Retrieves the file name for the in-file request body data. Returns `nil` if the request body has not been read or has been read into memory. +--- +--- The returned file is read only and is usually cleaned up by NGINX's memory pool. It should not be manually modified, renamed, or removed in Lua code. +--- +--- If the request body has not been read yet, call `ngx.req.read_body` first (or turn on `lua_need_request_body` to force this module to read the request body. This is not recommended however). +--- +--- If the request body has been read into memory, try calling the `ngx.req.get_body_data` function instead. +--- +--- To force in-file request bodies, try turning on `client_body_in_file_only`. +--- +---@return string? filename +function ngx.req.get_body_file() end + +--- Rewrite the current request's URI query arguments by the `args` argument. The `args` argument can be either a Lua string, as in +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.req.set_uri_args("a=3&b=hello%20world") +--- ``` +--- +--- or a Lua table holding the query arguments' key-value pairs, as in +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.req.set_uri_args({ a = 3, b = "hello world" }) +--- ``` +--- +--- where in the latter case, this method will escape argument keys and values according to the URI escaping rule. +--- +--- Multi-value arguments are also supported: +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.req.set_uri_args({ a = 3, b = {5, 6} }) +--- ``` +--- +--- which will result in a query string like `a=3&b=5&b=6`. +--- +---@param args string|table +function ngx.req.set_uri_args(args) end + +--- Encode the Lua table to a query args string according to the URI encoded rules. +--- +--- For example, +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.encode_args({foo = 3, ["b r"] = "hello world"}) +--- ``` +--- +--- yields +--- +--- foo=3&b%20r=hello%20world +--- +--- The table keys must be Lua strings. +--- +--- Multi-value query args are also supported. Just use a Lua table for the argument's value, for example: +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.encode_args({baz = {32, "hello"}}) +--- ``` +--- +--- gives +--- +--- baz=32&baz=hello +--- +--- If the value table is empty and the effect is equivalent to the `nil` value. +--- +--- Boolean argument values are also supported, for instance, +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.encode_args({a = true, b = 1}) +--- ``` +--- +--- yields +--- +--- a&b=1 +--- +--- If the argument value is `false`, then the effect is equivalent to the `nil` value. +--- +---@param args table +---@return string encoded +function ngx.encode_args(args) end + +--- Decodes a URI encoded query-string into a Lua table. This is the inverse function of `ngx.encode_args`. +--- +--- The optional `max_args` argument can be used to specify the maximum number of arguments parsed from the `str` argument. By default, a maximum of 100 request arguments are parsed (including those with the same name) and that additional URI arguments are silently discarded to guard against potential denial of service attacks. When the limit is exceeded, it will return a second value which is the string `"truncated"`. +--- +--- This argument can be set to zero to remove the limit and to process all request arguments received: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local args = ngx.decode_args(str, 0) +--- ``` +--- +--- Removing the `max_args` cap is strongly discouraged. +--- +---@param str string +---@param max_args? number +---@return table args +---@return string|'"truncated"' error +function ngx.decode_args(str, max_args) end + +ngx.socket = {} + +---@class udpsock +local udpsock = {} + +--- Attempts to connect a UDP socket object to a remote server or to a datagram unix domain socket file. Because the datagram protocol is actually connection-less, this method does not really establish a "connection", but only just set the name of the remote peer for subsequent read/write operations. +--- +--- Both IP addresses and domain names can be specified as the `host` argument. In case of domain names, this method will use NGINX core's dynamic resolver to parse the domain name without blocking and it is required to configure the `resolver` directive in the `nginx.conf` file like this: +--- +--- ```nginx +--- resolver; # use Google's public DNS nameserver +--- ``` +--- +--- If the nameserver returns multiple IP addresses for the host name, this method will pick up one randomly. +--- +--- In case of error, the method returns `nil` followed by a string describing the error. In case of success, the method returns `1`. +--- +--- Here is an example for connecting to a UDP (memcached) server: +--- +--- ```nginx +--- location /test { +--- resolver; +--- +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- local sock = ngx.socket.udp() +--- local ok, err = sock:setpeername("my.memcached.server.domain", 11211) +--- if not ok then +--- ngx.say("failed to connect to memcached: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- ngx.say("successfully connected to memcached!") +--- sock:close() +--- } +--- } +--- ``` +--- +--- Connecting to a datagram unix domain socket file is also possible on Linux: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local sock = ngx.socket.udp() +--- local ok, err = sock:setpeername("unix:/tmp/some-datagram-service.sock") +--- if not ok then +--- ngx.say("failed to connect to the datagram unix domain socket: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- assuming the datagram service is listening on the unix domain socket file `/tmp/some-datagram-service.sock` and the client socket will use the "autobind" feature on Linux. +--- +--- Calling this method on an already connected socket object will cause the original connection to be closed first. +--- +---@param host string +---@param port number +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +---@overload fun(self:udpsock, unix_socket:string):boolean, string? +function udpsock:setpeername(host, port) end + +--- Sends data on the current UDP or datagram unix domain socket object. +--- +--- In case of success, it returns `1`. Otherwise, it returns `nil` and a string describing the error. +--- +--- The input argument `data` can either be a Lua string or a (nested) Lua table holding string fragments. In case of table arguments, this method will copy all the string elements piece by piece to the underlying NGINX socket send buffers, which is usually optimal than doing string concatenation operations on the Lua land. +--- +---@param data string | string[] +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function udpsock:send(data) end + +--- Receives data from the UDP or datagram unix domain socket object with an optional receive buffer size argument, `size`. +--- +--- This method is a synchronous operation and is 100% nonblocking. +--- +--- In case of success, it returns the data received; in case of error, it returns `nil` with a string describing the error. +--- +--- If the `size` argument is specified, then this method will use this size as the receive buffer size. But when this size is greater than `8192`, then `8192` will be used instead. +--- +--- If no argument is specified, then the maximal buffer size, `8192` is assumed. +--- +--- Timeout for the reading operation is controlled by the `lua_socket_read_timeout` config directive and the `settimeout` method. And the latter takes priority. For example: +--- +--- ```lua +--- sock:settimeout(1000) -- one second timeout +--- local data, err = sock:receive() +--- if not data then +--- ngx.say("failed to read a packet: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- ngx.say("successfully read a packet: ", data) +--- ``` +--- +--- It is important here to call the `settimeout` method *before* calling this method. +--- +---@param size? number +---@return string? data +---@return string? error +function udpsock:receive(size) end + + +--- Closes the current UDP or datagram unix domain socket. It returns the `1` in case of success and returns `nil` with a string describing the error otherwise. +--- +--- Socket objects that have not invoked this method (and associated connections) will be closed when the socket object is released by the Lua GC (Garbage Collector) or the current client HTTP request finishes processing. +--- +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function udpsock:close() end + +--- Set the timeout value in milliseconds for subsequent socket operations (like `receive`). +--- +--- Settings done by this method takes priority over those config directives, like `lua_socket_read_timeout`. +--- +---@param time number +function udpsock:settimeout(time) end + +--- Creates and returns a TCP or stream-oriented unix domain socket object (also known as one type of the "cosocket" objects). The following methods are supported on this object: +--- +--- * `connect` +--- * `sslhandshake` +--- * `send` +--- * `receive` +--- * `close` +--- * `settimeout` +--- * `settimeouts` +--- * `setoption` +--- * `receiveany` +--- * `receiveuntil` +--- * `setkeepalive` +--- * `getreusedtimes` +--- +--- It is intended to be compatible with the TCP API of the `LuaSocket` library but is 100% nonblocking out of the box. +--- +--- The cosocket object created by this API function has exactly the same lifetime as the Lua handler creating it. So never pass the cosocket object to any other Lua handler (including ngx.timer callback functions) and never share the cosocket object between different NGINX requests. +--- +--- For every cosocket object's underlying connection, if you do not +--- explicitly close it (via `close`) or put it back to the connection +--- pool (via `setkeepalive`), then it is automatically closed when one of +--- the following two events happens: +--- +--- * the current request handler completes, or +--- * the Lua cosocket object value gets collected by the Lua GC. +--- +--- Fatal errors in cosocket operations always automatically close the current +--- connection (note that, read timeout error is the only error that is +--- not fatal), and if you call `close` on a closed connection, you will get +--- the "closed" error. +--- +--- The cosocket object here is full-duplex, that is, a reader "light thread" and a writer "light thread" can operate on a single cosocket object simultaneously (both "light threads" must belong to the same Lua handler though, see reasons above). But you cannot have two "light threads" both reading (or writing or connecting) the same cosocket, otherwise you might get an error like "socket busy reading" when calling the methods of the cosocket object. +--- +---@return tcpsock +function ngx.socket.tcp() end + +---@class tcpsock +local tcpsock = {} + +--- Attempts to connect a TCP socket object to a remote server or to a stream unix domain socket file without blocking. +--- +--- Before actually resolving the host name and connecting to the remote backend, this method will always look up the connection pool for matched idle connections created by previous calls of this method (or the `ngx.socket.connect` function). +--- +--- Both IP addresses and domain names can be specified as the `host` argument. In case of domain names, this method will use NGINX core's dynamic resolver to parse the domain name without blocking and it is required to configure the `resolver` directive in the `nginx.conf` file like this: +--- +--- ```nginx +--- resolver; # use Google's public DNS nameserver +--- ``` +--- +--- If the nameserver returns multiple IP addresses for the host name, this method will pick up one randomly. +--- +--- In case of error, the method returns `nil` followed by a string describing the error. In case of success, the method returns `1`. +--- +--- Here is an example for connecting to a TCP server: +--- +--- ```nginx +--- location /test { +--- resolver; +--- +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- local sock = ngx.socket.tcp() +--- local ok, err = sock:connect("www.google.com", 80) +--- if not ok then +--- ngx.say("failed to connect to google: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- ngx.say("successfully connected to google!") +--- sock:close() +--- } +--- } +--- ``` +--- +--- Connecting to a Unix Domain Socket file is also possible: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local sock = ngx.socket.tcp() +--- local ok, err = sock:connect("unix:/tmp/memcached.sock") +--- if not ok then +--- ngx.say("failed to connect to the memcached unix domain socket: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- assuming memcached (or something else) is listening on the unix domain socket file `/tmp/memcached.sock`. +--- +--- Timeout for the connecting operation is controlled by the `lua_socket_connect_timeout` config directive and the `settimeout` method. And the latter takes priority. For example: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local sock = ngx.socket.tcp() +--- sock:settimeout(1000) -- one second timeout +--- local ok, err = sock:connect(host, port) +--- ``` +--- +--- It is important here to call the `settimeout` method *before* calling this method. +--- +--- Calling this method on an already connected socket object will cause the original connection to be closed first. +--- +---@param host string +---@param port number +---@param opts? tcpsock.connect.opts +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +---@overload fun(self:tcpsock, unix_socket:string, opts?:tcpsock.connect.opts):boolean, string? +function tcpsock:connect(host, port, opts) end + +--- An optional Lua table can be specified as the last argument to `tcpsock:connect()` +--- +---@class tcpsock.connect.opts : table +--- +--- A custom name for the connection pool being used. If omitted, then the connection pool name will be generated from the string template `":"` or `""`. +---@field pool string +--- +--- The size of the connection pool. If omitted and no `backlog` option was provided, no pool will be created. If omitted but `backlog` was provided, the pool will be created with a default size equal to the value of the `lua_socket_pool_size` directive. The connection pool holds up to `pool_size` alive connections ready to be reused by subsequent calls to `connect`, but note that there is no upper limit to the total number of opened connections outside of the pool. If you need to restrict the total number of opened connections, specify the `backlog` option. When the connection pool would exceed its size limit, the least recently used (kept-alive) connection already in the pool will be closed to make room for the current connection. Note that the cosocket connection pool is per NGINX worker process rather than per NGINX server instance, so the size limit specified here also applies to every single NGINX worker process. Also note that the size of the connection pool cannot be changed once it has been created. +---@field pool_size number +--- +--- Limits the total number of opened connections for this pool. No more connections than `pool_size` can be opened for this pool at any time. If the connection pool is full, subsequent connect operations will be queued into a queue equal to this option's value (the "backlog" queue). If the number of queued connect operations is equal to `backlog`, subsequent connect operations will fail and return `nil` plus the error string `"too many waiting connect operations"`. The queued connect operations will be resumed once the number of connections in the pool is less than `pool_size`. The queued connect operation will abort once they have been queued for more than `connect_timeout`, controlled by `settimeouts`, and will return `nil` plus the error string `"timeout"`. +---@field backlog number + + +--- Does SSL/TLS handshake on the currently established connection. +--- +--- The optional `reused_session` argument can take a former SSL +--- session userdata returned by a previous `sslhandshake` +--- call for exactly the same target. For short-lived connections, reusing SSL +--- sessions can usually speed up the handshake by one order by magnitude but it +--- is not so useful if the connection pool is enabled. This argument defaults to +--- `nil`. If this argument takes the boolean `false` value, no SSL session +--- userdata would return by this call and only a Lua boolean will be returned as +--- the first return value; otherwise the current SSL session will +--- always be returned as the first argument in case of successes. +--- +--- The optional `server_name` argument is used to specify the server +--- name for the new TLS extension Server Name Indication (SNI). Use of SNI can +--- make different servers share the same IP address on the server side. Also, +--- when SSL verification is enabled, this `server_name` argument is +--- also used to validate the server name specified in the server certificate sent from +--- the remote. +--- +--- The optional `ssl_verify` argument takes a Lua boolean value to +--- control whether to perform SSL verification. When set to `true`, the server +--- certificate will be verified according to the CA certificates specified by +--- the `lua_ssl_trusted_certificate` directive. +--- You may also need to adjust the `lua_ssl_verify_depth` +--- directive to control how deep we should follow along the certificate chain. +--- Also, when the `ssl_verify` argument is true and the +--- `server_name` argument is also specified, the latter will be used +--- to validate the server name in the server certificate. +--- +--- The optional `send_status_req` argument takes a boolean that controls whether to send +--- the OCSP status request in the SSL handshake request (which is for requesting OCSP stapling). +--- +--- For connections that have already done SSL/TLS handshake, this method returns +--- immediately. +--- +---@param reused_session? userdata|boolean +---@param server_name? string +---@param ssl_verify? boolean +---@param send_status_req? boolean +---@return userdata|boolean session_or_ok +---@return string? error +function tcpsock:sslhandshake(reused_session, server_name, ssl_verify, send_status_req) end + +--- Set client certificate chain and corresponding private key to the TCP socket object. +--- +--- The certificate chain and private key provided will be used later by the `tcpsock:sslhandshake` method. +--- +--- If both of `cert` and `pkey` are `nil`, this method will clear any existing client certificate and private key that was previously set on the cosocket object +--- +---@param cert ffi.cdata*|nil # a client certificate chain cdata object that will be used while handshaking with remote server. These objects can be created using ngx.ssl.parse_pem_cert function provided by lua-resty-core. Note that specifying the cert option requires corresponding pkey be provided too. +---@param key ffi.cdata*|nil # a private key corresponds to the cert option above. These objects can be created using ngx.ssl.parse_pem_priv_key function provided by lua-resty-core. +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function tcpsock:setclientcert(cert, key) end + + +--- Sends data without blocking on the current TCP or Unix Domain Socket connection. +--- +--- This method is a synchronous operation that will not return until *all* the data has been flushed into the system socket send buffer or an error occurs. +--- +--- In case of success, it returns the total number of bytes that have been sent. Otherwise, it returns `nil` and a string describing the error. +--- +--- The input argument `data` can either be a Lua string or a (nested) Lua table holding string fragments. In case of table arguments, this method will copy all the string elements piece by piece to the underlying NGINX socket send buffers, which is usually optimal than doing string concatenation operations on the Lua land. +--- +--- Timeout for the sending operation is controlled by the `lua_socket_send_timeout` config directive and the `settimeout` method. And the latter takes priority. For example: +--- +--- ```lua +--- sock:settimeout(1000) -- one second timeout +--- local bytes, err = sock:send(request) +--- ``` +--- +--- It is important here to call the `settimeout` method *before* calling this method. +--- +--- In case of any connection errors, this method always automatically closes the current connection. +--- +---@param data string|string[] +---@return number? bytes +---@return string? error +function tcpsock:send(data) end + + +--- Receives data from the connected socket according to the reading pattern or size. +--- +--- This method is a synchronous operation just like the `send` method and is 100% nonblocking. +--- +--- In case of success, it returns the data received; in case of error, it returns `nil` with a string describing the error and the partial data received so far. +--- +--- If a non-number-like string argument is specified, then it is interpreted as a "pattern". The following patterns are supported: +--- +--- * `'*a'`: reads from the socket until the connection is closed. No end-of-line translation is performed; +--- * `'*l'`: reads a line of text from the socket. The line is terminated by a `Line Feed` (LF) character (ASCII 10), optionally preceded by a `Carriage Return` (CR) character (ASCII 13). The CR and LF characters are not included in the returned line. In fact, all CR characters are ignored by the pattern. +--- +--- If no argument is specified, then it is assumed to be the pattern `'*l'`, that is, the line reading pattern. +--- +--- If a number-like argument is specified (including strings that look like numbers), then it is interpreted as a size. This method will not return until it reads exactly this size of data or an error occurs. +--- +--- +--- Timeout for the reading operation is controlled by the `lua_socket_read_timeout` config directive and the `settimeout` method. And the latter takes priority. For example: +--- +--- ```lua +--- sock:settimeout(1000) -- one second timeout +--- local line, err, partial = sock:receive() +--- if not line then +--- ngx.say("failed to read a line: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- ngx.say("successfully read a line: ", line) +--- ``` +--- +--- It is important here to call the `settimeout` method *before* calling this method. +--- +--- This method does not automatically closes the current connection when the read timeout error happens. For other connection errors, this method always automatically closes the connection. +--- +---@overload fun(self:tcpsock, size:number):string,string,string +--- +---@param pattern? '"*a"'|'"*l"' +---@return string? data +---@return string? error +---@return string? partial +function tcpsock:receive(pattern) end + +--- Returns any data received by the connected socket, at most `max` bytes. +--- +--- This method is a synchronous operation just like the `send` method and is 100% nonblocking. +--- +--- In case of success, it returns the data received; in case of error, it returns `nil` with a string describing the error. +--- +--- If the received data is more than this size, this method will return with exactly this size of data. +--- The remaining data in the underlying receive buffer could be returned in the next reading operation. +--- +--- Timeout for the reading operation is controlled by the `lua_socket_read_timeout` config directive and the `settimeouts` method. And the latter takes priority. For example: +--- +--- ```lua +--- sock:settimeouts(1000, 1000, 1000) -- one second timeout for connect/read/write +--- local data, err = sock:receiveany(10 * 1024) -- read any data, at most 10K +--- if not data then +--- ngx.say("failed to read any data: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- ngx.say("successfully read: ", data) +--- ``` +--- +--- This method doesn't automatically close the current connection when the read timeout error occurs. For other connection errors, this method always automatically closes the connection. +--- +---@param max integer +---@return string? data +---@return string? error +function tcpsock:receiveany(max) end + + +--- This method returns an iterator Lua function that can be called to read the data stream until it sees the specified pattern or an error occurs. +--- +--- Here is an example for using this method to read a data stream with the boundary sequence `--abcedhb`: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local reader = sock:receiveuntil("\r\n--abcedhb") +--- local data, err, partial = reader() +--- if not data then +--- ngx.say("failed to read the data stream: ", err) +--- end +--- ngx.say("read the data stream: ", data) +--- ``` +--- +--- When called without any argument, the iterator function returns the received data right *before* the specified pattern string in the incoming data stream. So for the example above, if the incoming data stream is `'hello, world! -agentzh\r\n--abcedhb blah blah'`, then the string `'hello, world! -agentzh'` will be returned. +--- +--- In case of error, the iterator function will return `nil` along with a string describing the error and the partial data bytes that have been read so far. +--- +--- The iterator function can be called multiple times and can be mixed safely with other cosocket method calls or other iterator function calls. +--- +--- The iterator function behaves differently (i.e., like a real iterator) when it is called with a `size` argument. That is, it will read that `size` of data on each invocation and will return `nil` at the last invocation (either sees the boundary pattern or meets an error). For the last successful invocation of the iterator function, the `err` return value will be `nil` too. The iterator function will be reset after the last successful invocation that returns `nil` data and `nil` error. Consider the following example: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local reader = sock:receiveuntil("\r\n--abcedhb") +--- +--- while true do +--- local data, err, partial = reader(4) +--- if not data then +--- if err then +--- ngx.say("failed to read the data stream: ", err) +--- break +--- end +--- +--- ngx.say("read done") +--- break +--- end +--- ngx.say("read chunk: [", data, "]") +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- Then for the incoming data stream `'hello, world! -agentzh\r\n--abcedhb blah blah'`, we shall get the following output from the sample code above: +--- +--- read chunk: [hell] +--- read chunk: [o, w] +--- read chunk: [orld] +--- read chunk: [! -a] +--- read chunk: [gent] +--- read chunk: [zh] +--- read done +--- +--- Note that, the actual data returned *might* be a little longer than the size limit specified by the `size` argument when the boundary pattern has ambiguity for streaming parsing. Near the boundary of the data stream, the data string actually returned could also be shorter than the size limit. +--- +--- Timeout for the iterator function's reading operation is controlled by the `lua_socket_read_timeout` config directive and the `settimeout` method. And the latter takes priority. For example: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local readline = sock:receiveuntil("\r\n") +--- +--- sock:settimeout(1000) -- one second timeout +--- line, err, partial = readline() +--- if not line then +--- ngx.say("failed to read a line: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- ngx.say("successfully read a line: ", line) +--- ``` +--- +--- It is important here to call the `settimeout` method *before* calling the iterator function (note that the `receiveuntil` call is irrelevant here). +--- +--- This method also takes an optional `options` table argument to control the behavior. The following options are supported: +--- +--- * `inclusive` +--- +--- The `inclusive` takes a boolean value to control whether to include the pattern string in the returned data string. Default to `false`. For example, +--- +--- ```lua +--- local reader = tcpsock:receiveuntil("_END_", { inclusive = true }) +--- local data = reader() +--- ngx.say(data) +--- ``` +--- +--- Then for the input data stream `"hello world _END_ blah blah blah"`, then the example above will output `hello world _END_`, including the pattern string `_END_` itself. +--- +--- This method does not automatically closes the current connection when the read timeout error happens. For other connection errors, this method always automatically closes the connection. +--- +---@alias ngx.socket.tcpsock.iterator fun(size:number|nil):string,string,any +--- +---@overload fun(self:tcpsock, size:number, options:table):ngx.socket.tcpsock.iterator +--- +---@param pattern string +---@param options? table +---@return ngx.socket.tcpsock.iterator +function tcpsock:receiveuntil(pattern, options) end + + +--- Closes the current TCP or stream unix domain socket. It returns the `1` in case of success and returns `nil` with a string describing the error otherwise. +--- +--- Note that there is no need to call this method on socket objects that have invoked the `setkeepalive` method because the socket object is already closed (and the current connection is saved into the built-in connection pool). +--- +--- Socket objects that have not invoked this method (and associated connections) will be closed when the socket object is released by the Lua GC (Garbage Collector) or the current client HTTP request finishes processing. +--- +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function tcpsock:close() end + + +--- Set the timeout value in milliseconds for subsequent socket operations (`connect`, `receive`, and iterators returned from `receiveuntil`). +--- +--- Settings done by this method take priority over those specified via config directives (i.e. `lua_socket_connect_timeout`, `lua_socket_send_timeout`, and `lua_socket_read_timeout`). +--- +--- Note that this method does *not* affect the `lua_socket_keepalive_timeout` setting; the `timeout` argument to the `setkeepalive` method should be used for this purpose instead. +--- +---@param time number +function tcpsock:settimeout(time) end + + +--- Respectively sets the connect, send, and read timeout thresholds (in milliseconds) for subsequent socket +--- operations (`connect`, `send`, `receive`, and iterators returned from `receiveuntil`). +--- +--- Settings done by this method take priority over those specified via config directives (i.e. `lua_socket_connect_timeout`, `lua_socket_send_timeout`, and `lua_socket_read_timeout`). +--- +--- It is recommended to use `settimeouts` instead of `settimeout`. +--- +--- Note that this method does *not* affect the `lua_socket_keepalive_timeout` setting; the `timeout` argument to the `setkeepalive` method should be used for this purpose instead. +--- +---@param connect_timeout number|nil +---@param send_timeout number|nil +---@param read_timeout number|nil +function tcpsock:settimeouts(connect_timeout, send_timeout, read_timeout) end + + +--- This function is added for `LuaSocket` API compatibility and does nothing for now. +--- +--- In case of success, it returns `true`. Otherwise, it returns nil and a string describing the error. +--- +--- The `option` is a string with the option name, and the value depends on the option being set: +--- +--- * `keepalive` +--- +--- Setting this option to true enables sending of keep-alive messages on +--- connection-oriented sockets. Make sure the `connect` function +--- had been called before, for example, +--- +--- ```lua +--- local ok, err = tcpsock:setoption("keepalive", true) +--- if not ok then +--- ngx.say("setoption keepalive failed: ", err) +--- end +--- ``` +--- * `reuseaddr` +--- +--- Enabling this option indicates that the rules used in validating addresses +--- supplied in a call to bind should allow reuse of local addresses. Make sure +--- the `connect` function had been called before, for example, +--- +--- ```lua +--- local ok, err = tcpsock:setoption("reuseaddr", 0) +--- if not ok then +--- ngx.say("setoption reuseaddr failed: ", err) +--- end +--- ``` +--- * `tcp-nodelay` +--- +--- Setting this option to true disables the Nagle's algorithm for the connection. +--- Make sure the `connect` function had been called before, for example, +--- +--- ```lua +--- local ok, err = tcpsock:setoption("tcp-nodelay", true) +--- if not ok then +--- ngx.say("setoption tcp-nodelay failed: ", err) +--- end +--- ``` +--- * `sndbuf` +--- +--- Sets the maximum socket send buffer in bytes. The kernel doubles this value +--- (to allow space for bookkeeping overhead) when it is set using setsockopt(). +--- Make sure the `connect` function had been called before, for example, +--- +--- ```lua +--- local ok, err = tcpsock:setoption("sndbuf", 1024 * 10) +--- if not ok then +--- ngx.say("setoption sndbuf failed: ", err) +--- end +--- ``` +--- * `rcvbuf` +--- +--- Sets the maximum socket receive buffer in bytes. The kernel doubles this value +--- (to allow space for bookkeeping overhead) when it is set using setsockopt. Make +--- sure the `connect` function had been called before, for example, +--- +--- ```lua +--- local ok, err = tcpsock:setoption("rcvbuf", 1024 * 10) +--- if not ok then +--- ngx.say("setoption rcvbuf failed: ", err) +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- NOTE: Once the option is set, it will become effective until the connection is closed. If you know the connection is from the connection pool and all the in-pool connections already have called the setoption() method with the desired socket option state, then you can just skip calling setoption() again to avoid the overhead of repeated calls, for example, +--- +--- ```lua +--- local count, err = tcpsock:getreusedtimes() +--- if not count then +--- ngx.say("getreusedtimes failed: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- +--- if count == 0 then +--- local ok, err = tcpsock:setoption("rcvbuf", 1024 * 10) +--- if not ok then +--- ngx.say("setoption rcvbuf failed: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- end +--- ``` +--- +---@param option tcpsock.setoption.option +---@param value number|boolean +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function tcpsock:setoption(option, value) end + +---@alias tcpsock.setoption.option +---| '"keepalive"' # enable or disable keepalive +---| '"reuseaddr"' # reuse addr options +---| '"tcp-nodelay"' # disables the Nagle's algorithm for the connection. +---| '"sndbuf"' # max send buffer size (in bytes) +---| '"rcvbuf"' # max receive bufer size (in bytes) + + + +--- Puts the current socket's connection immediately into the cosocket built-in connection pool and keep it alive until other `connect` method calls request it or the associated maximal idle timeout is expired. +--- +--- The first optional argument, `timeout`, can be used to specify the maximal idle timeout (in milliseconds) for the current connection. If omitted, the default setting in the `lua_socket_keepalive_timeout` config directive will be used. If the `0` value is given, then the timeout interval is unlimited. +--- +--- The second optional argument `size` is considered deprecated since the `v0.10.14` release of this module, in favor of the `pool_size` option of the `connect` method. +--- Since the `v0.10.14` release, this option will only take effect if the call to `connect` did not already create a connection pool. +--- When this option takes effect (no connection pool was previously created by `connect`), it will specify the size of the connection pool, and create it. +--- If omitted (and no pool was previously created), the default size is the value of the `lua_socket_pool_size` directive. +--- The connection pool holds up to `size` alive connections ready to be reused by subsequent calls to `connect`, but note that there is no upper limit to the total number of opened connections outside of the pool. +--- When the connection pool would exceed its size limit, the least recently used (kept-alive) connection already in the pool will be closed to make room for the current connection. +--- Note that the cosocket connection pool is per NGINX worker process rather than per NGINX server instance, so the size limit specified here also applies to every single NGINX worker process. Also note that the size of the connection pool cannot be changed once it has been created. +--- If you need to restrict the total number of opened connections, specify both the `pool_size` and `backlog` option in the call to `connect`. +--- +--- In case of success, this method returns `1`; otherwise, it returns `nil` and a string describing the error. +--- +--- When the system receive buffer for the current connection has unread data, then this method will return the "connection in dubious state" error message (as the second return value) because the previous session has unread data left behind for the next session and the connection is not safe to be reused. +--- +--- This method also makes the current cosocket object enter the "closed" state, so there is no need to manually call the `close` method on it afterwards. +--- +---@param timeout? number +---@param size? number +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function tcpsock:setkeepalive(timeout, size) end + + +--- This method returns the (successfully) reused times for the current connection. In case of error, it returns `nil` and a string describing the error. +--- +--- If the current connection does not come from the built-in connection pool, then this method always returns `0`, that is, the connection has never been reused (yet). If the connection comes from the connection pool, then the return value is always non-zero. So this method can also be used to determine if the current connection comes from the pool. +--- +---@return number? count +---@return string? error +function tcpsock:getreusedtimes() end + +--- This function is a shortcut for combining `ngx.socket.tcp()` and the `connect()` method call in a single operation. It is actually implemented like this: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local sock = ngx.socket.tcp() +--- local ok, err = sock:connect(...) +--- if not ok then +--- return nil, err +--- end +--- return sock +--- ``` +--- +--- There is no way to use the `settimeout` method to specify connecting timeout for this method and the `lua_socket_connect_timeout` directive must be set at configure time instead. +--- +---@param host string +---@param port? number +---@return tcpsock? socket +---@return string? error +function ngx.socket.connect(host, port) end + +--- Creates and returns a UDP or datagram-oriented unix domain socket object (also known as one type of the "cosocket" objects). The following methods are supported on this object: +--- +--- * `setpeername` +--- * `send` +--- * `receive` +--- * `close` +--- * `settimeout` +--- +--- It is intended to be compatible with the UDP API of the `LuaSocket` library but is 100% nonblocking out of the box. +--- +---@return udpsock +function ngx.socket.udp() end + +--- Just an alias to `ngx.socket.tcp`. If the stream-typed cosocket may also connect to a unix domain +--- socket, then this API name is preferred. +--- +function ngx.socket.stream() end + +--- When this is used in the context of the `set_by_lua*` directives, this table is read-only and holds the input arguments to the config directives: +--- +--- ```lua +--- value = ngx.arg[n] +--- ``` +--- +--- Here is an example +--- +--- ```nginx +--- location /foo { +--- set $a 32; +--- set $b 56; +--- +--- set_by_lua $sum +--- 'return tonumber(ngx.arg[1]) + tonumber(ngx.arg[2])' +--- $a $b; +--- +--- echo $sum; +--- } +--- ``` +--- +--- that writes out `88`, the sum of `32` and `56`. +--- +--- When this table is used in the context of `body_filter_by_lua*`, the first element holds the input data chunk to the output filter code and the second element holds the boolean flag for the "eof" flag indicating the end of the whole output data stream. +--- +--- The data chunk and "eof" flag passed to the downstream NGINX output filters can also be overridden by assigning values directly to the corresponding table elements. When setting `nil` or an empty Lua string value to `ngx.arg[1]`, no data chunk will be passed to the downstream NGINX output filters at all. +ngx.arg = {} + +---@alias ngx.phase.name +---| '"init"' +---| '"init_worker"' +---| '"ssl_cert"' +---| '"ssl_session_fetch"' +---| '"ssl_session_store"' +---| '"set"' +---| '"rewrite"' +---| '"balancer"' +---| '"access"' +---| '"content"' +---| '"header_filter"' +---| '"body_filter"' +---| '"log"' +---| '"timer"' + +--- Retrieves the current running phase name. +--- +---@return ngx.phase.name +function ngx.get_phase() end + + +--- When `status >= 200` (i.e., `ngx.HTTP_OK` and above), it will interrupt the execution of the current request and return status code to NGINX. +--- +--- When `status == 0` (i.e., `ngx.OK`), it will only quit the current phase handler (or the content handler if the `content_by_lua*` directive is used) and continue to run later phases (if any) for the current request. +--- +--- The `status` argument can be `ngx.OK`, `ngx.ERROR`, `ngx.HTTP_NOT_FOUND`, +--- `ngx.HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY`, or other `ngx.HTTP_*` status constants. +--- +--- To return an error page with custom contents, use code snippets like this: +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.status = ngx.HTTP_GONE +--- ngx.say("This is our own content") +--- -- to cause quit the whole request rather than the current phase handler +--- ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_OK) +--- ``` +--- +--- The effect in action: +--- +--- ```bash +--- $ curl -i http://localhost/test +--- HTTP/1.1 410 Gone +--- Server: nginx/1.0.6 +--- Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2011 00:51:48 GMT +--- Content-Type: text/plain +--- Transfer-Encoding: chunked +--- Connection: keep-alive +--- +--- This is our own content +--- ``` +--- +--- Number literals can be used directly as the argument, for instance, +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.exit(501) +--- ``` +--- +--- Note that while this method accepts all `ngx.HTTP_*` status constants as input, it only accepts `ngx.OK` and `ngx.ERROR` of the `core constants`. +--- +--- Also note that this method call terminates the processing of the current request and that it is recommended that a coding style that combines this method call with the `return` statement, i.e., `return ngx.exit(...)` be used to reinforce the fact that the request processing is being terminated. +--- +--- When being used in the contexts of `header_filter_by_lua*`, `balancer_by_lua*`, and +--- `ssl_session_store_by_lua*`, `ngx.exit()` is +--- an asynchronous operation and will return immediately. This behavior may change in future and it is recommended that users always use `return` in combination as suggested above. +--- +---@param status ngx.OK|ngx.ERROR|ngx.http.status_code +function ngx.exit(status) end + +--- Issue an `HTTP 301` or `302` redirection to `uri`. +--- +--- Notice: the `uri` should not contains `\r` or `\n`, otherwise, the characters after `\r` or `\n` will be truncated, including the `\r` or `\n` bytes themself. +--- +--- The `uri` argument will be truncated if it contains the +--- `\r` or `\n` characters. The truncated value will contain +--- all characters up to (and excluding) the first occurrence of `\r` or +--- `\n`. +--- +--- The optional `status` parameter specifies the HTTP status code to be used. The following status codes are supported right now: +--- +--- * `301` +--- * `302` (default) +--- * `303` +--- * `307` +--- * `308` +--- +--- It is `302` (`ngx.HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY`) by default. +--- +--- Here is an example assuming the current server name is `localhost` and that it is listening on port 1984: +--- +--- ```lua +--- return ngx.redirect("/foo") +--- ``` +--- +--- which is equivalent to +--- +--- ```lua +--- return ngx.redirect("/foo", ngx.HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY) +--- ``` +--- +--- Redirecting arbitrary external URLs is also supported, for example: +--- +--- ```lua +--- return ngx.redirect("http://www.google.com") +--- ``` +--- +--- We can also use the numerical code directly as the second `status` argument: +--- +--- ```lua +--- return ngx.redirect("/foo", 301) +--- ``` +--- +--- This method is similar to the `rewrite` directive with the `redirect` modifier in the standard +--- `ngx_http_rewrite_module`, for example, this `nginx.conf` snippet +--- +--- ```nginx +--- rewrite ^ /foo? redirect; # nginx config +--- ``` +--- +--- is equivalent to the following Lua code +--- +--- ```lua +--- return ngx.redirect('/foo'); -- Lua code +--- ``` +--- +--- while +--- +--- ```nginx +--- rewrite ^ /foo? permanent; # nginx config +--- ``` +--- +--- is equivalent to +--- +--- ```lua +--- return ngx.redirect('/foo', ngx.HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY) -- Lua code +--- ``` +--- +--- URI arguments can be specified as well, for example: +--- +--- ```lua +--- return ngx.redirect('/foo?a=3&b=4') +--- ``` +--- +--- Note that this method call terminates the processing of the current request and that it *must* be called before `ngx.send_headers` or explicit response body +--- outputs by either `ngx.print` or `ngx.say`. +--- +--- It is recommended that a coding style that combines this method call with the `return` statement, i.e., `return ngx.redirect(...)` be adopted when this method call is used in contexts other than `header_filter_by_lua*` to reinforce the fact that the request processing is being terminated. +--- +---@param uri string +---@param status? 301|302|303|307|308 +function ngx.redirect(uri, status) end + + +--- Registers a user Lua function as the callback which gets called automatically when the client closes the (downstream) connection prematurely. +--- +--- Returns `1` if the callback is registered successfully or returns `nil` and a string describing the error otherwise. +--- +--- All the NGINX APIs for lua can be used in the callback function because the function is run in a special "light thread", just as those "light threads" created by `ngx.thread.spawn`. +--- +--- The callback function can decide what to do with the client abortion event all by itself. For example, it can simply ignore the event by doing nothing and the current Lua request handler will continue executing without interruptions. And the callback function can also decide to terminate everything by calling `ngx.exit`, for example, +--- +--- ```lua +--- local function my_cleanup() +--- -- custom cleanup work goes here, like cancelling a pending DB transaction +--- +--- -- now abort all the "light threads" running in the current request handler +--- ngx.exit(499) +--- end +--- +--- local ok, err = ngx.on_abort(my_cleanup) +--- if not ok then +--- ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to register the on_abort callback: ", err) +--- ngx.exit(500) +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- When `lua_check_client_abort` is set to `off` (which is the default), then this function call will always return the error message "lua_check_client_abort is off". +--- +--- According to the current implementation, this function can only be called once in a single request handler; subsequent calls will return the error message "duplicate call". +--- +---@param callback fun() +---@return boolean ok +---@return string|'"lua_check_client_abort is off"'|'"duplicate call"' error +function ngx.on_abort(callback) end + + +--- Does an internal redirect to `uri` with `args` and is similar to the `echo_exec` directive of the `echo-nginx-module`. +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.exec('/some-location'); +--- ngx.exec('/some-location', 'a=3&b=5&c=6'); +--- ngx.exec('/some-location?a=3&b=5', 'c=6'); +--- ``` +--- +--- The optional second `args` can be used to specify extra URI query arguments, for example: +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.exec("/foo", "a=3&b=hello%20world") +--- ``` +--- +--- Alternatively, a Lua table can be passed for the `args` argument for ngx_lua to carry out URI escaping and string concatenation. +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.exec("/foo", { a = 3, b = "hello world" }) +--- ``` +--- +--- The result is exactly the same as the previous example. +--- +--- The format for the Lua table passed as the `args` argument is identical to the format used in the `ngx.encode_args` method. +--- +--- Named locations are also supported but the second `args` argument will be ignored if present and the querystring for the new target is inherited from the referring location (if any). +--- +--- `GET /foo/file.php?a=hello` will return "hello" and not "goodbye" in the example below +--- +--- ```nginx +--- location /foo { +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- ngx.exec("@bar", "a=goodbye"); +--- } +--- } +--- +--- location @bar { +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- local args = ngx.req.get_uri_args() +--- for key, val in pairs(args) do +--- if key == "a" then +--- ngx.say(val) +--- end +--- end +--- } +--- } +--- ``` +--- +--- Note that the `ngx.exec` method is different from `ngx.redirect` in that +--- it is purely an internal redirect and that no new external HTTP traffic is involved. +--- +--- Also note that this method call terminates the processing of the current request and that it *must* be called before `ngx.send_headers` or explicit response body +--- outputs by either `ngx.print` or `ngx.say`. +--- +--- It is recommended that a coding style that combines this method call with the `return` statement, i.e., `return ngx.exec(...)` be adopted when this method call is used in contexts other than `header_filter_by_lua*` to reinforce the fact that the request processing is being terminated. +--- +---@param uri string +---@param args? string|table +function ngx.exec(uri, args) end + +ngx.location = {} + +---@class ngx.location.capture.response : table +---@field status integer # response status code +---@field header table # response headers +---@field body string # response body +---@field truncated boolean # truth-y if the response body is truncated. You always need to check the `res.truncated` boolean flag to see if `res.body` contains truncated data. The data truncation here can only be caused by those unrecoverable errors in your subrequests like the cases that the remote end aborts the connection prematurely in the middle of the response body data stream or a read timeout happens when your subrequest is receiving the response body data from the remote. + +--- An optional option table can be fed as the second argument, which supports the options: +--- +---@class ngx.location.capture.options +--- +---@field method ngx.http.method # the subrequest's request method, which only accepts constants like `ngx.HTTP_POST`. +--- +---@field body string # the subrequest's request body (string value only). +--- +---@field args string|table # the subrequest's URI query arguments (both string value and Lua tables are accepted) +---@field ctx table # a Lua table to be the `ngx.ctx` table for the subrequest. It can be the current request's `ngx.ctx` table, which effectively makes the parent and its subrequest to share exactly the same context table. +--- +---@field vars table # a Lua table which holds the values to set the specified NGINX variables in the subrequest as this option's value. +--- +---@field copy_all_vars boolean # whether to copy over all the NGINX variable values of the current request to the subrequest in question. modifications of the NGINX variables in the subrequest will not affect the current (parent) request. +--- +---@field share_all_vars boolean # whether to share all the NGINX variables of the subrequest with the current (parent) request. modifications of the NGINX variables in the subrequest will affect the current (parent) request. Enabling this option may lead to hard-to-debug issues due to bad side-effects and is considered bad and harmful. Only enable this option when you completely know what you are doing. +--- +---@field always_forward_body boolean # when set to true, the current (parent) request's request body will always be forwarded to the subrequest being created if the `body` option is not specified. The request body read by either `ngx.req.read_body()` or `lua_need_request_body on` will be directly forwarded to the subrequest without copying the whole request body data when creating the subrequest (no matter the request body data is buffered in memory buffers or temporary files). By default, this option is `false` and when the `body` option is not specified, the request body of the current (parent) request is only forwarded when the subrequest takes the `PUT` or `POST` request method. + + +---@alias ngx.location.capture.uri string + +---@class ngx.location.capture.arg : table +---@field [1] ngx.location.capture.uri request uri +---@field [2] ngx.location.capture.options? request options + + +--- Issues a synchronous but still non-blocking *NGINX Subrequest* using `uri`. +--- +--- NGINX's subrequests provide a powerful way to make non-blocking internal requests to other locations configured with disk file directory or *any* other NGINX C modules like `ngx_proxy`, `ngx_fastcgi`, `ngx_memc`, +--- `ngx_postgres`, `ngx_drizzle`, and even ngx_lua itself and etc etc etc. +--- +--- Also note that subrequests just mimic the HTTP interface but there is *no* extra HTTP/TCP traffic *nor* IPC involved. Everything works internally, efficiently, on the C level. +--- +--- Subrequests are completely different from HTTP 301/302 redirection (via `ngx.redirect`) and internal redirection (via `ngx.exec`). +--- +--- You should always read the request body (by either calling `ngx.req.read_body` or configuring `lua_need_request_body` on) before initiating a subrequest. +--- +--- This API function (as well as `ngx.location.capture_multi`) always buffers the whole response body of the subrequest in memory. Thus, you should use `cosockets` +--- and streaming processing instead if you have to handle large subrequest responses. +--- +--- Here is a basic example: +--- +--- ```lua +--- res = ngx.location.capture(uri) +--- ``` +--- +--- Returns a Lua table with 4 slots: `res.status`, `res.header`, `res.body`, and `res.truncated`. +--- +--- URI query strings can be concatenated to URI itself, for instance, +--- +--- ```lua +--- res = ngx.location.capture('/foo/bar?a=3&b=4') +--- ``` +--- +--- Named locations like `@foo` are not allowed due to a limitation in +--- the NGINX core. Use normal locations combined with the `internal` directive to +--- prepare internal-only locations. +--- +--- An optional option table can be fed as the second argument. +--- +--- Issuing a POST subrequest, for example, can be done as follows +--- +--- ```lua +--- res = ngx.location.capture( +--- '/foo/bar', +--- { method = ngx.HTTP_POST, body = 'hello, world' } +--- ) +--- ``` +--- +--- See HTTP method constants methods other than POST. +--- The `method` option is `ngx.HTTP_GET` by default. +--- +--- The `args` option can specify extra URI arguments, for instance, +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.location.capture('/foo?a=1', +--- { args = { b = 3, c = ':' } } +--- ) +--- ``` +--- +--- is equivalent to +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.location.capture('/foo?a=1&b=3&c=%3a') +--- ``` +--- +--- that is, this method will escape argument keys and values according to URI rules and +--- concatenate them together into a complete query string. The format for the Lua table passed as the `args` argument is identical to the format used in the `ngx.encode_args` method. +--- +--- The `args` option can also take plain query strings: +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.location.capture('/foo?a=1', +--- { args = 'b=3&c=%3a' } +--- ) +--- ``` +--- +--- This is functionally identical to the previous examples. +--- +--- The `share_all_vars` option controls whether to share NGINX variables among the current request and its subrequests. +--- If this option is set to `true`, then the current request and associated subrequests will share the same NGINX variable scope. Hence, changes to NGINX variables made by a subrequest will affect the current request. +--- +--- Care should be taken in using this option as variable scope sharing can have unexpected side effects. The `args`, `vars`, or `copy_all_vars` options are generally preferable instead. +--- +--- This option is set to `false` by default +--- +--- ```nginx +--- location /other { +--- set $dog "$dog world"; +--- echo "$uri dog: $dog"; +--- } +--- +--- location /lua { +--- set $dog 'hello'; +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- res = ngx.location.capture("/other", +--- { share_all_vars = true }); +--- +--- ngx.print(res.body) +--- ngx.say(ngx.var.uri, ": ", ngx.var.dog) +--- } +--- } +--- ``` +--- +--- Accessing location `/lua` gives +--- +--- /other dog: hello world +--- /lua: hello world +--- +--- The `copy_all_vars` option provides a copy of the parent request's NGINX variables to subrequests when such subrequests are issued. Changes made to these variables by such subrequests will not affect the parent request or any other subrequests sharing the parent request's variables. +--- +--- ```nginx +--- location /other { +--- set $dog "$dog world"; +--- echo "$uri dog: $dog"; +--- } +--- +--- location /lua { +--- set $dog 'hello'; +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- res = ngx.location.capture("/other", +--- { copy_all_vars = true }); +--- +--- ngx.print(res.body) +--- ngx.say(ngx.var.uri, ": ", ngx.var.dog) +--- } +--- } +--- ``` +--- +--- Request `GET /lua` will give the output +--- +--- /other dog: hello world +--- /lua: hello +--- +--- Note that if both `share_all_vars` and `copy_all_vars` are set to true, then `share_all_vars` takes precedence. +--- +--- In addition to the two settings above, it is possible to specify +--- values for variables in the subrequest using the `vars` option. These +--- variables are set after the sharing or copying of variables has been +--- evaluated, and provides a more efficient method of passing specific +--- values to a subrequest over encoding them as URL arguments and +--- unescaping them in the NGINX config file. +--- +--- ```nginx +--- location /other { +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- ngx.say("dog = ", ngx.var.dog) +--- ngx.say("cat = ", ngx.var.cat) +--- } +--- } +--- +--- location /lua { +--- set $dog ''; +--- set $cat ''; +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- res = ngx.location.capture("/other", +--- { vars = { dog = "hello", cat = 32 }}); +--- +--- ngx.print(res.body) +--- } +--- } +--- ``` +--- +--- Accessing `/lua` will yield the output +--- +--- dog = hello +--- cat = 32 +--- +--- The `ctx` option can be used to specify a custom Lua table to serve as the `ngx.ctx` table for the subrequest. +--- +--- ```nginx +--- location /sub { +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- ngx.ctx.foo = "bar"; +--- } +--- } +--- location /lua { +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- local ctx = {} +--- res = ngx.location.capture("/sub", { ctx = ctx }) +--- +--- ngx.say(ctx.foo); +--- ngx.say(ngx.ctx.foo); +--- } +--- } +--- ``` +--- +--- Then request `GET /lua` gives +--- +--- bar +--- nil +--- +--- It is also possible to use this `ctx` option to share the same `ngx.ctx` table between the current (parent) request and the subrequest: +--- +--- ```nginx +--- location /sub { +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- ngx.ctx.foo = "bar"; +--- } +--- } +--- location /lua { +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- res = ngx.location.capture("/sub", { ctx = ngx.ctx }) +--- ngx.say(ngx.ctx.foo); +--- } +--- } +--- ``` +--- +--- Request `GET /lua` yields the output +--- +--- bar +--- +--- Note that subrequests issued by `ngx.location.capture` inherit all the +--- request headers of the current request by default and that this may have unexpected side effects on the +--- subrequest responses. For example, when using the standard `ngx_proxy` module to serve +--- subrequests, an "Accept-Encoding: gzip" header in the main request may result +--- in gzipped responses that cannot be handled properly in Lua code. Original request headers should be ignored by setting +--- `proxy_pass_request_headers` to `off` in subrequest locations. +--- +--- When the `body` option is not specified and the `always_forward_body` option is false (the default value), the `POST` and `PUT` subrequests will inherit the request bodies of the parent request (if any). +--- +--- There is a hard-coded upper limit on the number of concurrent subrequests possible for every main request. In older versions of NGINX, the limit was `50` concurrent subrequests and in more recent versions, NGINX `1.1.x` onwards, this was increased to `200` concurrent subrequests. When this limit is exceeded, the following error message is added to the `error.log` file: +--- +--- [error] 13983#0: *1 subrequests cycle while processing "/uri" +--- +--- The limit can be manually modified if required by editing the definition of the `NGX_HTTP_MAX_SUBREQUESTS` macro in the `nginx/src/http/ngx_http_request.h` file in the NGINX source tree. +--- +--- Please also refer to restrictions on capturing locations configured by subrequest directives of other modules. +--- +---@param uri ngx.location.capture.uri +---@param options? ngx.location.capture.options +---@return ngx.location.capture.response +function ngx.location.capture(uri, options) end + + +--- Just like `ngx.location.capture`, but supports multiple subrequests running in parallel. +--- +--- This function issues several parallel subrequests specified by the input table and returns their results in the same order. For example, +--- +--- ```lua +--- local res1, res2, res3 = ngx.location.capture_multi{ +--- { "/foo", { args = "a=3&b=4" } }, +--- { "/bar" }, +--- { "/baz", { method = ngx.HTTP_POST, body = "hello" } }, +--- } +--- +--- if res1.status == ngx.HTTP_OK then +--- ... +--- end +--- +--- if res2.body == "BLAH" then +--- ... +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- This function will not return until all the subrequests terminate. +--- The total latency is the longest latency of the individual subrequests rather than the sum. +--- +--- Lua tables can be used for both requests and responses when the number of subrequests to be issued is not known in advance: +--- +--- ```lua +--- -- construct the requests table +--- local reqs = {} +--- table.insert(reqs, { "/mysql" }) +--- table.insert(reqs, { "/postgres" }) +--- table.insert(reqs, { "/redis" }) +--- table.insert(reqs, { "/memcached" }) +--- +--- -- issue all the requests at once and wait until they all return +--- local resps = { ngx.location.capture_multi(reqs) } +--- +--- -- loop over the responses table +--- for i, resp in ipairs(resps) do +--- -- process the response table "resp" +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- The `ngx.location.capture` function is just a special form +--- of this function. Logically speaking, the `ngx.location.capture` can be implemented like this +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.location.capture = function (uri, args) +--- return ngx.location.capture_multi({ {uri, args} }) +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- Please also refer to restrictions on capturing locations configured by subrequest directives of other modules. +--- +---@param args ngx.location.capture.arg[] +---@return ngx.location.capture.response ... +function ngx.location.capture_multi(args) end + + +--- Set, add to, or clear the current request's `HEADER` response header that is to be sent. +--- +--- Underscores (`_`) in the header names will be replaced by hyphens (`-`) by default. This transformation can be turned off via the `lua_transform_underscores_in_response_headers` directive. +--- +--- The header names are matched case-insensitively. +--- +--- ```lua +--- -- equivalent to ngx.header["Content-Type"] = 'text/plain' +--- ngx.header.content_type = 'text/plain'; +--- +--- ngx.header["X-My-Header"] = 'blah blah'; +--- ``` +--- +--- Multi-value headers can be set this way: +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.header['Set-Cookie'] = {'a=32; path=/', 'b=4; path=/'} +--- ``` +--- +--- will yield +--- +--- ```bash +--- Set-Cookie: a=32; path=/ +--- Set-Cookie: b=4; path=/ +--- ``` +--- +--- in the response headers. +--- +--- Only Lua tables are accepted (Only the last element in the table will take effect for standard headers such as `Content-Type` that only accept a single value). +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.header.content_type = {'a', 'b'} +--- ``` +--- +--- is equivalent to +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.header.content_type = 'b' +--- ``` +--- +--- Setting a slot to `nil` effectively removes it from the response headers: +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.header["X-My-Header"] = nil; +--- ``` +--- +--- The same applies to assigning an empty table: +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.header["X-My-Header"] = {}; +--- ``` +--- +--- Setting `ngx.header.HEADER` after sending out response headers (either explicitly with `ngx.send_headers` or implicitly with `ngx.print` and similar) will log an error message. +--- +--- Reading `ngx.header.HEADER` will return the value of the response header named `HEADER`. +--- +--- Underscores (`_`) in the header names will also be replaced by dashes (`-`) and the header names will be matched case-insensitively. If the response header is not present at all, `nil` will be returned. +--- +--- This is particularly useful in the context of `header_filter_by_lua*`, for example: +--- +--- ```nginx +--- location /test { +--- set $footer ''; +--- +--- proxy_pass http://some-backend; +--- +--- header_filter_by_lua_block { +--- if ngx.header["X-My-Header"] == "blah" then +--- ngx.var.footer = "some value" +--- end +--- } +--- +--- echo_after_body $footer; +--- } +--- ``` +--- +--- For multi-value headers, all of the values of header will be collected in order and returned as a Lua table. For example, response headers +--- +--- Foo: bar +--- Foo: baz +--- +--- will result in +--- +--- ```lua +--- {"bar", "baz"} +--- ``` +--- +--- to be returned when reading `ngx.header.Foo`. +--- +--- Note that `ngx.header` is not a normal Lua table and as such, it is not possible to iterate through it using the Lua `ipairs` function. +--- +--- Note: `HEADER` and `VALUE` will be truncated if they +--- contain the `\r` or `\n` characters. The truncated values +--- will contain all characters up to (and excluding) the first occurrence of +--- `\r` or `\n`. +--- +--- For reading *request* headers, use the `ngx.req.get_headers` function instead. +--- +---@type table +ngx.header = {} + + +--- Parse the http time string (as returned by `ngx.http_time`) into seconds. Returns the seconds or `nil` if the input string is in bad forms. +--- +--- ```lua +--- local time = ngx.parse_http_time("Thu, 18 Nov 2010 11:27:35 GMT") +--- if time == nil then +--- ... +--- end +--- ``` +--- +---@param str string +---@return number? +function ngx.parse_http_time(str) end + + +--- Returns a formated string can be used as the http header time (for example, being used in `Last-Modified` header). The parameter `sec` is the time stamp in seconds (like those returned from `ngx.time`). +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.say(ngx.http_time(1290079655)) +--- -- yields "Thu, 18 Nov 2010 11:27:35 GMT" +--- ``` +--- +---@param sec number +---@return string +function ngx.http_time(sec) end + + +--- Sleeps for the specified seconds without blocking. One can specify time resolution up to 0.001 seconds (i.e., one milliseconds). +--- +--- Behind the scene, this method makes use of the NGINX timers. +--- +--- The `0` time argument can also be specified. +--- +---@param seconds number +function ngx.sleep(seconds) end + +--- Forcibly updates the NGINX current time cache. This call involves a syscall and thus has some overhead, so do not abuse it. +--- +function ngx.update_time() end + +--- Returns a floating-point number for the elapsed time in seconds (including milliseconds as the decimal part) from the epoch for the current time stamp from the NGINX cached time (no syscall involved unlike Lua's date library). +--- +--- You can forcibly update the NGINX time cache by calling `ngx.update_time` first. +--- +---@return number +function ngx.now() end + +--- Returns the current time stamp (in the format `yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss`) of the NGINX cached time (no syscall involved unlike Lua's `os.date` function). +--- +---@return string +function ngx.localtime() end + +--- Returns the current time stamp (in the format `yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss`) of the NGINX cached time (no syscall involved unlike Lua's `os.date` function). +--- +---@return string +function ngx.utctime() end + +--- Returns a formatted string can be used as the cookie expiration time. The parameter `sec` is the time stamp in seconds (like those returned from `ngx.time`). +--- +--- ```lua +--- ngx.say(ngx.cookie_time(1290079655)) +--- -- yields "Thu, 18-Nov-10 11:27:35 GMT" +--- ``` +--- +---@param sec number +---@return string +function ngx.cookie_time(sec) end + +--- Returns current date (in the format `yyyy-mm-dd`) from the NGINX cached time (no syscall involved unlike Lua's date library). +--- +--- This uses the local timezone. +--- +---@return string +function ngx.today() end + +--- Returns the elapsed seconds from the epoch for the current time stamp from the NGINX cached time (no syscall involved unlike Lua's date library). +--- +--- Updates of the NGINX time cache can be forced by calling `ngx.update_time` first. +--- +---@return integer +function ngx.time() end + +--- Log arguments concatenated to error.log with the given logging level. +--- +--- Lua `nil` arguments are accepted and result in literal `"nil"` string while Lua booleans result in literal `"true"` or `"false"` string outputs. And the `ngx.null` constant will yield the `"null"` string output. +--- +--- The `level` argument can take constants like `ngx.ERR` and `ngx.WARN`. +--- +--- There is a hard coded `2048` byte limitation on error message lengths in the NGINX core. This limit includes trailing newlines and leading time stamps. If the message size exceeds this limit, NGINX will truncate the message text accordingly. This limit can be manually modified by editing the `NGX_MAX_ERROR_STR` macro definition in the `src/core/ngx_log.h` file in the NGINX source tree. +--- +---@param level ngx.log.level +---@param ... any +function ngx.log(level, ...) end + + +--- Explicitly specify the end of the response output stream. In the case of HTTP 1.1 chunked encoded output, it will just trigger the NGINX core to send out the "last chunk". +--- +--- When you disable the HTTP 1.1 keep-alive feature for your downstream connections, you can rely on well written HTTP clients to close the connection actively for you when you call this method. This trick can be used do back-ground jobs without letting the HTTP clients to wait on the connection, as in the following example: +--- +--- ```nginx +--- location = /async { +--- keepalive_timeout 0; +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- ngx.say("got the task!") +--- ngx.eof() -- well written HTTP clients will close the connection at this point +--- -- access MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis, Memcached, and etc here... +--- } +--- } +--- ``` +--- +--- But if you create subrequests to access other locations configured by NGINX upstream modules, then you should configure those upstream modules to ignore client connection abortions if they are not by default. For example, by default the standard `ngx_http_proxy_module` will terminate both the subrequest and the main request as soon as the client closes the connection, so it is important to turn on the `proxy_ignore_client_abort` directive in your location block configured by `ngx_http_proxy_module`://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_proxy_module.html): +--- +--- ```nginx +--- proxy_ignore_client_abort on; +--- ``` +--- +--- A better way to do background jobs is to use the `ngx.timer.at` API. +--- +--- Returns `1` on success, or returns `nil` and a string describing the error otherwise. +--- +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function ngx.eof() end + +--- Emits arguments concatenated to the HTTP client (as response body). If response headers have not been sent, this function will send headers out first and then output body data. +--- +--- Returns `1` on success, or returns `nil` and a string describing the error otherwise. +--- +--- Lua `nil` values will output `"nil"` strings and Lua boolean values will output `"true"` and `"false"` literal strings respectively. +--- +--- Nested arrays of strings are permitted and the elements in the arrays will be sent one by one: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local table = { +--- "hello, ", +--- {"world: ", true, " or ", false, +--- {": ", nil}} +--- } +--- ngx.print(table) +--- ``` +--- +--- will yield the output +--- +--- ```bash +--- hello, world: true or false: nil +--- ``` +--- +--- Non-array table arguments will cause a Lua exception to be thrown. +--- +--- The `ngx.null` constant will yield the `"null"` string output. +--- +--- This is an asynchronous call and will return immediately without waiting for all the data to be written into the system send buffer. To run in synchronous mode, call `ngx.flush(true)` after calling `ngx.print`. This can be particularly useful for streaming output. See `ngx.flush` for more details. +--- +--- Please note that both `ngx.print` and `ngx.say` will always invoke the whole NGINX output body filter chain, which is an expensive operation. So be careful when calling either of these two in a tight loop; buffer the data yourself in Lua and save the calls. +--- +---@param ... string|string[] +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function ngx.print(...) end + +--- Just as `ngx.print` but also emit a trailing newline. +--- +---@param ... string|string[] +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function ngx.say(...) end + +--- Explicitly send out the response headers. +--- +--- Returns `1` on success, or returns `nil` and a string describing the error otherwise. +--- +--- Note that there is normally no need to manually send out response headers as ngx_lua will automatically send headers out before content is output with `ngx.say` or `ngx.print` or when `content_by_lua*` exits normally. +--- +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function ngx.send_headers() end + +--- Flushes response output to the client. +--- +--- `ngx.flush` accepts an optional boolean `wait` argument (Default: `false`). When called with the default argument, it issues an asynchronous call (Returns immediately without waiting for output data to be written into the system send buffer). Calling the function with the `wait` argument set to `true` switches to synchronous mode. +--- +--- In synchronous mode, the function will not return until all output data has been written into the system send buffer or until the `send_timeout` setting has expired. Note that using the Lua coroutine mechanism means that this function does not block the NGINX event loop even in the synchronous mode. +--- +--- When `ngx.flush(true)` is called immediately after `ngx.print` or `ngx.say`, it causes the latter functions to run in synchronous mode. This can be particularly useful for streaming output. +--- +--- Note that `ngx.flush` is not functional when in the HTTP 1.0 output buffering mode. See `HTTP 1.0 support`. +--- +--- Returns `1` on success, or returns `nil` and a string describing the error otherwise. +--- +---@param wait? boolean +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function ngx.flush(wait) end + +--- NGINX response methods +ngx.resp = {} + +--- Returns a Lua table holding all the current response headers for the current request. +--- +--- ```lua +--- local h, err = ngx.resp.get_headers() +--- +--- if err == "truncated" then +--- -- one can choose to ignore or reject the current response here +--- end +--- +--- for k, v in pairs(h) do +--- ... +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- This function has the same signature as `ngx.req.get_headers` except getting response headers instead of request headers. +--- +--- Note that a maximum of 100 response headers are parsed by default (including those with the same name) and that additional response headers are silently discarded to guard against potential denial of service attacks. When the limit is exceeded, it will return a second value which is the string `"truncated"`. +--- +---@param max_headers? number +---@param raw? boolean +---@return table +---@return string|'"truncated"' error +function ngx.resp.get_headers(max_headers, raw) end + +---@alias ngx.thread.arg boolean|number|integer|string|lightuserdata|table + +---**syntax:** *ok, res1, res2, ... = ngx.run_worker_thread(threadpool, module_name, func_name, arg1, arg2, ...)* +--- +---**context:** *rewrite_by_lua*, access_by_lua*, content_by_lua** +--- +---**This API is still experimental and may change in the future without notice.** +--- +---**This API is available only for Linux.** +--- +---Wrap the [nginx worker thread](http://nginx.org/en/docs/dev/development_guide.html#threads) to execute lua function. The caller coroutine would yield until the function returns. +--- +---Only the following ngx_lua APIs could be used in `function_name` function of the `module` module: +--- +---* `ngx.encode_base64` +---* `ngx.decode_base64` +--- +---* `ngx.hmac_sha1` +---* `ngx.encode_args` +---* `ngx.decode_args` +---* `ngx.quote_sql_str` +--- +---* `ngx.re.match` +---* `ngx.re.find` +---* `ngx.re.gmatch` +---* `ngx.re.sub` +---* `ngx.re.gsub` +--- +---* `ngx.crc32_short` +---* `ngx.crc32_long` +---* `ngx.hmac_sha1` +---* `ngx.md5_bin` +---* `ngx.md5` +--- +---* `ngx.config.subsystem` +---* `ngx.config.debug` +---* `ngx.config.prefix` +---* `ngx.config.nginx_version` +---* `ngx.config.nginx_configure` +---* `ngx.config.ngx_lua_version` +--- +--- +---The first argument `threadpool` specifies the Nginx thread pool name defined by [thread_pool](https://nginx.org/en/docs/ngx_core_module.html#thread_pool). +--- +---The second argument `module_name` specifies the lua module name to execute in the worker thread, which would return a lua table. The module must be inside the package path, e.g. +--- +---```nginx +--- +---lua_package_path '/opt/openresty/?.lua;;'; +---``` +--- +---The third argument `func_name` specifies the function field in the module table as the second argument. +--- +---The type of `arg`s must be one of type below: +--- +---* boolean +---* number +---* string +---* nil +---* table (the table may be recursive, and contains members of types above.) +--- +---The `ok` is in boolean type, which indicate the C land error (failed to get thread from thread pool, pcall the module function failed, .etc). If `ok` is `false`, the `res1` is the error string. +--- +---The return values (res1, ...) are returned by invocation of the module function. Normally, the `res1` should be in boolean type, so that the caller could inspect the error. +--- +---This API is useful when you need to execute the below types of tasks: +--- +---* CPU bound task, e.g. do md5 calculation +---* File I/O task +---* Call `os.execute()` or blocking C API via `ffi` +---* Call external Lua library not based on cosocket or nginx +--- +---Example1: do md5 calculation. +--- +---```nginx +--- +---location /calc_md5 { +--- default_type 'text/plain'; +--- +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- local ok, md5_or_err = ngx.run_worker_thread("testpool", "md5", "md5") +--- ngx.say(ok, " : ", md5_or_err) +--- } +--- } +---``` +--- +---`md5.lua` +--- +---```lua +---local function md5() +--- return ngx.md5("hello") +---end +---``` +--- +---Example2: write logs into the log file. +--- +---```nginx +--- +---location /write_log_file { +--- default_type 'text/plain'; +--- +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- local ok, err = ngx.run_worker_thread("testpool", "write_log_file", "log", ngx.var.arg_str) +--- if not ok then +--- ngx.say(ok, " : ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- ngx.say(ok) +--- } +--- } +---``` +--- +---`write_log_file.lua` +--- +---```lua +--- +--- local function log(str) +--- local file, err = io.open("/tmp/tmp.log", "a") +--- if not file then +--- return false, err +--- end +--- file:write(str) +--- file:flush() +--- file:close() +--- return true +--- end +--- return {log=log} +---``` +--- +---@param threadpool string +---@param module_name string +---@param func_name string +---@param arg1? ngx.thread.arg +---@param arg2? ngx.thread.arg +---@param ... ngx.thread.arg +---@return boolean ok +---@return ngx.thread.arg? result_or_error +---@return any ... +function ngx.run_worker_thread(threadpool, module_name, func_name, arg1, arg2, ...) +end + +return ngx diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/balancer.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/balancer.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a103a26c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/balancer.lua @@ -0,0 +1,118 @@ +---@meta +local balancer = { + version = require("resty.core.base").version, +} + +--- Sets the peer address (host and port) for the current backend query (which +--- may be a retry). +--- +--- Domain names in host do not make sense. You need to use OpenResty libraries +--- like lua-resty-dns to obtain IP address(es) from all the domain names before +--- entering the `balancer_by_lua*` handler (for example, you can perform DNS +--- lookups in an earlier phase like `access_by_lua*` and pass the results to the +--- `balancer_by_lua*` handler via `ngx.ctx`. +--- +---@param addr string +---@param port integer +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function balancer.set_current_peer(addr, port) end + + +--- Sets the upstream timeout (connect, send and read) in seconds for the +--- current and any subsequent backend requests (which might be a retry). +--- +--- If you want to inherit the timeout value of the global nginx.conf +--- configuration (like `proxy_connect_timeout`), then just specify the nil value +--- for the corresponding argument (like the `connect_timeout` argument). +--- +--- Zero and negative timeout values are not allowed. +--- +--- You can specify millisecond precision in the timeout values by using floating +--- point numbers like 0.001 (which means 1ms). +--- +--- Note: `send_timeout` and `read_timeout` are controlled by the same config +--- `proxy_timeout` for `ngx_stream_proxy_module`. To keep API compatibility, this +--- function will use `max(send_timeout, read_timeout)` as the value for setting +--- proxy_timeout. +--- +--- Returns `true` when the operation is successful; returns `nil` and a string +--- describing the error otherwise. +--- +--- This only affects the current downstream request. It is not a global change. +--- +--- For the best performance, you should use the OpenResty bundle. +--- +---@param connect_timeout? number +---@param send_timeout? number +---@param read_timeout? number +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function balancer.set_timeouts(connect_timeout, send_timeout, read_timeout) end + +---@alias ngx.balancer.failure +---| '"next"' # Failures due to bad status codes sent from the backend server. The origin's response is same though, which means the backend connection can still be reused for future requests. +---| '"failed"' Fatal errors while communicating to the backend server (like connection timeouts, connection resets, and etc). In this case, the backend connection must be aborted and cannot get reused. + +--- Retrieves the failure details about the previous failed attempt (if any) when +--- the next_upstream retrying mechanism is in action. When there was indeed a +--- failed previous attempt, it returned a string describing that attempt's state +--- name, as well as an integer describing the status code of that attempt. +--- +--- Possible status codes are those HTTP error status codes like 502 and 504. +--- +--- For stream module, `status_code` will always be 0 (`ngx.OK`) and is provided +--- for compatibility reasons. +--- +--- When the current attempt is the first attempt for the current downstream +--- request (which means there is no previous attempts at all), this method +--- always returns a single `nil` value. +--- +---@return ngx.balancer.failure? state_name +---@return integer? status_code +function balancer.get_last_failure() end + +--- Sets the tries performed when the current attempt (which may be a retry) +--- fails (as determined by directives like proxy_next_upstream, depending on +--- what particular nginx uptream module you are currently using). +-- +--- Note that the current attempt is excluded in the count number set here. +--- +--- Please note that, the total number of tries in a single downstream request +--- cannot exceed the hard limit configured by directives like +--- `proxy_next_upstream_tries`, depending on what concrete NGINX upstream +--- module you are using. When exceeding this limit, the count value will get +--- reduced to meet the limit and the second return value will be the string +--- "reduced tries due to limit", which is a warning, while the first return +--- value is still a `true` value. +--- +---@param count integer +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function balancer.set_more_tries(count) end + +--- Recreates the request buffer for sending to the upstream server. +--- +--- This is useful, for example if you want to change a request header field +--- to the new upstream server on balancer retries. +--- +--- Normally this does not work because the request buffer is created once +--- during upstream module initialization and won't be regenerated for subsequent +--- retries. However you can use `proxy_set_header My-Header $my_header` and +--- set the `ngx.var.my_header` variable inside the balancer phase. Calling +--- `recreate_request()` after updating a header field will cause the request +--- buffer to be re-generated and the `My-Header` header will thus contain the +--- new value. +--- +--- Warning: because the request buffer has to be recreated and such allocation +--- occurs on the request memory pool, the old buffer has to be thrown away and +--- will only be freed after the request finishes. Do not call this function too +--- often or memory leaks may be noticeable. Even so, a call to this function +--- should be made only if you know the request buffer must be regenerated, +--- instead of unconditionally in each balancer retries. +--- +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function balancer.recreate_request() end + +return balancer \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/base64.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/base64.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5f8184d5b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/base64.lua @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +---@meta +local base64 = { + version = require("resty.core.base").version, +} + +---Encode input using base64url rules. Returns the encoded string. +---@param s string +---@return string +function base64.encode_base64url(s) end + +---Decode input using base64url rules. Returns the decoded string. +--- +---If the input is not a valid base64url encoded string, decoded will be `nil` +---and err will be a string describing the error. +--- +---@param s string +---@return string? decoded +---@return string? err +function base64.decode_base64url(s) end + +return base64 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/errlog.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/errlog.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ace384a0d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/errlog.lua @@ -0,0 +1,122 @@ +---@meta +local errlog = { + version = require("resty.core.base").version, +} + +--- Return the nginx core's error log filter level (defined via the `error_log` configuration directive in nginx.conf) as an integer value. +---@return ngx.log.level +function errlog.get_sys_filter_level() end + + +--- Specifies the filter log level, only to capture and buffer the error logs with a log level no lower than the specified level. +--- +--- If we don't call this API, all of the error logs will be captured by default. +--- +--- In case of error, `nil` will be returned as well as a string describing the error. +--- +--- This API should always work with directive `lua_capture_error_log`. +--- +---@param level ngx.log.level +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? err +function errlog.set_filter_level(level) end + + +--- Fetches the captured nginx error log messages if any in the global data buffer specified by ngx_lua's `lua_capture_error_log` directive. Upon return, this Lua function also removes those messages from that global capturing buffer to make room for future new error log data. +--- +--- In case of error, nil will be returned as well as a string describing the error. +--- +--- The optional max argument is a number that when specified, will prevent `get_logs()` from adding more than max messages to the res array. +--- +---```lua +--- for i = 1, 20 do +--- ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "test") +--- end +--- +--- local errlog = require "ngx.errlog" +--- local res = errlog.get_logs(10) +--- -- the number of messages in the `res` table is 10 and the `res` table +--- -- has 30 elements. +---``` +--- +--- The resulting table has the following structure: +--- +---``` +--- { level1, time1, msg1, level2, time2, msg2, ... } +---``` +--- +--- The levelX values are constants defined below: +--- +--- https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module/#nginx-log-level-constants +--- +--- The timeX values are UNIX timestamps in seconds with millisecond precision. The sub-second part is presented as the decimal part. The time format is exactly the same as the value returned by ngx.now. It is also subject to NGINX core's time caching. +--- +--- The msgX values are the error log message texts. +--- +--- So to traverse this array, the user can use a loop like this: +--- +---```lua +--- +--- for i = 1, #res, 3 do +--- local level = res[i] +--- if not level then +--- break +--- end +--- +--- local time = res[i + 1] +--- local msg = res[i + 2] +--- +--- -- handle the current message with log level in `level`, +--- -- log time in `time`, and log message body in `msg`. +--- end +---``` +--- +--- Specifying max <= 0 disables this behavior, meaning that the number of results won't be limited. +--- +--- The optional 2th argument res can be a user-supplied Lua table to hold the result instead of creating a brand new table. This can avoid unnecessary table dynamic allocations on hot Lua code paths. It is used like this: +--- +---```lua +--- local errlog = require "ngx.errlog" +--- local new_tab = require "table.new" +--- +--- local buffer = new_tab(100 * 3, 0) -- for 100 messages +--- +--- local errlog = require "ngx.errlog" +--- local res, err = errlog.get_logs(0, buffer) +--- if res then +--- -- res is the same table as `buffer` +--- for i = 1, #res, 3 do +--- local level = res[i] +--- if not level then +--- break +--- end +--- local time = res[i + 1] +--- local msg = res[i + 2] +--- ... +--- end +--- end +---``` +--- +--- When provided with a res table, `get_logs()` won't clear the table for performance reasons, but will rather insert a trailing nil value after the last table element. +--- +--- When the trailing nil is not enough for your purpose, you should clear the table yourself before feeding it into the `get_logs()` function. +--- +---@param max number +---@param res? table +---@return table? res +---@return string? err +function errlog.get_logs(max, res) end + +--- Log msg to the error logs with the given logging level. +--- +--- Just like the ngx.log API, the log_level argument can take constants like ngx.ERR and ngx.WARN. Check out Nginx log level constants for details. +--- +--- However, unlike the ngx.log API which accepts variadic arguments, this function only accepts a single string as its second argument msg. +--- +--- This function differs from ngx.log in the way that it will not prefix the written logs with any sort of debug information (such as the caller's file and line number). +---@param level ngx.log.level +---@param msg string +function errlog.raw_log(level, msg) end + + +return errlog \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/ocsp.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/ocsp.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79e001f10 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/ocsp.lua @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +---@meta +local ocsp = { + version = require("resty.core.base").version, +} + +--- Extracts the OCSP responder URL (like "http://test.com/ocsp/") from the SSL server certificate chain in the DER format. +--- +--- Usually the SSL server certificate chain is originally formatted in PEM. You can use the Lua API provided by the ngx.ssl module to do the PEM to DER conversion. +--- +--- The optional max_len argument specifies the maximum length of OCSP URL allowed. This determines the buffer size; so do not specify an unnecessarily large value here. It defaults to the internal string buffer size used throughout this lua-resty-core library (usually default to 4KB). +--- +--- In case of failures, returns `nil` and a string describing the error. +--- +---@param der_cert_chain string +---@param max_len? number +---@return string? ocsp_url +---@return string? error +function ocsp.get_ocsp_responder_from_der_chain(der_cert_chain, max_len) end + +--- Validates the raw OCSP response data specified by the `ocsp_resp` argument using the SSL server certificate chain in DER format as specified in the `der_cert_chain` argument. +--- +--- Returns true when the validation is successful. +--- +--- In case of failures, returns `nil` and a string describing the failure. The maximum length of the error string is controlled by the optional `max_err_msg` argument (which defaults to the default internal string buffer size used throughout this lua-resty-core library, usually being 4KB). +--- +---@param ocsp_resp string +---@param der_cert_chain string +---@param max_err_msg_len? number +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function ocsp.validate_ocsp_response(ocsp_resp, der_cert_chain, max_err_msg_len) end + +--- Builds an OCSP request from the SSL server certificate chain in the DER format, which can be used to send to the OCSP server for validation. +--- +--- The optional `max_len` argument specifies the maximum length of the OCSP request allowed. This value determines the size of the internal buffer allocated, so do not specify an unnecessarily large value here. It defaults to the internal string buffer size used throughout this lua-resty-core library (usually defaults to 4KB). +--- +--- In case of failures, returns `nil` and a string describing the error. +--- +--- The raw OCSP response data can be used as the request body directly if the POST method is used for the OCSP request. But for GET requests, you need to do base64 encoding and then URL encoding on the data yourself before appending it to the OCSP URL obtained by the `get_ocsp_responder_from_der_chain()` function. +--- +---@param der_cert_chain string +---@param max_len? number +---@return string? ocsp_req +---@return string? error +function ocsp.create_ocsp_request(der_cert_chain, max_len) end + + +--- Sets the OCSP response as the OCSP stapling for the current SSL connection. +--- +--- Returns `true` in case of successes. If the SSL client does not send a "status request" at all, then this method still returns true but also with a string as the warning "no status req". +--- +--- In case of failures, returns `nil` and a string describing the error. +--- +--- The OCSP response is returned from CA's OCSP server. See the `create_ocsp_request()` function for how to create an OCSP request and also validate_ocsp_response for how to validate the OCSP response. +--- +---@param ocsp_resp string +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function ocsp.set_ocsp_status_resp(ocsp_resp) end + +return ocsp \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/pipe.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/pipe.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c0190e3ae --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/pipe.lua @@ -0,0 +1,312 @@ +---@meta +local pipe={} +pipe._gc_ref_c_opt="-c" + +pipe.version = require("resty.core.base").version + +--- Creates and returns a new sub-process instance we can communicate with later. +--- +--- For example: +--- +---```lua +--- local ngx_pipe = require "ngx.pipe" +--- local proc, err = ngx_pipe.spawn({"sh", "-c", "sleep 0.1 && exit 2"}) +--- if not proc then +--- ngx.say(err) +--- return +--- end +---``` +--- +--- In case of failure, this function returns nil and a string describing the error. +--- +--- The sub-process will be killed via SIGKILL if it is still alive when the instance is collected by the garbage collector. +--- +--- Note that args should either be a single level array-like Lua table with string values, or just a single string. +--- +--- Some more examples: +--- +---```lua +--- local proc, err = ngx_pipe.spawn({"ls", "-l"}) +--- +--- local proc, err = ngx_pipe.spawn({"perl", "-e", "print 'hello, wolrd'"}) +--- +---``` +--- +--- If args is specified as a string, it will be executed by the operating system shell, just like os.execute. The above example could thus be rewritten as: +--- +---```lua +--- local ngx_pipe = require "ngx.pipe" +--- local proc, err = ngx_pipe.spawn("sleep 0.1 && exit 2") +--- if not proc then +--- ngx.say(err) +--- return +--- end +---``` +--- +--- In the shell mode, you should be very careful about shell injection attacks when interpolating variables into command string, especially variables from untrusted sources. Please make sure that you escape those variables while assembling the command string. For this reason, it is highly recommended to use the multi-arguments form (args as a table) to specify each command-line argument explicitly. +--- +--- Since by default, Nginx does not pass along the PATH system environment variable, you will need to configure the env PATH directive if you wish for it to be respected during the searching of sub-processes: +--- +---```nginx +--- env PATH; +--- ... +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- local ngx_pipe = require "ngx.pipe" +--- +--- local proc = ngx_pipe.spawn({'ls'}) +--- } +---``` +--- +--- The optional table argument opts can be used to control the behavior of spawned processes. For instance: +--- +---```lua +--- local opts = { +--- merge_stderr = true, +--- buffer_size = 256, +--- environ = {"PATH=/tmp/bin", "CWD=/tmp/work"} +--- } +--- local proc, err = ngx_pipe.spawn({"sh", "-c", ">&2 echo data"}, opts) +--- if not proc then +--- ngx.say(err) +--- return +--- end +---``` +--- +--- +---@param args string[]|string +---@param opts? ngx.pipe.spawn.opts +---@return ngx.pipe.proc? proc +---@return string? error +function pipe.spawn(args, opts) end + + +--- Options for ngx.pipe.spawn() +--- +---@class ngx.pipe.spawn.opts : table +--- +--- when set to true, the output to stderr will be redirected to stdout in the spawned process. This is similar to doing 2>&1 in a shell. +---@field merge_stderr boolean +--- +--- specifies the buffer size used by reading operations, in bytes. The default buffer size is 4096. +---@field buffer_size number +--- +--- specifies environment variables for the spawned process. The value must be a single-level, array-like Lua table with string values. +---@field environ string[] +--- +--- specifies the write timeout threshold, in milliseconds. The default threshold is 10000. If the threshold is 0, the write operation will never time out. +---@field write_timeout number +--- +--- specifies the stdout read timeout threshold, in milliseconds. The default threshold is 10000. If the threshold is 0, the stdout read operation will never time out. +---@field stdout_read_timeout number +--- +--- specifies the stderr read timeout threshold, in milliseconds. The default threshold is 10000. If the threshold is 0, the stderr read operation will never time out. +---@field stderr_read_timeout number +--- +--- specifies the wait timeout threshold, in milliseconds. The default threshold is 10000. If the threshold is 0, the wait operation will never time out. +---@field wait_timeout number + + +---@class ngx.pipe.proc : table +local proc = {} + +--- Respectively sets: the write timeout threshold, stdout read timeout threshold, stderr read timeout threshold, and wait timeout threshold. All timeouts are in milliseconds. +--- +--- The default threshold for each timeout is 10 seconds. +--- +--- If the specified timeout argument is `nil`, the corresponding timeout threshold will not be changed. For example: +--- +---```lua +--- local proc, err = ngx_pipe.spawn({"sleep", "10s"}) +--- +--- -- only change the wait_timeout to 0.1 second. +--- proc:set_timeouts(nil, nil, nil, 100) +--- +--- -- only change the send_timeout to 0.1 second. +--- proc:set_timeouts(100) +---``` +--- +--- If the specified timeout argument is 0, the corresponding operation will never time out. +--- +---@param write_timeout? number +---@param stdout_read_timeout? number +---@param stderr_read_timeout? number +---@param wait_timeout? number +function proc:set_timeouts(write_timeout, stdout_read_timeout, stderr_read_timeout, wait_timeout) end + +--- Waits until the current sub-process exits. +--- +--- It is possible to control how long to wait via set_timeouts. The default timeout is 10 seconds. +--- +--- If process exited with status code zero, the ok return value will be true. +--- +--- If process exited abnormally, the ok return value will be false. +--- +--- The second return value, reason, will be a string. Its values may be: +--- +--- exit: the process exited by calling exit(3), _exit(2), or by returning from main(). In this case, status will be the exit code. +--- signal: the process was terminated by a signal. In this case, status will be the signal number. +--- +--- Note that only one light thread can wait on a process at a time. If another light thread tries to wait on a process, the return values will be `nil` and the error string "pipe busy waiting". +--- +--- If a thread tries to wait an exited process, the return values will be `nil` and the error string "exited". +--- +---@return boolean ok +---@return '"exit"'|'"signal"' reason +---@return number status +function proc:wait() end + + +--- Returns the pid number of the sub-process. +---@return number pid +function proc:pid() end + + +--- Sends a signal to the sub-process. +--- +--- Note that the signum argument should be signal's numerical value. If the specified signum is not a number, an error will be thrown. +--- +--- You should use lua-resty-signal's `signum()` function to convert signal names to signal numbers in order to ensure portability of your application. +--- +--- In case of success, this method returns true. Otherwise, it returns `nil` and a string describing the error. +--- +--- Killing an exited sub-process will return `nil` and the error string "exited". +--- +--- Sending an invalid signal to the process will return `nil` and the error string "invalid signal". +--- +---@param signum integer +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function proc:kill(signum) end + +---Closes the specified direction of the current sub-process. +--- +---The direction argument should be one of these three values: stdin, stdout and stderr. +--- +---In case of success, this method returns true. Otherwise, it returns `nil` and a string describing the error. +--- +---If the `merge_stderr` option is specified in spawn, closing the stderr direction will return `nil` and the error string "merged to stdout". +--- +---Shutting down a direction when a light thread is waiting on it (such as during reading or writing) will abort the light thread and return true. +--- +---Shutting down directions of an exited process will return `nil` and the error string "closed". +--- +---It is fine to shut down the same direction of the same stream multiple times; no side effects are to be expected. +--- +---@param direction '"stdin"'|'"stdout"'|'"stderr"' +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function proc:shutdown(direction) end + +--- Writes data to the current sub-process's stdin stream. +--- +--- The data argument can be a string or a single level array-like Lua table with string values. +--- +--- This method is a synchronous and non-blocking operation that will not return until all the data has been flushed to the sub-process's stdin buffer, or an error occurs. +--- +--- In case of success, it returns the total number of bytes that have been sent. Otherwise, it returns `nil` and a string describing the error. +--- +--- The timeout threshold of this write operation can be controlled by the `set_timeouts` method. The default timeout threshold is 10 seconds. +--- +--- When a timeout occurs, the data may be partially written into the sub-process's stdin buffer and read by the sub-process. +--- +--- Only one light thread is allowed to write to the sub-process at a time. If another light thread tries to write to it, this method will return `nil` and the error string "pipe busy writing". +--- +--- If the write operation is aborted by the shutdown method, it will return `nil` and the error string "aborted". +--- +--- Writing to an exited sub-process will return `nil` and the error string "closed". +--- +---@param data string +---@return integer? nbytes +---@return string? error +function proc:write(data) end + +--- Reads all data from the current sub-process's stderr stream until it is closed. +--- +--- This method is a synchronous and non-blocking operation, just like the write method. +--- +--- The timeout threshold of this reading operation can be controlled by `set_timeouts`. The default timeout is 10 seconds. +--- +--- In case of success, it returns the data received. Otherwise, it returns three values: `nil`, a string describing the error, and, optionally, the partial data received so far. +--- +--- When `merge_stderr` is specified in spawn, calling `stderr_read_all` will return `nil` and the error string "merged to stdout". +--- +--- Only one light thread is allowed to read from a sub-process's stderr or stdout stream at a time. If another thread tries to read from the same stream, this method will return `nil` and the error string "pipe busy reading". +--- +--- If the reading operation is aborted by the shutdown method, it will return `nil` and the error string "aborted". +--- +--- Streams for stdout and stderr are separated, so at most two light threads may be reading from a sub-process at a time (one for each stream). +--- +--- The same way, a light thread may read from a stream while another light thread is writing to the sub-process stdin stream. +--- +--- Reading from an exited process's stream will return `nil` and the error string "closed". +--- +---@return string? data +---@return string? error +---@return string? partial +function proc:stderr_read_all() end + +--- Similar to the `stderr_read_all` method, but reading from the stdout stream of the sub-process. +---@return string? data +---@return string? error +---@return string? partial +function proc:stdout_read_all() end + +--- Reads from stderr like `stderr_read_all`, but only reads a single line of data. +--- +--- When `merge_stderr` is specified in spawn, calling `stderr_read_line` will return `nil` plus the error string "merged to stdout". +--- +--- When the data stream is truncated without a new-line character, it returns 3 values: `nil`, the error string "closed", and the partial data received so far. +--- +--- The line should be terminated by a Line Feed (LF) character (ASCII 10), optionally preceded by a Carriage Return (CR) character (ASCII 13). The CR and LF characters are not included in the returned line data. +---@return string? data +---@return string? error +---@return string? partial +function proc:stderr_read_line() end + +--- Similar to `stderr_read_line`, but reading from the stdout stream of the sub-process. +---@return string? data +---@return string? error +---@return string? partial +function proc:stdout_read_line() end + +--- Reads from stderr like `stderr_read_all`, but only reads the specified number of bytes. +--- +--- If `merge_stderr` is specified in spawn, calling `stderr_read_bytes` will return `nil` plus the error string "merged to stdout". +--- +--- If the data stream is truncated (fewer bytes of data available than requested), this method returns 3 values: `nil`, the error string "closed", and the partial data string received so far. +--- +---@param len number +---@return string? data +---@return string? error +---@return string? partial +function proc:stderr_read_bytes(len) end + +--- Similar to `stderr_read_bytes`, but reading from the stdout stream of the sub-process. +--- +---@param len number +---@return string? data +---@return string? error +---@return string? partial +function proc:stdout_read_bytes(len) end + + +--- Reads from stderr like `stderr_read_all`, but returns immediately when any amount of data is received. +--- +--- At most max bytes are received. +--- +--- If `merge_stderr` is specified in spawn, calling `stderr_read_any` will return `nil` plus the error string "merged to stdout". +--- +--- If the received data is more than `max` bytes, this method will return with exactly `max` bytes of data. The remaining data in the underlying receive buffer can be fetched with a subsequent reading operation. +---@param max number +---@return string? data +---@return string? error +function proc:stderr_read_any(max) end + +--- Similar to `stderr_read_any`, but reading from the stdout stream of the sub-process. +--- +---@param max number +---@return string? data +---@return string? error +function proc:stdout_read_any(max) end + +return pipe \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/process.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/process.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3a2e424eb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/process.lua @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +---@meta +local process = { + version = require("resty.core.base").version, +} + +--- Returns a number value for the nginx master process's process ID (or PID). +--- +---@return integer? pid +function process.get_master_pid() end + + +--- Enables the privileged agent process in Nginx. +--- +--- The privileged agent process does not listen on any virtual server ports +--- like those worker processes. And it uses the same system account as the +--- nginx master process, which is usually a privileged account like root. +--- +--- The `init_worker_by_lua*` directive handler still runs in the privileged +--- agent process. And one can use the `type()` function provided by this module +--- to check if the current process is a privileged agent. +--- +--- In case of failures, returns `nil` and a string describing the error. +--- +---@param connections integer sets the maximum number of simultaneous connections that can be opened by the privileged agent process. +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function process.enable_privileged_agent(connections) end + + +---@alias ngx.process.type +---| '"master"' # the NGINX master process +---| '"worker"' # an NGINX worker process +---| '"privileged agent"' # the NGINX privileged agent process +---| '"single"' # returned when Nginx is running in the single process mode +---| '"signaller"' # returned when Nginx is running as a signaller process + +--- Returns the type of the current NGINX process. +--- +---@return ngx.process.type type +function process.type() end + + +--- Signals the current NGINX worker process to quit gracefully, after all the +--- timers have expired (in time or expired prematurely). +--- +--- Note that this API function simply sets the nginx global C variable +--- `ngx_quit` to signal the nginx event loop directly. No UNIX signals or IPC +--- are involved here. +function process.signal_graceful_exit() end + + +return process \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/re.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/re.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..826d9b3d7 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/re.lua @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +---@meta +local re={} + +re.version = require("resty.core.base").version + +--- Allows changing of regex settings. Currently, it can only change the `jit_stack_size` of the PCRE engine, like so: +--- +---```nginx +--- init_by_lua_block { require "ngx.re".opt("jit_stack_size", 200 * 1024) } +--- +--- server { +--- location /re { +--- content_by_lua_block { +--- -- full regex and string are taken from https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/issues/8278 +--- local very_long_string = [[ - - [30/Jul/2014:16:40:55 -0700] ...]] +--- local very_complicated_regex = [[([\d\.]+) ([\w.-]+) ([\w.-]+) (\[.+\]) ...]] +--- local from, to, err = ngx.re.find(very_long_string, very_complicated_regex, "jo") +--- +--- -- with the regular jit_stack_size, we would get the error 'pcre_exec() failed: -27' +--- -- instead, we get a match +--- ngx.print(from .. "-" .. to) -- prints '1-1563' +--- } +--- } +--- } +---``` +--- +--- The `jit_stack_size` cannot be set to a value lower than PCRE's default of 32K. +--- +---@param option string '"jit_stack_size"' +---@param value any +function re.opt(option, value) end + +--- Splits the subject string using the Perl compatible regular expression regex with the optional options. +--- +--- This function returns a Lua (array) table (with integer keys) containing the split values. +--- +--- In case of error, `nil` will be returned as well as a string describing the error. +--- +--- When regex contains a sub-match capturing group, and when such a match is found, the first submatch capture will be inserted in between each split value, like so: +--- +---```lua +--- local ngx_re = require "ngx.re" +--- +--- local res, err = ngx_re.split("a,b,c,d", "(,)") +--- -- res is now {"a", ",", "b", ",", "c", ",", "d"} +---``` +--- +--- When regex is empty string "", the subject will be split into chars, like so: +--- +---```lua +--- local ngx_re = require "ngx.re" +--- +--- local res, err = ngx_re.split("abcd", "") +--- -- res is now {"a", "b", "c", "d"} +---``` +--- +--- The optional max argument is a number that when specified, will prevent `split()` from adding more than max matches to the res array: +--- +---```lua +--- local ngx_re = require "ngx.re" +--- +--- local res, err = ngx_re.split("a,b,c,d", ",", nil, nil, 3) +--- -- res is now {"a", "b", "c,d"} +---``` +--- +--- Specifying max <= 0 disables this behavior, meaning that the number of results won't be limited. +--- +--- The optional 6th argument res can be a table that `split()` will re-use to hold the results instead of creating a new one, which can improve performance in hot code paths. It is used like so: +--- +---```lua +--- local ngx_re = require "ngx.re" +--- +--- local my_table = {"hello world"} +--- +--- local res, err = ngx_re.split("a,b,c,d", ",", nil, nil, nil, my_table) +--- -- res/my_table is now {"a", "b", "c", "d"} +---``` +--- +--- When provided with a res table, `split()` won't clear the table for performance reasons, but will rather insert a trailing `nil` value when the split is completed: +--- +---```lua +--- local ngx_re = require "ngx.re" +--- +--- local my_table = {"W", "X", "Y", "Z"} +--- +--- local res, err = ngx_re.split("a,b", ",", nil, nil, nil, my_table) +--- -- res/my_table is now {"a", "b", nil, "Z"} +---``` +--- +--- When the trailing `nil` is not enough for your purpose, you should clear the table yourself before feeding it into the split function. +--- +---@param subj string +---@param regex string +---@param opts? ngx.re.options +---@param ctx? ngx.re.ctx +---@param max? number +---@param res? string[] +---@return string[]? res +---@return string? error +function re.split(subj, regex, opts, ctx, max, res) end + +return re \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/req.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/req.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7bf144947 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/req.lua @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +---@meta +local req = {} + +req.version = require("resty.core.base").version + +---This method adds the specified header and its value to the current request. It works similarly as ngx.req.set_header, with the exception that when the header already exists, the specified value(s) will be appended instead of overriden. +--- +---When the specified `header_name` is a builtin header (e.g. User-Agent), this method will override its values. +--- +---The `header_value` argument can either be a string or a non-empty, array-like table. A nil or empty table value will cause this function to throw an error. +--- +---@param header_name string must be a non-empty string. +---@param header_value string|string[] +function req.add_header(header_name, header_value) end + +return req diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/resp.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/resp.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c2de299ae --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/resp.lua @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +---@meta +local resp={} + +resp.version = require("resty.core.base").version + +--- This function adds specified header with corresponding value to the response of current request. +--- +--- The `header_value` could be either a string or a table. +--- +--- The ngx.resp.add_header works mostly like: +--- +--- `ngx.header.HEADER` +--- Nginx's `add_header` directive. +--- +--- However, unlike `ngx.header.HEADER`, this method appends new header to the old one instead of overriding it. +--- +--- Unlike `add_header` directive, this method will override the builtin header instead of appending it. +--- +---@param key string +---@param value string|string[] +function resp.add_header(key, value) end + +return resp \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/semaphore.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/semaphore.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cd5c75860 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/semaphore.lua @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +---@meta + +---@class ngx.semaphore +--- sem is the internal c handler +---@field sem userdata +local semaphore = { + version = require("resty.core.base").version, +} + +---Creates and returns a new semaphore instance. +--- +---@param n? integer the number of resources the semaphore will begin with (default 0) +---@return ngx.semaphore? semaphore +---@return string? error +function semaphore.new(n) end + + +--- Returns the number of resources readily available in the sema semaphore +--- instance (if any). +--- +--- When the returned number is negative, it means the number of "light threads" +--- waiting on this semaphore. +--- +---@return integer count +function semaphore:count() end + + +--- Requests a resource from the semaphore instance. +--- +--- Returns `true` immediately when there is resources available for the current +--- running "light thread". Otherwise the current "light thread" will enter the +--- waiting queue and yield execution. The current "light thread" will be +--- automatically waken up and the wait function call will return true when there +--- is resources available for it, or return nil and a string describing the error +--- in case of failure (like "timeout"). +--- +--- The timeout argument specifies the maximum time this function call should +--- wait for (in seconds). +--- +--- When the timeout argument is 0, it means "no wait", that is, when there is +--- no readily available "resources" for the current running "light thread", +--- this wait function call returns immediately nil and the error string "timeout". +--- +--- You can specify millisecond precision in the timeout value by using floating +--- point numbers like 0.001 (which means 1ms). +--- +--- "Light threads" created by different contexts (like request handlers) can +--- wait on the same semaphore instance without problem. +--- +---@param timeout? number +---@return boolean ok +---@return string|'"timeout"' error +function semaphore:wait(timeout) end + + +--- Releases n (default to 1) "resources" to the semaphore instance. +--- +--- This will not yield the current running "light thread". +--- +--- At most n "light threads" will be waken up when the current running "light thread" later yields (or terminates). +--- +---@param n? integer +function semaphore:post(n) end + + +return semaphore \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/ssl.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/ssl.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..42da031b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/ssl.lua @@ -0,0 +1,286 @@ +---@meta +local ssl={} + +--- Sets the DER-formatted prviate key for the current SSL connection. +--- +--- Returns true on success, or a nil value and a string describing the error otherwise. +--- +--- Usually, the private keys are encoded in the PEM format. You can either use the priv_key_pem_to_der function to do the PEM to DER conversion or just use the openssl command-line utility offline, like below +--- +--- openssl rsa -in key.pem -outform DER -out key.der +--- +---@param der_priv_key string +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function ssl.set_der_priv_key(der_priv_key) end + + +--- Converts the PEM-formatted SSL private key data into an opaque cdata pointer (for later uses in the set_priv_key function, for example). +--- +--- In case of failures, returns nil and a string describing the error. +--- +--- This function can be called in any context. +--- +---@param pem_priv_key string +---@return ffi.cdata*? priv_key +---@return string? error +function ssl.parse_pem_priv_key(pem_priv_key) end + + +--- Returns the TLS 1.x version number used by the current SSL connection. Returns nil and a string describing the error otherwise. +--- +--- Typical return values are: +--- +--- 0x0300(SSLv3) +--- 0x0301(TLSv1) +--- 0x0302(TLSv1.1) +--- 0x0303(TLSv1.2) +--- 0x0304(TLSv1.3) +--- +--- This function can be called in any context where downstream https is used. +---@return number? version +---@return string? error +function ssl.get_tls1_version() end + + +--- Sets the SSL certificate chain opaque pointer returned by the parse_pem_cert function for the current SSL connection. +--- +--- Returns true on success, or a nil value and a string describing the error otherwise. +--- +--- Note that this set_cert function will run slightly faster, in terms of CPU cycles wasted, than the set_der_cert variant, since the first function uses opaque cdata pointers which do not require any additional conversion needed to be performed by the SSL library during the SSL handshake. +--- +---@param cert_chain ffi.cdata* +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function ssl.set_cert(cert_chain) end + + +ssl.TLS1_VERSION=769 + +--- Sets the SSL private key opaque pointer returned by the parse_pem_priv_key function for the current SSL connection. +--- +--- Returns true on success, or a nil value and a string describing the error otherwise. +--- +--- Note that this set_priv_key function will run slightly faster, in terms of CPU cycles wasted, than the set_der_priv_key variant, since the first function uses opaque cdata pointers which do not require any additional conversion needed to be performed by the SSL library during the SSL handshake. +--- +---@param priv_key ffi.cdata* +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function ssl.set_priv_key(priv_key) end + +--- Returns the raw server address actually accessed by the client in the current SSL connection. +--- +--- The first two return values are strings representing the address data and the address type, respectively. The address values are interpreted differently according to the address type values: +--- +--- unix : The address data is a file path for the UNIX domain socket. +--- inet : The address data is a binary IPv4 address of 4 bytes long. +--- inet6 : The address data is a binary IPv6 address of 16 bytes long. +--- +--- Returns two nil values and a Lua string describing the error. +--- +--- The following code snippet shows how to print out the UNIX domain socket address and the IPv4 address as human-readable strings: +--- +---```lua +--- local ssl = require "ngx.ssl" +--- local byte = string.byte +--- +--- local addr, addrtyp, err = ssl.raw_server_addr() +--- if not addr then +--- ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to fetch raw server addr: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- +--- if addrtyp == "inet" then -- IPv4 +--- ip = string.format("%d.%d.%d.%d", byte(addr, 1), byte(addr, 2), +--- byte(addr, 3), byte(addr, 4)) +--- print("Using IPv4 address: ", ip) +--- +--- elseif addrtyp == "unix" then -- UNIX +--- print("Using unix socket file ", addr) +--- +--- else -- IPv6 +--- -- leave as an exercise for the readers +--- end +---``` +--- +--- This function can be called in any context where downstream https is used. +--- +---@return string? addr_data +---@return ngx.ssl.addr_type? addr_type +---@return string? error +function ssl.raw_server_addr() end + +---@alias ngx.ssl.addr_type +---| '"unix"' # a file path for the UNIX domain socket. +---| '"inet"' # a binary IPv4 address of 4 bytes long. +---| '"inet6"' # a binary IPv6 address of 16 bytes long. + + +--- Clears any existing SSL certificates and/or private keys set on the current SSL connection. +--- +--- Returns true on success, or a nil value and a string describing the error otherwise. +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function ssl.clear_certs() end + +--- Returns the raw client address of the current SSL connection. +--- +--- The first two return values are strings representing the address data and the address type, respectively. The address values are interpreted differently according to the address type values: +--- +--- unix : The address data is a file path for the UNIX domain socket. +--- inet : The address data is a binary IPv4 address of 4 bytes long. +--- inet6 : The address data is a binary IPv6 address of 16 bytes long. +--- +--- Returns two nil values and a Lua string describing the error. +--- +--- The following code snippet shows how to print out the UNIX domain socket address and the IPv4 address as human-readable strings: +--- +---```lua +--- local ssl = require "ngx.ssl" +--- local byte = string.byte +--- +--- local addr, addrtyp, err = ssl.raw_client_addr() +--- if not addr then +--- ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to fetch raw client addr: ", err) +--- return +--- end +--- +--- if addrtyp == "inet" then -- IPv4 +--- ip = string.format("%d.%d.%d.%d", byte(addr, 1), byte(addr, 2), +--- byte(addr, 3), byte(addr, 4)) +--- print("Client IPv4 address: ", ip) +--- +--- elseif addrtyp == "unix" then -- UNIX +--- print("Client unix socket file ", addr) +--- +--- else -- IPv6 +--- -- leave as an exercise for the readers +--- end +---``` +--- +--- This function can be called in any context where downstream https is used. +--- +---@return string? addr_data +---@return ngx.ssl.addr_type? addr_type +---@return string? error +function ssl.raw_client_addr() end + + +--- Converts the PEM-formated SSL certificate chain data into an opaque cdata pointer (for later uses in the set_cert function, for example). +--- +--- In case of failures, returns nil and a string describing the error. +--- +--- You can always use libraries like lua-resty-lrucache to cache the cdata result. +--- +--- This function can be called in any context. +--- +---@param pem_cert_chain string +---@return ffi.cdata*? cert_chain +---@return string? error +function ssl.parse_pem_cert(pem_cert_chain) end + +ssl.version = require("resty.core.base").version +ssl.TLS1_2_VERSION=771 + +--- Returns the TLS SNI (Server Name Indication) name set by the client. Returns nil when the client does not set it. +--- +--- In case of failures, it returns nil and a string describing the error. +--- +--- Usually we use this SNI name as the domain name (like www.openresty.org) to identify the current web site while loading the corresponding SSL certificate chain and private key for the site. +--- +--- Please note that not all https clients set the SNI name, so when the SNI name is missing from the client handshake request, we use the server IP address accessed by the client to identify the site. See the raw_server_addr method for more details. +--- +--- This function can be called in any context where downstream https is used. +--- +---@return string? server_name +---@return string? error +function ssl.server_name() end + +--- Returns the server port. Returns nil when server dont have a port. +--- +--- In case of failures, it returns nil and a string describing the error. +--- +--- This function can be called in any context where downstream https is used. +--- +---@return number? server_port +---@return string? error +function ssl.server_port() end + + + +ssl.TLS1_1_VERSION=770 +ssl.SSL3_VERSION=768 + +--- Sets the DER-formatted SSL certificate chain data for the current SSL connection. Note that the DER data is directly in the Lua string argument. No external file names are supported here. +--- +--- Returns true on success, or a nil value and a string describing the error otherwise. +--- +--- Note that, the SSL certificate chain is usually encoded in the PEM format. So you need to use the cert_pem_to_der function to do the conversion first. +---@param der_cert_chain string +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function ssl.set_der_cert(der_cert_chain) end + + +--- Returns the TLS 1.x version string used by the current SSL connection. Returns nil and a string describing the error otherwise. +--- +--- If the TLS 1.x version number used by the current SSL connection is not recognized, the return values will be nil and the string "unknown version". +--- +--- Typical return values are: +--- +--- SSLv3 +--- TLSv1 +--- TLSv1.1 +--- TLSv1.2 +--- TLSv1.3 +--- +--- This function can be called in any context where downstream https is used. +--- +---@return string? version +---@return string? error +function ssl.get_tls1_version_str() end + +--- Converts the PEM-formatted SSL private key data into the DER format (for later uses in the set_der_priv_key function, for example). +--- +--- In case of failures, returns nil and a string describing the error. +--- +--- Alternatively, you can do the PEM to DER conversion offline with the openssl command-line utility, like below +--- +--- openssl rsa -in key.pem -outform DER -out key.der +--- +--- This function can be called in any context. +--- +---@param pem_priv_key string +---@return string? der_priv_key +---@return string? error +function ssl.priv_key_pem_to_der(pem_priv_key) end + +--- Converts the PEM-formatted SSL certificate chain data into the DER format (for later uses in the set_der_cert function, for example). +--- +--- In case of failures, returns nil and a string describing the error. +--- +--- It is known that the openssl command-line utility may not convert the whole SSL certificate chain from PEM to DER correctly. So always use this Lua function to do the conversion. You can always use libraries like lua-resty-lrucache and/or ngx_lua APIs like lua_shared_dict to do the caching of the DER-formatted results, for example. +--- +--- This function can be called in any context. +--- +---@param pem_cert_chain string +---@return string? der_cert_chain +---@return string? error +function ssl.cert_pem_to_der(pem_cert_chain) end + + +--- Requires a client certificate during TLS handshake. +--- +--- Returns true on success, or a nil value and a string describing the error otherwise. +--- +--- Note that TLS is not terminated when verification fails. You need to examine Nginx variable $ssl_client_verify later to determine next steps. +--- +--- This function was first added in version 0.1.20. +--- +---@param ca_certs? ffi.cdata* # the CA certificate chain opaque pointer returned by the parse_pem_cert function for the current SSL connection. The list of certificates will be sent to clients. Also, they will be added to trusted store. If omitted, will not send any CA certificate to clients. +---@param depth? number verification depth in the client certificates chain. If omitted, will use the value specified by ssl_verify_depth. +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function ssl.verify_client(ca_certs, depth) end + +return ssl \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/ssl/clienthello.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/ssl/clienthello.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d2e40665b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/ssl/clienthello.lua @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +---@meta +local clienthello = {} + +clienthello.version = require("resty.core.base").version + +---Returns the TLS SNI (Server Name Indication) name set by the client. +--- +---Return `nil` when then the extension does not exist. +--- +---In case of errors, it returns `nil` and a string describing the error. +--- +---Note that the SNI name is gotten from the raw extensions of the client hello message associated with the current downstream SSL connection. +--- +---So this function can only be called in the context of `ssl_client_hello_by_lua*`. +---@return string? host +---@return string? error +function clienthello.get_client_hello_server_name() end + + +--- Returns raw data of arbitrary SSL client hello extension including custom extensions. +--- +--- Returns `nil` if the specified extension type does not exist. +--- +--- In case of errors, it returns `nil` and a string describing the error. +--- +--- Note that the ext is gotten from the raw extensions of the client hello message associated with the current downstream SSL connection. +--- +--- So this function can only be called in the context of `ssl_client_hello_by_lua*`. +--- +--- Example: +--- +--- Gets server name from raw extension data. The `0` in `ssl_clt.get_client_hello_ext(0)` denotes `TLSEXT_TYPE_server_name`, and the `0` in `byte(ext, 3) ~= 0` denotes `TLSEXT_NAMETYPE_host_name`. +--- +--- ```nginx +--- # nginx.conf +--- server { +--- listen 443 ssl; +--- server_name test.com; +--- ssl_client_hello_by_lua_block { +--- local ssl_clt = require "ngx.ssl.clienthello" +--- local byte = string.byte +--- local ext = ssl_clt.get_client_hello_ext(0) +--- if not ext then +--- print("failed to get_client_hello_ext(0)") +--- ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) +--- end +--- local total_len = string.len(ext) +--- if total_len <= 2 then +--- print("bad SSL Client Hello Extension") +--- ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) +--- end +--- local len = byte(ext, 1) * 256 + byte(ext, 2) +--- if len + 2 ~= total_len then +--- print("bad SSL Client Hello Extension") +--- ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) +--- end +--- if byte(ext, 3) ~= 0 then +--- print("bad SSL Client Hello Extension") +--- ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) +--- end +--- if total_len <= 5 then +--- print("bad SSL Client Hello Extension") +--- ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) +--- end +--- len = byte(ext, 4) * 256 + byte(ext, 5) +--- if len + 5 > total_len then +--- print("bad SSL Client Hello Extension") +--- ngx.exit(ngx.ERROR) +--- end +--- local name = string.sub(ext, 6, 6 + len -1) +--- +--- print("read SNI name from Lua: ", name) +--- } +--- ssl_certificate test.crt; +--- ssl_certificate_key test.key; +--- } +--- ``` +--- +---@param ext_type number +---@return string? ext +function clienthello.get_client_hello_ext(ext_type) end + + +--- Sets the SSL protocols supported by the current downstream SSL connection. +--- +--- Returns `true` on success, or a `nil` value and a string describing the error otherwise. +--- +--- Considering it is meaningless to set ssl protocols after the protocol is determined, +--- so this function may only be called in the context of `ssl_client_hello_by_lua*`. +--- +--- Example: +--- ```lua +--- ssl_clt.set_protocols({"TLSv1.1", "TLSv1.2", "TLSv1.3"})` +--- ``` +--- +---@param protocols string[] +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function clienthello.set_protocols(protocols) end + + +return clienthello diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/ssl/session.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/ssl/session.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7307b00c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/ssl/session.lua @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +---@meta +local session={} + +session.version = require("resty.core.base").version + + +--- Sets the serialized SSL session provided as the argument to the current SSL connection. +--- If the SSL session is successfully set, the current SSL connection can resume the session +--- directly without going through the full SSL handshake process (which is very expensive in terms of CPU time). +--- +--- This API is usually used in the context of `ssl_session_fetch_by_lua*` +--- when a cache hit is found with the current SSL session ID. +--- +--- The serialized SSL session used as the argument should be originally returned by the +--- `get_serialized_session` function. +--- +---@param session string +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function session.set_serialized_session(session) end + +--- Returns the serialized form of the SSL session data of the current SSL connection, in a Lua string. +--- +--- This session can be cached in `lua-resty-lrucache`, `lua_shared_dict`, +--- and/or external data storage services like `memcached` and `redis`. The SSL session ID returned +--- by the `get_session_id` function is usually used as the cache key. +--- +--- The returned SSL session data can later be loaded into other SSL connections using the same +--- session ID via the `set_serialized_session` function. +--- +--- In case of errors, it returns `nil` and a string describing the error. +--- +--- This API function is usually called in the context of `ssl_session_store_by_lua*` +--- where the SSL handshake has just completed. +--- +---@return string? session +---@return string? error +function session.get_serialized_session() end + +--- Fetches the SSL session ID associated with the current downstream SSL connection. +--- The ID is returned as a Lua string. +--- +--- In case of errors, it returns `nil` and a string describing the error. +--- +--- This API function is usually called in the contexts of +--- `ssl_session_store_by_lua*` and `ssl_session_fetch_by_lua*`. +--- +---@return string? id +---@return string? error +function session.get_session_id() end + +return session \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/upstream.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/upstream.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7313481ce --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/ngx/upstream.lua @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +---@meta +local upstream={} +function upstream.get_backup_peers() end +function upstream.get_servers() end +function upstream.current_upstream_name() end +function upstream.get_primary_peers() end +function upstream.set_peer_down() end +function upstream.get_upstreams() end +return upstream \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/prometheus.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/prometheus.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c56ebb031 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/prometheus.lua @@ -0,0 +1,247 @@ +---@meta + +---@class PrometheusLib +local PrometheusLib = {} + +---@class PrometheusOptions +---is a table of configuration options that can be provided. +local PrometheusOptions = {} + +---metric name prefix. +---This string will be prepended to metric names on output. +PrometheusOptions.prefix = '' +---Can be used to change the default name of error metric (see +---[Built-in metrics](https://github.com/knyar/nginx-lua-prometheus#built-in-metrics) +---for details). +PrometheusOptions.error_metric_name = '' +---sets per-worker counter sync interval in seconds. +---This sets the boundary on eventual consistency of counter metrics. +---Defaults to `1`. +PrometheusOptions.sync_interval = 0 +---maximum size of a per-metric lookup table maintained by +---each worker to cache full metric names. Defaults to `1000`. +---If you have metrics with extremely high cardinality and lots +---of available RAM, you might want to increase this to avoid +---cache getting flushed too often. +---Decreasing this makes sense if you have a very large number of metrics +---or need to minimize memory usage of this library. +PrometheusOptions.lookup_max_size = 0 + +---Initializes the module. +---This should be called once from the +---[init_worker_by_lua_block](https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module#init_worker_by_lua_block) +---section of nginx configuration. +--- +---Example: +---``` +---init_worker_by_lua_block { +--- prometheus = require("prometheus").init("prometheus_metrics", {sync_interval=3}) +---} +---``` +---@param dict_name string is the name of the nginx shared dictionary which will be used to store all metrics. Defaults to `prometheus_metrics` if not specified. +---@param options? PrometheusOptions is a table of configuration options that can be provided. +---@return Prometheus prometheus Returns a `prometheus` object that should be used to register metrics. +PrometheusLib.init = function(dict_name, options) end + +---@class Prometheus +local Prometheus = {} + +---Registers a counter. +--- +---Should be called once for each gauge from the +---[init_worker_by_lua_block](https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module#init_worker_by_lua_block) +---section. +--- +---Example: +---``` +---init_worker_by_lua_block { +--- prometheus = require("prometheus").init("prometheus_metrics") +--- +--- metric_bytes = prometheus:counter( +--- "nginx_http_request_size_bytes", "Total size of incoming requests") +--- metric_requests = prometheus:counter( +--- "nginx_http_requests_total", "Number of HTTP requests", {"host", "status"}) +---} +---``` +---@param name string is the name of the metric. +---@param description? string is the text description. Optional. +---@param label_names? string[] is an array of label names for the metric. Optional. +---@return PrometheusCounter +function Prometheus:counter(name, description, label_names) end + +---Registers a gauge. +--- +---Should be called once for each gauge from the +---[init_worker_by_lua_block](https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module#init_worker_by_lua_block) +---section. +--- +---Example: +---``` +---init_worker_by_lua_block { +--- prometheus = require("prometheus").init("prometheus_metrics") +--- +--- metric_connections = prometheus:gauge( +--- "nginx_http_connections", "Number of HTTP connections", {"state"}) +---} +---``` +---@param name string is the name of the metric. +---@param description? string is the text description. Optional. +---@param label_names? string[] is an array of label names for the metric. Optional. +---@return PrometheusGauge +function Prometheus:gauge(name, description, label_names) end + +---Registers a histogram. +--- +---Should be called once for each histogram from the +---[init_worker_by_lua_block](https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module#init_worker_by_lua_block) +---section. +--- +---Example: +---``` +---init_worker_by_lua_block { +--- prometheus = require("prometheus").init("prometheus_metrics") +--- +--- metric_latency = prometheus:histogram( +--- "nginx_http_request_duration_seconds", "HTTP request latency", {"host"}) +--- metric_response_sizes = prometheus:histogram( +--- "nginx_http_response_size_bytes", "Size of HTTP responses", nil, +--- {10,100,1000,10000,100000,1000000}) +---} +---``` +---@param name string is the name of the metric. +---@param description? string is the text description. Optional. +---@param label_names? string[] is an array of label names for the metric. Optional. +---@param buckets? number[] is an array of numbers defining bucket boundaries. Optional, defaults to 20 latency buckets covering a range from 5ms to 10s (in seconds). +---@return PrometheusHist +function Prometheus:histogram(name, description, label_names, buckets) end + +---Presents all metrics in a text format compatible with Prometheus. +---This should be called in [content_by_lua_block](https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module#content_by_lua_block) +---to expose the metrics on a separate HTTP page. +--- +---Example: +---``` +---location /metrics { +--- content_by_lua_block { prometheus:collect() } +--- allow; +--- deny all; +---} +---``` +function Prometheus:collect() end + +---Returns metric data as an array of strings. +---@return string[] +function Prometheus:metric_data() end + +---@class PrometheusCounter +local PrometheusCounter = {} + +---Increments a previously registered counter. +---This is usually called from log_by_lua_block globally or per server/location. +--- +---The number of label values should match the number of label names +---defined when the counter was registered using `prometheus:counter()`. +---No label values should be provided for counters with no labels. +---Non-printable characters will be stripped from label values. +--- +---Example: +---``` +---log_by_lua_block { +--- metric_bytes:inc(tonumber(ngx.var.request_length)) +--- metric_requests:inc(1, {ngx.var.server_name, ngx.var.status}) +---} +---``` +---@param value number is a value that should be added to the counter. Defaults to 1. +---@param label_values? string[] is an array of label values. +function PrometheusCounter:inc(value, label_values) end + +---Delete a previously registered counter. +---This is usually called when you don't need to observe such counter +---(or a metric with specific label values in this counter) any more. +---If this counter has labels, you have to pass `label_values` to delete +---the specific metric of this counter. +---If you want to delete all the metrics of a counter with labels, +---you should call `Counter:reset()`. +--- +---This function will wait for sync_interval before deleting the metric to +---allow all workers to sync their counters. +---@param label_values string[] The number of label values should match the number of label names defined when the counter was registered using `prometheus:counter()`. No label values should be provided for counters with no labels. Non-printable characters will be stripped from label values. +function PrometheusCounter:del(label_values) end + +---Delete all metrics for a previously registered counter. +---If this counter have no labels, it is just the same as `Counter:del()` function. +---If this counter have labels, it will delete all the metrics with different label values. +--- +---This function will wait for `sync_interval` before deleting the metrics to allow all workers to sync their counters. +function PrometheusCounter:reset() end + +---@class PrometheusGauge +local PrometheusGauge = {} + +---Sets the current value of a previously registered gauge. +---This could be called from +---[log_by_lua_block](https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module#log_by_lua_block) +---globally or per server/location to modify a gauge on each request, or from +---[content_by_lua_block](https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module#content_by_lua_block) +---just before `prometheus::collect()` to return a real-time value. +--- +---@param value number is a value that the gauge should be set to. Required. +---@param label_values? string[] is an array of label values. +function PrometheusGauge:set(value, label_values) end + +---Increments a previously registered gauge. +---This is usually called from log_by_lua_block globally or per server/location. +--- +---The number of label values should match the number of label names +---defined when the gauge was registered using `prometheus:gauge()`. +---No label values should be provided for gauge with no labels. +---Non-printable characters will be stripped from label values. +---@param value number is a value that should be added to the gauge. Defaults to 1. +---@param label_values? string[] is an array of label values. +function PrometheusGauge:inc(value, label_values) end + +---Delete a previously registered gauge. +---This is usually called when you don't need to observe such gauge +---(or a metric with specific label values in this gauge) any more. +---If this gauge has labels, you have to pass `label_values` to delete +---the specific metric of this gauge. +---If you want to delete all the metrics of a gauge with labels, +---you should call `Gauge:reset()`. +--- +---This function will wait for sync_interval before deleting the metric to +---allow all workers to sync their counters. +---@param label_values string[] The number of label values should match the number of label names defined when the gauge was registered using `prometheus:gauge()`. No label values should be provided for counters with no labels. Non-printable characters will be stripped from label values. +function PrometheusGauge:del(label_values) end + +---Delete all metrics for a previously registered gauge. +---If this gauge have no labels, it is just the same as `Gauge:del()` function. +---If this gauge have labels, it will delete all the metrics with different +---label values. +function PrometheusGauge:reset() end + +---@class PrometheusHist +local PrometheusHist = {} + +---Records a value in a previously registered histogram. +---Usually called from +---[log_by_lua_block](https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module#log_by_lua_block) +---globally or per server/location. +--- +---Example: +---``` +---log_by_lua_block { +--- metric_latency:observe(tonumber(ngx.var.request_time), {ngx.var.server_name}) +--- metric_response_sizes:observe(tonumber(ngx.var.bytes_sent)) +---} +---``` +---@param value string is a value that should be recorded. Required. +---@param label_values? string[] is an array of label values. +function PrometheusHist:observe(value, label_values) end + +---Delete all metrics for a previously registered histogram. +--- +---This function will wait for `sync_interval` before deleting the +---metrics to allow all workers to sync their counters. +function PrometheusHist:reset() end + +return PrometheusLib diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/aes.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/aes.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7e627ef61 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/aes.lua @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +---@meta + +local aes={} + +---@alias resty.aes.cipher.name +---| '"ecb"' +---| '"cbc"' +---| '"cfb1"' +---| '"cfb128"' +---| '"cfb8"' +---| '"ctr" +---| '"gcm"' +---| '"ofb"' + +---@alias resty.aes.cipher.size '128'|'192'|'256' + +---@class resty.aes.cipher : table +---@field size resty.aes.cipher.size +---@field cipher resty.aes.cipher.name +---@field method userdata + +---@param size resty.aes.cipher.size # cipher size (default `128`) +---@param cipher? resty.aes.cipher.name # cipher name (default `"cbc"`) +---@return resty.aes.cipher? +function aes.cipher(size, cipher) end + +---@class resty.aes.hash_table : table +---@field iv string +---@field method? fun(key:string):string + +---@class resty.aes.hash_cdata : userdata + +---@type table +aes.hash = {} +aes.hash.sha1={} +aes.hash.md5={} +aes.hash.sha224={} +aes.hash.sha512={} +aes.hash.sha256={} +aes.hash.sha384={} + +---@alias resty.aes.hash resty.aes.hash_cdata|resty.aes.hash_table + +---@param key string encryption key +---@param salt? string if provided, must be exactly 8 characters in length +---@param cipher? resty.aes.cipher (default is 128 CBC) +---@param hash? resty.aes.hash (default is md5) +---@param hash_rounds? number (default: `1`) +---@param iv_len? number +---@param enable_padding? boolean (default: `true`) +--- +---@return resty.aes? +---@return string? error +function aes:new(key, salt, cipher, hash, hash_rounds, iv_len, enable_padding) end + +---@class resty.aes : table +local aes_ctx = {} + +--- Decrypt a string +--- +---@param s string +---@param tag? string +---@return string? decrypted +---@return string? error +function aes_ctx:decrypt(s, tag) end + + +--- Encrypt a string. +--- +---@param s string +---@return string? encrypted +---@return string? error +function aes_ctx:encrypt(s) end + +return aes \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e143818ee --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core.lua @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +---@meta +local resty_core={} +resty_core.version = require("resty.core.base").version +return resty_core \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/base.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/base.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d84c34861 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/base.lua @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +---@meta +local resty_core_base = {} + +---@param ... string +function resty_core_base.allows_subsystem(...) end + +---@param t table +function resty_core_base.clear_tab(t) end + +---@return userdata +function resty_core_base.get_errmsg_ptr() end + +---@return userdata +function resty_core_base.get_request() end + +---@return userdata +function resty_core_base.get_size_ptr() end + +---@param size number +---@param must_alloc? boolean +---@return userdata +function resty_core_base.get_string_buf(size, must_alloc) end + +---@return number +function resty_core_base.get_string_buf_size() end + +---@param narr number +---@param nrec number +---@return table +function resty_core_base.new_tab(narr, nrec) end + +---@param tb table +---@param key any +---@return any +function resty_core_base.ref_in_table(tb, key) end + +---@param size number +function resty_core_base.set_string_buf_size(size) end + +resty_core_base.FFI_OK = 0 +resty_core_base.FFI_NO_REQ_CTX = -100 +resty_core_base.FFI_BAD_CONTEXT = -101 +resty_core_base.FFI_ERROR = -1 +resty_core_base.FFI_AGAIN = -2 +resty_core_base.FFI_BUSY = -3 +resty_core_base.FFI_DONE = -4 +resty_core_base.FFI_DECLINED = -5 + +resty_core_base.version = "0.1.23" + +return resty_core_base \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/base64.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/base64.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..215344116 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/base64.lua @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +---@meta +local resty_core_base64={} +resty_core_base64.version = require("resty.core.base").version +return resty_core_base64 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/ctx.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/ctx.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f94db15b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/ctx.lua @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +---@meta +local resty_core_ctx={} +resty_core_ctx._VERSION = require("resty.core.base").version + +---@param ctx? table +---@return table +function resty_core_ctx.get_ctx_table(ctx) end + +return resty_core_ctx \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/exit.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/exit.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..57f08c71f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/exit.lua @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +---@meta +local resty_core_exit={} +resty_core_exit.version = require("resty.core.base").version +return resty_core_exit \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/hash.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/hash.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54ef2c8ab --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/hash.lua @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +---@meta +local resty_core_hash={} +resty_core_hash.version = require("resty.core.base").version +return resty_core_hash \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/misc.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/misc.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bd355c020 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/misc.lua @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +---@meta +local resty_core_misc={} +function resty_core_misc.register_ngx_magic_key_getter() end +function resty_core_misc.register_ngx_magic_key_setter() end +resty_core_misc._VERSION = require("resty.core.base").version +return resty_core_misc \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/ndk.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/ndk.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a243329f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/ndk.lua @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +---@meta +local resty_core_ndk={} +resty_core_ndk.version = require("resty.core.base").version +return resty_core_ndk \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/phase.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/phase.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1ac451c06 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/phase.lua @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +---@meta +local resty_core_phase={} +resty_core_phase.version = require("resty.core.base").version +return resty_core_phase \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/regex.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/regex.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4876d1de9 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/regex.lua @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +---@meta + +---@class resty.core.regex +---@field no_pcre boolean +local regex = {} + +---@param ratio integer +function regex.set_buf_grow_ratio(ratio) end + +---@return boolean is_empty +function regex.is_regex_cache_empty() end + +---@class resty.core.regex.compiled : ffi.cdata* +---@field captures ffi.cdata* +---@field ncaptures integer +---@field name_count integer +---@field name_table ffi.cdata* +---@field name_entry_size integer + +---@param compiled resty.core.regex.compiled +---@param flags integer +---@param res ngx.re.captures +function regex.collect_captures(compiled, flags, res) end + +---@param compiled resty.core.regex.compiled +function regex.destroy_compiled_regex(compiled) end + +---@param re string +---@param opts ngx.re.options +---@return resty.core.regex.compiled? compiled +---@return boolean|string compile_once_or_error +---@return integer? flags +function regex.re_match_compile(re, opts) end + +---@param buf ffi.cdata* +---@param buf_size integer +---@param pos integer +---@param len integer +---@param new_len integer +---@param must_alloc boolean +---@return ffi.cdata* buf +---@return integer buf_size +---@return integer new_len +function regex.check_buf_size(buf, buf_size, pos, len, new_len, must_alloc) end + +---@param re string +---@param opts ngx.re.options +---@param replace? string +---@param func? fun(match:string):string +---@return resty.core.regex.compiled? compiled +---@return boolean|string compile_once_or_error +---@return integer? flags +function regex.re_sub_compile(re, opts, replace, func) end + +return regex \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/request.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/request.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3b4d81bd1 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/request.lua @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +---@meta +local resty_core_request={} +resty_core_request.version = require("resty.core.base").version +function resty_core_request.set_req_header(name, value, override) end +return resty_core_request \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/response.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/response.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a3a4d4d7f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/response.lua @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +---@meta +local resty_core_response={} +function resty_core_response.set_resp_header() end +resty_core_response.version = require("resty.core.base").version +return resty_core_response \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/shdict.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/shdict.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..054a9dc5c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/shdict.lua @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +---@meta +local resty_core_shdict={} +resty_core_shdict.version = require("resty.core.base").version +return resty_core_shdict \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/time.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/time.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..30f89b1ed --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/time.lua @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +---@meta +local resty_core_time={} +resty_core_time.version = require("resty.core.base").version +return resty_core_time \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/uri.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/uri.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3e2c3e51e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/uri.lua @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +---@meta +local resty_core_uri={} +resty_core_uri.version = require("resty.core.base").version +return resty_core_uri \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/utils.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/utils.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8070a33b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/utils.lua @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +---@meta +local resty_core_utils={} + +---@param str string +---@param find string +---@param replace string +---@return string +function resty_core_utils.str_replace_char(str, find, replace) end +resty_core_utils.version = require("resty.core.base").version +return resty_core_utils \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/var.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/var.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..df884ff92 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/var.lua @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +---@meta +local resty_core_var={} +resty_core_var.version = require("resty.core.base").version +return resty_core_var \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/worker.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/worker.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..92a8351ca --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/core/worker.lua @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +---@meta +local resty_core_worker={} +resty_core_worker._VERSION = require("resty.core.base").version +return resty_core_worker \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/dns/resolver.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/dns/resolver.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1ddc1b5b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/dns/resolver.lua @@ -0,0 +1,424 @@ +---@meta + +--- +--- lua-resty-dns - Lua DNS resolver for the ngx_lua based on the cosocket API +--- +--- https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-dns +--- +---# Description +--- +--- This Lua library provides a DNS resolver for the ngx_lua nginx module: +--- +--- https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module/#readme +--- +--- This Lua library takes advantage of ngx_lua's cosocket API, which ensures +--- 100% nonblocking behavior. +--- +--- Note that at least [ngx_lua 0.5.12](https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module/tags) or [OpenResty](http://openresty.org/#Download) is required. +--- +--- Also, the [bit library](http://bitop.luajit.org/) is also required. If you're using LuaJIT 2.0 with ngx_lua, then the `bit` library is already available by default. +--- +--- Note that, this library is bundled and enabled by default in the [OpenResty bundle](http://openresty.org/). +--- +--- IMPORTANT: to be able to generate unique ids, the random generator must be properly seeded using `math.randomseed` prior to using this module. +--- +---# Automatic Error Logging +--- +--- By default, the underlying [ngx_lua](https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module/#readme) module does error logging when socket errors happen. If you are already doing proper error handling in your own Lua code, then you are recommended to disable this automatic error logging by turning off [ngx_lua](https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module/#readme)'s [lua_socket_log_errors](https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module/#lua_socket_log_errors) directive, that is: +--- +---```nginx +--- lua_socket_log_errors off; +---``` +--- +---# Limitations +--- +--- * This library cannot be used in code contexts like `set_by_lua*`, `log_by_lua*`, and `header_filter_by_lua*` where the ngx_lua cosocket API is not available. +--- * The `resty.dns.resolver` object instance cannot be stored in a Lua variable at the Lua module level, because it will then be shared by all the concurrent requests handled by the same nginx worker process (see https://github.com/openresty/lua-nginx-module/#data-sharing-within-an-nginx-worker ) and result in bad race conditions when concurrent requests are trying to use the same `resty.dns.resolver` instance. You should always initiate `resty.dns.resolver` objects in function local variables or in the `ngx.ctx` table. These places all have their own data copies for each request. +--- +---@class resty.dns.resolver +---@field _VERSION string +--- +--- undocumented/private fields--use at your own risk +--- +---@field cur integer +---@field socks udpsock[] +---@field tcp_sock tcpsock +---@field servers resty.dns.resolver.nameserver_tuple[] +---@field retrans integer +---@field no_recurse boolean +local resolver = {} + + +--- The `A` resource record type, equal to the decimal number 1. +---@class resty.dns.resolver.TYPE_A +resolver.TYPE_A = 1 + +--- The `NS` resource record type, equal to the decimal number `2`. +---@class resty.dns.resolver.TYPE_NS +resolver.TYPE_NS = 2 + +--- The `CNAME` resource record type, equal to the decimal number `5`. +---@class resty.dns.resolver.TYPE_CNAME +resolver.TYPE_CNAME = 5 + +--- The `SOA` resource record type, equal to the decimal number `6`. +---@class resty.dns.resolver.TYPE_SOA +resolver.TYPE_SOA = 6 + +--- The `PTR` resource record type, equal to the decimal number `12`. +---@class resty.dns.resolver.TYPE_PTR +resolver.TYPE_PTR = 12 + +--- The `MX` resource record type, equal to the decimal number `15`. +---@class resty.dns.resolver.TYPE_MX +resolver.TYPE_MX = 15 + +--- The `TXT` resource record type, equal to the decimal number `16`. +---@class resty.dns.resolver.TYPE_TXT +resolver.TYPE_TXT = 16 + +--- The `AAAA` resource record type, equal to the decimal number `28`. +---@class resty.dns.resolver.TYPE_AAAA +resolver.TYPE_AAAA = 28 + +--- The `SRV` resource record type, equal to the decimal number `33`. +--- +--- See RFC 2782 for details. +---@class resty.dns.resolver.TYPE_SRV +resolver.TYPE_SRV = 33 + +--- The `SPF` resource record type, equal to the decimal number `99`. +--- +--- See RFC 4408 for details. +---@class resty.dns.resolver.TYPE_SPF +resolver.TYPE_SPF = 99 + + +---@alias resty.dns.resolver.TYPE integer +---| `resolver.TYPE_A` # A +---| 1 # A +---| `resolver.TYPE_NS` # NS +---| 2 # NS +---| `resolver.TYPE_CNAME` # CNAME +---| 5 # CNAME +---| `resolver.TYPE_SOA` # SOA +---| 6 # SOA +---| `resolver.TYPE_PTR` # PTR +---| 12 # PTR +---| `resolver.TYPE_MX` # MX +---| 15 # MX +---| `resolver.TYPE_TXT` # TXT +---| 16 # TXT +---| `resolver.TYPE_AAAA` # AAAA +---| 28 # AAAA +---| `resolver.TYPE_SRV` # SRV +---| 33 # SRV +---| `resolver.TYPE_SPF` # SPF +---| 99 # SPF + + +---@alias resty.dns.resolver.CLASS integer +---| `resolver.CLASS_IN` +---| 1 + +--- The `Internet` resource record type +---@class resty.dns.resolver.CLASS_IN +resolver.CLASS_IN = 1 + + +---@alias resty.dns.resolver.SECTION integer +---| `resolver.SECTION_AN` # Answer section +---| 1 # Answer section +---| `resolver.SECTION_NS` # Authority section +---| 2 # Authority section +---| `resolver.SECTION_AR` # Additional section +---| 3 # Additional section + + +--- Identifier of the `Answer` section in the DNS response. +---@class resty.dns.resolver.SECTION_AN +resolver.SECTION_AN = 1 + + +--- Identifier of the `Authority` section in the DNS response. +---@class resty.dns.resolver.SECTION_NS +resolver.SECTION_NS = 2 + + +--- Identifier of the `Additional` section in the DNS response. +---@class resty.dns.resolver.SECTION_AR +resolver.SECTION_AR = 3 + + +---@alias resty.dns.resolver.ERRCODE integer +---| 1 # format error +---| 2 # server failure +---| 3 # name error +---| 4 # not implemented +---| 5 # refused + + +---@alias resty.dns.resolver.ERRSTR +---| "format error" # errcode 1 +---| "server failure" # errcode 2 +---| "name error" # errcode 3 +---| "not implemented" # errcode 4 +---| "refused" # errcode 5 +---| "unknown" # errcode unknown + + +--- Creates a dns.resolver object. +--- +--- On error, returns `nil` and an error string. +--- +---@param opts resty.dns.resolver.new.opts +---@return resty.dns.resolver? resolver +---@return string? error +function resolver:new(opts) end + + +---@class resty.dns.resolver.nameserver_tuple +---@field [1] string # hostname or addr +---@field [2] integer # port number + +---@alias resty.dns.resolver.nameserver +---| string +---| resty.dns.resolver.nameserver_tuple + + +--- Options for `resty.dns.resolver:new()` +--- +---@class resty.dns.resolver.new.opts : table +--- +---@field nameservers resty.dns.resolver.nameserver[] # a list of nameservers to be used. Each nameserver entry can be either a single hostname string or a table holding both the hostname string and the port number. The nameserver is picked up by a simple round-robin algorithm for each `query` method call. This option is required. +--- +---@field retrans? number # (default: `5`) the total number of times of retransmitting the DNS request when receiving a DNS response times out according to the `timeout` setting. When trying to retransmit the query, the next nameserver according to the round-robin algorithm will be picked up. +--- +---@field timeout? number # (default: `2000`) the time in milliseconds for waiting for the response for a single attempt of request transmission. note that this is ''not'' the maximal total waiting time before giving up, the maximal total waiting time can be calculated by the expression `timeout x retrans`. The `timeout` setting can also be changed by calling the `set_timeout` method. +--- +---@field no_recurse? boolean # (default: `false`) a boolean flag controls whether to disable the "recursion desired" (RD) flag in the UDP request. +--- +---@field no_random? boolean # (default: `false`) a boolean flag controls whether to randomly pick the nameserver to query first, if `true` will always start with the first nameserver listed. + + +--- Performs a DNS standard query. +--- +--- The query is sent to the nameservers specified by the `new` method, and +--- +--- Returns all the answer records in an array-like Lua table. +--- +--- In case of errors, it will return nil and a string describing the error instead. +--- +--- If the server returns a non-zero error code, the fields `errcode` and `errstr` will be set accordingly in the Lua table returned. +--- +--- The optional parameter `tries` can be provided as an empty table, and will be returned as a third result. The table will be an array with the error message for each (if any) failed try. +--- +--- When data truncation happens, the resolver will automatically retry using the TCP transport mode to query the current nameserver. All TCP connections are short lived. +--- +---@param qname string +---@param opts? resty.dns.resolver.query.opts +---@param tries? string[] +---@return resty.dns.resolver.query.answer[] results +---@return string? error +---@return string[]? tries +function resolver:query(qname, opts, tries) end + + +---@class resty.dns.resolver.answer : table +--- +---@field name string # The resource record name. +--- +---@field type resty.dns.resolver.TYPE # The current resource record type, possible values are 1 (TYPE_A), 5 (TYPE_CNAME), 28 (TYPE_AAAA), and any other values allowed by RFC 1035. +--- +---@field section resty.dns.resolver.SECTION # The identifier of the section that the current answer record belongs to. Possible values are 1 (SECTION_AN), 2 (SECTION_NS), and 3 (SECTION_AR). +--- +---@field ttl number # The time-to-live (TTL) value in seconds for the current resource record. +--- +---@field class resty.dns.resolver.CLASS # The current resource record class, possible values are 1 (CLASS_IN) or any other values allowed by RFC 1035. +--- +---@field rdata string # The raw resource data (RDATA) for resource records that are not recognized. +--- +---@field errcode? resty.dns.resolver.ERRCODE # Error code returned by the DNS server +--- +---@field errstr? resty.dns.resolver.ERRSTR # Error string returned by the DNS server + + +--- A-type answer +--- +---@class resty.dns.resolver.answer.A : resty.dns.resolver.answer +--- +---@field address string # The IPv4 address. + +--- AAAA-type answer +--- +---@class resty.dns.resolver.answer.AAAA : resty.dns.resolver.answer +--- +---@field address string # The IPv6 address. Successive 16-bit zero groups in IPv6 addresses will not be compressed by default, if you want that, you need to call the compress_ipv6_addr static method instead. + + +--- CNAME-type answer +--- +---@class resty.dns.resolver.answer.CNAME : resty.dns.resolver.answer +--- +---@field cname? string # The (decoded) record data value for CNAME resource records. + + +--- MX-type answer +--- +---@class resty.dns.resolver.answer.MX : resty.dns.resolver.answer +--- +---@field preference integer # The preference integer number for MX resource records. +--- +---@field exchange? string # The exchange domain name for MX resource records. + + +--- SRV-type answer +--- +---@class resty.dns.resolver.answer.SRV : resty.dns.resolver.answer +--- +---@field priority number +--- +---@field weight number +--- +---@field port integer +--- +---@field target string + + +--- NS-type answer +--- +---@class resty.dns.resolver.answer.NS : resty.dns.resolver.answer +--- +---@field nsdname string # A domain-name which specifies a host which should be authoritative for the specified class and domain. Usually present for NS type records. +--- + + +--- TXT-type answer +--- +---@class resty.dns.resolver.answer.TXT : resty.dns.resolver.answer +--- +---@field txt? string|string[] # The record value for TXT records. When there is only one character string in this record, then this field takes a single Lua string. Otherwise this field takes a Lua table holding all the strings. + + +--- SPF-type answer +--- +---@class resty.dns.resolver.answer.SPF : resty.dns.resolver.answer +--- +---@field spf? string|string[] # The record value for SPF records. When there is only one character string in this record, then this field takes a single Lua string. Otherwise this field takes a Lua table holding all the strings. + + +--- PTR-type answer +--- +---@class resty.dns.resolver.answer.PTR : resty.dns.resolver.answer +--- +---@field ptrdname string # The record value for PTR records. + + +--- SOA-type answer +--- +---@class resty.dns.resolver.answer.SOA : resty.dns.resolver.answer +--- +---@field serial integer # SOA serial +---@field refresh integer # SOA refresh +---@field retry integer # SOA retry +---@field expire integer # SOA expire +---@field minimum integer # SOA minimum + + +---@alias resty.dns.resolver.query.answer +---| resty.dns.resolver.answer +---| resty.dns.resolver.answer.A +---| resty.dns.resolver.answer.AAAA +---| resty.dns.resolver.answer.CNAME +---| resty.dns.resolver.answer.MX +---| resty.dns.resolver.answer.NS +---| resty.dns.resolver.answer.PTR +---| resty.dns.resolver.answer.SOA +---| resty.dns.resolver.answer.SPF +---| resty.dns.resolver.answer.SRV +---| resty.dns.resolver.answer.TXT + + +--- Options for `resty.dns.resolver:query()` +--- +---@class resty.dns.resolver.query.opts : table +--- +---@field qtype? resty.dns.resolver.TYPE # (default: `1`) The type of the question. Possible values are 1 (TYPE_A), 5 (TYPE_CNAME), 28 (TYPE_AAAA), or any other QTYPE value specified by RFC 1035 and RFC 3596. +--- +---@field authority_section? boolean # (default: `false`) When `true`, the answers return value includes the `Authority` section of the DNS response. +--- +---@field additional_section? boolean # (default: `false`) When `true`, the answers return value includes the `Additional` section of the DNS response. + + +--- Just like the query method, but enforce the TCP transport mode instead of UDP. +--- +--- All TCP connections are short lived. +--- +---@param qname string +---@param opts? resty.dns.resolver.query.opts +---@return resty.dns.resolver.query.answer[] results +---@return string? error +function resolver:tcp_query(qname, opts) end + + +--- Performs a PTR lookup for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. +--- +--- This function is basically a wrapper for the query command which uses the `arpa_str` function to convert the IP address on the fly. +--- +---@param addr string +---@return resty.dns.resolver.query.answer[] results +---@return string? error +function resolver:reverse_query(addr) end + + +--- Overrides the current timeout setting for all nameserver peers. +--- +---@param timeout number # timeout in milliseconds +function resolver:set_timeout(timeout) end + +--- Compresses the successive 16-bit zero groups in the textual format of the IPv6 address. +--- +--- For example, the following will yield `FF01::101` in the new_addr return value: +--- +---```lua +--- local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" +--- local compress = resolver.compress_ipv6_addr +--- local new_addr = compress("FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:101") +---``` +--- +---@param addr string +---@return string compressed +function resolver.compress_ipv6_addr(addr) end + +--- Expands the successive 16-bit zero groups in the textual format of the IPv6 address. +--- +--- For example, the following will yield `FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:101` in the new_addr return value: +--- +---```lua +--- local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" +--- local expand = resolver.expand_ipv6_addr +--- local new_addr = expand("FF01::101") +---``` +--- +---@param addr string +---@return string expanded +function resolver.expand_ipv6_addr(addr) end + +--- Generates the reverse domain name for PTR lookups for both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. +--- +--- Compressed IPv6 addresses will be automatically expanded. +--- +--- For example, the following will yield `` for `ptr4` and `` for `ptr6`: +--- +---```lua +--- local resolver = require "resty.dns.resolver" +--- local ptr4 = resolver.arpa_str("") +--- local ptr6 = resolver.arpa_str("FF01::101") +---``` +--- +---@param addr string +---@return string +function resolver.arpa_str(addr) end + + +return resolver \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/limit/conn.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/limit/conn.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e68c33561 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/limit/conn.lua @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +---@meta +resty_limit_conn={} +function resty_limit_conn.set_conn(self, conn) end +function resty_limit_conn.uncommit(self, key) end +function resty_limit_conn.is_committed(self) end +function resty_limit_conn.new(dict_name, max, burst, default_conn_delay) end +function resty_limit_conn.set_burst(self, burst) end +function resty_limit_conn.leaving(self, key, req_latency) end +function resty_limit_conn.incoming(self, key, commit) end +resty_limit_conn._VERSION="0.06" +return resty_limit_conn \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/limit/count.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/limit/count.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9c05c45c6 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/limit/count.lua @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +---@meta +resty_limit_count={} +function resty_limit_count.uncommit(self, key) end +function resty_limit_count.incoming(self, key, commit) end +resty_limit_count._VERSION="0.06" +function resty_limit_count.new(dict_name, limit, window) end +return resty_limit_count \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/limit/req.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/limit/req.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f75269c88 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/limit/req.lua @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +---@meta +resty_limit_req={} +function resty_limit_req.set_rate(self, rate) end +function resty_limit_req.uncommit(self, key) end +function resty_limit_req.set_burst(self, burst) end +function resty_limit_req.new(dict_name, rate, burst) end +function resty_limit_req.incoming(self, key, commit) end +resty_limit_req._VERSION="0.06" +return resty_limit_req \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/limit/traffic.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/limit/traffic.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f3e53e160 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/limit/traffic.lua @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +---@meta +resty_limit_traffic={} +resty_limit_traffic._VERSION="0.06" +function resty_limit_traffic.combine(limiters, keys, states) end +return resty_limit_traffic \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/lock.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/lock.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e5543597b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/lock.lua @@ -0,0 +1,127 @@ +---@meta + +--- lua-resty-lock +--- +--- https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-lock +--- +---@class resty.lock : table +local lock = { + _VERSION = "0.08", +} + + +---@class resty.lock.opts : table +--- +--- Specifies expiration time (in seconds) for the lock entry in the shared memory +--- dictionary. You can specify up to 0.001 seconds. Default to 30 (seconds). Even +--- if the invoker does not call unlock or the object holding the lock is not GC'd, +--- the lock will be released after this time. So deadlock won't happen even when the +--- worker process holding the lock crashes. +---@field exptime number +--- +--- Specifies the maximal waiting time (in seconds) for the lock method calls on +--- the current object instance. You can specify up to 0.001 seconds. Default to 5 +--- (seconds). This option value cannot be bigger than `exptime`. This timeout is +--- to prevent a lock method call from waiting forever. You can specify 0 to make +--- the lock method return immediately without waiting if it cannot acquire the +--- lock right away. +---@field timeout number +--- +--- Specifies the initial step (in seconds) of sleeping when waiting for the lock. +--- Default to 0.001 (seconds). When the lock method is waiting on a busy lock, it +--- sleeps by steps. The step size is increased by a ratio (specified by the ratio +--- option) until reaching the step size limit (specified by the max_step option). +---@field step number +--- +--- Specifies the step increasing ratio. Default to 2, that is, the step size +--- doubles at each waiting iteration. +---@field ratio number +--- +--- Specifies the maximal step size (i.e., sleep interval, in seconds) allowed. +--- See also the step and ratio options). Default to 0.5 (seconds). +---@field max_step number + + +--- Creates a new lock object instance by specifying the shared dictionary name +--- (created by `lua_shared_dict`) and an optional options table `opts`. +--- +---@param dict_name string +---@param opts? resty.lock.opts +---@return resty.lock? lock +---@return string? err +function lock.new(_, dict_name, opts) end + +--- Tries to lock a key across all the Nginx worker processes in the current +--- NGINX server instance. Different keys are different locks. +--- +--- The length of the key string must not be larger than 65535 bytes. +--- +--- Returns the waiting time (in seconds) if the lock is successfully acquired. +--- Otherwise returns `nil` and a string describing the error. +--- +--- The waiting time is not from the wallclock, but rather is from simply adding +--- up all the waiting "steps". A nonzero elapsed return value indicates that +--- someone else has just hold this lock. But a zero return value cannot gurantee +--- that no one else has just acquired and released the lock. +--- +--- When this method is waiting on fetching the lock, no operating system threads +--- will be blocked and the current Lua "light thread" will be automatically yielded +--- behind the scene. +--- +--- It is strongly recommended to always call the unlock() method to actively +--- release the lock as soon as possible. +--- +--- If the `unlock()` method is never called after this method call, the lock +--- will get released when +--- +--- The current `resty.lock` object instance is collected automatically by the Lua GC. +--- OR +--- The exptime for the lock entry is reached. +--- +--- Common errors for this method call is +--- +--- "timeout" : The timeout threshold specified by the timeout option of the new method is exceeded. +--- "locked" : The current `resty.lock` object instance is already holding a lock (not necessarily of the same key). +--- +--- Other possible errors are from ngx_lua's shared dictionary API. +--- +--- It is required to create different `resty.lock` instances for multiple +--- simultaneous locks (i.e., those around different keys). +--- +---@param key string +---@return number? elapsed +---@return string? error +function lock:lock(key) end + +--- Releases the lock held by the current `resty.lock` object instance. +--- +--- Returns 1 on success. Returns `nil` and a string describing the error otherwise. +--- +--- If you call unlock when no lock is currently held, the error "unlocked" will +--- be returned. +--- +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function lock:unlock() end + +--- Sets the TTL of the lock held by the current `resty.lock` object instance. +--- This will reset the timeout of the lock to timeout seconds if it is given, +--- otherwise the timeout provided while calling new will be used. +--- +--- Note that the timeout supplied inside this function is independent from the +--- timeout provided while calling new. Calling `expire()` will not change the +--- timeout value specified inside new and subsequent `expire(nil)` call will +--- still use the timeout number from new. +--- +--- Returns true on success. Returns `nil` and a string describing the error +--- otherwise. +--- +--- If you call expire when no lock is currently held, the error "unlocked" will +--- be returned. +--- +---@param timeout? number +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function lock:expire(timeout) end + +return lock \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/lrucache.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/lrucache.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7e675b98 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/lrucache.lua @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +---@meta + +---@class resty.lrucache : table +local lrucache = { + _VERSION = "0.11", +} + +--- User flags value associated with the item to be stored. +--- +--- It can be retrieved later with the item. The user flags are stored as an +--- unsigned 32-bit integer internally, and thus must be specified as a Lua +--- number. If not specified, flags will have a default value of 0. This +--- argument was added in the v0.10 release. +--- +---@alias resty.lrucache.flags integer + +--- Creates a new cache instance. +--- +--- Upon failure, returns nil and a string describing the error. +--- +---@param max_items number specifies the maximal number of items this cache can hold. +---@return resty.lrucache? cache +---@return string? error +function lrucache.new(max_items) end + + +--- Sets a key with a value and an expiration time. +--- +--- When the cache is full, the cache will automatically evict the least +--- recently used item. +--- +--- +---@param key string +---@param value any +---@param ttl? number Expiration time, in seconds. If omitted, the value never expires. +---@param flags? resty.lrucache.flags +function lrucache:set(key, value, ttl, flags) end + + +--- Fetches a value with the key. +--- +--- If the key does not exist in the cache or has already expired, `nil` will +--- be returned. +--- +--- Starting from v0.03, the stale data is also returned as the second return +--- value if available. +--- +---@param key string +---@return any? data +---@return any? stale_data +---@return resty.lrucache.flags? integer +function lrucache:get(key) end + + +--- Removes an item specified by the key from the cache. +--- +---@param key string +function lrucache:delete(key) end + + +--- Returns the number of items currently stored in the cache, including expired +--- items if any. +--- +--- The returned count value will always be greater or equal to 0 and smaller +--- than or equal to the size argument given to cache:new. +--- +--- This method was added in the v0.10 release. +--- +---@return integer +function lrucache:count() end + + +--- Returns the maximum number of items the cache can hold. +--- +--- The return value is the same as the size argument given to +--- `resty.lrucache.new()` when the cache was created. +--- +--- This method was added in the v0.10 release. +--- +---@return integer +function lrucache:capacity() end + + +--- Fetch the list of keys currently inside the cache, up to `max_count`. +--- +--- The keys will be ordered in MRU fashion (Most-Recently-Used keys first). +--- +--- This function returns a Lua (array) table (with integer keys) containing +--- the keys. +--- +--- When `max_count` is `nil` or `0`, all keys (if any) will be returned. +--- +--- When provided with a `res` table argument, this function will not allocate a +--- table and will instead insert the keys in `res`, along with a trailing `nil` +--- value. +--- +--- This method was added in the v0.10 release. +--- +---@param max_count? integer +---@param res? table +---@return table keys +function lrucache:get_keys(max_count, res) end + + +--- Flushes all the existing data (if any) in the current cache instance. +--- +--- This is an O(1) operation and should be much faster than creating a brand +--- new cache instance. +--- +--- Note however that the `flush_all()` method of `resty.lrucache.pureffi` is any +--- O(n) operation. +function lrucache:flush_all() end + + +return lrucache \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/lrucache/pureffi.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/lrucache/pureffi.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..af5e9821d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/lrucache/pureffi.lua @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +---@meta + +---@class resty.lrucache.pureffi : resty.lrucache +local lrucache_pureffi = { + _VERSION = "0.11", +} + +--- Creates a new cache instance. +--- +--- Upon failure, returns nil and a string describing the error. +--- +---@param max_items number specifies the maximal number of items this cache can hold. +---@param load_factor? number designates the "load factor" of the FFI-based hash-table used internally by `resty.lrucache.pureffi`; the default value is 0.5 (i.e. 50%); if the load factor is specified, it will be clamped to the range of [0.1, 1] (i.e. if load factor is greater than 1, it will be saturated to 1; likewise, if load-factor is smaller than 0.1, it will be clamped to 0.1). +---@return resty.lrucache.pureffi? cache +---@return string? error +function lrucache_pureffi.new(max_items, load_factor) end + +return lrucache_pureffi \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/md5.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/md5.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..de82b49e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/md5.lua @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +---@meta + +---@class resty.md5 : resty.string.checksum +local md5={} + +--- Create a new md5 checksum object. +---@return resty.md5 +function md5:new() end + +--- Add a string to the md5 checksum data +---@param s string +---@param len? number Optional length (defaults to the length of `s`) +---@return boolean ok +function md5:update(s, len) end + +return md5 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/memcached.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/memcached.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79092d4cd --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/memcached.lua @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +---@meta +resty_memcached={} +function resty_memcached.cas(self, key, value, cas_uniq, exptime, flags) end +function resty_memcached.new(self, opts) end +function resty_memcached.append(self, ...) end +function resty_memcached.gets(self, key) end +function resty_memcached.quit(self) end +function resty_memcached.get_reused_times(self) end +function resty_memcached.close(self) end +function resty_memcached.touch(self, key, exptime) end +function resty_memcached.replace(self, ...) end +function resty_memcached.delete(self, key) end +function resty_memcached.version(self) end +function resty_memcached.set(self, ...) end +function resty_memcached.stats(self, args) end +function resty_memcached.flush_all(self, time) end +function resty_memcached.add(self, ...) end +function resty_memcached.set_timeout(self, timeout) end +function resty_memcached.incr(self, key, value) end +function resty_memcached.set_keepalive(self, ...) end +function resty_memcached.connect(self, ...) end +function resty_memcached.prepend(self, ...) end +function resty_memcached.decr(self, key, value) end +function resty_memcached.verbosity(self, level) end +resty_memcached._VERSION="0.13" +function resty_memcached.get(self, key) end +return resty_memcached \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/mysql.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/mysql.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..540d5d00b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/mysql.lua @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +---@meta +resty_mysql={} +function resty_mysql.read_result() end +function resty_mysql.new(self) end +function resty_mysql.connect(self, opts) end +function resty_mysql.server_ver(self) end +function resty_mysql.send_query() end +function resty_mysql.set_keepalive(self, ...) end +function resty_mysql.set_compact_arrays(self, value) end +function resty_mysql.query(self, query, est_nrows) end +function resty_mysql.set_timeout(self, timeout) end +function resty_mysql.close(self) end +resty_mysql._VERSION="0.21" +function resty_mysql.get_reused_times(self) end +return resty_mysql \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/random.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/random.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c71dae05a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/random.lua @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +---@meta +local random={} + +--- Generate random bytes. +---@param len integer +---@param strong boolean +---@return string +function random.bytes(len, strong) end + +return random \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/redis.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/redis.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6238f3380 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/redis.lua @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +---@meta +resty_redis={} +function resty_redis.lrange() end +function resty_redis.new(self) end +function resty_redis.hset() end +function resty_redis.hexists() end +function resty_redis.punsubscribe() end +function resty_redis.incr() end +function resty_redis.lindex() end +function resty_redis.read_reply(self) end +function resty_redis.sismember() end +function resty_redis.set() end +function resty_redis.unsubscribe() end +function resty_redis.linsert() end +function resty_redis.zrem() end +function resty_redis.add_commands(...) end +function resty_redis.array_to_hash(self, t) end +function resty_redis.mset() end +function resty_redis.commit_pipeline(self) end +function resty_redis.zrange() end +function resty_redis.auth() end +function resty_redis.cancel_pipeline(self) end +resty_redis._VERSION="0.27" +function resty_redis.eval() end +function resty_redis.expire() end +function resty_redis.sdiff() end +function resty_redis.sinter() end +function resty_redis.hmset(self, hashname, ...) end +function resty_redis.zrank() end +function resty_redis.psubscribe() end +function resty_redis.sunion() end +function resty_redis.sadd() end +function resty_redis.srem() end +function resty_redis.script() end +function resty_redis.lpush() end +function resty_redis.init_pipeline(self, n) end +function resty_redis.zincrby() end +function resty_redis.get_reused_times(self) end +function resty_redis.zrangebyscore() end +function resty_redis.zadd() end +function resty_redis.subscribe() end +function resty_redis.hdel() end +function resty_redis.hget() end +function resty_redis.sort() end +function resty_redis.smembers() end +function resty_redis.connect(self, ...) end +function resty_redis.hmget() end +function resty_redis.set_timeout(self, timeout) end +function resty_redis.mget() end +function resty_redis.set_keepalive(self, ...) end +function resty_redis.llen() end +function resty_redis.del() end +function resty_redis.decr() end +function resty_redis.lpop() end +function resty_redis.close() end +function resty_redis.get() end +return resty_redis \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/sha.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/sha.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..716d0bd14 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/sha.lua @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +---@meta +local resty_sha={} +resty_sha._VERSION = require("resty.string")._VERSION +return resty_sha \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/sha1.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/sha1.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..85d5ace1a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/sha1.lua @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +---@meta + +---@class resty.sha1 : resty.string.checksum +local sha1={} + +--- Create a new sha1 checksum object. +---@return resty.sha1 +function sha1:new() end + +return sha1 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/sha224.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/sha224.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b45f55cbe --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/sha224.lua @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +---@meta + +---@class resty.sha244 : resty.string.checksum +local sha224={} + +--- Create a new sha244 checksum object. +---@return resty.sha244 +function sha224:new() end + +return sha224 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/sha256.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/sha256.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..29e00eebd --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/sha256.lua @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +---@meta + +---@class resty.sha256 : resty.string.checksum +local sha256={} + +--- Create a new sha256 checksum object. +---@return resty.sha256 +function sha256:new() end + +return sha256 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/sha384.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/sha384.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f0e6e7b30 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/sha384.lua @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +---@meta + +---@class resty.sha384 : resty.string.checksum +local sha384={} + +--- Create a new sha384 checksum object. +---@return resty.sha384 +function sha384:new() end + +return sha384 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/sha512.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/sha512.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..afa1e9463 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/sha512.lua @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +---@meta + +---@class resty.sha512 : resty.string.checksum +local sha512={} + +--- Create a new sha512 checksum object. +---@return resty.sha512 +function sha512:new() end + +return sha512 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/shell.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/shell.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be2d41eaa --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/shell.lua @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +---@meta + +local shell = { + version = 0.03, +} + + +--- Runs a shell command, `cmd`, with an optional stdin. +--- +--- The `cmd` argument can either be a single string value (e.g. `"echo 'hello, +--- world'"`) or an array-like Lua table (e.g. `{"echo", "hello, world"}`). The +--- former is equivalent to `{"/bin/sh", "-c", "echo 'hello, world'"}`, but simpler +--- and slightly faster. +--- +--- When the `stdin` argument is `nil` or `""`, the stdin device will immediately +--- be closed. +--- +--- The `timeout` argument specifies the timeout threshold (in ms) for +--- stderr/stdout reading timeout, stdin writing timeout, and process waiting +--- timeout. The default is 10 seconds as per https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-core/blob/master/lib/ngx/pipe.md#set_timeouts +--- +--- The `max_size` argument specifies the maximum size allowed for each output +--- data stream of stdout and stderr. When exceeding the limit, the `run()` +--- function will immediately stop reading any more data from the stream and return +--- an error string in the `reason` return value: `"failed to read stdout: too much +--- data"`. +--- +--- Upon terminating successfully (with a zero exit status), `ok` will be `true`, +--- `reason` will be `"exit"`, and `status` will hold the sub-process exit status. +--- +--- Upon terminating abnormally (non-zero exit status), `ok` will be `false`, +--- `reason` will be `"exit"`, and `status` will hold the sub-process exit status. +--- +--- Upon exceeding a timeout threshold or any other unexpected error, `ok` will be +--- `nil`, and `reason` will be a string describing the error. +--- +--- When a timeout threshold is exceeded, the sub-process will be terminated as +--- such: +--- +--- 1. first, by receiving a `SIGTERM` signal from this library, +--- 2. then, after 1ms, by receiving a `SIGKILL` signal from this library. +--- +--- Note that child processes of the sub-process (if any) will not be terminated. +--- You may need to terminate these processes yourself. +--- +--- When the sub-process is terminated by a UNIX signal, the `reason` return value +--- will be `"signal"` and the `status` return value will hold the signal number. +--- +---@param cmd string|string[] +---@param stdin? string +---@param timeout? number +---@param max_size? number +--- +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? stdout +---@return string? stderr +---@return string|'"exit"'|'"signal"' reason +---@return number? status +function shell.run(cmd, stdin, timeout, max_size) end + + +return shell \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/signal.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/signal.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a7e42d42b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/signal.lua @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +---@meta + +local signal = { + version = 0.03, +} + + +---@alias resty.signal.name +---| "NONE" # SIG_NONE +---| "HUP" # SIG_HUP +---| "INT" # SIG_INT +---| "QUIT" # SIG_QUIT +---| "ILL" # SIG_ILL +---| "TRAP" # SIG_TRAP +---| "ABRT" # SIG_ABRT +---| "BUS" # SIG_BUS +---| "FPE" # SIG_FPE +---| "KILL" # SIG_KILL +---| "USR1" # SIG_USR1 +---| "SEGV" # SIG_SEGV +---| "USR2" # SIG_USR2 +---| "PIPE" # SIG_PIPE +---| "ALRM" # SIG_ALRM +---| "TERM" # SIG_TERM +---| "CHLD" # SIG_CHLD +---| "CONT" # SIG_CONT +---| "STOP" # SIG_STOP +---| "TSTP" # SIG_TSTP +---| "TTIN" # SIG_TTIN +---| "TTOU" # SIG_TTOU +---| "URG" # SIG_URG +---| "XCPU" # SIG_XCPU +---| "XFSZ" # SIG_XFSZ +---| "VTALRM" # SIG_VTALRM +---| "PROF" # SIG_PROF +---| "WINCH" # SIG_WINCH +---| "IO" # SIG_IO +---| "PWR" # SIG_PWR +---| "EMT" # SIG_EMT +---| "SYS" # SIG_SYS +---| "INFO" # SIG_INFO + + +---@alias resty.signal.signal +---| resty.signal.name +---| integer +---| string + + +--- +-- Sends a signal with its name string or number value to the process of the specified pid. +-- +-- All signal names accepted by signum are supported, like HUP, KILL, and TERM. +-- +-- Signal numbers are also supported when specifying nonportable system-specific signals is desired. +-- +---@param pid number +---@param signal_name_or_num resty.signal.signal +--- +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function signal.kill(pid, signal_name_or_num) end + + +--- +-- Maps the signal name specified to the system-specific signal number. +-- Returns `nil` if the signal name is not known. +-- +---@param name string|resty.signal.name +---@return integer|nil +function signal.signum(name) end + + +return signal \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/string.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/string.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e9852da87 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/string.lua @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +---@meta + +--- OpenResty string functions. +--- https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-string +local str = { + _VERSION = "0.14", +} + + +--- Encode byte string in hexidecimal. +--- +--- This is most useful for retrieving a printable string from a checksum +--- result. +--- +--- Usage: +--- +---```lua +--- local str = require "resty.string" +--- local md5 = require "resty.md5" +--- +--- local sum = md5:new() +--- sum:update("hello") +--- sum:update("goodbye") +--- local digest = sum:final() +--- print(str.to_hex(digest)) --> 441add4718519b71e42d329a834d6d5e +---``` +---@param s string +---@return string hex +function str.to_hex(s) end + +--- Convert an ASCII string to an integer. +--- +--- If the string is not numeric, `-1` is returned. +--- +--- Usage: +--- +---```lua +--- local str = require "resty.string" +--- print(str.atoi("250")) --> 250 +--- print(str.atoi("abc")) --> -1 +---``` +--- +---@param s string +---@return number +function str.atoi(s) end + + +--- A lua-resty-string checksum object. +---@class resty.string.checksum : table +local checksum = { + _VERSION = str._VERSION, +} + +--- Create a new checksum object. +---@return resty.string.checksum? +function checksum:new() end + +--- Add a string to the checksum data. +--- +--- This can be called multiple times. +--- +---@param s string +---@return boolean ok +function checksum:update(s) end + +--- Calculate the final checksum. +---@return string? digest +function checksum:final() end + +--- Reset the checksum object. +---@return boolean ok +function checksum:reset() end + + +return str \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/upload.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/upload.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..505bf766d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/upload.lua @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +---@meta +resty_upload={} +function resty_upload.read(self) end +function resty_upload.set_timeout(self, timeout) end +resty_upload._VERSION="0.10" +function resty_upload.new(self, chunk_size, max_line_size) end +return resty_upload \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/upstream/healthcheck.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/upstream/healthcheck.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..824dc1838 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/upstream/healthcheck.lua @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +---@meta +resty_upstream_healthcheck={} +function resty_upstream_healthcheck.status_page() end +resty_upstream_healthcheck._VERSION="0.05" +function resty_upstream_healthcheck.spawn_checker(opts) end +return resty_upstream_healthcheck \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/websocket/client.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/websocket/client.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..12615483c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/websocket/client.lua @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +---@meta + +---@class resty.websocket.client : resty.websocket +local client = { + _VERSION = "0.09" +} + +---Instantiates a WebSocket client object. +--- +---In case of error, it returns nil and a string describing the error. +--- +---An optional options table can be specified. +--- +---@param opts? resty.websocket.new.opts +---@return resty.websocket.client? client +---@return string? error +function client:new(opts) end + +---Connects to the remote WebSocket service port and performs the websocket +---handshake process on the client side. +--- +---Before actually resolving the host name and connecting to the remote backend, +---this method will always look up the connection pool for matched idle +---connections created by previous calls of this method. +--- +---@param url string +---@param opts? resty.websocket.client.connect.opts +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function client:connect(uri, opts) end + +--- Puts the current WebSocket connection immediately into the ngx_lua cosocket connection pool. +--- +--- You can specify the max idle timeout (in ms) when the connection is in the pool and the maximal size of the pool every nginx worker process. +--- +--- In case of success, returns 1. In case of errors, returns nil with a string describing the error. +--- +--- Only call this method in the place you would have called the close method instead. Calling this method will immediately turn the current WebSocket object into the closed state. Any subsequent operations other than connect() on the current object will return the closed error. +---- +---@param max_idle_timeout number +---@param pool_size integer +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function client:set_keepalive(max_idle_timeout, pool_size) end + +---Closes the current WebSocket connection. +--- +---If no close frame is sent yet, then the close frame will be automatically sent. +--- +---@return boolean ok +---@return string? error +function client:close() end + +---@class resty.websocket.client.connect.opts : table +--- +---@field protocols string|string[] subprotocol(s) used for the current WebSocket session +---@field origin string the value of the Origin request header +---@field pool string custom name for the connection pool being used. If omitted, then the connection pool name will be generated from the string template :. +---@field ssl_verify boolean whether to perform SSL certificate verification during the SSL handshake if the wss:// scheme is used. +---@field headers string[] custom headers to be sent in the handshake request. The table is expected to contain strings in the format {"a-header: a header value", "another-header: another header value"}. + + +return client \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/websocket/protocol.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/websocket/protocol.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..235919283 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/websocket/protocol.lua @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +---@meta + +---@class resty.websocket.protocol +local protocol = { + _VERSION = "0.09", +} + +--- websocket object +--- https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-websocket +--- +---@class resty.websocket : table +---@field sock tcpsock +---@field fatal boolean +---@field max_payload_len number +---@field send_masked boolean +local websocket = {} + +---@param ms integer sets the timeout delay (in milliseconds) for the network-related operations +function websocket:set_timeout(ms) end + +---Sends the text argument out as an unfragmented data frame of the text type. +--- +---Returns the number of bytes that have actually been sent on the TCP level. +--- +---In case of errors, returns nil and a string describing the error. +--- +---@param text string +---@return integer? bytes +---@return string? error +function websocket:send_text(text) end + +---Sends the data argument out as an unfragmented data frame of the binary type. +--- +---Returns the number of bytes that have actually been sent on the TCP level. +--- +---In case of errors, returns nil and a string describing the error. +--- +---@param data string +---@return integer? bytes +---@return string? error +function websocket:send_binary(data) end + +---Sends out a ping frame with an optional message specified by the msg argument. +---Returns the number of bytes that have actually been sent on the TCP level. +--- +---In case of errors, returns nil and a string describing the error. +--- +---Note that this method does not wait for a pong frame from the remote end. +--- +---@param msg? string +---@return integer? bytes +---@return string? error +function websocket:send_ping(msg) end + +---Sends out a pong frame with an optional message specified by the msg argument. +---Returns the number of bytes that have actually been sent on the TCP level. +--- +---In case of errors, returns nil and a string describing the error. +---@param msg? string +---@return integer? bytes +---@return string? error +function websocket:send_pong(msg) end + +---Sends out a close frame with an optional status code and a message. +--- +---In case of errors, returns nil and a string describing the error. +--- +---For a list of valid status code, see the following document: +--- +---http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-7.4.1 +--- +---Note that this method does not wait for a close frame from the remote end. +---@param code? integer +---@param msg? string +---@return integer? bytes +---@return string? error +function websocket:send_close(code, msg) end + +---Sends out a raw websocket frame by specifying the fin field (boolean value), the opcode, and the payload. +--- +---For a list of valid opcode, see +--- +---http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-5.2 +--- +---In case of errors, returns nil and a string describing the error. +--- +---To control the maximal payload length allowed, you can pass the max_payload_len option to the new constructor. +--- +---To control whether to send masked frames, you can pass true to the send_masked option in the new constructor method. By default, unmasked frames are sent. +---@param fin boolean +---@param opcode resty.websocket.protocol.opcode +---@param payload string +---@return integer? bytes +---@return string? error +function websocket:send_frame(fin, opcode, payload) end + +---Receives a WebSocket frame from the wire. +--- +---In case of an error, returns two nil values and a string describing the error. +--- +---The second return value is always the frame type, which could be one of continuation, text, binary, close, ping, pong, or nil (for unknown types). +--- +---For close frames, returns 3 values: the extra status message (which could be an empty string), the string "close", and a Lua number for the status code (if any). For possible closing status codes, see +--- +---http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-7.4.1 +--- +---For other types of frames, just returns the payload and the type. +--- +---For fragmented frames, the err return value is the Lua string "again". +--- +---@return string? data +---@return resty.websocket.protocol.type? typ +---@return string|integer? error_or_status_code +function websocket:recv_frame() end + +---@class resty.websocket.new.opts : table +---@field max_payload_len integer maximal length of payload allowed when sending and receiving WebSocket frames +---@field send_masked boolean whether to send out masked WebSocket frames +---@field timeout integer network timeout threshold in milliseconds + + +--- Websocket op code +--- +--- Defines the interpretation of the payload data. +--- +--- See RFC 6455 section 5.2 +--- +---@alias resty.websocket.protocol.opcode +---| '0x0' # continuation +---| '0x1' # text +---| '0x2' # binary +---| '0x8' # close +---| '0x9' # ping +---| '0xa' # pong + +---@alias resty.websocket.protocol.type +---| '"continuation"' +---| '"text"' +---| '"binary"' +---| '"close"' +---| '"ping"' +---| '"pong"' + +--- Builds a raw WebSocket frame. +---@param fin boolean +---@param opcode resty.websocket.protocol.opcode +---@param payload_len integer +---@param payload string +---@param masking boolean +---@return string +function protocol.build_frame(fin, opcode, payload_len, payload, masking) end + +--- Sends a raw WebSocket frame. +---@param sock tcpsock +---@param fin boolean +---@param opcode resty.websocket.protocol.opcode +---@param payload string +---@param max_payload_len interger +---@param masking boolean +---@return bytes? number +---@return string? error +function protocol.send_frame(sock, fin, opcode, payload, max_payload_len, masking) end + +--- Receives a WebSocket frame from the wire. +---@param sock tcpsock +---@param max_payload_len interger +---@param force_masking boolean +---@return string? data +---@return resty.websocket.protocol.type? typ +---@return string? error +function protocol.recv_frame(sock, max_payload_len, force_masking) end + +return protocol \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/websocket/server.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/websocket/server.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c8f502a2c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/resty/websocket/server.lua @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +---@meta + +---@class resty.websocket.server : resty.websocket +local server = { + _VERSION = "0.09" +} + +---Performs the websocket handshake process on the server side and returns a WebSocket server object. +--- +---In case of error, it returns nil and a string describing the error. +---@param opts? resty.websocket.new.opts +---@return resty.websocket.server? server +---@return string? error +function server:new(opts) end + +return server \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/table/clone.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/table/clone.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ff2ce8701 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/table/clone.lua @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +---@meta + +--- Returns a shallow copy of the given Lua table. +--- +--- This API can be JIT compiled. +--- +--- Usage: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local clone = require "table.clone" +--- +--- local x = {x=12, y={5, 6, 7}} +--- local y = clone(x) +--- ``` +--- +--- **Note:** We observe 7% over-all speedup in the edgelang-fan compiler's +--- compiling speed whose Lua is generated by the fanlang compiler. +--- +--- **Note bis:** Deep cloning is planned to be supported by adding `true` as a second argument. +--- +---@param t table +---@return table +local function clone(t) end + +return clone diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/table/isarray.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/table/isarray.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f2ee3c728 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/table/isarray.lua @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +---@meta + +--- Returns `true` when the given Lua table is a pure array-like Lua table, or +--- `false` otherwise. +--- +--- Empty Lua tables are treated as arrays. +--- +--- This API can be JIT compiled. +--- +--- Usage: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local isarray = require "table.isarray" +--- +--- print(isarray{"a", true, 3.14}) -- true +--- print(isarray{dog = 3}) -- false +--- print(isarray{}) -- true +--- ``` +---@param t table +---@return boolean +local function isarray(t) end + +return isarray diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/table/isempty.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/table/isempty.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b1cef6fbf --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/table/isempty.lua @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +---@meta + +--- Returns `true` when the given Lua table contains neither non-nil array elements nor non-nil key-value pairs, or `false` otherwise. +--- +--- This API can be JIT compiled. +--- Usage: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local isempty = require "table.isempty" +--- +--- print(isempty({})) -- true +--- print(isempty({nil, dog = nil})) -- true +--- print(isempty({"a", "b"})) -- false +--- print(isempty({nil, 3})) -- false +--- print(isempty({cat = 3})) -- false +--- ``` +--- +---@param t table +---@return boolean +local function isempty(t) end + +return isempty diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/table/nkeys.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/table/nkeys.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..41a42d6a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/table/nkeys.lua @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +---@meta + +--- Returns the total number of elements in a given Lua table (i.e. from both the +--- array and hash parts combined). +--- +--- This API can be JIT compiled. +--- +--- Usage: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local nkeys = require "table.nkeys" +--- +--- print(nkeys({})) -- 0 +--- print(nkeys({ "a", nil, "b" })) -- 2 +--- print(nkeys({ dog = 3, cat = 4, bird = nil })) -- 2 +--- print(nkeys({ "a", dog = 3, cat = 4 })) -- 3 +--- ``` +--- +---@param t table +---@return integer +local function nkeys(t) end + +return nkeys diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/tablepool.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/tablepool.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..db47f3e7f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/tablepool.lua @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +---@meta +local tablepool = {} + +--- Releases the already used Lua table, `tb`, into the table pool named `pool_name`. If the specified table pool does not exist, create it right away. +--- +--- The caller must *not* continue using the released Lua table, `tb`, after this call. Otherwise random data corruption is expected. +--- +--- The optional `no_clear` parameter specifies whether to clear the contents in the Lua table `tb` before putting it into the pool. Defaults to `false`, that is, always clearing the Lua table. +--- +--- If you always initialize all the elements in the Lua table and always use the exactly same number of elements in the Lua table, then you can set this argument to `true` to avoid the overhead of explicit table clearing. +--- +--- According to the current implementation, for maximum 200 Lua tables can be cached in an individual pool. We may make this configurable in the future. If the specified table pool already exceeds its size limit, then the `tb` table is subject to garbage collection. This behavior is to avoid potential memory leak due to unbalanced `fetch` and `release` method calls. +--- +---@param pool_name string +---@param tb table +---@param no_clear? boolean +function tablepool.release(pool_name, tb, no_clear) end + +--- Fetches a (free) Lua table from the table pool of the specified name `pool_name`. +--- +--- If the pool does not exist or the pool is empty, simply create a Lua table whose array part has `narr` elements and whose hash table part has `nrec` elements. +--- +---@param pool_name string +---@param narr number size of the array-like part of the table +---@param nrec number size of the hash-like part of the table +---@return table +function tablepool.fetch(pool_name, narr, nrec) end + +return tablepool \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/thread/exdata.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/thread/exdata.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..22573d840 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/thread/exdata.lua @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +---@meta + +--- **syntax:** *exdata = th_exdata(data?)* +--- +--- This API allows for embedding user data into a thread (`lua_State`). +--- +--- The retrieved `exdata` value on the Lua land is represented as a cdata object +--- of the ctype `void*`. +--- +--- As of this version, retrieving the `exdata` (i.e. `th_exdata()` without any +--- argument) can be JIT compiled. +--- +--- Usage: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local th_exdata = require "thread.exdata" +--- +--- th_exdata(0xdeadbeefLL) -- set the exdata of the current Lua thread +--- local exdata = th_exdata() -- fetch the exdata of the current Lua thread +--- ``` +--- +--- Also available are the following public C API functions for manipulating +--- `exdata` on the C land: +--- +--- ```C +--- void lua_setexdata(lua_State *L, void *exdata); +--- void *lua_getexdata(lua_State *L); +--- ``` +--- +--- The `exdata` pointer is initialized to `NULL` when the main thread is created. +--- Any child Lua thread will inherit its parent's `exdata`, but still can override +--- it. +--- +--- **Note:** This API will not be available if LuaJIT is compiled with +--- `-DLUAJIT_DISABLE_FFI`. +--- +--- **Note bis:** This API is used internally by the OpenResty core, and it is +--- strongly discouraged to use it yourself in the context of OpenResty. +---@param data? any +---@return any? data +local function exdata(data) end + +return exdata \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/thread/exdata2.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/thread/exdata2.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0387849d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/thread/exdata2.lua @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +---@meta + +--- Similar to `thread.exdata` but for a 2nd separate user data as a pointer value. +---@param data? any +---@return any? data +local function exdata2(data) end + +return exdata2 diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/toComment.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/toComment.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..32a4d7589 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/OpenResty/library/toComment.lua @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +---@meta +toComment={} +return toComment \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/bee/config.json b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/bee/config.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0dce58173 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/bee/config.json @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +{ + "name" : "bee", + "words" : [ "require[%s%(\"']+bee%.%w+[%)\"']" ] +} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/bee/library/bee/filesystem.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/bee/library/bee/filesystem.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7cd4dcbb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/bee/library/bee/filesystem.lua @@ -0,0 +1,240 @@ +---@meta + +local m = {} + +---@enum bee.filesystem.copy_options +local copy_options = { + none = 0, + skip_existing = 1, + overwrite_existing = 2, + update_existing = 4, + recursive = 8, + copy_symlinks = 16, + skip_symlinks = 32, + directories_only = 64, + create_symlinks = 128, + create_hard_links = 256, + __in_recursive_copy = 512, +} + +---@alias bee.filesystem.path_arg string|bee.filesystem.path + +---@class bee.filesystem.path +---@operator div(any):bee.filesystem.path +---@operator concat(any):bee.filesystem.path +local path = {} + +---@return string +function path:string() +end + +---@return bee.filesystem.path +function path:filename() +end + +---@return bee.filesystem.path +function path:parent_path() +end + +---@return bee.filesystem.path +function path:stem() +end + +---@return bee.filesystem.path +function path:extension() +end + +---@return boolean +function path:is_absolute() +end + +---@return boolean +function path:is_relative() +end + +---@return bee.filesystem.path +function path:remove_filename() +end + +---@param filename bee.filesystem.path_arg +---@return bee.filesystem.path +function path:replace_filename(filename) +end + +---@param extension bee.filesystem.path_arg +---@return bee.filesystem.path +function path:replace_extension(extension) +end + +---@param path bee.filesystem.path_arg +---@return boolean +function path:equal_extension(path) +end + +---@return bee.filesystem.path +function path:lexically_normal() +end + +---@class bee.filesystem.file_status +local file_status = {} + +---@alias bee.filesystem.file_type +---| "'none'" +---| "'not_found'" +---| "'regular'" +---| "'directory'" +---| "'symlink'" +---| "'block'" +---| "'character'" +---| "'fifo'" +---| "'socket'" +---| "'junction'" +---| "'unknown'" + +---@return bee.filesystem.file_type +function file_status:type() +end + +---@return boolean +function file_status:exists() +end + +---@return boolean +function file_status:is_directory() +end + +---@return boolean +function file_status:is_regular_file() +end + +---@class bee.filesystem.directory_entry +local directory_entry = {} + +---@return bee.filesystem.path +function directory_entry:path() +end + +---@return bee.filesystem.file_status +function directory_entry:status() +end + +---@return bee.filesystem.file_status +function directory_entry:symlink_status() +end + +---@return bee.filesystem.file_type +function directory_entry:type() +end + +---@return boolean +function directory_entry:exists() +end + +---@return boolean +function directory_entry:is_directory() +end + +---@return boolean +function directory_entry:is_regular_file() +end + +---@return bee.filesystem.path +function m.path(path) +end + +---@return bee.filesystem.file_status +function m.status(path) +end + +---@return bee.filesystem.file_status +function m.symlink_status(path) +end + +---@return boolean +function m.exists(path) +end + +---@return boolean +function m.is_directory(path) +end + +---@return boolean +function m.is_regular_file(path) +end + +function m.create_directory(path) +end + +function m.create_directories(path) +end + +function m.rename(from, to) +end + +function m.remove(path) +end + +function m.remove_all(path) +end + +---@return bee.filesystem.path +function m.current_path() +end + +---@param options bee.filesystem.copy_options +function m.copy(from, to, options) +end + +---@param options bee.filesystem.copy_options +function m.copy_file(from, to, options) +end + +function m.absolute(path) +end + +function m.canonical(path) +end + +function m.relative(path) +end + +function m.last_write_time(path) +end + +function m.permissions(path) +end + +function m.create_symlink(target, link) +end + +function m.create_directory_symlink(target, link) +end + +function m.create_hard_link(target, link) +end + +---@return bee.filesystem.path +function m.temp_directory_path() +end + +---@return fun(table: bee.filesystem.path[]): bee.filesystem.path +function m.pairs(path) +end + +---@return bee.filesystem.path +function m.exe_path() +end + +---@return bee.filesystem.path +function m.dll_path() +end + +---@return bee.file +function m.filelock(path) +end + +---@return bee.filesystem.path +function m.fullpath(path) +end + +return m diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/bee/library/bee/platform.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/bee/library/bee/platform.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f380a9bf4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/bee/library/bee/platform.lua @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +---@meta + +---@alias bee.platform.os +---| '"windows"' +---| '"android"' +---| '"linux"' +---| '"netbsd"' +---| '"freebsd"' +---| '"openbsd"' +---| '"ios"' +---| '"macos"' +---| '"unknown"' + +---@alias bee.platform.OS +---| '"Windows"' +---| '"Android"' +---| '"Linux"' +---| '"NetBSD"' +---| '"FreeBSD"' +---| '"OpenBSD"' +---| '"iOS"' +---| '"macOS"' +---| '"unknown"' + +---@alias bee.platform.arch +---| '"x86"' +---| '"x86_64"' +---| '"arm"' +---| '"arm64"' +---| '"riscv"' +---| '"unknown"' + +---@alias bee.platform.compiler +---| '"clang"' +---| '"gcc"' +---| '"msvc"' +---| '"unknown"' + +---@alias bee.platform.crt +---| '"msvc"' +---| '"bionic"' +---| '"libstdc++"' +---| '"libc++"' +---| '"unknown"' + +local m = { + ---@type bee.platform.os + os = "unknown", + ---@type bee.platform.OS + OS = "unknown", + ---@type bee.platform.compiler + Compiler = "clang", + CompilerVersion = "", + CRTVersion = "", + ---@type bee.platform.crt + CRT = "msvc", + ---@type bee.platform.arch + Arch = "x86", + DEBUG = false, +} + +return m diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/bee/library/bee/subprocess.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/bee/library/bee/subprocess.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0c979729e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/bee/library/bee/subprocess.lua @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +---@meta + +---@class bee.file:lightuserdata +local file = {} + +---@alias bee.file.readmode integer|"'a'" + +---@param mode bee.file.readmode +---@return string +function file:read(mode) +end + +---@param buf number|integer|string +function file:write(buf) +end + +---@return fun():string +function file:lines() +end + +function file:flush() +end + +function file:close() +end + +---@param mode "'no'"|"'full'"|"'line'" +function file:setvbuf(mode) +end + +---@class bee.process +---@field stderr bee.file? +---@field stdout bee.file? +---@field stdin bee.file? +local process = {} + +---@return integer exit_code +function process:wait() +end + +---@return boolean success +function process:kill() +end + +---@return integer process_id +function process:get_id() +end + +---@return boolean is_running +function process:is_running() +end + +---@return boolean success +function process:resume() +end + +---@return any native_handle +function process:native_handle() +end + +---@class bee.subprocess +local m = {} + +---@alias bee.bee.subprocess.spawn_io_arg boolean|file*|bee.file|"'stderr'"|"'stdout'" + +---@class bee.subprocess.spawn.options : string[] +---@field stdin bee.bee.subprocess.spawn_io_arg? +---@field stdout bee.bee.subprocess.spawn_io_arg? +---@field stderr bee.bee.subprocess.spawn_io_arg? +---@field env table? +---@field suspended boolean? +---@field detached boolean? + +---@param options bee.subprocess.spawn.options +---@return bee.process process +function m.spawn(options) +end + +---@param file file*|bee.file +---@return integer offset +---@return string? error_message +function m.peek(file) +end + +function m.filemode() +end + +---@param name string +---@param value string +---@return boolean success +---@return string? error_message +function m.setenv(name, value) +end + +---@return integer current_process_id +function m.get_id() +end + +return m diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/bee/library/bee/thread.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/bee/library/bee/thread.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9e005ea45 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/bee/library/bee/thread.lua @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +---@meta + +---@class bee.rpc:lightuserdata + +---@class bee.thread_obj:lightuserdata + +---@class bee.channel +local channel = {} + +function channel:push(...) +end + +---@return boolean ok +---@return ... +function channel:pop() +end + +---@return ... +function channel:bpop() +end + +---@class bee.thread +local m = {} + +function m.sleep(sec) +end + +---@return bee.thread_obj +function m.thread(source, params) +end + +function m.newchannel(name) +end + +---@return bee.channel +function m.channel(name) +end + +function m.reset() +end + +---@param th bee.thread_obj +function m.wait(th) +end + +function m.setname(name) +end + +---@return bee.rpc +function m.rpc_create() +end + +function m.rpc_wait(rpc) +end + +function m.rpc_return(rpc) +end + +function m.preload_module() +end + +return m diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/busted/config.json b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/busted/config.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d91b2627b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/busted/config.json @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +{ + "settings": { + "Lua.workspace.library": [ + "${3rd}/luassert/library" + ] + } +} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/busted/library/busted.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/busted/library/busted.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..10c06d604 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/busted/library/busted.lua @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +---@meta + +assert = require("luassert") +spy = require("luassert.spy") +stub = require("luassert.stub") +mock = require("luassert.mock") + +---Undocumented feature with unknown purpose. +---@param filename string +function file(filename) end + +---Mark a test as placeholder. +--- +---This will not fail or pass, it will simply be marked as "pending". +---@param name string +---@param block fun() +function pending(name, block) end + +---Define the start of an asynchronous test. +--- +---Call `done()` at the end of your test to complete it. +--- +---## Example +---``` +---it("Makes an http request", function() +--- async() +--- http.get("https://github.com", function() +--- print("Got Website!") +--- done() +--- end) +---end) +---``` +function async() end + +---Mark the end of an asynchronous test. +--- +---Should be paired with a call to `async()`. +function done() end + +---Used to define a set of tests. Can be nested to define sub-tests. +--- +---## Example +---``` +---describe("Test Item Class", function() +--- it("Creates an item", function() +--- --... +--- end) +--- describe("Test Tags", function() +--- it("Creates a tag", function() +--- --... +--- end) +--- end) +---end) +---``` +---@param name string +---@param block fun() +function describe(name, block) end + +context = describe + +---Functions like `describe()` except it exposes the test's environment to +---outer contexts +--- +---## Example +---``` +---describe("Test exposing", function() +--- expose("Exposes a value", function() +--- _G.myValue = 10 +--- end) +--- +---end) +--- +---describe("Another test in the same file", function() +--- assert.are.equal(10, myValue) +---end) +---``` +---@param name string +---@param block fun() +function expose(name, block) end + +---Functions like `describe()` except it insulates the test's environment to +---only this context. +--- +---This is the default behaviour of `describe()`. +--- +---## Example +---``` +---describe("Test exposing", function() +--- insulate("Insulates a value", function() +--- _G.myValue = 10 +--- end) +--- +---end) +--- +---describe("Another test in the same file", function() +--- assert.is.Nil(myValue) +---end) +---``` +---@param name string +---@param block fun() +function insulate(name, block) end + +---Randomize tests nested in this block. +--- +---## Example +---``` +---describe("A randomized test", function() +--- randomize() +--- it("My order is random", function() end) +--- it("My order is also random", function() end) +---end) +---``` +function randomize() end + +---Define a test that will pass, fail, or error. +--- +---You can also use `spec()` and `test()` as aliases. +--- +---## Example +---``` +---describe("Test something", function() +--- it("Runs a test", function() +--- assert.is.True(10 == 10) +--- end) +---end) +---``` +---@param name string +---@param block fun() +function it(name, block) end + +spec = it +test = it + +---Define a function to run before each child test, this includes tests nested +---in a child describe block. +--- +---## Example +---``` +---describe("Test Array Class", function() +--- local a +--- local b +--- +--- before_each(function() +--- a = Array.new(1, 2, 3, 4) +--- b = Array.new(11, 12, 13, 14) +--- end) +--- +--- it("Assures instance is an Array", function() +--- assert.True(Array.isArray(a)) +--- assert.True(Array.isArray(b)) +--- end) +--- +--- describe("Nested tests", function() +--- it("Also runs before_each", function() +--- assert.are.same( +--- { 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14 }, +--- a:concat(b)) +--- end) +--- end) +---end) +---``` +---@param block fun() +function before_each(block) end + +---Define a function to run after each child test, this includes tests nested +---in a child describe block. +--- +---## Example +---``` +---describe("Test saving", function() +--- local game +--- +--- after_each(function() +--- game.save.reset() +--- end) +--- +--- it("Creates game", function() +--- game = game.new() +--- game.save.save() +--- end) +--- +--- describe("Saves metadata", function() +--- it("Saves objects", function() +--- game = game.new() +--- game.save.save() +--- assert.is_not.Nil(game.save.objects) +--- end) +--- end) +---end) +---``` +---@param block fun() +function after_each(block) end + +---Runs first in a context block before any tests. +--- +---Will always run even if there are no child tests to run. If you don't want +---them to run regardless, you can use `lazy_setup()` or use the `--lazy` flag +---when running. +--- +---## Example +---``` +---describe("Test something", function() +--- local helper +--- +--- setup(function() +--- helper = require("helper") +--- end) +--- +--- it("Can use helper", function() +--- assert.is_not.Nil(helper) +--- end) +---end) +---``` +---@param block fun() +function setup(block) end + +strict_setup = setup + +---Runs first in a context block before any tests. Only runs if there are child +---tests to run. +--- +---## Example +---``` +---describe("Test something", function() +--- local helper +--- +--- -- Will not run because there are no tests +--- lazy_setup(function() +--- helper = require("helper") +--- end) +--- +---end) +---``` +---@param block fun() +function lazy_setup(block) end + +---Runs last in a context block after all tests. +--- +---Will run ever if no tests were run in this context. If you don't want this +---to run regardless, you can use `lazy_teardown()` or use the `--lazy` flag +---when running. +--- +---## Example +---``` +---describe("Remove persistent value", function() +--- local persist +--- +--- it("Sets a persistent value", function() +--- persist = "hello" +--- end) +--- +--- teardown(function() +--- persist = nil +--- end) +--- +---end) +---``` +---@param block fun() +function teardown(block) end + +strict_teardown = teardown + +---Runs last in a context block after all tests. +--- +---Will only run if tests were run in this context. +--- +---## Example +---``` +---describe("Remove persistent value", function() +--- local persist +--- +--- -- Will not run because no tests were run +--- lazy_teardown(function() +--- persist = nil +--- end) +--- +---end) +---``` +---@param block fun() +function lazy_teardown(block) end + +---Runs last in a context block regardless of test outcome +--- +---## Example +---``` +---it("Read File Contents",function() +--- local f = io.open("file", "r") +--- +--- -- always close file after test +--- finally(function() +--- f:close() +--- end) +--- +--- -- do stuff with f +---end) +---``` +---@param block fun() +function finally(block) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/example/config.json b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/example/config.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..79170468f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/example/config.json @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +{ + // if not set, the folder name will be used + "name" : "Example", + // list of matched words + "words" : ["thisIsAnExampleWord%.ifItExistsInFile%.thenTryLoadThisLibrary"], + // list or matched file names. `.lua`, `.dll` and `.so` only + "files" : ["thisIsAnExampleFile%.ifItExistsInWorkSpace%.thenTryLoadThisLibrary%.lua"], + // lsit of settings to be changed + "settings" : { + "Lua.runtime.version" : "LuaJIT", + "Lua.diagnostics.globals" : [ + "global1", + "global2" + ], + "Lua.runtime.special" : { + "include" : "require" + }, + "Lua.runtime.builtin" : { + "io" : "disable" + } + } +} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/example/library/love.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/example/library/love.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ebde998cd --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/example/library/love.lua @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +---@meta + +local m = {} + +function m.thisIsAnExampleLibrary() +end + +return m diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/example/plugin.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/example/plugin.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0ece12f5e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/example/plugin.lua @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +-- if this file exists, then change setting `Lua.runtime.plugin` +-- see https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/wiki/Plugins + +function OnSetText(uri, text) + local diffs = {} + + for start, finish in text:gmatch '()pairs()' do + diffs[#diffs+1] = { + start = start, + finish = finish - 1, + text = 'safepairs' + } + end + + return diffs +end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/ffi-reflect/config.json b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/ffi-reflect/config.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..544b7b4dd --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/ffi-reflect/config.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/ffi-reflect/library/reflect.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/ffi-reflect/library/reflect.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8a9b759c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/ffi-reflect/library/reflect.lua @@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ +---@meta + +---@alias ffi.typeinfo.what "int" +---|"void" +---|"float" +---|"enum" +---|"constant" +---|"ptr" +---|"ref" +---|"array" +---|"struct" +---|"union" +---|"func" +---|"field" +---|"bitfield" +---|"typedef" + +---@class ffi.typeinfo +---@field what ffi.typeinfo.what + +---@class ffi.enuminfo : ffi.typeinfo +---@field name string? +---@field size number|string +---@field alignment number +---@field type ffi.typeinfo +local enuminfo = {} + +---@return ffi.constantinfo[] +function enuminfo:values() +end + +---@return ffi.constantinfo +function enuminfo:value(name_or_index) +end + +---@class ffi.funcinfo : ffi.typeinfo +---@field name string? +---@field sym_name string? +---@field return_type ffi.funcinfo +---@field nargs integer +---@field vararg boolean +---@field sse_reg_params boolean +---@field convention "cdecl"|"thiscall"|"fastcall"|"stdcall" +local funcinfo = {} + +---@return ffi.fieldinfo[] +function funcinfo:arguments() +end + +---@return ffi.fieldinfo +function funcinfo:argument(name_or_index) +end + +---@class ffi.unioninfo : ffi.typeinfo +---@field name string? +---@field size integer +---@field alignment number +---@field const boolean +---@field volatile boolean +---@field transparent boolean +local unioninfo = {} + +---@return ffi.typeinfo[] +function unioninfo:members() +end + +---@return ffi.typeinfo +function unioninfo:member(name_or_index) +end + +---@class ffi.structinfo : ffi.unioninfo +---@field vla boolean + +---@class ffi.floatinfo : ffi.typeinfo +---@field size integer +---@field alignment number +---@field const boolean +---@field volatile boolean + +---@alias ffi.voidinfo ffi.floatinfo + +---@class ffi.intinfo : ffi.floatinfo +---@field bool boolean +---@field unsigned boolean +---@field long boolean + +---@class ffi.constantinfo : ffi.typeinfo +---@field name string? +---@field type ffi.typeinfo +---@field value integer + +---@class ffi.ptrinfo : ffi.typeinfo +---@field size integer +---@field alignment number +---@field const boolean +---@field volatile boolean +---@field element_type ffi.typeinfo + +---@alias ffi.refinfo ffi.ptrinfo + +---@class ffi.arrayinfo : ffi.ptrinfo +---@field vla boolean +---@field vector boolean +---@field complex boolean + +---@class ffi.fieldinfo : ffi.typeinfo +---@field name string? +---@field offset number +---@field type ffi.typeinfo + +---@class ffi.bitfield : ffi.fieldinfo +---@field size integer|string + +local reflect = {} + +---reflection cdata c defined +---@param v ffi.cdata* +---@return ffi.typeinfo +function reflect.typeof(v) +end + +---try get cdata metatable +---@param v ffi.cdata* +---@return table +function reflect.getmetatable(v) +end + +return reflect \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lfs/config.json b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lfs/config.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b7400123f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lfs/config.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "name" : "luafilesystem", + "words" : [ "require[%s%(\"']+lfs[%)\"']" ], + "settings" : { + "Lua.diagnostics.globals" : [ + "lfs" + ] + } +} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lfs/library/lfs.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lfs/library/lfs.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4016152a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lfs/library/lfs.lua @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +---@meta + +---@class LuaFileSystem.Attributes +---@field [LuaFileSystem.AttributeName] any +---@field ['mode'] LuaFileSystem.AttributeMode + +---@alias LuaFileSystem.AttributeMode +---|'file' +---|'directory' +---|'link' +---|'socket' +---|'char device' +---|"block device" +---|"named pipe" + +---@alias LuaFileSystem.AttributeName +---|'dev' -- on Unix systems, this represents the device that the inode resides on. On Windows systems, represents the drive number of the disk containing the file +---|'ino' -- on Unix systems, this represents the inode number. On Windows systems this has no meaning +---|'mode' -- string representing the associated protection mode (the values could be file, directory, link, socket, named pipe, char device, block device or other) +---|'nlink' -- number of hard links to the file +---|'uid' -- user-id of owner (Unix only, always 0 on Windows) +---|'gid' -- group-id of owner (Unix only, always 0 on Windows) +---|'rdev' -- on Unix systems, represents the device type, for special file inodes. On Windows systems represents the same as dev +---|'access' -- time of last access +---|'modification' -- time of last data modification +---|'change' -- time of last file status change +---|'size' -- file size, in bytes +---|'permissions' -- file permissions string +---|'blocks' -- block allocated for file; (Unix only) +---|'blksize' -- optimal file system I/O blocksize; (Unix only) + +---@class LuaFileSystem +local lfs = {} + +--[[ +Returns a table with the file attributes corresponding to filepath (or nil followed by an error message and a system-dependent error code in case of error). If the second optional argument is given and is a string, then only the value of the named attribute is returned (this use is equivalent to lfs.attributes(filepath)[request_name], but the table is not created and only one attribute is retrieved from the O.S.). if a table is passed as the second argument, it (result_table) is filled with attributes and returned instead of a new table. The attributes are described as follows; attribute mode is a string, all the others are numbers, and the time related attributes use the same time reference of os.time: +]] +---@overload fun(filepath:string):LuaFileSystem.Attributes +---@overload fun(filepath:string, result_table:LuaFileSystem.Attributes) +---@param filepath string +---@param request_name LuaFileSystem.AttributeName +---@return string|integer|LuaFileSystem.AttributeMode +function lfs.attributes(filepath, request_name) +end + +--[[ +Changes the current working directory to the given path. +Returns true in case of success or nil plus an error string. +]] +---@param path string +---@return boolean, string +function lfs.chdir(path) +end + +--[[ +Creates a lockfile (called lockfile.lfs) in path if it does not exist and returns the lock. If the lock already exists checks if it's stale, using the second parameter (default for the second parameter is INT_MAX, which in practice means the lock will never be stale. To free the the lock call lock:free(). +In case of any errors it returns nil and the error message. In particular, if the lock exists and is not stale it returns the "File exists" message. +]] +---@param path string +---@param seconds_stale? number +---@return boolean, string +function lfs.lock_dir(path, seconds_stale) +end + +---Returns a string with the current working directory or nil plus an error string. +---@return string +function lfs.currentdir() +end + +--[[ +Lua iterator over the entries of a given directory. Each time the iterator is called with dir_obj it returns a directory entry's name as a string, or nil if there are no more entries. You can also iterate by calling dir_obj:next(), and explicitly close the directory before the iteration finished with dir_obj:close(). Raises an error if path is not a directory. +]] +---@param path string +---@return fun():string +function lfs.dir(path) +end + +--[[ +Locks a file or a part of it. This function works on open files; the file handle should be specified as the first argument. The string mode could be either r (for a read/shared lock) or w (for a write/exclusive lock). The optional arguments start and length can be used to specify a starting point and its length; both should be numbers. +Returns true if the operation was successful; in case of error, it returns nil plus an error string. +]] +---@param filehandle file* +---@param mode openmode +---@param start? integer +---@param length? integer +---@return boolean, string +function lfs.lock(filehandle, mode, start, length) +end + +--[[ + Creates a link. The first argument is the object to link to and the second is the name of the link. If the optional third argument is true, the link will by a symbolic link (by default, a hard link is created). +]] +---@param old string +---@param new string +---@param symlink? boolean +---@return boolean, string +function lfs.link(old, new, symlink) +end + +--[[ + Creates a new directory. The argument is the name of the new directory. + Returns true in case of success or nil, an error message and a system-dependent error code in case of error. +]] +---@param dirname string +---@return boolean, string +function lfs.mkdir(dirname) +end + +--[[ + Removes an existing directory. The argument is the name of the directory. + Returns true in case of success or nil, an error message and a system-dependent error code in case of error. +]] +---@param dirname string +---@return boolean, string +function lfs.rmdir(dirname) +end + +--[[ +Sets the writing mode for a file. The mode string can be either "binary" or "text". Returns true followed the previous mode string for the file, or nil followed by an error string in case of errors. On non-Windows platforms, where the two modes are identical, setting the mode has no effect, and the mode is always returned as binary. +]] +---@param file string +---@param mode 'binary'|'text' +---@return boolean, string +function lfs.setmode(file, mode) +end + +--[[ +Identical to lfs.attributes except that it obtains information about the link itself (not the file it refers to). It also adds a target field, containing the file name that the symlink points to. On Windows this function does not yet support links, and is identical to lfs.attributes. +]] +---@param filepath string +---@param request_name? LuaFileSystem.AttributeName +---@return LuaFileSystem.Attributes +function lfs.symlinkattributes(filepath, request_name) +end + +--[[ +Set access and modification times of a file. This function is a bind to utime function. The first argument is the filename, the second argument (atime) is the access time, and the third argument (mtime) is the modification time. Both times are provided in seconds (which should be generated with Lua standard function os.time). If the modification time is omitted, the access time provided is used; if both times are omitted, the current time is used. +Returns true in case of success or nil, an error message and a system-dependent error code in case of error. +]] +---@param filepath string +---@param atime? integer +---@param mtime? integer +---@return boolean, string +function lfs.touch(filepath, atime, mtime) +end + +--[[ +Unlocks a file or a part of it. This function works on open files; the file handle should be specified as the first argument. The optional arguments start and length can be used to specify a starting point and its length; both should be numbers. +Returns true if the operation was successful; in case of error, it returns nil plus an error string. +]] +---@param filehandle file* +---@param start? integer +---@param length? integer +---@return boolean, string +function lfs.unlock(filehandle, start, length) +end + +return lfs diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/config.json b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/config.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d44784d32 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/config.json @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +{ + "name" : "LÖVE", + "words" : ["love%.%w+"], + "settings" : { + "Lua.runtime.version" : "LuaJIT", + "Lua.runtime.special" : { + "love.filesystem.load" : "loadfile" + } + } +} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7ca517a5e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love.lua @@ -0,0 +1,334 @@ +---@meta + +-- version: 11.4 +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love) +--- +---@class love +love = {} + +--- +---Gets the current running version of LÖVE. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.getVersion) +--- +---@return number major # The major version of LÖVE, i.e. 0 for version 0.9.1. +---@return number minor # The minor version of LÖVE, i.e. 9 for version 0.9.1. +---@return number revision # The revision version of LÖVE, i.e. 1 for version 0.9.1. +---@return string codename # The codename of the current version, i.e. 'Baby Inspector' for version 0.9.1. +function love.getVersion() end + +--- +---Gets whether LÖVE displays warnings when using deprecated functionality. It is disabled by default in fused mode, and enabled by default otherwise. +--- +---When deprecation output is enabled, the first use of a formally deprecated LÖVE API will show a message at the bottom of the screen for a short time, and print the message to the console. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.hasDeprecationOutput) +--- +---@return boolean enabled # Whether deprecation output is enabled. +function love.hasDeprecationOutput() end + +--- +---Gets whether the given version is compatible with the current running version of LÖVE. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.isVersionCompatible) +--- +---@overload fun(major: number, minor: number, revision: number):boolean +---@param version string # The version to check (for example '11.3' or '0.10.2'). +---@return boolean compatible # Whether the given version is compatible with the current running version of LÖVE. +function love.isVersionCompatible(version) end + +--- +---Sets whether LÖVE displays warnings when using deprecated functionality. It is disabled by default in fused mode, and enabled by default otherwise. +--- +---When deprecation output is enabled, the first use of a formally deprecated LÖVE API will show a message at the bottom of the screen for a short time, and print the message to the console. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.setDeprecationOutput) +--- +---@param enable boolean # Whether to enable or disable deprecation output. +function love.setDeprecationOutput(enable) end + +--- +---The superclass of all data. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love) +--- +---@class love.Data: love.Object +local Data = {} + +--- +---Creates a new copy of the Data object. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Data:clone) +--- +---@return love.Data clone # The new copy. +function Data:clone() end + +--- +---Gets an FFI pointer to the Data. +--- +---This function should be preferred instead of Data:getPointer because the latter uses light userdata which can't store more all possible memory addresses on some new ARM64 architectures, when LuaJIT is used. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Data:getFFIPointer) +--- +---@return ffi.cdata* pointer # A raw void* pointer to the Data, or nil if FFI is unavailable. +function Data:getFFIPointer() end + +--- +---Gets a pointer to the Data. Can be used with libraries such as LuaJIT's FFI. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Data:getPointer) +--- +---@return lightuserdata pointer # A raw pointer to the Data. +function Data:getPointer() end + +--- +---Gets the Data's size in bytes. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Data:getSize) +--- +---@return number size # The size of the Data in bytes. +function Data:getSize() end + +--- +---Gets the full Data as a string. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Data:getString) +--- +---@return string data # The raw data. +function Data:getString() end + +--- +---The superclass of all LÖVE types. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love) +--- +---@class love.Object +local Object = {} + +--- +---Destroys the object's Lua reference. The object will be completely deleted if it's not referenced by any other LÖVE object or thread. +--- +---This method can be used to immediately clean up resources without waiting for Lua's garbage collector. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Object:release) +--- +---@return boolean success # True if the object was released by this call, false if it had been previously released. +function Object:release() end + +--- +---Gets the type of the object as a string. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Object:type) +--- +---@return string type # The type as a string. +function Object:type() end + +--- +---Checks whether an object is of a certain type. If the object has the type with the specified name in its hierarchy, this function will return true. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Object:typeOf) +--- +---@param name string # The name of the type to check for. +---@return boolean b # True if the object is of the specified type, false otherwise. +function Object:typeOf(name) end + +--- +---If a file called conf.lua is present in your game folder (or .love file), it is run before the LÖVE modules are loaded. You can use this file to overwrite the love.conf function, which is later called by the LÖVE 'boot' script. Using the love.conf function, you can set some configuration options, and change things like the default size of the window, which modules are loaded, and other stuff. +--- +---@alias love.conf fun(t: table) + +--- +---Callback function triggered when a directory is dragged and dropped onto the window. +--- +---@alias love.directorydropped fun(path: string) + +--- +---Called when the device display orientation changed, for example, user rotated their phone 180 degrees. +--- +---@alias love.displayrotated fun(index: number, orientation: love.DisplayOrientation) + +--- +---Callback function used to draw on the screen every frame. +--- +---@alias love.draw fun() + +--- +---The error handler, used to display error messages. +--- +---@alias love.errorhandler fun(msg: string):function + +--- +---Callback function triggered when a file is dragged and dropped onto the window. +--- +---@alias love.filedropped fun(file: love.DroppedFile) + +--- +---Callback function triggered when window receives or loses focus. +--- +---@alias love.focus fun(focus: boolean) + +--- +---Called when a Joystick's virtual gamepad axis is moved. +--- +---@alias love.gamepadaxis fun(joystick: love.Joystick, axis: love.GamepadAxis, value: number) + +--- +---Called when a Joystick's virtual gamepad button is pressed. +--- +---@alias love.gamepadpressed fun(joystick: love.Joystick, button: love.GamepadButton) + +--- +---Called when a Joystick's virtual gamepad button is released. +--- +---@alias love.gamepadreleased fun(joystick: love.Joystick, button: love.GamepadButton) + +--- +---Called when a Joystick is connected. +--- +---@alias love.joystickadded fun(joystick: love.Joystick) + +--- +---Called when a joystick axis moves. +--- +---@alias love.joystickaxis fun(joystick: love.Joystick, axis: number, value: number) + +--- +---Called when a joystick hat direction changes. +--- +---@alias love.joystickhat fun(joystick: love.Joystick, hat: number, direction: love.JoystickHat) + +--- +---Called when a joystick button is pressed. +--- +---@alias love.joystickpressed fun(joystick: love.Joystick, button: number) + +--- +---Called when a joystick button is released. +--- +---@alias love.joystickreleased fun(joystick: love.Joystick, button: number) + +--- +---Called when a Joystick is disconnected. +--- +---@alias love.joystickremoved fun(joystick: love.Joystick) + +--- +---Callback function triggered when a key is pressed. +--- +---@alias love.keypressed fun(key: love.KeyConstant, scancode: love.Scancode, isrepeat: boolean)|fun(key: love.KeyConstant, isrepeat: boolean) + +--- +---Callback function triggered when a keyboard key is released. +--- +---@alias love.keyreleased fun(key: love.KeyConstant, scancode: love.Scancode) + +--- +---This function is called exactly once at the beginning of the game. +--- +---@alias love.load fun(arg: table, unfilteredArg: table) + +--- +---Callback function triggered when the system is running out of memory on mobile devices. +--- +---Mobile operating systems may forcefully kill the game if it uses too much memory, so any non-critical resource should be removed if possible (by setting all variables referencing the resources to '''nil'''), when this event is triggered. Sounds and images in particular tend to use the most memory. +--- +---@alias love.lowmemory fun() + +--- +---Callback function triggered when window receives or loses mouse focus. +--- +---@alias love.mousefocus fun(focus: boolean) + +--- +---Callback function triggered when the mouse is moved. +--- +---@alias love.mousemoved fun(x: number, y: number, dx: number, dy: number, istouch: boolean) + +--- +---Callback function triggered when a mouse button is pressed. +--- +---@alias love.mousepressed fun(x: number, y: number, button: number, istouch: boolean, presses: number) + +--- +---Callback function triggered when a mouse button is released. +--- +---@alias love.mousereleased fun(x: number, y: number, button: number, istouch: boolean, presses: number) + +--- +---Callback function triggered when the game is closed. +--- +---@alias love.quit fun():boolean + +--- +---Called when the window is resized, for example if the user resizes the window, or if love.window.setMode is called with an unsupported width or height in fullscreen and the window chooses the closest appropriate size. +--- +---@alias love.resize fun(w: number, h: number) + +--- +---The main function, containing the main loop. A sensible default is used when left out. +--- +---@alias love.run fun():function + +--- +---Called when the candidate text for an IME (Input Method Editor) has changed. +--- +---The candidate text is not the final text that the user will eventually choose. Use love.textinput for that. +--- +---@alias love.textedited fun(text: string, start: number, length: number) + +--- +---Called when text has been entered by the user. For example if shift-2 is pressed on an American keyboard layout, the text '@' will be generated. +--- +---@alias love.textinput fun(text: string) + +--- +---Callback function triggered when a Thread encounters an error. +--- +---@alias love.threaderror fun(thread: love.Thread, errorstr: string) + +--- +---Callback function triggered when a touch press moves inside the touch screen. +--- +---@alias love.touchmoved fun(id: lightuserdata, x: number, y: number, dx: number, dy: number, pressure: number) + +--- +---Callback function triggered when the touch screen is touched. +--- +---@alias love.touchpressed fun(id: lightuserdata, x: number, y: number, dx: number, dy: number, pressure: number) + +--- +---Callback function triggered when the touch screen stops being touched. +--- +---@alias love.touchreleased fun(id: lightuserdata, x: number, y: number, dx: number, dy: number, pressure: number) + +--- +---Callback function used to update the state of the game every frame. +--- +---@alias love.update fun(dt: number) + +--- +---Callback function triggered when window is minimized/hidden or unminimized by the user. +--- +---@alias love.visible fun(visible: boolean) + +--- +---Callback function triggered when the mouse wheel is moved. +--- +---@alias love.wheelmoved fun(x: number, y: number) + +return love diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/audio.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/audio.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9444ee468 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/audio.lua @@ -0,0 +1,989 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---Provides an interface to create noise with the user's speakers. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio) +--- +---@class love.audio +love.audio = {} + +--- +---Gets a list of the names of the currently enabled effects. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.getActiveEffects) +--- +---@return table effects # The list of the names of the currently enabled effects. +function love.audio.getActiveEffects() end + +--- +---Gets the current number of simultaneously playing sources. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.getActiveSourceCount) +--- +---@return number count # The current number of simultaneously playing sources. +function love.audio.getActiveSourceCount() end + +--- +---Returns the distance attenuation model. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.getDistanceModel) +--- +---@return love.DistanceModel model # The current distance model. The default is 'inverseclamped'. +function love.audio.getDistanceModel() end + +--- +---Gets the current global scale factor for velocity-based doppler effects. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.getDopplerScale) +--- +---@return number scale # The current doppler scale factor. +function love.audio.getDopplerScale() end + +--- +---Gets the settings associated with an effect. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.getEffect) +--- +---@param name string # The name of the effect. +---@return table settings # The settings associated with the effect. +function love.audio.getEffect(name) end + +--- +---Gets the maximum number of active effects supported by the system. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.getMaxSceneEffects) +--- +---@return number maximum # The maximum number of active effects. +function love.audio.getMaxSceneEffects() end + +--- +---Gets the maximum number of active Effects in a single Source object, that the system can support. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.getMaxSourceEffects) +--- +---@return number maximum # The maximum number of active Effects per Source. +function love.audio.getMaxSourceEffects() end + +--- +---Returns the orientation of the listener. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.getOrientation) +--- +---@return number fx # Forward vector of the listener orientation. +---@return number fy # Forward vector of the listener orientation. +---@return number fz # Forward vector of the listener orientation. +---@return number ux # Up vector of the listener orientation. +---@return number uy # Up vector of the listener orientation. +---@return number uz # Up vector of the listener orientation. +function love.audio.getOrientation() end + +--- +---Returns the position of the listener. Please note that positional audio only works for mono (i.e. non-stereo) sources. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.getPosition) +--- +---@return number x # The X position of the listener. +---@return number y # The Y position of the listener. +---@return number z # The Z position of the listener. +function love.audio.getPosition() end + +--- +---Gets a list of RecordingDevices on the system. +--- +---The first device in the list is the user's default recording device. The list may be empty if there are no microphones connected to the system. +--- +---Audio recording is currently not supported on iOS. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.getRecordingDevices) +--- +---@return table devices # The list of connected recording devices. +function love.audio.getRecordingDevices() end + +--- +---Gets the current number of simultaneously playing sources. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.getSourceCount) +--- +---@return number numSources # The current number of simultaneously playing sources. +function love.audio.getSourceCount() end + +--- +---Returns the velocity of the listener. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.getVelocity) +--- +---@return number x # The X velocity of the listener. +---@return number y # The Y velocity of the listener. +---@return number z # The Z velocity of the listener. +function love.audio.getVelocity() end + +--- +---Returns the master volume. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.getVolume) +--- +---@return number volume # The current master volume +function love.audio.getVolume() end + +--- +---Gets whether audio effects are supported in the system. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.isEffectsSupported) +--- +---@return boolean supported # True if effects are supported, false otherwise. +function love.audio.isEffectsSupported() end + +--- +---Creates a new Source usable for real-time generated sound playback with Source:queue. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.newQueueableSource) +--- +---@param samplerate number # Number of samples per second when playing. +---@param bitdepth number # Bits per sample (8 or 16). +---@param channels number # 1 for mono or 2 for stereo. +---@param buffercount? number # The number of buffers that can be queued up at any given time with Source:queue. Cannot be greater than 64. A sensible default (~8) is chosen if no value is specified. +---@return love.Source source # The new Source usable with Source:queue. +function love.audio.newQueueableSource(samplerate, bitdepth, channels, buffercount) end + +--- +---Creates a new Source from a filepath, File, Decoder or SoundData. +--- +---Sources created from SoundData are always static. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.newSource) +--- +---@overload fun(file: love.File, type: love.SourceType):love.Source +---@overload fun(decoder: love.Decoder, type: love.SourceType):love.Source +---@overload fun(data: love.FileData, type: love.SourceType):love.Source +---@overload fun(data: love.SoundData):love.Source +---@param filename string # The filepath to the audio file. +---@param type love.SourceType # Streaming or static source. +---@return love.Source source # A new Source that can play the specified audio. +function love.audio.newSource(filename, type) end + +--- +---Pauses specific or all currently played Sources. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.pause) +--- +---@overload fun(source: love.Source, ...) +---@overload fun(sources: table) +---@return table Sources # A table containing a list of Sources that were paused by this call. +function love.audio.pause() end + +--- +---Plays the specified Source. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.play) +--- +---@overload fun(sources: table) +---@overload fun(source1: love.Source, source2: love.Source, ...) +---@param source love.Source # The Source to play. +function love.audio.play(source) end + +--- +---Sets the distance attenuation model. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.setDistanceModel) +--- +---@param model love.DistanceModel # The new distance model. +function love.audio.setDistanceModel(model) end + +--- +---Sets a global scale factor for velocity-based doppler effects. The default scale value is 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.setDopplerScale) +--- +---@param scale number # The new doppler scale factor. The scale must be greater than 0. +function love.audio.setDopplerScale(scale) end + +--- +---Defines an effect that can be applied to a Source. +--- +---Not all system supports audio effects. Use love.audio.isEffectsSupported to check. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.setEffect) +--- +---@overload fun(name: string, enabled?: boolean):boolean +---@param name string # The name of the effect. +---@param settings {type: love.EffectType, volume: number} # The settings to use for this effect, with the following fields: +---@return boolean success # Whether the effect was successfully created. +function love.audio.setEffect(name, settings) end + +--- +---Sets whether the system should mix the audio with the system's audio. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.setMixWithSystem) +--- +---@param mix boolean # True to enable mixing, false to disable it. +---@return boolean success # True if the change succeeded, false otherwise. +function love.audio.setMixWithSystem(mix) end + +--- +---Sets the orientation of the listener. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.setOrientation) +--- +---@param fx number # Forward vector of the listener orientation. +---@param fy number # Forward vector of the listener orientation. +---@param fz number # Forward vector of the listener orientation. +---@param ux number # Up vector of the listener orientation. +---@param uy number # Up vector of the listener orientation. +---@param uz number # Up vector of the listener orientation. +function love.audio.setOrientation(fx, fy, fz, ux, uy, uz) end + +--- +---Sets the position of the listener, which determines how sounds play. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.setPosition) +--- +---@param x number # The x position of the listener. +---@param y number # The y position of the listener. +---@param z number # The z position of the listener. +function love.audio.setPosition(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Sets the velocity of the listener. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.setVelocity) +--- +---@param x number # The X velocity of the listener. +---@param y number # The Y velocity of the listener. +---@param z number # The Z velocity of the listener. +function love.audio.setVelocity(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Sets the master volume. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.setVolume) +--- +---@param volume number # 1.0 is max and 0.0 is off. +function love.audio.setVolume(volume) end + +--- +---Stops currently played sources. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio.stop) +--- +---@overload fun(source: love.Source) +---@overload fun(source1: love.Source, source2: love.Source, ...) +---@overload fun(sources: table) +function love.audio.stop() end + +--- +---Represents an audio input device capable of recording sounds. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio) +--- +---@class love.RecordingDevice: love.Object +local RecordingDevice = {} + +--- +---Gets the number of bits per sample in the data currently being recorded. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RecordingDevice:getBitDepth) +--- +---@return number bits # The number of bits per sample in the data that's currently being recorded. +function RecordingDevice:getBitDepth() end + +--- +---Gets the number of channels currently being recorded (mono or stereo). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RecordingDevice:getChannelCount) +--- +---@return number channels # The number of channels being recorded (1 for mono, 2 for stereo). +function RecordingDevice:getChannelCount() end + +--- +---Gets all recorded audio SoundData stored in the device's internal ring buffer. +--- +---The internal ring buffer is cleared when this function is called, so calling it again will only get audio recorded after the previous call. If the device's internal ring buffer completely fills up before getData is called, the oldest data that doesn't fit into the buffer will be lost. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RecordingDevice:getData) +--- +---@return love.SoundData data # The recorded audio data, or nil if the device isn't recording. +function RecordingDevice:getData() end + +--- +---Gets the name of the recording device. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RecordingDevice:getName) +--- +---@return string name # The name of the device. +function RecordingDevice:getName() end + +--- +---Gets the number of currently recorded samples. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RecordingDevice:getSampleCount) +--- +---@return number samples # The number of samples that have been recorded so far. +function RecordingDevice:getSampleCount() end + +--- +---Gets the number of samples per second currently being recorded. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RecordingDevice:getSampleRate) +--- +---@return number rate # The number of samples being recorded per second (sample rate). +function RecordingDevice:getSampleRate() end + +--- +---Gets whether the device is currently recording. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RecordingDevice:isRecording) +--- +---@return boolean recording # True if the recording, false otherwise. +function RecordingDevice:isRecording() end + +--- +---Begins recording audio using this device. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RecordingDevice:start) +--- +---@param samplecount number # The maximum number of samples to store in an internal ring buffer when recording. RecordingDevice:getData clears the internal buffer when called. +---@param samplerate? number # The number of samples per second to store when recording. +---@param bitdepth? number # The number of bits per sample. +---@param channels? number # Whether to record in mono or stereo. Most microphones don't support more than 1 channel. +---@return boolean success # True if the device successfully began recording using the specified parameters, false if not. +function RecordingDevice:start(samplecount, samplerate, bitdepth, channels) end + +--- +---Stops recording audio from this device. Any sound data currently in the device's buffer will be returned. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RecordingDevice:stop) +--- +---@return love.SoundData data # The sound data currently in the device's buffer, or nil if the device wasn't recording. +function RecordingDevice:stop() end + +--- +---A Source represents audio you can play back. +--- +---You can do interesting things with Sources, like set the volume, pitch, and its position relative to the listener. Please note that positional audio only works for mono (i.e. non-stereo) sources. +--- +---The Source controls (play/pause/stop) act according to the following state table. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.audio) +--- +---@class love.Source: love.Object +local Source = {} + +--- +---Creates an identical copy of the Source in the stopped state. +--- +---Static Sources will use significantly less memory and take much less time to be created if Source:clone is used to create them instead of love.audio.newSource, so this method should be preferred when making multiple Sources which play the same sound. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:clone) +--- +---@return love.Source source # The new identical copy of this Source. +function Source:clone() end + +--- +---Gets a list of the Source's active effect names. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:getActiveEffects) +--- +---@return table effects # A list of the source's active effect names. +function Source:getActiveEffects() end + +--- +---Gets the amount of air absorption applied to the Source. +--- +---By default the value is set to 0 which means that air absorption effects are disabled. A value of 1 will apply high frequency attenuation to the Source at a rate of 0.05 dB per meter. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:getAirAbsorption) +--- +---@return number amount # The amount of air absorption applied to the Source. +function Source:getAirAbsorption() end + +--- +---Gets the reference and maximum attenuation distances of the Source. The values, combined with the current DistanceModel, affect how the Source's volume attenuates based on distance from the listener. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:getAttenuationDistances) +--- +---@return number ref # The current reference attenuation distance. If the current DistanceModel is clamped, this is the minimum distance before the Source is no longer attenuated. +---@return number max # The current maximum attenuation distance. +function Source:getAttenuationDistances() end + +--- +---Gets the number of channels in the Source. Only 1-channel (mono) Sources can use directional and positional effects. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:getChannelCount) +--- +---@return number channels # 1 for mono, 2 for stereo. +function Source:getChannelCount() end + +--- +---Gets the Source's directional volume cones. Together with Source:setDirection, the cone angles allow for the Source's volume to vary depending on its direction. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:getCone) +--- +---@return number innerAngle # The inner angle from the Source's direction, in radians. The Source will play at normal volume if the listener is inside the cone defined by this angle. +---@return number outerAngle # The outer angle from the Source's direction, in radians. The Source will play at a volume between the normal and outer volumes, if the listener is in between the cones defined by the inner and outer angles. +---@return number outerVolume # The Source's volume when the listener is outside both the inner and outer cone angles. +function Source:getCone() end + +--- +---Gets the direction of the Source. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:getDirection) +--- +---@return number x # The X part of the direction vector. +---@return number y # The Y part of the direction vector. +---@return number z # The Z part of the direction vector. +function Source:getDirection() end + +--- +---Gets the duration of the Source. For streaming Sources it may not always be sample-accurate, and may return -1 if the duration cannot be determined at all. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:getDuration) +--- +---@param unit? love.TimeUnit # The time unit for the return value. +---@return number duration # The duration of the Source, or -1 if it cannot be determined. +function Source:getDuration(unit) end + +--- +---Gets the filter settings associated to a specific effect. +--- +---This function returns nil if the effect was applied with no filter settings associated to it. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:getEffect) +--- +---@param name string # The name of the effect. +---@param filtersettings table # An optional empty table that will be filled with the filter settings. +---@return {volume: number, highgain: number, lowgain: number} filtersettings # The settings for the filter associated to this effect, or nil if the effect is not present in this Source or has no filter associated. The table has the following fields: +function Source:getEffect(name, filtersettings) end + +--- +---Gets the filter settings currently applied to the Source. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:getFilter) +--- +---@return {type: love.FilterType, volume: number, highgain: number, lowgain: number} settings # The filter settings to use for this Source, or nil if the Source has no active filter. The table has the following fields: +function Source:getFilter() end + +--- +---Gets the number of free buffer slots in a queueable Source. If the queueable Source is playing, this value will increase up to the amount the Source was created with. If the queueable Source is stopped, it will process all of its internal buffers first, in which case this function will always return the amount it was created with. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:getFreeBufferCount) +--- +---@return number buffers # How many more SoundData objects can be queued up. +function Source:getFreeBufferCount() end + +--- +---Gets the current pitch of the Source. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:getPitch) +--- +---@return number pitch # The pitch, where 1.0 is normal. +function Source:getPitch() end + +--- +---Gets the position of the Source. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:getPosition) +--- +---@return number x # The X position of the Source. +---@return number y # The Y position of the Source. +---@return number z # The Z position of the Source. +function Source:getPosition() end + +--- +---Returns the rolloff factor of the source. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:getRolloff) +--- +---@return number rolloff # The rolloff factor. +function Source:getRolloff() end + +--- +---Gets the type of the Source. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:getType) +--- +---@return love.SourceType sourcetype # The type of the source. +function Source:getType() end + +--- +---Gets the velocity of the Source. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:getVelocity) +--- +---@return number x # The X part of the velocity vector. +---@return number y # The Y part of the velocity vector. +---@return number z # The Z part of the velocity vector. +function Source:getVelocity() end + +--- +---Gets the current volume of the Source. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:getVolume) +--- +---@return number volume # The volume of the Source, where 1.0 is normal volume. +function Source:getVolume() end + +--- +---Returns the volume limits of the source. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:getVolumeLimits) +--- +---@return number min # The minimum volume. +---@return number max # The maximum volume. +function Source:getVolumeLimits() end + +--- +---Returns whether the Source will loop. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:isLooping) +--- +---@return boolean loop # True if the Source will loop, false otherwise. +function Source:isLooping() end + +--- +---Returns whether the Source is playing. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:isPlaying) +--- +---@return boolean playing # True if the Source is playing, false otherwise. +function Source:isPlaying() end + +--- +---Gets whether the Source's position, velocity, direction, and cone angles are relative to the listener. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:isRelative) +--- +---@return boolean relative # True if the position, velocity, direction and cone angles are relative to the listener, false if they're absolute. +function Source:isRelative() end + +--- +---Pauses the Source. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:pause) +--- +function Source:pause() end + +--- +---Starts playing the Source. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:play) +--- +---@return boolean success # Whether the Source was able to successfully start playing. +function Source:play() end + +--- +---Queues SoundData for playback in a queueable Source. +--- +---This method requires the Source to be created via love.audio.newQueueableSource. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:queue) +--- +---@param sounddata love.SoundData # The data to queue. The SoundData's sample rate, bit depth, and channel count must match the Source's. +---@return boolean success # True if the data was successfully queued for playback, false if there were no available buffers to use for queueing. +function Source:queue(sounddata) end + +--- +---Sets the currently playing position of the Source. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:seek) +--- +---@param offset number # The position to seek to. +---@param unit? love.TimeUnit # The unit of the position value. +function Source:seek(offset, unit) end + +--- +---Sets the amount of air absorption applied to the Source. +--- +---By default the value is set to 0 which means that air absorption effects are disabled. A value of 1 will apply high frequency attenuation to the Source at a rate of 0.05 dB per meter. +--- +---Air absorption can simulate sound transmission through foggy air, dry air, smoky atmosphere, etc. It can be used to simulate different atmospheric conditions within different locations in an area. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:setAirAbsorption) +--- +---@param amount number # The amount of air absorption applied to the Source. Must be between 0 and 10. +function Source:setAirAbsorption(amount) end + +--- +---Sets the reference and maximum attenuation distances of the Source. The parameters, combined with the current DistanceModel, affect how the Source's volume attenuates based on distance. +--- +---Distance attenuation is only applicable to Sources based on mono (rather than stereo) audio. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:setAttenuationDistances) +--- +---@param ref number # The new reference attenuation distance. If the current DistanceModel is clamped, this is the minimum attenuation distance. +---@param max number # The new maximum attenuation distance. +function Source:setAttenuationDistances(ref, max) end + +--- +---Sets the Source's directional volume cones. Together with Source:setDirection, the cone angles allow for the Source's volume to vary depending on its direction. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:setCone) +--- +---@param innerAngle number # The inner angle from the Source's direction, in radians. The Source will play at normal volume if the listener is inside the cone defined by this angle. +---@param outerAngle number # The outer angle from the Source's direction, in radians. The Source will play at a volume between the normal and outer volumes, if the listener is in between the cones defined by the inner and outer angles. +---@param outerVolume? number # The Source's volume when the listener is outside both the inner and outer cone angles. +function Source:setCone(innerAngle, outerAngle, outerVolume) end + +--- +---Sets the direction vector of the Source. A zero vector makes the source non-directional. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:setDirection) +--- +---@param x number # The X part of the direction vector. +---@param y number # The Y part of the direction vector. +---@param z number # The Z part of the direction vector. +function Source:setDirection(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Applies an audio effect to the Source. +--- +---The effect must have been previously defined using love.audio.setEffect. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:setEffect) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Source, name: string, filtersettings: table):boolean +---@param name string # The name of the effect previously set up with love.audio.setEffect. +---@param enable? boolean # If false and the given effect name was previously enabled on this Source, disables the effect. +---@return boolean success # Whether the effect was successfully applied to this Source. +function Source:setEffect(name, enable) end + +--- +---Sets a low-pass, high-pass, or band-pass filter to apply when playing the Source. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:setFilter) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Source) +---@param settings {type: love.FilterType, volume: number, highgain: number, lowgain: number} # The filter settings to use for this Source, with the following fields: +---@return boolean success # Whether the filter was successfully applied to the Source. +function Source:setFilter(settings) end + +--- +---Sets whether the Source should loop. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:setLooping) +--- +---@param loop boolean # True if the source should loop, false otherwise. +function Source:setLooping(loop) end + +--- +---Sets the pitch of the Source. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:setPitch) +--- +---@param pitch number # Calculated with regard to 1 being the base pitch. Each reduction by 50 percent equals a pitch shift of -12 semitones (one octave reduction). Each doubling equals a pitch shift of 12 semitones (one octave increase). Zero is not a legal value. +function Source:setPitch(pitch) end + +--- +---Sets the position of the Source. Please note that this only works for mono (i.e. non-stereo) sound files! +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:setPosition) +--- +---@param x number # The X position of the Source. +---@param y number # The Y position of the Source. +---@param z number # The Z position of the Source. +function Source:setPosition(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Sets whether the Source's position, velocity, direction, and cone angles are relative to the listener, or absolute. +--- +---By default, all sources are absolute and therefore relative to the origin of love's coordinate system 0, 0. Only absolute sources are affected by the position of the listener. Please note that positional audio only works for mono (i.e. non-stereo) sources. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:setRelative) +--- +---@param enable? boolean # True to make the position, velocity, direction and cone angles relative to the listener, false to make them absolute. +function Source:setRelative(enable) end + +--- +---Sets the rolloff factor which affects the strength of the used distance attenuation. +--- +---Extended information and detailed formulas can be found in the chapter '3.4. Attenuation By Distance' of OpenAL 1.1 specification. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:setRolloff) +--- +---@param rolloff number # The new rolloff factor. +function Source:setRolloff(rolloff) end + +--- +---Sets the velocity of the Source. +--- +---This does '''not''' change the position of the Source, but lets the application know how it has to calculate the doppler effect. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:setVelocity) +--- +---@param x number # The X part of the velocity vector. +---@param y number # The Y part of the velocity vector. +---@param z number # The Z part of the velocity vector. +function Source:setVelocity(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Sets the current volume of the Source. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:setVolume) +--- +---@param volume number # The volume for a Source, where 1.0 is normal volume. Volume cannot be raised above 1.0. +function Source:setVolume(volume) end + +--- +---Sets the volume limits of the source. The limits have to be numbers from 0 to 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:setVolumeLimits) +--- +---@param min number # The minimum volume. +---@param max number # The maximum volume. +function Source:setVolumeLimits(min, max) end + +--- +---Stops a Source. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:stop) +--- +function Source:stop() end + +--- +---Gets the currently playing position of the Source. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Source:tell) +--- +---@param unit? love.TimeUnit # The type of unit for the return value. +---@return number position # The currently playing position of the Source. +function Source:tell(unit) end + +--- +---The different distance models. +--- +---Extended information can be found in the chapter "3.4. Attenuation By Distance" of the OpenAL 1.1 specification. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/DistanceModel) +--- +---@alias love.DistanceModel +--- +---Sources do not get attenuated. +--- +---| "none" +--- +---Inverse distance attenuation. +--- +---| "inverse" +--- +---Inverse distance attenuation. Gain is clamped. In version 0.9.2 and older this is named '''inverse clamped'''. +--- +---| "inverseclamped" +--- +---Linear attenuation. +--- +---| "linear" +--- +---Linear attenuation. Gain is clamped. In version 0.9.2 and older this is named '''linear clamped'''. +--- +---| "linearclamped" +--- +---Exponential attenuation. +--- +---| "exponent" +--- +---Exponential attenuation. Gain is clamped. In version 0.9.2 and older this is named '''exponent clamped'''. +--- +---| "exponentclamped" + +--- +---The different types of effects supported by love.audio.setEffect. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/EffectType) +--- +---@alias love.EffectType +--- +---Plays multiple copies of the sound with slight pitch and time variation. Used to make sounds sound "fuller" or "thicker". +--- +---| "chorus" +--- +---Decreases the dynamic range of the sound, making the loud and quiet parts closer in volume, producing a more uniform amplitude throughout time. +--- +---| "compressor" +--- +---Alters the sound by amplifying it until it clips, shearing off parts of the signal, leading to a compressed and distorted sound. +--- +---| "distortion" +--- +---Decaying feedback based effect, on the order of seconds. Also known as delay; causes the sound to repeat at regular intervals at a decreasing volume. +--- +---| "echo" +--- +---Adjust the frequency components of the sound using a 4-band (low-shelf, two band-pass and a high-shelf) equalizer. +--- +---| "equalizer" +--- +---Plays two copies of the sound; while varying the phase, or equivalently delaying one of them, by amounts on the order of milliseconds, resulting in phasing sounds. +--- +---| "flanger" +--- +---Decaying feedback based effect, on the order of milliseconds. Used to simulate the reflection off of the surroundings. +--- +---| "reverb" +--- +---An implementation of amplitude modulation; multiplies the source signal with a simple waveform, to produce either volume changes, or inharmonic overtones. +--- +---| "ringmodulator" + +--- +---The different types of waveforms that can be used with the '''ringmodulator''' EffectType. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/EffectWaveform) +--- +---@alias love.EffectWaveform +--- +---A sawtooth wave, also known as a ramp wave. Named for its linear rise, and (near-)instantaneous fall along time. +--- +---| "sawtooth" +--- +---A sine wave. Follows a trigonometric sine function. +--- +---| "sine" +--- +---A square wave. Switches between high and low states (near-)instantaneously. +--- +---| "square" +--- +---A triangle wave. Follows a linear rise and fall that repeats periodically. +--- +---| "triangle" + +--- +---Types of filters for Sources. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/FilterType) +--- +---@alias love.FilterType +--- +---Low-pass filter. High frequency sounds are attenuated. +--- +---| "lowpass" +--- +---High-pass filter. Low frequency sounds are attenuated. +--- +---| "highpass" +--- +---Band-pass filter. Both high and low frequency sounds are attenuated based on the given parameters. +--- +---| "bandpass" + +--- +---Types of audio sources. +--- +---A good rule of thumb is to use stream for music files and static for all short sound effects. Basically, you want to avoid loading large files into memory at once. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/SourceType) +--- +---@alias love.SourceType +--- +---The whole audio is decoded. +--- +---| "static" +--- +---The audio is decoded in chunks when needed. +--- +---| "stream" +--- +---The audio must be manually queued by the user. +--- +---| "queue" + +--- +---Units that represent time. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/TimeUnit) +--- +---@alias love.TimeUnit +--- +---Regular seconds. +--- +---| "seconds" +--- +---Audio samples. +--- +---| "samples" diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/data.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/data.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..551165701 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/data.lua @@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---Provides functionality for creating and transforming data. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.data) +--- +---@class love.data +love.data = {} + +--- +---Compresses a string or data using a specific compression algorithm. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.data.compress) +--- +---@overload fun(container: love.ContainerType, format: love.CompressedDataFormat, data: love.Data, level?: number):love.CompressedData|string +---@param container love.ContainerType # What type to return the compressed data as. +---@param format love.CompressedDataFormat # The format to use when compressing the string. +---@param rawstring string # The raw (un-compressed) string to compress. +---@param level? number # The level of compression to use, between 0 and 9. -1 indicates the default level. The meaning of this argument depends on the compression format being used. +---@return love.CompressedData|string compressedData # CompressedData/string which contains the compressed version of rawstring. +function love.data.compress(container, format, rawstring, level) end + +--- +---Decode Data or a string from any of the EncodeFormats to Data or string. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.data.decode) +--- +---@overload fun(container: love.ContainerType, format: love.EncodeFormat, sourceData: love.Data):love.ByteData|string +---@param container love.ContainerType # What type to return the decoded data as. +---@param format love.EncodeFormat # The format of the input data. +---@param sourceString string # The raw (encoded) data to decode. +---@return love.ByteData|string decoded # ByteData/string which contains the decoded version of source. +function love.data.decode(container, format, sourceString) end + +--- +---Decompresses a CompressedData or previously compressed string or Data object. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.data.decompress) +--- +---@overload fun(container: love.ContainerType, format: love.CompressedDataFormat, compressedString: string):love.Data|string +---@overload fun(container: love.ContainerType, format: love.CompressedDataFormat, data: love.Data):love.Data|string +---@param container love.ContainerType # What type to return the decompressed data as. +---@param compressedData love.CompressedData # The compressed data to decompress. +---@return love.Data|string decompressedData # Data/string containing the raw decompressed data. +function love.data.decompress(container, compressedData) end + +--- +---Encode Data or a string to a Data or string in one of the EncodeFormats. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.data.encode) +--- +---@overload fun(container: love.ContainerType, format: love.EncodeFormat, sourceData: love.Data, linelength?: number):love.ByteData|string +---@param container love.ContainerType # What type to return the encoded data as. +---@param format love.EncodeFormat # The format of the output data. +---@param sourceString string # The raw data to encode. +---@param linelength? number # The maximum line length of the output. Only supported for base64, ignored if 0. +---@return love.ByteData|string encoded # ByteData/string which contains the encoded version of source. +function love.data.encode(container, format, sourceString, linelength) end + +--- +---Gets the size in bytes that a given format used with love.data.pack will use. +--- +---This function behaves the same as Lua 5.3's string.packsize. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.data.getPackedSize) +--- +---@param format string # A string determining how the values are packed. Follows the rules of Lua 5.3's string.pack format strings. +---@return number size # The size in bytes that the packed data will use. +function love.data.getPackedSize(format) end + +--- +---Compute the message digest of a string using a specified hash algorithm. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.data.hash) +--- +---@overload fun(hashFunction: love.HashFunction, data: love.Data):string +---@param hashFunction love.HashFunction # Hash algorithm to use. +---@param string string # String to hash. +---@return string rawdigest # Raw message digest string. +function love.data.hash(hashFunction, string) end + +--- +---Creates a new Data object containing arbitrary bytes. +--- +---Data:getPointer along with LuaJIT's FFI can be used to manipulate the contents of the ByteData object after it has been created. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.data.newByteData) +--- +---@overload fun(Data: love.Data, offset?: number, size?: number):love.ByteData +---@overload fun(size: number):love.ByteData +---@param datastring string # The byte string to copy. +---@return love.ByteData bytedata # The new Data object. +function love.data.newByteData(datastring) end + +--- +---Creates a new Data referencing a subsection of an existing Data object. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.data.newDataView) +--- +---@param data love.Data # The Data object to reference. +---@param offset number # The offset of the subsection to reference, in bytes. +---@param size number # The size in bytes of the subsection to reference. +---@return love.Data view # The new Data view. +function love.data.newDataView(data, offset, size) end + +--- +---Packs (serializes) simple Lua values. +--- +---This function behaves the same as Lua 5.3's string.pack. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.data.pack) +--- +---@param container love.ContainerType # What type to return the encoded data as. +---@param format string # A string determining how the values are packed. Follows the rules of Lua 5.3's string.pack format strings. +---@param v1 number|boolean|string # The first value (number, boolean, or string) to serialize. +---@vararg number|boolean|string # Additional values to serialize. +---@return love.Data|string data # Data/string which contains the serialized data. +function love.data.pack(container, format, v1, ...) end + +--- +---Unpacks (deserializes) a byte-string or Data into simple Lua values. +--- +---This function behaves the same as Lua 5.3's string.unpack. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.data.unpack) +--- +---@overload fun(format: string, data: love.Data, pos?: number):number|boolean|string, number|boolean|string, number +---@param format string # A string determining how the values were packed. Follows the rules of Lua 5.3's string.pack format strings. +---@param datastring string # A string containing the packed (serialized) data. +---@param pos? number # Where to start reading in the string. Negative values can be used to read relative from the end of the string. +---@return number|boolean|string v1 # The first value (number, boolean, or string) that was unpacked. +---@return number index # The index of the first unread byte in the data string. +function love.data.unpack(format, datastring, pos) end + +--- +---Data object containing arbitrary bytes in an contiguous memory. +--- +---There are currently no LÖVE functions provided for manipulating the contents of a ByteData, but Data:getPointer can be used with LuaJIT's FFI to access and write to the contents directly. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.data) +--- +---@class love.ByteData: love.Object, love.Data +local ByteData = {} + +--- +---Represents byte data compressed using a specific algorithm. +--- +---love.data.decompress can be used to de-compress the data (or love.math.decompress in 0.10.2 or earlier). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.data) +--- +---@class love.CompressedData: love.Data, love.Object +local CompressedData = {} + +--- +---Gets the compression format of the CompressedData. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/CompressedData:getFormat) +--- +---@return love.CompressedDataFormat format # The format of the CompressedData. +function CompressedData:getFormat() end + +--- +---Compressed data formats. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/CompressedDataFormat) +--- +---@alias love.CompressedDataFormat +--- +---The LZ4 compression format. Compresses and decompresses very quickly, but the compression ratio is not the best. LZ4-HC is used when compression level 9 is specified. Some benchmarks are available here. +--- +---| "lz4" +--- +---The zlib format is DEFLATE-compressed data with a small bit of header data. Compresses relatively slowly and decompresses moderately quickly, and has a decent compression ratio. +--- +---| "zlib" +--- +---The gzip format is DEFLATE-compressed data with a slightly larger header than zlib. Since it uses DEFLATE it has the same compression characteristics as the zlib format. +--- +---| "gzip" +--- +---Raw DEFLATE-compressed data (no header). +--- +---| "deflate" + +--- +---Return type of various data-returning functions. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ContainerType) +--- +---@alias love.ContainerType +--- +---Return type is ByteData. +--- +---| "data" +--- +---Return type is string. +--- +---| "string" + +--- +---Encoding format used to encode or decode data. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/EncodeFormat) +--- +---@alias love.EncodeFormat +--- +---Encode/decode data as base64 binary-to-text encoding. +--- +---| "base64" +--- +---Encode/decode data as hexadecimal string. +--- +---| "hex" + +--- +---Hash algorithm of love.data.hash. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/HashFunction) +--- +---@alias love.HashFunction +--- +---MD5 hash algorithm (16 bytes). +--- +---| "md5" +--- +---SHA1 hash algorithm (20 bytes). +--- +---| "sha1" +--- +---SHA2 hash algorithm with message digest size of 224 bits (28 bytes). +--- +---| "sha224" +--- +---SHA2 hash algorithm with message digest size of 256 bits (32 bytes). +--- +---| "sha256" +--- +---SHA2 hash algorithm with message digest size of 384 bits (48 bytes). +--- +---| "sha384" +--- +---SHA2 hash algorithm with message digest size of 512 bits (64 bytes). +--- +---| "sha512" diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/event.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/event.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0b61f2507 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/event.lua @@ -0,0 +1,244 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---Manages events, like keypresses. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.event) +--- +---@class love.event +love.event = {} + +--- +---Clears the event queue. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.event.clear) +--- +function love.event.clear() end + +--- +---Returns an iterator for messages in the event queue. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.event.poll) +--- +---@return function i # Iterator function usable in a for loop. +function love.event.poll() end + +--- +---Pump events into the event queue. +--- +---This is a low-level function, and is usually not called by the user, but by love.run. +--- +---Note that this does need to be called for any OS to think you're still running, +--- +---and if you want to handle OS-generated events at all (think callbacks). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.event.pump) +--- +function love.event.pump() end + +--- +---Adds an event to the event queue. +--- +---From 0.10.0 onwards, you may pass an arbitrary amount of arguments with this function, though the default callbacks don't ever use more than six. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.event.push) +--- +---@param n love.Event # The name of the event. +---@param a? any # First event argument. +---@param b? any # Second event argument. +---@param c? any # Third event argument. +---@param d? any # Fourth event argument. +---@param e? any # Fifth event argument. +---@param f? any # Sixth event argument. +---@vararg any # Further event arguments may follow. +function love.event.push(n, a, b, c, d, e, f, ...) end + +--- +---Adds the quit event to the queue. +--- +---The quit event is a signal for the event handler to close LÖVE. It's possible to abort the exit process with the love.quit callback. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.event.quit) +--- +---@overload fun(restart: string|'restart') +---@param exitstatus? number # The program exit status to use when closing the application. +function love.event.quit(exitstatus) end + +--- +---Like love.event.poll(), but blocks until there is an event in the queue. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.event.wait) +--- +---@return love.Event n # The name of event. +---@return any a # First event argument. +---@return any b # Second event argument. +---@return any c # Third event argument. +---@return any d # Fourth event argument. +---@return any e # Fifth event argument. +---@return any f # Sixth event argument. +function love.event.wait() end + +--- +---Arguments to love.event.push() and the like. +--- +---Since 0.8.0, event names are no longer abbreviated. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Event) +--- +---@alias love.Event +--- +---Window focus gained or lost +--- +---| "focus" +--- +---Joystick pressed +--- +---| "joystickpressed" +--- +---Joystick released +--- +---| "joystickreleased" +--- +---Key pressed +--- +---| "keypressed" +--- +---Key released +--- +---| "keyreleased" +--- +---Mouse pressed +--- +---| "mousepressed" +--- +---Mouse released +--- +---| "mousereleased" +--- +---Quit +--- +---| "quit" +--- +---Window size changed by the user +--- +---| "resize" +--- +---Window is minimized or un-minimized by the user +--- +---| "visible" +--- +---Window mouse focus gained or lost +--- +---| "mousefocus" +--- +---A Lua error has occurred in a thread +--- +---| "threaderror" +--- +---Joystick connected +--- +---| "joystickadded" +--- +---Joystick disconnected +--- +---| "joystickremoved" +--- +---Joystick axis motion +--- +---| "joystickaxis" +--- +---Joystick hat pressed +--- +---| "joystickhat" +--- +---Joystick's virtual gamepad button pressed +--- +---| "gamepadpressed" +--- +---Joystick's virtual gamepad button released +--- +---| "gamepadreleased" +--- +---Joystick's virtual gamepad axis moved +--- +---| "gamepadaxis" +--- +---User entered text +--- +---| "textinput" +--- +---Mouse position changed +--- +---| "mousemoved" +--- +---Running out of memory on mobile devices system +--- +---| "lowmemory" +--- +---Candidate text for an IME changed +--- +---| "textedited" +--- +---Mouse wheel moved +--- +---| "wheelmoved" +--- +---Touch screen touched +--- +---| "touchpressed" +--- +---Touch screen stop touching +--- +---| "touchreleased" +--- +---Touch press moved inside touch screen +--- +---| "touchmoved" +--- +---Directory is dragged and dropped onto the window +--- +---| "directorydropped" +--- +---File is dragged and dropped onto the window. +--- +---| "filedropped" +--- +---Joystick pressed +--- +---| "jp" +--- +---Joystick released +--- +---| "jr" +--- +---Key pressed +--- +---| "kp" +--- +---Key released +--- +---| "kr" +--- +---Mouse pressed +--- +---| "mp" +--- +---Mouse released +--- +---| "mr" +--- +---Quit +--- +---| "q" +--- +---Window focus gained or lost +--- +---| "f" diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/filesystem.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/filesystem.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..093f33221 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/filesystem.lua @@ -0,0 +1,653 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---Provides an interface to the user's filesystem. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem) +--- +---@class love.filesystem +love.filesystem = {} + +--- +---Append data to an existing file. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.append) +--- +---@overload fun(name: string, data: love.Data, size?: number):boolean, string +---@param name string # The name (and path) of the file. +---@param data string # The string data to append to the file. +---@param size? number # How many bytes to write. +---@return boolean success # True if the operation was successful, or nil if there was an error. +---@return string errormsg # The error message on failure. +function love.filesystem.append(name, data, size) end + +--- +---Gets whether love.filesystem follows symbolic links. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.areSymlinksEnabled) +--- +---@return boolean enable # Whether love.filesystem follows symbolic links. +function love.filesystem.areSymlinksEnabled() end + +--- +---Recursively creates a directory. +--- +---When called with 'a/b' it creates both 'a' and 'a/b', if they don't exist already. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.createDirectory) +--- +---@param name string # The directory to create. +---@return boolean success # True if the directory was created, false if not. +function love.filesystem.createDirectory(name) end + +--- +---Returns the application data directory (could be the same as getUserDirectory) +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.getAppdataDirectory) +--- +---@return string path # The path of the application data directory +function love.filesystem.getAppdataDirectory() end + +--- +---Gets the filesystem paths that will be searched for c libraries when require is called. +--- +---The paths string returned by this function is a sequence of path templates separated by semicolons. The argument passed to ''require'' will be inserted in place of any question mark ('?') character in each template (after the dot characters in the argument passed to ''require'' are replaced by directory separators.) Additionally, any occurrence of a double question mark ('??') will be replaced by the name passed to require and the default library extension for the platform. +--- +---The paths are relative to the game's source and save directories, as well as any paths mounted with love.filesystem.mount. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.getCRequirePath) +--- +---@return string paths # The paths that the ''require'' function will check for c libraries in love's filesystem. +function love.filesystem.getCRequirePath() end + +--- +---Returns a table with the names of files and subdirectories in the specified path. The table is not sorted in any way; the order is undefined. +--- +---If the path passed to the function exists in the game and the save directory, it will list the files and directories from both places. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems) +--- +---@overload fun(dir: string, callback: function):table +---@param dir string # The directory. +---@return table files # A sequence with the names of all files and subdirectories as strings. +function love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems(dir) end + +--- +---Gets the write directory name for your game. +--- +---Note that this only returns the name of the folder to store your files in, not the full path. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.getIdentity) +--- +---@return string name # The identity that is used as write directory. +function love.filesystem.getIdentity() end + +--- +---Gets information about the specified file or directory. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.getInfo) +--- +---@overload fun(path: string, info: table):table +---@overload fun(path: string, filtertype: love.FileType, info: table):table +---@param path string # The file or directory path to check. +---@param filtertype? love.FileType # If supplied, this parameter causes getInfo to only return the info table if the item at the given path matches the specified file type. +---@return {type: love.FileType, size: number, modtime: number} info # A table containing information about the specified path, or nil if nothing exists at the path. The table contains the following fields: +function love.filesystem.getInfo(path, filtertype) end + +--- +---Gets the platform-specific absolute path of the directory containing a filepath. +--- +---This can be used to determine whether a file is inside the save directory or the game's source .love. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.getRealDirectory) +--- +---@param filepath string # The filepath to get the directory of. +---@return string realdir # The platform-specific full path of the directory containing the filepath. +function love.filesystem.getRealDirectory(filepath) end + +--- +---Gets the filesystem paths that will be searched when require is called. +--- +---The paths string returned by this function is a sequence of path templates separated by semicolons. The argument passed to ''require'' will be inserted in place of any question mark ('?') character in each template (after the dot characters in the argument passed to ''require'' are replaced by directory separators.) +--- +---The paths are relative to the game's source and save directories, as well as any paths mounted with love.filesystem.mount. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.getRequirePath) +--- +---@return string paths # The paths that the ''require'' function will check in love's filesystem. +function love.filesystem.getRequirePath() end + +--- +---Gets the full path to the designated save directory. +--- +---This can be useful if you want to use the standard io library (or something else) to +--- +---read or write in the save directory. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.getSaveDirectory) +--- +---@return string dir # The absolute path to the save directory. +function love.filesystem.getSaveDirectory() end + +--- +---Returns the full path to the the .love file or directory. If the game is fused to the LÖVE executable, then the executable is returned. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.getSource) +--- +---@return string path # The full platform-dependent path of the .love file or directory. +function love.filesystem.getSource() end + +--- +---Returns the full path to the directory containing the .love file. If the game is fused to the LÖVE executable, then the directory containing the executable is returned. +--- +---If love.filesystem.isFused is true, the path returned by this function can be passed to love.filesystem.mount, which will make the directory containing the main game (e.g. C:\Program Files\coolgame\) readable by love.filesystem. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.getSourceBaseDirectory) +--- +---@return string path # The full platform-dependent path of the directory containing the .love file. +function love.filesystem.getSourceBaseDirectory() end + +--- +---Returns the path of the user's directory +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.getUserDirectory) +--- +---@return string path # The path of the user's directory +function love.filesystem.getUserDirectory() end + +--- +---Gets the current working directory. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.getWorkingDirectory) +--- +---@return string cwd # The current working directory. +function love.filesystem.getWorkingDirectory() end + +--- +---Initializes love.filesystem, will be called internally, so should not be used explicitly. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.init) +--- +---@param appname string # The name of the application binary, typically love. +function love.filesystem.init(appname) end + +--- +---Gets whether the game is in fused mode or not. +--- +---If a game is in fused mode, its save directory will be directly in the Appdata directory instead of Appdata/LOVE/. The game will also be able to load C Lua dynamic libraries which are located in the save directory. +--- +---A game is in fused mode if the source .love has been fused to the executable (see Game Distribution), or if '--fused' has been given as a command-line argument when starting the game. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.isFused) +--- +---@return boolean fused # True if the game is in fused mode, false otherwise. +function love.filesystem.isFused() end + +--- +---Iterate over the lines in a file. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.lines) +--- +---@param name string # The name (and path) of the file +---@return function iterator # A function that iterates over all the lines in the file +function love.filesystem.lines(name) end + +--- +---Loads a Lua file (but does not run it). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.load) +--- +---@param name string # The name (and path) of the file. +---@return function chunk # The loaded chunk. +---@return string errormsg # The error message if file could not be opened. +function love.filesystem.load(name) end + +--- +---Mounts a zip file or folder in the game's save directory for reading. +--- +---It is also possible to mount love.filesystem.getSourceBaseDirectory if the game is in fused mode. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.mount) +--- +---@overload fun(filedata: love.FileData, mountpoint: string, appendToPath?: boolean):boolean +---@overload fun(data: love.Data, archivename: string, mountpoint: string, appendToPath?: boolean):boolean +---@param archive string # The folder or zip file in the game's save directory to mount. +---@param mountpoint string # The new path the archive will be mounted to. +---@param appendToPath? boolean # Whether the archive will be searched when reading a filepath before or after already-mounted archives. This includes the game's source and save directories. +---@return boolean success # True if the archive was successfully mounted, false otherwise. +function love.filesystem.mount(archive, mountpoint, appendToPath) end + +--- +---Creates a new File object. +--- +---It needs to be opened before it can be accessed. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.newFile) +--- +---@overload fun(filename: string, mode: love.FileMode):love.File, string +---@param filename string # The filename of the file. +---@return love.File file # The new File object. +function love.filesystem.newFile(filename) end + +--- +---Creates a new FileData object from a file on disk, or from a string in memory. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.newFileData) +--- +---@overload fun(originaldata: love.Data, name: string):love.FileData +---@overload fun(filepath: string):love.FileData, string +---@param contents string # The contents of the file in memory represented as a string. +---@param name string # The name of the file. The extension may be parsed and used by LÖVE when passing the FileData object into love.audio.newSource. +---@return love.FileData data # The new FileData. +function love.filesystem.newFileData(contents, name) end + +--- +---Read the contents of a file. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.read) +--- +---@overload fun(container: love.ContainerType, name: string, size?: number):love.FileData|string, number, nil, string +---@param name string # The name (and path) of the file. +---@param size? number # How many bytes to read. +---@return string contents # The file contents. +---@return number size # How many bytes have been read. +---@return nil contents # returns nil as content. +---@return string error # returns an error message. +function love.filesystem.read(name, size) end + +--- +---Removes a file or empty directory. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.remove) +--- +---@param name string # The file or directory to remove. +---@return boolean success # True if the file/directory was removed, false otherwise. +function love.filesystem.remove(name) end + +--- +---Sets the filesystem paths that will be searched for c libraries when require is called. +--- +---The paths string returned by this function is a sequence of path templates separated by semicolons. The argument passed to ''require'' will be inserted in place of any question mark ('?') character in each template (after the dot characters in the argument passed to ''require'' are replaced by directory separators.) Additionally, any occurrence of a double question mark ('??') will be replaced by the name passed to require and the default library extension for the platform. +--- +---The paths are relative to the game's source and save directories, as well as any paths mounted with love.filesystem.mount. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.setCRequirePath) +--- +---@param paths string # The paths that the ''require'' function will check in love's filesystem. +function love.filesystem.setCRequirePath(paths) end + +--- +---Sets the write directory for your game. +--- +---Note that you can only set the name of the folder to store your files in, not the location. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.setIdentity) +--- +---@overload fun(name: string) +---@param name string # The new identity that will be used as write directory. +function love.filesystem.setIdentity(name) end + +--- +---Sets the filesystem paths that will be searched when require is called. +--- +---The paths string given to this function is a sequence of path templates separated by semicolons. The argument passed to ''require'' will be inserted in place of any question mark ('?') character in each template (after the dot characters in the argument passed to ''require'' are replaced by directory separators.) +--- +---The paths are relative to the game's source and save directories, as well as any paths mounted with love.filesystem.mount. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.setRequirePath) +--- +---@param paths string # The paths that the ''require'' function will check in love's filesystem. +function love.filesystem.setRequirePath(paths) end + +--- +---Sets the source of the game, where the code is present. This function can only be called once, and is normally automatically done by LÖVE. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.setSource) +--- +---@param path string # Absolute path to the game's source folder. +function love.filesystem.setSource(path) end + +--- +---Sets whether love.filesystem follows symbolic links. It is enabled by default in version 0.10.0 and newer, and disabled by default in 0.9.2. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.setSymlinksEnabled) +--- +---@param enable boolean # Whether love.filesystem should follow symbolic links. +function love.filesystem.setSymlinksEnabled(enable) end + +--- +---Unmounts a zip file or folder previously mounted for reading with love.filesystem.mount. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.unmount) +--- +---@param archive string # The folder or zip file in the game's save directory which is currently mounted. +---@return boolean success # True if the archive was successfully unmounted, false otherwise. +function love.filesystem.unmount(archive) end + +--- +---Write data to a file in the save directory. If the file existed already, it will be completely replaced by the new contents. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem.write) +--- +---@overload fun(name: string, data: love.Data, size?: number):boolean, string +---@param name string # The name (and path) of the file. +---@param data string # The string data to write to the file. +---@param size? number # How many bytes to write. +---@return boolean success # If the operation was successful. +---@return string message # Error message if operation was unsuccessful. +function love.filesystem.write(name, data, size) end + +--- +---Represents a file dropped onto the window. +--- +---Note that the DroppedFile type can only be obtained from love.filedropped callback, and can't be constructed manually by the user. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem) +--- +---@class love.DroppedFile: love.File, love.Object +local DroppedFile = {} + +--- +---Represents a file on the filesystem. A function that takes a file path can also take a File. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem) +--- +---@class love.File: love.Object +local File = {} + +--- +---Closes a File. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/File:close) +--- +---@return boolean success # Whether closing was successful. +function File:close() end + +--- +---Flushes any buffered written data in the file to the disk. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/File:flush) +--- +---@return boolean success # Whether the file successfully flushed any buffered data to the disk. +---@return string err # The error string, if an error occurred and the file could not be flushed. +function File:flush() end + +--- +---Gets the buffer mode of a file. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/File:getBuffer) +--- +---@return love.BufferMode mode # The current buffer mode of the file. +---@return number size # The maximum size in bytes of the file's buffer. +function File:getBuffer() end + +--- +---Gets the filename that the File object was created with. If the file object originated from the love.filedropped callback, the filename will be the full platform-dependent file path. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/File:getFilename) +--- +---@return string filename # The filename of the File. +function File:getFilename() end + +--- +---Gets the FileMode the file has been opened with. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/File:getMode) +--- +---@return love.FileMode mode # The mode this file has been opened with. +function File:getMode() end + +--- +---Returns the file size. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/File:getSize) +--- +---@return number size # The file size in bytes. +function File:getSize() end + +--- +---Gets whether end-of-file has been reached. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/File:isEOF) +--- +---@return boolean eof # Whether EOF has been reached. +function File:isEOF() end + +--- +---Gets whether the file is open. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/File:isOpen) +--- +---@return boolean open # True if the file is currently open, false otherwise. +function File:isOpen() end + +--- +---Iterate over all the lines in a file. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/File:lines) +--- +---@return function iterator # The iterator (can be used in for loops). +function File:lines() end + +--- +---Open the file for write, read or append. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/File:open) +--- +---@param mode love.FileMode # The mode to open the file in. +---@return boolean ok # True on success, false otherwise. +---@return string err # The error string if an error occurred. +function File:open(mode) end + +--- +---Read a number of bytes from a file. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/File:read) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.File, container: love.ContainerType, bytes?: number):love.FileData|string, number +---@param bytes? number # The number of bytes to read. +---@return string contents # The contents of the read bytes. +---@return number size # How many bytes have been read. +function File:read(bytes) end + +--- +---Seek to a position in a file +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/File:seek) +--- +---@param pos number # The position to seek to +---@return boolean success # Whether the operation was successful +function File:seek(pos) end + +--- +---Sets the buffer mode for a file opened for writing or appending. Files with buffering enabled will not write data to the disk until the buffer size limit is reached, depending on the buffer mode. +--- +---File:flush will force any buffered data to be written to the disk. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/File:setBuffer) +--- +---@param mode love.BufferMode # The buffer mode to use. +---@param size? number # The maximum size in bytes of the file's buffer. +---@return boolean success # Whether the buffer mode was successfully set. +---@return string errorstr # The error string, if the buffer mode could not be set and an error occurred. +function File:setBuffer(mode, size) end + +--- +---Returns the position in the file. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/File:tell) +--- +---@return number pos # The current position. +function File:tell() end + +--- +---Write data to a file. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/File:write) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.File, data: love.Data, size?: number):boolean, string +---@param data string # The string data to write. +---@param size? number # How many bytes to write. +---@return boolean success # Whether the operation was successful. +---@return string err # The error string if an error occurred. +function File:write(data, size) end + +--- +---Data representing the contents of a file. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.filesystem) +--- +---@class love.FileData: love.Data, love.Object +local FileData = {} + +--- +---Gets the extension of the FileData. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/FileData:getExtension) +--- +---@return string ext # The extension of the file the FileData represents. +function FileData:getExtension() end + +--- +---Gets the filename of the FileData. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/FileData:getFilename) +--- +---@return string name # The name of the file the FileData represents. +function FileData:getFilename() end + +--- +---Buffer modes for File objects. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/BufferMode) +--- +---@alias love.BufferMode +--- +---No buffering. The result of write and append operations appears immediately. +--- +---| "none" +--- +---Line buffering. Write and append operations are buffered until a newline is output or the buffer size limit is reached. +--- +---| "line" +--- +---Full buffering. Write and append operations are always buffered until the buffer size limit is reached. +--- +---| "full" + +--- +---How to decode a given FileData. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/FileDecoder) +--- +---@alias love.FileDecoder +--- +---The data is unencoded. +--- +---| "file" +--- +---The data is base64-encoded. +--- +---| "base64" + +--- +---The different modes you can open a File in. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/FileMode) +--- +---@alias love.FileMode +--- +---Open a file for read. +--- +---| "r" +--- +---Open a file for write. +--- +---| "w" +--- +---Open a file for append. +--- +---| "a" +--- +---Do not open a file (represents a closed file.) +--- +---| "c" + +--- +---The type of a file. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/FileType) +--- +---@alias love.FileType +--- +---Regular file. +--- +---| "file" +--- +---Directory. +--- +---| "directory" +--- +---Symbolic link. +--- +---| "symlink" +--- +---Something completely different like a device. +--- +---| "other" diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/font.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/font.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..53c36fb7d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/font.lua @@ -0,0 +1,281 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---Allows you to work with fonts. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.font) +--- +---@class love.font +love.font = {} + +--- +---Creates a new BMFont Rasterizer. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.font.newBMFontRasterizer) +--- +---@overload fun(fileName: string, glyphs: string, dpiscale?: number):love.Rasterizer +---@param imageData love.ImageData # The image data containing the drawable pictures of font glyphs. +---@param glyphs string # The sequence of glyphs in the ImageData. +---@param dpiscale? number # DPI scale. +---@return love.Rasterizer rasterizer # The rasterizer. +function love.font.newBMFontRasterizer(imageData, glyphs, dpiscale) end + +--- +---Creates a new GlyphData. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.font.newGlyphData) +--- +---@param rasterizer love.Rasterizer # The Rasterizer containing the font. +---@param glyph number # The character code of the glyph. +function love.font.newGlyphData(rasterizer, glyph) end + +--- +---Creates a new Image Rasterizer. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.font.newImageRasterizer) +--- +---@param imageData love.ImageData # Font image data. +---@param glyphs string # String containing font glyphs. +---@param extraSpacing? number # Font extra spacing. +---@param dpiscale? number # Font DPI scale. +---@return love.Rasterizer rasterizer # The rasterizer. +function love.font.newImageRasterizer(imageData, glyphs, extraSpacing, dpiscale) end + +--- +---Creates a new Rasterizer. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.font.newRasterizer) +--- +---@overload fun(data: love.FileData):love.Rasterizer +---@overload fun(size?: number, hinting?: love.HintingMode, dpiscale?: number):love.Rasterizer +---@overload fun(fileName: string, size?: number, hinting?: love.HintingMode, dpiscale?: number):love.Rasterizer +---@overload fun(fileData: love.FileData, size?: number, hinting?: love.HintingMode, dpiscale?: number):love.Rasterizer +---@overload fun(imageData: love.ImageData, glyphs: string, dpiscale?: number):love.Rasterizer +---@overload fun(fileName: string, glyphs: string, dpiscale?: number):love.Rasterizer +---@param filename string # The font file. +---@return love.Rasterizer rasterizer # The rasterizer. +function love.font.newRasterizer(filename) end + +--- +---Creates a new TrueType Rasterizer. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.font.newTrueTypeRasterizer) +--- +---@overload fun(fileName: string, size?: number, hinting?: love.HintingMode, dpiscale?: number):love.Rasterizer +---@overload fun(fileData: love.FileData, size?: number, hinting?: love.HintingMode, dpiscale?: number):love.Rasterizer +---@param size? number # The font size. +---@param hinting? love.HintingMode # True Type hinting mode. +---@param dpiscale? number # The font DPI scale. +---@return love.Rasterizer rasterizer # The rasterizer. +function love.font.newTrueTypeRasterizer(size, hinting, dpiscale) end + +--- +---A GlyphData represents a drawable symbol of a font Rasterizer. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.font) +--- +---@class love.GlyphData: love.Data, love.Object +local GlyphData = {} + +--- +---Gets glyph advance. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/GlyphData:getAdvance) +--- +---@return number advance # Glyph advance. +function GlyphData:getAdvance() end + +--- +---Gets glyph bearing. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/GlyphData:getBearing) +--- +---@return number bx # Glyph bearing X. +---@return number by # Glyph bearing Y. +function GlyphData:getBearing() end + +--- +---Gets glyph bounding box. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/GlyphData:getBoundingBox) +--- +---@return number x # Glyph position x. +---@return number y # Glyph position y. +---@return number width # Glyph width. +---@return number height # Glyph height. +function GlyphData:getBoundingBox() end + +--- +---Gets glyph dimensions. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/GlyphData:getDimensions) +--- +---@return number width # Glyph width. +---@return number height # Glyph height. +function GlyphData:getDimensions() end + +--- +---Gets glyph pixel format. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/GlyphData:getFormat) +--- +---@return love.PixelFormat format # Glyph pixel format. +function GlyphData:getFormat() end + +--- +---Gets glyph number. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/GlyphData:getGlyph) +--- +---@return number glyph # Glyph number. +function GlyphData:getGlyph() end + +--- +---Gets glyph string. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/GlyphData:getGlyphString) +--- +---@return string glyph # Glyph string. +function GlyphData:getGlyphString() end + +--- +---Gets glyph height. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/GlyphData:getHeight) +--- +---@return number height # Glyph height. +function GlyphData:getHeight() end + +--- +---Gets glyph width. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/GlyphData:getWidth) +--- +---@return number width # Glyph width. +function GlyphData:getWidth() end + +--- +---A Rasterizer handles font rendering, containing the font data (image or TrueType font) and drawable glyphs. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.font) +--- +---@class love.Rasterizer: love.Object +local Rasterizer = {} + +--- +---Gets font advance. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Rasterizer:getAdvance) +--- +---@return number advance # Font advance. +function Rasterizer:getAdvance() end + +--- +---Gets ascent height. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Rasterizer:getAscent) +--- +---@return number height # Ascent height. +function Rasterizer:getAscent() end + +--- +---Gets descent height. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Rasterizer:getDescent) +--- +---@return number height # Descent height. +function Rasterizer:getDescent() end + +--- +---Gets number of glyphs in font. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Rasterizer:getGlyphCount) +--- +---@return number count # Glyphs count. +function Rasterizer:getGlyphCount() end + +--- +---Gets glyph data of a specified glyph. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Rasterizer:getGlyphData) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Rasterizer, glyphNumber: number):love.GlyphData +---@param glyph string # Glyph +---@return love.GlyphData glyphData # Glyph data +function Rasterizer:getGlyphData(glyph) end + +--- +---Gets font height. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Rasterizer:getHeight) +--- +---@return number height # Font height +function Rasterizer:getHeight() end + +--- +---Gets line height of a font. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Rasterizer:getLineHeight) +--- +---@return number height # Line height of a font. +function Rasterizer:getLineHeight() end + +--- +---Checks if font contains specified glyphs. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Rasterizer:hasGlyphs) +--- +---@param glyph1 string|number # Glyph +---@param glyph2 string|number # Glyph +---@vararg string|number # Additional glyphs +---@return boolean hasGlyphs # Whatever font contains specified glyphs. +function Rasterizer:hasGlyphs(glyph1, glyph2, ...) end + +--- +---True Type hinting mode. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/HintingMode) +--- +---@alias love.HintingMode +--- +---Default hinting. Should be preferred for typical antialiased fonts. +--- +---| "normal" +--- +---Results in fuzzier text but can sometimes preserve the original glyph shapes of the text better than normal hinting. +--- +---| "light" +--- +---Results in aliased / unsmoothed text with either full opacity or completely transparent pixels. Should be used when antialiasing is not desired for the font. +--- +---| "mono" +--- +---Disables hinting for the font. Results in fuzzier text. +--- +---| "none" diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/graphics.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/graphics.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..87ad4a8fe --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/graphics.lua @@ -0,0 +1,3955 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---The primary responsibility for the love.graphics module is the drawing of lines, shapes, text, Images and other Drawable objects onto the screen. Its secondary responsibilities include loading external files (including Images and Fonts) into memory, creating specialized objects (such as ParticleSystems or Canvases) and managing screen geometry. +--- +---LÖVE's coordinate system is rooted in the upper-left corner of the screen, which is at location (0, 0). The x axis is horizontal: larger values are further to the right. The y axis is vertical: larger values are further towards the bottom. +--- +---In many cases, you draw images or shapes in terms of their upper-left corner. +--- +---Many of the functions are used to manipulate the graphics coordinate system, which is essentially the way coordinates are mapped to the display. You can change the position, scale, and even rotation in this way. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics) +--- +---@class love.graphics +love.graphics = {} + +--- +---Applies the given Transform object to the current coordinate transformation. +--- +---This effectively multiplies the existing coordinate transformation's matrix with the Transform object's internal matrix to produce the new coordinate transformation. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.applyTransform) +--- +---@param transform love.Transform # The Transform object to apply to the current graphics coordinate transform. +function love.graphics.applyTransform(transform) end + +--- +---Draws a filled or unfilled arc at position (x, y). The arc is drawn from angle1 to angle2 in radians. The segments parameter determines how many segments are used to draw the arc. The more segments, the smoother the edge. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.arc) +--- +---@overload fun(drawmode: love.DrawMode, arctype: love.ArcType, x: number, y: number, radius: number, angle1: number, angle2: number, segments?: number) +---@param drawmode love.DrawMode # How to draw the arc. +---@param x number # The position of the center along x-axis. +---@param y number # The position of the center along y-axis. +---@param radius number # Radius of the arc. +---@param angle1 number # The angle at which the arc begins. +---@param angle2 number # The angle at which the arc terminates. +---@param segments? number # The number of segments used for drawing the arc. +function love.graphics.arc(drawmode, x, y, radius, angle1, angle2, segments) end + +--- +---Creates a screenshot once the current frame is done (after love.draw has finished). +--- +---Since this function enqueues a screenshot capture rather than executing it immediately, it can be called from an input callback or love.update and it will still capture all of what's drawn to the screen in that frame. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.captureScreenshot) +--- +---@overload fun(callback: function) +---@overload fun(channel: love.Channel) +---@param filename string # The filename to save the screenshot to. The encoded image type is determined based on the extension of the filename, and must be one of the ImageFormats. +function love.graphics.captureScreenshot(filename) end + +--- +---Draws a circle. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.circle) +--- +---@overload fun(mode: love.DrawMode, x: number, y: number, radius: number, segments: number) +---@param mode love.DrawMode # How to draw the circle. +---@param x number # The position of the center along x-axis. +---@param y number # The position of the center along y-axis. +---@param radius number # The radius of the circle. +function love.graphics.circle(mode, x, y, radius) end + +--- +---Clears the screen or active Canvas to the specified color. +--- +---This function is called automatically before love.draw in the default love.run function. See the example in love.run for a typical use of this function. +--- +---Note that the scissor area bounds the cleared region. +--- +---In versions prior to 11.0, color component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. +--- +---In versions prior to background color instead. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.clear) +--- +---@overload fun(r: number, g: number, b: number, a?: number, clearstencil?: boolean, cleardepth?: boolean) +---@overload fun(color: table, ..., clearstencil?: boolean, cleardepth?: boolean) +---@overload fun(clearcolor: boolean, clearstencil: boolean, cleardepth: boolean) +function love.graphics.clear() end + +--- +---Discards (trashes) the contents of the screen or active Canvas. This is a performance optimization function with niche use cases. +--- +---If the active Canvas has just been changed and the 'replace' BlendMode is about to be used to draw something which covers the entire screen, calling love.graphics.discard rather than calling love.graphics.clear or doing nothing may improve performance on mobile devices. +--- +---On some desktop systems this function may do nothing. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.discard) +--- +---@overload fun(discardcolors: table, discardstencil?: boolean) +---@param discardcolor? boolean # Whether to discard the texture(s) of the active Canvas(es) (the contents of the screen if no Canvas is active.) +---@param discardstencil? boolean # Whether to discard the contents of the stencil buffer of the screen / active Canvas. +function love.graphics.discard(discardcolor, discardstencil) end + +--- +---Draws a Drawable object (an Image, Canvas, SpriteBatch, ParticleSystem, Mesh, Text object, or Video) on the screen with optional rotation, scaling and shearing. +--- +---Objects are drawn relative to their local coordinate system. The origin is by default located at the top left corner of Image and Canvas. All scaling, shearing, and rotation arguments transform the object relative to that point. Also, the position of the origin can be specified on the screen coordinate system. +--- +---It's possible to rotate an object about its center by offsetting the origin to the center. Angles must be given in radians for rotation. One can also use a negative scaling factor to flip about its centerline. +--- +---Note that the offsets are applied before rotation, scaling, or shearing; scaling and shearing are applied before rotation. +--- +---The right and bottom edges of the object are shifted at an angle defined by the shearing factors. +--- +---When using the default shader anything drawn with this function will be tinted according to the currently selected color. +--- +---Set it to pure white to preserve the object's original colors. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.draw) +--- +---@overload fun(texture: love.Texture, quad: love.Quad, x: number, y: number, r?: number, sx?: number, sy?: number, ox?: number, oy?: number, kx?: number, ky?: number) +---@overload fun(drawable: love.Drawable, transform: love.Transform) +---@overload fun(texture: love.Texture, quad: love.Quad, transform: love.Transform) +---@param drawable love.Drawable # A drawable object. +---@param x? number # The position to draw the object (x-axis). +---@param y? number # The position to draw the object (y-axis). +---@param r? number # Orientation (radians). +---@param sx? number # Scale factor (x-axis). +---@param sy? number # Scale factor (y-axis). +---@param ox? number # Origin offset (x-axis). +---@param oy? number # Origin offset (y-axis). +---@param kx? number # Shearing factor (x-axis). +---@param ky? number # Shearing factor (y-axis). +function love.graphics.draw(drawable, x, y, r, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky) end + +--- +---Draws many instances of a Mesh with a single draw call, using hardware geometry instancing. +--- +---Each instance can have unique properties (positions, colors, etc.) but will not by default unless a custom per-instance vertex attributes or the love_InstanceID GLSL 3 vertex shader variable is used, otherwise they will all render at the same position on top of each other. +--- +---Instancing is not supported by some older GPUs that are only capable of using OpenGL ES 2 or OpenGL 2. Use love.graphics.getSupported to check. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.drawInstanced) +--- +---@overload fun(mesh: love.Mesh, instancecount: number, transform: love.Transform) +---@param mesh love.Mesh # The mesh to render. +---@param instancecount number # The number of instances to render. +---@param x? number # The position to draw the instances (x-axis). +---@param y? number # The position to draw the instances (y-axis). +---@param r? number # Orientation (radians). +---@param sx? number # Scale factor (x-axis). +---@param sy? number # Scale factor (y-axis). +---@param ox? number # Origin offset (x-axis). +---@param oy? number # Origin offset (y-axis). +---@param kx? number # Shearing factor (x-axis). +---@param ky? number # Shearing factor (y-axis). +function love.graphics.drawInstanced(mesh, instancecount, x, y, r, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky) end + +--- +---Draws a layer of an Array Texture. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.drawLayer) +--- +---@overload fun(texture: love.Texture, layerindex: number, quad: love.Quad, x?: number, y?: number, r?: number, sx?: number, sy?: number, ox?: number, oy?: number, kx?: number, ky?: number) +---@overload fun(texture: love.Texture, layerindex: number, transform: love.Transform) +---@overload fun(texture: love.Texture, layerindex: number, quad: love.Quad, transform: love.Transform) +---@param texture love.Texture # The Array Texture to draw. +---@param layerindex number # The index of the layer to use when drawing. +---@param x? number # The position to draw the texture (x-axis). +---@param y? number # The position to draw the texture (y-axis). +---@param r? number # Orientation (radians). +---@param sx? number # Scale factor (x-axis). +---@param sy? number # Scale factor (y-axis). +---@param ox? number # Origin offset (x-axis). +---@param oy? number # Origin offset (y-axis). +---@param kx? number # Shearing factor (x-axis). +---@param ky? number # Shearing factor (y-axis). +function love.graphics.drawLayer(texture, layerindex, x, y, r, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky) end + +--- +---Draws an ellipse. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.ellipse) +--- +---@overload fun(mode: love.DrawMode, x: number, y: number, radiusx: number, radiusy: number, segments: number) +---@param mode love.DrawMode # How to draw the ellipse. +---@param x number # The position of the center along x-axis. +---@param y number # The position of the center along y-axis. +---@param radiusx number # The radius of the ellipse along the x-axis (half the ellipse's width). +---@param radiusy number # The radius of the ellipse along the y-axis (half the ellipse's height). +function love.graphics.ellipse(mode, x, y, radiusx, radiusy) end + +--- +---Immediately renders any pending automatically batched draws. +--- +---LÖVE will call this function internally as needed when most state is changed, so it is not necessary to manually call it. +--- +---The current batch will be automatically flushed by love.graphics state changes (except for the transform stack and the current color), as well as Shader:send and methods on Textures which change their state. Using a different Image in consecutive love.graphics.draw calls will also flush the current batch. +--- +---SpriteBatches, ParticleSystems, Meshes, and Text objects do their own batching and do not affect automatic batching of other draws, aside from flushing the current batch when they're drawn. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.flushBatch) +--- +function love.graphics.flushBatch() end + +--- +---Gets the current background color. +--- +---In versions prior to 11.0, color component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getBackgroundColor) +--- +---@return number r # The red component (0-1). +---@return number g # The green component (0-1). +---@return number b # The blue component (0-1). +---@return number a # The alpha component (0-1). +function love.graphics.getBackgroundColor() end + +--- +---Gets the blending mode. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getBlendMode) +--- +---@return love.BlendMode mode # The current blend mode. +---@return love.BlendAlphaMode alphamode # The current blend alpha mode – it determines how the alpha of drawn objects affects blending. +function love.graphics.getBlendMode() end + +--- +---Gets the current target Canvas. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getCanvas) +--- +---@return love.Canvas canvas # The Canvas set by setCanvas. Returns nil if drawing to the real screen. +function love.graphics.getCanvas() end + +--- +---Gets the available Canvas formats, and whether each is supported. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getCanvasFormats) +--- +---@overload fun(readable: boolean):table +---@return table formats # A table containing CanvasFormats as keys, and a boolean indicating whether the format is supported as values. Not all systems support all formats. +function love.graphics.getCanvasFormats() end + +--- +---Gets the current color. +--- +---In versions prior to 11.0, color component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getColor) +--- +---@return number r # The red component (0-1). +---@return number g # The green component (0-1). +---@return number b # The blue component (0-1). +---@return number a # The alpha component (0-1). +function love.graphics.getColor() end + +--- +---Gets the active color components used when drawing. Normally all 4 components are active unless love.graphics.setColorMask has been used. +--- +---The color mask determines whether individual components of the colors of drawn objects will affect the color of the screen. They affect love.graphics.clear and Canvas:clear as well. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getColorMask) +--- +---@return boolean r # Whether the red color component is active when rendering. +---@return boolean g # Whether the green color component is active when rendering. +---@return boolean b # Whether the blue color component is active when rendering. +---@return boolean a # Whether the alpha color component is active when rendering. +function love.graphics.getColorMask() end + +--- +---Gets the DPI scale factor of the window. +--- +---The DPI scale factor represents relative pixel density. The pixel density inside the window might be greater (or smaller) than the 'size' of the window. For example on a retina screen in Mac OS X with the highdpi window flag enabled, the window may take up the same physical size as an 800x600 window, but the area inside the window uses 1600x1200 pixels. love.graphics.getDPIScale() would return 2 in that case. +--- +---The love.window.fromPixels and love.window.toPixels functions can also be used to convert between units. +--- +---The highdpi window flag must be enabled to use the full pixel density of a Retina screen on Mac OS X and iOS. The flag currently does nothing on Windows and Linux, and on Android it is effectively always enabled. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getDPIScale) +--- +---@return number scale # The pixel scale factor associated with the window. +function love.graphics.getDPIScale() end + +--- +---Returns the default scaling filters used with Images, Canvases, and Fonts. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getDefaultFilter) +--- +---@return love.FilterMode min # Filter mode used when scaling the image down. +---@return love.FilterMode mag # Filter mode used when scaling the image up. +---@return number anisotropy # Maximum amount of Anisotropic Filtering used. +function love.graphics.getDefaultFilter() end + +--- +---Gets the current depth test mode and whether writing to the depth buffer is enabled. +--- +---This is low-level functionality designed for use with custom vertex shaders and Meshes with custom vertex attributes. No higher level APIs are provided to set the depth of 2D graphics such as shapes, lines, and Images. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getDepthMode) +--- +---@return love.CompareMode comparemode # Depth comparison mode used for depth testing. +---@return boolean write # Whether to write update / write values to the depth buffer when rendering. +function love.graphics.getDepthMode() end + +--- +---Gets the width and height in pixels of the window. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getDimensions) +--- +---@return number width # The width of the window. +---@return number height # The height of the window. +function love.graphics.getDimensions() end + +--- +---Gets the current Font object. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getFont) +--- +---@return love.Font font # The current Font. Automatically creates and sets the default font, if none is set yet. +function love.graphics.getFont() end + +--- +---Gets whether triangles with clockwise- or counterclockwise-ordered vertices are considered front-facing. +--- +---This is designed for use in combination with Mesh face culling. Other love.graphics shapes, lines, and sprites are not guaranteed to have a specific winding order to their internal vertices. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getFrontFaceWinding) +--- +---@return love.VertexWinding winding # The winding mode being used. The default winding is counterclockwise ('ccw'). +function love.graphics.getFrontFaceWinding() end + +--- +---Gets the height in pixels of the window. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getHeight) +--- +---@return number height # The height of the window. +function love.graphics.getHeight() end + +--- +---Gets the raw and compressed pixel formats usable for Images, and whether each is supported. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getImageFormats) +--- +---@return table formats # A table containing PixelFormats as keys, and a boolean indicating whether the format is supported as values. Not all systems support all formats. +function love.graphics.getImageFormats() end + +--- +---Gets the line join style. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getLineJoin) +--- +---@return love.LineJoin join # The LineJoin style. +function love.graphics.getLineJoin() end + +--- +---Gets the line style. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getLineStyle) +--- +---@return love.LineStyle style # The current line style. +function love.graphics.getLineStyle() end + +--- +---Gets the current line width. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getLineWidth) +--- +---@return number width # The current line width. +function love.graphics.getLineWidth() end + +--- +---Gets whether back-facing triangles in a Mesh are culled. +--- +---Mesh face culling is designed for use with low level custom hardware-accelerated 3D rendering via custom vertex attributes on Meshes, custom vertex shaders, and depth testing with a depth buffer. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getMeshCullMode) +--- +---@return love.CullMode mode # The Mesh face culling mode in use (whether to render everything, cull back-facing triangles, or cull front-facing triangles). +function love.graphics.getMeshCullMode() end + +--- +---Gets the width and height in pixels of the window. +--- +---love.graphics.getDimensions gets the dimensions of the window in units scaled by the screen's DPI scale factor, rather than pixels. Use getDimensions for calculations related to drawing to the screen and using the graphics coordinate system (calculating the center of the screen, for example), and getPixelDimensions only when dealing specifically with underlying pixels (pixel-related calculations in a pixel Shader, for example). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getPixelDimensions) +--- +---@return number pixelwidth # The width of the window in pixels. +---@return number pixelheight # The height of the window in pixels. +function love.graphics.getPixelDimensions() end + +--- +---Gets the height in pixels of the window. +--- +---The graphics coordinate system and DPI scale factor, rather than raw pixels. Use getHeight for calculations related to drawing to the screen and using the coordinate system (calculating the center of the screen, for example), and getPixelHeight only when dealing specifically with underlying pixels (pixel-related calculations in a pixel Shader, for example). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getPixelHeight) +--- +---@return number pixelheight # The height of the window in pixels. +function love.graphics.getPixelHeight() end + +--- +---Gets the width in pixels of the window. +--- +---The graphics coordinate system and DPI scale factor, rather than raw pixels. Use getWidth for calculations related to drawing to the screen and using the coordinate system (calculating the center of the screen, for example), and getPixelWidth only when dealing specifically with underlying pixels (pixel-related calculations in a pixel Shader, for example). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getPixelWidth) +--- +---@return number pixelwidth # The width of the window in pixels. +function love.graphics.getPixelWidth() end + +--- +---Gets the point size. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getPointSize) +--- +---@return number size # The current point size. +function love.graphics.getPointSize() end + +--- +---Gets information about the system's video card and drivers. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getRendererInfo) +--- +---@return string name # The name of the renderer, e.g. 'OpenGL' or 'OpenGL ES'. +---@return string version # The version of the renderer with some extra driver-dependent version info, e.g. '2.1 INTEL-8.10.44'. +---@return string vendor # The name of the graphics card vendor, e.g. 'Intel Inc'. +---@return string device # The name of the graphics card, e.g. 'Intel HD Graphics 3000 OpenGL Engine'. +function love.graphics.getRendererInfo() end + +--- +---Gets the current scissor box. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getScissor) +--- +---@return number x # The x-component of the top-left point of the box. +---@return number y # The y-component of the top-left point of the box. +---@return number width # The width of the box. +---@return number height # The height of the box. +function love.graphics.getScissor() end + +--- +---Gets the current Shader. Returns nil if none is set. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getShader) +--- +---@return love.Shader shader # The currently active Shader, or nil if none is set. +function love.graphics.getShader() end + +--- +---Gets the current depth of the transform / state stack (the number of pushes without corresponding pops). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getStackDepth) +--- +---@return number depth # The current depth of the transform and state love.graphics stack. +function love.graphics.getStackDepth() end + +--- +---Gets performance-related rendering statistics. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getStats) +--- +---@overload fun(stats: table):table +---@return {drawcalls: number, canvasswitches: number, texturememory: number, images: number, canvases: number, fonts: number, shaderswitches: number, drawcallsbatched: number} stats # A table with the following fields: +function love.graphics.getStats() end + +--- +---Gets the current stencil test configuration. +--- +---When stencil testing is enabled, the geometry of everything that is drawn afterward will be clipped / stencilled out based on a comparison between the arguments of this function and the stencil value of each pixel that the geometry touches. The stencil values of pixels are affected via love.graphics.stencil. +--- +---Each Canvas has its own per-pixel stencil values. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getStencilTest) +--- +---@return love.CompareMode comparemode # The type of comparison that is made for each pixel. Will be 'always' if stencil testing is disabled. +---@return number comparevalue # The value used when comparing with the stencil value of each pixel. +function love.graphics.getStencilTest() end + +--- +---Gets the optional graphics features and whether they're supported on the system. +--- +---Some older or low-end systems don't always support all graphics features. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getSupported) +--- +---@return table features # A table containing GraphicsFeature keys, and boolean values indicating whether each feature is supported. +function love.graphics.getSupported() end + +--- +---Gets the system-dependent maximum values for love.graphics features. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getSystemLimits) +--- +---@return table limits # A table containing GraphicsLimit keys, and number values. +function love.graphics.getSystemLimits() end + +--- +---Gets the available texture types, and whether each is supported. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getTextureTypes) +--- +---@return table texturetypes # A table containing TextureTypes as keys, and a boolean indicating whether the type is supported as values. Not all systems support all types. +function love.graphics.getTextureTypes() end + +--- +---Gets the width in pixels of the window. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.getWidth) +--- +---@return number width # The width of the window. +function love.graphics.getWidth() end + +--- +---Sets the scissor to the rectangle created by the intersection of the specified rectangle with the existing scissor. +--- +---If no scissor is active yet, it behaves like love.graphics.setScissor. +--- +---The scissor limits the drawing area to a specified rectangle. This affects all graphics calls, including love.graphics.clear. +--- +---The dimensions of the scissor is unaffected by graphical transformations (translate, scale, ...). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.intersectScissor) +--- +---@param x number # The x-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle to intersect with the existing scissor rectangle. +---@param y number # The y-coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle to intersect with the existing scissor rectangle. +---@param width number # The width of the rectangle to intersect with the existing scissor rectangle. +---@param height number # The height of the rectangle to intersect with the existing scissor rectangle. +function love.graphics.intersectScissor(x, y, width, height) end + +--- +---Converts the given 2D position from screen-space into global coordinates. +--- +---This effectively applies the reverse of the current graphics transformations to the given position. A similar Transform:inverseTransformPoint method exists for Transform objects. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.inverseTransformPoint) +--- +---@param screenX number # The x component of the screen-space position. +---@param screenY number # The y component of the screen-space position. +---@return number globalX # The x component of the position in global coordinates. +---@return number globalY # The y component of the position in global coordinates. +function love.graphics.inverseTransformPoint(screenX, screenY) end + +--- +---Gets whether the graphics module is able to be used. If it is not active, love.graphics function and method calls will not work correctly and may cause the program to crash. +---The graphics module is inactive if a window is not open, or if the app is in the background on iOS. Typically the app's execution will be automatically paused by the system, in the latter case. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.isActive) +--- +---@return boolean active # Whether the graphics module is active and able to be used. +function love.graphics.isActive() end + +--- +---Gets whether gamma-correct rendering is supported and enabled. It can be enabled by setting t.gammacorrect = true in love.conf. +--- +---Not all devices support gamma-correct rendering, in which case it will be automatically disabled and this function will return false. It is supported on desktop systems which have graphics cards that are capable of using OpenGL 3 / DirectX 10, and iOS devices that can use OpenGL ES 3. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.isGammaCorrect) +--- +---@return boolean gammacorrect # True if gamma-correct rendering is supported and was enabled in love.conf, false otherwise. +function love.graphics.isGammaCorrect() end + +--- +---Gets whether wireframe mode is used when drawing. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.isWireframe) +--- +---@return boolean wireframe # True if wireframe lines are used when drawing, false if it's not. +function love.graphics.isWireframe() end + +--- +---Draws lines between points. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.line) +--- +---@overload fun(points: table) +---@param x1 number # The position of first point on the x-axis. +---@param y1 number # The position of first point on the y-axis. +---@param x2 number # The position of second point on the x-axis. +---@param y2 number # The position of second point on the y-axis. +---@vararg number # You can continue passing point positions to draw a polyline. +function love.graphics.line(x1, y1, x2, y2, ...) end + +--- +---Creates a new array Image. +--- +---An array image / array texture is a single object which contains multiple 'layers' or 'slices' of 2D sub-images. It can be thought of similarly to a texture atlas or sprite sheet, but it doesn't suffer from the same tile / quad bleeding artifacts that texture atlases do – although every sub-image must have the same dimensions. +--- +---A specific layer of an array image can be drawn with love.graphics.drawLayer / SpriteBatch:addLayer, or with the Quad variant of love.graphics.draw and Quad:setLayer, or via a custom Shader. +--- +---To use an array image in a Shader, it must be declared as a ArrayImage or sampler2DArray type (instead of Image or sampler2D). The Texel(ArrayImage image, vec3 texturecoord) shader function must be used to get pixel colors from a slice of the array image. The vec3 argument contains the texture coordinate in the first two components, and the 0-based slice index in the third component. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.newArrayImage) +--- +---@param slices table # A table containing filepaths to images (or File, FileData, ImageData, or CompressedImageData objects), in an array. Each sub-image must have the same dimensions. A table of tables can also be given, where each sub-table contains all mipmap levels for the slice index of that sub-table. +---@param settings? {mipmaps: boolean, linear: boolean, dpiscale: number} # Optional table of settings to configure the array image, containing the following fields: +---@return love.Image image # An Array Image object. +function love.graphics.newArrayImage(slices, settings) end + +--- +---Creates a new Canvas object for offscreen rendering. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.newCanvas) +--- +---@overload fun(width: number, height: number):love.Canvas +---@overload fun(width: number, height: number, settings: table):love.Canvas +---@overload fun(width: number, height: number, layers: number, settings: table):love.Canvas +---@return love.Canvas canvas # A new Canvas with dimensions equal to the window's size in pixels. +function love.graphics.newCanvas() end + +--- +---Creates a new cubemap Image. +--- +---Cubemap images have 6 faces (sides) which represent a cube. They can't be rendered directly, they can only be used in Shader code (and sent to the shader via Shader:send). +--- +---To use a cubemap image in a Shader, it must be declared as a CubeImage or samplerCube type (instead of Image or sampler2D). The Texel(CubeImage image, vec3 direction) shader function must be used to get pixel colors from the cubemap. The vec3 argument is a normalized direction from the center of the cube, rather than explicit texture coordinates. +--- +---Each face in a cubemap image must have square dimensions. +--- +---For variants of this function which accept a single image containing multiple cubemap faces, they must be laid out in one of the following forms in the image: +--- +--- +y +--- +---+z +x -z +--- +--- -y +--- +--- -x +--- +---or: +--- +--- +y +--- +----x +z +x -z +--- +--- -y +--- +---or: +--- +---+x +--- +----x +--- +---+y +--- +----y +--- +---+z +--- +----z +--- +---or: +--- +---+x -x +y -y +z -z +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.newCubeImage) +--- +---@overload fun(faces: table, settings?: table):love.Image +---@param filename string # The filepath to a cubemap image file (or a File, FileData, or ImageData). +---@param settings? {mipmaps: boolean, linear: boolean} # Optional table of settings to configure the cubemap image, containing the following fields: +---@return love.Image image # An cubemap Image object. +function love.graphics.newCubeImage(filename, settings) end + +--- +---Creates a new Font from a TrueType Font or BMFont file. Created fonts are not cached, in that calling this function with the same arguments will always create a new Font object. +--- +---All variants which accept a filename can also accept a Data object instead. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.newFont) +--- +---@overload fun(filename: string, size: number, hinting?: love.HintingMode, dpiscale?: number):love.Font +---@overload fun(filename: string, imagefilename: string):love.Font +---@overload fun(size?: number, hinting?: love.HintingMode, dpiscale?: number):love.Font +---@param filename string # The filepath to the BMFont or TrueType font file. +---@return love.Font font # A Font object which can be used to draw text on screen. +function love.graphics.newFont(filename) end + +--- +---Creates a new Image from a filepath, FileData, an ImageData, or a CompressedImageData, and optionally generates or specifies mipmaps for the image. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.newImage) +--- +---@overload fun(fileData: love.FileData, settings?: table):love.Image +---@overload fun(imageData: love.ImageData, settings?: table):love.Image +---@overload fun(compressedImageData: love.CompressedImageData, settings?: table):love.Image +---@param filename string # The filepath to the image file. +---@param settings? {dpiscale: number, linear: boolean, mipmaps: boolean} # A table containing the following fields: +---@return love.Image image # A new Image object which can be drawn on screen. +function love.graphics.newImage(filename, settings) end + +--- +---Creates a new specifically formatted image. +--- +---In versions prior to 0.9.0, LÖVE expects ISO 8859-1 encoding for the glyphs string. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.newImageFont) +--- +---@overload fun(imageData: love.ImageData, glyphs: string):love.Font +---@overload fun(filename: string, glyphs: string, extraspacing: number):love.Font +---@param filename string # The filepath to the image file. +---@param glyphs string # A string of the characters in the image in order from left to right. +---@return love.Font font # A Font object which can be used to draw text on screen. +function love.graphics.newImageFont(filename, glyphs) end + +--- +---Creates a new Mesh. +--- +---Use Mesh:setTexture if the Mesh should be textured with an Image or Canvas when it's drawn. +--- +---In versions prior to 11.0, color and byte component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.newMesh) +--- +---@overload fun(vertexcount: number, mode?: love.MeshDrawMode, usage?: love.SpriteBatchUsage):love.Mesh +---@overload fun(vertexformat: table, vertices: table, mode?: love.MeshDrawMode, usage?: love.SpriteBatchUsage):love.Mesh +---@overload fun(vertexformat: table, vertexcount: number, mode?: love.MeshDrawMode, usage?: love.SpriteBatchUsage):love.Mesh +---@overload fun(vertexcount: number, texture?: love.Texture, mode?: love.MeshDrawMode):love.Mesh +---@param vertices {["1"]: number, ["2"]: number, ["3"]: number, ["4"]: number, ["5"]: number, ["6"]: number, ["7"]: number, ["8"]: number} # The table filled with vertex information tables for each vertex as follows: +---@param mode? love.MeshDrawMode # How the vertices are used when drawing. The default mode 'fan' is sufficient for simple convex polygons. +---@param usage? love.SpriteBatchUsage # The expected usage of the Mesh. The specified usage mode affects the Mesh's memory usage and performance. +---@return love.Mesh mesh # The new mesh. +function love.graphics.newMesh(vertices, mode, usage) end + +--- +---Creates a new ParticleSystem. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.newParticleSystem) +--- +---@overload fun(texture: love.Texture, buffer?: number):love.ParticleSystem +---@param image love.Image # The image to use. +---@param buffer? number # The max number of particles at the same time. +---@return love.ParticleSystem system # A new ParticleSystem. +function love.graphics.newParticleSystem(image, buffer) end + +--- +---Creates a new Quad. +--- +---The purpose of a Quad is to use a fraction of an image to draw objects, as opposed to drawing entire image. It is most useful for sprite sheets and atlases: in a sprite atlas, multiple sprites reside in same image, quad is used to draw a specific sprite from that image; in animated sprites with all frames residing in the same image, quad is used to draw specific frame from the animation. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.newQuad) +--- +---@param x number # The top-left position in the Image along the x-axis. +---@param y number # The top-left position in the Image along the y-axis. +---@param width number # The width of the Quad in the Image. (Must be greater than 0.) +---@param height number # The height of the Quad in the Image. (Must be greater than 0.) +---@param sw number # The reference width, the width of the Image. (Must be greater than 0.) +---@param sh number # The reference height, the height of the Image. (Must be greater than 0.) +---@return love.Quad quad # The new Quad. +function love.graphics.newQuad(x, y, width, height, sw, sh) end + +--- +---Creates a new Shader object for hardware-accelerated vertex and pixel effects. A Shader contains either vertex shader code, pixel shader code, or both. +--- +---Shaders are small programs which are run on the graphics card when drawing. Vertex shaders are run once for each vertex (for example, an image has 4 vertices - one at each corner. A Mesh might have many more.) Pixel shaders are run once for each pixel on the screen which the drawn object touches. Pixel shader code is executed after all the object's vertices have been processed by the vertex shader. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.newShader) +--- +---@overload fun(pixelcode: string, vertexcode: string):love.Shader +---@param code string # The pixel shader or vertex shader code, or a filename pointing to a file with the code. +---@return love.Shader shader # A Shader object for use in drawing operations. +function love.graphics.newShader(code) end + +--- +---Creates a new SpriteBatch object. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.newSpriteBatch) +--- +---@overload fun(image: love.Image, maxsprites?: number, usage?: love.SpriteBatchUsage):love.SpriteBatch +---@overload fun(texture: love.Texture, maxsprites?: number, usage?: love.SpriteBatchUsage):love.SpriteBatch +---@param image love.Image # The Image to use for the sprites. +---@param maxsprites? number # The maximum number of sprites that the SpriteBatch can contain at any given time. Since version 11.0, additional sprites added past this number will automatically grow the spritebatch. +---@return love.SpriteBatch spriteBatch # The new SpriteBatch. +function love.graphics.newSpriteBatch(image, maxsprites) end + +--- +---Creates a new drawable Text object. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.newText) +--- +---@param font love.Font # The font to use for the text. +---@param textstring? string # The initial string of text that the new Text object will contain. May be nil. +---@return love.Text text # The new drawable Text object. +function love.graphics.newText(font, textstring) end + +--- +---Creates a new drawable Video. Currently only Ogg Theora video files are supported. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.newVideo) +--- +---@overload fun(videostream: love.VideoStream):love.Video +---@overload fun(filename: string, settings?: table):love.Video +---@overload fun(filename: string, loadaudio?: boolean):love.Video +---@overload fun(videostream: love.VideoStream, loadaudio?: boolean):love.Video +---@param filename string # The file path to the Ogg Theora video file. +---@return love.Video video # A new Video. +function love.graphics.newVideo(filename) end + +--- +---Creates a new volume (3D) Image. +--- +---Volume images are 3D textures with width, height, and depth. They can't be rendered directly, they can only be used in Shader code (and sent to the shader via Shader:send). +--- +---To use a volume image in a Shader, it must be declared as a VolumeImage or sampler3D type (instead of Image or sampler2D). The Texel(VolumeImage image, vec3 texcoords) shader function must be used to get pixel colors from the volume image. The vec3 argument is a normalized texture coordinate with the z component representing the depth to sample at (ranging from 1). +--- +---Volume images are typically used as lookup tables in shaders for color grading, for example, because sampling using a texture coordinate that is partway in between two pixels can interpolate across all 3 dimensions in the volume image, resulting in a smooth gradient even when a small-sized volume image is used as the lookup table. +--- +---Array images are a much better choice than volume images for storing multiple different sprites in a single array image for directly drawing them. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.newVolumeImage) +--- +---@param layers table # A table containing filepaths to images (or File, FileData, ImageData, or CompressedImageData objects), in an array. A table of tables can also be given, where each sub-table represents a single mipmap level and contains all layers for that mipmap. +---@param settings? {mipmaps: boolean, linear: boolean} # Optional table of settings to configure the volume image, containing the following fields: +---@return love.Image image # A volume Image object. +function love.graphics.newVolumeImage(layers, settings) end + +--- +---Resets the current coordinate transformation. +--- +---This function is always used to reverse any previous calls to love.graphics.rotate, love.graphics.scale, love.graphics.shear or love.graphics.translate. It returns the current transformation state to its defaults. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.origin) +--- +function love.graphics.origin() end + +--- +---Draws one or more points. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.points) +--- +---@overload fun(points: table) +---@overload fun(points: table) +---@param x number # The position of the first point on the x-axis. +---@param y number # The position of the first point on the y-axis. +---@vararg number # The x and y coordinates of additional points. +function love.graphics.points(x, y, ...) end + +--- +---Draw a polygon. +--- +---Following the mode argument, this function can accept multiple numeric arguments or a single table of numeric arguments. In either case the arguments are interpreted as alternating x and y coordinates of the polygon's vertices. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.polygon) +--- +---@overload fun(mode: love.DrawMode, vertices: table) +---@param mode love.DrawMode # How to draw the polygon. +---@vararg number # The vertices of the polygon. +function love.graphics.polygon(mode, ...) end + +--- +---Pops the current coordinate transformation from the transformation stack. +--- +---This function is always used to reverse a previous push operation. It returns the current transformation state to what it was before the last preceding push. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.pop) +--- +function love.graphics.pop() end + +--- +---Displays the results of drawing operations on the screen. +--- +---This function is used when writing your own love.run function. It presents all the results of your drawing operations on the screen. See the example in love.run for a typical use of this function. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.present) +--- +function love.graphics.present() end + +--- +---Draws text on screen. If no Font is set, one will be created and set (once) if needed. +--- +---As of LOVE 0.7.1, when using translation and scaling functions while drawing text, this function assumes the scale occurs first. +--- +---If you don't script with this in mind, the text won't be in the right position, or possibly even on screen. +--- +---love.graphics.print and love.graphics.printf both support UTF-8 encoding. You'll also need a proper Font for special characters. +--- +---In versions prior to 11.0, color and byte component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.print) +--- +---@overload fun(coloredtext: table, x?: number, y?: number, angle?: number, sx?: number, sy?: number, ox?: number, oy?: number, kx?: number, ky?: number) +---@overload fun(text: string, transform: love.Transform) +---@overload fun(coloredtext: table, transform: love.Transform) +---@overload fun(text: string, font: love.Font, transform: love.Transform) +---@overload fun(coloredtext: table, font: love.Font, transform: love.Transform) +---@param text string # The text to draw. +---@param x? number # The position to draw the object (x-axis). +---@param y? number # The position to draw the object (y-axis). +---@param r? number # Orientation (radians). +---@param sx? number # Scale factor (x-axis). +---@param sy? number # Scale factor (y-axis). +---@param ox? number # Origin offset (x-axis). +---@param oy? number # Origin offset (y-axis). +---@param kx? number # Shearing factor (x-axis). +---@param ky? number # Shearing factor (y-axis). +function love.graphics.print(text, x, y, r, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky) end + +--- +---Draws formatted text, with word wrap and alignment. +--- +---See additional notes in love.graphics.print. +--- +---The word wrap limit is applied before any scaling, rotation, and other coordinate transformations. Therefore the amount of text per line stays constant given the same wrap limit, even if the scale arguments change. +--- +---In version 0.9.2 and earlier, wrapping was implemented by breaking up words by spaces and putting them back together to make sure things fit nicely within the limit provided. However, due to the way this is done, extra spaces between words would end up missing when printed on the screen, and some lines could overflow past the provided wrap limit. In version 0.10.0 and newer this is no longer the case. +--- +---In versions prior to 11.0, color and byte component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.printf) +--- +---@overload fun(text: string, font: love.Font, x: number, y: number, limit: number, align?: love.AlignMode, r?: number, sx?: number, sy?: number, ox?: number, oy?: number, kx?: number, ky?: number) +---@overload fun(text: string, transform: love.Transform, limit: number, align?: love.AlignMode) +---@overload fun(text: string, font: love.Font, transform: love.Transform, limit: number, align?: love.AlignMode) +---@overload fun(coloredtext: table, x: number, y: number, limit: number, align: love.AlignMode, angle?: number, sx?: number, sy?: number, ox?: number, oy?: number, kx?: number, ky?: number) +---@overload fun(coloredtext: table, font: love.Font, x: number, y: number, limit: number, align?: love.AlignMode, angle?: number, sx?: number, sy?: number, ox?: number, oy?: number, kx?: number, ky?: number) +---@overload fun(coloredtext: table, transform: love.Transform, limit: number, align?: love.AlignMode) +---@overload fun(coloredtext: table, font: love.Font, transform: love.Transform, limit: number, align?: love.AlignMode) +---@param text string # A text string. +---@param x number # The position on the x-axis. +---@param y number # The position on the y-axis. +---@param limit number # Wrap the line after this many horizontal pixels. +---@param align? love.AlignMode # The alignment. +---@param r? number # Orientation (radians). +---@param sx? number # Scale factor (x-axis). +---@param sy? number # Scale factor (y-axis). +---@param ox? number # Origin offset (x-axis). +---@param oy? number # Origin offset (y-axis). +---@param kx? number # Shearing factor (x-axis). +---@param ky? number # Shearing factor (y-axis). +function love.graphics.printf(text, x, y, limit, align, r, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky) end + +--- +---Copies and pushes the current coordinate transformation to the transformation stack. +--- +---This function is always used to prepare for a corresponding pop operation later. It stores the current coordinate transformation state into the transformation stack and keeps it active. Later changes to the transformation can be undone by using the pop operation, which returns the coordinate transform to the state it was in before calling push. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.push) +--- +---@overload fun(stack: love.StackType) +function love.graphics.push() end + +--- +---Draws a rectangle. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.rectangle) +--- +---@overload fun(mode: love.DrawMode, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, rx: number, ry?: number, segments?: number) +---@param mode love.DrawMode # How to draw the rectangle. +---@param x number # The position of top-left corner along the x-axis. +---@param y number # The position of top-left corner along the y-axis. +---@param width number # Width of the rectangle. +---@param height number # Height of the rectangle. +function love.graphics.rectangle(mode, x, y, width, height) end + +--- +---Replaces the current coordinate transformation with the given Transform object. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.replaceTransform) +--- +---@param transform love.Transform # The Transform object to replace the current graphics coordinate transform with. +function love.graphics.replaceTransform(transform) end + +--- +---Resets the current graphics settings. +--- +---Calling reset makes the current drawing color white, the current background color black, disables any active color component masks, disables wireframe mode and resets the current graphics transformation to the origin. It also sets both the point and line drawing modes to smooth and their sizes to 1.0. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.reset) +--- +function love.graphics.reset() end + +--- +---Rotates the coordinate system in two dimensions. +--- +---Calling this function affects all future drawing operations by rotating the coordinate system around the origin by the given amount of radians. This change lasts until love.draw() exits. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.rotate) +--- +---@param angle number # The amount to rotate the coordinate system in radians. +function love.graphics.rotate(angle) end + +--- +---Scales the coordinate system in two dimensions. +--- +---By default the coordinate system in LÖVE corresponds to the display pixels in horizontal and vertical directions one-to-one, and the x-axis increases towards the right while the y-axis increases downwards. Scaling the coordinate system changes this relation. +--- +---After scaling by sx and sy, all coordinates are treated as if they were multiplied by sx and sy. Every result of a drawing operation is also correspondingly scaled, so scaling by (2, 2) for example would mean making everything twice as large in both x- and y-directions. Scaling by a negative value flips the coordinate system in the corresponding direction, which also means everything will be drawn flipped or upside down, or both. Scaling by zero is not a useful operation. +--- +---Scale and translate are not commutative operations, therefore, calling them in different orders will change the outcome. +--- +---Scaling lasts until love.draw() exits. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.scale) +--- +---@param sx number # The scaling in the direction of the x-axis. +---@param sy? number # The scaling in the direction of the y-axis. If omitted, it defaults to same as parameter sx. +function love.graphics.scale(sx, sy) end + +--- +---Sets the background color. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.setBackgroundColor) +--- +---@overload fun(rgba: table) +---@param red number # The red component (0-1). +---@param green number # The green component (0-1). +---@param blue number # The blue component (0-1). +---@param alpha? number # The alpha component (0-1). +function love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(red, green, blue, alpha) end + +--- +---Sets the blending mode. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.setBlendMode) +--- +---@overload fun(mode: love.BlendMode, alphamode?: love.BlendAlphaMode) +---@param mode love.BlendMode # The blend mode to use. +function love.graphics.setBlendMode(mode) end + +--- +---Captures drawing operations to a Canvas. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.setCanvas) +--- +---@overload fun() +---@overload fun(canvas1: love.Canvas, canvas2: love.Canvas, ...) +---@overload fun(canvas: love.Canvas, slice: number, mipmap?: number) +---@overload fun(setup: table) +---@param canvas love.Canvas # The new target. +---@param mipmap? number # The mipmap level to render to, for Canvases with mipmaps. +function love.graphics.setCanvas(canvas, mipmap) end + +--- +---Sets the color used for drawing. +--- +---In versions prior to 11.0, color component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.setColor) +--- +---@overload fun(rgba: table) +---@param red number # The amount of red. +---@param green number # The amount of green. +---@param blue number # The amount of blue. +---@param alpha? number # The amount of alpha. The alpha value will be applied to all subsequent draw operations, even the drawing of an image. +function love.graphics.setColor(red, green, blue, alpha) end + +--- +---Sets the color mask. Enables or disables specific color components when rendering and clearing the screen. For example, if '''red''' is set to '''false''', no further changes will be made to the red component of any pixels. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.setColorMask) +--- +---@overload fun() +---@param red boolean # Render red component. +---@param green boolean # Render green component. +---@param blue boolean # Render blue component. +---@param alpha boolean # Render alpha component. +function love.graphics.setColorMask(red, green, blue, alpha) end + +--- +---Sets the default scaling filters used with Images, Canvases, and Fonts. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.setDefaultFilter) +--- +---@param min love.FilterMode # Filter mode used when scaling the image down. +---@param mag love.FilterMode # Filter mode used when scaling the image up. +---@param anisotropy? number # Maximum amount of Anisotropic Filtering used. +function love.graphics.setDefaultFilter(min, mag, anisotropy) end + +--- +---Configures depth testing and writing to the depth buffer. +--- +---This is low-level functionality designed for use with custom vertex shaders and Meshes with custom vertex attributes. No higher level APIs are provided to set the depth of 2D graphics such as shapes, lines, and Images. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.setDepthMode) +--- +---@overload fun() +---@param comparemode love.CompareMode # Depth comparison mode used for depth testing. +---@param write boolean # Whether to write update / write values to the depth buffer when rendering. +function love.graphics.setDepthMode(comparemode, write) end + +--- +---Set an already-loaded Font as the current font or create and load a new one from the file and size. +--- +---It's recommended that Font objects are created with love.graphics.newFont in the loading stage and then passed to this function in the drawing stage. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.setFont) +--- +---@param font love.Font # The Font object to use. +function love.graphics.setFont(font) end + +--- +---Sets whether triangles with clockwise- or counterclockwise-ordered vertices are considered front-facing. +--- +---This is designed for use in combination with Mesh face culling. Other love.graphics shapes, lines, and sprites are not guaranteed to have a specific winding order to their internal vertices. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.setFrontFaceWinding) +--- +---@param winding love.VertexWinding # The winding mode to use. The default winding is counterclockwise ('ccw'). +function love.graphics.setFrontFaceWinding(winding) end + +--- +---Sets the line join style. See LineJoin for the possible options. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.setLineJoin) +--- +---@param join love.LineJoin # The LineJoin to use. +function love.graphics.setLineJoin(join) end + +--- +---Sets the line style. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.setLineStyle) +--- +---@param style love.LineStyle # The LineStyle to use. Line styles include smooth and rough. +function love.graphics.setLineStyle(style) end + +--- +---Sets the line width. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.setLineWidth) +--- +---@param width number # The width of the line. +function love.graphics.setLineWidth(width) end + +--- +---Sets whether back-facing triangles in a Mesh are culled. +--- +---This is designed for use with low level custom hardware-accelerated 3D rendering via custom vertex attributes on Meshes, custom vertex shaders, and depth testing with a depth buffer. +--- +---By default, both front- and back-facing triangles in Meshes are rendered. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.setMeshCullMode) +--- +---@param mode love.CullMode # The Mesh face culling mode to use (whether to render everything, cull back-facing triangles, or cull front-facing triangles). +function love.graphics.setMeshCullMode(mode) end + +--- +---Creates and sets a new Font. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.setNewFont) +--- +---@overload fun(filename: string, size?: number):love.Font +---@overload fun(file: love.File, size?: number):love.Font +---@overload fun(data: love.Data, size?: number):love.Font +---@overload fun(rasterizer: love.Rasterizer):love.Font +---@param size? number # The size of the font. +---@return love.Font font # The new font. +function love.graphics.setNewFont(size) end + +--- +---Sets the point size. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.setPointSize) +--- +---@param size number # The new point size. +function love.graphics.setPointSize(size) end + +--- +---Sets or disables scissor. +--- +---The scissor limits the drawing area to a specified rectangle. This affects all graphics calls, including love.graphics.clear. +--- +---The dimensions of the scissor is unaffected by graphical transformations (translate, scale, ...). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.setScissor) +--- +---@overload fun() +---@param x number # x coordinate of upper left corner. +---@param y number # y coordinate of upper left corner. +---@param width number # width of clipping rectangle. +---@param height number # height of clipping rectangle. +function love.graphics.setScissor(x, y, width, height) end + +--- +---Sets or resets a Shader as the current pixel effect or vertex shaders. All drawing operations until the next ''love.graphics.setShader'' will be drawn using the Shader object specified. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.setShader) +--- +---@overload fun() +---@param shader love.Shader # The new shader. +function love.graphics.setShader(shader) end + +--- +---Configures or disables stencil testing. +--- +---When stencil testing is enabled, the geometry of everything that is drawn afterward will be clipped / stencilled out based on a comparison between the arguments of this function and the stencil value of each pixel that the geometry touches. The stencil values of pixels are affected via love.graphics.stencil. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.setStencilTest) +--- +---@overload fun() +---@param comparemode love.CompareMode # The type of comparison to make for each pixel. +---@param comparevalue number # The value to use when comparing with the stencil value of each pixel. Must be between 0 and 255. +function love.graphics.setStencilTest(comparemode, comparevalue) end + +--- +---Sets whether wireframe lines will be used when drawing. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.setWireframe) +--- +---@param enable boolean # True to enable wireframe mode when drawing, false to disable it. +function love.graphics.setWireframe(enable) end + +--- +---Shears the coordinate system. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.shear) +--- +---@param kx number # The shear factor on the x-axis. +---@param ky number # The shear factor on the y-axis. +function love.graphics.shear(kx, ky) end + +--- +---Draws geometry as a stencil. +--- +---The geometry drawn by the supplied function sets invisible stencil values of pixels, instead of setting pixel colors. The stencil buffer (which contains those stencil values) can act like a mask / stencil - love.graphics.setStencilTest can be used afterward to determine how further rendering is affected by the stencil values in each pixel. +--- +---Stencil values are integers within the range of 255. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.stencil) +--- +---@param stencilfunction function # Function which draws geometry. The stencil values of pixels, rather than the color of each pixel, will be affected by the geometry. +---@param action? love.StencilAction # How to modify any stencil values of pixels that are touched by what's drawn in the stencil function. +---@param value? number # The new stencil value to use for pixels if the 'replace' stencil action is used. Has no effect with other stencil actions. Must be between 0 and 255. +---@param keepvalues? boolean # True to preserve old stencil values of pixels, false to re-set every pixel's stencil value to 0 before executing the stencil function. love.graphics.clear will also re-set all stencil values. +function love.graphics.stencil(stencilfunction, action, value, keepvalues) end + +--- +---Converts the given 2D position from global coordinates into screen-space. +--- +---This effectively applies the current graphics transformations to the given position. A similar Transform:transformPoint method exists for Transform objects. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.transformPoint) +--- +---@param globalX number # The x component of the position in global coordinates. +---@param globalY number # The y component of the position in global coordinates. +---@return number screenX # The x component of the position with graphics transformations applied. +---@return number screenY # The y component of the position with graphics transformations applied. +function love.graphics.transformPoint(globalX, globalY) end + +--- +---Translates the coordinate system in two dimensions. +--- +---When this function is called with two numbers, dx, and dy, all the following drawing operations take effect as if their x and y coordinates were x+dx and y+dy. +--- +---Scale and translate are not commutative operations, therefore, calling them in different orders will change the outcome. +--- +---This change lasts until love.draw() exits or else a love.graphics.pop reverts to a previous love.graphics.push. +--- +---Translating using whole numbers will prevent tearing/blurring of images and fonts draw after translating. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.translate) +--- +---@param dx number # The translation relative to the x-axis. +---@param dy number # The translation relative to the y-axis. +function love.graphics.translate(dx, dy) end + +--- +---Validates shader code. Check if specified shader code does not contain any errors. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics.validateShader) +--- +---@overload fun(gles: boolean, pixelcode: string, vertexcode: string):boolean, string +---@param gles boolean # Validate code as GLSL ES shader. +---@param code string # The pixel shader or vertex shader code, or a filename pointing to a file with the code. +---@return boolean status # true if specified shader code doesn't contain any errors. false otherwise. +---@return string message # Reason why shader code validation failed (or nil if validation succeded). +function love.graphics.validateShader(gles, code) end + +--- +---A Canvas is used for off-screen rendering. Think of it as an invisible screen that you can draw to, but that will not be visible until you draw it to the actual visible screen. It is also known as "render to texture". +--- +---By drawing things that do not change position often (such as background items) to the Canvas, and then drawing the entire Canvas instead of each item, you can reduce the number of draw operations performed each frame. +--- +---In versions prior to love.graphics.isSupported("canvas") could be used to check for support at runtime. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics) +--- +---@class love.Canvas: love.Texture, love.Drawable, love.Object +local Canvas = {} + +--- +---Generates mipmaps for the Canvas, based on the contents of the highest-resolution mipmap level. +--- +---The Canvas must be created with mipmaps set to a MipmapMode other than 'none' for this function to work. It should only be called while the Canvas is not the active render target. +--- +---If the mipmap mode is set to 'auto', this function is automatically called inside love.graphics.setCanvas when switching from this Canvas to another Canvas or to the main screen. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Canvas:generateMipmaps) +--- +function Canvas:generateMipmaps() end + +--- +---Gets the number of multisample antialiasing (MSAA) samples used when drawing to the Canvas. +--- +---This may be different than the number used as an argument to love.graphics.newCanvas if the system running LÖVE doesn't support that number. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Canvas:getMSAA) +--- +---@return number samples # The number of multisample antialiasing samples used by the canvas when drawing to it. +function Canvas:getMSAA() end + +--- +---Gets the MipmapMode this Canvas was created with. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Canvas:getMipmapMode) +--- +---@return love.MipmapMode mode # The mipmap mode this Canvas was created with. +function Canvas:getMipmapMode() end + +--- +---Generates ImageData from the contents of the Canvas. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Canvas:newImageData) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Canvas, slice: number, mipmap?: number, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number):love.ImageData +---@return love.ImageData data # The new ImageData made from the Canvas' contents. +function Canvas:newImageData() end + +--- +---Render to the Canvas using a function. +--- +---This is a shortcut to love.graphics.setCanvas: +--- +---canvas:renderTo( func ) +--- +---is the same as +--- +---love.graphics.setCanvas( canvas ) +--- +---func() +--- +---love.graphics.setCanvas() +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Canvas:renderTo) +--- +---@param func function # A function performing drawing operations. +function Canvas:renderTo(func) end + +--- +---Superclass for all things that can be drawn on screen. This is an abstract type that can't be created directly. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics) +--- +---@class love.Drawable: love.Object +local Drawable = {} + +--- +---Defines the shape of characters that can be drawn onto the screen. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics) +--- +---@class love.Font: love.Object +local Font = {} + +--- +---Gets the ascent of the Font. +--- +---The ascent spans the distance between the baseline and the top of the glyph that reaches farthest from the baseline. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Font:getAscent) +--- +---@return number ascent # The ascent of the Font in pixels. +function Font:getAscent() end + +--- +---Gets the baseline of the Font. +--- +---Most scripts share the notion of a baseline: an imaginary horizontal line on which characters rest. In some scripts, parts of glyphs lie below the baseline. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Font:getBaseline) +--- +---@return number baseline # The baseline of the Font in pixels. +function Font:getBaseline() end + +--- +---Gets the DPI scale factor of the Font. +--- +---The DPI scale factor represents relative pixel density. A DPI scale factor of 2 means the font's glyphs have twice the pixel density in each dimension (4 times as many pixels in the same area) compared to a font with a DPI scale factor of 1. +--- +---The font size of TrueType fonts is scaled internally by the font's specified DPI scale factor. By default, LÖVE uses the screen's DPI scale factor when creating TrueType fonts. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Font:getDPIScale) +--- +---@return number dpiscale # The DPI scale factor of the Font. +function Font:getDPIScale() end + +--- +---Gets the descent of the Font. +--- +---The descent spans the distance between the baseline and the lowest descending glyph in a typeface. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Font:getDescent) +--- +---@return number descent # The descent of the Font in pixels. +function Font:getDescent() end + +--- +---Gets the filter mode for a font. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Font:getFilter) +--- +---@return love.FilterMode min # Filter mode used when minifying the font. +---@return love.FilterMode mag # Filter mode used when magnifying the font. +---@return number anisotropy # Maximum amount of anisotropic filtering used. +function Font:getFilter() end + +--- +---Gets the height of the Font. +--- +---The height of the font is the size including any spacing; the height which it will need. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Font:getHeight) +--- +---@return number height # The height of the Font in pixels. +function Font:getHeight() end + +--- +---Gets the kerning between two characters in the Font. +--- +---Kerning is normally handled automatically in love.graphics.print, Text objects, Font:getWidth, Font:getWrap, etc. This function is useful when stitching text together manually. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Font:getKerning) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Font, leftglyph: number, rightglyph: number):number +---@param leftchar string # The left character. +---@param rightchar string # The right character. +---@return number kerning # The kerning amount to add to the spacing between the two characters. May be negative. +function Font:getKerning(leftchar, rightchar) end + +--- +---Gets the line height. +--- +---This will be the value previously set by Font:setLineHeight, or 1.0 by default. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Font:getLineHeight) +--- +---@return number height # The current line height. +function Font:getLineHeight() end + +--- +---Determines the maximum width (accounting for newlines) taken by the given string. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Font:getWidth) +--- +---@param text string # A string. +---@return number width # The width of the text. +function Font:getWidth(text) end + +--- +---Gets formatting information for text, given a wrap limit. +--- +---This function accounts for newlines correctly (i.e. '\n'). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Font:getWrap) +--- +---@param text string # The text that will be wrapped. +---@param wraplimit number # The maximum width in pixels of each line that ''text'' is allowed before wrapping. +---@return number width # The maximum width of the wrapped text. +---@return table wrappedtext # A sequence containing each line of text that was wrapped. +function Font:getWrap(text, wraplimit) end + +--- +---Gets whether the Font can render a character or string. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Font:hasGlyphs) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Font, character1: string, character2: string):boolean +---@overload fun(self: love.Font, codepoint1: number, codepoint2: number):boolean +---@param text string # A UTF-8 encoded unicode string. +---@return boolean hasglyph # Whether the font can render all the UTF-8 characters in the string. +function Font:hasGlyphs(text) end + +--- +---Sets the fallback fonts. When the Font doesn't contain a glyph, it will substitute the glyph from the next subsequent fallback Fonts. This is akin to setting a 'font stack' in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Font:setFallbacks) +--- +---@param fallbackfont1 love.Font # The first fallback Font to use. +---@vararg love.Font # Additional fallback Fonts. +function Font:setFallbacks(fallbackfont1, ...) end + +--- +---Sets the filter mode for a font. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Font:setFilter) +--- +---@param min love.FilterMode # How to scale a font down. +---@param mag love.FilterMode # How to scale a font up. +---@param anisotropy? number # Maximum amount of anisotropic filtering used. +function Font:setFilter(min, mag, anisotropy) end + +--- +---Sets the line height. +--- +---When rendering the font in lines the actual height will be determined by the line height multiplied by the height of the font. The default is 1.0. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Font:setLineHeight) +--- +---@param height number # The new line height. +function Font:setLineHeight(height) end + +--- +---Drawable image type. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics) +--- +---@class love.Image: love.Texture, love.Drawable, love.Object +local Image = {} + +--- +---Gets the flags used when the image was created. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Image:getFlags) +--- +---@return table flags # A table with ImageFlag keys. +function Image:getFlags() end + +--- +---Gets whether the Image was created from CompressedData. +--- +---Compressed images take up less space in VRAM, and drawing a compressed image will generally be more efficient than drawing one created from raw pixel data. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Image:isCompressed) +--- +---@return boolean compressed # Whether the Image is stored as a compressed texture on the GPU. +function Image:isCompressed() end + +--- +---Replace the contents of an Image. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Image:replacePixels) +--- +---@param data love.ImageData # The new ImageData to replace the contents with. +---@param slice number # Which cubemap face, array index, or volume layer to replace, if applicable. +---@param mipmap? number # The mimap level to replace, if the Image has mipmaps. +---@param x? number # The x-offset in pixels from the top-left of the image to replace. The given ImageData's width plus this value must not be greater than the pixel width of the Image's specified mipmap level. +---@param y? number # The y-offset in pixels from the top-left of the image to replace. The given ImageData's height plus this value must not be greater than the pixel height of the Image's specified mipmap level. +---@param reloadmipmaps boolean # Whether to generate new mipmaps after replacing the Image's pixels. True by default if the Image was created with automatically generated mipmaps, false by default otherwise. +function Image:replacePixels(data, slice, mipmap, x, y, reloadmipmaps) end + +--- +---A 2D polygon mesh used for drawing arbitrary textured shapes. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics) +--- +---@class love.Mesh: love.Drawable, love.Object +local Mesh = {} + +--- +---Attaches a vertex attribute from a different Mesh onto this Mesh, for use when drawing. This can be used to share vertex attribute data between several different Meshes. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Mesh:attachAttribute) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Mesh, name: string, mesh: love.Mesh, step?: love.VertexAttributeStep, attachname?: string) +---@param name string # The name of the vertex attribute to attach. +---@param mesh love.Mesh # The Mesh to get the vertex attribute from. +function Mesh:attachAttribute(name, mesh) end + +--- +---Removes a previously attached vertex attribute from this Mesh. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Mesh:detachAttribute) +--- +---@param name string # The name of the attached vertex attribute to detach. +---@return boolean success # Whether the attribute was successfully detached. +function Mesh:detachAttribute(name) end + +--- +---Gets the mode used when drawing the Mesh. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Mesh:getDrawMode) +--- +---@return love.MeshDrawMode mode # The mode used when drawing the Mesh. +function Mesh:getDrawMode() end + +--- +---Gets the range of vertices used when drawing the Mesh. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Mesh:getDrawRange) +--- +---@return number min # The index of the first vertex used when drawing, or the index of the first value in the vertex map used if one is set for this Mesh. +---@return number max # The index of the last vertex used when drawing, or the index of the last value in the vertex map used if one is set for this Mesh. +function Mesh:getDrawRange() end + +--- +---Gets the texture (Image or Canvas) used when drawing the Mesh. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Mesh:getTexture) +--- +---@return love.Texture texture # The Image or Canvas to texture the Mesh with when drawing, or nil if none is set. +function Mesh:getTexture() end + +--- +---Gets the properties of a vertex in the Mesh. +--- +---In versions prior to 11.0, color and byte component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Mesh:getVertex) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Mesh, index: number):number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number +---@param index number # The one-based index of the vertex you want to retrieve the information for. +---@return number attributecomponent # The first component of the first vertex attribute in the specified vertex. +function Mesh:getVertex(index) end + +--- +---Gets the properties of a specific attribute within a vertex in the Mesh. +--- +---Meshes without a custom vertex format specified in love.graphics.newMesh have position as their first attribute, texture coordinates as their second attribute, and color as their third attribute. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Mesh:getVertexAttribute) +--- +---@param vertexindex number # The index of the the vertex you want to retrieve the attribute for (one-based). +---@param attributeindex number # The index of the attribute within the vertex to be retrieved (one-based). +---@return number value1 # The value of the first component of the attribute. +---@return number value2 # The value of the second component of the attribute. +function Mesh:getVertexAttribute(vertexindex, attributeindex) end + +--- +---Gets the total number of vertices in the Mesh. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Mesh:getVertexCount) +--- +---@return number count # The total number of vertices in the mesh. +function Mesh:getVertexCount() end + +--- +---Gets the vertex format that the Mesh was created with. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Mesh:getVertexFormat) +--- +---@return {attribute: table} format # The vertex format of the Mesh, which is a table containing tables for each vertex attribute the Mesh was created with, in the form of {attribute, ...}. +function Mesh:getVertexFormat() end + +--- +---Gets the vertex map for the Mesh. The vertex map describes the order in which the vertices are used when the Mesh is drawn. The vertices, vertex map, and mesh draw mode work together to determine what exactly is displayed on the screen. +--- +---If no vertex map has been set previously via Mesh:setVertexMap, then this function will return nil in LÖVE 0.10.0+, or an empty table in 0.9.2 and older. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Mesh:getVertexMap) +--- +---@return table map # A table containing the list of vertex indices used when drawing. +function Mesh:getVertexMap() end + +--- +---Gets whether a specific vertex attribute in the Mesh is enabled. Vertex data from disabled attributes is not used when drawing the Mesh. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Mesh:isAttributeEnabled) +--- +---@param name string # The name of the vertex attribute to be checked. +---@return boolean enabled # Whether the vertex attribute is used when drawing this Mesh. +function Mesh:isAttributeEnabled(name) end + +--- +---Enables or disables a specific vertex attribute in the Mesh. Vertex data from disabled attributes is not used when drawing the Mesh. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Mesh:setAttributeEnabled) +--- +---@param name string # The name of the vertex attribute to enable or disable. +---@param enable boolean # Whether the vertex attribute is used when drawing this Mesh. +function Mesh:setAttributeEnabled(name, enable) end + +--- +---Sets the mode used when drawing the Mesh. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Mesh:setDrawMode) +--- +---@param mode love.MeshDrawMode # The mode to use when drawing the Mesh. +function Mesh:setDrawMode(mode) end + +--- +---Restricts the drawn vertices of the Mesh to a subset of the total. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Mesh:setDrawRange) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Mesh) +---@param start number # The index of the first vertex to use when drawing, or the index of the first value in the vertex map to use if one is set for this Mesh. +---@param count number # The number of vertices to use when drawing, or number of values in the vertex map to use if one is set for this Mesh. +function Mesh:setDrawRange(start, count) end + +--- +---Sets the texture (Image or Canvas) used when drawing the Mesh. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Mesh:setTexture) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Mesh) +---@param texture love.Texture # The Image or Canvas to texture the Mesh with when drawing. +function Mesh:setTexture(texture) end + +--- +---Sets the properties of a vertex in the Mesh. +--- +---In versions prior to 11.0, color and byte component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Mesh:setVertex) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Mesh, index: number, vertex: table) +---@overload fun(self: love.Mesh, index: number, x: number, y: number, u: number, v: number, r?: number, g?: number, b?: number, a?: number) +---@overload fun(self: love.Mesh, index: number, vertex: table) +---@param index number # The index of the the vertex you want to modify (one-based). +---@param attributecomponent number # The first component of the first vertex attribute in the specified vertex. +---@vararg number # Additional components of all vertex attributes in the specified vertex. +function Mesh:setVertex(index, attributecomponent, ...) end + +--- +---Sets the properties of a specific attribute within a vertex in the Mesh. +--- +---Meshes without a custom vertex format specified in love.graphics.newMesh have position as their first attribute, texture coordinates as their second attribute, and color as their third attribute. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Mesh:setVertexAttribute) +--- +---@param vertexindex number # The index of the the vertex to be modified (one-based). +---@param attributeindex number # The index of the attribute within the vertex to be modified (one-based). +---@param value1 number # The new value for the first component of the attribute. +---@param value2 number # The new value for the second component of the attribute. +---@vararg number # Any additional vertex attribute components. +function Mesh:setVertexAttribute(vertexindex, attributeindex, value1, value2, ...) end + +--- +---Sets the vertex map for the Mesh. The vertex map describes the order in which the vertices are used when the Mesh is drawn. The vertices, vertex map, and mesh draw mode work together to determine what exactly is displayed on the screen. +--- +---The vertex map allows you to re-order or reuse vertices when drawing without changing the actual vertex parameters or duplicating vertices. It is especially useful when combined with different Mesh Draw Modes. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Mesh:setVertexMap) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Mesh, vi1: number, vi2: number, vi3: number) +---@overload fun(self: love.Mesh, data: love.Data, datatype: love.IndexDataType) +---@param map table # A table containing a list of vertex indices to use when drawing. Values must be in the range of Mesh:getVertexCount(). +function Mesh:setVertexMap(map) end + +--- +---Replaces a range of vertices in the Mesh with new ones. The total number of vertices in a Mesh cannot be changed after it has been created. This is often more efficient than calling Mesh:setVertex in a loop. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Mesh:setVertices) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Mesh, data: love.Data, startvertex?: number) +---@overload fun(self: love.Mesh, vertices: table) +---@param vertices {attributecomponent: number} # The table filled with vertex information tables for each vertex, in the form of {vertex, ...} where each vertex is a table in the form of {attributecomponent, ...}. +---@param startvertex? number # The index of the first vertex to replace. +function Mesh:setVertices(vertices, startvertex) end + +--- +---A ParticleSystem can be used to create particle effects like fire or smoke. +--- +---The particle system has to be created using update it in the update callback to see any changes in the particles emitted. +--- +---The particle system won't create any particles unless you call setParticleLifetime and setEmissionRate. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics) +--- +---@class love.ParticleSystem: love.Drawable, love.Object +local ParticleSystem = {} + +--- +---Creates an identical copy of the ParticleSystem in the stopped state. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:clone) +--- +---@return love.ParticleSystem particlesystem # The new identical copy of this ParticleSystem. +function ParticleSystem:clone() end + +--- +---Emits a burst of particles from the particle emitter. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:emit) +--- +---@param numparticles number # The amount of particles to emit. The number of emitted particles will be truncated if the particle system's max buffer size is reached. +function ParticleSystem:emit(numparticles) end + +--- +---Gets the maximum number of particles the ParticleSystem can have at once. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getBufferSize) +--- +---@return number size # The maximum number of particles. +function ParticleSystem:getBufferSize() end + +--- +---Gets the series of colors applied to the particle sprite. +--- +---In versions prior to 11.0, color component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getColors) +--- +---@return number r1 # First color, red component (0-1). +---@return number g1 # First color, green component (0-1). +---@return number b1 # First color, blue component (0-1). +---@return number a1 # First color, alpha component (0-1). +---@return number r2 # Second color, red component (0-1). +---@return number g2 # Second color, green component (0-1). +---@return number b2 # Second color, blue component (0-1). +---@return number a2 # Second color, alpha component (0-1). +---@return number r8 # Eighth color, red component (0-1). +---@return number g8 # Eighth color, green component (0-1). +---@return number b8 # Eighth color, blue component (0-1). +---@return number a8 # Eighth color, alpha component (0-1). +function ParticleSystem:getColors() end + +--- +---Gets the number of particles that are currently in the system. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getCount) +--- +---@return number count # The current number of live particles. +function ParticleSystem:getCount() end + +--- +---Gets the direction of the particle emitter (in radians). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getDirection) +--- +---@return number direction # The direction of the emitter (radians). +function ParticleSystem:getDirection() end + +--- +---Gets the area-based spawn parameters for the particles. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getEmissionArea) +--- +---@return love.AreaSpreadDistribution distribution # The type of distribution for new particles. +---@return number dx # The maximum spawn distance from the emitter along the x-axis for uniform distribution, or the standard deviation along the x-axis for normal distribution. +---@return number dy # The maximum spawn distance from the emitter along the y-axis for uniform distribution, or the standard deviation along the y-axis for normal distribution. +---@return number angle # The angle in radians of the emission area. +---@return boolean directionRelativeToCenter # True if newly spawned particles will be oriented relative to the center of the emission area, false otherwise. +function ParticleSystem:getEmissionArea() end + +--- +---Gets the amount of particles emitted per second. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getEmissionRate) +--- +---@return number rate # The amount of particles per second. +function ParticleSystem:getEmissionRate() end + +--- +---Gets how long the particle system will emit particles (if -1 then it emits particles forever). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getEmitterLifetime) +--- +---@return number life # The lifetime of the emitter (in seconds). +function ParticleSystem:getEmitterLifetime() end + +--- +---Gets the mode used when the ParticleSystem adds new particles. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getInsertMode) +--- +---@return love.ParticleInsertMode mode # The mode used when the ParticleSystem adds new particles. +function ParticleSystem:getInsertMode() end + +--- +---Gets the linear acceleration (acceleration along the x and y axes) for particles. +--- +---Every particle created will accelerate along the x and y axes between xmin,ymin and xmax,ymax. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getLinearAcceleration) +--- +---@return number xmin # The minimum acceleration along the x axis. +---@return number ymin # The minimum acceleration along the y axis. +---@return number xmax # The maximum acceleration along the x axis. +---@return number ymax # The maximum acceleration along the y axis. +function ParticleSystem:getLinearAcceleration() end + +--- +---Gets the amount of linear damping (constant deceleration) for particles. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getLinearDamping) +--- +---@return number min # The minimum amount of linear damping applied to particles. +---@return number max # The maximum amount of linear damping applied to particles. +function ParticleSystem:getLinearDamping() end + +--- +---Gets the particle image's draw offset. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getOffset) +--- +---@return number ox # The x coordinate of the particle image's draw offset. +---@return number oy # The y coordinate of the particle image's draw offset. +function ParticleSystem:getOffset() end + +--- +---Gets the lifetime of the particles. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getParticleLifetime) +--- +---@return number min # The minimum life of the particles (in seconds). +---@return number max # The maximum life of the particles (in seconds). +function ParticleSystem:getParticleLifetime() end + +--- +---Gets the position of the emitter. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getPosition) +--- +---@return number x # Position along x-axis. +---@return number y # Position along y-axis. +function ParticleSystem:getPosition() end + +--- +---Gets the series of Quads used for the particle sprites. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getQuads) +--- +---@return table quads # A table containing the Quads used. +function ParticleSystem:getQuads() end + +--- +---Gets the radial acceleration (away from the emitter). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getRadialAcceleration) +--- +---@return number min # The minimum acceleration. +---@return number max # The maximum acceleration. +function ParticleSystem:getRadialAcceleration() end + +--- +---Gets the rotation of the image upon particle creation (in radians). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getRotation) +--- +---@return number min # The minimum initial angle (radians). +---@return number max # The maximum initial angle (radians). +function ParticleSystem:getRotation() end + +--- +---Gets the amount of size variation (0 meaning no variation and 1 meaning full variation between start and end). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getSizeVariation) +--- +---@return number variation # The amount of variation (0 meaning no variation and 1 meaning full variation between start and end). +function ParticleSystem:getSizeVariation() end + +--- +---Gets the series of sizes by which the sprite is scaled. 1.0 is normal size. The particle system will interpolate between each size evenly over the particle's lifetime. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getSizes) +--- +---@return number size1 # The first size. +---@return number size2 # The second size. +---@return number size8 # The eighth size. +function ParticleSystem:getSizes() end + +--- +---Gets the speed of the particles. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getSpeed) +--- +---@return number min # The minimum linear speed of the particles. +---@return number max # The maximum linear speed of the particles. +function ParticleSystem:getSpeed() end + +--- +---Gets the spin of the sprite. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getSpin) +--- +---@return number min # The minimum spin (radians per second). +---@return number max # The maximum spin (radians per second). +---@return number variation # The degree of variation (0 meaning no variation and 1 meaning full variation between start and end). +function ParticleSystem:getSpin() end + +--- +---Gets the amount of spin variation (0 meaning no variation and 1 meaning full variation between start and end). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getSpinVariation) +--- +---@return number variation # The amount of variation (0 meaning no variation and 1 meaning full variation between start and end). +function ParticleSystem:getSpinVariation() end + +--- +---Gets the amount of directional spread of the particle emitter (in radians). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getSpread) +--- +---@return number spread # The spread of the emitter (radians). +function ParticleSystem:getSpread() end + +--- +---Gets the tangential acceleration (acceleration perpendicular to the particle's direction). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getTangentialAcceleration) +--- +---@return number min # The minimum acceleration. +---@return number max # The maximum acceleration. +function ParticleSystem:getTangentialAcceleration() end + +--- +---Gets the texture (Image or Canvas) used for the particles. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:getTexture) +--- +---@return love.Texture texture # The Image or Canvas used for the particles. +function ParticleSystem:getTexture() end + +--- +---Gets whether particle angles and rotations are relative to their velocities. If enabled, particles are aligned to the angle of their velocities and rotate relative to that angle. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:hasRelativeRotation) +--- +---@return boolean enable # True if relative particle rotation is enabled, false if it's disabled. +function ParticleSystem:hasRelativeRotation() end + +--- +---Checks whether the particle system is actively emitting particles. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:isActive) +--- +---@return boolean active # True if system is active, false otherwise. +function ParticleSystem:isActive() end + +--- +---Checks whether the particle system is paused. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:isPaused) +--- +---@return boolean paused # True if system is paused, false otherwise. +function ParticleSystem:isPaused() end + +--- +---Checks whether the particle system is stopped. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:isStopped) +--- +---@return boolean stopped # True if system is stopped, false otherwise. +function ParticleSystem:isStopped() end + +--- +---Moves the position of the emitter. This results in smoother particle spawning behaviour than if ParticleSystem:setPosition is used every frame. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:moveTo) +--- +---@param x number # Position along x-axis. +---@param y number # Position along y-axis. +function ParticleSystem:moveTo(x, y) end + +--- +---Pauses the particle emitter. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:pause) +--- +function ParticleSystem:pause() end + +--- +---Resets the particle emitter, removing any existing particles and resetting the lifetime counter. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:reset) +--- +function ParticleSystem:reset() end + +--- +---Sets the size of the buffer (the max allowed amount of particles in the system). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setBufferSize) +--- +---@param size number # The buffer size. +function ParticleSystem:setBufferSize(size) end + +--- +---Sets a series of colors to apply to the particle sprite. The particle system will interpolate between each color evenly over the particle's lifetime. +--- +---Arguments can be passed in groups of four, representing the components of the desired RGBA value, or as tables of RGBA component values, with a default alpha value of 1 if only three values are given. At least one color must be specified. A maximum of eight may be used. +--- +---In versions prior to 11.0, color component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setColors) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.ParticleSystem, rgba1: table, rgba2: table, rgba8: table) +---@param r1 number # First color, red component (0-1). +---@param g1 number # First color, green component (0-1). +---@param b1 number # First color, blue component (0-1). +---@param a1? number # First color, alpha component (0-1). +---@param r2? number # Second color, red component (0-1). +---@param g2? number # Second color, green component (0-1). +---@param b2? number # Second color, blue component (0-1). +---@param a2? number # Second color, alpha component (0-1). +---@param r8? number # Eighth color, red component (0-1). +---@param g8? number # Eighth color, green component (0-1). +---@param b8? number # Eighth color, blue component (0-1). +---@param a8? number # Eighth color, alpha component (0-1). +function ParticleSystem:setColors(r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2, r8, g8, b8, a8) end + +--- +---Sets the direction the particles will be emitted in. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setDirection) +--- +---@param direction number # The direction of the particles (in radians). +function ParticleSystem:setDirection(direction) end + +--- +---Sets area-based spawn parameters for the particles. Newly created particles will spawn in an area around the emitter based on the parameters to this function. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setEmissionArea) +--- +---@param distribution love.AreaSpreadDistribution # The type of distribution for new particles. +---@param dx number # The maximum spawn distance from the emitter along the x-axis for uniform distribution, or the standard deviation along the x-axis for normal distribution. +---@param dy number # The maximum spawn distance from the emitter along the y-axis for uniform distribution, or the standard deviation along the y-axis for normal distribution. +---@param angle? number # The angle in radians of the emission area. +---@param directionRelativeToCenter? boolean # True if newly spawned particles will be oriented relative to the center of the emission area, false otherwise. +function ParticleSystem:setEmissionArea(distribution, dx, dy, angle, directionRelativeToCenter) end + +--- +---Sets the amount of particles emitted per second. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setEmissionRate) +--- +---@param rate number # The amount of particles per second. +function ParticleSystem:setEmissionRate(rate) end + +--- +---Sets how long the particle system should emit particles (if -1 then it emits particles forever). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setEmitterLifetime) +--- +---@param life number # The lifetime of the emitter (in seconds). +function ParticleSystem:setEmitterLifetime(life) end + +--- +---Sets the mode to use when the ParticleSystem adds new particles. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setInsertMode) +--- +---@param mode love.ParticleInsertMode # The mode to use when the ParticleSystem adds new particles. +function ParticleSystem:setInsertMode(mode) end + +--- +---Sets the linear acceleration (acceleration along the x and y axes) for particles. +--- +---Every particle created will accelerate along the x and y axes between xmin,ymin and xmax,ymax. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setLinearAcceleration) +--- +---@param xmin number # The minimum acceleration along the x axis. +---@param ymin number # The minimum acceleration along the y axis. +---@param xmax? number # The maximum acceleration along the x axis. +---@param ymax? number # The maximum acceleration along the y axis. +function ParticleSystem:setLinearAcceleration(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) end + +--- +---Sets the amount of linear damping (constant deceleration) for particles. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setLinearDamping) +--- +---@param min number # The minimum amount of linear damping applied to particles. +---@param max? number # The maximum amount of linear damping applied to particles. +function ParticleSystem:setLinearDamping(min, max) end + +--- +---Set the offset position which the particle sprite is rotated around. +--- +---If this function is not used, the particles rotate around their center. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setOffset) +--- +---@param x number # The x coordinate of the rotation offset. +---@param y number # The y coordinate of the rotation offset. +function ParticleSystem:setOffset(x, y) end + +--- +---Sets the lifetime of the particles. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setParticleLifetime) +--- +---@param min number # The minimum life of the particles (in seconds). +---@param max? number # The maximum life of the particles (in seconds). +function ParticleSystem:setParticleLifetime(min, max) end + +--- +---Sets the position of the emitter. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setPosition) +--- +---@param x number # Position along x-axis. +---@param y number # Position along y-axis. +function ParticleSystem:setPosition(x, y) end + +--- +---Sets a series of Quads to use for the particle sprites. Particles will choose a Quad from the list based on the particle's current lifetime, allowing for the use of animated sprite sheets with ParticleSystems. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setQuads) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.ParticleSystem, quads: table) +---@param quad1 love.Quad # The first Quad to use. +---@param quad2 love.Quad # The second Quad to use. +function ParticleSystem:setQuads(quad1, quad2) end + +--- +---Set the radial acceleration (away from the emitter). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setRadialAcceleration) +--- +---@param min number # The minimum acceleration. +---@param max? number # The maximum acceleration. +function ParticleSystem:setRadialAcceleration(min, max) end + +--- +---Sets whether particle angles and rotations are relative to their velocities. If enabled, particles are aligned to the angle of their velocities and rotate relative to that angle. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setRelativeRotation) +--- +---@param enable boolean # True to enable relative particle rotation, false to disable it. +function ParticleSystem:setRelativeRotation(enable) end + +--- +---Sets the rotation of the image upon particle creation (in radians). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setRotation) +--- +---@param min number # The minimum initial angle (radians). +---@param max? number # The maximum initial angle (radians). +function ParticleSystem:setRotation(min, max) end + +--- +---Sets the amount of size variation (0 meaning no variation and 1 meaning full variation between start and end). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setSizeVariation) +--- +---@param variation number # The amount of variation (0 meaning no variation and 1 meaning full variation between start and end). +function ParticleSystem:setSizeVariation(variation) end + +--- +---Sets a series of sizes by which to scale a particle sprite. 1.0 is normal size. The particle system will interpolate between each size evenly over the particle's lifetime. +--- +---At least one size must be specified. A maximum of eight may be used. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setSizes) +--- +---@param size1 number # The first size. +---@param size2? number # The second size. +---@param size8? number # The eighth size. +function ParticleSystem:setSizes(size1, size2, size8) end + +--- +---Sets the speed of the particles. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setSpeed) +--- +---@param min number # The minimum linear speed of the particles. +---@param max? number # The maximum linear speed of the particles. +function ParticleSystem:setSpeed(min, max) end + +--- +---Sets the spin of the sprite. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setSpin) +--- +---@param min number # The minimum spin (radians per second). +---@param max? number # The maximum spin (radians per second). +function ParticleSystem:setSpin(min, max) end + +--- +---Sets the amount of spin variation (0 meaning no variation and 1 meaning full variation between start and end). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setSpinVariation) +--- +---@param variation number # The amount of variation (0 meaning no variation and 1 meaning full variation between start and end). +function ParticleSystem:setSpinVariation(variation) end + +--- +---Sets the amount of spread for the system. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setSpread) +--- +---@param spread number # The amount of spread (radians). +function ParticleSystem:setSpread(spread) end + +--- +---Sets the tangential acceleration (acceleration perpendicular to the particle's direction). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setTangentialAcceleration) +--- +---@param min number # The minimum acceleration. +---@param max? number # The maximum acceleration. +function ParticleSystem:setTangentialAcceleration(min, max) end + +--- +---Sets the texture (Image or Canvas) to be used for the particles. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:setTexture) +--- +---@param texture love.Texture # An Image or Canvas to use for the particles. +function ParticleSystem:setTexture(texture) end + +--- +---Starts the particle emitter. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:start) +--- +function ParticleSystem:start() end + +--- +---Stops the particle emitter, resetting the lifetime counter. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:stop) +--- +function ParticleSystem:stop() end + +--- +---Updates the particle system; moving, creating and killing particles. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleSystem:update) +--- +---@param dt number # The time (seconds) since last frame. +function ParticleSystem:update(dt) end + +--- +---A quadrilateral (a polygon with four sides and four corners) with texture coordinate information. +--- +---Quads can be used to select part of a texture to draw. In this way, one large texture atlas can be loaded, and then split up into sub-images. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics) +--- +---@class love.Quad: love.Object +local Quad = {} + +--- +---Gets reference texture dimensions initially specified in love.graphics.newQuad. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Quad:getTextureDimensions) +--- +---@return number sw # The Texture width used by the Quad. +---@return number sh # The Texture height used by the Quad. +function Quad:getTextureDimensions() end + +--- +---Gets the current viewport of this Quad. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Quad:getViewport) +--- +---@return number x # The top-left corner along the x-axis. +---@return number y # The top-left corner along the y-axis. +---@return number w # The width of the viewport. +---@return number h # The height of the viewport. +function Quad:getViewport() end + +--- +---Sets the texture coordinates according to a viewport. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Quad:setViewport) +--- +---@param x number # The top-left corner along the x-axis. +---@param y number # The top-left corner along the y-axis. +---@param w number # The width of the viewport. +---@param h number # The height of the viewport. +---@param sw number # The reference width, the width of the Image. (Must be greater than 0.) +---@param sh number # The reference height, the height of the Image. (Must be greater than 0.) +function Quad:setViewport(x, y, w, h, sw, sh) end + +--- +---A Shader is used for advanced hardware-accelerated pixel or vertex manipulation. These effects are written in a language based on GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language) with a few things simplified for easier coding. +--- +---Potential uses for shaders include HDR/bloom, motion blur, grayscale/invert/sepia/any kind of color effect, reflection/refraction, distortions, bump mapping, and much more! Here is a collection of basic shaders and good starting point to learn: https://github.com/vrld/moonshine +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics) +--- +---@class love.Shader: love.Object +local Shader = {} + +--- +---Returns any warning and error messages from compiling the shader code. This can be used for debugging your shaders if there's anything the graphics hardware doesn't like. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Shader:getWarnings) +--- +---@return string warnings # Warning and error messages (if any). +function Shader:getWarnings() end + +--- +---Gets whether a uniform / extern variable exists in the Shader. +--- +---If a graphics driver's shader compiler determines that a uniform / extern variable doesn't affect the final output of the shader, it may optimize the variable out. This function will return false in that case. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Shader:hasUniform) +--- +---@param name string # The name of the uniform variable. +---@return boolean hasuniform # Whether the uniform exists in the shader and affects its final output. +function Shader:hasUniform(name) end + +--- +---Sends one or more values to a special (''uniform'') variable inside the shader. Uniform variables have to be marked using the ''uniform'' or ''extern'' keyword, e.g. +--- +---uniform float time; // 'float' is the typical number type used in GLSL shaders. +--- +---uniform float varsvec2 light_pos; +--- +---uniform vec4 colors[4; +--- +---The corresponding send calls would be +--- +---shader:send('time', t) +--- +---shader:send('vars',a,b) +--- +---shader:send('light_pos', {light_x, light_y}) +--- +---shader:send('colors', {r1, g1, b1, a1}, {r2, g2, b2, a2}, {r3, g3, b3, a3}, {r4, g4, b4, a4}) +--- +---Uniform / extern variables are read-only in the shader code and remain constant until modified by a Shader:send call. Uniform variables can be accessed in both the Vertex and Pixel components of a shader, as long as the variable is declared in each. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Shader:send) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Shader, name: string, vector: table, ...) +---@overload fun(self: love.Shader, name: string, matrix: table, ...) +---@overload fun(self: love.Shader, name: string, texture: love.Texture) +---@overload fun(self: love.Shader, name: string, boolean: boolean, ...) +---@overload fun(self: love.Shader, name: string, matrixlayout: love.MatrixLayout, matrix: table, ...) +---@overload fun(self: love.Shader, name: string, data: love.Data, offset?: number, size?: number) +---@overload fun(self: love.Shader, name: string, data: love.Data, matrixlayout: love.MatrixLayout, offset?: number, size?: number) +---@overload fun(self: love.Shader, name: string, matrixlayout: love.MatrixLayout, data: love.Data, offset?: number, size?: number) +---@param name string # Name of the number to send to the shader. +---@param number number # Number to send to store in the uniform variable. +---@vararg number # Additional numbers to send if the uniform variable is an array. +function Shader:send(name, number, ...) end + +--- +---Sends one or more colors to a special (''extern'' / ''uniform'') vec3 or vec4 variable inside the shader. The color components must be in the range of 1. The colors are gamma-corrected if global gamma-correction is enabled. +--- +---Extern variables must be marked using the ''extern'' keyword, e.g. +--- +---extern vec4 Color; +--- +---The corresponding sendColor call would be +--- +---shader:sendColor('Color', {r, g, b, a}) +--- +---Extern variables can be accessed in both the Vertex and Pixel stages of a shader, as long as the variable is declared in each. +--- +---In versions prior to 11.0, color component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Shader:sendColor) +--- +---@param name string # The name of the color extern variable to send to in the shader. +---@param color table # A table with red, green, blue, and optional alpha color components in the range of 1 to send to the extern as a vector. +---@vararg table # Additional colors to send in case the extern is an array. All colors need to be of the same size (e.g. only vec3's). +function Shader:sendColor(name, color, ...) end + +--- +---Using a single image, draw any number of identical copies of the image using a single call to love.graphics.draw(). This can be used, for example, to draw repeating copies of a single background image with high performance. +--- +---A SpriteBatch can be even more useful when the underlying image is a texture atlas (a single image file containing many independent images); by adding Quads to the batch, different sub-images from within the atlas can be drawn. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics) +--- +---@class love.SpriteBatch: love.Drawable, love.Object +local SpriteBatch = {} + +--- +---Adds a sprite to the batch. Sprites are drawn in the order they are added. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/SpriteBatch:add) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.SpriteBatch, quad: love.Quad, x: number, y: number, r?: number, sx?: number, sy?: number, ox?: number, oy?: number, kx?: number, ky?: number):number +---@param x number # The position to draw the object (x-axis). +---@param y number # The position to draw the object (y-axis). +---@param r? number # Orientation (radians). +---@param sx? number # Scale factor (x-axis). +---@param sy? number # Scale factor (y-axis). +---@param ox? number # Origin offset (x-axis). +---@param oy? number # Origin offset (y-axis). +---@param kx? number # Shear factor (x-axis). +---@param ky? number # Shear factor (y-axis). +---@return number id # An identifier for the added sprite. +function SpriteBatch:add(x, y, r, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky) end + +--- +---Adds a sprite to a batch created with an Array Texture. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/SpriteBatch:addLayer) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.SpriteBatch, layerindex: number, quad: love.Quad, x?: number, y?: number, r?: number, sx?: number, sy?: number, ox?: number, oy?: number, kx?: number, ky?: number):number +---@overload fun(self: love.SpriteBatch, layerindex: number, transform: love.Transform):number +---@overload fun(self: love.SpriteBatch, layerindex: number, quad: love.Quad, transform: love.Transform):number +---@param layerindex number # The index of the layer to use for this sprite. +---@param x? number # The position to draw the sprite (x-axis). +---@param y? number # The position to draw the sprite (y-axis). +---@param r? number # Orientation (radians). +---@param sx? number # Scale factor (x-axis). +---@param sy? number # Scale factor (y-axis). +---@param ox? number # Origin offset (x-axis). +---@param oy? number # Origin offset (y-axis). +---@param kx? number # Shearing factor (x-axis). +---@param ky? number # Shearing factor (y-axis). +---@return number spriteindex # The index of the added sprite, for use with SpriteBatch:set or SpriteBatch:setLayer. +function SpriteBatch:addLayer(layerindex, x, y, r, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky) end + +--- +---Attaches a per-vertex attribute from a Mesh onto this SpriteBatch, for use when drawing. This can be combined with a Shader to augment a SpriteBatch with per-vertex or additional per-sprite information instead of just having per-sprite colors. +--- +---Each sprite in a SpriteBatch has 4 vertices in the following order: top-left, bottom-left, top-right, bottom-right. The index returned by SpriteBatch:add (and used by SpriteBatch:set) can used to determine the first vertex of a specific sprite with the formula 1 + 4 * ( id - 1 ). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/SpriteBatch:attachAttribute) +--- +---@param name string # The name of the vertex attribute to attach. +---@param mesh love.Mesh # The Mesh to get the vertex attribute from. +function SpriteBatch:attachAttribute(name, mesh) end + +--- +---Removes all sprites from the buffer. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/SpriteBatch:clear) +--- +function SpriteBatch:clear() end + +--- +---Immediately sends all new and modified sprite data in the batch to the graphics card. +--- +---Normally it isn't necessary to call this method as love.graphics.draw(spritebatch, ...) will do it automatically if needed, but explicitly using SpriteBatch:flush gives more control over when the work happens. +--- +---If this method is used, it generally shouldn't be called more than once (at most) between love.graphics.draw(spritebatch, ...) calls. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/SpriteBatch:flush) +--- +function SpriteBatch:flush() end + +--- +---Gets the maximum number of sprites the SpriteBatch can hold. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/SpriteBatch:getBufferSize) +--- +---@return number size # The maximum number of sprites the batch can hold. +function SpriteBatch:getBufferSize() end + +--- +---Gets the color that will be used for the next add and set operations. +--- +---If no color has been set with SpriteBatch:setColor or the current SpriteBatch color has been cleared, this method will return nil. +--- +---In versions prior to 11.0, color component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/SpriteBatch:getColor) +--- +---@return number r # The red component (0-1). +---@return number g # The green component (0-1). +---@return number b # The blue component (0-1). +---@return number a # The alpha component (0-1). +function SpriteBatch:getColor() end + +--- +---Gets the number of sprites currently in the SpriteBatch. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/SpriteBatch:getCount) +--- +---@return number count # The number of sprites currently in the batch. +function SpriteBatch:getCount() end + +--- +---Gets the texture (Image or Canvas) used by the SpriteBatch. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/SpriteBatch:getTexture) +--- +---@return love.Texture texture # The Image or Canvas used by the SpriteBatch. +function SpriteBatch:getTexture() end + +--- +---Changes a sprite in the batch. This requires the sprite index returned by SpriteBatch:add or SpriteBatch:addLayer. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/SpriteBatch:set) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.SpriteBatch, spriteindex: number, quad: love.Quad, x: number, y: number, r?: number, sx?: number, sy?: number, ox?: number, oy?: number, kx?: number, ky?: number) +---@param spriteindex number # The index of the sprite that will be changed. +---@param x number # The position to draw the object (x-axis). +---@param y number # The position to draw the object (y-axis). +---@param r? number # Orientation (radians). +---@param sx? number # Scale factor (x-axis). +---@param sy? number # Scale factor (y-axis). +---@param ox? number # Origin offset (x-axis). +---@param oy? number # Origin offset (y-axis). +---@param kx? number # Shear factor (x-axis). +---@param ky? number # Shear factor (y-axis). +function SpriteBatch:set(spriteindex, x, y, r, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky) end + +--- +---Sets the color that will be used for the next add and set operations. Calling the function without arguments will disable all per-sprite colors for the SpriteBatch. +--- +---In versions prior to 11.0, color component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. +--- +---In version 0.9.2 and older, the global color set with love.graphics.setColor will not work on the SpriteBatch if any of the sprites has its own color. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/SpriteBatch:setColor) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.SpriteBatch) +---@param r number # The amount of red. +---@param g number # The amount of green. +---@param b number # The amount of blue. +---@param a? number # The amount of alpha. +function SpriteBatch:setColor(r, g, b, a) end + +--- +---Restricts the drawn sprites in the SpriteBatch to a subset of the total. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/SpriteBatch:setDrawRange) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.SpriteBatch) +---@param start number # The index of the first sprite to draw. Index 1 corresponds to the first sprite added with SpriteBatch:add. +---@param count number # The number of sprites to draw. +function SpriteBatch:setDrawRange(start, count) end + +--- +---Changes a sprite previously added with add or addLayer, in a batch created with an Array Texture. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/SpriteBatch:setLayer) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.SpriteBatch, spriteindex: number, layerindex: number, quad: love.Quad, x?: number, y?: number, r?: number, sx?: number, sy?: number, ox?: number, oy?: number, kx?: number, ky?: number) +---@overload fun(self: love.SpriteBatch, spriteindex: number, layerindex: number, transform: love.Transform) +---@overload fun(self: love.SpriteBatch, spriteindex: number, layerindex: number, quad: love.Quad, transform: love.Transform) +---@param spriteindex number # The index of the existing sprite to replace. +---@param layerindex number # The index of the layer in the Array Texture to use for this sprite. +---@param x? number # The position to draw the sprite (x-axis). +---@param y? number # The position to draw the sprite (y-axis). +---@param r? number # Orientation (radians). +---@param sx? number # Scale factor (x-axis). +---@param sy? number # Scale factor (y-axis). +---@param ox? number # Origin offset (x-axis). +---@param oy? number # Origin offset (y-axis). +---@param kx? number # Shearing factor (x-axis). +---@param ky? number # Shearing factor (y-axis). +function SpriteBatch:setLayer(spriteindex, layerindex, x, y, r, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky) end + +--- +---Sets the texture (Image or Canvas) used for the sprites in the batch, when drawing. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/SpriteBatch:setTexture) +--- +---@param texture love.Texture # The new Image or Canvas to use for the sprites in the batch. +function SpriteBatch:setTexture(texture) end + +--- +---Drawable text. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics) +--- +---@class love.Text: love.Drawable, love.Object +local Text = {} + +--- +---Adds additional colored text to the Text object at the specified position. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Text:add) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Text, coloredtext: table, x?: number, y?: number, angle?: number, sx?: number, sy?: number, ox?: number, oy?: number, kx?: number, ky?: number):number +---@param textstring string # The text to add to the object. +---@param x? number # The position of the new text on the x-axis. +---@param y? number # The position of the new text on the y-axis. +---@param angle? number # The orientation of the new text in radians. +---@param sx? number # Scale factor on the x-axis. +---@param sy? number # Scale factor on the y-axis. +---@param ox? number # Origin offset on the x-axis. +---@param oy? number # Origin offset on the y-axis. +---@param kx? number # Shearing / skew factor on the x-axis. +---@param ky? number # Shearing / skew factor on the y-axis. +---@return number index # An index number that can be used with Text:getWidth or Text:getHeight. +function Text:add(textstring, x, y, angle, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky) end + +--- +---Adds additional formatted / colored text to the Text object at the specified position. +--- +---The word wrap limit is applied before any scaling, rotation, and other coordinate transformations. Therefore the amount of text per line stays constant given the same wrap limit, even if the scale arguments change. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Text:addf) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Text, coloredtext: table, wraplimit: number, align: love.AlignMode, x: number, y: number, angle?: number, sx?: number, sy?: number, ox?: number, oy?: number, kx?: number, ky?: number):number +---@param textstring string # The text to add to the object. +---@param wraplimit number # The maximum width in pixels of the text before it gets automatically wrapped to a new line. +---@param align love.AlignMode # The alignment of the text. +---@param x number # The position of the new text (x-axis). +---@param y number # The position of the new text (y-axis). +---@param angle? number # Orientation (radians). +---@param sx? number # Scale factor (x-axis). +---@param sy? number # Scale factor (y-axis). +---@param ox? number # Origin offset (x-axis). +---@param oy? number # Origin offset (y-axis). +---@param kx? number # Shearing / skew factor (x-axis). +---@param ky? number # Shearing / skew factor (y-axis). +---@return number index # An index number that can be used with Text:getWidth or Text:getHeight. +function Text:addf(textstring, wraplimit, align, x, y, angle, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky) end + +--- +---Clears the contents of the Text object. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Text:clear) +--- +function Text:clear() end + +--- +---Gets the width and height of the text in pixels. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Text:getDimensions) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Text, index: number):number, number +---@return number width # The width of the text. If multiple sub-strings have been added with Text:add, the width of the last sub-string is returned. +---@return number height # The height of the text. If multiple sub-strings have been added with Text:add, the height of the last sub-string is returned. +function Text:getDimensions() end + +--- +---Gets the Font used with the Text object. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Text:getFont) +--- +---@return love.Font font # The font used with this Text object. +function Text:getFont() end + +--- +---Gets the height of the text in pixels. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Text:getHeight) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Text, index: number):number +---@return number height # The height of the text. If multiple sub-strings have been added with Text:add, the height of the last sub-string is returned. +function Text:getHeight() end + +--- +---Gets the width of the text in pixels. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Text:getWidth) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Text, index: number):number +---@return number width # The width of the text. If multiple sub-strings have been added with Text:add, the width of the last sub-string is returned. +function Text:getWidth() end + +--- +---Replaces the contents of the Text object with a new unformatted string. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Text:set) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Text, coloredtext: table) +---@param textstring string # The new string of text to use. +function Text:set(textstring) end + +--- +---Replaces the Font used with the text. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Text:setFont) +--- +---@param font love.Font # The new font to use with this Text object. +function Text:setFont(font) end + +--- +---Replaces the contents of the Text object with a new formatted string. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Text:setf) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Text, coloredtext: table, wraplimit: number, align: love.AlignMode) +---@param textstring string # The new string of text to use. +---@param wraplimit number # The maximum width in pixels of the text before it gets automatically wrapped to a new line. +---@param align love.AlignMode # The alignment of the text. +function Text:setf(textstring, wraplimit, align) end + +--- +---Superclass for drawable objects which represent a texture. All Textures can be drawn with Quads. This is an abstract type that can't be created directly. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics) +--- +---@class love.Texture: love.Drawable, love.Object +local Texture = {} + +--- +---Gets the DPI scale factor of the Texture. +--- +---The DPI scale factor represents relative pixel density. A DPI scale factor of 2 means the texture has twice the pixel density in each dimension (4 times as many pixels in the same area) compared to a texture with a DPI scale factor of 1. +--- +---For example, a texture with pixel dimensions of 100x100 with a DPI scale factor of 2 will be drawn as if it was 50x50. This is useful with high-dpi / retina displays to easily allow swapping out higher or lower pixel density Images and Canvases without needing any extra manual scaling logic. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Texture:getDPIScale) +--- +---@return number dpiscale # The DPI scale factor of the Texture. +function Texture:getDPIScale() end + +--- +---Gets the depth of a Volume Texture. Returns 1 for 2D, Cubemap, and Array textures. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Texture:getDepth) +--- +---@return number depth # The depth of the volume Texture. +function Texture:getDepth() end + +--- +---Gets the comparison mode used when sampling from a depth texture in a shader. +--- +---Depth texture comparison modes are advanced low-level functionality typically used with shadow mapping in 3D. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Texture:getDepthSampleMode) +--- +---@return love.CompareMode compare # The comparison mode used when sampling from this texture in a shader, or nil if setDepthSampleMode has not been called on this Texture. +function Texture:getDepthSampleMode() end + +--- +---Gets the width and height of the Texture. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Texture:getDimensions) +--- +---@return number width # The width of the Texture. +---@return number height # The height of the Texture. +function Texture:getDimensions() end + +--- +---Gets the filter mode of the Texture. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Texture:getFilter) +--- +---@return love.FilterMode min # Filter mode to use when minifying the texture (rendering it at a smaller size on-screen than its size in pixels). +---@return love.FilterMode mag # Filter mode to use when magnifying the texture (rendering it at a smaller size on-screen than its size in pixels). +---@return number anisotropy # Maximum amount of anisotropic filtering used. +function Texture:getFilter() end + +--- +---Gets the pixel format of the Texture. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Texture:getFormat) +--- +---@return love.PixelFormat format # The pixel format the Texture was created with. +function Texture:getFormat() end + +--- +---Gets the height of the Texture. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Texture:getHeight) +--- +---@return number height # The height of the Texture. +function Texture:getHeight() end + +--- +---Gets the number of layers / slices in an Array Texture. Returns 1 for 2D, Cubemap, and Volume textures. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Texture:getLayerCount) +--- +---@return number layers # The number of layers in the Array Texture. +function Texture:getLayerCount() end + +--- +---Gets the number of mipmaps contained in the Texture. If the texture was not created with mipmaps, it will return 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Texture:getMipmapCount) +--- +---@return number mipmaps # The number of mipmaps in the Texture. +function Texture:getMipmapCount() end + +--- +---Gets the mipmap filter mode for a Texture. Prior to 11.0 this method only worked on Images. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Texture:getMipmapFilter) +--- +---@return love.FilterMode mode # The filter mode used in between mipmap levels. nil if mipmap filtering is not enabled. +---@return number sharpness # Value used to determine whether the image should use more or less detailed mipmap levels than normal when drawing. +function Texture:getMipmapFilter() end + +--- +---Gets the width and height in pixels of the Texture. +--- +---Texture:getDimensions gets the dimensions of the texture in units scaled by the texture's DPI scale factor, rather than pixels. Use getDimensions for calculations related to drawing the texture (calculating an origin offset, for example), and getPixelDimensions only when dealing specifically with pixels, for example when using Canvas:newImageData. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Texture:getPixelDimensions) +--- +---@return number pixelwidth # The width of the Texture, in pixels. +---@return number pixelheight # The height of the Texture, in pixels. +function Texture:getPixelDimensions() end + +--- +---Gets the height in pixels of the Texture. +--- +---DPI scale factor, rather than pixels. Use getHeight for calculations related to drawing the texture (calculating an origin offset, for example), and getPixelHeight only when dealing specifically with pixels, for example when using Canvas:newImageData. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Texture:getPixelHeight) +--- +---@return number pixelheight # The height of the Texture, in pixels. +function Texture:getPixelHeight() end + +--- +---Gets the width in pixels of the Texture. +--- +---DPI scale factor, rather than pixels. Use getWidth for calculations related to drawing the texture (calculating an origin offset, for example), and getPixelWidth only when dealing specifically with pixels, for example when using Canvas:newImageData. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Texture:getPixelWidth) +--- +---@return number pixelwidth # The width of the Texture, in pixels. +function Texture:getPixelWidth() end + +--- +---Gets the type of the Texture. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Texture:getTextureType) +--- +---@return love.TextureType texturetype # The type of the Texture. +function Texture:getTextureType() end + +--- +---Gets the width of the Texture. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Texture:getWidth) +--- +---@return number width # The width of the Texture. +function Texture:getWidth() end + +--- +---Gets the wrapping properties of a Texture. +--- +---This function returns the currently set horizontal and vertical wrapping modes for the texture. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Texture:getWrap) +--- +---@return love.WrapMode horiz # Horizontal wrapping mode of the texture. +---@return love.WrapMode vert # Vertical wrapping mode of the texture. +---@return love.WrapMode depth # Wrapping mode for the z-axis of a Volume texture. +function Texture:getWrap() end + +--- +---Gets whether the Texture can be drawn and sent to a Shader. +--- +---Canvases created with stencil and/or depth PixelFormats are not readable by default, unless readable=true is specified in the settings table passed into love.graphics.newCanvas. +--- +---Non-readable Canvases can still be rendered to. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Texture:isReadable) +--- +---@return boolean readable # Whether the Texture is readable. +function Texture:isReadable() end + +--- +---Sets the comparison mode used when sampling from a depth texture in a shader. Depth texture comparison modes are advanced low-level functionality typically used with shadow mapping in 3D. +--- +---When using a depth texture with a comparison mode set in a shader, it must be declared as a sampler2DShadow and used in a GLSL 3 Shader. The result of accessing the texture in the shader will return a float between 0 and 1, proportional to the number of samples (up to 4 samples will be used if bilinear filtering is enabled) that passed the test set by the comparison operation. +--- +---Depth texture comparison can only be used with readable depth-formatted Canvases. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Texture:setDepthSampleMode) +--- +---@param compare love.CompareMode # The comparison mode used when sampling from this texture in a shader. +function Texture:setDepthSampleMode(compare) end + +--- +---Sets the filter mode of the Texture. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Texture:setFilter) +--- +---@param min love.FilterMode # Filter mode to use when minifying the texture (rendering it at a smaller size on-screen than its size in pixels). +---@param mag love.FilterMode # Filter mode to use when magnifying the texture (rendering it at a larger size on-screen than its size in pixels). +---@param anisotropy? number # Maximum amount of anisotropic filtering to use. +function Texture:setFilter(min, mag, anisotropy) end + +--- +---Sets the mipmap filter mode for a Texture. Prior to 11.0 this method only worked on Images. +--- +---Mipmapping is useful when drawing a texture at a reduced scale. It can improve performance and reduce aliasing issues. +--- +---In created with the mipmaps flag enabled for the mipmap filter to have any effect. In versions prior to 0.10.0 it's best to call this method directly after creating the image with love.graphics.newImage, to avoid bugs in certain graphics drivers. +--- +---Due to hardware restrictions and driver bugs, in versions prior to 0.10.0 images that weren't loaded from a CompressedData must have power-of-two dimensions (64x64, 512x256, etc.) to use mipmaps. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Texture:setMipmapFilter) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Texture) +---@param filtermode love.FilterMode # The filter mode to use in between mipmap levels. 'nearest' will often give better performance. +---@param sharpness? number # A positive sharpness value makes the texture use a more detailed mipmap level when drawing, at the expense of performance. A negative value does the reverse. +function Texture:setMipmapFilter(filtermode, sharpness) end + +--- +---Sets the wrapping properties of a Texture. +--- +---This function sets the way a Texture is repeated when it is drawn with a Quad that is larger than the texture's extent, or when a custom Shader is used which uses texture coordinates outside of [0, 1]. A texture may be clamped or set to repeat in both horizontal and vertical directions. +--- +---Clamped textures appear only once (with the edges of the texture stretching to fill the extent of the Quad), whereas repeated ones repeat as many times as there is room in the Quad. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Texture:setWrap) +--- +---@param horiz love.WrapMode # Horizontal wrapping mode of the texture. +---@param vert? love.WrapMode # Vertical wrapping mode of the texture. +---@param depth? love.WrapMode # Wrapping mode for the z-axis of a Volume texture. +function Texture:setWrap(horiz, vert, depth) end + +--- +---A drawable video. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.graphics) +--- +---@class love.Video: love.Drawable, love.Object +local Video = {} + +--- +---Gets the width and height of the Video in pixels. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Video:getDimensions) +--- +---@return number width # The width of the Video. +---@return number height # The height of the Video. +function Video:getDimensions() end + +--- +---Gets the scaling filters used when drawing the Video. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Video:getFilter) +--- +---@return love.FilterMode min # The filter mode used when scaling the Video down. +---@return love.FilterMode mag # The filter mode used when scaling the Video up. +---@return number anisotropy # Maximum amount of anisotropic filtering used. +function Video:getFilter() end + +--- +---Gets the height of the Video in pixels. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Video:getHeight) +--- +---@return number height # The height of the Video. +function Video:getHeight() end + +--- +---Gets the audio Source used for playing back the video's audio. May return nil if the video has no audio, or if Video:setSource is called with a nil argument. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Video:getSource) +--- +---@return love.Source source # The audio Source used for audio playback, or nil if the video has no audio. +function Video:getSource() end + +--- +---Gets the VideoStream object used for decoding and controlling the video. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Video:getStream) +--- +---@return love.VideoStream stream # The VideoStream used for decoding and controlling the video. +function Video:getStream() end + +--- +---Gets the width of the Video in pixels. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Video:getWidth) +--- +---@return number width # The width of the Video. +function Video:getWidth() end + +--- +---Gets whether the Video is currently playing. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Video:isPlaying) +--- +---@return boolean playing # Whether the video is playing. +function Video:isPlaying() end + +--- +---Pauses the Video. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Video:pause) +--- +function Video:pause() end + +--- +---Starts playing the Video. In order for the video to appear onscreen it must be drawn with love.graphics.draw. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Video:play) +--- +function Video:play() end + +--- +---Rewinds the Video to the beginning. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Video:rewind) +--- +function Video:rewind() end + +--- +---Sets the current playback position of the Video. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Video:seek) +--- +---@param offset number # The time in seconds since the beginning of the Video. +function Video:seek(offset) end + +--- +---Sets the scaling filters used when drawing the Video. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Video:setFilter) +--- +---@param min love.FilterMode # The filter mode used when scaling the Video down. +---@param mag love.FilterMode # The filter mode used when scaling the Video up. +---@param anisotropy? number # Maximum amount of anisotropic filtering used. +function Video:setFilter(min, mag, anisotropy) end + +--- +---Sets the audio Source used for playing back the video's audio. The audio Source also controls playback speed and synchronization. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Video:setSource) +--- +---@param source? love.Source # The audio Source used for audio playback, or nil to disable audio synchronization. +function Video:setSource(source) end + +--- +---Gets the current playback position of the Video. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Video:tell) +--- +---@return number seconds # The time in seconds since the beginning of the Video. +function Video:tell() end + +--- +---Text alignment. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/AlignMode) +--- +---@alias love.AlignMode +--- +---Align text center. +--- +---| "center" +--- +---Align text left. +--- +---| "left" +--- +---Align text right. +--- +---| "right" +--- +---Align text both left and right. +--- +---| "justify" + +--- +---Different types of arcs that can be drawn. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ArcType) +--- +---@alias love.ArcType +--- +---The arc is drawn like a slice of pie, with the arc circle connected to the center at its end-points. +--- +---| "pie" +--- +---The arc circle's two end-points are unconnected when the arc is drawn as a line. Behaves like the "closed" arc type when the arc is drawn in filled mode. +--- +---| "open" +--- +---The arc circle's two end-points are connected to each other. +--- +---| "closed" + +--- +---Types of particle area spread distribution. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/AreaSpreadDistribution) +--- +---@alias love.AreaSpreadDistribution +--- +---Uniform distribution. +--- +---| "uniform" +--- +---Normal (gaussian) distribution. +--- +---| "normal" +--- +---Uniform distribution in an ellipse. +--- +---| "ellipse" +--- +---Distribution in an ellipse with particles spawning at the edges of the ellipse. +--- +---| "borderellipse" +--- +---Distribution in a rectangle with particles spawning at the edges of the rectangle. +--- +---| "borderrectangle" +--- +---No distribution - area spread is disabled. +--- +---| "none" + +--- +---Different ways alpha affects color blending. See BlendMode and the BlendMode Formulas for additional notes. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/BlendAlphaMode) +--- +---@alias love.BlendAlphaMode +--- +---The RGB values of what's drawn are multiplied by the alpha values of those colors during blending. This is the default alpha mode. +--- +---| "alphamultiply" +--- +---The RGB values of what's drawn are '''not''' multiplied by the alpha values of those colors during blending. For most blend modes to work correctly with this alpha mode, the colors of a drawn object need to have had their RGB values multiplied by their alpha values at some point previously ("premultiplied alpha"). +--- +---| "premultiplied" + +--- +---Different ways to do color blending. See BlendAlphaMode and the BlendMode Formulas for additional notes. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/BlendMode) +--- +---@alias love.BlendMode +--- +---Alpha blending (normal). The alpha of what's drawn determines its opacity. +--- +---| "alpha" +--- +---The colors of what's drawn completely replace what was on the screen, with no additional blending. The BlendAlphaMode specified in love.graphics.setBlendMode still affects what happens. +--- +---| "replace" +--- +---'Screen' blending. +--- +---| "screen" +--- +---The pixel colors of what's drawn are added to the pixel colors already on the screen. The alpha of the screen is not modified. +--- +---| "add" +--- +---The pixel colors of what's drawn are subtracted from the pixel colors already on the screen. The alpha of the screen is not modified. +--- +---| "subtract" +--- +---The pixel colors of what's drawn are multiplied with the pixel colors already on the screen (darkening them). The alpha of drawn objects is multiplied with the alpha of the screen rather than determining how much the colors on the screen are affected, even when the "alphamultiply" BlendAlphaMode is used. +--- +---| "multiply" +--- +---The pixel colors of what's drawn are compared to the existing pixel colors, and the larger of the two values for each color component is used. Only works when the "premultiplied" BlendAlphaMode is used in love.graphics.setBlendMode. +--- +---| "lighten" +--- +---The pixel colors of what's drawn are compared to the existing pixel colors, and the smaller of the two values for each color component is used. Only works when the "premultiplied" BlendAlphaMode is used in love.graphics.setBlendMode. +--- +---| "darken" +--- +---Additive blend mode. +--- +---| "additive" +--- +---Subtractive blend mode. +--- +---| "subtractive" +--- +---Multiply blend mode. +--- +---| "multiplicative" +--- +---Premultiplied alpha blend mode. +--- +---| "premultiplied" + +--- +---Different types of per-pixel stencil test and depth test comparisons. The pixels of an object will be drawn if the comparison succeeds, for each pixel that the object touches. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/CompareMode) +--- +---@alias love.CompareMode +--- +---* stencil tests: the stencil value of the pixel must be equal to the supplied value. +---* depth tests: the depth value of the drawn object at that pixel must be equal to the existing depth value of that pixel. +--- +---| "equal" +--- +---* stencil tests: the stencil value of the pixel must not be equal to the supplied value. +---* depth tests: the depth value of the drawn object at that pixel must not be equal to the existing depth value of that pixel. +--- +---| "notequal" +--- +---* stencil tests: the stencil value of the pixel must be less than the supplied value. +---* depth tests: the depth value of the drawn object at that pixel must be less than the existing depth value of that pixel. +--- +---| "less" +--- +---* stencil tests: the stencil value of the pixel must be less than or equal to the supplied value. +---* depth tests: the depth value of the drawn object at that pixel must be less than or equal to the existing depth value of that pixel. +--- +---| "lequal" +--- +---* stencil tests: the stencil value of the pixel must be greater than or equal to the supplied value. +---* depth tests: the depth value of the drawn object at that pixel must be greater than or equal to the existing depth value of that pixel. +--- +---| "gequal" +--- +---* stencil tests: the stencil value of the pixel must be greater than the supplied value. +---* depth tests: the depth value of the drawn object at that pixel must be greater than the existing depth value of that pixel. +--- +---| "greater" +--- +---Objects will never be drawn. +--- +---| "never" +--- +---Objects will always be drawn. Effectively disables the depth or stencil test. +--- +---| "always" + +--- +---How Mesh geometry is culled when rendering. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/CullMode) +--- +---@alias love.CullMode +--- +---Back-facing triangles in Meshes are culled (not rendered). The vertex order of a triangle determines whether it is back- or front-facing. +--- +---| "back" +--- +---Front-facing triangles in Meshes are culled. +--- +---| "front" +--- +---Both back- and front-facing triangles in Meshes are rendered. +--- +---| "none" + +--- +---Controls whether shapes are drawn as an outline, or filled. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/DrawMode) +--- +---@alias love.DrawMode +--- +---Draw filled shape. +--- +---| "fill" +--- +---Draw outlined shape. +--- +---| "line" + +--- +---How the image is filtered when scaling. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/FilterMode) +--- +---@alias love.FilterMode +--- +---Scale image with linear interpolation. +--- +---| "linear" +--- +---Scale image with nearest neighbor interpolation. +--- +---| "nearest" + +--- +---Graphics features that can be checked for with love.graphics.getSupported. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/GraphicsFeature) +--- +---@alias love.GraphicsFeature +--- +---Whether the "clampzero" WrapMode is supported. +--- +---| "clampzero" +--- +---Whether the "lighten" and "darken" BlendModes are supported. +--- +---| "lighten" +--- +---Whether multiple formats can be used in the same love.graphics.setCanvas call. +--- +---| "multicanvasformats" +--- +---Whether GLSL 3 Shaders can be used. +--- +---| "glsl3" +--- +---Whether mesh instancing is supported. +--- +---| "instancing" +--- +---Whether textures with non-power-of-two dimensions can use mipmapping and the 'repeat' WrapMode. +--- +---| "fullnpot" +--- +---Whether pixel shaders can use "highp" 32 bit floating point numbers (as opposed to just 16 bit or lower precision). +--- +---| "pixelshaderhighp" +--- +---Whether shaders can use the dFdx, dFdy, and fwidth functions for computing derivatives. +--- +---| "shaderderivatives" + +--- +---Types of system-dependent graphics limits checked for using love.graphics.getSystemLimits. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/GraphicsLimit) +--- +---@alias love.GraphicsLimit +--- +---The maximum size of points. +--- +---| "pointsize" +--- +---The maximum width or height of Images and Canvases. +--- +---| "texturesize" +--- +---The maximum number of simultaneously active canvases (via love.graphics.setCanvas.) +--- +---| "multicanvas" +--- +---The maximum number of antialiasing samples for a Canvas. +--- +---| "canvasmsaa" +--- +---The maximum number of layers in an Array texture. +--- +---| "texturelayers" +--- +---The maximum width, height, or depth of a Volume texture. +--- +---| "volumetexturesize" +--- +---The maximum width or height of a Cubemap texture. +--- +---| "cubetexturesize" +--- +---The maximum amount of anisotropic filtering. Texture:setMipmapFilter internally clamps the given anisotropy value to the system's limit. +--- +---| "anisotropy" + +--- +---Vertex map datatype for Data variant of Mesh:setVertexMap. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/IndexDataType) +--- +---@alias love.IndexDataType +--- +---The vertex map is array of unsigned word (16-bit). +--- +---| "uint16" +--- +---The vertex map is array of unsigned dword (32-bit). +--- +---| "uint32" + +--- +---Line join style. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/LineJoin) +--- +---@alias love.LineJoin +--- +---The ends of the line segments beveled in an angle so that they join seamlessly. +--- +---| "miter" +--- +---No cap applied to the ends of the line segments. +--- +---| "none" +--- +---Flattens the point where line segments join together. +--- +---| "bevel" + +--- +---The styles in which lines are drawn. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/LineStyle) +--- +---@alias love.LineStyle +--- +---Draw rough lines. +--- +---| "rough" +--- +---Draw smooth lines. +--- +---| "smooth" + +--- +---How a Mesh's vertices are used when drawing. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/MeshDrawMode) +--- +---@alias love.MeshDrawMode +--- +---The vertices create a "fan" shape with the first vertex acting as the hub point. Can be easily used to draw simple convex polygons. +--- +---| "fan" +--- +---The vertices create a series of connected triangles using vertices 1, 2, 3, then 3, 2, 4 (note the order), then 3, 4, 5, and so on. +--- +---| "strip" +--- +---The vertices create unconnected triangles. +--- +---| "triangles" +--- +---The vertices are drawn as unconnected points (see love.graphics.setPointSize.) +--- +---| "points" + +--- +---Controls whether a Canvas has mipmaps, and its behaviour when it does. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/MipmapMode) +--- +---@alias love.MipmapMode +--- +---The Canvas has no mipmaps. +--- +---| "none" +--- +---The Canvas has mipmaps. love.graphics.setCanvas can be used to render to a specific mipmap level, or Canvas:generateMipmaps can (re-)compute all mipmap levels based on the base level. +--- +---| "auto" +--- +---The Canvas has mipmaps, and all mipmap levels will automatically be recomputed when switching away from the Canvas with love.graphics.setCanvas. +--- +---| "manual" + +--- +---How newly created particles are added to the ParticleSystem. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ParticleInsertMode) +--- +---@alias love.ParticleInsertMode +--- +---Particles are inserted at the top of the ParticleSystem's list of particles. +--- +---| "top" +--- +---Particles are inserted at the bottom of the ParticleSystem's list of particles. +--- +---| "bottom" +--- +---Particles are inserted at random positions in the ParticleSystem's list of particles. +--- +---| "random" + +--- +---Usage hints for SpriteBatches and Meshes to optimize data storage and access. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/SpriteBatchUsage) +--- +---@alias love.SpriteBatchUsage +--- +---The object's data will change occasionally during its lifetime. +--- +---| "dynamic" +--- +---The object will not be modified after initial sprites or vertices are added. +--- +---| "static" +--- +---The object data will always change between draws. +--- +---| "stream" + +--- +---Graphics state stack types used with love.graphics.push. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/StackType) +--- +---@alias love.StackType +--- +---The transformation stack (love.graphics.translate, love.graphics.rotate, etc.) +--- +---| "transform" +--- +---All love.graphics state, including transform state. +--- +---| "all" + +--- +---How a stencil function modifies the stencil values of pixels it touches. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/StencilAction) +--- +---@alias love.StencilAction +--- +---The stencil value of a pixel will be replaced by the value specified in love.graphics.stencil, if any object touches the pixel. +--- +---| "replace" +--- +---The stencil value of a pixel will be incremented by 1 for each object that touches the pixel. If the stencil value reaches 255 it will stay at 255. +--- +---| "increment" +--- +---The stencil value of a pixel will be decremented by 1 for each object that touches the pixel. If the stencil value reaches 0 it will stay at 0. +--- +---| "decrement" +--- +---The stencil value of a pixel will be incremented by 1 for each object that touches the pixel. If a stencil value of 255 is incremented it will be set to 0. +--- +---| "incrementwrap" +--- +---The stencil value of a pixel will be decremented by 1 for each object that touches the pixel. If the stencil value of 0 is decremented it will be set to 255. +--- +---| "decrementwrap" +--- +---The stencil value of a pixel will be bitwise-inverted for each object that touches the pixel. If a stencil value of 0 is inverted it will become 255. +--- +---| "invert" + +--- +---Types of textures (2D, cubemap, etc.) +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/TextureType) +--- +---@alias love.TextureType +--- +---Regular 2D texture with width and height. +--- +---| "2d" +--- +---Several same-size 2D textures organized into a single object. Similar to a texture atlas / sprite sheet, but avoids sprite bleeding and other issues. +--- +---| "array" +--- +---Cubemap texture with 6 faces. Requires a custom shader (and Shader:send) to use. Sampling from a cube texture in a shader takes a 3D direction vector instead of a texture coordinate. +--- +---| "cube" +--- +---3D texture with width, height, and depth. Requires a custom shader to use. Volume textures can have texture filtering applied along the 3rd axis. +--- +---| "volume" + +--- +---The frequency at which a vertex shader fetches the vertex attribute's data from the Mesh when it's drawn. +--- +---Per-instance attributes can be used to render a Mesh many times with different positions, colors, or other attributes via a single love.graphics.drawInstanced call, without using the love_InstanceID vertex shader variable. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/VertexAttributeStep) +--- +---@alias love.VertexAttributeStep +--- +---The vertex attribute will have a unique value for each vertex in the Mesh. +--- +---| "pervertex" +--- +---The vertex attribute will have a unique value for each instance of the Mesh. +--- +---| "perinstance" + +--- +---How Mesh geometry vertices are ordered. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/VertexWinding) +--- +---@alias love.VertexWinding +--- +---Clockwise. +--- +---| "cw" +--- +---Counter-clockwise. +--- +---| "ccw" + +--- +---How the image wraps inside a Quad with a larger quad size than image size. This also affects how Meshes with texture coordinates which are outside the range of 1 are drawn, and the color returned by the Texel Shader function when using it to sample from texture coordinates outside of the range of 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/WrapMode) +--- +---@alias love.WrapMode +--- +---Clamp the texture. Appears only once. The area outside the texture's normal range is colored based on the edge pixels of the texture. +--- +---| "clamp" +--- +---Repeat the texture. Fills the whole available extent. +--- +---| "repeat" +--- +---Repeat the texture, flipping it each time it repeats. May produce better visual results than the repeat mode when the texture doesn't seamlessly tile. +--- +---| "mirroredrepeat" +--- +---Clamp the texture. Fills the area outside the texture's normal range with transparent black (or opaque black for textures with no alpha channel.) +--- +---| "clampzero" diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/image.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/image.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0d0515143 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/image.lua @@ -0,0 +1,694 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---Provides an interface to decode encoded image data. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.image) +--- +---@class love.image +love.image = {} + +--- +---Determines whether a file can be loaded as CompressedImageData. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.image.isCompressed) +--- +---@overload fun(fileData: love.FileData):boolean +---@param filename string # The filename of the potentially compressed image file. +---@return boolean compressed # Whether the file can be loaded as CompressedImageData or not. +function love.image.isCompressed(filename) end + +--- +---Create a new CompressedImageData object from a compressed image file. LÖVE supports several compressed texture formats, enumerated in the CompressedImageFormat page. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.image.newCompressedData) +--- +---@overload fun(fileData: love.FileData):love.CompressedImageData +---@param filename string # The filename of the compressed image file. +---@return love.CompressedImageData compressedImageData # The new CompressedImageData object. +function love.image.newCompressedData(filename) end + +--- +---Creates a new ImageData object. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.image.newImageData) +--- +---@overload fun(width: number, height: number, format?: love.PixelFormat, data?: string):love.ImageData +---@overload fun(width: number, height: number, data: string):love.ImageData +---@overload fun(filename: string):love.ImageData +---@overload fun(filedata: love.FileData):love.ImageData +---@param width number # The width of the ImageData. +---@param height number # The height of the ImageData. +---@return love.ImageData imageData # The new blank ImageData object. Each pixel's color values, (including the alpha values!) will be set to zero. +function love.image.newImageData(width, height) end + +--- +---Represents compressed image data designed to stay compressed in RAM. +--- +---CompressedImageData encompasses standard compressed texture formats such as DXT1, DXT5, and BC5 / 3Dc. +--- +---You can't draw CompressedImageData directly to the screen. See Image for that. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.image) +--- +---@class love.CompressedImageData: love.Data, love.Object +local CompressedImageData = {} + +--- +---Gets the width and height of the CompressedImageData. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/CompressedImageData:getDimensions) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.CompressedImageData, level: number):number, number +---@return number width # The width of the CompressedImageData. +---@return number height # The height of the CompressedImageData. +function CompressedImageData:getDimensions() end + +--- +---Gets the format of the CompressedImageData. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/CompressedImageData:getFormat) +--- +---@return love.CompressedImageFormat format # The format of the CompressedImageData. +function CompressedImageData:getFormat() end + +--- +---Gets the height of the CompressedImageData. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/CompressedImageData:getHeight) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.CompressedImageData, level: number):number +---@return number height # The height of the CompressedImageData. +function CompressedImageData:getHeight() end + +--- +---Gets the number of mipmap levels in the CompressedImageData. The base mipmap level (original image) is included in the count. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/CompressedImageData:getMipmapCount) +--- +---@return number mipmaps # The number of mipmap levels stored in the CompressedImageData. +function CompressedImageData:getMipmapCount() end + +--- +---Gets the width of the CompressedImageData. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/CompressedImageData:getWidth) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.CompressedImageData, level: number):number +---@return number width # The width of the CompressedImageData. +function CompressedImageData:getWidth() end + +--- +---Raw (decoded) image data. +--- +---You can't draw ImageData directly to screen. See Image for that. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.image) +--- +---@class love.ImageData: love.Data, love.Object +local ImageData = {} + +--- +---Encodes the ImageData and optionally writes it to the save directory. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ImageData:encode) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.ImageData, outFile: string) +---@overload fun(self: love.ImageData, outFile: string, format: love.ImageFormat) +---@param format love.ImageFormat # The format to encode the image as. +---@param filename? string # The filename to write the file to. If nil, no file will be written but the FileData will still be returned. +---@return love.FileData filedata # The encoded image as a new FileData object. +function ImageData:encode(format, filename) end + +--- +---Gets the width and height of the ImageData in pixels. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ImageData:getDimensions) +--- +---@return number width # The width of the ImageData in pixels. +---@return number height # The height of the ImageData in pixels. +function ImageData:getDimensions() end + +--- +---Gets the height of the ImageData in pixels. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ImageData:getHeight) +--- +---@return number height # The height of the ImageData in pixels. +function ImageData:getHeight() end + +--- +---Gets the color of a pixel at a specific position in the image. +--- +---Valid x and y values start at 0 and go up to image width and height minus 1. Non-integer values are floored. +--- +---In versions prior to 11.0, color component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ImageData:getPixel) +--- +---@param x number # The position of the pixel on the x-axis. +---@param y number # The position of the pixel on the y-axis. +---@return number r # The red component (0-1). +---@return number g # The green component (0-1). +---@return number b # The blue component (0-1). +---@return number a # The alpha component (0-1). +function ImageData:getPixel(x, y) end + +--- +---Gets the width of the ImageData in pixels. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ImageData:getWidth) +--- +---@return number width # The width of the ImageData in pixels. +function ImageData:getWidth() end + +--- +---Transform an image by applying a function to every pixel. +--- +---This function is a higher-order function. It takes another function as a parameter, and calls it once for each pixel in the ImageData. +--- +---The passed function is called with six parameters for each pixel in turn. The parameters are numbers that represent the x and y coordinates of the pixel and its red, green, blue and alpha values. The function should return the new red, green, blue, and alpha values for that pixel. +--- +---function pixelFunction(x, y, r, g, b, a) +--- +--- -- template for defining your own pixel mapping function +--- +--- -- perform computations giving the new values for r, g, b and a +--- +--- -- ... +--- +--- return r, g, b, a +--- +---end +--- +---In versions prior to 11.0, color component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ImageData:mapPixel) +--- +---@param pixelFunction function # Function to apply to every pixel. +---@param x? number # The x-axis of the top-left corner of the area within the ImageData to apply the function to. +---@param y? number # The y-axis of the top-left corner of the area within the ImageData to apply the function to. +---@param width? number # The width of the area within the ImageData to apply the function to. +---@param height? number # The height of the area within the ImageData to apply the function to. +function ImageData:mapPixel(pixelFunction, x, y, width, height) end + +--- +---Paste into ImageData from another source ImageData. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ImageData:paste) +--- +---@param source love.ImageData # Source ImageData from which to copy. +---@param dx number # Destination top-left position on x-axis. +---@param dy number # Destination top-left position on y-axis. +---@param sx number # Source top-left position on x-axis. +---@param sy number # Source top-left position on y-axis. +---@param sw number # Source width. +---@param sh number # Source height. +function ImageData:paste(source, dx, dy, sx, sy, sw, sh) end + +--- +---Sets the color of a pixel at a specific position in the image. +--- +---Valid x and y values start at 0 and go up to image width and height minus 1. +--- +---In versions prior to 11.0, color component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ImageData:setPixel) +--- +---@param x number # The position of the pixel on the x-axis. +---@param y number # The position of the pixel on the y-axis. +---@param r number # The red component (0-1). +---@param g number # The green component (0-1). +---@param b number # The blue component (0-1). +---@param a number # The alpha component (0-1). +function ImageData:setPixel(x, y, r, g, b, a) end + +--- +---Gets the pixel format of the ImageData. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ImageData:getFormat) +--- +---@return love.PixelFormat format # The pixel format the ImageData was created with. +function ImageData:getFormat() end + +--- +---Compressed image data formats. Here and here are a couple overviews of many of the formats. +--- +---Unlike traditional PNG or jpeg, these formats stay compressed in RAM and in the graphics card's VRAM. This is good for saving memory space as well as improving performance, since the graphics card will be able to keep more of the image's pixels in its fast-access cache when drawing it. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/CompressedImageFormat) +--- +---@alias love.CompressedImageFormat +--- +---The DXT1 format. RGB data at 4 bits per pixel (compared to 32 bits for ImageData and regular Images.) Suitable for fully opaque images on desktop systems. +--- +---| "DXT1" +--- +---The DXT3 format. RGBA data at 8 bits per pixel. Smooth variations in opacity do not mix well with this format. +--- +---| "DXT3" +--- +---The DXT5 format. RGBA data at 8 bits per pixel. Recommended for images with varying opacity on desktop systems. +--- +---| "DXT5" +--- +---The BC4 format (also known as 3Dc+ or ATI1.) Stores just the red channel, at 4 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "BC4" +--- +---The signed variant of the BC4 format. Same as above but pixel values in the texture are in the range of 1 instead of 1 in shaders. +--- +---| "BC4s" +--- +---The BC5 format (also known as 3Dc or ATI2.) Stores red and green channels at 8 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "BC5" +--- +---The signed variant of the BC5 format. +--- +---| "BC5s" +--- +---The BC6H format. Stores half-precision floating-point RGB data in the range of 65504 at 8 bits per pixel. Suitable for HDR images on desktop systems. +--- +---| "BC6h" +--- +---The signed variant of the BC6H format. Stores RGB data in the range of +65504. +--- +---| "BC6hs" +--- +---The BC7 format (also known as BPTC.) Stores RGB or RGBA data at 8 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "BC7" +--- +---The ETC1 format. RGB data at 4 bits per pixel. Suitable for fully opaque images on older Android devices. +--- +---| "ETC1" +--- +---The RGB variant of the ETC2 format. RGB data at 4 bits per pixel. Suitable for fully opaque images on newer mobile devices. +--- +---| "ETC2rgb" +--- +---The RGBA variant of the ETC2 format. RGBA data at 8 bits per pixel. Recommended for images with varying opacity on newer mobile devices. +--- +---| "ETC2rgba" +--- +---The RGBA variant of the ETC2 format where pixels are either fully transparent or fully opaque. RGBA data at 4 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ETC2rgba1" +--- +---The single-channel variant of the EAC format. Stores just the red channel, at 4 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "EACr" +--- +---The signed single-channel variant of the EAC format. Same as above but pixel values in the texture are in the range of 1 instead of 1 in shaders. +--- +---| "EACrs" +--- +---The two-channel variant of the EAC format. Stores red and green channels at 8 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "EACrg" +--- +---The signed two-channel variant of the EAC format. +--- +---| "EACrgs" +--- +---The 2 bit per pixel RGB variant of the PVRTC1 format. Stores RGB data at 2 bits per pixel. Textures compressed with PVRTC1 formats must be square and power-of-two sized. +--- +---| "PVR1rgb2" +--- +---The 4 bit per pixel RGB variant of the PVRTC1 format. Stores RGB data at 4 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "PVR1rgb4" +--- +---The 2 bit per pixel RGBA variant of the PVRTC1 format. +--- +---| "PVR1rgba2" +--- +---The 4 bit per pixel RGBA variant of the PVRTC1 format. +--- +---| "PVR1rgba4" +--- +---The 4x4 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 8 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC4x4" +--- +---The 5x4 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 6.4 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC5x4" +--- +---The 5x5 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 5.12 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC5x5" +--- +---The 6x5 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 4.27 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC6x5" +--- +---The 6x6 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 3.56 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC6x6" +--- +---The 8x5 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 3.2 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC8x5" +--- +---The 8x6 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 2.67 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC8x6" +--- +---The 8x8 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 2 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC8x8" +--- +---The 10x5 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 2.56 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC10x5" +--- +---The 10x6 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 2.13 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC10x6" +--- +---The 10x8 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 1.6 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC10x8" +--- +---The 10x10 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 1.28 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC10x10" +--- +---The 12x10 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 1.07 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC12x10" +--- +---The 12x12 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 0.89 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC12x12" + +--- +---Encoded image formats. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ImageFormat) +--- +---@alias love.ImageFormat +--- +---Targa image format. +--- +---| "tga" +--- +---PNG image format. +--- +---| "png" +--- +---JPG image format. +--- +---| "jpg" +--- +---BMP image format. +--- +---| "bmp" + +--- +---Pixel formats for Textures, ImageData, and CompressedImageData. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PixelFormat) +--- +---@alias love.PixelFormat +--- +---Indicates unknown pixel format, used internally. +--- +---| "unknown" +--- +---Alias for rgba8, or srgba8 if gamma-correct rendering is enabled. +--- +---| "normal" +--- +---A format suitable for high dynamic range content - an alias for the rgba16f format, normally. +--- +---| "hdr" +--- +---Single-channel (red component) format (8 bpp). +--- +---| "r8" +--- +---Two channels (red and green components) with 8 bits per channel (16 bpp). +--- +---| "rg8" +--- +---8 bits per channel (32 bpp) RGBA. Color channel values range from 0-255 (0-1 in shaders). +--- +---| "rgba8" +--- +---gamma-correct version of rgba8. +--- +---| "srgba8" +--- +---Single-channel (red component) format (16 bpp). +--- +---| "r16" +--- +---Two channels (red and green components) with 16 bits per channel (32 bpp). +--- +---| "rg16" +--- +---16 bits per channel (64 bpp) RGBA. Color channel values range from 0-65535 (0-1 in shaders). +--- +---| "rgba16" +--- +---Floating point single-channel format (16 bpp). Color values can range from [-65504, +65504]. +--- +---| "r16f" +--- +---Floating point two-channel format with 16 bits per channel (32 bpp). Color values can range from [-65504, +65504]. +--- +---| "rg16f" +--- +---Floating point RGBA with 16 bits per channel (64 bpp). Color values can range from [-65504, +65504]. +--- +---| "rgba16f" +--- +---Floating point single-channel format (32 bpp). +--- +---| "r32f" +--- +---Floating point two-channel format with 32 bits per channel (64 bpp). +--- +---| "rg32f" +--- +---Floating point RGBA with 32 bits per channel (128 bpp). +--- +---| "rgba32f" +--- +---Same as rg8, but accessed as (L, L, L, A) +--- +---| "la8" +--- +---4 bits per channel (16 bpp) RGBA. +--- +---| "rgba4" +--- +---RGB with 5 bits each, and a 1-bit alpha channel (16 bpp). +--- +---| "rgb5a1" +--- +---RGB with 5, 6, and 5 bits each, respectively (16 bpp). There is no alpha channel in this format. +--- +---| "rgb565" +--- +---RGB with 10 bits per channel, and a 2-bit alpha channel (32 bpp). +--- +---| "rgb10a2" +--- +---Floating point RGB with 11 bits in the red and green channels, and 10 bits in the blue channel (32 bpp). There is no alpha channel. Color values can range from [0, +65024]. +--- +---| "rg11b10f" +--- +---No depth buffer and 8-bit stencil buffer. +--- +---| "stencil8" +--- +---16-bit depth buffer and no stencil buffer. +--- +---| "depth16" +--- +---24-bit depth buffer and no stencil buffer. +--- +---| "depth24" +--- +---32-bit float depth buffer and no stencil buffer. +--- +---| "depth32f" +--- +---24-bit depth buffer and 8-bit stencil buffer. +--- +---| "depth24stencil8" +--- +---32-bit float depth buffer and 8-bit stencil buffer. +--- +---| "depth32fstencil8" +--- +---The DXT1 format. RGB data at 4 bits per pixel (compared to 32 bits for ImageData and regular Images.) Suitable for fully opaque images on desktop systems. +--- +---| "DXT1" +--- +---The DXT3 format. RGBA data at 8 bits per pixel. Smooth variations in opacity do not mix well with this format. +--- +---| "DXT3" +--- +---The DXT5 format. RGBA data at 8 bits per pixel. Recommended for images with varying opacity on desktop systems. +--- +---| "DXT5" +--- +---The BC4 format (also known as 3Dc+ or ATI1.) Stores just the red channel, at 4 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "BC4" +--- +---The signed variant of the BC4 format. Same as above but pixel values in the texture are in the range of 1 instead of 1 in shaders. +--- +---| "BC4s" +--- +---The BC5 format (also known as 3Dc or ATI2.) Stores red and green channels at 8 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "BC5" +--- +---The signed variant of the BC5 format. +--- +---| "BC5s" +--- +---The BC6H format. Stores half-precision floating-point RGB data in the range of 65504 at 8 bits per pixel. Suitable for HDR images on desktop systems. +--- +---| "BC6h" +--- +---The signed variant of the BC6H format. Stores RGB data in the range of +65504. +--- +---| "BC6hs" +--- +---The BC7 format (also known as BPTC.) Stores RGB or RGBA data at 8 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "BC7" +--- +---The ETC1 format. RGB data at 4 bits per pixel. Suitable for fully opaque images on older Android devices. +--- +---| "ETC1" +--- +---The RGB variant of the ETC2 format. RGB data at 4 bits per pixel. Suitable for fully opaque images on newer mobile devices. +--- +---| "ETC2rgb" +--- +---The RGBA variant of the ETC2 format. RGBA data at 8 bits per pixel. Recommended for images with varying opacity on newer mobile devices. +--- +---| "ETC2rgba" +--- +---The RGBA variant of the ETC2 format where pixels are either fully transparent or fully opaque. RGBA data at 4 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ETC2rgba1" +--- +---The single-channel variant of the EAC format. Stores just the red channel, at 4 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "EACr" +--- +---The signed single-channel variant of the EAC format. Same as above but pixel values in the texture are in the range of 1 instead of 1 in shaders. +--- +---| "EACrs" +--- +---The two-channel variant of the EAC format. Stores red and green channels at 8 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "EACrg" +--- +---The signed two-channel variant of the EAC format. +--- +---| "EACrgs" +--- +---The 2 bit per pixel RGB variant of the PVRTC1 format. Stores RGB data at 2 bits per pixel. Textures compressed with PVRTC1 formats must be square and power-of-two sized. +--- +---| "PVR1rgb2" +--- +---The 4 bit per pixel RGB variant of the PVRTC1 format. Stores RGB data at 4 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "PVR1rgb4" +--- +---The 2 bit per pixel RGBA variant of the PVRTC1 format. +--- +---| "PVR1rgba2" +--- +---The 4 bit per pixel RGBA variant of the PVRTC1 format. +--- +---| "PVR1rgba4" +--- +---The 4x4 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 8 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC4x4" +--- +---The 5x4 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 6.4 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC5x4" +--- +---The 5x5 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 5.12 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC5x5" +--- +---The 6x5 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 4.27 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC6x5" +--- +---The 6x6 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 3.56 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC6x6" +--- +---The 8x5 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 3.2 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC8x5" +--- +---The 8x6 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 2.67 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC8x6" +--- +---The 8x8 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 2 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC8x8" +--- +---The 10x5 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 2.56 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC10x5" +--- +---The 10x6 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 2.13 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC10x6" +--- +---The 10x8 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 1.6 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC10x8" +--- +---The 10x10 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 1.28 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC10x10" +--- +---The 12x10 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 1.07 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC12x10" +--- +---The 12x12 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. RGBA data at 0.89 bits per pixel. +--- +---| "ASTC12x12" diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/joystick.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/joystick.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..039674f12 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/joystick.lua @@ -0,0 +1,464 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---Provides an interface to the user's joystick. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.joystick) +--- +---@class love.joystick +love.joystick = {} + +--- +---Gets the full gamepad mapping string of the Joysticks which have the given GUID, or nil if the GUID isn't recognized as a gamepad. +--- +---The mapping string contains binding information used to map the Joystick's buttons an axes to the standard gamepad layout, and can be used later with love.joystick.loadGamepadMappings. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.joystick.getGamepadMappingString) +--- +---@param guid string # The GUID value to get the mapping string for. +---@return string mappingstring # A string containing the Joystick's gamepad mappings, or nil if the GUID is not recognized as a gamepad. +function love.joystick.getGamepadMappingString(guid) end + +--- +---Gets the number of connected joysticks. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.joystick.getJoystickCount) +--- +---@return number joystickcount # The number of connected joysticks. +function love.joystick.getJoystickCount() end + +--- +---Gets a list of connected Joysticks. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.joystick.getJoysticks) +--- +---@return table joysticks # The list of currently connected Joysticks. +function love.joystick.getJoysticks() end + +--- +---Loads a gamepad mappings string or file created with love.joystick.saveGamepadMappings. +--- +---It also recognizes any SDL gamecontroller mapping string, such as those created with Steam's Big Picture controller configure interface, or this nice database. If a new mapping is loaded for an already known controller GUID, the later version will overwrite the one currently loaded. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.joystick.loadGamepadMappings) +--- +---@overload fun(mappings: string) +---@param filename string # The filename to load the mappings string from. +function love.joystick.loadGamepadMappings(filename) end + +--- +---Saves the virtual gamepad mappings of all recognized as gamepads and have either been recently used or their gamepad bindings have been modified. +--- +---The mappings are stored as a string for use with love.joystick.loadGamepadMappings. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.joystick.saveGamepadMappings) +--- +---@overload fun():string +---@param filename string # The filename to save the mappings string to. +---@return string mappings # The mappings string that was written to the file. +function love.joystick.saveGamepadMappings(filename) end + +--- +---Binds a virtual gamepad input to a button, axis or hat for all Joysticks of a certain type. For example, if this function is used with a GUID returned by a Dualshock 3 controller in OS X, the binding will affect Joystick:getGamepadAxis and Joystick:isGamepadDown for ''all'' Dualshock 3 controllers used with the game when run in OS X. +--- +---LÖVE includes built-in gamepad bindings for many common controllers. This function lets you change the bindings or add new ones for types of Joysticks which aren't recognized as gamepads by default. +--- +---The virtual gamepad buttons and axes are designed around the Xbox 360 controller layout. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.joystick.setGamepadMapping) +--- +---@overload fun(guid: string, axis: love.GamepadAxis, inputtype: love.JoystickInputType, inputindex: number, hatdir?: love.JoystickHat):boolean +---@param guid string # The OS-dependent GUID for the type of Joystick the binding will affect. +---@param button love.GamepadButton # The virtual gamepad button to bind. +---@param inputtype love.JoystickInputType # The type of input to bind the virtual gamepad button to. +---@param inputindex number # The index of the axis, button, or hat to bind the virtual gamepad button to. +---@param hatdir? love.JoystickHat # The direction of the hat, if the virtual gamepad button will be bound to a hat. nil otherwise. +---@return boolean success # Whether the virtual gamepad button was successfully bound. +function love.joystick.setGamepadMapping(guid, button, inputtype, inputindex, hatdir) end + +--- +---Represents a physical joystick. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.joystick) +--- +---@class love.Joystick: love.Object +local Joystick = {} + +--- +---Gets the direction of each axis. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joystick:getAxes) +--- +---@return number axisDir1 # Direction of axis1. +---@return number axisDir2 # Direction of axis2. +---@return number axisDirN # Direction of axisN. +function Joystick:getAxes() end + +--- +---Gets the direction of an axis. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joystick:getAxis) +--- +---@param axis number # The index of the axis to be checked. +---@return number direction # Current value of the axis. +function Joystick:getAxis(axis) end + +--- +---Gets the number of axes on the joystick. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joystick:getAxisCount) +--- +---@return number axes # The number of axes available. +function Joystick:getAxisCount() end + +--- +---Gets the number of buttons on the joystick. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joystick:getButtonCount) +--- +---@return number buttons # The number of buttons available. +function Joystick:getButtonCount() end + +--- +---Gets the USB vendor ID, product ID, and product version numbers of joystick which consistent across operating systems. +--- +---Can be used to show different icons, etc. for different gamepads. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joystick:getDeviceInfo) +--- +---@return number vendorID # The USB vendor ID of the joystick. +---@return number productID # The USB product ID of the joystick. +---@return number productVersion # The product version of the joystick. +function Joystick:getDeviceInfo() end + +--- +---Gets a stable GUID unique to the type of the physical joystick which does not change over time. For example, all Sony Dualshock 3 controllers in OS X have the same GUID. The value is platform-dependent. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joystick:getGUID) +--- +---@return string guid # The Joystick type's OS-dependent unique identifier. +function Joystick:getGUID() end + +--- +---Gets the direction of a virtual gamepad axis. If the Joystick isn't recognized as a gamepad or isn't connected, this function will always return 0. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joystick:getGamepadAxis) +--- +---@param axis love.GamepadAxis # The virtual axis to be checked. +---@return number direction # Current value of the axis. +function Joystick:getGamepadAxis(axis) end + +--- +---Gets the button, axis or hat that a virtual gamepad input is bound to. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joystick:getGamepadMapping) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Joystick, button: love.GamepadButton):love.JoystickInputType, number, love.JoystickHat +---@param axis love.GamepadAxis # The virtual gamepad axis to get the binding for. +---@return love.JoystickInputType inputtype # The type of input the virtual gamepad axis is bound to. +---@return number inputindex # The index of the Joystick's button, axis or hat that the virtual gamepad axis is bound to. +---@return love.JoystickHat hatdirection # The direction of the hat, if the virtual gamepad axis is bound to a hat. nil otherwise. +function Joystick:getGamepadMapping(axis) end + +--- +---Gets the full gamepad mapping string of this Joystick, or nil if it's not recognized as a gamepad. +--- +---The mapping string contains binding information used to map the Joystick's buttons an axes to the standard gamepad layout, and can be used later with love.joystick.loadGamepadMappings. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joystick:getGamepadMappingString) +--- +---@return string mappingstring # A string containing the Joystick's gamepad mappings, or nil if the Joystick is not recognized as a gamepad. +function Joystick:getGamepadMappingString() end + +--- +---Gets the direction of the Joystick's hat. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joystick:getHat) +--- +---@param hat number # The index of the hat to be checked. +---@return love.JoystickHat direction # The direction the hat is pushed. +function Joystick:getHat(hat) end + +--- +---Gets the number of hats on the joystick. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joystick:getHatCount) +--- +---@return number hats # How many hats the joystick has. +function Joystick:getHatCount() end + +--- +---Gets the joystick's unique identifier. The identifier will remain the same for the life of the game, even when the Joystick is disconnected and reconnected, but it '''will''' change when the game is re-launched. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joystick:getID) +--- +---@return number id # The Joystick's unique identifier. Remains the same as long as the game is running. +---@return number instanceid # Unique instance identifier. Changes every time the Joystick is reconnected. nil if the Joystick is not connected. +function Joystick:getID() end + +--- +---Gets the name of the joystick. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joystick:getName) +--- +---@return string name # The name of the joystick. +function Joystick:getName() end + +--- +---Gets the current vibration motor strengths on a Joystick with rumble support. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joystick:getVibration) +--- +---@return number left # Current strength of the left vibration motor on the Joystick. +---@return number right # Current strength of the right vibration motor on the Joystick. +function Joystick:getVibration() end + +--- +---Gets whether the Joystick is connected. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joystick:isConnected) +--- +---@return boolean connected # True if the Joystick is currently connected, false otherwise. +function Joystick:isConnected() end + +--- +---Checks if a button on the Joystick is pressed. +--- +---LÖVE 0.9.0 had a bug which required the button indices passed to Joystick:isDown to be 0-based instead of 1-based, for example button 1 would be 0 for this function. It was fixed in 0.9.1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joystick:isDown) +--- +---@param buttonN number # The index of a button to check. +---@return boolean anyDown # True if any supplied button is down, false if not. +function Joystick:isDown(buttonN) end + +--- +---Gets whether the Joystick is recognized as a gamepad. If this is the case, the Joystick's buttons and axes can be used in a standardized manner across different operating systems and joystick models via Joystick:getGamepadAxis, Joystick:isGamepadDown, love.gamepadpressed, and related functions. +--- +---LÖVE automatically recognizes most popular controllers with a similar layout to the Xbox 360 controller as gamepads, but you can add more with love.joystick.setGamepadMapping. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joystick:isGamepad) +--- +---@return boolean isgamepad # True if the Joystick is recognized as a gamepad, false otherwise. +function Joystick:isGamepad() end + +--- +---Checks if a virtual gamepad button on the Joystick is pressed. If the Joystick is not recognized as a Gamepad or isn't connected, then this function will always return false. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joystick:isGamepadDown) +--- +---@param buttonN love.GamepadButton # The gamepad button to check. +---@return boolean anyDown # True if any supplied button is down, false if not. +function Joystick:isGamepadDown(buttonN) end + +--- +---Gets whether the Joystick supports vibration. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joystick:isVibrationSupported) +--- +---@return boolean supported # True if rumble / force feedback vibration is supported on this Joystick, false if not. +function Joystick:isVibrationSupported() end + +--- +---Sets the vibration motor speeds on a Joystick with rumble support. Most common gamepads have this functionality, although not all drivers give proper support. Use Joystick:isVibrationSupported to check. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joystick:setVibration) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Joystick):boolean +---@overload fun(self: love.Joystick, left: number, right: number, duration?: number):boolean +---@param left number # Strength of the left vibration motor on the Joystick. Must be in the range of 1. +---@param right number # Strength of the right vibration motor on the Joystick. Must be in the range of 1. +---@return boolean success # True if the vibration was successfully applied, false if not. +function Joystick:setVibration(left, right) end + +--- +---Virtual gamepad axes. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/GamepadAxis) +--- +---@alias love.GamepadAxis +--- +---The x-axis of the left thumbstick. +--- +---| "leftx" +--- +---The y-axis of the left thumbstick. +--- +---| "lefty" +--- +---The x-axis of the right thumbstick. +--- +---| "rightx" +--- +---The y-axis of the right thumbstick. +--- +---| "righty" +--- +---Left analog trigger. +--- +---| "triggerleft" +--- +---Right analog trigger. +--- +---| "triggerright" + +--- +---Virtual gamepad buttons. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/GamepadButton) +--- +---@alias love.GamepadButton +--- +---Bottom face button (A). +--- +---| "a" +--- +---Right face button (B). +--- +---| "b" +--- +---Left face button (X). +--- +---| "x" +--- +---Top face button (Y). +--- +---| "y" +--- +---Back button. +--- +---| "back" +--- +---Guide button. +--- +---| "guide" +--- +---Start button. +--- +---| "start" +--- +---Left stick click button. +--- +---| "leftstick" +--- +---Right stick click button. +--- +---| "rightstick" +--- +---Left bumper. +--- +---| "leftshoulder" +--- +---Right bumper. +--- +---| "rightshoulder" +--- +---D-pad up. +--- +---| "dpup" +--- +---D-pad down. +--- +---| "dpdown" +--- +---D-pad left. +--- +---| "dpleft" +--- +---D-pad right. +--- +---| "dpright" + +--- +---Joystick hat positions. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/JoystickHat) +--- +---@alias love.JoystickHat +--- +---Centered +--- +---| "c" +--- +---Down +--- +---| "d" +--- +---Left +--- +---| "l" +--- +---Left+Down +--- +---| "ld" +--- +---Left+Up +--- +---| "lu" +--- +---Right +--- +---| "r" +--- +---Right+Down +--- +---| "rd" +--- +---Right+Up +--- +---| "ru" +--- +---Up +--- +---| "u" + +--- +---Types of Joystick inputs. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/JoystickInputType) +--- +---@alias love.JoystickInputType +--- +---Analog axis. +--- +---| "axis" +--- +---Button. +--- +---| "button" +--- +---8-direction hat value. +--- +---| "hat" diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/keyboard.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/keyboard.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a73a23cf4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/keyboard.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1484 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---Provides an interface to the user's keyboard. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.keyboard) +--- +---@class love.keyboard +love.keyboard = {} + +--- +---Gets the key corresponding to the given hardware scancode. +--- +---Unlike key constants, Scancodes are keyboard layout-independent. For example the scancode 'w' will be generated if the key in the same place as the 'w' key on an American keyboard is pressed, no matter what the key is labelled or what the user's operating system settings are. +--- +---Scancodes are useful for creating default controls that have the same physical locations on on all systems. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.keyboard.getKeyFromScancode) +--- +---@param scancode love.Scancode # The scancode to get the key from. +---@return love.KeyConstant key # The key corresponding to the given scancode, or 'unknown' if the scancode doesn't map to a KeyConstant on the current system. +function love.keyboard.getKeyFromScancode(scancode) end + +--- +---Gets the hardware scancode corresponding to the given key. +--- +---Unlike key constants, Scancodes are keyboard layout-independent. For example the scancode 'w' will be generated if the key in the same place as the 'w' key on an American keyboard is pressed, no matter what the key is labelled or what the user's operating system settings are. +--- +---Scancodes are useful for creating default controls that have the same physical locations on on all systems. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.keyboard.getScancodeFromKey) +--- +---@param key love.KeyConstant # The key to get the scancode from. +---@return love.Scancode scancode # The scancode corresponding to the given key, or 'unknown' if the given key has no known physical representation on the current system. +function love.keyboard.getScancodeFromKey(key) end + +--- +---Gets whether key repeat is enabled. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.keyboard.hasKeyRepeat) +--- +---@return boolean enabled # Whether key repeat is enabled. +function love.keyboard.hasKeyRepeat() end + +--- +---Gets whether screen keyboard is supported. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.keyboard.hasScreenKeyboard) +--- +---@return boolean supported # Whether screen keyboard is supported. +function love.keyboard.hasScreenKeyboard() end + +--- +---Gets whether text input events are enabled. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.keyboard.hasTextInput) +--- +---@return boolean enabled # Whether text input events are enabled. +function love.keyboard.hasTextInput() end + +--- +---Checks whether a certain key is down. Not to be confused with love.keypressed or love.keyreleased. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.keyboard.isDown) +--- +---@overload fun(key: love.KeyConstant, ...):boolean +---@param key love.KeyConstant # The key to check. +---@return boolean down # True if the key is down, false if not. +function love.keyboard.isDown(key) end + +--- +---Checks whether the specified Scancodes are pressed. Not to be confused with love.keypressed or love.keyreleased. +--- +---Unlike regular KeyConstants, Scancodes are keyboard layout-independent. The scancode 'w' is used if the key in the same place as the 'w' key on an American keyboard is pressed, no matter what the key is labelled or what the user's operating system settings are. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.keyboard.isScancodeDown) +--- +---@param scancode love.Scancode # A Scancode to check. +---@vararg love.Scancode # Additional Scancodes to check. +---@return boolean down # True if any supplied Scancode is down, false if not. +function love.keyboard.isScancodeDown(scancode, ...) end + +--- +---Enables or disables key repeat for love.keypressed. It is disabled by default. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.keyboard.setKeyRepeat) +--- +---@param enable boolean # Whether repeat keypress events should be enabled when a key is held down. +function love.keyboard.setKeyRepeat(enable) end + +--- +---Enables or disables text input events. It is enabled by default on Windows, Mac, and Linux, and disabled by default on iOS and Android. +--- +---On touch devices, this shows the system's native on-screen keyboard when it's enabled. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.keyboard.setTextInput) +--- +---@overload fun(enable: boolean, x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number) +---@param enable boolean # Whether text input events should be enabled. +function love.keyboard.setTextInput(enable) end + +--- +---All the keys you can press. Note that some keys may not be available on your keyboard or system. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/KeyConstant) +--- +---@alias love.KeyConstant +--- +---The A key +--- +---| "a" +--- +---The B key +--- +---| "b" +--- +---The C key +--- +---| "c" +--- +---The D key +--- +---| "d" +--- +---The E key +--- +---| "e" +--- +---The F key +--- +---| "f" +--- +---The G key +--- +---| "g" +--- +---The H key +--- +---| "h" +--- +---The I key +--- +---| "i" +--- +---The J key +--- +---| "j" +--- +---The K key +--- +---| "k" +--- +---The L key +--- +---| "l" +--- +---The M key +--- +---| "m" +--- +---The N key +--- +---| "n" +--- +---The O key +--- +---| "o" +--- +---The P key +--- +---| "p" +--- +---The Q key +--- +---| "q" +--- +---The R key +--- +---| "r" +--- +---The S key +--- +---| "s" +--- +---The T key +--- +---| "t" +--- +---The U key +--- +---| "u" +--- +---The V key +--- +---| "v" +--- +---The W key +--- +---| "w" +--- +---The X key +--- +---| "x" +--- +---The Y key +--- +---| "y" +--- +---The Z key +--- +---| "z" +--- +---The zero key +--- +---| "0" +--- +---The one key +--- +---| "1" +--- +---The two key +--- +---| "2" +--- +---The three key +--- +---| "3" +--- +---The four key +--- +---| "4" +--- +---The five key +--- +---| "5" +--- +---The six key +--- +---| "6" +--- +---The seven key +--- +---| "7" +--- +---The eight key +--- +---| "8" +--- +---The nine key +--- +---| "9" +--- +---Space key +--- +---| "space" +--- +---Exclamation mark key +--- +---| "!" +--- +---Double quote key +--- +---| "\"" +--- +---Hash key +--- +---| "#" +--- +---Dollar key +--- +---| "$" +--- +---Ampersand key +--- +---| "&" +--- +---Single quote key +--- +---| "'" +--- +---Left parenthesis key +--- +---| "(" +--- +---Right parenthesis key +--- +---| ")" +--- +---Asterisk key +--- +---| "*" +--- +---Plus key +--- +---| "+" +--- +---Comma key +--- +---| "," +--- +---Hyphen-minus key +--- +---| "-" +--- +---Full stop key +--- +---| "." +--- +---Slash key +--- +---| "/" +--- +---Colon key +--- +---| ":" +--- +---Semicolon key +--- +---| ";" +--- +---Less-than key +--- +---| "<" +--- +---Equal key +--- +---| "=" +--- +---Greater-than key +--- +---| ">" +--- +---Question mark key +--- +---| "?" +--- +---At sign key +--- +---| "@" +--- +---Left square bracket key +--- +---| "[" +--- +---Backslash key +--- +---| "\\" +--- +---Right square bracket key +--- +---| "]" +--- +---Caret key +--- +---| "^" +--- +---Underscore key +--- +---| "_" +--- +---Grave accent key +--- +---| "`" +--- +---The numpad zero key +--- +---| "kp0" +--- +---The numpad one key +--- +---| "kp1" +--- +---The numpad two key +--- +---| "kp2" +--- +---The numpad three key +--- +---| "kp3" +--- +---The numpad four key +--- +---| "kp4" +--- +---The numpad five key +--- +---| "kp5" +--- +---The numpad six key +--- +---| "kp6" +--- +---The numpad seven key +--- +---| "kp7" +--- +---The numpad eight key +--- +---| "kp8" +--- +---The numpad nine key +--- +---| "kp9" +--- +---The numpad decimal point key +--- +---| "kp." +--- +---The numpad division key +--- +---| "kp/" +--- +---The numpad multiplication key +--- +---| "kp*" +--- +---The numpad substraction key +--- +---| "kp-" +--- +---The numpad addition key +--- +---| "kp+" +--- +---The numpad enter key +--- +---| "kpenter" +--- +---The numpad equals key +--- +---| "kp=" +--- +---Up cursor key +--- +---| "up" +--- +---Down cursor key +--- +---| "down" +--- +---Right cursor key +--- +---| "right" +--- +---Left cursor key +--- +---| "left" +--- +---Home key +--- +---| "home" +--- +---End key +--- +---| "end" +--- +---Page up key +--- +---| "pageup" +--- +---Page down key +--- +---| "pagedown" +--- +---Insert key +--- +---| "insert" +--- +---Backspace key +--- +---| "backspace" +--- +---Tab key +--- +---| "tab" +--- +---Clear key +--- +---| "clear" +--- +---Return key +--- +---| "return" +--- +---Delete key +--- +---| "delete" +--- +---The 1st function key +--- +---| "f1" +--- +---The 2nd function key +--- +---| "f2" +--- +---The 3rd function key +--- +---| "f3" +--- +---The 4th function key +--- +---| "f4" +--- +---The 5th function key +--- +---| "f5" +--- +---The 6th function key +--- +---| "f6" +--- +---The 7th function key +--- +---| "f7" +--- +---The 8th function key +--- +---| "f8" +--- +---The 9th function key +--- +---| "f9" +--- +---The 10th function key +--- +---| "f10" +--- +---The 11th function key +--- +---| "f11" +--- +---The 12th function key +--- +---| "f12" +--- +---The 13th function key +--- +---| "f13" +--- +---The 14th function key +--- +---| "f14" +--- +---The 15th function key +--- +---| "f15" +--- +---Num-lock key +--- +---| "numlock" +--- +---Caps-lock key +--- +---| "capslock" +--- +---Scroll-lock key +--- +---| "scrollock" +--- +---Right shift key +--- +---| "rshift" +--- +---Left shift key +--- +---| "lshift" +--- +---Right control key +--- +---| "rctrl" +--- +---Left control key +--- +---| "lctrl" +--- +---Right alt key +--- +---| "ralt" +--- +---Left alt key +--- +---| "lalt" +--- +---Right meta key +--- +---| "rmeta" +--- +---Left meta key +--- +---| "lmeta" +--- +---Left super key +--- +---| "lsuper" +--- +---Right super key +--- +---| "rsuper" +--- +---Mode key +--- +---| "mode" +--- +---Compose key +--- +---| "compose" +--- +---Pause key +--- +---| "pause" +--- +---Escape key +--- +---| "escape" +--- +---Help key +--- +---| "help" +--- +---Print key +--- +---| "print" +--- +---System request key +--- +---| "sysreq" +--- +---Break key +--- +---| "break" +--- +---Menu key +--- +---| "menu" +--- +---Power key +--- +---| "power" +--- +---Euro (€) key +--- +---| "euro" +--- +---Undo key +--- +---| "undo" +--- +---WWW key +--- +---| "www" +--- +---Mail key +--- +---| "mail" +--- +---Calculator key +--- +---| "calculator" +--- +---Application search key +--- +---| "appsearch" +--- +---Application home key +--- +---| "apphome" +--- +---Application back key +--- +---| "appback" +--- +---Application forward key +--- +---| "appforward" +--- +---Application refresh key +--- +---| "apprefresh" +--- +---Application bookmarks key +--- +---| "appbookmarks" + +--- +---Keyboard scancodes. +--- +---Scancodes are keyboard layout-independent, so the scancode "w" will be generated if the key in the same place as the "w" key on an American QWERTY keyboard is pressed, no matter what the key is labelled or what the user's operating system settings are. +--- +---Using scancodes, rather than keycodes, is useful because keyboards with layouts differing from the US/UK layout(s) might have keys that generate 'unknown' keycodes, but the scancodes will still be detected. This however would necessitate having a list for each keyboard layout one would choose to support. +--- +---One could use textinput or textedited instead, but those only give back the end result of keys used, i.e. you can't get modifiers on their own from it, only the final symbols that were generated. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Scancode) +--- +---@alias love.Scancode +--- +---The 'A' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "a" +--- +---The 'B' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "b" +--- +---The 'C' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "c" +--- +---The 'D' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "d" +--- +---The 'E' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "e" +--- +---The 'F' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f" +--- +---The 'G' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "g" +--- +---The 'H' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "h" +--- +---The 'I' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "i" +--- +---The 'J' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "j" +--- +---The 'K' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "k" +--- +---The 'L' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "l" +--- +---The 'M' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "m" +--- +---The 'N' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "n" +--- +---The 'O' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "o" +--- +---The 'P' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "p" +--- +---The 'Q' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "q" +--- +---The 'R' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "r" +--- +---The 'S' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "s" +--- +---The 'T' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "t" +--- +---The 'U' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "u" +--- +---The 'V' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "v" +--- +---The 'W' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "w" +--- +---The 'X' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "x" +--- +---The 'Y' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "y" +--- +---The 'Z' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "z" +--- +---The '1' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "1" +--- +---The '2' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "2" +--- +---The '3' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "3" +--- +---The '4' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "4" +--- +---The '5' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "5" +--- +---The '6' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "6" +--- +---The '7' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "7" +--- +---The '8' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "8" +--- +---The '9' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "9" +--- +---The '0' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "0" +--- +---The 'return' / 'enter' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "return" +--- +---The 'escape' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "escape" +--- +---The 'backspace' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "backspace" +--- +---The 'tab' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "tab" +--- +---The spacebar on an American layout. +--- +---| "space" +--- +---The minus key on an American layout. +--- +---| "-" +--- +---The equals key on an American layout. +--- +---| "=" +--- +---The left-bracket key on an American layout. +--- +---| "[" +--- +---The right-bracket key on an American layout. +--- +---| "]" +--- +---The backslash key on an American layout. +--- +---| "\\" +--- +---The non-U.S. hash scancode. +--- +---| "nonus#" +--- +---The semicolon key on an American layout. +--- +---| ";" +--- +---The apostrophe key on an American layout. +--- +---| "'" +--- +---The back-tick / grave key on an American layout. +--- +---| "`" +--- +---The comma key on an American layout. +--- +---| "," +--- +---The period key on an American layout. +--- +---| "." +--- +---The forward-slash key on an American layout. +--- +---| "/" +--- +---The capslock key on an American layout. +--- +---| "capslock" +--- +---The F1 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f1" +--- +---The F2 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f2" +--- +---The F3 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f3" +--- +---The F4 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f4" +--- +---The F5 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f5" +--- +---The F6 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f6" +--- +---The F7 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f7" +--- +---The F8 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f8" +--- +---The F9 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f9" +--- +---The F10 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f10" +--- +---The F11 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f11" +--- +---The F12 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f12" +--- +---The F13 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f13" +--- +---The F14 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f14" +--- +---The F15 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f15" +--- +---The F16 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f16" +--- +---The F17 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f17" +--- +---The F18 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f18" +--- +---The F19 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f19" +--- +---The F20 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f20" +--- +---The F21 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f21" +--- +---The F22 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f22" +--- +---The F23 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f23" +--- +---The F24 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "f24" +--- +---The left control key on an American layout. +--- +---| "lctrl" +--- +---The left shift key on an American layout. +--- +---| "lshift" +--- +---The left alt / option key on an American layout. +--- +---| "lalt" +--- +---The left GUI (command / windows / super) key on an American layout. +--- +---| "lgui" +--- +---The right control key on an American layout. +--- +---| "rctrl" +--- +---The right shift key on an American layout. +--- +---| "rshift" +--- +---The right alt / option key on an American layout. +--- +---| "ralt" +--- +---The right GUI (command / windows / super) key on an American layout. +--- +---| "rgui" +--- +---The printscreen key on an American layout. +--- +---| "printscreen" +--- +---The scroll-lock key on an American layout. +--- +---| "scrolllock" +--- +---The pause key on an American layout. +--- +---| "pause" +--- +---The insert key on an American layout. +--- +---| "insert" +--- +---The home key on an American layout. +--- +---| "home" +--- +---The numlock / clear key on an American layout. +--- +---| "numlock" +--- +---The page-up key on an American layout. +--- +---| "pageup" +--- +---The forward-delete key on an American layout. +--- +---| "delete" +--- +---The end key on an American layout. +--- +---| "end" +--- +---The page-down key on an American layout. +--- +---| "pagedown" +--- +---The right-arrow key on an American layout. +--- +---| "right" +--- +---The left-arrow key on an American layout. +--- +---| "left" +--- +---The down-arrow key on an American layout. +--- +---| "down" +--- +---The up-arrow key on an American layout. +--- +---| "up" +--- +---The non-U.S. backslash scancode. +--- +---| "nonusbackslash" +--- +---The application key on an American layout. Windows contextual menu, compose key. +--- +---| "application" +--- +---The 'execute' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "execute" +--- +---The 'help' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "help" +--- +---The 'menu' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "menu" +--- +---The 'select' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "select" +--- +---The 'stop' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "stop" +--- +---The 'again' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "again" +--- +---The 'undo' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "undo" +--- +---The 'cut' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "cut" +--- +---The 'copy' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "copy" +--- +---The 'paste' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "paste" +--- +---The 'find' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "find" +--- +---The keypad forward-slash key on an American layout. +--- +---| "kp/" +--- +---The keypad '*' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "kp*" +--- +---The keypad minus key on an American layout. +--- +---| "kp-" +--- +---The keypad plus key on an American layout. +--- +---| "kp+" +--- +---The keypad equals key on an American layout. +--- +---| "kp=" +--- +---The keypad enter key on an American layout. +--- +---| "kpenter" +--- +---The keypad '1' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "kp1" +--- +---The keypad '2' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "kp2" +--- +---The keypad '3' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "kp3" +--- +---The keypad '4' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "kp4" +--- +---The keypad '5' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "kp5" +--- +---The keypad '6' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "kp6" +--- +---The keypad '7' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "kp7" +--- +---The keypad '8' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "kp8" +--- +---The keypad '9' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "kp9" +--- +---The keypad '0' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "kp0" +--- +---The keypad period key on an American layout. +--- +---| "kp." +--- +---The 1st international key on an American layout. Used on Asian keyboards. +--- +---| "international1" +--- +---The 2nd international key on an American layout. +--- +---| "international2" +--- +---The 3rd international key on an American layout. Yen. +--- +---| "international3" +--- +---The 4th international key on an American layout. +--- +---| "international4" +--- +---The 5th international key on an American layout. +--- +---| "international5" +--- +---The 6th international key on an American layout. +--- +---| "international6" +--- +---The 7th international key on an American layout. +--- +---| "international7" +--- +---The 8th international key on an American layout. +--- +---| "international8" +--- +---The 9th international key on an American layout. +--- +---| "international9" +--- +---Hangul/English toggle scancode. +--- +---| "lang1" +--- +---Hanja conversion scancode. +--- +---| "lang2" +--- +---Katakana scancode. +--- +---| "lang3" +--- +---Hiragana scancode. +--- +---| "lang4" +--- +---Zenkaku/Hankaku scancode. +--- +---| "lang5" +--- +---The mute key on an American layout. +--- +---| "mute" +--- +---The volume up key on an American layout. +--- +---| "volumeup" +--- +---The volume down key on an American layout. +--- +---| "volumedown" +--- +---The audio next track key on an American layout. +--- +---| "audionext" +--- +---The audio previous track key on an American layout. +--- +---| "audioprev" +--- +---The audio stop key on an American layout. +--- +---| "audiostop" +--- +---The audio play key on an American layout. +--- +---| "audioplay" +--- +---The audio mute key on an American layout. +--- +---| "audiomute" +--- +---The media select key on an American layout. +--- +---| "mediaselect" +--- +---The 'WWW' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "www" +--- +---The Mail key on an American layout. +--- +---| "mail" +--- +---The calculator key on an American layout. +--- +---| "calculator" +--- +---The 'computer' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "computer" +--- +---The AC Search key on an American layout. +--- +---| "acsearch" +--- +---The AC Home key on an American layout. +--- +---| "achome" +--- +---The AC Back key on an American layout. +--- +---| "acback" +--- +---The AC Forward key on an American layout. +--- +---| "acforward" +--- +---Th AC Stop key on an American layout. +--- +---| "acstop" +--- +---The AC Refresh key on an American layout. +--- +---| "acrefresh" +--- +---The AC Bookmarks key on an American layout. +--- +---| "acbookmarks" +--- +---The system power scancode. +--- +---| "power" +--- +---The brightness-down scancode. +--- +---| "brightnessdown" +--- +---The brightness-up scancode. +--- +---| "brightnessup" +--- +---The display switch scancode. +--- +---| "displayswitch" +--- +---The keyboard illumination toggle scancode. +--- +---| "kbdillumtoggle" +--- +---The keyboard illumination down scancode. +--- +---| "kbdillumdown" +--- +---The keyboard illumination up scancode. +--- +---| "kbdillumup" +--- +---The eject scancode. +--- +---| "eject" +--- +---The system sleep scancode. +--- +---| "sleep" +--- +---The alt-erase key on an American layout. +--- +---| "alterase" +--- +---The sysreq key on an American layout. +--- +---| "sysreq" +--- +---The 'cancel' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "cancel" +--- +---The 'clear' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "clear" +--- +---The 'prior' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "prior" +--- +---The 'return2' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "return2" +--- +---The 'separator' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "separator" +--- +---The 'out' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "out" +--- +---The 'oper' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "oper" +--- +---The 'clearagain' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "clearagain" +--- +---The 'crsel' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "crsel" +--- +---The 'exsel' key on an American layout. +--- +---| "exsel" +--- +---The keypad 00 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "kp00" +--- +---The keypad 000 key on an American layout. +--- +---| "kp000" +--- +---The thousands-separator key on an American layout. +--- +---| "thsousandsseparator" +--- +---The decimal separator key on an American layout. +--- +---| "decimalseparator" +--- +---The currency unit key on an American layout. +--- +---| "currencyunit" +--- +---The currency sub-unit key on an American layout. +--- +---| "currencysubunit" +--- +---The 'app1' scancode. +--- +---| "app1" +--- +---The 'app2' scancode. +--- +---| "app2" +--- +---An unknown key. +--- +---| "unknown" diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/math.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/math.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e8397cb50 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/math.lua @@ -0,0 +1,711 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---Provides system-independent mathematical functions. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.math) +--- +---@class love.math +love.math = {} + +--- +---Converts a color from 0..255 to 0..1 range. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.math.colorFromBytes) +--- +---@param rb number # Red color component in 0..255 range. +---@param gb number # Green color component in 0..255 range. +---@param bb number # Blue color component in 0..255 range. +---@param ab? number # Alpha color component in 0..255 range. +---@return number r # Red color component in 0..1 range. +---@return number g # Green color component in 0..1 range. +---@return number b # Blue color component in 0..1 range. +---@return number a # Alpha color component in 0..1 range or nil if alpha is not specified. +function love.math.colorFromBytes(rb, gb, bb, ab) end + +--- +---Converts a color from 0..1 to 0..255 range. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.math.colorToBytes) +--- +---@param r number # Red color component. +---@param g number # Green color component. +---@param b number # Blue color component. +---@param a? number # Alpha color component. +---@return number rb # Red color component in 0..255 range. +---@return number gb # Green color component in 0..255 range. +---@return number bb # Blue color component in 0..255 range. +---@return number ab # Alpha color component in 0..255 range or nil if alpha is not specified. +function love.math.colorToBytes(r, g, b, a) end + +--- +---Compresses a string or data using a specific compression algorithm. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.math.compress) +--- +---@overload fun(data: love.Data, format?: love.CompressedDataFormat, level?: number):love.CompressedData +---@param rawstring string # The raw (un-compressed) string to compress. +---@param format? love.CompressedDataFormat # The format to use when compressing the string. +---@param level? number # The level of compression to use, between 0 and 9. -1 indicates the default level. The meaning of this argument depends on the compression format being used. +---@return love.CompressedData compressedData # A new Data object containing the compressed version of the string. +function love.math.compress(rawstring, format, level) end + +--- +---Decompresses a CompressedData or previously compressed string or Data object. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.math.decompress) +--- +---@overload fun(compressedstring: string, format: love.CompressedDataFormat):string +---@overload fun(data: love.Data, format: love.CompressedDataFormat):string +---@param compressedData love.CompressedData # The compressed data to decompress. +---@return string rawstring # A string containing the raw decompressed data. +function love.math.decompress(compressedData) end + +--- +---Converts a color from gamma-space (sRGB) to linear-space (RGB). This is useful when doing gamma-correct rendering and you need to do math in linear RGB in the few cases where LÖVE doesn't handle conversions automatically. +--- +---Read more about gamma-correct rendering here, here, and here. +--- +---In versions prior to 11.0, color component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.math.gammaToLinear) +--- +---@overload fun(color: table):number, number, number +---@overload fun(c: number):number +---@param r number # The red channel of the sRGB color to convert. +---@param g number # The green channel of the sRGB color to convert. +---@param b number # The blue channel of the sRGB color to convert. +---@return number lr # The red channel of the converted color in linear RGB space. +---@return number lg # The green channel of the converted color in linear RGB space. +---@return number lb # The blue channel of the converted color in linear RGB space. +function love.math.gammaToLinear(r, g, b) end + +--- +---Gets the seed of the random number generator. +--- +---The seed is split into two numbers due to Lua's use of doubles for all number values - doubles can't accurately represent integer values above 2^53, but the seed can be an integer value up to 2^64. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.math.getRandomSeed) +--- +---@return number low # Integer number representing the lower 32 bits of the random number generator's 64 bit seed value. +---@return number high # Integer number representing the higher 32 bits of the random number generator's 64 bit seed value. +function love.math.getRandomSeed() end + +--- +---Gets the current state of the random number generator. This returns an opaque implementation-dependent string which is only useful for later use with love.math.setRandomState or RandomGenerator:setState. +--- +---This is different from love.math.getRandomSeed in that getRandomState gets the random number generator's current state, whereas getRandomSeed gets the previously set seed number. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.math.getRandomState) +--- +---@return string state # The current state of the random number generator, represented as a string. +function love.math.getRandomState() end + +--- +---Checks whether a polygon is convex. +--- +---PolygonShapes in love.physics, some forms of Meshes, and polygons drawn with love.graphics.polygon must be simple convex polygons. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.math.isConvex) +--- +---@overload fun(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, x3: number, y3: number):boolean +---@param vertices table # The vertices of the polygon as a table in the form of {x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ...}. +---@return boolean convex # Whether the given polygon is convex. +function love.math.isConvex(vertices) end + +--- +---Converts a color from linear-space (RGB) to gamma-space (sRGB). This is useful when storing linear RGB color values in an image, because the linear RGB color space has less precision than sRGB for dark colors, which can result in noticeable color banding when drawing. +--- +---In general, colors chosen based on what they look like on-screen are already in gamma-space and should not be double-converted. Colors calculated using math are often in the linear RGB space. +--- +---Read more about gamma-correct rendering here, here, and here. +--- +---In versions prior to 11.0, color component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.math.linearToGamma) +--- +---@overload fun(color: table):number, number, number +---@overload fun(lc: number):number +---@param lr number # The red channel of the linear RGB color to convert. +---@param lg number # The green channel of the linear RGB color to convert. +---@param lb number # The blue channel of the linear RGB color to convert. +---@return number cr # The red channel of the converted color in gamma sRGB space. +---@return number cg # The green channel of the converted color in gamma sRGB space. +---@return number cb # The blue channel of the converted color in gamma sRGB space. +function love.math.linearToGamma(lr, lg, lb) end + +--- +---Creates a new BezierCurve object. +--- +---The number of vertices in the control polygon determines the degree of the curve, e.g. three vertices define a quadratic (degree 2) Bézier curve, four vertices define a cubic (degree 3) Bézier curve, etc. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.math.newBezierCurve) +--- +---@overload fun(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, x3: number, y3: number):love.BezierCurve +---@param vertices table # The vertices of the control polygon as a table in the form of {x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ...}. +---@return love.BezierCurve curve # A Bézier curve object. +function love.math.newBezierCurve(vertices) end + +--- +---Creates a new RandomGenerator object which is completely independent of other RandomGenerator objects and random functions. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.math.newRandomGenerator) +--- +---@overload fun(seed: number):love.RandomGenerator +---@overload fun(low: number, high: number):love.RandomGenerator +---@return love.RandomGenerator rng # The new Random Number Generator object. +function love.math.newRandomGenerator() end + +--- +---Creates a new Transform object. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.math.newTransform) +--- +---@overload fun(x: number, y: number, angle?: number, sx?: number, sy?: number, ox?: number, oy?: number, kx?: number, ky?: number):love.Transform +---@return love.Transform transform # The new Transform object. +function love.math.newTransform() end + +--- +---Generates a Simplex or Perlin noise value in 1-4 dimensions. The return value will always be the same, given the same arguments. +--- +---Simplex noise is closely related to Perlin noise. It is widely used for procedural content generation. +--- +---There are many webpages which discuss Perlin and Simplex noise in detail. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.math.noise) +--- +---@overload fun(x: number, y: number):number +---@overload fun(x: number, y: number, z: number):number +---@overload fun(x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number):number +---@param x number # The number used to generate the noise value. +---@return number value # The noise value in the range of 1. +function love.math.noise(x) end + +--- +---Generates a pseudo-random number in a platform independent manner. The default love.run seeds this function at startup, so you generally don't need to seed it yourself. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.math.random) +--- +---@overload fun(max: number):number +---@overload fun(min: number, max: number):number +---@return number number # The pseudo-random number. +function love.math.random() end + +--- +---Get a normally distributed pseudo random number. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.math.randomNormal) +--- +---@param stddev? number # Standard deviation of the distribution. +---@param mean? number # The mean of the distribution. +---@return number number # Normally distributed random number with variance (stddev)² and the specified mean. +function love.math.randomNormal(stddev, mean) end + +--- +---Sets the seed of the random number generator using the specified integer number. This is called internally at startup, so you generally don't need to call it yourself. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.math.setRandomSeed) +--- +---@overload fun(low: number, high: number) +---@param seed number # The integer number with which you want to seed the randomization. Must be within the range of 2^53 - 1. +function love.math.setRandomSeed(seed) end + +--- +---Sets the current state of the random number generator. The value used as an argument for this function is an opaque implementation-dependent string and should only originate from a previous call to love.math.getRandomState. +--- +---This is different from love.math.setRandomSeed in that setRandomState directly sets the random number generator's current implementation-dependent state, whereas setRandomSeed gives it a new seed value. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.math.setRandomState) +--- +---@param state string # The new state of the random number generator, represented as a string. This should originate from a previous call to love.math.getRandomState. +function love.math.setRandomState(state) end + +--- +---Decomposes a simple convex or concave polygon into triangles. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.math.triangulate) +--- +---@overload fun(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, x3: number, y3: number):table +---@param polygon table # Polygon to triangulate. Must not intersect itself. +---@return table triangles # List of triangles the polygon is composed of, in the form of {{x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3}, {x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3}, ...}. +function love.math.triangulate(polygon) end + +--- +---A Bézier curve object that can evaluate and render Bézier curves of arbitrary degree. +--- +---For more information on Bézier curves check this great article on Wikipedia. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.math) +--- +---@class love.BezierCurve: love.Object +local BezierCurve = {} + +--- +---Evaluate Bézier curve at parameter t. The parameter must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). +--- +---This function can be used to move objects along paths or tween parameters. However it should not be used to render the curve, see BezierCurve:render for that purpose. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/BezierCurve:evaluate) +--- +---@param t number # Where to evaluate the curve. +---@return number x # x coordinate of the curve at parameter t. +---@return number y # y coordinate of the curve at parameter t. +function BezierCurve:evaluate(t) end + +--- +---Get coordinates of the i-th control point. Indices start with 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/BezierCurve:getControlPoint) +--- +---@param i number # Index of the control point. +---@return number x # Position of the control point along the x axis. +---@return number y # Position of the control point along the y axis. +function BezierCurve:getControlPoint(i) end + +--- +---Get the number of control points in the Bézier curve. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/BezierCurve:getControlPointCount) +--- +---@return number count # The number of control points. +function BezierCurve:getControlPointCount() end + +--- +---Get degree of the Bézier curve. The degree is equal to number-of-control-points - 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/BezierCurve:getDegree) +--- +---@return number degree # Degree of the Bézier curve. +function BezierCurve:getDegree() end + +--- +---Get the derivative of the Bézier curve. +--- +---This function can be used to rotate sprites moving along a curve in the direction of the movement and compute the direction perpendicular to the curve at some parameter t. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/BezierCurve:getDerivative) +--- +---@return love.BezierCurve derivative # The derivative curve. +function BezierCurve:getDerivative() end + +--- +---Gets a BezierCurve that corresponds to the specified segment of this BezierCurve. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/BezierCurve:getSegment) +--- +---@param startpoint number # The starting point along the curve. Must be between 0 and 1. +---@param endpoint number # The end of the segment. Must be between 0 and 1. +---@return love.BezierCurve curve # A BezierCurve that corresponds to the specified segment. +function BezierCurve:getSegment(startpoint, endpoint) end + +--- +---Insert control point as the new i-th control point. Existing control points from i onwards are pushed back by 1. Indices start with 1. Negative indices wrap around: -1 is the last control point, -2 the one before the last, etc. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/BezierCurve:insertControlPoint) +--- +---@param x number # Position of the control point along the x axis. +---@param y number # Position of the control point along the y axis. +---@param i? number # Index of the control point. +function BezierCurve:insertControlPoint(x, y, i) end + +--- +---Removes the specified control point. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/BezierCurve:removeControlPoint) +--- +---@param index number # The index of the control point to remove. +function BezierCurve:removeControlPoint(index) end + +--- +---Get a list of coordinates to be used with love.graphics.line. +--- +---This function samples the Bézier curve using recursive subdivision. You can control the recursion depth using the depth parameter. +--- +---If you are just interested to know the position on the curve given a parameter, use BezierCurve:evaluate. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/BezierCurve:render) +--- +---@param depth? number # Number of recursive subdivision steps. +---@return table coordinates # List of x,y-coordinate pairs of points on the curve. +function BezierCurve:render(depth) end + +--- +---Get a list of coordinates on a specific part of the curve, to be used with love.graphics.line. +--- +---This function samples the Bézier curve using recursive subdivision. You can control the recursion depth using the depth parameter. +--- +---If you are just need to know the position on the curve given a parameter, use BezierCurve:evaluate. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/BezierCurve:renderSegment) +--- +---@param startpoint number # The starting point along the curve. Must be between 0 and 1. +---@param endpoint number # The end of the segment to render. Must be between 0 and 1. +---@param depth? number # Number of recursive subdivision steps. +---@return table coordinates # List of x,y-coordinate pairs of points on the specified part of the curve. +function BezierCurve:renderSegment(startpoint, endpoint, depth) end + +--- +---Rotate the Bézier curve by an angle. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/BezierCurve:rotate) +--- +---@param angle number # Rotation angle in radians. +---@param ox? number # X coordinate of the rotation center. +---@param oy? number # Y coordinate of the rotation center. +function BezierCurve:rotate(angle, ox, oy) end + +--- +---Scale the Bézier curve by a factor. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/BezierCurve:scale) +--- +---@param s number # Scale factor. +---@param ox? number # X coordinate of the scaling center. +---@param oy? number # Y coordinate of the scaling center. +function BezierCurve:scale(s, ox, oy) end + +--- +---Set coordinates of the i-th control point. Indices start with 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/BezierCurve:setControlPoint) +--- +---@param i number # Index of the control point. +---@param x number # Position of the control point along the x axis. +---@param y number # Position of the control point along the y axis. +function BezierCurve:setControlPoint(i, x, y) end + +--- +---Move the Bézier curve by an offset. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/BezierCurve:translate) +--- +---@param dx number # Offset along the x axis. +---@param dy number # Offset along the y axis. +function BezierCurve:translate(dx, dy) end + +--- +---A random number generation object which has its own random state. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.math) +--- +---@class love.RandomGenerator: love.Object +local RandomGenerator = {} + +--- +---Gets the seed of the random number generator object. +--- +---The seed is split into two numbers due to Lua's use of doubles for all number values - doubles can't accurately represent integer values above 2^53, but the seed value is an integer number in the range of 2^64 - 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RandomGenerator:getSeed) +--- +---@return number low # Integer number representing the lower 32 bits of the RandomGenerator's 64 bit seed value. +---@return number high # Integer number representing the higher 32 bits of the RandomGenerator's 64 bit seed value. +function RandomGenerator:getSeed() end + +--- +---Gets the current state of the random number generator. This returns an opaque string which is only useful for later use with RandomGenerator:setState in the same major version of LÖVE. +--- +---This is different from RandomGenerator:getSeed in that getState gets the RandomGenerator's current state, whereas getSeed gets the previously set seed number. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RandomGenerator:getState) +--- +---@return string state # The current state of the RandomGenerator object, represented as a string. +function RandomGenerator:getState() end + +--- +---Generates a pseudo-random number in a platform independent manner. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RandomGenerator:random) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.RandomGenerator, max: number):number +---@overload fun(self: love.RandomGenerator, min: number, max: number):number +---@return number number # The pseudo-random number. +function RandomGenerator:random() end + +--- +---Get a normally distributed pseudo random number. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RandomGenerator:randomNormal) +--- +---@param stddev? number # Standard deviation of the distribution. +---@param mean? number # The mean of the distribution. +---@return number number # Normally distributed random number with variance (stddev)² and the specified mean. +function RandomGenerator:randomNormal(stddev, mean) end + +--- +---Sets the seed of the random number generator using the specified integer number. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RandomGenerator:setSeed) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.RandomGenerator, low: number, high: number) +---@param seed number # The integer number with which you want to seed the randomization. Must be within the range of 2^53. +function RandomGenerator:setSeed(seed) end + +--- +---Sets the current state of the random number generator. The value used as an argument for this function is an opaque string and should only originate from a previous call to RandomGenerator:getState in the same major version of LÖVE. +--- +---This is different from RandomGenerator:setSeed in that setState directly sets the RandomGenerator's current implementation-dependent state, whereas setSeed gives it a new seed value. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RandomGenerator:setState) +--- +---@param state string # The new state of the RandomGenerator object, represented as a string. This should originate from a previous call to RandomGenerator:getState. +function RandomGenerator:setState(state) end + +--- +---Object containing a coordinate system transformation. +--- +---The love.graphics module has several functions and function variants which accept Transform objects. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.math) +--- +---@class love.Transform: love.Object +local Transform = {} + +--- +---Applies the given other Transform object to this one. +--- +---This effectively multiplies this Transform's internal transformation matrix with the other Transform's (i.e. self * other), and stores the result in this object. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Transform:apply) +--- +---@param other love.Transform # The other Transform object to apply to this Transform. +---@return love.Transform transform # The Transform object the method was called on. Allows easily chaining Transform methods. +function Transform:apply(other) end + +--- +---Creates a new copy of this Transform. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Transform:clone) +--- +---@return love.Transform clone # The copy of this Transform. +function Transform:clone() end + +--- +---Gets the internal 4x4 transformation matrix stored by this Transform. The matrix is returned in row-major order. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Transform:getMatrix) +--- +---@return number e1_1 # The first column of the first row of the matrix. +---@return number e1_2 # The second column of the first row of the matrix. +---@return number e1_3 # The third column of the first row of the matrix. +---@return number e1_4 # The fourth column of the first row of the matrix. +---@return number e2_1 # The first column of the second row of the matrix. +---@return number e2_2 # The second column of the second row of the matrix. +---@return number e2_3 # The third column of the second row of the matrix. +---@return number e2_4 # The fourth column of the second row of the matrix. +---@return number e3_1 # The first column of the third row of the matrix. +---@return number e3_2 # The second column of the third row of the matrix. +---@return number e3_3 # The third column of the third row of the matrix. +---@return number e3_4 # The fourth column of the third row of the matrix. +---@return number e4_1 # The first column of the fourth row of the matrix. +---@return number e4_2 # The second column of the fourth row of the matrix. +---@return number e4_3 # The third column of the fourth row of the matrix. +---@return number e4_4 # The fourth column of the fourth row of the matrix. +function Transform:getMatrix() end + +--- +---Creates a new Transform containing the inverse of this Transform. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Transform:inverse) +--- +---@return love.Transform inverse # A new Transform object representing the inverse of this Transform's matrix. +function Transform:inverse() end + +--- +---Applies the reverse of the Transform object's transformation to the given 2D position. +--- +---This effectively converts the given position from the local coordinate space of the Transform into global coordinates. +--- +---One use of this method can be to convert a screen-space mouse position into global world coordinates, if the given Transform has transformations applied that are used for a camera system in-game. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Transform:inverseTransformPoint) +--- +---@param localX number # The x component of the position with the transform applied. +---@param localY number # The y component of the position with the transform applied. +---@return number globalX # The x component of the position in global coordinates. +---@return number globalY # The y component of the position in global coordinates. +function Transform:inverseTransformPoint(localX, localY) end + +--- +---Checks whether the Transform is an affine transformation. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Transform:isAffine2DTransform) +--- +---@return boolean affine # true if the transform object is an affine transformation, false otherwise. +function Transform:isAffine2DTransform() end + +--- +---Resets the Transform to an identity state. All previously applied transformations are erased. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Transform:reset) +--- +---@return love.Transform transform # The Transform object the method was called on. Allows easily chaining Transform methods. +function Transform:reset() end + +--- +---Applies a rotation to the Transform's coordinate system. This method does not reset any previously applied transformations. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Transform:rotate) +--- +---@param angle number # The relative angle in radians to rotate this Transform by. +---@return love.Transform transform # The Transform object the method was called on. Allows easily chaining Transform methods. +function Transform:rotate(angle) end + +--- +---Scales the Transform's coordinate system. This method does not reset any previously applied transformations. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Transform:scale) +--- +---@param sx number # The relative scale factor along the x-axis. +---@param sy? number # The relative scale factor along the y-axis. +---@return love.Transform transform # The Transform object the method was called on. Allows easily chaining Transform methods. +function Transform:scale(sx, sy) end + +--- +---Directly sets the Transform's internal 4x4 transformation matrix. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Transform:setMatrix) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Transform, layout: love.MatrixLayout, e1_1: number, e1_2: number, e1_3: number, e1_4: number, e2_1: number, e2_2: number, e2_3: number, e2_4: number, e3_1: number, e3_2: number, e3_3: number, e3_4: number, e4_1: number, e4_2: number, e4_3: number, e4_4: number):love.Transform +---@overload fun(self: love.Transform, layout: love.MatrixLayout, matrix: table):love.Transform +---@overload fun(self: love.Transform, layout: love.MatrixLayout, matrix: table):love.Transform +---@param e1_1 number # The first column of the first row of the matrix. +---@param e1_2 number # The second column of the first row of the matrix. +---@param e1_3 number # The third column of the first row of the matrix. +---@param e1_4 number # The fourth column of the first row of the matrix. +---@param e2_1 number # The first column of the second row of the matrix. +---@param e2_2 number # The second column of the second row of the matrix. +---@param e2_3 number # The third column of the second row of the matrix. +---@param e2_4 number # The fourth column of the second row of the matrix. +---@param e3_1 number # The first column of the third row of the matrix. +---@param e3_2 number # The second column of the third row of the matrix. +---@param e3_3 number # The third column of the third row of the matrix. +---@param e3_4 number # The fourth column of the third row of the matrix. +---@param e4_1 number # The first column of the fourth row of the matrix. +---@param e4_2 number # The second column of the fourth row of the matrix. +---@param e4_3 number # The third column of the fourth row of the matrix. +---@param e4_4 number # The fourth column of the fourth row of the matrix. +---@return love.Transform transform # The Transform object the method was called on. Allows easily chaining Transform methods. +function Transform:setMatrix(e1_1, e1_2, e1_3, e1_4, e2_1, e2_2, e2_3, e2_4, e3_1, e3_2, e3_3, e3_4, e4_1, e4_2, e4_3, e4_4) end + +--- +---Resets the Transform to the specified transformation parameters. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Transform:setTransformation) +--- +---@param x number # The position of the Transform on the x-axis. +---@param y number # The position of the Transform on the y-axis. +---@param angle? number # The orientation of the Transform in radians. +---@param sx? number # Scale factor on the x-axis. +---@param sy? number # Scale factor on the y-axis. +---@param ox? number # Origin offset on the x-axis. +---@param oy? number # Origin offset on the y-axis. +---@param kx? number # Shearing / skew factor on the x-axis. +---@param ky? number # Shearing / skew factor on the y-axis. +---@return love.Transform transform # The Transform object the method was called on. Allows easily chaining Transform methods. +function Transform:setTransformation(x, y, angle, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky) end + +--- +---Applies a shear factor (skew) to the Transform's coordinate system. This method does not reset any previously applied transformations. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Transform:shear) +--- +---@param kx number # The shear factor along the x-axis. +---@param ky number # The shear factor along the y-axis. +---@return love.Transform transform # The Transform object the method was called on. Allows easily chaining Transform methods. +function Transform:shear(kx, ky) end + +--- +---Applies the Transform object's transformation to the given 2D position. +--- +---This effectively converts the given position from global coordinates into the local coordinate space of the Transform. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Transform:transformPoint) +--- +---@param globalX number # The x component of the position in global coordinates. +---@param globalY number # The y component of the position in global coordinates. +---@return number localX # The x component of the position with the transform applied. +---@return number localY # The y component of the position with the transform applied. +function Transform:transformPoint(globalX, globalY) end + +--- +---Applies a translation to the Transform's coordinate system. This method does not reset any previously applied transformations. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Transform:translate) +--- +---@param dx number # The relative translation along the x-axis. +---@param dy number # The relative translation along the y-axis. +---@return love.Transform transform # The Transform object the method was called on. Allows easily chaining Transform methods. +function Transform:translate(dx, dy) end + +--- +---The layout of matrix elements (row-major or column-major). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/MatrixLayout) +--- +---@alias love.MatrixLayout +--- +---The matrix is row-major: +--- +---| "row" +--- +---The matrix is column-major: +--- +---| "column" diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/mouse.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/mouse.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5e5ff60bc --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/mouse.lua @@ -0,0 +1,283 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---Provides an interface to the user's mouse. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.mouse) +--- +---@class love.mouse +love.mouse = {} + +--- +---Gets the current Cursor. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.mouse.getCursor) +--- +---@return love.Cursor cursor # The current cursor, or nil if no cursor is set. +function love.mouse.getCursor() end + +--- +---Returns the current position of the mouse. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.mouse.getPosition) +--- +---@return number x # The position of the mouse along the x-axis. +---@return number y # The position of the mouse along the y-axis. +function love.mouse.getPosition() end + +--- +---Gets whether relative mode is enabled for the mouse. +--- +---If relative mode is enabled, the cursor is hidden and doesn't move when the mouse does, but relative mouse motion events are still generated via love.mousemoved. This lets the mouse move in any direction indefinitely without the cursor getting stuck at the edges of the screen. +--- +---The reported position of the mouse is not updated while relative mode is enabled, even when relative mouse motion events are generated. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.mouse.getRelativeMode) +--- +---@return boolean enabled # True if relative mode is enabled, false if it's disabled. +function love.mouse.getRelativeMode() end + +--- +---Gets a Cursor object representing a system-native hardware cursor. +--- +---Hardware cursors are framerate-independent and work the same way as normal operating system cursors. Unlike drawing an image at the mouse's current coordinates, hardware cursors never have visible lag between when the mouse is moved and when the cursor position updates, even at low framerates. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.mouse.getSystemCursor) +--- +---@param ctype love.CursorType # The type of system cursor to get. +---@return love.Cursor cursor # The Cursor object representing the system cursor type. +function love.mouse.getSystemCursor(ctype) end + +--- +---Returns the current x-position of the mouse. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.mouse.getX) +--- +---@return number x # The position of the mouse along the x-axis. +function love.mouse.getX() end + +--- +---Returns the current y-position of the mouse. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.mouse.getY) +--- +---@return number y # The position of the mouse along the y-axis. +function love.mouse.getY() end + +--- +---Gets whether cursor functionality is supported. +--- +---If it isn't supported, calling love.mouse.newCursor and love.mouse.getSystemCursor will cause an error. Mobile devices do not support cursors. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.mouse.isCursorSupported) +--- +---@return boolean supported # Whether the system has cursor functionality. +function love.mouse.isCursorSupported() end + +--- +---Checks whether a certain mouse button is down. +--- +---This function does not detect mouse wheel scrolling; you must use the love.wheelmoved (or love.mousepressed in version 0.9.2 and older) callback for that. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.mouse.isDown) +--- +---@param button number # The index of a button to check. 1 is the primary mouse button, 2 is the secondary mouse button and 3 is the middle button. Further buttons are mouse dependant. +---@vararg number # Additional button numbers to check. +---@return boolean down # True if any specified button is down. +function love.mouse.isDown(button, ...) end + +--- +---Checks if the mouse is grabbed. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.mouse.isGrabbed) +--- +---@return boolean grabbed # True if the cursor is grabbed, false if it is not. +function love.mouse.isGrabbed() end + +--- +---Checks if the cursor is visible. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.mouse.isVisible) +--- +---@return boolean visible # True if the cursor to visible, false if the cursor is hidden. +function love.mouse.isVisible() end + +--- +---Creates a new hardware Cursor object from an image file or ImageData. +--- +---Hardware cursors are framerate-independent and work the same way as normal operating system cursors. Unlike drawing an image at the mouse's current coordinates, hardware cursors never have visible lag between when the mouse is moved and when the cursor position updates, even at low framerates. +--- +---The hot spot is the point the operating system uses to determine what was clicked and at what position the mouse cursor is. For example, the normal arrow pointer normally has its hot spot at the top left of the image, but a crosshair cursor might have it in the middle. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.mouse.newCursor) +--- +---@overload fun(filename: string, hotx?: number, hoty?: number):love.Cursor +---@overload fun(fileData: love.FileData, hotx?: number, hoty?: number):love.Cursor +---@param imageData love.ImageData # The ImageData to use for the new Cursor. +---@param hotx? number # The x-coordinate in the ImageData of the cursor's hot spot. +---@param hoty? number # The y-coordinate in the ImageData of the cursor's hot spot. +---@return love.Cursor cursor # The new Cursor object. +function love.mouse.newCursor(imageData, hotx, hoty) end + +--- +---Sets the current mouse cursor. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.mouse.setCursor) +--- +---@overload fun() +---@param cursor love.Cursor # The Cursor object to use as the current mouse cursor. +function love.mouse.setCursor(cursor) end + +--- +---Grabs the mouse and confines it to the window. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.mouse.setGrabbed) +--- +---@param grab boolean # True to confine the mouse, false to let it leave the window. +function love.mouse.setGrabbed(grab) end + +--- +---Sets the current position of the mouse. Non-integer values are floored. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.mouse.setPosition) +--- +---@param x number # The new position of the mouse along the x-axis. +---@param y number # The new position of the mouse along the y-axis. +function love.mouse.setPosition(x, y) end + +--- +---Sets whether relative mode is enabled for the mouse. +--- +---When relative mode is enabled, the cursor is hidden and doesn't move when the mouse does, but relative mouse motion events are still generated via love.mousemoved. This lets the mouse move in any direction indefinitely without the cursor getting stuck at the edges of the screen. +--- +---The reported position of the mouse may not be updated while relative mode is enabled, even when relative mouse motion events are generated. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.mouse.setRelativeMode) +--- +---@param enable boolean # True to enable relative mode, false to disable it. +function love.mouse.setRelativeMode(enable) end + +--- +---Sets the current visibility of the cursor. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.mouse.setVisible) +--- +---@param visible boolean # True to set the cursor to visible, false to hide the cursor. +function love.mouse.setVisible(visible) end + +--- +---Sets the current X position of the mouse. +--- +---Non-integer values are floored. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.mouse.setX) +--- +---@param x number # The new position of the mouse along the x-axis. +function love.mouse.setX(x) end + +--- +---Sets the current Y position of the mouse. +--- +---Non-integer values are floored. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.mouse.setY) +--- +---@param y number # The new position of the mouse along the y-axis. +function love.mouse.setY(y) end + +--- +---Represents a hardware cursor. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.mouse) +--- +---@class love.Cursor: love.Object +local Cursor = {} + +--- +---Gets the type of the Cursor. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Cursor:getType) +--- +---@return love.CursorType ctype # The type of the Cursor. +function Cursor:getType() end + +--- +---Types of hardware cursors. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/CursorType) +--- +---@alias love.CursorType +--- +---The cursor is using a custom image. +--- +---| "image" +--- +---An arrow pointer. +--- +---| "arrow" +--- +---An I-beam, normally used when mousing over editable or selectable text. +--- +---| "ibeam" +--- +---Wait graphic. +--- +---| "wait" +--- +---Small wait cursor with an arrow pointer. +--- +---| "waitarrow" +--- +---Crosshair symbol. +--- +---| "crosshair" +--- +---Double arrow pointing to the top-left and bottom-right. +--- +---| "sizenwse" +--- +---Double arrow pointing to the top-right and bottom-left. +--- +---| "sizenesw" +--- +---Double arrow pointing left and right. +--- +---| "sizewe" +--- +---Double arrow pointing up and down. +--- +---| "sizens" +--- +---Four-pointed arrow pointing up, down, left, and right. +--- +---| "sizeall" +--- +---Slashed circle or crossbones. +--- +---| "no" +--- +---Hand symbol. +--- +---| "hand" diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/physics.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/physics.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..82ea008a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/physics.lua @@ -0,0 +1,3287 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---Can simulate 2D rigid body physics in a realistic manner. This module is based on Box2D, and this API corresponds to the Box2D API as closely as possible. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics) +--- +---@class love.physics +love.physics = {} + +--- +---Returns the two closest points between two fixtures and their distance. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.getDistance) +--- +---@param fixture1 love.Fixture # The first fixture. +---@param fixture2 love.Fixture # The second fixture. +---@return number distance # The distance of the two points. +---@return number x1 # The x-coordinate of the first point. +---@return number y1 # The y-coordinate of the first point. +---@return number x2 # The x-coordinate of the second point. +---@return number y2 # The y-coordinate of the second point. +function love.physics.getDistance(fixture1, fixture2) end + +--- +---Returns the meter scale factor. +--- +---All coordinates in the physics module are divided by this number, creating a convenient way to draw the objects directly to the screen without the need for graphics transformations. +--- +---It is recommended to create shapes no larger than 10 times the scale. This is important because Box2D is tuned to work well with shape sizes from 0.1 to 10 meters. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.getMeter) +--- +---@return number scale # The scale factor as an integer. +function love.physics.getMeter() end + +--- +---Creates a new body. +--- +---There are three types of bodies. +--- +---* Static bodies do not move, have a infinite mass, and can be used for level boundaries. +--- +---* Dynamic bodies are the main actors in the simulation, they collide with everything. +--- +---* Kinematic bodies do not react to forces and only collide with dynamic bodies. +--- +---The mass of the body gets calculated when a Fixture is attached or removed, but can be changed at any time with Body:setMass or Body:resetMassData. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.newBody) +--- +---@param world love.World # The world to create the body in. +---@param x? number # The x position of the body. +---@param y? number # The y position of the body. +---@param type? love.BodyType # The type of the body. +---@return love.Body body # A new body. +function love.physics.newBody(world, x, y, type) end + +--- +---Creates a new ChainShape. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.newChainShape) +--- +---@overload fun(loop: boolean, points: table):love.ChainShape +---@param loop boolean # If the chain should loop back to the first point. +---@param x1 number # The x position of the first point. +---@param y1 number # The y position of the first point. +---@param x2 number # The x position of the second point. +---@param y2 number # The y position of the second point. +---@vararg number # Additional point positions. +---@return love.ChainShape shape # The new shape. +function love.physics.newChainShape(loop, x1, y1, x2, y2, ...) end + +--- +---Creates a new CircleShape. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.newCircleShape) +--- +---@overload fun(x: number, y: number, radius: number):love.CircleShape +---@param radius number # The radius of the circle. +---@return love.CircleShape shape # The new shape. +function love.physics.newCircleShape(radius) end + +--- +---Creates a DistanceJoint between two bodies. +--- +---This joint constrains the distance between two points on two bodies to be constant. These two points are specified in world coordinates and the two bodies are assumed to be in place when this joint is created. The first anchor point is connected to the first body and the second to the second body, and the points define the length of the distance joint. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.newDistanceJoint) +--- +---@param body1 love.Body # The first body to attach to the joint. +---@param body2 love.Body # The second body to attach to the joint. +---@param x1 number # The x position of the first anchor point (world space). +---@param y1 number # The y position of the first anchor point (world space). +---@param x2 number # The x position of the second anchor point (world space). +---@param y2 number # The y position of the second anchor point (world space). +---@param collideConnected? boolean # Specifies whether the two bodies should collide with each other. +---@return love.DistanceJoint joint # The new distance joint. +function love.physics.newDistanceJoint(body1, body2, x1, y1, x2, y2, collideConnected) end + +--- +---Creates a new EdgeShape. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.newEdgeShape) +--- +---@param x1 number # The x position of the first point. +---@param y1 number # The y position of the first point. +---@param x2 number # The x position of the second point. +---@param y2 number # The y position of the second point. +---@return love.EdgeShape shape # The new shape. +function love.physics.newEdgeShape(x1, y1, x2, y2) end + +--- +---Creates and attaches a Fixture to a body. +--- +---Note that the Shape object is copied rather than kept as a reference when the Fixture is created. To get the Shape object that the Fixture owns, use Fixture:getShape. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.newFixture) +--- +---@param body love.Body # The body which gets the fixture attached. +---@param shape love.Shape # The shape to be copied to the fixture. +---@param density? number # The density of the fixture. +---@return love.Fixture fixture # The new fixture. +function love.physics.newFixture(body, shape, density) end + +--- +---Create a friction joint between two bodies. A FrictionJoint applies friction to a body. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.newFrictionJoint) +--- +---@overload fun(body1: love.Body, body2: love.Body, x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, collideConnected?: boolean):love.FrictionJoint +---@param body1 love.Body # The first body to attach to the joint. +---@param body2 love.Body # The second body to attach to the joint. +---@param x number # The x position of the anchor point. +---@param y number # The y position of the anchor point. +---@param collideConnected? boolean # Specifies whether the two bodies should collide with each other. +---@return love.FrictionJoint joint # The new FrictionJoint. +function love.physics.newFrictionJoint(body1, body2, x, y, collideConnected) end + +--- +---Create a GearJoint connecting two Joints. +--- +---The gear joint connects two joints that must be either prismatic or revolute joints. Using this joint requires that the joints it uses connect their respective bodies to the ground and have the ground as the first body. When destroying the bodies and joints you must make sure you destroy the gear joint before the other joints. +--- +---The gear joint has a ratio the determines how the angular or distance values of the connected joints relate to each other. The formula coordinate1 + ratio * coordinate2 always has a constant value that is set when the gear joint is created. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.newGearJoint) +--- +---@param joint1 love.Joint # The first joint to connect with a gear joint. +---@param joint2 love.Joint # The second joint to connect with a gear joint. +---@param ratio? number # The gear ratio. +---@param collideConnected? boolean # Specifies whether the two bodies should collide with each other. +---@return love.GearJoint joint # The new gear joint. +function love.physics.newGearJoint(joint1, joint2, ratio, collideConnected) end + +--- +---Creates a joint between two bodies which controls the relative motion between them. +--- +---Position and rotation offsets can be specified once the MotorJoint has been created, as well as the maximum motor force and torque that will be be applied to reach the target offsets. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.newMotorJoint) +--- +---@overload fun(body1: love.Body, body2: love.Body, correctionFactor?: number, collideConnected?: boolean):love.MotorJoint +---@param body1 love.Body # The first body to attach to the joint. +---@param body2 love.Body # The second body to attach to the joint. +---@param correctionFactor? number # The joint's initial position correction factor, in the range of 1. +---@return love.MotorJoint joint # The new MotorJoint. +function love.physics.newMotorJoint(body1, body2, correctionFactor) end + +--- +---Create a joint between a body and the mouse. +--- +---This joint actually connects the body to a fixed point in the world. To make it follow the mouse, the fixed point must be updated every timestep (example below). +--- +---The advantage of using a MouseJoint instead of just changing a body position directly is that collisions and reactions to other joints are handled by the physics engine. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.newMouseJoint) +--- +---@param body love.Body # The body to attach to the mouse. +---@param x number # The x position of the connecting point. +---@param y number # The y position of the connecting point. +---@return love.MouseJoint joint # The new mouse joint. +function love.physics.newMouseJoint(body, x, y) end + +--- +---Creates a new PolygonShape. +--- +---This shape can have 8 vertices at most, and must form a convex shape. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.newPolygonShape) +--- +---@overload fun(vertices: table):love.PolygonShape +---@param x1 number # The x position of the first point. +---@param y1 number # The y position of the first point. +---@param x2 number # The x position of the second point. +---@param y2 number # The y position of the second point. +---@param x3 number # The x position of the third point. +---@param y3 number # The y position of the third point. +---@vararg number # You can continue passing more point positions to create the PolygonShape. +---@return love.PolygonShape shape # A new PolygonShape. +function love.physics.newPolygonShape(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ...) end + +--- +---Creates a PrismaticJoint between two bodies. +--- +---A prismatic joint constrains two bodies to move relatively to each other on a specified axis. It does not allow for relative rotation. Its definition and operation are similar to a revolute joint, but with translation and force substituted for angle and torque. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.newPrismaticJoint) +--- +---@overload fun(body1: love.Body, body2: love.Body, x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, ax: number, ay: number, collideConnected?: boolean):love.PrismaticJoint +---@overload fun(body1: love.Body, body2: love.Body, x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, ax: number, ay: number, collideConnected?: boolean, referenceAngle?: number):love.PrismaticJoint +---@param body1 love.Body # The first body to connect with a prismatic joint. +---@param body2 love.Body # The second body to connect with a prismatic joint. +---@param x number # The x coordinate of the anchor point. +---@param y number # The y coordinate of the anchor point. +---@param ax number # The x coordinate of the axis vector. +---@param ay number # The y coordinate of the axis vector. +---@param collideConnected? boolean # Specifies whether the two bodies should collide with each other. +---@return love.PrismaticJoint joint # The new prismatic joint. +function love.physics.newPrismaticJoint(body1, body2, x, y, ax, ay, collideConnected) end + +--- +---Creates a PulleyJoint to join two bodies to each other and the ground. +--- +---The pulley joint simulates a pulley with an optional block and tackle. If the ratio parameter has a value different from one, then the simulated rope extends faster on one side than the other. In a pulley joint the total length of the simulated rope is the constant length1 + ratio * length2, which is set when the pulley joint is created. +--- +---Pulley joints can behave unpredictably if one side is fully extended. It is recommended that the method setMaxLengths  be used to constrain the maximum lengths each side can attain. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.newPulleyJoint) +--- +---@param body1 love.Body # The first body to connect with a pulley joint. +---@param body2 love.Body # The second body to connect with a pulley joint. +---@param gx1 number # The x coordinate of the first body's ground anchor. +---@param gy1 number # The y coordinate of the first body's ground anchor. +---@param gx2 number # The x coordinate of the second body's ground anchor. +---@param gy2 number # The y coordinate of the second body's ground anchor. +---@param x1 number # The x coordinate of the pulley joint anchor in the first body. +---@param y1 number # The y coordinate of the pulley joint anchor in the first body. +---@param x2 number # The x coordinate of the pulley joint anchor in the second body. +---@param y2 number # The y coordinate of the pulley joint anchor in the second body. +---@param ratio? number # The joint ratio. +---@param collideConnected? boolean # Specifies whether the two bodies should collide with each other. +---@return love.PulleyJoint joint # The new pulley joint. +function love.physics.newPulleyJoint(body1, body2, gx1, gy1, gx2, gy2, x1, y1, x2, y2, ratio, collideConnected) end + +--- +---Shorthand for creating rectangular PolygonShapes. +--- +---By default, the local origin is located at the '''center''' of the rectangle as opposed to the top left for graphics. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.newRectangleShape) +--- +---@overload fun(x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, angle?: number):love.PolygonShape +---@param width number # The width of the rectangle. +---@param height number # The height of the rectangle. +---@return love.PolygonShape shape # A new PolygonShape. +function love.physics.newRectangleShape(width, height) end + +--- +---Creates a pivot joint between two bodies. +--- +---This joint connects two bodies to a point around which they can pivot. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.newRevoluteJoint) +--- +---@overload fun(body1: love.Body, body2: love.Body, x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, collideConnected?: boolean, referenceAngle?: number):love.RevoluteJoint +---@param body1 love.Body # The first body. +---@param body2 love.Body # The second body. +---@param x number # The x position of the connecting point. +---@param y number # The y position of the connecting point. +---@param collideConnected? boolean # Specifies whether the two bodies should collide with each other. +---@return love.RevoluteJoint joint # The new revolute joint. +function love.physics.newRevoluteJoint(body1, body2, x, y, collideConnected) end + +--- +---Creates a joint between two bodies. Its only function is enforcing a max distance between these bodies. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.newRopeJoint) +--- +---@param body1 love.Body # The first body to attach to the joint. +---@param body2 love.Body # The second body to attach to the joint. +---@param x1 number # The x position of the first anchor point. +---@param y1 number # The y position of the first anchor point. +---@param x2 number # The x position of the second anchor point. +---@param y2 number # The y position of the second anchor point. +---@param maxLength number # The maximum distance for the bodies. +---@param collideConnected? boolean # Specifies whether the two bodies should collide with each other. +---@return love.RopeJoint joint # The new RopeJoint. +function love.physics.newRopeJoint(body1, body2, x1, y1, x2, y2, maxLength, collideConnected) end + +--- +---Creates a constraint joint between two bodies. A WeldJoint essentially glues two bodies together. The constraint is a bit soft, however, due to Box2D's iterative solver. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.newWeldJoint) +--- +---@overload fun(body1: love.Body, body2: love.Body, x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, collideConnected?: boolean):love.WeldJoint +---@overload fun(body1: love.Body, body2: love.Body, x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, collideConnected?: boolean, referenceAngle?: number):love.WeldJoint +---@param body1 love.Body # The first body to attach to the joint. +---@param body2 love.Body # The second body to attach to the joint. +---@param x number # The x position of the anchor point (world space). +---@param y number # The y position of the anchor point (world space). +---@param collideConnected? boolean # Specifies whether the two bodies should collide with each other. +---@return love.WeldJoint joint # The new WeldJoint. +function love.physics.newWeldJoint(body1, body2, x, y, collideConnected) end + +--- +---Creates a wheel joint. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.newWheelJoint) +--- +---@overload fun(body1: love.Body, body2: love.Body, x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number, ax: number, ay: number, collideConnected?: boolean):love.WheelJoint +---@param body1 love.Body # The first body. +---@param body2 love.Body # The second body. +---@param x number # The x position of the anchor point. +---@param y number # The y position of the anchor point. +---@param ax number # The x position of the axis unit vector. +---@param ay number # The y position of the axis unit vector. +---@param collideConnected? boolean # Specifies whether the two bodies should collide with each other. +---@return love.WheelJoint joint # The new WheelJoint. +function love.physics.newWheelJoint(body1, body2, x, y, ax, ay, collideConnected) end + +--- +---Creates a new World. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.newWorld) +--- +---@param xg? number # The x component of gravity. +---@param yg? number # The y component of gravity. +---@param sleep? boolean # Whether the bodies in this world are allowed to sleep. +---@return love.World world # A brave new World. +function love.physics.newWorld(xg, yg, sleep) end + +--- +---Sets the pixels to meter scale factor. +--- +---All coordinates in the physics module are divided by this number and converted to meters, and it creates a convenient way to draw the objects directly to the screen without the need for graphics transformations. +--- +---It is recommended to create shapes no larger than 10 times the scale. This is important because Box2D is tuned to work well with shape sizes from 0.1 to 10 meters. The default meter scale is 30. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics.setMeter) +--- +---@param scale number # The scale factor as an integer. +function love.physics.setMeter(scale) end + +--- +---Bodies are objects with velocity and position. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics) +--- +---@class love.Body: love.Object +local Body = {} + +--- +---Applies an angular impulse to a body. This makes a single, instantaneous addition to the body momentum. +--- +---A body with with a larger mass will react less. The reaction does '''not''' depend on the timestep, and is equivalent to applying a force continuously for 1 second. Impulses are best used to give a single push to a body. For a continuous push to a body it is better to use Body:applyForce. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:applyAngularImpulse) +--- +---@param impulse number # The impulse in kilogram-square meter per second. +function Body:applyAngularImpulse(impulse) end + +--- +---Apply force to a Body. +--- +---A force pushes a body in a direction. A body with with a larger mass will react less. The reaction also depends on how long a force is applied: since the force acts continuously over the entire timestep, a short timestep will only push the body for a short time. Thus forces are best used for many timesteps to give a continuous push to a body (like gravity). For a single push that is independent of timestep, it is better to use Body:applyLinearImpulse. +--- +---If the position to apply the force is not given, it will act on the center of mass of the body. The part of the force not directed towards the center of mass will cause the body to spin (and depends on the rotational inertia). +--- +---Note that the force components and position must be given in world coordinates. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:applyForce) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Body, fx: number, fy: number, x: number, y: number) +---@param fx number # The x component of force to apply to the center of mass. +---@param fy number # The y component of force to apply to the center of mass. +function Body:applyForce(fx, fy) end + +--- +---Applies an impulse to a body. +--- +---This makes a single, instantaneous addition to the body momentum. +--- +---An impulse pushes a body in a direction. A body with with a larger mass will react less. The reaction does '''not''' depend on the timestep, and is equivalent to applying a force continuously for 1 second. Impulses are best used to give a single push to a body. For a continuous push to a body it is better to use Body:applyForce. +--- +---If the position to apply the impulse is not given, it will act on the center of mass of the body. The part of the impulse not directed towards the center of mass will cause the body to spin (and depends on the rotational inertia). +--- +---Note that the impulse components and position must be given in world coordinates. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:applyLinearImpulse) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Body, ix: number, iy: number, x: number, y: number) +---@param ix number # The x component of the impulse applied to the center of mass. +---@param iy number # The y component of the impulse applied to the center of mass. +function Body:applyLinearImpulse(ix, iy) end + +--- +---Apply torque to a body. +--- +---Torque is like a force that will change the angular velocity (spin) of a body. The effect will depend on the rotational inertia a body has. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:applyTorque) +--- +---@param torque number # The torque to apply. +function Body:applyTorque(torque) end + +--- +---Explicitly destroys the Body and all fixtures and joints attached to it. +--- +---An error will occur if you attempt to use the object after calling this function. In 0.7.2, when you don't have time to wait for garbage collection, this function may be used to free the object immediately. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:destroy) +--- +function Body:destroy() end + +--- +---Get the angle of the body. +--- +---The angle is measured in radians. If you need to transform it to degrees, use math.deg. +--- +---A value of 0 radians will mean 'looking to the right'. Although radians increase counter-clockwise, the y axis points down so it becomes ''clockwise'' from our point of view. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getAngle) +--- +---@return number angle # The angle in radians. +function Body:getAngle() end + +--- +---Gets the Angular damping of the Body +--- +---The angular damping is the ''rate of decrease of the angular velocity over time'': A spinning body with no damping and no external forces will continue spinning indefinitely. A spinning body with damping will gradually stop spinning. +--- +---Damping is not the same as friction - they can be modelled together. However, only damping is provided by Box2D (and LOVE). +--- +---Damping parameters should be between 0 and infinity, with 0 meaning no damping, and infinity meaning full damping. Normally you will use a damping value between 0 and 0.1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getAngularDamping) +--- +---@return number damping # The value of the angular damping. +function Body:getAngularDamping() end + +--- +---Get the angular velocity of the Body. +--- +---The angular velocity is the ''rate of change of angle over time''. +--- +---It is changed in World:update by applying torques, off centre forces/impulses, and angular damping. It can be set directly with Body:setAngularVelocity. +--- +---If you need the ''rate of change of position over time'', use Body:getLinearVelocity. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getAngularVelocity) +--- +---@return number w # The angular velocity in radians/second. +function Body:getAngularVelocity() end + +--- +---Gets a list of all Contacts attached to the Body. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getContacts) +--- +---@return table contacts # A list with all contacts associated with the Body. +function Body:getContacts() end + +--- +---Returns a table with all fixtures. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getFixtures) +--- +---@return table fixtures # A sequence with all fixtures. +function Body:getFixtures() end + +--- +---Returns the gravity scale factor. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getGravityScale) +--- +---@return number scale # The gravity scale factor. +function Body:getGravityScale() end + +--- +---Gets the rotational inertia of the body. +--- +---The rotational inertia is how hard is it to make the body spin. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getInertia) +--- +---@return number inertia # The rotational inertial of the body. +function Body:getInertia() end + +--- +---Returns a table containing the Joints attached to this Body. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getJoints) +--- +---@return table joints # A sequence with the Joints attached to the Body. +function Body:getJoints() end + +--- +---Gets the linear damping of the Body. +--- +---The linear damping is the ''rate of decrease of the linear velocity over time''. A moving body with no damping and no external forces will continue moving indefinitely, as is the case in space. A moving body with damping will gradually stop moving. +--- +---Damping is not the same as friction - they can be modelled together. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getLinearDamping) +--- +---@return number damping # The value of the linear damping. +function Body:getLinearDamping() end + +--- +---Gets the linear velocity of the Body from its center of mass. +--- +---The linear velocity is the ''rate of change of position over time''. +--- +---If you need the ''rate of change of angle over time'', use Body:getAngularVelocity. +--- +---If you need to get the linear velocity of a point different from the center of mass: +--- +---* Body:getLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint allows you to specify the point in local coordinates. +--- +---* Body:getLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint allows you to specify the point in world coordinates. +--- +---See page 136 of 'Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications' for definitions of local and world coordinates. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getLinearVelocity) +--- +---@return number x # The x-component of the velocity vector +---@return number y # The y-component of the velocity vector +function Body:getLinearVelocity() end + +--- +---Get the linear velocity of a point on the body. +--- +---The linear velocity for a point on the body is the velocity of the body center of mass plus the velocity at that point from the body spinning. +--- +---The point on the body must given in local coordinates. Use Body:getLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint to specify this with world coordinates. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint) +--- +---@param x number # The x position to measure velocity. +---@param y number # The y position to measure velocity. +---@return number vx # The x component of velocity at point (x,y). +---@return number vy # The y component of velocity at point (x,y). +function Body:getLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(x, y) end + +--- +---Get the linear velocity of a point on the body. +--- +---The linear velocity for a point on the body is the velocity of the body center of mass plus the velocity at that point from the body spinning. +--- +---The point on the body must given in world coordinates. Use Body:getLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint to specify this with local coordinates. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint) +--- +---@param x number # The x position to measure velocity. +---@param y number # The y position to measure velocity. +---@return number vx # The x component of velocity at point (x,y). +---@return number vy # The y component of velocity at point (x,y). +function Body:getLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint(x, y) end + +--- +---Get the center of mass position in local coordinates. +--- +---Use Body:getWorldCenter to get the center of mass in world coordinates. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getLocalCenter) +--- +---@return number x # The x coordinate of the center of mass. +---@return number y # The y coordinate of the center of mass. +function Body:getLocalCenter() end + +--- +---Transform a point from world coordinates to local coordinates. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getLocalPoint) +--- +---@param worldX number # The x position in world coordinates. +---@param worldY number # The y position in world coordinates. +---@return number localX # The x position in local coordinates. +---@return number localY # The y position in local coordinates. +function Body:getLocalPoint(worldX, worldY) end + +--- +---Transforms multiple points from world coordinates to local coordinates. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getLocalPoints) +--- +---@param x1 number # (Argument) The x position of the first point. +---@param y1 number # (Argument) The y position of the first point. +---@param x2 number # (Argument) The x position of the second point. +---@param y2 number # (Argument) The y position of the second point. +---@vararg number # (Argument) You can continue passing x and y position of the points. +---@return number x1 # (Result) The transformed x position of the first point. +---@return number y1 # (Result) The transformed y position of the first point. +---@return number x2 # (Result) The transformed x position of the second point. +---@return number y2 # (Result) The transformed y position of the second point. +function Body:getLocalPoints(x1, y1, x2, y2, ...) end + +--- +---Transform a vector from world coordinates to local coordinates. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getLocalVector) +--- +---@param worldX number # The vector x component in world coordinates. +---@param worldY number # The vector y component in world coordinates. +---@return number localX # The vector x component in local coordinates. +---@return number localY # The vector y component in local coordinates. +function Body:getLocalVector(worldX, worldY) end + +--- +---Get the mass of the body. +--- +---Static bodies always have a mass of 0. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getMass) +--- +---@return number mass # The mass of the body (in kilograms). +function Body:getMass() end + +--- +---Returns the mass, its center, and the rotational inertia. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getMassData) +--- +---@return number x # The x position of the center of mass. +---@return number y # The y position of the center of mass. +---@return number mass # The mass of the body. +---@return number inertia # The rotational inertia. +function Body:getMassData() end + +--- +---Get the position of the body. +--- +---Note that this may not be the center of mass of the body. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getPosition) +--- +---@return number x # The x position. +---@return number y # The y position. +function Body:getPosition() end + +--- +---Get the position and angle of the body. +--- +---Note that the position may not be the center of mass of the body. An angle of 0 radians will mean 'looking to the right'. Although radians increase counter-clockwise, the y axis points down so it becomes clockwise from our point of view. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getTransform) +--- +---@return number x # The x component of the position. +---@return number y # The y component of the position. +---@return number angle # The angle in radians. +function Body:getTransform() end + +--- +---Returns the type of the body. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getType) +--- +---@return love.BodyType type # The body type. +function Body:getType() end + +--- +---Returns the Lua value associated with this Body. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getUserData) +--- +---@return any value # The Lua value associated with the Body. +function Body:getUserData() end + +--- +---Gets the World the body lives in. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getWorld) +--- +---@return love.World world # The world the body lives in. +function Body:getWorld() end + +--- +---Get the center of mass position in world coordinates. +--- +---Use Body:getLocalCenter to get the center of mass in local coordinates. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getWorldCenter) +--- +---@return number x # The x coordinate of the center of mass. +---@return number y # The y coordinate of the center of mass. +function Body:getWorldCenter() end + +--- +---Transform a point from local coordinates to world coordinates. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getWorldPoint) +--- +---@param localX number # The x position in local coordinates. +---@param localY number # The y position in local coordinates. +---@return number worldX # The x position in world coordinates. +---@return number worldY # The y position in world coordinates. +function Body:getWorldPoint(localX, localY) end + +--- +---Transforms multiple points from local coordinates to world coordinates. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getWorldPoints) +--- +---@param x1 number # The x position of the first point. +---@param y1 number # The y position of the first point. +---@param x2 number # The x position of the second point. +---@param y2 number # The y position of the second point. +---@return number x1 # The transformed x position of the first point. +---@return number y1 # The transformed y position of the first point. +---@return number x2 # The transformed x position of the second point. +---@return number y2 # The transformed y position of the second point. +function Body:getWorldPoints(x1, y1, x2, y2) end + +--- +---Transform a vector from local coordinates to world coordinates. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getWorldVector) +--- +---@param localX number # The vector x component in local coordinates. +---@param localY number # The vector y component in local coordinates. +---@return number worldX # The vector x component in world coordinates. +---@return number worldY # The vector y component in world coordinates. +function Body:getWorldVector(localX, localY) end + +--- +---Get the x position of the body in world coordinates. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getX) +--- +---@return number x # The x position in world coordinates. +function Body:getX() end + +--- +---Get the y position of the body in world coordinates. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:getY) +--- +---@return number y # The y position in world coordinates. +function Body:getY() end + +--- +---Returns whether the body is actively used in the simulation. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:isActive) +--- +---@return boolean status # True if the body is active or false if not. +function Body:isActive() end + +--- +---Returns the sleep status of the body. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:isAwake) +--- +---@return boolean status # True if the body is awake or false if not. +function Body:isAwake() end + +--- +---Get the bullet status of a body. +--- +---There are two methods to check for body collisions: +--- +---* at their location when the world is updated (default) +--- +---* using continuous collision detection (CCD) +--- +---The default method is efficient, but a body moving very quickly may sometimes jump over another body without producing a collision. A body that is set as a bullet will use CCD. This is less efficient, but is guaranteed not to jump when moving quickly. +--- +---Note that static bodies (with zero mass) always use CCD, so your walls will not let a fast moving body pass through even if it is not a bullet. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:isBullet) +--- +---@return boolean status # The bullet status of the body. +function Body:isBullet() end + +--- +---Gets whether the Body is destroyed. Destroyed bodies cannot be used. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:isDestroyed) +--- +---@return boolean destroyed # Whether the Body is destroyed. +function Body:isDestroyed() end + +--- +---Returns whether the body rotation is locked. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:isFixedRotation) +--- +---@return boolean fixed # True if the body's rotation is locked or false if not. +function Body:isFixedRotation() end + +--- +---Returns the sleeping behaviour of the body. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:isSleepingAllowed) +--- +---@return boolean allowed # True if the body is allowed to sleep or false if not. +function Body:isSleepingAllowed() end + +--- +---Gets whether the Body is touching the given other Body. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:isTouching) +--- +---@param otherbody love.Body # The other body to check. +---@return boolean touching # True if this body is touching the other body, false otherwise. +function Body:isTouching(otherbody) end + +--- +---Resets the mass of the body by recalculating it from the mass properties of the fixtures. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:resetMassData) +--- +function Body:resetMassData() end + +--- +---Sets whether the body is active in the world. +--- +---An inactive body does not take part in the simulation. It will not move or cause any collisions. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:setActive) +--- +---@param active boolean # If the body is active or not. +function Body:setActive(active) end + +--- +---Set the angle of the body. +--- +---The angle is measured in radians. If you need to transform it from degrees, use math.rad. +--- +---A value of 0 radians will mean 'looking to the right'. Although radians increase counter-clockwise, the y axis points down so it becomes ''clockwise'' from our point of view. +--- +---It is possible to cause a collision with another body by changing its angle. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:setAngle) +--- +---@param angle number # The angle in radians. +function Body:setAngle(angle) end + +--- +---Sets the angular damping of a Body +--- +---See Body:getAngularDamping for a definition of angular damping. +--- +---Angular damping can take any value from 0 to infinity. It is recommended to stay between 0 and 0.1, though. Other values will look unrealistic. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:setAngularDamping) +--- +---@param damping number # The new angular damping. +function Body:setAngularDamping(damping) end + +--- +---Sets the angular velocity of a Body. +--- +---The angular velocity is the ''rate of change of angle over time''. +--- +---This function will not accumulate anything; any impulses previously applied since the last call to World:update will be lost. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:setAngularVelocity) +--- +---@param w number # The new angular velocity, in radians per second +function Body:setAngularVelocity(w) end + +--- +---Wakes the body up or puts it to sleep. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:setAwake) +--- +---@param awake boolean # The body sleep status. +function Body:setAwake(awake) end + +--- +---Set the bullet status of a body. +--- +---There are two methods to check for body collisions: +--- +---* at their location when the world is updated (default) +--- +---* using continuous collision detection (CCD) +--- +---The default method is efficient, but a body moving very quickly may sometimes jump over another body without producing a collision. A body that is set as a bullet will use CCD. This is less efficient, but is guaranteed not to jump when moving quickly. +--- +---Note that static bodies (with zero mass) always use CCD, so your walls will not let a fast moving body pass through even if it is not a bullet. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:setBullet) +--- +---@param status boolean # The bullet status of the body. +function Body:setBullet(status) end + +--- +---Set whether a body has fixed rotation. +--- +---Bodies with fixed rotation don't vary the speed at which they rotate. Calling this function causes the mass to be reset. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:setFixedRotation) +--- +---@param isFixed boolean # Whether the body should have fixed rotation. +function Body:setFixedRotation(isFixed) end + +--- +---Sets a new gravity scale factor for the body. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:setGravityScale) +--- +---@param scale number # The new gravity scale factor. +function Body:setGravityScale(scale) end + +--- +---Set the inertia of a body. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:setInertia) +--- +---@param inertia number # The new moment of inertia, in kilograms * pixel squared. +function Body:setInertia(inertia) end + +--- +---Sets the linear damping of a Body +--- +---See Body:getLinearDamping for a definition of linear damping. +--- +---Linear damping can take any value from 0 to infinity. It is recommended to stay between 0 and 0.1, though. Other values will make the objects look 'floaty'(if gravity is enabled). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:setLinearDamping) +--- +---@param ld number # The new linear damping +function Body:setLinearDamping(ld) end + +--- +---Sets a new linear velocity for the Body. +--- +---This function will not accumulate anything; any impulses previously applied since the last call to World:update will be lost. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:setLinearVelocity) +--- +---@param x number # The x-component of the velocity vector. +---@param y number # The y-component of the velocity vector. +function Body:setLinearVelocity(x, y) end + +--- +---Sets a new body mass. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:setMass) +--- +---@param mass number # The mass, in kilograms. +function Body:setMass(mass) end + +--- +---Overrides the calculated mass data. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:setMassData) +--- +---@param x number # The x position of the center of mass. +---@param y number # The y position of the center of mass. +---@param mass number # The mass of the body. +---@param inertia number # The rotational inertia. +function Body:setMassData(x, y, mass, inertia) end + +--- +---Set the position of the body. +--- +---Note that this may not be the center of mass of the body. +--- +---This function cannot wake up the body. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:setPosition) +--- +---@param x number # The x position. +---@param y number # The y position. +function Body:setPosition(x, y) end + +--- +---Sets the sleeping behaviour of the body. Should sleeping be allowed, a body at rest will automatically sleep. A sleeping body is not simulated unless it collided with an awake body. Be wary that one can end up with a situation like a floating sleeping body if the floor was removed. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:setSleepingAllowed) +--- +---@param allowed boolean # True if the body is allowed to sleep or false if not. +function Body:setSleepingAllowed(allowed) end + +--- +---Set the position and angle of the body. +--- +---Note that the position may not be the center of mass of the body. An angle of 0 radians will mean 'looking to the right'. Although radians increase counter-clockwise, the y axis points down so it becomes clockwise from our point of view. +--- +---This function cannot wake up the body. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:setTransform) +--- +---@param x number # The x component of the position. +---@param y number # The y component of the position. +---@param angle number # The angle in radians. +function Body:setTransform(x, y, angle) end + +--- +---Sets a new body type. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:setType) +--- +---@param type love.BodyType # The new type. +function Body:setType(type) end + +--- +---Associates a Lua value with the Body. +--- +---To delete the reference, explicitly pass nil. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:setUserData) +--- +---@param value any # The Lua value to associate with the Body. +function Body:setUserData(value) end + +--- +---Set the x position of the body. +--- +---This function cannot wake up the body. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:setX) +--- +---@param x number # The x position. +function Body:setX(x) end + +--- +---Set the y position of the body. +--- +---This function cannot wake up the body. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Body:setY) +--- +---@param y number # The y position. +function Body:setY(y) end + +--- +---A ChainShape consists of multiple line segments. It can be used to create the boundaries of your terrain. The shape does not have volume and can only collide with PolygonShape and CircleShape. +--- +---Unlike the PolygonShape, the ChainShape does not have a vertices limit or has to form a convex shape, but self intersections are not supported. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics) +--- +---@class love.ChainShape: love.Shape, love.Object +local ChainShape = {} + +--- +---Returns a child of the shape as an EdgeShape. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ChainShape:getChildEdge) +--- +---@param index number # The index of the child. +---@return love.EdgeShape shape # The child as an EdgeShape. +function ChainShape:getChildEdge(index) end + +--- +---Gets the vertex that establishes a connection to the next shape. +--- +---Setting next and previous ChainShape vertices can help prevent unwanted collisions when a flat shape slides along the edge and moves over to the new shape. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ChainShape:getNextVertex) +--- +---@return number x # The x-component of the vertex, or nil if ChainShape:setNextVertex hasn't been called. +---@return number y # The y-component of the vertex, or nil if ChainShape:setNextVertex hasn't been called. +function ChainShape:getNextVertex() end + +--- +---Returns a point of the shape. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ChainShape:getPoint) +--- +---@param index number # The index of the point to return. +---@return number x # The x-coordinate of the point. +---@return number y # The y-coordinate of the point. +function ChainShape:getPoint(index) end + +--- +---Returns all points of the shape. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ChainShape:getPoints) +--- +---@return number x1 # The x-coordinate of the first point. +---@return number y1 # The y-coordinate of the first point. +---@return number x2 # The x-coordinate of the second point. +---@return number y2 # The y-coordinate of the second point. +function ChainShape:getPoints() end + +--- +---Gets the vertex that establishes a connection to the previous shape. +--- +---Setting next and previous ChainShape vertices can help prevent unwanted collisions when a flat shape slides along the edge and moves over to the new shape. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ChainShape:getPreviousVertex) +--- +---@return number x # The x-component of the vertex, or nil if ChainShape:setPreviousVertex hasn't been called. +---@return number y # The y-component of the vertex, or nil if ChainShape:setPreviousVertex hasn't been called. +function ChainShape:getPreviousVertex() end + +--- +---Returns the number of vertices the shape has. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ChainShape:getVertexCount) +--- +---@return number count # The number of vertices. +function ChainShape:getVertexCount() end + +--- +---Sets a vertex that establishes a connection to the next shape. +--- +---This can help prevent unwanted collisions when a flat shape slides along the edge and moves over to the new shape. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ChainShape:setNextVertex) +--- +---@param x number # The x-component of the vertex. +---@param y number # The y-component of the vertex. +function ChainShape:setNextVertex(x, y) end + +--- +---Sets a vertex that establishes a connection to the previous shape. +--- +---This can help prevent unwanted collisions when a flat shape slides along the edge and moves over to the new shape. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ChainShape:setPreviousVertex) +--- +---@param x number # The x-component of the vertex. +---@param y number # The y-component of the vertex. +function ChainShape:setPreviousVertex(x, y) end + +--- +---Circle extends Shape and adds a radius and a local position. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics) +--- +---@class love.CircleShape: love.Shape, love.Object +local CircleShape = {} + +--- +---Gets the center point of the circle shape. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/CircleShape:getPoint) +--- +---@return number x # The x-component of the center point of the circle. +---@return number y # The y-component of the center point of the circle. +function CircleShape:getPoint() end + +--- +---Gets the radius of the circle shape. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/CircleShape:getRadius) +--- +---@return number radius # The radius of the circle +function CircleShape:getRadius() end + +--- +---Sets the location of the center of the circle shape. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/CircleShape:setPoint) +--- +---@param x number # The x-component of the new center point of the circle. +---@param y number # The y-component of the new center point of the circle. +function CircleShape:setPoint(x, y) end + +--- +---Sets the radius of the circle. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/CircleShape:setRadius) +--- +---@param radius number # The radius of the circle +function CircleShape:setRadius(radius) end + +--- +---Contacts are objects created to manage collisions in worlds. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics) +--- +---@class love.Contact: love.Object +local Contact = {} + +--- +---Gets the child indices of the shapes of the two colliding fixtures. For ChainShapes, an index of 1 is the first edge in the chain. +---Used together with Fixture:rayCast or ChainShape:getChildEdge. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Contact:getChildren) +--- +---@return number indexA # The child index of the first fixture's shape. +---@return number indexB # The child index of the second fixture's shape. +function Contact:getChildren() end + +--- +---Gets the two Fixtures that hold the shapes that are in contact. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Contact:getFixtures) +--- +---@return love.Fixture fixtureA # The first Fixture. +---@return love.Fixture fixtureB # The second Fixture. +function Contact:getFixtures() end + +--- +---Get the friction between two shapes that are in contact. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Contact:getFriction) +--- +---@return number friction # The friction of the contact. +function Contact:getFriction() end + +--- +---Get the normal vector between two shapes that are in contact. +--- +---This function returns the coordinates of a unit vector that points from the first shape to the second. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Contact:getNormal) +--- +---@return number nx # The x component of the normal vector. +---@return number ny # The y component of the normal vector. +function Contact:getNormal() end + +--- +---Returns the contact points of the two colliding fixtures. There can be one or two points. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Contact:getPositions) +--- +---@return number x1 # The x coordinate of the first contact point. +---@return number y1 # The y coordinate of the first contact point. +---@return number x2 # The x coordinate of the second contact point. +---@return number y2 # The y coordinate of the second contact point. +function Contact:getPositions() end + +--- +---Get the restitution between two shapes that are in contact. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Contact:getRestitution) +--- +---@return number restitution # The restitution between the two shapes. +function Contact:getRestitution() end + +--- +---Returns whether the contact is enabled. The collision will be ignored if a contact gets disabled in the preSolve callback. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Contact:isEnabled) +--- +---@return boolean enabled # True if enabled, false otherwise. +function Contact:isEnabled() end + +--- +---Returns whether the two colliding fixtures are touching each other. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Contact:isTouching) +--- +---@return boolean touching # True if they touch or false if not. +function Contact:isTouching() end + +--- +---Resets the contact friction to the mixture value of both fixtures. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Contact:resetFriction) +--- +function Contact:resetFriction() end + +--- +---Resets the contact restitution to the mixture value of both fixtures. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Contact:resetRestitution) +--- +function Contact:resetRestitution() end + +--- +---Enables or disables the contact. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Contact:setEnabled) +--- +---@param enabled boolean # True to enable or false to disable. +function Contact:setEnabled(enabled) end + +--- +---Sets the contact friction. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Contact:setFriction) +--- +---@param friction number # The contact friction. +function Contact:setFriction(friction) end + +--- +---Sets the contact restitution. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Contact:setRestitution) +--- +---@param restitution number # The contact restitution. +function Contact:setRestitution(restitution) end + +--- +---Keeps two bodies at the same distance. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics) +--- +---@class love.DistanceJoint: love.Joint, love.Object +local DistanceJoint = {} + +--- +---Gets the damping ratio. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/DistanceJoint:getDampingRatio) +--- +---@return number ratio # The damping ratio. +function DistanceJoint:getDampingRatio() end + +--- +---Gets the response speed. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/DistanceJoint:getFrequency) +--- +---@return number Hz # The response speed. +function DistanceJoint:getFrequency() end + +--- +---Gets the equilibrium distance between the two Bodies. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/DistanceJoint:getLength) +--- +---@return number l # The length between the two Bodies. +function DistanceJoint:getLength() end + +--- +---Sets the damping ratio. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/DistanceJoint:setDampingRatio) +--- +---@param ratio number # The damping ratio. +function DistanceJoint:setDampingRatio(ratio) end + +--- +---Sets the response speed. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/DistanceJoint:setFrequency) +--- +---@param Hz number # The response speed. +function DistanceJoint:setFrequency(Hz) end + +--- +---Sets the equilibrium distance between the two Bodies. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/DistanceJoint:setLength) +--- +---@param l number # The length between the two Bodies. +function DistanceJoint:setLength(l) end + +--- +---A EdgeShape is a line segment. They can be used to create the boundaries of your terrain. The shape does not have volume and can only collide with PolygonShape and CircleShape. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics) +--- +---@class love.EdgeShape: love.Shape, love.Object +local EdgeShape = {} + +--- +---Gets the vertex that establishes a connection to the next shape. +--- +---Setting next and previous EdgeShape vertices can help prevent unwanted collisions when a flat shape slides along the edge and moves over to the new shape. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/EdgeShape:getNextVertex) +--- +---@return number x # The x-component of the vertex, or nil if EdgeShape:setNextVertex hasn't been called. +---@return number y # The y-component of the vertex, or nil if EdgeShape:setNextVertex hasn't been called. +function EdgeShape:getNextVertex() end + +--- +---Returns the local coordinates of the edge points. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/EdgeShape:getPoints) +--- +---@return number x1 # The x-component of the first vertex. +---@return number y1 # The y-component of the first vertex. +---@return number x2 # The x-component of the second vertex. +---@return number y2 # The y-component of the second vertex. +function EdgeShape:getPoints() end + +--- +---Gets the vertex that establishes a connection to the previous shape. +--- +---Setting next and previous EdgeShape vertices can help prevent unwanted collisions when a flat shape slides along the edge and moves over to the new shape. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/EdgeShape:getPreviousVertex) +--- +---@return number x # The x-component of the vertex, or nil if EdgeShape:setPreviousVertex hasn't been called. +---@return number y # The y-component of the vertex, or nil if EdgeShape:setPreviousVertex hasn't been called. +function EdgeShape:getPreviousVertex() end + +--- +---Sets a vertex that establishes a connection to the next shape. +--- +---This can help prevent unwanted collisions when a flat shape slides along the edge and moves over to the new shape. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/EdgeShape:setNextVertex) +--- +---@param x number # The x-component of the vertex. +---@param y number # The y-component of the vertex. +function EdgeShape:setNextVertex(x, y) end + +--- +---Sets a vertex that establishes a connection to the previous shape. +--- +---This can help prevent unwanted collisions when a flat shape slides along the edge and moves over to the new shape. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/EdgeShape:setPreviousVertex) +--- +---@param x number # The x-component of the vertex. +---@param y number # The y-component of the vertex. +function EdgeShape:setPreviousVertex(x, y) end + +--- +---Fixtures attach shapes to bodies. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics) +--- +---@class love.Fixture: love.Object +local Fixture = {} + +--- +---Destroys the fixture. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:destroy) +--- +function Fixture:destroy() end + +--- +---Returns the body to which the fixture is attached. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:getBody) +--- +---@return love.Body body # The parent body. +function Fixture:getBody() end + +--- +---Returns the points of the fixture bounding box. In case the fixture has multiple children a 1-based index can be specified. For example, a fixture will have multiple children with a chain shape. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:getBoundingBox) +--- +---@param index? number # A bounding box of the fixture. +---@return number topLeftX # The x position of the top-left point. +---@return number topLeftY # The y position of the top-left point. +---@return number bottomRightX # The x position of the bottom-right point. +---@return number bottomRightY # The y position of the bottom-right point. +function Fixture:getBoundingBox(index) end + +--- +---Returns the categories the fixture belongs to. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:getCategory) +--- +---@return number category1 # The first category. +---@return number category2 # The second category. +function Fixture:getCategory() end + +--- +---Returns the density of the fixture. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:getDensity) +--- +---@return number density # The fixture density in kilograms per square meter. +function Fixture:getDensity() end + +--- +---Returns the filter data of the fixture. +--- +---Categories and masks are encoded as the bits of a 16-bit integer. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:getFilterData) +--- +---@return number categories # The categories as an integer from 0 to 65535. +---@return number mask # The mask as an integer from 0 to 65535. +---@return number group # The group as an integer from -32768 to 32767. +function Fixture:getFilterData() end + +--- +---Returns the friction of the fixture. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:getFriction) +--- +---@return number friction # The fixture friction. +function Fixture:getFriction() end + +--- +---Returns the group the fixture belongs to. Fixtures with the same group will always collide if the group is positive or never collide if it's negative. The group zero means no group. +--- +---The groups range from -32768 to 32767. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:getGroupIndex) +--- +---@return number group # The group of the fixture. +function Fixture:getGroupIndex() end + +--- +---Returns which categories this fixture should '''NOT''' collide with. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:getMask) +--- +---@return number mask1 # The first category selected by the mask. +---@return number mask2 # The second category selected by the mask. +function Fixture:getMask() end + +--- +---Returns the mass, its center and the rotational inertia. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:getMassData) +--- +---@return number x # The x position of the center of mass. +---@return number y # The y position of the center of mass. +---@return number mass # The mass of the fixture. +---@return number inertia # The rotational inertia. +function Fixture:getMassData() end + +--- +---Returns the restitution of the fixture. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:getRestitution) +--- +---@return number restitution # The fixture restitution. +function Fixture:getRestitution() end + +--- +---Returns the shape of the fixture. This shape is a reference to the actual data used in the simulation. It's possible to change its values between timesteps. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:getShape) +--- +---@return love.Shape shape # The fixture's shape. +function Fixture:getShape() end + +--- +---Returns the Lua value associated with this fixture. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:getUserData) +--- +---@return any value # The Lua value associated with the fixture. +function Fixture:getUserData() end + +--- +---Gets whether the Fixture is destroyed. Destroyed fixtures cannot be used. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:isDestroyed) +--- +---@return boolean destroyed # Whether the Fixture is destroyed. +function Fixture:isDestroyed() end + +--- +---Returns whether the fixture is a sensor. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:isSensor) +--- +---@return boolean sensor # If the fixture is a sensor. +function Fixture:isSensor() end + +--- +---Casts a ray against the shape of the fixture and returns the surface normal vector and the line position where the ray hit. If the ray missed the shape, nil will be returned. +--- +---The ray starts on the first point of the input line and goes towards the second point of the line. The fifth argument is the maximum distance the ray is going to travel as a scale factor of the input line length. +--- +---The childIndex parameter is used to specify which child of a parent shape, such as a ChainShape, will be ray casted. For ChainShapes, the index of 1 is the first edge on the chain. Ray casting a parent shape will only test the child specified so if you want to test every shape of the parent, you must loop through all of its children. +--- +---The world position of the impact can be calculated by multiplying the line vector with the third return value and adding it to the line starting point. +--- +---hitx, hity = x1 + (x2 - x1) * fraction, y1 + (y2 - y1) * fraction +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:rayCast) +--- +---@param x1 number # The x position of the input line starting point. +---@param y1 number # The y position of the input line starting point. +---@param x2 number # The x position of the input line end point. +---@param y2 number # The y position of the input line end point. +---@param maxFraction number # Ray length parameter. +---@param childIndex? number # The index of the child the ray gets cast against. +---@return number xn # The x component of the normal vector of the edge where the ray hit the shape. +---@return number yn # The y component of the normal vector of the edge where the ray hit the shape. +---@return number fraction # The position on the input line where the intersection happened as a factor of the line length. +function Fixture:rayCast(x1, y1, x2, y2, maxFraction, childIndex) end + +--- +---Sets the categories the fixture belongs to. There can be up to 16 categories represented as a number from 1 to 16. +--- +---All fixture's default category is 1. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:setCategory) +--- +---@param category1 number # The first category. +---@param category2 number # The second category. +function Fixture:setCategory(category1, category2) end + +--- +---Sets the density of the fixture. Call Body:resetMassData if this needs to take effect immediately. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:setDensity) +--- +---@param density number # The fixture density in kilograms per square meter. +function Fixture:setDensity(density) end + +--- +---Sets the filter data of the fixture. +--- +---Groups, categories, and mask can be used to define the collision behaviour of the fixture. +--- +---If two fixtures are in the same group they either always collide if the group is positive, or never collide if it's negative. If the group is zero or they do not match, then the contact filter checks if the fixtures select a category of the other fixture with their masks. The fixtures do not collide if that's not the case. If they do have each other's categories selected, the return value of the custom contact filter will be used. They always collide if none was set. +--- +---There can be up to 16 categories. Categories and masks are encoded as the bits of a 16-bit integer. +--- +---When created, prior to calling this function, all fixtures have category set to 1, mask set to 65535 (all categories) and group set to 0. +--- +---This function allows setting all filter data for a fixture at once. To set only the categories, the mask or the group, you can use Fixture:setCategory, Fixture:setMask or Fixture:setGroupIndex respectively. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:setFilterData) +--- +---@param categories number # The categories as an integer from 0 to 65535. +---@param mask number # The mask as an integer from 0 to 65535. +---@param group number # The group as an integer from -32768 to 32767. +function Fixture:setFilterData(categories, mask, group) end + +--- +---Sets the friction of the fixture. +--- +---Friction determines how shapes react when they 'slide' along other shapes. Low friction indicates a slippery surface, like ice, while high friction indicates a rough surface, like concrete. Range: 0.0 - 1.0. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:setFriction) +--- +---@param friction number # The fixture friction. +function Fixture:setFriction(friction) end + +--- +---Sets the group the fixture belongs to. Fixtures with the same group will always collide if the group is positive or never collide if it's negative. The group zero means no group. +--- +---The groups range from -32768 to 32767. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:setGroupIndex) +--- +---@param group number # The group as an integer from -32768 to 32767. +function Fixture:setGroupIndex(group) end + +--- +---Sets the category mask of the fixture. There can be up to 16 categories represented as a number from 1 to 16. +--- +---This fixture will '''NOT''' collide with the fixtures that are in the selected categories if the other fixture also has a category of this fixture selected. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:setMask) +--- +---@param mask1 number # The first category. +---@param mask2 number # The second category. +function Fixture:setMask(mask1, mask2) end + +--- +---Sets the restitution of the fixture. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:setRestitution) +--- +---@param restitution number # The fixture restitution. +function Fixture:setRestitution(restitution) end + +--- +---Sets whether the fixture should act as a sensor. +--- +---Sensors do not cause collision responses, but the begin-contact and end-contact World callbacks will still be called for this fixture. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:setSensor) +--- +---@param sensor boolean # The sensor status. +function Fixture:setSensor(sensor) end + +--- +---Associates a Lua value with the fixture. +--- +---To delete the reference, explicitly pass nil. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:setUserData) +--- +---@param value any # The Lua value to associate with the fixture. +function Fixture:setUserData(value) end + +--- +---Checks if a point is inside the shape of the fixture. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:testPoint) +--- +---@param x number # The x position of the point. +---@param y number # The y position of the point. +---@return boolean isInside # True if the point is inside or false if it is outside. +function Fixture:testPoint(x, y) end + +--- +---A FrictionJoint applies friction to a body. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics) +--- +---@class love.FrictionJoint: love.Joint, love.Object +local FrictionJoint = {} + +--- +---Gets the maximum friction force in Newtons. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/FrictionJoint:getMaxForce) +--- +---@return number force # Maximum force in Newtons. +function FrictionJoint:getMaxForce() end + +--- +---Gets the maximum friction torque in Newton-meters. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/FrictionJoint:getMaxTorque) +--- +---@return number torque # Maximum torque in Newton-meters. +function FrictionJoint:getMaxTorque() end + +--- +---Sets the maximum friction force in Newtons. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/FrictionJoint:setMaxForce) +--- +---@param maxForce number # Max force in Newtons. +function FrictionJoint:setMaxForce(maxForce) end + +--- +---Sets the maximum friction torque in Newton-meters. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/FrictionJoint:setMaxTorque) +--- +---@param torque number # Maximum torque in Newton-meters. +function FrictionJoint:setMaxTorque(torque) end + +--- +---Keeps bodies together in such a way that they act like gears. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics) +--- +---@class love.GearJoint: love.Joint, love.Object +local GearJoint = {} + +--- +---Get the Joints connected by this GearJoint. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/GearJoint:getJoints) +--- +---@return love.Joint joint1 # The first connected Joint. +---@return love.Joint joint2 # The second connected Joint. +function GearJoint:getJoints() end + +--- +---Get the ratio of a gear joint. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/GearJoint:getRatio) +--- +---@return number ratio # The ratio of the joint. +function GearJoint:getRatio() end + +--- +---Set the ratio of a gear joint. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/GearJoint:setRatio) +--- +---@param ratio number # The new ratio of the joint. +function GearJoint:setRatio(ratio) end + +--- +---Attach multiple bodies together to interact in unique ways. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics) +--- +---@class love.Joint: love.Object +local Joint = {} + +--- +---Explicitly destroys the Joint. An error will occur if you attempt to use the object after calling this function. +--- +---In 0.7.2, when you don't have time to wait for garbage collection, this function +--- +---may be used to free the object immediately. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joint:destroy) +--- +function Joint:destroy() end + +--- +---Get the anchor points of the joint. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joint:getAnchors) +--- +---@return number x1 # The x-component of the anchor on Body 1. +---@return number y1 # The y-component of the anchor on Body 1. +---@return number x2 # The x-component of the anchor on Body 2. +---@return number y2 # The y-component of the anchor on Body 2. +function Joint:getAnchors() end + +--- +---Gets the bodies that the Joint is attached to. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joint:getBodies) +--- +---@return love.Body bodyA # The first Body. +---@return love.Body bodyB # The second Body. +function Joint:getBodies() end + +--- +---Gets whether the connected Bodies collide. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joint:getCollideConnected) +--- +---@return boolean c # True if they collide, false otherwise. +function Joint:getCollideConnected() end + +--- +---Returns the reaction force in newtons on the second body +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joint:getReactionForce) +--- +---@param x number # How long the force applies. Usually the inverse time step or 1/dt. +---@return number x # The x-component of the force. +---@return number y # The y-component of the force. +function Joint:getReactionForce(x) end + +--- +---Returns the reaction torque on the second body. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joint:getReactionTorque) +--- +---@param invdt number # How long the force applies. Usually the inverse time step or 1/dt. +---@return number torque # The reaction torque on the second body. +function Joint:getReactionTorque(invdt) end + +--- +---Gets a string representing the type. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joint:getType) +--- +---@return love.JointType type # A string with the name of the Joint type. +function Joint:getType() end + +--- +---Returns the Lua value associated with this Joint. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joint:getUserData) +--- +---@return any value # The Lua value associated with the Joint. +function Joint:getUserData() end + +--- +---Gets whether the Joint is destroyed. Destroyed joints cannot be used. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joint:isDestroyed) +--- +---@return boolean destroyed # Whether the Joint is destroyed. +function Joint:isDestroyed() end + +--- +---Associates a Lua value with the Joint. +--- +---To delete the reference, explicitly pass nil. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Joint:setUserData) +--- +---@param value any # The Lua value to associate with the Joint. +function Joint:setUserData(value) end + +--- +---Controls the relative motion between two Bodies. Position and rotation offsets can be specified, as well as the maximum motor force and torque that will be applied to reach the target offsets. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics) +--- +---@class love.MotorJoint: love.Joint, love.Object +local MotorJoint = {} + +--- +---Gets the target angular offset between the two Bodies the Joint is attached to. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/MotorJoint:getAngularOffset) +--- +---@return number angleoffset # The target angular offset in radians: the second body's angle minus the first body's angle. +function MotorJoint:getAngularOffset() end + +--- +---Gets the target linear offset between the two Bodies the Joint is attached to. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/MotorJoint:getLinearOffset) +--- +---@return number x # The x component of the target linear offset, relative to the first Body. +---@return number y # The y component of the target linear offset, relative to the first Body. +function MotorJoint:getLinearOffset() end + +--- +---Sets the target angluar offset between the two Bodies the Joint is attached to. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/MotorJoint:setAngularOffset) +--- +---@param angleoffset number # The target angular offset in radians: the second body's angle minus the first body's angle. +function MotorJoint:setAngularOffset(angleoffset) end + +--- +---Sets the target linear offset between the two Bodies the Joint is attached to. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/MotorJoint:setLinearOffset) +--- +---@param x number # The x component of the target linear offset, relative to the first Body. +---@param y number # The y component of the target linear offset, relative to the first Body. +function MotorJoint:setLinearOffset(x, y) end + +--- +---For controlling objects with the mouse. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics) +--- +---@class love.MouseJoint: love.Joint, love.Object +local MouseJoint = {} + +--- +---Returns the damping ratio. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/MouseJoint:getDampingRatio) +--- +---@return number ratio # The new damping ratio. +function MouseJoint:getDampingRatio() end + +--- +---Returns the frequency. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/MouseJoint:getFrequency) +--- +---@return number freq # The frequency in hertz. +function MouseJoint:getFrequency() end + +--- +---Gets the highest allowed force. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/MouseJoint:getMaxForce) +--- +---@return number f # The max allowed force. +function MouseJoint:getMaxForce() end + +--- +---Gets the target point. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/MouseJoint:getTarget) +--- +---@return number x # The x-component of the target. +---@return number y # The x-component of the target. +function MouseJoint:getTarget() end + +--- +---Sets a new damping ratio. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/MouseJoint:setDampingRatio) +--- +---@param ratio number # The new damping ratio. +function MouseJoint:setDampingRatio(ratio) end + +--- +---Sets a new frequency. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/MouseJoint:setFrequency) +--- +---@param freq number # The new frequency in hertz. +function MouseJoint:setFrequency(freq) end + +--- +---Sets the highest allowed force. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/MouseJoint:setMaxForce) +--- +---@param f number # The max allowed force. +function MouseJoint:setMaxForce(f) end + +--- +---Sets the target point. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/MouseJoint:setTarget) +--- +---@param x number # The x-component of the target. +---@param y number # The y-component of the target. +function MouseJoint:setTarget(x, y) end + +--- +---A PolygonShape is a convex polygon with up to 8 vertices. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics) +--- +---@class love.PolygonShape: love.Shape, love.Object +local PolygonShape = {} + +--- +---Get the local coordinates of the polygon's vertices. +--- +---This function has a variable number of return values. It can be used in a nested fashion with love.graphics.polygon. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PolygonShape:getPoints) +--- +---@return number x1 # The x-component of the first vertex. +---@return number y1 # The y-component of the first vertex. +---@return number x2 # The x-component of the second vertex. +---@return number y2 # The y-component of the second vertex. +function PolygonShape:getPoints() end + +--- +---Restricts relative motion between Bodies to one shared axis. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics) +--- +---@class love.PrismaticJoint: love.Joint, love.Object +local PrismaticJoint = {} + +--- +---Checks whether the limits are enabled. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PrismaticJoint:areLimitsEnabled) +--- +---@return boolean enabled # True if enabled, false otherwise. +function PrismaticJoint:areLimitsEnabled() end + +--- +---Gets the world-space axis vector of the Prismatic Joint. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PrismaticJoint:getAxis) +--- +---@return number x # The x-axis coordinate of the world-space axis vector. +---@return number y # The y-axis coordinate of the world-space axis vector. +function PrismaticJoint:getAxis() end + +--- +---Get the current joint angle speed. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PrismaticJoint:getJointSpeed) +--- +---@return number s # Joint angle speed in meters/second. +function PrismaticJoint:getJointSpeed() end + +--- +---Get the current joint translation. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PrismaticJoint:getJointTranslation) +--- +---@return number t # Joint translation, usually in meters.. +function PrismaticJoint:getJointTranslation() end + +--- +---Gets the joint limits. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PrismaticJoint:getLimits) +--- +---@return number lower # The lower limit, usually in meters. +---@return number upper # The upper limit, usually in meters. +function PrismaticJoint:getLimits() end + +--- +---Gets the lower limit. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PrismaticJoint:getLowerLimit) +--- +---@return number lower # The lower limit, usually in meters. +function PrismaticJoint:getLowerLimit() end + +--- +---Gets the maximum motor force. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PrismaticJoint:getMaxMotorForce) +--- +---@return number f # The maximum motor force, usually in N. +function PrismaticJoint:getMaxMotorForce() end + +--- +---Returns the current motor force. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PrismaticJoint:getMotorForce) +--- +---@param invdt number # How long the force applies. Usually the inverse time step or 1/dt. +---@return number force # The force on the motor in newtons. +function PrismaticJoint:getMotorForce(invdt) end + +--- +---Gets the motor speed. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PrismaticJoint:getMotorSpeed) +--- +---@return number s # The motor speed, usually in meters per second. +function PrismaticJoint:getMotorSpeed() end + +--- +---Gets the reference angle. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PrismaticJoint:getReferenceAngle) +--- +---@return number angle # The reference angle in radians. +function PrismaticJoint:getReferenceAngle() end + +--- +---Gets the upper limit. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PrismaticJoint:getUpperLimit) +--- +---@return number upper # The upper limit, usually in meters. +function PrismaticJoint:getUpperLimit() end + +--- +---Checks whether the motor is enabled. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PrismaticJoint:isMotorEnabled) +--- +---@return boolean enabled # True if enabled, false if disabled. +function PrismaticJoint:isMotorEnabled() end + +--- +---Sets the limits. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PrismaticJoint:setLimits) +--- +---@param lower number # The lower limit, usually in meters. +---@param upper number # The upper limit, usually in meters. +function PrismaticJoint:setLimits(lower, upper) end + +--- +---Enables/disables the joint limit. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PrismaticJoint:setLimitsEnabled) +--- +---@return boolean enable # True if enabled, false if disabled. +function PrismaticJoint:setLimitsEnabled() end + +--- +---Sets the lower limit. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PrismaticJoint:setLowerLimit) +--- +---@param lower number # The lower limit, usually in meters. +function PrismaticJoint:setLowerLimit(lower) end + +--- +---Set the maximum motor force. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PrismaticJoint:setMaxMotorForce) +--- +---@param f number # The maximum motor force, usually in N. +function PrismaticJoint:setMaxMotorForce(f) end + +--- +---Enables/disables the joint motor. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PrismaticJoint:setMotorEnabled) +--- +---@param enable boolean # True to enable, false to disable. +function PrismaticJoint:setMotorEnabled(enable) end + +--- +---Sets the motor speed. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PrismaticJoint:setMotorSpeed) +--- +---@param s number # The motor speed, usually in meters per second. +function PrismaticJoint:setMotorSpeed(s) end + +--- +---Sets the upper limit. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PrismaticJoint:setUpperLimit) +--- +---@param upper number # The upper limit, usually in meters. +function PrismaticJoint:setUpperLimit(upper) end + +--- +---Allows you to simulate bodies connected through pulleys. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics) +--- +---@class love.PulleyJoint: love.Joint, love.Object +local PulleyJoint = {} + +--- +---Get the total length of the rope. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PulleyJoint:getConstant) +--- +---@return number length # The length of the rope in the joint. +function PulleyJoint:getConstant() end + +--- +---Get the ground anchor positions in world coordinates. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PulleyJoint:getGroundAnchors) +--- +---@return number a1x # The x coordinate of the first anchor. +---@return number a1y # The y coordinate of the first anchor. +---@return number a2x # The x coordinate of the second anchor. +---@return number a2y # The y coordinate of the second anchor. +function PulleyJoint:getGroundAnchors() end + +--- +---Get the current length of the rope segment attached to the first body. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PulleyJoint:getLengthA) +--- +---@return number length # The length of the rope segment. +function PulleyJoint:getLengthA() end + +--- +---Get the current length of the rope segment attached to the second body. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PulleyJoint:getLengthB) +--- +---@return number length # The length of the rope segment. +function PulleyJoint:getLengthB() end + +--- +---Get the maximum lengths of the rope segments. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PulleyJoint:getMaxLengths) +--- +---@return number len1 # The maximum length of the first rope segment. +---@return number len2 # The maximum length of the second rope segment. +function PulleyJoint:getMaxLengths() end + +--- +---Get the pulley ratio. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PulleyJoint:getRatio) +--- +---@return number ratio # The pulley ratio of the joint. +function PulleyJoint:getRatio() end + +--- +---Set the total length of the rope. +--- +---Setting a new length for the rope updates the maximum length values of the joint. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PulleyJoint:setConstant) +--- +---@param length number # The new length of the rope in the joint. +function PulleyJoint:setConstant(length) end + +--- +---Set the maximum lengths of the rope segments. +--- +---The physics module also imposes maximum values for the rope segments. If the parameters exceed these values, the maximum values are set instead of the requested values. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PulleyJoint:setMaxLengths) +--- +---@param max1 number # The new maximum length of the first segment. +---@param max2 number # The new maximum length of the second segment. +function PulleyJoint:setMaxLengths(max1, max2) end + +--- +---Set the pulley ratio. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PulleyJoint:setRatio) +--- +---@param ratio number # The new pulley ratio of the joint. +function PulleyJoint:setRatio(ratio) end + +--- +---Allow two Bodies to revolve around a shared point. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics) +--- +---@class love.RevoluteJoint: love.Joint, love.Object +local RevoluteJoint = {} + +--- +---Checks whether limits are enabled. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RevoluteJoint:areLimitsEnabled) +--- +---@return boolean enabled # True if enabled, false otherwise. +function RevoluteJoint:areLimitsEnabled() end + +--- +---Get the current joint angle. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RevoluteJoint:getJointAngle) +--- +---@return number angle # The joint angle in radians. +function RevoluteJoint:getJointAngle() end + +--- +---Get the current joint angle speed. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RevoluteJoint:getJointSpeed) +--- +---@return number s # Joint angle speed in radians/second. +function RevoluteJoint:getJointSpeed() end + +--- +---Gets the joint limits. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RevoluteJoint:getLimits) +--- +---@return number lower # The lower limit, in radians. +---@return number upper # The upper limit, in radians. +function RevoluteJoint:getLimits() end + +--- +---Gets the lower limit. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RevoluteJoint:getLowerLimit) +--- +---@return number lower # The lower limit, in radians. +function RevoluteJoint:getLowerLimit() end + +--- +---Gets the maximum motor force. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RevoluteJoint:getMaxMotorTorque) +--- +---@return number f # The maximum motor force, in Nm. +function RevoluteJoint:getMaxMotorTorque() end + +--- +---Gets the motor speed. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RevoluteJoint:getMotorSpeed) +--- +---@return number s # The motor speed, radians per second. +function RevoluteJoint:getMotorSpeed() end + +--- +---Get the current motor force. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RevoluteJoint:getMotorTorque) +--- +---@return number f # The current motor force, in Nm. +function RevoluteJoint:getMotorTorque() end + +--- +---Gets the reference angle. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RevoluteJoint:getReferenceAngle) +--- +---@return number angle # The reference angle in radians. +function RevoluteJoint:getReferenceAngle() end + +--- +---Gets the upper limit. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RevoluteJoint:getUpperLimit) +--- +---@return number upper # The upper limit, in radians. +function RevoluteJoint:getUpperLimit() end + +--- +---Checks whether limits are enabled. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RevoluteJoint:hasLimitsEnabled) +--- +---@return boolean enabled # True if enabled, false otherwise. +function RevoluteJoint:hasLimitsEnabled() end + +--- +---Checks whether the motor is enabled. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RevoluteJoint:isMotorEnabled) +--- +---@return boolean enabled # True if enabled, false if disabled. +function RevoluteJoint:isMotorEnabled() end + +--- +---Sets the limits. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RevoluteJoint:setLimits) +--- +---@param lower number # The lower limit, in radians. +---@param upper number # The upper limit, in radians. +function RevoluteJoint:setLimits(lower, upper) end + +--- +---Enables/disables the joint limit. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RevoluteJoint:setLimitsEnabled) +--- +---@param enable boolean # True to enable, false to disable. +function RevoluteJoint:setLimitsEnabled(enable) end + +--- +---Sets the lower limit. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RevoluteJoint:setLowerLimit) +--- +---@param lower number # The lower limit, in radians. +function RevoluteJoint:setLowerLimit(lower) end + +--- +---Set the maximum motor force. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RevoluteJoint:setMaxMotorTorque) +--- +---@param f number # The maximum motor force, in Nm. +function RevoluteJoint:setMaxMotorTorque(f) end + +--- +---Enables/disables the joint motor. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RevoluteJoint:setMotorEnabled) +--- +---@param enable boolean # True to enable, false to disable. +function RevoluteJoint:setMotorEnabled(enable) end + +--- +---Sets the motor speed. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RevoluteJoint:setMotorSpeed) +--- +---@param s number # The motor speed, radians per second. +function RevoluteJoint:setMotorSpeed(s) end + +--- +---Sets the upper limit. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RevoluteJoint:setUpperLimit) +--- +---@param upper number # The upper limit, in radians. +function RevoluteJoint:setUpperLimit(upper) end + +--- +---The RopeJoint enforces a maximum distance between two points on two bodies. It has no other effect. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics) +--- +---@class love.RopeJoint: love.Joint, love.Object +local RopeJoint = {} + +--- +---Gets the maximum length of a RopeJoint. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RopeJoint:getMaxLength) +--- +---@return number maxLength # The maximum length of the RopeJoint. +function RopeJoint:getMaxLength() end + +--- +---Sets the maximum length of a RopeJoint. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/RopeJoint:setMaxLength) +--- +---@param maxLength number # The new maximum length of the RopeJoint. +function RopeJoint:setMaxLength(maxLength) end + +--- +---Shapes are solid 2d geometrical objects which handle the mass and collision of a Body in love.physics. +--- +---Shapes are attached to a Body via a Fixture. The Shape object is copied when this happens. +--- +---The Shape's position is relative to the position of the Body it has been attached to. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics) +--- +---@class love.Shape: love.Object +local Shape = {} + +--- +---Returns the points of the bounding box for the transformed shape. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Shape:computeAABB) +--- +---@param tx number # The translation of the shape on the x-axis. +---@param ty number # The translation of the shape on the y-axis. +---@param tr number # The shape rotation. +---@param childIndex? number # The index of the child to compute the bounding box of. +---@return number topLeftX # The x position of the top-left point. +---@return number topLeftY # The y position of the top-left point. +---@return number bottomRightX # The x position of the bottom-right point. +---@return number bottomRightY # The y position of the bottom-right point. +function Shape:computeAABB(tx, ty, tr, childIndex) end + +--- +---Computes the mass properties for the shape with the specified density. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Shape:computeMass) +--- +---@param density number # The shape density. +---@return number x # The x postition of the center of mass. +---@return number y # The y postition of the center of mass. +---@return number mass # The mass of the shape. +---@return number inertia # The rotational inertia. +function Shape:computeMass(density) end + +--- +---Returns the number of children the shape has. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Shape:getChildCount) +--- +---@return number count # The number of children. +function Shape:getChildCount() end + +--- +---Gets the radius of the shape. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Shape:getRadius) +--- +---@return number radius # The radius of the shape. +function Shape:getRadius() end + +--- +---Gets a string representing the Shape. +--- +---This function can be useful for conditional debug drawing. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Shape:getType) +--- +---@return love.ShapeType type # The type of the Shape. +function Shape:getType() end + +--- +---Casts a ray against the shape and returns the surface normal vector and the line position where the ray hit. If the ray missed the shape, nil will be returned. The Shape can be transformed to get it into the desired position. +--- +---The ray starts on the first point of the input line and goes towards the second point of the line. The fourth argument is the maximum distance the ray is going to travel as a scale factor of the input line length. +--- +---The childIndex parameter is used to specify which child of a parent shape, such as a ChainShape, will be ray casted. For ChainShapes, the index of 1 is the first edge on the chain. Ray casting a parent shape will only test the child specified so if you want to test every shape of the parent, you must loop through all of its children. +--- +---The world position of the impact can be calculated by multiplying the line vector with the third return value and adding it to the line starting point. +--- +---hitx, hity = x1 + (x2 - x1) * fraction, y1 + (y2 - y1) * fraction +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Shape:rayCast) +--- +---@param x1 number # The x position of the input line starting point. +---@param y1 number # The y position of the input line starting point. +---@param x2 number # The x position of the input line end point. +---@param y2 number # The y position of the input line end point. +---@param maxFraction number # Ray length parameter. +---@param tx number # The translation of the shape on the x-axis. +---@param ty number # The translation of the shape on the y-axis. +---@param tr number # The shape rotation. +---@param childIndex? number # The index of the child the ray gets cast against. +---@return number xn # The x component of the normal vector of the edge where the ray hit the shape. +---@return number yn # The y component of the normal vector of the edge where the ray hit the shape. +---@return number fraction # The position on the input line where the intersection happened as a factor of the line length. +function Shape:rayCast(x1, y1, x2, y2, maxFraction, tx, ty, tr, childIndex) end + +--- +---This is particularly useful for mouse interaction with the shapes. By looping through all shapes and testing the mouse position with this function, we can find which shapes the mouse touches. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Shape:testPoint) +--- +---@param tx number # Translates the shape along the x-axis. +---@param ty number # Translates the shape along the y-axis. +---@param tr number # Rotates the shape. +---@param x number # The x-component of the point. +---@param y number # The y-component of the point. +---@return boolean hit # True if inside, false if outside +function Shape:testPoint(tx, ty, tr, x, y) end + +--- +---A WeldJoint essentially glues two bodies together. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics) +--- +---@class love.WeldJoint: love.Joint, love.Object +local WeldJoint = {} + +--- +---Returns the damping ratio of the joint. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/WeldJoint:getDampingRatio) +--- +---@return number ratio # The damping ratio. +function WeldJoint:getDampingRatio() end + +--- +---Returns the frequency. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/WeldJoint:getFrequency) +--- +---@return number freq # The frequency in hertz. +function WeldJoint:getFrequency() end + +--- +---Gets the reference angle. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/WeldJoint:getReferenceAngle) +--- +---@return number angle # The reference angle in radians. +function WeldJoint:getReferenceAngle() end + +--- +---Sets a new damping ratio. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/WeldJoint:setDampingRatio) +--- +---@param ratio number # The new damping ratio. +function WeldJoint:setDampingRatio(ratio) end + +--- +---Sets a new frequency. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/WeldJoint:setFrequency) +--- +---@param freq number # The new frequency in hertz. +function WeldJoint:setFrequency(freq) end + +--- +---Restricts a point on the second body to a line on the first body. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics) +--- +---@class love.WheelJoint: love.Joint, love.Object +local WheelJoint = {} + +--- +---Gets the world-space axis vector of the Wheel Joint. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/WheelJoint:getAxis) +--- +---@return number x # The x-axis coordinate of the world-space axis vector. +---@return number y # The y-axis coordinate of the world-space axis vector. +function WheelJoint:getAxis() end + +--- +---Returns the current joint translation speed. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/WheelJoint:getJointSpeed) +--- +---@return number speed # The translation speed of the joint in meters per second. +function WheelJoint:getJointSpeed() end + +--- +---Returns the current joint translation. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/WheelJoint:getJointTranslation) +--- +---@return number position # The translation of the joint in meters. +function WheelJoint:getJointTranslation() end + +--- +---Returns the maximum motor torque. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/WheelJoint:getMaxMotorTorque) +--- +---@return number maxTorque # The maximum torque of the joint motor in newton meters. +function WheelJoint:getMaxMotorTorque() end + +--- +---Returns the speed of the motor. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/WheelJoint:getMotorSpeed) +--- +---@return number speed # The speed of the joint motor in radians per second. +function WheelJoint:getMotorSpeed() end + +--- +---Returns the current torque on the motor. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/WheelJoint:getMotorTorque) +--- +---@param invdt number # How long the force applies. Usually the inverse time step or 1/dt. +---@return number torque # The torque on the motor in newton meters. +function WheelJoint:getMotorTorque(invdt) end + +--- +---Returns the damping ratio. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/WheelJoint:getSpringDampingRatio) +--- +---@return number ratio # The damping ratio. +function WheelJoint:getSpringDampingRatio() end + +--- +---Returns the spring frequency. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/WheelJoint:getSpringFrequency) +--- +---@return number freq # The frequency in hertz. +function WheelJoint:getSpringFrequency() end + +--- +---Checks if the joint motor is running. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/WheelJoint:isMotorEnabled) +--- +---@return boolean on # The status of the joint motor. +function WheelJoint:isMotorEnabled() end + +--- +---Sets a new maximum motor torque. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/WheelJoint:setMaxMotorTorque) +--- +---@param maxTorque number # The new maximum torque for the joint motor in newton meters. +function WheelJoint:setMaxMotorTorque(maxTorque) end + +--- +---Starts and stops the joint motor. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/WheelJoint:setMotorEnabled) +--- +---@param enable boolean # True turns the motor on and false turns it off. +function WheelJoint:setMotorEnabled(enable) end + +--- +---Sets a new speed for the motor. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/WheelJoint:setMotorSpeed) +--- +---@param speed number # The new speed for the joint motor in radians per second. +function WheelJoint:setMotorSpeed(speed) end + +--- +---Sets a new damping ratio. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/WheelJoint:setSpringDampingRatio) +--- +---@param ratio number # The new damping ratio. +function WheelJoint:setSpringDampingRatio(ratio) end + +--- +---Sets a new spring frequency. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/WheelJoint:setSpringFrequency) +--- +---@param freq number # The new frequency in hertz. +function WheelJoint:setSpringFrequency(freq) end + +--- +---A world is an object that contains all bodies and joints. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.physics) +--- +---@class love.World: love.Object +local World = {} + +--- +---Destroys the world, taking all bodies, joints, fixtures and their shapes with it. +--- +---An error will occur if you attempt to use any of the destroyed objects after calling this function. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/World:destroy) +--- +function World:destroy() end + +--- +---Returns a table with all bodies. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/World:getBodies) +--- +---@return table bodies # A sequence with all bodies. +function World:getBodies() end + +--- +---Returns the number of bodies in the world. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/World:getBodyCount) +--- +---@return number n # The number of bodies in the world. +function World:getBodyCount() end + +--- +---Returns functions for the callbacks during the world update. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/World:getCallbacks) +--- +---@return function beginContact # Gets called when two fixtures begin to overlap. +---@return function endContact # Gets called when two fixtures cease to overlap. +---@return function preSolve # Gets called before a collision gets resolved. +---@return function postSolve # Gets called after the collision has been resolved. +function World:getCallbacks() end + +--- +---Returns the number of contacts in the world. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/World:getContactCount) +--- +---@return number n # The number of contacts in the world. +function World:getContactCount() end + +--- +---Returns the function for collision filtering. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/World:getContactFilter) +--- +---@return function contactFilter # The function that handles the contact filtering. +function World:getContactFilter() end + +--- +---Returns a table with all Contacts. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/World:getContacts) +--- +---@return table contacts # A sequence with all Contacts. +function World:getContacts() end + +--- +---Get the gravity of the world. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/World:getGravity) +--- +---@return number x # The x component of gravity. +---@return number y # The y component of gravity. +function World:getGravity() end + +--- +---Returns the number of joints in the world. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/World:getJointCount) +--- +---@return number n # The number of joints in the world. +function World:getJointCount() end + +--- +---Returns a table with all joints. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/World:getJoints) +--- +---@return table joints # A sequence with all joints. +function World:getJoints() end + +--- +---Gets whether the World is destroyed. Destroyed worlds cannot be used. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/World:isDestroyed) +--- +---@return boolean destroyed # Whether the World is destroyed. +function World:isDestroyed() end + +--- +---Returns if the world is updating its state. +--- +---This will return true inside the callbacks from World:setCallbacks. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/World:isLocked) +--- +---@return boolean locked # Will be true if the world is in the process of updating its state. +function World:isLocked() end + +--- +---Gets the sleep behaviour of the world. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/World:isSleepingAllowed) +--- +---@return boolean allow # True if bodies in the world are allowed to sleep, or false if not. +function World:isSleepingAllowed() end + +--- +---Calls a function for each fixture inside the specified area by searching for any overlapping bounding box (Fixture:getBoundingBox). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/World:queryBoundingBox) +--- +---@param topLeftX number # The x position of the top-left point. +---@param topLeftY number # The y position of the top-left point. +---@param bottomRightX number # The x position of the bottom-right point. +---@param bottomRightY number # The y position of the bottom-right point. +---@param callback function # This function gets passed one argument, the fixture, and should return a boolean. The search will continue if it is true or stop if it is false. +function World:queryBoundingBox(topLeftX, topLeftY, bottomRightX, bottomRightY, callback) end + +--- +---Casts a ray and calls a function for each fixtures it intersects. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/World:rayCast) +--- +---@param x1 number # The x position of the starting point of the ray. +---@param y1 number # The x position of the starting point of the ray. +---@param x2 number # The x position of the end point of the ray. +---@param y2 number # The x value of the surface normal vector of the shape edge. +---@param callback function # A function called for each fixture intersected by the ray. The function gets six arguments and should return a number as a control value. The intersection points fed into the function will be in an arbitrary order. If you wish to find the closest point of intersection, you'll need to do that yourself within the function. The easiest way to do that is by using the fraction value. +function World:rayCast(x1, y1, x2, y2, callback) end + +--- +---Sets functions for the collision callbacks during the world update. +--- +---Four Lua functions can be given as arguments. The value nil removes a function. +--- +---When called, each function will be passed three arguments. The first two arguments are the colliding fixtures and the third argument is the Contact between them. The postSolve callback additionally gets the normal and tangent impulse for each contact point. See notes. +--- +---If you are interested to know when exactly each callback is called, consult a Box2d manual +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/World:setCallbacks) +--- +---@param beginContact function # Gets called when two fixtures begin to overlap. +---@param endContact function # Gets called when two fixtures cease to overlap. This will also be called outside of a world update, when colliding objects are destroyed. +---@param preSolve? function # Gets called before a collision gets resolved. +---@param postSolve? function # Gets called after the collision has been resolved. +function World:setCallbacks(beginContact, endContact, preSolve, postSolve) end + +--- +---Sets a function for collision filtering. +--- +---If the group and category filtering doesn't generate a collision decision, this function gets called with the two fixtures as arguments. The function should return a boolean value where true means the fixtures will collide and false means they will pass through each other. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/World:setContactFilter) +--- +---@param filter function # The function handling the contact filtering. +function World:setContactFilter(filter) end + +--- +---Set the gravity of the world. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/World:setGravity) +--- +---@param x number # The x component of gravity. +---@param y number # The y component of gravity. +function World:setGravity(x, y) end + +--- +---Sets the sleep behaviour of the world. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/World:setSleepingAllowed) +--- +---@param allow boolean # True if bodies in the world are allowed to sleep, or false if not. +function World:setSleepingAllowed(allow) end + +--- +---Translates the World's origin. Useful in large worlds where floating point precision issues become noticeable at far distances from the origin. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/World:translateOrigin) +--- +---@param x number # The x component of the new origin with respect to the old origin. +---@param y number # The y component of the new origin with respect to the old origin. +function World:translateOrigin(x, y) end + +--- +---Update the state of the world. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/World:update) +--- +---@param dt number # The time (in seconds) to advance the physics simulation. +---@param velocityiterations? number # The maximum number of steps used to determine the new velocities when resolving a collision. +---@param positioniterations? number # The maximum number of steps used to determine the new positions when resolving a collision. +function World:update(dt, velocityiterations, positioniterations) end + +--- +---The types of a Body. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/BodyType) +--- +---@alias love.BodyType +--- +---Static bodies do not move. +--- +---| "static" +--- +---Dynamic bodies collide with all bodies. +--- +---| "dynamic" +--- +---Kinematic bodies only collide with dynamic bodies. +--- +---| "kinematic" + +--- +---Different types of joints. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/JointType) +--- +---@alias love.JointType +--- +---A DistanceJoint. +--- +---| "distance" +--- +---A FrictionJoint. +--- +---| "friction" +--- +---A GearJoint. +--- +---| "gear" +--- +---A MouseJoint. +--- +---| "mouse" +--- +---A PrismaticJoint. +--- +---| "prismatic" +--- +---A PulleyJoint. +--- +---| "pulley" +--- +---A RevoluteJoint. +--- +---| "revolute" +--- +---A RopeJoint. +--- +---| "rope" +--- +---A WeldJoint. +--- +---| "weld" + +--- +---The different types of Shapes, as returned by Shape:getType. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/ShapeType) +--- +---@alias love.ShapeType +--- +---The Shape is a CircleShape. +--- +---| "circle" +--- +---The Shape is a PolygonShape. +--- +---| "polygon" +--- +---The Shape is a EdgeShape. +--- +---| "edge" +--- +---The Shape is a ChainShape. +--- +---| "chain" diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/sound.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/sound.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bbe47d102 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/sound.lua @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---This module is responsible for decoding sound files. It can't play the sounds, see love.audio for that. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.sound) +--- +---@class love.sound +love.sound = {} + +--- +---Attempts to find a decoder for the encoded sound data in the specified file. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.sound.newDecoder) +--- +---@overload fun(filename: string, buffer?: number):love.Decoder +---@param file love.File # The file with encoded sound data. +---@param buffer? number # The size of each decoded chunk, in bytes. +---@return love.Decoder decoder # A new Decoder object. +function love.sound.newDecoder(file, buffer) end + +--- +---Creates new SoundData from a filepath, File, or Decoder. It's also possible to create SoundData with a custom sample rate, channel and bit depth. +--- +---The sound data will be decoded to the memory in a raw format. It is recommended to create only short sounds like effects, as a 3 minute song uses 30 MB of memory this way. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.sound.newSoundData) +--- +---@overload fun(file: love.File):love.SoundData +---@overload fun(decoder: love.Decoder):love.SoundData +---@overload fun(samples: number, rate?: number, bits?: number, channels?: number):love.SoundData +---@param filename string # The file name of the file to load. +---@return love.SoundData soundData # A new SoundData object. +function love.sound.newSoundData(filename) end + +--- +---An object which can gradually decode a sound file. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.sound) +--- +---@class love.Decoder: love.Object +local Decoder = {} + +--- +---Creates a new copy of current decoder. +--- +---The new decoder will start decoding from the beginning of the audio stream. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Decoder:clone) +--- +---@return love.Decoder decoder # New copy of the decoder. +function Decoder:clone() end + +--- +---Decodes the audio and returns a SoundData object containing the decoded audio data. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Decoder:decode) +--- +---@return love.SoundData soundData # Decoded audio data. +function Decoder:decode() end + +--- +---Returns the number of bits per sample. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Decoder:getBitDepth) +--- +---@return number bitDepth # Either 8, or 16. +function Decoder:getBitDepth() end + +--- +---Returns the number of channels in the stream. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Decoder:getChannelCount) +--- +---@return number channels # 1 for mono, 2 for stereo. +function Decoder:getChannelCount() end + +--- +---Gets the duration of the sound file. It may not always be sample-accurate, and it may return -1 if the duration cannot be determined at all. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Decoder:getDuration) +--- +---@return number duration # The duration of the sound file in seconds, or -1 if it cannot be determined. +function Decoder:getDuration() end + +--- +---Returns the sample rate of the Decoder. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Decoder:getSampleRate) +--- +---@return number rate # Number of samples per second. +function Decoder:getSampleRate() end + +--- +---Sets the currently playing position of the Decoder. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Decoder:seek) +--- +---@param offset number # The position to seek to, in seconds. +function Decoder:seek(offset) end + +--- +---Contains raw audio samples. +--- +---You can not play SoundData back directly. You must wrap a Source object around it. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.sound) +--- +---@class love.SoundData: love.Data, love.Object +local SoundData = {} + +--- +---Returns the number of bits per sample. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/SoundData:getBitDepth) +--- +---@return number bitdepth # Either 8, or 16. +function SoundData:getBitDepth() end + +--- +---Returns the number of channels in the SoundData. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/SoundData:getChannelCount) +--- +---@return number channels # 1 for mono, 2 for stereo. +function SoundData:getChannelCount() end + +--- +---Gets the duration of the sound data. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/SoundData:getDuration) +--- +---@return number duration # The duration of the sound data in seconds. +function SoundData:getDuration() end + +--- +---Gets the value of the sample-point at the specified position. For stereo SoundData objects, the data from the left and right channels are interleaved in that order. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/SoundData:getSample) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.SoundData, i: number, channel: number):number +---@param i number # An integer value specifying the position of the sample (starting at 0). +---@return number sample # The normalized samplepoint (range -1.0 to 1.0). +function SoundData:getSample(i) end + +--- +---Returns the number of samples per channel of the SoundData. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/SoundData:getSampleCount) +--- +---@return number count # Total number of samples. +function SoundData:getSampleCount() end + +--- +---Returns the sample rate of the SoundData. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/SoundData:getSampleRate) +--- +---@return number rate # Number of samples per second. +function SoundData:getSampleRate() end + +--- +---Sets the value of the sample-point at the specified position. For stereo SoundData objects, the data from the left and right channels are interleaved in that order. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/SoundData:setSample) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.SoundData, i: number, channel: number, sample: number) +---@param i number # An integer value specifying the position of the sample (starting at 0). +---@param sample number # The normalized samplepoint (range -1.0 to 1.0). +function SoundData:setSample(i, sample) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/system.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/system.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..945d689d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/system.lua @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---Provides access to information about the user's system. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.system) +--- +---@class love.system +love.system = {} + +--- +---Gets text from the clipboard. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.system.getClipboardText) +--- +---@return string text # The text currently held in the system's clipboard. +function love.system.getClipboardText() end + +--- +---Gets the current operating system. In general, LÖVE abstracts away the need to know the current operating system, but there are a few cases where it can be useful (especially in combination with os.execute.) +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.system.getOS) +--- +---@return string osString # The current operating system. 'OS X', 'Windows', 'Linux', 'Android' or 'iOS'. +function love.system.getOS() end + +--- +---Gets information about the system's power supply. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.system.getPowerInfo) +--- +---@return love.PowerState state # The basic state of the power supply. +---@return number percent # Percentage of battery life left, between 0 and 100. nil if the value can't be determined or there's no battery. +---@return number seconds # Seconds of battery life left. nil if the value can't be determined or there's no battery. +function love.system.getPowerInfo() end + +--- +---Gets the amount of logical processor in the system. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.system.getProcessorCount) +--- +---@return number processorCount # Amount of logical processors. +function love.system.getProcessorCount() end + +--- +---Gets whether another application on the system is playing music in the background. +--- +---Currently this is implemented on iOS and Android, and will always return false on other operating systems. The t.audio.mixwithsystem flag in love.conf can be used to configure whether background audio / music from other apps should play while LÖVE is open. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.system.hasBackgroundMusic) +--- +---@return boolean backgroundmusic # True if the user is playing music in the background via another app, false otherwise. +function love.system.hasBackgroundMusic() end + +--- +---Opens a URL with the user's web or file browser. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.system.openURL) +--- +---@param url string # The URL to open. Must be formatted as a proper URL. +---@return boolean success # Whether the URL was opened successfully. +function love.system.openURL(url) end + +--- +---Puts text in the clipboard. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.system.setClipboardText) +--- +---@param text string # The new text to hold in the system's clipboard. +function love.system.setClipboardText(text) end + +--- +---Causes the device to vibrate, if possible. Currently this will only work on Android and iOS devices that have a built-in vibration motor. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.system.vibrate) +--- +---@param seconds? number # The duration to vibrate for. If called on an iOS device, it will always vibrate for 0.5 seconds due to limitations in the iOS system APIs. +function love.system.vibrate(seconds) end + +--- +---The basic state of the system's power supply. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/PowerState) +--- +---@alias love.PowerState +--- +---Cannot determine power status. +--- +---| "unknown" +--- +---Not plugged in, running on a battery. +--- +---| "battery" +--- +---Plugged in, no battery available. +--- +---| "nobattery" +--- +---Plugged in, charging battery. +--- +---| "charging" +--- +---Plugged in, battery is fully charged. +--- +---| "charged" diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/thread.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/thread.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..90cf4c5ff --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/thread.lua @@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---Allows you to work with threads. +--- +---Threads are separate Lua environments, running in parallel to the main code. As their code runs separately, they can be used to compute complex operations without adversely affecting the frame rate of the main thread. However, as they are separate environments, they cannot access the variables and functions of the main thread, and communication between threads is limited. +--- +---All LOVE objects (userdata) are shared among threads so you'll only have to send their references across threads. You may run into concurrency issues if you manipulate an object on multiple threads at the same time. +--- +---When a Thread is started, it only loads the love.thread module. Every other module has to be loaded with require. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.thread) +--- +---@class love.thread +love.thread = {} + +--- +---Creates or retrieves a named thread channel. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.thread.getChannel) +--- +---@param name string # The name of the channel you want to create or retrieve. +---@return love.Channel channel # The Channel object associated with the name. +function love.thread.getChannel(name) end + +--- +---Create a new unnamed thread channel. +--- +---One use for them is to pass new unnamed channels to other threads via Channel:push on a named channel. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.thread.newChannel) +--- +---@return love.Channel channel # The new Channel object. +function love.thread.newChannel() end + +--- +---Creates a new Thread from a filename, string or FileData object containing Lua code. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.thread.newThread) +--- +---@overload fun(fileData: love.FileData):love.Thread +---@overload fun(codestring: string):love.Thread +---@param filename string # The name of the Lua file to use as the source. +---@return love.Thread thread # A new Thread that has yet to be started. +function love.thread.newThread(filename) end + +--- +---An object which can be used to send and receive data between different threads. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.thread) +--- +---@class love.Channel: love.Object +local Channel = {} + +--- +---Clears all the messages in the Channel queue. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Channel:clear) +--- +function Channel:clear() end + +--- +---Retrieves the value of a Channel message and removes it from the message queue. +--- +---It waits until a message is in the queue then returns the message value. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Channel:demand) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Channel, timeout: number):any +---@return any value # The contents of the message. +function Channel:demand() end + +--- +---Retrieves the number of messages in the thread Channel queue. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Channel:getCount) +--- +---@return number count # The number of messages in the queue. +function Channel:getCount() end + +--- +---Gets whether a pushed value has been popped or otherwise removed from the Channel. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Channel:hasRead) +--- +---@param id number # An id value previously returned by Channel:push. +---@return boolean hasread # Whether the value represented by the id has been removed from the Channel via Channel:pop, Channel:demand, or Channel:clear. +function Channel:hasRead(id) end + +--- +---Retrieves the value of a Channel message, but leaves it in the queue. +--- +---It returns nil if there's no message in the queue. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Channel:peek) +--- +---@return any value # The contents of the message. +function Channel:peek() end + +--- +---Executes the specified function atomically with respect to this Channel. +--- +---Calling multiple methods in a row on the same Channel is often useful. However if multiple Threads are calling this Channel's methods at the same time, the different calls on each Thread might end up interleaved (e.g. one or more of the second thread's calls may happen in between the first thread's calls.) +--- +---This method avoids that issue by making sure the Thread calling the method has exclusive access to the Channel until the specified function has returned. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Channel:performAtomic) +--- +---@param func function # The function to call, the form of function(channel, arg1, arg2, ...) end. The Channel is passed as the first argument to the function when it is called. +---@param arg1 any # Additional arguments that the given function will receive when it is called. +---@vararg any # Additional arguments that the given function will receive when it is called. +---@return any ret1 # The first return value of the given function (if any.) +function Channel:performAtomic(func, arg1, ...) end + +--- +---Retrieves the value of a Channel message and removes it from the message queue. +--- +---It returns nil if there are no messages in the queue. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Channel:pop) +--- +---@return any value # The contents of the message. +function Channel:pop() end + +--- +---Send a message to the thread Channel. +--- +---See Variant for the list of supported types. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Channel:push) +--- +---@param value any # The contents of the message. +---@return number id # Identifier which can be supplied to Channel:hasRead +function Channel:push(value) end + +--- +---Send a message to the thread Channel and wait for a thread to accept it. +--- +---See Variant for the list of supported types. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Channel:supply) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Channel, value: any, timeout: number):boolean +---@param value any # The contents of the message. +---@return boolean success # Whether the message was successfully supplied (always true). +function Channel:supply(value) end + +--- +---A Thread is a chunk of code that can run in parallel with other threads. Data can be sent between different threads with Channel objects. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.thread) +--- +---@class love.Thread: love.Object +local Thread = {} + +--- +---Retrieves the error string from the thread if it produced an error. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Thread:getError) +--- +---@return string err # The error message, or nil if the Thread has not caused an error. +function Thread:getError() end + +--- +---Returns whether the thread is currently running. +--- +---Threads which are not running can be (re)started with Thread:start. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Thread:isRunning) +--- +---@return boolean value # True if the thread is running, false otherwise. +function Thread:isRunning() end + +--- +---Starts the thread. +--- +---Beginning with version 0.9.0, threads can be restarted after they have completed their execution. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Thread:start) +--- +---@overload fun(self: love.Thread, arg1: any, arg2: any, ...) +function Thread:start() end + +--- +---Wait for a thread to finish. +--- +---This call will block until the thread finishes. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/Thread:wait) +--- +function Thread:wait() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/timer.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/timer.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f36d4ca59 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/timer.lua @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---Provides an interface to the user's clock. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.timer) +--- +---@class love.timer +love.timer = {} + +--- +---Returns the average delta time (seconds per frame) over the last second. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.timer.getAverageDelta) +--- +---@return number delta # The average delta time over the last second. +function love.timer.getAverageDelta() end + +--- +---Returns the time between the last two frames. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.timer.getDelta) +--- +---@return number dt # The time passed (in seconds). +function love.timer.getDelta() end + +--- +---Returns the current frames per second. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.timer.getFPS) +--- +---@return number fps # The current FPS. +function love.timer.getFPS() end + +--- +---Returns the value of a timer with an unspecified starting time. +--- +---This function should only be used to calculate differences between points in time, as the starting time of the timer is unknown. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.timer.getTime) +--- +---@return number time # The time in seconds. Given as a decimal, accurate to the microsecond. +function love.timer.getTime() end + +--- +---Pauses the current thread for the specified amount of time. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.timer.sleep) +--- +---@param s number # Seconds to sleep for. +function love.timer.sleep(s) end + +--- +---Measures the time between two frames. +--- +---Calling this changes the return value of love.timer.getDelta. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.timer.step) +--- +---@return number dt # The time passed (in seconds). +function love.timer.step() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/touch.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/touch.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bacf8e30c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/touch.lua @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---Provides an interface to touch-screen presses. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.touch) +--- +---@class love.touch +love.touch = {} + +--- +---Gets the current position of the specified touch-press, in pixels. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.touch.getPosition) +--- +---@param id lightuserdata # The identifier of the touch-press. Use love.touch.getTouches, love.touchpressed, or love.touchmoved to obtain touch id values. +---@return number x # The position along the x-axis of the touch-press inside the window, in pixels. +---@return number y # The position along the y-axis of the touch-press inside the window, in pixels. +function love.touch.getPosition(id) end + +--- +---Gets the current pressure of the specified touch-press. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.touch.getPressure) +--- +---@param id lightuserdata # The identifier of the touch-press. Use love.touch.getTouches, love.touchpressed, or love.touchmoved to obtain touch id values. +---@return number pressure # The pressure of the touch-press. Most touch screens aren't pressure sensitive, in which case the pressure will be 1. +function love.touch.getPressure(id) end + +--- +---Gets a list of all active touch-presses. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.touch.getTouches) +--- +---@return table touches # A list of active touch-press id values, which can be used with love.touch.getPosition. +function love.touch.getTouches() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/video.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/video.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f53da7102 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/video.lua @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---This module is responsible for decoding, controlling, and streaming video files. +--- +---It can't draw the videos, see love.graphics.newVideo and Video objects for that. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.video) +--- +---@class love.video +love.video = {} + +--- +---Creates a new VideoStream. Currently only Ogg Theora video files are supported. VideoStreams can't draw videos, see love.graphics.newVideo for that. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.video.newVideoStream) +--- +---@overload fun(file: love.File):love.VideoStream +---@param filename string # The file path to the Ogg Theora video file. +---@return love.VideoStream videostream # A new VideoStream. +function love.video.newVideoStream(filename) end + +--- +---An object which decodes, streams, and controls Videos. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.video) +--- +---@class love.VideoStream: love.Object +local VideoStream = {} + +--- +---Gets the filename of the VideoStream. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/VideoStream:getFilename) +--- +---@return string filename # The filename of the VideoStream +function VideoStream:getFilename() end + +--- +---Gets whether the VideoStream is playing. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/VideoStream:isPlaying) +--- +---@return boolean playing # Whether the VideoStream is playing. +function VideoStream:isPlaying() end + +--- +---Pauses the VideoStream. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/VideoStream:pause) +--- +function VideoStream:pause() end + +--- +---Plays the VideoStream. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/VideoStream:play) +--- +function VideoStream:play() end + +--- +---Rewinds the VideoStream. Synonym to VideoStream:seek(0). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/VideoStream:rewind) +--- +function VideoStream:rewind() end + +--- +---Sets the current playback position of the VideoStream. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/VideoStream:seek) +--- +---@param offset number # The time in seconds since the beginning of the VideoStream. +function VideoStream:seek(offset) end + +--- +---Gets the current playback position of the VideoStream. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/VideoStream:tell) +--- +---@return number seconds # The number of seconds sionce the beginning of the VideoStream. +function VideoStream:tell() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/window.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/window.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bbf875339 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/love2d/library/love/window.lua @@ -0,0 +1,473 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---Provides an interface for modifying and retrieving information about the program's window. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window) +--- +---@class love.window +love.window = {} + +--- +---Closes the window. It can be reopened with love.window.setMode. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.close) +--- +function love.window.close() end + +--- +---Converts a number from pixels to density-independent units. +--- +---The pixel density inside the window might be greater (or smaller) than the 'size' of the window. For example on a retina screen in Mac OS X with the highdpi window flag enabled, the window may take up the same physical size as an 800x600 window, but the area inside the window uses 1600x1200 pixels. love.window.fromPixels(1600) would return 800 in that case. +--- +---This function converts coordinates from pixels to the size users are expecting them to display at onscreen. love.window.toPixels does the opposite. The highdpi window flag must be enabled to use the full pixel density of a Retina screen on Mac OS X and iOS. The flag currently does nothing on Windows and Linux, and on Android it is effectively always enabled. +--- +---Most LÖVE functions return values and expect arguments in terms of pixels rather than density-independent units. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.fromPixels) +--- +---@overload fun(px: number, py: number):number, number +---@param pixelvalue number # A number in pixels to convert to density-independent units. +---@return number value # The converted number, in density-independent units. +function love.window.fromPixels(pixelvalue) end + +--- +---Gets the DPI scale factor associated with the window. +--- +---The pixel density inside the window might be greater (or smaller) than the 'size' of the window. For example on a retina screen in Mac OS X with the highdpi window flag enabled, the window may take up the same physical size as an 800x600 window, but the area inside the window uses 1600x1200 pixels. love.window.getDPIScale() would return 2.0 in that case. +--- +---The love.window.fromPixels and love.window.toPixels functions can also be used to convert between units. +--- +---The highdpi window flag must be enabled to use the full pixel density of a Retina screen on Mac OS X and iOS. The flag currently does nothing on Windows and Linux, and on Android it is effectively always enabled. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.getDPIScale) +--- +---@return number scale # The pixel scale factor associated with the window. +function love.window.getDPIScale() end + +--- +---Gets the width and height of the desktop. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.getDesktopDimensions) +--- +---@param displayindex? number # The index of the display, if multiple monitors are available. +---@return string width # The width of the desktop. +---@return string height # The height of the desktop. +function love.window.getDesktopDimensions(displayindex) end + +--- +---Gets the number of connected monitors. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.getDisplayCount) +--- +---@return number count # The number of currently connected displays. +function love.window.getDisplayCount() end + +--- +---Gets the name of a display. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.getDisplayName) +--- +---@param displayindex? number # The index of the display to get the name of. +---@return string name # The name of the specified display. +function love.window.getDisplayName(displayindex) end + +--- +---Gets current device display orientation. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.getDisplayOrientation) +--- +---@param displayindex? number # Display index to get its display orientation, or nil for default display index. +---@return love.DisplayOrientation orientation # Current device display orientation. +function love.window.getDisplayOrientation(displayindex) end + +--- +---Gets whether the window is fullscreen. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.getFullscreen) +--- +---@return boolean fullscreen # True if the window is fullscreen, false otherwise. +---@return love.FullscreenType fstype # The type of fullscreen mode used. +function love.window.getFullscreen() end + +--- +---Gets a list of supported fullscreen modes. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.getFullscreenModes) +--- +---@param displayindex? number # The index of the display, if multiple monitors are available. +---@return table modes # A table of width/height pairs. (Note that this may not be in order.) +function love.window.getFullscreenModes(displayindex) end + +--- +---Gets the window icon. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.getIcon) +--- +---@return love.ImageData imagedata # The window icon imagedata, or nil if no icon has been set with love.window.setIcon. +function love.window.getIcon() end + +--- +---Gets the display mode and properties of the window. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.getMode) +--- +---@return number width # Window width. +---@return number height # Window height. +---@return {fullscreen: boolean, fullscreentype: love.FullscreenType, vsync: boolean, msaa: number, resizable: boolean, borderless: boolean, centered: boolean, display: number, minwidth: number, minheight: number, highdpi: boolean, refreshrate: number, x: number, y: number, srgb: boolean} flags # Table with the window properties: +function love.window.getMode() end + +--- +---Gets the position of the window on the screen. +--- +---The window position is in the coordinate space of the display it is currently in. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.getPosition) +--- +---@return number x # The x-coordinate of the window's position. +---@return number y # The y-coordinate of the window's position. +---@return number displayindex # The index of the display that the window is in. +function love.window.getPosition() end + +--- +---Gets area inside the window which is known to be unobstructed by a system title bar, the iPhone X notch, etc. Useful for making sure UI elements can be seen by the user. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.getSafeArea) +--- +---@return number x # Starting position of safe area (x-axis). +---@return number y # Starting position of safe area (y-axis). +---@return number w # Width of safe area. +---@return number h # Height of safe area. +function love.window.getSafeArea() end + +--- +---Gets the window title. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.getTitle) +--- +---@return string title # The current window title. +function love.window.getTitle() end + +--- +---Gets current vertical synchronization (vsync). +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.getVSync) +--- +---@return number vsync # Current vsync status. 1 if enabled, 0 if disabled, and -1 for adaptive vsync. +function love.window.getVSync() end + +--- +---Checks if the game window has keyboard focus. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.hasFocus) +--- +---@return boolean focus # True if the window has the focus or false if not. +function love.window.hasFocus() end + +--- +---Checks if the game window has mouse focus. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.hasMouseFocus) +--- +---@return boolean focus # True if the window has mouse focus or false if not. +function love.window.hasMouseFocus() end + +--- +---Gets whether the display is allowed to sleep while the program is running. +--- +---Display sleep is disabled by default. Some types of input (e.g. joystick button presses) might not prevent the display from sleeping, if display sleep is allowed. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.isDisplaySleepEnabled) +--- +---@return boolean enabled # True if system display sleep is enabled / allowed, false otherwise. +function love.window.isDisplaySleepEnabled() end + +--- +---Gets whether the Window is currently maximized. +--- +---The window can be maximized if it is not fullscreen and is resizable, and either the user has pressed the window's Maximize button or love.window.maximize has been called. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.isMaximized) +--- +---@return boolean maximized # True if the window is currently maximized in windowed mode, false otherwise. +function love.window.isMaximized() end + +--- +---Gets whether the Window is currently minimized. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.isMinimized) +--- +---@return boolean minimized # True if the window is currently minimized, false otherwise. +function love.window.isMinimized() end + +--- +---Checks if the window is open. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.isOpen) +--- +---@return boolean open # True if the window is open, false otherwise. +function love.window.isOpen() end + +--- +---Checks if the game window is visible. +--- +---The window is considered visible if it's not minimized and the program isn't hidden. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.isVisible) +--- +---@return boolean visible # True if the window is visible or false if not. +function love.window.isVisible() end + +--- +---Makes the window as large as possible. +--- +---This function has no effect if the window isn't resizable, since it essentially programmatically presses the window's 'maximize' button. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.maximize) +--- +function love.window.maximize() end + +--- +---Minimizes the window to the system's task bar / dock. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.minimize) +--- +function love.window.minimize() end + +--- +---Causes the window to request the attention of the user if it is not in the foreground. +--- +---In Windows the taskbar icon will flash, and in OS X the dock icon will bounce. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.requestAttention) +--- +---@param continuous? boolean # Whether to continuously request attention until the window becomes active, or to do it only once. +function love.window.requestAttention(continuous) end + +--- +---Restores the size and position of the window if it was minimized or maximized. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.restore) +--- +function love.window.restore() end + +--- +---Sets whether the display is allowed to sleep while the program is running. +--- +---Display sleep is disabled by default. Some types of input (e.g. joystick button presses) might not prevent the display from sleeping, if display sleep is allowed. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.setDisplaySleepEnabled) +--- +---@param enable boolean # True to enable system display sleep, false to disable it. +function love.window.setDisplaySleepEnabled(enable) end + +--- +---Enters or exits fullscreen. The display to use when entering fullscreen is chosen based on which display the window is currently in, if multiple monitors are connected. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.setFullscreen) +--- +---@overload fun(fullscreen: boolean, fstype: love.FullscreenType):boolean +---@param fullscreen boolean # Whether to enter or exit fullscreen mode. +---@return boolean success # True if an attempt to enter fullscreen was successful, false otherwise. +function love.window.setFullscreen(fullscreen) end + +--- +---Sets the window icon until the game is quit. Not all operating systems support very large icon images. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.setIcon) +--- +---@param imagedata love.ImageData # The window icon image. +---@return boolean success # Whether the icon has been set successfully. +function love.window.setIcon(imagedata) end + +--- +---Sets the display mode and properties of the window. +--- +---If width or height is 0, setMode will use the width and height of the desktop. +--- +---Changing the display mode may have side effects: for example, canvases will be cleared and values sent to shaders with canvases beforehand or re-draw to them afterward if you need to. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.setMode) +--- +---@param width number # Display width. +---@param height number # Display height. +---@param flags? {fullscreen: boolean, fullscreentype: love.FullscreenType, vsync: boolean, msaa: number, stencil: boolean, depth: number, resizable: boolean, borderless: boolean, centered: boolean, display: number, minwidth: number, minheight: number, highdpi: boolean, x: number, y: number, usedpiscale: boolean, srgb: boolean} # The flags table with the options: +---@return boolean success # True if successful, false otherwise. +function love.window.setMode(width, height, flags) end + +--- +---Sets the position of the window on the screen. +--- +---The window position is in the coordinate space of the specified display. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.setPosition) +--- +---@param x number # The x-coordinate of the window's position. +---@param y number # The y-coordinate of the window's position. +---@param displayindex? number # The index of the display that the new window position is relative to. +function love.window.setPosition(x, y, displayindex) end + +--- +---Sets the window title. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.setTitle) +--- +---@param title string # The new window title. +function love.window.setTitle(title) end + +--- +---Sets vertical synchronization mode. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.setVSync) +--- +---@param vsync number # VSync number: 1 to enable, 0 to disable, and -1 for adaptive vsync. +function love.window.setVSync(vsync) end + +--- +---Displays a message box dialog above the love window. The message box contains a title, optional text, and buttons. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.showMessageBox) +--- +---@overload fun(title: string, message: string, buttonlist: table, type?: love.MessageBoxType, attachtowindow?: boolean):number +---@param title string # The title of the message box. +---@param message string # The text inside the message box. +---@param type? love.MessageBoxType # The type of the message box. +---@param attachtowindow? boolean # Whether the message box should be attached to the love window or free-floating. +---@return boolean success # Whether the message box was successfully displayed. +function love.window.showMessageBox(title, message, type, attachtowindow) end + +--- +---Converts a number from density-independent units to pixels. +--- +---The pixel density inside the window might be greater (or smaller) than the 'size' of the window. For example on a retina screen in Mac OS X with the highdpi window flag enabled, the window may take up the same physical size as an 800x600 window, but the area inside the window uses 1600x1200 pixels. love.window.toPixels(800) would return 1600 in that case. +--- +---This is used to convert coordinates from the size users are expecting them to display at onscreen to pixels. love.window.fromPixels does the opposite. The highdpi window flag must be enabled to use the full pixel density of a Retina screen on Mac OS X and iOS. The flag currently does nothing on Windows and Linux, and on Android it is effectively always enabled. +--- +---Most LÖVE functions return values and expect arguments in terms of pixels rather than density-independent units. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.toPixels) +--- +---@overload fun(x: number, y: number):number, number +---@param value number # A number in density-independent units to convert to pixels. +---@return number pixelvalue # The converted number, in pixels. +function love.window.toPixels(value) end + +--- +---Sets the display mode and properties of the window, without modifying unspecified properties. +--- +---If width or height is 0, updateMode will use the width and height of the desktop. +--- +---Changing the display mode may have side effects: for example, canvases will be cleared. Make sure to save the contents of canvases beforehand or re-draw to them afterward if you need to. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/love.window.updateMode) +--- +---@param width number # Window width. +---@param height number # Window height. +---@param settings {fullscreen: boolean, fullscreentype: love.FullscreenType, vsync: boolean, msaa: number, resizable: boolean, borderless: boolean, centered: boolean, display: number, minwidth: number, minheight: number, highdpi: boolean, x: number, y: number} # The settings table with the following optional fields. Any field not filled in will use the current value that would be returned by love.window.getMode. +---@return boolean success # True if successful, false otherwise. +function love.window.updateMode(width, height, settings) end + +--- +---Types of device display orientation. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/DisplayOrientation) +--- +---@alias love.DisplayOrientation +--- +---Orientation cannot be determined. +--- +---| "unknown" +--- +---Landscape orientation. +--- +---| "landscape" +--- +---Landscape orientation (flipped). +--- +---| "landscapeflipped" +--- +---Portrait orientation. +--- +---| "portrait" +--- +---Portrait orientation (flipped). +--- +---| "portraitflipped" + +--- +---Types of fullscreen modes. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/FullscreenType) +--- +---@alias love.FullscreenType +--- +---Sometimes known as borderless fullscreen windowed mode. A borderless screen-sized window is created which sits on top of all desktop UI elements. The window is automatically resized to match the dimensions of the desktop, and its size cannot be changed. +--- +---| "desktop" +--- +---Standard exclusive-fullscreen mode. Changes the display mode (actual resolution) of the monitor. +--- +---| "exclusive" +--- +---Standard exclusive-fullscreen mode. Changes the display mode (actual resolution) of the monitor. +--- +---| "normal" + +--- +---Types of message box dialogs. Different types may have slightly different looks. +--- +--- +---[Open in Browser](https://love2d.org/wiki/MessageBoxType) +--- +---@alias love.MessageBoxType +--- +---Informational dialog. +--- +---| "info" +--- +---Warning dialog. +--- +---| "warning" +--- +---Error dialog. +--- +---| "error" diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/config.json b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/config.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..195c7661f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/config.json @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +{ + "name" : "LÖVR", + "words" : ["lovr%.%w+"], + "settings" : { + "Lua.runtime.version" : "LuaJIT" + } +} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/callback.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/callback.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..76a536db7 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/callback.lua @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---The `lovr.conf` callback lets you configure default settings for LÖVR. +--- +---It is called once right before the game starts. +--- +---Make sure you put `lovr.conf` in a file called `conf.lua`, a special file that's loaded before the rest of the framework initializes. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Disabling unused modules can improve startup time. +--- +---`t.window` can be set to nil to avoid creating the window. +--- +---The window can later be opened manually using `lovr.system.openWindow`. +--- +---Enabling the `t.graphics.debug` flag will add additional error checks and will send messages from the GPU driver to the `lovr.log` callback. +--- +---This will decrease performance but can help provide information on performance problems or other bugs. +--- +---The `headset.offset` field is a vertical offset applied to the scene for headsets that do not center their tracking origin on the floor. +--- +---This can be thought of as a "default user height". Setting this offset makes it easier to design experiences that work in both seated and standing VR configurations. +--- +---@type fun(t: table) +lovr.conf = nil + +--- +---This callback is called every frame, and receives a `Pass` object as an argument which can be used to render graphics to the display. +--- +---If a VR headset is connected, this function renders to the headset display, otherwise it will render to the desktop window. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---To render to the desktop window when a VR headset is connected, use the `lovr.mirror` callback. +--- +---The display is cleared to the global background color before this callback is called, which can be changed using `lovr.graphics.setBackgroundColor`. +--- +---Since the `lovr.graphics.submit` function always returns true, the following idiom can be used to submit graphics work manually and override the default submission: +--- +--- function lovr.draw(pass) +--- local passes = {} +--- +--- -- ... record multiple passes and add to passes table +--- +--- return lovr.graphics.submit(passes) +--- end +--- +---@type fun(pass: lovr.Pass):boolean +lovr.draw = nil + +--- +---The `lovr.errhand` callback is run whenever an error occurs. +--- +---It receives a parameter containing the error message. +--- +---It should return a handler function that will run in a loop to render the error screen. +--- +---This handler function is of the same type as the one returned by `lovr.run` and has the same requirements (such as pumping events). +--- +---If an error occurs while this handler is running, the program will terminate immediately -- `lovr.errhand` will not be given a second chance. +--- +---Errors which occur in the error handler or in the handler it returns may not be cleanly reported, so be careful. +--- +---A default error handler is supplied that renders the error message as text to the headset and to the window. +--- +---@type fun(message: string):function +lovr.errhand = nil + +--- +---The `lovr.focus` callback is called whenever the application acquires or loses focus (for example, when opening or closing the Steam dashboard). +--- +---The callback receives a single argument, focused, which is a boolean indicating whether or not the application is now focused. +--- +---It may make sense to pause the game or reduce visual fidelity when the application loses focus. +--- +---@type fun(focused: boolean) +lovr.focus = nil + +--- +---This callback is called when a key is pressed. +--- +---@type fun(key: lovr.KeyCode, scancode: number, repeating: boolean) +lovr.keypressed = nil + +--- +---This callback is called when a key is released. +--- +---@type fun(key: lovr.KeyCode, scancode: number) +lovr.keyreleased = nil + +--- +---This callback is called once when the app starts. +--- +---It should be used to perform initial setup work, like loading resources and initializing classes and variables. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the project was loaded from a restart using `lovr.event.restart`, the return value from the previously-run `lovr.restart` callback will be made available to this callback as the `restart` key in the `arg` table. +--- +---The `arg` table follows the [Lua standard](https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Lua_Programming/command_line_parameter). +--- +---The arguments passed in from the shell are put into a global table named `arg` and passed to `lovr.load`, but with indices offset such that the "script" (the project path) is at index 0. +--- +---So all arguments (if any) intended for the project are at successive indices starting with 1, and the executable and its "internal" arguments are in normal order but stored in negative indices. +--- +---@type fun(arg: table) +lovr.load = nil + +--- +---This callback is called when a message is logged. +--- +---The default implementation of this callback prints the message to the console using `print`, but it's possible to override this callback to render messages in VR, write them to a file, filter messages, and more. +--- +---The message can have a "tag" that is a short string representing the sender, and a "level" indicating how severe the message is. +--- +---The `t.graphics.debug` flag in `lovr.conf` can be used to get log messages from the GPU driver (tagged as `GPU`). +--- +---It is also possible to emit customlog messages using `lovr.event.push`, or by calling the callback. +--- +---@type fun(message: string, level: string, tag: string) +lovr.log = nil + +--- +---This callback is called every frame after rendering to the headset and is usually used to render a mirror of the headset display onto the desktop window. +--- +---It can be overridden for custom mirroring behavior. +--- +---For example, a stereo view could be drawn instead of a single eye or a 2D HUD could be rendered. +--- +---@type fun(pass: lovr.Pass):boolean +lovr.mirror = nil + +--- +---This callback contains a permission response previously requested with `lovr.system.requestPermission`. +--- +---The callback contains information on whether permission was granted or denied. +--- +---@type fun(permission: lovr.Permission, granted: boolean) +lovr.permission = nil + +--- +---This callback is called right before the application is about to quit. +--- +---Use it to perform any necessary cleanup work. +--- +---A truthy value can be returned from this callback to abort quitting. +--- +---@type fun():boolean +lovr.quit = nil + +--- +---This callback is called when the desktop window is resized. +--- +---@type fun(width: number, height: number) +lovr.resize = nil + +--- +---This callback is called when a restart from `lovr.event.restart` is happening. +--- +---A value can be returned to send it to the next LÖVR instance, available as the `restart` key in the argument table passed to `lovr.load`. +--- +---Object instances can not be used as the restart value, since they are destroyed as part of the cleanup process. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Only nil, booleans, numbers, and strings are supported types for the return value. +--- +---@type fun():any +lovr.restart = nil + +--- +---This callback is the main entry point for a LÖVR program. +--- +---It calls `lovr.load` and returns a function that will be called every frame. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The main loop function can return one of the following values: +--- +---- Returning `nil` will keep the main loop running. +---- Returning the string 'restart' plus an optional value will restart LÖVR. +--- +---The value can be +--- accessed in the `restart` key of the `arg` global. +---- Returning a number will exit LÖVR using the number as the exit code (0 means success). +--- +---Care should be taken when overriding this callback. +--- +---For example, if the main loop does not call `lovr.event.pump` then the OS will think LÖVR is unresponsive, and if the quit event is not handled then closing the window won't work. +--- +---@type fun():function +lovr.run = nil + +--- +---This callback is called when text has been entered. +--- +---For example, when `shift + 1` is pressed on an American keyboard, `lovr.textinput` will be called with `!`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Some characters in UTF-8 unicode take multiple bytes to encode. +--- +---Due to the way Lua works, the length of these strings will be bigger than 1 even though they are just a single character. `Pass:text` is compatible with UTF-8 but doing other string processing on these strings may require a library. +--- +---Lua 5.3+ has support for working with UTF-8 strings. +--- +---@type fun(text: string, code: number) +lovr.textinput = nil + +--- +---The `lovr.threaderror` callback is called whenever an error occurs in a Thread. +--- +---It receives the Thread object where the error occurred and an error message. +--- +---The default implementation of this callback will call `lovr.errhand` with the error. +--- +---@type fun(thread: lovr.Thread, message: string) +lovr.threaderror = nil + +--- +---The `lovr.update` callback should be used to update your game's logic. +--- +---It receives a single parameter, `dt`, which represents the amount of elapsed time between frames. +--- +---You can use this value to scale timers, physics, and animations in your game so they play at a smooth, consistent speed. +--- +---@type fun(dt: number) +lovr.update = nil diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7bff8ec92 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr.lua @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---`lovr` is the single global table that is exposed to every LÖVR app. It contains a set of **modules** and a set of **callbacks**. +--- +---@class lovr +lovr = {} + +--- +---Get the current major, minor, and patch version of LÖVR. +--- +---@return number major # The major version. +---@return number minor # The minor version. +---@return number patch # The patch number. +function lovr.getVersion() end + +--- +---The superclass of all LÖVR objects. +--- +---In addition to the methods here, all objects have a `__tostring` metamethod that returns the name of the object's type. +--- +---So `tostring(object) == 'Blob'` will check if a LÖVR object is a Blob. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Note that the functions here don't apply to any vector objects, see `Vectors`. +--- +---@class lovr.Object +local Object = {} + +--- +---Immediately destroys Lua's reference to the object it's called on. +--- +---After calling this function on an object, it is an error to do anything with the object from Lua (call methods on it, pass it to other functions, etc.). +--- +---If nothing else is using the object, it will be destroyed immediately, which can be used to destroy something earlier than it would normally be garbage collected in order to reduce memory. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The object may not be destroyed immediately if something else is referring to it (e.g. it is pushed to a Channel or exists in the payload of a pending event). +--- +function Object:release() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/audio.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/audio.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ebe357140 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/audio.lua @@ -0,0 +1,864 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---The `lovr.audio` module is responsible for playing sound effects and music. +--- +---To play a sound, create a `Source` object and call `Source:play` on it. +--- +---Currently ogg, wav, and mp3 audio formats are supported. +--- +---@class lovr.audio +lovr.audio = {} + +--- +---Returns the global air absorption coefficients for the medium. +--- +---This affects Sources that have the `absorption` effect enabled, causing audio volume to drop off with distance as it is absorbed by the medium it's traveling through (air, water, etc.). +--- +---The difference between absorption and the attenuation effect is that absorption is more subtle and is frequency-dependent, so higher-frequency bands can get absorbed more quickly than lower ones. This can be used to apply "underwater" effects and stuff. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Absorption is currently only supported by the phonon spatializer. +--- +---The frequency bands correspond to `400Hz`, `2.5KHz`, and `15KHz`. +--- +---The default coefficients are `.0002`, `.0017`, and `.0182` for low, mid, and high. +--- +---@return number low # The absorption coefficient for the low frequency band. +---@return number mid # The absorption coefficient for the mid frequency band. +---@return number high # The absorption coefficient for the high frequency band. +function lovr.audio.getAbsorption() end + +--- +---Returns a list of playback or capture devices. +--- +---Each device has an `id`, `name`, and a `default` flag indicating whether it's the default device. +--- +---To use a specific device id for playback or capture, pass it to `lovr.audio.setDevice`. +--- +---@param type? lovr.AudioType # The type of devices to query (playback or capture). +---@return {["[].id"]: userdata, ["[].name"]: string, ["[].default"]: boolean} devices # The list of devices. +function lovr.audio.getDevices(type) end + +--- +---Returns the orientation of the virtual audio listener in angle/axis representation. +--- +---@return number angle # The number of radians the listener is rotated around its axis of rotation. +---@return number ax # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number ay # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number az # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function lovr.audio.getOrientation() end + +--- +---Returns the position and orientation of the virtual audio listener. +--- +---@return number x # The x position of the listener, in meters. +---@return number y # The y position of the listener, in meters. +---@return number z # The z position of the listener, in meters. +---@return number angle # The number of radians the listener is rotated around its axis of rotation. +---@return number ax # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number ay # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number az # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function lovr.audio.getPose() end + +--- +---Returns the position of the virtual audio listener, in meters. +--- +---@return number x # The x position of the listener. +---@return number y # The y position of the listener. +---@return number z # The z position of the listener. +function lovr.audio.getPosition() end + +--- +---Returns the sample rate used by the playback device. +--- +---This can be changed using `lovr.conf`. +--- +---@return number rate # The sample rate of the playback device, in Hz. +function lovr.audio.getSampleRate() end + +--- +---Returns the name of the active spatializer (`simple`, `oculus`, or `phonon`). +--- +---The `t.audio.spatializer` setting in `lovr.conf` can be used to express a preference for a particular spatializer. +--- +---If it's `nil`, all spatializers will be tried in the following order: `phonon`, `oculus`, `simple`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Using a feature or effect that is not supported by the current spatializer will not error, it just won't do anything. +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +---
Effect: Spatializationxxx
Effect: Attenuationxxx
Effect: Absorptionx
Effect: Occlusionx
Effect: Transmissionx
Effect: Reverbx
+--- +---@return string spatializer # The name of the active spatializer. +function lovr.audio.getSpatializer() end + +--- +---Returns the master volume. +--- +---All audio sent to the playback device has its volume multiplied by this factor. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The default volume is 1.0 (0 dB). +--- +---@param units? lovr.VolumeUnit # The units to return (linear or db). +---@return number volume # The master volume. +function lovr.audio.getVolume(units) end + +--- +---Returns whether an audio device is started. +--- +---@param type? lovr.AudioType # The type of device to check. +---@return boolean started # Whether the device is active. +function lovr.audio.isStarted(type) end + +--- +---Creates a new Source from an ogg, wav, or mp3 file. +--- +---@overload fun(blob: lovr.Blob, options?: table):lovr.Source +---@overload fun(sound: lovr.Sound, options?: table):lovr.Source +---@param filename string # The filename of the sound to load. +---@param options? {decode: boolean, pitchable: boolean, spatial: boolean, effects: table} # Optional options. +---@return lovr.Source source # The new Source. +function lovr.audio.newSource(filename, options) end + +--- +---Sets the global air absorption coefficients for the medium. +--- +---This affects Sources that have the `absorption` effect enabled, causing audio volume to drop off with distance as it is absorbed by the medium it's traveling through (air, water, etc.). +--- +---The difference between absorption and the attenuation effect is that absorption is more subtle and is frequency-dependent, so higher-frequency bands can get absorbed more quickly than lower ones. +--- +---This can be used to apply "underwater" effects and stuff. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Absorption is currently only supported by the phonon spatializer. +--- +---The frequency bands correspond to `400Hz`, `2.5KHz`, and `15KHz`. +--- +---The default coefficients are `.0002`, `.0017`, and `.0182` for low, mid, and high. +--- +---@param low number # The absorption coefficient for the low frequency band. +---@param mid number # The absorption coefficient for the mid frequency band. +---@param high number # The absorption coefficient for the high frequency band. +function lovr.audio.setAbsorption(low, mid, high) end + +--- +---Switches either the playback or capture device to a new one. +--- +---If a device for the given type is already active, it will be stopped and destroyed. +--- +---The new device will not be started automatically, use `lovr.audio.start` to start it. +--- +---A device id (previously retrieved using `lovr.audio.getDevices`) can be given to use a specific audio device, or `nil` can be used for the id to use the default audio device. +--- +---A sink can be also be provided when changing the device. +--- +---A sink is an audio stream (`Sound` object with a `stream` type) that will receive all audio samples played (for playback) or all audio samples captured (for capture). +--- +---When an audio device with a sink is started, be sure to periodically call `Sound:read` on the sink to read audio samples from it, otherwise it will overflow and discard old data. +--- +---The sink can have any format, data will be converted as needed. Using a sink for the playback device will reduce performance, but this isn't the case for capture devices. +--- +---Audio devices can be started in `shared` or `exclusive` mode. +--- +---Exclusive devices may have lower latency than shared devices, but there's a higher chance that requesting exclusive access to an audio device will fail (either because it isn't supported or allowed). +--- +---One strategy is to first try the device in exclusive mode, switching to shared if it doesn't work. +--- +---@param type? lovr.AudioType # The device to switch. +---@param id? userdata # The id of the device to use, or `nil` to use the default device. +---@param sink? lovr.Sound # An optional audio stream to use as a sink for the device. +---@param mode? lovr.AudioShareMode # The sharing mode for the device. +---@return boolean success # Whether creating the audio device succeeded. +function lovr.audio.setDevice(type, id, sink, mode) end + +--- +---Sets a mesh of triangles to use for modeling audio effects, using a table of vertices or a Model. +--- +---When the appropriate effects are enabled, audio from `Source` objects will correctly be occluded by walls and bounce around to create realistic reverb. +--- +---An optional `AudioMaterial` may be provided to specify the acoustic properties of the geometry. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This is currently only supported/used by the `phonon` spatializer. +--- +---The `Effect`s that use geometry are: +--- +---- `occlusion` +---- `reverb` +---- `transmission` +--- +---If an existing geometry has been set, this function will replace it. +--- +---The triangles must use counterclockwise winding. +--- +---@overload fun(model: lovr.Model, material?: lovr.AudioMaterial):boolean +---@param vertices table # A flat table of vertices. Each vertex is 3 numbers representing its x, y, and z position. The units used for audio coordinates are up to you, but meters are recommended. +---@param indices table # A list of indices, indicating how the vertices are connected into triangles. Indices are 1-indexed and are 32 bits (they can be bigger than 65535). +---@param material? lovr.AudioMaterial # The acoustic material to use. +---@return boolean success # Whether audio geometry is supported by the current spatializer and the geometry was loaded successfully. +function lovr.audio.setGeometry(vertices, indices, material) end + +--- +---Sets the orientation of the virtual audio listener in angle/axis representation. +--- +---@overload fun(orientation: lovr.Quat) +---@param angle number # The number of radians the listener should be rotated around its rotation axis. +---@param ax number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function lovr.audio.setOrientation(angle, ax, ay, az) end + +--- +---Sets the position and orientation of the virtual audio listener. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The position of the listener doesn't use any specific units, but usually they can be thought of as meters to match the headset module. +--- +---@overload fun(position: lovr.Vec3, orientation: lovr.Quat) +---@param x number # The x position of the listener. +---@param y number # The y position of the listener. +---@param z number # The z position of the listener. +---@param angle number # The number of radians the listener is rotated around its axis of rotation. +---@param ax number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function lovr.audio.setPose(x, y, z, angle, ax, ay, az) end + +--- +---Sets the position of the virtual audio listener. +--- +---The position doesn't have any specific units, but usually they can be thought of as meters, to match the headset module. +--- +---@overload fun(position: lovr.Vec3) +---@param x number # The x position of the listener. +---@param y number # The y position of the listener. +---@param z number # The z position of the listener. +function lovr.audio.setPosition(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Sets the master volume. +--- +---All audio sent to the playback device has its volume multiplied by this factor. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The volume will be clamped to a 0-1 range (0 dB). +--- +---@param volume number # The master volume. +---@param units? lovr.VolumeUnit # The units of the value. +function lovr.audio.setVolume(volume, units) end + +--- +---Starts the active playback or capture device. +--- +---By default the playback device is initialized and started, but this can be controlled using the `t.audio.start` flag in `lovr.conf`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Starting an audio device may fail if: +--- +---- The device is already started +---- No device was initialized with `lovr.audio.setDevice` +---- Lack of `audiocapture` permission on Android (see `lovr.system.requestPermission`) +---- Some other problem accessing the audio device +--- +---@param type? lovr.AudioType # The type of device to start. +---@return boolean started # Whether the device was successfully started. +function lovr.audio.start(type) end + +--- +---Stops the active playback or capture device. +--- +---This may fail if: +--- +---- The device is not started +---- No device was initialized with `lovr.audio.setDevice` +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Switching devices with `lovr.audio.setDevice` will stop the existing one. +--- +---@param type? lovr.AudioType # The type of device to stop. +---@return boolean stopped # Whether the device was successfully stopped. +function lovr.audio.stop(type) end + +--- +---A Source is an object representing a single sound. +--- +---Currently ogg, wav, and mp3 formats are supported. +--- +---When a Source is playing, it will send audio to the speakers. +--- +---Sources do not play automatically when they are created. +--- +---Instead, the `play`, `pause`, and `stop` functions can be used to control when they should play. +--- +---`Source:seek` and `Source:tell` can be used to control the playback position of the Source. +--- +---A Source can be set to loop when it reaches the end using `Source:setLooping`. +--- +---@class lovr.Source +local Source = {} + +--- +---Creates a copy of the Source, referencing the same `Sound` object and inheriting all of the settings of this Source. +--- +---However, it will be created in the stopped state and will be rewound to the beginning. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This is a good way to create multiple Sources that play the same sound, since the audio data won't be loaded multiple times and can just be reused. +--- +---You can also create multiple `Source` objects and pass in the same `Sound` object for each one, which will have the same effect. +--- +---@return lovr.Source source # A genetically identical copy of the Source. +function Source:clone() end + +--- +---Returns the directivity settings for the Source. +--- +---The directivity is controlled by two parameters: the weight and the power. +--- +---The weight is a number between 0 and 1 controlling the general "shape" of the sound emitted. 0.0 results in a completely omnidirectional sound that can be heard from all directions. +--- +---1.0 results in a full dipole shape that can be heard only from the front and back. +--- +---0.5 results in a cardioid shape that can only be heard from one direction. +--- +---Numbers in between will smoothly transition between these. +--- +---The power is a number that controls how "focused" or sharp the shape is. +--- +---Lower power values can be heard from a wider set of angles. +--- +---It is an exponent, so it can get arbitrarily large. +--- +---Note that a power of zero will still result in an omnidirectional source, regardless of the weight. +--- +---@return number weight # The dipole weight. 0.0 is omnidirectional, 1.0 is a dipole, 0.5 is cardioid. +---@return number power # The dipole power, controlling how focused the directivity shape is. +function Source:getDirectivity() end + +--- +---Returns the duration of the Source. +--- +---@param unit? lovr.TimeUnit # The unit to return. +---@return number duration # The duration of the Source. +function Source:getDuration(unit) end + +--- +---Returns the orientation of the Source, in angle/axis representation. +--- +---@return number angle # The number of radians the Source is rotated around its axis of rotation. +---@return number ax # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number ay # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number az # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function Source:getOrientation() end + +--- +---Returns the pitch of the Source. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The default pitch is 1. +--- +---Every doubling/halving of the pitch will raise/lower the pitch by one octave. +--- +---Changing the pitch also changes the playback speed. +--- +---@return number pitch # The pitch. +function Source:getPitch() end + +--- +---Returns the position and orientation of the Source. +--- +---@return number x # The x position of the Source, in meters. +---@return number y # The y position of the Source, in meters. +---@return number z # The z position of the Source, in meters. +---@return number angle # The number of radians the Source is rotated around its axis of rotation. +---@return number ax # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number ay # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number az # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function Source:getPose() end + +--- +---Returns the position of the Source, in meters. +--- +---Setting the position will cause the Source to be distorted and attenuated based on its position relative to the listener. +--- +---@return number x # The x coordinate. +---@return number y # The y coordinate. +---@return number z # The z coordinate. +function Source:getPosition() end + +--- +---Returns the radius of the Source, in meters. +--- +---This does not control falloff or attenuation. +--- +---It is only used for smoothing out occlusion. +--- +---If a Source doesn't have a radius, then when it becomes occluded by a wall its volume will instantly drop. +--- +---Giving the Source a radius that approximates its emitter's size will result in a smooth transition between audible and occluded, improving realism. +--- +---@return number radius # The radius of the Source, in meters. +function Source:getRadius() end + +--- +---Returns the `Sound` object backing the Source. +--- +---Multiple Sources can share one Sound, allowing its data to only be loaded once. +--- +---An easy way to do this sharing is by using `Source:clone`. +--- +---@return lovr.Sound sound # The Sound object. +function Source:getSound() end + +--- +---Returns the current volume factor for the Source. +--- +---@param units? lovr.VolumeUnit # The units to return (linear or db). +---@return number volume # The volume of the Source. +function Source:getVolume(units) end + +--- +---Returns whether a given `Effect` is enabled for the Source. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The active spatializer will determine which effects are supported. +--- +---If an unsupported effect is enabled on a Source, no error will be reported. +--- +---Instead, it will be silently ignored. +--- +---See `lovr.audio.getSpatializer` for a table showing the effects supported by each spatializer. +--- +---Calling this function on a non-spatial Source will always return false. +--- +---@param effect lovr.Effect # The effect. +---@return boolean enabled # Whether the effect is enabled. +function Source:isEffectEnabled(effect) end + +--- +---Returns whether or not the Source will loop when it finishes. +--- +---@return boolean looping # Whether or not the Source is looping. +function Source:isLooping() end + +--- +---Returns whether or not the Source is playing. +--- +---@return boolean playing # Whether the Source is playing. +function Source:isPlaying() end + +--- +---Returns whether the Source was created with the `spatial` flag. +--- +---Non-spatial sources are routed directly to the speakers and can not use effects. +--- +---@return boolean spatial # Whether the source is spatial. +function Source:isSpatial() end + +--- +---Pauses the source. +--- +---It can be resumed with `Source:resume` or `Source:play`. If a paused source is rewound, it will remain paused. +--- +function Source:pause() end + +--- +---Plays the Source. +--- +---This doesn't do anything if the Source is already playing. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---There is a maximum of 64 Sources that can be playing at once. +--- +---If 64 Sources are already playing, this function will return `false`. +--- +---@return boolean success # Whether the Source successfully started playing. +function Source:play() end + +--- +---Seeks the Source to the specified position. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Seeking a Source backed by a stream `Sound` has no meaningful effect. +--- +---@param position number # The position to seek to. +---@param unit? lovr.TimeUnit # The units for the seek position. +function Source:seek(position, unit) end + +--- +---Sets the directivity settings for the Source. +--- +---The directivity is controlled by two parameters: the weight and the power. +--- +---The weight is a number between 0 and 1 controlling the general "shape" of the sound emitted. 0.0 results in a completely omnidirectional sound that can be heard from all directions. +--- +---1.0 results in a full dipole shape that can be heard only from the front and back. +--- +---0.5 results in a cardioid shape that can only be heard from one direction. +--- +---Numbers in between will smoothly transition between these. +--- +---The power is a number that controls how "focused" or sharp the shape is. +--- +---Lower power values can be heard from a wider set of angles. +--- +---It is an exponent, so it can get arbitrarily large. +--- +---Note that a power of zero will still result in an omnidirectional source, regardless of the weight. +--- +---@param weight number # The dipole weight. 0.0 is omnidirectional, 1.0 is a dipole, 0.5 is cardioid. +---@param power number # The dipole power, controlling how focused the directivity shape is. +function Source:setDirectivity(weight, power) end + +--- +---Enables or disables an effect on the Source. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The active spatializer will determine which effects are supported. +--- +---If an unsupported effect is enabled on a Source, no error will be reported. +--- +---Instead, it will be silently ignored. +--- +---See `lovr.audio.getSpatializer` for a table showing the effects supported by each spatializer. +--- +---Calling this function on a non-spatial Source will throw an error. +--- +---@param effect lovr.Effect # The effect. +---@param enable boolean # Whether the effect should be enabled. +function Source:setEffectEnabled(effect, enable) end + +--- +---Sets whether or not the Source loops. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Attempting to loop a Source backed by a stream `Sound` will cause an error. +--- +---@param loop boolean # Whether or not the Source will loop. +function Source:setLooping(loop) end + +--- +---Sets the orientation of the Source in angle/axis representation. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Source, orientation: lovr.Quat) +---@param angle number # The number of radians the Source should be rotated around its rotation axis. +---@param ax number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function Source:setOrientation(angle, ax, ay, az) end + +--- +---Sets the pitch of the Source. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The default pitch is 1. +--- +---Every doubling/halving of the pitch will raise/lower the pitch by one octave. +--- +---Changing the pitch also changes the playback speed. +--- +---@param pitch number # The new pitch. +function Source:setPitch(pitch) end + +--- +---Sets the position and orientation of the Source. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The position doesn't have any defined units, but meters are used by convention. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Source, position: lovr.Vec3, orientation: lovr.Quat) +---@param x number # The x position of the Source. +---@param y number # The y position of the Source. +---@param z number # The z position of the Source. +---@param angle number # The number of radians the Source is rotated around its axis of rotation. +---@param ax number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function Source:setPose(x, y, z, angle, ax, ay, az) end + +--- +---Sets the position of the Source. +--- +---Setting the position will cause the Source to be distorted and attenuated based on its position relative to the listener. +--- +---Only mono sources can be positioned. +--- +---Setting the position of a stereo Source will cause an error. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The position doesn't have any defined units, but meters are used by convention. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Source, position: lovr.Vec3) +---@param x number # The x coordinate of the position. +---@param y number # The y coordinate of the position. +---@param z number # The z coordinate of the position. +function Source:setPosition(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Sets the radius of the Source, in meters. +--- +---This does not control falloff or attenuation. +--- +---It is only used for smoothing out occlusion. +--- +---If a Source doesn't have a radius, then when it becomes occluded by a wall its volume will instantly drop. +--- +---Giving the Source a radius that approximates its emitter's size will result in a smooth transition between audible and occluded, improving realism. +--- +---@param radius number # The new radius of the Source, in meters. +function Source:setRadius(radius) end + +--- +---Sets the current volume factor for the Source. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The volume will be clamped to a 0-1 range (0 dB). +--- +---@param volume number # The new volume. +---@param units? lovr.VolumeUnit # The units of the value. +function Source:setVolume(volume, units) end + +--- +---Stops the source, also rewinding it to the beginning. +--- +function Source:stop() end + +--- +---Returns the current playback position of the Source. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The return value for Sources backed by a stream `Sound` has no meaning. +--- +---@param unit? lovr.TimeUnit # The unit to return. +---@return number position # The current playback position. +function Source:tell(unit) end + +--- +---Different types of audio material presets, for use with `lovr.audio.setGeometry`. +--- +---@alias lovr.AudioMaterial +--- +---Generic default audio material. +--- +---| "generic" +--- +---Brick. +--- +---| "brick" +--- +---Carpet. +--- +---| "carpet" +--- +---Ceramic. +--- +---| "ceramic" +--- +---Concrete. +--- +---| "concrete" +--- +---Glass. +--- +---| "glass" +--- +---Gravel. +--- +---| "gravel" +--- +---Metal. +--- +---| "metal" +--- +---Plaster. +--- +---| "plaster" +--- +---Rock. +--- +---| "rock" +--- +---Wood. +--- +---| "wood" + +--- +---Audio devices can be created in shared mode or exclusive mode. +--- +---In exclusive mode, the audio device is the only one active on the system, which gives better performance and lower latency. However, exclusive devices aren't always supported and might not be allowed, so there is a higher chance that creating one will fail. +--- +---@alias lovr.AudioShareMode +--- +---Shared mode. +--- +---| "shared" +--- +---Exclusive mode. +--- +---| "exclusive" + +--- +---When referencing audio devices, this indicates whether it's the playback or capture device. +--- +---@alias lovr.AudioType +--- +---The playback device (speakers, headphones). +--- +---| "playback" +--- +---The capture device (microphone). +--- +---| "capture" + +--- +---Different types of effects that can be applied with `Source:setEffectEnabled`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The active spatializer will determine which effects are supported. +--- +---If an unsupported effect is enabled on a Source, no error will be reported. +--- +---Instead, it will be silently ignored. +--- +---See `lovr.audio.getSpatializer` for a table of the supported effects for each spatializer. +--- +---@alias lovr.Effect +--- +---Models absorption as sound travels through the air, water, etc. +--- +---| "absorption" +--- +---Decreases audio volume with distance (1 / max(distance, 1)). +--- +---| "attenuation" +--- +---Causes audio to drop off when the Source is occluded by geometry. +--- +---| "occlusion" +--- +---Models reverb caused by audio bouncing off of geometry. +--- +---| "reverb" +--- +---Spatializes the Source using either simple panning or an HRTF. +--- +---| "spatialization" +--- +---Causes audio to be heard through walls when occluded, based on audio materials. +--- +---| "transmission" + +--- +---When figuring out how long a Source is or seeking to a specific position in the sound file, units can be expressed in terms of seconds or in terms of frames. +--- +---A frame is one set of samples for each channel (one sample for mono, two samples for stereo). +--- +---@alias lovr.TimeUnit +--- +---Seconds. +--- +---| "seconds" +--- +---Frames. +--- +---| "frames" + +--- +---When accessing the volume of Sources or the audio listener, this can be done in linear units with a 0 to 1 range, or in decibels with a range of -∞ to 0. +--- +---@alias lovr.VolumeUnit +--- +---Linear volume range. +--- +---| "linear" +--- +---Decibels. +--- +---| "db" diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/data.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/data.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dd47aa14d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/data.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1558 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---The `lovr.data` module provides functions for accessing underlying data representations for several LÖVR objects. +--- +---@class lovr.data +lovr.data = {} + +--- +---Creates a new Blob. +--- +---@overload fun(contents: string, name?: string):lovr.Blob +---@overload fun(source: lovr.Blob, name?: string):lovr.Blob +---@param size number # The amount of data to allocate for the Blob, in bytes. All of the bytes will be filled with zeroes. +---@param name? string # A name for the Blob (used in error messages) +---@return lovr.Blob blob # The new Blob. +function lovr.data.newBlob(size, name) end + +--- +---Creates a new Image. +--- +---Image data can be loaded and decoded from an image file, or a raw block of pixels with a specified width, height, and format can be created. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The supported image file formats are png, jpg, hdr, dds (DXT1, DXT3, DXT5), ktx, and astc. +--- +---Only 2D textures are supported for DXT/ASTC. +--- +---Currently textures loaded as KTX need to be in DXT/ASTC formats. +--- +---@overload fun(width: number, height: number, format?: lovr.TextureFormat, data?: lovr.Blob):lovr.Image +---@overload fun(source: lovr.Image):lovr.Image +---@overload fun(blob: lovr.Blob, flip?: boolean):lovr.Image +---@param filename string # The filename of the image to load. +---@param flip? boolean # Whether to vertically flip the image on load. This should be true for normal textures, and false for textures that are going to be used in a cubemap. +---@return lovr.Image image # The new Image. +function lovr.data.newImage(filename, flip) end + +--- +---Loads a 3D model from a file. +--- +---The supported 3D file formats are OBJ and glTF. +--- +---@overload fun(blob: lovr.Blob):lovr.ModelData +---@param filename string # The filename of the model to load. +---@return lovr.ModelData modelData # The new ModelData. +function lovr.data.newModelData(filename) end + +--- +---Creates a new Rasterizer from a TTF file. +--- +---@overload fun(filename: string, size?: number):lovr.Rasterizer +---@overload fun(blob: lovr.Blob, size?: number):lovr.Rasterizer +---@param size? number # The resolution to render the fonts at, in pixels. Higher resolutions use more memory and processing power but may provide better quality results for some fonts/situations. +---@return lovr.Rasterizer rasterizer # The new Rasterizer. +function lovr.data.newRasterizer(size) end + +--- +---Creates a new Sound. +--- +---A sound can be loaded from an audio file, or it can be created empty with capacity for a certain number of audio frames. +--- +---When loading audio from a file, use the `decode` option to control whether compressed audio should remain compressed or immediately get decoded to raw samples. +--- +---When creating an empty sound, the `contents` parameter can be set to `'stream'` to create an audio stream. +--- +---On streams, `Sound:setFrames` will always write to the end of the stream, and `Sound:getFrames` will always read the oldest samples from the beginning. +--- +---The number of frames in the sound is the total capacity of the stream's buffer. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---It is highly recommended to use an audio format that matches the format of the audio module: `f32` sample formats at a sample rate of 48000, with 1 channel for spatialized sources or 2 channels for unspatialized sources. +--- +---This will avoid the need to convert audio during playback, which boosts performance of the audio thread. +--- +---The WAV importer supports 16, 24, and 32 bit integer data and 32 bit floating point data. +--- +---The data must be mono, stereo, or 4-channel full-sphere ambisonic. +--- +---The `WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE` extension is supported. +--- +---Ambisonic channel layouts are supported for import (but not yet for playback). +--- +---Ambisonic data can be loaded from WAV files. +--- +---It must be first-order full-sphere ambisonic data with 4 channels. +--- +---If the WAV has a `WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE` chunk with an `AMBISONIC_B_FORMAT` format GUID, then the data is understood as using the AMB format with Furse-Malham channel ordering and normalization. +--- +---*All other* 4-channel files are assumed to be using the AmbiX format with ACN channel ordering and SN3D normalization. +--- +---AMB files will get automatically converted to AmbiX on import, so ambisonic Sounds will always be in a consistent format. +--- +---OGG and MP3 files will always have the `f32` format when loaded. +--- +---@overload fun(filename: string, decode: boolean):lovr.Sound +---@overload fun(blob: lovr.Blob, decode: boolean):lovr.Sound +---@param frames number # The number of frames the Sound can hold. +---@param format? lovr.SampleFormat # The sample data type. +---@param channels? lovr.ChannelLayout # The channel layout. +---@param sampleRate? number # The sample rate, in Hz. +---@param contents? any # A Blob containing raw audio samples to use as the initial contents, 'stream' to create an audio stream, or `nil` to leave the data initialized to zero. +---@return lovr.Sound sound # Sounds good. +function lovr.data.newSound(frames, format, channels, sampleRate, contents) end + +--- +---A Blob is an object that holds binary data. +--- +---It can be passed to most functions that take filename arguments, like `lovr.graphics.newModel` or `lovr.audio.newSource`. +--- +---Blobs aren't usually necessary for simple projects, but they can be really helpful if: +--- +---- You need to work with low level binary data, potentially using the LuaJIT FFI for increased +--- performance. +---- You are working with data that isn't stored as a file, such as programmatically generated data +--- or a string from a network request. +---- You want to load data from a file once and then use it to create many different objects. +--- +---A Blob's size cannot be changed once it is created. +--- +---@class lovr.Blob +local Blob = {} + +--- +---Returns the filename the Blob was loaded from, or the custom name given to it when it was created. +--- +---This label is also used in error messages. +--- +---@return string name # The name of the Blob. +function Blob:getName() end + +--- +---Returns a raw pointer to the Blob's data. +--- +---This can be used to interface with other C libraries using the LuaJIT FFI. +--- +---Use this only if you know what you're doing! +--- +---@return userdata pointer # A pointer to the data. +function Blob:getPointer() end + +--- +---Returns the size of the Blob's contents, in bytes. +--- +---@return number bytes # The size of the Blob, in bytes. +function Blob:getSize() end + +--- +---Returns a binary string containing the Blob's data. +--- +---@return string data # The Blob's data. +function Blob:getString() end + +--- +---An Image stores raw 2D pixel info for `Texture`s. +--- +---It has a width, height, and format. +--- +---The Image can be initialized with the contents of an image file or it can be created with uninitialized contents. +--- +---The supported image formats are `png`, `jpg`, `hdr`, `dds`, `ktx`, and `astc`. +--- +---Usually you can just use Textures, but Image can be useful if you want to manipulate individual pixels, load Textures in a background thread, or use the FFI to efficiently access the raw image data. +--- +---@class lovr.Image +local Image = {} + +--- +---Encodes the Image to an uncompressed png. +--- +---This intended mainly for debugging. +--- +---@return lovr.Blob blob # A new Blob containing the PNG image data. +function Image:encode() end + +--- +---Returns a Blob containing the raw bytes of the Image. +--- +---@return lovr.Blob blob # The Blob instance containing the bytes for the `Image`. +function Image:getBlob() end + +--- +---Returns the dimensions of the Image, in pixels. +--- +---@return number width # The width of the Image, in pixels. +---@return number height # The height of the Image, in pixels. +function Image:getDimensions() end + +--- +---Returns the format of the Image. +--- +---@return lovr.TextureFormat format # The format of the pixels in the Image. +function Image:getFormat() end + +--- +---Returns the height of the Image, in pixels. +--- +---@return number height # The height of the Image, in pixels. +function Image:getHeight() end + +--- +---Returns the value of a pixel of the Image. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The following texture formats are supported: `r8`, `rg8`, `rgba8`, `r16`, `rg16`, `rgba16`, `r32f`, `rg32f`, `rgba32f`. +--- +---@param x number # The x coordinate of the pixel to get (0-indexed). +---@param y number # The y coordinate of the pixel to get (0-indexed). +---@return number r # The red component of the pixel, from 0.0 to 1.0. +---@return number g # The green component of the pixel, from 0.0 to 1.0. +---@return number b # The blue component of the pixel, from 0.0 to 1.0. +---@return number a # The alpha component of the pixel, from 0.0 to 1.0. +function Image:getPixel(x, y) end + +--- +---Returns the width of the Image, in pixels. +--- +---@return number width # The width of the Image, in pixels. +function Image:getWidth() end + +--- +---Copies a rectangle of pixels from one Image to this one. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The two Images must have the same pixel format. +--- +---Compressed images cannot be copied. +--- +---The rectangle cannot go outside the dimensions of the source or destination textures. +--- +---@param source lovr.Image # The Image to copy pixels from. +---@param x? number # The x coordinate to paste to (0-indexed). +---@param y? number # The y coordinate to paste to (0-indexed). +---@param fromX? number # The x coordinate in the source to paste from (0-indexed). +---@param fromY? number # The y coordinate in the source to paste from (0-indexed). +---@param width? number # The width of the region to copy. +---@param height? number # The height of the region to copy. +function Image:paste(source, x, y, fromX, fromY, width, height) end + +--- +---Sets the value of a pixel of the Image. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The following texture formats are supported: `r8`, `rg8`, `rgba8`, `r16`, `rg16`, `rgba16`, `r32f`, `rg32f`, `rgba32f`. +--- +---@param x number # The x coordinate of the pixel to set (0-indexed). +---@param y number # The y coordinate of the pixel to set (0-indexed). +---@param r number # The red component of the pixel, from 0.0 to 1.0. +---@param g number # The green component of the pixel, from 0.0 to 1.0. +---@param b number # The blue component of the pixel, from 0.0 to 1.0. +---@param a? number # The alpha component of the pixel, from 0.0 to 1.0. +function Image:setPixel(x, y, r, g, b, a) end + +--- +---A ModelData is a container object that loads and holds data contained in 3D model files. +--- +---This can include a variety of things like the node structure of the asset, the vertex data it contains, contains, the `Image` and `Material` properties, and any included animations. +--- +---The current supported formats are OBJ, glTF, and STL. +--- +---Usually you can just load a `Model` directly, but using a `ModelData` can be helpful if you want to load models in a thread or access more low-level information about the Model. +--- +---@class lovr.ModelData +local ModelData = {} + +--- +---Returns the number of channels in an animation. +--- +---A channel is a set of keyframes for a single property of a node. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.ModelData, name: string):number +---@param index number # The index of an animation. +---@return number count # The number of channels in the animation. +function ModelData:getAnimationChannelCount(index) end + +--- +---Returns the number of animations in the model. +--- +---@return number count # The number of animations in the model. +function ModelData:getAnimationCount() end + +--- +---Returns the duration of an animation. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The duration of the animation is calculated as the latest timestamp of all of its channels. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.ModelData, name: string):number +---@param index number # The index of the animation. +---@return number duration # The duration of the animation, in seconds. +function ModelData:getAnimationDuration(index) end + +--- +---Returns a single keyframe in a channel of an animation. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.ModelData, name: string, channel: number, keyframe: number):number, number +---@param index number # The index of an animation. +---@param channel number # The index of a channel in the animation. +---@param keyframe number # The index of a keyframe in the channel. +---@return number time # The timestamp of the keyframe. +function ModelData:getAnimationKeyframe(index, channel, keyframe) end + +--- +---Returns the number of keyframes in a channel of an animation. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.ModelData, name: string, channel: number):number +---@param index number # The index of an animation. +---@param channel number # The index of a channel in the animation. +---@return number count # The number of keyframes in the channel. +function ModelData:getAnimationKeyframeCount(index, channel) end + +--- +---Returns the name of an animation. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the animation does not have a name, this function returns `nil`. +--- +---@param index number # The index of the animation. +---@return string name # The name of the animation. +function ModelData:getAnimationName(index) end + +--- +---Returns the index of a node targeted by an animation's channel. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.ModelData, name: string, channel: number):number +---@param index number # The index of an animation. +---@param channel number # The index of a channel in the animation. +---@return number node # The index of the node targeted by the channel. +function ModelData:getAnimationNode(index, channel) end + +--- +---Returns the property targeted by an animation's channel. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.ModelData, name: string, channel: number):lovr.AnimationProperty +---@param index number # The index of an animation. +---@param channel number # The index of a channel in the animation. +---@return lovr.AnimationProperty property # The property (translation, rotation, scale) affected by the keyframes. +function ModelData:getAnimationProperty(index, channel) end + +--- +---Returns the smooth mode of a channel in an animation. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.ModelData, name: string, channel: number):lovr.SmoothMode +---@param index number # The index of an animation. +---@param channel number # The index of a channel in the animation. +---@return lovr.SmoothMode smooth # The smooth mode of the keyframes. +function ModelData:getAnimationSmoothMode(index, channel) end + +--- +---Returns one of the Blobs in the model, by index. +--- +---@param index number # The index of the Blob to get. +---@return lovr.Blob blob # The Blob object. +function ModelData:getBlob(index) end + +--- +---Returns the number of Blobs in the model. +--- +---@return number count # The number of Blobs in the model. +function ModelData:getBlobCount() end + +--- +---Returns the 6 values of the model's axis-aligned bounding box. +--- +---@return number minx # The minimum x coordinate of the vertices in the model. +---@return number maxx # The maximum x coordinate of the vertices in the model. +---@return number miny # The minimum y coordinate of the vertices in the model. +---@return number maxy # The maximum y coordinate of the vertices in the model. +---@return number minz # The minimum z coordinate of the vertices in the model. +---@return number maxz # The maximum z coordinate of the vertices in the model. +function ModelData:getBoundingBox() end + +--- +---Returns a sphere approximately enclosing the vertices in the model. +--- +---@return number x # The x coordinate of the position of the sphere. +---@return number y # The y coordinate of the position of the sphere. +---@return number z # The z coordinate of the position of the sphere. +---@return number radius # The radius of the bounding sphere. +function ModelData:getBoundingSphere() end + +--- +---Returns the center of the model's axis-aligned bounding box, relative to the model's origin. +--- +---@return number x # The x offset of the center of the bounding box. +---@return number y # The y offset of the center of the bounding box. +---@return number z # The z offset of the center of the bounding box. +function ModelData:getCenter() end + +--- +---Returns the depth of the model, computed from its axis-aligned bounding box. +--- +---@return number depth # The depth of the model. +function ModelData:getDepth() end + +--- +---Returns the width, height, and depth of the model, computed from its axis-aligned bounding box. +--- +---@return number width # The width of the model. +---@return number height # The height of the model. +---@return number depth # The depth of the model. +function ModelData:getDimensions() end + +--- +---Returns the height of the model, computed from its axis-aligned bounding box. +--- +---@return number height # The height of the model. +function ModelData:getHeight() end + +--- +---Returns one of the Images in the model, by index. +--- +---@param index number # The index of the Image to get. +---@return lovr.Image image # The Image object. +function ModelData:getImage(index) end + +--- +---Returns the number of Images in the model. +--- +---@return number count # The number of Images in the model. +function ModelData:getImageCount() end + +--- +---Returns a table with all of the properties of a material. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---All images are optional and may be `nil`. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.ModelData, name: string):table +---@param index number # The index of a material. +---@return {color: table, glow: table, uvShift: table, uvScale: table, metalness: number, roughness: number, clearcoat: number, clearcoatRoughness: number, occlusionStrength: number, normalScale: number, alphaCutoff: number, texture: number, glowTexture: number, occlusionTexture: number, metalnessTexture: number, roughnessTexture: number, clearcoatTexture: number, normalTexture: number} properties # The material properties. +function ModelData:getMaterial(index) end + +--- +---Returns the number of materials in the model. +--- +---@return number count # The number of materials in the model. +function ModelData:getMaterialCount() end + +--- +---Returns the name of a material in the model. +--- +---@param index number # The index of a material. +---@return string name # The name of the material, or nil if the material does not have a name. +function ModelData:getMaterialName(index) end + +--- +---Returns the number of meshes in the model. +--- +---@return number count # The number of meshes in the model. +function ModelData:getMeshCount() end + +--- +---Returns the draw mode of a mesh. +--- +---This controls how its vertices are connected together (points, lines, or triangles). +--- +---@param mesh number # The index of a mesh. +---@return lovr.DrawMode mode # The draw mode of the mesh. +function ModelData:getMeshDrawMode(mesh) end + +--- +---Returns one of the vertex indices in a mesh. +--- +---If a mesh has vertex indices, they define the order and connectivity of the vertices in the mesh, allowing a vertex to be reused multiple times without duplicating its data. +--- +---@param mesh number # The index of a mesh to get the vertex from. +---@param index number # The index of a vertex index in the mesh to retrieve. +---@return number vertexindex # The vertex index. Like all indices in Lua, this is 1-indexed. +function ModelData:getMeshIndex(mesh, index) end + +--- +---Returns the number of vertex indices in a mesh. +--- +---Vertex indices allow for vertices to be reused when defining triangles. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This may return zero if the mesh does not use indices. +--- +---@param mesh number # The index of a mesh. +---@return number count # The number of vertex indices in the mesh. +function ModelData:getMeshIndexCount(mesh) end + +--- +---Returns the data format of vertex indices in a mesh. +--- +---If a mesh doesn't use vertex indices, this function returns nil. +--- +---@param mesh number # The index of a mesh. +---@return lovr.AttributeType type # The data type of each vertex index (always u16 or u32). +---@return number blob # The index of a Blob in the mesh where the binary data is stored. +---@return number offset # A byte offset into the Blob's data where the index data starts. +---@return number stride # The number of bytes between subsequent vertex indices. Indices are always tightly packed, so this will always be 2 or 4 depending on the data type. +function ModelData:getMeshIndexFormat(mesh) end + +--- +---Returns the index of the material applied to a mesh. +--- +---@param mesh number # The index of a mesh. +---@return number material # The index of the material applied to the mesh, or nil if the mesh does not have a material. +function ModelData:getMeshMaterial(mesh) end + +--- +---Returns the data for a single vertex in a mesh. +--- +---The data returned depends on the vertex format of a mesh, which is given by `ModelData:getMeshVertexFormat`. +--- +---@param mesh number # The index of a mesh to get the vertex from. +---@param vertex number # The index of a vertex in the mesh to retrieve. +function ModelData:getMeshVertex(mesh, vertex) end + +--- +---Returns the number of vertices in a mesh. +--- +---@param mesh number # The index of a mesh. +---@return number count # The number of vertices in the mesh. +function ModelData:getMeshVertexCount(mesh) end + +--- +---Returns the vertex format of a mesh. +--- +---The vertex format defines the properties associated with each vertex (position, color, etc.), including their types and binary data layout. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The format is given as a table of vertex attributes. +--- +---Each attribute is a table containing the following: +--- +--- { name, type, components, blob, offset, stride } +--- +---- The `name` will be a `DefaultAttribute`. +---- The `type` will be an `AttributeType`. +---- The `component` count will be 1-4. +---- The `blob` is an index of one of the Blobs in the model (see `ModelData:getBlob`). +---- The `offset` is a byte offset from the start of the Blob where the attribute's data starts. +---- The `stride` is the number of bytes between consecutive values. +--- +---@param mesh number # The index of a mesh. +---@return table format # The vertex format of the mesh. +function ModelData:getMeshVertexFormat(mesh) end + +--- +---Returns extra information stored in the model file. +--- +---Currently this is only implemented for glTF models and returns the JSON string from the glTF or glb file. +--- +---The metadata can be used to get application-specific data or add support for glTF extensions not supported by LÖVR. +--- +---@return string metadata # The metadata from the model file. +function ModelData:getMetadata() end + +--- +---Given a parent node, this function returns a table with the indices of its children. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the node does not have any children, this function returns an empty table. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.ModelData, name: string):table +---@param index number # The index of the parent node. +---@return table children # A table containing a node index for each child of the node. +function ModelData:getNodeChildren(index) end + +--- +---Returns the number of nodes in the model. +--- +---@return number count # The number of nodes in the model. +function ModelData:getNodeCount() end + +--- +---Returns a table of mesh indices attached to a node. +--- +---Meshes define the geometry and materials of a model, as opposed to the nodes which define the transforms and hierarchy. +--- +---A node can have multiple meshes, and meshes can be reused in multiple nodes. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.ModelData, name: string):table +---@param index number # The index of the node. +---@return table meshes # A table with the node's mesh indices. +function ModelData:getNodeMeshes(index) end + +--- +---Returns the name of a node. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the node does not have a name, this function returns `nil`. +--- +---@param index number # The index of the node. +---@return string name # The name of the node. +function ModelData:getNodeName(index) end + +--- +---Returns local orientation of a node, relative to its parent. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.ModelData, name: string):number, number, number, number +---@param index number # The index of the node. +---@return number angle # The number of radians the node is rotated around its axis of rotation. +---@return number ax # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number ay # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number az # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function ModelData:getNodeOrientation(index) end + +--- +---Given a child node, this function returns the index of its parent. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.ModelData, name: string):number +---@param index number # The index of the child node. +---@return number parent # The index of the parent. +function ModelData:getNodeParent(index) end + +--- +---Returns local pose (position and orientation) of a node, relative to its parent. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.ModelData, name: string):number, number, number, number, number, number, number +---@param index number # The index of the node. +---@return number x # The x coordinate. +---@return number y # The y coordinate. +---@return number z # The z coordinate. +---@return number angle # The number of radians the node is rotated around its axis of rotation. +---@return number ax # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number ay # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number az # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function ModelData:getNodePose(index) end + +--- +---Returns local position of a node, relative to its parent. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.ModelData, name: string):number, number, number +---@param index number # The index of the node. +---@return number x # The x coordinate. +---@return number y # The y coordinate. +---@return number z # The z coordinate. +function ModelData:getNodePosition(index) end + +--- +---Returns local scale of a node, relative to its parent. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.ModelData, name: string):number, number, number +---@param index number # The index of the node. +---@return number sx # The x scale. +---@return number sy # The y scale. +---@return number sz # The z scale. +function ModelData:getNodeScale(index) end + +--- +---Returns the index of the skin used by a node. +--- +---Skins are collections of joints used for skeletal animation. +--- +---A model can have multiple skins, and each node can use at most one skin to drive the animation of its meshes. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.ModelData, name: string):number +---@param index number # The index of the node. +---@return number skin # The index of the node's skin, or nil if the node isn't skeletally animated. +function ModelData:getNodeSkin(index) end + +--- +---Returns local transform (position, orientation, and scale) of a node, relative to its parent. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---For best results when animating, it's recommended to keep the 3 components of the scale the same. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.ModelData, name: string):number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number +---@param index number # The index of the node. +---@return number x # The x coordinate. +---@return number y # The y coordinate. +---@return number z # The z coordinate. +---@return number sx # The x scale. +---@return number sy # The y scale. +---@return number sz # The z scale. +---@return number angle # The number of radians the node is rotated around its axis of rotation. +---@return number ax # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number ay # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number az # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function ModelData:getNodeTransform(index) end + +--- +---Returns the index of the model's root node. +--- +---@return number root # The index of the root node. +function ModelData:getRootNode() end + +--- +---Returns the number of skins in the model. +--- +---A skin is a collection of joints targeted by an animation. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---There is currently a maximum of 256 skins. +--- +---@return number count # The number of skins in the model. +function ModelData:getSkinCount() end + +--- +---Returns the inverse bind matrix for a joint in the skin. +--- +---@param skin number # The index of a skin. +---@param joint number # The index of a joint in the skin. +function ModelData:getSkinInverseBindMatrix(skin, joint) end + +--- +---Returns a table with the node indices of the joints in a skin. +--- +---@param skin number # The index of a skin. +---@return table joints # The joints in the skin. +function ModelData:getSkinJoints(skin) end + +--- +---Returns the total number of triangles in the model. +--- +---This count includes meshes that are attached to multiple nodes, and the count corresponds to the triangles returned by `ModelData:getTriangles`. +--- +---@return number count # The total number of triangles in the model. +function ModelData:getTriangleCount() end + +--- +---Returns the data for all triangles in the model. +--- +---There are a few differences between this and the mesh-specific functions like `ModelData:getMeshVertex` and `ModelData:getMeshIndex`: +--- +---- Only vertex positions are returned, not other vertex attributes. +---- Positions are relative to the origin of the whole model, instead of local to a node. +---- If a mesh is attached to more than one node, its vertices will be in the table multiple times. +---- Vertex indices will be relative to the whole triangle list instead of a mesh. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---After this function is called on a ModelData once, the result is cached. +--- +---@return table vertices # The triangle vertex positions, returned as a flat (non-nested) table of numbers. The position of each vertex is given as an x, y, and z coordinate. +---@return table indices # The vertex indices. Every 3 indices describes a triangle. +function ModelData:getTriangles() end + +--- +---Returns the total vertex count of a model. +--- +---This count includes meshes that are attached to multiple nodes, and the count corresponds to the vertices returned by `ModelData:getTriangles`. +--- +---@return number count # The total number of vertices in the model. +function ModelData:getVertexCount() end + +--- +---Returns the width of the model, computed from its axis-aligned bounding box. +--- +---@return number width # The width of the model. +function ModelData:getWidth() end + +--- +---A Rasterizer is an object that parses a TTF file, decoding and rendering glyphs from it. +--- +---Usually you can just use `Font` objects. +--- +---@class lovr.Rasterizer +local Rasterizer = {} + +--- +---Returns the advance metric for a glyph, in pixels. +--- +---The advance is the horizontal distance to advance the cursor after rendering the glyph. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Rasterizer, codepoint: number):number +---@param character string # A character. +---@return number advance # The advance of the glyph, in pixels. +function Rasterizer:getAdvance(character) end + +--- +---Returns the ascent metric of the font, in pixels. +--- +---The ascent represents how far any glyph of the font ascends above the baseline. +--- +---@return number ascent # The ascent of the font, in pixels. +function Rasterizer:getAscent() end + +--- +---Returns the bearing metric for a glyph, in pixels. +--- +---The bearing is the horizontal distance from the cursor to the edge of the glyph. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Rasterizer, codepoint: number):number +---@param character string # A character. +---@return number bearing # The bearing of the glyph, in pixels. +function Rasterizer:getBearing(character) end + +--- +---Returns the bounding box of a glyph, or the bounding box surrounding all glyphs. +--- +---Note that font coordinates use a cartesian "y up" coordinate system. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Rasterizer, codepoint: number):number, number, number, number +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Rasterizer):number, number, number, number +---@param character string # A character. +---@return number x1 # The left edge of the bounding box, in pixels. +---@return number y1 # The bottom edge of the bounding box, in pixels. +---@return number x2 # The right edge of the bounding box, in pixels. +---@return number y2 # The top edge of the bounding box, in pixels. +function Rasterizer:getBoundingBox(character) end + +--- +---Returns the bezier curve control points defining the shape of a glyph. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Rasterizer, codepoint: number, three: boolean):table +---@param character string # A character. +---@param three boolean # Whether the control points should be 3D or 2D. +---@return table curves # A table of curves. Each curve is a table of numbers representing the control points (2 for a line, 3 for a quadratic curve, etc.). +function Rasterizer:getCurves(character, three) end + +--- +---Returns the descent metric of the font, in pixels. +--- +---The descent represents how far any glyph of the font descends below the baseline. +--- +---@return number descent # The descent of the font, in pixels. +function Rasterizer:getDescent() end + +--- +---Returns the dimensions of a glyph, or the dimensions of any glyph. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Rasterizer, codepoint: number):number, number +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Rasterizer):number, number +---@param character string # A character. +---@return number width # The width, in pixels. +---@return number height # The height, in pixels. +function Rasterizer:getDimensions(character) end + +--- +---Returns the size of the font, in pixels. +--- +---This is the size the rasterizer was created with, and defines the size of images it rasterizes. +--- +---@return number size # The font size, in pixels. +function Rasterizer:getFontSize() end + +--- +---Returns the number of glyphs stored in the font file. +--- +---@return number count # The number of glyphs stored in the font file. +function Rasterizer:getGlyphCount() end + +--- +---Returns the height of a glyph, or the maximum height of any glyph. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Rasterizer, codepoint: number):number +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Rasterizer):number +---@param character string # A character. +---@return number height # The height, in pixels. +function Rasterizer:getHeight(character) end + +--- +---Returns the kerning between 2 glyphs, in pixels. +--- +---Kerning is a slight horizontal adjustment between 2 glyphs to improve the visual appearance. +--- +---It will often be negative. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Rasterizer, firstCodepoint: number, second: string):number +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Rasterizer, first: string, secondCodepoint: number):number +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Rasterizer, firstCodepoint: number, secondCodepoint: number):number +---@param first string # The first character. +---@param second string # The second character. +---@return number keming # The kerning between the two glyphs. +function Rasterizer:getKerning(first, second) end + +--- +---Returns the leading metric of the font, in pixels. +--- +---This is the full amount of space between lines. +--- +---@return number leading # The font leading, in pixels. +function Rasterizer:getLeading() end + +--- +---Returns the width of a glyph, or the maximum width of any glyph. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Rasterizer, codepoint: number):number +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Rasterizer):number +---@param character string # A character. +---@return number width # The width, in pixels. +function Rasterizer:getWidth(character) end + +--- +---Returns whether the Rasterizer can rasterize a set of glyphs. +--- +---@vararg any # Strings (sets of characters) or numbers (character codes) to check for. +---@return boolean hasGlyphs # true if the Rasterizer can rasterize all of the supplied characters, false otherwise. +function Rasterizer:hasGlyphs(...) end + +--- +---Returns an `Image` containing a rasterized glyph. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Rasterizer, codepoint: number, spread?: number, padding?: number):lovr.Image +---@param character string # A character. +---@param spread? number # The width of the distance field, for signed distance field rasterization. +---@param padding? number # The number of pixels of padding to add at the edges of the image. +---@return lovr.Image image # The glyph image. It will be in the `rgba32f` format. +function Rasterizer:newImage(character, spread, padding) end + +--- +---A Sound stores the data for a sound. +--- +---The supported sound formats are OGG, WAV, and MP3. +--- +---Sounds cannot be played directly. +--- +---Instead, there are `Source` objects in `lovr.audio` that are used for audio playback. +--- +---All Source objects are backed by one of these Sounds, and multiple Sources can share a single Sound to reduce memory usage. +--- +---Metadata +------ +--- +---Sounds hold a fixed number of frames. +--- +---Each frame contains one audio sample for each channel. The `SampleFormat` of the Sound is the data type used for each sample (floating point, integer, etc.). +--- +---The Sound has a `ChannelLayout`, representing the number of audio channels and how they map to speakers (mono, stereo, etc.). +--- +---The sample rate of the Sound indicates how many frames should be played per second. +--- +---The duration of the sound (in seconds) is the number of frames divided by the sample rate. +--- +---Compression +------ +--- +---Sounds can be compressed. +--- +---Compressed sounds are stored compressed in memory and are decoded as they are played. +--- +---This uses a lot less memory but increases CPU usage during playback. +--- +---OGG and MP3 are compressed audio formats. +--- +---When creating a sound from a compressed format, there is an option to immediately decode it, storing it uncompressed in memory. +--- +---It can be a good idea to decode short sound effects, since they won't use very much memory even when uncompressed and it will improve CPU usage. +--- +---Compressed sounds can not be written to using `Sound:setFrames`. +--- +---Streams +------ +--- +---Sounds can be created as a stream by passing `'stream'` as their contents when creating them. Audio frames can be written to the end of the stream, and read from the beginning. +--- +---This works well for situations where data is being generated in real time or streamed in from some other data source. +--- +---Sources can be backed by a stream and they'll just play whatever audio is pushed to the stream. The audio module also lets you use a stream as a "sink" for an audio device. +--- +---For playback devices, this works like loopback, so the mixed audio from all playing Sources will get written to the stream. +--- +---For capture devices, all the microphone input will get written to the stream. Conversion between sample formats, channel layouts, and sample rates will happen automatically. +--- +---Keep in mind that streams can still only hold a fixed number of frames. +--- +---If too much data is written before it is read, older frames will start to get overwritten. +--- +---Similary, it's possible to read too much data without writing fast enough. +--- +---Ambisonics +------ +--- +---Ambisonic sounds can be imported from WAVs, but can not yet be played. +--- +---Sounds with a `ChannelLayout` of `ambisonic` are stored as first-order full-sphere ambisonics using the AmbiX format (ACN channel ordering and SN3D channel normalization). +--- +---The AMB format is supported for import and will automatically get converted to AmbiX. +--- +---See `lovr.data.newSound` for more info. +--- +---@class lovr.Sound +local Sound = {} + +--- +---Returns a Blob containing the raw bytes of the Sound. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Samples for each channel are stored interleaved. +--- +---The data type of each sample is given by `Sound:getFormat`. +--- +---@return lovr.Blob blob # The Blob instance containing the bytes for the `Sound`. +function Sound:getBlob() end + +--- +---Returns the number of frames that can be written to the Sound. +--- +---For stream sounds, this is the number of frames that can be written without overwriting existing data. +--- +---For normal sounds, this returns the same value as `Sound:getFrameCount`. +--- +---@return number capacity # The number of frames that can be written to the Sound. +function Sound:getCapacity() end + +--- +---Returns the number of channels in the Sound. +--- +---Mono sounds have 1 channel, stereo sounds have 2 channels, and ambisonic sounds have 4 channels. +--- +---@return number channels # The number of channels in the sound. +function Sound:getChannelCount() end + +--- +---Returns the channel layout of the Sound. +--- +---@return lovr.ChannelLayout channels # The channel layout. +function Sound:getChannelLayout() end + +--- +---Returns the duration of the Sound, in seconds. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This can be computed as `(frameCount / sampleRate)`. +--- +---@return number duration # The duration of the Sound, in seconds. +function Sound:getDuration() end + +--- +---Returns the sample format of the Sound. +--- +---@return lovr.SampleFormat format # The data type of each sample. +function Sound:getFormat() end + +--- +---Returns the number of frames in the Sound. +--- +---A frame stores one sample for each channel. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---For streams, this returns the number of frames in the stream's buffer. +--- +---@return number frames # The number of frames in the Sound. +function Sound:getFrameCount() end + +--- +---Reads frames from the Sound into a table, Blob, or another Sound. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Sound, t: table, count?: number, srcOffset?: number, dstOffset?: number):table, number +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Sound, blob: lovr.Blob, count?: number, srcOffset?: number, dstOffset?: number):number +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Sound, sound: lovr.Sound, count?: number, srcOffset?: number, dstOffset?: number):number +---@param count? number # The number of frames to read. If nil, reads as many frames as possible. + +Compressed sounds will automatically be decoded. + +Reading from a stream will ignore the source offset and read the oldest frames. +---@param srcOffset? number # A frame offset to apply to the sound when reading frames. +---@return table t # A table containing audio frames. +---@return number count # The number of frames read. +function Sound:getFrames(count, srcOffset) end + +--- +---Returns the total number of samples in the Sound. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---For streams, this returns the number of samples in the stream's buffer. +--- +---@return number samples # The total number of samples in the Sound. +function Sound:getSampleCount() end + +--- +---Returns the sample rate of the Sound, in Hz. +--- +---This is the number of frames that are played every second. +--- +---It's usually a high number like 48000. +--- +---@return number frequency # The number of frames per second in the Sound. +function Sound:getSampleRate() end + +--- +---Returns whether the Sound is compressed. +--- +---Compressed sounds are loaded from compressed audio formats like MP3 and OGG. +--- +---They use a lot less memory but require some extra CPU work during playback. +--- +---Compressed sounds can not be modified using `Sound:setFrames`. +--- +---@return boolean compressed # Whether the Sound is compressed. +function Sound:isCompressed() end + +--- +---Returns whether the Sound is a stream. +--- +---@return boolean stream # Whether the Sound is a stream. +function Sound:isStream() end + +--- +---Writes frames to the Sound. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Sound, blob: lovr.Blob, count?: number, dstOffset?: number, srcOffset?: number):number +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Sound, sound: lovr.Sound, count?: number, dstOffset?: number, srcOffset?: number):number +---@param t table # A table containing frames to write. +---@param count? number # How many frames to write. If nil, writes as many as possible. +---@param dstOffset? number # A frame offset to apply when writing the frames. +---@param srcOffset? number # A frame, byte, or index offset to apply when reading frames from the source. +---@return number count # The number of frames written. +function Sound:setFrames(t, count, dstOffset, srcOffset) end + +--- +---This indicates the different transform properties that can be animated. +--- +---@alias lovr.AnimationProperty +--- +---Node translation. +--- +---| "translation" +--- +---Node rotation. +--- +---| "rotation" +--- +---Node scale. +--- +---| "scale" + +--- +---These are the data types that can be used by vertex data in meshes. +--- +---@alias lovr.AttributeType +--- +---Signed 8 bit integers (-128 to 127). +--- +---| "i8" +--- +---Unsigned 8 bit integers (0 to 255). +--- +---| "u8" +--- +---Signed 16 bit integers (-32768 to 32767). +--- +---| "i16" +--- +---Unsigned 16 bit integers (0 to 65535). +--- +---| "u16" +--- +---Signed 32 bit integers (-2147483648 to 2147483647). +--- +---| "i32" +--- +---Unsigned 32 bit integers (0 to 429467295). +--- +---| "u32" +--- +---Floating point numbers. +--- +---| "f32" + +--- +---Sounds can have different numbers of channels, and those channels can map to various speaker layouts. +--- +---@alias lovr.ChannelLayout +--- +---1 channel. +--- +---| "mono" +--- +---2 channels. +--- +---The first channel is for the left speaker and the second is for the right. +--- +---| "stereo" +--- +---4 channels. +--- +---Ambisonic channels don't map directly to speakers but instead represent directions in 3D space, sort of like the images of a skybox. +--- +---Currently, ambisonic sounds can only be loaded, not played. +--- +---| "ambisonic" + +--- +---These are the different types of attributes that may be present in meshes loaded from models. +--- +---@alias lovr.DefaultAttribute +--- +---Vertex positions. +--- +---| "position" +--- +---Vertex normal vectors. +--- +---| "normal" +--- +---Vertex texture coordinates. +--- +---| "uv" +--- +---Vertex colors. +--- +---| "color" +--- +---Vertex tangent vectors. +--- +---| "tangent" +--- +---Vertex joint indices. +--- +---| "joints" +--- +---Vertex joint weights. +--- +---| "weights" + +--- +---The DrawMode of a mesh determines how its vertices are connected together. +--- +---@alias lovr.DrawMode +--- +---Each vertex is draw as a single point. +--- +---| "points" +--- +---Every pair of vertices is drawn as a line. +--- +---| "lines" +--- +---Draws a single line through all of the vertices. +--- +---| "linestrip" +--- +---Draws a single line through all of the vertices, then connects back to the first vertex. +--- +---| "lineloop" +--- +---Vertices are rendered as triangles. +--- +---After the first 3 vertices, each subsequent vertex connects to the previous two. +--- +---| "strip" +--- +---Every 3 vertices forms a triangle. +--- +---| "triangles" +--- +---Vertices are rendered as triangles. +--- +---After the first 3 vertices, each subsequent vertex is connected to the previous vertex and the first vertex. +--- +---| "fan" + +--- +---Sounds can store audio samples as 16 bit integers or 32 bit floats. +--- +---@alias lovr.SampleFormat +--- +---32 bit floating point samples (between -1.0 and 1.0). +--- +---| "f32" +--- +---16 bit integer samples (between -32768 and 32767). +--- +---| "i16" + +--- +---Different ways to interpolate between animation keyframes. +--- +---@alias lovr.SmoothMode +--- +---The animated property will snap to the nearest keyframe. +--- +---| "step" +--- +---The animated property will linearly interpolate between keyframes. +--- +---| "linear" +--- +---The animated property will follow a smooth curve between nearby keyframes. +--- +---| "cubic" + +--- +---Different data layouts for pixels in `Image` and `Texture` objects. +--- +---Formats starting with `d` are depth formats, used for depth/stencil render targets. +--- +---Formats starting with `bc` and `astc` are compressed formats. +--- +---Compressed formats have better performance since they stay compressed on the CPU and GPU, reducing the amount of memory bandwidth required to look up all the pixels needed for shading. +--- +---Formats without the `f` suffix are unsigned normalized formats, which store values in the range `[0,1]`. +--- +---The `f` suffix indicates a floating point format which can store values outside this range, and is used for HDR rendering or storing data in a texture. +--- +---@alias lovr.TextureFormat +--- +---One 8-bit channel. +--- +---1 byte per pixel. +--- +---| "r8" +--- +---Two 8-bit channels. +--- +---2 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "rg8" +--- +---Four 8-bit channels. +--- +---4 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "rgba8" +--- +---One 16-bit channel. +--- +---2 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "r16" +--- +---Two 16-bit channels. +--- +---4 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "rg16" +--- +---Four 16-bit channels. +--- +---8 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "rgba16" +--- +---One 16-bit floating point channel. +--- +---2 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "r16f" +--- +---Two 16-bit floating point channels. +--- +---4 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "rg16f" +--- +---Four 16-bit floating point channels. +--- +---8 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "rgba16f" +--- +---One 32-bit floating point channel. +--- +---4 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "r32f" +--- +---Two 32-bit floating point channels. +--- +---8 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "rg32f" +--- +---Four 32-bit floating point channels. +--- +---16 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "rgba32f" +--- +---Packs three channels into 16 bits. +--- +---2 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "rgb565" +--- +---Packs four channels into 16 bits, with "cutout" alpha. +--- +---2 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "rgb5a1" +--- +---Packs four channels into 32 bits. +--- +---4 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "rgb10a2" +--- +---Packs three unsigned floating point channels into 32 bits. +--- +---4 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "rg11b10f" +--- +---One 16-bit depth channel. +--- +---2 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "d16" +--- +---One 24-bit depth channel and one 8-bit stencil channel. +--- +---4 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "d24s8" +--- +---One 32-bit floating point depth channel. +--- +---4 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "d32f" +--- +---One 32-bit floating point depth channel and one 8-bit stencil channel. +--- +---5 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "d32fs8" +--- +---3 channels. +--- +---8 bytes per 4x4 block, or 0.5 bytes per pixel. +--- +---Good for opaque images. +--- +---| "bc1" +--- +---Four channels. +--- +---16 bytes per 4x4 block or 1 byte per pixel. +--- +---Not good for anything, because it only has 16 distinct levels of alpha. +--- +---| "bc2" +--- +---Four channels. +--- +---16 bytes per 4x4 block or 1 byte per pixel. +--- +---Good for color images with transparency. +--- +---| "bc3" +--- +---One unsigned normalized channel. +--- +---8 bytes per 4x4 block or 0.5 bytes per pixel. +--- +---Good for grayscale images, like heightmaps. +--- +---| "bc4u" +--- +---One signed normalized channel. +--- +---8 bytes per 4x4 block or 0.5 bytes per pixel. +--- +---Similar to bc4u but has a range of -1 to 1. +--- +---| "bc4s" +--- +---Two unsigned normalized channels. +--- +---16 bytes per 4x4 block, or 1 byte per pixel. +--- +---Good for normal maps. +--- +---| "bc5u" +--- +---Two signed normalized channels. +--- +---16 bytes per 4x4 block or 1 byte per pixel. +--- +---Good for normal maps. +--- +---| "bc5s" +--- +---Three unsigned floating point channels. +--- +---16 bytes per 4x4 block or 1 byte per pixel. +--- +---Good for HDR images. +--- +---| "bc6uf" +--- +---Three floating point channels. +--- +---16 bytes per 4x4 block or 1 byte per pixel. +--- +---Good for HDR images. +--- +---| "bc6sf" +--- +---Four channels. +--- +---16 bytes per 4x4 block or 1 byte per pixel. +--- +---High quality. +--- +---Good for most color images, including transparency. +--- +---| "bc7" +--- +---Four channels, 16 bytes per 4x4 block or 1 byte per pixel. +--- +---| "astc4x4" +--- +---Four channels, 16 bytes per 5x4 block or 0.80 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "astc5x4" +--- +---Four channels, 16 bytes per 5x5 block or 0.64 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "astc5x5" +--- +---Four channels, 16 bytes per 6x5 block or 0.53 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "astc6x5" +--- +---Four channels, 16 bytes per 6x6 block or 0.44 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "astc6x6" +--- +---Four channels, 16 bytes per 8x5 block or 0.40 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "astc8x5" +--- +---Four channels, 16 bytes per 8x6 block or 0.33 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "astc8x6" +--- +---Four channels, 16 bytes per 8x8 block or 0.25 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "astc8x8" +--- +---Four channels, 16 bytes per 10x5 block or 0.32 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "astc10x5" +--- +---Four channels, 16 bytes per 10x6 block or 0.27 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "astc10x6" +--- +---Four channels, 16 bytes per 10x8 block or 0.20 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "astc10x8" +--- +---Four channels, 16 bytes per 10x10 block or 0.16 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "astc10x10" +--- +---Four channels, 16 bytes per 12x10 block or 0.13 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "astc12x10" +--- +---Four channels, 16 bytes per 12x12 block or 0.11 bytes per pixel. +--- +---| "astc12x12" diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/event.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/event.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a515c1ab7 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/event.lua @@ -0,0 +1,430 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---The `lovr.event` module handles events from the operating system. +--- +---Due to its low-level nature, it's rare to use `lovr.event` in simple projects. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---You can define your own custom events by adding a function to the `lovr.handlers` table with a key of the name of the event you want to add. +--- +---Then, push the event using `lovr.event.push`. +--- +---@class lovr.event +lovr.event = {} + +--- +---Clears the event queue, removing any unprocessed events. +--- +function lovr.event.clear() end + +--- +---This function returns a Lua iterator for all of the unprocessed items in the event queue. +--- +---Each event consists of a name as a string, followed by event-specific arguments. +--- +---This function is called in the default implementation of `lovr.run`, so it is normally not necessary to poll for events yourself. +--- +---@return function iterator # The iterator function, usable in a for loop. +function lovr.event.poll() end + +--- +---Fills the event queue with unprocessed events from the operating system. +--- +---This function should be called often, otherwise the operating system will consider the application unresponsive. This function is called in the default implementation of `lovr.run`. +--- +function lovr.event.pump() end + +--- +---Pushes an event onto the event queue. +--- +---It will be processed the next time `lovr.event.poll` is called. +--- +---For an event to be processed properly, there needs to be a function in the `lovr.handlers` table with a key that's the same as the event name. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Only nil, booleans, numbers, strings, and LÖVR objects are supported types for event data. +--- +---@param name string # The name of the event. +---@vararg any # The arguments for the event. Currently, up to 4 are supported. +function lovr.event.push(name, ...) end + +--- +---Pushes an event to quit. +--- +---An optional number can be passed to set the exit code for the application. +--- +---An exit code of zero indicates normal termination, whereas a nonzero exit code indicates that an error occurred. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This function is equivalent to calling `lovr.event.push('quit', )`. +--- +---The event won't be processed until the next time `lovr.event.poll` is called. +--- +---The `lovr.quit` callback will be called when the event is processed, which can be used to do any cleanup work. +--- +---The callback can also return `false` to abort the quitting process. +--- +---@param code? number # The exit code of the program. +function lovr.event.quit(code) end + +--- +---Pushes an event to restart the framework. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The event won't be processed until the next time `lovr.event.poll` is called. +--- +---The `lovr.restart` callback can be used to persist a value between restarts. +--- +function lovr.event.restart() end + +--- +---Keys that can be pressed on a keyboard. +--- +---Notably, numpad keys are missing right now. +--- +---@alias lovr.KeyCode +--- +---The A key. +--- +---| "a" +--- +---The B key. +--- +---| "b" +--- +---The C key. +--- +---| "c" +--- +---The D key. +--- +---| "d" +--- +---The E key. +--- +---| "e" +--- +---The F key. +--- +---| "f" +--- +---The G key. +--- +---| "g" +--- +---The H key. +--- +---| "h" +--- +---The I key. +--- +---| "i" +--- +---The J key. +--- +---| "j" +--- +---The K key. +--- +---| "k" +--- +---The L key. +--- +---| "l" +--- +---The M key. +--- +---| "m" +--- +---The N key. +--- +---| "n" +--- +---The O key. +--- +---| "o" +--- +---The P key. +--- +---| "p" +--- +---The Q key. +--- +---| "q" +--- +---The R key. +--- +---| "r" +--- +---The S key. +--- +---| "s" +--- +---The T key. +--- +---| "t" +--- +---The U key. +--- +---| "u" +--- +---The V key. +--- +---| "v" +--- +---The W key. +--- +---| "w" +--- +---The X key. +--- +---| "x" +--- +---The Y key. +--- +---| "y" +--- +---The Z key. +--- +---| "z" +--- +---The 0 key. +--- +---| "0" +--- +---The 1 key. +--- +---| "1" +--- +---The 2 key. +--- +---| "2" +--- +---The 3 key. +--- +---| "3" +--- +---The 4 key. +--- +---| "4" +--- +---The 5 key. +--- +---| "5" +--- +---The 6 key. +--- +---| "6" +--- +---The 7 key. +--- +---| "7" +--- +---The 8 key. +--- +---| "8" +--- +---The 9 key. +--- +---| "9" +--- +---The space bar. +--- +---| "space" +--- +---The enter key. +--- +---| "return" +--- +---The tab key. +--- +---| "tab" +--- +---The escape key. +--- +---| "escape" +--- +---The backspace key. +--- +---| "backspace" +--- +---The up arrow key. +--- +---| "up" +--- +---The down arrow key. +--- +---| "down" +--- +---The left arrow key. +--- +---| "left" +--- +---The right arrow key. +--- +---| "right" +--- +---The home key. +--- +---| "home" +--- +---The end key. +--- +---| "end" +--- +---The page up key. +--- +---| "pageup" +--- +---The page down key. +--- +---| "pagedown" +--- +---The insert key. +--- +---| "insert" +--- +---The delete key. +--- +---| "delete" +--- +---The F1 key. +--- +---| "f1" +--- +---The F2 key. +--- +---| "f2" +--- +---The F3 key. +--- +---| "f3" +--- +---The F4 key. +--- +---| "f4" +--- +---The F5 key. +--- +---| "f5" +--- +---The F6 key. +--- +---| "f6" +--- +---The F7 key. +--- +---| "f7" +--- +---The F8 key. +--- +---| "f8" +--- +---The F9 key. +--- +---| "f9" +--- +---The F10 key. +--- +---| "f10" +--- +---The F11 key. +--- +---| "f11" +--- +---The F12 key. +--- +---| "f12" +--- +---The backtick/backquote/grave accent key. +--- +---| "`" +--- +---The dash/hyphen/minus key. +--- +---| "-" +--- +---The equal sign key. +--- +---| "=" +--- +---The left bracket key. +--- +---| "[" +--- +---The right bracket key. +--- +---| "]" +--- +---The backslash key. +--- +---| "\\" +--- +---The semicolon key. +--- +---| ";" +--- +---The single quote key. +--- +---| "'" +--- +---The comma key. +--- +---| "," +--- +---The period key. +--- +---| "." +--- +---The slash key. +--- +---| "/" +--- +---The left control key. +--- +---| "lctrl" +--- +---The left shift key. +--- +---| "lshift" +--- +---The left alt key. +--- +---| "lalt" +--- +---The left OS key (windows, command, super). +--- +---| "lgui" +--- +---The right control key. +--- +---| "rctrl" +--- +---The right shift key. +--- +---| "rshift" +--- +---The right alt key. +--- +---| "ralt" +--- +---The right OS key (windows, command, super). +--- +---| "rgui" +--- +---The caps lock key. +--- +---| "capslock" +--- +---The scroll lock key. +--- +---| "scrolllock" +--- +---The numlock key. +--- +---| "numlock" diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/filesystem.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/filesystem.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c2a1220ba --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/filesystem.lua @@ -0,0 +1,333 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---The `lovr.filesystem` module provides access to the filesystem. +--- +---All files written will go in a special folder called the "save directory". +--- +---The location of the save directory is platform-specific: +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +---
macOS/Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/LOVR/<identity>
+--- +---`` is a unique identifier for the project, and can be set in `lovr.conf`. +--- +---On Android, the identity can not be changed and will always be the package id (e.g. `org.lovr.app`). +--- +---When files are read, they will be searched for in multiple places. +--- +---By default, the save directory is checked first, then the project source (folder or zip). +--- +---That way, when data is written to a file, any future reads will see the new data. +--- +---The `t.saveprecedence` conf setting can be used to change this precedence. +--- +---Conceptually, `lovr.filesystem` uses a "virtual filesystem", which is an ordered list of folders and zip files that are merged into a single filesystem hierarchy. +--- +---Folders and archives in the list can be added and removed with `lovr.filesystem.mount` and `lovr.filesystem.unmount`. +--- +---LÖVR extends Lua's `require` function to look for modules in the virtual filesystem. +--- +---The search patterns can be changed with `lovr.filesystem.setRequirePath`, similar to `package.path`. +--- +---@class lovr.filesystem +lovr.filesystem = {} + +--- +---Appends content to the end of a file. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the file does not exist, it is created. +--- +---@overload fun(filename: string, blob: lovr.Blob):number +---@param filename string # The file to append to. +---@param content string # A string to write to the end of the file. +---@return number bytes # The number of bytes actually appended to the file. +function lovr.filesystem.append(filename, content) end + +--- +---Creates a directory in the save directory. +--- +---Any parent directories that don't exist will also be created. +--- +---@param path string # The directory to create, recursively. +---@return boolean success # Whether the directory was created. +function lovr.filesystem.createDirectory(path) end + +--- +---Returns the application data directory. +--- +---This will be something like: +--- +---- `C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming` on Windows. +---- `/home/user/.config` on Linux. +---- `/Users/user/Library/Application Support` on macOS. +--- +---@return string path # The absolute path to the appdata directory. +function lovr.filesystem.getAppdataDirectory() end + +--- +---Returns a sorted table containing all files and folders in a single directory. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This function calls `table.sort` to sort the results, so if `table.sort` is not available in the global scope the results are not guaranteed to be sorted. +--- +---@param path string # The directory. +---@return lovr.items table # A table with a string for each file and subfolder in the directory. +function lovr.filesystem.getDirectoryItems(path) end + +--- +---Returns the absolute path of the LÖVR executable. +--- +---@return string path # The absolute path of the LÖVR executable, or `nil` if it is unknown. +function lovr.filesystem.getExecutablePath() end + +--- +---Returns the identity of the game, which is used as the name of the save directory. +--- +---The default is `default`. +--- +---It can be changed using `t.identity` in `lovr.conf`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---On Android, this is always the package id (like `org.lovr.app`). +--- +---@return string identity # The name of the save directory, or `nil` if it isn't set. +function lovr.filesystem.getIdentity() end + +--- +---Returns when a file was last modified, since some arbitrary time in the past. +--- +---@param path string # The file to check. +---@return number time # The modification time of the file, in seconds, or `nil` if it's unknown. +function lovr.filesystem.getLastModified(path) end + +--- +---Get the absolute path of the mounted archive containing a path in the virtual filesystem. +--- +---This can be used to determine if a file is in the game's source directory or the save directory. +--- +---@param path string # The path to check. +---@return string realpath # The absolute path of the mounted archive containing `path`. +function lovr.filesystem.getRealDirectory(path) end + +--- +---Returns the require path. +--- +---The require path is a semicolon-separated list of patterns that LÖVR will use to search for files when they are `require`d. +--- +---Any question marks in the pattern will be replaced with the module that is being required. +--- +---It is similar to Lua\'s `package.path` variable, but the main difference is that the patterns are relative to the virtual filesystem. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The default reqiure path is '?.lua;?/init.lua'. +--- +---@return string path # The semicolon separated list of search patterns. +function lovr.filesystem.getRequirePath() end + +--- +---Returns the absolute path to the save directory. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The save directory takes the following form: +--- +--- /LOVR/ +--- +---Where `` is `lovr.filesystem.getAppdataDirectory` and `` is `lovr.filesystem.getIdentity` and can be customized using `lovr.conf`. +--- +---@return string path # The absolute path to the save directory. +function lovr.filesystem.getSaveDirectory() end + +--- +---Returns the size of a file, in bytes. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the file does not exist, an error is thrown. +--- +---@param file string # The file. +---@return number size # The size of the file, in bytes. +function lovr.filesystem.getSize(file) end + +--- +---Get the absolute path of the project's source directory or archive. +--- +---@return string path # The absolute path of the project's source, or `nil` if it's unknown. +function lovr.filesystem.getSource() end + +--- +---Returns the absolute path of the user's home directory. +--- +---@return string path # The absolute path of the user's home directory. +function lovr.filesystem.getUserDirectory() end + +--- +---Returns the absolute path of the working directory. +--- +---Usually this is where the executable was started from. +--- +---@return string path # The current working directory, or `nil` if it's unknown. +function lovr.filesystem.getWorkingDirectory() end + +--- +---Check if a path exists and is a directory. +--- +---@param path string # The path to check. +---@return boolean isDirectory # Whether or not the path is a directory. +function lovr.filesystem.isDirectory(path) end + +--- +---Check if a path exists and is a file. +--- +---@param path string # The path to check. +---@return boolean isFile # Whether or not the path is a file. +function lovr.filesystem.isFile(path) end + +--- +---Returns whether the current project source is fused to the executable. +--- +---@return boolean fused # Whether or not the project is fused. +function lovr.filesystem.isFused() end + +--- +---Load a file containing Lua code, returning a Lua chunk that can be run. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---An error is thrown if the file contains syntax errors. +--- +---@param filename string # The file to load. +---@return function chunk # The runnable chunk. +function lovr.filesystem.load(filename) end + +--- +---Mounts a directory or `.zip` archive, adding it to the virtual filesystem. +--- +---This allows you to read files from it. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The `append` option lets you control the priority of the archive's files in the event of naming collisions. +--- +---This function is not thread safe. +--- +---Mounting or unmounting an archive while other threads call lovr.filesystem functions is not supported. +--- +---@param path string # The path to mount. +---@param mountpoint? string # The path in the virtual filesystem to mount to. +---@param append? boolean # Whether the archive will be added to the end or the beginning of the search path. +---@param root? string # A subdirectory inside the archive to use as the root. If `nil`, the actual root of the archive is used. +---@return boolean success # Whether the archive was successfully mounted. +function lovr.filesystem.mount(path, mountpoint, append, root) end + +--- +---Creates a new Blob that contains the contents of a file. +--- +---@param filename string # The file to load. +---@return lovr.Blob blob # The new Blob. +function lovr.filesystem.newBlob(filename) end + +--- +---Read the contents of a file. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the file does not exist or cannot be read, nil is returned. +--- +---@param filename string # The name of the file to read. +---@param bytes? number # The number of bytes to read (if -1, all bytes will be read). +---@return string contents # The contents of the file. +---@return number bytes # The number of bytes read from the file. +function lovr.filesystem.read(filename, bytes) end + +--- +---Remove a file or directory in the save directory. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---A directory can only be removed if it is empty. +--- +---To recursively remove a folder, use this function with `lovr.filesystem.getDirectoryItems`. +--- +---@param path string # The file or directory to remove. +---@return boolean success # Whether the path was removed. +function lovr.filesystem.remove(path) end + +--- +---Set the name of the save directory. +--- +---This function can only be called once and is called automatically at startup, so this function normally isn't called manually. +--- +---However, the identity can be changed by setting the `t.identity` option in `lovr.conf`. +--- +---@param identity string # The name of the save directory. +function lovr.filesystem.setIdentity(identity) end + +--- +---Sets the require path. +--- +---The require path is a semicolon-separated list of patterns that LÖVR will use to search for files when they are `require`d. +--- +---Any question marks in the pattern will be replaced with the module that is being required. +--- +---It is similar to Lua\'s `package.path` variable, except the patterns will be checked using `lovr.filesystem` APIs. This allows `require` to work even when the project is packaged into a zip archive, or when the project is launched from a different directory. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The default reqiure path is '?.lua;?/init.lua'. +--- +---@param path? string # An optional semicolon separated list of search patterns. +function lovr.filesystem.setRequirePath(path) end + +--- +---Unmounts a directory or archive previously mounted with `lovr.filesystem.mount`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This function is not thread safe. +--- +---Mounting or unmounting an archive while other threads call lovr.filesystem functions is not supported. +--- +---@param path string # The path to unmount. +---@return boolean success # Whether the archive was unmounted. +function lovr.filesystem.unmount(path) end + +--- +---Write to a file in the save directory. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the file does not exist, it is created. +--- +---If the file already has data in it, it will be replaced with the new content. +--- +---If the path contains subdirectories, all of the parent directories need to exist first or the write will fail. +--- +---Use `lovr.filesystem.createDirectory` to make sure they're created first. +--- +---@overload fun(filename: string, blob: lovr.Blob):boolean +---@param filename string # The file to write to. +---@param content string # A string to write to the file. +---@return boolean success # Whether the write was successful. +function lovr.filesystem.write(filename, content) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/graphics.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/graphics.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b0833fea8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/graphics.lua @@ -0,0 +1,3731 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---The graphics module renders graphics and performs computation using the GPU. +--- +---Most of the graphics functions are on the `Pass` object. +--- +---@class lovr.graphics +lovr.graphics = {} + +--- +---Compiles shader code to SPIR-V bytecode. +--- +---The bytecode can be passed to `lovr.graphics.newShader` to create shaders, which will be faster than creating it from GLSL. The bytecode is portable, so bytecode compiled on one platform will work on other platforms. This allows shaders to be precompiled in a build step. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The input can be GLSL or SPIR-V. +--- +---If it's SPIR-V, it will be returned unchanged as a Blob. +--- +---If the shader fails to compile, an error will be thrown with the error message. +--- +---@overload fun(stage: lovr.ShaderStage, blob: lovr.Blob):lovr.Blob +---@param stage lovr.ShaderStage # The type of shader to compile. +---@param source string # A string or filename with shader code. +---@return lovr.Blob bytecode # A Blob containing compiled SPIR-V code. +function lovr.graphics.compileShader(stage, source) end + +--- +---Returns the global background color. +--- +---The textures in a render pass will be cleared to this color at the beginning of the pass if no other clear option is specified. +--- +---Additionally, the headset and window will be cleared to this color before rendering. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Setting the background color in `lovr.draw` will apply on the following frame, since the default pass is cleared before `lovr.draw` is called. +--- +---Internally, this color is applied to the default pass objects when retrieving one of them using `lovr.headset.getPass` or `lovr.graphics.getPass`. +--- +---Both are called automatically by the default `lovr.run` implementation. +--- +---Using the background color to clear the display is expected to be more efficient than manually clearing after a render pass begins, especially on mobile GPUs. +--- +---@return number r # The red component of the background color. +---@return number g # The green component of the background color. +---@return number b # The blue component of the background color. +---@return number a # The alpha component of the background color. +function lovr.graphics.getBackgroundColor() end + +--- +---Creates a temporary Buffer. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The format table can contain a list of `FieldType`s or a list of tables to provide extra information about each field. +--- +---Each inner table has the following keys: +--- +---- `type` is the `FieldType` of the field and is required. +---- `offset` is the byte offset of the field. +--- +---Any fields with a `nil` offset will be placed next +--- to each other sequentially in memory, subject to any padding required by the Buffer's layout. +--- In practice this means that an `offset` should be set for either all of the fields or none of +--- them. +---- `location` is the vertex attribute location of each field. +--- +---This is used to match up each +--- field with an attribute declared in a shader, and doesn't have any purpose when binding the +--- buffer as a uniform or storage buffer. +--- +---Any fields with a `nil` location will use an +--- autoincrementing location starting at zero. +--- +---Named locations are not currently supported, but +--- may be added in the future. +--- +---If no table or Blob is used to define the initial Buffer contents, its data will be undefined. +--- +---There is currently a max of 16 fields. +--- +---@overload fun(data: table, type: lovr.FieldType):lovr.Buffer +---@overload fun(length: number, format: table):lovr.Buffer +---@overload fun(data: table, format: table):lovr.Buffer +---@overload fun(blob: lovr.Blob, type: lovr.FieldType):lovr.Buffer +---@overload fun(blob: lovr.Blob, format: table):lovr.Buffer +---@param length number # The length of the Buffer. +---@param type lovr.FieldType # The type of each item in the Buffer. +---@return lovr.Buffer buffer # The new Buffer. +function lovr.graphics.getBuffer(length, type) end + +--- +---Returns the default Font. +--- +---The default font is Varela Round, created at 32px with a spread value of `4.0`. +--- +---It's used by `Pass:text` if no Font is provided. +--- +---@return lovr.Font font # The default Font object. +function lovr.graphics.getDefaultFont() end + +--- +---Returns information about the graphics device and driver. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The device and vendor ID numbers will usually be PCI IDs, which are standardized numbers consisting of 4 hex digits. +--- +---Various online databases and system utilities can be used to look up these numbers. +--- +---Here are some example vendor IDs for a few popular GPU manufacturers: +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +---
0x1002Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
0x8086Intel Corporation
0x10deNVIDIA Corporation
+--- +---It is not currently possible to get the version of the driver, although this could be added. +--- +---Regarding multiple GPUs: If OpenXR is enabled, the OpenXR runtime has control over which GPU is used, which ensures best compatibility with the VR headset. +--- +---Otherwise, the "first" GPU returned by the renderer will be used. +--- +---There is currently no other way to pick a GPU to use. +--- +---@return {id: number, vendor: number, name: string, renderer: string, subgroupSize: number, discrete: boolean} device # nil +function lovr.graphics.getDevice() end + +--- +---Returns a table indicating which features are supported by the GPU. +--- +---@return {textureBC: boolean, textureASTC: boolean, wireframe: boolean, depthClamp: boolean, indirectDrawFirstInstance: boolean, float64: boolean, int64: boolean, int16: boolean} features # +function lovr.graphics.getFeatures() end + +--- +---Returns limits of the current GPU. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The limit ranges are as follows: +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +---
renderSize{ 4096, 4096, 6 }
storageBufferRange134217728 (128MB)1073741824 (1GB)*
computeDispatchCount{ 65536, 65536, 65536 }
computeWorkgroupSize{ 128, 128, 64 }
computeSharedMemory16384 (16KB)
+--- +---Note: in the table above, `*` means that LÖVR itself is imposing a cap on the limit, instead of the GPU. +--- +---@return {textureSize2D: number, textureSize3D: number, textureSizeCube: number, textureLayers: number, renderSize: table, uniformBuffersPerStage: number, storageBuffersPerStage: number, sampledTexturesPerStage: number, storageTexturesPerStage: number, samplersPerStage: number, resourcesPerShader: number, uniformBufferRange: number, storageBufferRange: number, uniformBufferAlign: number, storageBufferAlign: number, vertexAttributes: number, vertexBufferStride: number, vertexShaderOutputs: number, clipDistances: number, cullDistances: number, clipAndCullDistances: number, workgroupCount: table, workgroupSize: table, totalWorkgroupSize: number, computeSharedMemory: number, shaderConstantSize: number, indirectDrawCount: number, instances: number, anisotropy: number, pointSize: number} limits # +function lovr.graphics.getLimits() end + +--- +---Creates and returns a temporary Pass object. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Fun facts about render passes: +--- +---- Textures must have been created with the `render` `TextureUsage`. +---- Textures must have the same dimensions, layer counts, and sample counts. +---- When rendering to textures with multiple layers, each draw will be broadcast to all layers. +--- Render passes have multiple "views" (cameras), and each layer uses a corresponding view, +--- allowing each layer to be rendered from a different viewpoint. +--- +---This enables fast stereo +--- rendering, but can also be used to efficiently render to cubemaps. +--- +---The `ViewIndex` variable +--- can also be used in shaders to set up any desired per-view behavior. +---- If `mipmap` is true, then any textures with mipmaps must have the `transfer` `TextureUsage`. +---- It's okay to have zero color textures, but in this case there must be a depth texture. +---- Setting `clear` to `false` for textures is usually very slow on mobile GPUs. +---- It's possible to render to a specific mipmap level of a Texture, or a subset of its layers, by +--- rendering to texture views, see `Texture:newView`. +--- +---For `compute` and `transfer` passes, all of the commands in the pass act as though they run in parallel. +--- +---This means that writing to the same element of a buffer twice, or writing to it and reading from it again is not guaranteed to work properly on all GPUs. +--- +---LÖVR is not currently able to check for this. +--- +---If compute or transfers need to be sequenced, multiple passes should be used. +--- +---It is, however, completely fine to read and write to non-overlapping regions of the same buffer or texture. +--- +---@overload fun(type: lovr.PassType, texture: lovr.Texture):lovr.Pass +---@overload fun(type: lovr.PassType, canvas: table):lovr.Pass +---@param type lovr.PassType # The type of pass to create. +---@return lovr.Pass pass # The new Pass. +function lovr.graphics.getPass(type) end + +--- +---Returns the window pass. +--- +---This is a builtin render `Pass` object that renders to the desktop window texture. +--- +---If the desktop window was not open when the graphics module was initialized, this function will return `nil`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---`lovr.conf` may be used to change the settings for the pass: `t.graphics.antialias` enables antialiasing, and `t.graphics.stencil` enables the stencil buffer. +--- +---This pass clears the window texture to the background color, which can be changed using `lovr.graphics.setBackgroundColor`. +--- +---@return lovr.Pass pass # The window pass, or `nil` if there is no window. +function lovr.graphics.getWindowPass() end + +--- +---Returns the type of operations the GPU supports for a texture format, if any. +--- +---@param format lovr.TextureFormat # The texture format to query. +---@param features lovr.TextureFeature # Zero or more features to check. If no features are given, this function will return whether the GPU supports *any* feature for this format. Otherwise, this function will only return true if *all* of the input features are supported. +---@return boolean supported # Whether the GPU supports these operations for textures with this format. +function lovr.graphics.isFormatSupported(format, features) end + +--- +---Creates a Buffer. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The format table can contain a list of `FieldType`s or a list of tables to provide extra information about each field. +--- +---Each inner table has the following keys: +--- +---- `type` is the `FieldType` of the field and is required. +---- `offset` is the byte offset of the field. +--- +---Any fields with a `nil` offset will be placed next +--- to each other sequentially in memory, subject to any padding required by the Buffer's layout. +--- In practice this means that you probably want to provide an `offset` for either all of the +--- fields or none of them. +---- `location` is the vertex attribute location of each field. +--- +---This is used to match up each +--- field with an attribute declared in a shader, and doesn't have any purpose when binding the +--- buffer as a uniform or storage buffer. +--- +---Any fields with a `nil` location will use an +--- autoincrementing location starting at zero. +--- +---Named locations are not currently supported, but +--- may be added in the future. +--- +---If no table or Blob is used to define the initial Buffer contents, its data will be undefined. +--- +---There is currently a max of 16 fields. +--- +---@overload fun(data: table, type: lovr.FieldType):lovr.Buffer +---@overload fun(length: number, format: table):lovr.Buffer +---@overload fun(data: table, format: table):lovr.Buffer +---@overload fun(blob: lovr.Blob, type: lovr.FieldType):lovr.Buffer +---@overload fun(blob: lovr.Blob, format: table):lovr.Buffer +---@param length number # The length of the Buffer. +---@param type lovr.FieldType # The type of each item in the Buffer. +---@return lovr.Buffer buffer # The new Buffer. +function lovr.graphics.newBuffer(length, type) end + +--- +---Creates a new Font. +--- +---@overload fun(blob: lovr.Blob, size?: number, spread?: number):lovr.Font +---@overload fun(size?: number, spread?: number):lovr.Font +---@overload fun(rasterizer: lovr.Rasterizer, spread?: number):lovr.Font +---@param filename string # A path to a TTF file. +---@param size? number # The size of the Font in pixels. Larger sizes are slower to initialize and use more memory, but have better quality. +---@param spread? number # For signed distance field fonts (currently all fonts), the width of the SDF, in pixels. The greater the distance the font is viewed from, the larger this value needs to be for the font to remain properly antialiased. Increasing this will have a performance penalty similar to increasing the size of the font. +---@return lovr.Font font # The new Font. +function lovr.graphics.newFont(filename, size, spread) end + +--- +---Creates a new Material from a table of properties and textures. +--- +---All fields are optional. +--- +---Once a Material is created, its properties can not be changed. +--- +---Instead, a new Material should be created with the updated properties. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The non-texture material properties can be accessed in shaders using `Material.`, where the property is the same as the Lua table key. +--- +---The textures use capitalized names in shader code, e.g. `ColorTexture`. +--- +---@param properties {color: lovr.Vec4, glow: lovr.Vec4, uvShift: lovr.Vec2, uvScale: lovr.Vec2, metalness: number, roughness: number, clearcoat: number, clearcoatRoughness: number, occlusionStrength: number, normalScale: number, alphaCutoff: number, texture: lovr.Texture, glowTexture: lovr.Texture, metalnessTexture: lovr.Texture, roughnessTexture: lovr.Texture, clearcoatTexture: lovr.Texture, occlusionTexture: lovr.Texture, normalTexture: lovr.Texture} # Material properties. +---@return lovr.Material material # The new material. +function lovr.graphics.newMaterial(properties) end + +--- +---Loads a 3D model from a file. +--- +---Currently, OBJ, glTF, and binary STL files are supported. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Currently, the following features are not supported by the model importer: +--- +---- glTF: Morph targets are not supported. +---- glTF: Only the default scene is loaded. +---- glTF: Currently, each skin in a Model can have up to 256 joints. +---- glTF: Meshes can't appear multiple times in the node hierarchy with different skins, they need +--- to use 1 skin consistently. +---- glTF: `KHR_texture_transform` is supported, but all textures in a material will use the same +--- transform. +---- STL: ASCII STL files are not supported. +--- +---Diffuse and emissive textures will be loaded using sRGB encoding, all other textures will be loaded as linear. +--- +---@overload fun(blob: lovr.Blob, options?: table):lovr.Model +---@overload fun(modelData: lovr.ModelData, options?: table):lovr.Model +---@param filename string # The path to model file. +---@param options? {mipmaps: boolean} # Model options. +---@return lovr.Model model # The new Model. +function lovr.graphics.newModel(filename, options) end + +--- +---Creates a new Sampler. +--- +---Samplers are immutable, meaning their parameters can not be changed after the sampler is created. +--- +---Instead, a new sampler should be created with the updated properties. +--- +---@param parameters {filter: {["[1]"]: lovr.FilterMode, ["[2]"]: lovr.FilterMode, ["[3]"]: lovr.FilterMode}, wrap: {["[1]"]: lovr.WrapMode, ["[2]"]: lovr.WrapMode, ["[3]"]: lovr.FilterMode}, compare: lovr.CompareMode, anisotropy: number, mipmaprange: table} # Parameters for the sampler. +---@return lovr.Sampler sampler # The new sampler. +function lovr.graphics.newSampler(parameters) end + +--- +---Creates a Shader, which is a small program that runs on the GPU. +--- +---Shader code is usually written in GLSL and compiled to SPIR-V bytecode. +--- +---SPIR-V is faster to load but requires a build step. +--- +---Either form can be used to create a shader. +--- +---@overload fun(compute: string, options: table):lovr.Shader +---@overload fun(default: lovr.DefaultShader, options: table):lovr.Shader +---@param vertex string # A string, path to a file, or Blob containing GLSL or SPIR-V code for the vertex stage. Can also be a `DefaultShader` to use that shader's vertex code. +---@param fragment string # A string, path to a file, or Blob containing GLSL or SPIR-V code for the fragment stage. Can also be a `DefaultShader` to use that shader's fragment code. +---@param options {flags: table, label: string} # Shader options. +---@return lovr.Shader shader # The new shader. +function lovr.graphics.newShader(vertex, fragment, options) end + +--- +---Creates a new Tally. +--- +---@param type lovr.TallyType # The type of the Tally, which controls what "thing" it measures. +---@param count number # The number of slots in the Tally. Each slot holds one measurement. +---@param views? number # Tally objects with the `time` type can only be used in render passes with a certain number of views. This is ignored for other types of tallies. +---@return lovr.Tally tally # The new Tally. +function lovr.graphics.newTally(type, count, views) end + +--- +---Creates a new Texture. +--- +---Image filenames or `Image` objects can be used to provide the initial pixel data and the dimensions, format, and type. +--- +---Alternatively, dimensions can be provided, which will create an empty texture. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If no `type` is provided in the options table, LÖVR will guess the `TextureType` of the Texture based on the number of layers: +--- +---- If there's only 1 layer, the type will be `2d`. +---- If there are 6 images provided, the type will be `cube`. +---- Otherwise, the type will be `array`. +--- +---Note that an Image can contain multiple layers and mipmaps. +--- +---When a single Image is provided, its layer count will be used as the Texture's layer count. +--- +---If multiple Images are used to initialize the Texture, they must all have a single layer, and their dimensions, format, and mipmap counts must match. +--- +---When providing cubemap images in a table, they can be in one of the following forms: +--- +--- { 'px.png', 'nx.png', 'py.png', 'ny.png', 'pz.png', 'nz.png' } +--- { right = 'px.png', left = 'nx.png', top = 'py.png', bottom = 'ny.png', back = 'pz.png', front = 'nz.png' } +--- { px = 'px.png', nx = 'nx.png', py = 'py.png', ny = 'ny.png', pz = 'pz.png', nz = 'nz.png' } +--- +---(Where 'p' stands for positive and 'n' stands for negative). +--- +---If no `usage` is provided in the options table, LÖVR will guess the `TextureUsage` of the Texture. +--- +---The `sample` usage is always included, but if the texture was created without any images then the texture will have the `render` usage as well. +--- +---The supported image formats are png, jpg, hdr, dds, ktx1, ktx2, and astc. +--- +---If image data is provided, mipmaps will be generated for any missing mipmap levels. +--- +---@overload fun(width: number, height: number, options: table):lovr.Texture +---@overload fun(width: number, height: number, layers: number, options: table):lovr.Texture +---@overload fun(image: string, options: table):lovr.Texture +---@overload fun(images: table, options: table):lovr.Texture +---@overload fun(blob: lovr.Blob, options: table):lovr.Texture +---@param filename string # The filename of an image to load. +---@param options {type: lovr.TextureType, format: lovr.TextureFormat, linear: boolean, samples: number, mipmaps: any, usage: table, label: string} # Texture options. +---@return lovr.Texture texture # The new Texture. +function lovr.graphics.newTexture(filename, options) end + +--- +---Presents the window texture to the desktop window. +--- +---This function is called automatically by the default implementation of `lovr.run`, so it normally does not need to be called. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This should be called after submitting the window pass (`lovr.graphics.getWindowPass`). +--- +---If the window texture has not been rendered to since the last present, this function does nothing. +--- +function lovr.graphics.present() end + +--- +---Changes the global background color. +--- +---The textures in a render pass will be cleared to this color at the beginning of the pass if no other clear option is specified. +--- +---Additionally, the headset and window will be cleared to this color before rendering. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Setting the background color in `lovr.draw` will apply on the following frame, since the default pass is cleared before `lovr.draw` is called. +--- +---Internally, this color is applied to the default pass objects when retrieving one of them using `lovr.headset.getPass` or `lovr.graphics.getPass`. +--- +---Both are called automatically by the default `lovr.run` implementation. +--- +---Using the background color to clear the display is expected to be more efficient than manually clearing after a render pass begins, especially on mobile GPUs. +--- +---@overload fun(hex: number, a?: number) +---@overload fun(table: table) +---@param r number # The red component of the background color. +---@param g number # The green component of the background color. +---@param b number # The blue component of the background color. +---@param a? number # The alpha component of the background color. +function lovr.graphics.setBackgroundColor(r, g, b, a) end + +--- +---Submits work to the GPU. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The submitted `Pass` objects will run in the order specified. +--- +---Commands within a single Pass do not have any ordering guarantees. +--- +---Submitting work to the GPU is not thread safe. +--- +---No other `lovr.graphics` or `Pass` functions may run at the same time as `lovr.graphics.submit`. +--- +---Calling this function will invalidate any temporary buffers or passes that were created during the frame. +--- +---Submitting work to the GPU is a relatively expensive operation. +--- +---It's a good idea to batch all `Pass` objects into 1 submission if possible, unless there's a good reason not to. +--- +---One such reason would be that the frame has so much work that some of it needs to be submitted early to prevent the GPU from running out of things to do. +--- +---Another would be for `Readback` objects. +--- +---By default, this function is called with the default pass at the end of `lovr.draw` and `lovr.mirror`. +--- +---It is valid to submit zero passes. +--- +---This will send an empty batch of work to the GPU. +--- +---@overload fun(t: table):boolean +---@vararg lovr.Pass # The pass objects to submit. Falsy values will be skipped. +---@return boolean true # Always returns true, for convenience when returning from `lovr.draw`. +function lovr.graphics.submit(...) end + +--- +---Waits for all submitted GPU work to finish. +--- +---A normal application that is trying to render graphics at a high framerate should never use this function, since waiting like this prevents the CPU from doing other useful work. +--- +---Otherwise, reasons to use this function might be for debugging or to force a `Readback` to finish immediately. +--- +function lovr.graphics.wait() end + +--- +---A Buffer is a block of GPU memory. +--- +---Buffers are similar to Lua tables or arrays: they have a length and store a list of values. +--- +---The length of a Buffer and its format (the type of each value) are declared upfront and can't be changed. +--- +---Each value of a Buffer consists of one or more fields, and each field has a type. +--- +---For example, if a Buffer is used to store vertices, each value might store 3 fields for the position, normal vector, and UV coordinates of a vertex. +--- +---Buffers are commonly used for: +--- +---- Mesh data: Buffers hold the data that define the vertices in a mesh. Buffers also store the +--- vertex indices of a mesh, which define the order the vertices are connected together into +--- triangles. These are often called vertex buffers and index buffers. +---- Shader data: Buffers can be bound to a Shader, letting the Shader read arbitrary data. For +--- example, Lua code could create a Buffer with the positions and colors of all the lights in a +--- scene, which a Shader can use to do lighting calculations. +---- Compute: Compute shaders can write data to Buffers. +--- +---This GPU-generated data can be used in +--- later rendering work or sent back to Lua. +---- Indirect: Indirect rendering is an advanced technique where instructions for rendering work +--- are recorded to a Buffer (potentially by a compute shader) and later drawn. +--- +---There are two types of Buffers: +--- +---- **Temporary** buffers are very inexpensive to create, and writing to them from Lua is fast. +--- However, they become invalid at the end of `lovr.draw` (i.e. when `lovr.graphics.submit` is +--- called). +--- +---The GPU is slightly slower at accessing data from temporary buffers, and compute +--- shaders can not write to them. +--- +---They are designed for storing data that changes every frame. +---- **Permanent** buffers are more expensive to create, and updating their contents requires a +--- transfer from CPU memory to VRAM. +--- +---They act like normal LÖVR objects and don't need to be +--- recreated every frame. +--- +---They often have faster performance when used by the GPU, and compute +--- shaders can write to them. +--- +---They are great for large pieces of data that are initialized once +--- at load time, or data that is updated infrequently. +--- +---@class lovr.Buffer +local Buffer = {} + +--- +---Clears some or all of the data in the **temporary** Buffer to zero. +--- +---Permanent Buffers can be cleared in a transfer pass using `Pass:clear`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Clearing a permanent buffer requires the byte offset and byte count of the cleared range to be a multiple of 4. +--- +---This will usually be true for most data types. +--- +---@param index? number # The index of the first item to clear. +---@param count? number # The number of items to clear. If `nil`, clears to the end of the Buffer. +function Buffer:clear(index, count) end + +--- +---Returns the format of the Buffer. +--- +---This is the list of fields that comprise each item in the buffer. +--- +---Each field has a type, byte offset, and vertex attribute location. +--- +---@return table format # The format of the Buffer. +function Buffer:getFormat() end + +--- +---Returns the length of the Buffer. +--- +---@return number length # The length of the Buffer. +function Buffer:getLength() end + +--- +---Returns a raw pointer to the Buffer's memory as a lightuserdata, intended for use with the LuaJIT FFI or for passing to C libraries. +--- +---This is only available for temporary buffers, so the pointer is only valid until `lovr.graphics.submit` is called. +--- +---@return lightuserdata pointer # A pointer to the Buffer's memory. +function Buffer:getPointer() end + +--- +---Returns the size of the Buffer, in bytes. +--- +---This is the same as `length * stride`. +--- +---@return number size # The size of the Buffer, in bytes. +function Buffer:getSize() end + +--- +---Returns the distance between each item in the Buffer, in bytes. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---When a Buffer is created, the stride can be set explicitly, otherwise it will be automatically computed based on the fields in the Buffer. +--- +---Strides can not be zero, and can not be smaller than the size of a single item. +--- +---To work around this, bind the Buffer as a storage buffer and fetch data from the buffer manually. +--- +---@return number stride # The stride of the Buffer, in bytes. +function Buffer:getStride() end + +--- +---Returns whether the Buffer is temporary. +--- +---@return boolean temporary # Whether the Buffer is temporary. +function Buffer:isTemporary() end + +--- +---Changes data in a temporary Buffer using a table or a Blob. +--- +---Permanent buffers can be changed using `Pass:copy`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---When using a table, the table can contain a nested table for each value in the Buffer, or it can be a flat list of field component values. +--- +---It is not possible to mix both nested tables and flat values. +--- +---For each item updated, components of each field in the item (according to the Buffer's format) are read from either the nested subtable or the table itself. +--- +---A single number can be used to update a field with a scalar type. +--- +---Multiple numbers or a `lovr.math` vector can be used to update a field with a vector or mat4 type. +--- +---Multiple numbers can be used to update mat2 and mat3 fields. +--- +---When updating normalized field types, components read from the table will be clamped to the normalized range ([0,1] or [-1,1]). +--- +---In the Buffer, each field is written at its byte offset according to the Buffer's format, and subsequent items are separated by the byte stride of the Buffer. +--- +---Any missing components for an updated field will be set to zero. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Buffer, blob: lovr.Blob, sourceOffset?: number, destinationOffset?: number, size?: number) +---@param data table # A flat or nested table of items to copy to the Buffer (see notes for format). +---@param sourceIndex? number # The index in the table to copy from. +---@param destinationIndex? number # The index of the first value in the Buffer to update. +---@param count? number # The number of values to update. `nil` will copy as many items as possible, based on the lengths of the source and destination. +function Buffer:setData(data, sourceIndex, destinationIndex, count) end + +--- +---Font objects are used to render text with `Pass:text`. +--- +---The active font can be changed using `Pass:setFont`. +--- +---The default font is Varela Round, which is used when no font is active, and can be retrieved using `lovr.graphics.getDefaultFont`. +--- +---Custom fonts can be loaded from TTF files using `lovr.graphics.newFont`. +--- +---Each Font uses a `Rasterizer` to load the TTF file and create images for each glyph. As text is drawn, the Font uploads images from the Rasterizer to a GPU texture atlas as needed. +--- +---The Font also performs text layout and mesh generation for strings of text. +--- +---LÖVR uses a text rendering technique called "multichannel signed distance fields" (MSDF), which makes the font rendering remain crisp when text is viewed up close. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---MSDF text requires a special shader to work. +--- +---LÖVR will automatically switch to this shader if no shader is active on the `Pass`. +--- +---This font shader is also available as a `DefaultShader`. +--- +---@class lovr.Font +local Font = {} + +--- +---Returns the ascent of the font. +--- +---The ascent is the maximum amount glyphs ascend above the baseline. +--- +---The units depend on the font's pixel density. +--- +---With the default density, the units correspond to meters. +--- +---@return number ascent # The ascent of the font. +function Font:getAscent() end + +--- +---Returns the descent of the font. +--- +---The descent is the maximum amount glyphs descend below the baseline. +--- +---The units depend on the font's pixel density. +--- +---With the default density, the units correspond to meters. +--- +---@return number descent # The descent of the font. +function Font:getDescent() end + +--- +---Returns the height of the font, sometimes also called the leading. +--- +---This is the full height of a line of text, including the space between lines. +--- +---Each line of a multiline string is separated on the y axis by this height, multiplied by the font's line spacing. +--- +---The units depend on the font's pixel density. +--- +---With the default density, the units correspond to meters. +--- +---@return number height # The height of the font. +function Font:getHeight() end + +--- +---Returns the kerning between 2 glyphs. +--- +---Kerning is a slight horizontal adjustment between 2 glyphs to improve the visual appearance. +--- +---It will often be negative. +--- +---The units depend on the font's pixel density. +--- +---With the default density, the units correspond to meters. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Font, firstCodepoint: number, second: string):number +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Font, first: string, secondCodepoint: number):number +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Font, firstCodepoint: number, secondCodepoint: number):number +---@param first string # The first character. +---@param second string # The second character. +---@return number keming # The kerning between the two glyphs. +function Font:getKerning(first, second) end + +--- +---Returns the line spacing of the Font. +--- +---When spacing out lines, the height of the font is multiplied the line spacing to get the final spacing value. +--- +---The default is 1.0. +--- +---@return number spacing # The line spacing of the font. +function Font:getLineSpacing() end + +--- +---Returns a table of wrapped lines for a piece of text, given a line length limit. +--- +---Newlines are handled correctly. +--- +---The wrap limit units depend on the pixel density of the font. +--- +---With the default pixel density, the units correspond to meters when the font is drawn at 1.0 scale. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Font, strings: table, wrap: number):table +---@param string string # The text to wrap. +---@param wrap number # The line length to wrap at. +---@return table lines # A table strings, one for each wrapped line (without any color information). +function Font:getLines(string, wrap) end + +--- +---Returns the pixel density of the font. +--- +---The density is a "pixels per world unit" factor that controls how the pixels in the font's texture are mapped to units in the coordinate space. +--- +---The default pixel density is set to the height of the font. +--- +---This means that lines of text rendered with a scale of 1.0 come out to 1 unit (meter) tall. +--- +---However, if this font was drawn to a 2D texture where the units are in pixels, the font would still be drawn 1 unit (pixel) tall! Scaling the coordinate space or the size of the text by the height of the font would fix this. +--- +---However, a more convenient option is to set the pixel density of the font to 1.0 when doing 2D rendering to make the font's size match up with the pixels of the canvas. +--- +---@return number density # The pixel density of the font. +function Font:getPixelDensity() end + +--- +---Returns the Rasterizer object backing the Font. +--- +---@return lovr.Rasterizer rasterizer # The Rasterizer. +function Font:getRasterizer() end + +--- +---Returns a table of vertices for a piece of text, along with a Material to use when rendering it. The Material returned by this function may not be the same if the Font's texture atlas needs to be recreated with a bigger size to make room for more glyphs. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Each vertex is a table of 4 floating point numbers with the following data: +--- +--- { x, y, u, v } +--- +---These could be placed in a vertex buffer using the following buffer format: +--- +--- { 'vec2:VertexPosition', 'vec2:VertexUV' } +--- +---@param halign lovr.HorizontalAlign # The horizontal align. +---@param valign lovr.VerticalAlign # The vertical align. +---@return table vertices # The table of vertices. See below for the format of each vertex. +---@return lovr.Material material # A Material to use when rendering the vertices. +function Font:getVertices(halign, valign) end + +--- +---Returns the maximum width of a piece of text. +--- +---This function does not perform wrapping but does respect newlines in the text. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Font, strings: table):number +---@param string string # The text to measure. +---@return number width # The maximum width of the text. +function Font:getWidth(string) end + +--- +---Sets the line spacing of the Font. +--- +---When spacing out lines, the height of the font is multiplied by the line spacing to get the final spacing value. +--- +---The default is 1.0. +--- +---@param spacing number # The new line spacing. +function Font:setLineSpacing(spacing) end + +--- +---Sets the pixel density of the font. +--- +---The density is a "pixels per world unit" factor that controls how the pixels in the font's texture are mapped to units in the coordinate space. +--- +---The default pixel density is set to the height of the font. +--- +---This means that lines of text rendered with a scale of 1.0 come out to 1 unit (meter) tall. +--- +---However, if this font was drawn to a 2D texture where the units are in pixels, the font would still be drawn 1 unit (pixel) tall! Scaling the coordinate space or the size of the text by the height of the font would fix this. +--- +---However, a more convenient option is to set the pixel density of the font to 1.0 when doing 2D rendering to make the font's size match up with the pixels of the canvas. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Font) +---@param density number # The new pixel density of the font. +function Font:setPixelDensity(density) end + +--- +---Materials are a set of properties and textures that define the properties of a surface, like what color it is, how bumpy or shiny it is, etc. `Shader` code can use the data from a material to compute lighting. +--- +---Materials are immutable, and can't be changed after they are created. +--- +---Instead, a new Material should be created with the updated properties. +--- +---`Pass:setMaterial` changes the active material, causing it to affect rendering until the active material is changed again. +--- +---Using material objects is optional. +--- +---`Pass:setMaterial` can take a `Texture`, and `Pass:setColor` can change the color of objects, so basic tinting and texturing of surfaces does not require a full material to be created. +--- +---Also, a custom material system could be developed by sending textures and other data to shaders manually. +--- +---`Model` objects will create materials for all of the materials defined in the model file. +--- +---In shader code, non-texture material properties can be accessed as `Material.`, and material textures can be accessed as `Texture`, e.g. `RoughnessTexture`. +--- +---@class lovr.Material +local Material = {} + +--- +---Returns the properties of the Material in a table. +--- +---@return table properties # The Material properties. +function Material:getProperties() end + +--- +---Models are 3D model assets loaded from files. +--- +---Currently, OBJ, glTF, and binary STL files are supported. +--- +---A model can be drawn using `Pass:draw`. +--- +---The raw CPU data for a model is held in a `ModelData` object, which can be loaded on threads or reused for multiple Model instances. +--- +---Models have a hierarchy of nodes which can have their transforms modified. +--- +---Meshes are attached to these nodes. +--- +---The same mesh can be attached to multiple nodes, allowing it to be drawn multiple times while only storing a single copy of its data. +--- +---Models can have animations. +--- +---Animations have keyframes which affect the transforms of nodes. Right now each model can only be drawn with a single animated pose per frame. +--- +---Models can have materials, which are collections of properties and textures that define how its surface is affected by lighting. +--- +---Each mesh in the model can use a single material. +--- +---@class lovr.Model +local Model = {} + +--- +---Animates a Model by setting or blending the transforms of nodes using data stored in the keyframes of an animation. +--- +---The animation from the model file is evaluated at the timestamp, resulting in a set of node properties. +--- +---These properties are then applied to the nodes in the model, using an optional blend factor. +--- +---If the animation doesn't have keyframes that target a given node, the node will remain unchanged. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the timestamp is larger than the duration of the animation, it will wrap back around to zero, so looping an animation doesn't require using the modulo operator. +--- +---To change the speed of the animation, multiply the timestamp by a speed factor. +--- +---For each animated property in the animation, if the timestamp used for the animation is less than the timestamp of the first keyframe, the data of the first keyframe will be used. +--- +---This function can be called multiple times to layer and blend animations. +--- +---The model joints will be drawn in the final resulting pose. +--- +---`Model:resetNodeTransforms` can be used to reset the model nodes to their initial transforms, which is helpful to ensure animating starts from a clean slate. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, index: number, time: number, blend?: number) +---@param name string # The name of an animation in the model file. +---@param time number # The timestamp to evaluate the keyframes at, in seconds. +---@param blend? number # How much of the animation's pose to blend into the nodes, from 0 to 1. +function Model:animate(name, time, blend) end + +--- +---Returns the number of animations in the Model. +--- +---@return number count # The number of animations in the Model. +function Model:getAnimationCount() end + +--- +---Returns the duration of an animation in the Model, in seconds. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The duration of an animation is calculated as the largest timestamp of all of its keyframes. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, name: string):number +---@param index number # The animation index. +---@return number duration # The duration of the animation, in seconds. +function Model:getAnimationDuration(index) end + +--- +---Returns the name of an animation in the Model. +--- +---@param index number # The index of an animation. +---@return string name # The name of the animation. +function Model:getAnimationName(index) end + +--- +---Returns the 6 values of the Model's axis-aligned bounding box. +--- +---@return number minx # The minimum x coordinate of the vertices in the Model. +---@return number maxx # The maximum x coordinate of the vertices in the Model. +---@return number miny # The minimum y coordinate of the vertices in the Model. +---@return number maxy # The maximum y coordinate of the vertices in the Model. +---@return number minz # The minimum z coordinate of the vertices in the Model. +---@return number maxz # The maximum z coordinate of the vertices in the Model. +function Model:getBoundingBox() end + +--- +---Returns a sphere approximately enclosing the vertices in the Model. +--- +---@return number x # The x coordinate of the position of the sphere. +---@return number y # The y coordinate of the position of the sphere. +---@return number z # The z coordinate of the position of the sphere. +---@return number radius # The radius of the bounding sphere. +function Model:getBoundingSphere() end + +--- +---Returns the center of the Model's axis-aligned bounding box, relative to the Model's origin. +--- +---@return number x # The x offset of the center of the bounding box. +---@return number y # The y offset of the center of the bounding box. +---@return number z # The z offset of the center of the bounding box. +function Model:getCenter() end + +--- +---Returns the ModelData this Model was created from. +--- +---@return lovr.ModelData data # The ModelData. +function Model:getData() end + +--- +---Returns the depth of the Model, computed from its axis-aligned bounding box. +--- +---@return number depth # The depth of the Model. +function Model:getDepth() end + +--- +---Returns the width, height, and depth of the Model, computed from its axis-aligned bounding box. +--- +---@return number width # The width of the Model. +---@return number height # The height of the Model. +---@return number depth # The depth of the Model. +function Model:getDimensions() end + +--- +---Returns the height of the Model, computed from its axis-aligned bounding box. +--- +---@return number height # The height of the Model. +function Model:getHeight() end + +--- +---Returns the index buffer used by the Model. +--- +---The index buffer describes the order used to draw the vertices in each mesh. +--- +---@return lovr.Buffer buffer # The index buffer. +function Model:getIndexBuffer() end + +--- +---Returns a `Material` loaded from the Model. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, index: number):lovr.Material +---@param name string # The name of the Material to return. +---@return lovr.Material material # The material. +function Model:getMaterial(name) end + +--- +---Returns the number of materials in the Model. +--- +---@return number count # The number of materials in the Model. +function Model:getMaterialCount() end + +--- +---Returns the name of a material in the Model. +--- +---@param index number # The index of a material. +---@return string name # The name of the material. +function Model:getMaterialName(index) end + +--- +---Returns extra information stored in the model file. +--- +---Currently this is only implemented for glTF models and returns the JSON string from the glTF or glb file. +--- +---The metadata can be used to get application-specific data or add support for glTF extensions not supported by LÖVR. +--- +---@return string metadata # The metadata from the model file. +function Model:getMetadata() end + +--- +---Given a parent node, this function returns a table with the indices of its children. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the node does not have any children, this function returns an empty table. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, name: string):table +---@param index number # The index of the parent node. +---@return table children # A table containing a node index for each child of the node. +function Model:getNodeChildren(index) end + +--- +---Returns the number of nodes in the model. +--- +---@return number count # The number of nodes in the model. +function Model:getNodeCount() end + +--- +---Returns the draw mode, material, and vertex range of a mesh in the model. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, name: string, index: number):lovr.MeshMode, lovr.Material, number, number, number +---@param node number # The index of the node. +---@param index number # The index of the draw. +---@return lovr.MeshMode mode # Whether the vertices are points, lines, or triangles. +---@return lovr.Material material # The Material used by the draw. +---@return number start # The offset of the first vertex in the draw. +---@return number count # The number of vertices in the draw. +---@return number base # The base vertex of the draw (added to each instance value), or nil if the draw does not use an index buffer. +function Model:getNodeDraw(node, index) end + +--- +---Returns the number of meshes attached to a node. +--- +---Each mesh is drawn individually. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, name: string):number +---@param index number # The index of a node. +---@return number count # The number of draws in the node. +function Model:getNodeDrawCount(index) end + +--- +---Returns the name of a node. +--- +---@param index number # The index of the node. +---@return string name # The name of the node. +function Model:getNodeName(index) end + +--- +---Returns the orientation of a node. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, name: string, origin?: lovr.OriginType):number, number, number, number +---@param index number # The index of the node. +---@param origin? lovr.OriginType # Whether the orientation should be returned relative to the root node or the node's parent. +---@return number angle # The number of radians the node is rotated around its axis of rotation. +---@return number ax # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number ay # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number az # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function Model:getNodeOrientation(index, origin) end + +--- +---Given a child node, this function returns the index of its parent. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, name: string):number +---@param index number # The index of the child node. +---@return number parent # The index of the parent. +function Model:getNodeParent(index) end + +--- +---Returns the pose (position and orientation) of a node. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, name: string, origin?: lovr.OriginType):number, number, number, number, number, number, number +---@param index number # The index of a node. +---@param origin? lovr.OriginType # Whether the pose should be returned relative to the root node or the node's parent. +---@return number x # The x position of the node. +---@return number y # The y position of the node. +---@return number z # The z position of the node. +---@return number angle # The number of radians the node is rotated around its axis of rotation. +---@return number ax # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number ay # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number az # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function Model:getNodePose(index, origin) end + +--- +---Returns the position of a node. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, name: string, space?: lovr.OriginType):number, number, number +---@param index number # The index of the node. +---@param space? lovr.OriginType # Whether the position should be returned relative to the root node or the node's parent. +---@return number x # The x coordinate. +---@return number y # The y coordinate. +---@return number z # The z coordinate. +function Model:getNodePosition(index, space) end + +--- +---Returns the scale of a node. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, name: string, origin?: lovr.OriginType):number, number, number +---@param index number # The index of the node. +---@param origin? lovr.OriginType # Whether the scale should be returned relative to the root node or the node's parent. +---@return number x # The x scale. +---@return number y # The y scale. +---@return number z # The z scale. +function Model:getNodeScale(index, origin) end + +--- +---Returns the transform (position, scale, and rotation) of a node. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, name: string, origin?: lovr.OriginType):number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number, number +---@param index number # The index of a node. +---@param origin? lovr.OriginType # Whether the transform should be returned relative to the root node or the node's parent. +---@return number x # The x position of the node. +---@return number y # The y position of the node. +---@return number z # The z position of the node. +---@return number sx # The x scale of the node. +---@return number sy # The y scale of the node. +---@return number sz # The z scale of the node. +---@return number angle # The number of radians the node is rotated around its axis of rotation. +---@return number ax # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number ay # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number az # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function Model:getNodeTransform(index, origin) end + +--- +---Returns the index of the model's root node. +--- +---@return number root # The index of the root node. +function Model:getRootNode() end + +--- +---Returns one of the textures in the Model. +--- +---@param index number # The index of the texture to get. +---@return lovr.Texture texture # The texture. +function Model:getTexture(index) end + +--- +---Returns the number of textures in the Model. +--- +---@return number count # The number of textures in the Model. +function Model:getTextureCount() end + +--- +---Returns the total number of triangles in the Model. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This isn't always related to the length of the vertex buffer, since a mesh in the Model could be drawn by multiple nodes. +--- +---@return number count # The total number of triangles in the Model. +function Model:getTriangleCount() end + +--- +---Returns 2 tables containing mesh data for the Model. +--- +---The first table is a list of vertex positions and contains 3 numbers for the x, y, and z coordinate of each vertex. +--- +---The second table is a list of triangles and contains 1-based indices into the first table representing the first, second, and third vertices that make up each triangle. +--- +---The vertex positions will be affected by node transforms. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---After this function is called on a Model once, the result is cached (in its ModelData). +--- +---@return table vertices # The triangle vertex positions, returned as a flat (non-nested) table of numbers. The position of each vertex is given as an x, y, and z coordinate. +---@return table indices # The vertex indices. Every 3 indices describes a triangle. +function Model:getTriangles() end + +--- +---Returns a `Buffer` that holds the vertices of all of the meshes in the Model. +--- +---@return lovr.Buffer buffer # The vertex buffer. +function Model:getVertexBuffer() end + +--- +---Returns the total vertex count of the Model. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This isn't always the same as the length of the vertex buffer, since a mesh in the Model could be drawn by multiple nodes. +--- +---@return number count # The total number of vertices. +function Model:getVertexCount() end + +--- +---Returns the width of the Model, computed from its axis-aligned bounding box. +--- +---@return number width # The width of the Model. +function Model:getWidth() end + +--- +---Returns whether the Model has any skeletal animations. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This will return when there's at least one skin in the model, as returned by `ModelData:getSkinCount`. +--- +---Even if this function returns true, the model could still have non-skeletal animations. +--- +---Right now a model can only be drawn with one skeletal pose per frame. +--- +---@return boolean jointed # Whether the animation uses joint nodes for skeletal animation. +function Model:hasJoints() end + +--- +---Resets node transforms to the original ones defined in the model file. +--- +function Model:resetNodeTransforms() end + +--- +---Sets or blends the orientation of a node to a new orientation. +--- +---This sets the local orientation of the node, relative to its parent. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, name: string, angle: number, ax: number, ay: number, az: number, blend?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, index: number, orientation: lovr.Quat, blend?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, name: string, orientation: lovr.Quat, blend?: number) +---@param index number # The index of the node. +---@param angle number # The number of radians the node should be rotated around its rotation axis. +---@param ax number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +---@param blend? number # A number from 0 to 1 indicating how much of the target orientation to blend in. A value of 0 will not change the node's orientation at all, whereas 1 will fully blend to the target orientation. +function Model:setNodeOrientation(index, angle, ax, ay, az, blend) end + +--- +---Sets or blends the pose (position and orientation) of a node to a new pose. +--- +---This sets the local pose of the node, relative to its parent. +--- +---The scale will remain unchanged. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, name: string, x: number, y: number, z: number, angle: number, ax: number, ay: number, az: number, blend?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, index: number, position: lovr.Vec3, orientation: lovr.Quat, blend?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, name: string, position: lovr.Vec3, orientation: lovr.Quat, blend?: number) +---@param index number # The index of the node. +---@param x number # The x component of the position. +---@param y number # The y component of the position. +---@param z number # The z component of the position. +---@param angle number # The number of radians the node should be rotated around its rotation axis. +---@param ax number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +---@param blend? number # A number from 0 to 1 indicating how much of the target pose to blend in. A value of 0 will not change the node's pose at all, whereas 1 will fully blend to the target pose. +function Model:setNodePose(index, x, y, z, angle, ax, ay, az, blend) end + +--- +---Sets or blends the position of a node. +--- +---This sets the local position of the node, relative to its parent. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, name: string, x: number, y: number, z: number, blend?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, index: number, position: lovr.Vec3, blend?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, name: string, position: lovr.Vec3, blend?: number) +---@param index number # The index of the node. +---@param x number # The x coordinate of the new position. +---@param y number # The y coordinate of the new position. +---@param z number # The z coordinate of the new position. +---@param blend? number # A number from 0 to 1 indicating how much of the new position to blend in. A value of 0 will not change the node's position at all, whereas 1 will fully blend to the target position. +function Model:setNodePosition(index, x, y, z, blend) end + +--- +---Sets or blends the scale of a node to a new scale. +--- +---This sets the local scale of the node, relative to its parent. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---For best results when animating, it's recommended to keep the 3 scale components the same. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, name: string, sx: number, sy: number, sz: number, blend?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, index: number, scale: lovr.Vec3, blend?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, name: string, scale: lovr.Vec3, blend?: number) +---@param index number # The index of the node. +---@param sx number # The x scale. +---@param sy number # The y scale. +---@param sz number # The z scale. +---@param blend? number # A number from 0 to 1 indicating how much of the new scale to blend in. A value of 0 will not change the node's scale at all, whereas 1 will fully blend to the target scale. +function Model:setNodeScale(index, sx, sy, sz, blend) end + +--- +---Sets or blends the transform of a node to a new transform. +--- +---This sets the local transform of the node, relative to its parent. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---For best results when animating, it's recommended to keep the 3 components of the scale the same. +--- +---Even though the translation, scale, and rotation parameters are given in TSR order, they are applied in the normal TRS order. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, name: string, x: number, y: number, z: number, sx: number, sy: number, sz: number, angle: number, ax: number, ay: number, az: number, blend?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, index: number, position: lovr.Vec3, scale: lovr.Vec3, orientation: lovr.Quat, blend?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, name: string, position: lovr.Vec3, scale: lovr.Vec3, orientation: lovr.Quat, blend?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, index: number, transform: lovr.Mat4, blend?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Model, name: string, transform: lovr.Mat4, blend?: number) +---@param index number # The index of the node. +---@param x number # The x component of the position. +---@param y number # The y component of the position. +---@param z number # The z component of the position. +---@param sx number # The x component of the scale. +---@param sy number # The y component of the scale. +---@param sz number # The z component of the scale. +---@param angle number # The number of radians the node should be rotated around its rotation axis. +---@param ax number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +---@param blend? number # A number from 0 to 1 indicating how much of the target transform to blend in. A value of 0 will not change the node's transform at all, whereas 1 will fully blend to the target transform. +function Model:setNodeTransform(index, x, y, z, sx, sy, sz, angle, ax, ay, az, blend) end + +--- +---Pass objects are used to record commands for the GPU. +--- +---Commands can be recorded by calling functions on the Pass. +--- +---After recording a set of passes, they can be submitted for the GPU to process using `lovr.graphics.submit`. +--- +---Pass objects are **temporary** and only exist for a single frame. +--- +---Once `lovr.graphics.submit` is called to end the frame, any passes that were created during that frame become **invalid**. Each frame, a new set of passes must be created and recorded. +--- +---LÖVR tries to detect if you use a pass after it's invalid, but this error checking is not 100% accurate at the moment. +--- +---There are 3 types of passes. +--- +---Each type can record a specific type of command: +--- +---- `render` passes render graphics to textures. +---- `compute` passes run compute shaders. +---- `transfer` passes can transfer data to/from GPU objects, like `Buffer` and `Texture`. +--- +---@class lovr.Pass +local Pass = {} + +--- +---Copies data between textures. +--- +---Similar to `Pass:copy`, except the source and destination sizes can be different. +--- +---The pixels from the source texture will be scaled to the destination size. This can only be called on a transfer pass, which can be created with `lovr.graphics.getPass`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---When blitting between 3D textures, the layer counts do not need to match, and the layers will be treated as a continuous axis (i.e. pixels will be smoothed between layers). +--- +---When blitting between array textures, the layer counts must match, and the blit occurs as a sequence of distinct 2D blits layer-by-layer. +--- +---@param src lovr.Texture # The texture to copy from. +---@param dst lovr.Texture # The texture to copy to. +---@param srcx? number # The x offset from the left of the source texture to blit from, in pixels. +---@param srcy? number # The y offset from the top of the source texture to blit from, in pixels. +---@param srcz? number # The index of the first layer in the source texture to blit from. +---@param dstx? number # The x offset from the left of the destination texture to blit to, in pixels. +---@param dsty? number # The y offset from the top of the destination texture to blit to, in pixels. +---@param dstz? number # The index of the first layer in the destination texture to blit to. +---@param srcw? number # The width of the region in the source texture to blit. If nil, the region will extend to the right side of the texture. +---@param srch? number # The height of the region in the source texture to blit. If nil, the region will extend to the bottom of the texture. +---@param srcd? number # The number of layers in the source texture to blit. +---@param dstw? number # The width of the region in the destination texture to blit to. If nil, the region will extend to the right side of the texture. +---@param dsth? number # The height of the region in the destination texture to blit to. If nil, the region will extend to the bottom of the texture. +---@param dstd? number # The number of the layers in the destination texture to blit to. +---@param srclevel? number # The index of the mipmap level in the source texture to blit from. +---@param dstlevel? number # The index of the mipmap level in the destination texture to blit to. +---@param filter? lovr.FilterMode # The filtering algorithm used when rescaling. +function Pass:blit(src, dst, srcx, srcy, srcz, dstx, dsty, dstz, srcw, srch, srcd, dstw, dsth, dstd, srclevel, dstlevel, filter) end + +--- +---Draw a box. +--- +---This is like `Pass:cube`, except it takes 3 separate values for the scale. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, position: lovr.Vec3, size: lovr.Vec3, orientation: lovr.Quat, style?: lovr.DrawStyle) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, transform: lovr.Mat4, style?: lovr.DrawStyle) +---@param x? number # The x coordinate of the center of the box. +---@param y? number # The y coordinate of the center of the box. +---@param z? number # The z coordinate of the center of the box. +---@param width? number # The width of the box. +---@param height? number # The height of the box. +---@param depth? number # The depth of the box. +---@param angle? number # The rotation of the box around its rotation axis, in radians. +---@param ax? number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay? number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az? number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +---@param style? lovr.DrawStyle # Whether the box should be drawn filled or outlined. +function Pass:box(x, y, z, width, height, depth, angle, ax, ay, az, style) end + +--- +---Draws a capsule. +--- +---A capsule is shaped like a cylinder with a hemisphere on each end. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The length of the capsule does not include the end caps. +--- +---The local origin of the capsule is in the center, and the local z axis points towards the end caps. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, position: lovr.Vec3, scale: lovr.Vec3, orientation: lovr.Quat, segments?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, transform: lovr.Mat4, segments?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, p1: lovr.Vec3, p2: lovr.Vec3, radius?: number, segments?: number) +---@param x? number # The x coordinate of the center of the capsule. +---@param y? number # The y coordinate of the center of the capsule. +---@param z? number # The z coordinate of the center of the capsule. +---@param radius? number # The radius of the capsule. +---@param length? number # The length of the capsule. +---@param angle? number # The rotation of the capsule around its rotation axis, in radians. +---@param ax? number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay? number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az? number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +---@param segments? number # The number of circular segments to render. +function Pass:capsule(x, y, z, radius, length, angle, ax, ay, az, segments) end + +--- +---Draws a circle. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The local origin of the circle is in its center. +--- +---The local z axis is perpendicular to the circle. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, position: lovr.Vec3, radius?: number, orientation: lovr.Quat, style?: lovr.DrawStyle, angle1?: number, angle2?: number, segments?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, transform: lovr.Mat4, style?: lovr.DrawStyle, angle1?: number, angle2?: number, segments?: number) +---@param x? number # The x coordinate of the center of the circle. +---@param y? number # The y coordinate of the center of the circle. +---@param z? number # The z coordinate of the center of the circle. +---@param radius? number # The radius of the circle. +---@param angle? number # The rotation of the circle around its rotation axis, in radians. +---@param ax? number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay? number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az? number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +---@param style? lovr.DrawStyle # Whether the circle should be filled or outlined. +---@param angle1? number # The angle of the beginning of the arc. +---@param angle2? number # angle of the end of the arc. +---@param segments? number # The number of segments to render. +function Pass:circle(x, y, z, radius, angle, ax, ay, az, style, angle1, angle2, segments) end + +--- +---Clears a Buffer or Texture. +--- +---This can only be called on a transfer pass, which can be created with `lovr.graphics.getPass`. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, texture: lovr.Texture, color: lovr.Vec4, layer?: number, layers?: number, level?: number, levels?: number) +---@param buffer lovr.Buffer # The Buffer to clear. +---@param index? number # The index of the first item to clear. +---@param count? number # The number of items to clear. If `nil`, clears to the end of the Buffer. +function Pass:clear(buffer, index, count) end + +--- +---Runs a compute shader. +--- +---Before calling this, a compute shader needs to be active, using `Pass:setShader`. +--- +---This can only be called on a Pass with the `compute` type, which can be created using `lovr.graphics.getPass`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Usually compute shaders are run many times in parallel: once for each pixel in an image, once per particle, once per object, etc. +--- +---The 3 arguments represent how many times to run, or "dispatch", the compute shader, in up to 3 dimensions. +--- +---Each element of this grid is called a **workgroup**. +--- +---To make things even more complicated, each workgroup itself is made up of a set of "mini GPU threads", which are called **local workgroups**. +--- +---Like workgroups, the local workgroup size can also be 3D. +--- +---It's declared in the shader code, like this: +--- +--- layout(local_size_x = w, local_size_y = h, local_size_z = d) in; +--- +---All these 3D grids can get confusing, but the basic idea is to make the local workgroup size a small block of e.g. 32 particles or 8x8 pixels or 4x4x4 voxels, and then dispatch however many workgroups are needed to cover a list of particles, image, voxel field, etc. +--- +---The reason to do it this way is that the GPU runs its threads in little fixed-size bundles called subgroups. +--- +---Subgroups are usually 32 or 64 threads (the exact size is given by the `subgroupSize` property of `lovr.graphics.getDevice`) and all run together. +--- +---If the local workgroup size was `1x1x1`, then the GPU would only run 1 thread per subgroup and waste the other 31 or 63. +--- +---So for the best performance, be sure to set a local workgroup size bigger than 1! +--- +---Inside the compute shader, a few builtin variables can be used to figure out which workgroup is running: +--- +---- `uvec3 WorkgroupCount` is the workgroup count per axis (the `Pass:compute` arguments). +---- `uvec3 WorkgroupSize` is the local workgroup size (declared in the shader). +---- `uvec3 WorkgroupID` is the index of the current (global) workgroup. +---- `uvec3 LocalThreadID` is the index of the local workgroup inside its workgroup. +---- `uint LocalThreadIndex` is a 1D version of `LocalThreadID`. +---- `uvec3 GlobalThreadID` is the unique identifier for a thread within all workgroups in a +--- dispatch. It's equivalent to `WorkgroupID * WorkgroupSize + LocalThreadID` (usually what you +--- want!) +--- +---Indirect compute dispatches are useful to "chain" compute shaders together, while keeping all of the data on the GPU. +--- +---The first dispatch can do some computation and write some results to buffers, then the second indirect dispatch can use the data in those buffers to know how many times it should run. +--- +---An example would be a compute shader that does some sort of object culling, writing the number of visible objects to a buffer along with the IDs of each one. Subsequent compute shaders can be indirectly dispatched to perform extra processing on the visible objects. +--- +---Finally, an indirect draw can be used to render them. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, buffer: lovr.Buffer, offset?: number) +---@param x? number # The number of workgroups to dispatch in the x dimension. +---@param y? number # The number of workgroups to dispatch in the y dimension. +---@param z? number # The number of workgroups to dispatch in the z dimension. +function Pass:compute(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Draws a cone. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The local origin is at the center of the base of the cone, and the negative z axis points towards the tip. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, position: lovr.Vec3, scale: lovr.Vec3, orientation: lovr.Quat, segments?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, transform: lovr.Mat4, segments?: number) +---@param x? number # The x coordinate of the center of the base of the cone. +---@param y? number # The y coordinate of the center of the base of the cone. +---@param z? number # The z coordinate of the center of the base of the cone. +---@param radius? number # The radius of the cone. +---@param length? number # The length of the cone. +---@param angle? number # The rotation of the cone around its rotation axis, in radians. +---@param ax? number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay? number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az? number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +---@param segments? number # The number of segments in the cone. +function Pass:cone(x, y, z, radius, length, angle, ax, ay, az, segments) end + +--- +---Copies data to or between `Buffer` and `Texture` objects. +--- +---This can only be called on a transfer pass, which can be created with `lovr.graphics.getPass`. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, blob: lovr.Blob, bufferdst: lovr.Buffer, srcoffset?: number, dstoffset?: number, size?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, buffersrc: lovr.Buffer, bufferdst: lovr.Buffer, srcoffset?: number, dstoffset?: number, size?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, image: lovr.Image, texturedst: lovr.Texture, srcx?: number, srcy?: number, dstx?: number, dsty?: number, width?: number, height?: number, srclayer?: number, dstlayer?: number, layers?: number, srclevel?: number, dstlevel?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, texturesrc: lovr.Texture, texturedst: lovr.Texture, srcx?: number, srcy?: number, dstx?: number, dsty?: number, width?: number, height?: number, srclayer?: number, dstlayer?: number, layers?: number, srclevel?: number, dstlevel?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, tally: lovr.Tally, bufferdst: lovr.Buffer, srcindex?: number, dstoffset?: number, count?: number) +---@param table table # A table to copy to the buffer. +---@param bufferdst lovr.Buffer # The buffer to copy to. +---@param srcindex? number # The index of the first item to begin copying from. +---@param dstindex? number # The index of the first item in the buffer to begin copying to. +---@param count? number # The number of items to copy. If nil, copies as many items as possible. +function Pass:copy(table, bufferdst, srcindex, dstindex, count) end + +--- +---Draws a cube. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The local origin is in the center of the cube. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, position: lovr.Vec3, size?: number, orientation: lovr.Quat, style?: lovr.DrawStyle) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, transform: lovr.Mat4, style?: lovr.DrawStyle) +---@param x? number # The x coordinate of the center of the cube. +---@param y? number # The y coordinate of the center of the cube. +---@param z? number # The z coordinate of the center of the cube. +---@param size? number # The size of the cube. +---@param angle? number # The rotation of the cube around its rotation axis, in radians. +---@param ax? number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay? number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az? number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +---@param style? lovr.DrawStyle # Whether the cube should be drawn filled or outlined. +function Pass:cube(x, y, z, size, angle, ax, ay, az, style) end + +--- +---Draws a cylinder. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The local origin is in the center of the cylinder, and the length of the cylinder is along the z axis. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, position: lovr.Vec3, scale: lovr.Vec3, orientation: lovr.Quat, capped?: boolean, angle1?: number, angle2?: number, segments?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, transform: lovr.Mat4, capped?: boolean, angle1?: number, angle2?: number, segments?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, p1: lovr.Vec3, p2: lovr.Vec3, radius?: number, capped?: boolean, angle1?: number, angle2?: number, segments?: number) +---@param x? number # The x coordinate of the center of the cylinder. +---@param y? number # The y coordinate of the center of the cylinder. +---@param z? number # The z coordinate of the center of the cylinder. +---@param radius? number # The radius of the cylinder. +---@param length? number # The length of the cylinder. +---@param angle? number # The rotation of the cylinder around its rotation axis, in radians. +---@param ax? number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay? number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az? number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +---@param capped? boolean # Whether the tops and bottoms of the cylinder should be rendered. +---@param angle1? number # The angle of the beginning of the arc. +---@param angle2? number # angle of the end of the arc. +---@param segments? number # The number of circular segments to render. +function Pass:cylinder(x, y, z, radius, length, angle, ax, ay, az, capped, angle1, angle2, segments) end + +--- +---Draws a model. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, model: lovr.Model, position: lovr.Vec3, scale?: number, orientation: lovr.Quat, nodeindex?: number, children?: boolean, instances?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, model: lovr.Model, transform: lovr.Mat4, nodeindex?: number, children?: boolean, instances?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, model: lovr.Model, x?: number, y?: number, z?: number, scale?: number, angle?: number, ax?: number, ay?: number, az?: number, nodename?: string, children?: boolean, instances?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, model: lovr.Model, position: lovr.Vec3, scale?: number, orientation: lovr.Quat, nodename?: string, children?: boolean, instances?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, model: lovr.Model, transform: lovr.Mat4, nodename?: string, children?: boolean, instances?: number) +---@param model lovr.Model # The model to draw. +---@param x? number # The x coordinate to draw the model at. +---@param y? number # The y coordinate to draw the model at. +---@param z? number # The z coordinate to draw the model at. +---@param scale? number # The scale of the model. +---@param angle? number # The rotation of the model around its rotation axis, in radians. +---@param ax? number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay? number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az? number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +---@param nodeindex? number # The index of the node to draw. If nil, the root node is drawn. +---@param children? boolean # Whether the children of the node should be drawn. +---@param instances? number # The number of instances to draw. +function Pass:draw(model, x, y, z, scale, angle, ax, ay, az, nodeindex, children, instances) end + +--- +---Draws a fullscreen triangle. +--- +---The `fill` shader is used, which stretches the triangle across the screen. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This function has some special behavior for array textures: +--- +---- Filling a single-layer texture to a multi-layer canvas will mirror the texture to all layers, +--- just like regular drawing. +---- Filling a 2-layer texture to a mono canvas will render the 2 layers side-by-side. +---- Filling a multi-layer texture to a multi-layer canvas will do a layer-by-layer fill (the layer +--- counts must match). +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass) +---@param texture lovr.Texture # The texture to fill. If nil, the texture from the active material is used. +function Pass:fill(texture) end + +--- +---Returns the clear values of the pass. +--- +---@return table clears # The clear values for the pass. Numeric keys will contain clear values for color textures, either as a table of r, g, b, a values or a boolean. If the pass has a depth texture, there will also be `depth` and `stencil` keys containing the clear values or booleans. +function Pass:getClear() end + +--- +---Returns the dimensions of the textures attached to the render pass. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the pass is not a render pass, this function returns zeros. +--- +---@return number width # The texture width. +---@return number height # The texture height. +function Pass:getDimensions() end + +--- +---Returns the height of the textures attached to the render pass. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the pass is not a render pass, this function returns zero. +--- +---@return number height # The texture height. +function Pass:getHeight() end + +--- +---Returns the projection for a single view. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, view: number, matrix: lovr.Mat4):lovr.Mat4 +---@param view number # The view index. +---@return number left # The left field of view angle, in radians. +---@return number right # The right field of view angle, in radians. +---@return number up # The top field of view angle, in radians. +---@return number down # The bottom field of view angle, in radians. +function Pass:getProjection(view) end + +--- +---Returns the antialiasing setting of a render pass. +--- +---@return number samples # The number of samples used for rendering. Currently, will be 1 or 4. +function Pass:getSampleCount() end + +--- +---Returns the textures a render pass is rendering to. +--- +---@return table target # A table of the color textures targeted by the pass, with an additional `depth` key if the pass has a depth texture. +function Pass:getTarget() end + +--- +---Returns the type of the pass (render, compute, or transfer). +--- +---The type restricts what kinds of functions can be called on the pass. +--- +---@return lovr.PassType type # The type of the Pass. +function Pass:getType() end + +--- +---Returns the view count of a render pass. +--- +---This is the layer count of the textures it is rendering to. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---A render pass has one "camera" for each view. +--- +---Whenever something is drawn, it is broadcast to each view (layer) of each texture, using the corresponding camera. +--- +---@return number views # The view count. +function Pass:getViewCount() end + +--- +---Get the pose of a single view. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, view: number, matrix: lovr.Mat4, invert: boolean):lovr.Mat4 +---@param view number # The view index. +---@return number x # The x position of the viewer, in meters. +---@return number y # The y position of the viewer, in meters. +---@return number z # The z position of the viewer, in meters. +---@return number angle # The number of radians the viewer is rotated around its axis of rotation. +---@return number ax # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number ay # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number az # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function Pass:getViewPose(view) end + +--- +---Returns the width of the textures attached to the render pass. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the pass is not a render pass, this function returns zero. +--- +---@return number width # The texture width. +function Pass:getWidth() end + +--- +---Draws a line between points. +--- +---`Pass:mesh` can also be used to draw line segments using the `line` `MeshMode`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---There is currently no way to increase line thickness. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, t: table) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, v1: lovr.Vec3, v2: lovr.Vec3, ...) +---@param x1 number # The x coordinate of the first point. +---@param y1 number # The y coordinate of the first point. +---@param z1 number # The z coordinate of the first point. +---@param x2 number # The x coordinate of the next point. +---@param y2 number # The y coordinate of the next point. +---@param z2 number # The z coordinate of the next point. +---@vararg any # More points to add to the line. +function Pass:line(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, ...) end + +--- +---Draws a mesh. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The index buffer defines the order the vertices are drawn in. +--- +---It can be used to reorder, reuse, or omit vertices from the mesh. +--- +---When drawing without a vertex buffer, the `VertexIndex` variable can be used in shaders to compute the position of each vertex, possibly by reading data from other `Buffer` or `Texture` resources. +--- +---The active `MeshMode` controls whether the vertices are drawn as points, lines, or triangles. +--- +---The active `Material` is applied to the mesh. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, vertices?: lovr.Buffer, position: lovr.Vec3, scales: lovr.Vec3, orientation: lovr.Quat, start?: number, count?: number, instances?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, vertices?: lovr.Buffer, transform: lovr.Mat4, start?: number, count?: number, instances?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, vertices?: lovr.Buffer, indices: lovr.Buffer, x?: number, y?: number, z?: number, scale?: number, angle?: number, ax?: number, ay?: number, az?: number, start?: number, count?: number, instances?: number, base?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, vertices?: lovr.Buffer, indices: lovr.Buffer, position: lovr.Vec3, scales: lovr.Vec3, orientation: lovr.Quat, start?: number, count?: number, instances?: number, base?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, vertices?: lovr.Buffer, indices: lovr.Buffer, transform: lovr.Mat4, start?: number, count?: number, instances?: number, base?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, vertices?: lovr.Buffer, indices: lovr.Buffer, draws: lovr.Buffer, drawcount: number, offset: number, stride: number) +---@param vertices? lovr.Buffer # The buffer containing the vertices to draw. +---@param x? number # The x coordinate of the position to draw the mesh at. +---@param y? number # The y coordinate of the position to draw the mesh at. +---@param z? number # The z coordinate of the position to draw the mesh at. +---@param scale? number # The scale of the mesh. +---@param angle? number # The number of radians the mesh is rotated around its rotational axis. +---@param ax? number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay? number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az? number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +---@param start? number # The 1-based index of the first vertex to render from the vertex buffer (or the first index, when using an index buffer). +---@param count? number # The number of vertices to render (or the number of indices, when using an index buffer). When `nil`, as many vertices or indices as possible will be drawn (based on the length of the Buffers and `start`). +---@param instances? number # The number of copies of the mesh to render. +function Pass:mesh(vertices, x, y, z, scale, angle, ax, ay, az, start, count, instances) end + +--- +---Generates mipmaps for a texture. +--- +---This can only be called on a transfer pass, which can be created with `lovr.graphics.getPass`. +--- +---When rendering to textures with a render pass, it's also possible to automatically regenerate mipmaps after rendering by adding the `mipmaps` flag when creating the pass. +--- +---@param texture lovr.Texture # The texture to mipmap. +---@param base? number # The index of the mipmap used to generate the remaining mipmaps. +---@param count? number # The number of mipmaps to generate. If nil, generates the remaining mipmaps. +function Pass:mipmap(texture, base, count) end + +--- +---Resets the transform back to the origin. +--- +function Pass:origin() end + +--- +---Draws a plane. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, position: lovr.Vec3, size: lovr.Vec2, orientation: lovr.Quat, style?: lovr.DrawStyle, columns?: number, rows?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, transform: lovr.Mat4, style?: lovr.DrawStyle, columns?: number, rows?: number) +---@param x? number # The x coordinate of the center of the plane. +---@param y? number # The y coordinate of the center of the plane. +---@param z? number # The z coordinate of the center of the plane. +---@param width? number # The width of the plane. +---@param height? number # The height of the plane. +---@param angle? number # The rotation of the plane around its rotation axis, in radians. +---@param ax? number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay? number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az? number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +---@param style? lovr.DrawStyle # Whether the plane should be drawn filled or outlined. +---@param columns? number # The number of horizontal segments in the plane. +---@param rows? number # The number of vertical segments in the plane. +function Pass:plane(x, y, z, width, height, angle, ax, ay, az, style, columns, rows) end + +--- +---Draws points. +--- +---`Pass:mesh` can also be used to draw points using a `Buffer`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---To change the size of points, set the `pointSize` shader flag in `lovr.graphics.newShader` or write to the `PointSize` variable in the vertex shader. +--- +---Points are always the same size on the screen, regardless of distance, and the units are in pixels. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, t: table) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, v: lovr.Vec3, ...) +---@param x number # The x coordinate of the first point. +---@param y number # The y coordinate of the first point. +---@param z number # The z coordinate of the first point. +---@vararg any # More points. +function Pass:points(x, y, z, ...) end + +--- +---Pops the transform or render state stack, restoring it to the state it was in when it was last pushed. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If a stack is popped without a corresponding push, the stack "underflows" which causes an error. +--- +---@param stack? lovr.StackType # The type of stack to pop. +function Pass:pop(stack) end + +--- +---Saves a copy of the transform or render states. +--- +---Further changes can be made to the transform or render states, and afterwards `Pass:pop` can be used to restore the original state. +--- +---Pushes and pops can be nested, but it's an error to pop without a corresponding push. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Each stack has a limit of the number of copies it can store. +--- +---There can be 16 transforms and 4 render states saved. +--- +---The `state` stack does not save the camera info or shader variables changed with `Pass:send`. +--- +---@param stack? lovr.StackType # The type of stack to push. +function Pass:push(stack) end + +--- +---Creates a `Readback` object which asynchronously downloads data from a `Buffer`, `Texture`, or `Tally`. +--- +---The readback can be polled for completion, or, after this transfer pass is submitted, `Readback:wait` can be used to block until the download is complete. +--- +---This can only be called on a transfer pass, which can be created with `lovr.graphics.getPass`. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, texture: lovr.Texture, x?: number, y?: number, layer?: number, level?: number, width?: number, height?: number):lovr.Readback +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, tally: lovr.Tally, index: number, count: number):lovr.Readback +---@param buffer lovr.Buffer # The Buffer to download data from. +---@param index number # The index of the first item to download. +---@param count number # The number of items to download. +---@return lovr.Readback readback # The new readback. +function Pass:read(buffer, index, count) end + +--- +---Rotates the coordinate system. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, rotation: lovr.Quat) +---@param angle number # The amount to rotate the coordinate system by, in radians. +---@param ax number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function Pass:rotate(angle, ax, ay, az) end + +--- +---Scales the coordinate system. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, scale: lovr.Vec3) +---@param sx number # The x component of the scale. +---@param sy number # The y component of the scale. +---@param sz number # The z component of the scale. +function Pass:scale(sx, sy, sz) end + +--- +---Sends a value to a variable in the Pass's active `Shader`. +--- +---The active shader is changed using using `Pass:setShader`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Shader variables can be in different "sets". +--- +---Variables changed by this function must be in set #2, because LÖVR uses set #0 and set #1 internally. +--- +---The new value will persist until a new shader is set that uses a different "type" for the binding number of the variable. +--- +---See `Pass:setShader` for more details. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, name: string, texture: lovr.Texture) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, name: string, sampler: lovr.Sampler) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, name: string, constant: any) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, binding: number, buffer: lovr.Buffer, offset?: number, extent?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, binding: number, texture: lovr.Texture) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, binding: number, sampler: lovr.Sampler) +---@param name string # The name of the Shader variable. +---@param buffer lovr.Buffer # The Buffer to assign. +---@param offset? number # An offset from the start of the buffer where data will be read, in bytes. +---@param extent? number # The number of bytes that will be available for reading. If zero, as much data as possible will be bound, depending on the offset, buffer size, and the `uniformBufferRange` or `storageBufferRange` limit. +function Pass:send(name, buffer, offset, extent) end + +--- +---Sets whether alpha to coverage is enabled. +--- +---Alpha to coverage factors the alpha of a pixel into antialiasing calculations. +--- +---It can be used to get antialiased edges on textures with transparency. +--- +---It's often used for foliage. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---By default, alpha to coverage is disabled. +--- +---@param enable boolean # Whether alpha to coverage should be enabled. +function Pass:setAlphaToCoverage(enable) end + +--- +---Sets the blend mode. +--- +---When a pixel is drawn, the blend mode controls how it is mixed with the color and alpha of the pixel underneath it. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The default blend mode is `alpha` with the `alphamultiply` alpha mode. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass) +---@param blend lovr.BlendMode # The blend mode. +---@param alphaBlend lovr.BlendAlphaMode # The alpha blend mode, used to control premultiplied alpha. +function Pass:setBlendMode(blend, alphaBlend) end + +--- +---Sets the color used for drawing. +--- +---Color components are from 0 to 1. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The default color is `(1, 1, 1, 1)`. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, t: table) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, hex: number, a?: number) +---@param r number # The red component of the color. +---@param g number # The green component of the color. +---@param b number # The blue component of the color. +---@param a? number # The alpha component of the color. +function Pass:setColor(r, g, b, a) end + +--- +---Sets the color channels affected by drawing, on a per-channel basis. +--- +---Disabling color writes is often used to render to the depth or stencil buffer without affecting existing pixel colors. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---By default, color writes are enabled for all channels. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, r: boolean, g: boolean, b: boolean, a: boolean) +---@param enable boolean # Whether all color components should be affected by draws. +function Pass:setColorWrite(enable) end + +--- +---Sets whether the front or back faces of triangles are culled. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The default cull mode is `none`. +--- +---@param mode? lovr.CullMode # Whether `front` faces, `back` faces, or `none` of the faces should be culled. +function Pass:setCullMode(mode) end + +--- +---Enables or disables depth clamp. +--- +---Normally, when pixels fall outside of the clipping planes, they are clipped (not rendered). +--- +---Depth clamp will instead render these pixels, clamping their depth on to the clipping planes. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This isn\'t supported on all GPUs. +--- +---Use the `depthClamp` feature of `lovr.graphics.getFeatures` to check for support. +--- +---If depth clamp is enabled when unsupported, it will silently fall back to depth clipping. +--- +---Depth clamping is not enabled by default. +--- +---@param enable boolean # Whether depth clamp should be enabled. +function Pass:setDepthClamp(enable) end + +--- +---Set the depth offset. +--- +---This is a constant offset added to the depth value of pixels. +--- +---It can be used to fix Z fighting when rendering decals or other nearly-overlapping objects. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The default depth offset is zero for both values. +--- +---@param offset? number # The depth offset. +---@param sloped? number # The sloped depth offset. +function Pass:setDepthOffset(offset, sloped) end + +--- +---Sets the depth test. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---When using LÖVR's default projection (reverse Z with infinite far plane) the default depth test is `gequal`, depth values of 0.0 are on the far plane and depth values of 1.0 are on the near plane, closer to the camera. +--- +---A depth buffer must be present to use the depth test, but this is enabled by default. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass) +---@param test lovr.CompareMode # The new depth test to use. +function Pass:setDepthTest(test) end + +--- +---Sets whether draws write to the depth buffer. +--- +---When a pixel is drawn, if depth writes are enabled and the pixel passes the depth test, the depth buffer will be updated with the pixel's depth value. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The default depth write is `true`. +--- +---@param write boolean # Whether the depth buffer should be affected by draws. +function Pass:setDepthWrite(write) end + +--- +---Sets the font used for `Pass:text`. +--- +---@param font lovr.Font # The Font to use when rendering text. +function Pass:setFont(font) end + +--- +---Sets the material. +--- +---This will apply to most drawing, except for text, skyboxes, and models, which use their own materials. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, texture: lovr.Texture) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass) +---@param material lovr.Material # The material to use for drawing. +function Pass:setMaterial(material) end + +--- +---Changes the way vertices are connected together when drawing using `Pass:mesh`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The default mesh mode is `triangles`. +--- +---@param mode lovr.MeshMode # The mesh mode to use. +function Pass:setMeshMode(mode) end + +--- +---Sets the projection for a single view. +--- +---4 field of view angles can be used, similar to the field of view returned by `lovr.headset.getViewAngles`. +--- +---Alternatively, a projection matrix can be used for other types of projections like orthographic, oblique, etc. +--- +---Up to 6 views are supported. +--- +---The Pass returned by `lovr.headset.getPass` will have its views automatically configured to match the headset. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---A far clipping plane of 0.0 can be used for an infinite far plane with reversed Z range. +--- +---This is the default because it improves depth precision and reduces Z fighting. +--- +---Using a non-infinite far plane requires the depth buffer to be cleared to 1.0 instead of 0.0 and the default depth test to be changed to `lequal` instead of `gequal`. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, view: number, matrix: lovr.Mat4) +---@param view number # The index of the view to update. +---@param left number # The left field of view angle, in radians. +---@param right number # The right field of view angle, in radians. +---@param up number # The top field of view angle, in radians. +---@param down number # The bottom field of view angle, in radians. +---@param near? number # The near clipping plane distance, in meters. +---@param far? number # The far clipping plane distance, in meters. +function Pass:setProjection(view, left, right, up, down, near, far) end + +--- +---Sets the default `Sampler` to use when sampling textures. +--- +---It is also possible to send a custom sampler to a shader using `Pass:send` and use that instead, which allows customizing the sampler on a per-texture basis. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The `getPixel` shader helper function will use this sampler. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, sampler: lovr.Sampler) +---@param filter? lovr.FilterMode # The default filter mode to use when sampling textures (the `repeat` wrap mode will be used). +function Pass:setSampler(filter) end + +--- +---Sets the scissor rectangle. +--- +---Any pixels outside the scissor rectangle will not be drawn. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---`x` and `y` can not be negative. +--- +---The default scissor rectangle covers the entire dimensions of the render pass textures. +--- +---@param x number # The x coordinate of the upper-left corner of the scissor rectangle. +---@param y number # The y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the scissor rectangle. +---@param w number # The width of the scissor rectangle. +---@param h number # The height of the scissor rectangle. +function Pass:setScissor(x, y, w, h) end + +--- +---Sets the active shader. +--- +---In a render pass, the Shader will affect all drawing operations until it is changed again. +--- +---In a compute pass, the Shader will be run when `Pass:compute` is called. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Changing the shader will preserve resource bindings (the ones set using `Pass:send`) **unless** the new shader declares a resource for a binding number using a different type than the current shader. +--- +---In this case, the resource "type" means one of the following: +--- +---- Uniform buffer (`uniform`). +---- Storage buffer (`buffer`). +---- Sampled texture, (`uniform texture`). +---- Storage texture, (`uniform image`). +---- Sampler (`uniform sampler`). +--- +---If the new shader doesn't declare a resource in a particular binding number, any resource there will be preserved. +--- +---If there's a clash in resource types like this, the variable will be "cleared". +--- +---Using a buffer variable that has been cleared is not well-defined, and may return random data or even crash the GPU. +--- +---For textures, white pixels will be returned. +--- +---Samplers will use `linear` filtering and the `repeat` wrap mode. +--- +---Changing the shader will not clear push constants set in the `Constants` block. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, default: lovr.DefaultShader) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass) +---@param shader lovr.Shader # The shader to use. +function Pass:setShader(shader) end + +--- +---Sets the stencil test. +--- +---Any pixels that fail the stencil test won't be drawn. +--- +---For example, setting the stencil test to `('equal', 1)` will only draw pixels that have a stencil value of 1. The stencil buffer can be modified by drawing while stencil writes are enabled with `lovr.graphics.setStencilWrite`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The stencil test is disabled by default. +--- +---Setting the stencil test requires the `Pass` to have a depth texture with the `d24s8` or `d32fs8` format (the `s` means "stencil"). +--- +---The `t.graphics.stencil` and `t.headset.stencil` flags in `lovr.conf` can be used to request a stencil format for the default window and headset passes, respectively. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass) +---@param test lovr.CompareMode # The new stencil test to use. +---@param value number # The stencil value to compare against. +---@param mask? number # An optional mask to apply to stencil values before the comparison. +function Pass:setStencilTest(test, value, mask) end + +--- +---Sets or disables stencil writes. +--- +---When stencil writes are enabled, any pixels drawn will update the values in the stencil buffer using the `StencilAction` set. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---By default, stencil writes are disabled. +--- +---Setting the stencil test requires the `Pass` to have a depth texture with the `d24s8` or `d32fs8` format (the `s` means "stencil"). +--- +---The `t.graphics.stencil` and `t.headset.stencil` flags in `lovr.conf` can be used to request a stencil format for the default window and headset passes, respectively. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, actions: table, value?: number, mask?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass) +---@param action lovr.StencilAction # How pixels drawn will update the stencil buffer. +---@param value? number # When using the 'replace' action, this is the value to replace with. +---@param mask? number # An optional mask to apply to stencil values before writing. +function Pass:setStencilWrite(action, value, mask) end + +--- +---Sets the pose for a single view. +--- +---Objects rendered in this view will appear as though the camera is positioned using the given pose. +--- +---Up to 6 views are supported. +--- +---When rendering to the headset, views are changed to match the eye positions. +--- +---These view poses are also available using `lovr.headset.getViewPose`. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, view: number, position: lovr.Vec3, orientation: lovr.Quat) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, view: number, matrix: lovr.Mat4, inverted: boolean) +---@param view number # The index of the view to update. +---@param x number # The x position of the viewer, in meters. +---@param y number # The y position of the viewer, in meters. +---@param z number # The z position of the viewer, in meters. +---@param angle number # The number of radians the viewer is rotated around its axis of rotation. +---@param ax number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function Pass:setViewPose(view, x, y, z, angle, ax, ay, az) end + +--- +---Sets the viewport. +--- +---Everything rendered will get mapped to the rectangle defined by the viewport. +--- +---More specifically, this defines the transformation from normalized device coordinates to pixel coordinates. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The viewport rectangle can use floating point numbers. +--- +---A negative viewport height (with a y coordinate equal to the bottom of the viewport) can be used to flip the rendering vertically. +--- +---The default viewport extends from `(0, 0)` to the dimensions of the target textures, with min depth and max depth respectively set to 0 and 1. +--- +---@param x number # The x coordinate of the upper-left corner of the viewport. +---@param y number # The y coordinate of the upper-left corner of the viewport. +---@param w number # The width of the viewport. +---@param h number # The height of the viewport. May be negative. +---@param dmin? number # The min component of the depth range. +---@param dmax? number # The max component of the depth range. +function Pass:setViewport(x, y, w, h, dmin, dmax) end + +--- +---Sets whether vertices in the clockwise or counterclockwise order vertices are considered the "front" face of a triangle. +--- +---This is used for culling with `Pass:setCullMode`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The default winding is counterclockwise. +--- +---LÖVR's builtin shapes are wound counterclockwise. +--- +---@param winding lovr.Winding # Whether triangle vertices are ordered `clockwise` or `counterclockwise`. +function Pass:setWinding(winding) end + +--- +---Enables or disables wireframe rendering. +--- +---This will draw all triangles as lines while active. It's intended to be used for debugging, since it usually has a performance cost. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Wireframe rendering is disabled by default. +--- +---There is currently no way to change the thickness of the lines. +--- +---@param enable boolean # Whether wireframe rendering should be enabled. +function Pass:setWireframe(enable) end + +--- +---Draws a skybox. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The skybox will be rotated based on the camera rotation. +--- +---The skybox is drawn using a fullscreen triangle. +--- +---The skybox uses a custom shader, so set the shader to `nil` before calling this function (unless explicitly using a custom shader). +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass) +---@param skybox lovr.Texture # The skybox to render. Its `TextureType` can be `cube` to render as a cubemap, or `2d` to render as an equirectangular (spherical) 2D image. +function Pass:skybox(skybox) end + +--- +---Draws a sphere +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The local origin of the sphere is in its center. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, position: lovr.Vec3, radius?: number, orientation: lovr.Quat, longitudes?: number, latitudes?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, transform: lovr.Mat4, longitudes?: number, latitudes?: number) +---@param x? number # The x coordinate of the center of the sphere. +---@param y? number # The y coordinate of the center of the sphere. +---@param z? number # The z coordinate of the center of the sphere. +---@param radius? number # The radius of the sphere. +---@param angle? number # The rotation of the sphere around its rotation axis, in radians. +---@param ax? number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay? number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az? number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +---@param longitudes? number # The number of "horizontal" segments. +---@param latitudes? number # The number of "vertical" segments. +function Pass:sphere(x, y, z, radius, angle, ax, ay, az, longitudes, latitudes) end + +--- +---Draws text. +--- +---The font can be changed using `Pass:setFont`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---UTF-8 encoded strings are supported. +--- +---Newlines will start a new line of text. +--- +---Tabs will be rendered as four spaces. +--- +---Carriage returns are ignored. +--- +---With the default font pixel density, a scale of 1.0 makes the text height 1 meter. +--- +---The wrap value does not take into account the text's scale. +--- +---Text rendering requires a special shader, which will only be automatically used when the active shader is set to `nil`. +--- +---Blending should be enabled when rendering text (it's on by default). +--- +---This function can draw up to 16384 visible characters at a time, and will currently throw an error if the string is too long. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, text: string, position: lovr.Vec3, scale?: number, orientation: lovr.Quat, wrap?: number, halign?: lovr.HorizontalAlign, valign?: lovr.VerticalAlign) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, text: string, transform: lovr.Mat4, wrap?: number, halign?: lovr.HorizontalAlign, valign?: lovr.VerticalAlign) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, colortext: table, x?: number, y?: number, z?: number, scale?: number, angle?: number, ax?: number, ay?: number, az?: number, wrap?: number, halign?: lovr.HorizontalAlign, valign?: lovr.VerticalAlign) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, colortext: table, position: lovr.Vec3, scale?: number, orientation: lovr.Quat, wrap?: number, halign?: lovr.HorizontalAlign, valign?: lovr.VerticalAlign) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, colortext: table, transform: lovr.Mat4, wrap?: number, halign?: lovr.HorizontalAlign, valign?: lovr.VerticalAlign) +---@param text string # The text to render. +---@param x? number # The x coordinate of the text origin. +---@param y? number # The y coordinate of the text origin. +---@param z? number # The z coordinate of the text origin. +---@param scale? number # The scale of the text (with the default pixel density, units are meters). +---@param angle? number # The rotation of the text around its rotation axis, in radians. +---@param ax? number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay? number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az? number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +---@param wrap? number # The maximum width of each line in meters (before scale is applied). When zero, the text will not wrap. +---@param halign? lovr.HorizontalAlign # The horizontal alignment relative to the text origin. +---@param valign? lovr.VerticalAlign # The vertical alignment relative to the text origin. +function Pass:text(text, x, y, z, scale, angle, ax, ay, az, wrap, halign, valign) end + +--- +---Starts a GPU measurement. +--- +---One of the slots in a `Tally` object will be used to hold the result. Commands on the Pass will continue being measured until `Pass:tock` is called with the same tally and slot combination. +--- +---Afterwards, `Pass:read` can be used to read back the tally result, or the tally can be copied to a `Buffer`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---`pixel` and `shader` measurements can not be nested, but `time` measurements can be nested. +--- +---For `time` measurements, the view count of the pass (`Pass:getViewCount`) must match the view count of the tally, which defaults to `2`. +--- +---@param tally lovr.Tally # The tally that will store the measurement. +---@param slot number # The index of the slot in the tally to store the measurement in. +function Pass:tick(tally, slot) end + +--- +---Stops a GPU measurement. +--- +---`Pass:tick` must be called to start the measurement before this can be called. +--- +---Afterwards, `Pass:read` can be used to read back the tally result, or the tally can be copied to a `Buffer`. +--- +---@param tally lovr.Tally # The tally storing the measurement. +---@param slot number # The index of the slot in the tally storing the measurement. +function Pass:tock(tally, slot) end + +--- +---Draws a torus. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The local origin is in the center of the torus, and the torus forms a circle around the local Z axis. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, position: lovr.Vec3, scale: lovr.Vec3, orientation: lovr.Quat, tsegments?: number, psegments?: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, transform: lovr.Mat4, tsegments?: number, psegments?: number) +---@param x? number # The x coordinate of the center of the torus. +---@param y? number # The y coordinate of the center of the torus. +---@param z? number # The z coordinate of the center of the torus. +---@param radius? number # The radius of the torus. +---@param thickness? number # The thickness of the torus. +---@param angle? number # The rotation of the torus around its rotation axis, in radians. +---@param ax? number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay? number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az? number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +---@param tsegments? number # The number of toroidal (circular) segments to render. +---@param psegments? number # The number of poloidal (tubular) segments to render. +function Pass:torus(x, y, z, radius, thickness, angle, ax, ay, az, tsegments, psegments) end + +--- +---Transforms the coordinate system. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, translation: lovr.Vec3, scale: lovr.Vec3, rotation: lovr.Quat) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, transform: lovr.Mat4) +---@param x number # The x component of the translation. +---@param y number # The y component of the translation. +---@param z number # The z component of the translation. +---@param sx number # The x component of the scale. +---@param sy number # The y component of the scale. +---@param sz number # The z component of the scale. +---@param angle number # The amount to rotate the coordinate system by, in radians. +---@param ax number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function Pass:transform(x, y, z, sx, sy, sz, angle, ax, ay, az) end + +--- +---Translates the coordinate system. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Order matters when scaling, translating, and rotating the coordinate system. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Pass, translation: lovr.Vec3) +---@param x number # The x component of the translation. +---@param y number # The y component of the translation. +---@param z number # The z component of the translation. +function Pass:translate(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Readbacks track the progress of an asynchronous read of a `Buffer`, `Texture`, or `Tally`. +--- +---Once a Readback is created in a transfer pass, and the transfer pass is submitted, the Readback can be polled for completion or the CPU can wait for it to finish using `Readback:wait`. +--- +---@class lovr.Readback +local Readback = {} + +--- +---Returns the Readback's data as a Blob. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the Readback is reading back a Texture, returns `nil`. +--- +---@return lovr.Blob blob # The Blob. +function Readback:getBlob() end + +--- +---Returns the data from the Readback, as a table. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This currently returns `nil` for readbacks of `Buffer` and `Texture` objects. +--- +---Only readbacks of `Tally` objects return valid data. +--- +---For `time` and `pixel` tallies, the table will have 1 number per slot that was read. +--- +---For `shader` tallies, there will be 4 numbers for each slot. +--- +---@return table data # A flat table of numbers containing the values that were read back. +function Readback:getData() end + +--- +---Returns the Readback's data as an Image. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the Readback is not reading back a Texture, returns `nil`. +--- +---@return lovr.Image image # The Image. +function Readback:getImage() end + +--- +---Returns whether the Readback has completed on the GPU and its data is available. +--- +---@return boolean complete # Whether the readback is complete. +function Readback:isComplete() end + +--- +---Blocks the CPU until the Readback is finished on the GPU. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the transfer pass that created the readback has not been submitted yet, no wait will occur and this function will return `false`. +--- +---@return boolean waited # Whether the CPU had to be blocked for waiting. +function Readback:wait() end + +--- +---Samplers are objects that control how pixels are read from a texture. +--- +---They can control whether the pixels are smoothed, whether the texture wraps at the edge of its UVs, and more. +--- +---Each `Pass` has a default sampler that will be used by default, which can be changed using `Pass:setSampler`. +--- +---Also, samplers can be declared in shaders using the following syntax: +--- +--- layout(set = 2, binding = X) uniform sampler mySampler; +--- +---A Sampler can be sent to the variable using `Pass:send('mySampler', sampler)`. +--- +---The properties of a Sampler are immutable, and can't be changed after it's created. +--- +---@class lovr.Sampler +local Sampler = {} + +--- +---Returns the anisotropy level of the Sampler. +--- +---Anisotropy smooths out a texture's appearance when viewed at grazing angles. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Not all GPUs support anisotropy. +--- +---The maximum anisotropy level is given by the `anisotropy` limit of `lovr.graphics.getLimits`, which may be zero. +--- +---It's very common for the maximum to be 16, however. +--- +---@return number anisotropy # The anisotropy level of the sampler. +function Sampler:getAnisotropy() end + +--- +---Returns the compare mode of the Sampler. +--- +---This is a feature typically only used for shadow mapping. +--- +---Using a sampler with a compare mode requires it to be declared in a shader as a `samplerShadow` instead of a `sampler` variable, and used with a texture that has a depth format. +--- +---The result of sampling a depth texture with a shadow sampler is a number between 0 and 1, indicating the percentage of sampled pixels that passed the comparison. +--- +---@return lovr.CompareMode compare # The compare mode of the sampler. +function Sampler:getCompareMode() end + +--- +---Returns the filter mode of the Sampler. +--- +---@return lovr.FilterMode min # The filter mode used when the texture is minified. +---@return lovr.FilterMode mag # The filter mode used when the texture is magnified. +---@return lovr.FilterMode mip # The filter mode used to select a mipmap level. +function Sampler:getFilter() end + +--- +---Returns the mipmap range of the Sampler. +--- +---This is used to clamp the range of mipmap levels that can be accessed from a texture. +--- +---@return number min # The minimum mipmap level that will be sampled (0 is the largest image). +---@return number max # The maximum mipmap level that will be sampled. +function Sampler:getMipmapRange() end + +--- +---Returns the wrap mode of the sampler, used to wrap or clamp texture coordinates when the extend outside of the 0-1 range. +--- +---@return lovr.WrapMode x # The wrap mode used in the horizontal direction. +---@return lovr.WrapMode y # The wrap mode used in the vertical direction. +---@return lovr.WrapMode z # The wrap mode used in the "z" direction, for 3D textures only. +function Sampler:getWrap() end + +--- +---Shaders are small GPU programs. +--- +---See the `Shaders` guide for a full introduction to Shaders. +--- +---@class lovr.Shader +local Shader = {} + +--- +---Clones a shader. +--- +---This creates an inexpensive copy of it with different flags. +--- +---It can be used to create several variants of a shader with different behavior. +--- +---@param source lovr.Shader # The Shader to clone. +---@param flags table # The flags used by the clone. +---@return lovr.Shader shader # The new Shader. +function Shader:clone(source, flags) end + +--- +---Returns whether the shader is a graphics or compute shader. +--- +---@return lovr.ShaderType type # The type of the Shader. +function Shader:getType() end + +--- +---Returns the workgroup size of a compute shader. +--- +---The workgroup size defines how many times a compute shader is invoked for each workgroup dispatched by `Pass:compute`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---For example, if the workgroup size is `8x8x1` and `16x16x16` workgroups are dispatched, then the compute shader will run `16 * 16 * 16 * (8 * 8 * 1) = 262144` times. +--- +---@return number x # The x size of a workgroup. +---@return number y # The y size of a workgroup. +---@return number z # The z size of a workgroup. +function Shader:getWorkgroupSize() end + +--- +---Returns whether the Shader has a vertex attribute, by name or location. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Shader, location: number):boolean +---@param name string # The name of an attribute. +---@return boolean exists # Whether the Shader has the attribute. +function Shader:hasAttribute(name) end + +--- +---Returns whether the Shader has a given stage. +--- +---@param stage lovr.ShaderStage # The stage. +---@return boolean exists # Whether the Shader has the stage. +function Shader:hasStage(stage) end + +--- +---Tally objects are able to measure events on the GPU. +--- +---Tallies can measure three types of things: +--- +---- `time` - measures elapsed GPU time. +---- `pixel` - measures how many pixels were rendered, which can be used for occlusion culling. +---- `shader` - measure how many times shaders were run. +--- +---Tally objects can be created with up to 4096 slots. +--- +---Each slot can hold a single measurement value. +--- +---`Pass:tick` is used to begin a measurement, storing the result in one of the slots. +--- +---All commands recorded on the Pass will be measured until `Pass:tock` is called with the same tally and slot. +--- +---The measurement value stored in the slots can be copied to a `Buffer` using `Pass:copy`, or they can be read back to Lua using `Pass:read`. +--- +---@class lovr.Tally +local Tally = {} + +--- +---Returns the number of slots in the Tally. +--- +---@return number count # The number of slots in the Tally. +function Tally:getCount() end + +--- +---Returns the type of the tally, which is the thing it measures between `Pass:tick` and `Pass:tock`. +--- +---@return lovr.TallyType type # The type of measurement. +function Tally:getType() end + +--- +---Tally objects with the `time` type can only be used in render passes with a certain number of views. +--- +---This returns that number. +--- +---@return number views # The number of views the Tally is compatible with. +function Tally:getViewCount() end + +--- +---Textures are multidimensional blocks of memory on the GPU, contrasted with `Buffer` objects which are one-dimensional. +--- +---Textures are used as the destination for rendering operations, and textures loaded from images provide surface data to `Material` objects. +--- +---@class lovr.Texture +local Texture = {} + +--- +---Returns the width, height, and depth of the Texture. +--- +---@return number width # The width of the Texture. +---@return number height # The height of the Texture. +---@return number layers # The number of layers in the Texture. +function Texture:getDimensions() end + +--- +---Returns the format of the texture. +--- +---@return lovr.TextureFormat format # The format of the Texture. +function Texture:getFormat() end + +--- +---Returns the height of the Texture, in pixels. +--- +---@return number height # The height of the Texture, in pixels. +function Texture:getHeight() end + +--- +---Returns the layer count of the Texture. +--- +---2D textures always have 1 layer and cubemaps always have 6 layers. +--- +---3D and array textures have a variable number of layers. +--- +---@return number layers # The layer count of the Texture. +function Texture:getLayerCount() end + +--- +---Returns the number of mipmap levels in the Texture. +--- +---@return number mipmaps # The number of mipmap levels in the Texture. +function Texture:getMipmapCount() end + +--- +---Returns the parent of a Texture view, which is the Texture that it references. +--- +---Returns `nil` if the Texture is not a view. +--- +---@return lovr.Texture parent # The parent of the texture, or `nil` if the texture is not a view. +function Texture:getParent() end + +--- +---Returns the number of samples in the texture. +--- +---Multiple samples are used for multisample antialiasing when rendering to the texture. +--- +---Currently, the sample count is either 1 (not antialiased) or 4 (antialiased). +--- +---@return number samples # The number of samples in the Texture. +function Texture:getSampleCount() end + +--- +---Returns the type of the texture. +--- +---@return lovr.TextureType type # The type of the Texture. +function Texture:getType() end + +--- +---Returns the width of the Texture, in pixels. +--- +---@return number width # The width of the Texture, in pixels. +function Texture:getWidth() end + +--- +---Returns whether a Texture was created with a set of `TextureUsage` flags. +--- +---Usage flags are specified when the Texture is created, and restrict what you can do with a Texture object. +--- +---By default, only the `sample` usage is enabled. +--- +---Applying a smaller set of usage flags helps LÖVR optimize things better. +--- +---@vararg lovr.TextureUsage # One or more usage flags. +---@return boolean supported # Whether the Texture has all the provided usage flags. +function Texture:hasUsage(...) end + +--- +---Returns whether a Texture is a texture view, created with `Texture:newView`. +--- +---@return boolean view # Whether the Texture is a texture view. +function Texture:isView() end + +--- +---Creates a new Texture view. +--- +---A texture view does not store any pixels on its own, but instead uses the pixel data of a "parent" Texture object. +--- +---The width, height, format, sample count, and usage flags all match the parent. +--- +---The view may have a different `TextureType` from the parent, and it may reference a subset of the parent texture's layers and mipmap levels. +--- +---Texture views can be used as render targets in a render pass and they can be bound to Shaders. They can not currently be used for transfer operations. +--- +---They are used for: +--- +---- Reinterpretation of texture contents. +--- +---For example, a cubemap can be treated as +--- an array texture. +---- Rendering to a particular image or mipmap level of a texture. +---- Binding a particular image or mipmap level to a shader. +--- +---@param type lovr.TextureType # The texture type of the view. +---@param layer? number # The index of the first layer in the view. +---@param layerCount? number # The number of layers in the view, or `nil` to use all remaining layers. +---@param mipmap? number # The index of the first mipmap in the view. +---@param mipmapCount? number # The number of mipmaps in the view, or `nil` to use all remaining mipmaps. +---@return lovr.Texture view # The new texture view. +function Texture:newView(type, layer, layerCount, mipmap, mipmapCount) end + +--- +---Controls whether premultiplied alpha is enabled. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The premultiplied mode should be used if pixels being drawn have already been blended, or "pre-multiplied", by the alpha channel. +--- +---This happens when rendering to a texture that contains pixels with transparent alpha values, since the stored color values have already been faded by alpha and don't need to be faded a second time with the alphamultiply blend mode. +--- +---@alias lovr.BlendAlphaMode +--- +---Color channel values are multiplied by the alpha channel during blending. +--- +---| "alphamultiply" +--- +---Color channel values are not multiplied by the alpha. +--- +---Instead, it's assumed that the colors have already been multiplied by the alpha. +--- +---This should be used if the pixels being drawn have already been blended, or "pre-multiplied". +--- +---| "premultiplied" + +--- +---Different ways pixels can blend with the pixels behind them. +--- +---@alias lovr.BlendMode +--- +---Colors will be mixed based on alpha. +--- +---| "alpha" +--- +---Colors will be added to the existing color, alpha will not be changed. +--- +---| "add" +--- +---Colors will be subtracted from the existing color, alpha will not be changed. +--- +---| "subtract" +--- +---All color channels will be multiplied together, producing a darkening effect. +--- +---| "multiply" +--- +---The maximum value of each color channel will be used. +--- +---| "lighten" +--- +---The minimum value of each color channel will be used. +--- +---| "darken" +--- +---The opposite of multiply: the pixel colors are inverted, multiplied, and inverted again, producing a lightening effect. +--- +---| "screen" + +--- +---The different ways to pack Buffer fields into memory. +--- +---The default is `packed`, which is suitable for vertex buffers and index buffers. +--- +---It doesn't add any padding between elements, and so it doesn't waste any space. +--- +---However, this layout won't necessarily work for uniform buffers and storage buffers. +--- +---The `std140` layout corresponds to the std140 layout used for uniform buffers in GLSL. +--- +---It adds the most padding between fields, and requires the stride to be a multiple of 16. +--- +---Example: +--- +--- layout(std140) uniform ObjectScales { float scales[64]; }; +--- +---The `std430` layout corresponds to the std430 layout used for storage buffers in GLSL. +--- +---It adds some padding between certain types, and may round up the stride. +--- +---Example: +--- +--- layout(std430) buffer TileSizes { vec2 sizes[]; } +--- +---@alias lovr.BufferLayout +--- +---The packed layout, without any padding. +--- +---| "packed" +--- +---The std140 layout. +--- +---| "std140" +--- +---The std430 layout. +--- +---| "std430" + +--- +---The method used to compare depth and stencil values when performing the depth and stencil tests. Also used for compare modes in `Sampler`s. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This type can also be specified using mathematical notation, e.g. `=`, `>`, `<=`, etc. `notequal` can be provided as `~=` or `!=`. +--- +---@alias lovr.CompareMode +--- +---The test does not take place, and acts as though it always passes. +--- +---| "none" +--- +---The test passes if the values are equal. +--- +---| "equal" +--- +---The test passes if the values are not equal. +--- +---| "notequal" +--- +---The test passes if the value is less than the existing one. +--- +---| "less" +--- +---The test passes if the value is less than or equal to the existing one. +--- +---| "lequal" +--- +---The test passes if the value is greater than the existing one. +--- +---| "greater" +--- +---The test passes if the value is greater than or equal to the existing one. +--- +---| "gequal" + +--- +---The different ways of doing triangle backface culling. +--- +---@alias lovr.CullMode +--- +---Both sides of triangles will be drawn. +--- +---| "none" +--- +---Skips rendering the back side of triangles. +--- +---| "back" +--- +---Skips rendering the front side of triangles. +--- +---| "front" + +--- +---The set of shaders built in to LÖVR. +--- +---These can be passed to `Pass:setShader` or `lovr.graphics.newShader` instead of writing GLSL code. +--- +---The shaders can be further customized by using the `flags` option to change their behavior. +--- +---If the active shader is set to `nil`, LÖVR picks one of these shaders to use. +--- +---@alias lovr.DefaultShader +--- +---Basic shader without lighting that uses colors and a texture. +--- +---| "unlit" +--- +---Shades triangles based on their normal, resulting in a cool rainbow effect. +--- +---| "normal" +--- +---Renders font glyphs. +--- +---| "font" +--- +---Renders cubemaps. +--- +---| "cubemap" +--- +---Renders spherical textures. +--- +---| "equirect" +--- +---Renders a fullscreen triangle. +--- +---| "fill" + +--- +---Whether a shape should be drawn filled or outlined. +--- +---@alias lovr.DrawStyle +--- +---The shape will be filled in (the default). +--- +---| "fill" +--- +---The shape will be outlined. +--- +---| "line" + +--- +---Different types for `Buffer` fields. +--- +---These are scalar, vector, or matrix types, usually packed into small amounts of space to reduce the amount of memory they occupy. +--- +---The names are encoded as follows: +--- +---- The data type: +--- - `i` for signed integer +--- - `u` for unsigned integer +--- - `sn` for signed normalized (-1 to 1) +--- - `un` for unsigned normalized (0 to 1) +--- - `f` for floating point +---- The bit depth of each component +---- The letter `x` followed by the component count (for vectors) +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---In addition to these values, the following aliases can be used: +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +---
AliasMaps to
+--- +---Additionally, the following convenience rules apply: +--- +---- Field types can end in an `s`, which will be stripped off. +---- Field types can end in `x1`, which will be stripped off. +--- +---So you can write, e.g. `lovr.graphics.newBuffer(4, 'floats')`, which is cute! +--- +---@alias lovr.FieldType +--- +---Four 8-bit signed integers. +--- +---| "i8x4" +--- +---Four 8-bit unsigned integers. +--- +---| "u8x4" +--- +---Four 8-bit signed normalized values. +--- +---| "sn8x4" +--- +---Four 8-bit unsigned normalized values (aka `color`). +--- +---| "un8x4" +--- +---Three 10-bit unsigned normalized values, and 2 padding bits (aka `normal`). +--- +---| "un10x3" +--- +---One 16-bit signed integer. +--- +---| "i16" +--- +---Two 16-bit signed integers. +--- +---| "i16x2" +--- +---Four 16-bit signed integers. +--- +---| "i16x4" +--- +---One 16-bit unsigned integer. +--- +---| "u16" +--- +---Two 16-bit unsigned integers. +--- +---| "u16x2" +--- +---Four 16-bit unsigned integers. +--- +---| "u16x4" +--- +---Two 16-bit signed normalized values. +--- +---| "sn16x2" +--- +---Four 16-bit signed normalized values. +--- +---| "sn16x4" +--- +---Two 16-bit unsigned normalized values. +--- +---| "un16x2" +--- +---Four 16-bit unsigned normalized values. +--- +---| "un16x4" +--- +---One 32-bit signed integer (aka `int`). +--- +---| "i32" +--- +---Two 32-bit signed integers. +--- +---| "i32x2" +--- +---Two 32-bit signed integers. +--- +---| "i32x2" +--- +---Three 32-bit signed integers. +--- +---| "i32x3" +--- +---Four 32-bit signed integers. +--- +---| "i32x4" +--- +---One 32-bit unsigned integer (aka `uint`). +--- +---| "u32" +--- +---Two 32-bit unsigned integers. +--- +---| "u32x2" +--- +---Three 32-bit unsigned integers. +--- +---| "u32x3" +--- +---Four 32-bit unsigned integers. +--- +---| "u32x4" +--- +---Two 16-bit floating point numbers. +--- +---| "f16x2" +--- +---Four 16-bit floating point numbers. +--- +---| "f16x4" +--- +---One 32-bit floating point number (aka `float`). +--- +---| "f32" +--- +---Two 32-bit floating point numbers (aka `vec2`). +--- +---| "f32x2" +--- +---Three 32-bit floating point numbers (aka `vec3`). +--- +---| "f32x3" +--- +---Four 32-bit floating point numbers (aka `vec4`). +--- +---| "f32x4" +--- +---A 2x2 matrix containing four 32-bit floats. +--- +---| "mat2" +--- +---A 3x3 matrix containing nine 32-bit floats. +--- +---| "mat3" +--- +---A 4x4 matrix containing sixteen 32-bit floats. +--- +---| "mat4" +--- +---Like u16, but 1-indexed. +--- +---| "index16" +--- +---Like u32, but 1-indexed. +--- +---| "index32" + +--- +---Controls how `Sampler` objects smooth pixels in textures. +--- +---@alias lovr.FilterMode +--- +---A pixelated appearance where the "nearest neighbor" pixel is used. +--- +---| "nearest" +--- +---A smooth appearance where neighboring pixels are averaged. +--- +---| "linear" + +--- +---Different ways to horizontally align text with `Pass:text`. +--- +---@alias lovr.HorizontalAlign +--- +---Left-aligned text. +--- +---| "left" +--- +---Centered text. +--- +---| "center" +--- +---Right-aligned text. +--- +---| "right" + +--- +---Different ways vertices in a mesh can be connected together and filled in with pixels. +--- +---@alias lovr.MeshMode +--- +---Each vertex is rendered as a single point. +--- +---The size of the point can be controlled using the `pointSize` shader flag, or by writing to the `PointSize` variable in shaders. +--- +---The maximum point size is given by the `pointSize` limit from `lovr.graphics.getLimits`. +--- +---| "points" +--- +---Pairs of vertices are connected with line segments. +--- +---To draw a single line through all of the vertices, an index buffer can be used to repeat vertices. +--- +---It is not currently possible to change the width of the lines, although cylinders or capsules can be used as an alternative. +--- +---| "lines" +--- +---Every 3 vertices form a triangle, which is filled in with pixels (unless `Pass:setWireframe` is used). +--- +---This mode is the most commonly used. +--- +---| "triangles" + +--- +---Different coordinate spaces for nodes in a `Model`. +--- +---@alias lovr.OriginType +--- +---Transforms are relative to the origin (root) of the Model. +--- +---| "root" +--- +---Transforms are relative to the parent of the node. +--- +---| "parent" + +--- +---The three different types of `Pass` objects. +--- +---Each Pass has a single type, which determines the type of work it does and which functions can be called on it. +--- +---@alias lovr.PassType +--- +---A render pass renders graphics to a set of up to four color textures and an optional depth texture. +--- +---The textures all need to have the same dimensions and sample counts. +--- +---The textures can have multiple layers, and all rendering work will be broadcast to each layer. +--- +---Each layer can use a different camera pose, which is used for stereo rendering. +--- +---| "render" +--- +---A compute pass runs compute shaders. +--- +---Compute passes usually only call `Pass:setShader`, `Pass:send`, and `Pass:compute`. +--- +---All of the compute work in a single compute pass is run in parallel, so multiple compute passes should be used if one compute pass needs to happen after a different one. +--- +---| "compute" +--- +---A transfer pass copies data to and from GPU memory in `Buffer` and `Texture` objects. Transfer passes use `Pass:copy`, `Pass:clear`, `Pass:blit`, `Pass:mipmap`, and `Pass:read`. Similar to compute passes, all the work in a transfer pass happens in parallel, so multiple passes should be used if the transfers need to be ordered. +--- +---| "transfer" + +--- +---Different shader stages. +--- +---Graphics shaders have a `vertex` and `fragment` stage, and compute shaders have a single `compute` stage. +--- +---@alias lovr.ShaderStage +--- +---The vertex stage, which computes transformed vertex positions. +--- +---| "vertex" +--- +---The fragment stage, which computes pixel colors. +--- +---| "fragment" +--- +---The compute stage, which performs arbitrary computation. +--- +---| "compute" + +--- +---The two types of shaders that can be created. +--- +---@alias lovr.ShaderType +--- +---A graphics shader with a vertex and pixel stage. +--- +---| "graphics" +--- +---A compute shader with a single compute stage. +--- +---| "compute" + +--- +---Different types of stacks that can be pushed and popped with `Pass:push` and `Pass:pop`. +--- +---@alias lovr.StackType +--- +---The transform stack (`Pass:transform`, `Pass:translate`, etc.). +--- +---| "transform" +--- +---Graphics state, like `Pass:setColor`, `Pass:setFont`, etc. +--- +---Notably this does not include camera poses/projections or shader variables changed with `Pass:send`. +--- +---| "state" + +--- +---Different ways of updating the stencil buffer with `Pass:setStencilWrite`. +--- +---@alias lovr.StencilAction +--- +---Stencil buffer pixels will not be changed by draws. +--- +---| "keep" +--- +---Stencil buffer pixels will be set to zero. +--- +---| "zero" +--- +---Stencil buffer pixels will be replaced with a custom value. +--- +---| "replace" +--- +---Stencil buffer pixels will be incremented each time they're rendered to. +--- +---| "increment" +--- +---Stencil buffer pixels will be decremented each time they're rendered to. +--- +---| "decrement" +--- +---Similar to increment, but will wrap around to 0 when it exceeds 255. +--- +---| "incrementwrap" +--- +---Similar to decrement, but will wrap around to 255 when it goes below 0. +--- +---| "decrementwrap" +--- +---The bits in the stencil buffer pixels will be inverted. +--- +---| "invert" + +--- +---These are the different metrics a `Tally` can measure. +--- +---@alias lovr.TallyType +--- +---Each slot measures elapsed time in nanoseconds. +--- +---| "time" +--- +---Each slot measures 4 numbers: the total number of vertices processed, the number of times the vertex shader was run, the number of triangles that were visible in the view, and the number of times the fragment shader was run. +--- +---| "shader" +--- +---Each slot measures the approximate number of pixels affected by rendering. +--- +---| "pixel" + +--- +---These are the different ways `Texture` objects can be used. +--- +---These are passed in to `lovr.graphics.isFormatSupported` to see which texture operations are supported by the GPU for a given format. +--- +---@alias lovr.TextureFeature +--- +---The Texture can be sampled (e.g. a `texture2D` or `sampler2D` variable in shaders). +--- +---| "sample" +--- +---The Texture can be used with a `Sampler` using a `FilterMode` of `linear`. +--- +---| "filter" +--- +---The Texture can be rendered to by using it as a target in a render `Pass`. +--- +---| "render" +--- +---Blending can be enabled when rendering to this format in a render pass. +--- +---| "blend" +--- +---The Texture can be sent to an image variable in shaders (e.g. `image2D`). +--- +---| "storage" +--- +---Atomic operations can be used on storage textures with this format. +--- +---| "atomic" +--- +---Source textures in `Pass:blit` can use this format. +--- +---| "blitsrc" +--- +---Destination textures in `Pass:blit` can use this format. +--- +---| "blitdst" + +--- +---Different types of textures. +--- +---Textures are multidimensional blocks of GPU memory, and the texture's type determines how many dimensions there are, and adds some semantics about what the 3rd dimension means. +--- +---@alias lovr.TextureType +--- +---A single 2D image, the most common type. +--- +---| "2d" +--- +---A 3D image, where a sequence of 2D images defines a 3D volume. +--- +---Each mipmap level of a 3D texture gets smaller in the x, y, and z axes, unlike cubemap and array textures. +--- +---| "3d" +--- +---Six square 2D images with the same dimensions that define the faces of a cubemap, used for skyboxes or other "directional" images. +--- +---| "cube" +--- +---Array textures are sequences of distinct 2D images that all have the same dimensions. +--- +---| "array" + +--- +---These are the different things `Texture`s can be used for. +--- +---When creating a Texture, a set of these flags can be provided, restricting what operations are allowed on the texture. +--- +---Using a smaller set of flags may improve performance. +--- +---If none are provided, the only usage flag applied is `sample`. +--- +---@alias lovr.TextureUsage +--- +---Whether the texture can be sampled from in Shaders (i.e. used in a material, or bound to a variable with a `texture` type, like `texture2D`). +--- +---| "sample" +--- +---Whether the texture can be rendered to (i.e. by using it as a render target in `lovr.graphics.pass`). +--- +---| "render" +--- +---Whether the texture can be used as a storage texture for compute operations (i.e. bound to a variable with an `image` type, like `image2D`). +--- +---| "storage" +--- +---Whether the texture can be used in a transfer pass. +--- +---| "transfer" + +--- +---Different ways to vertically align text with `Pass:text`. +--- +---@alias lovr.VerticalAlign +--- +---Top-aligned text. +--- +---| "top" +--- +---Centered text. +--- +---| "middle" +--- +---Bottom-aligned text. +--- +---| "bottom" + +--- +---Indicates whether the front face of a triangle uses the clockwise or counterclockwise vertex order. +--- +---@alias lovr.Winding +--- +---Clockwise winding. +--- +---| "clockwise" +--- +---Counterclockwise winding. +--- +---| "counterclockwise" + +--- +---Controls how `Sampler` objects wrap textures. +--- +---@alias lovr.WrapMode +--- +---Pixels will be clamped to the edge, with pixels outside the 0-1 uv range using colors from the nearest edge. +--- +---| "clamp" +--- +---Tiles the texture. +--- +---| "repeat" diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/headset.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/headset.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8a7372c2c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/headset.lua @@ -0,0 +1,805 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---The `lovr.headset` module is where all the magical VR functionality is. +--- +---With it, you can access connected VR hardware and get information about the available space the player has. +--- +---Note that all units are reported in meters. +--- +---Position `(0, 0, 0)` is on the floor in the center of the play area. +--- +---@class lovr.headset +lovr.headset = {} + +--- +---Animates a device model to match its current input state. +--- +---The buttons and joysticks on a controller will move as they're pressed/moved and hand models will move to match skeletal input. +--- +---The model should have been created using `lovr.headset.newModel` with the `animated` flag set to `true`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Currently this function is only supported for hand models on the Oculus Quest. +--- +---It's possible to use models that weren't created with `lovr.headset.newModel` but they need to be set up carefully to have the same structure as the models provided by the headset SDK. +--- +---@param device? lovr.Device # The device to use for the animation data. +---@param model lovr.Model # The model to animate. +---@return boolean success # Whether the animation was applied successfully to the Model. If the Model was not compatible or animation data for the device was not available, this will be `false`. +function lovr.headset.animate(device, model) end + +--- +---Returns the current angular velocity of a device. +--- +---@param device? lovr.Device # The device to get the velocity of. +---@return number x # The x component of the angular velocity. +---@return number y # The y component of the angular velocity. +---@return number z # The z component of the angular velocity. +function lovr.headset.getAngularVelocity(device) end + +--- +---Get the current state of an analog axis on a device. +--- +---Some axes are multidimensional, for example a 2D touchpad or thumbstick with x/y axes. +--- +---For multidimensional axes, this function will return multiple values, one number for each axis. +--- +---In these cases, it can be useful to use the `select` function built in to Lua to select a particular axis component. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The axis values will be between 0 and 1 for 1D axes, and between -1 and 1 for each component of a multidimensional axis. +--- +---When hand tracking is active, pinch strength will be mapped to the `trigger` axis. +--- +---@param device lovr.Device # The device. +---@param axis lovr.DeviceAxis # The axis. +function lovr.headset.getAxis(device, axis) end + +--- +---Returns the depth of the play area, in meters. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This currently returns 0 on the Quest. +--- +---@return number depth # The depth of the play area, in meters. +function lovr.headset.getBoundsDepth() end + +--- +---Returns the size of the play area, in meters. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This currently returns 0 on the Quest. +--- +---@return number width # The width of the play area, in meters. +---@return number depth # The depth of the play area, in meters. +function lovr.headset.getBoundsDimensions() end + +--- +---Returns a list of points representing the boundaries of the play area, or `nil` if the current headset driver does not expose this information. +--- +---@param t table # A table to fill with the points. If `nil`, a new table will be created. +---@return table points # A flat table of 3D points representing the play area boundaries. +function lovr.headset.getBoundsGeometry(t) end + +--- +---Returns the width of the play area, in meters. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This currently returns 0 on the Quest. +--- +---@return number width # The width of the play area, in meters. +function lovr.headset.getBoundsWidth() end + +--- +---Returns the near and far clipping planes used to render to the headset. +--- +---Objects closer than the near clipping plane or further than the far clipping plane will be clipped out of view. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The default near and far clipping planes are 0.01 meters and 0.0 meters. +--- +---@return number near # The distance to the near clipping plane, in meters. +---@return number far # The distance to the far clipping plane, in meters, or 0 for an infinite far clipping plane with a reversed Z range. +function lovr.headset.getClipDistance() end + +--- +---Returns the headset delta time, which is the difference between the current and previous predicted display times. +--- +---When the headset is active, this will be the `dt` value passed in to `lovr.update`. +--- +---@return number dt # The delta time. +function lovr.headset.getDeltaTime() end + +--- +---Returns the texture dimensions of the headset display (for one eye), in pixels. +--- +---@return number width # The width of the display. +---@return number height # The height of the display. +function lovr.headset.getDisplayDimensions() end + +--- +---Returns a table with all the refresh rates supported by the headset display, in Hz. +--- +---@return table frequencies # A flat table of the refresh rates supported by the headset display, nil if not supported. +function lovr.headset.getDisplayFrequencies() end + +--- +---Returns the refresh rate of the headset display, in Hz. +--- +---@return number frequency # The frequency of the display, or `nil` if I have no idea what it is. +function lovr.headset.getDisplayFrequency() end + +--- +---Returns the height of the headset display (for one eye), in pixels. +--- +---@return number height # The height of the display. +function lovr.headset.getDisplayHeight() end + +--- +---Returns the width of the headset display (for one eye), in pixels. +--- +---@return number width # The width of the display. +function lovr.headset.getDisplayWidth() end + +--- +---Returns the `HeadsetDriver` that is currently in use, optionally for a specific device. +--- +---The order of headset drivers can be changed using `lovr.conf` to prefer or exclude specific VR APIs. +--- +---@overload fun(device: lovr.Device):lovr.HeadsetDriver +---@return lovr.HeadsetDriver driver # The driver of the headset in use, e.g. "OpenVR". +function lovr.headset.getDriver() end + +--- +---Returns a table with all of the currently tracked hand devices. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The hand paths will *always* be either `hand/left` or `hand/right`. +--- +---@return table hands # The currently tracked hand devices. +function lovr.headset.getHands() end + +--- +---Returns the name of the headset as a string. +--- +---The exact string that is returned depends on the hardware and VR SDK that is currently in use. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The desktop driver name will always be `Simulator`. +--- +---@return string name # The name of the headset as a string. +function lovr.headset.getName() end + +--- +---Returns the current orientation of a device, in angle/axis form. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the device isn't tracked, all zeroes will be returned. +--- +---@param device? lovr.Device # The device to get the orientation of. +---@return number angle # The amount of rotation around the axis of rotation, in radians. +---@return number ax # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number ay # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number az # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function lovr.headset.getOrientation(device) end + +--- +---Returns the type of origin used for the tracking volume. +--- +---The different types of origins are explained on the `HeadsetOrigin` page. +--- +---@return lovr.HeadsetOrigin origin # The type of origin. +function lovr.headset.getOriginType() end + +--- +---Returns a `Pass` that renders to the headset display. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The same Pass will be returned until `lovr.headset.submit` is called. +--- +---The first time this function is called during a frame, the views of the Pass will be initialized with the headset view poses and view angles. +--- +---The pass will be cleared to the background color, which can be changed using `lovr.graphics.setBackgroundColor`. +--- +---The pass will have a depth buffer. +--- +---If `t.headset.stencil` was set to a truthy value in `lovr.conf`, the depth buffer will use the `d32fs8` format, otherwise `d32f` will be used. +--- +---If `t.headset.antialias` was set to a truthy value in `lovr.conf`, the pass will be multisampled. +--- +---@return lovr.Pass pass # The pass. +function lovr.headset.getPass() end + +--- +---Returns the current position and orientation of a device. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Units are in meters. +--- +---If the device isn't tracked, all zeroes will be returned. +--- +---@param device? lovr.Device # The device to get the pose of. +---@return number x # The x position. +---@return number y # The y position. +---@return number z # The z position. +---@return number angle # The amount of rotation around the axis of rotation, in radians. +---@return number ax # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number ay # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number az # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function lovr.headset.getPose(device) end + +--- +---Returns the current position of a device, in meters, relative to the play area. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the device isn't tracked, all zeroes will be returned. +--- +---@param device? lovr.Device # The device to get the position of. +---@return number x # The x position of the device. +---@return number y # The y position of the device. +---@return number z # The z position of the device. +function lovr.headset.getPosition(device) end + +--- +---Returns a list of joint transforms tracked by a device. +--- +---Currently, only hand devices are able to track joints. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the Device does not support tracking joints or the transforms are unavailable, `nil` is returned. +--- +---The joint orientation is similar to the graphics coordinate system: -Z is the forwards direction, pointing towards the fingertips. +--- +---The +Y direction is "up", pointing out of the back of the hand. +--- +---The +X direction is to the right, perpendicular to X and Z. +--- +---Hand joints are returned in the following order: +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +--- +---
+--- +---@overload fun(device: lovr.Device, t: table):table +---@param device lovr.Device # The Device to query. +---@return table transforms # A list of joint transforms for the device. Each transform is a table with 3 numbers for the position of the joint, 1 number for the joint radius (in meters), and 4 numbers for the angle/axis orientation of the joint. +function lovr.headset.getSkeleton(device) end + +--- +---Returns a Texture that will be submitted to the headset display. +--- +---This will be the render target used in the headset's render pass. +--- +---The texture is not guaranteed to be the same every frame, and must be called every frame to get the current texture. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This function may return `nil` if the headset is not being rendered to this frame. +--- +---@return lovr.Texture texture # The headset texture. +function lovr.headset.getTexture() end + +--- +---Returns the estimated time in the future at which the light from the pixels of the current frame will hit the eyes of the user. +--- +---This can be used as a replacement for `lovr.timer.getTime` for timestamps that are used for rendering to get a smoother result that is synchronized with the display of the headset. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This has a different epoch than `lovr.timer.getTime`, so it is not guaranteed to be close to that value. +--- +---@return number time # The predicted display time, in seconds. +function lovr.headset.getTime() end + +--- +---Returns the current linear velocity of a device, in meters per second. +--- +---@param device? lovr.Device # The device to get the velocity of. +---@return number vx # The x component of the linear velocity. +---@return number vy # The y component of the linear velocity. +---@return number vz # The z component of the linear velocity. +function lovr.headset.getVelocity(device) end + +--- +---Returns the view angles of one of the headset views. +--- +---These can be used with `Mat4:fov` to create a projection matrix. +--- +---If tracking data is unavailable for the view or the index is invalid, `nil` is returned. +--- +---@param view number # The view index. +---@return number left # The left view angle, in radians. +---@return number right # The right view angle, in radians. +---@return number top # The top view angle, in radians. +---@return number bottom # The bottom view angle, in radians. +function lovr.headset.getViewAngles(view) end + +--- +---Returns the number of views used for rendering. +--- +---Each view consists of a pose in space and a set of angle values that determine the field of view. +--- +---This is usually 2 for stereo rendering configurations, but it can also be different. +--- +---For example, one way of doing foveated rendering uses 2 views for each eye -- one low quality view with a wider field of view, and a high quality view with a narrower field of view. +--- +---@return number count # The number of views. +function lovr.headset.getViewCount() end + +--- +---Returns the pose of one of the headset views. +--- +---This info can be used to create view matrices or do other eye-dependent calculations. +--- +---If tracking data is unavailable for the view or the index is invalid, `nil` is returned. +--- +---@param view number # The view index. +---@return number x # The x coordinate of the view position, in meters. +---@return number y # The y coordinate of the view position, in meters. +---@return number z # The z coordinate of the view position, in meters. +---@return number angle # The amount of rotation around the rotation axis, in radians. +---@return number ax # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number ay # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number az # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function lovr.headset.getViewPose(view) end + +--- +---Returns whether a button on a device is pressed. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---When hand tracking is active, pinching will be mapped to the `trigger` button. +--- +---@param device lovr.Device # The device. +---@param button lovr.DeviceButton # The button. +---@return boolean down # Whether the button on the device is currently pressed, or `nil` if the device does not have the specified button. +function lovr.headset.isDown(device, button) end + +--- +---Returns whether LÖVR has VR input focus. +--- +---Focus is lost when the VR system menu is shown. +--- +---The `lovr.focus` callback can be used to detect when this changes. +--- +---@return boolean focused # Whether the application is focused. +function lovr.headset.isFocused() end + +--- +---Returns whether a button on a device is currently touched. +--- +---@param device lovr.Device # The device. +---@param button lovr.DeviceButton # The button. +---@return boolean touched # Whether the button on the device is currently touched, or `nil` if the device does not have the button or it isn't touch-sensitive. +function lovr.headset.isTouched(device, button) end + +--- +---Returns whether any active headset driver is currently returning pose information for a device. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If a device is tracked, it is guaranteed to return a valid pose until the next call to `lovr.headset.update`. +--- +---@param device? lovr.Device # The device to get the pose of. +---@return boolean tracked # Whether the device is currently tracked. +function lovr.headset.isTracked(device) end + +--- +---Returns a new Model for the specified device. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Currently this is only implemented for hand models on the Oculus Quest. +--- +---@param device? lovr.Device # The device to load a model for. +---@param options? {animated: boolean} # Options for loading the model. +---@return lovr.Model model # The new Model, or `nil` if a model could not be loaded. +function lovr.headset.newModel(device, options) end + +--- +---Sets the near and far clipping planes used to render to the headset. +--- +---Objects closer than the near clipping plane or further than the far clipping plane will be clipped out of view. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The default clip distances are 0.01 and 0.0. +--- +---@param near number # The distance to the near clipping plane, in meters. +---@param far number # The distance to the far clipping plane, in meters, or 0 for an infinite far clipping plane with a reversed Z range. +function lovr.headset.setClipDistance(near, far) end + +--- +---Sets the display refresh rate, in Hz. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Changing the display refresh-rate also changes the frequency of lovr.update() and lovr.draw() as they depend on the display frequency. +--- +---@param frequency number # The new refresh rate, in Hz. +---@return boolean success # Whether the display refresh rate was successfully set. +function lovr.headset.setDisplayFrequency(frequency) end + +--- +---Starts the headset session. +--- +---This must be called after the graphics module is initialized, and can only be called once. +--- +---Normally it is called automatically by `boot.lua`. +--- +function lovr.headset.start() end + +--- +---Submits the current headset texture to the VR display. +--- +---This should be called after calling `lovr.graphics.submit` with the headset render pass. +--- +---Normally this is taken care of by `lovr.run`. +--- +function lovr.headset.submit() end + +--- +---Causes the device to vibrate with a custom strength, duration, and frequency, if possible. +--- +---@param device? lovr.Device # The device to vibrate. +---@param strength? number # The strength of the vibration (amplitude), between 0 and 1. +---@param duration? number # The duration of the vibration, in seconds. +---@param frequency? number # The frequency of the vibration, in hertz. 0 will use a default frequency. +---@return boolean vibrated # Whether the vibration was successfully triggered by an active headset driver. +function lovr.headset.vibrate(device, strength, duration, frequency) end + +--- +---Returns whether a button on a device was pressed this frame. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Some headset backends are not able to return pressed/released information. +--- +---These drivers will always return false for `lovr.headset.wasPressed` and `lovr.headset.wasReleased`. +--- +---Typically the internal `lovr.headset.update` function will update pressed/released status. +--- +---@param device lovr.Device # The device. +---@param button lovr.DeviceButton # The button to check. +---@return boolean pressed # Whether the button on the device was pressed this frame. +function lovr.headset.wasPressed(device, button) end + +--- +---Returns whether a button on a device was released this frame. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Some headset backends are not able to return pressed/released information. +--- +---These drivers will always return false for `lovr.headset.wasPressed` and `lovr.headset.wasReleased`. +--- +---Typically the internal `lovr.headset.update` function will update pressed/released status. +--- +---@param device lovr.Device # The device. +---@param button lovr.DeviceButton # The button to check. +---@return boolean released # Whether the button on the device was released this frame. +function lovr.headset.wasReleased(device, button) end + +--- +---Different types of input devices supported by the `lovr.headset` module. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The difference between `hand/left` and `hand/left/point` is the first represents an object held in the hand, whereas the second represents the laser pointer used to aim. +--- +---Drawing a controller model would use `hand/left`, whereas drawing a pointer or aiming would use `hand/left/point`. +--- +---@alias lovr.Device +--- +---The headset. +--- +---| "head" +--- +---A shorthand for hand/left. +--- +---| "left" +--- +---A shorthand for hand/right. +--- +---| "right" +--- +---The left controller. +--- +---| "hand/left" +--- +---The right controller. +--- +---| "hand/right" +--- +---The left controller pointer (pose only). +--- +---| "hand/left/point" +--- +---The right controller pointer (pose only). +--- +---| "hand/right/point" +--- +---A device tracking the left elbow. +--- +---| "elbow/left" +--- +---A device tracking the right elbow. +--- +---| "elbow/right" +--- +---A device tracking the left shoulder. +--- +---| "shoulder/left" +--- +---A device tracking the right shoulder. +--- +---| "shoulder/right" +--- +---A device tracking the chest. +--- +---| "chest" +--- +---A device tracking the waist. +--- +---| "waist" +--- +---A device tracking the left knee. +--- +---| "knee/left" +--- +---A device tracking the right knee. +--- +---| "knee/right" +--- +---A device tracking the left foot or ankle. +--- +---| "foot/left" +--- +---A device tracking the right foot or ankle. +--- +---| "foot/right" +--- +---A camera device, often used for recording "mixed reality" footage. +--- +---| "camera" +--- +---A tracked keyboard. +--- +---| "keyboard" +--- +---The left eye. +--- +---| "eye/left" +--- +---The right eye. +--- +---| "eye/right" + +--- +---Axes on an input device. +--- +---@alias lovr.DeviceAxis +--- +---A trigger (1D). +--- +---| "trigger" +--- +---A thumbstick (2D). +--- +---| "thumbstick" +--- +---A touchpad (2D). +--- +---| "touchpad" +--- +---A grip button or grab gesture (1D). +--- +---| "grip" + +--- +---Buttons on an input device. +--- +---@alias lovr.DeviceButton +--- +---The trigger button. +--- +---| "trigger" +--- +---The thumbstick. +--- +---| "thumbstick" +--- +---The touchpad. +--- +---| "touchpad" +--- +---The grip button. +--- +---| "grip" +--- +---The menu button. +--- +---| "menu" +--- +---The A button. +--- +---| "a" +--- +---The B button. +--- +---| "b" +--- +---The X button. +--- +---| "x" +--- +---The Y button. +--- +---| "y" +--- +---The proximity sensor on a headset. +--- +---| "proximity" + +--- +---These are all of the supported VR APIs that LÖVR can use to power the lovr.headset module. +--- +---You can change the order of headset drivers using `lovr.conf` to prefer or exclude specific VR APIs. +--- +---At startup, LÖVR searches through the list of drivers in order. +--- +---@alias lovr.HeadsetDriver +--- +---A VR simulator using keyboard/mouse. +--- +---| "desktop" +--- +---OpenXR. +--- +---| "openxr" + +--- +---Represents the different types of origins for coordinate spaces. +--- +---An origin of "floor" means that the origin is on the floor in the middle of a room-scale play area. +--- +---An origin of "head" means that no positional tracking is available, and consequently the origin is always at the position of the headset. +--- +---@alias lovr.HeadsetOrigin +--- +---The origin is at the head. +--- +---| "head" +--- +---The origin is on the floor. +--- +---| "floor" diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/math.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/math.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e3aa426ae --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/math.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1236 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---The `lovr.math` module provides math helpers commonly used for 3D applications. +--- +---@class lovr.math +lovr.math = {} + +--- +---Drains the temporary vector pool, invalidating existing temporary vectors. +--- +---This is called automatically at the end of each frame. +--- +function lovr.math.drain() end + +--- +---Converts a color from gamma space to linear space. +--- +---@overload fun(color: table):number, number, number +---@overload fun(x: number):number +---@param gr number # The red component of the gamma-space color. +---@param gg number # The green component of the gamma-space color. +---@param gb number # The blue component of the gamma-space color. +---@return number lr # The red component of the resulting linear-space color. +---@return number lg # The green component of the resulting linear-space color. +---@return number lb # The blue component of the resulting linear-space color. +function lovr.math.gammaToLinear(gr, gg, gb) end + +--- +---Get the seed used to initialize the random generator. +--- +---@return number seed # The new seed. +function lovr.math.getRandomSeed() end + +--- +---Converts a color from linear space to gamma space. +--- +---@overload fun(color: table):number, number, number +---@overload fun(x: number):number +---@param lr number # The red component of the linear-space color. +---@param lg number # The green component of the linear-space color. +---@param lb number # The blue component of the linear-space color. +---@return number gr # The red component of the resulting gamma-space color. +---@return number gg # The green component of the resulting gamma-space color. +---@return number gb # The blue component of the resulting gamma-space color. +function lovr.math.linearToGamma(lr, lg, lb) end + +--- +---Creates a temporary 4D matrix. +--- +---This function takes the same arguments as `Mat4:set`. +--- +---@overload fun(n: lovr.mat4):lovr.Mat4 +---@overload fun(position?: lovr.Vec3, scale?: lovr.Vec3, rotation?: lovr.Quat):lovr.Mat4 +---@overload fun(position?: lovr.Vec3, rotation?: lovr.Quat):lovr.Mat4 +---@overload fun(...):lovr.Mat4 +---@overload fun(d: number):lovr.Mat4 +---@return lovr.Mat4 m # The new matrix. +function lovr.math.mat4() end + +--- +---Creates a new `Curve` from a list of control points. +--- +---@overload fun(v: lovr.Vec3, ...):lovr.Curve +---@overload fun(points: table):lovr.Curve +---@overload fun(n: number):lovr.Curve +---@param x number # The x coordinate of the first control point. +---@param y number # The y coordinate of the first control point. +---@param z number # The z coordinate of the first control point. +---@vararg any # Additional control points. +---@return lovr.Curve curve # The new Curve. +function lovr.math.newCurve(x, y, z, ...) end + +--- +---Creates a new 4D matrix. +--- +---This function takes the same arguments as `Mat4:set`. +--- +---@overload fun(n: lovr.mat4):lovr.Mat4 +---@overload fun(position?: lovr.Vec3, scale?: lovr.Vec3, rotation?: lovr.Quat):lovr.Mat4 +---@overload fun(position?: lovr.Vec3, rotation?: lovr.Quat):lovr.Mat4 +---@overload fun(...):lovr.Mat4 +---@overload fun(d: number):lovr.Mat4 +---@return lovr.Mat4 m # The new matrix. +function lovr.math.newMat4() end + +--- +---Creates a new quaternion. +--- +---This function takes the same arguments as `Quat:set`. +--- +---@overload fun(r: lovr.quat):lovr.quat +---@overload fun(v: lovr.vec3):lovr.quat +---@overload fun(v: lovr.vec3, u: lovr.vec3):lovr.quat +---@overload fun(m: lovr.mat4):lovr.quat +---@overload fun():lovr.quat +---@param angle? number # An angle to use for the rotation, in radians. +---@param ax? number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay? number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az? number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +---@param raw? boolean # Whether the components should be interpreted as raw `(x, y, z, w)` components. +---@return lovr.quat q # The new quaternion. +function lovr.math.newQuat(angle, ax, ay, az, raw) end + +--- +---Creates a new `RandomGenerator`, which can be used to generate random numbers. If you just want some random numbers, you can use `lovr.math.random`. Individual RandomGenerator objects are useful if you need more control over the random sequence used or need a random generator isolated from other instances. +--- +---@overload fun(seed: number):lovr.RandomGenerator +---@overload fun(low: number, high: number):lovr.RandomGenerator +---@return lovr.RandomGenerator randomGenerator # The new RandomGenerator. +function lovr.math.newRandomGenerator() end + +--- +---Creates a new 2D vector. +--- +---This function takes the same arguments as `Vec2:set`. +--- +---@overload fun(u: lovr.Vec2):lovr.Vec2 +---@param x? number # The x value of the vector. +---@param y? number # The y value of the vector. +---@return lovr.Vec2 v # The new vector. +function lovr.math.newVec2(x, y) end + +--- +---Creates a new 3D vector. +--- +---This function takes the same arguments as `Vec3:set`. +--- +---@overload fun(u: lovr.Vec3):lovr.Vec3 +---@overload fun(m: lovr.Mat4):lovr.Vec3 +---@param x? number # The x value of the vector. +---@param y? number # The y value of the vector. +---@param z? number # The z value of the vector. +---@return lovr.Vec3 v # The new vector. +function lovr.math.newVec3(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Creates a new 4D vector. +--- +---This function takes the same arguments as `Vec4:set`. +--- +---@overload fun(u: lovr.Vec4):lovr.Vec4 +---@param x? number # The x value of the vector. +---@param y? number # The y value of the vector. +---@param z? number # The z value of the vector. +---@param w? number # The w value of the vector. +---@return lovr.Vec4 v # The new vector. +function lovr.math.newVec4(x, y, z, w) end + +--- +---Returns a 1D, 2D, 3D, or 4D simplex noise value. +--- +---The number will be between 0 and 1. +--- +---@overload fun(x: number, y: number):number +---@overload fun(x: number, y: number, z: number):number +---@overload fun(x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number):number +---@param x number # The x coordinate of the input. +---@return number noise # The noise value, between 0 and 1. +function lovr.math.noise(x) end + +--- +---Creates a temporary quaternion. +--- +---This function takes the same arguments as `Quat:set`. +--- +---@overload fun(r: lovr.quat):lovr.quat +---@overload fun(v: lovr.vec3):lovr.quat +---@overload fun(v: lovr.vec3, u: lovr.vec3):lovr.quat +---@overload fun(m: lovr.mat4):lovr.quat +---@overload fun():lovr.quat +---@param angle? number # An angle to use for the rotation, in radians. +---@param ax? number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay? number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az? number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +---@param raw? boolean # Whether the components should be interpreted as raw `(x, y, z, w)` components. +---@return lovr.quat q # The new quaternion. +function lovr.math.quat(angle, ax, ay, az, raw) end + +--- +---Returns a uniformly distributed pseudo-random number. +--- +---This function has improved randomness over Lua's `math.random` and also guarantees that the sequence of random numbers will be the same on all platforms (given the same seed). +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---You can set the random seed using `lovr.math.setRandomSeed`. +--- +---@overload fun(high: number):number +---@overload fun(low: number, high: number):number +---@return number x # A pseudo-random number. +function lovr.math.random() end + +--- +---Returns a pseudo-random number from a normal distribution (a bell curve). +--- +---You can control the center of the bell curve (the mean value) and the overall width (sigma, or standard deviation). +--- +---@param sigma? number # The standard deviation of the distribution. This can be thought of how "wide" the range of numbers is or how much variability there is. +---@param mu? number # The average value returned. +---@return number x # A normally distributed pseudo-random number. +function lovr.math.randomNormal(sigma, mu) end + +--- +---Seed the random generator with a new seed. +--- +---Each seed will cause `lovr.math.random` and `lovr.math.randomNormal` to produce a unique sequence of random numbers. +--- +---This is done once automatically at startup by `lovr.run`. +--- +---@param seed number # The new seed. +function lovr.math.setRandomSeed(seed) end + +--- +---Creates a temporary 2D vector. +--- +---This function takes the same arguments as `Vec2:set`. +--- +---@overload fun(u: lovr.Vec2):lovr.Vec2 +---@param x? number # The x value of the vector. +---@param y? number # The y value of the vector. +---@return lovr.Vec2 v # The new vector. +function lovr.math.vec2(x, y) end + +--- +---Creates a temporary 3D vector. +--- +---This function takes the same arguments as `Vec3:set`. +--- +---@overload fun(u: lovr.Vec3):lovr.Vec3 +---@overload fun(m: lovr.Mat4):lovr.Vec3 +---@param x? number # The x value of the vector. +---@param y? number # The y value of the vector. +---@param z? number # The z value of the vector. +---@return lovr.Vec3 v # The new vector. +function lovr.math.vec3(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Creates a temporary 4D vector. +--- +---This function takes the same arguments as `Vec4:set`. +--- +---@overload fun(u: lovr.Vec4):lovr.Vec4 +---@param x? number # The x value of the vector. +---@param y? number # The y value of the vector. +---@param z? number # The z value of the vector. +---@param w? number # The w value of the vector. +---@return lovr.Vec4 v # The new vector. +function lovr.math.vec4(x, y, z, w) end + +--- +---A Curve is an object that represents a Bézier curve in three dimensions. +--- +---Curves are defined by an arbitrary number of control points (note that the curve only passes through the first and last control point). +--- +---Once a Curve is created with `lovr.math.newCurve`, you can use `Curve:evaluate` to get a point on the curve or `Curve:render` to get a list of all of the points on the curve. +--- +---These points can be passed directly to `Pass:points` or `Pass:line` to render the curve. +--- +---Note that for longer or more complicated curves (like in a drawing application) it can be easier to store the path as several Curve objects. +--- +---@class lovr.Curve +local Curve = {} + +--- +---Inserts a new control point into the Curve at the specified index. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---An error will be thrown if the index is less than one or more than the number of control points. +--- +---@param x number # The x coordinate of the control point. +---@param y number # The y coordinate of the control point. +---@param z number # The z coordinate of the control point. +---@param index? number # The index to insert the control point at. If nil, the control point is added to the end of the list of control points. +function Curve:addPoint(x, y, z, index) end + +--- +---Returns a point on the Curve given a parameter `t` from 0 to 1. +--- +---0 will return the first control point, 1 will return the last point, .5 will return a point in the "middle" of the Curve, etc. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---An error will be thrown if `t` is not between 0 and 1, or if the Curve has less than two points. +--- +---@param t number # The parameter to evaluate the Curve at. +---@return number x # The x position of the point. +---@return number y # The y position of the point. +---@return number z # The z position of the point. +function Curve:evaluate(t) end + +--- +---Returns a control point of the Curve. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---An error will be thrown if the index is less than one or more than the number of control points. +--- +---@param index number # The index to retrieve. +---@return number x # The x coordinate of the control point. +---@return number y # The y coordinate of the control point. +---@return number z # The z coordinate of the control point. +function Curve:getPoint(index) end + +--- +---Returns the number of control points in the Curve. +--- +---@return number count # The number of control points. +function Curve:getPointCount() end + +--- +---Returns a direction vector for the Curve given a parameter `t` from 0 to 1. +--- +---0 will return the direction at the first control point, 1 will return the direction at the last point, .5 will return the direction at the "middle" of the Curve, etc. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The direction vector returned by this function will have a length of one. +--- +---@param t number # Where on the Curve to compute the direction. +---@return number x # The x position of the point. +---@return number y # The y position of the point. +---@return number z # The z position of the point. +function Curve:getTangent(t) end + +--- +---Removes a control point from the Curve. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---An error will be thrown if the index is less than one or more than the number of control points. +--- +---@param index number # The index of the control point to remove. +function Curve:removePoint(index) end + +--- +---Returns a list of points on the Curve. +--- +---The number of points can be specified to get a more or less detailed representation, and it is also possible to render a subsection of the Curve. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This function will always return 2 points if the Curve is a line with only 2 control points. +--- +---@param n? number # The number of points to use. +---@param t1? number # How far along the curve to start rendering. +---@param t2? number # How far along the curve to stop rendering. +---@return table t # A (flat) table of 3D points along the curve. +function Curve:render(n, t1, t2) end + +--- +---Changes the position of a control point on the Curve. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---An error will be thrown if the index is less than one or more than the number of control points. +--- +---@param index number # The index to modify. +---@param x number # The new x coordinate. +---@param y number # The new y coordinate. +---@param z number # The new z coordinate. +function Curve:setPoint(index, x, y, z) end + +--- +---Returns a new Curve created by slicing the Curve at the specified start and end points. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The new Curve will have the same number of control points as the existing curve. +--- +---An error will be thrown if t1 or t2 are not between 0 and 1, or if the Curve has less than two points. +--- +---@param t1 number # The starting point to slice at. +---@param t2 number # The ending point to slice at. +---@return lovr.Curve curve # A new Curve. +function Curve:slice(t1, t2) end + +--- +---A `mat4` is a math type that holds 16 values in a 4x4 grid. +--- +---@class lovr.Mat4 +local Mat4 = {} + +--- +---Returns whether a matrix is approximately equal to another matrix. +--- +---@param n lovr.Mat4 # The other matrix. +---@return boolean equal # Whether the 2 matrices approximately equal each other. +function Mat4:equals(n) end + +--- +---Sets a projection matrix using raw projection angles and clipping planes. +--- +---This can be used for asymmetric or oblique projections. +--- +---@param left number # The left half-angle of the projection, in radians. +---@param right number # The right half-angle of the projection, in radians. +---@param up number # The top half-angle of the projection, in radians. +---@param down number # The bottom half-angle of the projection, in radians. +---@param near number # The near plane of the projection. +---@param far? number # The far plane. Zero is a special value that will set an infinite far plane with a reversed Z range, which improves depth buffer precision and is the default. +---@return lovr.Mat4 m # The original matrix. +function Mat4:fov(left, right, up, down, near, far) end + +--- +---Resets the matrix to the identity, effectively setting its translation to zero, its scale to 1, and clearing any rotation. +--- +---@return lovr.Mat4 m # The original matrix. +function Mat4:identity() end + +--- +---Inverts the matrix, causing it to represent the opposite of its old transform. +--- +---@return lovr.Mat4 m # The original matrix, with its values inverted. +function Mat4:invert() end + +--- +---Sets a view transform matrix that moves and orients camera to look at a target point. +--- +---This is useful for changing camera position and orientation. The resulting Mat4 matrix can be passed to `lovr.graphics.transform()` directly (without inverting) before rendering the scene. +--- +---The lookAt() function produces same result as target() after matrix inversion. +--- +---@param from lovr.Vec3 # The position of the viewer. +---@param to lovr.Vec3 # The position of the target. +---@param up? lovr.Vec3 # The up vector of the viewer. +---@return lovr.Mat4 m # The original matrix. +function Mat4:lookAt(from, to, up) end + +--- +---Multiplies this matrix by another value. +--- +---Multiplying by a matrix combines their two transforms together. +--- +---Multiplying by a vector applies the transformation from the matrix to the vector and returns the vector. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---When multiplying by a vec4, the vector is treated as either a point if its w component is 1, or a direction vector if the w is 0 (the matrix translation won't be applied). +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Mat4, v3: lovr.Vec3):lovr.Vec3 +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Mat4, v4: lovr.Vec4):lovr.Vec4 +---@param n lovr.Mat4 # The matrix. +---@return lovr.Mat4 m # The original matrix, containing the result. +function Mat4:mul(n) end + +--- +---Sets this matrix to represent an orthographic projection, useful for 2D/isometric rendering. +--- +---This can be used with `Pass:setProjection`, or it can be sent to a `Shader` for use in GLSL. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Mat4, width: number, height: number, near: number, far: number):lovr.Mat4 +---@param left number # The left edge of the projection. +---@param right number # The right edge of the projection. +---@param bottom number # The bottom edge of the projection. +---@param top number # The top edge of the projection. +---@param near number # The position of the near clipping plane. +---@param far number # The position of the far clipping plane. +---@return lovr.Mat4 m # The original matrix. +function Mat4:orthographic(left, right, bottom, top, near, far) end + +--- +---Sets this matrix to represent a perspective projection. +--- +---This can be used with `Pass:setProjection`, or it can be sent to a `Shader` for use in GLSL. +--- +---@param fov number # The vertical field of view (in radians). +---@param aspect number # The horizontal aspect ratio of the projection (width / height). +---@param near number # The near plane. +---@param far? number # The far plane. Zero is a special value that will set an infinite far plane with a reversed Z range, which improves depth buffer precision and is the default. +---@return lovr.Mat4 m # The original matrix. +function Mat4:perspective(fov, aspect, near, far) end + +--- +---Rotates the matrix using a quaternion or an angle/axis rotation. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Mat4, angle: number, ax?: number, ay?: number, az?: number):lovr.Mat4 +---@param q lovr.Quat # The rotation to apply to the matrix. +---@return lovr.Mat4 m # The original matrix. +function Mat4:rotate(q) end + +--- +---Scales the matrix. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Mat4, sx: number, sy?: number, sz?: number):lovr.Mat4 +---@param scale lovr.Vec3 # The 3D scale to apply. +---@return lovr.Mat4 m # The original matrix. +function Mat4:scale(scale) end + +--- +---Sets the components of the matrix from separate position, rotation, and scale arguments or an existing matrix. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Mat4, n: lovr.mat4):lovr.Mat4 +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Mat4, x: number, y: number, z: number, sx: number, sy: number, sz: number, angle: number, ax: number, ay: number, az: number):lovr.Mat4 +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Mat4, x: number, y: number, z: number, angle: number, ax: number, ay: number, az: number):lovr.Mat4 +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Mat4, position: lovr.Vec3, scale: lovr.Vec3, rotation: lovr.Quat):lovr.Mat4 +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Mat4, position: lovr.Vec3, rotation: lovr.Quat):lovr.Mat4 +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Mat4, ...):lovr.Mat4 +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Mat4, d: number):lovr.Mat4 +---@return lovr.Mat4 m # The input matrix. +function Mat4:set() end + +--- +---Sets a model transform matrix that moves to `from` and orients model towards `to` point. +--- +---This is used when rendered model should always point towards a point of interest. The resulting Mat4 object can be used as model pose. +--- +---The target() function produces same result as lookAt() after matrix inversion. +--- +---@param from lovr.Vec3 # The position of the viewer. +---@param to lovr.Vec3 # The position of the target. +---@param up? lovr.Vec3 # The up vector of the viewer. +---@return lovr.Mat4 m # The original matrix. +function Mat4:target(from, to, up) end + +--- +---Translates the matrix. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Mat4, x: number, y: number, z: number):lovr.Mat4 +---@param v lovr.Vec3 # The translation vector. +---@return lovr.Mat4 m # The original matrix. +function Mat4:translate(v) end + +--- +---Transposes the matrix, mirroring its values along the diagonal. +--- +---@return lovr.Mat4 m # The original matrix. +function Mat4:transpose() end + +--- +---Returns the components of matrix, either as 10 separated numbers representing the position, scale, and rotation, or as 16 raw numbers representing the individual components of the matrix in column-major order. +--- +---@param raw? boolean # Whether to return the 16 raw components. +function Mat4:unpack(raw) end + +--- +---A `quat` is a math type that represents a 3D rotation, stored as four numbers. +--- +---@class lovr.Quat +local Quat = {} + +--- +---Conjugates the input quaternion in place, returning the input. +--- +---If the quaternion is normalized, this is the same as inverting it. +--- +---It negates the (x, y, z) components of the quaternion. +--- +---@return lovr.Quat q # The original quaternion. +function Quat:conjugate() end + +--- +---Creates a new temporary vec3 facing the forward direction, rotates it by this quaternion, and returns the vector. +--- +---@return lovr.Vec3 v # The direction vector. +function Quat:direction() end + +--- +---Returns whether a quaternion is approximately equal to another quaternion. +--- +---@param r lovr.Quat # The other quaternion. +---@return boolean equal # Whether the 2 quaternions approximately equal each other. +function Quat:equals(r) end + +--- +---Returns the length of the quaternion. +--- +---@return number length # The length of the quaternion. +function Quat:length() end + +--- +---Multiplies this quaternion by another value. +--- +---If the value is a quaternion, the rotations in the two quaternions are applied sequentially and the result is stored in the first quaternion. +--- +---If the value is a vector, then the input vector is rotated by the quaternion and returned. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Quat, v3: lovr.vec3):lovr.vec3 +---@param r lovr.quat # A quaternion to combine with the original. +---@return lovr.quat q # The original quaternion. +function Quat:mul(r) end + +--- +---Adjusts the values in the quaternion so that its length becomes 1. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---A common source of bugs with quaternions is to forget to normalize them after performing a series of operations on them. +--- +---Try normalizing a quaternion if some of the calculations aren't working quite right! +--- +---@return lovr.Quat q # The original quaternion. +function Quat:normalize() end + +--- +---Sets the components of the quaternion. +--- +---There are lots of different ways to specify the new components, the summary is: +--- +---- Four numbers can be used to specify an angle/axis rotation, similar to other LÖVR functions. +---- Four numbers plus the fifth `raw` flag can be used to set the raw values of the quaternion. +---- An existing quaternion can be passed in to copy its values. +---- A single direction vector can be specified to turn its direction (relative to the default +--- forward direction of "negative z") into a rotation. +---- Two direction vectors can be specified to set the quaternion equal to the rotation between the +--- two vectors. +---- A matrix can be passed in to extract the rotation of the matrix into a quaternion. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Quat, r: lovr.quat):lovr.quat +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Quat, v: lovr.vec3):lovr.quat +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Quat, v: lovr.vec3, u: lovr.vec3):lovr.quat +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Quat, m: lovr.mat4):lovr.quat +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Quat):lovr.quat +---@param angle? number # The angle to use for the rotation, in radians. +---@param ax? number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay? number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az? number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +---@param raw? boolean # Whether the components should be interpreted as raw `(x, y, z, w)` components. +---@return lovr.quat q # The original quaternion. +function Quat:set(angle, ax, ay, az, raw) end + +--- +---Performs a spherical linear interpolation between this quaternion and another one, which can be used for smoothly animating between two rotations. +--- +---The amount of interpolation is controlled by a parameter `t`. +--- +---A `t` value of zero leaves the original quaternion unchanged, whereas a `t` of one sets the original quaternion exactly equal to the target. +--- +---A value between `0` and `1` returns a rotation between the two based on the value. +--- +---@param r lovr.Quat # The quaternion to slerp towards. +---@param t number # The lerping parameter. +---@return lovr.Quat q # The original quaternion, containing the new lerped values. +function Quat:slerp(r, t) end + +--- +---Returns the components of the quaternion as numbers, either in an angle/axis representation or as raw quaternion values. +--- +---@param raw? boolean # Whether the values should be returned as raw values instead of angle/axis. +---@return number a # The angle in radians, or the x value. +---@return number b # The x component of the rotation axis or the y value. +---@return number c # The y component of the rotation axis or the z value. +---@return number d # The z component of the rotation axis or the w value. +function Quat:unpack(raw) end + +--- +---A RandomGenerator is a standalone object that can be used to independently generate pseudo-random numbers. If you just need basic randomness, you can use `lovr.math.random` without needing to create a random generator. +--- +---@class lovr.RandomGenerator +local RandomGenerator = {} + +--- +---Returns the seed used to initialize the RandomGenerator. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Since the seed is a 64 bit integer, each 32 bits of the seed are returned separately to avoid precision issues. +--- +---@return number low # The lower 32 bits of the seed. +---@return number high # The upper 32 bits of the seed. +function RandomGenerator:getSeed() end + +--- +---Returns the current state of the RandomGenerator. +--- +---This can be used with `RandomGenerator:setState` to reliably restore a previous state of the generator. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The seed represents the starting state of the RandomGenerator, whereas the state represents the current state of the generator. +--- +---@return string state # The serialized state. +function RandomGenerator:getState() end + +--- +---Returns the next uniformly distributed pseudo-random number from the RandomGenerator's sequence. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.RandomGenerator, high: number):number +---@overload fun(self: lovr.RandomGenerator, low: number, high: number):number +---@return number x # A pseudo-random number. +function RandomGenerator:random() end + +--- +---Returns a pseudo-random number from a normal distribution (a bell curve). +--- +---You can control the center of the bell curve (the mean value) and the overall width (sigma, or standard deviation). +--- +---@param sigma? number # The standard deviation of the distribution. This can be thought of how "wide" the range of numbers is or how much variability there is. +---@param mu? number # The average value returned. +---@return number x # A normally distributed pseudo-random number. +function RandomGenerator:randomNormal(sigma, mu) end + +--- +---Seed the RandomGenerator with a new seed. +--- +---Each seed will cause the RandomGenerator to produce a unique sequence of random numbers. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---For precise 64 bit seeds, you should specify the lower and upper 32 bits of the seed separately. Otherwise, seeds larger than 2^53 will start to lose precision. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.RandomGenerator, low: number, high: number) +---@param seed number # The random seed. +function RandomGenerator:setSeed(seed) end + +--- +---Sets the state of the RandomGenerator, as previously obtained using `RandomGenerator:getState`. This can be used to reliably restore a previous state of the generator. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The seed represents the starting state of the RandomGenerator, whereas the state represents the current state of the generator. +--- +---@param state string # The serialized state. +function RandomGenerator:setState(state) end + +--- +---A vector object that holds two numbers. +--- +---@class lovr.Vec2 +local Vec2 = {} + +--- +---Adds a vector or a number to the vector. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec2, x: number, y?: number):lovr.Vec2 +---@param u lovr.Vec2 # The other vector. +---@return lovr.Vec2 v # The original vector. +function Vec2:add(u) end + +--- +---Returns the angle between vectors. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If any of the two vectors have a length of zero, the angle between them is not well defined. +--- +---In this case the function returns `math.pi / 2`. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec2, x: number, y: number):number +---@param u lovr.Vec2 # The other vector. +---@return number angle # The angle to the other vector, in radians. +function Vec2:angle(u) end + +--- +---Returns the distance to another vector. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec2, x: number, y: number):number +---@param u lovr.Vec2 # The vector to measure the distance to. +---@return number distance # The distance to `u`. +function Vec2:distance(u) end + +--- +---Divides the vector by a vector or a number. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec2, x: number, y?: number):lovr.Vec2 +---@param u lovr.Vec2 # The other vector to divide the components by. +---@return lovr.Vec2 v # The original vector. +function Vec2:div(u) end + +--- +---Returns the dot product between this vector and another one. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This is computed as: +--- +--- dot = v.x * u.x + v.y * u.y +--- +---The vectors are not normalized before computing the dot product. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec2, x: number, y: number):number +---@param u lovr.Vec2 # The vector to compute the dot product with. +---@return number dot # The dot product between `v` and `u`. +function Vec2:dot(u) end + +--- +---Returns whether a vector is approximately equal to another vector. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---To handle floating point precision issues, this function returns true as long as the squared distance between the vectors is below `1e-10`. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec2, x: number, y: number):boolean +---@param u lovr.Vec2 # The other vector. +---@return boolean equal # Whether the 2 vectors approximately equal each other. +function Vec2:equals(u) end + +--- +---Returns the length of the vector. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The length is equivalent to this: +--- +--- math.sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y) +--- +---@return number length # The length of the vector. +function Vec2:length() end + +--- +---Performs a linear interpolation between this vector and another one, which can be used to smoothly animate between two vectors, based on a parameter value. +--- +---A parameter value of `0` will leave the vector unchanged, a parameter value of `1` will set the vector to be equal to the input vector, and a value of `.5` will set the components to be halfway between the two vectors. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec2, x: number, y: number, t: number):lovr.Vec2 +---@param u lovr.Vec2 # The vector to lerp towards. +---@param t number # The lerping parameter. +---@return lovr.Vec2 v # The original vector, containing the new lerped values. +function Vec2:lerp(u, t) end + +--- +---Multiplies the vector by a vector or a number. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec2, x: number, y?: number):lovr.Vec2 +---@param u lovr.Vec2 # The other vector to multiply the components by. +---@return lovr.Vec2 v # The original vector. +function Vec2:mul(u) end + +--- +---Adjusts the values in the vector so that its direction stays the same but its length becomes 1. +--- +---@return lovr.Vec2 v # The original vector. +function Vec2:normalize() end + +--- +---Sets the components of the vector, either from numbers or an existing vector. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec2, u: lovr.Vec2):lovr.Vec2 +---@param x? number # The new x value of the vector. +---@param y? number # The new y value of the vector. +---@return lovr.Vec2 v # The input vector. +function Vec2:set(x, y) end + +--- +---Subtracts a vector or a number from the vector. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec2, x: number, y?: number):lovr.Vec2 +---@param u lovr.Vec2 # The other vector. +---@return lovr.Vec2 v # The original vector. +function Vec2:sub(u) end + +--- +---Returns the 2 components of the vector as numbers. +--- +---@return number x # The x value. +---@return number y # The y value. +function Vec2:unpack() end + +--- +---A vector object that holds three numbers. +--- +---@class lovr.Vec3 +local Vec3 = {} + +--- +---Adds a vector or a number to the vector. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec3, x: number, y?: number, z?: number):lovr.Vec3 +---@param u lovr.Vec3 # The other vector. +---@return lovr.Vec3 v # The original vector. +function Vec3:add(u) end + +--- +---Returns the angle between vectors. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If any of the two vectors have a length of zero, the angle between them is not well defined. +--- +---In this case the function returns `math.pi / 2`. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec3, x: number, y: number, z: number):number +---@param u lovr.Vec3 # The other vector. +---@return number angle # The angle to the other vector, in radians. +function Vec3:angle(u) end + +--- +---Sets this vector to be equal to the cross product between this vector and another one. +--- +---The new `v` will be perpendicular to both the old `v` and `u`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The vectors are not normalized before or after computing the cross product. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec3, x: number, y: number, z: number):lovr.Vec3 +---@param u lovr.Vec3 # The vector to compute the cross product with. +---@return lovr.Vec3 v # The original vector, with the cross product as its values. +function Vec3:cross(u) end + +--- +---Returns the distance to another vector. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec3, x: number, y: number, z: number):number +---@param u lovr.Vec3 # The vector to measure the distance to. +---@return number distance # The distance to `u`. +function Vec3:distance(u) end + +--- +---Divides the vector by a vector or a number. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec3, x: number, y?: number, z?: number):lovr.Vec3 +---@param u lovr.Vec3 # The other vector to divide the components by. +---@return lovr.Vec3 v # The original vector. +function Vec3:div(u) end + +--- +---Returns the dot product between this vector and another one. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This is computed as: +--- +--- dot = v.x * u.x + v.y * u.y + v.z * u.z +--- +---The vectors are not normalized before computing the dot product. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec3, x: number, y: number, z: number):number +---@param u lovr.Vec3 # The vector to compute the dot product with. +---@return number dot # The dot product between `v` and `u`. +function Vec3:dot(u) end + +--- +---Returns whether a vector is approximately equal to another vector. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---To handle floating point precision issues, this function returns true as long as the squared distance between the vectors is below `1e-10`. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec3, x: number, y: number, z: number):boolean +---@param u lovr.Vec3 # The other vector. +---@return boolean equal # Whether the 2 vectors approximately equal each other. +function Vec3:equals(u) end + +--- +---Returns the length of the vector. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The length is equivalent to this: +--- +--- math.sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z) +--- +---@return number length # The length of the vector. +function Vec3:length() end + +--- +---Performs a linear interpolation between this vector and another one, which can be used to smoothly animate between two vectors, based on a parameter value. +--- +---A parameter value of `0` will leave the vector unchanged, a parameter value of `1` will set the vector to be equal to the input vector, and a value of `.5` will set the components to be halfway between the two vectors. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec3, x: number, y: number, z: number, t: number):lovr.Vec3 +---@param u lovr.Vec3 # The vector to lerp towards. +---@param t number # The lerping parameter. +---@return lovr.Vec3 v # The original vector, containing the new lerped values. +function Vec3:lerp(u, t) end + +--- +---Multiplies the vector by a vector or a number. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec3, x: number, y?: number, z?: number):lovr.Vec3 +---@param u lovr.Vec3 # The other vector to multiply the components by. +---@return lovr.Vec3 v # The original vector. +function Vec3:mul(u) end + +--- +---Adjusts the values in the vector so that its direction stays the same but its length becomes 1. +--- +---@return lovr.Vec3 v # The original vector. +function Vec3:normalize() end + +--- +---Sets the components of the vector, either from numbers or an existing vector. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec3, u: lovr.Vec3):lovr.Vec3 +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec3, m: lovr.Mat4):lovr.Vec3 +---@param x? number # The new x value of the vector. +---@param y? number # The new y value of the vector. +---@param z? number # The new z value of the vector. +---@return lovr.Vec3 v # The input vector. +function Vec3:set(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Subtracts a vector or a number from the vector. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec3, x: number, y?: number, z?: number):lovr.Vec3 +---@param u lovr.Vec3 # The other vector. +---@return lovr.Vec3 v # The original vector. +function Vec3:sub(u) end + +--- +---Returns the 3 components of the vector as numbers. +--- +---@return number x # The x value. +---@return number y # The y value. +---@return number z # The z value. +function Vec3:unpack() end + +--- +---A vector object that holds four numbers. +--- +---@class lovr.Vec4 +local Vec4 = {} + +--- +---Adds a vector or a number to the vector. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec4, x: number, y?: number, z?: number, w?: number):lovr.Vec4 +---@param u lovr.Vec4 # The other vector. +---@return lovr.Vec4 v # The original vector. +function Vec4:add(u) end + +--- +---Returns the angle between vectors. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If any of the two vectors have a length of zero, the angle between them is not well defined. +--- +---In this case the function returns `math.pi / 2`. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec4, x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number):number +---@param u lovr.Vec4 # The other vector. +---@return number angle # The angle to other vector, in radians. +function Vec4:angle(u) end + +--- +---Returns the distance to another vector. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec4, x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number):number +---@param u lovr.Vec4 # The vector to measure the distance to. +---@return number distance # The distance to `u`. +function Vec4:distance(u) end + +--- +---Divides the vector by a vector or a number. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec4, x: number, y?: number, z?: number, w?: number):lovr.Vec4 +---@param u lovr.Vec4 # The other vector to divide the components by. +---@return lovr.Vec4 v # The original vector. +function Vec4:div(u) end + +--- +---Returns the dot product between this vector and another one. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This is computed as: +--- +--- dot = v.x * u.x + v.y * u.y + v.z * u.z + v.w * u.w +--- +---The vectors are not normalized before computing the dot product. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec4, x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number):number +---@param u lovr.Vec4 # The vector to compute the dot product with. +---@return number dot # The dot product between `v` and `u`. +function Vec4:dot(u) end + +--- +---Returns whether a vector is approximately equal to another vector. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---To handle floating point precision issues, this function returns true as long as the squared distance between the vectors is below `1e-10`. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec4, x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number):boolean +---@param u lovr.Vec4 # The other vector. +---@return boolean equal # Whether the 2 vectors approximately equal each other. +function Vec4:equals(u) end + +--- +---Returns the length of the vector. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The length is equivalent to this: +--- +--- math.sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y + v.z * v.z + v.w * v.w) +--- +---@return number length # The length of the vector. +function Vec4:length() end + +--- +---Performs a linear interpolation between this vector and another one, which can be used to smoothly animate between two vectors, based on a parameter value. +--- +---A parameter value of `0` will leave the vector unchanged, a parameter value of `1` will set the vector to be equal to the input vector, and a value of `.5` will set the components to be halfway between the two vectors. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec4, x: number, y: number, z: number, w: number, t: number):lovr.Vec4 +---@param u lovr.Vec4 # The vector to lerp towards. +---@param t number # The lerping parameter. +---@return lovr.Vec4 v # The original vector, containing the new lerped values. +function Vec4:lerp(u, t) end + +--- +---Multiplies the vector by a vector or a number. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec4, x: number, y?: number, z?: number, w?: number):lovr.Vec4 +---@param u lovr.Vec4 # The other vector to multiply the components by. +---@return lovr.Vec4 v # The original vector. +function Vec4:mul(u) end + +--- +---Adjusts the values in the vector so that its direction stays the same but its length becomes 1. +--- +---@return lovr.Vec4 v # The original vector. +function Vec4:normalize() end + +--- +---Sets the components of the vector, either from numbers or an existing vector. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec4, u: lovr.Vec4):lovr.Vec4 +---@param x? number # The new x value of the vector. +---@param y? number # The new y value of the vector. +---@param z? number # The new z value of the vector. +---@param w? number # The new w value of the vector. +---@return lovr.Vec4 v # The input vector. +function Vec4:set(x, y, z, w) end + +--- +---Subtracts a vector or a number from the vector. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Vec4, x: number, y?: number, z?: number, w?: number):lovr.Vec4 +---@param u lovr.Vec4 # The other vector. +---@return lovr.Vec4 v # The original vector. +function Vec4:sub(u) end + +--- +---Returns the 4 components of the vector as numbers. +--- +---@return number x # The x value. +---@return number y # The y value. +---@return number z # The z value. +---@return number w # The w value. +function Vec4:unpack() end + +--- +---LÖVR has math objects for vectors, matrices, and quaternions, collectively called "vector objects". +--- +---Vectors are useful because they can represent a multidimensional quantity (like a 3D position) using just a single value. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Most LÖVR functions that accept positions, orientations, transforms, velocities, etc. also accept vector objects, so they can be used interchangeably with numbers: +--- +--- function lovr.draw(pass) +--- -- position and size are vec3's, rotation is a quat +--- pass:box(position, size, rotation) +--- end +--- +---### Temporary vs. Permanent +--- +---Vectors can be created in two different ways: **permanent** and **temporary**. +--- +---**Permanent** vectors behave like normal Lua values. +--- +---They are individual objects that are garbage collected when no longer needed. +--- +---They're created using the usual `lovr.math.new` syntax: +--- +--- self.position = lovr.math.newVec3(x, y, z) +--- +---**Temporary** vectors are created from a shared pool of vector objects. +--- +---This makes them faster because they use temporary memory and do not need to be garbage collected. +--- +---To make a temporary vector, leave off the `new` prefix: +--- +--- local position = lovr.math.vec3(x, y, z) +--- +---As a further shorthand, these vector constructors are placed on the global scope. +--- +---If you prefer to keep the global scope clean, this can be configured using the `t.math.globals` flag in `lovr.conf`. +--- +--- local position = vec3(x1, y1, z1) + vec3(x2, y2, z2) +--- +---Temporary vectors, with all their speed, come with an important restriction: they can only be used during the frame in which they were created. +--- +---Saving them into variables and using them later on will throw an error: +--- +--- local position = vec3(1, 2, 3) +--- +--- function lovr.update(dt) +--- -- Reusing a temporary vector across frames will error: +--- position:add(vec3(dt)) +--- end +--- +---It's possible to overflow the temporary vector pool. +--- +---If that happens, `lovr.math.drain` can be used to periodically drain the pool, invalidating any existing temporary vectors. +--- +---### Metamethods +--- +---Vectors have metamethods, allowing them to be used using the normal math operators like `+`, `-`, `*`, `/`, etc. +--- +--- print(vec3(2, 4, 6) * .5 + vec3(10, 20, 30)) +--- +---These metamethods will create new temporary vectors. +--- +---### Components and Swizzles +--- +---The raw components of a vector can be accessed like normal fields: +--- +--- print(vec3(1, 2, 3).z) --> 3 +--- print(mat4()[16]) --> 1 +--- +---Also, multiple fields can be accessed and combined into a new (temporary) vector, called swizzling: +--- +--- local position = vec3(10, 5, 1) +--- print(position.xy) --> vec2(10, 5) +--- print(position.xyy) --> vec3(10, 5, 5) +--- print(position.zyxz) --> vec4(1, 5, 10, 1) +--- +---The following fields are supported for vectors: +--- +---- `x`, `y`, `z`, `w` +---- `r`, `g`, `b`, `a` +---- `s`, `t`, `p`, `q` +--- +---Quaternions support `x`, `y`, `z`, and `w`. +--- +---Matrices use numbers for accessing individual components in "column-major" order. +--- +---All fields can also be assigned to. +--- +--- -- Swap the components of a 2D vector +--- v.xy = v.yx +--- +---The `unpack` function can be used (on any vector type) to access all of the individual components of a vector object. +--- +---For quaternions you can choose whether you want to unpack the angle/axis representation or the raw quaternion components. +--- +---Similarly, matrices support raw unpacking as well as decomposition into translation/scale/rotation values. +--- +---@class lovr.Vectors +local Vectors = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/physics.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/physics.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6d635c2b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/physics.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1811 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---The `lovr.physics` module simulates 3D rigid body physics. +--- +---@class lovr.physics +lovr.physics = {} + +--- +---Creates a new BallJoint. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---A ball joint is like a ball and socket between the two colliders. +--- +---It tries to keep the distance between the colliders and the anchor position the same, but does not constrain the angle between them. +--- +---@overload fun(colliderA: lovr.Collider, colliderB: lovr.Collider, anchor: lovr.Vec3):lovr.BallJoint +---@param colliderA lovr.Collider # The first collider to attach the Joint to. +---@param colliderB lovr.Collider # The second collider to attach the Joint to. +---@param x number # The x position of the joint anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@param y number # The y position of the joint anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@param z number # The z position of the joint anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@return lovr.BallJoint ball # The new BallJoint. +function lovr.physics.newBallJoint(colliderA, colliderB, x, y, z) end + +--- +---Creates a new BoxShape. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---A Shape can be attached to a Collider using `Collider:addShape`. +--- +---@param width? number # The width of the box, in meters. +---@param height? number # The height of the box, in meters. +---@param depth? number # The depth of the box, in meters. +---@return lovr.BoxShape box # The new BoxShape. +function lovr.physics.newBoxShape(width, height, depth) end + +--- +---Creates a new CapsuleShape. +--- +---Capsules are cylinders with hemispheres on each end. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---A Shape can be attached to a Collider using `Collider:addShape`. +--- +---@param radius? number # The radius of the capsule, in meters. +---@param length? number # The length of the capsule, not including the caps, in meters. +---@return lovr.CapsuleShape capsule # The new CapsuleShape. +function lovr.physics.newCapsuleShape(radius, length) end + +--- +---Creates a new CylinderShape. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---A Shape can be attached to a Collider using `Collider:addShape`. +--- +---@param radius? number # The radius of the cylinder, in meters. +---@param length? number # The length of the cylinder, in meters. +---@return lovr.CylinderShape cylinder # The new CylinderShape. +function lovr.physics.newCylinderShape(radius, length) end + +--- +---Creates a new DistanceJoint. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---A distance joint tries to keep the two colliders a fixed distance apart. +--- +---The distance is determined by the initial distance between the anchor points. +--- +---The joint allows for rotation on the anchor points. +--- +---@overload fun(colliderA: lovr.Collider, colliderB: lovr.Collider, first: lovr.Vec3, second: lovr.Vec3):lovr.DistanceJoint +---@param colliderA lovr.Collider # The first collider to attach the Joint to. +---@param colliderB lovr.Collider # The second collider to attach the Joint to. +---@param x1 number # The x position of the first anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@param y1 number # The y position of the first anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@param z1 number # The z position of the first anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@param x2 number # The x position of the second anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@param y2 number # The y position of the second anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@param z2 number # The z position of the second anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@return lovr.DistanceJoint joint # The new DistanceJoint. +function lovr.physics.newDistanceJoint(colliderA, colliderB, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) end + +--- +---Creates a new HingeJoint. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---A hinge joint constrains two colliders to allow rotation only around the hinge's axis. +--- +---@overload fun(colliderA: lovr.Collider, colliderB: lovr.Collider, anchor: lovr.Vec3, axis: lovr.Vec3):lovr.HingeJoint +---@param colliderA lovr.Collider # The first collider to attach the Joint to. +---@param colliderB lovr.Collider # The second collider to attach the Joint to. +---@param x number # The x position of the hinge anchor, in world coordinates. +---@param y number # The y position of the hinge anchor, in world coordinates. +---@param z number # The z position of the hinge anchor, in world coordinates. +---@param ax number # The x component of the hinge axis direction. +---@param ay number # The y component of the hinge axis direction. +---@param az number # The z component of the hinge axis direction. +---@return lovr.HingeJoint hinge # The new HingeJoint. +function lovr.physics.newHingeJoint(colliderA, colliderB, x, y, z, ax, ay, az) end + +--- +---Creates a new MeshShape. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---A Shape can be attached to a Collider using `Collider:addShape`. +--- +---@overload fun(model: lovr.Model):lovr.MeshShape +---@param vertices table # The table of vertices in the mesh. Each vertex is a table with 3 numbers. +---@param indices table # A table of triangle indices representing how the vertices are connected in the Mesh. +---@return lovr.MeshShape mesh # The new MeshShape. +function lovr.physics.newMeshShape(vertices, indices) end + +--- +---Creates a new SliderJoint. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---A slider joint constrains two colliders to only allow movement along the slider's axis. +--- +---@overload fun(colliderA: lovr.Collider, colliderB: lovr.Collider, axis: lovr.Vec3):lovr.SliderJoint +---@param colliderA lovr.Collider # The first collider to attach the Joint to. +---@param colliderB lovr.Collider # The second collider to attach the Joint to. +---@param ax number # The x component of the slider axis. +---@param ay number # The y component of the slider axis. +---@param az number # The z component of the slider axis. +---@return lovr.SliderJoint slider # The new SliderJoint. +function lovr.physics.newSliderJoint(colliderA, colliderB, ax, ay, az) end + +--- +---Creates a new SphereShape. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---A Shape can be attached to a Collider using `Collider:addShape`. +--- +---@param radius? number # The radius of the sphere, in meters. +---@return lovr.SphereShape sphere # The new SphereShape. +function lovr.physics.newSphereShape(radius) end + +--- +---Creates a new TerrainShape. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---A Shape can be attached to a Collider using `Collider:addShape`. For immobile terrain use the `Collider:setKinematic`. +--- +---@overload fun(scale: number, heightmap: lovr.Image, stretch?: number):lovr.TerrainShape +---@overload fun(scale: number, callback: function, samples?: number):lovr.TerrainShape +---@param scale number # The width and depth of the terrain, in meters. +---@return lovr.TerrainShape terrain # The new TerrainShape. +function lovr.physics.newTerrainShape(scale) end + +--- +---Creates a new physics World, which tracks the overall physics simulation, holds collider objects, and resolves collisions between them. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---A World must be updated with `World:update` in `lovr.update` for the physics simulation to advance. +--- +---@param xg? number # The x component of the gravity force. +---@param yg? number # The y component of the gravity force. +---@param zg? number # The z component of the gravity force. +---@param allowSleep? boolean # Whether or not colliders will automatically be put to sleep. +---@param tags table # A list of collision tags colliders can be assigned to. +---@return lovr.World world # A whole new World. +function lovr.physics.newWorld(xg, yg, zg, allowSleep, tags) end + +--- +---A BallJoint is a type of `Joint` that acts like a ball and socket between two colliders. +--- +---It allows the colliders to rotate freely around an anchor point, but does not allow the colliders' distance from the anchor point to change. +--- +---@class lovr.BallJoint +local BallJoint = {} + +--- +---Returns the anchor points of the BallJoint, in world coordinates. +--- +---The first point is the anchor on the first collider, and the second point is on the second collider. +--- +---The joint tries to keep these points the same, but they may be different if the joint is forced apart by some other means. +--- +---@return number x1 # The x coordinate of the first anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@return number y1 # The y coordinate of the first anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@return number z1 # The z coordinate of the first anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@return number x2 # The x coordinate of the second anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@return number y2 # The y coordinate of the second anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@return number z2 # The z coordinate of the second anchor point, in world coordinates. +function BallJoint:getAnchors() end + +--- +---Returns the response time of the joint. +--- +---See `World:setResponseTime` for more info. +--- +---@return number responseTime # The response time setting for the joint. +function BallJoint:getResponseTime() end + +--- +---Returns the tightness of the joint. +--- +---See `World:setTightness` for how this affects the joint. +--- +---@return number tightness # The tightness of the joint. +function BallJoint:getTightness() end + +--- +---Sets a new anchor point for the BallJoint. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.BallJoint, anchor: lovr.Vec3) +---@param x number # The x coordinate of the anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@param y number # The y coordinate of the anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@param z number # The z coordinate of the anchor point, in world coordinates. +function BallJoint:setAnchor(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Sets the response time of the joint. +--- +---See `World:setResponseTime` for more info. +--- +---@param responseTime number # The new response time setting for the joint. +function BallJoint:setResponseTime(responseTime) end + +--- +---Sets the tightness of the joint. +--- +---See `World:setTightness` for how this affects the joint. +--- +---@param tightness number # The tightness of the joint. +function BallJoint:setTightness(tightness) end + +--- +---A type of `Shape` that can be used for cubes or boxes. +--- +---@class lovr.BoxShape +local BoxShape = {} + +--- +---Returns the width, height, and depth of the BoxShape. +--- +---@return number width # The width of the box, in meters. +---@return number height # The height of the box, in meters. +---@return number depth # The depth of the box, in meters. +function BoxShape:getDimensions() end + +--- +---Sets the width, height, and depth of the BoxShape. +--- +---@param width number # The width of the box, in meters. +---@param height number # The height of the box, in meters. +---@param depth number # The depth of the box, in meters. +function BoxShape:setDimensions(width, height, depth) end + +--- +---A type of `Shape` that can be used for capsule-shaped things. +--- +---@class lovr.CapsuleShape +local CapsuleShape = {} + +--- +---Returns the length of the CapsuleShape, not including the caps. +--- +---@return number length # The length of the capsule, in meters. +function CapsuleShape:getLength() end + +--- +---Returns the radius of the CapsuleShape. +--- +---@return number radius # The radius of the capsule, in meters. +function CapsuleShape:getRadius() end + +--- +---Sets the length of the CapsuleShape. +--- +---@param length number # The new length, in meters, not including the caps. +function CapsuleShape:setLength(length) end + +--- +---Sets the radius of the CapsuleShape. +--- +---@param radius number # The new radius, in meters. +function CapsuleShape:setRadius(radius) end + +--- +---Colliders are objects that represent a single rigid body in a physics simulation. +--- +---They can have forces applied to them and collide with other colliders. +--- +---@class lovr.Collider +local Collider = {} + +--- +---Attaches a Shape to the collider. +--- +---Attached shapes will collide with other shapes in the world. +--- +---@param shape lovr.Shape # The Shape to attach. +function Collider:addShape(shape) end + +--- +---Applies a force to the Collider. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the Collider is asleep, it will need to be woken up with `Collider:setAwake` for this function to have any affect. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Collider, x: number, y: number, z: number, px: number, py: number, pz: number) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Collider, force: lovr.Vec3) +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Collider, force: lovr.Vec3, position: lovr.Vec3) +---@param x number # The x component of the force to apply. +---@param y number # The y component of the force to apply. +---@param z number # The z component of the force to apply. +function Collider:applyForce(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Applies torque to the Collider. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the Collider is asleep, it will need to be woken up with `Collider:setAwake` for this function to have any effect. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Collider, torque: lovr.Vec3) +---@param x number # The x component of the torque. +---@param y number # The y component of the torque. +---@param z number # The z component of the torque. +function Collider:applyTorque(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Destroy the Collider, removing it from the World. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Calling functions on the collider after destroying it is a bad idea. +--- +function Collider:destroy() end + +--- +---Returns the bounding box for the Collider, computed from attached shapes. +--- +---@return number minx # The minimum x coordinate of the box. +---@return number maxx # The maximum x coordinate of the box. +---@return number miny # The minimum y coordinate of the box. +---@return number maxy # The maximum y coordinate of the box. +---@return number minz # The minimum z coordinate of the box. +---@return number maxz # The maximum z coordinate of the box. +function Collider:getAABB() end + +--- +---Returns the angular damping parameters of the Collider. +--- +---Angular damping makes things less "spinny", making them slow down their angular velocity over time. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Angular damping can also be set on the World. +--- +---@return number damping # The angular damping. +---@return number threshold # Velocity limit below which the damping is not applied. +function Collider:getAngularDamping() end + +--- +---Returns the angular velocity of the Collider. +--- +---@return number vx # The x component of the angular velocity. +---@return number vy # The y component of the angular velocity. +---@return number vz # The z component of the angular velocity. +function Collider:getAngularVelocity() end + +--- +---Returns the friction of the Collider. +--- +---By default, the friction of two Colliders is combined (multiplied) when they collide to generate a friction force. +--- +---The initial friction is 0. +--- +---@return number friction # The friction of the Collider. +function Collider:getFriction() end + +--- +---Returns a list of Joints attached to the Collider. +--- +---@return table joints # A list of Joints attached to the Collider. +function Collider:getJoints() end + +--- +---Returns the Collider's linear damping parameters. +--- +---Linear damping is similar to drag or air resistance, slowing the Collider down over time. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---A linear damping of 0 means the Collider won't slow down over time. +--- +---This is the default. +--- +---Linear damping can also be set on the World using `World:setLinearDamping`, which will affect all new colliders. +--- +---@return number damping # The linear damping. +---@return number threshold # Velocity limit below which the damping is not applied. +function Collider:getLinearDamping() end + +--- +---Returns the linear velocity of the Collider. +--- +---This is how fast the Collider is moving. +--- +---There is also angular velocity, which is how fast the Collider is spinning. +--- +---@return number vx # The x velocity of the Collider, in meters per second. +---@return number vy # The y velocity of the Collider, in meters per second. +---@return number vz # The z velocity of the Collider, in meters per second. +function Collider:getLinearVelocity() end + +--- +---Returns the linear velocity of a point relative to the Collider. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Collider, point: number):number, number, number +---@param x number # The x coordinate. +---@param y number # The y coordinate. +---@param z number # The z coordinate. +---@return number vx # The x component of the velocity of the point. +---@return number vy # The y component of the velocity of the point. +---@return number vz # The z component of the velocity of the point. +function Collider:getLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Returns the linear velocity of a point on the Collider specified in world space. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Collider, point: lovr.Vec3):number, number, number +---@param x number # The x coordinate in world space. +---@param y number # The y coordinate in world space. +---@param z number # The z coordinate in world space. +---@return number vx # The x component of the velocity of the point. +---@return number vy # The y component of the velocity of the point. +---@return number vz # The z component of the velocity of the point. +function Collider:getLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Returns the Collider's center of mass. +--- +---@return number cx # The x position of the center of mass. +---@return number cy # The y position of the center of mass. +---@return number cz # The z position of the center of mass. +function Collider:getLocalCenter() end + +--- +---Converts a point from world coordinates into local coordinates relative to the Collider. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Collider, point: lovr.Vec3):number, number, number +---@param wx number # The x coordinate of the world point. +---@param wy number # The y coordinate of the world point. +---@param wz number # The z coordinate of the world point. +---@return number x # The x position of the local-space point. +---@return number y # The y position of the local-space point. +---@return number z # The z position of the local-space point. +function Collider:getLocalPoint(wx, wy, wz) end + +--- +---Converts a direction vector from world space to local space. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Collider, vector: lovr.Vec3):number, number, number +---@param wx number # The x component of the world vector. +---@param wy number # The y component of the world vector. +---@param wz number # The z component of the world vector. +---@return number x # The x coordinate of the local vector. +---@return number y # The y coordinate of the local vector. +---@return number z # The z coordinate of the local vector. +function Collider:getLocalVector(wx, wy, wz) end + +--- +---Returns the total mass of the Collider. +--- +---The mass of a Collider depends on its attached shapes. +--- +---@return number mass # The mass of the Collider, in kilograms. +function Collider:getMass() end + +--- +---Computes mass properties for the Collider. +--- +---@return number cx # The x position of the center of mass. +---@return number cy # The y position of the center of mass. +---@return number cz # The z position of the center of mass. +---@return number mass # The computed mass of the Collider. +---@return table inertia # A table containing 6 values of the rotational inertia tensor matrix. The table contains the 3 diagonal elements of the matrix (upper left to bottom right), followed by the 3 elements of the upper right portion of the 3x3 matrix. +function Collider:getMassData() end + +--- +---Returns the orientation of the Collider in angle/axis representation. +--- +---@return number angle # The number of radians the Collider is rotated around its axis of rotation. +---@return number ax # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number ay # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number az # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function Collider:getOrientation() end + +--- +---Returns the position and orientation of the Collider. +--- +---@return number x # The x position of the Collider, in meters. +---@return number y # The y position of the Collider, in meters. +---@return number z # The z position of the Collider, in meters. +---@return number angle # The number of radians the Collider is rotated around its axis of rotation. +---@return number ax # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number ay # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@return number az # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function Collider:getPose() end + +--- +---Returns the position of the Collider. +--- +---@return number x # The x position of the Collider, in meters. +---@return number y # The y position of the Collider, in meters. +---@return number z # The z position of the Collider, in meters. +function Collider:getPosition() end + +--- +---Returns the restitution (bounciness) of the Collider. +--- +---By default, the restitution of two Colliders is combined (the max is used) when they collide to cause them to bounce away from each other. +--- +---The initial restitution is 0. +--- +---@return number restitution # The restitution of the Collider. +function Collider:getRestitution() end + +--- +---Returns a list of Shapes attached to the Collider. +--- +---@return table shapes # A list of Shapes attached to the Collider. +function Collider:getShapes() end + +--- +---Returns the Collider's tag. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Collision between tags can be enabled and disabled using `World:enableCollisionBetween` and `World:disableCollisionBetween`. +--- +---@return string tag # The Collider's collision tag. +function Collider:getTag() end + +--- +---Returns the user data associated with the Collider. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---User data can be useful to identify the Collider in callbacks. +--- +---@return any data # The custom value associated with the Collider. +function Collider:getUserData() end + +--- +---Returns the World the Collider is in. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Colliders can only be in one World at a time. +--- +---@return lovr.World world # The World the Collider is in. +function Collider:getWorld() end + +--- +---Convert a point relative to the collider to a point in world coordinates. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Collider, point: lovr.Vec3):number, number, number +---@param x number # The x position of the point. +---@param y number # The y position of the point. +---@param z number # The z position of the point. +---@return number wx # The x coordinate of the world point. +---@return number wy # The y coordinate of the world point. +---@return number wz # The z coordinate of the world point. +function Collider:getWorldPoint(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Converts a direction vector from local space to world space. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Collider, vector: lovr.Vec3):number, number, number +---@param x number # The x coordinate of the local vector. +---@param y number # The y coordinate of the local vector. +---@param z number # The z coordinate of the local vector. +---@return number wx # The x component of the world vector. +---@return number wy # The y component of the world vector. +---@return number wz # The z component of the world vector. +function Collider:getWorldVector(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Returns whether the Collider is currently awake. +--- +---@return boolean awake # Whether the Collider is awake. +function Collider:isAwake() end + +--- +---Returns whether the Collider is currently ignoring gravity. +--- +---@return boolean ignored # Whether gravity is ignored for this Collider. +function Collider:isGravityIgnored() end + +--- +---Returns whether the Collider is kinematic. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Kinematic colliders behave as though they have infinite mass, ignoring external forces like gravity, joints, or collisions (though non-kinematic colliders will collide with them). They can be useful for static objects like floors or walls. +--- +---@return boolean kinematic # Whether the Collider is kinematic. +function Collider:isKinematic() end + +--- +---Returns whether the Collider is allowed to sleep. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If sleeping is enabled, the simulation will put the Collider to sleep if it hasn't moved in a while. Sleeping colliders don't impact the physics simulation, which makes updates more efficient and improves physics performance. +--- +---However, the physics engine isn't perfect at waking up sleeping colliders and this can lead to bugs where colliders don't react to forces or collisions properly. +--- +---It is possible to set the default value for new colliders using `World:setSleepingAllowed`. +--- +---Colliders can be manually put to sleep or woken up using `Collider:setAwake`. +--- +---@return boolean allowed # Whether the Collider can go to sleep. +function Collider:isSleepingAllowed() end + +--- +---Removes a Shape from the Collider. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Colliders without any shapes won't collide with anything. +--- +---@param shape lovr.Shape # The Shape to remove. +function Collider:removeShape(shape) end + +--- +---Sets the angular damping of the Collider. +--- +---Angular damping makes things less "spinny", causing them to slow down their angular velocity over time. Damping is only applied when angular velocity is over the threshold value. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Angular damping can also be set on the World. +--- +---@param damping number # The angular damping. +---@param threshold? number # Velocity limit below which the damping is not applied. +function Collider:setAngularDamping(damping, threshold) end + +--- +---Sets the angular velocity of the Collider. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Collider, velocity: lovr.Vec3) +---@param vx number # The x component of the angular velocity. +---@param vy number # The y component of the angular velocity. +---@param vz number # The z component of the angular velocity. +function Collider:setAngularVelocity(vx, vy, vz) end + +--- +---Manually puts the Collider to sleep or wakes it up. +--- +---You can do this if you know a Collider won't be touched for a while or if you need to it be active. +--- +---@param awake boolean # Whether the Collider should be awake. +function Collider:setAwake(awake) end + +--- +---Sets the friction of the Collider. +--- +---By default, the friction of two Colliders is combined (multiplied) when they collide to generate a friction force. +--- +---The initial friction is 0. +--- +---@param friction number # The new friction. +function Collider:setFriction(friction) end + +--- +---Sets whether the Collider should ignore gravity. +--- +---@param ignored boolean # Whether gravity should be ignored. +function Collider:setGravityIgnored(ignored) end + +--- +---Sets whether the Collider is kinematic. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Kinematic colliders behave as though they have infinite mass, ignoring external forces like gravity, joints, or collisions (though non-kinematic colliders will collide with them). They can be useful for static objects like floors or walls. +--- +---@param kinematic boolean # Whether the Collider is kinematic. +function Collider:setKinematic(kinematic) end + +--- +---Sets the Collider's linear damping parameter. +--- +---Linear damping is similar to drag or air resistance, slowing the Collider down over time. Damping is only applied when linear velocity is over the threshold value. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---A linear damping of 0 means the Collider won't slow down over time. +--- +---This is the default. +--- +---Linear damping can also be set on the World using `World:setLinearDamping`, which will affect all new colliders. +--- +---@param damping number # The linear damping. +---@param threshold? number # Velocity limit below which the damping is not applied. +function Collider:setLinearDamping(damping, threshold) end + +--- +---Sets the linear velocity of the Collider directly. +--- +---Usually it's preferred to use `Collider:applyForce` to change velocity since instantaneous velocity changes can lead to weird glitches. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Collider, velocity: lovr.Vec3) +---@param vx number # The x velocity of the Collider, in meters per second. +---@param vy number # The y velocity of the Collider, in meters per second. +---@param vz number # The z velocity of the Collider, in meters per second. +function Collider:setLinearVelocity(vx, vy, vz) end + +--- +---Sets the total mass of the Collider. +--- +---@param mass number # The new mass for the Collider, in kilograms. +function Collider:setMass(mass) end + +--- +---Sets mass properties for the Collider. +--- +---@param cx number # The x position of the center of mass. +---@param cy number # The y position of the center of mass. +---@param cz number # The z position of the center of mass. +---@param mass number # The computed mass of the Collider. +---@param inertia table # A table containing 6 values of the rotational inertia tensor matrix. The table contains the 3 diagonal elements of the matrix (upper left to bottom right), followed by the 3 elements of the upper right portion of the 3x3 matrix. +function Collider:setMassData(cx, cy, cz, mass, inertia) end + +--- +---Sets the orientation of the Collider in angle/axis representation. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Collider, orientation: lovr.Quat) +---@param angle number # The number of radians the Collider is rotated around its axis of rotation. +---@param ax number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function Collider:setOrientation(angle, ax, ay, az) end + +--- +---Sets the position and orientation of the Collider. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Collider, position: lovr.Vec3, orientation: lovr.Quat) +---@param x number # The x position of the Collider, in meters. +---@param y number # The y position of the Collider, in meters. +---@param z number # The z position of the Collider, in meters. +---@param angle number # The number of radians the Collider is rotated around its axis of rotation. +---@param ax number # The x component of the axis of rotation. +---@param ay number # The y component of the axis of rotation. +---@param az number # The z component of the axis of rotation. +function Collider:setPose(x, y, z, angle, ax, ay, az) end + +--- +---Sets the position of the Collider. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Collider, position: lovr.Vec3) +---@param x number # The x position of the Collider, in meters. +---@param y number # The y position of the Collider, in meters. +---@param z number # The z position of the Collider, in meters. +function Collider:setPosition(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Sets the restitution (bounciness) of the Collider. +--- +---By default, the restitution of two Colliders is combined (the max is used) when they collide to cause them to bounce away from each other. The initial restitution is 0. +--- +---@param restitution number # The new restitution. +function Collider:setRestitution(restitution) end + +--- +---Sets whether the Collider is allowed to sleep. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If sleeping is enabled, the simulation will put the Collider to sleep if it hasn't moved in a while. Sleeping colliders don't impact the physics simulation, which makes updates more efficient and improves physics performance. +--- +---However, the physics engine isn't perfect at waking up sleeping colliders and this can lead to bugs where colliders don't react to forces or collisions properly. +--- +---It is possible to set the default value for new colliders using `World:setSleepingAllowed`. +--- +---Colliders can be manually put to sleep or woken up using `Collider:setAwake`. +--- +---@param allowed boolean # Whether the Collider can go to sleep. +function Collider:setSleepingAllowed(allowed) end + +--- +---Sets the Collider's tag. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Collision between tags can be enabled and disabled using `World:enableCollisionBetween` and `World:disableCollisionBetween`. +--- +---@param tag string # The Collider's collision tag. +function Collider:setTag(tag) end + +--- +---Associates a custom value with the Collider. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---User data can be useful to identify the Collider in callbacks. +--- +---@param data any # The custom value to associate with the Collider. +function Collider:setUserData(data) end + +--- +---A type of `Shape` that can be used for cylinder-shaped things. +--- +---@class lovr.CylinderShape +local CylinderShape = {} + +--- +---Returns the length of the CylinderShape. +--- +---@return number length # The length of the cylinder, in meters. +function CylinderShape:getLength() end + +--- +---Returns the radius of the CylinderShape. +--- +---@return number radius # The radius of the cylinder, in meters. +function CylinderShape:getRadius() end + +--- +---Sets the length of the CylinderShape. +--- +---@param length number # The new length, in meters. +function CylinderShape:setLength(length) end + +--- +---Sets the radius of the CylinderShape. +--- +---@param radius number # The new radius, in meters. +function CylinderShape:setRadius(radius) end + +--- +---A DistanceJoint is a type of `Joint` that tries to keep two colliders a fixed distance apart. The distance is determined by the initial distance between the anchor points. +--- +---The joint allows for rotation on the anchor points. +--- +---@class lovr.DistanceJoint +local DistanceJoint = {} + +--- +---Returns the anchor points of the DistanceJoint. +--- +---@return number x1 # The x coordinate of the first anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@return number y1 # The y coordinate of the first anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@return number z1 # The z coordinate of the first anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@return number x2 # The x coordinate of the second anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@return number y2 # The y coordinate of the second anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@return number z2 # The z coordinate of the second anchor point, in world coordinates. +function DistanceJoint:getAnchors() end + +--- +---Returns the target distance for the DistanceJoint. +--- +---The joint tries to keep the Colliders this far apart. +--- +---@return number distance # The target distance. +function DistanceJoint:getDistance() end + +--- +---Returns the response time of the joint. +--- +---See `World:setResponseTime` for more info. +--- +---@return number responseTime # The response time setting for the joint. +function DistanceJoint:getResponseTime() end + +--- +---Returns the tightness of the joint. +--- +---See `World:setTightness` for how this affects the joint. +--- +---@return number tightness # The tightness of the joint. +function DistanceJoint:getTightness() end + +--- +---Sets the anchor points of the DistanceJoint. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.DistanceJoint, first: lovr.Vec3, second: lovr.Vec3) +---@param x1 number # The x coordinate of the first anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@param y1 number # The y coordinate of the first anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@param z1 number # The z coordinate of the first anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@param x2 number # The x coordinate of the second anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@param y2 number # The y coordinate of the second anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@param z2 number # The z coordinate of the second anchor point, in world coordinates. +function DistanceJoint:setAnchors(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) end + +--- +---Sets the target distance for the DistanceJoint. +--- +---The joint tries to keep the Colliders this far apart. +--- +---@param distance number # The new target distance. +function DistanceJoint:setDistance(distance) end + +--- +---Sets the response time of the joint. +--- +---See `World:setResponseTime` for more info. +--- +---@param responseTime number # The new response time setting for the joint. +function DistanceJoint:setResponseTime(responseTime) end + +--- +---Sets the tightness of the joint. +--- +---See `World:setTightness` for how this affects the joint. +--- +---@param tightness number # The tightness of the joint. +function DistanceJoint:setTightness(tightness) end + +--- +---A HingeJoint is a type of `Joint` that only allows colliders to rotate on a single axis. +--- +---@class lovr.HingeJoint +local HingeJoint = {} + +--- +---Returns the anchor points of the HingeJoint. +--- +---@return number x1 # The x coordinate of the first anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@return number y1 # The y coordinate of the first anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@return number z1 # The z coordinate of the first anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@return number x2 # The x coordinate of the second anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@return number y2 # The y coordinate of the second anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@return number z2 # The z coordinate of the second anchor point, in world coordinates. +function HingeJoint:getAnchors() end + +--- +---Get the angle between the two colliders attached to the HingeJoint. +--- +---When the joint is created or when the anchor or axis is set, the current angle is the new "zero" angle. +--- +---@return number angle # The hinge angle, in radians. +function HingeJoint:getAngle() end + +--- +---Returns the axis of the hinge. +--- +---@return number x # The x component of the axis. +---@return number y # The y component of the axis. +---@return number z # The z component of the axis. +function HingeJoint:getAxis() end + +--- +---Returns the upper and lower limits of the hinge angle. +--- +---These will be between -π and π. +--- +---@return number lower # The lower limit, in radians. +---@return number upper # The upper limit, in radians. +function HingeJoint:getLimits() end + +--- +---Returns the lower limit of the hinge angle. +--- +---This will be greater than -π. +--- +---@return number limit # The lower limit, in radians. +function HingeJoint:getLowerLimit() end + +--- +---Returns the upper limit of the hinge angle. +--- +---This will be less than π. +--- +---@return number limit # The upper limit, in radians. +function HingeJoint:getUpperLimit() end + +--- +---Sets a new anchor point for the HingeJoint. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.HingeJoint, anchor: lovr.Vec3) +---@param x number # The x coordinate of the anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@param y number # The y coordinate of the anchor point, in world coordinates. +---@param z number # The z coordinate of the anchor point, in world coordinates. +function HingeJoint:setAnchor(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Sets the axis of the hinge. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.HingeJoint, axis: lovr.Vec3) +---@param x number # The x component of the axis. +---@param y number # The y component of the axis. +---@param z number # The z component of the axis. +function HingeJoint:setAxis(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Sets the upper and lower limits of the hinge angle. +--- +---These should be between -π and π. +--- +---@param lower number # The lower limit, in radians. +---@param upper number # The upper limit, in radians. +function HingeJoint:setLimits(lower, upper) end + +--- +---Sets the lower limit of the hinge angle. +--- +---This should be greater than -π. +--- +---@param limit number # The lower limit, in radians. +function HingeJoint:setLowerLimit(limit) end + +--- +---Sets the upper limit of the hinge angle. +--- +---This should be less than π. +--- +---@param limit number # The upper limit, in radians. +function HingeJoint:setUpperLimit(limit) end + +--- +---A Joint is a physics object that constrains the movement of two Colliders. +--- +---@class lovr.Joint +local Joint = {} + +--- +---Destroy the Joint, removing it from Colliders it's attached to. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Calling functions on the Joint after destroying it is a bad idea. +--- +function Joint:destroy() end + +--- +---Returns the Colliders the Joint is attached to. +--- +---All Joints are attached to two colliders. +--- +---@return lovr.Collider colliderA # The first Collider. +---@return lovr.Collider colliderB # The second Collider. +function Joint:getColliders() end + +--- +---Returns the type of the Joint. +--- +---@return lovr.JointType type # The type of the Joint. +function Joint:getType() end + +--- +---Returns the user data associated with the Joint. +--- +---@return any data # The custom value associated with the Joint. +function Joint:getUserData() end + +--- +---Returns whether the Joint is enabled. +--- +---@return boolean enabled # Whether the Joint is enabled. +function Joint:isEnabled() end + +--- +---Enable or disable the Joint. +--- +---@param enabled boolean # Whether the Joint should be enabled. +function Joint:setEnabled(enabled) end + +--- +---Sets the user data associated with the Joint. +--- +---@param data any # The custom value associated with the Joint. +function Joint:setUserData(data) end + +--- +---A type of `Shape` that can be used for triangle meshes. +--- +---@class lovr.MeshShape +local MeshShape = {} + +--- +---A Shape is a physics object that can be attached to colliders to define their shape. +--- +---@class lovr.Shape +local Shape = {} + +--- +---Destroy the Shape, removing it from Colliders it's attached to. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Calling functions on the Shape after destroying it is a bad idea. +--- +function Shape:destroy() end + +--- +---Returns the bounding box for the Shape. +--- +---@return number minx # The minimum x coordinate of the box. +---@return number maxx # The maximum x coordinate of the box. +---@return number miny # The minimum y coordinate of the box. +---@return number maxy # The maximum y coordinate of the box. +---@return number minz # The minimum z coordinate of the box. +---@return number maxz # The maximum z coordinate of the box. +function Shape:getAABB() end + +--- +---Returns the Collider the Shape is attached to. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---A Shape can only be attached to one Collider at a time. +--- +---@return lovr.Collider collider # The Collider the Shape is attached to. +function Shape:getCollider() end + +--- +---Computes mass properties of the Shape. +--- +---@param density number # The density to use, in kilograms per cubic meter. +---@return number cx # The x position of the center of mass. +---@return number cy # The y position of the center of mass. +---@return number cz # The z position of the center of mass. +---@return number mass # The mass of the Shape. +---@return table inertia # A table containing 6 values of the rotational inertia tensor matrix. The table contains the 3 diagonal elements of the matrix (upper left to bottom right), followed by the 3 elements of the upper right portion of the 3x3 matrix. +function Shape:getMass(density) end + +--- +---Get the orientation of the Shape relative to its Collider. +--- +---@return number angle # The number of radians the Shape is rotated. +---@return number ax # The x component of the rotation axis. +---@return number ay # The y component of the rotation axis. +---@return number az # The z component of the rotation axis. +function Shape:getOrientation() end + +--- +---Get the position of the Shape relative to its Collider. +--- +---@return number x # The x offset. +---@return number y # The y offset. +---@return number z # The z offset. +function Shape:getPosition() end + +--- +---Returns the type of the Shape. +--- +---@return lovr.ShapeType type # The type of the Shape. +function Shape:getType() end + +--- +---Returns the user data associated with the Shape. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---User data can be useful to identify the Shape in callbacks. +--- +---@return any data # The custom value associated with the Shape. +function Shape:getUserData() end + +--- +---Returns whether the Shape is enabled. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Disabled shapes won't collide with anything. +--- +---@return boolean enabled # Whether the Shape is enabled. +function Shape:isEnabled() end + +--- +---Returns whether the Shape is a sensor. +--- +---Sensors do not trigger any collision response, but they still report collisions in `World:collide`. +--- +---@return boolean sensor # Whether the Shape is a sensor. +function Shape:isSensor() end + +--- +---Enable or disable the Shape. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Disabled shapes won't collide with anything. +--- +---@param enabled boolean # Whether the Shape should be enabled. +function Shape:setEnabled(enabled) end + +--- +---Set the orientation of the Shape relative to its Collider. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the Shape isn't attached to a Collider, this will error. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Shape, orientation: lovr.Quat) +---@param angle number # The number of radians the Shape is rotated. +---@param ax number # The x component of the rotation axis. +---@param ay number # The y component of the rotation axis. +---@param az number # The z component of the rotation axis. +function Shape:setOrientation(angle, ax, ay, az) end + +--- +---Set the position of the Shape relative to its Collider. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the Shape isn't attached to a Collider, this will error. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.Shape, position: lovr.Vec3) +---@param x number # The x offset. +---@param y number # The y offset. +---@param z number # The z offset. +function Shape:setPosition(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Sets whether this Shape is a sensor. +--- +---Sensors do not trigger any collision response, but they still report collisions in `World:collide`. +--- +---@param sensor boolean # Whether the Shape should be a sensor. +function Shape:setSensor(sensor) end + +--- +---Sets the user data associated with the Shape. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---User data can be useful to identify the Shape in callbacks. +--- +---@param data any # The custom value associated with the Shape. +function Shape:setUserData(data) end + +--- +---A SliderJoint is a type of `Joint` that only allows colliders to move on a single axis. +--- +---@class lovr.SliderJoint +local SliderJoint = {} + +--- +---Returns the axis of the slider. +--- +---@return number x # The x component of the axis. +---@return number y # The y component of the axis. +---@return number z # The z component of the axis. +function SliderJoint:getAxis() end + +--- +---Returns the upper and lower limits of the slider position. +--- +---@return number lower # The lower limit. +---@return number upper # The upper limit. +function SliderJoint:getLimits() end + +--- +---Returns the lower limit of the slider position. +--- +---@return number limit # The lower limit. +function SliderJoint:getLowerLimit() end + +--- +---Returns how far the slider joint is extended (zero is the position the slider was created at, positive values are further apart). +--- +---@return number position # The joint position along its axis. +function SliderJoint:getPosition() end + +--- +---Returns the upper limit of the slider position. +--- +---@return number limit # The upper limit. +function SliderJoint:getUpperLimit() end + +--- +---Sets the axis of the slider. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.SliderJoint, axis: lovr.Vec3) +---@param x number # The x component of the axis. +---@param y number # The y component of the axis. +---@param z number # The z component of the axis. +function SliderJoint:setAxis(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Sets the upper and lower limits of the slider position. +--- +---@param lower number # The lower limit. +---@param upper number # The upper limit. +function SliderJoint:setLimits(lower, upper) end + +--- +---Sets the lower limit of the slider position. +--- +---@param limit number # The lower limit. +function SliderJoint:setLowerLimit(limit) end + +--- +---Sets the upper limit of the slider position. +--- +---@param limit number # The upper limit. +function SliderJoint:setUpperLimit(limit) end + +--- +---A type of `Shape` that can be used for spheres. +--- +---@class lovr.SphereShape +local SphereShape = {} + +--- +---Returns the radius of the SphereShape. +--- +---@return number radius # The radius of the sphere, in meters. +function SphereShape:getRadius() end + +--- +---Sets the radius of the SphereShape. +--- +---@param radius number # The radius of the sphere, in meters. +function SphereShape:setRadius(radius) end + +--- +---A type of `Shape` that can be used for terrains and irregular surfaces. +--- +---@class lovr.TerrainShape +local TerrainShape = {} + +--- +---A World is an object that holds the colliders, joints, and shapes in a physics simulation. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Be sure to update the World in `lovr.update` using `World:update`, otherwise everything will stand still. +--- +---@class lovr.World +local World = {} + +--- +---Attempt to collide two shapes. +--- +---Internally this uses joints and forces to ensure the colliders attached to the shapes do not pass through each other. +--- +---Collisions can be customized using friction and restitution (bounciness) parameters, and default to using a mix of the colliders' friction and restitution parameters. +--- +---Usually this is called automatically by `World:update`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---For friction, numbers in the range of 0-1 are common, but larger numbers can also be used. +--- +---For restitution, numbers in the range 0-1 should be used. +--- +---This function respects collision tags, so using `World:disableCollisionBetween` and `World:enableCollisionBetween` will change the behavior of this function. +--- +---@param shapeA lovr.Shape # The first shape. +---@param shapeB lovr.Shape # The second shape. +---@param friction? number # The friction parameter for the collision. +---@param restitution? number # The restitution (bounciness) parameter for the collision. +---@return boolean collided # Whether the shapes collided. +function World:collide(shapeA, shapeB, friction, restitution) end + +--- +---Detects which pairs of shapes in the world are near each other and could be colliding. +--- +---After calling this function, the `World:overlaps` iterator can be used to iterate over the overlaps, and `World:collide` can be used to resolve a collision for the shapes (if any). Usually this is called automatically by `World:update`. +--- +function World:computeOverlaps() end + +--- +---Destroy the World! +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Bad things will happen if you destroy the world and then try to access it or anything that was in it. +--- +function World:destroy() end + +--- +---Disables collision between two collision tags. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Tags must be set up when creating the World, see `lovr.physics.newWorld`. +--- +---By default, collision is enabled between all tags. +--- +---@param tag1 string # The first tag. +---@param tag2 string # The second tag. +function World:disableCollisionBetween(tag1, tag2) end + +--- +---Enables collision between two collision tags. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Tags must be set up when creating the World, see `lovr.physics.newWorld`. +--- +---By default, collision is enabled between all tags. +--- +---@param tag1 string # The first tag. +---@param tag2 string # The second tag. +function World:enableCollisionBetween(tag1, tag2) end + +--- +---Returns the angular damping parameters of the World. +--- +---Angular damping makes things less "spinny", making them slow down their angular velocity over time. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Angular damping can also be set on individual colliders. +--- +---@return number damping # The angular damping. +---@return number threshold # Velocity limit below which the damping is not applied. +function World:getAngularDamping() end + +--- +---Returns a table of all Colliders in the World. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.World, t: table):table +---@return table colliders # A table of `Collider` objects. +function World:getColliders() end + +--- +---Returns the gravity of the World. +--- +---@return number xg # The x component of the gravity force. +---@return number yg # The y component of the gravity force. +---@return number zg # The z component of the gravity force. +function World:getGravity() end + +--- +---Returns the linear damping parameters of the World. +--- +---Linear damping is similar to drag or air resistance, slowing down colliders over time as they move. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---A linear damping of 0 means colliders won't slow down over time. +--- +---This is the default. +--- +---Linear damping can also be set on individual colliders. +--- +---@return number damping # The linear damping. +---@return number threshold # Velocity limit below which the damping is not applied. +function World:getLinearDamping() end + +--- +---Returns the response time factor of the World. +--- +---The response time controls how relaxed collisions and joints are in the physics simulation, and functions similar to inertia. +--- +---A low response time means collisions are resolved quickly, and higher values make objects more spongy and soft. +--- +---The value can be any positive number. +--- +---It can be changed on a per-joint basis for `DistanceJoint` and `BallJoint` objects. +--- +---@return number responseTime # The response time setting for the World. +function World:getResponseTime() end + +--- +---Returns the step count of the World. +--- +---The step count influences how many steps are taken during a call to `World:update`. +--- +---A higher number of steps will be slower, but more accurate. +--- +---The default step count is 20. +--- +---@return number steps # The step count. +function World:getStepCount() end + +--- +---Returns the tightness of joints in the World. +--- +---The tightness controls how much force is applied to colliders connected by joints. +--- +---With a value of 0, no force will be applied and joints won't have any effect. +--- +---With a tightness of 1, a strong force will be used to try to keep the Colliders constrained. +--- +---A tightness larger than 1 will overcorrect the joints, which can sometimes be desirable. +--- +---Negative tightness values are not supported. +--- +---@return number tightness # The tightness of the World. +function World:getTightness() end + +--- +---Returns whether collisions are currently enabled between two tags. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Tags must be set up when creating the World, see `lovr.physics.newWorld`. +--- +---By default, collision is enabled between all tags. +--- +---@param tag1 string # The first tag. +---@param tag2 string # The second tag. +---@return boolean enabled # Whether or not two colliders with the specified tags will collide. +function World:isCollisionEnabledBetween(tag1, tag2) end + +--- +---Returns whether colliders can go to sleep in the World. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If sleeping is enabled, the World will try to detect colliders that haven't moved for a while and put them to sleep. +--- +---Sleeping colliders don't impact the physics simulation, which makes updates more efficient and improves physics performance. +--- +---However, the physics engine isn't perfect at waking up sleeping colliders and this can lead to bugs where colliders don't react to forces or collisions properly. +--- +---This can be set on individual colliders. +--- +---Colliders can be manually put to sleep or woken up using `Collider:setAwake`. +--- +---@return boolean allowed # Whether colliders can sleep. +function World:isSleepingAllowed() end + +--- +---Adds a new Collider to the World with a BoxShape already attached. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.World, position: lovr.Vec3, size: lovr.Vec3):lovr.Collider +---@param x? number # The x coordinate of the center of the box. +---@param y? number # The y coordinate of the center of the box. +---@param z? number # The z coordinate of the center of the box. +---@param width? number # The total width of the box, in meters. +---@param height? number # The total height of the box, in meters. +---@param depth? number # The total depth of the box, in meters. +---@return lovr.Collider collider # The new Collider. +function World:newBoxCollider(x, y, z, width, height, depth) end + +--- +---Adds a new Collider to the World with a CapsuleShape already attached. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.World, position: lovr.Vec3, radius?: number, length?: number):lovr.Collider +---@param x? number # The x coordinate of the center of the capsule, in meters. +---@param y? number # The y coordinate of the center of the capsule, in meters. +---@param z? number # The z coordinate of the center of the capsule, in meters. +---@param radius? number # The radius of the capsule, in meters. +---@param length? number # The length of the capsule, not including the caps, in meters. +---@return lovr.Collider collider # The new Collider. +function World:newCapsuleCollider(x, y, z, radius, length) end + +--- +---Adds a new Collider to the World. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---This function creates a collider without any shapes attached to it, which means it won't collide with anything. +--- +---To add a shape to the collider, use `Collider:addShape`, or use one of the following functions to create the collider: +--- +---- `World:newBoxCollider` +---- `World:newCapsuleCollider` +---- `World:newCylinderCollider` +---- `World:newSphereCollider` +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.World, position: lovr.Vec3):lovr.Collider +---@param x? number # The x position of the Collider. +---@param y? number # The y position of the Collider. +---@param z? number # The z position of the Collider. +---@return lovr.Collider collider # The new Collider. +function World:newCollider(x, y, z) end + +--- +---Adds a new Collider to the World with a CylinderShape already attached. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.World, position: lovr.Vec3, radius?: number, length?: number):lovr.Collider +---@param x? number # The x coordinate of the center of the cylinder, in meters. +---@param y? number # The y coordinate of the center of the cylinder, in meters. +---@param z? number # The z coordinate of the center of the cylinder, in meters. +---@param radius? number # The radius of the cylinder, in meters. +---@param length? number # The length of the cylinder, in meters. +---@return lovr.Collider collider # The new Collider. +function World:newCylinderCollider(x, y, z, radius, length) end + +--- +---Adds a new Collider to the World with a MeshShape already attached. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.World, model: lovr.Model):lovr.Collider +---@param vertices table # The table of vertices in the mesh. Each vertex is a table with 3 numbers. +---@param indices table # A table of triangle indices representing how the vertices are connected in the Mesh. +---@return lovr.Collider collider # The new Collider. +function World:newMeshCollider(vertices, indices) end + +--- +---Adds a new Collider to the World with a SphereShape already attached. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.World, position: lovr.Vec3, radius?: number):lovr.Collider +---@param x? number # The x coordinate of the center of the sphere, in meters. +---@param y? number # The y coordinate of the center of the sphere, in meters. +---@param z? number # The z coordinate of the center of the sphere, in meters. +---@param radius? number # The radius of the sphere, in meters. +---@return lovr.Collider collider # The new Collider. +function World:newSphereCollider(x, y, z, radius) end + +--- +---Adds a new Collider to the World with a TerrainShape already attached. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The collider will be positioned at 0, 0, 0. +--- +---Unlike other colliders, it will automatically be set as kinematic when created. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.World, scale: number, heightmap: lovr.Image, stretch?: number):lovr.Collider +---@overload fun(self: lovr.World, scale: number, callback: function, samples?: number):lovr.Collider +---@param scale number # The width and depth of the terrain, in meters. +---@return lovr.Collider collider # The new Collider. +function World:newTerrainCollider(scale) end + +--- +---Returns an iterator that can be used to iterate over "overlaps", or potential collisions between pairs of shapes in the World. +--- +---This should be called after using `World:computeOverlaps` to compute the list of overlaps. Usually this is called automatically by `World:update`. +--- +---@return function iterator # A Lua iterator, usable in a for loop. +function World:overlaps() end + +--- +---Casts a ray through the World, calling a function every time the ray intersects with a Shape. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The callback is passed the shape that was hit, the hit position (in world coordinates), and the normal vector of the hit. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.World, start: lovr.Vec3, end: lovr.Vec3, callback: function) +---@param x1 number # The x coordinate of the starting position of the ray. +---@param y1 number # The y coordinate of the starting position of the ray. +---@param z1 number # The z coordinate of the starting position of the ray. +---@param x2 number # The x coordinate of the ending position of the ray. +---@param y2 number # The y coordinate of the ending position of the ray. +---@param z2 number # The z coordinate of the ending position of the ray. +---@param callback function # The function to call when an intersection is detected. +function World:raycast(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, callback) end + +--- +---Sets the angular damping of the World. +--- +---Angular damping makes things less "spinny", making them slow down their angular velocity over time. Damping is only applied when angular velocity is over the threshold value. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Angular damping can also be set on individual colliders. +--- +---@param damping number # The angular damping. +---@param threshold? number # Velocity limit below which the damping is not applied. +function World:setAngularDamping(damping, threshold) end + +--- +---Sets the gravity of the World. +--- +---@overload fun(self: lovr.World, gravity: lovr.Vec3) +---@param xg number # The x component of the gravity force. +---@param yg number # The y component of the gravity force. +---@param zg number # The z component of the gravity force. +function World:setGravity(xg, yg, zg) end + +--- +---Sets the linear damping of the World. +--- +---Linear damping is similar to drag or air resistance, slowing down colliders over time as they move. Damping is only applied when linear velocity is over the threshold value. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---A linear damping of 0 means colliders won't slow down over time. +--- +---This is the default. +--- +---Linear damping can also be set on individual colliders. +--- +---@param damping number # The linear damping. +---@param threshold? number # Velocity limit below which the damping is not applied. +function World:setLinearDamping(damping, threshold) end + +--- +---Sets the response time factor of the World. +--- +---The response time controls how relaxed collisions and joints are in the physics simulation, and functions similar to inertia. +--- +---A low response time means collisions are resolved quickly, and higher values make objects more spongy and soft. +--- +---The value can be any positive number. +--- +---It can be changed on a per-joint basis for `DistanceJoint` and `BallJoint` objects. +--- +---@param responseTime number # The new response time setting for the World. +function World:setResponseTime(responseTime) end + +--- +---Sets whether colliders can go to sleep in the World. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If sleeping is enabled, the World will try to detect colliders that haven't moved for a while and put them to sleep. +--- +---Sleeping colliders don't impact the physics simulation, which makes updates more efficient and improves physics performance. +--- +---However, the physics engine isn't perfect at waking up sleeping colliders and this can lead to bugs where colliders don't react to forces or collisions properly. +--- +---This can be set on individual colliders. +--- +---Colliders can be manually put to sleep or woken up using `Collider:setAwake`. +--- +---@param allowed boolean # Whether colliders can sleep. +function World:setSleepingAllowed(allowed) end + +--- +---Sets the step count of the World. +--- +---The step count influences how many steps are taken during a call to `World:update`. +--- +---A higher number of steps will be slower, but more accurate. +--- +---The default step count is 20. +--- +---@param steps number # The new step count. +function World:setStepCount(steps) end + +--- +---Sets the tightness of joints in the World. +--- +---The tightness controls how much force is applied to colliders connected by joints. +--- +---With a value of 0, no force will be applied and joints won't have any effect. +--- +---With a tightness of 1, a strong force will be used to try to keep the Colliders constrained. +--- +---A tightness larger than 1 will overcorrect the joints, which can sometimes be desirable. +--- +---Negative tightness values are not supported. +--- +---@param tightness number # The new tightness for the World. +function World:setTightness(tightness) end + +--- +---Updates the World, advancing the physics simulation forward in time and resolving collisions between colliders in the World. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---It is common to pass the `dt` variable from `lovr.update` into this function. +--- +---The default collision resolver function is: +--- +--- function defaultResolver(world) +--- world:computeOverlaps() +--- for shapeA, shapeB in world:overlaps() do +--- world:collide(shapeA, shapeB) +--- end +--- end +--- +---Additional logic could be introduced to the collision resolver function to add custom collision behavior or to change the collision parameters (like friction and restitution) on a per-collision basis. +--- +---> If possible, use a fixed timestep value for updating the World. It will greatly improve the +---> accuracy of the simulation and reduce bugs. For more information on implementing a fixed +---> timestep loop, see [this article](http://gafferongames.com/game-physics/fix-your-timestep/). +--- +---@param dt number # The amount of time to advance the simulation forward. +---@param resolver? function # The collision resolver function to use. This will be called before updating to allow for custom collision processing. If absent, a default will be used. +function World:update(dt, resolver) end + +--- +---Represents the different types of physics Joints available. +--- +---@alias lovr.JointType +--- +---A BallJoint. +--- +---| "ball" +--- +---A DistanceJoint. +--- +---| "distance" +--- +---A HingeJoint. +--- +---| "hinge" +--- +---A SliderJoint. +--- +---| "slider" + +--- +---Represents the different types of physics Shapes available. +--- +---@alias lovr.ShapeType +--- +---A BoxShape. +--- +---| "box" +--- +---A CapsuleShape. +--- +---| "capsule" +--- +---A CylinderShape. +--- +---| "cylinder" +--- +---A SphereShape. +--- +---| "sphere" diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/system.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/system.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..de11766b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/system.lua @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---The `lovr.system` provides information about the current platform and hardware. +--- +---@class lovr.system +lovr.system = {} + +--- +---Returns the number of logical cores on the system. +--- +---@return number cores # The number of logical cores on the system. +function lovr.system.getCoreCount() end + +--- +---Returns the current operating system. +--- +---@return string os # Either "Windows", "macOS", "Linux", "Android" or "Web". +function lovr.system.getOS() end + +--- +---Returns the window pixel density. +--- +---High DPI windows will usually return 2.0 to indicate that there are 2 pixels for every window coordinate in each axis. +--- +---On a normal display, 1.0 is returned, indicating that window coordinates match up with pixels 1:1. +--- +---@return number density # The pixel density of the window. +function lovr.system.getWindowDensity() end + +--- +---Returns the dimensions of the desktop window. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the window is not open, this will return zeros. +--- +---@return number width # The width of the desktop window. +---@return number height # The height of the desktop window. +function lovr.system.getWindowDimensions() end + +--- +---Returns the height of the desktop window. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the window is not open, this will return zero. +--- +---@return number width # The height of the desktop window. +function lovr.system.getWindowHeight() end + +--- +---Returns the width of the desktop window. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---If the window is not open, this will return zero. +--- +---@return number width # The width of the desktop window. +function lovr.system.getWindowWidth() end + +--- +---Returns whether a key on the keyboard is pressed. +--- +---@param key lovr.KeyCode # The key. +---@return boolean down # Whether the key is currently pressed. +function lovr.system.isKeyDown(key) end + +--- +---Returns whether the desktop window is open. +--- +---`t.window` can be set to `nil` in `lovr.conf` to disable automatic opening of the window. +--- +---In this case, the window can be opened manually using `lovr.system.openWindow`. +--- +---@return boolean open # Whether the desktop window is open. +function lovr.system.isWindowOpen() end + +--- +---Opens the desktop window. +--- +---If the window is already open, this function does nothing. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---By default, the window is opened automatically, but this can be disabled by setting `t.window` to `nil` in `conf.lua`. +--- +---@param options {width: number, height: number, fullscreen: boolean, resizable: boolean, title: string, icon: string} # Window options. +function lovr.system.openWindow(options) end + +--- +---Requests permission to use a feature. +--- +---Usually this will pop up a dialog box that the user needs to confirm. +--- +---Once the permission request has been acknowledged, the `lovr.permission` callback will be called with the result. +--- +---Currently, this is only used for requesting microphone access on Android devices. +--- +---@param permission lovr.Permission # The permission to request. +function lovr.system.requestPermission(permission) end + +--- +---These are the different permissions that need to be requested using `lovr.system.requestPermission` on some platforms. +--- +---@alias lovr.Permission +--- +---Requests microphone access. +--- +---| "audiocapture" diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/thread.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/thread.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f281edcb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/thread.lua @@ -0,0 +1,170 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---The `lovr.thread` module provides functions for creating threads and communicating between them. +--- +---These are operating system level threads, which are different from Lua coroutines. +--- +---Threads are useful for performing expensive background computation without affecting the framerate or performance of the main thread. +--- +---Some examples of this include asset loading, networking and network requests, and physics simulation. +--- +---Threads come with some caveats: +--- +---- Threads run in a bare Lua environment. +--- +---The `lovr` module (and any of lovr's modules) need to +--- be required before they can be used. +--- - To get `require` to work properly, add `require 'lovr.filesystem'` to the thread code. +---- Threads are completely isolated from other threads. +--- +---They do not have access to the variables +--- or functions of other threads, and communication between threads must be coordinated through +--- `Channel` objects. +---- The graphics module (or any functions that perform rendering) cannot be used in a thread. +--- Note that this includes creating graphics objects like Models and Textures. +--- +---There are "data" +--- equivalent `ModelData` and `Image` objects that can be used in threads though. +---- `lovr.event.pump` cannot be called from a thread. +---- Crashes or problems can happen if two threads access the same object at the same time, so +--- special care must be taken to coordinate access to objects from multiple threads. +--- +---@class lovr.thread +lovr.thread = {} + +--- +---Returns a named Channel for communicating between threads. +--- +---@param name string # The name of the Channel to get. +---@return lovr.Channel channel # The Channel with the specified name. +function lovr.thread.getChannel(name) end + +--- +---Creates a new Thread from Lua code. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The Thread won\'t start running immediately. +--- +---Use `Thread:start` to start it. +--- +---The string argument is assumed to be a filename if there isn't a newline in the first 1024 characters. +--- +---For really short thread code, an extra newline can be added to trick LÖVR into loading it properly. +--- +---@overload fun(filename: string):lovr.Thread +---@overload fun(blob: lovr.Blob):lovr.Thread +---@param code string # The code to run in the Thread. +---@return lovr.Thread thread # The new Thread. +function lovr.thread.newThread(code) end + +--- +---A Channel is an object used to communicate between `Thread` objects. +--- +---Channels are obtained by name using `lovr.thread.getChannel`. +--- +---Different threads can send messages on the same Channel to communicate with each other. +--- +---Messages can be sent and received on a Channel using `Channel:push` and `Channel:pop`, and are received in a first-in-first-out fashion. The following types of data can be passed through Channels: nil, boolean, number, string, and any LÖVR object. +--- +---@class lovr.Channel +local Channel = {} + +--- +---Removes all pending messages from the Channel. +--- +function Channel:clear() end + +--- +---Returns whether or not the message with the given ID has been read. +--- +---Every call to `Channel:push` returns a message ID. +--- +---@param id number # The ID of the message to check. +---@return boolean read # Whether the message has been read. +function Channel:hasRead(id) end + +--- +---Returns a message from the Channel without popping it from the queue. +--- +---If the Channel is empty, `nil` is returned. +--- +---This can be useful to determine if the Channel is empty. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The second return value can be used to detect if a `nil` message is in the queue. +--- +---@return any message # The message, or `nil` if there is no message. +---@return boolean present # Whether a message was returned (use to detect nil). +function Channel:peek() end + +--- +---Pops a message from the Channel. +--- +---If the Channel is empty, an optional timeout argument can be used to wait for a message, otherwise `nil` is returned. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Threads can get stuck forever waiting on Channel messages, so be careful. +--- +---@param wait? number # How long to wait for a message to be popped, in seconds. `true` can be used to wait forever and `false` can be used to avoid waiting. +---@return any message # The received message, or `nil` if nothing was received. +function Channel:pop(wait) end + +--- +---Pushes a message onto the Channel. +--- +---The following types of data can be pushed: nil, boolean, number, string, and userdata. +--- +---Tables should be serialized to strings. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---Threads can get stuck forever waiting on Channel messages, so be careful. +--- +---@param message any # The message to push. +---@param wait? number # How long to wait for the message to be popped, in seconds. `true` can be used to wait forever and `false` can be used to avoid waiting. +---@return number id # The ID of the pushed message. +---@return boolean read # Whether the message was read by another thread before the wait timeout. +function Channel:push(message, wait) end + +--- +---A Thread is an object that runs a chunk of Lua code in the background. +--- +---Threads are completely isolated from other threads, meaning they have their own Lua context and can't access the variables and functions of other threads. +--- +---Communication between threads is limited and is accomplished by using `Channel` objects. +--- +---To get `require` to work properly, add `require 'lovr.filesystem'` to the thread code. +--- +---@class lovr.Thread +local Thread = {} + +--- +---Returns the message for the error that occurred on the Thread, or nil if no error has occurred. +--- +---@return string error # The error message, or `nil` if no error has occurred on the Thread. +function Thread:getError() end + +--- +---Returns whether or not the Thread is currently running. +--- +---@return boolean running # Whether or not the Thread is running. +function Thread:isRunning() end + +--- +---Starts the Thread. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The arguments can be nil, booleans, numbers, strings, or LÖVR objects. +--- +---@param arguments any # Up to 4 arguments to pass to the Thread's function. +function Thread:start(arguments) end + +--- +---Waits for the Thread to complete, then returns. +--- +function Thread:wait() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/timer.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/timer.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4bcb02f1f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/lovr/library/lovr/timer.lua @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +---@meta + +--- +---The `lovr.timer` module provides a few functions that deal with time. +--- +---All times are measured in seconds. +--- +---@class lovr.timer +lovr.timer = {} + +--- +---Returns the average delta over the last second. +--- +---@return number delta # The average delta, in seconds. +function lovr.timer.getAverageDelta() end + +--- +---Returns the time between the last two frames. +--- +---This is the same value as the `dt` argument provided to `lovr.update`. +--- +--- +---### NOTE: +---The return value of this function will remain the same until `lovr.timer.step` is called. +--- +---This function should not be used to measure times for game behavior or benchmarking, use `lovr.timer.getTime` for that. +--- +---@return number dt # The delta time, in seconds. +function lovr.timer.getDelta() end + +--- +---Returns the current frames per second, averaged over the last 90 frames. +--- +---@return number fps # The current FPS. +function lovr.timer.getFPS() end + +--- +---Returns the time since some time in the past. +--- +---This can be used to measure the difference between two points in time. +--- +---@return number time # The current time, in seconds. +function lovr.timer.getTime() end + +--- +---Sleeps the application for a specified number of seconds. +--- +---While the game is asleep, no code will be run, no graphics will be drawn, and the window will be unresponsive. +--- +---@param duration number # The number of seconds to sleep for. +function lovr.timer.sleep(duration) end + +--- +---Steps the timer, returning the new delta time. +--- +---This is called automatically in `lovr.run` and it's used to calculate the new `dt` to pass to `lovr.update`. +--- +---@return number delta # The amount of time since the last call to this function, in seconds. +function lovr.timer.step() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luaecs/config.json b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luaecs/config.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..21d5453c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luaecs/config.json @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +{ + "name" : "luaecs", + "words" : [ "ecs%.world()" ] +} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luaecs/library/ecs.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luaecs/library/ecs.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..56b421cac --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luaecs/library/ecs.lua @@ -0,0 +1,380 @@ +---@meta + +---Library of https://github.com/cloudwu/luaecs + +---We use a component id and a index in a component pooid, then we can +---get this component's entity id ,then get all other components. +---@class ITER +---@field index integer index of the component pool +---@field cid integer component type id +---@field iter ENTITY_GROUPITER #userdata + +---Return depend the pattern, every pattern will be return a table. +---This is a C function, and it will be used as the __call metamethod of the +---ECSWorld#_groupiter 's return usedata's metatable. +---If the pattern of select is a component name but not a condition,then return +---is the component pool index and component id. +---@alias ENTITY_GROUPITER fun():ITER + +---Every entity must defined which component it contains on new. +---@class ECSWorld +local meta = {} + +---Register a component, use Lua table to describe data struct. +---The table is a name field and data field list, and can has a type field, field will be 'filed_name:type'. +---Then, will caulate the size of component type's data. +---Support type is: int, float, bool, int64, dword, word, byte, double, userdata +---* if type is `lua`, the size is ecs._LUAOBJECT, -1; +---* if type is `raw`, we must set the type's size explict; +---* or the size may bigger than 0, which caculated from the data field list. +---* or if the size is 0, it is a one value component, if it has type field, then the size is the type size; +---* or if the size litter then 0, it is a tag. +---``` +---In C, this is init a component pool, every component pool's data will in a continus memory. +--- {name = 'vector', 'x:float','y:float'} -- normal component +--- {name = 'object',type='lua'}} -- lua component +--- {name = 'hp', type='int'} -- one value component +--- {name = 'mark'}, -- tag, default it boolean +----{name = 'rawobj', type='raw', size= '20'} -- raw object +--- {name = 'byname', order = true} -- order tag +--- Then the c api _newtype will malloc a continus memory of the types' size. +---@param typeclass table +---@see ECSWorld#_newtype +function meta:register(typeclass) +end + +---Construct a new entity, use Lua table to describe it. +---The key is the component type, must register it before, +---so, every kv pair is a component. +---Every component pool will get the new entity id. +---@param obj? table #{name = "hello", position= {x = 1, y = 2}} +---@return integer #eid +function meta:new(obj) +end + +---Return the info of a list of component names. +---May be, for test use? +---@param t string[] component name list +---@return userdata #ctx info +---@see ECSWorld#_context +function meta:context(t) +end + +---Select a patterns of entitys, the mainkey( first key) can't not be has absent condtion. +---The pattern is a space-separated combination of `componentname[:?]action`, and the `action` can be +---* in : read the component +---* out : write the component +---* update : read / write +---* absent : check if the component is not exist +---* exist (default) : check if the component is exist +---* new : create the component +---* ? means it's an optional action if the component is not exist +---NOTICE: If you use action `new` , you must guarantee the component is clear (None entity has this component) before iteration. +---If opt and inout is absent, the return is the id info of the entitys.{ {pooid, cid}} +---**Return value will only has components in he pattern** +---**Return value will like {component_index, component_id,ENTITY_GROUPITER,component1, component2} +---@param pat string #key [{opt inout}] , opt is : or ?, inout is in, out, update, exist(default), absent, new.like t:in, b:out, id?update +---@return ENTITY_GROUPITER #iter function +---@see ECSWorld#_groupiter +function meta:select(pat) +end + +---Sync all then component of the entity represent by a iter to LUA +---@param iter number|ITER #ITER or entity id +---@return table +---@see ECSWorld#_read +---@see ECSWorld#access +---@see ECSWorld#fetch +function meta:readall(iter) +end + +---Clear a component type of name `name` +---@param name string component name +---@see ECSWorld#_clear +function meta:clear(name) +end + +---Clear all component types. +---@see ECSWorld#clear +function meta:clearall() +end + +---Dump all indexes of a component of name `name` +---@param name string +---@return integer[] +---@see ECSWorld#_dumpid +function meta:dumpid(name) +end + +---Update world, will free removed(default, or with tag `tagname`) entity. +---@param tagname? string #tagname, default is REMOVED, but we also can use other tag to delete entities. +---@see ECSWorld#_update +function meta:update(tagname) +end + +local M = { + _MAXTYPE = 255, + _METHODS = meta, + _TYPE_INT = 0, + _TYPE_FLOAT = 1, + _TYPE_BOOL = 2, + _TYPE_INT64 = 3, + _TYPE_DWORD = 4, + _TYPE_WORD = 5, + _TYPE_BYTE = 6, + _TYPE_DOUBLE = 7, + _TYPE_USERDATA = 8, + _TYPE_COUNT = 9, + _LUAOBJECT = -1, + _REMOVED = 0, + _ORDERKEY = -2, + NULL = 0x0, -- userdata +} + +---Lua function +---Construct a new LuaECS World +---@return ECSWorld +function M.world() +end + +---Like new(obj), but use a specifie entity +---@param eid integer #entity id +---@param obj table #describe all component of the type +function meta:import(eid, obj) +end + +-- Create a template first +---local t = w:template { +--- name = "foobar" +---} +-- instance the template into an entity, and add visible tag. +--- The additional components ( { visible = true } ) is optional. +--- local eid = w:template_instance(w:new(), t, { visible = true }) +---Use a templat to Construct an entity. +---@param eid integer #entity id +---@param temp string #template name +---@param obj table +function meta:template_instance(eid, temp, obj) +end + +---Get an entity's one component, can can write the value. +---@param eid integer +---@param pat string #only one key +---@param value? any # when with this values, is write. +---@return any|nil # pattern key is tag, return boolean; lua type, return lua data; else table; if write, return nil. +---@see ECSWorld#readall +---@see ECSWorld#fetch +function meta:access(eid, pat, value) +end + +---Count the pattern 's object number +---@param pat string +---@return integer +function meta:count(pat) +end + +---Extend an iter with pattern. +---@param iter ITER +---@param expat string +---@see ECSWorld#_read +function meta:extend(iter, expat) end + +---Get component id by name +---@param name string +---@return integer #component id +function meta:component_id(name) end + +---Persist Use +function meta:read_component(reader, name, offset, stride, n) end + +---Get the first entity of pattern `pattern` +---We can use this as a signletone component. +---@param pattern string +---@return ITER +function meta:first(pattern) end + +---Check pattern `pattern` whether has entitys. +---Work same as ECSWorld#first but return boolean. +---@param pattern string +---@return boolean +function meta:check(pattern) end + +---Register a template. +---@param obj table #component and value pairs +function meta:template(obj) end + +---You can tags entities in groups with `w:group_enable(tagname, groupid1, groupid2,...)` +---Enable tag `tagname` on multi groups +---@param tagname string tagname +---@param ... number #group id s +---@see ECSWorld#_group_enable +function meta:group_enable(tagname, ...) end + +---Get a component's type. +---@param name string +---@return string # tag | lua | c | M._TYPE* +function meta:type(name) end + +---This will reset `tagname`'s component pool. +---Set tag on entitys in pattern `pat` +---@param tagname string +---@param pat string +function meta:filter(tagname, pat) end + +---Fetch entity's component with pattern `pat` +---You can use out, update and then w:sumit() to modify entity. +---@param eid integer +---@param pat? string +---@see ECSWorld#readall +---@see ECSWorld#access +---@return table # entity with pat specified component +function meta:fetch(eid, pat) end + +----------- C API ------------- +---C API +---Get the world size +---@return integer, integer #capaticy size, used size +function meta:memory() end + +---C API +---shrink_component_pool +function meta:collect() end + +---C API +---New component type. +---@param cid integer component id, cacul from the Lua +---@param size integer # size +---@see ECSWorld#register +function meta:_newtype(cid, size) +end + +--- C API +---Return a new entity +---@return integer entity id +function meta:_newentity() +end + +--- C API +---Check the entity is exist +---@param eid integer +---@return integer #entity's index in the world, start at 0 +---@see ECSWorld#exist +function meta:_indexentity(eid) end + +--- C API +---Add entity of id `eid` to the component pool of id `cid`, return the pool index. +---@param eid integer entity id +---@param cid integer component id, +---@return integer #pool index id +function meta:_addcomponent(eid, cid) +end + +--- C API +---Update world. +---Remove all entity which removed(default) or with component id `cid`, and will rearrange the world. +---@param cid? integer #tagid +---@see ECSWorld#update +function meta:_update(cid) +end + +--- C API +---Clear component of id `cid` +---@param cid integer component id +---@see ECSWorld#clear +function meta:_clear(cid) +end + +--- C API +---Return the info of a list of component ids. +---@param t integer[] +---@return userdata #ctx info +---@see ECSWorld#context +function meta:_context(t) +end + +--- C API +---Return an iter function for a list of pattren. +---@param pat_desc table[] #{ {name, id, type, [opt, r, w, exist, absent, new] } +---@return ENTITY_GROUPITER #iter C function +function meta:_groupiter(pat_desc) +end + +--- C API +function meta:_mergeiter(...) end + +--- C API +---Get a iter of entity eid. +---@param eid integer +---@return ITER # the cid will by -1 +function meta:_fetch(eid) end + +--- C API +---Entity exists? +---@param eid integer +function meta:exist(eid) end + +--- C API +--- Remove an entity with eid +--- The removed entity will has a tag REMOVED +---@param eid number +function meta:remove(eid) +end + +---C API +---@param ref ENTITY_GROUPITER #the iter of component +---@param cv any #the inited component +---@param index integer #the index of the component pool +function meta:_object(ref, cv, index) +end + +---@param pattern string +---@param iter ITER +function meta:_read(pattern, iter) +end + +---C API +---Commit an mod of a group iter with out or new +---@param iter ITER +function meta:submit(iter) end + +---@see ECSWorld:#first +function meta:_first(...) end + +---Dump all id of a component of id `cid` +---@param cid integer +---@return integer[] +---@see ECSWorld#dumpid +function meta:_dumpid(cid) +end + +---@see ECSWorld:count +function meta:_count(...) end + +---@see ECSWorld:filter +function meta:_filter(...) end + +function meta:_access(...) end + +function meta:__gc(...) end + +---C API +--- Add entity (eid) into a group with groupid (32bit integer) +---**NOTE:We can add entity to a group, but we can not remove it from a group.** +---**NOTE:We can iterate a group, but we can not random visit a group member.** +---@param groupid number #32bit +---@param eid number +function meta:group_add(groupid, eid) end + +---C API. Add tag of group's entitys +---**NOTICE: this call will clear the the tag's component pool.** +---@param tagid number +---@param ... number #max number is 1024 +---@see ECSWorld#group_enable +function meta:_group_enable(tagid, ...) end + +---C api, get the eid list of a group +---@param groupid number +---@return table # eid list +function meta:group_get(groupid) end + +return M diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/config.json b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/config.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..71e12fc6a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/config.json @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +{ + "words" : [ "require[%s%(\"']+luassert[%)\"']" ] +} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..21f2fe9a5 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert.lua @@ -0,0 +1,442 @@ +---@meta + +---@class luassert.internal +local internal = {} + +---@class luassert:luassert.internal +local luassert = {} + +--#region Assertions + +---Assert that `value == true`. +---@param value any The value to confirm is `true`. +function internal.True(value) end + +internal.is_true = internal.True +internal.is_not_true = internal.True + +---Assert that `value == false`. +---@param value any The value to confirm is `false`. +function internal.False(value) end + +internal.is_false = internal.False +internal.is_not_false = internal.False + +---Assert that `type(value) == "boolean"`. +---@param value any The value to confirm is of type `boolean`. +function internal.Boolean(value) end + +internal.boolean = internal.Boolean +internal.is_boolean = internal.Boolean +internal.is_not_boolean = internal.Boolean + +---Assert that `type(value) == "number"`. +---@param value any The value to confirm is of type `number`. +function internal.Number(value) end + +internal.number = internal.Number +internal.is_number = internal.Number +internal.is_not_number = internal.Number + +---Assert that `type(value) == "string"`. +---@param value any The value to confirm is of type `string`. +function internal.String(value) end + +internal.string = internal.String +internal.is_string = internal.String +internal.is_not_string = internal.String + +---Assert that `type(value) == "table"`. +---@param value any The value to confirm is of type `table`. +function internal.Table(value) end + +internal.table = internal.Table +internal.is_table = internal.Table +internal.is_not_table = internal.Table + +---Assert that `type(value) == "nil"`. +---@param value any The value to confirm is of type `nil`. +function internal.Nil(value) end + +internal.is_nil = internal.Nil +internal.is_not_nil = internal.Nil + +---Assert that `type(value) == "userdata"`. +---@param value any The value to confirm is of type `userdata`. +function internal.Userdata(value) end + +internal.userdata = internal.Userdata +internal.is_userdata = internal.Userdata +internal.is_not_userdata = internal.Userdata + +---Assert that `type(value) == "function"`. +---@param value any The value to confirm is of type `function`. +function internal.Function(value) end + +internal.is_function = internal.Function +internal.is_not_function = internal.Function + +---Assert that `type(value) == "thread"`. +---@param value any The value to confirm is of type `thread`. +function internal.Thread(value) end + +internal.thread = internal.Thread +internal.is_thread = internal.Thread +internal.is_not_thread = internal.Thread + + +---Assert that a value is truthy. +---@param value any The value to confirm is truthy. +function internal.truthy(value) end + +internal.Truthy = internal.truthy +internal.is_truthy = internal.truthy +internal.is_not_truthy = internal.truthy + +---Assert that a value is falsy. +---@param value any The value to confirm is falsy. +function internal.falsy(value) end + +internal.Falsy = internal.falsy +internal.is_falsy = internal.falsy +internal.is_not_falsy = internal.falsy + +---Assert that a callback throws an error. +---@param callback function A callback function that should error +---@param error? string The specific error message that will be asserted +function internal.error(callback, error) end + +internal.Error = internal.error +internal.has_error = internal.error +internal.no_error = internal.error +internal.no_has_error = internal.error +internal.has_no_error = internal.error + +--- the api is the same as string.find +---@param pattern string +---@param actual string +---@param init? integer +---@param plain? boolean +---## Example +--[[ +```lua + it("Checks matches() assertion does string matching", function() + assert.is.error(function() assert.matches('.*') end) -- minimum 2 arguments + assert.is.error(function() assert.matches(nil, 's') end) -- arg1 must be a string + assert.is.error(function() assert.matches('s', {}) end) -- arg2 must be convertable to string + assert.is.error(function() assert.matches('s', 's', 's', 's') end) -- arg3 or arg4 must be a number or nil + assert.matches("%w+", "test") + assert.has.match("%w+", "test") + assert.has_no.match("%d+", "derp") + assert.has.match("test", "test", nil, true) + assert.has_no.match("%w+", "test", nil, true) + assert.has.match("^test", "123 test", 5) + assert.has_no.match("%d+", "123 test", '4') + end) +``` +]] +function internal.matches(pattern, actual, init, plain) end + +internal.is_matches = internal.matches +internal.is_not_matches = internal.matches + +internal.match = internal.matches +internal.is_match = internal.matches +internal.is_not_match = internal.matches + +---Assert that two values are near (equal to within a tolerance). +---@param expected number The expected value +---@param actual number The actual value +---@param tolerance number The tolerable difference between the two values +---## Example +--[[ + ```lua + it("Checks near() assertion handles tolerances", function() + assert.is.error(function() assert.near(0) end) -- minimum 3 arguments + assert.is.error(function() assert.near(0, 0) end) -- minimum 3 arguments + assert.is.error(function() assert.near('a', 0, 0) end) -- arg1 must be convertable to number + assert.is.error(function() assert.near(0, 'a', 0) end) -- arg2 must be convertable to number + assert.is.error(function() assert.near(0, 0, 'a') end) -- arg3 must be convertable to number + assert.is.near(1.5, 2.0, 0.5) + assert.is.near('1.5', '2.0', '0.5') + assert.is_not.near(1.5, 2.0, 0.499) + assert.is_not.near('1.5', '2.0', '0.499') + end) + ``` +]] +function internal.near(expected, actual, tolerance) end + +internal.Near = internal.near +internal.is_near = internal.near +internal.is_not_near = internal.near + +---Check that two or more items are equal. +--- +---When comparing tables, a reference check will be used. +---@param expected any The expected value +---@param ... any Values to check the equality of +function internal.equal(expected, ...) end + +internal.Equal = internal.equal +internal.are_equal = internal.equal +internal.are_not_equal = internal.equal + +---Check that two or more items that are considered the "same". +--- +---When comparing tables, a deep compare will be performed. +---@param expected any The expected value +---@param ... any Values to check +function internal.same(expected, ...) end + +internal.Same = internal.same +internal.are_same = internal.same +internal.are_not_same = internal.same + +--- Number of return values of function +---@param argument_number integer +---@param func fun() +function internal.returned_arguments(argument_number, func) end + +internal.not_returned_arguments = internal.returned_arguments + +--- check error message by string.match/string.find(`plain`=true) +---@param func function +---@param pattern string +---@param init? integer +---@param plain? boolean +---##Example +--[[ +```lua + it("Checks error_matches to accept only callable arguments", function() + local t_ok = setmetatable( {}, { __call = function() end } ) + local t_nok = setmetatable( {}, { __call = function() error("some error") end } ) + local f_ok = function() end + local f_nok = function() error("some error") end + + assert.error_matches(f_nok, ".*") + assert.no_error_matches(f_ok, ".*") + assert.error_matches(t_nok, ".*") + assert.no_error_matches(t_ok, ".*") + end) +``` +]] +function internal.error_matches(func, pattern, init, plain) end + +internal.no_error_matches = internal.error_matches + +internal.error_match = internal.error_matches +internal.no_error_match = internal.error_matches + +internal.matches_error = internal.error_matches +internal.no_matches_error = internal.error_matches + +internal.match_error = internal.error_matches +internal.no_match_error = internal.error_matches + +--#endregion + +--[[ Helpers ]] + +--#region + +---Assert that all numbers in two arrays are within a specified tolerance of +---each other. +---@param expected number[] The expected values +---@param actual number[] The actual values +---@param tolerance number The tolerable difference between the values in the two arrays +function internal.all_near(expected, actual, tolerance) end + +internal.are_all_near = internal.all_near +internal.are_not_all_near = internal.all_near + +--- array is uniqued +---@param arr any[] +---## Example +---```lua +---it("Checks to see if table1 only contains unique elements", function() +--- local table2 = { derp = false} +--- local table3 = { derp = true } +--- local table1 = {table2,table3} +--- local tablenotunique = {table2,table2} +--- assert.is.unique(table1) +--- assert.is_not.unique(tablenotunique) +--- end) +---``` +function internal.unique(arr) end + +internal.is_unique = internal.unique +internal.is_not_unique = internal.unique + +--#endregion + +--#region Spies + +---Perform an assertion on a spy object. This will allow you to call further +---functions to perform an assertion. +---@param spy luassert.spy The spy object to begin asserting +---@return luassert.spy.assert spyAssert A new object that has further assert function options +function internal.spy(spy) end + +---Perform an assertion on a stub object. This will allow you to call further +---functions to perform an assertion. +---@param stub luassert.spy The stub object to begin asserting +---@return luassert.spy.assert stubAssert A new object that has further assert function options +function internal.stub(stub) end + +--#endregion + +--#region Array + +---Perform an assertion on an array object. This will allow you to call further +---function to perform an assertion. +---@param object table The array object to begin asserting +---@return luassert.array arrayAssert A new object that has further assert function options +function internal.array(object) end + +--#endregion + +--#region test apis + +--- register custom assertions +---@param namespace 'assertion' | 'matcher' | 'modifier' | string +---@param name string +---@param callback function +---@param positive_message string +---@param negative_message string +---## Example +--[[ +```lua + it("Checks register creates custom assertions", function() + local say = require("say") + + local function has_property(state, arguments) + local property = arguments[1] + local table = arguments[2] + for key, value in pairs(table) do + if key == property then + return true + end + end + return false + end + + say:set_namespace("en") + say:set("assertion.has_property.positive", "Expected property %s in:\n%s") + say:set("assertion.has_property.negative", "Expected property %s to not be in:\n%s") + assert:register("assertion", "has_property", has_property, "assertion.has_property.positive", "assertion.has_property.negative") + + assert.has_property("name", { name = "jack" }) + assert.has.property("name", { name = "jack" }) + assert.not_has_property("surname", { name = "jack" }) + assert.Not.has.property("surname", { name = "jack" }) + assert.has_error(function() assert.has_property("surname", { name = "jack" }) end) + assert.has_error(function() assert.has.property("surname", { name = "jack" }) end) + assert.has_error(function() assert.no_has_property("name", { name = "jack" }) end) + assert.has_error(function() assert.no.has.property("name", { name = "jack" }) end) + end) +``` +]] +function luassert:register(namespace, name, callback, positive_message, negative_message) end + +--[[ + ### Customized formatters +The formatters are functions taking a single argument that needs to be converted to a string representation. The formatter should examine the value provided, if it can format the value, it should return the formatted string, otherwise it should return `nil`. +Formatters can be added through `assert:add_formatter(formatter_func)`, and removed by calling `assert:remove_formatter(formatter_func)`. + +Example using the included binary string formatter: +```lua +local binstring = require("luassert.formatters.binarystring") + +describe("Tests using a binary string formatter", function() + + setup(function() + assert:add_formatter(binstring) + end) + + teardown(function() + assert:remove_formatter(binstring) + end) + + it("tests a string comparison with binary formatting", function() + local s1, s2 = "", "" + for n = 65,88 do + s1 = s1 .. string.char(n) + s2 = string.char(n) .. s2 + end + assert.are.same(s1, s2) + + end) + +end) +``` + +Because this formatter formats string values, and is added last, it will take precedence over the regular string formatter. The results will be: +``` +Failure: ...ua projects\busted\formatter\spec\formatter_spec.lua @ 13 +tests a string comparison with binary formatting +...ua projects\busted\formatter\spec\formatter_spec.lua:19: Expected objects to be the same. Passed in: +Binary string length; 24 bytes +58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 4f 4e 4d 4c 4b 4a 49 XWVUTSRQ PONMLKJI +48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 HGFEDCBA + +Expected: +Binary string length; 24 bytes +41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4a 4b 4c 4d 4e 4f 50 ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOP +51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 QRSTUVWX +``` +]] +---@param callback fun(obj:any):string|nil +function luassert:add_formatter(callback) end + +---@param fmtr function +function luassert:remove_formatter(fmtr) end + +--- To register state information 'parameters' can be used. The parameter is included in a snapshot and can hence be restored in between tests. For an example see `Configuring table depth display` below. +---@param name any +---@param value any +---## Example +--[[ +```lua +assert:set_parameter("my_param_name", 1) +local s = assert:snapshot() +assert:set_parameter("my_param_name", 2) +s:revert() +assert.are.equal(1, assert:get_parameter("my_param_name")) +``` +]] +function luassert:set_parameter(name, value) end + +--- get current snapshot parameter +---@param name any +---@return any value +function luassert:get_parameter(name) end + +---To be able to revert changes created by tests, inserting spies and stubs for example, luassert supports 'snapshots'. A snapshot includes the following; +---@return {revert:fun()} +function luassert:snapshot() end + +--#endregion + +--- unregister custom assertions +---@param namespace 'assertion' | 'matcher' | 'modifier' | string +---@param name string +function luassert:unregister(namespace, name) end + +--#region modifier namespace + +internal.are = internal +internal.is = internal +internal.has = internal +internal.does = internal + +internal.is_not = internal +internal.are_not = internal +internal.has_no = internal +internal.no_has = internal +internal.does_not = internal +internal.no = internal +internal.Not = internal + +--#endregion + +return luassert diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/array.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/array.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..89253a127 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/array.lua @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +---@meta + +---@class luassert.array +local array = {} + + +---Assert that an array has holes in it +---@param length? integer The expected length of the array +---@return integer|nil holeIndex The index of the first found hole or `nil` if there was no hole. +function array.holes(length) end + +array.has = array + +array.no = array + +return array diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/match.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/match.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a61b7287 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/match.lua @@ -0,0 +1,416 @@ +---@meta + +---Matchers are used to provide flexible argument matching for `called_with` and +---`returned_with` asserts for spies. Just like with asserts, you can chain a +---modifier value using `is` or `is_not`, followed by the matcher you wish to use. +---@class luassert.match +match = {} + +---Match a value from a spy +match.is = {} + +---Match inverse values from a spy +match.is_not = {} + +--- Wildcard match, matches anything. +-- +---## Example +---``` +---it("tests wildcard matcher", function() +--- local s = spy.new(function() end) +--- local _ = match._ +--- +--- s("foo") +--- +--- assert.spy(s).was_called_with(_) -- matches any argument +--- assert.spy(s).was_not_called_with(_, _) -- does not match two arguments +---end) +---``` +match._ = {} + +--[[ Modifiers ]] + +--#region + +---If you're creating a spy for functions that mutate any properties on a table +---(like `self`) and you want to use `was_called_with`, you should use +---`match.is_ref(obj)`. +--- +---## Example +---```lua +---describe("combine matchers", function() +--- local match = require("luassert.match") +--- +--- it("tests ref matchers for passed in table", function() +--- local t = { count = 0, } +--- function t.incrby(t, i) t.count = t.count + i end +--- +--- local s = spy.on(t, "incrby") +--- +--- s(t, 2) +--- +--- assert.spy(s).was_called_with(match.is_ref(t), 2) +--- end) +--- +--- it("tests ref matchers for self", function() +--- local t = { count = 0, } +--- function t:incrby(i) self.count = self.count + i end +--- +--- local s = spy.on(t, "incrby") +--- +--- t:incrby(2) +--- +--- assert.spy(s).was_called_with(match.is_ref(t), 2) +--- end) +---end) +---``` +---@param obj any +function match.Ref(obj) end +match.ref = match.Ref +match.is.Ref = match.Ref +match.is.ref = match.Ref +match.is_ref = match.Ref + + +---Combine matchers, matching all provided matchers. +---@param ... table|function +---```lua +---describe("combine matchers", function() +--- local match = require("luassert.match") +--- +--- it("tests composite matchers", function() +--- local s = spy.new(function() end) +--- +--- s("foo") +--- +--- assert.spy(s).was_called_with(match.is_all_of( +--- match.is_not_nil(), +--- match.is_not_number() +--- )) +--- end) +---end) +---``` +function match.all_of(...) end +match.is_all_of = match.all_of +match.is.all_of = match.all_of + +---Combine matchers, matching at least one provided matcher. +---@param ... table|function +---```lua +---describe("combine matchers", function() +--- local match = require("luassert.match") +--- +--- it("tests composite matchers", function() +--- local s = spy.new(function() end) +--- +--- s("foo") +--- +--- assert.spy(s).was_called_with(match.is_any_of( +--- match.is_number(), +--- match.is_string(), +--- match.is_boolean() +--- )) +--- end) +---end) +---``` +function match.any_of(...) end +match.is_any_of = match.any_of +match.is.any_of = match.any_of + +---Combine matchers, matching none of the provided matchers. +---@param ... table|function +---```lua +---describe("combine matchers", function() +--- local match = require("luassert.match") +--- +--- it("tests composite matchers", function() +--- local s = spy.new(function() end) +--- +--- s("foo") +--- +--- assert.spy(s).was_called_with(match.is_none_of( +--- match.is_number(), +--- match.is_table(), +--- match.is_boolean() +--- )) +--- end) +---end) +---``` +function match.none_of(...) end +match.is_none_of = match.none_of +match.is.none_of = match.none_of + +--#endregion + + +--[[ Matchers ]] + +--#region + +---Check that the value is `true`. +---@return boolean isTrue +function match.True() end +match.is.True = match.True +match.is_true = match.True + +---Check that the value is `false`. +---@return boolean isFalse +function match.False() end +match.is.True = match.False +match.is_false = match.False + +---Check that the value is `nil`. +---@return boolean isNil +function match.Nil() end +match.is.Nil = match.Nil +match.is_nil = match.Nil + +---Check that the value is of type `boolean`. +---@return boolean isBoolean +function match.Boolean() end +match.boolean = match.Boolean +match.is.Boolean = match.Boolean +match.is.boolean = match.Boolean +match.is_boolean = match.Boolean + +---Check that the value is of type `number`. +---@return boolean isNumber +function match.Number() end +match.number = match.Number +match.is.Number = match.Number +match.is.number = match.Number +match.is_number = match.Number + +---Check that the value is of type `string`. +---@return boolean isString +function match.String() end +match.string = match.String +match.is.String = match.String +match.is.string = match.String +match.is_string = match.String + +---Check that the value is of type `table`. +---@return boolean isTable +function match.Table() end +match.table = match.Table +match.is.Table = match.Table +match.is.table = match.Table +match.is_table = match.Table + +---Check that the value is of type `function`. +---@return boolean isFunction +function match.Function() end +match.is.Function = match.Function +match.is_function = match.Function + +---Check that the value is of type `userdata`. +---@return boolean isUserdata +function match.Userdata() end +match.userdata = match.Userdata +match.is.Userdata = match.Userdata +match.is.userdata = match.Userdata +match.is_userdata = match.Userdata + +---Check that the value is of type `thread`. +---@return boolean isThread +function match.Thread() end +match.thread = match.Thread +match.is.thread = match.Thread +match.is.Thread = match.Thread +match.is_thread = match.Thread + +---Check that the value is truthy. +---@return boolean isTruthy +function match.truthy() end +match.Truthy = match.truthy +match.is.truthy = match.truthy +match.is.Truthy = match.truthy +match.is_truthy = match.truthy + +---Check that the value is falsy. +---@return boolean isFalsy +function match.falsy() end +match.Falsy = match.falsy +match.is.falsy = match.falsy +match.is.Falsy = match.falsy +match.is_falsy = match.falsy + +---Check that the two values are equal. +--- +---When comparing tables, a reference check will be used. +---@param value any The target value +---@return boolean isEqual +function match.Equals(value) end +match.equals = match.Equals +match.is.equals = match.Equals +match.is.equals = match.Equals +match.is_equals = match.Equals + +---Check that the two values are considered the "same". +--- +---When comparing tables, a deep compare will be performed. +---@param value any The target value +---@return boolean isSame +function match.Same(value) end +match.same = match.Same +match.is.same = match.Same +match.is.same = match.Same +match.is_same = match.Same + +---Match a table with unique values. Will pass if no values are duplicates. +---@param deep boolean If a deep check should be performed or just the first level +---@return boolean isUnique +function match.Unique(deep) end +match.unique = match.Unique +match.is.unique = match.Unique +match.is.unique = match.Unique +match.is_unique = match.Unique + +---Match a certain numerical value with a specified +/- tolerance. +---@param value number The target value +---@param tolerance number The amount that the true value can be off by (inclusive) +---@return boolean isNear +function match.Near(value, tolerance) end +match.near = match.Near +match.is.near = match.Near +match.is.near = match.Near +match.is_near = match.Near + +---Perform a `string.find()` match. +---@param pattern string String match pattern +---@param init integer Index of character to start searching for a match at +---@param plain boolean If the `pattern` should be treated as plain text instead of a pattern +---@return boolean matches +function match.Matches(pattern, init, plain) end +match.matches = match.Matches +match.is.matches = match.Matches +match.is.matches = match.Matches +match.is_matches = match.Matches +match.match = match.Matches +match.Match = match.matches +match.is.match = match.Matches +match.is.Matches = match.Matches +match.is_match = match.Matches + +--#endregion + + +--[[ Inverse Matchers ]] + +--#region + +---Check that the value is **NOT** `true`. +---@return boolean isTrue +function match.is_not.True() end +match.is_not_true = match.is_not.True + +---Check that the value is **NOT** `false`. +---@return boolean isFalse +function match.is_not.False() end +match.is_not_false = match.is_not.False + +---Check that the value is **NOT** `nil`. +---@return boolean isNil +function match.is_not.Nil() end +match.is_not_nil = match.is_not.Nil + +---Check that the value is **NOT** of type `boolean`. +---@return boolean isBoolean +function match.is_not.Boolean() end +match.is_not.boolean = match.is_not.Boolean +match.is_not_boolean = match.is_not.Boolean + +---Check that the value is **NOT** of type `number`. +---@return boolean isNumber +function match.is_not.Number() end +match.is_not.number = match.is_not.Number +match.is_not_number = match.is_not.Number + +---Check that the value is **NOT** of type `string`. +---@return boolean isString +function match.is_not.String() end +match.is_not.string = match.is_not.String +match.is_not_string = match.is_not.String + +---Check that the value is **NOT** of type `table`. +---@return boolean isTable +function match.is_not.Table() end +match.is_not.table = match.is_not.Table +match.is_not_table = match.is_not.Table + +---Check that the value is **NOT** of type `function`. +---@return boolean isFunction +function match.is_not.Function() end +match.is_not_function = match.is_not.Function + +---Check that the value is **NOT** of type `userdata`. +---@return boolean isUserdata +function match.is_not.Userdata() end +match.is_not.userdata = match.is_not.Userdata +match.is_not_userdata = match.is_not.Userdata + +---Check that the value is **NOT** of type `thread`. +---@return boolean isThread +function match.is_not.Thread() end +match.is_not.Thread = match.is_not.Thread +match.is_not_thread = match.is_not.Thread + +---Check that the value is **NOT** truthy. +---@return boolean isTruthy +function match.is_not.truthy() end +match.is_not.Truthy = match.is_not.truthy +match.is_not_truthy = match.is_not.truthy + +---Check that the value is **NOT** falsy. +---@return boolean isFalsy +function match.is_not.falsy() end +match.is_not.Falsy = match.is_not.falsy +match.is_not_falsy = match.is_not.falsy + +---Check that the two values are **NOT** equal. +--- +---When comparing tables, a reference check will be used. +---@param value any The target value +---@return boolean isEqual +function match.is_not.Equals(value) end +match.is_not.equals = match.is_not.Equals +match.is_not_equals = match.is_not.Equals + +---Check that the two values are **NOT** considered the "same". +--- +---When comparing tables, a deep compare will be performed. +---@param value any The target value +---@return boolean isSame +function match.is_not.Same(value) end +match.is_not.same = match.is_not.Same +match.is_not_same = match.is_not.Same + +---Match a table with **NOT** unique values. Will pass if at least one duplicate is found. +---@param deep boolean If a deep check should be performed or just the first level +---@return boolean isUnique +function match.is_not.Unique(deep) end +match.is_not.unique = match.is_not.Unique +match.is_not_unique = match.is_not.Unique + +---Match a certain numerical value outside a specified +/- tolerance. +---@param value number The target value +---@param tolerance number The amount that the true value must be off by (inclusive) +---@return boolean isNear +function match.is_not.Near(value, tolerance) end +match.is_not.near = match.is_not.Near +match.is_not_near = match.is_not.Near + +---Perform a `string.find()` match to find a value that does **NOT** match. +---@param pattern string String match pattern +---@param init integer Index of character to start searching for a match at +---@param plain boolean If the `pattern` should be treated as plain text instead of a pattern +---@return boolean matches +function match.is_not.Matches(pattern, init, plain) end +match.is_not.matches = match.is_not.Matches +match.is_not_matches = match.is_not.Matches +match.is_not.match = match.is_not.Matches +match.is_not_match = match.is_not.Matches + +--#endregion + +return match diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/mock.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/mock.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..856bce4ef --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/mock.lua @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +---@meta + +---@alias luassert.mockeds table + +---A mock wraps an entire table's functions in spies or mocks +---@class luassert.mock : luassert.spy.factory +local mock = {} +---@generic T +---Create a new mock from a table, wrapping all of it's functions in spies or mocks. +---@param object T The table to wrap +---@param doStubs? boolean If the table should be wrapped with stubs instead of spies +---@param func? function Callback function used for stubs +---@param self? table Table to replace with a spy +---@param key? string The key of the method to replace in `self` +---@return luassert.mockeds +function mock(object, doStubs, func, self, key) end + +---@generic T +---Create a new mock from a table, wrapping all of it's functions in spies or mocks. +---@param object T The table to wrap +---@param doStubs? boolean If the table should be wrapped with stubs instead of spies +---@param func? function Callback function used for stubs +---@param self? table Table to replace with a spy +---@param key? string The key of the method to replace in `self` +---@return luassert.mockeds +function mock.new(object, doStubs, func, self, key) end + +return mock diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/spy.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/spy.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4d1a79446 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/spy.lua @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +---@meta + +---Spies allow you to wrap a function in order to track how that function was +---called. +---@class luassert.spy.factory +---## Example +---``` +---describe("New Spy", function() +--- it("Registers a new function to spy on", function() +--- local s = spy.new(function() end) +--- +--- s(1, 2, 3) +--- s(4, 5, 6) +--- +--- assert.spy(s).was.called() +--- assert.spy(s).was.called(2) +--- assert.spy(s).was.called_with(1, 2, 3) +--- end) +---``` +---@overload fun(target:function):luassert.spy +local spy_factory = {} + +--#region + +---Register a new function to spy on. +---@param target function The function to spy on +---@return luassert.spy spy A spy object that can be used to perform assertions +--- +---## Example +---``` +---describe("New Spy", function() +--- it("Registers a new function to spy on", function() +--- local s = spy.new(function() end) +--- +--- s(1, 2, 3) +--- s(4, 5, 6) +--- +--- assert.spy(s).was.called() +--- assert.spy(s).was.called(2) +--- assert.spy(s).was.called_with(1, 2, 3) +--- end) +---``` +function spy_factory.new(target) end + +---Create a new spy that replaces a method in a table in place. +---@param table table The table that the method is a part of +---@param methodName string The method to spy on +---@return luassert.spy spy A spy object that can be used to perform assertions +--- +---## Example +---``` +---describe("Spy On", function() +--- it("Replaces a method in a table", function() +--- local t = { +--- greet = function(msg) print(msg) end +--- } +--- +--- local s = spy.on(t, "greet") +--- +--- t.greet("Hey!") -- prints 'Hey!' +--- assert.spy(t.greet).was_called_with("Hey!") +--- +--- t.greet:clear() -- clears the call history +--- assert.spy(s).was_not_called_with("Hey!") +--- +--- t.greet:revert() -- reverts the stub +--- t.greet("Hello!") -- prints 'Hello!', will not pass through the spy +--- assert.spy(s).was_not_called_with("Hello!") +--- end) +---end) +---``` +function spy_factory.on(table, methodName) end + +---Check that the provided object is a spy. +---@param object any The object to confirm is a spy +---@return boolean isSpy If the object is a spy or not +function spy_factory.is_spy(object) end + +--#endregion + +return spy_factory diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/spy/d.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/spy/d.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2789c93eb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/spy/d.lua @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +---@meta +--[[ Instance ]] + +--#region + +---An instance of a spy. +---@class luassert.spy +local spy = {} + +---Revert the spied on function to its state before being spied on. +--- +---Effectively removes spy from spied-on function. +function spy:revert() end + +---Clear the call history for this spy. +function spy:clear() end + +---Check how many times this spy has been called. +---@param times integer The expected number of calls +---@param compare? fun(callCount, expected): any A compare function, whose result will be returned as the first return value +---@return any result By default, `true` if the spy was called `times` times. Will be the result of `compare` if given +---@return integer calls Number of times called +function spy:called(times, compare) end + +---Check that the spy was called with the provided arguments. +---@param args any[] An array of arguments that are expected to have been passed to this spy +---@return boolean was If this spy was called with the provided arguments +---@return any[] arguments If `was == false`, this will be an array of the arguments *last* given to this spy. If `was == true`, this will be an array of the arguments given to the matching call of this spy. +function spy:called_with(args) end + +---Check that the spy returned the provided values +---@pasram ... any An array of values that are expected to have been returned by this spy +---@return boolean did If this spy did return the provided values. +---@return any[] returns If `did == false`, this will be an array of the values *last* returned by this spy. If `did == true`, this will be an array of the values returned by the matching call of this spy. +function spy:returned_with(...) end + +--#endregion + +--[[ Spy Assertion ]] + +--#region + +---The result of asserting a spy. +--- +---Includes functions for performing assertions on a spy. +---@class luassert.spy.assert +local spy_assert = {} + +---Assert that the function being spied on was called. +---@param times integer Assert the number of times the function was called +function spy_assert.called(times) end + +---Assert that the function being spied on was called with the provided +---parameters. +---@param ... any The parameters that the function is expected to have been called with +function spy_assert.called_with(...) end + +---Assert that the function being spied on was **NOT** called with the provided +---parameters. +---@param ... any The parameters that the function is expected to **NOT** have been called with +function spy_assert.not_called_with(...) end + +---Assert that the function being spied on was called at **least** a specified +---number of times. +---@param times integer The minimum number of times that the spied-on function should have been called +function spy_assert.called_at_least(times) end + +---Assert that the function being spied on was called at **most** a specified +---number of times. +---@param times integer The maximum number of times that the spied-on function should have been called +function spy_assert.called_at_most(times) end + +---Assert that the function being spied on was called **more** than the +---specified number of times. +---@param times integer The number of times that the spied-on function should have been called more than +function spy_assert.called_more_than(times) end + +---Assert that the function being spied on was called **less** than the +---specified number of times. +---@param times integer The number of times that the spied-on function should have been called less than +function spy_assert.called_less_than(times) end + +---Check that the spy returned the provided values +---@param ... any An array of values that are expected to have been returned by this spy +---@return boolean did If this spy did return the provided values. +---@return any[] returns If `did == false`, this will be an array of the values *last* returned by this spy. If `did == true`, this will be an array of the values returned by the matching call of this spy. +function spy_assert.returned_with(...) end + +spy_assert.was = { + called = spy_assert.called, + called_with = spy_assert.called_with, + not_called_with = spy_assert.not_called_with, + called_at_least = spy_assert.called_at_least, + called_at_most = spy_assert.called_at_most, + called_more_than = spy_assert.called_more_than, + called_less_than = spy_assert.called_less_than, + returned_with = spy_assert.returned_with, +} + +--#endregion diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/stub.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/stub.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6332d3ed2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luassert/library/luassert/stub.lua @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ +---@meta + +---Function similarly to spies, except that stubs do not call the function that they replace. +---@class luassert.stub +local stub = {} + +---Creates a new stub that replaces a method in a table in place. +---@param object table The object that the method is in +---@param key string The key of the method in the `object` to replace +---@param ... any A function that operates on the remaining passed in values and returns more values or just values to return +---@return luassert.spy stub A stub object that can be used to perform assertions +---@return any ... Values returned by a passed in function or just the values passed in +function stub(object, key, ...) end + +---Creates a new stub that replaces a method in a table in place. +---@param object table The object that the method is in +---@param key string The key of the method in the `object` to replace +---@param ... any A function that operates on the remaining passed in values and returns more values or just values to return +---@return luassert.spy stub A stub object that can be used to perform assertions +---@return any ... Values returned by a passed in function or just the values passed in +--- +---## Example +---``` +---describe("Stubs", function() +--- local t = { +--- lottery = function(...) +--- print("Your numbers: " .. table.concat({ ... }, ",")) +--- end, +--- } +--- +--- it("Tests stubs", function() +--- local myStub = stub.new(t, "lottery") +--- +--- t.lottery(1, 2, 3) -- does not print +--- t.lottery(4, 5, 6) -- does not print +--- +--- assert.stub(myStub).called_with(1, 2, 3) +--- assert.stub(myStub).called_with(4, 5, 6) +--- assert.stub(myStub).called(2) +--- assert.stub(myStub).called_less_than(3) +--- +--- myStub:revert() +--- +--- t.lottery(10, 11, 12) -- prints +--- end) +---end) +---``` +function stub.new(object, key, ...) end + +return stub diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/config.json b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/config.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..700803224 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/config.json @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +{ + "files" : [], + "words" : [ + "require.*'luv'.*", + "require.*\"luv\".*" + ], + "settings" : {} +} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/errors.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/errors.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..93184b87f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/errors.lua @@ -0,0 +1,261 @@ +---@meta + +---@alias uv.errno.E2BIG "E2BIG" # argument list too long. +---@alias uv.errno.EACCES "EACCES" # permission denied. +---@alias uv.errno.EADDRINUSE "EADDRINUSE" # address already in use. +---@alias uv.errno.EADDRNOTAVAIL "EADDRNOTAVAIL" # address not available. +---@alias uv.errno.EAFNOSUPPORT "EAFNOSUPPORT" # address family not supported. +---@alias uv.errno.EAGAIN "EAGAIN" # resource temporarily unavailable. +---@alias uv.errno.EAI_ADDRFAMILY "EAI_ADDRFAMILY" # address family not supported. +---@alias uv.errno.EAI_AGAIN "EAI_AGAIN" # temporary failure. +---@alias uv.errno.EAI_BADFLAGS "EAI_BADFLAGS" # bad ai_flags value. +---@alias uv.errno.EAI_BADHINTS "EAI_BADHINTS" # invalid value for hints. +---@alias uv.errno.EAI_CANCELED "EAI_CANCELED" # request canceled. +---@alias uv.errno.EAI_FAIL "EAI_FAIL" # permanent failure. +---@alias uv.errno.EAI_FAMILY "EAI_FAMILY" # ai_family not supported. +---@alias uv.errno.EAI_MEMORY "EAI_MEMORY" # out of memory. +---@alias uv.errno.EAI_NODATA "EAI_NODATA" # no address. +---@alias uv.errno.EAI_NONAME "EAI_NONAME" # unknown node or service. +---@alias uv.errno.EAI_OVERFLOW "EAI_OVERFLOW" # argument buffer overflow. +---@alias uv.errno.EAI_PROTOCOL "EAI_PROTOCOL" # resolved protocol is unknown. +---@alias uv.errno.EAI_SERVICE "EAI_SERVICE" # service not available for socket type. +---@alias uv.errno.EAI_SOCKTYPE "EAI_SOCKTYPE" # socket type not supported. +---@alias uv.errno.EALREADY "EALREADY" # connection already in progress. +---@alias uv.errno.EBADF "EBADF" # bad file descriptor. +---@alias uv.errno.EBUSY "EBUSY" # resource busy or locked. +---@alias uv.errno.ECANCELED "ECANCELED" # operation canceled. +---@alias uv.errno.ECHARSET "ECHARSET" # invalid Unicode character. +---@alias uv.errno.ECONNABORTED "ECONNABORTED" # software caused connection abort. +---@alias uv.errno.ECONNREFUSED "ECONNREFUSED" # connection refused. +---@alias uv.errno.ECONNRESET "ECONNRESET" # connection reset by peer. +---@alias uv.errno.EDESTADDRREQ "EDESTADDRREQ" # destination address required. +---@alias uv.errno.EEXIST "EEXIST" # file already exists. +---@alias uv.errno.EFAULT "EFAULT" # bad address in system call argument. +---@alias uv.errno.EFBIG "EFBIG" # file too large. +---@alias uv.errno.EFTYPE "EFTYPE" # inappropriate file type or format. +---@alias uv.errno.EHOSTUNREACH "EHOSTUNREACH" # host is unreachable. +---@alias uv.errno.EILSEQ "EILSEQ" # illegal byte sequence. +---@alias uv.errno.EINTR "EINTR" # interrupted system call. +---@alias uv.errno.EINVAL "EINVAL" # invalid argument. +---@alias uv.errno.EIO "EIO" # i/o error. +---@alias uv.errno.EISCONN "EISCONN" # socket is already connected. +---@alias uv.errno.EISDIR "EISDIR" # illegal operation on a directory. +---@alias uv.errno.ELOOP "ELOOP" # too many symbolic links encountered. +---@alias uv.errno.EMFILE "EMFILE" # too many open files. +---@alias uv.errno.EMLINK "EMLINK" # too many links. +---@alias uv.errno.EMSGSIZE "EMSGSIZE" # message too long. +---@alias uv.errno.ENAMETOOLONG "ENAMETOOLONG" # name too long. +---@alias uv.errno.ENETDOWN "ENETDOWN" # network is down. +---@alias uv.errno.ENETUNREACH "ENETUNREACH" # network is unreachable. +---@alias uv.errno.ENFILE "ENFILE" # file table overflow. +---@alias uv.errno.ENOBUFS "ENOBUFS" # no buffer space available. +---@alias uv.errno.ENODEV "ENODEV" # no such device. +---@alias uv.errno.ENOENT "ENOENT" # no such file or directory. +---@alias uv.errno.ENOMEM "ENOMEM" # not enough memory. +---@alias uv.errno.ENONET "ENONET" # machine is not on the network. +---@alias uv.errno.ENOPROTOOPT "ENOPROTOOPT" # protocol not available. +---@alias uv.errno.ENOSPC "ENOSPC" # no space left on device. +---@alias uv.errno.ENOSYS "ENOSYS" # function not implemented. +---@alias uv.errno.ENOTCONN "ENOTCONN" # socket is not connected. +---@alias uv.errno.ENOTDIR "ENOTDIR" # not a directory. +---@alias uv.errno.ENOTEMPTY "ENOTEMPTY" # directory not empty. +---@alias uv.errno.ENOTSOCK "ENOTSOCK" # socket operation on non-socket. +---@alias uv.errno.ENOTSUP "ENOTSUP" # operation not supported on socket. +---@alias uv.errno.ENOTTY "ENOTTY" # inappropriate ioctl for device. +---@alias uv.errno.ENXIO "ENXIO" # no such device or address. +---@alias uv.errno.EOF "EOF" # end of file. +---@alias uv.errno.EOVERFLOW "EOVERFLOW" # value too large for defined data type. +---@alias uv.errno.EPERM "EPERM" # operation not permitted. +---@alias uv.errno.EPIPE "EPIPE" # broken pipe. +---@alias uv.errno.EPROTO "EPROTO" # protocol error. +---@alias uv.errno.EPROTONOSUPPORT "EPROTONOSUPPORT" # protocol not supported. +---@alias uv.errno.EPROTOTYPE "EPROTOTYPE" # protocol wrong type for socket. +---@alias uv.errno.ERANGE "ERANGE" # result too large. +---@alias uv.errno.EROFS "EROFS" # read-only file system. +---@alias uv.errno.ESHUTDOWN "ESHUTDOWN" # cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown. +---@alias uv.errno.ESOCKTNOSUPPORT "ESOCKTNOSUPPORT" # socket type not supported. +---@alias uv.errno.ESPIPE "ESPIPE" # invalid seek. +---@alias uv.errno.ESRCH "ESRCH" # no such process. +---@alias uv.errno.ETIMEDOUT "ETIMEDOUT" # connection timed out. +---@alias uv.errno.ETXTBSY "ETXTBSY" # text file is busy. +---@alias uv.errno.EXDEV "EXDEV" # cross-device link not permitted. +---@alias uv.errno.UNKNOWN "UNKNOWN" # unknown error. + + +--- An error string with the format {name}: {message} +--- +--- * {name} is the error name provided internally by uv_err_name (e.g. "ENOENT") +--- * {message} is a human-readable message provided internally by uv_strerror +--- +---@alias uv.error.message string + + +--- An error name string +--- +---@alias uv.error.name +---| "E2BIG" # argument list too long +---| "EACCES" # permission denied +---| "EADDRINUSE" # address already in use +---| "EADDRNOTAVAIL" # address not available +---| "EAFNOSUPPORT" # address family not supported +---| "EAGAIN" # resource temporarily unavailable +---| "EAI_ADDRFAMILY" # address family not supported +---| "EAI_AGAIN" # temporary failure +---| "EAI_BADFLAGS" # bad ai_flags value +---| "EAI_BADHINTS" # invalid value for hints +---| "EAI_CANCELED" # request canceled +---| "EAI_FAIL" # permanent failure +---| "EAI_FAMILY" # ai_family not supported +---| "EAI_MEMORY" # out of memory +---| "EAI_NODATA" # no address +---| "EAI_NONAME" # unknown node or service +---| "EAI_OVERFLOW" # argument buffer overflow +---| "EAI_PROTOCOL" # resolved protocol is unknown +---| "EAI_SERVICE" # service not available for socket type +---| "EAI_SOCKTYPE" # socket type not supported +---| "EALREADY" # connection already in progress +---| "EBADF" # bad file descriptor +---| "EBUSY" # resource busy or locked +---| "ECANCELED" # operation canceled +---| "ECHARSET" # invalid Unicode character +---| "ECONNABORTED" # software caused connection abort +---| "ECONNREFUSED" # connection refused +---| "ECONNRESET" # connection reset by peer +---| "EDESTADDRREQ" # destination address required +---| "EEXIST" # file already exists +---| "EFAULT" # bad address in system call argument +---| "EFBIG" # file too large +---| "EFTYPE" # inappropriate file type or format +---| "EHOSTUNREACH" # host is unreachable +---| "EILSEQ" # illegal byte sequence +---| "EINTR" # interrupted system call +---| "EINVAL" # invalid argument +---| "EIO" # i/o error +---| "EISCONN" # socket is already connected +---| "EISDIR" # illegal operation on a directory +---| "ELOOP" # too many symbolic links encountered +---| "EMFILE" # too many open files +---| "EMLINK" # too many links +---| "EMSGSIZE" # message too long +---| "ENAMETOOLONG" # name too long +---| "ENETDOWN" # network is down +---| "ENETUNREACH" # network is unreachable +---| "ENFILE" # file table overflow +---| "ENOBUFS" # no buffer space available +---| "ENODEV" # no such device +---| "ENOENT" # no such file or directory +---| "ENOMEM" # not enough memory +---| "ENONET" # machine is not on the network +---| "ENOPROTOOPT" # protocol not available +---| "ENOSPC" # no space left on device +---| "ENOSYS" # function not implemented +---| "ENOTCONN" # socket is not connected +---| "ENOTDIR" # not a directory +---| "ENOTEMPTY" # directory not empty +---| "ENOTSOCK" # socket operation on non-socket +---| "ENOTSUP" # operation not supported on socket +---| "ENOTTY" # inappropriate ioctl for device +---| "ENXIO" # no such device or address +---| "EOF" # end of file +---| "EOVERFLOW" # value too large for defined data type +---| "EPERM" # operation not permitted +---| "EPIPE" # broken pipe +---| "EPROTO" # protocol error +---| "EPROTONOSUPPORT" # protocol not supported +---| "EPROTOTYPE" # protocol wrong type for socket +---| "ERANGE" # result too large +---| "EROFS" # read-only file system +---| "ESHUTDOWN" # cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown +---| "ESOCKTNOSUPPORT" # socket type not supported +---| "ESPIPE" # invalid seek +---| "ESRCH" # no such process +---| "ETIMEDOUT" # connection timed out +---| "ETXTBSY" # text file is busy +---| "EXDEV" # cross-device link not permitted +---| "UNKNOWN" # unknown error + + +--- A table value which exposes error constants as a map, where the key is the error name (without the UV_ prefix) and its value is a negative number. +--- +---@class uv.errno : table +--- +---@field E2BIG integer # argument list too long. +---@field EACCES integer # permission denied. +---@field EADDRINUSE integer # address already in use. +---@field EADDRNOTAVAIL integer # address not available. +---@field EAFNOSUPPORT integer # address family not supported. +---@field EAGAIN integer # resource temporarily unavailable. +---@field EAI_ADDRFAMILY integer # address family not supported. +---@field EAI_AGAIN integer # temporary failure. +---@field EAI_BADFLAGS integer # bad ai_flags value. +---@field EAI_BADHINTS integer # invalid value for hints. +---@field EAI_CANCELED integer # request canceled. +---@field EAI_FAIL integer # permanent failure. +---@field EAI_FAMILY integer # ai_family not supported. +---@field EAI_MEMORY integer # out of memory. +---@field EAI_NODATA integer # no address. +---@field EAI_NONAME integer # unknown node or service. +---@field EAI_OVERFLOW integer # argument buffer overflow. +---@field EAI_PROTOCOL integer # resolved protocol is unknown. +---@field EAI_SERVICE integer # service not available for socket type. +---@field EAI_SOCKTYPE integer # socket type not supported. +---@field EALREADY integer # connection already in progress. +---@field EBADF integer # bad file descriptor. +---@field EBUSY integer # resource busy or locked. +---@field ECANCELED integer # operation canceled. +---@field ECHARSET integer # invalid Unicode character. +---@field ECONNABORTED integer # software caused connection abort. +---@field ECONNREFUSED integer # connection refused. +---@field ECONNRESET integer # connection reset by peer. +---@field EDESTADDRREQ integer # destination address required. +---@field EEXIST integer # file already exists. +---@field EFAULT integer # bad address in system call argument. +---@field EFBIG integer # file too large. +---@field EFTYPE integer # inappropriate file type or format. +---@field EHOSTUNREACH integer # host is unreachable. +---@field EILSEQ integer # illegal byte sequence. +---@field EINTR integer # interrupted system call. +---@field EINVAL integer # invalid argument. +---@field EIO integer # i/o error. +---@field EISCONN integer # socket is already connected. +---@field EISDIR integer # illegal operation on a directory. +---@field ELOOP integer # too many symbolic links encountered. +---@field EMFILE integer # too many open files. +---@field EMLINK integer # too many links. +---@field EMSGSIZE integer # message too long. +---@field ENAMETOOLONG integer # name too long. +---@field ENETDOWN integer # network is down. +---@field ENETUNREACH integer # network is unreachable. +---@field ENFILE integer # file table overflow. +---@field ENOBUFS integer # no buffer space available. +---@field ENODEV integer # no such device. +---@field ENOENT integer # no such file or directory. +---@field ENOMEM integer # not enough memory. +---@field ENONET integer # machine is not on the network. +---@field ENOPROTOOPT integer # protocol not available. +---@field ENOSPC integer # no space left on device. +---@field ENOSYS integer # function not implemented. +---@field ENOTCONN integer # socket is not connected. +---@field ENOTDIR integer # not a directory. +---@field ENOTEMPTY integer # directory not empty. +---@field ENOTSOCK integer # socket operation on non-socket. +---@field ENOTSUP integer # operation not supported on socket. +---@field ENOTTY integer # inappropriate ioctl for device. +---@field ENXIO integer # no such device or address. +---@field EOF integer # end of file. +---@field EOVERFLOW integer # value too large for defined data type. +---@field EPERM integer # operation not permitted. +---@field EPIPE integer # broken pipe. +---@field EPROTO integer # protocol error. +---@field EPROTONOSUPPORT integer # protocol not supported. +---@field EPROTOTYPE integer # protocol wrong type for socket. +---@field ERANGE integer # result too large. +---@field EROFS integer # read-only file system. +---@field ESHUTDOWN integer # cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown. +---@field ESOCKTNOSUPPORT integer # socket type not supported. +---@field ESPIPE integer # invalid seek. +---@field ESRCH integer # no such process. +---@field ETIMEDOUT integer # connection timed out. +---@field ETXTBSY integer # text file is busy. +---@field EXDEV integer # cross-device link not permitted. +---@field UNKNOWN integer # unknown error. diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/luv_dir_t.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/luv_dir_t.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..344178026 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/luv_dir_t.lua @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +---@meta + +--- luv_dir_t +--- +---@class uv.luv_dir_t : userdata +local dir + +--- Closes a directory stream returned by a successful `uv.fs_opendir()` call. +--- +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(self:uv.luv_dir_t, callback:uv.fs_closedir.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function dir:closedir() end + +--- Iterates over the directory stream `luv_dir_t` returned by a successful +--- `uv.fs_opendir()` call. A table of data tables is returned where the number +--- of entries `n` is equal to or less than the `entries` parameter used in +--- the associated `uv.fs_opendir()` call. +--- +--- **Returns (sync version):** `table` or `fail` +--- - `[1, 2, 3, ..., n]` : `table` +--- - `name` : `string` +--- - `type` : `string` +--- +--- **Returns (async version):** `uv_fs_t userdata` +--- +---@return uv.fs_readdir.entry[]|nil entries +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(self:uv.luv_dir_t, callback:uv.fs_readdir.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function dir:readdir() end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/luv_thread_t.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/luv_thread_t.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3d199657f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/luv_thread_t.lua @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +---@meta + +--- luv_thread_t +--- +---@class uv.luv_thread_t : userdata +local thread + +--- Returns a boolean indicating whether two threads are the same. This function is +--- equivalent to the `__eq` metamethod. +--- +---@param other_thread uv.luv_thread_t +---@return boolean +function thread:equal(other_thread) end + +--- Waits for the `thread` to finish executing its entry function. +--- +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function thread:join() end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/luv_work_ctx_t.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/luv_work_ctx_t.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..790db9956 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/luv_work_ctx_t.lua @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +---@meta + +--- luv_work_ctx_t +--- +---@class uv.luv_work_ctx_t : userdata +local work_ctx + +--- Queues a work request which will run `work_callback` in a new Lua state in a +--- thread from the threadpool with any additional arguments from `...`. Values +--- returned from `work_callback` are passed to `after_work_callback`, which is +--- called in the main loop thread. +--- +---@param ... uv.threadargs +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function work_ctx:queue(...) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/types.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/types.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..57bce70c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/types.lua @@ -0,0 +1,526 @@ +---@meta + +---@class uv.getrusage.result.time_t +---@field sec integer +---@field usec integer + +---@class uv.getrusage.result +--- +---@field utime uv.getrusage.result.time_t # user CPU time used +---@field stime uv.getrusage.result.time_t # system CPU time used +---@field maxrss integer # maximum resident set size +---@field ixrss integer # integral shared memory size +---@field idrss integer # integral unshared data size +---@field isrss integer # integral unshared stack size +---@field minflt integer # page reclaims (soft page faults) +---@field majflt integer # page faults (hard page faults) +---@field nswap integer # swaps +---@field inblock integer # block input operations +---@field oublock integer # block output operations +---@field msgsnd integer # IPC messages sent +---@field msgrcv integer # IPC messages received +---@field nsignals integer # signals received +---@field nvcsw integer # voluntary context switches +---@field nivcsw integer # involuntary context switches + + +---@alias uv.spawn.options.stdio.fd integer + +---@alias uv.spawn.options.stdio.stream uv.uv_stream_t + + +--- The `options.stdio` entries can take many shapes. +--- +--- - If they are numbers, then the child process inherits that same zero-indexed fd from the parent process. +--- - If `uv_stream_t` handles are passed in, those are used as a read-write pipe or inherited stream depending if the stream has a valid fd. +--- - Including `nil` placeholders means to ignore that fd in the child process. +--- +---@alias uv.spawn.options.stdio +---| integer +---| uv.uv_stream_t +---| nil + + +---@class uv.spawn.options : table +--- +--- Command line arguments as a list of strings. The first string should be the path to the program. On Windows, this uses CreateProcess which concatenates the arguments into a string. This can cause some strange errors. (See `options.verbatim` below for Windows.) +---@field args string[] +--- +--- Set environment variables for the new process. +---@field env table +--- +--- Set the current working directory for the sub-process. +---@field cwd string +--- +--- Set the child process' user id. +---@field uid string +--- +--- Set the child process' group id. +---@field gid string +--- +--- If true, do not wrap any arguments in quotes, or perform any other escaping, when converting the argument list into a command line string. This option is only meaningful on Windows systems. On Unix it is silently ignored. +---@field verbatim boolean +--- +--- If true, spawn the child process in a detached state - this will make it a process group leader, and will effectively enable the child to keep running after the parent exits. Note that the child process will still keep the parent's event loop alive unless the parent process calls `uv.unref()` on the child's process handle. +---@field detached boolean +--- +--- If true, hide the subprocess console window that would normally be created. This option is only meaningful on Windows systems. On Unix it is silently ignored. +---@field hide boolean +--- +--- Set the file descriptors that will be made available to the child process. The convention is that the first entries are stdin, stdout, and stderr. (**Note**: On Windows, file descriptors after the third are available to the child process only if the child processes uses the MSVCRT runtime.) +---@field stdio { [1]: uv.spawn.options.stdio, [2]: uv.spawn.options.stdio, [3]: uv.spawn.options.stdio } + + +---@class uv.fs_stat.result.time +---@field sec integer +---@field nsec integer + +---@class uv.fs_stat.result +--- +---@field dev integer +---@field mode integer +---@field nlink integer +---@field uid integer +---@field gid integer +---@field rdev integer +---@field ino integer +---@field size integer +---@field blksize integer +---@field blocks integer +---@field flags integer +---@field gen integer +---@field atime uv.fs_stat.result.time +---@field mtime uv.fs_stat.result.time +---@field ctime uv.fs_stat.result.time +---@field birthtime uv.fs_stat.result.time +---@field type string + + +---@class uv.fs_statfs.result +--- +---@field type integer +---@field bsize integer +---@field blocks integer +---@field bfree integer +---@field bavail integer +---@field files integer +---@field ffree integer + + + +---@class uv.getaddrinfo.hints : table +---@field family string|integer|uv.socket.family +---@field socktype string|integer|uv.socket.type +---@field protocol string|integer|uv.socket.protocol +---@field addrconfig boolean +---@field v4mapped boolean +---@field all boolean +---@field numerichost boolean +---@field passive boolean +---@field numericserv boolean +---@field canonname boolean + + +--- uv.getnameinfo.address +--- +---@class uv.getnameinfo.address : table +---@field ip string +---@field port integer +---@field family string|integer + + +--- uv.new_thread.options +--- +---@class uv.new_thread.options : table +---@field stack_size integer + + +--- uv.pipe.read_flags +--- +---@class uv.pipe.read_flags : table +---@field nonblock boolean|false + + +--- uv.pipe.write_flags +--- +---@class uv.pipe.write_flags : table +---@field nonblock boolean|false + +---@alias uv.socketpair.fds { [1]: integer, [2]: integer } + +--- uv.socketpair.flags +--- +---@class uv.socketpair.flags : table +--- +--- Opens the specified socket handle for `OVERLAPPED` or `FIONBIO`/`O_NONBLOCK` I/O usage. This is recommended for handles that will be used by libuv, and not usually recommended otherwise. +---@field nonblock true|false + +---@alias uv.socket.protocol +---| string +---| "ip" +---| "icmp" +---| "tcp" +---| "udp" + +---@alias uv.socket.type +---| "stream" +---| "dgram" +---| "raw" +---| "rdm" +---| "seqpacket" + +--- When `protocol` is set to 0 or nil, it will be automatically chosen based on the socket's domain and type. +--- +--- When `protocol` is specified as a string, it will be looked up using the `getprotobyname(3)` function (examples: `"ip"`, `"icmp"`, `"tcp"`, `"udp"`, etc). +--- +---@alias uv.socketpair.protocol +---| 0 # automatically choose based on socket domain/type +---| nil # automatically choose based on socket domain/type +---| uv.socket.protocol + +---@alias uv.socketpair.socktype +---| uv.socket.type +---| integer +---| nil + +--- uv.tcp_bind.flags +--- +---@class uv.tcp_bind.flags : table +---@field ipv6only boolean + + +--- uv.udp_bind.flags +--- +--- +---@class uv.udp_bind.flags : table +---@field ipv6only boolean +---@field reuseaddr boolean + +--- TTY mode is a C enum with the following values: +--- +---@alias uv.tty.mode +---| 0 # UV_TTY_MODE_NORMAL: Initial/normal terminal mode +---| 1 # UV_TTY_MODE_RAW: Raw input mode (On Windows, ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT is also enabled) +---| 2 # UV_TTY_MODE_IO: Binary-safe I/O mode for IPC (Unix-only) + + +--- uv.run() modes: +--- +--- - `"default"`: Runs the event loop until there are no more active and +--- referenced handles or requests. Returns `true` if `uv.stop()` was called and +--- there are still active handles or requests. Returns `false` in all other +--- cases. +--- +--- - `"once"`: Poll for I/O once. Note that this function blocks if there are no +--- pending callbacks. Returns `false` when done (no active handles or requests +--- left), or `true` if more callbacks are expected (meaning you should run the +--- event loop again sometime in the future). +--- +--- - `"nowait"`: Poll for I/O once but don't block if there are no pending +--- callbacks. Returns `false` if done (no active handles or requests left), +--- or `true` if more callbacks are expected (meaning you should run the event +--- loop again sometime in the future). +--- +---@alias uv.run.mode +---| "default" # Runs the event loop until there are no more active and referenced handles or requests. +---| "once" # Poll for I/O once. +---| "nowait" # Poll for I/O once but don't block if there are no pending callbacks. + + +---@class uv.interface_addresses.addr +--- +---@field ip string +---@field family string +---@field netmask string +---@field internal boolean +---@field mac string + +---@class uv.new_udp.flags +--- +--- When specified, `mmsgs` determines the number of messages able to be received at one time via `recvmmsg(2)` (the allocated buffer will be sized to be able to fit the specified number of max size dgrams). Only has an effect on platforms that support `recvmmsg(2)`. +---@field mmsgs integer|nil # default `1` +--- +---@field family uv.new_udp.flags.family|nil + +---@alias uv.new_udp.flags.family uv.socket.family + +---@alias uv.socket.family +---| "unix" +---| "inet" +---| "inet6" +---| "ipx" +---| "netlink" +---| "x25" +---| "ax25" +---| "atmpvc" +---| "appletalk" +---| "packet" + + +---@class uv.os_get_passwd.info +---@field username string +---@field uid integer +---@field gid integer +---@field shell string +---@field homedir string + +---@class uv.os_uname.info +---@field sysname string +---@field release string +---@field version string +---@field machine string + +---@alias uv.pipe_chmod.flags +---| "r" +---| "rw" +---| "w" +---| "wr" + +--- `r` is `READABLE` +--- `w` is `WRITABLE` +--- `d` is `DISCONNECT` +--- `p` is `PRIORITIZED` +--- +---@alias uv.poll.eventspec +---| "r" +---| "rd" +---| "rw" +---| "rp" +---| "rdp" +---| "rwd" +---| "rwp" +---| "rwdp" +---| "d" +---| "dp" +---| "w" +---| "wd" +---| "wp" +---| "wdp" +---| "p" + + + +--- socket info +--- +---@class uv.socketinfo : table +---@field ip string +---@field family string|uv.socket.family +---@field port integer + + +--- uv.udp.sockname +--- +---@alias uv.udp.sockname uv.socketinfo + + +---@class uv.uv_fs_t : uv.uv_req_t +---@class uv.uv_write_t : uv.uv_req_t +---@class uv.uv_connect_t : uv.uv_req_t +---@class uv.uv_shutdown_t : uv.uv_req_t +---@class uv.uv_udp_send_t : uv.uv_req_t +---@class uv.uv_getaddrinfo_t : uv.uv_req_t +---@class uv.uv_getnameinfo_t : uv.uv_req_t +---@class uv.uv_work_t : uv.uv_req_t + +---@class uv.pipe.fds +---@field read integer +---@field write integer + +---@class uv.fs_copyfile.flags_t : table +---@field excl boolean +---@field ficlone boolean +---@field ficlone_force boolean + +---@alias uv.fs_copyfile.flags +---| uv.fs_copyfile.flags_t +---| integer + + +---@class uv.fs_event_start.flags : table +---@field watch_entry boolean|nil # default: false +---@field stat boolean|nil # default: false +---@field recursive boolean|nil # default: false + +---@class uv.fs_event_start.callback.events : table +---@field change boolean|nil +---@field rename boolean|nil + +--- Event loop +--- +--- The event loop is the central part of libuv's functionality. It takes care of +--- polling for I/O and scheduling callbacks to be run based on different sources of +--- events. +--- +--- In luv, there is an implicit uv loop for every Lua state that loads the library. +--- You can use this library in an multi-threaded environment as long as each thread +--- has it's own Lua state with its corresponding own uv loop. This loop is not +--- directly exposed to users in the Lua module. +--- +---@class uv.uv_loop_t : table + +---@alias uv.threadargs any + +--- Luv APIS that accept a "buffer" type will accept either a string or an array-like table of strings +---@alias uv.buffer string|string[] + +---@alias uv.fs_mkdtemp.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err, path?:string) +---@alias uv.fs_access.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err, permission?:boolean) +---@alias uv.fs_event_start.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err, filename:string, events:uv.fs_event_start.callback.events) +---@alias uv.fs_poll_start.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err, prev:uv.fs_stat.result|nil, curr:uv.fs_stat.result|nil) +---@alias uv.fs_fstat.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err, stat:uv.fs_stat.result|nil) +---@alias uv.fs_lstat.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err, stat:uv.fs_stat.result|nil) +---@alias uv.fs_mkstemp.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err, fd?:integer, path?:string) +---@alias uv.fs_opendir.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err, dir?:uv.luv_dir_t) +---@alias uv.fs_open.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err, fd?:integer) +---@alias uv.fs_read.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err, data?:string) +---@alias uv.fs_scandir.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err, success?:uv.uv_fs_t) +---@alias uv.fs_sendfile.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err, bytes?:integer) +---@alias uv.fs_stat.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err, stat: uv.fs_stat.result|nil) +---@alias uv.getaddrinfo.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err, addresses:uv.getaddrinfo.result[]|nil) +---@alias uv.getnameinfo.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err, host?:string, service?:string) +---@alias uv.fs_write.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err, bytes?:integer) +---@alias uv.new_async.callback fun(...:uv.threadargs) +---@alias uv.new_work.after_work_callback fun(...:uv.threadargs) +---@alias uv.new_work.work_callback fun(...:uv.threadargs) +---@alias uv.poll_start.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err, events?:string) +---@alias uv.random.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err, bytes?:string) +---@alias uv.read_start.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err, data?:string) +---@alias uv.signal_start.callback fun(signum:string) +---@alias uv.signal_start_oneshot.callback fun(signum:string) +---@alias uv.spawn.on_exit fun(code:integer, signal:integer) +---@alias uv.fs_readlink.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err, path?:string) +---@alias uv.fs_realpath.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err, path?:string) +---@alias uv.fs_readdir.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err, entries: uv.fs_readdir.entry[]|nil) + + +---@class uv.fs_readdir.entry : table +---@field name string +---@field type string + + +---@class uv.udp_recv_start.callback.addr : table +---@field ip string +---@field port integer +---@field family uv.socket.family|string + +---@class uv.udp_recv_start.callback.flags : table +---@field partial boolean|nil +---@field mmsg_chunk boolean|nil + +---@alias uv.udp_recv_start.callback fun(err:string|nil, data:string|nil, addr:uv.udp_recv_start.callback.addr|nil, flags:uv.udp_recv_start.callback.flags) + +---@alias uv.walk.callback fun(handle:uv.uv_handle_t) + +---@alias uv.fs_statfs.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err, stat: uv.fs_statfs.result|nil) + +---@alias uv.pipe_connect.callback uv.callback +---@alias uv.shutdown.callback uv.callback +---@alias uv.tcp_connect.callback uv.callback +---@alias uv.udp_send.callback uv.callback +---@alias uv.write.callback uv.callback +---@alias uv.write2.callback uv.callback +---@alias uv.listen.callback uv.callback + +---@alias uv.fs_closedir.callback uv.callback_with_success +---@alias uv.fs_copyfile.callback uv.callback_with_success +---@alias uv.fs_symlink.callback uv.callback_with_success +---@alias uv.fs_unlink.callback uv.callback_with_success +---@alias uv.fs_utime.callback uv.callback_with_success +---@alias uv.fs_chmod.callback uv.callback_with_success +---@alias uv.fs_chown.callback uv.callback_with_success +---@alias uv.fs_close.callback uv.callback_with_success +---@alias uv.fs_fchmod.callback uv.callback_with_success +---@alias uv.fs_fchown.callback uv.callback_with_success +---@alias uv.fs_fdatasync.callback uv.callback_with_success +---@alias uv.fs_fsync.callback uv.callback_with_success +---@alias uv.fs_ftruncate.callback uv.callback_with_success +---@alias uv.fs_futime.callback uv.callback_with_success +---@alias uv.fs_lchown.callback uv.callback_with_success +---@alias uv.fs_link.callback uv.callback_with_success +---@alias uv.fs_lutime.callback uv.callback_with_success +---@alias uv.fs_mkdir.callback uv.callback_with_success +---@alias uv.fs_rename.callback uv.callback_with_success +---@alias uv.fs_rmdir.callback uv.callback_with_success + +---@class uv.fs_symlink.flags : table +---@field dir boolean +---@field junction boolean + +---@class uv.getaddrinfo.result : table +--- +---@field addr string +---@field family uv.socket.family|string +---@field port integer|nil +---@field socktype string +---@field protocol string +---@field canonname string|nil + +---@alias uv.callback.err string|nil + +---@alias uv.callback.success boolean|nil + +---@alias uv.callback fun(err: uv.callback.err) + +---@alias uv.callback_with_success fun(err: uv.callback.err, success: uv.callback.success) + + +---@alias uv.fs_open.flags string +---| "r" +---| "rs" +---| "sr" +---| "r+" +---| "rs+" +---| "sr+" +---| "w" +---| "wx" +---| "xw" +---| "w+" +---| "wx+" +---| "xw+" +---| "a" +---| "ax" +---| "xa" +---| "a+" +---| "ax+" +---| "xa+" +---| integer + + +---@class uv.cpu_info.cpu : table +---@field model string +---@field speed number +---@field times uv.cpu_info.cpu.times + +---@class uv.cpu_info.cpu.times : table +---@field user number +---@field nice number +---@field sys number +---@field idle number +---@field irq number + + +--- The name of the struct for a given request (e.g. `"fs"` for `uv_fs_t`) +--- and the libuv enum integer for the request's type (`uv_req_type`). +--- +---@alias uv.req_type.name +---| "async" +---| "check" +---| "fs_event" +---| "fs_poll" +---| "handle" +---| "idle" +---| "pipe" +---| "poll" +---| "prepare" +---| "process" +---| "req" +---| "signal" +---| "stream" +---| "tcp" +---| "timer" +---| "tty" +---| "udp" + + +--- The libuv enum integer for the request's type (`uv_req_type`). +---@alias uv.req_type.enum integer diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bce0c22fb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv.lua @@ -0,0 +1,3075 @@ +---@meta + +--- The luv project provides access to the multi-platform support library +--- libuv in Lua code. It was primarily developed for the luvit project as +--- the built-in `uv` module, but can be used in other Lua environments. +--- +--- More information about the core libuv library can be found at the original +--- libuv documentation page. +--- +--- +--- Here is a small example showing a TCP echo server: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local uv = require("luv") -- "luv" when stand-alone, "uv" in luvi apps +--- +--- local server = uv.new_tcp() +--- server:bind("", 1337) +--- server:listen(128, function (err) +--- assert(not err, err) +--- local client = uv.new_tcp() +--- server:accept(client) +--- client:read_start(function (err, chunk) +--- assert(not err, err) +--- if chunk then +--- client:write(chunk) +--- else +--- client:shutdown() +--- client:close() +--- end +--- end) +--- end) +--- print("TCP server listening at port 1337") +--- uv.run() -- an explicit run call is necessary outside of luvit +--- ``` +--- +--- +--- The luv library contains a single Lua module referred to hereafter as `uv` for +--- simplicity. This module consists mostly of functions with names corresponding to +--- their original libuv versions. For example, the libuv function `uv_tcp_bind` has +--- a luv version at `uv.tcp_bind`. Currently, only one non-function field exists: +--- `uv.constants`, which is a table. +--- +--- +--- In addition to having simple functions, luv provides an optional method-style +--- API. For example, `uv.tcp_bind(server, host, port)` can alternatively be called +--- as `server:bind(host, port)`. Note that the first argument `server` becomes the +--- object and `tcp_` is removed from the function name. Method forms are +--- documented below where they exist. +--- +--- +--- Functions that accept a callback are asynchronous. These functions may +--- immediately return results to the caller to indicate their initial status, but +--- their final execution is deferred until at least the next libuv loop iteration. +--- After completion, their callbacks are executed with any results passed to it. +--- +--- Functions that do not accept a callback are synchronous. These functions +--- immediately return their results to the caller. +--- +--- Some (generally FS and DNS) functions can behave either synchronously or +--- asynchronously. If a callback is provided to these functions, they behave +--- asynchronously; if no callback is provided, they behave synchronously. +--- +--- +--- Some unique types are defined. These are not actual types in Lua, but they are +--- used here to facilitate documenting consistent behavior: +--- - `fail`: an assertable `nil, string, string` tuple (see Error handling) +--- - `callable`: a `function`; or a `table` or `userdata` with a `__call` +--- metamethod +--- - `buffer`: a `string` or a sequential `table` of `string`s +--- - `threadargs`: variable arguments (`...`) of type `nil`, `boolean`, `number`, +--- `string`, or `userdata` +--- +--- +--- This documentation is mostly a retelling of the libuv API documentation +--- within the context of luv's Lua API. Low-level implementation details and +--- unexposed C functions and types are not documented here except for when they +--- are relevant to behavior seen in the Lua module. +--- +--- [Error handling]: #error-handling +--- +--- In libuv, errors are negative numbered constants; however, these errors and the +--- functions used to handle them are not exposed to luv users. Instead, if an +--- internal error is encountered, the luv function will return to the caller an +--- assertable `nil, err, name` tuple. +--- +--- - `nil` idiomatically indicates failure +--- - `err` is a string with the format `{name}: {message}` +--- - `{name}` is the error name provided internally by `uv_err_name` +--- - `{message}` is a human-readable message provided internally by `uv_strerror` +--- - `name` is the same string used to construct `err` +--- +--- This tuple is referred to below as the `fail` pseudo-type. +--- +--- When a function is called successfully, it will return either a value that is +--- relevant to the operation of the function, or the integer `0` to indicate +--- success, or sometimes nothing at all. These cases are documented below. +--- +--- +--- [reference counting]: #reference-counting +--- +--- The libuv event loop (if run in the default mode) will run until there are no +--- active and referenced handles left. The user can force the loop to exit early by +--- unreferencing handles which are active, for example by calling `uv.unref()` +--- after calling `uv.timer_start()`. +--- +--- A handle can be referenced or unreferenced, the refcounting scheme doesn't use a +--- counter, so both operations are idempotent. +--- +--- All handles are referenced when active by default, see `uv.is_active()` for a +--- more detailed explanation on what being active involves. +--- +--- +--- [File system operations]: #file-system-operations +--- +--- Most file system functions can operate synchronously or asynchronously. When a synchronous version is called (by omitting a callback), the function will +--- immediately return the results of the FS call. When an asynchronous version is +--- called (by providing a callback), the function will immediately return a +--- `uv_fs_t userdata` and asynchronously execute its callback; if an error is encountered, the first and only argument passed to the callback will be the `err` error string; if the operation completes successfully, the first argument will be `nil` and the remaining arguments will be the results of the FS call. +--- +--- Synchronous and asynchronous versions of `readFile` (with naive error handling) +--- are implemented below as an example: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local function readFileSync(path) +--- local fd = assert(uv.fs_open(path, "r", 438)) +--- local stat = assert(uv.fs_fstat(fd)) +--- local data = assert(uv.fs_read(fd, stat.size, 0)) +--- assert(uv.fs_close(fd)) +--- return data +--- end +--- +--- local data = readFileSync("main.lua") +--- print("synchronous read", data) +--- ``` +--- +--- ```lua +--- local function readFile(path, callback) +--- uv.fs_open(path, "r", 438, function(err, fd) +--- assert(not err, err) +--- uv.fs_fstat(fd, function(err, stat) +--- assert(not err, err) +--- uv.fs_read(fd, stat.size, 0, function(err, data) +--- assert(not err, err) +--- uv.fs_close(fd, function(err) +--- assert(not err, err) +--- return callback(data) +--- end) +--- end) +--- end) +--- end) +--- end +--- +--- readFile("main.lua", function(data) +--- print("asynchronous read", data) +--- end) +--- ``` +--- +--- +--- [Thread pool work scheduling]: #thread-pool-work-scheduling +--- +--- Libuv provides a threadpool which can be used to run user code and get notified +--- in the loop thread. This threadpool is internally used to run all file system +--- operations, as well as `getaddrinfo` and `getnameinfo` requests. +--- +--- ```lua +--- local function work_callback(a, b) +--- return a + b +--- end +--- +--- local function after_work_callback(c) +--- print("The result is: " .. c) +--- end +--- +--- local work = uv.new_work(work_callback, after_work_callback) +--- +--- work:queue(1, 2) +--- +--- -- output: "The result is: 3" +--- ``` +--- +--- +--- [DNS utility functions]: #dns-utility-functions +--- +--- +--- [Threading and synchronization utilities]: #threading-and-synchronization-utilities +--- +--- Libuv provides cross-platform implementations for multiple threading an +--- synchronization primitives. The API largely follows the pthreads API. +--- +--- +--- [Miscellaneous utilities]: #miscellaneous-utilities +--- +--- +--- [Metrics operations]: #metrics-operations +--- +---@class uv +--- +---@field errno uv.errno +--- +local uv + + +--- This call is used in conjunction with `uv.listen()` to accept incoming +--- connections. Call this function after receiving a callback to accept the +--- connection. +--- +--- When the connection callback is called it is guaranteed that this function +--- will complete successfully the first time. If you attempt to use it more than +--- once, it may fail. It is suggested to only call this function once per +--- connection call. +--- +--- ```lua +--- server:listen(128, function (err) +--- local client = uv.new_tcp() +--- server:accept(client) +--- end) +--- ``` +--- +---@param stream uv.uv_stream_t +---@param client_stream uv.uv_stream_t +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.accept(stream, client_stream) end + + +--- Wakeup the event loop and call the async handle's callback. +--- +--- **Note**: It's safe to call this function from any thread. The callback will be +--- called on the loop thread. +--- +--- **Warning**: libuv will coalesce calls to `uv.async_send(async)`, that is, not +--- every call to it will yield an execution of the callback. For example: if +--- `uv.async_send()` is called 5 times in a row before the callback is called, the +--- callback will only be called once. If `uv.async_send()` is called again after +--- the callback was called, it will be called again. +--- +---@param async uv.uv_async_t +---@param ... uv.threadargs +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.async_send(async, ...) end + + + +--- Returns an estimate of the default amount of parallelism a program should use. Always returns a non-zero value. +--- +--- On Linux, inspects the calling thread’s CPU affinity mask to determine if it has been pinned to specific CPUs. +--- +--- On Windows, the available parallelism may be underreported on systems with more than 64 logical CPUs. +--- +--- On other platforms, reports the number of CPUs that the operating system considers to be online. +--- +---@return integer +function uv.available_parallelism() end + + + +--- Get backend file descriptor. Only kqueue, epoll, and event ports are supported. +--- +--- This can be used in conjunction with `uv.run("nowait")` to poll in one thread +--- and run the event loop's callbacks in another +--- +--- **Note**: Embedding a kqueue fd in another kqueue pollset doesn't work on all +--- platforms. It's not an error to add the fd but it never generates events. +--- +---@return integer|nil fd +function uv.backend_fd() end + + + +--- Get the poll timeout. The return value is in milliseconds, or -1 for no timeout. +--- +---@return integer +function uv.backend_timeout() end + + +--- Cancel a pending request. Fails if the request is executing or has finished +--- executing. Only cancellation of `uv_fs_t`, `uv_getaddrinfo_t`, +--- `uv_getnameinfo_t` and `uv_work_t` requests is currently supported. +--- +---@param req uv.uv_req_t +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.cancel(req) end + + + +--- Sets the current working directory with the string `cwd`. +--- +---@param cwd string +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.chdir(cwd) end + + +--- Start the handle with the given callback. +--- +---@param check uv.uv_check_t +---@param callback function +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.check_start(check, callback) end + + +--- Stop the handle, the callback will no longer be called. +--- +---@param check uv.uv_check_t +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.check_stop(check) end + + +--- Request handle to be closed. `callback` will be called asynchronously after this +--- call. This MUST be called on each handle before memory is released. +--- +--- Handles that wrap file descriptors are closed immediately but `callback` will +--- still be deferred to the next iteration of the event loop. It gives you a chance +--- to free up any resources associated with the handle. +--- +--- In-progress requests, like `uv_connect_t` or `uv_write_t`, are cancelled and +--- have their callbacks called asynchronously with `ECANCELED`. +--- +---@param handle uv.uv_handle_t +---@param callback? function +function uv.close(handle, callback) end + + + +--- Returns information about the CPU(s) on the system as a table of tables for each +--- CPU found. +--- +--- **Returns:** `table` or `fail` +--- - `[1, 2, 3, ..., n]` : `table` +--- - `model` : `string` +--- - `speed` : `number` +--- - `times` : `table` +--- - `user` : `number` +--- - `nice` : `number` +--- - `sys` : `number` +--- - `idle` : `number` +--- - `irq` : `number` +--- +---@return uv.cpu_info.cpu[]|nil info +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.cpu_info() end + + + +--- Returns the current working directory. +--- +---@return string|nil cwd +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.cwd() end + + + +--- Disables inheritance for file descriptors / handles that this process inherited +--- from its parent. The effect is that child processes spawned by this process +--- don't accidentally inherit these handles. +--- +--- It is recommended to call this function as early in your program as possible, +--- before the inherited file descriptors can be closed or duplicated. +--- +--- **Note:** This function works on a best-effort basis: there is no guarantee that +--- libuv can discover all file descriptors that were inherited. In general it does +--- a better job on Windows than it does on Unix. +function uv.disable_stdio_inheritance() end + + + +--- Returns the executable path. +--- +---@return string|nil exepath +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.exepath() end + + +--- Gets the platform dependent file descriptor equivalent. +--- +--- The following handles are supported: TCP, pipes, TTY, UDP and poll. Passing any +--- other handle type will fail with `EINVAL`. +--- +--- If a handle doesn't have an attached file descriptor yet or the handle itself +--- has been closed, this function will return `EBADF`. +--- +--- **Warning**: Be very careful when using this function. libuv assumes it's in +--- control of the file descriptor so any change to it may lead to malfunction. +--- +---@param handle uv.uv_handle_t +---@return integer|nil fileno +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.fileno(handle) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `access(2)` on Unix. Windows uses `GetFileAttributesW()`. Access +--- `mode` can be an integer or a string containing `"R"` or `"W"` or `"X"`. +--- Returns `true` or `false` indicating access permission. +--- +---@param path string +---@param mode integer|string +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(path:string, mode:integer|string, callback:uv.fs_access.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_access(path, mode) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `chmod(2)`. +--- +---@param path string +---@param mode integer +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(path:string, mode:integer, callback:uv.fs_chmod.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_chmod(path, mode) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `chown(2)`. +--- +---@param path string +---@param uid integer +---@param gid integer +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(path:string, uid:integer, gid:integer, callback:uv.fs_chown.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_chown(path, uid, gid) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `close(2)`. +--- +---@param fd integer +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(fd:integer, callback:uv.fs_close.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_close(fd) end + + +--- Closes a directory stream returned by a successful `uv.fs_opendir()` call. +--- +---@param dir uv.luv_dir_t +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(dir:uv.luv_dir_t, callback:uv.fs_closedir.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_closedir(dir) end + + + +--- Copies a file from path to new_path. If the `flags` parameter is omitted, then the 3rd parameter will be treated as the `callback`. +--- +--- **Returns (sync version):** `boolean` or `fail` +--- +--- **Returns (async version):** `uv_fs_t userdata` +--- +---@param path string +---@param new_path string +---@param flags? uv.fs_copyfile.flags +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(path:string, new_path:string, flags?:uv.fs_copyfile.flags, callback:uv.fs_copyfile.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +---@overload fun(path:string, new_path:string, callback:uv.fs_copyfile.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_copyfile(path, new_path, flags) end + + +--- Get the path being monitored by the handle. +--- +---@param fs_event uv.uv_fs_event_t +---@return string|nil path +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.fs_event_getpath(fs_event) end + + +--- Start the handle with the given callback, which will watch the specified path +--- for changes. +--- +---@param fs_event uv.uv_fs_event_t +---@param path string +---@param flags uv.fs_event_start.flags +---@param callback uv.fs_event_start.callback +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.fs_event_start(fs_event, path, flags, callback) end + + +--- Stop the handle, the callback will no longer be called. +--- +---@param fs_event uv.uv_fs_event_t +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.fs_event_stop(fs_event) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `fchmod(2)`. +--- +---@param fd integer +---@param mode integer +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(fd:integer, mode:integer, callback:uv.fs_fchmod.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_fchmod(fd, mode) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `fchown(2)`. +--- +---@param fd integer +---@param uid integer +---@param gid integer +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(fd:integer, uid:integer, gid:integer, callback:uv.fs_fchown.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_fchown(fd, uid, gid) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `fdatasync(2)`. +--- +---@param fd integer +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(fd:integer, callback:uv.fs_fdatasync.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_fdatasync(fd) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `fstat(2)`. +--- +--- **Returns (sync version):** `table` or `fail` (see `uv.fs_stat`) +--- +--- **Returns (async version):** `uv_fs_t userdata` +--- +---@param fd integer +---@return uv.fs_stat.result|nil stat +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(fd:integer, callback:uv.fs_fstat.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_fstat(fd) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `fsync(2)`. +--- +---@param fd integer +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(fd:integer, callback:uv.fs_fsync.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_fsync(fd) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `ftruncate(2)`. +--- +---@param fd integer +---@param offset integer +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(fd:integer, offset:integer, callback:uv.fs_ftruncate.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_ftruncate(fd, offset) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `futime(2)`. +--- +---@param fd integer +---@param atime number +---@param mtime number +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(fd:integer, atime:number, mtime:number, callback:uv.fs_futime.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_futime(fd, atime, mtime) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `lchown(2)`. +--- +---@param fd integer +---@param uid integer +---@param gid integer +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(fd:integer, uid:integer, gid:integer, callback:uv.fs_lchown.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_lchown(fd, uid, gid) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `link(2)`. +--- +--- **Returns (sync version):** `boolean` or `fail` +--- +--- **Returns (async version):** `uv_fs_t userdata` +--- +---@param path string +---@param new_path string +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(path:string, new_path:string, callback:uv.fs_link.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_link(path, new_path) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `lstat(2)`. +--- +--- **Returns (sync version):** `table` or `fail` (see `uv.fs_stat`) +--- +--- **Returns (async version):** `uv_fs_t userdata` +--- +---@param path integer +---@return uv.fs_stat.result|nil stat +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(path:integer, callback:uv.fs_lstat.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_lstat(path) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `lutime(2)`. +--- +---@param path string +---@param atime number +---@param mtime number +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(path:string, atime:number, mtime:number, callback:uv.fs_lutime.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_lutime(path, atime, mtime) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `mkdir(2)`. +--- +---@param path string +---@param mode integer +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(path:string, mode:integer, callback:uv.fs_mkdir.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_mkdir(path, mode) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `mkdtemp(3)`. +--- +---@param template string +---@return string|nil path +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(template:string, callback:uv.fs_mkdtemp.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_mkdtemp(template) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `mkstemp(3)`. Returns a temporary file handle and filename. +--- +---@param template string +---@return integer|nil fd +---@return string path_or_errmsg +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(template:string, callback:uv.fs_mkstemp.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_mkstemp(template) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `open(2)`. Access `flags` may be an integer or one of: `"r"`, +--- `"rs"`, `"sr"`, `"r+"`, `"rs+"`, `"sr+"`, `"w"`, `"wx"`, `"xw"`, `"w+"`, +--- `"wx+"`, `"xw+"`, `"a"`, `"ax"`, `"xa"`, `"a+"`, `"ax+"`, or "`xa+`". +--- +--- **Returns (sync version):** `integer` or `fail` +--- +--- **Returns (async version):** `uv_fs_t userdata` +--- +--- **Note:** On Windows, libuv uses `CreateFileW` and thus the file is always +--- opened in binary mode. Because of this, the `O_BINARY` and `O_TEXT` flags are +--- not supported. +--- +---@param path string +---@param flags uv.fs_open.flags +---@param mode integer +---@return integer|nil fd +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(path:string, flags:uv.fs_open.flags, mode:integer, callback:uv.fs_open.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_open(path, flags, mode) end + + + +--- Opens path as a directory stream. Returns a handle that the user can pass to +--- `uv.fs_readdir()`. The `entries` parameter defines the maximum number of entries +--- that should be returned by each call to `uv.fs_readdir()`. +--- +--- **Returns (sync version):** `luv_dir_t userdata` or `fail` +--- +--- **Returns (async version):** `uv_fs_t userdata` +--- +---@param path string +---@return uv.luv_dir_t|nil dir +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(path: string, callback: uv.fs_opendir.callback, entries?: integer):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_opendir(path) end + + +--- Get the path being monitored by the handle. +--- +---@param fs_poll uv.uv_fs_poll_t +---@return string|nil path +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.fs_poll_getpath(fs_poll) end + + +--- Check the file at `path` for changes every `interval` milliseconds. +--- +--- **Note:** For maximum portability, use multi-second intervals. Sub-second +--- intervals will not detect all changes on many file systems. +--- +---@param fs_poll uv.uv_fs_poll_t +---@param path string +---@param interval integer +---@param callback uv.fs_poll_start.callback +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.fs_poll_start(fs_poll, path, interval, callback) end + + +--- Stop the handle, the callback will no longer be called. +--- +---@param fs_poll uv.uv_fs_poll_t +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.fs_poll_stop(fs_poll) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `preadv(2)`. Returns any data. An empty string indicates EOF. +--- +--- If `offset` is nil or omitted, it will default to `-1`, which indicates 'use and update the current file offset.' +--- +--- **Note:** When `offset` is >= 0, the current file offset will not be updated by the read. +--- +---@param fd integer +---@param size integer +---@param offset? integer +---@return string|nil data +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(fd:integer, size:integer, offset?:integer, callback:uv.fs_read.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_read(fd, size, offset) end + + +--- Iterates over the directory stream `luv_dir_t` returned by a successful +--- `uv.fs_opendir()` call. A table of data tables is returned where the number +--- of entries `n` is equal to or less than the `entries` parameter used in +--- the associated `uv.fs_opendir()` call. +--- +---@param dir uv.luv_dir_t +---@return uv.fs_readdir.entry[]|nil entries +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(dir:uv.luv_dir_t, callback:uv.fs_readdir.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_readdir(dir) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `readlink(2)`. +--- +---@param path string +---@return string|nil path +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(path:string, callback:uv.fs_readlink.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_readlink(path) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `realpath(3)`. +--- +---@param path string +---@return string|nil realpath +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(path:string, callback:uv.fs_realpath.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_realpath(path) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `rename(2)`. +--- +---@param path string +---@param new_path string +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(path:string, new_path:string, callback:uv.fs_rename.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_rename(path, new_path) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `rmdir(2)`. +--- +---@param path string +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(path:string, callback:uv.fs_rmdir.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_rmdir(path) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `scandir(3)`, with a slightly different API. Returns a handle that +--- the user can pass to `uv.fs_scandir_next()`. +--- +--- **Note:** This function can be used synchronously or asynchronously. The request +--- userdata is always synchronously returned regardless of whether a callback is +--- provided and the same userdata is passed to the callback if it is provided. +--- +---@param path string +---@param callback? uv.fs_scandir.callback +---@return uv.uv_fs_t|nil fs +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.fs_scandir(path, callback) end + + + +--- Called on a `uv_fs_t` returned by `uv.fs_scandir()` to get the next directory +--- entry data as a `name, type` pair. When there are no more entries, `nil` is +--- returned. +--- +--- **Note:** This function only has a synchronous version. See `uv.fs_opendir` and +--- its related functions for an asynchronous version. +--- +---@param fs uv.uv_fs_t +---@return string|nil name +---@return string type_or_errmsg +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.fs_scandir_next(fs) end + + + +--- Limited equivalent to `sendfile(2)`. Returns the number of bytes written. +--- +---@param out_fd integer +---@param in_fd integer +---@param in_offset integer +---@param size integer +---@return integer|nil bytes +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(out_fd:integer, in_fd:integer, in_offset:integer, size:integer, callback:uv.fs_sendfile.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_sendfile(out_fd, in_fd, in_offset, size) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `stat(2)`. +--- +--- **Returns (sync version):** `table` or `fail` +--- - `dev` : `integer` +--- - `mode` : `integer` +--- - `nlink` : `integer` +--- - `uid` : `integer` +--- - `gid` : `integer` +--- - `rdev` : `integer` +--- - `ino` : `integer` +--- - `size` : `integer` +--- - `blksize` : `integer` +--- - `blocks` : `integer` +--- - `flags` : `integer` +--- - `gen` : `integer` +--- - `atime` : `table` +--- - `sec` : `integer` +--- - `nsec` : `integer` +--- - `mtime` : `table` +--- - `sec` : `integer` +--- - `nsec` : `integer` +--- - `ctime` : `table` +--- - `sec` : `integer` +--- - `nsec` : `integer` +--- - `birthtime` : `table` +--- - `sec` : `integer` +--- - `nsec` : `integer` +--- - `type` : `string` +--- +--- **Returns (async version):** `uv_fs_t userdata` +--- +---@param path string +---@return uv.fs_stat.result|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(path:string, callback:uv.fs_stat.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_stat(path) end + + +--- Equivalent to `statfs(2)`. +--- +--- **Returns** `table` or `nil` +--- - `type` : `integer` +--- - `bsize` : `integer` +--- - `blocks` : `integer` +--- - `bfree` : `integer` +--- - `bavail` : `integer` +--- - `files` : `integer` +--- - `ffree` : `integer` +--- +---@param path string +---@return uv.fs_statfs.result|nil stat +--- +---@overload fun(path: string, callback: uv.fs_statfs.callback) +function uv.fs_statfs(path) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `symlink(2)`. If the `flags` parameter is omitted, then the 3rd parameter will be treated as the `callback`. +--- +--- +---@param path string +---@param new_path string +---@param flags? uv.fs_symlink.flags|integer +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(path:string, new_path:string, flags?:uv.fs_symlink.flags|integer, callback:uv.fs_symlink.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +---@overload fun(path:string, new_path:string, callback:uv.fs_symlink.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_symlink(path, new_path, flags) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `unlink(2)`. +--- +---@param path string +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(path:string, callback:uv.fs_unlink.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_unlink(path) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `utime(2)`. +--- +---@param path string +---@param atime number +---@param mtime number +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(path:string, atime:number, mtime:number, callback:uv.fs_utime.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_utime(path, atime, mtime) end + + + +--- Equivalent to `pwritev(2)`. Returns the number of bytes written. +--- +--- If `offset` is nil or omitted, it will default to `-1`, which indicates 'use and update the current file offset.' +--- +--- **Note:** When `offset` is >= 0, the current file offset will not be updated by the write. +--- +---@param fd integer +---@param data uv.buffer +---@param offset? integer +---@return integer|nil bytes +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(fd:integer, data:uv.buffer, offset?:integer, callback:uv.fs_write.callback):uv.uv_fs_t +function uv.fs_write(fd, data, offset) end + + + +--- Gets the amount of memory available to the process in bytes based on limits +--- imposed by the OS. If there is no such constraint, or the constraint is unknown, +--- 0 is returned. Note that it is not unusual for this value to be less than or +--- greater than the total system memory. +--- +---@return number +function uv.get_constrained_memory() end + + + +--- Returns the current free system memory in bytes. +--- +---@return number +function uv.get_free_memory() end + + + +--- Returns the title of the current process. +--- +---@return string|nil title +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.get_process_title() end + + + +--- Returns the current total system memory in bytes. +--- +--- **Returns:** `number` +--- +---@return number +function uv.get_total_memory() end + + + +--- Equivalent to `getaddrinfo(3)`. Either `node` or `service` may be `nil` but not +--- both. +--- +--- Valid hint strings for the keys that take a string: +--- - `family`: `"unix"`, `"inet"`, `"inet6"`, `"ipx"`, +--- `"netlink"`, `"x25"`, `"ax25"`, `"atmpvc"`, `"appletalk"`, or `"packet"` +--- - `socktype`: `"stream"`, `"dgram"`, `"raw"`, +--- `"rdm"`, or `"seqpacket"` +--- - `protocol`: will be looked up using the `getprotobyname(3)` function (examples: `"ip"`, `"icmp"`, `"tcp"`, `"udp"`, etc) +--- +--- **Returns (sync version):** `table` or `fail` +--- - `[1, 2, 3, ..., n]` : `table` +--- - `addr` : `string` +--- - `family` : `string` +--- - `port` : `integer` or `nil` +--- - `socktype` : `string` +--- - `protocol` : `string` +--- - `canonname` : `string` or `nil` +--- +--- **Returns (async version):** `uv_getaddrinfo_t userdata` or `fail` +--- +---@param host string +---@param service string +---@param hints? uv.getaddrinfo.hints +---@return uv.getaddrinfo.result[]|nil info +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(host:string, service:string, hints?:uv.getaddrinfo.hints, callback:uv.getaddrinfo.callback):uv.uv_getaddrinfo_t userdata|nil, string?, string? +function uv.getaddrinfo(host, service, hints) end + + + +--- Returns the group ID of the process. +--- +--- **Note:** This is not a libuv function and is not supported on Windows. +--- +---@return integer +function uv.getgid() end + + + +--- Equivalent to `getnameinfo(3)`. +--- +--- When specified, `family` must be one of `"unix"`, `"inet"`, `"inet6"`, `"ipx"`, +--- `"netlink"`, `"x25"`, `"ax25"`, `"atmpvc"`, `"appletalk"`, or `"packet"`. +--- +--- **Returns (sync version):** `string, string` or `fail` +--- +--- **Returns (async version):** `uv_getnameinfo_t userdata` or `fail` +--- +---@param address uv.getnameinfo.address +---@return string|nil host +---@return string service_or_errmsg +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(address:uv.getnameinfo.address, callback:uv.getnameinfo.callback):uv.uv_getnameinfo_t|nil, string|nil, string|nil +function uv.getnameinfo(address) end + + + +--- **Deprecated:** Please use `uv.os_getpid()` instead. +--- +function uv.getpid() end + + + +--- Returns the resource usage. +--- +--- **Returns:** `table` or `fail` +--- - `utime` : `table` (user CPU time used) +--- - `sec` : `integer` +--- - `usec` : `integer` +--- - `stime` : `table` (system CPU time used) +--- - `sec` : `integer` +--- - `usec` : `integer` +--- - `maxrss` : `integer` (maximum resident set size) +--- - `ixrss` : `integer` (integral shared memory size) +--- - `idrss` : `integer` (integral unshared data size) +--- - `isrss` : `integer` (integral unshared stack size) +--- - `minflt` : `integer` (page reclaims (soft page faults)) +--- - `majflt` : `integer` (page faults (hard page faults)) +--- - `nswap` : `integer` (swaps) +--- - `inblock` : `integer` (block input operations) +--- - `oublock` : `integer` (block output operations) +--- - `msgsnd` : `integer` (IPC messages sent) +--- - `msgrcv` : `integer` (IPC messages received) +--- - `nsignals` : `integer` (signals received) +--- - `nvcsw` : `integer` (voluntary context switches) +--- - `nivcsw` : `integer` (involuntary context switches) +--- +---@return uv.getrusage.result|nil usage +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.getrusage() end + + + +--- Cross-platform implementation of `gettimeofday(2)`. Returns the seconds and +--- microseconds of a unix time as a pair. +--- +---@return integer|nil seconds +---@return integer|string usecs_or_errmsg +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.gettimeofday() end + + + +--- Returns the user ID of the process. +--- +--- **Note:** This is not a libuv function and is not supported on Windows. +--- +---@return integer +function uv.getuid() end + + + +--- Used to detect what type of stream should be used with a given file +--- descriptor `fd`. Usually this will be used during initialization to guess the +--- type of the stdio streams. +--- +---@param fd integer +---@return string +function uv.guess_handle(fd) end + + +--- Returns the name of the struct for a given handle (e.g. `"pipe"` for `uv_pipe_t`) +--- and the libuv enum integer for the handle's type (`uv_handle_type`). +--- +---@param handle uv.uv_handle_t +---@return string type +---@return integer enum +function uv.handle_get_type(handle) end + + +--- Returns `true` if the handle referenced, `false` if not. +--- +--- See [Reference counting][]. +--- +---@param handle uv.uv_handle_t +---@return boolean|nil has_ref +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.has_ref(handle) end + + + +--- Returns a current high-resolution time in nanoseconds as a number. This is +--- relative to an arbitrary time in the past. It is not related to the time of day +--- and therefore not subject to clock drift. The primary use is for measuring +--- time between intervals. +--- +--- **Returns:** `number` +--- +---@return number +function uv.hrtime() end + + +--- Start the handle with the given callback. +--- +---@param idle uv.uv_idle_t +---@param callback function +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.idle_start(idle, callback) end + + +--- Stop the handle, the callback will no longer be called. +--- +---@param idle uv.uv_idle_t +---@param check any +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.idle_stop(idle, check) end + + + +--- Retrieves a network interface identifier suitable for use in an IPv6 scoped +--- address. On Windows, returns the numeric `ifindex` as a string. On all other +--- platforms, `uv.if_indextoname()` is used. +--- +---@param ifindex integer +---@return string|nil id +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.if_indextoiid(ifindex) end + + + +--- IPv6-capable implementation of `if_indextoname(3)`. +--- +---@param ifindex integer +---@return string|nil name +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.if_indextoname(ifindex) end + + +--- Returns address information about the network interfaces on the system in a +--- table. Each table key is the name of the interface while each associated value +--- is an array of address information where fields are `ip`, `family`, `netmask`, +--- `internal`, and `mac`. +--- +---@return table +function uv.interface_addresses() end + + +--- Returns `true` if the handle is active, `false` if it's inactive. What "active” +--- means depends on the type of handle: +--- +--- - A [`uv_async_t`][] handle is always active and cannot be deactivated, except +--- by closing it with `uv.close()`. +--- +--- - A [`uv_pipe_t`][], [`uv_tcp_t`][], [`uv_udp_t`][], etc. handle - basically +--- any handle that deals with I/O - is active when it is doing something that +--- involves I/O, like reading, writing, connecting, accepting new connections, +--- etc. +--- +--- - A [`uv_check_t`][], [`uv_idle_t`][], [`uv_timer_t`][], etc. handle is active +--- when it has been started with a call to `uv.check_start()`, `uv.idle_start()`, +--- `uv.timer_start()` etc. until it has been stopped with a call to its +--- respective stop function. +--- +---@param handle uv.uv_handle_t +---@return boolean|nil active +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.is_active(handle) end + + +--- Returns `true` if the handle is closing or closed, `false` otherwise. +--- +--- **Note**: This function should only be used between the initialization of the +--- handle and the arrival of the close callback. +--- +---@param handle uv.uv_handle_t +---@return boolean|nil closing +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.is_closing(handle) end + + +--- Returns `true` if the stream is readable, `false` otherwise. +--- +---@param stream uv.uv_stream_t +---@return boolean +function uv.is_readable(stream) end + + +--- Returns `true` if the stream is writable, `false` otherwise. +--- +---@param stream uv.uv_stream_t +---@return boolean +function uv.is_writable(stream) end + + +--- Sends the specified signal to the given PID. Check the documentation on +--- `uv_signal_t` for signal support, specially on Windows. +--- +---@param pid integer +---@param signum integer|string +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.kill(pid, signum) end + + +--- Start listening for incoming connections. `backlog` indicates the number of +--- connections the kernel might queue, same as `listen(2)`. When a new incoming +--- connection is received the callback is called. +--- +--- **Returns:** `0` or `fail` +--- +---@param stream uv.uv_stream_t +---@param backlog integer +---@param callback uv.listen.callback +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.listen(stream, backlog, callback) end + + +--- Returns the load average as a triad. Not supported on Windows. +--- +---@return number +---@return number +---@return number +function uv.loadavg() end + + + +--- Returns `true` if there are referenced active handles, active requests, or +--- closing handles in the loop; otherwise, `false`. +--- +---@return boolean|nil alive +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.loop_alive() end + + + +--- Closes all internal loop resources. In normal execution, the loop will +--- automatically be closed when it is garbage collected by Lua, so it is not +--- necessary to explicitly call `loop_close()`. Call this function only after the +--- loop has finished executing and all open handles and requests have been closed, +--- or it will return `EBUSY`. +--- +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.loop_close() end + + + +--- Set additional loop options. You should normally call this before the first call +--- to uv_run() unless mentioned otherwise. +--- +--- Supported options: +--- +--- - `"block_signal"`: Block a signal when polling for new events. The second argument +--- to loop_configure() is the signal name (as a lowercase string) or the signal number. +--- This operation is currently only implemented for `"sigprof"` signals, to suppress +--- unnecessary wakeups when using a sampling profiler. Requesting other signals will +--- fail with `EINVAL`. +--- - `"metrics_idle_time"`: Accumulate the amount of idle time the event loop spends +--- in the event provider. This option is necessary to use `metrics_idle_time()`. +--- +--- An example of a valid call to this function is: +--- +--- ```lua +--- uv.loop_configure("block_signal", "sigprof") +--- ``` +--- +--- **Note:** Be prepared to handle the `ENOSYS` error; it means the loop option is +--- not supported by the platform. +--- +---@param option "block_signal" +---@param value "sigprof" +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(option: "metrics_idle_time"):(success:0|nil, err:uv.error.message|nil, err_name:uv.error.name|nil) +function uv.loop_configure(option, value) end + + +--- If the loop is running, returns a string indicating the mode in use. If the loop +--- is not running, `nil` is returned instead. +--- +---@return string|nil +function uv.loop_mode() end + + +--- Retrieve the amount of time the event loop has been idle in the kernel’s event +--- provider (e.g. `epoll_wait`). The call is thread safe. +--- +--- The return value is the accumulated time spent idle in the kernel’s event +--- provider starting from when the [`uv_loop_t`][] was configured to collect the idle time. +--- +--- **Note:** The event loop will not begin accumulating the event provider’s idle +--- time until calling `loop_configure` with `"metrics_idle_time"`. +--- +--- **Returns:** `number` +--- +--- --- +--- +--- [luv]: https://github.com/luvit/luv +--- [luvit]: https://github.com/luvit/luvit +--- [libuv]: https://github.com/libuv/libuv +--- [libuv documentation page]: http://docs.libuv.org/ +--- [libuv API documentation]: http://docs.libuv.org/en/v1.x/api.html +--- +---@return number +function uv.metrics_idle_time() end + + +--- Creates and initializes a new `uv_async_t`. Returns the Lua userdata wrapping +--- it. A `nil` callback is allowed. +--- +--- **Note**: Unlike other handle initialization functions, this immediately starts +--- the handle. +--- +---@param callback? uv.new_async.callback +---@return uv.uv_async_t|nil async +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.new_async(callback) end + + +--- Creates and initializes a new `uv_check_t`. Returns the Lua userdata wrapping +--- it. +--- +---@return uv.uv_check_t|nil check +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.new_check() end + + +--- Creates and initializes a new `uv_fs_event_t`. Returns the Lua userdata wrapping +--- it. +--- +---@return uv.uv_fs_event_t|nil fs_event +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.new_fs_event() end + + +--- Creates and initializes a new `uv_fs_poll_t`. Returns the Lua userdata wrapping +--- it. +--- +---@return uv.uv_fs_poll_t|nil fs_poll +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.new_fs_poll() end + + +--- Creates and initializes a new `uv_idle_t`. Returns the Lua userdata wrapping +--- it. +--- +---@return uv.uv_idle_t|nil idle +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.new_idle() end + + +--- Creates and initializes a new `uv_pipe_t`. Returns the Lua userdata wrapping +--- it. The `ipc` argument is a boolean to indicate if this pipe will be used for +--- handle passing between processes. +--- +---@param ipc? boolean|false +---@return uv.uv_pipe_t|nil pipe +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.new_pipe(ipc) end + + +--- Initialize the handle using a file descriptor. +--- +--- The file descriptor is set to non-blocking mode. +--- +---@param fd integer +---@return uv.uv_poll_t|nil poll +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.new_poll(fd) end + + +--- Creates and initializes a new `uv_prepare_t`. Returns the Lua userdata wrapping +--- it. +--- +---@return uv.uv_prepare_t|nil prepare +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.new_prepare() end + + +--- Creates and initializes a new `uv_signal_t`. Returns the Lua userdata wrapping +--- it. +--- +---@return uv.uv_signal_t|nil signal +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.new_signal() end + + +--- Initialize the handle using a socket descriptor. On Unix this is identical to +--- `uv.new_poll()`. On windows it takes a SOCKET handle. +--- +--- The socket is set to non-blocking mode. +--- +---@param fd integer +---@return uv.uv_poll_t|nil poll +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.new_socket_poll(fd) end + + +--- Creates and initializes a new `uv_tcp_t`. Returns the Lua userdata wrapping it. +--- Flags may be a family string: `"unix"`, `"inet"`, `"inet6"`, `"ipx"`, +--- `"netlink"`, `"x25"`, `"ax25"`, `"atmpvc"`, `"appletalk"`, or `"packet"`. +--- +---@param flags? uv.socket.family +---@return uv.uv_tcp_t|nil tcp +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.new_tcp(flags) end + + + +--- Creates and initializes a `luv_thread_t` (not `uv_thread_t`). Returns the Lua +--- userdata wrapping it and asynchronously executes `entry`, which can be either +--- a Lua function or a Lua function dumped to a string. Additional arguments `...` +--- are passed to the `entry` function and an optional `options` table may be +--- provided. Currently accepted `option` fields are `stack_size`. +--- +---@param options? uv.new_thread.options +---@param entry function +---@param ... uv.threadargs +---@return uv.luv_thread_t|nil thread +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.new_thread(options, entry, ...) end + + + +--- Creates and initializes a new `uv_timer_t`. Returns the Lua userdata wrapping +--- it. +--- +--- ```lua +--- -- Creating a simple setTimeout wrapper +--- local function setTimeout(timeout, callback) +--- local timer = uv.new_timer() +--- timer:start(timeout, 0, function () +--- timer:stop() +--- timer:close() +--- callback() +--- end) +--- return timer +--- end +--- +--- -- Creating a simple setInterval wrapper +--- local function setInterval(interval, callback) +--- local timer = uv.new_timer() +--- timer:start(interval, interval, function () +--- callback() +--- end) +--- return timer +--- end +--- +--- -- And clearInterval +--- local function clearInterval(timer) +--- timer:stop() +--- timer:close() +--- end +--- ``` +--- +---@return uv.uv_timer_t|nil timer +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.new_timer() end + + + +--- Initialize a new TTY stream with the given file descriptor. Usually the file +--- descriptor will be: +--- +--- - 0 - stdin +--- - 1 - stdout +--- - 2 - stderr +--- +--- On Unix this function will determine the path of the fd of the terminal using +--- ttyname_r(3), open it, and use it if the passed file descriptor refers to a TTY. +--- This lets libuv put the tty in non-blocking mode without affecting other +--- processes that share the tty. +--- +--- This function is not thread safe on systems that don’t support ioctl TIOCGPTN or TIOCPTYGNAME, for instance OpenBSD and Solaris. +--- +--- **Note:** If reopening the TTY fails, libuv falls back to blocking writes. +--- +---@param fd integer +---@param readable boolean +---@return uv.uv_tty_t|nil tty +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.new_tty(fd, readable) end + + + +--- Creates and initializes a new `uv_udp_t`. Returns the Lua userdata wrapping +--- it. The actual socket is created lazily. +--- +--- When specified, `family` must be one of `"unix"`, `"inet"`, `"inet6"`, +--- `"ipx"`, `"netlink"`, `"x25"`, `"ax25"`, `"atmpvc"`, `"appletalk"`, or +--- `"packet"`. +--- +--- When specified, `mmsgs` determines the number of messages able to be received +--- at one time via `recvmmsg(2)` (the allocated buffer will be sized to be able +--- to fit the specified number of max size dgrams). Only has an effect on +--- platforms that support `recvmmsg(2)`. +--- +--- **Note:** For backwards compatibility reasons, `flags` can also be a string or +--- integer. When it is a string, it will be treated like the `family` key above. +--- When it is an integer, it will be used directly as the `flags` parameter when +--- calling `uv_udp_init_ex`. +--- +--- **Returns:** `uv_udp_t userdata` or `fail` +--- +---@param flags? uv.new_udp.flags|uv.new_udp.flags.family|integer +---@return uv.uv_udp_t|nil udp +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.new_udp(flags) end + + + +--- Creates and initializes a new `luv_work_ctx_t` (not `uv_work_t`). Returns the +--- Lua userdata wrapping it. +--- +--- **Parameters:** +--- - `work_callback`: `function` +--- - `...`: `threadargs` passed to/from `uv.queue_work(work_ctx, ...)` +--- - `after_work_callback`: `function` +--- - `...`: `threadargs` returned from `work_callback` +--- +---@param work_callback uv.new_work.work_callback +---@param after_work_callback uv.new_work.after_work_callback +---@return uv.luv_work_ctx_t +function uv.new_work(work_callback, after_work_callback) end + + + +--- Returns the current timestamp in milliseconds. The timestamp is cached at the +--- start of the event loop tick, see `uv.update_time()` for details and rationale. +--- +--- The timestamp increases monotonically from some arbitrary point in time. Don't +--- make assumptions about the starting point, you will only get disappointed. +--- +--- **Note**: Use `uv.hrtime()` if you need sub-millisecond granularity. +--- +---@return integer +function uv.now() end + + + +--- Returns all environmental variables as a dynamic table of names associated with +--- their corresponding values. +--- +--- **Warning:** This function is not thread safe. +--- +---@return table +function uv.os_environ() end + + + +--- Returns password file information. +--- +---@return uv.os_get_passwd.info +function uv.os_get_passwd() end + + + +--- Returns the environment variable specified by `name` as string. The internal +--- buffer size can be set by defining `size`. If omitted, `LUAL_BUFFERSIZE` is +--- used. If the environment variable exceeds the storage available in the internal +--- buffer, `ENOBUFS` is returned. If no matching environment variable exists, +--- `ENOENT` is returned. +--- +--- **Warning:** This function is not thread safe. +--- +---@param name string +---@param size? integer # (default = `LUAL_BUFFERSIZE`) +---@return string|nil value +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.os_getenv(name, size) end + + + +--- Returns the hostname. +--- +---@return string +function uv.os_gethostname() end + + + +--- Returns the current process ID. +--- +---@return number +function uv.os_getpid() end + + + +--- Returns the parent process ID. +--- +---@return number +function uv.os_getppid() end + + + +--- Returns the scheduling priority of the process specified by `pid`. +--- +---@param pid integer +---@return number|nil priority +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.os_getpriority(pid) end + + + +--- **Warning:** This function is not thread safe. +--- +---@return string|nil homedir +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.os_homedir() end + + +--- Sets the environmental variable specified by `name` with the string `value`. +--- +--- **Warning:** This function is not thread safe. +--- +---@param name string +---@param value string +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.os_setenv(name, value) end + + +--- Sets the scheduling priority of the process specified by `pid`. The `priority` +--- range is between -20 (high priority) and 19 (low priority). +--- +---@param pid integer +---@param priority integer +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.os_setpriority(pid, priority) end + + +--- **Warning:** This function is not thread safe. +--- +---@return string|nil tmpdir +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.os_tmpdir() end + + + +--- Returns system information. +--- +---@return uv.os_uname.info +function uv.os_uname() end + + + +--- **Warning:** This function is not thread safe. +--- +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.os_unsetenv() end + + + +--- Create a pair of connected pipe handles. Data may be written to the `write` fd and read from the `read` fd. The resulting handles can be passed to `pipe_open`, used with `spawn`, or for any other purpose. +--- +--- Flags: +--- - `nonblock`: Opens the specified socket handle for `OVERLAPPED` or `FIONBIO`/`O_NONBLOCK` I/O usage. This is recommended for handles that will be used by libuv, and not usually recommended otherwise. +--- +--- Equivalent to `pipe(2)` with the `O_CLOEXEC` flag set. +--- +--- **Returns:** `table` or `fail` +--- - `read` : `integer` (file descriptor) +--- - `write` : `integer` (file descriptor) +--- +--- ```lua +--- -- Simple read/write with pipe_open +--- local fds = uv.pipe({nonblock=true}, {nonblock=true}) +--- +--- local read_pipe = uv.new_pipe() +--- read_pipe:open(fds.read) +--- +--- local write_pipe = uv.new_pipe() +--- write_pipe:open(fds.write) +--- +--- write_pipe:write("hello") +--- read_pipe:read_start(function(err, chunk) +--- assert(not err, err) +--- print(chunk) +--- end) +--- ``` +--- +---@param read_flags uv.pipe.read_flags +---@param write_flags uv.pipe.write_flags +---@return uv.pipe.fds|nil fds +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.pipe(read_flags, write_flags) end + + +--- Bind the pipe to a file path (Unix) or a name (Windows). +--- +--- **Note**: Paths on Unix get truncated to sizeof(sockaddr_un.sun_path) bytes, +--- typically between 92 and 108 bytes. +--- +---@param pipe uv.uv_pipe_t +---@param name string +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.pipe_bind(pipe, name) end + + +--- Alters pipe permissions, allowing it to be accessed from processes run by different users. +--- Makes the pipe writable or readable by all users. `flags` are: `"r"`, `"w"`, `"rw"`, or `"wr"` +--- where `r` is `READABLE` and `w` is `WRITABLE`. This function is blocking. +--- +---@param pipe uv.uv_pipe_t +---@param flags uv.pipe_chmod.flags +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.pipe_chmod(pipe, flags) end + + +--- Connect to the Unix domain socket or the named pipe. +--- +--- **Note**: Paths on Unix get truncated to sizeof(sockaddr_un.sun_path) bytes, +--- typically between 92 and 108 bytes. +--- +---@param pipe uv.uv_pipe_t +---@param name string +---@param callback? uv.pipe_connect.callback +---@return uv.uv_connect_t|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.pipe_connect(pipe, name, callback) end + + +--- Get the name of the Unix domain socket or the named pipe to which the handle is +--- connected. +--- +---@param pipe uv.uv_pipe_t +---@return string|nil peername +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.pipe_getpeername(pipe) end + + +--- Get the name of the Unix domain socket or the named pipe. +--- +---@param pipe uv.uv_pipe_t +---@return string|nil sockname +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.pipe_getsockname(pipe) end + + +--- Open an existing file descriptor or [`uv_handle_t`][] as a pipe. +--- +--- **Note**: The file descriptor is set to non-blocking mode. +--- +---@param pipe uv.uv_pipe_t +---@param fd integer +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.pipe_open(pipe, fd) end + + +--- Returns the pending pipe count for the named pipe. +--- +---@param pipe uv.uv_pipe_t +---@return integer +function uv.pipe_pending_count(pipe) end + + +--- Set the number of pending pipe instance handles when the pipe server is waiting +--- for connections. +--- +--- **Note**: This setting applies to Windows only. +--- +---@param pipe uv.uv_pipe_t +---@param count integer +function uv.pipe_pending_instances(pipe, count) end + + +--- Used to receive handles over IPC pipes. +--- +--- First - call `uv.pipe_pending_count()`, if it's > 0 then initialize a handle of +--- the given type, returned by `uv.pipe_pending_type()` and call +--- `uv.accept(pipe, handle)`. +--- +---@param pipe uv.uv_pipe_t +---@return string +function uv.pipe_pending_type(pipe) end + + +--- Starts polling the file descriptor. +--- +--- `events` are: `"r"`, `"w"`, `"rw"`, `"d"`, +--- `"rd"`, `"wd"`, `"rwd"`, `"p"`, `"rp"`, `"wp"`, `"rwp"`, `"dp"`, `"rdp"`, +--- `"wdp"`, or `"rwdp"` where `r` is `READABLE`, `w` is `WRITABLE`, `d` is +--- `DISCONNECT`, and `p` is `PRIORITIZED`. As soon as an event is detected +--- the callback will be called with status set to 0, and the detected events set on +--- the events field. +--- +--- The user should not close the socket while the handle is active. If the user +--- does that anyway, the callback may be called reporting an error status, but this +--- is not guaranteed. +--- +--- **Note** Calling `uv.poll_start()` on a handle that is already active is fine. +--- Doing so will update the events mask that is being watched for. +--- +---@param poll uv.uv_poll_t +---@param events uv.poll.eventspec +---@param callback uv.poll_start.callback +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.poll_start(poll, events, callback) end + + +--- Stop polling the file descriptor, the callback will no longer be called. +--- +---@param poll uv.uv_poll_t +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.poll_stop(poll) end + + +--- Start the handle with the given callback. +--- +---@param prepare uv.uv_prepare_t +---@param callback function +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.prepare_start(prepare, callback) end + + +--- Stop the handle, the callback will no longer be called. +--- +---@param prepare uv.uv_prepare_t +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.prepare_stop(prepare) end + + +--- The same as `uv.print_all_handles()` except only active handles are printed. +--- +--- **Note:** This is not available on Windows. +--- +--- **Warning:** This function is meant for ad hoc debugging, there are no API/ABI +--- stability guarantees. +function uv.print_active_handles() end + + +--- Prints all handles associated with the main loop to stderr. The format is +--- `[flags] handle-type handle-address`. Flags are `R` for referenced, `A` for +--- active and `I` for internal. +--- +--- **Note:** This is not available on Windows. +--- +--- **Warning:** This function is meant for ad hoc debugging, there are no API/ABI +--- stability guarantees. +function uv.print_all_handles() end + + +--- Returns the handle's pid. +--- +---@param process uv.uv_process_t +---@return integer pid +function uv.process_get_pid(process) end + + +--- Sends the specified signal to the given process handle. Check the documentation +--- on `uv_signal_t` for signal support, specially on Windows. +--- +---@param process uv.uv_process_t +---@param signum integer|string +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.process_kill(process, signum) end + + +--- Queues a work request which will run `work_callback` in a new Lua state in a +--- thread from the threadpool with any additional arguments from `...`. Values +--- returned from `work_callback` are passed to `after_work_callback`, which is +--- called in the main loop thread. +--- +---@param work_ctx uv.luv_work_ctx_t +---@param ... uv.threadargs +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.queue_work(work_ctx, ...) end + + +--- Fills a string of length `len` with cryptographically strong random bytes +--- acquired from the system CSPRNG. `flags` is reserved for future extension +--- and must currently be `nil` or `0` or `{}`. +--- +--- Short reads are not possible. When less than `len` random bytes are available, +--- a non-zero error value is returned or passed to the callback. If the callback +--- is omitted, this function is completed synchronously. +--- +--- The synchronous version may block indefinitely when not enough entropy is +--- available. The asynchronous version may not ever finish when the system is +--- low on entropy. +--- +--- **Returns (sync version):** `string` or `fail` +--- +--- **Returns (async version):** `0` or `fail` +--- +---@param len integer +---@param flags? nil|0|{} +---@return string|nil bytes +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(len:integer, flags?:nil, callback:uv.random.callback):0|nil, string?, string? +function uv.random(len, flags) end + + +--- Read data from an incoming stream. The callback will be made several times until +--- there is no more data to read or `uv.read_stop()` is called. When we've reached +--- EOF, `data` will be `nil`. +--- +--- ```lua +--- stream:read_start(function (err, chunk) +--- if err then +--- -- handle read error +--- elseif chunk then +--- -- handle data +--- else +--- -- handle disconnect +--- end +--- end) +--- ``` +--- +---@param stream uv.uv_stream_t +---@param callback uv.read_start.callback +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.read_start(stream, callback) end + + +--- Stop reading data from the stream. The read callback will no longer be called. +--- +--- This function is idempotent and may be safely called on a stopped stream. +--- +---@param stream uv.uv_stream_t +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.read_stop(stream) end + + +--- Gets or sets the size of the receive buffer that the operating system uses for +--- the socket. +--- +--- If `size` is omitted (or `0`), this will return the current send buffer size; otherwise, this will use `size` to set the new send buffer size. +--- +--- This function works for TCP, pipe and UDP handles on Unix and for TCP and UDP +--- handles on Windows. +--- +--- **Note**: Linux will set double the size and return double the size of the +--- original set value. +--- +---@param handle uv.uv_handle_t +---@param size? integer # default is `0` +---@return integer|nil size_or_ok +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.recv_buffer_size(handle, size) end + + +--- Reference the given handle. References are idempotent, that is, if a handle is +--- already referenced calling this function again will have no effect. +--- +--- See [Reference counting][]. +--- +---@param handle uv.uv_handle_t +function uv.ref(handle) end + + +--- Returns the name of the struct for a given request (e.g. `"fs"` for `uv_fs_t`) +--- and the libuv enum integer for the request's type (`uv_req_type`). +--- +---@param req uv.uv_req_t +---@return uv.req_type.name type +---@return uv.req_type.enum enum +function uv.req_get_type(req) end + + +--- Returns the resident set size (RSS) for the current process. +--- +---@return integer|nil rss +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.resident_set_memory() end + + +--- This function runs the event loop. It will act differently depending on the +--- specified mode: +--- +--- - `"default"`: Runs the event loop until there are no more active and +--- referenced handles or requests. Returns `true` if `uv.stop()` was called and +--- there are still active handles or requests. Returns `false` in all other +--- cases. +--- +--- - `"once"`: Poll for I/O once. Note that this function blocks if there are no +--- pending callbacks. Returns `false` when done (no active handles or requests +--- left), or `true` if more callbacks are expected (meaning you should run the +--- event loop again sometime in the future). +--- +--- - `"nowait"`: Poll for I/O once but don't block if there are no pending +--- callbacks. Returns `false` if done (no active handles or requests left), +--- or `true` if more callbacks are expected (meaning you should run the event +--- loop again sometime in the future). +--- +--- **Note:** Luvit will implicitly call `uv.run()` after loading user code, but if +--- you use the luv bindings directly, you need to call this after registering +--- your initial set of event callbacks to start the event loop. +--- +---@param mode? uv.run.mode +---@return boolean +function uv.run(mode) end + + +--- Gets or sets the size of the send buffer that the operating system uses for the +--- socket. +--- +--- If `size` is omitted (or `0`), this will return the current send buffer size; otherwise, this will use `size` to set the new send buffer size. +--- +--- This function works for TCP, pipe and UDP handles on Unix and for TCP and UDP +--- handles on Windows. +--- +--- **Returns:** +--- - `integer` or `fail` (if `size` is `nil` or `0`) +--- - `0` or `fail` (if `size` is not `nil` and not `0`) +--- +--- **Note**: Linux will set double the size and return double the size of the +--- original set value. +--- +---@param handle uv.uv_handle_t +---@param size? integer|0 +---@return integer|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(handle: uv.uv_handle_t):(size:integer|nil, err:uv.error.message|nil, err_name:uv.error.name|nil) +---@overload fun(handle: uv.uv_handle_t, size:0):(size:integer|nil, err:uv.error.message|nil, err_name:uv.error.name|nil) +function uv.send_buffer_size(handle, size) end + + +--- Sets the title of the current process with the string `title`. +--- +---@param title string +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.set_process_title(title) end + + +--- Sets the group ID of the process with the integer `id`. +--- +--- **Note:** This is not a libuv function and is not supported on Windows. +--- +---@param id integer +function uv.setgid(id) end + + +--- Sets the user ID of the process with the integer `id`. +--- +--- **Note:** This is not a libuv function and is not supported on Windows. +--- +---@param id integer +function uv.setuid(id) end + + +--- Shutdown the outgoing (write) side of a duplex stream. It waits for pending +--- write requests to complete. The callback is called after shutdown is complete. +--- +---@param stream uv.uv_stream_t +---@param callback? uv.shutdown.callback +---@return uv.uv_shutdown_t|nil shutdown +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.shutdown(stream, callback) end + + +--- Start the handle with the given callback, watching for the given signal. +--- +---@param signal uv.uv_signal_t +---@param signum integer|string +---@param callback uv.signal_start.callback +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.signal_start(signal, signum, callback) end + + +--- Same functionality as `uv.signal_start()` but the signal handler is reset the moment the signal is received. +--- +---@param signal uv.uv_signal_t +---@param signum integer|string +---@param callback uv.signal_start_oneshot.callback +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.signal_start_oneshot(signal, signum, callback) end + + +--- Stop the handle, the callback will no longer be called. +---@param signal uv.uv_signal_t +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.signal_stop(signal) end + + +--- Pauses the thread in which this is called for a number of milliseconds. +---@param msec integer +function uv.sleep(msec) end + + +--- Create a pair of connected sockets with the specified properties. The resulting handles can be passed to `uv.tcp_open`, used with `uv.spawn`, or for any other purpose. +--- +--- When specified as a string, `socktype` must be one of `"stream"`, `"dgram"`, `"raw"`, +--- `"rdm"`, or `"seqpacket"`. +--- +--- When `protocol` is set to 0 or nil, it will be automatically chosen based on the socket's domain and type. When `protocol` is specified as a string, it will be looked up using the `getprotobyname(3)` function (examples: `"ip"`, `"icmp"`, `"tcp"`, `"udp"`, etc). +--- +--- Flags: +--- - `nonblock`: Opens the specified socket handle for `OVERLAPPED` or `FIONBIO`/`O_NONBLOCK` I/O usage. This is recommended for handles that will be used by libuv, and not usually recommended otherwise. +--- +--- Equivalent to `socketpair(2)` with a domain of `AF_UNIX`. +--- +--- **Returns:** `table` or `fail` +--- - `[1, 2]` : `integer` (file descriptor) +--- +--- ```lua +--- -- Simple read/write with tcp +--- local fds = uv.socketpair(nil, nil, {nonblock=true}, {nonblock=true}) +--- +--- local sock1 = uv.new_tcp() +--- sock1:open(fds[1]) +--- +--- local sock2 = uv.new_tcp() +--- sock2:open(fds[2]) +--- +--- sock1:write("hello") +--- sock2:read_start(function(err, chunk) +--- assert(not err, err) +--- print(chunk) +--- end) +--- ``` +--- +---@param socktype? uv.socketpair.socktype +---@param protocol? uv.socketpair.protocol +---@param flags1? uv.socketpair.flags +---@param flags2? uv.socketpair.flags +---@return uv.socketpair.fds|nil fds +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.socketpair(socktype, protocol, flags1, flags2) end + + +--- Initializes the process handle and starts the process. If the process is +--- successfully spawned, this function will return the handle and pid of the child +--- process. +--- +--- Possible reasons for failing to spawn would include (but not be limited to) the +--- file to execute not existing, not having permissions to use the setuid or setgid +--- specified, or not having enough memory to allocate for the new process. +--- +--- ```lua +--- local stdin = uv.new_pipe() +--- local stdout = uv.new_pipe() +--- local stderr = uv.new_pipe() +--- +--- print("stdin", stdin) +--- print("stdout", stdout) +--- print("stderr", stderr) +--- +--- local handle, pid = uv.spawn("cat", { +--- stdio = {stdin, stdout, stderr} +--- }, function(code, signal) -- on exit +--- print("exit code", code) +--- print("exit signal", signal) +--- end) +--- +--- print("process opened", handle, pid) +--- +--- uv.read_start(stdout, function(err, data) +--- assert(not err, err) +--- if data then +--- print("stdout chunk", stdout, data) +--- else +--- print("stdout end", stdout) +--- end +--- end) +--- +--- uv.read_start(stderr, function(err, data) +--- assert(not err, err) +--- if data then +--- print("stderr chunk", stderr, data) +--- else +--- print("stderr end", stderr) +--- end +--- end) +--- +--- uv.write(stdin, "Hello World") +--- +--- uv.shutdown(stdin, function() +--- print("stdin shutdown", stdin) +--- uv.close(handle, function() +--- print("process closed", handle, pid) +--- end) +--- end) +--- ``` +--- +--- The `options` table accepts the following fields: +--- +--- - `options.args` - Command line arguments as a list of string. The first +--- string should be the path to the program. On Windows, this uses CreateProcess +--- which concatenates the arguments into a string. This can cause some strange +--- errors. (See `options.verbatim` below for Windows.) +--- - `options.stdio` - Set the file descriptors that will be made available to +--- the child process. The convention is that the first entries are stdin, stdout, +--- and stderr. (**Note**: On Windows, file descriptors after the third are +--- available to the child process only if the child processes uses the MSVCRT +--- runtime.) +--- - `options.env` - Set environment variables for the new process. +--- - `options.cwd` - Set the current working directory for the sub-process. +--- - `options.uid` - Set the child process' user id. +--- - `options.gid` - Set the child process' group id. +--- - `options.verbatim` - If true, do not wrap any arguments in quotes, or +--- perform any other escaping, when converting the argument list into a command +--- line string. This option is only meaningful on Windows systems. On Unix it is +--- silently ignored. +--- - `options.detached` - If true, spawn the child process in a detached state - +--- this will make it a process group leader, and will effectively enable the +--- child to keep running after the parent exits. Note that the child process +--- will still keep the parent's event loop alive unless the parent process calls +--- `uv.unref()` on the child's process handle. +--- - `options.hide` - If true, hide the subprocess console window that would +--- normally be created. This option is only meaningful on Windows systems. On +--- Unix it is silently ignored. +--- +--- The `options.stdio` entries can take many shapes. +--- +--- - If they are numbers, then the child process inherits that same zero-indexed +--- fd from the parent process. +--- - If `uv_stream_t` handles are passed in, those are used as a read-write pipe +--- or inherited stream depending if the stream has a valid fd. +--- - Including `nil` placeholders means to ignore that fd in the child process. +--- +--- When the child process exits, `on_exit` is called with an exit code and signal. +--- +---@param path string +---@param options uv.spawn.options +---@param on_exit uv.spawn.on_exit +---@return uv.uv_process_t proc +---@return integer pid +function uv.spawn(path, options, on_exit) end + + +--- Stop the event loop, causing `uv.run()` to end as soon as possible. This +--- will happen not sooner than the next loop iteration. If this function was called +--- before blocking for I/O, the loop won't block for I/O on this iteration. +function uv.stop() end + + +--- Returns the stream's write queue size. +--- +---@param stream uv.uv_stream_t +---@return integer +function uv.stream_get_write_queue_size(stream) end + + +--- Enable or disable blocking mode for a stream. +--- +--- When blocking mode is enabled all writes complete synchronously. The interface +--- remains unchanged otherwise, e.g. completion or failure of the operation will +--- still be reported through a callback which is made asynchronously. +--- +--- **Warning**: Relying too much on this API is not recommended. It is likely to +--- change significantly in the future. Currently this only works on Windows and +--- only for `uv_pipe_t` handles. Also libuv currently makes no ordering guarantee +--- when the blocking mode is changed after write requests have already been +--- submitted. Therefore it is recommended to set the blocking mode immediately +--- after opening or creating the stream. +--- +---@param stream uv.uv_stream_t +---@param blocking boolean +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.stream_set_blocking(stream, blocking) end + + +--- Bind the handle to an host and port. `host` should be an IP address and +--- not a domain name. Any `flags` are set with a table with field `ipv6only` +--- equal to `true` or `false`. +--- +--- When the port is already taken, you can expect to see an `EADDRINUSE` error +--- from either `uv.tcp_bind()`, `uv.listen()` or `uv.tcp_connect()`. That is, a +--- successful call to this function does not guarantee that the call to `uv.listen()` +--- or `uv.tcp_connect()` will succeed as well. +--- +--- Use a port of `0` to let the OS assign an ephemeral port. You can look it up +--- later using `uv.tcp_getsockname()`. +--- +---@param tcp uv.uv_tcp_t +---@param host string +---@param port integer +---@param flags? uv.tcp_bind.flags +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.tcp_bind(tcp, host, port, flags) end + + +--- Resets a TCP connection by sending a RST packet. This is accomplished by setting +--- the SO_LINGER socket option with a linger interval of zero and then calling +--- `uv.close()`. Due to some platform inconsistencies, mixing of `uv.shutdown()` +--- and `uv.tcp_close_reset()` calls is not allowed. +--- +---@param tcp uv.uv_tcp_t +---@param callback? function +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.tcp_close_reset(tcp, callback) end + + +--- Establish an IPv4 or IPv6 TCP connection. +--- +--- ```lua +--- local client = uv.new_tcp() +--- client:connect("", 8080, function (err) +--- -- check error and carry on. +--- end) +--- ``` +--- +---@param tcp uv.uv_tcp_t +---@param host string +---@param port integer +---@param callback uv.tcp_connect.callback +---@return uv.uv_connect_t|nil conn +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.tcp_connect(tcp, host, port, callback) end + + +--- Get the address of the peer connected to the handle. +--- +---@param tcp uv.uv_tcp_t +---@return uv.socketinfo|nil sockname +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.tcp_getpeername(tcp) end + + +--- Get the current address to which the handle is bound. +--- +---@param tcp uv.uv_tcp_t +---@return uv.socketinfo|nil sockname +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.tcp_getsockname(tcp) end + + +--- Enable / disable TCP keep-alive. `delay` is the initial delay in seconds, +--- ignored when enable is `false`. +--- +---@param tcp uv.uv_tcp_t +---@param enable boolean +---@param delay? integer +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.tcp_keepalive(tcp, enable, delay) end + + +--- Enable / disable Nagle's algorithm. +--- +---@param tcp uv.uv_tcp_t +---@param enable boolean +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.tcp_nodelay(tcp, enable) end + + +--- Open an existing file descriptor or SOCKET as a TCP handle. +--- +--- **Note:** The passed file descriptor or SOCKET is not checked for its type, but it's required that it represents a valid stream socket. +--- +---@param tcp uv.uv_tcp_t +---@param sock integer +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.tcp_open(tcp, sock) end + + +--- Enable / disable simultaneous asynchronous accept requests that are queued by +--- the operating system when listening for new TCP connections. +--- +--- This setting is used to tune a TCP server for the desired performance. Having +--- simultaneous accepts can significantly improve the rate of accepting connections +--- (which is why it is enabled by default) but may lead to uneven load distribution +--- in multi-process setups. +--- +---@param tcp uv.uv_tcp_t +---@param enable boolean +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.tcp_simultaneous_accepts(tcp, enable) end + + +--- **Deprecated:** Please use `uv.stream_get_write_queue_size()` instead. +--- +---@param tcp uv.uv_tcp_t +function uv.tcp_write_queue_size(tcp) end + + +--- Returns a boolean indicating whether two threads are the same. This function is +--- equivalent to the `__eq` metamethod. +--- +---@param thread uv.luv_thread_t +---@param other_thread uv.luv_thread_t +---@return boolean equal +function uv.thread_equal(thread, other_thread) end + + +--- Waits for the `thread` to finish executing its entry function. +--- +---@param thread uv.luv_thread_t +---@return boolean|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.thread_join(thread) end + + +--- Returns the handle for the thread in which this is called. +--- +---@return uv.luv_thread_t +function uv.thread_self() end + + +--- Stop the timer, and if it is repeating restart it using the repeat value as the +--- timeout. If the timer has never been started before it raises `EINVAL`. +--- +---@param timer uv.uv_timer_t +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.timer_again(timer) end + + +--- Get the timer due value or 0 if it has expired. The time is relative to `uv.now()`. +--- +--- **Note**: New in libuv version 1.40.0. +--- +---@param timer uv.uv_timer_t +---@return integer +function uv.timer_get_due_in(timer) end + + +--- Get the timer repeat value. +--- +---@param timer uv.uv_timer_t +---@return integer +function uv.timer_get_repeat(timer) end + + +--- Set the repeat interval value in milliseconds. The timer will be scheduled to +--- run on the given interval, regardless of the callback execution duration, and +--- will follow normal timer semantics in the case of a time-slice overrun. +--- +--- For example, if a 50 ms repeating timer first runs for 17 ms, it will be +--- scheduled to run again 33 ms later. If other tasks consume more than the 33 ms +--- following the first timer callback, then the callback will run as soon as +--- possible. +--- +---@param timer uv.uv_timer_t +---@param repeat_ integer +function uv.timer_set_repeat(timer, repeat_) end + + +--- Start the timer. `timeout` and `repeat` are in milliseconds. +--- +--- If `timeout` is zero, the callback fires on the next event loop iteration. If +--- `repeat` is non-zero, the callback fires first after `timeout` milliseconds and +--- then repeatedly after `repeat` milliseconds. +--- +---@param timer uv.uv_timer_t +---@param timeout integer +---@param repeat_ integer +---@param callback function +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.timer_start(timer, timeout, repeat_, callback) end + + +--- Stop the timer, the callback will not be called anymore. +--- +---@param timer uv.uv_timer_t +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.timer_stop(timer) end + + +--- Returns the libuv error message and error name (both in string form, see [`err` and `name` in Error Handling](#error-handling)) equivalent to the given platform dependent error code: POSIX error codes on Unix (the ones stored in errno), and Win32 error codes on Windows (those returned by GetLastError() or WSAGetLastError()). +--- +---@param errcode integer +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.translate_sys_error(errcode) end + + +--- Same as `uv.write()`, but won't queue a write request if it can't be completed +--- immediately. +--- +--- Will return number of bytes written (can be less than the supplied buffer size). +--- +---@param stream uv.uv_stream_t +---@param data uv.buffer +---@return integer|nil bytes +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.try_write(stream, data) end + + +--- Like `uv.write2()`, but with the properties of `uv.try_write()`. Not supported on Windows, where it returns `UV_EAGAIN`. +--- +--- Will return number of bytes written (can be less than the supplied buffer size). +--- +--- **Returns:** `integer` or `fail` +--- +---@param stream uv.uv_stream_t +---@param data uv.buffer +---@param send_handle uv.uv_stream_t +---@return integer|nil bytes +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.try_write2(stream, data, send_handle) end + + +--- Get the current state of whether console virtual terminal sequences are handled +--- by libuv or the console. The return value is `"supported"` or `"unsupported"`. +--- +--- This function is not implemented on Unix, where it returns `ENOTSUP`. +--- +---@return "supported"|"unsupported"|nil state +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.tty_get_vterm_state() end + + +--- Gets the current Window width and height. +--- +--- **Returns:** `integer, integer` or `fail` +--- +---@param tty uv.uv_tty_t +---@return integer|nil width +---@return integer|string height_or_errmsg +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.tty_get_winsize(tty) end + + +--- To be called when the program exits. Resets TTY settings to default values for +--- the next process to take over. +--- +--- This function is async signal-safe on Unix platforms but can fail with error +--- code `EBUSY` if you call it when execution is inside `uv.tty_set_mode()`. +--- +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.tty_reset_mode() end + + +--- Set the TTY using the specified terminal mode. +--- +--- Parameter `mode` is a C enum with the following values: +--- +--- - 0 - UV_TTY_MODE_NORMAL: Initial/normal terminal mode +--- - 1 - UV_TTY_MODE_RAW: Raw input mode (On Windows, ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT is +--- also enabled) +--- - 2 - UV_TTY_MODE_IO: Binary-safe I/O mode for IPC (Unix-only) +--- +---@param tty uv.uv_tty_t +---@param mode uv.tty.mode +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.tty_set_mode(tty, mode) end + + +--- Controls whether console virtual terminal sequences are processed by libuv or +--- console. Useful in particular for enabling ConEmu support of ANSI X3.64 and +--- Xterm 256 colors. Otherwise Windows10 consoles are usually detected +--- automatically. State should be one of: `"supported"` or `"unsupported"`. +--- +--- This function is only meaningful on Windows systems. On Unix it is silently +--- ignored. +--- +---@param state "supported"|"unsupported" +function uv.tty_set_vterm_state(state) end + + +--- Bind the UDP handle to an IP address and port. Any `flags` are set with a table +--- with fields `reuseaddr` or `ipv6only` equal to `true` or `false`. +--- +---@param udp uv.uv_udp_t +---@param host string +---@param port integer +---@param flags? uv.udp_bind.flags +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.udp_bind(udp, host, port, flags) end + + +--- Associate the UDP handle to a remote address and port, so every message sent by +--- this handle is automatically sent to that destination. Calling this function +--- with a NULL addr disconnects the handle. Trying to call `uv.udp_connect()` on an +--- already connected handle will result in an `EISCONN` error. Trying to disconnect +--- a handle that is not connected will return an `ENOTCONN` error. +--- +---@param udp uv.uv_udp_t +---@param host string +---@param port integer +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.udp_connect(udp, host, port) end + + +--- Returns the handle's send queue count. +--- +---@param udp uv.uv_udp_t +---@return integer count +function uv.udp_get_send_queue_count(udp) end + + +--- Returns the handle's send queue size. +--- +---@param udp uv.uv_udp_t +---@return integer size +function uv.udp_get_send_queue_size(udp) end + + +--- Get the remote IP and port of the UDP handle on connected UDP handles. +--- +---@param udp uv.uv_udp_t +---@return uv.udp.sockname|nil peername +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.udp_getpeername(udp) end + + +--- Get the local IP and port of the UDP handle. +--- +---@param udp uv.uv_udp_t +---@return uv.udp.sockname|nil sockname +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.udp_getsockname(udp) end + + +--- Opens an existing file descriptor or Windows SOCKET as a UDP handle. +--- +--- Unix only: The only requirement of the sock argument is that it follows the +--- datagram contract (works in unconnected mode, supports sendmsg()/recvmsg(), +--- etc). In other words, other datagram-type sockets like raw sockets or netlink +--- sockets can also be passed to this function. +--- +--- The file descriptor is set to non-blocking mode. +--- +--- Note: The passed file descriptor or SOCKET is not checked for its type, but +--- it's required that it represents a valid datagram socket. +--- +---@param udp uv.uv_udp_t +---@param fd integer +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.udp_open(udp, fd) end + + +--- Prepare for receiving data. If the socket has not previously been bound with +--- `uv.udp_bind()` it is bound to `` (the "all interfaces" IPv4 address) +--- and a random port number. +--- +---@param udp uv.uv_udp_t +---@param callback uv.udp_recv_start.callback +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.udp_recv_start(udp, callback) end + + +--- Stop listening for incoming datagrams. +--- +---@param udp uv.uv_udp_t +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.udp_recv_stop(udp) end + + +--- Send data over the UDP socket. If the socket has not previously been bound +--- with `uv.udp_bind()` it will be bound to `` (the "all interfaces" IPv4 +--- address) and a random port number. +--- +---@param udp uv.uv_udp_t +---@param data uv.buffer +---@param host string +---@param port integer +---@param callback uv.udp_send.callback +---@return uv.uv_udp_send_t|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.udp_send(udp, data, host, port, callback) end + + +--- Set broadcast on or off. +--- +---@param udp uv.uv_udp_t +---@param on boolean +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.udp_set_broadcast(udp, on) end + + +--- Set membership for a multicast address. `multicast_addr` is multicast address to +--- set membership for. `interface_addr` is interface address. `membership` can be +--- the string `"leave"` or `"join"`. +--- +---@param udp uv.uv_udp_t +---@param multicast_addr string +---@param interface_addr string +---@param membership "leave"|"join" +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.udp_set_membership(udp, multicast_addr, interface_addr, membership) end + + +--- Set the multicast interface to send or receive data on. +--- +---@param udp uv.uv_udp_t +---@param interface_addr string +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.udp_set_multicast_interface(udp, interface_addr) end + + +--- Set IP multicast loop flag. Makes multicast packets loop back to local +--- sockets. +--- +---@param udp uv.uv_udp_t +---@param on boolean +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.udp_set_multicast_loop(udp, on) end + + +--- Set the multicast ttl. +--- +--- `ttl` is an integer 1 through 255. +--- +---@param udp uv.uv_udp_t +---@param ttl integer +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.udp_set_multicast_ttl(udp, ttl) end + + +--- Set membership for a source-specific multicast group. `multicast_addr` is multicast +--- address to set membership for. `interface_addr` is interface address. `source_addr` +--- is source address. `membership` can be the string `"leave"` or `"join"`. +--- +---@param udp uv.uv_udp_t +---@param multicast_addr string +---@param interface_addr string|nil +---@param source_addr string +---@param membership "leave"|"join" +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.udp_set_source_membership(udp, multicast_addr, interface_addr, source_addr, membership) end + + +--- Set the time to live. +--- +--- `ttl` is an integer 1 through 255. +--- +---@param udp uv.uv_udp_t +---@param ttl integer +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.udp_set_ttl(udp, ttl) end + + +--- Same as `uv.udp_send()`, but won't queue a send request if it can't be +--- completed immediately. +--- +---@param udp uv.uv_udp_t +---@param data uv.buffer +---@param host string +---@param port integer +---@return integer|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.udp_try_send(udp, data, host, port) end + + +--- Un-reference the given handle. References are idempotent, that is, if a handle +--- is not referenced calling this function again will have no effect. +--- +--- See [Reference counting][]. +--- +---@param handle uv.uv_handle_t +function uv.unref(handle) end + + +--- Update the event loop's concept of "now". Libuv caches the current time at the +--- start of the event loop tick in order to reduce the number of time-related +--- system calls. +--- +--- You won't normally need to call this function unless you have callbacks that +--- block the event loop for longer periods of time, where "longer" is somewhat +--- subjective but probably on the order of a millisecond or more. +function uv.update_time() end + + +--- Returns the current system uptime in seconds. +--- +---@return number|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.uptime() end + + +--- Returns the libuv version packed into a single integer. 8 bits are used for each +--- component, with the patch number stored in the 8 least significant bits. For +--- example, this would be 0x010203 in libuv 1.2.3. +--- +---@return integer +function uv.version() end + + +--- Returns the libuv version number as a string. For example, this would be "1.2.3" +--- in libuv 1.2.3. For non-release versions, the version suffix is included. +--- +---@return string +function uv.version_string() end + + +--- Walk the list of handles: `callback` will be executed with each handle. +--- +--- ```lua +--- -- Example usage of uv.walk to close all handles that aren't already closing. +--- uv.walk(function (handle) +--- if not handle:is_closing() then +--- handle:close() +--- end +--- end) +--- ``` +--- +---@param callback uv.walk.callback +function uv.walk(callback) end + + +--- Write data to stream. +--- +--- `data` can either be a Lua string or a table of strings. If a table is passed +--- in, the C backend will use writev to send all strings in a single system call. +--- +--- The optional `callback` is for knowing when the write is complete. +--- +---@param stream uv.uv_stream_t +---@param data uv.buffer +---@param callback? uv.write.callback +---@return uv.uv_write_t|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.write(stream, data, callback) end + +--- Extended write function for sending handles over a pipe. The pipe must be +--- initialized with `ipc` option `true`. +--- +--- **Note:** `send_handle` must be a TCP socket or pipe, which is a server or a +--- connection (listening or connected state). Bound sockets or pipes will be +--- assumed to be servers. +--- +---@param stream uv.uv_stream_t +---@param data uv.buffer +---@param send_handle uv.uv_stream_t +---@param callback? uv.write2.callback +---@return uv.uv_write_t|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function uv.write2(stream, data, send_handle, callback) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_async_t.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_async_t.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..73f17e386 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_async_t.lua @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +---@meta + +--- Async handles allow the user to "wakeup" the event loop and get a callback +--- called from another thread. +--- +--- ```lua +--- local async +--- async = uv.new_async(function() +--- print("async operation ran") +--- async:close() +--- end) +--- +--- async:send() +--- ``` +--- +---@class uv.uv_async_t : uv.uv_handle_t +--- +local async + +--- Wakeup the event loop and call the async handle's callback. +--- +--- **Note**: It's safe to call this function from any thread. The callback will be +--- called on the loop thread. +--- +--- **Warning**: libuv will coalesce calls to `uv.async_send(async)`, that is, not +--- every call to it will yield an execution of the callback. For example: if +--- `uv.async_send()` is called 5 times in a row before the callback is called, the +--- callback will only be called once. If `uv.async_send()` is called again after +--- the callback was called, it will be called again. +--- +---@param ... uv.threadargs +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function async:send(...) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_check_t.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_check_t.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c131ba9d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_check_t.lua @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +---@meta + +--- Check handles will run the given callback once per loop iteration, right after +--- polling for I/O. +--- +--- ```lua +--- local check = uv.new_check() +--- check:start(function() +--- print("After I/O polling") +--- end) +--- ``` +--- +---@class uv.uv_check_t : uv.uv_handle_t +local check + +--- Start the handle with the given callback. +--- +---@param callback function +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function check:start(callback) end + +--- Stop the handle, the callback will no longer be called. +--- +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function check:stop() end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_fs_event_t.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_fs_event_t.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..87fab6b24 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_fs_event_t.lua @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +---@meta + +--- FS Event handles allow the user to monitor a given path for changes, for +--- example, if the file was renamed or there was a generic change in it. This +--- handle uses the best backend for the job on each platform. +--- +---@class uv.uv_fs_event_t : uv.uv_handle_t +local fs_event + +--- Get the path being monitored by the handle. +--- +---@return string|nil path +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function fs_event:getpath() end + +--- Start the handle with the given callback, which will watch the specified path +--- for changes. +--- +---@param path string +---@param flags uv.fs_event_start.flags +---@param callback uv.fs_event_start.callback +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function fs_event:start(path, flags, callback) end + +--- Stop the handle, the callback will no longer be called. +--- +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function fs_event:stop() end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_fs_poll_t.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_fs_poll_t.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2e65cc42d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_fs_poll_t.lua @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +---@meta + +--- FS Poll handles allow the user to monitor a given path for changes. Unlike +--- `uv_fs_event_t`, fs poll handles use `stat` to detect when a file has changed so +--- they can work on file systems where fs event handles can't. +--- +---@class uv.uv_fs_poll_t : uv.uv_handle_t +local fs_poll + +--- Get the path being monitored by the handle. +--- +---@return string|nil path +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function fs_poll:getpath() end + +--- Check the file at `path` for changes every `interval` milliseconds. +--- +--- **Note:** For maximum portability, use multi-second intervals. Sub-second +--- intervals will not detect all changes on many file systems. +--- +---@param path string +---@param interval integer +---@param callback uv.fs_poll_start.callback +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function fs_poll:start(path, interval, callback) end + +--- Stop the handle, the callback will no longer be called. +--- +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function fs_poll:stop() end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_handle_t.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_handle_t.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b0d25bc10 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_handle_t.lua @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +---@meta + +--- Base handle +--- +--- `uv_handle_t` is the base type for all libuv handle types. All API functions +--- defined here work with any handle type. +--- +---@class uv.uv_handle_t : table +--- +local handle + +--- Request handle to be closed. +--- +--- The `callback` will be called asynchronously after this call. +--- +--- This MUST be called on each handle before memory is released. +--- +--- Handles that wrap file descriptors are closed immediately but `callback` will +--- still be deferred to the next iteration of the event loop. It gives you a chance +--- to free up any resources associated with the handle. +--- +--- In-progress requests, like `uv_connect_t` or `uv_write_t`, are cancelled and +--- have their callbacks called asynchronously with `ECANCELED`. +--- +---@param callback? function +function handle:close(callback) end + +--- Gets the platform dependent file descriptor equivalent. +--- +--- The following handles are supported: TCP, pipes, TTY, UDP and poll. Calling +--- this method on other handle type will fail with `EINVAL`. +--- +--- If a handle doesn't have an attached file descriptor yet or the handle itself +--- has been closed, this function will return `EBADF`. +--- +--- **Warning**: Be very careful when using this function. libuv assumes it's in +--- control of the file descriptor so any change to it may lead to malfunction. +--- +---@return integer|nil fileno +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function handle:fileno() end + +--- Returns the name of the struct for a given handle (e.g. `"pipe"` for `uv_pipe_t`) +--- and the libuv enum integer for the handle's type (`uv_handle_type`). +--- +---@return string type +---@return integer enum +function handle:get_type() end + +--- Returns `true` if the handle referenced, `false` if not. +--- +---@return boolean|nil has_ref +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function handle:has_ref() end + +--- Returns `true` if the handle is active, `false` if it's inactive. +--- +--- What "active” means depends on the type of handle: +--- +--- - A `uv_async_t` handle is always active and cannot be deactivated, except by closing it with `uv.close()`. +--- +--- - A `uv_pipe_t`, `uv_tcp_t`, `uv_udp_t`, etc. handle - basically any handle that deals with I/O - is active when it is doing something that involves I/O, like reading, writing, connecting, accepting new connections, etc. +--- +--- - A `uv_check_t`, `uv_idle_t`, `uv_timer_t`, etc. handle is active when it has been started with a call to `uv.check_start()`, `uv.idle_start()`, `uv.timer_start()` etc. until it has been stopped with a call to its respective stop function. +--- +---@return boolean|nil active +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function handle:is_active() end + +--- Returns `true` if the handle is closing or closed, `false` otherwise. +--- +--- **Note**: This function should only be used between the initialization of the +--- handle and the arrival of the close callback. +--- +---@return boolean|nil closing +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function handle:is_closing() end + +--- Gets or sets the size of the receive buffer that the operating system uses for +--- the socket. +--- +--- If `size` is omitted (or `0`), this will return the current send buffer size; otherwise, this will use `size` to set the new send buffer size. +--- +--- This function works for TCP, pipe and UDP handles on Unix and for TCP and UDP +--- handles on Windows. +--- +--- **Note**: Linux will set double the size and return double the size of the +--- original set value. +--- +---@param size integer +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(self):(current_size:integer|nil, err:uv.error.message|nil, err_name:uv.error.name|nil) +---@overload fun(self, size: 0):(current_size:integer|nil, err:uv.error.message|nil, err_name:uv.error.name|nil) +function handle:recv_buffer_size(size) end + +--- Reference the given handle. +--- +--- References are idempotent, that is, if a handle is already referenced calling this function again will have no effect. +function handle:ref() end + + +--- Gets or sets the size of the send buffer that the operating system uses for the +--- socket. +--- +--- If `size` is omitted (or `0`), this will return the current send buffer size; otherwise, this will use `size` to set the new send buffer size. +--- +--- This function works for TCP, pipe and UDP handles on Unix and for TCP and UDP +--- handles on Windows. +--- +--- **Note**: Linux will set double the size and return double the size of the +--- original set value. +--- +---@param size integer +---@return integer|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +--- +---@overload fun(self):(current_size:integer|nil, err:uv.error.message|nil, err_name:uv.error.name|nil) +---@overload fun(self, size: 0):(current_size:integer|nil, err:uv.error.message|nil, err_name:uv.error.name|nil) +function handle:send_buffer_size(size) end + + +--- Un-reference the given handle. References are idempotent, that is, if a handle +--- is not referenced calling this function again will have no effect. +function handle:unref() end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_idle_t.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_idle_t.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..22368193f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_idle_t.lua @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +---@meta + +--- Idle handles will run the given callback once per loop iteration, right before +--- the `uv_prepare_t` handles. +--- +--- **Note**: The notable difference with prepare handles is that when there are +--- active idle handles, the loop will perform a zero timeout poll instead of +--- blocking for I/O. +--- +--- **Warning**: Despite the name, idle handles will get their callbacks called on +--- every loop iteration, not when the loop is actually "idle". +--- +--- ```lua +--- local idle = uv.new_idle() +--- idle:start(function() +--- print("Before I/O polling, no blocking") +--- end) +--- ``` +--- +---@class uv.uv_idle_t : uv.uv_handle_t +--- +local idle + +--- Start the handle with the given callback. +--- +---@param callback function +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function idle:start(callback) end + +--- Stop the handle, the callback will no longer be called. +--- +---@param check any +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function idle:stop(check) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_pipe_t.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_pipe_t.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0efbb04fb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_pipe_t.lua @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +---@meta + +--- Pipe handles provide an abstraction over local domain sockets on Unix and named pipes on Windows. +--- +--- ```lua +--- local pipe = uv.new_pipe(false) +--- +--- pipe:bind('/tmp/sock.test') +--- +--- pipe:listen(128, function() +--- local client = uv.new_pipe(false) +--- pipe:accept(client) +--- client:write("hello!\n") +--- client:close() +--- end) +--- ``` +--- +---@class uv.uv_pipe_t : uv.uv_stream_t +--- +local pipe + +--- Bind the pipe to a file path (Unix) or a name (Windows). +--- +--- **Note**: Paths on Unix get truncated to sizeof(sockaddr_un.sun_path) bytes, +--- typically between 92 and 108 bytes. +--- +---@param name string +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function pipe:bind(name) end + +--- Alters pipe permissions, allowing it to be accessed from processes run by different users. +--- +--- Makes the pipe writable or readable by all users. `flags` are: `"r"`, `"w"`, `"rw"`, or `"wr"` +--- where `r` is `READABLE` and `w` is `WRITABLE`. +--- +--- This function is blocking. +--- +---@param flags uv.pipe_chmod.flags +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function pipe:chmod(flags) end + +--- Connect to the Unix domain socket or the named pipe. +--- +--- **Note**: Paths on Unix get truncated to sizeof(sockaddr_un.sun_path) bytes, +--- typically between 92 and 108 bytes. +--- +---@param name string +---@param callback? uv.pipe_connect.callback +---@return uv.uv_connect_t|nil conn +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function pipe:connect(name, callback) end + +--- Get the name of the Unix domain socket or the named pipe to which the handle is +--- connected. +--- +---@return string|nil peername +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function pipe:getpeername() end + +--- Get the name of the Unix domain socket or the named pipe. +--- +---@return string|nil sockname +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function pipe:getsockname() end + +--- Open an existing file descriptor or `uv_handle_t` as a pipe. +--- +--- **Note**: The file descriptor is set to non-blocking mode. +--- +---@param fd integer +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function pipe:open(fd) end + +--- Returns the pending pipe count for the named pipe. +--- +---@return integer count +function pipe:pending_count() end + +--- Set the number of pending pipe instance handles when the pipe server is waiting +--- for connections. +--- +--- **Note**: This setting applies to Windows only. +--- +---@param count integer +function pipe:pending_instances(count) end + +--- Used to receive handles over IPC pipes. +--- +--- First - call `uv.pipe_pending_count()`, if it's > 0 then initialize a handle of +--- the given type, returned by `uv.pipe_pending_type()` and call +--- `uv.accept(pipe, handle)`. +--- +---@return string +function pipe:pending_type() end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_poll_t.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_poll_t.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..313361528 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_poll_t.lua @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +---@meta + +--- Poll handles are used to watch file descriptors for readability and writability, +--- similar to the purpose of [poll(2)](http://linux.die.net/man/2/poll). +--- +--- The purpose of poll handles is to enable integrating external libraries that +--- rely on the event loop to signal it about the socket status changes, like c-ares +--- or libssh2. Using `uv_poll_t` for any other purpose is not recommended; +--- `uv_tcp_t`, `uv_udp_t`, etc. provide an implementation that is faster and more +--- scalable than what can be achieved with `uv_poll_t`, especially on Windows. +--- +--- It is possible that poll handles occasionally signal that a file descriptor is +--- readable or writable even when it isn't. The user should therefore always be +--- prepared to handle EAGAIN or equivalent when it attempts to read from or write +--- to the fd. +--- +--- It is not okay to have multiple active poll handles for the same socket, this +--- can cause libuv to busyloop or otherwise malfunction. +--- +--- The user should not close a file descriptor while it is being polled by an +--- active poll handle. This can cause the handle to report an error, but it might +--- also start polling another socket. However the fd can be safely closed +--- immediately after a call to `poll:stop()` or `uv.close()`. +--- +--- **Note**: On windows only sockets can be polled with poll handles. On Unix any +--- file descriptor that would be accepted by poll(2) can be used. +--- +---@class uv.uv_poll_t : uv.uv_handle_t +local poll + +--- Starts polling the file descriptor. +--- +--- `events` are: `"r"`, `"w"`, `"rw"`, `"d"`, `"rd"`, `"wd"`, `"rwd"`, `"p"`, `"rp"`, `"wp"`, `"rwp"`, `"dp"`, `"rdp"`, `"wdp"`, or `"rwdp"` where `r` is `READABLE`, `w` is `WRITABLE`, `d` is `DISCONNECT`, and `p` is `PRIORITIZED`. +--- +--- As soon as an event is detected the callback will be called with status set to 0, and the detected events set on the events field. +--- +--- The user should not close the socket while the handle is active. If the user +--- does that anyway, the callback may be called reporting an error status, but this +--- is not guaranteed. +--- +--- **Note** Calling `poll:start()` on a handle that is already active is fine. +--- Doing so will update the events mask that is being watched for. +--- +---@param events uv.poll.eventspec +---@param callback uv.poll_start.callback +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function poll:start(events, callback) end + + +--- Stop polling the file descriptor, the callback will no longer be called. +--- +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function poll:stop() end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_prepare_t.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_prepare_t.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..91e3231b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_prepare_t.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +---@meta + +--- Prepare handles will run the given callback once per loop iteration, right +--- before polling for I/O. +--- +--- ```lua +--- local prepare = uv.new_prepare() +--- prepare:start(function() +--- print("Before I/O polling") +--- end) +--- ``` +--- +---@class uv.uv_prepare_t : uv.uv_handle_t +--- +local prepare + +--- Start the handle with the given callback. +--- +---@param callback function +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function prepare:start(callback) end + +--- Stop the handle, the callback will no longer be called. +--- +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function prepare:stop() end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_process_t.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_process_t.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7329df3cb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_process_t.lua @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +---@meta + +--- Process handles will spawn a new process and allow the user to control it and +--- establish communication channels with it using streams. +--- +---@class uv.uv_process_t : uv.uv_handle_t +local process + +--- Returns the handle's pid. +--- +---@return integer pid +function process:get_pid() end + +--- Sends the specified signal to the given process handle. +--- +--- Check the documentation on `uv_signal_t` for signal support, specially on Windows. +--- +---@param signum integer|string +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function process:kill(signum) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_req_t.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_req_t.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b39dc317f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_req_t.lua @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +---@meta + +--- Base request +--- +--- `uv_req_t` is the base type for all libuv request types. +--- +---@class uv.uv_req_t : table +--- +local req + +--- Cancel a pending request. Fails if the request is executing or has finished +--- executing. Only cancellation of `uv_fs_t`, `uv_getaddrinfo_t`, +--- `uv_getnameinfo_t` and `uv_work_t` requests is currently supported. +--- +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function req:cancel() end + +--- Returns the name of the struct for a given request (e.g. `"fs"` for `uv_fs_t`) +--- and the libuv enum integer for the request's type (`uv_req_type`). +--- +---@return string type +---@return integer enum +function req:get_type() end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_signal_t.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_signal_t.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..69be819e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_signal_t.lua @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +---@meta + +--- Signal handles implement Unix style signal handling on a per-event loop bases. +--- +--- **Unix Notes:** +--- +--- - SIGKILL and SIGSTOP are impossible to catch. +--- +--- - Handling SIGBUS, SIGFPE, SIGILL or SIGSEGV via libuv results into undefined behavior. +--- +--- - SIGABRT will not be caught by libuv if generated by abort(), e.g. through assert(). +--- +--- - On Linux SIGRT0 and SIGRT1 (signals 32 and 33) are used by the NPTL pthreads library to manage threads. Installing watchers for those signals will lead to unpredictable behavior and is strongly discouraged. Future versions of libuv may simply reject them. +--- +--- **Windows Notes:** +--- +--- Reception of some signals is emulated on Windows: +--- - SIGINT is normally delivered when the user presses CTRL+C. However, like on Unix, it is not generated when terminal raw mode is enabled. +--- +--- - SIGBREAK is delivered when the user pressed CTRL + BREAK. +--- +--- - SIGHUP is generated when the user closes the console window. On SIGHUP the program is given approximately 10 seconds to perform cleanup. After that Windows will unconditionally terminate it. +--- +--- - SIGWINCH is raised whenever libuv detects that the console has been resized. SIGWINCH is emulated by libuv when the program uses a uv_tty_t handle to write to the console. SIGWINCH may not always be delivered in a timely manner; libuv will only detect size changes when the cursor is being moved. When a readable `uv_tty_t` handle is used in raw mode, resizing the console buffer will also trigger a SIGWINCH signal. +--- +--- - Watchers for other signals can be successfully created, but these signals are never received. These signals are: SIGILL, SIGABRT, SIGFPE, SIGSEGV, SIGTERM and SIGKILL. +--- +--- - Calls to raise() or abort() to programmatically raise a signal are not detected by libuv; these will not trigger a signal watcher. +--- +--- +--- ```lua +--- -- Create a new signal handler +--- local signal = uv.new_signal() +--- -- Define a handler function +--- uv.signal_start(signal, "sigint", function(signal) +--- print("got " .. signal .. ", shutting down") +--- os.exit(1) +--- end) +--- ``` +--- +---@class uv.uv_signal_t : uv.uv_handle_t +--- +local signal + +--- Start the handle with the given callback, watching for the given signal. +--- +---@param signum integer|string +---@param callback uv.signal_start.callback +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function signal:start(signum, callback) end + +--- Same functionality as `signal:start()` but the signal handler is reset the moment the signal is received. +--- +---@param signum integer|string +---@param callback uv.signal_start_oneshot.callback +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function signal:start_oneshot(signum, callback) end + + +--- Stop the handle, the callback will no longer be called. +--- +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function signal:stop() end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_stream_t.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_stream_t.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2de883b73 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_stream_t.lua @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +---@meta + +--- Stream handles provide an abstraction of a duplex communication channel. +--- `uv_stream_t` is an abstract type, libuv provides 3 stream implementations +--- in the form of `uv_tcp_t`, `uv_pipe_t` and `uv_tty_t`. +--- +---@class uv.uv_stream_t : uv.uv_handle_t +--- +local stream + +--- This call is used in conjunction with `uv.listen()` to accept incoming +--- connections. Call this function after receiving a callback to accept the +--- connection. +--- +--- When the connection callback is called it is guaranteed that this function +--- will complete successfully the first time. If you attempt to use it more than +--- once, it may fail. It is suggested to only call this function once per +--- connection call. +--- +--- ```lua +--- server:listen(128, function (err) +--- local client = uv.new_tcp() +--- server:accept(client) +--- end) +--- ``` +--- +---@param client_stream uv.uv_stream_t +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function stream:accept(client_stream) end + +--- Returns the stream's write queue size. +--- +---@return integer size +function stream:get_write_queue_size() end + +--- Returns `true` if the stream is readable, `false` otherwise. +--- +---@return boolean readable +function stream:is_readable() end + +--- Returns `true` if the stream is writable, `false` otherwise. +--- +---@return boolean writable +function stream:is_writable() end + +--- Start listening for incoming connections. +--- +--- `backlog` indicates the number of connections the kernel might queue, same as `listen(2)`. +--- +--- When a new incoming connection is received the callback is called. +--- +---@param backlog integer +---@param callback uv.listen.callback +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function stream:listen(backlog, callback) end + +--- Read data from an incoming stream. +--- +--- The callback will be made several times until there is no more data to read or `stream:read_stop()` is called. +--- +--- When we've reached EOF, `data` will be `nil`. +--- +--- ```lua +--- stream:read_start(function (err, chunk) +--- if err then +--- -- handle read error +--- elseif chunk then +--- -- handle data +--- else +--- -- handle disconnect +--- end +--- end) +--- ``` +--- +---@param callback uv.read_start.callback +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function stream:read_start(callback) end + +--- Stop reading data from the stream. +--- +--- The read callback will no longer be called. +--- +--- This function is idempotent and may be safely called on a stopped stream. +--- +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function stream:read_stop() end + +--- Enable or disable blocking mode for a stream. +--- +--- When blocking mode is enabled all writes complete synchronously. The interface +--- remains unchanged otherwise, e.g. completion or failure of the operation will +--- still be reported through a callback which is made asynchronously. +--- +--- **Warning**: Relying too much on this API is not recommended. It is likely to +--- change significantly in the future. Currently this only works on Windows and +--- only for `uv_pipe_t` handles. Also libuv currently makes no ordering guarantee +--- when the blocking mode is changed after write requests have already been +--- submitted. Therefore it is recommended to set the blocking mode immediately +--- after opening or creating the stream. +--- +---@param blocking boolean +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function stream:set_blocking(blocking) end + +--- Shutdown the outgoing (write) side of a duplex stream. It waits for pending +--- write requests to complete. The callback is called after shutdown is complete. +--- +---@param callback? uv.shutdown.callback +---@return uv.uv_shutdown_t|nil shutdown +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function stream:shutdown(callback) end + +--- Same as `stream:write()`, but won't queue a write request if it can't be completed +--- immediately. +--- +--- Will return number of bytes written (can be less than the supplied buffer size). +--- +---@param data uv.buffer +---@return integer|nil bytes +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function stream:try_write(data) end + +--- Like `stream:write2()`, but with the properties of `stream:try_write()`. Not supported on Windows, where it returns `UV_EAGAIN`. +--- +--- Will return number of bytes written (can be less than the supplied buffer size). +--- +---@param data uv.buffer +---@param send_handle uv.uv_stream_t +---@return integer|nil bytes +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function stream:try_write2(data, send_handle) end + +--- Write data to stream. +--- +--- `data` can either be a Lua string or a table of strings. If a table is passed +--- in, the C backend will use writev to send all strings in a single system call. +--- +--- The optional `callback` is for knowing when the write is complete. +--- +---@param data uv.buffer +---@param callback? uv.write.callback +---@return uv.uv_write_t|nil bytes +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function stream:write(data, callback) end + +--- Extended write function for sending handles over a pipe. The pipe must be +--- initialized with `ipc` option `true`. +--- +--- **Note:** `send_handle` must be a TCP socket or pipe, which is a server or a +--- connection (listening or connected state). Bound sockets or pipes will be +--- assumed to be servers. +--- +---@param data uv.buffer +---@param send_handle uv.uv_stream_t +---@param callback? uv.write2.callback +---@return uv.uv_write_t|nil write +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function stream:write2(data, send_handle, callback) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_tcp_t.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_tcp_t.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8dee919f5 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_tcp_t.lua @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +---@meta + +--- TCP handles are used to represent both TCP streams and servers. +--- +---@class uv.uv_tcp_t : uv.uv_stream_t +local tcp + +--- Bind the handle to an host and port. +--- +--- Any `flags` are set with a table with field `ipv6only` equal to `true` or `false`. +--- +--- When the port is already taken, you can expect to see an `EADDRINUSE` error +--- from either `tcp:bind()`, `uv.listen()` or `tcp:connect()`. That is, a +--- successful call to this function does not guarantee that the call to `uv.listen()` +--- or `tcp:connect()` will succeed as well. +--- +--- Use a port of `0` to let the OS assign an ephemeral port. You can look it up +--- later using `tcp:getsockname()`. +--- +---@param addr string # must be an IP address and not a hostname +---@param port integer # set to `0` to allow the OS to assign an ephemeral port +---@param flags? uv.tcp_bind.flags +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function tcp:bind(addr, port, flags) end + +--- Resets a TCP connection by sending a RST packet. This is accomplished by setting +--- the SO_LINGER socket option with a linger interval of zero and then calling +--- `uv.close()`. Due to some platform inconsistencies, mixing of `uv.shutdown()` +--- and `tcp:close_reset()` calls is not allowed. +--- +---@param callback? function +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function tcp:close_reset(callback) end + +--- Establish an IPv4 or IPv6 TCP connection. +--- +--- ```lua +--- local client = uv.new_tcp() +--- client:connect("", 8080, function (err) +--- -- check error and carry on. +--- end) +--- ``` +--- +---@param host string +---@param port integer +---@param callback uv.tcp_connect.callback +---@return uv.uv_connect_t|nil conn +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function tcp:connect(host, port, callback) end + +--- Get the address of the peer connected to the handle. +--- +---@return uv.socketinfo|nil peername +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function tcp:getpeername() end + +--- Get the current address to which the handle is bound. +--- +---@return uv.socketinfo|nil sockname +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function tcp:getsockname() end + +--- Enable / disable TCP keep-alive. +--- +---@param enable boolean +---@param delay? integer # initial delay, in seconds +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function tcp:keepalive(enable, delay) end + +--- Enable / disable Nagle's algorithm. +--- +---@param enable boolean +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function tcp:nodelay(enable) end + +--- Open an existing file descriptor or SOCKET as a TCP handle. +--- +--- **Note:** The passed file descriptor or SOCKET is not checked for its type, but it's required that it represents a valid stream socket. +--- +---@param sock integer +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function tcp:open(sock) end + +--- Enable / disable simultaneous asynchronous accept requests that are queued by +--- the operating system when listening for new TCP connections. +--- +--- This setting is used to tune a TCP server for the desired performance. Having +--- simultaneous accepts can significantly improve the rate of accepting connections +--- (which is why it is enabled by default) but may lead to uneven load distribution +--- in multi-process setups. +--- +---@param enable boolean +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function tcp:simultaneous_accepts(enable) end + +--- **Deprecated:** Please use `uv.stream_get_write_queue_size()` instead. +function tcp:write_queue_size() end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_timer_t.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_timer_t.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..64a70418d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_timer_t.lua @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +---@meta + +--- Timer handles are used to schedule callbacks to be called in the future. +--- +---@class uv.uv_timer_t : uv.uv_handle_t +local timer + +--- Stop the timer, and if it is repeating restart it using the repeat value as the +--- timeout. If the timer has never been started before it raises `EINVAL`. +--- +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function timer:again() end + +--- Get the timer due value or 0 if it has expired. The time is relative to `uv.now()`. +--- +--- **Note**: New in libuv version 1.40.0. +--- +---@return integer +function timer:get_due_in() end + +--- Get the timer repeat value. +--- +---@return integer +function timer:get_repeat() end + +--- Set the repeat interval value in milliseconds. The timer will be scheduled to +--- run on the given interval, regardless of the callback execution duration, and +--- will follow normal timer semantics in the case of a time-slice overrun. +--- +--- For example, if a 50 ms repeating timer first runs for 17 ms, it will be +--- scheduled to run again 33 ms later. If other tasks consume more than the 33 ms +--- following the first timer callback, then the callback will run as soon as +--- possible. +--- +---@param repeat_ integer +function timer:set_repeat(repeat_) end + +--- Start the timer. `timeout` and `repeat_` are in milliseconds. +--- +---@param timeout integer # Timeout, in milliseconds. If timeout is zero, the callback fires on the next event loop iteration. +---@param repeat_ integer # Repeat interval, in milliseconds. If non-zero, the callback fires after `timeout` milliseconds and then repeatedly after `repeat_` milliseconds. +---@param callback function +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function timer:start(timeout, repeat_, callback) end + +--- Stop the timer, the callback will not be called anymore. +--- +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function timer:stop() end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_tty_t.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_tty_t.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..15e6fe461 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_tty_t.lua @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +---@meta + +--- TTY handles represent a stream for the console. +--- +--- ```lua +--- -- Simple echo program +--- local stdin = uv.new_tty(0, true) +--- local stdout = uv.new_tty(1, false) +--- +--- stdin:read_start(function (err, data) +--- assert(not err, err) +--- if data then +--- stdout:write(data) +--- else +--- stdin:close() +--- stdout:close() +--- end +--- end) +--- ``` +--- +---@class uv.uv_tty_t : uv.uv_stream_t +local tty + +--- Gets the current Window width and height. +--- +---@return integer|nil width +---@return integer|uv.error.message height_or_err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function tty:get_winsize() end + +--- Set the TTY using the specified terminal mode. +--- +--- Parameter `mode` is a C enum with the following values: +--- +--- - 0 - UV_TTY_MODE_NORMAL: Initial/normal terminal mode +--- - 1 - UV_TTY_MODE_RAW: Raw input mode (On Windows, ENABLE_WINDOW_INPUT is +--- also enabled) +--- - 2 - UV_TTY_MODE_IO: Binary-safe I/O mode for IPC (Unix-only) +--- +---@param mode uv.tty.mode +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function tty:set_mode(mode) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_udp_t.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_udp_t.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a2dfd6765 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/luv/library/uv_udp_t.lua @@ -0,0 +1,175 @@ +---@meta + +--- UDP handles encapsulate UDP communication for both clients and servers. +--- +---@class uv.uv_udp_t : uv.uv_handle_t +local udp + +--- Bind the UDP handle to an IP address and port. Any `flags` are set with a table +--- with fields `reuseaddr` or `ipv6only` equal to `true` or `false`. +--- +---@param host string +---@param port integer +---@param flags? uv.udp_bind.flags +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function udp:bind(host, port, flags) end + + +--- Associate the UDP handle to a remote address and port, so every message sent by +--- this handle is automatically sent to that destination. +-- +--- Calling this function with a NULL addr disconnects the handle. Trying to call `udp:connect()` on an already connected handle will result in an `EISCONN` error. Trying to disconnect a handle that is not connected will return an `ENOTCONN` error. +--- +---@param host string +---@param port integer +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function udp:connect(host, port) end + +--- Returns the handle's send queue count. +--- +---@return integer count +function udp:get_send_queue_count() end + +--- Returns the handle's send queue size. +--- +---@return integer size +function udp:get_send_queue_size() end + +--- Get the remote IP and port of the UDP handle on connected UDP handles. +--- +---@return uv.udp.sockname|nil peername +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function udp:getpeername() end + +--- Get the local IP and port of the UDP handle. +--- +---@return uv.udp.sockname|nil sockname +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function udp:getsockname() end + +--- Opens an existing file descriptor or Windows SOCKET as a UDP handle. +--- +--- Unix only: The only requirement of the sock argument is that it follows the +--- datagram contract (works in unconnected mode, supports sendmsg()/recvmsg(), +--- etc). In other words, other datagram-type sockets like raw sockets or netlink +--- sockets can also be passed to this function. +--- +--- The file descriptor is set to non-blocking mode. +--- +--- Note: The passed file descriptor or SOCKET is not checked for its type, but +--- it's required that it represents a valid datagram socket. +--- +---@param fd integer +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function udp:open(fd) end + +--- Prepare for receiving data. +--- +--- If the socket has not previously been bound with `udp:bind()` it is bound to `` (the "all interfaces" IPv4 address) and a random port number. +--- +---@param callback uv.udp_recv_start.callback +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function udp:recv_start(callback) end + +--- Stop listening for incoming datagrams. +--- +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function udp:recv_stop() end + +--- Send data over the UDP socket. +--- +--- If the socket has not previously been bound with `udp:bind()` it will be bound to `` (the "all interfaces" IPv4 address) and a random port number. +--- +---@param data uv.buffer +---@param host string +---@param port integer +---@param callback uv.udp_send.callback +---@return uv.uv_udp_send_t|nil bytes +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function udp:send(data, host, port, callback) end + +--- Set broadcast on or off. +--- +---@param on boolean +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function udp:set_broadcast(on) end + +--- Set membership for a multicast address. +--- +---@param multicast_addr string # multicast address to set membership for +---@param interface_addr string # interface address +---@param membership "leave"|"join" # membership intent +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function udp:set_membership(multicast_addr, interface_addr, membership) end + +--- Set the multicast interface to send or receive data on. +--- +---@param interface_addr string +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function udp:set_multicast_interface(interface_addr) end + +--- Set IP multicast loop flag. Makes multicast packets loop back to local +--- sockets. +--- +---@param on boolean +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function udp:set_multicast_loop(on) end + +--- Set the multicast ttl. +--- +---@param ttl integer # an integer 1 through 255 +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function udp:set_multicast_ttl(ttl) end + +--- Set membership for a source-specific multicast group. +--- +---@param multicast_addr string # multicast address to set membership for +---@param interface_addr? string # interface address +---@param source_addr string # source address +---@param membership "leave"|"join" # membership intent +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function udp:set_source_membership(multicast_addr, interface_addr, source_addr, membership) end + +--- Set the time to live. +--- +---@param ttl integer # integer 1 through 255 +---@return 0|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function udp:set_ttl(ttl) end + +--- Same as `udp:send()`, but won't queue a send request if it can't be +--- completed immediately. +--- +---@param data uv.buffer +---@param host string +---@param port integer +---@return integer|nil success +---@return uv.error.message|nil err +---@return uv.error.name|nil err_name +function udp:try_send(data, host, port) end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/config.json b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/config.json new file mode 100644 index 000000000..17210c432 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/config.json @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +{ + "name" : "skynet", + "words" : [ "skynet.start" ] +} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0e4d19dd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet.lua @@ -0,0 +1,561 @@ +---@meta +---@alias MESSAGENAME +---|+'"lua"' +---|+'"socket"' +---|+'"client"' +---|+'"response"' +---|+'"muliticast"' +---|+'"system"' +---|+'"harbor"' +---|+'"error"' +---|+'"queue"' +---|+'"debug"' +---|+'"trace"' +---@alias SERVICEADDR '".servicename"' | '":0000000C"' | integer +---@alias MESSAGEHANDLER fun(session:integer, source:integer, cmd:string, ...) +local skynet = { + -- read skynet.h + PTYPE_TEXT = 0, + PTYPE_RESPONSE = 1, + PTYPE_MULTICAST = 2, + PTYPE_CLIENT = 3, + PTYPE_SYSTEM = 4, + PTYPE_HARBOR = 5, + PTYPE_SOCKET = 6, + PTYPE_ERROR = 7, + PTYPE_QUEUE = 8, -- used in deprecated mqueue, use skynet.queue instead + PTYPE_DEBUG = 9, + PTYPE_LUA = 10, + PTYPE_SNAX = 11, + PTYPE_TRACE = 12, -- use for debug trace + PNAME_TEXT = "text", + PNAME_RESPONSE = "response", + PNAME_MULTICAST = "muliticast", + PNAME_CLIENT = "client", + PNAME_SYSTEM = "system", + PNAME_HARBOR = "harbor", + PNAME_SOCKET = "socket", + PNAME_ERROR = "error", + PNAME_QUEUE = "queue", + PNAME_DEBUG = "debug", + PNAME_LUA = "lua", + PNAME_SNAX = "snax", + PNAME_TRACE = "trace", + +} + +-------------- 地址相关 API --------------- + +---* 获取服务自己的整型服务地址 +---@return integer +function skynet.self() +end + +---* 获取服务所属的节点 +---@param addr number +---@return number +function skynet.harbor(addr) +end + +---* 将服务的整型地址转换成一个16进制字符串,若不是整型,则 tostring() 返回 +---* :0000000c +---@param addr SERVICEADDR +---@return string +function skynet.address(addr) +end + +---* skynet.localname(name) 用来查询一个 . 开头的名字对应的地址。它是一个非阻塞 API ,不可以查询跨节点的全局名字。 +---* 返回地址类似 :0000000b +---@return string +function skynet.localname(name) +end + +----------------消息分发和响应相关 API ----------- + +---* 注册一类消息的处理机制 +---* 需要 require 'skynet.manager' +---* skynet.register_protocol { +---* name = "text", +---* id = skynet.PTYPE_TEXT, +---* pack = function(m) return tostring(m) end, +---* unpack = skynet.tostring, +---* } +---@param class table +function skynet.register_protocol(class) +end + +---* 注册特定类消息的处理函数。大多数程序会注册 lua 类消息的处理函数,惯例的写法是: +---* local CMD = {} +---* skynet.dispatch("lua", function(session, source, cmd, ...) +---* local f = assert(CMD[cmd]) +---* f(...) +---* end) +---@param typename MESSAGENAME +---@param func MESSAGEHANDLER +function skynet.dispatch(typename, func) +end + +---* 向当前会话返回数据 +---* 会自动获取当前线程所关联的会话ID和返回地址 +---* 由于某些历史原因(早期的 skynet 默认消息类别是文本,而没有经过特殊编码), +---这个 API 被设计成传递一个 C 指针和长度,而不是经过当前消息的 pack 函数打包。或者你也可以省略 size 而传入一个字符串。 +---* 在同一个消息处理的 coroutine 中只可以被调用一次,多次调用会触发异常。 +---* 你需要挂起一个请求,等将来时机满足,再回应它。而回应的时候已经在别的 coroutine 中了。 +---针对这种情况,你可以调用 skynet.response(skynet.pack) 获得一个闭包,以后调用这个闭包即可把回应消息发回。 +---这里的参数 skynet.pack 是可选的,你可以传入其它打包函数,默认即是 skynet.pack 。 +---@param msg lightuserdata|string +---@param sz? integer +function skynet.ret(msg, sz) +end + +---* 与 skynet.ret(skynet.pack(...)) 相等 +function skynet.retpack(...) +end + +---返回一个闭包以进行延迟回应 +---@param pack fun(...):string|lightuserdata,integer #默认会用 skynet.pack +---@return fun(isOK:boolean | 'TEST', ...) +function skynet.response(pack) +end + +---* 一般来说每个请求都需要给出一个响应, +---* 但当我们不需要响应的时候调用这个,就不会给出警告了 +---* 如我们使用 C Gate 将套接字作为会话ID +function skynet.ignoreret() +end + +---设置未知请求的处理函数 +---@param unknown fun(session:number, source:number, msg:lightuserdata, sz:number, prototype:number) +function skynet.dispatch_unknown_request(unknown) +end + +---设置未知响应的处理函数 +---@param unknown fun(session:number, source:number, msg:lightuserdata , sz:number) +function skynet.dispatch_unknown_response(unknown) +end + +---SNLUA 默认的Lua回调 +function skynet.dispatch_message(...) +end + +--------------------序列化相关API--------------- + +---* 可以将一组 lua 对象序列化为一个由 malloc 分配出来的 C 指针加一个数字长度 +---* 你需要考虑 C 指针引用的数据块何时释放的问题。当然,如果你只是将 skynet.pack 填在消息 +--- 处理框架里时,框架解决了这个管理问题。skynet 将 C 指针发送到其他服务,而接收方会在使用完 +--- 后释放这个指针。 +---@vararg any +---@return lightuserdata, number +function skynet.pack(...) +end + +---* 将 Lua 多个数据打包成一个 Lua 字符串 +---* 这里不用考虑内存何时释放的问题,而 skynet.pack 如果在消息框架外调用就需要 +---@vararg any +---@return string +function skynet.packstring(...) +end + +---* 将 C 指针 或字符串转换成 Lua 数据 +---@param msg lightuserdata | string +---@param sz? number +---@return any ... +function skynet.unpack(msg, sz) +end + +---* 将 C 指针转换成 Lua 字符串 +---@param msg lightuserdata|string +---@param sz number #如果是传递的 string,则不需要 此参数 +---@return string +function skynet.tostring(msg, sz) +end + +---# 将 C 指针释放 +---@param msg lightuserdata +---@param sz number +function skynet.trash(msg, sz) +end + +------------------ 消息推送和远程调用 API ----------------- + +---* **非阻塞API** +---* 这条 API 可以把一条类别为 typename 的消息发送给 address 。它会先经过事先注册的 pack 函数打包 ... 的内容。 +---* 实际上也是利用了 c.send 不过传送的会话ID是0 +---* 接收端接收完毕消息后,默认情况下,消息会由 skynet 释放。 +--- 具体可以查看 skynet-server.c 中的 dispatch_message 的代码 +---@param addr SERVICEADDR +---@param typename string @类型名 +---@vararg any @传输的数据 +function skynet.send(addr, typename, ...) +end + +---* 向一个服务发送消息 +---* 它和 skynet.send 功能类似,但更细节一些。它可以指定发送地址(把消息源伪装成另一个服务),指定发送的消息的 session 。 +---* 注:address 和 source 都必须是数字地址,不可以是别名。 +---* skynet.redirect 不会调用 pack ,所以这里的 ... 必须是一个编码过的字符串,或是 userdata 加一个长度。 +---@param address number @目标服务地址 +---@param source number @伪装的源地址 +---@param typename string @类型名 +---@param session number @会话ID +---@vararg any @传输的数据 +function skynet.redirect(address, source, typename, session, ...) +end + +---* 向一个服务发送不打包的消息 +---@param addr SERVICEADDR @目标服务地址 +---@param typename string @类型名 +---@param msg lightuserdata +---@param sz? number +function skynet.rawsend(addr, typename, msg, sz) +end + +---* **阻塞API** +---* 向一个服务发送消息,并期待得到响应,用了此函数后,当前的线程会挂起,直到响应到达 +---* 若长时间没有响应,会有警告在控制台显示 +---* **挂起期间,状态可能会变更,造成重入** +---* 实际上,他也是利用 c.send 来发送消息,不过传送的会话 ID 是nil,会由引擎来生成这个会话ID +---@param addr SERVICEADDR @目标服务地址 +---@param typename string @类型名 +---@vararg any @传输的数据 +---@return ... +function skynet.call(addr, typename, ...) +end + +---* **阻塞API** +---* 向一个服务,不打包发送数据,并期待得到响应 +---* 收到回应后,也不走 unpack 流程。 +---* 调用了此函数后,当前的线程会挂起,直到响应到达 +---* 挂起期间,状态可能会变更,造成重入 +---@param addr SERVICEADDR @目标服务地址 +---@param typename string @类型名 +---@param msg lightuserdata|string +---@param sz? number +function skynet.rawcall(addr, typename, msg, sz) +end + +--- https://blog.codingnow.com/2020/09/skynet_select.html +---@class request +local request = {} +request.__call = request.add + +---@param obj table # {addr, typename, ...} +function request:add(obj) +end + +function request:close() +end + +function request:select(timeout) +end + +---@param obj? table +---@return request +function skynet.request(obj) +end + +---* 返回一个唯一的会话ID +---@return number +function skynet.genid() +end + +---带跟踪的发送一条消息 +---@param tag string +---@param addr SERVICEADDR +---@param typename string +---@param msg lightuserdata +---@param sz number +function skynet.tracecall(tag, addr, typename, msg, sz) +end + +---------------- 服务的启动和退出API --------------- + +---* 为 snlua 服务注册一个启动函数,在 Lua 加载完服务脚本后,并不会立即进行执行,而是会注册一个 0 的定时器,再回来执行。 +---* 执行时,这个启动函数会在 skynet.init 注册的函数之后执行 +---* 这个函数执行完毕后,方可收发消息 +---* 注意,这个函数才会设置 snlua 服务的消息处理回调函数 skynet.dispatch_message,若在此之前就进行调用阻塞API,可能会卡住。 +---* 这是因为,消息回调处理函数才会唤醒挂起的协程 +---* **但是,不要在此函数外面调用 skynet 的阻塞 API ,因为框架将无法唤醒它们。** +---@param start_func fun() +function skynet.start(start_func) +end + +---* 初始化服务,执行 skynet.init 注册的函数 和 start 函数,并向 .launcher 上报结果 +---* 一般不直接使用,而是由 skynet.start 调用 +---@param start fun() +function skynet.init_service(start) +end + +---* 注册一个在 start_func 执行前的执行的函数 +---@param fun fun() +function skynet.init(fun) +end + +--- 用于退出当前的服务。skynet.exit 之后的代码都不会被运行。而且,当前服务被阻塞住的 coroutine 也会立刻中断退出。这些通常是一些 RPC 尚未收到回应。所以调用 skynet.exit() 请务必小心。 +function skynet.exit() +end + +--- 用于启动一个新的 Lua 服务。name 是脚本的名字(不用写 .lua 后缀)。只有被启动的脚本的 start 函数返回后,这个 API 才会返回启动的服务的地址,这是一个阻塞 API 。如果被启动的脚本在初始化环节抛出异常,或在初始化完成前就调用 skynet.exit 退出,skynet.newservice 都会抛出异常。如果被启动的脚本的 start 函数是一个永不结束的循环,那么 newservice 也会被永远阻塞住。 +--- > 启动参数其实是以字符串拼接的方式传递过去的。所以不要在参数中传递复杂的 Lua 对象。接收到的参数都是字符串,且字符串中不可以有空格(否则会被分割成多个参数)。这种参数传递方式是历史遗留下来的,有很多潜在的问题。目前推荐的惯例是,让你的服务响应一个启动消息。在 newservice 之后,立刻调用 skynet.call 发送启动请求。 +---@param name string #脚本名字 +---@vararg string|number #可选参数 +function skynet.newservice(name, ...) +end + +--- 启动一个全局唯一服务 +---* global 为 true 表示启动全局服务 ,信息从后面参数获取 +---* global 为其他的,表示在本地启动一个本地唯一的服务,global 就代表了服务名 +---@param global boolean|string +---@vararg any +function skynet.uniqueservice(global, ...) +end + +--- 查询一个全局服务 +---* global 为 true 表示启动全局服务 ,信息从后面参数获取 +---* global 为其他的,表示在本地启动一个本地唯一的服务,global 就代表了服务名 +---@param global boolean|string +---@vararg any +function skynet.queryservice(global, ...) +end + +------------------ 时钟和线程 ------------------------ + +---* 将返回 skynet 节点进程内部时间。这个返回值的数值不是真实时间, 本身意义不大。 +---* 不同节点在同一时刻取到的值也不相同。只有两次调用的差值才有意义。用来测量经过的时间, 单位是 1/100秒。 +---* **(注意:这里的时间片表示小于skynet内部时钟周期的时间片,假如执行了比较费时的操作如超长时间的循环,或者调用了外部的阻塞调用,** +---* **如os.execute('sleep 1'), 即使中间没有skynet的阻塞api调用,两次调用的返回值还是会不同的.)** +---@return number +function skynet.now() +end + +---* 如果你需要做性能分析,可以使用 skynet.hpc ,它会返回精度为 ns (1000000000 分之一 秒)的 64 位整数。 +---@return number +function skynet.hpc() +end + +---* 返回 skynet 节点进程启动的 UTC 时间,以秒为单位 +---@return number +function skynet.starttime() +end + +---返回以秒为单位(精度为小数点后两位)的 UTC 时间。它时间上等价于:skynet.now()/100 + skynet.starttime() +---@return number +function skynet.time() +end + +---* 相当于 skynet.sleep(0) 。 +---* 交出当前服务对 CPU 的控制权。通常在你想做大量的操作,又没有机会调用阻塞 API 时,可以选择调用 yield 让系统跑的更平滑。 +function skynet.yield() +end + +---* 让框架在 ti 个单位时间后,调用 func 这个函数。 +---* 这不是一个阻塞 API ,当前 coroutine 会继续向下运行,而 func 将来会在新的 coroutine 中执行。 +---* skynet 的定时器实现的非常高效,所以一般不用太担心性能问题。不过,如果你的服务想大量使用定时器的话,可以考虑一个更好的方法: +---* 即在一个service里,尽量只使用一个 skynet.timeout ,用它来触发自己的定时事件模块。 +---* 这样可以减少大量从框架发送到服务的消息数量。毕竟一个服务在同一个单位时间能处理的外部消息数量是有限的。 +---* 事实上,这个 API 相当于向引擎 调用 skynet.send 发送了一个请求,会由请求在定时器超时后进行响应, +---@param ti number @ ti 的单位是 0.01秒 +---@param func fun() @回调函数 +function skynet.timeout(ti, func) +end + +---* **阻塞API** +---* 将当前 coroutine 挂起 ti 个单位时间。一个单位是 1/100 秒。 +---* 它是向框架注册一个定时器实现的。框架会在 ti 时间后,发送一个定时器消息来唤醒这个 coroutine 。 +---* 这是一个阻塞 API 。它的返回值会告诉你是时间到了,还是被 skynet.wakeup 唤醒 (返回 "BREAK")。 +---@param ti number ti*0.01s +---@param token? any 默认coroutine.running() +function skynet.sleep(ti, token) +end + +---* skynet.wait(token) 把当前 coroutine 挂起,之后由 skynet.wakeup 唤醒。 +---* 将当前线程移入 sleep 队列 +---* token 必须是唯一的,默认为 coroutine.running() 。 +---@param token any +function skynet.wait(token) +end + +---* skynet.wakeup(token) 唤醒一个被 skynet.sleep 或 skynet.wait 挂起的 coroutine 。 +---* 这会将一个处于 挂起状态,sleep 队列中的线程移到待唤醒的队列中,一旦主线程有一个挂起其他线程的操作,就会进行唤醒。 +---* 在 1.0 版中 wakeup 不保证次序,目前的版本则可以保证。 +function skynet.wakeup(token) +end + +---* skynet.fork(func, ...) 从功能上,它等价于 skynet.timeout(0, function() func(...) end) +---* 但是比 timeout 高效一点。因为它并不需要向框架注册一个定时器。 +---* fork 出来的线程的执行时机,是在处理完一条消息时。(skynet.start 内调用此 API 可以保证被触发执行,因为 start 注册的函数是以定时器的形式触发执行的) +---@param func function +---@vararg any +function skynet.fork(func, ...) +end + +-------------- 日志跟踪 API ------------- + +---* 写日志 +---@vararg any +function skynet.error(...) +end + +---跟踪一条消息的处理 +---* tag = string.format(":%08x-%d",skynet.self(), traceid +---@param info string notifymsg +function skynet.trace(info) +end + +---返回当前线程的 trace tag +---* tag = string.format(":%08x-%d",skynet.self(), traceid +---@return string +function skynet.tracetag() +end + +---是否打开超时跟踪 +---@param on boolean +function skynet.trace_timeout(on) +end + +---设置消息类型的跟踪标志 +---* true: force on +---* false: force off +---* nil: optional (use skynet.trace() to trace one message) +---@param prototype string|number +---@param flag? boolean +function skynet.traceproto(prototype, flag) +end + +----------------- 其他 API ------------- +---设置回调 +---@param fun function +---@param forward boolean @设置是否是进行转发,如果是 true 那消息将不会由 skynet 释放 +function skynet.callback(fun, forward) + +end + +---干掉一个线程 +---@param thread string | table +function skynet.killthread(thread) +end + +---获取我们为 skynet 设置的环境变量 +---@param key string +---@return any +function skynet.getenv(key) +end + +---为 skynet 设置的环境变量 +---@param key string +---@param value any +function skynet.setenv(key, value) +end + +---返回当前线程的会话ID和协程地址 +---@return number co_session, number co_address +function skynet.context() +end + +----------------------状态相关 API ------------------ +---是否 (c.intcommand("STAT", "endless") == 1) +function skynet.endless() +end + +--- 返回队列长度 c.intcommand("STAT", "mqlen") +---@return number +function skynet.mqlen() +end + +--- 返回状态信息 c.intcommand("STAT", what) +--- 可以返回当前服务的性能统计信息,what 可以是以下字符串。 +---* "mqlen" 消息队列中堆积的消息数量。如果消息是均匀输入的,那么 mqlen 不断增长就说明已经过载。你可以在消息的 dispatch 函数中首先判断 mqlen ,在过载发生时做一些处理(至少 log 记录下来,方便定位问题)。 +---* "cpu" 占用的 cpu 总时间。需要在 [[Config]] 配置 profile 为 true 。 +---* "message" 处理的消息条数 +---@param what string +function skynet.stat(what) +end + +---返回任务信息 +---这里说的任务是指:服务发出了请求,但未收到响应,已挂起的协程 +---当参数ret的值为: +--- nil: 返回挂起的协程数量 +--- "init": 返回 traceback(init_thread) +--- table: 所有挂起协程的状态信息 +--- number :代表一个会话ID,显示此会话状态信息 +--- thread: 某个协程的信息 +---@param ret nil|number|table|string +function skynet.task(ret) +end + +function skynet.uniqtask() +end + +function skynet.term(service) +end + +--- 只能调用一次,设置 lua 最多使用的内存字节属 +---@param bytes integer +function skynet.memlimit(bytes) +end + +------------------以下是属于 skynet.manager 中的 api + +---* **skynet.manager API** +---* 启动一个C 服务,具体参数要看 C服务是怎么编写的 +---@vararg any +function skynet.launch(...) +end + +---* **skynet.manager API** +--- 可以用来强制关闭别的服务。但强烈不推荐这样做。因为对象会在任意一条消息处理完毕后,毫无征兆的退出。所以推荐的做法是,发送一条消息,让对方自己善后以及调用 skynet.exit 。注:skynet.kill(skynet.self()) 不完全等价于 skynet.exit() ,后者更安全。 +---@param name number|string +function skynet.kill(name) +end + +---* **skynet.manager API** +---* 向引擎发送一个 ABORT 命令,退出自身服务 +function skynet.abort() +end + +---* **skynet.manager API** +---* 给服务注册一个名字 +---@param name string +function skynet.register(name) +end + +---* **skynet.manager API** +---* 给服务命名 以 . 开头的名字是在同一 skynet 节点下有效的 +---* skynet.name(name, skynet.self()) 和 skynet.register(name) 功能等价。 +---@param name string +---@param handle number +function skynet.name(name, handle) +end + +---* **skynet.manager API** +---* 将本服务实现为消息转发器,对一类消息进行转发 +---* 设置指定类型的消息,不由 skynet 框架释放 +---* 对于在 map 中的消息,不进行释放 +---* 不在 map 中的消息,由 此函数中调用 skynet.trash 进行释放 +---@param map table +---@param start_func function +function skynet.forward_type(map, start_func) +end + +---* **skynet.manager API** +---过滤消息再处理。(注:filter 可以将 type, msg, sz, session, source 五个参数先处理过再返回新的 5 个参数。) +---@param f any +---@param start_func any +function skynet.filter(f, start_func) +end + +---* **skynet.manager API** +---给当前 skynet 进程设置一个全局的服务监控。 +---@param service any +---@param query any +function skynet.monitor(service, query) +end + +-----------------------debug API-------------- +---注册一个响应 debug console 中 info 命令的函数 +---* 这个 API 不是由 skynet 模块定义,而是将 skynet 模块传递给 skynet.debug 模块后,由 skynet.debug 模块类似 mixin 的形式定义的 +---@param fun fun() +function skynet.info_func(fun) + +end + +return skynet diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/cluster.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/cluster.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2b12b15bb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/cluster.lua @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +---@meta +---* cluster 相关的库 +---* 这个库,使用了一个叫 clusterd 的服务来进行工作 +---@class cluster +local cluster = {} + +---* 对某个节点上的服务传输消息 +---@param node string @配置中给出的节点名 +---@param address string | number @推荐使用 . 开头本地服务名,因为没有必要再用 master/slave 模式 +---@varargs any @传输数据 +function cluster.call(node, address, ...) +end +---* 对某个节点上的服务传输消息 +---* 越节点推送消息有丢失消息的风险。因为 cluster 基于 tcp 连接,当 cluster 间的连接断开,cluster.send 的消息就可能丢失。而这个函数会立刻返回,所以调用者没有机会知道发送出错。 +---@param node string @配置中给出的节点名 +---@param address string | number @推荐使用 . 开头本地服务名,因为没有必要再用 master/slave 模式 +---@varargs any @传输数据 +function cluster.send(node, address, ...) +end +---* 打开节点 +---* 如果参数是一个节点名,那么会从配置文件中加载的名称对应的IP和端口进行监听 +---* 实际上就是开了一个 gate 服务,监听套接字 +---@param port string | number @节点名或者是端口号 +function cluster.open(port) +end +---* 重新加载节点配置信息 +---* Cluster 是去中心化的,所以需要在每台机器上都放置一份配置文件(通常是相同的)。 +---* 通过调用 cluster.reload 可以让本进程重新加载配置。 +---* 如果你修改了每个节点名字对应的地址,那么 reload 之后的请求都会发到新的地址。 +---* 而之前没有收到回应的请求还是会在老地址上等待。如果你老的地址已经无效(通常是主动关闭了进程)那么请求方会收到一个错误。 +---@param config table @ 名称=IP:端口键值对 +function cluster.reload(config) +end +---* 为某个节点上的服务生成一个代理服务 clusterproxy +---@param node string +---@param name string +function cluster.proxy(node, name) +end +function cluster.snax(node, name, address) +end +---* 可以把 addr 注册为 cluster 可见的一个字符串名字 name 。如果不传 addr 表示把自身注册为 name 。 +---@param name string +---@param addr number +function cluster.register(name, addr) +end +---* 查询节点上服务的地址 +---@param node string +---@param name string +---@return number +function cluster.query(node, name) +end +return cluster diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/crypt.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/crypt.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..17e516312 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/crypt.lua @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +---@meta +---@class crypt +local crypt = {} + +---计算 hash +---@param key any +---@return string +function crypt.hashkey(key) +end +---生成一个8位的 key +---@return string +function crypt.randomkey() +end +---des 加密 +---@param key number +---@param data string +---@param padding number | nil @对齐模式 默认 iso7816_4 +---@return string +function crypt.desencode(key, data, padding) +end +---desc 解密 +---@param key number +---@param data string +---@param padding number | nil @对齐模式 默认 iso7816_4 +---@return string +function crypt.desdecode(key, data, padding) +end +---hex 编码 +---@param data string +---@return string +function crypt.hexencode(data) +end +---hex 解码 +---@param data string +---@return string +function crypt.hexdecode(data) +end +---hmac 签名 +---@param challenge string @挑战消息 +---@param secret string @密钥 +---@return string +function crypt.hmac64(challenge, secret) +end +---hmac md5签名 +---@param msg string +---@param secret string +---@return string +function crypt.hmac64_md5(msg, secret) +end +---dh交换 +---@param key string +---@return string +function crypt.dhexchange(key) +end +---密钥计算 +---@param dhkey string @经过 exchange 后的密钥 +---@param selfkey string @原始 +function crypt.dhsecret(dhkey, selfkey) +end +---base64编码 +---@param msg string +---@return string +function crypt.base64encode(msg) +end +---base64解码 +---@param msg string +---@return string +function crypt.base64decode(msg) +end +---sha1 +---@param msg string +---@return string +function crypt.sha1(msg) +end +function crypt.hmac_sha1() +end +---hmac hash +---@param key string +---@param msg string +---@return string +function crypt.hmac_hash(key, msg) +end +---xor 字符串 +---@param s1 string +---@param key string +---@return lightuserdata +function crypt.xor_str(s1, key) +end + +return crypt diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/db/mongo.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/db/mongo.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ca24493ca --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/db/mongo.lua @@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ +---@meta +local mongo = {} + +---@class mongo_client +---@field host string +---@field port number +---@field username string +---@field password string +---@field authdb string +---@field authmod string +---@field __id number +---@field __sock socketchannel +local mongo_client = {} + +---@class mongo_db +---@field connection mongo_client +---@field name string +---@field full_name string +---@field database mongo_db +---@field _cmd string dbname.$cmd +local mongo_db = {} + +---@class mongo_collection +---@field connection mongo_client +---@field name string +---@field full_name string +---@field database boolean +local mongo_collection = {} + +---@class mongo_cursor +local mongo_cursor = {} +---建立一个客户端 +---@param conf table {host, port, username, password, authdb, authmod} +---@return mongo_client +function mongo.client(conf) +end +---获取一个 mongo_db 对象 +---@param dbname string +---@return mongo_db +function mongo_client:getDB(dbname) +end + +---断开连接 +function mongo_client:disconnect() +end +---以 self.admin:runCommand(...) 来执行命令 +function mongo_client:runCommand(...) +end + +---退出登录 +function mongo_client:logout() +end + +---验证登录 +---@param user string +---@param pass string +function mongo_db:auth(user, pass) + +end +---执行命令,命令的格式需要参考 [https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/command/](https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/command/), +---命令的键要单独分开来放,如 mongo_db:runCommand('find','account','limit','1') +function mongo_db:runCommand(cmd, cmd_v, ...) +end +---获取集合 +---@param collection string +---@return mongo_collection +function mongo_db:getCollection(collection) +end +---获取集合 +---@param collection string +---@return mongo_collection +function mongo_collection:getCollection(collection) +end + +---向集合插入文档 +---@param doc table +function mongo_collection:insert(doc) +end +---向集合安全的插入数据 +---@param doc table +---@return boolean ok #是否成功 +---@return string|nil err #错误消息 +---@return table r #成功时表示返回的数据,失败时表示错误的详细信息 +function mongo_collection:safe_insert(doc) +end + +---插入批量数据 +---@param docs table[] +function mongo_collection:batch_insert(docs) + +end +---安全插入批量数据 +---@param docs table[] +---@return boolean ok #是否成功 +---@return string|nil err #错误消息 +---@return table r #成功时表示返回的数据,失败时表示错误的详细信息 +function mongo_collection:safe_batch_insert(docs) + +end +---更新数据 +---@param selector table +---@param update table +---@param upsert boolean +---@param multi boolean +function mongo_collection:update(selector, update, upsert, multi) + +end +---安全更新数据 +---@param selector table +---@param update table +---@param upsert boolean #没有数据是否插入 +---@param multi boolean #是否更新多行 +---@return boolean ok #是否成功 +---@return string|nil err #错误消息 +---@return table r #成功时表示返回的数据,失败时表示错误的详细信息 +function mongo_collection:safe_update(selector, update, upsert, multi) + +end + +---删除数据 +---@param selector table +---@param single boolean +function mongo_collection:delete(selector, single) + +end +---安全删除数据 +---@param selector table +---@param single boolean +---@return boolean ok #是否成功 +---@return string err #错误消息 +---@return table r #错误返回数据 +function mongo_collection:safe_delete(selector, single) + +end +---查找数据,返回的是一个游标,我们需要遍历游标才能获取所有返回 +---@param query table +---@param selector table +---@return mongo_cursor +function mongo_collection:find(query, selector) + +end +---@param query table +---@param selector table +---@return table +function mongo_collection:findOne(query, selector) + +end + +---建立索引 +---* collection:createIndex { { key1 = 1}, { key2 = 1 }, unique = true } +---* or collection:createIndex { "key1", "key2", unique = true } +---* or collection:createIndex( { key1 = 1} , { unique = true } ) -- For compatibility +---@param arg1 table +---@param arg2? table +function mongo_collection:createIndex(arg1, arg2) + +end +---建立多个索引 +---@vararg table +function mongo_collection:createIndexs(...) + +end +mongo_collection.ensureIndex = mongo_collection.createIndex + +---删除集合 +function mongo_collection:drop() + +end +--- 删除索引 +---* collection:dropIndex("age_1") +---* collection:dropIndex("*") +---@param indexName string +function mongo_collection:dropIndex(indexName) + +end + +---查找并修改 +---* collection:findAndModify({query = {name = "userid"}, update = {["$inc"] = {nextid = 1}}, }) +---* keys, value type +---* query, table +---* sort, table +---* remove, bool +---* update, table +---* new, bool +---* fields, bool +---* upsert, boolean +---@param doc table +function mongo_collection:findAndModify(doc) + +end + +---排序 +---* cursor:sort { key = 1 } or cursor:sort( {key1 = 1}, {key2 = -1}) +---@param key table +---@param key_v table +function mongo_cursor:sort(key, key_v, ...) +end +---跳过多少行 +---@param amount number +function mongo_cursor:skip(amount) +end +---限制行数 +---@param amount number +function mongo_cursor:limit(amount) +end +---统计行数 +---@param with_limit_and_skip? boolean +function mongo_cursor:count(with_limit_and_skip) +end +---是否有下一行 +---@return boolean +function mongo_cursor:hasNext() +end +---下一行 +---@return table +function mongo_cursor:next() +end +---关闭游标 +function mongo_cursor:close() +end +return mongo diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/db/mysql.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/db/mysql.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..330ed379a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/db/mysql.lua @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +---@meta +---@class MySQL +local _M = {} + +---comment +---@param opts table {database,user, password,charset,host, port, overload} +---@return MySQL +function _M.connect(opts) +end +function _M:disconnect() +end +---@param query string +---@return boolean #whether ok +---@return table # error description table or rows list +function _M:query(query) +end + +---@class STMT +---@field prepare_id number +---@field field_count integer +---@field param_count integer +---@field warning_count integer +---@field params table +---@field fields table +local STMT = {} +---@param sql string +---@return boolean #whether ok +---@return STMT|table # error description table or STMT +function _M:prepare(sql) +end + +---@param stmt STMT +---@param ... any +---@return boolean #whether ok +---@return table # error description table or rows list +function _M:execute(stmt, ...) +end +---@param stmt STMT +---@return boolean #whether ok +---@return table # error description table or rows list +function _M:stmt_reset(stmt) +end +---@param stmt STMT +function _M:stmt_close(stmt) +end +function _M:ping() +end +function _M.server_ver() +end +function _M.quote_sql_str(str) +end +function _M:set_compact_arrays(value) +end +return _M diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/db/redis.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/db/redis.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0d807c25a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/db/redis.lua @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +---@meta +local redis = {} + +---@class redisconfig +---@field host string +---@field port integer +---@field overload boolean +---@field auth table +---@field db integer +---@field username? string + +---一个 Redis 连接,返回这个 Command 对象。当在此对象上执行指令时,若指令不存在,会在第一次执行的时候构造 +---指令对象的方法。 +---指令的参数的第一个可以是 nil, 也可以是 table,还可以有多个参数。 +---异步形式,底层用 socketchannel 进行通信,这点要注意。 +---更多命令查看 [https://www.redis.com.cn/commands.html](https://www.redis.com.cn/commands.html) +---@see socketchannel +---@class command +local command = {} +function command:disconnect() +end + +---Is key exists +---@param k string +---@return boolean +function command:exists(k) +end + +---Does value is a member of set key. +---@param key string #key of a set +---@param value string #value +function command:sismember(key, value) +end + +---Pipline command +---If resp is a table and exits, return boolean, resp. +---Or return the last result. boolean, out +---@param ops string[] +---@param resp? table +function command:pipeline(ops, resp) +end + +--- watch mode, only can do SUBSCRIBE, PSUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE, PUNSUBSCRIBE, PING and QUIT command. +--- we can call watch:message in endless loop. +---@class watch +local watch = {} +function watch:disconnect() +end + +---阻塞模式读取消息 +function watch:message() +end + +---subscribe channel +function watch:subscribe(...) +end + +---pattern subscribe channels +function watch:psubscribe(...) +end + +---unsubscribe +function watch:unsubscribe(...) +end + +---punsubscribe +function watch:punsubscribe(...) +end + +---connect to redis server +---@param conf redisconfig +---@return command +function redis.connect(conf) +end + +---connect to redis server on watch mode +---@param conf redisconfig +---@return watch +function redis.watch(conf) +end + +return redis diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/debug.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/debug.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..020326490 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/debug.lua @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +---@meta +---@class debug +local debug = {} + +---初始化 debug +---@param skynet table +---@param export table +function debug.init(skynet, export) + +end +---注册一个 debug 指令函数 +---@param name string +---@param fn fun() +function debug.reg_debugcmd(name, fn) + +end +return debug diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/habor.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/habor.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b5b0484df --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/habor.lua @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +---@meta +---* 多节点相关的 API +---@class harbor +local harbor = {} + +---* 注册一个全局名字。如果 handle 为空,则注册自己。skynet.name 和 skynet.register 是用其实现的。 +---@param name string @服务名称 +---@param handle number | nil @服务地址,可为空,表示注册自己 +function harbor.globalname(name, handle) +end +---* 可以用来查询全局名字或本地名字对应的服务地址。它是一个阻塞调用。 +---@param name string +function harbor.queryname(name) +end +---* 用来监控一个 slave 是否断开。如果 harbor id 对应的 slave 正常,这个 api 将阻塞。当 slave 断开时,会立刻返回。 +---@param id number @harbor id +function harbor.link(id) +end +---* 和 harbor.link 相反。如果 harbor id 对应的 slave 没有连接,这个 api 将阻塞,一直到它连上来才返回。 +---@param id number @harbor id +function harbor.connect(id) +end +---* 用来在 slave 上监控和 master 的连接是否正常。这个 api 多用于异常时的安全退出(因为当 slave 和 master 断开后,没有手段可以恢复)。 +function harbor.linkmaster() +end + +return harbor diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/muliticast.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/muliticast.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9924891e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/muliticast.lua @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +---@meta +---* 此模块使用了一个唯一服务 multicastd 来进行通信 +---@class multicast +local multicast = {} + +---@class channel_meta +---@field delete fun() @删除频道自身 +---@field publish fun(...) @发布消息 +---@field subscribe fun() @订阅频道,这个必须调用之后才能收到消息 +---@field unsubscribe fun() @取消订阅 + +---@class multicastchannel : channel_meta +---@field channel number @频道ID +---@field __pack fun(...) @打包函数 默认 skynet.pack +---@field __unpack fun(...) @解包函数 默认 skynet.unpack +---@field __dispatch fun(...) @分发函数 + +---新建频道 +---@param conf table +---@return multicastchannel +function multicast.new(conf) +end + +return multicast diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/netpack.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/netpack.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fb0455fe2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/netpack.lua @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +---@meta +---*网络数据打包解包模块 +---*每个包就是 2 个字节 + 数据内容。这两个字节是 Big-Endian 编码的一个数字。数据内容可以是任意字节。 +---@class netpack +local netpack = {} + +---进行分包处理事件判断 +---* netpack的使用者可以通过filter返回的type来分别进行事件处理。 +---* 会返回 data, more, error, open, close, warning 表示事件类型及每个事件需要的参数 +---* 对于SOCKET_DATA事件,filter会进行数据分包,如果分包后刚好有一条完整消息,filter返回的type为”data”,其后跟fd msg size。 如果不止一条消息,那么数据将被依次压入queue参数中,并且仅返回一个type为”more”。 queue是一个userdata,可以通过netpack.pop 弹出queue中的一条消息。 +---* 其余type类型”open”,”error”, “close”分别SOCKET_ACCEPT, SOCKET_ERROR, SOCKET_CLOSE事件。 +---* netpack会尽可能多地分包,交给上层。并且通过一个哈希表保存每个套接字ID对应的粘包,在下次数据到达时,取出上次留下的粘包数据,重新分包. +---@param queue userdata @一个存放消息的队列 +---@param msg lightuserdata @收到的数据 +---@param sz number @收到的数据长度 +---@return string +function netpack.filter(queue, msg, sz) +end +---从队列中弹出一条消息 +---@param queue userdata +---@return fd, msg, sz +function netpack.pop(queue) +end +---* 把一个字符串(或一个 C 指针加一个长度)打包成带 2 字节包头的数据块。 +---* 这和我们我们用 string.pack('>I2') 打包字符串长度,再连上字符串是一样的,不过,这样打包后是在,string pack 是在 Lua 管理,而不是 C 管理 +---* 这个 api 返回一个lightuserdata 和一个 number 。你可以直接送到 socket.write 发送(socket.write 负责最终释放内存)。 +---@param msg string | lightuserdata @当是 lightuserdata 的时候,需要指定 sz +---@param sz number | nil @当是一个字符串的时候,不需要这个参数 +---@return lightuserdata,number +function netpack.pack(msg, sz) +end +---清除一个队列 +---@param queue any +function netpack.clear(queue) +end +---把 handler.message 方法收到的 msg,sz 转换成一个 lua string,并释放 msg 占用的 C 内存。 +---@param msg any +---@param sz any +---@return string +function netpack.tostring(msg, sz) +end + +return netpack diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/profile.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/profile.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..24fa06b79 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/profile.lua @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +---@meta +--- profile 模块可以帮助统计一个消息处理使用的系统时间 +--- 使用 skynet 内置的 profile 记时而不用系统带的 os.time 是因为 profile 可以剔除阻塞调用的时间,准确统计出当前 coroutine 真正的开销。 +--- > profile.start() 和 profile.stop() 必须在 skynet 线程中调用(记录当前线程),如果在 skynet [[Coroutine]] 中调用的话,请传入指定的 skynet 线程对象,通常可通过 skynet.coroutine.thread() 获得。 +--- 若是需要多服务的跟踪,请使用 +--- skynet.trace() 在一个消息处理流程中,如果调用了这个 api ,将开启消息跟踪日志。每次调用都会生成一个唯一 tag ,所有当前执行流,和调用到的其它服务,都会计入日志中。具体解释,可以参考 +local profile = {} + +---开始,返回的时间单位是 秒 +---@return number time +function profile.start() + +end +---结束,返回的时间单位是秒 +---@return number time +function profile.stop() + +end +function profile.resume() + +end +function profile.resume_co() + +end +function profile.yield() + +end +function profile.yield_co() + +end +return profile diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/sharedata.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/sharedata.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..47417950c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/sharedata.lua @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +---@meta +local sharedata = {} +---* 不可进行频繁的数据共享 +---* 在当前节点内创建一个共享数据对象。 +---* value 可以是一张 lua table ,但不可以有环。且 key 必须是字符串或 32bit 正整数。 +---* value 还可以是一段 lua 文本代码,而 sharedata 模块将解析这段代码,把它封装到一个沙盒中运行,最终取得它返回的 table。如果它不返回 table ,则采用它的沙盒全局环境。 +---* 如果 value 是一个以 @ 开头的字符串,这个字符串会被解释为一个文件名。sharedata 模块将加载该文件名指定的文件。 +---@param name string +---@param value table | string +function sharedata.new(name, value) +end +---* 更新当前节点的共享数据对象。 +---* 所有持有这个对象的服务都会自动去数据源头更新数据。但由于这是一个并行的过程,更新并不保证立刻生效。但使用共享数据的读取方一定能在同一个时间片(单次 skynet 消息处理过程)访问到同一版本的共享数据。 +---* 更新过程是惰性的,如果你持有一个代理对象,但在更新数据后没有访问里面的数据,那么该代理对象会一直持有老版本的数据直到第一次访问。这个行为的副作用是:老版本的 C 对象会一直占用内存。如果你需要频繁更新数据,那么,为了加快内存回收,可以通知持有代理对象的服务在更新后,主动调用 sharedata.flush() 。 +---@param name string +---@param value table | string +function sharedata.update(name, value) +end + +---通知代理对象来更新数据 +---一般在 update 后 +function sharedata.flush() +end + +---* 删除当前节点的共享数据对象。 +---@param name string +function sharedata.delete(name) +end +---深拷贝 +---@param name string +---@vararg string x.y.z +function sharedata.deepcopy(name, ...) +end + +---获取当前节点的共享数据对象。 +function sharedata.query(name) +end + +return sharedata diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/sharemap.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/sharemap.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9be194289 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/sharemap.lua @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +---@meta +---@class sharemapwriter +local sharemapwriter = {} +---@class sharemapreader +local sharemapreader = {} +---* 一个使用 stm 模块实现的,用于在服务间共享数据的模块 +---* 这里使用了 sproto 来描述序列化数据 +---* 其内部引用了代表 Lua 的源数据 +---* 和由 stm 构造的 stmobj +---@class sharemap +local sharemap = {} +---* 注册 sproto 协议描述文件 +function sharemap.register(protofile) +end +---* 将 Lua 数据,按 sproto 描述中的 某一类型进行序列化后,构造 stm 对象 +---@param typename string +---@param obj any +---@return sharemapwriter +function sharemap.writer(typename, obj) +end +---* writer 实际上是将一分 Lua 数据,经过 sproto 序列化后,重新放到内存中 +function sharemap:commit() +end +---* writer 使用,生成一个指针,用来传递到其他服务 +function sharemap:copy() +end +---* reader 使用,若stm对象有更新,将内存重新序列化出来。 +function sharemap:update() +end +---* 为一 stm 对象构造一个 reader +---@param typename any +---@param stmcpy any +---@return sharemapreader +function sharemap.reader(typename, stmcpy) +end + +---@type stmobj +sharemapwriter.__obj = nil +sharemapwriter.__data = nil +---@type string +sharemapwriter.__typename = nil +sharemapwriter.copy = sharemap.copy +sharemapwriter.commit = sharemap.commit + +sharemapreader.__typename = nil +---@type stmobj +sharemapreader.__obj = nil +---反序列化后的数据 +sharemapreader.__data = nil +---* 调用此方法,会将内存中的数据重新序列化 +sharemapreader.__update = sharemap.update +return sharemap diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/sharetable.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/sharetable.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b65a28f27 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/sharetable.lua @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +---@meta +--- 一张表一旦被 query 一次,其数据的生命期将一直维持调用 query 的该服务退出。目前没有手段主动消除对一张共享表的引用。 +---@class sharetable +local sharetable = {} +---* 从一个源文件读取一个共享表,这个文件需要返回一个 table ,这个 table 可以被多个不同的服务读取。... 是传给这个文件的参数。 +---* 可以多次 load 同一个 filename 的表,这样的话,对应的 table 会被更新。使用这张表的服务需要调用 update 更新。 +---@param filename string +---@vararg any 传递的参数 +---@return table +function sharetable.loadfile(filename, ...) +end +---* 和 loadfile 类似,但是是从一个字符串读取。 +---* 推荐使用 sharetable.loadfile 创建这个共享表。 +---* 因为使用 sharetable.loadtable 会经过一次序列化和拷贝,对于太大的表,这个过程非常的耗时。 +---@param filename string +---@param source string +---@vararg any +---@return table +function sharetable.loadstring(filename, source, ...) +end +---* 直接将一个 table 共享。 +---@param filename string +---@param tbl table +---@return table +function sharetable.loadtable(filename, tbl) +end +---* 以 filename 为 key 查找一个被共享的 table 。 +---@param filename string +---@return table +function sharetable.query(filename) +end +---* 更新一个或多个 key 。 +---@vararg ... keys +function sharetable.update(...) +end + +return sharetable diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/socket.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/socket.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9f26c72e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/socket.lua @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +---@meta +---* 所谓阻塞模式,实际上是利用了 lua 的 coroutine 机制。当你调用 socket api 时,服务有可能被挂起(时间片被让给其他业务处理),待结果通过 socket 消息返回,coroutine 将延续执行。 +---* socketdrver 的 Lua 层表示 +---* 注意与 gateserver 的区别, 他们都会接管 socket 类型的消息 +---@class socket +local socket = {} +---* 作为客户端,连接到一个 IP和端口 +---* 会返回一个代表了 skynet 内部和系统套接字文件描述符相关的结构索引 +---@param addr string @可以是一个IPV4地址,也可以是 'ip:port' 这样的形式,这种形式下,就可以不指定 Port +---@param port number @端口 +---@return number @skynet对套接字描述符的表示 +function socket.open(addr, port) +end + +---* 绑定系统文件描述符 +---@param os_fd number +---@return number @skynet对套接字描述符的表示 +function socket.bind(os_fd) +end + +---* 等价于 socket.bind(0),绑定到标准输出 +---@return number @skynet对套接字描述符的表示 +function socket.stdin() +end + +---* accept 是一个函数。每当一个监听的 id 对应的 socket 上有连接接入的时候,都会调用 accept 函数。这个函数会得到接入连接的 id 以及 ip 地址。你可以做后续操作。 +---* 开始收发套接字数据,并设置一个回调 +---* 这个函数会将套接字索引与一个 Lua 的结构封装起来,并在协程内挂起 (skynet.wait) +---* 当有数据事件到达时,就会 skynet.wakeup 协程来 +---@param id number @skynet套接字索引 +---@param accept? fun(...) @事件回调函数,监听字才需要这个 +---@return number | nil, error +function socket.start(id, accept) +end + +---* 暂停收发一个套接字上的数据 +---@param id number @skynet套接字索引 +function socket.pause(id) +end + +---* 强行关闭一个连接。和 close 不同的是,它不会等待可能存在的其它 coroutine 的读操作。 +---* 一般不建议使用这个 API ,但如果你需要在 __gc 元方法中关闭连接的话,shutdown 是一个比 close 更好的选择(因为在 gc 过程中无法切换 coroutine) +---@param id number @skynet套接字索引 +function socket.shutdown(id) +end + +---* 在极其罕见的情况下,需要粗暴的直接关闭某个连接,而避免 socket.close 的阻塞等待流程,可以使用它。 +---@param id number @skynet套接字索引 +function socket.close_fd(id) +end + +---* 关闭一个连接,这个 API 有可能阻塞住执行流。因为如果有其它 coroutine 正在阻塞读这个 id 对应的连接,会先驱使读操作结束,close 操作才返回。 +---@param id number @skynet套接字索引 +function socket.close(id) +end + +---从一个 socket 上读 sz 指定的字节数。如果读到了指定长度的字符串,它把这个字符串返回。如果连接断开导致字节数不够,将返回一个 false 加上读到的字符串。如果 sz 为 nil ,则返回尽可能多的字节数,但至少读一个字节(若无新数据,会阻塞)。 +---@param id number @skynet套接字索引 +---@param sz number | nil @要读取的字节数,nil 尽可能多的读 +---@return string | nil, string +function socket.read(id, sz) +end + +---* 从一个 socket 上读所有的数据,直到 socket 主动断开,或在其它 coroutine 用 socket.close 关闭它。 +---@param id number @skynet套接字索引 +---@return buffer | nil, buffer +function socket.readall(id) +end + +---* 从一个 socket 上读一行数据。sep 指行分割符。默认的 sep 为 "\n"。读到的字符串是不包含这个分割符的。 +---@param id number @skynet套接字索引 +---@return buffer | nil, buffer +function socket.readline(id, sep) +end + +---* 等待一个 socket 可读 +---@param id number @skynet套接字索引 +function socket.block(id) +end + +---* 是否合法套接字 +---@param id number @skynet套接字索引 +---@return boolean +function socket.invalid(id) +end + +---* 是否已断开 +---@param id number @skynet套接字索引 +---@return boolean +function socket.disconnected(id) +end + +---* 监听一个端口,返回一个 id ,供 start 使用。 +---@param host string @地址,可以是 ip:port +---@param port? number @端口,可为 nil,此时从 host 内获取端口信息 +---@param backlog? number @队列长度 +---@return number @skynet套接字索引 +function socket.listen(host, port, backlog) +end + +---* 清除 socket id 在本服务内的数据结构,但并不关闭这个 socket 。这可以用于你把 id 发送给其它服务,以转交 socket 的控制权。 +function socket.abandon(id) +end + +---* 设置缓冲区大小 +---@param id number @skynet套接字索引 +---@param limit number @缓冲区大小 +function socket.limit(id, limit) +end + +function socket.udp(callback, host, port) +end + +function socket.udp_connect(id, addr, port, callback) +end + +function socket.warning(id, callback) +end + +function socket.onclose(id, callback) +end + +---* 把一个字符串置入正常的写队列,skynet 框架会在 socket 可写时发送它。 +---* 这和 socketdriver.send 是一个 +---@see socketdriver#send +---@param id number @skynet套接字索引 +---@param msg string @数据 +---@param sz? number @大小,如果是字符串则不需要 +function socket.write(id, msg, sz) +end + +---* 把字符串写入低优先级队列。如果正常的写队列还有写操作未完成时,低优先级队列上的数据永远不会被发出。只有在正常写队列为空时,才会处理低优先级队列。但是,每次写的字符串都可以看成原子操作。不会只发送一半,然后转去发送正常写队列的数据。 +---@param id number @skynet套接字索引 +---@param msg string @数据 +function socket.lwrite() +end + +function socket.header() +end + +return socket diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/socketchannel.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/socketchannel.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d01ff4bb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/socketchannel.lua @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +---@meta +---socket channel 在创建时,并不会立即建立连接。如果你什么都不做,那么连接建立会推迟到第一次 request 请求时。这种被动建立连接的过程会不断的尝试,即使第一次没有连接上,也会重试。 +---@class socketchannel +local socket_channel = {} + +---创建一个新的套接字频道 +---返回结构: +---* { +---* __host = assert(desc.host), +---* __port = assert(desc.port), +---* __backup = desc.backup, +---* __auth = desc.auth, +---* __response = desc.response, -- It's for session mode +---* __request = {}, -- request seq { response func or session } -- It's for order mode +---* __thread = {}, -- coroutine seq or session->coroutine map +---* __result = {}, -- response result { coroutine -> result } +---* __result_data = {}, +---* __connecting = {}, +---* __sock = false, +---* __closed = false, +---* __authcoroutine = false, +---* __nodelay = desc.nodelay, +---* __overload_notify = desc.overload, +---* __overload = false, +---* } +---@param desc table {host, port, backup, auth, response, nodelay, overload} +---@return socketchannel +function socket_channel.channel(desc) + +end + +---连接频道 +---@param once boolean tryConnectOnceOrMulti +function socket_channel:connect(once) + +end + +---返回值 true 表示协议解析成功,如果为 false 表示协议出错,这会导致连接断开且让 request 的调用者也获得一个 error +---在 response 函数内的任何异常以及 sock:read 或 sock:readline 读取出错,都会以 error 的形式抛给 request 的调用者。 +---@alias ResponseFunction fun(sock:table): boolean, string + +---发送请求 +---@param request string binary 请求内容,若不填写 resonse,那么只发送而不接收 +---@param response? ResponseFunction 返回值 true 表示协议解析成功,如果为 false 表示协议出错,这会导致连接断开且让 request 的调用者也获得一个 error +---@param padding? table +---@return string # 是由 response 函数返回的回应包的内容(可以是任意类型) +function socket_channel:request(request, response, padding) +end + +---用来单向接收一个包。 +---`local resp = channel:response(dispatch)` 与 `local resp = channel:request(req, dispatch)` 等价 +---@param dispatch any +function socket_channel:response(dispatch) +end +---关闭频道 +function socket_channel:close() + +end +---改变目标主机[端口],打开状态会关闭 +---@param host string +---@param port? number +function socket_channel:changehost(host, port) +end +---改变备用 +---@param backup table +function socket_channel:changebackup(backup) +end +return socket_channel + diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/socketdriver.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/socketdriver.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0719136ee --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/socketdriver.lua @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +---@meta +---@class socketdriver +local socketdriver = {} +---* 作为客户端,连接到一个 IP和端口 +---* 会返回一个代表了 skynet 内部和系统套接字文件描述符相关的结构索引 +---@param addr string @可以是一个IPV4地址,也可以是 'ip:port' 这样的形式,这种形式下,就可以不指定 Port +---@param port number @端口 +---@return number @skynet对套接字描述符的表示 +function socketdriver.connect(addr, port) +end +---关闭连接 +---* close/shutdown 实际上都会构造指令发给 skynet 引擎,执行同一套逻辑 +---* 不同的是,如果是 shutdown 调用会强制关闭套接字 +---* 而 close 只会在没有更多需要发送的数据才会关闭 +---* 两个函数都会调用操作系统的系统调用 close +---@param id number @skynet对套接字描述符的表示 +function socketdriver.close(id) +end +---关闭连接 +---* close/shutdown 实际上都会构造指令发给 skynet 引擎,执行同一套逻辑 +---* 不同的是,如果是 shutdown 调用会强制关闭套接字 +---* 而 close 只会在没有更多需要发送的数据才会关闭 +---* 两个函数都会调用操作系统的系统调用 close +---@param id number @skynet对套接字描述符的表示 +function socketdriver.shutdown(id) +end +---监听套接字 +---@param host string +---@param port number +---@param backlog number +---@return number @skynet对套接字描述符的表示 +function socketdriver.listen(host, port, backlog) +end +---发送数据,这个函数会将我们要发送的数据放到一个 socket_sendbuffer 内,再丢给 skynet,由网络线程进行发送 +---* socket_sendbuffer 需要一个缓冲区指针、缓冲区类型、长度来表示 +---* 发送的数据,可以是 userdata/lightuserdata/string +---* 当传递的是 userdata 的时候,可以指定 sz ,否则由 lua_rawlen 来计算,由 VM 来释放 +---* 当传递的是 lightuserdata,若不指定 sz,会被当成 SOCKET_BUFFER_OBJECT,由 socket 相关的函数来释放,若指定,则当成SOCKET_BUFFER_MEMORY ,由 free 释放 +---* 当传递的是 table,那么会自动计算长度,SOCKET_BUFFER_MEMORY +---* 默认情况下是当成 string,自动计算长度 +---@param id number @skynet对套接字描述符的表示 +---@param msg table | lightuserdata | userdata | string @要传输的数据 +---@param sz number | nil @长度 +function socketdriver.send(id, msg, sz) +end +---低优先发送数据 +---* 当传递的是 userdata 的时候,可以指定 sz ,否则由 lua_rawlen 来计算,由 VM 来释放 +---* 当传递的是 lightuserdata,若不指定 sz,会被当成 SOCKET_BUFFER_OBJECT,由 socket 相关的函数来释放,若指定,则当成SOCKET_BUFFER_MEMORY ,由 free 释放 +---* 当传递的是 table,那么会自动计算长度 +---* 默认情况下是当成 string,自动计算长度 +---@param id number @skynet对套接字描述符的表示 +---@param msg table | lightuserdata | userdata | string @要传输的数据 +---@param sz number | nil @长度 +function socketdriver.lsend() +end +---绑定系统套接字到一个skynet的索引 +---@param fd number +---@return number @skynet索引 +function socketdriver.bind(fd) +end +---启动收发数据 +---@param id number @skynet对套接字描述符的表示 +function socketdriver.start(id) +end +---暂停收发数据 +---@param id number @skynet对套接字描述符的表示 +function socketdriver.pause(id) +end +---设置 TCP 套接字的 TCP_NODELAY 标志,尽可能快的将数据发出去,而不是等待缓冲区满或到达最大分组才发送 +---@param id number @skynet对套接字描述符的表示 +function socketdriver.nodelay(id) +end +---开启 udp 服务 +---@param addr string +---@param port number | nil +function socketdriver.udp(addr, port) +end +---连接 udp 服务 +---@param id any +---@param addr string +---@param port number | nil +function socketdriver.udp_connect(id, addr, port) +end +function socketdriver.udp_send(id, addr, msg) +end +function socketdriver.udp_address() +end +---解析主机IP +---@param host string +function socketdriver.resolve(host) +end +---新开一个 socket_buffer ,作为 userdata 返回回来 +---* socket_buffer 是一个 buffer_node 链表 +function socketdriver.buffer() +end +---数据放到缓冲区 +---* 表 pool 记录了所有的缓冲区块,位于索引 1 的是一个 lightuserdata: free_node +---* 我们总是可以使用将这个指针当成 buffer_node。 +---* 接下来的索引处都是 userdata,缓冲区块(buffer_node),只有在 VM 关闭的时候才会释放他们。 +---* 索引 2 处的第一块长度是 16 * buffer_node,第二块是 32*buffer_node。 +---* 这个函数会从 pool 处获取一个空闲的 buffer_node,然后将 msg/sz 放到里面。 +---* pop 会将 buffer_node 返回给 pool +---@param buffer userdata +---@param pool table +---@param msg lightuserdata +---@param sz number +---@return number +function socketdriver.push(buffer, pool, msg, sz) +end +---* pop 会将 buffer_node 返回给 pool +---@param buffer userdata +---@param pool table +---@param sz number +function socketdriver.pop(buffer, pool, sz) +end +---丢弃消息 +---@param msg userdata +---@param sz number +---@return string @返回的是 binary string +function socketdriver.drop(msg, sz) +end +---将数据全部读到Lua缓冲区 +---@param buffer userdata +---@param pool table +---@return string @返回的是 binary string +function socketdriver.readall(buffer, pool) +end +---清除缓冲区 +---@param buffer userdata +---@param pool table +function socketdriver.clear(buffer, pool) +end +---读取 sep 分隔符分隔的行 +---@param buffer userdata +---@param pool table +---@param sep string +function socketdriver.readline(buffer, pool, sep) +end +---字符串转 lightuserdata +---@param msg string +---@return lightuserdata,number +function socketdriver.str2p(msg) +end +---获取字符串的长度 +---@param str string +---@return number +function socketdriver.header(str) +end +function socketdriver.info() +end +---解包数据 +---@param msg lightuserdata +---@param sz number +---@return number,number,number, lightuserdata|string +function socketdriver.unpack(msg, sz) +end + +return socketdriver diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/stm.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/stm.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ebe3f963 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/3rd/skynet/library/skynet/stm.lua @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +---@meta +--- stm 构造的内存对象 +---@class stmobj :userdata +---@deprecated +local stmobj = {} +setmetatable(stmobj, stmobj) +---* 更新对象,实际上就是重新替换一个序列化对象 +stmobj.__call = function(pointer, sz) +end + +---@class stm +local stm = {} +---* 将一个指针,用来构造一个 stm 对象 +---* 任何 Lua 数据想要用 stm 共享,必须先序列化,如 sharemap 使用 sproto 来进行 +---* 我们也可以直接使用 skynet.pack skynet.unpack 来序列化 +---@param pointer userdata | string +---@param sz number +---@return stmobj +---@deprecated +function stm.new(pointer, sz) +end +---* 可以从一个共享对象中生成一份读拷贝。它返回一个 stmcopy ,是一个 lightuserdata 。 +---* 通常一定要把这个 lightuserdata 传到需要读取这份数据的服务。随意丢弃这个指针会导致内存泄露。 +---* 注:一个拷贝只能供一个读取者使用,你不可以把这个指针传递给多个服务。如果你有多个读取者,为每个人调用 copy 生成一份读拷贝。 +---@param stmobj stmobj +---@return lightuserdata +function stm.copy(stmobj) +end +---* 把一个 C 指针转换为一份读拷贝。只有经过转换,stm 才能正确的管理它的生命期。 +---* 一般来说,其他服务就传递这个指针到另外服务,收到了这个指针后,需要调用此 API 转换成一个 内存对象 +---* 再经过反序列化函数才能得到 Lua 的表示 +---@param stmcopy lightuserdata +---@return userdata +function stm.newcopy(stmcopy) +end +return stm diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/basic.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/basic.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fb8d8a14f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/basic.lua @@ -0,0 +1,428 @@ +---@meta _ + +--- +---独立版Lua的启动参数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-arg"]) +--- +---@type string[] +arg = {} + +--- +---如果其参数 `v` 的值为假(`nil` 或 `false`), 它就调用 [error](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-error"]); 否则,返回所有的参数。 在错误情况时, `message` 指那个错误对象; 如果不提供这个参数,参数默认为 `"assertion failed!"` 。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-assert"]) +--- +---@generic T +---@param v? T +---@param message? any +---@return T +---@return any ... +function assert(v, message, ...) end + +---@alias gcoptions +---|>"collect" # 做一次完整的垃圾收集循环。 +---| "stop" # 停止垃圾收集器的运行。 +---| "restart" # 重启垃圾收集器的自动运行。 +---| "count" # 以 K 字节数为单位返回 Lua 使用的总内存数。 +---| "step" # 单步运行垃圾收集器。 步长“大小”由 `arg` 控制。 +---| "isrunning" # 返回表示收集器是否在工作的布尔值。 +---| "incremental" # 改变收集器模式为增量模式。 +---| "generational" # 改变收集器模式为分代模式。 + +--- +---这个函数是垃圾收集器的通用接口。 通过参数 opt 它提供了一组不同的功能。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-collectgarbage"]) +--- +---@param opt? gcoptions +---@return any +function collectgarbage(opt, ...) end + +--- +---打开该名字的文件,并执行文件中的 Lua 代码块。 不带参数调用时, `dofile` 执行标准输入的内容(`stdin`)。 返回该代码块的所有返回值。 对于有错误的情况,`dofile` 将错误反馈给调用者 (即,`dofile` 没有运行在保护模式下)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-dofile"]) +--- +---@param filename? string +---@return any ... +function dofile(filename) end + +--- +---中止上一次保护函数调用, 将错误对象 `message` 返回。 函数 `error` 永远不会返回。 +--- +---当 `message` 是一个字符串时,通常 `error` 会把一些有关出错位置的信息附加在消息的前头。 level 参数指明了怎样获得出错位置。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-error"]) +--- +---@param message any +---@param level? integer +function error(message, level) end + +--- +---一个全局变量(非函数), 内部储存有全局环境(参见 [§2.2](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/2.2"]))。 Lua 自己不使用这个变量; 改变这个变量的值不会对任何环境造成影响,反之亦然。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-_G"]) +--- +---@class _G +_G = {} + +---@version 5.1 +--- +---返回给定函数的环境。`f` 可以是一个Lua函数,也可是一个表示调用栈层级的数字。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-getfenv"]) +--- +---@param f? integer|async fun(...):... +---@return table +---@nodiscard +function getfenv(f) end + +--- +---如果 `object` 不包含元表,返回 `nil` 。 否则,如果在该对象的元表中有 `"__metatable"` 域时返回其关联值, 没有时返回该对象的元表。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-getmetatable"]) +--- +---@param object any +---@return table metatable +---@nodiscard +function getmetatable(object) end + +--- +---返回三个值(迭代函数、表 `t` 以及 `0` ), 如此,以下代码 +---```lua +--- for i,v in ipairs(t) do body end +---``` +---将迭代键值对 `(1,t[1]) ,(2,t[2]), ...` ,直到第一个空值。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-ipairs"]) +--- +---@generic T: table, V +---@param t T +---@return fun(table: V[], i?: integer):integer, V +---@return T +---@return integer i +function ipairs(t) end + +---@alias loadmode +---| "b" # 只能是二进制代码块。 +---| "t" # 只能是文本代码块。 +---|>"bt" # 可以是二进制也可以是文本。 + +--- +---加载一个代码块。 +--- +---如果 `chunk` 是一个字符串,代码块指这个字符串。 如果 `chunk` 是一个函数, `load` 不断地调用它获取代码块的片断。 每次对 `chunk` 的调用都必须返回一个字符串紧紧连接在上次调用的返回串之后。 当返回空串、`nil`、或是不返回值时,都表示代码块结束。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-load"]) +--- +---@param chunk string|function +---@param chunkname? string +---@param mode? loadmode +---@param env? table +---@return function? +---@return string? error_message +---@nodiscard +function load(chunk, chunkname, mode, env) end + +--- +---从文件 `filename` 或标准输入(如果文件名未提供)中获取代码块。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-loadfile"]) +--- +---@param filename? string +---@param mode? loadmode +---@param env? table +---@return function? +---@return string? error_message +---@nodiscard +function loadfile(filename, mode, env) end + +---@version 5.1 +--- +---使用给定字符串加载代码块。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-loadstring"]) +--- +---@param text string +---@param chunkname? string +---@return function? +---@return string? error_message +---@nodiscard +function loadstring(text, chunkname) end + +---@version 5.1 +---@param proxy boolean|table|userdata +---@return userdata +---@nodiscard +function newproxy(proxy) end + +---@version 5.1 +--- +---创建一个模块。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-module"]) +--- +---@param name string +function module(name, ...) end + +--- +---运行程序来遍历表中的所有域。 第一个参数是要遍历的表,第二个参数是表中的某个键。 `next` 返回该键的下一个键及其关联的值。 如果用 `nil` 作为第二个参数调用 `next` 将返回初始键及其关联值。 当以最后一个键去调用,或是以 `nil` 调用一张空表时, `next` 返回 `nil`。 如果不提供第二个参数,将认为它就是 `nil`。 特别指出,你可以用 `next(t)` 来判断一张表是否是空的。 +--- +---索引在遍历过程中的次序无定义, 即使是数字索引也是这样。 (如果想按数字次序遍历表,可以使用数字形式的 `for` 。) +--- +---当在遍历过程中你给表中并不存在的域赋值, `next` 的行为是未定义的。 然而你可以去修改那些已存在的域。 特别指出,你可以清除一些已存在的域。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-next"]) +--- +---@generic K, V +---@param table table +---@param index? K +---@return K? +---@return V? +---@nodiscard +function next(table, index) end + +--- +---如果 `t` 有元方法 `__pairs`, 以 `t` 为参数调用它,并返回其返回的前三个值。 +--- +---否则,返回三个值:`next` 函数, 表 `t`,以及 `nil`。 因此以下代码 +---```lua +--- for k,v in pairs(t) do body end +---``` +---能迭代表 `t` 中的所有键值对。 +--- +---参见函数 [next](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-next"]) 中关于迭代过程中修改表的风险。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-pairs"]) +--- +---@generic T: table, K, V +---@param t T +---@return fun(table: table, index?: K):K, V +---@return T +function pairs(t) end + +--- +---传入参数,以 *保护模式* 调用函数 `f` 。 这意味着 `f` 中的任何错误不会抛出; 取而代之的是,`pcall` 会将错误捕获到,并返回一个状态码。 第一个返回值是状态码(一个布尔量), 当没有错误时,其为真。 此时,`pcall` 同样会在状态码后返回所有调用的结果。 在有错误时,`pcall` 返回 `false` 加错误消息。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-pcall"]) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@param arg1? any +---@return boolean success +---@return any result +---@return any ... +function pcall(f, arg1, ...) end + +--- +---接收任意数量的参数,并将它们的值打印到 `stdout`。 它用 `tostring` 函数将每个参数都转换为字符串。 `print` 不用于做格式化输出。仅作为看一下某个值的快捷方式。 多用于调试。 完整的对输出的控制,请使用 [string.format](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-string.format"]) 以及 [io.write](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-io.write"])。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-print"]) +--- +function print(...) end + +--- +---在不触发任何元方法的情况下 检查 `v1` 是否和 `v2` 相等。 返回一个布尔量。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-rawequal"]) +--- +---@param v1 any +---@param v2 any +---@return boolean +---@nodiscard +function rawequal(v1, v2) end + +--- +---在不触发任何元方法的情况下 获取 `table[index]` 的值。 `table` 必须是一张表; `index` 可以是任何值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-rawget"]) +--- +---@param table table +---@param index any +---@return any +---@nodiscard +function rawget(table, index) end + +--- +---在不触发任何元方法的情况下 返回对象 `v` 的长度。 `v` 可以是表或字符串。 它返回一个整数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-rawlen"]) +--- +---@param v table|string +---@return integer len +---@nodiscard +function rawlen(v) end + +--- +---在不触发任何元方法的情况下 将 `table[index]` 设为 `value。` `table` 必须是一张表, `index` 可以是 `nil` 与 `NaN` 之外的任何值。 `value` 可以是任何 Lua 值。 +---这个函数返回 `table`。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-rawset"]) +--- +---@param table table +---@param index any +---@param value any +---@return table +function rawset(table, index, value) end + +--- +---如果 `index` 是个数字, 那么返回参数中第 `index` 个之后的部分; 负的数字会从后向前索引(`-1` 指最后一个参数)。 否则,`index` 必须是字符串 `"#"`, 此时 `select` 返回参数的个数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-select"]) +--- +---@param index integer|"#" +---@return any +---@nodiscard +function select(index, ...) end + +---@version 5.1 +--- +---设置给定函数的环境。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-setfenv"]) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):...|integer +---@param table table +---@return function +function setfenv(f, table) end + + +---@class metatable +---@field __mode 'v'|'k'|'kv'|nil +---@field __metatable any|nil +---@field __tostring (fun(t):string)|nil +---@field __gc fun(t)|nil +---@field __add (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __sub (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __mul (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __div (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __mod (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __pow (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __unm (fun(t):any)|nil +---@field __idiv (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __band (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __bor (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __bxor (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __bnot (fun(t):any)|nil +---@field __shl (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __shr (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __concat (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __len (fun(t):integer)|nil +---@field __eq (fun(t1,t2):boolean)|nil +---@field __lt (fun(t1,t2):boolean)|nil +---@field __le (fun(t1,t2):boolean)|nil +---@field __index table|(fun(t,k):any)|nil +---@field __newindex table|fun(t,k,v)|nil +---@field __call (fun(t,...):...)|nil +---@field __pairs (fun(t):(fun(t,k,v):any,any))|nil + +--- +---给指定表设置元表。 (你不能在 Lua 中改变其它类型值的元表,那些只能在 C 里做。) 如果 `metatable` 是 `nil`, 将指定表的元表移除。 如果原来那张元表有 `"__metatable"` 域,抛出一个错误。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-setmetatable"]) +--- +---@param table table +---@param metatable? metatable|table +---@return table +function setmetatable(table, metatable) end + +--- +---如果调用的时候没有 `base`, `tonumber` 尝试把参数转换为一个数字。 如果参数已经是一个数字,或是一个可以转换为数字的字符串, `tonumber` 就返回这个数字; 否则返回 `nil`。 +--- +---字符串的转换结果可能是整数也可能是浮点数, 这取决于 Lua 的转换文法(参见 [§3.1](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/3.1"]))。 (字符串可以有前置和后置的空格,可以带符号。) +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-tonumber"]) +--- +---@overload fun(e: string, base: integer):integer +---@param e any +---@return number? +---@nodiscard +function tonumber(e) end + +--- +---可以接收任何类型,它将其转换为人可阅读的字符串形式。 浮点数总被转换为浮点数的表现形式(小数点形式或是指数形式)。 (如果想完全控制数字如何被转换,可以使用 [string.format](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-string.format"])。) +---如果 `v` 有 `"__tostring"` 域的元表, `tostring` 会以 `v` 为参数调用它。 并用它的结果作为返回值。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-tostring"]) +--- +---@param v any +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function tostring(v) end + +---@alias type +---| "nil" +---| "number" +---| "string" +---| "boolean" +---| "table" +---| "function" +---| "thread" +---| "userdata" + +--- +---将参数的类型编码为一个字符串返回。 函数可能的返回值有 `"nil"` (一个字符串,而不是 `nil` 值), `"number"`, `"string"`, `"boolean"`, `"table"`, `"function"`, `"thread"`, `"userdata"`。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-type"]) +--- +---@param v any +---@return type type +---@nodiscard +function type(v) end + +--- +---一个包含有当前解释器版本号的全局变量(并非函数)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-_VERSION"]) +--- +_VERSION = "Lua 5.4" + +---@version >5.4 +--- +---使用所有参数组成的字符串消息来发送警告。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-warn"]) +--- +---@param message string +function warn(message, ...) end + +--- +---传入参数,以 *保护模式* 调用函数 `f` 。这个函数和 `pcall` 类似。 不过它可以额外设置一个消息处理器 `msgh`。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-xpcall"]) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@param msgh function +---@param arg1? any +---@return boolean success +---@return any result +---@return any ... +function xpcall(f, msgh, arg1, ...) end + +---@version 5.1 +--- +---返回给定 `list` 中的所有元素。 改函数等价于 +---```lua +---return list[i], list[i+1], ···, list[j] +---``` +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-unpack"]) +--- +---@generic T +---@param list T[] +---@param i? integer +---@param j? integer +---@return T ... +---@nodiscard +function unpack(list, i, j) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/bit.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/bit.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a6987e344 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/bit.lua @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +---@meta bit + +---@version JIT +---@class bitlib +bit = {} + +---@param x integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.tobit(x) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n? integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.tohex(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.bnot(x) end + +---@param x integer +---@param x2 integer +---@param ... integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.bor(x, x2, ...) end + +---@param x integer +---@param x2 integer +---@param ... integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.band(x, x2, ...) end + +---@param x integer +---@param x2 integer +---@param ... integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.bxor(x, x2, ...) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.lshift(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.rshift(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.arshift(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.rol(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.ror(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.bswap(x) end + +return bit diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/bit32.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/bit32.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..745456ef3 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/bit32.lua @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +---@meta bit32 + +---@version 5.2 +--- +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-bit32"]) +--- +---@class bit32lib +bit32 = {} + +--- +---返回 `x` 向右位移 `disp` 位的结果。`disp` 为负时向左位移。这是算数位移操作,左侧的空位使用 `x` 的高位填充,右侧空位使用 `0` 填充。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-bit32.arshift"]) +--- +---@param x integer +---@param disp integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.arshift(x, disp) end + +--- +---返回参数按位与的结果。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-bit32.band"]) +--- +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.band(...) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 按位取反的结果。 +--- +---```lua +---assert(bit32.bnot(x) == +---(-1 - x) % 2^32) +---``` +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-bit32.bnot"]) +--- +---@param x integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.bnot(x) end + +--- +---返回参数按位或的结果。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-bit32.bor"]) +--- +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.bor(...) end + +--- +---参数按位与的结果不为0时,返回 `true` 。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-bit32.btest"]) +--- +---@return boolean +---@nodiscard +function bit32.btest(...) end + +--- +---返回参数按位异或的结果。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-bit32.bxor"]) +--- +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.bxor(...) end + +--- +---返回 `n` 中第 `field` 到第 `field + width - 1` 位组成的结果。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-bit32.extract"]) +--- +---@param n integer +---@param field integer +---@param width? integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.extract(n, field, width) end + +--- +---返回 `v` 的第 `field` 到第 `field + width - 1` 位替换 `n` 的对应位后的结果。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-bit32.replace"]) +--- +---@param n integer +---@param v integer +---@param field integer +---@param width? integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.replace(n, v, field, width) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 向左旋转 `disp` 位的结果。`disp` 为负时向右旋转。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-bit32.lrotate"]) +--- +---@param x integer +---@param distp integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.lrotate(x, distp) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 向左位移 `disp` 位的结果。`disp` 为负时向右位移。空位总是使用 `0` 填充。 +--- +---```lua +---assert(bit32.lshift(b, disp) == +---(b * 2^disp) % 2^32) +---``` +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-bit32.lshift"]) +--- +---@param x integer +---@param distp integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.lshift(x, distp) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 向右旋转 `disp` 位的结果。`disp` 为负时向左旋转。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-bit32.rrotate"]) +--- +---@param x integer +---@param distp integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.rrotate(x, distp) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 向右位移 `disp` 位的结果。`disp` 为负时向左位移。空位总是使用 `0` 填充。 +--- +---```lua +---assert(bit32.lshift(b, disp) == +---(b * 2^disp) % 2^32) +---``` +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-bit32.rshift"]) +--- +---@param x integer +---@param distp integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.rshift(x, distp) end + +return bit32 diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/builtin.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/builtin.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..466a0966e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/builtin.lua @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +---@meta _ + +---@class unknown +---@class any +---@class nil +---@class boolean +---@class true: boolean +---@class false: boolean +---@class number +---@class integer: number +---@class thread +---@class table: { [K]: V } +---@class string: stringlib +---@class userdata +---@class lightuserdata +---@class function diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/coroutine.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/coroutine.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5fd2194b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/coroutine.lua @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +---@meta coroutine + +--- +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-coroutine"]) +--- +---@class coroutinelib +coroutine = {} + +--- +---创建一个主体函数为 `f` 的新协程。 f 必须是一个 Lua 的函数。 返回这个新协程,它是一个类型为 `"thread"` 的对象。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-coroutine.create"]) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@return thread +---@nodiscard +function coroutine.create(f) end + +--- +---如果协程 `co` 可以让出,则返回真。`co` 默认为正在运行的协程。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-coroutine.isyieldable"]) +--- +---@param co? thread +---@return boolean +---@nodiscard +function coroutine.isyieldable(co) end + +---@version >5.4 +--- +---关闭协程 `co`,并关闭它所有等待 *to-be-closed* 的变量,并将协程状态设为 `dead` 。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-coroutine.close"]) +--- +---@param co thread +---@return boolean noerror +---@return any errorobject +function coroutine.close(co) end + +--- +---开始或继续协程 `co` 的运行。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-coroutine.resume"]) +--- +---@param co thread +---@param val1? any +---@return boolean success +---@return any ... +function coroutine.resume(co, val1, ...) end + +--- +---返回当前正在运行的协程加一个布尔量。 如果当前运行的协程是主线程,其为真。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-coroutine.running"]) +--- +---@return thread running +---@return boolean ismain +---@nodiscard +function coroutine.running() end + +--- +---以字符串形式返回协程 `co` 的状态。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-coroutine.status"]) +--- +---@param co thread +---@return +---| '"running"' # 正在运行。 +---| '"suspended"' # 挂起或是还没有开始运行。 +---| '"normal"' # 是活动的,但并不在运行。 +---| '"dead"' # 运行完主体函数或因错误停止。 +---@nodiscard +function coroutine.status(co) end + +--- +---创建一个主体函数为 `f` 的新协程。 f 必须是一个 Lua 的函数。 返回一个函数, 每次调用该函数都会延续该协程。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-coroutine.wrap"]) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@return fun(...):... +---@nodiscard +function coroutine.wrap(f) end + +--- +---挂起正在调用的协程的执行。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-coroutine.yield"]) +--- +---@async +---@return any ... +function coroutine.yield(...) end + +return coroutine diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/debug.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/debug.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..40c800951 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/debug.lua @@ -0,0 +1,268 @@ +---@meta debug + +--- +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-debug"]) +--- +---@class debuglib +debug = {} + +---@class debuginfo +---@field name string +---@field namewhat string +---@field source string +---@field short_src string +---@field linedefined integer +---@field lastlinedefined integer +---@field what string +---@field currentline integer +---@field istailcall boolean +---@field nups integer +---@field nparams integer +---@field isvararg boolean +---@field func function +---@field ftransfer integer +---@field ntransfer integer +---@field activelines table + +--- +---进入一个用户交互模式,运行用户输入的每个字符串。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-debug.debug"]) +--- +function debug.debug() end + +---@version 5.1 +--- +---返回对象 `o` 的环境。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-debug.getfenv"]) +--- +---@param o any +---@return table +---@nodiscard +function debug.getfenv(o) end + +--- +---返回三个表示线程钩子设置的值: 当前钩子函数,当前钩子掩码,当前钩子计数 。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-debug.gethook"]) +--- +---@param co? thread +---@return function hook +---@return string mask +---@return integer count +---@nodiscard +function debug.gethook(co) end + +---@alias infowhat string +---|+"n" # `name` 和 `namewhat` +---|+"S" # `source`,`short_src`,`linedefined`,`lalinedefined`,和 `what` +---|+"l" # `currentline` +---|+"t" # `istailcall` +---|+"u" # `nups`、`nparams` 和 `isvararg` +---|+"f" # `func` +---|+"r" # `ftransfer` 和 `ntransfer` +---|+"L" # `activelines` + +--- +---返回关于一个函数信息的表。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-debug.getinfo"]) +--- +---@overload fun(f: integer|function, what?: infowhat):debuginfo +---@param thread thread +---@param f integer|async fun(...):... +---@param what? infowhat +---@return debuginfo +---@nodiscard +function debug.getinfo(thread, f, what) end + +--- +---返回在栈的 `f` 层处函数的索引为 `index` 的局部变量的名字和值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-debug.getlocal"]) +--- +---@overload fun(f: integer|async fun(...):..., index: integer):string, any +---@param thread thread +---@param f integer|async fun(...):... +---@param index integer +---@return string name +---@return any value +---@nodiscard +function debug.getlocal(thread, f, index) end + +--- +---返回给定 `value` 的元表。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-debug.getmetatable"]) +--- +---@param object any +---@return table metatable +---@nodiscard +function debug.getmetatable(object) end + +--- +---返回注册表。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-debug.getregistry"]) +--- +---@return table +---@nodiscard +function debug.getregistry() end + +--- +---返回函数 `f` 的第 `up` 个上值的名字和值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-debug.getupvalue"]) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@param up integer +---@return string name +---@return any value +---@nodiscard +function debug.getupvalue(f, up) end + +--- +---返回关联在 `u` 上的第 `n` 个 `Lua` 值,以及一个布尔,`false`表示值不存在。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-debug.getuservalue"]) +--- +---@param u userdata +---@param n? integer +---@return any +---@return boolean +---@nodiscard +function debug.getuservalue(u, n) end + +--- +---### **已在 `Lua 5.4.2` 中废弃** +--- +---设置新的C栈限制。该限制控制Lua中嵌套调用的深度,以避免堆栈溢出。 +--- +---如果设置成功,该函数返回之前的限制;否则返回`false`。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-debug.setcstacklimit"]) +--- +---@deprecated +---@param limit integer +---@return integer|boolean +function debug.setcstacklimit(limit) end + +--- +---将 `table` 设置为 `object` 的环境。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-debug.setfenv"]) +--- +---@version 5.1 +---@generic T +---@param object T +---@param env table +---@return T object +function debug.setfenv(object, env) end + +---@alias hookmask string +---|+"c" # 每当 Lua 调用一个函数时,调用钩子。 +---|+"r" # 每当 Lua 从一个函数内返回时,调用钩子。 +---|+"l" # 每当 Lua 进入新的一行时,调用钩子。 + +--- +---将一个函数作为钩子函数设入。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-debug.sethook"]) +--- +---@overload fun(hook: (async fun(...):...), mask: hookmask, count?: integer) +---@overload fun(thread: thread):... +---@overload fun(...):... +---@param thread thread +---@param hook async fun(...):... +---@param mask hookmask +---@param count? integer +function debug.sethook(thread, hook, mask, count) end + +--- +---将 `value` 赋给 栈上第 `level` 层函数的第 `local` 个局部变量。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-debug.setlocal"]) +--- +---@overload fun(level: integer, index: integer, value: any):string +---@param thread thread +---@param level integer +---@param index integer +---@param value any +---@return string name +function debug.setlocal(thread, level, index, value) end + +--- +---将 `value` 的元表设为 `table` (可以是 `nil`)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-debug.setmetatable"]) +--- +---@generic T +---@param value T +---@param meta? table +---@return T value +function debug.setmetatable(value, meta) end + +--- +---将 `value` 设为函数 `f` 的第 `up` 个上值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-debug.setupvalue"]) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@param up integer +---@param value any +---@return string name +function debug.setupvalue(f, up, value) end + +--- +---将 `value` 设为 `udata` 的第 `n` 个关联值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-debug.setuservalue"]) +--- +---@param udata userdata +---@param value any +---@param n? integer +---@return userdata udata +function debug.setuservalue(udata, value, n) end + +--- +---返回调用栈的栈回溯信息。 字符串可选项 `message` 被添加在栈回溯信息的开头。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-debug.traceback"]) +--- +---@overload fun(message?: any, level?: integer): string +---@param thread thread +---@param message? any +---@param level? integer +---@return string message +---@nodiscard +function debug.traceback(thread, message, level) end + +---@version >5.2, JIT +--- +---返回指定函数第 `n` 个上值的唯一标识符(一个轻量用户数据)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-debug.upvalueid"]) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@param n integer +---@return lightuserdata id +---@nodiscard +function debug.upvalueid(f, n) end + +---@version >5.2, JIT +--- +---让 Lua 闭包 `f1` 的第 `n1` 个上值 引用 `Lua` 闭包 `f2` 的第 `n2` 个上值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-debug.upvaluejoin"]) +--- +---@param f1 async fun(...):... +---@param n1 integer +---@param f2 async fun(...):... +---@param n2 integer +function debug.upvaluejoin(f1, n1, f2, n2) end + +return debug diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/ffi.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/ffi.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9fd3aeedb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/ffi.lua @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +---@meta ffi + +---@class ffi.namespace*: table +---@field [string] function + +---@class ffi.ctype*: userdata +---@overload fun(init?: any, ...): ffi.cdata* +---@overload fun(nelem?: integer, init?: any, ...): ffi.cdata* +local ctype + +---@class ffi.cdecl*: string +---@class ffi.cdata*: userdata +---@alias ffi.ct* ffi.ctype*|ffi.cdecl*|ffi.cdata* +---@class ffi.cb*: ffi.cdata* +local cb +---@class ffi.VLA*: userdata +---@class ffi.VLS*: userdata + +---@version JIT +---@class ffilib +---@field C ffi.namespace* +---@field os string +---@field arch string +local ffi = {} + +---@param def string +---@param params? any +function ffi.cdef(def, params, ...) end + +---@param name string +---@param global? boolean +---@return ffi.namespace* clib +---@nodiscard +function ffi.load(name, global) end + +---@overload fun(ct: ffi.ct*, init: any, ...) +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@param nelem? integer +---@param init? any +---@return ffi.cdata* cdata +---@nodiscard +function ffi.new(ct, nelem, init, ...) end + +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@param params? any +---@return ffi.ctype* ctype +---@nodiscard +function ffi.typeof(ct, params, ...) end + +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@param init any +---@return ffi.cdata* cdata +---@nodiscard +function ffi.cast(ct, init) end + +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@param metatable table +---@return ffi.ctype* ctype +function ffi.metatype(ct, metatable) end + +---@param cdata ffi.cdata* +---@param finalizer? function +---@return ffi.cdata* cdata +function ffi.gc(cdata, finalizer) end + +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@param nelem? integer +---@return integer|nil size +---@nodiscard +function ffi.sizeof(ct, nelem) end + +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@return integer align +---@nodiscard +function ffi.alignof(ct) end + +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@param field string +---@return integer ofs +---@return integer? bpos +---@return integer? bsize +---@nodiscard +function ffi.offsetof(ct, field) end + +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@param obj any +---@return boolean status +---@nodiscard +function ffi.istype(ct, obj) end + +---@param newerr? integer +---@return integer err +---@nodiscard +function ffi.errno(newerr) end + +---@param ptr any +---@param len? integer +---@return string str +function ffi.string(ptr, len) end + +---@overload fun(dst: any, str: string) +---@param dst any +---@param src any +---@param len integer +function ffi.copy(dst, src, len) end + +---@param dst any +---@param len integer +---@param c? any +function ffi.fill(dst, len, c) end + +---@param param string +---@return boolean status +function ffi.abi(param) end + +function cb:free() end + +---@param func function +function cb:set(func) end + +return ffi diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/io.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/io.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..573ec74fa --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/io.lua @@ -0,0 +1,265 @@ +---@meta io + +--- +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-io"]) +--- +---@class iolib +--- +---标准输入。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-io.stdin"]) +--- +---@field stdin file* +--- +---标准输出。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-io.stdout"]) +--- +---@field stdout file* +--- +---标准错误。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-io.stderr"]) +--- +---@field stderr file* +io = {} + +---@alias openmode +---|>"r" # 读模式。 +---| "w" # 写模式。 +---| "a" # 追加模式。 +---| "r+" # 更新模式,所有之前的数据都保留。 +---| "w+" # 更新模式,所有之前的数据都删除。 +---| "a+" # 追加更新模式,所有之前的数据都保留,只允许在文件尾部做写入。 +---| "rb" # 读模式。(二进制方式) +---| "wb" # 写模式。(二进制方式) +---| "ab" # 追加模式。(二进制方式) +---| "r+b" # 更新模式,所有之前的数据都保留。(二进制方式) +---| "w+b" # 更新模式,所有之前的数据都删除。(二进制方式) +---| "a+b" # 追加更新模式,所有之前的数据都保留,只允许在文件尾部做写入。(二进制方式) + +--- +---关闭 `file` 或默认输出文件。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-io.close"]) +--- +---@param file? file* +---@return boolean? suc +---@return exitcode? exitcode +---@return integer? code +function io.close(file) end + +--- +---将写入的数据保存到默认输出文件中。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-io.flush"]) +--- +function io.flush() end + +--- +---设置 `file` 为默认输入文件。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-io.input"]) +--- +---@overload fun():file* +---@param file string|file* +function io.input(file) end + +--- +--------- +---```lua +---for c in io.lines(filename, ...) do +--- body +---end +---``` +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-io.lines"]) +--- +---@param filename string? +---@param ... readmode +---@return fun():any, ... +function io.lines(filename, ...) end + +--- +---用字符串 `mode` 指定的模式打开一个文件。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-io.open"]) +--- +---@param filename string +---@param mode? openmode +---@return file*? +---@return string? errmsg +---@nodiscard +function io.open(filename, mode) end + +--- +---设置 `file` 为默认输出文件。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-io.output"]) +--- +---@overload fun():file* +---@param file string|file* +function io.output(file) end + +---@alias popenmode +---| "r" # 从这个程序中读取数据。(二进制方式) +---| "w" # 向这个程序写入输入。(二进制方式) + +--- +---用一个分离进程开启程序 `prog` 。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-io.popen"]) +--- +---@param prog string +---@param mode? popenmode +---@return file*? +---@return string? errmsg +function io.popen(prog, mode) end + +--- +---读文件 `file`, 指定的格式决定了要读什么。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-io.read"]) +--- +---@param ... readmode +---@return any +---@return any ... +---@nodiscard +function io.read(...) end + +--- +---如果成功,返回一个临时文件的句柄。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-io.tmpfile"]) +--- +---@return file* +---@nodiscard +function io.tmpfile() end + +---@alias filetype +---| "file" # 是一个打开的文件句柄。 +---| "closed file" # 是一个关闭的文件句柄。 +---| `nil` # 不是文件句柄。 + +--- +---检查 `obj` 是否是合法的文件句柄。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-io.type"]) +--- +---@param file file* +---@return filetype +---@nodiscard +function io.type(file) end + +--- +---将参数的值逐个写入默认输出文件。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-io.write"]) +--- +---@return file* +---@return string? errmsg +function io.write(...) end + +--- +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-file"]) +--- +---@class file* +local file = {} + +---@alias readmode integer|string +---| "n" # 读取一个数字,根据 Lua 的转换文法返回浮点数或整数。 +---| "a" # 从当前位置开始读取整个文件。 +---|>"l" # 读取一行并忽略行结束标记。 +---| "L" # 读取一行并保留行结束标记。 + +---@alias exitcode "exit"|"signal" + +--- +---关闭 `file`。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-file:close"]) +--- +---@return boolean? suc +---@return exitcode? exitcode +---@return integer? code +function file:close() end + +--- +---将写入的数据保存到 `file` 中。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-file:flush"]) +--- +function file:flush() end + +--- +--------- +---```lua +---for c in file:lines(...) do +--- body +---end +---``` +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-file:lines"]) +--- +---@param ... readmode +---@return fun():any, ... +function file:lines(...) end + +--- +---读文件 `file`, 指定的格式决定了要读什么。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-file:read"]) +--- +---@param ... readmode +---@return any +---@return any ... +---@nodiscard +function file:read(...) end + +---@alias seekwhence +---| "set" # 基点为 0 (文件开头)。 +---|>"cur" # 基点为当前位置。 +---| "end" # 基点为文件尾。 + +--- +---设置及获取基于文件开头处计算出的位置。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-file:seek"]) +--- +---@param whence? seekwhence +---@param offset? integer +---@return integer offset +---@return string? errmsg +function file:seek(whence, offset) end + +---@alias vbuf +---| "no" # 不缓冲;输出操作立刻生效。 +---| "full" # 完全缓冲;只有在缓存满或调用 flush 时才做输出操作。 +---| "line" # 行缓冲;输出将缓冲到每次换行前。 + +--- +---设置输出文件的缓冲模式。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-file:setvbuf"]) +--- +---@param mode vbuf +---@param size? integer +function file:setvbuf(mode, size) end + +--- +---将参数的值逐个写入 `file`。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-file:write"]) +--- +---@param ... string|number +---@return file*? +---@return string? errmsg +function file:write(...) end + +return io diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/jit.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/jit.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8ef1e3448 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/jit.lua @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +---@meta jit + +---@version JIT +---@class jitlib +---@field version string +---@field version_num number +---@field os 'Windows'|'Linux'|'OSX'|'BSD'|'POSIX'|'Other' +---@field arch 'x86'|'x64'|'arm'|'arm64'|'arm64be'|'ppc'|'ppc64'|'ppc64le'|'mips'|'mipsel'|'mips64'|'mips64el'|string +jit = {} + +---@overload fun(...):... +---@param func function|boolean +---@param recursive? boolean +function jit.on(func, recursive) +end + +---@overload fun(...):... +---@param func function|boolean +---@param recursive? boolean +function jit.off(func, recursive) +end + +---@overload fun(...):... +---@overload fun(tr: number) +---@param func function|boolean +---@param recursive? boolean +function jit.flush(func, recursive) +end + +---@return boolean status +---@return string ... +---@nodiscard +function jit.status() +end + +jit.opt = {} + +---@param ... any flags +function jit.opt.start(...) +end + +return jit diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/jit/profile.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/jit/profile.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f6cf0ab88 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/jit/profile.lua @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +---@meta jit.profile + +local profile = {} + +---@param mode string +---@param func fun(L: thread, samples: integer, vmst: string) +function profile.start(mode, func) +end + +function profile.stop() +end + +---@overload fun(th: thread, fmt: string, depth: integer) +---@param fmt string +---@param depth integer +function profile.dumpstack(fmt, depth) +end + +return profile \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/jit/util.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/jit/util.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..74ddca384 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/jit/util.lua @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +---@meta jit.util + +---@class Trace +---@class Proto + +local util = {} + +---@class jit.funcinfo.lua +local funcinfo = { + linedefined = 0, + lastlinedefined = 0, + stackslots = 0, + params = 0, + bytecodes = 0, + gcconsts = 0, + nconsts = 0, + upvalues = 0, + currentline = 0, + isvararg = false, + children = false, + source = "", + loc = "", + ---@type Proto[] + proto = {} +} + +---@class jit.funcinfo.c +---@field ffid integer|nil +local funcinfo2 = { + addr = 0, + upvalues = 0, +} + + +---@param func function +---@param pc? integer +---@return jit.funcinfo.c|jit.funcinfo.lua info +function util.funcinfo(func, pc) +end + +---@param func function +---@param pc integer +---@return integer? ins +---@return integer? m +function util.funcbc(func, pc) +end + +---@param func function +---@param idx integer +---@return any? k +function util.funck(func, idx) +end + +---@param func function +---@param idx integer +---@return string? name +function util.funcuvname(func, idx) +end + +---@class jit.traceinfo +local traceinfo = { + nins = 0, + nk = 0, + link = 0, + nexit = 0, + linktype = "" +} + +---@param tr Trace +---@return jit.traceinfo? info +function util.traceinfo(tr) +end + +---@param tr Trace +---@param ref integer +---@return integer? m +---@return integer? ot +---@return integer? op1 +---@return integer? op2 +---@return integer? prev +function util.traceir(tr, ref) +end + +---@param tr Trace +---@param idx integer +---@return any? k +---@return integer? t +---@return integer? slot +function util.tracek(tr, idx) +end + +---@class jit.snap : integer[] + +---@param tr Trace +---@param sn integer +---@return jit.snap? snap +function util.tracesnap(tr, sn) +end + +---@param tr Trace +---@return string? mcode +---@return integer? addr +---@return integer? loop +function util.tracemc(tr) +end + +---@overload fun(exitno: integer): integer +---@param tr Trace +---@param exitno integer +---@return integer? addr +function util.traceexitstub(tr, exitno) +end + +---@param idx integer +---@return integer? addr +function util.ircalladdr(idx) +end + +return util diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/math.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/math.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e6b7f0d5e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/math.lua @@ -0,0 +1,379 @@ +---@meta math + +--- +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math"]) +--- +---@class mathlib +--- +---一个比任何数字值都大的浮点数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.huge"]) +--- +---@field huge number +--- +---最大值的整数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.maxinteger"]) +--- +---@field maxinteger integer +--- +---最小值的整数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.mininteger"]) +--- +---@field mininteger integer +--- +---*π* 的值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.pi"]) +--- +---@field pi number +math = {} + +--- +---返回 `x` 的绝对值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.abs"]) +--- +---@generic Number: number +---@param x Number +---@return Number +---@nodiscard +function math.abs(x) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 的反余弦值(用弧度表示)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.acos"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.acos(x) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 的反正弦值(用弧度表示)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.asin"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.asin(x) end + +--- +---返回 `y/x` 的反正切值(用弧度表示)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.atan"]) +--- +---@param y number +---@param x? number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.atan(y, x) end + +---@version <5.2 +--- +---返回 `y/x` 的反正切值(用弧度表示)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.atan2"]) +--- +---@param y number +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.atan2(y, x) end + +--- +---返回不小于 `x` 的最小整数值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.ceil"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function math.ceil(x) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 的余弦(假定参数是弧度)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.cos"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.cos(x) end + +---@version <5.2 +--- +---返回 `x` 的双曲余弦(假定参数是弧度)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.cosh"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.cosh(x) end + +--- +---将角 `x` 从弧度转换为角度。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.deg"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.deg(x) end + +--- +---返回 `e^x` 的值 (e 为自然对数的底)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.exp"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.exp(x) end + +--- +---返回不大于 `x` 的最大整数值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.floor"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function math.floor(x) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 除以 `y`,将商向零圆整后的余数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.fmod"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@param y number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.fmod(x, y) end + +---@version <5.2 +--- +---将 `x` 分解为尾数与指数,返回值符合 `x = m * (2 ^ e)` 。`e` 是一个整数,`m` 是 [0.5, 1) 之间的规格化小数 (`x` 为0时 `m` 为0)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.frexp"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number m +---@return number e +---@nodiscard +function math.frexp(x) end + +---@version <5.2 +--- +---返回 `m * (2 ^ e)` 。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.ldexp"]) +--- +---@param m number +---@param e number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.ldexp(m, e) end + +--- +---回以指定底的 `x` 的对数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.log"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@param base? integer +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.log(x, base) end + +---@version <5.1 +--- +---返回 `x` 的以10为底的对数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.log10"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.log10(x) end + +--- +---返回参数中最大的值, 大小由 Lua 操作 `<` 决定。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.max"]) +--- +---@generic Number: number +---@param x Number +---@param ... Number +---@return Number +---@nodiscard +function math.max(x, ...) end + +--- +---返回参数中最小的值, 大小由 Lua 操作 `<` 决定。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.min"]) +--- +---@generic Number: number +---@param x Number +---@param ... Number +---@return Number +---@nodiscard +function math.min(x, ...) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 的整数部分和小数部分。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.modf"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return integer +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.modf(x) end + +---@version <5.2 +--- +---返回 `x ^ y` 。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.pow"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@param y number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.pow(x, y) end + +--- +---将角 `x` 从角度转换为弧度。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.rad"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.rad(x) end + +--- +---* `math.random()`: 返回 [0,1) 区间内一致分布的浮点伪随机数。 +---* `math.random(n)`: 返回 [1, n] 区间内一致分布的整数伪随机数。 +---* `math.random(m, n)`: 返回 [m, n] 区间内一致分布的整数伪随机数。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.random"]) +--- +---@overload fun():number +---@overload fun(m: integer):integer +---@param m integer +---@param n integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function math.random(m, n) end + +--- +---* `math.randomseed(x, y)`: 将 `x` 与 `y` 连接为128位的种子来重新初始化伪随机生成器。 +---* `math.randomseed(x)`: 等同于 `math.randomseed(x, 0)` 。 +---* `math.randomseed()`: Generates a seed with a weak attempt for randomness.(不会翻) +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.randomseed"]) +--- +---@param x? integer +---@param y? integer +function math.randomseed(x, y) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 的正弦值(假定参数是弧度)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.sin"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.sin(x) end + +---@version <5.2 +--- +---返回 `x` 的双曲正弦值(假定参数是弧度)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.sinh"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.sinh(x) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 的平方根。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.sqrt"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.sqrt(x) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 的正切值(假定参数是弧度)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.tan"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.tan(x) end + +---@version <5.2 +--- +---返回 `x` 的双曲正切值(假定参数是弧度)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.tanh"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.tanh(x) end + +---@version >5.3 +--- +---如果 `x` 可以转换为一个整数, 返回该整数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.tointeger"]) +--- +---@param x any +---@return integer? +---@nodiscard +function math.tointeger(x) end + +--- +---如果 `x` 是整数,返回 `"integer"`, 如果它是浮点数,返回 `"float"`, 如果 `x` 不是数字,返回 `nil`。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.type"]) +--- +---@param x any +---@return +---| '"integer"' +---| '"float"' +---| 'nil' +---@nodiscard +function math.type(x) end + +--- +---如果整数 `m` 和 `n` 以无符号整数形式比较, `m` 在 `n` 之下,返回布尔真否则返回假。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-math.ult"]) +--- +---@param m integer +---@param n integer +---@return boolean +---@nodiscard +function math.ult(m, n) end + +return math diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/os.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/os.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d75cc08f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/os.lua @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ +---@meta os + +--- +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-os"]) +--- +---@class oslib +os = {} + +--- +---返回程序使用的按秒计 CPU 时间的近似值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-os.clock"]) +--- +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function os.clock() end + +---@class osdate +--- +---四位数字 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-osdate.year"]) +--- +---@field year integer|string +--- +---1-12 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-osdate.month"]) +--- +---@field month integer|string +--- +---1-31 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-osdate.day"]) +--- +---@field day integer|string +--- +---0-23 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-osdate.hour"]) +--- +---@field hour integer|string +--- +---0-59 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-osdate.min"]) +--- +---@field min integer|string +--- +---0-61 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-osdate.sec"]) +--- +---@field sec integer|string +--- +---星期几,1-7,星期天为 1 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-osdate.wday"]) +--- +---@field wday integer|string +--- +---当年的第几天,1-366 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-osdate.yday"]) +--- +---@field yday integer|string +--- +---夏令时标记,一个布尔量 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-osdate.isdst"]) +--- +---@field isdst boolean + +--- +---返回一个包含日期及时刻的字符串或表。 格式化方法取决于所给字符串 `format`。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-os.date"]) +--- +---@param format? string +---@param time? integer +---@return string|osdate +---@nodiscard +function os.date(format, time) end + +--- +---返回以秒计算的时刻 `t1` 到 `t2` 的差值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-os.difftime"]) +--- +---@param t2 integer +---@param t1 integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function os.difftime(t2, t1) end + +--- +---调用系统解释器执行 `command`。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-os.execute"]) +--- +---@param command? string +---@return boolean? suc +---@return exitcode? exitcode +---@return integer? code +function os.execute(command) end + +--- +---调用 ISO C 函数 `exit` 终止宿主程序。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-os.exit"]) +--- +---@param code? boolean|integer +---@param close? boolean +function os.exit(code, close) end + +--- +---返回进程环境变量 `varname` 的值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-os.getenv"]) +--- +---@param varname string +---@return string? +---@nodiscard +function os.getenv(varname) end + +--- +---删除指定名字的文件。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-os.remove"]) +--- +---@param filename string +---@return boolean suc +---@return string? errmsg +function os.remove(filename) end + +--- +---将名字为 `oldname` 的文件或目录更名为 `newname`。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-os.rename"]) +--- +---@param oldname string +---@param newname string +---@return boolean suc +---@return string? errmsg +function os.rename(oldname, newname) end + +---@alias localecategory +---|>"all" +---| "collate" +---| "ctype" +---| "monetary" +---| "numeric" +---| "time" + +--- +---设置程序的当前区域。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-os.setlocale"]) +--- +---@param locale string|nil +---@param category? localecategory +---@return string localecategory +function os.setlocale(locale, category) end + +--- +---当不传参数时,返回当前时刻。 如果传入一张表,就返回由这张表表示的时刻。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-os.time"]) +--- +---@param date? osdate +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function os.time(date) end + +--- +---返回一个可用于临时文件的文件名字符串。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-os.tmpname"]) +--- +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function os.tmpname() end + +return os diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/package.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/package.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..865fa8a3d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/package.lua @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +---@meta package + +--- +---加载一个模块,返回该模块的返回值(`nil`时为`true`)与搜索器返回的加载数据。默认搜索器的加载数据指示了加载位置,对于文件来说就是文件路径。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-require"]) +--- +---@param modname string +---@return unknown +---@return unknown loaderdata +function require(modname) end + +--- +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-package"]) +--- +---@class packagelib +--- +---这个路径被 `require` 在 C 加载器中做搜索时用到。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-package.cpath"]) +--- +---@field cpath string +--- +---用于 `require` 控制哪些模块已经被加载的表。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-package.loaded"]) +--- +---@field loaded table +--- +---这个路径被 `require` 在 Lua 加载器中做搜索时用到。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-package.path"]) +--- +---@field path string +--- +---保存有一些特殊模块的加载器。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-package.preload"]) +--- +---@field preload table +package = {} + +--- +---一个描述有一些为包管理准备的编译期配置信息的串。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-package.config"]) +--- +package.config = [[ +/ +; +? +! +-]] + +---@version <5.1 +--- +---用于 `require` 控制如何加载模块的表。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-package.loaders"]) +--- +package.loaders = {} + +--- +---让宿主程序动态链接 C 库 `libname` 。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-package.loadlib"]) +--- +---@param libname string +---@param funcname string +---@return any +function package.loadlib(libname, funcname) end + +--- +---用于 `require` 控制如何加载模块的表。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-package.searchers"]) +--- +---@version >5.2 +package.searchers = {} + +--- +---在指定 `path` 中搜索指定的 `name` 。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-package.searchpath"]) +--- +---@version >5.2,JIT +---@param name string +---@param path string +---@param sep? string +---@param rep? string +---@return string? filename +---@return string? errmsg +---@nodiscard +function package.searchpath(name, path, sep, rep) end + +--- +---给 `module` 设置一个元表,该元表的 `__index` 域为全局环境,这样模块便会继承全局环境的值。可作为 `module` 函数的选项。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-package.seeall"]) +--- +---@version <5.1 +---@param module table +function package.seeall(module) end + +return package diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/string.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/string.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4ec7f4062 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/string.lua @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +---@meta string + +--- +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-string"]) +--- +---@class stringlib +string = {} + +--- +---返回字符 `s[i]`, `s[i+1]`, ... ,`s[j]` 的内部数字编码。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-string.byte"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param i? integer +---@param j? integer +---@return integer ... +---@nodiscard +function string.byte(s, i, j) end + +--- +---接收零或更多的整数。 返回和参数数量相同长度的字符串。 其中每个字符的内部编码值等于对应的参数值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-string.char"]) +--- +---@param byte integer +---@param ... integer +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.char(byte, ...) end + +--- +---返回包含有以二进制方式表示的(一个 *二进制代码块* )指定函数的字符串。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-string.dump"]) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@param strip? boolean +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.dump(f, strip) end + +--- +---查找第一个字符串中匹配到的 `pattern`(参见 [§6.4.1](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/6.4.1"]))。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-string.find"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param pattern string|number +---@param init? integer +---@param plain? boolean +---@return integer start +---@return integer end +---@return any ... captured +---@nodiscard +function string.find(s, pattern, init, plain) end + +--- +---返回不定数量参数的格式化版本,格式化串为第一个参数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-string.format"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param ... any +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.format(s, ...) end + +--- +---返回一个迭代器函数。 每次调用这个函数都会继续以 `pattern` (参见 [§6.4.1](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/6.4.1"])) 对 s 做匹配,并返回所有捕获到的值。 +--- +---下面这个例子会循环迭代字符串 s 中所有的单词, 并逐行打印: +---```lua +--- s = +---"hello world from Lua" +--- for w in string.gmatch(s, "%a+") do +--- print(w) +--- end +---``` +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-string.gmatch"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param pattern string|number +---@param init? integer +---@return fun():string, ... +function string.gmatch(s, pattern, init) end + +--- +---将字符串 s 中,所有的(或是在 n 给出时的前 n 个) pattern (参见 [§6.4.1](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/6.4.1"]))都替换成 repl ,并返回其副本。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-string.gsub"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param pattern string|number +---@param repl string|number|table|function +---@param n? integer +---@return string +---@return integer count +---@nodiscard +function string.gsub(s, pattern, repl, n) end + +--- +---返回其长度。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-string.len"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function string.len(s) end + +--- +---将其中的大写字符都转为小写后返回其副本。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-string.lower"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.lower(s) end + +--- +---在字符串 s 中找到第一个能用 pattern (参见 [§6.4.1](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/6.4.1"]))匹配到的部分。 如果能找到,match 返回其中的捕获物; 否则返回 nil 。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-string.match"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param pattern string|number +---@param init? integer +---@return any ... +---@nodiscard +function string.match(s, pattern, init) end + +---@version >5.3 +--- +---返回一个打包了(即以二进制形式序列化) v1, v2 等值的二进制字符串。 字符串 fmt 为打包格式(参见 [§6.4.2](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/6.4.2"]))。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-string.pack"]) +--- +---@param fmt string +---@param v1 string|number +---@param ... string|number +---@return string binary +---@nodiscard +function string.pack(fmt, v1, v2, ...) end + +---@version >5.3 +--- +---返回以指定格式用 [string.pack](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-string.pack"]) 打包的字符串的长度。 格式化字符串中不可以有变长选项 's' 或 'z' (参见 [§6.4.2](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/6.4.2"]))。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-string.packsize"]) +--- +---@param fmt string +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function string.packsize(fmt) end + +--- +---返回 `n` 个字符串 `s` 以字符串 `sep` 为分割符连在一起的字符串。 默认的 `sep` 值为空字符串(即没有分割符)。 如果 `n` 不是正数则返回空串。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-string.rep"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param n integer +---@param sep? string|number +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.rep(s, n, sep) end + +--- +---返回字符串 s 的翻转串。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-string.reverse"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.reverse(s) end + +--- +---返回字符串的子串, 该子串从 `i` 开始到 `j` 为止。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-string.sub"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param i integer +---@param j? integer +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.sub(s, i, j) end + +---@version >5.3 +--- +---返回以格式 fmt (参见 [§6.4.2](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/6.4.2"])) 打包在字符串 s (参见 string.pack) 中的值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-string.unpack"]) +--- +---@param fmt string +---@param s string +---@param pos? integer +---@return any ... +---@return integer offset +---@nodiscard +function string.unpack(fmt, s, pos) end + +--- +---接收一个字符串,将其中的小写字符都转为大写后返回其副本。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-string.upper"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.upper(s) end + +return string diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/string/buffer.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/string/buffer.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..077a5b234 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/string/buffer.lua @@ -0,0 +1,353 @@ +---@meta string.buffer + +---@version JIT +--- The string buffer library allows high-performance manipulation of string-like data. +--- +--- Unlike Lua strings, which are constants, string buffers are mutable sequences of 8-bit (binary-transparent) characters. Data can be stored, formatted and encoded into a string buffer and later converted, extracted or decoded. +--- +--- The convenient string buffer API simplifies common string manipulation tasks, that would otherwise require creating many intermediate strings. String buffers improve performance by eliminating redundant memory copies, object creation, string interning and garbage collection overhead. In conjunction with the FFI library, they allow zero-copy operations. +--- +--- The string buffer libary also includes a high-performance serializer for Lua objects. +--- +--- +--- ## Streaming Serialization +--- +--- In some contexts, it's desirable to do piecewise serialization of large datasets, also known as streaming. +--- +--- This serialization format can be safely concatenated and supports streaming. Multiple encodings can simply be appended to a buffer and later decoded individually: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local buf = buffer.new() +--- buf:encode(obj1) +--- buf:encode(obj2) +--- local copy1 = buf:decode() +--- local copy2 = buf:decode() +--- ``` +--- +--- Here's how to iterate over a stream: +--- +--- ```lua +--- while #buf ~= 0 do +--- local obj = buf:decode() +--- -- Do something with obj. +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- Since the serialization format doesn't prepend a length to its encoding, network applications may need to transmit the length, too. +--- Serialization Format Specification +--- +--- This serialization format is designed for internal use by LuaJIT applications. Serialized data is upwards-compatible and portable across all supported LuaJIT platforms. +--- +--- It's an 8-bit binary format and not human-readable. It uses e.g. embedded zeroes and stores embedded Lua string objects unmodified, which are 8-bit-clean, too. Encoded data can be safely concatenated for streaming and later decoded one top-level object at a time. +--- +--- The encoding is reasonably compact, but tuned for maximum performance, not for minimum space usage. It compresses well with any of the common byte-oriented data compression algorithms. +--- +--- Although documented here for reference, this format is explicitly not intended to be a 'public standard' for structured data interchange across computer languages (like JSON or MessagePack). Please do not use it as such. +--- +--- The specification is given below as a context-free grammar with a top-level object as the starting point. Alternatives are separated by the | symbol and * indicates repeats. Grouping is implicit or indicated by {…}. Terminals are either plain hex numbers, encoded as bytes, or have a .format suffix. +--- +--- ``` +--- object → nil | false | true +--- | null | lightud32 | lightud64 +--- | int | num | tab | tab_mt +--- | int64 | uint64 | complex +--- | string +--- +--- nil → 0x00 +--- false → 0x01 +--- true → 0x02 +--- +--- null → 0x03 // NULL lightuserdata +--- lightud32 → 0x04 data.I // 32 bit lightuserdata +--- lightud64 → 0x05 data.L // 64 bit lightuserdata +--- +--- int → 0x06 int.I // int32_t +--- num → 0x07 double.L +--- +--- tab → 0x08 // Empty table +--- | 0x09 h.U h*{object object} // Key/value hash +--- | 0x0a a.U a*object // 0-based array +--- | 0x0b a.U a*object h.U h*{object object} // Mixed +--- | 0x0c a.U (a-1)*object // 1-based array +--- | 0x0d a.U (a-1)*object h.U h*{object object} // Mixed +--- tab_mt → 0x0e (index-1).U tab // Metatable dict entry +--- +--- int64 → 0x10 int.L // FFI int64_t +--- uint64 → 0x11 uint.L // FFI uint64_t +--- complex → 0x12 re.L im.L // FFI complex +--- +--- string → (0x20+len).U len*char.B +--- | 0x0f (index-1).U // String dict entry +--- +--- .B = 8 bit +--- .I = 32 bit little-endian +--- .L = 64 bit little-endian +--- .U = prefix-encoded 32 bit unsigned number n: +--- 0x00..0xdf → n.B +--- 0xe0..0x1fdf → (0xe0|(((n-0xe0)>>8)&0x1f)).B ((n-0xe0)&0xff).B +--- 0x1fe0.. → 0xff n.I +--- ``` +--- +--- ## Error handling +--- +--- Many of the buffer methods can throw an error. Out-of-memory or usage errors are best caught with an outer wrapper for larger parts of code. There's not much one can do after that, anyway. +--- +--- OTOH you may want to catch some errors individually. Buffer methods need to receive the buffer object as the first argument. The Lua colon-syntax `obj:method()` does that implicitly. But to wrap a method with `pcall()`, the arguments need to be passed like this: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local ok, err = pcall(buf.encode, buf, obj) +--- if not ok then +--- -- Handle error in err. +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- ## FFI caveats +--- +--- The string buffer library has been designed to work well together with the FFI library. But due to the low-level nature of the FFI library, some care needs to be taken: +--- +--- First, please remember that FFI pointers are zero-indexed. The space returned by `buf:reserve()` and `buf:ref()` starts at the returned pointer and ends before len bytes after that. +--- +--- I.e. the first valid index is `ptr[0]` and the last valid index is `ptr[len-1]`. If the returned length is zero, there's no valid index at all. The returned pointer may even be `NULL`. +--- +--- The space pointed to by the returned pointer is only valid as long as the buffer is not modified in any way (neither append, nor consume, nor reset, etc.). The pointer is also not a GC anchor for the buffer object itself. +--- +--- Buffer data is only guaranteed to be byte-aligned. Casting the returned pointer to a data type with higher alignment may cause unaligned accesses. It depends on the CPU architecture whether this is allowed or not (it's always OK on x86/x64 and mostly OK on other modern architectures). +--- +--- FFI pointers or references do not count as GC anchors for an underlying object. E.g. an array allocated with `ffi.new()` is anchored by `buf:set(array, len)`, but not by `buf:set(array+offset, len)`. The addition of the offset creates a new pointer, even when the offset is zero. In this case, you need to make sure there's still a reference to the original array as long as its contents are in use by the buffer. +--- +--- Even though each LuaJIT VM instance is single-threaded (but you can create multiple VMs), FFI data structures can be accessed concurrently. Be careful when reading/writing FFI cdata from/to buffers to avoid concurrent accesses or modifications. In particular, the memory referenced by `buf:set(cdata, len)` must not be modified while buffer readers are working on it. Shared, but read-only memory mappings of files are OK, but only if the file does not change. +local buffer = {} + +--- A buffer object is a garbage-collected Lua object. After creation with `buffer.new()`, it can (and should) be reused for many operations. When the last reference to a buffer object is gone, it will eventually be freed by the garbage collector, along with the allocated buffer space. +--- +--- Buffers operate like a FIFO (first-in first-out) data structure. Data can be appended (written) to the end of the buffer and consumed (read) from the front of the buffer. These operations may be freely mixed. +--- +--- The buffer space that holds the characters is managed automatically — it grows as needed and already consumed space is recycled. Use `buffer.new(size)` and `buf:free()`, if you need more control. +--- +--- The maximum size of a single buffer is the same as the maximum size of a Lua string, which is slightly below two gigabytes. For huge data sizes, neither strings nor buffers are the right data structure — use the FFI library to directly map memory or files up to the virtual memory limit of your OS. +--- +---@version JIT +---@class string.buffer : table +local buf = {} + +--- A string, number, or any object obj with a __tostring metamethod to the buffer. +--- +---@alias string.buffer.data string|number|table + + +--- Appends a string str, a number num or any object obj with a `__tostring` metamethod to the buffer. Multiple arguments are appended in the given order. +--- +--- Appending a buffer to a buffer is possible and short-circuited internally. But it still involves a copy. Better combine the buffer writes to use a single buffer. +--- +---@param data string.buffer.data +---@param ...? string.buffer.data +---@return string.buffer +function buf:put(data, ...) end + + +--- Appends the formatted arguments to the buffer. The format string supports the same options as string.format(). +--- +---@param format string +---@param ... string.buffer.data +---@return string.buffer +function buf:putf(format, ...) end + + +--- Appends the given len number of bytes from the memory pointed to by the FFI cdata object to the buffer. The object needs to be convertible to a (constant) pointer. +--- +---@param cdata ffi.cdata* +---@param len integer +---@return string.buffer +function buf:putcdata(cdata, len) end + + +--- This method allows zero-copy consumption of a string or an FFI cdata object as a buffer. It stores a reference to the passed string str or the FFI cdata object in the buffer. Any buffer space originally allocated is freed. This is not an append operation, unlike the `buf:put*()` methods. +--- +--- After calling this method, the buffer behaves as if `buf:free():put(str)` or `buf:free():put(cdata, len)` had been called. However, the data is only referenced and not copied, as long as the buffer is only consumed. +--- +--- In case the buffer is written to later on, the referenced data is copied and the object reference is removed (copy-on-write semantics). +--- +--- The stored reference is an anchor for the garbage collector and keeps the originally passed string or FFI cdata object alive. +--- +---@param str string.buffer.data +---@return string.buffer +---@overload fun(self:string.buffer, cdata:ffi.cdata*, len:integer):string.buffer +function buf:set(str) end + +--- Reset (empty) the buffer. The allocated buffer space is not freed and may be reused. +---@return string.buffer +function buf:reset() end + + +--- The buffer space of the buffer object is freed. The object itself remains intact, empty and may be reused. +--- +--- Note: you normally don't need to use this method. The garbage collector automatically frees the buffer space, when the buffer object is collected. Use this method, if you need to free the associated memory immediately. +function buf:free() end + + +--- The reserve method reserves at least size bytes of write space in the buffer. It returns an uint8_t * FFI cdata pointer ptr that points to this space. +--- +--- The available length in bytes is returned in len. This is at least size bytes, but may be more to facilitate efficient buffer growth. You can either make use of the additional space or ignore len and only use size bytes. +--- +--- This, along with `buf:commit()` allow zero-copy use of C read-style APIs: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local MIN_SIZE = 65536 +--- repeat +--- local ptr, len = buf:reserve(MIN_SIZE) +--- local n = C.read(fd, ptr, len) +--- if n == 0 then break end -- EOF. +--- if n < 0 then error("read error") end +--- buf:commit(n) +--- until false +--- ``` +--- +--- The reserved write space is not initialized. At least the used bytes must be written to before calling the commit method. There's no need to call the commit method, if nothing is added to the buffer (e.g. on error). +---@param size integer +---@return ffi.cdata* ptr # an uint8_t * FFI cdata pointer that points to this space +---@return integer len # available length (bytes) +function buf:reserve(size) end + + +--- Appends the used bytes of the previously returned write space to the buffer data. +---@param used integer +---@return string.buffer +function buf:commit(used) end + + +--- Skips (consumes) len bytes from the buffer up to the current length of the buffer data. +---@param len integer +---@return string.buffer +function buf:skip(len) end + +--- Consumes the buffer data and returns one or more strings. If called without arguments, the whole buffer data is consumed. If called with a number, up to `len` bytes are consumed. A `nil` argument consumes the remaining buffer space (this only makes sense as the last argument). Multiple arguments consume the buffer data in the given order. +--- +--- Note: a zero length or no remaining buffer data returns an empty string and not `nil`. +--- +---@param len? integer +---@param ... integer|nil +---@return string ... +function buf:get(len, ...) end + +--- Creates a string from the buffer data, but doesn't consume it. The buffer remains unchanged. +--- +--- Buffer objects also define a `__tostring metamethod`. This means buffers can be passed to the global `tostring()` function and many other functions that accept this in place of strings. The important internal uses in functions like `io.write()` are short-circuited to avoid the creation of an intermediate string object. +---@return string +function buf:tostring() end + + +--- Returns an uint8_t * FFI cdata pointer ptr that points to the buffer data. The length of the buffer data in bytes is returned in len. +--- +--- The returned pointer can be directly passed to C functions that expect a buffer and a length. You can also do bytewise reads (`local x = ptr[i]`) or writes (`ptr[i] = 0x40`) of the buffer data. +--- +--- In conjunction with the `buf:skip()` method, this allows zero-copy use of C write-style APIs: +--- +--- ```lua +--- repeat +--- local ptr, len = buf:ref() +--- if len == 0 then break end +--- local n = C.write(fd, ptr, len) +--- if n < 0 then error("write error") end +--- buf:skip(n) +--- until n >= len +--- ``` +--- +--- Unlike Lua strings, buffer data is not implicitly zero-terminated. It's not safe to pass ptr to C functions that expect zero-terminated strings. If you're not using len, then you're doing something wrong. +--- +---@return ffi.cdata* ptr # an uint8_t * FFI cdata pointer that points to the buffer data. +---@return integer len # length of the buffer data in bytes +function buf:ref() end + +--- Serializes (encodes) the Lua object to the buffer +--- +--- This function may throw an error when attempting to serialize unsupported object types, circular references or deeply nested tables. +---@param obj string.buffer.data +---@return string.buffer +function buf:encode(obj) end + + +--- De-serializes one object from the buffer. +--- +--- The returned object may be any of the supported Lua types — even `nil`. +--- +--- This function may throw an error when fed with malformed or incomplete encoded data. +--- +--- Leaves any left-over data in the buffer. +--- +--- Attempting to de-serialize an FFI type will throw an error, if the FFI library is not built-in or has not been loaded, yet. +--- +---@return string.buffer.data|nil obj +function buf:decode() end + + +--- Serializes (encodes) the Lua object obj +--- +--- This function may throw an error when attempting to serialize unsupported object types, circular references or deeply nested tables. +---@param obj string.buffer.data +---@return string +function buffer.encode(obj) end + +--- De-serializes (decodes) the string to a Lua object +--- +--- The returned object may be any of the supported Lua types — even `nil`. +--- +--- Throws an error when fed with malformed or incomplete encoded data. +--- Throws an error when there's left-over data after decoding a single top-level object. +--- +--- Attempting to de-serialize an FFI type will throw an error, if the FFI library is not built-in or has not been loaded, yet. +--- +---@param str string +---@return string.buffer.data|nil obj +function buffer.decode(str) end + + + + +--- Creates a new buffer object. +--- +--- The optional size argument ensures a minimum initial buffer size. This is strictly an optimization when the required buffer size is known beforehand. The buffer space will grow as needed, in any case. +--- +--- The optional table options sets various serialization options. +--- +---@param size? integer +---@param options? string.buffer.serialization.opts +---@return string.buffer +function buffer.new(size, options) end + +--- Serialization Options +--- +--- The options table passed to buffer.new() may contain the following members (all optional): +--- +--- * `dict` is a Lua table holding a dictionary of strings that commonly occur as table keys of objects you are serializing. These keys are compactly encoded as indexes during serialization. A well chosen dictionary saves space and improves serialization performance. +--- +--- * `metatable` is a Lua table holding a dictionary of metatables for the table objects you are serializing. +--- +--- dict needs to be an array of strings and metatable needs to be an array of tables. Both starting at index 1 and without holes (no nil inbetween). The tables are anchored in the buffer object and internally modified into a two-way index (don't do this yourself, just pass a plain array). The tables must not be modified after they have been passed to buffer.new(). +--- +--- The dict and metatable tables used by the encoder and decoder must be the same. Put the most common entries at the front. Extend at the end to ensure backwards-compatibility — older encodings can then still be read. You may also set some indexes to false to explicitly drop backwards-compatibility. Old encodings that use these indexes will throw an error when decoded. +--- +--- Metatables that are not found in the metatable dictionary are ignored when encoding. Decoding returns a table with a nil metatable. +--- +--- Note: parsing and preparation of the options table is somewhat expensive. Create a buffer object only once and recycle it for multiple uses. Avoid mixing encoder and decoder buffers, since the buf:set() method frees the already allocated buffer space: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local options = { +--- dict = { "commonly", "used", "string", "keys" }, +--- } +--- local buf_enc = buffer.new(options) +--- local buf_dec = buffer.new(options) +--- +--- local function encode(obj) +--- return buf_enc:reset():encode(obj):get() +--- end +--- +--- local function decode(str) +--- return buf_dec:set(str):decode() +--- end +--- ``` +---@class string.buffer.serialization.opts +---@field dict string[] +---@field metatable table[] + + +return buffer diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/table.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/table.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..999993500 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/table.lua @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +---@meta table + +--- +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-table"]) +--- +---@class tablelib +table = {} + +--- +---提供一个列表,其所有元素都是字符串或数字,返回字符串 `list[i]..sep..list[i+1] ··· sep..list[j]`。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-table.concat"]) +--- +---@param list table +---@param sep? string +---@param i? integer +---@param j? integer +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function table.concat(list, sep, i, j) end + +--- +---在 `list` 的位置 `pos` 处插入元素 `value`。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-table.insert"]) +--- +---@overload fun(list: table, value: any) +---@param list table +---@param pos integer +---@param value any +function table.insert(list, pos, value) end + +---@version <5.1 +--- +---返回给定表的最大正数索引,如果表没有正数索引,则返回零。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-table.maxn"]) +--- +---@param table table +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function table.maxn(table) end + +---@version >5.3 +--- +---将元素从表 `a1` 移到表 `a2`。 +---```lua +---a2[t],··· = +---a1[f],···,a1[e] +---return a2 +---``` +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-table.move"]) +--- +---@param a1 table +---@param f integer +---@param e integer +---@param t integer +---@param a2? table +---@return table a2 +function table.move(a1, f, e, t, a2) end + +---@version >5.2, JIT +--- +---返回用所有参数以键 `1`,`2`, 等填充的新表, 并将 `"n"` 这个域设为参数的总数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-table.pack"]) +--- +---@return table +---@nodiscard +function table.pack(...) end + +--- +---移除 `list` 中 `pos` 位置上的元素,并返回这个被移除的值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-table.remove"]) +--- +---@param list table +---@param pos? integer +---@return any +function table.remove(list, pos) end + +--- +---在表内从 `list[1]` 到 `list[#list]` *原地* 对其间元素按指定次序排序。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-table.sort"]) +--- +---@generic T +---@param list T[] +---@param comp? fun(a: T, b: T):boolean +function table.sort(list, comp) end + +---@version >5.2, JIT +--- +---返回列表中的元素。 这个函数等价于 +---```lua +--- return list[i], list[i+1], ···, list[j] +---``` +---i 默认为 1 ,j 默认为 #list。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-table.unpack"]) +--- +---@generic T +---@param list T[] +---@param i? integer +---@param j? integer +---@return T ... +---@nodiscard +function table.unpack(list, i, j) end + +---@version <5.1, JIT +--- +---遍历表中的每一个元素,并以key和value执行回调函数。如果回调函数返回一个非nil值则循环终止,并且返回这个值。该函数等同pair(list),比pair(list)更慢。不推荐使用 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-table.foreach"]) +--- +---@generic T +---@param list any +---@param callback fun(key: string, value: any):T|nil +---@return T|nil +---@deprecated +function table.foreach(list, callback) end + +---@version <5.1, JIT +--- +---遍历数组中的每一个元素,并以索引号index和value执行回调函数。如果回调函数返回一个非nil值则循环终止,并且返回这个值。该函数等同ipair(list),比ipair(list)更慢。不推荐使用 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-table.foreachi"]) +--- +---@generic T +---@param list any +---@param callback fun(key: string, value: any):T|nil +---@return T|nil +---@deprecated +function table.foreachi(list, callback) end + +---@version <5.1, JIT +--- +---返回表的长度。该函数等价于#list。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-table.getn"]) +--- +---@generic T +---@param list T[] +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +---@deprecated +function table.getn(list) end + +return table diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/table/clear.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/table/clear.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e2cd1a4f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/table/clear.lua @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +---@meta table.clear + +---@version JIT +--- +---This clears all keys and values from a table, but preserves the allocated array/hash sizes. This is useful when a table, which is linked from multiple places, needs to be cleared and/or when recycling a table for use by the same context. This avoids managing backlinks, saves an allocation and the overhead of incremental array/hash part growth. The function needs to be required before use. +---```lua +--- require("table.clear"). +---``` +---Please note this function is meant for very specific situations. In most cases it's better to replace the (usually single) link with a new table and let the GC do its work. +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-table.clear"]) +--- +---@param tab table +local function clear(tab) end + +return clear diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/table/new.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/table/new.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2b7b6e2cb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/table/new.lua @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +---@meta table.new + +---@version JIT +--- +---This creates a pre-sized table, just like the C API equivalent `lua_createtable()`. This is useful for big tables if the final table size is known and automatic table resizing is too expensive. `narray` parameter specifies the number of array-like items, and `nhash` parameter specifies the number of hash-like items. The function needs to be required before use. +---```lua +--- require("table.new") +---``` +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-table.new"]) +--- +---@param narray integer +---@param nhash integer +---@return table +local function new(narray, nhash) end + +return new diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/utf8.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/utf8.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..63b811273 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/Lua 5.4 zh-cn utf8/utf8.lua @@ -0,0 +1,86 @@ +---@meta utf8 + +---@version >5.3 +--- +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-utf8"]) +--- +---@class utf8lib +--- +---用于精确匹配到一个 UTF-8 字节序列的模式,它假定处理的对象是一个合法的 UTF-8 字符串。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-utf8.charpattern"]) +--- +---@field charpattern string +utf8 = {} + +--- +---接收零或多个整数, 将每个整数转换成对应的 UTF-8 字节序列,并返回这些序列连接到一起的字符串。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-utf8.char"]) +--- +---@param code integer +---@param ... integer +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function utf8.char(code, ...) end + +--- +---返回一系列的值,可以让 +---```lua +---for p, c in utf8.codes(s) do +--- body +---end +---``` +---迭代出字符串 s 中所有的字符。 这里的 p 是位置(按字节数)而 c 是每个字符的编号。 如果处理到一个不合法的字节序列,将抛出一个错误。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-utf8.codes"]) +--- +---@param s string +---@param lax? boolean +---@return fun(s: string, p: integer):integer, integer +function utf8.codes(s, lax) end + +--- +---以整数形式返回 `s` 中 从位置 `i` 到 `j` 间(包括两端) 所有字符的编号。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-utf8.codepoint"]) +--- +---@param s string +---@param i? integer +---@param j? integer +---@param lax? boolean +---@return integer code +---@return integer ... +---@nodiscard +function utf8.codepoint(s, i, j, lax) end + +--- +---返回字符串 `s` 中 从位置 `i` 到 `j` 间 (包括两端) UTF-8 字符的个数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-utf8.len"]) +--- +---@param s string +---@param i? integer +---@param j? integer +---@param lax? boolean +---@return integer? +---@return integer? errpos +---@nodiscard +function utf8.len(s, i, j, lax) end + +--- +---返回编码在 `s` 中的第 `n` 个字符的开始位置(按字节数) (从位置 `i` 处开始统计)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/54/manual.html/pdf-utf8.offset"]) +--- +---@param s string +---@param n integer +---@param i? integer +---@return integer p +---@nodiscard +function utf8.offset(s, n, i) end + +return utf8 diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/basic.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/basic.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..55f5416a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/basic.lua @@ -0,0 +1,431 @@ +---@meta _ + +--- +---Command-line arguments of Lua Standalone. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-arg) +--- +---@type string[] +arg = {} + +--- +---Raises an error if the value of its argument v is false (i.e., `nil` or `false`); otherwise, returns all its arguments. In case of error, `message` is the error object; when absent, it defaults to `"assertion failed!"` +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-assert) +--- +---@generic T +---@param v? T +---@param message? any +---@return T +---@return any ... +function assert(v, message, ...) end + +---@alias gcoptions +---|>"collect" # Performs a full garbage-collection cycle. +---| "stop" # Stops automatic execution. +---| "restart" # Restarts automatic execution. +---| "count" # Returns the total memory in Kbytes. +---| "step" # Performs a garbage-collection step. +---| "isrunning" # Returns whether the collector is running. +---| "setpause" # Set `pause`. +---| "setstepmul" # Set `step multiplier`. + +--- +---This function is a generic interface to the garbage collector. It performs different functions according to its first argument, `opt`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-collectgarbage) +--- +---@param opt? gcoptions +---@param arg? integer +---@return any +function collectgarbage(opt, arg) end + +--- +---Opens the named file and executes its content as a Lua chunk. When called without arguments, `dofile` executes the content of the standard input (`stdin`). Returns all values returned by the chunk. In case of errors, `dofile` propagates the error to its caller. (That is, `dofile` does not run in protected mode.) +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-dofile) +--- +---@param filename? string +---@return any ... +function dofile(filename) end + +--- +---Terminates the last protected function called and returns message as the error object. +--- +---Usually, `error` adds some information about the error position at the beginning of the message, if the message is a string. +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-error) +--- +---@param message any +---@param level? integer +function error(message, level) end + +--- +---A global variable (not a function) that holds the global environment (see [§2.2](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#2.2)). Lua itself does not use this variable; changing its value does not affect any environment, nor vice versa. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-_G) +--- +---@class _G +_G = {} + +---@version 5.1 +--- +---Returns the current environment in use by the function. `f` can be a Lua function or a number that specifies the function at that stack level. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-getfenv) +--- +---@param f? integer|async fun(...):... +---@return table +---@nodiscard +function getfenv(f) end + +--- +---If object does not have a metatable, returns nil. Otherwise, if the object's metatable has a __metatable field, returns the associated value. Otherwise, returns the metatable of the given object. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-getmetatable) +--- +---@param object any +---@return table metatable +---@nodiscard +function getmetatable(object) end + +--- +---Returns three values (an iterator function, the table `t`, and `0`) so that the construction +---```lua +--- for i,v in ipairs(t) do body end +---``` +---will iterate over the key–value pairs `(1,t[1]), (2,t[2]), ...`, up to the first absent index. +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-ipairs) +--- +---@generic T: table, V +---@param t T +---@return fun(table: V[], i?: integer):integer, V +---@return T +---@return integer i +function ipairs(t) end + +---@alias loadmode +---| "b" # Only binary chunks. +---| "t" # Only text chunks. +---|>"bt" # Both binary and text. + +--- +---Loads a chunk. +--- +---If `chunk` is a string, the chunk is this string. If `chunk` is a function, `load` calls it repeatedly to get the chunk pieces. Each call to `chunk` must return a string that concatenates with previous results. A return of an empty string, `nil`, or no value signals the end of the chunk. +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-load) +--- +---@param chunk string|function +---@param chunkname? string +---@param mode? loadmode +---@param env? table +---@return function? +---@return string? error_message +---@nodiscard +function load(chunk, chunkname, mode, env) end + +--- +---Loads a chunk from file `filename` or from the standard input, if no file name is given. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-loadfile) +--- +---@param filename? string +---@param mode? loadmode +---@param env? table +---@return function? +---@return string? error_message +---@nodiscard +function loadfile(filename, mode, env) end + +---@version 5.1 +--- +---Loads a chunk from the given string. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-loadstring) +--- +---@param text string +---@param chunkname? string +---@return function? +---@return string? error_message +---@nodiscard +function loadstring(text, chunkname) end + +---@version 5.1 +---@param proxy boolean|table|userdata +---@return userdata +---@nodiscard +function newproxy(proxy) end + +---@version 5.1 +--- +---Creates a module. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-module) +--- +---@param name string +function module(name, ...) end + +--- +---Allows a program to traverse all fields of a table. Its first argument is a table and its second argument is an index in this table. A call to `next` returns the next index of the table and its associated value. When called with `nil` as its second argument, `next` returns an initial index and its associated value. When called with the last index, or with `nil` in an empty table, `next` returns `nil`. If the second argument is absent, then it is interpreted as `nil`. In particular, you can use `next(t)` to check whether a table is empty. +--- +---The order in which the indices are enumerated is not specified, *even for numeric indices*. (To traverse a table in numerical order, use a numerical `for`.) +--- +---The behavior of `next` is undefined if, during the traversal, you assign any value to a non-existent field in the table. You may however modify existing fields. In particular, you may set existing fields to nil. +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-next) +--- +---@generic K, V +---@param table table +---@param index? K +---@return K? +---@return V? +---@nodiscard +function next(table, index) end + +--- +---If `t` has a metamethod `__pairs`, calls it with t as argument and returns the first three results from the call. +--- +---Otherwise, returns three values: the [next](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-next) function, the table `t`, and `nil`, so that the construction +---```lua +--- for k,v in pairs(t) do body end +---``` +---will iterate over all key–value pairs of table `t`. +--- +---See function [next](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-next) for the caveats of modifying the table during its traversal. +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-pairs) +--- +---@generic T: table, K, V +---@param t T +---@return fun(table: table, index?: K):K, V +---@return T +function pairs(t) end + +--- +---Calls the function `f` with the given arguments in *protected mode*. This means that any error inside `f` is not propagated; instead, `pcall` catches the error and returns a status code. Its first result is the status code (a boolean), which is true if the call succeeds without errors. In such case, `pcall` also returns all results from the call, after this first result. In case of any error, `pcall` returns `false` plus the error object. +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-pcall) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@param arg1? any +---@return boolean success +---@return any result +---@return any ... +function pcall(f, arg1, ...) end + +--- +---Receives any number of arguments and prints their values to `stdout`, converting each argument to a string following the same rules of [tostring](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-tostring). +---The function print is not intended for formatted output, but only as a quick way to show a value, for instance for debugging. For complete control over the output, use [string.format](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string.format) and [io.write](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-io.write). +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-print) +--- +function print(...) end + +--- +---Checks whether v1 is equal to v2, without invoking the `__eq` metamethod. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-rawequal) +--- +---@param v1 any +---@param v2 any +---@return boolean +---@nodiscard +function rawequal(v1, v2) end + +--- +---Gets the real value of `table[index]`, without invoking the `__index` metamethod. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-rawget) +--- +---@param table table +---@param index any +---@return any +---@nodiscard +function rawget(table, index) end + +--- +---Returns the length of the object `v`, without invoking the `__len` metamethod. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-rawlen) +--- +---@param v table|string +---@return integer len +---@nodiscard +function rawlen(v) end + +--- +---Sets the real value of `table[index]` to `value`, without using the `__newindex` metavalue. `table` must be a table, `index` any value different from `nil` and `NaN`, and `value` any Lua value. +---This function returns `table`. +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-rawset) +--- +---@param table table +---@param index any +---@param value any +---@return table +function rawset(table, index, value) end + +--- +---If `index` is a number, returns all arguments after argument number `index`; a negative number indexes from the end (`-1` is the last argument). Otherwise, `index` must be the string `"#"`, and `select` returns the total number of extra arguments it received. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-select) +--- +---@param index integer|"#" +---@return any +---@nodiscard +function select(index, ...) end + +---@version 5.1 +--- +---Sets the environment to be used by the given function. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-setfenv) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):...|integer +---@param table table +---@return function +function setfenv(f, table) end + + +---@class metatable +---@field __mode 'v'|'k'|'kv'|nil +---@field __metatable any|nil +---@field __tostring (fun(t):string)|nil +---@field __gc fun(t)|nil +---@field __add (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __sub (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __mul (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __div (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __mod (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __pow (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __unm (fun(t):any)|nil +---@field __concat (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __len (fun(t):integer)|nil +---@field __eq (fun(t1,t2):boolean)|nil +---@field __lt (fun(t1,t2):boolean)|nil +---@field __le (fun(t1,t2):boolean)|nil +---@field __index table|(fun(t,k):any)|nil +---@field __newindex table|fun(t,k,v)|nil +---@field __call (fun(t,...):...)|nil + +--- +---Sets the metatable for the given table. If `metatable` is `nil`, removes the metatable of the given table. If the original metatable has a `__metatable` field, raises an error. +--- +---This function returns `table`. +--- +---To change the metatable of other types from Lua code, you must use the debug library ([§6.10](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#6.10)). +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-setmetatable) +--- +---@param table table +---@param metatable? metatable|table +---@return table +function setmetatable(table, metatable) end + +--- +---When called with no `base`, `tonumber` tries to convert its argument to a number. If the argument is already a number or a string convertible to a number, then `tonumber` returns this number; otherwise, it returns `fail`. +--- +---The conversion of strings can result in integers or floats, according to the lexical conventions of Lua (see [§3.1](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#3.1)). The string may have leading and trailing spaces and a sign. +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-tonumber) +--- +---@overload fun(e: string, base: integer):integer +---@param e any +---@return number? +---@nodiscard +function tonumber(e) end + +--- +---Receives a value of any type and converts it to a string in a human-readable format. +--- +---If the metatable of `v` has a `__tostring` field, then `tostring` calls the corresponding value with `v` as argument, and uses the result of the call as its result. Otherwise, if the metatable of `v` has a `__name` field with a string value, `tostring` may use that string in its final result. +--- +---For complete control of how numbers are converted, use [string.format](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string.format). +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-tostring) +--- +---@param v any +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function tostring(v) end + +---@alias type +---| "nil" +---| "number" +---| "string" +---| "boolean" +---| "table" +---| "function" +---| "thread" +---| "userdata" + +--- +---Returns the type of its only argument, coded as a string. The possible results of this function are `"nil"` (a string, not the value `nil`), `"number"`, `"string"`, `"boolean"`, `"table"`, `"function"`, `"thread"`, and `"userdata"`. +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-type) +--- +---@param v any +---@return type type +---@nodiscard +function type(v) end + +--- +---A global variable (not a function) that holds a string containing the running Lua version. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-_VERSION) +--- +_VERSION = "Lua 5.1" + +---@version >5.4 +--- +---Emits a warning with a message composed by the concatenation of all its arguments (which should be strings). +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-warn) +--- +---@param message string +function warn(message, ...) end + +--- +---Calls function `f` with the given arguments in protected mode with a new message handler. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-xpcall) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@param msgh function +---@param arg1? any +---@return boolean success +---@return any result +---@return any ... +function xpcall(f, msgh, arg1, ...) end + +---@version 5.1 +--- +---Returns the elements from the given `list`. This function is equivalent to +---```lua +--- return list[i], list[i+1], ···, list[j] +---``` +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-unpack) +--- +---@generic T +---@param list T[] +---@param i? integer +---@param j? integer +---@return T ... +---@nodiscard +function unpack(list, i, j) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/bit.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/bit.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a6987e344 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/bit.lua @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +---@meta bit + +---@version JIT +---@class bitlib +bit = {} + +---@param x integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.tobit(x) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n? integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.tohex(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.bnot(x) end + +---@param x integer +---@param x2 integer +---@param ... integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.bor(x, x2, ...) end + +---@param x integer +---@param x2 integer +---@param ... integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.band(x, x2, ...) end + +---@param x integer +---@param x2 integer +---@param ... integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.bxor(x, x2, ...) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.lshift(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.rshift(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.arshift(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.rol(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.ror(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.bswap(x) end + +return bit diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/bit32.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/bit32.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..baad5b0e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/bit32.lua @@ -0,0 +1,158 @@ +---@meta bit32 + +---@version 5.2 +--- +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-bit32) +--- +---@class bit32lib +bit32 = {} + +--- +---Returns the number `x` shifted `disp` bits to the right. Negative displacements shift to the left. +--- +---This shift operation is what is called arithmetic shift. Vacant bits on the left are filled with copies of the higher bit of `x`; vacant bits on the right are filled with zeros. +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-bit32.arshift) +--- +---@param x integer +---@param disp integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.arshift(x, disp) end + +--- +---Returns the bitwise *and* of its operands. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-bit32.band) +--- +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.band(...) end + +--- +---Returns the bitwise negation of `x`. +--- +---```lua +---assert(bit32.bnot(x) == +---(-1 - x) % 2^32) +---``` +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-bit32.bnot) +--- +---@param x integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.bnot(x) end + +--- +---Returns the bitwise *or* of its operands. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-bit32.bor) +--- +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.bor(...) end + +--- +---Returns a boolean signaling whether the bitwise *and* of its operands is different from zero. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-bit32.btest) +--- +---@return boolean +---@nodiscard +function bit32.btest(...) end + +--- +---Returns the bitwise *exclusive or* of its operands. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-bit32.bxor) +--- +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.bxor(...) end + +--- +---Returns the unsigned number formed by the bits `field` to `field + width - 1` from `n`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-bit32.extract) +--- +---@param n integer +---@param field integer +---@param width? integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.extract(n, field, width) end + +--- +---Returns a copy of `n` with the bits `field` to `field + width - 1` replaced by the value `v` . +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-bit32.replace) +--- +---@param n integer +---@param v integer +---@param field integer +---@param width? integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.replace(n, v, field, width) end + +--- +---Returns the number `x` rotated `disp` bits to the left. Negative displacements rotate to the right. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-bit32.lrotate) +--- +---@param x integer +---@param distp integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.lrotate(x, distp) end + +--- +---Returns the number `x` shifted `disp` bits to the left. Negative displacements shift to the right. In any direction, vacant bits are filled with zeros. +--- +---```lua +---assert(bit32.lshift(b, disp) == +---(b * 2^disp) % 2^32) +---``` +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-bit32.lshift) +--- +---@param x integer +---@param distp integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.lshift(x, distp) end + +--- +---Returns the number `x` rotated `disp` bits to the right. Negative displacements rotate to the left. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-bit32.rrotate) +--- +---@param x integer +---@param distp integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.rrotate(x, distp) end + +--- +---Returns the number `x` shifted `disp` bits to the right. Negative displacements shift to the left. In any direction, vacant bits are filled with zeros. +--- +---```lua +---assert(bit32.rshift(b, disp) == +---math.floor(b % 2^32 / 2^disp)) +---``` +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-bit32.rshift) +--- +---@param x integer +---@param distp integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.rshift(x, distp) end + +return bit32 diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/builtin.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/builtin.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..466a0966e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/builtin.lua @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +---@meta _ + +---@class unknown +---@class any +---@class nil +---@class boolean +---@class true: boolean +---@class false: boolean +---@class number +---@class integer: number +---@class thread +---@class table: { [K]: V } +---@class string: stringlib +---@class userdata +---@class lightuserdata +---@class function diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/coroutine.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/coroutine.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7b240c6cf --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/coroutine.lua @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +---@meta coroutine + +--- +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-coroutine) +--- +---@class coroutinelib +coroutine = {} + +--- +---Creates a new coroutine, with body `f`. `f` must be a function. Returns this new coroutine, an object with type `"thread"`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-coroutine.create) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@return thread +---@nodiscard +function coroutine.create(f) end + +---@version >5.2 +--- +---Returns true when the running coroutine can yield. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-coroutine.isyieldable) +--- +---@return boolean +---@nodiscard +function coroutine.isyieldable() end + +---@version >5.4 +--- +---Closes coroutine `co` , closing all its pending to-be-closed variables and putting the coroutine in a dead state. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-coroutine.close) +--- +---@param co thread +---@return boolean noerror +---@return any errorobject +function coroutine.close(co) end + +--- +---Starts or continues the execution of coroutine `co`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-coroutine.resume) +--- +---@param co thread +---@param val1? any +---@return boolean success +---@return any ... +function coroutine.resume(co, val1, ...) end + +--- +---Returns the running coroutine plus a boolean, true when the running coroutine is the main one. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-coroutine.running) +--- +---@return thread running +---@return boolean ismain +---@nodiscard +function coroutine.running() end + +--- +---Returns the status of coroutine `co`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-coroutine.status) +--- +---@param co thread +---@return +---| '"running"' # Is running. +---| '"suspended"' # Is suspended or not started. +---| '"normal"' # Is active but not running. +---| '"dead"' # Has finished or stopped with an error. +---@nodiscard +function coroutine.status(co) end + +--- +---Creates a new coroutine, with body `f`; `f` must be a function. Returns a function that resumes the coroutine each time it is called. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-coroutine.wrap) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@return fun(...):... +---@nodiscard +function coroutine.wrap(f) end + +--- +---Suspends the execution of the calling coroutine. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-coroutine.yield) +--- +---@async +---@return any ... +function coroutine.yield(...) end + +return coroutine diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/debug.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/debug.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2aba14b1c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/debug.lua @@ -0,0 +1,262 @@ +---@meta debug + +--- +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-debug) +--- +---@class debuglib +debug = {} + +---@class debuginfo +---@field name string +---@field namewhat string +---@field source string +---@field short_src string +---@field linedefined integer +---@field lastlinedefined integer +---@field what string +---@field currentline integer +---@field istailcall boolean +---@field nups integer +---@field nparams integer +---@field isvararg boolean +---@field func function +---@field activelines table + +--- +---Enters an interactive mode with the user, running each string that the user enters. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-debug.debug) +--- +function debug.debug() end + +---@version 5.1 +--- +---Returns the environment of object `o` . +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-debug.getfenv) +--- +---@param o any +---@return table +---@nodiscard +function debug.getfenv(o) end + +--- +---Returns the current hook settings of the thread. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-debug.gethook) +--- +---@param co? thread +---@return function hook +---@return string mask +---@return integer count +---@nodiscard +function debug.gethook(co) end + +---@alias infowhat string +---|+"n" # `name` and `namewhat` +---|+"S" # `source`, `short_src`, `linedefined`, `lastlinedefined`, and `what` +---|+"l" # `currentline` +---|+"t" # `istailcall` +---|+"u" # `nups`, `nparams`, and `isvararg` +---|+"f" # `func` +---|+"L" # `activelines` + +--- +---Returns a table with information about a function. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-debug.getinfo) +--- +---@overload fun(f: integer|function, what?: infowhat):debuginfo +---@param thread thread +---@param f integer|async fun(...):... +---@param what? infowhat +---@return debuginfo +---@nodiscard +function debug.getinfo(thread, f, what) end + +--- +---Returns the name and the value of the local variable with index `local` of the function at level `f` of the stack. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-debug.getlocal) +--- +---@overload fun(f: integer|async fun(...):..., index: integer):string, any +---@param thread thread +---@param f integer|async fun(...):... +---@param index integer +---@return string name +---@return any value +---@nodiscard +function debug.getlocal(thread, f, index) end + +--- +---Returns the metatable of the given value. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-debug.getmetatable) +--- +---@param object any +---@return table metatable +---@nodiscard +function debug.getmetatable(object) end + +--- +---Returns the registry table. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-debug.getregistry) +--- +---@return table +---@nodiscard +function debug.getregistry() end + +--- +---Returns the name and the value of the upvalue with index `up` of the function. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-debug.getupvalue) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@param up integer +---@return string name +---@return any value +---@nodiscard +function debug.getupvalue(f, up) end + +--- +---Returns the Lua value associated to u. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-debug.getuservalue) +--- +---@param u userdata +---@return any +---@nodiscard +function debug.getuservalue(u) end + +--- +---### **Deprecated in `Lua 5.4.2`** +--- +---Sets a new limit for the C stack. This limit controls how deeply nested calls can go in Lua, with the intent of avoiding a stack overflow. +--- +---In case of success, this function returns the old limit. In case of error, it returns `false`. +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-debug.setcstacklimit) +--- +---@deprecated +---@param limit integer +---@return integer|boolean +function debug.setcstacklimit(limit) end + +--- +---Sets the environment of the given `object` to the given `table` . +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-debug.setfenv) +--- +---@version 5.1 +---@generic T +---@param object T +---@param env table +---@return T object +function debug.setfenv(object, env) end + +---@alias hookmask string +---|+"c" # Calls hook when Lua calls a function. +---|+"r" # Calls hook when Lua returns from a function. +---|+"l" # Calls hook when Lua enters a new line of code. + +--- +---Sets the given function as a hook. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-debug.sethook) +--- +---@overload fun(hook: (async fun(...):...), mask: hookmask, count?: integer) +---@overload fun(thread: thread):... +---@overload fun(...):... +---@param thread thread +---@param hook async fun(...):... +---@param mask hookmask +---@param count? integer +function debug.sethook(thread, hook, mask, count) end + +--- +---Assigns the `value` to the local variable with index `local` of the function at `level` of the stack. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-debug.setlocal) +--- +---@overload fun(level: integer, index: integer, value: any):string +---@param thread thread +---@param level integer +---@param index integer +---@param value any +---@return string name +function debug.setlocal(thread, level, index, value) end + +--- +---Sets the metatable for the given value to the given table (which can be `nil`). +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-debug.setmetatable) +--- +---@generic T +---@param value T +---@param meta? table +---@return T value +function debug.setmetatable(value, meta) end + +--- +---Assigns the `value` to the upvalue with index `up` of the function. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-debug.setupvalue) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@param up integer +---@param value any +---@return string name +function debug.setupvalue(f, up, value) end + +--- +---Sets the given value as the Lua value associated to the given udata. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-debug.setuservalue) +--- +---@param udata userdata +---@param value any +---@return userdata udata +function debug.setuservalue(udata, value) end + +--- +---Returns a string with a traceback of the call stack. The optional message string is appended at the beginning of the traceback. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-debug.traceback) +--- +---@overload fun(message?: any, level?: integer): string +---@param thread thread +---@param message? any +---@param level? integer +---@return string message +---@nodiscard +function debug.traceback(thread, message, level) end + +---@version >5.2, JIT +--- +---Returns a unique identifier (as a light userdata) for the upvalue numbered `n` from the given function. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-debug.upvalueid) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@param n integer +---@return lightuserdata id +---@nodiscard +function debug.upvalueid(f, n) end + +---@version >5.2, JIT +--- +---Make the `n1`-th upvalue of the Lua closure `f1` refer to the `n2`-th upvalue of the Lua closure `f2`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-debug.upvaluejoin) +--- +---@param f1 async fun(...):... +---@param n1 integer +---@param f2 async fun(...):... +---@param n2 integer +function debug.upvaluejoin(f1, n1, f2, n2) end + +return debug diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/ffi.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/ffi.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9fd3aeedb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/ffi.lua @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +---@meta ffi + +---@class ffi.namespace*: table +---@field [string] function + +---@class ffi.ctype*: userdata +---@overload fun(init?: any, ...): ffi.cdata* +---@overload fun(nelem?: integer, init?: any, ...): ffi.cdata* +local ctype + +---@class ffi.cdecl*: string +---@class ffi.cdata*: userdata +---@alias ffi.ct* ffi.ctype*|ffi.cdecl*|ffi.cdata* +---@class ffi.cb*: ffi.cdata* +local cb +---@class ffi.VLA*: userdata +---@class ffi.VLS*: userdata + +---@version JIT +---@class ffilib +---@field C ffi.namespace* +---@field os string +---@field arch string +local ffi = {} + +---@param def string +---@param params? any +function ffi.cdef(def, params, ...) end + +---@param name string +---@param global? boolean +---@return ffi.namespace* clib +---@nodiscard +function ffi.load(name, global) end + +---@overload fun(ct: ffi.ct*, init: any, ...) +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@param nelem? integer +---@param init? any +---@return ffi.cdata* cdata +---@nodiscard +function ffi.new(ct, nelem, init, ...) end + +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@param params? any +---@return ffi.ctype* ctype +---@nodiscard +function ffi.typeof(ct, params, ...) end + +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@param init any +---@return ffi.cdata* cdata +---@nodiscard +function ffi.cast(ct, init) end + +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@param metatable table +---@return ffi.ctype* ctype +function ffi.metatype(ct, metatable) end + +---@param cdata ffi.cdata* +---@param finalizer? function +---@return ffi.cdata* cdata +function ffi.gc(cdata, finalizer) end + +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@param nelem? integer +---@return integer|nil size +---@nodiscard +function ffi.sizeof(ct, nelem) end + +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@return integer align +---@nodiscard +function ffi.alignof(ct) end + +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@param field string +---@return integer ofs +---@return integer? bpos +---@return integer? bsize +---@nodiscard +function ffi.offsetof(ct, field) end + +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@param obj any +---@return boolean status +---@nodiscard +function ffi.istype(ct, obj) end + +---@param newerr? integer +---@return integer err +---@nodiscard +function ffi.errno(newerr) end + +---@param ptr any +---@param len? integer +---@return string str +function ffi.string(ptr, len) end + +---@overload fun(dst: any, str: string) +---@param dst any +---@param src any +---@param len integer +function ffi.copy(dst, src, len) end + +---@param dst any +---@param len integer +---@param c? any +function ffi.fill(dst, len, c) end + +---@param param string +---@return boolean status +function ffi.abi(param) end + +function cb:free() end + +---@param func function +function cb:set(func) end + +return ffi diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/io.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/io.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..937feb68f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/io.lua @@ -0,0 +1,265 @@ +---@meta io + +--- +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-io) +--- +---@class iolib +--- +---standard input. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-io.stdin) +--- +---@field stdin file* +--- +---standard output. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-io.stdout) +--- +---@field stdout file* +--- +---standard error. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-io.stderr) +--- +---@field stderr file* +io = {} + +---@alias openmode +---|>"r" # Read mode. +---| "w" # Write mode. +---| "a" # Append mode. +---| "r+" # Update mode, all previous data is preserved. +---| "w+" # Update mode, all previous data is erased. +---| "a+" # Append update mode, previous data is preserved, writing is only allowed at the end of file. +---| "rb" # Read mode. (in binary mode.) +---| "wb" # Write mode. (in binary mode.) +---| "ab" # Append mode. (in binary mode.) +---| "r+b" # Update mode, all previous data is preserved. (in binary mode.) +---| "w+b" # Update mode, all previous data is erased. (in binary mode.) +---| "a+b" # Append update mode, previous data is preserved, writing is only allowed at the end of file. (in binary mode.) + +--- +---Close `file` or default output file. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-io.close) +--- +---@param file? file* +---@return boolean? suc +---@return exitcode? exitcode +---@return integer? code +function io.close(file) end + +--- +---Saves any written data to default output file. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-io.flush) +--- +function io.flush() end + +--- +---Sets `file` as the default input file. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-io.input) +--- +---@overload fun():file* +---@param file string|file* +function io.input(file) end + +--- +--------- +---```lua +---for c in io.lines(filename, ...) do +--- body +---end +---``` +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-io.lines) +--- +---@param filename string? +---@param ... readmode +---@return fun():any, ... +function io.lines(filename, ...) end + +--- +---Opens a file, in the mode specified in the string `mode`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-io.open) +--- +---@param filename string +---@param mode? openmode +---@return file*? +---@return string? errmsg +---@nodiscard +function io.open(filename, mode) end + +--- +---Sets `file` as the default output file. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-io.output) +--- +---@overload fun():file* +---@param file string|file* +function io.output(file) end + +---@alias popenmode +---| "r" # Read data from this program by `file`. +---| "w" # Write data to this program by `file`. + +--- +---Starts program prog in a separated process. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-io.popen) +--- +---@param prog string +---@param mode? popenmode +---@return file*? +---@return string? errmsg +function io.popen(prog, mode) end + +--- +---Reads the `file`, according to the given formats, which specify what to read. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-io.read) +--- +---@param ... readmode +---@return any +---@return any ... +---@nodiscard +function io.read(...) end + +--- +---In case of success, returns a handle for a temporary file. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-io.tmpfile) +--- +---@return file* +---@nodiscard +function io.tmpfile() end + +---@alias filetype +---| "file" # Is an open file handle. +---| "closed file" # Is a closed file handle. +---| `nil` # Is not a file handle. + +--- +---Checks whether `obj` is a valid file handle. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-io.type) +--- +---@param file file* +---@return filetype +---@nodiscard +function io.type(file) end + +--- +---Writes the value of each of its arguments to default output file. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-io.write) +--- +---@return file* +---@return string? errmsg +function io.write(...) end + +--- +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-file) +--- +---@class file* +local file = {} + +---@alias readmode integer|string +---| "*n" # Reads a numeral and returns it as number. +---| "*a" # Reads the whole file. +---|>"*l" # Reads the next line skipping the end of line. +---| "*L" # Reads the next line keeping the end of line. + +---@alias exitcode "exit"|"signal" + +--- +---Close `file`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-file:close) +--- +---@return boolean? suc +---@return exitcode? exitcode +---@return integer? code +function file:close() end + +--- +---Saves any written data to `file`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-file:flush) +--- +function file:flush() end + +--- +--------- +---```lua +---for c in file:lines(...) do +--- body +---end +---``` +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-file:lines) +--- +---@param ... readmode +---@return fun():any, ... +function file:lines(...) end + +--- +---Reads the `file`, according to the given formats, which specify what to read. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-file:read) +--- +---@param ... readmode +---@return any +---@return any ... +---@nodiscard +function file:read(...) end + +---@alias seekwhence +---| "set" # Base is beginning of the file. +---|>"cur" # Base is current position. +---| "end" # Base is end of file. + +--- +---Sets and gets the file position, measured from the beginning of the file. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-file:seek) +--- +---@param whence? seekwhence +---@param offset? integer +---@return integer offset +---@return string? errmsg +function file:seek(whence, offset) end + +---@alias vbuf +---| "no" # Output operation appears immediately. +---| "full" # Performed only when the buffer is full. +---| "line" # Buffered until a newline is output. + +--- +---Sets the buffering mode for an output file. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-file:setvbuf) +--- +---@param mode vbuf +---@param size? integer +function file:setvbuf(mode, size) end + +--- +---Writes the value of each of its arguments to `file`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-file:write) +--- +---@param ... string|number +---@return file*? +---@return string? errmsg +function file:write(...) end + +return io diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/jit.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/jit.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8ef1e3448 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/jit.lua @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +---@meta jit + +---@version JIT +---@class jitlib +---@field version string +---@field version_num number +---@field os 'Windows'|'Linux'|'OSX'|'BSD'|'POSIX'|'Other' +---@field arch 'x86'|'x64'|'arm'|'arm64'|'arm64be'|'ppc'|'ppc64'|'ppc64le'|'mips'|'mipsel'|'mips64'|'mips64el'|string +jit = {} + +---@overload fun(...):... +---@param func function|boolean +---@param recursive? boolean +function jit.on(func, recursive) +end + +---@overload fun(...):... +---@param func function|boolean +---@param recursive? boolean +function jit.off(func, recursive) +end + +---@overload fun(...):... +---@overload fun(tr: number) +---@param func function|boolean +---@param recursive? boolean +function jit.flush(func, recursive) +end + +---@return boolean status +---@return string ... +---@nodiscard +function jit.status() +end + +jit.opt = {} + +---@param ... any flags +function jit.opt.start(...) +end + +return jit diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/jit/profile.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/jit/profile.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f6cf0ab88 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/jit/profile.lua @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +---@meta jit.profile + +local profile = {} + +---@param mode string +---@param func fun(L: thread, samples: integer, vmst: string) +function profile.start(mode, func) +end + +function profile.stop() +end + +---@overload fun(th: thread, fmt: string, depth: integer) +---@param fmt string +---@param depth integer +function profile.dumpstack(fmt, depth) +end + +return profile \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/jit/util.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/jit/util.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..74ddca384 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/jit/util.lua @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +---@meta jit.util + +---@class Trace +---@class Proto + +local util = {} + +---@class jit.funcinfo.lua +local funcinfo = { + linedefined = 0, + lastlinedefined = 0, + stackslots = 0, + params = 0, + bytecodes = 0, + gcconsts = 0, + nconsts = 0, + upvalues = 0, + currentline = 0, + isvararg = false, + children = false, + source = "", + loc = "", + ---@type Proto[] + proto = {} +} + +---@class jit.funcinfo.c +---@field ffid integer|nil +local funcinfo2 = { + addr = 0, + upvalues = 0, +} + + +---@param func function +---@param pc? integer +---@return jit.funcinfo.c|jit.funcinfo.lua info +function util.funcinfo(func, pc) +end + +---@param func function +---@param pc integer +---@return integer? ins +---@return integer? m +function util.funcbc(func, pc) +end + +---@param func function +---@param idx integer +---@return any? k +function util.funck(func, idx) +end + +---@param func function +---@param idx integer +---@return string? name +function util.funcuvname(func, idx) +end + +---@class jit.traceinfo +local traceinfo = { + nins = 0, + nk = 0, + link = 0, + nexit = 0, + linktype = "" +} + +---@param tr Trace +---@return jit.traceinfo? info +function util.traceinfo(tr) +end + +---@param tr Trace +---@param ref integer +---@return integer? m +---@return integer? ot +---@return integer? op1 +---@return integer? op2 +---@return integer? prev +function util.traceir(tr, ref) +end + +---@param tr Trace +---@param idx integer +---@return any? k +---@return integer? t +---@return integer? slot +function util.tracek(tr, idx) +end + +---@class jit.snap : integer[] + +---@param tr Trace +---@param sn integer +---@return jit.snap? snap +function util.tracesnap(tr, sn) +end + +---@param tr Trace +---@return string? mcode +---@return integer? addr +---@return integer? loop +function util.tracemc(tr) +end + +---@overload fun(exitno: integer): integer +---@param tr Trace +---@param exitno integer +---@return integer? addr +function util.traceexitstub(tr, exitno) +end + +---@param idx integer +---@return integer? addr +function util.ircalladdr(idx) +end + +return util diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/math.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/math.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..22c7f3daf --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/math.lua @@ -0,0 +1,362 @@ +---@meta math + +--- +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math) +--- +---@class mathlib +--- +---A value larger than any other numeric value. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.huge) +--- +---@field huge number +--- +---The value of *π*. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.pi) +--- +---@field pi number +math = {} + +--- +---Returns the absolute value of `x`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.abs) +--- +---@generic Number: number +---@param x Number +---@return Number +---@nodiscard +function math.abs(x) end + +--- +---Returns the arc cosine of `x` (in radians). +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.acos) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.acos(x) end + +--- +---Returns the arc sine of `x` (in radians). +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.asin) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.asin(x) end + +--- +---Returns the arc tangent of `x` (in radians). +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.atan) +--- +---@param y number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.atan(y) end + +---@version <5.2 +--- +---Returns the arc tangent of `y/x` (in radians). +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.atan2) +--- +---@param y number +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.atan2(y, x) end + +--- +---Returns the smallest integral value larger than or equal to `x`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.ceil) +--- +---@param x number +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function math.ceil(x) end + +--- +---Returns the cosine of `x` (assumed to be in radians). +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.cos) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.cos(x) end + +---@version <5.2 +--- +---Returns the hyperbolic cosine of `x` (assumed to be in radians). +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.cosh) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.cosh(x) end + +--- +---Converts the angle `x` from radians to degrees. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.deg) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.deg(x) end + +--- +---Returns the value `e^x` (where `e` is the base of natural logarithms). +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.exp) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.exp(x) end + +--- +---Returns the largest integral value smaller than or equal to `x`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.floor) +--- +---@param x number +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function math.floor(x) end + +--- +---Returns the remainder of the division of `x` by `y` that rounds the quotient towards zero. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.fmod) +--- +---@param x number +---@param y number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.fmod(x, y) end + +---@version <5.2 +--- +---Decompose `x` into tails and exponents. Returns `m` and `e` such that `x = m * (2 ^ e)`, `e` is an integer and the absolute value of `m` is in the range [0.5, 1) (or zero when `x` is zero). +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.frexp) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number m +---@return number e +---@nodiscard +function math.frexp(x) end + +---@version <5.2 +--- +---Returns `m * (2 ^ e)` . +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.ldexp) +--- +---@param m number +---@param e number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.ldexp(m, e) end + +--- +---Returns the logarithm of `x` in the given base. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.log) +--- +---@param x number +---@param base? integer +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.log(x, base) end + +---@version <5.1 +--- +---Returns the base-10 logarithm of x. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.log10) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.log10(x) end + +--- +---Returns the argument with the maximum value, according to the Lua operator `<`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.max) +--- +---@generic Number: number +---@param x Number +---@param ... Number +---@return Number +---@nodiscard +function math.max(x, ...) end + +--- +---Returns the argument with the minimum value, according to the Lua operator `<`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.min) +--- +---@generic Number: number +---@param x Number +---@param ... Number +---@return Number +---@nodiscard +function math.min(x, ...) end + +--- +---Returns the integral part of `x` and the fractional part of `x`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.modf) +--- +---@param x number +---@return integer +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.modf(x) end + +---@version <5.2 +--- +---Returns `x ^ y` . +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.pow) +--- +---@param x number +---@param y number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.pow(x, y) end + +--- +---Converts the angle `x` from degrees to radians. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.rad) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.rad(x) end + +--- +---* `math.random()`: Returns a float in the range [0,1). +---* `math.random(n)`: Returns a integer in the range [1, n]. +---* `math.random(m, n)`: Returns a integer in the range [m, n]. +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.random) +--- +---@overload fun():number +---@overload fun(m: integer):integer +---@param m integer +---@param n integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function math.random(m, n) end + +--- +---Sets `x` as the "seed" for the pseudo-random generator. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.randomseed) +--- +---@param x integer +function math.randomseed(x) end + +--- +---Returns the sine of `x` (assumed to be in radians). +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.sin) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.sin(x) end + +---@version <5.2 +--- +---Returns the hyperbolic sine of `x` (assumed to be in radians). +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.sinh) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.sinh(x) end + +--- +---Returns the square root of `x`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.sqrt) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.sqrt(x) end + +--- +---Returns the tangent of `x` (assumed to be in radians). +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.tan) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.tan(x) end + +---@version <5.2 +--- +---Returns the hyperbolic tangent of `x` (assumed to be in radians). +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.tanh) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.tanh(x) end + +---@version >5.3 +--- +---If the value `x` is convertible to an integer, returns that integer. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.tointeger) +--- +---@param x any +---@return integer? +---@nodiscard +function math.tointeger(x) end + +--- +---Returns `"integer"` if `x` is an integer, `"float"` if it is a float, or `nil` if `x` is not a number. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.type) +--- +---@param x any +---@return +---| '"integer"' +---| '"float"' +---| 'nil' +---@nodiscard +function math.type(x) end + +--- +---Returns `true` if and only if `m` is below `n` when they are compared as unsigned integers. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-math.ult) +--- +---@param m integer +---@param n integer +---@return boolean +---@nodiscard +function math.ult(m, n) end + +return math diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/os.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/os.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d88490092 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/os.lua @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ +---@meta os + +--- +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-os) +--- +---@class oslib +os = {} + +--- +---Returns an approximation of the amount in seconds of CPU time used by the program. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-os.clock) +--- +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function os.clock() end + +---@class osdate +--- +---four digits +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-osdate.year) +--- +---@field year integer|string +--- +---1-12 +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-osdate.month) +--- +---@field month integer|string +--- +---1-31 +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-osdate.day) +--- +---@field day integer|string +--- +---0-23 +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-osdate.hour) +--- +---@field hour integer|string +--- +---0-59 +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-osdate.min) +--- +---@field min integer|string +--- +---0-61 +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-osdate.sec) +--- +---@field sec integer|string +--- +---weekday, 1–7, Sunday is 1 +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-osdate.wday) +--- +---@field wday integer|string +--- +---day of the year, 1–366 +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-osdate.yday) +--- +---@field yday integer|string +--- +---daylight saving flag, a boolean +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-osdate.isdst) +--- +---@field isdst boolean + +--- +---Returns a string or a table containing date and time, formatted according to the given string `format`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-os.date) +--- +---@param format? string +---@param time? integer +---@return string|osdate +---@nodiscard +function os.date(format, time) end + +--- +---Returns the difference, in seconds, from time `t1` to time `t2`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-os.difftime) +--- +---@param t2 integer +---@param t1 integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function os.difftime(t2, t1) end + +--- +---Passes `command` to be executed by an operating system shell. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-os.execute) +--- +---@param command? string +---@return boolean? suc +---@return exitcode? exitcode +---@return integer? code +function os.execute(command) end + +--- +---Calls the ISO C function `exit` to terminate the host program. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-os.exit) +--- +---@param code? boolean|integer +---@param close? boolean +function os.exit(code, close) end + +--- +---Returns the value of the process environment variable `varname`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-os.getenv) +--- +---@param varname string +---@return string? +---@nodiscard +function os.getenv(varname) end + +--- +---Deletes the file with the given name. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-os.remove) +--- +---@param filename string +---@return boolean suc +---@return string? errmsg +function os.remove(filename) end + +--- +---Renames the file or directory named `oldname` to `newname`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-os.rename) +--- +---@param oldname string +---@param newname string +---@return boolean suc +---@return string? errmsg +function os.rename(oldname, newname) end + +---@alias localecategory +---|>"all" +---| "collate" +---| "ctype" +---| "monetary" +---| "numeric" +---| "time" + +--- +---Sets the current locale of the program. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-os.setlocale) +--- +---@param locale string|nil +---@param category? localecategory +---@return string localecategory +function os.setlocale(locale, category) end + +--- +---Returns the current time when called without arguments, or a time representing the local date and time specified by the given table. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-os.time) +--- +---@param date? osdate +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function os.time(date) end + +--- +---Returns a string with a file name that can be used for a temporary file. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-os.tmpname) +--- +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function os.tmpname() end + +return os diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/package.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/package.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b9dfa981e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/package.lua @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +---@meta package + +--- +---Loads the given module, returns any value returned by the given module(`true` when `nil`). +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-require) +--- +---@param modname string +---@return unknown +function require(modname) end + +--- +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-package) +--- +---@class packagelib +--- +---The path used by `require` to search for a C loader. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-package.cpath) +--- +---@field cpath string +--- +---A table used by `require` to control which modules are already loaded. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-package.loaded) +--- +---@field loaded table +--- +---The path used by `require` to search for a Lua loader. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-package.path) +--- +---@field path string +--- +---A table to store loaders for specific modules. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-package.preload) +--- +---@field preload table +package = {} + +--- +---A string describing some compile-time configurations for packages. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-package.config) +--- +package.config = [[ +/ +; +? +! +-]] + +---@version <5.1 +--- +---A table used by `require` to control how to load modules. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-package.loaders) +--- +package.loaders = {} + +--- +---Dynamically links the host program with the C library `libname`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-package.loadlib) +--- +---@param libname string +---@param funcname string +---@return any +function package.loadlib(libname, funcname) end + +--- +---A table used by `require` to control how to load modules. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-package.searchers) +--- +---@version >5.2 +package.searchers = {} + +--- +---Searches for the given `name` in the given `path`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-package.searchpath) +--- +---@version >5.2,JIT +---@param name string +---@param path string +---@param sep? string +---@param rep? string +---@return string? filename +---@return string? errmsg +---@nodiscard +function package.searchpath(name, path, sep, rep) end + +--- +---Sets a metatable for `module` with its `__index` field referring to the global environment, so that this module inherits values from the global environment. To be used as an option to function `module` . +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-package.seeall) +--- +---@version <5.1 +---@param module table +function package.seeall(module) end + +return package diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/string.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/string.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..faa1e7654 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/string.lua @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +---@meta string + +--- +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string) +--- +---@class stringlib +string = {} + +--- +---Returns the internal numeric codes of the characters `s[i], s[i+1], ..., s[j]`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string.byte) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param i? integer +---@param j? integer +---@return integer ... +---@nodiscard +function string.byte(s, i, j) end + +--- +---Returns a string with length equal to the number of arguments, in which each character has the internal numeric code equal to its corresponding argument. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string.char) +--- +---@param byte integer +---@param ... integer +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.char(byte, ...) end + +--- +---Returns a string containing a binary representation (a *binary chunk*) of the given function. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string.dump) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@param strip? boolean +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.dump(f, strip) end + +--- +---Looks for the first match of `pattern` (see [§6.4.1](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#6.4.1)) in the string. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string.find) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param pattern string|number +---@param init? integer +---@param plain? boolean +---@return integer start +---@return integer end +---@return any ... captured +---@nodiscard +function string.find(s, pattern, init, plain) end + +--- +---Returns a formatted version of its variable number of arguments following the description given in its first argument. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string.format) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param ... any +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.format(s, ...) end + +--- +---Returns an iterator function that, each time it is called, returns the next captures from `pattern` (see [§6.4.1](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#6.4.1)) over the string s. +--- +---As an example, the following loop will iterate over all the words from string s, printing one per line: +---```lua +--- s = +---"hello world from Lua" +--- for w in string.gmatch(s, "%a+") do +--- print(w) +--- end +---``` +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string.gmatch) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param pattern string|number +---@return fun():string, ... +---@nodiscard +function string.gmatch(s, pattern) end + +--- +---Returns a copy of s in which all (or the first `n`, if given) occurrences of the `pattern` (see [§6.4.1](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#6.4.1)) have been replaced by a replacement string specified by `repl`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string.gsub) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param pattern string|number +---@param repl string|number|table|function +---@param n? integer +---@return string +---@return integer count +---@nodiscard +function string.gsub(s, pattern, repl, n) end + +--- +---Returns its length. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string.len) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function string.len(s) end + +--- +---Returns a copy of this string with all uppercase letters changed to lowercase. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string.lower) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.lower(s) end + +--- +---Looks for the first match of `pattern` (see [§6.4.1](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#6.4.1)) in the string. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string.match) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param pattern string|number +---@param init? integer +---@return any ... +---@nodiscard +function string.match(s, pattern, init) end + +---@version >5.3 +--- +---Returns a binary string containing the values `v1`, `v2`, etc. packed (that is, serialized in binary form) according to the format string `fmt` (see [§6.4.2](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#6.4.2)) . +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string.pack) +--- +---@param fmt string +---@param v1 string|number +---@param ... string|number +---@return string binary +---@nodiscard +function string.pack(fmt, v1, v2, ...) end + +---@version >5.3 +--- +---Returns the size of a string resulting from `string.pack` with the given format string `fmt` (see [§6.4.2](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#6.4.2)) . +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string.packsize) +--- +---@param fmt string +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function string.packsize(fmt) end + +--- +---Returns a string that is the concatenation of `n` copies of the string `s` separated by the string `sep`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string.rep) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param n integer +---@param sep? string|number +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.rep(s, n, sep) end + +--- +---Returns a string that is the string `s` reversed. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string.reverse) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.reverse(s) end + +--- +---Returns the substring of the string that starts at `i` and continues until `j`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string.sub) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param i integer +---@param j? integer +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.sub(s, i, j) end + +---@version >5.3 +--- +---Returns the values packed in string according to the format string `fmt` (see [§6.4.2](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#6.4.2)) . +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string.unpack) +--- +---@param fmt string +---@param s string +---@param pos? integer +---@return any ... +---@return integer offset +---@nodiscard +function string.unpack(fmt, s, pos) end + +--- +---Returns a copy of this string with all lowercase letters changed to uppercase. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-string.upper) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.upper(s) end + +return string diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/string/buffer.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/string/buffer.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..077a5b234 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/string/buffer.lua @@ -0,0 +1,353 @@ +---@meta string.buffer + +---@version JIT +--- The string buffer library allows high-performance manipulation of string-like data. +--- +--- Unlike Lua strings, which are constants, string buffers are mutable sequences of 8-bit (binary-transparent) characters. Data can be stored, formatted and encoded into a string buffer and later converted, extracted or decoded. +--- +--- The convenient string buffer API simplifies common string manipulation tasks, that would otherwise require creating many intermediate strings. String buffers improve performance by eliminating redundant memory copies, object creation, string interning and garbage collection overhead. In conjunction with the FFI library, they allow zero-copy operations. +--- +--- The string buffer libary also includes a high-performance serializer for Lua objects. +--- +--- +--- ## Streaming Serialization +--- +--- In some contexts, it's desirable to do piecewise serialization of large datasets, also known as streaming. +--- +--- This serialization format can be safely concatenated and supports streaming. Multiple encodings can simply be appended to a buffer and later decoded individually: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local buf = buffer.new() +--- buf:encode(obj1) +--- buf:encode(obj2) +--- local copy1 = buf:decode() +--- local copy2 = buf:decode() +--- ``` +--- +--- Here's how to iterate over a stream: +--- +--- ```lua +--- while #buf ~= 0 do +--- local obj = buf:decode() +--- -- Do something with obj. +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- Since the serialization format doesn't prepend a length to its encoding, network applications may need to transmit the length, too. +--- Serialization Format Specification +--- +--- This serialization format is designed for internal use by LuaJIT applications. Serialized data is upwards-compatible and portable across all supported LuaJIT platforms. +--- +--- It's an 8-bit binary format and not human-readable. It uses e.g. embedded zeroes and stores embedded Lua string objects unmodified, which are 8-bit-clean, too. Encoded data can be safely concatenated for streaming and later decoded one top-level object at a time. +--- +--- The encoding is reasonably compact, but tuned for maximum performance, not for minimum space usage. It compresses well with any of the common byte-oriented data compression algorithms. +--- +--- Although documented here for reference, this format is explicitly not intended to be a 'public standard' for structured data interchange across computer languages (like JSON or MessagePack). Please do not use it as such. +--- +--- The specification is given below as a context-free grammar with a top-level object as the starting point. Alternatives are separated by the | symbol and * indicates repeats. Grouping is implicit or indicated by {…}. Terminals are either plain hex numbers, encoded as bytes, or have a .format suffix. +--- +--- ``` +--- object → nil | false | true +--- | null | lightud32 | lightud64 +--- | int | num | tab | tab_mt +--- | int64 | uint64 | complex +--- | string +--- +--- nil → 0x00 +--- false → 0x01 +--- true → 0x02 +--- +--- null → 0x03 // NULL lightuserdata +--- lightud32 → 0x04 data.I // 32 bit lightuserdata +--- lightud64 → 0x05 data.L // 64 bit lightuserdata +--- +--- int → 0x06 int.I // int32_t +--- num → 0x07 double.L +--- +--- tab → 0x08 // Empty table +--- | 0x09 h.U h*{object object} // Key/value hash +--- | 0x0a a.U a*object // 0-based array +--- | 0x0b a.U a*object h.U h*{object object} // Mixed +--- | 0x0c a.U (a-1)*object // 1-based array +--- | 0x0d a.U (a-1)*object h.U h*{object object} // Mixed +--- tab_mt → 0x0e (index-1).U tab // Metatable dict entry +--- +--- int64 → 0x10 int.L // FFI int64_t +--- uint64 → 0x11 uint.L // FFI uint64_t +--- complex → 0x12 re.L im.L // FFI complex +--- +--- string → (0x20+len).U len*char.B +--- | 0x0f (index-1).U // String dict entry +--- +--- .B = 8 bit +--- .I = 32 bit little-endian +--- .L = 64 bit little-endian +--- .U = prefix-encoded 32 bit unsigned number n: +--- 0x00..0xdf → n.B +--- 0xe0..0x1fdf → (0xe0|(((n-0xe0)>>8)&0x1f)).B ((n-0xe0)&0xff).B +--- 0x1fe0.. → 0xff n.I +--- ``` +--- +--- ## Error handling +--- +--- Many of the buffer methods can throw an error. Out-of-memory or usage errors are best caught with an outer wrapper for larger parts of code. There's not much one can do after that, anyway. +--- +--- OTOH you may want to catch some errors individually. Buffer methods need to receive the buffer object as the first argument. The Lua colon-syntax `obj:method()` does that implicitly. But to wrap a method with `pcall()`, the arguments need to be passed like this: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local ok, err = pcall(buf.encode, buf, obj) +--- if not ok then +--- -- Handle error in err. +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- ## FFI caveats +--- +--- The string buffer library has been designed to work well together with the FFI library. But due to the low-level nature of the FFI library, some care needs to be taken: +--- +--- First, please remember that FFI pointers are zero-indexed. The space returned by `buf:reserve()` and `buf:ref()` starts at the returned pointer and ends before len bytes after that. +--- +--- I.e. the first valid index is `ptr[0]` and the last valid index is `ptr[len-1]`. If the returned length is zero, there's no valid index at all. The returned pointer may even be `NULL`. +--- +--- The space pointed to by the returned pointer is only valid as long as the buffer is not modified in any way (neither append, nor consume, nor reset, etc.). The pointer is also not a GC anchor for the buffer object itself. +--- +--- Buffer data is only guaranteed to be byte-aligned. Casting the returned pointer to a data type with higher alignment may cause unaligned accesses. It depends on the CPU architecture whether this is allowed or not (it's always OK on x86/x64 and mostly OK on other modern architectures). +--- +--- FFI pointers or references do not count as GC anchors for an underlying object. E.g. an array allocated with `ffi.new()` is anchored by `buf:set(array, len)`, but not by `buf:set(array+offset, len)`. The addition of the offset creates a new pointer, even when the offset is zero. In this case, you need to make sure there's still a reference to the original array as long as its contents are in use by the buffer. +--- +--- Even though each LuaJIT VM instance is single-threaded (but you can create multiple VMs), FFI data structures can be accessed concurrently. Be careful when reading/writing FFI cdata from/to buffers to avoid concurrent accesses or modifications. In particular, the memory referenced by `buf:set(cdata, len)` must not be modified while buffer readers are working on it. Shared, but read-only memory mappings of files are OK, but only if the file does not change. +local buffer = {} + +--- A buffer object is a garbage-collected Lua object. After creation with `buffer.new()`, it can (and should) be reused for many operations. When the last reference to a buffer object is gone, it will eventually be freed by the garbage collector, along with the allocated buffer space. +--- +--- Buffers operate like a FIFO (first-in first-out) data structure. Data can be appended (written) to the end of the buffer and consumed (read) from the front of the buffer. These operations may be freely mixed. +--- +--- The buffer space that holds the characters is managed automatically — it grows as needed and already consumed space is recycled. Use `buffer.new(size)` and `buf:free()`, if you need more control. +--- +--- The maximum size of a single buffer is the same as the maximum size of a Lua string, which is slightly below two gigabytes. For huge data sizes, neither strings nor buffers are the right data structure — use the FFI library to directly map memory or files up to the virtual memory limit of your OS. +--- +---@version JIT +---@class string.buffer : table +local buf = {} + +--- A string, number, or any object obj with a __tostring metamethod to the buffer. +--- +---@alias string.buffer.data string|number|table + + +--- Appends a string str, a number num or any object obj with a `__tostring` metamethod to the buffer. Multiple arguments are appended in the given order. +--- +--- Appending a buffer to a buffer is possible and short-circuited internally. But it still involves a copy. Better combine the buffer writes to use a single buffer. +--- +---@param data string.buffer.data +---@param ...? string.buffer.data +---@return string.buffer +function buf:put(data, ...) end + + +--- Appends the formatted arguments to the buffer. The format string supports the same options as string.format(). +--- +---@param format string +---@param ... string.buffer.data +---@return string.buffer +function buf:putf(format, ...) end + + +--- Appends the given len number of bytes from the memory pointed to by the FFI cdata object to the buffer. The object needs to be convertible to a (constant) pointer. +--- +---@param cdata ffi.cdata* +---@param len integer +---@return string.buffer +function buf:putcdata(cdata, len) end + + +--- This method allows zero-copy consumption of a string or an FFI cdata object as a buffer. It stores a reference to the passed string str or the FFI cdata object in the buffer. Any buffer space originally allocated is freed. This is not an append operation, unlike the `buf:put*()` methods. +--- +--- After calling this method, the buffer behaves as if `buf:free():put(str)` or `buf:free():put(cdata, len)` had been called. However, the data is only referenced and not copied, as long as the buffer is only consumed. +--- +--- In case the buffer is written to later on, the referenced data is copied and the object reference is removed (copy-on-write semantics). +--- +--- The stored reference is an anchor for the garbage collector and keeps the originally passed string or FFI cdata object alive. +--- +---@param str string.buffer.data +---@return string.buffer +---@overload fun(self:string.buffer, cdata:ffi.cdata*, len:integer):string.buffer +function buf:set(str) end + +--- Reset (empty) the buffer. The allocated buffer space is not freed and may be reused. +---@return string.buffer +function buf:reset() end + + +--- The buffer space of the buffer object is freed. The object itself remains intact, empty and may be reused. +--- +--- Note: you normally don't need to use this method. The garbage collector automatically frees the buffer space, when the buffer object is collected. Use this method, if you need to free the associated memory immediately. +function buf:free() end + + +--- The reserve method reserves at least size bytes of write space in the buffer. It returns an uint8_t * FFI cdata pointer ptr that points to this space. +--- +--- The available length in bytes is returned in len. This is at least size bytes, but may be more to facilitate efficient buffer growth. You can either make use of the additional space or ignore len and only use size bytes. +--- +--- This, along with `buf:commit()` allow zero-copy use of C read-style APIs: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local MIN_SIZE = 65536 +--- repeat +--- local ptr, len = buf:reserve(MIN_SIZE) +--- local n = C.read(fd, ptr, len) +--- if n == 0 then break end -- EOF. +--- if n < 0 then error("read error") end +--- buf:commit(n) +--- until false +--- ``` +--- +--- The reserved write space is not initialized. At least the used bytes must be written to before calling the commit method. There's no need to call the commit method, if nothing is added to the buffer (e.g. on error). +---@param size integer +---@return ffi.cdata* ptr # an uint8_t * FFI cdata pointer that points to this space +---@return integer len # available length (bytes) +function buf:reserve(size) end + + +--- Appends the used bytes of the previously returned write space to the buffer data. +---@param used integer +---@return string.buffer +function buf:commit(used) end + + +--- Skips (consumes) len bytes from the buffer up to the current length of the buffer data. +---@param len integer +---@return string.buffer +function buf:skip(len) end + +--- Consumes the buffer data and returns one or more strings. If called without arguments, the whole buffer data is consumed. If called with a number, up to `len` bytes are consumed. A `nil` argument consumes the remaining buffer space (this only makes sense as the last argument). Multiple arguments consume the buffer data in the given order. +--- +--- Note: a zero length or no remaining buffer data returns an empty string and not `nil`. +--- +---@param len? integer +---@param ... integer|nil +---@return string ... +function buf:get(len, ...) end + +--- Creates a string from the buffer data, but doesn't consume it. The buffer remains unchanged. +--- +--- Buffer objects also define a `__tostring metamethod`. This means buffers can be passed to the global `tostring()` function and many other functions that accept this in place of strings. The important internal uses in functions like `io.write()` are short-circuited to avoid the creation of an intermediate string object. +---@return string +function buf:tostring() end + + +--- Returns an uint8_t * FFI cdata pointer ptr that points to the buffer data. The length of the buffer data in bytes is returned in len. +--- +--- The returned pointer can be directly passed to C functions that expect a buffer and a length. You can also do bytewise reads (`local x = ptr[i]`) or writes (`ptr[i] = 0x40`) of the buffer data. +--- +--- In conjunction with the `buf:skip()` method, this allows zero-copy use of C write-style APIs: +--- +--- ```lua +--- repeat +--- local ptr, len = buf:ref() +--- if len == 0 then break end +--- local n = C.write(fd, ptr, len) +--- if n < 0 then error("write error") end +--- buf:skip(n) +--- until n >= len +--- ``` +--- +--- Unlike Lua strings, buffer data is not implicitly zero-terminated. It's not safe to pass ptr to C functions that expect zero-terminated strings. If you're not using len, then you're doing something wrong. +--- +---@return ffi.cdata* ptr # an uint8_t * FFI cdata pointer that points to the buffer data. +---@return integer len # length of the buffer data in bytes +function buf:ref() end + +--- Serializes (encodes) the Lua object to the buffer +--- +--- This function may throw an error when attempting to serialize unsupported object types, circular references or deeply nested tables. +---@param obj string.buffer.data +---@return string.buffer +function buf:encode(obj) end + + +--- De-serializes one object from the buffer. +--- +--- The returned object may be any of the supported Lua types — even `nil`. +--- +--- This function may throw an error when fed with malformed or incomplete encoded data. +--- +--- Leaves any left-over data in the buffer. +--- +--- Attempting to de-serialize an FFI type will throw an error, if the FFI library is not built-in or has not been loaded, yet. +--- +---@return string.buffer.data|nil obj +function buf:decode() end + + +--- Serializes (encodes) the Lua object obj +--- +--- This function may throw an error when attempting to serialize unsupported object types, circular references or deeply nested tables. +---@param obj string.buffer.data +---@return string +function buffer.encode(obj) end + +--- De-serializes (decodes) the string to a Lua object +--- +--- The returned object may be any of the supported Lua types — even `nil`. +--- +--- Throws an error when fed with malformed or incomplete encoded data. +--- Throws an error when there's left-over data after decoding a single top-level object. +--- +--- Attempting to de-serialize an FFI type will throw an error, if the FFI library is not built-in or has not been loaded, yet. +--- +---@param str string +---@return string.buffer.data|nil obj +function buffer.decode(str) end + + + + +--- Creates a new buffer object. +--- +--- The optional size argument ensures a minimum initial buffer size. This is strictly an optimization when the required buffer size is known beforehand. The buffer space will grow as needed, in any case. +--- +--- The optional table options sets various serialization options. +--- +---@param size? integer +---@param options? string.buffer.serialization.opts +---@return string.buffer +function buffer.new(size, options) end + +--- Serialization Options +--- +--- The options table passed to buffer.new() may contain the following members (all optional): +--- +--- * `dict` is a Lua table holding a dictionary of strings that commonly occur as table keys of objects you are serializing. These keys are compactly encoded as indexes during serialization. A well chosen dictionary saves space and improves serialization performance. +--- +--- * `metatable` is a Lua table holding a dictionary of metatables for the table objects you are serializing. +--- +--- dict needs to be an array of strings and metatable needs to be an array of tables. Both starting at index 1 and without holes (no nil inbetween). The tables are anchored in the buffer object and internally modified into a two-way index (don't do this yourself, just pass a plain array). The tables must not be modified after they have been passed to buffer.new(). +--- +--- The dict and metatable tables used by the encoder and decoder must be the same. Put the most common entries at the front. Extend at the end to ensure backwards-compatibility — older encodings can then still be read. You may also set some indexes to false to explicitly drop backwards-compatibility. Old encodings that use these indexes will throw an error when decoded. +--- +--- Metatables that are not found in the metatable dictionary are ignored when encoding. Decoding returns a table with a nil metatable. +--- +--- Note: parsing and preparation of the options table is somewhat expensive. Create a buffer object only once and recycle it for multiple uses. Avoid mixing encoder and decoder buffers, since the buf:set() method frees the already allocated buffer space: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local options = { +--- dict = { "commonly", "used", "string", "keys" }, +--- } +--- local buf_enc = buffer.new(options) +--- local buf_dec = buffer.new(options) +--- +--- local function encode(obj) +--- return buf_enc:reset():encode(obj):get() +--- end +--- +--- local function decode(str) +--- return buf_dec:set(str):decode() +--- end +--- ``` +---@class string.buffer.serialization.opts +---@field dict string[] +---@field metatable table[] + + +return buffer diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/table.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/table.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..51d553539 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/table.lua @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +---@meta table + +--- +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-table) +--- +---@class tablelib +table = {} + +--- +---Given a list where all elements are strings or numbers, returns the string `list[i]..sep..list[i+1] ··· sep..list[j]`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-table.concat) +--- +---@param list table +---@param sep? string +---@param i? integer +---@param j? integer +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function table.concat(list, sep, i, j) end + +--- +---Inserts element `value` at position `pos` in `list`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-table.insert) +--- +---@overload fun(list: table, value: any) +---@param list table +---@param pos integer +---@param value any +function table.insert(list, pos, value) end + +---@version <5.1 +--- +---Returns the largest positive numerical index of the given table, or zero if the table has no positive numerical indices. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-table.maxn) +--- +---@param table table +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function table.maxn(table) end + +---@version >5.3 +--- +---Moves elements from table `a1` to table `a2`. +---```lua +---a2[t],··· = +---a1[f],···,a1[e] +---return a2 +---``` +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-table.move) +--- +---@param a1 table +---@param f integer +---@param e integer +---@param t integer +---@param a2? table +---@return table a2 +function table.move(a1, f, e, t, a2) end + +---@version >5.2, JIT +--- +---Returns a new table with all arguments stored into keys `1`, `2`, etc. and with a field `"n"` with the total number of arguments. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-table.pack) +--- +---@return table +---@nodiscard +function table.pack(...) end + +--- +---Removes from `list` the element at position `pos`, returning the value of the removed element. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-table.remove) +--- +---@param list table +---@param pos? integer +---@return any +function table.remove(list, pos) end + +--- +---Sorts list elements in a given order, *in-place*, from `list[1]` to `list[#list]`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-table.sort) +--- +---@generic T +---@param list T[] +---@param comp? fun(a: T, b: T):boolean +function table.sort(list, comp) end + +---@version >5.2, JIT +--- +---Returns the elements from the given list. This function is equivalent to +---```lua +--- return list[i], list[i+1], ···, list[j] +---``` +---By default, `i` is `1` and `j` is `#list`. +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-table.unpack) +--- +---@generic T +---@param list T[] +---@param i? integer +---@param j? integer +---@return T ... +---@nodiscard +function table.unpack(list, i, j) end + +---@version <5.1, JIT +--- +---Executes the given f over all elements of table. For each element, f is called with the index and respective value as arguments. If f returns a non-nil value, then the loop is broken, and this value is returned as the final value of foreach. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-table.foreach) +--- +---@generic T +---@param list any +---@param callback fun(key: string, value: any):T|nil +---@return T|nil +---@deprecated +function table.foreach(list, callback) end + +---@version <5.1, JIT +--- +---Executes the given f over the numerical indices of table. For each index, f is called with the index and respective value as arguments. Indices are visited in sequential order, from 1 to n, where n is the size of the table. If f returns a non-nil value, then the loop is broken and this value is returned as the result of foreachi. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-table.foreachi) +--- +---@generic T +---@param list any +---@param callback fun(key: string, value: any):T|nil +---@return T|nil +---@deprecated +function table.foreachi(list, callback) end + +---@version <5.1, JIT +--- +---Returns the number of elements in the table. This function is equivalent to `#list`. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-table.getn) +--- +---@generic T +---@param list T[] +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +---@deprecated +function table.getn(list) end + +return table diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/table/clear.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/table/clear.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e457c56ce --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/table/clear.lua @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +---@meta table.clear + +---@version JIT +--- +---This clears all keys and values from a table, but preserves the allocated array/hash sizes. This is useful when a table, which is linked from multiple places, needs to be cleared and/or when recycling a table for use by the same context. This avoids managing backlinks, saves an allocation and the overhead of incremental array/hash part growth. The function needs to be required before use. +---```lua +--- require("table.clear"). +---``` +---Please note this function is meant for very specific situations. In most cases it's better to replace the (usually single) link with a new table and let the GC do its work. +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-table.clear) +--- +---@param tab table +local function clear(tab) end + +return clear diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/table/new.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/table/new.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bc39af4b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/table/new.lua @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +---@meta table.new + +---@version JIT +--- +---This creates a pre-sized table, just like the C API equivalent `lua_createtable()`. This is useful for big tables if the final table size is known and automatic table resizing is too expensive. `narray` parameter specifies the number of array-like items, and `nhash` parameter specifies the number of hash-like items. The function needs to be required before use. +---```lua +--- require("table.new") +---``` +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-table.new) +--- +---@param narray integer +---@param nhash integer +---@return table +local function new(narray, nhash) end + +return new diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/utf8.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/utf8.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..52a7a382a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT en-us utf8/utf8.lua @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +---@meta utf8 + +---@version >5.3 +--- +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-utf8) +--- +---@class utf8lib +--- +---The pattern which matches exactly one UTF-8 byte sequence, assuming that the subject is a valid UTF-8 string. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-utf8.charpattern) +--- +---@field charpattern string +utf8 = {} + +--- +---Receives zero or more integers, converts each one to its corresponding UTF-8 byte sequence and returns a string with the concatenation of all these sequences. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-utf8.char) +--- +---@param code integer +---@param ... integer +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function utf8.char(code, ...) end + +--- +---Returns values so that the construction +---```lua +---for p, c in utf8.codes(s) do +--- body +---end +---``` +---will iterate over all UTF-8 characters in string s, with p being the position (in bytes) and c the code point of each character. It raises an error if it meets any invalid byte sequence. +--- +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-utf8.codes) +--- +---@param s string +---@return fun(s: string, p: integer):integer, integer +function utf8.codes(s) end + +--- +---Returns the codepoints (as integers) from all characters in `s` that start between byte position `i` and `j` (both included). +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-utf8.codepoint) +--- +---@param s string +---@param i? integer +---@param j? integer +---@return integer code +---@return integer ... +---@nodiscard +function utf8.codepoint(s, i, j) end + +--- +---Returns the number of UTF-8 characters in string `s` that start between positions `i` and `j` (both inclusive). +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-utf8.len) +--- +---@param s string +---@param i? integer +---@param j? integer +---@return integer? +---@return integer? errpos +---@nodiscard +function utf8.len(s, i, j) end + +--- +---Returns the position (in bytes) where the encoding of the `n`-th character of `s` (counting from position `i`) starts. +--- +---[View documents](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-utf8.offset) +--- +---@param s string +---@param n integer +---@param i? integer +---@return integer p +---@nodiscard +function utf8.offset(s, n, i) end + +return utf8 diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/basic.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/basic.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8d85eb91b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/basic.lua @@ -0,0 +1,421 @@ +---@meta _ + +--- +---独立版Lua的启动参数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-arg"]) +--- +---@type string[] +arg = {} + +--- +---如果其参数 `v` 的值为假(`nil` 或 `false`), 它就调用 [error](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-error"]); 否则,返回所有的参数。 在错误情况时, `message` 指那个错误对象; 如果不提供这个参数,参数默认为 `"assertion failed!"` 。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-assert"]) +--- +---@generic T +---@param v? T +---@param message? any +---@return T +---@return any ... +function assert(v, message, ...) end + +---@alias gcoptions +---|>"collect" # 做一次完整的垃圾收集循环。 +---| "stop" # 停止垃圾收集器的运行。 +---| "restart" # 重启垃圾收集器的自动运行。 +---| "count" # 以 K 字节数为单位返回 Lua 使用的总内存数。 +---| "step" # 单步运行垃圾收集器。 步长“大小”由 `arg` 控制。 +---| "isrunning" # 返回表示收集器是否在工作的布尔值。 +---| "setpause" # 将 `arg` 设为收集器的 *间歇率* 。 +---| "setstepmul" # 将 `arg` 设为收集器的 *步进倍率* 。 + +--- +---这个函数是垃圾收集器的通用接口。 通过参数 opt 它提供了一组不同的功能。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-collectgarbage"]) +--- +---@param opt? gcoptions +---@param arg? integer +---@return any +function collectgarbage(opt, arg) end + +--- +---打开该名字的文件,并执行文件中的 Lua 代码块。 不带参数调用时, `dofile` 执行标准输入的内容(`stdin`)。 返回该代码块的所有返回值。 对于有错误的情况,`dofile` 将错误反馈给调用者 (即,`dofile` 没有运行在保护模式下)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-dofile"]) +--- +---@param filename? string +---@return any ... +function dofile(filename) end + +--- +---中止上一次保护函数调用, 将错误对象 `message` 返回。 函数 `error` 永远不会返回。 +--- +---当 `message` 是一个字符串时,通常 `error` 会把一些有关出错位置的信息附加在消息的前头。 level 参数指明了怎样获得出错位置。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-error"]) +--- +---@param message any +---@param level? integer +function error(message, level) end + +--- +---一个全局变量(非函数), 内部储存有全局环境(参见 [§2.2](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/2.2"]))。 Lua 自己不使用这个变量; 改变这个变量的值不会对任何环境造成影响,反之亦然。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-_G"]) +--- +---@class _G +_G = {} + +---@version 5.1 +--- +---返回给定函数的环境。`f` 可以是一个Lua函数,也可是一个表示调用栈层级的数字。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-getfenv"]) +--- +---@param f? integer|async fun(...):... +---@return table +---@nodiscard +function getfenv(f) end + +--- +---如果 `object` 不包含元表,返回 `nil` 。 否则,如果在该对象的元表中有 `"__metatable"` 域时返回其关联值, 没有时返回该对象的元表。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-getmetatable"]) +--- +---@param object any +---@return table metatable +---@nodiscard +function getmetatable(object) end + +--- +---返回三个值(迭代函数、表 `t` 以及 `0` ), 如此,以下代码 +---```lua +--- for i,v in ipairs(t) do body end +---``` +---将迭代键值对 `(1,t[1]) ,(2,t[2]), ...` ,直到第一个空值。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-ipairs"]) +--- +---@generic T: table, V +---@param t T +---@return fun(table: V[], i?: integer):integer, V +---@return T +---@return integer i +function ipairs(t) end + +---@alias loadmode +---| "b" # 只能是二进制代码块。 +---| "t" # 只能是文本代码块。 +---|>"bt" # 可以是二进制也可以是文本。 + +--- +---加载一个代码块。 +--- +---如果 `chunk` 是一个字符串,代码块指这个字符串。 如果 `chunk` 是一个函数, `load` 不断地调用它获取代码块的片断。 每次对 `chunk` 的调用都必须返回一个字符串紧紧连接在上次调用的返回串之后。 当返回空串、`nil`、或是不返回值时,都表示代码块结束。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-load"]) +--- +---@param chunk string|function +---@param chunkname? string +---@param mode? loadmode +---@param env? table +---@return function? +---@return string? error_message +---@nodiscard +function load(chunk, chunkname, mode, env) end + +--- +---从文件 `filename` 或标准输入(如果文件名未提供)中获取代码块。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-loadfile"]) +--- +---@param filename? string +---@param mode? loadmode +---@param env? table +---@return function? +---@return string? error_message +---@nodiscard +function loadfile(filename, mode, env) end + +---@version 5.1 +--- +---使用给定字符串加载代码块。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-loadstring"]) +--- +---@param text string +---@param chunkname? string +---@return function? +---@return string? error_message +---@nodiscard +function loadstring(text, chunkname) end + +---@version 5.1 +---@param proxy boolean|table|userdata +---@return userdata +---@nodiscard +function newproxy(proxy) end + +---@version 5.1 +--- +---创建一个模块。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-module"]) +--- +---@param name string +function module(name, ...) end + +--- +---运行程序来遍历表中的所有域。 第一个参数是要遍历的表,第二个参数是表中的某个键。 `next` 返回该键的下一个键及其关联的值。 如果用 `nil` 作为第二个参数调用 `next` 将返回初始键及其关联值。 当以最后一个键去调用,或是以 `nil` 调用一张空表时, `next` 返回 `nil`。 如果不提供第二个参数,将认为它就是 `nil`。 特别指出,你可以用 `next(t)` 来判断一张表是否是空的。 +--- +---索引在遍历过程中的次序无定义, 即使是数字索引也是这样。 (如果想按数字次序遍历表,可以使用数字形式的 `for` 。) +--- +---当在遍历过程中你给表中并不存在的域赋值, `next` 的行为是未定义的。 然而你可以去修改那些已存在的域。 特别指出,你可以清除一些已存在的域。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-next"]) +--- +---@generic K, V +---@param table table +---@param index? K +---@return K? +---@return V? +---@nodiscard +function next(table, index) end + +--- +---如果 `t` 有元方法 `__pairs`, 以 `t` 为参数调用它,并返回其返回的前三个值。 +--- +---否则,返回三个值:`next` 函数, 表 `t`,以及 `nil`。 因此以下代码 +---```lua +--- for k,v in pairs(t) do body end +---``` +---能迭代表 `t` 中的所有键值对。 +--- +---参见函数 [next](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-next"]) 中关于迭代过程中修改表的风险。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-pairs"]) +--- +---@generic T: table, K, V +---@param t T +---@return fun(table: table, index?: K):K, V +---@return T +function pairs(t) end + +--- +---传入参数,以 *保护模式* 调用函数 `f` 。 这意味着 `f` 中的任何错误不会抛出; 取而代之的是,`pcall` 会将错误捕获到,并返回一个状态码。 第一个返回值是状态码(一个布尔量), 当没有错误时,其为真。 此时,`pcall` 同样会在状态码后返回所有调用的结果。 在有错误时,`pcall` 返回 `false` 加错误消息。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-pcall"]) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@param arg1? any +---@return boolean success +---@return any result +---@return any ... +function pcall(f, arg1, ...) end + +--- +---接收任意数量的参数,并将它们的值打印到 `stdout`。 它用 `tostring` 函数将每个参数都转换为字符串。 `print` 不用于做格式化输出。仅作为看一下某个值的快捷方式。 多用于调试。 完整的对输出的控制,请使用 [string.format](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-string.format"]) 以及 [io.write](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-io.write"])。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-print"]) +--- +function print(...) end + +--- +---在不触发任何元方法的情况下 检查 `v1` 是否和 `v2` 相等。 返回一个布尔量。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-rawequal"]) +--- +---@param v1 any +---@param v2 any +---@return boolean +---@nodiscard +function rawequal(v1, v2) end + +--- +---在不触发任何元方法的情况下 获取 `table[index]` 的值。 `table` 必须是一张表; `index` 可以是任何值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-rawget"]) +--- +---@param table table +---@param index any +---@return any +---@nodiscard +function rawget(table, index) end + +--- +---在不触发任何元方法的情况下 返回对象 `v` 的长度。 `v` 可以是表或字符串。 它返回一个整数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-rawlen"]) +--- +---@param v table|string +---@return integer len +---@nodiscard +function rawlen(v) end + +--- +---在不触发任何元方法的情况下 将 `table[index]` 设为 `value。` `table` 必须是一张表, `index` 可以是 `nil` 与 `NaN` 之外的任何值。 `value` 可以是任何 Lua 值。 +---这个函数返回 `table`。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-rawset"]) +--- +---@param table table +---@param index any +---@param value any +---@return table +function rawset(table, index, value) end + +--- +---如果 `index` 是个数字, 那么返回参数中第 `index` 个之后的部分; 负的数字会从后向前索引(`-1` 指最后一个参数)。 否则,`index` 必须是字符串 `"#"`, 此时 `select` 返回参数的个数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-select"]) +--- +---@param index integer|"#" +---@return any +---@nodiscard +function select(index, ...) end + +---@version 5.1 +--- +---设置给定函数的环境。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-setfenv"]) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):...|integer +---@param table table +---@return function +function setfenv(f, table) end + + +---@class metatable +---@field __mode 'v'|'k'|'kv'|nil +---@field __metatable any|nil +---@field __tostring (fun(t):string)|nil +---@field __gc fun(t)|nil +---@field __add (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __sub (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __mul (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __div (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __mod (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __pow (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __unm (fun(t):any)|nil +---@field __concat (fun(t1,t2):any)|nil +---@field __len (fun(t):integer)|nil +---@field __eq (fun(t1,t2):boolean)|nil +---@field __lt (fun(t1,t2):boolean)|nil +---@field __le (fun(t1,t2):boolean)|nil +---@field __index table|(fun(t,k):any)|nil +---@field __newindex table|fun(t,k,v)|nil +---@field __call (fun(t,...):...)|nil + +--- +---给指定表设置元表。 (你不能在 Lua 中改变其它类型值的元表,那些只能在 C 里做。) 如果 `metatable` 是 `nil`, 将指定表的元表移除。 如果原来那张元表有 `"__metatable"` 域,抛出一个错误。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-setmetatable"]) +--- +---@param table table +---@param metatable? metatable|table +---@return table +function setmetatable(table, metatable) end + +--- +---如果调用的时候没有 `base`, `tonumber` 尝试把参数转换为一个数字。 如果参数已经是一个数字,或是一个可以转换为数字的字符串, `tonumber` 就返回这个数字; 否则返回 `nil`。 +--- +---字符串的转换结果可能是整数也可能是浮点数, 这取决于 Lua 的转换文法(参见 [§3.1](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/3.1"]))。 (字符串可以有前置和后置的空格,可以带符号。) +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-tonumber"]) +--- +---@overload fun(e: string, base: integer):integer +---@param e any +---@return number? +---@nodiscard +function tonumber(e) end + +--- +---可以接收任何类型,它将其转换为人可阅读的字符串形式。 浮点数总被转换为浮点数的表现形式(小数点形式或是指数形式)。 (如果想完全控制数字如何被转换,可以使用 [string.format](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-string.format"])。) +---如果 `v` 有 `"__tostring"` 域的元表, `tostring` 会以 `v` 为参数调用它。 并用它的结果作为返回值。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-tostring"]) +--- +---@param v any +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function tostring(v) end + +---@alias type +---| "nil" +---| "number" +---| "string" +---| "boolean" +---| "table" +---| "function" +---| "thread" +---| "userdata" + +--- +---将参数的类型编码为一个字符串返回。 函数可能的返回值有 `"nil"` (一个字符串,而不是 `nil` 值), `"number"`, `"string"`, `"boolean"`, `"table"`, `"function"`, `"thread"`, `"userdata"`。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-type"]) +--- +---@param v any +---@return type type +---@nodiscard +function type(v) end + +--- +---一个包含有当前解释器版本号的全局变量(并非函数)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-_VERSION"]) +--- +_VERSION = "Lua 5.1" + +---@version >5.4 +--- +---使用所有参数组成的字符串消息来发送警告。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-warn"]) +--- +---@param message string +function warn(message, ...) end + +--- +---传入参数,以 *保护模式* 调用函数 `f` 。这个函数和 `pcall` 类似。 不过它可以额外设置一个消息处理器 `msgh`。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-xpcall"]) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@param msgh function +---@param arg1? any +---@return boolean success +---@return any result +---@return any ... +function xpcall(f, msgh, arg1, ...) end + +---@version 5.1 +--- +---返回给定 `list` 中的所有元素。 改函数等价于 +---```lua +---return list[i], list[i+1], ···, list[j] +---``` +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-unpack"]) +--- +---@generic T +---@param list T[] +---@param i? integer +---@param j? integer +---@return T ... +---@nodiscard +function unpack(list, i, j) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/bit.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/bit.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a6987e344 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/bit.lua @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +---@meta bit + +---@version JIT +---@class bitlib +bit = {} + +---@param x integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.tobit(x) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n? integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.tohex(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.bnot(x) end + +---@param x integer +---@param x2 integer +---@param ... integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.bor(x, x2, ...) end + +---@param x integer +---@param x2 integer +---@param ... integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.band(x, x2, ...) end + +---@param x integer +---@param x2 integer +---@param ... integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.bxor(x, x2, ...) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.lshift(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.rshift(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.arshift(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.rol(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@param n integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.ror(x, n) end + +---@param x integer +---@return integer y +---@nodiscard +function bit.bswap(x) end + +return bit diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/bit32.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/bit32.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1d8a84ac5 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/bit32.lua @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +---@meta bit32 + +---@version 5.2 +--- +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-bit32"]) +--- +---@class bit32lib +bit32 = {} + +--- +---返回 `x` 向右位移 `disp` 位的结果。`disp` 为负时向左位移。这是算数位移操作,左侧的空位使用 `x` 的高位填充,右侧空位使用 `0` 填充。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-bit32.arshift"]) +--- +---@param x integer +---@param disp integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.arshift(x, disp) end + +--- +---返回参数按位与的结果。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-bit32.band"]) +--- +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.band(...) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 按位取反的结果。 +--- +---```lua +---assert(bit32.bnot(x) == +---(-1 - x) % 2^32) +---``` +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-bit32.bnot"]) +--- +---@param x integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.bnot(x) end + +--- +---返回参数按位或的结果。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-bit32.bor"]) +--- +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.bor(...) end + +--- +---参数按位与的结果不为0时,返回 `true` 。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-bit32.btest"]) +--- +---@return boolean +---@nodiscard +function bit32.btest(...) end + +--- +---返回参数按位异或的结果。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-bit32.bxor"]) +--- +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.bxor(...) end + +--- +---返回 `n` 中第 `field` 到第 `field + width - 1` 位组成的结果。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-bit32.extract"]) +--- +---@param n integer +---@param field integer +---@param width? integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.extract(n, field, width) end + +--- +---返回 `v` 的第 `field` 到第 `field + width - 1` 位替换 `n` 的对应位后的结果。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-bit32.replace"]) +--- +---@param n integer +---@param v integer +---@param field integer +---@param width? integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.replace(n, v, field, width) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 向左旋转 `disp` 位的结果。`disp` 为负时向右旋转。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-bit32.lrotate"]) +--- +---@param x integer +---@param distp integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.lrotate(x, distp) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 向左位移 `disp` 位的结果。`disp` 为负时向右位移。空位总是使用 `0` 填充。 +--- +---```lua +---assert(bit32.lshift(b, disp) == +---(b * 2^disp) % 2^32) +---``` +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-bit32.lshift"]) +--- +---@param x integer +---@param distp integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.lshift(x, distp) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 向右旋转 `disp` 位的结果。`disp` 为负时向左旋转。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-bit32.rrotate"]) +--- +---@param x integer +---@param distp integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.rrotate(x, distp) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 向右位移 `disp` 位的结果。`disp` 为负时向左位移。空位总是使用 `0` 填充。 +--- +---```lua +---assert(bit32.lshift(b, disp) == +---(b * 2^disp) % 2^32) +---``` +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-bit32.rshift"]) +--- +---@param x integer +---@param distp integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function bit32.rshift(x, distp) end + +return bit32 diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/builtin.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/builtin.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..466a0966e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/builtin.lua @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +---@meta _ + +---@class unknown +---@class any +---@class nil +---@class boolean +---@class true: boolean +---@class false: boolean +---@class number +---@class integer: number +---@class thread +---@class table: { [K]: V } +---@class string: stringlib +---@class userdata +---@class lightuserdata +---@class function diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/coroutine.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/coroutine.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2035c6219 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/coroutine.lua @@ -0,0 +1,96 @@ +---@meta coroutine + +--- +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-coroutine"]) +--- +---@class coroutinelib +coroutine = {} + +--- +---创建一个主体函数为 `f` 的新协程。 f 必须是一个 Lua 的函数。 返回这个新协程,它是一个类型为 `"thread"` 的对象。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-coroutine.create"]) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@return thread +---@nodiscard +function coroutine.create(f) end + +---@version >5.2 +--- +---如果正在运行的协程可以让出,则返回真。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-coroutine.isyieldable"]) +--- +---@return boolean +---@nodiscard +function coroutine.isyieldable() end + +---@version >5.4 +--- +---关闭协程 `co`,并关闭它所有等待 *to-be-closed* 的变量,并将协程状态设为 `dead` 。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-coroutine.close"]) +--- +---@param co thread +---@return boolean noerror +---@return any errorobject +function coroutine.close(co) end + +--- +---开始或继续协程 `co` 的运行。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-coroutine.resume"]) +--- +---@param co thread +---@param val1? any +---@return boolean success +---@return any ... +function coroutine.resume(co, val1, ...) end + +--- +---返回当前正在运行的协程加一个布尔量。 如果当前运行的协程是主线程,其为真。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-coroutine.running"]) +--- +---@return thread running +---@return boolean ismain +---@nodiscard +function coroutine.running() end + +--- +---以字符串形式返回协程 `co` 的状态。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-coroutine.status"]) +--- +---@param co thread +---@return +---| '"running"' # 正在运行。 +---| '"suspended"' # 挂起或是还没有开始运行。 +---| '"normal"' # 是活动的,但并不在运行。 +---| '"dead"' # 运行完主体函数或因错误停止。 +---@nodiscard +function coroutine.status(co) end + +--- +---创建一个主体函数为 `f` 的新协程。 f 必须是一个 Lua 的函数。 返回一个函数, 每次调用该函数都会延续该协程。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-coroutine.wrap"]) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@return fun(...):... +---@nodiscard +function coroutine.wrap(f) end + +--- +---挂起正在调用的协程的执行。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-coroutine.yield"]) +--- +---@async +---@return any ... +function coroutine.yield(...) end + +return coroutine diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/debug.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/debug.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6bbad5c33 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/debug.lua @@ -0,0 +1,262 @@ +---@meta debug + +--- +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-debug"]) +--- +---@class debuglib +debug = {} + +---@class debuginfo +---@field name string +---@field namewhat string +---@field source string +---@field short_src string +---@field linedefined integer +---@field lastlinedefined integer +---@field what string +---@field currentline integer +---@field istailcall boolean +---@field nups integer +---@field nparams integer +---@field isvararg boolean +---@field func function +---@field activelines table + +--- +---进入一个用户交互模式,运行用户输入的每个字符串。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-debug.debug"]) +--- +function debug.debug() end + +---@version 5.1 +--- +---返回对象 `o` 的环境。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-debug.getfenv"]) +--- +---@param o any +---@return table +---@nodiscard +function debug.getfenv(o) end + +--- +---返回三个表示线程钩子设置的值: 当前钩子函数,当前钩子掩码,当前钩子计数 。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-debug.gethook"]) +--- +---@param co? thread +---@return function hook +---@return string mask +---@return integer count +---@nodiscard +function debug.gethook(co) end + +---@alias infowhat string +---|+"n" # `name` 和 `namewhat` +---|+"S" # `source`,`short_src`,`linedefined`,`lalinedefined`,和 `what` +---|+"l" # `currentline` +---|+"t" # `istailcall` +---|+"u" # `nups`、`nparams` 和 `isvararg` +---|+"f" # `func` +---|+"L" # `activelines` + +--- +---返回关于一个函数信息的表。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-debug.getinfo"]) +--- +---@overload fun(f: integer|function, what?: infowhat):debuginfo +---@param thread thread +---@param f integer|async fun(...):... +---@param what? infowhat +---@return debuginfo +---@nodiscard +function debug.getinfo(thread, f, what) end + +--- +---返回在栈的 `f` 层处函数的索引为 `index` 的局部变量的名字和值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-debug.getlocal"]) +--- +---@overload fun(f: integer|async fun(...):..., index: integer):string, any +---@param thread thread +---@param f integer|async fun(...):... +---@param index integer +---@return string name +---@return any value +---@nodiscard +function debug.getlocal(thread, f, index) end + +--- +---返回给定 `value` 的元表。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-debug.getmetatable"]) +--- +---@param object any +---@return table metatable +---@nodiscard +function debug.getmetatable(object) end + +--- +---返回注册表。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-debug.getregistry"]) +--- +---@return table +---@nodiscard +function debug.getregistry() end + +--- +---返回函数 `f` 的第 `up` 个上值的名字和值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-debug.getupvalue"]) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@param up integer +---@return string name +---@return any value +---@nodiscard +function debug.getupvalue(f, up) end + +--- +---返回关联在 `u` 上的 `Lua` 值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-debug.getuservalue"]) +--- +---@param u userdata +---@return any +---@nodiscard +function debug.getuservalue(u) end + +--- +---### **已在 `Lua 5.4.2` 中废弃** +--- +---设置新的C栈限制。该限制控制Lua中嵌套调用的深度,以避免堆栈溢出。 +--- +---如果设置成功,该函数返回之前的限制;否则返回`false`。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-debug.setcstacklimit"]) +--- +---@deprecated +---@param limit integer +---@return integer|boolean +function debug.setcstacklimit(limit) end + +--- +---将 `table` 设置为 `object` 的环境。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-debug.setfenv"]) +--- +---@version 5.1 +---@generic T +---@param object T +---@param env table +---@return T object +function debug.setfenv(object, env) end + +---@alias hookmask string +---|+"c" # 每当 Lua 调用一个函数时,调用钩子。 +---|+"r" # 每当 Lua 从一个函数内返回时,调用钩子。 +---|+"l" # 每当 Lua 进入新的一行时,调用钩子。 + +--- +---将一个函数作为钩子函数设入。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-debug.sethook"]) +--- +---@overload fun(hook: (async fun(...):...), mask: hookmask, count?: integer) +---@overload fun(thread: thread):... +---@overload fun(...):... +---@param thread thread +---@param hook async fun(...):... +---@param mask hookmask +---@param count? integer +function debug.sethook(thread, hook, mask, count) end + +--- +---将 `value` 赋给 栈上第 `level` 层函数的第 `local` 个局部变量。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-debug.setlocal"]) +--- +---@overload fun(level: integer, index: integer, value: any):string +---@param thread thread +---@param level integer +---@param index integer +---@param value any +---@return string name +function debug.setlocal(thread, level, index, value) end + +--- +---将 `value` 的元表设为 `table` (可以是 `nil`)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-debug.setmetatable"]) +--- +---@generic T +---@param value T +---@param meta? table +---@return T value +function debug.setmetatable(value, meta) end + +--- +---将 `value` 设为函数 `f` 的第 `up` 个上值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-debug.setupvalue"]) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@param up integer +---@param value any +---@return string name +function debug.setupvalue(f, up, value) end + +--- +---将 `value` 设为 `udata` 的关联值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-debug.setuservalue"]) +--- +---@param udata userdata +---@param value any +---@return userdata udata +function debug.setuservalue(udata, value) end + +--- +---返回调用栈的栈回溯信息。 字符串可选项 `message` 被添加在栈回溯信息的开头。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-debug.traceback"]) +--- +---@overload fun(message?: any, level?: integer): string +---@param thread thread +---@param message? any +---@param level? integer +---@return string message +---@nodiscard +function debug.traceback(thread, message, level) end + +---@version >5.2, JIT +--- +---返回指定函数第 `n` 个上值的唯一标识符(一个轻量用户数据)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-debug.upvalueid"]) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@param n integer +---@return lightuserdata id +---@nodiscard +function debug.upvalueid(f, n) end + +---@version >5.2, JIT +--- +---让 Lua 闭包 `f1` 的第 `n1` 个上值 引用 `Lua` 闭包 `f2` 的第 `n2` 个上值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-debug.upvaluejoin"]) +--- +---@param f1 async fun(...):... +---@param n1 integer +---@param f2 async fun(...):... +---@param n2 integer +function debug.upvaluejoin(f1, n1, f2, n2) end + +return debug diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/ffi.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/ffi.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9fd3aeedb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/ffi.lua @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +---@meta ffi + +---@class ffi.namespace*: table +---@field [string] function + +---@class ffi.ctype*: userdata +---@overload fun(init?: any, ...): ffi.cdata* +---@overload fun(nelem?: integer, init?: any, ...): ffi.cdata* +local ctype + +---@class ffi.cdecl*: string +---@class ffi.cdata*: userdata +---@alias ffi.ct* ffi.ctype*|ffi.cdecl*|ffi.cdata* +---@class ffi.cb*: ffi.cdata* +local cb +---@class ffi.VLA*: userdata +---@class ffi.VLS*: userdata + +---@version JIT +---@class ffilib +---@field C ffi.namespace* +---@field os string +---@field arch string +local ffi = {} + +---@param def string +---@param params? any +function ffi.cdef(def, params, ...) end + +---@param name string +---@param global? boolean +---@return ffi.namespace* clib +---@nodiscard +function ffi.load(name, global) end + +---@overload fun(ct: ffi.ct*, init: any, ...) +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@param nelem? integer +---@param init? any +---@return ffi.cdata* cdata +---@nodiscard +function ffi.new(ct, nelem, init, ...) end + +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@param params? any +---@return ffi.ctype* ctype +---@nodiscard +function ffi.typeof(ct, params, ...) end + +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@param init any +---@return ffi.cdata* cdata +---@nodiscard +function ffi.cast(ct, init) end + +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@param metatable table +---@return ffi.ctype* ctype +function ffi.metatype(ct, metatable) end + +---@param cdata ffi.cdata* +---@param finalizer? function +---@return ffi.cdata* cdata +function ffi.gc(cdata, finalizer) end + +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@param nelem? integer +---@return integer|nil size +---@nodiscard +function ffi.sizeof(ct, nelem) end + +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@return integer align +---@nodiscard +function ffi.alignof(ct) end + +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@param field string +---@return integer ofs +---@return integer? bpos +---@return integer? bsize +---@nodiscard +function ffi.offsetof(ct, field) end + +---@param ct ffi.ct* +---@param obj any +---@return boolean status +---@nodiscard +function ffi.istype(ct, obj) end + +---@param newerr? integer +---@return integer err +---@nodiscard +function ffi.errno(newerr) end + +---@param ptr any +---@param len? integer +---@return string str +function ffi.string(ptr, len) end + +---@overload fun(dst: any, str: string) +---@param dst any +---@param src any +---@param len integer +function ffi.copy(dst, src, len) end + +---@param dst any +---@param len integer +---@param c? any +function ffi.fill(dst, len, c) end + +---@param param string +---@return boolean status +function ffi.abi(param) end + +function cb:free() end + +---@param func function +function cb:set(func) end + +return ffi diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/io.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/io.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..509dc8d84 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/io.lua @@ -0,0 +1,265 @@ +---@meta io + +--- +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-io"]) +--- +---@class iolib +--- +---标准输入。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-io.stdin"]) +--- +---@field stdin file* +--- +---标准输出。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-io.stdout"]) +--- +---@field stdout file* +--- +---标准错误。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-io.stderr"]) +--- +---@field stderr file* +io = {} + +---@alias openmode +---|>"r" # 读模式。 +---| "w" # 写模式。 +---| "a" # 追加模式。 +---| "r+" # 更新模式,所有之前的数据都保留。 +---| "w+" # 更新模式,所有之前的数据都删除。 +---| "a+" # 追加更新模式,所有之前的数据都保留,只允许在文件尾部做写入。 +---| "rb" # 读模式。(二进制方式) +---| "wb" # 写模式。(二进制方式) +---| "ab" # 追加模式。(二进制方式) +---| "r+b" # 更新模式,所有之前的数据都保留。(二进制方式) +---| "w+b" # 更新模式,所有之前的数据都删除。(二进制方式) +---| "a+b" # 追加更新模式,所有之前的数据都保留,只允许在文件尾部做写入。(二进制方式) + +--- +---关闭 `file` 或默认输出文件。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-io.close"]) +--- +---@param file? file* +---@return boolean? suc +---@return exitcode? exitcode +---@return integer? code +function io.close(file) end + +--- +---将写入的数据保存到默认输出文件中。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-io.flush"]) +--- +function io.flush() end + +--- +---设置 `file` 为默认输入文件。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-io.input"]) +--- +---@overload fun():file* +---@param file string|file* +function io.input(file) end + +--- +--------- +---```lua +---for c in io.lines(filename, ...) do +--- body +---end +---``` +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-io.lines"]) +--- +---@param filename string? +---@param ... readmode +---@return fun():any, ... +function io.lines(filename, ...) end + +--- +---用字符串 `mode` 指定的模式打开一个文件。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-io.open"]) +--- +---@param filename string +---@param mode? openmode +---@return file*? +---@return string? errmsg +---@nodiscard +function io.open(filename, mode) end + +--- +---设置 `file` 为默认输出文件。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-io.output"]) +--- +---@overload fun():file* +---@param file string|file* +function io.output(file) end + +---@alias popenmode +---| "r" # 从这个程序中读取数据。(二进制方式) +---| "w" # 向这个程序写入输入。(二进制方式) + +--- +---用一个分离进程开启程序 `prog` 。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-io.popen"]) +--- +---@param prog string +---@param mode? popenmode +---@return file*? +---@return string? errmsg +function io.popen(prog, mode) end + +--- +---读文件 `file`, 指定的格式决定了要读什么。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-io.read"]) +--- +---@param ... readmode +---@return any +---@return any ... +---@nodiscard +function io.read(...) end + +--- +---如果成功,返回一个临时文件的句柄。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-io.tmpfile"]) +--- +---@return file* +---@nodiscard +function io.tmpfile() end + +---@alias filetype +---| "file" # 是一个打开的文件句柄。 +---| "closed file" # 是一个关闭的文件句柄。 +---| `nil` # 不是文件句柄。 + +--- +---检查 `obj` 是否是合法的文件句柄。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-io.type"]) +--- +---@param file file* +---@return filetype +---@nodiscard +function io.type(file) end + +--- +---将参数的值逐个写入默认输出文件。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-io.write"]) +--- +---@return file* +---@return string? errmsg +function io.write(...) end + +--- +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-file"]) +--- +---@class file* +local file = {} + +---@alias readmode integer|string +---| "*n" # 读取一个数字,根据 Lua 的转换文法返回浮点数或整数。 +---| "*a" # 从当前位置开始读取整个文件。 +---|>"*l" # 读取一行并忽略行结束标记。 +---| "*L" # 读取一行并保留行结束标记。 + +---@alias exitcode "exit"|"signal" + +--- +---关闭 `file`。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-file:close"]) +--- +---@return boolean? suc +---@return exitcode? exitcode +---@return integer? code +function file:close() end + +--- +---将写入的数据保存到 `file` 中。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-file:flush"]) +--- +function file:flush() end + +--- +--------- +---```lua +---for c in file:lines(...) do +--- body +---end +---``` +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-file:lines"]) +--- +---@param ... readmode +---@return fun():any, ... +function file:lines(...) end + +--- +---读文件 `file`, 指定的格式决定了要读什么。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-file:read"]) +--- +---@param ... readmode +---@return any +---@return any ... +---@nodiscard +function file:read(...) end + +---@alias seekwhence +---| "set" # 基点为 0 (文件开头)。 +---|>"cur" # 基点为当前位置。 +---| "end" # 基点为文件尾。 + +--- +---设置及获取基于文件开头处计算出的位置。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-file:seek"]) +--- +---@param whence? seekwhence +---@param offset? integer +---@return integer offset +---@return string? errmsg +function file:seek(whence, offset) end + +---@alias vbuf +---| "no" # 不缓冲;输出操作立刻生效。 +---| "full" # 完全缓冲;只有在缓存满或调用 flush 时才做输出操作。 +---| "line" # 行缓冲;输出将缓冲到每次换行前。 + +--- +---设置输出文件的缓冲模式。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-file:setvbuf"]) +--- +---@param mode vbuf +---@param size? integer +function file:setvbuf(mode, size) end + +--- +---将参数的值逐个写入 `file`。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-file:write"]) +--- +---@param ... string|number +---@return file*? +---@return string? errmsg +function file:write(...) end + +return io diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/jit.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/jit.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8ef1e3448 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/jit.lua @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +---@meta jit + +---@version JIT +---@class jitlib +---@field version string +---@field version_num number +---@field os 'Windows'|'Linux'|'OSX'|'BSD'|'POSIX'|'Other' +---@field arch 'x86'|'x64'|'arm'|'arm64'|'arm64be'|'ppc'|'ppc64'|'ppc64le'|'mips'|'mipsel'|'mips64'|'mips64el'|string +jit = {} + +---@overload fun(...):... +---@param func function|boolean +---@param recursive? boolean +function jit.on(func, recursive) +end + +---@overload fun(...):... +---@param func function|boolean +---@param recursive? boolean +function jit.off(func, recursive) +end + +---@overload fun(...):... +---@overload fun(tr: number) +---@param func function|boolean +---@param recursive? boolean +function jit.flush(func, recursive) +end + +---@return boolean status +---@return string ... +---@nodiscard +function jit.status() +end + +jit.opt = {} + +---@param ... any flags +function jit.opt.start(...) +end + +return jit diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/jit/profile.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/jit/profile.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f6cf0ab88 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/jit/profile.lua @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +---@meta jit.profile + +local profile = {} + +---@param mode string +---@param func fun(L: thread, samples: integer, vmst: string) +function profile.start(mode, func) +end + +function profile.stop() +end + +---@overload fun(th: thread, fmt: string, depth: integer) +---@param fmt string +---@param depth integer +function profile.dumpstack(fmt, depth) +end + +return profile \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/jit/util.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/jit/util.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..74ddca384 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/jit/util.lua @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +---@meta jit.util + +---@class Trace +---@class Proto + +local util = {} + +---@class jit.funcinfo.lua +local funcinfo = { + linedefined = 0, + lastlinedefined = 0, + stackslots = 0, + params = 0, + bytecodes = 0, + gcconsts = 0, + nconsts = 0, + upvalues = 0, + currentline = 0, + isvararg = false, + children = false, + source = "", + loc = "", + ---@type Proto[] + proto = {} +} + +---@class jit.funcinfo.c +---@field ffid integer|nil +local funcinfo2 = { + addr = 0, + upvalues = 0, +} + + +---@param func function +---@param pc? integer +---@return jit.funcinfo.c|jit.funcinfo.lua info +function util.funcinfo(func, pc) +end + +---@param func function +---@param pc integer +---@return integer? ins +---@return integer? m +function util.funcbc(func, pc) +end + +---@param func function +---@param idx integer +---@return any? k +function util.funck(func, idx) +end + +---@param func function +---@param idx integer +---@return string? name +function util.funcuvname(func, idx) +end + +---@class jit.traceinfo +local traceinfo = { + nins = 0, + nk = 0, + link = 0, + nexit = 0, + linktype = "" +} + +---@param tr Trace +---@return jit.traceinfo? info +function util.traceinfo(tr) +end + +---@param tr Trace +---@param ref integer +---@return integer? m +---@return integer? ot +---@return integer? op1 +---@return integer? op2 +---@return integer? prev +function util.traceir(tr, ref) +end + +---@param tr Trace +---@param idx integer +---@return any? k +---@return integer? t +---@return integer? slot +function util.tracek(tr, idx) +end + +---@class jit.snap : integer[] + +---@param tr Trace +---@param sn integer +---@return jit.snap? snap +function util.tracesnap(tr, sn) +end + +---@param tr Trace +---@return string? mcode +---@return integer? addr +---@return integer? loop +function util.tracemc(tr) +end + +---@overload fun(exitno: integer): integer +---@param tr Trace +---@param exitno integer +---@return integer? addr +function util.traceexitstub(tr, exitno) +end + +---@param idx integer +---@return integer? addr +function util.ircalladdr(idx) +end + +return util diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/math.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/math.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5f1d457a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/math.lua @@ -0,0 +1,362 @@ +---@meta math + +--- +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math"]) +--- +---@class mathlib +--- +---一个比任何数字值都大的浮点数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.huge"]) +--- +---@field huge number +--- +---*π* 的值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.pi"]) +--- +---@field pi number +math = {} + +--- +---返回 `x` 的绝对值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.abs"]) +--- +---@generic Number: number +---@param x Number +---@return Number +---@nodiscard +function math.abs(x) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 的反余弦值(用弧度表示)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.acos"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.acos(x) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 的反正弦值(用弧度表示)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.asin"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.asin(x) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 的反正切值(用弧度表示)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.atan"]) +--- +---@param y number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.atan(y) end + +---@version <5.2 +--- +---返回 `y/x` 的反正切值(用弧度表示)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.atan2"]) +--- +---@param y number +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.atan2(y, x) end + +--- +---返回不小于 `x` 的最小整数值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.ceil"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function math.ceil(x) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 的余弦(假定参数是弧度)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.cos"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.cos(x) end + +---@version <5.2 +--- +---返回 `x` 的双曲余弦(假定参数是弧度)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.cosh"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.cosh(x) end + +--- +---将角 `x` 从弧度转换为角度。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.deg"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.deg(x) end + +--- +---返回 `e^x` 的值 (e 为自然对数的底)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.exp"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.exp(x) end + +--- +---返回不大于 `x` 的最大整数值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.floor"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function math.floor(x) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 除以 `y`,将商向零圆整后的余数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.fmod"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@param y number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.fmod(x, y) end + +---@version <5.2 +--- +---将 `x` 分解为尾数与指数,返回值符合 `x = m * (2 ^ e)` 。`e` 是一个整数,`m` 是 [0.5, 1) 之间的规格化小数 (`x` 为0时 `m` 为0)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.frexp"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number m +---@return number e +---@nodiscard +function math.frexp(x) end + +---@version <5.2 +--- +---返回 `m * (2 ^ e)` 。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.ldexp"]) +--- +---@param m number +---@param e number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.ldexp(m, e) end + +--- +---回以指定底的 `x` 的对数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.log"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@param base? integer +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.log(x, base) end + +---@version <5.1 +--- +---返回 `x` 的以10为底的对数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.log10"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.log10(x) end + +--- +---返回参数中最大的值, 大小由 Lua 操作 `<` 决定。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.max"]) +--- +---@generic Number: number +---@param x Number +---@param ... Number +---@return Number +---@nodiscard +function math.max(x, ...) end + +--- +---返回参数中最小的值, 大小由 Lua 操作 `<` 决定。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.min"]) +--- +---@generic Number: number +---@param x Number +---@param ... Number +---@return Number +---@nodiscard +function math.min(x, ...) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 的整数部分和小数部分。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.modf"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return integer +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.modf(x) end + +---@version <5.2 +--- +---返回 `x ^ y` 。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.pow"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@param y number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.pow(x, y) end + +--- +---将角 `x` 从角度转换为弧度。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.rad"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.rad(x) end + +--- +---* `math.random()`: 返回 [0,1) 区间内一致分布的浮点伪随机数。 +---* `math.random(n)`: 返回 [1, n] 区间内一致分布的整数伪随机数。 +---* `math.random(m, n)`: 返回 [m, n] 区间内一致分布的整数伪随机数。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.random"]) +--- +---@overload fun():number +---@overload fun(m: integer):integer +---@param m integer +---@param n integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function math.random(m, n) end + +--- +---把 `x` 设为伪随机数发生器的“种子”: 相同的种子产生相同的随机数列。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.randomseed"]) +--- +---@param x integer +function math.randomseed(x) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 的正弦值(假定参数是弧度)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.sin"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.sin(x) end + +---@version <5.2 +--- +---返回 `x` 的双曲正弦值(假定参数是弧度)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.sinh"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.sinh(x) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 的平方根。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.sqrt"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.sqrt(x) end + +--- +---返回 `x` 的正切值(假定参数是弧度)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.tan"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.tan(x) end + +---@version <5.2 +--- +---返回 `x` 的双曲正切值(假定参数是弧度)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.tanh"]) +--- +---@param x number +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function math.tanh(x) end + +---@version >5.3 +--- +---如果 `x` 可以转换为一个整数, 返回该整数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.tointeger"]) +--- +---@param x any +---@return integer? +---@nodiscard +function math.tointeger(x) end + +--- +---如果 `x` 是整数,返回 `"integer"`, 如果它是浮点数,返回 `"float"`, 如果 `x` 不是数字,返回 `nil`。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.type"]) +--- +---@param x any +---@return +---| '"integer"' +---| '"float"' +---| 'nil' +---@nodiscard +function math.type(x) end + +--- +---如果整数 `m` 和 `n` 以无符号整数形式比较, `m` 在 `n` 之下,返回布尔真否则返回假。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-math.ult"]) +--- +---@param m integer +---@param n integer +---@return boolean +---@nodiscard +function math.ult(m, n) end + +return math diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/os.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/os.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e8cc4fa79 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/os.lua @@ -0,0 +1,186 @@ +---@meta os + +--- +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-os"]) +--- +---@class oslib +os = {} + +--- +---返回程序使用的按秒计 CPU 时间的近似值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-os.clock"]) +--- +---@return number +---@nodiscard +function os.clock() end + +---@class osdate +--- +---四位数字 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-osdate.year"]) +--- +---@field year integer|string +--- +---1-12 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-osdate.month"]) +--- +---@field month integer|string +--- +---1-31 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-osdate.day"]) +--- +---@field day integer|string +--- +---0-23 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-osdate.hour"]) +--- +---@field hour integer|string +--- +---0-59 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-osdate.min"]) +--- +---@field min integer|string +--- +---0-61 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-osdate.sec"]) +--- +---@field sec integer|string +--- +---星期几,1-7,星期天为 1 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-osdate.wday"]) +--- +---@field wday integer|string +--- +---当年的第几天,1-366 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-osdate.yday"]) +--- +---@field yday integer|string +--- +---夏令时标记,一个布尔量 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-osdate.isdst"]) +--- +---@field isdst boolean + +--- +---返回一个包含日期及时刻的字符串或表。 格式化方法取决于所给字符串 `format`。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-os.date"]) +--- +---@param format? string +---@param time? integer +---@return string|osdate +---@nodiscard +function os.date(format, time) end + +--- +---返回以秒计算的时刻 `t1` 到 `t2` 的差值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-os.difftime"]) +--- +---@param t2 integer +---@param t1 integer +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function os.difftime(t2, t1) end + +--- +---调用系统解释器执行 `command`。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-os.execute"]) +--- +---@param command? string +---@return boolean? suc +---@return exitcode? exitcode +---@return integer? code +function os.execute(command) end + +--- +---调用 ISO C 函数 `exit` 终止宿主程序。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-os.exit"]) +--- +---@param code? boolean|integer +---@param close? boolean +function os.exit(code, close) end + +--- +---返回进程环境变量 `varname` 的值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-os.getenv"]) +--- +---@param varname string +---@return string? +---@nodiscard +function os.getenv(varname) end + +--- +---删除指定名字的文件。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-os.remove"]) +--- +---@param filename string +---@return boolean suc +---@return string? errmsg +function os.remove(filename) end + +--- +---将名字为 `oldname` 的文件或目录更名为 `newname`。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-os.rename"]) +--- +---@param oldname string +---@param newname string +---@return boolean suc +---@return string? errmsg +function os.rename(oldname, newname) end + +---@alias localecategory +---|>"all" +---| "collate" +---| "ctype" +---| "monetary" +---| "numeric" +---| "time" + +--- +---设置程序的当前区域。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-os.setlocale"]) +--- +---@param locale string|nil +---@param category? localecategory +---@return string localecategory +function os.setlocale(locale, category) end + +--- +---当不传参数时,返回当前时刻。 如果传入一张表,就返回由这张表表示的时刻。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-os.time"]) +--- +---@param date? osdate +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function os.time(date) end + +--- +---返回一个可用于临时文件的文件名字符串。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-os.tmpname"]) +--- +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function os.tmpname() end + +return os diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/package.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/package.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3ce8cd56a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/package.lua @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +---@meta package + +--- +---加载一个模块,返回该模块的返回值(`nil`时为`true`)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-require"]) +--- +---@param modname string +---@return unknown +function require(modname) end + +--- +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-package"]) +--- +---@class packagelib +--- +---这个路径被 `require` 在 C 加载器中做搜索时用到。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-package.cpath"]) +--- +---@field cpath string +--- +---用于 `require` 控制哪些模块已经被加载的表。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-package.loaded"]) +--- +---@field loaded table +--- +---这个路径被 `require` 在 Lua 加载器中做搜索时用到。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-package.path"]) +--- +---@field path string +--- +---保存有一些特殊模块的加载器。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-package.preload"]) +--- +---@field preload table +package = {} + +--- +---一个描述有一些为包管理准备的编译期配置信息的串。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-package.config"]) +--- +package.config = [[ +/ +; +? +! +-]] + +---@version <5.1 +--- +---用于 `require` 控制如何加载模块的表。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-package.loaders"]) +--- +package.loaders = {} + +--- +---让宿主程序动态链接 C 库 `libname` 。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-package.loadlib"]) +--- +---@param libname string +---@param funcname string +---@return any +function package.loadlib(libname, funcname) end + +--- +---用于 `require` 控制如何加载模块的表。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-package.searchers"]) +--- +---@version >5.2 +package.searchers = {} + +--- +---在指定 `path` 中搜索指定的 `name` 。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-package.searchpath"]) +--- +---@version >5.2,JIT +---@param name string +---@param path string +---@param sep? string +---@param rep? string +---@return string? filename +---@return string? errmsg +---@nodiscard +function package.searchpath(name, path, sep, rep) end + +--- +---给 `module` 设置一个元表,该元表的 `__index` 域为全局环境,这样模块便会继承全局环境的值。可作为 `module` 函数的选项。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-package.seeall"]) +--- +---@version <5.1 +---@param module table +function package.seeall(module) end + +return package diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/string.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/string.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d4b4c118a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/string.lua @@ -0,0 +1,220 @@ +---@meta string + +--- +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-string"]) +--- +---@class stringlib +string = {} + +--- +---返回字符 `s[i]`, `s[i+1]`, ... ,`s[j]` 的内部数字编码。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-string.byte"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param i? integer +---@param j? integer +---@return integer ... +---@nodiscard +function string.byte(s, i, j) end + +--- +---接收零或更多的整数。 返回和参数数量相同长度的字符串。 其中每个字符的内部编码值等于对应的参数值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-string.char"]) +--- +---@param byte integer +---@param ... integer +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.char(byte, ...) end + +--- +---返回包含有以二进制方式表示的(一个 *二进制代码块* )指定函数的字符串。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-string.dump"]) +--- +---@param f async fun(...):... +---@param strip? boolean +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.dump(f, strip) end + +--- +---查找第一个字符串中匹配到的 `pattern`(参见 [§6.4.1](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/6.4.1"]))。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-string.find"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param pattern string|number +---@param init? integer +---@param plain? boolean +---@return integer start +---@return integer end +---@return any ... captured +---@nodiscard +function string.find(s, pattern, init, plain) end + +--- +---返回不定数量参数的格式化版本,格式化串为第一个参数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-string.format"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param ... any +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.format(s, ...) end + +--- +---返回一个迭代器函数。 每次调用这个函数都会继续以 `pattern` (参见 [§6.4.1](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/6.4.1"])) 对 s 做匹配,并返回所有捕获到的值。 +--- +---下面这个例子会循环迭代字符串 s 中所有的单词, 并逐行打印: +---```lua +--- s = +---"hello world from Lua" +--- for w in string.gmatch(s, "%a+") do +--- print(w) +--- end +---``` +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-string.gmatch"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param pattern string|number +---@return fun():string, ... +---@nodiscard +function string.gmatch(s, pattern) end + +--- +---将字符串 s 中,所有的(或是在 n 给出时的前 n 个) pattern (参见 [§6.4.1](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/6.4.1"]))都替换成 repl ,并返回其副本。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-string.gsub"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param pattern string|number +---@param repl string|number|table|function +---@param n? integer +---@return string +---@return integer count +---@nodiscard +function string.gsub(s, pattern, repl, n) end + +--- +---返回其长度。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-string.len"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function string.len(s) end + +--- +---将其中的大写字符都转为小写后返回其副本。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-string.lower"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.lower(s) end + +--- +---在字符串 s 中找到第一个能用 pattern (参见 [§6.4.1](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/6.4.1"]))匹配到的部分。 如果能找到,match 返回其中的捕获物; 否则返回 nil 。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-string.match"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param pattern string|number +---@param init? integer +---@return any ... +---@nodiscard +function string.match(s, pattern, init) end + +---@version >5.3 +--- +---返回一个打包了(即以二进制形式序列化) v1, v2 等值的二进制字符串。 字符串 fmt 为打包格式(参见 [§6.4.2](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/6.4.2"]))。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-string.pack"]) +--- +---@param fmt string +---@param v1 string|number +---@param ... string|number +---@return string binary +---@nodiscard +function string.pack(fmt, v1, v2, ...) end + +---@version >5.3 +--- +---返回以指定格式用 [string.pack](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-string.pack"]) 打包的字符串的长度。 格式化字符串中不可以有变长选项 's' 或 'z' (参见 [§6.4.2](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/6.4.2"]))。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-string.packsize"]) +--- +---@param fmt string +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function string.packsize(fmt) end + +--- +---返回 `n` 个字符串 `s` 以字符串 `sep` 为分割符连在一起的字符串。 默认的 `sep` 值为空字符串(即没有分割符)。 如果 `n` 不是正数则返回空串。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-string.rep"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param n integer +---@param sep? string|number +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.rep(s, n, sep) end + +--- +---返回字符串 s 的翻转串。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-string.reverse"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.reverse(s) end + +--- +---返回字符串的子串, 该子串从 `i` 开始到 `j` 为止。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-string.sub"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@param i integer +---@param j? integer +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.sub(s, i, j) end + +---@version >5.3 +--- +---返回以格式 fmt (参见 [§6.4.2](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/6.4.2"])) 打包在字符串 s (参见 string.pack) 中的值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-string.unpack"]) +--- +---@param fmt string +---@param s string +---@param pos? integer +---@return any ... +---@return integer offset +---@nodiscard +function string.unpack(fmt, s, pos) end + +--- +---接收一个字符串,将其中的小写字符都转为大写后返回其副本。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-string.upper"]) +--- +---@param s string|number +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function string.upper(s) end + +return string diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/string/buffer.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/string/buffer.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..077a5b234 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/string/buffer.lua @@ -0,0 +1,353 @@ +---@meta string.buffer + +---@version JIT +--- The string buffer library allows high-performance manipulation of string-like data. +--- +--- Unlike Lua strings, which are constants, string buffers are mutable sequences of 8-bit (binary-transparent) characters. Data can be stored, formatted and encoded into a string buffer and later converted, extracted or decoded. +--- +--- The convenient string buffer API simplifies common string manipulation tasks, that would otherwise require creating many intermediate strings. String buffers improve performance by eliminating redundant memory copies, object creation, string interning and garbage collection overhead. In conjunction with the FFI library, they allow zero-copy operations. +--- +--- The string buffer libary also includes a high-performance serializer for Lua objects. +--- +--- +--- ## Streaming Serialization +--- +--- In some contexts, it's desirable to do piecewise serialization of large datasets, also known as streaming. +--- +--- This serialization format can be safely concatenated and supports streaming. Multiple encodings can simply be appended to a buffer and later decoded individually: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local buf = buffer.new() +--- buf:encode(obj1) +--- buf:encode(obj2) +--- local copy1 = buf:decode() +--- local copy2 = buf:decode() +--- ``` +--- +--- Here's how to iterate over a stream: +--- +--- ```lua +--- while #buf ~= 0 do +--- local obj = buf:decode() +--- -- Do something with obj. +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- Since the serialization format doesn't prepend a length to its encoding, network applications may need to transmit the length, too. +--- Serialization Format Specification +--- +--- This serialization format is designed for internal use by LuaJIT applications. Serialized data is upwards-compatible and portable across all supported LuaJIT platforms. +--- +--- It's an 8-bit binary format and not human-readable. It uses e.g. embedded zeroes and stores embedded Lua string objects unmodified, which are 8-bit-clean, too. Encoded data can be safely concatenated for streaming and later decoded one top-level object at a time. +--- +--- The encoding is reasonably compact, but tuned for maximum performance, not for minimum space usage. It compresses well with any of the common byte-oriented data compression algorithms. +--- +--- Although documented here for reference, this format is explicitly not intended to be a 'public standard' for structured data interchange across computer languages (like JSON or MessagePack). Please do not use it as such. +--- +--- The specification is given below as a context-free grammar with a top-level object as the starting point. Alternatives are separated by the | symbol and * indicates repeats. Grouping is implicit or indicated by {…}. Terminals are either plain hex numbers, encoded as bytes, or have a .format suffix. +--- +--- ``` +--- object → nil | false | true +--- | null | lightud32 | lightud64 +--- | int | num | tab | tab_mt +--- | int64 | uint64 | complex +--- | string +--- +--- nil → 0x00 +--- false → 0x01 +--- true → 0x02 +--- +--- null → 0x03 // NULL lightuserdata +--- lightud32 → 0x04 data.I // 32 bit lightuserdata +--- lightud64 → 0x05 data.L // 64 bit lightuserdata +--- +--- int → 0x06 int.I // int32_t +--- num → 0x07 double.L +--- +--- tab → 0x08 // Empty table +--- | 0x09 h.U h*{object object} // Key/value hash +--- | 0x0a a.U a*object // 0-based array +--- | 0x0b a.U a*object h.U h*{object object} // Mixed +--- | 0x0c a.U (a-1)*object // 1-based array +--- | 0x0d a.U (a-1)*object h.U h*{object object} // Mixed +--- tab_mt → 0x0e (index-1).U tab // Metatable dict entry +--- +--- int64 → 0x10 int.L // FFI int64_t +--- uint64 → 0x11 uint.L // FFI uint64_t +--- complex → 0x12 re.L im.L // FFI complex +--- +--- string → (0x20+len).U len*char.B +--- | 0x0f (index-1).U // String dict entry +--- +--- .B = 8 bit +--- .I = 32 bit little-endian +--- .L = 64 bit little-endian +--- .U = prefix-encoded 32 bit unsigned number n: +--- 0x00..0xdf → n.B +--- 0xe0..0x1fdf → (0xe0|(((n-0xe0)>>8)&0x1f)).B ((n-0xe0)&0xff).B +--- 0x1fe0.. → 0xff n.I +--- ``` +--- +--- ## Error handling +--- +--- Many of the buffer methods can throw an error. Out-of-memory or usage errors are best caught with an outer wrapper for larger parts of code. There's not much one can do after that, anyway. +--- +--- OTOH you may want to catch some errors individually. Buffer methods need to receive the buffer object as the first argument. The Lua colon-syntax `obj:method()` does that implicitly. But to wrap a method with `pcall()`, the arguments need to be passed like this: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local ok, err = pcall(buf.encode, buf, obj) +--- if not ok then +--- -- Handle error in err. +--- end +--- ``` +--- +--- ## FFI caveats +--- +--- The string buffer library has been designed to work well together with the FFI library. But due to the low-level nature of the FFI library, some care needs to be taken: +--- +--- First, please remember that FFI pointers are zero-indexed. The space returned by `buf:reserve()` and `buf:ref()` starts at the returned pointer and ends before len bytes after that. +--- +--- I.e. the first valid index is `ptr[0]` and the last valid index is `ptr[len-1]`. If the returned length is zero, there's no valid index at all. The returned pointer may even be `NULL`. +--- +--- The space pointed to by the returned pointer is only valid as long as the buffer is not modified in any way (neither append, nor consume, nor reset, etc.). The pointer is also not a GC anchor for the buffer object itself. +--- +--- Buffer data is only guaranteed to be byte-aligned. Casting the returned pointer to a data type with higher alignment may cause unaligned accesses. It depends on the CPU architecture whether this is allowed or not (it's always OK on x86/x64 and mostly OK on other modern architectures). +--- +--- FFI pointers or references do not count as GC anchors for an underlying object. E.g. an array allocated with `ffi.new()` is anchored by `buf:set(array, len)`, but not by `buf:set(array+offset, len)`. The addition of the offset creates a new pointer, even when the offset is zero. In this case, you need to make sure there's still a reference to the original array as long as its contents are in use by the buffer. +--- +--- Even though each LuaJIT VM instance is single-threaded (but you can create multiple VMs), FFI data structures can be accessed concurrently. Be careful when reading/writing FFI cdata from/to buffers to avoid concurrent accesses or modifications. In particular, the memory referenced by `buf:set(cdata, len)` must not be modified while buffer readers are working on it. Shared, but read-only memory mappings of files are OK, but only if the file does not change. +local buffer = {} + +--- A buffer object is a garbage-collected Lua object. After creation with `buffer.new()`, it can (and should) be reused for many operations. When the last reference to a buffer object is gone, it will eventually be freed by the garbage collector, along with the allocated buffer space. +--- +--- Buffers operate like a FIFO (first-in first-out) data structure. Data can be appended (written) to the end of the buffer and consumed (read) from the front of the buffer. These operations may be freely mixed. +--- +--- The buffer space that holds the characters is managed automatically — it grows as needed and already consumed space is recycled. Use `buffer.new(size)` and `buf:free()`, if you need more control. +--- +--- The maximum size of a single buffer is the same as the maximum size of a Lua string, which is slightly below two gigabytes. For huge data sizes, neither strings nor buffers are the right data structure — use the FFI library to directly map memory or files up to the virtual memory limit of your OS. +--- +---@version JIT +---@class string.buffer : table +local buf = {} + +--- A string, number, or any object obj with a __tostring metamethod to the buffer. +--- +---@alias string.buffer.data string|number|table + + +--- Appends a string str, a number num or any object obj with a `__tostring` metamethod to the buffer. Multiple arguments are appended in the given order. +--- +--- Appending a buffer to a buffer is possible and short-circuited internally. But it still involves a copy. Better combine the buffer writes to use a single buffer. +--- +---@param data string.buffer.data +---@param ...? string.buffer.data +---@return string.buffer +function buf:put(data, ...) end + + +--- Appends the formatted arguments to the buffer. The format string supports the same options as string.format(). +--- +---@param format string +---@param ... string.buffer.data +---@return string.buffer +function buf:putf(format, ...) end + + +--- Appends the given len number of bytes from the memory pointed to by the FFI cdata object to the buffer. The object needs to be convertible to a (constant) pointer. +--- +---@param cdata ffi.cdata* +---@param len integer +---@return string.buffer +function buf:putcdata(cdata, len) end + + +--- This method allows zero-copy consumption of a string or an FFI cdata object as a buffer. It stores a reference to the passed string str or the FFI cdata object in the buffer. Any buffer space originally allocated is freed. This is not an append operation, unlike the `buf:put*()` methods. +--- +--- After calling this method, the buffer behaves as if `buf:free():put(str)` or `buf:free():put(cdata, len)` had been called. However, the data is only referenced and not copied, as long as the buffer is only consumed. +--- +--- In case the buffer is written to later on, the referenced data is copied and the object reference is removed (copy-on-write semantics). +--- +--- The stored reference is an anchor for the garbage collector and keeps the originally passed string or FFI cdata object alive. +--- +---@param str string.buffer.data +---@return string.buffer +---@overload fun(self:string.buffer, cdata:ffi.cdata*, len:integer):string.buffer +function buf:set(str) end + +--- Reset (empty) the buffer. The allocated buffer space is not freed and may be reused. +---@return string.buffer +function buf:reset() end + + +--- The buffer space of the buffer object is freed. The object itself remains intact, empty and may be reused. +--- +--- Note: you normally don't need to use this method. The garbage collector automatically frees the buffer space, when the buffer object is collected. Use this method, if you need to free the associated memory immediately. +function buf:free() end + + +--- The reserve method reserves at least size bytes of write space in the buffer. It returns an uint8_t * FFI cdata pointer ptr that points to this space. +--- +--- The available length in bytes is returned in len. This is at least size bytes, but may be more to facilitate efficient buffer growth. You can either make use of the additional space or ignore len and only use size bytes. +--- +--- This, along with `buf:commit()` allow zero-copy use of C read-style APIs: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local MIN_SIZE = 65536 +--- repeat +--- local ptr, len = buf:reserve(MIN_SIZE) +--- local n = C.read(fd, ptr, len) +--- if n == 0 then break end -- EOF. +--- if n < 0 then error("read error") end +--- buf:commit(n) +--- until false +--- ``` +--- +--- The reserved write space is not initialized. At least the used bytes must be written to before calling the commit method. There's no need to call the commit method, if nothing is added to the buffer (e.g. on error). +---@param size integer +---@return ffi.cdata* ptr # an uint8_t * FFI cdata pointer that points to this space +---@return integer len # available length (bytes) +function buf:reserve(size) end + + +--- Appends the used bytes of the previously returned write space to the buffer data. +---@param used integer +---@return string.buffer +function buf:commit(used) end + + +--- Skips (consumes) len bytes from the buffer up to the current length of the buffer data. +---@param len integer +---@return string.buffer +function buf:skip(len) end + +--- Consumes the buffer data and returns one or more strings. If called without arguments, the whole buffer data is consumed. If called with a number, up to `len` bytes are consumed. A `nil` argument consumes the remaining buffer space (this only makes sense as the last argument). Multiple arguments consume the buffer data in the given order. +--- +--- Note: a zero length or no remaining buffer data returns an empty string and not `nil`. +--- +---@param len? integer +---@param ... integer|nil +---@return string ... +function buf:get(len, ...) end + +--- Creates a string from the buffer data, but doesn't consume it. The buffer remains unchanged. +--- +--- Buffer objects also define a `__tostring metamethod`. This means buffers can be passed to the global `tostring()` function and many other functions that accept this in place of strings. The important internal uses in functions like `io.write()` are short-circuited to avoid the creation of an intermediate string object. +---@return string +function buf:tostring() end + + +--- Returns an uint8_t * FFI cdata pointer ptr that points to the buffer data. The length of the buffer data in bytes is returned in len. +--- +--- The returned pointer can be directly passed to C functions that expect a buffer and a length. You can also do bytewise reads (`local x = ptr[i]`) or writes (`ptr[i] = 0x40`) of the buffer data. +--- +--- In conjunction with the `buf:skip()` method, this allows zero-copy use of C write-style APIs: +--- +--- ```lua +--- repeat +--- local ptr, len = buf:ref() +--- if len == 0 then break end +--- local n = C.write(fd, ptr, len) +--- if n < 0 then error("write error") end +--- buf:skip(n) +--- until n >= len +--- ``` +--- +--- Unlike Lua strings, buffer data is not implicitly zero-terminated. It's not safe to pass ptr to C functions that expect zero-terminated strings. If you're not using len, then you're doing something wrong. +--- +---@return ffi.cdata* ptr # an uint8_t * FFI cdata pointer that points to the buffer data. +---@return integer len # length of the buffer data in bytes +function buf:ref() end + +--- Serializes (encodes) the Lua object to the buffer +--- +--- This function may throw an error when attempting to serialize unsupported object types, circular references or deeply nested tables. +---@param obj string.buffer.data +---@return string.buffer +function buf:encode(obj) end + + +--- De-serializes one object from the buffer. +--- +--- The returned object may be any of the supported Lua types — even `nil`. +--- +--- This function may throw an error when fed with malformed or incomplete encoded data. +--- +--- Leaves any left-over data in the buffer. +--- +--- Attempting to de-serialize an FFI type will throw an error, if the FFI library is not built-in or has not been loaded, yet. +--- +---@return string.buffer.data|nil obj +function buf:decode() end + + +--- Serializes (encodes) the Lua object obj +--- +--- This function may throw an error when attempting to serialize unsupported object types, circular references or deeply nested tables. +---@param obj string.buffer.data +---@return string +function buffer.encode(obj) end + +--- De-serializes (decodes) the string to a Lua object +--- +--- The returned object may be any of the supported Lua types — even `nil`. +--- +--- Throws an error when fed with malformed or incomplete encoded data. +--- Throws an error when there's left-over data after decoding a single top-level object. +--- +--- Attempting to de-serialize an FFI type will throw an error, if the FFI library is not built-in or has not been loaded, yet. +--- +---@param str string +---@return string.buffer.data|nil obj +function buffer.decode(str) end + + + + +--- Creates a new buffer object. +--- +--- The optional size argument ensures a minimum initial buffer size. This is strictly an optimization when the required buffer size is known beforehand. The buffer space will grow as needed, in any case. +--- +--- The optional table options sets various serialization options. +--- +---@param size? integer +---@param options? string.buffer.serialization.opts +---@return string.buffer +function buffer.new(size, options) end + +--- Serialization Options +--- +--- The options table passed to buffer.new() may contain the following members (all optional): +--- +--- * `dict` is a Lua table holding a dictionary of strings that commonly occur as table keys of objects you are serializing. These keys are compactly encoded as indexes during serialization. A well chosen dictionary saves space and improves serialization performance. +--- +--- * `metatable` is a Lua table holding a dictionary of metatables for the table objects you are serializing. +--- +--- dict needs to be an array of strings and metatable needs to be an array of tables. Both starting at index 1 and without holes (no nil inbetween). The tables are anchored in the buffer object and internally modified into a two-way index (don't do this yourself, just pass a plain array). The tables must not be modified after they have been passed to buffer.new(). +--- +--- The dict and metatable tables used by the encoder and decoder must be the same. Put the most common entries at the front. Extend at the end to ensure backwards-compatibility — older encodings can then still be read. You may also set some indexes to false to explicitly drop backwards-compatibility. Old encodings that use these indexes will throw an error when decoded. +--- +--- Metatables that are not found in the metatable dictionary are ignored when encoding. Decoding returns a table with a nil metatable. +--- +--- Note: parsing and preparation of the options table is somewhat expensive. Create a buffer object only once and recycle it for multiple uses. Avoid mixing encoder and decoder buffers, since the buf:set() method frees the already allocated buffer space: +--- +--- ```lua +--- local options = { +--- dict = { "commonly", "used", "string", "keys" }, +--- } +--- local buf_enc = buffer.new(options) +--- local buf_dec = buffer.new(options) +--- +--- local function encode(obj) +--- return buf_enc:reset():encode(obj):get() +--- end +--- +--- local function decode(str) +--- return buf_dec:set(str):decode() +--- end +--- ``` +---@class string.buffer.serialization.opts +---@field dict string[] +---@field metatable table[] + + +return buffer diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/table.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/table.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..454cf69e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/table.lua @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +---@meta table + +--- +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-table"]) +--- +---@class tablelib +table = {} + +--- +---提供一个列表,其所有元素都是字符串或数字,返回字符串 `list[i]..sep..list[i+1] ··· sep..list[j]`。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-table.concat"]) +--- +---@param list table +---@param sep? string +---@param i? integer +---@param j? integer +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function table.concat(list, sep, i, j) end + +--- +---在 `list` 的位置 `pos` 处插入元素 `value`。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-table.insert"]) +--- +---@overload fun(list: table, value: any) +---@param list table +---@param pos integer +---@param value any +function table.insert(list, pos, value) end + +---@version <5.1 +--- +---返回给定表的最大正数索引,如果表没有正数索引,则返回零。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-table.maxn"]) +--- +---@param table table +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +function table.maxn(table) end + +---@version >5.3 +--- +---将元素从表 `a1` 移到表 `a2`。 +---```lua +---a2[t],··· = +---a1[f],···,a1[e] +---return a2 +---``` +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-table.move"]) +--- +---@param a1 table +---@param f integer +---@param e integer +---@param t integer +---@param a2? table +---@return table a2 +function table.move(a1, f, e, t, a2) end + +---@version >5.2, JIT +--- +---返回用所有参数以键 `1`,`2`, 等填充的新表, 并将 `"n"` 这个域设为参数的总数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-table.pack"]) +--- +---@return table +---@nodiscard +function table.pack(...) end + +--- +---移除 `list` 中 `pos` 位置上的元素,并返回这个被移除的值。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-table.remove"]) +--- +---@param list table +---@param pos? integer +---@return any +function table.remove(list, pos) end + +--- +---在表内从 `list[1]` 到 `list[#list]` *原地* 对其间元素按指定次序排序。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-table.sort"]) +--- +---@generic T +---@param list T[] +---@param comp? fun(a: T, b: T):boolean +function table.sort(list, comp) end + +---@version >5.2, JIT +--- +---返回列表中的元素。 这个函数等价于 +---```lua +--- return list[i], list[i+1], ···, list[j] +---``` +---i 默认为 1 ,j 默认为 #list。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-table.unpack"]) +--- +---@generic T +---@param list T[] +---@param i? integer +---@param j? integer +---@return T ... +---@nodiscard +function table.unpack(list, i, j) end + +---@version <5.1, JIT +--- +---遍历表中的每一个元素,并以key和value执行回调函数。如果回调函数返回一个非nil值则循环终止,并且返回这个值。该函数等同pair(list),比pair(list)更慢。不推荐使用 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-table.foreach"]) +--- +---@generic T +---@param list any +---@param callback fun(key: string, value: any):T|nil +---@return T|nil +---@deprecated +function table.foreach(list, callback) end + +---@version <5.1, JIT +--- +---遍历数组中的每一个元素,并以索引号index和value执行回调函数。如果回调函数返回一个非nil值则循环终止,并且返回这个值。该函数等同ipair(list),比ipair(list)更慢。不推荐使用 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-table.foreachi"]) +--- +---@generic T +---@param list any +---@param callback fun(key: string, value: any):T|nil +---@return T|nil +---@deprecated +function table.foreachi(list, callback) end + +---@version <5.1, JIT +--- +---返回表的长度。该函数等价于#list。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-table.getn"]) +--- +---@generic T +---@param list T[] +---@return integer +---@nodiscard +---@deprecated +function table.getn(list) end + +return table diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/table/clear.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/table/clear.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..48c80b79e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/table/clear.lua @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +---@meta table.clear + +---@version JIT +--- +---This clears all keys and values from a table, but preserves the allocated array/hash sizes. This is useful when a table, which is linked from multiple places, needs to be cleared and/or when recycling a table for use by the same context. This avoids managing backlinks, saves an allocation and the overhead of incremental array/hash part growth. The function needs to be required before use. +---```lua +--- require("table.clear"). +---``` +---Please note this function is meant for very specific situations. In most cases it's better to replace the (usually single) link with a new table and let the GC do its work. +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-table.clear"]) +--- +---@param tab table +local function clear(tab) end + +return clear diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/table/new.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/table/new.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6e0563338 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/table/new.lua @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +---@meta table.new + +---@version JIT +--- +---This creates a pre-sized table, just like the C API equivalent `lua_createtable()`. This is useful for big tables if the final table size is known and automatic table resizing is too expensive. `narray` parameter specifies the number of array-like items, and `nhash` parameter specifies the number of hash-like items. The function needs to be required before use. +---```lua +--- require("table.new") +---``` +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-table.new"]) +--- +---@param narray integer +---@param nhash integer +---@return table +local function new(narray, nhash) end + +return new diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/utf8.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/utf8.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f15084705 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/LuaJIT zh-cn utf8/utf8.lua @@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ +---@meta utf8 + +---@version >5.3 +--- +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-utf8"]) +--- +---@class utf8lib +--- +---用于精确匹配到一个 UTF-8 字节序列的模式,它假定处理的对象是一个合法的 UTF-8 字符串。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-utf8.charpattern"]) +--- +---@field charpattern string +utf8 = {} + +--- +---接收零或多个整数, 将每个整数转换成对应的 UTF-8 字节序列,并返回这些序列连接到一起的字符串。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-utf8.char"]) +--- +---@param code integer +---@param ... integer +---@return string +---@nodiscard +function utf8.char(code, ...) end + +--- +---返回一系列的值,可以让 +---```lua +---for p, c in utf8.codes(s) do +--- body +---end +---``` +---迭代出字符串 s 中所有的字符。 这里的 p 是位置(按字节数)而 c 是每个字符的编号。 如果处理到一个不合法的字节序列,将抛出一个错误。 +--- +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-utf8.codes"]) +--- +---@param s string +---@return fun(s: string, p: integer):integer, integer +function utf8.codes(s) end + +--- +---以整数形式返回 `s` 中 从位置 `i` 到 `j` 间(包括两端) 所有字符的编号。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-utf8.codepoint"]) +--- +---@param s string +---@param i? integer +---@param j? integer +---@return integer code +---@return integer ... +---@nodiscard +function utf8.codepoint(s, i, j) end + +--- +---返回字符串 `s` 中 从位置 `i` 到 `j` 间 (包括两端) UTF-8 字符的个数。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-utf8.len"]) +--- +---@param s string +---@param i? integer +---@param j? integer +---@return integer? +---@return integer? errpos +---@nodiscard +function utf8.len(s, i, j) end + +--- +---返回编码在 `s` 中的第 `n` 个字符的开始位置(按字节数) (从位置 `i` 处开始统计)。 +--- +---[查看文档](command:extension.lua.doc?["en-us/51/manual.html/pdf-utf8.offset"]) +--- +---@param s string +---@param n integer +---@param i? integer +---@return integer p +---@nodiscard +function utf8.offset(s, n, i) end + +return utf8 diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/CS.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/CS.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ea2b46e31 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/CS.lua @@ -0,0 +1,14408 @@ +---@meta + +---@class CS +CS = {} + + +-- +--Tween the object's local scale. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenScale.cs:13 +---@class TweenScale: UITweener +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenScale.cs:15 +---@field from UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenScale.cs:16 +---@field to UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenScale.cs:17 +---@field updateTable bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenScale.cs:22 +---@field cachedTransform UnityEngine.Transform +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenScale.cs:24 +---@field value UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenScale.cs:27 +---@field scale UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenScale.cs:13 +CS.TweenScale = {} + +-- +--Start the tweening operation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenScale.cs:52 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param duration float +---@param scale UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@return TweenScale +function CS.TweenScale:Begin(go, duration, scale) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenScale.cs:67 +function CS.TweenScale.SetStartToCurrentValue() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenScale.cs:70 +function CS.TweenScale.SetEndToCurrentValue() end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/vxGameModule.cs:4 +---@class vxGameModule: object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/vxGameModule.cs:6 +---@field BaseSystem BaseSystemModule +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/vxGameModule.cs:7 +---@field GameWorld GameWorld.GameWorldModule +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/vxGameModule.cs:8 +---@field GameSystem GameSystem.GameSystemModule +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/vxGameModule.cs:4 +CS.vxGameModule = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/vxGameModule.cs:10 +function CS.vxGameModule:Create() end + + +-- +--This script can be used to anchor an object to the side or corner of the screen, panel, or a widget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAnchor.cs:14 +---@class UIAnchor: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--Camera used to determine the anchor bounds. Set automatically if none was specified. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAnchor.cs:33 +---@field uiCamera UnityEngine.Camera +-- +--Object used to determine the container's bounds. Overwrites the camera-based anchoring if the value was specified. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAnchor.cs:39 +---@field container UnityEngine.GameObject +-- +--Side or corner to anchor to. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAnchor.cs:45 +---@field side UIAnchor.Side +-- +--If set to 'true', UIAnchor will execute once, then will be disabled. +-- Screen size changes will still cause the anchor to update itself, even if it's disabled. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAnchor.cs:52 +---@field runOnlyOnce bool +-- +--Relative offset value, if any. For example "0.25" with 'side' set to Left, means 25% from the left side. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAnchor.cs:58 +---@field relativeOffset UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--Pixel offset value if any. For example "10" in x will move the widget 10 pixels to the right +-- while "-10" in x is 10 pixels to the left based on the pixel values set in UIRoot. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAnchor.cs:65 +---@field pixelOffset UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAnchor.cs:14 +CS.UIAnchor = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Define/ShaderPropertyIds.cs:6 +---@class ShaderPropertyIds: object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Define/ShaderPropertyIds.cs:8 +---@field _BumpMap int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Define/ShaderPropertyIds.cs:9 +---@field _Color int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Define/ShaderPropertyIds.cs:6 +CS.ShaderPropertyIds = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/DontDestroy.cs:3 +---@class DontDestroy: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/DontDestroy.cs:3 +CS.DontDestroy = {} + + +-- +--This script, when attached to a panel turns it into a scroll view. +-- You can then attach UIDragScrollView to colliders within to make it draggable. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:16 +---@class UIScrollView: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:18 +---@field list BetterList +-- +--Type of movement allowed by the scroll view. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:48 +---@field movement UIScrollView.Movement +-- +--Effect to apply when dragging. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:54 +---@field dragEffect UIScrollView.DragEffect +-- +--Whether the dragging will be restricted to be within the scroll view's bounds. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:60 +---@field restrictWithinPanel bool +-- +--Whether the scroll view will execute its constrain within bounds logic on every drag operation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:67 +---@field constrainOnDrag bool +-- +--Whether dragging will be disabled if the contents fit. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:73 +---@field disableDragIfFits bool +-- +--Whether the drag operation will be started smoothly, or if if it will be precise (but will have a noticeable "jump"). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:79 +---@field smoothDragStart bool +-- +--Whether to use iOS drag emulation, where the content only drags at half the speed of the touch/mouse movement when the content edge is within the clipping area. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:85 +---@field iOSDragEmulation bool +-- +--Effect the scroll wheel will have on the momentum. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:91 +---@field scrollWheelFactor float +-- +--How much momentum gets applied when the press is released after dragging. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:97 +---@field momentumAmount float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:100 +---@field springStrength float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:103 +---@field dampenStrength float +-- +--Horizontal scrollbar used for visualization. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:109 +---@field horizontalScrollBar UIProgressBar +-- +--Vertical scrollbar used for visualization. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:115 +---@field verticalScrollBar UIProgressBar +-- +--Condition that must be met for the scroll bars to become visible. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:121 +---@field showScrollBars UIScrollView.ShowCondition +-- +--Custom movement, if the 'movement' field is set to 'Custom'. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:127 +---@field customMovement UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--Content's pivot point -- where it originates from by default. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:133 +---@field contentPivot UIWidget.Pivot +-- +--Event callback to trigger when the drag process begins. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:139 +---@field onDragStarted UIScrollView.OnDragNotification +-- +--Event callback to trigger when the drag process finished. Can be used for additional effects, such as centering on some object. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:145 +---@field onDragFinished UIScrollView.OnDragNotification +-- +--Event callback triggered when the scroll view is moving as a result of momentum in between of OnDragFinished and OnStoppedMoving. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:151 +---@field onMomentumMove UIScrollView.OnDragNotification +-- +--Event callback to trigger when the scroll view's movement ends. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:157 +---@field onStoppedMoving UIScrollView.OnDragNotification +-- +--Panel that's being dragged. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:184 +---@field panel UIPanel +-- +--Whether the scroll view is being dragged. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:190 +---@field isDragging bool +-- +--Calculate the bounds used by the widgets. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:196 +---@field bounds UnityEngine.Bounds +-- +--Whether the scroll view can move horizontally. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:214 +---@field canMoveHorizontally bool +-- +--Whether the scroll view can move vertically. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:228 +---@field canMoveVertically bool +-- +--Whether the scroll view should be able to move horizontally (contents don't fit). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:242 +---@field shouldMoveHorizontally bool +-- +--Whether the scroll view should be able to move vertically (contents don't fit). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:256 +---@field shouldMoveVertically bool +-- +--Current momentum, exposed just in case it's needed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:302 +---@field currentMomentum UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:902 +---@field centerOnChild UICenterOnChild +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:16 +CS.UIScrollView = {} + +-- +--Restrict the scroll view's contents to be within the scroll view's bounds. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:402 +---@param instant bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIScrollView.RestrictWithinBounds(instant) end + +-- +--Restrict the scroll view's contents to be within the scroll view's bounds. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:408 +---@param instant bool +---@param horizontal bool +---@param vertical bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIScrollView.RestrictWithinBounds(instant, horizontal, vertical) end + +-- +--Disable the spring movement. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:448 +function CS.UIScrollView.DisableSpring() end + +-- +--Update the values of the associated scroll bars. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:458 +function CS.UIScrollView.UpdateScrollbars() end + +-- +--Update the values of the associated scroll bars. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:464 +---@param recalculateBounds bool +function CS.UIScrollView.UpdateScrollbars(recalculateBounds) end + +-- +--Changes the drag amount of the scroll view to the specified 0-1 range values. +-- (0, 0) is the top-left corner, (1, 1) is the bottom-right. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:583 +---@param x float +---@param y float +---@param updateScrollbars bool +function CS.UIScrollView.SetDragAmount(x, y, updateScrollbars) end + +-- +--Manually invalidate the scroll view's bounds so that they update next time. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:637 +function CS.UIScrollView.InvalidateBounds() end + +-- +--Reset the scroll view's position to the top-left corner. +-- It's recommended to call this function before AND after you re-populate the scroll view's contents (ex: switching window tabs). +-- Another option is to populate the scroll view's contents, reset its position, then call this function to reposition the clipping. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:646 +function CS.UIScrollView.ResetPosition() end + +-- +--Call this function after you adjust the scroll view's bounds if you want it to maintain the current scrolled position +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:666 +function CS.UIScrollView.UpdatePosition() end + +-- +--Triggered by the scroll bars when they change. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:685 +function CS.UIScrollView.OnScrollBar() end + +-- +--Move the scroll view by the specified local space amount. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:701 +---@param relative UnityEngine.Vector3 +function CS.UIScrollView.MoveRelative(relative) end + +-- +--Move the scroll view by the specified world space amount. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:717 +---@param absolute UnityEngine.Vector3 +function CS.UIScrollView.MoveAbsolute(absolute) end + +-- +--Create a plane on which we will be performing the dragging. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:728 +---@param pressed bool +function CS.UIScrollView.Press(pressed) end + +-- +--Drag the object along the plane. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:801 +function CS.UIScrollView.Drag() end + +-- +--If the object should support the scroll wheel, do it. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:908 +---@param delta float +function CS.UIScrollView.Scroll(delta) end + +-- +--Pan the scroll view. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:1034 +---@param delta UnityEngine.Vector2 +function CS.UIScrollView.OnPan(delta) end + + +-- +--Small script that makes it easy to create looping 2D sprite animations. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSpriteAnimation.cs:12 +---@class UI2DSpriteAnimation: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--Index of the current frame in the sprite animation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSpriteAnimation.cs:18 +---@field frameIndex int +-- +--Should this animation be affected by time scale? +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSpriteAnimation.cs:30 +---@field ignoreTimeScale bool +-- +--Should this animation be looped? +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSpriteAnimation.cs:36 +---@field loop bool +-- +--Actual sprites used for the animation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSpriteAnimation.cs:42 +---@field frames UnityEngine.Sprite[] +-- +--Returns is the animation is still playing or not +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSpriteAnimation.cs:52 +---@field isPlaying bool +-- +--Animation framerate. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSpriteAnimation.cs:58 +---@field framesPerSecond int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSpriteAnimation.cs:12 +CS.UI2DSpriteAnimation = {} + +-- +--Continue playing the animation. If the animation has reached the end, it will restart from beginning +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSpriteAnimation.cs:64 +function CS.UI2DSpriteAnimation.Play() end + +-- +--Pause the animation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSpriteAnimation.cs:84 +function CS.UI2DSpriteAnimation.Pause() end + +-- +--Reset the animation to the beginning. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSpriteAnimation.cs:90 +function CS.UI2DSpriteAnimation.ResetToBeginning() end + + +-- +--Attach this script to a popup list, the parent of a group of toggles, or to a toggle itself to save its state. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UISavedOption.cs:13 +---@class UISavedOption: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--PlayerPrefs-stored key for this option. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UISavedOption.cs:19 +---@field keyName string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UISavedOption.cs:13 +CS.UISavedOption = {} + +-- +--Save the selection. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UISavedOption.cs:103 +function CS.UISavedOption.SaveSelection() end + +-- +--Save the state. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UISavedOption.cs:109 +function CS.UISavedOption.SaveState() end + +-- +--Save the current progress. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UISavedOption.cs:115 +function CS.UISavedOption.SaveProgress() end + + +-- +--Simple example script of how a button can be offset visibly when the mouse hovers over it or it gets pressed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonOffset.cs:13 +---@class UIButtonOffset: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonOffset.cs:15 +---@field tweenTarget UnityEngine.Transform +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonOffset.cs:16 +---@field hover UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonOffset.cs:17 +---@field pressed UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonOffset.cs:18 +---@field duration float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonOffset.cs:13 +CS.UIButtonOffset = {} + + +-- +--Scroll bar functionality. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollBar.cs:14 +---@class UIScrollBar: UISlider +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollBar.cs:31 +---@field scrollValue float +-- +--The size of the foreground bar in percent (0-1 range). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollBar.cs:37 +---@field barSize float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollBar.cs:14 +CS.UIScrollBar = {} + +-- +--Update the value of the scroll bar. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollBar.cs:162 +function CS.UIScrollBar.ForceUpdate() end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAnchor.cs:16 +---@class Side: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAnchor.cs:18 +---@field BottomLeft UIAnchor.Side +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAnchor.cs:19 +---@field Left UIAnchor.Side +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAnchor.cs:20 +---@field TopLeft UIAnchor.Side +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAnchor.cs:21 +---@field Top UIAnchor.Side +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAnchor.cs:22 +---@field TopRight UIAnchor.Side +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAnchor.cs:23 +---@field Right UIAnchor.Side +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAnchor.cs:24 +---@field BottomRight UIAnchor.Side +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAnchor.cs:25 +---@field Bottom UIAnchor.Side +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAnchor.cs:26 +---@field Center UIAnchor.Side +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAnchor.cs:16 +CS.Side = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIAnchor.Side +function CS.Side:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:12 +---@class UltimateJoystick: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:22 +---@field ParentCanvas UnityEngine.Canvas +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:26 +---@field joystickBase UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:26 +---@field joystick UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:34 +---@field scalingAxis UltimateJoystick.ScalingAxis +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:42 +---@field anchor UltimateJoystick.Anchor +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:43 +---@field activationRange float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:44 +---@field customActivationRange bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:45 +---@field activationWidth float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:45 +---@field activationHeight float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:46 +---@field activationPositionHorizontal float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:46 +---@field activationPositionVertical float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:47 +---@field joystickSize float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:47 +---@field radiusModifier float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:48 +---@field positionHorizontal float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:48 +---@field positionVertical float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:51 +---@field dynamicPositioning bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:52 +---@field gravity float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:54 +---@field extendRadius bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:63 +---@field axis UltimateJoystick.Axis +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:71 +---@field boundary UltimateJoystick.Boundary +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:72 +---@field deadZone float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:81 +---@field tapCountOption UltimateJoystick.TapCountOption +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:82 +---@field tapCountDuration float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:83 +---@field targetTapCount int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:86 +---@field useTouchInput bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:89 +---@field disableVisuals bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:90 +---@field inputTransition bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:91 +---@field transitionUntouchedDuration float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:91 +---@field transitionTouchedDuration float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:93 +---@field useFade bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:94 +---@field fadeUntouched float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:94 +---@field fadeTouched float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:95 +---@field useScale bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:96 +---@field scaleTouched float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:97 +---@field showHighlight bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:98 +---@field highlightColor UnityEngine.Color +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:99 +---@field highlightBase UnityEngine.UI.Image +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:99 +---@field highlightJoystick UnityEngine.UI.Image +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:100 +---@field showTension bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:101 +---@field tensionColorNone UnityEngine.Color +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:101 +---@field tensionColorFull UnityEngine.Color +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:109 +---@field tensionType UltimateJoystick.TensionType +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:110 +---@field rotationOffset float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:111 +---@field tensionDeadZone float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:112 +---@field TensionAccents System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:116 +---@field joystickName string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:121 +---@field OnPointerDownCallback System.Action +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:121 +---@field OnPointerUpCallback System.Action +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:121 +---@field OnDragCallback System.Action +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:122 +---@field OnUpdatePositioning System.Action +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:134 +---@field joystickTouchSize UltimateJoystick.JoystickTouchSize +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:136 +---@field customSpacing_X float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:136 +---@field customSpacing_Y float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:137 +---@field customTouchSize_X float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:137 +---@field customTouchSize_Y float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:138 +---@field customTouchSizePos_X float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:138 +---@field customTouchSizePos_Y float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:139 +---@field joystickSizeFolder UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:140 +---@field tensionAccentUp UnityEngine.UI.Image +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:140 +---@field tensionAccentDown UnityEngine.UI.Image +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:141 +---@field tensionAccentLeft UnityEngine.UI.Image +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:141 +---@field tensionAccentRight UnityEngine.UI.Image +-- +--Returns the current value of the horizontal axis. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1175 +---@field HorizontalAxis float +-- +--Returns the current value of the vertical axis. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1180 +---@field VerticalAxis float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:12 +CS.UltimateJoystick = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:121 +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UltimateJoystick.add_OnPointerDownCallback(value) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:121 +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UltimateJoystick.remove_OnPointerDownCallback(value) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:121 +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UltimateJoystick.add_OnPointerUpCallback(value) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:121 +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UltimateJoystick.remove_OnPointerUpCallback(value) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:121 +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UltimateJoystick.add_OnDragCallback(value) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:121 +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UltimateJoystick.remove_OnDragCallback(value) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:122 +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UltimateJoystick.add_OnUpdatePositioning(value) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:122 +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UltimateJoystick.remove_OnUpdatePositioning(value) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:217 +---@param touchInfo UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UltimateJoystick.OnPointerDown(touchInfo) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:225 +---@param touchInfo UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UltimateJoystick.OnDrag(touchInfo) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:233 +---@param touchInfo UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UltimateJoystick.OnPointerUp(touchInfo) end + +-- +--Updates the parent canvas if it has changed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:569 +function CS.UltimateJoystick.UpdateParentCanvas() end + +-- +--Resets the joystick and updates the size and placement of the Ultimate Joystick. Useful for screen rotations, changing of screen size, or changing of size and placement options. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1113 +function CS.UltimateJoystick.UpdatePositioning() end + +-- +--Returns a float value between -1 and 1 representing the horizontal value of the Ultimate Joystick. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1130 +---@return Single +function CS.UltimateJoystick.GetHorizontalAxis() end + +-- +--Returns a float value between -1 and 1 representing the vertical value of the Ultimate Joystick. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1138 +---@return Single +function CS.UltimateJoystick.GetVerticalAxis() end + +-- +--Returns a value of -1, 0 or 1 representing the raw horizontal value of the Ultimate Joystick. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1146 +---@return Single +function CS.UltimateJoystick.GetHorizontalAxisRaw() end + +-- +--Returns a value of -1, 0 or 1 representing the raw vertical value of the Ultimate Joystick. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1161 +---@return Single +function CS.UltimateJoystick.GetVerticalAxisRaw() end + +-- +--Returns a float value between 0 and 1 representing the distance of the joystick from the base. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1185 +---@return Single +function CS.UltimateJoystick.GetDistance() end + +-- +--Updates the color of the highlights attached to the Ultimate Joystick with the targeted color. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: targetColor - New highlight color. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1194 +---@param targetColor UnityEngine.Color +function CS.UltimateJoystick.UpdateHighlightColor(targetColor) end + +-- +--Updates the colors of the tension accents attached to the Ultimate Joystick with the targeted colors. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: targetTensionNone - New idle tension color. +-- targetTensionFull - New full tension color. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1217 +---@param targetTensionNone UnityEngine.Color +---@param targetTensionFull UnityEngine.Color +function CS.UltimateJoystick.UpdateTensionColors(targetTensionNone, targetTensionFull) end + +-- +--Returns the current state of the Ultimate Joystick. This function will return true when the joystick is being interacted with, and false when not. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1231 +---@return Boolean +function CS.UltimateJoystick.GetJoystickState() end + +-- +--Returns the tap count to the Ultimate Joystick. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1239 +---@return Boolean +function CS.UltimateJoystick.GetTapCount() end + +-- +--Disables the Ultimate Joystick. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1247 +function CS.UltimateJoystick.DisableJoystick() end + +-- +--Enables the Ultimate Joystick. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1289 +function CS.UltimateJoystick.EnableJoystick() end + +-- +--Returns the Ultimate Joystick of the targeted name if it exists within the scene. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: joystickName - The Joystick Name of the desired Ultimate Joystick. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1304 +---@param joystickName string +---@return UltimateJoystick +function CS.UltimateJoystick:GetUltimateJoystick(joystickName) end + +-- +--Returns a float value between -1 and 1 representing the horizontal value of the Ultimate Joystick. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: joystickName - The name of the desired Ultimate Joystick. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1316 +---@param joystickName string +---@return Single +function CS.UltimateJoystick:GetHorizontalAxis(joystickName) end + +-- +--Returns a float value between -1 and 1 representing the vertical value of the Ultimate Joystick. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: joystickName - The name of the desired Ultimate Joystick. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1328 +---@param joystickName string +---@return Single +function CS.UltimateJoystick:GetVerticalAxis(joystickName) end + +-- +--Returns a value of -1, 0 or 1 representing the raw horizontal value of the Ultimate Joystick. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: joystickName - The name of the desired Ultimate Joystick. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1340 +---@param joystickName string +---@return Single +function CS.UltimateJoystick:GetHorizontalAxisRaw(joystickName) end + +-- +--Returns a value of -1, 0 or 1 representing the raw vertical value of the Ultimate Joystick. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: joystickName - The name of the desired Ultimate Joystick. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1352 +---@param joystickName string +---@return Single +function CS.UltimateJoystick:GetVerticalAxisRaw(joystickName) end + +-- +--Returns a float value between 0 and 1 representing the distance of the joystick from the base. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: joystickName - The name of the desired Ultimate Joystick. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1364 +---@param joystickName string +---@return Single +function CS.UltimateJoystick:GetDistance(joystickName) end + +-- +--Returns the current interaction state of the Ultimate Joystick. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: joystickName - The name of the desired Ultimate Joystick. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1376 +---@param joystickName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.UltimateJoystick:GetJoystickState(joystickName) end + +-- +--Returns the current state of the tap count according to the options set. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: joystickName - The name of the desired Ultimate Joystick. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1388 +---@param joystickName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.UltimateJoystick:GetTapCount(joystickName) end + +-- +--Disables the targeted Ultimate Joystick. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: joystickName - The name of the desired Ultimate Joystick. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1400 +---@param joystickName string +function CS.UltimateJoystick:DisableJoystick(joystickName) end + +-- +--Enables the targeted Ultimate Joystick. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: joystickName - The name of the desired Ultimate Joystick. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:1412 +---@param joystickName string +function CS.UltimateJoystick:EnableJoystick(joystickName) end + + +-- +--Property binding lets you bind two fields or properties so that changing one will update the other. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyBinding.cs:14 +---@class PropertyBinding: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--First property reference. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyBinding.cs:35 +---@field source PropertyReference +-- +--Second property reference. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyBinding.cs:41 +---@field target PropertyReference +-- +--Direction of updates. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyBinding.cs:47 +---@field direction PropertyBinding.Direction +-- +--When the property update will occur. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyBinding.cs:53 +---@field update PropertyBinding.UpdateCondition +-- +--Whether the values will update while in edit mode. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyBinding.cs:59 +---@field editMode bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyBinding.cs:14 +CS.PropertyBinding = {} + +-- +--Immediately update the bound data. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyBinding.cs:105 +function CS.PropertyBinding.UpdateTarget() end + + +-- +--Text list can be used with a UILabel to create a scrollable multi-line text field that's +-- easy to add new entries to. Optimal use: chat window. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITextList.cs:20 +---@class UITextList: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--Label the contents of which will be modified with the chat entries. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITextList.cs:32 +---@field textLabel UILabel +-- +--Vertical scroll bar associated with the text list. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITextList.cs:38 +---@field scrollBar UIProgressBar +-- +--Text style. Text entries go top to bottom. Chat entries go bottom to top. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITextList.cs:44 +---@field style UITextList.Style +-- +--Maximum number of chat log entries to keep before discarding them. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITextList.cs:50 +---@field paragraphHistory int +-- +--Return the number of paragraphs currently in the text list. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITextList.cs:97 +---@field paragraphCount int +-- +--Whether the text list is usable. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITextList.cs:104 +---@field isValid bool +-- +--Relative (0-1 range) scroll value, with 0 being the oldest entry and 1 being the newest entry. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITextList.cs:113 +---@field scrollValue float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITextList.cs:20 +CS.UITextList = {} + +-- +--Clear the text. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITextList.cs:162 +function CS.UITextList.Clear() end + +-- +--Allow scrolling of the text list. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITextList.cs:208 +---@param val float +function CS.UITextList.OnScroll(val) end + +-- +--Allow dragging of the text list. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITextList.cs:223 +---@param delta UnityEngine.Vector2 +function CS.UITextList.OnDrag(delta) end + +-- +--Add a new paragraph. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITextList.cs:248 +---@param text string +function CS.UITextList.Add(text) end + + +-- +--Attaching this script to an object will let you trigger remote functions using NGUI events. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIEventTrigger.cs:14 +---@class UIEventTrigger: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIEventTrigger.cs:16 +---@field current UIEventTrigger +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIEventTrigger.cs:18 +---@field onHoverOver System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIEventTrigger.cs:19 +---@field onHoverOut System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIEventTrigger.cs:20 +---@field onPress System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIEventTrigger.cs:21 +---@field onRelease System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIEventTrigger.cs:22 +---@field onSelect System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIEventTrigger.cs:23 +---@field onDeselect System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIEventTrigger.cs:24 +---@field onClick System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIEventTrigger.cs:25 +---@field onDoubleClick System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIEventTrigger.cs:26 +---@field onDragStart System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIEventTrigger.cs:27 +---@field onDragEnd System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIEventTrigger.cs:28 +---@field onDragOver System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIEventTrigger.cs:29 +---@field onDragOut System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIEventTrigger.cs:30 +---@field onDrag System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--Whether the collider is enabled and the widget can be interacted with. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIEventTrigger.cs:36 +---@field isColliderEnabled bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIEventTrigger.cs:14 +CS.UIEventTrigger = {} + + +-- +--Very simple script that can be attached to a slider and will control the volume of all sounds played via NGUITools.PlaySound, +-- which includes all of UI's sounds. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UISoundVolume.cs:15 +---@class UISoundVolume: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UISoundVolume.cs:15 +CS.UISoundVolume = {} + + +-- +--Similar to UIButtonColor, but adds a 'disabled' state based on whether the collider is enabled or not. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButton.cs:14 +---@class UIButton: UIButtonColor +-- +--Current button that sent out the onClick event. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButton.cs:20 +---@field current UIButton +-- +--Whether the button will highlight when you drag something over it. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButton.cs:26 +---@field dragHighlight bool +-- +--Name of the hover state sprite. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButton.cs:32 +---@field hoverSprite string +-- +--Name of the pressed sprite. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButton.cs:38 +---@field pressedSprite string +-- +--Name of the disabled sprite. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButton.cs:44 +---@field disabledSprite string +-- +--Name of the hover state sprite. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButton.cs:50 +---@field hoverSprite2D UnityEngine.Sprite +-- +--Name of the pressed sprite. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButton.cs:56 +---@field pressedSprite2D UnityEngine.Sprite +-- +--Name of the disabled sprite. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButton.cs:62 +---@field disabledSprite2D UnityEngine.Sprite +-- +--Whether the sprite changes will elicit a call to MakePixelPerfect() or not. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButton.cs:68 +---@field pixelSnap bool +-- +--Click event listener. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButton.cs:74 +---@field onClick System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--Whether the button should be enabled. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButton.cs:87 +---@field isEnabled bool +-- +--Convenience function that changes the normal sprite. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButton.cs:136 +---@field normalSprite string +-- +--Convenience function that changes the normal sprite. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButton.cs:164 +---@field normalSprite2D UnityEngine.Sprite +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButton.cs:14 +CS.UIButton = {} + +-- +--Change the visual state. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButton.cs:275 +---@param state UIButtonColor.State +---@param immediate bool +function CS.UIButton.SetState(state, immediate) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteData.cs:11 +---@class UISpriteData: object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteData.cs:13 +---@field name string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteData.cs:14 +---@field x int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteData.cs:15 +---@field y int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteData.cs:16 +---@field width int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteData.cs:17 +---@field height int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteData.cs:19 +---@field borderLeft int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteData.cs:20 +---@field borderRight int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteData.cs:21 +---@field borderTop int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteData.cs:22 +---@field borderBottom int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteData.cs:24 +---@field paddingLeft int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteData.cs:25 +---@field paddingRight int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteData.cs:26 +---@field paddingTop int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteData.cs:27 +---@field paddingBottom int +-- +--Whether the sprite has a border. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteData.cs:35 +---@field hasBorder bool +-- +--Whether the sprite has been offset via padding. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteData.cs:41 +---@field hasPadding bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteData.cs:11 +CS.UISpriteData = {} + +-- +--Convenience function -- set the X, Y, width, and height. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteData.cs:47 +---@param x int +---@param y int +---@param width int +---@param height int +function CS.UISpriteData.SetRect(x, y, width, height) end + +-- +--Convenience function -- set the sprite's padding. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteData.cs:59 +---@param left int +---@param bottom int +---@param right int +---@param top int +function CS.UISpriteData.SetPadding(left, bottom, right, top) end + +-- +--Convenience function -- set the sprite's border. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteData.cs:71 +---@param left int +---@param bottom int +---@param right int +---@param top int +function CS.UISpriteData.SetBorder(left, bottom, right, top) end + +-- +--Copy all values of the specified sprite data. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteData.cs:83 +---@param sd UISpriteData +function CS.UISpriteData.CopyFrom(sd) end + +-- +--Copy the border information from the specified sprite. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteData.cs:107 +---@param sd UISpriteData +function CS.UISpriteData.CopyBorderFrom(sd) end + + +-- +--Play the specified tween on click. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayTween.cs:16 +---@class UIPlayTween: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayTween.cs:18 +---@field current UIPlayTween +-- +--Target on which there is one or more tween. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayTween.cs:24 +---@field tweenTarget UnityEngine.GameObject +-- +--If there are multiple tweens, you can choose which ones get activated by changing their group. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayTween.cs:30 +---@field tweenGroup int +-- +--Which event will trigger the tween. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayTween.cs:36 +---@field trigger AnimationOrTween.Trigger +-- +--Direction to tween in. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayTween.cs:42 +---@field playDirection AnimationOrTween.Direction +-- +--Whether the tween will be reset to the start or end when activated. If not, it will continue from where it currently is. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayTween.cs:48 +---@field resetOnPlay bool +-- +--Whether the tween will be reset to the start if it's disabled when activated. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayTween.cs:54 +---@field resetIfDisabled bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayTween.cs:57 +---@field setState bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayTween.cs:60 +---@field startState float +-- +--What to do if the tweenTarget game object is currently disabled. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayTween.cs:66 +---@field ifDisabledOnPlay AnimationOrTween.EnableCondition +-- +--What to do with the tweenTarget after the tween finishes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayTween.cs:72 +---@field disableWhenFinished AnimationOrTween.DisableCondition +-- +--Whether the tweens on the child game objects will be considered. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayTween.cs:78 +---@field includeChildren bool +-- +--Event delegates called when the animation finishes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayTween.cs:84 +---@field onFinished System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayTween.cs:16 +CS.UIPlayTween = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayTween.cs:322 +function CS.UIPlayTween.Stop() end + +-- +--Activate the tweeners. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayTween.cs:329 +function CS.UIPlayTween.Play() end + +-- +--Activate the tweeners. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayTween.cs:335 +---@param forward bool +function CS.UIPlayTween.Play(forward) end + + +-- +--Spring-like motion -- the farther away the object is from the target, the stronger the pull. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/SpringPosition.cs:13 +---@class SpringPosition: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/SpringPosition.cs:15 +---@field current SpringPosition +-- +--Target position to tween to. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/SpringPosition.cs:21 +---@field target UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Strength of the spring. The higher the value, the faster the movement. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/SpringPosition.cs:27 +---@field strength float +-- +--Is the calculation done in world space or local space? +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/SpringPosition.cs:33 +---@field worldSpace bool +-- +--Whether the time scale will be ignored. Generally UI components should set it to 'true'. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/SpringPosition.cs:39 +---@field ignoreTimeScale bool +-- +--Whether the parent scroll view will be updated as the object moves. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/SpringPosition.cs:45 +---@field updateScrollView bool +-- +--Delegate to trigger when the spring finishes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/SpringPosition.cs:53 +---@field onFinished SpringPosition.OnFinished +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/SpringPosition.cs:57 +---@field callWhenFinished string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/SpringPosition.cs:13 +CS.SpringPosition = {} + +-- +--Start the tweening process. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/SpringPosition.cs:130 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param pos UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param strength float +---@return SpringPosition +function CS.SpringPosition:Begin(go, pos, strength) end + + +-- +--This script should be attached to each camera that's used to draw the objects with +-- UI components on them. This may mean only one camera (main camera or your UI camera), +-- or multiple cameras if you happen to have multiple viewports. Failing to attach this +-- script simply means that objects drawn by this camera won't receive UI notifications: +-- +-- * OnHover (isOver) is sent when the mouse hovers over a collider or moves away. +-- * OnPress (isDown) is sent when a mouse button gets pressed on the collider. +-- * OnSelect (selected) is sent when a mouse button is first pressed on an object. Repeated presses won't result in an OnSelect(true). +-- * OnClick () is sent when a mouse is pressed and released on the same object. +-- UICamera.currentTouchID tells you which button was clicked. +-- * OnDoubleClick () is sent when the click happens twice within a fourth of a second. +-- UICamera.currentTouchID tells you which button was clicked. +-- +-- * OnDragStart () is sent to a game object under the touch just before the OnDrag() notifications begin. +-- * OnDrag (delta) is sent to an object that's being dragged. +-- * OnDragOver (draggedObject) is sent to a game object when another object is dragged over its area. +-- * OnDragOut (draggedObject) is sent to a game object when another object is dragged out of its area. +-- * OnDragEnd () is sent to a dragged object when the drag event finishes. +-- +-- * OnTooltip (show) is sent when the mouse hovers over a collider for some time without moving. +-- * OnScroll (float delta) is sent out when the mouse scroll wheel is moved. +-- * OnNavigate (KeyCode key) is sent when horizontal or vertical navigation axes are moved. +-- * OnPan (Vector2 delta) is sent when when horizontal or vertical panning axes are moved. +-- * OnKey (KeyCode key) is sent when keyboard or controller input is used. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:43 +---@class UICamera: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--List of all active cameras in the scene. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:127 +---@field list BetterList +-- +--GetKeyDown function -- return whether the specified key was pressed this Update(). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:140 +---@field GetKeyDown UICamera.GetKeyStateFunc +-- +--GetKeyDown function -- return whether the specified key was released this Update(). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:150 +---@field GetKeyUp UICamera.GetKeyStateFunc +-- +--GetKey function -- return whether the specified key is currently held. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:160 +---@field GetKey UICamera.GetKeyStateFunc +-- +--GetAxis function -- return the state of the specified axis. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:170 +---@field GetAxis UICamera.GetAxisFunc +-- +--User-settable Input.anyKeyDown +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:180 +---@field GetAnyKeyDown UICamera.GetAnyKeyFunc +-- +--Get the details of the specified mouse button. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:186 +---@field GetMouse UICamera.GetMouseDelegate +-- +--Get or create a touch event. If you are trying to iterate through a list of active touches, use activeTouches instead. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:192 +---@field GetTouch UICamera.GetTouchDelegate +-- +--Remove a touch event from the list. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:215 +---@field RemoveTouch UICamera.RemoveTouchDelegate +-- +--Delegate triggered when the screen size changes for any reason. +-- Subscribe to it if you don't want to compare Screen.width and Screen.height each frame. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:233 +---@field onScreenResize UICamera.OnScreenResize +-- +--Event type -- use "UI" for your user interfaces, and "World" for your game camera. +-- This setting changes how raycasts are handled. Raycasts have to be more complicated for UI cameras. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:241 +---@field eventType UICamera.EventType +-- +--By default, events will go to rigidbodies when the Event Type is not UI. +-- You can change this behaviour back to how it was pre-3.7.0 using this flag. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:248 +---@field eventsGoToColliders bool +-- +--Which layers will receive events. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:254 +---@field eventReceiverMask UnityEngine.LayerMask +-- +--When events will be processed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:266 +---@field processEventsIn UICamera.ProcessEventsIn +-- +--If 'true', currently hovered object will be shown in the top left corner. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:272 +---@field debug bool +-- +--Whether the mouse input is used. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:278 +---@field useMouse bool +-- +--Whether the touch-based input is used. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:284 +---@field useTouch bool +-- +--Whether multi-touch is allowed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:290 +---@field allowMultiTouch bool +-- +--Whether the keyboard events will be processed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:296 +---@field useKeyboard bool +-- +--Whether the joystick and controller events will be processed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:302 +---@field useController bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:305 +---@field stickyPress bool +-- +--Whether the tooltip will disappear as soon as the mouse moves (false) or only if the mouse moves outside of the widget's area (true). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:311 +---@field stickyTooltip bool +-- +--How long of a delay to expect before showing the tooltip. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:317 +---@field tooltipDelay float +-- +--If enabled, a tooltip will be shown after touch gets pressed on something and held for more than "tooltipDelay" seconds. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:323 +---@field longPressTooltip bool +-- +--How much the mouse has to be moved after pressing a button before it starts to send out drag events. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:329 +---@field mouseDragThreshold float +-- +--How far the mouse is allowed to move in pixels before it's no longer considered for click events, if the click notification is based on delta. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:335 +---@field mouseClickThreshold float +-- +--How much the mouse has to be moved after pressing a button before it starts to send out drag events. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:341 +---@field touchDragThreshold float +-- +--How far the touch is allowed to move in pixels before it's no longer considered for click events, if the click notification is based on delta. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:347 +---@field touchClickThreshold float +-- +--Raycast range distance. By default it's as far as the camera can see. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:353 +---@field rangeDistance float +-- +--Name of the axis used to send left and right key events. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:359 +---@field horizontalAxisName string +-- +--Name of the axis used to send up and down key events. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:365 +---@field verticalAxisName string +-- +--Name of the horizontal axis used to move scroll views and sliders around. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:371 +---@field horizontalPanAxisName string +-- +--Name of the vertical axis used to move scroll views and sliders around. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:377 +---@field verticalPanAxisName string +-- +--Name of the axis used for scrolling. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:383 +---@field scrollAxisName string +-- +--Simulate a right-click on OSX when the Command key is held and a left-click is used (for trackpad). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:390 +---@field commandClick bool +-- +--Various keys used by the camera. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:396 +---@field submitKey0 UnityEngine.KeyCode +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:397 +---@field submitKey1 UnityEngine.KeyCode +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:398 +---@field cancelKey0 UnityEngine.KeyCode +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:399 +---@field cancelKey1 UnityEngine.KeyCode +-- +--Whether NGUI will automatically hide the mouse cursor when controller or touch input is detected. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:405 +---@field autoHideCursor bool +-- +--Custom input processing logic, if desired. For example: WP7 touches. +-- Use UICamera.current to get the current camera. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:414 +---@field onCustomInput UICamera.OnCustomInput +-- +--Whether tooltips will be shown or not. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:420 +---@field showTooltips bool +-- +--Whether controller input will be temporarily disabled or not. +-- It's useful to be able to turn off controller interaction and only turn it on when the UI is actually visible. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:427 +---@field disableController bool +-- +--If set to 'true', all events will be ignored until set to 'true'. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:443 +---@field ignoreAllEvents bool +-- +--If set to 'true', controller input will be flat-out ignored. Permanently, for all cameras. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:449 +---@field ignoreControllerInput bool +-- +--Position of the last touch (or mouse) event. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:459 +---@field lastTouchPosition UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--Position of the last touch (or mouse) event. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:465 +---@field lastEventPosition UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--Position of the last touch (or mouse) event in the world. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:491 +---@field lastWorldPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Last raycast into the world space. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:497 +---@field lastWorldRay UnityEngine.Ray +-- +--Last raycast hit prior to sending out the event. This is useful if you want detailed information +-- about what was actually hit in your OnClick, OnHover, and other event functions. +-- Note that this is not going to be valid if you're using 2D colliders. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:505 +---@field lastHit UnityEngine.RaycastHit +-- +--UICamera that sent out the event. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:511 +---@field current UICamera +-- +--NGUI event system that will be handling all events. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:517 +---@field first UICamera +-- +--Last camera active prior to sending out the event. This will always be the camera that actually sent out the event. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:530 +---@field currentCamera UnityEngine.Camera +-- +--Delegate called when the control scheme changes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:538 +---@field onSchemeChange UICamera.OnSchemeChange +-- +--Current control scheme. Derived from the last event to arrive. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:545 +---@field currentScheme UICamera.ControlScheme +-- +--ID of the touch or mouse operation prior to sending out the event. +-- Mouse ID is '-1' for left, '-2' for right mouse button, '-3' for middle. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:591 +---@field currentTouchID int +-- +--Key that triggered the event, if any. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:599 +---@field currentKey UnityEngine.KeyCode +-- +--Ray projected into the screen underneath the current touch. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:657 +---@field currentRay UnityEngine.Ray +-- +--Current touch, set before any event function gets called. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:670 +---@field currentTouch UICamera.MouseOrTouch +-- +--Whether an input field currently has focus. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:678 +---@field inputHasFocus bool +-- +--If set, this game object will receive all events regardless of whether they were handled or not. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:695 +---@field genericEventHandler UnityEngine.GameObject +-- +--If events don't get handled, they will be forwarded to this game object. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:701 +---@field fallThrough UnityEngine.GameObject +-- +--These notifications are sent out prior to the actual event going out. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:715 +---@field onClick UICamera.VoidDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:716 +---@field onDoubleClick UICamera.VoidDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:717 +---@field onHover UICamera.BoolDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:718 +---@field onPress UICamera.BoolDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:719 +---@field onSelect UICamera.BoolDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:720 +---@field onScroll UICamera.FloatDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:721 +---@field onDrag UICamera.VectorDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:722 +---@field onDragStart UICamera.VoidDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:723 +---@field onDragOver UICamera.ObjectDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:724 +---@field onDragOut UICamera.ObjectDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:725 +---@field onDragEnd UICamera.VoidDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:726 +---@field onDrop UICamera.ObjectDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:727 +---@field onKey UICamera.KeyCodeDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:728 +---@field onNavigate UICamera.KeyCodeDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:729 +---@field onPan UICamera.VectorDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:730 +---@field onTooltip UICamera.BoolDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:731 +---@field onMouseMove UICamera.MoveDelegate +-- +--Access to the mouse-related data. This is intended to be read-only. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:740 +---@field mouse0 UICamera.MouseOrTouch +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:741 +---@field mouse1 UICamera.MouseOrTouch +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:742 +---@field mouse2 UICamera.MouseOrTouch +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:745 +---@field controller UICamera.MouseOrTouch +-- +--List of all the active touches. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:751 +---@field activeTouches System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--Caching is always preferable for performance. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:781 +---@field cachedCamera UnityEngine.Camera +-- +--Set to 'true' just before OnDrag-related events are sent. No longer needed, but kept for backwards compatibility. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:788 +---@field isDragging bool +-- +--Object that should be showing the tooltip. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:794 +---@field tooltipObject UnityEngine.GameObject +-- +--Whether the last raycast was over the UI. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:821 +---@field isOverUI bool +-- +--Much like 'isOverUI', but also returns 'true' if there is currently an active mouse press on a UI element, or if a UI input has focus. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:875 +---@field uiHasFocus bool +-- +--Whether there is a active current focus on the UI -- either input, or an active touch. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:937 +---@field interactingWithUI bool +-- +--The object over which the mouse is hovering over, or the object currently selected by the controller input. +-- Mouse and controller input share the same hovered object, while touches have no hovered object at all. +-- Checking this value from within a touch-based event will simply return the current touched object. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:998 +---@field hoveredObject UnityEngine.GameObject +-- +--Currently chosen object for controller-based navigation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:1089 +---@field controllerNavigationObject UnityEngine.GameObject +-- +--Selected object receives exclusive focus. An input field requires exclusive focus in order to type, +-- for example. Any object is capable of grabbing the selection just by clicking on that object, +-- but only one object can be selected at a time. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:1151 +---@field selectedObject UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:1295 +---@field touchCount int +-- +--Number of active drag events from all sources. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:1328 +---@field dragCount int +-- +--Convenience function that returns the main HUD camera. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:1356 +---@field mainCamera UnityEngine.Camera +-- +--Event handler for all types of events. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:1369 +---@field eventHandler UICamera +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2358 +---@field GetInputTouchCount UICamera.GetTouchCountCallback +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2359 +---@field GetInputTouch UICamera.GetTouchCallback +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:43 +CS.UICamera = {} + +-- +--Whether this object is a part of the UI or not. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:801 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return Boolean +function CS.UICamera:IsPartOfUI(go) end + +-- +--Returns 'true' if any of the active touch, mouse or controller is currently holding the specified object. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:1282 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return Boolean +function CS.UICamera:IsPressed(go) end + +-- +--Number of active touches from all sources. +-- Note that this will include the sum of touch, mouse and controller events. +-- If you want only touch events, use activeTouches.Count. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:1303 +---@return Int32 +function CS.UICamera:CountInputSources() end + +-- +--Raycast into the screen underneath the touch and update its 'current' value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:1489 +---@param touch UICamera.MouseOrTouch +function CS.UICamera:Raycast(touch) end + +-- +--Returns the object under the specified position. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:1516 +---@param inPos UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@return Boolean +function CS.UICamera:Raycast(inPos) end + +-- +--Whether the specified object should be highlighted. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:1865 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return Boolean +function CS.UICamera:IsHighlighted(go) end + +-- +--Find the camera responsible for handling events on objects of the specified layer. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:1871 +---@param layer int +---@return UICamera +function CS.UICamera:FindCameraForLayer(layer) end + +-- +--Generic notification function. Used in place of SendMessage to shorten the code and allow for more than one receiver. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:1946 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param funcName string +---@param obj object +function CS.UICamera:Notify(go, funcName, obj) end + +-- +--Update mouse input. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2179 +function CS.UICamera.ProcessMouse() end + +-- +--Update touch-based events. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2365 +function CS.UICamera.ProcessTouches() end + +-- +--Process keyboard and joystick events. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2496 +function CS.UICamera.ProcessOthers() end + +-- +--Process the events of the specified touch. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2898 +---@param pressed bool +---@param released bool +function CS.UICamera.ProcessTouch(pressed, released) end + +-- +--Cancel the next tooltip, preventing it from being shown. +-- Moving the mouse again will reset this counter. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2940 +function CS.UICamera:CancelNextTooltip() end + +-- +--Show or hide the tooltip. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2946 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return Boolean +function CS.UICamera:ShowTooltip(go) end + +-- +--Hide the tooltip, if one is visible. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2973 +---@return Boolean +function CS.UICamera:HideTooltip() end + +-- +--Reset the tooltip timer, allowing the tooltip to show again even over the same widget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2979 +---@param delay float +function CS.UICamera:ResetTooltip(delay) end + + +-- +--Allows dragging of the specified target object by mouse or touch, optionally limiting it to be within the UIPanel's clipped rectangle. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragObject.cs:15 +---@class UIDragObject: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--Target object that will be dragged. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragObject.cs:28 +---@field target UnityEngine.Transform +-- +--Panel that will be used for constraining the target. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragObject.cs:34 +---@field panelRegion UIPanel +-- +--Scale value applied to the drag delta. Set X or Y to 0 to disallow dragging in that direction. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragObject.cs:40 +---@field dragMovement UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Momentum added from the mouse scroll wheel. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragObject.cs:46 +---@field scrollMomentum UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Whether the dragging will be restricted to be within the parent panel's bounds. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragObject.cs:52 +---@field restrictWithinPanel bool +-- +--Rectangle to be used as the draggable object's bounds. If none specified, all widgets' bounds get added up. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragObject.cs:58 +---@field contentRect UIRect +-- +--Effect to apply when dragging. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragObject.cs:64 +---@field dragEffect UIDragObject.DragEffect +-- +--How much momentum gets applied when the press is released after dragging. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragObject.cs:70 +---@field momentumAmount float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragObject.cs:15 +CS.UIDragObject = {} + +-- +--Cancel all movement. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragObject.cs:337 +function CS.UIDragObject.CancelMovement() end + +-- +--Cancel the spring movement. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragObject.cs:356 +function CS.UIDragObject.CancelSpring() end + + +-- +--Demo代码 +-- 只是为了暂时把joystick和player从场景中拆出来 +-- 后面有了相关功能记得删 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/JoystickAndPlayer.cs:10 +---@class JoystickAndPlayer: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/JoystickAndPlayer.cs:12 +---@field Instance JoystickAndPlayer +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/JoystickAndPlayer.cs:13 +---@field Desc string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/JoystickAndPlayer.cs:14 +---@field root UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/JoystickAndPlayer.cs:10 +CS.JoystickAndPlayer = {} + + +-- +--Simple example script of how a button can be rotated visibly when the mouse hovers over it or it gets pressed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonRotation.cs:13 +---@class UIButtonRotation: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonRotation.cs:15 +---@field tweenTarget UnityEngine.Transform +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonRotation.cs:16 +---@field hover UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonRotation.cs:17 +---@field pressed UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonRotation.cs:18 +---@field duration float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonRotation.cs:13 +CS.UIButtonRotation = {} + + +-- +--MemoryStream.ReadLine has an interesting oddity: it doesn't always advance the stream's position by the correct amount: +-- http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-AU/Vsexpressvcs/thread/b8f7837b-e396-494e-88e1-30547fcf385f +-- Solution? Custom line reader with the added benefit of not having to use streams at all. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/ByteReader.cs:17 +---@class ByteReader: object +-- +--Whether the buffer is readable. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/ByteReader.cs:51 +---@field canRead bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/ByteReader.cs:17 +CS.ByteReader = {} + +-- +--Read the contents of the specified file and return a Byte Reader to work with. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/ByteReader.cs:29 +---@param path string +---@return ByteReader +function CS.ByteReader:Open(path) end + +-- +--Read a single line from the buffer. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/ByteReader.cs:130 +---@return String +function CS.ByteReader.ReadLine() end + +-- +--Read a single line from the buffer. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/ByteReader.cs:136 +---@param skipEmptyLines bool +---@return String +function CS.ByteReader.ReadLine(skipEmptyLines) end + +-- +--Assume that the entire file is a collection of key/value pairs. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/ByteReader.cs:172 +---@return Dictionary +function CS.ByteReader.ReadDictionary() end + +-- +--Read a single line of Comma-Separated Values from the file. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/ByteReader.cs:205 +---@return BetterList +function CS.ByteReader.ReadCSV() end + + +-- +--This script can be used to stretch objects relative to the screen's width and height. +-- The most obvious use would be to create a full-screen background by attaching it to a sprite. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIStretch.cs:15 +---@class UIStretch: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--Camera used to determine the anchor bounds. Set automatically if none was specified. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIStretch.cs:32 +---@field uiCamera UnityEngine.Camera +-- +--Object used to determine the container's bounds. Overwrites the camera-based anchoring if the value was specified. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIStretch.cs:38 +---@field container UnityEngine.GameObject +-- +--Stretching style. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIStretch.cs:44 +---@field style UIStretch.Style +-- +--Whether the operation will occur only once and the script will then be disabled. +-- Screen size changes will still cause the script's logic to execute. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIStretch.cs:51 +---@field runOnlyOnce bool +-- +--Relative-to-target size. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIStretch.cs:57 +---@field relativeSize UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--The size that the item/image should start out initially. +-- Used for FillKeepingRatio, and FitInternalKeepingRatio. +-- Contributed by Dylan Ryan. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIStretch.cs:65 +---@field initialSize UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--Padding applied after the size of the stretched object gets calculated. This value is in pixels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIStretch.cs:71 +---@field borderPadding UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIStretch.cs:15 +CS.UIStretch = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/SpringPosition.cs:47 +---@class OnFinished: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/SpringPosition.cs:47 +CS.OnFinished = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/SpringPosition.cs:47 +function CS.OnFinished.Invoke() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/SpringPosition.cs:47 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnFinished.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/SpringPosition.cs:47 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnFinished.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnit.cs:5 +---@class MapUnit: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--能否在上面走,子弹能不能穿过之类的类型 +-- 后面再加个表配Id对应的参数 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnit.cs:11 +---@field TypeId int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnit.cs:14 +---@field includeRootPos bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnit.cs:17 +---@field grid System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnit.cs:5 +CS.MapUnit = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragObject.cs:17 +---@class DragEffect: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragObject.cs:19 +---@field None UIDragObject.DragEffect +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragObject.cs:20 +---@field Momentum UIDragObject.DragEffect +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragObject.cs:21 +---@field MomentumAndSpring UIDragObject.DragEffect +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragObject.cs:17 +CS.DragEffect = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIDragObject.DragEffect +function CS.DragEffect:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Base class for all UI components that should be derived from when creating new widget types. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:15 +---@class UIWidget: UIRect +-- +--Notification triggered when the widget's dimensions or position changes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:44 +---@field onChange UIWidget.OnDimensionsChanged +-- +--Notification triggered after the widget's buffer has been filled. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:51 +---@field onPostFill UIWidget.OnPostFillCallback +-- +--Callback triggered when the widget is about to be renderered (OnWillRenderObject). +-- NOTE: This property is only exposed for the sake of speed to avoid property execution. +-- In most cases you will want to use UIWidget.onRender instead. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:60 +---@field mOnRender UIDrawCall.OnRenderCallback +-- +--Set the callback that will be triggered when the widget is being rendered (OnWillRenderObject). +-- This is where you would set material properties and shader values. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:67 +---@field onRender UIDrawCall.OnRenderCallback +-- +--If set to 'true', the box collider's dimensions will be adjusted to always match the widget whenever it resizes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:95 +---@field autoResizeBoxCollider bool +-- +--Hide the widget if it happens to be off-screen. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:101 +---@field hideIfOffScreen bool +-- +--Whether the rectangle will attempt to maintain a specific aspect ratio. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:114 +---@field keepAspectRatio UIWidget.AspectRatioSource +-- +--If you want the anchored rectangle to keep a specific aspect ratio, set this value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:120 +---@field aspectRatio float +-- +--Custom hit check function. If set, all hit checks (including events) will call this function, +-- passing the world position. Return 'true' if it's within the bounds of your choice, 'false' otherwise. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:129 +---@field hitCheck UIWidget.HitCheck +-- +--Panel that's managing this widget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:135 +---@field panel UIPanel +-- +--Widget's generated geometry. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:141 +---@field geometry UIGeometry +-- +--If set to 'false', the widget's OnFill function will not be called, letting you define custom geometry at will. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:147 +---@field fillGeometry bool +-- +--Internal usage -- draw call that's drawing the widget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:161 +---@field drawCall UIDrawCall +-- +--Draw region alters how the widget looks without modifying the widget's rectangle. +-- A region is made up of 4 relative values (0-1 range). The order is Left (X), Bottom (Y), Right (Z) and Top (W). +-- To have a widget's left edge be 30% from the left side, set X to 0.3. To have the widget's right edge be 30% +-- from the right hand side, set Z to 0.7. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:171 +---@field drawRegion UnityEngine.Vector4 +-- +--Pivot offset in relative coordinates. Bottom-left is (0, 0). Top-right is (1, 1). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:192 +---@field pivotOffset UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--Widget's width in pixels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:198 +---@field width int +-- +--Widget's height in pixels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:245 +---@field height int +-- +--Color used by the widget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:292 +---@field color UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Widget's alpha -- a convenience method. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:328 +---@field alpha float +-- +--Whether the widget is currently visible. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:351 +---@field isVisible bool +-- +--Whether the widget has vertices to draw. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:357 +---@field hasVertices bool +-- +--Change the pivot point and do not attempt to keep the widget in the same place by adjusting its transform. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:363 +---@field rawPivot UIWidget.Pivot +-- +--Set or get the value that specifies where the widget's pivot point should be. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:384 +---@field pivot UIWidget.Pivot +-- +--Depth controls the rendering order -- lowest to highest. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:422 +---@field depth int +-- +--Raycast depth order on widgets takes the depth of their panel into consideration. +-- This functionality is used to determine the "final" depth of the widget for drawing and raycasts. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:466 +---@field raycastDepth int +-- +--Local space corners of the widget. The order is bottom-left, top-left, top-right, bottom-right. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:479 +---@field localCorners UnityEngine.Vector3[] +-- +--Local width and height of the widget in pixels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:503 +---@field localSize UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--Widget's center in local coordinates. Don't forget to transform by the widget's transform. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:516 +---@field localCenter UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--World-space corners of the widget. The order is bottom-left, top-left, top-right, bottom-right. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:529 +---@field worldCorners UnityEngine.Vector3[] +-- +--World-space center of the widget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:555 +---@field worldCenter UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Local space region where the actual drawing will take place. +-- X = left, Y = bottom, Z = right, W = top. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:562 +---@field drawingDimensions UnityEngine.Vector4 +-- +--Custom material associated with the widget, if any. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:584 +---@field material UnityEngine.Material +-- +--Texture used by the widget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:605 +---@field mainTexture UnityEngine.Texture +-- +--Shader is used to create a dynamic material if the widget has no material to work with. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:622 +---@field shader UnityEngine.Shader +-- +--Do not use this, it's obsolete. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:640 +---@field relativeSize UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--Convenience function that returns 'true' if the widget has a box collider. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:646 +---@field hasBoxCollider bool +-- +--Whether this widget will be selectable in the scene view or not. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:1303 +---@field isSelectable bool +-- +--Whether widgets will show handles with the Move Tool, or just the View Tool. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:1312 +---@field showHandlesWithMoveTool bool +-- +--Whether the widget should have some form of handles shown. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:1338 +---@field showHandles bool +-- +--Minimum allowed width for this widget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:1560 +---@field minWidth int +-- +--Minimum allowed height for this widget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:1566 +---@field minHeight int +-- +--Dimensions of the sprite's border, if any. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:1572 +---@field border UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:15 +CS.UIWidget = {} + +-- +--Change the color without affecting the alpha. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:313 +---@param c UnityEngine.Color +function CS.UIWidget.SetColorNoAlpha(c) end + +-- +--Adjust the widget's dimensions without going through the anchor validation logic. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:664 +---@param w int +---@param h int +function CS.UIWidget.SetDimensions(w, h) end + +-- +--Get the sides of the rectangle relative to the specified transform. +-- The order is left, top, right, bottom. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:689 +---@param relativeTo UnityEngine.Transform +function CS.UIWidget.GetSides(relativeTo) end + +-- +--Widget's final alpha, after taking the panel's alpha into account. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:720 +---@param frameID int +---@return Single +function CS.UIWidget.CalculateFinalAlpha(frameID) end + +-- +--Update the widget's visibility and final alpha. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:755 +---@param includeChildren bool +function CS.UIWidget.Invalidate(includeChildren) end + +-- +--Same as final alpha, except it doesn't take own visibility into consideration. Used by panels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:773 +---@param frameID int +---@return Single +function CS.UIWidget.CalculateCumulativeAlpha(frameID) end + +-- +--Set the widget's rectangle. XY is the bottom-left corner. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:783 +---@param x float +---@param y float +---@param width float +---@param height float +function CS.UIWidget.SetRect(x, y, width, height) end + +-- +--Adjust the widget's collider size to match the widget's dimensions. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:826 +function CS.UIWidget.ResizeCollider() end + +-- +--Static widget comparison function used for depth sorting. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:839 +---@param left UIWidget +---@param right UIWidget +---@return Int32 +function CS.UIWidget:FullCompareFunc(left, right) end + +-- +--Static widget comparison function used for inter-panel depth sorting. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:851 +---@param left UIWidget +---@param right UIWidget +---@return Int32 +function CS.UIWidget:PanelCompareFunc(left, right) end + +-- +--Calculate the widget's bounds, optionally making them relative to the specified transform. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:870 +---@return Bounds +function CS.UIWidget.CalculateBounds() end + +-- +--Calculate the widget's bounds, optionally making them relative to the specified transform. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:876 +---@param relativeParent UnityEngine.Transform +---@return Bounds +function CS.UIWidget.CalculateBounds(relativeParent) end + +-- +--Mark the widget as changed so that the geometry can be rebuilt. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:899 +function CS.UIWidget.SetDirty() end + +-- +--Remove this widget from the panel. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:915 +function CS.UIWidget.RemoveFromPanel() end + +-- +--Tell the panel responsible for the widget that something has changed and the buffers need to be rebuilt. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:988 +function CS.UIWidget.MarkAsChanged() end + +-- +--Ensure we have a panel referencing this widget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:1013 +---@return UIPanel +function CS.UIWidget.CreatePanel() end + +-- +--Check to ensure that the widget resides on the same layer as its panel. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:1034 +function CS.UIWidget.CheckLayer() end + +-- +--Checks to ensure that the widget is still parented to the right panel. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:1048 +function CS.UIWidget.ParentHasChanged() end + +-- +--Update the widget's visibility state. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:1388 +---@param visibleByAlpha bool +---@param visibleByPanel bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIWidget.UpdateVisibility(visibleByAlpha, visibleByPanel) end + +-- +--Check to see if the widget has moved relative to the panel that manages it +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:1408 +---@param frame int +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIWidget.UpdateTransform(frame) end + +-- +--Update the widget and fill its geometry if necessary. Returns whether something was changed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:1464 +---@param frame int +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIWidget.UpdateGeometry(frame) end + +-- +--Append the local geometry buffers to the specified ones. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:1535 +---@param v System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param u System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param c System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param n System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param t System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param u2 System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UIWidget.WriteToBuffers(v, u, c, n, t, u2) end + +-- +--Make the widget pixel-perfect. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:1544 +function CS.UIWidget.MakePixelPerfect() end + +-- +--Virtual function called by the UIPanel that fills the buffers. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:1578 +---@param verts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param uvs System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param cols System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UIWidget.OnFill(verts, uvs, cols) end + +-- +--Called when NGUI adds this widget to a panel. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:1589 +---@param p UIPanel +function CS.UIWidget.OnAddToPanel(p) end + +-- +--Called when NGUI removes this widget from a panel. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:1595 +---@param p UIPanel +function CS.UIWidget.OnRemoveFromPanel(p) end + + +-- +--Allows dragging of the specified scroll view by mouse or touch. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragScrollView.cs:14 +---@class UIDragScrollView: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--Reference to the scroll view that will be dragged by the script. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragScrollView.cs:20 +---@field scrollView UIScrollView +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragScrollView.cs:14 +CS.UIDragScrollView = {} + +-- +--Pan the scroll view. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragScrollView.cs:146 +---@param delta UnityEngine.Vector2 +function CS.UIDragScrollView.OnPan(delta) end + + +-- +--Helper class containing generic functions used throughout the UI library. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:15 +---@class NGUIMath: object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:15 +CS.NGUIMath = {} + +-- +--Lerp function that doesn't clamp the 'factor' in 0-1 range. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:23 +---@param from float +---@param to float +---@param factor float +---@return Single +function CS.NGUIMath:Lerp(from, to, factor) end + +-- +--Clamp the specified integer to be between 0 and below 'max'. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:31 +---@param val int +---@param max int +---@return Int32 +function CS.NGUIMath:ClampIndex(val, max) end + +-- +--Wrap the index using repeating logic, so that for example +1 past the end means index of '1'. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:39 +---@param val int +---@param max int +---@return Int32 +function CS.NGUIMath:RepeatIndex(val, max) end + +-- +--Ensure that the angle is within -180 to 180 range. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:53 +---@param angle float +---@return Single +function CS.NGUIMath:WrapAngle(angle) end + +-- +--In the shader, equivalent function would be 'fract' +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:66 +---@param val float +---@return Single +function CS.NGUIMath:Wrap01(val) end + +-- +--Convert a hexadecimal character to its decimal value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:74 +---@param ch char +---@param defVal int +---@return Int32 +function CS.NGUIMath:HexToDecimal(ch, defVal) end + +-- +--Convert a single 0-15 value into its hex representation. +-- It's coded because int.ToString(format) syntax doesn't seem to be supported by Unity's Flash. It just silently crashes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:111 +---@param num int +---@return Char +function CS.NGUIMath:DecimalToHexChar(num) end + +-- +--Convert a decimal value to its hex representation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:124 +---@param num int +---@return String +function CS.NGUIMath:DecimalToHex8(num) end + +-- +--Convert a decimal value to its hex representation. +-- It's coded because num.ToString("X6") syntax doesn't seem to be supported by Unity's Flash. It just silently crashes. +-- string.Format("{0,6:X}", num).Replace(' ', '0') doesn't work either. It returns the format string, not the formatted value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:145 +---@param num int +---@return String +function CS.NGUIMath:DecimalToHex24(num) end + +-- +--Convert a decimal value to its hex representation. +-- It's coded because num.ToString("X6") syntax doesn't seem to be supported by Unity's Flash. It just silently crashes. +-- string.Format("{0,6:X}", num).Replace(' ', '0') doesn't work either. It returns the format string, not the formatted value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:170 +---@param num int +---@return String +function CS.NGUIMath:DecimalToHex32(num) end + +-- +--Convert the specified color to RGBA32 integer format. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:194 +---@param c UnityEngine.Color +---@return Int32 +function CS.NGUIMath:ColorToInt(c) end + +-- +--Convert the specified RGBA32 integer to Color. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:210 +---@param val int +---@return Color +function CS.NGUIMath:IntToColor(val) end + +-- +--Convert the specified integer to a human-readable string representing the binary value. Useful for debugging bytes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:227 +---@param val int +---@param bits int +---@return String +function CS.NGUIMath:IntToBinary(val, bits) end + +-- +--Convenience conversion function, allowing hex format (0xRrGgBbAa). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:245 +---@param val uint +---@return Color +function CS.NGUIMath:HexToColor(val) end + +-- +--Convert from top-left based pixel coordinates to bottom-left based UV coordinates. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:254 +---@param rect UnityEngine.Rect +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@return Rect +function CS.NGUIMath:ConvertToTexCoords(rect, width, height) end + +-- +--Convert from bottom-left based UV coordinates to top-left based pixel coordinates. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:272 +---@param rect UnityEngine.Rect +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param round bool +---@return Rect +function CS.NGUIMath:ConvertToPixels(rect, width, height, round) end + +-- +--Round the pixel rectangle's dimensions. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:297 +---@param rect UnityEngine.Rect +---@return Rect +function CS.NGUIMath:MakePixelPerfect(rect) end + +-- +--Round the texture coordinate rectangle's dimensions. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:310 +---@param rect UnityEngine.Rect +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@return Rect +function CS.NGUIMath:MakePixelPerfect(rect, width, height) end + +-- +--Constrain 'rect' to be within 'area' as much as possible, returning the Vector2 offset necessary for this to happen. +-- This function is useful when trying to restrict one area (window) to always be within another (viewport). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:325 +---@param minRect UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param maxRect UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param minArea UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param maxArea UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.NGUIMath:ConstrainRect(minRect, maxRect, minArea, maxArea) end + +-- +--Calculate the combined bounds of all widgets attached to the specified game object or its children (in world space). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:363 +---@param trans UnityEngine.Transform +---@return Bounds +function CS.NGUIMath:CalculateAbsoluteWidgetBounds(trans) end + +-- +--Calculate the combined bounds of all widgets attached to the specified game object or its children (in relative-to-object space). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:417 +---@param trans UnityEngine.Transform +---@return Bounds +function CS.NGUIMath:CalculateRelativeWidgetBounds(trans) end + +-- +--Calculate the combined bounds of all widgets attached to the specified game object or its children (in relative-to-object space). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:426 +---@param trans UnityEngine.Transform +---@param considerInactive bool +---@return Bounds +function CS.NGUIMath:CalculateRelativeWidgetBounds(trans, considerInactive) end + +-- +--Calculate the combined bounds of all widgets attached to the specified game object or its children (in relative-to-object space). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:435 +---@param relativeTo UnityEngine.Transform +---@param content UnityEngine.Transform +---@return Bounds +function CS.NGUIMath:CalculateRelativeWidgetBounds(relativeTo, content) end + +-- +--Calculate the combined bounds of all widgets attached to the specified game object or its children (in relative-to-object space). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:444 +---@param relativeTo UnityEngine.Transform +---@param content UnityEngine.Transform +---@param considerInactive bool +---@param considerChildren bool +---@return Bounds +function CS.NGUIMath:CalculateRelativeWidgetBounds(relativeTo, content, considerInactive, considerChildren) end + +-- +--This code is not framerate-independent: +-- +-- target.position += velocity; +-- velocity = Vector3.Lerp(velocity, Vector3.zero, Time.deltaTime * 9f); +-- +-- But this code is: +-- +-- target.position += NGUIMath.SpringDampen(ref velocity, 9f, Time.deltaTime); +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:545 +---@param velocity UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param strength float +---@param deltaTime float +---@return Vector3 +function CS.NGUIMath:SpringDampen(velocity, strength, deltaTime) end + +-- +--Same as the Vector3 version, it's a framerate-independent Lerp. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:560 +---@param velocity UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param strength float +---@param deltaTime float +---@return Vector2 +function CS.NGUIMath:SpringDampen(velocity, strength, deltaTime) end + +-- +--Calculate how much to interpolate by. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:575 +---@param strength float +---@param deltaTime float +---@return Single +function CS.NGUIMath:SpringLerp(strength, deltaTime) end + +-- +--Mathf.Lerp(from, to, Time.deltaTime * strength) is not framerate-independent. This function is. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:589 +---@param from float +---@param to float +---@param strength float +---@param deltaTime float +---@return Single +function CS.NGUIMath:SpringLerp(from, to, strength, deltaTime) end + +-- +--Vector2.Lerp(from, to, Time.deltaTime * strength) is not framerate-independent. This function is. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:602 +---@param from UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param to UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param strength float +---@param deltaTime float +---@return Vector2 +function CS.NGUIMath:SpringLerp(from, to, strength, deltaTime) end + +-- +--Vector3.Lerp(from, to, Time.deltaTime * strength) is not framerate-independent. This function is. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:611 +---@param from UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param to UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param strength float +---@param deltaTime float +---@return Vector3 +function CS.NGUIMath:SpringLerp(from, to, strength, deltaTime) end + +-- +--Quaternion.Slerp(from, to, Time.deltaTime * strength) is not framerate-independent. This function is. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:620 +---@param from UnityEngine.Quaternion +---@param to UnityEngine.Quaternion +---@param strength float +---@param deltaTime float +---@return Quaternion +function CS.NGUIMath:SpringLerp(from, to, strength, deltaTime) end + +-- +--Since there is no Mathf.RotateTowards... +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:629 +---@param from float +---@param to float +---@param maxAngle float +---@return Single +function CS.NGUIMath:RotateTowards(from, to, maxAngle) end + +-- +--Determine the distance from the mouse position to the screen space rectangle specified by the 4 points. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:655 +---@param screenPoints UnityEngine.Vector2[] +---@param mousePos UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@return Single +function CS.NGUIMath:DistanceToRectangle(screenPoints, mousePos) end + +-- +--Determine the distance from the mouse position to the world rectangle specified by the 4 points. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:697 +---@param worldPoints UnityEngine.Vector3[] +---@param mousePos UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param cam UnityEngine.Camera +---@return Single +function CS.NGUIMath:DistanceToRectangle(worldPoints, mousePos, cam) end + +-- +--Helper function that converts the widget's pivot enum into a 0-1 range vector. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:709 +---@param pv UIWidget.Pivot +---@return Vector2 +function CS.NGUIMath:GetPivotOffset(pv) end + +-- +--Helper function that converts the pivot offset to a pivot point. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:728 +---@param offset UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@return Pivot +function CS.NGUIMath:GetPivot(offset) end + +-- +--Adjust the widget's position using the specified local delta coordinates. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:754 +---@param w UIRect +---@param x float +---@param y float +function CS.NGUIMath:MoveWidget(w, x, y) end + +-- +--Adjust the rectangle's position using the specified local delta coordinates. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:760 +---@param rect UIRect +---@param x float +---@param y float +function CS.NGUIMath:MoveRect(rect, x, y) end + +-- +--Given the specified dragged pivot point, adjust the widget's dimensions. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:805 +---@param w UIWidget +---@param pivot UIWidget.Pivot +---@param x float +---@param y float +---@param minWidth int +---@param minHeight int +function CS.NGUIMath:ResizeWidget(w, pivot, x, y, minWidth, minHeight) end + +-- +--Given the specified dragged pivot point, adjust the widget's dimensions. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:814 +---@param w UIWidget +---@param pivot UIWidget.Pivot +---@param x float +---@param y float +---@param minWidth int +---@param minHeight int +---@param maxWidth int +---@param maxHeight int +function CS.NGUIMath:ResizeWidget(w, pivot, x, y, minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight) end + +-- +--Adjust the widget's rectangle based on the specified modifier values. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:876 +---@param w UIWidget +---@param left float +---@param bottom float +---@param right float +---@param top float +function CS.NGUIMath:AdjustWidget(w, left, bottom, right, top) end + +-- +--Adjust the widget's rectangle based on the specified modifier values. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:885 +---@param w UIWidget +---@param left float +---@param bottom float +---@param right float +---@param top float +---@param minWidth int +---@param minHeight int +function CS.NGUIMath:AdjustWidget(w, left, bottom, right, top, minWidth, minHeight) end + +-- +--Adjust the widget's rectangle based on the specified modifier values. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:894 +---@param w UIWidget +---@param left float +---@param bottom float +---@param right float +---@param top float +---@param minWidth int +---@param minHeight int +---@param maxWidth int +---@param maxHeight int +function CS.NGUIMath:AdjustWidget(w, left, bottom, right, top, minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight) end + +-- +--Adjust the specified value by DPI: height * 96 / DPI. +-- This will result in in a smaller value returned for higher pixel density devices. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:1043 +---@param height float +---@return Int32 +function CS.NGUIMath:AdjustByDPI(height) end + +-- +--Convert the specified position, making it relative to the specified object. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:1068 +---@param pos UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param relativeTo UnityEngine.Transform +---@return Vector2 +function CS.NGUIMath:ScreenToPixels(pos, relativeTo) end + +-- +--Convert the specified position, making it relative to the specified object's parent. +-- Useful if you plan on positioning the widget using the specified value (think mouse cursor). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:1088 +---@param pos UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param relativeTo UnityEngine.Transform +---@return Vector2 +function CS.NGUIMath:ScreenToParentPixels(pos, relativeTo) end + +-- +--Convert the specified world point from one camera's world space to another, then make it relative to the specified transform. +-- You should use this function if you want to position a widget using some 3D point in space. +-- Pass your main camera for the "worldCam", and your UI camera for "uiCam", then the widget's transform for "relativeTo". +-- You can then assign the widget's localPosition to the returned value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:1113 +---@param worldPos UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param worldCam UnityEngine.Camera +---@param uiCam UnityEngine.Camera +---@param relativeTo UnityEngine.Transform +---@return Vector3 +function CS.NGUIMath:WorldToLocalPoint(worldPos, worldCam, uiCam, relativeTo) end + +-- +--Helper function that can set the transform's position to be at the specified world position. +-- Ideal usage: positioning a UI element to be directly over a 3D point in space. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: worldPos - World position, visible by the worldCam +-- worldCam - Camera that is able to see the worldPos +-- myCam - Camera that is able to see the transform this function is called on +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:1131 +---@param worldPos UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param worldCam UnityEngine.Camera +---@param myCam UnityEngine.Camera +function CS.NGUIMath.OverlayPosition(worldPos, worldCam, myCam) end + +-- +--Helper function that can set the transform's position to be at the specified world position. +-- Ideal usage: positioning a UI element to be directly over a 3D point in space. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: worldPos - World position, visible by the worldCam +-- worldCam - Camera that is able to see the worldPos +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:1146 +---@param worldPos UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param worldCam UnityEngine.Camera +function CS.NGUIMath.OverlayPosition(worldPos, worldCam) end + +-- +--Helper function that can set the transform's position to be over the specified target transform. +-- Ideal usage: positioning a UI element to be directly over a 3D object in space. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: target - Target over which the transform should be positioned +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIMath.cs:1158 +---@param target UnityEngine.Transform +function CS.NGUIMath.OverlayPosition(target) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIStretch.cs:17 +---@class Style: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIStretch.cs:19 +---@field None UIStretch.Style +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIStretch.cs:20 +---@field Horizontal UIStretch.Style +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIStretch.cs:21 +---@field Vertical UIStretch.Style +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIStretch.cs:22 +---@field Both UIStretch.Style +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIStretch.cs:23 +---@field BasedOnHeight UIStretch.Style +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIStretch.cs:24 +---@field FillKeepingRatio UIStretch.Style +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIStretch.cs:25 +---@field FitInternalKeepingRatio UIStretch.Style +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIStretch.cs:17 +CS.Style = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIStretch.Style +function CS.Style:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/EnumMultiAttribute.cs:3 +---@class EnumMultiAttribute: UnityEngine.PropertyAttribute +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/EnumMultiAttribute.cs:3 +CS.EnumMultiAttribute = {} + + +-- +--Play the specified animation on click. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayAnimation.cs:16 +---@class UIPlayAnimation: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayAnimation.cs:18 +---@field current UIPlayAnimation +-- +--Target animation to activate. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayAnimation.cs:24 +---@field target UnityEngine.Animation +-- +--Target animator system. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayAnimation.cs:30 +---@field animator UnityEngine.Animator +-- +--Optional clip name, if the animation has more than one clip. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayAnimation.cs:36 +---@field clipName string +-- +--Which event will trigger the animation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayAnimation.cs:42 +---@field trigger AnimationOrTween.Trigger +-- +--Which direction to animate in. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayAnimation.cs:48 +---@field playDirection AnimationOrTween.Direction +-- +--Whether the animation's position will be reset on play or will continue from where it left off. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayAnimation.cs:54 +---@field resetOnPlay bool +-- +--Whether the selected object (this button) will be cleared when the animation gets activated. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayAnimation.cs:60 +---@field clearSelection bool +-- +--What to do if the target game object is currently disabled. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayAnimation.cs:66 +---@field ifDisabledOnPlay AnimationOrTween.EnableCondition +-- +--What to do with the target when the animation finishes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayAnimation.cs:72 +---@field disableWhenFinished AnimationOrTween.DisableCondition +-- +--Event delegates called when the animation finishes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayAnimation.cs:78 +---@field onFinished System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayAnimation.cs:16 +CS.UIPlayAnimation = {} + +-- +--Start playing the animation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayAnimation.cs:247 +---@param forward bool +function CS.UIPlayAnimation.Play(forward) end + +-- +--Start playing the animation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayAnimation.cs:253 +---@param forward bool +---@param onlyIfDifferent bool +function CS.UIPlayAnimation.Play(forward, onlyIfDifferent) end + +-- +--Play the tween forward. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayAnimation.cs:285 +function CS.UIPlayAnimation.PlayForward() end + +-- +--Play the tween in reverse. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlayAnimation.cs:291 +function CS.UIPlayAnimation.PlayReverse() end + + +-- +--Sprite collection is a widget that contains a bunch of sprites that don't create their own game objects and colliders. +-- Its best usage is to replace the need to create individual game objects while still maintaining full visualization +-- and interaction functionality of NGUI's sprites. For example: a world map with thousands of individual icons. +-- The thousands of individual icons can be a single Sprite Collection. Its downside is that the sprites can't be +-- interacted with in the Editor window, as this is meant to be a fast, programmable solution. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:19 +---@class UISpriteCollection: UIBasicSprite +-- +--Main texture is assigned on the atlas. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:116 +---@field mainTexture UnityEngine.Texture +-- +--Material comes from the base class first, and sprite atlas last. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:135 +---@field material UnityEngine.Material +-- +--Atlas used by this widget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:156 +---@field atlas INGUIAtlas +-- +--Size of the pixel -- used for drawing. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:178 +---@field pixelSize float +-- +--Whether the texture is using a premultiplied alpha material. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:192 +---@field premultipliedAlpha bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:206 +---@field border UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:503 +---@field onHover UISpriteCollection.OnHoverCB +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:504 +---@field onPress UISpriteCollection.OnPressCB +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:505 +---@field onClick UISpriteCollection.OnClickCB +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:506 +---@field onDrag UISpriteCollection.OnDragCB +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:507 +---@field onTooltip UISpriteCollection.OnTooltipCB +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:19 +CS.UISpriteCollection = {} + +-- +--Fill the draw buffers. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:240 +---@param verts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param uvs System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param cols System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UISpriteCollection.OnFill(verts, uvs, cols) end + +-- +--Add a new sprite entry to the collection. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:339 +---@param obj object +---@param spriteName string +---@param pos UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param width float +---@param height float +function CS.UISpriteCollection.Add(obj, spriteName, pos, width, height) end + +-- +--Add a new sprite entry to the collection. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:348 +---@param obj object +---@param spriteName string +---@param pos UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param width float +---@param height float +---@param color UnityEngine.Color32 +function CS.UISpriteCollection.Add(obj, spriteName, pos, width, height, color) end + +-- +--Add a new sprite entry to the collection. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:357 +---@param id object +---@param spriteName string +---@param pos UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param width float +---@param height float +---@param color UnityEngine.Color32 +---@param pivot UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param rot float +---@param type UIBasicSprite.Type +---@param flip UIBasicSprite.Flip +---@param enabled bool +function CS.UISpriteCollection.AddSprite(id, spriteName, pos, width, height, color, pivot, rot, type, flip, enabled) end + +-- +--Retrieve an existing sprite. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:390 +---@param id object +---@return Nullable +function CS.UISpriteCollection.GetSprite(id) end + +-- +--Remove a previously added sprite. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:401 +---@param id object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UISpriteCollection.RemoveSprite(id) end + +-- +--Update the specified sprite. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:415 +---@param id object +---@param sp UISpriteCollection.Sprite +---@return Boolean +function CS.UISpriteCollection.SetSprite(id, sp) end + +-- +--Clear all sprite entries. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:427 +function CS.UISpriteCollection.Clear() end + +-- +--Returns whether the specified sprite is present and is visible. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:440 +---@param id object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UISpriteCollection.IsActive(id) end + +-- +--Set the specified sprite's enabled state. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:451 +---@param id object +---@param visible bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.UISpriteCollection.SetActive(id, visible) end + +-- +--Set the sprite's position. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:472 +---@param id object +---@param pos UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param visible bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.UISpriteCollection.SetPosition(id, pos, visible) end + +-- +--Return the sprite underneath the current event position. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:529 +---@return Object +function CS.UISpriteCollection.GetCurrentSpriteID() end + +-- +--Return the sprite underneath the current event position. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:535 +---@return Nullable +function CS.UISpriteCollection.GetCurrentSprite() end + +-- +--Return the sprite underneath the specified world position. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:541 +---@param worldPos UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@return Object +function CS.UISpriteCollection.GetCurrentSpriteID(worldPos) end + +-- +--Return the sprite underneath the specified world position. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:567 +---@param worldPos UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@return Nullable +function CS.UISpriteCollection.GetCurrentSprite(worldPos) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/BaseSystemModule.cs:4 +---@class BaseSystemModule: object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/BaseSystemModule.cs:4 +CS.BaseSystemModule = {} + +-- +--命令帧Update +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/BaseSystemModule.cs:13 +function CS.BaseSystemModule.CommandUpdate() end + +-- +--所有状态下的渲染帧 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/BaseSystemModule.cs:23 +function CS.BaseSystemModule.Update() end + +-- +--初始化完成后的渲染帧 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/BaseSystemModule.cs:31 +function CS.BaseSystemModule.UpdateAfterInitialized() end + + +-- +--Very simple sprite animation. Attach to a sprite and specify a common prefix such as "idle" and it will cycle through them. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteAnimation.cs:16 +---@class UISpriteAnimation: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--Index of the current frame in the sprite animation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteAnimation.cs:22 +---@field frameIndex int +-- +--Number of frames in the animation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteAnimation.cs:38 +---@field frames int +-- +--Animation framerate. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteAnimation.cs:44 +---@field framesPerSecond int +-- +--Set the name prefix used to filter sprites from the atlas. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteAnimation.cs:50 +---@field namePrefix string +-- +--Set the animation to be looping or not +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteAnimation.cs:56 +---@field loop bool +-- +--Returns is the animation is still playing or not +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteAnimation.cs:62 +---@field isPlaying bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteAnimation.cs:16 +CS.UISpriteAnimation = {} + +-- +--Rebuild the sprite list after changing the sprite name. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteAnimation.cs:104 +function CS.UISpriteAnimation.RebuildSpriteList() end + +-- +--Reset the animation to the beginning. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteAnimation.cs:131 +function CS.UISpriteAnimation.Play() end + +-- +--Pause the animation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteAnimation.cs:137 +function CS.UISpriteAnimation.Pause() end + +-- +--Reset the animation to frame 0 and activate it. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteAnimation.cs:143 +function CS.UISpriteAnimation.ResetToBeginning() end + + +-- +--Tween the camera's field of view. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenFOV.cs:14 +---@class TweenFOV: UITweener +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenFOV.cs:16 +---@field from float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenFOV.cs:17 +---@field to float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenFOV.cs:24 +---@field cachedCamera UnityEngine.Camera +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenFOV.cs:28 +---@field fov float +-- +--Tween's current value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenFOV.cs:34 +---@field value float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenFOV.cs:14 +CS.TweenFOV = {} + +-- +--Start the tweening operation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenFOV.cs:46 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param duration float +---@param to float +---@return TweenFOV +function CS.TweenFOV:Begin(go, duration, to) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenFOV.cs:61 +function CS.TweenFOV.SetStartToCurrentValue() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenFOV.cs:64 +function CS.TweenFOV.SetEndToCurrentValue() end + + +-- +--Simple interface that can be used anywhere. Used by the atlas maker to specify any desired custom processing that apply to textures before adding them to the atlas. +-- The returned texture will be automatically destroyed after the atlas gets created (unless it matches the original). +-- To create a pre-processor, have your script implement this interface, then reference the game object it's attached to in the Atlas Maker. +-- Example usage: having an off-screen renderer that composits several sprites together (for example a skill icon), then renders it into a smaller texture. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:17 +---@class INGUITextureProcessor +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:17 +CS.INGUITextureProcessor = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:19 +---@param textures System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.INGUITextureProcessor.PrepareToProcess(textures) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:21 +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@return Texture +function CS.INGUITextureProcessor.Process(src) end + + +-- +--Generic interface for the atlas class, making it possible to support both the prefab-based UIAtlas and scriptable object-based NGUIAtlas. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:28 +---@class INGUIAtlas +-- +--Material used by the atlas. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:34 +---@field spriteMaterial UnityEngine.Material +-- +--List of sprites within the atlas. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:40 +---@field spriteList System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--Texture used by the atlas. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:46 +---@field texture UnityEngine.Texture +-- +--Pixel size is a multiplier applied to widgets dimensions when performing MakePixelPerfect() pixel correction. +-- Most obvious use would be on retina screen displays. The resolution doubles, but with UIRoot staying the same +-- for layout purposes, you can still get extra sharpness by switching to an HD atlas that has pixel size set to 0.5. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:54 +---@field pixelSize float +-- +--Whether the atlas is using a premultiplied alpha material. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:60 +---@field premultipliedAlpha bool +-- +--Setting a replacement atlas value will cause everything using this atlas to use the replacement atlas instead. +-- Suggested use: set up all your widgets to use a dummy atlas that points to the real atlas. Switching that atlas +-- to another one (for example an HD atlas) is then a simple matter of setting this field on your dummy atlas. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:68 +---@field replacement INGUIAtlas +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:28 +CS.INGUIAtlas = {} + +-- +--Convenience function that retrieves a sprite by name. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:74 +---@param name string +---@return UISpriteData +function CS.INGUIAtlas.GetSprite(name) end + +-- +--Convenience function that retrieves a list of all sprite names. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:80 +---@return BetterList +function CS.INGUIAtlas.GetListOfSprites() end + +-- +--Convenience function that retrieves a list of all sprite names that contain the specified phrase. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:86 +---@param match string +---@return BetterList +function CS.INGUIAtlas.GetListOfSprites(match) end + +-- +--Helper function that determines whether the atlas uses the specified one, taking replacements into account. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:92 +---@param atlas INGUIAtlas +---@return Boolean +function CS.INGUIAtlas.References(atlas) end + +-- +--Mark all widgets associated with this atlas as having changed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:98 +function CS.INGUIAtlas.MarkAsChanged() end + +-- +--Sort the list of sprites within the atlas, making them alphabetical. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:104 +function CS.INGUIAtlas.SortAlphabetically() end + + +-- +--NGUI Atlas contains a collection of sprites inside one large texture atlas. It's saved as a ScriptableObject. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:111 +---@class NGUIAtlas: UnityEngine.ScriptableObject +-- +--Material used by the atlas. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:145 +---@field spriteMaterial UnityEngine.Material +-- +--Whether the atlas is using a premultiplied alpha material. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:182 +---@field premultipliedAlpha bool +-- +--List of sprites within the atlas. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:202 +---@field spriteList System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--Texture used by the atlas. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:230 +---@field texture UnityEngine.Texture +-- +--Pixel size is a multiplier applied to widgets dimensions when performing MakePixelPerfect() pixel correction. +-- Most obvious use would be on retina screen displays. The resolution doubles, but with UIRoot staying the same +-- for layout purposes, you can still get extra sharpness by switching to an HD atlas that has pixel size set to 0.5. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:245 +---@field pixelSize float +-- +--Setting a replacement atlas value will cause everything using this atlas to use the replacement atlas instead. +-- Suggested use: set up all your widgets to use a dummy atlas that points to the real atlas. Switching that atlas +-- to another one (for example an HD atlas) is then a simple matter of setting this field on your dummy atlas. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:279 +---@field replacement INGUIAtlas +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:111 +CS.NGUIAtlas = {} + +-- +--Convenience function that retrieves a sprite by name. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:306 +---@param name string +---@return UISpriteData +function CS.NGUIAtlas.GetSprite(name) end + +-- +--Sort the list of sprites within the atlas, making them alphabetical. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:335 +function CS.NGUIAtlas.SortAlphabetically() end + +-- +--Convenience function that retrieves a list of all sprite names. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:348 +---@return BetterList +function CS.NGUIAtlas.GetListOfSprites() end + +-- +--Convenience function that retrieves a list of all sprite names that contain the specified phrase. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:367 +---@param match string +---@return BetterList +function CS.NGUIAtlas.GetListOfSprites(match) end + +-- +--Helper function that determines whether the atlas uses the specified one, taking replacements into account. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:415 +---@param atlas INGUIAtlas +---@return Boolean +function CS.NGUIAtlas.References(atlas) end + +-- +--Mark all widgets associated with this atlas as having changed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIAtlas.cs:427 +function CS.NGUIAtlas.MarkAsChanged() end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:13 +---@class UILabel: UIWidget +-- +--Whether the label will keep its content crisp even when shrunk. +-- You may want to turn this off on mobile devices. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:51 +---@field keepCrispWhenShrunk UILabel.Crispness +-- +--Font size after modifications got taken into consideration such as shrinking content. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:106 +---@field finalFontSize int +-- +--Whether the rectangle is anchored horizontally. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:143 +---@field isAnchoredHorizontally bool +-- +--Whether the rectangle is anchored vertically. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:149 +---@field isAnchoredVertically bool +-- +--Retrieve the material used by the font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:163 +---@field material UnityEngine.Material +-- +--Label's main texture comes from the font itself. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:183 +---@field mainTexture UnityEngine.Texture +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:199 +---@field bitmapFont INGUIFont +-- +--Set the font used by this label. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:205 +---@field font INGUIFont +-- +--Atlas reference, when the label is using a bitmap font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:229 +---@field atlas INGUIAtlas +-- +--Set the font used by this label. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:248 +---@field trueTypeFont UnityEngine.Font +-- +--Ambiguous helper function. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:277 +---@field ambigiousFont UnityEngine.Object +-- +--Text that's being displayed by the label. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:295 +---@field text string +-- +--Default font size. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:330 +---@field defaultFontSize int +-- +--Active font size used by the label. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:345 +---@field fontSize int +-- +--Dynamic font style used by the label. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:368 +---@field fontStyle UnityEngine.FontStyle +-- +--Text alignment option. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:389 +---@field alignment NGUIText.Alignment +-- +--Whether a gradient will be applied. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:410 +---@field applyGradient bool +-- +--Top gradient color. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:430 +---@field gradientTop UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Bottom gradient color. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:450 +---@field gradientBottom UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Additional horizontal spacing between characters when printing text. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:470 +---@field spacingX int +-- +--Additional vertical spacing between lines when printing text. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:490 +---@field spacingY int +-- +--Whether this label will use float text spacing values, instead of integers. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:510 +---@field useFloatSpacing bool +-- +--Additional horizontal spacing between characters when printing text. +-- For this to have any effect useFloatSpacing must be true. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:531 +---@field floatSpacingX float +-- +--Additional vertical spacing between lines when printing text. +-- For this to have any effect useFloatSpacing must be true. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:552 +---@field floatSpacingY float +-- +--Convenience property to get the used y spacing. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:572 +---@field effectiveSpacingY float +-- +--Convenience property to get the used x spacing. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:584 +---@field effectiveSpacingX float +-- +--Whether to append "..." at the end of clamped text that didn't fit. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:596 +---@field overflowEllipsis bool +-- +--Maximum width used when Resize Freely overflow type is enabled. +-- If the printed text exceeds this width, it will wrap onto the following line. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:617 +---@field overflowWidth int +-- +--Maximum height used when Resize Freely overflow type is enabled. +-- If the printed text exceeds this height, it will reduce the font size. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:640 +---@field overflowHeight int +-- +--Whether this label will support color encoding in the format of [RRGGBB] and new line in the form of a "\\n" string. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:683 +---@field supportEncoding bool +-- +--Style used for symbols. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:703 +---@field symbolStyle NGUIText.SymbolStyle +-- +--Overflow method controls the label's behaviour when its content doesn't fit the bounds. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:723 +---@field overflowMethod UILabel.Overflow +-- +--Maximum width of the label in pixels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:744 +---@field lineWidth int +-- +--Maximum height of the label in pixels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:755 +---@field lineHeight int +-- +--Whether the label supports multiple lines. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:765 +---@field multiLine bool +-- +--Process the label's text before returning its corners. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:785 +---@field localCorners UnityEngine.Vector3[] +-- +--Process the label's text before returning its corners. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:798 +---@field worldCorners UnityEngine.Vector3[] +-- +--Process the label's text before returning its drawing dimensions. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:811 +---@field drawingDimensions UnityEngine.Vector4 +-- +--The max number of lines to be displayed for the label +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:824 +---@field maxLineCount int +-- +--What effect is used by the label. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:845 +---@field effectStyle UILabel.Effect +-- +--Color used by the effect, if it's enabled. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:865 +---@field effectColor UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Effect distance in pixels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:885 +---@field effectDistance UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--How many quads there are per printed character. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:905 +---@field quadsPerCharacter int +-- +--Whether the label will automatically shrink its size in order to fit the maximum line width. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:921 +---@field shrinkToFit bool +-- +--Returns the processed version of 'text', with new line characters, line wrapping, etc. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:940 +---@field processedText string +-- +--Actual printed size of the text, in pixels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:967 +---@field printedSize UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--Local size of the widget, in pixels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:980 +---@field localSize UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--Read-only access to the separate widget used to draw symbols, if any. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:999 +---@field symbolLabel bool +-- +--Custom text modifier that can transform the visible text when the label's text is assigned. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1005 +---@field customModifier UILabel.ModifierFunc +-- +--Text modifier can transform the text that's actually printed, without altering the label's text value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1012 +---@field modifier UILabel.Modifier +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1045 +---@field pivot UIWidget.Pivot +-- +--Dynamic fonts have symbols drawn by a separate widget, so it only makes sense to make it possible to set its depth. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1062 +---@field symbolDepth int +-- +--Label's actual printed text may be modified before being drawn. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1206 +---@field printedText string +-- +--Whether the label will need a separate widget to draw the symbols. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:2092 +---@field separateSymbols bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:13 +CS.UILabel = {} + +-- +--Marking this label as dirty needs to propagate to the symbol label as well. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1133 +function CS.UILabel.SetDirty() end + +-- +--Get the sides of the rectangle relative to the specified transform. +-- The order is left, top, right, bottom. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1336 +---@param relativeTo UnityEngine.Transform +function CS.UILabel.GetSides(relativeTo) end + +-- +--UILabel needs additional processing when something changes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1506 +function CS.UILabel.MarkAsChanged() end + +-- +--Process the raw text, called when something changes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1522 +---@param legacyMode bool +---@param full bool +function CS.UILabel.ProcessText(legacyMode, full) end + +-- +--Text is pixel-perfect when its scale matches the size. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1692 +function CS.UILabel.MakePixelPerfect() end + +-- +--Make the label assume its natural size. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1743 +function CS.UILabel.AssumeNaturalSize() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1759 +---@param worldPos UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@return Int32 +function CS.UILabel.GetCharacterIndex(worldPos) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1762 +---@param localPos UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@return Int32 +function CS.UILabel.GetCharacterIndex(localPos) end + +-- +--Return the index of the character at the specified world position. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1771 +---@param worldPos UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param precise bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.UILabel.GetCharacterIndexAtPosition(worldPos, precise) end + +-- +--Return the index of the character at the specified local position. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1781 +---@param localPos UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param precise bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.UILabel.GetCharacterIndexAtPosition(localPos, precise) end + +-- +--Retrieve the word directly below the specified world-space position. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1818 +---@param worldPos UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@return String +function CS.UILabel.GetWordAtPosition(worldPos) end + +-- +--Retrieve the word directly below the specified relative-to-label position. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1828 +---@param localPos UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@return String +function CS.UILabel.GetWordAtPosition(localPos) end + +-- +--Retrieve the word right under the specified character index. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1838 +---@param characterIndex int +---@return String +function CS.UILabel.GetWordAtCharacterIndex(characterIndex) end + +-- +--Retrieve the URL directly below the specified world-space position. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1917 +---@param worldPos UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@return String +function CS.UILabel.GetUrlAtPosition(worldPos) end + +-- +--Retrieve the URL directly below the specified relative-to-label position. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1923 +---@param localPos UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@return String +function CS.UILabel.GetUrlAtPosition(localPos) end + +-- +--Retrieve the URL right under the specified character index. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1929 +---@param characterIndex int +---@return String +function CS.UILabel.GetUrlAtCharacterIndex(characterIndex) end + +-- +--Get the index of the character on the line directly above or below the current index. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1965 +---@param currentIndex int +---@param key UnityEngine.KeyCode +---@return Int32 +function CS.UILabel.GetCharacterIndex(currentIndex, key) end + +-- +--Fill the specified geometry buffer with vertices that would highlight the current selection. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:2020 +---@param start int +---@param end int +---@param caret UIGeometry +---@param highlight UIGeometry +---@param caretColor UnityEngine.Color +---@param highlightColor UnityEngine.Color +function CS.UILabel.PrintOverlay(start, end, caret, highlight, caretColor, highlightColor) end + +-- +--Draw the label. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:2105 +---@param verts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param uvs System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param cols System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UILabel.OnFill(verts, uvs, cols) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:2133 +---@param verts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param uvs System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param cols System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param symbolVerts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param symbolUVs System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param symbolCols System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UILabel.Fill(verts, uvs, cols, symbolVerts, symbolUVs, symbolCols) end + +-- +--Align the vertices, making the label positioned correctly based on the pivot. +-- Returns the offset that was applied. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:2273 +---@param verts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param start int +---@return Vector2 +function CS.UILabel.ApplyOffset(verts, start) end + +-- +--Apply a shadow effect to the buffer. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:2299 +---@param verts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param uvs System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param cols System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param start int +---@param end int +---@param x float +---@param y float +function CS.UILabel.ApplyShadow(verts, uvs, cols, start, end, x, y) end + +-- +--Calculate the character index offset necessary in order to print the end of the specified text. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:2336 +---@param text string +---@return Int32 +function CS.UILabel.CalculateOffsetToFit(text) end + +-- +--Convenience function, in case you wanted to associate progress bar, slider or scroll bar's +-- OnValueChanged function in inspector with a label. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:2352 +function CS.UILabel.SetCurrentProgress() end + +-- +--Convenience function, in case you wanted to associate progress bar, slider or scroll bar's +-- OnValueChanged function in inspector with a label. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:2363 +function CS.UILabel.SetCurrentPercent() end + +-- +--Convenience function, in case you wanted to automatically set some label's text +-- by selecting a value in the UIPopupList. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:2374 +function CS.UILabel.SetCurrentSelection() end + +-- +--Convenience function -- wrap the current text given the label's settings and unlimited height. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:2388 +---@param text string +---@param final string +---@return Boolean +function CS.UILabel.Wrap(text, final) end + +-- +--Convenience function -- wrap the current text given the label's settings and the given height. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:2394 +---@param text string +---@param final string +---@param height int +---@return Boolean +function CS.UILabel.Wrap(text, final, height) end + +-- +--Update NGUIText.current with all the properties from this label. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:2409 +function CS.UILabel.UpdateNGUIText() end + + +-- +--Generic interface for the NGUI's font implementations. Added in order to support both +-- old style (prefab-based) and new style (scriptable object-based) fonts. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:25 +---@class INGUIFont +-- +--Explicitly specified font type. Legacy behaviour would always determine this automatically in the past. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:31 +---@field type NGUIFontType +-- +--Access to the BMFont class directly. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:37 +---@field bmFont BMFont +-- +--Original width of the font's texture in pixels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:43 +---@field texWidth int +-- +--Original height of the font's texture in pixels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:49 +---@field texHeight int +-- +--Whether the font has any symbols defined. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:55 +---@field hasSymbols bool +-- +--List of symbols within the font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:61 +---@field symbols System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--Atlas used by the font, if any. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:67 +---@field atlas INGUIAtlas +-- +--Atlas used by the symbols, if any. Can match the 'atlas'. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:73 +---@field symbolAtlas INGUIAtlas +-- +--Get or set the material used by this font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:85 +---@field material UnityEngine.Material +-- +--Whether the font is using a premultiplied alpha material. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:91 +---@field premultipliedAlphaShader bool +-- +--Whether the font is a packed font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:97 +---@field packedFontShader bool +-- +--Convenience function that returns the texture used by the font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:103 +---@field texture UnityEngine.Texture2D +-- +--Offset and scale applied to all UV coordinates. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:109 +---@field uvRect UnityEngine.Rect +-- +--Sprite used by the font, if any. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:115 +---@field spriteName string +-- +--Whether this is a valid font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:121 +---@field isValid bool +-- +--Pixel-perfect size of this font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:127 +---@field defaultSize int +-- +--If set, overwrites the width of the space bar, in pixels. Useful for correcting some fonts. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:133 +---@field spaceWidth int +-- +--Retrieves the sprite used by the font, if any. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:139 +---@field sprite UISpriteData +-- +--Setting a replacement atlas value will cause everything using this font to use the replacement font instead. +-- Suggested use: set up all your widgets to use a dummy font that points to the real font. Switching that font to +-- another one (for example an eastern language one) is then a simple matter of setting this field on your dummy font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:147 +---@field replacement INGUIFont +-- +--Checks the replacement references, returning the deepest-most font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:153 +---@field finalFont INGUIFont +-- +--Whether the font is dynamic. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:159 +---@field isDynamic bool +-- +--Get or set the dynamic font source. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:165 +---@field dynamicFont UnityEngine.Font +-- +--Get or set the dynamic font's style. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:171 +---@field dynamicFontStyle UnityEngine.FontStyle +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:25 +CS.INGUIFont = {} + +-- +--Convenience method that returns the chosen sprite inside the atlas. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:79 +---@param spriteName string +---@return UISpriteData +function CS.INGUIFont.GetSprite(spriteName) end + +-- +--Helper function that determines whether the font uses the specified one, taking replacements into account. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:177 +---@param font INGUIFont +---@return Boolean +function CS.INGUIFont.References(font) end + +-- +--Refresh all labels that use this font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:183 +function CS.INGUIFont.MarkAsChanged() end + +-- +--Forcefully update the font's sprite reference. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:189 +function CS.INGUIFont.UpdateUVRect() end + +-- +--Retrieve the symbol at the beginning of the specified sequence, if a match is found. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:195 +---@param text string +---@param offset int +---@param textLength int +---@return BMSymbol +function CS.INGUIFont.MatchSymbol(text, offset, textLength) end + +-- +--Add a new symbol to the font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:201 +---@param sequence string +---@param spriteName string +---@return BMSymbol +function CS.INGUIFont.AddSymbol(sequence, spriteName) end + +-- +--Remove the specified symbol from the font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:207 +---@param sequence string +function CS.INGUIFont.RemoveSymbol(sequence) end + +-- +--Change an existing symbol's sequence to the specified value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:213 +---@param before string +---@param after string +function CS.INGUIFont.RenameSymbol(before, after) end + +-- +--Whether the specified sprite is being used by the font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:219 +---@param s string +---@return Boolean +function CS.INGUIFont.UsesSprite(s) end + + +-- +--NGUI Font contains everything needed to be able to print text. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:227 +---@class NGUIFont: UnityEngine.ScriptableObject +-- +--Explicitly specified font type. Legacy behaviour would always determine this automatically in the past. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:262 +---@field type NGUIFontType +-- +--Access to the BMFont class directly. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:288 +---@field bmFont BMFont +-- +--Original width of the font's texture in pixels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:307 +---@field texWidth int +-- +--Original height of the font's texture in pixels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:326 +---@field texHeight int +-- +--Whether the font has any symbols defined. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:345 +---@field hasSymbols bool +-- +--List of symbols within the font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:359 +---@field symbols System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--Atlas used by the font, if any. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:386 +---@field atlas INGUIAtlas +-- +--Sprite atlas used for symbols. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:435 +---@field symbolAtlas INGUIAtlas +-- +--Get or set the material used by this font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:467 +---@field material UnityEngine.Material +-- +--Material used for symbols. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:520 +---@field symbolMaterial UnityEngine.Material +-- +--Whether the font is using a premultiplied alpha material. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:534 +---@field premultipliedAlpha bool +-- +--Whether the font is using a premultiplied alpha material. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:540 +---@field premultipliedAlphaShader bool +-- +--Whether the font is a packed font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:563 +---@field packedFontShader bool +-- +--Convenience property that returns the texture used by the font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:592 +---@field texture UnityEngine.Texture2D +-- +--Convenience property returning the texture used by the font's symbols. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:605 +---@field symbolTexture UnityEngine.Texture2D +-- +--Offset and scale applied to all UV coordinates. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:618 +---@field uvRect UnityEngine.Rect +-- +--Symbols (emoticons) will be scaled by this factor. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:648 +---@field symbolScale float +-- +--Symbols (emoticons) will be adjusted vertically by this number of pixels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:670 +---@field symbolOffset int +-- +--Symbols (emoticons) will have this maximum height. If a sprite exceeds this height, it will be automatically shrunken down. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:690 +---@field symbolMaxHeight int +-- +--Sprite used by the font, if any. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:710 +---@field spriteName string +-- +--Whether this is a valid font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:740 +---@field isValid bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:743 +---@field size int +-- +--Pixel-perfect size of this font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:753 +---@field defaultSize int +-- +--Replaces the width of the space bar if set to a non-zero value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:777 +---@field spaceWidth int +-- +--Retrieves the sprite used by the font, if any. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:803 +---@field sprite UISpriteData +-- +--Setting a replacement atlas value will cause everything using this font to use the replacement font instead. +-- Suggested use: set up all your widgets to use a dummy font that points to the real font. Switching that font to +-- another one (for example an eastern language one) is then a simple matter of setting this field on your dummy font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:836 +---@field replacement INGUIFont +-- +--Checks the replacement references, returning the deepest-most font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:870 +---@field finalFont INGUIFont +-- +--Whether the font is dynamic. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:889 +---@field isDynamic bool +-- +--Get or set the dynamic font source. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:912 +---@field dynamicFont UnityEngine.Font +-- +--Get or set the dynamic font's style. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:944 +---@field dynamicFontStyle UnityEngine.FontStyle +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:227 +CS.NGUIFont = {} + +-- +--Convenience method that returns the chosen sprite inside the atlas. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:455 +---@param spriteName string +---@return UISpriteData +function CS.NGUIFont.GetSprite(spriteName) end + +-- +--Helper function that determines whether the font uses the specified one, taking replacements into account. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:998 +---@param font INGUIFont +---@return Boolean +function CS.NGUIFont.References(font) end + +-- +--Refresh all labels that use this font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:1010 +function CS.NGUIFont.MarkAsChanged() end + +-- +--Forcefully update the font's sprite reference. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:1043 +function CS.NGUIFont.UpdateUVRect() end + +-- +--Retrieve the symbol at the beginning of the specified sequence, if a match is found. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:1109 +---@param text string +---@param offset int +---@param textLength int +---@return BMSymbol +function CS.NGUIFont.MatchSymbol(text, offset, textLength) end + +-- +--Add a new symbol to the font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:1200 +---@param sequence string +---@param spriteName string +---@return BMSymbol +function CS.NGUIFont.AddSymbol(sequence, spriteName) end + +-- +--Remove the specified symbol from the font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:1212 +---@param sequence string +function CS.NGUIFont.RemoveSymbol(sequence) end + +-- +--Change an existing symbol's sequence to the specified value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:1223 +---@param before string +---@param after string +function CS.NGUIFont.RenameSymbol(before, after) end + +-- +--Whether the specified sprite is being used by the font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/NGUIFont.cs:1234 +---@param s string +---@return Boolean +function CS.NGUIFont.UsesSprite(s) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragDropContainer.cs:9 +---@class UIDragDropContainer: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragDropContainer.cs:11 +---@field reparentTarget UnityEngine.Transform +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragDropContainer.cs:9 +CS.UIDragDropContainer = {} + + +-- +--Tween the widget's size. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenHeight.cs:14 +---@class TweenHeight: UITweener +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenHeight.cs:16 +---@field from int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenHeight.cs:17 +---@field to int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenHeight.cs:20 +---@field fromTarget UIWidget +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenHeight.cs:23 +---@field toTarget UIWidget +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenHeight.cs:26 +---@field updateTable bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenHeight.cs:31 +---@field cachedWidget UIWidget +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenHeight.cs:34 +---@field height int +-- +--Tween's current value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenHeight.cs:40 +---@field value int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenHeight.cs:14 +CS.TweenHeight = {} + +-- +--Start the tweening operation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenHeight.cs:68 +---@param widget UIWidget +---@param duration float +---@param height int +---@return TweenHeight +function CS.TweenHeight:Begin(widget, duration, height) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenHeight.cs:83 +function CS.TweenHeight.SetStartToCurrentValue() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenHeight.cs:86 +function CS.TweenHeight.SetEndToCurrentValue() end + + +-- +--Sends a message to the remote object when something happens. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonMessage.cs:13 +---@class UIButtonMessage: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonMessage.cs:25 +---@field target UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonMessage.cs:26 +---@field functionName string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonMessage.cs:27 +---@field trigger UIButtonMessage.Trigger +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonMessage.cs:28 +---@field includeChildren bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonMessage.cs:13 +CS.UIButtonMessage = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonMessage.cs:15 +---@class Trigger: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonMessage.cs:17 +---@field OnClick UIButtonMessage.Trigger +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonMessage.cs:18 +---@field OnMouseOver UIButtonMessage.Trigger +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonMessage.cs:19 +---@field OnMouseOut UIButtonMessage.Trigger +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonMessage.cs:20 +---@field OnPress UIButtonMessage.Trigger +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonMessage.cs:21 +---@field OnRelease UIButtonMessage.Trigger +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonMessage.cs:22 +---@field OnDoubleClick UIButtonMessage.Trigger +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonMessage.cs:15 +CS.Trigger = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIButtonMessage.Trigger +function CS.Trigger:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/CollectionsExtension.cs:3 +---@class CollectionsExtension: object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/CollectionsExtension.cs:3 +CS.CollectionsExtension = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/CollectionsExtension.cs:6 +---@param key K +---@return V +function CS.CollectionsExtension.GetValue(key) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/CollectionsExtension.cs:13 +---@return List +function CS.CollectionsExtension.AsList() end + +-- +--批量添加 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/CollectionsExtension.cs:30 +---@param values System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable> +---@param replaceExisted bool +---@return Dictionary +function CS.CollectionsExtension.AddRange(values, replaceExisted) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/CollectionsExtension.cs:43 +---@param key K +---@return V +function CS.CollectionsExtension.GetOrAdd(key) end + + +-- +--Helper class containing functionality related to using dynamic fonts. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:16 +---@class NGUIText: object +-- +--When printing text, a lot of additional data must be passed in. In order to save allocations, +-- this data is not passed at all, but is rather set in a single place before calling the functions that use it. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:52 +---@field nguiFont INGUIFont +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:54 +---@field dynamicFont UnityEngine.Font +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:55 +---@field glyph NGUIText.GlyphInfo +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:57 +---@field spaceWidth int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:58 +---@field fontSize int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:59 +---@field fontScale float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:60 +---@field pixelDensity float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:61 +---@field fontStyle UnityEngine.FontStyle +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:62 +---@field alignment NGUIText.Alignment +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:63 +---@field tint UnityEngine.Color +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:65 +---@field rectWidth int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:66 +---@field rectHeight int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:67 +---@field regionWidth int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:68 +---@field regionHeight int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:69 +---@field maxLines int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:71 +---@field gradient bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:72 +---@field gradientBottom UnityEngine.Color +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:73 +---@field gradientTop UnityEngine.Color +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:75 +---@field encoding bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:76 +---@field spacingX float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:77 +---@field spacingY float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:78 +---@field premultiply bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:79 +---@field symbolStyle NGUIText.SymbolStyle +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:81 +---@field finalSize int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:82 +---@field finalSpacingX float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:83 +---@field finalLineHeight float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:84 +---@field baseline float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:85 +---@field useSymbols bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:16 +CS.NGUIText = {} + +-- +--Recalculate the 'final' values. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:91 +function CS.NGUIText:Update() end + +-- +--Recalculate the 'final' values. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:97 +---@param request bool +function CS.NGUIText:Update(request) end + +-- +--Prepare to use the specified text. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:151 +---@param text string +function CS.NGUIText:Prepare(text) end + +-- +--Get the specified symbol. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:217 +---@param text string +---@param index int +---@param textLength int +---@return BMSymbol +function CS.NGUIText:GetSymbol(text, index, textLength) end + +-- +--Get the width of the specified glyph. Returns zero if the glyph could not be retrieved. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:227 +---@param ch int +---@param prev int +---@param fontScale float +---@param bold bool +---@param italic bool +---@return Single +function CS.NGUIText:GetGlyphWidth(ch, prev, fontScale, bold, italic) end + +-- +--Get the specified glyph. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:272 +---@param ch int +---@param prev int +---@param bold bool +---@param italic bool +---@param fontScale float +---@return GlyphInfo +function CS.NGUIText:GetGlyph(ch, prev, bold, italic, fontScale) end + +-- +--Parse Aa syntax alpha encoded in the string. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:408 +---@param text string +---@param index int +---@return Single +function CS.NGUIText:ParseAlpha(text, index) end + +-- +--Parse a RrGgBb color encoded in the string. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:420 +---@param text string +---@param offset int +---@return Color +function CS.NGUIText:ParseColor(text, offset) end + +-- +--Parse a RrGgBb color encoded in the string. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:428 +---@param text string +---@param offset int +---@return Color +function CS.NGUIText:ParseColor24(text, offset) end + +-- +--Parse a RrGgBb color encoded in the string. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:443 +---@param text string +---@param offset int +---@param c UnityEngine.Color +---@return Boolean +function CS.NGUIText:ParseColor24(text, offset, c) end + +-- +--Parse a RrGgBbAa color encoded in the string. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:470 +---@param text string +---@param offset int +---@return Color +function CS.NGUIText:ParseColor32(text, offset) end + +-- +--Parse a RrGgBbAa color encoded in the string. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:486 +---@param text string +---@param offset int +---@param c UnityEngine.Color +---@return Boolean +function CS.NGUIText:ParseColor32(text, offset, c) end + +-- +--The reverse of ParseColor -- encodes a color in RrGgBb format. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:516 +---@param c UnityEngine.Color +---@return String +function CS.NGUIText:EncodeColor(c) end + +-- +--Convenience function that wraps the specified text block in a color tag. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:524 +---@param text string +---@param c UnityEngine.Color +---@return String +function CS.NGUIText:EncodeColor(text, c) end + +-- +--The reverse of ParseAlpha -- encodes a color in Aa format. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:532 +---@param a float +---@return String +function CS.NGUIText:EncodeAlpha(a) end + +-- +--The reverse of ParseColor24 -- encodes a color in RrGgBb format. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:544 +---@param c UnityEngine.Color +---@return String +function CS.NGUIText:EncodeColor24(c) end + +-- +--The reverse of ParseColor32 -- encodes a color in RrGgBb format. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:556 +---@param c UnityEngine.Color +---@return String +function CS.NGUIText:EncodeColor32(c) end + +-- +--Parse an embedded symbol, such as [FFAA00] (set color) or [-] (undo color change). Returns whether the index was adjusted. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:566 +---@param text string +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.NGUIText:ParseSymbol(text, index) end + +-- +--Whether the specified character falls under the 'hex' character category (0-9, A-F). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:584 +---@param ch char +---@return Boolean +function CS.NGUIText:IsHex(ch) end + +-- +--Parse the symbol, if possible. Returns 'true' if the 'index' was adjusted. +-- Advanced symbol support originally contributed by Rudy Pangestu. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:594 +---@param text string +---@param index int +---@param colors BetterList +---@param premultiply bool +---@param sub int +---@param bold bool +---@param italic bool +---@param underline bool +---@param strike bool +---@param ignoreColor bool +---@param forceSpriteColor bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.NGUIText:ParseSymbol(text, index, colors, premultiply, sub, bold, italic, underline, strike, ignoreColor, forceSpriteColor) end + +-- +--Runs through the specified string and removes all symbols. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:737 +---@param text string +---@return String +function CS.NGUIText:StripSymbols(text) end + +-- +--Align the vertices to be right or center-aligned given the line width specified by NGUIText.lineWidth. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:773 +---@param verts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param indexOffset int +---@param printedWidth float +---@param elements int +function CS.NGUIText:Align(verts, indexOffset, printedWidth, elements) end + +-- +--Get the index of the closest character within the provided list of values. +-- Meant to be used with the arrays created by PrintExactCharacterPositions(). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:874 +---@param verts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param indices System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param pos UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@return Int32 +function CS.NGUIText:GetExactCharacterIndex(verts, indices, pos) end + +-- +--Get the index of the closest vertex within the provided list of values. +-- This function first sorts by Y, and only then by X. +-- Meant to be used with the arrays created by PrintApproximateCharacterPositions(). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:904 +---@param verts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param indices System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param pos UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@return Int32 +function CS.NGUIText:GetApproximateCharacterIndex(verts, indices, pos) end + +-- +--Whether the specified character is a space. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:939 +---@param ch int +---@return Boolean +function CS.NGUIText:IsSpace(ch) end + +-- +--Convenience function that ends the line by either appending a new line character or replacing a space with one. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:947 +---@param s System.Text.StringBuilder +function CS.NGUIText:EndLine(s) end + +-- +--Get the printed size of the specified string. The returned value is in pixels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:1001 +---@param text string +---@param prepare bool +---@return Vector2 +function CS.NGUIText:CalculatePrintedSize(text, prepare) end + +-- +--Calculate the character index offset required to print the end of the specified text. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:1151 +---@param text string +---@param prepare bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.NGUIText:CalculateOffsetToFit(text, prepare) end + +-- +--Get the end of line that would fit into a field of given width. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:1217 +---@param text string +---@return String +function CS.NGUIText:GetEndOfLineThatFits(text) end + +-- +--Text wrapping functionality. The 'width' and 'height' should be in pixels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:1228 +---@param text string +---@param finalText string +---@param wrapLineColors bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.NGUIText:WrapText(text, finalText, wrapLineColors) end + +-- +--Text wrapping functionality. The 'width' and 'height' should be in pixels. +-- Returns 'true' if the requested text fits into the previously set dimensions. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:1241 +---@param text string +---@param finalText string +---@param keepCharCount bool +---@param wrapLineColors bool +---@param useEllipsis bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.NGUIText:WrapText(text, finalText, keepCharCount, wrapLineColors, useEllipsis) end + +-- +--Print the specified text into the buffers. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:1563 +---@param text string +---@param verts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param uvs System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param cols System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param sverts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param suvs System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param scols System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.NGUIText:Print(text, verts, uvs, cols, sverts, suvs, scols) end + +-- +--Print character positions and indices into the specified buffer. Meant to be used with the "find closest vertex" calculations. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:2107 +---@param text string +---@param verts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param indices System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.NGUIText:PrintApproximateCharacterPositions(text, verts, indices) end + +-- +--Print character positions and indices into the specified buffer. +-- This function's data is meant to be used for precise character selection, such as clicking on a link. +-- There are 2 vertices for every index: Bottom Left + Top Right. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:2232 +---@param text string +---@param verts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param indices System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.NGUIText:PrintExactCharacterPositions(text, verts, indices) end + +-- +--Print the caret and selection vertices. Note that it's expected that 'text' has been stripped clean of symbols. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:2358 +---@param text string +---@param start int +---@param end int +---@param caret System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param highlight System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.NGUIText:PrintCaretAndSelection(text, start, end, caret, highlight) end + +-- +--Replace the specified link. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:2602 +---@param text string +---@param index int +---@param type string +---@param prefix string +---@param suffix string +---@return Boolean +function CS.NGUIText:ReplaceLink(text, index, type, prefix, suffix) end + +-- +--Insert a hyperlink around the specified keyword. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:2661 +---@param text string +---@param index int +---@param keyword string +---@param link string +---@param prefix string +---@param suffix string +---@return Boolean +function CS.NGUIText:InsertHyperlink(text, index, keyword, link, prefix, suffix) end + +-- +--Helper function that replaces links within text with clickable ones. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:2708 +---@param text string +---@param prefix string +---@param suffix string +function CS.NGUIText:ReplaceLinks(text, prefix, suffix) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/vxGame.cs:10 +---@class vxGame: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/vxGame.cs:12 +---@field Instance vxGame +-- +--逻辑帧率,必须与服务端一致 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/vxGame.cs:17 +---@field targetFrameRate uint +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/vxGame.cs:19 +---@field uiRoot UIRoot +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/vxGame.cs:20 +---@field Font NGUIFont +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/vxGame.cs:21 +---@field uiCamera UnityEngine.Camera +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/vxGame.cs:23 +---@field Loop GameLoop +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/vxGame.cs:10 +CS.vxGame = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/vxGame.cs:25 +---@param eventType GameState.GameStateEventType +---@param args object[] +function CS.vxGame.RaiseGameStateEvent(eventType, args) end + + +-- +--Localization manager is able to parse localization information from text assets. +-- Using it is simple: text = Localization.Get(key), or just add a UILocalize script to your labels. +-- You can switch the language by using Localization.language = "French", for example. +-- This will attempt to load the file called "French.txt" in the Resources folder, +-- or a column "French" from the Localization.csv file in the Resources folder. +-- If going down the TXT language file route, it's expected that the file is full of key = value pairs, like so: +-- +-- LABEL1 = Hello +-- LABEL2 = Music +-- Info = Localization Example +-- +-- In the case of the CSV file, the first column should be the "KEY". Other columns +-- should be your localized text values, such as "French" for the first row: +-- +-- KEY,English,French +-- LABEL1,Hello,Bonjour +-- LABEL2,Music,Musique +-- Info,"Localization Example","Par exemple la localisation" +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:30 +---@class Localization: object +-- +--Want to have Localization loading be custom instead of just Resources.Load? Set this function. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:39 +---@field loadFunction Localization.LoadFunction +-- +--Notification triggered when the localization data gets changed, such as when changing the language. +-- If you want to make modifications to the localization data after it was loaded, this is the place. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:46 +---@field onLocalize Localization.OnLocalizeNotification +-- +--Whether the localization dictionary has been loaded. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:52 +---@field localizationHasBeenSet bool +-- +--Localization dictionary. Dictionary key is the localization key. +-- Dictionary value is the list of localized values (columns in the CSV file). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:77 +---@field dictionary System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary +-- +--List of loaded languages. Available if a single Localization.csv file was used. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:95 +---@field knownLanguages string[] +-- +--Name of the currently active language. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:108 +---@field language string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:731 +---@field isActive bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:30 +CS.Localization = {} + +-- +--Reload the localization file. Useful when testing live edited localization. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:133 +---@return Boolean +function CS.Localization:Reload() end + +-- +--Load the specified asset and activate the localization. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:214 +---@param asset UnityEngine.TextAsset +function CS.Localization:Load(asset) end + +-- +--Set the localization data directly. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:224 +---@param languageName string +---@param bytes byte[] +function CS.Localization:Set(languageName, bytes) end + +-- +--Forcefully replace the specified key with another value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:234 +---@param key string +---@param val string +function CS.Localization:ReplaceKey(key, val) end + +-- +--Clear the replacement values. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:244 +function CS.Localization:ClearReplacements() end + +-- +--Load the specified CSV file. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:250 +---@param asset UnityEngine.TextAsset +---@param merge bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.Localization:LoadCSV(asset, merge) end + +-- +--Load the specified CSV file. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:256 +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param merge bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.Localization:LoadCSV(bytes, merge) end + +-- +--Load the specified asset and activate the localization. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:470 +---@param languageName string +---@param dictionary System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary +function CS.Localization:Set(languageName, dictionary) end + +-- +--Change or set the localization value for the specified key. +-- Note that this method only supports one fallback language, and should +-- ideally be called from within Localization.onLocalize. +-- To set the multi-language value just modify Localization.dictionary directly. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:489 +---@param key string +---@param value string +function CS.Localization:Set(key, value) end + +-- +--Whether the specified key is present in the localization. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:499 +---@param key string +---@return Boolean +function CS.Localization:Has(key) end + +-- +--Localize the specified value. If the value is missing, 'fallback' value is used instead. No warning will be shown if the 'key' value is missing. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:554 +---@param key string +---@param fallback string +---@return String +function CS.Localization:Get(key, fallback) end + +-- +--Localize the specified value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:564 +---@param key string +---@param warnIfMissing bool +---@return String +function CS.Localization:Get(key, warnIfMissing) end + +-- +--Localize the specified value and format it. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:666 +---@param key string +---@param parameter object +---@return String +function CS.Localization:Format(key, parameter) end + +-- +--Localize the specified value and format it. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:683 +---@param key string +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +---@return String +function CS.Localization:Format(key, arg0, arg1) end + +-- +--Localize the specified value and format it. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:700 +---@param key string +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +---@param arg2 object +---@return String +function CS.Localization:Format(key, arg0, arg1, arg2) end + +-- +--Localize the specified value and format it. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:717 +---@param key string +---@param parameters object[] +---@return String +function CS.Localization:Format(key, parameters) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:734 +---@param key string +---@return String +function CS.Localization:Localize(key) end + +-- +--Returns whether the specified key is present in the localization dictionary. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:740 +---@param key string +---@return Boolean +function CS.Localization:Exists(key) end + +-- +--Add a new entry to the localization dictionary. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:757 +---@param language string +---@param key string +---@param text string +function CS.Localization:Set(language, key, text) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:18 +---@class Alignment: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:20 +---@field Automatic NGUIText.Alignment +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:21 +---@field Left NGUIText.Alignment +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:22 +---@field Center NGUIText.Alignment +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:23 +---@field Right NGUIText.Alignment +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:24 +---@field Justified NGUIText.Alignment +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:18 +CS.Alignment = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return NGUIText.Alignment +function CS.Alignment:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:27 +---@class SymbolStyle: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:29 +---@field None NGUIText.SymbolStyle +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:30 +---@field Normal NGUIText.SymbolStyle +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:31 +---@field Colored NGUIText.SymbolStyle +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:32 +---@field NoOutline NGUIText.SymbolStyle +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:27 +CS.SymbolStyle = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return NGUIText.SymbolStyle +function CS.SymbolStyle:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:35 +---@class GlyphInfo: object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:37 +---@field v0 UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:38 +---@field v1 UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:39 +---@field u0 UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:40 +---@field u1 UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:41 +---@field u2 UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:42 +---@field u3 UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:43 +---@field advance float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:44 +---@field channel int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIText.cs:35 +CS.GlyphInfo = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:15 +---@class Effect: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:17 +---@field None UILabel.Effect +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:18 +---@field Shadow UILabel.Effect +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:19 +---@field Outline UILabel.Effect +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:20 +---@field Outline8 UILabel.Effect +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:15 +CS.Effect = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UILabel.Effect +function CS.Effect:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyBinding.cs:16 +---@class UpdateCondition: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyBinding.cs:18 +---@field OnStart PropertyBinding.UpdateCondition +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyBinding.cs:19 +---@field OnUpdate PropertyBinding.UpdateCondition +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyBinding.cs:20 +---@field OnLateUpdate PropertyBinding.UpdateCondition +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyBinding.cs:21 +---@field OnFixedUpdate PropertyBinding.UpdateCondition +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyBinding.cs:16 +CS.UpdateCondition = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return PropertyBinding.UpdateCondition +function CS.UpdateCondition:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Attaching this script to a widget makes it react to key events such as tab, up, down, etc. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:13 +---@class UIKeyNavigation: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--List of all the active UINavigation components. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:19 +---@field list BetterList +-- +--If a selection target is not set, the target can be determined automatically, restricted by this constraint. +-- 'None' means free movement on both horizontal and vertical axis. 'Explicit' means the automatic logic will +-- not execute, and only the explicitly set values will be used. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:35 +---@field constraint UIKeyNavigation.Constraint +-- +--Which object will be selected when the Up button is pressed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:41 +---@field onUp UnityEngine.GameObject +-- +--Which object will be selected when the Down button is pressed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:47 +---@field onDown UnityEngine.GameObject +-- +--Which object will be selected when the Left button is pressed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:53 +---@field onLeft UnityEngine.GameObject +-- +--Which object will be selected when the Right button is pressed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:59 +---@field onRight UnityEngine.GameObject +-- +--Which object will get selected on click. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:65 +---@field onClick UnityEngine.GameObject +-- +--Which object will get selected on tab. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:71 +---@field onTab UnityEngine.GameObject +-- +--Whether the object this script is attached to will get selected as soon as this script is enabled. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:77 +---@field startsSelected bool +-- +--Convenience function that returns the current key navigation selection. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:83 +---@field current UIKeyNavigation +-- +--Whether the collider is enabled and the widget can be interacted with. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:97 +---@field isColliderEnabled bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:235 +---@field mLastFrame int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:13 +CS.UIKeyNavigation = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:144 +---@return GameObject +function CS.UIKeyNavigation.GetLeft() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:151 +---@return GameObject +function CS.UIKeyNavigation.GetRight() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:158 +---@return GameObject +function CS.UIKeyNavigation.GetUp() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:165 +---@return GameObject +function CS.UIKeyNavigation.GetDown() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:172 +---@param myDir UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param x float +---@param y float +---@return GameObject +function CS.UIKeyNavigation.Get(myDir, x, y) end + +-- +--React to navigation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:241 +---@param key UnityEngine.KeyCode +function CS.UIKeyNavigation.OnNavigate(key) end + +-- +--React to any additional keys, such as Tab. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:264 +---@param key UnityEngine.KeyCode +function CS.UIKeyNavigation.OnKey(key) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:23 +---@class Overflow: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:25 +---@field ShrinkContent UILabel.Overflow +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:26 +---@field ClampContent UILabel.Overflow +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:27 +---@field ResizeFreely UILabel.Overflow +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:28 +---@field ResizeHeight UILabel.Overflow +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:23 +CS.Overflow = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UILabel.Overflow +function CS.Overflow:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:31 +---@class Crispness: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:33 +---@field Never UILabel.Crispness +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:34 +---@field OnDesktop UILabel.Crispness +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:35 +---@field Always UILabel.Crispness +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:31 +CS.Crispness = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UILabel.Crispness +function CS.Crispness:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:38 +---@class Modifier: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:40 +---@field None UILabel.Modifier +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:41 +---@field ToUppercase UILabel.Modifier +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:42 +---@field ToLowercase UILabel.Modifier +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:43 +---@field Custom UILabel.Modifier +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:38 +CS.Modifier = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UILabel.Modifier +function CS.Modifier:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1006 +---@class ModifierFunc: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1006 +CS.ModifierFunc = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1006 +---@param s string +---@return String +function CS.ModifierFunc.Invoke(s) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1006 +---@param s string +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.ModifierFunc.BeginInvoke(s, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabel.cs:1006 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return String +function CS.ModifierFunc.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyBinding.cs:24 +---@class Direction: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyBinding.cs:26 +---@field SourceUpdatesTarget PropertyBinding.Direction +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyBinding.cs:27 +---@field TargetUpdatesSource PropertyBinding.Direction +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyBinding.cs:28 +---@field BiDirectional PropertyBinding.Direction +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyBinding.cs:24 +CS.Direction = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return PropertyBinding.Direction +function CS.Direction:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Attaching this script to an element of a scroll view will make it possible to center on it by clicking on it. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UICenterOnClick.cs:13 +---@class UICenterOnClick: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UICenterOnClick.cs:13 +CS.UICenterOnClick = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:32 +---@class LoadFunction: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:32 +CS.LoadFunction = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:32 +---@param path string +function CS.LoadFunction.Invoke(path) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:32 +---@param path string +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.LoadFunction.BeginInvoke(path, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:32 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.LoadFunction.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:21 +---@class Constraint: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:23 +---@field None UIKeyNavigation.Constraint +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:24 +---@field Vertical UIKeyNavigation.Constraint +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:25 +---@field Horizontal UIKeyNavigation.Constraint +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:26 +---@field Explicit UIKeyNavigation.Constraint +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyNavigation.cs:21 +CS.Constraint = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIKeyNavigation.Constraint +function CS.Constraint:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:33 +---@class OnLocalizeNotification: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:33 +CS.OnLocalizeNotification = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:33 +function CS.OnLocalizeNotification.Invoke() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:33 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnLocalizeNotification.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/Localization.cs:33 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnLocalizeNotification.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnitsRoot.cs:15 +---@class MapUnitsRoot: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnitsRoot.cs:17 +---@field Active MapUnitsRoot +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnitsRoot.cs:19 +---@field MapSize UnityEngine.Vector2Int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnitsRoot.cs:20 +---@field Units System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnitsRoot.cs:163 +---@field FilePath string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnitsRoot.cs:15 +CS.MapUnitsRoot = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnitsRoot.cs:26 +function CS.MapUnitsRoot:OpenDoor() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnitsRoot.cs:32 +---@param t UnityEngine.Vector2Int +---@return Boolean +function CS.MapUnitsRoot:IsBound(t) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnitsRoot.cs:37 +---@param t UnityEngine.Vector2Int +---@return MapUnitConfig +function CS.MapUnitsRoot:GetUnit(t) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnitsRoot.cs:49 +---@param target UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param curPos UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@return Boolean +function CS.MapUnitsRoot:ObserveMapUnit(target, curPos) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnitsRoot.cs:164 +function CS.MapUnitsRoot.Collect() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnitsRoot.cs:207 +function CS.MapUnitsRoot.Export() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnitsRoot.cs:250 +function CS.MapUnitsRoot.Clear() end + + +-- +--UIFont contains everything needed to be able to print text. This is the legacy component that stores its data in a prefab. +-- It's best to use NGUIFont now as it saves its data in Scriptable Objects, which plays better with Unity 2018+. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:19 +---@class UIFont: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--Explicitly specified font type. Legacy behaviour would always determine this automatically in the past. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:44 +---@field type NGUIFontType +-- +--Access to the BMFont class directly. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:59 +---@field bmFont BMFont +-- +--Original width of the font's texture in pixels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:78 +---@field texWidth int +-- +--Original height of the font's texture in pixels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:97 +---@field texHeight int +-- +--Whether the font has any symbols defined. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:116 +---@field hasSymbols bool +-- +--List of symbols within the font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:129 +---@field symbols System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--Atlas used by the font, if any. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:148 +---@field atlas INGUIAtlas +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:185 +---@field symbolAtlas INGUIAtlas +-- +--Get or set the material used by this font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:202 +---@field material UnityEngine.Material +-- +--Whether the font is using a premultiplied alpha material. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:249 +---@field premultipliedAlpha bool +-- +--Whether the font is using a premultiplied alpha material. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:255 +---@field premultipliedAlphaShader bool +-- +--Whether the font is a packed font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:278 +---@field packedFontShader bool +-- +--Convenience function that returns the texture used by the font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:299 +---@field texture UnityEngine.Texture2D +-- +--Offset and scale applied to all UV coordinates. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:314 +---@field uvRect UnityEngine.Rect +-- +--Sprite used by the font, if any. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:342 +---@field spriteName string +-- +--Whether this is a valid font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:369 +---@field isValid bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:372 +---@field size int +-- +--Pixel-perfect size of this font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:382 +---@field defaultSize int +-- +--This feature was added after deprecating this class, so it's not actually used here. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:403 +---@field spaceWidth int +-- +--Retrieves the sprite used by the font, if any. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:422 +---@field sprite UISpriteData +-- +--Setting a replacement atlas value will cause everything using this font to use the replacement font instead. +-- Suggested use: set up all your widgets to use a dummy font that points to the real font. Switching that font to +-- another one (for example an eastern language one) is then a simple matter of setting this field on your dummy font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:451 +---@field replacement INGUIFont +-- +--Checks the replacement references, returning the deepest-most font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:485 +---@field finalFont INGUIFont +-- +--Whether the font is dynamic. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:504 +---@field isDynamic bool +-- +--Get or set the dynamic font source. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:517 +---@field dynamicFont UnityEngine.Font +-- +--Get or set the dynamic font's style. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:545 +---@field dynamicFontStyle UnityEngine.FontStyle +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:19 +CS.UIFont = {} + +-- +--Convenience method that returns the chosen sprite inside the atlas. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:191 +---@param spriteName string +---@return UISpriteData +function CS.UIFont.GetSprite(spriteName) end + +-- +--Helper function that determines whether the font uses the specified one, taking replacements into account. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:596 +---@param font INGUIFont +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIFont.References(font) end + +-- +--Refresh all labels that use this font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:608 +function CS.UIFont.MarkAsChanged() end + +-- +--Forcefully update the font's sprite reference. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:640 +function CS.UIFont.UpdateUVRect() end + +-- +--Retrieve the symbol at the beginning of the specified sequence, if a match is found. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:704 +---@param text string +---@param offset int +---@param textLength int +---@return BMSymbol +function CS.UIFont.MatchSymbol(text, offset, textLength) end + +-- +--Add a new symbol to the font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:742 +---@param sequence string +---@param spriteName string +---@return BMSymbol +function CS.UIFont.AddSymbol(sequence, spriteName) end + +-- +--Remove the specified symbol from the font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:754 +---@param sequence string +function CS.UIFont.RemoveSymbol(sequence) end + +-- +--Change an existing symbol's sequence to the specified value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:765 +---@param before string +---@param after string +function CS.UIFont.RenameSymbol(before, after) end + +-- +--Whether the specified sprite is being used by the font. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIFont.cs:776 +---@param s string +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIFont.UsesSprite(s) end + + +-- +--Example script that can be used to show tooltips. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITooltip.cs:9 +---@class UITooltip: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITooltip.cs:13 +---@field uiCamera UnityEngine.Camera +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITooltip.cs:14 +---@field text UILabel +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITooltip.cs:15 +---@field tooltipRoot UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITooltip.cs:16 +---@field background UISprite +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITooltip.cs:17 +---@field appearSpeed float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITooltip.cs:18 +---@field scalingTransitions bool +-- +--Whether the tooltip is currently visible. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITooltip.cs:33 +---@field isVisible bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITooltip.cs:9 +CS.UITooltip = {} + +-- +--Show a tooltip with the specified text. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITooltip.cs:201 +---@param text string +function CS.UITooltip:ShowText(text) end + +-- +--Show the tooltip. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITooltip.cs:207 +---@param text string +function CS.UITooltip:Show(text) end + +-- +--Hide the tooltip. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITooltip.cs:213 +function CS.UITooltip:Hide() end + + +-- +--Turns the popup list it's attached to into a language selection list. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/LanguageSelection.cs:14 +---@class LanguageSelection: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/LanguageSelection.cs:14 +CS.LanguageSelection = {} + +-- +--Immediately refresh the list of known languages. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/LanguageSelection.cs:34 +function CS.LanguageSelection.Refresh() end + + +-- +--Makes it possible to animate the widget's width and height using Unity's animations. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/AnimatedWidget.cs:13 +---@class AnimatedWidget: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/AnimatedWidget.cs:15 +---@field width float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/AnimatedWidget.cs:16 +---@field height float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/AnimatedWidget.cs:13 +CS.AnimatedWidget = {} + + +-- +--Comparison function should return -1 if left is less than right, 1 if left is greater than right, and 0 if they match. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BetterList.cs:386 +---@class CompareFunc: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BetterList.cs:386 +CS.CompareFunc = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BetterList.cs:386 +---@param left T +---@param right T +---@return Int32 +function CS.CompareFunc.Invoke(left, right) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BetterList.cs:386 +---@param left T +---@param right T +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.CompareFunc.BeginInvoke(left, right, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BetterList.cs:386 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Int32 +function CS.CompareFunc.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--Tween the object's position. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenPosition.cs:13 +---@class TweenPosition: UITweener +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenPosition.cs:15 +---@field from UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenPosition.cs:16 +---@field to UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenPosition.cs:19 +---@field worldSpace bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenPosition.cs:24 +---@field cachedTransform UnityEngine.Transform +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenPosition.cs:27 +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Tween's current value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenPosition.cs:33 +---@field value UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenPosition.cs:13 +CS.TweenPosition = {} + +-- +--Start the tweening operation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenPosition.cs:66 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param duration float +---@param pos UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@return TweenPosition +function CS.TweenPosition:Begin(go, duration, pos) end + +-- +--Start the tweening operation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenPosition.cs:84 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param duration float +---@param pos UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param worldSpace bool +---@return TweenPosition +function CS.TweenPosition:Begin(go, duration, pos, worldSpace) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenPosition.cs:100 +function CS.TweenPosition.SetStartToCurrentValue() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenPosition.cs:103 +function CS.TweenPosition.SetEndToCurrentValue() end + + +-- +--All children added to the game object with this script will be arranged into a table +-- with rows and columns automatically adjusting their size to fit their content +-- (think "table" tag in HTML). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:16 +---@class UITable: UIWidgetContainer +-- +--How many columns there will be before a new line is started. 0 means unlimited. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:39 +---@field columns int +-- +--Which way the new lines will be added. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:45 +---@field direction UITable.Direction +-- +--How to sort the grid's elements. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:51 +---@field sorting UITable.Sorting +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:54 +---@field inverted bool +-- +--Final pivot point for the table itself. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:60 +---@field pivot UIWidget.Pivot +-- +--Final pivot point for the table's content. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:66 +---@field cellAlignment UIWidget.Pivot +-- +--Whether inactive children will be discarded from the table's calculations. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:72 +---@field hideInactive bool +-- +--Whether the parent container will be notified of the table's changes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:78 +---@field keepWithinPanel bool +-- +--Padding around each entry, in pixels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:84 +---@field padding UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--Delegate function that will be called when the table repositions its content. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:90 +---@field onReposition UITable.OnReposition +-- +--Custom sort delegate, used when the sorting method is set to 'custom'. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:96 +---@field onCustomSort System.Comparison +-- +--Reposition the children on the next Update(). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:106 +---@field repositionNow bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:16 +CS.UITable = {} + +-- +--Get the current list of the grid's children. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:112 +---@return List +function CS.UITable.GetChildList() end + +-- +--Recalculate the position of all elements within the table, sorting them alphabetically if necessary. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:303 +function CS.UITable.Reposition() end + + +-- +--UI Panel is responsible for collecting, sorting and updating widgets in addition to generating widgets' geometry. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:15 +---@class UIPanel: UIRect +-- +--List of active panels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:21 +---@field list System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--Notification triggered when the panel's geometry get rebuilt. It's mainly here for debugging purposes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:36 +---@field onGeometryUpdated UIPanel.OnGeometryUpdated +-- +--Whether this panel will show up in the panel tool (set this to 'false' for dynamically created temporary panels) +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:42 +---@field showInPanelTool bool +-- +--Whether normals and tangents will be generated for all meshes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:48 +---@field generateNormals bool +-- +--Whether secondary UV coordinates will be generated for all meshes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:54 +---@field generateUV2 bool +-- +--Whether generated geometry will cast shadows. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:61 +---@field shadowMode UIDrawCall.ShadowMode +-- +--Whether widgets drawn by this panel are static (won't move). This will improve performance. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:68 +---@field widgetsAreStatic bool +-- +--Whether widgets will be culled while the panel is being dragged. +-- Having this on improves performance, but turning it off will reduce garbage collection. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:75 +---@field cullWhileDragging bool +-- +--Optimization flag. Makes the assumption that the panel's geometry +-- will always be on screen and the bounds don't need to be re-calculated. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:82 +---@field alwaysOnScreen bool +-- +--By default, non-clipped panels use the camera's bounds, and the panel's position has no effect. +-- If you want the panel's position to actually be used with anchors, set this field to 'true'. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:89 +---@field anchorOffset bool +-- +--Whether the soft border will be used as padding. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:95 +---@field softBorderPadding bool +-- +--By default all panels manage render queues of their draw calls themselves by incrementing them +-- so that the geometry is drawn in the proper order. You can alter this behaviour. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:102 +---@field renderQueue UIPanel.RenderQueue +-- +--Render queue used by the panel. The default value of '3000' is the equivalent of "Transparent". +-- This property is only used if 'renderQueue' is set to something other than "Automatic". +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:109 +---@field startingRenderQueue int +-- +--Sorting layer used by the panel -- used when mixing NGUI with the Unity's 2D system. +-- Contributed by Benzino07: http://www.tasharen.com/forum/index.php?topic=6956.15 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:116 +---@field sortingLayerName string +-- +--List of widgets managed by this panel. Do not attempt to modify this list yourself. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:140 +---@field widgets System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--List of draw calls created by this panel. Do not attempt to modify this list yourself. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:147 +---@field drawCalls System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--Matrix that will transform the specified world coordinates to relative-to-panel coordinates. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:154 +---@field worldToLocal UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +-- +--Cached clip range passed to the draw call's shader. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:161 +---@field drawCallClipRange UnityEngine.Vector4 +-- +--Event callback that's triggered when the panel's clip region gets moved. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:169 +---@field onClipMove UIPanel.OnClippingMoved +-- +--There may be cases where you will want to create a custom material per-widget in order to have unique draw calls. +-- If that's the case, set this delegate and return your newly created material. Note that it's up to you to cache this material for the next call. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:176 +---@field onCreateMaterial UIPanel.OnCreateMaterial +-- +--Event callback that's triggered whenever the panel creates a new draw call. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:183 +---@field onCreateDrawCall UIDrawCall.OnCreateDrawCall +-- +--Helper property that returns the first unused depth value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:226 +---@field nextUnusedDepth int +-- +--Whether the rectangle can be anchored. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:241 +---@field canBeAnchored bool +-- +--Panel's alpha affects everything drawn by the panel. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:247 +---@field alpha float +-- +--If set, panel's alpha will be adjusting the specified value in the shaders (for example: "_Dither") instead of global alpha. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:276 +---@field alphaProperty string +-- +--Panels can have their own depth value that will change the order with which everything they manage gets drawn. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:300 +---@field depth int +-- +--Whether sorting order will be used or not. Sorting order is used with Unity's 2D system. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:323 +---@field useSortingOrder bool +-- +--Sorting order value for the panel's draw calls, to be used with Unity's 2D system. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:329 +---@field sortingOrder int +-- +--Panel's width in pixels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:367 +---@field width float +-- +--Panel's height in pixels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:373 +---@field height float +-- +--Whether the panel's drawn geometry needs to be offset by a half-pixel. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:379 +---@field halfPixelOffset bool +-- +--Whether the camera is used to draw UI geometry. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:398 +---@field usedForUI bool +-- +--Directx9 pixel offset, used for drawing. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:405 +---@field drawCallOffset UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Clipping method used by all draw calls. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:437 +---@field clipping UIDrawCall.Clipping +-- +--Reference to the parent panel, if any. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:463 +---@field parentPanel UIPanel +-- +--Number of times the panel's contents get clipped. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:469 +---@field clipCount int +-- +--Whether the panel will actually perform clipping of children. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:489 +---@field hasClipping bool +-- +--Whether the panel will actually perform clipping of children. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:495 +---@field hasCumulativeClipping bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:498 +---@field clipsChildren bool +-- +--Clipping area offset used to make it possible to move clipped panels (scroll views) efficiently. +-- Scroll views move by adjusting the clip offset by one value, and the transform position by the inverse. +-- This makes it possible to not have to rebuild the geometry, greatly improving performance. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:506 +---@field clipOffset UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--Texture used to clip the region. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:550 +---@field clipTexture UnityEngine.Texture2D +-- +--Clipping position (XY) and size (ZW). +-- Note that you should not be modifying this property at run-time to reposition the clipping. Adjust clipOffset instead. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:574 +---@field clipRange UnityEngine.Vector4 +-- +--Clipping position (XY) and size (ZW). +-- Note that you should not be modifying this property at run-time to reposition the clipping. Adjust clipOffset instead. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:591 +---@field baseClipRegion UnityEngine.Vector4 +-- +--Final clipping region after the offset has been taken into consideration. XY = center, ZW = size. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:622 +---@field finalClipRegion UnityEngine.Vector4 +-- +--Clipping softness is used if the clipped style is set to "Soft". +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:649 +---@field clipSoftness UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--Local-space corners of the panel's clipping rectangle. The order is bottom-left, top-left, top-right, bottom-right. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:674 +---@field localCorners UnityEngine.Vector3[] +-- +--World-space corners of the panel's clipping rectangle. The order is bottom-left, top-left, top-right, bottom-right. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:705 +---@field worldCorners UnityEngine.Vector3[] +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:15 +CS.UIPanel = {} + +-- +--Function that can be used to depth-sort panels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:352 +---@param a UIPanel +---@param b UIPanel +---@return Int32 +function CS.UIPanel:CompareFunc(a, b) end + +-- +--Get the sides of the rectangle relative to the specified transform. +-- The order is left, top, right, bottom. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:765 +---@param relativeTo UnityEngine.Transform +function CS.UIPanel.GetSides(relativeTo) end + +-- +--Invalidating the panel should reset its alpha. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:811 +---@param includeChildren bool +function CS.UIPanel.Invalidate(includeChildren) end + +-- +--Widget's final alpha, after taking the panel's alpha into account. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:821 +---@param frameID int +---@return Single +function CS.UIPanel.CalculateFinalAlpha(frameID) end + +-- +--Set the panel's rectangle. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:841 +---@param x float +---@param y float +---@param width float +---@param height float +function CS.UIPanel.SetRect(x, y, width, height) end + +-- +--Returns whether the specified rectangle is visible by the panel. The coordinates must be in world space. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:880 +---@param a UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param b UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param c UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param d UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIPanel.IsVisible(a, b, c, d) end + +-- +--Returns whether the specified world position is within the panel's bounds determined by the clipping rect. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:926 +---@param worldPos UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIPanel.IsVisible(worldPos) end + +-- +--Returns whether the specified widget is visible by the panel. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:946 +---@param w UIWidget +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIPanel.IsVisible(w) end + +-- +--Whether the specified widget is going to be affected by this panel in any way. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:970 +---@param w UIWidget +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIPanel.Affects(w) end + +-- +--Causes all draw calls to be re-created on the next update. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:993 +function CS.UIPanel.RebuildAllDrawCalls() end + +-- +--Invalidate the panel's draw calls, forcing them to be rebuilt on the next update. +-- This call also affects all children. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:1000 +function CS.UIPanel.SetDirty() end + +-- +--Find the parent panel, if we have one. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:1040 +function CS.UIPanel.ParentHasChanged() end + +-- +--Immediately sort all child widgets. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:1400 +function CS.UIPanel.SortWidgets() end + +-- +--Fill the geometry for the specified draw call. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:1532 +---@param dc UIDrawCall +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIPanel.FillDrawCall(dc) end + +-- +--Fill the geometry for the specified draw call. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:1542 +---@param dc UIDrawCall +---@param needsCulling bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIPanel.FillDrawCall(dc, needsCulling) end + +-- +--Insert the specified widget into one of the existing draw calls if possible. +-- If it's not possible, and a new draw call is required, 'null' is returned +-- because draw call creation is a delayed operation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:1803 +---@param w UIWidget +---@return UIDrawCall +function CS.UIPanel.FindDrawCall(w) end + +-- +--Make the following widget be managed by the panel. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:1839 +---@param w UIWidget +function CS.UIPanel.AddWidget(w) end + +-- +--Remove the widget from its current draw call, invalidating everything as needed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:1875 +---@param w UIWidget +function CS.UIPanel.RemoveWidget(w) end + +-- +--Immediately refresh the panel. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:1893 +function CS.UIPanel.Refresh() end + +-- +--Calculate the offset needed to be constrained within the panel's bounds. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:1904 +---@param min UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param max UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.UIPanel.CalculateConstrainOffset(min, max) end + +-- +--Constrain the current target position to be within panel bounds. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:1930 +---@param target UnityEngine.Transform +---@param targetBounds UnityEngine.Bounds +---@param immediate bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIPanel.ConstrainTargetToBounds(target, targetBounds, immediate) end + +-- +--Constrain the specified target to be within the panel's bounds. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:1975 +---@param target UnityEngine.Transform +---@param immediate bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIPanel.ConstrainTargetToBounds(target, immediate) end + +-- +--Find the UIPanel responsible for handling the specified transform. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:1985 +---@param trans UnityEngine.Transform +---@return UIPanel +function CS.UIPanel:Find(trans) end + +-- +--Find the UIPanel responsible for handling the specified transform. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:1991 +---@param trans UnityEngine.Transform +---@param createIfMissing bool +---@return UIPanel +function CS.UIPanel:Find(trans, createIfMissing) end + +-- +--Find the UIPanel responsible for handling the specified transform. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:1997 +---@param trans UnityEngine.Transform +---@param createIfMissing bool +---@param layer int +---@return UIPanel +function CS.UIPanel:Find(trans, createIfMissing, layer) end + +-- +--Get the size of the game window in pixels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:2009 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.UIPanel.GetWindowSize() end + +-- +--Panel's size -- which is either the clipping rect, or the screen dimensions. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:2021 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.UIPanel.GetViewSize() end + + +-- +--Simple script that lets you localize a UIWidget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILocalize.cs:15 +---@class UILocalize: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--Localization key. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILocalize.cs:21 +---@field key string +-- +--Manually change the value of whatever the localization component is attached to. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILocalize.cs:27 +---@field value string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILocalize.cs:15 +CS.UILocalize = {} + + +-- +--Symbols are a sequence of characters such as ":)" that get replaced with a sprite, such as the smiley face. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMSymbol.cs:13 +---@class BMSymbol: object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMSymbol.cs:15 +---@field sequence string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMSymbol.cs:16 +---@field spriteName string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMSymbol.cs:17 +---@field colored bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMSymbol.cs:29 +---@field length int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMSymbol.cs:30 +---@field offsetX int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMSymbol.cs:31 +---@field offsetY int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMSymbol.cs:32 +---@field width int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMSymbol.cs:33 +---@field height int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMSymbol.cs:34 +---@field paddedHeight int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMSymbol.cs:35 +---@field advance int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMSymbol.cs:36 +---@field uvRect UnityEngine.Rect +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMSymbol.cs:13 +CS.BMSymbol = {} + +-- +--Mark this symbol as dirty, clearing the sprite reference. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMSymbol.cs:42 +function CS.BMSymbol.MarkAsChanged() end + +-- +--Validate this symbol, given the specified atlas. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMSymbol.cs:48 +---@param atlas INGUIAtlas +---@return Boolean +function CS.BMSymbol.Validate(atlas) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragDropItem.cs:15 +---@class UIDragDropItem: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragDropItem.cs:26 +---@field restriction UIDragDropItem.Restriction +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragDropItem.cs:29 +---@field clickToDrag bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragDropItem.cs:32 +---@field cloneOnDrag bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragDropItem.cs:35 +---@field interactable bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragDropItem.cs:38 +---@field pressAndHoldDelay float +-- +--List of items that are currently being dragged. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragDropItem.cs:60 +---@field draggedItems System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragDropItem.cs:15 +CS.UIDragDropItem = {} + +-- +--Whether this object is currently being dragged. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragDropItem.cs:66 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIDragDropItem:IsDragged(go) end + +-- +--Start the dragging operation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragDropItem.cs:224 +---@return UIDragDropItem +function CS.UIDragDropItem.StartDragging() end + +-- +--Drop the dragged item. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragDropItem.cs:309 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +function CS.UIDragDropItem.StopDragging(go) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragDropItem.cs:17 +---@class Restriction: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragDropItem.cs:19 +---@field None UIDragDropItem.Restriction +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragDropItem.cs:20 +---@field Horizontal UIDragDropItem.Restriction +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragDropItem.cs:21 +---@field Vertical UIDragDropItem.Restriction +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragDropItem.cs:22 +---@field PressAndHold UIDragDropItem.Restriction +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragDropItem.cs:17 +CS.Restriction = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIDragDropItem.Restriction +function CS.Restriction:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Simple example script of how a button can be colored when the mouse hovers over it or it gets pressed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonColor.cs:14 +---@class UIButtonColor: UIWidgetContainer +-- +--Target with a widget, renderer, or light that will have its color tweened. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonColor.cs:28 +---@field tweenTarget UnityEngine.GameObject +-- +--Color to apply on hover event (mouse only). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonColor.cs:34 +---@field hover UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Color to apply on the pressed event. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonColor.cs:40 +---@field pressed UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Color that will be applied when the button is disabled. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonColor.cs:46 +---@field disabledColor UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Duration of the tween process. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonColor.cs:52 +---@field duration float +-- +--Button's current state. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonColor.cs:64 +---@field state UIButtonColor.State +-- +--UIButtonColor's default (starting) color. It's useful to be able to change it, just in case. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonColor.cs:70 +---@field defaultColor UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Whether the script should be active or not. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonColor.cs:98 +---@field isEnabled bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonColor.cs:14 +CS.UIButtonColor = {} + +-- +--Reset the default color to what the button started with. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonColor.cs:104 +function CS.UIButtonColor.ResetDefaultColor() end + +-- +--Cache the default color -- should only happen once. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonColor.cs:110 +function CS.UIButtonColor.CacheDefaultColor() end + +-- +--Change the visual state. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonColor.cs:282 +---@param state UIButtonColor.State +---@param instant bool +function CS.UIButtonColor.SetState(state, instant) end + +-- +--Update the button's color. Call this method after changing the colors of the button at run-time. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonColor.cs:301 +---@param instant bool +function CS.UIButtonColor.UpdateColor(instant) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPopupList.cs:28 +---@class Position: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPopupList.cs:30 +---@field Auto UIPopupList.Position +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPopupList.cs:31 +---@field Above UIPopupList.Position +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPopupList.cs:32 +---@field Below UIPopupList.Position +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPopupList.cs:28 +CS.Position = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIPopupList.Position +function CS.Position:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:18 +---@class OnReposition: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:18 +CS.OnReposition = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:18 +function CS.OnReposition.Invoke() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:18 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnReposition.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:18 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnReposition.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPopupList.cs:35 +---@class Selection: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPopupList.cs:37 +---@field OnPress UIPopupList.Selection +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPopupList.cs:38 +---@field OnClick UIPopupList.Selection +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPopupList.cs:35 +CS.Selection = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIPopupList.Selection +function CS.Selection:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:20 +---@class Direction: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:22 +---@field Down UITable.Direction +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:23 +---@field Up UITable.Direction +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:20 +CS.Direction = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UITable.Direction +function CS.Direction:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPopupList.cs:245 +---@class OpenOn: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPopupList.cs:247 +---@field ClickOrTap UIPopupList.OpenOn +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPopupList.cs:248 +---@field RightClick UIPopupList.OpenOn +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPopupList.cs:249 +---@field DoubleClick UIPopupList.OpenOn +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPopupList.cs:250 +---@field Manual UIPopupList.OpenOn +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPopupList.cs:245 +CS.OpenOn = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIPopupList.OpenOn +function CS.OpenOn:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:26 +---@class Sorting: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:28 +---@field None UITable.Sorting +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:29 +---@field Alphabetic UITable.Sorting +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:30 +---@field Horizontal UITable.Sorting +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:31 +---@field Vertical UITable.Sorting +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:32 +---@field Custom UITable.Sorting +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UITable.cs:26 +CS.Sorting = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UITable.Sorting +function CS.Sorting:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPopupList.cs:297 +---@class LegacyEvent: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPopupList.cs:297 +CS.LegacyEvent = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPopupList.cs:297 +---@param val string +function CS.LegacyEvent.Invoke(val) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPopupList.cs:297 +---@param val string +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.LegacyEvent.BeginInvoke(val, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPopupList.cs:297 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.LegacyEvent.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonColor.cs:16 +---@class State: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonColor.cs:18 +---@field Normal UIButtonColor.State +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonColor.cs:19 +---@field Hover UIButtonColor.State +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonColor.cs:20 +---@field Pressed UIButtonColor.State +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonColor.cs:21 +---@field Disabled UIButtonColor.State +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonColor.cs:16 +CS.State = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIButtonColor.State +function CS.State:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Tween the widget's size. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenWidth.cs:14 +---@class TweenWidth: UITweener +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenWidth.cs:16 +---@field from int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenWidth.cs:17 +---@field to int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenWidth.cs:20 +---@field fromTarget UIWidget +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenWidth.cs:23 +---@field toTarget UIWidget +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenWidth.cs:26 +---@field updateTable bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenWidth.cs:31 +---@field cachedWidget UIWidget +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenWidth.cs:34 +---@field width int +-- +--Tween's current value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenWidth.cs:40 +---@field value int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenWidth.cs:14 +CS.TweenWidth = {} + +-- +--Start the tweening operation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenWidth.cs:68 +---@param widget UIWidget +---@param duration float +---@param width int +---@return TweenWidth +function CS.TweenWidth:Begin(widget, duration, width) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenWidth.cs:83 +function CS.TweenWidth.SetStartToCurrentValue() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenWidth.cs:86 +function CS.TweenWidth.SetEndToCurrentValue() end + + +-- +--Glyph structure used by BMFont. For more information see http://www.angelcode.com/products/bmfont/ +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMGlyph.cs:14 +---@class BMGlyph: object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMGlyph.cs:16 +---@field index int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMGlyph.cs:17 +---@field x int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMGlyph.cs:18 +---@field y int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMGlyph.cs:19 +---@field width int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMGlyph.cs:20 +---@field height int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMGlyph.cs:21 +---@field offsetX int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMGlyph.cs:22 +---@field offsetY int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMGlyph.cs:23 +---@field advance int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMGlyph.cs:24 +---@field channel int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMGlyph.cs:25 +---@field kerning System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMGlyph.cs:14 +CS.BMGlyph = {} + +-- +--Retrieves the special amount by which to adjust the cursor position, given the specified previous character. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMGlyph.cs:31 +---@param previousChar int +---@return Int32 +function CS.BMGlyph.GetKerning(previousChar) end + +-- +--Add a new kerning entry to the character (or adjust an existing one). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMGlyph.cs:46 +---@param previousChar int +---@param amount int +function CS.BMGlyph.SetKerning(previousChar, amount) end + +-- +--Trim the glyph, given the specified minimum and maximum dimensions in pixels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMGlyph.cs:67 +---@param xMin int +---@param yMin int +---@param xMax int +---@param yMax int +function CS.BMGlyph.Trim(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax) end + + +-- +--Reference to a specific field or property that can be set via inspector. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyReference.cs:23 +---@class PropertyReference: object +-- +--Event delegate's target object. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyReference.cs:37 +---@field target UnityEngine.Component +-- +--Event delegate's method name. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyReference.cs:57 +---@field name string +-- +--Whether this delegate's values have been set. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyReference.cs:77 +---@field isValid bool +-- +--Whether the target script is actually enabled. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyReference.cs:83 +---@field isEnabled bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyReference.cs:23 +CS.PropertyReference = {} + +-- +--Helper function that returns the property type. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyReference.cs:104 +---@return Type +function CS.PropertyReference.GetPropertyType() end + +-- +--Equality operator. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyReference.cs:122 +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.PropertyReference.Equals(obj) end + +-- +--Used in equality operators. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyReference.cs:143 +---@return Int32 +function CS.PropertyReference.GetHashCode() end + +-- +--Set the delegate callback using the target and method names. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyReference.cs:149 +---@param target UnityEngine.Component +---@param methodName string +function CS.PropertyReference.Set(target, methodName) end + +-- +--Clear the event delegate. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyReference.cs:159 +function CS.PropertyReference.Clear() end + +-- +--Reset the cached references. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyReference.cs:169 +function CS.PropertyReference.Reset() end + +-- +--Convert the delegate to its string representation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyReference.cs:181 +---@return String +function CS.PropertyReference.ToString() end + +-- +--Convenience function that converts the specified component + property pair into its string representation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyReference.cs:187 +---@param comp UnityEngine.Component +---@param property string +---@return String +function CS.PropertyReference:ToString(comp, property) end + +-- +--Retrieve the property's value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyReference.cs:208 +---@return Object +function CS.PropertyReference.Get() end + +-- +--Assign the bound property's value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyReference.cs:230 +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.PropertyReference.Set(value) end + +-- +--Whether we can convert one type to another for assignment purposes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyReference.cs:346 +---@param from System.Type +---@param to System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.PropertyReference:Convert(from, to) end + +-- +--Whether we can convert one type to another for assignment purposes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyReference.cs:356 +---@param value object +---@param to System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.PropertyReference:Convert(value, to) end + +-- +--Whether we can convert one type to another for assignment purposes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/PropertyReference.cs:370 +---@param value object +---@param from System.Type +---@param to System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.PropertyReference:Convert(value, from, to) end + + +-- +--If you don't have or don't wish to create an atlas, you can simply use this script to draw a texture. +-- Keep in mind though that this will create an extra draw call with each UITexture present, so it's +-- best to use it only for backgrounds or temporary visible widgets. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITexture.cs:17 +---@class UITexture: UIBasicSprite +-- +--Texture used by the UITexture. You can set it directly, without the need to specify a material. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITexture.cs:31 +---@field mainTexture UnityEngine.Texture +-- +--Material used by the widget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITexture.cs:63 +---@field material UnityEngine.Material +-- +--Shader used by the texture when creating a dynamic material (when the texture was specified, but the material was not). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITexture.cs:86 +---@field shader UnityEngine.Shader +-- +--Whether the texture is using a premultiplied alpha material. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITexture.cs:119 +---@field premultipliedAlpha bool +-- +--Sprite's border. X = left, Y = bottom, Z = right, W = top. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITexture.cs:137 +---@field border UnityEngine.Vector4 +-- +--UV rectangle used by the texture. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITexture.cs:157 +---@field uvRect UnityEngine.Rect +-- +--Widget's dimensions used for drawing. X = left, Y = bottom, Z = right, W = top. +-- This function automatically adds 1 pixel on the edge if the texture's dimensions are not even. +-- It's used to achieve pixel-perfect sprites even when an odd dimension widget happens to be centered. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITexture.cs:179 +---@field drawingDimensions UnityEngine.Vector4 +-- +--Whether the drawn texture will always maintain a fixed aspect ratio. +-- This setting is not compatible with drawRegion adjustments (sliders, progress bars, etc). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITexture.cs:250 +---@field fixedAspect bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITexture.cs:17 +CS.UITexture = {} + +-- +--Adjust the scale of the widget to make it pixel-perfect. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITexture.cs:271 +function CS.UITexture.MakePixelPerfect() end + +-- +--Virtual function called by the UIPanel that fills the buffers. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITexture.cs:336 +---@param verts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param uvs System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param cols System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UITexture.OnFill(verts, uvs, cols) end + + +-- +--This is a script used to keep the game object scaled to 2/(Screen.height). +-- If you use it, be sure to NOT use UIOrthoCamera at the same time. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:16 +---@class UIRoot: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--List of all UIRoots present in the scene. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:22 +---@field list System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--Type of scaling used by the UIRoot. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:43 +---@field scalingStyle UIRoot.Scaling +-- +--When the UI scaling is constrained, this controls the type of constraint that further fine-tunes how it's scaled. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:49 +---@field constraint UIRoot.Constraint +-- +--Width of the screen, used when the scaling style is set to Flexible. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:67 +---@field manualWidth int +-- +--Height of the screen when the scaling style is set to FixedSize or Flexible. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:73 +---@field manualHeight int +-- +--If the screen height goes below this value, it will be as if the scaling style +-- is set to FixedSize with manualHeight of this value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:80 +---@field minimumHeight int +-- +--If the screen height goes above this value, it will be as if the scaling style +-- is set to Fixed Height with manualHeight of this value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:87 +---@field maximumHeight int +-- +--When Constraint is on, controls whether the content must be restricted horizontally to be at least 'manualWidth' wide. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:93 +---@field fitWidth bool +-- +--When Constraint is on, controls whether the content must be restricted vertically to be at least 'Manual Height' tall. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:99 +---@field fitHeight bool +-- +--Whether the final value will be adjusted by the device's DPI setting. +-- Used when the Scaling is set to Pixel-Perfect. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:106 +---@field adjustByDPI bool +-- +--If set and the game is in portrait mode, the UI will shrink based on the screen's width instead of height. +-- Used when the Scaling is set to Pixel-Perfect. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:113 +---@field shrinkPortraitUI bool +-- +--Active scaling type, based on platform. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:119 +---@field activeScaling UIRoot.Scaling +-- +--UI Root's active height, based on the size of the screen. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:139 +---@field activeHeight int +-- +--Pixel size adjustment. Most of the time it's at 1, unless the scaling style is set to FixedSize. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:205 +---@field pixelSizeAdjustment float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:16 +CS.UIRoot = {} + +-- +--Helper function that figures out the pixel size adjustment for the specified game object. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:218 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return Single +function CS.UIRoot:GetPixelSizeAdjustment(go) end + +-- +--Calculate the pixel size adjustment at the specified screen height value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:228 +---@param height int +---@return Single +function CS.UIRoot.GetPixelSizeAdjustment(height) end + +-- +--Immediately update the root's scale. Call this function after changing the min/max/manual height values. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:273 +---@param updateAnchors bool +function CS.UIRoot.UpdateScale(updateAnchors) end + +-- +--Broadcast the specified message to the entire UI. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:300 +---@param funcName string +function CS.UIRoot:Broadcast(funcName) end + +-- +--Broadcast the specified message to the entire UI. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:318 +---@param funcName string +---@param param object +function CS.UIRoot:Broadcast(funcName, param) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnitsRoot.cs:7 +---@class MapUnitConfig: object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnitsRoot.cs:9 +---@field Id int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnitsRoot.cs:10 +---@field Walkable bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnitsRoot.cs:11 +---@field Passable bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnitsRoot.cs:12 +---@field Trigger string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapUnitsRoot.cs:7 +CS.MapUnitConfig = {} + + +-- +--Tween the camera's orthographic size. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenOrthoSize.cs:14 +---@class TweenOrthoSize: UITweener +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenOrthoSize.cs:16 +---@field from float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenOrthoSize.cs:17 +---@field to float +-- +--Camera that's being tweened. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenOrthoSize.cs:28 +---@field cachedCamera UnityEngine.Camera +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenOrthoSize.cs:32 +---@field orthoSize float +-- +--Tween's current value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenOrthoSize.cs:38 +---@field value float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenOrthoSize.cs:14 +CS.TweenOrthoSize = {} + +-- +--Start the tweening operation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenOrthoSize.cs:54 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param duration float +---@param to float +---@return TweenOrthoSize +function CS.TweenOrthoSize:Begin(go, duration, to) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenOrthoSize.cs:68 +function CS.TweenOrthoSize.SetStartToCurrentValue() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenOrthoSize.cs:69 +function CS.TweenOrthoSize.SetEndToCurrentValue() end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:23 +---@class RenderQueue: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:25 +---@field Automatic UIPanel.RenderQueue +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:26 +---@field StartAt UIPanel.RenderQueue +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:27 +---@field Explicit UIPanel.RenderQueue +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:23 +CS.RenderQueue = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIPanel.RenderQueue +function CS.RenderQueue:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragDropRoot.cs:15 +---@class UIDragDropRoot: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragDropRoot.cs:17 +---@field root UnityEngine.Transform +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragDropRoot.cs:15 +CS.UIDragDropRoot = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:30 +---@class OnGeometryUpdated: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:30 +CS.OnGeometryUpdated = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:30 +function CS.OnGeometryUpdated.Invoke() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:30 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnGeometryUpdated.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:30 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnGeometryUpdated.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/TableFile/TabFileException.cs:3 +---@class TabFileException: System.Exception +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/TableFile/TabFileException.cs:11 +---@field Line int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/TableFile/TabFileException.cs:12 +---@field Key string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/TableFile/TabFileException.cs:3 +CS.TabFileException = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystickScreenSizeUpdater.cs:7 +---@class UltimateJoystickScreenSizeUpdater: UnityEngine.EventSystems.UIBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystickScreenSizeUpdater.cs:7 +CS.UltimateJoystickScreenSizeUpdater = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:163 +---@class OnClippingMoved: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:163 +CS.OnClippingMoved = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:163 +---@param panel UIPanel +function CS.OnClippingMoved.Invoke(panel) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:163 +---@param panel UIPanel +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnClippingMoved.BeginInvoke(panel, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:163 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnClippingMoved.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--Mainly an internal script used by UIButtonPlayAnimation, but can also be used to call +-- the specified function on the game object after it finishes animating. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/ActiveAnimation.cs:16 +---@class ActiveAnimation: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--Active animation that resulted in the event notification. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/ActiveAnimation.cs:22 +---@field current ActiveAnimation +-- +--Event delegates called when the animation finishes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/ActiveAnimation.cs:28 +---@field onFinished System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/ActiveAnimation.cs:31 +---@field eventReceiver UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/ActiveAnimation.cs:32 +---@field callWhenFinished string +-- +--Whether the animation is currently playing. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/ActiveAnimation.cs:55 +---@field isPlaying bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/ActiveAnimation.cs:16 +CS.ActiveAnimation = {} + +-- +--Immediately finish playing the animation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/ActiveAnimation.cs:95 +function CS.ActiveAnimation.Finish() end + +-- +--Manually reset the active animation to the beginning. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/ActiveAnimation.cs:116 +function CS.ActiveAnimation.Reset() end + +-- +--Play the specified animation on the specified object. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/ActiveAnimation.cs:286 +---@param anim UnityEngine.Animation +---@param clipName string +---@param playDirection AnimationOrTween.Direction +---@param enableBeforePlay AnimationOrTween.EnableCondition +---@param disableCondition AnimationOrTween.DisableCondition +---@return ActiveAnimation +function CS.ActiveAnimation:Play(anim, clipName, playDirection, enableBeforePlay, disableCondition) end + +-- +--Play the specified animation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/ActiveAnimation.cs:318 +---@param anim UnityEngine.Animation +---@param clipName string +---@param playDirection AnimationOrTween.Direction +---@return ActiveAnimation +function CS.ActiveAnimation:Play(anim, clipName, playDirection) end + +-- +--Play the specified animation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/ActiveAnimation.cs:327 +---@param anim UnityEngine.Animation +---@param playDirection AnimationOrTween.Direction +---@return ActiveAnimation +function CS.ActiveAnimation:Play(anim, playDirection) end + +-- +--Play the specified animation on the specified object. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/ActiveAnimation.cs:336 +---@param anim UnityEngine.Animator +---@param clipName string +---@param playDirection AnimationOrTween.Direction +---@param enableBeforePlay AnimationOrTween.EnableCondition +---@param disableCondition AnimationOrTween.DisableCondition +---@return ActiveAnimation +function CS.ActiveAnimation:Play(anim, clipName, playDirection, enableBeforePlay, disableCondition) end + + +-- +--Example script showing how to activate or deactivate MonoBehaviours with a toggle. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggledComponents.cs:16 +---@class UIToggledComponents: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggledComponents.cs:18 +---@field activate System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggledComponents.cs:19 +---@field deactivate System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggledComponents.cs:16 +CS.UIToggledComponents = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggledComponents.cs:49 +function CS.UIToggledComponents.Toggle() end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:177 +---@class OnCreateMaterial: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:177 +CS.OnCreateMaterial = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:177 +---@param widget UIWidget +---@param mat UnityEngine.Material +---@return Material +function CS.OnCreateMaterial.Invoke(widget, mat) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:177 +---@param widget UIWidget +---@param mat UnityEngine.Material +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnCreateMaterial.BeginInvoke(widget, mat, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIPanel.cs:177 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Material +function CS.OnCreateMaterial.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--Tween the object's color. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenColor.cs:13 +---@class TweenColor: UITweener +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenColor.cs:15 +---@field from UnityEngine.Color +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenColor.cs:16 +---@field to UnityEngine.Color +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenColor.cs:53 +---@field color UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Tween's current value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenColor.cs:59 +---@field value UnityEngine.Color +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenColor.cs:13 +CS.TweenColor = {} + +-- +--Start the tweening operation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenColor.cs:94 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param duration float +---@param color UnityEngine.Color +---@return TweenColor +function CS.TweenColor:Begin(go, duration, color) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenColor.cs:112 +function CS.TweenColor.SetStartToCurrentValue() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenColor.cs:115 +function CS.TweenColor.SetEndToCurrentValue() end + + +-- +--Sample script showing how easy it is to implement a standard button that swaps sprites. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIImageButton.cs:13 +---@class UIImageButton: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIImageButton.cs:15 +---@field target UISprite +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIImageButton.cs:16 +---@field normalSprite string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIImageButton.cs:17 +---@field hoverSprite string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIImageButton.cs:18 +---@field pressedSprite string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIImageButton.cs:19 +---@field disabledSprite string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIImageButton.cs:20 +---@field pixelSnap bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIImageButton.cs:22 +---@field isEnabled bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIImageButton.cs:13 +CS.UIImageButton = {} + + +-- +--Widget container is a generic type class that acts like a non-resizeable widget when selecting things in the scene view. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIWidgetContainer.cs:13 +---@class UIWidgetContainer: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIWidgetContainer.cs:13 +CS.UIWidgetContainer = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Lua/LuaInterface.cs:44 +---@class ILuaMessengerLuaTable +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Lua/LuaInterface.cs:44 +CS.ILuaMessengerLuaTable = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Lua/LuaInterface.cs:46 +---@param val XLua.LuaTable +function CS.ILuaMessengerLuaTable.LuaTableCallBack(val) end + + +-- +--Simple progress bar that fills itself based on the specified value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:15 +---@class UIProgressBar: UIWidgetContainer +-- +--Current slider. This value is set prior to the callback function being triggered. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:29 +---@field current UIProgressBar +-- +--Delegate triggered when the scroll bar stops being dragged. +-- Useful for things like centering on the closest valid object, for example. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:36 +---@field onDragFinished UIProgressBar.OnDragFinished +-- +--Object that acts as a thumb. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:43 +---@field thumb UnityEngine.Transform +-- +--Number of steps the slider should be divided into. For example 5 means possible values of 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:60 +---@field numberOfSteps int +-- +--Callbacks triggered when the scroll bar's value changes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:66 +---@field onChange System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--Cached for speed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:72 +---@field cachedTransform UnityEngine.Transform +-- +--Camera used to draw the scroll bar. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:78 +---@field cachedCamera UnityEngine.Camera +-- +--Widget used for the foreground. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:84 +---@field foregroundWidget UIWidget +-- +--Widget used for the background. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:90 +---@field backgroundWidget UIWidget +-- +--The scroll bar's direction. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:96 +---@field fillDirection UIProgressBar.FillDirection +-- +--Modifiable value for the scroll bar, 0-1 range. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:116 +---@field value float +-- +--Allows to easily change the scroll bar's alpha, affecting both the foreground and the background sprite at once. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:130 +---@field alpha float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:15 +CS.UIProgressBar = {} + +-- +--Set the progress bar's value. If setting the initial value, call Start() first. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:212 +---@param val float +---@param notify bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIProgressBar.Set(val, notify) end + +-- +--Register the event listeners. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:255 +function CS.UIProgressBar.Start() end + +-- +--Update the value of the scroll bar. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:376 +function CS.UIProgressBar.ForceUpdate() end + +-- +--Watch for key events and adjust the value accordingly. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:498 +---@param delta UnityEngine.Vector2 +function CS.UIProgressBar.OnPan(delta) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Lua/LuaInterface.cs:21 +---@class ILuaMessengerBase +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Lua/LuaInterface.cs:21 +CS.ILuaMessengerBase = {} + + +-- +--Time class has no timeScale-independent time. This class fixes that. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/RealTime.cs:12 +---@class RealTime: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--Real time since startup. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/RealTime.cs:71 +---@field time float +-- +--Real delta time. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/RealTime.cs:77 +---@field deltaTime float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/RealTime.cs:12 +CS.RealTime = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Lua/LuaInterface.cs:26 +---@class ILuaMessenger +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Lua/LuaInterface.cs:26 +CS.ILuaMessenger = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Lua/LuaInterface.cs:28 +function CS.ILuaMessenger.CallBack() end + + +-- +--Tween the audio source's volume. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenVolume.cs:14 +---@class TweenVolume: UITweener +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenVolume.cs:16 +---@field from float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenVolume.cs:17 +---@field to float +-- +--Cached version of 'audio', as it's always faster to cache. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenVolume.cs:25 +---@field audioSource UnityEngine.AudioSource +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenVolume.cs:49 +---@field volume float +-- +--Audio source's current volume. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenVolume.cs:55 +---@field value float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenVolume.cs:14 +CS.TweenVolume = {} + +-- +--Start the tweening operation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenVolume.cs:77 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param duration float +---@param targetVolume float +---@return TweenVolume +function CS.TweenVolume:Begin(go, duration, targetVolume) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenVolume.cs:92 +function CS.TweenVolume.SetStartToCurrentValue() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenVolume.cs:93 +function CS.TweenVolume.SetEndToCurrentValue() end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Lua/LuaInterface.cs:32 +---@class ILuaMessengerString +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Lua/LuaInterface.cs:32 +CS.ILuaMessengerString = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Lua/LuaInterface.cs:34 +---@param val string +function CS.ILuaMessengerString.StringCallBack(val) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:12 +---@class DoNotObfuscateNGUI: System.Attribute +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:12 +CS.DoNotObfuscateNGUI = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Lua/LuaInterface.cs:38 +---@class ILuaMessengerInt +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Lua/LuaInterface.cs:38 +CS.ILuaMessengerInt = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Lua/LuaInterface.cs:40 +---@param val int +function CS.ILuaMessengerInt.IntCallBack(val) end + + +-- +--Helper class containing generic functions used throughout the UI library. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:18 +---@class NGUITools: object +-- +--Audio source used to play UI sounds. NGUI will create one for you automatically, but you can specify it yourself as well if you like. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:26 +---@field audioSource UnityEngine.AudioSource +-- +--Globally accessible volume affecting all sounds played via NGUITools.PlaySound(). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:35 +---@field soundVolume float +-- +--Helper function -- whether the disk access is allowed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:61 +---@field fileAccess bool +-- +--Access to the clipboard via undocumented APIs. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1914 +---@field clipboard string +-- +--Size of the game view cannot be retrieved from Screen.width and Screen.height when the game view is hidden. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2212 +---@field screenSize UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--List of keys that can be checked. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2284 +---@field keys UnityEngine.KeyCode[] +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:18 +CS.NGUITools = {} + +-- +--Play the specified audio clip. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:81 +---@param clip UnityEngine.AudioClip +---@return AudioSource +function CS.NGUITools:PlaySound(clip) end + +-- +--Play the specified audio clip with the specified volume. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:87 +---@param clip UnityEngine.AudioClip +---@param volume float +---@return AudioSource +function CS.NGUITools:PlaySound(clip, volume) end + +-- +--Play the specified audio clip with the specified volume and pitch. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:96 +---@param clip UnityEngine.AudioClip +---@param volume float +---@param pitch float +---@return AudioSource +function CS.NGUITools:PlaySound(clip, volume, pitch) end + +-- +--Same as Random.Range, but the returned value is between min and max, inclusive. +-- Unity's Random.Range is less than max instead, unless min == max. +-- This means Range(0,1) produces 0 instead of 0 or 1. That's unacceptable. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:199 +---@param min int +---@param max int +---@return Int32 +function CS.NGUITools:RandomRange(min, max) end + +-- +--Returns the hierarchy of the object in a human-readable format. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:209 +---@param obj UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return String +function CS.NGUITools:GetHierarchy(obj) end + +-- +--Find all active objects of specified type. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:226 +function CS.NGUITools:FindActive() end + +-- +--Find the camera responsible for drawing the objects on the specified layer. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:235 +---@param layer int +---@return Camera +function CS.NGUITools:FindCameraForLayer(layer) end + +-- +--Add a collider to the game object containing one or more widgets. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:274 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +function CS.NGUITools:AddWidgetCollider(go) end + +-- +--Add a collider to the game object containing one or more widgets. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:280 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param considerInactive bool +function CS.NGUITools:AddWidgetCollider(go, considerInactive) end + +-- +--Adjust the widget's collider based on the depth of the widgets, as well as the widget's dimensions. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:340 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +function CS.NGUITools:UpdateWidgetCollider(go) end + +-- +--Adjust the widget's collider based on the depth of the widgets, as well as the widget's dimensions. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:349 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param considerInactive bool +function CS.NGUITools:UpdateWidgetCollider(go, considerInactive) end + +-- +--Adjust the widget's collider based on the depth of the widgets, as well as the widget's dimensions. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:369 +---@param box UnityEngine.BoxCollider +---@param considerInactive bool +function CS.NGUITools:UpdateWidgetCollider(box, considerInactive) end + +-- +--Adjust the widget's collider based on the depth of the widgets, as well as the widget's dimensions. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:409 +---@param w UIWidget +function CS.NGUITools:UpdateWidgetCollider(w) end + +-- +--Adjust the widget's collider based on the depth of the widgets, as well as the widget's dimensions. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:421 +---@param w UIWidget +---@param box UnityEngine.BoxCollider +function CS.NGUITools:UpdateWidgetCollider(w, box) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:460 +---@param w UIWidget +---@param box UnityEngine.BoxCollider2D +function CS.NGUITools:UpdateWidgetCollider(w, box) end + +-- +--Adjust the widget's collider based on the depth of the widgets, as well as the widget's dimensions. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:520 +---@param box UnityEngine.BoxCollider2D +---@param considerInactive bool +function CS.NGUITools:UpdateWidgetCollider(box, considerInactive) end + +-- +--Helper function that returns the string name of the type. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:596 +---@return String +function CS.NGUITools:GetTypeName() end + +-- +--Helper function that returns the string name of the type. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:608 +---@param obj UnityEngine.Object +---@return String +function CS.NGUITools:GetTypeName(obj) end + +-- +--Convenience method that works without warnings in both Unity 3 and 4. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:621 +---@param obj UnityEngine.Object +---@param name string +function CS.NGUITools:RegisterUndo(obj, name) end + +-- +--Convenience function that marks the specified object as dirty in the Unity Editor. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:633 +---@param obj UnityEngine.Object +---@param undoName string +function CS.NGUITools:SetDirty(obj, undoName) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:660 +---@param gameObject UnityEngine.GameObject +function CS.NGUITools:CheckForPrefabStage(gameObject) end + +-- +--Add a new child game object. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:702 +---@param parent UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return GameObject +function CS.NGUITools:AddChild(parent) end + +-- +--Calculate the game object's depth based on the widgets within, and also taking panel depth into consideration. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:824 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return Int32 +function CS.NGUITools:CalculateRaycastDepth(go) end + +-- +--Gathers all widgets and calculates the depth for the next widget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:877 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return Int32 +function CS.NGUITools:CalculateNextDepth(go) end + +-- +--Gathers all widgets and calculates the depth for the next widget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:900 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param ignoreChildrenWithColliders bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.NGUITools:CalculateNextDepth(go, ignoreChildrenWithColliders) end + +-- +--Adjust the widgets' depth by the specified value. +-- Returns '0' if nothing was adjusted, '1' if panels were adjusted, and '2' if widgets were adjusted. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:932 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param adjustment int +---@return Int32 +function CS.NGUITools:AdjustDepth(go, adjustment) end + +-- +--Bring all of the widgets on the specified object forward. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:978 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +function CS.NGUITools:BringForward(go) end + +-- +--Push all of the widgets on the specified object back, making them appear behind everything else. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:989 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +function CS.NGUITools:PushBack(go) end + +-- +--Normalize the depths of all the widgets and panels in the scene, making them start from 0 and remain in order. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1000 +function CS.NGUITools:NormalizeDepths() end + +-- +--Normalize the depths of all the widgets in the scene, making them start from 0 and remain in order. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1010 +function CS.NGUITools:NormalizeWidgetDepths() end + +-- +--Normalize the depths of all the widgets in the scene, making them start from 0 and remain in order. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1019 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +function CS.NGUITools:NormalizeWidgetDepths(go) end + +-- +--Normalize the depths of all the widgets in the scene, making them start from 0 and remain in order. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1028 +---@param list UIWidget[] +function CS.NGUITools:NormalizeWidgetDepths(list) end + +-- +--Normalize the depths of all the panels in the scene, making them start from 0 and remain in order. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1060 +function CS.NGUITools:NormalizePanelDepths() end + +-- +--Create a new UI. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1093 +---@param advanced3D bool +---@return UIPanel +function CS.NGUITools:CreateUI(advanced3D) end + +-- +--Create a new UI. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1099 +---@param advanced3D bool +---@param layer int +---@return UIPanel +function CS.NGUITools:CreateUI(advanced3D, layer) end + +-- +--Create a new UI. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1105 +---@param trans UnityEngine.Transform +---@param advanced3D bool +---@param layer int +---@return UIPanel +function CS.NGUITools:CreateUI(trans, advanced3D, layer) end + +-- +--Get the rootmost object of the specified game object. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1351 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return GameObject +function CS.NGUITools:GetRoot(go) end + +-- +--Finds the specified component on the game object or one of its parents. +-- This function has become obsolete with Unity 4.3. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1369 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return T +function CS.NGUITools:FindInParents(go) end + +-- +--Finds the specified component on the game object or one of its parents. +-- This function has become obsolete with Unity 4.3. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1394 +---@param trans UnityEngine.Transform +---@return T +function CS.NGUITools:FindInParents(trans) end + +-- +--Destroy the specified object, immediately if in edit mode. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1418 +---@param obj UnityEngine.Object +function CS.NGUITools:Destroy(obj) end + +-- +--Destroy the specified object immediately, unless not in the editor, in which case the regular Destroy is used instead. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1478 +---@param obj UnityEngine.Object +function CS.NGUITools:DestroyImmediate(obj) end + +-- +--Call the specified function on all objects in the scene. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1491 +---@param funcName string +function CS.NGUITools:Broadcast(funcName) end + +-- +--Call the specified function on all objects in the scene. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1501 +---@param funcName string +---@param param object +function CS.NGUITools:Broadcast(funcName, param) end + +-- +--Determines whether the 'parent' contains a 'child' in its hierarchy. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1511 +---@param parent UnityEngine.Transform +---@param child UnityEngine.Transform +---@return Boolean +function CS.NGUITools:IsChild(parent, child) end + +-- +--SetActiveRecursively enables children before parents. This is a problem when a widget gets re-enabled +-- and it tries to find a panel on its parent. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1569 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param state bool +function CS.NGUITools:SetActive(go, state) end + +-- +--SetActiveRecursively enables children before parents. This is a problem when a widget gets re-enabled +-- and it tries to find a panel on its parent. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1576 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param state bool +---@param compatibilityMode bool +function CS.NGUITools:SetActive(go, state, compatibilityMode) end + +-- +--Activate or deactivate children of the specified game object without changing the active state of the object itself. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1610 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param state bool +function CS.NGUITools:SetActiveChildren(go, state) end + +-- +--Helper function that returns whether the specified MonoBehaviour is active. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1637 +---@param mb UnityEngine.Behaviour +---@return Boolean +function CS.NGUITools:IsActive(mb) end + +-- +--Helper function that returns whether the specified MonoBehaviour is active. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1648 +---@param mb UnityEngine.Behaviour +---@return Boolean +function CS.NGUITools:GetActive(mb) end + +-- +--Unity4 has changed GameObject.active to GameObject.activeself. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1659 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return Boolean +function CS.NGUITools:GetActive(go) end + +-- +--Unity4 has changed GameObject.active to GameObject.SetActive. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1670 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param state bool +function CS.NGUITools:SetActiveSelf(go, state) end + +-- +--Recursively set the game object's layer. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1679 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param layer int +function CS.NGUITools:SetLayer(go, layer) end + +-- +--Helper function used to make the vector use integer numbers. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1696 +---@param v UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.NGUITools:Round(v) end + +-- +--Make the specified selection pixel-perfect. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1708 +---@param t UnityEngine.Transform +function CS.NGUITools:MakePixelPerfect(t) end + +-- +--Save the specified binary data into the specified file. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1830 +---@param fileName string +---@param bytes byte[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.NGUITools:Save(fileName, bytes) end + +-- +--Load all binary data from the specified file. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1867 +---@param fileName string +function CS.NGUITools:Load(fileName) end + +-- +--Pre-multiply shaders result in a black outline if this operation is done in the shader. It's better to do it outside. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1888 +---@param c UnityEngine.Color +---@return Color +function CS.NGUITools:ApplyPMA(c) end + +-- +--Inform all widgets underneath the specified object that the parent has changed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1903 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +function CS.NGUITools:MarkParentAsChanged(go) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1940 +---@param c UnityEngine.Color +---@return String +function CS.NGUITools:EncodeColor(c) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1943 +---@param text string +---@param offset int +---@return Color +function CS.NGUITools:ParseColor(text, offset) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1946 +---@param text string +---@return String +function CS.NGUITools:StripSymbols(text) end + +-- +--Convenience function that converts Class + Function combo into Class.Function representation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2146 +---@param obj object +---@param method string +---@return String +function CS.NGUITools:GetFuncName(obj, method) end + +-- +--Execute the specified function on the target game object. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2160 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param funcName string +function CS.NGUITools:Execute(go, funcName) end + +-- +--Execute the specified function on the target game object and all of its children. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2179 +---@param root UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param funcName string +function CS.NGUITools:ExecuteAll(root, funcName) end + +-- +--Immediately start, update, and create all the draw calls from newly instantiated UI. +-- This is useful if you plan on doing something like immediately taking a screenshot then destroying the UI. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2192 +---@param root UnityEngine.GameObject +function CS.NGUITools:ImmediatelyCreateDrawCalls(root) end + +-- +--Helper function that converts the specified key to a 3-character key identifier for captions. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2440 +---@param key UnityEngine.KeyCode +---@return String +function CS.NGUITools:KeyToCaption(key) end + +-- +--The opposite of KeyToCaption() function that converts the string representation to its KeyCode value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2601 +---@param caption string +---@return KeyCode +function CS.NGUITools:CaptionToKey(caption) end + +-- +--Immediately add a new widget to the screen or return an existing one that matches the specified ID. +-- The usage of this function is very similar to GUI.Draw in a sense that it can be used to quickly +-- show persistent widgets via code. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2767 +---@param id string +---@param onInit NGUITools.OnInitFunc +---@return T +function CS.NGUITools:Draw(id, onInit) end + +-- +--Helper function that determines whether the two atlases are related. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2861 +---@param a INGUIAtlas +---@param b INGUIAtlas +---@return Boolean +function CS.NGUITools:CheckIfRelated(a, b) end + +-- +--Replace all atlas reference of one atlas with another. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2871 +---@param before INGUIAtlas +---@param after INGUIAtlas +function CS.NGUITools:Replace(before, after) end + +-- +--Helper function that determines whether the two atlases are related. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2938 +---@param a INGUIFont +---@param b INGUIFont +---@return Boolean +function CS.NGUITools:CheckIfRelated(a, b) end + +-- +--Add a new child game object. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:708 +---@param layer int +---@return GameObject +function CS.NGUITools.AddChild(layer) end + +-- +--Add a new child game object. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:714 +---@param undo bool +---@return GameObject +function CS.NGUITools.AddChild(undo) end + +-- +--Add a new child game object. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:720 +---@param undo bool +---@param layer int +---@return GameObject +function CS.NGUITools.AddChild(undo, layer) end + +-- +--Instantiate an object and add it to the specified parent. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:745 +---@param prefab UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return GameObject +function CS.NGUITools.AddChild(prefab) end + +-- +--Instantiate an object and add it to the specified parent. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:762 +---@param prefab UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return GameObject +function CS.NGUITools.AddChild(prefab) end + +-- +--Instantiate an object and add it to the specified parent. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:768 +---@param prefab UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param layer int +---@return GameObject +function CS.NGUITools.AddChild(prefab, layer) end + +-- +--Helper function that recursively sets all children with widgets' game objects layers to the specified value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1268 +---@param layer int +function CS.NGUITools.SetChildLayer(layer) end + +-- +--Add a child object to the specified parent and attaches the specified script to it. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1284 +---@return T +function CS.NGUITools.AddChild() end + +-- +--Add a child object to the specified parent and attaches the specified script to it. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1302 +---@param undo bool +---@return T +function CS.NGUITools.AddChild(undo) end + +-- +--Add a new widget of specified type. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1320 +---@param depth int +---@return T +function CS.NGUITools.AddWidget(depth) end + +-- +--Add a sprite appropriate for the specified atlas sprite. +-- It will be sliced if the sprite has an inner rect, and a regular sprite otherwise. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1337 +---@param atlas INGUIAtlas +---@param spriteName string +---@param depth int +---@return UISprite +function CS.NGUITools.AddSprite(atlas, spriteName, depth) end + +-- +--Convenience extension that destroys all children of the transform. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1457 +function CS.NGUITools.DestroyChildren() end + +-- +--Given the root widget, adjust its position so that it fits on the screen. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1731 +---@param t UnityEngine.Transform +---@param considerInactive bool +---@param considerChildren bool +function CS.NGUITools.FitOnScreen(t, considerInactive, considerChildren) end + +-- +--Fit the specified NGUI hierarchy on the screen. +-- Example: uiCamera.FitOnScreen(contentObjectTransform, UICamera.lastEventPosition); +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1757 +---@param transform UnityEngine.Transform +---@param pos UnityEngine.Vector3 +function CS.NGUITools.FitOnScreen(transform, pos) end + +-- +--Fit the specified NGUI hierarchy on the screen. +-- Example: uiCamera.FitOnScreen(rootObjectTransform, contentObjectTransform, UICamera.lastEventPosition); +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1767 +---@param transform UnityEngine.Transform +---@param content UnityEngine.Transform +---@param pos UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param considerInactive bool +function CS.NGUITools.FitOnScreen(transform, content, pos, considerInactive) end + +-- +--Fit the specified NGUI hierarchy on the screen. +-- Example: uiCamera.FitOnScreen(rootObjectTransform, contentObjectTransform, UICamera.lastEventPosition); +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1778 +---@param transform UnityEngine.Transform +---@param content UnityEngine.Transform +---@param pos UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param bounds UnityEngine.Bounds +---@param considerInactive bool +function CS.NGUITools.FitOnScreen(transform, content, pos, bounds, considerInactive) end + +-- +--Extension for the game object that checks to see if the component already exists before adding a new one. +-- If the component is already present it will be returned instead. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1953 +---@return T +function CS.NGUITools.AddMissingComponent() end + +-- +--Get sides relative to the specified camera. The order is left, top, right, bottom. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1982 +function CS.NGUITools.GetSides() end + +-- +--Get sides relative to the specified camera. The order is left, top, right, bottom. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:1991 +---@param depth float +function CS.NGUITools.GetSides(depth) end + +-- +--Get sides relative to the specified camera. The order is left, top, right, bottom. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2000 +---@param relativeTo UnityEngine.Transform +function CS.NGUITools.GetSides(relativeTo) end + +-- +--Get sides relative to the specified camera. The order is left, top, right, bottom. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2009 +---@param depth float +---@param relativeTo UnityEngine.Transform +function CS.NGUITools.GetSides(depth, relativeTo) end + +-- +--Get the camera's world-space corners. The order is bottom-left, top-left, top-right, bottom-right. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2067 +function CS.NGUITools.GetWorldCorners() end + +-- +--Get the camera's world-space corners. The order is bottom-left, top-left, top-right, bottom-right. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2077 +---@param depth float +function CS.NGUITools.GetWorldCorners(depth) end + +-- +--Get the camera's world-space corners. The order is bottom-left, top-left, top-right, bottom-right. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2086 +---@param relativeTo UnityEngine.Transform +function CS.NGUITools.GetWorldCorners(relativeTo) end + +-- +--Get the camera's world-space corners. The order is bottom-left, top-left, top-right, bottom-right. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2095 +---@param depth float +---@param relativeTo UnityEngine.Transform +function CS.NGUITools.GetWorldCorners(depth, relativeTo) end + +-- +--Transforms this color from gamma to linear space, but only if the active color space is actually set to linear. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2819 +---@return Color +function CS.NGUITools.GammaToLinearSpace() end + +-- +--Transforms this color from linear to gamma space, but only if the active color space is actually set to linear. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2839 +---@return Color +function CS.NGUITools.LinearToGammaSpace() end + + +-- +--This script makes it possible for a scroll view to wrap its content, creating endless scroll views. +-- Usage: simply attach this script underneath your scroll view where you would normally place a UIGrid: +-- +-- + Scroll View +-- |- UIWrappedContent +-- |-- Item 1 +-- |-- Item 2 +-- |-- Item 3 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIWrapContent.cs:21 +---@class UIWrapContent: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--Width or height of the child items for positioning purposes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIWrapContent.cs:29 +---@field itemSize int +-- +--Whether the content will be automatically culled. Enabling this will improve performance in scroll views that contain a lot of items. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIWrapContent.cs:35 +---@field cullContent bool +-- +--Minimum allowed index for items. If "min" is equal to "max" then there is no limit. +-- For vertical scroll views indices increment with the Y position (towards top of the screen). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIWrapContent.cs:42 +---@field minIndex int +-- +--Maximum allowed index for items. If "min" is equal to "max" then there is no limit. +-- For vertical scroll views indices increment with the Y position (towards top of the screen). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIWrapContent.cs:49 +---@field maxIndex int +-- +--Whether hidden game objects will be ignored for the purpose of calculating bounds. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIWrapContent.cs:55 +---@field hideInactive bool +-- +--Callback that will be called every time an item needs to have its content updated. +-- The 'wrapIndex' is the index within the child list, and 'realIndex' is the index using position logic. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIWrapContent.cs:62 +---@field onInitializeItem UIWrapContent.OnInitializeItem +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIWrapContent.cs:21 +CS.UIWrapContent = {} + +-- +--Immediately reposition all children. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIWrapContent.cs:94 +function CS.UIWrapContent.SortBasedOnScrollMovement() end + +-- +--Immediately reposition all children, sorting them alphabetically. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIWrapContent.cs:118 +function CS.UIWrapContent.SortAlphabetically() end + +-- +--Wrap all content, repositioning all children as needed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIWrapContent.cs:170 +function CS.UIWrapContent.WrapContent() end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:24 +---@class Scaling: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:26 +---@field Flexible UIRoot.Scaling +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:27 +---@field Constrained UIRoot.Scaling +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:28 +---@field ConstrainedOnMobiles UIRoot.Scaling +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:24 +CS.Scaling = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIRoot.Scaling +function CS.Scaling:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2759 +---@class OnInitFunc: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2759 +CS.OnInitFunc = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2759 +---@param w T +function CS.OnInitFunc.Invoke(w) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2759 +---@param w T +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnInitFunc.BeginInvoke(w, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUITools.cs:2759 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnInitFunc.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:31 +---@class Constraint: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:33 +---@field Fit UIRoot.Constraint +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:34 +---@field Fill UIRoot.Constraint +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:35 +---@field FitWidth UIRoot.Constraint +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:36 +---@field FitHeight UIRoot.Constraint +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIRoot.cs:31 +CS.Constraint = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIRoot.Constraint +function CS.Constraint:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/MessageKeys.cs:1 +---@class MessageKeys: System.Enum +-- +--Lua脚本加载(require)完成 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/MessageKeys.cs:6 +---@field LuaScriptsLoaded MessageKeys +-- +--进入登录状态 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/MessageKeys.cs:11 +---@field LoginEntered MessageKeys +-- +--进入登录GameSystem状态 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/MessageKeys.cs:16 +---@field LoginGameSystemEntered MessageKeys +-- +--进入创角状态 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/MessageKeys.cs:21 +---@field CreatingPlayerEntered MessageKeys +-- +--进入大厅 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/MessageKeys.cs:26 +---@field HallEntered MessageKeys +-- +--退出大厅 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/MessageKeys.cs:31 +---@field HallExited MessageKeys +-- +--进入登录GameWorld的状态 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/MessageKeys.cs:36 +---@field LoginGameWorldEntered MessageKeys +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/MessageKeys.cs:38 +---@field InitializeFinished MessageKeys +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/MessageKeys.cs:45 +---@field SceneLoadStateChange MessageKeys +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/MessageKeys.cs:47 +---@field SceneTriggerEnter MessageKeys +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/MessageKeys.cs:49 +---@field SceneTriggerExit MessageKeys +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/MessageKeys.cs:51 +---@field GameOver MessageKeys +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/MessageKeys.cs:54 +---@field LuaStart MessageKeys +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/MessageKeys.cs:1 +CS.MessageKeys = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return MessageKeys +function CS.MessageKeys:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Attach this script to a UITexture to turn it into a color picker. +-- The color picking texture will be generated automatically. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIColorPicker.cs:15 +---@class UIColorPicker: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIColorPicker.cs:17 +---@field current UIColorPicker +-- +--Color picker's current value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIColorPicker.cs:23 +---@field value UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Widget that will be positioned above the current color selection. This value is optional. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIColorPicker.cs:29 +---@field selectionWidget UIWidget +-- +--Delegate that will be called when the color picker is being interacted with. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIColorPicker.cs:35 +---@field onChange System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIColorPicker.cs:15 +CS.UIColorPicker = {} + +-- +--Select the color under the specified relative coordinate. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIColorPicker.cs:124 +---@param v UnityEngine.Vector2 +function CS.UIColorPicker.Select(v) end + +-- +--Select the specified color. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIColorPicker.cs:149 +---@param c UnityEngine.Color +---@return Vector2 +function CS.UIColorPicker.Select(c) end + +-- +--Choose a color, given X and Y in 0-1 range. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIColorPicker.cs:209 +---@param x float +---@param y float +---@return Color +function CS.UIColorPicker:Sample(x, y) end + + +-- +--Abstract UI rectangle containing functionality common to both panels and widgets. +-- A UI rectangle contains 4 anchor points (one for each side), and it ensures that they are updated in the proper order. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:13 +---@class UIRect: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--Left side anchor. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:137 +---@field leftAnchor UIRect.AnchorPoint +-- +--Right side anchor. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:143 +---@field rightAnchor UIRect.AnchorPoint +-- +--Bottom side anchor. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:149 +---@field bottomAnchor UIRect.AnchorPoint +-- +--Top side anchor. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:155 +---@field topAnchor UIRect.AnchorPoint +-- +--Whether anchors will be recalculated on every update. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:168 +---@field updateAnchors UIRect.AnchorUpdate +-- +--Final calculated alpha. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:190 +---@field finalAlpha float +-- +--Game object gets cached for speed. Can't simply return 'mGo' set in Awake because this function may be called on a prefab. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:196 +---@field cachedGameObject UnityEngine.GameObject +-- +--Transform gets cached for speed. Can't simply return 'mTrans' set in Awake because this function may be called on a prefab. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:202 +---@field cachedTransform UnityEngine.Transform +-- +--Camera used by anchors. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:208 +---@field anchorCamera UnityEngine.Camera +-- +--Whether the rectangle is currently anchored fully on all sides. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:214 +---@field isFullyAnchored bool +-- +--Whether the rectangle is anchored horizontally. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:220 +---@field isAnchoredHorizontally bool +-- +--Whether the rectangle is anchored vertically. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:226 +---@field isAnchoredVertically bool +-- +--Whether the rectangle can be anchored. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:232 +---@field canBeAnchored bool +-- +--Get the rectangle's parent, if any. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:238 +---@field parent UIRect +-- +--Get the root object, if any. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:255 +---@field root UIRoot +-- +--Returns 'true' if the widget is currently anchored on any side. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:274 +---@field isAnchored bool +-- +--Local alpha, not relative to anything. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:286 +---@field alpha float +-- +--Local-space corners of the UI rectangle. The order is bottom-left, top-left, top-right, bottom-right. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:298 +---@field localCorners UnityEngine.Vector3[] +-- +--World-space corners of the UI rectangle. The order is bottom-left, top-left, top-right, bottom-right. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:304 +---@field worldCorners UnityEngine.Vector3[] +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:13 +CS.UIRect = {} + +-- +--Get the final cumulative alpha. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:292 +---@param frameID int +---@return Single +function CS.UIRect.CalculateFinalAlpha(frameID) end + +-- +--Sets the local 'changed' flag, indicating that some parent value(s) are now be different, such as alpha for example. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:337 +---@param includeChildren bool +function CS.UIRect.Invalidate(includeChildren) end + +-- +--Get the sides of the rectangle relative to the specified transform. +-- The order is left, top, right, bottom. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:353 +---@param relativeTo UnityEngine.Transform +function CS.UIRect.GetSides(relativeTo) end + +-- +--Set anchor rect references on start. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:462 +function CS.UIRect.Start() end + +-- +--Rectangles need to update in a specific order -- parents before children. +-- When deriving from this class, override its OnUpdate() function instead. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:477 +function CS.UIRect.Update() end + +-- +--Manually update anchored sides. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:553 +function CS.UIRect.UpdateAnchors() end + +-- +--Anchor this rectangle to the specified transform. +-- Note that this function will not keep the rectangle's current dimensions, but will instead assume the target's dimensions. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:574 +---@param t UnityEngine.Transform +function CS.UIRect.SetAnchor(t) end + +-- +--Anchor this rectangle to the specified transform. +-- Note that this function will not keep the rectangle's current dimensions, but will instead assume the target's dimensions. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:590 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +function CS.UIRect.SetAnchor(go) end + +-- +--Anchor this rectangle to the specified transform. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:607 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param left int +---@param bottom int +---@param right int +---@param top int +function CS.UIRect.SetAnchor(go, left, bottom, right, top) end + +-- +--Anchor this rectangle to the specified transform. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:634 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param left float +---@param bottom float +---@param right float +---@param top float +function CS.UIRect.SetAnchor(go, left, bottom, right, top) end + +-- +--Anchor this rectangle to the specified transform. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:661 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param left float +---@param leftOffset int +---@param bottom float +---@param bottomOffset int +---@param right float +---@param rightOffset int +---@param top float +---@param topOffset int +function CS.UIRect.SetAnchor(go, left, leftOffset, bottom, bottomOffset, right, rightOffset, top, topOffset) end + +-- +--Anchor this rectangle to the specified transform. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:692 +---@param left float +---@param leftOffset int +---@param bottom float +---@param bottomOffset int +---@param right float +---@param rightOffset int +---@param top float +---@param topOffset int +function CS.UIRect.SetAnchor(left, leftOffset, bottom, bottomOffset, right, rightOffset, top, topOffset) end + +-- +--Set the rect of the widget to the specified X, Y, width and height, anchored to the top-left corner of the screen. +-- Convenience function for those familiar with GUI.Draw. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:724 +---@param left int +---@param top int +---@param width int +---@param height int +function CS.UIRect.SetScreenRect(left, top, width, height) end + +-- +--Ensure that all rect references are set correctly on the anchors. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:733 +function CS.UIRect.ResetAnchors() end + +-- +--Convenience method that resets and updates the anchors, all at once. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:756 +function CS.UIRect.ResetAndUpdateAnchors() end + +-- +--Set the rectangle manually. XY is the bottom-left corner. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:762 +---@param x float +---@param y float +---@param width float +---@param height float +function CS.UIRect.SetRect(x, y, width, height) end + +-- +--Call this function when the rectangle's parent has changed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:786 +function CS.UIRect.ParentHasChanged() end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIWrapContent.cs:23 +---@class OnInitializeItem: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIWrapContent.cs:23 +CS.OnInitializeItem = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIWrapContent.cs:23 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param wrapIndex int +---@param realIndex int +function CS.OnInitializeItem.Invoke(go, wrapIndex, realIndex) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIWrapContent.cs:23 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param wrapIndex int +---@param realIndex int +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnInitializeItem.BeginInvoke(go, wrapIndex, realIndex, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIWrapContent.cs:23 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnInitializeItem.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--Used automatically by UILabel when symbols are not in the same atlas as the font. Don't try to add this to anything yourself. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabelSymbols.cs:14 +---@class UILabelSymbols: UIWidget +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabelSymbols.cs:16 +---@field label UILabel +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabelSymbols.cs:17 +---@field fillFrame int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabelSymbols.cs:20 +---@field cacheVerts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabelSymbols.cs:21 +---@field cacheUVs System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabelSymbols.cs:22 +---@field cacheCols System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabelSymbols.cs:25 +---@field symbolVerts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabelSymbols.cs:26 +---@field symbolUVs System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabelSymbols.cs:27 +---@field symbolCols System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabelSymbols.cs:29 +---@field isSelectable bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabelSymbols.cs:31 +---@field material UnityEngine.Material +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabelSymbols.cs:14 +CS.UILabelSymbols = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabelSymbols.cs:44 +function CS.UILabelSymbols.ClearCache() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UILabelSymbols.cs:80 +---@param verts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param uvs System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param cols System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UILabelSymbols.OnFill(verts, uvs, cols) end + + +-- +--Input field makes it possible to enter custom information within the UI. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:19 +---@class UIInput: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--Currently active input field. Only valid during callbacks. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:78 +---@field current UIInput +-- +--Currently selected input field, if any. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:84 +---@field selection UIInput +-- +--Text label used to display the input's value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:90 +---@field label UILabel +-- +--Type of data expected by the input field. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:96 +---@field inputType UIInput.InputType +-- +--What to do when the Return key is pressed on the keyboard. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:102 +---@field onReturnKey UIInput.OnReturnKey +-- +--Keyboard type applies to mobile keyboards that get shown. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:108 +---@field keyboardType UIInput.KeyboardType +-- +--Whether the input will be hidden on mobile platforms. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:114 +---@field hideInput bool +-- +--Whether all text will be selected when the input field gains focus. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:121 +---@field selectAllTextOnFocus bool +-- +--Whether the input text will be submitted when the input field gets unselected. By default this is off, and submit event will only be called when Enter is used. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:127 +---@field submitOnUnselect bool +-- +--What kind of validation to use with the input field's data. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:133 +---@field validation UIInput.Validation +-- +--Maximum number of characters allowed before input no longer works. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:139 +---@field characterLimit int +-- +--Field in player prefs used to automatically save the value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:145 +---@field savedAs string +-- +--Color of the label when the input field has focus. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:157 +---@field activeTextColor UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Color used by the caret symbol. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:163 +---@field caretColor UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Color used by the selection rectangle. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:169 +---@field selectionColor UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Event delegates triggered when the input field submits its data. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:175 +---@field onSubmit System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--Event delegates triggered when the input field's text changes for any reason. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:181 +---@field onChange System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--Custom validation callback. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:187 +---@field onValidate UIInput.OnValidate +-- +--Default text used by the input's label. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:226 +---@field defaultText string +-- +--Text's default color when not selected. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:245 +---@field defaultColor UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Should the input be hidden? +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:263 +---@field inputShouldBeHidden bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:272 +---@field text string +-- +--Input field's current text value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:278 +---@field value string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:347 +---@field selected bool +-- +--Whether the input is currently selected. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:353 +---@field isSelected bool +-- +--Current position of the cursor. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:370 +---@field cursorPosition int +-- +--Index of the character where selection begins. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:396 +---@field selectionStart int +-- +--Index of the character where selection ends. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:422 +---@field selectionEnd int +-- +--Caret, in case it's needed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:448 +---@field caret UITexture +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:1127 +---@field onUpArrow System.Action +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:1128 +---@field onDownArrow System.Action +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:19 +CS.UIInput = {} + +-- +--Set the input field's value. If setting the initial value, call Start() first. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:295 +---@param value string +---@param notify bool +function CS.UIInput.Set(value, notify) end + +-- +--Validate the specified text, returning the validated version. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:454 +---@param val string +---@return String +function CS.UIInput.Validate(val) end + +-- +--Automatically set the value by loading it from player prefs if possible. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:477 +function CS.UIInput.Start() end + +-- +--Handle the specified event. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:900 +---@param ev UnityEngine.Event +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIInput.ProcessEvent(ev) end + +-- +--Submit the input field's text. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:1293 +function CS.UIInput.Submit() end + +-- +--Update the visual text label. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:1313 +function CS.UIInput.UpdateLabel() end + +-- +--Convenience function to be used as a callback that will clear the input field's focus. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:1574 +function CS.UIInput.RemoveFocus() end + +-- +--Convenience function that can be used as a callback for On Change notification. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:1580 +function CS.UIInput.SaveValue() end + +-- +--Convenience function that can forcefully reset the input field's value to what was saved earlier. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:1586 +function CS.UIInput.LoadValue() end + + +-- +--Deprecated component. Use UIKeyNavigation instead. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonKeys.cs:14 +---@class UIButtonKeys: UIKeyNavigation +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonKeys.cs:16 +---@field selectOnClick UIButtonKeys +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonKeys.cs:17 +---@field selectOnUp UIButtonKeys +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonKeys.cs:18 +---@field selectOnDown UIButtonKeys +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonKeys.cs:19 +---@field selectOnLeft UIButtonKeys +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonKeys.cs:20 +---@field selectOnRight UIButtonKeys +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonKeys.cs:14 +CS.UIButtonKeys = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonKeys.cs:28 +function CS.UIButtonKeys.Upgrade() end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/MinMaxRangeAttribute.cs:8 +---@class MinMaxRangeAttribute: UnityEngine.PropertyAttribute +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/MinMaxRangeAttribute.cs:10 +---@field minLimit float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/MinMaxRangeAttribute.cs:10 +---@field maxLimit float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/MinMaxRangeAttribute.cs:8 +CS.MinMaxRangeAttribute = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:17 +---@class FillDirection: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:19 +---@field LeftToRight UIProgressBar.FillDirection +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:20 +---@field RightToLeft UIProgressBar.FillDirection +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:21 +---@field BottomToTop UIProgressBar.FillDirection +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:22 +---@field TopToBottom UIProgressBar.FillDirection +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:17 +CS.FillDirection = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIProgressBar.FillDirection +function CS.FillDirection:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:37 +---@class OnDragFinished: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:37 +CS.OnDragFinished = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:37 +function CS.OnDragFinished.Invoke() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:37 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnDragFinished.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIProgressBar.cs:37 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnDragFinished.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--This script is capable of resizing the widget it's attached to in order to +-- completely envelop targeted UI content. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/EnvelopContent.cs:15 +---@class EnvelopContent: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/EnvelopContent.cs:17 +---@field targetRoot UnityEngine.Transform +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/EnvelopContent.cs:18 +---@field padLeft int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/EnvelopContent.cs:19 +---@field padRight int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/EnvelopContent.cs:20 +---@field padBottom int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/EnvelopContent.cs:21 +---@field padTop int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/EnvelopContent.cs:22 +---@field ignoreDisabled bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/EnvelopContent.cs:15 +CS.EnvelopContent = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/EnvelopContent.cs:35 +function CS.EnvelopContent.Execute() end + + +-- +--Makes it possible to animate alpha of the widget or a panel. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/AnimatedAlpha.cs:13 +---@class AnimatedAlpha: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/AnimatedAlpha.cs:16 +---@field alpha float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/AnimatedAlpha.cs:13 +CS.AnimatedAlpha = {} + + +-- +--Example script showing how to activate or deactivate a game object when a toggle's state changes. +-- OnActivate event is sent out by the UIToggle script. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggledObjects.cs:15 +---@class UIToggledObjects: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggledObjects.cs:17 +---@field activate System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggledObjects.cs:18 +---@field deactivate System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggledObjects.cs:15 +CS.UIToggledObjects = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggledObjects.cs:47 +function CS.UIToggledObjects.Toggle() end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:45 +---@class ControlScheme: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:47 +---@field Mouse UICamera.ControlScheme +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:48 +---@field Touch UICamera.ControlScheme +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:49 +---@field Controller UICamera.ControlScheme +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:45 +CS.ControlScheme = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UICamera.ControlScheme +function CS.ControlScheme:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Attaching this script to a label will make the label's letters animate. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:13 +---@class TweenLetters: UITweener +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:75 +---@field hoverOver TweenLetters.AnimationProperties +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:76 +---@field hoverOut TweenLetters.AnimationProperties +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:13 +CS.TweenLetters = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:104 +---@param forward bool +function CS.TweenLetters.Play(forward) end + + +-- +--UI Atlas contains a collection of sprites inside one large texture atlas. +-- This is the legacy atlas component, kept for full backwards compatibility. All newly created UIs should use NGUIAtlas-based atlases instead. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAtlas.cs:16 +---@class UIAtlas: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--Material used by the atlas. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAtlas.cs:72 +---@field spriteMaterial UnityEngine.Material +-- +--Whether the atlas is using a premultiplied alpha material. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAtlas.cs:109 +---@field premultipliedAlpha bool +-- +--List of sprites within the atlas. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAtlas.cs:129 +---@field spriteList System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--Texture used by the atlas. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAtlas.cs:150 +---@field texture UnityEngine.Texture +-- +--Pixel size is a multiplier applied to widgets dimensions when performing MakePixelPerfect() pixel correction. +-- Most obvious use would be on retina screen displays. The resolution doubles, but with UIRoot staying the same +-- for layout purposes, you can still get extra sharpness by switching to an HD atlas that has pixel size set to 0.5. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAtlas.cs:165 +---@field pixelSize float +-- +--Setting a replacement atlas value will cause everything using this atlas to use the replacement atlas instead. +-- Suggested use: set up all your widgets to use a dummy atlas that points to the real atlas. Switching that atlas +-- to another one (for example an HD atlas) is then a simple matter of setting this field on your dummy atlas. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAtlas.cs:199 +---@field replacement INGUIAtlas +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAtlas.cs:16 +CS.UIAtlas = {} + +-- +--Convenience function that retrieves a sprite by name. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAtlas.cs:225 +---@param name string +---@return UISpriteData +function CS.UIAtlas.GetSprite(name) end + +-- +--Rebuild the sprite indices. Call this after modifying the spriteList at run time. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAtlas.cs:286 +function CS.UIAtlas.MarkSpriteListAsChanged() end + +-- +--Sort the list of sprites within the atlas, making them alphabetical. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAtlas.cs:302 +function CS.UIAtlas.SortAlphabetically() end + +-- +--Convenience function that retrieves a list of all sprite names. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAtlas.cs:314 +---@return BetterList +function CS.UIAtlas.GetListOfSprites() end + +-- +--Convenience function that retrieves a list of all sprite names that contain the specified phrase +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAtlas.cs:334 +---@param match string +---@return BetterList +function CS.UIAtlas.GetListOfSprites(match) end + +-- +--Helper function that determines whether the atlas uses the specified one, taking replacements into account. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAtlas.cs:383 +---@param atlas INGUIAtlas +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIAtlas.References(atlas) end + +-- +--Mark all widgets associated with this atlas as having changed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIAtlas.cs:395 +function CS.UIAtlas.MarkAsChanged() end + + +-- +--Whether the touch event will be sending out the OnClick notification at the end. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:56 +---@class ClickNotification: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:58 +---@field None UICamera.ClickNotification +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:59 +---@field Always UICamera.ClickNotification +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:60 +---@field BasedOnDelta UICamera.ClickNotification +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:56 +CS.ClickNotification = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UICamera.ClickNotification +function CS.ClickNotification:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Ambiguous mouse, touch, or controller event. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:67 +---@class MouseOrTouch: object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:69 +---@field key UnityEngine.KeyCode +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:70 +---@field pos UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:71 +---@field lastPos UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:72 +---@field delta UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:73 +---@field totalDelta UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:75 +---@field pressedCam UnityEngine.Camera +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:77 +---@field last UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:78 +---@field current UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:79 +---@field pressed UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:80 +---@field dragged UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:81 +---@field lastClickGO UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:83 +---@field pressTime float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:84 +---@field clickTime float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:86 +---@field clickNotification UICamera.ClickNotification +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:87 +---@field touchBegan bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:88 +---@field pressStarted bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:89 +---@field dragStarted bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:90 +---@field ignoreDelta int +-- +--Delta time since the touch operation started. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:96 +---@field deltaTime float +-- +--Returns whether this touch is currently over a UI element. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:102 +---@field isOverUI bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:67 +CS.MouseOrTouch = {} + + +-- +--Camera type controls how raycasts are handled by the UICamera. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:115 +---@class EventType: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:117 +---@field World_3D UICamera.EventType +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:118 +---@field UI_3D UICamera.EventType +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:119 +---@field World_2D UICamera.EventType +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:120 +---@field UI_2D UICamera.EventType +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:115 +CS.EventType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UICamera.EventType +function CS.EventType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:129 +---@class GetKeyStateFunc: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:129 +CS.GetKeyStateFunc = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:129 +---@param key UnityEngine.KeyCode +---@return Boolean +function CS.GetKeyStateFunc.Invoke(key) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:129 +---@param key UnityEngine.KeyCode +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.GetKeyStateFunc.BeginInvoke(key, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:129 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Boolean +function CS.GetKeyStateFunc.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:130 +---@class GetAxisFunc: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:130 +CS.GetAxisFunc = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:130 +---@param name string +---@return Single +function CS.GetAxisFunc.Invoke(name) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:130 +---@param name string +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.GetAxisFunc.BeginInvoke(name, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:130 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Single +function CS.GetAxisFunc.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:131 +---@class GetAnyKeyFunc: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:131 +CS.GetAnyKeyFunc = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:131 +---@return Boolean +function CS.GetAnyKeyFunc.Invoke() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:131 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.GetAnyKeyFunc.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:131 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Boolean +function CS.GetAnyKeyFunc.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:132 +---@class GetMouseDelegate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:132 +CS.GetMouseDelegate = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:132 +---@param button int +---@return MouseOrTouch +function CS.GetMouseDelegate.Invoke(button) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:132 +---@param button int +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.GetMouseDelegate.BeginInvoke(button, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:132 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return MouseOrTouch +function CS.GetMouseDelegate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:133 +---@class GetTouchDelegate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:133 +CS.GetTouchDelegate = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:133 +---@param id int +---@param createIfMissing bool +---@return MouseOrTouch +function CS.GetTouchDelegate.Invoke(id, createIfMissing) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:133 +---@param id int +---@param createIfMissing bool +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.GetTouchDelegate.BeginInvoke(id, createIfMissing, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:133 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return MouseOrTouch +function CS.GetTouchDelegate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:134 +---@class RemoveTouchDelegate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:134 +CS.RemoveTouchDelegate = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:134 +---@param id int +function CS.RemoveTouchDelegate.Invoke(id) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:134 +---@param id int +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.RemoveTouchDelegate.BeginInvoke(id, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:134 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.RemoveTouchDelegate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:234 +---@class OnScreenResize: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:234 +CS.OnScreenResize = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:234 +function CS.OnScreenResize.Invoke() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:234 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnScreenResize.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:234 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnScreenResize.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:256 +---@class ProcessEventsIn: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:258 +---@field Update UICamera.ProcessEventsIn +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:259 +---@field LateUpdate UICamera.ProcessEventsIn +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:256 +CS.ProcessEventsIn = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UICamera.ProcessEventsIn +function CS.ProcessEventsIn:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:407 +---@class OnCustomInput: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:407 +CS.OnCustomInput = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:407 +function CS.OnCustomInput.Invoke() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:407 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnCustomInput.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:407 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnCustomInput.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:532 +---@class OnSchemeChange: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:532 +CS.OnSchemeChange = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:532 +function CS.OnSchemeChange.Invoke() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:532 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnSchemeChange.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:532 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnSchemeChange.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:703 +---@class MoveDelegate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:703 +CS.MoveDelegate = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:703 +---@param delta UnityEngine.Vector2 +function CS.MoveDelegate.Invoke(delta) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:703 +---@param delta UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.MoveDelegate.BeginInvoke(delta, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:703 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.MoveDelegate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:16 +---@class AnchorPoint: object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:18 +---@field target UnityEngine.Transform +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:19 +---@field relative float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:20 +---@field absolute int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:23 +---@field rect UIRect +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:26 +---@field targetCam UnityEngine.Camera +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:16 +CS.AnchorPoint = {} + +-- +--Convenience function that sets the anchor's values. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:35 +---@param relative float +---@param absolute float +function CS.AnchorPoint.Set(relative, absolute) end + +-- +--Convenience function that sets the anchor's values. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:45 +---@param target UnityEngine.Transform +---@param relative float +---@param absolute float +function CS.AnchorPoint.Set(target, relative, absolute) end + +-- +--Set the anchor's value to the nearest of the 3 possible choices of (left, center, right) or (bottom, center, top). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:56 +---@param abs0 float +---@param abs1 float +---@param abs2 float +function CS.AnchorPoint.SetToNearest(abs0, abs1, abs2) end + +-- +--Set the anchor's value given the 3 possible anchor combinations. Chooses the one with the smallest absolute offset. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:62 +---@param rel0 float +---@param rel1 float +---@param rel2 float +---@param abs0 float +---@param abs1 float +---@param abs2 float +function CS.AnchorPoint.SetToNearest(rel0, rel1, rel2, abs0, abs1, abs2) end + +-- +--Set the anchor's absolute coordinate relative to the specified parent, keeping the relative setting intact. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:77 +---@param parent UnityEngine.Transform +---@param localPos float +function CS.AnchorPoint.SetHorizontal(parent, localPos) end + +-- +--Set the anchor's absolute coordinate relative to the specified parent, keeping the relative setting intact. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:97 +---@param parent UnityEngine.Transform +---@param localPos float +function CS.AnchorPoint.SetVertical(parent, localPos) end + +-- +--Convenience function that returns the sides the anchored point is anchored to. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:117 +---@param relativeTo UnityEngine.Transform +function CS.AnchorPoint.GetSides(relativeTo) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:704 +---@class VoidDelegate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:704 +CS.VoidDelegate = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:704 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +function CS.VoidDelegate.Invoke(go) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:704 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.VoidDelegate.BeginInvoke(go, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:704 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.VoidDelegate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:157 +---@class AnchorUpdate: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:159 +---@field OnEnable UIRect.AnchorUpdate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:160 +---@field OnUpdate UIRect.AnchorUpdate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:161 +---@field OnStart UIRect.AnchorUpdate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIRect.cs:157 +CS.AnchorUpdate = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIRect.AnchorUpdate +function CS.AnchorUpdate:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:705 +---@class BoolDelegate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:705 +CS.BoolDelegate = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:705 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param state bool +function CS.BoolDelegate.Invoke(go, state) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:705 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param state bool +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.BoolDelegate.BeginInvoke(go, state, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:705 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.BoolDelegate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--This script can be used to forward events from one object to another. +-- In most cases you should use UIEventListener script instead. For example: +-- UIEventListener.Get(gameObject).onClick += MyClickFunction; +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIForwardEvents.cs:15 +---@class UIForwardEvents: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIForwardEvents.cs:17 +---@field target UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIForwardEvents.cs:18 +---@field onHover bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIForwardEvents.cs:19 +---@field onPress bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIForwardEvents.cs:20 +---@field onClick bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIForwardEvents.cs:21 +---@field onDoubleClick bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIForwardEvents.cs:22 +---@field onSelect bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIForwardEvents.cs:23 +---@field onDrag bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIForwardEvents.cs:24 +---@field onDrop bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIForwardEvents.cs:25 +---@field onSubmit bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIForwardEvents.cs:26 +---@field onScroll bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIForwardEvents.cs:15 +CS.UIForwardEvents = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:706 +---@class FloatDelegate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:706 +CS.FloatDelegate = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:706 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param delta float +function CS.FloatDelegate.Invoke(go, delta) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:706 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param delta float +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.FloatDelegate.BeginInvoke(go, delta, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:706 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.FloatDelegate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:707 +---@class VectorDelegate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:707 +CS.VectorDelegate = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:707 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param delta UnityEngine.Vector2 +function CS.VectorDelegate.Invoke(go, delta) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:707 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param delta UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.VectorDelegate.BeginInvoke(go, delta, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:707 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.VectorDelegate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--客户端级别的运行时数据 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameData.cs:9 +---@class GameData: object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameData.cs:11 +---@field Account string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameData.cs:12 +---@field Password string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameData.cs:13 +---@field LoginToken string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameData.cs:15 +---@field BaseServerId uint +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameData.cs:17 +---@field GameSystemIp System.Net.IPAddress +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameData.cs:18 +---@field GameSystemPort ushort +-- +--GameSystem连接成功的状态 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameData.cs:25 +---@field GameWorldAttachSucceed bool +-- +--Ntp Theta offset +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameData.cs:32 +---@field GameWorldNtpTheta long +-- +--Npt Delta delay +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameData.cs:37 +---@field GameWorldNtpDelta long +-- +--主玩家数据是否同步完成 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameData.cs:46 +---@field MainGameControllerBuilt bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameData.cs:48 +---@field GameWorldRtt long +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameData.cs:9 +CS.GameData = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:708 +---@class ObjectDelegate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:708 +CS.ObjectDelegate = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:708 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param obj UnityEngine.GameObject +function CS.ObjectDelegate.Invoke(go, obj) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:708 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param obj UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.ObjectDelegate.BeginInvoke(go, obj, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:708 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.ObjectDelegate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--2D Sprite is capable of drawing sprites added in Unity 4.3. When importing your textures, +-- import them as Sprites and you will be able to draw them with this widget. +-- If you provide a Packing Tag in your import settings, your sprites will get automatically +-- packed into an atlas for you, so creating an atlas beforehand is not necessary. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSprite.cs:18 +---@class UI2DSprite: UIBasicSprite +-- +--To be used with animations. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSprite.cs:30 +---@field nextSprite UnityEngine.Sprite +-- +--UnityEngine.Sprite drawn by this widget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSprite.cs:38 +---@field sprite2D UnityEngine.Sprite +-- +--Material used by the widget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSprite.cs:60 +---@field material UnityEngine.Material +-- +--Shader used by the texture when creating a dynamic material (when the texture was specified, but the material was not). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSprite.cs:82 +---@field shader UnityEngine.Shader +-- +--Texture used by the UITexture. You can set it directly, without the need to specify a material. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSprite.cs:110 +---@field mainTexture UnityEngine.Texture +-- +--Whether the sprite is going to have a fixed aspect ratio. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSprite.cs:124 +---@field fixedAspect bool +-- +--Whether the texture is using a premultiplied alpha material. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSprite.cs:145 +---@field premultipliedAlpha bool +-- +--Size of the pixel -- used for drawing. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSprite.cs:162 +---@field pixelSize float +-- +--Widget's dimensions used for drawing. X = left, Y = bottom, Z = right, W = top. +-- This function automatically adds 1 pixel on the edge if the texture's dimensions are not even. +-- It's used to achieve pixel-perfect sprites even when an odd dimension widget happens to be centered. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSprite.cs:170 +---@field drawingDimensions UnityEngine.Vector4 +-- +--Sprite's border. X = left, Y = bottom, Z = right, W = top. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSprite.cs:252 +---@field border UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSprite.cs:18 +CS.UI2DSprite = {} + +-- +--Adjust the scale of the widget to make it pixel-perfect. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSprite.cs:338 +function CS.UI2DSprite.MakePixelPerfect() end + +-- +--Virtual function called by the UIPanel that fills the buffers. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UI2DSprite.cs:367 +---@param verts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param uvs System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param cols System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UI2DSprite.OnFill(verts, uvs, cols) end + + +-- +--Delegate callback that Unity can serialize and set via Inspector. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:22 +---@class EventDelegate: object +-- +--Whether the event delegate will be removed after execution. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:123 +---@field oneShot bool +-- +--Event delegate's target object. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:140 +---@field target UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--Event delegate's method name. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:164 +---@field methodName string +-- +--Optional parameters if the method requires them. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:188 +---@field parameters EventDelegate.Parameter[] +-- +--Whether this delegate's values have been set. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:205 +---@field isValid bool +-- +--Whether the target script is actually enabled. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:222 +---@field isEnabled bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:22 +CS.EventDelegate = {} + +-- +--Equality operator. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:271 +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.EventDelegate.Equals(obj) end + +-- +--Used in equality operators. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:303 +---@return Int32 +function CS.EventDelegate.GetHashCode() end + +-- +--Set the delegate callback using the target and method names. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:340 +---@param target UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@param methodName string +function CS.EventDelegate.Set(target, methodName) end + +-- +--Execute the delegate, if possible. +-- This will only be used when the application is playing in order to prevent unintentional state changes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:454 +---@return Boolean +function CS.EventDelegate.Execute() end + +-- +--Clear the event delegate. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:586 +function CS.EventDelegate.Clear() end + +-- +--Convert the delegate to its string representation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:605 +---@return String +function CS.EventDelegate.ToString() end + +-- +--Execute an entire list of delegates. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:623 +---@param list System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.EventDelegate:Execute(list) end + +-- +--Convenience function to check if the specified list of delegates can be executed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:665 +---@param list System.Collections.Generic.List +---@return Boolean +function CS.EventDelegate:IsValid(list) end + +-- +--Assign a new event delegate. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:683 +---@param list System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param callback EventDelegate.Callback +---@return EventDelegate +function CS.EventDelegate:Set(list, callback) end + +-- +--Assign a new event delegate. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:699 +---@param list System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param del EventDelegate +function CS.EventDelegate:Set(list, del) end + +-- +--Append a new event delegate to the list. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:712 +---@param list System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param callback EventDelegate.Callback +---@return EventDelegate +function CS.EventDelegate:Add(list, callback) end + +-- +--Append a new event delegate to the list. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:718 +---@param list System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param callback EventDelegate.Callback +---@param oneShot bool +---@return EventDelegate +function CS.EventDelegate:Add(list, callback, oneShot) end + +-- +--Append a new event delegate to the list. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:742 +---@param list System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param ev EventDelegate +function CS.EventDelegate:Add(list, ev) end + +-- +--Append a new event delegate to the list. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:748 +---@param list System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param ev EventDelegate +---@param oneShot bool +function CS.EventDelegate:Add(list, ev, oneShot) end + +-- +--Remove an existing event delegate from the list. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:782 +---@param list System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param callback EventDelegate.Callback +---@return Boolean +function CS.EventDelegate:Remove(list, callback) end + +-- +--Remove an existing event delegate from the list. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:804 +---@param list System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param ev EventDelegate +---@return Boolean +function CS.EventDelegate:Remove(list, ev) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:709 +---@class KeyCodeDelegate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:709 +CS.KeyCodeDelegate = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:709 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param key UnityEngine.KeyCode +function CS.KeyCodeDelegate.Invoke(go, key) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:709 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param key UnityEngine.KeyCode +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.KeyCodeDelegate.BeginInvoke(go, key, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:709 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.KeyCodeDelegate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--This is an internally-created script used by the UI system. You shouldn't be attaching it manually. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:17 +---@class UIDrawCall: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:23 +---@field list BetterList +-- +--List of active draw calls. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:29 +---@field activeList BetterList +-- +--List of inactive draw calls. Only used at run-time in order to avoid object creation/destruction. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:35 +---@field inactiveList BetterList +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:45 +---@field widgetCount int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:46 +---@field depthStart int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:47 +---@field depthEnd int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:48 +---@field manager UIPanel +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:49 +---@field panel UIPanel +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:50 +---@field clipTexture UnityEngine.Texture2D +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:51 +---@field alwaysOnScreen bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:52 +---@field verts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:53 +---@field norms System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:54 +---@field tans System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:55 +---@field uvs System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:56 +---@field uv2 System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:57 +---@field cols System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--Whether the draw call has changed recently. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:90 +---@field isDirty bool +-- +--Callback that will be triggered at OnWillRenderObject() time. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:99 +---@field onRender UIDrawCall.OnRenderCallback +-- +--Callback that will be triggered when a new draw call gets created. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:106 +---@field onCreateDrawCall UIDrawCall.OnCreateDrawCall +-- +--Render queue used by the draw call. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:113 +---@field renderQueue int +-- +--Renderer's sorting order, to be used with Unity's 2D system. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:140 +---@field sortingOrder int +-- +--Renderer's sorting layer name, used with the Unity's 2D system. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:160 +---@field sortingLayerName string +-- +--Final render queue used to draw the draw call's geometry. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:186 +---@field finalRenderQueue int +-- +--Whether the draw call is currently active. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:200 +---@field isActive bool +-- +--Transform is cached for speed and efficiency. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:227 +---@field cachedTransform UnityEngine.Transform +-- +--Material used by this screen. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:233 +---@field baseMaterial UnityEngine.Material +-- +--Dynamically created material used by the draw call to actually draw the geometry. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:253 +---@field dynamicMaterial UnityEngine.Material +-- +--Texture used by the material. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:259 +---@field mainTexture UnityEngine.Texture +-- +--Shader used by the material. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:277 +---@field shader UnityEngine.Shader +-- +--Shadow casting method. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:305 +---@field shadowMode UIDrawCall.ShadowMode +-- +--The number of triangles in this draw call. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:344 +---@field triangles int +-- +--Whether the draw call is currently using a clipped shader. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:350 +---@field isClipped bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:17 +CS.UIDrawCall = {} + +-- +--Set the draw call's geometry. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:483 +---@param widgetCount int +---@param needsBounds bool +function CS.UIDrawCall.UpdateGeometry(widgetCount, needsBounds) end + +-- +--Return an existing draw call. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:900 +---@param panel UIPanel +---@param mat UnityEngine.Material +---@param tex UnityEngine.Texture +---@param shader UnityEngine.Shader +---@return UIDrawCall +function CS.UIDrawCall:Create(panel, mat, tex, shader) end + +-- +--Clear all draw calls. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:988 +function CS.UIDrawCall:ClearAll() end + +-- +--Immediately destroy all draw calls. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:1013 +function CS.UIDrawCall:ReleaseAll() end + +-- +--Immediately destroy all inactive draw calls (draw calls that have been recycled and are waiting to be re-used). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:1023 +function CS.UIDrawCall:ReleaseInactive() end + +-- +--Count all draw calls managed by the specified panel. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:1045 +---@param panel UIPanel +---@return Int32 +function CS.UIDrawCall:Count(panel) end + +-- +--Destroy the specified draw call. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:1057 +---@param dc UIDrawCall +function CS.UIDrawCall:Destroy(dc) end + +-- +--Move all draw calls to the specified scene. +-- http://www.tasharen.com/forum/index.php?topic=13965.0 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:1096 +---@param scene UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene +function CS.UIDrawCall:MoveToScene(scene) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2347 +---@class Touch: object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2349 +---@field fingerId int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2350 +---@field phase UnityEngine.TouchPhase +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2351 +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2352 +---@field tapCount int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2347 +CS.Touch = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:15 +---@class AnimationLetterOrder: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:15 +---@field Forward TweenLetters.AnimationLetterOrder +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:15 +---@field Reverse TweenLetters.AnimationLetterOrder +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:15 +---@field Random TweenLetters.AnimationLetterOrder +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:15 +CS.AnimationLetterOrder = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return TweenLetters.AnimationLetterOrder +function CS.AnimationLetterOrder:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2355 +---@class GetTouchCountCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2355 +CS.GetTouchCountCallback = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2355 +---@return Int32 +function CS.GetTouchCountCallback.Invoke() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2355 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.GetTouchCountCallback.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2355 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Int32 +function CS.GetTouchCountCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:27 +---@class AnimationProperties: object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:30 +---@field duration float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:31 +---@field animationOrder TweenLetters.AnimationLetterOrder +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:33 +---@field overlap float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:36 +---@field randomDurations bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:38 +---@field randomness UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:40 +---@field upgraded bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:43 +---@field offsetRange UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:44 +---@field pos UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:45 +---@field rot UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:46 +---@field scale UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:48 +---@field pos1 UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:49 +---@field pos2 UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:51 +---@field rot1 UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:52 +---@field rot2 UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:54 +---@field scale1 UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:55 +---@field scale2 UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:58 +---@field alpha float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:27 +CS.AnimationProperties = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenLetters.cs:60 +function CS.AnimationProperties.Upgrade() end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2356 +---@class GetTouchCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2356 +CS.GetTouchCallback = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2356 +---@param index int +---@return Touch +function CS.GetTouchCallback.Invoke(index) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2356 +---@param index int +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.GetTouchCallback.BeginInvoke(index, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UICamera.cs:2356 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Touch +function CS.GetTouchCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--Show or hide the widget based on whether the control scheme is appropriate. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIShowControlScheme.cs:12 +---@class UIShowControlScheme: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIShowControlScheme.cs:14 +---@field target UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIShowControlScheme.cs:15 +---@field mouse bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIShowControlScheme.cs:16 +---@field touch bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIShowControlScheme.cs:17 +---@field controller bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIShowControlScheme.cs:12 +CS.UIShowControlScheme = {} + + +-- +--Event Hook class lets you easily add remote event listener functions to an object. +-- Example usage: UIEventListener.Get(gameObject).onClick += MyClickFunction; +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:14 +---@class UIEventListener: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:23 +---@field parameter object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:25 +---@field onSubmit UIEventListener.VoidDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:26 +---@field onClick UIEventListener.VoidDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:27 +---@field onDoubleClick UIEventListener.VoidDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:28 +---@field onHover UIEventListener.BoolDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:29 +---@field onPress UIEventListener.BoolDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:30 +---@field onSelect UIEventListener.BoolDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:31 +---@field onScroll UIEventListener.FloatDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:32 +---@field onDragStart UIEventListener.VoidDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:33 +---@field onDrag UIEventListener.VectorDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:34 +---@field onDragOver UIEventListener.VoidDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:35 +---@field onDragOut UIEventListener.VoidDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:36 +---@field onDragEnd UIEventListener.VoidDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:37 +---@field onDrop UIEventListener.ObjectDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:38 +---@field onKey UIEventListener.KeyCodeDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:39 +---@field onTooltip UIEventListener.BoolDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:40 +---@field needsActiveCollider bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:14 +CS.UIEventListener = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:70 +function CS.UIEventListener.Clear() end + +-- +--Get or add an event listener to the specified game object. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:93 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return UIEventListener +function CS.UIEventListener:Get(go) end + + +-- +--Functionality common to both NGUI and 2D sprites brought out into a single common parent. +-- Mostly contains everything related to drawing the sprite. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:9 +---@class UIBasicSprite: UIWidget +-- +--When the sprite type is advanced, this determines whether the center is tiled or sliced. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:62 +---@field centerType UIBasicSprite.AdvancedType +-- +--When the sprite type is advanced, this determines whether the left edge is tiled or sliced. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:68 +---@field leftType UIBasicSprite.AdvancedType +-- +--When the sprite type is advanced, this determines whether the right edge is tiled or sliced. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:74 +---@field rightType UIBasicSprite.AdvancedType +-- +--When the sprite type is advanced, this determines whether the bottom edge is tiled or sliced. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:80 +---@field bottomType UIBasicSprite.AdvancedType +-- +--When the sprite type is advanced, this determines whether the top edge is tiled or sliced. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:86 +---@field topType UIBasicSprite.AdvancedType +-- +--How the sprite is drawn. It's virtual for legacy reasons (UISlicedSprite, UITiledSprite, UIFilledSprite). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:92 +---@field type UIBasicSprite.Type +-- +--Sprite flip setting. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:112 +---@field flip UIBasicSprite.Flip +-- +--Direction of the cut procedure. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:132 +---@field fillDirection UIBasicSprite.FillDirection +-- +--Amount of the sprite shown. 0-1 range with 0 being nothing shown, and 1 being the full sprite. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:152 +---@field fillAmount float +-- +--Minimum allowed width for this widget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:174 +---@field minWidth int +-- +--Minimum allowed height for this widget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:192 +---@field minHeight int +-- +--Whether the sprite should be filled in the opposite direction. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:210 +---@field invert bool +-- +--Whether the widget has a border for 9-slicing. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:230 +---@field hasBorder bool +-- +--Whether the sprite's material is using a pre-multiplied alpha shader. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:243 +---@field premultipliedAlpha bool +-- +--Size of the pixel. Overwritten in the NGUI sprite to pull a value from the atlas. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:249 +---@field pixelSize float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:9 +CS.UIBasicSprite = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:21 +---@class InputType: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:23 +---@field Standard UIInput.InputType +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:24 +---@field AutoCorrect UIInput.InputType +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:25 +---@field Password UIInput.InputType +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:21 +CS.InputType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIInput.InputType +function CS.InputType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:28 +---@class Validation: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:30 +---@field None UIInput.Validation +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:31 +---@field Integer UIInput.Validation +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:32 +---@field Float UIInput.Validation +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:33 +---@field Alphanumeric UIInput.Validation +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:34 +---@field Username UIInput.Validation +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:35 +---@field Name UIInput.Validation +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:36 +---@field Filename UIInput.Validation +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:28 +CS.Validation = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIInput.Validation +function CS.Validation:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:40 +---@class KeyboardType: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:42 +---@field Default UIInput.KeyboardType +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:43 +---@field ASCIICapable UIInput.KeyboardType +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:44 +---@field NumbersAndPunctuation UIInput.KeyboardType +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:45 +---@field URL UIInput.KeyboardType +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:46 +---@field NumberPad UIInput.KeyboardType +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:47 +---@field PhonePad UIInput.KeyboardType +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:48 +---@field NamePhonePad UIInput.KeyboardType +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:49 +---@field EmailAddress UIInput.KeyboardType +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:40 +CS.KeyboardType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIInput.KeyboardType +function CS.KeyboardType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:65 +---@class OnReturnKey: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:67 +---@field Default UIInput.OnReturnKey +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:68 +---@field Submit UIInput.OnReturnKey +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:69 +---@field NewLine UIInput.OnReturnKey +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:65 +CS.OnReturnKey = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIInput.OnReturnKey +function CS.OnReturnKey:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:72 +---@class OnValidate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:72 +CS.OnValidate = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:72 +---@param text string +---@param charIndex int +---@param addedChar char +---@return Char +function CS.OnValidate.Invoke(text, charIndex, addedChar) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:72 +---@param text string +---@param charIndex int +---@param addedChar char +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnValidate.BeginInvoke(text, charIndex, addedChar, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInput.cs:72 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Char +function CS.OnValidate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--Extended progress bar that has backwards compatibility logic and adds interaction support. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UISlider.cs:15 +---@class UISlider: UIProgressBar +-- +--Whether the collider is enabled and the widget can be interacted with. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UISlider.cs:36 +---@field isColliderEnabled bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UISlider.cs:48 +---@field sliderValue float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UISlider.cs:51 +---@field inverted bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UISlider.cs:15 +CS.UISlider = {} + +-- +--Watch for key events and adjust the value accordingly. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UISlider.cs:164 +---@param delta UnityEngine.Vector2 +function CS.UISlider.OnPan(delta) end + + +-- +--Delegates can have parameters, and this class makes it possible to save references to properties +-- that can then be passed as function arguments, such as transform.position or widget.color. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:30 +---@class Parameter: object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:32 +---@field obj UnityEngine.Object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:33 +---@field field string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:43 +---@field expectedType System.Type +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:46 +---@field cached bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:47 +---@field propInfo System.Reflection.PropertyInfo +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:48 +---@field fieldInfo System.Reflection.FieldInfo +-- +--Return the property's current value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:54 +---@field value object +-- +--Parameter type -- a convenience function. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:96 +---@field type System.Type +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:30 +CS.Parameter = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:126 +---@class Callback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:126 +CS.Callback = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:126 +function CS.Callback.Invoke() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:126 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.Callback.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/EventDelegate.cs:126 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.Callback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--Makes it possible to animate a color of the widget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/AnimatedColor.cs:14 +---@class AnimatedColor: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/AnimatedColor.cs:16 +---@field color UnityEngine.Color +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/AnimatedColor.cs:14 +CS.AnimatedColor = {} + + +-- +--逻辑帧 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameLoop.cs:6 +---@class GameLoop: object +-- +--目标帧率 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameLoop.cs:22 +---@field TargetFramerate ulong +-- +--每逻辑帧周期(秒) +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameLoop.cs:27 +---@field FrameInterval double +-- +--当前逻辑帧帧数 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameLoop.cs:32 +---@field CurrentFrame ulong +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameLoop.cs:6 +CS.GameLoop = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameLoop.cs:34 +---@param now float +---@return Boolean +function CS.GameLoop.Tick(now) end + + +-- +--Tween the object's position, rotation and scale. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenTransform.cs:13 +---@class TweenTransform: UITweener +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenTransform.cs:15 +---@field from UnityEngine.Transform +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenTransform.cs:16 +---@field to UnityEngine.Transform +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenTransform.cs:17 +---@field parentWhenFinished bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenTransform.cs:13 +CS.TweenTransform = {} + +-- +--Start the tweening operation from the current position/rotation/scale to the target transform. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenTransform.cs:62 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param duration float +---@param to UnityEngine.Transform +---@return TweenTransform +function CS.TweenTransform:Begin(go, duration, to) end + +-- +--Start the tweening operation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenTransform.cs:68 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param duration float +---@param from UnityEngine.Transform +---@param to UnityEngine.Transform +---@return TweenTransform +function CS.TweenTransform:Begin(go, duration, from, to) end + + +-- +--This class is added by UIInput when it gets selected in order to be able to receive input events properly. +-- The reason it's not a part of UIInput is because it allocates 336 bytes of GC every update because of OnGUI. +-- It's best to only keep it active when it's actually needed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInputOnGUI.cs:19 +---@class UIInputOnGUI: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIInputOnGUI.cs:19 +CS.UIInputOnGUI = {} + + +-- +--BMFont reader. C# implementation of http://www.angelcode.com/products/bmfont/ +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMFont.cs:14 +---@class BMFont: object +-- +--Whether the font can be used. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMFont.cs:32 +---@field isValid bool +-- +--Size of this font (for example 32 means 32 pixels). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMFont.cs:38 +---@field charSize int +-- +--Base offset applied to characters. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMFont.cs:44 +---@field baseOffset int +-- +--Original width of the texture. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMFont.cs:50 +---@field texWidth int +-- +--Original height of the texture. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMFont.cs:56 +---@field texHeight int +-- +--Number of valid glyphs. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMFont.cs:62 +---@field glyphCount int +-- +--Original name of the sprite that the font is expecting to find (usually the name of the texture). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMFont.cs:68 +---@field spriteName string +-- +--Access to BMFont's entire set of glyphs. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMFont.cs:74 +---@field glyphs System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMFont.cs:14 +CS.BMFont = {} + +-- +--Helper function that retrieves the specified glyph, creating it if necessary. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMFont.cs:80 +---@param index int +---@param createIfMissing bool +---@return BMGlyph +function CS.BMFont.GetGlyph(index, createIfMissing) end + +-- +--Retrieve the specified glyph, if it's present. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMFont.cs:110 +---@param index int +---@return BMGlyph +function CS.BMFont.GetGlyph(index) end + +-- +--Clear the glyphs. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMFont.cs:116 +function CS.BMFont.Clear() end + +-- +--Trim the glyphs, ensuring that they will never go past the specified bounds. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/BMFont.cs:126 +---@param xMin int +---@param yMin int +---@param xMax int +---@param yMax int +function CS.BMFont.Trim(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax) end + + +-- +--Simple example script of how a button can be scaled visibly when the mouse hovers over it or it gets pressed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonScale.cs:13 +---@class UIButtonScale: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonScale.cs:15 +---@field tweenTarget UnityEngine.Transform +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonScale.cs:16 +---@field hover UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonScale.cs:17 +---@field pressed UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonScale.cs:18 +---@field duration float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonScale.cs:13 +CS.UIButtonScale = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Singleton.cs:3 +---@class Singleton: object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Singleton.cs:5 +---@field Instance T +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Singleton.cs:3 +CS.Singleton = {} + + +-- +--This script can be used to restrict camera rendering to a specific part of the screen by specifying the two corners. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIViewport.cs:15 +---@class UIViewport: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIViewport.cs:17 +---@field sourceCamera UnityEngine.Camera +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIViewport.cs:18 +---@field topLeft UnityEngine.Transform +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIViewport.cs:19 +---@field bottomRight UnityEngine.Transform +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIViewport.cs:20 +---@field fullSize float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIViewport.cs:15 +CS.UIViewport = {} + + +-- +--Ever wanted to be able to auto-center on an object within a draggable panel? +-- Attach this script to the container that has the objects to center on as its children. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UICenterOnChild.cs:15 +---@class UICenterOnChild: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--The strength of the spring. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UICenterOnChild.cs:23 +---@field springStrength float +-- +--If set to something above zero, it will be possible to move to the next page after dragging past the specified threshold. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UICenterOnChild.cs:29 +---@field nextPageThreshold float +-- +--Callback to be triggered when the centering operation completes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UICenterOnChild.cs:35 +---@field onFinished SpringPanel.OnFinished +-- +--Callback triggered whenever the script begins centering on a new child object. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UICenterOnChild.cs:41 +---@field onCenter UICenterOnChild.OnCenterCallback +-- +--Game object that the draggable panel is currently centered on. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UICenterOnChild.cs:50 +---@field centeredObject UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UICenterOnChild.cs:15 +CS.UICenterOnChild = {} + +-- +--Recenter the draggable list on the center-most child. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UICenterOnChild.cs:68 +function CS.UICenterOnChild.Recenter() end + +-- +--Center the panel on the specified target. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UICenterOnChild.cs:281 +---@param target UnityEngine.Transform +function CS.UICenterOnChild.CenterOn(target) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Shader/ShaderManager.cs:7 +---@class ShaderManager: object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Shader/ShaderManager.cs:9 +---@field Instance ShaderManager +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Shader/ShaderManager.cs:10 +---@field ShaderBundleName string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Shader/ShaderManager.cs:7 +CS.ShaderManager = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Shader/ShaderManager.cs:16 +function CS.ShaderManager.LoadShaderBundle() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Shader/ShaderManager.cs:41 +---@param shaderName string +---@return Shader +function CS.ShaderManager:Find(shaderName) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:37 +---@class Clipping: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:39 +---@field None UIDrawCall.Clipping +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:40 +---@field TextureMask UIDrawCall.Clipping +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:41 +---@field SoftClip UIDrawCall.Clipping +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:42 +---@field ConstrainButDontClip UIDrawCall.Clipping +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:37 +CS.Clipping = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIDrawCall.Clipping +function CS.Clipping:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Sprite is a textured element in the UI hierarchy. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:15 +---@class UISprite: UIBasicSprite +-- +--If set, will automatically make the sprite pixel-perfect every time it's changed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:32 +---@field autoMakePixelPerfect bool +-- +--Main texture is assigned on the atlas. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:38 +---@field mainTexture UnityEngine.Texture +-- +--Material comes from the base class first, and sprite atlas last. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:57 +---@field material UnityEngine.Material +-- +--Atlas used by this widget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:77 +---@field atlas INGUIAtlas +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:118 +---@field fixedAspect bool +-- +--Sprite within the atlas used to draw this widget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:157 +---@field spriteName string +-- +--Is there a valid sprite to work with? +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:194 +---@field isValid bool +-- +--Whether the center part of the sprite will be filled or not. Turn it off if you want only to borders to show up. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:201 +---@field fillCenter bool +-- +--Whether a gradient will be applied. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:221 +---@field applyGradient bool +-- +--Top gradient color. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:241 +---@field gradientTop UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Bottom gradient color. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:261 +---@field gradientBottom UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Sliced sprites generally have a border. X = left, Y = bottom, Z = right, W = top. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:281 +---@field border UnityEngine.Vector4 +-- +--Size of the pixel -- used for drawing. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:317 +---@field pixelSize float +-- +--Minimum allowed width for this widget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:332 +---@field minWidth int +-- +--Minimum allowed height for this widget. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:355 +---@field minHeight int +-- +--Sprite's dimensions used for drawing. X = left, Y = bottom, Z = right, W = top. +-- This function automatically adds 1 pixel on the edge if the sprite's dimensions are not even. +-- It's used to achieve pixel-perfect sprites even when an odd dimension sprite happens to be centered. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:380 +---@field drawingDimensions UnityEngine.Vector4 +-- +--Whether the texture is using a premultiplied alpha material. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:477 +---@field premultipliedAlpha bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:15 +CS.UISprite = {} + +-- +--Convenience method that returns the chosen sprite inside the atlas. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:139 +---@param spriteName string +---@return UISpriteData +function CS.UISprite.GetSprite(spriteName) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:146 +function CS.UISprite.MarkAsChanged() end + +-- +--Retrieve the atlas sprite referenced by the spriteName field. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:491 +---@return UISpriteData +function CS.UISprite.GetAtlasSprite() end + +-- +--Adjust the scale of the widget to make it pixel-perfect. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:551 +function CS.UISprite.MakePixelPerfect() end + +-- +--Virtual function called by the UIPanel that fills the buffers. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISprite.cs:651 +---@param verts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param uvs System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param cols System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UISprite.OnFill(verts, uvs, cols) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:100 +---@class OnRenderCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:100 +CS.OnRenderCallback = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:100 +---@param mat UnityEngine.Material +function CS.OnRenderCallback.Invoke(mat) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:100 +---@param mat UnityEngine.Material +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnRenderCallback.BeginInvoke(mat, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:100 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnRenderCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--Very basic script that will activate or deactivate an object (and all of its children) when clicked. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonActivate.cs:13 +---@class UIButtonActivate: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonActivate.cs:15 +---@field target UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonActivate.cs:16 +---@field state bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIButtonActivate.cs:13 +CS.UIButtonActivate = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:107 +---@class OnCreateDrawCall: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:107 +CS.OnCreateDrawCall = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:107 +---@param dc UIDrawCall +---@param filter UnityEngine.MeshFilter +---@param ren UnityEngine.MeshRenderer +function CS.OnCreateDrawCall.Invoke(dc, filter, ren) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:107 +---@param dc UIDrawCall +---@param filter UnityEngine.MeshFilter +---@param ren UnityEngine.MeshRenderer +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnCreateDrawCall.BeginInvoke(dc, filter, ren, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:107 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnCreateDrawCall.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameWorld/Stage/Gameplay/GameInput.cs:5 +---@class JoystickMoveCommand: object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameWorld/Stage/Gameplay/GameInput.cs:11 +---@field SequenceNumber ulong +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameWorld/Stage/Gameplay/GameInput.cs:12 +---@field Direction vx.FixedMath.FVector2 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameWorld/Stage/Gameplay/GameInput.cs:5 +CS.JoystickMoveCommand = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameWorld/Stage/Gameplay/GameInput.cs:7 +function CS.JoystickMoveCommand.Reset() end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:294 +---@class ShadowMode: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:296 +---@field None UIDrawCall.ShadowMode +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:297 +---@field Receive UIDrawCall.ShadowMode +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:298 +---@field CastAndReceive UIDrawCall.ShadowMode +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIDrawCall.cs:294 +CS.ShadowMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIDrawCall.ShadowMode +function CS.ShadowMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UICenterOnChild.cs:17 +---@class OnCenterCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UICenterOnChild.cs:17 +CS.OnCenterCallback = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UICenterOnChild.cs:17 +---@param centeredObject UnityEngine.GameObject +function CS.OnCenterCallback.Invoke(centeredObject) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UICenterOnChild.cs:17 +---@param centeredObject UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnCenterCallback.BeginInvoke(centeredObject, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UICenterOnChild.cs:17 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnCenterCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--缓存当前客户端的游戏输入 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameWorld/Stage/Gameplay/GameInput.cs:18 +---@class GameInput: object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameWorld/Stage/Gameplay/GameInput.cs:25 +---@field InputSequenceNumber ulong +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameWorld/Stage/Gameplay/GameInput.cs:26 +---@field LastSentSequenceNumber ulong +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameWorld/Stage/Gameplay/GameInput.cs:27 +---@field LastPredicateSequenceNumber ulong +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameWorld/Stage/Gameplay/GameInput.cs:29 +---@field Commands System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameWorld/Stage/Gameplay/GameInput.cs:18 +CS.GameInput = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameWorld/Stage/Gameplay/GameInput.cs:34 +function CS.GameInput:Reset() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameWorld/Stage/Gameplay/GameInput.cs:40 +---@return JoystickMoveCommand +function CS.GameInput:CreateMove() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameWorld/Stage/Gameplay/GameInput.cs:48 +---@param sequenceNumber ulong +---@return JoystickMoveCommand +function CS.GameInput:GetMove(sequenceNumber) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameWorld/Stage/Gameplay/GameInput.cs:54 +function CS.GameInput:ResetKeyDown() end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/ObjectPool.cs:3 +---@class IPoolObject +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/ObjectPool.cs:3 +CS.IPoolObject = {} + +-- +--回收时还原所有数据,特别注意引用类型 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/ObjectPool.cs:8 +function CS.IPoolObject.Recycle() end + + +-- +--Base class for all tweening operations. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:14 +---@class UITweener: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--Current tween that triggered the callback function. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:20 +---@field current UITweener +-- +--Tweening method used. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:44 +---@field method UITweener.Method +-- +--Does it play once? Does it loop? +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:51 +---@field style UITweener.Style +-- +--Optional curve to apply to the tween's time factor value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:58 +---@field animationCurve UnityEngine.AnimationCurve +-- +--Whether the tween will ignore the timescale, making it work while the game is paused. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:65 +---@field ignoreTimeScale bool +-- +--How long will the tweener wait before starting the tween? +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:72 +---@field delay float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:82 +---@field delayAffects UITweener.DelayAffects +-- +--How long is the duration of the tween? +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:89 +---@field duration float +-- +--Whether the tweener will use steeper curves for ease in / out style interpolation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:96 +---@field steeperCurves bool +-- +--Used by buttons and tween sequences. Group of '0' means not in a sequence. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:103 +---@field tweenGroup int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:106 +---@field useFixedUpdate bool +-- +--Event delegates called when the animation finishes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:113 +---@field onFinished System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:116 +---@field eventReceiver UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:117 +---@field callWhenFinished string +-- +--Custom time scale for this tween, if desired. Can be used to slow down or speed up the animation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:123 +---@field timeScale float +-- +--Amount advanced per delta time. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:135 +---@field amountPerDelta float +-- +--Tween factor, 0-1 range. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:154 +---@field tweenFactor float +-- +--Direction that the tween is currently playing in. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:160 +---@field direction AnimationOrTween.Direction +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:14 +CS.UITweener = {} + +-- +--Convenience function -- set a new OnFinished event delegate (here for to be consistent with RemoveOnFinished). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:275 +---@param del EventDelegate.Callback +function CS.UITweener.SetOnFinished(del) end + +-- +--Convenience function -- set a new OnFinished event delegate (here for to be consistent with RemoveOnFinished). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:281 +---@param del EventDelegate +function CS.UITweener.SetOnFinished(del) end + +-- +--Convenience function -- add a new OnFinished event delegate (here for to be consistent with RemoveOnFinished). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:287 +---@param del EventDelegate.Callback +function CS.UITweener.AddOnFinished(del) end + +-- +--Convenience function -- add a new OnFinished event delegate (here for to be consistent with RemoveOnFinished). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:293 +---@param del EventDelegate +function CS.UITweener.AddOnFinished(del) end + +-- +--Remove an OnFinished delegate. Will work even while iterating through the list when the tweener has finished its operation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:299 +---@param del EventDelegate +function CS.UITweener.RemoveOnFinished(del) end + +-- +--Immediately finish the tween animation, if it's active. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:315 +function CS.UITweener.Finish() end + +-- +--Sample the tween at the specified factor. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:328 +---@param factor float +---@param isFinished bool +function CS.UITweener.Sample(factor, isFinished) end + +-- +--Play the tween. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:405 +function CS.UITweener.Play() end + +-- +--Play the tween forward. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:411 +function CS.UITweener.PlayForward() end + +-- +--Play the tween in reverse. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:417 +function CS.UITweener.PlayReverse() end + +-- +--Manually activate the tweening process, reversing it if necessary. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:423 +---@param forward bool +function CS.UITweener.Play(forward) end + +-- +--Manually reset the tweener's state to the beginning. +-- If the tween is playing forward, this means the tween's start. +-- If the tween is playing in reverse, this means the tween's end. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:443 +function CS.UITweener.ResetToBeginning() end + +-- +--Manually start the tweening process, reversing its direction. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:454 +function CS.UITweener.Toggle() end + +-- +--Starts the tweening operation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:477 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param duration float +---@param delay float +---@return T +function CS.UITweener:Begin(go, duration, delay) end + +-- +--Set the 'from' value to the current one. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:527 +function CS.UITweener.SetStartToCurrentValue() end + +-- +--Set the 'to' value to the current one. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:533 +function CS.UITweener.SetEndToCurrentValue() end + + +-- +--This class makes it possible to activate or select something by pressing a key (such as space bar for example). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:17 +---@class UIKeyBinding: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:20 +---@field list System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--Key that will trigger the binding. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:42 +---@field keyCode UnityEngine.KeyCode +-- +--Modifier key that must be active in order for the binding to trigger. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:48 +---@field modifier UIKeyBinding.Modifier +-- +--Action to take with the specified key. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:54 +---@field action UIKeyBinding.Action +-- +--Key binding's descriptive caption. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:64 +---@field captionText string +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:17 +CS.UIKeyBinding = {} + +-- +--Check to see if the specified key happens to be bound to some element. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:78 +---@param key UnityEngine.KeyCode +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIKeyBinding:IsBound(key) end + +-- +--Find the specified key binding by its game object's name. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:92 +---@param name string +---@return UIKeyBinding +function CS.UIKeyBinding:Find(name) end + +-- +--Convenience function that checks whether the required modifier key is active. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:138 +---@param modifier UIKeyBinding.Modifier +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIKeyBinding:IsModifierActive(modifier) end + +-- +--Convert the key binding to its text format. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:239 +---@return String +function CS.UIKeyBinding.ToString() end + +-- +--Convert the key binding to its text format. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:245 +---@param keyCode UnityEngine.KeyCode +---@param modifier UIKeyBinding.Modifier +---@return String +function CS.UIKeyBinding:GetString(keyCode, modifier) end + +-- +--Given the ToString() text, parse it for key and modifier information. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:254 +---@param text string +---@param key UnityEngine.KeyCode +---@param modifier UIKeyBinding.Modifier +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIKeyBinding:GetKeyCode(text, key, modifier) end + +-- +--Get the currently active key modifier, if any. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:279 +---@return Modifier +function CS.UIKeyBinding:GetActiveModifier() end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/ObjectPool.cs:11 +---@class ObjectPool: object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/ObjectPool.cs:13 +---@field Instance ObjectPool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/ObjectPool.cs:33 +---@field Size int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/ObjectPool.cs:38 +---@field InUsingCount int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/ObjectPool.cs:11 +CS.ObjectPool = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/ObjectPool.cs:40 +---@return T +function CS.ObjectPool.Spawn() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/ObjectPool.cs:57 +---@param poolObject T +function CS.ObjectPool.Despawn(poolObject) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/ObjectPool.cs:64 +function CS.ObjectPool.Clear() end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:11 +---@class Type: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:13 +---@field Simple UIBasicSprite.Type +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:14 +---@field Sliced UIBasicSprite.Type +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:15 +---@field Tiled UIBasicSprite.Type +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:16 +---@field Filled UIBasicSprite.Type +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:17 +---@field Advanced UIBasicSprite.Type +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:11 +CS.Type = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIBasicSprite.Type +function CS.Type:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Works together with UIDragCamera script, allowing you to drag a secondary camera while keeping it constrained to a certain area. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDraggableCamera.cs:14 +---@class UIDraggableCamera: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--Root object that will be used for drag-limiting bounds. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDraggableCamera.cs:20 +---@field rootForBounds UnityEngine.Transform +-- +--Scale value applied to the drag delta. Set X or Y to 0 to disallow dragging in that direction. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDraggableCamera.cs:26 +---@field scale UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--Effect the scroll wheel will have on the momentum. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDraggableCamera.cs:32 +---@field scrollWheelFactor float +-- +--Effect to apply when dragging. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDraggableCamera.cs:38 +---@field dragEffect UIDragObject.DragEffect +-- +--Whether the drag operation will be started smoothly, or if if it will be precise (but will have a noticeable "jump"). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDraggableCamera.cs:44 +---@field smoothDragStart bool +-- +--How much momentum gets applied when the press is released after dragging. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDraggableCamera.cs:50 +---@field momentumAmount float +-- +--Current momentum, exposed just in case it's needed. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDraggableCamera.cs:65 +---@field currentMomentum UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDraggableCamera.cs:14 +CS.UIDraggableCamera = {} + +-- +--Constrain the current camera's position to be within the viewable area's bounds. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDraggableCamera.cs:108 +---@param immediate bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIDraggableCamera.ConstrainToBounds(immediate) end + +-- +--Calculate the bounds of all widgets under this game object. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDraggableCamera.cs:136 +---@param isPressed bool +function CS.UIDraggableCamera.Press(isPressed) end + +-- +--Drag event receiver. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDraggableCamera.cs:168 +---@param delta UnityEngine.Vector2 +function CS.UIDraggableCamera.Drag(delta) end + +-- +--If the object should support the scroll wheel, do it. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDraggableCamera.cs:198 +---@param delta float +function CS.UIDraggableCamera.Scroll(delta) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:20 +---@class FillDirection: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:22 +---@field Horizontal UIBasicSprite.FillDirection +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:23 +---@field Vertical UIBasicSprite.FillDirection +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:24 +---@field Radial90 UIBasicSprite.FillDirection +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:25 +---@field Radial180 UIBasicSprite.FillDirection +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:26 +---@field Radial360 UIBasicSprite.FillDirection +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:20 +CS.FillDirection = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIBasicSprite.FillDirection +function CS.FillDirection:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Plays the specified sound. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlaySound.cs:13 +---@class UIPlaySound: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlaySound.cs:27 +---@field audioClip UnityEngine.AudioClip +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlaySound.cs:28 +---@field trigger UIPlaySound.Trigger +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlaySound.cs:30 +---@field volume float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlaySound.cs:31 +---@field pitch float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlaySound.cs:13 +CS.UIPlaySound = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlaySound.cs:93 +function CS.UIPlaySound.Play() end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:29 +---@class AdvancedType: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:31 +---@field Invisible UIBasicSprite.AdvancedType +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:32 +---@field Sliced UIBasicSprite.AdvancedType +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:33 +---@field Tiled UIBasicSprite.AdvancedType +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:29 +CS.AdvancedType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIBasicSprite.AdvancedType +function CS.AdvancedType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:36 +---@class Flip: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:38 +---@field Nothing UIBasicSprite.Flip +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:39 +---@field Horizontally UIBasicSprite.Flip +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:40 +---@field Vertically UIBasicSprite.Flip +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:41 +---@field Both UIBasicSprite.Flip +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIBasicSprite.cs:36 +CS.Flip = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIBasicSprite.Flip +function CS.Flip:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Tween the object's rotation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenRotation.cs:13 +---@class TweenRotation: UITweener +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenRotation.cs:15 +---@field from UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenRotation.cs:16 +---@field to UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenRotation.cs:17 +---@field quaternionLerp bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenRotation.cs:21 +---@field cachedTransform UnityEngine.Transform +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenRotation.cs:24 +---@field rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +-- +--Tween's current value. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenRotation.cs:30 +---@field value UnityEngine.Quaternion +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenRotation.cs:13 +CS.TweenRotation = {} + +-- +--Start the tweening operation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenRotation.cs:49 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param duration float +---@param rot UnityEngine.Quaternion +---@return TweenRotation +function CS.TweenRotation:Begin(go, duration, rot) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenRotation.cs:64 +function CS.TweenRotation.SetStartToCurrentValue() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/TweenRotation.cs:67 +function CS.TweenRotation.SetEndToCurrentValue() end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:6 +---@class MaterialPropertyBlockTool: object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:6 +CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool = {} + +-- +--清除材质块 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:25 +---@param renderer UnityEngine.Renderer +---@param materialIndex int +function CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool:ClearPropertyBlock(renderer, materialIndex) end + +-- +--批量修改属性块,开始于StartEdit,然后修改属性调用无Renderer参数版方法,最后调用StopEdit停止属性块编辑并提交 +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: materialIndex - 如果materialIndex为负数,表示这个属性块是存储在renderer上的,非负数并且小于材质的数量,表示存储在对应的material上。 +-- renderer的材质块作用于全部材质,但是material的属性块会覆盖renderer上的 +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:39 +---@param renderer UnityEngine.Renderer +---@param materialIndex int +function CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool:StartEdit(renderer, materialIndex) end + +-- +--批量修改属性块,开始于StartEdit,然后修改属性调用无Renderer参数版方法,最后调用StopEdit停止属性块编辑并提交 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:49 +function CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool:StopEdit() end + +-- +--设置纹理。StartEdit/StopEdit之间调用 +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: propertyId - Shader.PropertyToID +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:63 +---@param propertyId int +---@param tex UnityEngine.Texture +function CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool:SetTexture(propertyId, tex) end + +-- +--设置整数。StartEdit/StopEdit之间调用 +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: propertyId - Shader.PropertyToID +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:73 +---@param propertyId int +---@param val int +function CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool:SetInt(propertyId, val) end + +-- +--设置浮点数。StartEdit/StopEdit之间调用 +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: propertyId - Shader.PropertyToID +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:83 +---@param propertyId int +---@param val float +function CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool:SetFloat(propertyId, val) end + +-- +--设置颜色。StartEdit/StopEdit之间调用 +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: propertyId - Shader.PropertyToID +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:94 +---@param propertyId int +---@param color UnityEngine.Color +function CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool:SetColor(propertyId, color) end + +-- +--设置向量。StartEdit/StopEdit之间调用 +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: propertyId - Shader.PropertyToID +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:104 +---@param propertyId int +---@param vec4 UnityEngine.Vector4 +function CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool:SetVector(propertyId, vec4) end + +-- +--设置矩阵。StartEdit/StopEdit之间调用 +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: propertyId - Shader.PropertyToID +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:114 +---@param propertyId int +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +function CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool:SetMatrix(propertyId, matrix) end + +-- +--设置纹理 +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: propertyId - Shader.PropertyToID +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:124 +---@param renderer UnityEngine.Renderer +---@param propertyId int +---@param tex UnityEngine.Texture +---@param materialIndex int +function CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool:SetTexture(renderer, propertyId, tex, materialIndex) end + +-- +--设置整数 +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: propertyId - Shader.PropertyToID +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:135 +---@param renderer UnityEngine.Renderer +---@param propertyId int +---@param val int +---@param materialIndex int +function CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool:SetInt(renderer, propertyId, val, materialIndex) end + +-- +--设置浮点数 +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: propertyId - Shader.PropertyToID +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:146 +---@param renderer UnityEngine.Renderer +---@param propertyId int +---@param val float +---@param materialIndex int +function CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool:SetFloat(renderer, propertyId, val, materialIndex) end + +-- +--设置颜色 +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: propertyId - Shader.PropertyToID +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:157 +---@param renderer UnityEngine.Renderer +---@param propertyId int +---@param color UnityEngine.Color +---@param materialIndex int +function CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool:SetColor(renderer, propertyId, color, materialIndex) end + +-- +--设置向量 +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: propertyId - Shader.PropertyToID +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:168 +---@param renderer UnityEngine.Renderer +---@param propertyId int +---@param vec4 UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@param materialIndex int +function CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool:SetVector(renderer, propertyId, vec4, materialIndex) end + +-- +--设置矩阵 +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: propertyId - Shader.PropertyToID +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:179 +---@param renderer UnityEngine.Renderer +---@param propertyId int +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param materialIndex int +function CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool:SetMatrix(renderer, propertyId, matrix, materialIndex) end + +-- +--获取某个属性值的时候,需要先调用GetPropertyBlock获取整个属性块的值,最后调用ClearCachedProperties清理掉缓存的属性 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:189 +---@param renderer UnityEngine.Renderer +---@param materialIndex int +function CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool:GetPropertyBlock(renderer, materialIndex) end + +-- +--清理缓存的材质属性 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:201 +function CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool:ClearCachedProperties() end + +-- +--获取属性块中的纹理,注意不是材质的纹理。在GetPropertyBlock后执行 +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: propertyId - Shader.PropertyToID +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:210 +---@param propertyId int +---@return Texture +function CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool:GetTexture(propertyId) end + +-- +--获取属性块中的整数。在GetPropertyBlock后执行 +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: propertyId - Shader.PropertyToID +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:219 +---@param propertyId int +---@return Int32 +function CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool:GetInt(propertyId) end + +-- +--获取属性块中的浮点数。在GetPropertyBlock后执行 +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: propertyId - Shader.PropertyToID +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:228 +---@param propertyId int +---@return Single +function CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool:GetFloat(propertyId) end + +-- +--获取属性块中的颜色。在GetPropertyBlock后执行 +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: propertyId - Shader.PropertyToID +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:237 +---@param propertyId int +---@return Color +function CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool:GetColor(propertyId) end + +-- +--获取属性块中的向量。在GetPropertyBlock后执行 +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: propertyId - Shader.PropertyToID +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:246 +---@param propertyId int +---@return Vector4 +function CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool:GetVector(propertyId) end + +-- +--获取属性块中的矩阵。在GetPropertyBlock后执行 +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: propertyId - Shader.PropertyToID +-- +--``` +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/VxFramework/Utils/MaterialPropertyBlockTool.cs:255 +---@param propertyId int +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.MaterialPropertyBlockTool:GetMatrix(propertyId) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapGridCreater.cs:5 +---@class MapGridCreater: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapGridCreater.cs:7 +---@field MapSize UnityEngine.Vector2Int +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapGridCreater.cs:8 +---@field Tile UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapGridCreater.cs:5 +CS.MapGridCreater = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/LevelDesign/MapGridCreater.cs:10 +function CS.MapGridCreater.Create() end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlaySound.cs:15 +---@class Trigger: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlaySound.cs:17 +---@field OnClick UIPlaySound.Trigger +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlaySound.cs:18 +---@field OnMouseOver UIPlaySound.Trigger +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlaySound.cs:19 +---@field OnMouseOut UIPlaySound.Trigger +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlaySound.cs:20 +---@field OnPress UIPlaySound.Trigger +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlaySound.cs:21 +---@field OnRelease UIPlaySound.Trigger +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlaySound.cs:22 +---@field Custom UIPlaySound.Trigger +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlaySound.cs:23 +---@field OnEnable UIPlaySound.Trigger +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlaySound.cs:24 +---@field OnDisable UIPlaySound.Trigger +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIPlaySound.cs:15 +CS.Trigger = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIPlaySound.Trigger +function CS.Trigger:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/CameraLook.cs:5 +---@class CameraLook: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/CameraLook.cs:7 +---@field Border float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/CameraLook.cs:5 +CS.CameraLook = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/BaseSystem/Scene/CameraLook.cs:11 +function CS.CameraLook.LateUpdate() end + + +-- +--客户端大状态机 +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameFSM.cs:6 +---@class GameFSM: object +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameFSM.cs:6 +CS.GameFSM = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameFSM.cs:13 +function CS.GameFSM.CommandUpdate() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameFSM.cs:18 +function CS.GameFSM.Update() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameFSM.cs:23 +function CS.GameFSM.LateUpdate() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameFSM.cs:28 +function CS.GameFSM.FixedUpdate() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameFSM.cs:33 +---@param type GameState.GameStateType +function CS.GameFSM.ChangeState(type) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/GameFSM.cs:47 +---@param gameStateEventType GameState.GameStateEventType +---@param args object[] +function CS.GameFSM.OnGameEvent(gameStateEventType, args) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:16 +---@class VoidDelegate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:16 +CS.VoidDelegate = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:16 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +function CS.VoidDelegate.Invoke(go) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:16 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.VoidDelegate.BeginInvoke(go, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:16 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.VoidDelegate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--All children added to the game object with this script will be repositioned to be on a grid of specified dimensions. +-- If you want the cells to automatically set their scale based on the dimensions of their content, take a look at UITable. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:15 +---@class UIGrid: UIWidgetContainer +-- +--Type of arrangement -- vertical, horizontal or cell snap. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:39 +---@field arrangement UIGrid.Arrangement +-- +--How to sort the grid's elements. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:45 +---@field sorting UIGrid.Sorting +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:48 +---@field inverted bool +-- +--Final pivot point for the grid's content. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:54 +---@field pivot UIWidget.Pivot +-- +--Maximum children per line. +-- If the arrangement is horizontal, this denotes the number of columns. +-- If the arrangement is vertical, this stands for the number of rows. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:62 +---@field maxPerLine int +-- +--The width of each of the cells. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:68 +---@field cellWidth float +-- +--The height of each of the cells. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:74 +---@field cellHeight float +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:77 +---@field animateSmoothly bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:80 +---@field animateFadeIn bool +-- +--Whether to ignore the disabled children or to treat them as being present. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:86 +---@field hideInactive bool +-- +--Whether the parent container will be notified of the grid's changes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:92 +---@field keepWithinPanel bool +-- +--Callback triggered when the grid repositions its contents. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:98 +---@field onReposition UIGrid.OnReposition +-- +--Custom sort delegate, used when the sorting method is set to 'custom'. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:104 +---@field onCustomSort System.Comparison +-- +--Reposition the children on the next Update(). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:117 +---@field repositionNow bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:15 +CS.UIGrid = {} + +-- +--Get the current list of the grid's children. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:123 +---@return List +function CS.UIGrid.GetChildList() end + +-- +--Convenience method: get the child at the specified index. +-- Note that if you plan on calling this function more than once, it's faster to get the entire list using GetChildList() instead. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:155 +---@param index int +---@return Transform +function CS.UIGrid.GetChild(index) end + +-- +--Get the index of the specified item. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:165 +---@param trans UnityEngine.Transform +---@return Int32 +function CS.UIGrid.GetIndex(trans) end + +-- +--Convenience method -- add a new child. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:172 +---@param trans UnityEngine.Transform +function CS.UIGrid.AddChild(trans) end + +-- +--Convenience method -- add a new child. +-- Note that if you plan on adding multiple objects, it's faster to GetChildList() and modify that instead. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:187 +---@param trans UnityEngine.Transform +---@param sort bool +function CS.UIGrid.AddChild(trans, sort) end + +-- +--Remove the specified child from the list. +-- Note that if you plan on removing multiple objects, it's faster to GetChildList() and modify that instead. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:239 +---@param t UnityEngine.Transform +---@return Boolean +function CS.UIGrid.RemoveChild(t) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:292 +---@param a UnityEngine.Transform +---@param b UnityEngine.Transform +---@return Int32 +function CS.UIGrid:SortByName(a, b) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:293 +---@param a UnityEngine.Transform +---@param b UnityEngine.Transform +---@return Int32 +function CS.UIGrid:SortByNameInv(a, b) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:294 +---@param a UnityEngine.Transform +---@param b UnityEngine.Transform +---@return Int32 +function CS.UIGrid:SortHorizontal(a, b) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:295 +---@param a UnityEngine.Transform +---@param b UnityEngine.Transform +---@return Int32 +function CS.UIGrid:SortHorizontalInv(a, b) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:296 +---@param a UnityEngine.Transform +---@param b UnityEngine.Transform +---@return Int32 +function CS.UIGrid:SortVertical(a, b) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:297 +---@param a UnityEngine.Transform +---@param b UnityEngine.Transform +---@return Int32 +function CS.UIGrid:SortVerticalInv(a, b) end + +-- +--Recalculate the position of all elements within the grid, sorting them alphabetically if necessary. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:310 +function CS.UIGrid.Reposition() end + +-- +--Constrain the grid's content to be within the panel's bounds. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:341 +function CS.UIGrid.ConstrainWithinPanel() end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:17 +---@class BoolDelegate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:17 +CS.BoolDelegate = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:17 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param state bool +function CS.BoolDelegate.Invoke(go, state) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:17 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param state bool +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.BoolDelegate.BeginInvoke(go, state, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:17 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.BoolDelegate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:22 +---@class Action: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:24 +---@field PressAndClick UIKeyBinding.Action +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:25 +---@field Select UIKeyBinding.Action +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:26 +---@field All UIKeyBinding.Action +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:22 +CS.Action = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIKeyBinding.Action +function CS.Action:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:18 +---@class FloatDelegate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:18 +CS.FloatDelegate = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:18 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param delta float +function CS.FloatDelegate.Invoke(go, delta) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:18 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param delta float +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.FloatDelegate.BeginInvoke(go, delta, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:18 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.FloatDelegate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:29 +---@class Modifier: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:31 +---@field Any UIKeyBinding.Modifier +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:32 +---@field Shift UIKeyBinding.Modifier +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:33 +---@field Ctrl UIKeyBinding.Modifier +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:34 +---@field Alt UIKeyBinding.Modifier +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:35 +---@field None UIKeyBinding.Modifier +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIKeyBinding.cs:29 +CS.Modifier = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIKeyBinding.Modifier +function CS.Modifier:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:19 +---@class VectorDelegate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:19 +CS.VectorDelegate = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:19 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param delta UnityEngine.Vector2 +function CS.VectorDelegate.Invoke(go, delta) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:19 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param delta UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.VectorDelegate.BeginInvoke(go, delta, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:19 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.VectorDelegate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--This script is able to fill in the label's text gradually, giving the effect of someone typing or fading in the content over time. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/TypewriterEffect.cs:16 +---@class TypewriterEffect: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/TypewriterEffect.cs:18 +---@field current TypewriterEffect +-- +--How many characters will be printed per second. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/TypewriterEffect.cs:31 +---@field charsPerSecond int +-- +--How long it takes for each character to fade in. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/TypewriterEffect.cs:37 +---@field fadeInTime float +-- +--How long to pause when a period is encountered (in seconds). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/TypewriterEffect.cs:43 +---@field delayOnPeriod float +-- +--How long to pause when a new line character is encountered (in seconds). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/TypewriterEffect.cs:49 +---@field delayOnNewLine float +-- +--If a scroll view is specified, its UpdatePosition() function will be called every time the text is updated. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/TypewriterEffect.cs:55 +---@field scrollView UIScrollView +-- +--If set to 'true', the label's dimensions will be that of a fully faded-in content. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/TypewriterEffect.cs:61 +---@field keepFullDimensions bool +-- +--Event delegate triggered when the typewriter effect finishes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/TypewriterEffect.cs:67 +---@field onFinished System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--Whether the typewriter effect is currently active or not. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/TypewriterEffect.cs:82 +---@field isActive bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/TypewriterEffect.cs:16 +CS.TypewriterEffect = {} + +-- +--Reset the typewriter effect to the beginning of the label. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/TypewriterEffect.cs:88 +function CS.TypewriterEffect.ResetToBeginning() end + +-- +--Finish the typewriter operation and show all the text right away. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/TypewriterEffect.cs:102 +function CS.TypewriterEffect.Finish() end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:20 +---@class ObjectDelegate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:20 +CS.ObjectDelegate = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:20 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param obj UnityEngine.GameObject +function CS.ObjectDelegate.Invoke(go, obj) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:20 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param obj UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.ObjectDelegate.BeginInvoke(go, obj, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:20 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.ObjectDelegate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:21 +---@class KeyCodeDelegate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:21 +CS.KeyCodeDelegate = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:21 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param key UnityEngine.KeyCode +function CS.KeyCodeDelegate.Invoke(go, key) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:21 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param key UnityEngine.KeyCode +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.KeyCodeDelegate.BeginInvoke(go, key, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIEventListener.cs:21 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.KeyCodeDelegate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:22 +---@class Method: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:24 +---@field Linear UITweener.Method +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:25 +---@field EaseIn UITweener.Method +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:26 +---@field EaseOut UITweener.Method +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:27 +---@field EaseInOut UITweener.Method +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:28 +---@field BounceIn UITweener.Method +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:29 +---@field BounceOut UITweener.Method +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:22 +CS.Method = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UITweener.Method +function CS.Method:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:32 +---@class Style: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:34 +---@field Once UITweener.Style +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:35 +---@field Loop UITweener.Style +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:36 +---@field PingPong UITweener.Style +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:32 +CS.Style = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UITweener.Style +function CS.Style:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:74 +---@class DelayAffects: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:76 +---@field Forward UITweener.DelayAffects +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:77 +---@field Reverse UITweener.DelayAffects +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:78 +---@field Both UITweener.DelayAffects +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Tweening/UITweener.cs:74 +CS.DelayAffects = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UITweener.DelayAffects +function CS.DelayAffects:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Generated geometry class. All widgets have one. +-- This class separates the geometry creation into several steps, making it possible to perform +-- actions selectively depending on what has changed. For example, the widget doesn't need to be +-- rebuilt unless something actually changes, so its geometry can be cached. Likewise, the widget's +-- transformed coordinates only change if the widget's transform moves relative to the panel, +-- so that can be cached as well. In the end, using this class means using more memory, but at +-- the same time it allows for significant performance gains, especially when using widgets that +-- spit out a lot of vertices, such as UILabels. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIGeometry.cs:20 +---@class UIGeometry: object +-- +--Widget's vertices (before they get transformed). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIGeometry.cs:26 +---@field verts System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--Widget's texture coordinates for the geometry's vertices. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIGeometry.cs:32 +---@field uvs System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--Array of colors for the geometry's vertices. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIGeometry.cs:38 +---@field cols System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--Custom delegate called after WriteToBuffers finishes filling in the geometry. +-- Use it to apply any and all modifications to vertices that you need. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIGeometry.cs:45 +---@field onCustomWrite UIGeometry.OnCustomWrite +-- +--Whether the geometry contains usable vertices. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIGeometry.cs:57 +---@field hasVertices bool +-- +--Whether the geometry has usable transformed vertex data. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIGeometry.cs:63 +---@field hasTransformed bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIGeometry.cs:20 +CS.UIGeometry = {} + +-- +--Step 1: Prepare to fill the buffers -- make them clean and valid. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIGeometry.cs:69 +function CS.UIGeometry.Clear() end + +-- +--Step 2: Transform the vertices by the provided matrix. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIGeometry.cs:81 +---@param widgetToPanel UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param generateNormals bool +function CS.UIGeometry.ApplyTransform(widgetToPanel, generateNormals) end + +-- +--Step 3: Fill the specified buffer using the transformed values. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIGeometry.cs:103 +---@param v System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param u System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param c System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param n System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param t System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param u2 System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UIGeometry.WriteToBuffers(v, u, c, n, t, u2) end + + +-- +--This class is meant to be used only internally. It's like Debug.Log, but prints using OnGUI to screen instead. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIDebug.cs:14 +---@class NGUIDebug: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--Set by UICamera. Can be used to show/hide raycast information. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIDebug.cs:24 +---@field debugRaycast bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIDebug.cs:14 +CS.NGUIDebug = {} + +-- +--Ensure we have an instance present. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIDebug.cs:42 +function CS.NGUIDebug:CreateInstance() end + +-- +--Add a new log entry, printing all of the specified parameters. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIDebug.cs:71 +---@param objs object[] +function CS.NGUIDebug:Log(objs) end + +-- +--Add a new log entry. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIDebug.cs:93 +---@param s string +function CS.NGUIDebug:Log(s) end + +-- +--Clear the logged text. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIDebug.cs:106 +function CS.NGUIDebug:Clear() end + +-- +--Draw bounds immediately. Won't be remembered for the next frame. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/NGUIDebug.cs:112 +---@param b UnityEngine.Bounds +function CS.NGUIDebug:DrawBounds(b) end + + +-- +--Convenience script that resizes the camera's orthographic size to match the screen size. +-- This script can be used to create pixel-perfect UI, however it's usually more convenient +-- to create the UI that stays proportional as the screen scales. If that is what you +-- want, you don't need this script (or at least don't need it to be active). +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIOrthoCamera.cs:18 +---@class UIOrthoCamera: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UIOrthoCamera.cs:18 +CS.UIOrthoCamera = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIGeometry.cs:46 +---@class OnCustomWrite: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIGeometry.cs:46 +CS.OnCustomWrite = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIGeometry.cs:46 +---@param v System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param u System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param c System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param n System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param t System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param u2 System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.OnCustomWrite.Invoke(v, u, c, n, t, u2) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIGeometry.cs:46 +---@param v System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param u System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param c System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param n System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param t System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param u2 System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnCustomWrite.BeginInvoke(v, u, c, n, t, u2, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIGeometry.cs:46 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnCustomWrite.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--Similar to SpringPosition, but also moves the panel's clipping. Works in local coordinates. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/SpringPanel.cs:14 +---@class SpringPanel: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/SpringPanel.cs:16 +---@field current SpringPanel +-- +--Target position to spring the panel to. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/SpringPanel.cs:22 +---@field target UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Strength of the spring. The higher the value, the faster the movement. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/SpringPanel.cs:28 +---@field strength float +-- +--Delegate function to call when the operation finishes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/SpringPanel.cs:36 +---@field onFinished SpringPanel.OnFinished +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/SpringPanel.cs:14 +CS.SpringPanel = {} + +-- +--Start the tweening process. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/SpringPanel.cs:111 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param pos UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param strength float +---@return SpringPanel +function CS.SpringPanel:Begin(go, pos, strength) end + +-- +--Stop the tweening process. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/SpringPanel.cs:126 +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return SpringPanel +function CS.SpringPanel:Stop(go) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:17 +---@class OnReposition: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:17 +CS.OnReposition = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:17 +function CS.OnReposition.Invoke() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:17 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnReposition.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:17 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnReposition.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:19 +---@class Arrangement: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:21 +---@field Horizontal UIGrid.Arrangement +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:22 +---@field Vertical UIGrid.Arrangement +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:23 +---@field CellSnap UIGrid.Arrangement +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:19 +CS.Arrangement = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIGrid.Arrangement +function CS.Arrangement:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:26 +---@class Sorting: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:28 +---@field None UIGrid.Sorting +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:29 +---@field Alphabetic UIGrid.Sorting +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:30 +---@field Horizontal UIGrid.Sorting +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:31 +---@field Vertical UIGrid.Sorting +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:32 +---@field Custom UIGrid.Sorting +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIGrid.cs:26 +CS.Sorting = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIGrid.Sorting +function CS.Sorting:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/SpringPanel.cs:30 +---@class OnFinished: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/SpringPanel.cs:30 +CS.OnFinished = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/SpringPanel.cs:30 +function CS.OnFinished.Invoke() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/SpringPanel.cs:30 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnFinished.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/SpringPanel.cs:30 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnFinished.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:28 +---@class ScalingAxis: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:30 +---@field Width UltimateJoystick.ScalingAxis +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:31 +---@field Height UltimateJoystick.ScalingAxis +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:28 +CS.ScalingAxis = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UltimateJoystick.ScalingAxis +function CS.ScalingAxis:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:36 +---@class Anchor: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:38 +---@field Left UltimateJoystick.Anchor +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:39 +---@field Right UltimateJoystick.Anchor +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:36 +CS.Anchor = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UltimateJoystick.Anchor +function CS.Anchor:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:56 +---@class Axis: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:58 +---@field Both UltimateJoystick.Axis +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:59 +---@field X UltimateJoystick.Axis +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:60 +---@field Y UltimateJoystick.Axis +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:56 +CS.Axis = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UltimateJoystick.Axis +function CS.Axis:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:65 +---@class Boundary: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:67 +---@field Circular UltimateJoystick.Boundary +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:68 +---@field Square UltimateJoystick.Boundary +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:65 +CS.Boundary = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UltimateJoystick.Boundary +function CS.Boundary:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:74 +---@class TapCountOption: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:76 +---@field NoCount UltimateJoystick.TapCountOption +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:77 +---@field Accumulate UltimateJoystick.TapCountOption +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:78 +---@field TouchRelease UltimateJoystick.TapCountOption +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:74 +CS.TapCountOption = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UltimateJoystick.TapCountOption +function CS.TapCountOption:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:103 +---@class TensionType: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:105 +---@field Directional UltimateJoystick.TensionType +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:106 +---@field Free UltimateJoystick.TensionType +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:103 +CS.TensionType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UltimateJoystick.TensionType +function CS.TensionType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:17 +---@class Pivot: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:19 +---@field TopLeft UIWidget.Pivot +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:20 +---@field Top UIWidget.Pivot +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:21 +---@field TopRight UIWidget.Pivot +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:22 +---@field Left UIWidget.Pivot +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:23 +---@field Center UIWidget.Pivot +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:24 +---@field Right UIWidget.Pivot +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:25 +---@field BottomLeft UIWidget.Pivot +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:26 +---@field Bottom UIWidget.Pivot +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:27 +---@field BottomRight UIWidget.Pivot +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:17 +CS.Pivot = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIWidget.Pivot +function CS.Pivot:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:125 +---@class JoystickTouchSize: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:127 +---@field Default UltimateJoystick.JoystickTouchSize +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:128 +---@field Medium UltimateJoystick.JoystickTouchSize +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:129 +---@field Large UltimateJoystick.JoystickTouchSize +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:130 +---@field Custom UltimateJoystick.JoystickTouchSize +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/Ultimate Joystick/Scripts/UltimateJoystick.cs:125 +CS.JoystickTouchSize = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UltimateJoystick.JoystickTouchSize +function CS.JoystickTouchSize:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:45 +---@class OnDimensionsChanged: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:45 +CS.OnDimensionsChanged = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:45 +function CS.OnDimensionsChanged.Invoke() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:45 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnDimensionsChanged.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:45 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnDimensionsChanged.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--This script makes it possible to resize the specified widget by dragging on the object this script is attached to. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragResize.cs:13 +---@class UIDragResize: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--Widget that will be dragged. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragResize.cs:19 +---@field target UIWidget +-- +--Widget's pivot that will be dragged +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragResize.cs:25 +---@field pivot UIWidget.Pivot +-- +--Minimum width the widget will be allowed to shrink to when resizing. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragResize.cs:31 +---@field minWidth int +-- +--Minimum height the widget will be allowed to shrink to when resizing. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragResize.cs:37 +---@field minHeight int +-- +--Maximum width the widget will be allowed to expand to when resizing. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragResize.cs:43 +---@field maxWidth int +-- +--Maximum height the widget will be allowed to expand to when resizing. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragResize.cs:49 +---@field maxHeight int +-- +--If set to 'true', the target object's anchors will be refreshed after each dragging operation. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragResize.cs:55 +---@field updateAnchors bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIDragResize.cs:13 +CS.UIDragResize = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:52 +---@class OnPostFillCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:52 +CS.OnPostFillCallback = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:52 +---@param widget UIWidget +---@param bufferOffset int +---@param verts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param uvs System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param cols System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.OnPostFillCallback.Invoke(widget, bufferOffset, verts, uvs, cols) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:52 +---@param widget UIWidget +---@param bufferOffset int +---@param verts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param uvs System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param cols System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnPostFillCallback.BeginInvoke(widget, bufferOffset, verts, uvs, cols, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:52 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnPostFillCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:103 +---@class AspectRatioSource: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:105 +---@field Free UIWidget.AspectRatioSource +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:106 +---@field BasedOnWidth UIWidget.AspectRatioSource +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:107 +---@field BasedOnHeight UIWidget.AspectRatioSource +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:103 +CS.AspectRatioSource = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIWidget.AspectRatioSource +function CS.AspectRatioSource:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:122 +---@class HitCheck: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:122 +CS.HitCheck = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:122 +---@param worldPos UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@return Boolean +function CS.HitCheck.Invoke(worldPos) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:122 +---@param worldPos UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.HitCheck.BeginInvoke(worldPos, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Internal/UIWidget.cs:122 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Boolean +function CS.HitCheck.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:20 +---@class Movement: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:22 +---@field Horizontal UIScrollView.Movement +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:23 +---@field Vertical UIScrollView.Movement +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:24 +---@field Unrestricted UIScrollView.Movement +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:25 +---@field Custom UIScrollView.Movement +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:20 +CS.Movement = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIScrollView.Movement +function CS.Movement:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:28 +---@class DragEffect: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:30 +---@field None UIScrollView.DragEffect +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:31 +---@field Momentum UIScrollView.DragEffect +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:32 +---@field MomentumAndSpring UIScrollView.DragEffect +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:28 +CS.DragEffect = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIScrollView.DragEffect +function CS.DragEffect:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:35 +---@class ShowCondition: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:37 +---@field Always UIScrollView.ShowCondition +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:38 +---@field OnlyIfNeeded UIScrollView.ShowCondition +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:39 +---@field WhenDragging UIScrollView.ShowCondition +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:35 +CS.ShowCondition = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UIScrollView.ShowCondition +function CS.ShowCondition:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:42 +---@class OnDragNotification: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:42 +CS.OnDragNotification = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:42 +function CS.OnDragNotification.Invoke() end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:42 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnDragNotification.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIScrollView.cs:42 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnDragNotification.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--Simple toggle functionality. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:16 +---@class UIToggle: UIWidgetContainer +-- +--List of all the active toggles currently in the scene. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:22 +---@field list BetterList +-- +--Current toggle that sent a state change notification. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:28 +---@field current UIToggle +-- +--If set to anything other than '0', all active toggles in this group will behave as radio buttons. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:34 +---@field group int +-- +--Sprite that's visible when the 'isActive' status is 'true'. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:40 +---@field activeSprite UIWidget +-- +--If 'true', when checked the sprite will be hidden when the toggle is checked instead of when it's not. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:46 +---@field invertSpriteState bool +-- +--Animation to play on the active sprite, if any. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:52 +---@field activeAnimation UnityEngine.Animation +-- +--Animation to play on the active sprite, if any. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:58 +---@field animator UnityEngine.Animator +-- +--Tween to use, if any. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:64 +---@field tween UITweener +-- +--Whether the toggle starts checked. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:70 +---@field startsActive bool +-- +--If checked, tween-based transition will be instant instead. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:76 +---@field instantTween bool +-- +--Can the radio button option be 'none'? +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:82 +---@field optionCanBeNone bool +-- +--Callbacks triggered when the toggle's state changes. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:88 +---@field onChange System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--Want to validate the choice before committing the changes? Set this delegate. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:96 +---@field validator UIToggle.Validate +-- +--Whether the toggle is checked. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:117 +---@field value bool +-- +--Whether the collider is enabled and the widget can be interacted with. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:134 +---@field isColliderEnabled bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:146 +---@field isChecked bool +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:16 +CS.UIToggle = {} + +-- +--Return the first active toggle within the specified group. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:152 +---@param group int +---@return UIToggle +function CS.UIToggle:GetActiveToggle(group) end + +-- +--Activate the initial state. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:170 +function CS.UIToggle.Start() end + +-- +--Check or uncheck on click. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:222 +function CS.UIToggle.OnClick() end + +-- +--Fade out or fade in the active sprite and notify the OnChange event listener. +-- If setting the initial value, call Start() first. +-- +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:238 +---@param state bool +---@param notify bool +function CS.UIToggle.Set(state, notify) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:498 +---@class OnPressCB: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:498 +CS.OnPressCB = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:498 +---@param obj object +---@param isPressed bool +function CS.OnPressCB.Invoke(obj, isPressed) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:498 +---@param obj object +---@param isPressed bool +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnPressCB.BeginInvoke(obj, isPressed, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:498 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnPressCB.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITextList.cs:22 +---@class Style: System.Enum +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITextList.cs:24 +---@field Text UITextList.Style +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITextList.cs:25 +---@field Chat UITextList.Style +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UITextList.cs:22 +CS.Style = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UITextList.Style +function CS.Style:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:499 +---@class OnClickCB: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:499 +CS.OnClickCB = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:499 +---@param obj object +function CS.OnClickCB.Invoke(obj) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:499 +---@param obj object +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnClickCB.BeginInvoke(obj, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:499 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnClickCB.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:500 +---@class OnDragCB: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:500 +CS.OnDragCB = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:500 +---@param obj object +---@param delta UnityEngine.Vector2 +function CS.OnDragCB.Invoke(obj, delta) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:500 +---@param obj object +---@param delta UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnDragCB.BeginInvoke(obj, delta, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:500 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnDragCB.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:501 +---@class OnTooltipCB: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:501 +CS.OnTooltipCB = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:501 +---@param obj object +---@param show bool +function CS.OnTooltipCB.Invoke(obj, show) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:501 +---@param obj object +---@param show bool +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.OnTooltipCB.BeginInvoke(obj, show, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/UI/UISpriteCollection.cs:501 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.OnTooltipCB.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:90 +---@class Validate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:90 +CS.Validate = {} + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:90 +---@param choice bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.Validate.Invoke(choice) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:90 +---@param choice bool +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.Validate.BeginInvoke(choice, callback, object) end + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Script/Plugins/NGUI/Scripts/Interaction/UIToggle.cs:90 +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Boolean +function CS.Validate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.Editor.dll +---@class TimelinePreferences: UnityEditor.ScriptableSingleton +---@source Unity.Timeline.Editor.dll +---@field timeUnitInFrame bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.Editor.dll +---@field showAudioWaveform bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.Editor.dll +---@field snapToFrame bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.Editor.dll +---@field edgeSnap bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.Editor.dll +---@field playbackScrollMode UnityEditor.Timeline.PlaybackScrollMode +---@source Unity.Timeline.Editor.dll +---@field audioScrubbing bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.Editor.dll +CS.TimelinePreferences = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.Editor.dll +function CS.TimelinePreferences.Save() end + + +---@source UnityEditor.CoreModule.dll +---@class AssetModificationProcessor: object +---@source UnityEditor.CoreModule.dll +CS.AssetModificationProcessor = {} + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.Editor.dll +---@class TimelineProjectSettings: UnityEditor.ScriptableSingleton +---@source Unity.Timeline.Editor.dll +---@field assetDefaultFramerate float +---@source Unity.Timeline.Editor.dll +CS.TimelineProjectSettings = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.Editor.dll +function CS.TimelineProjectSettings.Save() end + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Editor/ParadoxNotion/NodeCanvas/Tasks/Conditions/Blackboard/CheckEnumFlag.cs:11 +---@class CheckEnumFlag: NodeCanvas.Framework.ConditionTask +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Editor/ParadoxNotion/NodeCanvas/Tasks/Conditions/Blackboard/CheckEnumFlag.cs:20 +---@field Variable NodeCanvas.Framework.Internal.BBObjectParameter +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Editor/ParadoxNotion/NodeCanvas/Tasks/Conditions/Blackboard/CheckEnumFlag.cs:22 +---@field Flag NodeCanvas.Framework.Internal.BBObjectParameter +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Editor/ParadoxNotion/NodeCanvas/Tasks/Conditions/Blackboard/CheckEnumFlag.cs:11 +CS.CheckEnumFlag = {} + + +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Editor/ParadoxNotion/NodeCanvas/Tasks/Actions/Blackboard/SetEnumFlag.cs:11 +---@class SetEnumFlag: NodeCanvas.Framework.ActionTask +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Editor/ParadoxNotion/NodeCanvas/Tasks/Actions/Blackboard/SetEnumFlag.cs:20 +---@field Variable NodeCanvas.Framework.Internal.BBObjectParameter +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Editor/ParadoxNotion/NodeCanvas/Tasks/Actions/Blackboard/SetEnumFlag.cs:22 +---@field Flag NodeCanvas.Framework.Internal.BBObjectParameter +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Editor/ParadoxNotion/NodeCanvas/Tasks/Actions/Blackboard/SetEnumFlag.cs:23 +---@field Clear NodeCanvas.Framework.BBParameter +---@source file:///c:/Users/zc/Desktop/vxProject/Client_Dev/Assets/Editor/ParadoxNotion/NodeCanvas/Tasks/Actions/Blackboard/SetEnumFlag.cs:11 +CS.SetEnumFlag = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.CodeDom.Compiler.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.CodeDom.Compiler.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f5fe09e1d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.CodeDom.Compiler.lua @@ -0,0 +1,822 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeCompiler: System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGenerator +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeCompiler = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider: System.ComponentModel.Component +---@source System.dll +---@field FileExtension string +---@source System.dll +---@field LanguageOptions System.CodeDom.Compiler.LanguageOptions +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param options System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters +---@param compilationUnits System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit[] +---@return CompilerResults +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.CompileAssemblyFromDom(options, compilationUnits) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param options System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters +---@param fileNames string[] +---@return CompilerResults +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.CompileAssemblyFromFile(options, fileNames) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param options System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters +---@param sources string[] +---@return CompilerResults +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(options, sources) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return ICodeCompiler +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.CreateCompiler() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string +---@return String +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.CreateEscapedIdentifier(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return ICodeGenerator +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.CreateGenerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param output System.IO.TextWriter +---@return ICodeGenerator +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.CreateGenerator(output) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param fileName string +---@return ICodeGenerator +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.CreateGenerator(fileName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return ICodeParser +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.CreateParser() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param language string +---@return CodeDomProvider +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider:CreateProvider(language) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param language string +---@param providerOptions System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return CodeDomProvider +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider:CreateProvider(language, providerOptions) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string +---@return String +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.CreateValidIdentifier(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param compileUnit System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit +---@param writer System.IO.TextWriter +---@param options System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGeneratorOptions +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(compileUnit, writer, options) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param expression System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@param writer System.IO.TextWriter +---@param options System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGeneratorOptions +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.GenerateCodeFromExpression(expression, writer, options) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param member System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMember +---@param writer System.IO.TextWriter +---@param options System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGeneratorOptions +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.GenerateCodeFromMember(member, writer, options) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param codeNamespace System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace +---@param writer System.IO.TextWriter +---@param options System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGeneratorOptions +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.GenerateCodeFromNamespace(codeNamespace, writer, options) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param statement System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +---@param writer System.IO.TextWriter +---@param options System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGeneratorOptions +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.GenerateCodeFromStatement(statement, writer, options) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param codeType System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclaration +---@param writer System.IO.TextWriter +---@param options System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGeneratorOptions +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.GenerateCodeFromType(codeType, writer, options) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider:GetAllCompilerInfo() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param language string +---@return CompilerInfo +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider:GetCompilerInfo(language) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return TypeConverter +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.GetConverter(type) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param extension string +---@return String +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider:GetLanguageFromExtension(extension) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReference +---@return String +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.GetTypeOutput(type) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param extension string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider:IsDefinedExtension(extension) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param language string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider:IsDefinedLanguage(language) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.IsValidIdentifier(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param codeStream System.IO.TextReader +---@return CodeCompileUnit +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.Parse(codeStream) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param generatorSupport System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider.Supports(generatorSupport) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGenerator: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGenerator = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param member System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMember +---@param writer System.IO.TextWriter +---@param options System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGeneratorOptions +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGenerator.GenerateCodeFromMember(member, writer, options) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGenerator:IsValidLanguageIndependentIdentifier(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param e System.CodeDom.CodeObject +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGenerator:ValidateIdentifiers(e) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGeneratorOptions: object +---@source System.dll +---@field BlankLinesBetweenMembers bool +---@source System.dll +---@field BracingStyle string +---@source System.dll +---@field ElseOnClosing bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IndentString string +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.dll +---@field VerbatimOrder bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGeneratorOptions = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeParser: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeParser = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param codeStream System.IO.TextReader +---@return CodeCompileUnit +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeParser.Parse(codeStream) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Column int +---@source System.dll +---@field ErrorNumber string +---@source System.dll +---@field ErrorText string +---@source System.dll +---@field FileName string +---@source System.dll +---@field IsWarning bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Line int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerErrorCollection: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field HasErrors bool +---@source System.dll +---@field HasWarnings bool +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerErrorCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerErrorCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerErrorCollection +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerErrorCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError[] +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerErrorCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerErrorCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerErrorCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerErrorCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerErrorCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerErrorCollection.Remove(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerInfo: object +---@source System.dll +---@field CodeDomProviderType System.Type +---@source System.dll +---@field IsCodeDomProviderTypeValid bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerInfo = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return CompilerParameters +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerInfo.CreateDefaultCompilerParameters() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return CodeDomProvider +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerInfo.CreateProvider() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param providerOptions System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return CodeDomProvider +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerInfo.CreateProvider(providerOptions) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerInfo.Equals(o) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerInfo.GetExtensions() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerInfo.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerInfo.GetLanguages() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters: object +---@source System.dll +---@field CompilerOptions string +---@source System.dll +---@field CoreAssemblyFileName string +---@source System.dll +---@field EmbeddedResources System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@source System.dll +---@field GenerateExecutable bool +---@source System.dll +---@field GenerateInMemory bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IncludeDebugInformation bool +---@source System.dll +---@field LinkedResources System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field MainClass string +---@source System.dll +---@field OutputAssembly string +---@source System.dll +---@field ReferencedAssemblies System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field TempFiles System.CodeDom.Compiler.TempFileCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field TreatWarningsAsErrors bool +---@source System.dll +---@field UserToken System.IntPtr +---@source System.dll +---@field WarningLevel int +---@source System.dll +---@field Win32Resource string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerResults: object +---@source System.dll +---@field CompiledAssembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@source System.dll +---@field Errors System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerErrorCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@source System.dll +---@field NativeCompilerReturnValue int +---@source System.dll +---@field Output System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field PathToAssembly string +---@source System.dll +---@field TempFiles System.CodeDom.Compiler.TempFileCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerResults = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.Compiler.Executor: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.Executor = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param cmd string +---@param tempFiles System.CodeDom.Compiler.TempFileCollection +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.Executor:ExecWait(cmd, tempFiles) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param userToken System.IntPtr +---@param cmd string +---@param tempFiles System.CodeDom.Compiler.TempFileCollection +---@param outputName string +---@param errorName string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.Executor:ExecWaitWithCapture(userToken, cmd, tempFiles, outputName, errorName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param userToken System.IntPtr +---@param cmd string +---@param currentDir string +---@param tempFiles System.CodeDom.Compiler.TempFileCollection +---@param outputName string +---@param errorName string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.Executor:ExecWaitWithCapture(userToken, cmd, currentDir, tempFiles, outputName, errorName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param cmd string +---@param tempFiles System.CodeDom.Compiler.TempFileCollection +---@param outputName string +---@param errorName string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.Executor:ExecWaitWithCapture(cmd, tempFiles, outputName, errorName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param cmd string +---@param currentDir string +---@param tempFiles System.CodeDom.Compiler.TempFileCollection +---@param outputName string +---@param errorName string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.Executor:ExecWaitWithCapture(cmd, currentDir, tempFiles, outputName, errorName) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Tool string +---@source System.dll +---@field Version string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field ArraysOfArrays System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field AssemblyAttributes System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field ChainedConstructorArguments System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field ComplexExpressions System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field DeclareDelegates System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field DeclareEnums System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field DeclareEvents System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field DeclareIndexerProperties System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field DeclareInterfaces System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field DeclareValueTypes System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field EntryPointMethod System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field GenericTypeDeclaration System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field GenericTypeReference System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field GotoStatements System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field MultidimensionalArrays System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field MultipleInterfaceMembers System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field NestedTypes System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field ParameterAttributes System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field PartialTypes System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field PublicStaticMembers System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field ReferenceParameters System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field Resources System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field ReturnTypeAttributes System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field StaticConstructors System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field TryCatchStatements System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field Win32Resources System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param options System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters +---@param compilationUnit System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit +---@return CompilerResults +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler.CompileAssemblyFromDom(options, compilationUnit) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param options System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters +---@param compilationUnits System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit[] +---@return CompilerResults +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler.CompileAssemblyFromDomBatch(options, compilationUnits) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param options System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters +---@param fileName string +---@return CompilerResults +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler.CompileAssemblyFromFile(options, fileName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param options System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters +---@param fileNames string[] +---@return CompilerResults +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler.CompileAssemblyFromFileBatch(options, fileNames) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param options System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters +---@param source string +---@return CompilerResults +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler.CompileAssemblyFromSource(options, source) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param options System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters +---@param sources string[] +---@return CompilerResults +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler.CompileAssemblyFromSourceBatch(options, sources) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeGenerator +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeGenerator = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string +---@return String +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeGenerator.CreateEscapedIdentifier(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string +---@return String +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeGenerator.CreateValidIdentifier(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param e System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit +---@param w System.IO.TextWriter +---@param o System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGeneratorOptions +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeGenerator.GenerateCodeFromCompileUnit(e, w, o) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param e System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@param w System.IO.TextWriter +---@param o System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGeneratorOptions +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeGenerator.GenerateCodeFromExpression(e, w, o) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param e System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace +---@param w System.IO.TextWriter +---@param o System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGeneratorOptions +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeGenerator.GenerateCodeFromNamespace(e, w, o) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param e System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +---@param w System.IO.TextWriter +---@param o System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGeneratorOptions +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeGenerator.GenerateCodeFromStatement(e, w, o) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param e System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclaration +---@param w System.IO.TextWriter +---@param o System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeGeneratorOptions +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeGenerator.GenerateCodeFromType(e, w, o) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReference +---@return String +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeGenerator.GetTypeOutput(type) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeGenerator.IsValidIdentifier(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param supports System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratorSupport +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeGenerator.Supports(supports) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeGenerator.ValidateIdentifier(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeParser +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeParser = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param codeStream System.IO.TextReader +---@return CodeCompileUnit +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeParser.Parse(codeStream) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter: System.IO.TextWriter +---@source System.dll +---@field DefaultTabString string +---@source System.dll +---@field Encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@source System.dll +---@field Indent int +---@source System.dll +---@field InnerWriter System.IO.TextWriter +---@source System.dll +---@field NewLine string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.Close() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.Flush() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value char +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer char[] +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.Write(buffer) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.Write(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value double +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value int +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value float +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param s string +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.Write(s) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.Write(format, arg0) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.Write(format, arg0, arg1) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg object[] +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.Write(format, arg) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.WriteLine() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.WriteLine(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value char +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.WriteLine(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer char[] +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.WriteLine(buffer) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.WriteLine(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value double +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.WriteLine(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value int +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.WriteLine(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.WriteLine(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.WriteLine(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value float +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.WriteLine(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param s string +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.WriteLine(s) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.WriteLine(format, arg0) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.WriteLine(format, arg0, arg1) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg object[] +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.WriteLine(format, arg) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value uint +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.WriteLine(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param s string +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.IndentedTextWriter.WriteLineNoTabs(s) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.Compiler.LanguageOptions: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field CaseInsensitive System.CodeDom.Compiler.LanguageOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.CodeDom.Compiler.LanguageOptions +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.LanguageOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.CodeDom.Compiler.LanguageOptions +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.LanguageOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.Compiler.TempFileCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field BasePath string +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field KeepFiles bool +---@source System.dll +---@field TempDir string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.TempFileCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param fileExtension string +---@return String +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.TempFileCollection.AddExtension(fileExtension) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param fileExtension string +---@param keepFile bool +---@return String +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.TempFileCollection.AddExtension(fileExtension, keepFile) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param keepFile bool +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.TempFileCollection.AddFile(fileName, keepFile) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param fileNames string[] +---@param start int +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.TempFileCollection.CopyTo(fileNames, start) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.TempFileCollection.Delete() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.CodeDom.Compiler.TempFileCollection.GetEnumerator() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.CodeDom.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.CodeDom.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8daae4859 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.CodeDom.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1452 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeArgumentReferenceExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field ParameterName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeArgumentReferenceExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeArrayCreateExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field CreateType System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReference +---@source System.dll +---@field Initializers System.CodeDom.CodeExpressionCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Size int +---@source System.dll +---@field SizeExpression System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeArrayCreateExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeArrayIndexerExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field Indices System.CodeDom.CodeExpressionCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field TargetObject System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeArrayIndexerExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeAssignStatement: System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +---@source System.dll +---@field Left System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field Right System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeAssignStatement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeAttachEventStatement: System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +---@source System.dll +---@field Event System.CodeDom.CodeEventReferenceExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field Listener System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeAttachEventStatement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeArgument: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +---@field Value System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeArgument = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeArgumentCollection: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeArgument +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeArgumentCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeArgument +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeArgumentCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeArgumentCollection +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeArgumentCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeArgument[] +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeArgumentCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeArgument +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeArgumentCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeArgument[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeArgumentCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeArgument +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeArgumentCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeArgument +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeArgumentCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeArgument +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeArgumentCollection.Remove(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclaration: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Arguments System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeArgumentCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field AttributeType System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReference +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclaration = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclaration +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclaration +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclaration[] +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclaration +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclaration[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclaration +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclaration +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclaration +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection.Remove(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeBaseReferenceExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeBaseReferenceExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field Left System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field Operator System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType +---@source System.dll +---@field Right System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Add System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType +---@source System.dll +---@field Assign System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType +---@source System.dll +---@field BitwiseAnd System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType +---@source System.dll +---@field BitwiseOr System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType +---@source System.dll +---@field BooleanAnd System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType +---@source System.dll +---@field BooleanOr System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType +---@source System.dll +---@field Divide System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType +---@source System.dll +---@field GreaterThan System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType +---@source System.dll +---@field GreaterThanOrEqual System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType +---@source System.dll +---@field IdentityEquality System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType +---@source System.dll +---@field IdentityInequality System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType +---@source System.dll +---@field LessThan System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType +---@source System.dll +---@field LessThanOrEqual System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType +---@source System.dll +---@field Modulus System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType +---@source System.dll +---@field Multiply System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType +---@source System.dll +---@field Subtract System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType +---@source System.dll +---@field ValueEquality System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeBinaryOperatorType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeCastExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field Expression System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field TargetType System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReference +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeCastExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeCatchClause: object +---@source System.dll +---@field CatchExceptionType System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReference +---@source System.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.dll +---@field Statements System.CodeDom.CodeStatementCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeCatchClause = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeCatchClauseCollection: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.CodeDom.CodeCatchClause +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeCatchClauseCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeCatchClause +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeCatchClauseCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeCatchClauseCollection +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeCatchClauseCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeCatchClause[] +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeCatchClauseCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeCatchClause +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeCatchClauseCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.CodeDom.CodeCatchClause[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeCatchClauseCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeCatchClause +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeCatchClauseCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeCatchClause +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeCatchClauseCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeCatchClause +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeCatchClauseCollection.Remove(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeChecksumPragma: System.CodeDom.CodeDirective +---@source System.dll +---@field ChecksumAlgorithmId System.Guid +---@source System.dll +---@field ChecksumData byte[] +---@source System.dll +---@field FileName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeChecksumPragma = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeComment: System.CodeDom.CodeObject +---@source System.dll +---@field DocComment bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Text string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeComment = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeCommentStatement: System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +---@source System.dll +---@field Comment System.CodeDom.CodeComment +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeCommentStatement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeCommentStatementCollection: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.CodeDom.CodeCommentStatement +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeCommentStatementCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeCommentStatement +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeCommentStatementCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeCommentStatementCollection +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeCommentStatementCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeCommentStatement[] +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeCommentStatementCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeCommentStatement +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeCommentStatementCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.CodeDom.CodeCommentStatement[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeCommentStatementCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeCommentStatement +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeCommentStatementCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeCommentStatement +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeCommentStatementCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeCommentStatement +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeCommentStatementCollection.Remove(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit: System.CodeDom.CodeObject +---@source System.dll +---@field AssemblyCustomAttributes System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field EndDirectives System.CodeDom.CodeDirectiveCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Namespaces System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field ReferencedAssemblies System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field StartDirectives System.CodeDom.CodeDirectiveCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeConditionStatement: System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +---@source System.dll +---@field Condition System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field FalseStatements System.CodeDom.CodeStatementCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field TrueStatements System.CodeDom.CodeStatementCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeConditionStatement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeConstructor: System.CodeDom.CodeMemberMethod +---@source System.dll +---@field BaseConstructorArgs System.CodeDom.CodeExpressionCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field ChainedConstructorArgs System.CodeDom.CodeExpressionCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeConstructor = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeDefaultValueExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field Type System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReference +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeDefaultValueExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeDelegateCreateExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field DelegateType System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReference +---@source System.dll +---@field MethodName string +---@source System.dll +---@field TargetObject System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeDelegateCreateExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeDelegateInvokeExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field Parameters System.CodeDom.CodeExpressionCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field TargetObject System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeDelegateInvokeExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeDirectionExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field Direction System.CodeDom.FieldDirection +---@source System.dll +---@field Expression System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeDirectionExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeDirective: System.CodeDom.CodeObject +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeDirective = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeDirectiveCollection: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.CodeDom.CodeDirective +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeDirectiveCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeDirective +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeDirectiveCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeDirectiveCollection +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeDirectiveCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeDirective[] +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeDirectiveCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeDirective +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeDirectiveCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.CodeDom.CodeDirective[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeDirectiveCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeDirective +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeDirectiveCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeDirective +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeDirectiveCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeDirective +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeDirectiveCollection.Remove(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeEntryPointMethod: System.CodeDom.CodeMemberMethod +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeEntryPointMethod = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeEventReferenceExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field EventName string +---@source System.dll +---@field TargetObject System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeEventReferenceExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeObject +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeExpressionCollection: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeExpressionCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeExpressionCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeExpressionCollection +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeExpressionCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeExpression[] +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeExpressionCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeExpressionCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.CodeDom.CodeExpression[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeExpressionCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeExpressionCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeExpressionCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeExpressionCollection.Remove(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeExpressionStatement: System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +---@source System.dll +---@field Expression System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeExpressionStatement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeFieldReferenceExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field FieldName string +---@source System.dll +---@field TargetObject System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeFieldReferenceExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeGotoStatement: System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +---@source System.dll +---@field Label string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeGotoStatement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeIndexerExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field Indices System.CodeDom.CodeExpressionCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field TargetObject System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeIndexerExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeIterationStatement: System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +---@source System.dll +---@field IncrementStatement System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +---@source System.dll +---@field InitStatement System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +---@source System.dll +---@field Statements System.CodeDom.CodeStatementCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field TestExpression System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeIterationStatement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeLabeledStatement: System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +---@source System.dll +---@field Label string +---@source System.dll +---@field Statement System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeLabeledStatement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeLinePragma: object +---@source System.dll +---@field FileName string +---@source System.dll +---@field LineNumber int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeLinePragma = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeMemberEvent: System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMember +---@source System.dll +---@field ImplementationTypes System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReferenceCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field PrivateImplementationType System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReference +---@source System.dll +---@field Type System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReference +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeMemberEvent = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeMemberField: System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMember +---@source System.dll +---@field InitExpression System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field Type System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReference +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeMemberField = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeMemberMethod: System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMember +---@source System.dll +---@field ImplementationTypes System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReferenceCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Parameters System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpressionCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field PrivateImplementationType System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReference +---@source System.dll +---@field ReturnType System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReference +---@source System.dll +---@field ReturnTypeCustomAttributes System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Statements System.CodeDom.CodeStatementCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field TypeParameters System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameterCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field PopulateImplementationTypes System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field PopulateParameters System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field PopulateStatements System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeMemberMethod = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeMemberMethod.add_PopulateImplementationTypes(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeMemberMethod.remove_PopulateImplementationTypes(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeMemberMethod.add_PopulateParameters(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeMemberMethod.remove_PopulateParameters(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeMemberMethod.add_PopulateStatements(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeMemberMethod.remove_PopulateStatements(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeMemberProperty: System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMember +---@source System.dll +---@field GetStatements System.CodeDom.CodeStatementCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field HasGet bool +---@source System.dll +---@field HasSet bool +---@source System.dll +---@field ImplementationTypes System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReferenceCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Parameters System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpressionCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field PrivateImplementationType System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReference +---@source System.dll +---@field SetStatements System.CodeDom.CodeStatementCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Type System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReference +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeMemberProperty = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeMethodInvokeExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field Method System.CodeDom.CodeMethodReferenceExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field Parameters System.CodeDom.CodeExpressionCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeMethodInvokeExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeMethodReferenceExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field MethodName string +---@source System.dll +---@field TargetObject System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field TypeArguments System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReferenceCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeMethodReferenceExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeMethodReturnStatement: System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +---@source System.dll +---@field Expression System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeMethodReturnStatement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace: System.CodeDom.CodeObject +---@source System.dll +---@field Comments System.CodeDom.CodeCommentStatementCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Imports System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImportCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +---@field Types System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclarationCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field PopulateComments System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field PopulateImports System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field PopulateTypes System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace.add_PopulateComments(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace.remove_PopulateComments(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace.add_PopulateImports(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace.remove_PopulateImports(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace.add_PopulateTypes(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace.remove_PopulateTypes(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceCollection: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceCollection +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace[] +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceCollection.Remove(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport: System.CodeDom.CodeObject +---@source System.dll +---@field LinePragma System.CodeDom.CodeLinePragma +---@source System.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImportCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImportCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImportCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImport[] +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImportCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImportCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeNamespaceImportCollection.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeObject: object +---@source System.dll +---@field UserData System.Collections.IDictionary +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeObject = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeObjectCreateExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field CreateType System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReference +---@source System.dll +---@field Parameters System.CodeDom.CodeExpressionCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeObjectCreateExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field CustomAttributes System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Direction System.CodeDom.FieldDirection +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +---@field Type System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReference +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpressionCollection: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpression +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpressionCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpression +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpressionCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpressionCollection +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpressionCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpression[] +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpressionCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpression +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpressionCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpression[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpressionCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpression +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpressionCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpression +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpressionCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpression +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpressionCollection.Remove(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodePrimitiveExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field Value object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodePrimitiveExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodePropertyReferenceExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field PropertyName string +---@source System.dll +---@field TargetObject System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodePropertyReferenceExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodePropertySetValueReferenceExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodePropertySetValueReferenceExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeRegionDirective: System.CodeDom.CodeDirective +---@source System.dll +---@field RegionMode System.CodeDom.CodeRegionMode +---@source System.dll +---@field RegionText string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeRegionDirective = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeRegionMode: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field End System.CodeDom.CodeRegionMode +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.CodeDom.CodeRegionMode +---@source System.dll +---@field Start System.CodeDom.CodeRegionMode +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeRegionMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.CodeDom.CodeRegionMode +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeRegionMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeRemoveEventStatement: System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +---@source System.dll +---@field Event System.CodeDom.CodeEventReferenceExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field Listener System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeRemoveEventStatement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeSnippetCompileUnit: System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit +---@source System.dll +---@field LinePragma System.CodeDom.CodeLinePragma +---@source System.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeSnippetCompileUnit = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeSnippetExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeSnippetExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeSnippetStatement: System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +---@source System.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeSnippetStatement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeSnippetTypeMember: System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMember +---@source System.dll +---@field Text string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeSnippetTypeMember = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeStatement: System.CodeDom.CodeObject +---@source System.dll +---@field EndDirectives System.CodeDom.CodeDirectiveCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field LinePragma System.CodeDom.CodeLinePragma +---@source System.dll +---@field StartDirectives System.CodeDom.CodeDirectiveCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeStatement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeStatementCollection: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeStatementCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeStatementCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeStatementCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeStatementCollection +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeStatementCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeStatement[] +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeStatementCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeStatementCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.CodeDom.CodeStatement[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeStatementCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeStatementCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeStatementCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeStatementCollection.Remove(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeThisReferenceExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeThisReferenceExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeThrowExceptionStatement: System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +---@source System.dll +---@field ToThrow System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeThrowExceptionStatement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeTryCatchFinallyStatement: System.CodeDom.CodeStatement +---@source System.dll +---@field CatchClauses System.CodeDom.CodeCatchClauseCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field FinallyStatements System.CodeDom.CodeStatementCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field TryStatements System.CodeDom.CodeStatementCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTryCatchFinallyStatement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeTypeConstructor: System.CodeDom.CodeMemberMethod +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeConstructor = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclaration: System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMember +---@source System.dll +---@field BaseTypes System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReferenceCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field IsClass bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsEnum bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsInterface bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsPartial bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsStruct bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Members System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMemberCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field TypeAttributes System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source System.dll +---@field TypeParameters System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameterCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field PopulateBaseTypes System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field PopulateMembers System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclaration = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclaration.add_PopulateBaseTypes(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclaration.remove_PopulateBaseTypes(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclaration.add_PopulateMembers(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclaration.remove_PopulateMembers(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclarationCollection: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclaration +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclarationCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclaration +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclarationCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclarationCollection +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclarationCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclaration[] +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclarationCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclaration +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclarationCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclaration[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclarationCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclaration +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclarationCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclaration +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclarationCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclaration +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclarationCollection.Remove(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDelegate: System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclaration +---@source System.dll +---@field Parameters System.CodeDom.CodeParameterDeclarationExpressionCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field ReturnType System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReference +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDelegate = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMember: System.CodeDom.CodeObject +---@source System.dll +---@field Attributes System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes +---@source System.dll +---@field Comments System.CodeDom.CodeCommentStatementCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field CustomAttributes System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field EndDirectives System.CodeDom.CodeDirectiveCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field LinePragma System.CodeDom.CodeLinePragma +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +---@field StartDirectives System.CodeDom.CodeDirectiveCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMember = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMemberCollection: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMember +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMemberCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMember +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMemberCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMemberCollection +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMemberCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMember[] +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMemberCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMember +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMemberCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMember[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMemberCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMember +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMemberCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMember +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMemberCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMember +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeMemberCollection.Remove(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeTypeOfExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field Type System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReference +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeOfExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameter: System.CodeDom.CodeObject +---@source System.dll +---@field Constraints System.CodeDom.CodeTypeReferenceCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field CustomAttributes System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field HasConstructorConstraint bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameter = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameterCollection: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameterCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameter +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameterCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameterCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameterCollection +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameterCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameter[] +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameterCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameter +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameterCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameter[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameterCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameter +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameterCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameter +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameterCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameter +function CS.System.CodeDom.CodeTypeParameterCollection.Remove(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.CodeVariableReferenceExpression: System.CodeDom.CodeExpression +---@source System.dll +---@field VariableName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.CodeVariableReferenceExpression = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.FieldDirection: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field In System.CodeDom.FieldDirection +---@source System.dll +---@field Out System.CodeDom.FieldDirection +---@source System.dll +---@field Ref System.CodeDom.FieldDirection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.FieldDirection = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.CodeDom.FieldDirection +function CS.System.CodeDom.FieldDirection:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Abstract System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes +---@source System.dll +---@field AccessMask System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes +---@source System.dll +---@field Assembly System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes +---@source System.dll +---@field Const System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes +---@source System.dll +---@field Family System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes +---@source System.dll +---@field FamilyAndAssembly System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes +---@source System.dll +---@field FamilyOrAssembly System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes +---@source System.dll +---@field Final System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes +---@source System.dll +---@field New System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes +---@source System.dll +---@field Overloaded System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes +---@source System.dll +---@field Override System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes +---@source System.dll +---@field Private System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes +---@source System.dll +---@field Public System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes +---@source System.dll +---@field ScopeMask System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes +---@source System.dll +---@field Static System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes +---@source System.dll +---@field VTableMask System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes +---@source System.dll +CS.System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes +function CS.System.CodeDom.MemberAttributes:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Collections.Concurrent.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Collections.Concurrent.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ed08a88b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Collections.Concurrent.lua @@ -0,0 +1,541 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsEmpty bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] TValue +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Keys System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Values System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@param addValueFactory System.Func +---@param updateValueFactory System.Func +---@return TValue +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary.AddOrUpdate(key, addValueFactory, updateValueFactory) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@param addValue TValue +---@param updateValueFactory System.Func +---@return TValue +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary.AddOrUpdate(key, addValue, updateValueFactory) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary.ContainsKey(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@param valueFactory System.Func +---@return TValue +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary.GetOrAdd(key, valueFactory) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@param value TValue +---@return TValue +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary.GetOrAdd(key, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary.ToArray() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@param value TValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary.TryAdd(key, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@param value TValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary.TryGetValue(key, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@param value TValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary.TryRemove(key, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@param newValue TValue +---@param comparisonValue TValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary.TryUpdate(key, newValue, comparisonValue) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsEmpty bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item T +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue.Enqueue(item) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue.ToArray() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue.TryDequeue(result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentQueue.TryPeek(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentStack: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsEmpty bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentStack = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentStack.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentStack.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentStack.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item T +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentStack.Push(item) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param items T[] +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentStack.PushRange(items) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param items T[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentStack.PushRange(items, startIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentStack.ToArray() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentStack.TryPeek(result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentStack.TryPop(result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param items T[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentStack.TryPopRange(items) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param items T[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentStack.TryPopRange(items, startIndex, count) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Concurrent.EnumerablePartitionerOptions: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoBuffering System.Collections.Concurrent.EnumerablePartitionerOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Collections.Concurrent.EnumerablePartitionerOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.EnumerablePartitionerOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Collections.Concurrent.EnumerablePartitionerOptions +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.EnumerablePartitionerOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Concurrent.IProducerConsumerCollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.IProducerConsumerCollection = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.IProducerConsumerCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.IProducerConsumerCollection.ToArray() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.IProducerConsumerCollection.TryAdd(item) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.IProducerConsumerCollection.TryTake(item) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Concurrent.OrderablePartitioner: System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeysNormalized bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeysOrderedAcrossPartitions bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeysOrderedInEachPartition bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.OrderablePartitioner = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.OrderablePartitioner.GetDynamicPartitions() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.OrderablePartitioner.GetOrderableDynamicPartitions() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param partitionCount int +---@return IList +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.OrderablePartitioner.GetOrderablePartitions(partitionCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param partitionCount int +---@return IList +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.OrderablePartitioner.GetPartitions(partitionCount) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fromInclusive int +---@param toExclusive int +---@return OrderablePartitioner +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner:Create(fromInclusive, toExclusive) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fromInclusive int +---@param toExclusive int +---@param rangeSize int +---@return OrderablePartitioner +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner:Create(fromInclusive, toExclusive, rangeSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fromInclusive long +---@param toExclusive long +---@return OrderablePartitioner +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner:Create(fromInclusive, toExclusive) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fromInclusive long +---@param toExclusive long +---@param rangeSize long +---@return OrderablePartitioner +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner:Create(fromInclusive, toExclusive, rangeSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return OrderablePartitioner +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner:Create(source) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param partitionerOptions System.Collections.Concurrent.EnumerablePartitionerOptions +---@return OrderablePartitioner +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner:Create(source, partitionerOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param list System.Collections.Generic.IList +---@param loadBalance bool +---@return OrderablePartitioner +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner:Create(list, loadBalance) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array TSource[] +---@param loadBalance bool +---@return OrderablePartitioner +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner:Create(array, loadBalance) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SupportsDynamicPartitions bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner.GetDynamicPartitions() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param partitionCount int +---@return IList +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner.GetPartitions(partitionCount) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field BoundedCapacity int +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsAddingCompleted bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsCompleted bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param item T +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection.Add(item) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param item T +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection.Add(item, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param collections System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection[] +---@param item T +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection:AddToAny(collections, item) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param collections System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection[] +---@param item T +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection:AddToAny(collections, item, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection.CompleteAdding() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection.GetConsumingEnumerable() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection.GetConsumingEnumerable(cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return T +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection.Take() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return T +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection.Take(cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param collections System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection[] +---@param item T +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection:TakeFromAny(collections, item) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param collections System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection[] +---@param item T +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection:TakeFromAny(collections, item, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection.ToArray() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param item T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection.TryAdd(item) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param item T +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection.TryAdd(item, millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param item T +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection.TryAdd(item, millisecondsTimeout, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param item T +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection.TryAdd(item, timeout) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param collections System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection[] +---@param item T +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection:TryAddToAny(collections, item) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param collections System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection[] +---@param item T +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection:TryAddToAny(collections, item, millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param collections System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection[] +---@param item T +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection:TryAddToAny(collections, item, millisecondsTimeout, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param collections System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection[] +---@param item T +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection:TryAddToAny(collections, item, timeout) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param item T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection.TryTake(item) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param item T +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection.TryTake(item, millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param item T +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection.TryTake(item, millisecondsTimeout, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param item T +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection.TryTake(item, timeout) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param collections System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection[] +---@param item T +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection:TryTakeFromAny(collections, item) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param collections System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection[] +---@param item T +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection:TryTakeFromAny(collections, item, millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param collections System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection[] +---@param item T +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection:TryTakeFromAny(collections, item, millisecondsTimeout, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param collections System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection[] +---@param item T +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection:TryTakeFromAny(collections, item, timeout) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsEmpty bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param item T +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag.Add(item) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag.ToArray() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag.TryPeek(result) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentBag.TryTake(result) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Collections.Generic.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Collections.Generic.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..01a75c952 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Collections.Generic.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1397 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.Comparer: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Default System.Collections.Generic.Comparer +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.Comparer = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param x T +---@param y T +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Comparer.Compare(x, y) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param comparison System.Comparison +---@return Comparer +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Comparer:Create(comparison) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] TValue +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Keys System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.KeyCollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Values System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.ValueCollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@param value TValue +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.Add(key, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.ContainsKey(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value TValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.ContainsValue(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Enumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sender object +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.OnDeserialization(sender) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.Remove(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@param value TValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary.TryGetValue(key, value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Current System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.MoveNext() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.KeyCollection: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.KeyCollection = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array TKey[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.KeyCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Enumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.KeyCollection.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Current TKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.MoveNext() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.ValueCollection: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.ValueCollection = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array TValue[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.ValueCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Enumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.ValueCollection.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Current TValue +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.MoveNext() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Default System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param x T +---@param y T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer.Equals(x, y) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj T +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.EqualityComparer.GetHashCode(obj) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.ICollection = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item T +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.Add(item) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.Contains(item) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param arrayIndex int +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.ICollection.Remove(item) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.IComparer = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param x T +---@param y T +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.IComparer.Compare(x, y) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] TValue +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Keys System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Values System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@param value TValue +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary.Add(key, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary.ContainsKey(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary.Remove(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@param value TValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary.TryGetValue(key, value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Current T +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param x T +---@param y T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer.Equals(x, y) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj T +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(obj) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.IList +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] T +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.IList = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item T +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.IList.IndexOf(item) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param item T +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.IList.Insert(index, item) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.IList.RemoveAt(index) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyCollection = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] TValue +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Keys System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Values System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary.ContainsKey(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@param value TValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyDictionary.TryGetValue(key, value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] T +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Key TKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value TValue +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.List: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Capacity int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] T +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.List = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item T +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.Add(item) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param collection System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.AddRange(collection) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ReadOnlyCollection +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.AsReadOnly() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@param item T +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.BinarySearch(index, count, item, comparer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item T +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.BinarySearch(item) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item T +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.BinarySearch(item, comparer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.Contains(item) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param converter System.Converter +---@return List +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.ConvertAll(converter) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param array T[] +---@param arrayIndex int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.CopyTo(index, array, arrayIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.CopyTo(array) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param arrayIndex int +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.Exists(match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return T +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.Find(match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return List +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.FindAll(match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.FindIndex(startIndex, count, match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param startIndex int +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.FindIndex(startIndex, match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.FindIndex(match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return T +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.FindLast(match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.FindLastIndex(startIndex, count, match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param startIndex int +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.FindLastIndex(startIndex, match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.FindLastIndex(match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param action System.Action +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.ForEach(action) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Enumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return List +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.GetRange(index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item T +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.IndexOf(item) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item T +---@param index int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.IndexOf(item, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item T +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.IndexOf(item, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param item T +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.Insert(index, item) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param collection System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.InsertRange(index, collection) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item T +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.LastIndexOf(item) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item T +---@param index int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.LastIndexOf(item, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item T +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.LastIndexOf(item, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.Remove(item) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.RemoveAll(match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.RemoveAt(index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.RemoveRange(index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.Reverse() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.Reverse(index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.Sort() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.Sort(comparer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param comparison System.Comparison +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.Sort(comparison) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.Sort(index, count, comparer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.ToArray() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.TrimExcess() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.List.TrueForAll(match) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Current T +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.MoveNext() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.HashSet: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param item T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.Add(item) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.Clear() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param item T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.Contains(item) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param array T[] +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.CopyTo(array) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param arrayIndex int +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param arrayIndex int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex, count) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IEqualityComparer +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet:CreateSetComparer() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.ExceptWith(other) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Enumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.IntersectWith(other) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.IsProperSubsetOf(other) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.IsProperSupersetOf(other) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.IsSubsetOf(other) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.IsSupersetOf(other) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param sender object +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.OnDeserialization(sender) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.Overlaps(other) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param item T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.Remove(item) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.RemoveWhere(match) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.SetEquals(other) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.SymmetricExceptWith(other) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.TrimExcess() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.HashSet.UnionWith(other) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator: System.ValueType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Current T +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.Dispose() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.MoveNext() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.ISet +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.ISet = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param item T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.ISet.Add(item) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.ISet.ExceptWith(other) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.ISet.IntersectWith(other) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.ISet.IsProperSubsetOf(other) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.ISet.IsProperSupersetOf(other) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.ISet.IsSubsetOf(other) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.ISet.IsSupersetOf(other) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.ISet.Overlaps(other) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.ISet.SetEquals(other) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.ISet.SymmetricExceptWith(other) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.ISet.UnionWith(other) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode: object +---@source System.dll +---@field List System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList +---@source System.dll +---@field Next System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode +---@source System.dll +---@field Previous System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode +---@source System.dll +---@field Value T +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field First System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode +---@source System.dll +---@field Last System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param node System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode +---@param newNode System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList.AddAfter(node, newNode) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param node System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode +---@param value T +---@return LinkedListNode +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList.AddAfter(node, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param node System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode +---@param newNode System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList.AddBefore(node, newNode) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param node System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode +---@param value T +---@return LinkedListNode +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList.AddBefore(node, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param node System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList.AddFirst(node) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value T +---@return LinkedListNode +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList.AddFirst(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param node System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList.AddLast(node) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value T +---@return LinkedListNode +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList.AddLast(value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value T +---@return LinkedListNode +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList.Find(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value T +---@return LinkedListNode +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList.FindLast(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Enumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList.OnDeserialization(sender) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param node System.Collections.Generic.LinkedListNode +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList.Remove(node) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList.Remove(value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList.RemoveFirst() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.LinkedList.RemoveLast() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator: System.ValueType +---@source System.dll +---@field Current T +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.MoveNext() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.Queue: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.Queue = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Queue.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param item T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Queue.Contains(item) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param arrayIndex int +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Queue.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return T +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Queue.Dequeue() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param item T +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Queue.Enqueue(item) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Enumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Queue.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return T +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Queue.Peek() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Queue.ToArray() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Queue.TrimExcess() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator: System.ValueType +---@source System.dll +---@field Current T +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.MoveNext() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] TValue +---@source System.dll +---@field Keys System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary.KeyCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Values System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary.ValueCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param key TKey +---@param value TValue +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary.Add(key, value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param key TKey +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary.ContainsKey(key) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value TValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary.ContainsValue(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Enumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param key TKey +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary.Remove(key) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param key TKey +---@param value TValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedDictionary.TryGetValue(key, value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator: System.ValueType +---@source System.dll +---@field Current System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.MoveNext() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.KeyCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.KeyCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param array TKey[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.KeyCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Enumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.KeyCollection.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator: System.ValueType +---@source System.dll +---@field Current TKey +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.MoveNext() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.ValueCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.ValueCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param array TValue[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.ValueCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Enumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.ValueCollection.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator: System.ValueType +---@source System.dll +---@field Current TValue +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.MoveNext() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.SortedList: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Capacity int +---@source System.dll +---@field Comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] TValue +---@source System.dll +---@field Keys System.Collections.Generic.IList +---@source System.dll +---@field Values System.Collections.Generic.IList +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedList = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param key TKey +---@param value TValue +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedList.Add(key, value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedList.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param key TKey +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedList.ContainsKey(key) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value TValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedList.ContainsValue(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedList.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param key TKey +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedList.IndexOfKey(key) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value TValue +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedList.IndexOfValue(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param key TKey +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedList.Remove(key) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedList.RemoveAt(index) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedList.TrimExcess() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param key TKey +---@param value TValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedList.TryGetValue(key, value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field Max T +---@source System.dll +---@field Min T +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param item T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet.Add(item) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param item T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet.Contains(item) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array T[] +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet.CopyTo(array) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet.CopyTo(array, index, count) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEqualityComparer +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet:CreateSetComparer() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param memberEqualityComparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return IEqualityComparer +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet:CreateSetComparer(memberEqualityComparer) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet.ExceptWith(other) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Enumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param lowerValue T +---@param upperValue T +---@return SortedSet +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet.GetViewBetween(lowerValue, upperValue) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet.IntersectWith(other) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet.IsProperSubsetOf(other) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet.IsProperSupersetOf(other) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet.IsSubsetOf(other) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet.IsSupersetOf(other) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet.Overlaps(other) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param item T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet.Remove(item) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet.RemoveWhere(match) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet.Reverse() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet.SetEquals(other) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet.SymmetricExceptWith(other) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param other System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet.UnionWith(other) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator: System.ValueType +---@source System.dll +---@field Current T +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.MoveNext() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.Stack: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.Stack = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Stack.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param item T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Stack.Contains(item) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param arrayIndex int +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Stack.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Enumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Stack.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return T +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Stack.Peek() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return T +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Stack.Pop() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param item T +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Stack.Push(item) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Stack.ToArray() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Stack.TrimExcess() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator: System.ValueType +---@source System.dll +---@field Current T +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Generic.Enumerator.MoveNext() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Collections.ObjectModel.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Collections.ObjectModel.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6fd42bec2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Collections.ObjectModel.lua @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] T +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item T +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection.Add(item) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection.Contains(item) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item T +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection.IndexOf(item) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param item T +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection.Insert(index, item) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection.Remove(item) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection.RemoveAt(index) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.ObjectModel.KeyedCollection: System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] TItem +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.KeyedCollection = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.KeyedCollection.Contains(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.KeyedCollection.Remove(key) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] T +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value T +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection.IndexOf(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] TValue +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Keys System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary.KeyCollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Values System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary.ValueCollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary.ContainsKey(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@param value TValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyDictionary.TryGetValue(key, value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.ObjectModel.KeyCollection: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.KeyCollection = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array TKey[] +---@param arrayIndex int +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.KeyCollection.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.KeyCollection.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.ObjectModel.ValueCollection: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.ValueCollection = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array TValue[] +---@param arrayIndex int +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.ValueCollection.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.ValueCollection.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection: System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection +---@source System.dll +---@field CollectionChanged System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection.add_CollectionChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection.remove_CollectionChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param oldIndex int +---@param newIndex int +function CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection.Move(oldIndex, newIndex) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyObservableCollection: System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyObservableCollection = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Collections.Specialized.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Collections.Specialized.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..23af16e07 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Collections.Specialized.lua @@ -0,0 +1,607 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32: System.ValueType +---@source System.dll +---@field Data int +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] int +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32 = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32:CreateMask() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param previous int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32:CreateMask(previous) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param maxValue short +---@return Section +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32:CreateSection(maxValue) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param maxValue short +---@param previous System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32.Section +---@return Section +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32:CreateSection(maxValue, previous) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32.Equals(o) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32.ToString() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32 +---@return String +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32:ToString(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Specialized.Section: System.ValueType +---@source System.dll +---@field Mask short +---@source System.dll +---@field Offset short +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Specialized.Section = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32.Section +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.Section.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.Section.Equals(o) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.Section.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param a System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32.Section +---@param b System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32.Section +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.Section:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param a System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32.Section +---@param b System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32.Section +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.Section:op_Inequality(a, b) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.Section.ToString() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32.Section +---@return String +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.Section:ToString(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Specialized.CollectionsUtil: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Specialized.CollectionsUtil = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return Hashtable +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.CollectionsUtil:CreateCaseInsensitiveHashtable() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param d System.Collections.IDictionary +---@return Hashtable +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.CollectionsUtil:CreateCaseInsensitiveHashtable(d) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param capacity int +---@return Hashtable +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.CollectionsUtil:CreateCaseInsensitiveHashtable(capacity) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return SortedList +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.CollectionsUtil:CreateCaseInsensitiveSortedList() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsFixedSize bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.dll +---@field Keys System.Collections.ICollection +---@source System.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source System.dll +---@field Values System.Collections.ICollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param key object +---@param value object +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary.Add(key, value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param key object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary.Contains(key) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IDictionaryEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param key object +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.HybridDictionary.Remove(key) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Specialized.INotifyCollectionChanged +---@source System.dll +---@field CollectionChanged System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Specialized.INotifyCollectionChanged = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.INotifyCollectionChanged.add_CollectionChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.INotifyCollectionChanged.remove_CollectionChanged(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Specialized.IOrderedDictionary +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Specialized.IOrderedDictionary = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return IDictionaryEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.IOrderedDictionary.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param key object +---@param value object +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.IOrderedDictionary.Insert(index, key, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.IOrderedDictionary.RemoveAt(index) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Specialized.ListDictionary: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsFixedSize bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.dll +---@field Keys System.Collections.ICollection +---@source System.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source System.dll +---@field Values System.Collections.ICollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Specialized.ListDictionary = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param key object +---@param value object +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.ListDictionary.Add(key, value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.ListDictionary.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param key object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.ListDictionary.Contains(key) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.ListDictionary.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IDictionaryEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.ListDictionary.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param key object +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.ListDictionary.Remove(key) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Specialized.NameObjectCollectionBase: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field Keys System.Collections.Specialized.NameObjectCollectionBase.KeysCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NameObjectCollectionBase = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NameObjectCollectionBase.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NameObjectCollectionBase.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NameObjectCollectionBase.OnDeserialization(sender) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Specialized.KeysCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Specialized.KeysCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.KeysCollection.Get(index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.KeysCollection.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection: System.Collections.Specialized.NameObjectCollectionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field AllKeys string[] +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] string +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param c System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection.Add(c) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection.Add(name, value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param dest System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection.CopyTo(dest, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection.Get(index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection.Get(name) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection.GetKey(index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection.GetValues(index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection.GetValues(name) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection.HasKeys() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection.Remove(name) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection.Set(name, value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Add System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction +---@source System.dll +---@field Move System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction +---@source System.dll +---@field Remove System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction +---@source System.dll +---@field Replace System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction +---@source System.dll +---@field Reset System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Action System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction +---@source System.dll +---@field NewItems System.Collections.IList +---@source System.dll +---@field NewStartingIndex int +---@source System.dll +---@field OldItems System.Collections.IList +---@source System.dll +---@field OldStartingIndex int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.dll +---@field Keys System.Collections.ICollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Values System.Collections.ICollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param key object +---@param value object +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary.Add(key, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return OrderedDictionary +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary.AsReadOnly() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param key object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary.Contains(key) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IDictionaryEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param key object +---@param value object +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary.Insert(index, key, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param key object +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary.Remove(key) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary.RemoveAt(index) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] string +---@source System.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string[] +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array string[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return StringEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param value string +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection.Remove(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection.RemoveAt(index) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] string +---@source System.dll +---@field Keys System.Collections.ICollection +---@source System.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source System.dll +---@field Values System.Collections.ICollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param key string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary.Add(key, value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param key string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary.ContainsKey(key) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary.ContainsValue(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param key string +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary.Remove(key) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Collections.Specialized.StringEnumerator: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Current string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Collections.Specialized.StringEnumerator = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.StringEnumerator.MoveNext() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Specialized.StringEnumerator.Reset() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Collections.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Collections.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3911ebb9a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Collections.lua @@ -0,0 +1,915 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.ArrayList: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Capacity int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFixedSize bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.ArrayList = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param list System.Collections.IList +---@return ArrayList +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList:Adapter(list) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.Add(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c System.Collections.ICollection +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.AddRange(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@param value object +---@param comparer System.Collections.IComparer +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.BinarySearch(index, count, value, comparer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.BinarySearch(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param comparer System.Collections.IComparer +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.BinarySearch(value, comparer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.Contains(item) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.CopyTo(array) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param arrayIndex int +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param array System.Array +---@param arrayIndex int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.CopyTo(index, array, arrayIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param list System.Collections.ArrayList +---@return ArrayList +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList:FixedSize(list) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param list System.Collections.IList +---@return IList +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList:FixedSize(list) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.GetEnumerator(index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return ArrayList +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.GetRange(index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param startIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.IndexOf(value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.IndexOf(value, startIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param value object +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param c System.Collections.ICollection +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.InsertRange(index, c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.LastIndexOf(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param startIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.LastIndexOf(value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.LastIndexOf(value, startIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param list System.Collections.ArrayList +---@return ArrayList +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList:ReadOnly(list) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param list System.Collections.IList +---@return IList +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList:ReadOnly(list) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.Remove(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.RemoveAt(index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.RemoveRange(index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param count int +---@return ArrayList +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList:Repeat(value, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.Reverse() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.Reverse(index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param c System.Collections.ICollection +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.SetRange(index, c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.Sort() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param comparer System.Collections.IComparer +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.Sort(comparer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@param comparer System.Collections.IComparer +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.Sort(index, count, comparer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param list System.Collections.ArrayList +---@return ArrayList +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList:Synchronized(list) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param list System.Collections.IList +---@return IList +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList:Synchronized(list) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.ToArray() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Array +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.ToArray(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.ArrayList.TrimToSize() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.BitArray: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Length int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.BitArray = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.Collections.BitArray +---@return BitArray +function CS.System.Collections.BitArray.And(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Collections.BitArray.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.BitArray.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.BitArray.Get(index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.BitArray.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return BitArray +function CS.System.Collections.BitArray.Not() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.Collections.BitArray +---@return BitArray +function CS.System.Collections.BitArray.Or(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param value bool +function CS.System.Collections.BitArray.Set(index, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.System.Collections.BitArray.SetAll(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.Collections.BitArray +---@return BitArray +function CS.System.Collections.BitArray.Xor(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.CaseInsensitiveComparer: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Default System.Collections.CaseInsensitiveComparer +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DefaultInvariant System.Collections.CaseInsensitiveComparer +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.CaseInsensitiveComparer = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a object +---@param b object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.CaseInsensitiveComparer.Compare(a, b) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Default System.Collections.CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DefaultInvariant System.Collections.CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider.GetHashCode(obj) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.CollectionBase: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Capacity int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.CollectionBase = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.CollectionBase.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.CollectionBase.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.CollectionBase.RemoveAt(index) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Comparer: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Default System.Collections.Comparer +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DefaultInvariant System.Collections.Comparer +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Comparer = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a object +---@param b object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.Comparer.Compare(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Collections.Comparer.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.DictionaryBase: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.DictionaryBase = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.DictionaryBase.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.DictionaryBase.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IDictionaryEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.DictionaryBase.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.DictionaryEntry: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Key object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.DictionaryEntry = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Hashtable: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFixedSize bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Keys System.Collections.ICollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Values System.Collections.ICollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Hashtable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key object +---@param value object +function CS.System.Collections.Hashtable.Add(key, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Hashtable.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Collections.Hashtable.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Hashtable.Contains(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Hashtable.ContainsKey(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Hashtable.ContainsValue(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param arrayIndex int +function CS.System.Collections.Hashtable.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IDictionaryEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Hashtable.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Collections.Hashtable.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sender object +function CS.System.Collections.Hashtable.OnDeserialization(sender) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key object +function CS.System.Collections.Hashtable.Remove(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param table System.Collections.Hashtable +---@return Hashtable +function CS.System.Collections.Hashtable:Synchronized(table) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.ICollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.ICollection = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.IComparer +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.IComparer = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param x object +---@param y object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.IComparer.Compare(x, y) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.IDictionary +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFixedSize bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Keys System.Collections.ICollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Values System.Collections.ICollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.IDictionary = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key object +---@param value object +function CS.System.Collections.IDictionary.Add(key, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.IDictionary.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.IDictionary.Contains(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IDictionaryEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.IDictionary.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key object +function CS.System.Collections.IDictionary.Remove(key) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Entry System.Collections.DictionaryEntry +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Key object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.IEnumerable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.IEnumerator +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Current object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.IEnumerator = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.IEnumerator.MoveNext() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.IEqualityComparer +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.IEqualityComparer = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param x object +---@param y object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.IEqualityComparer.Equals(x, y) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(obj) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider.GetHashCode(obj) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.IList +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFixedSize bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.IList = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.IList.Add(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.IList.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.IList.Contains(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.IList.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param value object +function CS.System.Collections.IList.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +function CS.System.Collections.IList.Remove(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.IList.RemoveAt(index) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.IStructuralComparable +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.IStructuralComparable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other object +---@param comparer System.Collections.IComparer +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.IStructuralComparable.CompareTo(other, comparer) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other object +---@param comparer System.Collections.IEqualityComparer +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.Equals(other, comparer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param comparer System.Collections.IEqualityComparer +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.IStructuralEquatable.GetHashCode(comparer) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Queue: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Queue = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Queue.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Collections.Queue.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Queue.Contains(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Queue.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Collections.Queue.Dequeue() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +function CS.System.Collections.Queue.Enqueue(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Queue.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Collections.Queue.Peek() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param queue System.Collections.Queue +---@return Queue +function CS.System.Collections.Queue:Synchronized(queue) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Queue.ToArray() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Queue.TrimToSize() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.ReadOnlyCollectionBase: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.ReadOnlyCollectionBase = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.ReadOnlyCollectionBase.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.SortedList: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Capacity int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFixedSize bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Keys System.Collections.ICollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Values System.Collections.ICollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.SortedList = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key object +---@param value object +function CS.System.Collections.SortedList.Add(key, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.SortedList.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Collections.SortedList.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.SortedList.Contains(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.SortedList.ContainsKey(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.SortedList.ContainsValue(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param arrayIndex int +function CS.System.Collections.SortedList.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Collections.SortedList.GetByIndex(index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IDictionaryEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.SortedList.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Collections.SortedList.GetKey(index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IList +function CS.System.Collections.SortedList.GetKeyList() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IList +function CS.System.Collections.SortedList.GetValueList() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.SortedList.IndexOfKey(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Collections.SortedList.IndexOfValue(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key object +function CS.System.Collections.SortedList.Remove(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.SortedList.RemoveAt(index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param value object +function CS.System.Collections.SortedList.SetByIndex(index, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param list System.Collections.SortedList +---@return SortedList +function CS.System.Collections.SortedList:Synchronized(list) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.SortedList.TrimToSize() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.Stack: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.Stack = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Stack.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Collections.Stack.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Collections.Stack.Contains(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Collections.Stack.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Collections.Stack.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Collections.Stack.Peek() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Collections.Stack.Pop() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +function CS.System.Collections.Stack.Push(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param stack System.Collections.Stack +---@return Stack +function CS.System.Collections.Stack:Synchronized(stack) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Collections.Stack.ToArray() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Collections.StructuralComparisons: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StructuralComparer System.Collections.IComparer +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StructuralEqualityComparer System.Collections.IEqualityComparer +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Collections.StructuralComparisons = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6433ed36e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.lua @@ -0,0 +1,427 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ComponentSerializationService: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ComponentSerializationService = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return SerializationStore +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ComponentSerializationService.CreateStore() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param store System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.SerializationStore +---@return ICollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ComponentSerializationService.Deserialize(store) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param store System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.SerializationStore +---@param container System.ComponentModel.IContainer +---@return ICollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ComponentSerializationService.Deserialize(store, container) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param store System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.SerializationStore +---@param container System.ComponentModel.IContainer +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ComponentSerializationService.DeserializeTo(store, container) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param store System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.SerializationStore +---@param container System.ComponentModel.IContainer +---@param validateRecycledTypes bool +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ComponentSerializationService.DeserializeTo(store, container, validateRecycledTypes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param store System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.SerializationStore +---@param container System.ComponentModel.IContainer +---@param validateRecycledTypes bool +---@param applyDefaults bool +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ComponentSerializationService.DeserializeTo(store, container, validateRecycledTypes, applyDefaults) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@return SerializationStore +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ComponentSerializationService.LoadStore(stream) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param store System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.SerializationStore +---@param value object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ComponentSerializationService.Serialize(store, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param store System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.SerializationStore +---@param value object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ComponentSerializationService.SerializeAbsolute(store, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param store System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.SerializationStore +---@param owningObject object +---@param member System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ComponentSerializationService.SerializeMember(store, owningObject, member) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param store System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.SerializationStore +---@param owningObject object +---@param member System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ComponentSerializationService.SerializeMemberAbsolute(store, owningObject, member) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ContextStack: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Current object +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ContextStack = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ContextStack.Append(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ContextStack.Pop() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ContextStack.Push(context) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.DefaultSerializationProviderAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field ProviderTypeName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.DefaultSerializationProviderAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.DesignerLoader: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Loading bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.DesignerLoader = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param host System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerLoaderHost +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.DesignerLoader.BeginLoad(host) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.DesignerLoader.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.DesignerLoader.Flush() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.DesignerSerializerAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field SerializerBaseTypeName string +---@source System.dll +---@field SerializerTypeName string +---@source System.dll +---@field TypeId object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.DesignerSerializerAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerLoaderHost +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerLoaderHost = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param baseClassName string +---@param successful bool +---@param errorCollection System.Collections.ICollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerLoaderHost.EndLoad(baseClassName, successful, errorCollection) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerLoaderHost.Reload() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerLoaderHost2 +---@source System.dll +---@field CanReloadWithErrors bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IgnoreErrorsDuringReload bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerLoaderHost2 = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerLoaderService +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerLoaderService = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerLoaderService.AddLoadDependency() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param successful bool +---@param errorCollection System.Collections.ICollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerLoaderService.DependentLoadComplete(successful, errorCollection) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerLoaderService.Reload() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationManager +---@source System.dll +---@field Context System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ContextStack +---@source System.dll +---@field Properties System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field ResolveName System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ResolveNameEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field SerializationComplete System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationManager = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ResolveNameEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationManager.add_ResolveName(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ResolveNameEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationManager.remove_ResolveName(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationManager.add_SerializationComplete(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationManager.remove_SerializationComplete(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param provider System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationProvider +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationManager.AddSerializationProvider(provider) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param arguments System.Collections.ICollection +---@param name string +---@param addToContainer bool +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationManager.CreateInstance(type, arguments, name, addToContainer) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationManager.GetInstance(name) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationManager.GetName(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param objectType System.Type +---@param serializerType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationManager.GetSerializer(objectType, serializerType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param typeName string +---@return Type +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationManager.GetType(typeName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param provider System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationProvider +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationManager.RemoveSerializationProvider(provider) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param errorInformation object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationManager.ReportError(errorInformation) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param instance object +---@param name string +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationManager.SetName(instance, name) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationProvider +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationProvider = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param manager System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationManager +---@param currentSerializer object +---@param objectType System.Type +---@param serializerType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationProvider.GetSerializer(manager, currentSerializer, objectType, serializerType) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationService +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationService = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param serializationData object +---@return ICollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationService.Deserialize(serializationData) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param objects System.Collections.ICollection +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.IDesignerSerializationService.Serialize(objects) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.INameCreationService +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.INameCreationService = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param container System.ComponentModel.IContainer +---@param dataType System.Type +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.INameCreationService.CreateName(container, dataType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.INameCreationService.IsValidName(name) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.INameCreationService.ValidateName(name) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.InstanceDescriptor: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Arguments System.Collections.ICollection +---@source System.dll +---@field IsComplete bool +---@source System.dll +---@field MemberInfo System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.InstanceDescriptor = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.InstanceDescriptor.Invoke() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.MemberRelationship: System.ValueType +---@source System.dll +---@field Empty System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.MemberRelationship +---@source System.dll +---@field IsEmpty bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Member System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor +---@source System.dll +---@field Owner object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.MemberRelationship = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.MemberRelationship.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.MemberRelationship.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param left System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.MemberRelationship +---@param right System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.MemberRelationship +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.MemberRelationship:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param left System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.MemberRelationship +---@param right System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.MemberRelationship +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.MemberRelationship:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.MemberRelationshipService: object +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.MemberRelationship +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.MemberRelationship +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.MemberRelationshipService = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param source System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.MemberRelationship +---@param relationship System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.MemberRelationship +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.MemberRelationshipService.SupportsRelationship(source, relationship) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ResolveNameEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +---@field Value object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ResolveNameEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ResolveNameEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ResolveNameEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ResolveNameEventArgs +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ResolveNameEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ResolveNameEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ResolveNameEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.ResolveNameEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.RootDesignerSerializerAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Reloadable bool +---@source System.dll +---@field SerializerBaseTypeName string +---@source System.dll +---@field SerializerTypeName string +---@source System.dll +---@field TypeId object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.RootDesignerSerializerAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.SerializationStore: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Errors System.Collections.ICollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.SerializationStore = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.SerializationStore.Close() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization.SerializationStore.Save(stream) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.ComponentModel.Design.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.ComponentModel.Design.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..04c3acf79 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.ComponentModel.Design.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1582 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.ActiveDesignerEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field NewDesigner System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost +---@source System.dll +---@field OldDesigner System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ActiveDesignerEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.ActiveDesignerEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ActiveDesignerEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.Design.ActiveDesignerEventArgs +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ActiveDesignerEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.Design.ActiveDesignerEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ActiveDesignerEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ActiveDesignerEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.CheckoutException: System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException +---@source System.dll +---@field Canceled System.ComponentModel.Design.CheckoutException +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.CheckoutException = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Guid System.Guid +---@source System.dll +---@field ID int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangedEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Component object +---@source System.dll +---@field Member System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor +---@source System.dll +---@field NewValue object +---@source System.dll +---@field OldValue object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangedEventArgs +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangingEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Component object +---@source System.dll +---@field Member System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangingEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangingEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangingEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangingEventArgs +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangingEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangingEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangingEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangingEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Component System.ComponentModel.IComponent +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentEventArgs +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentRenameEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Component object +---@source System.dll +---@field NewName string +---@source System.dll +---@field OldName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentRenameEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentRenameEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentRenameEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentRenameEventArgs +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentRenameEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentRenameEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentRenameEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentRenameEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerCollection.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Designer System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerEventArgs +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerOptionService: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Options System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerOptionService.DesignerOptionCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerOptionService = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerOptionCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerOptionService.DesignerOptionCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerOptionService.DesignerOptionCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +---@field Parent System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerOptionService.DesignerOptionCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Properties System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerOptionCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerOptionCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerOptionCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerOptionService.DesignerOptionCollection +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerOptionCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerOptionCollection.ShowDialog() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerTransaction: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Canceled bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Committed bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Description string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerTransaction = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerTransaction.Cancel() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerTransaction.Commit() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerTransactionCloseEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field LastTransaction bool +---@source System.dll +---@field TransactionCommitted bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerTransactionCloseEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerTransactionCloseEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerTransactionCloseEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerTransactionCloseEventArgs +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerTransactionCloseEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerTransactionCloseEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerTransactionCloseEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerTransactionCloseEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerb: System.ComponentModel.Design.MenuCommand +---@source System.dll +---@field Description string +---@source System.dll +---@field Text string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerb = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerb.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerbCollection: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerb +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerbCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerb +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerbCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerbCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerbCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerb[] +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerbCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerb +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerbCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerb[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerbCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerb +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerbCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerb +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerbCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerb +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerbCollection.Remove(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.DesigntimeLicenseContext: System.ComponentModel.LicenseContext +---@source System.dll +---@field UsageMode System.ComponentModel.LicenseUsageMode +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesigntimeLicenseContext = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param resourceAssembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesigntimeLicenseContext.GetSavedLicenseKey(type, resourceAssembly) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param key string +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesigntimeLicenseContext.SetSavedLicenseKey(type, key) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.DesigntimeLicenseContextSerializer: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesigntimeLicenseContextSerializer = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param o System.IO.Stream +---@param cryptoKey string +---@param context System.ComponentModel.Design.DesigntimeLicenseContext +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.DesigntimeLicenseContextSerializer:Serialize(o, cryptoKey, context) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpContextType: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Ambient System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpContextType +---@source System.dll +---@field Selection System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpContextType +---@source System.dll +---@field ToolWindowSelection System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpContextType +---@source System.dll +---@field Window System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpContextType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpContextType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpContextType +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpContextType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field HelpKeyword string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordType: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field F1Keyword System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordType +---@source System.dll +---@field FilterKeyword System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordType +---@source System.dll +---@field GeneralKeyword System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordType +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService +---@source System.dll +---@field ComponentAdded System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field ComponentAdding System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field ComponentChanged System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field ComponentChanging System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangingEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field ComponentRemoved System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field ComponentRemoving System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field ComponentRename System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentRenameEventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.add_ComponentAdded(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.remove_ComponentAdded(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.add_ComponentAdding(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.remove_ComponentAdding(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.add_ComponentChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.remove_ComponentChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangingEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.add_ComponentChanging(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentChangingEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.remove_ComponentChanging(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.add_ComponentRemoved(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.remove_ComponentRemoved(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.add_ComponentRemoving(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.remove_ComponentRemoving(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentRenameEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.add_ComponentRename(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.ComponentRenameEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.remove_ComponentRename(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param member System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor +---@param oldValue object +---@param newValue object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.OnComponentChanged(component, member, oldValue, newValue) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param member System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentChangeService.OnComponentChanging(component, member) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentDiscoveryService +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentDiscoveryService = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param designerHost System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost +---@param baseType System.Type +---@return ICollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentDiscoveryService.GetComponentTypes(designerHost, baseType) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentInitializer +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentInitializer = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param defaultValues System.Collections.IDictionary +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentInitializer.InitializeExistingComponent(defaultValues) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param defaultValues System.Collections.IDictionary +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IComponentInitializer.InitializeNewComponent(defaultValues) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesigner +---@source System.dll +---@field Component System.ComponentModel.IComponent +---@source System.dll +---@field Verbs System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerbCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesigner = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesigner.DoDefaultAction() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component System.ComponentModel.IComponent +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesigner.Initialize(component) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerEventService +---@source System.dll +---@field ActiveDesigner System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost +---@source System.dll +---@field Designers System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field ActiveDesignerChanged System.ComponentModel.Design.ActiveDesignerEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field DesignerCreated System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field DesignerDisposed System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field SelectionChanged System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerEventService = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.ActiveDesignerEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerEventService.add_ActiveDesignerChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.ActiveDesignerEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerEventService.remove_ActiveDesignerChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerEventService.add_DesignerCreated(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerEventService.remove_DesignerCreated(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerEventService.add_DesignerDisposed(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerEventService.remove_DesignerDisposed(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerEventService.add_SelectionChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerEventService.remove_SelectionChanged(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerFilter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerFilter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param attributes System.Collections.IDictionary +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerFilter.PostFilterAttributes(attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param events System.Collections.IDictionary +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerFilter.PostFilterEvents(events) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param properties System.Collections.IDictionary +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerFilter.PostFilterProperties(properties) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param attributes System.Collections.IDictionary +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerFilter.PreFilterAttributes(attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param events System.Collections.IDictionary +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerFilter.PreFilterEvents(events) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param properties System.Collections.IDictionary +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerFilter.PreFilterProperties(properties) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost +---@source System.dll +---@field Container System.ComponentModel.IContainer +---@source System.dll +---@field InTransaction bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Loading bool +---@source System.dll +---@field RootComponent System.ComponentModel.IComponent +---@source System.dll +---@field RootComponentClassName string +---@source System.dll +---@field TransactionDescription string +---@source System.dll +---@field Activated System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field Deactivated System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field LoadComplete System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field TransactionClosed System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerTransactionCloseEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field TransactionClosing System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerTransactionCloseEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field TransactionOpened System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field TransactionOpening System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.add_Activated(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.remove_Activated(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.add_Deactivated(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.remove_Deactivated(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.add_LoadComplete(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.remove_LoadComplete(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerTransactionCloseEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.add_TransactionClosed(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerTransactionCloseEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.remove_TransactionClosed(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerTransactionCloseEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.add_TransactionClosing(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerTransactionCloseEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.remove_TransactionClosing(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.add_TransactionOpened(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.remove_TransactionOpened(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.add_TransactionOpening(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.remove_TransactionOpening(value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.Activate() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param componentClass System.Type +---@return IComponent +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.CreateComponent(componentClass) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param componentClass System.Type +---@param name string +---@return IComponent +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.CreateComponent(componentClass, name) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return DesignerTransaction +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.CreateTransaction() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param description string +---@return DesignerTransaction +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.CreateTransaction(description) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component System.ComponentModel.IComponent +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.DestroyComponent(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component System.ComponentModel.IComponent +---@return IDesigner +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.GetDesigner(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param typeName string +---@return Type +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHost.GetType(typeName) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHostTransactionState +---@source System.dll +---@field IsClosingTransaction bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerHostTransactionState = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerOptionService +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerOptionService = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param pageName string +---@param valueName string +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerOptionService.GetOptionValue(pageName, valueName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param pageName string +---@param valueName string +---@param value object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesignerOptionService.SetOptionValue(pageName, valueName, value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.IDictionaryService +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDictionaryService = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDictionaryService.GetKey(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param key object +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDictionaryService.GetValue(key) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param key object +---@param value object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IDictionaryService.SetValue(key, value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.IEventBindingService +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IEventBindingService = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param component System.ComponentModel.IComponent +---@param e System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptor +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IEventBindingService.CreateUniqueMethodName(component, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param e System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptor +---@return ICollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IEventBindingService.GetCompatibleMethods(e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param property System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor +---@return EventDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IEventBindingService.GetEvent(property) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param events System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IEventBindingService.GetEventProperties(events) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param e System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptor +---@return PropertyDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IEventBindingService.GetEventProperty(e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IEventBindingService.ShowCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component System.ComponentModel.IComponent +---@param e System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptor +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IEventBindingService.ShowCode(component, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param lineNumber int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IEventBindingService.ShowCode(lineNumber) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.IExtenderListService +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IExtenderListService = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IExtenderListService.GetExtenderProviders() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.IExtenderProviderService +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IExtenderProviderService = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param provider System.ComponentModel.IExtenderProvider +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IExtenderProviderService.AddExtenderProvider(provider) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param provider System.ComponentModel.IExtenderProvider +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IExtenderProviderService.RemoveExtenderProvider(provider) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.IHelpService +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IHelpService = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@param value string +---@param keywordType System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpKeywordType +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IHelpService.AddContextAttribute(name, value, keywordType) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IHelpService.ClearContextAttributes() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param contextType System.ComponentModel.Design.HelpContextType +---@return IHelpService +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IHelpService.CreateLocalContext(contextType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@param value string +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IHelpService.RemoveContextAttribute(name, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param localContext System.ComponentModel.Design.IHelpService +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IHelpService.RemoveLocalContext(localContext) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param helpKeyword string +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IHelpService.ShowHelpFromKeyword(helpKeyword) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param helpUrl string +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IHelpService.ShowHelpFromUrl(helpUrl) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.IInheritanceService +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IInheritanceService = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param component System.ComponentModel.IComponent +---@param container System.ComponentModel.IContainer +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IInheritanceService.AddInheritedComponents(component, container) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component System.ComponentModel.IComponent +---@return InheritanceAttribute +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IInheritanceService.GetInheritanceAttribute(component) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.IMenuCommandService +---@source System.dll +---@field Verbs System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerbCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IMenuCommandService = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param command System.ComponentModel.Design.MenuCommand +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IMenuCommandService.AddCommand(command) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param verb System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerb +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IMenuCommandService.AddVerb(verb) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param commandID System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@return MenuCommand +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IMenuCommandService.FindCommand(commandID) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param commandID System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IMenuCommandService.GlobalInvoke(commandID) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param command System.ComponentModel.Design.MenuCommand +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IMenuCommandService.RemoveCommand(command) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param verb System.ComponentModel.Design.DesignerVerb +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IMenuCommandService.RemoveVerb(verb) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param menuID System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@param x int +---@param y int +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IMenuCommandService.ShowContextMenu(menuID, x, y) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.IReferenceService +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IReferenceService = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param reference object +---@return IComponent +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IReferenceService.GetComponent(reference) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param reference object +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IReferenceService.GetName(reference) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IReferenceService.GetReference(name) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IReferenceService.GetReferences() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param baseType System.Type +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IReferenceService.GetReferences(baseType) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.IResourceService +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IResourceService = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param info System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return IResourceReader +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IResourceService.GetResourceReader(info) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param info System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return IResourceWriter +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IResourceService.GetResourceWriter(info) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.IRootDesigner +---@source System.dll +---@field SupportedTechnologies System.ComponentModel.Design.ViewTechnology[] +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IRootDesigner = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param technology System.ComponentModel.Design.ViewTechnology +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IRootDesigner.GetView(technology) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.ISelectionService +---@source System.dll +---@field PrimarySelection object +---@source System.dll +---@field SelectionCount int +---@source System.dll +---@field SelectionChanged System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field SelectionChanging System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ISelectionService = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ISelectionService.add_SelectionChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ISelectionService.remove_SelectionChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ISelectionService.add_SelectionChanging(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ISelectionService.remove_SelectionChanging(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ISelectionService.GetComponentSelected(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return ICollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ISelectionService.GetSelectedComponents() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param components System.Collections.ICollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ISelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(components) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param components System.Collections.ICollection +---@param selectionType System.ComponentModel.Design.SelectionTypes +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ISelectionService.SetSelectedComponents(components, selectionType) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.IServiceContainer +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IServiceContainer = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param serviceType System.Type +---@param callback System.ComponentModel.Design.ServiceCreatorCallback +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IServiceContainer.AddService(serviceType, callback) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param serviceType System.Type +---@param callback System.ComponentModel.Design.ServiceCreatorCallback +---@param promote bool +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IServiceContainer.AddService(serviceType, callback, promote) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param serviceType System.Type +---@param serviceInstance object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IServiceContainer.AddService(serviceType, serviceInstance) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param serviceType System.Type +---@param serviceInstance object +---@param promote bool +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IServiceContainer.AddService(serviceType, serviceInstance, promote) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param serviceType System.Type +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IServiceContainer.RemoveService(serviceType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param serviceType System.Type +---@param promote bool +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.IServiceContainer.RemoveService(serviceType, promote) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.ITreeDesigner +---@source System.dll +---@field Children System.Collections.ICollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Parent System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesigner +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ITreeDesigner = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.ITypeDescriptorFilterService +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ITypeDescriptorFilterService = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param component System.ComponentModel.IComponent +---@param attributes System.Collections.IDictionary +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ITypeDescriptorFilterService.FilterAttributes(component, attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component System.ComponentModel.IComponent +---@param events System.Collections.IDictionary +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ITypeDescriptorFilterService.FilterEvents(component, events) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component System.ComponentModel.IComponent +---@param properties System.Collections.IDictionary +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ITypeDescriptorFilterService.FilterProperties(component, properties) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.ITypeDiscoveryService +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ITypeDiscoveryService = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param baseType System.Type +---@param excludeGlobalTypes bool +---@return ICollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ITypeDiscoveryService.GetTypes(baseType, excludeGlobalTypes) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.ITypeResolutionService +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ITypeResolutionService = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ITypeResolutionService.GetAssembly(name) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param throwOnError bool +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ITypeResolutionService.GetAssembly(name, throwOnError) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ITypeResolutionService.GetPathOfAssembly(name) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@return Type +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ITypeResolutionService.GetType(name) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@param throwOnError bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ITypeResolutionService.GetType(name, throwOnError) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@param throwOnError bool +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ITypeResolutionService.GetType(name, throwOnError, ignoreCase) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ITypeResolutionService.ReferenceAssembly(name) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.MenuCommand: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Checked bool +---@source System.dll +---@field CommandID System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field Enabled bool +---@source System.dll +---@field OleStatus int +---@source System.dll +---@field Properties System.Collections.IDictionary +---@source System.dll +---@field Supported bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Visible bool +---@source System.dll +---@field CommandChanged System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.MenuCommand = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.MenuCommand.add_CommandChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.MenuCommand.remove_CommandChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.MenuCommand.Invoke() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param arg object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.MenuCommand.Invoke(arg) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.MenuCommand.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.SelectionTypes: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Add System.ComponentModel.Design.SelectionTypes +---@source System.dll +---@field Auto System.ComponentModel.Design.SelectionTypes +---@source System.dll +---@field Click System.ComponentModel.Design.SelectionTypes +---@source System.dll +---@field MouseDown System.ComponentModel.Design.SelectionTypes +---@source System.dll +---@field MouseUp System.ComponentModel.Design.SelectionTypes +---@source System.dll +---@field Normal System.ComponentModel.Design.SelectionTypes +---@source System.dll +---@field Primary System.ComponentModel.Design.SelectionTypes +---@source System.dll +---@field Remove System.ComponentModel.Design.SelectionTypes +---@source System.dll +---@field Replace System.ComponentModel.Design.SelectionTypes +---@source System.dll +---@field Toggle System.ComponentModel.Design.SelectionTypes +---@source System.dll +---@field Valid System.ComponentModel.Design.SelectionTypes +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.SelectionTypes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.ComponentModel.Design.SelectionTypes +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.SelectionTypes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.ServiceContainer: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ServiceContainer = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param serviceType System.Type +---@param callback System.ComponentModel.Design.ServiceCreatorCallback +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ServiceContainer.AddService(serviceType, callback) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param serviceType System.Type +---@param callback System.ComponentModel.Design.ServiceCreatorCallback +---@param promote bool +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ServiceContainer.AddService(serviceType, callback, promote) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param serviceType System.Type +---@param serviceInstance object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ServiceContainer.AddService(serviceType, serviceInstance) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param serviceType System.Type +---@param serviceInstance object +---@param promote bool +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ServiceContainer.AddService(serviceType, serviceInstance, promote) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ServiceContainer.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param serviceType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ServiceContainer.GetService(serviceType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param serviceType System.Type +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ServiceContainer.RemoveService(serviceType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param serviceType System.Type +---@param promote bool +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ServiceContainer.RemoveService(serviceType, promote) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.ServiceCreatorCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ServiceCreatorCallback = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param container System.ComponentModel.Design.IServiceContainer +---@param serviceType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ServiceCreatorCallback.Invoke(container, serviceType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param container System.ComponentModel.Design.IServiceContainer +---@param serviceType System.Type +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ServiceCreatorCallback.BeginInvoke(container, serviceType, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ServiceCreatorCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.StandardCommands: object +---@source System.dll +---@field AlignBottom System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field AlignHorizontalCenters System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field AlignLeft System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field AlignRight System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field AlignToGrid System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field AlignTop System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field AlignVerticalCenters System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field ArrangeBottom System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field ArrangeIcons System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field ArrangeRight System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field BringForward System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field BringToFront System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field CenterHorizontally System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field CenterVertically System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field Copy System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field Cut System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field Delete System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field DocumentOutline System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field F1Help System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field Group System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field HorizSpaceConcatenate System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field HorizSpaceDecrease System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field HorizSpaceIncrease System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field HorizSpaceMakeEqual System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field LineupIcons System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field LockControls System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field MultiLevelRedo System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field MultiLevelUndo System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field Paste System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field Properties System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field PropertiesWindow System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field Redo System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field Replace System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field SelectAll System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field SendBackward System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field SendToBack System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field ShowGrid System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field ShowLargeIcons System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field SizeToControl System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field SizeToControlHeight System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field SizeToControlWidth System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field SizeToFit System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field SizeToGrid System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field SnapToGrid System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field TabOrder System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field Undo System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field Ungroup System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field VerbFirst System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field VerbLast System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field VertSpaceConcatenate System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field VertSpaceDecrease System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field VertSpaceIncrease System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field VertSpaceMakeEqual System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field ViewCode System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +---@field ViewGrid System.ComponentModel.Design.CommandID +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.StandardCommands = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.StandardToolWindows: object +---@source System.dll +---@field ObjectBrowser System.Guid +---@source System.dll +---@field OutputWindow System.Guid +---@source System.dll +---@field ProjectExplorer System.Guid +---@source System.dll +---@field PropertyBrowser System.Guid +---@source System.dll +---@field RelatedLinks System.Guid +---@source System.dll +---@field ServerExplorer System.Guid +---@source System.dll +---@field TaskList System.Guid +---@source System.dll +---@field Toolbox System.Guid +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.StandardToolWindows = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.TypeDescriptionProviderService: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.TypeDescriptionProviderService = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param instance object +---@return TypeDescriptionProvider +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.TypeDescriptionProviderService.GetProvider(instance) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return TypeDescriptionProvider +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.TypeDescriptionProviderService.GetProvider(type) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Design.ViewTechnology: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.Design.ViewTechnology +---@source System.dll +---@field Passthrough System.ComponentModel.Design.ViewTechnology +---@source System.dll +---@field WindowsForms System.ComponentModel.Design.ViewTechnology +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ViewTechnology = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.ComponentModel.Design.ViewTechnology +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Design.ViewTechnology:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.ComponentModel.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.ComponentModel.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..69fb7a46f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.ComponentModel.lua @@ -0,0 +1,4997 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.AddingNewEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field NewObject object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.AddingNewEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.AddingNewEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.AddingNewEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.AddingNewEventArgs +function CS.System.ComponentModel.AddingNewEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.AddingNewEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.AddingNewEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.AddingNewEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.AmbientValueAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Value object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.AmbientValueAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.AmbientValueAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.AmbientValueAttribute.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ArrayConverter: System.ComponentModel.CollectionConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ArrayConverter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ArrayConverter.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param value object +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ArrayConverter.GetProperties(context, value, attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ArrayConverter.GetPropertiesSupported(context) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Cancelled bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Error System.Exception +---@source System.dll +---@field UserState object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs +function CS.System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.AsyncOperation: object +---@source System.dll +---@field SynchronizationContext System.Threading.SynchronizationContext +---@source System.dll +---@field UserSuppliedState object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.AsyncOperation = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.AsyncOperation.OperationCompleted() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param d System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback +---@param arg object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.AsyncOperation.Post(d, arg) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param d System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback +---@param arg object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.AsyncOperation.PostOperationCompleted(d, arg) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.AsyncOperationManager: object +---@source System.dll +---@field SynchronizationContext System.Threading.SynchronizationContext +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.AsyncOperationManager = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param userSuppliedState object +---@return AsyncOperation +function CS.System.ComponentModel.AsyncOperationManager:CreateOperation(userSuppliedState) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.AttributeCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Empty System.ComponentModel.AttributeCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.AttributeCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param attribute System.Attribute +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.AttributeCollection.Contains(attribute) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.AttributeCollection.Contains(attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.ComponentModel.AttributeCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param existing System.ComponentModel.AttributeCollection +---@param newAttributes System.Attribute[] +---@return AttributeCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.AttributeCollection:FromExisting(existing, newAttributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.ComponentModel.AttributeCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param attribute System.Attribute +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.AttributeCollection.Matches(attribute) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.AttributeCollection.Matches(attributes) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.AttributeProviderAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field PropertyName string +---@source System.dll +---@field TypeName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.AttributeProviderAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker: System.ComponentModel.Component +---@source System.dll +---@field CancellationPending bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsBusy bool +---@source System.dll +---@field WorkerReportsProgress bool +---@source System.dll +---@field WorkerSupportsCancellation bool +---@source System.dll +---@field DoWork System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field ProgressChanged System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field RunWorkerCompleted System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.add_DoWork(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.remove_DoWork(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.add_ProgressChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.remove_ProgressChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.add_RunWorkerCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.remove_RunWorkerCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.CancelAsync() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param percentProgress int +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.ReportProgress(percentProgress) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param percentProgress int +---@param userState object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.ReportProgress(percentProgress, userState) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param argument object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync(argument) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter: System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param sourceType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param t System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.CanConvertTo(context, t) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.BindableAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.BindableAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field No System.ComponentModel.BindableAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Yes System.ComponentModel.BindableAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Bindable bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Direction System.ComponentModel.BindingDirection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.BindableAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BindableAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BindableAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BindableAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.BindableSupport: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.BindableSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field No System.ComponentModel.BindableSupport +---@source System.dll +---@field Yes System.ComponentModel.BindableSupport +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.BindableSupport = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.ComponentModel.BindableSupport +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BindableSupport:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.BindingDirection: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field OneWay System.ComponentModel.BindingDirection +---@source System.dll +---@field TwoWay System.ComponentModel.BindingDirection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.BindingDirection = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.ComponentModel.BindingDirection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BindingDirection:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.BindingList: System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection +---@source System.dll +---@field AllowEdit bool +---@source System.dll +---@field AllowNew bool +---@source System.dll +---@field AllowRemove bool +---@source System.dll +---@field RaiseListChangedEvents bool +---@source System.dll +---@field AddingNew System.ComponentModel.AddingNewEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field ListChanged System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.BindingList = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.AddingNewEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BindingList.add_AddingNew(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.AddingNewEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BindingList.remove_AddingNew(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BindingList.add_ListChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BindingList.remove_ListChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return T +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BindingList.AddNew() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param itemIndex int +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BindingList.CancelNew(itemIndex) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param itemIndex int +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BindingList.EndNew(itemIndex) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BindingList.ResetBindings() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param position int +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BindingList.ResetItem(position) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.BooleanConverter: System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.BooleanConverter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param sourceType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BooleanConverter.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BooleanConverter.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return StandardValuesCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BooleanConverter.GetStandardValues(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BooleanConverter.GetStandardValuesExclusive(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BooleanConverter.GetStandardValuesSupported(context) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field No System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Yes System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Browsable bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ByteConverter: System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ByteConverter = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Cancel bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Action System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Appearance System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Asynchronous System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Behavior System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Category string +---@source System.dll +---@field Data System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Design System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field DragDrop System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Focus System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Format System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Key System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Layout System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Mouse System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field WindowStyle System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CategoryAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.CharConverter: System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.CharConverter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param sourceType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CharConverter.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CharConverter.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CharConverter.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeAction: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Add System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeAction +---@source System.dll +---@field Refresh System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeAction +---@source System.dll +---@field Remove System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeAction +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeAction = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeAction +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeAction:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Action System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeAction +---@source System.dll +---@field Element object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventArgs +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.CollectionConverter: System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.CollectionConverter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CollectionConverter.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param value object +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CollectionConverter.GetProperties(context, value, attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CollectionConverter.GetPropertiesSupported(context) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ComplexBindingPropertiesAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.ComplexBindingPropertiesAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field DataMember string +---@source System.dll +---@field DataSource string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ComplexBindingPropertiesAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ComplexBindingPropertiesAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ComplexBindingPropertiesAttribute.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Component: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source System.dll +---@field Container System.ComponentModel.IContainer +---@source System.dll +---@field Site System.ComponentModel.ISite +---@source System.dll +---@field Disposed System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Component = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Component.add_Disposed(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Component.remove_Disposed(value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Component.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Component.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ComponentCollection: System.Collections.ReadOnlyCollectionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.ComponentModel.IComponent +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.ComponentModel.IComponent +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ComponentCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.ComponentModel.IComponent[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ComponentCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ComponentConverter: System.ComponentModel.ReferenceConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ComponentConverter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param value object +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ComponentConverter.GetProperties(context, value, attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ComponentConverter.GetPropertiesSupported(context) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ComponentEditor: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ComponentEditor = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param component object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ComponentEditor.EditComponent(context, component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ComponentEditor.EditComponent(component) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager: System.Resources.ResourceManager +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +---@param objectName string +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager.ApplyResources(value, objectName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +---@param objectName string +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ComponentResourceManager.ApplyResources(value, objectName, culture) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Container: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Components System.ComponentModel.ComponentCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Container = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param component System.ComponentModel.IComponent +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Container.Add(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component System.ComponentModel.IComponent +---@param name string +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Container.Add(component, name) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Container.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component System.ComponentModel.IComponent +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Container.Remove(component) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ContainerFilterService: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ContainerFilterService = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param components System.ComponentModel.ComponentCollection +---@return ComponentCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ContainerFilterService.FilterComponents(components) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.CultureInfoConverter: System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.CultureInfoConverter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param sourceType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CultureInfoConverter.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CultureInfoConverter.CanConvertTo(context, destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CultureInfoConverter.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CultureInfoConverter.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return StandardValuesCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CultureInfoConverter.GetStandardValues(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CultureInfoConverter.GetStandardValuesExclusive(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CultureInfoConverter.GetStandardValuesSupported(context) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.CustomTypeDescriptor: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.CustomTypeDescriptor = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return AttributeCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CustomTypeDescriptor.GetAttributes() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CustomTypeDescriptor.GetClassName() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CustomTypeDescriptor.GetComponentName() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return TypeConverter +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CustomTypeDescriptor.GetConverter() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return EventDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return PropertyDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param editorBaseType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CustomTypeDescriptor.GetEditor(editorBaseType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return EventDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return EventDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents(attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties(attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param pd System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.CustomTypeDescriptor.GetPropertyOwner(pd) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.DataErrorsChangedEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field PropertyName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.DataErrorsChangedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.DataObjectAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field DataObject System.ComponentModel.DataObjectAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.DataObjectAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field NonDataObject System.ComponentModel.DataObjectAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field IsDataObject bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.DataObjectFieldAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field IsIdentity bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsNullable bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Length int +---@source System.dll +---@field PrimaryKey bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectFieldAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectFieldAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectFieldAttribute.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field IsDefault bool +---@source System.dll +---@field MethodType System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute.Match(obj) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Delete System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType +---@source System.dll +---@field Fill System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType +---@source System.dll +---@field Insert System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType +---@source System.dll +---@field Select System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType +---@source System.dll +---@field Update System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.DateTimeConverter: System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.DateTimeConverter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param sourceType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DateTimeConverter.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DateTimeConverter.CanConvertTo(context, destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DateTimeConverter.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DateTimeConverter.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.DateTimeOffsetConverter: System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.DateTimeOffsetConverter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param sourceType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DateTimeOffsetConverter.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DateTimeOffsetConverter.CanConvertTo(context, destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DateTimeOffsetConverter.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DateTimeOffsetConverter.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.DecimalConverter: System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.DecimalConverter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DecimalConverter.CanConvertTo(context, destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DecimalConverter.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.DefaultBindingPropertyAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.DefaultBindingPropertyAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.DefaultBindingPropertyAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DefaultBindingPropertyAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DefaultBindingPropertyAttribute.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.DefaultEventAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.DefaultEventAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.DefaultEventAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DefaultEventAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DefaultEventAttribute.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.DefaultPropertyAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.DefaultPropertyAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.DefaultPropertyAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DefaultPropertyAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DefaultPropertyAttribute.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Value object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DefaultValueAttribute.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Description string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.DesignerAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field DesignerBaseTypeName string +---@source System.dll +---@field DesignerTypeName string +---@source System.dll +---@field TypeId object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.DesignerAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DesignerAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DesignerAttribute.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Component System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Form System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Generic System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Category string +---@source System.dll +---@field TypeId object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DesignerCategoryAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Content System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility +---@source System.dll +---@field Hidden System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility +---@source System.dll +---@field Visible System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Content System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Hidden System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Visible System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Visibility System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibilityAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.DesignOnlyAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.DesignOnlyAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field No System.ComponentModel.DesignOnlyAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Yes System.ComponentModel.DesignOnlyAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field IsDesignOnly bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.DesignOnlyAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DesignOnlyAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DesignOnlyAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DesignOnlyAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.DesignTimeVisibleAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.DesignTimeVisibleAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field No System.ComponentModel.DesignTimeVisibleAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Yes System.ComponentModel.DesignTimeVisibleAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Visible bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.DesignTimeVisibleAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DesignTimeVisibleAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DesignTimeVisibleAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DesignTimeVisibleAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field DisplayName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DisplayNameAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.DoubleConverter: System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.DoubleConverter = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs: System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Argument object +---@source System.dll +---@field Result object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field EditorBaseTypeName string +---@source System.dll +---@field EditorTypeName string +---@source System.dll +---@field TypeId object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EditorAttribute.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field State System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Advanced System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState +---@source System.dll +---@field Always System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState +---@source System.dll +---@field Never System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.EnumConverter: System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.EnumConverter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param sourceType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EnumConverter.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EnumConverter.CanConvertTo(context, destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EnumConverter.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EnumConverter.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return StandardValuesCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EnumConverter.GetStandardValues(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EnumConverter.GetStandardValuesExclusive(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EnumConverter.GetStandardValuesSupported(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EnumConverter.IsValid(context, value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptor: System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor +---@source System.dll +---@field ComponentType System.Type +---@source System.dll +---@field EventType System.Type +---@source System.dll +---@field IsMulticast bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptor = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param value System.Delegate +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptor.AddEventHandler(component, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param value System.Delegate +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptor.RemoveEventHandler(component, value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Empty System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptor +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptor +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptor +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptor +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return EventDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection.Find(name, ignoreCase) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptor +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection.Remove(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection.RemoveAt(index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return EventDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection.Sort() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param comparer System.Collections.IComparer +---@return EventDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection.Sort(comparer) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param names string[] +---@return EventDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection.Sort(names) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param names string[] +---@param comparer System.Collections.IComparer +---@return EventDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptorCollection.Sort(names, comparer) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.EventHandlerList: object +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Delegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.EventHandlerList = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param key object +---@param value System.Delegate +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EventHandlerList.AddHandler(key, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param listToAddFrom System.ComponentModel.EventHandlerList +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EventHandlerList.AddHandlers(listToAddFrom) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EventHandlerList.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param key object +---@param value System.Delegate +function CS.System.ComponentModel.EventHandlerList.RemoveHandler(key, value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ExpandableObjectConverter: System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ExpandableObjectConverter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param value object +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ExpandableObjectConverter.GetProperties(context, value, attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ExpandableObjectConverter.GetPropertiesSupported(context) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ExtenderProvidedPropertyAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field ExtenderProperty System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor +---@source System.dll +---@field Provider System.ComponentModel.IExtenderProvider +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceiverType System.Type +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ExtenderProvidedPropertyAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ExtenderProvidedPropertyAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ExtenderProvidedPropertyAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ExtenderProvidedPropertyAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.GuidConverter: System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.GuidConverter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param sourceType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.GuidConverter.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.GuidConverter.CanConvertTo(context, destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.GuidConverter.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.GuidConverter.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.HandledEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Handled bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.HandledEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.HandledEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.HandledEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.HandledEventArgs +function CS.System.ComponentModel.HandledEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.HandledEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.HandledEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.HandledEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.IBindingList +---@source System.dll +---@field AllowEdit bool +---@source System.dll +---@field AllowNew bool +---@source System.dll +---@field AllowRemove bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSorted bool +---@source System.dll +---@field SortDirection System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection +---@source System.dll +---@field SortProperty System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor +---@source System.dll +---@field SupportsChangeNotification bool +---@source System.dll +---@field SupportsSearching bool +---@source System.dll +---@field SupportsSorting bool +---@source System.dll +---@field ListChanged System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.IBindingList = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.add_ListChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.remove_ListChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param property System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.AddIndex(property) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.AddNew() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param property System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor +---@param direction System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.ApplySort(property, direction) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param property System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor +---@param key object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.Find(property, key) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param property System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.RemoveIndex(property) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IBindingList.RemoveSort() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.IBindingListView +---@source System.dll +---@field Filter string +---@source System.dll +---@field SortDescriptions System.ComponentModel.ListSortDescriptionCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field SupportsAdvancedSorting bool +---@source System.dll +---@field SupportsFiltering bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.IBindingListView = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sorts System.ComponentModel.ListSortDescriptionCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IBindingListView.ApplySort(sorts) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IBindingListView.RemoveFilter() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ICancelAddNew +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ICancelAddNew = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param itemIndex int +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ICancelAddNew.CancelNew(itemIndex) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param itemIndex int +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ICancelAddNew.EndNew(itemIndex) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.IChangeTracking +---@source System.dll +---@field IsChanged bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.IChangeTracking = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IChangeTracking.AcceptChanges() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.IComNativeDescriptorHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.IComNativeDescriptorHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@return AttributeCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IComNativeDescriptorHandler.GetAttributes(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IComNativeDescriptorHandler.GetClassName(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@return TypeConverter +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IComNativeDescriptorHandler.GetConverter(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@return EventDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IComNativeDescriptorHandler.GetDefaultEvent(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@return PropertyDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IComNativeDescriptorHandler.GetDefaultProperty(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param baseEditorType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IComNativeDescriptorHandler.GetEditor(component, baseEditorType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@return EventDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IComNativeDescriptorHandler.GetEvents(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return EventDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IComNativeDescriptorHandler.GetEvents(component, attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IComNativeDescriptorHandler.GetName(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IComNativeDescriptorHandler.GetProperties(component, attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param dispid int +---@param success bool +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IComNativeDescriptorHandler.GetPropertyValue(component, dispid, success) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param propertyName string +---@param success bool +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IComNativeDescriptorHandler.GetPropertyValue(component, propertyName, success) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.IComponent +---@source System.dll +---@field Site System.ComponentModel.ISite +---@source System.dll +---@field Disposed System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.IComponent = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IComponent.add_Disposed(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IComponent.remove_Disposed(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.IContainer +---@source System.dll +---@field Components System.ComponentModel.ComponentCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.IContainer = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param component System.ComponentModel.IComponent +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IContainer.Add(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component System.ComponentModel.IComponent +---@param name string +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IContainer.Add(component, name) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component System.ComponentModel.IComponent +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IContainer.Remove(component) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return AttributeCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetAttributes() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetClassName() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetComponentName() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return TypeConverter +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetConverter() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return EventDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultEvent() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return PropertyDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetDefaultProperty() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param editorBaseType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEditor(editorBaseType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return EventDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return EventDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetEvents(attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetProperties(attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param pd System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ICustomTypeDescriptor.GetPropertyOwner(pd) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.IDataErrorInfo +---@source System.dll +---@field Error string +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.IDataErrorInfo = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.IEditableObject +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.IEditableObject = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IEditableObject.BeginEdit() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IEditableObject.CancelEdit() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IEditableObject.EndEdit() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.IExtenderProvider +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.IExtenderProvider = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param extendee object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IExtenderProvider.CanExtend(extendee) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.IIntellisenseBuilder +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.IIntellisenseBuilder = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param language string +---@param value string +---@param newValue string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IIntellisenseBuilder.Show(language, value, newValue) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.IListSource +---@source System.dll +---@field ContainsListCollection bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.IListSource = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return IList +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IListSource.GetList() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ImmutableObjectAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.ImmutableObjectAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field No System.ComponentModel.ImmutableObjectAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Yes System.ComponentModel.ImmutableObjectAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Immutable bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ImmutableObjectAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ImmutableObjectAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ImmutableObjectAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ImmutableObjectAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.INestedContainer +---@source System.dll +---@field Owner System.ComponentModel.IComponent +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.INestedContainer = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.INestedSite +---@source System.dll +---@field FullName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.INestedSite = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.InheritanceAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.InheritanceAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Inherited System.ComponentModel.InheritanceAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field InheritedReadOnly System.ComponentModel.InheritanceAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field NotInherited System.ComponentModel.InheritanceAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field InheritanceLevel System.ComponentModel.InheritanceLevel +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.InheritanceAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.InheritanceAttribute.Equals(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.InheritanceAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.InheritanceAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.InheritanceAttribute.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.InheritanceLevel: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Inherited System.ComponentModel.InheritanceLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field InheritedReadOnly System.ComponentModel.InheritanceLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field NotInherited System.ComponentModel.InheritanceLevel +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.InheritanceLevel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.ComponentModel.InheritanceLevel +function CS.System.ComponentModel.InheritanceLevel:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.InitializationEventAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field EventName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.InitializationEventAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.INotifyDataErrorInfo +---@source System.dll +---@field HasErrors bool +---@source System.dll +---@field ErrorsChanged System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.INotifyDataErrorInfo = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.INotifyDataErrorInfo.add_ErrorsChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.INotifyDataErrorInfo.remove_ErrorsChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param propertyName string +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.ComponentModel.INotifyDataErrorInfo.GetErrors(propertyName) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged +---@source System.dll +---@field PropertyChanged System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged.add_PropertyChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged.remove_PropertyChanged(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanging +---@source System.dll +---@field PropertyChanging System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangingEventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanging = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangingEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanging.add_PropertyChanging(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangingEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanging.remove_PropertyChanging(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.InstallerTypeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field InstallerType System.Type +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.InstallerTypeAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.InstallerTypeAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.InstallerTypeAttribute.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.InstanceCreationEditor: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Text string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.InstanceCreationEditor = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param instanceType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.InstanceCreationEditor.CreateInstance(context, instanceType) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Int16Converter: System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Int16Converter = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Int32Converter: System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Int32Converter = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Int64Converter: System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Int64Converter = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.InvalidAsynchronousStateException: System.ArgumentException +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.InvalidAsynchronousStateException = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.InvalidEnumArgumentException: System.ArgumentException +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.InvalidEnumArgumentException = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.IRaiseItemChangedEvents +---@source System.dll +---@field RaisesItemChangedEvents bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.IRaiseItemChangedEvents = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.IRevertibleChangeTracking +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.IRevertibleChangeTracking = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.IRevertibleChangeTracking.RejectChanges() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ISite +---@source System.dll +---@field Component System.ComponentModel.IComponent +---@source System.dll +---@field Container System.ComponentModel.IContainer +---@source System.dll +---@field DesignMode bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ISite = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize.BeginInit() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitialize.EndInit() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitializeNotification +---@source System.dll +---@field IsInitialized bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Initialized System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitializeNotification = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitializeNotification.add_Initialized(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ISupportInitializeNotification.remove_Initialized(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke +---@source System.dll +---@field InvokeRequired bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param method System.Delegate +---@param args object[] +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke.BeginInvoke(method, args) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke.EndInvoke(result) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param method System.Delegate +---@param args object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke.Invoke(method, args) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@source System.dll +---@field Container System.ComponentModel.IContainer +---@source System.dll +---@field Instance object +---@source System.dll +---@field PropertyDescriptor System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext.OnComponentChanged() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext.OnComponentChanging() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ITypedList +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ITypedList = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param listAccessors System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor[] +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ITypedList.GetItemProperties(listAccessors) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param listAccessors System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor[] +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ITypedList.GetListName(listAccessors) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.License: object +---@source System.dll +---@field LicenseKey string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.License = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.License.Dispose() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.LicenseContext: object +---@source System.dll +---@field UsageMode System.ComponentModel.LicenseUsageMode +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.LicenseContext = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param resourceAssembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.LicenseContext.GetSavedLicenseKey(type, resourceAssembly) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.LicenseContext.GetService(type) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param key string +function CS.System.ComponentModel.LicenseContext.SetSavedLicenseKey(type, key) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.LicenseException: System.SystemException +---@source System.dll +---@field LicensedType System.Type +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.LicenseException = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.ComponentModel.LicenseException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager: object +---@source System.dll +---@field CurrentContext System.ComponentModel.LicenseContext +---@source System.dll +---@field UsageMode System.ComponentModel.LicenseUsageMode +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param creationContext System.ComponentModel.LicenseContext +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager:CreateWithContext(type, creationContext) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param creationContext System.ComponentModel.LicenseContext +---@param args object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager:CreateWithContext(type, creationContext, args) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager:IsLicensed(type) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager:IsValid(type) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param instance object +---@param license System.ComponentModel.License +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager:IsValid(type, instance, license) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param contextUser object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager:LockContext(contextUser) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param contextUser object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager:UnlockContext(contextUser) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.Type +function CS.System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager:Validate(type) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param instance object +---@return License +function CS.System.ComponentModel.LicenseManager:Validate(type, instance) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.LicenseProvider: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.LicenseProvider = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.LicenseContext +---@param type System.Type +---@param instance object +---@param allowExceptions bool +---@return License +function CS.System.ComponentModel.LicenseProvider.GetLicense(context, type, instance, allowExceptions) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.LicenseProviderAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.LicenseProviderAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field LicenseProvider System.Type +---@source System.dll +---@field TypeId object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.LicenseProviderAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.LicenseProviderAttribute.Equals(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.LicenseProviderAttribute.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.LicenseUsageMode: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Designtime System.ComponentModel.LicenseUsageMode +---@source System.dll +---@field Runtime System.ComponentModel.LicenseUsageMode +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.LicenseUsageMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.ComponentModel.LicenseUsageMode +function CS.System.ComponentModel.LicenseUsageMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.LicFileLicenseProvider: System.ComponentModel.LicenseProvider +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.LicFileLicenseProvider = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.LicenseContext +---@param type System.Type +---@param instance object +---@param allowExceptions bool +---@return License +function CS.System.ComponentModel.LicFileLicenseProvider.GetLicense(context, type, instance, allowExceptions) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ListBindableAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.ListBindableAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field No System.ComponentModel.ListBindableAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Yes System.ComponentModel.ListBindableAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field ListBindable bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ListBindableAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ListBindableAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ListBindableAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ListBindableAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field ListChangedType System.ComponentModel.ListChangedType +---@source System.dll +---@field NewIndex int +---@source System.dll +---@field OldIndex int +---@source System.dll +---@field PropertyDescriptor System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ListChangedType: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field ItemAdded System.ComponentModel.ListChangedType +---@source System.dll +---@field ItemChanged System.ComponentModel.ListChangedType +---@source System.dll +---@field ItemDeleted System.ComponentModel.ListChangedType +---@source System.dll +---@field ItemMoved System.ComponentModel.ListChangedType +---@source System.dll +---@field PropertyDescriptorAdded System.ComponentModel.ListChangedType +---@source System.dll +---@field PropertyDescriptorChanged System.ComponentModel.ListChangedType +---@source System.dll +---@field PropertyDescriptorDeleted System.ComponentModel.ListChangedType +---@source System.dll +---@field Reset System.ComponentModel.ListChangedType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ListChangedType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.ComponentModel.ListChangedType +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ListChangedType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ListSortDescription: object +---@source System.dll +---@field PropertyDescriptor System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor +---@source System.dll +---@field SortDirection System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ListSortDescription = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ListSortDescriptionCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.ComponentModel.ListSortDescription +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ListSortDescriptionCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ListSortDescriptionCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ListSortDescriptionCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ListSortDescriptionCollection.IndexOf(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Ascending System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection +---@source System.dll +---@field Descending System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.LocalizableAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.LocalizableAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field No System.ComponentModel.LocalizableAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Yes System.ComponentModel.LocalizableAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field IsLocalizable bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.LocalizableAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.LocalizableAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.LocalizableAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.LocalizableAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.LookupBindingPropertiesAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.LookupBindingPropertiesAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field DataSource string +---@source System.dll +---@field DisplayMember string +---@source System.dll +---@field LookupMember string +---@source System.dll +---@field ValueMember string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.LookupBindingPropertiesAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.LookupBindingPropertiesAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.LookupBindingPropertiesAttribute.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Container System.ComponentModel.IContainer +---@source System.dll +---@field DesignMode bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Site System.ComponentModel.ISite +---@source System.dll +---@field Disposed System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent.add_Disposed(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent.remove_Disposed(value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param service System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent.GetService(service) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider: object +---@source System.dll +---@field AllowPromptAsInput bool +---@source System.dll +---@field AsciiOnly bool +---@source System.dll +---@field AssignedEditPositionCount int +---@source System.dll +---@field AvailableEditPositionCount int +---@source System.dll +---@field Culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@source System.dll +---@field DefaultPasswordChar char +---@source System.dll +---@field EditPositionCount int +---@source System.dll +---@field EditPositions System.Collections.IEnumerator +---@source System.dll +---@field IncludeLiterals bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IncludePrompt bool +---@source System.dll +---@field InvalidIndex int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsPassword bool +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] char +---@source System.dll +---@field LastAssignedPosition int +---@source System.dll +---@field Length int +---@source System.dll +---@field Mask string +---@source System.dll +---@field MaskCompleted bool +---@source System.dll +---@field MaskFull bool +---@source System.dll +---@field PasswordChar char +---@source System.dll +---@field PromptChar char +---@source System.dll +---@field ResetOnPrompt bool +---@source System.dll +---@field ResetOnSpace bool +---@source System.dll +---@field SkipLiterals bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param input char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.Add(input) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input char +---@param testPosition int +---@param resultHint System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.Add(input, testPosition, resultHint) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.Add(input) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param testPosition int +---@param resultHint System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.Add(input, testPosition, resultHint) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param resultHint System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.Clear(resultHint) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.Clone() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param position int +---@param direction bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.FindAssignedEditPositionFrom(position, direction) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param startPosition int +---@param endPosition int +---@param direction bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.FindAssignedEditPositionInRange(startPosition, endPosition, direction) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param position int +---@param direction bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.FindEditPositionFrom(position, direction) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param startPosition int +---@param endPosition int +---@param direction bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.FindEditPositionInRange(startPosition, endPosition, direction) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param position int +---@param direction bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.FindNonEditPositionFrom(position, direction) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param startPosition int +---@param endPosition int +---@param direction bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.FindNonEditPositionInRange(startPosition, endPosition, direction) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param position int +---@param direction bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.FindUnassignedEditPositionFrom(position, direction) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param startPosition int +---@param endPosition int +---@param direction bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.FindUnassignedEditPositionInRange(startPosition, endPosition, direction) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hint System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider:GetOperationResultFromHint(hint) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input char +---@param position int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.InsertAt(input, position) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input char +---@param position int +---@param testPosition int +---@param resultHint System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.InsertAt(input, position, testPosition, resultHint) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param position int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.InsertAt(input, position) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param position int +---@param testPosition int +---@param resultHint System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.InsertAt(input, position, testPosition, resultHint) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param position int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.IsAvailablePosition(position) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param position int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.IsEditPosition(position) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param c char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider:IsValidInputChar(c) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param c char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider:IsValidMaskChar(c) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param c char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider:IsValidPasswordChar(c) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.Remove() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param testPosition int +---@param resultHint System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.Remove(testPosition, resultHint) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param position int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.RemoveAt(position) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param startPosition int +---@param endPosition int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.RemoveAt(startPosition, endPosition) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param startPosition int +---@param endPosition int +---@param testPosition int +---@param resultHint System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.RemoveAt(startPosition, endPosition, testPosition, resultHint) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input char +---@param position int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.Replace(input, position) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input char +---@param startPosition int +---@param endPosition int +---@param testPosition int +---@param resultHint System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.Replace(input, startPosition, endPosition, testPosition, resultHint) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input char +---@param position int +---@param testPosition int +---@param resultHint System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.Replace(input, position, testPosition, resultHint) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param position int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.Replace(input, position) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param startPosition int +---@param endPosition int +---@param testPosition int +---@param resultHint System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.Replace(input, startPosition, endPosition, testPosition, resultHint) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param position int +---@param testPosition int +---@param resultHint System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.Replace(input, position, testPosition, resultHint) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.Set(input) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param testPosition int +---@param resultHint System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.Set(input, testPosition, resultHint) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.ToDisplayString() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.ToString() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param ignorePasswordChar bool +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.ToString(ignorePasswordChar) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param includePrompt bool +---@param includeLiterals bool +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.ToString(includePrompt, includeLiterals) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param ignorePasswordChar bool +---@param includePrompt bool +---@param includeLiterals bool +---@param startPosition int +---@param length int +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.ToString(ignorePasswordChar, includePrompt, includeLiterals, startPosition, length) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param includePrompt bool +---@param includeLiterals bool +---@param startPosition int +---@param length int +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.ToString(includePrompt, includeLiterals, startPosition, length) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param ignorePasswordChar bool +---@param startPosition int +---@param length int +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.ToString(ignorePasswordChar, startPosition, length) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param startPosition int +---@param length int +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.ToString(startPosition, length) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input char +---@param position int +---@param hint System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.VerifyChar(input, position, hint) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input char +---@param position int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.VerifyEscapeChar(input, position) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.VerifyString(input) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param testPosition int +---@param resultHint System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextProvider.VerifyString(input, testPosition, resultHint) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field AlphanumericCharacterExpected System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@source System.dll +---@field AsciiCharacterExpected System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@source System.dll +---@field CharacterEscaped System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@source System.dll +---@field DigitExpected System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@source System.dll +---@field InvalidInput System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@source System.dll +---@field LetterExpected System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@source System.dll +---@field NoEffect System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@source System.dll +---@field NonEditPosition System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@source System.dll +---@field PositionOutOfRange System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@source System.dll +---@field PromptCharNotAllowed System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@source System.dll +---@field SideEffect System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@source System.dll +---@field SignedDigitExpected System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@source System.dll +---@field Success System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@source System.dll +---@field UnavailableEditPosition System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@source System.dll +---@field Unknown System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MaskedTextResultHint:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Attributes System.ComponentModel.AttributeCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Category string +---@source System.dll +---@field Description string +---@source System.dll +---@field DesignTimeOnly bool +---@source System.dll +---@field DisplayName string +---@source System.dll +---@field IsBrowsable bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.MergablePropertyAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.MergablePropertyAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field No System.ComponentModel.MergablePropertyAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Yes System.ComponentModel.MergablePropertyAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field AllowMerge bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.MergablePropertyAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MergablePropertyAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MergablePropertyAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MergablePropertyAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.MultilineStringConverter: System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.MultilineStringConverter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MultilineStringConverter.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param value object +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MultilineStringConverter.GetProperties(context, value, attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.MultilineStringConverter.GetPropertiesSupported(context) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.NestedContainer: System.ComponentModel.Container +---@source System.dll +---@field Owner System.ComponentModel.IComponent +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.NestedContainer = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.NotifyParentPropertyAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.NotifyParentPropertyAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field No System.ComponentModel.NotifyParentPropertyAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Yes System.ComponentModel.NotifyParentPropertyAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field NotifyParent bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.NotifyParentPropertyAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.NotifyParentPropertyAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.NotifyParentPropertyAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.NotifyParentPropertyAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.NullableConverter: System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter +---@source System.dll +---@field NullableType System.Type +---@source System.dll +---@field UnderlyingType System.Type +---@source System.dll +---@field UnderlyingTypeConverter System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.NullableConverter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param sourceType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.NullableConverter.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.NullableConverter.CanConvertTo(context, destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.NullableConverter.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.NullableConverter.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param propertyValues System.Collections.IDictionary +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.NullableConverter.CreateInstance(context, propertyValues) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.NullableConverter.GetCreateInstanceSupported(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param value object +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.NullableConverter.GetProperties(context, value, attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.NullableConverter.GetPropertiesSupported(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return StandardValuesCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.NullableConverter.GetStandardValues(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.NullableConverter.GetStandardValuesExclusive(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.NullableConverter.GetStandardValuesSupported(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.NullableConverter.IsValid(context, value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ParenthesizePropertyNameAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.ParenthesizePropertyNameAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field NeedParenthesis bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ParenthesizePropertyNameAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ParenthesizePropertyNameAttribute.Equals(o) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ParenthesizePropertyNameAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ParenthesizePropertyNameAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.PasswordPropertyTextAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.PasswordPropertyTextAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field No System.ComponentModel.PasswordPropertyTextAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Yes System.ComponentModel.PasswordPropertyTextAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Password bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.PasswordPropertyTextAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PasswordPropertyTextAttribute.Equals(o) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PasswordPropertyTextAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PasswordPropertyTextAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field ProgressPercentage int +---@source System.dll +---@field UserState object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventArgs +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field PropertyName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangingEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field PropertyName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangingEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangingEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangingEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangingEventArgs +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangingEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangingEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangingEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangingEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor: System.ComponentModel.MemberDescriptor +---@source System.dll +---@field ComponentType System.Type +---@source System.dll +---@field Converter System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter +---@source System.dll +---@field IsLocalizable bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.dll +---@field PropertyType System.Type +---@source System.dll +---@field SerializationVisibility System.ComponentModel.DesignerSerializationVisibility +---@source System.dll +---@field SupportsChangeEvents bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param handler System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor.AddValueChanged(component, handler) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor.CanResetValue(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor.GetChildProperties() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param filter System.Attribute[] +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor.GetChildProperties(filter) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param instance object +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor.GetChildProperties(instance) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param instance object +---@param filter System.Attribute[] +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor.GetChildProperties(instance, filter) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param editorBaseType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor.GetEditor(editorBaseType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor.GetValue(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param handler System.EventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor.RemoveValueChanged(component, handler) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor.ResetValue(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param value object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor.SetValue(component, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor.ShouldSerializeValue(component) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Empty System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return PropertyDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection.Find(name, ignoreCase) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection.Remove(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection.RemoveAt(index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection.Sort() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param comparer System.Collections.IComparer +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection.Sort(comparer) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param names string[] +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection.Sort(names) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param names string[] +---@param comparer System.Collections.IComparer +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptorCollection.Sort(names, comparer) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.PropertyTabAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field TabClasses System.Type[] +---@source System.dll +---@field TabScopes System.ComponentModel.PropertyTabScope[] +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyTabAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param other System.ComponentModel.PropertyTabAttribute +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyTabAttribute.Equals(other) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param other object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyTabAttribute.Equals(other) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyTabAttribute.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.PropertyTabScope: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Component System.ComponentModel.PropertyTabScope +---@source System.dll +---@field Document System.ComponentModel.PropertyTabScope +---@source System.dll +---@field Global System.ComponentModel.PropertyTabScope +---@source System.dll +---@field Static System.ComponentModel.PropertyTabScope +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyTabScope = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.ComponentModel.PropertyTabScope +function CS.System.ComponentModel.PropertyTabScope:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ProvidePropertyAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field PropertyName string +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceiverTypeName string +---@source System.dll +---@field TypeId object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ProvidePropertyAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ProvidePropertyAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ProvidePropertyAttribute.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ReadOnlyAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.ReadOnlyAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field No System.ComponentModel.ReadOnlyAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Yes System.ComponentModel.ReadOnlyAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ReadOnlyAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ReadOnlyAttribute.Equals(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ReadOnlyAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ReadOnlyAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.RecommendedAsConfigurableAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.RecommendedAsConfigurableAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field No System.ComponentModel.RecommendedAsConfigurableAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Yes System.ComponentModel.RecommendedAsConfigurableAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field RecommendedAsConfigurable bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.RecommendedAsConfigurableAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.RecommendedAsConfigurableAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.RecommendedAsConfigurableAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.RecommendedAsConfigurableAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ReferenceConverter: System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ReferenceConverter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param sourceType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ReferenceConverter.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ReferenceConverter.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ReferenceConverter.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return StandardValuesCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ReferenceConverter.GetStandardValues(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ReferenceConverter.GetStandardValuesExclusive(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ReferenceConverter.GetStandardValuesSupported(context) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.RefreshEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field ComponentChanged object +---@source System.dll +---@field TypeChanged System.Type +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.RefreshEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.RefreshEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.RefreshEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param e System.ComponentModel.RefreshEventArgs +function CS.System.ComponentModel.RefreshEventHandler.Invoke(e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param e System.ComponentModel.RefreshEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.RefreshEventHandler.BeginInvoke(e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.RefreshEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field All System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties +---@source System.dll +---@field Repaint System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties +function CS.System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field All System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Repaint System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field RefreshProperties System.ComponentModel.RefreshProperties +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute.Equals(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.RefreshPropertiesAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.RunInstallerAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.RunInstallerAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field No System.ComponentModel.RunInstallerAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Yes System.ComponentModel.RunInstallerAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field RunInstaller bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.RunInstallerAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.RunInstallerAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.RunInstallerAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.RunInstallerAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs: System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Result object +---@source System.dll +---@field UserState object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs +function CS.System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.SByteConverter: System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.SByteConverter = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.SettingsBindableAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field No System.ComponentModel.SettingsBindableAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Yes System.ComponentModel.SettingsBindableAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Bindable bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.SettingsBindableAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.SettingsBindableAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.SettingsBindableAttribute.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.SingleConverter: System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.SingleConverter = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.StringConverter: System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.StringConverter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param sourceType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.StringConverter.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.StringConverter.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.SyntaxCheck: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.SyntaxCheck = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.SyntaxCheck:CheckMachineName(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.SyntaxCheck:CheckPath(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.SyntaxCheck:CheckRootedPath(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.TimeSpanConverter: System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.TimeSpanConverter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param sourceType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TimeSpanConverter.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TimeSpanConverter.CanConvertTo(context, destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TimeSpanConverter.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TimeSpanConverter.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field ToolboxItemType System.Type +---@source System.dll +---@field ToolboxItemTypeName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemAttribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemFilterAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field FilterString string +---@source System.dll +---@field FilterType System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemFilterType +---@source System.dll +---@field TypeId object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemFilterAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemFilterAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemFilterAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemFilterAttribute.Match(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemFilterAttribute.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemFilterType: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Allow System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemFilterType +---@source System.dll +---@field Custom System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemFilterType +---@source System.dll +---@field Prevent System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemFilterType +---@source System.dll +---@field Require System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemFilterType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemFilterType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemFilterType +function CS.System.ComponentModel.ToolboxItemFilterType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param sourceType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sourceType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.CanConvertFrom(sourceType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.CanConvertTo(context, destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.CanConvertTo(destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.ConvertFrom(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param text string +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.ConvertFromInvariantString(context, text) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param text string +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.ConvertFromInvariantString(text) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param text string +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.ConvertFromString(context, culture, text) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param text string +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.ConvertFromString(context, text) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param text string +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.ConvertFromString(text) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.ConvertTo(value, destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param value object +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.ConvertToInvariantString(context, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.ConvertToInvariantString(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.ConvertToString(context, culture, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param value object +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.ConvertToString(context, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.ConvertToString(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param propertyValues System.Collections.IDictionary +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.CreateInstance(propertyValues) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param propertyValues System.Collections.IDictionary +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.CreateInstance(context, propertyValues) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.GetCreateInstanceSupported() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.GetCreateInstanceSupported(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param value object +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.GetProperties(context, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param value object +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.GetProperties(context, value, attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.GetProperties(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.GetPropertiesSupported() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.GetPropertiesSupported(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return ICollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.GetStandardValues() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return StandardValuesCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.GetStandardValues(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.GetStandardValuesExclusive() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.GetStandardValuesExclusive(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.GetStandardValuesSupported() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.GetStandardValuesSupported(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.IsValid(context, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter.IsValid(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.StandardValuesCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.StandardValuesCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.ComponentModel.StandardValuesCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.ComponentModel.StandardValuesCollection.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field ConverterTypeName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeConverterAttribute.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param provider System.IServiceProvider +---@param objectType System.Type +---@param argTypes System.Type[] +---@param args object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider.CreateInstance(provider, objectType, argTypes, args) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param instance object +---@return IDictionary +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider.GetCache(instance) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param instance object +---@return ICustomTypeDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider.GetExtendedTypeDescriptor(instance) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider.GetFullComponentName(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param instance object +---@return Type +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider.GetReflectionType(instance) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param objectType System.Type +---@return Type +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider.GetReflectionType(objectType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param objectType System.Type +---@param instance object +---@return Type +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider.GetReflectionType(objectType, instance) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param reflectionType System.Type +---@return Type +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider.GetRuntimeType(reflectionType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param instance object +---@return ICustomTypeDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider.GetTypeDescriptor(instance) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param objectType System.Type +---@return ICustomTypeDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider.GetTypeDescriptor(objectType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param objectType System.Type +---@param instance object +---@return ICustomTypeDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider.GetTypeDescriptor(objectType, instance) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider.IsSupportedType(type) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProviderAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field TypeName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProviderAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor: object +---@source System.dll +---@field ComNativeDescriptorHandler System.ComponentModel.IComNativeDescriptorHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field ComObjectType System.Type +---@source System.dll +---@field InterfaceType System.Type +---@source System.dll +---@field Refreshed System.ComponentModel.RefreshEventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.RefreshEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:add_Refreshed(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.RefreshEventHandler +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:remove_Refreshed(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param instance object +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return TypeDescriptionProvider +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:AddAttributes(instance, attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return TypeDescriptionProvider +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:AddAttributes(type, attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param editorBaseType System.Type +---@param table System.Collections.Hashtable +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:AddEditorTable(editorBaseType, table) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param provider System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider +---@param instance object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:AddProvider(provider, instance) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param provider System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider +---@param type System.Type +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:AddProvider(provider, type) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param provider System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider +---@param instance object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:AddProviderTransparent(provider, instance) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param provider System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider +---@param type System.Type +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:AddProviderTransparent(provider, type) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param primary object +---@param secondary object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:CreateAssociation(primary, secondary) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component System.ComponentModel.IComponent +---@param designerBaseType System.Type +---@return IDesigner +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:CreateDesigner(component, designerBaseType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param componentType System.Type +---@param oldEventDescriptor System.ComponentModel.EventDescriptor +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return EventDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:CreateEvent(componentType, oldEventDescriptor, attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param componentType System.Type +---@param name string +---@param type System.Type +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return EventDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:CreateEvent(componentType, name, type, attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param provider System.IServiceProvider +---@param objectType System.Type +---@param argTypes System.Type[] +---@param args object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:CreateInstance(provider, objectType, argTypes, args) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param componentType System.Type +---@param oldPropertyDescriptor System.ComponentModel.PropertyDescriptor +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return PropertyDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:CreateProperty(componentType, oldPropertyDescriptor, attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param componentType System.Type +---@param name string +---@param type System.Type +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return PropertyDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:CreateProperty(componentType, name, type, attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param primary object +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetAssociation(type, primary) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@return AttributeCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetAttributes(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param noCustomTypeDesc bool +---@return AttributeCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetAttributes(component, noCustomTypeDesc) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param componentType System.Type +---@return AttributeCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetAttributes(componentType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetClassName(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param noCustomTypeDesc bool +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetClassName(component, noCustomTypeDesc) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param componentType System.Type +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetClassName(componentType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetComponentName(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param noCustomTypeDesc bool +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetComponentName(component, noCustomTypeDesc) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@return TypeConverter +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetConverter(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param noCustomTypeDesc bool +---@return TypeConverter +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetConverter(component, noCustomTypeDesc) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return TypeConverter +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetConverter(type) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@return EventDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetDefaultEvent(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param noCustomTypeDesc bool +---@return EventDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetDefaultEvent(component, noCustomTypeDesc) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param componentType System.Type +---@return EventDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetDefaultEvent(componentType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@return PropertyDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetDefaultProperty(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param noCustomTypeDesc bool +---@return PropertyDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetDefaultProperty(component, noCustomTypeDesc) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param componentType System.Type +---@return PropertyDescriptor +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetDefaultProperty(componentType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param editorBaseType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetEditor(component, editorBaseType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param editorBaseType System.Type +---@param noCustomTypeDesc bool +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetEditor(component, editorBaseType, noCustomTypeDesc) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param editorBaseType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetEditor(type, editorBaseType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@return EventDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetEvents(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return EventDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetEvents(component, attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@param noCustomTypeDesc bool +---@return EventDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetEvents(component, attributes, noCustomTypeDesc) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param noCustomTypeDesc bool +---@return EventDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetEvents(component, noCustomTypeDesc) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param componentType System.Type +---@return EventDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetEvents(componentType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param componentType System.Type +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return EventDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetEvents(componentType, attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@return String +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetFullComponentName(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetProperties(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetProperties(component, attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@param noCustomTypeDesc bool +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetProperties(component, attributes, noCustomTypeDesc) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +---@param noCustomTypeDesc bool +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetProperties(component, noCustomTypeDesc) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param componentType System.Type +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetProperties(componentType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param componentType System.Type +---@param attributes System.Attribute[] +---@return PropertyDescriptorCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetProperties(componentType, attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param instance object +---@return TypeDescriptionProvider +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetProvider(instance) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return TypeDescriptionProvider +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetProvider(type) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param instance object +---@return Type +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetReflectionType(instance) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Type +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:GetReflectionType(type) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param component object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:Refresh(component) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:Refresh(assembly) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param module System.Reflection.Module +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:Refresh(module) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param type System.Type +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:Refresh(type) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param primary object +---@param secondary object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:RemoveAssociation(primary, secondary) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param primary object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:RemoveAssociations(primary) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param provider System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider +---@param instance object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:RemoveProvider(provider, instance) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param provider System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider +---@param type System.Type +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:RemoveProvider(provider, type) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param provider System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider +---@param instance object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:RemoveProviderTransparent(provider, instance) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param provider System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptionProvider +---@param type System.Type +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:RemoveProviderTransparent(provider, type) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param infos System.Collections.IList +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor:SortDescriptorArray(infos) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.TypeListConverter: System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeListConverter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param sourceType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeListConverter.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeListConverter.CanConvertTo(context, destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeListConverter.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeListConverter.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return StandardValuesCollection +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeListConverter.GetStandardValues(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeListConverter.GetStandardValuesExclusive(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ComponentModel.TypeListConverter.GetStandardValuesSupported(context) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.UInt16Converter: System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.UInt16Converter = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.UInt32Converter: System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.UInt32Converter = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.UInt64Converter: System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.UInt64Converter = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.WarningException: System.SystemException +---@source System.dll +---@field HelpTopic string +---@source System.dll +---@field HelpUrl string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.WarningException = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.ComponentModel.WarningException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException +---@source System.dll +---@field NativeErrorCode int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception.GetObjectData(info, context) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Configuration.Assemblies.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Configuration.Assemblies.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d2c65f44b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Configuration.Assemblies.lua @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHash: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Empty System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHash +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Algorithm System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHashAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHash = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHash.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHash.GetValue() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte[] +function CS.System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHash.SetValue(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHashAlgorithm: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MD5 System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHashAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHashAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SHA1 System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHashAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SHA256 System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHashAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SHA384 System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHashAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SHA512 System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHashAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHashAlgorithm = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHashAlgorithm +function CS.System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHashAlgorithm:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyVersionCompatibility: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SameDomain System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyVersionCompatibility +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SameMachine System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyVersionCompatibility +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SameProcess System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyVersionCompatibility +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyVersionCompatibility = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyVersionCompatibility +function CS.System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyVersionCompatibility:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Configuration.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Configuration.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9cd59dbac --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Configuration.lua @@ -0,0 +1,926 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.ApplicationScopedSettingAttribute: System.Configuration.SettingAttribute +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.ApplicationScopedSettingAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase: System.Configuration.SettingsBase +---@source System.dll +---@field Context System.Configuration.SettingsContext +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.dll +---@field Properties System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field PropertyValues System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValueCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Providers System.Configuration.SettingsProviderCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field SettingsKey string +---@source System.dll +---@field PropertyChanged System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field SettingChanging System.Configuration.SettingChangingEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field SettingsLoaded System.Configuration.SettingsLoadedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field SettingsSaving System.Configuration.SettingsSavingEventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase.add_PropertyChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase.remove_PropertyChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Configuration.SettingChangingEventHandler +function CS.System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase.add_SettingChanging(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Configuration.SettingChangingEventHandler +function CS.System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase.remove_SettingChanging(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Configuration.SettingsLoadedEventHandler +function CS.System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase.add_SettingsLoaded(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Configuration.SettingsLoadedEventHandler +function CS.System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase.remove_SettingsLoaded(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Configuration.SettingsSavingEventHandler +function CS.System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase.add_SettingsSaving(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Configuration.SettingsSavingEventHandler +function CS.System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase.remove_SettingsSaving(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param propertyName string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase.GetPreviousVersion(propertyName) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase.Reload() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase.Reset() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase.Save() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase.Upgrade() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsGroup: System.Configuration.ConfigurationSectionGroup +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsGroup = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.AppSettingsReader: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.AppSettingsReader = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param key string +---@param type System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Configuration.AppSettingsReader.GetValue(key, type) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection +---@source System.dll +---@field Settings System.Configuration.SettingElementCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.ClientSettingsSection = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.ConfigurationException: System.SystemException +---@source System.dll +---@field BareMessage string +---@source System.dll +---@field Filename string +---@source System.dll +---@field Line int +---@source System.dll +---@field Message string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.ConfigurationException = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Configuration.ConfigurationException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param node System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return String +function CS.System.Configuration.ConfigurationException:GetXmlNodeFilename(node) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param node System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Configuration.ConfigurationException:GetXmlNodeLineNumber(node) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings: object +---@source System.dll +---@field AppSettings System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sectionName string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings:GetConfig(sectionName) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.DefaultSettingValueAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.DefaultSettingValueAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.ConfigXmlDocument: System.Xml.XmlDocument +---@source System.dll +---@field Filename string +---@source System.dll +---@field LineNumber int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.ConfigXmlDocument = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@return XmlAttribute +function CS.System.Configuration.ConfigXmlDocument.CreateAttribute(prefix, localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param data string +---@return XmlCDataSection +function CS.System.Configuration.ConfigXmlDocument.CreateCDataSection(data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param data string +---@return XmlComment +function CS.System.Configuration.ConfigXmlDocument.CreateComment(data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@return XmlElement +function CS.System.Configuration.ConfigXmlDocument.CreateElement(prefix, localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param data string +---@return XmlSignificantWhitespace +function CS.System.Configuration.ConfigXmlDocument.CreateSignificantWhitespace(data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param text string +---@return XmlText +function CS.System.Configuration.ConfigXmlDocument.CreateTextNode(text) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param data string +---@return XmlWhitespace +function CS.System.Configuration.ConfigXmlDocument.CreateWhitespace(data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param filename string +function CS.System.Configuration.ConfigXmlDocument.Load(filename) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param filename string +---@param sourceReader System.Xml.XmlTextReader +function CS.System.Configuration.ConfigXmlDocument.LoadSingleElement(filename, sourceReader) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.DictionarySectionHandler: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.DictionarySectionHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param parent object +---@param context object +---@param section System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return Object +function CS.System.Configuration.DictionarySectionHandler.Create(parent, context, section) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.IApplicationSettingsProvider +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.IApplicationSettingsProvider = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.Configuration.SettingsContext +---@param property System.Configuration.SettingsProperty +---@return SettingsPropertyValue +function CS.System.Configuration.IApplicationSettingsProvider.GetPreviousVersion(context, property) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.Configuration.SettingsContext +function CS.System.Configuration.IApplicationSettingsProvider.Reset(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.Configuration.SettingsContext +---@param properties System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyCollection +function CS.System.Configuration.IApplicationSettingsProvider.Upgrade(context, properties) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.IConfigurationSectionHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.IConfigurationSectionHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param parent object +---@param configContext object +---@param section System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return Object +function CS.System.Configuration.IConfigurationSectionHandler.Create(parent, configContext, section) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.IConfigurationSystem +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.IConfigurationSystem = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param configKey string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Configuration.IConfigurationSystem.GetConfig(configKey) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Configuration.IConfigurationSystem.Init() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.IdnElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field Enabled System.UriIdnScope +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.IdnElement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.IgnoreSectionHandler: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.IgnoreSectionHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param parent object +---@param configContext object +---@param section System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return Object +function CS.System.Configuration.IgnoreSectionHandler.Create(parent, configContext, section) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.LocalFileSettingsProvider: System.Configuration.SettingsProvider +---@source System.dll +---@field ApplicationName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.LocalFileSettingsProvider = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.Configuration.SettingsContext +---@param property System.Configuration.SettingsProperty +---@return SettingsPropertyValue +function CS.System.Configuration.LocalFileSettingsProvider.GetPreviousVersion(context, property) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.Configuration.SettingsContext +---@param properties System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyCollection +---@return SettingsPropertyValueCollection +function CS.System.Configuration.LocalFileSettingsProvider.GetPropertyValues(context, properties) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@param values System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection +function CS.System.Configuration.LocalFileSettingsProvider.Initialize(name, values) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.Configuration.SettingsContext +function CS.System.Configuration.LocalFileSettingsProvider.Reset(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.Configuration.SettingsContext +---@param values System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValueCollection +function CS.System.Configuration.LocalFileSettingsProvider.SetPropertyValues(context, values) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.Configuration.SettingsContext +---@param properties System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyCollection +function CS.System.Configuration.LocalFileSettingsProvider.Upgrade(context, properties) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.IriParsingElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field Enabled bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.IriParsingElement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.ISettingsProviderService +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.ISettingsProviderService = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param property System.Configuration.SettingsProperty +---@return SettingsProvider +function CS.System.Configuration.ISettingsProviderService.GetSettingsProvider(property) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.NameValueFileSectionHandler: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.NameValueFileSectionHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param parent object +---@param configContext object +---@param section System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return Object +function CS.System.Configuration.NameValueFileSectionHandler.Create(parent, configContext, section) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param parent object +---@param context object +---@param section System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return Object +function CS.System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler.Create(parent, context, section) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.NoSettingsVersionUpgradeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.NoSettingsVersionUpgradeAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SchemeSettingElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field GenericUriParserOptions System.GenericUriParserOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SchemeSettingElement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingChangingEventArgs: System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field NewValue object +---@source System.dll +---@field SettingClass string +---@source System.dll +---@field SettingKey string +---@source System.dll +---@field SettingName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingChangingEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SchemeSettingElementCollection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field CollectionType System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollectionType +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Configuration.SchemeSettingElement +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Configuration.SchemeSettingElement +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SchemeSettingElementCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param element System.Configuration.SchemeSettingElement +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Configuration.SchemeSettingElementCollection.IndexOf(element) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingChangingEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingChangingEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Configuration.SettingChangingEventArgs +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingChangingEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Configuration.SettingChangingEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingChangingEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingChangingEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +---@field SerializeAs System.Configuration.SettingsSerializeAs +---@source System.dll +---@field Value System.Configuration.SettingValueElement +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingElement = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param settings object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingElement.Equals(settings) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingElement.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingElementCollection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field CollectionType System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollectionType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingElementCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param element System.Configuration.SettingElement +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingElementCollection.Add(element) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingElementCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param elementKey string +---@return SettingElement +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingElementCollection.Get(elementKey) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param element System.Configuration.SettingElement +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingElementCollection.Remove(element) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingsAttributeDictionary: System.Collections.Hashtable +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingsAttributeDictionary = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingsBase: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Context System.Configuration.SettingsContext +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.dll +---@field Properties System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field PropertyValues System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValueCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Providers System.Configuration.SettingsProviderCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingsBase = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.Configuration.SettingsContext +---@param properties System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyCollection +---@param providers System.Configuration.SettingsProviderCollection +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsBase.Initialize(context, properties, providers) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsBase.Save() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param settingsBase System.Configuration.SettingsBase +---@return SettingsBase +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsBase:Synchronized(settingsBase) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingsManageability: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Roaming System.Configuration.SettingsManageability +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingsManageability = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Configuration.SettingsManageability +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsManageability:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingsContext: System.Collections.Hashtable +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingsContext = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingsManageabilityAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Manageability System.Configuration.SettingsManageability +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingsManageabilityAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingsDescriptionAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Description string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingsDescriptionAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingsProperty: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Attributes System.Configuration.SettingsAttributeDictionary +---@source System.dll +---@field DefaultValue object +---@source System.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +---@field PropertyType System.Type +---@source System.dll +---@field Provider System.Configuration.SettingsProvider +---@source System.dll +---@field SerializeAs System.Configuration.SettingsSerializeAs +---@source System.dll +---@field ThrowOnErrorDeserializing bool +---@source System.dll +---@field ThrowOnErrorSerializing bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingsProperty = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingsGroupDescriptionAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Description string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingsGroupDescriptionAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Configuration.SettingsProperty +---@source System.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param property System.Configuration.SettingsProperty +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyCollection.Add(property) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyCollection.Clone() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyCollection.Remove(name) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyCollection.SetReadOnly() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingsGroupNameAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field GroupName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingsGroupNameAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingsLoadedEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Provider System.Configuration.SettingsProvider +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingsLoadedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingsLoadedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingsLoadedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Configuration.SettingsLoadedEventArgs +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsLoadedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Configuration.SettingsLoadedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsLoadedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsLoadedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyIsReadOnlyException: System.Exception +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyIsReadOnlyException = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyNotFoundException: System.Exception +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyNotFoundException = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Deserialized bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsDirty bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +---@field Property System.Configuration.SettingsProperty +---@source System.dll +---@field PropertyValue object +---@source System.dll +---@field SerializedValue object +---@source System.dll +---@field UsingDefaultValue bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValueCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue +---@source System.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValueCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param property System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValue +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValueCollection.Add(property) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValueCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValueCollection.Clone() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValueCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValueCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValueCollection.Remove(name) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValueCollection.SetReadOnly() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyWrongTypeException: System.Exception +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyWrongTypeException = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingsProvider: System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderBase +---@source System.dll +---@field ApplicationName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingsProvider = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.Configuration.SettingsContext +---@param collection System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyCollection +---@return SettingsPropertyValueCollection +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsProvider.GetPropertyValues(context, collection) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.Configuration.SettingsContext +---@param collection System.Configuration.SettingsPropertyValueCollection +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsProvider.SetPropertyValues(context, collection) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SingleTagSectionHandler: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SingleTagSectionHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param parent object +---@param context object +---@param section System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return Object +function CS.System.Configuration.SingleTagSectionHandler.Create(parent, context, section) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingsProviderAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field ProviderTypeName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingsProviderAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SpecialSetting: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field ConnectionString System.Configuration.SpecialSetting +---@source System.dll +---@field WebServiceUrl System.Configuration.SpecialSetting +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SpecialSetting = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Configuration.SpecialSetting +function CS.System.Configuration.SpecialSetting:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingsProviderCollection: System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Configuration.SettingsProvider +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingsProviderCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param provider System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderBase +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsProviderCollection.Add(provider) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SpecialSettingAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field SpecialSetting System.Configuration.SpecialSetting +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SpecialSettingAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingsSavingEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingsSavingEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsSavingEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsSavingEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsSavingEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.UriSection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection +---@source System.dll +---@field Idn System.Configuration.IdnElement +---@source System.dll +---@field IriParsing System.Configuration.IriParsingElement +---@source System.dll +---@field SchemeSettings System.Configuration.SchemeSettingElementCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.UriSection = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingsSerializeAs: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Binary System.Configuration.SettingsSerializeAs +---@source System.dll +---@field ProviderSpecific System.Configuration.SettingsSerializeAs +---@source System.dll +---@field String System.Configuration.SettingsSerializeAs +---@source System.dll +---@field Xml System.Configuration.SettingsSerializeAs +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingsSerializeAs = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Configuration.SettingsSerializeAs +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingsSerializeAs:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingsSerializeAsAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field SerializeAs System.Configuration.SettingsSerializeAs +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingsSerializeAsAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.SettingValueElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field ValueXml System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.SettingValueElement = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param settingValue object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingValueElement.Equals(settingValue) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Configuration.SettingValueElement.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Configuration.UserSettingsGroup: System.Configuration.ConfigurationSectionGroup +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Configuration.UserSettingsGroup = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Data.Common.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Data.Common.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bcb35b909 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Data.Common.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1823 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.CatalogLocation: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field End System.Data.Common.CatalogLocation +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Start System.Data.Common.CatalogLocation +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.CatalogLocation = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.Common.CatalogLocation +function CS.System.Data.Common.CatalogLocation:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DataAdapter: System.ComponentModel.Component +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AcceptChangesDuringFill bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AcceptChangesDuringUpdate bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ContinueUpdateOnError bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field FillLoadOption System.Data.LoadOption +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MissingMappingAction System.Data.MissingMappingAction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MissingSchemaAction System.Data.MissingSchemaAction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ReturnProviderSpecificTypes bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TableMappings System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field FillError System.Data.FillErrorEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DataAdapter = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.FillErrorEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataAdapter.add_FillError(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.FillErrorEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataAdapter.remove_FillError(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSet System.Data.DataSet +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataAdapter.Fill(dataSet) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSet System.Data.DataSet +---@param schemaType System.Data.SchemaType +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataAdapter.FillSchema(dataSet, schemaType) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataAdapter.GetFillParameters() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataAdapter.ResetFillLoadOption() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataAdapter.ShouldSerializeAcceptChangesDuringFill() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataAdapter.ShouldSerializeFillLoadOption() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSet System.Data.DataSet +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataAdapter.Update(dataSet) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataSetColumn string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SourceColumn string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataTable System.Data.DataTable +---@param dataType System.Type +---@param schemaAction System.Data.MissingSchemaAction +---@return DataColumn +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping.GetDataColumnBySchemaAction(dataTable, dataType, schemaAction) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sourceColumn string +---@param dataSetColumn string +---@param dataTable System.Data.DataTable +---@param dataType System.Type +---@param schemaAction System.Data.MissingSchemaAction +---@return DataColumn +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping:GetDataColumnBySchemaAction(sourceColumn, dataSetColumn, dataTable, dataType, schemaAction) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sourceColumn string +---@param dataSetColumn string +---@return DataColumnMapping +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection.Add(sourceColumn, dataSetColumn) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values System.Array +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection.AddRange(values) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping[] +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection.AddRange(values) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value string +---@return DataColumnMapping +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection.GetByDataSetColumn(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param columnMappings System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection +---@param sourceColumn string +---@param mappingAction System.Data.MissingMappingAction +---@return DataColumnMapping +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection:GetColumnMappingBySchemaAction(columnMappings, sourceColumn, mappingAction) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param columnMappings System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection +---@param sourceColumn string +---@param dataType System.Type +---@param dataTable System.Data.DataTable +---@param mappingAction System.Data.MissingMappingAction +---@param schemaAction System.Data.MissingSchemaAction +---@return DataColumn +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection:GetDataColumn(columnMappings, sourceColumn, dataType, dataTable, mappingAction, schemaAction) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sourceColumn string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection.IndexOf(sourceColumn) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSetColumn string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection.IndexOfDataSetColumn(dataSetColumn) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +---@param value object +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.Common.DataColumnMapping +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection.Remove(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection.Remove(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection.RemoveAt(index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sourceColumn string +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection.RemoveAt(sourceColumn) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ColumnMappings System.Data.Common.DataColumnMappingCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataSetTable string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SourceTable string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sourceColumn string +---@param mappingAction System.Data.MissingMappingAction +---@return DataColumnMapping +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping.GetColumnMappingBySchemaAction(sourceColumn, mappingAction) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sourceColumn string +---@param dataType System.Type +---@param dataTable System.Data.DataTable +---@param mappingAction System.Data.MissingMappingAction +---@param schemaAction System.Data.MissingSchemaAction +---@return DataColumn +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping.GetDataColumn(sourceColumn, dataType, dataTable, mappingAction, schemaAction) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSet System.Data.DataSet +---@param schemaAction System.Data.MissingSchemaAction +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping.GetDataTableBySchemaAction(dataSet, schemaAction) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sourceTable string +---@param dataSetTable string +---@return DataTableMapping +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection.Add(sourceTable, dataSetTable) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values System.Array +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection.AddRange(values) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping[] +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection.AddRange(values) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSetTable string +---@return DataTableMapping +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection.GetByDataSetTable(dataSetTable) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param tableMappings System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection +---@param sourceTable string +---@param dataSetTable string +---@param mappingAction System.Data.MissingMappingAction +---@return DataTableMapping +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection:GetTableMappingBySchemaAction(tableMappings, sourceTable, dataSetTable, mappingAction) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sourceTable string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection.IndexOf(sourceTable) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSetTable string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection.IndexOfDataSetTable(dataSetTable) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +---@param value object +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection.Remove(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection.Remove(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection.RemoveAt(index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sourceTable string +function CS.System.Data.Common.DataTableMappingCollection.RemoveAt(sourceTable) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DbColumn: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AllowDBNull bool? +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BaseCatalogName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BaseColumnName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BaseSchemaName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BaseServerName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BaseTableName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ColumnName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ColumnOrdinal int? +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ColumnSize int? +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataType System.Type +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataTypeName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsAliased bool? +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsAutoIncrement bool? +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsExpression bool? +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsHidden bool? +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsIdentity bool? +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsKey bool? +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsLong bool? +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool? +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsUnique bool? +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field NumericPrecision int? +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field NumericScale int? +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UdtAssemblyQualifiedName string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DbColumn = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DbCommand: System.ComponentModel.Component +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CommandText string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CommandTimeout int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CommandType System.Data.CommandType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Connection System.Data.Common.DbConnection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DesignTimeVisible bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Parameters System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Transaction System.Data.Common.DbTransaction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UpdatedRowSource System.Data.UpdateRowSource +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommand = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommand.Cancel() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbParameter +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommand.CreateParameter() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteNonQueryAsync() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbDataReader +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteReader() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param behavior System.Data.CommandBehavior +---@return DbDataReader +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteReader(behavior) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param behavior System.Data.CommandBehavior +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync(behavior) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param behavior System.Data.CommandBehavior +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync(behavior, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync(cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteScalar() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteScalarAsync() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommand.ExecuteScalarAsync(cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommand.Prepare() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder: System.ComponentModel.Component +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CatalogLocation System.Data.Common.CatalogLocation +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CatalogSeparator string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ConflictOption System.Data.ConflictOption +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataAdapter System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field QuotePrefix string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field QuoteSuffix string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SchemaSeparator string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SetAllValues bool +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbCommand +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder.GetDeleteCommand() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param useColumnsForParameterNames bool +---@return DbCommand +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder.GetDeleteCommand(useColumnsForParameterNames) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbCommand +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder.GetInsertCommand() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param useColumnsForParameterNames bool +---@return DbCommand +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder.GetInsertCommand(useColumnsForParameterNames) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbCommand +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder.GetUpdateCommand() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param useColumnsForParameterNames bool +---@return DbCommand +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder.GetUpdateCommand(useColumnsForParameterNames) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param unquotedIdentifier string +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder.QuoteIdentifier(unquotedIdentifier) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder.RefreshSchema() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param quotedIdentifier string +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder.UnquoteIdentifier(quotedIdentifier) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DbConnection: System.ComponentModel.Component +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ConnectionString string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ConnectionTimeout int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Database string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataSource string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ServerVersion string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field State System.Data.ConnectionState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field StateChange System.Data.StateChangeEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.StateChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnection.add_StateChange(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.StateChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnection.remove_StateChange(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbTransaction +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnection.BeginTransaction() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param isolationLevel System.Data.IsolationLevel +---@return DbTransaction +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnection.BeginTransaction(isolationLevel) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param databaseName string +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnection.ChangeDatabase(databaseName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnection.Close() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbCommand +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnection.CreateCommand() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param transaction System.Transactions.Transaction +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnection.EnlistTransaction(transaction) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnection.GetSchema() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param collectionName string +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnection.GetSchema(collectionName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param collectionName string +---@param restrictionValues string[] +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnection.GetSchema(collectionName, restrictionValues) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnection.Open() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnection.OpenAsync() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnection.OpenAsync(cancellationToken) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BrowsableConnectionString bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ConnectionString string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsFixedSize bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Keys System.Collections.ICollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Values System.Collections.ICollection +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param keyword string +---@param value object +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.Add(keyword, value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param builder System.Text.StringBuilder +---@param keyword string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder:AppendKeyValuePair(builder, keyword, value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param builder System.Text.StringBuilder +---@param keyword string +---@param value string +---@param useOdbcRules bool +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder:AppendKeyValuePair(builder, keyword, value, useOdbcRules) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.Clear() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param keyword string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.ContainsKey(keyword) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param connectionStringBuilder System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.EquivalentTo(connectionStringBuilder) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param keyword string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.Remove(keyword) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param keyword string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.ShouldSerialize(keyword) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.ToString() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param keyword string +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder.TryGetValue(keyword, value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter: System.Data.Common.DataAdapter +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DefaultSourceTableName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DeleteCommand System.Data.Common.DbCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field InsertCommand System.Data.Common.DbCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SelectCommand System.Data.Common.DbCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UpdateBatchSize int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UpdateCommand System.Data.Common.DbCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSet System.Data.DataSet +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(dataSet) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSet System.Data.DataSet +---@param startRecord int +---@param maxRecords int +---@param srcTable string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(dataSet, startRecord, maxRecords, srcTable) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSet System.Data.DataSet +---@param srcTable string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(dataSet, srcTable) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataTable System.Data.DataTable +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(dataTable) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param startRecord int +---@param maxRecords int +---@param dataTables System.Data.DataTable[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Fill(startRecord, maxRecords, dataTables) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSet System.Data.DataSet +---@param schemaType System.Data.SchemaType +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillSchema(dataSet, schemaType) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSet System.Data.DataSet +---@param schemaType System.Data.SchemaType +---@param srcTable string +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillSchema(dataSet, schemaType, srcTable) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataTable System.Data.DataTable +---@param schemaType System.Data.SchemaType +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.FillSchema(dataTable, schemaType) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.GetFillParameters() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataRows System.Data.DataRow[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Update(dataRows) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSet System.Data.DataSet +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Update(dataSet) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSet System.Data.DataSet +---@param srcTable string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Update(dataSet, srcTable) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataTable System.Data.DataTable +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter.Update(dataTable) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DBDataPermission: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AllowBlankPassword bool +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DBDataPermission = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param connectionString string +---@param restrictions string +---@param behavior System.Data.KeyRestrictionBehavior +function CS.System.Data.Common.DBDataPermission.Add(connectionString, restrictions, behavior) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Data.Common.DBDataPermission.Copy() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param securityElement System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Data.Common.DBDataPermission.FromXml(securityElement) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Data.Common.DBDataPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DBDataPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DBDataPermission.IsUnrestricted() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Data.Common.DBDataPermission.ToXml() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Data.Common.DBDataPermission.Union(target) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DBDataPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AllowBlankPassword bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ConnectionString string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field KeyRestrictionBehavior System.Data.KeyRestrictionBehavior +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field KeyRestrictions string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DBDataPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DBDataPermissionAttribute.ShouldSerializeConnectionString() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DBDataPermissionAttribute.ShouldSerializeKeyRestrictions() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DbDataReader: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Depth int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field FieldCount int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field HasRows bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsClosed bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RecordsAffected int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field VisibleFieldCount int +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.Close() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.Dispose() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetBoolean(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetByte(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@param dataOffset long +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param bufferOffset int +---@param length int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetBytes(ordinal, dataOffset, buffer, bufferOffset, length) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Char +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetChar(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@param dataOffset long +---@param buffer char[] +---@param bufferOffset int +---@param length int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetChars(ordinal, dataOffset, buffer, bufferOffset, length) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return DbDataReader +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetData(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetDataTypeName(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetDateTime(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetDecimal(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Double +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetDouble(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Type +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetFieldType(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetFieldValueAsync(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetFieldValueAsync(ordinal, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return T +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetFieldValue(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Single +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetFloat(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetGuid(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetInt16(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetInt32(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetInt64(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetName(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetOrdinal(name) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Type +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetProviderSpecificFieldType(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetProviderSpecificValue(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values object[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetProviderSpecificValues(values) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetSchemaTable() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetStream(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetString(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return TextReader +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetTextReader(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetValue(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values object[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.GetValues(values) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.IsDBNull(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.IsDBNullAsync(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.IsDBNullAsync(ordinal, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.NextResult() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.NextResultAsync() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.NextResultAsync(cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.Read() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.ReadAsync() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReader.ReadAsync(cancellationToken) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DbDataReaderExtensions: object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReaderExtensions = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReaderExtensions.CanGetColumnSchema() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return ReadOnlyCollection +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataReaderExtensions.GetColumnSchema() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field FieldCount int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord.GetBoolean(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord.GetByte(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@param dataIndex long +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param bufferIndex int +---@param length int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord.GetBytes(i, dataIndex, buffer, bufferIndex, length) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Char +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord.GetChar(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@param dataIndex long +---@param buffer char[] +---@param bufferIndex int +---@param length int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord.GetChars(i, dataIndex, buffer, bufferIndex, length) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return IDataReader +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord.GetData(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord.GetDataTypeName(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord.GetDateTime(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord.GetDecimal(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Double +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord.GetDouble(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Type +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord.GetFieldType(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Single +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord.GetFloat(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord.GetGuid(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord.GetInt16(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord.GetInt32(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord.GetInt64(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord.GetName(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord.GetOrdinal(name) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord.GetString(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord.GetValue(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values object[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord.GetValues(values) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataRecord.IsDBNull(i) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DbDataSourceEnumerator: object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataSourceEnumerator = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbDataSourceEnumerator.GetDataSources() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DbEnumerator: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Current object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DbEnumerator = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbEnumerator.MoveNext() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbEnumerator.Reset() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DbException: System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DbException = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DbMetaDataCollectionNames: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataSourceInformation string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataTypes string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MetaDataCollections string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ReservedWords string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Restrictions string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DbMetaDataCollectionNames = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DbMetaDataColumnNames: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CollectionName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ColumnSize string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CompositeIdentifierSeparatorPattern string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CreateFormat string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CreateParameters string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataSourceProductName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataSourceProductVersion string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataSourceProductVersionNormalized string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataType string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field GroupByBehavior string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IdentifierCase string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IdentifierPattern string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsAutoIncrementable string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsBestMatch string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsCaseSensitive string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsConcurrencyType string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsFixedLength string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsFixedPrecisionScale string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsLiteralSupported string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsLong string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNullable string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsSearchable string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsSearchableWithLike string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsUnsigned string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field LiteralPrefix string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field LiteralSuffix string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MaximumScale string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MinimumScale string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field NumberOfIdentifierParts string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field NumberOfRestrictions string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field OrderByColumnsInSelect string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ParameterMarkerFormat string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ParameterMarkerPattern string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ParameterNameMaxLength string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ParameterNamePattern string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ProviderDbType string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field QuotedIdentifierCase string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field QuotedIdentifierPattern string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ReservedWord string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field StatementSeparatorPattern string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field StringLiteralPattern string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SupportedJoinOperators string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TypeName string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DbMetaDataColumnNames = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DbParameter: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DbType System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Direction System.Data.ParameterDirection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNullable bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ParameterName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Precision byte +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Scale byte +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Size int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SourceColumn string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SourceColumnNullMapping bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SourceVersion System.Data.DataRowVersion +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Value object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DbParameter = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbParameter.ResetDbType() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsFixedSize bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.Common.DbParameter +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.Common.DbParameter +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values System.Array +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.AddRange(values) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.IndexOf(parameterName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +---@param value object +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.Remove(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.RemoveAt(index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection.RemoveAt(parameterName) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DbProviderConfigurationHandler: object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DbProviderConfigurationHandler = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parent object +---@param configContext object +---@param section System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return Object +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbProviderConfigurationHandler.Create(parent, configContext, section) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactories: object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactories = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param connection System.Data.Common.DbConnection +---@return DbProviderFactory +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactories:GetFactory(connection) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param providerRow System.Data.DataRow +---@return DbProviderFactory +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactories:GetFactory(providerRow) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param providerInvariantName string +---@return DbProviderFactory +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactories:GetFactory(providerInvariantName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactories:GetFactoryClasses() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactoriesConfigurationHandler: object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactoriesConfigurationHandler = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parent object +---@param configContext object +---@param section System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return Object +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactoriesConfigurationHandler.Create(parent, configContext, section) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CanCreateDataSourceEnumerator bool +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbCommand +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory.CreateCommand() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbCommandBuilder +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory.CreateCommandBuilder() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbConnection +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory.CreateConnection() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbConnectionStringBuilder +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory.CreateConnectionStringBuilder() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbDataAdapter +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory.CreateDataAdapter() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbDataSourceEnumerator +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory.CreateDataSourceEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbParameter +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory.CreateParameter() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param state System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState +---@return CodeAccessPermission +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory.CreatePermission(state) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DbProviderSpecificTypePropertyAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsProviderSpecificTypeProperty bool +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DbProviderSpecificTypePropertyAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.DbTransaction: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Connection System.Data.Common.DbConnection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsolationLevel System.Data.IsolationLevel +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.DbTransaction = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbTransaction.Commit() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbTransaction.Dispose() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Common.DbTransaction.Rollback() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.GroupByBehavior: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ExactMatch System.Data.Common.GroupByBehavior +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MustContainAll System.Data.Common.GroupByBehavior +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field NotSupported System.Data.Common.GroupByBehavior +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Unknown System.Data.Common.GroupByBehavior +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Unrelated System.Data.Common.GroupByBehavior +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.GroupByBehavior = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.Common.GroupByBehavior +function CS.System.Data.Common.GroupByBehavior:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.IDbColumnSchemaGenerator +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.IDbColumnSchemaGenerator = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return ReadOnlyCollection +function CS.System.Data.Common.IDbColumnSchemaGenerator.GetColumnSchema() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.IdentifierCase: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Insensitive System.Data.Common.IdentifierCase +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Sensitive System.Data.Common.IdentifierCase +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Unknown System.Data.Common.IdentifierCase +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.IdentifierCase = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.Common.IdentifierCase +function CS.System.Data.Common.IdentifierCase:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Command System.Data.IDbCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Errors System.Exception +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RecordsAffected int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Row System.Data.DataRow +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RowCount int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field StatementType System.Data.StatementType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Status System.Data.UpdateStatus +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TableMapping System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Data.DataRow[] +function CS.System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs.CopyToRows(array) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Data.DataRow[] +---@param arrayIndex int +function CS.System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs.CopyToRows(array, arrayIndex) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Command System.Data.IDbCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Errors System.Exception +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Row System.Data.DataRow +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field StatementType System.Data.StatementType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Status System.Data.UpdateStatus +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TableMapping System.Data.Common.DataTableMapping +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.SchemaTableColumn: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AllowDBNull string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BaseColumnName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BaseSchemaName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BaseTableName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ColumnName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ColumnOrdinal string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ColumnSize string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataType string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsAliased string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsExpression string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsKey string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsLong string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsUnique string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field NonVersionedProviderType string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field NumericPrecision string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field NumericScale string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ProviderType string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.SchemaTableColumn = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.SchemaTableOptionalColumn: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AutoIncrementSeed string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AutoIncrementStep string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BaseCatalogName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BaseColumnNamespace string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BaseServerName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BaseTableNamespace string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ColumnMapping string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DefaultValue string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Expression string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsAutoIncrement string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsHidden string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsReadOnly string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsRowVersion string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ProviderSpecificDataType string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.SchemaTableOptionalColumn = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Common.SupportedJoinOperators: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field FullOuter System.Data.Common.SupportedJoinOperators +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Inner System.Data.Common.SupportedJoinOperators +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field LeftOuter System.Data.Common.SupportedJoinOperators +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field None System.Data.Common.SupportedJoinOperators +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RightOuter System.Data.Common.SupportedJoinOperators +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Common.SupportedJoinOperators = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.Common.SupportedJoinOperators +function CS.System.Data.Common.SupportedJoinOperators:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Data.Odbc.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Data.Odbc.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0778ae4ce --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Data.Odbc.lua @@ -0,0 +1,931 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand: System.Data.Common.DbCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CommandText string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CommandTimeout int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CommandType System.Data.CommandType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Connection System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DesignTimeVisible bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Parameters System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Transaction System.Data.Odbc.OdbcTransaction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UpdatedRowSource System.Data.UpdateRowSource +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.Cancel() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return OdbcParameter +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.CreateParameter() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return OdbcDataReader +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.ExecuteReader() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param behavior System.Data.CommandBehavior +---@return OdbcDataReader +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.ExecuteReader(behavior) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.ExecuteScalar() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.Prepare() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand.ResetCommandTimeout() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommandBuilder: System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataAdapter System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommandBuilder = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param command System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommandBuilder:DeriveParameters(command) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return OdbcCommand +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommandBuilder.GetDeleteCommand() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param useColumnsForParameterNames bool +---@return OdbcCommand +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommandBuilder.GetDeleteCommand(useColumnsForParameterNames) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return OdbcCommand +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommandBuilder.GetInsertCommand() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param useColumnsForParameterNames bool +---@return OdbcCommand +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommandBuilder.GetInsertCommand(useColumnsForParameterNames) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return OdbcCommand +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommandBuilder.GetUpdateCommand() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param useColumnsForParameterNames bool +---@return OdbcCommand +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommandBuilder.GetUpdateCommand(useColumnsForParameterNames) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param unquotedIdentifier string +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommandBuilder.QuoteIdentifier(unquotedIdentifier) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param unquotedIdentifier string +---@param connection System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommandBuilder.QuoteIdentifier(unquotedIdentifier, connection) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param quotedIdentifier string +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommandBuilder.UnquoteIdentifier(quotedIdentifier) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param quotedIdentifier string +---@param connection System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommandBuilder.UnquoteIdentifier(quotedIdentifier, connection) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection: System.Data.Common.DbConnection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ConnectionString string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ConnectionTimeout int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Database string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataSource string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Driver string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ServerVersion string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field State System.Data.ConnectionState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field InfoMessage System.Data.Odbc.OdbcInfoMessageEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.Odbc.OdbcInfoMessageEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.add_InfoMessage(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.Odbc.OdbcInfoMessageEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.remove_InfoMessage(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return OdbcTransaction +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.BeginTransaction() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param isolevel System.Data.IsolationLevel +---@return OdbcTransaction +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.BeginTransaction(isolevel) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value string +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.ChangeDatabase(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.Close() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return OdbcCommand +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.CreateCommand() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param transaction System.EnterpriseServices.ITransaction +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.EnlistDistributedTransaction(transaction) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param transaction System.Transactions.Transaction +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.EnlistTransaction(transaction) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.GetSchema() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param collectionName string +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.GetSchema(collectionName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param collectionName string +---@param restrictionValues string[] +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.GetSchema(collectionName, restrictionValues) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.Open() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection:ReleaseObjectPool() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnectionStringBuilder: System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Driver string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Dsn string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Keys System.Collections.ICollection +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnectionStringBuilder = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnectionStringBuilder.Clear() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param keyword string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnectionStringBuilder.ContainsKey(keyword) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param keyword string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnectionStringBuilder.Remove(keyword) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param keyword string +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnectionStringBuilder.TryGetValue(keyword, value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter: System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DeleteCommand System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field InsertCommand System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SelectCommand System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UpdateCommand System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RowUpdated System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatedEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RowUpdating System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatingEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatedEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter.add_RowUpdated(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatedEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter.remove_RowUpdated(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatingEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter.add_RowUpdating(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatingEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataAdapter.remove_RowUpdating(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Depth int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field FieldCount int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field HasRows bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsClosed bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RecordsAffected int +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.Close() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetBoolean(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetByte(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@param dataIndex long +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param bufferIndex int +---@param length int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetBytes(i, dataIndex, buffer, bufferIndex, length) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Char +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetChar(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@param dataIndex long +---@param buffer char[] +---@param bufferIndex int +---@param length int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetChars(i, dataIndex, buffer, bufferIndex, length) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetDataTypeName(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetDate(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetDateTime(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetDecimal(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Double +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetDouble(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Type +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetFieldType(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Single +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetFloat(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetGuid(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetInt16(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetInt32(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetInt64(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetName(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetOrdinal(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetSchemaTable() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetString(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetTime(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetValue(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values object[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.GetValues(values) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.IsDBNull(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.NextResult() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcDataReader.Read() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcError: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Message string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field NativeError int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Source string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SQLState string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcError = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcError.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcErrorCollection: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.Odbc.OdbcError +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcErrorCollection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param i int +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcErrorCollection.CopyTo(array, i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Data.Odbc.OdbcError[] +---@param i int +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcErrorCollection.CopyTo(array, i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcErrorCollection.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: System.Data.Common.DbException +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Errors System.Data.Odbc.OdbcErrorCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Source string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param si System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException.GetObjectData(si, context) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcFactory: System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Instance System.Data.Odbc.OdbcFactory +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcFactory = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbCommand +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcFactory.CreateCommand() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbCommandBuilder +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcFactory.CreateCommandBuilder() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbConnection +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcFactory.CreateConnection() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbConnectionStringBuilder +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcFactory.CreateConnectionStringBuilder() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbDataAdapter +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcFactory.CreateDataAdapter() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbParameter +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcFactory.CreateParameter() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param state System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState +---@return CodeAccessPermission +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcFactory.CreatePermission(state) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcInfoMessageEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Errors System.Data.Odbc.OdbcErrorCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Message string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcInfoMessageEventArgs = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcInfoMessageEventArgs.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcInfoMessageEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcInfoMessageEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.Odbc.OdbcInfoMessageEventArgs +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcInfoMessageEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.Odbc.OdbcInfoMessageEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcInfoMessageEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcInfoMessageEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcMetaDataCollectionNames: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Columns string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Indexes string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ProcedureColumns string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ProcedureParameters string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Procedures string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Tables string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Views string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcMetaDataCollectionNames = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcMetaDataColumnNames: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BooleanFalseLiteral string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BooleanTrueLiteral string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SQLType string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcMetaDataColumnNames = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter: System.Data.Common.DbParameter +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DbType System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Direction System.Data.ParameterDirection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNullable bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field OdbcType System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ParameterName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Precision byte +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Scale byte +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Size int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SourceColumn string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SourceColumnNullMapping bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SourceVersion System.Data.DataRowVersion +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Value object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter.ResetDbType() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter.ResetOdbcType() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection: System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsFixedSize bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter +---@return OdbcParameter +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +---@param odbcType System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@return OdbcParameter +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.Add(parameterName, odbcType) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +---@param odbcType System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@param size int +---@return OdbcParameter +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.Add(parameterName, odbcType, size) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +---@param odbcType System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@param size int +---@param sourceColumn string +---@return OdbcParameter +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.Add(parameterName, odbcType, size, sourceColumn) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +---@param value object +---@return OdbcParameter +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.Add(parameterName, value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values System.Array +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.AddRange(values) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter[] +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.AddRange(values) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +---@param value object +---@return OdbcParameter +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.AddWithValue(parameterName, value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.IndexOf(parameterName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +---@param value object +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameter +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.Remove(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.Remove(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.RemoveAt(index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcParameterCollection.RemoveAt(parameterName) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcPermission: System.Data.Common.DBDataPermission +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcPermission = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param connectionString string +---@param restrictions string +---@param behavior System.Data.KeyRestrictionBehavior +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcPermission.Add(connectionString, restrictions, behavior) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcPermission.Copy() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcPermissionAttribute: System.Data.Common.DBDataPermissionAttribute +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatedEventArgs: System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Command System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatedEventArgs +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatingEventArgs: System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Command System.Data.Odbc.OdbcCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatingEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatingEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatingEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatingEventArgs +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatingEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatingEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatingEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcRowUpdatingEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcTransaction: System.Data.Common.DbTransaction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Connection System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsolationLevel System.Data.IsolationLevel +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcTransaction = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcTransaction.Commit() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcTransaction.Rollback() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BigInt System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Binary System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Bit System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Char System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Date System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DateTime System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Decimal System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Double System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Image System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Int System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field NChar System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field NText System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Numeric System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field NVarChar System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Real System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SmallDateTime System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SmallInt System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Text System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Time System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Timestamp System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TinyInt System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UniqueIdentifier System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field VarBinary System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field VarChar System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType +function CS.System.Data.Odbc.OdbcType:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Data.OleDb.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Data.OleDb.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fda7ec137 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Data.OleDb.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1156 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand: System.Data.Common.DbCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CommandText string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CommandTimeout int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CommandType System.Data.CommandType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Connection System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DesignTimeVisible bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Parameters System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Transaction System.Data.OleDb.OleDbTransaction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UpdatedRowSource System.Data.UpdateRowSource +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.Cancel() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return OleDbCommand +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.Clone() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return OleDbParameter +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.CreateParameter() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return OleDbDataReader +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteReader() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param behavior System.Data.CommandBehavior +---@return OleDbDataReader +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteReader(behavior) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteScalar() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.Prepare() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ResetCommandTimeout() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder: System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataAdapter System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param command System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder:DeriveParameters(command) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return OleDbCommand +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder.GetDeleteCommand() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param useColumnsForParameterNames bool +---@return OleDbCommand +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder.GetDeleteCommand(useColumnsForParameterNames) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return OleDbCommand +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder.GetInsertCommand() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param useColumnsForParameterNames bool +---@return OleDbCommand +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder.GetInsertCommand(useColumnsForParameterNames) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return OleDbCommand +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder.GetUpdateCommand() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param useColumnsForParameterNames bool +---@return OleDbCommand +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder.GetUpdateCommand(useColumnsForParameterNames) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param unquotedIdentifier string +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder.QuoteIdentifier(unquotedIdentifier) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param unquotedIdentifier string +---@param connection System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder.QuoteIdentifier(unquotedIdentifier, connection) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param quotedIdentifier string +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder.UnquoteIdentifier(quotedIdentifier) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param quotedIdentifier string +---@param connection System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder.UnquoteIdentifier(quotedIdentifier, connection) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection: System.Data.Common.DbConnection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ConnectionString string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ConnectionTimeout int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Database string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataSource string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Provider string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ServerVersion string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field State System.Data.ConnectionState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field InfoMessage System.Data.OleDb.OleDbInfoMessageEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.OleDb.OleDbInfoMessageEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.add_InfoMessage(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.OleDb.OleDbInfoMessageEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.remove_InfoMessage(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return OleDbTransaction +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.BeginTransaction() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param isolationLevel System.Data.IsolationLevel +---@return OleDbTransaction +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.BeginTransaction(isolationLevel) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value string +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.ChangeDatabase(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.Close() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return OleDbCommand +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.CreateCommand() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param transaction System.EnterpriseServices.ITransaction +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.EnlistDistributedTransaction(transaction) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param transaction System.Transactions.Transaction +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.EnlistTransaction(transaction) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param schema System.Guid +---@param restrictions object[] +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(schema, restrictions) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.GetSchema() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param collectionName string +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.GetSchema(collectionName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param collectionName string +---@param restrictionValues string[] +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.GetSchema(collectionName, restrictionValues) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.Open() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection:ReleaseObjectPool() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection.ResetState() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionStringBuilder: System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataSource string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field FileName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Keys System.Collections.ICollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field OleDbServices int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field PersistSecurityInfo bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Provider string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionStringBuilder = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionStringBuilder.Clear() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param keyword string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionStringBuilder.ContainsKey(keyword) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param keyword string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionStringBuilder.Remove(keyword) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param keyword string +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionStringBuilder.TryGetValue(keyword, value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter: System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DeleteCommand System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field InsertCommand System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SelectCommand System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UpdateCommand System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RowUpdated System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatedEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RowUpdating System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatingEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatedEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter.add_RowUpdated(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatedEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter.remove_RowUpdated(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatingEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter.add_RowUpdating(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatingEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter.remove_RowUpdating(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSet System.Data.DataSet +---@param ADODBRecordSet object +---@param srcTable string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter.Fill(dataSet, ADODBRecordSet, srcTable) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataTable System.Data.DataTable +---@param ADODBRecordSet object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter.Fill(dataTable, ADODBRecordSet) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Depth int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field FieldCount int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field HasRows bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsClosed bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RecordsAffected int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field VisibleFieldCount int +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.Close() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetBoolean(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetByte(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@param dataIndex long +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param bufferIndex int +---@param length int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetBytes(ordinal, dataIndex, buffer, bufferIndex, length) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Char +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetChar(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@param dataIndex long +---@param buffer char[] +---@param bufferIndex int +---@param length int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetChars(ordinal, dataIndex, buffer, bufferIndex, length) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return OleDbDataReader +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetData(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetDataTypeName(index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetDateTime(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetDecimal(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Double +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetDouble(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +---@return Type +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetFieldType(index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Single +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetFloat(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetGuid(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetInt16(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetInt32(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetInt64(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetName(index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetOrdinal(name) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetSchemaTable() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetString(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetTimeSpan(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetValue(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values object[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.GetValues(values) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.IsDBNull(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.NextResult() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.Read() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbEnumerator: object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbEnumerator = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbEnumerator.GetElements() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return OleDbDataReader +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbEnumerator:GetEnumerator(type) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return OleDbDataReader +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbEnumerator:GetRootEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbError: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Message string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field NativeError int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Source string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SQLState string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbError = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbError.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: System.Data.Common.DbException +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ErrorCode int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Errors System.Data.OleDb.OleDbErrorCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param si System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException.GetObjectData(si, context) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbFactory: System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Instance System.Data.OleDb.OleDbFactory +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbFactory = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbCommand +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbFactory.CreateCommand() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbCommandBuilder +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbFactory.CreateCommandBuilder() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbConnection +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbFactory.CreateConnection() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbConnectionStringBuilder +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbFactory.CreateConnectionStringBuilder() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbDataAdapter +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbFactory.CreateDataAdapter() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbParameter +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbFactory.CreateParameter() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param state System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState +---@return CodeAccessPermission +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbFactory.CreatePermission(state) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbInfoMessageEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ErrorCode int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Errors System.Data.OleDb.OleDbErrorCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Message string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Source string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbInfoMessageEventArgs = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbInfoMessageEventArgs.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbInfoMessageEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbInfoMessageEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.OleDb.OleDbInfoMessageEventArgs +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbInfoMessageEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.OleDb.OleDbInfoMessageEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbInfoMessageEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbInfoMessageEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Binary_Literal System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Catalog_Name System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Catalog_Separator System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Char_Literal System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Column_Alias System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Column_Name System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Correlation_Name System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Cube_Name System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Cursor_Name System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Dimension_Name System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Escape_Percent_Prefix System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Escape_Percent_Suffix System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Escape_Underscore_Prefix System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Escape_Underscore_Suffix System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Hierarchy_Name System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Index_Name System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Invalid System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Level_Name System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Like_Percent System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Like_Underscore System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Member_Name System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Procedure_Name System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Property_Name System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Quote_Prefix System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Quote_Suffix System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Schema_Name System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Schema_Separator System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Table_Name System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Text_Command System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field User_Name System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field View_Name System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbLiteral:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbMetaDataCollectionNames: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Catalogs string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Collations string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Columns string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Indexes string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ProcedureColumns string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ProcedureParameters string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Procedures string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Tables string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Views string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbMetaDataCollectionNames = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbMetaDataColumnNames: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BooleanFalseLiteral string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BooleanTrueLiteral string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DateTimeDigits string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field NativeDataType string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbMetaDataColumnNames = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter: System.Data.Common.DbParameter +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DbType System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Direction System.Data.ParameterDirection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNullable bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field OleDbType System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ParameterName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Precision byte +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Scale byte +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Size int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SourceColumn string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SourceColumnNullMapping bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SourceVersion System.Data.DataRowVersion +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Value object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter.ResetDbType() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter.ResetOleDbType() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection: System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsFixedSize bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter +---@return OleDbParameter +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +---@param oleDbType System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@return OleDbParameter +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.Add(parameterName, oleDbType) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +---@param oleDbType System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@param size int +---@return OleDbParameter +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.Add(parameterName, oleDbType, size) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +---@param oleDbType System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@param size int +---@param sourceColumn string +---@return OleDbParameter +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.Add(parameterName, oleDbType, size, sourceColumn) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +---@param value object +---@return OleDbParameter +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.Add(parameterName, value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values System.Array +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.AddRange(values) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter[] +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.AddRange(values) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +---@param value object +---@return OleDbParameter +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.AddWithValue(parameterName, value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.IndexOf(parameterName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +---@param value object +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameter +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.Remove(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.Remove(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.RemoveAt(index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbParameterCollection.RemoveAt(parameterName) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbPermission: System.Data.Common.DBDataPermission +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Provider string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbPermission = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbPermission.Copy() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbPermissionAttribute: System.Data.Common.DBDataPermissionAttribute +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Provider string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatedEventArgs: System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Command System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatedEventArgs +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatingEventArgs: System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Command System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatingEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatingEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatingEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatingEventArgs +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatingEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatingEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatingEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbRowUpdatingEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbSchemaGuid: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Assertions System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Catalogs System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Character_Sets System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Check_Constraints System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Check_Constraints_By_Table System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Collations System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Columns System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Column_Domain_Usage System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Column_Privileges System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Constraint_Column_Usage System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Constraint_Table_Usage System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DbInfoKeywords System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DbInfoLiterals System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Foreign_Keys System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Indexes System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Key_Column_Usage System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Primary_Keys System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Procedures System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Procedure_Columns System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Procedure_Parameters System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Provider_Types System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Referential_Constraints System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SchemaGuids System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Schemata System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Sql_Languages System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Statistics System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Tables System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Tables_Info System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Table_Constraints System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Table_Privileges System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Table_Statistics System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Translations System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Trustee System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Usage_Privileges System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Views System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field View_Column_Usage System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field View_Table_Usage System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbSchemaGuid = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbTransaction: System.Data.Common.DbTransaction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Connection System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsolationLevel System.Data.IsolationLevel +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbTransaction = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return OleDbTransaction +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbTransaction.Begin() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param isolevel System.Data.IsolationLevel +---@return OleDbTransaction +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbTransaction.Begin(isolevel) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbTransaction.Commit() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbTransaction.Rollback() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BigInt System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Binary System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Boolean System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BSTR System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Char System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Currency System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Date System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DBDate System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DBTime System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DBTimeStamp System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Decimal System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Double System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Empty System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Error System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Filetime System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Guid System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IDispatch System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Integer System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IUnknown System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field LongVarBinary System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field LongVarChar System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field LongVarWChar System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Numeric System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field PropVariant System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Single System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SmallInt System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TinyInt System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UnsignedBigInt System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UnsignedInt System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UnsignedSmallInt System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UnsignedTinyInt System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field VarBinary System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field VarChar System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Variant System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field VarNumeric System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field VarWChar System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field WChar System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType +function CS.System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Data.Sql.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Data.Sql.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..925a6fbf8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Data.Sql.lua @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Sql.SqlDataSourceEnumerator: System.Data.Common.DbDataSourceEnumerator +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Instance System.Data.Sql.SqlDataSourceEnumerator +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Sql.SqlDataSourceEnumerator = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.Sql.SqlDataSourceEnumerator.GetDataSources() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Sql.SqlNotificationRequest: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Options string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Timeout int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UserData string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Sql.SqlNotificationRequest = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Data.SqlClient.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Data.SqlClient.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9506c1f90 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Data.SqlClient.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1959 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.ApplicationIntent: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ReadOnly System.Data.SqlClient.ApplicationIntent +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ReadWrite System.Data.SqlClient.ApplicationIntent +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.ApplicationIntent = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.SqlClient.ApplicationIntent +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.ApplicationIntent:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.OnChangeEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.OnChangeEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationEventArgs +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.OnChangeEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.OnChangeEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.OnChangeEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.PoolBlockingPeriod: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AlwaysBlock System.Data.SqlClient.PoolBlockingPeriod +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Auto System.Data.SqlClient.PoolBlockingPeriod +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field NeverBlock System.Data.SqlClient.PoolBlockingPeriod +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.PoolBlockingPeriod = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.SqlClient.PoolBlockingPeriod +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.PoolBlockingPeriod:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SortOrder: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Ascending System.Data.SqlClient.SortOrder +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Descending System.Data.SqlClient.SortOrder +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Unspecified System.Data.SqlClient.SortOrder +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SortOrder = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.SqlClient.SortOrder +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SortOrder:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlAuthenticationMethod: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ActiveDirectoryIntegrated System.Data.SqlClient.SqlAuthenticationMethod +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ActiveDirectoryPassword System.Data.SqlClient.SqlAuthenticationMethod +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field NotSpecified System.Data.SqlClient.SqlAuthenticationMethod +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SqlPassword System.Data.SqlClient.SqlAuthenticationMethod +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlAuthenticationMethod = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.SqlClient.SqlAuthenticationMethod +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlAuthenticationMethod:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BatchSize int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BulkCopyTimeout int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ColumnMappings System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DestinationTableName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field EnableStreaming bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field NotifyAfter int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SqlRowsCopied System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowsCopiedEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowsCopiedEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.add_SqlRowsCopied(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowsCopiedEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.remove_SqlRowsCopied(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.Close() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.Data.Common.DbDataReader +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer(reader) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param rows System.Data.DataRow[] +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer(rows) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param table System.Data.DataTable +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer(table) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param table System.Data.DataTable +---@param rowState System.Data.DataRowState +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer(table, rowState) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.Data.IDataReader +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServer(reader) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.Data.Common.DbDataReader +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServerAsync(reader) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.Data.Common.DbDataReader +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServerAsync(reader, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param rows System.Data.DataRow[] +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServerAsync(rows) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param rows System.Data.DataRow[] +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServerAsync(rows, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param table System.Data.DataTable +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServerAsync(table) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param table System.Data.DataTable +---@param rowState System.Data.DataRowState +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServerAsync(table, rowState) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param table System.Data.DataTable +---@param rowState System.Data.DataRowState +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServerAsync(table, rowState, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param table System.Data.DataTable +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServerAsync(table, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.Data.IDataReader +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServerAsync(reader) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.Data.IDataReader +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopy.WriteToServerAsync(reader, cancellationToken) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DestinationColumn string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DestinationOrdinal int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SourceColumn string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SourceOrdinal int +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param bulkCopyColumnMapping System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping +---@return SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.Add(bulkCopyColumnMapping) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sourceColumnIndex int +---@param destinationColumnIndex int +---@return SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.Add(sourceColumnIndex, destinationColumnIndex) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sourceColumnIndex int +---@param destinationColumn string +---@return SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.Add(sourceColumnIndex, destinationColumn) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sourceColumn string +---@param destinationColumnIndex int +---@return SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.Add(sourceColumn, destinationColumnIndex) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sourceColumn string +---@param destinationColumn string +---@return SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.Add(sourceColumn, destinationColumn) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.Remove(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection.RemoveAt(index) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyOptions: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AllowEncryptedValueModifications System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyOptions +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CheckConstraints System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyOptions +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Default System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyOptions +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field FireTriggers System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyOptions +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field KeepIdentity System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyOptions +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field KeepNulls System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyOptions +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TableLock System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyOptions +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UseInternalTransaction System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyOptions +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyOptions +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlBulkCopyOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientFactory: System.Data.Common.DbProviderFactory +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Instance System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientFactory +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CanCreateDataSourceEnumerator bool +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientFactory = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbCommand +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientFactory.CreateCommand() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbCommandBuilder +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientFactory.CreateCommandBuilder() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbConnection +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientFactory.CreateConnection() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbConnectionStringBuilder +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientFactory.CreateConnectionStringBuilder() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbDataAdapter +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientFactory.CreateDataAdapter() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbDataSourceEnumerator +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientFactory.CreateDataSourceEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DbParameter +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientFactory.CreateParameter() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param state System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState +---@return CodeAccessPermission +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientFactory.CreatePermission(state) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientMetaDataCollectionNames: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Columns string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Databases string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ForeignKeys string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IndexColumns string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Indexes string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Parameters string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ProcedureColumns string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Procedures string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Tables string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UserDefinedTypes string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Users string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ViewColumns string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Views string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientMetaDataCollectionNames = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission: System.Data.Common.DBDataPermission +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param connectionString string +---@param restrictions string +---@param behavior System.Data.KeyRestrictionBehavior +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission.Add(connectionString, restrictions, behavior) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlClientPermission.Copy() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionCertificateStoreProvider: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ProviderName string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionCertificateStoreProvider = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param masterKeyPath string +---@param encryptionAlgorithm string +---@param encryptedColumnEncryptionKey byte[] +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionCertificateStoreProvider.DecryptColumnEncryptionKey(masterKeyPath, encryptionAlgorithm, encryptedColumnEncryptionKey) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param masterKeyPath string +---@param encryptionAlgorithm string +---@param columnEncryptionKey byte[] +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionCertificateStoreProvider.EncryptColumnEncryptionKey(masterKeyPath, encryptionAlgorithm, columnEncryptionKey) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionCngProvider: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ProviderName string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionCngProvider = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param masterKeyPath string +---@param encryptionAlgorithm string +---@param encryptedColumnEncryptionKey byte[] +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionCngProvider.DecryptColumnEncryptionKey(masterKeyPath, encryptionAlgorithm, encryptedColumnEncryptionKey) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param masterKeyPath string +---@param encryptionAlgorithm string +---@param columnEncryptionKey byte[] +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionCngProvider.EncryptColumnEncryptionKey(masterKeyPath, encryptionAlgorithm, columnEncryptionKey) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionCspProvider: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ProviderName string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionCspProvider = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param masterKeyPath string +---@param encryptionAlgorithm string +---@param encryptedColumnEncryptionKey byte[] +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionCspProvider.DecryptColumnEncryptionKey(masterKeyPath, encryptionAlgorithm, encryptedColumnEncryptionKey) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param masterKeyPath string +---@param encryptionAlgorithm string +---@param columnEncryptionKey byte[] +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionCspProvider.EncryptColumnEncryptionKey(masterKeyPath, encryptionAlgorithm, columnEncryptionKey) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider: object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param masterKeyPath string +---@param encryptionAlgorithm string +---@param encryptedColumnEncryptionKey byte[] +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider.DecryptColumnEncryptionKey(masterKeyPath, encryptionAlgorithm, encryptedColumnEncryptionKey) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param masterKeyPath string +---@param encryptionAlgorithm string +---@param columnEncryptionKey byte[] +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider.EncryptColumnEncryptionKey(masterKeyPath, encryptionAlgorithm, columnEncryptionKey) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand: System.Data.Common.DbCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ColumnEncryptionSetting System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandColumnEncryptionSetting +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CommandText string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CommandTimeout int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CommandType System.Data.CommandType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Connection System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DesignTimeVisible bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Notification System.Data.Sql.SqlNotificationRequest +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field NotificationAutoEnlist bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Parameters System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Transaction System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UpdatedRowSource System.Data.UpdateRowSource +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field StatementCompleted System.Data.StatementCompletedEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.StatementCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.add_StatementCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.StatementCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.remove_StatementCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.BeginExecuteNonQuery() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param stateObject object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.BeginExecuteNonQuery(callback, stateObject) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.BeginExecuteReader() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param stateObject object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.BeginExecuteReader(callback, stateObject) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param stateObject object +---@param behavior System.Data.CommandBehavior +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.BeginExecuteReader(callback, stateObject, behavior) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param behavior System.Data.CommandBehavior +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.BeginExecuteReader(behavior) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.BeginExecuteXmlReader() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param stateObject object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.BeginExecuteXmlReader(callback, stateObject) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.Cancel() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlCommand +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.Clone() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlParameter +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.CreateParameter() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.EndExecuteNonQuery(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return SqlDataReader +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.EndExecuteReader(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.EndExecuteXmlReader(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlDataReader +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param behavior System.Data.CommandBehavior +---@return SqlDataReader +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(behavior) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param behavior System.Data.CommandBehavior +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync(behavior) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param behavior System.Data.CommandBehavior +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync(behavior, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteReaderAsync(cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteScalar() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteScalarAsync(cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteXmlReader() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteXmlReaderAsync() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ExecuteXmlReaderAsync(cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.Prepare() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand.ResetCommandTimeout() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder: System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CatalogLocation System.Data.Common.CatalogLocation +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CatalogSeparator string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataAdapter System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field QuotePrefix string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field QuoteSuffix string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SchemaSeparator string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param command System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder:DeriveParameters(command) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlCommand +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder.GetDeleteCommand() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param useColumnsForParameterNames bool +---@return SqlCommand +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder.GetDeleteCommand(useColumnsForParameterNames) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlCommand +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder.GetInsertCommand() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param useColumnsForParameterNames bool +---@return SqlCommand +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder.GetInsertCommand(useColumnsForParameterNames) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlCommand +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder.GetUpdateCommand() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param useColumnsForParameterNames bool +---@return SqlCommand +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder.GetUpdateCommand(useColumnsForParameterNames) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param unquotedIdentifier string +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder.QuoteIdentifier(unquotedIdentifier) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param quotedIdentifier string +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandBuilder.UnquoteIdentifier(quotedIdentifier) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandColumnEncryptionSetting: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Disabled System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandColumnEncryptionSetting +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Enabled System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandColumnEncryptionSetting +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ResultSetOnly System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandColumnEncryptionSetting +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UseConnectionSetting System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandColumnEncryptionSetting +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandColumnEncryptionSetting = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandColumnEncryptionSetting +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommandColumnEncryptionSetting:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection: System.Data.Common.DbConnection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AccessToken string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ClientConnectionId System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ColumnEncryptionKeyCacheTtl System.TimeSpan +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ColumnEncryptionQueryMetadataCacheEnabled bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ColumnEncryptionTrustedMasterKeyPaths System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary> +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ConnectionString string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ConnectionTimeout int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Credential System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCredential +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Database string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataSource string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field FireInfoMessageEventOnUserErrors bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field PacketSize int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ServerVersion string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field State System.Data.ConnectionState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field StatisticsEnabled bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field WorkstationId string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field InfoMessage System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInfoMessageEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInfoMessageEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.add_InfoMessage(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInfoMessageEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.remove_InfoMessage(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlTransaction +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.BeginTransaction() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param iso System.Data.IsolationLevel +---@return SqlTransaction +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.BeginTransaction(iso) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param iso System.Data.IsolationLevel +---@param transactionName string +---@return SqlTransaction +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.BeginTransaction(iso, transactionName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param transactionName string +---@return SqlTransaction +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.BeginTransaction(transactionName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param database string +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.ChangeDatabase(database) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param connectionString string +---@param credential System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCredential +---@param newSecurePassword System.Security.SecureString +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection:ChangePassword(connectionString, credential, newSecurePassword) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param connectionString string +---@param newPassword string +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection:ChangePassword(connectionString, newPassword) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection:ClearAllPools() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param connection System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection:ClearPool(connection) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Close() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlCommand +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.CreateCommand() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param transaction System.EnterpriseServices.ITransaction +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.EnlistDistributedTransaction(transaction) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param transaction System.Transactions.Transaction +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.EnlistTransaction(transaction) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.GetSchema() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param collectionName string +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.GetSchema(collectionName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param collectionName string +---@param restrictionValues string[] +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.GetSchema(collectionName, restrictionValues) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OpenAsync(cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param customProviders System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection:RegisterColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProviders(customProviders) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.ResetStatistics() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IDictionary +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.RetrieveStatistics() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionColumnEncryptionSetting: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Disabled System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionColumnEncryptionSetting +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Enabled System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionColumnEncryptionSetting +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionColumnEncryptionSetting = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionColumnEncryptionSetting +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionColumnEncryptionSetting:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder: System.Data.Common.DbConnectionStringBuilder +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ApplicationIntent System.Data.SqlClient.ApplicationIntent +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ApplicationName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AsynchronousProcessing bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AttachDBFilename string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Authentication System.Data.SqlClient.SqlAuthenticationMethod +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ColumnEncryptionSetting System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionColumnEncryptionSetting +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ConnectionReset bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ConnectRetryCount int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ConnectRetryInterval int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ConnectTimeout int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ContextConnection bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CurrentLanguage string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataSource string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Encrypt bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Enlist bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field FailoverPartner string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field InitialCatalog string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IntegratedSecurity bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsFixedSize bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Keys System.Collections.ICollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field LoadBalanceTimeout int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MaxPoolSize int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MinPoolSize int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MultipleActiveResultSets bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MultiSubnetFailover bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field NetworkLibrary string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field PacketSize int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Password string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field PersistSecurityInfo bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field PoolBlockingPeriod System.Data.SqlClient.PoolBlockingPeriod +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Pooling bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Replication bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TransactionBinding string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TransparentNetworkIPResolution bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TrustServerCertificate bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TypeSystemVersion string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UserID string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UserInstance bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Values System.Collections.ICollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field WorkstationID string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.Clear() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param keyword string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.ContainsKey(keyword) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param keyword string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.Remove(keyword) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param keyword string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.ShouldSerialize(keyword) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param keyword string +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionStringBuilder.TryGetValue(keyword, value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCredential: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Password System.Security.SecureString +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UserId string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCredential = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter: System.Data.Common.DbDataAdapter +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DeleteCommand System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field InsertCommand System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SelectCommand System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UpdateBatchSize int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UpdateCommand System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RowUpdated System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatedEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RowUpdating System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatingEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatedEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter.add_RowUpdated(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatedEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter.remove_RowUpdated(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatingEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter.add_RowUpdating(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatingEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter.remove_RowUpdating(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Depth int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field FieldCount int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field HasRows bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsClosed bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RecordsAffected int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field VisibleFieldCount int +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.Close() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetBoolean(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetByte(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@param dataIndex long +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param bufferIndex int +---@param length int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetBytes(i, dataIndex, buffer, bufferIndex, length) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Char +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetChar(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@param dataIndex long +---@param buffer char[] +---@param bufferIndex int +---@param length int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetChars(i, dataIndex, buffer, bufferIndex, length) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetDataTypeName(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetDateTime(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetDateTimeOffset(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetDecimal(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Double +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetDouble(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Type +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetFieldType(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetFieldValueAsync(i, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return T +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetFieldValue(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Single +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetFloat(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetGuid(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetInt16(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetInt32(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetInt64(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetName(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetOrdinal(name) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Type +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetProviderSpecificFieldType(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetProviderSpecificValue(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values object[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetProviderSpecificValues(values) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetSchemaTable() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return SqlBinary +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetSqlBinary(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetSqlBoolean(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetSqlByte(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return SqlBytes +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetSqlBytes(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return SqlChars +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetSqlChars(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return SqlDateTime +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetSqlDateTime(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetSqlDecimal(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetSqlDouble(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return SqlGuid +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetSqlGuid(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetSqlInt16(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetSqlInt32(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetSqlInt64(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetSqlMoney(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetSqlSingle(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetSqlString(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetSqlValue(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values object[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetSqlValues(values) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return SqlXml +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetSqlXml(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetStream(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetString(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return TextReader +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetTextReader(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetTimeSpan(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetValue(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values object[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetValues(values) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.GetXmlReader(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.IsDBNull(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.IsDBNullAsync(i, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.NextResult() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.NextResultAsync(cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.Read() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader.ReadAsync(cancellationToken) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SQLDebugging: object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SQLDebugging = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDependency: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field HasChanges bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Id string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field OnChange System.Data.SqlClient.OnChangeEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDependency = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlClient.OnChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDependency.add_OnChange(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlClient.OnChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDependency.remove_OnChange(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param command System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDependency.AddCommandDependency(command) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param connectionString string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDependency:Start(connectionString) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param connectionString string +---@param queue string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDependency:Start(connectionString, queue) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param connectionString string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDependency:Stop(connectionString) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param connectionString string +---@param queue string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDependency:Stop(connectionString, queue) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Class byte +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field LineNumber int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Message string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Number int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Procedure string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Server string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Source string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field State byte +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlErrorCollection: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlErrorCollection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlErrorCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlErrorCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlErrorCollection.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: System.Data.Common.DbException +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Class byte +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ClientConnectionId System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Errors System.Data.SqlClient.SqlErrorCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field LineNumber int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Number int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Procedure string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Server string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Source string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field State byte +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param si System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException.GetObjectData(si, context) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInfoMessageEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Errors System.Data.SqlClient.SqlErrorCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Message string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Source string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInfoMessageEventArgs = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInfoMessageEventArgs.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInfoMessageEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInfoMessageEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInfoMessageEventArgs +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInfoMessageEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInfoMessageEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInfoMessageEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInfoMessageEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Info System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Source System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationSource +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Type System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationType +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AlreadyChanged System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Alter System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Delete System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Drop System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Error System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Expired System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Insert System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Invalid System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Isolation System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Merge System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Options System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field PreviousFire System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Query System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Resource System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Restart System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TemplateLimit System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Truncate System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Unknown System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Update System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationInfo:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationSource: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Client System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationSource +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Data System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationSource +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Database System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationSource +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Environment System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationSource +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Execution System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationSource +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationSource +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Owner System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationSource +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Statement System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationSource +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field System System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationSource +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Timeout System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationSource +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Unknown System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationSource +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationSource = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationSource +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationSource:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationType: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Change System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Subscribe System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Unknown System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationType +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationType +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlNotificationType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter: System.Data.Common.DbParameter +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CompareInfo System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DbType System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Direction System.Data.ParameterDirection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ForceColumnEncryption bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNullable bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field LocaleId int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Offset int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ParameterName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Precision byte +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Scale byte +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Size int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SourceColumn string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SourceColumnNullMapping bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SourceVersion System.Data.DataRowVersion +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SqlDbType System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SqlValue object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TypeName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UdtTypeName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Value object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field XmlSchemaCollectionDatabase string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field XmlSchemaCollectionName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field XmlSchemaCollectionOwningSchema string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter.ResetDbType() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter.ResetSqlDbType() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection: System.Data.Common.DbParameterCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsFixedSize bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter +---@return SqlParameter +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +---@param sqlDbType System.Data.SqlDbType +---@return SqlParameter +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.Add(parameterName, sqlDbType) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +---@param sqlDbType System.Data.SqlDbType +---@param size int +---@return SqlParameter +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.Add(parameterName, sqlDbType, size) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +---@param sqlDbType System.Data.SqlDbType +---@param size int +---@param sourceColumn string +---@return SqlParameter +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.Add(parameterName, sqlDbType, size, sourceColumn) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +---@param value object +---@return SqlParameter +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.Add(parameterName, value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values System.Array +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.AddRange(values) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter[] +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.AddRange(values) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +---@param value object +---@return SqlParameter +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.AddWithValue(parameterName, value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.IndexOf(parameterName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +---@param value object +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.Remove(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.Remove(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.RemoveAt(index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameterCollection.RemoveAt(parameterName) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowsCopiedEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Abort bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RowsCopied long +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowsCopiedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowsCopiedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowsCopiedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowsCopiedEventArgs +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowsCopiedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowsCopiedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowsCopiedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowsCopiedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs: System.Data.Common.RowUpdatedEventArgs +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Command System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatingEventArgs: System.Data.Common.RowUpdatingEventArgs +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Command System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatingEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatingEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatingEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatingEventArgs +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatingEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatingEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatingEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlRowUpdatingEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction: System.Data.Common.DbTransaction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Connection System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsolationLevel System.Data.IsolationLevel +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction.Commit() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction.Rollback() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param transactionName string +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction.Rollback(transactionName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param savePointName string +function CS.System.Data.SqlClient.SqlTransaction.Save(savePointName) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Data.SqlTypes.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Data.SqlTypes.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bf200bc34 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Data.SqlTypes.lua @@ -0,0 +1,4007 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.INullable +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNull bool +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.INullable = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlAlreadyFilledException: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlAlreadyFilledException = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary: System.ValueType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Null System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNull bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] byte +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Length int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Value byte[] +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@return SqlBinary +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary:Add(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@return SqlBinary +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary:Concat(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary:Equals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary.Equals(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param schemaSet System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@return XmlQualifiedName +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary:GetXsdType(schemaSet) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary:GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary:GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary:LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary:LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary:NotEquals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@return SqlBinary +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary:op_Addition(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary:op_Equality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@return SqlBinary +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary:op_GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x byte[] +---@return SqlBinary +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary:op_Inequality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary:op_LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary:op_LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlGuid +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary.ToSqlGuid() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean: System.ValueType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field False System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Null System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field One System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field True System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Zero System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ByteValue byte +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsFalse bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNull bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsTrue bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Value bool +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:And(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:Equals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean.Equals(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param schemaSet System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@return XmlQualifiedName +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:GetXsdType(schemaSet) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:GreaterThanOrEquals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:LessThanOrEquals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:NotEquals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:OnesComplement(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_BitwiseAnd(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_BitwiseOr(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_Equality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_ExclusiveOr(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_False(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x bool +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_Inequality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_LogicalNot(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_OnesComplement(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:op_True(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:Or(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param s string +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:Parse(s) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean.ToSqlByte() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean.ToSqlDecimal() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean.ToSqlDouble() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean.ToSqlInt16() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean.ToSqlInt32() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean.ToSqlInt64() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean.ToSqlMoney() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean.ToSqlSingle() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean.ToSqlString() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean.ToString() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean:Xor(x, y) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte: System.ValueType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MaxValue System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MinValue System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Null System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Zero System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNull bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Value byte +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:Add(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:BitwiseAnd(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:BitwiseOr(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:Divide(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:Equals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte.Equals(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param schemaSet System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@return XmlQualifiedName +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:GetXsdType(schemaSet) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:Mod(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:Modulus(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:Multiply(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:NotEquals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:OnesComplement(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_Addition(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_BitwiseAnd(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_BitwiseOr(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_Division(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_Equality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_ExclusiveOr(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x byte +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_Inequality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_Modulus(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_Multiply(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_OnesComplement(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:op_Subtraction(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param s string +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:Parse(s) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:Subtract(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte.ToSqlBoolean() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte.ToSqlDecimal() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte.ToSqlDouble() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte.ToSqlInt16() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte.ToSqlInt32() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte.ToSqlInt64() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte.ToSqlMoney() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte.ToSqlSingle() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte.ToSqlString() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte.ToString() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte:Xor(x, y) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Buffer byte[] +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNull bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] byte +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Length long +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MaxLength long +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Null System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Storage System.Data.SqlTypes.StorageState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Stream System.IO.Stream +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Value byte[] +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param schemaSet System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@return XmlQualifiedName +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes:GetXsdType(schemaSet) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@return SqlBytes +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes +---@return SqlBinary +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param offset long +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offsetInBuffer int +---@param count int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes.Read(offset, buffer, offsetInBuffer, count) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes.SetLength(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes.SetNull() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlBinary +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes.ToSqlBinary() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param offset long +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offsetInBuffer int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBytes.Write(offset, buffer, offsetInBuffer, count) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlChars: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Buffer char[] +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNull bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] char +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Length long +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MaxLength long +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Null System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlChars +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Storage System.Data.SqlTypes.StorageState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Value char[] +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlChars = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param schemaSet System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@return XmlQualifiedName +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlChars:GetXsdType(schemaSet) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlChars +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlChars:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlChars +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlChars:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param offset long +---@param buffer char[] +---@param offsetInBuffer int +---@param count int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlChars.Read(offset, buffer, offsetInBuffer, count) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlChars.SetLength(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlChars.SetNull() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlChars.ToSqlString() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param offset long +---@param buffer char[] +---@param offsetInBuffer int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlChars.Write(offset, buffer, offsetInBuffer, count) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BinarySort System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BinarySort2 System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IgnoreCase System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IgnoreKanaType System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IgnoreNonSpace System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IgnoreWidth System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field None System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime: System.ValueType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MaxValue System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MinValue System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Null System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SQLTicksPerHour int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SQLTicksPerMinute int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SQLTicksPerSecond int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DayTicks int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNull bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TimeTicks int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Value System.DateTime +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@param t System.TimeSpan +---@return SqlDateTime +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime:Add(x, t) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime:Equals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime.Equals(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param schemaSet System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@return XmlQualifiedName +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime:GetXsdType(schemaSet) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime:GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime:GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime:LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime:LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime:NotEquals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@param t System.TimeSpan +---@return SqlDateTime +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime:op_Addition(x, t) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime:op_Equality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlDateTime +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime:op_GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@return SqlDateTime +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime:op_Inequality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime:op_LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime:op_LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@param t System.TimeSpan +---@return SqlDateTime +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime:op_Subtraction(x, t) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param s string +---@return SqlDateTime +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime:Parse(s) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@param t System.TimeSpan +---@return SqlDateTime +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime:Subtract(x, t) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime.ToSqlString() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal: System.ValueType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MaxPrecision byte +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MaxScale byte +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MaxValue System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MinValue System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Null System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BinData byte[] +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Data int[] +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNull bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsPositive bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Precision byte +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Scale byte +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Value decimal +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param n System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:Abs(n) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:Add(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param n System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param digits int +---@param fRound bool +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:AdjustScale(n, digits, fRound) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param n System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:Ceiling(n) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param n System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param precision int +---@param scale int +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:ConvertToPrecScale(n, precision, scale) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:Divide(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:Equals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal.Equals(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param n System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:Floor(n) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param schemaSet System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@return XmlQualifiedName +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:GetXsdType(schemaSet) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:Multiply(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:NotEquals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_Addition(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_Division(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_Equality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x double +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x decimal +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x long +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_Inequality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_Multiply(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_Subtraction(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:op_UnaryNegation(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param s string +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:Parse(s) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param n System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param exp double +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:Power(n, exp) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param n System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param position int +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:Round(n, position) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param n System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:Sign(n) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:Subtract(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal.ToDouble() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal.ToSqlBoolean() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal.ToSqlByte() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal.ToSqlDouble() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal.ToSqlInt16() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal.ToSqlInt32() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal.ToSqlInt64() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal.ToSqlMoney() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal.ToSqlSingle() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal.ToSqlString() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal.ToString() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param n System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@param position int +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal:Truncate(n, position) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble: System.ValueType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MaxValue System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MinValue System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Null System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Zero System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNull bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Value double +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:Add(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:Divide(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:Equals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble.Equals(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param schemaSet System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@return XmlQualifiedName +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:GetXsdType(schemaSet) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:Multiply(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:NotEquals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:op_Addition(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:op_Division(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:op_Equality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return Double +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:op_GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x double +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:op_Inequality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:op_LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:op_LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:op_Multiply(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:op_Subtraction(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:op_UnaryNegation(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param s string +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:Parse(s) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble:Subtract(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble.ToSqlBoolean() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble.ToSqlByte() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble.ToSqlDecimal() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble.ToSqlInt16() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble.ToSqlInt32() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble.ToSqlInt64() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble.ToSqlMoney() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble.ToSqlSingle() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble.ToSqlString() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlFileStream: System.IO.Stream +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CanRead bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CanSeek bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CanTimeout bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CanWrite bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Length long +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Position long +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ReadTimeout int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TransactionContext byte[] +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field WriteTimeout int +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlFileStream = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlFileStream.BeginRead(buffer, offset, count, callback, state) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlFileStream.BeginWrite(buffer, offset, count, callback, state) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlFileStream.EndRead(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlFileStream.EndWrite(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlFileStream.Flush() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlFileStream.Read(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlFileStream.ReadByte() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param offset long +---@param origin System.IO.SeekOrigin +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlFileStream.Seek(offset, origin) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlFileStream.SetLength(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlFileStream.Write(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value byte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlFileStream.WriteByte(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid: System.ValueType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Null System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNull bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Value System.Guid +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid:Equals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid.Equals(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param schemaSet System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@return XmlQualifiedName +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid:GetXsdType(schemaSet) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid:GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid:GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid:LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid:LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid:NotEquals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid:op_Equality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBinary +---@return SqlGuid +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlGuid +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid:op_GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Guid +---@return SqlGuid +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid:op_Inequality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid:op_LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid:op_LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param s string +---@return SqlGuid +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid:Parse(s) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid.ToByteArray() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlBinary +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid.ToSqlBinary() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid.ToSqlString() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16: System.ValueType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MaxValue System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MinValue System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Null System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Zero System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNull bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Value short +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:Add(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:BitwiseAnd(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:BitwiseOr(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:Divide(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:Equals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16.Equals(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param schemaSet System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@return XmlQualifiedName +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:GetXsdType(schemaSet) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:Mod(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:Modulus(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:Multiply(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:NotEquals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:OnesComplement(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_Addition(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_BitwiseAnd(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_BitwiseOr(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_Division(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_Equality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_ExclusiveOr(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x short +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_Inequality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_Modulus(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_Multiply(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_OnesComplement(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_Subtraction(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:op_UnaryNegation(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param s string +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:Parse(s) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:Subtract(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16.ToSqlBoolean() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16.ToSqlByte() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16.ToSqlDecimal() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16.ToSqlDouble() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16.ToSqlInt32() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16.ToSqlInt64() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16.ToSqlMoney() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16.ToSqlSingle() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16.ToSqlString() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16.ToString() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16:Xor(x, y) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32: System.ValueType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MaxValue System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MinValue System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Null System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Zero System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNull bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Value int +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:Add(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:BitwiseAnd(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:BitwiseOr(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:Divide(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:Equals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.Equals(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param schemaSet System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@return XmlQualifiedName +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:GetXsdType(schemaSet) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:Mod(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:Modulus(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:Multiply(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:NotEquals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:OnesComplement(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_Addition(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_BitwiseAnd(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_BitwiseOr(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_Division(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_Equality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_ExclusiveOr(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x int +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_Inequality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_Modulus(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_Multiply(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_OnesComplement(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_Subtraction(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:op_UnaryNegation(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param s string +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:Parse(s) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:Subtract(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.ToSqlBoolean() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.ToSqlByte() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.ToSqlDecimal() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.ToSqlDouble() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.ToSqlInt16() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.ToSqlInt64() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.ToSqlMoney() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.ToSqlSingle() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.ToSqlString() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32.ToString() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32:Xor(x, y) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64: System.ValueType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MaxValue System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MinValue System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Null System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Zero System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNull bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Value long +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:Add(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:BitwiseAnd(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:BitwiseOr(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:Divide(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:Equals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64.Equals(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param schemaSet System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@return XmlQualifiedName +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:GetXsdType(schemaSet) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:Mod(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:Modulus(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:Multiply(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:NotEquals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:OnesComplement(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_Addition(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_BitwiseAnd(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_BitwiseOr(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_Division(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_Equality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_ExclusiveOr(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x long +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_Inequality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_Modulus(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_Multiply(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_OnesComplement(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_Subtraction(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:op_UnaryNegation(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param s string +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:Parse(s) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:Subtract(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64.ToSqlBoolean() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64.ToSqlByte() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64.ToSqlDecimal() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64.ToSqlDouble() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64.ToSqlInt16() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64.ToSqlInt32() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64.ToSqlMoney() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64.ToSqlSingle() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64.ToSqlString() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64.ToString() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64:Xor(x, y) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney: System.ValueType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MaxValue System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MinValue System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Null System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Zero System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNull bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Value decimal +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:Add(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:Divide(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:Equals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney.Equals(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param schemaSet System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@return XmlQualifiedName +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:GetXsdType(schemaSet) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:Multiply(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:NotEquals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_Addition(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_Division(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_Equality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x double +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x decimal +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x long +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_Inequality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_Multiply(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_Subtraction(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:op_UnaryNegation(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param s string +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:Parse(s) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney:Subtract(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney.ToDecimal() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney.ToDouble() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney.ToInt32() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney.ToInt64() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney.ToSqlBoolean() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney.ToSqlByte() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney.ToSqlDecimal() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney.ToSqlDouble() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney.ToSqlInt16() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney.ToSqlInt32() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney.ToSqlInt64() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney.ToSqlSingle() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney.ToSqlString() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlNotFilledException: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlNotFilledException = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlNullValueException: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlNullValueException = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle: System.ValueType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MaxValue System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MinValue System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Null System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Zero System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNull bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Value float +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:Add(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:Divide(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:Equals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle.Equals(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param schemaSet System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@return XmlQualifiedName +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:GetXsdType(schemaSet) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:Multiply(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:NotEquals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:op_Addition(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:op_Division(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:op_Equality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return Single +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:op_GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x float +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:op_Inequality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:op_LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:op_LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:op_Multiply(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:op_Subtraction(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:op_UnaryNegation(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param s string +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:Parse(s) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle:Subtract(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle.ToSqlBoolean() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle.ToSqlByte() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle.ToSqlDecimal() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle.ToSqlDouble() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle.ToSqlInt16() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle.ToSqlInt32() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle.ToSqlInt64() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle.ToSqlMoney() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle.ToSqlString() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString: System.ValueType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BinarySort int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BinarySort2 int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IgnoreCase int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IgnoreKanaType int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IgnoreNonSpace int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IgnoreWidth int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Null System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CompareInfo System.Globalization.CompareInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CultureInfo System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNull bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field LCID int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SqlCompareOptions System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:Add(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString.Clone() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param compareOptions System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlCompareOptions +---@return CompareOptions +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:CompareOptionsFromSqlCompareOptions(compareOptions) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:Concat(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:Equals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString.Equals(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString.GetNonUnicodeBytes() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString.GetUnicodeBytes() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param schemaSet System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@return XmlQualifiedName +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:GetXsdType(schemaSet) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:NotEquals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:op_Addition(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:op_Equality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlBoolean +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlByte +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDouble +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlGuid +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt16 +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt32 +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlInt64 +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlMoney +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlSingle +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:op_Explicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:op_GreaterThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x string +---@return SqlString +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:op_Implicit(x) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:op_Inequality(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:op_LessThan(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param x System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@param y System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString:op_LessThanOrEqual(x, y) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlBoolean +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString.ToSqlBoolean() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlByte +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString.ToSqlByte() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlDateTime +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString.ToSqlDateTime() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlDecimal +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString.ToSqlDecimal() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlDouble +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString.ToSqlDouble() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlGuid +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString.ToSqlGuid() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt16 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString.ToSqlInt16() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt32 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString.ToSqlInt32() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlInt64 +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString.ToSqlInt64() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlMoney +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString.ToSqlMoney() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return SqlSingle +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString.ToSqlSingle() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlString.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTruncateException: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTruncateException = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException: System.SystemException +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper: System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtension +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@param xmlNamespace string +---@param context System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@param schemas System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas +---@param importer System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter +---@param compileUnit System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit +---@param mainNamespace System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace +---@param options System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerationOptions +---@param codeProvider System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper.ImportSchemaType(name, xmlNamespace, context, schemas, importer, compileUnit, mainNamespace, options, codeProvider) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param type System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType +---@param context System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@param schemas System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas +---@param importer System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter +---@param compileUnit System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit +---@param mainNamespace System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace +---@param options System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerationOptions +---@param codeProvider System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper.ImportSchemaType(type, context, schemas, importer, compileUnit, mainNamespace, options, codeProvider) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlXml: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNull bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Null System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlXml +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlXml = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlXml.CreateReader() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param schemaSet System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@return XmlQualifiedName +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlXml:GetXsdType(schemaSet) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.StorageState: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Buffer System.Data.SqlTypes.StorageState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Stream System.Data.SqlTypes.StorageState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UnmanagedBuffer System.Data.SqlTypes.StorageState +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.StorageState = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.SqlTypes.StorageState +function CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.StorageState:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeBigIntSchemaImporterExtension: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeBigIntSchemaImporterExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeBinarySchemaImporterExtension: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeBinarySchemaImporterExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeBitSchemaImporterExtension: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeBitSchemaImporterExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeCharSchemaImporterExtension: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeCharSchemaImporterExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeDateTimeSchemaImporterExtension: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeDateTimeSchemaImporterExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeDecimalSchemaImporterExtension: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeDecimalSchemaImporterExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeFloatSchemaImporterExtension: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeFloatSchemaImporterExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeIntSchemaImporterExtension: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeIntSchemaImporterExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeMoneySchemaImporterExtension: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeMoneySchemaImporterExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeNCharSchemaImporterExtension: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeNCharSchemaImporterExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeNTextSchemaImporterExtension: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeNTextSchemaImporterExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeNumericSchemaImporterExtension: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeNumericSchemaImporterExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeNVarCharSchemaImporterExtension: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeNVarCharSchemaImporterExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeRealSchemaImporterExtension: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeRealSchemaImporterExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeSmallDateTimeSchemaImporterExtension: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeSmallDateTimeSchemaImporterExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeSmallIntSchemaImporterExtension: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeSmallIntSchemaImporterExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeSmallMoneySchemaImporterExtension: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeSmallMoneySchemaImporterExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeTextSchemaImporterExtension: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeTextSchemaImporterExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeTinyIntSchemaImporterExtension: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeTinyIntSchemaImporterExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeUniqueIdentifierSchemaImporterExtension: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeUniqueIdentifierSchemaImporterExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeVarBinarySchemaImporterExtension: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeVarBinarySchemaImporterExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeVarCharSchemaImporterExtension: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeVarCharSchemaImporterExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeVarImageSchemaImporterExtension: System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypesSchemaImporterExtensionHelper +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlTypes.TypeVarImageSchemaImporterExtension = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Data.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Data.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a50afa706 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Data.lua @@ -0,0 +1,3614 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.AcceptRejectRule: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Cascade System.Data.AcceptRejectRule +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field None System.Data.AcceptRejectRule +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.AcceptRejectRule = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.AcceptRejectRule +function CS.System.Data.AcceptRejectRule:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.CommandBehavior: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CloseConnection System.Data.CommandBehavior +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Default System.Data.CommandBehavior +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field KeyInfo System.Data.CommandBehavior +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SchemaOnly System.Data.CommandBehavior +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SequentialAccess System.Data.CommandBehavior +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SingleResult System.Data.CommandBehavior +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SingleRow System.Data.CommandBehavior +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.CommandBehavior = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.CommandBehavior +function CS.System.Data.CommandBehavior:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.CommandType: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field StoredProcedure System.Data.CommandType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TableDirect System.Data.CommandType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Text System.Data.CommandType +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.CommandType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.CommandType +function CS.System.Data.CommandType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.ConflictOption: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CompareAllSearchableValues System.Data.ConflictOption +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CompareRowVersion System.Data.ConflictOption +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field OverwriteChanges System.Data.ConflictOption +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.ConflictOption = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.ConflictOption +function CS.System.Data.ConflictOption:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.ConnectionState: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Broken System.Data.ConnectionState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Closed System.Data.ConnectionState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Connecting System.Data.ConnectionState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Executing System.Data.ConnectionState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Fetching System.Data.ConnectionState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Open System.Data.ConnectionState +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.ConnectionState = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.ConnectionState +function CS.System.Data.ConnectionState:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Constraint: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ConstraintName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ExtendedProperties System.Data.PropertyCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Table System.Data.DataTable +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Constraint = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.Constraint.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.ConstraintCollection: System.Data.InternalDataCollectionBase +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.Constraint +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.Constraint +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CollectionChanged System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.ConstraintCollection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.ConstraintCollection.add_CollectionChanged(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.ConstraintCollection.remove_CollectionChanged(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param constraint System.Data.Constraint +function CS.System.Data.ConstraintCollection.Add(constraint) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@param column System.Data.DataColumn +---@param primaryKey bool +---@return Constraint +function CS.System.Data.ConstraintCollection.Add(name, column, primaryKey) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@param primaryKeyColumn System.Data.DataColumn +---@param foreignKeyColumn System.Data.DataColumn +---@return Constraint +function CS.System.Data.ConstraintCollection.Add(name, primaryKeyColumn, foreignKeyColumn) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@param columns System.Data.DataColumn[] +---@param primaryKey bool +---@return Constraint +function CS.System.Data.ConstraintCollection.Add(name, columns, primaryKey) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@param primaryKeyColumns System.Data.DataColumn[] +---@param foreignKeyColumns System.Data.DataColumn[] +---@return Constraint +function CS.System.Data.ConstraintCollection.Add(name, primaryKeyColumns, foreignKeyColumns) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param constraints System.Data.Constraint[] +function CS.System.Data.ConstraintCollection.AddRange(constraints) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param constraint System.Data.Constraint +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.ConstraintCollection.CanRemove(constraint) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.ConstraintCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.ConstraintCollection.Contains(name) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Data.Constraint[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.ConstraintCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param constraint System.Data.Constraint +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.ConstraintCollection.IndexOf(constraint) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param constraintName string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.ConstraintCollection.IndexOf(constraintName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param constraint System.Data.Constraint +function CS.System.Data.ConstraintCollection.Remove(constraint) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Data.ConstraintCollection.Remove(name) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.ConstraintCollection.RemoveAt(index) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.ConstraintException: System.Data.DataException +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.ConstraintException = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataColumn: System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AllowDBNull bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AutoIncrement bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AutoIncrementSeed long +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AutoIncrementStep long +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Caption string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ColumnMapping System.Data.MappingType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ColumnName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataType System.Type +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DateTimeMode System.Data.DataSetDateTime +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DefaultValue object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Expression string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ExtendedProperties System.Data.PropertyCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MaxLength int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Ordinal int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Prefix string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ReadOnly bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Table System.Data.DataTable +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Unique bool +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataColumn = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +function CS.System.Data.DataColumn.SetOrdinal(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.DataColumn.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Column System.Data.DataColumn +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ProposedValue object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Row System.Data.DataRow +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventArgs +function CS.System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataColumnCollection: System.Data.InternalDataCollectionBase +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.DataColumn +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.DataColumn +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CollectionChanged System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataColumnCollection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataColumnCollection.add_CollectionChanged(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataColumnCollection.remove_CollectionChanged(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataColumn +function CS.System.Data.DataColumnCollection.Add() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param column System.Data.DataColumn +function CS.System.Data.DataColumnCollection.Add(column) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param columnName string +---@return DataColumn +function CS.System.Data.DataColumnCollection.Add(columnName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param columnName string +---@param type System.Type +---@return DataColumn +function CS.System.Data.DataColumnCollection.Add(columnName, type) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param columnName string +---@param type System.Type +---@param expression string +---@return DataColumn +function CS.System.Data.DataColumnCollection.Add(columnName, type, expression) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param columns System.Data.DataColumn[] +function CS.System.Data.DataColumnCollection.AddRange(columns) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param column System.Data.DataColumn +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.DataColumnCollection.CanRemove(column) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataColumnCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.DataColumnCollection.Contains(name) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Data.DataColumn[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.DataColumnCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param column System.Data.DataColumn +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.DataColumnCollection.IndexOf(column) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param columnName string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.DataColumnCollection.IndexOf(columnName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param column System.Data.DataColumn +function CS.System.Data.DataColumnCollection.Remove(column) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Data.DataColumnCollection.Remove(name) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.DataColumnCollection.RemoveAt(index) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataException: System.SystemException +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataException = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataRelation: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ChildColumns System.Data.DataColumn[] +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ChildKeyConstraint System.Data.ForeignKeyConstraint +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ChildTable System.Data.DataTable +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataSet System.Data.DataSet +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ExtendedProperties System.Data.PropertyCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Nested bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ParentColumns System.Data.DataColumn[] +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ParentKeyConstraint System.Data.UniqueConstraint +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ParentTable System.Data.DataTable +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RelationName string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataRelation = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.DataRelation.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataRelationCollection: System.Data.InternalDataCollectionBase +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.DataRelation +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.DataRelation +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CollectionChanged System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataRelationCollection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataRelationCollection.add_CollectionChanged(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataRelationCollection.remove_CollectionChanged(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parentColumn System.Data.DataColumn +---@param childColumn System.Data.DataColumn +---@return DataRelation +function CS.System.Data.DataRelationCollection.Add(parentColumn, childColumn) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parentColumns System.Data.DataColumn[] +---@param childColumns System.Data.DataColumn[] +---@return DataRelation +function CS.System.Data.DataRelationCollection.Add(parentColumns, childColumns) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param relation System.Data.DataRelation +function CS.System.Data.DataRelationCollection.Add(relation) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@param parentColumn System.Data.DataColumn +---@param childColumn System.Data.DataColumn +---@return DataRelation +function CS.System.Data.DataRelationCollection.Add(name, parentColumn, childColumn) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@param parentColumn System.Data.DataColumn +---@param childColumn System.Data.DataColumn +---@param createConstraints bool +---@return DataRelation +function CS.System.Data.DataRelationCollection.Add(name, parentColumn, childColumn, createConstraints) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@param parentColumns System.Data.DataColumn[] +---@param childColumns System.Data.DataColumn[] +---@return DataRelation +function CS.System.Data.DataRelationCollection.Add(name, parentColumns, childColumns) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@param parentColumns System.Data.DataColumn[] +---@param childColumns System.Data.DataColumn[] +---@param createConstraints bool +---@return DataRelation +function CS.System.Data.DataRelationCollection.Add(name, parentColumns, childColumns, createConstraints) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param relations System.Data.DataRelation[] +function CS.System.Data.DataRelationCollection.AddRange(relations) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param relation System.Data.DataRelation +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.DataRelationCollection.CanRemove(relation) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataRelationCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.DataRelationCollection.Contains(name) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Data.DataRelation[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.DataRelationCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param relation System.Data.DataRelation +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.DataRelationCollection.IndexOf(relation) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param relationName string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.DataRelationCollection.IndexOf(relationName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param relation System.Data.DataRelation +function CS.System.Data.DataRelationCollection.Remove(relation) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Data.DataRelationCollection.Remove(name) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.DataRelationCollection.RemoveAt(index) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataRow: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field HasErrors bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ItemArray object[] +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RowError string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RowState System.Data.DataRowState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Table System.Data.DataTable +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataRow = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.AcceptChanges() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.BeginEdit() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.CancelEdit() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.ClearErrors() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.Delete() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.EndEdit() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param relation System.Data.DataRelation +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.GetChildRows(relation) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param relation System.Data.DataRelation +---@param version System.Data.DataRowVersion +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.GetChildRows(relation, version) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param relationName string +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.GetChildRows(relationName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param relationName string +---@param version System.Data.DataRowVersion +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.GetChildRows(relationName, version) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param column System.Data.DataColumn +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.GetColumnError(column) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param columnIndex int +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.GetColumnError(columnIndex) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param columnName string +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.GetColumnError(columnName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.GetColumnsInError() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param relation System.Data.DataRelation +---@return DataRow +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.GetParentRow(relation) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param relation System.Data.DataRelation +---@param version System.Data.DataRowVersion +---@return DataRow +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.GetParentRow(relation, version) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param relationName string +---@return DataRow +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.GetParentRow(relationName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param relationName string +---@param version System.Data.DataRowVersion +---@return DataRow +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.GetParentRow(relationName, version) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param relation System.Data.DataRelation +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.GetParentRows(relation) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param relation System.Data.DataRelation +---@param version System.Data.DataRowVersion +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.GetParentRows(relation, version) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param relationName string +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.GetParentRows(relationName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param relationName string +---@param version System.Data.DataRowVersion +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.GetParentRows(relationName, version) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param version System.Data.DataRowVersion +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.HasVersion(version) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param column System.Data.DataColumn +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.IsNull(column) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param column System.Data.DataColumn +---@param version System.Data.DataRowVersion +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.IsNull(column, version) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param columnIndex int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.IsNull(columnIndex) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param columnName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.IsNull(columnName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.RejectChanges() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.SetAdded() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param column System.Data.DataColumn +---@param error string +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.SetColumnError(column, error) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param columnIndex int +---@param error string +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.SetColumnError(columnIndex, error) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param columnName string +---@param error string +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.SetColumnError(columnName, error) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.SetModified() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parentRow System.Data.DataRow +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.SetParentRow(parentRow) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parentRow System.Data.DataRow +---@param relation System.Data.DataRelation +function CS.System.Data.DataRow.SetParentRow(parentRow, relation) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataRowAction: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Add System.Data.DataRowAction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Change System.Data.DataRowAction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ChangeCurrentAndOriginal System.Data.DataRowAction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ChangeOriginal System.Data.DataRowAction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Commit System.Data.DataRowAction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Delete System.Data.DataRowAction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Nothing System.Data.DataRowAction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Rollback System.Data.DataRowAction +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataRowAction = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.DataRowAction +function CS.System.Data.DataRowAction:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataRowBuilder: object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataRowBuilder = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataRowChangeEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Action System.Data.DataRowAction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Row System.Data.DataRow +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataRowChangeEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.DataRowChangeEventArgs +function CS.System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.DataRowChangeEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataRowCollection: System.Data.InternalDataCollectionBase +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.DataRow +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataRowCollection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param row System.Data.DataRow +function CS.System.Data.DataRowCollection.Add(row) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values object[] +---@return DataRow +function CS.System.Data.DataRowCollection.Add(values) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataRowCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param key object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.DataRowCollection.Contains(key) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param keys object[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.DataRowCollection.Contains(keys) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ar System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.DataRowCollection.CopyTo(ar, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Data.DataRow[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.DataRowCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param key object +---@return DataRow +function CS.System.Data.DataRowCollection.Find(key) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param keys object[] +---@return DataRow +function CS.System.Data.DataRowCollection.Find(keys) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Data.DataRowCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param row System.Data.DataRow +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.DataRowCollection.IndexOf(row) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param row System.Data.DataRow +---@param pos int +function CS.System.Data.DataRowCollection.InsertAt(row, pos) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param row System.Data.DataRow +function CS.System.Data.DataRowCollection.Remove(row) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.DataRowCollection.RemoveAt(index) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataRowState: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Added System.Data.DataRowState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Deleted System.Data.DataRowState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Detached System.Data.DataRowState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Modified System.Data.DataRowState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Unchanged System.Data.DataRowState +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataRowState = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.DataRowState +function CS.System.Data.DataRowState:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataRowVersion: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Current System.Data.DataRowVersion +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Default System.Data.DataRowVersion +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Original System.Data.DataRowVersion +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Proposed System.Data.DataRowVersion +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataRowVersion = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.DataRowVersion +function CS.System.Data.DataRowVersion:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataRowView: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataView System.Data.DataView +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsEdit bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNew bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Row System.Data.DataRow +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RowVersion System.Data.DataRowVersion +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field PropertyChanged System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataRowView = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataRowView.add_PropertyChanged(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataRowView.remove_PropertyChanged(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataRowView.BeginEdit() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataRowView.CancelEdit() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param relation System.Data.DataRelation +---@return DataView +function CS.System.Data.DataRowView.CreateChildView(relation) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param relation System.Data.DataRelation +---@param followParent bool +---@return DataView +function CS.System.Data.DataRowView.CreateChildView(relation, followParent) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param relationName string +---@return DataView +function CS.System.Data.DataRowView.CreateChildView(relationName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param relationName string +---@param followParent bool +---@return DataView +function CS.System.Data.DataRowView.CreateChildView(relationName, followParent) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataRowView.Delete() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataRowView.EndEdit() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param other object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.DataRowView.Equals(other) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.DataRowView.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataSet: System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CaseSensitive bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataSetName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DefaultViewManager System.Data.DataViewManager +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field EnforceConstraints bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ExtendedProperties System.Data.PropertyCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field HasErrors bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsInitialized bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Locale System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Prefix string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Relations System.Data.DataRelationCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RemotingFormat System.Data.SerializationFormat +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SchemaSerializationMode System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Site System.ComponentModel.ISite +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Tables System.Data.DataTableCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Initialized System.EventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MergeFailed System.Data.MergeFailedEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataSet = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.add_Initialized(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.remove_Initialized(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.MergeFailedEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.add_MergeFailed(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.MergeFailedEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.remove_MergeFailed(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.AcceptChanges() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.BeginInit() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.Clear() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataSet +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.Clone() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataSet +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.Copy() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataTableReader +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.CreateDataReader() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataTables System.Data.DataTable[] +---@return DataTableReader +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.CreateDataReader(dataTables) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.EndInit() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataSet +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.GetChanges() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param rowStates System.Data.DataRowState +---@return DataSet +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.GetChanges(rowStates) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param schemaSet System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@return XmlSchemaComplexType +function CS.System.Data.DataSet:GetDataSetSchema(schemaSet) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.GetXml() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.GetXmlSchema() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.HasChanges() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param rowStates System.Data.DataRowState +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.HasChanges(rowStates) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param nsArray string[] +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.InferXmlSchema(stream, nsArray) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.IO.TextReader +---@param nsArray string[] +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.InferXmlSchema(reader, nsArray) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param nsArray string[] +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.InferXmlSchema(fileName, nsArray) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param nsArray string[] +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.InferXmlSchema(reader, nsArray) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.Data.IDataReader +---@param loadOption System.Data.LoadOption +---@param tables System.Data.DataTable[] +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.Load(reader, loadOption, tables) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.Data.IDataReader +---@param loadOption System.Data.LoadOption +---@param errorHandler System.Data.FillErrorEventHandler +---@param tables System.Data.DataTable[] +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.Load(reader, loadOption, errorHandler, tables) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.Data.IDataReader +---@param loadOption System.Data.LoadOption +---@param tables string[] +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.Load(reader, loadOption, tables) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param rows System.Data.DataRow[] +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.Merge(rows) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param rows System.Data.DataRow[] +---@param preserveChanges bool +---@param missingSchemaAction System.Data.MissingSchemaAction +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.Merge(rows, preserveChanges, missingSchemaAction) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSet System.Data.DataSet +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.Merge(dataSet) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSet System.Data.DataSet +---@param preserveChanges bool +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.Merge(dataSet, preserveChanges) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSet System.Data.DataSet +---@param preserveChanges bool +---@param missingSchemaAction System.Data.MissingSchemaAction +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.Merge(dataSet, preserveChanges, missingSchemaAction) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param table System.Data.DataTable +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.Merge(table) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param table System.Data.DataTable +---@param preserveChanges bool +---@param missingSchemaAction System.Data.MissingSchemaAction +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.Merge(table, preserveChanges, missingSchemaAction) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@return XmlReadMode +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.ReadXml(stream) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param mode System.Data.XmlReadMode +---@return XmlReadMode +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.ReadXml(stream, mode) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.IO.TextReader +---@return XmlReadMode +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.ReadXml(reader) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.IO.TextReader +---@param mode System.Data.XmlReadMode +---@return XmlReadMode +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.ReadXml(reader, mode) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param fileName string +---@return XmlReadMode +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.ReadXml(fileName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param mode System.Data.XmlReadMode +---@return XmlReadMode +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.ReadXml(fileName, mode) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@return XmlReadMode +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.ReadXml(reader) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param mode System.Data.XmlReadMode +---@return XmlReadMode +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.ReadXml(reader, mode) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.ReadXmlSchema(stream) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.IO.TextReader +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.ReadXmlSchema(reader) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.ReadXmlSchema(fileName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.ReadXmlSchema(reader) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.RejectChanges() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.Reset() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.WriteXml(stream) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param mode System.Data.XmlWriteMode +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.WriteXml(stream, mode) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param writer System.IO.TextWriter +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.WriteXml(writer) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param writer System.IO.TextWriter +---@param mode System.Data.XmlWriteMode +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.WriteXml(writer, mode) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.WriteXml(fileName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param mode System.Data.XmlWriteMode +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.WriteXml(fileName, mode) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.WriteXml(writer) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param mode System.Data.XmlWriteMode +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.WriteXml(writer, mode) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.WriteXmlSchema(stream) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param multipleTargetConverter System.Converter +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.WriteXmlSchema(stream, multipleTargetConverter) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param writer System.IO.TextWriter +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.WriteXmlSchema(writer) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param writer System.IO.TextWriter +---@param multipleTargetConverter System.Converter +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.WriteXmlSchema(writer, multipleTargetConverter) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.WriteXmlSchema(fileName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param multipleTargetConverter System.Converter +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.WriteXmlSchema(fileName, multipleTargetConverter) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.WriteXmlSchema(writer) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param multipleTargetConverter System.Converter +function CS.System.Data.DataSet.WriteXmlSchema(writer, multipleTargetConverter) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataSetDateTime: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Local System.Data.DataSetDateTime +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Unspecified System.Data.DataSetDateTime +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UnspecifiedLocal System.Data.DataSetDateTime +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Utc System.Data.DataSetDateTime +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataSetDateTime = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.DataSetDateTime +function CS.System.Data.DataSetDateTime:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataSetSchemaImporterExtension: System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtension +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataSetSchemaImporterExtension = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@param schemaNamespace string +---@param context System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@param schemas System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas +---@param importer System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter +---@param compileUnit System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit +---@param mainNamespace System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace +---@param options System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerationOptions +---@param codeProvider System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.DataSetSchemaImporterExtension.ImportSchemaType(name, schemaNamespace, context, schemas, importer, compileUnit, mainNamespace, options, codeProvider) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param type System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType +---@param context System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@param schemas System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas +---@param importer System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter +---@param compileUnit System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit +---@param mainNamespace System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace +---@param options System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerationOptions +---@param codeProvider System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.DataSetSchemaImporterExtension.ImportSchemaType(type, context, schemas, importer, compileUnit, mainNamespace, options, codeProvider) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataSysDescriptionAttribute: System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Description string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataSysDescriptionAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataTable: System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CaseSensitive bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ChildRelations System.Data.DataRelationCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Columns System.Data.DataColumnCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Constraints System.Data.ConstraintCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataSet System.Data.DataSet +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DefaultView System.Data.DataView +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DisplayExpression string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ExtendedProperties System.Data.PropertyCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field HasErrors bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsInitialized bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Locale System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MinimumCapacity int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ParentRelations System.Data.DataRelationCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Prefix string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field PrimaryKey System.Data.DataColumn[] +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RemotingFormat System.Data.SerializationFormat +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Rows System.Data.DataRowCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Site System.ComponentModel.ISite +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TableName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ColumnChanged System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ColumnChanging System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Initialized System.EventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RowChanged System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RowChanging System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RowDeleted System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RowDeleting System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TableCleared System.Data.DataTableClearEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TableClearing System.Data.DataTableClearEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TableNewRow System.Data.DataTableNewRowEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataTable = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.add_ColumnChanged(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.remove_ColumnChanged(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.add_ColumnChanging(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.DataColumnChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.remove_ColumnChanging(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.add_Initialized(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.remove_Initialized(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.add_RowChanged(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.remove_RowChanged(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.add_RowChanging(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.remove_RowChanging(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.add_RowDeleted(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.remove_RowDeleted(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.add_RowDeleting(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.DataRowChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.remove_RowDeleting(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.DataTableClearEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.add_TableCleared(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.DataTableClearEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.remove_TableCleared(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.DataTableClearEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.add_TableClearing(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.DataTableClearEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.remove_TableClearing(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.DataTableNewRowEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.add_TableNewRow(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.Data.DataTableNewRowEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.remove_TableNewRow(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.AcceptChanges() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.BeginInit() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.BeginLoadData() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.Clear() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.Clone() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param expression string +---@param filter string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.Compute(expression, filter) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.Copy() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataTableReader +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.CreateDataReader() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.EndInit() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.EndLoadData() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.GetChanges() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param rowStates System.Data.DataRowState +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.GetChanges(rowStates) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param schemaSet System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@return XmlSchemaComplexType +function CS.System.Data.DataTable:GetDataTableSchema(schemaSet) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.GetErrors() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param row System.Data.DataRow +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.ImportRow(row) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.Data.IDataReader +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.Load(reader) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.Data.IDataReader +---@param loadOption System.Data.LoadOption +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.Load(reader, loadOption) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.Data.IDataReader +---@param loadOption System.Data.LoadOption +---@param errorHandler System.Data.FillErrorEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.Load(reader, loadOption, errorHandler) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values object[] +---@param fAcceptChanges bool +---@return DataRow +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.LoadDataRow(values, fAcceptChanges) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values object[] +---@param loadOption System.Data.LoadOption +---@return DataRow +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.LoadDataRow(values, loadOption) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param table System.Data.DataTable +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.Merge(table) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param table System.Data.DataTable +---@param preserveChanges bool +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.Merge(table, preserveChanges) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param table System.Data.DataTable +---@param preserveChanges bool +---@param missingSchemaAction System.Data.MissingSchemaAction +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.Merge(table, preserveChanges, missingSchemaAction) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataRow +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.NewRow() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@return XmlReadMode +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.ReadXml(stream) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.IO.TextReader +---@return XmlReadMode +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.ReadXml(reader) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param fileName string +---@return XmlReadMode +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.ReadXml(fileName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@return XmlReadMode +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.ReadXml(reader) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.ReadXmlSchema(stream) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.IO.TextReader +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.ReadXmlSchema(reader) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.ReadXmlSchema(fileName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.ReadXmlSchema(reader) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.RejectChanges() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.Reset() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.Select() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param filterExpression string +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.Select(filterExpression) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param filterExpression string +---@param sort string +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.Select(filterExpression, sort) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param filterExpression string +---@param sort string +---@param recordStates System.Data.DataViewRowState +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.Select(filterExpression, sort, recordStates) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.ToString() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXml(stream) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param writeHierarchy bool +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXml(stream, writeHierarchy) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param mode System.Data.XmlWriteMode +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXml(stream, mode) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param mode System.Data.XmlWriteMode +---@param writeHierarchy bool +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXml(stream, mode, writeHierarchy) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param writer System.IO.TextWriter +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXml(writer) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param writer System.IO.TextWriter +---@param writeHierarchy bool +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXml(writer, writeHierarchy) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param writer System.IO.TextWriter +---@param mode System.Data.XmlWriteMode +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXml(writer, mode) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param writer System.IO.TextWriter +---@param mode System.Data.XmlWriteMode +---@param writeHierarchy bool +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXml(writer, mode, writeHierarchy) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXml(fileName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param writeHierarchy bool +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXml(fileName, writeHierarchy) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param mode System.Data.XmlWriteMode +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXml(fileName, mode) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param mode System.Data.XmlWriteMode +---@param writeHierarchy bool +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXml(fileName, mode, writeHierarchy) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXml(writer) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param writeHierarchy bool +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXml(writer, writeHierarchy) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param mode System.Data.XmlWriteMode +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXml(writer, mode) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param mode System.Data.XmlWriteMode +---@param writeHierarchy bool +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXml(writer, mode, writeHierarchy) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXmlSchema(stream) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param writeHierarchy bool +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXmlSchema(stream, writeHierarchy) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param writer System.IO.TextWriter +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXmlSchema(writer) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param writer System.IO.TextWriter +---@param writeHierarchy bool +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXmlSchema(writer, writeHierarchy) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXmlSchema(fileName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param writeHierarchy bool +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXmlSchema(fileName, writeHierarchy) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXmlSchema(writer) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param writeHierarchy bool +function CS.System.Data.DataTable.WriteXmlSchema(writer, writeHierarchy) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataTableClearEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Table System.Data.DataTable +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TableName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TableNamespace string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataTableClearEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataTableClearEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataTableClearEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.DataTableClearEventArgs +function CS.System.Data.DataTableClearEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.DataTableClearEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.DataTableClearEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.DataTableClearEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataTableCollection: System.Data.InternalDataCollectionBase +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.DataTable +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.DataTable +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.DataTable +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CollectionChanged System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CollectionChanging System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataTableCollection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTableCollection.add_CollectionChanged(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTableCollection.remove_CollectionChanged(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTableCollection.add_CollectionChanging(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.CollectionChangeEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataTableCollection.remove_CollectionChanging(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.DataTableCollection.Add() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param table System.Data.DataTable +function CS.System.Data.DataTableCollection.Add(table) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.DataTableCollection.Add(name) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@param tableNamespace string +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.DataTableCollection.Add(name, tableNamespace) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param tables System.Data.DataTable[] +function CS.System.Data.DataTableCollection.AddRange(tables) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param table System.Data.DataTable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.DataTableCollection.CanRemove(table) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataTableCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.DataTableCollection.Contains(name) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@param tableNamespace string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.DataTableCollection.Contains(name, tableNamespace) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Data.DataTable[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.DataTableCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param table System.Data.DataTable +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.DataTableCollection.IndexOf(table) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param tableName string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.DataTableCollection.IndexOf(tableName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param tableName string +---@param tableNamespace string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.DataTableCollection.IndexOf(tableName, tableNamespace) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param table System.Data.DataTable +function CS.System.Data.DataTableCollection.Remove(table) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Data.DataTableCollection.Remove(name) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@param tableNamespace string +function CS.System.Data.DataTableCollection.Remove(name, tableNamespace) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.DataTableCollection.RemoveAt(index) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataViewManager: System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataSet System.Data.DataSet +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataViewSettingCollectionString string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataViewSettings System.Data.DataViewSettingCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ListChanged System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataViewManager = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataViewManager.add_ListChanged(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataViewManager.remove_ListChanged(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param table System.Data.DataTable +---@return DataView +function CS.System.Data.DataViewManager.CreateDataView(table) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataTableNewRowEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Row System.Data.DataRow +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataTableNewRowEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataTableNewRowEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataTableNewRowEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.DataTableNewRowEventArgs +function CS.System.Data.DataTableNewRowEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.DataTableNewRowEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.DataTableNewRowEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.DataTableNewRowEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataTableReader: System.Data.Common.DbDataReader +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Depth int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field FieldCount int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field HasRows bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsClosed bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RecordsAffected int +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataTableReader = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.Close() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetBoolean(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetByte(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@param dataIndex long +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param bufferIndex int +---@param length int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetBytes(ordinal, dataIndex, buffer, bufferIndex, length) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Char +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetChar(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@param dataIndex long +---@param buffer char[] +---@param bufferIndex int +---@param length int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetChars(ordinal, dataIndex, buffer, bufferIndex, length) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetDataTypeName(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetDateTime(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetDecimal(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Double +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetDouble(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Type +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetFieldType(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Single +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetFloat(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetGuid(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetInt16(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetInt32(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetInt64(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetName(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetOrdinal(name) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Type +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetProviderSpecificFieldType(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetProviderSpecificValue(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values object[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetProviderSpecificValues(values) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetSchemaTable() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetString(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetValue(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values object[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.GetValues(values) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ordinal int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.IsDBNull(ordinal) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.NextResult() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.DataTableReader.Read() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataViewRowState: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Added System.Data.DataViewRowState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CurrentRows System.Data.DataViewRowState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Deleted System.Data.DataViewRowState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ModifiedCurrent System.Data.DataViewRowState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ModifiedOriginal System.Data.DataViewRowState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field None System.Data.DataViewRowState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field OriginalRows System.Data.DataViewRowState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Unchanged System.Data.DataViewRowState +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataViewRowState = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.DataViewRowState +function CS.System.Data.DataViewRowState:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataView: System.ComponentModel.MarshalByValueComponent +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AllowDelete bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AllowEdit bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AllowNew bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ApplyDefaultSort bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataViewManager System.Data.DataViewManager +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsInitialized bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.DataRowView +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RowFilter string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RowStateFilter System.Data.DataViewRowState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Sort string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Table System.Data.DataTable +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Initialized System.EventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ListChanged System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataView = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataView.add_Initialized(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataView.remove_Initialized(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataView.add_ListChanged(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.ListChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Data.DataView.remove_ListChanged(value) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataRowView +function CS.System.Data.DataView.AddNew() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataView.BeginInit() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.DataView.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.DataView.Delete(index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.DataView.EndInit() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param view System.Data.DataView +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.DataView.Equals(view) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param key object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.DataView.Find(key) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param key object[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.DataView.Find(key) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param key object +function CS.System.Data.DataView.FindRows(key) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param key object[] +function CS.System.Data.DataView.FindRows(key) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Data.DataView.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.DataView.ToTable() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param distinct bool +---@param columnNames string[] +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.DataView.ToTable(distinct, columnNames) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param tableName string +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.DataView.ToTable(tableName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param tableName string +---@param distinct bool +---@param columnNames string[] +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.DataView.ToTable(tableName, distinct, columnNames) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataViewSetting: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ApplyDefaultSort bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataViewManager System.Data.DataViewManager +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RowFilter string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RowStateFilter System.Data.DataViewRowState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Sort string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Table System.Data.DataTable +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataViewSetting = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DataViewSettingCollection: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.DataViewSetting +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.DataViewSetting +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] System.Data.DataViewSetting +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DataViewSettingCollection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ar System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.DataViewSettingCollection.CopyTo(ar, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ar System.Data.DataViewSetting[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.DataViewSettingCollection.CopyTo(ar, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Data.DataViewSettingCollection.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DBConcurrencyException: System.SystemException +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Row System.Data.DataRow +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RowCount int +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DBConcurrencyException = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Data.DataRow[] +function CS.System.Data.DBConcurrencyException.CopyToRows(array) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param array System.Data.DataRow[] +---@param arrayIndex int +function CS.System.Data.DBConcurrencyException.CopyToRows(array, arrayIndex) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param si System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Data.DBConcurrencyException.GetObjectData(si, context) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.IColumnMapping +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataSetColumn string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SourceColumn string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.IColumnMapping = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DbType: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AnsiString System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AnsiStringFixedLength System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Binary System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Boolean System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Byte System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Currency System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Date System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DateTime System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DateTime2 System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DateTimeOffset System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Decimal System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Double System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Guid System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Int16 System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Int32 System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Int64 System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Object System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SByte System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Single System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field String System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field StringFixedLength System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Time System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UInt16 System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UInt32 System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UInt64 System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field VarNumeric System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Xml System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DbType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.DbType +function CS.System.Data.DbType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.IColumnMappingCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.IColumnMappingCollection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sourceColumnName string +---@param dataSetColumnName string +---@return IColumnMapping +function CS.System.Data.IColumnMappingCollection.Add(sourceColumnName, dataSetColumnName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sourceColumnName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.IColumnMappingCollection.Contains(sourceColumnName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSetColumnName string +---@return IColumnMapping +function CS.System.Data.IColumnMappingCollection.GetByDataSetColumn(dataSetColumnName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sourceColumnName string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.IColumnMappingCollection.IndexOf(sourceColumnName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sourceColumnName string +function CS.System.Data.IColumnMappingCollection.RemoveAt(sourceColumnName) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DeletedRowInaccessibleException: System.Data.DataException +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DeletedRowInaccessibleException = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.IDataAdapter +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MissingMappingAction System.Data.MissingMappingAction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field MissingSchemaAction System.Data.MissingSchemaAction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TableMappings System.Data.ITableMappingCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.IDataAdapter = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSet System.Data.DataSet +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.IDataAdapter.Fill(dataSet) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSet System.Data.DataSet +---@param schemaType System.Data.SchemaType +function CS.System.Data.IDataAdapter.FillSchema(dataSet, schemaType) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.IDataAdapter.GetFillParameters() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSet System.Data.DataSet +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.IDataAdapter.Update(dataSet) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.DuplicateNameException: System.Data.DataException +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.DuplicateNameException = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.IDataParameter +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DbType System.Data.DbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Direction System.Data.ParameterDirection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsNullable bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ParameterName string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SourceColumn string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SourceVersion System.Data.DataRowVersion +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Value object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.IDataParameter = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.EvaluateException: System.Data.InvalidExpressionException +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.EvaluateException = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.FillErrorEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Continue bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataTable System.Data.DataTable +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Errors System.Exception +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Values object[] +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.FillErrorEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.IDataParameterCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.IDataParameterCollection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.IDataParameterCollection.Contains(parameterName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.IDataParameterCollection.IndexOf(parameterName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param parameterName string +function CS.System.Data.IDataParameterCollection.RemoveAt(parameterName) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.FillErrorEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.FillErrorEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.FillErrorEventArgs +function CS.System.Data.FillErrorEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.FillErrorEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.FillErrorEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.FillErrorEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.IDataReader +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Depth int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsClosed bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RecordsAffected int +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.IDataReader = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.IDataReader.Close() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return DataTable +function CS.System.Data.IDataReader.GetSchemaTable() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.IDataReader.NextResult() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.IDataReader.Read() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.ForeignKeyConstraint: System.Data.Constraint +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AcceptRejectRule System.Data.AcceptRejectRule +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Columns System.Data.DataColumn[] +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DeleteRule System.Data.Rule +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RelatedColumns System.Data.DataColumn[] +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RelatedTable System.Data.DataTable +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Table System.Data.DataTable +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UpdateRule System.Data.Rule +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.ForeignKeyConstraint = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param key object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.ForeignKeyConstraint.Equals(key) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.ForeignKeyConstraint.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.IDataRecord +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field FieldCount int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.IDataRecord = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.IDataRecord.GetBoolean(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Data.IDataRecord.GetByte(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@param fieldOffset long +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param bufferoffset int +---@param length int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.IDataRecord.GetBytes(i, fieldOffset, buffer, bufferoffset, length) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Char +function CS.System.Data.IDataRecord.GetChar(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@param fieldoffset long +---@param buffer char[] +---@param bufferoffset int +---@param length int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.IDataRecord.GetChars(i, fieldoffset, buffer, bufferoffset, length) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return IDataReader +function CS.System.Data.IDataRecord.GetData(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.IDataRecord.GetDataTypeName(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Data.IDataRecord.GetDateTime(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Data.IDataRecord.GetDecimal(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Double +function CS.System.Data.IDataRecord.GetDouble(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Type +function CS.System.Data.IDataRecord.GetFieldType(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Single +function CS.System.Data.IDataRecord.GetFloat(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Data.IDataRecord.GetGuid(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Data.IDataRecord.GetInt16(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.IDataRecord.GetInt32(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Data.IDataRecord.GetInt64(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.IDataRecord.GetName(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.IDataRecord.GetOrdinal(name) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.IDataRecord.GetString(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Data.IDataRecord.GetValue(i) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param values object[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.IDataRecord.GetValues(values) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param i int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.IDataRecord.IsDBNull(i) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.IDbCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CommandText string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CommandTimeout int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CommandType System.Data.CommandType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Connection System.Data.IDbConnection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Parameters System.Data.IDataParameterCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Transaction System.Data.IDbTransaction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UpdatedRowSource System.Data.UpdateRowSource +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.IDbCommand = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.IDbCommand.Cancel() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IDbDataParameter +function CS.System.Data.IDbCommand.CreateParameter() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IDataReader +function CS.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param behavior System.Data.CommandBehavior +---@return IDataReader +function CS.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(behavior) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteScalar() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.IDbCommand.Prepare() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.IDbConnection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ConnectionString string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ConnectionTimeout int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Database string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field State System.Data.ConnectionState +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.IDbConnection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IDbTransaction +function CS.System.Data.IDbConnection.BeginTransaction() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param il System.Data.IsolationLevel +---@return IDbTransaction +function CS.System.Data.IDbConnection.BeginTransaction(il) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param databaseName string +function CS.System.Data.IDbConnection.ChangeDatabase(databaseName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.IDbConnection.Close() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IDbCommand +function CS.System.Data.IDbConnection.CreateCommand() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.IDbConnection.Open() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.IDbDataAdapter +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DeleteCommand System.Data.IDbCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field InsertCommand System.Data.IDbCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SelectCommand System.Data.IDbCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UpdateCommand System.Data.IDbCommand +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.IDbDataAdapter = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.IDbDataParameter +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Precision byte +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Scale byte +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Size int +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.IDbDataParameter = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.MissingMappingAction: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Error System.Data.MissingMappingAction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Ignore System.Data.MissingMappingAction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Passthrough System.Data.MissingMappingAction +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.MissingMappingAction = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.MissingMappingAction +function CS.System.Data.MissingMappingAction:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.IDbTransaction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Connection System.Data.IDbConnection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsolationLevel System.Data.IsolationLevel +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.IDbTransaction = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.IDbTransaction.Commit() end + +---@source System.Data.dll +function CS.System.Data.IDbTransaction.Rollback() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.InRowChangingEventException: System.Data.DataException +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.InRowChangingEventException = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.MissingPrimaryKeyException: System.Data.DataException +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.MissingPrimaryKeyException = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.InternalDataCollectionBase: object +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.InternalDataCollectionBase = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param ar System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Data.InternalDataCollectionBase.CopyTo(ar, index) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Data.InternalDataCollectionBase.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.MissingSchemaAction: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Add System.Data.MissingSchemaAction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AddWithKey System.Data.MissingSchemaAction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Error System.Data.MissingSchemaAction +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Ignore System.Data.MissingSchemaAction +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.MissingSchemaAction = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.MissingSchemaAction +function CS.System.Data.MissingSchemaAction:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.InvalidConstraintException: System.Data.DataException +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.InvalidConstraintException = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.NoNullAllowedException: System.Data.DataException +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.NoNullAllowedException = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.InvalidExpressionException: System.Data.DataException +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.InvalidExpressionException = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.IsolationLevel: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Chaos System.Data.IsolationLevel +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ReadCommitted System.Data.IsolationLevel +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ReadUncommitted System.Data.IsolationLevel +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RepeatableRead System.Data.IsolationLevel +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Serializable System.Data.IsolationLevel +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Snapshot System.Data.IsolationLevel +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Unspecified System.Data.IsolationLevel +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.IsolationLevel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.IsolationLevel +function CS.System.Data.IsolationLevel:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.ITableMapping +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ColumnMappings System.Data.IColumnMappingCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataSetTable string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SourceTable string +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.ITableMapping = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.ITableMappingCollection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.ITableMappingCollection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sourceTableName string +---@param dataSetTableName string +---@return ITableMapping +function CS.System.Data.ITableMappingCollection.Add(sourceTableName, dataSetTableName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sourceTableName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.ITableMappingCollection.Contains(sourceTableName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSetTableName string +---@return ITableMapping +function CS.System.Data.ITableMappingCollection.GetByDataSetTable(dataSetTableName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sourceTableName string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.ITableMappingCollection.IndexOf(sourceTableName) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sourceTableName string +function CS.System.Data.ITableMappingCollection.RemoveAt(sourceTableName) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.KeyRestrictionBehavior: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field AllowOnly System.Data.KeyRestrictionBehavior +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field PreventUsage System.Data.KeyRestrictionBehavior +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.KeyRestrictionBehavior = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.KeyRestrictionBehavior +function CS.System.Data.KeyRestrictionBehavior:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.LoadOption: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field OverwriteChanges System.Data.LoadOption +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field PreserveChanges System.Data.LoadOption +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Upsert System.Data.LoadOption +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.LoadOption = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.LoadOption +function CS.System.Data.LoadOption:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.MappingType: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Attribute System.Data.MappingType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Element System.Data.MappingType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Hidden System.Data.MappingType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SimpleContent System.Data.MappingType +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.MappingType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.MappingType +function CS.System.Data.MappingType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.MergeFailedEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Conflict string +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Table System.Data.DataTable +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.MergeFailedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.MergeFailedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.MergeFailedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.MergeFailedEventArgs +function CS.System.Data.MergeFailedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.MergeFailedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.MergeFailedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.MergeFailedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.OperationAbortedException: System.SystemException +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.OperationAbortedException = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.ParameterDirection: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Input System.Data.ParameterDirection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field InputOutput System.Data.ParameterDirection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Output System.Data.ParameterDirection +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ReturnValue System.Data.ParameterDirection +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.ParameterDirection = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.ParameterDirection +function CS.System.Data.ParameterDirection:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.PropertyAttributes: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field NotSupported System.Data.PropertyAttributes +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Optional System.Data.PropertyAttributes +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Read System.Data.PropertyAttributes +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Required System.Data.PropertyAttributes +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Write System.Data.PropertyAttributes +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.PropertyAttributes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.PropertyAttributes +function CS.System.Data.PropertyAttributes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.PropertyCollection: System.Collections.Hashtable +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.PropertyCollection = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Data.PropertyCollection.Clone() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.ReadOnlyException: System.Data.DataException +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.ReadOnlyException = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.RowNotInTableException: System.Data.DataException +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.RowNotInTableException = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.Rule: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Cascade System.Data.Rule +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field None System.Data.Rule +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SetDefault System.Data.Rule +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SetNull System.Data.Rule +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.Rule = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.Rule +function CS.System.Data.Rule:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ExcludeSchema System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IncludeSchema System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode +function CS.System.Data.SchemaSerializationMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SchemaType: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Mapped System.Data.SchemaType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Source System.Data.SchemaType +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SchemaType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.SchemaType +function CS.System.Data.SchemaType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SerializationFormat: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Binary System.Data.SerializationFormat +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Xml System.Data.SerializationFormat +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SerializationFormat = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.SerializationFormat +function CS.System.Data.SerializationFormat:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SqlDbType: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field BigInt System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Binary System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Bit System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Char System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Date System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DateTime System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DateTime2 System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DateTimeOffset System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Decimal System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Float System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Image System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Int System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Money System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field NChar System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field NText System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field NVarChar System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Real System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SmallDateTime System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SmallInt System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SmallMoney System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Structured System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Text System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Time System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Timestamp System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field TinyInt System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Udt System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field UniqueIdentifier System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field VarBinary System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field VarChar System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Variant System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Xml System.Data.SqlDbType +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SqlDbType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.SqlDbType +function CS.System.Data.SqlDbType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.StateChangeEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field CurrentState System.Data.ConnectionState +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field OriginalState System.Data.ConnectionState +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.StateChangeEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.StateChangeEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.StateChangeEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.StateChangeEventArgs +function CS.System.Data.StateChangeEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.StateChangeEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.StateChangeEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.StateChangeEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.StatementCompletedEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field RecordCount int +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.StatementCompletedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.StatementCompletedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.StatementCompletedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.StatementCompletedEventArgs +function CS.System.Data.StatementCompletedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Data.StatementCompletedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.StatementCompletedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Data.StatementCompletedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.StatementType: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Batch System.Data.StatementType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Delete System.Data.StatementType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Insert System.Data.StatementType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Select System.Data.StatementType +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Update System.Data.StatementType +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.StatementType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.StatementType +function CS.System.Data.StatementType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.SyntaxErrorException: System.Data.InvalidExpressionException +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.SyntaxErrorException = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.TypedDataSetGenerator: object +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.TypedDataSetGenerator = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param dataSet System.Data.DataSet +---@param codeNamespace System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace +---@param codeGen System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeGenerator +function CS.System.Data.TypedDataSetGenerator:Generate(dataSet, codeNamespace, codeGen) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@param codeGen System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeGenerator +---@return String +function CS.System.Data.TypedDataSetGenerator:GenerateIdName(name, codeGen) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.TypedDataSetGeneratorException: System.Data.DataException +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ErrorList System.Collections.ArrayList +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.TypedDataSetGeneratorException = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Data.TypedDataSetGeneratorException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.UniqueConstraint: System.Data.Constraint +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Columns System.Data.DataColumn[] +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IsPrimaryKey bool +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Table System.Data.DataTable +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.UniqueConstraint = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param key2 object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Data.UniqueConstraint.Equals(key2) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Data.UniqueConstraint.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.UpdateRowSource: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Both System.Data.UpdateRowSource +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field FirstReturnedRecord System.Data.UpdateRowSource +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field None System.Data.UpdateRowSource +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field OutputParameters System.Data.UpdateRowSource +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.UpdateRowSource = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.UpdateRowSource +function CS.System.Data.UpdateRowSource:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.UpdateStatus: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Continue System.Data.UpdateStatus +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ErrorsOccurred System.Data.UpdateStatus +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SkipAllRemainingRows System.Data.UpdateStatus +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field SkipCurrentRow System.Data.UpdateStatus +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.UpdateStatus = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.UpdateStatus +function CS.System.Data.UpdateStatus:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.VersionNotFoundException: System.Data.DataException +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.VersionNotFoundException = {} + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.XmlReadMode: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Auto System.Data.XmlReadMode +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DiffGram System.Data.XmlReadMode +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field Fragment System.Data.XmlReadMode +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IgnoreSchema System.Data.XmlReadMode +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field InferSchema System.Data.XmlReadMode +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field InferTypedSchema System.Data.XmlReadMode +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field ReadSchema System.Data.XmlReadMode +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.XmlReadMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.XmlReadMode +function CS.System.Data.XmlReadMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Data.XmlWriteMode: System.Enum +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DiffGram System.Data.XmlWriteMode +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field IgnoreSchema System.Data.XmlWriteMode +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field WriteSchema System.Data.XmlWriteMode +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Data.XmlWriteMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Data.XmlWriteMode +function CS.System.Data.XmlWriteMode:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Deployment.Internal.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Deployment.Internal.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..83832f480 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Deployment.Internal.lua @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Deployment.Internal.InternalActivationContextHelper: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Deployment.Internal.InternalActivationContextHelper = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param appInfo System.ActivationContext +---@return Object +function CS.System.Deployment.Internal.InternalActivationContextHelper:GetActivationContextData(appInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param appInfo System.ActivationContext +---@return Object +function CS.System.Deployment.Internal.InternalActivationContextHelper:GetApplicationComponentManifest(appInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param appInfo System.ActivationContext +function CS.System.Deployment.Internal.InternalActivationContextHelper:GetApplicationManifestBytes(appInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param appInfo System.ActivationContext +---@return Object +function CS.System.Deployment.Internal.InternalActivationContextHelper:GetDeploymentComponentManifest(appInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param appInfo System.ActivationContext +function CS.System.Deployment.Internal.InternalActivationContextHelper:GetDeploymentManifestBytes(appInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param appInfo System.ActivationContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Deployment.Internal.InternalActivationContextHelper:IsFirstRun(appInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param appInfo System.ActivationContext +function CS.System.Deployment.Internal.InternalActivationContextHelper:PrepareForExecution(appInfo) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Deployment.Internal.InternalApplicationIdentityHelper: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Deployment.Internal.InternalApplicationIdentityHelper = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param id System.ApplicationIdentity +---@return Object +function CS.System.Deployment.Internal.InternalApplicationIdentityHelper:GetInternalAppId(id) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cbff91e6b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.lua @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Category string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CheckId string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Justification string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MessageId string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Scope string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Target string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.ExcludeFromCodeCoverageAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.ExcludeFromCodeCoverageAttribute = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Internal.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Internal.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..349fc6b91 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Internal.lua @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Internal.ContractHelper: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Internal.ContractHelper = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param failureKind System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractFailureKind +---@param userMessage string +---@param conditionText string +---@param innerException System.Exception +---@return String +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Internal.ContractHelper:RaiseContractFailedEvent(failureKind, userMessage, conditionText, innerException) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param kind System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractFailureKind +---@param displayMessage string +---@param userMessage string +---@param conditionText string +---@param innerException System.Exception +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Internal.ContractHelper:TriggerFailure(kind, displayMessage, userMessage, conditionText, innerException) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.Contracts.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.Contracts.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4a51fe81b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.Contracts.lua @@ -0,0 +1,251 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ContractFailed System.EventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:add_ContractFailed(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:remove_ContractFailed(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param condition bool +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:Assert(condition) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param userMessage string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:Assert(condition, userMessage) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param condition bool +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:Assume(condition) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param userMessage string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:Assume(condition, userMessage) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:EndContractBlock() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param condition bool +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:Ensures(condition) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param userMessage string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:Ensures(condition, userMessage) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param condition bool +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:EnsuresOnThrow(condition) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param userMessage string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:EnsuresOnThrow(condition, userMessage) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fromInclusive int +---@param toExclusive int +---@param predicate System.Predicate +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:Exists(fromInclusive, toExclusive, predicate) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param collection System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param predicate System.Predicate +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:Exists(collection, predicate) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fromInclusive int +---@param toExclusive int +---@param predicate System.Predicate +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:ForAll(fromInclusive, toExclusive, predicate) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param collection System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param predicate System.Predicate +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:ForAll(collection, predicate) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param condition bool +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:Invariant(condition) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param userMessage string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:Invariant(condition, userMessage) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value T +---@return T +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:OldValue(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param condition bool +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:Requires(condition) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param userMessage string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:Requires(condition, userMessage) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param condition bool +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:Requires(condition) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param userMessage string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:Requires(condition, userMessage) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return T +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:Result() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value T +---@return T +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.Contract:ValueAtReturn(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractAbbreviatorAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractAbbreviatorAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractArgumentValidatorAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractArgumentValidatorAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractClassAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeContainingContracts System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractClassAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractClassForAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeContractsAreFor System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractClassForAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractFailedEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Condition string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FailureKind System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractFailureKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Handled bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Message string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OriginalException System.Exception +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Unwind bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractFailedEventArgs = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractFailedEventArgs.SetHandled() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractFailedEventArgs.SetUnwind() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractFailureKind: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Assert System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractFailureKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Assume System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractFailureKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Invariant System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractFailureKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Postcondition System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractFailureKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PostconditionOnException System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractFailureKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Precondition System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractFailureKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractFailureKind = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractFailureKind +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractFailureKind:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractInvariantMethodAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractInvariantMethodAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractOptionAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Category string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Enabled bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Setting string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractOptionAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractPublicPropertyNameAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractPublicPropertyNameAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractReferenceAssemblyAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractReferenceAssemblyAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractRuntimeIgnoredAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractRuntimeIgnoredAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractVerificationAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractVerificationAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Contracts.PureAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Contracts.PureAttribute = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e7111d0d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.lua @@ -0,0 +1,744 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventBookmark: object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventBookmark = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventKeyword: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field DisplayName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Value long +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventKeyword = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLevel: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field DisplayName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Value int +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLevel = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogConfiguration: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsClassicLog bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsEnabled bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LogFilePath string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LogIsolation System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogIsolation +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LogMode System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogMode +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LogName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LogType System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MaximumSizeInBytes long +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field OwningProviderName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ProviderBufferSize int? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ProviderControlGuid System.Guid? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ProviderKeywords long? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ProviderLatency int? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ProviderLevel int? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ProviderMaximumNumberOfBuffers int? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ProviderMinimumNumberOfBuffers int? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ProviderNames System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SecurityDescriptor string +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogConfiguration = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogConfiguration.Dispose() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogConfiguration.SaveChanges() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogInformation: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Attributes int? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CreationTime System.DateTime? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field FileSize long? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsLogFull bool? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LastAccessTime System.DateTime? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LastWriteTime System.DateTime? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field OldestRecordNumber long? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RecordCount long? +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogInformation = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogException: System.Exception +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Message string +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogException = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogInvalidDataException: System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogException +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogInvalidDataException = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogIsolation: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Application System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogIsolation +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Custom System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogIsolation +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field System System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogIsolation +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogIsolation = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogIsolation +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogIsolation:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogLink: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field DisplayName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsImported bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LogName string +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogLink = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogMode: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AutoBackup System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogMode +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Circular System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogMode +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Retain System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogMode +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogMode +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogNotFoundException: System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogException +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogNotFoundException = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogPropertySelector: object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogPropertySelector = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogPropertySelector.Dispose() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogProviderDisabledException: System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogException +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogProviderDisabledException = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogReader: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field BatchSize int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LogStatus System.Collections.Generic.IList +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogReader = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogReader.CancelReading() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogReader.Dispose() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return EventRecord +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogReader.ReadEvent() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return EventRecord +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogReader.ReadEvent(timeout) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param bookmark System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventBookmark +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogReader.Seek(bookmark) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param bookmark System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventBookmark +---@param offset long +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogReader.Seek(bookmark, offset) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param origin System.IO.SeekOrigin +---@param offset long +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogReader.Seek(origin, offset) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogQuery: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReverseDirection bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Session System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogSession +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field TolerateQueryErrors bool +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogQuery = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogReadingException: System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogException +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogReadingException = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogRecord: System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventRecord +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ActivityId System.Guid? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Bookmark System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventBookmark +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ContainerLog string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Id int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Keywords long? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field KeywordsDisplayNames System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Level byte? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LevelDisplayName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LogName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MachineName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MatchedQueryIds System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Opcode short? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field OpcodeDisplayName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ProcessId int? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Properties System.Collections.Generic.IList +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ProviderId System.Guid? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ProviderName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Qualifiers int? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RecordId long? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RelatedActivityId System.Guid? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Task int? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field TaskDisplayName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ThreadId int? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field TimeCreated System.DateTime? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field UserId System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Version byte? +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogRecord = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogRecord.FormatDescription() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param values System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return String +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogRecord.FormatDescription(values) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param propertySelector System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogPropertySelector +---@return IList +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogRecord.GetPropertyValues(propertySelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogRecord.ToXml() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogSession: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field GlobalSession System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogSession +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogSession = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogSession.CancelCurrentOperations() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param logName string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogSession.ClearLog(logName) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param logName string +---@param backupPath string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogSession.ClearLog(logName, backupPath) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogSession.Dispose() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param path string +---@param pathType System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.PathType +---@param query string +---@param targetFilePath string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogSession.ExportLog(path, pathType, query, targetFilePath) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param path string +---@param pathType System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.PathType +---@param query string +---@param targetFilePath string +---@param tolerateQueryErrors bool +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogSession.ExportLog(path, pathType, query, targetFilePath, tolerateQueryErrors) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param path string +---@param pathType System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.PathType +---@param query string +---@param targetFilePath string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogSession.ExportLogAndMessages(path, pathType, query, targetFilePath) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param path string +---@param pathType System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.PathType +---@param query string +---@param targetFilePath string +---@param tolerateQueryErrors bool +---@param targetCultureInfo System.Globalization.CultureInfo +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogSession.ExportLogAndMessages(path, pathType, query, targetFilePath, tolerateQueryErrors, targetCultureInfo) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param logName string +---@param pathType System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.PathType +---@return EventLogInformation +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogSession.GetLogInformation(logName, pathType) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogSession.GetLogNames() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogSession.GetProviderNames() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogStatus: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LogName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field StatusCode int +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogStatus = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogType: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Administrative System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Analytical System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Debug System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Operational System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogType +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogType +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogWatcher: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Enabled bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field EventRecordWritten System.EventHandler +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogWatcher = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogWatcher.add_EventRecordWritten(value) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogWatcher.remove_EventRecordWritten(value) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogWatcher.Dispose() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventMetadata: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Description string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Id long +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Keywords System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Level System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLevel +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LogLink System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogLink +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Opcode System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventOpcode +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Task System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventTask +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Template string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Version byte +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventMetadata = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventProperty: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Value object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventProperty = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventOpcode: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field DisplayName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Value int +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventOpcode = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventRecord: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ActivityId System.Guid? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Bookmark System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventBookmark +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Id int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Keywords long? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field KeywordsDisplayNames System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Level byte? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LevelDisplayName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LogName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MachineName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Opcode short? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field OpcodeDisplayName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ProcessId int? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Properties System.Collections.Generic.IList +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ProviderId System.Guid? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ProviderName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Qualifiers int? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RecordId long? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RelatedActivityId System.Guid? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Task int? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field TaskDisplayName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ThreadId int? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field TimeCreated System.DateTime? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field UserId System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Version byte? +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventRecord = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventRecord.Dispose() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventRecord.FormatDescription() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param values System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return String +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventRecord.FormatDescription(values) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventRecord.ToXml() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventTask: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field DisplayName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field EventGuid System.Guid +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Value int +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventTask = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventRecordWrittenEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field EventException System.Exception +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field EventRecord System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventRecord +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventRecordWrittenEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.PathType: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field FilePath System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.PathType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LogName System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.PathType +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.PathType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.PathType +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.PathType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.ProviderMetadata: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field DisplayName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Events System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field HelpLink System.Uri +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Id System.Guid +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Keywords System.Collections.Generic.IList +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Levels System.Collections.Generic.IList +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LogLinks System.Collections.Generic.IList +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MessageFilePath string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Opcodes System.Collections.Generic.IList +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ParameterFilePath string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ResourceFilePath string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Tasks System.Collections.Generic.IList +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.ProviderMetadata = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.ProviderMetadata.Dispose() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.SessionAuthentication: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Default System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.SessionAuthentication +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Kerberos System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.SessionAuthentication +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Negotiate System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.SessionAuthentication +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Ntlm System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.SessionAuthentication +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.SessionAuthentication = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.SessionAuthentication +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.SessionAuthentication:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventOpcode: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field DataCollectionStart System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventOpcode +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field DataCollectionStop System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventOpcode +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Extension System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventOpcode +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Info System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventOpcode +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Receive System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventOpcode +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Reply System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventOpcode +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Resume System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventOpcode +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Send System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventOpcode +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Start System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventOpcode +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Stop System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventOpcode +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Suspend System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventOpcode +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventOpcode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventOpcode +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventOpcode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventKeywords: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AuditFailure System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventKeywords +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AuditSuccess System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventKeywords +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CorrelationHint System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventKeywords +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CorrelationHint2 System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventKeywords +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field EventLogClassic System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventKeywords +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field None System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventKeywords +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ResponseTime System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventKeywords +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Sqm System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventKeywords +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field WdiContext System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventKeywords +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field WdiDiagnostic System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventKeywords +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventKeywords = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventKeywords +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventKeywords:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventTask: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field None System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventTask +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventTask = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventTask +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventTask:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventLevel: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Critical System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventLevel +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Error System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventLevel +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Informational System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventLevel +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LogAlways System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventLevel +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Verbose System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventLevel +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Warning System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventLevel +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventLevel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventLevel +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.StandardEventLevel:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.Eventing.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.Eventing.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a9ce03bcb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.Eventing.lua @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventDescriptor: System.ValueType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Channel byte +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field EventId int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Keywords long +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Level byte +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Opcode byte +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Task int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Version byte +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventDescriptor = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProvider: object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProvider = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProvider.Close() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProvider:CreateActivityId() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProvider.Dispose() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return WriteEventErrorCode +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProvider:GetLastWriteEventError() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProvider.IsEnabled() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param level byte +---@param keywords long +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProvider.IsEnabled(level, keywords) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param id System.Guid +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProvider:SetActivityId(id) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param eventDescriptor System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventDescriptor +---@param eventPayload object[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProvider.WriteEvent(eventDescriptor, eventPayload) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param eventDescriptor System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventDescriptor +---@param data string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProvider.WriteEvent(eventDescriptor, data) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param eventMessage string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProvider.WriteMessageEvent(eventMessage) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param eventMessage string +---@param eventLevel byte +---@param eventKeywords long +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProvider.WriteMessageEvent(eventMessage, eventLevel, eventKeywords) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param eventDescriptor System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventDescriptor +---@param relatedActivityId System.Guid +---@param eventPayload object[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProvider.WriteTransferEvent(eventDescriptor, relatedActivityId, eventPayload) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.WriteEventErrorCode: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field EventTooBig System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProvider.WriteEventErrorCode +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NoError System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProvider.WriteEventErrorCode +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NoFreeBuffers System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProvider.WriteEventErrorCode +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.WriteEventErrorCode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProvider.WriteEventErrorCode +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.WriteEventErrorCode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProviderTraceListener: System.Diagnostics.TraceListener +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Delimiter string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsThreadSafe bool +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProviderTraceListener = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProviderTraceListener.Close() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param message string +---@param detailMessage string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProviderTraceListener.Fail(message, detailMessage) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProviderTraceListener.Flush() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param data object +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProviderTraceListener.TraceData(eventCache, source, eventType, id, data) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param data object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProviderTraceListener.TraceData(eventCache, source, eventType, id, data) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProviderTraceListener.TraceEvent(eventCache, source, eventType, id) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProviderTraceListener.TraceEvent(eventCache, source, eventType, id, message) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param format string +---@param args object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProviderTraceListener.TraceEvent(eventCache, source, eventType, id, format, args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param id int +---@param message string +---@param relatedActivityId System.Guid +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProviderTraceListener.TraceTransfer(eventCache, source, id, message, relatedActivityId) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProviderTraceListener.Write(message) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Eventing.EventProviderTraceListener.WriteLine(message) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e883a8e7c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.lua @@ -0,0 +1,155 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterSet: object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterSet = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param counterId int +---@param counterType System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterSet.AddCounter(counterId, counterType) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param counterId int +---@param counterType System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@param counterName string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterSet.AddCounter(counterId, counterType, counterName) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param instanceName string +---@return CounterSetInstance +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterSet.CreateCounterSetInstance(instanceName) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterSet.Dispose() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterSetInstance: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Counters System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterSetInstanceCounterDataSet +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterSetInstance = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterSetInstance.Dispose() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterSetInstanceCounterDataSet: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field this[] System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterData +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field this[] System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterData +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterSetInstanceCounterDataSet = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterSetInstanceCounterDataSet.Dispose() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterSetInstanceType: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field GlobalAggregate System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterSetInstanceType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field GlobalAggregateWithHistory System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterSetInstanceType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field InstanceAggregate System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterSetInstanceType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Multiple System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterSetInstanceType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MultipleAggregate System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterSetInstanceType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Single System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterSetInstanceType +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterSetInstanceType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterSetInstanceType +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterSetInstanceType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AverageBase System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AverageCount64 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AverageTimer32 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Delta32 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Delta64 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ElapsedTime System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LargeQueueLength System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MultiTimerBase System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MultiTimerPercentageActive System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MultiTimerPercentageActive100Ns System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MultiTimerPercentageNotActive System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MultiTimerPercentageNotActive100Ns System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ObjectSpecificTimer System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PercentageActive System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PercentageActive100Ns System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PercentageNotActive System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PercentageNotActive100Ns System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PrecisionObjectSpecificTimer System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PrecisionSystemTimer System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PrecisionTimer100Ns System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field QueueLength System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field QueueLength100Ns System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field QueueLengthObjectTime System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RateOfCountPerSecond32 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RateOfCountPerSecond64 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RawBase32 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RawBase64 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RawData32 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RawData64 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RawDataHex32 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RawDataHex64 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RawFraction32 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RawFraction64 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SampleBase System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SampleCounter System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SampleFraction System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData.CounterType:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1b206c95d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.lua @@ -0,0 +1,485 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolBinder +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolBinder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param importer int +---@param filename string +---@param searchPath string +---@return ISymbolReader +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolBinder.GetReader(importer, filename, searchPath) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolDocument +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CheckSumAlgorithmId System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DocumentType System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HasEmbeddedSource bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Language System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LanguageVendor System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SourceLength int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field URL string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolDocument = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param line int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolDocument.FindClosestLine(line) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolDocument.GetCheckSum() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param startLine int +---@param startColumn int +---@param endLine int +---@param endColumn int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolDocument.GetSourceRange(startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolBinder1 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolBinder1 = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param importer System.IntPtr +---@param filename string +---@param searchPath string +---@return ISymbolReader +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolBinder1.GetReader(importer, filename, searchPath) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolDocumentWriter +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolDocumentWriter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param algorithmId System.Guid +---@param checkSum byte[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolDocumentWriter.SetCheckSum(algorithmId, checkSum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source byte[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolDocumentWriter.SetSource(source) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolMethod +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RootScope System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SequencePointCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Token System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymbolToken +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolMethod = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ISymbolNamespace +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolMethod.GetNamespace() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param document System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolDocument +---@param line int +---@param column int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolMethod.GetOffset(document, line, column) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolMethod.GetParameters() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param document System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolDocument +---@param line int +---@param column int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolMethod.GetRanges(document, line, column) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param offset int +---@return ISymbolScope +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolMethod.GetScope(offset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param offsets int[] +---@param documents System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolDocument[] +---@param lines int[] +---@param columns int[] +---@param endLines int[] +---@param endColumns int[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolMethod.GetSequencePoints(offsets, documents, lines, columns, endLines, endColumns) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param docs System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolDocument[] +---@param lines int[] +---@param columns int[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolMethod.GetSourceStartEnd(docs, lines, columns) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolNamespace +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolNamespace = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolNamespace.GetNamespaces() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolNamespace.GetVariables() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EndOffset int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Method System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolMethod +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Parent System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StartOffset int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolScope = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolScope.GetChildren() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolScope.GetLocals() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolScope.GetNamespaces() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolVariable +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AddressField1 int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AddressField2 int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AddressField3 int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AddressKind System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymAddressKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attributes object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EndOffset int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StartOffset int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolVariable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolVariable.GetSignature() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter.Close() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter.CloseMethod() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter.CloseNamespace() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param endOffset int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter.CloseScope(endOffset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param url string +---@param language System.Guid +---@param languageVendor System.Guid +---@param documentType System.Guid +---@return ISymbolDocumentWriter +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter.DefineDocument(url, language, languageVendor, documentType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param parent System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymbolToken +---@param name string +---@param attributes System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@param signature byte[] +---@param addrKind System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymAddressKind +---@param addr1 int +---@param addr2 int +---@param addr3 int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter.DefineField(parent, name, attributes, signature, addrKind, addr1, addr2, addr3) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attributes System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@param signature byte[] +---@param addrKind System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymAddressKind +---@param addr1 int +---@param addr2 int +---@param addr3 int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter.DefineGlobalVariable(name, attributes, signature, addrKind, addr1, addr2, addr3) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attributes System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@param signature byte[] +---@param addrKind System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymAddressKind +---@param addr1 int +---@param addr2 int +---@param addr3 int +---@param startOffset int +---@param endOffset int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter.DefineLocalVariable(name, attributes, signature, addrKind, addr1, addr2, addr3, startOffset, endOffset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attributes System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes +---@param sequence int +---@param addrKind System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymAddressKind +---@param addr1 int +---@param addr2 int +---@param addr3 int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter.DefineParameter(name, attributes, sequence, addrKind, addr1, addr2, addr3) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param document System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolDocumentWriter +---@param offsets int[] +---@param lines int[] +---@param columns int[] +---@param endLines int[] +---@param endColumns int[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter.DefineSequencePoints(document, offsets, lines, columns, endLines, endColumns) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param emitter System.IntPtr +---@param filename string +---@param fFullBuild bool +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter.Initialize(emitter, filename, fFullBuild) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param method System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymbolToken +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter.OpenMethod(method) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter.OpenNamespace(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param startOffset int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter.OpenScope(startOffset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param startDoc System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolDocumentWriter +---@param startLine int +---@param startColumn int +---@param endDoc System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolDocumentWriter +---@param endLine int +---@param endColumn int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter.SetMethodSourceRange(startDoc, startLine, startColumn, endDoc, endLine, endColumn) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param scopeID int +---@param startOffset int +---@param endOffset int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter.SetScopeRange(scopeID, startOffset, endOffset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param parent System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymbolToken +---@param name string +---@param data byte[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter.SetSymAttribute(parent, name, data) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param underlyingWriter System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter.SetUnderlyingWriter(underlyingWriter) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param entryMethod System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymbolToken +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter.SetUserEntryPoint(entryMethod) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fullName string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolWriter.UsingNamespace(fullName) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymAddressKind: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BitField System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymAddressKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ILOffset System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymAddressKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NativeOffset System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymAddressKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NativeRegister System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymAddressKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NativeRegisterRegister System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymAddressKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NativeRegisterRelative System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymAddressKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NativeRegisterStack System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymAddressKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NativeRVA System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymAddressKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NativeSectionOffset System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymAddressKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NativeStackRegister System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymAddressKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymAddressKind = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymAddressKind +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymAddressKind:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymbolToken: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymbolToken = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymbolToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymbolToken.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymbolToken.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymbolToken.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymbolToken.GetToken() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymbolToken +---@param b System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymbolToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymbolToken:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymbolToken +---@param b System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymbolToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymbolToken:op_Inequality(a, b) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymDocumentType: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Text System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymDocumentType = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymLanguageType: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Basic System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field C System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Cobol System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CPlusPlus System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CSharp System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ILAssembly System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Java System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field JScript System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MCPlusPlus System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Pascal System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SMC System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymLanguageType = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymLanguageVendor: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Microsoft System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymLanguageVendor = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolReader +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UserEntryPoint System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymbolToken +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolReader = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param url string +---@param language System.Guid +---@param languageVendor System.Guid +---@param documentType System.Guid +---@return ISymbolDocument +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolReader.GetDocument(url, language, languageVendor, documentType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolReader.GetDocuments() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolReader.GetGlobalVariables() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param method System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymbolToken +---@return ISymbolMethod +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolReader.GetMethod(method) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param method System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymbolToken +---@param version int +---@return ISymbolMethod +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolReader.GetMethod(method, version) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param document System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolDocument +---@param line int +---@param column int +---@return ISymbolMethod +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolReader.GetMethodFromDocumentPosition(document, line, column) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolReader.GetNamespaces() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param parent System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymbolToken +---@param name string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolReader.GetSymAttribute(parent, name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param parent System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.SymbolToken +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolReader.GetVariables(parent) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.Tracing.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.Tracing.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2acd7c173 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.Tracing.lua @@ -0,0 +1,591 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventActivityOptions: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Detachable System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventActivityOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Disable System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventActivityOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventActivityOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Recursive System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventActivityOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventActivityOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventActivityOptions +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventActivityOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ActivityOptions System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventActivityOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Channel System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventChannel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EventId int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Keywords System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventKeywords +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Level System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Message string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Opcode System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventOpcode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Tags System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventTags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Task System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventTask +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Version byte +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventChannel: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Admin System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventChannel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Analytic System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventChannel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Debug System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventChannel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventChannel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Operational System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventChannel +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventChannel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventChannel +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventChannel:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventCommand: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Disable System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventCommand +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Enable System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventCommand +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SendManifest System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventCommand +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Update System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventCommand +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventCommand = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventCommand +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventCommand:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventCommandEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Arguments System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Command System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventCommand +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventCommandEventArgs = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param eventId int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventCommandEventArgs.DisableEvent(eventId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param eventId int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventCommandEventArgs.EnableEvent(eventId) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventDataAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventDataAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventFieldAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Format System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventFieldFormat +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Tags System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventFieldTags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventFieldAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventFieldFormat: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Boolean System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventFieldFormat +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Default System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventFieldFormat +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Hexadecimal System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventFieldFormat +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HResult System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventFieldFormat +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Json System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventFieldFormat +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field String System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventFieldFormat +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Xml System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventFieldFormat +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventFieldFormat = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventFieldFormat +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventFieldFormat:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventIgnoreAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventIgnoreAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventFieldTags: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventFieldTags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventFieldTags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventFieldTags +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventFieldTags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventKeywords: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field All System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventKeywords +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AuditFailure System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventKeywords +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AuditSuccess System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventKeywords +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CorrelationHint System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventKeywords +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EventLogClassic System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventKeywords +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MicrosoftTelemetry System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventKeywords +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventKeywords +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Sqm System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventKeywords +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WdiContext System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventKeywords +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WdiDiagnostic System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventKeywords +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventKeywords = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventKeywords +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventKeywords:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventLevel: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Critical System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Error System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Informational System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LogAlways System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Verbose System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Warning System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventLevel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventLevel +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventLevel:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventManifestOptions: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllCultures System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventManifestOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllowEventSourceOverride System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventManifestOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventManifestOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OnlyIfNeededForRegistration System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventManifestOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Strict System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventManifestOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventManifestOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventManifestOptions +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventManifestOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventListener: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EventSourceCreated System.EventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EventWritten System.EventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventListener = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventListener.add_EventSourceCreated(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventListener.remove_EventSourceCreated(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventListener.add_EventWritten(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventListener.remove_EventWritten(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param eventSource System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventListener.DisableEvents(eventSource) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventListener.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param eventSource System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource +---@param level System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventLevel +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventListener.EnableEvents(eventSource, level) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param eventSource System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource +---@param level System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventLevel +---@param matchAnyKeyword System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventKeywords +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventListener.EnableEvents(eventSource, level, matchAnyKeyword) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param eventSource System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource +---@param level System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventLevel +---@param matchAnyKeyword System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventKeywords +---@param arguments System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventListener.EnableEvents(eventSource, level, matchAnyKeyword, arguments) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param eventSource System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventListener:EventSourceIndex(eventSource) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventOpcode: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DataCollectionStart System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventOpcode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DataCollectionStop System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventOpcode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Extension System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventOpcode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Info System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventOpcode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Receive System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventOpcode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Reply System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventOpcode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Resume System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventOpcode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Send System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventOpcode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Start System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventOpcode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stop System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventOpcode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Suspend System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventOpcode +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventOpcode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventOpcode +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventOpcode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ConstructionException System.Exception +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentThreadActivityId System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Guid System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Settings System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceSettings +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EventCommandExecuted System.EventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.add_EventCommandExecuted(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.remove_EventCommandExecuted(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param eventSourceType System.Type +---@param assemblyPathToIncludeInManifest string +---@return String +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:GenerateManifest(eventSourceType, assemblyPathToIncludeInManifest) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param eventSourceType System.Type +---@param assemblyPathToIncludeInManifest string +---@param flags System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventManifestOptions +---@return String +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:GenerateManifest(eventSourceType, assemblyPathToIncludeInManifest, flags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param eventSourceType System.Type +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:GetGuid(eventSourceType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param eventSourceType System.Type +---@return String +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:GetName(eventSourceType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:GetSources() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key string +---@return String +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.GetTrait(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.IsEnabled() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param level System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventLevel +---@param keywords System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventKeywords +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.IsEnabled(level, keywords) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param level System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventLevel +---@param keywords System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventKeywords +---@param channel System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventChannel +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.IsEnabled(level, keywords, channel) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param eventSource System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource +---@param command System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventCommand +---@param commandArguments System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:SendCommand(eventSource, command, commandArguments) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param activityId System.Guid +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:SetCurrentThreadActivityId(activityId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param activityId System.Guid +---@param oldActivityThatWillContinue System.Guid +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource:SetCurrentThreadActivityId(activityId, oldActivityThatWillContinue) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param eventName string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.Write(eventName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param eventName string +---@param options System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceOptions +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.Write(eventName, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param eventName string +---@param options System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceOptions +---@param data T +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.Write(eventName, options, data) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param eventName string +---@param options System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceOptions +---@param activityId System.Guid +---@param relatedActivityId System.Guid +---@param data T +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.Write(eventName, options, activityId, relatedActivityId, data) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param eventName string +---@param options System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceOptions +---@param data T +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.Write(eventName, options, data) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param eventName string +---@param data T +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.Write(eventName, data) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Guid string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LocalizationResources string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceCreatedEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EventSource System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceCreatedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceException: System.Exception +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceSettings: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Default System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceSettings +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EtwManifestEventFormat System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceSettings +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EtwSelfDescribingEventFormat System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceSettings +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ThrowOnEventWriteErrors System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceSettings +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceSettings = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceSettings +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceSettings:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceOptions: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ActivityOptions System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventActivityOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Keywords System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventKeywords +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Level System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Opcode System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventOpcode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Tags System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventTags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSourceOptions = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventTags: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventTags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventTags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventTags +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventTags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventTask: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventTask +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventTask = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventTask +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventTask:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventWrittenEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ActivityId System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Channel System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventChannel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EventId int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EventName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EventSource System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Keywords System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventKeywords +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Level System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Message string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Opcode System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventOpcode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Payload System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PayloadNames System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RelatedActivityId System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Tags System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventTags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Task System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventTask +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Version byte +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventWrittenEventArgs = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Tracing.NonEventAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Tracing.NonEventAttribute = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c5f2f8bed --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Diagnostics.lua @@ -0,0 +1,3178 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.ConditionalAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ConditionString string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.ConditionalAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DebuggingFlags System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsJITOptimizerDisabled bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsJITTrackingEnabled bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.DebuggingModes: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Default System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DisableOptimizations System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EnableEditAndContinue System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.DebuggingModes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes +function CS.System.Diagnostics.DebuggingModes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Debugger: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DefaultCategory string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAttached bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Debugger = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debugger:Break() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debugger:IsLogging() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debugger:Launch() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param level int +---@param category string +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debugger:Log(level, category, message) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debugger:NotifyOfCrossThreadDependency() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsableAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field State System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsableState +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsableAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsableState: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Collapsed System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsableState +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Never System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsableState +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RootHidden System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsableState +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsableState = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsableState +function CS.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerBrowsableState:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.DebuggerDisplayAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Target System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TargetTypeName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Type string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerDisplayAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.DebuggerHiddenAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerHiddenAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepperBoundaryAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepperBoundaryAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.DebuggerVisualizerAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Description string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Target System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TargetTypeName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VisualizerObjectSourceTypeName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VisualizerTypeName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.DebuggerVisualizerAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.StackFrame: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OFFSET_UNKNOWN int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.StackFrame = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.StackFrame.GetFileColumnNumber() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.StackFrame.GetFileLineNumber() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Diagnostics.StackFrame.GetFileName() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.StackFrame.GetILOffset() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodBase +function CS.System.Diagnostics.StackFrame.GetMethod() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.StackFrame.GetNativeOffset() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Diagnostics.StackFrame.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.StackTrace: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field METHODS_TO_SKIP int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FrameCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.StackTrace = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@return StackFrame +function CS.System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.GetFrame(index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.GetFrames() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Diagnostics.StackTrace.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.TraceLogRetentionOption: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LimitedCircularFiles System.Diagnostics.TraceLogRetentionOption +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LimitedSequentialFiles System.Diagnostics.TraceLogRetentionOption +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SingleFileBoundedSize System.Diagnostics.TraceLogRetentionOption +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SingleFileUnboundedSize System.Diagnostics.TraceLogRetentionOption +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field UnlimitedSequentialFiles System.Diagnostics.TraceLogRetentionOption +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceLogRetentionOption = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.TraceLogRetentionOption +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceLogRetentionOption:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.UnescapedXmlDiagnosticData: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field UnescapedXml string +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.UnescapedXmlDiagnosticData = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Diagnostics.UnescapedXmlDiagnosticData.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.BooleanSwitch: System.Diagnostics.Switch +---@source System.dll +---@field Enabled bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.BooleanSwitch = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.ConsoleTraceListener: System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.ConsoleTraceListener = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.ConsoleTraceListener.Close() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.CorrelationManager: object +---@source System.dll +---@field ActivityId System.Guid +---@source System.dll +---@field LogicalOperationStack System.Collections.Stack +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.CorrelationManager = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.CorrelationManager.StartLogicalOperation() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param operationId object +function CS.System.Diagnostics.CorrelationManager.StartLogicalOperation(operationId) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.CorrelationManager.StopLogicalOperation() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationData: object +---@source System.dll +---@field CounterHelp string +---@source System.dll +---@field CounterName string +---@source System.dll +---@field CounterType System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationData = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationDataCollection: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationData +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationDataCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationData +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationDataCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationDataCollection +function CS.System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationDataCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationData[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationDataCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationData +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationDataCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationData[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationDataCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationData +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationDataCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationData +function CS.System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationDataCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationData +function CS.System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationDataCollection.Remove(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.CounterSample: System.ValueType +---@source System.dll +---@field Empty System.Diagnostics.CounterSample +---@source System.dll +---@field BaseValue long +---@source System.dll +---@field CounterFrequency long +---@source System.dll +---@field CounterTimeStamp long +---@source System.dll +---@field CounterType System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field RawValue long +---@source System.dll +---@field SystemFrequency long +---@source System.dll +---@field TimeStamp long +---@source System.dll +---@field TimeStamp100nSec long +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.CounterSample = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param counterSample System.Diagnostics.CounterSample +---@return Single +function CS.System.Diagnostics.CounterSample:Calculate(counterSample) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param counterSample System.Diagnostics.CounterSample +---@param nextCounterSample System.Diagnostics.CounterSample +---@return Single +function CS.System.Diagnostics.CounterSample:Calculate(counterSample, nextCounterSample) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sample System.Diagnostics.CounterSample +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.CounterSample.Equals(sample) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.CounterSample.Equals(o) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.CounterSample.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param a System.Diagnostics.CounterSample +---@param b System.Diagnostics.CounterSample +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.CounterSample:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param a System.Diagnostics.CounterSample +---@param b System.Diagnostics.CounterSample +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.CounterSample:op_Inequality(a, b) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.CounterSampleCalculator: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.CounterSampleCalculator = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param newSample System.Diagnostics.CounterSample +---@return Single +function CS.System.Diagnostics.CounterSampleCalculator:ComputeCounterValue(newSample) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param oldSample System.Diagnostics.CounterSample +---@param newSample System.Diagnostics.CounterSample +---@return Single +function CS.System.Diagnostics.CounterSampleCalculator:ComputeCounterValue(oldSample, newSample) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Data string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventArgs +function CS.System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Debug: object +---@source System.dll +---@field AutoFlush bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IndentLevel int +---@source System.dll +---@field IndentSize int +---@source System.dll +---@field Listeners System.Diagnostics.TraceListenerCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param condition bool +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:Assert(condition) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:Assert(condition, message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param message string +---@param detailMessage string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:Assert(condition, message, detailMessage) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param message string +---@param detailMessageFormat string +---@param args object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:Assert(condition, message, detailMessageFormat, args) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:Close() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:Fail(message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +---@param detailMessage string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:Fail(message, detailMessage) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:Flush() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:Indent() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:Print(message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param format string +---@param args object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:Print(format, args) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:Unindent() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:Write(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +---@param category string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:Write(value, category) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:Write(message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +---@param category string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:Write(message, category) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param value object +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:WriteIf(condition, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param value object +---@param category string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:WriteIf(condition, value, category) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:WriteIf(condition, message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param message string +---@param category string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:WriteIf(condition, message, category) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:WriteLine(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +---@param category string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:WriteLine(value, category) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:WriteLine(message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param format string +---@param args object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:WriteLine(format, args) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +---@param category string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:WriteLine(message, category) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param value object +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:WriteLineIf(condition, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param value object +---@param category string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:WriteLineIf(condition, value, category) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:WriteLineIf(condition, message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param message string +---@param category string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Debug:WriteLineIf(condition, message, category) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.DefaultTraceListener: System.Diagnostics.TraceListener +---@source System.dll +---@field AssertUiEnabled bool +---@source System.dll +---@field LogFileName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.DefaultTraceListener = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.DefaultTraceListener.Fail(message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +---@param detailMessage string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.DefaultTraceListener.Fail(message, detailMessage) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.DefaultTraceListener.Write(message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.DefaultTraceListener.WriteLine(message) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.DelimitedListTraceListener: System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener +---@source System.dll +---@field Delimiter string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.DelimitedListTraceListener = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param data object +function CS.System.Diagnostics.DelimitedListTraceListener.TraceData(eventCache, source, eventType, id, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param data object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.DelimitedListTraceListener.TraceData(eventCache, source, eventType, id, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.DelimitedListTraceListener.TraceEvent(eventCache, source, eventType, id, message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param format string +---@param args object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.DelimitedListTraceListener.TraceEvent(eventCache, source, eventType, id, format, args) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticsConfigurationHandler: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticsConfigurationHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param parent object +---@param configContext object +---@param section System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return Object +function CS.System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticsConfigurationHandler.Create(parent, configContext, section) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.EntryWrittenEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Entry System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntry +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.EntryWrittenEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.EntryWrittenEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.EntryWrittenEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Diagnostics.EntryWrittenEventArgs +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EntryWrittenEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Diagnostics.EntryWrittenEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EntryWrittenEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EntryWrittenEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.EventInstance: object +---@source System.dll +---@field CategoryId int +---@source System.dll +---@field EntryType System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType +---@source System.dll +---@field InstanceId long +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.EventInstance = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Error System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType +---@source System.dll +---@field FailureAudit System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType +---@source System.dll +---@field Information System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType +---@source System.dll +---@field SuccessAudit System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType +---@source System.dll +---@field Warning System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.EventLog: System.ComponentModel.Component +---@source System.dll +---@field EnableRaisingEvents bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Entries System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Log string +---@source System.dll +---@field LogDisplayName string +---@source System.dll +---@field MachineName string +---@source System.dll +---@field MaximumKilobytes long +---@source System.dll +---@field MinimumRetentionDays int +---@source System.dll +---@field OverflowAction System.Diagnostics.OverflowAction +---@source System.dll +---@field Source string +---@source System.dll +---@field SynchronizingObject System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke +---@source System.dll +---@field EntryWritten System.Diagnostics.EntryWrittenEventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.EntryWrittenEventHandler +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog.add_EntryWritten(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.EntryWrittenEventHandler +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog.remove_EntryWritten(value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog.BeginInit() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog.Close() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sourceData System.Diagnostics.EventSourceCreationData +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog:CreateEventSource(sourceData) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param source string +---@param logName string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog:CreateEventSource(source, logName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param source string +---@param logName string +---@param machineName string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog:CreateEventSource(source, logName, machineName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param logName string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog:Delete(logName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param logName string +---@param machineName string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog:Delete(logName, machineName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param source string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog:DeleteEventSource(source) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param source string +---@param machineName string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog:DeleteEventSource(source, machineName) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog.EndInit() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param logName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog:Exists(logName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param logName string +---@param machineName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog:Exists(logName, machineName) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog:GetEventLogs() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param machineName string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog:GetEventLogs(machineName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param source string +---@param machineName string +---@return String +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog:LogNameFromSourceName(source, machineName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param action System.Diagnostics.OverflowAction +---@param retentionDays int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog.ModifyOverflowPolicy(action, retentionDays) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param resourceFile string +---@param resourceId long +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog.RegisterDisplayName(resourceFile, resourceId) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param source string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog:SourceExists(source) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param source string +---@param machineName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog:SourceExists(source, machineName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry(message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +---@param type System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry(message, type) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +---@param type System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType +---@param eventID int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry(message, type, eventID) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +---@param type System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType +---@param eventID int +---@param category short +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry(message, type, eventID, category) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +---@param type System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType +---@param eventID int +---@param category short +---@param rawData byte[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry(message, type, eventID, category, rawData) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param source string +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog:WriteEntry(source, message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param source string +---@param message string +---@param type System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog:WriteEntry(source, message, type) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param source string +---@param message string +---@param type System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType +---@param eventID int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog:WriteEntry(source, message, type, eventID) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param source string +---@param message string +---@param type System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType +---@param eventID int +---@param category short +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog:WriteEntry(source, message, type, eventID, category) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param source string +---@param message string +---@param type System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType +---@param eventID int +---@param category short +---@param rawData byte[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog:WriteEntry(source, message, type, eventID, category, rawData) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param instance System.Diagnostics.EventInstance +---@param data byte[] +---@param values object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEvent(instance, data, values) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param instance System.Diagnostics.EventInstance +---@param values object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEvent(instance, values) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param source string +---@param instance System.Diagnostics.EventInstance +---@param data byte[] +---@param values object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog:WriteEvent(source, instance, data, values) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param source string +---@param instance System.Diagnostics.EventInstance +---@param values object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLog:WriteEvent(source, instance, values) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntry: System.ComponentModel.Component +---@source System.dll +---@field Category string +---@source System.dll +---@field CategoryNumber short +---@source System.dll +---@field Data byte[] +---@source System.dll +---@field EntryType System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType +---@source System.dll +---@field EventID int +---@source System.dll +---@field Index int +---@source System.dll +---@field InstanceId long +---@source System.dll +---@field MachineName string +---@source System.dll +---@field Message string +---@source System.dll +---@field ReplacementStrings string[] +---@source System.dll +---@field Source string +---@source System.dll +---@field TimeGenerated System.DateTime +---@source System.dll +---@field TimeWritten System.DateTime +---@source System.dll +---@field UserName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntry = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param otherEntry System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntry +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntry.Equals(otherEntry) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermission: System.Security.Permissions.ResourcePermissionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field PermissionEntries System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionEntryCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermission = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntry +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param entries System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntry[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryCollection.CopyTo(entries, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryCollection.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionAccess: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Administer System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionAccess +---@source System.dll +---@field Audit System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionAccess +---@source System.dll +---@field Browse System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionAccess +---@source System.dll +---@field Instrument System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionAccess +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionAccess +---@source System.dll +---@field Write System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionAccess +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionAccess = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionAccess +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionAccess:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field MachineName string +---@source System.dll +---@field PermissionAccess System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionAccess +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionEntry: object +---@source System.dll +---@field MachineName string +---@source System.dll +---@field PermissionAccess System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionAccess +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionEntry = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionEntryCollection: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionEntry +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionEntryCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionEntry +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionEntryCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionEntryCollection +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionEntryCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionEntry[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionEntryCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionEntry +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionEntryCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionEntry[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionEntryCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionEntry +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionEntryCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionEntry +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionEntryCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionEntry +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogPermissionEntryCollection.Remove(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.EventLogTraceListener: System.Diagnostics.TraceListener +---@source System.dll +---@field EventLog System.Diagnostics.EventLog +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogTraceListener = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogTraceListener.Close() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param severity System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param data object +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogTraceListener.TraceData(eventCache, source, severity, id, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param severity System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param data object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogTraceListener.TraceData(eventCache, source, severity, id, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param severity System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogTraceListener.TraceEvent(eventCache, source, severity, id, message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param severity System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param format string +---@param args object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogTraceListener.TraceEvent(eventCache, source, severity, id, format, args) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogTraceListener.Write(message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventLogTraceListener.WriteLine(message) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.ICollectData +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.ICollectData = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.ICollectData.CloseData() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param id int +---@param valueName System.IntPtr +---@param data System.IntPtr +---@param totalBytes int +---@param res System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Diagnostics.ICollectData.CollectData(id, valueName, data, totalBytes, res) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.EventSourceCreationData: object +---@source System.dll +---@field CategoryCount int +---@source System.dll +---@field CategoryResourceFile string +---@source System.dll +---@field LogName string +---@source System.dll +---@field MachineName string +---@source System.dll +---@field MessageResourceFile string +---@source System.dll +---@field ParameterResourceFile string +---@source System.dll +---@field Source string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.EventSourceCreationData = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.InstanceData: object +---@source System.dll +---@field InstanceName string +---@source System.dll +---@field RawValue long +---@source System.dll +---@field Sample System.Diagnostics.CounterSample +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.InstanceData = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.EventTypeFilter: System.Diagnostics.TraceFilter +---@source System.dll +---@field EventType System.Diagnostics.SourceLevels +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.EventTypeFilter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param cache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param formatOrMessage string +---@param args object[] +---@param data1 object +---@param data object[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventTypeFilter.ShouldTrace(cache, source, eventType, id, formatOrMessage, args, data1, data) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Comments string +---@source System.dll +---@field CompanyName string +---@source System.dll +---@field FileBuildPart int +---@source System.dll +---@field FileDescription string +---@source System.dll +---@field FileMajorPart int +---@source System.dll +---@field FileMinorPart int +---@source System.dll +---@field FileName string +---@source System.dll +---@field FilePrivatePart int +---@source System.dll +---@field FileVersion string +---@source System.dll +---@field InternalName string +---@source System.dll +---@field IsDebug bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsPatched bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsPreRelease bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsPrivateBuild bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSpecialBuild bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Language string +---@source System.dll +---@field LegalCopyright string +---@source System.dll +---@field LegalTrademarks string +---@source System.dll +---@field OriginalFilename string +---@source System.dll +---@field PrivateBuild string +---@source System.dll +---@field ProductBuildPart int +---@source System.dll +---@field ProductMajorPart int +---@source System.dll +---@field ProductMinorPart int +---@source System.dll +---@field ProductName string +---@source System.dll +---@field ProductPrivatePart int +---@source System.dll +---@field ProductVersion string +---@source System.dll +---@field SpecialBuild string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param fileName string +---@return FileVersionInfo +function CS.System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo:GetVersionInfo(fileName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.InstanceDataCollection: System.Collections.DictionaryBase +---@source System.dll +---@field CounterName string +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Diagnostics.InstanceData +---@source System.dll +---@field Keys System.Collections.ICollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Values System.Collections.ICollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.InstanceDataCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param instanceName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.InstanceDataCollection.Contains(instanceName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param instances System.Diagnostics.InstanceData[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.InstanceDataCollection.CopyTo(instances, index) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.InstanceDataCollectionCollection: System.Collections.DictionaryBase +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Diagnostics.InstanceDataCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Keys System.Collections.ICollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Values System.Collections.ICollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.InstanceDataCollectionCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param counterName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.InstanceDataCollectionCollection.Contains(counterName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param counters System.Diagnostics.InstanceDataCollection[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.InstanceDataCollectionCollection.CopyTo(counters, index) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.MonitoringDescriptionAttribute: System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Description string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.MonitoringDescriptionAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter: System.ComponentModel.Component +---@source System.dll +---@field DefaultFileMappingSize int +---@source System.dll +---@field CategoryName string +---@source System.dll +---@field CounterHelp string +---@source System.dll +---@field CounterName string +---@source System.dll +---@field CounterType System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field InstanceLifetime System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime +---@source System.dll +---@field InstanceName string +---@source System.dll +---@field MachineName string +---@source System.dll +---@field RawValue long +---@source System.dll +---@field ReadOnly bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.BeginInit() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.Close() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter:CloseSharedResources() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.Decrement() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.EndInit() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.Increment() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value long +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.IncrementBy(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return CounterSample +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.NextSample() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.NextValue() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter.RemoveInstance() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.OverflowAction: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field DoNotOverwrite System.Diagnostics.OverflowAction +---@source System.dll +---@field OverwriteAsNeeded System.Diagnostics.OverflowAction +---@source System.dll +---@field OverwriteOlder System.Diagnostics.OverflowAction +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.OverflowAction = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.OverflowAction +function CS.System.Diagnostics.OverflowAction:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory: object +---@source System.dll +---@field CategoryHelp string +---@source System.dll +---@field CategoryName string +---@source System.dll +---@field CategoryType System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategoryType +---@source System.dll +---@field MachineName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param counterName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory.CounterExists(counterName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param counterName string +---@param categoryName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory:CounterExists(counterName, categoryName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param counterName string +---@param categoryName string +---@param machineName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory:CounterExists(counterName, categoryName, machineName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param categoryName string +---@param categoryHelp string +---@param counterData System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationDataCollection +---@return PerformanceCounterCategory +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory:Create(categoryName, categoryHelp, counterData) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param categoryName string +---@param categoryHelp string +---@param categoryType System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategoryType +---@param counterData System.Diagnostics.CounterCreationDataCollection +---@return PerformanceCounterCategory +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory:Create(categoryName, categoryHelp, categoryType, counterData) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param categoryName string +---@param categoryHelp string +---@param categoryType System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategoryType +---@param counterName string +---@param counterHelp string +---@return PerformanceCounterCategory +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory:Create(categoryName, categoryHelp, categoryType, counterName, counterHelp) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param categoryName string +---@param categoryHelp string +---@param counterName string +---@param counterHelp string +---@return PerformanceCounterCategory +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory:Create(categoryName, categoryHelp, counterName, counterHelp) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param categoryName string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory:Delete(categoryName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param categoryName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory:Exists(categoryName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param categoryName string +---@param machineName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory:Exists(categoryName, machineName) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory:GetCategories() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param machineName string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory:GetCategories(machineName) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory.GetCounters() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param instanceName string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory.GetCounters(instanceName) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory.GetInstanceNames() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param instanceName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory.InstanceExists(instanceName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param instanceName string +---@param categoryName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory:InstanceExists(instanceName, categoryName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param instanceName string +---@param categoryName string +---@param machineName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory:InstanceExists(instanceName, categoryName, machineName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return InstanceDataCollectionCollection +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory.ReadCategory() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategoryType: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field MultiInstance System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategoryType +---@source System.dll +---@field SingleInstance System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategoryType +---@source System.dll +---@field Unknown System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategoryType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategoryType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategoryType +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategoryType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Global System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime +---@source System.dll +---@field Process System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionAccess: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Administer System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionAccess +---@source System.dll +---@field Browse System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionAccess +---@source System.dll +---@field Instrument System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionAccess +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionAccess +---@source System.dll +---@field Read System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionAccess +---@source System.dll +---@field Write System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionAccess +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionAccess = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionAccess +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionAccess:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterManager: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterManager = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field CategoryName string +---@source System.dll +---@field MachineName string +---@source System.dll +---@field PermissionAccess System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionAccess +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermission: System.Security.Permissions.ResourcePermissionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field PermissionEntries System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionEntryCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermission = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionEntry: object +---@source System.dll +---@field CategoryName string +---@source System.dll +---@field MachineName string +---@source System.dll +---@field PermissionAccess System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionAccess +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionEntry = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionEntryCollection: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionEntry +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionEntryCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionEntry +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionEntryCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionEntryCollection +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionEntryCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionEntry[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionEntryCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionEntry +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionEntryCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionEntry[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionEntryCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionEntry +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionEntryCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionEntry +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionEntryCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionEntry +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterPermissionEntryCollection.Remove(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field AverageBase System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field AverageCount64 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field AverageTimer32 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field CounterDelta32 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field CounterDelta64 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field CounterMultiBase System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field CounterMultiTimer System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field CounterMultiTimer100Ns System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field CounterMultiTimer100NsInverse System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field CounterMultiTimerInverse System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field CounterTimer System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field CounterTimerInverse System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field CountPerTimeInterval32 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field CountPerTimeInterval64 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field ElapsedTime System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field NumberOfItems32 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field NumberOfItems64 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field NumberOfItemsHEX32 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field NumberOfItemsHEX64 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field RateOfCountsPerSecond32 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field RateOfCountsPerSecond64 System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field RawBase System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field RawFraction System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field SampleBase System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field SampleCounter System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field SampleFraction System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field Timer100Ns System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +---@field Timer100NsInverse System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType +function CS.System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Process: System.ComponentModel.Component +---@source System.dll +---@field BasePriority int +---@source System.dll +---@field EnableRaisingEvents bool +---@source System.dll +---@field ExitCode int +---@source System.dll +---@field ExitTime System.DateTime +---@source System.dll +---@field Handle System.IntPtr +---@source System.dll +---@field HandleCount int +---@source System.dll +---@field HasExited bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Id int +---@source System.dll +---@field MachineName string +---@source System.dll +---@field MainModule System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule +---@source System.dll +---@field MainWindowHandle System.IntPtr +---@source System.dll +---@field MainWindowTitle string +---@source System.dll +---@field MaxWorkingSet System.IntPtr +---@source System.dll +---@field MinWorkingSet System.IntPtr +---@source System.dll +---@field Modules System.Diagnostics.ProcessModuleCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field NonpagedSystemMemorySize int +---@source System.dll +---@field NonpagedSystemMemorySize64 long +---@source System.dll +---@field PagedMemorySize int +---@source System.dll +---@field PagedMemorySize64 long +---@source System.dll +---@field PagedSystemMemorySize int +---@source System.dll +---@field PagedSystemMemorySize64 long +---@source System.dll +---@field PeakPagedMemorySize int +---@source System.dll +---@field PeakPagedMemorySize64 long +---@source System.dll +---@field PeakVirtualMemorySize int +---@source System.dll +---@field PeakVirtualMemorySize64 long +---@source System.dll +---@field PeakWorkingSet int +---@source System.dll +---@field PeakWorkingSet64 long +---@source System.dll +---@field PriorityBoostEnabled bool +---@source System.dll +---@field PriorityClass System.Diagnostics.ProcessPriorityClass +---@source System.dll +---@field PrivateMemorySize int +---@source System.dll +---@field PrivateMemorySize64 long +---@source System.dll +---@field PrivilegedProcessorTime System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field ProcessName string +---@source System.dll +---@field ProcessorAffinity System.IntPtr +---@source System.dll +---@field Responding bool +---@source System.dll +---@field SafeHandle Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeProcessHandle +---@source System.dll +---@field SessionId int +---@source System.dll +---@field StandardError System.IO.StreamReader +---@source System.dll +---@field StandardInput System.IO.StreamWriter +---@source System.dll +---@field StandardOutput System.IO.StreamReader +---@source System.dll +---@field StartInfo System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo +---@source System.dll +---@field StartTime System.DateTime +---@source System.dll +---@field SynchronizingObject System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke +---@source System.dll +---@field Threads System.Diagnostics.ProcessThreadCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field TotalProcessorTime System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field UserProcessorTime System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field VirtualMemorySize int +---@source System.dll +---@field VirtualMemorySize64 long +---@source System.dll +---@field WorkingSet int +---@source System.dll +---@field WorkingSet64 long +---@source System.dll +---@field ErrorDataReceived System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field Exited System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field OutputDataReceived System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Process = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventHandler +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process.add_ErrorDataReceived(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventHandler +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process.remove_ErrorDataReceived(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process.add_Exited(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process.remove_Exited(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventHandler +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process.add_OutputDataReceived(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.DataReceivedEventHandler +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process.remove_OutputDataReceived(value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process.BeginErrorReadLine() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process.BeginOutputReadLine() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process.CancelErrorRead() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process.CancelOutputRead() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process.Close() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process.CloseMainWindow() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process:EnterDebugMode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Process +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process:GetCurrentProcess() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param processId int +---@return Process +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process:GetProcessById(processId) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param processId int +---@param machineName string +---@return Process +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process:GetProcessById(processId, machineName) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process:GetProcesses() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param machineName string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process:GetProcesses(machineName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param processName string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process:GetProcessesByName(processName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param processName string +---@param machineName string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process:GetProcessesByName(processName, machineName) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process.Kill() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process:LeaveDebugMode() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process.Refresh() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process.Start() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param startInfo System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo +---@return Process +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process:Start(startInfo) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param fileName string +---@return Process +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process:Start(fileName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param arguments string +---@return Process +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process:Start(fileName, arguments) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param userName string +---@param password System.Security.SecureString +---@param domain string +---@return Process +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process:Start(fileName, userName, password, domain) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param arguments string +---@param userName string +---@param password System.Security.SecureString +---@param domain string +---@return Process +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process:Start(fileName, arguments, userName, password, domain) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process.ToString() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process.WaitForExit() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param milliseconds int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process.WaitForExit(milliseconds) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process.WaitForInputIdle() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param milliseconds int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Process.WaitForInputIdle(milliseconds) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule: System.ComponentModel.Component +---@source System.dll +---@field BaseAddress System.IntPtr +---@source System.dll +---@field EntryPointAddress System.IntPtr +---@source System.dll +---@field FileName string +---@source System.dll +---@field FileVersionInfo System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo +---@source System.dll +---@field ModuleMemorySize int +---@source System.dll +---@field ModuleName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.ProcessModuleCollection: System.Collections.ReadOnlyCollectionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.ProcessModuleCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param module System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.ProcessModuleCollection.Contains(module) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.ProcessModuleCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param module System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.ProcessModuleCollection.IndexOf(module) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.ProcessPriorityClass: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field AboveNormal System.Diagnostics.ProcessPriorityClass +---@source System.dll +---@field BelowNormal System.Diagnostics.ProcessPriorityClass +---@source System.dll +---@field High System.Diagnostics.ProcessPriorityClass +---@source System.dll +---@field Idle System.Diagnostics.ProcessPriorityClass +---@source System.dll +---@field Normal System.Diagnostics.ProcessPriorityClass +---@source System.dll +---@field RealTime System.Diagnostics.ProcessPriorityClass +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.ProcessPriorityClass = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.ProcessPriorityClass +function CS.System.Diagnostics.ProcessPriorityClass:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Arguments string +---@source System.dll +---@field CreateNoWindow bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Domain string +---@source System.dll +---@field Environment System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@source System.dll +---@field EnvironmentVariables System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary +---@source System.dll +---@field ErrorDialog bool +---@source System.dll +---@field ErrorDialogParentHandle System.IntPtr +---@source System.dll +---@field FileName string +---@source System.dll +---@field LoadUserProfile bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Password System.Security.SecureString +---@source System.dll +---@field PasswordInClearText string +---@source System.dll +---@field RedirectStandardError bool +---@source System.dll +---@field RedirectStandardInput bool +---@source System.dll +---@field RedirectStandardOutput bool +---@source System.dll +---@field StandardErrorEncoding System.Text.Encoding +---@source System.dll +---@field StandardOutputEncoding System.Text.Encoding +---@source System.dll +---@field UserName string +---@source System.dll +---@field UseShellExecute bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Verb string +---@source System.dll +---@field Verbs string[] +---@source System.dll +---@field WindowStyle System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle +---@source System.dll +---@field WorkingDirectory string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.ProcessThread: System.ComponentModel.Component +---@source System.dll +---@field BasePriority int +---@source System.dll +---@field CurrentPriority int +---@source System.dll +---@field Id int +---@source System.dll +---@field IdealProcessor int +---@source System.dll +---@field PriorityBoostEnabled bool +---@source System.dll +---@field PriorityLevel System.Diagnostics.ThreadPriorityLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field PrivilegedProcessorTime System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field ProcessorAffinity System.IntPtr +---@source System.dll +---@field StartAddress System.IntPtr +---@source System.dll +---@field StartTime System.DateTime +---@source System.dll +---@field ThreadState System.Diagnostics.ThreadState +---@source System.dll +---@field TotalProcessorTime System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field UserProcessorTime System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field WaitReason System.Diagnostics.ThreadWaitReason +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.ProcessThread = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.ProcessThread.ResetIdealProcessor() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.ProcessThreadCollection: System.Collections.ReadOnlyCollectionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Diagnostics.ProcessThread +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.ProcessThreadCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param thread System.Diagnostics.ProcessThread +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.ProcessThreadCollection.Add(thread) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param thread System.Diagnostics.ProcessThread +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.ProcessThreadCollection.Contains(thread) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Diagnostics.ProcessThread[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.ProcessThreadCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param thread System.Diagnostics.ProcessThread +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.ProcessThreadCollection.IndexOf(thread) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param thread System.Diagnostics.ProcessThread +function CS.System.Diagnostics.ProcessThreadCollection.Insert(index, thread) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param thread System.Diagnostics.ProcessThread +function CS.System.Diagnostics.ProcessThreadCollection.Remove(thread) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Hidden System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle +---@source System.dll +---@field Maximized System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle +---@source System.dll +---@field Minimized System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle +---@source System.dll +---@field Normal System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle +function CS.System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.SourceFilter: System.Diagnostics.TraceFilter +---@source System.dll +---@field Source string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.SourceFilter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param cache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param formatOrMessage string +---@param args object[] +---@param data1 object +---@param data object[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SourceFilter.ShouldTrace(cache, source, eventType, id, formatOrMessage, args, data1, data) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Frequency long +---@source System.dll +---@field IsHighResolution bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Elapsed System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field ElapsedMilliseconds long +---@source System.dll +---@field ElapsedTicks long +---@source System.dll +---@field IsRunning bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch:GetTimestamp() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.Reset() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.Restart() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.Start() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Stopwatch +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch:StartNew() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.Stop() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.SourceLevels: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field ActivityTracing System.Diagnostics.SourceLevels +---@source System.dll +---@field All System.Diagnostics.SourceLevels +---@source System.dll +---@field Critical System.Diagnostics.SourceLevels +---@source System.dll +---@field Error System.Diagnostics.SourceLevels +---@source System.dll +---@field Information System.Diagnostics.SourceLevels +---@source System.dll +---@field Off System.Diagnostics.SourceLevels +---@source System.dll +---@field Verbose System.Diagnostics.SourceLevels +---@source System.dll +---@field Warning System.Diagnostics.SourceLevels +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.SourceLevels = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.SourceLevels +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SourceLevels:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.SourceSwitch: System.Diagnostics.Switch +---@source System.dll +---@field Level System.Diagnostics.SourceLevels +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.SourceSwitch = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SourceSwitch.ShouldTrace(eventType) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Switch: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Attributes System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary +---@source System.dll +---@field Description string +---@source System.dll +---@field DisplayName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Switch = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.StackFrameExtensions: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.StackFrameExtensions = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Diagnostics.StackFrameExtensions.GetNativeImageBase() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Diagnostics.StackFrameExtensions.GetNativeIP() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.StackFrameExtensions.HasILOffset() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.StackFrameExtensions.HasMethod() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.StackFrameExtensions.HasNativeImage() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.StackFrameExtensions.HasSource() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.SwitchAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field SwitchDescription string +---@source System.dll +---@field SwitchName string +---@source System.dll +---@field SwitchType System.Type +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.SwitchAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +function CS.System.Diagnostics.SwitchAttribute:GetAll(assembly) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.SwitchLevelAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field SwitchLevelType System.Type +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.SwitchLevelAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener: System.Diagnostics.TraceListener +---@source System.dll +---@field Writer System.IO.TextWriter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener.Close() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener.Flush() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener.Write(message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener.WriteLine(message) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.ThreadPriorityLevel: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field AboveNormal System.Diagnostics.ThreadPriorityLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field BelowNormal System.Diagnostics.ThreadPriorityLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Highest System.Diagnostics.ThreadPriorityLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Idle System.Diagnostics.ThreadPriorityLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Lowest System.Diagnostics.ThreadPriorityLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Normal System.Diagnostics.ThreadPriorityLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field TimeCritical System.Diagnostics.ThreadPriorityLevel +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.ThreadPriorityLevel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.ThreadPriorityLevel +function CS.System.Diagnostics.ThreadPriorityLevel:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.ThreadState: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Initialized System.Diagnostics.ThreadState +---@source System.dll +---@field Ready System.Diagnostics.ThreadState +---@source System.dll +---@field Running System.Diagnostics.ThreadState +---@source System.dll +---@field Standby System.Diagnostics.ThreadState +---@source System.dll +---@field Terminated System.Diagnostics.ThreadState +---@source System.dll +---@field Transition System.Diagnostics.ThreadState +---@source System.dll +---@field Unknown System.Diagnostics.ThreadState +---@source System.dll +---@field Wait System.Diagnostics.ThreadState +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.ThreadState = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.ThreadState +function CS.System.Diagnostics.ThreadState:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.ThreadWaitReason: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field EventPairHigh System.Diagnostics.ThreadWaitReason +---@source System.dll +---@field EventPairLow System.Diagnostics.ThreadWaitReason +---@source System.dll +---@field ExecutionDelay System.Diagnostics.ThreadWaitReason +---@source System.dll +---@field Executive System.Diagnostics.ThreadWaitReason +---@source System.dll +---@field FreePage System.Diagnostics.ThreadWaitReason +---@source System.dll +---@field LpcReceive System.Diagnostics.ThreadWaitReason +---@source System.dll +---@field LpcReply System.Diagnostics.ThreadWaitReason +---@source System.dll +---@field PageIn System.Diagnostics.ThreadWaitReason +---@source System.dll +---@field PageOut System.Diagnostics.ThreadWaitReason +---@source System.dll +---@field Suspended System.Diagnostics.ThreadWaitReason +---@source System.dll +---@field SystemAllocation System.Diagnostics.ThreadWaitReason +---@source System.dll +---@field Unknown System.Diagnostics.ThreadWaitReason +---@source System.dll +---@field UserRequest System.Diagnostics.ThreadWaitReason +---@source System.dll +---@field VirtualMemory System.Diagnostics.ThreadWaitReason +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.ThreadWaitReason = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.ThreadWaitReason +function CS.System.Diagnostics.ThreadWaitReason:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.Trace: object +---@source System.dll +---@field AutoFlush bool +---@source System.dll +---@field CorrelationManager System.Diagnostics.CorrelationManager +---@source System.dll +---@field IndentLevel int +---@source System.dll +---@field IndentSize int +---@source System.dll +---@field Listeners System.Diagnostics.TraceListenerCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field UseGlobalLock bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param condition bool +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:Assert(condition) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:Assert(condition, message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param message string +---@param detailMessage string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:Assert(condition, message, detailMessage) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:Close() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:Fail(message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +---@param detailMessage string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:Fail(message, detailMessage) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:Flush() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:Indent() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:Refresh() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:TraceError(message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param format string +---@param args object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:TraceError(format, args) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:TraceInformation(message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param format string +---@param args object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:TraceInformation(format, args) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:TraceWarning(message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param format string +---@param args object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:TraceWarning(format, args) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:Unindent() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:Write(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +---@param category string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:Write(value, category) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:Write(message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +---@param category string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:Write(message, category) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param value object +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:WriteIf(condition, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param value object +---@param category string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:WriteIf(condition, value, category) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:WriteIf(condition, message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param message string +---@param category string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:WriteIf(condition, message, category) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:WriteLine(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +---@param category string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:WriteLine(value, category) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:WriteLine(message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +---@param category string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:WriteLine(message, category) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param value object +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:WriteLineIf(condition, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param value object +---@param category string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:WriteLineIf(condition, value, category) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:WriteLineIf(condition, message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param message string +---@param category string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.Trace:WriteLineIf(condition, message, category) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.TraceFilter: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceFilter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param cache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param formatOrMessage string +---@param args object[] +---@param data1 object +---@param data object[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceFilter.ShouldTrace(cache, source, eventType, id, formatOrMessage, args, data1, data) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Critical System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@source System.dll +---@field Error System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@source System.dll +---@field Information System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@source System.dll +---@field Resume System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@source System.dll +---@field Start System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@source System.dll +---@field Stop System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@source System.dll +---@field Suspend System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@source System.dll +---@field Transfer System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@source System.dll +---@field Verbose System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@source System.dll +---@field Warning System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Error System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Info System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Off System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Verbose System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Warning System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.TraceOptions: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Callstack System.Diagnostics.TraceOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field DateTime System.Diagnostics.TraceOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field LogicalOperationStack System.Diagnostics.TraceOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Diagnostics.TraceOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field ProcessId System.Diagnostics.TraceOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field ThreadId System.Diagnostics.TraceOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field Timestamp System.Diagnostics.TraceOptions +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Diagnostics.TraceOptions +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.TraceListener: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source System.dll +---@field Attributes System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary +---@source System.dll +---@field Filter System.Diagnostics.TraceFilter +---@source System.dll +---@field IndentLevel int +---@source System.dll +---@field IndentSize int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsThreadSafe bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +---@field TraceOutputOptions System.Diagnostics.TraceOptions +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListener = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.Close() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.Fail(message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +---@param detailMessage string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.Fail(message, detailMessage) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.Flush() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param data object +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.TraceData(eventCache, source, eventType, id, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param data object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.TraceData(eventCache, source, eventType, id, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.TraceEvent(eventCache, source, eventType, id) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.TraceEvent(eventCache, source, eventType, id, message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param format string +---@param args object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.TraceEvent(eventCache, source, eventType, id, format, args) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param id int +---@param message string +---@param relatedActivityId System.Guid +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.TraceTransfer(eventCache, source, id, message, relatedActivityId) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param o object +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.Write(o) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param o object +---@param category string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.Write(o, category) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.Write(message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +---@param category string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.Write(message, category) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param o object +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.WriteLine(o) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param o object +---@param category string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.WriteLine(o, category) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.WriteLine(message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +---@param category string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListener.WriteLine(message, category) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.TraceSource: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Attributes System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary +---@source System.dll +---@field Listeners System.Diagnostics.TraceListenerCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +---@field Switch System.Diagnostics.SourceSwitch +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceSource = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceSource.Close() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceSource.Flush() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param data object +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceSource.TraceData(eventType, id, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param data object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceSource.TraceData(eventType, id, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceSource.TraceEvent(eventType, id) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceSource.TraceEvent(eventType, id, message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param format string +---@param args object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceSource.TraceEvent(eventType, id, format, args) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceSource.TraceInformation(message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param format string +---@param args object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceSource.TraceInformation(format, args) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param id int +---@param message string +---@param relatedActivityId System.Guid +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceSource.TraceTransfer(id, message, relatedActivityId) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.TraceSwitch: System.Diagnostics.Switch +---@source System.dll +---@field Level System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field TraceError bool +---@source System.dll +---@field TraceInfo bool +---@source System.dll +---@field TraceVerbose bool +---@source System.dll +---@field TraceWarning bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceSwitch = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener: System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener.Close() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +---@param detailMessage string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener.Fail(message, detailMessage) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param data object +function CS.System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener.TraceData(eventCache, source, eventType, id, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param data object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener.TraceData(eventCache, source, eventType, id, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener.TraceEvent(eventCache, source, eventType, id, message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param format string +---@param args object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener.TraceEvent(eventCache, source, eventType, id, format, args) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param id int +---@param message string +---@param relatedActivityId System.Guid +function CS.System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener.TraceTransfer(eventCache, source, id, message, relatedActivityId) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener.Write(message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.XmlWriterTraceListener.WriteLine(message) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.TraceListenerCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Diagnostics.TraceListener +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Diagnostics.TraceListener +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListenerCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param listener System.Diagnostics.TraceListener +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListenerCollection.Add(listener) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.TraceListenerCollection +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListenerCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Diagnostics.TraceListener[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListenerCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListenerCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param listener System.Diagnostics.TraceListener +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListenerCollection.Contains(listener) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param listeners System.Diagnostics.TraceListener[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListenerCollection.CopyTo(listeners, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListenerCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param listener System.Diagnostics.TraceListener +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListenerCollection.IndexOf(listener) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param listener System.Diagnostics.TraceListener +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListenerCollection.Insert(index, listener) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param listener System.Diagnostics.TraceListener +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListenerCollection.Remove(listener) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListenerCollection.Remove(name) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Diagnostics.TraceListenerCollection.RemoveAt(index) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Diagnostics.EventSchemaTraceListener: System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field BufferSize int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsThreadSafe bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MaximumFileSize long +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MaximumNumberOfFiles int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field TraceLogRetentionOption System.Diagnostics.TraceLogRetentionOption +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Writer System.IO.TextWriter +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Diagnostics.EventSchemaTraceListener = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventSchemaTraceListener.Close() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param message string +---@param detailMessage string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventSchemaTraceListener.Fail(message, detailMessage) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventSchemaTraceListener.Flush() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param data object +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventSchemaTraceListener.TraceData(eventCache, source, eventType, id, data) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param data object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventSchemaTraceListener.TraceData(eventCache, source, eventType, id, data) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventSchemaTraceListener.TraceEvent(eventCache, source, eventType, id, message) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param eventType System.Diagnostics.TraceEventType +---@param id int +---@param format string +---@param args object[] +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventSchemaTraceListener.TraceEvent(eventCache, source, eventType, id, format, args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param eventCache System.Diagnostics.TraceEventCache +---@param source string +---@param id int +---@param message string +---@param relatedActivityId System.Guid +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventSchemaTraceListener.TraceTransfer(eventCache, source, id, message, relatedActivityId) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventSchemaTraceListener.Write(message) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Diagnostics.EventSchemaTraceListener.WriteLine(message) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Dynamic.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Dynamic.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6c7e6be80 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Dynamic.lua @@ -0,0 +1,672 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Dynamic.BinaryOperationBinder: System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObjectBinder +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Operation System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReturnType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Dynamic.BinaryOperationBinder = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.BinaryOperationBinder.Bind(target, args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param arg System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.BinaryOperationBinder.FallbackBinaryOperation(target, arg) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param arg System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param errorSuggestion System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.BinaryOperationBinder.FallbackBinaryOperation(target, arg, errorSuggestion) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Dynamic.BindingRestrictions: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Empty System.Dynamic.BindingRestrictions +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Dynamic.BindingRestrictions = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param contributingObjects System.Collections.Generic.IList +---@return BindingRestrictions +function CS.System.Dynamic.BindingRestrictions:Combine(contributingObjects) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BindingRestrictions +function CS.System.Dynamic.BindingRestrictions:GetExpressionRestriction(expression) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param instance object +---@return BindingRestrictions +function CS.System.Dynamic.BindingRestrictions:GetInstanceRestriction(expression, instance) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param type System.Type +---@return BindingRestrictions +function CS.System.Dynamic.BindingRestrictions:GetTypeRestriction(expression, type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param restrictions System.Dynamic.BindingRestrictions +---@return BindingRestrictions +function CS.System.Dynamic.BindingRestrictions.Merge(restrictions) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Expression +function CS.System.Dynamic.BindingRestrictions.ToExpression() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Dynamic.CallInfo: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ArgumentCount int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ArgumentNames System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Dynamic.CallInfo = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Dynamic.CallInfo.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Dynamic.CallInfo.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Dynamic.ConvertBinder: System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObjectBinder +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Explicit bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReturnType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Dynamic.ConvertBinder = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.ConvertBinder.Bind(target, args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.ConvertBinder.FallbackConvert(target) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param errorSuggestion System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.ConvertBinder.FallbackConvert(target, errorSuggestion) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Dynamic.CreateInstanceBinder: System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObjectBinder +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CallInfo System.Dynamic.CallInfo +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReturnType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Dynamic.CreateInstanceBinder = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.CreateInstanceBinder.Bind(target, args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.CreateInstanceBinder.FallbackCreateInstance(target, args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@param errorSuggestion System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.CreateInstanceBinder.FallbackCreateInstance(target, args, errorSuggestion) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Dynamic.DeleteIndexBinder: System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObjectBinder +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CallInfo System.Dynamic.CallInfo +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReturnType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Dynamic.DeleteIndexBinder = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.DeleteIndexBinder.Bind(target, args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param indexes System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.DeleteIndexBinder.FallbackDeleteIndex(target, indexes) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param indexes System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@param errorSuggestion System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.DeleteIndexBinder.FallbackDeleteIndex(target, indexes, errorSuggestion) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Dynamic.DeleteMemberBinder: System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObjectBinder +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IgnoreCase bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReturnType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Dynamic.DeleteMemberBinder = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.DeleteMemberBinder.Bind(target, args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.DeleteMemberBinder.FallbackDeleteMember(target) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param errorSuggestion System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.DeleteMemberBinder.FallbackDeleteMember(target, errorSuggestion) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field EmptyMetaObjects System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field HasValue bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LimitType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Restrictions System.Dynamic.BindingRestrictions +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RuntimeType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Value object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.BinaryOperationBinder +---@param arg System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject.BindBinaryOperation(binder, arg) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.ConvertBinder +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject.BindConvert(binder) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.CreateInstanceBinder +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject.BindCreateInstance(binder, args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.DeleteIndexBinder +---@param indexes System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject.BindDeleteIndex(binder, indexes) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.DeleteMemberBinder +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject.BindDeleteMember(binder) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.GetIndexBinder +---@param indexes System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject.BindGetIndex(binder, indexes) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.GetMemberBinder +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject.BindGetMember(binder) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.InvokeBinder +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject.BindInvoke(binder, args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.InvokeMemberBinder +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject.BindInvokeMember(binder, args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.SetIndexBinder +---@param indexes System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@param value System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject.BindSetIndex(binder, indexes, value) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.SetMemberBinder +---@param value System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject.BindSetMember(binder, value) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.UnaryOperationBinder +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject.BindUnaryOperation(binder) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param value object +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject:Create(value, expression) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject.GetDynamicMemberNames() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObjectBinder: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReturnType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObjectBinder = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObjectBinder.Bind(target, args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param args object[] +---@param parameters System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@param returnLabel System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@return Expression +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObjectBinder.Bind(args, parameters, returnLabel) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObjectBinder.Defer(target, args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObjectBinder.Defer(args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Expression +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObjectBinder.GetUpdateExpression(type) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Dynamic.DynamicObject: object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicObject = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicObject.GetDynamicMemberNames() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param parameter System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicObject.GetMetaObject(parameter) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.BinaryOperationBinder +---@param arg object +---@param result object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicObject.TryBinaryOperation(binder, arg, result) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.ConvertBinder +---@param result object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicObject.TryConvert(binder, result) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.CreateInstanceBinder +---@param args object[] +---@param result object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicObject.TryCreateInstance(binder, args, result) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.DeleteIndexBinder +---@param indexes object[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicObject.TryDeleteIndex(binder, indexes) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.DeleteMemberBinder +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicObject.TryDeleteMember(binder) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.GetIndexBinder +---@param indexes object[] +---@param result object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicObject.TryGetIndex(binder, indexes, result) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.GetMemberBinder +---@param result object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicObject.TryGetMember(binder, result) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.InvokeBinder +---@param args object[] +---@param result object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicObject.TryInvoke(binder, args, result) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.InvokeMemberBinder +---@param args object[] +---@param result object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicObject.TryInvokeMember(binder, args, result) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.SetIndexBinder +---@param indexes object[] +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicObject.TrySetIndex(binder, indexes, value) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.SetMemberBinder +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicObject.TrySetMember(binder, value) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Dynamic.UnaryOperationBinder +---@param result object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Dynamic.DynamicObject.TryUnaryOperation(binder, result) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject: object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Dynamic.GetIndexBinder: System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObjectBinder +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CallInfo System.Dynamic.CallInfo +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReturnType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Dynamic.GetIndexBinder = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.GetIndexBinder.Bind(target, args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param indexes System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.GetIndexBinder.FallbackGetIndex(target, indexes) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param indexes System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@param errorSuggestion System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.GetIndexBinder.FallbackGetIndex(target, indexes, errorSuggestion) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Dynamic.GetMemberBinder: System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObjectBinder +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IgnoreCase bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReturnType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Dynamic.GetMemberBinder = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.GetMemberBinder.Bind(target, args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.GetMemberBinder.FallbackGetMember(target) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param errorSuggestion System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.GetMemberBinder.FallbackGetMember(target, errorSuggestion) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Dynamic.IDynamicMetaObjectProvider +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Dynamic.IDynamicMetaObjectProvider = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param parameter System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.IDynamicMetaObjectProvider.GetMetaObject(parameter) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Dynamic.IInvokeOnGetBinder +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field InvokeOnGet bool +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Dynamic.IInvokeOnGetBinder = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Dynamic.InvokeBinder: System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObjectBinder +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CallInfo System.Dynamic.CallInfo +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReturnType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Dynamic.InvokeBinder = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.InvokeBinder.Bind(target, args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.InvokeBinder.FallbackInvoke(target, args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@param errorSuggestion System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.InvokeBinder.FallbackInvoke(target, args, errorSuggestion) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Dynamic.InvokeMemberBinder: System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObjectBinder +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CallInfo System.Dynamic.CallInfo +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IgnoreCase bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReturnType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Dynamic.InvokeMemberBinder = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.InvokeMemberBinder.Bind(target, args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@param errorSuggestion System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.InvokeMemberBinder.FallbackInvoke(target, args, errorSuggestion) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.InvokeMemberBinder.FallbackInvokeMember(target, args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@param errorSuggestion System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.InvokeMemberBinder.FallbackInvokeMember(target, args, errorSuggestion) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Dynamic.SetIndexBinder: System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObjectBinder +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CallInfo System.Dynamic.CallInfo +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReturnType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Dynamic.SetIndexBinder = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.SetIndexBinder.Bind(target, args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param indexes System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@param value System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.SetIndexBinder.FallbackSetIndex(target, indexes, value) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param indexes System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@param value System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param errorSuggestion System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.SetIndexBinder.FallbackSetIndex(target, indexes, value, errorSuggestion) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Dynamic.SetMemberBinder: System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObjectBinder +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IgnoreCase bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReturnType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Dynamic.SetMemberBinder = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.SetMemberBinder.Bind(target, args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param value System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.SetMemberBinder.FallbackSetMember(target, value) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param value System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param errorSuggestion System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.SetMemberBinder.FallbackSetMember(target, value, errorSuggestion) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Dynamic.UnaryOperationBinder: System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObjectBinder +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Operation System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReturnType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Dynamic.UnaryOperationBinder = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param args System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject[] +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.UnaryOperationBinder.Bind(target, args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.UnaryOperationBinder.FallbackUnaryOperation(target) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@param errorSuggestion System.Dynamic.DynamicMetaObject +---@return DynamicMetaObject +function CS.System.Dynamic.UnaryOperationBinder.FallbackUnaryOperation(target, errorSuggestion) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Globalization.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Globalization.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a7e4cefdb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Globalization.lua @@ -0,0 +1,3076 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.Calendar: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentEra int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AlgorithmType System.Globalization.CalendarAlgorithmType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Eras int[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TwoDigitYearMax int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.Calendar = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param days int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.AddDays(time, days) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param hours int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.AddHours(time, hours) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param milliseconds double +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.AddMilliseconds(time, milliseconds) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param minutes int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.AddMinutes(time, minutes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param months int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.AddMonths(time, months) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param seconds int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.AddSeconds(time, seconds) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param weeks int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.AddWeeks(time, weeks) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param years int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.AddYears(time, years) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.GetDayOfMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return DayOfWeek +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.GetDayOfWeek(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.GetDayOfYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.GetDaysInMonth(year, month) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.GetDaysInMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.GetDaysInYear(year) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.GetDaysInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.GetEra(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.GetHour(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.GetLeapMonth(year) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.GetLeapMonth(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Double +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.GetMilliseconds(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.GetMinute(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.GetMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.GetMonthsInYear(year) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.GetMonthsInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.GetSecond(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param rule System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule +---@param firstDayOfWeek System.DayOfWeek +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(time, rule, firstDayOfWeek) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.GetYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.IsLeapDay(year, month, day) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.IsLeapDay(year, month, day, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.IsLeapMonth(year, month) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.IsLeapMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.IsLeapYear(year) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.IsLeapYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param calendar System.Globalization.Calendar +---@return Calendar +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar:ReadOnly(calendar) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param hour int +---@param minute int +---@param second int +---@param millisecond int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.ToDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param hour int +---@param minute int +---@param second int +---@param millisecond int +---@param era int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.ToDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.Calendar.ToFourDigitYear(year) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.CalendarAlgorithmType: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LunarCalendar System.Globalization.CalendarAlgorithmType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LunisolarCalendar System.Globalization.CalendarAlgorithmType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SolarCalendar System.Globalization.CalendarAlgorithmType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Unknown System.Globalization.CalendarAlgorithmType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.CalendarAlgorithmType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Globalization.CalendarAlgorithmType +function CS.System.Globalization.CalendarAlgorithmType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FirstDay System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FirstFourDayWeek System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FirstFullWeek System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule +function CS.System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.CharUnicodeInfo: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.CharUnicodeInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ch char +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CharUnicodeInfo:GetDecimalDigitValue(ch) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param index int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CharUnicodeInfo:GetDecimalDigitValue(s, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ch char +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CharUnicodeInfo:GetDigitValue(ch) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param index int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CharUnicodeInfo:GetDigitValue(s, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ch char +---@return Double +function CS.System.Globalization.CharUnicodeInfo:GetNumericValue(ch) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param index int +---@return Double +function CS.System.Globalization.CharUnicodeInfo:GetNumericValue(s, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ch char +---@return UnicodeCategory +function CS.System.Globalization.CharUnicodeInfo:GetUnicodeCategory(ch) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param index int +---@return UnicodeCategory +function CS.System.Globalization.CharUnicodeInfo:GetUnicodeCategory(s, index) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.ChineseLunisolarCalendar: System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ChineseEra int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Eras int[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.ChineseLunisolarCalendar = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.ChineseLunisolarCalendar.GetEra(time) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.CompareInfo: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LCID int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Version System.Globalization.SortVersion +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param string1 string +---@param offset1 int +---@param length1 int +---@param string2 string +---@param offset2 int +---@param length2 int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.Compare(string1, offset1, length1, string2, offset2, length2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param string1 string +---@param offset1 int +---@param length1 int +---@param string2 string +---@param offset2 int +---@param length2 int +---@param options System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.Compare(string1, offset1, length1, string2, offset2, length2, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param string1 string +---@param offset1 int +---@param string2 string +---@param offset2 int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.Compare(string1, offset1, string2, offset2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param string1 string +---@param offset1 int +---@param string2 string +---@param offset2 int +---@param options System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.Compare(string1, offset1, string2, offset2, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param string1 string +---@param string2 string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.Compare(string1, string2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param string1 string +---@param string2 string +---@param options System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.Compare(string1, string2, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.Equals(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param culture int +---@return CompareInfo +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo:GetCompareInfo(culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param culture int +---@param assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@return CompareInfo +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo:GetCompareInfo(culture, assembly) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return CompareInfo +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo:GetCompareInfo(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@return CompareInfo +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo:GetCompareInfo(name, assembly) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param options System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.GetHashCode(source, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@return SortKey +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.GetSortKey(source) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param options System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@return SortKey +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.GetSortKey(source, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value char +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.IndexOf(source, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value char +---@param options System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.IndexOf(source, value, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value char +---@param startIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.IndexOf(source, value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value char +---@param startIndex int +---@param options System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.IndexOf(source, value, startIndex, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value char +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.IndexOf(source, value, startIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value char +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@param options System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.IndexOf(source, value, startIndex, count, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.IndexOf(source, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value string +---@param options System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.IndexOf(source, value, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value string +---@param startIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.IndexOf(source, value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value string +---@param startIndex int +---@param options System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.IndexOf(source, value, startIndex, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value string +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.IndexOf(source, value, startIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value string +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@param options System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.IndexOf(source, value, startIndex, count, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param prefix string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.IsPrefix(source, prefix) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param prefix string +---@param options System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.IsPrefix(source, prefix, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ch char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo:IsSortable(ch) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param text string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo:IsSortable(text) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param suffix string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.IsSuffix(source, suffix) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param suffix string +---@param options System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.IsSuffix(source, suffix, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value char +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.LastIndexOf(source, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value char +---@param options System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.LastIndexOf(source, value, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value char +---@param startIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.LastIndexOf(source, value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value char +---@param startIndex int +---@param options System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.LastIndexOf(source, value, startIndex, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value char +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.LastIndexOf(source, value, startIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value char +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@param options System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.LastIndexOf(source, value, startIndex, count, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.LastIndexOf(source, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value string +---@param options System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.LastIndexOf(source, value, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value string +---@param startIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.LastIndexOf(source, value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value string +---@param startIndex int +---@param options System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.LastIndexOf(source, value, startIndex, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value string +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.LastIndexOf(source, value, startIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@param value string +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@param options System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.LastIndexOf(source, value, startIndex, count, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareInfo.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.CompareOptions: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IgnoreCase System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IgnoreKanaType System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IgnoreNonSpace System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IgnoreSymbols System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IgnoreWidth System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ordinal System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OrdinalIgnoreCase System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StringSort System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.CompareOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Globalization.CompareOptions +function CS.System.Globalization.CompareOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.CultureInfo: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Calendar System.Globalization.Calendar +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CompareInfo System.Globalization.CompareInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CultureTypes System.Globalization.CultureTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentCulture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentUICulture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DateTimeFormat System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DefaultThreadCurrentCulture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DefaultThreadCurrentUICulture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DisplayName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EnglishName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IetfLanguageTag string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InstalledUICulture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InvariantCulture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsNeutralCulture bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeyboardLayoutId int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LCID int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NativeName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NumberFormat System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OptionalCalendars System.Globalization.Calendar[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Parent System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TextInfo System.Globalization.TextInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ThreeLetterISOLanguageName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ThreeLetterWindowsLanguageName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TwoLetterISOLanguageName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UseUserOverride bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.CultureInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Globalization.CultureInfo.ClearCachedData() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Globalization.CultureInfo.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return CultureInfo +function CS.System.Globalization.CultureInfo:CreateSpecificCulture(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.CultureInfo.Equals(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return CultureInfo +function CS.System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetConsoleFallbackUICulture() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param culture int +---@return CultureInfo +function CS.System.Globalization.CultureInfo:GetCultureInfo(culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return CultureInfo +function CS.System.Globalization.CultureInfo:GetCultureInfo(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param altName string +---@return CultureInfo +function CS.System.Globalization.CultureInfo:GetCultureInfo(name, altName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return CultureInfo +function CS.System.Globalization.CultureInfo:GetCultureInfoByIetfLanguageTag(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param types System.Globalization.CultureTypes +function CS.System.Globalization.CultureInfo:GetCultures(types) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param formatType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetFormat(formatType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.CultureInfo.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ci System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return CultureInfo +function CS.System.Globalization.CultureInfo:ReadOnly(ci) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.CultureInfo.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.CultureNotFoundException: System.ArgumentException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InvalidCultureId int? +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InvalidCultureName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Message string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.CultureNotFoundException = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Globalization.CultureNotFoundException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.CultureTypes: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllCultures System.Globalization.CultureTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FrameworkCultures System.Globalization.CultureTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InstalledWin32Cultures System.Globalization.CultureTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NeutralCultures System.Globalization.CultureTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReplacementCultures System.Globalization.CultureTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SpecificCultures System.Globalization.CultureTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UserCustomCulture System.Globalization.CultureTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WindowsOnlyCultures System.Globalization.CultureTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.CultureTypes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Globalization.CultureTypes +function CS.System.Globalization.CultureTypes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AdjustToUniversal System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllowInnerWhite System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllowLeadingWhite System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllowTrailingWhite System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllowWhiteSpaces System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssumeLocal System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssumeUniversal System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoCurrentDateDefault System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RoundtripKind System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +function CS.System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AbbreviatedDayNames string[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AbbreviatedMonthGenitiveNames string[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AbbreviatedMonthNames string[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AMDesignator string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Calendar System.Globalization.Calendar +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CalendarWeekRule System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentInfo System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DateSeparator string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DayNames string[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FirstDayOfWeek System.DayOfWeek +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullDateTimePattern string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InvariantInfo System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LongDatePattern string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LongTimePattern string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MonthDayPattern string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MonthGenitiveNames string[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MonthNames string[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NativeCalendarName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PMDesignator string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RFC1123Pattern string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ShortDatePattern string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ShortestDayNames string[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ShortTimePattern string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SortableDateTimePattern string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TimeSeparator string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UniversalSortableDateTimePattern string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field YearMonthPattern string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dayofweek System.DayOfWeek +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.GetAbbreviatedDayName(dayofweek) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param era int +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.GetAbbreviatedEraName(era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param month int +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.GetAbbreviatedMonthName(month) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.GetAllDateTimePatterns() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format char +function CS.System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.GetAllDateTimePatterns(format) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dayofweek System.DayOfWeek +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.GetDayName(dayofweek) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param eraName string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.GetEra(eraName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param era int +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.GetEraName(era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param formatType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.GetFormat(formatType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return DateTimeFormatInfo +function CS.System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:GetInstance(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param month int +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.GetMonthName(month) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dayOfWeek System.DayOfWeek +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.GetShortestDayName(dayOfWeek) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dtfi System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo +---@return DateTimeFormatInfo +function CS.System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo:ReadOnly(dtfi) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param patterns string[] +---@param format char +function CS.System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.SetAllDateTimePatterns(patterns, format) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.DaylightTime: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Delta System.TimeSpan +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field End System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Start System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.DaylightTime = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.DigitShapes: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Context System.Globalization.DigitShapes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NativeNational System.Globalization.DigitShapes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Globalization.DigitShapes +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.DigitShapes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Globalization.DigitShapes +function CS.System.Globalization.DigitShapes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar: System.Globalization.Calendar +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AlgorithmType System.Globalization.CalendarAlgorithmType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TwoDigitYearMax int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param months int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.AddMonths(time, months) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param years int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.AddYears(time, years) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sexagenaryYear int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.GetCelestialStem(sexagenaryYear) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.GetDayOfMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return DayOfWeek +function CS.System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.GetDayOfWeek(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.GetDayOfYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.GetDaysInMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.GetDaysInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.GetLeapMonth(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.GetMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.GetMonthsInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.GetSexagenaryYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sexagenaryYear int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.GetTerrestrialBranch(sexagenaryYear) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.GetYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.IsLeapDay(year, month, day, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.IsLeapMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.IsLeapYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param hour int +---@param minute int +---@param second int +---@param millisecond int +---@param era int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.ToDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar.ToFourDigitYear(year) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.GlobalizationExtensions: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.GlobalizationExtensions = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param options System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@return StringComparer +function CS.System.Globalization.GlobalizationExtensions.GetStringComparer(options) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.GregorianCalendarTypes: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Arabic System.Globalization.GregorianCalendarTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Localized System.Globalization.GregorianCalendarTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MiddleEastFrench System.Globalization.GregorianCalendarTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TransliteratedEnglish System.Globalization.GregorianCalendarTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TransliteratedFrench System.Globalization.GregorianCalendarTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field USEnglish System.Globalization.GregorianCalendarTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.GregorianCalendarTypes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Globalization.GregorianCalendarTypes +function CS.System.Globalization.GregorianCalendarTypes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar: System.Globalization.Calendar +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ADEra int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AlgorithmType System.Globalization.CalendarAlgorithmType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CalendarType System.Globalization.GregorianCalendarTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Eras int[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TwoDigitYearMax int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param months int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar.AddMonths(time, months) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param years int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar.AddYears(time, years) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar.GetDayOfMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return DayOfWeek +function CS.System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar.GetDayOfWeek(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar.GetDayOfYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar.GetDaysInMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar.GetDaysInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar.GetEra(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar.GetLeapMonth(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar.GetMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar.GetMonthsInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar.GetYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar.IsLeapDay(year, month, day, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar.IsLeapMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar.IsLeapYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param hour int +---@param minute int +---@param second int +---@param millisecond int +---@param era int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar.ToDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.GregorianCalendar.ToFourDigitYear(year) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar: System.Globalization.Calendar +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HebrewEra int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AlgorithmType System.Globalization.CalendarAlgorithmType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Eras int[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TwoDigitYearMax int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param months int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar.AddMonths(time, months) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param years int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar.AddYears(time, years) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar.GetDayOfMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return DayOfWeek +function CS.System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar.GetDayOfWeek(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar.GetDayOfYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar.GetDaysInMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar.GetDaysInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar.GetEra(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar.GetLeapMonth(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar.GetMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar.GetMonthsInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar.GetYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar.IsLeapDay(year, month, day, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar.IsLeapMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar.IsLeapYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param hour int +---@param minute int +---@param second int +---@param millisecond int +---@param era int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar.ToDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.HebrewCalendar.ToFourDigitYear(year) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.HijriCalendar: System.Globalization.Calendar +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HijriEra int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AlgorithmType System.Globalization.CalendarAlgorithmType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Eras int[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HijriAdjustment int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TwoDigitYearMax int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.HijriCalendar = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param months int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.HijriCalendar.AddMonths(time, months) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param years int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.HijriCalendar.AddYears(time, years) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.HijriCalendar.GetDayOfMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return DayOfWeek +function CS.System.Globalization.HijriCalendar.GetDayOfWeek(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.HijriCalendar.GetDayOfYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.HijriCalendar.GetDaysInMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.HijriCalendar.GetDaysInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.HijriCalendar.GetEra(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.HijriCalendar.GetLeapMonth(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.HijriCalendar.GetMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.HijriCalendar.GetMonthsInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.HijriCalendar.GetYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.HijriCalendar.IsLeapDay(year, month, day, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.HijriCalendar.IsLeapMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.HijriCalendar.IsLeapYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param hour int +---@param minute int +---@param second int +---@param millisecond int +---@param era int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.HijriCalendar.ToDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.HijriCalendar.ToFourDigitYear(year) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.IdnMapping: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllowUnassigned bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UseStd3AsciiRules bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.IdnMapping = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.IdnMapping.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param unicode string +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.IdnMapping.GetAscii(unicode) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param unicode string +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.IdnMapping.GetAscii(unicode, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param unicode string +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.IdnMapping.GetAscii(unicode, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.IdnMapping.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ascii string +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.IdnMapping.GetUnicode(ascii) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ascii string +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.IdnMapping.GetUnicode(ascii, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ascii string +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.IdnMapping.GetUnicode(ascii, index, count) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.JapaneseLunisolarCalendar: System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field JapaneseEra int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Eras int[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.JapaneseLunisolarCalendar = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.JapaneseLunisolarCalendar.GetEra(time) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.JapaneseCalendar: System.Globalization.Calendar +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AlgorithmType System.Globalization.CalendarAlgorithmType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Eras int[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TwoDigitYearMax int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.JapaneseCalendar = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param months int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.JapaneseCalendar.AddMonths(time, months) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param years int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.JapaneseCalendar.AddYears(time, years) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.JapaneseCalendar.GetDayOfMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return DayOfWeek +function CS.System.Globalization.JapaneseCalendar.GetDayOfWeek(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.JapaneseCalendar.GetDayOfYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.JapaneseCalendar.GetDaysInMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.JapaneseCalendar.GetDaysInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.JapaneseCalendar.GetEra(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.JapaneseCalendar.GetLeapMonth(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.JapaneseCalendar.GetMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.JapaneseCalendar.GetMonthsInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param rule System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule +---@param firstDayOfWeek System.DayOfWeek +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.JapaneseCalendar.GetWeekOfYear(time, rule, firstDayOfWeek) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.JapaneseCalendar.GetYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.JapaneseCalendar.IsLeapDay(year, month, day, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.JapaneseCalendar.IsLeapMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.JapaneseCalendar.IsLeapYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param hour int +---@param minute int +---@param second int +---@param millisecond int +---@param era int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.JapaneseCalendar.ToDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.JapaneseCalendar.ToFourDigitYear(year) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.JulianCalendar: System.Globalization.Calendar +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field JulianEra int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AlgorithmType System.Globalization.CalendarAlgorithmType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Eras int[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TwoDigitYearMax int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.JulianCalendar = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param months int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.JulianCalendar.AddMonths(time, months) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param years int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.JulianCalendar.AddYears(time, years) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.JulianCalendar.GetDayOfMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return DayOfWeek +function CS.System.Globalization.JulianCalendar.GetDayOfWeek(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.JulianCalendar.GetDayOfYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.JulianCalendar.GetDaysInMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.JulianCalendar.GetDaysInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.JulianCalendar.GetEra(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.JulianCalendar.GetLeapMonth(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.JulianCalendar.GetMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.JulianCalendar.GetMonthsInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.JulianCalendar.GetYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.JulianCalendar.IsLeapDay(year, month, day, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.JulianCalendar.IsLeapMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.JulianCalendar.IsLeapYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param hour int +---@param minute int +---@param second int +---@param millisecond int +---@param era int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.JulianCalendar.ToDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.JulianCalendar.ToFourDigitYear(year) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.KoreanCalendar: System.Globalization.Calendar +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KoreanEra int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AlgorithmType System.Globalization.CalendarAlgorithmType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Eras int[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TwoDigitYearMax int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.KoreanCalendar = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param months int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.KoreanCalendar.AddMonths(time, months) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param years int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.KoreanCalendar.AddYears(time, years) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.KoreanCalendar.GetDayOfMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return DayOfWeek +function CS.System.Globalization.KoreanCalendar.GetDayOfWeek(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.KoreanCalendar.GetDayOfYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.KoreanCalendar.GetDaysInMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.KoreanCalendar.GetDaysInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.KoreanCalendar.GetEra(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.KoreanCalendar.GetLeapMonth(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.KoreanCalendar.GetMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.KoreanCalendar.GetMonthsInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param rule System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule +---@param firstDayOfWeek System.DayOfWeek +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.KoreanCalendar.GetWeekOfYear(time, rule, firstDayOfWeek) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.KoreanCalendar.GetYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.KoreanCalendar.IsLeapDay(year, month, day, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.KoreanCalendar.IsLeapMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.KoreanCalendar.IsLeapYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param hour int +---@param minute int +---@param second int +---@param millisecond int +---@param era int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.KoreanCalendar.ToDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.KoreanCalendar.ToFourDigitYear(year) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.NumberStyles: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllowCurrencySymbol System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllowDecimalPoint System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllowExponent System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllowHexSpecifier System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllowLeadingSign System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllowLeadingWhite System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllowParentheses System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllowThousands System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllowTrailingSign System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllowTrailingWhite System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Any System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Currency System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Float System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HexNumber System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Integer System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Number System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.NumberStyles = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Globalization.NumberStyles +function CS.System.Globalization.NumberStyles:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.KoreanLunisolarCalendar: System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GregorianEra int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Eras int[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.KoreanLunisolarCalendar = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.KoreanLunisolarCalendar.GetEra(time) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.RegionInfo: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrencyEnglishName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrencyNativeName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrencySymbol string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentRegion System.Globalization.RegionInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DisplayName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EnglishName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GeoId int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsMetric bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ISOCurrencySymbol string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NativeName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ThreeLetterISORegionName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ThreeLetterWindowsRegionName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TwoLetterISORegionName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.RegionInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.RegionInfo.Equals(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.RegionInfo.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.RegionInfo.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.PersianCalendar: System.Globalization.Calendar +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PersianEra int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AlgorithmType System.Globalization.CalendarAlgorithmType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Eras int[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TwoDigitYearMax int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.PersianCalendar = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param months int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.PersianCalendar.AddMonths(time, months) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param years int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.PersianCalendar.AddYears(time, years) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.PersianCalendar.GetDayOfMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return DayOfWeek +function CS.System.Globalization.PersianCalendar.GetDayOfWeek(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.PersianCalendar.GetDayOfYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.PersianCalendar.GetDaysInMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.PersianCalendar.GetDaysInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.PersianCalendar.GetEra(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.PersianCalendar.GetLeapMonth(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.PersianCalendar.GetMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.PersianCalendar.GetMonthsInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.PersianCalendar.GetYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.PersianCalendar.IsLeapDay(year, month, day, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.PersianCalendar.IsLeapMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.PersianCalendar.IsLeapYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param hour int +---@param minute int +---@param second int +---@param millisecond int +---@param era int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.PersianCalendar.ToDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.PersianCalendar.ToFourDigitYear(year) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrencyDecimalDigits int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrencyDecimalSeparator string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrencyGroupSeparator string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrencyGroupSizes int[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrencyNegativePattern int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrencyPositivePattern int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrencySymbol string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentInfo System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DigitSubstitution System.Globalization.DigitShapes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InvariantInfo System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NaNSymbol string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NativeDigits string[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NegativeInfinitySymbol string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NegativeSign string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NumberDecimalDigits int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NumberDecimalSeparator string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NumberGroupSeparator string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NumberGroupSizes int[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NumberNegativePattern int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PercentDecimalDigits int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PercentDecimalSeparator string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PercentGroupSeparator string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PercentGroupSizes int[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PercentNegativePattern int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PercentPositivePattern int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PercentSymbol string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PerMilleSymbol string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PositiveInfinitySymbol string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PositiveSign string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param formatType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo.GetFormat(formatType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@return NumberFormatInfo +function CS.System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:GetInstance(formatProvider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nfi System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo +---@return NumberFormatInfo +function CS.System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo:ReadOnly(nfi) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.SortKey: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeyData byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OriginalString string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.SortKey = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sortkey1 System.Globalization.SortKey +---@param sortkey2 System.Globalization.SortKey +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.SortKey:Compare(sortkey1, sortkey2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.SortKey.Equals(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.SortKey.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.SortKey.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.StringInfo: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LengthInTextElements int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field String string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.StringInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.StringInfo.Equals(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.StringInfo.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param str string +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.StringInfo:GetNextTextElement(str) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param str string +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.StringInfo:GetNextTextElement(str, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param str string +---@return TextElementEnumerator +function CS.System.Globalization.StringInfo:GetTextElementEnumerator(str) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param str string +---@param index int +---@return TextElementEnumerator +function CS.System.Globalization.StringInfo:GetTextElementEnumerator(str, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param str string +function CS.System.Globalization.StringInfo:ParseCombiningCharacters(str) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param startingTextElement int +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.StringInfo.SubstringByTextElements(startingTextElement) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param startingTextElement int +---@param lengthInTextElements int +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.StringInfo.SubstringByTextElements(startingTextElement, lengthInTextElements) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.SortVersion: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullVersion int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SortId System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.SortVersion = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.Globalization.SortVersion +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.SortVersion.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.SortVersion.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.SortVersion.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Globalization.SortVersion +---@param right System.Globalization.SortVersion +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.SortVersion:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Globalization.SortVersion +---@param right System.Globalization.SortVersion +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.SortVersion:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar: System.Globalization.Calendar +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AlgorithmType System.Globalization.CalendarAlgorithmType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Eras int[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TwoDigitYearMax int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param months int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar.AddMonths(time, months) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param years int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar.AddYears(time, years) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar.GetDayOfMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return DayOfWeek +function CS.System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar.GetDayOfWeek(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar.GetDayOfYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar.GetDaysInMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar.GetDaysInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar.GetEra(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar.GetLeapMonth(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar.GetMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar.GetMonthsInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param rule System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule +---@param firstDayOfWeek System.DayOfWeek +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar.GetWeekOfYear(time, rule, firstDayOfWeek) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar.GetYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar.IsLeapDay(year, month, day, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar.IsLeapMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar.IsLeapYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param hour int +---@param minute int +---@param second int +---@param millisecond int +---@param era int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar.ToDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.TaiwanCalendar.ToFourDigitYear(year) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.TaiwanLunisolarCalendar: System.Globalization.EastAsianLunisolarCalendar +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Eras int[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.TaiwanLunisolarCalendar = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.TaiwanLunisolarCalendar.GetEra(time) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.TextElementEnumerator: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Current object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ElementIndex int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.TextElementEnumerator = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.TextElementEnumerator.GetTextElement() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.TextElementEnumerator.MoveNext() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Globalization.TextElementEnumerator.Reset() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.TimeSpanStyles: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssumeNegative System.Globalization.TimeSpanStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Globalization.TimeSpanStyles +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.TimeSpanStyles = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Globalization.TimeSpanStyles +function CS.System.Globalization.TimeSpanStyles:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ClosePunctuation System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ConnectorPunctuation System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Control System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrencySymbol System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DashPunctuation System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DecimalDigitNumber System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EnclosingMark System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FinalQuotePunctuation System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Format System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InitialQuotePunctuation System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LetterNumber System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LineSeparator System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LowercaseLetter System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MathSymbol System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ModifierLetter System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ModifierSymbol System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NonSpacingMark System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OpenPunctuation System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OtherLetter System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OtherNotAssigned System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OtherNumber System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OtherPunctuation System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OtherSymbol System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ParagraphSeparator System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PrivateUse System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SpaceSeparator System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SpacingCombiningMark System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Surrogate System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TitlecaseLetter System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UppercaseLetter System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory +function CS.System.Globalization.UnicodeCategory:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.TextInfo: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ANSICodePage int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CultureName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EBCDICCodePage int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsRightToLeft bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LCID int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ListSeparator string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MacCodePage int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OEMCodePage int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.TextInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Globalization.TextInfo.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.TextInfo.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.TextInfo.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param textInfo System.Globalization.TextInfo +---@return TextInfo +function CS.System.Globalization.TextInfo:ReadOnly(textInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@return Char +function CS.System.Globalization.TextInfo.ToLower(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param str string +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.TextInfo.ToLower(str) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.TextInfo.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param str string +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(str) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@return Char +function CS.System.Globalization.TextInfo.ToUpper(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param str string +---@return String +function CS.System.Globalization.TextInfo.ToUpper(str) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.UmAlQuraCalendar: System.Globalization.Calendar +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UmAlQuraEra int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AlgorithmType System.Globalization.CalendarAlgorithmType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Eras int[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TwoDigitYearMax int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.UmAlQuraCalendar = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param months int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.UmAlQuraCalendar.AddMonths(time, months) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param years int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.UmAlQuraCalendar.AddYears(time, years) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.UmAlQuraCalendar.GetDayOfMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return DayOfWeek +function CS.System.Globalization.UmAlQuraCalendar.GetDayOfWeek(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.UmAlQuraCalendar.GetDayOfYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.UmAlQuraCalendar.GetDaysInMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.UmAlQuraCalendar.GetDaysInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.UmAlQuraCalendar.GetEra(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.UmAlQuraCalendar.GetLeapMonth(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.UmAlQuraCalendar.GetMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.UmAlQuraCalendar.GetMonthsInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.UmAlQuraCalendar.GetYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.UmAlQuraCalendar.IsLeapDay(year, month, day, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.UmAlQuraCalendar.IsLeapMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.UmAlQuraCalendar.IsLeapYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param hour int +---@param minute int +---@param second int +---@param millisecond int +---@param era int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.UmAlQuraCalendar.ToDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.UmAlQuraCalendar.ToFourDigitYear(year) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar: System.Globalization.Calendar +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ThaiBuddhistEra int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AlgorithmType System.Globalization.CalendarAlgorithmType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Eras int[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinSupportedDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TwoDigitYearMax int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param months int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar.AddMonths(time, months) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param years int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar.AddYears(time, years) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar.GetDayOfMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return DayOfWeek +function CS.System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar.GetDayOfWeek(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar.GetDayOfYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar.GetDaysInMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar.GetDaysInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar.GetEra(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar.GetLeapMonth(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar.GetMonth(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar.GetMonthsInYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param rule System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule +---@param firstDayOfWeek System.DayOfWeek +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar.GetWeekOfYear(time, rule, firstDayOfWeek) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar.GetYear(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar.IsLeapDay(year, month, day, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar.IsLeapMonth(year, month, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param era int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar.IsLeapYear(year, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@param hour int +---@param minute int +---@param second int +---@param millisecond int +---@param era int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar.ToDateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, era) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Globalization.ThaiBuddhistCalendar.ToFourDigitYear(year) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.IO.Compression.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.IO.Compression.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..82390ae9f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.IO.Compression.lua @@ -0,0 +1,249 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Fastest System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field NoCompression System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Optimal System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel +function CS.System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Compress System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode +---@source System.dll +---@field Decompress System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode +function CS.System.IO.Compression.CompressionMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream: System.IO.Stream +---@source System.dll +---@field BaseStream System.IO.Stream +---@source System.dll +---@field CanRead bool +---@source System.dll +---@field CanSeek bool +---@source System.dll +---@field CanWrite bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Length long +---@source System.dll +---@field Position long +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param array byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param asyncCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param asyncState object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream.BeginRead(array, offset, count, asyncCallback, asyncState) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param asyncCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param asyncState object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream.BeginWrite(array, offset, count, asyncCallback, asyncState) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream.EndRead(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream.EndWrite(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream.Flush() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream.Read(array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param offset long +---@param origin System.IO.SeekOrigin +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream.Seek(offset, origin) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream.SetLength(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream.Write(array, offset, count) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.Compression.GZipStream: System.IO.Stream +---@source System.dll +---@field BaseStream System.IO.Stream +---@source System.dll +---@field CanRead bool +---@source System.dll +---@field CanSeek bool +---@source System.dll +---@field CanWrite bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Length long +---@source System.dll +---@field Position long +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.Compression.GZipStream = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param array byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param asyncCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param asyncState object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.Compression.GZipStream.BeginRead(array, offset, count, asyncCallback, asyncState) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param asyncCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param asyncState object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.Compression.GZipStream.BeginWrite(array, offset, count, asyncCallback, asyncState) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.Compression.GZipStream.EndRead(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.Compression.GZipStream.EndWrite(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.IO.Compression.GZipStream.Flush() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.Compression.GZipStream.Read(array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param offset long +---@param origin System.IO.SeekOrigin +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.IO.Compression.GZipStream.Seek(offset, origin) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.IO.Compression.GZipStream.SetLength(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.IO.Compression.GZipStream.Write(array, offset, count) end + + +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +---@class System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive: object +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +---@field Entries System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +---@field Mode System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveMode +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +CS.System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive = {} + +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +---@param entryName string +---@return ZipArchiveEntry +function CS.System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive.CreateEntry(entryName) end + +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +---@param entryName string +---@param compressionLevel System.IO.Compression.CompressionLevel +---@return ZipArchiveEntry +function CS.System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive.CreateEntry(entryName, compressionLevel) end + +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +function CS.System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive.Dispose() end + +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +---@param entryName string +---@return ZipArchiveEntry +function CS.System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive.GetEntry(entryName) end + + +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +---@class System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveEntry: object +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +---@field Archive System.IO.Compression.ZipArchive +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +---@field CompressedLength long +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +---@field FullName string +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +---@field LastWriteTime System.DateTimeOffset +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +---@field Length long +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +CS.System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveEntry = {} + +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +function CS.System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveEntry.Delete() end + +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +---@return Stream +function CS.System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveEntry.Open() end + +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveEntry.ToString() end + + +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +---@class System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveMode: System.Enum +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +---@field Create System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveMode +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +---@field Read System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveMode +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +---@field Update System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveMode +---@source System.IO.Compression.dll +CS.System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveMode +function CS.System.IO.Compression.ZipArchiveMode:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.IO.IsolatedStorage.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.IO.IsolatedStorage.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fa6bdf5bc --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.IO.IsolatedStorage.lua @@ -0,0 +1,400 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.IsolatedStorage.INormalizeForIsolatedStorage +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.INormalizeForIsolatedStorage = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.INormalizeForIsolatedStorage.Normalize() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorage: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationIdentity object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssemblyIdentity object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AvailableFreeSpace long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentSize ulong +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DomainIdentity object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaximumSize ulong +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Quota long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Scope System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UsedSize long +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorage = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param newQuotaSize long +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorage.IncreaseQuotaTo(newQuotaSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorage.Remove() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageException: System.Exception +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile: System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorage +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AvailableFreeSpace long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentSize ulong +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsEnabled bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaximumSize ulong +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Quota long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UsedSize long +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.Close() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sourceFileName string +---@param destinationFileName string +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.CopyFile(sourceFileName, destinationFileName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sourceFileName string +---@param destinationFileName string +---@param overwrite bool +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.CopyFile(sourceFileName, destinationFileName, overwrite) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dir string +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.CreateDirectory(dir) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return IsolatedStorageFileStream +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.CreateFile(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dir string +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.DeleteDirectory(dir) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param file string +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.DeleteFile(file) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.DirectoryExists(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.FileExists(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.GetCreationTime(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.GetDirectoryNames() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param searchPattern string +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.GetDirectoryNames(searchPattern) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param scope System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageScope +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile:GetEnumerator(scope) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.GetFileNames() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param searchPattern string +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.GetFileNames(searchPattern) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.GetLastAccessTime(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.GetLastWriteTime(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IsolatedStorageFile +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile:GetMachineStoreForApplication() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IsolatedStorageFile +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile:GetMachineStoreForAssembly() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IsolatedStorageFile +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile:GetMachineStoreForDomain() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param scope System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageScope +---@param applicationIdentity object +---@return IsolatedStorageFile +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile:GetStore(scope, applicationIdentity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param scope System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageScope +---@param domainIdentity object +---@param assemblyIdentity object +---@return IsolatedStorageFile +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile:GetStore(scope, domainIdentity, assemblyIdentity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param scope System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageScope +---@param domainEvidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@param domainEvidenceType System.Type +---@param assemblyEvidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@param assemblyEvidenceType System.Type +---@return IsolatedStorageFile +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile:GetStore(scope, domainEvidence, domainEvidenceType, assemblyEvidence, assemblyEvidenceType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param scope System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageScope +---@param applicationEvidenceType System.Type +---@return IsolatedStorageFile +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile:GetStore(scope, applicationEvidenceType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param scope System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageScope +---@param domainEvidenceType System.Type +---@param assemblyEvidenceType System.Type +---@return IsolatedStorageFile +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile:GetStore(scope, domainEvidenceType, assemblyEvidenceType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IsolatedStorageFile +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile:GetUserStoreForApplication() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IsolatedStorageFile +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile:GetUserStoreForAssembly() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IsolatedStorageFile +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile:GetUserStoreForDomain() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IsolatedStorageFile +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile:GetUserStoreForSite() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param newQuotaSize long +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.IncreaseQuotaTo(newQuotaSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sourceDirectoryName string +---@param destinationDirectoryName string +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.MoveDirectory(sourceDirectoryName, destinationDirectoryName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sourceFileName string +---@param destinationFileName string +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.MoveFile(sourceFileName, destinationFileName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param mode System.IO.FileMode +---@return IsolatedStorageFileStream +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.OpenFile(path, mode) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param mode System.IO.FileMode +---@param access System.IO.FileAccess +---@return IsolatedStorageFileStream +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.OpenFile(path, mode, access) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param mode System.IO.FileMode +---@param access System.IO.FileAccess +---@param share System.IO.FileShare +---@return IsolatedStorageFileStream +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.OpenFile(path, mode, access, share) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile.Remove() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param scope System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageScope +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFile:Remove(scope) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream: System.IO.FileStream +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanRead bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanSeek bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanWrite bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Handle System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAsync bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Length long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Position long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SafeFileHandle Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param numBytes int +---@param userCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param stateObject object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream.BeginRead(buffer, offset, numBytes, userCallback, stateObject) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param numBytes int +---@param userCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param stateObject object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream.BeginWrite(buffer, offset, numBytes, userCallback, stateObject) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream.EndRead(asyncResult) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream.EndWrite(asyncResult) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream.Flush() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param flushToDisk bool +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream.Flush(flushToDisk) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@param length long +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream.Lock(position, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream.Read(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream.ReadByte() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param offset long +---@param origin System.IO.SeekOrigin +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream.Seek(offset, origin) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream.SetLength(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@param length long +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream.Unlock(position, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream.Write(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageFileStream.WriteByte(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageScope: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Application System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Assembly System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Domain System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Machine System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Roaming System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field User System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageScope = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageScope +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageScope:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageSecurityOptions: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IncreaseQuotaForApplication System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageSecurityOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageSecurityOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageSecurityOptions +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageSecurityOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageSecurityState: System.Security.SecurityState +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Options System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageSecurityOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Quota long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UsedSize long +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageSecurityState = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.IsolatedStorage.IsolatedStorageSecurityState.EnsureState() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9708115d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.lua @@ -0,0 +1,302 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SafeMemoryMappedFileHandle Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeMemoryMappedFileHandle +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param fileStream System.IO.FileStream +---@param mapName string +---@param capacity long +---@param access System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileAccess +---@param inheritability System.IO.HandleInheritability +---@param leaveOpen bool +---@return MemoryMappedFile +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile:CreateFromFile(fileStream, mapName, capacity, access, inheritability, leaveOpen) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param fileStream System.IO.FileStream +---@param mapName string +---@param capacity long +---@param access System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileAccess +---@param memoryMappedFileSecurity System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileSecurity +---@param inheritability System.IO.HandleInheritability +---@param leaveOpen bool +---@return MemoryMappedFile +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile:CreateFromFile(fileStream, mapName, capacity, access, memoryMappedFileSecurity, inheritability, leaveOpen) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param path string +---@return MemoryMappedFile +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile:CreateFromFile(path) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param path string +---@param mode System.IO.FileMode +---@return MemoryMappedFile +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile:CreateFromFile(path, mode) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param path string +---@param mode System.IO.FileMode +---@param mapName string +---@return MemoryMappedFile +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile:CreateFromFile(path, mode, mapName) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param path string +---@param mode System.IO.FileMode +---@param mapName string +---@param capacity long +---@return MemoryMappedFile +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile:CreateFromFile(path, mode, mapName, capacity) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param path string +---@param mode System.IO.FileMode +---@param mapName string +---@param capacity long +---@param access System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileAccess +---@return MemoryMappedFile +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile:CreateFromFile(path, mode, mapName, capacity, access) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param mapName string +---@param capacity long +---@return MemoryMappedFile +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile:CreateNew(mapName, capacity) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param mapName string +---@param capacity long +---@param access System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileAccess +---@return MemoryMappedFile +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile:CreateNew(mapName, capacity, access) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param mapName string +---@param capacity long +---@param access System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileAccess +---@param options System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileOptions +---@param inheritability System.IO.HandleInheritability +---@return MemoryMappedFile +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile:CreateNew(mapName, capacity, access, options, inheritability) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param mapName string +---@param capacity long +---@param access System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileAccess +---@param options System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileOptions +---@param memoryMappedFileSecurity System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileSecurity +---@param inheritability System.IO.HandleInheritability +---@return MemoryMappedFile +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile:CreateNew(mapName, capacity, access, options, memoryMappedFileSecurity, inheritability) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param mapName string +---@param capacity long +---@return MemoryMappedFile +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile:CreateOrOpen(mapName, capacity) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param mapName string +---@param capacity long +---@param access System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileAccess +---@return MemoryMappedFile +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile:CreateOrOpen(mapName, capacity, access) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param mapName string +---@param capacity long +---@param access System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileAccess +---@param options System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileOptions +---@param inheritability System.IO.HandleInheritability +---@return MemoryMappedFile +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile:CreateOrOpen(mapName, capacity, access, options, inheritability) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param mapName string +---@param capacity long +---@param access System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileAccess +---@param options System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileOptions +---@param memoryMappedFileSecurity System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileSecurity +---@param inheritability System.IO.HandleInheritability +---@return MemoryMappedFile +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile:CreateOrOpen(mapName, capacity, access, options, memoryMappedFileSecurity, inheritability) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return MemoryMappedViewAccessor +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile.CreateViewAccessor() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param offset long +---@param size long +---@return MemoryMappedViewAccessor +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile.CreateViewAccessor(offset, size) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param offset long +---@param size long +---@param access System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileAccess +---@return MemoryMappedViewAccessor +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile.CreateViewAccessor(offset, size, access) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return MemoryMappedViewStream +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile.CreateViewStream() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param offset long +---@param size long +---@return MemoryMappedViewStream +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile.CreateViewStream(offset, size) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param offset long +---@param size long +---@param access System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileAccess +---@return MemoryMappedViewStream +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile.CreateViewStream(offset, size, access) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile.Dispose() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return MemoryMappedFileSecurity +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile.GetAccessControl() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param mapName string +---@return MemoryMappedFile +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile:OpenExisting(mapName) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param mapName string +---@param desiredAccessRights System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileRights +---@return MemoryMappedFile +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile:OpenExisting(mapName, desiredAccessRights) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param mapName string +---@param desiredAccessRights System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileRights +---@param inheritability System.IO.HandleInheritability +---@return MemoryMappedFile +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile:OpenExisting(mapName, desiredAccessRights, inheritability) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param memoryMappedFileSecurity System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileSecurity +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFile.SetAccessControl(memoryMappedFileSecurity) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileAccess: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CopyOnWrite System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileAccess +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Read System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileAccess +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReadExecute System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileAccess +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReadWrite System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileAccess +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReadWriteExecute System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileAccess +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Write System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileAccess +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileAccess = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileAccess +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileAccess:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileOptions: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field DelayAllocatePages System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileOptions +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field None System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileOptions +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileOptions +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileRights: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AccessSystemSecurity System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ChangePermissions System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CopyOnWrite System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Delete System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Execute System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field FullControl System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Read System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReadExecute System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReadPermissions System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReadWrite System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReadWriteExecute System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field TakeOwnership System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Write System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileRights +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileRights = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileRights +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileRights:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileSecurity: System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedFileSecurity = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedViewAccessor: System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PointerOffset long +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SafeMemoryMappedViewHandle Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeMemoryMappedViewHandle +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedViewAccessor = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedViewAccessor.Flush() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedViewStream: System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PointerOffset long +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SafeMemoryMappedViewHandle Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeMemoryMappedViewHandle +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedViewStream = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedViewStream.Flush() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles.MemoryMappedViewStream.SetLength(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.IO.Pipes.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.IO.Pipes.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cd28728de --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.IO.Pipes.lua @@ -0,0 +1,412 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.IO.Pipes.AnonymousPipeClientStream: System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReadMode System.IO.Pipes.PipeTransmissionMode +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field TransmissionMode System.IO.Pipes.PipeTransmissionMode +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.IO.Pipes.AnonymousPipeClientStream = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.IO.Pipes.AnonymousPipeServerStream: System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ClientSafePipeHandle Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafePipeHandle +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReadMode System.IO.Pipes.PipeTransmissionMode +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field TransmissionMode System.IO.Pipes.PipeTransmissionMode +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.IO.Pipes.AnonymousPipeServerStream = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.AnonymousPipeServerStream.DisposeLocalCopyOfClientHandle() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.AnonymousPipeServerStream.GetClientHandleAsString() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream: System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NumberOfServerInstances int +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream.Connect() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param timeout int +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream.Connect(timeout) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream.ConnectAsync() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param timeout int +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream.ConnectAsync(timeout) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param timeout int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream.ConnectAsync(timeout, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeClientStream.ConnectAsync(cancellationToken) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream: System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MaxAllowedServerInstances int +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream.BeginWaitForConnection(callback, state) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream.Disconnect() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream.EndWaitForConnection(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream.GetImpersonationUserName() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param impersonationWorker System.IO.Pipes.PipeStreamImpersonationWorker +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream.RunAsClient(impersonationWorker) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream.WaitForConnection() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream.WaitForConnectionAsync() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.NamedPipeServerStream.WaitForConnectionAsync(cancellationToken) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRights: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AccessSystemSecurity System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ChangePermissions System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CreateNewInstance System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Delete System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field FullControl System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Read System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReadAttributes System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReadData System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReadExtendedAttributes System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReadPermissions System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReadWrite System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Synchronize System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field TakeOwnership System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Write System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field WriteAttributes System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field WriteData System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRights +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field WriteExtendedAttributes System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRights +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRights = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRights +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRights:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRule: System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PipeAccessRights System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRights +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRule = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.IO.Pipes.PipeAuditRule: System.Security.AccessControl.AuditRule +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PipeAccessRights System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRights +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeAuditRule = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.IO.Pipes.PipeDirection: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field In System.IO.Pipes.PipeDirection +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field InOut System.IO.Pipes.PipeDirection +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Out System.IO.Pipes.PipeDirection +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeDirection = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.Pipes.PipeDirection +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeDirection:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.IO.Pipes.PipeOptions: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Asynchronous System.IO.Pipes.PipeOptions +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field None System.IO.Pipes.PipeOptions +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field WriteThrough System.IO.Pipes.PipeOptions +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.Pipes.PipeOptions +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.IO.Pipes.PipeSecurity: System.Security.AccessControl.NativeObjectSecurity +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AccessRightType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AccessRuleType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AuditRuleType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeSecurity = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param identityReference System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@param accessMask int +---@param isInherited bool +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param type System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@return AccessRule +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeSecurity.AccessRuleFactory(identityReference, accessMask, isInherited, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param rule System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRule +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeSecurity.AddAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param rule System.IO.Pipes.PipeAuditRule +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeSecurity.AddAuditRule(rule) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param identityReference System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@param accessMask int +---@param isInherited bool +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param flags System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +---@return AuditRule +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeSecurity.AuditRuleFactory(identityReference, accessMask, isInherited, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, flags) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param rule System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRule +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeSecurity.RemoveAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param rule System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRule +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeSecurity.RemoveAccessRuleSpecific(rule) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param rule System.IO.Pipes.PipeAuditRule +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeSecurity.RemoveAuditRule(rule) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param rule System.IO.Pipes.PipeAuditRule +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeSecurity.RemoveAuditRuleAll(rule) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param rule System.IO.Pipes.PipeAuditRule +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeSecurity.RemoveAuditRuleSpecific(rule) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param rule System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRule +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeSecurity.ResetAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param rule System.IO.Pipes.PipeAccessRule +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeSecurity.SetAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param rule System.IO.Pipes.PipeAuditRule +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeSecurity.SetAuditRule(rule) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream: System.IO.Stream +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CanRead bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CanSeek bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CanWrite bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field InBufferSize int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsAsync bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsConnected bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsMessageComplete bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Length long +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field OutBufferSize int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Position long +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReadMode System.IO.Pipes.PipeTransmissionMode +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SafePipeHandle Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafePipeHandle +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field TransmissionMode System.IO.Pipes.PipeTransmissionMode +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream.BeginRead(buffer, offset, count, callback, state) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream.BeginWrite(buffer, offset, count, callback, state) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream.EndRead(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream.EndWrite(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream.Flush() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return PipeSecurity +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream.GetAccessControl() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream.Read(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream.ReadByte() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param offset long +---@param origin System.IO.SeekOrigin +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream.Seek(offset, origin) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param pipeSecurity System.IO.Pipes.PipeSecurity +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream.SetAccessControl(pipeSecurity) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream.SetLength(value) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream.WaitForPipeDrain() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream.Write(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param value byte +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream.WriteByte(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.IO.Pipes.PipeTransmissionMode: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Byte System.IO.Pipes.PipeTransmissionMode +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Message System.IO.Pipes.PipeTransmissionMode +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeTransmissionMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.Pipes.PipeTransmissionMode +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeTransmissionMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.IO.Pipes.PipeStreamImpersonationWorker: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeStreamImpersonationWorker = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeStreamImpersonationWorker.Invoke() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeStreamImpersonationWorker.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.Pipes.PipeStreamImpersonationWorker.EndInvoke(result) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.IO.Ports.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.IO.Ports.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7c72aa271 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.IO.Ports.lua @@ -0,0 +1,367 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.Ports.Handshake: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.IO.Ports.Handshake +---@source System.dll +---@field RequestToSend System.IO.Ports.Handshake +---@source System.dll +---@field RequestToSendXOnXOff System.IO.Ports.Handshake +---@source System.dll +---@field XOnXOff System.IO.Ports.Handshake +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.Ports.Handshake = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.Ports.Handshake +function CS.System.IO.Ports.Handshake:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.Ports.Parity: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Even System.IO.Ports.Parity +---@source System.dll +---@field Mark System.IO.Ports.Parity +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.IO.Ports.Parity +---@source System.dll +---@field Odd System.IO.Ports.Parity +---@source System.dll +---@field Space System.IO.Ports.Parity +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.Ports.Parity = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.Ports.Parity +function CS.System.IO.Ports.Parity:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.Ports.SerialData: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Chars System.IO.Ports.SerialData +---@source System.dll +---@field Eof System.IO.Ports.SerialData +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialData = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.Ports.SerialData +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialData:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field EventType System.IO.Ports.SerialData +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.Ports.SerialError: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Frame System.IO.Ports.SerialError +---@source System.dll +---@field Overrun System.IO.Ports.SerialError +---@source System.dll +---@field RXOver System.IO.Ports.SerialError +---@source System.dll +---@field RXParity System.IO.Ports.SerialError +---@source System.dll +---@field TXFull System.IO.Ports.SerialError +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialError = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.Ports.SerialError +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialError:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.Ports.SerialErrorReceivedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialErrorReceivedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.IO.Ports.SerialErrorReceivedEventArgs +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialErrorReceivedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.IO.Ports.SerialErrorReceivedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialErrorReceivedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialErrorReceivedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.Ports.SerialErrorReceivedEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field EventType System.IO.Ports.SerialError +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialErrorReceivedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.Ports.SerialPinChange: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Break System.IO.Ports.SerialPinChange +---@source System.dll +---@field CDChanged System.IO.Ports.SerialPinChange +---@source System.dll +---@field CtsChanged System.IO.Ports.SerialPinChange +---@source System.dll +---@field DsrChanged System.IO.Ports.SerialPinChange +---@source System.dll +---@field Ring System.IO.Ports.SerialPinChange +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPinChange = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.Ports.SerialPinChange +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPinChange:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.Ports.SerialPinChangedEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field EventType System.IO.Ports.SerialPinChange +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPinChangedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.Ports.SerialPinChangedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPinChangedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.IO.Ports.SerialPinChangedEventArgs +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPinChangedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.IO.Ports.SerialPinChangedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPinChangedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPinChangedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.Ports.SerialPort: System.ComponentModel.Component +---@source System.dll +---@field InfiniteTimeout int +---@source System.dll +---@field BaseStream System.IO.Stream +---@source System.dll +---@field BaudRate int +---@source System.dll +---@field BreakState bool +---@source System.dll +---@field BytesToRead int +---@source System.dll +---@field BytesToWrite int +---@source System.dll +---@field CDHolding bool +---@source System.dll +---@field CtsHolding bool +---@source System.dll +---@field DataBits int +---@source System.dll +---@field DiscardNull bool +---@source System.dll +---@field DsrHolding bool +---@source System.dll +---@field DtrEnable bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@source System.dll +---@field Handshake System.IO.Ports.Handshake +---@source System.dll +---@field IsOpen bool +---@source System.dll +---@field NewLine string +---@source System.dll +---@field Parity System.IO.Ports.Parity +---@source System.dll +---@field ParityReplace byte +---@source System.dll +---@field PortName string +---@source System.dll +---@field ReadBufferSize int +---@source System.dll +---@field ReadTimeout int +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceivedBytesThreshold int +---@source System.dll +---@field RtsEnable bool +---@source System.dll +---@field StopBits System.IO.Ports.StopBits +---@source System.dll +---@field WriteBufferSize int +---@source System.dll +---@field WriteTimeout int +---@source System.dll +---@field DataReceived System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field ErrorReceived System.IO.Ports.SerialErrorReceivedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field PinChanged System.IO.Ports.SerialPinChangedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPort = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventHandler +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.add_DataReceived(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.IO.Ports.SerialDataReceivedEventHandler +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.remove_DataReceived(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.IO.Ports.SerialErrorReceivedEventHandler +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.add_ErrorReceived(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.IO.Ports.SerialErrorReceivedEventHandler +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.remove_ErrorReceived(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.IO.Ports.SerialPinChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.add_PinChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.IO.Ports.SerialPinChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.remove_PinChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.Close() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.DiscardInBuffer() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.DiscardOutBuffer() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPort:GetPortNames() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.Open() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.Read(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.Read(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.ReadByte() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.ReadChar() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.ReadExisting() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.ReadLine() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.ReadTo(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.Write(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.Write(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param text string +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.Write(text) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param text string +function CS.System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.WriteLine(text) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.Ports.StopBits: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.IO.Ports.StopBits +---@source System.dll +---@field One System.IO.Ports.StopBits +---@source System.dll +---@field OnePointFive System.IO.Ports.StopBits +---@source System.dll +---@field Two System.IO.Ports.StopBits +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.Ports.StopBits = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.Ports.StopBits +function CS.System.IO.Ports.StopBits:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.IO.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.IO.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..df740fa6b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.IO.lua @@ -0,0 +1,2977 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.BinaryReader: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BaseStream System.IO.Stream +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.BinaryReader = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.BinaryReader.Close() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.BinaryReader.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.BinaryReader.PeekChar() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.BinaryReader.Read() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.BinaryReader.Read(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.BinaryReader.Read(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadBoolean() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Byte +function CS.System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadByte() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param count int +function CS.System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadBytes(count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Char +function CS.System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadChar() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param count int +function CS.System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadChars(count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadDecimal() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadDouble() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadInt16() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadInt32() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadInt64() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SByte +function CS.System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadSByte() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadSingle() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadUInt16() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadUInt32() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadUInt64() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.BinaryWriter: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Null System.IO.BinaryWriter +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BaseStream System.IO.Stream +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.BinaryWriter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.BinaryWriter.Close() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.BinaryWriter.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.BinaryWriter.Flush() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param offset int +---@param origin System.IO.SeekOrigin +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.IO.BinaryWriter.Seek(offset, origin) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.System.IO.BinaryWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +function CS.System.IO.BinaryWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +function CS.System.IO.BinaryWriter.Write(buffer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.IO.BinaryWriter.Write(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ch char +function CS.System.IO.BinaryWriter.Write(ch) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char[] +function CS.System.IO.BinaryWriter.Write(chars) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.IO.BinaryWriter.Write(chars, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +function CS.System.IO.BinaryWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +function CS.System.IO.BinaryWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +function CS.System.IO.BinaryWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +function CS.System.IO.BinaryWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.IO.BinaryWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value sbyte +function CS.System.IO.BinaryWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +function CS.System.IO.BinaryWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +function CS.System.IO.BinaryWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ushort +function CS.System.IO.BinaryWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +function CS.System.IO.BinaryWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +function CS.System.IO.BinaryWriter.Write(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.BufferedStream: System.IO.Stream +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanRead bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanSeek bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanWrite bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Length long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Position long +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.BufferedStream = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.BufferedStream.BeginRead(buffer, offset, count, callback, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.BufferedStream.BeginWrite(buffer, offset, count, callback, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.BufferedStream.EndRead(asyncResult) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.BufferedStream.EndWrite(asyncResult) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.BufferedStream.Flush() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.BufferedStream.FlushAsync(cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.BufferedStream.Read(array, offset, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.BufferedStream.ReadAsync(buffer, offset, count, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.BufferedStream.ReadByte() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param offset long +---@param origin System.IO.SeekOrigin +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.IO.BufferedStream.Seek(offset, origin) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.IO.BufferedStream.SetLength(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.IO.BufferedStream.Write(array, offset, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.BufferedStream.WriteAsync(buffer, offset, count, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +function CS.System.IO.BufferedStream.WriteByte(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.Directory: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.Directory = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return DirectoryInfo +function CS.System.IO.Directory:CreateDirectory(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param directorySecurity System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity +---@return DirectoryInfo +function CS.System.IO.Directory:CreateDirectory(path, directorySecurity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +function CS.System.IO.Directory:Delete(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param recursive bool +function CS.System.IO.Directory:Delete(path, recursive) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.IO.Directory:EnumerateDirectories(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param searchPattern string +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.IO.Directory:EnumerateDirectories(path, searchPattern) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param searchPattern string +---@param searchOption System.IO.SearchOption +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.IO.Directory:EnumerateDirectories(path, searchPattern, searchOption) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.IO.Directory:EnumerateFiles(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param searchPattern string +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.IO.Directory:EnumerateFiles(path, searchPattern) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param searchPattern string +---@param searchOption System.IO.SearchOption +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.IO.Directory:EnumerateFiles(path, searchPattern, searchOption) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.IO.Directory:EnumerateFileSystemEntries(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param searchPattern string +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.IO.Directory:EnumerateFileSystemEntries(path, searchPattern) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param searchPattern string +---@param searchOption System.IO.SearchOption +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.IO.Directory:EnumerateFileSystemEntries(path, searchPattern, searchOption) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.IO.Directory:Exists(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return DirectorySecurity +function CS.System.IO.Directory:GetAccessControl(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param includeSections System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections +---@return DirectorySecurity +function CS.System.IO.Directory:GetAccessControl(path, includeSections) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.IO.Directory:GetCreationTime(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.IO.Directory:GetCreationTimeUtc(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.Directory:GetCurrentDirectory() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +function CS.System.IO.Directory:GetDirectories(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param searchPattern string +function CS.System.IO.Directory:GetDirectories(path, searchPattern) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param searchPattern string +---@param searchOption System.IO.SearchOption +function CS.System.IO.Directory:GetDirectories(path, searchPattern, searchOption) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.Directory:GetDirectoryRoot(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +function CS.System.IO.Directory:GetFiles(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param searchPattern string +function CS.System.IO.Directory:GetFiles(path, searchPattern) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param searchPattern string +---@param searchOption System.IO.SearchOption +function CS.System.IO.Directory:GetFiles(path, searchPattern, searchOption) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +function CS.System.IO.Directory:GetFileSystemEntries(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param searchPattern string +function CS.System.IO.Directory:GetFileSystemEntries(path, searchPattern) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param searchPattern string +---@param searchOption System.IO.SearchOption +function CS.System.IO.Directory:GetFileSystemEntries(path, searchPattern, searchOption) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.IO.Directory:GetLastAccessTime(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.IO.Directory:GetLastAccessTimeUtc(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.IO.Directory:GetLastWriteTime(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.IO.Directory:GetLastWriteTimeUtc(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.Directory:GetLogicalDrives() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return DirectoryInfo +function CS.System.IO.Directory:GetParent(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sourceDirName string +---@param destDirName string +function CS.System.IO.Directory:Move(sourceDirName, destDirName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param directorySecurity System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity +function CS.System.IO.Directory:SetAccessControl(path, directorySecurity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param creationTime System.DateTime +function CS.System.IO.Directory:SetCreationTime(path, creationTime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param creationTimeUtc System.DateTime +function CS.System.IO.Directory:SetCreationTimeUtc(path, creationTimeUtc) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +function CS.System.IO.Directory:SetCurrentDirectory(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param lastAccessTime System.DateTime +function CS.System.IO.Directory:SetLastAccessTime(path, lastAccessTime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param lastAccessTimeUtc System.DateTime +function CS.System.IO.Directory:SetLastAccessTimeUtc(path, lastAccessTimeUtc) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param lastWriteTime System.DateTime +function CS.System.IO.Directory:SetLastWriteTime(path, lastWriteTime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param lastWriteTimeUtc System.DateTime +function CS.System.IO.Directory:SetLastWriteTimeUtc(path, lastWriteTimeUtc) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.DirectoryInfo: System.IO.FileSystemInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Exists bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Parent System.IO.DirectoryInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Root System.IO.DirectoryInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param directorySecurity System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.Create(directorySecurity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return DirectoryInfo +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.CreateSubdirectory(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param directorySecurity System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity +---@return DirectoryInfo +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.CreateSubdirectory(path, directorySecurity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.Delete() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param recursive bool +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.Delete(recursive) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.EnumerateDirectories() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param searchPattern string +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.EnumerateDirectories(searchPattern) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param searchPattern string +---@param searchOption System.IO.SearchOption +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.EnumerateDirectories(searchPattern, searchOption) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.EnumerateFiles() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param searchPattern string +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.EnumerateFiles(searchPattern) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param searchPattern string +---@param searchOption System.IO.SearchOption +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.EnumerateFiles(searchPattern, searchOption) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.EnumerateFileSystemInfos() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param searchPattern string +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.EnumerateFileSystemInfos(searchPattern) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param searchPattern string +---@param searchOption System.IO.SearchOption +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.EnumerateFileSystemInfos(searchPattern, searchOption) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return DirectorySecurity +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetAccessControl() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param includeSections System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections +---@return DirectorySecurity +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetAccessControl(includeSections) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetDirectories() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param searchPattern string +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetDirectories(searchPattern) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param searchPattern string +---@param searchOption System.IO.SearchOption +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetDirectories(searchPattern, searchOption) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFiles() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param searchPattern string +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFiles(searchPattern) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param searchPattern string +---@param searchOption System.IO.SearchOption +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFiles(searchPattern, searchOption) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param searchPattern string +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos(searchPattern) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param searchPattern string +---@param searchOption System.IO.SearchOption +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.GetFileSystemInfos(searchPattern, searchOption) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param destDirName string +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.MoveTo(destDirName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param directorySecurity System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.SetAccessControl(directorySecurity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.DirectoryInfo.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: System.IO.IOException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.DriveNotFoundException: System.IO.IOException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.DriveNotFoundException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.DriveInfo: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AvailableFreeSpace long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DriveFormat string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DriveType System.IO.DriveType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsReady bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RootDirectory System.IO.DirectoryInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TotalFreeSpace long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TotalSize long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VolumeLabel string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.DriveInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.DriveInfo:GetDrives() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.DriveInfo.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.DriveType: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CDRom System.IO.DriveType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Fixed System.IO.DriveType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Network System.IO.DriveType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoRootDirectory System.IO.DriveType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ram System.IO.DriveType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Removable System.IO.DriveType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Unknown System.IO.DriveType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.DriveType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.DriveType +function CS.System.IO.DriveType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.EndOfStreamException: System.IO.IOException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.EndOfStreamException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.File: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.File = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param contents System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.IO.File:AppendAllLines(path, contents) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param contents System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +function CS.System.IO.File:AppendAllLines(path, contents, encoding) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param contents string +function CS.System.IO.File:AppendAllText(path, contents) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param contents string +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +function CS.System.IO.File:AppendAllText(path, contents, encoding) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return StreamWriter +function CS.System.IO.File:AppendText(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sourceFileName string +---@param destFileName string +function CS.System.IO.File:Copy(sourceFileName, destFileName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sourceFileName string +---@param destFileName string +---@param overwrite bool +function CS.System.IO.File:Copy(sourceFileName, destFileName, overwrite) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return FileStream +function CS.System.IO.File:Create(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param bufferSize int +---@return FileStream +function CS.System.IO.File:Create(path, bufferSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param bufferSize int +---@param options System.IO.FileOptions +---@return FileStream +function CS.System.IO.File:Create(path, bufferSize, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param bufferSize int +---@param options System.IO.FileOptions +---@param fileSecurity System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity +---@return FileStream +function CS.System.IO.File:Create(path, bufferSize, options, fileSecurity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return StreamWriter +function CS.System.IO.File:CreateText(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +function CS.System.IO.File:Decrypt(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +function CS.System.IO.File:Delete(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +function CS.System.IO.File:Encrypt(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.IO.File:Exists(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return FileSecurity +function CS.System.IO.File:GetAccessControl(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param includeSections System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections +---@return FileSecurity +function CS.System.IO.File:GetAccessControl(path, includeSections) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return FileAttributes +function CS.System.IO.File:GetAttributes(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.IO.File:GetCreationTime(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.IO.File:GetCreationTimeUtc(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.IO.File:GetLastAccessTime(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.IO.File:GetLastAccessTimeUtc(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.IO.File:GetLastWriteTime(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.IO.File:GetLastWriteTimeUtc(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sourceFileName string +---@param destFileName string +function CS.System.IO.File:Move(sourceFileName, destFileName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param mode System.IO.FileMode +---@return FileStream +function CS.System.IO.File:Open(path, mode) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param mode System.IO.FileMode +---@param access System.IO.FileAccess +---@return FileStream +function CS.System.IO.File:Open(path, mode, access) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param mode System.IO.FileMode +---@param access System.IO.FileAccess +---@param share System.IO.FileShare +---@return FileStream +function CS.System.IO.File:Open(path, mode, access, share) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return FileStream +function CS.System.IO.File:OpenRead(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return StreamReader +function CS.System.IO.File:OpenText(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return FileStream +function CS.System.IO.File:OpenWrite(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +function CS.System.IO.File:ReadAllBytes(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +function CS.System.IO.File:ReadAllLines(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +function CS.System.IO.File:ReadAllLines(path, encoding) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.File:ReadAllText(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.File:ReadAllText(path, encoding) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.IO.File:ReadLines(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.IO.File:ReadLines(path, encoding) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sourceFileName string +---@param destinationFileName string +---@param destinationBackupFileName string +function CS.System.IO.File:Replace(sourceFileName, destinationFileName, destinationBackupFileName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sourceFileName string +---@param destinationFileName string +---@param destinationBackupFileName string +---@param ignoreMetadataErrors bool +function CS.System.IO.File:Replace(sourceFileName, destinationFileName, destinationBackupFileName, ignoreMetadataErrors) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param fileSecurity System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity +function CS.System.IO.File:SetAccessControl(path, fileSecurity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param fileAttributes System.IO.FileAttributes +function CS.System.IO.File:SetAttributes(path, fileAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param creationTime System.DateTime +function CS.System.IO.File:SetCreationTime(path, creationTime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param creationTimeUtc System.DateTime +function CS.System.IO.File:SetCreationTimeUtc(path, creationTimeUtc) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param lastAccessTime System.DateTime +function CS.System.IO.File:SetLastAccessTime(path, lastAccessTime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param lastAccessTimeUtc System.DateTime +function CS.System.IO.File:SetLastAccessTimeUtc(path, lastAccessTimeUtc) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param lastWriteTime System.DateTime +function CS.System.IO.File:SetLastWriteTime(path, lastWriteTime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param lastWriteTimeUtc System.DateTime +function CS.System.IO.File:SetLastWriteTimeUtc(path, lastWriteTimeUtc) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param bytes byte[] +function CS.System.IO.File:WriteAllBytes(path, bytes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param contents System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.IO.File:WriteAllLines(path, contents) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param contents System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +function CS.System.IO.File:WriteAllLines(path, contents, encoding) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param contents string[] +function CS.System.IO.File:WriteAllLines(path, contents) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param contents string[] +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +function CS.System.IO.File:WriteAllLines(path, contents, encoding) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param contents string +function CS.System.IO.File:WriteAllText(path, contents) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param contents string +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +function CS.System.IO.File:WriteAllText(path, contents, encoding) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.FileAccess: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Read System.IO.FileAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReadWrite System.IO.FileAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Write System.IO.FileAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.FileAccess = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.FileAccess +function CS.System.IO.FileAccess:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.FileAttributes: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Archive System.IO.FileAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Compressed System.IO.FileAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Device System.IO.FileAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Directory System.IO.FileAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Encrypted System.IO.FileAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Hidden System.IO.FileAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IntegrityStream System.IO.FileAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Normal System.IO.FileAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoScrubData System.IO.FileAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NotContentIndexed System.IO.FileAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Offline System.IO.FileAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReadOnly System.IO.FileAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReparsePoint System.IO.FileAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SparseFile System.IO.FileAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field System System.IO.FileAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Temporary System.IO.FileAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.FileAttributes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.FileAttributes +function CS.System.IO.FileAttributes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.FileInfo: System.IO.FileSystemInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Directory System.IO.DirectoryInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DirectoryName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Exists bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Length long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.FileInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return StreamWriter +function CS.System.IO.FileInfo.AppendText() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param destFileName string +---@return FileInfo +function CS.System.IO.FileInfo.CopyTo(destFileName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param destFileName string +---@param overwrite bool +---@return FileInfo +function CS.System.IO.FileInfo.CopyTo(destFileName, overwrite) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return FileStream +function CS.System.IO.FileInfo.Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return StreamWriter +function CS.System.IO.FileInfo.CreateText() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.FileInfo.Decrypt() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.FileInfo.Delete() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.FileInfo.Encrypt() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return FileSecurity +function CS.System.IO.FileInfo.GetAccessControl() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param includeSections System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections +---@return FileSecurity +function CS.System.IO.FileInfo.GetAccessControl(includeSections) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param destFileName string +function CS.System.IO.FileInfo.MoveTo(destFileName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mode System.IO.FileMode +---@return FileStream +function CS.System.IO.FileInfo.Open(mode) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mode System.IO.FileMode +---@param access System.IO.FileAccess +---@return FileStream +function CS.System.IO.FileInfo.Open(mode, access) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mode System.IO.FileMode +---@param access System.IO.FileAccess +---@param share System.IO.FileShare +---@return FileStream +function CS.System.IO.FileInfo.Open(mode, access, share) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return FileStream +function CS.System.IO.FileInfo.OpenRead() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return StreamReader +function CS.System.IO.FileInfo.OpenText() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return FileStream +function CS.System.IO.FileInfo.OpenWrite() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param destinationFileName string +---@param destinationBackupFileName string +---@return FileInfo +function CS.System.IO.FileInfo.Replace(destinationFileName, destinationBackupFileName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param destinationFileName string +---@param destinationBackupFileName string +---@param ignoreMetadataErrors bool +---@return FileInfo +function CS.System.IO.FileInfo.Replace(destinationFileName, destinationBackupFileName, ignoreMetadataErrors) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fileSecurity System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity +function CS.System.IO.FileInfo.SetAccessControl(fileSecurity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.FileInfo.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.FileLoadException: System.IO.IOException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FileName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FusionLog string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Message string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.FileLoadException = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.IO.FileLoadException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.FileLoadException.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.FileMode: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Append System.IO.FileMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Create System.IO.FileMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CreateNew System.IO.FileMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Open System.IO.FileMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OpenOrCreate System.IO.FileMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Truncate System.IO.FileMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.FileMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.FileMode +function CS.System.IO.FileMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.FileNotFoundException: System.IO.IOException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FileName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FusionLog string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Message string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.FileNotFoundException = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.IO.FileNotFoundException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.FileNotFoundException.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.FileOptions: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Asynchronous System.IO.FileOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeleteOnClose System.IO.FileOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Encrypted System.IO.FileOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.IO.FileOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RandomAccess System.IO.FileOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SequentialScan System.IO.FileOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WriteThrough System.IO.FileOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.FileOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.FileOptions +function CS.System.IO.FileOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.FileShare: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Delete System.IO.FileShare +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Inheritable System.IO.FileShare +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.IO.FileShare +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Read System.IO.FileShare +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReadWrite System.IO.FileShare +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Write System.IO.FileShare +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.FileShare = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.FileShare +function CS.System.IO.FileShare:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.FileStream: System.IO.Stream +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanRead bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanSeek bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanWrite bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Handle System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAsync bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Length long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Position long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SafeFileHandle Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeFileHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.FileStream = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param numBytes int +---@param userCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param stateObject object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.FileStream.BeginRead(array, offset, numBytes, userCallback, stateObject) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param numBytes int +---@param userCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param stateObject object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.FileStream.BeginWrite(array, offset, numBytes, userCallback, stateObject) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.FileStream.EndRead(asyncResult) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.FileStream.EndWrite(asyncResult) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.FileStream.Flush() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param flushToDisk bool +function CS.System.IO.FileStream.Flush(flushToDisk) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.FileStream.FlushAsync(cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return FileSecurity +function CS.System.IO.FileStream.GetAccessControl() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@param length long +function CS.System.IO.FileStream.Lock(position, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.FileStream.Read(array, offset, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.FileStream.ReadAsync(buffer, offset, count, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.FileStream.ReadByte() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param offset long +---@param origin System.IO.SeekOrigin +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.IO.FileStream.Seek(offset, origin) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fileSecurity System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity +function CS.System.IO.FileStream.SetAccessControl(fileSecurity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.IO.FileStream.SetLength(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@param length long +function CS.System.IO.FileStream.Unlock(position, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.IO.FileStream.Write(array, offset, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.FileStream.WriteAsync(buffer, offset, count, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +function CS.System.IO.FileStream.WriteByte(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.FileSystemInfo: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attributes System.IO.FileAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CreationTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CreationTimeUtc System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Exists bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Extension string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LastAccessTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LastAccessTimeUtc System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LastWriteTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LastWriteTimeUtc System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.FileSystemInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.FileSystemInfo.Delete() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.IO.FileSystemInfo.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.FileSystemInfo.Refresh() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.MemoryStream: System.IO.Stream +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanRead bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanSeek bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanWrite bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Capacity int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Length long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Position long +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.MemoryStream = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param destination System.IO.Stream +---@param bufferSize int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.MemoryStream.CopyToAsync(destination, bufferSize, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.MemoryStream.Flush() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.MemoryStream.FlushAsync(cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.MemoryStream.GetBuffer() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.MemoryStream.Read(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.MemoryStream.ReadAsync(buffer, offset, count, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.MemoryStream.ReadByte() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param offset long +---@param loc System.IO.SeekOrigin +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.IO.MemoryStream.Seek(offset, loc) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.IO.MemoryStream.SetLength(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.MemoryStream.ToArray() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer System.ArraySegment +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.IO.MemoryStream.TryGetBuffer(buffer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.IO.MemoryStream.Write(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.MemoryStream.WriteAsync(buffer, offset, count, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +function CS.System.IO.MemoryStream.WriteByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.IO.MemoryStream.WriteTo(stream) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.IOException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.IOException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.Path: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AltDirectorySeparatorChar char +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DirectorySeparatorChar char +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InvalidPathChars char[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PathSeparator char +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VolumeSeparatorChar char +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.Path = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param extension string +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.Path:ChangeExtension(path, extension) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path1 string +---@param path2 string +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.Path:Combine(path1, path2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path1 string +---@param path2 string +---@param path3 string +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.Path:Combine(path1, path2, path3) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path1 string +---@param path2 string +---@param path3 string +---@param path4 string +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.Path:Combine(path1, path2, path3, path4) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param paths string[] +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.Path:Combine(paths) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.Path:GetDirectoryName(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.Path:GetExtension(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.Path:GetFileName(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.Path:GetFileNameWithoutExtension(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.Path:GetFullPath(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.Path:GetInvalidFileNameChars() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.Path:GetInvalidPathChars() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.Path:GetPathRoot(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.Path:GetRandomFileName() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.Path:GetTempFileName() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.Path:GetTempPath() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.IO.Path:HasExtension(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.IO.Path:IsPathRooted(path) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.PathTooLongException: System.IO.IOException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.PathTooLongException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.SearchOption: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllDirectories System.IO.SearchOption +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TopDirectoryOnly System.IO.SearchOption +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.SearchOption = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.SearchOption +function CS.System.IO.SearchOption:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.SeekOrigin: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Begin System.IO.SeekOrigin +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Current System.IO.SeekOrigin +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field End System.IO.SeekOrigin +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.SeekOrigin = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.SeekOrigin +function CS.System.IO.SeekOrigin:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.Stream: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Null System.IO.Stream +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanRead bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanSeek bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanTimeout bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanWrite bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Length long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Position long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReadTimeout int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WriteTimeout int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.Stream = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.Stream.BeginRead(buffer, offset, count, callback, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.Stream.BeginWrite(buffer, offset, count, callback, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.Stream.Close() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param destination System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.IO.Stream.CopyTo(destination) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param destination System.IO.Stream +---@param bufferSize int +function CS.System.IO.Stream.CopyTo(destination, bufferSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param destination System.IO.Stream +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.Stream.CopyToAsync(destination) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param destination System.IO.Stream +---@param bufferSize int +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.Stream.CopyToAsync(destination, bufferSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param destination System.IO.Stream +---@param bufferSize int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.Stream.CopyToAsync(destination, bufferSize, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.Stream.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.Stream.EndRead(asyncResult) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.Stream.EndWrite(asyncResult) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.Stream.Flush() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.Stream.FlushAsync() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.Stream.FlushAsync(cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.Stream.Read(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.Stream.ReadAsync(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.Stream.ReadAsync(buffer, offset, count, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.Stream.ReadByte() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param offset long +---@param origin System.IO.SeekOrigin +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.IO.Stream.Seek(offset, origin) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.IO.Stream.SetLength(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@return Stream +function CS.System.IO.Stream:Synchronized(stream) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.IO.Stream.Write(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.Stream.WriteAsync(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.Stream.WriteAsync(buffer, offset, count, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +function CS.System.IO.Stream.WriteByte(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.StreamReader: System.IO.TextReader +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Null System.IO.StreamReader +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BaseStream System.IO.Stream +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentEncoding System.Text.Encoding +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EndOfStream bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.StreamReader = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.StreamReader.Close() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.StreamReader.DiscardBufferedData() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.StreamReader.Peek() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.StreamReader.Read() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.StreamReader.Read(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.StreamReader.ReadAsync(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.StreamReader.ReadBlock(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.StreamReader.ReadBlockAsync(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.StreamReader.ReadLine() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.StreamReader.ReadLineAsync() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.StreamReader.ReadToEnd() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.StreamReader.ReadToEndAsync() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.StringWriter: System.IO.TextWriter +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.StringWriter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.StringWriter.Close() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.StringWriter.FlushAsync() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.IO.StringWriter.GetStringBuilder() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.StringWriter.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +function CS.System.IO.StringWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.IO.StringWriter.Write(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +function CS.System.IO.StringWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.StringWriter.WriteAsync(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.StringWriter.WriteAsync(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.StringWriter.WriteAsync(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.StringWriter.WriteLineAsync(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.StringWriter.WriteLineAsync(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.StringWriter.WriteLineAsync(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.StreamWriter: System.IO.TextWriter +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Null System.IO.StreamWriter +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AutoFlush bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BaseStream System.IO.Stream +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.StreamWriter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.StreamWriter.Close() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.StreamWriter.Flush() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.StreamWriter.FlushAsync() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +function CS.System.IO.StreamWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +function CS.System.IO.StreamWriter.Write(buffer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.IO.StreamWriter.Write(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +function CS.System.IO.StreamWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.StreamWriter.WriteAsync(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.StreamWriter.WriteAsync(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.StreamWriter.WriteAsync(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.StreamWriter.WriteLineAsync() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.StreamWriter.WriteLineAsync(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.StreamWriter.WriteLineAsync(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.StreamWriter.WriteLineAsync(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.TextReader: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Null System.IO.TextReader +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.TextReader = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.TextReader.Close() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.TextReader.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.TextReader.Peek() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.TextReader.Read() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.TextReader.Read(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.TextReader.ReadAsync(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.TextReader.ReadBlock(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.TextReader.ReadBlockAsync(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.TextReader.ReadLine() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.TextReader.ReadLineAsync() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.IO.TextReader.ReadToEnd() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.TextReader.ReadToEndAsync() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param reader System.IO.TextReader +---@return TextReader +function CS.System.IO.TextReader:Synchronized(reader) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.TextWriter: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Null System.IO.TextWriter +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FormatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NewLine string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.TextWriter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.Close() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.Flush() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.FlushAsync() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param writer System.IO.TextWriter +---@return TextWriter +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter:Synchronized(writer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.Write(buffer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.Write(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.Write(format, arg0) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.Write(format, arg0, arg1) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +---@param arg2 object +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.Write(format, arg0, arg1, arg2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg object[] +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.Write(format, arg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteAsync(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteAsync(buffer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteAsync(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteAsync(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine(buffer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine(format, arg0) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine(format, arg0, arg1) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +---@param arg2 object +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine(format, arg0, arg1, arg2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg object[] +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine(format, arg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLineAsync() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLineAsync(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLineAsync(buffer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLineAsync(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLineAsync(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanRead bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanWrite bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Capacity long +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@param array T[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.ReadArray(position, array, offset, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.ReadBoolean(position) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@return Byte +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.ReadByte(position) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@return Char +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.ReadChar(position) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.ReadDecimal(position) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@return Double +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.ReadDouble(position) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.ReadInt16(position) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.ReadInt32(position) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.ReadInt64(position) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@return SByte +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.ReadSByte(position) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@return Single +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.ReadSingle(position) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.ReadUInt16(position) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.ReadUInt32(position) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.ReadUInt64(position) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@param structure T +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.Read(position, structure) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@param value bool +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.Write(position, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@param value byte +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.Write(position, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@param value char +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.Write(position, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@param value decimal +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.Write(position, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@param value double +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.Write(position, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@param value short +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.Write(position, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@param value int +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.Write(position, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@param value long +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.Write(position, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@param value sbyte +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.Write(position, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@param value float +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.Write(position, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@param value ushort +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.Write(position, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@param value uint +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.Write(position, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@param value ulong +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.Write(position, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@param array T[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.WriteArray(position, array, offset, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position long +---@param structure T +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryAccessor.Write(position, structure) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream: System.IO.Stream +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanRead bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanSeek bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanWrite bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Capacity long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Length long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Position long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PositionPointer byte* +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream.Flush() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream.FlushAsync(cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream.Read(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream.ReadAsync(buffer, offset, count, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream.ReadByte() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param offset long +---@param loc System.IO.SeekOrigin +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream.Seek(offset, loc) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream.SetLength(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream.Write(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream.WriteAsync(buffer, offset, count, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +function CS.System.IO.UnmanagedMemoryStream.WriteByte(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field ChangeType System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes +---@source System.dll +---@field FullPath string +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.FileSystemEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.FileSystemEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs +function CS.System.IO.FileSystemEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.FileSystemEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.FileSystemEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.FileSystemWatcher: System.ComponentModel.Component +---@source System.dll +---@field EnableRaisingEvents bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Filter string +---@source System.dll +---@field IncludeSubdirectories bool +---@source System.dll +---@field InternalBufferSize int +---@source System.dll +---@field NotifyFilter System.IO.NotifyFilters +---@source System.dll +---@field Path string +---@source System.dll +---@field Site System.ComponentModel.ISite +---@source System.dll +---@field SynchronizingObject System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke +---@source System.dll +---@field Changed System.IO.FileSystemEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field Created System.IO.FileSystemEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field Deleted System.IO.FileSystemEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field Error System.IO.ErrorEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field Renamed System.IO.RenamedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.FileSystemWatcher = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.IO.FileSystemEventHandler +function CS.System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.add_Changed(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.IO.FileSystemEventHandler +function CS.System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.remove_Changed(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.IO.FileSystemEventHandler +function CS.System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.add_Created(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.IO.FileSystemEventHandler +function CS.System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.remove_Created(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.IO.FileSystemEventHandler +function CS.System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.add_Deleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.IO.FileSystemEventHandler +function CS.System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.remove_Deleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.IO.ErrorEventHandler +function CS.System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.add_Error(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.IO.ErrorEventHandler +function CS.System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.remove_Error(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.IO.RenamedEventHandler +function CS.System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.add_Renamed(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.IO.RenamedEventHandler +function CS.System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.remove_Renamed(value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.BeginInit() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.EndInit() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param changeType System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes +---@return WaitForChangedResult +function CS.System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.WaitForChanged(changeType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param changeType System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes +---@param timeout int +---@return WaitForChangedResult +function CS.System.IO.FileSystemWatcher.WaitForChanged(changeType, timeout) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.InternalBufferOverflowException: System.SystemException +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.InternalBufferOverflowException = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.InvalidDataException: System.SystemException +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.InvalidDataException = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.IODescriptionAttribute: System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Description string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.IODescriptionAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.NotifyFilters: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Attributes System.IO.NotifyFilters +---@source System.dll +---@field CreationTime System.IO.NotifyFilters +---@source System.dll +---@field DirectoryName System.IO.NotifyFilters +---@source System.dll +---@field FileName System.IO.NotifyFilters +---@source System.dll +---@field LastAccess System.IO.NotifyFilters +---@source System.dll +---@field LastWrite System.IO.NotifyFilters +---@source System.dll +---@field Security System.IO.NotifyFilters +---@source System.dll +---@field Size System.IO.NotifyFilters +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.NotifyFilters = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.NotifyFilters +function CS.System.IO.NotifyFilters:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.RenamedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.RenamedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.IO.RenamedEventArgs +function CS.System.IO.RenamedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.IO.RenamedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.RenamedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.RenamedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.RenamedEventArgs: System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field OldFullPath string +---@source System.dll +---@field OldName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.RenamedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.WaitForChangedResult: System.ValueType +---@source System.dll +---@field ChangeType System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +---@field OldName string +---@source System.dll +---@field TimedOut bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.WaitForChangedResult = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field All System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes +---@source System.dll +---@field Changed System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes +---@source System.dll +---@field Created System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes +---@source System.dll +---@field Deleted System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes +---@source System.dll +---@field Renamed System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes +function CS.System.IO.WatcherChangeTypes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.IO.HandleInheritability: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Inheritable System.IO.HandleInheritability +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field None System.IO.HandleInheritability +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.IO.HandleInheritability = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.IO.HandleInheritability +function CS.System.IO.HandleInheritability:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.ErrorEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.ErrorEventArgs = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return Exception +function CS.System.IO.ErrorEventArgs.GetException() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.IO.ErrorEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.IO.ErrorEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.IO.ErrorEventArgs +function CS.System.IO.ErrorEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.IO.ErrorEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.ErrorEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.IO.ErrorEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Linq.Expressions.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Linq.Expressions.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fdca5f001 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Linq.Expressions.lua @@ -0,0 +1,3141 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.BinaryExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CanReduce bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Conversion System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsLifted bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsLiftedToNull bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.BinaryExpression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Expression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.BinaryExpression.Reduce() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param conversion System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.BinaryExpression.Update(left, conversion, right) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.BlockExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Expressions System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Result System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Variables System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.BlockExpression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param variables System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param expressions System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return BlockExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.BlockExpression.Update(variables, expressions) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.CatchBlock: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Filter System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Test System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Variable System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.CatchBlock = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.CatchBlock.ToString() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param variable System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression +---@param filter System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return CatchBlock +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.CatchBlock.Update(variable, filter, body) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.ConditionalExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IfFalse System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IfTrue System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Test System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.ConditionalExpression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param test System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param ifTrue System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param ifFalse System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return ConditionalExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.ConditionalExpression.Update(test, ifTrue, ifFalse) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.ConstantExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Value object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.ConstantExpression = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.DebugInfoExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Document System.Linq.Expressions.SymbolDocumentInfo +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field EndColumn int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field EndLine int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsClear bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field StartColumn int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field StartLine int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.DebugInfoExpression = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.DefaultExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.DefaultExpression = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.DynamicExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Arguments System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field DelegateType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.DynamicExpression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param arguments System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.DynamicExpression:Dynamic(binder, returnType, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.DynamicExpression:Dynamic(binder, returnType, arg0) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg1 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.DynamicExpression:Dynamic(binder, returnType, arg0, arg1) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg1 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg2 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.DynamicExpression:Dynamic(binder, returnType, arg0, arg1, arg2) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg1 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg2 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg3 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.DynamicExpression:Dynamic(binder, returnType, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param arguments System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.DynamicExpression:Dynamic(binder, returnType, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param delegateType System.Type +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param arguments System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.DynamicExpression:MakeDynamic(delegateType, binder, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param delegateType System.Type +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.DynamicExpression:MakeDynamic(delegateType, binder, arg0) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param delegateType System.Type +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg1 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.DynamicExpression:MakeDynamic(delegateType, binder, arg0, arg1) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param delegateType System.Type +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg1 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg2 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.DynamicExpression:MakeDynamic(delegateType, binder, arg0, arg1, arg2) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param delegateType System.Type +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg1 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg2 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg3 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.DynamicExpression:MakeDynamic(delegateType, binder, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param delegateType System.Type +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param arguments System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.DynamicExpression:MakeDynamic(delegateType, binder, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arguments System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.DynamicExpression.Update(arguments) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.DynamicExpressionVisitor: System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.DynamicExpressionVisitor = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.ElementInit: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AddMethod System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Arguments System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.ElementInit = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.ElementInit.ToString() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arguments System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return ElementInit +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.ElementInit.Update(arguments) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.Expression: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CanReduce bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Add(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Add(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:AddAssign(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:AddAssign(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param conversion System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:AddAssign(left, right, method, conversion) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:AddAssignChecked(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:AddAssignChecked(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param conversion System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:AddAssignChecked(left, right, method, conversion) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:AddChecked(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:AddChecked(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:And(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:And(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:AndAlso(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:AndAlso(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:AndAssign(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:AndAssign(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param conversion System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:AndAssign(left, right, method, conversion) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param array System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param indexes System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return IndexExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ArrayAccess(array, indexes) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param array System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param indexes System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return IndexExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ArrayAccess(array, indexes) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param array System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param indexes System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return MethodCallExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ArrayIndex(array, indexes) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param array System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param index System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ArrayIndex(array, index) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param array System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param indexes System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return MethodCallExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ArrayIndex(array, indexes) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param array System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ArrayLength(array) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Assign(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param member System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return MemberAssignment +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Bind(member, expression) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param propertyAccessor System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return MemberAssignment +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Bind(propertyAccessor, expression) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expressions System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return BlockExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Block(expressions) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param variables System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param expressions System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return BlockExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Block(variables, expressions) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param variables System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param expressions System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return BlockExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Block(variables, expressions) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg1 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BlockExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Block(arg0, arg1) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg1 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg2 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BlockExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Block(arg0, arg1, arg2) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg1 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg2 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg3 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BlockExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Block(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg1 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg2 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg3 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg4 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BlockExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Block(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expressions System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return BlockExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Block(expressions) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param expressions System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return BlockExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Block(type, expressions) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param variables System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param expressions System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return BlockExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Block(type, variables, expressions) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param variables System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param expressions System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return BlockExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Block(type, variables, expressions) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param expressions System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return BlockExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Block(type, expressions) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@return GotoExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Break(target) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@param value System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return GotoExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Break(target, value) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@param value System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param type System.Type +---@return GotoExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Break(target, value, type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@param type System.Type +---@return GotoExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Break(target, type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param instance System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return MethodCallExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Call(instance, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param instance System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param arguments System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return MethodCallExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Call(instance, method, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param instance System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg1 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return MethodCallExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Call(instance, method, arg0, arg1) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param instance System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg1 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg2 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return MethodCallExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Call(instance, method, arg0, arg1, arg2) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param instance System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param arguments System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return MethodCallExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Call(instance, method, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param instance System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param methodName string +---@param typeArguments System.Type[] +---@param arguments System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return MethodCallExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Call(instance, methodName, typeArguments, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param arguments System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return MethodCallExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Call(method, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return MethodCallExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Call(method, arg0) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg1 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return MethodCallExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Call(method, arg0, arg1) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg1 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg2 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return MethodCallExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Call(method, arg0, arg1, arg2) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg1 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg2 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg3 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return MethodCallExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Call(method, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg1 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg2 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg3 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg4 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return MethodCallExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Call(method, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param arguments System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return MethodCallExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Call(method, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param methodName string +---@param typeArguments System.Type[] +---@param arguments System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return MethodCallExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Call(type, methodName, typeArguments, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param variable System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return CatchBlock +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Catch(variable, body) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param variable System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param filter System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return CatchBlock +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Catch(variable, body, filter) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return CatchBlock +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Catch(type, body) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param filter System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return CatchBlock +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Catch(type, body, filter) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param document System.Linq.Expressions.SymbolDocumentInfo +---@return DebugInfoExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ClearDebugInfo(document) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Coalesce(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param conversion System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Coalesce(left, right, conversion) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param test System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param ifTrue System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param ifFalse System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return ConditionalExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Condition(test, ifTrue, ifFalse) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param test System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param ifTrue System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param ifFalse System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param type System.Type +---@return ConditionalExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Condition(test, ifTrue, ifFalse, type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param value object +---@return ConstantExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Constant(value) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param value object +---@param type System.Type +---@return ConstantExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Constant(value, type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@return GotoExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Continue(target) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@param type System.Type +---@return GotoExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Continue(target, type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param type System.Type +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Convert(expression, type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param type System.Type +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Convert(expression, type, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param type System.Type +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ConvertChecked(expression, type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param type System.Type +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ConvertChecked(expression, type, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param document System.Linq.Expressions.SymbolDocumentInfo +---@param startLine int +---@param startColumn int +---@param endLine int +---@param endColumn int +---@return DebugInfoExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:DebugInfo(document, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Decrement(expression) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Decrement(expression, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return DefaultExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Default(type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Divide(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Divide(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:DivideAssign(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:DivideAssign(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param conversion System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:DivideAssign(left, right, method, conversion) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param arguments System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Dynamic(binder, returnType, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Dynamic(binder, returnType, arg0) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg1 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Dynamic(binder, returnType, arg0, arg1) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg1 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg2 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Dynamic(binder, returnType, arg0, arg1, arg2) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg1 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg2 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg3 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Dynamic(binder, returnType, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param arguments System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Dynamic(binder, returnType, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param addMethod System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param arguments System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return ElementInit +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ElementInit(addMethod, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param addMethod System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param arguments System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return ElementInit +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ElementInit(addMethod, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return DefaultExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Empty() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Equal(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param liftToNull bool +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Equal(left, right, liftToNull, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ExclusiveOr(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ExclusiveOr(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ExclusiveOrAssign(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ExclusiveOrAssign(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param conversion System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ExclusiveOrAssign(left, right, method, conversion) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param field System.Reflection.FieldInfo +---@return MemberExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Field(expression, field) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param fieldName string +---@return MemberExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Field(expression, fieldName) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param type System.Type +---@param fieldName string +---@return MemberExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Field(expression, type, fieldName) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param typeArgs System.Type[] +---@return Type +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:GetActionType(typeArgs) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param typeArgs System.Type[] +---@return Type +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:GetDelegateType(typeArgs) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param typeArgs System.Type[] +---@return Type +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:GetFuncType(typeArgs) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@return GotoExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Goto(target) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@param value System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return GotoExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Goto(target, value) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@param value System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param type System.Type +---@return GotoExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Goto(target, value, type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@param type System.Type +---@return GotoExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Goto(target, type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:GreaterThan(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param liftToNull bool +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:GreaterThan(left, right, liftToNull, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:GreaterThanOrEqual(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param liftToNull bool +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:GreaterThanOrEqual(left, right, liftToNull, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param test System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param ifTrue System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return ConditionalExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:IfThen(test, ifTrue) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param test System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param ifTrue System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param ifFalse System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return ConditionalExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:IfThenElse(test, ifTrue, ifFalse) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Increment(expression) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Increment(expression, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arguments System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return InvocationExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Invoke(expression, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arguments System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return InvocationExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Invoke(expression, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:IsFalse(expression) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:IsFalse(expression, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:IsTrue(expression) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:IsTrue(expression, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return LabelTarget +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Label() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@return LabelExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Label(target) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@param defaultValue System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return LabelExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Label(target, defaultValue) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param name string +---@return LabelTarget +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Label(name) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return LabelTarget +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Label(type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param name string +---@return LabelTarget +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Label(type, name) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param tailCall bool +---@param parameters System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return LambdaExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Lambda(body, tailCall, parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param tailCall bool +---@param parameters System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression[] +---@return LambdaExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Lambda(body, tailCall, parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param parameters System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return LambdaExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Lambda(body, parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param parameters System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression[] +---@return LambdaExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Lambda(body, parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param name string +---@param tailCall bool +---@param parameters System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return LambdaExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Lambda(body, name, tailCall, parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param name string +---@param parameters System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return LambdaExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Lambda(body, name, parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param delegateType System.Type +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param tailCall bool +---@param parameters System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return LambdaExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Lambda(delegateType, body, tailCall, parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param delegateType System.Type +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param tailCall bool +---@param parameters System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression[] +---@return LambdaExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Lambda(delegateType, body, tailCall, parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param delegateType System.Type +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param parameters System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return LambdaExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Lambda(delegateType, body, parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param delegateType System.Type +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param parameters System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression[] +---@return LambdaExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Lambda(delegateType, body, parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param delegateType System.Type +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param name string +---@param tailCall bool +---@param parameters System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return LambdaExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Lambda(delegateType, body, name, tailCall, parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param delegateType System.Type +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param name string +---@param parameters System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return LambdaExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Lambda(delegateType, body, name, parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param tailCall bool +---@param parameters System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Expression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Lambda(body, tailCall, parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param tailCall bool +---@param parameters System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression[] +---@return Expression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Lambda(body, tailCall, parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param parameters System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Expression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Lambda(body, parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param parameters System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression[] +---@return Expression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Lambda(body, parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param name string +---@param tailCall bool +---@param parameters System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Expression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Lambda(body, name, tailCall, parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param name string +---@param parameters System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Expression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Lambda(body, name, parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:LeftShift(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:LeftShift(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:LeftShiftAssign(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:LeftShiftAssign(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param conversion System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:LeftShiftAssign(left, right, method, conversion) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:LessThan(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param liftToNull bool +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:LessThan(left, right, liftToNull, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:LessThanOrEqual(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param liftToNull bool +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:LessThanOrEqual(left, right, liftToNull, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param member System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@param initializers System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return MemberListBinding +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ListBind(member, initializers) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param member System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@param initializers System.Linq.Expressions.ElementInit[] +---@return MemberListBinding +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ListBind(member, initializers) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param propertyAccessor System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param initializers System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return MemberListBinding +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ListBind(propertyAccessor, initializers) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param propertyAccessor System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param initializers System.Linq.Expressions.ElementInit[] +---@return MemberListBinding +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ListBind(propertyAccessor, initializers) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param newExpression System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression +---@param initializers System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return ListInitExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ListInit(newExpression, initializers) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param newExpression System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression +---@param initializers System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return ListInitExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ListInit(newExpression, initializers) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param newExpression System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression +---@param initializers System.Linq.Expressions.ElementInit[] +---@return ListInitExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ListInit(newExpression, initializers) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param newExpression System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression +---@param initializers System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return ListInitExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ListInit(newExpression, initializers) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param newExpression System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression +---@param addMethod System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param initializers System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return ListInitExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ListInit(newExpression, addMethod, initializers) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param newExpression System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression +---@param addMethod System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param initializers System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return ListInitExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ListInit(newExpression, addMethod, initializers) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return LoopExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Loop(body) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param break System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@return LoopExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Loop(body, break) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param break System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@param continue System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@return LoopExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Loop(body, break, continue) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binaryType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MakeBinary(binaryType, left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binaryType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param liftToNull bool +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MakeBinary(binaryType, left, right, liftToNull, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binaryType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param liftToNull bool +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param conversion System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MakeBinary(binaryType, left, right, liftToNull, method, conversion) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param variable System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param filter System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return CatchBlock +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MakeCatchBlock(type, variable, body, filter) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param delegateType System.Type +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param arguments System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MakeDynamic(delegateType, binder, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param delegateType System.Type +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MakeDynamic(delegateType, binder, arg0) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param delegateType System.Type +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg1 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MakeDynamic(delegateType, binder, arg0, arg1) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param delegateType System.Type +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg1 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg2 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MakeDynamic(delegateType, binder, arg0, arg1, arg2) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param delegateType System.Type +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param arg0 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg1 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg2 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arg3 System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MakeDynamic(delegateType, binder, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param delegateType System.Type +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param arguments System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return DynamicExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MakeDynamic(delegateType, binder, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param kind System.Linq.Expressions.GotoExpressionKind +---@param target System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@param value System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param type System.Type +---@return GotoExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MakeGoto(kind, target, value, type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param instance System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param indexer System.Reflection.PropertyInfo +---@param arguments System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return IndexExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MakeIndex(instance, indexer, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param member System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@return MemberExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MakeMemberAccess(expression, member) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param finally System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param fault System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param handlers System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return TryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MakeTry(type, body, finally, fault, handlers) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param unaryType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@param operand System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param type System.Type +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MakeUnary(unaryType, operand, type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param unaryType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@param operand System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param type System.Type +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MakeUnary(unaryType, operand, type, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param member System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@param bindings System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return MemberMemberBinding +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MemberBind(member, bindings) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param member System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@param bindings System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding[] +---@return MemberMemberBinding +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MemberBind(member, bindings) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param propertyAccessor System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param bindings System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return MemberMemberBinding +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MemberBind(propertyAccessor, bindings) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param propertyAccessor System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param bindings System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding[] +---@return MemberMemberBinding +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MemberBind(propertyAccessor, bindings) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param newExpression System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression +---@param bindings System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return MemberInitExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MemberInit(newExpression, bindings) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param newExpression System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression +---@param bindings System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding[] +---@return MemberInitExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MemberInit(newExpression, bindings) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Modulo(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Modulo(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ModuloAssign(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ModuloAssign(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param conversion System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ModuloAssign(left, right, method, conversion) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Multiply(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Multiply(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MultiplyAssign(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MultiplyAssign(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param conversion System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MultiplyAssign(left, right, method, conversion) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MultiplyAssignChecked(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MultiplyAssignChecked(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param conversion System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MultiplyAssignChecked(left, right, method, conversion) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MultiplyChecked(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:MultiplyChecked(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Negate(expression) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Negate(expression, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:NegateChecked(expression) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:NegateChecked(expression, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param constructor System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@return NewExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:New(constructor) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param constructor System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@param arguments System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return NewExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:New(constructor, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param constructor System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@param arguments System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param members System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return NewExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:New(constructor, arguments, members) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param constructor System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@param arguments System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param members System.Reflection.MemberInfo[] +---@return NewExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:New(constructor, arguments, members) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param constructor System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@param arguments System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return NewExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:New(constructor, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return NewExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:New(type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param bounds System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return NewArrayExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:NewArrayBounds(type, bounds) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param bounds System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return NewArrayExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:NewArrayBounds(type, bounds) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param initializers System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return NewArrayExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:NewArrayInit(type, initializers) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param initializers System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return NewArrayExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:NewArrayInit(type, initializers) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Not(expression) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Not(expression, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:NotEqual(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param liftToNull bool +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:NotEqual(left, right, liftToNull, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:OnesComplement(expression) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:OnesComplement(expression, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Or(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Or(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:OrAssign(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:OrAssign(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param conversion System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:OrAssign(left, right, method, conversion) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:OrElse(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:OrElse(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return ParameterExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Parameter(type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param name string +---@return ParameterExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Parameter(type, name) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:PostDecrementAssign(expression) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:PostDecrementAssign(expression, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:PostIncrementAssign(expression) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:PostIncrementAssign(expression, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Power(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Power(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:PowerAssign(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:PowerAssign(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param conversion System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:PowerAssign(left, right, method, conversion) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:PreDecrementAssign(expression) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:PreDecrementAssign(expression, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:PreIncrementAssign(expression) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:PreIncrementAssign(expression, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param propertyAccessor System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return MemberExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Property(expression, propertyAccessor) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param property System.Reflection.PropertyInfo +---@return MemberExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Property(expression, property) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param instance System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param indexer System.Reflection.PropertyInfo +---@param arguments System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return IndexExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Property(instance, indexer, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param instance System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param indexer System.Reflection.PropertyInfo +---@param arguments System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return IndexExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Property(instance, indexer, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param propertyName string +---@return MemberExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Property(expression, propertyName) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param instance System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param propertyName string +---@param arguments System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return IndexExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Property(instance, propertyName, arguments) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param type System.Type +---@param propertyName string +---@return MemberExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Property(expression, type, propertyName) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param propertyOrFieldName string +---@return MemberExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:PropertyOrField(expression, propertyOrFieldName) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Quote(expression) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Expression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Reduce() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Expression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.ReduceAndCheck() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Expression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.ReduceExtensions() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ReferenceEqual(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:ReferenceNotEqual(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Rethrow() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Rethrow(type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@return GotoExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Return(target) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@param value System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return GotoExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Return(target, value) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@param value System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param type System.Type +---@return GotoExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Return(target, value, type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@param type System.Type +---@return GotoExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Return(target, type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:RightShift(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:RightShift(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:RightShiftAssign(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:RightShiftAssign(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param conversion System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:RightShiftAssign(left, right, method, conversion) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param variables System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return RuntimeVariablesExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:RuntimeVariables(variables) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param variables System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression[] +---@return RuntimeVariablesExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:RuntimeVariables(variables) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Subtract(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Subtract(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:SubtractAssign(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:SubtractAssign(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param conversion System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:SubtractAssign(left, right, method, conversion) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:SubtractAssignChecked(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:SubtractAssignChecked(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param conversion System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:SubtractAssignChecked(left, right, method, conversion) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:SubtractChecked(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param right System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return BinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:SubtractChecked(left, right, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param switchValue System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param defaultBody System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param cases System.Linq.Expressions.SwitchCase[] +---@return SwitchExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Switch(switchValue, defaultBody, cases) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param switchValue System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param defaultBody System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param comparison System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param cases System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return SwitchExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Switch(switchValue, defaultBody, comparison, cases) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param switchValue System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param defaultBody System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param comparison System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param cases System.Linq.Expressions.SwitchCase[] +---@return SwitchExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Switch(switchValue, defaultBody, comparison, cases) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param switchValue System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param cases System.Linq.Expressions.SwitchCase[] +---@return SwitchExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Switch(switchValue, cases) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param switchValue System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param defaultBody System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param comparison System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param cases System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return SwitchExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Switch(type, switchValue, defaultBody, comparison, cases) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param switchValue System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param defaultBody System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param comparison System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param cases System.Linq.Expressions.SwitchCase[] +---@return SwitchExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Switch(type, switchValue, defaultBody, comparison, cases) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param testValues System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return SwitchCase +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:SwitchCase(body, testValues) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param testValues System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return SwitchCase +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:SwitchCase(body, testValues) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param fileName string +---@return SymbolDocumentInfo +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:SymbolDocument(fileName) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param language System.Guid +---@return SymbolDocumentInfo +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:SymbolDocument(fileName, language) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param language System.Guid +---@param languageVendor System.Guid +---@return SymbolDocumentInfo +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:SymbolDocument(fileName, language, languageVendor) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param language System.Guid +---@param languageVendor System.Guid +---@param documentType System.Guid +---@return SymbolDocumentInfo +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:SymbolDocument(fileName, language, languageVendor, documentType) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param value System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Throw(value) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param value System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param type System.Type +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Throw(value, type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.ToString() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param handlers System.Linq.Expressions.CatchBlock[] +---@return TryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:TryCatch(body, handlers) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param finally System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param handlers System.Linq.Expressions.CatchBlock[] +---@return TryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:TryCatchFinally(body, finally, handlers) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param fault System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return TryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:TryFault(body, fault) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param finally System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return TryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:TryFinally(body, finally) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param typeArgs System.Type[] +---@param actionType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:TryGetActionType(typeArgs, actionType) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param typeArgs System.Type[] +---@param funcType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:TryGetFuncType(typeArgs, funcType) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param type System.Type +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:TypeAs(expression, type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param type System.Type +---@return TypeBinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:TypeEqual(expression, type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param type System.Type +---@return TypeBinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:TypeIs(expression, type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:UnaryPlus(expression) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:UnaryPlus(expression, method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param type System.Type +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Unbox(expression, type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return ParameterExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Variable(type) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param name string +---@return ParameterExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression:Variable(type, name) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.Expression: System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TDelegate +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Compile() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param preferInterpretation bool +---@return TDelegate +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Compile(preferInterpretation) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param debugInfoGenerator System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DebugInfoGenerator +---@return TDelegate +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Compile(debugInfoGenerator) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param parameters System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Expression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.Expression.Update(body, parameters) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Add System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AddAssign System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AddAssignChecked System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AddChecked System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field And System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AndAlso System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AndAssign System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ArrayIndex System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ArrayLength System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Assign System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Block System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Call System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Coalesce System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Conditional System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Constant System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Convert System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ConvertChecked System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field DebugInfo System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Decrement System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Default System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Divide System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field DivideAssign System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Dynamic System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Equal System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ExclusiveOr System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ExclusiveOrAssign System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Extension System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Goto System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field GreaterThan System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field GreaterThanOrEqual System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Increment System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Index System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Invoke System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsFalse System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsTrue System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Label System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Lambda System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LeftShift System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LeftShiftAssign System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LessThan System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LessThanOrEqual System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ListInit System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Loop System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MemberAccess System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MemberInit System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Modulo System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ModuloAssign System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Multiply System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MultiplyAssign System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MultiplyAssignChecked System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MultiplyChecked System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Negate System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NegateChecked System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field New System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NewArrayBounds System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NewArrayInit System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Not System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NotEqual System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field OnesComplement System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Or System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field OrAssign System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field OrElse System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Parameter System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PostDecrementAssign System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PostIncrementAssign System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Power System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PowerAssign System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PreDecrementAssign System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PreIncrementAssign System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Quote System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RightShift System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RightShiftAssign System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RuntimeVariables System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Subtract System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SubtractAssign System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SubtractAssignChecked System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SubtractChecked System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Switch System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Throw System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Try System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field TypeAs System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field TypeEqual System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field TypeIs System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field UnaryPlus System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Unbox System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor: object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param nodes System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@return ReadOnlyCollection +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(nodes) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param node System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return Expression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.Visit(node) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param nodes System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@param callerName string +---@return ReadOnlyCollection +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.VisitAndConvert(nodes, callerName) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param node T +---@param callerName string +---@return T +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor.VisitAndConvert(node, callerName) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param nodes System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@param elementVisitor System.Func +---@return ReadOnlyCollection +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionVisitor:Visit(nodes, elementVisitor) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.GotoExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Kind System.Linq.Expressions.GotoExpressionKind +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Target System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Value System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.GotoExpression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@param value System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return GotoExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.GotoExpression.Update(target, value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.GotoExpressionKind: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Break System.Linq.Expressions.GotoExpressionKind +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Continue System.Linq.Expressions.GotoExpressionKind +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Goto System.Linq.Expressions.GotoExpressionKind +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Return System.Linq.Expressions.GotoExpressionKind +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.GotoExpressionKind = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Linq.Expressions.GotoExpressionKind +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.GotoExpressionKind:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.IArgumentProvider +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ArgumentCount int +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.IArgumentProvider = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param index int +---@return Expression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.IArgumentProvider.GetArgument(index) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.IDynamicExpression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field DelegateType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.IDynamicExpression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.IDynamicExpression.CreateCallSite() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param args System.Linq.Expressions.Expression[] +---@return Expression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.IDynamicExpression.Rewrite(args) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.IndexExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Arguments System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Indexer System.Reflection.PropertyInfo +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Object System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.IndexExpression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param object System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arguments System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return IndexExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.IndexExpression.Update(object, arguments) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.InvocationExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Arguments System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.InvocationExpression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arguments System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return InvocationExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.InvocationExpression.Update(expression, arguments) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.LabelExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field DefaultValue System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Target System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.LabelExpression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@param defaultValue System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return LabelExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.LabelExpression.Update(target, defaultValue) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Parameters System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReturnType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field TailCall bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression.Compile() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param preferInterpretation bool +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression.Compile(preferInterpretation) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param debugInfoGenerator System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DebugInfoGenerator +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression.Compile(debugInfoGenerator) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param method System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression.CompileToMethod(method) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param method System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder +---@param debugInfoGenerator System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DebugInfoGenerator +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression.CompileToMethod(method, debugInfoGenerator) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.ListInitExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CanReduce bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Initializers System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NewExpression System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.ListInitExpression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Expression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.ListInitExpression.Reduce() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param newExpression System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression +---@param initializers System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return ListInitExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.ListInitExpression.Update(newExpression, initializers) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.LoopExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field BreakLabel System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ContinueLabel System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.LoopExpression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param breakLabel System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@param continueLabel System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return LoopExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.LoopExpression.Update(breakLabel, continueLabel, body) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.MemberAssignment: System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.MemberAssignment = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return MemberAssignment +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.MemberAssignment.Update(expression) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field BindingType System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBindingType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Member System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBindingType: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Assignment System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBindingType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ListBinding System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBindingType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MemberBinding System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBindingType +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBindingType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBindingType +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBindingType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.MemberExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Member System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.MemberExpression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return MemberExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.MemberExpression.Update(expression) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.MemberInitExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Bindings System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CanReduce bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NewExpression System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.MemberInitExpression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Expression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.MemberInitExpression.Reduce() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param newExpression System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression +---@param bindings System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return MemberInitExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.MemberInitExpression.Update(newExpression, bindings) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.MemberListBinding: System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Initializers System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.MemberListBinding = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param initializers System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return MemberListBinding +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.MemberListBinding.Update(initializers) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.MemberMemberBinding: System.Linq.Expressions.MemberBinding +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Bindings System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.MemberMemberBinding = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param bindings System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return MemberMemberBinding +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.MemberMemberBinding.Update(bindings) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.MethodCallExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Arguments System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Object System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.MethodCallExpression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param object System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param arguments System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return MethodCallExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.MethodCallExpression.Update(object, arguments) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.NewArrayExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Expressions System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.NewArrayExpression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expressions System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return NewArrayExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.NewArrayExpression.Update(expressions) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Arguments System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Constructor System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Members System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arguments System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return NewExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.NewExpression.Update(arguments) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsByRef bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.ParameterExpression = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.RuntimeVariablesExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Variables System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.RuntimeVariablesExpression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param variables System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return RuntimeVariablesExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.RuntimeVariablesExpression.Update(variables) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.SwitchCase: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field TestValues System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.SwitchCase = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.SwitchCase.ToString() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param testValues System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return SwitchCase +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.SwitchCase.Update(testValues, body) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.SwitchExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Cases System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Comparison System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field DefaultBody System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SwitchValue System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.SwitchExpression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param switchValue System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param cases System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param defaultBody System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return SwitchExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.SwitchExpression.Update(switchValue, cases, defaultBody) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.SymbolDocumentInfo: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field DocumentType System.Guid +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field FileName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Language System.Guid +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LanguageVendor System.Guid +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.SymbolDocumentInfo = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.TryExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Fault System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Finally System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Handlers System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.TryExpression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param body System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param handlers System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param finally System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param fault System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return TryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.TryExpression.Update(body, handlers, finally, fault) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.TypeBinaryExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field TypeOperand System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.TypeBinaryExpression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return TypeBinaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.TypeBinaryExpression.Update(expression) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Expressions.UnaryExpression: System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CanReduce bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsLifted bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsLiftedToNull bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NodeType System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Operand System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Expressions.UnaryExpression = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Expression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.UnaryExpression.Reduce() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param operand System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return UnaryExpression +function CS.System.Linq.Expressions.UnaryExpression.Update(operand) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Linq.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Linq.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c49ca0ce2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Linq.lua @@ -0,0 +1,2737 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Enumerable: object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Enumerable = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable:Empty() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param start int +---@param count int +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable:Range(start, count) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param element TResult +---@param count int +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable:Repeat(element, count) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param func System.Func +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Aggregate(func) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param seed TAccumulate +---@param func System.Func +---@return TAccumulate +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Aggregate(seed, func) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param seed TAccumulate +---@param func System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Aggregate(seed, func, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.All(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Any() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Any(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param element TSource +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Append(element) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.AsEnumerable() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Single +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Cast() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Concat(second) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param value TSource +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param value TSource +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Contains(value, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Count() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Count(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.DefaultIfEmpty() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param defaultValue TSource +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.DefaultIfEmpty(defaultValue) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Distinct() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Distinct(comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param index int +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.ElementAtOrDefault(index) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param index int +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.ElementAt(index) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Except(second) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Except(second, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.FirstOrDefault(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.First() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.First(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupBy(keySelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupBy(keySelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param elementSelector System.Func +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupBy(keySelector, elementSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param elementSelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupBy(keySelector, elementSelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func, TResult> +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupBy(keySelector, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func, TResult> +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupBy(keySelector, resultSelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param elementSelector System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func, TResult> +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupBy(keySelector, elementSelector, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param elementSelector System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func, TResult> +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupBy(keySelector, elementSelector, resultSelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param inner System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param outerKeySelector System.Func +---@param innerKeySelector System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func, TResult> +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupJoin(inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param inner System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param outerKeySelector System.Func +---@param innerKeySelector System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func, TResult> +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.GroupJoin(inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Intersect(second) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Intersect(second, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param inner System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param outerKeySelector System.Func +---@param innerKeySelector System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Join(inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param inner System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param outerKeySelector System.Func +---@param innerKeySelector System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Join(inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.LastOrDefault() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.LastOrDefault(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Last() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Last(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.LongCount() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.LongCount(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Max() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Max() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Max() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Max() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Max() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Max() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Max() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Max() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Max() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Max() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Max() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Max(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Max(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Max(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Max(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Max(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Max(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Max(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Max(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Max(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Single +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Max(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Max(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Min() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Min() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Min() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Min() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Min() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Min() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Min() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Min() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Min() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Min() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Min() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Min(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Min(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Min(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Min(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Min(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Min(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Min(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Min(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Min(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Single +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Min(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Min(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.OfType() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@return IOrderedEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.OrderByDescending(keySelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +---@return IOrderedEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.OrderByDescending(keySelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@return IOrderedEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.OrderBy(keySelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +---@return IOrderedEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.OrderBy(keySelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param element TSource +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Prepend(element) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Reverse() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func> +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectMany(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func> +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectMany(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param collectionSelector System.Func> +---@param resultSelector System.Func +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectMany(collectionSelector, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param collectionSelector System.Func> +---@param resultSelector System.Func +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.SelectMany(collectionSelector, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Select(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Select(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.SequenceEqual(second) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.SequenceEqual(second, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.SingleOrDefault() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.SingleOrDefault(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Single() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Single(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.SkipWhile(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.SkipWhile(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param count int +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Skip(count) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Single +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.TakeWhile(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.TakeWhile(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param count int +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Take(count) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@return IOrderedEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.ThenByDescending(keySelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +---@return IOrderedEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.ThenByDescending(keySelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@return IOrderedEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.ThenBy(keySelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +---@return IOrderedEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.ThenBy(keySelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.ToArray() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@return Dictionary +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary(keySelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return Dictionary +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary(keySelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param elementSelector System.Func +---@return Dictionary +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary(keySelector, elementSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param elementSelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return Dictionary +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.ToDictionary(keySelector, elementSelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return List +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.ToList() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@return ILookup +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.ToLookup(keySelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return ILookup +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.ToLookup(keySelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param elementSelector System.Func +---@return ILookup +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.ToLookup(keySelector, elementSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param elementSelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return ILookup +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.ToLookup(keySelector, elementSelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Union(second) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Union(second, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Where(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param resultSelector System.Func +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Enumerable.Zip(second, resultSelector) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.EnumerableExecutor: object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.EnumerableExecutor = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.EnumerableExecutor: System.Linq.EnumerableExecutor +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.EnumerableExecutor = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.EnumerableQuery: object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.EnumerableQuery = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.EnumerableQuery: System.Linq.EnumerableQuery +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.EnumerableQuery = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Linq.EnumerableQuery.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.IGrouping +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Key TKey +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.IGrouping = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.ILookup +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field this[] System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.ILookup = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param key TKey +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.ILookup.Contains(key) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +---@param descending bool +---@return IOrderedEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.IOrderedEnumerable.CreateOrderedEnumerable(keySelector, comparer, descending) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.IOrderedQueryable +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.IOrderedQueryable = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.IOrderedQueryable +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.IOrderedQueryable = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.IQueryable +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ElementType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Provider System.Linq.IQueryProvider +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.IQueryable = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.IQueryable +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.IQueryable = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.IQueryProvider +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.IQueryProvider = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.IQueryProvider.CreateQuery(expression) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.IQueryProvider.CreateQuery(expression) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return Object +function CS.System.Linq.IQueryProvider.Execute(expression) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Linq.IQueryProvider.Execute(expression) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Lookup: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field this[] System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Lookup = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param resultSelector System.Func, TResult> +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.Lookup.ApplyResultSelector(resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param key TKey +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.Lookup.Contains(key) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Linq.Lookup.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.OrderedParallelQuery: System.Linq.ParallelQuery +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.OrderedParallelQuery = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Linq.OrderedParallelQuery.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable: object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable:Empty() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param start int +---@param count int +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable:Range(start, count) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param element TResult +---@param count int +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable:Repeat(element, count) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param func System.Func +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Aggregate(func) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param seed TAccumulate +---@param func System.Func +---@return TAccumulate +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Aggregate(seed, func) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param seedFactory System.Func +---@param updateAccumulatorFunc System.Func +---@param combineAccumulatorsFunc System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Aggregate(seedFactory, updateAccumulatorFunc, combineAccumulatorsFunc, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param seed TAccumulate +---@param updateAccumulatorFunc System.Func +---@param combineAccumulatorsFunc System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Aggregate(seed, updateAccumulatorFunc, combineAccumulatorsFunc, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param seed TAccumulate +---@param func System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Aggregate(seed, func, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.All(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Any() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Any(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.AsEnumerable() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.AsOrdered() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.AsOrdered() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.AsParallel() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.AsParallel() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.AsParallel() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.AsSequential() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.AsUnordered() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Single +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Cast() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Concat(second) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Linq.ParallelQuery +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Concat(second) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param value TSource +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param value TSource +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Contains(value, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Count() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Count(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.DefaultIfEmpty() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param defaultValue TSource +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.DefaultIfEmpty(defaultValue) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Distinct() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Distinct(comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param index int +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.ElementAtOrDefault(index) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param index int +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.ElementAt(index) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Except(second) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Except(second, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Linq.ParallelQuery +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Except(second) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Linq.ParallelQuery +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Except(second, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.FirstOrDefault() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.FirstOrDefault(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.First() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.First(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param action System.Action +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.ForAll(action) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.GroupBy(keySelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.GroupBy(keySelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param elementSelector System.Func +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.GroupBy(keySelector, elementSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param elementSelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.GroupBy(keySelector, elementSelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func, TResult> +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.GroupBy(keySelector, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func, TResult> +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.GroupBy(keySelector, resultSelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param elementSelector System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func, TResult> +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.GroupBy(keySelector, elementSelector, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param elementSelector System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func, TResult> +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.GroupBy(keySelector, elementSelector, resultSelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param inner System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param outerKeySelector System.Func +---@param innerKeySelector System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func, TResult> +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.GroupJoin(inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param inner System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param outerKeySelector System.Func +---@param innerKeySelector System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func, TResult> +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.GroupJoin(inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param inner System.Linq.ParallelQuery +---@param outerKeySelector System.Func +---@param innerKeySelector System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func, TResult> +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.GroupJoin(inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param inner System.Linq.ParallelQuery +---@param outerKeySelector System.Func +---@param innerKeySelector System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func, TResult> +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.GroupJoin(inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Intersect(second) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Intersect(second, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Linq.ParallelQuery +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Intersect(second) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Linq.ParallelQuery +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Intersect(second, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param inner System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param outerKeySelector System.Func +---@param innerKeySelector System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Join(inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param inner System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param outerKeySelector System.Func +---@param innerKeySelector System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Join(inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param inner System.Linq.ParallelQuery +---@param outerKeySelector System.Func +---@param innerKeySelector System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Join(inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param inner System.Linq.ParallelQuery +---@param outerKeySelector System.Func +---@param innerKeySelector System.Func +---@param resultSelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Join(inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.LastOrDefault() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.LastOrDefault(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Last() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Last(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.LongCount() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.LongCount(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Max() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Max() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Max() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Max() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Max() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Max() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Max() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Max() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Max() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Max() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Max() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Max(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Max(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Max(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Max(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Max(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Max(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Max(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Max(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Max(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Single +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Max(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Max(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Min() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Min() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Min() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Min() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Min() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Min() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Min() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Min() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Min() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Min() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Min() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Min(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Min(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Min(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Min(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Min(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Min(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Min(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Min(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Min(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Single +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Min(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Min(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.OfType() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@return OrderedParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.OrderByDescending(keySelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +---@return OrderedParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.OrderByDescending(keySelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@return OrderedParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.OrderBy(keySelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +---@return OrderedParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.OrderBy(keySelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Reverse() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func> +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.SelectMany(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func> +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.SelectMany(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param collectionSelector System.Func> +---@param resultSelector System.Func +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.SelectMany(collectionSelector, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param collectionSelector System.Func> +---@param resultSelector System.Func +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.SelectMany(collectionSelector, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Select(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Select(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.SequenceEqual(second) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.SequenceEqual(second, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Linq.ParallelQuery +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.SequenceEqual(second) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Linq.ParallelQuery +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.SequenceEqual(second, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.SingleOrDefault() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.SingleOrDefault(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Single() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Single(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.SkipWhile(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.SkipWhile(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param count int +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Skip(count) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Func +---@return Single +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.TakeWhile(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.TakeWhile(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param count int +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Take(count) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@return OrderedParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.ThenByDescending(keySelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +---@return OrderedParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.ThenByDescending(keySelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@return OrderedParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.ThenBy(keySelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +---@return OrderedParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.ThenBy(keySelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.ToArray() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@return Dictionary +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.ToDictionary(keySelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return Dictionary +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.ToDictionary(keySelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param elementSelector System.Func +---@return Dictionary +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.ToDictionary(keySelector, elementSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param elementSelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return Dictionary +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.ToDictionary(keySelector, elementSelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return List +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.ToList() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@return ILookup +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.ToLookup(keySelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return ILookup +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.ToLookup(keySelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param elementSelector System.Func +---@return ILookup +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.ToLookup(keySelector, elementSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Func +---@param elementSelector System.Func +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return ILookup +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.ToLookup(keySelector, elementSelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Union(second) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Union(second, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Linq.ParallelQuery +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Union(second) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Linq.ParallelQuery +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Union(second, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Where(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Where(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.WithCancellation(cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param degreeOfParallelism int +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.WithDegreeOfParallelism(degreeOfParallelism) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param executionMode System.Linq.ParallelExecutionMode +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.WithExecutionMode(executionMode) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param mergeOptions System.Linq.ParallelMergeOptions +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.WithMergeOptions(mergeOptions) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param resultSelector System.Func +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Zip(second, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param second System.Linq.ParallelQuery +---@param resultSelector System.Func +---@return ParallelQuery +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable.Zip(second, resultSelector) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.ParallelExecutionMode: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Default System.Linq.ParallelExecutionMode +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ForceParallelism System.Linq.ParallelExecutionMode +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.ParallelExecutionMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Linq.ParallelExecutionMode +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelExecutionMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.ParallelMergeOptions: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AutoBuffered System.Linq.ParallelMergeOptions +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Default System.Linq.ParallelMergeOptions +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field FullyBuffered System.Linq.ParallelMergeOptions +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NotBuffered System.Linq.ParallelMergeOptions +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.ParallelMergeOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Linq.ParallelMergeOptions +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelMergeOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.ParallelQuery: object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.ParallelQuery = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.ParallelQuery: System.Linq.ParallelQuery +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.ParallelQuery = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Linq.ParallelQuery.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Linq.Queryable: object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Linq.Queryable = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param func System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Aggregate(func) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param seed TAccumulate +---@param func System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return TAccumulate +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Aggregate(seed, func) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param seed TAccumulate +---@param func System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Aggregate(seed, func, selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.All(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Any() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Any(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.AsQueryable() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.AsQueryable() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Average() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Single +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Average(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Cast() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param source2 System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Concat(source2) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param item TSource +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Contains(item) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param item TSource +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Contains(item, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Count() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Count(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.DefaultIfEmpty() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param defaultValue TSource +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.DefaultIfEmpty(defaultValue) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Distinct() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Distinct(comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param index int +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.ElementAtOrDefault(index) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param index int +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.ElementAt(index) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param source2 System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Except(source2) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param source2 System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Except(source2, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.FirstOrDefault() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.FirstOrDefault(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.First() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.First(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.GroupBy(keySelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.GroupBy(keySelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param elementSelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.GroupBy(keySelector, elementSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param elementSelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.GroupBy(keySelector, elementSelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param resultSelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, TResult>> +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.GroupBy(keySelector, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param resultSelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, TResult>> +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.GroupBy(keySelector, resultSelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param elementSelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param resultSelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, TResult>> +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.GroupBy(keySelector, elementSelector, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param elementSelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param resultSelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, TResult>> +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.GroupBy(keySelector, elementSelector, resultSelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param inner System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param outerKeySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param innerKeySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param resultSelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, TResult>> +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.GroupJoin(inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param inner System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param outerKeySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param innerKeySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param resultSelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression, TResult>> +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.GroupJoin(inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param source2 System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Intersect(source2) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param source2 System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Intersect(source2, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param inner System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param outerKeySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param innerKeySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param resultSelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Join(inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param inner System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param outerKeySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param innerKeySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param resultSelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Join(inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.LastOrDefault() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.LastOrDefault(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Last() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Last(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.LongCount() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.LongCount(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Max() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Max(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Min() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Min(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.OfType() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return IOrderedQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.OrderByDescending(keySelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +---@return IOrderedQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.OrderByDescending(keySelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return IOrderedQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.OrderBy(keySelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +---@return IOrderedQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.OrderBy(keySelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Reverse() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression>> +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.SelectMany(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression>> +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.SelectMany(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param collectionSelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression>> +---@param resultSelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.SelectMany(collectionSelector, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param collectionSelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression>> +---@param resultSelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.SelectMany(collectionSelector, resultSelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Select(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Select(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param source2 System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.SequenceEqual(source2) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param source2 System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.SequenceEqual(source2, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.SingleOrDefault() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.SingleOrDefault(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Single() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return TSource +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Single(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.SkipWhile(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.SkipWhile(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param count int +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Skip(count) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Sum() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Double +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param selector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return Single +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Sum(selector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.TakeWhile(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.TakeWhile(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param count int +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Take(count) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return IOrderedQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.ThenByDescending(keySelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +---@return IOrderedQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.ThenByDescending(keySelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return IOrderedQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.ThenBy(keySelector) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keySelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +---@return IOrderedQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.ThenBy(keySelector, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param source2 System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Union(source2) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param source2 System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Union(source2, comparer) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Where(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param predicate System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Where(predicate) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param source2 System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param resultSelector System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return IQueryable +function CS.System.Linq.Queryable.Zip(source2, resultSelector) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Management.Instrumentation.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Management.Instrumentation.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..823fbc844 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Management.Instrumentation.lua @@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Management.Instrumentation.InstanceNotFoundException: System.Management.Instrumentation.InstrumentationException +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Management.Instrumentation.InstanceNotFoundException = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Management.Instrumentation.InstrumentationBaseException: System.Exception +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Management.Instrumentation.InstrumentationBaseException = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Management.Instrumentation.InstrumentationException: System.Management.Instrumentation.InstrumentationBaseException +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Management.Instrumentation.InstrumentationException = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementBindAttribute: System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementNewInstanceAttribute +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Schema System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementBindAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementCommitAttribute: System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementMemberAttribute +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementCommitAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementConfigurationAttribute: System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementMemberAttribute +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Mode System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementConfigurationType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Schema System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementConfigurationAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementConfigurationType: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Apply System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementConfigurationType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field OnCommit System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementConfigurationType +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementConfigurationType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementConfigurationType +function CS.System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementConfigurationType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementCreateAttribute: System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementNewInstanceAttribute +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementCreateAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementEntityAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field External bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Singleton bool +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementEntityAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementEnumeratorAttribute: System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementNewInstanceAttribute +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Schema System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementEnumeratorAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementHostingModel: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Decoupled System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementHostingModel +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LocalService System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementHostingModel +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LocalSystem System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementHostingModel +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NetworkService System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementHostingModel +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementHostingModel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementHostingModel +function CS.System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementHostingModel:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementKeyAttribute: System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementMemberAttribute +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementKeyAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementMemberAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementMemberAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementNameAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementNameAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementNewInstanceAttribute: System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementMemberAttribute +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementNewInstanceAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementProbeAttribute: System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementMemberAttribute +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Schema System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementProbeAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementReferenceAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Type string +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementReferenceAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementRemoveAttribute: System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementMemberAttribute +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Schema System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementRemoveAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementTaskAttribute: System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementMemberAttribute +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Schema System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementTaskAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Management.Instrumentation.WmiConfigurationAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field HostingGroup string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field HostingModel System.Management.Instrumentation.ManagementHostingModel +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IdentifyLevel bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NamespaceSecurity string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Scope string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SecurityRestriction string +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Management.Instrumentation.WmiConfigurationAttribute = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Media.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Media.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b4cd811ce --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Media.lua @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Media.SoundPlayer: System.ComponentModel.Component +---@source System.dll +---@field IsLoadCompleted bool +---@source System.dll +---@field LoadTimeout int +---@source System.dll +---@field SoundLocation string +---@source System.dll +---@field Stream System.IO.Stream +---@source System.dll +---@field Tag object +---@source System.dll +---@field LoadCompleted System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field SoundLocationChanged System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field StreamChanged System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Media.SoundPlayer = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Media.SoundPlayer.add_LoadCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Media.SoundPlayer.remove_LoadCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Media.SoundPlayer.add_SoundLocationChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Media.SoundPlayer.remove_SoundLocationChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Media.SoundPlayer.add_StreamChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Media.SoundPlayer.remove_StreamChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Media.SoundPlayer.Load() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Media.SoundPlayer.LoadAsync() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Media.SoundPlayer.Play() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Media.SoundPlayer.PlayLooping() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Media.SoundPlayer.PlaySync() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Media.SoundPlayer.Stop() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Media.SystemSound: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Media.SystemSound = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Media.SystemSound.Play() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Media.SystemSounds: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Asterisk System.Media.SystemSound +---@source System.dll +---@field Beep System.Media.SystemSound +---@source System.dll +---@field Exclamation System.Media.SystemSound +---@source System.dll +---@field Hand System.Media.SystemSound +---@source System.dll +---@field Question System.Media.SystemSound +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Media.SystemSounds = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Cache.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Cache.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be421a2b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Cache.lua @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Cache.HttpCacheAgeControl: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field MaxAge System.Net.Cache.HttpCacheAgeControl +---@source System.dll +---@field MaxAgeAndMaxStale System.Net.Cache.HttpCacheAgeControl +---@source System.dll +---@field MaxAgeAndMinFresh System.Net.Cache.HttpCacheAgeControl +---@source System.dll +---@field MaxStale System.Net.Cache.HttpCacheAgeControl +---@source System.dll +---@field MinFresh System.Net.Cache.HttpCacheAgeControl +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Net.Cache.HttpCacheAgeControl +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Cache.HttpCacheAgeControl = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Cache.HttpCacheAgeControl +function CS.System.Net.Cache.HttpCacheAgeControl:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Cache.HttpRequestCacheLevel: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field BypassCache System.Net.Cache.HttpRequestCacheLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field CacheIfAvailable System.Net.Cache.HttpRequestCacheLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field CacheOnly System.Net.Cache.HttpRequestCacheLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field CacheOrNextCacheOnly System.Net.Cache.HttpRequestCacheLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.Net.Cache.HttpRequestCacheLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field NoCacheNoStore System.Net.Cache.HttpRequestCacheLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Refresh System.Net.Cache.HttpRequestCacheLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Reload System.Net.Cache.HttpRequestCacheLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Revalidate System.Net.Cache.HttpRequestCacheLevel +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Cache.HttpRequestCacheLevel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Cache.HttpRequestCacheLevel +function CS.System.Net.Cache.HttpRequestCacheLevel:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Cache.HttpRequestCachePolicy: System.Net.Cache.RequestCachePolicy +---@source System.dll +---@field CacheSyncDate System.DateTime +---@source System.dll +---@field Level System.Net.Cache.HttpRequestCacheLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field MaxAge System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field MaxStale System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field MinFresh System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Cache.HttpRequestCachePolicy = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Cache.HttpRequestCachePolicy.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field BypassCache System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field CacheIfAvailable System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field CacheOnly System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field NoCacheNoStore System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Reload System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Revalidate System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel +function CS.System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Cache.RequestCachePolicy: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Level System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Cache.RequestCachePolicy = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Cache.RequestCachePolicy.ToString() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Configuration.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Configuration.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cb9c93d46 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Configuration.lua @@ -0,0 +1,564 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.AuthenticationModuleElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field Type string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.AuthenticationModuleElement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.AuthenticationModuleElementCollection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Net.Configuration.AuthenticationModuleElement +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Net.Configuration.AuthenticationModuleElement +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.AuthenticationModuleElementCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param element System.Net.Configuration.AuthenticationModuleElement +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.AuthenticationModuleElementCollection.Add(element) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.AuthenticationModuleElementCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param element System.Net.Configuration.AuthenticationModuleElement +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.AuthenticationModuleElementCollection.IndexOf(element) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param element System.Net.Configuration.AuthenticationModuleElement +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.AuthenticationModuleElementCollection.Remove(element) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.AuthenticationModuleElementCollection.Remove(name) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.AuthenticationModuleElementCollection.RemoveAt(index) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.AuthenticationModulesSection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection +---@source System.dll +---@field AuthenticationModules System.Net.Configuration.AuthenticationModuleElementCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.AuthenticationModulesSection = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.BypassElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field Address string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.BypassElement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.BypassElementCollection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Net.Configuration.BypassElement +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Net.Configuration.BypassElement +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.BypassElementCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param element System.Net.Configuration.BypassElement +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.BypassElementCollection.Add(element) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.BypassElementCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param element System.Net.Configuration.BypassElement +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.BypassElementCollection.IndexOf(element) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param element System.Net.Configuration.BypassElement +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.BypassElementCollection.Remove(element) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.BypassElementCollection.Remove(name) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.BypassElementCollection.RemoveAt(index) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.ConnectionManagementElementCollection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Net.Configuration.ConnectionManagementElement +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Net.Configuration.ConnectionManagementElement +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.ConnectionManagementElementCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param element System.Net.Configuration.ConnectionManagementElement +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.ConnectionManagementElementCollection.Add(element) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.ConnectionManagementElementCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param element System.Net.Configuration.ConnectionManagementElement +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.ConnectionManagementElementCollection.IndexOf(element) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param element System.Net.Configuration.ConnectionManagementElement +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.ConnectionManagementElementCollection.Remove(element) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.ConnectionManagementElementCollection.Remove(name) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.ConnectionManagementElementCollection.RemoveAt(index) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.ConnectionManagementElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field Address string +---@source System.dll +---@field MaxConnection int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.ConnectionManagementElement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.ConnectionManagementSection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection +---@source System.dll +---@field ConnectionManagement System.Net.Configuration.ConnectionManagementElementCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.ConnectionManagementSection = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.DefaultProxySection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection +---@source System.dll +---@field BypassList System.Net.Configuration.BypassElementCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Enabled bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Module System.Net.Configuration.ModuleElement +---@source System.dll +---@field Proxy System.Net.Configuration.ProxyElement +---@source System.dll +---@field UseDefaultCredentials bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.DefaultProxySection = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.HttpCachePolicyElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field MaximumAge System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field MaximumStale System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field MinimumFresh System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field PolicyLevel System.Net.Cache.HttpRequestCacheLevel +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.HttpCachePolicyElement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.HttpListenerElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field Timeouts System.Net.Configuration.HttpListenerTimeoutsElement +---@source System.dll +---@field UnescapeRequestUrl bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.HttpListenerElement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.HttpListenerTimeoutsElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field DrainEntityBody System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field EntityBody System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field HeaderWait System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field IdleConnection System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field MinSendBytesPerSecond long +---@source System.dll +---@field RequestQueue System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.HttpListenerTimeoutsElement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.Ipv6Element: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field Enabled bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.Ipv6Element = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.HttpWebRequestElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field MaximumErrorResponseLength int +---@source System.dll +---@field MaximumResponseHeadersLength int +---@source System.dll +---@field MaximumUnauthorizedUploadLength int +---@source System.dll +---@field UseUnsafeHeaderParsing bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.HttpWebRequestElement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.MailSettingsSectionGroup: System.Configuration.ConfigurationSectionGroup +---@source System.dll +---@field Smtp System.Net.Configuration.SmtpSection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.MailSettingsSectionGroup = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.ModuleElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field Type string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.ModuleElement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.RequestCachingSection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection +---@source System.dll +---@field DefaultFtpCachePolicy System.Net.Configuration.FtpCachePolicyElement +---@source System.dll +---@field DefaultHttpCachePolicy System.Net.Configuration.HttpCachePolicyElement +---@source System.dll +---@field DefaultPolicyLevel System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field DisableAllCaching bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsPrivateCache bool +---@source System.dll +---@field UnspecifiedMaximumAge System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.RequestCachingSection = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.NetSectionGroup: System.Configuration.ConfigurationSectionGroup +---@source System.dll +---@field AuthenticationModules System.Net.Configuration.AuthenticationModulesSection +---@source System.dll +---@field ConnectionManagement System.Net.Configuration.ConnectionManagementSection +---@source System.dll +---@field DefaultProxy System.Net.Configuration.DefaultProxySection +---@source System.dll +---@field MailSettings System.Net.Configuration.MailSettingsSectionGroup +---@source System.dll +---@field RequestCaching System.Net.Configuration.RequestCachingSection +---@source System.dll +---@field Settings System.Net.Configuration.SettingsSection +---@source System.dll +---@field WebRequestModules System.Net.Configuration.WebRequestModulesSection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.NetSectionGroup = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param config System.Configuration.Configuration +---@return NetSectionGroup +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.NetSectionGroup:GetSectionGroup(config) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.ServicePointManagerElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field CheckCertificateName bool +---@source System.dll +---@field CheckCertificateRevocationList bool +---@source System.dll +---@field DnsRefreshTimeout int +---@source System.dll +---@field EnableDnsRoundRobin bool +---@source System.dll +---@field EncryptionPolicy System.Net.Security.EncryptionPolicy +---@source System.dll +---@field Expect100Continue bool +---@source System.dll +---@field UseNagleAlgorithm bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.ServicePointManagerElement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.PerformanceCountersElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field Enabled bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.PerformanceCountersElement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.ProxyElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field AutoDetect System.Net.Configuration.ProxyElement.AutoDetectValues +---@source System.dll +---@field BypassOnLocal System.Net.Configuration.ProxyElement.BypassOnLocalValues +---@source System.dll +---@field ProxyAddress System.Uri +---@source System.dll +---@field ScriptLocation System.Uri +---@source System.dll +---@field UseSystemDefault System.Net.Configuration.ProxyElement.UseSystemDefaultValues +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.ProxyElement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.SettingsSection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection +---@source System.dll +---@field HttpListener System.Net.Configuration.HttpListenerElement +---@source System.dll +---@field HttpWebRequest System.Net.Configuration.HttpWebRequestElement +---@source System.dll +---@field Ipv6 System.Net.Configuration.Ipv6Element +---@source System.dll +---@field PerformanceCounters System.Net.Configuration.PerformanceCountersElement +---@source System.dll +---@field ServicePointManager System.Net.Configuration.ServicePointManagerElement +---@source System.dll +---@field Socket System.Net.Configuration.SocketElement +---@source System.dll +---@field WebProxyScript System.Net.Configuration.WebProxyScriptElement +---@source System.dll +---@field WebUtility System.Net.Configuration.WebUtilityElement +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.SettingsSection = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.SmtpNetworkElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field ClientDomain string +---@source System.dll +---@field DefaultCredentials bool +---@source System.dll +---@field EnableSsl bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Host string +---@source System.dll +---@field Password string +---@source System.dll +---@field Port int +---@source System.dll +---@field TargetName string +---@source System.dll +---@field UserName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.SmtpNetworkElement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.SmtpSection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection +---@source System.dll +---@field DeliveryFormat System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryFormat +---@source System.dll +---@field DeliveryMethod System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryMethod +---@source System.dll +---@field From string +---@source System.dll +---@field Network System.Net.Configuration.SmtpNetworkElement +---@source System.dll +---@field SpecifiedPickupDirectory System.Net.Configuration.SmtpSpecifiedPickupDirectoryElement +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.SmtpSection = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.SmtpSpecifiedPickupDirectoryElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field PickupDirectoryLocation string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.SmtpSpecifiedPickupDirectoryElement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.SocketElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field AlwaysUseCompletionPortsForAccept bool +---@source System.dll +---@field AlwaysUseCompletionPortsForConnect bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IPProtectionLevel System.Net.Sockets.IPProtectionLevel +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.SocketElement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.UnicodeDecodingConformance: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Auto System.Net.Configuration.UnicodeDecodingConformance +---@source System.dll +---@field Compat System.Net.Configuration.UnicodeDecodingConformance +---@source System.dll +---@field Loose System.Net.Configuration.UnicodeDecodingConformance +---@source System.dll +---@field Strict System.Net.Configuration.UnicodeDecodingConformance +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.UnicodeDecodingConformance = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Configuration.UnicodeDecodingConformance +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.UnicodeDecodingConformance:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.WebRequestModuleElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field Prefix string +---@source System.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.WebRequestModuleElement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.UnicodeEncodingConformance: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Auto System.Net.Configuration.UnicodeEncodingConformance +---@source System.dll +---@field Compat System.Net.Configuration.UnicodeEncodingConformance +---@source System.dll +---@field Strict System.Net.Configuration.UnicodeEncodingConformance +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.UnicodeEncodingConformance = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Configuration.UnicodeEncodingConformance +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.UnicodeEncodingConformance:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.WebProxyScriptElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field DownloadTimeout System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.WebProxyScriptElement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.WebRequestModuleElementCollection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Net.Configuration.WebRequestModuleElement +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Net.Configuration.WebRequestModuleElement +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.WebRequestModuleElementCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param element System.Net.Configuration.WebRequestModuleElement +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.WebRequestModuleElementCollection.Add(element) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.WebRequestModuleElementCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param element System.Net.Configuration.WebRequestModuleElement +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.WebRequestModuleElementCollection.IndexOf(element) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param element System.Net.Configuration.WebRequestModuleElement +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.WebRequestModuleElementCollection.Remove(element) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.WebRequestModuleElementCollection.Remove(name) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.WebRequestModuleElementCollection.RemoveAt(index) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.AutoDetectValues: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field False System.Net.Configuration.ProxyElement.AutoDetectValues +---@source System.dll +---@field True System.Net.Configuration.ProxyElement.AutoDetectValues +---@source System.dll +---@field Unspecified System.Net.Configuration.ProxyElement.AutoDetectValues +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.AutoDetectValues = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Configuration.ProxyElement.AutoDetectValues +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.AutoDetectValues:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.WebRequestModulesSection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection +---@source System.dll +---@field WebRequestModules System.Net.Configuration.WebRequestModuleElementCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.WebRequestModulesSection = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.BypassOnLocalValues: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field False System.Net.Configuration.ProxyElement.BypassOnLocalValues +---@source System.dll +---@field True System.Net.Configuration.ProxyElement.BypassOnLocalValues +---@source System.dll +---@field Unspecified System.Net.Configuration.ProxyElement.BypassOnLocalValues +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.BypassOnLocalValues = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Configuration.ProxyElement.BypassOnLocalValues +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.BypassOnLocalValues:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.WebUtilityElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field UnicodeDecodingConformance System.Net.Configuration.UnicodeDecodingConformance +---@source System.dll +---@field UnicodeEncodingConformance System.Net.Configuration.UnicodeEncodingConformance +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.WebUtilityElement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Configuration.UseSystemDefaultValues: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field False System.Net.Configuration.ProxyElement.UseSystemDefaultValues +---@source System.dll +---@field True System.Net.Configuration.ProxyElement.UseSystemDefaultValues +---@source System.dll +---@field Unspecified System.Net.Configuration.ProxyElement.UseSystemDefaultValues +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Configuration.UseSystemDefaultValues = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Configuration.ProxyElement.UseSystemDefaultValues +function CS.System.Net.Configuration.UseSystemDefaultValues:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Http.Headers.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Http.Headers.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9f9d706c5 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Http.Headers.lua @@ -0,0 +1,950 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Parameter string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Scheme string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@return AuthenticationHeaderValue +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue:Parse(input) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue.ToString() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@param parsedValue System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue:TryParse(input, parsedValue) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.CacheControlHeaderValue: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Extensions System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field MaxAge System.TimeSpan? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field MaxStale bool +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field MaxStaleLimit System.TimeSpan? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field MinFresh System.TimeSpan? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field MustRevalidate bool +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field NoCache bool +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field NoCacheHeaders System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field NoStore bool +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field NoTransform bool +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field OnlyIfCached bool +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Private bool +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field PrivateHeaders System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ProxyRevalidate bool +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Public bool +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field SharedMaxAge System.TimeSpan? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.CacheControlHeaderValue = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.CacheControlHeaderValue.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.CacheControlHeaderValue.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@return CacheControlHeaderValue +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.CacheControlHeaderValue:Parse(input) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.CacheControlHeaderValue.ToString() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@param parsedValue System.Net.Http.Headers.CacheControlHeaderValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.CacheControlHeaderValue:TryParse(input, parsedValue) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field CreationDate System.DateTimeOffset? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field DispositionType string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field FileName string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field FileNameStar string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ModificationDate System.DateTimeOffset? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Parameters System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ReadDate System.DateTimeOffset? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Size long? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@return ContentDispositionHeaderValue +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue:Parse(input) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue.ToString() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@param parsedValue System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue:TryParse(input, parsedValue) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentRangeHeaderValue: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field From long? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field HasLength bool +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field HasRange bool +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Length long? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field To long? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Unit string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentRangeHeaderValue = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentRangeHeaderValue.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentRangeHeaderValue.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@return ContentRangeHeaderValue +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentRangeHeaderValue:Parse(input) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentRangeHeaderValue.ToString() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@param parsedValue System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentRangeHeaderValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentRangeHeaderValue:TryParse(input, parsedValue) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.EntityTagHeaderValue: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Any System.Net.Http.Headers.EntityTagHeaderValue +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field IsWeak bool +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Tag string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.EntityTagHeaderValue = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.EntityTagHeaderValue.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.EntityTagHeaderValue.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@return EntityTagHeaderValue +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.EntityTagHeaderValue:Parse(input) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.EntityTagHeaderValue.ToString() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@param parsedValue System.Net.Http.Headers.EntityTagHeaderValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.EntityTagHeaderValue:TryParse(input, parsedValue) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpContentHeaders: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Allow System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ContentDisposition System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentDispositionHeaderValue +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ContentEncoding System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ContentLanguage System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ContentLength long? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ContentLocation System.Uri +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ContentMD5 byte[] +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ContentRange System.Net.Http.Headers.ContentRangeHeaderValue +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ContentType System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Expires System.DateTimeOffset? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field LastModified System.DateTimeOffset? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpContentHeaders = {} + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param name string +---@param values System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.Add(name, values) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param name string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.Add(name, value) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.Clear() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param name string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.Contains(name) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param name string +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.GetValues(name) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param name string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.Remove(name) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.ToString() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param name string +---@param values System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(name, values) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param name string +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation(name, value) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param name string +---@param values System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders.TryGetValues(name, values) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param item T +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection.Add(item) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param item T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection.Contains(item) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param arrayIndex int +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection.ParseAdd(input) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param item T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection.Remove(item) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection.ToString() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection.TryParseAdd(input) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpRequestHeaders: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Accept System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field AcceptCharset System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field AcceptEncoding System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field AcceptLanguage System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Authorization System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field CacheControl System.Net.Http.Headers.CacheControlHeaderValue +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Connection System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ConnectionClose bool? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Date System.DateTimeOffset? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Expect System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ExpectContinue bool? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field From string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Host string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field IfMatch System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field IfModifiedSince System.DateTimeOffset? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field IfNoneMatch System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field IfRange System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeConditionHeaderValue +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field IfUnmodifiedSince System.DateTimeOffset? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field MaxForwards int? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Pragma System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ProxyAuthorization System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Range System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeHeaderValue +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Referrer System.Uri +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field TE System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Trailer System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field TransferEncoding System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field TransferEncodingChunked bool? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Upgrade System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field UserAgent System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Via System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Warning System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpRequestHeaders = {} + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpResponseHeaders: System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaders +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field AcceptRanges System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Age System.TimeSpan? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field CacheControl System.Net.Http.Headers.CacheControlHeaderValue +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Connection System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ConnectionClose bool? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Date System.DateTimeOffset? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ETag System.Net.Http.Headers.EntityTagHeaderValue +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Location System.Uri +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Pragma System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ProxyAuthenticate System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field RetryAfter System.Net.Http.Headers.RetryConditionHeaderValue +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Server System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Trailer System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field TransferEncoding System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field TransferEncodingChunked bool? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Upgrade System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Vary System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Via System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Warning System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field WwwAuthenticate System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpHeaderValueCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpResponseHeaders = {} + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field CharSet string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field MediaType string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Parameters System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@return MediaTypeHeaderValue +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue:Parse(input) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue.ToString() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@param parsedValue System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue:TryParse(input, parsedValue) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue: System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Quality double? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@return MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue:Parse(input) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@param parsedValue System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue:TryParse(input, parsedValue) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueHeaderValue: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueHeaderValue = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueHeaderValue.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueHeaderValue.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@return NameValueHeaderValue +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueHeaderValue:Parse(input) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueHeaderValue.ToString() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@param parsedValue System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueHeaderValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueHeaderValue:TryParse(input, parsedValue) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueWithParametersHeaderValue: System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueHeaderValue +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Parameters System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueWithParametersHeaderValue = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueWithParametersHeaderValue.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueWithParametersHeaderValue.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@return NameValueWithParametersHeaderValue +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueWithParametersHeaderValue:Parse(input) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueWithParametersHeaderValue.ToString() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@param parsedValue System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueWithParametersHeaderValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.NameValueWithParametersHeaderValue:TryParse(input, parsedValue) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.ProductHeaderValue: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Version string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ProductHeaderValue = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ProductHeaderValue.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ProductHeaderValue.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@return ProductHeaderValue +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ProductHeaderValue:Parse(input) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ProductHeaderValue.ToString() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@param parsedValue System.Net.Http.Headers.ProductHeaderValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ProductHeaderValue:TryParse(input, parsedValue) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.ProductInfoHeaderValue: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Comment string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Product System.Net.Http.Headers.ProductHeaderValue +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ProductInfoHeaderValue = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ProductInfoHeaderValue.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ProductInfoHeaderValue.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@return ProductInfoHeaderValue +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ProductInfoHeaderValue:Parse(input) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ProductInfoHeaderValue.ToString() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@param parsedValue System.Net.Http.Headers.ProductInfoHeaderValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ProductInfoHeaderValue:TryParse(input, parsedValue) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeConditionHeaderValue: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Date System.DateTimeOffset? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field EntityTag System.Net.Http.Headers.EntityTagHeaderValue +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeConditionHeaderValue = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeConditionHeaderValue.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeConditionHeaderValue.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@return RangeConditionHeaderValue +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeConditionHeaderValue:Parse(input) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeConditionHeaderValue.ToString() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@param parsedValue System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeConditionHeaderValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeConditionHeaderValue:TryParse(input, parsedValue) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeHeaderValue: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Ranges System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Unit string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeHeaderValue = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeHeaderValue.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeHeaderValue.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@return RangeHeaderValue +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeHeaderValue:Parse(input) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeHeaderValue.ToString() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@param parsedValue System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeHeaderValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeHeaderValue:TryParse(input, parsedValue) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeItemHeaderValue: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field From long? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field To long? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeItemHeaderValue = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeItemHeaderValue.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeItemHeaderValue.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.RangeItemHeaderValue.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.RetryConditionHeaderValue: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Date System.DateTimeOffset? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Delta System.TimeSpan? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.RetryConditionHeaderValue = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.RetryConditionHeaderValue.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.RetryConditionHeaderValue.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@return RetryConditionHeaderValue +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.RetryConditionHeaderValue:Parse(input) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.RetryConditionHeaderValue.ToString() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@param parsedValue System.Net.Http.Headers.RetryConditionHeaderValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.RetryConditionHeaderValue:TryParse(input, parsedValue) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.StringWithQualityHeaderValue: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Quality double? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.StringWithQualityHeaderValue = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.StringWithQualityHeaderValue.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.StringWithQualityHeaderValue.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@return StringWithQualityHeaderValue +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.StringWithQualityHeaderValue:Parse(input) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.StringWithQualityHeaderValue.ToString() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@param parsedValue System.Net.Http.Headers.StringWithQualityHeaderValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.StringWithQualityHeaderValue:TryParse(input, parsedValue) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.TransferCodingHeaderValue: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Parameters System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.TransferCodingHeaderValue = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.TransferCodingHeaderValue.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.TransferCodingHeaderValue.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@return TransferCodingHeaderValue +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.TransferCodingHeaderValue:Parse(input) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.TransferCodingHeaderValue.ToString() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@param parsedValue System.Net.Http.Headers.TransferCodingHeaderValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.TransferCodingHeaderValue:TryParse(input, parsedValue) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.TransferCodingWithQualityHeaderValue: System.Net.Http.Headers.TransferCodingHeaderValue +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Quality double? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.TransferCodingWithQualityHeaderValue = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@return TransferCodingWithQualityHeaderValue +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.TransferCodingWithQualityHeaderValue:Parse(input) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@param parsedValue System.Net.Http.Headers.TransferCodingWithQualityHeaderValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.TransferCodingWithQualityHeaderValue:TryParse(input, parsedValue) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.ViaHeaderValue: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Comment string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ProtocolName string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ProtocolVersion string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ReceivedBy string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ViaHeaderValue = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ViaHeaderValue.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ViaHeaderValue.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@return ViaHeaderValue +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ViaHeaderValue:Parse(input) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ViaHeaderValue.ToString() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@param parsedValue System.Net.Http.Headers.ViaHeaderValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.ViaHeaderValue:TryParse(input, parsedValue) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.Headers.WarningHeaderValue: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Agent string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Code int +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Date System.DateTimeOffset? +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Text string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.WarningHeaderValue = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.WarningHeaderValue.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.WarningHeaderValue.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@return WarningHeaderValue +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.WarningHeaderValue:Parse(input) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.WarningHeaderValue.ToString() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param input string +---@param parsedValue System.Net.Http.Headers.WarningHeaderValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.Headers.WarningHeaderValue:TryParse(input, parsedValue) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Http.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Http.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5caa290e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Http.lua @@ -0,0 +1,529 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.ByteArrayContent: System.Net.Http.HttpContent +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.ByteArrayContent = {} + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.ClientCertificateOption: System.Enum +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Automatic System.Net.Http.ClientCertificateOption +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Manual System.Net.Http.ClientCertificateOption +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.ClientCertificateOption = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Http.ClientCertificateOption +function CS.System.Net.Http.ClientCertificateOption:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler: System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field InnerHandler System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler = {} + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.FormUrlEncodedContent: System.Net.Http.ByteArrayContent +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.FormUrlEncodedContent = {} + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.HttpClient: System.Net.Http.HttpMessageInvoker +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field BaseAddress System.Uri +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field DefaultRequestHeaders System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpRequestHeaders +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field MaxResponseContentBufferSize long +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Timeout System.TimeSpan +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.CancelPendingRequests() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.DeleteAsync(requestUri) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri string +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.DeleteAsync(requestUri, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri System.Uri +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.DeleteAsync(requestUri) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri System.Uri +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.DeleteAsync(requestUri, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.GetAsync(requestUri) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri string +---@param completionOption System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.GetAsync(requestUri, completionOption) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri string +---@param completionOption System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.GetAsync(requestUri, completionOption, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri string +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.GetAsync(requestUri, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri System.Uri +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.GetAsync(requestUri) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri System.Uri +---@param completionOption System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.GetAsync(requestUri, completionOption) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri System.Uri +---@param completionOption System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.GetAsync(requestUri, completionOption, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri System.Uri +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.GetAsync(requestUri, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.GetByteArrayAsync(requestUri) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri System.Uri +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.GetByteArrayAsync(requestUri) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.GetStreamAsync(requestUri) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri System.Uri +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.GetStreamAsync(requestUri) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.GetStringAsync(requestUri) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri System.Uri +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.GetStringAsync(requestUri) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri string +---@param content System.Net.Http.HttpContent +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.PostAsync(requestUri, content) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri string +---@param content System.Net.Http.HttpContent +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.PostAsync(requestUri, content, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri System.Uri +---@param content System.Net.Http.HttpContent +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.PostAsync(requestUri, content) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri System.Uri +---@param content System.Net.Http.HttpContent +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.PostAsync(requestUri, content, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri string +---@param content System.Net.Http.HttpContent +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.PutAsync(requestUri, content) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri string +---@param content System.Net.Http.HttpContent +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.PutAsync(requestUri, content, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri System.Uri +---@param content System.Net.Http.HttpContent +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.PutAsync(requestUri, content) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param requestUri System.Uri +---@param content System.Net.Http.HttpContent +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.PutAsync(requestUri, content, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param request System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.SendAsync(request) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param request System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage +---@param completionOption System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.SendAsync(request, completionOption) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param request System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage +---@param completionOption System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.SendAsync(request, completionOption, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param request System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClient.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler: System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field AllowAutoRedirect bool +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field AutomaticDecompression System.Net.DecompressionMethods +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field CheckCertificateRevocationList bool +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ClientCertificateOptions System.Net.Http.ClientCertificateOption +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ClientCertificates System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field CookieContainer System.Net.CookieContainer +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Credentials System.Net.ICredentials +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field DefaultProxyCredentials System.Net.ICredentials +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field MaxAutomaticRedirections int +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field MaxConnectionsPerServer int +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field MaxRequestContentBufferSize long +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field MaxResponseHeadersLength int +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field PreAuthenticate bool +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Properties System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Proxy System.Net.IWebProxy +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ServerCertificateCustomValidationCallback System.Func +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field SslProtocols System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field SupportsAutomaticDecompression bool +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field SupportsProxy bool +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field SupportsRedirectConfiguration bool +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field UseCookies bool +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field UseDefaultCredentials bool +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field UseProxy bool +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.HttpClientHandler = {} + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption: System.Enum +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ResponseContentRead System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ResponseHeadersRead System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.HttpContent: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Headers System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpContentHeaders +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.HttpContent = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpContent.CopyToAsync(stream) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param context System.Net.TransportContext +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpContent.CopyToAsync(stream, context) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpContent.Dispose() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpContent.LoadIntoBufferAsync() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param maxBufferSize long +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpContent.LoadIntoBufferAsync(maxBufferSize) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpContent.ReadAsByteArrayAsync() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpContent.ReadAsStreamAsync() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpContent.ReadAsStringAsync() end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpMessageHandler.Dispose() end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.HttpMessageInvoker: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.HttpMessageInvoker = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpMessageInvoker.Dispose() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param request System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpMessageInvoker.SendAsync(request, cancellationToken) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.HttpMethod: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Delete System.Net.Http.HttpMethod +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Get System.Net.Http.HttpMethod +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Head System.Net.Http.HttpMethod +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Method string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Options System.Net.Http.HttpMethod +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Post System.Net.Http.HttpMethod +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Put System.Net.Http.HttpMethod +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Trace System.Net.Http.HttpMethod +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.HttpMethod = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param other System.Net.Http.HttpMethod +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpMethod.Equals(other) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpMethod.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpMethod.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param left System.Net.Http.HttpMethod +---@param right System.Net.Http.HttpMethod +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpMethod:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param left System.Net.Http.HttpMethod +---@param right System.Net.Http.HttpMethod +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpMethod:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpMethod.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: System.Exception +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException = {} + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Content System.Net.Http.HttpContent +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Headers System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpRequestHeaders +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Method System.Net.Http.HttpMethod +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Properties System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field RequestUri System.Uri +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Version System.Version +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage.Dispose() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage: object +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Content System.Net.Http.HttpContent +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Headers System.Net.Http.Headers.HttpResponseHeaders +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field IsSuccessStatusCode bool +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field ReasonPhrase string +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field RequestMessage System.Net.Http.HttpRequestMessage +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field StatusCode System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@field Version System.Version +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage.Dispose() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return HttpResponseMessage +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode() end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.MessageProcessingHandler: System.Net.Http.DelegatingHandler +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.MessageProcessingHandler = {} + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.MultipartContent: System.Net.Http.HttpContent +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.MultipartContent = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param content System.Net.Http.HttpContent +function CS.System.Net.Http.MultipartContent.Add(content) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Net.Http.MultipartContent.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.MultipartFormDataContent: System.Net.Http.MultipartContent +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.MultipartFormDataContent = {} + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param content System.Net.Http.HttpContent +function CS.System.Net.Http.MultipartFormDataContent.Add(content) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param content System.Net.Http.HttpContent +---@param name string +function CS.System.Net.Http.MultipartFormDataContent.Add(content, name) end + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@param content System.Net.Http.HttpContent +---@param name string +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Net.Http.MultipartFormDataContent.Add(content, name, fileName) end + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.StreamContent: System.Net.Http.HttpContent +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.StreamContent = {} + + +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +---@class System.Net.Http.StringContent: System.Net.Http.ByteArrayContent +---@source System.Net.Http.dll +CS.System.Net.Http.StringContent = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Mail.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Mail.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0357edf7d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Mail.lua @@ -0,0 +1,566 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mail.AlternateView: System.Net.Mail.AttachmentBase +---@source System.dll +---@field BaseUri System.Uri +---@source System.dll +---@field LinkedResources System.Net.Mail.LinkedResourceCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mail.AlternateView = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param content string +---@return AlternateView +function CS.System.Net.Mail.AlternateView:CreateAlternateViewFromString(content) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param content string +---@param contentType System.Net.Mime.ContentType +---@return AlternateView +function CS.System.Net.Mail.AlternateView:CreateAlternateViewFromString(content, contentType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param content string +---@param contentEncoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param mediaType string +---@return AlternateView +function CS.System.Net.Mail.AlternateView:CreateAlternateViewFromString(content, contentEncoding, mediaType) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mail.AlternateViewCollection: System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mail.AlternateViewCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Mail.AlternateViewCollection.Dispose() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mail.Attachment: System.Net.Mail.AttachmentBase +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentDisposition System.Net.Mime.ContentDisposition +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +---@field NameEncoding System.Text.Encoding +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mail.Attachment = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param content string +---@param contentType System.Net.Mime.ContentType +---@return Attachment +function CS.System.Net.Mail.Attachment:CreateAttachmentFromString(content, contentType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param content string +---@param name string +---@return Attachment +function CS.System.Net.Mail.Attachment:CreateAttachmentFromString(content, name) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param content string +---@param name string +---@param contentEncoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param mediaType string +---@return Attachment +function CS.System.Net.Mail.Attachment:CreateAttachmentFromString(content, name, contentEncoding, mediaType) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mail.AttachmentBase: object +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentId string +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentStream System.IO.Stream +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentType System.Net.Mime.ContentType +---@source System.dll +---@field TransferEncoding System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mail.AttachmentBase = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Mail.AttachmentBase.Dispose() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mail.AttachmentCollection: System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mail.AttachmentCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Mail.AttachmentCollection.Dispose() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mail.DeliveryNotificationOptions: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Delay System.Net.Mail.DeliveryNotificationOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field Never System.Net.Mail.DeliveryNotificationOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Net.Mail.DeliveryNotificationOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field OnFailure System.Net.Mail.DeliveryNotificationOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field OnSuccess System.Net.Mail.DeliveryNotificationOptions +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mail.DeliveryNotificationOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Mail.DeliveryNotificationOptions +function CS.System.Net.Mail.DeliveryNotificationOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mail.LinkedResource: System.Net.Mail.AttachmentBase +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentLink System.Uri +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mail.LinkedResource = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param content string +---@return LinkedResource +function CS.System.Net.Mail.LinkedResource:CreateLinkedResourceFromString(content) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param content string +---@param contentType System.Net.Mime.ContentType +---@return LinkedResource +function CS.System.Net.Mail.LinkedResource:CreateLinkedResourceFromString(content, contentType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param content string +---@param contentEncoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param mediaType string +---@return LinkedResource +function CS.System.Net.Mail.LinkedResource:CreateLinkedResourceFromString(content, contentEncoding, mediaType) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mail.LinkedResourceCollection: System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mail.LinkedResourceCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Mail.LinkedResourceCollection.Dispose() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mail.MailAddress: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Address string +---@source System.dll +---@field DisplayName string +---@source System.dll +---@field Host string +---@source System.dll +---@field User string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mail.MailAddress = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Mail.MailAddress.Equals(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Mail.MailAddress.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Mail.MailAddress.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mail.MailAddressCollection: System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mail.MailAddressCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param addresses string +function CS.System.Net.Mail.MailAddressCollection.Add(addresses) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Mail.MailAddressCollection.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mail.MailMessage: object +---@source System.dll +---@field AlternateViews System.Net.Mail.AlternateViewCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Attachments System.Net.Mail.AttachmentCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Bcc System.Net.Mail.MailAddressCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Body string +---@source System.dll +---@field BodyEncoding System.Text.Encoding +---@source System.dll +---@field BodyTransferEncoding System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding +---@source System.dll +---@field CC System.Net.Mail.MailAddressCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field DeliveryNotificationOptions System.Net.Mail.DeliveryNotificationOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field From System.Net.Mail.MailAddress +---@source System.dll +---@field Headers System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field HeadersEncoding System.Text.Encoding +---@source System.dll +---@field IsBodyHtml bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Priority System.Net.Mail.MailPriority +---@source System.dll +---@field ReplyTo System.Net.Mail.MailAddress +---@source System.dll +---@field ReplyToList System.Net.Mail.MailAddressCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Sender System.Net.Mail.MailAddress +---@source System.dll +---@field Subject string +---@source System.dll +---@field SubjectEncoding System.Text.Encoding +---@source System.dll +---@field To System.Net.Mail.MailAddressCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mail.MailMessage = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Mail.MailMessage.Dispose() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mail.MailPriority: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field High System.Net.Mail.MailPriority +---@source System.dll +---@field Low System.Net.Mail.MailPriority +---@source System.dll +---@field Normal System.Net.Mail.MailPriority +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mail.MailPriority = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Mail.MailPriority +function CS.System.Net.Mail.MailPriority:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mail.SendCompletedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mail.SendCompletedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SendCompletedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SendCompletedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SendCompletedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mail.SmtpAccess: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Connect System.Net.Mail.SmtpAccess +---@source System.dll +---@field ConnectToUnrestrictedPort System.Net.Mail.SmtpAccess +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Net.Mail.SmtpAccess +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpAccess = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Mail.SmtpAccess +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpAccess:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient: object +---@source System.dll +---@field ClientCertificates System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Credentials System.Net.ICredentialsByHost +---@source System.dll +---@field DeliveryFormat System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryFormat +---@source System.dll +---@field DeliveryMethod System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryMethod +---@source System.dll +---@field EnableSsl bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Host string +---@source System.dll +---@field PickupDirectoryLocation string +---@source System.dll +---@field Port int +---@source System.dll +---@field ServicePoint System.Net.ServicePoint +---@source System.dll +---@field TargetName string +---@source System.dll +---@field Timeout int +---@source System.dll +---@field UseDefaultCredentials bool +---@source System.dll +---@field SendCompleted System.Net.Mail.SendCompletedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.Mail.SendCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.add_SendCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.Mail.SendCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.remove_SendCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message System.Net.Mail.MailMessage +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send(message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param from string +---@param recipients string +---@param subject string +---@param body string +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send(from, recipients, subject, body) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message System.Net.Mail.MailMessage +---@param userToken object +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.SendAsync(message, userToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param from string +---@param recipients string +---@param subject string +---@param body string +---@param userToken object +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.SendAsync(from, recipients, subject, body, userToken) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.SendAsyncCancel() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param message System.Net.Mail.MailMessage +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.SendMailAsync(message) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param from string +---@param recipients string +---@param subject string +---@param body string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.SendMailAsync(from, recipients, subject, body) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryFormat: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field International System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryFormat +---@source System.dll +---@field SevenBit System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryFormat +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryFormat = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryFormat +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryFormat:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryMethod: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Network System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryMethod +---@source System.dll +---@field PickupDirectoryFromIis System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryMethod +---@source System.dll +---@field SpecifiedPickupDirectory System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryMethod +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryMethod = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryMethod +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpDeliveryMethod:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: System.Exception +---@source System.dll +---@field StatusCode System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpException = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param serializationInfo System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param streamingContext System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpException.GetObjectData(serializationInfo, streamingContext) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mail.SmtpFailedRecipientException: System.Net.Mail.SmtpException +---@source System.dll +---@field FailedRecipient string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpFailedRecipientException = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param serializationInfo System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param streamingContext System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpFailedRecipientException.GetObjectData(serializationInfo, streamingContext) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mail.SmtpFailedRecipientsException: System.Net.Mail.SmtpFailedRecipientException +---@source System.dll +---@field InnerExceptions System.Net.Mail.SmtpFailedRecipientException[] +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpFailedRecipientsException = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param serializationInfo System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param streamingContext System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpFailedRecipientsException.GetObjectData(serializationInfo, streamingContext) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mail.SmtpPermission: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source System.dll +---@field Access System.Net.Mail.SmtpAccess +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpPermission = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param access System.Net.Mail.SmtpAccess +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpPermission.AddPermission(access) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpPermission.Copy() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param securityElement System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpPermission.FromXml(securityElement) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpPermission.IsUnrestricted() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpPermission.ToXml() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpPermission.Union(target) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mail.SmtpPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Access string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field BadCommandSequence System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field CannotVerifyUserWillAttemptDelivery System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ClientNotPermitted System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field CommandNotImplemented System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field CommandParameterNotImplemented System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field CommandUnrecognized System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ExceededStorageAllocation System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field GeneralFailure System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field HelpMessage System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field InsufficientStorage System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field LocalErrorInProcessing System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field MailboxBusy System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field MailboxNameNotAllowed System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field MailboxUnavailable System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field MustIssueStartTlsFirst System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field Ok System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ServiceClosingTransmissionChannel System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ServiceNotAvailable System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ServiceReady System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field StartMailInput System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field SyntaxError System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field SystemStatus System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field TransactionFailed System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field UserNotLocalTryAlternatePath System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field UserNotLocalWillForward System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode +function CS.System.Net.Mail.SmtpStatusCode:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Mime.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Mime.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..acb3d01c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Mime.lua @@ -0,0 +1,143 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mime.ContentDisposition: object +---@source System.dll +---@field CreationDate System.DateTime +---@source System.dll +---@field DispositionType string +---@source System.dll +---@field FileName string +---@source System.dll +---@field Inline bool +---@source System.dll +---@field ModificationDate System.DateTime +---@source System.dll +---@field Parameters System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary +---@source System.dll +---@field ReadDate System.DateTime +---@source System.dll +---@field Size long +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mime.ContentDisposition = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param rparam object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Mime.ContentDisposition.Equals(rparam) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Mime.ContentDisposition.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Mime.ContentDisposition.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mime.ContentType: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Boundary string +---@source System.dll +---@field CharSet string +---@source System.dll +---@field MediaType string +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +---@field Parameters System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mime.ContentType = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param rparam object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Mime.ContentType.Equals(rparam) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Mime.ContentType.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Mime.ContentType.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mime.DispositionTypeNames: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Attachment string +---@source System.dll +---@field Inline string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mime.DispositionTypeNames = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mime.Application: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Octet string +---@source System.dll +---@field Pdf string +---@source System.dll +---@field Rtf string +---@source System.dll +---@field Soap string +---@source System.dll +---@field Zip string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mime.Application = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mime.Image: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Gif string +---@source System.dll +---@field Jpeg string +---@source System.dll +---@field Tiff string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mime.Image = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mime.Text: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Html string +---@source System.dll +---@field Plain string +---@source System.dll +---@field RichText string +---@source System.dll +---@field Xml string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mime.Text = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Base64 System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding +---@source System.dll +---@field EightBit System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding +---@source System.dll +---@field QuotedPrintable System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding +---@source System.dll +---@field SevenBit System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding +---@source System.dll +---@field Unknown System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding +function CS.System.Net.Mime.TransferEncoding:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.NetworkInformation.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.NetworkInformation.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..44cac4069 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.NetworkInformation.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1500 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.DuplicateAddressDetectionState: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Deprecated System.Net.NetworkInformation.DuplicateAddressDetectionState +---@source System.dll +---@field Duplicate System.Net.NetworkInformation.DuplicateAddressDetectionState +---@source System.dll +---@field Invalid System.Net.NetworkInformation.DuplicateAddressDetectionState +---@source System.dll +---@field Preferred System.Net.NetworkInformation.DuplicateAddressDetectionState +---@source System.dll +---@field Tentative System.Net.NetworkInformation.DuplicateAddressDetectionState +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.DuplicateAddressDetectionState = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.NetworkInformation.DuplicateAddressDetectionState +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.DuplicateAddressDetectionState:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.GatewayIPAddressInformation: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Address System.Net.IPAddress +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.GatewayIPAddressInformation = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.GatewayIPAddressInformationCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Net.NetworkInformation.GatewayIPAddressInformation +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.GatewayIPAddressInformationCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.NetworkInformation.GatewayIPAddressInformation +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.GatewayIPAddressInformationCollection.Add(address) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.GatewayIPAddressInformationCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.NetworkInformation.GatewayIPAddressInformation +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.GatewayIPAddressInformationCollection.Contains(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Net.NetworkInformation.GatewayIPAddressInformation[] +---@param offset int +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.GatewayIPAddressInformationCollection.CopyTo(array, offset) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.GatewayIPAddressInformationCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.NetworkInformation.GatewayIPAddressInformation +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.GatewayIPAddressInformationCollection.Remove(address) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.IcmpV4Statistics: object +---@source System.dll +---@field AddressMaskRepliesReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field AddressMaskRepliesSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field AddressMaskRequestsReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field AddressMaskRequestsSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field DestinationUnreachableMessagesReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field DestinationUnreachableMessagesSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field EchoRepliesReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field EchoRepliesSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field EchoRequestsReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field EchoRequestsSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field ErrorsReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field ErrorsSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field MessagesReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field MessagesSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field ParameterProblemsReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field ParameterProblemsSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field RedirectsReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field RedirectsSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field SourceQuenchesReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field SourceQuenchesSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field TimeExceededMessagesReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field TimeExceededMessagesSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field TimestampRepliesReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field TimestampRepliesSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field TimestampRequestsReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field TimestampRequestsSent long +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IcmpV4Statistics = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.IcmpV6Statistics: object +---@source System.dll +---@field DestinationUnreachableMessagesReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field DestinationUnreachableMessagesSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field EchoRepliesReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field EchoRepliesSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field EchoRequestsReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field EchoRequestsSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field ErrorsReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field ErrorsSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field MembershipQueriesReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field MembershipQueriesSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field MembershipReductionsReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field MembershipReductionsSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field MembershipReportsReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field MembershipReportsSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field MessagesReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field MessagesSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field NeighborAdvertisementsReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field NeighborAdvertisementsSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field NeighborSolicitsReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field NeighborSolicitsSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field PacketTooBigMessagesReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field PacketTooBigMessagesSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field ParameterProblemsReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field ParameterProblemsSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field RedirectsReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field RedirectsSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field RouterAdvertisementsReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field RouterAdvertisementsSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field RouterSolicitsReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field RouterSolicitsSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field TimeExceededMessagesReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field TimeExceededMessagesSent long +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IcmpV6Statistics = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Net.IPAddress +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressCollection.Add(address) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressCollection.Contains(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Net.IPAddress[] +---@param offset int +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressCollection.CopyTo(array, offset) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressCollection.Remove(address) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressInformation: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Address System.Net.IPAddress +---@source System.dll +---@field IsDnsEligible bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsTransient bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressInformation = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressInformationCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressInformation +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressInformationCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressInformation +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressInformationCollection.Add(address) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressInformationCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressInformation +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressInformationCollection.Contains(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressInformation[] +---@param offset int +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressInformationCollection.CopyTo(array, offset) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressInformationCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressInformation +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressInformationCollection.Remove(address) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties: object +---@source System.dll +---@field DhcpScopeName string +---@source System.dll +---@field DomainName string +---@source System.dll +---@field HostName string +---@source System.dll +---@field IsWinsProxy bool +---@source System.dll +---@field NodeType System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetBiosNodeType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.BeginGetUnicastAddresses(callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.EndGetUnicastAddresses(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetActiveTcpConnections() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetActiveTcpListeners() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetActiveUdpListeners() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IcmpV4Statistics +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetIcmpV4Statistics() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IcmpV6Statistics +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetIcmpV6Statistics() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPGlobalProperties +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties:GetIPGlobalProperties() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPGlobalStatistics +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetIPv4GlobalStatistics() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPGlobalStatistics +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetIPv6GlobalStatistics() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return TcpStatistics +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetTcpIPv4Statistics() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return TcpStatistics +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetTcpIPv6Statistics() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return UdpStatistics +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetUdpIPv4Statistics() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return UdpStatistics +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetUdpIPv6Statistics() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetUnicastAddresses() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalProperties.GetUnicastAddressesAsync() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalStatistics: object +---@source System.dll +---@field DefaultTtl int +---@source System.dll +---@field ForwardingEnabled bool +---@source System.dll +---@field NumberOfInterfaces int +---@source System.dll +---@field NumberOfIPAddresses int +---@source System.dll +---@field NumberOfRoutes int +---@source System.dll +---@field OutputPacketRequests long +---@source System.dll +---@field OutputPacketRoutingDiscards long +---@source System.dll +---@field OutputPacketsDiscarded long +---@source System.dll +---@field OutputPacketsWithNoRoute long +---@source System.dll +---@field PacketFragmentFailures long +---@source System.dll +---@field PacketReassembliesRequired long +---@source System.dll +---@field PacketReassemblyFailures long +---@source System.dll +---@field PacketReassemblyTimeout long +---@source System.dll +---@field PacketsFragmented long +---@source System.dll +---@field PacketsReassembled long +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceivedPackets long +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceivedPacketsDelivered long +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceivedPacketsDiscarded long +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceivedPacketsForwarded long +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceivedPacketsWithAddressErrors long +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceivedPacketsWithHeadersErrors long +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceivedPacketsWithUnknownProtocol long +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPGlobalStatistics = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPInterfaceProperties: object +---@source System.dll +---@field AnycastAddresses System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressInformationCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field DhcpServerAddresses System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field DnsAddresses System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field DnsSuffix string +---@source System.dll +---@field GatewayAddresses System.Net.NetworkInformation.GatewayIPAddressInformationCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field IsDnsEnabled bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsDynamicDnsEnabled bool +---@source System.dll +---@field MulticastAddresses System.Net.NetworkInformation.MulticastIPAddressInformationCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field UnicastAddresses System.Net.NetworkInformation.UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field WinsServersAddresses System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPInterfaceProperties = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPv4InterfaceProperties +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPInterfaceProperties.GetIPv4Properties() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPv6InterfaceProperties +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPInterfaceProperties.GetIPv6Properties() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPInterfaceStatistics: object +---@source System.dll +---@field BytesReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field BytesSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field IncomingPacketsDiscarded long +---@source System.dll +---@field IncomingPacketsWithErrors long +---@source System.dll +---@field IncomingUnknownProtocolPackets long +---@source System.dll +---@field NonUnicastPacketsReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field NonUnicastPacketsSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field OutgoingPacketsDiscarded long +---@source System.dll +---@field OutgoingPacketsWithErrors long +---@source System.dll +---@field OutputQueueLength long +---@source System.dll +---@field UnicastPacketsReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field UnicastPacketsSent long +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPInterfaceStatistics = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field BadDestination System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field BadHeader System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field BadOption System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field BadRoute System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field DestinationHostUnreachable System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field DestinationNetworkUnreachable System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field DestinationPortUnreachable System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field DestinationProhibited System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field DestinationProtocolUnreachable System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field DestinationScopeMismatch System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field DestinationUnreachable System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field HardwareError System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field IcmpError System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field NoResources System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field PacketTooBig System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field ParameterProblem System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field SourceQuench System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field Success System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field TimedOut System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field TimeExceeded System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field TtlExpired System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field TtlReassemblyTimeExceeded System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field Unknown System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field UnrecognizedNextHeader System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPv4InterfaceProperties: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Index int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsAutomaticPrivateAddressingActive bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsAutomaticPrivateAddressingEnabled bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsDhcpEnabled bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsForwardingEnabled bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Mtu int +---@source System.dll +---@field UsesWins bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPv4InterfaceProperties = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPv4InterfaceStatistics: object +---@source System.dll +---@field BytesReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field BytesSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field IncomingPacketsDiscarded long +---@source System.dll +---@field IncomingPacketsWithErrors long +---@source System.dll +---@field IncomingUnknownProtocolPackets long +---@source System.dll +---@field NonUnicastPacketsReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field NonUnicastPacketsSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field OutgoingPacketsDiscarded long +---@source System.dll +---@field OutgoingPacketsWithErrors long +---@source System.dll +---@field OutputQueueLength long +---@source System.dll +---@field UnicastPacketsReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field UnicastPacketsSent long +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPv4InterfaceStatistics = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPv6InterfaceProperties: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Index int +---@source System.dll +---@field Mtu int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPv6InterfaceProperties = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param scopeLevel System.Net.NetworkInformation.ScopeLevel +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPv6InterfaceProperties.GetScopeId(scopeLevel) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.MulticastIPAddressInformation: System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressInformation +---@source System.dll +---@field AddressPreferredLifetime long +---@source System.dll +---@field AddressValidLifetime long +---@source System.dll +---@field DhcpLeaseLifetime long +---@source System.dll +---@field DuplicateAddressDetectionState System.Net.NetworkInformation.DuplicateAddressDetectionState +---@source System.dll +---@field PrefixOrigin System.Net.NetworkInformation.PrefixOrigin +---@source System.dll +---@field SuffixOrigin System.Net.NetworkInformation.SuffixOrigin +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.MulticastIPAddressInformation = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.MulticastIPAddressInformationCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Net.NetworkInformation.MulticastIPAddressInformation +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.MulticastIPAddressInformationCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.NetworkInformation.MulticastIPAddressInformation +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.MulticastIPAddressInformationCollection.Add(address) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.MulticastIPAddressInformationCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.NetworkInformation.MulticastIPAddressInformation +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.MulticastIPAddressInformationCollection.Contains(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Net.NetworkInformation.MulticastIPAddressInformation[] +---@param offset int +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.MulticastIPAddressInformationCollection.CopyTo(array, offset) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.MulticastIPAddressInformationCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.NetworkInformation.MulticastIPAddressInformation +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.MulticastIPAddressInformationCollection.Remove(address) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetBiosNodeType: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Broadcast System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetBiosNodeType +---@source System.dll +---@field Hybrid System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetBiosNodeType +---@source System.dll +---@field Mixed System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetBiosNodeType +---@source System.dll +---@field Peer2Peer System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetBiosNodeType +---@source System.dll +---@field Unknown System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetBiosNodeType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetBiosNodeType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetBiosNodeType +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetBiosNodeType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.EventArgs +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.EventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAvailabilityEventArgs +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAvailabilityEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkChange: object +---@source System.dll +---@field NetworkAddressChanged System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field NetworkAvailabilityChanged System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkChange = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkChange:add_NetworkAddressChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAddressChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkChange:remove_NetworkAddressChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkChange:add_NetworkAvailabilityChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAvailabilityChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkChange:remove_NetworkAvailabilityChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param nc System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkChange +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkChange:RegisterNetworkChange(nc) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAvailabilityEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field IsAvailable bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkAvailabilityEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationAccess: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationAccess +---@source System.dll +---@field Ping System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationAccess +---@source System.dll +---@field Read System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationAccess +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationAccess = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationAccess +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationAccess:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationException: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception +---@source System.dll +---@field ErrorCode int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationException = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationPermission: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source System.dll +---@field Access System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationAccess +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationPermission = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param access System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationAccess +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationPermission.AddPermission(access) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationPermission.Copy() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param securityElement System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationPermission.FromXml(securityElement) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationPermission.IsUnrestricted() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationPermission.ToXml() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationPermission.Union(target) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Access string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInformationPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Description string +---@source System.dll +---@field Id string +---@source System.dll +---@field IPv6LoopbackInterfaceIndex int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsReceiveOnly bool +---@source System.dll +---@field LoopbackInterfaceIndex int +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +---@field NetworkInterfaceType System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field OperationalStatus System.Net.NetworkInformation.OperationalStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field Speed long +---@source System.dll +---@field SupportsMulticast bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface:GetAllNetworkInterfaces() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPInterfaceProperties +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIPProperties() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPInterfaceStatistics +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIPStatistics() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPv4InterfaceStatistics +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetIPv4Statistics() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface:GetIsNetworkAvailable() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return PhysicalAddress +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.GetPhysicalAddress() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param networkInterfaceComponent System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceComponent +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterface.Supports(networkInterfaceComponent) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceComponent: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field IPv4 System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceComponent +---@source System.dll +---@field IPv6 System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceComponent +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceComponent = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceComponent +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceComponent:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.OperationalStatus: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Dormant System.Net.NetworkInformation.OperationalStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field Down System.Net.NetworkInformation.OperationalStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field LowerLayerDown System.Net.NetworkInformation.OperationalStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field NotPresent System.Net.NetworkInformation.OperationalStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field Testing System.Net.NetworkInformation.OperationalStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field Unknown System.Net.NetworkInformation.OperationalStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field Up System.Net.NetworkInformation.OperationalStatus +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.OperationalStatus = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.NetworkInformation.OperationalStatus +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.OperationalStatus:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field AsymmetricDsl System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field Atm System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field BasicIsdn System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field Ethernet System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field Ethernet3Megabit System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field FastEthernetFx System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field FastEthernetT System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field Fddi System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field GenericModem System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field GigabitEthernet System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field HighPerformanceSerialBus System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field IPOverAtm System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field Isdn System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field Loopback System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field MultiRateSymmetricDsl System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field Ppp System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field PrimaryIsdn System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field RateAdaptDsl System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field Slip System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field SymmetricDsl System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field TokenRing System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field Tunnel System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field Unknown System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field VeryHighSpeedDsl System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field Wireless80211 System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field Wman System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field Wwanpp System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +---@field Wwanpp2 System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.NetworkInterfaceType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.PhysicalAddress: object +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Net.NetworkInformation.PhysicalAddress +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.PhysicalAddress = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param comparand object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.PhysicalAddress.Equals(comparand) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.PhysicalAddress.GetAddressBytes() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.PhysicalAddress.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@return PhysicalAddress +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.PhysicalAddress:Parse(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.PhysicalAddress.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping: System.ComponentModel.Component +---@source System.dll +---@field PingCompleted System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingCompletedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.add_PingCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.remove_PingCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@return PingReply +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.Send(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@param timeout int +---@return PingReply +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.Send(address, timeout) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@param timeout int +---@param buffer byte[] +---@return PingReply +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.Send(address, timeout, buffer) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@param timeout int +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param options System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions +---@return PingReply +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.Send(address, timeout, buffer, options) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostNameOrAddress string +---@return PingReply +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.Send(hostNameOrAddress) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostNameOrAddress string +---@param timeout int +---@return PingReply +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.Send(hostNameOrAddress, timeout) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostNameOrAddress string +---@param timeout int +---@param buffer byte[] +---@return PingReply +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.Send(hostNameOrAddress, timeout, buffer) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostNameOrAddress string +---@param timeout int +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param options System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions +---@return PingReply +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.Send(hostNameOrAddress, timeout, buffer, options) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@param timeout int +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param options System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions +---@param userToken object +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.SendAsync(address, timeout, buffer, options, userToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@param timeout int +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param userToken object +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.SendAsync(address, timeout, buffer, userToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@param timeout int +---@param userToken object +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.SendAsync(address, timeout, userToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@param userToken object +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.SendAsync(address, userToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostNameOrAddress string +---@param timeout int +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param options System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions +---@param userToken object +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.SendAsync(hostNameOrAddress, timeout, buffer, options, userToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostNameOrAddress string +---@param timeout int +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param userToken object +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.SendAsync(hostNameOrAddress, timeout, buffer, userToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostNameOrAddress string +---@param timeout int +---@param userToken object +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.SendAsync(hostNameOrAddress, timeout, userToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostNameOrAddress string +---@param userToken object +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.SendAsync(hostNameOrAddress, userToken) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.SendAsyncCancel() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.SendPingAsync(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@param timeout int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.SendPingAsync(address, timeout) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@param timeout int +---@param buffer byte[] +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.SendPingAsync(address, timeout, buffer) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@param timeout int +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param options System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.SendPingAsync(address, timeout, buffer, options) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostNameOrAddress string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.SendPingAsync(hostNameOrAddress) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostNameOrAddress string +---@param timeout int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.SendPingAsync(hostNameOrAddress, timeout) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostNameOrAddress string +---@param timeout int +---@param buffer byte[] +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.SendPingAsync(hostNameOrAddress, timeout, buffer) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostNameOrAddress string +---@param timeout int +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param options System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping.SendPingAsync(hostNameOrAddress, timeout, buffer, options) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingCompletedEventArgs: System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Reply System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingReply +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingCompletedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingCompletedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingCompletedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingCompletedEventArgs +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingCompletedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingCompletedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingCompletedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingCompletedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingException: System.InvalidOperationException +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingException = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.PrefixOrigin: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Dhcp System.Net.NetworkInformation.PrefixOrigin +---@source System.dll +---@field Manual System.Net.NetworkInformation.PrefixOrigin +---@source System.dll +---@field Other System.Net.NetworkInformation.PrefixOrigin +---@source System.dll +---@field RouterAdvertisement System.Net.NetworkInformation.PrefixOrigin +---@source System.dll +---@field WellKnown System.Net.NetworkInformation.PrefixOrigin +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.PrefixOrigin = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.NetworkInformation.PrefixOrigin +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.PrefixOrigin:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions: object +---@source System.dll +---@field DontFragment bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Ttl int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingReply: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Address System.Net.IPAddress +---@source System.dll +---@field Buffer byte[] +---@source System.dll +---@field Options System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field RoundtripTime long +---@source System.dll +---@field Status System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPStatus +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.PingReply = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.ScopeLevel: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Admin System.Net.NetworkInformation.ScopeLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Global System.Net.NetworkInformation.ScopeLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Interface System.Net.NetworkInformation.ScopeLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Link System.Net.NetworkInformation.ScopeLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Net.NetworkInformation.ScopeLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Organization System.Net.NetworkInformation.ScopeLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Site System.Net.NetworkInformation.ScopeLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Subnet System.Net.NetworkInformation.ScopeLevel +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.ScopeLevel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.NetworkInformation.ScopeLevel +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.ScopeLevel:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.SuffixOrigin: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field LinkLayerAddress System.Net.NetworkInformation.SuffixOrigin +---@source System.dll +---@field Manual System.Net.NetworkInformation.SuffixOrigin +---@source System.dll +---@field OriginDhcp System.Net.NetworkInformation.SuffixOrigin +---@source System.dll +---@field Other System.Net.NetworkInformation.SuffixOrigin +---@source System.dll +---@field Random System.Net.NetworkInformation.SuffixOrigin +---@source System.dll +---@field WellKnown System.Net.NetworkInformation.SuffixOrigin +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.SuffixOrigin = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.NetworkInformation.SuffixOrigin +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.SuffixOrigin:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpConnectionInformation: object +---@source System.dll +---@field LocalEndPoint System.Net.IPEndPoint +---@source System.dll +---@field RemoteEndPoint System.Net.IPEndPoint +---@source System.dll +---@field State System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpState +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpConnectionInformation = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpState: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Closed System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpState +---@source System.dll +---@field CloseWait System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpState +---@source System.dll +---@field Closing System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpState +---@source System.dll +---@field DeleteTcb System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpState +---@source System.dll +---@field Established System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpState +---@source System.dll +---@field FinWait1 System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpState +---@source System.dll +---@field FinWait2 System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpState +---@source System.dll +---@field LastAck System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpState +---@source System.dll +---@field Listen System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpState +---@source System.dll +---@field SynReceived System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpState +---@source System.dll +---@field SynSent System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpState +---@source System.dll +---@field TimeWait System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpState +---@source System.dll +---@field Unknown System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpState +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpState = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpState +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpState:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpStatistics: object +---@source System.dll +---@field ConnectionsAccepted long +---@source System.dll +---@field ConnectionsInitiated long +---@source System.dll +---@field CumulativeConnections long +---@source System.dll +---@field CurrentConnections long +---@source System.dll +---@field ErrorsReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field FailedConnectionAttempts long +---@source System.dll +---@field MaximumConnections long +---@source System.dll +---@field MaximumTransmissionTimeout long +---@source System.dll +---@field MinimumTransmissionTimeout long +---@source System.dll +---@field ResetConnections long +---@source System.dll +---@field ResetsSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field SegmentsReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field SegmentsResent long +---@source System.dll +---@field SegmentsSent long +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.TcpStatistics = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.UdpStatistics: object +---@source System.dll +---@field DatagramsReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field DatagramsSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field IncomingDatagramsDiscarded long +---@source System.dll +---@field IncomingDatagramsWithErrors long +---@source System.dll +---@field UdpListeners int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.UdpStatistics = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.UnicastIPAddressInformation: System.Net.NetworkInformation.IPAddressInformation +---@source System.dll +---@field AddressPreferredLifetime long +---@source System.dll +---@field AddressValidLifetime long +---@source System.dll +---@field DhcpLeaseLifetime long +---@source System.dll +---@field DuplicateAddressDetectionState System.Net.NetworkInformation.DuplicateAddressDetectionState +---@source System.dll +---@field IPv4Mask System.Net.IPAddress +---@source System.dll +---@field PrefixLength int +---@source System.dll +---@field PrefixOrigin System.Net.NetworkInformation.PrefixOrigin +---@source System.dll +---@field SuffixOrigin System.Net.NetworkInformation.SuffixOrigin +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.UnicastIPAddressInformation = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkInformation.UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Net.NetworkInformation.UnicastIPAddressInformation +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.NetworkInformation.UnicastIPAddressInformation +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection.Add(address) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.NetworkInformation.UnicastIPAddressInformation +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection.Contains(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Net.NetworkInformation.UnicastIPAddressInformation[] +---@param offset int +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection.CopyTo(array, offset) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.NetworkInformation.UnicastIPAddressInformation +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.NetworkInformation.UnicastIPAddressInformationCollection.Remove(address) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Security.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Security.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..22a34a5ea --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Security.lua @@ -0,0 +1,677 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Security.AuthenticatedStream: System.IO.Stream +---@source System.dll +---@field IsAuthenticated bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsEncrypted bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsMutuallyAuthenticated bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsServer bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSigned bool +---@source System.dll +---@field LeaveInnerStreamOpen bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Security.AuthenticatedStream = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Security.AuthenticationLevel: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field MutualAuthRequested System.Net.Security.AuthenticationLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field MutualAuthRequired System.Net.Security.AuthenticationLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Net.Security.AuthenticationLevel +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Security.AuthenticationLevel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Security.AuthenticationLevel +function CS.System.Net.Security.AuthenticationLevel:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Security.EncryptionPolicy: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field AllowNoEncryption System.Net.Security.EncryptionPolicy +---@source System.dll +---@field NoEncryption System.Net.Security.EncryptionPolicy +---@source System.dll +---@field RequireEncryption System.Net.Security.EncryptionPolicy +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Security.EncryptionPolicy = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Security.EncryptionPolicy +function CS.System.Net.Security.EncryptionPolicy:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Security.LocalCertificateSelectionCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Security.LocalCertificateSelectionCallback = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param targetHost string +---@param localCertificates System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection +---@param remoteCertificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@param acceptableIssuers string[] +---@return X509Certificate +function CS.System.Net.Security.LocalCertificateSelectionCallback.Invoke(sender, targetHost, localCertificates, remoteCertificate, acceptableIssuers) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param targetHost string +---@param localCertificates System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection +---@param remoteCertificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@param acceptableIssuers string[] +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.LocalCertificateSelectionCallback.BeginInvoke(sender, targetHost, localCertificates, remoteCertificate, acceptableIssuers, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return X509Certificate +function CS.System.Net.Security.LocalCertificateSelectionCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream: System.Net.Security.AuthenticatedStream +---@source System.dll +---@field CanRead bool +---@source System.dll +---@field CanSeek bool +---@source System.dll +---@field CanTimeout bool +---@source System.dll +---@field CanWrite bool +---@source System.dll +---@field ImpersonationLevel System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field IsAuthenticated bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsEncrypted bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsMutuallyAuthenticated bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsServer bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSigned bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Length long +---@source System.dll +---@field Position long +---@source System.dll +---@field ReadTimeout int +---@source System.dll +---@field RemoteIdentity System.Security.Principal.IIdentity +---@source System.dll +---@field WriteTimeout int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.AuthenticateAsClient() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param credential System.Net.NetworkCredential +---@param binding System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ChannelBinding +---@param targetName string +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.AuthenticateAsClient(credential, binding, targetName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param credential System.Net.NetworkCredential +---@param binding System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ChannelBinding +---@param targetName string +---@param requiredProtectionLevel System.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel +---@param allowedImpersonationLevel System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.AuthenticateAsClient(credential, binding, targetName, requiredProtectionLevel, allowedImpersonationLevel) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param credential System.Net.NetworkCredential +---@param targetName string +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.AuthenticateAsClient(credential, targetName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param credential System.Net.NetworkCredential +---@param targetName string +---@param requiredProtectionLevel System.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel +---@param allowedImpersonationLevel System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.AuthenticateAsClient(credential, targetName, requiredProtectionLevel, allowedImpersonationLevel) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.AuthenticateAsClientAsync() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param credential System.Net.NetworkCredential +---@param binding System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ChannelBinding +---@param targetName string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.AuthenticateAsClientAsync(credential, binding, targetName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param credential System.Net.NetworkCredential +---@param binding System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ChannelBinding +---@param targetName string +---@param requiredProtectionLevel System.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel +---@param allowedImpersonationLevel System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.AuthenticateAsClientAsync(credential, binding, targetName, requiredProtectionLevel, allowedImpersonationLevel) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param credential System.Net.NetworkCredential +---@param targetName string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.AuthenticateAsClientAsync(credential, targetName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param credential System.Net.NetworkCredential +---@param targetName string +---@param requiredProtectionLevel System.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel +---@param allowedImpersonationLevel System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.AuthenticateAsClientAsync(credential, targetName, requiredProtectionLevel, allowedImpersonationLevel) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.AuthenticateAsServer() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param credential System.Net.NetworkCredential +---@param requiredProtectionLevel System.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel +---@param requiredImpersonationLevel System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.AuthenticateAsServer(credential, requiredProtectionLevel, requiredImpersonationLevel) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param credential System.Net.NetworkCredential +---@param policy System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ExtendedProtectionPolicy +---@param requiredProtectionLevel System.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel +---@param requiredImpersonationLevel System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.AuthenticateAsServer(credential, policy, requiredProtectionLevel, requiredImpersonationLevel) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param policy System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ExtendedProtectionPolicy +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.AuthenticateAsServer(policy) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.AuthenticateAsServerAsync() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param credential System.Net.NetworkCredential +---@param requiredProtectionLevel System.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel +---@param requiredImpersonationLevel System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.AuthenticateAsServerAsync(credential, requiredProtectionLevel, requiredImpersonationLevel) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param credential System.Net.NetworkCredential +---@param policy System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ExtendedProtectionPolicy +---@param requiredProtectionLevel System.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel +---@param requiredImpersonationLevel System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.AuthenticateAsServerAsync(credential, policy, requiredProtectionLevel, requiredImpersonationLevel) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param policy System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ExtendedProtectionPolicy +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.AuthenticateAsServerAsync(policy) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param asyncState object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.BeginAuthenticateAsClient(asyncCallback, asyncState) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param credential System.Net.NetworkCredential +---@param binding System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ChannelBinding +---@param targetName string +---@param asyncCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param asyncState object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.BeginAuthenticateAsClient(credential, binding, targetName, asyncCallback, asyncState) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param credential System.Net.NetworkCredential +---@param binding System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ChannelBinding +---@param targetName string +---@param requiredProtectionLevel System.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel +---@param allowedImpersonationLevel System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel +---@param asyncCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param asyncState object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.BeginAuthenticateAsClient(credential, binding, targetName, requiredProtectionLevel, allowedImpersonationLevel, asyncCallback, asyncState) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param credential System.Net.NetworkCredential +---@param targetName string +---@param asyncCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param asyncState object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.BeginAuthenticateAsClient(credential, targetName, asyncCallback, asyncState) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param credential System.Net.NetworkCredential +---@param targetName string +---@param requiredProtectionLevel System.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel +---@param allowedImpersonationLevel System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel +---@param asyncCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param asyncState object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.BeginAuthenticateAsClient(credential, targetName, requiredProtectionLevel, allowedImpersonationLevel, asyncCallback, asyncState) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param asyncState object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.BeginAuthenticateAsServer(asyncCallback, asyncState) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param credential System.Net.NetworkCredential +---@param requiredProtectionLevel System.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel +---@param requiredImpersonationLevel System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel +---@param asyncCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param asyncState object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.BeginAuthenticateAsServer(credential, requiredProtectionLevel, requiredImpersonationLevel, asyncCallback, asyncState) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param credential System.Net.NetworkCredential +---@param policy System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ExtendedProtectionPolicy +---@param requiredProtectionLevel System.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel +---@param requiredImpersonationLevel System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel +---@param asyncCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param asyncState object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.BeginAuthenticateAsServer(credential, policy, requiredProtectionLevel, requiredImpersonationLevel, asyncCallback, asyncState) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param policy System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ExtendedProtectionPolicy +---@param asyncCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param asyncState object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.BeginAuthenticateAsServer(policy, asyncCallback, asyncState) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param asyncCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param asyncState object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.BeginRead(buffer, offset, count, asyncCallback, asyncState) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param asyncCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param asyncState object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.BeginWrite(buffer, offset, count, asyncCallback, asyncState) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.EndAuthenticateAsClient(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.EndAuthenticateAsServer(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.EndRead(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.EndWrite(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.Flush() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.Read(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param offset long +---@param origin System.IO.SeekOrigin +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.Seek(offset, origin) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.SetLength(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Net.Security.NegotiateStream.Write(buffer, offset, count) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field EncryptAndSign System.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Sign System.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel +function CS.System.Net.Security.ProtectionLevel:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Security.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Security.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param certificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@param chain System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain +---@param sslPolicyErrors System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Security.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback.Invoke(sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param certificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@param chain System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain +---@param sslPolicyErrors System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback.BeginInvoke(sender, certificate, chain, sslPolicyErrors, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Security.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors +---@source System.dll +---@field RemoteCertificateChainErrors System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors +---@source System.dll +---@field RemoteCertificateNameMismatch System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors +---@source System.dll +---@field RemoteCertificateNotAvailable System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Security.SslStream: System.Net.Security.AuthenticatedStream +---@source System.dll +---@field CanRead bool +---@source System.dll +---@field CanSeek bool +---@source System.dll +---@field CanTimeout bool +---@source System.dll +---@field CanWrite bool +---@source System.dll +---@field CheckCertRevocationStatus bool +---@source System.dll +---@field CipherAlgorithm System.Security.Authentication.CipherAlgorithmType +---@source System.dll +---@field CipherStrength int +---@source System.dll +---@field HashAlgorithm System.Security.Authentication.HashAlgorithmType +---@source System.dll +---@field HashStrength int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsAuthenticated bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsEncrypted bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsMutuallyAuthenticated bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsServer bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSigned bool +---@source System.dll +---@field KeyExchangeAlgorithm System.Security.Authentication.ExchangeAlgorithmType +---@source System.dll +---@field KeyExchangeStrength int +---@source System.dll +---@field Length long +---@source System.dll +---@field LocalCertificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@source System.dll +---@field Position long +---@source System.dll +---@field ReadTimeout int +---@source System.dll +---@field RemoteCertificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@source System.dll +---@field SslProtocol System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols +---@source System.dll +---@field TransportContext System.Net.TransportContext +---@source System.dll +---@field WriteTimeout int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param targetHost string +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.AuthenticateAsClient(targetHost) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param targetHost string +---@param clientCertificates System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection +---@param checkCertificateRevocation bool +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.AuthenticateAsClient(targetHost, clientCertificates, checkCertificateRevocation) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param targetHost string +---@param clientCertificates System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection +---@param enabledSslProtocols System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols +---@param checkCertificateRevocation bool +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.AuthenticateAsClient(targetHost, clientCertificates, enabledSslProtocols, checkCertificateRevocation) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param targetHost string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.AuthenticateAsClientAsync(targetHost) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param targetHost string +---@param clientCertificates System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection +---@param checkCertificateRevocation bool +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.AuthenticateAsClientAsync(targetHost, clientCertificates, checkCertificateRevocation) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param targetHost string +---@param clientCertificates System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection +---@param enabledSslProtocols System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols +---@param checkCertificateRevocation bool +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.AuthenticateAsClientAsync(targetHost, clientCertificates, enabledSslProtocols, checkCertificateRevocation) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param serverCertificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.AuthenticateAsServer(serverCertificate) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param serverCertificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@param clientCertificateRequired bool +---@param checkCertificateRevocation bool +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.AuthenticateAsServer(serverCertificate, clientCertificateRequired, checkCertificateRevocation) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param serverCertificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@param clientCertificateRequired bool +---@param enabledSslProtocols System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols +---@param checkCertificateRevocation bool +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.AuthenticateAsServer(serverCertificate, clientCertificateRequired, enabledSslProtocols, checkCertificateRevocation) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param serverCertificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.AuthenticateAsServerAsync(serverCertificate) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param serverCertificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@param clientCertificateRequired bool +---@param checkCertificateRevocation bool +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.AuthenticateAsServerAsync(serverCertificate, clientCertificateRequired, checkCertificateRevocation) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param serverCertificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@param clientCertificateRequired bool +---@param enabledSslProtocols System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols +---@param checkCertificateRevocation bool +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.AuthenticateAsServerAsync(serverCertificate, clientCertificateRequired, enabledSslProtocols, checkCertificateRevocation) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param targetHost string +---@param asyncCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param asyncState object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.BeginAuthenticateAsClient(targetHost, asyncCallback, asyncState) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param targetHost string +---@param clientCertificates System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection +---@param checkCertificateRevocation bool +---@param asyncCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param asyncState object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.BeginAuthenticateAsClient(targetHost, clientCertificates, checkCertificateRevocation, asyncCallback, asyncState) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param targetHost string +---@param clientCertificates System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection +---@param enabledSslProtocols System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols +---@param checkCertificateRevocation bool +---@param asyncCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param asyncState object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.BeginAuthenticateAsClient(targetHost, clientCertificates, enabledSslProtocols, checkCertificateRevocation, asyncCallback, asyncState) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param serverCertificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@param asyncCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param asyncState object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.BeginAuthenticateAsServer(serverCertificate, asyncCallback, asyncState) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param serverCertificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@param clientCertificateRequired bool +---@param checkCertificateRevocation bool +---@param asyncCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param asyncState object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.BeginAuthenticateAsServer(serverCertificate, clientCertificateRequired, checkCertificateRevocation, asyncCallback, asyncState) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param serverCertificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@param clientCertificateRequired bool +---@param enabledSslProtocols System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols +---@param checkCertificateRevocation bool +---@param asyncCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param asyncState object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.BeginAuthenticateAsServer(serverCertificate, clientCertificateRequired, enabledSslProtocols, checkCertificateRevocation, asyncCallback, asyncState) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param asyncCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param asyncState object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.BeginRead(buffer, offset, count, asyncCallback, asyncState) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param asyncCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param asyncState object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.BeginWrite(buffer, offset, count, asyncCallback, asyncState) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.EndAuthenticateAsClient(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.EndAuthenticateAsServer(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.EndRead(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.EndWrite(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.Flush() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.Read(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param offset long +---@param origin System.IO.SeekOrigin +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.Seek(offset, origin) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.SetLength(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.ShutdownAsync() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.Write(buffer) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Net.Security.SslStream.Write(buffer, offset, count) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Sockets.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Sockets.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6e553c086 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.Sockets.lua @@ -0,0 +1,2133 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field AppleTalk System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Atm System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Banyan System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Ccitt System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Chaos System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Cluster System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field DataKit System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field DataLink System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field DecNet System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Ecma System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field FireFox System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field HyperChannel System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Ieee12844 System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field ImpLink System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field InterNetwork System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field InterNetworkV6 System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Ipx System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Irda System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Iso System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Lat System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Max System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field NetBios System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field NetworkDesigners System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field NS System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Osi System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Pup System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Sna System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Unix System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Unknown System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Unspecified System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field VoiceView System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field AbsorbRouterAlert System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field AddMulticastGroupOnInterface System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field AddressListChange System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field AddressListQuery System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field AddressListSort System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field AssociateHandle System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field AsyncIO System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field BindToInterface System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field DataToRead System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field DeleteMulticastGroupFromInterface System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field EnableCircularQueuing System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field Flush System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field GetBroadcastAddress System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field GetExtensionFunctionPointer System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field GetGroupQos System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field GetQos System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field KeepAliveValues System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field LimitBroadcasts System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field MulticastInterface System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field MulticastScope System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field MultipointLoopback System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field NamespaceChange System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field NonBlockingIO System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field OobDataRead System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field QueryTargetPnpHandle System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceiveAll System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceiveAllIgmpMulticast System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceiveAllMulticast System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field RoutingInterfaceChange System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field RoutingInterfaceQuery System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field SetGroupQos System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field SetQos System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field TranslateHandle System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +---@field UnicastInterface System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.IPPacketInformation: System.ValueType +---@source System.dll +---@field Address System.Net.IPAddress +---@source System.dll +---@field Interface int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.IPPacketInformation = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param comparand object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.IPPacketInformation.Equals(comparand) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.IPPacketInformation.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param packetInformation1 System.Net.Sockets.IPPacketInformation +---@param packetInformation2 System.Net.Sockets.IPPacketInformation +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.IPPacketInformation:op_Equality(packetInformation1, packetInformation2) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param packetInformation1 System.Net.Sockets.IPPacketInformation +---@param packetInformation2 System.Net.Sockets.IPPacketInformation +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.IPPacketInformation:op_Inequality(packetInformation1, packetInformation2) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.IPProtectionLevel: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field EdgeRestricted System.Net.Sockets.IPProtectionLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Restricted System.Net.Sockets.IPProtectionLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Unrestricted System.Net.Sockets.IPProtectionLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Unspecified System.Net.Sockets.IPProtectionLevel +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.IPProtectionLevel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Sockets.IPProtectionLevel +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.IPProtectionLevel:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.IPv6MulticastOption: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Group System.Net.IPAddress +---@source System.dll +---@field InterfaceIndex long +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.IPv6MulticastOption = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.LingerOption: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Enabled bool +---@source System.dll +---@field LingerTime int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.LingerOption = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream: System.IO.Stream +---@source System.dll +---@field CanRead bool +---@source System.dll +---@field CanSeek bool +---@source System.dll +---@field CanTimeout bool +---@source System.dll +---@field CanWrite bool +---@source System.dll +---@field DataAvailable bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Length long +---@source System.dll +---@field Position long +---@source System.dll +---@field ReadTimeout int +---@source System.dll +---@field WriteTimeout int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param size int +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.BeginRead(buffer, offset, size, callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param size int +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.BeginWrite(buffer, offset, size, callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param timeout int +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Close(timeout) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.EndRead(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.EndWrite(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Flush() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.FlushAsync(cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param size int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Read(buffer, offset, size) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param offset long +---@param origin System.IO.SeekOrigin +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Seek(offset, origin) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.SetLength(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param size int +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.NetworkStream.Write(buffer, offset, size) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.MulticastOption: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Group System.Net.IPAddress +---@source System.dll +---@field InterfaceIndex int +---@source System.dll +---@field LocalAddress System.Net.IPAddress +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.MulticastOption = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field AppleTalk System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Atm System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Banyan System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Ccitt System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Chaos System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Cluster System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field DataKit System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field DataLink System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field DecNet System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Ecma System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field FireFox System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field HyperChannel System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Ieee12844 System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field ImpLink System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field InterNetwork System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field InterNetworkV6 System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Ipx System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Irda System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Iso System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Lat System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Max System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field NetBios System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field NetworkDesigners System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field NS System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Osi System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Pup System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Sna System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Unix System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Unknown System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Unspecified System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field VoiceView System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolFamily:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Ggp System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field Icmp System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field IcmpV6 System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field Idp System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field Igmp System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field IP System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field IPSecAuthenticationHeader System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field IPSecEncapsulatingSecurityPayload System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field IPv4 System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field IPv6 System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field IPv6DestinationOptions System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field IPv6FragmentHeader System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field IPv6HopByHopOptions System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field IPv6NoNextHeader System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field IPv6RoutingHeader System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field Ipx System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field ND System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field Pup System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field Raw System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field Spx System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field SpxII System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field Tcp System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field Udp System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field Unknown System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field Unspecified System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.SelectMode: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field SelectError System.Net.Sockets.SelectMode +---@source System.dll +---@field SelectRead System.Net.Sockets.SelectMode +---@source System.dll +---@field SelectWrite System.Net.Sockets.SelectMode +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.SelectMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Sockets.SelectMode +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SelectMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.SendPacketsElement: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Buffer byte[] +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field EndOfPacket bool +---@source System.dll +---@field FilePath string +---@source System.dll +---@field Offset int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.SendPacketsElement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.Socket: object +---@source System.dll +---@field AddressFamily System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Available int +---@source System.dll +---@field Blocking bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Connected bool +---@source System.dll +---@field DontFragment bool +---@source System.dll +---@field DualMode bool +---@source System.dll +---@field EnableBroadcast bool +---@source System.dll +---@field ExclusiveAddressUse bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Handle System.IntPtr +---@source System.dll +---@field IsBound bool +---@source System.dll +---@field LingerState System.Net.Sockets.LingerOption +---@source System.dll +---@field LocalEndPoint System.Net.EndPoint +---@source System.dll +---@field MulticastLoopback bool +---@source System.dll +---@field NoDelay bool +---@source System.dll +---@field OSSupportsIPv4 bool +---@source System.dll +---@field OSSupportsIPv6 bool +---@source System.dll +---@field ProtocolType System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceiveBufferSize int +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceiveTimeout int +---@source System.dll +---@field RemoteEndPoint System.Net.EndPoint +---@source System.dll +---@field SendBufferSize int +---@source System.dll +---@field SendTimeout int +---@source System.dll +---@field SocketType System.Net.Sockets.SocketType +---@source System.dll +---@field SupportsIPv4 bool +---@source System.dll +---@field SupportsIPv6 bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Ttl short +---@source System.dll +---@field UseOnlyOverlappedIO bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return Socket +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Accept() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param e System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AcceptAsync(e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginAccept(callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param receiveSize int +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginAccept(receiveSize, callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param acceptSocket System.Net.Sockets.Socket +---@param receiveSize int +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginAccept(acceptSocket, receiveSize, callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param remoteEP System.Net.EndPoint +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginConnect(remoteEP, callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@param port int +---@param requestCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginConnect(address, port, requestCallback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param addresses System.Net.IPAddress[] +---@param port int +---@param requestCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginConnect(addresses, port, requestCallback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param host string +---@param port int +---@param requestCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginConnect(host, port, requestCallback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param reuseSocket bool +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginDisconnect(reuseSocket, callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param size int +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginReceive(buffer, offset, size, socketFlags, callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param size int +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param errorCode System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginReceive(buffer, offset, size, socketFlags, errorCode, callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffers System.Collections.Generic.IList> +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginReceive(buffers, socketFlags, callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffers System.Collections.Generic.IList> +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param errorCode System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginReceive(buffers, socketFlags, errorCode, callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param size int +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param remoteEP System.Net.EndPoint +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginReceiveFrom(buffer, offset, size, socketFlags, remoteEP, callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param size int +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param remoteEP System.Net.EndPoint +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginReceiveMessageFrom(buffer, offset, size, socketFlags, remoteEP, callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param size int +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginSend(buffer, offset, size, socketFlags, callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param size int +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param errorCode System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginSend(buffer, offset, size, socketFlags, errorCode, callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffers System.Collections.Generic.IList> +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginSend(buffers, socketFlags, callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffers System.Collections.Generic.IList> +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param errorCode System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginSend(buffers, socketFlags, errorCode, callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginSendFile(fileName, callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param preBuffer byte[] +---@param postBuffer byte[] +---@param flags System.Net.Sockets.TransmitFileOptions +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginSendFile(fileName, preBuffer, postBuffer, flags, callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param size int +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param remoteEP System.Net.EndPoint +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginSendTo(buffer, offset, size, socketFlags, remoteEP, callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param localEP System.Net.EndPoint +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Bind(localEP) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param e System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket:CancelConnectAsync(e) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Close() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param timeout int +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Close(timeout) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param remoteEP System.Net.EndPoint +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Connect(remoteEP) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@param port int +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Connect(address, port) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param addresses System.Net.IPAddress[] +---@param port int +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Connect(addresses, port) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param host string +---@param port int +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Connect(host, port) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param e System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.ConnectAsync(e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param socketType System.Net.Sockets.SocketType +---@param protocolType System.Net.Sockets.ProtocolType +---@param e System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket:ConnectAsync(socketType, protocolType, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param reuseSocket bool +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Disconnect(reuseSocket) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param e System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DisconnectAsync(e) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param targetProcessId int +---@return SocketInformation +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DuplicateAndClose(targetProcessId) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Socket +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndAccept(buffer, asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param bytesTransferred int +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Socket +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndAccept(buffer, bytesTransferred, asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Socket +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndAccept(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndConnect(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndDisconnect(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndReceive(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@param errorCode System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndReceive(asyncResult, errorCode) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@param endPoint System.Net.EndPoint +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndReceiveFrom(asyncResult, endPoint) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param endPoint System.Net.EndPoint +---@param ipPacketInformation System.Net.Sockets.IPPacketInformation +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndReceiveMessageFrom(asyncResult, socketFlags, endPoint, ipPacketInformation) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndSend(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@param errorCode System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndSend(asyncResult, errorCode) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndSendFile(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.EndSendTo(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param optionLevel System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionLevel +---@param optionName System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@return Object +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.GetSocketOption(optionLevel, optionName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param optionLevel System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionLevel +---@param optionName System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@param optionValue byte[] +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.GetSocketOption(optionLevel, optionName, optionValue) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param optionLevel System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionLevel +---@param optionName System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@param optionLength int +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.GetSocketOption(optionLevel, optionName, optionLength) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param ioControlCode int +---@param optionInValue byte[] +---@param optionOutValue byte[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.IOControl(ioControlCode, optionInValue, optionOutValue) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param ioControlCode System.Net.Sockets.IOControlCode +---@param optionInValue byte[] +---@param optionOutValue byte[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.IOControl(ioControlCode, optionInValue, optionOutValue) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param backlog int +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Listen(backlog) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param microSeconds int +---@param mode System.Net.Sockets.SelectMode +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Poll(microSeconds, mode) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(buffer) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param size int +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(buffer, offset, size, socketFlags) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param size int +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param errorCode System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(buffer, offset, size, socketFlags, errorCode) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param size int +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(buffer, size, socketFlags) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(buffer, socketFlags) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffers System.Collections.Generic.IList> +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(buffers) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffers System.Collections.Generic.IList> +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(buffers, socketFlags) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffers System.Collections.Generic.IList> +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param errorCode System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(buffers, socketFlags, errorCode) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param e System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.ReceiveAsync(e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param size int +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param remoteEP System.Net.EndPoint +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.ReceiveFrom(buffer, offset, size, socketFlags, remoteEP) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param size int +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param remoteEP System.Net.EndPoint +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.ReceiveFrom(buffer, size, socketFlags, remoteEP) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param remoteEP System.Net.EndPoint +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.ReceiveFrom(buffer, remoteEP) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param remoteEP System.Net.EndPoint +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.ReceiveFrom(buffer, socketFlags, remoteEP) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param e System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.ReceiveFromAsync(e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param size int +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param remoteEP System.Net.EndPoint +---@param ipPacketInformation System.Net.Sockets.IPPacketInformation +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.ReceiveMessageFrom(buffer, offset, size, socketFlags, remoteEP, ipPacketInformation) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param e System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.ReceiveMessageFromAsync(e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param checkRead System.Collections.IList +---@param checkWrite System.Collections.IList +---@param checkError System.Collections.IList +---@param microSeconds int +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket:Select(checkRead, checkWrite, checkError, microSeconds) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Send(buffer) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param size int +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Send(buffer, offset, size, socketFlags) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param size int +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param errorCode System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Send(buffer, offset, size, socketFlags, errorCode) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param size int +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Send(buffer, size, socketFlags) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Send(buffer, socketFlags) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffers System.Collections.Generic.IList> +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Send(buffers) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffers System.Collections.Generic.IList> +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Send(buffers, socketFlags) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffers System.Collections.Generic.IList> +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param errorCode System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Send(buffers, socketFlags, errorCode) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param e System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.SendAsync(e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.SendFile(fileName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param preBuffer byte[] +---@param postBuffer byte[] +---@param flags System.Net.Sockets.TransmitFileOptions +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.SendFile(fileName, preBuffer, postBuffer, flags) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param e System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.SendPacketsAsync(e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param size int +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param remoteEP System.Net.EndPoint +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.SendTo(buffer, offset, size, socketFlags, remoteEP) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param size int +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param remoteEP System.Net.EndPoint +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.SendTo(buffer, size, socketFlags, remoteEP) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param remoteEP System.Net.EndPoint +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.SendTo(buffer, remoteEP) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param remoteEP System.Net.EndPoint +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.SendTo(buffer, socketFlags, remoteEP) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param e System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.SendToAsync(e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param level System.Net.Sockets.IPProtectionLevel +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.SetIPProtectionLevel(level) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param optionLevel System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionLevel +---@param optionName System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@param optionValue bool +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.SetSocketOption(optionLevel, optionName, optionValue) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param optionLevel System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionLevel +---@param optionName System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@param optionValue byte[] +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.SetSocketOption(optionLevel, optionName, optionValue) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param optionLevel System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionLevel +---@param optionName System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@param optionValue int +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.SetSocketOption(optionLevel, optionName, optionValue) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param optionLevel System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionLevel +---@param optionName System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@param optionValue object +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.SetSocketOption(optionLevel, optionName, optionValue) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param how System.Net.Sockets.SocketShutdown +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Shutdown(how) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field AcceptSocket System.Net.Sockets.Socket +---@source System.dll +---@field Buffer byte[] +---@source System.dll +---@field BufferList System.Collections.Generic.IList> +---@source System.dll +---@field BytesTransferred int +---@source System.dll +---@field ConnectByNameError System.Exception +---@source System.dll +---@field ConnectSocket System.Net.Sockets.Socket +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field DisconnectReuseSocket bool +---@source System.dll +---@field LastOperation System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncOperation +---@source System.dll +---@field Offset int +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceiveMessageFromPacketInfo System.Net.Sockets.IPPacketInformation +---@source System.dll +---@field RemoteEndPoint System.Net.EndPoint +---@source System.dll +---@field SendPacketsElements System.Net.Sockets.SendPacketsElement[] +---@source System.dll +---@field SendPacketsFlags System.Net.Sockets.TransmitFileOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field SendPacketsSendSize int +---@source System.dll +---@field SocketClientAccessPolicyProtocol System.Net.Sockets.SocketClientAccessPolicyProtocol +---@source System.dll +---@field SocketError System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field SocketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field UserToken object +---@source System.dll +---@field Completed System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs.add_Completed(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs.remove_Completed(value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs.SetBuffer(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncEventArgs.SetBuffer(offset, count) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncOperation: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Accept System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncOperation +---@source System.dll +---@field Connect System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncOperation +---@source System.dll +---@field Disconnect System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncOperation +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncOperation +---@source System.dll +---@field Receive System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncOperation +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceiveFrom System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncOperation +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceiveMessageFrom System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncOperation +---@source System.dll +---@field Send System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncOperation +---@source System.dll +---@field SendPackets System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncOperation +---@source System.dll +---@field SendTo System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncOperation +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncOperation = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncOperation +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketAsyncOperation:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.SocketClientAccessPolicyProtocol: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Http System.Net.Sockets.SocketClientAccessPolicyProtocol +---@source System.dll +---@field Tcp System.Net.Sockets.SocketClientAccessPolicyProtocol +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketClientAccessPolicyProtocol = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Sockets.SocketClientAccessPolicyProtocol +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketClientAccessPolicyProtocol:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.SocketError: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field AccessDenied System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field AddressAlreadyInUse System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field AddressFamilyNotSupported System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field AddressNotAvailable System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field AlreadyInProgress System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field ConnectionAborted System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field ConnectionRefused System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field ConnectionReset System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field DestinationAddressRequired System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field Disconnecting System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field Fault System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field HostDown System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field HostNotFound System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field HostUnreachable System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field InProgress System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field Interrupted System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field InvalidArgument System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field IOPending System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field IsConnected System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field MessageSize System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field NetworkDown System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field NetworkReset System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field NetworkUnreachable System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field NoBufferSpaceAvailable System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field NoData System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field NoRecovery System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field NotConnected System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field NotInitialized System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field NotSocket System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field OperationAborted System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field OperationNotSupported System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field ProcessLimit System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field ProtocolFamilyNotSupported System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field ProtocolNotSupported System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field ProtocolOption System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field ProtocolType System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field Shutdown System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field SocketError System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field SocketNotSupported System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field Success System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field SystemNotReady System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field TimedOut System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field TooManyOpenSockets System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field TryAgain System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field TypeNotFound System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field VersionNotSupported System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field WouldBlock System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketError = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketError:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception +---@source System.dll +---@field ErrorCode int +---@source System.dll +---@field Message string +---@source System.dll +---@field SocketErrorCode System.Net.Sockets.SocketError +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketException = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Broadcast System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field ControlDataTruncated System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field DontRoute System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field MaxIOVectorLength System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field Multicast System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field OutOfBand System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field Partial System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field Peek System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field Truncated System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.SocketInformation: System.ValueType +---@source System.dll +---@field Options System.Net.Sockets.SocketInformationOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field ProtocolInformation byte[] +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketInformation = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.SocketInformationOptions: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Connected System.Net.Sockets.SocketInformationOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field Listening System.Net.Sockets.SocketInformationOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field NonBlocking System.Net.Sockets.SocketInformationOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field UseOnlyOverlappedIO System.Net.Sockets.SocketInformationOptions +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketInformationOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Sockets.SocketInformationOptions +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketInformationOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field AcceptConnection System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field AddMembership System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field AddSourceMembership System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field BlockSource System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field Broadcast System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field BsdUrgent System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field ChecksumCoverage System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field Debug System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field DontFragment System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field DontLinger System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field DontRoute System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field DropMembership System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field DropSourceMembership System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field Error System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field ExclusiveAddressUse System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field Expedited System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field HeaderIncluded System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field HopLimit System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field IPOptions System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field IPProtectionLevel System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field IpTimeToLive System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field IPv6Only System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field KeepAlive System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field Linger System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field MaxConnections System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field MulticastInterface System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field MulticastLoopback System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field MulticastTimeToLive System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field NoChecksum System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field NoDelay System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field OutOfBandInline System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field PacketInformation System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceiveBuffer System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceiveLowWater System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceiveTimeout System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field ReuseAddress System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field ReuseUnicastPort System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field SendBuffer System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field SendLowWater System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field SendTimeout System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field Type System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field TypeOfService System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field UnblockSource System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field UpdateAcceptContext System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field UpdateConnectContext System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +---@field UseLoopback System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionName:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionLevel: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field IP System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field IPv6 System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Socket System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Tcp System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Udp System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionLevel +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionLevel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionLevel +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketOptionLevel:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.SocketReceiveFromResult: System.ValueType +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceivedBytes int +---@source System.dll +---@field RemoteEndPoint System.Net.EndPoint +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketReceiveFromResult = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.SocketReceiveMessageFromResult: System.ValueType +---@source System.dll +---@field PacketInformation System.Net.Sockets.IPPacketInformation +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceivedBytes int +---@source System.dll +---@field RemoteEndPoint System.Net.EndPoint +---@source System.dll +---@field SocketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketReceiveMessageFromResult = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.SocketShutdown: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Both System.Net.Sockets.SocketShutdown +---@source System.dll +---@field Receive System.Net.Sockets.SocketShutdown +---@source System.dll +---@field Send System.Net.Sockets.SocketShutdown +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketShutdown = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Sockets.SocketShutdown +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketShutdown:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.SocketTaskExtensions: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketTaskExtensions = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketTaskExtensions.AcceptAsync() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param acceptSocket System.Net.Sockets.Socket +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketTaskExtensions.AcceptAsync(acceptSocket) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param remoteEP System.Net.EndPoint +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketTaskExtensions.ConnectAsync(remoteEP) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@param port int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketTaskExtensions.ConnectAsync(address, port) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param addresses System.Net.IPAddress[] +---@param port int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketTaskExtensions.ConnectAsync(addresses, port) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param host string +---@param port int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketTaskExtensions.ConnectAsync(host, port) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer System.ArraySegment +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketTaskExtensions.ReceiveAsync(buffer, socketFlags) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffers System.Collections.Generic.IList> +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketTaskExtensions.ReceiveAsync(buffers, socketFlags) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer System.ArraySegment +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param remoteEndPoint System.Net.EndPoint +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketTaskExtensions.ReceiveFromAsync(buffer, socketFlags, remoteEndPoint) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer System.ArraySegment +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param remoteEndPoint System.Net.EndPoint +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketTaskExtensions.ReceiveMessageFromAsync(buffer, socketFlags, remoteEndPoint) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer System.ArraySegment +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketTaskExtensions.SendAsync(buffer, socketFlags) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffers System.Collections.Generic.IList> +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketTaskExtensions.SendAsync(buffers, socketFlags) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer System.ArraySegment +---@param socketFlags System.Net.Sockets.SocketFlags +---@param remoteEP System.Net.EndPoint +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketTaskExtensions.SendToAsync(buffer, socketFlags, remoteEP) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.SocketType: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Dgram System.Net.Sockets.SocketType +---@source System.dll +---@field Raw System.Net.Sockets.SocketType +---@source System.dll +---@field Rdm System.Net.Sockets.SocketType +---@source System.dll +---@field Seqpacket System.Net.Sockets.SocketType +---@source System.dll +---@field Stream System.Net.Sockets.SocketType +---@source System.dll +---@field Unknown System.Net.Sockets.SocketType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Sockets.SocketType +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.SocketType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.TransmitFileOptions: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Disconnect System.Net.Sockets.TransmitFileOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field ReuseSocket System.Net.Sockets.TransmitFileOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field UseDefaultWorkerThread System.Net.Sockets.TransmitFileOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field UseKernelApc System.Net.Sockets.TransmitFileOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field UseSystemThread System.Net.Sockets.TransmitFileOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field WriteBehind System.Net.Sockets.TransmitFileOptions +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.TransmitFileOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.Sockets.TransmitFileOptions +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TransmitFileOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Available int +---@source System.dll +---@field Client System.Net.Sockets.Socket +---@source System.dll +---@field Connected bool +---@source System.dll +---@field ExclusiveAddressUse bool +---@source System.dll +---@field LingerState System.Net.Sockets.LingerOption +---@source System.dll +---@field NoDelay bool +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceiveBufferSize int +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceiveTimeout int +---@source System.dll +---@field SendBufferSize int +---@source System.dll +---@field SendTimeout int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@param port int +---@param requestCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.BeginConnect(address, port, requestCallback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param addresses System.Net.IPAddress[] +---@param port int +---@param requestCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.BeginConnect(addresses, port, requestCallback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param host string +---@param port int +---@param requestCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.BeginConnect(host, port, requestCallback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.Close() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@param port int +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.Connect(address, port) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param ipAddresses System.Net.IPAddress[] +---@param port int +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.Connect(ipAddresses, port) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param remoteEP System.Net.IPEndPoint +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.Connect(remoteEP) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostname string +---@param port int +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.Connect(hostname, port) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@param port int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.ConnectAsync(address, port) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param addresses System.Net.IPAddress[] +---@param port int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.ConnectAsync(addresses, port) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param host string +---@param port int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.ConnectAsync(host, port) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.EndConnect(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return NetworkStream +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient.GetStream() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Available int +---@source System.dll +---@field Client System.Net.Sockets.Socket +---@source System.dll +---@field DontFragment bool +---@source System.dll +---@field EnableBroadcast bool +---@source System.dll +---@field ExclusiveAddressUse bool +---@source System.dll +---@field MulticastLoopback bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Ttl short +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param allowed bool +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.AllowNatTraversal(allowed) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param requestCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.BeginReceive(requestCallback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param datagram byte[] +---@param bytes int +---@param requestCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.BeginSend(datagram, bytes, requestCallback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param datagram byte[] +---@param bytes int +---@param endPoint System.Net.IPEndPoint +---@param requestCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.BeginSend(datagram, bytes, endPoint, requestCallback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param datagram byte[] +---@param bytes int +---@param hostname string +---@param port int +---@param requestCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.BeginSend(datagram, bytes, hostname, port, requestCallback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.Close() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param addr System.Net.IPAddress +---@param port int +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.Connect(addr, port) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param endPoint System.Net.IPEndPoint +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.Connect(endPoint) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostname string +---@param port int +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.Connect(hostname, port) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param multicastAddr System.Net.IPAddress +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.DropMulticastGroup(multicastAddr) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param multicastAddr System.Net.IPAddress +---@param ifindex int +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.DropMulticastGroup(multicastAddr, ifindex) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@param remoteEP System.Net.IPEndPoint +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.EndReceive(asyncResult, remoteEP) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.EndSend(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param ifindex int +---@param multicastAddr System.Net.IPAddress +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.JoinMulticastGroup(ifindex, multicastAddr) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param multicastAddr System.Net.IPAddress +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.JoinMulticastGroup(multicastAddr) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param multicastAddr System.Net.IPAddress +---@param timeToLive int +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.JoinMulticastGroup(multicastAddr, timeToLive) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param multicastAddr System.Net.IPAddress +---@param localAddress System.Net.IPAddress +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.JoinMulticastGroup(multicastAddr, localAddress) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param remoteEP System.Net.IPEndPoint +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.Receive(remoteEP) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.ReceiveAsync() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param dgram byte[] +---@param bytes int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.Send(dgram, bytes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param dgram byte[] +---@param bytes int +---@param endPoint System.Net.IPEndPoint +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.Send(dgram, bytes, endPoint) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param dgram byte[] +---@param bytes int +---@param hostname string +---@param port int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.Send(dgram, bytes, hostname, port) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param datagram byte[] +---@param bytes int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.SendAsync(datagram, bytes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param datagram byte[] +---@param bytes int +---@param endPoint System.Net.IPEndPoint +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.SendAsync(datagram, bytes, endPoint) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param datagram byte[] +---@param bytes int +---@param hostname string +---@param port int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient.SendAsync(datagram, bytes, hostname, port) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener: object +---@source System.dll +---@field ExclusiveAddressUse bool +---@source System.dll +---@field LocalEndpoint System.Net.EndPoint +---@source System.dll +---@field Server System.Net.Sockets.Socket +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return Socket +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener.AcceptSocket() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener.AcceptSocketAsync() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return TcpClient +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener.AcceptTcpClient() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener.AcceptTcpClientAsync() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param allowed bool +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener.AllowNatTraversal(allowed) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener.BeginAcceptSocket(callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener.BeginAcceptTcpClient(callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param port int +---@return TcpListener +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener:Create(port) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Socket +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener.EndAcceptSocket(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return TcpClient +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener.EndAcceptTcpClient(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener.Pending() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener.Start() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param backlog int +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener.Start(backlog) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener.Stop() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Sockets.UdpReceiveResult: System.ValueType +---@source System.dll +---@field Buffer byte[] +---@source System.dll +---@field RemoteEndPoint System.Net.IPEndPoint +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpReceiveResult = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param other System.Net.Sockets.UdpReceiveResult +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpReceiveResult.Equals(other) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpReceiveResult.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpReceiveResult.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param left System.Net.Sockets.UdpReceiveResult +---@param right System.Net.Sockets.UdpReceiveResult +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpReceiveResult:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param left System.Net.Sockets.UdpReceiveResult +---@param right System.Net.Sockets.UdpReceiveResult +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Sockets.UdpReceiveResult:op_Inequality(left, right) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.WebSockets.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.WebSockets.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..035a29355 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.WebSockets.lua @@ -0,0 +1,368 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket: System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket +---@source System.dll +---@field CloseStatus System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseStatus? +---@source System.dll +---@field CloseStatusDescription string +---@source System.dll +---@field Options System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocketOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field State System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketState +---@source System.dll +---@field SubProtocol string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket.Abort() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param closeStatus System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseStatus +---@param statusDescription string +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket.CloseAsync(closeStatus, statusDescription, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param closeStatus System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseStatus +---@param statusDescription string +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket.CloseOutputAsync(closeStatus, statusDescription, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket.ConnectAsync(uri, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer System.ArraySegment +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket.ReceiveAsync(buffer, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer System.ArraySegment +---@param messageType System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketMessageType +---@param endOfMessage bool +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocket.SendAsync(buffer, messageType, endOfMessage, cancellationToken) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocketOptions: object +---@source System.dll +---@field ClientCertificates System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Cookies System.Net.CookieContainer +---@source System.dll +---@field Credentials System.Net.ICredentials +---@source System.dll +---@field KeepAliveInterval System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field Proxy System.Net.IWebProxy +---@source System.dll +---@field UseDefaultCredentials bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocketOptions = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param subProtocol string +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocketOptions.AddSubProtocol(subProtocol) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param receiveBufferSize int +---@param sendBufferSize int +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocketOptions.SetBuffer(receiveBufferSize, sendBufferSize) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param receiveBufferSize int +---@param sendBufferSize int +---@param buffer System.ArraySegment +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocketOptions.SetBuffer(receiveBufferSize, sendBufferSize, buffer) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param headerName string +---@param headerValue string +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.ClientWebSocketOptions.SetRequestHeader(headerName, headerValue) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WebSockets.HttpListenerWebSocketContext: System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketContext +---@source System.dll +---@field CookieCollection System.Net.CookieCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Headers System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field IsAuthenticated bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsLocal bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSecureConnection bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Origin string +---@source System.dll +---@field RequestUri System.Uri +---@source System.dll +---@field SecWebSocketKey string +---@source System.dll +---@field SecWebSocketProtocols System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source System.dll +---@field SecWebSocketVersion string +---@source System.dll +---@field User System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal +---@source System.dll +---@field WebSocket System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WebSockets.HttpListenerWebSocketContext = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket: object +---@source System.dll +---@field CloseStatus System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseStatus? +---@source System.dll +---@field CloseStatusDescription string +---@source System.dll +---@field DefaultKeepAliveInterval System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field State System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketState +---@source System.dll +---@field SubProtocol string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket.Abort() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param closeStatus System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseStatus +---@param statusDescription string +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket.CloseAsync(closeStatus, statusDescription, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param closeStatus System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseStatus +---@param statusDescription string +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket.CloseOutputAsync(closeStatus, statusDescription, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param receiveBufferSize int +---@param sendBufferSize int +---@return ArraySegment +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket:CreateClientBuffer(receiveBufferSize, sendBufferSize) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param innerStream System.IO.Stream +---@param subProtocol string +---@param receiveBufferSize int +---@param sendBufferSize int +---@param keepAliveInterval System.TimeSpan +---@param useZeroMaskingKey bool +---@param internalBuffer System.ArraySegment +---@return WebSocket +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket:CreateClientWebSocket(innerStream, subProtocol, receiveBufferSize, sendBufferSize, keepAliveInterval, useZeroMaskingKey, internalBuffer) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param receiveBufferSize int +---@return ArraySegment +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket:CreateServerBuffer(receiveBufferSize) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket:IsApplicationTargeting45() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer System.ArraySegment +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket.ReceiveAsync(buffer, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket:RegisterPrefixes() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param buffer System.ArraySegment +---@param messageType System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketMessageType +---@param endOfMessage bool +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket.SendAsync(buffer, messageType, endOfMessage, cancellationToken) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseStatus: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Empty System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field EndpointUnavailable System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field InternalServerError System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field InvalidMessageType System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field InvalidPayloadData System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field MandatoryExtension System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field MessageTooBig System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field NormalClosure System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field PolicyViolation System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field ProtocolError System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseStatus +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseStatus = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseStatus +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseStatus:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketContext: object +---@source System.dll +---@field CookieCollection System.Net.CookieCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Headers System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field IsAuthenticated bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsLocal bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSecureConnection bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Origin string +---@source System.dll +---@field RequestUri System.Uri +---@source System.dll +---@field SecWebSocketKey string +---@source System.dll +---@field SecWebSocketProtocols System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source System.dll +---@field SecWebSocketVersion string +---@source System.dll +---@field User System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal +---@source System.dll +---@field WebSocket System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocket +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketContext = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketError: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field ConnectionClosedPrematurely System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field Faulted System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field HeaderError System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field InvalidMessageType System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field InvalidState System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field NativeError System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field NotAWebSocket System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field Success System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field UnsupportedProtocol System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketError +---@source System.dll +---@field UnsupportedVersion System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketError +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketError = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketError +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketError:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketException: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception +---@source System.dll +---@field ErrorCode int +---@source System.dll +---@field WebSocketErrorCode System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketError +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketException = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketMessageType: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Binary System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketMessageType +---@source System.dll +---@field Close System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketMessageType +---@source System.dll +---@field Text System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketMessageType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketMessageType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketMessageType +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketMessageType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketReceiveResult: object +---@source System.dll +---@field CloseStatus System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseStatus? +---@source System.dll +---@field CloseStatusDescription string +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field EndOfMessage bool +---@source System.dll +---@field MessageType System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketMessageType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketReceiveResult = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketState: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Aborted System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketState +---@source System.dll +---@field Closed System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketState +---@source System.dll +---@field CloseReceived System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketState +---@source System.dll +---@field CloseSent System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketState +---@source System.dll +---@field Connecting System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketState +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketState +---@source System.dll +---@field Open System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketState +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketState = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketState +function CS.System.Net.WebSockets.WebSocketState:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..560c14005 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Net.lua @@ -0,0 +1,3584 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.AuthenticationManager: object +---@source System.dll +---@field CredentialPolicy System.Net.ICredentialPolicy +---@source System.dll +---@field CustomTargetNameDictionary System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary +---@source System.dll +---@field RegisteredModules System.Collections.IEnumerator +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.AuthenticationManager = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param challenge string +---@param request System.Net.WebRequest +---@param credentials System.Net.ICredentials +---@return Authorization +function CS.System.Net.AuthenticationManager:Authenticate(challenge, request, credentials) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param request System.Net.WebRequest +---@param credentials System.Net.ICredentials +---@return Authorization +function CS.System.Net.AuthenticationManager:PreAuthenticate(request, credentials) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param authenticationModule System.Net.IAuthenticationModule +function CS.System.Net.AuthenticationManager:Register(authenticationModule) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param authenticationModule System.Net.IAuthenticationModule +function CS.System.Net.AuthenticationManager:Unregister(authenticationModule) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param authenticationScheme string +function CS.System.Net.AuthenticationManager:Unregister(authenticationScheme) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.AuthenticationSchemes: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Anonymous System.Net.AuthenticationSchemes +---@source System.dll +---@field Basic System.Net.AuthenticationSchemes +---@source System.dll +---@field Digest System.Net.AuthenticationSchemes +---@source System.dll +---@field IntegratedWindowsAuthentication System.Net.AuthenticationSchemes +---@source System.dll +---@field Negotiate System.Net.AuthenticationSchemes +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Net.AuthenticationSchemes +---@source System.dll +---@field Ntlm System.Net.AuthenticationSchemes +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.AuthenticationSchemes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.AuthenticationSchemes +function CS.System.Net.AuthenticationSchemes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.AuthenticationSchemeSelector: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.AuthenticationSchemeSelector = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param httpRequest System.Net.HttpListenerRequest +---@return AuthenticationSchemes +function CS.System.Net.AuthenticationSchemeSelector.Invoke(httpRequest) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param httpRequest System.Net.HttpListenerRequest +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.AuthenticationSchemeSelector.BeginInvoke(httpRequest, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return AuthenticationSchemes +function CS.System.Net.AuthenticationSchemeSelector.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Authorization: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Complete bool +---@source System.dll +---@field ConnectionGroupId string +---@source System.dll +---@field Message string +---@source System.dll +---@field MutuallyAuthenticated bool +---@source System.dll +---@field ProtectionRealm string[] +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Authorization = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.BindIPEndPoint: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.BindIPEndPoint = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param servicePoint System.Net.ServicePoint +---@param remoteEndPoint System.Net.IPEndPoint +---@param retryCount int +---@return IPEndPoint +function CS.System.Net.BindIPEndPoint.Invoke(servicePoint, remoteEndPoint, retryCount) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param servicePoint System.Net.ServicePoint +---@param remoteEndPoint System.Net.IPEndPoint +---@param retryCount int +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.BindIPEndPoint.BeginInvoke(servicePoint, remoteEndPoint, retryCount, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return IPEndPoint +function CS.System.Net.BindIPEndPoint.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Cookie: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Comment string +---@source System.dll +---@field CommentUri System.Uri +---@source System.dll +---@field Discard bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Domain string +---@source System.dll +---@field Expired bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Expires System.DateTime +---@source System.dll +---@field HttpOnly bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +---@field Path string +---@source System.dll +---@field Port string +---@source System.dll +---@field Secure bool +---@source System.dll +---@field TimeStamp System.DateTime +---@source System.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.dll +---@field Version int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Cookie = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param comparand object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.Cookie.Equals(comparand) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.Cookie.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Cookie.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.CookieCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Net.Cookie +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Net.Cookie +---@source System.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.CookieCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param cookie System.Net.Cookie +function CS.System.Net.CookieCollection.Add(cookie) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param cookies System.Net.CookieCollection +function CS.System.Net.CookieCollection.Add(cookies) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Net.CookieCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Net.Cookie[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Net.CookieCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Net.CookieCollection.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.CookieContainer: object +---@source System.dll +---@field DefaultCookieLengthLimit int +---@source System.dll +---@field DefaultCookieLimit int +---@source System.dll +---@field DefaultPerDomainCookieLimit int +---@source System.dll +---@field Capacity int +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field MaxCookieSize int +---@source System.dll +---@field PerDomainCapacity int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.CookieContainer = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param cookie System.Net.Cookie +function CS.System.Net.CookieContainer.Add(cookie) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param cookies System.Net.CookieCollection +function CS.System.Net.CookieContainer.Add(cookies) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@param cookie System.Net.Cookie +function CS.System.Net.CookieContainer.Add(uri, cookie) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@param cookies System.Net.CookieCollection +function CS.System.Net.CookieContainer.Add(uri, cookies) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.CookieContainer.GetCookieHeader(uri) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@return CookieCollection +function CS.System.Net.CookieContainer.GetCookies(uri) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@param cookieHeader string +function CS.System.Net.CookieContainer.SetCookies(uri, cookieHeader) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.CookieException: System.FormatException +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.CookieException = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param serializationInfo System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param streamingContext System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Net.CookieException.GetObjectData(serializationInfo, streamingContext) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.CredentialCache: object +---@source System.dll +---@field DefaultCredentials System.Net.ICredentials +---@source System.dll +---@field DefaultNetworkCredentials System.Net.NetworkCredential +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.CredentialCache = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param host string +---@param port int +---@param authenticationType string +---@param credential System.Net.NetworkCredential +function CS.System.Net.CredentialCache.Add(host, port, authenticationType, credential) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param uriPrefix System.Uri +---@param authType string +---@param cred System.Net.NetworkCredential +function CS.System.Net.CredentialCache.Add(uriPrefix, authType, cred) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param host string +---@param port int +---@param authenticationType string +---@return NetworkCredential +function CS.System.Net.CredentialCache.GetCredential(host, port, authenticationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param uriPrefix System.Uri +---@param authType string +---@return NetworkCredential +function CS.System.Net.CredentialCache.GetCredential(uriPrefix, authType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Net.CredentialCache.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param host string +---@param port int +---@param authenticationType string +function CS.System.Net.CredentialCache.Remove(host, port, authenticationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param uriPrefix System.Uri +---@param authType string +function CS.System.Net.CredentialCache.Remove(uriPrefix, authType) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.DecompressionMethods: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Deflate System.Net.DecompressionMethods +---@source System.dll +---@field GZip System.Net.DecompressionMethods +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Net.DecompressionMethods +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.DecompressionMethods = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.DecompressionMethods +function CS.System.Net.DecompressionMethods:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Dns: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Dns = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostNameOrAddress string +---@param requestCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Dns:BeginGetHostAddresses(hostNameOrAddress, requestCallback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostName string +---@param requestCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param stateObject object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Dns:BeginGetHostByName(hostName, requestCallback, stateObject) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@param requestCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param stateObject object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Dns:BeginGetHostEntry(address, requestCallback, stateObject) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostNameOrAddress string +---@param requestCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param stateObject object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Dns:BeginGetHostEntry(hostNameOrAddress, requestCallback, stateObject) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostName string +---@param requestCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param stateObject object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Dns:BeginResolve(hostName, requestCallback, stateObject) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.Dns:EndGetHostAddresses(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return IPHostEntry +function CS.System.Net.Dns:EndGetHostByName(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return IPHostEntry +function CS.System.Net.Dns:EndGetHostEntry(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return IPHostEntry +function CS.System.Net.Dns:EndResolve(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostNameOrAddress string +function CS.System.Net.Dns:GetHostAddresses(hostNameOrAddress) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostNameOrAddress string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Dns:GetHostAddressesAsync(hostNameOrAddress) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@return IPHostEntry +function CS.System.Net.Dns:GetHostByAddress(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@return IPHostEntry +function CS.System.Net.Dns:GetHostByAddress(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostName string +---@return IPHostEntry +function CS.System.Net.Dns:GetHostByName(hostName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@return IPHostEntry +function CS.System.Net.Dns:GetHostEntry(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostNameOrAddress string +---@return IPHostEntry +function CS.System.Net.Dns:GetHostEntry(hostNameOrAddress) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Dns:GetHostEntryAsync(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostNameOrAddress string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.Dns:GetHostEntryAsync(hostNameOrAddress) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.Dns:GetHostName() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param hostName string +---@return IPHostEntry +function CS.System.Net.Dns:Resolve(hostName) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.DnsEndPoint: System.Net.EndPoint +---@source System.dll +---@field AddressFamily System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Host string +---@source System.dll +---@field Port int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.DnsEndPoint = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param comparand object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.DnsEndPoint.Equals(comparand) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.DnsEndPoint.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.DnsEndPoint.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.DnsPermission: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.DnsPermission = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Net.DnsPermission.Copy() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param securityElement System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Net.DnsPermission.FromXml(securityElement) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Net.DnsPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.DnsPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.DnsPermission.IsUnrestricted() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Net.DnsPermission.ToXml() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Net.DnsPermission.Union(target) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.DnsPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.DnsPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Net.DnsPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs: System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Result byte[] +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Net.DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs +function CS.System.Net.DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Net.DownloadDataCompletedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Net.DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs +function CS.System.Net.DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Net.DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs: System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Result string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.DownloadStringCompletedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.EndPoint: object +---@source System.dll +---@field AddressFamily System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.EndPoint = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param socketAddress System.Net.SocketAddress +---@return EndPoint +function CS.System.Net.EndPoint.Create(socketAddress) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return SocketAddress +function CS.System.Net.EndPoint.Serialize() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.EndpointPermission: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Hostname string +---@source System.dll +---@field Port int +---@source System.dll +---@field Transport System.Net.TransportType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.EndpointPermission = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.EndpointPermission.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.EndpointPermission.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.EndpointPermission.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.FileWebRequest: System.Net.WebRequest +---@source System.dll +---@field ConnectionGroupName string +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentLength long +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentType string +---@source System.dll +---@field Credentials System.Net.ICredentials +---@source System.dll +---@field Headers System.Net.WebHeaderCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Method string +---@source System.dll +---@field PreAuthenticate bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Proxy System.Net.IWebProxy +---@source System.dll +---@field RequestUri System.Uri +---@source System.dll +---@field Timeout int +---@source System.dll +---@field UseDefaultCredentials bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.FileWebRequest = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.FileWebRequest.Abort() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.FileWebRequest.BeginGetRequestStream(callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.FileWebRequest.BeginGetResponse(callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Net.FileWebRequest.EndGetRequestStream(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return WebResponse +function CS.System.Net.FileWebRequest.EndGetResponse(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Net.FileWebRequest.GetRequestStream() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return WebResponse +function CS.System.Net.FileWebRequest.GetResponse() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.FileWebResponse: System.Net.WebResponse +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentLength long +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentType string +---@source System.dll +---@field Headers System.Net.WebHeaderCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field ResponseUri System.Uri +---@source System.dll +---@field SupportsHeaders bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.FileWebResponse = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.FileWebResponse.Close() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Net.FileWebResponse.GetResponseStream() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.FtpStatusCode: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field AccountNeeded System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ActionAbortedLocalProcessingError System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ActionAbortedUnknownPageType System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ActionNotTakenFilenameNotAllowed System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ActionNotTakenFileUnavailable System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ActionNotTakenFileUnavailableOrBusy System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ActionNotTakenInsufficientSpace System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ArgumentSyntaxError System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field BadCommandSequence System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field CantOpenData System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ClosingControl System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ClosingData System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field CommandExtraneous System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field CommandNotImplemented System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field CommandOK System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field CommandSyntaxError System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ConnectionClosed System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field DataAlreadyOpen System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field DirectoryStatus System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field EnteringPassive System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field FileActionAborted System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field FileActionOK System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field FileCommandPending System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field FileStatus System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field LoggedInProceed System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field NeedLoginAccount System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field NotLoggedIn System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field OpeningData System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field PathnameCreated System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field RestartMarker System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field SendPasswordCommand System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field SendUserCommand System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ServerWantsSecureSession System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ServiceNotAvailable System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ServiceTemporarilyNotAvailable System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field SystemType System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field Undefined System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.FtpStatusCode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.FtpStatusCode +function CS.System.Net.FtpStatusCode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.FtpWebRequest: System.Net.WebRequest +---@source System.dll +---@field ClientCertificates System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field ConnectionGroupName string +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentLength long +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentOffset long +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentType string +---@source System.dll +---@field Credentials System.Net.ICredentials +---@source System.dll +---@field DefaultCachePolicy System.Net.Cache.RequestCachePolicy +---@source System.dll +---@field EnableSsl bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Headers System.Net.WebHeaderCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field KeepAlive bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Method string +---@source System.dll +---@field PreAuthenticate bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Proxy System.Net.IWebProxy +---@source System.dll +---@field ReadWriteTimeout int +---@source System.dll +---@field RenameTo string +---@source System.dll +---@field RequestUri System.Uri +---@source System.dll +---@field ServicePoint System.Net.ServicePoint +---@source System.dll +---@field Timeout int +---@source System.dll +---@field UseBinary bool +---@source System.dll +---@field UseDefaultCredentials bool +---@source System.dll +---@field UsePassive bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.FtpWebRequest = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.FtpWebRequest.Abort() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.FtpWebRequest.BeginGetRequestStream(callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.FtpWebRequest.BeginGetResponse(callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Net.FtpWebRequest.EndGetRequestStream(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return WebResponse +function CS.System.Net.FtpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Net.FtpWebRequest.GetRequestStream() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return WebResponse +function CS.System.Net.FtpWebRequest.GetResponse() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.FtpWebResponse: System.Net.WebResponse +---@source System.dll +---@field BannerMessage string +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentLength long +---@source System.dll +---@field ExitMessage string +---@source System.dll +---@field Headers System.Net.WebHeaderCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field LastModified System.DateTime +---@source System.dll +---@field ResponseUri System.Uri +---@source System.dll +---@field StatusCode System.Net.FtpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field StatusDescription string +---@source System.dll +---@field SupportsHeaders bool +---@source System.dll +---@field WelcomeMessage string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.FtpWebResponse = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.FtpWebResponse.Close() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Net.FtpWebResponse.GetResponseStream() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.GlobalProxySelection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Select System.Net.IWebProxy +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.GlobalProxySelection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return IWebProxy +function CS.System.Net.GlobalProxySelection:GetEmptyWebProxy() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.HttpContinueDelegate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.HttpContinueDelegate = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param StatusCode int +---@param httpHeaders System.Net.WebHeaderCollection +function CS.System.Net.HttpContinueDelegate.Invoke(StatusCode, httpHeaders) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param StatusCode int +---@param httpHeaders System.Net.WebHeaderCollection +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.HttpContinueDelegate.BeginInvoke(StatusCode, httpHeaders, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.HttpContinueDelegate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.HttpListener: object +---@source System.dll +---@field AuthenticationSchemes System.Net.AuthenticationSchemes +---@source System.dll +---@field AuthenticationSchemeSelectorDelegate System.Net.AuthenticationSchemeSelector +---@source System.dll +---@field DefaultServiceNames System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ServiceNameCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field ExtendedProtectionPolicy System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ExtendedProtectionPolicy +---@source System.dll +---@field ExtendedProtectionSelectorDelegate System.Net.HttpListener.ExtendedProtectionSelector +---@source System.dll +---@field IgnoreWriteExceptions bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsListening bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSupported bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Prefixes System.Net.HttpListenerPrefixCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Realm string +---@source System.dll +---@field TimeoutManager System.Net.HttpListenerTimeoutManager +---@source System.dll +---@field UnsafeConnectionNtlmAuthentication bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.HttpListener = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.HttpListener.Abort() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.HttpListener.BeginGetContext(callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.HttpListener.Close() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return HttpListenerContext +function CS.System.Net.HttpListener.EndGetContext(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return HttpListenerContext +function CS.System.Net.HttpListener.GetContext() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.HttpListener.GetContextAsync() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.HttpListener.Start() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.HttpListener.Stop() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.ExtendedProtectionSelector: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.ExtendedProtectionSelector = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param request System.Net.HttpListenerRequest +---@return ExtendedProtectionPolicy +function CS.System.Net.ExtendedProtectionSelector.Invoke(request) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param request System.Net.HttpListenerRequest +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.ExtendedProtectionSelector.BeginInvoke(request, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return ExtendedProtectionPolicy +function CS.System.Net.ExtendedProtectionSelector.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.HttpListenerBasicIdentity: System.Security.Principal.GenericIdentity +---@source System.dll +---@field Password string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.HttpListenerBasicIdentity = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.HttpListenerContext: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Request System.Net.HttpListenerRequest +---@source System.dll +---@field Response System.Net.HttpListenerResponse +---@source System.dll +---@field User System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.HttpListenerContext = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param subProtocol string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerContext.AcceptWebSocketAsync(subProtocol) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param subProtocol string +---@param receiveBufferSize int +---@param keepAliveInterval System.TimeSpan +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerContext.AcceptWebSocketAsync(subProtocol, receiveBufferSize, keepAliveInterval) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param subProtocol string +---@param receiveBufferSize int +---@param keepAliveInterval System.TimeSpan +---@param internalBuffer System.ArraySegment +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerContext.AcceptWebSocketAsync(subProtocol, receiveBufferSize, keepAliveInterval, internalBuffer) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param subProtocol string +---@param keepAliveInterval System.TimeSpan +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerContext.AcceptWebSocketAsync(subProtocol, keepAliveInterval) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.HttpListenerException: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception +---@source System.dll +---@field ErrorCode int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.HttpListenerException = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.HttpListenerPrefixCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.HttpListenerPrefixCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param uriPrefix string +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerPrefixCollection.Add(uriPrefix) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerPrefixCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param uriPrefix string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerPrefixCollection.Contains(uriPrefix) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param offset int +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerPrefixCollection.CopyTo(array, offset) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array string[] +---@param offset int +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerPrefixCollection.CopyTo(array, offset) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerPrefixCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param uriPrefix string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerPrefixCollection.Remove(uriPrefix) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.HttpListenerRequest: object +---@source System.dll +---@field AcceptTypes string[] +---@source System.dll +---@field ClientCertificateError int +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentEncoding System.Text.Encoding +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentLength64 long +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentType string +---@source System.dll +---@field Cookies System.Net.CookieCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field HasEntityBody bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Headers System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field HttpMethod string +---@source System.dll +---@field InputStream System.IO.Stream +---@source System.dll +---@field IsAuthenticated bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsLocal bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSecureConnection bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsWebSocketRequest bool +---@source System.dll +---@field KeepAlive bool +---@source System.dll +---@field LocalEndPoint System.Net.IPEndPoint +---@source System.dll +---@field ProtocolVersion System.Version +---@source System.dll +---@field QueryString System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field RawUrl string +---@source System.dll +---@field RemoteEndPoint System.Net.IPEndPoint +---@source System.dll +---@field RequestTraceIdentifier System.Guid +---@source System.dll +---@field ServiceName string +---@source System.dll +---@field TransportContext System.Net.TransportContext +---@source System.dll +---@field Url System.Uri +---@source System.dll +---@field UrlReferrer System.Uri +---@source System.dll +---@field UserAgent string +---@source System.dll +---@field UserHostAddress string +---@source System.dll +---@field UserHostName string +---@source System.dll +---@field UserLanguages string[] +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.HttpListenerRequest = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param requestCallback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerRequest.BeginGetClientCertificate(requestCallback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return X509Certificate2 +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerRequest.EndGetClientCertificate(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return X509Certificate2 +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerRequest.GetClientCertificate() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerRequest.GetClientCertificateAsync() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.HttpListenerResponse: object +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentEncoding System.Text.Encoding +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentLength64 long +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentType string +---@source System.dll +---@field Cookies System.Net.CookieCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Headers System.Net.WebHeaderCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field KeepAlive bool +---@source System.dll +---@field OutputStream System.IO.Stream +---@source System.dll +---@field ProtocolVersion System.Version +---@source System.dll +---@field RedirectLocation string +---@source System.dll +---@field SendChunked bool +---@source System.dll +---@field StatusCode int +---@source System.dll +---@field StatusDescription string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.HttpListenerResponse = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerResponse.Abort() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerResponse.AddHeader(name, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param cookie System.Net.Cookie +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerResponse.AppendCookie(cookie) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerResponse.AppendHeader(name, value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerResponse.Close() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param responseEntity byte[] +---@param willBlock bool +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerResponse.Close(responseEntity, willBlock) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param templateResponse System.Net.HttpListenerResponse +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerResponse.CopyFrom(templateResponse) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param url string +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerResponse.Redirect(url) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param cookie System.Net.Cookie +function CS.System.Net.HttpListenerResponse.SetCookie(cookie) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.HttpListenerTimeoutManager: object +---@source System.dll +---@field DrainEntityBody System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field EntityBody System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field HeaderWait System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field IdleConnection System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field MinSendBytesPerSecond long +---@source System.dll +---@field RequestQueue System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.HttpListenerTimeoutManager = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.HttpRequestHeader: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Accept System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field AcceptCharset System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field AcceptEncoding System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field AcceptLanguage System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Allow System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Authorization System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field CacheControl System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Connection System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentEncoding System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentLanguage System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentLength System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentLocation System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentMd5 System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentRange System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentType System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Cookie System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Date System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Expect System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Expires System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field From System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Host System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field IfMatch System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field IfModifiedSince System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field IfNoneMatch System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field IfRange System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field IfUnmodifiedSince System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field KeepAlive System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field LastModified System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field MaxForwards System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Pragma System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field ProxyAuthorization System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Range System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Referer System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Te System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Trailer System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field TransferEncoding System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Translate System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Upgrade System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field UserAgent System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Via System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Warning System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.HttpRequestHeader = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +function CS.System.Net.HttpRequestHeader:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.HttpResponseHeader: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field AcceptRanges System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Age System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Allow System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field CacheControl System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Connection System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentEncoding System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentLanguage System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentLength System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentLocation System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentMd5 System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentRange System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentType System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Date System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field ETag System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Expires System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field KeepAlive System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field LastModified System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Location System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Pragma System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field ProxyAuthenticate System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field RetryAfter System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Server System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field SetCookie System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Trailer System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field TransferEncoding System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Upgrade System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Vary System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Via System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field Warning System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +---@field WwwAuthenticate System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.HttpResponseHeader = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +function CS.System.Net.HttpResponseHeader:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.HttpStatusCode: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Accepted System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field Ambiguous System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field BadGateway System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field BadRequest System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field Conflict System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field Continue System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field Created System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ExpectationFailed System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field Forbidden System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field Found System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field GatewayTimeout System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field Gone System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field HttpVersionNotSupported System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field InternalServerError System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field LengthRequired System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field MethodNotAllowed System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field Moved System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field MovedPermanently System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field MultipleChoices System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field NoContent System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field NonAuthoritativeInformation System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field NotAcceptable System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field NotFound System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field NotImplemented System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field NotModified System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field OK System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field PartialContent System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field PaymentRequired System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field PreconditionFailed System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ProxyAuthenticationRequired System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field Redirect System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field RedirectKeepVerb System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field RedirectMethod System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field RequestEntityTooLarge System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field RequestTimeout System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field RequestUriTooLong System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ResetContent System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field SeeOther System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field ServiceUnavailable System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field SwitchingProtocols System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field TemporaryRedirect System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field Unauthorized System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field UnsupportedMediaType System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field Unused System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field UpgradeRequired System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field UseProxy System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.HttpStatusCode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.HttpStatusCode +function CS.System.Net.HttpStatusCode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.HttpVersion: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Version10 System.Version +---@source System.dll +---@field Version11 System.Version +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.HttpVersion = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.HttpWebRequest: System.Net.WebRequest +---@source System.dll +---@field Accept string +---@source System.dll +---@field Address System.Uri +---@source System.dll +---@field AllowAutoRedirect bool +---@source System.dll +---@field AllowReadStreamBuffering bool +---@source System.dll +---@field AllowWriteStreamBuffering bool +---@source System.dll +---@field AutomaticDecompression System.Net.DecompressionMethods +---@source System.dll +---@field ClientCertificates System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Connection string +---@source System.dll +---@field ConnectionGroupName string +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentLength long +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentType string +---@source System.dll +---@field ContinueDelegate System.Net.HttpContinueDelegate +---@source System.dll +---@field ContinueTimeout int +---@source System.dll +---@field CookieContainer System.Net.CookieContainer +---@source System.dll +---@field Credentials System.Net.ICredentials +---@source System.dll +---@field Date System.DateTime +---@source System.dll +---@field DefaultCachePolicy System.Net.Cache.RequestCachePolicy +---@source System.dll +---@field DefaultMaximumErrorResponseLength int +---@source System.dll +---@field DefaultMaximumResponseHeadersLength int +---@source System.dll +---@field Expect string +---@source System.dll +---@field HaveResponse bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Headers System.Net.WebHeaderCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Host string +---@source System.dll +---@field IfModifiedSince System.DateTime +---@source System.dll +---@field KeepAlive bool +---@source System.dll +---@field MaximumAutomaticRedirections int +---@source System.dll +---@field MaximumResponseHeadersLength int +---@source System.dll +---@field MediaType string +---@source System.dll +---@field Method string +---@source System.dll +---@field Pipelined bool +---@source System.dll +---@field PreAuthenticate bool +---@source System.dll +---@field ProtocolVersion System.Version +---@source System.dll +---@field Proxy System.Net.IWebProxy +---@source System.dll +---@field ReadWriteTimeout int +---@source System.dll +---@field Referer string +---@source System.dll +---@field RequestUri System.Uri +---@source System.dll +---@field SendChunked bool +---@source System.dll +---@field ServerCertificateValidationCallback System.Net.Security.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback +---@source System.dll +---@field ServicePoint System.Net.ServicePoint +---@source System.dll +---@field SupportsCookieContainer bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Timeout int +---@source System.dll +---@field TransferEncoding string +---@source System.dll +---@field UnsafeAuthenticatedConnectionSharing bool +---@source System.dll +---@field UseDefaultCredentials bool +---@source System.dll +---@field UserAgent string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.HttpWebRequest = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Abort() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param range int +function CS.System.Net.HttpWebRequest.AddRange(range) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param from int +---@param to int +function CS.System.Net.HttpWebRequest.AddRange(from, to) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param range long +function CS.System.Net.HttpWebRequest.AddRange(range) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param from long +---@param to long +function CS.System.Net.HttpWebRequest.AddRange(from, to) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param rangeSpecifier string +---@param range int +function CS.System.Net.HttpWebRequest.AddRange(rangeSpecifier, range) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param rangeSpecifier string +---@param from int +---@param to int +function CS.System.Net.HttpWebRequest.AddRange(rangeSpecifier, from, to) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param rangeSpecifier string +---@param range long +function CS.System.Net.HttpWebRequest.AddRange(rangeSpecifier, range) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param rangeSpecifier string +---@param from long +---@param to long +function CS.System.Net.HttpWebRequest.AddRange(rangeSpecifier, from, to) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.HttpWebRequest.BeginGetRequestStream(callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.HttpWebRequest.BeginGetResponse(callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetRequestStream(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@param context System.Net.TransportContext +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetRequestStream(asyncResult, context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return WebResponse +function CS.System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.Net.TransportContext +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetRequestStream(context) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return WebResponse +function CS.System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.HttpWebResponse: System.Net.WebResponse +---@source System.dll +---@field CharacterSet string +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentEncoding string +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentLength long +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentType string +---@source System.dll +---@field Cookies System.Net.CookieCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Headers System.Net.WebHeaderCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field IsMutuallyAuthenticated bool +---@source System.dll +---@field LastModified System.DateTime +---@source System.dll +---@field Method string +---@source System.dll +---@field ProtocolVersion System.Version +---@source System.dll +---@field ResponseUri System.Uri +---@source System.dll +---@field Server string +---@source System.dll +---@field StatusCode System.Net.HttpStatusCode +---@source System.dll +---@field StatusDescription string +---@source System.dll +---@field SupportsHeaders bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.HttpWebResponse = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.HttpWebResponse.Close() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param headerName string +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.HttpWebResponse.GetResponseHeader(headerName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Net.HttpWebResponse.GetResponseStream() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.IAuthenticationModule +---@source System.dll +---@field AuthenticationType string +---@source System.dll +---@field CanPreAuthenticate bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.IAuthenticationModule = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param challenge string +---@param request System.Net.WebRequest +---@param credentials System.Net.ICredentials +---@return Authorization +function CS.System.Net.IAuthenticationModule.Authenticate(challenge, request, credentials) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param request System.Net.WebRequest +---@param credentials System.Net.ICredentials +---@return Authorization +function CS.System.Net.IAuthenticationModule.PreAuthenticate(request, credentials) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.ICertificatePolicy +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.ICertificatePolicy = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param srvPoint System.Net.ServicePoint +---@param certificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@param request System.Net.WebRequest +---@param certificateProblem int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.ICertificatePolicy.CheckValidationResult(srvPoint, certificate, request, certificateProblem) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.ICredentialPolicy +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.ICredentialPolicy = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param challengeUri System.Uri +---@param request System.Net.WebRequest +---@param credential System.Net.NetworkCredential +---@param authenticationModule System.Net.IAuthenticationModule +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.ICredentialPolicy.ShouldSendCredential(challengeUri, request, credential, authenticationModule) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.ICredentials +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.ICredentials = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@param authType string +---@return NetworkCredential +function CS.System.Net.ICredentials.GetCredential(uri, authType) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.ICredentialsByHost +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.ICredentialsByHost = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param host string +---@param port int +---@param authenticationType string +---@return NetworkCredential +function CS.System.Net.ICredentialsByHost.GetCredential(host, port, authenticationType) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.IPAddress: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Any System.Net.IPAddress +---@source System.dll +---@field Broadcast System.Net.IPAddress +---@source System.dll +---@field IPv6Any System.Net.IPAddress +---@source System.dll +---@field IPv6Loopback System.Net.IPAddress +---@source System.dll +---@field IPv6None System.Net.IPAddress +---@source System.dll +---@field Loopback System.Net.IPAddress +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Net.IPAddress +---@source System.dll +---@field Address long +---@source System.dll +---@field AddressFamily System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field IsIPv4MappedToIPv6 bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsIPv6LinkLocal bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsIPv6Multicast bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsIPv6SiteLocal bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsIPv6Teredo bool +---@source System.dll +---@field ScopeId long +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.IPAddress = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param comparand object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.IPAddress.Equals(comparand) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.IPAddress.GetAddressBytes() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.IPAddress.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param host short +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Net.IPAddress:HostToNetworkOrder(host) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param host int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.IPAddress:HostToNetworkOrder(host) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param host long +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Net.IPAddress:HostToNetworkOrder(host) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.IPAddress:IsLoopback(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPAddress +function CS.System.Net.IPAddress.MapToIPv4() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPAddress +function CS.System.Net.IPAddress.MapToIPv6() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param network short +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Net.IPAddress:NetworkToHostOrder(network) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param network int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.IPAddress:NetworkToHostOrder(network) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param network long +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Net.IPAddress:NetworkToHostOrder(network) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param ipString string +---@return IPAddress +function CS.System.Net.IPAddress:Parse(ipString) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.IPAddress.ToString() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param ipString string +---@param address System.Net.IPAddress +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.IPAddress:TryParse(ipString, address) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.IPEndPoint: System.Net.EndPoint +---@source System.dll +---@field MaxPort int +---@source System.dll +---@field MinPort int +---@source System.dll +---@field Address System.Net.IPAddress +---@source System.dll +---@field AddressFamily System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily +---@source System.dll +---@field Port int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.IPEndPoint = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param socketAddress System.Net.SocketAddress +---@return EndPoint +function CS.System.Net.IPEndPoint.Create(socketAddress) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param comparand object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.IPEndPoint.Equals(comparand) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Net.IPEndPoint.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return SocketAddress +function CS.System.Net.IPEndPoint.Serialize() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.IPEndPoint.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.IPHostEntry: object +---@source System.dll +---@field AddressList System.Net.IPAddress[] +---@source System.dll +---@field Aliases string[] +---@source System.dll +---@field HostName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.IPHostEntry = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.IWebProxy +---@source System.dll +---@field Credentials System.Net.ICredentials +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.IWebProxy = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param destination System.Uri +---@return Uri +function CS.System.Net.IWebProxy.GetProxy(destination) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param host System.Uri +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.IWebProxy.IsBypassed(host) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.IWebProxyScript +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.IWebProxyScript = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.IWebProxyScript.Close() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param scriptLocation System.Uri +---@param script string +---@param helperType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.IWebProxyScript.Load(scriptLocation, script, helperType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param url string +---@param host string +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.IWebProxyScript.Run(url, host) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.IWebRequestCreate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.IWebRequestCreate = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@return WebRequest +function CS.System.Net.IWebRequestCreate.Create(uri) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkAccess: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Accept System.Net.NetworkAccess +---@source System.dll +---@field Connect System.Net.NetworkAccess +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkAccess = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.NetworkAccess +function CS.System.Net.NetworkAccess:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.NetworkCredential: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Domain string +---@source System.dll +---@field Password string +---@source System.dll +---@field SecurePassword System.Security.SecureString +---@source System.dll +---@field UserName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.NetworkCredential = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param host string +---@param port int +---@param authenticationType string +---@return NetworkCredential +function CS.System.Net.NetworkCredential.GetCredential(host, port, authenticationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@param authType string +---@return NetworkCredential +function CS.System.Net.NetworkCredential.GetCredential(uri, authType) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.OpenReadCompletedEventArgs: System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Result System.IO.Stream +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.OpenReadCompletedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.OpenReadCompletedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.OpenReadCompletedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Net.OpenReadCompletedEventArgs +function CS.System.Net.OpenReadCompletedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Net.OpenReadCompletedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.OpenReadCompletedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.OpenReadCompletedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.OpenWriteCompletedEventArgs: System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Result System.IO.Stream +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.OpenWriteCompletedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Net.OpenWriteCompletedEventArgs +function CS.System.Net.OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Net.OpenWriteCompletedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.ProtocolViolationException: System.InvalidOperationException +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.ProtocolViolationException = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param serializationInfo System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param streamingContext System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Net.ProtocolViolationException.GetObjectData(serializationInfo, streamingContext) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.SecurityProtocolType: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Ssl3 System.Net.SecurityProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field SystemDefault System.Net.SecurityProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field Tls System.Net.SecurityProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field Tls11 System.Net.SecurityProtocolType +---@source System.dll +---@field Tls12 System.Net.SecurityProtocolType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.SecurityProtocolType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.SecurityProtocolType +function CS.System.Net.SecurityProtocolType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.SocketPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Access string +---@source System.dll +---@field Host string +---@source System.dll +---@field Port string +---@source System.dll +---@field Transport string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.SocketPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Net.SocketPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.TransportContext: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.TransportContext = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param kind System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ChannelBindingKind +---@return ChannelBinding +function CS.System.Net.TransportContext.GetChannelBinding(kind) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Net.TransportContext.GetTlsTokenBindings() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.TransportType: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field All System.Net.TransportType +---@source System.dll +---@field Connectionless System.Net.TransportType +---@source System.dll +---@field ConnectionOriented System.Net.TransportType +---@source System.dll +---@field Tcp System.Net.TransportType +---@source System.dll +---@field Udp System.Net.TransportType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.TransportType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.TransportType +function CS.System.Net.TransportType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.UploadDataCompletedEventArgs: System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Result byte[] +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.UploadDataCompletedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.UploadDataCompletedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.UploadDataCompletedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Net.UploadDataCompletedEventArgs +function CS.System.Net.UploadDataCompletedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Net.UploadDataCompletedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.UploadDataCompletedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.UploadDataCompletedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.UploadValuesCompletedEventArgs: System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Result byte[] +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.UploadValuesCompletedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.UploadFileCompletedEventArgs: System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Result byte[] +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.UploadFileCompletedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.UploadValuesCompletedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.UploadValuesCompletedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Net.UploadValuesCompletedEventArgs +function CS.System.Net.UploadValuesCompletedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Net.UploadValuesCompletedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.UploadValuesCompletedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.UploadValuesCompletedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.UploadFileCompletedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.UploadFileCompletedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Net.UploadFileCompletedEventArgs +function CS.System.Net.UploadFileCompletedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Net.UploadFileCompletedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.UploadFileCompletedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.UploadFileCompletedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.UploadProgressChangedEventArgs: System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field BytesReceived long +---@source System.dll +---@field BytesSent long +---@source System.dll +---@field TotalBytesToReceive long +---@source System.dll +---@field TotalBytesToSend long +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.UploadProgressChangedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.UploadProgressChangedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.UploadProgressChangedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Net.UploadProgressChangedEventArgs +function CS.System.Net.UploadProgressChangedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Net.UploadProgressChangedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.UploadProgressChangedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.UploadProgressChangedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WebClient: System.ComponentModel.Component +---@source System.dll +---@field AllowReadStreamBuffering bool +---@source System.dll +---@field AllowWriteStreamBuffering bool +---@source System.dll +---@field BaseAddress string +---@source System.dll +---@field CachePolicy System.Net.Cache.RequestCachePolicy +---@source System.dll +---@field Credentials System.Net.ICredentials +---@source System.dll +---@field Encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@source System.dll +---@field Headers System.Net.WebHeaderCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field IsBusy bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Proxy System.Net.IWebProxy +---@source System.dll +---@field QueryString System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field ResponseHeaders System.Net.WebHeaderCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field UseDefaultCredentials bool +---@source System.dll +---@field DownloadDataCompleted System.Net.DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field DownloadFileCompleted System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field DownloadProgressChanged System.Net.DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field DownloadStringCompleted System.Net.DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field OpenReadCompleted System.Net.OpenReadCompletedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field OpenWriteCompleted System.Net.OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field UploadDataCompleted System.Net.UploadDataCompletedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field UploadFileCompleted System.Net.UploadFileCompletedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field UploadProgressChanged System.Net.UploadProgressChangedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field UploadStringCompleted System.Net.UploadStringCompletedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field UploadValuesCompleted System.Net.UploadValuesCompletedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +---@field WriteStreamClosed System.Net.WriteStreamClosedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WebClient = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.add_DownloadDataCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.DownloadDataCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.remove_DownloadDataCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.add_DownloadFileCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.remove_DownloadFileCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.add_DownloadProgressChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.DownloadProgressChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.remove_DownloadProgressChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.add_DownloadStringCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.DownloadStringCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.remove_DownloadStringCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.OpenReadCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.add_OpenReadCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.OpenReadCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.remove_OpenReadCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.add_OpenWriteCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.OpenWriteCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.remove_OpenWriteCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.UploadDataCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.add_UploadDataCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.UploadDataCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.remove_UploadDataCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.UploadFileCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.add_UploadFileCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.UploadFileCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.remove_UploadFileCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.UploadProgressChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.add_UploadProgressChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.UploadProgressChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.remove_UploadProgressChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.UploadStringCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.add_UploadStringCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.UploadStringCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.remove_UploadStringCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.UploadValuesCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.add_UploadValuesCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.UploadValuesCompletedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.remove_UploadValuesCompleted(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.WriteStreamClosedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.add_WriteStreamClosed(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Net.WriteStreamClosedEventHandler +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.remove_WriteStreamClosed(value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.CancelAsync() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.DownloadData(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.DownloadData(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataAsync(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param userToken object +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataAsync(address, userToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataTaskAsync(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.DownloadDataTaskAsync(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(address, fileName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFile(address, fileName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFileAsync(address, fileName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param fileName string +---@param userToken object +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFileAsync(address, fileName, userToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@param fileName string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFileTaskAsync(address, fileName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param fileName string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.DownloadFileTaskAsync(address, fileName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.DownloadString(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.DownloadStringAsync(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param userToken object +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.DownloadStringAsync(address, userToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.DownloadStringTaskAsync(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.DownloadStringTaskAsync(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.OpenRead(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.OpenRead(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.OpenReadAsync(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param userToken object +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.OpenReadAsync(address, userToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.OpenReadTaskAsync(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.OpenReadTaskAsync(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.OpenWrite(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@param method string +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.OpenWrite(address, method) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.OpenWrite(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param method string +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.OpenWrite(address, method) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.OpenWriteAsync(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param method string +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.OpenWriteAsync(address, method) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param method string +---@param userToken object +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.OpenWriteAsync(address, method, userToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.OpenWriteTaskAsync(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@param method string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.OpenWriteTaskAsync(address, method) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.OpenWriteTaskAsync(address) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param method string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.OpenWriteTaskAsync(address, method) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@param data byte[] +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadData(address, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@param method string +---@param data byte[] +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadData(address, method, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param data byte[] +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadData(address, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param method string +---@param data byte[] +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadData(address, method, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param data byte[] +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadDataAsync(address, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param method string +---@param data byte[] +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadDataAsync(address, method, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param method string +---@param data byte[] +---@param userToken object +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadDataAsync(address, method, data, userToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@param data byte[] +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadDataTaskAsync(address, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@param method string +---@param data byte[] +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadDataTaskAsync(address, method, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param data byte[] +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadDataTaskAsync(address, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param method string +---@param data byte[] +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadDataTaskAsync(address, method, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadFile(address, fileName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@param method string +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadFile(address, method, fileName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadFile(address, fileName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param method string +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadFile(address, method, fileName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadFileAsync(address, fileName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param method string +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadFileAsync(address, method, fileName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param method string +---@param fileName string +---@param userToken object +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadFileAsync(address, method, fileName, userToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@param fileName string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadFileTaskAsync(address, fileName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@param method string +---@param fileName string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadFileTaskAsync(address, method, fileName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param fileName string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadFileTaskAsync(address, fileName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param method string +---@param fileName string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadFileTaskAsync(address, method, fileName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@param data string +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadString(address, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@param method string +---@param data string +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadString(address, method, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param data string +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadString(address, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param method string +---@param data string +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadString(address, method, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param data string +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadStringAsync(address, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param method string +---@param data string +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadStringAsync(address, method, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param method string +---@param data string +---@param userToken object +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadStringAsync(address, method, data, userToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@param data string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadStringTaskAsync(address, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@param method string +---@param data string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadStringTaskAsync(address, method, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param data string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadStringTaskAsync(address, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param method string +---@param data string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadStringTaskAsync(address, method, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@param data System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadValues(address, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@param method string +---@param data System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadValues(address, method, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param data System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadValues(address, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param method string +---@param data System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadValues(address, method, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param data System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadValuesAsync(address, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param method string +---@param data System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadValuesAsync(address, method, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param method string +---@param data System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection +---@param userToken object +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadValuesAsync(address, method, data, userToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@param data System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadValuesTaskAsync(address, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address string +---@param method string +---@param data System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadValuesTaskAsync(address, method, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param data System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadValuesTaskAsync(address, data) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param address System.Uri +---@param method string +---@param data System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebClient.UploadValuesTaskAsync(address, method, data) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.UploadStringCompletedEventArgs: System.ComponentModel.AsyncCompletedEventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Result string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.UploadStringCompletedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WebException: System.InvalidOperationException +---@source System.dll +---@field Response System.Net.WebResponse +---@source System.dll +---@field Status System.Net.WebExceptionStatus +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WebException = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param serializationInfo System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param streamingContext System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Net.WebException.GetObjectData(serializationInfo, streamingContext) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WebExceptionStatus: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field CacheEntryNotFound System.Net.WebExceptionStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field ConnectFailure System.Net.WebExceptionStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field ConnectionClosed System.Net.WebExceptionStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field KeepAliveFailure System.Net.WebExceptionStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field MessageLengthLimitExceeded System.Net.WebExceptionStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field NameResolutionFailure System.Net.WebExceptionStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field Pending System.Net.WebExceptionStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field PipelineFailure System.Net.WebExceptionStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field ProtocolError System.Net.WebExceptionStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field ProxyNameResolutionFailure System.Net.WebExceptionStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field ReceiveFailure System.Net.WebExceptionStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field RequestCanceled System.Net.WebExceptionStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field RequestProhibitedByCachePolicy System.Net.WebExceptionStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field RequestProhibitedByProxy System.Net.WebExceptionStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field SecureChannelFailure System.Net.WebExceptionStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field SendFailure System.Net.WebExceptionStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field ServerProtocolViolation System.Net.WebExceptionStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field Success System.Net.WebExceptionStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field Timeout System.Net.WebExceptionStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field TrustFailure System.Net.WebExceptionStatus +---@source System.dll +---@field UnknownError System.Net.WebExceptionStatus +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WebExceptionStatus = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Net.WebExceptionStatus +function CS.System.Net.WebExceptionStatus:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WebHeaderCollection: System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field AllKeys string[] +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] string +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] string +---@source System.dll +---@field Keys System.Collections.Specialized.NameObjectCollectionBase.KeysCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param header System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@param value string +function CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Add(header, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param header System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@param value string +function CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Add(header, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param header string +function CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Add(header) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Add(name, value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Get(index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Get(name) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.GetKey(index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param serializationInfo System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param streamingContext System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.GetObjectData(serializationInfo, streamingContext) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.GetValues(index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param header string +function CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.GetValues(header) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param headerName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection:IsRestricted(headerName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param headerName string +---@param response bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection:IsRestricted(headerName, response) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +function CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.OnDeserialization(sender) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param header System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +function CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Remove(header) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param header System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +function CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Remove(header) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Remove(name) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param header System.Net.HttpRequestHeader +---@param value string +function CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Set(header, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param header System.Net.HttpResponseHeader +---@param value string +function CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Set(header, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.Set(name, value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.ToByteArray() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WebPermission: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source System.dll +---@field AcceptList System.Collections.IEnumerator +---@source System.dll +---@field ConnectList System.Collections.IEnumerator +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WebPermission = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param access System.Net.NetworkAccess +---@param uriString string +function CS.System.Net.WebPermission.AddPermission(access, uriString) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param access System.Net.NetworkAccess +---@param uriRegex System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex +function CS.System.Net.WebPermission.AddPermission(access, uriRegex) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Net.WebPermission.Copy() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param securityElement System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Net.WebPermission.FromXml(securityElement) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Net.WebPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.WebPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.WebPermission.IsUnrestricted() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Net.WebPermission.ToXml() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Net.WebPermission.Union(target) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WebPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Accept string +---@source System.dll +---@field AcceptPattern string +---@source System.dll +---@field Connect string +---@source System.dll +---@field ConnectPattern string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WebPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Net.WebPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WebProxy: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Address System.Uri +---@source System.dll +---@field BypassArrayList System.Collections.ArrayList +---@source System.dll +---@field BypassList string[] +---@source System.dll +---@field BypassProxyOnLocal bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Credentials System.Net.ICredentials +---@source System.dll +---@field UseDefaultCredentials bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WebProxy = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return WebProxy +function CS.System.Net.WebProxy:GetDefaultProxy() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param destination System.Uri +---@return Uri +function CS.System.Net.WebProxy.GetProxy(destination) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param host System.Uri +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.WebProxy.IsBypassed(host) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WebRequest: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source System.dll +---@field AuthenticationLevel System.Net.Security.AuthenticationLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field CachePolicy System.Net.Cache.RequestCachePolicy +---@source System.dll +---@field ConnectionGroupName string +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentLength long +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentType string +---@source System.dll +---@field CreatorInstance System.Net.IWebRequestCreate +---@source System.dll +---@field Credentials System.Net.ICredentials +---@source System.dll +---@field DefaultCachePolicy System.Net.Cache.RequestCachePolicy +---@source System.dll +---@field DefaultWebProxy System.Net.IWebProxy +---@source System.dll +---@field Headers System.Net.WebHeaderCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field ImpersonationLevel System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Method string +---@source System.dll +---@field PreAuthenticate bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Proxy System.Net.IWebProxy +---@source System.dll +---@field RequestUri System.Uri +---@source System.dll +---@field Timeout int +---@source System.dll +---@field UseDefaultCredentials bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WebRequest = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.WebRequest.Abort() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.WebRequest.BeginGetRequestStream(callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param state object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.WebRequest.BeginGetResponse(callback, state) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param requestUriString string +---@return WebRequest +function CS.System.Net.WebRequest:Create(requestUriString) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param requestUri System.Uri +---@return WebRequest +function CS.System.Net.WebRequest:Create(requestUri) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param requestUri System.Uri +---@return WebRequest +function CS.System.Net.WebRequest:CreateDefault(requestUri) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param requestUriString string +---@return HttpWebRequest +function CS.System.Net.WebRequest:CreateHttp(requestUriString) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param requestUri System.Uri +---@return HttpWebRequest +function CS.System.Net.WebRequest:CreateHttp(requestUri) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Net.WebRequest.EndGetRequestStream(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@return WebResponse +function CS.System.Net.WebRequest.EndGetResponse(asyncResult) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Net.WebRequest.GetRequestStream() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebRequest.GetRequestStreamAsync() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return WebResponse +function CS.System.Net.WebRequest.GetResponse() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Net.WebRequest.GetResponseAsync() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IWebProxy +function CS.System.Net.WebRequest:GetSystemWebProxy() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param creator System.Net.IWebRequestCreate +function CS.System.Net.WebRequest:RegisterPortableWebRequestCreator(creator) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param creator System.Net.IWebRequestCreate +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Net.WebRequest:RegisterPrefix(prefix, creator) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WebRequestMethods: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WebRequestMethods = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.File: object +---@source System.dll +---@field DownloadFile string +---@source System.dll +---@field UploadFile string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.File = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.Ftp: object +---@source System.dll +---@field AppendFile string +---@source System.dll +---@field DeleteFile string +---@source System.dll +---@field DownloadFile string +---@source System.dll +---@field GetDateTimestamp string +---@source System.dll +---@field GetFileSize string +---@source System.dll +---@field ListDirectory string +---@source System.dll +---@field ListDirectoryDetails string +---@source System.dll +---@field MakeDirectory string +---@source System.dll +---@field PrintWorkingDirectory string +---@source System.dll +---@field RemoveDirectory string +---@source System.dll +---@field Rename string +---@source System.dll +---@field UploadFile string +---@source System.dll +---@field UploadFileWithUniqueName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.Ftp = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WebResponse: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentLength long +---@source System.dll +---@field ContentType string +---@source System.dll +---@field Headers System.Net.WebHeaderCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field IsFromCache bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsMutuallyAuthenticated bool +---@source System.dll +---@field ResponseUri System.Uri +---@source System.dll +---@field SupportsHeaders bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WebResponse = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.WebResponse.Close() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Net.WebResponse.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Net.WebResponse.GetResponseStream() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WebUtility: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WebUtility = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.WebUtility:HtmlDecode(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string +---@param output System.IO.TextWriter +function CS.System.Net.WebUtility:HtmlDecode(value, output) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.WebUtility:HtmlEncode(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string +---@param output System.IO.TextWriter +function CS.System.Net.WebUtility:HtmlEncode(value, output) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param encodedValue string +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.WebUtility:UrlDecode(encodedValue) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param encodedValue byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Net.WebUtility:UrlDecodeToBytes(encodedValue, offset, count) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value string +---@return String +function CS.System.Net.WebUtility:UrlEncode(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Net.WebUtility:UrlEncodeToBytes(value, offset, count) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WriteStreamClosedEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Error System.Exception +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WriteStreamClosedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Net.WriteStreamClosedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Net.WriteStreamClosedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Net.WriteStreamClosedEventArgs +function CS.System.Net.WriteStreamClosedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Net.WriteStreamClosedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.WriteStreamClosedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Net.WriteStreamClosedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Numerics.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Numerics.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2d5c7734c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Numerics.lua @@ -0,0 +1,2511 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@class System.Numerics.BigInteger: System.ValueType +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field IsEven bool +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field IsOne bool +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field IsPowerOfTwo bool +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field IsZero bool +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field MinusOne System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field One System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field Sign int +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field Zero System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@source System.Numerics.dll +CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger = {} + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:Abs(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:Add(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:Compare(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param other long +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger.CompareTo(other) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param other System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger.CompareTo(other) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger.CompareTo(obj) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param other ulong +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger.CompareTo(other) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param dividend System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param divisor System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:Divide(dividend, divisor) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param dividend System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param divisor System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param remainder System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:DivRem(dividend, divisor, remainder) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param other long +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger.Equals(other) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param other System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger.Equals(other) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param other ulong +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger.Equals(other) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:GreatestCommonDivisor(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Double +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:Log(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param baseValue double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:Log(value, baseValue) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Double +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:Log10(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:Max(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:Min(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param exponent System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param modulus System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:ModPow(value, exponent, modulus) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:Multiply(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:Negate(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Addition(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_BitwiseAnd(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_BitwiseOr(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Decrement(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param dividend System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param divisor System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Division(dividend, divisor) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left long +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right long +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right ulong +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left ulong +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_ExclusiveOr(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value double +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Double +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value float +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left long +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_GreaterThan(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right long +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_GreaterThan(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_GreaterThan(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right ulong +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_GreaterThan(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left ulong +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_GreaterThan(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left long +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right long +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right ulong +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left ulong +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value byte +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value short +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value int +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value long +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value ushort +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value uint +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value ulong +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Increment(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left long +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right long +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right ulong +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left ulong +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param shift int +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_LeftShift(value, shift) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left long +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_LessThan(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right long +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_LessThan(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_LessThan(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right ulong +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_LessThan(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left ulong +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_LessThan(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left long +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_LessThanOrEqual(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right long +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_LessThanOrEqual(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_LessThanOrEqual(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right ulong +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_LessThanOrEqual(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left ulong +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_LessThanOrEqual(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param dividend System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param divisor System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Modulus(dividend, divisor) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Multiply(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_OnesComplement(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param shift int +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_RightShift(value, shift) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_Subtraction(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_UnaryNegation(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:op_UnaryPlus(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value string +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:Parse(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:Parse(value, style) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:Parse(value, style, provider) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:Parse(value, provider) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param exponent int +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:Pow(value, exponent) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param dividend System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param divisor System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:Remainder(dividend, divisor) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@param right System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return BigInteger +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:Subtract(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger.ToByteArray() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger.ToString() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger.ToString(provider) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger.ToString(format) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param format string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger.ToString(format, provider) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param result System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:TryParse(value, style, provider, result) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value string +---@param result System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.BigInteger:TryParse(value, result) end + + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@class System.Numerics.Complex: System.ValueType +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field ImaginaryOne System.Numerics.Complex +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field One System.Numerics.Complex +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field Zero System.Numerics.Complex +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field Imaginary double +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field Magnitude double +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field Phase double +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field Real double +---@source System.Numerics.dll +CS.System.Numerics.Complex = {} + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Double +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Abs(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Acos(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Complex +---@param right System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Add(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Asin(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Atan(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Conjugate(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Cos(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Cosh(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param dividend System.Numerics.Complex +---@param divisor System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Divide(dividend, divisor) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex.Equals(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Exp(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param magnitude double +---@param phase double +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:FromPolarCoordinates(magnitude, phase) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Log(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Complex +---@param baseValue double +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Log(value, baseValue) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Log10(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Complex +---@param right System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Multiply(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Negate(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Complex +---@param right System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:op_Addition(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Complex +---@param right System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:op_Division(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Complex +---@param right System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.BigInteger +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value byte +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value double +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value short +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value int +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value long +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value float +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value ushort +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value uint +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value ulong +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Complex +---@param right System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Complex +---@param right System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:op_Multiply(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Complex +---@param right System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:op_Subtraction(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:op_UnaryNegation(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Complex +---@param power double +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Pow(value, power) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Complex +---@param power System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Pow(value, power) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Reciprocal(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Sin(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Sinh(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Sqrt(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Complex +---@param right System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Subtract(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Tan(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Complex +---@return Complex +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex:Tanh(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex.ToString() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex.ToString(provider) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex.ToString(format) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param format string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Numerics.Complex.ToString(format, provider) end + + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@class System.Numerics.Matrix3x2: System.ValueType +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field M11 float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field M12 float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field M21 float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field M22 float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field M31 float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field M32 float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field Identity System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field IsIdentity bool +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field Translation System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@source System.Numerics.dll +CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 = {} + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@return Matrix3x2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:Add(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param radians float +---@return Matrix3x2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:CreateRotation(radians) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param radians float +---@param centerPoint System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Matrix3x2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:CreateRotation(radians, centerPoint) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param scales System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Matrix3x2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:CreateScale(scales) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param scales System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param centerPoint System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Matrix3x2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:CreateScale(scales, centerPoint) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param scale float +---@return Matrix3x2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:CreateScale(scale) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param scale float +---@param centerPoint System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Matrix3x2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:CreateScale(scale, centerPoint) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param xScale float +---@param yScale float +---@return Matrix3x2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:CreateScale(xScale, yScale) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param xScale float +---@param yScale float +---@param centerPoint System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Matrix3x2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:CreateScale(xScale, yScale, centerPoint) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param radiansX float +---@param radiansY float +---@return Matrix3x2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:CreateSkew(radiansX, radiansY) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param radiansX float +---@param radiansY float +---@param centerPoint System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Matrix3x2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:CreateSkew(radiansX, radiansY, centerPoint) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param position System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Matrix3x2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:CreateTranslation(position) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param xPosition float +---@param yPosition float +---@return Matrix3x2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:CreateTranslation(xPosition, yPosition) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param other System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2.Equals(other) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2.GetDeterminant() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param matrix System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@param result System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:Invert(matrix, result) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param matrix1 System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@param matrix2 System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@param amount float +---@return Matrix3x2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:Lerp(matrix1, matrix2, amount) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@return Matrix3x2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:Multiply(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@param value2 float +---@return Matrix3x2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:Multiply(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@return Matrix3x2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:Negate(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@return Matrix3x2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:op_Addition(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:op_Equality(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:op_Inequality(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@return Matrix3x2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:op_Multiply(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@param value2 float +---@return Matrix3x2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:op_Multiply(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@return Matrix3x2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:op_Subtraction(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@return Matrix3x2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:op_UnaryNegation(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@return Matrix3x2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2:Subtract(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix3x2.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@class System.Numerics.Matrix4x4: System.ValueType +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field M11 float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field M12 float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field M13 float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field M14 float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field M21 float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field M22 float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field M23 float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field M24 float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field M31 float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field M32 float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field M33 float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field M34 float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field M41 float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field M42 float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field M43 float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field M44 float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field Identity System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field IsIdentity bool +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field Translation System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@source System.Numerics.dll +CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 = {} + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:Add(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param objectPosition System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param cameraPosition System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param cameraUpVector System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param cameraForwardVector System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateBillboard(objectPosition, cameraPosition, cameraUpVector, cameraForwardVector) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param objectPosition System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param cameraPosition System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param rotateAxis System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param cameraForwardVector System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param objectForwardVector System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateConstrainedBillboard(objectPosition, cameraPosition, rotateAxis, cameraForwardVector, objectForwardVector) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param axis System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param angle float +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateFromAxisAngle(axis, angle) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param quaternion System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateFromQuaternion(quaternion) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param yaw float +---@param pitch float +---@param roll float +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateFromYawPitchRoll(yaw, pitch, roll) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param cameraPosition System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param cameraTarget System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param cameraUpVector System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateLookAt(cameraPosition, cameraTarget, cameraUpVector) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param width float +---@param height float +---@param zNearPlane float +---@param zFarPlane float +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateOrthographic(width, height, zNearPlane, zFarPlane) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left float +---@param right float +---@param bottom float +---@param top float +---@param zNearPlane float +---@param zFarPlane float +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateOrthographicOffCenter(left, right, bottom, top, zNearPlane, zFarPlane) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param width float +---@param height float +---@param nearPlaneDistance float +---@param farPlaneDistance float +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreatePerspective(width, height, nearPlaneDistance, farPlaneDistance) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param fieldOfView float +---@param aspectRatio float +---@param nearPlaneDistance float +---@param farPlaneDistance float +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(fieldOfView, aspectRatio, nearPlaneDistance, farPlaneDistance) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left float +---@param right float +---@param bottom float +---@param top float +---@param nearPlaneDistance float +---@param farPlaneDistance float +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreatePerspectiveOffCenter(left, right, bottom, top, nearPlaneDistance, farPlaneDistance) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Plane +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateReflection(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param radians float +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateRotationX(radians) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param radians float +---@param centerPoint System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateRotationX(radians, centerPoint) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param radians float +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateRotationY(radians) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param radians float +---@param centerPoint System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateRotationY(radians, centerPoint) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param radians float +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateRotationZ(radians) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param radians float +---@param centerPoint System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateRotationZ(radians, centerPoint) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param scales System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateScale(scales) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param scales System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param centerPoint System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateScale(scales, centerPoint) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param scale float +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateScale(scale) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param scale float +---@param centerPoint System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateScale(scale, centerPoint) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param xScale float +---@param yScale float +---@param zScale float +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateScale(xScale, yScale, zScale) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param xScale float +---@param yScale float +---@param zScale float +---@param centerPoint System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateScale(xScale, yScale, zScale, centerPoint) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param lightDirection System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param plane System.Numerics.Plane +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateShadow(lightDirection, plane) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param position System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateTranslation(position) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param xPosition float +---@param yPosition float +---@param zPosition float +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateTranslation(xPosition, yPosition, zPosition) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param position System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param forward System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param up System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:CreateWorld(position, forward, up) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param matrix System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@param scale System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param rotation System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@param translation System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:Decompose(matrix, scale, rotation, translation) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param other System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4.Equals(other) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4.GetDeterminant() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param matrix System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@param result System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:Invert(matrix, result) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param matrix1 System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@param matrix2 System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@param amount float +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:Lerp(matrix1, matrix2, amount) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:Multiply(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@param value2 float +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:Multiply(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:Negate(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:op_Addition(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:op_Equality(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:op_Inequality(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:op_Multiply(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@param value2 float +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:op_Multiply(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:op_Subtraction(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:op_UnaryNegation(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:Subtract(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4.ToString() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@param rotation System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:Transform(value, rotation) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param matrix System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Matrix4x4:Transpose(matrix) end + + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@class System.Numerics.Plane: System.ValueType +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field D float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field Normal System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@source System.Numerics.dll +CS.System.Numerics.Plane = {} + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param point1 System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param point2 System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param point3 System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Plane +function CS.System.Numerics.Plane:CreateFromVertices(point1, point2, point3) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param plane System.Numerics.Plane +---@param value System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.Plane:Dot(plane, value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param plane System.Numerics.Plane +---@param value System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.Plane:DotCoordinate(plane, value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param plane System.Numerics.Plane +---@param value System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.Plane:DotNormal(plane, value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param other System.Numerics.Plane +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Plane.Equals(other) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Plane.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Numerics.Plane.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Plane +---@return Plane +function CS.System.Numerics.Plane:Normalize(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Plane +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Plane +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Plane:op_Equality(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Plane +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Plane +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Plane:op_Inequality(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Numerics.Plane.ToString() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param plane System.Numerics.Plane +---@param matrix System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@return Plane +function CS.System.Numerics.Plane:Transform(plane, matrix) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param plane System.Numerics.Plane +---@param rotation System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Plane +function CS.System.Numerics.Plane:Transform(plane, rotation) end + + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@class System.Numerics.Quaternion: System.ValueType +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field W float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field X float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field Y float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field Z float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field Identity System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field IsIdentity bool +---@source System.Numerics.dll +CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion = {} + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Quaternion +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:Add(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Quaternion +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:Concatenate(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Quaternion +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:Conjugate(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param axis System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param angle float +---@return Quaternion +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:CreateFromAxisAngle(axis, angle) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param matrix System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@return Quaternion +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:CreateFromRotationMatrix(matrix) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param yaw float +---@param pitch float +---@param roll float +---@return Quaternion +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:CreateFromYawPitchRoll(yaw, pitch, roll) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Quaternion +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:Divide(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param quaternion1 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@param quaternion2 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:Dot(quaternion1, quaternion2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param other System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion.Equals(other) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Quaternion +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:Inverse(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion.Length() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion.LengthSquared() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param quaternion1 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@param quaternion2 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@param amount float +---@return Quaternion +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:Lerp(quaternion1, quaternion2, amount) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Quaternion +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:Multiply(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@param value2 float +---@return Quaternion +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:Multiply(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Quaternion +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:Negate(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Quaternion +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:Normalize(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Quaternion +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:op_Addition(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Quaternion +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:op_Division(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:op_Equality(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:op_Inequality(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Quaternion +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:op_Multiply(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@param value2 float +---@return Quaternion +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:op_Multiply(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Quaternion +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:op_Subtraction(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Quaternion +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:op_UnaryNegation(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param quaternion1 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@param quaternion2 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@param amount float +---@return Quaternion +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:Slerp(quaternion1, quaternion2, amount) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Quaternion +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion:Subtract(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Numerics.Quaternion.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@class System.Numerics.Vector2: System.ValueType +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field X float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field Y float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field One System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field UnitX System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field UnitY System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field Zero System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@source System.Numerics.dll +CS.System.Numerics.Vector2 = {} + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:Abs(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:Add(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param min System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param max System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:Clamp(value1, min, max) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param array float[] +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2.CopyTo(array) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param array float[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:Distance(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:DistanceSquared(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:Divide(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param divisor float +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:Divide(left, divisor) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:Dot(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param other System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2.Equals(other) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2.Length() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2.LengthSquared() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param amount float +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:Lerp(value1, value2, amount) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:Max(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:Min(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:Multiply(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param right float +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:Multiply(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left float +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:Multiply(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:Negate(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:Normalize(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:op_Addition(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:op_Division(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param value2 float +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:op_Division(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:op_Multiply(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param right float +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:op_Multiply(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left float +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:op_Multiply(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:op_Subtraction(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:op_UnaryNegation(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param vector System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param normal System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:Reflect(vector, normal) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:SquareRoot(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:Subtract(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2.ToString() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2.ToString(format) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param format string +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2.ToString(format, formatProvider) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param position System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param matrix System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:Transform(position, matrix) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param position System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param matrix System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:Transform(position, matrix) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param rotation System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:Transform(value, rotation) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param normal System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param matrix System.Numerics.Matrix3x2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:TransformNormal(normal, matrix) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param normal System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param matrix System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector2:TransformNormal(normal, matrix) end + + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@class System.Numerics.Vector3: System.ValueType +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field X float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field Y float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field Z float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field One System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field UnitX System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field UnitY System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field UnitZ System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field Zero System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@source System.Numerics.dll +CS.System.Numerics.Vector3 = {} + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:Abs(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:Add(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param min System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param max System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:Clamp(value1, min, max) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param array float[] +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3.CopyTo(array) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param array float[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param vector1 System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param vector2 System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:Cross(vector1, vector2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:Distance(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:DistanceSquared(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:Divide(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param divisor float +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:Divide(left, divisor) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param vector1 System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param vector2 System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:Dot(vector1, vector2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param other System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3.Equals(other) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3.Length() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3.LengthSquared() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param amount float +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:Lerp(value1, value2, amount) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:Max(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:Min(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:Multiply(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param right float +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:Multiply(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left float +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:Multiply(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:Negate(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:Normalize(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:op_Addition(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:op_Division(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param value2 float +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:op_Division(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:op_Multiply(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param right float +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:op_Multiply(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left float +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:op_Multiply(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:op_Subtraction(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:op_UnaryNegation(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param vector System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param normal System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:Reflect(vector, normal) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:SquareRoot(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:Subtract(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3.ToString() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3.ToString(format) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param format string +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3.ToString(format, formatProvider) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param position System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param matrix System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:Transform(position, matrix) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param rotation System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:Transform(value, rotation) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param normal System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param matrix System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector3:TransformNormal(normal, matrix) end + + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@class System.Numerics.Vector4: System.ValueType +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field W float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field X float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field Y float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field Z float +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field One System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field UnitW System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field UnitX System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field UnitY System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field UnitZ System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@field Zero System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@source System.Numerics.dll +CS.System.Numerics.Vector4 = {} + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:Abs(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:Add(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param min System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param max System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:Clamp(value1, min, max) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param array float[] +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4.CopyTo(array) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param array float[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:Distance(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:DistanceSquared(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:Divide(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param divisor float +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:Divide(left, divisor) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param vector1 System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param vector2 System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:Dot(vector1, vector2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param other System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4.Equals(other) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4.Length() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4.LengthSquared() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param amount float +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:Lerp(value1, value2, amount) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:Max(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param value2 System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:Min(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:Multiply(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param right float +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:Multiply(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left float +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:Multiply(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:Negate(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param vector System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:Normalize(vector) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:op_Addition(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:op_Division(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value1 System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param value2 float +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:op_Division(value1, value2) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:op_Multiply(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param right float +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:op_Multiply(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left float +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:op_Multiply(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:op_Subtraction(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:op_UnaryNegation(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:SquareRoot(value) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param left System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param right System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:Subtract(left, right) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4.ToString() end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4.ToString(format) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param format string +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4.ToString(format, formatProvider) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param position System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param matrix System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:Transform(position, matrix) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Vector2 +---@param rotation System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:Transform(value, rotation) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param position System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param matrix System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:Transform(position, matrix) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Vector3 +---@param rotation System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:Transform(value, rotation) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param vector System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param matrix System.Numerics.Matrix4x4 +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:Transform(vector, matrix) end + +---@source System.Numerics.dll +---@param value System.Numerics.Vector4 +---@param rotation System.Numerics.Quaternion +---@return Vector4 +function CS.System.Numerics.Vector4:Transform(value, rotation) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Reflection.Emit.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Reflection.Emit.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f85c98122 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Reflection.Emit.lua @@ -0,0 +1,3816 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder: System.Reflection.Assembly +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CodeBase string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EntryPoint System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GlobalAssemblyCache bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HostContext long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ImageRuntimeVersion string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsDynamic bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Location string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ManifestModule System.Reflection.Module +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PermissionSet System.Security.PermissionSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectionOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SecurityRuleSet System.Security.SecurityRuleSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.AddResourceFile(name, fileName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param fileName string +---@param attribute System.Reflection.ResourceAttributes +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.AddResourceFile(name, fileName, attribute) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder:DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@param assemblyAttributes System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder:DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, assemblyAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return ModuleBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param emitSymbolInfo bool +---@return ModuleBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(name, emitSymbolInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param fileName string +---@return ModuleBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(name, fileName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param fileName string +---@param emitSymbolInfo bool +---@return ModuleBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule(name, fileName, emitSymbolInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param description string +---@param fileName string +---@return IResourceWriter +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.DefineResource(name, description, fileName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param description string +---@param fileName string +---@param attribute System.Reflection.ResourceAttributes +---@return IResourceWriter +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.DefineResource(name, description, fileName, attribute) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param resource byte[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.DefineUnmanagedResource(resource) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param resourceFileName string +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.DefineUnmanagedResource(resourceFileName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.DefineVersionInfoResource() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param product string +---@param productVersion string +---@param company string +---@param copyright string +---@param trademark string +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.DefineVersionInfoResource(product, productVersion, company, copyright, trademark) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IList +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetCustomAttributesData() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return ModuleBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetDynamicModule(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetExportedTypes() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return FileStream +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetFile(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param getResourceModules bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetFiles(getResourceModules) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param getResourceModules bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetLoadedModules(getResourceModules) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param resourceName string +---@return ManifestResourceInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetManifestResourceInfo(resourceName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetManifestResourceNames() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetManifestResourceStream(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param name string +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetManifestResourceStream(type, name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Module +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetModule(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param getResourceModules bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetModules(getResourceModules) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param copiedName bool +---@return AssemblyName +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetName(copiedName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetReferencedAssemblies() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetSatelliteAssembly(culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param version System.Version +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetSatelliteAssembly(culture, version) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param throwOnError bool +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.GetType(name, throwOnError, ignoreCase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFileName string +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.Save(assemblyFileName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFileName string +---@param portableExecutableKind System.Reflection.PortableExecutableKinds +---@param imageFileMachine System.Reflection.ImageFileMachine +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.Save(assemblyFileName, portableExecutableKind, imageFileMachine) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param con System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@param binaryAttribute byte[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(con, binaryAttribute) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param customBuilder System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(customBuilder) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param entryMethod System.Reflection.MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.SetEntryPoint(entryMethod) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param entryMethod System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param fileKind System.Reflection.Emit.PEFileKinds +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilder.SetEntryPoint(entryMethod, fileKind) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectionOnly System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Run System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RunAndCollect System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RunAndSave System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Save System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.ConstructorBuilder: System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attributes System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CallingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaringType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InitLocals bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodHandle System.RuntimeMethodHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Module System.Reflection.Module +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectedType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReturnType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Signature string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ConstructorBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param action System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction +---@param pset System.Security.PermissionSet +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ConstructorBuilder.AddDeclarativeSecurity(action, pset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iSequence int +---@param attributes System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes +---@param strParamName string +---@return ParameterBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ConstructorBuilder.DefineParameter(iSequence, attributes, strParamName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ConstructorBuilder.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ConstructorBuilder.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ILGenerator +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ConstructorBuilder.GetILGenerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param streamSize int +---@return ILGenerator +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ConstructorBuilder.GetILGenerator(streamSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodImplAttributes +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ConstructorBuilder.GetMethodImplementationFlags() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Module +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ConstructorBuilder.GetModule() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ConstructorBuilder.GetParameters() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodToken +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ConstructorBuilder.GetToken() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param parameters object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ConstructorBuilder.Invoke(obj, invokeAttr, binder, parameters, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param parameters object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ConstructorBuilder.Invoke(invokeAttr, binder, parameters, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ConstructorBuilder.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param con System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@param binaryAttribute byte[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ConstructorBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(con, binaryAttribute) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param customBuilder System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ConstructorBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(customBuilder) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributes System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ConstructorBuilder.SetImplementationFlags(attributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param il byte[] +---@param maxStack int +---@param localSignature byte[] +---@param exceptionHandlers System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param tokenFixups System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ConstructorBuilder.SetMethodBody(il, maxStack, localSignature, exceptionHandlers, tokenFixups) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param data byte[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ConstructorBuilder.SetSymCustomAttribute(name, data) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ConstructorBuilder.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicILInfo: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DynamicMethod System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicILInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param signature byte[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicILInfo.GetTokenFor(signature) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param method System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicILInfo.GetTokenFor(method) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param field System.RuntimeFieldHandle +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicILInfo.GetTokenFor(field) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param field System.RuntimeFieldHandle +---@param contextType System.RuntimeTypeHandle +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicILInfo.GetTokenFor(field, contextType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param method System.RuntimeMethodHandle +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicILInfo.GetTokenFor(method) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param method System.RuntimeMethodHandle +---@param contextType System.RuntimeTypeHandle +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicILInfo.GetTokenFor(method, contextType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.RuntimeTypeHandle +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicILInfo.GetTokenFor(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param literal string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicILInfo.GetTokenFor(literal) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param code byte* +---@param codeSize int +---@param maxStackSize int +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicILInfo.SetCode(code, codeSize, maxStackSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param code byte[] +---@param maxStackSize int +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicILInfo.SetCode(code, maxStackSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param exceptions byte* +---@param exceptionsSize int +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicILInfo.SetExceptions(exceptions, exceptionsSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param exceptions byte[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicILInfo.SetExceptions(exceptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param localSignature byte* +---@param signatureSize int +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicILInfo.SetLocalSignature(localSignature, signatureSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param localSignature byte[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicILInfo.SetLocalSignature(localSignature) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod: System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attributes System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CallingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaringType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InitLocals bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSecurityCritical bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSecuritySafeCritical bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSecurityTransparent bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodHandle System.RuntimeMethodHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Module System.Reflection.Module +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectedType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReturnParameter System.Reflection.ParameterInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReturnType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReturnTypeCustomAttributes System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param delegateType System.Type +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod.CreateDelegate(delegateType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param delegateType System.Type +---@param target object +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod.CreateDelegate(delegateType, target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position int +---@param attributes System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes +---@param parameterName string +---@return ParameterBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod.DefineParameter(position, attributes, parameterName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod.GetBaseDefinition() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return DynamicILInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod.GetDynamicILInfo() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ILGenerator +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod.GetILGenerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param streamSize int +---@return ILGenerator +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod.GetILGenerator(streamSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodImplAttributes +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod.GetMethodImplementationFlags() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod.GetParameters() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param parameters object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod.Invoke(obj, invokeAttr, binder, parameters, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder: System.Reflection.TypeInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssemblyQualifiedName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BaseType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaringType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GUID System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsConstructedGenericType bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Module System.Reflection.Module +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectedType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeHandle System.RuntimeTypeHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeToken System.Reflection.Emit.TypeToken +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UnderlyingField System.Reflection.Emit.FieldBuilder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UnderlyingSystemType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.CreateType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TypeInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.CreateTypeInfo() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param literalName string +---@param literalValue object +---@return FieldBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.DefineLiteral(literalName, literalValue) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.GetConstructors(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.GetElementType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.GetEnumUnderlyingType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return EventInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.GetEvent(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.GetEvents() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.GetEvents(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return FieldInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.GetField(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.GetFields(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.GetInterface(name, ignoreCase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param interfaceType System.Type +---@return InterfaceMapping +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.GetInterfaceMap(interfaceType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.GetInterfaces() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param type System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.GetMember(name, type, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.GetMembers(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.GetMethods(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.GetNestedType(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.GetNestedTypes(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.GetProperties(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param target object +---@param args object[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param namedParameters string[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.InvokeMember(name, invokeAttr, binder, target, args, modifiers, culture, namedParameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeInfo System.Reflection.TypeInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.IsAssignableFrom(typeInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.MakeArrayType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rank int +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.MakeArrayType(rank) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.MakeByRefType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.MakePointerType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param con System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@param binaryAttribute byte[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(con, binaryAttribute) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param customBuilder System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EnumBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(customBuilder) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.EventBuilder: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EventBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mdBuilder System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EventBuilder.AddOtherMethod(mdBuilder) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return EventToken +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EventBuilder.GetEventToken() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mdBuilder System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EventBuilder.SetAddOnMethod(mdBuilder) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param con System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@param binaryAttribute byte[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EventBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(con, binaryAttribute) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param customBuilder System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EventBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(customBuilder) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mdBuilder System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EventBuilder.SetRaiseMethod(mdBuilder) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mdBuilder System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EventBuilder.SetRemoveOnMethod(mdBuilder) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.ExceptionHandler: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExceptionTypeToken int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FilterOffset int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HandlerLength int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HandlerOffset int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Kind System.Reflection.ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TryLength int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TryOffset int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ExceptionHandler = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ExceptionHandler.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.Reflection.Emit.ExceptionHandler +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ExceptionHandler.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ExceptionHandler.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Reflection.Emit.ExceptionHandler +---@param right System.Reflection.Emit.ExceptionHandler +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ExceptionHandler:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Reflection.Emit.ExceptionHandler +---@param right System.Reflection.Emit.ExceptionHandler +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ExceptionHandler:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.EventToken: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Empty System.Reflection.Emit.EventToken +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Token int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EventToken = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EventToken.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.Reflection.Emit.EventToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EventToken.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EventToken.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Reflection.Emit.EventToken +---@param b System.Reflection.Emit.EventToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EventToken:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Reflection.Emit.EventToken +---@param b System.Reflection.Emit.EventToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.EventToken:op_Inequality(a, b) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.FieldToken: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Empty System.Reflection.Emit.FieldToken +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Token int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.FieldToken = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.FieldToken.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.Reflection.Emit.FieldToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.FieldToken.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.FieldToken.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Reflection.Emit.FieldToken +---@param b System.Reflection.Emit.FieldToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.FieldToken:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Reflection.Emit.FieldToken +---@param b System.Reflection.Emit.FieldToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.FieldToken:op_Inequality(a, b) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.FieldBuilder: System.Reflection.FieldInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attributes System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaringType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FieldHandle System.RuntimeFieldHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FieldType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Module System.Reflection.Module +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectedType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.FieldBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.FieldBuilder.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.FieldBuilder.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return FieldToken +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.FieldBuilder.GetToken() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.FieldBuilder.GetValue(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.FieldBuilder.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param defaultValue object +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.FieldBuilder.SetConstant(defaultValue) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param con System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@param binaryAttribute byte[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.FieldBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(con, binaryAttribute) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param customBuilder System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.FieldBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(customBuilder) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param unmanagedMarshal System.Reflection.Emit.UnmanagedMarshal +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.FieldBuilder.SetMarshal(unmanagedMarshal) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iOffset int +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.FieldBuilder.SetOffset(iOffset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param val object +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.FieldBuilder.SetValue(obj, val, invokeAttr, binder, culture) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.FlowControl: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Branch System.Reflection.Emit.FlowControl +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Break System.Reflection.Emit.FlowControl +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Call System.Reflection.Emit.FlowControl +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Cond_Branch System.Reflection.Emit.FlowControl +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Meta System.Reflection.Emit.FlowControl +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Next System.Reflection.Emit.FlowControl +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Phi System.Reflection.Emit.FlowControl +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Return System.Reflection.Emit.FlowControl +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Throw System.Reflection.Emit.FlowControl +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.FlowControl = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.Emit.FlowControl +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.FlowControl:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder: System.Reflection.TypeInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssemblyQualifiedName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BaseType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ContainsGenericParameters bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaringMethod System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaringType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GenericParameterAttributes System.Reflection.GenericParameterAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GenericParameterPosition int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GUID System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsConstructedGenericType bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsGenericParameter bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsGenericType bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsGenericTypeDefinition bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Module System.Reflection.Module +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectedType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeHandle System.RuntimeTypeHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UnderlyingSystemType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.GetConstructors(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.GetElementType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return EventInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.GetEvent(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.GetEvents() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.GetEvents(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return FieldInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.GetField(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.GetFields(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.GetGenericArguments() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.GetGenericTypeDefinition() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.GetInterface(name, ignoreCase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param interfaceType System.Type +---@return InterfaceMapping +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.GetInterfaceMap(interfaceType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.GetInterfaces() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param type System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.GetMember(name, type, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.GetMembers(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.GetMethods(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.GetNestedType(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.GetNestedTypes(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.GetProperties(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param target object +---@param args object[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param namedParameters string[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.InvokeMember(name, invokeAttr, binder, target, args, modifiers, culture, namedParameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeInfo System.Reflection.TypeInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.IsAssignableFrom(typeInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.IsAssignableFrom(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.IsSubclassOf(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.MakeArrayType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rank int +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.MakeArrayType(rank) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.MakeByRefType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeArguments System.Type[] +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.MakeGenericType(typeArguments) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.MakePointerType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param baseTypeConstraint System.Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.SetBaseTypeConstraint(baseTypeConstraint) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param con System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@param binaryAttribute byte[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(con, binaryAttribute) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param customBuilder System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(customBuilder) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param genericParameterAttributes System.Reflection.GenericParameterAttributes +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.SetGenericParameterAttributes(genericParameterAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param interfaceConstraints System.Type[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.SetInterfaceConstraints(interfaceConstraints) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.GenericTypeParameterBuilder.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ILOffset int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param exceptionType System.Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.BeginCatchBlock(exceptionType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.BeginExceptFilterBlock() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Label +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.BeginExceptionBlock() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.BeginFaultBlock() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.BeginFinallyBlock() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.BeginScope() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param localType System.Type +---@return LocalBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.DeclareLocal(localType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param localType System.Type +---@param pinned bool +---@return LocalBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.DeclareLocal(localType, pinned) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Label +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.DefineLabel() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param opcode System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.Emit(opcode) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param opcode System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@param arg byte +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.Emit(opcode, arg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param opcode System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@param arg double +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.Emit(opcode, arg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param opcode System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@param arg short +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.Emit(opcode, arg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param opcode System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@param arg int +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.Emit(opcode, arg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param opcode System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@param arg long +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.Emit(opcode, arg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param opcode System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@param con System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.Emit(opcode, con) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param opcode System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@param label System.Reflection.Emit.Label +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.Emit(opcode, label) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param opcode System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@param labels System.Reflection.Emit.Label[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.Emit(opcode, labels) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param opcode System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@param local System.Reflection.Emit.LocalBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.Emit(opcode, local) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param opcode System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@param signature System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.Emit(opcode, signature) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param opcode System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@param field System.Reflection.FieldInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.Emit(opcode, field) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param opcode System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@param meth System.Reflection.MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.Emit(opcode, meth) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param opcode System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@param arg sbyte +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.Emit(opcode, arg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param opcode System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@param arg float +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.Emit(opcode, arg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param opcode System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@param str string +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.Emit(opcode, str) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param opcode System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@param cls System.Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.Emit(opcode, cls) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param opcode System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@param methodInfo System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param optionalParameterTypes System.Type[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.EmitCall(opcode, methodInfo, optionalParameterTypes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param opcode System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@param callingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@param optionalParameterTypes System.Type[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.EmitCalli(opcode, callingConvention, returnType, parameterTypes, optionalParameterTypes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param opcode System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@param unmanagedCallConv System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.EmitCalli(opcode, unmanagedCallConv, returnType, parameterTypes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param localBuilder System.Reflection.Emit.LocalBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.EmitWriteLine(localBuilder) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fld System.Reflection.FieldInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.EmitWriteLine(fld) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.EmitWriteLine(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.EndExceptionBlock() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.EndScope() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param loc System.Reflection.Emit.Label +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.MarkLabel(loc) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param document System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore.ISymbolDocumentWriter +---@param startLine int +---@param startColumn int +---@param endLine int +---@param endColumn int +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.MarkSequencePoint(document, startLine, startColumn, endLine, endColumn) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param excType System.Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.ThrowException(excType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param usingNamespace string +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ILGenerator.UsingNamespace(usingNamespace) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.Label: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.Label = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.Label.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.Reflection.Emit.Label +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.Label.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.Label.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Reflection.Emit.Label +---@param b System.Reflection.Emit.Label +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.Label:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Reflection.Emit.Label +---@param b System.Reflection.Emit.Label +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.Label:op_Inequality(a, b) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.LocalBuilder: System.Reflection.LocalVariableInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsPinned bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LocalIndex int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LocalType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.LocalBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.LocalBuilder.SetLocalSymInfo(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param startOffset int +---@param endOffset int +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.LocalBuilder.SetLocalSymInfo(name, startOffset, endOffset) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder: System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attributes System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CallingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ContainsGenericParameters bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaringType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InitLocals bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsGenericMethod bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsGenericMethodDefinition bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSecurityCritical bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSecuritySafeCritical bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSecurityTransparent bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodHandle System.RuntimeMethodHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Module System.Reflection.Module +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectedType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReturnParameter System.Reflection.ParameterInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReturnType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReturnTypeCustomAttributes System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Signature string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param action System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction +---@param pset System.Security.PermissionSet +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.AddDeclarativeSecurity(action, pset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param il byte[] +---@param count int +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.CreateMethodBody(il, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param names string[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.DefineGenericParameters(names) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param position int +---@param attributes System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes +---@param strParamName string +---@return ParameterBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.DefineParameter(position, attributes, strParamName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.GetBaseDefinition() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.GetGenericArguments() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.GetGenericMethodDefinition() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ILGenerator +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.GetILGenerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param size int +---@return ILGenerator +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.GetILGenerator(size) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodImplAttributes +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.GetMethodImplementationFlags() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Module +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.GetModule() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.GetParameters() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodToken +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.GetToken() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param parameters object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.Invoke(obj, invokeAttr, binder, parameters, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeArguments System.Type[] +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.MakeGenericMethod(typeArguments) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param con System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@param binaryAttribute byte[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(con, binaryAttribute) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param customBuilder System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(customBuilder) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributes System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.SetImplementationFlags(attributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param unmanagedMarshal System.Reflection.Emit.UnmanagedMarshal +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.SetMarshal(unmanagedMarshal) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param il byte[] +---@param maxStack int +---@param localSignature byte[] +---@param exceptionHandlers System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param tokenFixups System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.SetMethodBody(il, maxStack, localSignature, exceptionHandlers, tokenFixups) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.SetParameters(parameterTypes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param returnType System.Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.SetReturnType(returnType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param returnTypeRequiredCustomModifiers System.Type[] +---@param returnTypeOptionalCustomModifiers System.Type[] +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@param parameterTypeRequiredCustomModifiers System.Type[][] +---@param parameterTypeOptionalCustomModifiers System.Type[][] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.SetSignature(returnType, returnTypeRequiredCustomModifiers, returnTypeOptionalCustomModifiers, parameterTypes, parameterTypeRequiredCustomModifiers, parameterTypeOptionalCustomModifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param data byte[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.SetSymCustomAttribute(name, data) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.MethodRental: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field JitImmediate int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field JitOnDemand int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodRental = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cls System.Type +---@param methodtoken int +---@param rgIL System.IntPtr +---@param methodSize int +---@param flags int +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodRental:SwapMethodBody(cls, methodtoken, rgIL, methodSize, flags) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder: System.Reflection.Module +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullyQualifiedName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MDStreamVersion int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MetadataToken int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ModuleVersionId System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ScopeName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.CreateGlobalFunctions() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param url string +---@param language System.Guid +---@param languageVendor System.Guid +---@param documentType System.Guid +---@return ISymbolDocumentWriter +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefineDocument(url, language, languageVendor, documentType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param visibility System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@param underlyingType System.Type +---@return EnumBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefineEnum(name, visibility, underlyingType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attributes System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@param callingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@return MethodBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefineGlobalMethod(name, attributes, callingConvention, returnType, parameterTypes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attributes System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@param callingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param requiredReturnTypeCustomModifiers System.Type[] +---@param optionalReturnTypeCustomModifiers System.Type[] +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@param requiredParameterTypeCustomModifiers System.Type[][] +---@param optionalParameterTypeCustomModifiers System.Type[][] +---@return MethodBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefineGlobalMethod(name, attributes, callingConvention, returnType, requiredReturnTypeCustomModifiers, optionalReturnTypeCustomModifiers, parameterTypes, requiredParameterTypeCustomModifiers, optionalParameterTypeCustomModifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attributes System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@return MethodBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefineGlobalMethod(name, attributes, returnType, parameterTypes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param data byte[] +---@param attributes System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@return FieldBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefineInitializedData(name, data, attributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param attribute System.Reflection.ResourceAttributes +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefineManifestResource(name, stream, attribute) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param dllName string +---@param attributes System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@param callingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@param nativeCallConv System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention +---@param nativeCharSet System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet +---@return MethodBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod(name, dllName, attributes, callingConvention, returnType, parameterTypes, nativeCallConv, nativeCharSet) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param dllName string +---@param entryName string +---@param attributes System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@param callingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@param nativeCallConv System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention +---@param nativeCharSet System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet +---@return MethodBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod(name, dllName, entryName, attributes, callingConvention, returnType, parameterTypes, nativeCallConv, nativeCharSet) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param description string +---@return IResourceWriter +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefineResource(name, description) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param description string +---@param attribute System.Reflection.ResourceAttributes +---@return IResourceWriter +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefineResource(name, description, attribute) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return TypeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefineType(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attr System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@return TypeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefineType(name, attr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attr System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@param parent System.Type +---@return TypeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefineType(name, attr, parent) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attr System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@param parent System.Type +---@param typesize int +---@return TypeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefineType(name, attr, parent, typesize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attr System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@param parent System.Type +---@param packsize System.Reflection.Emit.PackingSize +---@return TypeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefineType(name, attr, parent, packsize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attr System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@param parent System.Type +---@param packingSize System.Reflection.Emit.PackingSize +---@param typesize int +---@return TypeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefineType(name, attr, parent, packingSize, typesize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attr System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@param parent System.Type +---@param interfaces System.Type[] +---@return TypeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefineType(name, attr, parent, interfaces) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param size int +---@param attributes System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@return FieldBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefineUninitializedData(name, size, attributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param resource byte[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefineUnmanagedResource(resource) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param resourceFileName string +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.DefineUnmanagedResource(resourceFileName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arrayClass System.Type +---@param methodName string +---@param callingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetArrayMethod(arrayClass, methodName, callingConvention, returnType, parameterTypes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arrayClass System.Type +---@param methodName string +---@param callingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@return MethodToken +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetArrayMethodToken(arrayClass, methodName, callingConvention, returnType, parameterTypes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param con System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@return MethodToken +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetConstructorToken(con) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param constructor System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@param optionalParameterTypes System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return MethodToken +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetConstructorToken(constructor, optionalParameterTypes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IList +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetCustomAttributesData() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return FieldInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetField(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingFlags System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetFields(bindingFlags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param field System.Reflection.FieldInfo +---@return FieldToken +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetFieldToken(field) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingFlags System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetMethods(bindingFlags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return MethodToken +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetMethodToken(method) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param optionalParameterTypes System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return MethodToken +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetMethodToken(method, optionalParameterTypes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param peKind System.Reflection.PortableExecutableKinds +---@param machine System.Reflection.ImageFileMachine +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetPEKind(peKind, machine) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sigBytes byte[] +---@param sigLength int +---@return SignatureToken +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetSignatureToken(sigBytes, sigLength) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sigHelper System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper +---@return SignatureToken +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetSignatureToken(sigHelper) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return X509Certificate +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetSignerCertificate() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param str string +---@return StringToken +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetStringConstant(str) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ISymbolWriter +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetSymWriter() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param className string +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetType(className) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param className string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetType(className, ignoreCase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param className string +---@param throwOnError bool +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetType(className, throwOnError, ignoreCase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetTypes() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return TypeToken +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetTypeToken(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return TypeToken +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.GetTypeToken(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.IsResource() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.IsTransient() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param metadataToken int +---@param genericTypeArguments System.Type[] +---@param genericMethodArguments System.Type[] +---@return FieldInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.ResolveField(metadataToken, genericTypeArguments, genericMethodArguments) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param metadataToken int +---@param genericTypeArguments System.Type[] +---@param genericMethodArguments System.Type[] +---@return MemberInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.ResolveMember(metadataToken, genericTypeArguments, genericMethodArguments) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param metadataToken int +---@param genericTypeArguments System.Type[] +---@param genericMethodArguments System.Type[] +---@return MethodBase +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.ResolveMethod(metadataToken, genericTypeArguments, genericMethodArguments) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param metadataToken int +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.ResolveSignature(metadataToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param metadataToken int +---@return String +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.ResolveString(metadataToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param metadataToken int +---@param genericTypeArguments System.Type[] +---@param genericMethodArguments System.Type[] +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.ResolveType(metadataToken, genericTypeArguments, genericMethodArguments) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param con System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@param binaryAttribute byte[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(con, binaryAttribute) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param customBuilder System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(customBuilder) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param data byte[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.SetSymCustomAttribute(name, data) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param entryPoint System.Reflection.MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ModuleBuilder.SetUserEntryPoint(entryPoint) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.MethodToken: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Empty System.Reflection.Emit.MethodToken +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Token int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodToken = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodToken.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.Reflection.Emit.MethodToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodToken.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodToken.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Reflection.Emit.MethodToken +---@param b System.Reflection.Emit.MethodToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodToken:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Reflection.Emit.MethodToken +---@param b System.Reflection.Emit.MethodToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.MethodToken:op_Inequality(a, b) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FlowControl System.Reflection.Emit.FlowControl +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OpCodeType System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodeType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OperandType System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Size int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StackBehaviourPop System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StackBehaviourPush System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value short +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@param b System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@param b System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode:op_Inequality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodes: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Add System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Add_Ovf System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Add_Ovf_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field And System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Arglist System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Beq System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Beq_S System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Bge System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Bge_S System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Bge_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Bge_Un_S System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Bgt System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Bgt_S System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Bgt_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Bgt_Un_S System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ble System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ble_S System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ble_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ble_Un_S System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Blt System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Blt_S System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Blt_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Blt_Un_S System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Bne_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Bne_Un_S System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Box System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Br System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Break System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Brfalse System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Brfalse_S System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Brtrue System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Brtrue_S System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Br_S System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Call System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Calli System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Callvirt System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Castclass System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ceq System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Cgt System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Cgt_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ckfinite System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Clt System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Clt_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Constrained System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_I System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_I1 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_I2 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_I4 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_I8 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_Ovf_I System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_Ovf_I1 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_Ovf_I1_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_Ovf_I2 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_Ovf_I2_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_Ovf_I4 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_Ovf_I4_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_Ovf_I8 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_Ovf_I8_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_Ovf_I_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_Ovf_U System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_Ovf_U1 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_Ovf_U1_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_Ovf_U2 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_Ovf_U2_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_Ovf_U4 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_Ovf_U4_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_Ovf_U8 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_Ovf_U8_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_Ovf_U_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_R4 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_R8 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_R_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_U System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_U1 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_U2 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_U4 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Conv_U8 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Cpblk System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Cpobj System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Div System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Div_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Dup System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Endfilter System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Endfinally System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Initblk System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Initobj System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Isinst System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Jmp System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldarg System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldarga System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldarga_S System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldarg_0 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldarg_1 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldarg_2 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldarg_3 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldarg_S System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldc_I4 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldc_I4_0 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldc_I4_1 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldc_I4_2 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldc_I4_3 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldc_I4_4 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldc_I4_5 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldc_I4_6 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldc_I4_7 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldc_I4_8 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldc_I4_M1 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldc_I4_S System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldc_I8 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldc_R4 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldc_R8 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldelem System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldelema System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldelem_I System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldelem_I1 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldelem_I2 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldelem_I4 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldelem_I8 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldelem_R4 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldelem_R8 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldelem_Ref System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldelem_U1 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldelem_U2 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldelem_U4 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldfld System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldflda System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldftn System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldind_I System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldind_I1 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldind_I2 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldind_I4 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldind_I8 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldind_R4 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldind_R8 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldind_Ref System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldind_U1 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldind_U2 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldind_U4 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldlen System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldloc System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldloca System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldloca_S System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldloc_0 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldloc_1 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldloc_2 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldloc_3 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldloc_S System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldnull System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldobj System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldsfld System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldsflda System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldstr System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldtoken System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ldvirtftn System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Leave System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Leave_S System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Localloc System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Mkrefany System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Mul System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Mul_Ovf System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Mul_Ovf_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Neg System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Newarr System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Newobj System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Nop System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Not System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Or System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Pop System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Prefix1 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Prefix2 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Prefix3 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Prefix4 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Prefix5 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Prefix6 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Prefix7 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Prefixref System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Readonly System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Refanytype System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Refanyval System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Rem System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Rem_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ret System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Rethrow System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Shl System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Shr System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Shr_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Sizeof System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Starg System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Starg_S System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stelem System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stelem_I System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stelem_I1 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stelem_I2 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stelem_I4 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stelem_I8 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stelem_R4 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stelem_R8 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stelem_Ref System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stfld System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stind_I System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stind_I1 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stind_I2 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stind_I4 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stind_I8 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stind_R4 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stind_R8 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stind_Ref System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stloc System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stloc_0 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stloc_1 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stloc_2 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stloc_3 System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stloc_S System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stobj System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stsfld System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Sub System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Sub_Ovf System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Sub_Ovf_Un System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Switch System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Tailcall System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Throw System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Unaligned System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Unbox System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Unbox_Any System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Volatile System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Xor System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodes = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inst System.Reflection.Emit.OpCode +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodes:TakesSingleByteArgument(inst) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodeType: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Annotation System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodeType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Macro System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodeType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Nternal System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodeType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Objmodel System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodeType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Prefix System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodeType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Primitive System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodeType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodeType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodeType +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.OpCodeType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InlineBrTarget System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InlineField System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InlineI System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InlineI8 System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InlineMethod System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InlineNone System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InlinePhi System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InlineR System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InlineSig System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InlineString System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InlineSwitch System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InlineTok System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InlineType System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InlineVar System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ShortInlineBrTarget System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ShortInlineI System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ShortInlineR System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ShortInlineVar System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.OperandType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.PackingSize: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Size1 System.Reflection.Emit.PackingSize +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Size128 System.Reflection.Emit.PackingSize +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Size16 System.Reflection.Emit.PackingSize +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Size2 System.Reflection.Emit.PackingSize +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Size32 System.Reflection.Emit.PackingSize +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Size4 System.Reflection.Emit.PackingSize +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Size64 System.Reflection.Emit.PackingSize +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Size8 System.Reflection.Emit.PackingSize +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Unspecified System.Reflection.Emit.PackingSize +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PackingSize = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.Emit.PackingSize +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PackingSize:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterBuilder: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attributes int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsIn bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsOptional bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsOut bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Position int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ParameterToken +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterBuilder.GetToken() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param defaultValue object +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterBuilder.SetConstant(defaultValue) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param con System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@param binaryAttribute byte[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(con, binaryAttribute) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param customBuilder System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(customBuilder) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param unmanagedMarshal System.Reflection.Emit.UnmanagedMarshal +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterBuilder.SetMarshal(unmanagedMarshal) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyBuilder: System.Reflection.PropertyInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attributes System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanRead bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanWrite bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaringType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Module System.Reflection.Module +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PropertyToken System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyToken +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PropertyType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectedType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mdBuilder System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyBuilder.AddOtherMethod(mdBuilder) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nonPublic bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyBuilder.GetAccessors(nonPublic) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyBuilder.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyBuilder.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nonPublic bool +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyBuilder.GetGetMethod(nonPublic) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyBuilder.GetIndexParameters() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nonPublic bool +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyBuilder.GetSetMethod(nonPublic) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param index object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyBuilder.GetValue(obj, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param index object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyBuilder.GetValue(obj, invokeAttr, binder, index, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyBuilder.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param defaultValue object +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyBuilder.SetConstant(defaultValue) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param con System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@param binaryAttribute byte[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(con, binaryAttribute) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param customBuilder System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(customBuilder) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mdBuilder System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyBuilder.SetGetMethod(mdBuilder) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mdBuilder System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyBuilder.SetSetMethod(mdBuilder) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param value object +---@param index object[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyBuilder.SetValue(obj, value, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param value object +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param index object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyBuilder.SetValue(obj, value, invokeAttr, binder, index, culture) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterToken: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Empty System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterToken +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Token int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterToken = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterToken.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterToken.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterToken.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterToken +---@param b System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterToken:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterToken +---@param b System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.ParameterToken:op_Inequality(a, b) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyToken: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Empty System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyToken +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Token int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyToken = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyToken.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyToken.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyToken.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyToken +---@param b System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyToken:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyToken +---@param b System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PropertyToken:op_Inequality(a, b) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.PEFileKinds: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ConsoleApplication System.Reflection.Emit.PEFileKinds +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Dll System.Reflection.Emit.PEFileKinds +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WindowApplication System.Reflection.Emit.PEFileKinds +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PEFileKinds = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.Emit.PEFileKinds +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.PEFileKinds:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param clsArgument System.Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper.AddArgument(clsArgument) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param argument System.Type +---@param pinned bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper.AddArgument(argument, pinned) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param argument System.Type +---@param requiredCustomModifiers System.Type[] +---@param optionalCustomModifiers System.Type[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper.AddArgument(argument, requiredCustomModifiers, optionalCustomModifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arguments System.Type[] +---@param requiredCustomModifiers System.Type[][] +---@param optionalCustomModifiers System.Type[][] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper.AddArguments(arguments, requiredCustomModifiers, optionalCustomModifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper.AddSentinel() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mod System.Reflection.Module +---@return SignatureHelper +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper:GetFieldSigHelper(mod) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SignatureHelper +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper:GetLocalVarSigHelper() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mod System.Reflection.Module +---@return SignatureHelper +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper:GetLocalVarSigHelper(mod) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param callingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@param returnType System.Type +---@return SignatureHelper +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper:GetMethodSigHelper(callingConvention, returnType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mod System.Reflection.Module +---@param callingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@param returnType System.Type +---@return SignatureHelper +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper:GetMethodSigHelper(mod, callingConvention, returnType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mod System.Reflection.Module +---@param unmanagedCallConv System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention +---@param returnType System.Type +---@return SignatureHelper +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper:GetMethodSigHelper(mod, unmanagedCallConv, returnType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mod System.Reflection.Module +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@return SignatureHelper +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper:GetMethodSigHelper(mod, returnType, parameterTypes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param unmanagedCallingConvention System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention +---@param returnType System.Type +---@return SignatureHelper +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper:GetMethodSigHelper(unmanagedCallingConvention, returnType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mod System.Reflection.Module +---@param callingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param requiredReturnTypeCustomModifiers System.Type[] +---@param optionalReturnTypeCustomModifiers System.Type[] +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@param requiredParameterTypeCustomModifiers System.Type[][] +---@param optionalParameterTypeCustomModifiers System.Type[][] +---@return SignatureHelper +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper:GetPropertySigHelper(mod, callingConvention, returnType, requiredReturnTypeCustomModifiers, optionalReturnTypeCustomModifiers, parameterTypes, requiredParameterTypeCustomModifiers, optionalParameterTypeCustomModifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mod System.Reflection.Module +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@return SignatureHelper +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper:GetPropertySigHelper(mod, returnType, parameterTypes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mod System.Reflection.Module +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param requiredReturnTypeCustomModifiers System.Type[] +---@param optionalReturnTypeCustomModifiers System.Type[] +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@param requiredParameterTypeCustomModifiers System.Type[][] +---@param optionalParameterTypeCustomModifiers System.Type[][] +---@return SignatureHelper +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper:GetPropertySigHelper(mod, returnType, requiredReturnTypeCustomModifiers, optionalReturnTypeCustomModifiers, parameterTypes, requiredParameterTypeCustomModifiers, optionalParameterTypeCustomModifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper.GetSignature() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureHelper.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureToken: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Empty System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureToken +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Token int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureToken = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureToken.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureToken.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureToken.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureToken +---@param b System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureToken:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureToken +---@param b System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.SignatureToken:op_Inequality(a, b) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Pop0 System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Pop1 System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Pop1_pop1 System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Popi System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Popi_pop1 System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Popi_popi System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Popi_popi8 System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Popi_popi_popi System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Popi_popr4 System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Popi_popr8 System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Popref System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Popref_pop1 System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Popref_popi System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Popref_popi_pop1 System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Popref_popi_popi System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Popref_popi_popi8 System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Popref_popi_popr4 System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Popref_popi_popr8 System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Popref_popi_popref System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Push0 System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Push1 System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Push1_push1 System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Pushi System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Pushi8 System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Pushr4 System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Pushr8 System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Pushref System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Varpop System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Varpush System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.StackBehaviour:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.TypeToken: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Empty System.Reflection.Emit.TypeToken +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Token int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeToken = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeToken.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.Reflection.Emit.TypeToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeToken.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeToken.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Reflection.Emit.TypeToken +---@param b System.Reflection.Emit.TypeToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeToken:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Reflection.Emit.TypeToken +---@param b System.Reflection.Emit.TypeToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeToken:op_Inequality(a, b) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.StringToken: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Token int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.StringToken = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.StringToken.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.Reflection.Emit.StringToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.StringToken.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.StringToken.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Reflection.Emit.StringToken +---@param b System.Reflection.Emit.StringToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.StringToken:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Reflection.Emit.StringToken +---@param b System.Reflection.Emit.StringToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.StringToken:op_Inequality(a, b) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.UnmanagedMarshal: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BaseType System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ElementCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GetUnmanagedType System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IIDGuid System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.UnmanagedMarshal = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param elemCount int +---@return UnmanagedMarshal +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.UnmanagedMarshal:DefineByValArray(elemCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param elemCount int +---@return UnmanagedMarshal +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.UnmanagedMarshal:DefineByValTStr(elemCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param elemType System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@return UnmanagedMarshal +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.UnmanagedMarshal:DefineLPArray(elemType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param elemType System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@return UnmanagedMarshal +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.UnmanagedMarshal:DefineSafeArray(elemType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param unmanagedType System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@return UnmanagedMarshal +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.UnmanagedMarshal:DefineUnmanagedMarshal(unmanagedType) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder: System.Reflection.TypeInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UnspecifiedTypeSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssemblyQualifiedName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BaseType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaringMethod System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaringType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GenericParameterAttributes System.Reflection.GenericParameterAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GenericParameterPosition int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GUID System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsConstructedGenericType bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsGenericParameter bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsGenericType bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsGenericTypeDefinition bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSecurityCritical bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSecuritySafeCritical bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSecurityTransparent bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Module System.Reflection.Module +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PackingSize System.Reflection.Emit.PackingSize +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectedType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Size int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeHandle System.RuntimeTypeHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeToken System.Reflection.Emit.TypeToken +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UnderlyingSystemType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param action System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction +---@param pset System.Security.PermissionSet +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.AddDeclarativeSecurity(action, pset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param interfaceType System.Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.AddInterfaceImplementation(interfaceType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.CreateType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TypeInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.CreateTypeInfo() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributes System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@param callingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@return ConstructorBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineConstructor(attributes, callingConvention, parameterTypes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributes System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@param callingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@param requiredCustomModifiers System.Type[][] +---@param optionalCustomModifiers System.Type[][] +---@return ConstructorBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineConstructor(attributes, callingConvention, parameterTypes, requiredCustomModifiers, optionalCustomModifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributes System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@return ConstructorBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineDefaultConstructor(attributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attributes System.Reflection.EventAttributes +---@param eventtype System.Type +---@return EventBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineEvent(name, attributes, eventtype) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fieldName string +---@param type System.Type +---@param attributes System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@return FieldBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineField(fieldName, type, attributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fieldName string +---@param type System.Type +---@param requiredCustomModifiers System.Type[] +---@param optionalCustomModifiers System.Type[] +---@param attributes System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@return FieldBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineField(fieldName, type, requiredCustomModifiers, optionalCustomModifiers, attributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param names string[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineGenericParameters(names) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param data byte[] +---@param attributes System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@return FieldBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineInitializedData(name, data, attributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attributes System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@return MethodBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineMethod(name, attributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attributes System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@param callingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@return MethodBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineMethod(name, attributes, callingConvention) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attributes System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@param callingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@return MethodBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineMethod(name, attributes, callingConvention, returnType, parameterTypes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attributes System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@param callingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param returnTypeRequiredCustomModifiers System.Type[] +---@param returnTypeOptionalCustomModifiers System.Type[] +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@param parameterTypeRequiredCustomModifiers System.Type[][] +---@param parameterTypeOptionalCustomModifiers System.Type[][] +---@return MethodBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineMethod(name, attributes, callingConvention, returnType, returnTypeRequiredCustomModifiers, returnTypeOptionalCustomModifiers, parameterTypes, parameterTypeRequiredCustomModifiers, parameterTypeOptionalCustomModifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attributes System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@return MethodBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineMethod(name, attributes, returnType, parameterTypes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param methodInfoBody System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param methodInfoDeclaration System.Reflection.MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineMethodOverride(methodInfoBody, methodInfoDeclaration) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return TypeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineNestedType(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attr System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@return TypeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineNestedType(name, attr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attr System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@param parent System.Type +---@return TypeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineNestedType(name, attr, parent) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attr System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@param parent System.Type +---@param typeSize int +---@return TypeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineNestedType(name, attr, parent, typeSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attr System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@param parent System.Type +---@param packSize System.Reflection.Emit.PackingSize +---@return TypeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineNestedType(name, attr, parent, packSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attr System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@param parent System.Type +---@param packSize System.Reflection.Emit.PackingSize +---@param typeSize int +---@return TypeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineNestedType(name, attr, parent, packSize, typeSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attr System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@param parent System.Type +---@param interfaces System.Type[] +---@return TypeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineNestedType(name, attr, parent, interfaces) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param dllName string +---@param attributes System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@param callingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@param nativeCallConv System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention +---@param nativeCharSet System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet +---@return MethodBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod(name, dllName, attributes, callingConvention, returnType, parameterTypes, nativeCallConv, nativeCharSet) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param dllName string +---@param entryName string +---@param attributes System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@param callingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@param nativeCallConv System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention +---@param nativeCharSet System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet +---@return MethodBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod(name, dllName, entryName, attributes, callingConvention, returnType, parameterTypes, nativeCallConv, nativeCharSet) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param dllName string +---@param entryName string +---@param attributes System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@param callingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param returnTypeRequiredCustomModifiers System.Type[] +---@param returnTypeOptionalCustomModifiers System.Type[] +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@param parameterTypeRequiredCustomModifiers System.Type[][] +---@param parameterTypeOptionalCustomModifiers System.Type[][] +---@param nativeCallConv System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention +---@param nativeCharSet System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet +---@return MethodBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefinePInvokeMethod(name, dllName, entryName, attributes, callingConvention, returnType, returnTypeRequiredCustomModifiers, returnTypeOptionalCustomModifiers, parameterTypes, parameterTypeRequiredCustomModifiers, parameterTypeOptionalCustomModifiers, nativeCallConv, nativeCharSet) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attributes System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes +---@param callingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@return PropertyBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineProperty(name, attributes, callingConvention, returnType, parameterTypes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attributes System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes +---@param callingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param returnTypeRequiredCustomModifiers System.Type[] +---@param returnTypeOptionalCustomModifiers System.Type[] +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@param parameterTypeRequiredCustomModifiers System.Type[][] +---@param parameterTypeOptionalCustomModifiers System.Type[][] +---@return PropertyBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineProperty(name, attributes, callingConvention, returnType, returnTypeRequiredCustomModifiers, returnTypeOptionalCustomModifiers, parameterTypes, parameterTypeRequiredCustomModifiers, parameterTypeOptionalCustomModifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attributes System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@return PropertyBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineProperty(name, attributes, returnType, parameterTypes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param attributes System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param returnTypeRequiredCustomModifiers System.Type[] +---@param returnTypeOptionalCustomModifiers System.Type[] +---@param parameterTypes System.Type[] +---@param parameterTypeRequiredCustomModifiers System.Type[][] +---@param parameterTypeOptionalCustomModifiers System.Type[][] +---@return PropertyBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineProperty(name, attributes, returnType, returnTypeRequiredCustomModifiers, returnTypeOptionalCustomModifiers, parameterTypes, parameterTypeRequiredCustomModifiers, parameterTypeOptionalCustomModifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ConstructorBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineTypeInitializer() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param size int +---@param attributes System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@return FieldBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.DefineUninitializedData(name, size, attributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param constructor System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@return ConstructorInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder:GetConstructor(type, constructor) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.GetConstructors(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.GetElementType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return EventInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.GetEvent(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.GetEvents() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.GetEvents(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return FieldInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.GetField(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param field System.Reflection.FieldInfo +---@return FieldInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder:GetField(type, field) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.GetFields(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.GetGenericArguments() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.GetGenericTypeDefinition() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.GetInterface(name, ignoreCase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param interfaceType System.Type +---@return InterfaceMapping +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.GetInterfaceMap(interfaceType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.GetInterfaces() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param type System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.GetMember(name, type, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.GetMembers(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder:GetMethod(type, method) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.GetMethods(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.GetNestedType(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.GetNestedTypes(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.GetProperties(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param target object +---@param args object[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param namedParameters string[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.InvokeMember(name, invokeAttr, binder, target, args, modifiers, culture, namedParameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeInfo System.Reflection.TypeInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.IsAssignableFrom(typeInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.IsAssignableFrom(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.IsCreated() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.IsSubclassOf(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.MakeArrayType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rank int +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.MakeArrayType(rank) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.MakeByRefType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeArguments System.Type[] +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.MakeGenericType(typeArguments) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.MakePointerType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param con System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@param binaryAttribute byte[] +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(con, binaryAttribute) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param customBuilder System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.SetCustomAttribute(customBuilder) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param parent System.Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.SetParent(parent) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder.ToString() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Reflection.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Reflection.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4d7fb172d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Reflection.lua @@ -0,0 +1,2924 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AmbiguousMatchException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AmbiguousMatchException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Assembly: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CodeBase string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CustomAttributes System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DefinedTypes System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EntryPoint System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EscapedCodeBase string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExportedTypes System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GlobalAssemblyCache bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HostContext long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ImageRuntimeVersion string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsDynamic bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFullyTrusted bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Location string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ManifestModule System.Reflection.Module +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Modules System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PermissionSet System.Security.PermissionSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectionOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SecurityRuleSet System.Security.SecurityRuleSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ModuleResolve System.Reflection.ModuleResolveEventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Assembly = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.Reflection.ModuleResolveEventHandler +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.add_ModuleResolve(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.Reflection.ModuleResolveEventHandler +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.remove_ModuleResolve(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeName string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.CreateInstance(typeName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeName string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.CreateInstance(typeName, ignoreCase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeName string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.CreateInstance(typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@return String +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:CreateQualifiedName(assemblyName, typeName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:GetAssembly(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:GetCallingAssembly() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IList +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetCustomAttributesData() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:GetEntryAssembly() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:GetExecutingAssembly() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExportedTypes() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return FileStream +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetFile(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetFiles() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param getResourceModules bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetFiles(getResourceModules) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetLoadedModules() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param getResourceModules bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetLoadedModules(getResourceModules) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param resourceName string +---@return ManifestResourceInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetManifestResourceInfo(resourceName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetManifestResourceNames() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param name string +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(type, name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Module +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetModule(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetModules() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param getResourceModules bool +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetModules(getResourceModules) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return AssemblyName +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetName() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param copiedName bool +---@return AssemblyName +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetName(copiedName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetSatelliteAssembly(culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param version System.Version +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetSatelliteAssembly(culture, version) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetType(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param throwOnError bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetType(name, throwOnError) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param throwOnError bool +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetType(name, throwOnError, ignoreCase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rawAssembly byte[] +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:Load(rawAssembly) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rawAssembly byte[] +---@param rawSymbolStore byte[] +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:Load(rawAssembly, rawSymbolStore) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rawAssembly byte[] +---@param rawSymbolStore byte[] +---@param securityEvidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:Load(rawAssembly, rawSymbolStore, securityEvidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rawAssembly byte[] +---@param rawSymbolStore byte[] +---@param securityContextSource System.Security.SecurityContextSource +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:Load(rawAssembly, rawSymbolStore, securityContextSource) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyRef System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:Load(assemblyRef) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyRef System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param assemblySecurity System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:Load(assemblyRef, assemblySecurity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyString string +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:Load(assemblyString) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyString string +---@param assemblySecurity System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:Load(assemblyString, assemblySecurity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:LoadFile(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param securityEvidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:LoadFile(path, securityEvidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:LoadFrom(assemblyFile) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param hashValue byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHashAlgorithm +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:LoadFrom(assemblyFile, hashValue, hashAlgorithm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param securityEvidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:LoadFrom(assemblyFile, securityEvidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param securityEvidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@param hashValue byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHashAlgorithm +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:LoadFrom(assemblyFile, securityEvidence, hashValue, hashAlgorithm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param moduleName string +---@param rawModule byte[] +---@return Module +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadModule(moduleName, rawModule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param moduleName string +---@param rawModule byte[] +---@param rawSymbolStore byte[] +---@return Module +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadModule(moduleName, rawModule, rawSymbolStore) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param partialName string +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:LoadWithPartialName(partialName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param partialName string +---@param securityEvidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:LoadWithPartialName(partialName, securityEvidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Reflection.Assembly +---@param right System.Reflection.Assembly +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Reflection.Assembly +---@param right System.Reflection.Assembly +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rawAssembly byte[] +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:ReflectionOnlyLoad(rawAssembly) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyString string +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:ReflectionOnlyLoad(assemblyString) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom(assemblyFile) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.Assembly:UnsafeLoadFrom(assemblyFile) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AssemblyAlgorithmIdAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AlgorithmId uint +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyAlgorithmIdAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Company string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AssemblyConfigurationAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Configuration string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyConfigurationAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AssemblyContentType: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Default System.Reflection.AssemblyContentType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WindowsRuntime System.Reflection.AssemblyContentType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyContentType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.AssemblyContentType +function CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyContentType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AssemblyCopyrightAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Copyright string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyCopyrightAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AssemblyCultureAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Culture string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyCultureAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AssemblyDelaySignAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DelaySign bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyDelaySignAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DefaultAlias string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AssemblyDescriptionAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Description string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyDescriptionAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Version string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AssemblyFlagsAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssemblyFlags int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Flags uint +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyFlagsAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InformationalVersion string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyNameAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeyName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyNameAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyFileAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeyFile string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyFileAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadataAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Key string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadataAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AssemblyNameFlags: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EnableJITcompileOptimizer System.Reflection.AssemblyNameFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EnableJITcompileTracking System.Reflection.AssemblyNameFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Reflection.AssemblyNameFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PublicKey System.Reflection.AssemblyNameFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Retargetable System.Reflection.AssemblyNameFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyNameFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.AssemblyNameFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyNameFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AssemblyName: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CodeBase string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ContentType System.Reflection.AssemblyContentType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CultureInfo System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CultureName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EscapedCodeBase string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Flags System.Reflection.AssemblyNameFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HashAlgorithm System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHashAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeyPair System.Reflection.StrongNameKeyPair +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ProcessorArchitecture System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Version System.Version +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VersionCompatibility System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyVersionCompatibility +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyName = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyName.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@return AssemblyName +function CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyName:GetAssemblyName(assemblyFile) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyName.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyName.GetPublicKey() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyName.GetPublicKeyToken() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sender object +function CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyName.OnDeserialization(sender) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param reference System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param definition System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyName:ReferenceMatchesDefinition(reference, definition) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param publicKey byte[] +function CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyName.SetPublicKey(publicKey) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param publicKeyToken byte[] +function CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyName.SetPublicKeyToken(publicKeyToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyName.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AssemblyNameProxy: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyNameProxy = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@return AssemblyName +function CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyNameProxy.GetAssemblyName(assemblyFile) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AssemblyProductAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Product string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyProductAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Countersignature string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PublicKey string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Title string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Version string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.BindingFlags: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CreateInstance System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaredOnly System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Default System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExactBinding System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FlattenHierarchy System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GetField System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GetProperty System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IgnoreCase System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IgnoreReturn System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Instance System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InvokeMethod System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NonPublic System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OptionalParamBinding System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Public System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PutDispProperty System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PutRefDispProperty System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SetField System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SetProperty System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Static System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SuppressChangeType System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.BindingFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.BindingFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.AssemblyTrademarkAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Trademark string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.AssemblyTrademarkAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Binder: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Binder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param match System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] +---@param value object +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return FieldInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Binder.BindToField(bindingAttr, match, value, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param match System.Reflection.MethodBase[] +---@param args object[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param names string[] +---@param state object +---@return MethodBase +function CS.System.Reflection.Binder.BindToMethod(bindingAttr, match, args, modifiers, culture, names, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param type System.Type +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.Binder.ChangeType(value, type, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param args object[] +---@param state object +function CS.System.Reflection.Binder.ReorderArgumentArray(args, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param match System.Reflection.MethodBase[] +---@param types System.Type[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@return MethodBase +function CS.System.Reflection.Binder.SelectMethod(bindingAttr, match, types, modifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param match System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param indexes System.Type[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@return PropertyInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.Binder.SelectProperty(bindingAttr, match, returnType, indexes, modifiers) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.CallingConventions: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Any System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExplicitThis System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HasThis System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Standard System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VarArgs System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.CallingConventions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.CallingConventions +function CS.System.Reflection.CallingConventions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo: System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ConstructorName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeConstructorName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MemberType System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param parameters object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo.Invoke(parameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param parameters object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo.Invoke(invokeAttr, binder, parameters, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@param right System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@param right System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.CustomAttributeData: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AttributeType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Constructor System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ConstructorArguments System.Collections.Generic.IList +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NamedArguments System.Collections.Generic.IList +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeData = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeData.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Reflection.Assembly +---@return IList +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeData:GetCustomAttributes(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@return IList +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeData:GetCustomAttributes(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Reflection.Module +---@return IList +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeData:GetCustomAttributes(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Reflection.ParameterInfo +---@return IList +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeData:GetCustomAttributes(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeData.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeData.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@return Attribute +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttribute(attributeType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@return Attribute +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttribute(attributeType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Attribute +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttribute(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@return Attribute +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttribute(attributeType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@return Attribute +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttribute(attributeType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Attribute +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttribute(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return T +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttribute() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return T +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttribute() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +---@return T +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttribute(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return T +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttribute() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return T +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttribute() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +---@return T +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.GetCustomAttribute(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.IsDefined(attributeType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.IsDefined(attributeType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.IsDefined(attributeType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.IsDefined(attributeType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeExtensions.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.CustomAttributeNamedArgument: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsField bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MemberInfo System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MemberName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypedValue System.Reflection.CustomAttributeTypedArgument +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeNamedArgument = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeNamedArgument.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeNamedArgument.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Reflection.CustomAttributeNamedArgument +---@param right System.Reflection.CustomAttributeNamedArgument +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeNamedArgument:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Reflection.CustomAttributeNamedArgument +---@param right System.Reflection.CustomAttributeNamedArgument +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeNamedArgument:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeNamedArgument.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.CustomAttributeFormatException: System.FormatException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeFormatException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.CustomAttributeTypedArgument: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ArgumentType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeTypedArgument = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeTypedArgument.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeTypedArgument.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Reflection.CustomAttributeTypedArgument +---@param right System.Reflection.CustomAttributeTypedArgument +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeTypedArgument:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Reflection.CustomAttributeTypedArgument +---@param right System.Reflection.CustomAttributeTypedArgument +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeTypedArgument:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Reflection.CustomAttributeTypedArgument.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.DefaultMemberAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MemberName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.DefaultMemberAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.EventAttributes: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Reflection.EventAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReservedMask System.Reflection.EventAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RTSpecialName System.Reflection.EventAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SpecialName System.Reflection.EventAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.EventAttributes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.EventAttributes +function CS.System.Reflection.EventAttributes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.EventInfo: System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AddMethod System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attributes System.Reflection.EventAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EventHandlerType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsMulticast bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSpecialName bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MemberType System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RaiseMethod System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RemoveMethod System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.EventInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target object +---@param handler System.Delegate +function CS.System.Reflection.EventInfo.AddEventHandler(target, handler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.EventInfo.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.EventInfo.GetAddMethod() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nonPublic bool +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.EventInfo.GetAddMethod(nonPublic) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.EventInfo.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.EventInfo.GetOtherMethods() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nonPublic bool +function CS.System.Reflection.EventInfo.GetOtherMethods(nonPublic) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.EventInfo.GetRaiseMethod() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nonPublic bool +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.EventInfo.GetRaiseMethod(nonPublic) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.EventInfo.GetRemoveMethod() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nonPublic bool +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.EventInfo.GetRemoveMethod(nonPublic) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Reflection.EventInfo +---@param right System.Reflection.EventInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.EventInfo:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Reflection.EventInfo +---@param right System.Reflection.EventInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.EventInfo:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target object +---@param handler System.Delegate +function CS.System.Reflection.EventInfo.RemoveEventHandler(target, handler) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.ExceptionHandlingClause: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CatchType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FilterOffset int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Flags System.Reflection.ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HandlerLength int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HandlerOffset int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TryLength int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TryOffset int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.ExceptionHandlingClause = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Reflection.ExceptionHandlingClause.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.GenericParameterAttributes: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Contravariant System.Reflection.GenericParameterAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Covariant System.Reflection.GenericParameterAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DefaultConstructorConstraint System.Reflection.GenericParameterAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Reflection.GenericParameterAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NotNullableValueTypeConstraint System.Reflection.GenericParameterAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReferenceTypeConstraint System.Reflection.GenericParameterAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SpecialConstraintMask System.Reflection.GenericParameterAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VarianceMask System.Reflection.GenericParameterAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.GenericParameterAttributes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.GenericParameterAttributes +function CS.System.Reflection.GenericParameterAttributes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Clause System.Reflection.ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Fault System.Reflection.ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Filter System.Reflection.ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Finally System.Reflection.ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions +function CS.System.Reflection.ExceptionHandlingClauseOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.ImageFileMachine: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AMD64 System.Reflection.ImageFileMachine +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ARM System.Reflection.ImageFileMachine +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field I386 System.Reflection.ImageFileMachine +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IA64 System.Reflection.ImageFileMachine +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.ImageFileMachine = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.ImageFileMachine +function CS.System.Reflection.ImageFileMachine:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.FieldAttributes: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Assembly System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FamANDAssem System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Family System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FamORAssem System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FieldAccessMask System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HasDefault System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HasFieldMarshal System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HasFieldRVA System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InitOnly System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Literal System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NotSerialized System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PinvokeImpl System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Private System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PrivateScope System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Public System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReservedMask System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RTSpecialName System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SpecialName System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Static System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.FieldAttributes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +function CS.System.Reflection.FieldAttributes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.InterfaceMapping: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InterfaceMethods System.Reflection.MethodInfo[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InterfaceType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TargetMethods System.Reflection.MethodInfo[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TargetType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.InterfaceMapping = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.FieldInfo: System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attributes System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FieldHandle System.RuntimeFieldHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FieldType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAssembly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFamily bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFamilyAndAssembly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFamilyOrAssembly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsInitOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsLiteral bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsNotSerialized bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsPinvokeImpl bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsPrivate bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsPublic bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSecurityCritical bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSecuritySafeCritical bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSecurityTransparent bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSpecialName bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsStatic bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MemberType System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.FieldInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.FieldInfo.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param handle System.RuntimeFieldHandle +---@return FieldInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.FieldInfo:GetFieldFromHandle(handle) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param handle System.RuntimeFieldHandle +---@param declaringType System.RuntimeTypeHandle +---@return FieldInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.FieldInfo:GetFieldFromHandle(handle, declaringType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.FieldInfo.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.FieldInfo.GetOptionalCustomModifiers() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.FieldInfo.GetRawConstantValue() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.FieldInfo.GetRequiredCustomModifiers() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.FieldInfo.GetValue(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.TypedReference +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.FieldInfo.GetValueDirect(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Reflection.FieldInfo +---@param right System.Reflection.FieldInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.FieldInfo:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Reflection.FieldInfo +---@param right System.Reflection.FieldInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.FieldInfo:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param value object +function CS.System.Reflection.FieldInfo.SetValue(obj, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param value object +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.FieldInfo.SetValue(obj, value, invokeAttr, binder, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.TypedReference +---@param value object +function CS.System.Reflection.FieldInfo.SetValueDirect(obj, value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.IntrospectionExtensions: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.IntrospectionExtensions = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TypeInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.IntrospectionExtensions.GetTypeInfo() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.InvalidFilterCriteriaException: System.ApplicationException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.InvalidFilterCriteriaException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.IReflect +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UnderlyingSystemType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.IReflect = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return FieldInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.IReflect.GetField(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.IReflect.GetFields(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.IReflect.GetMember(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.IReflect.GetMembers(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.IReflect.GetMethod(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param types System.Type[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.IReflect.GetMethod(name, bindingAttr, binder, types, modifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.IReflect.GetMethods(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.IReflect.GetProperties(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return PropertyInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.IReflect.GetProperty(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param types System.Type[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@return PropertyInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.IReflect.GetProperty(name, bindingAttr, binder, returnType, types, modifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param target object +---@param args object[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param namedParameters string[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.IReflect.InvokeMember(name, invokeAttr, binder, target, args, modifiers, culture, namedParameters) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.IReflectableType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.IReflectableType = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TypeInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.IReflectableType.GetTypeInfo() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.LocalVariableInfo: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsPinned bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LocalIndex int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LocalType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.LocalVariableInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Reflection.LocalVariableInfo.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.MemberInfo: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CustomAttributes System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaringType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MemberType System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MetadataToken int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Module System.Reflection.Module +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectedType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.MemberInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.MemberInfo.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.MemberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.MemberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IList +function CS.System.Reflection.MemberInfo.GetCustomAttributesData() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.MemberInfo.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.MemberInfo.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@param right System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.MemberInfo:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@param right System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.MemberInfo:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.ManifestResourceInfo: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FileName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReferencedAssembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ResourceLocation System.Reflection.ResourceLocation +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.ManifestResourceInfo = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.MemberTypes: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field All System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Constructor System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Custom System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Event System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Field System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Method System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NestedType System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Property System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeInfo System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.MemberTypes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.MemberTypes +function CS.System.Reflection.MemberTypes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.MemberFilter: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.MemberFilter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param m System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@param filterCriteria object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.MemberFilter.Invoke(m, filterCriteria) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param m System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@param filterCriteria object +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Reflection.MemberFilter.BeginInvoke(m, filterCriteria, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.MemberFilter.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.MethodBody: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExceptionHandlingClauses System.Collections.Generic.IList +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InitLocals bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LocalSignatureMetadataToken int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LocalVariables System.Collections.Generic.IList +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxStackSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.MethodBody = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodBody.GetILAsByteArray() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.MethodAttributes: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Abstract System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Assembly System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CheckAccessOnOverride System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FamANDAssem System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Family System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FamORAssem System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Final System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HasSecurity System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HideBySig System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MemberAccessMask System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NewSlot System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PinvokeImpl System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Private System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PrivateScope System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Public System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RequireSecObject System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReservedMask System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReuseSlot System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RTSpecialName System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SpecialName System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Static System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UnmanagedExport System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Virtual System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VtableLayoutMask System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.MethodAttributes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodAttributes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AggressiveInlining System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CodeTypeMask System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ForwardRef System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IL System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InternalCall System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Managed System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ManagedMask System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxMethodImplVal System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Native System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoInlining System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoOptimization System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OPTIL System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PreserveSig System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Runtime System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Synchronized System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Unmanaged System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.MethodBase: System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attributes System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CallingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ContainsGenericParameters bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAbstract bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAssembly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsConstructor bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFamily bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFamilyAndAssembly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFamilyOrAssembly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFinal bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsGenericMethod bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsGenericMethodDefinition bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsHideBySig bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsPrivate bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsPublic bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSecurityCritical bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSecuritySafeCritical bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSecurityTransparent bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSpecialName bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsStatic bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsVirtual bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodHandle System.RuntimeMethodHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodImplementationFlags System.Reflection.MethodImplAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.MethodBase = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodBase.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodBase +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodBase:GetCurrentMethod() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetGenericArguments() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodBody +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetMethodBody() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param handle System.RuntimeMethodHandle +---@return MethodBase +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodBase:GetMethodFromHandle(handle) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param handle System.RuntimeMethodHandle +---@param declaringType System.RuntimeTypeHandle +---@return MethodBase +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodBase:GetMethodFromHandle(handle, declaringType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodImplAttributes +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetMethodImplementationFlags() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetParameters() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param parameters object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(obj, parameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param parameters object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke(obj, invokeAttr, binder, parameters, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@param right System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodBase:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@param right System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodBase:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.MethodInfo: System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MemberType System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReturnParameter System.Reflection.ParameterInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReturnType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReturnTypeCustomAttributes System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.MethodInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param delegateType System.Type +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodInfo.CreateDelegate(delegateType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param delegateType System.Type +---@param target object +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodInfo.CreateDelegate(delegateType, target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodInfo.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetBaseDefinition() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetGenericArguments() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetGenericMethodDefinition() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodInfo.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeArguments System.Type[] +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodInfo.MakeGenericMethod(typeArguments) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param right System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodInfo:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param right System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.MethodInfo:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Missing: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value System.Reflection.Missing +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Missing = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.ParameterModifier: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.ParameterModifier = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.ModuleResolveEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.ModuleResolveEventHandler = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ResolveEventArgs +---@return Module +function CS.System.Reflection.ModuleResolveEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ResolveEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Reflection.ModuleResolveEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Module +function CS.System.Reflection.ModuleResolveEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.Pointer: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.Pointer = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr void* +---@param type System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.Pointer:Box(ptr, type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr object +function CS.System.Reflection.Pointer:Unbox(ptr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.ObfuscateAssemblyAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssemblyIsPrivate bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StripAfterObfuscation bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.ObfuscateAssemblyAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.PortableExecutableKinds: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ILOnly System.Reflection.PortableExecutableKinds +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NotAPortableExecutableImage System.Reflection.PortableExecutableKinds +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PE32Plus System.Reflection.PortableExecutableKinds +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Preferred32Bit System.Reflection.PortableExecutableKinds +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Required32Bit System.Reflection.PortableExecutableKinds +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Unmanaged32Bit System.Reflection.PortableExecutableKinds +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.PortableExecutableKinds = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.PortableExecutableKinds +function CS.System.Reflection.PortableExecutableKinds:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.ObfuscationAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplyToMembers bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Exclude bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Feature string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StripAfterObfuscation bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.ObfuscationAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Amd64 System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Arm System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IA64 System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MSIL System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field X86 System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture +function CS.System.Reflection.ProcessorArchitecture:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.ResourceAttributes: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Private System.Reflection.ResourceAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Public System.Reflection.ResourceAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.ResourceAttributes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.ResourceAttributes +function CS.System.Reflection.ResourceAttributes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HasDefault System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Reserved2 System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Reserved3 System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Reserved4 System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReservedMask System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RTSpecialName System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SpecialName System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes +function CS.System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HasDefault System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HasFieldMarshal System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field In System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Lcid System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Optional System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Out System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Reserved3 System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Reserved4 System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReservedMask System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Retval System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes +function CS.System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.ResourceLocation: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ContainedInAnotherAssembly System.Reflection.ResourceLocation +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ContainedInManifestFile System.Reflection.ResourceLocation +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Embedded System.Reflection.ResourceLocation +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.ResourceLocation = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.ResourceLocation +function CS.System.Reflection.ResourceLocation:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.PropertyInfo: System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attributes System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanRead bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanWrite bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GetMethod System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSpecialName bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MemberType System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PropertyType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SetMethod System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.PropertyInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.GetAccessors() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nonPublic bool +function CS.System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.GetAccessors(nonPublic) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.GetConstantValue() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.GetGetMethod() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nonPublic bool +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.GetGetMethod(nonPublic) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.GetIndexParameters() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.GetOptionalCustomModifiers() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.GetRawConstantValue() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.GetRequiredCustomModifiers() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.GetSetMethod() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nonPublic bool +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.GetSetMethod(nonPublic) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.GetValue(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param index object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.GetValue(obj, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param index object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.GetValue(obj, invokeAttr, binder, index, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Reflection.PropertyInfo +---@param right System.Reflection.PropertyInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.PropertyInfo:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Reflection.PropertyInfo +---@param right System.Reflection.PropertyInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.PropertyInfo:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param value object +function CS.System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.SetValue(obj, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param value object +---@param index object[] +function CS.System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.SetValue(obj, value, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param value object +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param index object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.PropertyInfo.SetValue(obj, value, invokeAttr, binder, index, culture) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.ParameterInfo: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attributes System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CustomAttributes System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DefaultValue object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HasDefaultValue bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsIn bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsLcid bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsOptional bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsOut bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsRetval bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Member System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MetadataToken int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ParameterType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Position int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RawDefaultValue object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.ParameterInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.ParameterInfo.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.ParameterInfo.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IList +function CS.System.Reflection.ParameterInfo.GetCustomAttributesData() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.ParameterInfo.GetOptionalCustomModifiers() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.ParameterInfo.GetRealObject(context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.ParameterInfo.GetRequiredCustomModifiers() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.ParameterInfo.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Reflection.ParameterInfo.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.RuntimeReflectionExtensions: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.RuntimeReflectionExtensions = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.RuntimeReflectionExtensions.GetMethodInfo() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.RuntimeReflectionExtensions.GetRuntimeBaseDefinition() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return EventInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.RuntimeReflectionExtensions.GetRuntimeEvent(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.RuntimeReflectionExtensions.GetRuntimeEvents() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return FieldInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.RuntimeReflectionExtensions.GetRuntimeField(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.RuntimeReflectionExtensions.GetRuntimeFields() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param interfaceType System.Type +---@return InterfaceMapping +function CS.System.Reflection.RuntimeReflectionExtensions.GetRuntimeInterfaceMap(interfaceType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param parameters System.Type[] +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.RuntimeReflectionExtensions.GetRuntimeMethod(name, parameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.RuntimeReflectionExtensions.GetRuntimeMethods() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.RuntimeReflectionExtensions.GetRuntimeProperties() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return PropertyInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.RuntimeReflectionExtensions.GetRuntimeProperty(name) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.StrongNameKeyPair: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PublicKey byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.StrongNameKeyPair = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.TargetException: System.ApplicationException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.TargetException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.ReflectionContext: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.ReflectionContext = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return TypeInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.ReflectionContext.GetTypeForObject(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Reflection.ReflectionContext.MapAssembly(assembly) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Reflection.TypeInfo +---@return TypeInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.ReflectionContext.MapType(type) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: System.ApplicationException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.TargetParameterCountException: System.ApplicationException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.TargetParameterCountException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LoaderExceptions System.Exception[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Types System.Type[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.TypeAttributes: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Abstract System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AnsiClass System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AutoClass System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AutoLayout System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BeforeFieldInit System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Class System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ClassSemanticsMask System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CustomFormatClass System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CustomFormatMask System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExplicitLayout System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HasSecurity System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Import System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Interface System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LayoutMask System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NestedAssembly System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NestedFamANDAssem System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NestedFamily System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NestedFamORAssem System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NestedPrivate System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NestedPublic System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NotPublic System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Public System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReservedMask System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RTSpecialName System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Sealed System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SequentialLayout System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Serializable System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SpecialName System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StringFormatMask System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UnicodeClass System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VisibilityMask System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WindowsRuntime System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.TypeAttributes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeAttributes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.TypeDelegator: System.Reflection.TypeInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssemblyQualifiedName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BaseType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GUID System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsConstructedGenericType bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MetadataToken int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Module System.Reflection.Module +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeHandle System.RuntimeTypeHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UnderlyingSystemType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.TypeDelegator = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeDelegator.GetConstructors(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeDelegator.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeDelegator.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeDelegator.GetElementType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return EventInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeDelegator.GetEvent(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeDelegator.GetEvents() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeDelegator.GetEvents(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return FieldInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeDelegator.GetField(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeDelegator.GetFields(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeDelegator.GetInterface(name, ignoreCase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param interfaceType System.Type +---@return InterfaceMapping +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeDelegator.GetInterfaceMap(interfaceType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeDelegator.GetInterfaces() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param type System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeDelegator.GetMember(name, type, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeDelegator.GetMembers(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeDelegator.GetMethods(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeDelegator.GetNestedType(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeDelegator.GetNestedTypes(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeDelegator.GetProperties(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param target object +---@param args object[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param namedParameters string[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeDelegator.InvokeMember(name, invokeAttr, binder, target, args, modifiers, culture, namedParameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeInfo System.Reflection.TypeInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeDelegator.IsAssignableFrom(typeInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeDelegator.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.TypeFilter: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.TypeFilter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param m System.Type +---@param filterCriteria object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeFilter.Invoke(m, filterCriteria) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param m System.Type +---@param filterCriteria object +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeFilter.BeginInvoke(m, filterCriteria, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeFilter.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Reflection.TypeInfo: System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaredConstructors System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaredEvents System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaredFields System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaredMembers System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaredMethods System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaredNestedTypes System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaredProperties System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GenericTypeParameters System.Type[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ImplementedInterfaces System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Reflection.TypeInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeInfo.AsType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return EventInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeInfo.GetDeclaredEvent(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return FieldInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeInfo.GetDeclaredField(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeInfo.GetDeclaredMethod(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeInfo.GetDeclaredMethods(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return TypeInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeInfo.GetDeclaredNestedType(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return PropertyInfo +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeInfo.GetDeclaredProperty(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeInfo System.Reflection.TypeInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Reflection.TypeInfo.IsAssignableFrom(typeInfo) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Reflection.ICustomTypeProvider +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Reflection.ICustomTypeProvider = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Reflection.ICustomTypeProvider.GetCustomType() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Resources.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Resources.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..388b782e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Resources.lua @@ -0,0 +1,270 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Resources.IResourceReader +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Resources.IResourceReader = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Resources.IResourceReader.Close() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IDictionaryEnumerator +function CS.System.Resources.IResourceReader.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Resources.IResourceWriter +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Resources.IResourceWriter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value byte[] +function CS.System.Resources.IResourceWriter.AddResource(name, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value object +function CS.System.Resources.IResourceWriter.AddResource(name, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Resources.IResourceWriter.AddResource(name, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Resources.IResourceWriter.Close() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Resources.IResourceWriter.Generate() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Resources.MissingSatelliteAssemblyException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CultureName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Resources.MissingSatelliteAssemblyException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Resources.NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CultureName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Location System.Resources.UltimateResourceFallbackLocation +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Resources.NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Resources.ResourceManager: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HeaderVersionNumber int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MagicNumber int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BaseName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IgnoreCase bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ResourceSetType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Resources.ResourceManager = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param baseName string +---@param resourceDir string +---@param usingResourceSet System.Type +---@return ResourceManager +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceManager:CreateFileBasedResourceManager(baseName, resourceDir, usingResourceSet) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Object +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject(name, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param createIfNotExists bool +---@param tryParents bool +---@return ResourceSet +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceManager.GetResourceSet(culture, createIfNotExists, tryParents) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return UnmanagedMemoryStream +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceManager.GetStream(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return UnmanagedMemoryStream +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceManager.GetStream(name, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceManager.GetString(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return String +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceManager.GetString(name, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceManager.ReleaseAllResources() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Resources.ResourceReader: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Resources.ResourceReader = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceReader.Close() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceReader.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IDictionaryEnumerator +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceReader.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param resourceName string +---@param resourceType string +---@param resourceData byte[] +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceReader.GetResourceData(resourceName, resourceType, resourceData) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Resources.ResourceSet: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Resources.ResourceSet = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceSet.Close() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceSet.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceSet.GetDefaultReader() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceSet.GetDefaultWriter() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IDictionaryEnumerator +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceSet.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceSet.GetObject(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Object +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceSet.GetObject(name, ignoreCase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceSet.GetString(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return String +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceSet.GetString(name, ignoreCase) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Resources.ResourceWriter: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeNameConverter System.Func +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Resources.ResourceWriter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value byte[] +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceWriter.AddResource(name, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceWriter.AddResource(name, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value System.IO.Stream +---@param closeAfterWrite bool +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceWriter.AddResource(name, value, closeAfterWrite) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value object +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceWriter.AddResource(name, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceWriter.AddResource(name, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param typeName string +---@param serializedData byte[] +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceWriter.AddResourceData(name, typeName, serializedData) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceWriter.Close() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceWriter.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Resources.ResourceWriter.Generate() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Resources.SatelliteContractVersionAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Version string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Resources.SatelliteContractVersionAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Resources.UltimateResourceFallbackLocation: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MainAssembly System.Resources.UltimateResourceFallbackLocation +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Satellite System.Resources.UltimateResourceFallbackLocation +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Resources.UltimateResourceFallbackLocation = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Resources.UltimateResourceFallbackLocation +function CS.System.Resources.UltimateResourceFallbackLocation:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.CompilerServices.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.CompilerServices.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4aa7502a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.CompilerServices.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1317 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AccessedThroughPropertyAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PropertyName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AccessedThroughPropertyAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncStateMachineAttribute: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StateMachineAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncStateMachineAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Task System.Threading.Tasks.Task +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param awaiter TAwaiter +---@param stateMachine TStateMachine +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.AwaitOnCompleted(awaiter, stateMachine) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param awaiter TAwaiter +---@param stateMachine TStateMachine +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(awaiter, stateMachine) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return AsyncTaskMethodBuilder +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder:Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param exception System.Exception +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetException(exception) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetResult() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param stateMachine System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachine +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetStateMachine(stateMachine) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param stateMachine TStateMachine +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.Start(stateMachine) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Task System.Threading.Tasks.Task +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param awaiter TAwaiter +---@param stateMachine TStateMachine +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.AwaitOnCompleted(awaiter, stateMachine) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param awaiter TAwaiter +---@param stateMachine TStateMachine +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(awaiter, stateMachine) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return AsyncTaskMethodBuilder +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder:Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param exception System.Exception +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetException(exception) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result TResult +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetResult(result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param stateMachine System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachine +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.SetStateMachine(stateMachine) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param stateMachine TStateMachine +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncTaskMethodBuilder.Start(stateMachine) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param awaiter TAwaiter +---@param stateMachine TStateMachine +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.AwaitOnCompleted(awaiter, stateMachine) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param awaiter TAwaiter +---@param stateMachine TStateMachine +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted(awaiter, stateMachine) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return AsyncVoidMethodBuilder +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder:Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param exception System.Exception +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.SetException(exception) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.SetResult() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param stateMachine System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachine +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.SetStateMachine(stateMachine) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param stateMachine TStateMachine +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncVoidMethodBuilder.Start(stateMachine) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallConvCdecl: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallConvCdecl = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallConvFastcall: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallConvFastcall = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallConvStdcall: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallConvStdcall = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallConvThiscall: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallConvThiscall = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerFilePathAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerFilePathAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerLineNumberAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerLineNumberAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberNameAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallerMemberNameAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilationRelaxations: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoStringInterning System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilationRelaxations +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilationRelaxations = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilationRelaxations +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilationRelaxations:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilationRelaxationsAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CompilationRelaxations int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilationRelaxationsAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGlobalScopeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGlobalScopeAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@param value TValue +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable.Add(key, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@return TValue +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable.GetOrCreateValue(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@param createValueCallback System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable.CreateValueCallback +---@return TValue +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable.GetValue(key, createValueCallback) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable.Remove(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@param value TValue +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConditionalWeakTable.TryGetValue(key, value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerMarshalOverride: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerMarshalOverride = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ConfiguredTaskAwaiter +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable.GetAwaiter() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ConfiguredTaskAwaiter +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaitable.GetAwaiter() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CreateValueCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CreateValueCallback = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@return TValue +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CreateValueCallback.Invoke(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key TKey +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CreateValueCallback.BeginInvoke(key, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return TValue +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CreateValueCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DecimalConstantAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value decimal +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DecimalConstantAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsCompleted bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter.GetResult() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuation System.Action +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter.OnCompleted(continuation) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuation System.Action +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter.UnsafeOnCompleted(continuation) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsCompleted bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter.GetResult() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuation System.Action +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter.OnCompleted(continuation) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuation System.Action +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ConfiguredTaskAwaiter.UnsafeOnCompleted(continuation) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultDependencyAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LoadHint System.Runtime.CompilerServices.LoadHint +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DefaultDependencyAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ContractHelper: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ContractHelper = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param failureKind System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractFailureKind +---@param userMessage string +---@param conditionText string +---@param innerException System.Exception +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ContractHelper:RaiseContractFailedEvent(failureKind, userMessage, conditionText, innerException) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param kind System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractFailureKind +---@param displayMessage string +---@param userMessage string +---@param conditionText string +---@param innerException System.Exception +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ContractHelper:TriggerFailure(kind, displayMessage, userMessage, conditionText, innerException) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DependencyAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DependentAssembly string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LoadHint System.Runtime.CompilerServices.LoadHint +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DependencyAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CustomConstantAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CustomConstantAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DateTimeConstantAttribute: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CustomConstantAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DateTimeConstantAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisablePrivateReflectionAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DisablePrivateReflectionAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DiscardableAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DiscardableAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.FixedAddressValueTypeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.FixedAddressValueTypeAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuation System.Action +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.INotifyCompletion.OnCompleted(continuation) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleToAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllInternalsVisible bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssemblyName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleToAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsBoxed: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsBoxed = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.FixedBufferAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ElementType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Length int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.FixedBufferAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsByRefLikeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsByRefLikeAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsByValue: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsByValue = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.FormattableStringFactory: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.FormattableStringFactory = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arguments object[] +---@return FormattableString +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.FormattableStringFactory:Create(format, arguments) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsConst: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsConst = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.HasCopySemanticsAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.HasCopySemanticsAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsCopyConstructed: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsCopyConstructed = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachine +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachine = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachine.MoveNext() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param stateMachine System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachine +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IAsyncStateMachine.SetStateMachine(stateMachine) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsExplicitlyDereferenced: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsExplicitlyDereferenced = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ICriticalNotifyCompletion +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ICriticalNotifyCompletion = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuation System.Action +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ICriticalNotifyCompletion.UnsafeOnCompleted(continuation) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsImplicitlyDereferenced: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsImplicitlyDereferenced = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IDispatchConstantAttribute: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CustomConstantAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IDispatchConstantAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsJitIntrinsic: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsJitIntrinsic = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerNameAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IndexerNameAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsLong = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsPinned: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsPinned = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsReadOnlyAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsReadOnlyAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsSignUnspecifiedByte: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsSignUnspecifiedByte = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsUdtReturn: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IsUdtReturn = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IteratorStateMachineAttribute: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StateMachineAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IteratorStateMachineAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ITuple +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Length int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ITuple = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IUnknownConstantAttribute: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CustomConstantAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IUnknownConstantAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.LoadHint: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Always System.Runtime.CompilerServices.LoadHint +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Default System.Runtime.CompilerServices.LoadHint +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Sometimes System.Runtime.CompilerServices.LoadHint +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.LoadHint = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.CompilerServices.LoadHint +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.LoadHint:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodCodeType: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IL System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodCodeType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Native System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodCodeType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OPTIL System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodCodeType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Runtime System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodCodeType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodCodeType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodCodeType +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodCodeType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodCodeType System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodCodeType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AggressiveInlining System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ForwardRef System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InternalCall System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoInlining System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoOptimization System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PreserveSig System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Synchronized System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Unmanaged System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NativeCppClassAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NativeCppClassAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReferenceAssemblyAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Description string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReferenceAssemblyAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RequiredAttributeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RequiredContract System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RequiredAttributeAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WrapNonExceptionThrows bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeFeature: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PortablePdb string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeFeature = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param feature string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeFeature:IsSupported(feature) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OffsetToStringData int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:EnsureSufficientExecutionStack() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o1 object +---@param o2 object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:Equals(o1, o2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param code System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.TryCode +---@param backoutCode System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers.CleanupCode +---@param userData object +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:ExecuteCodeWithGuaranteedCleanup(code, backoutCode, userData) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:GetHashCode(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:GetObjectValue(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param fldHandle System.RuntimeFieldHandle +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:InitializeArray(array, fldHandle) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:PrepareConstrainedRegions() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:PrepareConstrainedRegionsNoOP() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d System.Delegate +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:PrepareContractedDelegate(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d System.Delegate +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:PrepareDelegate(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param method System.RuntimeMethodHandle +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:PrepareMethod(method) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param method System.RuntimeMethodHandle +---@param instantiation System.RuntimeTypeHandle[] +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:PrepareMethod(method, instantiation) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:ProbeForSufficientStack() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.RuntimeTypeHandle +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:RunClassConstructor(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param module System.ModuleHandle +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers:RunModuleConstructor(module) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CleanupCode: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CleanupCode = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param userData object +---@param exceptionThrown bool +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CleanupCode.Invoke(userData, exceptionThrown) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param userData object +---@param exceptionThrown bool +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CleanupCode.BeginInvoke(userData, exceptionThrown, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CleanupCode.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StateMachineAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StateMachineType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StateMachineAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TryCode: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TryCode = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param userData object +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TryCode.Invoke(userData) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param userData object +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TryCode.BeginInvoke(userData, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TryCode.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeWrappedException: System.Exception +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WrappedException object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeWrappedException = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeWrappedException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ScopelessEnumAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ScopelessEnumAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StringFreezingAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StringFreezingAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.SpecialNameAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.SpecialNameAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsCompleted bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.GetResult() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuation System.Action +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.OnCompleted(continuation) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuation System.Action +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.UnsafeOnCompleted(continuation) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsCompleted bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.GetResult() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuation System.Action +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.OnCompleted(continuation) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuation System.Action +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.UnsafeOnCompleted(continuation) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TupleElementNamesAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TransformNames System.Collections.Generic.IList +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TupleElementNamesAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedFromAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssemblyFullName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedFromAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IStrongBox +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Value object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IStrongBox = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedToAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Destination System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TypeForwardedToAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Capacity int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field this[] T +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param item T +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder.Add(item) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder.Clear() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param item T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder.Contains(item) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param arrayIndex int +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param item T +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder.IndexOf(item) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param index int +---@param item T +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder.Insert(index, item) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param item T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder.Remove(item) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder.RemoveAt(index) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder.Reverse() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder.Reverse(index, count) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder.ToArray() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ReadOnlyCollection +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ReadOnlyCollectionBuilder.ToReadOnlyCollection() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.UnsafeValueTypeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.UnsafeValueTypeAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StrongBox: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Value T +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.StrongBox = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuleCache: object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuleCache = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return YieldAwaiter +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaitable.GetAwaiter() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeOps: object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeOps = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return IRuntimeVariables +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeOps:CreateRuntimeVariables() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param data object[] +---@param indexes long[] +---@return IRuntimeVariables +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeOps:CreateRuntimeVariables(data, indexes) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expando System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject +---@param version object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeOps:ExpandoCheckVersion(expando, version) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expando System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject +---@param oldClass object +---@param newClass object +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeOps:ExpandoPromoteClass(expando, oldClass, newClass) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expando System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject +---@param indexClass object +---@param index int +---@param name string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeOps:ExpandoTryDeleteValue(expando, indexClass, index, name, ignoreCase) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expando System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject +---@param indexClass object +---@param index int +---@param name string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeOps:ExpandoTryGetValue(expando, indexClass, index, name, ignoreCase, value) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expando System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject +---@param indexClass object +---@param index int +---@param value object +---@param name string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeOps:ExpandoTrySetValue(expando, indexClass, index, value, name, ignoreCase) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param first System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IRuntimeVariables +---@param second System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IRuntimeVariables +---@param indexes int[] +---@return IRuntimeVariables +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeOps:MergeRuntimeVariables(first, second, indexes) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param hoistedLocals object +---@param locals object[] +---@return Expression +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeOps:Quote(expression, hoistedLocals, locals) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaiter: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsCompleted bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaiter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaiter.GetResult() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuation System.Action +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaiter.OnCompleted(continuation) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuation System.Action +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.YieldAwaiter.UnsafeOnCompleted(continuation) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param delegateType System.Type +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@return CallSite +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite:Create(delegateType, binder) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite: System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Target T +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Update T +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@return CallSite +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite:Create(binder) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field UpdateLabel System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param args object[] +---@param parameters System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@param returnLabel System.Linq.Expressions.LabelTarget +---@return Expression +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder.Bind(args, parameters, returnLabel) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param site System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite +---@param args object[] +---@return T +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder.BindDelegate(site, args) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteHelpers: object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteHelpers = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param mb System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteHelpers:IsInternalFrame(mb) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps: object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param site System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite +---@param rule T +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps:AddRule(site, rule) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param binder System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteBinder +---@param site System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite +---@param args object[] +---@return T +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps:Bind(binder, site, args) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param site System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps:ClearMatch(site) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param site System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite +---@return CallSite +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps:CreateMatchmaker(site) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param cache System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuleCache +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps:GetCachedRules(cache) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param site System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps:GetMatch(site) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param site System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite +---@return RuleCache +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps:GetRuleCache(site) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param site System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps:GetRules(site) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param cache System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuleCache +---@param rule T +---@param i int +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps:MoveRule(cache, rule, i) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param site System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps:SetNotMatched(site) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param this System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite +---@param matched int +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSiteOps:UpdateRules(this, matched) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Constants object[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Locals object[] +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DebugInfoGenerator: object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DebugInfoGenerator = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return DebugInfoGenerator +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DebugInfoGenerator:CreatePdbGenerator() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param method System.Linq.Expressions.LambdaExpression +---@param ilOffset int +---@param sequencePoint System.Linq.Expressions.DebugInfoExpression +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DebugInfoGenerator.MarkSequencePoint(method, ilOffset, sequencePoint) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DynamicAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field TransformFlags System.Collections.Generic.IList +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.DynamicAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExecutionScope: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Globals object[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Locals object[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Parent System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExecutionScope +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExecutionScope = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param indexLambda int +---@param locals object[] +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExecutionScope.CreateDelegate(indexLambda, locals) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExecutionScope.CreateHoistedLocals() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param expression System.Linq.Expressions.Expression +---@param locals object[] +---@return Expression +function CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExecutionScope.IsolateExpression(expression, locals) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IRuntimeVariables +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Runtime.CompilerServices.IRuntimeVariables = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ee5ffb87d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.lua @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.Cer: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MayFail System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.Cer +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.Cer +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Success System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.Cer +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.Cer = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.Cer +function CS.System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.Cer:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.Consistency: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MayCorruptAppDomain System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.Consistency +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MayCorruptInstance System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.Consistency +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MayCorruptProcess System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.Consistency +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WillNotCorruptState System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.Consistency +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.Consistency = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.Consistency +function CS.System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.Consistency:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.CriticalFinalizerObject: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.CriticalFinalizerObject = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.PrePrepareMethodAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.PrePrepareMethodAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.ReliabilityContractAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Cer System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.Cer +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ConsistencyGuarantee System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.Consistency +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.ReliabilityContractAttribute = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.DesignerServices.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.DesignerServices.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4a73d4499 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.DesignerServices.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.DesignerServices.WindowsRuntimeDesignerContext: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.DesignerServices.WindowsRuntimeDesignerContext = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Runtime.DesignerServices.WindowsRuntimeDesignerContext.GetAssembly(assemblyName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeName string +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.DesignerServices.WindowsRuntimeDesignerContext.GetType(typeName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param paths System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.Runtime.DesignerServices.WindowsRuntimeDesignerContext:InitializeSharedContext(paths) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param context System.Runtime.DesignerServices.WindowsRuntimeDesignerContext +function CS.System.Runtime.DesignerServices.WindowsRuntimeDesignerContext:SetIterationContext(context) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fbcf3ebc6 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.lua @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SourceException System.Exception +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Exception +---@return ExceptionDispatchInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo:Capture(source) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.FirstChanceExceptionEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Exception System.Exception +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.FirstChanceExceptionEventArgs = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.HandleProcessCorruptedStateExceptionsAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.HandleProcessCorruptedStateExceptionsAttribute = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Hosting.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Hosting.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..99a9d5d06 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Hosting.lua @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Hosting.ActivationArguments: System.Security.Policy.EvidenceBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ActivationContext System.ActivationContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ActivationData string[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationIdentity System.ApplicationIdentity +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Hosting.ActivationArguments = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return EvidenceBase +function CS.System.Runtime.Hosting.ActivationArguments.Clone() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Hosting.ApplicationActivator: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Hosting.ApplicationActivator = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param activationContext System.ActivationContext +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.Runtime.Hosting.ApplicationActivator.CreateInstance(activationContext) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param activationContext System.ActivationContext +---@param activationCustomData string[] +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.Runtime.Hosting.ApplicationActivator.CreateInstance(activationContext, activationCustomData) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ae6f4ad3d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1839 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.BINDPTR: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lpfuncdesc System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lptcomp System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lpvardesc System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.BINDPTR = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.BIND_OPTS: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cbStruct int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field dwTickCountDeadline int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field grfFlags int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field grfMode int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.BIND_OPTS = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.CALLCONV: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CC_CDECL System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.CALLCONV +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CC_MACPASCAL System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.CALLCONV +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CC_MAX System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.CALLCONV +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CC_MPWCDECL System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.CALLCONV +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CC_MPWPASCAL System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.CALLCONV +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CC_MSCPASCAL System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.CALLCONV +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CC_PASCAL System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.CALLCONV +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CC_RESERVED System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.CALLCONV +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CC_STDCALL System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.CALLCONV +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CC_SYSCALL System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.CALLCONV +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.CALLCONV = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.CALLCONV +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.CALLCONV:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.CONNECTDATA: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field dwCookie int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field pUnk object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.CONNECTDATA = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DESCKIND: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DESCKIND_FUNCDESC System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DESCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DESCKIND_IMPLICITAPPOBJ System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DESCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DESCKIND_MAX System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DESCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DESCKIND_NONE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DESCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DESCKIND_TYPECOMP System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DESCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DESCKIND_VARDESC System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DESCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DESCKIND = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DESCKIND +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DESCKIND:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DISPPARAMS: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cArgs int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cNamedArgs int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field rgdispidNamedArgs System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field rgvarg System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DISPPARAMS = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ELEMDESC: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field desc System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ELEMDESC.DESCUNION +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field tdesc System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEDESC +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ELEMDESC = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field dwHighDateTime int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field dwLowDateTime int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCDESC: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field callconv System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.CALLCONV +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cParams short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cParamsOpt short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cScodes short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field elemdescFunc System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ELEMDESC +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field funckind System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field invkind System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.INVOKEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lprgelemdescParam System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lprgscode System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field memid int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field oVft short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wFuncFlags short +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCDESC = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCFLAGS: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FBINDABLE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FDEFAULTBIND System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FDEFAULTCOLLELEM System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FDISPLAYBIND System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FHIDDEN System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FIMMEDIATEBIND System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FNONBROWSABLE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FREPLACEABLE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FREQUESTEDIT System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FRESTRICTED System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FSOURCE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FUIDEFAULT System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FUSESGETLASTERROR System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCFLAGS = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCFLAGS +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCFLAGS:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCKIND: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNC_DISPATCH System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNC_NONVIRTUAL System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNC_PUREVIRTUAL System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNC_STATIC System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNC_VIRTUAL System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCKIND = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCKIND +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FUNCKIND:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppenum System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumString +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx.EnumObjectParam(ppenum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pbindopts System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.BIND_OPTS +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx.GetBindOptions(pbindopts) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pszKey string +---@param ppunk object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx.GetObjectParam(pszKey, ppunk) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pprot System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IRunningObjectTable +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx.GetRunningObjectTable(pprot) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param punk object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx.RegisterObjectBound(punk) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pszKey string +---@param punk object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx.RegisterObjectParam(pszKey, punk) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx.ReleaseBoundObjects() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param punk object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx.RevokeObjectBound(punk) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pszKey string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx.RevokeObjectParam(pszKey) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pbindopts System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.BIND_OPTS +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx.SetBindOptions(pbindopts) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPoint +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPoint = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pUnkSink object +---@param pdwCookie int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPoint.Advise(pUnkSink, pdwCookie) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppEnum System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumConnections +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPoint.EnumConnections(ppEnum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pIID System.Guid +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPoint.GetConnectionInterface(pIID) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppCPC System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPointContainer +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPoint.GetConnectionPointContainer(ppCPC) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dwCookie int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPoint.Unadvise(dwCookie) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPointContainer +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPointContainer = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppEnum System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumConnectionPoints +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPointContainer.EnumConnectionPoints(ppEnum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param ppCP System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPoint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPointContainer.FindConnectionPoint(riid, ppCP) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDLFLAG: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IDLFLAG_FIN System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDLFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IDLFLAG_FLCID System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDLFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IDLFLAG_FOUT System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDLFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IDLFLAG_FRETVAL System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDLFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IDLFLAG_NONE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDLFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDLFLAG = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDLFLAG +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDLFLAG:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DESCUNION: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field idldesc System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDLDESC +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field paramdesc System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.PARAMDESC +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DESCUNION = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumConnectionPoints +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumConnectionPoints = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppenum System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumConnectionPoints +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumConnectionPoints.Clone(ppenum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param celt int +---@param rgelt System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IConnectionPoint[] +---@param pceltFetched System.IntPtr +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumConnectionPoints.Next(celt, rgelt, pceltFetched) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumConnectionPoints.Reset() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param celt int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumConnectionPoints.Skip(celt) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDLDESC: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field dwReserved System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wIDLFlags System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDLFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDLDESC = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.EXCEPINFO: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field bstrDescription string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field bstrHelpFile string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field bstrSource string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field dwHelpContext int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field pfnDeferredFillIn System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field pvReserved System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field scode int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wCode short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wReserved short +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.EXCEPINFO = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumConnections +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumConnections = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppenum System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumConnections +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumConnections.Clone(ppenum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param celt int +---@param rgelt System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.CONNECTDATA[] +---@param pceltFetched System.IntPtr +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumConnections.Next(celt, rgelt, pceltFetched) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumConnections.Reset() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param celt int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumConnections.Skip(celt) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumMoniker +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumMoniker = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppenum System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumMoniker +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumMoniker.Clone(ppenum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param celt int +---@param rgelt System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker[] +---@param pceltFetched System.IntPtr +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumMoniker.Next(celt, rgelt, pceltFetched) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumMoniker.Reset() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param celt int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumMoniker.Skip(celt) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumString +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumString = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppenum System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumString +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumString.Clone(ppenum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param celt int +---@param rgelt string[] +---@param pceltFetched System.IntPtr +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumString.Next(celt, rgelt, pceltFetched) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumString.Reset() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param celt int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumString.Skip(celt) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pbc System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx +---@param pmkToLeft System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +---@param riidResult System.Guid +---@param ppvResult object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker.BindToObject(pbc, pmkToLeft, riidResult, ppvResult) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pbc System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx +---@param pmkToLeft System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param ppvObj object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker.BindToStorage(pbc, pmkToLeft, riid, ppvObj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pmkOther System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +---@param ppmkPrefix System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker.CommonPrefixWith(pmkOther, ppmkPrefix) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pmkRight System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +---@param fOnlyIfNotGeneric bool +---@param ppmkComposite System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker.ComposeWith(pmkRight, fOnlyIfNotGeneric, ppmkComposite) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fForward bool +---@param ppenumMoniker System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumMoniker +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker.Enum(fForward, ppenumMoniker) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pClassID System.Guid +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker.GetClassID(pClassID) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pbc System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx +---@param pmkToLeft System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +---@param ppszDisplayName string +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker.GetDisplayName(pbc, pmkToLeft, ppszDisplayName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcbSize long +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker.GetSizeMax(pcbSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pbc System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx +---@param pmkToLeft System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +---@param pFileTime System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker.GetTimeOfLastChange(pbc, pmkToLeft, pFileTime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pdwHash int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker.Hash(pdwHash) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppmk System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker.Inverse(ppmk) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker.IsDirty() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pmkOtherMoniker System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker.IsEqual(pmkOtherMoniker) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pbc System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx +---@param pmkToLeft System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +---@param pmkNewlyRunning System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker.IsRunning(pbc, pmkToLeft, pmkNewlyRunning) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pdwMksys int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker.IsSystemMoniker(pdwMksys) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pStm System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker.Load(pStm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pbc System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx +---@param pmkToLeft System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +---@param pszDisplayName string +---@param pchEaten int +---@param ppmkOut System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker.ParseDisplayName(pbc, pmkToLeft, pszDisplayName, pchEaten, ppmkOut) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pbc System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IBindCtx +---@param dwReduceHowFar int +---@param ppmkToLeft System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +---@param ppmkReduced System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker.Reduce(pbc, dwReduceHowFar, ppmkToLeft, ppmkReduced) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pmkOther System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +---@param ppmkRelPath System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker.RelativePathTo(pmkOther, ppmkRelPath) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pStm System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream +---@param fClearDirty bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker.Save(pStm, fClearDirty) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumVARIANT +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumVARIANT = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumVARIANT +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumVARIANT.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param celt int +---@param rgVar object[] +---@param pceltFetched System.IntPtr +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumVARIANT.Next(celt, rgVar, pceltFetched) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumVARIANT.Reset() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param celt int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumVARIANT.Skip(celt) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMPLTYPEFLAGS: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMPLTYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULTVTABLE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMPLTYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IMPLTYPEFLAG_FRESTRICTED System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMPLTYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMPLTYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMPLTYPEFLAGS = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMPLTYPEFLAGS +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMPLTYPEFLAGS:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.INVOKEKIND: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field INVOKE_FUNC System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.INVOKEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field INVOKE_PROPERTYGET System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.INVOKEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.INVOKEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.INVOKEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.INVOKEKIND = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.INVOKEKIND +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.INVOKEKIND:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IPersistFile +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IPersistFile = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pClassID System.Guid +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IPersistFile.GetClassID(pClassID) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppszFileName string +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IPersistFile.GetCurFile(ppszFileName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IPersistFile.IsDirty() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pszFileName string +---@param dwMode int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IPersistFile.Load(pszFileName, dwMode) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pszFileName string +---@param fRemember bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IPersistFile.Save(pszFileName, fRemember) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pszFileName string +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IPersistFile.SaveCompleted(pszFileName) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppstm System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream.Clone(ppstm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param grfCommitFlags int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream.Commit(grfCommitFlags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pstm System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream +---@param cb long +---@param pcbRead System.IntPtr +---@param pcbWritten System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream.CopyTo(pstm, cb, pcbRead, pcbWritten) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param libOffset long +---@param cb long +---@param dwLockType int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream.LockRegion(libOffset, cb, dwLockType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pv byte[] +---@param cb int +---@param pcbRead System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream.Read(pv, cb, pcbRead) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream.Revert() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dlibMove long +---@param dwOrigin int +---@param plibNewPosition System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream.Seek(dlibMove, dwOrigin, plibNewPosition) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param libNewSize long +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream.SetSize(libNewSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pstatstg System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.STATSTG +---@param grfStatFlag int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream.Stat(pstatstg, grfStatFlag) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param libOffset long +---@param cb long +---@param dwLockType int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream.UnlockRegion(libOffset, cb, dwLockType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pv byte[] +---@param cb int +---@param pcbWritten System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IStream.Write(pv, cb, pcbWritten) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IRunningObjectTable +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IRunningObjectTable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppenumMoniker System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumMoniker +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IRunningObjectTable.EnumRunning(ppenumMoniker) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pmkObjectName System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +---@param ppunkObject object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IRunningObjectTable.GetObject(pmkObjectName, ppunkObject) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pmkObjectName System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +---@param pfiletime System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IRunningObjectTable.GetTimeOfLastChange(pmkObjectName, pfiletime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pmkObjectName System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IRunningObjectTable.IsRunning(pmkObjectName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dwRegister int +---@param pfiletime System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IRunningObjectTable.NoteChangeTime(dwRegister, pfiletime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param grfFlags int +---@param punkObject object +---@param pmkObjectName System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IRunningObjectTable.Register(grfFlags, punkObject, pmkObjectName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dwRegister int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IRunningObjectTable.Revoke(dwRegister) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param memid int +---@param invKind System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.INVOKEKIND +---@param ppv System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo.AddressOfMember(memid, invKind, ppv) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pUnkOuter object +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param ppvObj object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo.CreateInstance(pUnkOuter, riid, ppvObj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppTLB System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib +---@param pIndex int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo.GetContainingTypeLib(ppTLB, pIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param memid int +---@param invKind System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.INVOKEKIND +---@param pBstrDllName System.IntPtr +---@param pBstrName System.IntPtr +---@param pwOrdinal System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo.GetDllEntry(memid, invKind, pBstrDllName, pBstrName, pwOrdinal) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param strName string +---@param strDocString string +---@param dwHelpContext int +---@param strHelpFile string +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo.GetDocumentation(index, strName, strDocString, dwHelpContext, strHelpFile) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param ppFuncDesc System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo.GetFuncDesc(index, ppFuncDesc) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgszNames string[] +---@param cNames int +---@param pMemId int[] +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo.GetIDsOfNames(rgszNames, cNames, pMemId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param pImplTypeFlags System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMPLTYPEFLAGS +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo.GetImplTypeFlags(index, pImplTypeFlags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param memid int +---@param pBstrMops string +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo.GetMops(memid, pBstrMops) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param memid int +---@param rgBstrNames string[] +---@param cMaxNames int +---@param pcNames int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo.GetNames(memid, rgBstrNames, cMaxNames, pcNames) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param hRef int +---@param ppTI System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo.GetRefTypeInfo(hRef, ppTI) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param href int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo.GetRefTypeOfImplType(index, href) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppTypeAttr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo.GetTypeAttr(ppTypeAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppTComp System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeComp +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo.GetTypeComp(ppTComp) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param ppVarDesc System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo.GetVarDesc(index, ppVarDesc) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pvInstance object +---@param memid int +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DISPPARAMS +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo.Invoke(pvInstance, memid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pFuncDesc System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo.ReleaseFuncDesc(pFuncDesc) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pTypeAttr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo.ReleaseTypeAttr(pTypeAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pVarDesc System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo.ReleaseVarDesc(pVarDesc) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param szNameBuf string +---@param lHashVal int +---@param ppTInfo System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo[] +---@param rgMemId int[] +---@param pcFound short +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib.FindName(szNameBuf, lHashVal, ppTInfo, rgMemId, pcFound) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param strName string +---@param strDocString string +---@param dwHelpContext int +---@param strHelpFile string +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib.GetDocumentation(index, strName, strDocString, dwHelpContext, strHelpFile) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppTLibAttr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib.GetLibAttr(ppTLibAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppTComp System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeComp +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib.GetTypeComp(ppTComp) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param ppTI System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib.GetTypeInfo(index, ppTI) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib.GetTypeInfoCount() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param guid System.Guid +---@param ppTInfo System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib.GetTypeInfoOfGuid(guid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param pTKind System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEKIND +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib.GetTypeInfoType(index, pTKind) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param szNameBuf string +---@param lHashVal int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib.IsName(szNameBuf, lHashVal) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pTLibAttr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib.ReleaseTLibAttr(pTLibAttr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeComp +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeComp = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param szName string +---@param lHashVal int +---@param wFlags short +---@param ppTInfo System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo +---@param pDescKind System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DESCKIND +---@param pBindPtr System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.BINDPTR +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeComp.Bind(szName, lHashVal, wFlags, ppTInfo, pDescKind, pBindPtr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param szName string +---@param lHashVal int +---@param ppTInfo System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo +---@param ppTComp System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeComp +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeComp.BindType(szName, lHashVal, ppTInfo, ppTComp) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2 = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param memid int +---@param invKind System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.INVOKEKIND +---@param ppv System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.AddressOfMember(memid, invKind, ppv) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pUnkOuter object +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param ppvObj object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.CreateInstance(pUnkOuter, riid, ppvObj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pCustData System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetAllCustData(pCustData) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param pCustData System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetAllFuncCustData(index, pCustData) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param pCustData System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetAllImplTypeCustData(index, pCustData) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param indexFunc int +---@param indexParam int +---@param pCustData System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetAllParamCustData(indexFunc, indexParam, pCustData) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param pCustData System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetAllVarCustData(index, pCustData) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppTLB System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib +---@param pIndex int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetContainingTypeLib(ppTLB, pIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param guid System.Guid +---@param pVarVal object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetCustData(guid, pVarVal) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param memid int +---@param invKind System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.INVOKEKIND +---@param pBstrDllName System.IntPtr +---@param pBstrName System.IntPtr +---@param pwOrdinal System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetDllEntry(memid, invKind, pBstrDllName, pBstrName, pwOrdinal) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param strName string +---@param strDocString string +---@param dwHelpContext int +---@param strHelpFile string +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetDocumentation(index, strName, strDocString, dwHelpContext, strHelpFile) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param memid int +---@param pbstrHelpString string +---@param pdwHelpStringContext int +---@param pbstrHelpStringDll string +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetDocumentation2(memid, pbstrHelpString, pdwHelpStringContext, pbstrHelpStringDll) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param guid System.Guid +---@param pVarVal object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetFuncCustData(index, guid, pVarVal) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param ppFuncDesc System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetFuncDesc(index, ppFuncDesc) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param memid int +---@param invKind System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.INVOKEKIND +---@param pFuncIndex int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetFuncIndexOfMemId(memid, invKind, pFuncIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgszNames string[] +---@param cNames int +---@param pMemId int[] +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetIDsOfNames(rgszNames, cNames, pMemId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param guid System.Guid +---@param pVarVal object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetImplTypeCustData(index, guid, pVarVal) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param pImplTypeFlags System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMPLTYPEFLAGS +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetImplTypeFlags(index, pImplTypeFlags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param memid int +---@param pBstrMops string +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetMops(memid, pBstrMops) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param memid int +---@param rgBstrNames string[] +---@param cMaxNames int +---@param pcNames int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetNames(memid, rgBstrNames, cMaxNames, pcNames) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param indexFunc int +---@param indexParam int +---@param guid System.Guid +---@param pVarVal object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetParamCustData(indexFunc, indexParam, guid, pVarVal) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param hRef int +---@param ppTI System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetRefTypeInfo(hRef, ppTI) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param href int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetRefTypeOfImplType(index, href) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppTypeAttr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetTypeAttr(ppTypeAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppTComp System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeComp +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetTypeComp(ppTComp) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pTypeFlags int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetTypeFlags(pTypeFlags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pTypeKind System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEKIND +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetTypeKind(pTypeKind) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param guid System.Guid +---@param pVarVal object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetVarCustData(index, guid, pVarVal) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param ppVarDesc System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetVarDesc(index, ppVarDesc) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param memid int +---@param pVarIndex int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.GetVarIndexOfMemId(memid, pVarIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pvInstance object +---@param memid int +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DISPPARAMS +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.Invoke(pvInstance, memid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pFuncDesc System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.ReleaseFuncDesc(pFuncDesc) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pTypeAttr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.ReleaseTypeAttr(pTypeAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pVarDesc System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo2.ReleaseVarDesc(pVarDesc) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib2 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib2 = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param szNameBuf string +---@param lHashVal int +---@param ppTInfo System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo[] +---@param rgMemId int[] +---@param pcFound short +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib2.FindName(szNameBuf, lHashVal, ppTInfo, rgMemId, pcFound) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pCustData System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib2.GetAllCustData(pCustData) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param guid System.Guid +---@param pVarVal object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib2.GetCustData(guid, pVarVal) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param strName string +---@param strDocString string +---@param dwHelpContext int +---@param strHelpFile string +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib2.GetDocumentation(index, strName, strDocString, dwHelpContext, strHelpFile) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param pbstrHelpString string +---@param pdwHelpStringContext int +---@param pbstrHelpStringDll string +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib2.GetDocumentation2(index, pbstrHelpString, pdwHelpStringContext, pbstrHelpStringDll) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppTLibAttr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib2.GetLibAttr(ppTLibAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcUniqueNames System.IntPtr +---@param pcchUniqueNames int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib2.GetLibStatistics(pcUniqueNames, pcchUniqueNames) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppTComp System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeComp +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib2.GetTypeComp(ppTComp) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param ppTI System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib2.GetTypeInfo(index, ppTI) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib2.GetTypeInfoCount() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param guid System.Guid +---@param ppTInfo System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib2.GetTypeInfoOfGuid(guid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param pTKind System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEKIND +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib2.GetTypeInfoType(index, pTKind) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param szNameBuf string +---@param lHashVal int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib2.IsName(szNameBuf, lHashVal) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pTLibAttr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib2.ReleaseTLibAttr(pTLibAttr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.LIBFLAGS: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LIBFLAG_FCONTROL System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.LIBFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LIBFLAG_FHASDISKIMAGE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.LIBFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LIBFLAG_FHIDDEN System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.LIBFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LIBFLAG_FRESTRICTED System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.LIBFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.LIBFLAGS = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.LIBFLAGS +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.LIBFLAGS:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.PARAMDESC: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lpVarValue System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wParamFlags System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.PARAMFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.PARAMDESC = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.PARAMFLAG: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PARAMFLAG_FHASCUSTDATA System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.PARAMFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PARAMFLAG_FHASDEFAULT System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.PARAMFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PARAMFLAG_FIN System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.PARAMFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PARAMFLAG_FLCID System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.PARAMFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PARAMFLAG_FOPT System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.PARAMFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PARAMFLAG_FOUT System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.PARAMFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PARAMFLAG_FRETVAL System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.PARAMFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PARAMFLAG_NONE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.PARAMFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.PARAMFLAG = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.PARAMFLAG +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.PARAMFLAG:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEATTR: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cbAlignment short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cbSizeInstance int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cbSizeVft short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cFuncs short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cImplTypes short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cVars short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field dwReserved int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field guid System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field idldescType System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDLDESC +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lcid int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lpstrSchema System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MEMBER_ID_NIL int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field memidConstructor int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field memidDestructor int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field tdescAlias System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEDESC +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field typekind System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wMajorVerNum short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wMinorVerNum short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wTypeFlags System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEATTR = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.STATSTG: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field atime System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cbSize long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field clsid System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ctime System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field grfLocksSupported int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field grfMode int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field grfStateBits int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field mtime System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field pwcsName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field reserved int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field type int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.STATSTG = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.SYSKIND: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SYS_MAC System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.SYSKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SYS_WIN16 System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.SYSKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SYS_WIN32 System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.SYSKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SYS_WIN64 System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.SYSKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.SYSKIND = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.SYSKIND +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.SYSKIND:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEDESC: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lpValue System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field vt short +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEDESC = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEFLAGS: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FAGGREGATABLE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FAPPOBJECT System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FCANCREATE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FCONTROL System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FDISPATCHABLE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FDUAL System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FHIDDEN System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FLICENSED System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FNONEXTENSIBLE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FOLEAUTOMATION System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FPREDECLID System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FPROXY System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FREPLACEABLE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FRESTRICTED System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FREVERSEBIND System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEFLAGS = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEFLAGS +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEFLAGS:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEKIND: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TKIND_ALIAS System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TKIND_COCLASS System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TKIND_DISPATCH System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TKIND_ENUM System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TKIND_INTERFACE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TKIND_MAX System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TKIND_MODULE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TKIND_RECORD System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TKIND_UNION System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEKIND = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEKIND +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPEKIND:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARDESC: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field desc System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARDESC.DESCUNION +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field elemdescVar System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ELEMDESC +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lpstrSchema string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field memid int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field varkind System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wVarFlags short +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARDESC = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPELIBATTR: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field guid System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lcid int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field syskind System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.SYSKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wLibFlags System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.LIBFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wMajorVerNum short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wMinorVerNum short +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYPELIBATTR = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DATADIR: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field DATADIR_GET System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DATADIR +---@source System.dll +---@field DATADIR_SET System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DATADIR +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DATADIR = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DATADIR +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DATADIR:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DVASPECT: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field DVASPECT_CONTENT System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DVASPECT +---@source System.dll +---@field DVASPECT_DOCPRINT System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DVASPECT +---@source System.dll +---@field DVASPECT_ICON System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DVASPECT +---@source System.dll +---@field DVASPECT_THUMBNAIL System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DVASPECT +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DVASPECT = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DVASPECT +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DVASPECT:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param pFormatetc System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FORMATETC +---@param advf System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ADVF +---@param adviseSink System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IAdviseSink +---@param connection int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject.DAdvise(pFormatetc, advf, adviseSink, connection) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param connection int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject.DUnadvise(connection) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param enumAdvise System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumSTATDATA +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject.EnumDAdvise(enumAdvise) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param direction System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DATADIR +---@return IEnumFORMATETC +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject.EnumFormatEtc(direction) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param formatIn System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FORMATETC +---@param formatOut System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FORMATETC +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject.GetCanonicalFormatEtc(formatIn, formatOut) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param format System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FORMATETC +---@param medium System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.STGMEDIUM +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject.GetData(format, medium) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param format System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FORMATETC +---@param medium System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.STGMEDIUM +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject.GetDataHere(format, medium) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param format System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FORMATETC +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject.QueryGetData(format) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param formatIn System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FORMATETC +---@param medium System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.STGMEDIUM +---@param release bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IDataObject.SetData(formatIn, medium, release) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DESCUNION: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lpvarValue System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field oInst int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DESCUNION = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumFORMATETC +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumFORMATETC = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param newEnum System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumFORMATETC +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumFORMATETC.Clone(newEnum) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param celt int +---@param rgelt System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FORMATETC[] +---@param pceltFetched int[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumFORMATETC.Next(celt, rgelt, pceltFetched) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumFORMATETC.Reset() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param celt int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumFORMATETC.Skip(celt) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FORMATETC: System.ValueType +---@source System.dll +---@field cfFormat short +---@source System.dll +---@field dwAspect System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.DVASPECT +---@source System.dll +---@field lindex int +---@source System.dll +---@field ptd System.IntPtr +---@source System.dll +---@field tymed System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYMED +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FORMATETC = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARFLAGS: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FBINDABLE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FDEFAULTBIND System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FDEFAULTCOLLELEM System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FDISPLAYBIND System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FHIDDEN System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FIMMEDIATEBIND System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FNONBROWSABLE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FREADONLY System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FREPLACEABLE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FREQUESTEDIT System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FRESTRICTED System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FSOURCE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FUIDEFAULT System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARFLAGS = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARFLAGS +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARFLAGS:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumSTATDATA +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumSTATDATA = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param newEnum System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumSTATDATA +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumSTATDATA.Clone(newEnum) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param celt int +---@param rgelt System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.STATDATA[] +---@param pceltFetched int[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumSTATDATA.Next(celt, rgelt, pceltFetched) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumSTATDATA.Reset() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param celt int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IEnumSTATDATA.Skip(celt) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IAdviseSink +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IAdviseSink = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IAdviseSink.OnClose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param format System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FORMATETC +---@param stgmedium System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.STGMEDIUM +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IAdviseSink.OnDataChange(format, stgmedium) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param moniker System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IMoniker +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IAdviseSink.OnRename(moniker) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IAdviseSink.OnSave() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param aspect int +---@param index int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IAdviseSink.OnViewChange(aspect, index) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARKIND: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VAR_CONST System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VAR_DISPATCH System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VAR_PERINSTANCE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VAR_STATIC System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARKIND = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARKIND +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.VARKIND:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.STATDATA: System.ValueType +---@source System.dll +---@field advf System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ADVF +---@source System.dll +---@field advSink System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.IAdviseSink +---@source System.dll +---@field connection int +---@source System.dll +---@field formatetc System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FORMATETC +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.STATDATA = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ADVF: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field ADVFCACHE_FORCEBUILTIN System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ADVF +---@source System.dll +---@field ADVFCACHE_NOHANDLER System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ADVF +---@source System.dll +---@field ADVFCACHE_ONSAVE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ADVF +---@source System.dll +---@field ADVF_DATAONSTOP System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ADVF +---@source System.dll +---@field ADVF_NODATA System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ADVF +---@source System.dll +---@field ADVF_ONLYONCE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ADVF +---@source System.dll +---@field ADVF_PRIMEFIRST System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ADVF +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ADVF = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ADVF +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ADVF:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYMED: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field TYMED_ENHMF System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYMED +---@source System.dll +---@field TYMED_FILE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYMED +---@source System.dll +---@field TYMED_GDI System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYMED +---@source System.dll +---@field TYMED_HGLOBAL System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYMED +---@source System.dll +---@field TYMED_ISTORAGE System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYMED +---@source System.dll +---@field TYMED_ISTREAM System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYMED +---@source System.dll +---@field TYMED_MFPICT System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYMED +---@source System.dll +---@field TYMED_NULL System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYMED +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYMED = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYMED +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYMED:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.STGMEDIUM: System.ValueType +---@source System.dll +---@field pUnkForRelease object +---@source System.dll +---@field tymed System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.TYMED +---@source System.dll +---@field unionmember System.IntPtr +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.STGMEDIUM = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.InteropServices.Expando.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.InteropServices.Expando.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3e1b9d2df --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.InteropServices.Expando.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.Expando.IExpando +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Expando.IExpando = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return FieldInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Expando.IExpando.AddField(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param method System.Delegate +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Expando.IExpando.AddMethod(name, method) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return PropertyInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Expando.IExpando.AddProperty(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param m System.Reflection.MemberInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Expando.IExpando.RemoveMember(m) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2e0a7eb9c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.lua @@ -0,0 +1,208 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.DefaultInterfaceAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DefaultInterface System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.DefaultInterfaceAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.DesignerNamespaceResolveEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NamespaceName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ResolvedAssemblyFiles System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.DesignerNamespaceResolveEventArgs = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.EventRegistrationToken: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.EventRegistrationToken = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.EventRegistrationToken.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.EventRegistrationToken.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.EventRegistrationToken +---@param right System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.EventRegistrationToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.EventRegistrationToken:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.EventRegistrationToken +---@param right System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.EventRegistrationToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.EventRegistrationToken:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.EventRegistrationTokenTable: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InvocationList T +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.EventRegistrationTokenTable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param handler T +---@return EventRegistrationToken +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.EventRegistrationTokenTable.AddEventHandler(handler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param refEventTable System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.EventRegistrationTokenTable +---@return EventRegistrationTokenTable +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.EventRegistrationTokenTable:GetOrCreateEventRegistrationTokenTable(refEventTable) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param token System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.EventRegistrationToken +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.EventRegistrationTokenTable.RemoveEventHandler(token) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param handler T +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.EventRegistrationTokenTable.RemoveEventHandler(handler) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IActivationFactory +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IActivationFactory = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.IActivationFactory.ActivateInstance() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.InterfaceImplementedInVersionAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BuildVersion byte +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InterfaceType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MajorVersion byte +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinorVersion byte +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RevisionVersion byte +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.InterfaceImplementedInVersionAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.NamespaceResolveEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NamespaceName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RequestingAssembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ResolvedAssemblies System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.NamespaceResolveEventArgs = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.ReadOnlyArrayAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.ReadOnlyArrayAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.ReturnValueNameAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.ReturnValueNameAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.WindowsRuntimeMarshal: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.WindowsRuntimeMarshal = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param addMethod System.Func +---@param removeMethod System.Action +---@param handler T +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.WindowsRuntimeMarshal:AddEventHandler(addMethod, removeMethod, handler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.WindowsRuntimeMarshal:FreeHString(ptr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return IActivationFactory +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.WindowsRuntimeMarshal:GetActivationFactory(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.WindowsRuntimeMarshal:PtrToStringHString(ptr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param removeMethod System.Action +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.WindowsRuntimeMarshal:RemoveAllEventHandlers(removeMethod) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param removeMethod System.Action +---@param handler T +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.WindowsRuntimeMarshal:RemoveEventHandler(removeMethod, handler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.WindowsRuntimeMarshal:StringToHString(s) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.WindowsRuntimeMetadata: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DesignerNamespaceResolve System.EventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectionOnlyNamespaceResolve System.EventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.WindowsRuntimeMetadata = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.WindowsRuntimeMetadata:add_DesignerNamespaceResolve(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.WindowsRuntimeMetadata:remove_DesignerNamespaceResolve(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.WindowsRuntimeMetadata:add_ReflectionOnlyNamespaceResolve(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.WindowsRuntimeMetadata:remove_ReflectionOnlyNamespaceResolve(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param namespaceName string +---@param packageGraphFilePaths System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.WindowsRuntimeMetadata:ResolveNamespace(namespaceName, packageGraphFilePaths) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param namespaceName string +---@param windowsSdkFilePath string +---@param packageGraphFilePaths System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.WindowsRuntimeMetadata:ResolveNamespace(namespaceName, windowsSdkFilePath, packageGraphFilePaths) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.WriteOnlyArrayAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.WriteOnlyArrayAttribute = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.InteropServices.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.InteropServices.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..68cedd1cf --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.InteropServices.lua @@ -0,0 +1,6387 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.AllowReversePInvokeCallsAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.AllowReversePInvokeCallsAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.Architecture: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Arm System.Runtime.InteropServices.Architecture +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Arm64 System.Runtime.InteropServices.Architecture +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field X64 System.Runtime.InteropServices.Architecture +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field X86 System.Runtime.InteropServices.Architecture +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Architecture = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.Architecture +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Architecture:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ArrayWithOffset: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ArrayWithOffset = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ArrayWithOffset.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.Runtime.InteropServices.ArrayWithOffset +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ArrayWithOffset.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ArrayWithOffset.GetArray() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ArrayWithOffset.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ArrayWithOffset.GetOffset() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Runtime.InteropServices.ArrayWithOffset +---@param b System.Runtime.InteropServices.ArrayWithOffset +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ArrayWithOffset:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Runtime.InteropServices.ArrayWithOffset +---@param b System.Runtime.InteropServices.ArrayWithOffset +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ArrayWithOffset:op_Inequality(a, b) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.AssemblyRegistrationFlags: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Runtime.InteropServices.AssemblyRegistrationFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SetCodeBase System.Runtime.InteropServices.AssemblyRegistrationFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.AssemblyRegistrationFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.AssemblyRegistrationFlags +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.AssemblyRegistrationFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.AutomationProxyAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.AutomationProxyAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.BestFitMappingAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ThrowOnUnmappableChar bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BestFitMapping bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.BestFitMappingAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.BINDPTR: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lpfuncdesc System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lptcomp System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lpvardesc System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.BINDPTR = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.BIND_OPTS: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cbStruct int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field dwTickCountDeadline int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field grfFlags int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field grfMode int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.BIND_OPTS = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.BStrWrapper: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WrappedObject string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.BStrWrapper = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.CALLCONV: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CC_CDECL System.Runtime.InteropServices.CALLCONV +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CC_MACPASCAL System.Runtime.InteropServices.CALLCONV +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CC_MAX System.Runtime.InteropServices.CALLCONV +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CC_MPWCDECL System.Runtime.InteropServices.CALLCONV +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CC_MPWPASCAL System.Runtime.InteropServices.CALLCONV +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CC_MSCPASCAL System.Runtime.InteropServices.CALLCONV +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CC_PASCAL System.Runtime.InteropServices.CALLCONV +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CC_RESERVED System.Runtime.InteropServices.CALLCONV +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CC_STDCALL System.Runtime.InteropServices.CALLCONV +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CC_SYSCALL System.Runtime.InteropServices.CALLCONV +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.CALLCONV = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.CALLCONV +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.CALLCONV:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ansi System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Auto System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Unicode System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Cdecl System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FastCall System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StdCall System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ThisCall System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Winapi System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceType: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AutoDispatch System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AutoDual System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceType +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ClassInterfaceType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.CoClassAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CoClass System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.CoClassAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComAliasNameAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComAliasNameAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComCompatibleVersionAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BuildNumber int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MajorVersion int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinorVersion int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RevisionNumber int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComCompatibleVersionAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComConversionLossAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComConversionLossAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComEventInterfaceAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EventProvider System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SourceInterface System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComEventInterfaceAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComEventsHelper: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComEventsHelper = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rcw object +---@param iid System.Guid +---@param dispid int +---@param d System.Delegate +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComEventsHelper:Combine(rcw, iid, dispid, d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rcw object +---@param iid System.Guid +---@param dispid int +---@param d System.Delegate +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComEventsHelper:Remove(rcw, iid, dispid, d) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComInterfaceType: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InterfaceIsDual System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComInterfaceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InterfaceIsIDispatch System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComInterfaceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InterfaceIsIInspectable System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComInterfaceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InterfaceIsIUnknown System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComInterfaceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComInterfaceType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComInterfaceType +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComInterfaceType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComMemberType: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Method System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComMemberType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PropGet System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComMemberType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PropSet System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComMemberType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComMemberType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComMemberType +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComMemberType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComImportAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComImportAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComSourceInterfacesAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComSourceInterfacesAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComUnregisterFunctionAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComUnregisterFunctionAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComVisibleAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.CONNECTDATA: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field dwCookie int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field pUnk object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.CONNECTDATA = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.CriticalHandle: System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.CriticalFinalizerObject +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsClosed bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsInvalid bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.CriticalHandle = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.CriticalHandle.Close() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.CriticalHandle.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.CriticalHandle.SetHandleAsInvalid() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.CurrencyWrapper: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WrappedObject decimal +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.CurrencyWrapper = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.CustomQueryInterfaceMode: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Allow System.Runtime.InteropServices.CustomQueryInterfaceMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ignore System.Runtime.InteropServices.CustomQueryInterfaceMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.CustomQueryInterfaceMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.CustomQueryInterfaceMode +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.CustomQueryInterfaceMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultDllImportSearchPathsAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Paths System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportSearchPath +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultDllImportSearchPathsAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.CustomQueryInterfaceResult: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Failed System.Runtime.InteropServices.CustomQueryInterfaceResult +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Handled System.Runtime.InteropServices.CustomQueryInterfaceResult +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NotHandled System.Runtime.InteropServices.CustomQueryInterfaceResult +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.CustomQueryInterfaceResult = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.CustomQueryInterfaceResult +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.CustomQueryInterfaceResult:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.DESCKIND: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DESCKIND_FUNCDESC System.Runtime.InteropServices.DESCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DESCKIND_IMPLICITAPPOBJ System.Runtime.InteropServices.DESCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DESCKIND_MAX System.Runtime.InteropServices.DESCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DESCKIND_NONE System.Runtime.InteropServices.DESCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DESCKIND_TYPECOMP System.Runtime.InteropServices.DESCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DESCKIND_VARDESC System.Runtime.InteropServices.DESCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.DESCKIND = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.DESCKIND +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.DESCKIND:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultCharSetAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CharSet System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultCharSetAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.DISPPARAMS: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cArgs int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cNamedArgs int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field rgdispidNamedArgs System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field rgvarg System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.DISPPARAMS = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.DispatchWrapper: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WrappedObject object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.DispatchWrapper = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BestFitMapping bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CallingConvention System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CharSet System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EntryPoint string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExactSpelling bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PreserveSig bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SetLastError bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ThrowOnUnmappableChar bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.DispIdAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.DispIdAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportSearchPath: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationDirectory System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportSearchPath +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssemblyDirectory System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportSearchPath +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LegacyBehavior System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportSearchPath +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SafeDirectories System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportSearchPath +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field System32 System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportSearchPath +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UseDllDirectoryForDependencies System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportSearchPath +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UserDirectories System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportSearchPath +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportSearchPath = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportSearchPath +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportSearchPath:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ErrorWrapper: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ErrorCode int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ErrorWrapper = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ELEMDESC: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field desc System.Runtime.InteropServices.ELEMDESC.DESCUNION +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field tdesc System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEDESC +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ELEMDESC = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.EXCEPINFO: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field bstrDescription string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field bstrHelpFile string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field bstrSource string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field dwHelpContext int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field pfnDeferredFillIn System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field pvReserved System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wCode short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wReserved short +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.EXCEPINFO = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ErrorCode int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExporterEventKind: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ERROR_REFTOINVALIDASSEMBLY System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExporterEventKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NOTIF_CONVERTWARNING System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExporterEventKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NOTIF_TYPECONVERTED System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExporterEventKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExporterEventKind = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExporterEventKind +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExporterEventKind:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.FieldOffsetAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.FieldOffsetAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExtensibleClassFactory: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExtensibleClassFactory = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param callback System.Runtime.InteropServices.ObjectCreationDelegate +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExtensibleClassFactory:RegisterObjectCreationCallback(callback) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.FILETIME: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field dwHighDateTime int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field dwLowDateTime int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.FILETIME = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCDESC: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field callconv System.Runtime.InteropServices.CALLCONV +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cParams short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cParamsOpt short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cScodes short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field elemdescFunc System.Runtime.InteropServices.ELEMDESC +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field funckind System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field invkind System.Runtime.InteropServices.INVOKEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lprgelemdescParam System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lprgscode System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field memid int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field oVft short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wFuncFlags short +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCDESC = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCFLAGS: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FBINDABLE System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FDEFAULTBIND System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FDEFAULTCOLLELEM System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FDISPLAYBIND System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FHIDDEN System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FIMMEDIATEBIND System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FNONBROWSABLE System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FREPLACEABLE System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FREQUESTEDIT System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FRESTRICTED System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FSOURCE System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FUIDEFAULT System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNCFLAG_FUSESGETLASTERROR System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCFLAGS = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCFLAGS +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCFLAGS:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCKIND: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNC_DISPATCH System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNC_NONVIRTUAL System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNC_PUREVIRTUAL System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNC_STATIC System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUNC_VIRTUAL System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCKIND = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCKIND +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.FUNCKIND:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.DESCUNION: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field idldesc System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDLDESC +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field paramdesc System.Runtime.InteropServices.PARAMDESC +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.DESCUNION = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ICustomMarshaler +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ICustomMarshaler = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ManagedObj object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ICustomMarshaler.CleanUpManagedData(ManagedObj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pNativeData System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ICustomMarshaler.CleanUpNativeData(pNativeData) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ICustomMarshaler.GetNativeDataSize() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ManagedObj object +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ICustomMarshaler.MarshalManagedToNative(ManagedObj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pNativeData System.IntPtr +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ICustomMarshaler.MarshalNativeToManaged(pNativeData) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAllocated bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Target object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return GCHandle +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:Alloc(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param type System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandleType +---@return GCHandle +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:Alloc(value, type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.Free() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.IntPtr +---@return GCHandle +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:FromIntPtr(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle +---@param b System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.IntPtr +---@return GCHandle +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle +---@param b System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:op_Inequality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandle:ToIntPtr(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ICustomQueryInterface +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ICustomQueryInterface = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iid System.Guid +---@param ppv System.IntPtr +---@return CustomQueryInterfaceResult +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ICustomQueryInterface.GetInterface(iid, ppv) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandleType: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Normal System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandleType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Pinned System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandleType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Weak System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandleType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WeakTrackResurrection System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandleType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandleType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandleType +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.GCHandleType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDispatchImplAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDispatchImplType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDispatchImplAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.GuidAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDispatchImplType: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CompatibleImpl System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDispatchImplType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InternalImpl System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDispatchImplType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemDefinedImpl System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDispatchImplType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDispatchImplType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDispatchImplType +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDispatchImplType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDLDESC: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field dwReserved int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wIDLFlags System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDLFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDLDESC = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Handle System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Wrapper object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef:ToIntPtr(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDLFLAG: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IDLFLAG_FIN System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDLFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IDLFLAG_FLCID System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDLFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IDLFLAG_FOUT System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDLFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IDLFLAG_FRETVAL System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDLFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IDLFLAG_NONE System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDLFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDLFLAG = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDLFLAG +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDLFLAG:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ICustomAdapter +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ICustomAdapter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ICustomAdapter.GetUnderlyingObject() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.IMPLTYPEFLAGS: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULT System.Runtime.InteropServices.IMPLTYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IMPLTYPEFLAG_FDEFAULTVTABLE System.Runtime.InteropServices.IMPLTYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IMPLTYPEFLAG_FRESTRICTED System.Runtime.InteropServices.IMPLTYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IMPLTYPEFLAG_FSOURCE System.Runtime.InteropServices.IMPLTYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.IMPLTYPEFLAGS = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.IMPLTYPEFLAGS +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.IMPLTYPEFLAGS:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ICustomFactory +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ICustomFactory = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param serverType System.Type +---@return MarshalByRefObject +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ICustomFactory.CreateInstance(serverType) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ImportedFromTypeLibAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ImportedFromTypeLibAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ImporterEventKind: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ERROR_REFTOINVALIDTYPELIB System.Runtime.InteropServices.ImporterEventKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NOTIF_CONVERTWARNING System.Runtime.InteropServices.ImporterEventKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NOTIF_TYPECONVERTED System.Runtime.InteropServices.ImporterEventKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ImporterEventKind = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.ImporterEventKind +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ImporterEventKind:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.InAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.InAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibExporterNameProvider +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibExporterNameProvider = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibExporterNameProvider.GetNames() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.InterfaceTypeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComInterfaceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.InterfaceTypeAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibExporterNotifySink +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibExporterNotifySink = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param eventKind System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExporterEventKind +---@param eventCode int +---@param eventMsg string +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibExporterNotifySink.ReportEvent(eventKind, eventCode, eventMsg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibExporterNotifySink.ResolveRef(assembly) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.InvalidComObjectException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.InvalidComObjectException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibImporterNotifySink +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibImporterNotifySink = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param eventKind System.Runtime.InteropServices.ImporterEventKind +---@param eventCode int +---@param eventMsg string +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibImporterNotifySink.ReportEvent(eventKind, eventCode, eventMsg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeLib object +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibImporterNotifySink.ResolveRef(typeLib) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.InvalidOleVariantTypeException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.InvalidOleVariantTypeException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Auto System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Explicit System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Sequential System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.LCIDConversionAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.LCIDConversionAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.INVOKEKIND: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field INVOKE_FUNC System.Runtime.InteropServices.INVOKEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field INVOKE_PROPERTYGET System.Runtime.InteropServices.INVOKEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT System.Runtime.InteropServices.INVOKEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF System.Runtime.InteropServices.INVOKEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.INVOKEKIND = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.INVOKEKIND +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.INVOKEKIND:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.LIBFLAGS: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LIBFLAG_FCONTROL System.Runtime.InteropServices.LIBFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LIBFLAG_FHASDISKIMAGE System.Runtime.InteropServices.LIBFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LIBFLAG_FHIDDEN System.Runtime.InteropServices.LIBFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LIBFLAG_FRESTRICTED System.Runtime.InteropServices.LIBFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.LIBFLAGS = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.LIBFLAGS +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.LIBFLAGS:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.IRegistrationServices +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.IRegistrationServices = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.IRegistrationServices.GetManagedCategoryGuid() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.IRegistrationServices.GetProgIdForType(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.IRegistrationServices.GetRegistrableTypesInAssembly(assembly) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@param flags System.Runtime.InteropServices.AssemblyRegistrationFlags +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.IRegistrationServices.RegisterAssembly(assembly, flags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param g System.Guid +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.IRegistrationServices.RegisterTypeForComClients(type, g) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.IRegistrationServices.TypeRepresentsComType(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.IRegistrationServices.TypeRequiresRegistration(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.IRegistrationServices.UnregisterAssembly(assembly) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ManagedToNativeComInteropStubAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ClassType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ManagedToNativeComInteropStubAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibConverter +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibConverter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@param typeLibName string +---@param flags System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibExporterFlags +---@param notifySink System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibExporterNotifySink +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibConverter.ConvertAssemblyToTypeLib(assembly, typeLibName, flags, notifySink) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeLib object +---@param asmFileName string +---@param flags int +---@param notifySink System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibImporterNotifySink +---@param publicKey byte[] +---@param keyPair System.Reflection.StrongNameKeyPair +---@param unsafeInterfaces bool +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibConverter.ConvertTypeLibToAssembly(typeLib, asmFileName, flags, notifySink, publicKey, keyPair, unsafeInterfaces) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeLib object +---@param asmFileName string +---@param flags System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImporterFlags +---@param notifySink System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibImporterNotifySink +---@param publicKey byte[] +---@param keyPair System.Reflection.StrongNameKeyPair +---@param asmNamespace string +---@param asmVersion System.Version +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibConverter.ConvertTypeLibToAssembly(typeLib, asmFileName, flags, notifySink, publicKey, keyPair, asmNamespace, asmVersion) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param g System.Guid +---@param major int +---@param minor int +---@param lcid int +---@param asmName string +---@param asmCodeBase string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibConverter.GetPrimaryInteropAssembly(g, major, minor, lcid, asmName, asmCodeBase) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemDefaultCharSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemMaxDBCSCharSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pUnk System.IntPtr +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:AddRef(pUnk) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cb int +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:AllocCoTaskMem(cb) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cb int +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:AllocHGlobal(cb) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cb System.IntPtr +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:AllocHGlobal(cb) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:AreComObjectsAvailableForCleanup() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param monikerName string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:BindToMoniker(monikerName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param otp object +---@param fIsWeak bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ChangeWrapperHandleStrength(otp, fIsWeak) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:CleanupUnusedObjectsInCurrentContext() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source byte[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param destination System.IntPtr +---@param length int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:Copy(source, startIndex, destination, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source char[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param destination System.IntPtr +---@param length int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:Copy(source, startIndex, destination, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source double[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param destination System.IntPtr +---@param length int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:Copy(source, startIndex, destination, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source short[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param destination System.IntPtr +---@param length int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:Copy(source, startIndex, destination, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source int[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param destination System.IntPtr +---@param length int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:Copy(source, startIndex, destination, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source long[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param destination System.IntPtr +---@param length int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:Copy(source, startIndex, destination, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.IntPtr +---@param destination byte[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param length int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:Copy(source, destination, startIndex, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.IntPtr +---@param destination char[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param length int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:Copy(source, destination, startIndex, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.IntPtr +---@param destination double[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param length int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:Copy(source, destination, startIndex, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.IntPtr +---@param destination short[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param length int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:Copy(source, destination, startIndex, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.IntPtr +---@param destination int[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param length int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:Copy(source, destination, startIndex, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.IntPtr +---@param destination long[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param length int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:Copy(source, destination, startIndex, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.IntPtr +---@param destination System.IntPtr[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param length int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:Copy(source, destination, startIndex, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.IntPtr +---@param destination float[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param length int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:Copy(source, destination, startIndex, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.IntPtr[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param destination System.IntPtr +---@param length int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:Copy(source, startIndex, destination, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source float[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param destination System.IntPtr +---@param length int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:Copy(source, startIndex, destination, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pOuter System.IntPtr +---@param o object +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:CreateAggregatedObject(pOuter, o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pOuter System.IntPtr +---@param o T +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:CreateAggregatedObject(pOuter, o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@param t System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:CreateWrapperOfType(o, t) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o T +---@return TWrapper +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:CreateWrapperOfType(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param structuretype System.Type +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:DestroyStructure(ptr, structuretype) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:DestroyStructure(ptr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:FinalReleaseComObject(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:FreeBSTR(ptr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:FreeCoTaskMem(ptr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param hglobal System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:FreeHGlobal(hglobal) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GenerateGuidForType(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GenerateProgIdForType(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param progID string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetActiveObject(progID) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@param T System.Type +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetComInterfaceForObject(o, T) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@param T System.Type +---@param mode System.Runtime.InteropServices.CustomQueryInterfaceMode +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetComInterfaceForObject(o, T, mode) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@param t System.Type +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetComInterfaceForObjectInContext(o, t) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o T +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetComInterfaceForObject(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param key object +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetComObjectData(obj, key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param m System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetComSlotForMethodInfo(m) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param t System.Type +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(ptr, t) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@return TDelegate +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(ptr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t System.Type +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetEndComSlot(t) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetExceptionCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param errorCode int +---@return Exception +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetExceptionForHR(errorCode) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param errorCode int +---@param errorInfo System.IntPtr +---@return Exception +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetExceptionForHR(errorCode, errorInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetExceptionPointers() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d System.Delegate +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d TDelegate +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param m System.Reflection.Module +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetHINSTANCE(m) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Exception +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetHRForException(e) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetHRForLastWin32Error() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetIDispatchForObject(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetIDispatchForObjectInContext(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t System.Type +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetITypeInfoForType(t) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetIUnknownForObject(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetIUnknownForObjectInContext(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetLastWin32Error() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pfnMethodToWrap System.IntPtr +---@param pbSignature System.IntPtr +---@param cbSignature int +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetManagedThunkForUnmanagedMethodPtr(pfnMethodToWrap, pbSignature, cbSignature) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t System.Type +---@param slot int +---@param memberType System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComMemberType +---@return MemberInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetMethodInfoForComSlot(t, slot, memberType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param pDstNativeVariant System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetNativeVariantForObject(obj, pDstNativeVariant) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj T +---@param pDstNativeVariant System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetNativeVariantForObject(obj, pDstNativeVariant) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pUnk System.IntPtr +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetObjectForIUnknown(pUnk) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pSrcNativeVariant System.IntPtr +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetObjectForNativeVariant(pSrcNativeVariant) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pSrcNativeVariant System.IntPtr +---@return T +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetObjectForNativeVariant(pSrcNativeVariant) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param aSrcNativeVariant System.IntPtr +---@param cVars int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetObjectsForNativeVariants(aSrcNativeVariant, cVars) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param aSrcNativeVariant System.IntPtr +---@param cVars int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetObjectsForNativeVariants(aSrcNativeVariant, cVars) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t System.Type +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetStartComSlot(t) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cookie int +---@return Thread +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetThreadFromFiberCookie(cookie) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pUnk System.IntPtr +---@param t System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetTypedObjectForIUnknown(pUnk, t) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param piTypeInfo System.IntPtr +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetTypeForITypeInfo(piTypeInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param clsid System.Guid +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetTypeFromCLSID(clsid) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeInfo System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeInfo +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetTypeInfoName(typeInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pTI System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetTypeInfoName(pTI) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typelib System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetTypeLibGuid(typelib) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pTLB System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeLib +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetTypeLibGuid(pTLB) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param asm System.Reflection.Assembly +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetTypeLibGuidForAssembly(asm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typelib System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetTypeLibLcid(typelib) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pTLB System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeLib +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetTypeLibLcid(pTLB) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typelib System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.ITypeLib +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetTypeLibName(typelib) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pTLB System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeLib +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetTypeLibName(pTLB) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inputAssembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@param majorVersion int +---@param minorVersion int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetTypeLibVersionForAssembly(inputAssembly, majorVersion, minorVersion) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param unknown System.IntPtr +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetUniqueObjectForIUnknown(unknown) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pfnMethodToWrap System.IntPtr +---@param pbSignature System.IntPtr +---@param cbSignature int +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:GetUnmanagedThunkForManagedMethodPtr(pfnMethodToWrap, pbSignature, cbSignature) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:IsComObject(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:IsTypeVisibleFromCom(t) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param m System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:NumParamBytes(m) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t System.Type +---@param fieldName string +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:OffsetOf(t, fieldName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fieldName string +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:OffsetOf(fieldName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param m System.Reflection.MethodInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:Prelink(m) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c System.Type +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:PrelinkAll(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:PtrToStringAnsi(ptr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param len int +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:PtrToStringAnsi(ptr, len) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:PtrToStringAuto(ptr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param len int +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:PtrToStringAuto(ptr, len) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:PtrToStringBSTR(ptr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:PtrToStringUni(ptr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param len int +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:PtrToStringUni(ptr, len) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param structure object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:PtrToStructure(ptr, structure) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param structureType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:PtrToStructure(ptr, structureType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@return T +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:PtrToStructure(ptr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param structure T +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:PtrToStructure(ptr, structure) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pUnk System.IntPtr +---@param iid System.Guid +---@param ppv System.IntPtr +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:QueryInterface(pUnk, iid, ppv) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReadByte(ptr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param ofs int +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReadByte(ptr, ofs) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr object +---@param ofs int +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReadByte(ptr, ofs) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReadInt16(ptr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param ofs int +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReadInt16(ptr, ofs) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr object +---@param ofs int +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReadInt16(ptr, ofs) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReadInt32(ptr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param ofs int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReadInt32(ptr, ofs) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr object +---@param ofs int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReadInt32(ptr, ofs) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReadInt64(ptr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param ofs int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReadInt64(ptr, ofs) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr object +---@param ofs int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReadInt64(ptr, ofs) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReadIntPtr(ptr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param ofs int +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReadIntPtr(ptr, ofs) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr object +---@param ofs int +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReadIntPtr(ptr, ofs) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pv System.IntPtr +---@param cb int +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReAllocCoTaskMem(pv, cb) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pv System.IntPtr +---@param cb System.IntPtr +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReAllocHGlobal(pv, cb) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pUnk System.IntPtr +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:Release(pUnk) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReleaseComObject(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ReleaseThreadCache() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s System.Security.SecureString +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:SecureStringToBSTR(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s System.Security.SecureString +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:SecureStringToCoTaskMemAnsi(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s System.Security.SecureString +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:SecureStringToCoTaskMemUnicode(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s System.Security.SecureString +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:SecureStringToGlobalAllocAnsi(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s System.Security.SecureString +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:SecureStringToGlobalAllocUnicode(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param key object +---@param data object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:SetComObjectData(obj, key, data) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param structure object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:SizeOf(structure) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t System.Type +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:SizeOf(t) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:SizeOf() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param structure T +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:SizeOf(structure) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:StringToBSTR(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:StringToCoTaskMemAnsi(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:StringToCoTaskMemAuto(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:StringToCoTaskMemUni(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:StringToHGlobalAnsi(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:StringToHGlobalAuto(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:StringToHGlobalUni(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param structure object +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param fDeleteOld bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:StructureToPtr(structure, ptr, fDeleteOld) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param structure T +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param fDeleteOld bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:StructureToPtr(structure, ptr, fDeleteOld) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param errorCode int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ThrowExceptionForHR(errorCode) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param errorCode int +---@param errorInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ThrowExceptionForHR(errorCode, errorInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arr System.Array +---@param index int +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(arr, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arr T[] +---@param index int +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(arr, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param val byte +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:WriteByte(ptr, val) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param ofs int +---@param val byte +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:WriteByte(ptr, ofs, val) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr object +---@param ofs int +---@param val byte +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:WriteByte(ptr, ofs, val) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param val char +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:WriteInt16(ptr, val) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param val short +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:WriteInt16(ptr, val) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param ofs int +---@param val char +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:WriteInt16(ptr, ofs, val) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param ofs int +---@param val short +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:WriteInt16(ptr, ofs, val) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr object +---@param ofs int +---@param val char +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:WriteInt16(ptr, ofs, val) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr object +---@param ofs int +---@param val short +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:WriteInt16(ptr, ofs, val) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param val int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:WriteInt32(ptr, val) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param ofs int +---@param val int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:WriteInt32(ptr, ofs, val) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr object +---@param ofs int +---@param val int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:WriteInt32(ptr, ofs, val) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param ofs int +---@param val long +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:WriteInt64(ptr, ofs, val) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param val long +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:WriteInt64(ptr, val) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr object +---@param ofs int +---@param val long +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:WriteInt64(ptr, ofs, val) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param ofs int +---@param val System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:WriteIntPtr(ptr, ofs, val) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr System.IntPtr +---@param val System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:WriteIntPtr(ptr, val) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ptr object +---@param ofs int +---@param val System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:WriteIntPtr(ptr, ofs, val) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ZeroFreeBSTR(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ZeroFreeCoTaskMemAnsi(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ZeroFreeCoTaskMemUnicode(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ZeroFreeGlobalAllocAnsi(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal:ZeroFreeGlobalAllocUnicode(s) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAsAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ArraySubType System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IidParameterIndex int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MarshalCookie string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MarshalType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MarshalTypeRef System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SafeArraySubType System.Runtime.InteropServices.VarEnum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SafeArrayUserDefinedSubType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SizeConst int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SizeParamIndex short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalAsAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Linux System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OSX System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Windows System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param osPlatform string +---@return OSPlatform +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform:Create(osPlatform) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform +---@param right System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform +---@param right System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalDirectiveException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.MarshalDirectiveException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.OutAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.OutAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ObjectCreationDelegate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ObjectCreationDelegate = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param aggregator System.IntPtr +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ObjectCreationDelegate.Invoke(aggregator) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param aggregator System.IntPtr +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ObjectCreationDelegate.BeginInvoke(aggregator, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ObjectCreationDelegate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.PARAMDESC: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lpVarValue System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wParamFlags System.Runtime.InteropServices.PARAMFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.PARAMDESC = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.OptionalAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.OptionalAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.PARAMFLAG: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PARAMFLAG_FHASCUSTDATA System.Runtime.InteropServices.PARAMFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PARAMFLAG_FHASDEFAULT System.Runtime.InteropServices.PARAMFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PARAMFLAG_FIN System.Runtime.InteropServices.PARAMFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PARAMFLAG_FLCID System.Runtime.InteropServices.PARAMFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PARAMFLAG_FOPT System.Runtime.InteropServices.PARAMFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PARAMFLAG_FOUT System.Runtime.InteropServices.PARAMFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PARAMFLAG_FRETVAL System.Runtime.InteropServices.PARAMFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PARAMFLAG_NONE System.Runtime.InteropServices.PARAMFLAG +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.PARAMFLAG = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.PARAMFLAG +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.PARAMFLAG:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.PreserveSigAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.PreserveSigAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.PrimaryInteropAssemblyAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MajorVersion int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinorVersion int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.PrimaryInteropAssemblyAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ProgIdAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ProgIdAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationClassContext: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DisableActivateAsActivator System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationClassContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EnableActivateAsActivator System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationClassContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EnableCodeDownload System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationClassContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FromDefaultContext System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationClassContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InProcessHandler System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationClassContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InProcessHandler16 System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationClassContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InProcessServer System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationClassContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InProcessServer16 System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationClassContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LocalServer System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationClassContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoCodeDownload System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationClassContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoCustomMarshal System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationClassContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoFailureLog System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationClassContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RemoteServer System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationClassContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Reserved1 System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationClassContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Reserved2 System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationClassContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Reserved3 System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationClassContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Reserved4 System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationClassContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Reserved5 System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationClassContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationClassContext = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationClassContext +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationClassContext:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationConnectionType: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MultipleUse System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationConnectionType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MultiSeparate System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationConnectionType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SingleUse System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationConnectionType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Surrogate System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationConnectionType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Suspended System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationConnectionType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationConnectionType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationConnectionType +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationConnectionType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationServices: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationServices = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationServices.GetManagedCategoryGuid() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationServices.GetProgIdForType(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationServices.GetRegistrableTypesInAssembly(assembly) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@param flags System.Runtime.InteropServices.AssemblyRegistrationFlags +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationServices.RegisterAssembly(assembly, flags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param g System.Guid +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationServices.RegisterTypeForComClients(type, g) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param classContext System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationClassContext +---@param flags System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationConnectionType +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationServices.RegisterTypeForComClients(type, classContext, flags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationServices.TypeRepresentsComType(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationServices.TypeRequiresRegistration(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationServices.UnregisterAssembly(assembly) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cookie int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationServices.UnregisterTypeForComClients(cookie) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemConfigurationFile string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Reflection.Assembly +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment:FromGlobalAccessCache(a) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment:GetRuntimeDirectory() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param clsid System.Guid +---@param riid System.Guid +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment:GetRuntimeInterfaceAsIntPtr(clsid, riid) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param clsid System.Guid +---@param riid System.Guid +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment:GetRuntimeInterfaceAsObject(clsid, riid) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment:GetSystemVersion() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException: System.Runtime.InteropServices.ExternalException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException.CanResume() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FrameworkDescription string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OSArchitecture System.Runtime.InteropServices.Architecture +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OSDescription string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ProcessArchitecture System.Runtime.InteropServices.Architecture +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param osPlatform System.Runtime.InteropServices.OSPlatform +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation:IsOSPlatform(osPlatform) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeArrayRankMismatchException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeArrayRankMismatchException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeArrayTypeMismatchException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeArrayTypeMismatchException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.SetWin32ContextInIDispatchAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SetWin32ContextInIDispatchAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeBuffer: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ByteLength ulong +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeBuffer = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pointer byte* +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeBuffer.AcquirePointer(pointer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param numElements uint +---@param sizeOfEachElement uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeBuffer.Initialize(numElements, sizeOfEachElement) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param numBytes ulong +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeBuffer.Initialize(numBytes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param numElements uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeBuffer.Initialize(numElements) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param byteOffset ulong +---@param array T[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeBuffer.ReadArray(byteOffset, array, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param byteOffset ulong +---@return T +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeBuffer.Read(byteOffset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeBuffer.ReleasePointer() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param byteOffset ulong +---@param array T[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeBuffer.WriteArray(byteOffset, array, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param byteOffset ulong +---@param value T +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeBuffer.Write(byteOffset, value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle: System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.CriticalFinalizerObject +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsClosed bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsInvalid bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle.Close() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param success bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle.DangerousAddRef(success) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle.DangerousGetHandle() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle.DangerousRelease() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle.SetHandleAsInvalid() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.STATSTG: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field atime System.Runtime.InteropServices.FILETIME +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cbSize long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field clsid System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ctime System.Runtime.InteropServices.FILETIME +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field grfLocksSupported int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field grfMode int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field grfStateBits int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field mtime System.Runtime.InteropServices.FILETIME +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field pwcsName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field reserved int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field type int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.STATSTG = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPELIBATTR: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field guid System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lcid int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field syskind System.Runtime.InteropServices.SYSKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wLibFlags System.Runtime.InteropServices.LIBFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wMajorVerNum short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wMinorVerNum short +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPELIBATTR = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CharSet System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Pack int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Size int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value System.Runtime.InteropServices.LayoutKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.SYSKIND: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SYS_MAC System.Runtime.InteropServices.SYSKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SYS_WIN16 System.Runtime.InteropServices.SYSKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SYS_WIN32 System.Runtime.InteropServices.SYSKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SYSKIND = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.SYSKIND +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.SYSKIND:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEATTR: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cbAlignment short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cbSizeInstance int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cbSizeVft short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cFuncs short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cImplTypes short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field cVars short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field dwReserved int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field guid System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field idldescType System.Runtime.InteropServices.IDLDESC +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lcid int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lpstrSchema System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MEMBER_ID_NIL int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field memidConstructor int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field memidDestructor int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field tdescAlias System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEDESC +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field typekind System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wMajorVerNum short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wMinorVerNum short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wTypeFlags System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEATTR = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEDESC: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lpValue System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field vt short +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEDESC = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEFLAGS: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FAGGREGATABLE System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FAPPOBJECT System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FCANCREATE System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FCONTROL System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FDISPATCHABLE System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FDUAL System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FHIDDEN System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FLICENSED System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FNONEXTENSIBLE System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FOLEAUTOMATION System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FPREDECLID System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FPROXY System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FREPLACEABLE System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FRESTRICTED System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TYPEFLAG_FREVERSEBIND System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEFLAGS = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEFLAGS +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEFLAGS:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeIdentifierAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Identifier string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Scope string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeIdentifierAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEKIND: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TKIND_ALIAS System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TKIND_COCLASS System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TKIND_DISPATCH System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TKIND_ENUM System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TKIND_INTERFACE System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TKIND_MAX System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TKIND_MODULE System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TKIND_RECORD System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TKIND_UNION System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEKIND +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEKIND = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEKIND +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEKIND:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibConverter: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibConverter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@param strTypeLibName string +---@param flags System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibExporterFlags +---@param notifySink System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibExporterNotifySink +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibConverter.ConvertAssemblyToTypeLib(assembly, strTypeLibName, flags, notifySink) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeLib object +---@param asmFileName string +---@param flags int +---@param notifySink System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibImporterNotifySink +---@param publicKey byte[] +---@param keyPair System.Reflection.StrongNameKeyPair +---@param unsafeInterfaces bool +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibConverter.ConvertTypeLibToAssembly(typeLib, asmFileName, flags, notifySink, publicKey, keyPair, unsafeInterfaces) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeLib object +---@param asmFileName string +---@param flags System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImporterFlags +---@param notifySink System.Runtime.InteropServices.ITypeLibImporterNotifySink +---@param publicKey byte[] +---@param keyPair System.Reflection.StrongNameKeyPair +---@param asmNamespace string +---@param asmVersion System.Version +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibConverter.ConvertTypeLibToAssembly(typeLib, asmFileName, flags, notifySink, publicKey, keyPair, asmNamespace, asmVersion) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param g System.Guid +---@param major int +---@param minor int +---@param lcid int +---@param asmName string +---@param asmCodeBase string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibConverter.GetPrimaryInteropAssembly(g, major, minor, lcid, asmName, asmCodeBase) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibExporterFlags: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CallerResolvedReferences System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibExporterFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExportAs32Bit System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibExporterFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExportAs64Bit System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibExporterFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibExporterFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OldNames System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibExporterFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OnlyReferenceRegistered System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibExporterFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibExporterFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibExporterFlags +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibExporterFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarFlags: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FBindable System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FDefaultBind System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FDefaultCollelem System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FDisplayBind System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FHidden System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FImmediateBind System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FNonBrowsable System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FReadOnly System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FReplaceable System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FRequestEdit System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FRestricted System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FSource System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUiDefault System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarFlags +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVarFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncFlags: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FBindable System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FDefaultBind System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FDefaultCollelem System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FDisplayBind System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FHidden System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FImmediateBind System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FNonBrowsable System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FReplaceable System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FRequestEdit System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FRestricted System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FSource System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUiDefault System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FUsesGetLastError System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncFlags +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibFuncFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImportClassAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImportClassAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImporterFlags: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ImportAsAgnostic System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImporterFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ImportAsArm System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImporterFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ImportAsItanium System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImporterFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ImportAsX64 System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImporterFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ImportAsX86 System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImporterFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoDefineVersionResource System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImporterFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImporterFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PreventClassMembers System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImporterFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PrimaryInteropAssembly System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImporterFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectionOnlyLoading System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImporterFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SafeArrayAsSystemArray System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImporterFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SerializableValueClasses System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImporterFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TransformDispRetVals System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImporterFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UnsafeInterfaces System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImporterFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImporterFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImporterFlags +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibImporterFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVersionAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MajorVersion int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinorVersion int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibVersionAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIBindCtx +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIBindCtx = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppenum System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumString +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIBindCtx.EnumObjectParam(ppenum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pbindopts System.Runtime.InteropServices.BIND_OPTS +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIBindCtx.GetBindOptions(pbindopts) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pszKey string +---@param ppunk object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIBindCtx.GetObjectParam(pszKey, ppunk) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pprot System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIRunningObjectTable +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIBindCtx.GetRunningObjectTable(pprot) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param punk object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIBindCtx.RegisterObjectBound(punk) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pszKey string +---@param punk object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIBindCtx.RegisterObjectParam(pszKey, punk) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIBindCtx.ReleaseBoundObjects() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param punk object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIBindCtx.RevokeObjectBound(punk) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pszKey string +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIBindCtx.RevokeObjectParam(pszKey) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pbindopts System.Runtime.InteropServices.BIND_OPTS +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIBindCtx.SetBindOptions(pbindopts) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeFlags: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FAggregatable System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FAppObject System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FCanCreate System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FControl System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FDispatchable System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FDual System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FHidden System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FLicensed System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FNonExtensible System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FOleAutomation System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FPreDeclId System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FReplaceable System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FRestricted System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FReverseBind System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeFlags +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.TypeLibTypeFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnknownWrapper: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WrappedObject object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnknownWrapper = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIConnectionPoint +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIConnectionPoint = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pUnkSink object +---@param pdwCookie int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIConnectionPoint.Advise(pUnkSink, pdwCookie) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppEnum System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumConnections +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIConnectionPoint.EnumConnections(ppEnum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pIID System.Guid +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIConnectionPoint.GetConnectionInterface(pIID) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppCPC System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIConnectionPointContainer +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIConnectionPoint.GetConnectionPointContainer(ppCPC) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dwCookie int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIConnectionPoint.Unadvise(dwCookie) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BestFitMapping bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CharSet System.Runtime.InteropServices.CharSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SetLastError bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ThrowOnUnmappableChar bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CallingConvention System.Runtime.InteropServices.CallingConvention +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIConnectionPointContainer +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIConnectionPointContainer = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppEnum System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumConnectionPoints +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIConnectionPointContainer.EnumConnectionPoints(ppEnum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param ppCP System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIConnectionPoint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIConnectionPointContainer.FindConnectionPoint(riid, ppCP) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumConnectionPoints +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumConnectionPoints = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppenum System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumConnectionPoints +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumConnectionPoints.Clone(ppenum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param celt int +---@param rgelt System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIConnectionPoint[] +---@param pceltFetched int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumConnectionPoints.Next(celt, rgelt, pceltFetched) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumConnectionPoints.Reset() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param celt int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumConnectionPoints.Skip(celt) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumConnections +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumConnections = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppenum System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumConnections +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumConnections.Clone(ppenum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param celt int +---@param rgelt System.Runtime.InteropServices.CONNECTDATA[] +---@param pceltFetched int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumConnections.Next(celt, rgelt, pceltFetched) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumConnections.Reset() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param celt int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumConnections.Skip(celt) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AnsiBStr System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AsAny System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Bool System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BStr System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ByValArray System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ByValTStr System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Currency System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CustomMarshaler System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Error System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FunctionPtr System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HString System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field I1 System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field I2 System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field I4 System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field I8 System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IDispatch System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IInspectable System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Interface System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IUnknown System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LPArray System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LPStr System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LPStruct System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LPTStr System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LPUTF8Str System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LPWStr System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field R4 System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field R8 System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SafeArray System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Struct System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SysInt System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SysUInt System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TBStr System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field U1 System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field U2 System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field U4 System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field U8 System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VariantBool System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VBByRefStr System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UnmanagedType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumMoniker +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumMoniker = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppenum System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumMoniker +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumMoniker.Clone(ppenum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param celt int +---@param rgelt System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker[] +---@param pceltFetched int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumMoniker.Next(celt, rgelt, pceltFetched) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumMoniker.Reset() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param celt int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumMoniker.Skip(celt) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HelpLink string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InnerException System.Exception +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Message string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Source string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StackTrace string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TargetSite System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Exception +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception.GetBaseException() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception.GetType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Exception.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.VARDESC: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field elemdescVar System.Runtime.InteropServices.ELEMDESC +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lpstrSchema string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field memid int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field varkind System.Runtime.InteropServices.VarEnum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field wVarFlags short +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.VARDESC = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumString +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumString = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppenum System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumString +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumString.Clone(ppenum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param celt int +---@param rgelt string[] +---@param pceltFetched int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumString.Next(celt, rgelt, pceltFetched) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumString.Reset() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param celt int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumString.Skip(celt) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldBuilder +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldBuilder.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldBuilder.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldBuilder.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldBuilder.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumVARIANT +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumVARIANT = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppenum int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumVARIANT.Clone(ppenum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param celt int +---@param rgvar int +---@param pceltFetched int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumVARIANT.Next(celt, rgvar, pceltFetched) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumVARIANT.Reset() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param celt int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumVARIANT.Skip(celt) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pbc System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIBindCtx +---@param pmkToLeft System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker +---@param riidResult System.Guid +---@param ppvResult object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker.BindToObject(pbc, pmkToLeft, riidResult, ppvResult) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pbc System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIBindCtx +---@param pmkToLeft System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param ppvObj object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker.BindToStorage(pbc, pmkToLeft, riid, ppvObj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pmkOther System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker +---@param ppmkPrefix System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker.CommonPrefixWith(pmkOther, ppmkPrefix) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pmkRight System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker +---@param fOnlyIfNotGeneric bool +---@param ppmkComposite System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker.ComposeWith(pmkRight, fOnlyIfNotGeneric, ppmkComposite) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fForward bool +---@param ppenumMoniker System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumMoniker +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker.Enum(fForward, ppenumMoniker) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pClassID System.Guid +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker.GetClassID(pClassID) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pbc System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIBindCtx +---@param pmkToLeft System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker +---@param ppszDisplayName string +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker.GetDisplayName(pbc, pmkToLeft, ppszDisplayName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcbSize long +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker.GetSizeMax(pcbSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pbc System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIBindCtx +---@param pmkToLeft System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker +---@param pFileTime System.Runtime.InteropServices.FILETIME +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker.GetTimeOfLastChange(pbc, pmkToLeft, pFileTime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pdwHash int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker.Hash(pdwHash) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppmk System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker.Inverse(ppmk) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker.IsDirty() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pmkOtherMoniker System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker.IsEqual(pmkOtherMoniker) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pbc System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIBindCtx +---@param pmkToLeft System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker +---@param pmkNewlyRunning System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker.IsRunning(pbc, pmkToLeft, pmkNewlyRunning) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pdwMksys int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker.IsSystemMoniker(pdwMksys) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pStm System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIStream +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker.Load(pStm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pbc System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIBindCtx +---@param pmkToLeft System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker +---@param pszDisplayName string +---@param pchEaten int +---@param ppmkOut System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker.ParseDisplayName(pbc, pmkToLeft, pszDisplayName, pchEaten, ppmkOut) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pbc System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIBindCtx +---@param dwReduceHowFar int +---@param ppmkToLeft System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker +---@param ppmkReduced System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker.Reduce(pbc, dwReduceHowFar, ppmkToLeft, ppmkReduced) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pmkOther System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker +---@param ppmkRelPath System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker.RelativePathTo(pmkOther, ppmkRelPath) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pStm System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIStream +---@param fClearDirty bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker.Save(pStm, fClearDirty) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIPersistFile +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIPersistFile = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pClassID System.Guid +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIPersistFile.GetClassID(pClassID) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppszFileName string +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIPersistFile.GetCurFile(ppszFileName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIPersistFile.IsDirty() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pszFileName string +---@param dwMode int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIPersistFile.Load(pszFileName, dwMode) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pszFileName string +---@param fRemember bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIPersistFile.Save(pszFileName, fRemember) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pszFileName string +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIPersistFile.SaveCompleted(pszFileName) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIRunningObjectTable +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIRunningObjectTable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppenumMoniker System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIEnumMoniker +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIRunningObjectTable.EnumRunning(ppenumMoniker) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pmkObjectName System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker +---@param ppunkObject object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIRunningObjectTable.GetObject(pmkObjectName, ppunkObject) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pmkObjectName System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker +---@param pfiletime System.Runtime.InteropServices.FILETIME +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIRunningObjectTable.GetTimeOfLastChange(pmkObjectName, pfiletime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pmkObjectName System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIRunningObjectTable.IsRunning(pmkObjectName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dwRegister int +---@param pfiletime System.Runtime.InteropServices.FILETIME +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIRunningObjectTable.NoteChangeTime(dwRegister, pfiletime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param grfFlags int +---@param punkObject object +---@param pmkObjectName System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIMoniker +---@param pdwRegister int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIRunningObjectTable.Register(grfFlags, punkObject, pmkObjectName, pdwRegister) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dwRegister int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIRunningObjectTable.Revoke(dwRegister) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIStream +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIStream = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppstm System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIStream +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIStream.Clone(ppstm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param grfCommitFlags int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIStream.Commit(grfCommitFlags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pstm System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIStream +---@param cb long +---@param pcbRead System.IntPtr +---@param pcbWritten System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIStream.CopyTo(pstm, cb, pcbRead, pcbWritten) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param libOffset long +---@param cb long +---@param dwLockType int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIStream.LockRegion(libOffset, cb, dwLockType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pv byte[] +---@param cb int +---@param pcbRead System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIStream.Read(pv, cb, pcbRead) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIStream.Revert() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dlibMove long +---@param dwOrigin int +---@param plibNewPosition System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIStream.Seek(dlibMove, dwOrigin, plibNewPosition) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param libNewSize long +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIStream.SetSize(libNewSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pstatstg System.Runtime.InteropServices.STATSTG +---@param grfStatFlag int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIStream.Stat(pstatstg, grfStatFlag) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param libOffset long +---@param cb long +---@param dwLockType int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIStream.UnlockRegion(libOffset, cb, dwLockType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pv byte[] +---@param cb int +---@param pcbWritten System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMIStream.Write(pv, cb, pcbWritten) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.DESCUNION: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field lpvarValue System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field oInst int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.DESCUNION = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attributes System.Reflection.FieldAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaringType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FieldHandle System.RuntimeFieldHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FieldType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAssembly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFamily bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFamilyAndAssembly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFamilyOrAssembly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsInitOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsLiteral bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsNotSerialized bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsPinvokeImpl bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsPrivate bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsPublic bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSpecialName bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsStatic bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MemberType System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectedType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo.GetType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo.GetValue(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.TypedReference +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo.GetValueDirect(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param value object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo.SetValue(obj, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param value object +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo.SetValue(obj, value, invokeAttr, binder, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.TypedReference +---@param value object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo.SetValueDirect(obj, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._FieldInfo.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeComp +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeComp = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param szName string +---@param lHashVal int +---@param wFlags short +---@param ppTInfo System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo +---@param pDescKind System.Runtime.InteropServices.DESCKIND +---@param pBindPtr System.Runtime.InteropServices.BINDPTR +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeComp.Bind(szName, lHashVal, wFlags, ppTInfo, pDescKind, pBindPtr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param szName string +---@param lHashVal int +---@param ppTInfo System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo +---@param ppTComp System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeComp +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeComp.BindType(szName, lHashVal, ppTInfo, ppTComp) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._Module +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Module = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Module.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Module.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Module.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Module.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param memid int +---@param invKind System.Runtime.InteropServices.INVOKEKIND +---@param ppv System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo.AddressOfMember(memid, invKind, ppv) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pUnkOuter object +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param ppvObj object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo.CreateInstance(pUnkOuter, riid, ppvObj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppTLB System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeLib +---@param pIndex int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo.GetContainingTypeLib(ppTLB, pIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param memid int +---@param invKind System.Runtime.InteropServices.INVOKEKIND +---@param pBstrDllName string +---@param pBstrName string +---@param pwOrdinal short +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo.GetDllEntry(memid, invKind, pBstrDllName, pBstrName, pwOrdinal) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param strName string +---@param strDocString string +---@param dwHelpContext int +---@param strHelpFile string +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo.GetDocumentation(index, strName, strDocString, dwHelpContext, strHelpFile) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param ppFuncDesc System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo.GetFuncDesc(index, ppFuncDesc) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgszNames string[] +---@param cNames int +---@param pMemId int[] +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo.GetIDsOfNames(rgszNames, cNames, pMemId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param pImplTypeFlags int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo.GetImplTypeFlags(index, pImplTypeFlags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param memid int +---@param pBstrMops string +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo.GetMops(memid, pBstrMops) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param memid int +---@param rgBstrNames string[] +---@param cMaxNames int +---@param pcNames int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo.GetNames(memid, rgBstrNames, cMaxNames, pcNames) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param hRef int +---@param ppTI System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo.GetRefTypeInfo(hRef, ppTI) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param href int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo.GetRefTypeOfImplType(index, href) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppTypeAttr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo.GetTypeAttr(ppTypeAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppTComp System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeComp +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo.GetTypeComp(ppTComp) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param ppVarDesc System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo.GetVarDesc(index, ppVarDesc) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pvInstance object +---@param memid int +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.Runtime.InteropServices.DISPPARAMS +---@param pVarResult object +---@param pExcepInfo System.Runtime.InteropServices.EXCEPINFO +---@param puArgErr int +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo.Invoke(pvInstance, memid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pFuncDesc System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo.ReleaseFuncDesc(pFuncDesc) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pTypeAttr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo.ReleaseTypeAttr(pTypeAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pVarDesc System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo.ReleaseVarDesc(pVarDesc) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._ModuleBuilder +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ModuleBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ModuleBuilder.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ModuleBuilder.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ModuleBuilder.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ModuleBuilder.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeLib +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeLib = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param szNameBuf string +---@param lHashVal int +---@param ppTInfo System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo[] +---@param rgMemId int[] +---@param pcFound short +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeLib.FindName(szNameBuf, lHashVal, ppTInfo, rgMemId, pcFound) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param strName string +---@param strDocString string +---@param dwHelpContext int +---@param strHelpFile string +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeLib.GetDocumentation(index, strName, strDocString, dwHelpContext, strHelpFile) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppTLibAttr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeLib.GetLibAttr(ppTLibAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ppTComp System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeComp +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeLib.GetTypeComp(ppTComp) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param ppTI System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeLib.GetTypeInfo(index, ppTI) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeLib.GetTypeInfoCount() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param guid System.Guid +---@param ppTInfo System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeLib.GetTypeInfoOfGuid(guid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param pTKind System.Runtime.InteropServices.TYPEKIND +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeLib.GetTypeInfoType(index, pTKind) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param szNameBuf string +---@param lHashVal int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeLib.IsName(szNameBuf, lHashVal) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pTLibAttr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.UCOMITypeLib.ReleaseTLibAttr(pTLibAttr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.VARFLAGS: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FBINDABLE System.Runtime.InteropServices.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FDEFAULTBIND System.Runtime.InteropServices.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FDEFAULTCOLLELEM System.Runtime.InteropServices.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FDISPLAYBIND System.Runtime.InteropServices.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FHIDDEN System.Runtime.InteropServices.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FIMMEDIATEBIND System.Runtime.InteropServices.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FNONBROWSABLE System.Runtime.InteropServices.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FREADONLY System.Runtime.InteropServices.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FREPLACEABLE System.Runtime.InteropServices.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FREQUESTEDIT System.Runtime.InteropServices.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FRESTRICTED System.Runtime.InteropServices.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FSOURCE System.Runtime.InteropServices.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VARFLAG_FUIDEFAULT System.Runtime.InteropServices.VARFLAGS +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.VARFLAGS = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.InteropServices.VARFLAGS +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.VARFLAGS:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._ParameterBuilder +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ParameterBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ParameterBuilder.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ParameterBuilder.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ParameterBuilder.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ParameterBuilder.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.VariantWrapper: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WrappedObject object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.VariantWrapper = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._ParameterInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ParameterInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ParameterInfo.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ParameterInfo.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ParameterInfo.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ParameterInfo.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._Activator +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Activator = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Activator.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Activator.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Activator.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Activator.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._ILGenerator +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ILGenerator = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ILGenerator.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ILGenerator.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ILGenerator.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ILGenerator.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CodeBase string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EntryPoint System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EscapedCodeBase string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GlobalAssemblyCache bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Location string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ModuleResolve System.Reflection.ModuleResolveEventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.Reflection.ModuleResolveEventHandler +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.add_ModuleResolve(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.Reflection.ModuleResolveEventHandler +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.remove_ModuleResolve(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeName string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.CreateInstance(typeName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeName string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.CreateInstance(typeName, ignoreCase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeName string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.CreateInstance(typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetExportedTypes() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return FileStream +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetFile(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetFiles() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param getResourceModules bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetFiles(getResourceModules) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetLoadedModules() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param getResourceModules bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetLoadedModules(getResourceModules) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param resourceName string +---@return ManifestResourceInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetManifestResourceInfo(resourceName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetManifestResourceNames() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param name string +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(type, name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Module +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetModule(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetModules() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param getResourceModules bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetModules(getResourceModules) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return AssemblyName +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetName() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param copiedName bool +---@return AssemblyName +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetName(copiedName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetReferencedAssemblies() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetSatelliteAssembly(culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param version System.Version +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetSatelliteAssembly(culture, version) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetType(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param throwOnError bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetType(name, throwOnError) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param throwOnError bool +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetType(name, throwOnError, ignoreCase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.GetTypes() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param moduleName string +---@param rawModule byte[] +---@return Module +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.LoadModule(moduleName, rawModule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param moduleName string +---@param rawModule byte[] +---@param rawSymbolStore byte[] +---@return Module +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.LoadModule(moduleName, rawModule, rawSymbolStore) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Assembly.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._LocalBuilder +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._LocalBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._LocalBuilder.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._LocalBuilder.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._LocalBuilder.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._LocalBuilder.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._AssemblyBuilder +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._AssemblyBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._AssemblyBuilder.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._AssemblyBuilder.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._AssemblyBuilder.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._AssemblyBuilder.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaringType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MemberType System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectedType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo.GetType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MemberInfo.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._AssemblyName +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._AssemblyName = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._AssemblyName.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._AssemblyName.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._AssemblyName.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._AssemblyName.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attributes System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CallingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaringType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAbstract bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAssembly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsConstructor bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFamily bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFamilyAndAssembly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFamilyOrAssembly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFinal bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsHideBySig bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsPrivate bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsPublic bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSpecialName bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsStatic bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsVirtual bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MemberType System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodHandle System.RuntimeMethodHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectedType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodImplAttributes +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase.GetMethodImplementationFlags() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase.GetParameters() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase.GetType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param parameters object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase.Invoke(obj, parameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param parameters object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase.Invoke(obj, invokeAttr, binder, parameters, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBase.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Attribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Attribute.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Attribute.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Attribute.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Attribute.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBuilder +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBuilder.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBuilder.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBuilder.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodBuilder.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorBuilder +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorBuilder.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorBuilder.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorBuilder.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorBuilder.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attributes System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CallingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaringType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAbstract bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAssembly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsConstructor bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFamily bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFamilyAndAssembly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFamilyOrAssembly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFinal bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsHideBySig bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsPrivate bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsPublic bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSpecialName bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsStatic bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsVirtual bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MemberType System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodHandle System.RuntimeMethodHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectedType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReturnType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReturnTypeCustomAttributes System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo.GetBaseDefinition() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodImplAttributes +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo.GetMethodImplementationFlags() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo.GetParameters() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo.GetType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param parameters object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo.Invoke(obj, parameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param parameters object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo.Invoke(obj, invokeAttr, binder, parameters, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodInfo.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attributes System.Reflection.MethodAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CallingConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaringType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAbstract bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAssembly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsConstructor bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFamily bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFamilyAndAssembly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFamilyOrAssembly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFinal bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsHideBySig bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsPrivate bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsPublic bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSpecialName bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsStatic bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsVirtual bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MemberType System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodHandle System.RuntimeMethodHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectedType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodImplAttributes +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.GetMethodImplementationFlags() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.GetParameters() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.GetType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param parameters object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.Invoke_2(obj, invokeAttr, binder, parameters, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param parameters object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.Invoke_3(obj, parameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param parameters object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.Invoke_4(invokeAttr, binder, parameters, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param parameters object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.Invoke_5(parameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._ConstructorInfo.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodRental +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodRental = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodRental.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodRental.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodRental.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._MethodRental.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._CustomAttributeBuilder +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._CustomAttributeBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._CustomAttributeBuilder.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._CustomAttributeBuilder.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._CustomAttributeBuilder.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._CustomAttributeBuilder.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._EnumBuilder +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EnumBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EnumBuilder.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EnumBuilder.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EnumBuilder.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EnumBuilder.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventBuilder +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventBuilder.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventBuilder.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventBuilder.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventBuilder.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attributes System.Reflection.EventAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaringType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EventHandlerType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsMulticast bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSpecialName bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MemberType System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectedType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target object +---@param handler System.Delegate +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.AddEventHandler(target, handler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.GetAddMethod() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nonPublic bool +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.GetAddMethod(nonPublic) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.GetRaiseMethod() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nonPublic bool +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.GetRaiseMethod(nonPublic) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.GetRemoveMethod() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nonPublic bool +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.GetRemoveMethod(nonPublic) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.GetType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target object +---@param handler System.Delegate +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.RemoveEventHandler(target, handler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._EventInfo.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyBuilder +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyBuilder.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyBuilder.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyBuilder.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyBuilder.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attributes System.Reflection.PropertyAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanRead bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanWrite bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaringType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSpecialName bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MemberType System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PropertyType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectedType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.GetAccessors() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nonPublic bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.GetAccessors(nonPublic) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.GetGetMethod() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nonPublic bool +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.GetGetMethod(nonPublic) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.GetIndexParameters() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.GetSetMethod() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nonPublic bool +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.GetSetMethod(nonPublic) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.GetType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param index object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.GetValue(obj, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param index object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.GetValue(obj, invokeAttr, binder, index, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param value object +---@param index object[] +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.SetValue(obj, value, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param value object +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param index object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.SetValue(obj, value, invokeAttr, binder, index, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._PropertyInfo.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._SignatureHelper +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._SignatureHelper = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._SignatureHelper.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._SignatureHelper.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._SignatureHelper.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._SignatureHelper.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._Thread +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Thread = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Thread.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Thread.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Thread.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Thread.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssemblyQualifiedName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attributes System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BaseType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaringType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GUID System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HasElementType bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAbstract bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAnsiClass bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsArray bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAutoClass bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAutoLayout bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsByRef bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsClass bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsCOMObject bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsContextful bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsEnum bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsExplicitLayout bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsImport bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsInterface bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsLayoutSequential bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsMarshalByRef bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsNestedAssembly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsNestedFamANDAssem bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsNestedFamily bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsNestedFamORAssem bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsNestedPrivate bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsNestedPublic bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsNotPublic bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsPointer bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsPrimitive bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsPublic bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSealed bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSerializable bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSpecialName bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsUnicodeClass bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsValueType bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MemberType System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Module System.Reflection.Module +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectedType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeHandle System.RuntimeTypeHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeInitializer System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UnderlyingSystemType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param filter System.Reflection.TypeFilter +---@param filterCriteria object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.FindInterfaces(filter, filterCriteria) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param memberType System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param filter System.Reflection.MemberFilter +---@param filterCriteria object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.FindMembers(memberType, bindingAttr, filter, filterCriteria) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetArrayRank() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param callConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@param types System.Type[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@return ConstructorInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetConstructor(bindingAttr, binder, callConvention, types, modifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param types System.Type[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@return ConstructorInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetConstructor(bindingAttr, binder, types, modifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param types System.Type[] +---@return ConstructorInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetConstructor(types) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetConstructors() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetConstructors(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetDefaultMembers() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetElementType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return EventInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetEvent(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return EventInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetEvent(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetEvents() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetEvents(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return FieldInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetField(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return FieldInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetField(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetFields() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetFields(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetInterface(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetInterface(name, ignoreCase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param interfaceType System.Type +---@return InterfaceMapping +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetInterfaceMap(interfaceType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetInterfaces() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetMember(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetMember(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param type System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetMember(name, type, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetMembers() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetMembers(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetMethod(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetMethod(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param callConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@param types System.Type[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetMethod(name, bindingAttr, binder, callConvention, types, modifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param types System.Type[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetMethod(name, bindingAttr, binder, types, modifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param types System.Type[] +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetMethod(name, types) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param types System.Type[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetMethod(name, types, modifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetMethods() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetMethods(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetNestedType(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetNestedType(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetNestedTypes() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetNestedTypes(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetProperties() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetProperties(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return PropertyInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetProperty(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return PropertyInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetProperty(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param types System.Type[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@return PropertyInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetProperty(name, bindingAttr, binder, returnType, types, modifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param returnType System.Type +---@return PropertyInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetProperty(name, returnType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param types System.Type[] +---@return PropertyInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetProperty(name, returnType, types) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param types System.Type[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@return PropertyInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetProperty(name, returnType, types, modifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param types System.Type[] +---@return PropertyInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetProperty(name, types) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param target object +---@param args object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.InvokeMember(name, invokeAttr, binder, target, args) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param target object +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.InvokeMember(name, invokeAttr, binder, target, args, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param target object +---@param args object[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param namedParameters string[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.InvokeMember(name, invokeAttr, binder, target, args, modifiers, culture, namedParameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.IsAssignableFrom(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.IsInstanceOfType(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.IsSubclassOf(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._Type.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices._TypeBuilder +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._TypeBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._TypeBuilder.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._TypeBuilder.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._TypeBuilder.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices._TypeBuilder.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComAwareEventInfo: System.Reflection.EventInfo +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Attributes System.Reflection.EventAttributes +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field DeclaringType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ReflectedType System.Type +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComAwareEventInfo = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target object +---@param handler System.Delegate +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComAwareEventInfo.AddEventHandler(target, handler) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param nonPublic bool +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComAwareEventInfo.GetAddMethod(nonPublic) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComAwareEventInfo.GetCustomAttributes(inherit) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComAwareEventInfo.GetCustomAttributes(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param nonPublic bool +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComAwareEventInfo.GetRaiseMethod(nonPublic) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param nonPublic bool +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComAwareEventInfo.GetRemoveMethod(nonPublic) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComAwareEventInfo.IsDefined(attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param target object +---@param handler System.Delegate +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComAwareEventInfo.RemoveEventHandler(target, handler) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValueAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Value object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultParameterValueAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleCollector: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field InitialThreshold int +---@source System.dll +---@field MaximumThreshold int +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleCollector = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleCollector.Add() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleCollector.Remove() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Runtime.InteropServices.StandardOleMarshalObject: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Runtime.InteropServices.StandardOleMarshalObject = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5dc9de734 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.lua @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.ActivatorLevel: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AppDomain System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.ActivatorLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Construction System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.ActivatorLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Context System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.ActivatorLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Machine System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.ActivatorLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Process System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.ActivatorLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.ActivatorLevel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.ActivatorLevel +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.ActivatorLevel:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IActivator +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Level System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.ActivatorLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NextActivator System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IActivator +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IActivator = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IConstructionCallMessage +---@return IConstructionReturnMessage +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IActivator.Activate(msg) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IConstructionCallMessage +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ActivationType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ActivationTypeName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Activator System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IActivator +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CallSiteActivationAttributes object[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ContextProperties System.Collections.IList +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IConstructionCallMessage = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IConstructionReturnMessage +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IConstructionReturnMessage = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.UrlAttribute: System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.ContextAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UrlValue string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.UrlAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.UrlAttribute.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.UrlAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ctorMsg System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IConstructionCallMessage +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.UrlAttribute.GetPropertiesForNewContext(ctorMsg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ctx System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IConstructionCallMessage +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.UrlAttribute.IsContextOK(ctx, msg) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..afb7fe74d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.lua @@ -0,0 +1,552 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.BaseChannelObjectWithProperties: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFixedSize bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Keys System.Collections.ICollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Properties System.Collections.IDictionary +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Values System.Collections.ICollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.BaseChannelObjectWithProperties = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key object +---@param value object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.BaseChannelObjectWithProperties.Add(key, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.BaseChannelObjectWithProperties.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.BaseChannelObjectWithProperties.Contains(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.BaseChannelObjectWithProperties.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IDictionaryEnumerator +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.BaseChannelObjectWithProperties.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.BaseChannelObjectWithProperties.Remove(key) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.BaseChannelSinkWithProperties: System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.BaseChannelObjectWithProperties +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.BaseChannelSinkWithProperties = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.BaseChannelWithProperties: System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.BaseChannelObjectWithProperties +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Properties System.Collections.IDictionary +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.BaseChannelWithProperties = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ChannelDataStore: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ChannelUris string[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ChannelDataStore = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ChannelServices: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RegisteredChannels System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannel[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ChannelServices = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +---@param replySink System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageSink +---@return IMessageCtrl +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ChannelServices:AsyncDispatchMessage(msg, replySink) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSinkProvider +---@param channel System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannelReceiver +---@return IServerChannelSink +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ChannelServices:CreateServerChannelSinkChain(provider, channel) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sinkStack System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSinkStack +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +---@param replyMsg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +---@return ServerProcessing +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ChannelServices:DispatchMessage(sinkStack, msg, replyMsg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return IChannel +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ChannelServices:GetChannel(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return IDictionary +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ChannelServices:GetChannelSinkProperties(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.MarshalByRefObject +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ChannelServices:GetUrlsForObject(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chnl System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannel +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ChannelServices:RegisterChannel(chnl) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chnl System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannel +---@param ensureSecurity bool +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ChannelServices:RegisterChannel(chnl, ensureSecurity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +---@return IMessage +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ChannelServices:SyncDispatchMessage(msg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chnl System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannel +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ChannelServices:UnregisterChannel(chnl) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ClientChannelSinkStack: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ClientChannelSinkStack = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param headers System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ITransportHeaders +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ClientChannelSinkStack.AsyncProcessResponse(headers, stream) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Exception +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ClientChannelSinkStack.DispatchException(e) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ClientChannelSinkStack.DispatchReplyMessage(msg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sink System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientChannelSink +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ClientChannelSinkStack.Pop(sink) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sink System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientChannelSink +---@param state object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ClientChannelSinkStack.Push(sink, state) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ChannelName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ChannelPriority int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannel = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param url string +---@param objectURI string +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannel.Parse(url, objectURI) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannelDataStore +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ChannelUris string[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannelDataStore = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannelReceiver +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ChannelData object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannelReceiver = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param objectURI string +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannelReceiver.GetUrlsForUri(objectURI) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannelReceiver.StartListening(data) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannelReceiver.StopListening(data) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannelReceiverHook +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ChannelScheme string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ChannelSinkChain System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSink +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WantsToListen bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannelReceiverHook = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param channelUri string +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannelReceiverHook.AddHookChannelUri(channelUri) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannelSender +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannelSender = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param url string +---@param remoteChannelData object +---@param objectURI string +---@return IMessageSink +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannelSender.CreateMessageSink(url, remoteChannelData, objectURI) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannelSinkBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Properties System.Collections.IDictionary +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannelSinkBase = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientChannelSink +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NextChannelSink System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientChannelSink +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientChannelSink = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sinkStack System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientChannelSinkStack +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +---@param headers System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ITransportHeaders +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientChannelSink.AsyncProcessRequest(sinkStack, msg, headers, stream) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sinkStack System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientResponseChannelSinkStack +---@param state object +---@param headers System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ITransportHeaders +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientChannelSink.AsyncProcessResponse(sinkStack, state, headers, stream) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +---@param headers System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ITransportHeaders +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientChannelSink.GetRequestStream(msg, headers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +---@param requestHeaders System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ITransportHeaders +---@param requestStream System.IO.Stream +---@param responseHeaders System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ITransportHeaders +---@param responseStream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientChannelSink.ProcessMessage(msg, requestHeaders, requestStream, responseHeaders, responseStream) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientChannelSinkProvider +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Next System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientChannelSinkProvider +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientChannelSinkProvider = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param channel System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannelSender +---@param url string +---@param remoteChannelData object +---@return IClientChannelSink +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientChannelSinkProvider.CreateSink(channel, url, remoteChannelData) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientChannelSinkStack +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientChannelSinkStack = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sink System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientChannelSink +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientChannelSinkStack.Pop(sink) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sink System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientChannelSink +---@param state object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientChannelSinkStack.Push(sink, state) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientFormatterSink +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientFormatterSink = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientFormatterSinkProvider +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientFormatterSinkProvider = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientResponseChannelSinkStack +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientResponseChannelSinkStack = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param headers System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ITransportHeaders +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientResponseChannelSinkStack.AsyncProcessResponse(headers, stream) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Exception +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientResponseChannelSinkStack.DispatchException(e) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IClientResponseChannelSinkStack.DispatchReplyMessage(msg) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ISecurableChannel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSecured bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ISecurableChannel = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSink +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NextChannelSink System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSink +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSink = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sinkStack System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerResponseChannelSinkStack +---@param state object +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +---@param headers System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ITransportHeaders +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSink.AsyncProcessResponse(sinkStack, state, msg, headers, stream) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sinkStack System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerResponseChannelSinkStack +---@param state object +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +---@param headers System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ITransportHeaders +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSink.GetResponseStream(sinkStack, state, msg, headers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sinkStack System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSinkStack +---@param requestMsg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +---@param requestHeaders System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ITransportHeaders +---@param requestStream System.IO.Stream +---@param responseMsg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +---@param responseHeaders System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ITransportHeaders +---@param responseStream System.IO.Stream +---@return ServerProcessing +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSink.ProcessMessage(sinkStack, requestMsg, requestHeaders, requestStream, responseMsg, responseHeaders, responseStream) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSinkProvider +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Next System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSinkProvider +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSinkProvider = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param channel System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannelReceiver +---@return IServerChannelSink +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSinkProvider.CreateSink(channel) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param channelData System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IChannelDataStore +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSinkProvider.GetChannelData(channelData) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSinkStack +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSinkStack = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sink System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSink +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSinkStack.Pop(sink) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sink System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSink +---@param state object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSinkStack.Push(sink, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ar System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSinkStack.ServerCallback(ar) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sink System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSink +---@param state object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSinkStack.Store(sink, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sink System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSink +---@param state object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSinkStack.StoreAndDispatch(sink, state) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerFormatterSinkProvider +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerFormatterSinkProvider = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerResponseChannelSinkStack +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerResponseChannelSinkStack = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +---@param headers System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ITransportHeaders +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerResponseChannelSinkStack.AsyncProcessResponse(msg, headers, stream) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +---@param headers System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ITransportHeaders +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerResponseChannelSinkStack.GetResponseStream(msg, headers) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ITransportHeaders +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ITransportHeaders = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ITransportHeaders.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ServerChannelSinkStack: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ServerChannelSinkStack = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +---@param headers System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ITransportHeaders +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ServerChannelSinkStack.AsyncProcessResponse(msg, headers, stream) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +---@param headers System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ITransportHeaders +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ServerChannelSinkStack.GetResponseStream(msg, headers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sink System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSink +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ServerChannelSinkStack.Pop(sink) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sink System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSink +---@param state object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ServerChannelSinkStack.Push(sink, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ar System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ServerChannelSinkStack.ServerCallback(ar) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sink System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSink +---@param state object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ServerChannelSinkStack.Store(sink, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sink System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.IServerChannelSink +---@param state object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ServerChannelSinkStack.StoreAndDispatch(sink, state) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ServerProcessing: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Async System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ServerProcessing +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Complete System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ServerProcessing +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OneWay System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ServerProcessing +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ServerProcessing = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ServerProcessing +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.ServerProcessing:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.SinkProviderData: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Children System.Collections.IList +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Properties System.Collections.IDictionary +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.SinkProviderData = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.TransportHeaders: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.TransportHeaders = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.TransportHeaders.GetEnumerator() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e059ef49c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.lua @@ -0,0 +1,321 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ContextID int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ContextProperties System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContextProperty[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DefaultContext System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return LocalDataStoreSlot +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context:AllocateDataSlot() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return LocalDataStoreSlot +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context:AllocateNamedDataSlot(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param deleg System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.CrossContextDelegate +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context.DoCallBack(deleg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context:FreeNamedDataSlot(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context.Freeze() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param slot System.LocalDataStoreSlot +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context:GetData(slot) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return LocalDataStoreSlot +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context:GetNamedDataSlot(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return IContextProperty +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context.GetProperty(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param prop System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IDynamicProperty +---@param obj System.ContextBoundObject +---@param ctx System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context:RegisterDynamicProperty(prop, obj, ctx) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param slot System.LocalDataStoreSlot +---@param data object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context:SetData(slot, data) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param prop System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContextProperty +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context.SetProperty(prop) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param obj System.ContextBoundObject +---@param ctx System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context:UnregisterDynamicProperty(name, obj, ctx) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.ContextAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.ContextAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.ContextAttribute.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param newContext System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.ContextAttribute.Freeze(newContext) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.ContextAttribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ctorMsg System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IConstructionCallMessage +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.ContextAttribute.GetPropertiesForNewContext(ctorMsg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ctx System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context +---@param ctorMsg System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IConstructionCallMessage +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.ContextAttribute.IsContextOK(ctx, ctorMsg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param newCtx System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.ContextAttribute.IsNewContextOK(newCtx) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.ContextProperty: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Property object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.ContextProperty = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.CrossContextDelegate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.CrossContextDelegate = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.CrossContextDelegate.Invoke() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.CrossContextDelegate.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.CrossContextDelegate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContextAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContextAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IConstructionCallMessage +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContextAttribute.GetPropertiesForNewContext(msg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ctx System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IConstructionCallMessage +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContextAttribute.IsContextOK(ctx, msg) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContextProperty +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContextProperty = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param newContext System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContextProperty.Freeze(newContext) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param newCtx System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContextProperty.IsNewContextOK(newCtx) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContextPropertyActivator +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContextPropertyActivator = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IConstructionCallMessage +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContextPropertyActivator.CollectFromClientContext(msg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IConstructionReturnMessage +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContextPropertyActivator.CollectFromServerContext(msg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IConstructionCallMessage +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContextPropertyActivator.DeliverClientContextToServerContext(msg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IConstructionReturnMessage +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContextPropertyActivator.DeliverServerContextToClientContext(msg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IConstructionCallMessage +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContextPropertyActivator.IsOKToActivate(msg) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContributeClientContextSink +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContributeClientContextSink = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nextSink System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageSink +---@return IMessageSink +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContributeClientContextSink.GetClientContextSink(nextSink) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContributeDynamicSink +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContributeDynamicSink = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IDynamicMessageSink +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContributeDynamicSink.GetDynamicSink() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContributeEnvoySink +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContributeEnvoySink = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.MarshalByRefObject +---@param nextSink System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageSink +---@return IMessageSink +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContributeEnvoySink.GetEnvoySink(obj, nextSink) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContributeObjectSink +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContributeObjectSink = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.MarshalByRefObject +---@param nextSink System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageSink +---@return IMessageSink +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContributeObjectSink.GetObjectSink(obj, nextSink) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContributeServerContextSink +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContributeServerContextSink = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nextSink System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageSink +---@return IMessageSink +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContributeServerContextSink.GetServerContextSink(nextSink) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IDynamicMessageSink +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IDynamicMessageSink = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param replyMsg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +---@param bCliSide bool +---@param bAsync bool +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IDynamicMessageSink.ProcessMessageFinish(replyMsg, bCliSide, bAsync) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param reqMsg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +---@param bCliSide bool +---@param bAsync bool +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IDynamicMessageSink.ProcessMessageStart(reqMsg, bCliSide, bAsync) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IDynamicProperty +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IDynamicProperty = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.SynchronizationAttribute: System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.ContextAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NOT_SUPPORTED int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field REQUIRED int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field REQUIRES_NEW int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SUPPORTED int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsReEntrant bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Locked bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.SynchronizationAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nextSink System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageSink +---@return IMessageSink +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.SynchronizationAttribute.GetClientContextSink(nextSink) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ctorMsg System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IConstructionCallMessage +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.SynchronizationAttribute.GetPropertiesForNewContext(ctorMsg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nextSink System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageSink +---@return IMessageSink +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.SynchronizationAttribute.GetServerContextSink(nextSink) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ctx System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IConstructionCallMessage +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.SynchronizationAttribute.IsContextOK(ctx, msg) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3381415aa --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.lua @@ -0,0 +1,109 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ClientSponsor: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RenewalTime System.TimeSpan +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ClientSponsor = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ClientSponsor.Close() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ClientSponsor.InitializeLifetimeService() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.MarshalByRefObject +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ClientSponsor.Register(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param lease System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ILease +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ClientSponsor.Renewal(lease) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.MarshalByRefObject +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ClientSponsor.Unregister(obj) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ILease +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentLeaseTime System.TimeSpan +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentState System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.LeaseState +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InitialLeaseTime System.TimeSpan +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RenewOnCallTime System.TimeSpan +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SponsorshipTimeout System.TimeSpan +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ILease = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ISponsor +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ILease.Register(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ISponsor +---@param renewalTime System.TimeSpan +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ILease.Register(obj, renewalTime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param renewalTime System.TimeSpan +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ILease.Renew(renewalTime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ISponsor +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ILease.Unregister(obj) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ISponsor +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ISponsor = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param lease System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ILease +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.ISponsor.Renewal(lease) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.LeaseState: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Active System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.LeaseState +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Expired System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.LeaseState +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Initial System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.LeaseState +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Null System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.LeaseState +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Renewing System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.LeaseState +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.LeaseState = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.LeaseState +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.LeaseState:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.LifetimeServices: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LeaseManagerPollTime System.TimeSpan +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LeaseTime System.TimeSpan +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RenewOnCallTime System.TimeSpan +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SponsorshipTimeout System.TimeSpan +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime.LifetimeServices = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bba7dd767 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.lua @@ -0,0 +1,680 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.AsyncResult: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AsyncDelegate object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AsyncState object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AsyncWaitHandle System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CompletedSynchronously bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EndInvokeCalled bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsCompleted bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NextSink System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageSink +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.AsyncResult = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +---@param replySink System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageSink +---@return IMessageCtrl +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.AsyncResult.AsyncProcessMessage(msg, replySink) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IMessage +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.AsyncResult.GetReplyMessage() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mc System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageCtrl +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.AsyncResult.SetMessageCtrl(mc) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +---@return IMessage +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.AsyncResult.SyncProcessMessage(msg) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.CallContext: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HostContext object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.CallContext = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.CallContext:FreeNamedDataSlot(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.CallContext:GetData(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.CallContext:GetHeaders() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.CallContext:LogicalGetData(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param data object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.CallContext:LogicalSetData(name, data) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param data object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.CallContext:SetData(name, data) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param headers System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.Header[] +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.CallContext:SetHeaders(headers) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.ConstructionCall: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodCall +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ActivationType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ActivationTypeName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Activator System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IActivator +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CallSiteActivationAttributes object[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ContextProperties System.Collections.IList +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Properties System.Collections.IDictionary +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.ConstructionCall = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.ConstructionResponse: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodResponse +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Properties System.Collections.IDictionary +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.ConstructionResponse = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.Header: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HeaderNamespace string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MustUnderstand bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.Header = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.HeaderHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.HeaderHandler = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param headers System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.Header[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.HeaderHandler.Invoke(headers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param headers System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.Header[] +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.HeaderHandler.BeginInvoke(headers, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.HeaderHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.ILogicalThreadAffinative +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.ILogicalThreadAffinative = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Properties System.Collections.IDictionary +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageCtrl +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageCtrl = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msToCancel int +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageCtrl.Cancel(msToCancel) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageSink +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NextSink System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageSink +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageSink = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +---@param replySink System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageSink +---@return IMessageCtrl +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageSink.AsyncProcessMessage(msg, replySink) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +---@return IMessage +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageSink.SyncProcessMessage(msg) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMethodCallMessage +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InArgCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InArgs object[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMethodCallMessage = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param argNum int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMethodCallMessage.GetInArg(argNum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMethodCallMessage.GetInArgName(index) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMethodMessage +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ArgCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Args object[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HasVarArgs bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LogicalCallContext System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodBase System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodSignature object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Uri string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMethodMessage = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param argNum int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMethodMessage.GetArg(argNum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMethodMessage.GetArgName(index) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMethodReturnMessage +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Exception System.Exception +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OutArgCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OutArgs object[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReturnValue object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMethodReturnMessage = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param argNum int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMethodReturnMessage.GetOutArg(argNum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMethodReturnMessage.GetOutArgName(index) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.InternalMessageWrapper: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.InternalMessageWrapper = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IRemotingFormatter +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IRemotingFormatter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param serializationStream System.IO.Stream +---@param handler System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.HeaderHandler +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IRemotingFormatter.Deserialize(serializationStream, handler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param serializationStream System.IO.Stream +---@param graph object +---@param headers System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.Header[] +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IRemotingFormatter.Serialize(serializationStream, graph, headers) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HasInfo bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext.FreeNamedDataSlot(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext.GetData(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param data object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext.SetData(name, data) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MessageSurrogateFilter: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MessageSurrogateFilter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key string +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MessageSurrogateFilter.Invoke(key, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key string +---@param value object +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MessageSurrogateFilter.BeginInvoke(key, value, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MessageSurrogateFilter.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodCall: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ArgCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Args object[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HasVarArgs bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InArgCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InArgs object[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LogicalCallContext System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodBase System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodSignature object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Properties System.Collections.IDictionary +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Uri string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodCall = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param argNum int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodCall.GetArg(argNum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodCall.GetArgName(index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param argNum int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodCall.GetInArg(argNum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodCall.GetInArgName(index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodCall.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param h System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.Header[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodCall.HeaderHandler(h) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodCall.Init() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodCall.ResolveMethod() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param ctx System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodCall.RootSetObjectData(info, ctx) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodCallMessageWrapper: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.InternalMessageWrapper +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ArgCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Args object[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HasVarArgs bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InArgCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InArgs object[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LogicalCallContext System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodBase System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodSignature object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Properties System.Collections.IDictionary +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Uri string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodCallMessageWrapper = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param argNum int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodCallMessageWrapper.GetArg(argNum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodCallMessageWrapper.GetArgName(index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param argNum int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodCallMessageWrapper.GetInArg(argNum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodCallMessageWrapper.GetInArgName(index) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodResponse: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ArgCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Args object[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Exception System.Exception +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HasVarArgs bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LogicalCallContext System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodBase System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodSignature object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OutArgCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OutArgs object[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Properties System.Collections.IDictionary +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReturnValue object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Uri string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodResponse = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param argNum int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodResponse.GetArg(argNum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodResponse.GetArgName(index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodResponse.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param argNum int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodResponse.GetOutArg(argNum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodResponse.GetOutArgName(index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param h System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.Header[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodResponse.HeaderHandler(h) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param ctx System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodResponse.RootSetObjectData(info, ctx) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodReturnMessageWrapper: System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.InternalMessageWrapper +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ArgCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Args object[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Exception System.Exception +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HasVarArgs bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LogicalCallContext System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodBase System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodSignature object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OutArgCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OutArgs object[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Properties System.Collections.IDictionary +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReturnValue object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Uri string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodReturnMessageWrapper = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param argNum int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodReturnMessageWrapper.GetArg(argNum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodReturnMessageWrapper.GetArgName(index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param argNum int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodReturnMessageWrapper.GetOutArg(argNum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodReturnMessageWrapper.GetOutArgName(index) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.OneWayAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.OneWayAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.RemotingSurrogateSelector: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Filter System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MessageSurrogateFilter +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.RemotingSurrogateSelector = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param selector System.Runtime.Serialization.ISurrogateSelector +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.RemotingSurrogateSelector.ChainSelector(selector) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ISurrogateSelector +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.RemotingSurrogateSelector.GetNextSelector() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.RemotingSurrogateSelector.GetRootObject() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +---@param ssout System.Runtime.Serialization.ISurrogateSelector +---@return ISerializationSurrogate +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.RemotingSurrogateSelector.GetSurrogate(type, context, ssout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.RemotingSurrogateSelector.SetRootObject(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.RemotingSurrogateSelector.UseSoapFormat() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.ReturnMessage: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ArgCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Args object[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Exception System.Exception +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HasVarArgs bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LogicalCallContext System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.LogicalCallContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodBase System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodSignature object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OutArgCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OutArgs object[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Properties System.Collections.IDictionary +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReturnValue object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Uri string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.ReturnMessage = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param argNum int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.ReturnMessage.GetArg(argNum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.ReturnMessage.GetArgName(index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param argNum int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.ReturnMessage.GetOutArg(argNum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.ReturnMessage.GetOutArgName(index) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..11ca74d80 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.lua @@ -0,0 +1,723 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.ISoapXsd +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.ISoapXsd = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.ISoapXsd.GetXsdType() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapAnyUri: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapAnyUri = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapAnyUri.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapAnyUri +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapAnyUri:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapAnyUri.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapBase64Binary: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapBase64Binary = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapBase64Binary.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapBase64Binary +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapBase64Binary:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapBase64Binary.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapDate: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Sign int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapDate = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapDate.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapDate +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapDate:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapDate.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapDateTime: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapDateTime = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapDateTime:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapDateTime:ToString(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapDay: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapDay = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapDay.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapDay +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapDay:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapDay.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapDuration: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapDuration = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapDuration:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param timeSpan System.TimeSpan +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapDuration:ToString(timeSpan) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapEntities: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapEntities = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapEntities.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapEntities +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapEntities:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapEntities.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapEntity: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapEntity = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapEntity.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapEntity +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapEntity:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapEntity.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapHexBinary: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapHexBinary = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapHexBinary.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapHexBinary +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapHexBinary:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapHexBinary.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapId: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapId = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapId.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapId +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapId:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapId.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapIdrefs: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapIdrefs = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapIdrefs.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapIdrefs +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapIdrefs:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapIdrefs.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapIdref: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapIdref = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapIdref.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapIdref +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapIdref:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapIdref.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapInteger: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value decimal +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapInteger = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapInteger.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapInteger +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapInteger:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapInteger.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapLanguage: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapLanguage = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapLanguage.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapLanguage +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapLanguage:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapLanguage.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapMonth: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapMonth = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapMonth.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapMonth +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapMonth:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapMonth.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapName: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapName = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapName.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapName +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapName:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapName.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapMonthDay: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapMonthDay = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapMonthDay.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapMonthDay +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapMonthDay:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapMonthDay.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNcName: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNcName = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNcName.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapNcName +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNcName:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNcName.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNegativeInteger: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value decimal +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNegativeInteger = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNegativeInteger.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapNegativeInteger +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNegativeInteger:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNegativeInteger.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNmtoken: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNmtoken = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNmtoken.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapNmtoken +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNmtoken:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNmtoken.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNmtokens: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNmtokens = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNmtokens.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapNmtokens +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNmtokens:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNmtokens.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNonNegativeInteger: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value decimal +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNonNegativeInteger = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNonNegativeInteger.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapNonNegativeInteger +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNonNegativeInteger:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNonNegativeInteger.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNotation: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNotation = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNotation.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapNotation +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNotation:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNotation.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNonPositiveInteger: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value decimal +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNonPositiveInteger = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNonPositiveInteger.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapNonPositiveInteger +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNonPositiveInteger:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNonPositiveInteger.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapQName: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Key string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapQName = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapQName.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapQName +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapQName:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapQName.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNormalizedString: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNormalizedString = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNormalizedString.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapNormalizedString +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNormalizedString:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapNormalizedString.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapTime: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapTime = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapTime.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapTime +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapTime:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapTime.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapPositiveInteger: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value decimal +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapPositiveInteger = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapPositiveInteger.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapPositiveInteger +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapPositiveInteger:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapPositiveInteger.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapToken: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapToken = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapToken.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapToken +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapToken:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapToken.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapYear: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Sign int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapYear = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapYear.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapYear +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapYear:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapYear.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapYearMonth: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Sign int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapYearMonth = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapYearMonth.GetXsdType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SoapYearMonth +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapYearMonth:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.W3cXsd2001.SoapYearMonth.ToString() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..00dbe46bf --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.lua @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Embedded bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UseAttribute bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XmlNamespace string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapFieldAttribute: System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Order int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XmlElementName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapFieldAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapFieldAttribute.IsInteropXmlElement() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapMethodAttribute: System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ResponseXmlElementName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ResponseXmlNamespace string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReturnXmlElementName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SoapAction string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UseAttribute bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XmlNamespace string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapMethodAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapOption: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AlwaysIncludeTypes System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapOption +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EmbedAll System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapOption +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapOption +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Option1 System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapOption +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Option2 System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapOption +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdString System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapOption +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapOption = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapOption +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapOption:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapParameterAttribute: System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapParameterAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapTypeAttribute: System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SoapOptions System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapOption +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UseAttribute bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XmlElementName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XmlFieldOrder System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.XmlFieldOrderOption +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XmlNamespace string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XmlTypeName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XmlTypeNamespace string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.SoapTypeAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.XmlFieldOrderOption: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field All System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.XmlFieldOrderOption +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Choice System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.XmlFieldOrderOption +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Sequence System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.XmlFieldOrderOption +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.XmlFieldOrderOption = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.XmlFieldOrderOption +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata.XmlFieldOrderOption:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e5b182b1f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.lua @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.ProxyAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.ProxyAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param serverType System.Type +---@return MarshalByRefObject +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.ProxyAttribute.CreateInstance(serverType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param objRef System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjRef +---@param serverType System.Type +---@param serverObject object +---@param serverContext System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context +---@return RealProxy +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.ProxyAttribute.CreateProxy(objRef, serverType, serverObject, serverContext) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IConstructionCallMessage +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.ProxyAttribute.GetPropertiesForNewContext(msg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ctx System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IConstructionCallMessage +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.ProxyAttribute.IsContextOK(ctx, msg) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param requestedType System.Type +---@return ObjRef +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.CreateObjRef(requestedType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fIsMarshalled bool +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.GetCOMIUnknown(fIsMarshalled) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.GetProxiedType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rp System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy:GetStubData(rp) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.GetTransparentProxy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ctorMsg System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IConstructionCallMessage +---@return IConstructionReturnMessage +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.InitializeServerObject(ctorMsg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessage +---@return IMessage +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.Invoke(msg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param i System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.SetCOMIUnknown(i) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rp System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy +---@param stubData object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy:SetStubData(rp, stubData) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iid System.Guid +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.SupportsInterface(iid) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aa030a534 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.lua @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.EnterpriseServicesHelper: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.EnterpriseServicesHelper = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ctorMsg System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation.IConstructionCallMessage +---@param retObj System.MarshalByRefObject +---@return IConstructionReturnMessage +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.EnterpriseServicesHelper:CreateConstructionReturnMessage(ctorMsg, retObj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param oldcp System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy +---@param newcp System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.EnterpriseServicesHelper:SwitchWrappers(oldcp, newcp) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param punk System.IntPtr +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.EnterpriseServicesHelper:WrapIUnknownWithComObject(punk) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.ITrackingHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.ITrackingHandler = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.ITrackingHandler.DisconnectedObject(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param or System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjRef +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.ITrackingHandler.MarshaledObject(obj, or) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param or System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjRef +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.ITrackingHandler.UnmarshaledObject(obj, or) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.TrackingServices: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RegisteredHandlers System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.ITrackingHandler[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.TrackingServices = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param handler System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.ITrackingHandler +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.TrackingServices:RegisterTrackingHandler(handler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param handler System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.ITrackingHandler +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.TrackingServices:UnregisterTrackingHandler(handler) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..07b61c566 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Remoting.lua @@ -0,0 +1,612 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.ActivatedClientTypeEntry: System.Runtime.Remoting.TypeEntry +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationUrl string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ContextAttributes System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContextAttribute[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ObjectType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.ActivatedClientTypeEntry = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.ActivatedClientTypeEntry.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.ActivatedServiceTypeEntry: System.Runtime.Remoting.TypeEntry +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ContextAttributes System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContextAttribute[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ObjectType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.ActivatedServiceTypeEntry = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.ActivatedServiceTypeEntry.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.CustomErrorsModes: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Off System.Runtime.Remoting.CustomErrorsModes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field On System.Runtime.Remoting.CustomErrorsModes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RemoteOnly System.Runtime.Remoting.CustomErrorsModes +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.CustomErrorsModes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.Remoting.CustomErrorsModes +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.CustomErrorsModes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.IChannelInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ChannelData object[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.IChannelInfo = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.IEnvoyInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EnvoySinks System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMessageSink +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.IEnvoyInfo = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.InternalRemotingServices: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.InternalRemotingServices = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.InternalRemotingServices:DebugOutChnl(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param reflectionObject object +---@return SoapAttribute +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.InternalRemotingServices:GetCachedSoapAttribute(reflectionObject) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param message string +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.InternalRemotingServices:RemotingAssert(condition, message) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param messages object[] +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.InternalRemotingServices:RemotingTrace(messages) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param m System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.MethodCall +---@param srvID object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.InternalRemotingServices:SetServerIdentity(m, srvID) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.IRemotingTypeInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.IRemotingTypeInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fromType System.Type +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.IRemotingTypeInfo.CanCastTo(fromType, o) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.IObjectHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.IObjectHandle = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.IObjectHandle.Unwrap() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjectHandle: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjectHandle = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjectHandle.InitializeLifetimeService() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjectHandle.Unwrap() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjRef: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ChannelInfo System.Runtime.Remoting.IChannelInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EnvoyInfo System.Runtime.Remoting.IEnvoyInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeInfo System.Runtime.Remoting.IRemotingTypeInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field URI string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjRef = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjRef.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjRef.GetRealObject(context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjRef.IsFromThisAppDomain() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjRef.IsFromThisProcess() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationId string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CustomErrorsMode System.Runtime.Remoting.CustomErrorsModes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ProcessId string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param filename string +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration:Configure(filename) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param filename string +---@param ensureSecurity bool +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration:Configure(filename, ensureSecurity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param isLocalRequest bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration:CustomErrorsEnabled(isLocalRequest) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration:GetRegisteredActivatedClientTypes() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration:GetRegisteredActivatedServiceTypes() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration:GetRegisteredWellKnownClientTypes() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration:GetRegisteredWellKnownServiceTypes() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param svrType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration:IsActivationAllowed(svrType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeName string +---@param assemblyName string +---@return ActivatedClientTypeEntry +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration:IsRemotelyActivatedClientType(typeName, assemblyName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param svrType System.Type +---@return ActivatedClientTypeEntry +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration:IsRemotelyActivatedClientType(svrType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeName string +---@param assemblyName string +---@return WellKnownClientTypeEntry +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration:IsWellKnownClientType(typeName, assemblyName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param svrType System.Type +---@return WellKnownClientTypeEntry +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration:IsWellKnownClientType(svrType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param entry System.Runtime.Remoting.ActivatedClientTypeEntry +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration:RegisterActivatedClientType(entry) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param appUrl string +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration:RegisterActivatedClientType(type, appUrl) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param entry System.Runtime.Remoting.ActivatedServiceTypeEntry +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration:RegisterActivatedServiceType(entry) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration:RegisterActivatedServiceType(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param entry System.Runtime.Remoting.WellKnownClientTypeEntry +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration:RegisterWellKnownClientType(entry) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param objectUrl string +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration:RegisterWellKnownClientType(type, objectUrl) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param entry System.Runtime.Remoting.WellKnownServiceTypeEntry +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration:RegisterWellKnownServiceType(entry) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param objectUri string +---@param mode System.Runtime.Remoting.WellKnownObjectMode +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingConfiguration:RegisterWellKnownServiceType(type, objectUri, mode) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param classToProxy System.Type +---@param url string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:Connect(classToProxy, url) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param classToProxy System.Type +---@param url string +---@param data object +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:Connect(classToProxy, url, data) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.MarshalByRefObject +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:Disconnect(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.MarshalByRefObject +---@param reqMsg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMethodCallMessage +---@return IMethodReturnMessage +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:ExecuteMessage(target, reqMsg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.MarshalByRefObject +---@return IMessageSink +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:GetEnvoyChainForProxy(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.MarshalByRefObject +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:GetLifetimeService(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMethodMessage +---@return MethodBase +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:GetMethodBaseFromMethodMessage(msg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:GetObjectData(obj, info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.MarshalByRefObject +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:GetObjectUri(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.MarshalByRefObject +---@return ObjRef +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:GetObjRefForProxy(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param proxy object +---@return RealProxy +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:GetRealProxy(proxy) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param URI string +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:GetServerTypeForUri(URI) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMethodMessage +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:GetSessionIdForMethodMessage(msg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param msg System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMethodMessage +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:IsMethodOverloaded(msg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tp object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:IsObjectOutOfAppDomain(tp) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tp object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:IsObjectOutOfContext(tp) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:IsOneWay(method) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param proxy object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:IsTransparentProxy(proxy) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param stage int +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:LogRemotingStage(stage) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param Obj System.MarshalByRefObject +---@return ObjRef +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:Marshal(Obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param Obj System.MarshalByRefObject +---@param URI string +---@return ObjRef +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:Marshal(Obj, URI) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param Obj System.MarshalByRefObject +---@param ObjURI string +---@param RequestedType System.Type +---@return ObjRef +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:Marshal(Obj, ObjURI, RequestedType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.MarshalByRefObject +---@param uri string +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:SetObjectUriForMarshal(obj, uri) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param objectRef System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjRef +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:Unmarshal(objectRef) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param objectRef System.Runtime.Remoting.ObjRef +---@param fRefine bool +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices:Unmarshal(objectRef, fRefine) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingTimeoutException: System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingTimeoutException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.ServerException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.ServerException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.SoapServices: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XmlNsForClrType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XmlNsForClrTypeWithAssembly string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XmlNsForClrTypeWithNs string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XmlNsForClrTypeWithNsAndAssembly string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.SoapServices = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeNamespace string +---@param assemblyName string +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.SoapServices:CodeXmlNamespaceForClrTypeNamespace(typeNamespace, assemblyName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inNamespace string +---@param typeNamespace string +---@param assemblyName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.SoapServices:DecodeXmlNamespaceForClrTypeNamespace(inNamespace, typeNamespace, assemblyName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param containingType System.Type +---@param xmlAttribute string +---@param xmlNamespace string +---@param type System.Type +---@param name string +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.SoapServices:GetInteropFieldTypeAndNameFromXmlAttribute(containingType, xmlAttribute, xmlNamespace, type, name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param containingType System.Type +---@param xmlElement string +---@param xmlNamespace string +---@param type System.Type +---@param name string +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.SoapServices:GetInteropFieldTypeAndNameFromXmlElement(containingType, xmlElement, xmlNamespace, type, name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param xmlElement string +---@param xmlNamespace string +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.SoapServices:GetInteropTypeFromXmlElement(xmlElement, xmlNamespace) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param xmlType string +---@param xmlTypeNamespace string +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.SoapServices:GetInteropTypeFromXmlType(xmlType, xmlTypeNamespace) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mb System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.SoapServices:GetSoapActionFromMethodBase(mb) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param soapAction string +---@param typeName string +---@param methodName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.SoapServices:GetTypeAndMethodNameFromSoapAction(soapAction, typeName, methodName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param xmlElement string +---@param xmlNamespace string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.SoapServices:GetXmlElementForInteropType(type, xmlElement, xmlNamespace) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mb System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.SoapServices:GetXmlNamespaceForMethodCall(mb) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mb System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.SoapServices:GetXmlNamespaceForMethodResponse(mb) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param xmlType string +---@param xmlTypeNamespace string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.SoapServices:GetXmlTypeForInteropType(type, xmlType, xmlTypeNamespace) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param namespaceString string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.SoapServices:IsClrTypeNamespace(namespaceString) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param soapAction string +---@param mb System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.SoapServices:IsSoapActionValidForMethodBase(soapAction, mb) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.SoapServices:PreLoad(assembly) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.SoapServices:PreLoad(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param xmlElement string +---@param xmlNamespace string +---@param type System.Type +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.SoapServices:RegisterInteropXmlElement(xmlElement, xmlNamespace, type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param xmlType string +---@param xmlTypeNamespace string +---@param type System.Type +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.SoapServices:RegisterInteropXmlType(xmlType, xmlTypeNamespace, type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mb System.Reflection.MethodBase +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.SoapServices:RegisterSoapActionForMethodBase(mb) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mb System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@param soapAction string +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.SoapServices:RegisterSoapActionForMethodBase(mb, soapAction) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.TypeEntry: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssemblyName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.TypeEntry = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.WellKnownClientTypeEntry: System.Runtime.Remoting.TypeEntry +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationUrl string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ObjectType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ObjectUrl string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.WellKnownClientTypeEntry = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.WellKnownClientTypeEntry.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.WellKnownObjectMode: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SingleCall System.Runtime.Remoting.WellKnownObjectMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Singleton System.Runtime.Remoting.WellKnownObjectMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.WellKnownObjectMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.Remoting.WellKnownObjectMode +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.WellKnownObjectMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Remoting.WellKnownServiceTypeEntry: System.Runtime.Remoting.TypeEntry +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ContextAttributes System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.IContextAttribute[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Mode System.Runtime.Remoting.WellKnownObjectMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ObjectType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ObjectUri string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.WellKnownServiceTypeEntry = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Remoting.WellKnownServiceTypeEntry.ToString() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b48aab3e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.lua @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.DataContractSerializerSection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field DeclaredTypes System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.DeclaredTypeElementCollection +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.DataContractSerializerSection = {} + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.DeclaredTypeElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field KnownTypes System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.TypeElementCollection +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Type string +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.DeclaredTypeElement = {} + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.DeclaredTypeElementCollection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field this[] System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.DeclaredTypeElement +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field this[] System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.DeclaredTypeElement +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.DeclaredTypeElementCollection = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param element System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.DeclaredTypeElement +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.DeclaredTypeElementCollection.Add(element) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.DeclaredTypeElementCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param typeName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.DeclaredTypeElementCollection.Contains(typeName) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param element System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.DeclaredTypeElement +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.DeclaredTypeElementCollection.IndexOf(element) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param element System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.DeclaredTypeElement +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.DeclaredTypeElementCollection.Remove(element) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param typeName string +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.DeclaredTypeElementCollection.Remove(typeName) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.DeclaredTypeElementCollection.RemoveAt(index) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.NetDataContractSerializerSection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field EnableUnsafeTypeForwarding bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.NetDataContractSerializerSection = {} + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.ParameterElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Index int +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Parameters System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.ParameterElementCollection +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Type string +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.ParameterElement = {} + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.ParameterElementCollection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field CollectionType System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollectionType +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field this[] System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.ParameterElement +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.ParameterElementCollection = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param element System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.ParameterElement +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.ParameterElementCollection.Add(element) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.ParameterElementCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param typeName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.ParameterElementCollection.Contains(typeName) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param element System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.ParameterElement +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.ParameterElementCollection.IndexOf(element) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param element System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.ParameterElement +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.ParameterElementCollection.Remove(element) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.ParameterElementCollection.RemoveAt(index) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.SerializationSectionGroup: System.Configuration.ConfigurationSectionGroup +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field DataContractSerializer System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.DataContractSerializerSection +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field NetDataContractSerializer System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.NetDataContractSerializerSection +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.SerializationSectionGroup = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param config System.Configuration.Configuration +---@return SerializationSectionGroup +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.SerializationSectionGroup:GetSectionGroup(config) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.TypeElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Index int +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Parameters System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.ParameterElementCollection +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Type string +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.TypeElement = {} + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.TypeElementCollection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field CollectionType System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollectionType +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field this[] System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.TypeElement +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.TypeElementCollection = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param element System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.TypeElement +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.TypeElementCollection.Add(element) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.TypeElementCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param element System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.TypeElement +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.TypeElementCollection.IndexOf(element) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param element System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.TypeElement +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.TypeElementCollection.Remove(element) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Configuration.TypeElementCollection.RemoveAt(index) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..91e33acbd --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.lua @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssemblyFormat System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.FormatterAssemblyStyle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Binder System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationBinder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FilterLevel System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.TypeFilterLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SurrogateSelector System.Runtime.Serialization.ISurrogateSelector +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeFormat System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.FormatterTypeStyle +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param serializationStream System.IO.Stream +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Deserialize(serializationStream) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param serializationStream System.IO.Stream +---@param handler System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.HeaderHandler +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Deserialize(serializationStream, handler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param serializationStream System.IO.Stream +---@param handler System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.HeaderHandler +---@param methodCallMessage System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMethodCallMessage +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.DeserializeMethodResponse(serializationStream, handler, methodCallMessage) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param serializationStream System.IO.Stream +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Serialize(serializationStream, graph) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param serializationStream System.IO.Stream +---@param graph object +---@param headers System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.Header[] +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.Serialize(serializationStream, graph, headers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param serializationStream System.IO.Stream +---@param handler System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.HeaderHandler +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.UnsafeDeserialize(serializationStream, handler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param serializationStream System.IO.Stream +---@param handler System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.HeaderHandler +---@param methodCallMessage System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IMethodCallMessage +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter.UnsafeDeserializeMethodResponse(serializationStream, handler, methodCallMessage) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5a7c70d71 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.lua @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.FormatterAssemblyStyle: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Full System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.FormatterAssemblyStyle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Simple System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.FormatterAssemblyStyle +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.FormatterAssemblyStyle = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.FormatterAssemblyStyle +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.FormatterAssemblyStyle:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.FormatterTypeStyle: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypesAlways System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.FormatterTypeStyle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypesWhenNeeded System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.FormatterTypeStyle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XsdString System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.FormatterTypeStyle +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.FormatterTypeStyle = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.FormatterTypeStyle +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.FormatterTypeStyle:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.IFieldInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FieldNames string[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FieldTypes System.Type[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.IFieldInfo = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.InternalRM: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.InternalRM = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param messages object[] +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.InternalRM:InfoSoap(messages) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.InternalRM:SoapCheckEnabled() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.InternalST: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.InternalST = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param messages object[] +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.InternalST:InfoSoap(messages) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyString string +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.InternalST:LoadAssemblyFromString(assemblyString) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fi System.Reflection.FieldInfo +---@param target object +---@param value object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.InternalST:SerializationSetValue(fi, target, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param messages object[] +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.InternalST:Soap(messages) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param message string +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.InternalST:SoapAssert(condition, message) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.InternalST:SoapCheckEnabled() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.ISoapMessage +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Headers System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.Header[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ParamNames string[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ParamTypes System.Type[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ParamValues object[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XmlNameSpace string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.ISoapMessage = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.ServerFault: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExceptionMessage string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExceptionType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StackTrace string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.ServerFault = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.SoapFault: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Detail object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FaultActor string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FaultCode string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FaultString string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.SoapFault = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.SoapFault.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.SoapMessage: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Headers System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.Header[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MethodName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ParamNames string[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ParamTypes System.Type[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ParamValues object[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XmlNameSpace string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.SoapMessage = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.TypeFilterLevel: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Full System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.TypeFilterLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Low System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.TypeFilterLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.TypeFilterLevel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.TypeFilterLevel +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.TypeFilterLevel:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..251aae02f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.lua @@ -0,0 +1,239 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer: System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field DataContractSurrogate System.Runtime.Serialization.IDataContractSurrogate +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field DateTimeFormat System.Runtime.Serialization.DateTimeFormat +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field EmitTypeInformation System.Runtime.Serialization.EmitTypeInformation +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field IgnoreExtensionDataObject bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field KnownTypes System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field MaxItemsInObjectGraph int +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field SerializeReadOnlyTypes bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field UseSimpleDictionaryFormat bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer.IsStartObject(reader) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer.IsStartObject(reader) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer.ReadObject(stream) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer.ReadObject(reader) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader +---@param verifyObjectName bool +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer.ReadObject(reader, verifyObjectName) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer.ReadObject(reader) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param verifyObjectName bool +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer.ReadObject(reader, verifyObjectName) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer.WriteEndObject(writer) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer.WriteEndObject(writer) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer.WriteObject(stream, graph) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer.WriteObject(writer, graph) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer.WriteObject(writer, graph) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer.WriteObjectContent(writer, graph) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer.WriteObjectContent(writer, graph) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer.WriteStartObject(writer, graph) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializer.WriteStartObject(writer, graph) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializerSettings: object +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field DataContractSurrogate System.Runtime.Serialization.IDataContractSurrogate +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field DateTimeFormat System.Runtime.Serialization.DateTimeFormat +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field EmitTypeInformation System.Runtime.Serialization.EmitTypeInformation +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field IgnoreExtensionDataObject bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field KnownTypes System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field MaxItemsInObjectGraph int +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field RootName string +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field SerializeReadOnlyTypes bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field UseSimpleDictionaryFormat bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.DataContractJsonSerializerSettings = {} + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.IXmlJsonReaderInitializer +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.IXmlJsonReaderInitializer = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@param onClose System.Xml.OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.IXmlJsonReaderInitializer.SetInput(buffer, offset, count, encoding, quotas, onClose) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@param onClose System.Xml.OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.IXmlJsonReaderInitializer.SetInput(stream, encoding, quotas, onClose) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.IXmlJsonWriterInitializer +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.IXmlJsonWriterInitializer = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param ownsStream bool +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.IXmlJsonWriterInitializer.SetOutput(stream, encoding, ownsStream) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.JsonReaderWriterFactory: object +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.JsonReaderWriterFactory = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@param onClose System.Xml.OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.JsonReaderWriterFactory:CreateJsonReader(buffer, offset, count, encoding, quotas, onClose) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.JsonReaderWriterFactory:CreateJsonReader(buffer, offset, count, quotas) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.JsonReaderWriterFactory:CreateJsonReader(buffer, quotas) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@param onClose System.Xml.OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.JsonReaderWriterFactory:CreateJsonReader(stream, encoding, quotas, onClose) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.JsonReaderWriterFactory:CreateJsonReader(stream, quotas) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@return XmlDictionaryWriter +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.JsonReaderWriterFactory:CreateJsonWriter(stream) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@return XmlDictionaryWriter +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.JsonReaderWriterFactory:CreateJsonWriter(stream, encoding) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param ownsStream bool +---@return XmlDictionaryWriter +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.JsonReaderWriterFactory:CreateJsonWriter(stream, encoding, ownsStream) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param ownsStream bool +---@param indent bool +---@return XmlDictionaryWriter +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.JsonReaderWriterFactory:CreateJsonWriter(stream, encoding, ownsStream, indent) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param ownsStream bool +---@param indent bool +---@param indentChars string +---@return XmlDictionaryWriter +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.JsonReaderWriterFactory:CreateJsonWriter(stream, encoding, ownsStream, indent, indentChars) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Serialization.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Serialization.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f18133611 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Serialization.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1581 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatter: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Binder System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationBinder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SurrogateSelector System.Runtime.Serialization.ISurrogateSelector +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param serializationStream System.IO.Stream +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatter.Deserialize(serializationStream) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param serializationStream System.IO.Stream +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatter.Serialize(serializationStream, graph) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterConverter: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterConverter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param type System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterConverter.Convert(value, type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param typeCode System.TypeCode +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterConverter.Convert(value, typeCode) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterConverter.ToBoolean(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterConverter.ToByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Char +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterConverter.ToChar(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterConverter.ToDateTime(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterConverter.ToDecimal(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Double +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterConverter.ToDouble(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterConverter.ToInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterConverter.ToInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterConverter.ToInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterConverter.ToSByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Single +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterConverter.ToSingle(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterConverter.ToString(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterConverter.ToUInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterConverter.ToUInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterConverter.ToUInt64(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t System.Type +---@param securityLevel System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.TypeFilterLevel +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices:CheckTypeSecurity(t, securityLevel) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param members System.Reflection.MemberInfo[] +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices:GetObjectData(obj, members) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices:GetSafeUninitializedObject(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices:GetSerializableMembers(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices:GetSerializableMembers(type, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param innerSurrogate System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializationSurrogate +---@return ISerializationSurrogate +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices:GetSurrogateForCyclicalReference(innerSurrogate) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assem System.Reflection.Assembly +---@param name string +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices:GetTypeFromAssembly(assem, name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices:GetUninitializedObject(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param members System.Reflection.MemberInfo[] +---@param data object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterServices:PopulateObjectMembers(obj, members, data) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatter +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Binder System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationBinder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SurrogateSelector System.Runtime.Serialization.ISurrogateSelector +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param serializationStream System.IO.Stream +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatter.Deserialize(serializationStream) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param serializationStream System.IO.Stream +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatter.Serialize(serializationStream, graph) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sender object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback.OnDeserialization(sender) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatterConverter +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatterConverter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param type System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatterConverter.Convert(value, type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param typeCode System.TypeCode +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatterConverter.Convert(value, typeCode) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatterConverter.ToBoolean(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatterConverter.ToByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Char +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatterConverter.ToChar(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatterConverter.ToDateTime(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatterConverter.ToDecimal(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Double +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatterConverter.ToDouble(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatterConverter.ToInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatterConverter.ToInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatterConverter.ToInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatterConverter.ToSByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Single +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatterConverter.ToSingle(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatterConverter.ToString(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatterConverter.ToUInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatterConverter.ToUInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatterConverter.ToUInt64(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.ISafeSerializationData +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ISafeSerializationData = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param deserialized object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ISafeSerializationData.CompleteDeserialization(deserialized) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.IObjectReference +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IObjectReference = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IObjectReference.GetRealObject(context) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.ISurrogateSelector +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ISurrogateSelector = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param selector System.Runtime.Serialization.ISurrogateSelector +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ISurrogateSelector.ChainSelector(selector) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ISurrogateSelector +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ISurrogateSelector.GetNextSelector() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +---@param selector System.Runtime.Serialization.ISurrogateSelector +---@return ISerializationSurrogate +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ISurrogateSelector.GetSurrogate(type, context, selector) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializationSurrogate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializationSurrogate = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializationSurrogate.GetObjectData(obj, info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +---@param selector System.Runtime.Serialization.ISurrogateSelector +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializationSurrogate.SetObjectData(obj, info, context, selector) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectIDGenerator: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectIDGenerator = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param firstTime bool +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectIDGenerator.GetId(obj, firstTime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param firstTime bool +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectIDGenerator.HasId(obj, firstTime) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectManager: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectManager = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectManager.DoFixups() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param objectID long +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectManager.GetObject(objectID) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectManager.RaiseDeserializationEvent() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectManager.RaiseOnDeserializingEvent(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arrayToBeFixed long +---@param index int +---@param objectRequired long +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectManager.RecordArrayElementFixup(arrayToBeFixed, index, objectRequired) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arrayToBeFixed long +---@param indices int[] +---@param objectRequired long +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectManager.RecordArrayElementFixup(arrayToBeFixed, indices, objectRequired) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param objectToBeFixed long +---@param memberName string +---@param objectRequired long +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectManager.RecordDelayedFixup(objectToBeFixed, memberName, objectRequired) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param objectToBeFixed long +---@param member System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@param objectRequired long +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectManager.RecordFixup(objectToBeFixed, member, objectRequired) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param objectID long +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectManager.RegisterObject(obj, objectID) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param objectID long +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectManager.RegisterObject(obj, objectID, info) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param objectID long +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param idOfContainingObj long +---@param member System.Reflection.MemberInfo +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectManager.RegisterObject(obj, objectID, info, idOfContainingObj, member) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param objectID long +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param idOfContainingObj long +---@param member System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@param arrayIndex int[] +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ObjectManager.RegisterObject(obj, objectID, info, idOfContainingObj, member, arrayIndex) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.OnDeserializedAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.OnDeserializedAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.OnSerializedAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.OnSerializedAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.OnSerializingAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.OnSerializingAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.OptionalFieldAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VersionAdded int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.OptionalFieldAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.SafeSerializationEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StreamingContext System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SafeSerializationEventArgs = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param serializedState System.Runtime.Serialization.ISafeSerializationData +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SafeSerializationEventArgs.AddSerializedState(serializedState) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationBinder: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationBinder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param serializedType System.Type +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationBinder.BindToName(serializedType, assemblyName, typeName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationBinder.BindToType(assemblyName, typeName) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssemblyName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullTypeName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAssemblyNameSetExplicit bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFullTypeNameSetExplicit bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MemberCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ObjectType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value bool +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.AddValue(name, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value byte +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.AddValue(name, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value char +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.AddValue(name, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value System.DateTime +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.AddValue(name, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value decimal +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.AddValue(name, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value double +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.AddValue(name, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value short +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.AddValue(name, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value int +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.AddValue(name, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value long +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.AddValue(name, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.AddValue(name, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value object +---@param type System.Type +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.AddValue(name, value, type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value sbyte +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.AddValue(name, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value float +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.AddValue(name, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value ushort +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.AddValue(name, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value uint +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.AddValue(name, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value ulong +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.AddValue(name, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.GetBoolean(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.GetByte(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Char +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.GetChar(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.GetDateTime(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.GetDecimal(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Double +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.GetDouble(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SerializationInfoEnumerator +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.GetInt16(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.GetInt32(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.GetInt64(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.GetSByte(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Single +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.GetSingle(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.GetString(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.GetUInt16(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.GetUInt32(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.GetUInt64(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param type System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.GetValue(name, type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo.SetType(type) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationEntry: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ObjectType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationEntry = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfoEnumerator: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Current System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationEntry +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ObjectType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfoEnumerator = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfoEnumerator.MoveNext() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfoEnumerator.Reset() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationObjectManager: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationObjectManager = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationObjectManager.RaiseOnSerializedEvent() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationObjectManager.RegisterObject(obj) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Context object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field State System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContextStates +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContextStates: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field All System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContextStates +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Clone System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContextStates +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CrossAppDomain System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContextStates +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CrossMachine System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContextStates +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CrossProcess System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContextStates +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field File System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContextStates +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Other System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContextStates +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Persistence System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContextStates +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Remoting System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContextStates +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContextStates = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContextStates +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContextStates:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.SurrogateSelector: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SurrogateSelector = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +---@param surrogate System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializationSurrogate +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SurrogateSelector.AddSurrogate(type, context, surrogate) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param selector System.Runtime.Serialization.ISurrogateSelector +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SurrogateSelector.ChainSelector(selector) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ISurrogateSelector +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SurrogateSelector.GetNextSelector() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +---@param selector System.Runtime.Serialization.ISurrogateSelector +---@return ISerializationSurrogate +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SurrogateSelector.GetSurrogate(type, context, selector) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.SurrogateSelector.RemoveSurrogate(type, context) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.CollectionDataContractAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field IsItemNameSetExplicitly bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field IsKeyNameSetExplicitly bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field IsNameSetExplicitly bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field IsNamespaceSetExplicitly bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field IsReference bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field IsReferenceSetExplicitly bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field IsValueNameSetExplicitly bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field ItemName string +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field KeyName string +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field ValueName string +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.CollectionDataContractAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.ContractNamespaceAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field ClrNamespace string +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field ContractNamespace string +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ContractNamespaceAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field IsNameSetExplicitly bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field IsNamespaceSetExplicitly bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field IsReference bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field IsReferenceSetExplicitly bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractResolver: object +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractResolver = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param typeName string +---@param typeNamespace string +---@param declaredType System.Type +---@param knownTypeResolver System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractResolver +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractResolver.ResolveName(typeName, typeNamespace, declaredType, knownTypeResolver) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param declaredType System.Type +---@param knownTypeResolver System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractResolver +---@param typeName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param typeNamespace System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractResolver.TryResolveType(type, declaredType, knownTypeResolver, typeName, typeNamespace) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer: System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field DataContractResolver System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractResolver +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field DataContractSurrogate System.Runtime.Serialization.IDataContractSurrogate +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field IgnoreExtensionDataObject bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field KnownTypes System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field MaxItemsInObjectGraph int +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field PreserveObjectReferences bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field SerializeReadOnlyTypes bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer.IsStartObject(reader) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer.IsStartObject(reader) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader +---@param verifyObjectName bool +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer.ReadObject(reader, verifyObjectName) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader +---@param verifyObjectName bool +---@param dataContractResolver System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractResolver +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer.ReadObject(reader, verifyObjectName, dataContractResolver) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer.ReadObject(reader) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param verifyObjectName bool +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer.ReadObject(reader, verifyObjectName) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer.WriteEndObject(writer) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer.WriteEndObject(writer) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter +---@param graph object +---@param dataContractResolver System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractResolver +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer.WriteObject(writer, graph, dataContractResolver) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer.WriteObject(writer, graph) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer.WriteObjectContent(writer, graph) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer.WriteObjectContent(writer, graph) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer.WriteStartObject(writer, graph) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializer.WriteStartObject(writer, graph) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializerExtensions: object +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializerExtensions = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@return ISerializationSurrogateProvider +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializerExtensions.GetSerializationSurrogateProvider() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param provider System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializationSurrogateProvider +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializerExtensions.SetSerializationSurrogateProvider(provider) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializerSettings: object +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field DataContractResolver System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractResolver +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field DataContractSurrogate System.Runtime.Serialization.IDataContractSurrogate +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field IgnoreExtensionDataObject bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field KnownTypes System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field MaxItemsInObjectGraph int +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field PreserveObjectReferences bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field RootName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field RootNamespace System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field SerializeReadOnlyTypes bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataContractSerializerSettings = {} + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field EmitDefaultValue bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field IsNameSetExplicitly bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field IsRequired bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Order int +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMemberAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.DateTimeFormat: object +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field DateTimeStyles System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field FormatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field FormatString string +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.DateTimeFormat = {} + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.EmitTypeInformation: System.Enum +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Always System.Runtime.Serialization.EmitTypeInformation +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field AsNeeded System.Runtime.Serialization.EmitTypeInformation +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Never System.Runtime.Serialization.EmitTypeInformation +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.EmitTypeInformation = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.Serialization.EmitTypeInformation +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.EmitTypeInformation:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.EnumMemberAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field IsValueSetExplicitly bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.EnumMemberAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.InvalidDataContractException: System.Exception +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.InvalidDataContractException = {} + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.ExportOptions: object +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field DataContractSurrogate System.Runtime.Serialization.IDataContractSurrogate +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field KnownTypes System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ExportOptions = {} + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.ExtensionDataObject: object +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ExtensionDataObject = {} + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.IDataContractSurrogate +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IDataContractSurrogate = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param memberInfo System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@param dataContractType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IDataContractSurrogate.GetCustomDataToExport(memberInfo, dataContractType) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param clrType System.Type +---@param dataContractType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IDataContractSurrogate.GetCustomDataToExport(clrType, dataContractType) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IDataContractSurrogate.GetDataContractType(type) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param obj object +---@param targetType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IDataContractSurrogate.GetDeserializedObject(obj, targetType) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param customDataTypes System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IDataContractSurrogate.GetKnownCustomDataTypes(customDataTypes) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param obj object +---@param targetType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IDataContractSurrogate.GetObjectToSerialize(obj, targetType) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param typeName string +---@param typeNamespace string +---@param customData object +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IDataContractSurrogate.GetReferencedTypeOnImport(typeName, typeNamespace, customData) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param typeDeclaration System.CodeDom.CodeTypeDeclaration +---@param compileUnit System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit +---@return CodeTypeDeclaration +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IDataContractSurrogate.ProcessImportedType(typeDeclaration, compileUnit) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.IExtensibleDataObject +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field ExtensionData System.Runtime.Serialization.ExtensionDataObject +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IExtensibleDataObject = {} + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.IgnoreDataMemberAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.IgnoreDataMemberAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.ImportOptions: object +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field CodeProvider System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field DataContractSurrogate System.Runtime.Serialization.IDataContractSurrogate +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field EnableDataBinding bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field GenerateInternal bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field GenerateSerializable bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field ImportXmlType bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Namespaces System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field ReferencedCollectionTypes System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field ReferencedTypes System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ImportOptions = {} + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializationSurrogateProvider +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializationSurrogateProvider = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param obj object +---@param targetType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializationSurrogateProvider.GetDeserializedObject(obj, targetType) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param obj object +---@param targetType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializationSurrogateProvider.GetObjectToSerialize(obj, targetType) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Type +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializationSurrogateProvider.GetSurrogateType(type) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.KnownTypeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field MethodName string +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.KnownTypeAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.NetDataContractSerializer: System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field AssemblyFormat System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.FormatterAssemblyStyle +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Binder System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationBinder +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field IgnoreExtensionDataObject bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field MaxItemsInObjectGraph int +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field SurrogateSelector System.Runtime.Serialization.ISurrogateSelector +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.NetDataContractSerializer = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.NetDataContractSerializer.Deserialize(stream) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.NetDataContractSerializer.IsStartObject(reader) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.NetDataContractSerializer.IsStartObject(reader) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader +---@param verifyObjectName bool +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.NetDataContractSerializer.ReadObject(reader, verifyObjectName) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.NetDataContractSerializer.ReadObject(reader) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param verifyObjectName bool +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.NetDataContractSerializer.ReadObject(reader, verifyObjectName) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.NetDataContractSerializer.Serialize(stream, graph) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.NetDataContractSerializer.WriteEndObject(writer) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.NetDataContractSerializer.WriteEndObject(writer) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.NetDataContractSerializer.WriteObject(writer, graph) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.NetDataContractSerializer.WriteObjectContent(writer, graph) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.NetDataContractSerializer.WriteObjectContent(writer, graph) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.NetDataContractSerializer.WriteStartObject(writer, graph) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.NetDataContractSerializer.WriteStartObject(writer, graph) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer: object +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer.IsStartObject(reader) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer.IsStartObject(reader) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer.ReadObject(stream) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer.ReadObject(reader) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader +---@param verifyObjectName bool +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer.ReadObject(reader, verifyObjectName) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer.ReadObject(reader) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param verifyObjectName bool +---@return Object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer.ReadObject(reader, verifyObjectName) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer.WriteEndObject(writer) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer.WriteEndObject(writer) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer.WriteObject(stream, graph) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer.WriteObject(writer, graph) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer.WriteObject(writer, graph) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer.WriteObjectContent(writer, graph) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer.WriteObjectContent(writer, graph) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer.WriteStartObject(writer, graph) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param graph object +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlObjectSerializer.WriteStartObject(writer, graph) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlSerializableServices: object +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlSerializableServices = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param schemas System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@param typeQName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlSerializableServices:AddDefaultSchema(schemas, typeQName) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param xmlReader System.Xml.XmlReader +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlSerializableServices:ReadNodes(xmlReader) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param xmlWriter System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param nodes System.Xml.XmlNode[] +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XmlSerializableServices:WriteNodes(xmlWriter, nodes) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.XPathQueryGenerator: object +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XPathQueryGenerator = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param pathToMember System.Reflection.MemberInfo[] +---@param rootElementXpath System.Text.StringBuilder +---@param namespaces System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XPathQueryGenerator:CreateFromDataContractSerializer(type, pathToMember, rootElementXpath, namespaces) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param pathToMember System.Reflection.MemberInfo[] +---@param namespaces System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XPathQueryGenerator:CreateFromDataContractSerializer(type, pathToMember, namespaces) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractExporter: object +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Options System.Runtime.Serialization.ExportOptions +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Schemas System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractExporter = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param assemblies System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractExporter.CanExport(assemblies) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param types System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractExporter.CanExport(types) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractExporter.CanExport(type) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param assemblies System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractExporter.Export(assemblies) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param types System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractExporter.Export(types) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param type System.Type +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractExporter.Export(type) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return XmlQualifiedName +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractExporter.GetRootElementName(type) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return XmlSchemaType +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractExporter.GetSchemaType(type) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return XmlQualifiedName +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractExporter.GetSchemaTypeName(type) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractImporter: object +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field CodeCompileUnit System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Options System.Runtime.Serialization.ImportOptions +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractImporter = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param schemas System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractImporter.CanImport(schemas) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param schemas System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@param typeNames System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractImporter.CanImport(schemas, typeNames) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param schemas System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@param element System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractImporter.CanImport(schemas, element) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param schemas System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@param typeName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractImporter.CanImport(schemas, typeName) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param typeName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@return CodeTypeReference +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractImporter.GetCodeTypeReference(typeName) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param typeName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@param element System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement +---@return CodeTypeReference +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractImporter.GetCodeTypeReference(typeName, element) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param typeName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@return ICollection +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractImporter.GetKnownTypeReferences(typeName) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param schemas System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractImporter.Import(schemas) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param schemas System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@param typeNames System.Collections.Generic.ICollection +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractImporter.Import(schemas, typeNames) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param schemas System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@param element System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement +---@return XmlQualifiedName +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractImporter.Import(schemas, element) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param schemas System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@param typeName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +function CS.System.Runtime.Serialization.XsdDataContractImporter.Import(schemas, typeName) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Versioning.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Versioning.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..471666d10 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.Versioning.lua @@ -0,0 +1,145 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Versioning.ComponentGuaranteesAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Guarantees System.Runtime.Versioning.ComponentGuaranteesOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Versioning.ComponentGuaranteesAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Versioning.ComponentGuaranteesOptions: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Exchange System.Runtime.Versioning.ComponentGuaranteesOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Runtime.Versioning.ComponentGuaranteesOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SideBySide System.Runtime.Versioning.ComponentGuaranteesOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stable System.Runtime.Versioning.ComponentGuaranteesOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Versioning.ComponentGuaranteesOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.Versioning.ComponentGuaranteesOptions +function CS.System.Runtime.Versioning.ComponentGuaranteesOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceConsumptionAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ConsumptionScope System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ResourceScope System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceConsumptionAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceExposureAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ResourceExposureLevel System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceExposureAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceScope: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AppDomain System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Assembly System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Library System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Machine System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Private System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Process System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceScope = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceScope +function CS.System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceScope:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FrameworkDisplayName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FrameworkName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Versioning.VersioningHelper: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Versioning.VersioningHelper = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param from System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceScope +---@param to System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceScope +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Versioning.VersioningHelper:MakeVersionSafeName(name, from, to) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param from System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceScope +---@param to System.Runtime.Versioning.ResourceScope +---@param type System.Type +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Versioning.VersioningHelper:MakeVersionSafeName(name, from, to, type) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Runtime.Versioning.FrameworkName: object +---@source System.dll +---@field FullName string +---@source System.dll +---@field Identifier string +---@source System.dll +---@field Profile string +---@source System.dll +---@field Version System.Version +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Runtime.Versioning.FrameworkName = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Versioning.FrameworkName.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param other System.Runtime.Versioning.FrameworkName +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Versioning.FrameworkName.Equals(other) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Runtime.Versioning.FrameworkName.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param left System.Runtime.Versioning.FrameworkName +---@param right System.Runtime.Versioning.FrameworkName +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Versioning.FrameworkName:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param left System.Runtime.Versioning.FrameworkName +---@param right System.Runtime.Versioning.FrameworkName +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Runtime.Versioning.FrameworkName:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Runtime.Versioning.FrameworkName.ToString() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ed6f84299 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Runtime.lua @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.AssemblyTargetedPatchBandAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TargetedPatchBand string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.AssemblyTargetedPatchBandAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CompactOnce System.Runtime.GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Default System.Runtime.GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode +function CS.System.Runtime.GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.GCLatencyMode: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Batch System.Runtime.GCLatencyMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Interactive System.Runtime.GCLatencyMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LowLatency System.Runtime.GCLatencyMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoGCRegion System.Runtime.GCLatencyMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SustainedLowLatency System.Runtime.GCLatencyMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.GCLatencyMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Runtime.GCLatencyMode +function CS.System.Runtime.GCLatencyMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.GCSettings: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsServerGC bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode System.Runtime.GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LatencyMode System.Runtime.GCLatencyMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.GCSettings = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.MemoryFailPoint: System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.CriticalFinalizerObject +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.MemoryFailPoint = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Runtime.MemoryFailPoint.Dispose() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.ProfileOptimization: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.ProfileOptimization = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param directoryPath string +function CS.System.Runtime.ProfileOptimization:SetProfileRoot(directoryPath) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param profile string +function CS.System.Runtime.ProfileOptimization:StartProfile(profile) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Runtime.TargetedPatchingOptOutAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Reason string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Runtime.TargetedPatchingOptOutAttribute = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.AccessControl.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.AccessControl.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1eb3a531d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.AccessControl.lua @@ -0,0 +1,2112 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlActions: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Change System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlActions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlActions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field View System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlActions +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlActions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlActions +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlActions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlModification: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Add System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlModification +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Remove System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlModification +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RemoveAll System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlModification +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RemoveSpecific System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlModification +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Reset System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlModification +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Set System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlModification +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlModification = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlModification +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlModification:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Access System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field All System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Audit System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Group System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Owner System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Allow System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Deny System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule: System.Security.AccessControl.AuthorizationRule +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessControlType System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule: System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Rights T +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.AceEnumerator: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Current System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AceEnumerator = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AceEnumerator.MoveNext() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AceEnumerator.Reset() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.AceQualifier: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessAllowed System.Security.AccessControl.AceQualifier +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessDenied System.Security.AccessControl.AceQualifier +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemAlarm System.Security.AccessControl.AceQualifier +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemAudit System.Security.AccessControl.AceQualifier +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AceQualifier = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.AccessControl.AceQualifier +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AceQualifier:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.AceType: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessAllowed System.Security.AccessControl.AceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessAllowedCallback System.Security.AccessControl.AceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessAllowedCallbackObject System.Security.AccessControl.AceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessAllowedCompound System.Security.AccessControl.AceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessAllowedObject System.Security.AccessControl.AceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessDenied System.Security.AccessControl.AceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessDeniedCallback System.Security.AccessControl.AceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessDeniedCallbackObject System.Security.AccessControl.AceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessDeniedObject System.Security.AccessControl.AceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxDefinedAceType System.Security.AccessControl.AceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemAlarm System.Security.AccessControl.AceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemAlarmCallback System.Security.AccessControl.AceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemAlarmCallbackObject System.Security.AccessControl.AceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemAlarmObject System.Security.AccessControl.AceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemAudit System.Security.AccessControl.AceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemAuditCallback System.Security.AccessControl.AceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemAuditCallbackObject System.Security.AccessControl.AceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemAuditObject System.Security.AccessControl.AceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AceType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.AccessControl.AceType +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AceType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.AceFlags: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AuditFlags System.Security.AccessControl.AceFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ContainerInherit System.Security.AccessControl.AceFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FailedAccess System.Security.AccessControl.AceFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.AceFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Inherited System.Security.AccessControl.AceFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InheritOnly System.Security.AccessControl.AceFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Security.AccessControl.AceFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoPropagateInherit System.Security.AccessControl.AceFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ObjectInherit System.Security.AccessControl.AceFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SuccessfulAccess System.Security.AccessControl.AceFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AceFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.AccessControl.AceFlags +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AceFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Failure System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Success System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.AuditRule: System.Security.AccessControl.AuditRule +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Rights T +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AuditRule = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.AuditRule: System.Security.AccessControl.AuthorizationRule +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AuditFlags System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AuditRule = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.AuthorizationRule: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IdentityReference System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsInherited bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PropagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AuthorizationRule = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.AuthorizationRuleCollection: System.Collections.ReadOnlyCollectionBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] System.Security.AccessControl.AuthorizationRule +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AuthorizationRuleCollection = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.AuthorizationRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AuthorizationRuleCollection.AddRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rules System.Security.AccessControl.AuthorizationRule[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.AuthorizationRuleCollection.CopyTo(rules, index) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.CommonAce: System.Security.AccessControl.QualifiedAce +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BinaryLength int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CommonAce = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param binaryForm byte[] +---@param offset int +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CommonAce.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param isCallback bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CommonAce:MaxOpaqueLength(isCallback) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.CommonAcl: System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAcl +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BinaryLength int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsCanonical bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsContainer bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsDS bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Revision byte +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CommonAcl = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param binaryForm byte[] +---@param offset int +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CommonAcl.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CommonAcl.Purge(sid) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CommonAcl.RemoveInheritedAces() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.CommonObjectSecurity: System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CommonObjectSecurity = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param includeExplicit bool +---@param includeInherited bool +---@param targetType System.Type +---@return AuthorizationRuleCollection +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CommonObjectSecurity.GetAccessRules(includeExplicit, includeInherited, targetType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param includeExplicit bool +---@param includeInherited bool +---@param targetType System.Type +---@return AuthorizationRuleCollection +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CommonObjectSecurity.GetAuditRules(includeExplicit, includeInherited, targetType) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.CommonSecurityDescriptor: System.Security.AccessControl.GenericSecurityDescriptor +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ControlFlags System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DiscretionaryAcl System.Security.AccessControl.DiscretionaryAcl +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Group System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsContainer bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsDiscretionaryAclCanonical bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsDS bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSystemAclCanonical bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Owner System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemAcl System.Security.AccessControl.SystemAcl +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CommonSecurityDescriptor = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param revision byte +---@param trusted int +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CommonSecurityDescriptor.AddDiscretionaryAcl(revision, trusted) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param revision byte +---@param trusted int +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CommonSecurityDescriptor.AddSystemAcl(revision, trusted) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CommonSecurityDescriptor.PurgeAccessControl(sid) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CommonSecurityDescriptor.PurgeAudit(sid) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param isProtected bool +---@param preserveInheritance bool +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CommonSecurityDescriptor.SetDiscretionaryAclProtection(isProtected, preserveInheritance) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param isProtected bool +---@param preserveInheritance bool +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CommonSecurityDescriptor.SetSystemAclProtection(isProtected, preserveInheritance) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.CompoundAce: System.Security.AccessControl.KnownAce +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BinaryLength int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CompoundAceType System.Security.AccessControl.CompoundAceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CompoundAce = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param binaryForm byte[] +---@param offset int +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CompoundAce.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.CompoundAceType: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Impersonation System.Security.AccessControl.CompoundAceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CompoundAceType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.AccessControl.CompoundAceType +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CompoundAceType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DiscretionaryAclAutoInherited System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DiscretionaryAclAutoInheritRequired System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DiscretionaryAclDefaulted System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DiscretionaryAclPresent System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DiscretionaryAclProtected System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DiscretionaryAclUntrusted System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GroupDefaulted System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OwnerDefaulted System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RMControlValid System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SelfRelative System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ServerSecurity System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemAclAutoInherited System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemAclAutoInheritRequired System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemAclDefaulted System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemAclPresent System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemAclProtected System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyAccessRule: System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CryptoKeyRights System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyAccessRule = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyAuditRule: System.Security.AccessControl.AuditRule +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CryptoKeyRights System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyAuditRule = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyRights: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ChangePermissions System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Delete System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullControl System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GenericAll System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GenericExecute System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GenericRead System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GenericWrite System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReadAttributes System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReadData System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReadExtendedAttributes System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReadPermissions System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Synchronize System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TakeOwnership System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WriteAttributes System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WriteData System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WriteExtendedAttributes System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyRights = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyRights +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyRights:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeySecurity: System.Security.AccessControl.NativeObjectSecurity +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessRightType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessRuleType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AuditRuleType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeySecurity = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identityReference System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@param accessMask int +---@param isInherited bool +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param type System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@return AccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeySecurity.AccessRuleFactory(identityReference, accessMask, isInherited, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeySecurity.AddAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeySecurity.AddAuditRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identityReference System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@param accessMask int +---@param isInherited bool +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param flags System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +---@return AuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeySecurity.AuditRuleFactory(identityReference, accessMask, isInherited, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, flags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyAccessRule +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeySecurity.RemoveAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeySecurity.RemoveAccessRuleAll(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeySecurity.RemoveAccessRuleSpecific(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyAuditRule +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeySecurity.RemoveAuditRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeySecurity.RemoveAuditRuleAll(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeySecurity.RemoveAuditRuleSpecific(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeySecurity.ResetAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeySecurity.SetAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeyAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeySecurity.SetAuditRule(rule) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.CustomAce: System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxOpaqueLength int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BinaryLength int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OpaqueLength int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CustomAce = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param binaryForm byte[] +---@param offset int +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CustomAce.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CustomAce.GetOpaque() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param opaque byte[] +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.CustomAce.SetOpaque(opaque) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.DiscretionaryAcl: System.Security.AccessControl.CommonAcl +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.DiscretionaryAcl = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param accessType System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param accessMask int +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.DiscretionaryAcl.AddAccess(accessType, sid, accessMask, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param accessType System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param accessMask int +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param objectFlags System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAceFlags +---@param objectType System.Guid +---@param inheritedObjectType System.Guid +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.DiscretionaryAcl.AddAccess(accessType, sid, accessMask, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, objectFlags, objectType, inheritedObjectType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param accessType System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.DiscretionaryAcl.AddAccess(accessType, sid, rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param accessType System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param accessMask int +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.DiscretionaryAcl.RemoveAccess(accessType, sid, accessMask, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param accessType System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param accessMask int +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param objectFlags System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAceFlags +---@param objectType System.Guid +---@param inheritedObjectType System.Guid +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.DiscretionaryAcl.RemoveAccess(accessType, sid, accessMask, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, objectFlags, objectType, inheritedObjectType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param accessType System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAccessRule +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.DiscretionaryAcl.RemoveAccess(accessType, sid, rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param accessType System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param accessMask int +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.DiscretionaryAcl.RemoveAccessSpecific(accessType, sid, accessMask, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param accessType System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param accessMask int +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param objectFlags System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAceFlags +---@param objectType System.Guid +---@param inheritedObjectType System.Guid +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.DiscretionaryAcl.RemoveAccessSpecific(accessType, sid, accessMask, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, objectFlags, objectType, inheritedObjectType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param accessType System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.DiscretionaryAcl.RemoveAccessSpecific(accessType, sid, rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param accessType System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param accessMask int +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.DiscretionaryAcl.SetAccess(accessType, sid, accessMask, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param accessType System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param accessMask int +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param objectFlags System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAceFlags +---@param objectType System.Guid +---@param inheritedObjectType System.Guid +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.DiscretionaryAcl.SetAccess(accessType, sid, accessMask, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, objectFlags, objectType, inheritedObjectType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param accessType System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.DiscretionaryAcl.SetAccess(accessType, sid, rule) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.DirectoryObjectSecurity: System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.DirectoryObjectSecurity = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identityReference System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@param accessMask int +---@param isInherited bool +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param type System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@param objectType System.Guid +---@param inheritedObjectType System.Guid +---@return AccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.DirectoryObjectSecurity.AccessRuleFactory(identityReference, accessMask, isInherited, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, type, objectType, inheritedObjectType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identityReference System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@param accessMask int +---@param isInherited bool +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param flags System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +---@param objectType System.Guid +---@param inheritedObjectType System.Guid +---@return AuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.DirectoryObjectSecurity.AuditRuleFactory(identityReference, accessMask, isInherited, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, flags, objectType, inheritedObjectType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param includeExplicit bool +---@param includeInherited bool +---@param targetType System.Type +---@return AuthorizationRuleCollection +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.DirectoryObjectSecurity.GetAccessRules(includeExplicit, includeInherited, targetType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param includeExplicit bool +---@param includeInherited bool +---@param targetType System.Type +---@return AuthorizationRuleCollection +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.DirectoryObjectSecurity.GetAuditRules(includeExplicit, includeInherited, targetType) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleAccessRule: System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EventWaitHandleRights System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleAccessRule = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleAuditRule: System.Security.AccessControl.AuditRule +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EventWaitHandleRights System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleAuditRule = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity: System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemSecurity +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.DirectorySecurity = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleRights: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ChangePermissions System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Delete System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullControl System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Modify System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReadPermissions System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Synchronize System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TakeOwnership System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleRights = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleRights +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleRights:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule: System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FileSystemRights System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleSecurity: System.Security.AccessControl.NativeObjectSecurity +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessRightType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessRuleType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AuditRuleType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleSecurity = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identityReference System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@param accessMask int +---@param isInherited bool +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param type System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@return AccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleSecurity.AccessRuleFactory(identityReference, accessMask, isInherited, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleSecurity.AddAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleSecurity.AddAuditRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identityReference System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@param accessMask int +---@param isInherited bool +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param flags System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +---@return AuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleSecurity.AuditRuleFactory(identityReference, accessMask, isInherited, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, flags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleAccessRule +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleSecurity.RemoveAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleSecurity.RemoveAccessRuleAll(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleSecurity.RemoveAccessRuleSpecific(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleAuditRule +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleSecurity.RemoveAuditRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleSecurity.RemoveAuditRuleAll(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleSecurity.RemoveAuditRuleSpecific(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleSecurity.ResetAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleSecurity.SetAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleSecurity.SetAuditRule(rule) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAuditRule: System.Security.AccessControl.AuditRule +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FileSystemRights System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAuditRule = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity: System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemSecurity +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.FileSecurity = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.AceFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AceType System.Security.AccessControl.AceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AuditFlags System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BinaryLength int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsInherited bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PropagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return GenericAce +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param binaryForm byte[] +---@param offset int +---@return GenericAce +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce:CreateFromBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param binaryForm byte[] +---@param offset int +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce +---@param right System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce +---@param right System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AppendData System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ChangePermissions System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CreateDirectories System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CreateFiles System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Delete System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExecuteFile System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullControl System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ListDirectory System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Modify System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Read System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReadAndExecute System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReadAttributes System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReadData System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReadExtendedAttributes System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReadPermissions System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Synchronize System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TakeOwnership System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Traverse System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Write System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WriteAttributes System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WriteData System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WriteExtendedAttributes System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAcl: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AclRevision byte +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AclRevisionDS byte +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxBinaryLength int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BinaryLength int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Revision byte +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAcl = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAcl.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param binaryForm byte[] +---@param offset int +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAcl.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return AceEnumerator +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAcl.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemSecurity: System.Security.AccessControl.NativeObjectSecurity +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessRightType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessRuleType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AuditRuleType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemSecurity = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identityReference System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@param accessMask int +---@param isInherited bool +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param type System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@return AccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemSecurity.AccessRuleFactory(identityReference, accessMask, isInherited, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemSecurity.AddAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemSecurity.AddAuditRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identityReference System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@param accessMask int +---@param isInherited bool +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param flags System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +---@return AuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemSecurity.AuditRuleFactory(identityReference, accessMask, isInherited, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, flags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemSecurity.RemoveAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemSecurity.RemoveAccessRuleAll(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemSecurity.RemoveAccessRuleSpecific(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAuditRule +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemSecurity.RemoveAuditRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemSecurity.RemoveAuditRuleAll(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemSecurity.RemoveAuditRuleSpecific(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemSecurity.ResetAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemSecurity.SetAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemSecurity.SetAuditRule(rule) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.KnownAce: System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessMask int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SecurityIdentifier System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.KnownAce = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.GenericSecurityDescriptor: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BinaryLength int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ControlFlags System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Group System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Owner System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Revision byte +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.GenericSecurityDescriptor = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param binaryForm byte[] +---@param offset int +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.GenericSecurityDescriptor.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param includeSections System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.GenericSecurityDescriptor.GetSddlForm(includeSections) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.GenericSecurityDescriptor:IsSddlConversionSupported() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.MutexAccessRule: System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MutexRights System.Security.AccessControl.MutexRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.MutexAccessRule = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ContainerInherit System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ObjectInherit System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.MutexSecurity: System.Security.AccessControl.NativeObjectSecurity +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessRightType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessRuleType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AuditRuleType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.MutexSecurity = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identityReference System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@param accessMask int +---@param isInherited bool +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param type System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@return AccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.MutexSecurity.AccessRuleFactory(identityReference, accessMask, isInherited, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.MutexAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.MutexSecurity.AddAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.MutexAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.MutexSecurity.AddAuditRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identityReference System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@param accessMask int +---@param isInherited bool +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param flags System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +---@return AuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.MutexSecurity.AuditRuleFactory(identityReference, accessMask, isInherited, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, flags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.MutexAccessRule +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.MutexSecurity.RemoveAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.MutexAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.MutexSecurity.RemoveAccessRuleAll(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.MutexAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.MutexSecurity.RemoveAccessRuleSpecific(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.MutexAuditRule +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.MutexSecurity.RemoveAuditRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.MutexAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.MutexSecurity.RemoveAuditRuleAll(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.MutexAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.MutexSecurity.RemoveAuditRuleSpecific(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.MutexAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.MutexSecurity.ResetAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.MutexAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.MutexSecurity.SetAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.MutexAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.MutexSecurity.SetAuditRule(rule) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.MutexAuditRule: System.Security.AccessControl.AuditRule +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MutexRights System.Security.AccessControl.MutexRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.MutexAuditRule = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.NativeObjectSecurity: System.Security.AccessControl.CommonObjectSecurity +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.NativeObjectSecurity = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.MutexRights: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ChangePermissions System.Security.AccessControl.MutexRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Delete System.Security.AccessControl.MutexRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullControl System.Security.AccessControl.MutexRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Modify System.Security.AccessControl.MutexRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReadPermissions System.Security.AccessControl.MutexRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Synchronize System.Security.AccessControl.MutexRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TakeOwnership System.Security.AccessControl.MutexRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.MutexRights = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.AccessControl.MutexRights +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.MutexRights:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAceFlags: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InheritedObjectAceTypePresent System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAceFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAceFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ObjectAceTypePresent System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAceFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAceFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAceFlags +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAceFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAuditRule: System.Security.AccessControl.AuditRule +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InheritedObjectType System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ObjectFlags System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAceFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ObjectType System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAuditRule = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessRightType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessRuleType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AreAccessRulesCanonical bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AreAccessRulesProtected bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AreAuditRulesCanonical bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AreAuditRulesProtected bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AuditRuleType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identityReference System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@param accessMask int +---@param isInherited bool +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param type System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@return AccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.AccessRuleFactory(identityReference, accessMask, isInherited, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identityReference System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@param accessMask int +---@param isInherited bool +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param flags System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +---@return AuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.AuditRuleFactory(identityReference, accessMask, isInherited, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, flags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param targetType System.Type +---@return IdentityReference +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.GetGroup(targetType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param targetType System.Type +---@return IdentityReference +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.GetOwner(targetType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.GetSecurityDescriptorBinaryForm() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param includeSections System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.GetSecurityDescriptorSddlForm(includeSections) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity:IsSddlConversionSupported() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param modification System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlModification +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule +---@param modified bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.ModifyAccessRule(modification, rule, modified) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param modification System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlModification +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.AuditRule +---@param modified bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.ModifyAuditRule(modification, rule, modified) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identity System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.PurgeAccessRules(identity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identity System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.PurgeAuditRules(identity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param isProtected bool +---@param preserveInheritance bool +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.SetAccessRuleProtection(isProtected, preserveInheritance) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param isProtected bool +---@param preserveInheritance bool +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.SetAuditRuleProtection(isProtected, preserveInheritance) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identity System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.SetGroup(identity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identity System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.SetOwner(identity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param binaryForm byte[] +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.SetSecurityDescriptorBinaryForm(binaryForm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param binaryForm byte[] +---@param includeSections System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.SetSecurityDescriptorBinaryForm(binaryForm, includeSections) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sddlForm string +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.SetSecurityDescriptorSddlForm(sddlForm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sddlForm string +---@param includeSections System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlSections +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.SetSecurityDescriptorSddlForm(sddlForm, includeSections) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.PrivilegeNotHeldException: System.UnauthorizedAccessException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PrivilegeName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.PrivilegeNotHeldException = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.PrivilegeNotHeldException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity: System.Security.AccessControl.NativeObjectSecurity +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessRightType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessRuleType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AuditRuleType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identityReference System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@param accessMask int +---@param isInherited bool +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param type System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@return AccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.AccessRuleFactory(identityReference, accessMask, isInherited, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.AddAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.AuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.AddAuditRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identityReference System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@param accessMask int +---@param isInherited bool +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param flags System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +---@return AuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.AuditRuleFactory(identityReference, accessMask, isInherited, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, flags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.RemoveAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.RemoveAccessRuleAll(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.RemoveAccessRuleSpecific(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.AuditRule +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.RemoveAuditRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.AuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.RemoveAuditRuleAll(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.AuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.RemoveAuditRuleSpecific(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.ResetAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.SetAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.AuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity.SetAuditRule(rule) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InheritOnly System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoPropagateInherit System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.QualifiedAce: System.Security.AccessControl.KnownAce +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AceQualifier System.Security.AccessControl.AceQualifier +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsCallback bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OpaqueLength int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.QualifiedAce = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.QualifiedAce.GetOpaque() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param opaque byte[] +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.QualifiedAce.SetOpaque(opaque) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.RawAcl: System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAcl +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BinaryLength int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Revision byte +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RawAcl = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param binaryForm byte[] +---@param offset int +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RawAcl.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param ace System.Security.AccessControl.GenericAce +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RawAcl.InsertAce(index, ace) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RawAcl.RemoveAce(index) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAccessRule: System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InheritedObjectType System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ObjectFlags System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAceFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ObjectType System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAccessRule = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAce: System.Security.AccessControl.QualifiedAce +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BinaryLength int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InheritedObjectAceType System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ObjectAceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAceFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ObjectAceType System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAce = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param binaryForm byte[] +---@param offset int +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAce.GetBinaryForm(binaryForm, offset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param isCallback bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAce:MaxOpaqueLength(isCallback) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.RawSecurityDescriptor: System.Security.AccessControl.GenericSecurityDescriptor +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ControlFlags System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DiscretionaryAcl System.Security.AccessControl.RawAcl +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Group System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Owner System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ResourceManagerControl byte +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemAcl System.Security.AccessControl.RawAcl +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RawSecurityDescriptor = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param flags System.Security.AccessControl.ControlFlags +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RawSecurityDescriptor.SetFlags(flags) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule: System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RegistryRights System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAuditRule: System.Security.AccessControl.AuditRule +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RegistryRights System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAuditRule = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ChangePermissions System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CreateLink System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CreateSubKey System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Delete System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EnumerateSubKeys System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExecuteKey System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullControl System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Notify System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field QueryValues System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReadKey System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReadPermissions System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SetValue System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TakeOwnership System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WriteKey System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryRights:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.RegistrySecurity: System.Security.AccessControl.NativeObjectSecurity +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessRightType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessRuleType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AuditRuleType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RegistrySecurity = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identityReference System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@param accessMask int +---@param isInherited bool +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param type System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@return AccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RegistrySecurity.AccessRuleFactory(identityReference, accessMask, isInherited, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RegistrySecurity.AddAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RegistrySecurity.AddAuditRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identityReference System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@param accessMask int +---@param isInherited bool +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param flags System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +---@return AuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RegistrySecurity.AuditRuleFactory(identityReference, accessMask, isInherited, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, flags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RegistrySecurity.RemoveAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RegistrySecurity.RemoveAccessRuleAll(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RegistrySecurity.RemoveAccessRuleSpecific(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAuditRule +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RegistrySecurity.RemoveAuditRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RegistrySecurity.RemoveAuditRuleAll(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RegistrySecurity.RemoveAuditRuleSpecific(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RegistrySecurity.ResetAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RegistrySecurity.SetAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.RegistryAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.RegistrySecurity.SetAuditRule(rule) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.ResourceType: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DSObject System.Security.AccessControl.ResourceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DSObjectAll System.Security.AccessControl.ResourceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FileObject System.Security.AccessControl.ResourceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KernelObject System.Security.AccessControl.ResourceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LMShare System.Security.AccessControl.ResourceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Printer System.Security.AccessControl.ResourceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ProviderDefined System.Security.AccessControl.ResourceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RegistryKey System.Security.AccessControl.ResourceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RegistryWow6432Key System.Security.AccessControl.ResourceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Service System.Security.AccessControl.ResourceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Unknown System.Security.AccessControl.ResourceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WindowObject System.Security.AccessControl.ResourceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WmiGuidObject System.Security.AccessControl.ResourceType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ResourceType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.AccessControl.ResourceType +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.ResourceType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.SecurityInfos: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DiscretionaryAcl System.Security.AccessControl.SecurityInfos +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Group System.Security.AccessControl.SecurityInfos +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Owner System.Security.AccessControl.SecurityInfos +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemAcl System.Security.AccessControl.SecurityInfos +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SecurityInfos = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.AccessControl.SecurityInfos +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SecurityInfos:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.SystemAcl: System.Security.AccessControl.CommonAcl +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SystemAcl = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param auditFlags System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param accessMask int +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SystemAcl.AddAudit(auditFlags, sid, accessMask, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param auditFlags System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param accessMask int +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param objectFlags System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAceFlags +---@param objectType System.Guid +---@param inheritedObjectType System.Guid +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SystemAcl.AddAudit(auditFlags, sid, accessMask, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, objectFlags, objectType, inheritedObjectType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SystemAcl.AddAudit(sid, rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param auditFlags System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param accessMask int +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SystemAcl.RemoveAudit(auditFlags, sid, accessMask, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param auditFlags System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param accessMask int +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param objectFlags System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAceFlags +---@param objectType System.Guid +---@param inheritedObjectType System.Guid +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SystemAcl.RemoveAudit(auditFlags, sid, accessMask, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, objectFlags, objectType, inheritedObjectType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAuditRule +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SystemAcl.RemoveAudit(sid, rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param auditFlags System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param accessMask int +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SystemAcl.RemoveAuditSpecific(auditFlags, sid, accessMask, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param auditFlags System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param accessMask int +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param objectFlags System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAceFlags +---@param objectType System.Guid +---@param inheritedObjectType System.Guid +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SystemAcl.RemoveAuditSpecific(auditFlags, sid, accessMask, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, objectFlags, objectType, inheritedObjectType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SystemAcl.RemoveAuditSpecific(sid, rule) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param auditFlags System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param accessMask int +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SystemAcl.SetAudit(auditFlags, sid, accessMask, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param auditFlags System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param accessMask int +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param objectFlags System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAceFlags +---@param objectType System.Guid +---@param inheritedObjectType System.Guid +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SystemAcl.SetAudit(auditFlags, sid, accessMask, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, objectFlags, objectType, inheritedObjectType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SystemAcl.SetAudit(sid, rule) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreAccessRule: System.Security.AccessControl.AccessRule +---@source System.dll +---@field SemaphoreRights System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreRights +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreAccessRule = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreAuditRule: System.Security.AccessControl.AuditRule +---@source System.dll +---@field SemaphoreRights System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreRights +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreAuditRule = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreRights: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field ChangePermissions System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreRights +---@source System.dll +---@field Delete System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreRights +---@source System.dll +---@field FullControl System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreRights +---@source System.dll +---@field Modify System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreRights +---@source System.dll +---@field ReadPermissions System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreRights +---@source System.dll +---@field Synchronize System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreRights +---@source System.dll +---@field TakeOwnership System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreRights +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreRights = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreRights +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreRights:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreSecurity: System.Security.AccessControl.NativeObjectSecurity +---@source System.dll +---@field AccessRightType System.Type +---@source System.dll +---@field AccessRuleType System.Type +---@source System.dll +---@field AuditRuleType System.Type +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreSecurity = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param identityReference System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@param accessMask int +---@param isInherited bool +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param type System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType +---@return AccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreSecurity.AccessRuleFactory(identityReference, accessMask, isInherited, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, type) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreSecurity.AddAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreSecurity.AddAuditRule(rule) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param identityReference System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@param accessMask int +---@param isInherited bool +---@param inheritanceFlags System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags +---@param propagationFlags System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags +---@param flags System.Security.AccessControl.AuditFlags +---@return AuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreSecurity.AuditRuleFactory(identityReference, accessMask, isInherited, inheritanceFlags, propagationFlags, flags) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreAccessRule +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreSecurity.RemoveAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreSecurity.RemoveAccessRuleAll(rule) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreSecurity.RemoveAccessRuleSpecific(rule) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreAuditRule +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreSecurity.RemoveAuditRule(rule) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreSecurity.RemoveAuditRuleAll(rule) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreSecurity.RemoveAuditRuleSpecific(rule) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreSecurity.ResetAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreAccessRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreSecurity.SetAccessRule(rule) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param rule System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreAuditRule +function CS.System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreSecurity.SetAuditRule(rule) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.Configuration.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.Configuration.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e8b22f1d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.Configuration.lua @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.Configuration.ExtendedProtectionPolicyElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field CustomServiceNames System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.Configuration.ServiceNameElementCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field PolicyEnforcement System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.PolicyEnforcement +---@source System.dll +---@field ProtectionScenario System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ProtectionScenario +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.Configuration.ExtendedProtectionPolicyElement = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return ExtendedProtectionPolicy +function CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.Configuration.ExtendedProtectionPolicyElement.BuildPolicy() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.Configuration.ServiceNameElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.Configuration.ServiceNameElement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.Configuration.ServiceNameElementCollection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.Configuration.ServiceNameElement +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.Configuration.ServiceNameElement +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.Configuration.ServiceNameElementCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param element System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.Configuration.ServiceNameElement +function CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.Configuration.ServiceNameElementCollection.Add(element) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.Configuration.ServiceNameElementCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param element System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.Configuration.ServiceNameElement +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.Configuration.ServiceNameElementCollection.IndexOf(element) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param element System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.Configuration.ServiceNameElement +function CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.Configuration.ServiceNameElementCollection.Remove(element) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.Configuration.ServiceNameElementCollection.Remove(name) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.Configuration.ServiceNameElementCollection.RemoveAt(index) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d8870f81b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.lua @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ChannelBinding: Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid +---@source System.dll +---@field Size int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ChannelBinding = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ChannelBindingKind: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Endpoint System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ChannelBindingKind +---@source System.dll +---@field Unique System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ChannelBindingKind +---@source System.dll +---@field Unknown System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ChannelBindingKind +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ChannelBindingKind = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ChannelBindingKind +function CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ChannelBindingKind:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ExtendedProtectionPolicy: object +---@source System.dll +---@field CustomChannelBinding System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ChannelBinding +---@source System.dll +---@field CustomServiceNames System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ServiceNameCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field OSSupportsExtendedProtection bool +---@source System.dll +---@field PolicyEnforcement System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.PolicyEnforcement +---@source System.dll +---@field ProtectionScenario System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ProtectionScenario +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ExtendedProtectionPolicy = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ExtendedProtectionPolicy.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ExtendedProtectionPolicyTypeConverter: System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ExtendedProtectionPolicyTypeConverter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ExtendedProtectionPolicyTypeConverter.CanConvertTo(context, destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ExtendedProtectionPolicyTypeConverter.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.PolicyEnforcement: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Always System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.PolicyEnforcement +---@source System.dll +---@field Never System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.PolicyEnforcement +---@source System.dll +---@field WhenSupported System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.PolicyEnforcement +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.PolicyEnforcement = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.PolicyEnforcement +function CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.PolicyEnforcement:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ProtectionScenario: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field TransportSelected System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ProtectionScenario +---@source System.dll +---@field TrustedProxy System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ProtectionScenario +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ProtectionScenario = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ProtectionScenario +function CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ProtectionScenario:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ServiceNameCollection: System.Collections.ReadOnlyCollectionBase +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ServiceNameCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param searchServiceName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ServiceNameCollection.Contains(searchServiceName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param serviceNames System.Collections.IEnumerable +---@return ServiceNameCollection +function CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ServiceNameCollection.Merge(serviceNames) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param serviceName string +---@return ServiceNameCollection +function CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.ServiceNameCollection.Merge(serviceName) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.TokenBinding: object +---@source System.dll +---@field BindingType System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.TokenBindingType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.TokenBinding = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.TokenBinding.GetRawTokenBindingId() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.TokenBindingType: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Provided System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.TokenBindingType +---@source System.dll +---@field Referred System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.TokenBindingType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.TokenBindingType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.TokenBindingType +function CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExtendedProtection.TokenBindingType:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Authentication.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Authentication.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1abb5d500 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Authentication.lua @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException: System.SystemException +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Authentication.CipherAlgorithmType: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Aes System.Security.Authentication.CipherAlgorithmType +---@source System.dll +---@field Aes128 System.Security.Authentication.CipherAlgorithmType +---@source System.dll +---@field Aes192 System.Security.Authentication.CipherAlgorithmType +---@source System.dll +---@field Aes256 System.Security.Authentication.CipherAlgorithmType +---@source System.dll +---@field Des System.Security.Authentication.CipherAlgorithmType +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Security.Authentication.CipherAlgorithmType +---@source System.dll +---@field Null System.Security.Authentication.CipherAlgorithmType +---@source System.dll +---@field Rc2 System.Security.Authentication.CipherAlgorithmType +---@source System.dll +---@field Rc4 System.Security.Authentication.CipherAlgorithmType +---@source System.dll +---@field TripleDes System.Security.Authentication.CipherAlgorithmType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Authentication.CipherAlgorithmType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Authentication.CipherAlgorithmType +function CS.System.Security.Authentication.CipherAlgorithmType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Authentication.ExchangeAlgorithmType: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field DiffieHellman System.Security.Authentication.ExchangeAlgorithmType +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Security.Authentication.ExchangeAlgorithmType +---@source System.dll +---@field RsaKeyX System.Security.Authentication.ExchangeAlgorithmType +---@source System.dll +---@field RsaSign System.Security.Authentication.ExchangeAlgorithmType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExchangeAlgorithmType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Authentication.ExchangeAlgorithmType +function CS.System.Security.Authentication.ExchangeAlgorithmType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Authentication.InvalidCredentialException: System.Security.Authentication.AuthenticationException +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Authentication.InvalidCredentialException = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols +---@source System.dll +---@field Ssl2 System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols +---@source System.dll +---@field Ssl3 System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols +---@source System.dll +---@field Tls System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols +---@source System.dll +---@field Tls11 System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols +---@source System.dll +---@field Tls12 System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols +function CS.System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Claims.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Claims.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7a1dd7392 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Claims.lua @@ -0,0 +1,378 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Claims.Claim: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Issuer string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OriginalIssuer string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Properties System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Subject System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Type string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ValueType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Claims.Claim = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Claim +function CS.System.Security.Claims.Claim.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identity System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity +---@return Claim +function CS.System.Security.Claims.Claim.Clone(identity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Claims.Claim.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param writer System.IO.BinaryWriter +function CS.System.Security.Claims.Claim.WriteTo(writer) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DefaultIssuer string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DefaultNameClaimType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DefaultRoleClaimType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Actor System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AuthenticationType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BootstrapContext object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Claims System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAuthenticated bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Label string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NameClaimType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RoleClaimType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param claim System.Security.Claims.Claim +function CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity.AddClaim(claim) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param claims System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity.AddClaims(claims) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ClaimsIdentity +function CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity.FindAll(match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type string +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity.FindAll(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return Claim +function CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity.FindFirst(match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type string +---@return Claim +function CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity.FindFirst(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity.HasClaim(match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type string +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity.HasClaim(type, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param claim System.Security.Claims.Claim +function CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity.RemoveClaim(claim) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param claim System.Security.Claims.Claim +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity.TryRemoveClaim(claim) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param writer System.IO.BinaryWriter +function CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity.WriteTo(writer) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Claims System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ClaimsPrincipalSelector System.Func +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Current System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Identities System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Identity System.Security.Principal.IIdentity +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PrimaryIdentitySelector System.Func, System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity> +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identities System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal.AddIdentities(identities) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identity System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity +function CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal.AddIdentity(identity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ClaimsPrincipal +function CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal.FindAll(match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type string +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal.FindAll(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return Claim +function CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal.FindFirst(match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type string +---@return Claim +function CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal.FindFirst(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal.HasClaim(match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type string +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal.HasClaim(type, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param role string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal.IsInRole(role) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param writer System.IO.BinaryWriter +function CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal.WriteTo(writer) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Claims.ClaimTypes: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Actor string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Anonymous string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Authentication string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AuthenticationInstant string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AuthenticationMethod string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AuthorizationDecision string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CookiePath string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Country string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DateOfBirth string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DenyOnlyPrimaryGroupSid string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DenyOnlyPrimarySid string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DenyOnlySid string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DenyOnlyWindowsDeviceGroup string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Dns string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Dsa string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Email string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Expiration string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Expired string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Gender string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GivenName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GroupSid string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Hash string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HomePhone string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsPersistent string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Locality string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MobilePhone string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NameIdentifier string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OtherPhone string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PostalCode string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PrimaryGroupSid string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PrimarySid string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Role string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Rsa string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SerialNumber string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Sid string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Spn string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StateOrProvince string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StreetAddress string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Surname string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field System string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Thumbprint string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Upn string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Uri string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UserData string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Version string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Webpage string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WindowsAccountName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WindowsDeviceClaim string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WindowsDeviceGroup string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WindowsFqbnVersion string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WindowsSubAuthority string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WindowsUserClaim string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field X500DistinguishedName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimTypes = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Claims.ClaimValueTypes: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Base64Binary string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Base64Octet string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Boolean string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Date string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DateTime string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DaytimeDuration string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DnsName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Double string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DsaKeyValue string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Email string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Fqbn string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HexBinary string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Integer string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Integer32 string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Integer64 string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeyInfo string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Rfc822Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Rsa string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RsaKeyValue string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Sid string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field String string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Time string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UInteger32 string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UInteger64 string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UpnName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field X500Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field YearMonthDuration string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Claims.ClaimValueTypes = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Claims.DynamicRoleClaimProvider: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Claims.DynamicRoleClaimProvider = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param claimsIdentity System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity +---@param claims System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.Security.Claims.DynamicRoleClaimProvider:AddDynamicRoleClaims(claimsIdentity, claims) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..340708ed4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1235 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Handle System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Issuer string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Subject string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param filename string +---@return X509Certificate +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate:CreateFromCertFile(filename) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param filename string +---@return X509Certificate +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate:CreateFromSignedFile(filename) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param contentType System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.Export(contentType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param contentType System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType +---@param password System.Security.SecureString +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.Export(contentType, password) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param contentType System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType +---@param password string +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.Export(contentType, password) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.GetCertHash() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.GetCertHashString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.GetEffectiveDateString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.GetExpirationDateString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.GetFormat() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.GetIssuerName() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.GetKeyAlgorithm() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.GetKeyAlgorithmParameters() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.GetKeyAlgorithmParametersString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.GetName() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.GetPublicKey() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.GetPublicKeyString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.GetRawCertData() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.GetRawCertDataString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.GetSerialNumber() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.GetSerialNumberString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rawData byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.Import(rawData) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rawData byte[] +---@param password System.Security.SecureString +---@param keyStorageFlags System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.Import(rawData, password, keyStorageFlags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rawData byte[] +---@param password string +---@param keyStorageFlags System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.Import(rawData, password, keyStorageFlags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.Import(fileName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param password System.Security.SecureString +---@param keyStorageFlags System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.Import(fileName, password, keyStorageFlags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param password string +---@param keyStorageFlags System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.Import(fileName, password, keyStorageFlags) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.Reset() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fVerbose bool +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate.ToString(fVerbose) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Authenticode System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Cert System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Pfx System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Pkcs12 System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Pkcs7 System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SerializedCert System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SerializedStore System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Unknown System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DefaultKeySet System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Exportable System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MachineKeySet System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PersistKeySet System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UserKeySet System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UserProtected System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.AuthenticodeSignatureInformation: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Description string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field DescriptionUrl System.Uri +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field HashAlgorithm string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field HResult int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SignatureChain System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SigningCertificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Timestamp System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.TimestampInformation +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field TrustStatus System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.TrustStatus +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field VerificationResult System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.AuthenticodeSignatureInformation = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.DSACertificateExtensions: object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.DSACertificateExtensions = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return DSA +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.DSACertificateExtensions.GetDSAPrivateKey() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return DSA +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.DSACertificateExtensions.GetDSAPublicKey() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.ECDsaCertificateExtensions: object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.ECDsaCertificateExtensions = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ECDsa +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.ECDsaCertificateExtensions.GetECDsaPrivateKey() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ECDsa +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.ECDsaCertificateExtensions.GetECDsaPublicKey() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.RSACertificateExtensions: object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.RSACertificateExtensions = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return RSA +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.RSACertificateExtensions.GetRSAPrivateKey() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return RSA +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.RSACertificateExtensions.GetRSAPublicKey() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.TimestampInformation: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field HashAlgorithm string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field HResult int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsValid bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SignatureChain System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SigningCertificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Timestamp System.DateTime +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field VerificationResult System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.TimestampInformation = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.TrustStatus: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field KnownIdentity System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.TrustStatus +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Trusted System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.TrustStatus +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field UnknownIdentity System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.TrustStatus +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Untrusted System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.TrustStatus +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.TrustStatus = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.TrustStatus +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.TrustStatus:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.OpenFlags: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field IncludeArchived System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.OpenFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field MaxAllowed System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.OpenFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field OpenExistingOnly System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.OpenFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field ReadOnly System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.OpenFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field ReadWrite System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.OpenFlags +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.OpenFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.OpenFlags +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.OpenFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.PublicKey: object +---@source System.dll +---@field EncodedKeyValue System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedData +---@source System.dll +---@field EncodedParameters System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedData +---@source System.dll +---@field Key System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm +---@source System.dll +---@field Oid System.Security.Cryptography.Oid +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.PublicKey = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field AddressBook System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName +---@source System.dll +---@field AuthRoot System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName +---@source System.dll +---@field CertificateAuthority System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName +---@source System.dll +---@field Disallowed System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName +---@source System.dll +---@field My System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName +---@source System.dll +---@field Root System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName +---@source System.dll +---@field TrustedPeople System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName +---@source System.dll +---@field TrustedPublisher System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreName:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreLocation: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field CurrentUser System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreLocation +---@source System.dll +---@field LocalMachine System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreLocation +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreLocation = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreLocation +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreLocation:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedName: System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedData +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedName = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param flag System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedNameFlags +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedName.Decode(flag) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param multiLine bool +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedName.Format(multiLine) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedNameFlags: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field DoNotUsePlusSign System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedNameFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field DoNotUseQuotes System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedNameFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field ForceUTF8Encoding System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedNameFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedNameFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field Reversed System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedNameFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field UseCommas System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedNameFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field UseNewLines System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedNameFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field UseSemicolons System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedNameFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field UseT61Encoding System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedNameFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field UseUTF8Encoding System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedNameFlags +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedNameFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedNameFlags +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedNameFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509BasicConstraintsExtension: System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Extension +---@source System.dll +---@field CertificateAuthority bool +---@source System.dll +---@field HasPathLengthConstraint bool +---@source System.dll +---@field PathLengthConstraint int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509BasicConstraintsExtension = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param asnEncodedData System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedData +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509BasicConstraintsExtension.CopyFrom(asnEncodedData) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2: System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@source System.dll +---@field Archived bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Extensions System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ExtensionCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field FriendlyName string +---@source System.dll +---@field HasPrivateKey bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IssuerName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedName +---@source System.dll +---@field NotAfter System.DateTime +---@source System.dll +---@field NotBefore System.DateTime +---@source System.dll +---@field PrivateKey System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm +---@source System.dll +---@field PublicKey System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.PublicKey +---@source System.dll +---@field RawData byte[] +---@source System.dll +---@field SerialNumber string +---@source System.dll +---@field SignatureAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.Oid +---@source System.dll +---@field SubjectName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X500DistinguishedName +---@source System.dll +---@field Thumbprint string +---@source System.dll +---@field Version int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param rawData byte[] +---@return X509ContentType +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2:GetCertContentType(rawData) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param fileName string +---@return X509ContentType +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2:GetCertContentType(fileName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param nameType System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509NameType +---@param forIssuer bool +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2.GetNameInfo(nameType, forIssuer) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param rawData byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2.Import(rawData) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param rawData byte[] +---@param password System.Security.SecureString +---@param keyStorageFlags System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2.Import(rawData, password, keyStorageFlags) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param rawData byte[] +---@param password string +---@param keyStorageFlags System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2.Import(rawData, password, keyStorageFlags) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2.Import(fileName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param password System.Security.SecureString +---@param keyStorageFlags System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2.Import(fileName, password, keyStorageFlags) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param password string +---@param keyStorageFlags System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2.Import(fileName, password, keyStorageFlags) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2.Reset() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2.ToString() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param verbose bool +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2.ToString(verbose) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2.Verify() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection: System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param certificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection.Add(certificate) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param certificates System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection.AddRange(certificates) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param certificates System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection.AddRange(certificates) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param certificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection.Contains(certificate) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param contentType System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection.Export(contentType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param contentType System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ContentType +---@param password string +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection.Export(contentType, password) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param findType System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType +---@param findValue object +---@param validOnly bool +---@return X509Certificate2Collection +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection.Find(findType, findValue, validOnly) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return X509Certificate2Enumerator +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param rawData byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection.Import(rawData) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param rawData byte[] +---@param password string +---@param keyStorageFlags System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection.Import(rawData, password, keyStorageFlags) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection.Import(fileName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param password string +---@param keyStorageFlags System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyStorageFlags +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection.Import(fileName, password, keyStorageFlags) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param certificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection.Insert(index, certificate) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param certificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection.Remove(certificate) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param certificates System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection.RemoveRange(certificates) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param certificates System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection.RemoveRange(certificates) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Enumerator: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Current System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Enumerator = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Enumerator.MoveNext() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Enumerator.Reset() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection.Add(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection.AddRange(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection.Contains(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return X509CertificateEnumerator +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param index int +---@param value System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateCollection.Remove(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain: object +---@source System.dll +---@field ChainContext System.IntPtr +---@source System.dll +---@field ChainElements System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainElementCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field ChainPolicy System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainPolicy +---@source System.dll +---@field ChainStatus System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatus[] +---@source System.dll +---@field SafeHandle Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeX509ChainHandle +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param certificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain.Build(certificate) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return X509Chain +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain:Create() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain.Reset() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainElement: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Certificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 +---@source System.dll +---@field ChainElementStatus System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatus[] +---@source System.dll +---@field Information string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainElement = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainElementCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainElement +---@source System.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainElementCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainElement[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainElementCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return X509ChainElementEnumerator +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainElementCollection.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainElementEnumerator: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Current System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainElement +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainElementEnumerator = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainElementEnumerator.MoveNext() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainElementEnumerator.Reset() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainPolicy: object +---@source System.dll +---@field ApplicationPolicy System.Security.Cryptography.OidCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field CertificatePolicy System.Security.Cryptography.OidCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field ExtraStore System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection +---@source System.dll +---@field RevocationFlag System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509RevocationFlag +---@source System.dll +---@field RevocationMode System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509RevocationMode +---@source System.dll +---@field UrlRetrievalTimeout System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field VerificationFlags System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509VerificationFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field VerificationTime System.DateTime +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainPolicy = {} + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainPolicy.Reset() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatus: System.ValueType +---@source System.dll +---@field Status System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field StatusInformation string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatus = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field CtlNotSignatureValid System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field CtlNotTimeValid System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field CtlNotValidForUsage System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field Cyclic System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field ExplicitDistrust System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field HasExcludedNameConstraint System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field HasNotDefinedNameConstraint System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field HasNotPermittedNameConstraint System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field HasNotSupportedCriticalExtension System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field HasNotSupportedNameConstraint System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field HasWeakSignature System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field InvalidBasicConstraints System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field InvalidExtension System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field InvalidNameConstraints System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field InvalidPolicyConstraints System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field NoError System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field NoIssuanceChainPolicy System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field NotSignatureValid System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field NotTimeNested System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field NotTimeValid System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field NotValidForUsage System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field OfflineRevocation System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field PartialChain System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field RevocationStatusUnknown System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field Revoked System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field UntrustedRoot System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509EnhancedKeyUsageExtension: System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Extension +---@source System.dll +---@field EnhancedKeyUsages System.Security.Cryptography.OidCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509EnhancedKeyUsageExtension = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param asnEncodedData System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedData +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509EnhancedKeyUsageExtension.CopyFrom(asnEncodedData) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Extension: System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedData +---@source System.dll +---@field Critical bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Extension = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param asnEncodedData System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedData +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Extension.CopyFrom(asnEncodedData) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ExtensionCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Extension +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Extension +---@source System.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ExtensionCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param extension System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Extension +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ExtensionCollection.Add(extension) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Extension[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ExtensionCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return X509ExtensionEnumerator +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ExtensionCollection.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateEnumerator: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Current System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateEnumerator = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateEnumerator.MoveNext() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509CertificateEnumerator.Reset() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ExtensionEnumerator: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Current System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Extension +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ExtensionEnumerator = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ExtensionEnumerator.MoveNext() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ExtensionEnumerator.Reset() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field FindByApplicationPolicy System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType +---@source System.dll +---@field FindByCertificatePolicy System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType +---@source System.dll +---@field FindByExtension System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType +---@source System.dll +---@field FindByIssuerDistinguishedName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType +---@source System.dll +---@field FindByIssuerName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType +---@source System.dll +---@field FindByKeyUsage System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType +---@source System.dll +---@field FindBySerialNumber System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType +---@source System.dll +---@field FindBySubjectDistinguishedName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType +---@source System.dll +---@field FindBySubjectKeyIdentifier System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType +---@source System.dll +---@field FindBySubjectName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType +---@source System.dll +---@field FindByTemplateName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType +---@source System.dll +---@field FindByThumbprint System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType +---@source System.dll +---@field FindByTimeExpired System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType +---@source System.dll +---@field FindByTimeNotYetValid System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType +---@source System.dll +---@field FindByTimeValid System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509FindType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509IncludeOption: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field EndCertOnly System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509IncludeOption +---@source System.dll +---@field ExcludeRoot System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509IncludeOption +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509IncludeOption +---@source System.dll +---@field WholeChain System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509IncludeOption +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509IncludeOption = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509IncludeOption +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509IncludeOption:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageExtension: System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Extension +---@source System.dll +---@field KeyUsages System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageFlags +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageExtension = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param asnEncodedData System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedData +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageExtension.CopyFrom(asnEncodedData) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageFlags: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field CrlSign System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field DataEncipherment System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field DecipherOnly System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field DigitalSignature System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field EncipherOnly System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field KeyAgreement System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field KeyCertSign System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field KeyEncipherment System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field NonRepudiation System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageFlags +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageFlags +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509RevocationFlag: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field EndCertificateOnly System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509RevocationFlag +---@source System.dll +---@field EntireChain System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509RevocationFlag +---@source System.dll +---@field ExcludeRoot System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509RevocationFlag +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509RevocationFlag = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509RevocationFlag +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509RevocationFlag:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509NameType: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field DnsFromAlternativeName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509NameType +---@source System.dll +---@field DnsName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509NameType +---@source System.dll +---@field EmailName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509NameType +---@source System.dll +---@field SimpleName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509NameType +---@source System.dll +---@field UpnName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509NameType +---@source System.dll +---@field UrlName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509NameType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509NameType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509NameType +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509NameType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509RevocationMode: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field NoCheck System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509RevocationMode +---@source System.dll +---@field Offline System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509RevocationMode +---@source System.dll +---@field Online System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509RevocationMode +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509RevocationMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509RevocationMode +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509RevocationMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Certificates System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection +---@source System.dll +---@field Location System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.StoreLocation +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +---@field StoreHandle System.IntPtr +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param certificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store.Add(certificate) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param certificates System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store.AddRange(certificates) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store.Close() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param flags System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.OpenFlags +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store.Open(flags) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param certificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store.Remove(certificate) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param certificates System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2Collection +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Store.RemoveRange(certificates) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension: System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Extension +---@source System.dll +---@field SubjectKeyIdentifier string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param asnEncodedData System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedData +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension.CopyFrom(asnEncodedData) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509VerificationFlags: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field AllFlags System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509VerificationFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field AllowUnknownCertificateAuthority System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509VerificationFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field IgnoreCertificateAuthorityRevocationUnknown System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509VerificationFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field IgnoreCtlNotTimeValid System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509VerificationFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field IgnoreCtlSignerRevocationUnknown System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509VerificationFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field IgnoreEndRevocationUnknown System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509VerificationFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field IgnoreInvalidBasicConstraints System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509VerificationFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field IgnoreInvalidName System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509VerificationFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field IgnoreInvalidPolicy System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509VerificationFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field IgnoreNotTimeNested System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509VerificationFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field IgnoreNotTimeValid System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509VerificationFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field IgnoreRootRevocationUnknown System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509VerificationFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field IgnoreWrongUsage System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509VerificationFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field NoFlag System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509VerificationFlags +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509VerificationFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509VerificationFlags +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509VerificationFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509SubjectKeyIdentifierHashAlgorithm: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field CapiSha1 System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509SubjectKeyIdentifierHashAlgorithm +---@source System.dll +---@field Sha1 System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509SubjectKeyIdentifierHashAlgorithm +---@source System.dll +---@field ShortSha1 System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509SubjectKeyIdentifierHashAlgorithm +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509SubjectKeyIdentifierHashAlgorithm = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509SubjectKeyIdentifierHashAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509SubjectKeyIdentifierHashAlgorithm:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Cryptography.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Cryptography.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..94eb161cf --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Cryptography.lua @@ -0,0 +1,3923 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.Aes: System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.Aes = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Aes +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.Aes:Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param algorithmName string +---@return Aes +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.Aes:Create(algorithmName) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeyExchangeAlgorithm string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeySize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LegalKeySizes System.Security.Cryptography.KeySizes[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SignatureAlgorithm string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return AsymmetricAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm:Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param algName string +---@return AsymmetricAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm:Create(algName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param xmlString string +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm.FromXmlString(xmlString) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param includePrivateParameters bool +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm.ToXmlString(includePrivateParameters) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricKeyExchangeDeformatter: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Parameters string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricKeyExchangeDeformatter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgb byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricKeyExchangeDeformatter.DecryptKeyExchange(rgb) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricKeyExchangeDeformatter.SetKey(key) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricKeyExchangeFormatter: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Parameters string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricKeyExchangeFormatter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricKeyExchangeFormatter.CreateKeyExchange(data) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param symAlgType System.Type +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricKeyExchangeFormatter.CreateKeyExchange(data, symAlgType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricKeyExchangeFormatter.SetKey(key) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricSignatureDeformatter: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricSignatureDeformatter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param strName string +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricSignatureDeformatter.SetHashAlgorithm(strName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricSignatureDeformatter.SetKey(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbHash byte[] +---@param rgbSignature byte[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricSignatureDeformatter.VerifySignature(rgbHash, rgbSignature) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param hash System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm +---@param rgbSignature byte[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricSignatureDeformatter.VerifySignature(hash, rgbSignature) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricSignatureFormatter: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricSignatureFormatter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbHash byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricSignatureFormatter.CreateSignature(rgbHash) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param hash System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricSignatureFormatter.CreateSignature(hash) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param strName string +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricSignatureFormatter.SetHashAlgorithm(strName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricSignatureFormatter.SetKey(key) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CBC System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CFB System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CTS System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ECB System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OFB System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoAPITransform: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanReuseTransform bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanTransformMultipleBlocks bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InputBlockSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeyHandle System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OutputBlockSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoAPITransform = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoAPITransform.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoAPITransform.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoAPITransform.Reset() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inputBuffer byte[] +---@param inputOffset int +---@param inputCount int +---@param outputBuffer byte[] +---@param outputOffset int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoAPITransform.TransformBlock(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount, outputBuffer, outputOffset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inputBuffer byte[] +---@param inputOffset int +---@param inputCount int +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoAPITransform.TransformFinalBlock(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoConfig: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllowOnlyFipsAlgorithms bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoConfig = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param algorithm System.Type +---@param names string[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoConfig:AddAlgorithm(algorithm, names) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param oid string +---@param names string[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoConfig:AddOID(oid, names) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoConfig:CreateFromName(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param args object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoConfig:CreateFromName(name, args) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param str string +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoConfig:EncodeOID(str) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoConfig:MapNameToOID(name) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream: System.IO.Stream +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanRead bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanSeek bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanWrite bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HasFlushedFinalBlock bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Length long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Position long +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream.Flush() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream.FlushAsync(cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream.FlushFinalBlock() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream.Read(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream.ReadAsync(buffer, offset, count, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param offset long +---@param origin System.IO.SeekOrigin +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream.Seek(offset, origin) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream.SetLength(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream.Write(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream.WriteAsync(buffer, offset, count, cancellationToken) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicUnexpectedOperationException: System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicUnexpectedOperationException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStreamMode: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Read System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStreamMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Write System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStreamMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStreamMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStreamMode +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CryptoStreamMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CspKeyContainerInfo: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Accessible bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CryptoKeySecurity System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeySecurity +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Exportable bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HardwareDevice bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeyContainerName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeyNumber System.Security.Cryptography.KeyNumber +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MachineKeyStore bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Protected bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ProviderName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ProviderType int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RandomlyGenerated bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Removable bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UniqueKeyContainerName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CspKeyContainerInfo = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CspParameters: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeyContainerName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeyNumber int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ProviderName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ProviderType int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CryptoKeySecurity System.Security.AccessControl.CryptoKeySecurity +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Flags System.Security.Cryptography.CspProviderFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeyPassword System.Security.SecureString +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ParentWindowHandle System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CspParameters = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CspProviderFlags: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CreateEphemeralKey System.Security.Cryptography.CspProviderFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoFlags System.Security.Cryptography.CspProviderFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoPrompt System.Security.Cryptography.CspProviderFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UseArchivableKey System.Security.Cryptography.CspProviderFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UseDefaultKeyContainer System.Security.Cryptography.CspProviderFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UseExistingKey System.Security.Cryptography.CspProviderFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UseMachineKeyStore System.Security.Cryptography.CspProviderFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UseNonExportableKey System.Security.Cryptography.CspProviderFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UseUserProtectedKey System.Security.Cryptography.CspProviderFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CspProviderFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.CspProviderFlags +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CspProviderFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.DeriveBytes: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DeriveBytes = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DeriveBytes.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cb int +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DeriveBytes.GetBytes(cb) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DeriveBytes.Reset() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.DESCryptoServiceProvider: System.Security.Cryptography.DES +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DESCryptoServiceProvider = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbKey byte[] +---@param rgbIV byte[] +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DESCryptoServiceProvider.CreateDecryptor(rgbKey, rgbIV) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbKey byte[] +---@param rgbIV byte[] +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DESCryptoServiceProvider.CreateEncryptor(rgbKey, rgbIV) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DESCryptoServiceProvider.GenerateIV() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DESCryptoServiceProvider.GenerateKey() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.DES: System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Key byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DES = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return DES +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DES:Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param algName string +---@return DES +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DES:Create(algName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbKey byte[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DES:IsSemiWeakKey(rgbKey) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbKey byte[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DES:IsWeakKey(rgbKey) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.DSA: System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSA = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return DSA +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSA:Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param algName string +---@return DSA +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSA:Create(algName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbHash byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSA.CreateSignature(rgbHash) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param includePrivateParameters bool +---@return DSAParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSA.ExportParameters(includePrivateParameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param xmlString string +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSA.FromXmlString(xmlString) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param parameters System.Security.Cryptography.DSAParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSA.ImportParameters(parameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSA.SignData(data, offset, count, hashAlgorithm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSA.SignData(data, hashAlgorithm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data System.IO.Stream +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSA.SignData(data, hashAlgorithm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param includePrivateParameters bool +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSA.ToXmlString(includePrivateParameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param signature byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSA.VerifyData(data, signature, hashAlgorithm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param signature byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSA.VerifyData(data, offset, count, signature, hashAlgorithm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data System.IO.Stream +---@param signature byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSA.VerifyData(data, signature, hashAlgorithm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbHash byte[] +---@param rgbSignature byte[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSA.VerifySignature(rgbHash, rgbSignature) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.DSAParameters: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Counter int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field G byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field J byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field P byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Q byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Seed byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field X byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Y byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSAParameters = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.DSACryptoServiceProvider: System.Security.Cryptography.DSA +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CspKeyContainerInfo System.Security.Cryptography.CspKeyContainerInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeyExchangeAlgorithm string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeySize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PersistKeyInCsp bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PublicOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SignatureAlgorithm string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UseMachineKeyStore bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSACryptoServiceProvider = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbHash byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSACryptoServiceProvider.CreateSignature(rgbHash) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param includePrivateParameters bool +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSACryptoServiceProvider.ExportCspBlob(includePrivateParameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param includePrivateParameters bool +---@return DSAParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSACryptoServiceProvider.ExportParameters(includePrivateParameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param keyBlob byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSACryptoServiceProvider.ImportCspBlob(keyBlob) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param parameters System.Security.Cryptography.DSAParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSACryptoServiceProvider.ImportParameters(parameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSACryptoServiceProvider.SignData(buffer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSACryptoServiceProvider.SignData(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inputStream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSACryptoServiceProvider.SignData(inputStream) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbHash byte[] +---@param str string +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSACryptoServiceProvider.SignHash(rgbHash, str) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbData byte[] +---@param rgbSignature byte[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSACryptoServiceProvider.VerifyData(rgbData, rgbSignature) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbHash byte[] +---@param str string +---@param rgbSignature byte[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSACryptoServiceProvider.VerifyHash(rgbHash, str, rgbSignature) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbHash byte[] +---@param rgbSignature byte[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSACryptoServiceProvider.VerifySignature(rgbHash, rgbSignature) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.DSASignatureDeformatter: System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricSignatureDeformatter +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSASignatureDeformatter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param strName string +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSASignatureDeformatter.SetHashAlgorithm(strName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSASignatureDeformatter.SetKey(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbHash byte[] +---@param rgbSignature byte[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSASignatureDeformatter.VerifySignature(rgbHash, rgbSignature) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.DSASignatureFormatter: System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricSignatureFormatter +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSASignatureFormatter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbHash byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSASignatureFormatter.CreateSignature(rgbHash) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param strName string +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSASignatureFormatter.SetHashAlgorithm(strName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSASignatureFormatter.SetKey(key) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.FromBase64Transform: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanReuseTransform bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanTransformMultipleBlocks bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InputBlockSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OutputBlockSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.FromBase64Transform = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.FromBase64Transform.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.FromBase64Transform.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inputBuffer byte[] +---@param inputOffset int +---@param inputCount int +---@param outputBuffer byte[] +---@param outputOffset int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.FromBase64Transform.TransformBlock(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount, outputBuffer, outputOffset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inputBuffer byte[] +---@param inputOffset int +---@param inputCount int +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.FromBase64Transform.TransformFinalBlock(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.FromBase64TransformMode: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DoNotIgnoreWhiteSpaces System.Security.Cryptography.FromBase64TransformMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IgnoreWhiteSpaces System.Security.Cryptography.FromBase64TransformMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.FromBase64TransformMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.FromBase64TransformMode +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.FromBase64TransformMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanReuseTransform bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanTransformMultipleBlocks bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Hash byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HashSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InputBlockSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OutputBlockSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.ComputeHash(buffer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.ComputeHash(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inputStream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.ComputeHash(inputStream) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return HashAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm:Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param hashName string +---@return HashAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm:Create(hashName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.Initialize() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inputBuffer byte[] +---@param inputOffset int +---@param inputCount int +---@param outputBuffer byte[] +---@param outputOffset int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.TransformBlock(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount, outputBuffer, outputOffset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inputBuffer byte[] +---@param inputOffset int +---@param inputCount int +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm.TransformFinalBlock(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MD5 System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SHA1 System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SHA256 System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SHA384 System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SHA512 System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@param right System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@param right System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.HMAC: System.Security.Cryptography.KeyedHashAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HashName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Key byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HMAC = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return HMAC +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HMAC:Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param algorithmName string +---@return HMAC +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HMAC:Create(algorithmName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HMAC.Initialize() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.HMACMD5: System.Security.Cryptography.HMAC +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HMACMD5 = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA384: System.Security.Cryptography.HMAC +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ProduceLegacyHmacValues bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA384 = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.HMACRIPEMD160: System.Security.Cryptography.HMAC +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HMACRIPEMD160 = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA512: System.Security.Cryptography.HMAC +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ProduceLegacyHmacValues bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA512 = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1: System.Security.Cryptography.HMAC +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1 = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.KeyNumber: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Exchange System.Security.Cryptography.KeyNumber +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Signature System.Security.Cryptography.KeyNumber +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.KeyNumber = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.KeyNumber +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.KeyNumber:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.ICryptoTransform +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanReuseTransform bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanTransformMultipleBlocks bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InputBlockSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OutputBlockSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ICryptoTransform = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inputBuffer byte[] +---@param inputOffset int +---@param inputCount int +---@param outputBuffer byte[] +---@param outputOffset int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ICryptoTransform.TransformBlock(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount, outputBuffer, outputOffset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inputBuffer byte[] +---@param inputOffset int +---@param inputCount int +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ICryptoTransform.TransformFinalBlock(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256: System.Security.Cryptography.HMAC +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256 = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.KeySizes: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SkipSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.KeySizes = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CspKeyContainerInfo System.Security.Cryptography.CspKeyContainerInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param includePrivateParameters bool +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm.ExportCspBlob(includePrivateParameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rawData byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm.ImportCspBlob(rawData) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.MACTripleDES: System.Security.Cryptography.KeyedHashAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Padding System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.MACTripleDES = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.MACTripleDES.Initialize() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.KeyedHashAlgorithm: System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Key byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.KeyedHashAlgorithm = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return KeyedHashAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.KeyedHashAlgorithm:Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param algName string +---@return KeyedHashAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.KeyedHashAlgorithm:Create(algName) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.MD5: System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.MD5 = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MD5 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.MD5:Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param algName string +---@return MD5 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.MD5:Create(algName) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider: System.Security.Cryptography.MD5 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider.Initialize() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ANSIX923 System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ISO10126 System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PKCS7 System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Zeros System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return RandomNumberGenerator +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator:Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rngName string +---@return RandomNumberGenerator +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator:Create(rngName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator.GetBytes(data) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator.GetBytes(data, offset, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator.GetNonZeroBytes(data) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.PasswordDeriveBytes: System.Security.Cryptography.DeriveBytes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HashName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IterationCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Salt byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.PasswordDeriveBytes = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param algname string +---@param alghashname string +---@param keySize int +---@param rgbIV byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.PasswordDeriveBytes.CryptDeriveKey(algname, alghashname, keySize, rgbIV) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cb int +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.PasswordDeriveBytes.GetBytes(cb) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.PasswordDeriveBytes.Reset() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.RC2: System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EffectiveKeySize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeySize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RC2 = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return RC2 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RC2:Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param AlgName string +---@return RC2 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RC2:Create(AlgName) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.PKCS1MaskGenerationMethod: System.Security.Cryptography.MaskGenerationMethod +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HashName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.PKCS1MaskGenerationMethod = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbSeed byte[] +---@param cbReturn int +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.PKCS1MaskGenerationMethod.GenerateMask(rgbSeed, cbReturn) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.RC2CryptoServiceProvider: System.Security.Cryptography.RC2 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EffectiveKeySize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UseSalt bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RC2CryptoServiceProvider = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbKey byte[] +---@param rgbIV byte[] +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RC2CryptoServiceProvider.CreateDecryptor(rgbKey, rgbIV) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbKey byte[] +---@param rgbIV byte[] +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RC2CryptoServiceProvider.CreateEncryptor(rgbKey, rgbIV) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RC2CryptoServiceProvider.GenerateIV() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RC2CryptoServiceProvider.GenerateKey() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.Rfc2898DeriveBytes: System.Security.Cryptography.DeriveBytes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IterationCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Salt byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.Rfc2898DeriveBytes = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param algname string +---@param alghashname string +---@param keySize int +---@param rgbIV byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.Rfc2898DeriveBytes.CryptDeriveKey(algname, alghashname, keySize, rgbIV) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cb int +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.Rfc2898DeriveBytes.GetBytes(cb) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.Rfc2898DeriveBytes.Reset() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.Rijndael: System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.Rijndael = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Rijndael +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.Rijndael:Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param algName string +---@return Rijndael +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.Rijndael:Create(algName) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManagedTransform: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BlockSizeValue int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanReuseTransform bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanTransformMultipleBlocks bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InputBlockSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OutputBlockSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManagedTransform = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManagedTransform.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManagedTransform.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManagedTransform.Reset() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inputBuffer byte[] +---@param inputOffset int +---@param inputCount int +---@param outputBuffer byte[] +---@param outputOffset int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManagedTransform.TransformBlock(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount, outputBuffer, outputOffset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inputBuffer byte[] +---@param inputOffset int +---@param inputCount int +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManagedTransform.TransformFinalBlock(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged: System.Security.Cryptography.Rijndael +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbKey byte[] +---@param rgbIV byte[] +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged.CreateDecryptor(rgbKey, rgbIV) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbKey byte[] +---@param rgbIV byte[] +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged.CreateEncryptor(rgbKey, rgbIV) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged.GenerateIV() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged.GenerateKey() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.RIPEMD160: System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RIPEMD160 = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return RIPEMD160 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RIPEMD160:Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param hashName string +---@return RIPEMD160 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RIPEMD160:Create(hashName) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.RSA: System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeyExchangeAlgorithm string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SignatureAlgorithm string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSA = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return RSA +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSA:Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param algName string +---@return RSA +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSA:Create(algName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param padding System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSA.Decrypt(data, padding) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgb byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSA.DecryptValue(rgb) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param padding System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSA.Encrypt(data, padding) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgb byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSA.EncryptValue(rgb) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param includePrivateParameters bool +---@return RSAParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSA.ExportParameters(includePrivateParameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param xmlString string +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSA.FromXmlString(xmlString) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param parameters System.Security.Cryptography.RSAParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSA.ImportParameters(parameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@param padding System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSA.SignData(data, offset, count, hashAlgorithm, padding) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@param padding System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSA.SignData(data, hashAlgorithm, padding) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data System.IO.Stream +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@param padding System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSA.SignData(data, hashAlgorithm, padding) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param hash byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@param padding System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSA.SignHash(hash, hashAlgorithm, padding) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param includePrivateParameters bool +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSA.ToXmlString(includePrivateParameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param signature byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@param padding System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSA.VerifyData(data, signature, hashAlgorithm, padding) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param signature byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@param padding System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSA.VerifyData(data, offset, count, signature, hashAlgorithm, padding) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data System.IO.Stream +---@param signature byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@param padding System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSA.VerifyData(data, signature, hashAlgorithm, padding) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param hash byte[] +---@param signature byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@param padding System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSA.VerifyHash(hash, signature, hashAlgorithm, padding) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.RIPEMD160Managed: System.Security.Cryptography.RIPEMD160 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RIPEMD160Managed = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RIPEMD160Managed.Initialize() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider: System.Security.Cryptography.RSA +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CspKeyContainerInfo System.Security.Cryptography.CspKeyContainerInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeyExchangeAlgorithm string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeySize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PersistKeyInCsp bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PublicOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SignatureAlgorithm string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UseMachineKeyStore bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgb byte[] +---@param fOAEP bool +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider.Decrypt(rgb, fOAEP) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param padding System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider.Decrypt(data, padding) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgb byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider.DecryptValue(rgb) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgb byte[] +---@param fOAEP bool +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider.Encrypt(rgb, fOAEP) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param padding System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider.Encrypt(data, padding) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgb byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider.EncryptValue(rgb) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param includePrivateParameters bool +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider.ExportCspBlob(includePrivateParameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param includePrivateParameters bool +---@return RSAParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider.ExportParameters(includePrivateParameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param keyBlob byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider.ImportCspBlob(keyBlob) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param parameters System.Security.Cryptography.RSAParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider.ImportParameters(parameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param halg object +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider.SignData(buffer, offset, count, halg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param halg object +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider.SignData(buffer, halg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inputStream System.IO.Stream +---@param halg object +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider.SignData(inputStream, halg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param hash byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@param padding System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider.SignHash(hash, hashAlgorithm, padding) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbHash byte[] +---@param str string +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider.SignHash(rgbHash, str) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param halg object +---@param signature byte[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider.VerifyData(buffer, halg, signature) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param hash byte[] +---@param signature byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@param padding System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider.VerifyHash(hash, signature, hashAlgorithm, padding) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbHash byte[] +---@param str string +---@param rgbSignature byte[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProvider.VerifyHash(rgbHash, str, rgbSignature) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider: System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider.GetBytes(data) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param data byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider.GetNonZeroBytes(data) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Mode System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPaddingMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OaepHashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OaepSHA1 System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OaepSHA256 System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OaepSHA384 System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OaepSHA512 System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Pkcs1 System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@return RSAEncryptionPadding +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding:CreateOaep(hashAlgorithm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding +---@param right System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding +---@param right System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPaddingMode: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Oaep System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPaddingMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Pkcs1 System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPaddingMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPaddingMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPaddingMode +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPaddingMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.RSAOAEPKeyExchangeDeformatter: System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricKeyExchangeDeformatter +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Parameters string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAOAEPKeyExchangeDeformatter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbData byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAOAEPKeyExchangeDeformatter.DecryptKeyExchange(rgbData) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAOAEPKeyExchangeDeformatter.SetKey(key) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.RSAOAEPKeyExchangeFormatter: System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricKeyExchangeFormatter +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Parameter byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Parameters string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Rng System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAOAEPKeyExchangeFormatter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbData byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAOAEPKeyExchangeFormatter.CreateKeyExchange(rgbData) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbData byte[] +---@param symAlgType System.Type +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAOAEPKeyExchangeFormatter.CreateKeyExchange(rgbData, symAlgType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAOAEPKeyExchangeFormatter.SetKey(key) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.RSAParameters: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field D byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DP byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DQ byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Exponent byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InverseQ byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Modulus byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field P byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Q byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAParameters = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeDeformatter: System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricKeyExchangeDeformatter +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Parameters string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RNG System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeDeformatter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbIn byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeDeformatter.DecryptKeyExchange(rgbIn) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeDeformatter.SetKey(key) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter: System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricKeyExchangeFormatter +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Parameters string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Rng System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbData byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter.CreateKeyExchange(rgbData) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbData byte[] +---@param symAlgType System.Type +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter.CreateKeyExchange(rgbData, symAlgType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter.SetKey(key) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter: System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricSignatureDeformatter +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param strName string +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter.SetHashAlgorithm(strName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter.SetKey(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbHash byte[] +---@param rgbSignature byte[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter.VerifySignature(rgbHash, rgbSignature) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter: System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricSignatureFormatter +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbHash byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter.CreateSignature(rgbHash) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param strName string +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter.SetHashAlgorithm(strName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter.SetKey(key) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Mode System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePaddingMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Pkcs1 System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Pss System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding +---@param right System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding +---@param right System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePaddingMode: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Pkcs1 System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePaddingMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Pss System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePaddingMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePaddingMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePaddingMode +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePaddingMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1: System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1 = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SHA1 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1:Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param hashName string +---@return SHA1 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1:Create(hashName) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProvider.Initialize() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512: System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512 = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SHA512 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512:Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param hashName string +---@return SHA512 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512:Create(hashName) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1Managed: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1Managed = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1Managed.Initialize() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512Managed: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512Managed = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512Managed.Initialize() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256: System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256 = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SHA256 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256:Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param hashName string +---@return SHA256 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256:Create(hashName) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureDescription: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeformatterAlgorithm string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DigestAlgorithm string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FormatterAlgorithm string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeyAlgorithm string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureDescription = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm +---@return AsymmetricSignatureDeformatter +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureDescription.CreateDeformatter(key) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return HashAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureDescription.CreateDigest() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param key System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm +---@return AsymmetricSignatureFormatter +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureDescription.CreateFormatter(key) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Managed.Initialize() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BlockSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FeedbackSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IV byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Key byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeySize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LegalBlockSizes System.Security.Cryptography.KeySizes[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LegalKeySizes System.Security.Cryptography.KeySizes[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Mode System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Padding System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SymmetricAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm:Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param algName string +---@return SymmetricAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm:Create(algName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm.CreateDecryptor() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbKey byte[] +---@param rgbIV byte[] +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm.CreateDecryptor(rgbKey, rgbIV) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm.CreateEncryptor() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbKey byte[] +---@param rgbIV byte[] +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm.CreateEncryptor(rgbKey, rgbIV) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm.GenerateIV() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm.GenerateKey() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bitLength int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm.ValidKeySize(bitLength) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.ToBase64Transform: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanReuseTransform bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanTransformMultipleBlocks bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InputBlockSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OutputBlockSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ToBase64Transform = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ToBase64Transform.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ToBase64Transform.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inputBuffer byte[] +---@param inputOffset int +---@param inputCount int +---@param outputBuffer byte[] +---@param outputOffset int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ToBase64Transform.TransformBlock(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount, outputBuffer, outputOffset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inputBuffer byte[] +---@param inputOffset int +---@param inputCount int +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ToBase64Transform.TransformFinalBlock(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputCount) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384: System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384 = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SHA384 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384:Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param hashName string +---@return SHA384 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384:Create(hashName) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDES: System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Key byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDES = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TripleDES +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDES:Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param str string +---@return TripleDES +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDES:Create(str) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbKey byte[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDES:IsWeakKey(rgbKey) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384Managed: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384Managed = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384Managed.Initialize() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider: System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDES +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbKey byte[] +---@param rgbIV byte[] +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider.CreateDecryptor(rgbKey, rgbIV) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rgbKey byte[] +---@param rgbIV byte[] +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider.CreateEncryptor(rgbKey, rgbIV) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider.GenerateIV() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider.GenerateKey() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.AesCng: System.Security.Cryptography.Aes +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Key byte[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field KeySize int +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AesCng = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AesCng.CreateDecryptor() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param rgbKey byte[] +---@param rgbIV byte[] +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AesCng.CreateDecryptor(rgbKey, rgbIV) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AesCng.CreateEncryptor() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param rgbKey byte[] +---@param rgbIV byte[] +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AesCng.CreateEncryptor(rgbKey, rgbIV) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AesCng.GenerateIV() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AesCng.GenerateKey() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.AesCryptoServiceProvider: System.Security.Cryptography.Aes +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Key byte[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field KeySize int +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AesCryptoServiceProvider = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AesCryptoServiceProvider.CreateDecryptor() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param key byte[] +---@param iv byte[] +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AesCryptoServiceProvider.CreateDecryptor(key, iv) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AesCryptoServiceProvider.CreateEncryptor() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param key byte[] +---@param iv byte[] +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AesCryptoServiceProvider.CreateEncryptor(key, iv) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AesCryptoServiceProvider.GenerateIV() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AesCryptoServiceProvider.GenerateKey() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged: System.Security.Cryptography.Aes +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field FeedbackSize int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IV byte[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Key byte[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field KeySize int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Mode System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Padding System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged.CreateDecryptor() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param key byte[] +---@param iv byte[] +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged.CreateDecryptor(key, iv) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged.CreateEncryptor() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param key byte[] +---@param iv byte[] +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged.CreateEncryptor(key, iv) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged.GenerateIV() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged.GenerateKey() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Algorithm string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ECDiffieHellman System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ECDiffieHellmanP256 System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ECDiffieHellmanP384 System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ECDiffieHellmanP521 System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ECDsa System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ECDsaP256 System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ECDsaP384 System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ECDsaP521 System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MD5 System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Rsa System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Sha1 System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Sha256 System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Sha384 System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Sha512 System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param other System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm.Equals(other) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@param right System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@param right System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithmGroup: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AlgorithmGroup string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field DiffieHellman System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithmGroup +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Dsa System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithmGroup +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ECDiffieHellman System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithmGroup +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ECDsa System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithmGroup +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Rsa System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithmGroup +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithmGroup = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithmGroup.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param other System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithmGroup +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithmGroup.Equals(other) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithmGroup.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithmGroup +---@param right System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithmGroup +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithmGroup:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithmGroup +---@param right System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithmGroup +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithmGroup:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithmGroup.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CngExportPolicies: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AllowArchiving System.Security.Cryptography.CngExportPolicies +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AllowExport System.Security.Cryptography.CngExportPolicies +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AllowPlaintextArchiving System.Security.Cryptography.CngExportPolicies +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AllowPlaintextExport System.Security.Cryptography.CngExportPolicies +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field None System.Security.Cryptography.CngExportPolicies +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngExportPolicies = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.CngExportPolicies +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngExportPolicies:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyCreationParameters: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ExportPolicy System.Security.Cryptography.CngExportPolicies? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field KeyCreationOptions System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyCreationOptions +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field KeyUsage System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyUsages? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Parameters System.Security.Cryptography.CngPropertyCollection +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ParentWindowHandle System.IntPtr +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Provider System.Security.Cryptography.CngProvider +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field UIPolicy System.Security.Cryptography.CngUIPolicy +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyCreationParameters = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Algorithm System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AlgorithmGroup System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithmGroup +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ExportPolicy System.Security.Cryptography.CngExportPolicies +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Handle Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeNCryptKeyHandle +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsEphemeral bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsMachineKey bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field KeyName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field KeySize int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field KeyUsage System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyUsages +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ParentWindowHandle System.IntPtr +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Provider System.Security.Cryptography.CngProvider +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ProviderHandle Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeNCryptProviderHandle +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field UIPolicy System.Security.Cryptography.CngUIPolicy +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field UniqueName string +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param algorithm System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@return CngKey +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey:Create(algorithm) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param algorithm System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@param keyName string +---@return CngKey +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey:Create(algorithm, keyName) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param algorithm System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@param keyName string +---@param creationParameters System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyCreationParameters +---@return CngKey +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey:Create(algorithm, keyName, creationParameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey.Delete() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey.Dispose() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keyName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey:Exists(keyName) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keyName string +---@param provider System.Security.Cryptography.CngProvider +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey:Exists(keyName, provider) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keyName string +---@param provider System.Security.Cryptography.CngProvider +---@param options System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyOpenOptions +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey:Exists(keyName, provider, options) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param format System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey.Export(format) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param name string +---@param options System.Security.Cryptography.CngPropertyOptions +---@return CngProperty +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey.GetProperty(name, options) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param name string +---@param options System.Security.Cryptography.CngPropertyOptions +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey.HasProperty(name, options) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keyBlob byte[] +---@param format System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat +---@return CngKey +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey:Import(keyBlob, format) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keyBlob byte[] +---@param format System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat +---@param provider System.Security.Cryptography.CngProvider +---@return CngKey +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey:Import(keyBlob, format, provider) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keyHandle Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeNCryptKeyHandle +---@param keyHandleOpenOptions System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyHandleOpenOptions +---@return CngKey +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey:Open(keyHandle, keyHandleOpenOptions) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keyName string +---@return CngKey +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey:Open(keyName) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keyName string +---@param provider System.Security.Cryptography.CngProvider +---@return CngKey +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey:Open(keyName, provider) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param keyName string +---@param provider System.Security.Cryptography.CngProvider +---@param openOptions System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyOpenOptions +---@return CngKey +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey:Open(keyName, provider, openOptions) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param property System.Security.Cryptography.CngProperty +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey.SetProperty(property) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field EccFullPrivateBlob System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field EccFullPublicBlob System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field EccPrivateBlob System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field EccPublicBlob System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Format string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field GenericPrivateBlob System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field GenericPublicBlob System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field OpaqueTransportBlob System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Pkcs8PrivateBlob System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param other System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat.Equals(other) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat +---@param right System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat +---@param right System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyCreationOptions: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MachineKey System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyCreationOptions +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field None System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyCreationOptions +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field OverwriteExistingKey System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyCreationOptions +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyCreationOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyCreationOptions +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyCreationOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyHandleOpenOptions: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field EphemeralKey System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyHandleOpenOptions +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field None System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyHandleOpenOptions +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyHandleOpenOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyHandleOpenOptions +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyHandleOpenOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyOpenOptions: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MachineKey System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyOpenOptions +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field None System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyOpenOptions +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Silent System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyOpenOptions +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field UserKey System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyOpenOptions +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyOpenOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyOpenOptions +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyOpenOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyUsages: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AllUsages System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyUsages +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Decryption System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyUsages +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field KeyAgreement System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyUsages +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field None System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyUsages +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Signing System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyUsages +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyUsages = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyUsages +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyUsages:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CngProperty: System.ValueType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Options System.Security.Cryptography.CngPropertyOptions +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngProperty = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngProperty.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param other System.Security.Cryptography.CngProperty +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngProperty.Equals(other) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngProperty.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngProperty.GetValue() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Security.Cryptography.CngProperty +---@param right System.Security.Cryptography.CngProperty +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngProperty:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Security.Cryptography.CngProperty +---@param right System.Security.Cryptography.CngProperty +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngProperty:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CngPropertyCollection: System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngPropertyCollection = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CngPropertyOptions: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CustomProperty System.Security.Cryptography.CngPropertyOptions +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field None System.Security.Cryptography.CngPropertyOptions +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Persist System.Security.Cryptography.CngPropertyOptions +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngPropertyOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.CngPropertyOptions +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngPropertyOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve: System.ValueType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field A byte[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field B byte[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Cofactor byte[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CurveType System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve.ECCurveType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field G System.Security.Cryptography.ECPoint +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Hash System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName? +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Order byte[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Polynomial byte[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Prime byte[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Seed byte[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsCharacteristic2 bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsExplicit bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsNamed bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsPrime bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Oid System.Security.Cryptography.Oid +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param oidFriendlyName string +---@return ECCurve +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve:CreateFromFriendlyName(oidFriendlyName) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param curveOid System.Security.Cryptography.Oid +---@return ECCurve +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve:CreateFromOid(curveOid) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param oidValue string +---@return ECCurve +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve:CreateFromValue(oidValue) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve.Validate() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CngProvider: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MicrosoftSmartCardKeyStorageProvider System.Security.Cryptography.CngProvider +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MicrosoftSoftwareKeyStorageProvider System.Security.Cryptography.CngProvider +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Provider string +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngProvider = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngProvider.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param other System.Security.Cryptography.CngProvider +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngProvider.Equals(other) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngProvider.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Security.Cryptography.CngProvider +---@param right System.Security.Cryptography.CngProvider +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngProvider:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param left System.Security.Cryptography.CngProvider +---@param right System.Security.Cryptography.CngProvider +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngProvider:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngProvider.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CngUIPolicy: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CreationTitle string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Description string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field FriendlyName string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ProtectionLevel System.Security.Cryptography.CngUIProtectionLevels +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field UseContext string +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngUIPolicy = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.CngUIProtectionLevels: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ForceHighProtection System.Security.Cryptography.CngUIProtectionLevels +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field None System.Security.Cryptography.CngUIProtectionLevels +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ProtectKey System.Security.Cryptography.CngUIProtectionLevels +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngUIProtectionLevels = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.CngUIProtectionLevels +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.CngUIProtectionLevels:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.DSACng: System.Security.Cryptography.DSA +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Key System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field KeyExchangeAlgorithm string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field LegalKeySizes System.Security.Cryptography.KeySizes[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SignatureAlgorithm string +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSACng = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param rgbHash byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSACng.CreateSignature(rgbHash) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param includePrivateParameters bool +---@return DSAParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSACng.ExportParameters(includePrivateParameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param parameters System.Security.Cryptography.DSAParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSACng.ImportParameters(parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param rgbHash byte[] +---@param rgbSignature byte[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.DSACng.VerifySignature(rgbHash, rgbSignature) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurveType: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Characteristic2 System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve.ECCurveType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Implicit System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve.ECCurveType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Named System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve.ECCurveType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PrimeMontgomery System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve.ECCurveType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PrimeShortWeierstrass System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve.ECCurveType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PrimeTwistedEdwards System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve.ECCurveType +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurveType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve.ECCurveType +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurveType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.NamedCurves: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field brainpoolP160r1 System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field brainpoolP160t1 System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field brainpoolP192r1 System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field brainpoolP192t1 System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field brainpoolP224r1 System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field brainpoolP224t1 System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field brainpoolP256r1 System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field brainpoolP256t1 System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field brainpoolP320r1 System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field brainpoolP320t1 System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field brainpoolP384r1 System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field brainpoolP384t1 System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field brainpoolP512r1 System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field brainpoolP512t1 System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field nistP256 System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field nistP384 System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field nistP521 System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.NamedCurves = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellman: System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field KeyExchangeAlgorithm string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PublicKey System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SignatureAlgorithm string +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellman = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ECDiffieHellman +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellman:Create() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param curve System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +---@return ECDiffieHellman +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellman:Create(curve) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param parameters System.Security.Cryptography.ECParameters +---@return ECDiffieHellman +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellman:Create(parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param algorithm string +---@return ECDiffieHellman +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellman:Create(algorithm) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param otherPartyPublicKey System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellman.DeriveKeyFromHash(otherPartyPublicKey, hashAlgorithm) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param otherPartyPublicKey System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@param secretPrepend byte[] +---@param secretAppend byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellman.DeriveKeyFromHash(otherPartyPublicKey, hashAlgorithm, secretPrepend, secretAppend) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param otherPartyPublicKey System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@param hmacKey byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellman.DeriveKeyFromHmac(otherPartyPublicKey, hashAlgorithm, hmacKey) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param otherPartyPublicKey System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@param hmacKey byte[] +---@param secretPrepend byte[] +---@param secretAppend byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellman.DeriveKeyFromHmac(otherPartyPublicKey, hashAlgorithm, hmacKey, secretPrepend, secretAppend) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param otherPartyPublicKey System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellman.DeriveKeyMaterial(otherPartyPublicKey) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param otherPartyPublicKey System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey +---@param prfLabel byte[] +---@param prfSeed byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellman.DeriveKeyTls(otherPartyPublicKey, prfLabel, prfSeed) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param includePrivateParameters bool +---@return ECParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellman.ExportExplicitParameters(includePrivateParameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param includePrivateParameters bool +---@return ECParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellman.ExportParameters(includePrivateParameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param curve System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellman.GenerateKey(curve) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param parameters System.Security.Cryptography.ECParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellman.ImportParameters(parameters) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCng: System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellman +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field HashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field HmacKey byte[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Key System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field KeyDerivationFunction System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanKeyDerivationFunction +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Label byte[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PublicKey System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SecretAppend byte[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SecretPrepend byte[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Seed byte[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field UseSecretAgreementAsHmacKey bool +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCng = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param otherPartyPublicKey System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@param secretPrepend byte[] +---@param secretAppend byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCng.DeriveKeyFromHash(otherPartyPublicKey, hashAlgorithm, secretPrepend, secretAppend) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param otherPartyPublicKey System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@param hmacKey byte[] +---@param secretPrepend byte[] +---@param secretAppend byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCng.DeriveKeyFromHmac(otherPartyPublicKey, hashAlgorithm, hmacKey, secretPrepend, secretAppend) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param otherPartyPublicKey System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCng.DeriveKeyMaterial(otherPartyPublicKey) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param otherPartyPublicKey System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCng.DeriveKeyMaterial(otherPartyPublicKey) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param otherPartyPublicKey System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey +---@param prfLabel byte[] +---@param prfSeed byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCng.DeriveKeyTls(otherPartyPublicKey, prfLabel, prfSeed) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param otherPartyPublicKey System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey +---@return SafeNCryptSecretHandle +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCng.DeriveSecretAgreementHandle(otherPartyPublicKey) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param otherPartyPublicKey System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey +---@return SafeNCryptSecretHandle +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCng.DeriveSecretAgreementHandle(otherPartyPublicKey) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param includePrivateParameters bool +---@return ECParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCng.ExportExplicitParameters(includePrivateParameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param includePrivateParameters bool +---@return ECParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCng.ExportParameters(includePrivateParameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param xmlString string +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCng.FromXmlString(xmlString) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param xml string +---@param format System.Security.Cryptography.ECKeyXmlFormat +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCng.FromXmlString(xml, format) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param curve System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCng.GenerateKey(curve) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param parameters System.Security.Cryptography.ECParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCng.ImportParameters(parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param includePrivateParameters bool +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCng.ToXmlString(includePrivateParameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param format System.Security.Cryptography.ECKeyXmlFormat +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCng.ToXmlString(format) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCngPublicKey: System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field BlobFormat System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCngPublicKey = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ECParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCngPublicKey.ExportExplicitParameters() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ECParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCngPublicKey.ExportParameters() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param publicKeyBlob byte[] +---@param format System.Security.Cryptography.CngKeyBlobFormat +---@return ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCngPublicKey:FromByteArray(publicKeyBlob, format) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param xml string +---@return ECDiffieHellmanCngPublicKey +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCngPublicKey:FromXmlString(xml) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return CngKey +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCngPublicKey.Import() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanCngPublicKey.ToXmlString() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanKeyDerivationFunction: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Hash System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanKeyDerivationFunction +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Hmac System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanKeyDerivationFunction +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Tls System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanKeyDerivationFunction +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanKeyDerivationFunction = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanKeyDerivationFunction +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanKeyDerivationFunction:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey: object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey.Dispose() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ECParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey.ExportExplicitParameters() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ECParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey.ExportParameters() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey.ToByteArray() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDiffieHellmanPublicKey.ToXmlString() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsa: System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field KeyExchangeAlgorithm string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SignatureAlgorithm string +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsa = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ECDsa +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsa:Create() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param curve System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +---@return ECDsa +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsa:Create(curve) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param parameters System.Security.Cryptography.ECParameters +---@return ECDsa +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsa:Create(parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param algorithm string +---@return ECDsa +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsa:Create(algorithm) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param includePrivateParameters bool +---@return ECParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsa.ExportExplicitParameters(includePrivateParameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param includePrivateParameters bool +---@return ECParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsa.ExportParameters(includePrivateParameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param curve System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsa.GenerateKey(curve) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param parameters System.Security.Cryptography.ECParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsa.ImportParameters(parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsa.SignData(data, offset, count, hashAlgorithm) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsa.SignData(data, hashAlgorithm) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param data System.IO.Stream +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsa.SignData(data, hashAlgorithm) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param hash byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsa.SignHash(hash) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param signature byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsa.VerifyData(data, signature, hashAlgorithm) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param signature byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsa.VerifyData(data, offset, count, signature, hashAlgorithm) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param data System.IO.Stream +---@param signature byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsa.VerifyData(data, signature, hashAlgorithm) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param hash byte[] +---@param signature byte[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsa.VerifyHash(hash, signature) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsaCng: System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsa +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field HashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.CngAlgorithm +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Key System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsaCng = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param includePrivateParameters bool +---@return ECParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsaCng.ExportExplicitParameters(includePrivateParameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param includePrivateParameters bool +---@return ECParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsaCng.ExportParameters(includePrivateParameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param xmlString string +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsaCng.FromXmlString(xmlString) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param xml string +---@param format System.Security.Cryptography.ECKeyXmlFormat +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsaCng.FromXmlString(xml, format) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param curve System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsaCng.GenerateKey(curve) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param parameters System.Security.Cryptography.ECParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsaCng.ImportParameters(parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param data byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsaCng.SignData(data) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsaCng.SignData(data, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param data System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsaCng.SignData(data) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param hash byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsaCng.SignHash(hash) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param includePrivateParameters bool +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsaCng.ToXmlString(includePrivateParameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param format System.Security.Cryptography.ECKeyXmlFormat +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsaCng.ToXmlString(format) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param signature byte[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsaCng.VerifyData(data, signature) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param signature byte[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsaCng.VerifyData(data, offset, count, signature) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param data System.IO.Stream +---@param signature byte[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsaCng.VerifyData(data, signature) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param hash byte[] +---@param signature byte[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECDsaCng.VerifyHash(hash, signature) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.ECKeyXmlFormat: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Rfc4050 System.Security.Cryptography.ECKeyXmlFormat +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECKeyXmlFormat = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.ECKeyXmlFormat +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECKeyXmlFormat:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.ECParameters: System.ValueType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Curve System.Security.Cryptography.ECCurve +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field D byte[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Q System.Security.Cryptography.ECPoint +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECParameters = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECParameters.Validate() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.ECPoint: System.ValueType +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field X byte[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Y byte[] +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ECPoint = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.IncrementalHash: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AlgorithmName System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.IncrementalHash = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param data byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.IncrementalHash.AppendData(data) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.IncrementalHash.AppendData(data, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@return IncrementalHash +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.IncrementalHash:CreateHash(hashAlgorithm) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@param key byte[] +---@return IncrementalHash +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.IncrementalHash:CreateHMAC(hashAlgorithm, key) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.IncrementalHash.Dispose() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.IncrementalHash.GetHashAndReset() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.ManifestSignatureInformation: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AuthenticodeSignature System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.AuthenticodeSignatureInformation +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Manifest System.Security.ManifestKinds +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field StrongNameSignature System.Security.Cryptography.StrongNameSignatureInformation +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ManifestSignatureInformation = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param application System.ActivationContext +---@return ManifestSignatureInformationCollection +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ManifestSignatureInformation:VerifySignature(application) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param application System.ActivationContext +---@param manifests System.Security.ManifestKinds +---@return ManifestSignatureInformationCollection +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ManifestSignatureInformation:VerifySignature(application, manifests) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param application System.ActivationContext +---@param manifests System.Security.ManifestKinds +---@param revocationFlag System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509RevocationFlag +---@param revocationMode System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509RevocationMode +---@return ManifestSignatureInformationCollection +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ManifestSignatureInformation:VerifySignature(application, manifests, revocationFlag, revocationMode) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.ManifestSignatureInformationCollection: System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.ManifestSignatureInformationCollection = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.MD5Cng: System.Security.Cryptography.MD5 +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.MD5Cng = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.MD5Cng.Initialize() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.RSACng: System.Security.Cryptography.RSA +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Key System.Security.Cryptography.CngKey +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field KeyExchangeAlgorithm string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SignatureAlgorithm string +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACng = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param padding System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACng.Decrypt(data, padding) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param rgb byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACng.DecryptValue(rgb) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param data byte[] +---@param padding System.Security.Cryptography.RSAEncryptionPadding +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACng.Encrypt(data, padding) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param rgb byte[] +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACng.EncryptValue(rgb) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param includePrivateParameters bool +---@return RSAParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACng.ExportParameters(includePrivateParameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param parameters System.Security.Cryptography.RSAParameters +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACng.ImportParameters(parameters) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param hash byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@param padding System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACng.SignHash(hash, hashAlgorithm, padding) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param hash byte[] +---@param signature byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmName +---@param padding System.Security.Cryptography.RSASignaturePadding +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.RSACng.VerifyHash(hash, signature, hashAlgorithm, padding) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1Cng: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1 +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1Cng = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA1Cng.Initialize() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Cng: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256 +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Cng = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256Cng.Initialize() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256CryptoServiceProvider: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256 +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256CryptoServiceProvider = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256CryptoServiceProvider.Initialize() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384Cng: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384 +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384Cng = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384Cng.Initialize() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384CryptoServiceProvider: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384 +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384CryptoServiceProvider = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384CryptoServiceProvider.Initialize() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512Cng: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512 +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512Cng = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512Cng.Initialize() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field AssemblyIdentityMismatch System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field BadDigest System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field BadSignatureFormat System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field BasicConstraintsNotObserved System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CertificateExpired System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CertificateExplicitlyDistrusted System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CertificateMalformed System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CertificateNotExplicitlyTrusted System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CertificateRevoked System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CertificateUsageNotAllowed System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ContainingSignatureInvalid System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CouldNotBuildChain System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field GenericTrustFailure System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field InvalidCertificateName System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field InvalidCertificatePolicy System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field InvalidCertificateRole System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field InvalidCertificateSignature System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field InvalidCertificateUsage System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field InvalidCountersignature System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field InvalidSignerCertificate System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field InvalidTimePeriodNesting System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field InvalidTimestamp System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IssuerChainingError System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field MissingSignature System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PathLengthConstraintViolated System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PublicKeyTokenMismatch System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PublisherMismatch System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RevocationCheckFailure System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SystemError System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field UnknownCriticalExtension System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field UnknownTrustProvider System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field UnknownVerificationAction System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field UntrustedCertificationAuthority System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field UntrustedRootCertificate System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field UntrustedTestRootCertificate System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Valid System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512CryptoServiceProvider: System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512 +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512CryptoServiceProvider = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512CryptoServiceProvider.Initialize() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.StrongNameSignatureInformation: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field HashAlgorithm string +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field HResult int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsValid bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field PublicKey System.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithm +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field VerificationResult System.Security.Cryptography.SignatureVerificationResult +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.StrongNameSignatureInformation = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCng: System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDES +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Key byte[] +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field KeySize int +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCng = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCng.CreateDecryptor() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param rgbKey byte[] +---@param rgbIV byte[] +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCng.CreateDecryptor(rgbKey, rgbIV) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCng.CreateEncryptor() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param rgbKey byte[] +---@param rgbIV byte[] +---@return ICryptoTransform +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCng.CreateEncryptor(rgbKey, rgbIV) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCng.GenerateIV() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCng.GenerateKey() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedData: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Oid System.Security.Cryptography.Oid +---@source System.dll +---@field RawData byte[] +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedData = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param asnEncodedData System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedData +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedData.CopyFrom(asnEncodedData) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param multiLine bool +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedData.Format(multiLine) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedDataCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedData +---@source System.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedDataCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param asnEncodedData System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedData +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedDataCollection.Add(asnEncodedData) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedData[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedDataCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return AsnEncodedDataEnumerator +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedDataCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param asnEncodedData System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedData +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedDataCollection.Remove(asnEncodedData) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedDataEnumerator: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Current System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedData +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedDataEnumerator = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedDataEnumerator.MoveNext() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.AsnEncodedDataEnumerator.Reset() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.OidGroup: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field All System.Security.Cryptography.OidGroup +---@source System.dll +---@field Attribute System.Security.Cryptography.OidGroup +---@source System.dll +---@field EncryptionAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.OidGroup +---@source System.dll +---@field EnhancedKeyUsage System.Security.Cryptography.OidGroup +---@source System.dll +---@field ExtensionOrAttribute System.Security.Cryptography.OidGroup +---@source System.dll +---@field HashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.OidGroup +---@source System.dll +---@field KeyDerivationFunction System.Security.Cryptography.OidGroup +---@source System.dll +---@field Policy System.Security.Cryptography.OidGroup +---@source System.dll +---@field PublicKeyAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.OidGroup +---@source System.dll +---@field SignatureAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.OidGroup +---@source System.dll +---@field Template System.Security.Cryptography.OidGroup +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.OidGroup = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Cryptography.OidGroup +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.OidGroup:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.Oid: object +---@source System.dll +---@field FriendlyName string +---@source System.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.Oid = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param friendlyName string +---@param group System.Security.Cryptography.OidGroup +---@return Oid +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.Oid:FromFriendlyName(friendlyName, group) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param oidValue string +---@param group System.Security.Cryptography.OidGroup +---@return Oid +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.Oid:FromOidValue(oidValue, group) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.OidCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Security.Cryptography.Oid +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Security.Cryptography.Oid +---@source System.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.OidCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param oid System.Security.Cryptography.Oid +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.OidCollection.Add(oid) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Security.Cryptography.Oid[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.OidCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return OidEnumerator +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.OidCollection.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Cryptography.OidEnumerator: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Current System.Security.Cryptography.Oid +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Cryptography.OidEnumerator = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.OidEnumerator.MoveNext() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Security.Cryptography.OidEnumerator.Reset() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Permissions.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Permissions.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..255e5f827 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Permissions.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1720 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param flag System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermissionAccess +---@param pathList string +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission.AddPathList(flag, pathList) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param esd System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission.FromXml(esd) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param flag System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermissionAccess +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission.GetPathList(flag) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission.IsUnrestricted() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param flag System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermissionAccess +---@param pathList string +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission.SetPathList(flag, pathList) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission.Union(other) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermissionAccess: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllAccess System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoAccess System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Read System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Write System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermissionAccess = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermissionAccess +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermissionAccess:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field All string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Read string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Write string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.FileDialogPermission: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Access System.Security.Permissions.FileDialogPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileDialogPermission = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileDialogPermission.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param esd System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileDialogPermission.FromXml(esd) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileDialogPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileDialogPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileDialogPermission.IsUnrestricted() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileDialogPermission.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileDialogPermission.Union(target) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.FileDialogPermissionAccess: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Security.Permissions.FileDialogPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Open System.Security.Permissions.FileDialogPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OpenSave System.Security.Permissions.FileDialogPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Save System.Security.Permissions.FileDialogPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileDialogPermissionAccess = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Permissions.FileDialogPermissionAccess +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileDialogPermissionAccess:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.FileDialogPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Open bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Save bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileDialogPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileDialogPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllFiles System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllLocalFiles System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param access System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess +---@param path string +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.AddPathList(access, path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param access System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess +---@param pathList string[] +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.AddPathList(access, pathList) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param esd System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.FromXml(esd) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param access System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.GetPathList(access) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.IsUnrestricted() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param access System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess +---@param path string +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.SetPathList(access, path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param access System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess +---@param pathList string[] +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.SetPathList(access, pathList) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.Union(other) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllAccess System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Append System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoAccess System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PathDiscovery System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Read System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Write System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field All string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllFiles System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllLocalFiles System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Append string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ChangeAccessControl string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PathDiscovery string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Read string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ViewAccessControl string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ViewAndModify string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Write string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.GacIdentityPermission: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.GacIdentityPermission = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.GacIdentityPermission.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param securityElement System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.GacIdentityPermission.FromXml(securityElement) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.GacIdentityPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.GacIdentityPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.GacIdentityPermission.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.GacIdentityPermission.Union(target) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.GacIdentityPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.GacIdentityPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.GacIdentityPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExternalProcessMgmt bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExternalThreading bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MayLeakOnAbort bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Resources System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionResource +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SecurityInfrastructure bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SelfAffectingProcessMgmt bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SelfAffectingThreading bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SharedState bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Synchronization bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UI bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionResource: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field All System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionResource +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExternalProcessMgmt System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionResource +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExternalThreading System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionResource +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MayLeakOnAbort System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionResource +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionResource +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SecurityInfrastructure System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionResource +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SelfAffectingProcessMgmt System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionResource +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SelfAffectingThreading System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionResource +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SharedState System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionResource +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Synchronization System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionResource +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UI System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionResource +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionResource = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionResource +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionResource:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageContainment: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AdministerIsolatedStorageByUser System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageContainment +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationIsolationByMachine System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageContainment +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationIsolationByRoamingUser System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageContainment +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationIsolationByUser System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageContainment +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssemblyIsolationByMachine System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageContainment +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssemblyIsolationByRoamingUser System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageContainment +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssemblyIsolationByUser System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageContainment +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DomainIsolationByMachine System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageContainment +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DomainIsolationByRoamingUser System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageContainment +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DomainIsolationByUser System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageContainment +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageContainment +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UnrestrictedIsolatedStorage System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageContainment +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageContainment = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageContainment +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageContainment:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageFilePermission: System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStoragePermission +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageFilePermission = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageFilePermission.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageFilePermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageFilePermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageFilePermission.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageFilePermission.Union(target) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageFilePermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStoragePermissionAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageFilePermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageFilePermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStoragePermission: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UsageAllowed System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageContainment +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UserQuota long +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStoragePermission = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param esd System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStoragePermission.FromXml(esd) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStoragePermission.IsUnrestricted() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStoragePermission.ToXml() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStoragePermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UsageAllowed System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStorageContainment +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UserQuota long +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.IsolatedStoragePermissionAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.IUnrestrictedPermission +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.IUnrestrictedPermission = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.IUnrestrictedPermission.IsUnrestricted() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermission: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessEntries System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryCollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Flags System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermission = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermission.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param securityElement System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermission.FromXml(securityElement) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermission.IsUnrestricted() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermission.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermission.Union(target) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntry: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Flags System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeyContainerName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeySpec int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeyStore string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ProviderName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ProviderType int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntry = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntry.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntry.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryCollection: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntry +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryCollection = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param accessEntry System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntry +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryCollection.Add(accessEntry) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryCollection.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntry[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryEnumerator +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param accessEntry System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntry +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryCollection.IndexOf(accessEntry) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param accessEntry System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntry +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryCollection.Remove(accessEntry) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryEnumerator: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Current System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntry +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryEnumerator = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryEnumerator.MoveNext() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAccessEntryEnumerator.Reset() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Flags System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeyContainerName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeySpec int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeyStore string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ProviderName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ProviderType int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionFlags: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllFlags System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ChangeAcl System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Create System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Decrypt System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Delete System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Export System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Import System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoFlags System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Open System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Sign System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ViewAcl System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionFlags +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionFlags +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermissionFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Authenticated bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Role string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field File string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Hex string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UnicodeEncoded bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field XML string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute.CreatePermission() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return PermissionSet +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.PermissionSetAttribute.CreatePermissionSet() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Unrestricted System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.PermissionState:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.PublisherIdentityPermission: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Certificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.PublisherIdentityPermission = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.PublisherIdentityPermission.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param esd System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.PublisherIdentityPermission.FromXml(esd) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.PublisherIdentityPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.PublisherIdentityPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.PublisherIdentityPermission.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.PublisherIdentityPermission.Union(target) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermission: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermission = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermission.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermission.Demand() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermission.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param elem System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermission.FromXml(elem) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermission.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermission.IsUnrestricted() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermission.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermission.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.PrincipalPermission.Union(other) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.PublisherIdentityPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CertFile string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SignedFile string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field X509Certificate string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.PublisherIdentityPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.PublisherIdentityPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermission: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Flags System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermission = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermission.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param esd System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermission.FromXml(esd) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermission.IsUnrestricted() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermission.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermission.Union(other) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Flags System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MemberAccess bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectionEmit bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RestrictedMemberAccess bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeInformation bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermissionFlag: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllFlags System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MemberAccess System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoFlags System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectionEmit System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RestrictedMemberAccess System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeInformation System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermissionFlag = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermissionFlag +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.ReflectionPermissionFlag:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllFlags System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Assertion System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BindingRedirects System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ControlAppDomain System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ControlDomainPolicy System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ControlEvidence System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ControlPolicy System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ControlPrincipal System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ControlThread System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Execution System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Infrastructure System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoFlags System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RemotingConfiguration System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SerializationFormatter System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SkipVerification System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UnmanagedCode System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermission: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermission = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param access System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermissionAccess +---@param control System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlActions +---@param pathList string +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermission.AddPathList(access, control, pathList) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param access System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermissionAccess +---@param pathList string +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermission.AddPathList(access, pathList) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermission.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param esd System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermission.FromXml(esd) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param access System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermissionAccess +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermission.GetPathList(access) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermission.IsUnrestricted() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param access System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermissionAccess +---@param pathList string +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermission.SetPathList(access, pathList) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermission.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermission.Union(other) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermissionAccess: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllAccess System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Create System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoAccess System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Read System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Write System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermissionAccess +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermissionAccess = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermissionAccess +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermissionAccess:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.SiteIdentityPermission: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Site string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.SiteIdentityPermission = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.SiteIdentityPermission.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param esd System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.SiteIdentityPermission.FromXml(esd) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.SiteIdentityPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.SiteIdentityPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.SiteIdentityPermission.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.SiteIdentityPermission.Union(target) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.StrongNameIdentityPermission: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PublicKey System.Security.Permissions.StrongNamePublicKeyBlob +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Version System.Version +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.StrongNameIdentityPermission = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.StrongNameIdentityPermission.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.StrongNameIdentityPermission.FromXml(e) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.StrongNameIdentityPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.StrongNameIdentityPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.StrongNameIdentityPermission.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.StrongNameIdentityPermission.Union(target) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field All string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ChangeAccessControl string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Create string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Read string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ViewAccessControl string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ViewAndModify string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Write string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.SiteIdentityPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Site string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.SiteIdentityPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.SiteIdentityPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Assert System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Demand System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Deny System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InheritanceDemand System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LinkDemand System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PermitOnly System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RequestMinimum System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RequestOptional System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RequestRefuse System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PublicKey string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Version string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.StrongNameIdentityPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.StrongNamePublicKeyBlob: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.StrongNamePublicKeyBlob = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.StrongNamePublicKeyBlob.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.StrongNamePublicKeyBlob.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.StrongNamePublicKeyBlob.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Action System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Unrestricted bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.UIPermission: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Clipboard System.Security.Permissions.UIPermissionClipboard +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Window System.Security.Permissions.UIPermissionWindow +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.UIPermission = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.UIPermission.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param esd System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.UIPermission.FromXml(esd) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.UIPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.UIPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.UIPermission.IsUnrestricted() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.UIPermission.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.UIPermission.Union(target) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Flags System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param esd System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission.FromXml(esd) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission.IsUnrestricted() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission.Union(target) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.UIPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Clipboard System.Security.Permissions.UIPermissionClipboard +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Window System.Security.Permissions.UIPermissionWindow +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.UIPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.UIPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.UIPermissionWindow: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllWindows System.Security.Permissions.UIPermissionWindow +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoWindows System.Security.Permissions.UIPermissionWindow +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SafeSubWindows System.Security.Permissions.UIPermissionWindow +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SafeTopLevelWindows System.Security.Permissions.UIPermissionWindow +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.UIPermissionWindow = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Permissions.UIPermissionWindow +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.UIPermissionWindow:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Assertion bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BindingRedirects bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ControlAppDomain bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ControlDomainPolicy bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ControlEvidence bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ControlPolicy bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ControlPrincipal bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ControlThread bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Execution bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Flags System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionFlag +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Infrastructure bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RemotingConfiguration bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SerializationFormatter bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SkipVerification bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UnmanagedCode bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.UIPermissionClipboard: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllClipboard System.Security.Permissions.UIPermissionClipboard +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoClipboard System.Security.Permissions.UIPermissionClipboard +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OwnClipboard System.Security.Permissions.UIPermissionClipboard +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.UIPermissionClipboard = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Permissions.UIPermissionClipboard +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.UIPermissionClipboard:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.UrlIdentityPermission: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Url string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.UrlIdentityPermission = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.UrlIdentityPermission.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param esd System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.UrlIdentityPermission.FromXml(esd) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.UrlIdentityPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.UrlIdentityPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.UrlIdentityPermission.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.UrlIdentityPermission.Union(target) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.UrlIdentityPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Url string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.UrlIdentityPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.UrlIdentityPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.ZoneIdentityPermission: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SecurityZone System.Security.SecurityZone +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.ZoneIdentityPermission = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.ZoneIdentityPermission.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param esd System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.ZoneIdentityPermission.FromXml(esd) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.ZoneIdentityPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.ZoneIdentityPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.ZoneIdentityPermission.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.ZoneIdentityPermission.Union(target) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.ZoneIdentityPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Zone System.Security.SecurityZone +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.ZoneIdentityPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.ZoneIdentityPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.ResourcePermissionBase: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source System.dll +---@field Any string +---@source System.dll +---@field Local string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.ResourcePermissionBase = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.ResourcePermissionBase.Copy() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param securityElement System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.ResourcePermissionBase.FromXml(securityElement) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.ResourcePermissionBase.Intersect(target) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.ResourcePermissionBase.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.ResourcePermissionBase.IsUnrestricted() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.ResourcePermissionBase.ToXml() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.ResourcePermissionBase.Union(target) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.ResourcePermissionBaseEntry: object +---@source System.dll +---@field PermissionAccess int +---@source System.dll +---@field PermissionAccessPath string[] +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.ResourcePermissionBaseEntry = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.StorePermission: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source System.dll +---@field Flags System.Security.Permissions.StorePermissionFlags +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.StorePermission = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.StorePermission.Copy() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param securityElement System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.StorePermission.FromXml(securityElement) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.StorePermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.StorePermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.StorePermission.IsUnrestricted() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.StorePermission.ToXml() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.StorePermission.Union(target) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.StorePermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field AddToStore bool +---@source System.dll +---@field CreateStore bool +---@source System.dll +---@field DeleteStore bool +---@source System.dll +---@field EnumerateCertificates bool +---@source System.dll +---@field EnumerateStores bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Flags System.Security.Permissions.StorePermissionFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field OpenStore bool +---@source System.dll +---@field RemoveFromStore bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.StorePermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.StorePermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.StorePermissionFlags: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field AddToStore System.Security.Permissions.StorePermissionFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field AllFlags System.Security.Permissions.StorePermissionFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field CreateStore System.Security.Permissions.StorePermissionFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field DeleteStore System.Security.Permissions.StorePermissionFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field EnumerateCertificates System.Security.Permissions.StorePermissionFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field EnumerateStores System.Security.Permissions.StorePermissionFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field NoFlags System.Security.Permissions.StorePermissionFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field OpenStore System.Security.Permissions.StorePermissionFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field RemoveFromStore System.Security.Permissions.StorePermissionFlags +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.StorePermissionFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Permissions.StorePermissionFlags +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.StorePermissionFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.TypeDescriptorPermission: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source System.dll +---@field Flags System.Security.Permissions.TypeDescriptorPermissionFlags +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.TypeDescriptorPermission = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.TypeDescriptorPermission.Copy() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param securityElement System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.TypeDescriptorPermission.FromXml(securityElement) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.TypeDescriptorPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.TypeDescriptorPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.TypeDescriptorPermission.IsUnrestricted() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.TypeDescriptorPermission.ToXml() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.TypeDescriptorPermission.Union(target) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.TypeDescriptorPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Flags System.Security.Permissions.TypeDescriptorPermissionFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field RestrictedRegistrationAccess bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.TypeDescriptorPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.TypeDescriptorPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.Permissions.TypeDescriptorPermissionFlags: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field NoFlags System.Security.Permissions.TypeDescriptorPermissionFlags +---@source System.dll +---@field RestrictedRegistrationAccess System.Security.Permissions.TypeDescriptorPermissionFlags +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.Permissions.TypeDescriptorPermissionFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Permissions.TypeDescriptorPermissionFlags +function CS.System.Security.Permissions.TypeDescriptorPermissionFlags:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Policy.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Policy.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fc30fa36d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Policy.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1384 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.AllMembershipCondition: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.AllMembershipCondition = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.AllMembershipCondition.Check(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IMembershipCondition +function CS.System.Security.Policy.AllMembershipCondition.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.AllMembershipCondition.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.AllMembershipCondition.FromXml(e) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Security.SecurityElement +---@param level System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +function CS.System.Security.Policy.AllMembershipCondition.FromXml(e, level) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Policy.AllMembershipCondition.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Policy.AllMembershipCondition.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.AllMembershipCondition.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param level System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.AllMembershipCondition.ToXml(level) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectory: System.Security.Policy.EvidenceBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Directory string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectory = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return EvidenceBase +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectory.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectory.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectory.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectory.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectory.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition.Check(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IMembershipCondition +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition.FromXml(e) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Security.SecurityElement +---@param level System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition.FromXml(e, level) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param level System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationDirectoryMembershipCondition.ToXml(level) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.ApplicationSecurityInfo: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationEvidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationId System.ApplicationId +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DefaultRequestSet System.Security.PermissionSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeploymentId System.ApplicationId +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationSecurityInfo = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.ApplicationSecurityManager: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationTrustManager System.Security.Policy.IApplicationTrustManager +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UserApplicationTrusts System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrustCollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationSecurityManager = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param activationContext System.ActivationContext +---@param context System.Security.Policy.TrustManagerContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationSecurityManager:DetermineApplicationTrust(activationContext, context) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrust: System.Security.Policy.EvidenceBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationIdentity System.ApplicationIdentity +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DefaultGrantSet System.Security.Policy.PolicyStatement +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExtraInfo object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullTrustAssemblies System.Collections.Generic.IList +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsApplicationTrustedToRun bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Persist bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrust = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return EvidenceBase +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrust.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrust.FromXml(element) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrust.ToXml() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrustCollection: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrust +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrust +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrustCollection = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param trust System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrust +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrustCollection.Add(trust) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param trusts System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrustCollection +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrustCollection.AddRange(trusts) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param trusts System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrust[] +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrustCollection.AddRange(trusts) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrustCollection.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrust[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrustCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param applicationIdentity System.ApplicationIdentity +---@param versionMatch System.Security.Policy.ApplicationVersionMatch +---@return ApplicationTrustCollection +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrustCollection.Find(applicationIdentity, versionMatch) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ApplicationTrustEnumerator +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrustCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param applicationIdentity System.ApplicationIdentity +---@param versionMatch System.Security.Policy.ApplicationVersionMatch +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrustCollection.Remove(applicationIdentity, versionMatch) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param trust System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrust +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrustCollection.Remove(trust) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param trusts System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrustCollection +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrustCollection.RemoveRange(trusts) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param trusts System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrust[] +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrustCollection.RemoveRange(trusts) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrustEnumerator: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Current System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrust +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrustEnumerator = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrustEnumerator.MoveNext() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrustEnumerator.Reset() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.ApplicationVersionMatch: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MatchAllVersions System.Security.Policy.ApplicationVersionMatch +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MatchExactVersion System.Security.Policy.ApplicationVersionMatch +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationVersionMatch = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Policy.ApplicationVersionMatch +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ApplicationVersionMatch:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.CodeConnectAccess: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AnyScheme string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DefaultPort int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OriginPort int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OriginScheme string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Port int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Scheme string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.CodeConnectAccess = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param allowPort int +---@return CodeConnectAccess +function CS.System.Security.Policy.CodeConnectAccess:CreateAnySchemeAccess(allowPort) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param allowPort int +---@return CodeConnectAccess +function CS.System.Security.Policy.CodeConnectAccess:CreateOriginSchemeAccess(allowPort) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.CodeConnectAccess.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Policy.CodeConnectAccess.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.Evidence: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Locked bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.Evidence = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param id object +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Evidence.AddAssembly(id) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence T +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Evidence.AddAssemblyEvidence(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param id object +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Evidence.AddHost(id) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence T +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Evidence.AddHostEvidence(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Evidence.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Evidence +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Evidence.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Evidence.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Evidence.GetAssemblyEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return T +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Evidence.GetAssemblyEvidence() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Evidence.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Evidence.GetHostEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return T +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Evidence.GetHostEvidence() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Evidence.Merge(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t System.Type +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Evidence.RemoveType(t) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.EvidenceBase: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.EvidenceBase = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return EvidenceBase +function CS.System.Security.Policy.EvidenceBase.Clone() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.FileCodeGroup: System.Security.Policy.CodeGroup +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AttributeString string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MergeLogic string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PermissionSetName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.FileCodeGroup = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return CodeGroup +function CS.System.Security.Policy.FileCodeGroup.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.FileCodeGroup.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Policy.FileCodeGroup.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return PolicyStatement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.FileCodeGroup.Resolve(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return CodeGroup +function CS.System.Security.Policy.FileCodeGroup.ResolveMatchingCodeGroups(evidence) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.FirstMatchCodeGroup: System.Security.Policy.CodeGroup +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MergeLogic string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.FirstMatchCodeGroup = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return CodeGroup +function CS.System.Security.Policy.FirstMatchCodeGroup.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return PolicyStatement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.FirstMatchCodeGroup.Resolve(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return CodeGroup +function CS.System.Security.Policy.FirstMatchCodeGroup.ResolveMatchingCodeGroups(evidence) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.GacInstalled: System.Security.Policy.EvidenceBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.GacInstalled = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return EvidenceBase +function CS.System.Security.Policy.GacInstalled.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Security.Policy.GacInstalled.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Policy.GacInstalled.CreateIdentityPermission(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.GacInstalled.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Policy.GacInstalled.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Policy.GacInstalled.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.GacMembershipCondition: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.GacMembershipCondition = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.GacMembershipCondition.Check(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IMembershipCondition +function CS.System.Security.Policy.GacMembershipCondition.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.GacMembershipCondition.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.GacMembershipCondition.FromXml(e) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Security.SecurityElement +---@param level System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +function CS.System.Security.Policy.GacMembershipCondition.FromXml(e, level) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Policy.GacMembershipCondition.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Policy.GacMembershipCondition.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.GacMembershipCondition.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param level System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.GacMembershipCondition.ToXml(level) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.Hash: System.Security.Policy.EvidenceBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MD5 byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SHA1 byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SHA256 byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.Hash = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return EvidenceBase +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Hash.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param md5 byte[] +---@return Hash +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Hash:CreateMD5(md5) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sha1 byte[] +---@return Hash +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Hash:CreateSHA1(sha1) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sha256 byte[] +---@return Hash +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Hash:CreateSHA256(sha256) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param hashAlg System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Hash.GenerateHash(hashAlg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Hash.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Hash.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.HashMembershipCondition: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HashAlgorithm System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HashValue byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.HashMembershipCondition = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.HashMembershipCondition.Check(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IMembershipCondition +function CS.System.Security.Policy.HashMembershipCondition.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.HashMembershipCondition.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.HashMembershipCondition.FromXml(e) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Security.SecurityElement +---@param level System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +function CS.System.Security.Policy.HashMembershipCondition.FromXml(e, level) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Policy.HashMembershipCondition.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Policy.HashMembershipCondition.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.HashMembershipCondition.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param level System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.HashMembershipCondition.ToXml(level) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.IApplicationTrustManager +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.IApplicationTrustManager = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param activationContext System.ActivationContext +---@param context System.Security.Policy.TrustManagerContext +---@return ApplicationTrust +function CS.System.Security.Policy.IApplicationTrustManager.DetermineApplicationTrust(activationContext, context) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.IIdentityPermissionFactory +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.IIdentityPermissionFactory = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Policy.IIdentityPermissionFactory.CreateIdentityPermission(evidence) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.IMembershipCondition +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.IMembershipCondition = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.IMembershipCondition.Check(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IMembershipCondition +function CS.System.Security.Policy.IMembershipCondition.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.IMembershipCondition.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Policy.IMembershipCondition.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.NetCodeGroup: System.Security.Policy.CodeGroup +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AbsentOriginScheme string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AnyOtherOriginScheme string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AttributeString string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MergeLogic string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PermissionSetName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.NetCodeGroup = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param originScheme string +---@param connectAccess System.Security.Policy.CodeConnectAccess +function CS.System.Security.Policy.NetCodeGroup.AddConnectAccess(originScheme, connectAccess) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return CodeGroup +function CS.System.Security.Policy.NetCodeGroup.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.NetCodeGroup.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Policy.NetCodeGroup.GetConnectAccessRules() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Policy.NetCodeGroup.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Policy.NetCodeGroup.ResetConnectAccess() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return PolicyStatement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.NetCodeGroup.Resolve(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return CodeGroup +function CS.System.Security.Policy.NetCodeGroup.ResolveMatchingCodeGroups(evidence) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.PublisherMembershipCondition: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Certificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.PublisherMembershipCondition = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PublisherMembershipCondition.Check(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IMembershipCondition +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PublisherMembershipCondition.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PublisherMembershipCondition.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PublisherMembershipCondition.FromXml(e) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Security.SecurityElement +---@param level System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PublisherMembershipCondition.FromXml(e, level) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PublisherMembershipCondition.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PublisherMembershipCondition.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PublisherMembershipCondition.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param level System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PublisherMembershipCondition.ToXml(level) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.PermissionRequestEvidence: System.Security.Policy.EvidenceBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeniedPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OptionalPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RequestedPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.PermissionRequestEvidence = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return EvidenceBase +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PermissionRequestEvidence.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return PermissionRequestEvidence +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PermissionRequestEvidence.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PermissionRequestEvidence.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.PolicyException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.Site: System.Security.Policy.EvidenceBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.Site = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return EvidenceBase +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Site.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Site.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param url string +---@return Site +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Site:CreateFromUrl(url) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Site.CreateIdentityPermission(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Site.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Site.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Site.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullTrustAssemblies System.Collections.IList +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Label string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NamedPermissionSets System.Collections.IList +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RootCodeGroup System.Security.Policy.CodeGroup +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StoreLocation string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Type System.Security.PolicyLevelType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sn System.Security.Policy.StrongName +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel.AddFullTrustAssembly(sn) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param snMC System.Security.Policy.StrongNameMembershipCondition +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel.AddFullTrustAssembly(snMC) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param permSet System.Security.NamedPermissionSet +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel.AddNamedPermissionSet(permSet) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param pSet System.Security.PermissionSet +---@return NamedPermissionSet +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel.ChangeNamedPermissionSet(name, pSet) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return PolicyLevel +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel:CreateAppDomainLevel() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel.FromXml(e) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return NamedPermissionSet +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel.GetNamedPermissionSet(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel.Recover() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sn System.Security.Policy.StrongName +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel.RemoveFullTrustAssembly(sn) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param snMC System.Security.Policy.StrongNameMembershipCondition +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel.RemoveFullTrustAssembly(snMC) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param permSet System.Security.NamedPermissionSet +---@return NamedPermissionSet +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel.RemoveNamedPermissionSet(permSet) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return NamedPermissionSet +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel.RemoveNamedPermissionSet(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel.Reset() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return PolicyStatement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel.Resolve(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return CodeGroup +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel.ResolveMatchingCodeGroups(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel.ToXml() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.PolicyStatement: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attributes System.Security.Policy.PolicyStatementAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AttributeString string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PermissionSet System.Security.PermissionSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyStatement = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return PolicyStatement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyStatement.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyStatement.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param et System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyStatement.FromXml(et) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param et System.Security.SecurityElement +---@param level System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyStatement.FromXml(et, level) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyStatement.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyStatement.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param level System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyStatement.ToXml(level) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.SiteMembershipCondition: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Site string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.SiteMembershipCondition = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.SiteMembershipCondition.Check(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IMembershipCondition +function CS.System.Security.Policy.SiteMembershipCondition.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.SiteMembershipCondition.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.SiteMembershipCondition.FromXml(e) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Security.SecurityElement +---@param level System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +function CS.System.Security.Policy.SiteMembershipCondition.FromXml(e, level) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Policy.SiteMembershipCondition.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Policy.SiteMembershipCondition.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.SiteMembershipCondition.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param level System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.SiteMembershipCondition.ToXml(level) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.PolicyStatementAttribute: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field All System.Security.Policy.PolicyStatementAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Exclusive System.Security.Policy.PolicyStatementAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LevelFinal System.Security.Policy.PolicyStatementAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Nothing System.Security.Policy.PolicyStatementAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyStatementAttribute = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Policy.PolicyStatementAttribute +function CS.System.Security.Policy.PolicyStatementAttribute:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.StrongName: System.Security.Policy.EvidenceBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PublicKey System.Security.Permissions.StrongNamePublicKeyBlob +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Version System.Version +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.StrongName = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return EvidenceBase +function CS.System.Security.Policy.StrongName.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Security.Policy.StrongName.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Policy.StrongName.CreateIdentityPermission(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.StrongName.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Policy.StrongName.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Policy.StrongName.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.Publisher: System.Security.Policy.EvidenceBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Certificate System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.Publisher = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return EvidenceBase +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Publisher.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Publisher.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Publisher.CreateIdentityPermission(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Publisher.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Publisher.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Publisher.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.StrongNameMembershipCondition: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PublicKey System.Security.Permissions.StrongNamePublicKeyBlob +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Version System.Version +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.StrongNameMembershipCondition = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.StrongNameMembershipCondition.Check(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IMembershipCondition +function CS.System.Security.Policy.StrongNameMembershipCondition.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.StrongNameMembershipCondition.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.StrongNameMembershipCondition.FromXml(e) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Security.SecurityElement +---@param level System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +function CS.System.Security.Policy.StrongNameMembershipCondition.FromXml(e, level) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Policy.StrongNameMembershipCondition.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Policy.StrongNameMembershipCondition.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.StrongNameMembershipCondition.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param level System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.StrongNameMembershipCondition.ToXml(level) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.TrustManagerContext: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IgnorePersistedDecision bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeepAlive bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoPrompt bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Persist bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PreviousApplicationIdentity System.ApplicationIdentity +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UIContext System.Security.Policy.TrustManagerUIContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.TrustManagerContext = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.TrustManagerUIContext: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Install System.Security.Policy.TrustManagerUIContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Run System.Security.Policy.TrustManagerUIContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Upgrade System.Security.Policy.TrustManagerUIContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.TrustManagerUIContext = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Policy.TrustManagerUIContext +function CS.System.Security.Policy.TrustManagerUIContext:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.UnionCodeGroup: System.Security.Policy.CodeGroup +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MergeLogic string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.UnionCodeGroup = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return CodeGroup +function CS.System.Security.Policy.UnionCodeGroup.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return PolicyStatement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.UnionCodeGroup.Resolve(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return CodeGroup +function CS.System.Security.Policy.UnionCodeGroup.ResolveMatchingCodeGroups(evidence) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.Url: System.Security.Policy.EvidenceBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.Url = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return EvidenceBase +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Url.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Url.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Url.CreateIdentityPermission(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Url.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Url.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Url.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.UrlMembershipCondition: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Url string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.UrlMembershipCondition = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.UrlMembershipCondition.Check(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IMembershipCondition +function CS.System.Security.Policy.UrlMembershipCondition.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.UrlMembershipCondition.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.UrlMembershipCondition.FromXml(e) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Security.SecurityElement +---@param level System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +function CS.System.Security.Policy.UrlMembershipCondition.FromXml(e, level) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Policy.UrlMembershipCondition.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Policy.UrlMembershipCondition.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.UrlMembershipCondition.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param level System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.UrlMembershipCondition.ToXml(level) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.Zone: System.Security.Policy.EvidenceBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SecurityZone System.Security.SecurityZone +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.Zone = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return EvidenceBase +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Zone.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Zone.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param url string +---@return Zone +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Zone:CreateFromUrl(url) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Zone.CreateIdentityPermission(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Zone.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Zone.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Policy.Zone.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Policy.ZoneMembershipCondition: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SecurityZone System.Security.SecurityZone +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Policy.ZoneMembershipCondition = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ZoneMembershipCondition.Check(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IMembershipCondition +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ZoneMembershipCondition.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ZoneMembershipCondition.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ZoneMembershipCondition.FromXml(e) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Security.SecurityElement +---@param level System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ZoneMembershipCondition.FromXml(e, level) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ZoneMembershipCondition.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ZoneMembershipCondition.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ZoneMembershipCondition.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param level System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.Policy.ZoneMembershipCondition.ToXml(level) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Principal.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Principal.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..01704650c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.Principal.lua @@ -0,0 +1,589 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Principal.GenericIdentity: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AuthenticationType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Claims System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAuthenticated bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Principal.GenericIdentity = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ClaimsIdentity +function CS.System.Security.Principal.GenericIdentity.Clone() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Principal.GenericPrincipal: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Identity System.Security.Principal.IIdentity +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Principal.GenericPrincipal = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param role string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Principal.GenericPrincipal.IsInRole(role) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Principal.IdentityNotMappedException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UnmappedIdentities System.Security.Principal.IdentityReferenceCollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Principal.IdentityNotMappedException = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param serializationInfo System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param streamingContext System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Security.Principal.IdentityNotMappedException.GetObjectData(serializationInfo, streamingContext) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param targetType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference.IsValidTargetType(targetType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@param right System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@param right System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param targetType System.Type +---@return IdentityReference +function CS.System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference.Translate(targetType) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Principal.IIdentity +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AuthenticationType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAuthenticated bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Principal.IIdentity = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Principal.IdentityReferenceCollection: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Principal.IdentityReferenceCollection = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identity System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +function CS.System.Security.Principal.IdentityReferenceCollection.Add(identity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Principal.IdentityReferenceCollection.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identity System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Principal.IdentityReferenceCollection.Contains(identity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference[] +---@param offset int +function CS.System.Security.Principal.IdentityReferenceCollection.CopyTo(array, offset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Security.Principal.IdentityReferenceCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identity System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Principal.IdentityReferenceCollection.Remove(identity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param targetType System.Type +---@return IdentityReferenceCollection +function CS.System.Security.Principal.IdentityReferenceCollection.Translate(targetType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param targetType System.Type +---@param forceSuccess bool +---@return IdentityReferenceCollection +function CS.System.Security.Principal.IdentityReferenceCollection.Translate(targetType, forceSuccess) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Principal.NTAccount: System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Principal.NTAccount = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Principal.NTAccount.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.Principal.NTAccount.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param targetType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Principal.NTAccount.IsValidTargetType(targetType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Security.Principal.NTAccount +---@param right System.Security.Principal.NTAccount +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Principal.NTAccount:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Security.Principal.NTAccount +---@param right System.Security.Principal.NTAccount +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Principal.NTAccount:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.Principal.NTAccount.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param targetType System.Type +---@return IdentityReference +function CS.System.Security.Principal.NTAccount.Translate(targetType) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Identity System.Security.Principal.IIdentity +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param role string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal.IsInRole(role) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Principal.PrincipalPolicy: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoPrincipal System.Security.Principal.PrincipalPolicy +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UnauthenticatedPrincipal System.Security.Principal.PrincipalPolicy +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WindowsPrincipal System.Security.Principal.PrincipalPolicy +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Principal.PrincipalPolicy = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Principal.PrincipalPolicy +function CS.System.Security.Principal.PrincipalPolicy:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Principal.TokenAccessLevels: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AdjustDefault System.Security.Principal.TokenAccessLevels +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AdjustGroups System.Security.Principal.TokenAccessLevels +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AdjustPrivileges System.Security.Principal.TokenAccessLevels +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AdjustSessionId System.Security.Principal.TokenAccessLevels +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllAccess System.Security.Principal.TokenAccessLevels +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssignPrimary System.Security.Principal.TokenAccessLevels +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Duplicate System.Security.Principal.TokenAccessLevels +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Impersonate System.Security.Principal.TokenAccessLevels +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaximumAllowed System.Security.Principal.TokenAccessLevels +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Query System.Security.Principal.TokenAccessLevels +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field QuerySource System.Security.Principal.TokenAccessLevels +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Read System.Security.Principal.TokenAccessLevels +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Write System.Security.Principal.TokenAccessLevels +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Principal.TokenAccessLevels = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Principal.TokenAccessLevels +function CS.System.Security.Principal.TokenAccessLevels:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Anonymous System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Delegation System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Identification System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Impersonation System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel +function CS.System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccountAdministratorSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccountCertAdminsSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccountComputersSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccountControllersSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccountDomainAdminsSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccountDomainGuestsSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccountDomainUsersSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccountEnterpriseAdminsSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccountGuestSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccountKrbtgtSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccountPolicyAdminsSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccountRasAndIasServersSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccountSchemaAdminsSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AnonymousSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AuthenticatedUserSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BatchSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BuiltinAccountOperatorsSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BuiltinAdministratorsSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BuiltinAuthorizationAccessSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BuiltinBackupOperatorsSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BuiltinDomainSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BuiltinGuestsSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BuiltinIncomingForestTrustBuildersSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BuiltinNetworkConfigurationOperatorsSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BuiltinPerformanceLoggingUsersSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BuiltinPerformanceMonitoringUsersSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BuiltinPowerUsersSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BuiltinPreWindows2000CompatibleAccessSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BuiltinPrintOperatorsSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BuiltinRemoteDesktopUsersSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BuiltinReplicatorSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BuiltinSystemOperatorsSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BuiltinUsersSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CreatorGroupServerSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CreatorGroupSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CreatorOwnerServerSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CreatorOwnerSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DialupSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DigestAuthenticationSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EnterpriseControllersSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InteractiveSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LocalServiceSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LocalSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LocalSystemSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LogonIdsSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxDefined System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NetworkServiceSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NetworkSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NTAuthoritySid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NtlmAuthenticationSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NullSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OtherOrganizationSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ProxySid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RemoteLogonIdSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RestrictedCodeSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SChannelAuthenticationSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SelfSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ServiceSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TerminalServerSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ThisOrganizationSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WinBuiltinTerminalServerLicenseServersSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WorldSid System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType +function CS.System.Security.Principal.WellKnownSidType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Principal.WindowsAccountType: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Anonymous System.Security.Principal.WindowsAccountType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Guest System.Security.Principal.WindowsAccountType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Normal System.Security.Principal.WindowsAccountType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field System System.Security.Principal.WindowsAccountType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Principal.WindowsAccountType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Principal.WindowsAccountType +function CS.System.Security.Principal.WindowsAccountType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccountOperator System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Administrator System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BackupOperator System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Guest System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PowerUser System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PrintOperator System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Replicator System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemOperator System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field User System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole +function CS.System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DefaultIssuer string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AccessToken Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeAccessTokenHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AuthenticationType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Claims System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeviceClaims System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Groups System.Security.Principal.IdentityReferenceCollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ImpersonationLevel System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAnonymous bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAuthenticated bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsGuest bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSystem bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Owner System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Token System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field User System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UserClaims System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ClaimsIdentity +function CS.System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return WindowsIdentity +function CS.System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity:GetAnonymous() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return WindowsIdentity +function CS.System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity:GetCurrent() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ifImpersonating bool +---@return WindowsIdentity +function CS.System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity:GetCurrent(ifImpersonating) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param desiredAccess System.Security.Principal.TokenAccessLevels +---@return WindowsIdentity +function CS.System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity:GetCurrent(desiredAccess) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return WindowsImpersonationContext +function CS.System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.Impersonate() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param userToken System.IntPtr +---@return WindowsImpersonationContext +function CS.System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity:Impersonate(userToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param safeAccessTokenHandle Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeAccessTokenHandle +---@param action System.Action +function CS.System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity:RunImpersonated(safeAccessTokenHandle, action) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param safeAccessTokenHandle Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeAccessTokenHandle +---@param func System.Func +---@return T +function CS.System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity:RunImpersonated(safeAccessTokenHandle, func) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Principal.WindowsImpersonationContext: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Principal.WindowsImpersonationContext = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Principal.WindowsImpersonationContext.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.Principal.WindowsImpersonationContext.Undo() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal: System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeviceClaims System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Identity System.Security.Principal.IIdentity +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UserClaims System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rid int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal.IsInRole(rid) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sid System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal.IsInRole(sid) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param role System.Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal.IsInRole(role) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param role string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal.IsInRole(role) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bdea1ac95 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Security.lua @@ -0,0 +1,939 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PartialTrustVisibilityLevel System.Security.PartialTrustVisibilityLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.CodeAccessPermission: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.CodeAccessPermission = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.CodeAccessPermission.Assert() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.CodeAccessPermission.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.CodeAccessPermission.Demand() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.CodeAccessPermission.Deny() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.CodeAccessPermission.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param elem System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.CodeAccessPermission.FromXml(elem) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.CodeAccessPermission.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.CodeAccessPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.CodeAccessPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.CodeAccessPermission.PermitOnly() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.CodeAccessPermission:RevertAll() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.CodeAccessPermission:RevertAssert() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.CodeAccessPermission:RevertDeny() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.CodeAccessPermission:RevertPermitOnly() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.CodeAccessPermission.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.CodeAccessPermission.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.CodeAccessPermission.Union(other) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.HostProtectionException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DemandedResources System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionResource +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ProtectedResources System.Security.Permissions.HostProtectionResource +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.HostProtectionException = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Security.HostProtectionException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.HostProtectionException.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.HostSecurityManager: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DomainPolicy System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Flags System.Security.HostSecurityManagerOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.HostSecurityManager = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param applicationEvidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@param activatorEvidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@param context System.Security.Policy.TrustManagerContext +---@return ApplicationTrust +function CS.System.Security.HostSecurityManager.DetermineApplicationTrust(applicationEvidence, activatorEvidence, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidenceType System.Type +---@return EvidenceBase +function CS.System.Security.HostSecurityManager.GenerateAppDomainEvidence(evidenceType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidenceType System.Type +---@param assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@return EvidenceBase +function CS.System.Security.HostSecurityManager.GenerateAssemblyEvidence(evidenceType, assembly) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.HostSecurityManager.GetHostSuppliedAppDomainEvidenceTypes() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +function CS.System.Security.HostSecurityManager.GetHostSuppliedAssemblyEvidenceTypes(assembly) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inputEvidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Evidence +function CS.System.Security.HostSecurityManager.ProvideAppDomainEvidence(inputEvidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param loadedAssembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@param inputEvidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Evidence +function CS.System.Security.HostSecurityManager.ProvideAssemblyEvidence(loadedAssembly, inputEvidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return PermissionSet +function CS.System.Security.HostSecurityManager.ResolvePolicy(evidence) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.HostSecurityManagerOptions: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllFlags System.Security.HostSecurityManagerOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HostAppDomainEvidence System.Security.HostSecurityManagerOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HostAssemblyEvidence System.Security.HostSecurityManagerOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HostDetermineApplicationTrust System.Security.HostSecurityManagerOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HostPolicyLevel System.Security.HostSecurityManagerOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HostResolvePolicy System.Security.HostSecurityManagerOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Security.HostSecurityManagerOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.HostSecurityManagerOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.HostSecurityManagerOptions +function CS.System.Security.HostSecurityManagerOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.IEvidenceFactory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.IEvidenceFactory = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.IPermission +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.IPermission = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.IPermission.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.IPermission.Demand() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.IPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.IPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.IPermission.Union(target) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.ISecurityPolicyEncodable +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.ISecurityPolicyEncodable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Security.SecurityElement +---@param level System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +function CS.System.Security.ISecurityPolicyEncodable.FromXml(e, level) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param level System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.ISecurityPolicyEncodable.ToXml(level) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.ISecurityEncodable +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.ISecurityEncodable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param e System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.ISecurityEncodable.FromXml(e) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.ISecurityEncodable.ToXml() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.IStackWalk +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.IStackWalk = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.IStackWalk.Assert() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.IStackWalk.Demand() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.IStackWalk.Deny() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.IStackWalk.PermitOnly() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.NamedPermissionSet: System.Security.PermissionSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Description string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.NamedPermissionSet = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return PermissionSet +function CS.System.Security.NamedPermissionSet.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return NamedPermissionSet +function CS.System.Security.NamedPermissionSet.Copy(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.NamedPermissionSet.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param et System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.NamedPermissionSet.FromXml(et) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.NamedPermissionSet.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.NamedPermissionSet.ToXml() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.PartialTrustVisibilityLevel: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NotVisibleByDefault System.Security.PartialTrustVisibilityLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VisibleToAllHosts System.Security.PartialTrustVisibilityLevel +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.PartialTrustVisibilityLevel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.PartialTrustVisibilityLevel +function CS.System.Security.PartialTrustVisibilityLevel:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.PermissionSet: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.PermissionSet = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param perm System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet.AddPermission(perm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet.Assert() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet.ContainsNonCodeAccessPermissions() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inFormat string +---@param inData byte[] +---@param outFormat string +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet:ConvertPermissionSet(inFormat, inData, outFormat) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return PermissionSet +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet.Demand() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet.Deny() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param et System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet.FromXml(et) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param permClass System.Type +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet.GetPermission(permClass) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.Security.PermissionSet +---@return PermissionSet +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet.Intersect(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet.IsEmpty() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.Security.PermissionSet +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet.IsUnrestricted() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet.PermitOnly() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param permClass System.Type +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet.RemovePermission(permClass) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet:RevertAssert() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param perm System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet.SetPermission(perm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet.ToXml() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.Security.PermissionSet +---@return PermissionSet +function CS.System.Security.PermissionSet.Union(other) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.PolicyLevelType: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AppDomain System.Security.PolicyLevelType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Enterprise System.Security.PolicyLevelType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Machine System.Security.PolicyLevelType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field User System.Security.PolicyLevelType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.PolicyLevelType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.PolicyLevelType +function CS.System.Security.PolicyLevelType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.ReadOnlyPermissionSet: System.Security.PermissionSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.ReadOnlyPermissionSet = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return PermissionSet +function CS.System.Security.ReadOnlyPermissionSet.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param et System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.ReadOnlyPermissionSet.FromXml(et) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.ReadOnlyPermissionSet.ToXml() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.SecureString: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Length int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.SecureString = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +function CS.System.Security.SecureString.AppendChar(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.SecureString.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecureString +function CS.System.Security.SecureString.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.SecureString.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param c char +function CS.System.Security.SecureString.InsertAt(index, c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.SecureString.IsReadOnly() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.SecureString.MakeReadOnly() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Security.SecureString.RemoveAt(index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param c char +function CS.System.Security.SecureString.SetAt(index, c) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.SecurityContext: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.SecurityContext = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityContext +function CS.System.Security.SecurityContext:Capture() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityContext +function CS.System.Security.SecurityContext.CreateCopy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.SecurityContext.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.SecurityContext:IsFlowSuppressed() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.SecurityContext:IsWindowsIdentityFlowSuppressed() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.SecurityContext:RestoreFlow() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param securityContext System.Security.SecurityContext +---@param callback System.Threading.ContextCallback +---@param state object +function CS.System.Security.SecurityContext:Run(securityContext, callback, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return AsyncFlowControl +function CS.System.Security.SecurityContext:SuppressFlow() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return AsyncFlowControl +function CS.System.Security.SecurityContext:SuppressFlowWindowsIdentity() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.SecurityContextSource: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentAppDomain System.Security.SecurityContextSource +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentAssembly System.Security.SecurityContextSource +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.SecurityContextSource = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.SecurityContextSource +function CS.System.Security.SecurityContextSource:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Scope System.Security.SecurityCriticalScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.SecurityCriticalAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.SecurityCriticalScope: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Everything System.Security.SecurityCriticalScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Explicit System.Security.SecurityCriticalScope +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.SecurityCriticalScope = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.SecurityCriticalScope +function CS.System.Security.SecurityCriticalScope:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.SecurityElement: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attributes System.Collections.Hashtable +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Children System.Collections.ArrayList +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Tag string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Text string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.SecurityElement = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Security.SecurityElement.AddAttribute(name, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param child System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.SecurityElement.AddChild(child) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.SecurityElement.Attribute(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.SecurityElement.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.Security.SecurityElement +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.SecurityElement.Equal(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param str string +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.SecurityElement:Escape(str) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param xml string +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.SecurityElement:FromString(xml) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.SecurityElement:IsValidAttributeName(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.SecurityElement:IsValidAttributeValue(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tag string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.SecurityElement:IsValidTag(tag) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param text string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.SecurityElement:IsValidText(text) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tag string +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Security.SecurityElement.SearchForChildByTag(tag) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tag string +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.SecurityElement.SearchForTextOfTag(tag) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.SecurityElement.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.SecurityException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Action System.Security.Permissions.SecurityAction +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Demanded object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DenySetInstance object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FailedAssemblyInfo System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FirstPermissionThatFailed System.Security.IPermission +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GrantedSet string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PermissionState string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PermissionType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PermitOnlySetInstance object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RefusedSet string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Url string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Zone System.Security.SecurityZone +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.SecurityException = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Security.SecurityException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Security.SecurityException.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.SecurityManager: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CheckExecutionRights bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SecurityEnabled bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.SecurityManager = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.SecurityManager:CurrentThreadRequiresSecurityContextCapture() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return PermissionSet +function CS.System.Security.SecurityManager:GetStandardSandbox(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param zone System.Collections.ArrayList +---@param origin System.Collections.ArrayList +function CS.System.Security.SecurityManager:GetZoneAndOrigin(zone, origin) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param perm System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.SecurityManager:IsGranted(perm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +---@param type System.Security.PolicyLevelType +---@return PolicyLevel +function CS.System.Security.SecurityManager:LoadPolicyLevelFromFile(path, type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param str string +---@param type System.Security.PolicyLevelType +---@return PolicyLevel +function CS.System.Security.SecurityManager:LoadPolicyLevelFromString(str, type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Security.SecurityManager:PolicyHierarchy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return PermissionSet +function CS.System.Security.SecurityManager:ResolvePolicy(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@param reqdPset System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param optPset System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param denyPset System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param denied System.Security.PermissionSet +---@return PermissionSet +function CS.System.Security.SecurityManager:ResolvePolicy(evidence, reqdPset, optPset, denyPset, denied) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidences System.Security.Policy.Evidence[] +---@return PermissionSet +function CS.System.Security.SecurityManager:ResolvePolicy(evidences) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Security.SecurityManager:ResolvePolicyGroups(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return PermissionSet +function CS.System.Security.SecurityManager:ResolveSystemPolicy(evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.SecurityManager:SavePolicy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param level System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +function CS.System.Security.SecurityManager:SavePolicyLevel(level) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.SecurityRulesAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RuleSet System.Security.SecurityRuleSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SkipVerificationInFullTrust bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.SecurityRulesAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.SecurityTransparentAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.SecurityTransparentAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.SecurityRuleSet: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Level1 System.Security.SecurityRuleSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Level2 System.Security.SecurityRuleSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Security.SecurityRuleSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.SecurityRuleSet = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.SecurityRuleSet +function CS.System.Security.SecurityRuleSet:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.SecuritySafeCriticalAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.SecuritySafeCriticalAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.SecurityTreatAsSafeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.SecurityTreatAsSafeAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.SecurityState: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.SecurityState = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Security.SecurityState.EnsureState() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Security.SecurityState.IsStateAvailable() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.SecurityZone: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Internet System.Security.SecurityZone +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Intranet System.Security.SecurityZone +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MyComputer System.Security.SecurityZone +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoZone System.Security.SecurityZone +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Trusted System.Security.SecurityZone +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Untrusted System.Security.SecurityZone +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.SecurityZone = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.SecurityZone +function CS.System.Security.SecurityZone:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.VerificationException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.VerificationException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.XmlSyntaxException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.XmlSyntaxException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Security.UnverifiableCodeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Security.UnverifiableCodeAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Security.ManifestKinds: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Application System.Security.ManifestKinds +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field ApplicationAndDeployment System.Security.ManifestKinds +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field Deployment System.Security.ManifestKinds +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field None System.Security.ManifestKinds +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Security.ManifestKinds = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Security.ManifestKinds +function CS.System.Security.ManifestKinds:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Security.SecureStringMarshal: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Security.SecureStringMarshal = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param s System.Security.SecureString +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Security.SecureStringMarshal:SecureStringToCoTaskMemAnsi(s) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param s System.Security.SecureString +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Security.SecureStringMarshal:SecureStringToCoTaskMemUnicode(s) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param s System.Security.SecureString +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Security.SecureStringMarshal:SecureStringToGlobalAllocAnsi(s) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param s System.Security.SecureString +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Security.SecureStringMarshal:SecureStringToGlobalAllocUnicode(s) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Text.RegularExpressions.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Text.RegularExpressions.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7ad04174c --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Text.RegularExpressions.lua @@ -0,0 +1,520 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Text.RegularExpressions.Capture: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Index int +---@source System.dll +---@field Length int +---@source System.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Capture = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Capture.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Text.RegularExpressions.CaptureCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Text.RegularExpressions.Capture +---@source System.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.CaptureCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param arrayIndex int +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.CaptureCollection.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.CaptureCollection.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Text.RegularExpressions.Group: System.Text.RegularExpressions.Capture +---@source System.dll +---@field Captures System.Text.RegularExpressions.CaptureCollection +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +---@field Success bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Group = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param inner System.Text.RegularExpressions.Group +---@return Group +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Group:Synchronized(inner) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Text.RegularExpressions.GroupCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Text.RegularExpressions.Group +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Text.RegularExpressions.Group +---@source System.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.GroupCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param arrayIndex int +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.GroupCollection.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.GroupCollection.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match: System.Text.RegularExpressions.Group +---@source System.dll +---@field Empty System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match +---@source System.dll +---@field Groups System.Text.RegularExpressions.GroupCollection +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return Match +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match.NextMatch() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param replacement string +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match.Result(replacement) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param inner System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match +---@return Match +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match:Synchronized(inner) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source System.dll +---@field this[] System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match +---@source System.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param arrayIndex int +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchEvaluator: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchEvaluator = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param match System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchEvaluator.Invoke(match) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param match System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchEvaluator.BeginInvoke(match, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchEvaluator.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex: object +---@source System.dll +---@field InfiniteMatchTimeout System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field CacheSize int +---@source System.dll +---@field MatchTimeout System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field Options System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field RightToLeft bool +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param regexinfos System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompilationInfo[] +---@param assemblyname System.Reflection.AssemblyName +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:CompileToAssembly(regexinfos, assemblyname) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param regexinfos System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompilationInfo[] +---@param assemblyname System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param attributes System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder[] +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:CompileToAssembly(regexinfos, assemblyname, attributes) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param regexinfos System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompilationInfo[] +---@param assemblyname System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param attributes System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder[] +---@param resourceFile string +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:CompileToAssembly(regexinfos, assemblyname, attributes, resourceFile) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param str string +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Escape(str) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.GetGroupNames() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.GetGroupNumbers() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param i int +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.GroupNameFromNumber(i) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.GroupNumberFromName(name) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(input) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param startat int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(input, startat) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param pattern string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:IsMatch(input, pattern) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param pattern string +---@param options System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:IsMatch(input, pattern, options) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param pattern string +---@param options System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +---@param matchTimeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:IsMatch(input, pattern, options, matchTimeout) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@return Match +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(input) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param startat int +---@return Match +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(input, startat) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param beginning int +---@param length int +---@return Match +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(input, beginning, length) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param pattern string +---@return Match +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Match(input, pattern) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param pattern string +---@param options System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +---@return Match +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Match(input, pattern, options) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param pattern string +---@param options System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +---@param matchTimeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Match +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Match(input, pattern, options, matchTimeout) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@return MatchCollection +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(input) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param startat int +---@return MatchCollection +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Matches(input, startat) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param pattern string +---@return MatchCollection +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Matches(input, pattern) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param pattern string +---@param options System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +---@return MatchCollection +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Matches(input, pattern, options) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param pattern string +---@param options System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +---@param matchTimeout System.TimeSpan +---@return MatchCollection +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Matches(input, pattern, options, matchTimeout) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param replacement string +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(input, replacement) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param replacement string +---@param count int +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(input, replacement, count) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param replacement string +---@param count int +---@param startat int +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(input, replacement, count, startat) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param pattern string +---@param replacement string +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Replace(input, pattern, replacement) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param pattern string +---@param replacement string +---@param options System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Replace(input, pattern, replacement, options) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param pattern string +---@param replacement string +---@param options System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +---@param matchTimeout System.TimeSpan +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Replace(input, pattern, replacement, options, matchTimeout) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param pattern string +---@param evaluator System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchEvaluator +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Replace(input, pattern, evaluator) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param pattern string +---@param evaluator System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchEvaluator +---@param options System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Replace(input, pattern, evaluator, options) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param pattern string +---@param evaluator System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchEvaluator +---@param options System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +---@param matchTimeout System.TimeSpan +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Replace(input, pattern, evaluator, options, matchTimeout) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param evaluator System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchEvaluator +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(input, evaluator) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param evaluator System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchEvaluator +---@param count int +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(input, evaluator, count) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param evaluator System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchEvaluator +---@param count int +---@param startat int +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(input, evaluator, count, startat) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(input) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param count int +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(input, count) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param count int +---@param startat int +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Split(input, count, startat) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param pattern string +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Split(input, pattern) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param pattern string +---@param options System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Split(input, pattern, options) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param input string +---@param pattern string +---@param options System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +---@param matchTimeout System.TimeSpan +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Split(input, pattern, options, matchTimeout) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.ToString() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param str string +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex:Unescape(str) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompilationInfo: object +---@source System.dll +---@field IsPublic bool +---@source System.dll +---@field MatchTimeout System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.dll +---@field Options System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field Pattern string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexCompilationInfo = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexMatchTimeoutException: System.TimeoutException +---@source System.dll +---@field Input string +---@source System.dll +---@field MatchTimeout System.TimeSpan +---@source System.dll +---@field Pattern string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexMatchTimeoutException = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Compiled System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field CultureInvariant System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field ECMAScript System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field ExplicitCapture System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field IgnoreCase System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field IgnorePatternWhitespace System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field Multiline System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field RightToLeft System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field Singleline System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions +function CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexRunner: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexRunner = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexRunnerFactory: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexRunnerFactory = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Text.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Text.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d979feacb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Text.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1712 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.ASCIIEncoding: System.Text.Encoding +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSingleByte bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.ASCIIEncoding = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char* +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.GetByteCount(chars, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.GetByteCount(chars, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.GetByteCount(chars) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char* +---@param charCount int +---@param bytes byte* +---@param byteCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.GetBytes(chars, charCount, bytes, byteCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char[] +---@param charIndex int +---@param charCount int +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.GetBytes(chars, charIndex, charCount, bytes, byteIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars string +---@param charIndex int +---@param charCount int +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.GetBytes(chars, charIndex, charCount, bytes, byteIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte* +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.GetCharCount(bytes, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.GetCharCount(bytes, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte* +---@param byteCount int +---@param chars char* +---@param charCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.GetChars(bytes, byteCount, chars, charCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@param byteCount int +---@param chars char[] +---@param charIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.GetChars(bytes, byteIndex, byteCount, chars, charIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Decoder +function CS.System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.GetDecoder() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Encoder +function CS.System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.GetEncoder() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param charCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.GetMaxByteCount(charCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param byteCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.GetMaxCharCount(byteCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@param byteCount int +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.GetString(bytes, byteIndex, byteCount) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.Decoder: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Fallback System.Text.DecoderFallback +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FallbackBuffer System.Text.DecoderFallbackBuffer +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.Decoder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte* +---@param byteCount int +---@param chars char* +---@param charCount int +---@param flush bool +---@param bytesUsed int +---@param charsUsed int +---@param completed bool +function CS.System.Text.Decoder.Convert(bytes, byteCount, chars, charCount, flush, bytesUsed, charsUsed, completed) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@param byteCount int +---@param chars char[] +---@param charIndex int +---@param charCount int +---@param flush bool +---@param bytesUsed int +---@param charsUsed int +---@param completed bool +function CS.System.Text.Decoder.Convert(bytes, byteIndex, byteCount, chars, charIndex, charCount, flush, bytesUsed, charsUsed, completed) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte* +---@param count int +---@param flush bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Decoder.GetCharCount(bytes, count, flush) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Decoder.GetCharCount(bytes, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@param flush bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Decoder.GetCharCount(bytes, index, count, flush) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte* +---@param byteCount int +---@param chars char* +---@param charCount int +---@param flush bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Decoder.GetChars(bytes, byteCount, chars, charCount, flush) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@param byteCount int +---@param chars char[] +---@param charIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Decoder.GetChars(bytes, byteIndex, byteCount, chars, charIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@param byteCount int +---@param chars char[] +---@param charIndex int +---@param flush bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Decoder.GetChars(bytes, byteIndex, byteCount, chars, charIndex, flush) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Text.Decoder.Reset() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.DecoderExceptionFallback: System.Text.DecoderFallback +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxCharCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.DecoderExceptionFallback = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return DecoderFallbackBuffer +function CS.System.Text.DecoderExceptionFallback.CreateFallbackBuffer() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.DecoderExceptionFallback.Equals(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.DecoderExceptionFallback.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.DecoderExceptionFallbackBuffer: System.Text.DecoderFallbackBuffer +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Remaining int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.DecoderExceptionFallbackBuffer = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytesUnknown byte[] +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.DecoderExceptionFallbackBuffer.Fallback(bytesUnknown, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Char +function CS.System.Text.DecoderExceptionFallbackBuffer.GetNextChar() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.DecoderExceptionFallbackBuffer.MovePrevious() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.DecoderFallback: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExceptionFallback System.Text.DecoderFallback +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxCharCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReplacementFallback System.Text.DecoderFallback +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.DecoderFallback = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return DecoderFallbackBuffer +function CS.System.Text.DecoderFallback.CreateFallbackBuffer() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.DecoderFallbackBuffer: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Remaining int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.DecoderFallbackBuffer = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytesUnknown byte[] +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.DecoderFallbackBuffer.Fallback(bytesUnknown, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Char +function CS.System.Text.DecoderFallbackBuffer.GetNextChar() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.DecoderFallbackBuffer.MovePrevious() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Text.DecoderFallbackBuffer.Reset() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.DecoderFallbackException: System.ArgumentException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BytesUnknown byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Index int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.DecoderFallbackException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallbackBuffer: System.Text.DecoderFallbackBuffer +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Remaining int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallbackBuffer = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytesUnknown byte[] +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallbackBuffer.Fallback(bytesUnknown, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Char +function CS.System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallbackBuffer.GetNextChar() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallbackBuffer.MovePrevious() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallbackBuffer.Reset() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.Encoder: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Fallback System.Text.EncoderFallback +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FallbackBuffer System.Text.EncoderFallbackBuffer +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.Encoder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char* +---@param charCount int +---@param bytes byte* +---@param byteCount int +---@param flush bool +---@param charsUsed int +---@param bytesUsed int +---@param completed bool +function CS.System.Text.Encoder.Convert(chars, charCount, bytes, byteCount, flush, charsUsed, bytesUsed, completed) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char[] +---@param charIndex int +---@param charCount int +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@param byteCount int +---@param flush bool +---@param charsUsed int +---@param bytesUsed int +---@param completed bool +function CS.System.Text.Encoder.Convert(chars, charIndex, charCount, bytes, byteIndex, byteCount, flush, charsUsed, bytesUsed, completed) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char* +---@param count int +---@param flush bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Encoder.GetByteCount(chars, count, flush) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@param flush bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Encoder.GetByteCount(chars, index, count, flush) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char* +---@param charCount int +---@param bytes byte* +---@param byteCount int +---@param flush bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Encoder.GetBytes(chars, charCount, bytes, byteCount, flush) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char[] +---@param charIndex int +---@param charCount int +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@param flush bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Encoder.GetBytes(chars, charIndex, charCount, bytes, byteIndex, flush) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Text.Encoder.Reset() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallback: System.Text.DecoderFallback +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DefaultString string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxCharCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallback = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return DecoderFallbackBuffer +function CS.System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallback.CreateFallbackBuffer() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallback.Equals(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.DecoderReplacementFallback.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.EncoderExceptionFallback: System.Text.EncoderFallback +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxCharCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.EncoderExceptionFallback = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return EncoderFallbackBuffer +function CS.System.Text.EncoderExceptionFallback.CreateFallbackBuffer() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.EncoderExceptionFallback.Equals(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.EncoderExceptionFallback.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.EncoderFallback: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExceptionFallback System.Text.EncoderFallback +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxCharCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReplacementFallback System.Text.EncoderFallback +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.EncoderFallback = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return EncoderFallbackBuffer +function CS.System.Text.EncoderFallback.CreateFallbackBuffer() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.EncoderExceptionFallbackBuffer: System.Text.EncoderFallbackBuffer +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Remaining int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.EncoderExceptionFallbackBuffer = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param charUnknownHigh char +---@param charUnknownLow char +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.EncoderExceptionFallbackBuffer.Fallback(charUnknownHigh, charUnknownLow, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param charUnknown char +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.EncoderExceptionFallbackBuffer.Fallback(charUnknown, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Char +function CS.System.Text.EncoderExceptionFallbackBuffer.GetNextChar() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.EncoderExceptionFallbackBuffer.MovePrevious() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.EncoderFallbackBuffer: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Remaining int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.EncoderFallbackBuffer = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param charUnknownHigh char +---@param charUnknownLow char +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.EncoderFallbackBuffer.Fallback(charUnknownHigh, charUnknownLow, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param charUnknown char +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.EncoderFallbackBuffer.Fallback(charUnknown, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Char +function CS.System.Text.EncoderFallbackBuffer.GetNextChar() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.EncoderFallbackBuffer.MovePrevious() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Text.EncoderFallbackBuffer.Reset() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.EncoderFallbackException: System.ArgumentException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CharUnknown char +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CharUnknownHigh char +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CharUnknownLow char +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Index int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.EncoderFallbackException = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.EncoderFallbackException.IsUnknownSurrogate() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.EncoderReplacementFallback: System.Text.EncoderFallback +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DefaultString string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxCharCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.EncoderReplacementFallback = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return EncoderFallbackBuffer +function CS.System.Text.EncoderReplacementFallback.CreateFallbackBuffer() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.EncoderReplacementFallback.Equals(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.EncoderReplacementFallback.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.Encoding: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ASCII System.Text.Encoding +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BigEndianUnicode System.Text.Encoding +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BodyName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CodePage int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DecoderFallback System.Text.DecoderFallback +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Default System.Text.Encoding +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EncoderFallback System.Text.EncoderFallback +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EncodingName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HeaderName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsBrowserDisplay bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsBrowserSave bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsMailNewsDisplay bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsMailNewsSave bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSingleByte bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Unicode System.Text.Encoding +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UTF32 System.Text.Encoding +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UTF7 System.Text.Encoding +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UTF8 System.Text.Encoding +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WebName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WindowsCodePage int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.Encoding = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param srcEncoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param dstEncoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param bytes byte[] +function CS.System.Text.Encoding:Convert(srcEncoding, dstEncoding, bytes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param srcEncoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param dstEncoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Text.Encoding:Convert(srcEncoding, dstEncoding, bytes, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.Equals(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char* +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetByteCount(chars, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetByteCount(chars) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetByteCount(chars, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetByteCount(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char* +---@param charCount int +---@param bytes byte* +---@param byteCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetBytes(chars, charCount, bytes, byteCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char[] +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetBytes(chars) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetBytes(chars, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char[] +---@param charIndex int +---@param charCount int +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetBytes(chars, charIndex, charCount, bytes, byteIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetBytes(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param charIndex int +---@param charCount int +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetBytes(s, charIndex, charCount, bytes, byteIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte* +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetCharCount(bytes, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetCharCount(bytes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetCharCount(bytes, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte* +---@param byteCount int +---@param chars char* +---@param charCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetChars(bytes, byteCount, chars, charCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetChars(bytes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetChars(bytes, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@param byteCount int +---@param chars char[] +---@param charIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetChars(bytes, byteIndex, byteCount, chars, charIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Decoder +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetDecoder() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Encoder +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoder() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param codepage int +---@return Encoding +function CS.System.Text.Encoding:GetEncoding(codepage) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param codepage int +---@param encoderFallback System.Text.EncoderFallback +---@param decoderFallback System.Text.DecoderFallback +---@return Encoding +function CS.System.Text.Encoding:GetEncoding(codepage, encoderFallback, decoderFallback) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Encoding +function CS.System.Text.Encoding:GetEncoding(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param encoderFallback System.Text.EncoderFallback +---@param decoderFallback System.Text.DecoderFallback +---@return Encoding +function CS.System.Text.Encoding:GetEncoding(name, encoderFallback, decoderFallback) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Text.Encoding:GetEncodings() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param charCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetMaxByteCount(charCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param byteCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetMaxCharCount(byteCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetPreamble() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte* +---@param byteCount int +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetString(bytes, byteCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetString(bytes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.GetString(bytes, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.IsAlwaysNormalized() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param form System.Text.NormalizationForm +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.Encoding.IsAlwaysNormalized(form) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.Text.EncodingProvider +function CS.System.Text.Encoding:RegisterProvider(provider) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.EncodingInfo: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CodePage int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DisplayName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.EncodingInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.EncodingInfo.Equals(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Encoding +function CS.System.Text.EncodingInfo.GetEncoding() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.EncodingInfo.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.EncodingProvider: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.EncodingProvider = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param codepage int +---@return Encoding +function CS.System.Text.EncodingProvider.GetEncoding(codepage) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param codepage int +---@param encoderFallback System.Text.EncoderFallback +---@param decoderFallback System.Text.DecoderFallback +---@return Encoding +function CS.System.Text.EncodingProvider.GetEncoding(codepage, encoderFallback, decoderFallback) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Encoding +function CS.System.Text.EncodingProvider.GetEncoding(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param encoderFallback System.Text.EncoderFallback +---@param decoderFallback System.Text.DecoderFallback +---@return Encoding +function CS.System.Text.EncodingProvider.GetEncoding(name, encoderFallback, decoderFallback) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.NormalizationForm: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FormC System.Text.NormalizationForm +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FormD System.Text.NormalizationForm +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FormKC System.Text.NormalizationForm +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FormKD System.Text.NormalizationForm +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.NormalizationForm = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Text.NormalizationForm +function CS.System.Text.NormalizationForm:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.StringBuilder: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Capacity int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] char +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Length int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxCapacity int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.StringBuilder = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char* +---@param valueCount int +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(value, valueCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@param repeatCount int +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(value, repeatCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char[] +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param charCount int +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(value, startIndex, charCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(value, startIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ushort +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Append(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(provider, format, arg0) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(provider, format, arg0, arg1) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +---@param arg2 object +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(provider, format, arg0, arg1, arg2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param format string +---@param args object[] +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(provider, format, args) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(format, arg0) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(format, arg0, arg1) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +---@param arg2 object +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(format, arg0, arg1, arg2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param args object[] +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat(format, args) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendLine() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendLine(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sourceIndex int +---@param destination char[] +---@param destinationIndex int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.CopyTo(sourceIndex, destination, destinationIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param capacity int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.EnsureCapacity(capacity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sb System.Text.StringBuilder +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Equals(sb) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param value bool +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param value byte +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param value char +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param value char[] +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param value char[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param charCount int +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(index, value, startIndex, charCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param value decimal +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param value double +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param value short +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param value int +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param value long +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param value object +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param value sbyte +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param value float +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param value string +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param value string +---@param count int +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(index, value, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param value ushort +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param value uint +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@param value ulong +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Insert(index, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param startIndex int +---@param length int +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Remove(startIndex, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param oldChar char +---@param newChar char +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Replace(oldChar, newChar) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param oldChar char +---@param newChar char +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Replace(oldChar, newChar, startIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param oldValue string +---@param newValue string +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Replace(oldValue, newValue) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param oldValue string +---@param newValue string +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@return StringBuilder +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.Replace(oldValue, newValue, startIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param startIndex int +---@param length int +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.StringBuilder.ToString(startIndex, length) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.UnicodeEncoding: System.Text.Encoding +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CharSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.UnicodeEncoding = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.Equals(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char* +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.GetByteCount(chars, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.GetByteCount(chars, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.GetByteCount(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char* +---@param charCount int +---@param bytes byte* +---@param byteCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.GetBytes(chars, charCount, bytes, byteCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char[] +---@param charIndex int +---@param charCount int +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.GetBytes(chars, charIndex, charCount, bytes, byteIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param charIndex int +---@param charCount int +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.GetBytes(s, charIndex, charCount, bytes, byteIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte* +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.GetCharCount(bytes, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.GetCharCount(bytes, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte* +---@param byteCount int +---@param chars char* +---@param charCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.GetChars(bytes, byteCount, chars, charCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@param byteCount int +---@param chars char[] +---@param charIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.GetChars(bytes, byteIndex, byteCount, chars, charIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Decoder +function CS.System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.GetDecoder() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Encoder +function CS.System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.GetEncoder() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param charCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.GetMaxByteCount(charCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param byteCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.GetMaxCharCount(byteCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.GetPreamble() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.GetString(bytes, index, count) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.UTF32Encoding: System.Text.Encoding +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.UTF32Encoding = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.UTF32Encoding.Equals(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char* +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF32Encoding.GetByteCount(chars, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF32Encoding.GetByteCount(chars, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF32Encoding.GetByteCount(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char* +---@param charCount int +---@param bytes byte* +---@param byteCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF32Encoding.GetBytes(chars, charCount, bytes, byteCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char[] +---@param charIndex int +---@param charCount int +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF32Encoding.GetBytes(chars, charIndex, charCount, bytes, byteIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param charIndex int +---@param charCount int +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF32Encoding.GetBytes(s, charIndex, charCount, bytes, byteIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte* +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF32Encoding.GetCharCount(bytes, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF32Encoding.GetCharCount(bytes, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte* +---@param byteCount int +---@param chars char* +---@param charCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF32Encoding.GetChars(bytes, byteCount, chars, charCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@param byteCount int +---@param chars char[] +---@param charIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF32Encoding.GetChars(bytes, byteIndex, byteCount, chars, charIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Decoder +function CS.System.Text.UTF32Encoding.GetDecoder() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Encoder +function CS.System.Text.UTF32Encoding.GetEncoder() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF32Encoding.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param charCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF32Encoding.GetMaxByteCount(charCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param byteCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF32Encoding.GetMaxCharCount(byteCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Text.UTF32Encoding.GetPreamble() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.UTF32Encoding.GetString(bytes, index, count) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.UTF7Encoding: System.Text.Encoding +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.UTF7Encoding = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.UTF7Encoding.Equals(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char* +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF7Encoding.GetByteCount(chars, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF7Encoding.GetByteCount(chars, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF7Encoding.GetByteCount(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char* +---@param charCount int +---@param bytes byte* +---@param byteCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF7Encoding.GetBytes(chars, charCount, bytes, byteCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char[] +---@param charIndex int +---@param charCount int +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF7Encoding.GetBytes(chars, charIndex, charCount, bytes, byteIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param charIndex int +---@param charCount int +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF7Encoding.GetBytes(s, charIndex, charCount, bytes, byteIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte* +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF7Encoding.GetCharCount(bytes, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF7Encoding.GetCharCount(bytes, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte* +---@param byteCount int +---@param chars char* +---@param charCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF7Encoding.GetChars(bytes, byteCount, chars, charCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@param byteCount int +---@param chars char[] +---@param charIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF7Encoding.GetChars(bytes, byteIndex, byteCount, chars, charIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Decoder +function CS.System.Text.UTF7Encoding.GetDecoder() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Encoder +function CS.System.Text.UTF7Encoding.GetEncoder() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF7Encoding.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param charCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF7Encoding.GetMaxByteCount(charCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param byteCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF7Encoding.GetMaxCharCount(byteCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.UTF7Encoding.GetString(bytes, index, count) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Text.UTF8Encoding: System.Text.Encoding +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Text.UTF8Encoding = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Text.UTF8Encoding.Equals(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char* +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF8Encoding.GetByteCount(chars, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF8Encoding.GetByteCount(chars, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF8Encoding.GetByteCount(chars) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char* +---@param charCount int +---@param bytes byte* +---@param byteCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF8Encoding.GetBytes(chars, charCount, bytes, byteCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param chars char[] +---@param charIndex int +---@param charCount int +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF8Encoding.GetBytes(chars, charIndex, charCount, bytes, byteIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param charIndex int +---@param charCount int +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF8Encoding.GetBytes(s, charIndex, charCount, bytes, byteIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte* +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF8Encoding.GetCharCount(bytes, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF8Encoding.GetCharCount(bytes, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte* +---@param byteCount int +---@param chars char* +---@param charCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF8Encoding.GetChars(bytes, byteCount, chars, charCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param byteIndex int +---@param byteCount int +---@param chars char[] +---@param charIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF8Encoding.GetChars(bytes, byteIndex, byteCount, chars, charIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Decoder +function CS.System.Text.UTF8Encoding.GetDecoder() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Encoder +function CS.System.Text.UTF8Encoding.GetEncoder() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF8Encoding.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param charCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF8Encoding.GetMaxByteCount(charCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param byteCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Text.UTF8Encoding.GetMaxCharCount(byteCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Text.UTF8Encoding.GetPreamble() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytes byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return String +function CS.System.Text.UTF8Encoding.GetString(bytes, index, count) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Threading.Tasks.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Threading.Tasks.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f323ba2b4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Threading.Tasks.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1899 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Tasks.ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Completion System.Threading.Tasks.Task +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ConcurrentScheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExclusiveScheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Tasks.ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.ConcurrentExclusiveSchedulerPair.Complete() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fromInclusive int +---@param toExclusive int +---@param body System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:For(fromInclusive, toExclusive, body) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fromInclusive int +---@param toExclusive int +---@param body System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:For(fromInclusive, toExclusive, body) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fromInclusive int +---@param toExclusive int +---@param parallelOptions System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions +---@param body System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:For(fromInclusive, toExclusive, parallelOptions, body) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fromInclusive int +---@param toExclusive int +---@param parallelOptions System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions +---@param body System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:For(fromInclusive, toExclusive, parallelOptions, body) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fromInclusive long +---@param toExclusive long +---@param body System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:For(fromInclusive, toExclusive, body) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fromInclusive long +---@param toExclusive long +---@param body System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:For(fromInclusive, toExclusive, body) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fromInclusive long +---@param toExclusive long +---@param parallelOptions System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions +---@param body System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:For(fromInclusive, toExclusive, parallelOptions, body) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fromInclusive long +---@param toExclusive long +---@param parallelOptions System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions +---@param body System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:For(fromInclusive, toExclusive, parallelOptions, body) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Collections.Concurrent.OrderablePartitioner +---@param body System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:ForEach(source, body) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Collections.Concurrent.OrderablePartitioner +---@param parallelOptions System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions +---@param body System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:ForEach(source, parallelOptions, body) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner +---@param body System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:ForEach(source, body) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner +---@param body System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:ForEach(source, body) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner +---@param parallelOptions System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions +---@param body System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:ForEach(source, parallelOptions, body) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner +---@param parallelOptions System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions +---@param body System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:ForEach(source, parallelOptions, body) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param body System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:ForEach(source, body) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param body System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:ForEach(source, body) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param body System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:ForEach(source, body) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param parallelOptions System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions +---@param body System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:ForEach(source, parallelOptions, body) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param parallelOptions System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions +---@param body System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:ForEach(source, parallelOptions, body) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param parallelOptions System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions +---@param body System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:ForEach(source, parallelOptions, body) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Collections.Concurrent.OrderablePartitioner +---@param localInit System.Func +---@param body System.Func +---@param localFinally System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:ForEach(source, localInit, body, localFinally) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Collections.Concurrent.OrderablePartitioner +---@param parallelOptions System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions +---@param localInit System.Func +---@param body System.Func +---@param localFinally System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:ForEach(source, parallelOptions, localInit, body, localFinally) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner +---@param localInit System.Func +---@param body System.Func +---@param localFinally System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:ForEach(source, localInit, body, localFinally) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Collections.Concurrent.Partitioner +---@param parallelOptions System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions +---@param localInit System.Func +---@param body System.Func +---@param localFinally System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:ForEach(source, parallelOptions, localInit, body, localFinally) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param localInit System.Func +---@param body System.Func +---@param localFinally System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:ForEach(source, localInit, body, localFinally) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param localInit System.Func +---@param body System.Func +---@param localFinally System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:ForEach(source, localInit, body, localFinally) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param parallelOptions System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions +---@param localInit System.Func +---@param body System.Func +---@param localFinally System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:ForEach(source, parallelOptions, localInit, body, localFinally) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param parallelOptions System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions +---@param localInit System.Func +---@param body System.Func +---@param localFinally System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:ForEach(source, parallelOptions, localInit, body, localFinally) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fromInclusive int +---@param toExclusive int +---@param localInit System.Func +---@param body System.Func +---@param localFinally System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:For(fromInclusive, toExclusive, localInit, body, localFinally) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fromInclusive int +---@param toExclusive int +---@param parallelOptions System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions +---@param localInit System.Func +---@param body System.Func +---@param localFinally System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:For(fromInclusive, toExclusive, parallelOptions, localInit, body, localFinally) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fromInclusive long +---@param toExclusive long +---@param localInit System.Func +---@param body System.Func +---@param localFinally System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:For(fromInclusive, toExclusive, localInit, body, localFinally) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fromInclusive long +---@param toExclusive long +---@param parallelOptions System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions +---@param localInit System.Func +---@param body System.Func +---@param localFinally System.Action +---@return ParallelLoopResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:For(fromInclusive, toExclusive, parallelOptions, localInit, body, localFinally) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param actions System.Action[] +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:Invoke(actions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param parallelOptions System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions +---@param actions System.Action[] +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel:Invoke(parallelOptions, actions) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelLoopResult: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsCompleted bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LowestBreakIteration long? +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelLoopResult = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelLoopState: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsExceptional bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsStopped bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LowestBreakIteration long? +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ShouldExitCurrentIteration bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelLoopState = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelLoopState.Break() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelLoopState.Stop() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxDegreeOfParallelism int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TaskScheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Tasks.ParallelOptions = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Tasks.Task: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AsyncState object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CompletedTask System.Threading.Tasks.Task +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CreationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentId int? +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Exception System.AggregateException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Factory System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Id int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsCanceled bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsCompleted bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFaulted bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Status System.Threading.Tasks.TaskStatus +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continueOnCapturedContext bool +---@return ConfiguredTaskAwaitable +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationAction System.Action +---@param state object +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationAction, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationAction System.Action +---@param state object +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationAction, state, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationAction System.Action +---@param state object +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationAction, state, cancellationToken, continuationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationAction System.Action +---@param state object +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationAction, state, continuationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationAction System.Action +---@param state object +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationAction, state, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationAction System.Action +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationAction) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationAction System.Action +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationAction, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationAction System.Action +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationAction, cancellationToken, continuationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationAction System.Action +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationAction, continuationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationAction System.Action +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationAction, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@param state object +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationFunction, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@param state object +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationFunction, state, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@param state object +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationFunction, state, cancellationToken, continuationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@param state object +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationFunction, state, continuationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@param state object +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationFunction, state, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationFunction) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationFunction, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationFunction, cancellationToken, continuationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationFunction, continuationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationFunction, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param millisecondsDelay int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Delay(millisecondsDelay) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param millisecondsDelay int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Delay(millisecondsDelay, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param delay System.TimeSpan +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Delay(delay) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param delay System.TimeSpan +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Delay(delay, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FromCanceled(cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FromCanceled(cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param exception System.Exception +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FromException(exception) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param exception System.Exception +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FromException(exception) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result TResult +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:FromResult(result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TaskAwaiter +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.GetAwaiter() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param action System.Action +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Run(action) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param action System.Action +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Run(action, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param function System.Func +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Run(function) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param function System.Func +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Run(function, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunSynchronously() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.RunSynchronously(scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param function System.Func> +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Run(function) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param function System.Func> +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Run(function, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param function System.Func +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Run(function) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param function System.Func +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Run(function, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Start() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Start(scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(millisecondsTimeout, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait(timeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:WaitAll(tasks) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:WaitAll(tasks, millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:WaitAll(tasks, millisecondsTimeout, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:WaitAll(tasks, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:WaitAll(tasks, timeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:WaitAny(tasks) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:WaitAny(tasks, millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:WaitAny(tasks, millisecondsTimeout, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:WaitAny(tasks, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:WaitAny(tasks, timeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:WhenAll(tasks) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:WhenAll(tasks) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable> +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:WhenAll(tasks) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:WhenAll(tasks) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:WhenAny(tasks) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:WhenAny(tasks) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable> +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:WhenAny(tasks) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:WhenAny(tasks) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return YieldAwaitable +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task:Yield() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Tasks.Task: System.Threading.Tasks.Task +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Factory System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Result TResult +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continueOnCapturedContext bool +---@return ConfiguredTaskAwaitable +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationAction System.Action, object> +---@param state object +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationAction, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationAction System.Action, object> +---@param state object +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationAction, state, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationAction System.Action, object> +---@param state object +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationAction, state, cancellationToken, continuationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationAction System.Action, object> +---@param state object +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationAction, state, continuationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationAction System.Action, object> +---@param state object +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationAction, state, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationAction System.Action> +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationAction) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationAction System.Action> +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationAction, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationAction System.Action> +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationAction, cancellationToken, continuationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationAction System.Action> +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationAction, continuationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationAction System.Action> +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationAction, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationFunction System.Func, object, TNewResult> +---@param state object +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationFunction, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationFunction System.Func, object, TNewResult> +---@param state object +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationFunction, state, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationFunction System.Func, object, TNewResult> +---@param state object +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationFunction, state, cancellationToken, continuationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationFunction System.Func, object, TNewResult> +---@param state object +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationFunction, state, continuationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationFunction System.Func, object, TNewResult> +---@param state object +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationFunction, state, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationFunction System.Func, TNewResult> +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationFunction) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationFunction System.Func, TNewResult> +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationFunction, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationFunction System.Func, TNewResult> +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationFunction, cancellationToken, continuationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationFunction System.Func, TNewResult> +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationFunction, continuationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param continuationFunction System.Func, TNewResult> +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ContinueWith(continuationFunction, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TaskAwaiter +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.Task.GetAwaiter() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException: System.OperationCanceledException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Task System.Threading.Tasks.Task +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCanceledException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCompletionSource: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Task System.Threading.Tasks.Task +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCompletionSource = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCompletionSource.SetCanceled() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param exceptions System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCompletionSource.SetException(exceptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param exception System.Exception +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCompletionSource.SetException(exception) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result TResult +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCompletionSource.SetResult(result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCompletionSource.TrySetCanceled() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCompletionSource.TrySetCanceled(cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param exceptions System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCompletionSource.TrySetException(exceptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param exception System.Exception +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCompletionSource.TrySetException(exception) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result TResult +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCompletionSource.TrySetResult(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AttachedToParent System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DenyChildAttach System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExecuteSynchronously System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HideScheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LazyCancellation System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LongRunning System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NotOnCanceled System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NotOnFaulted System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NotOnRanToCompletion System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OnlyOnCanceled System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OnlyOnFaulted System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OnlyOnRanToCompletion System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PreferFairness System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RunContinuationsAsynchronously System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ContinuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CreationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationAction System.Action +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationAction) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationAction System.Action +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationAction, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationAction System.Action +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationAction, cancellationToken, continuationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationAction System.Action +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationAction, continuationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationFunction) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationFunction, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationFunction, cancellationToken, continuationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationFunction, continuationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationAction System.Action[]> +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationAction) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationAction System.Action[]> +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationAction, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationAction System.Action[]> +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationAction, cancellationToken, continuationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationAction System.Action[]> +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationAction, continuationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func[], TResult> +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationFunction) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func[], TResult> +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationFunction, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func[], TResult> +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationFunction, cancellationToken, continuationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func[], TResult> +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationFunction, continuationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationAction System.Action +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationAction) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationAction System.Action +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationAction, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationAction System.Action +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationAction, cancellationToken, continuationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationAction System.Action +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationAction, continuationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationFunction) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationFunction, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationFunction, cancellationToken, continuationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationFunction, continuationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationAction System.Action> +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationAction) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationAction System.Action> +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationAction, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationAction System.Action> +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationAction, cancellationToken, continuationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationAction System.Action> +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationAction, continuationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func, TResult> +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationFunction) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func, TResult> +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationFunction, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func, TResult> +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationFunction, cancellationToken, continuationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func, TResult> +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationFunction, continuationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Action +---@param state object +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Action +---@param state object +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, state, creationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@param endMethod System.Action +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(asyncResult, endMethod) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@param endMethod System.Action +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(asyncResult, endMethod, creationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@param endMethod System.Action +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(asyncResult, endMethod, creationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Func +---@param state object +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Func +---@param state object +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, state, creationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Action +---@param arg1 TArg1 +---@param state object +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, arg1, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Action +---@param arg1 TArg1 +---@param state object +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, arg1, state, creationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@param endMethod System.Func +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(asyncResult, endMethod) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@param endMethod System.Func +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(asyncResult, endMethod, creationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@param endMethod System.Func +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(asyncResult, endMethod, creationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Func +---@param arg1 TArg1 +---@param state object +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, arg1, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Func +---@param arg1 TArg1 +---@param state object +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, arg1, state, creationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Action +---@param arg1 TArg1 +---@param arg2 TArg2 +---@param state object +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, arg1, arg2, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Action +---@param arg1 TArg1 +---@param arg2 TArg2 +---@param state object +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, arg1, arg2, state, creationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Func +---@param arg1 TArg1 +---@param arg2 TArg2 +---@param state object +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, arg1, arg2, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Func +---@param arg1 TArg1 +---@param arg2 TArg2 +---@param state object +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, arg1, arg2, state, creationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Action +---@param arg1 TArg1 +---@param arg2 TArg2 +---@param arg3 TArg3 +---@param state object +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, arg1, arg2, arg3, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Action +---@param arg1 TArg1 +---@param arg2 TArg2 +---@param arg3 TArg3 +---@param state object +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, arg1, arg2, arg3, state, creationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Func +---@param arg1 TArg1 +---@param arg2 TArg2 +---@param arg3 TArg3 +---@param state object +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, arg1, arg2, arg3, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Func +---@param arg1 TArg1 +---@param arg2 TArg2 +---@param arg3 TArg3 +---@param state object +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, arg1, arg2, arg3, state, creationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param action System.Action +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(action) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param action System.Action +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(action, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param action System.Action +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(action, cancellationToken, creationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param action System.Action +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(action, creationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param action System.Action +---@param state object +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(action, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param action System.Action +---@param state object +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(action, state, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param action System.Action +---@param state object +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(action, state, cancellationToken, creationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param action System.Action +---@param state object +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(action, state, creationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param function System.Func +---@param state object +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(function, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param function System.Func +---@param state object +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(function, state, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param function System.Func +---@param state object +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(function, state, cancellationToken, creationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param function System.Func +---@param state object +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(function, state, creationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param function System.Func +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(function) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param function System.Func +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(function, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param function System.Func +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(function, cancellationToken, creationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param function System.Func +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(function, creationOptions) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AttachedToParent System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DenyChildAttach System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HideScheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LongRunning System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PreferFairness System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RunContinuationsAsynchronously System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ContinuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CreationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationFunction) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationFunction, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationFunction, cancellationToken, continuationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationFunction, continuationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func[], TResult> +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationFunction) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func[], TResult> +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationFunction, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func[], TResult> +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationFunction, cancellationToken, continuationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func[], TResult> +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAll(tasks, continuationFunction, continuationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationFunction) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationFunction, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationFunction, cancellationToken, continuationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationFunction, continuationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func, TResult> +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationFunction) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func, TResult> +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationFunction, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func, TResult> +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationFunction, cancellationToken, continuationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tasks System.Threading.Tasks.Task[] +---@param continuationFunction System.Func, TResult> +---@param continuationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskContinuationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.ContinueWhenAny(tasks, continuationFunction, continuationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Func +---@param state object +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Func +---@param state object +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, state, creationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@param endMethod System.Func +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(asyncResult, endMethod) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@param endMethod System.Func +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(asyncResult, endMethod, creationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param asyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@param endMethod System.Func +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(asyncResult, endMethod, creationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Func +---@param arg1 TArg1 +---@param state object +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, arg1, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Func +---@param arg1 TArg1 +---@param state object +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, arg1, state, creationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Func +---@param arg1 TArg1 +---@param arg2 TArg2 +---@param state object +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, arg1, arg2, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Func +---@param arg1 TArg1 +---@param arg2 TArg2 +---@param state object +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, arg1, arg2, state, creationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Func +---@param arg1 TArg1 +---@param arg2 TArg2 +---@param arg3 TArg3 +---@param state object +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, arg1, arg2, arg3, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param beginMethod System.Func +---@param endMethod System.Func +---@param arg1 TArg1 +---@param arg2 TArg2 +---@param arg3 TArg3 +---@param state object +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.FromAsync(beginMethod, endMethod, arg1, arg2, arg3, state, creationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param function System.Func +---@param state object +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(function, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param function System.Func +---@param state object +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(function, state, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param function System.Func +---@param state object +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(function, state, cancellationToken, creationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param function System.Func +---@param state object +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(function, state, creationOptions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param function System.Func +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(function) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param function System.Func +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(function, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param function System.Func +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@param scheduler System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(function, cancellationToken, creationOptions, scheduler) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param function System.Func +---@param creationOptions System.Threading.Tasks.TaskCreationOptions +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.StartNew(function, creationOptions) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Current System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Default System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Id int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaximumConcurrencyLevel int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UnobservedTaskException System.EventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler:add_UnobservedTaskException(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler:remove_UnobservedTaskException(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TaskScheduler +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler:FromCurrentSynchronizationContext() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Tasks.TaskSchedulerException: System.Exception +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskSchedulerException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Tasks.TaskStatus: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Canceled System.Threading.Tasks.TaskStatus +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Created System.Threading.Tasks.TaskStatus +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Faulted System.Threading.Tasks.TaskStatus +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RanToCompletion System.Threading.Tasks.TaskStatus +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Running System.Threading.Tasks.TaskStatus +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WaitingForActivation System.Threading.Tasks.TaskStatus +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WaitingForChildrenToComplete System.Threading.Tasks.TaskStatus +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WaitingToRun System.Threading.Tasks.TaskStatus +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskStatus = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Threading.Tasks.TaskStatus +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskStatus:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Tasks.UnobservedTaskExceptionEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Exception System.AggregateException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Observed bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Tasks.UnobservedTaskExceptionEventArgs = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.UnobservedTaskExceptionEventArgs.SetObserved() end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Threading.Tasks.TaskExtensions: object +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskExtensions = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskExtensions.Unwrap() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.Tasks.TaskExtensions.Unwrap() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Threading.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Threading.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6f944e804 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Threading.lua @@ -0,0 +1,2558 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.AbandonedMutexException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Mutex System.Threading.Mutex +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MutexIndex int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.AbandonedMutexException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.ApartmentState: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MTA System.Threading.ApartmentState +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field STA System.Threading.ApartmentState +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Unknown System.Threading.ApartmentState +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.ApartmentState = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Threading.ApartmentState +function CS.System.Threading.ApartmentState:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.AsyncFlowControl: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.AsyncFlowControl = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.AsyncFlowControl.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.AsyncFlowControl.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.Threading.AsyncFlowControl +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.AsyncFlowControl.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.AsyncFlowControl.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Threading.AsyncFlowControl +---@param b System.Threading.AsyncFlowControl +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.AsyncFlowControl:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Threading.AsyncFlowControl +---@param b System.Threading.AsyncFlowControl +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.AsyncFlowControl:op_Inequality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.AsyncFlowControl.Undo() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.AsyncLocalValueChangedArgs: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentValue T +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PreviousValue T +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ThreadContextChanged bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.AsyncLocalValueChangedArgs = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.AsyncLocal: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value T +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.AsyncLocal = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.AutoResetEvent: System.Threading.EventWaitHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.AutoResetEvent = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.CancellationToken: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CanBeCanceled bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsCancellationRequested bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WaitHandle System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.CancellationToken = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.CancellationToken.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.CancellationToken.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.CancellationToken.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param right System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.CancellationToken:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param right System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.CancellationToken:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param callback System.Action +---@return CancellationTokenRegistration +function CS.System.Threading.CancellationToken.Register(callback) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param callback System.Action +---@param useSynchronizationContext bool +---@return CancellationTokenRegistration +function CS.System.Threading.CancellationToken.Register(callback, useSynchronizationContext) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param callback System.Action +---@param state object +---@return CancellationTokenRegistration +function CS.System.Threading.CancellationToken.Register(callback, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param callback System.Action +---@param state object +---@param useSynchronizationContext bool +---@return CancellationTokenRegistration +function CS.System.Threading.CancellationToken.Register(callback, state, useSynchronizationContext) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.CancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.CancellationTokenRegistration: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.CancellationTokenRegistration = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.CancellationTokenRegistration.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.CancellationTokenRegistration.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.Threading.CancellationTokenRegistration +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.CancellationTokenRegistration.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.CancellationTokenRegistration.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Threading.CancellationTokenRegistration +---@param right System.Threading.CancellationTokenRegistration +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.CancellationTokenRegistration:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Threading.CancellationTokenRegistration +---@param right System.Threading.CancellationTokenRegistration +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.CancellationTokenRegistration:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.CompressedStack: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.CompressedStack = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return CompressedStack +function CS.System.Threading.CompressedStack:Capture() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return CompressedStack +function CS.System.Threading.CompressedStack.CreateCopy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return CompressedStack +function CS.System.Threading.CompressedStack:GetCompressedStack() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Threading.CompressedStack.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param compressedStack System.Threading.CompressedStack +---@param callback System.Threading.ContextCallback +---@param state object +function CS.System.Threading.CompressedStack:Run(compressedStack, callback, state) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsCancellationRequested bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Token System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource.Cancel() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param throwOnFirstException bool +function CS.System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource.Cancel(throwOnFirstException) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param millisecondsDelay int +function CS.System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource.CancelAfter(millisecondsDelay) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param delay System.TimeSpan +function CS.System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource.CancelAfter(delay) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param token1 System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@param token2 System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return CancellationTokenSource +function CS.System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource:CreateLinkedTokenSource(token1, token2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param tokens System.Threading.CancellationToken[] +---@return CancellationTokenSource +function CS.System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource:CreateLinkedTokenSource(tokens) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource.Dispose() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.CountdownEvent: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InitialCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSet bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WaitHandle System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.CountdownEvent = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.CountdownEvent.AddCount() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param signalCount int +function CS.System.Threading.CountdownEvent.AddCount(signalCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.CountdownEvent.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.CountdownEvent.Reset() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param count int +function CS.System.Threading.CountdownEvent.Reset(count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.CountdownEvent.Signal() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param signalCount int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.CountdownEvent.Signal(signalCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.CountdownEvent.TryAddCount() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param signalCount int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.CountdownEvent.TryAddCount(signalCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.CountdownEvent.Wait() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.CountdownEvent.Wait(millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.CountdownEvent.Wait(millisecondsTimeout, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +function CS.System.Threading.CountdownEvent.Wait(cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.CountdownEvent.Wait(timeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.CountdownEvent.Wait(timeout, cancellationToken) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.ContextCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.ContextCallback = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param state object +function CS.System.Threading.ContextCallback.Invoke(state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param state object +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Threading.ContextCallback.BeginInvoke(state, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Threading.ContextCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.EventResetMode: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AutoReset System.Threading.EventResetMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ManualReset System.Threading.EventResetMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.EventResetMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Threading.EventResetMode +function CS.System.Threading.EventResetMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.EventWaitHandle: System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.EventWaitHandle = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return EventWaitHandleSecurity +function CS.System.Threading.EventWaitHandle.GetAccessControl() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return EventWaitHandle +function CS.System.Threading.EventWaitHandle:OpenExisting(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param rights System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleRights +---@return EventWaitHandle +function CS.System.Threading.EventWaitHandle:OpenExisting(name, rights) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.EventWaitHandle.Reset() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.EventWaitHandle.Set() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param eventSecurity System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleSecurity +function CS.System.Threading.EventWaitHandle.SetAccessControl(eventSecurity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param rights System.Security.AccessControl.EventWaitHandleRights +---@param result System.Threading.EventWaitHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.EventWaitHandle:TryOpenExisting(name, rights, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param result System.Threading.EventWaitHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.EventWaitHandle:TryOpenExisting(name, result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.ExecutionContext: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.ExecutionContext = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ExecutionContext +function CS.System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Capture() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ExecutionContext +function CS.System.Threading.ExecutionContext.CreateCopy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Threading.ExecutionContext.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.ExecutionContext:IsFlowSuppressed() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.ExecutionContext:RestoreFlow() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param executionContext System.Threading.ExecutionContext +---@param callback System.Threading.ContextCallback +---@param state object +function CS.System.Threading.ExecutionContext:Run(executionContext, callback, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return AsyncFlowControl +function CS.System.Threading.ExecutionContext:SuppressFlow() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.HostExecutionContext: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.HostExecutionContext = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return HostExecutionContext +function CS.System.Threading.HostExecutionContext.CreateCopy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.HostExecutionContext.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param disposing bool +function CS.System.Threading.HostExecutionContext.Dispose(disposing) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.HostExecutionContextManager: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.HostExecutionContextManager = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return HostExecutionContext +function CS.System.Threading.HostExecutionContextManager.Capture() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param previousState object +function CS.System.Threading.HostExecutionContextManager.Revert(previousState) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param hostExecutionContext System.Threading.HostExecutionContext +---@return Object +function CS.System.Threading.HostExecutionContextManager.SetHostExecutionContext(hostExecutionContext) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param errorCode uint +---@param numBytes uint +---@param pOVERLAP System.Threading.NativeOverlapped* +function CS.System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback.Invoke(errorCode, numBytes, pOVERLAP) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param errorCode uint +---@param numBytes uint +---@param pOVERLAP System.Threading.NativeOverlapped* +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback.BeginInvoke(errorCode, numBytes, pOVERLAP, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Interlocked: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Interlocked = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location1 int +---@param value int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.Interlocked:Add(location1, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location1 long +---@param value long +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Threading.Interlocked:Add(location1, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location1 double +---@param value double +---@param comparand double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Threading.Interlocked:CompareExchange(location1, value, comparand) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location1 int +---@param value int +---@param comparand int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.Interlocked:CompareExchange(location1, value, comparand) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location1 long +---@param value long +---@param comparand long +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Threading.Interlocked:CompareExchange(location1, value, comparand) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location1 System.IntPtr +---@param value System.IntPtr +---@param comparand System.IntPtr +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Threading.Interlocked:CompareExchange(location1, value, comparand) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location1 object +---@param value object +---@param comparand object +---@return Object +function CS.System.Threading.Interlocked:CompareExchange(location1, value, comparand) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location1 float +---@param value float +---@param comparand float +---@return Single +function CS.System.Threading.Interlocked:CompareExchange(location1, value, comparand) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location1 T +---@param value T +---@param comparand T +---@return T +function CS.System.Threading.Interlocked:CompareExchange(location1, value, comparand) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.Interlocked:Decrement(location) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location long +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Threading.Interlocked:Decrement(location) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location1 double +---@param value double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Threading.Interlocked:Exchange(location1, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location1 int +---@param value int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.Interlocked:Exchange(location1, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location1 long +---@param value long +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Threading.Interlocked:Exchange(location1, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location1 System.IntPtr +---@param value System.IntPtr +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Threading.Interlocked:Exchange(location1, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location1 object +---@param value object +---@return Object +function CS.System.Threading.Interlocked:Exchange(location1, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location1 float +---@param value float +---@return Single +function CS.System.Threading.Interlocked:Exchange(location1, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location1 T +---@param value T +---@return T +function CS.System.Threading.Interlocked:Exchange(location1, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.Interlocked:Increment(location) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location long +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Threading.Interlocked:Increment(location) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Interlocked:MemoryBarrier() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location long +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Threading.Interlocked:Read(location) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.LazyInitializer: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.LazyInitializer = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target T +---@return T +function CS.System.Threading.LazyInitializer:EnsureInitialized(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target T +---@param initialized bool +---@param syncLock object +---@return T +function CS.System.Threading.LazyInitializer:EnsureInitialized(target, initialized, syncLock) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target T +---@param initialized bool +---@param syncLock object +---@param valueFactory System.Func +---@return T +function CS.System.Threading.LazyInitializer:EnsureInitialized(target, initialized, syncLock, valueFactory) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target T +---@param valueFactory System.Func +---@return T +function CS.System.Threading.LazyInitializer:EnsureInitialized(target, valueFactory) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.LockCookie: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.LockCookie = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.LockCookie.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.Threading.LockCookie +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.LockCookie.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.LockCookie.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Threading.LockCookie +---@param b System.Threading.LockCookie +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.LockCookie:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Threading.LockCookie +---@param b System.Threading.LockCookie +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.LockCookie:op_Inequality(a, b) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExecutionAndPublication System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PublicationOnly System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode +function CS.System.Threading.LazyThreadSafetyMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.ManualResetEvent: System.Threading.EventWaitHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.ManualResetEvent = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.LockRecursionException: System.Exception +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.LockRecursionException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSet bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SpinCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WaitHandle System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim.Reset() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim.Set() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim.Wait() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim.Wait(millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim.Wait(millisecondsTimeout, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +function CS.System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim.Wait(cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim.Wait(timeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.ManualResetEventSlim.Wait(timeout, cancellationToken) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Monitor: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Monitor = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +function CS.System.Threading.Monitor:Enter(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param lockTaken bool +function CS.System.Threading.Monitor:Enter(obj, lockTaken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +function CS.System.Threading.Monitor:Exit(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Monitor:IsEntered(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +function CS.System.Threading.Monitor:Pulse(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +function CS.System.Threading.Monitor:PulseAll(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Monitor:TryEnter(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param lockTaken bool +function CS.System.Threading.Monitor:TryEnter(obj, lockTaken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Monitor:TryEnter(obj, millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@param lockTaken bool +function CS.System.Threading.Monitor:TryEnter(obj, millisecondsTimeout, lockTaken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Monitor:TryEnter(obj, timeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@param lockTaken bool +function CS.System.Threading.Monitor:TryEnter(obj, timeout, lockTaken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Monitor:Wait(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Monitor:Wait(obj, millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@param exitContext bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Monitor:Wait(obj, millisecondsTimeout, exitContext) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Monitor:Wait(obj, timeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@param exitContext bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Monitor:Wait(obj, timeout, exitContext) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Mutex: System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Mutex = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return MutexSecurity +function CS.System.Threading.Mutex.GetAccessControl() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Mutex +function CS.System.Threading.Mutex:OpenExisting(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param rights System.Security.AccessControl.MutexRights +---@return Mutex +function CS.System.Threading.Mutex:OpenExisting(name, rights) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Mutex.ReleaseMutex() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param mutexSecurity System.Security.AccessControl.MutexSecurity +function CS.System.Threading.Mutex.SetAccessControl(mutexSecurity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param rights System.Security.AccessControl.MutexRights +---@param result System.Threading.Mutex +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Mutex:TryOpenExisting(name, rights, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param result System.Threading.Mutex +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Mutex:TryOpenExisting(name, result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.NativeOverlapped: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EventHandle System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InternalHigh System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InternalLow System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OffsetHigh int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OffsetLow int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.NativeOverlapped = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +function CS.System.Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart.Invoke(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart.BeginInvoke(obj, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Threading.ParameterizedThreadStart.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock: System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.CriticalFinalizerObject +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsReaderLockHeld bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsWriterLockHeld bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WriterSeqNum int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock.AcquireReaderLock(millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock.AcquireReaderLock(timeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock.AcquireWriterLock(millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock.AcquireWriterLock(timeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param seqNum int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock.AnyWritersSince(seqNum) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param lockCookie System.Threading.LockCookie +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock.DowngradeFromWriterLock(lockCookie) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return LockCookie +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock.ReleaseLock() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock.ReleaseReaderLock() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock.ReleaseWriterLock() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param lockCookie System.Threading.LockCookie +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock.RestoreLock(lockCookie) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return LockCookie +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock.UpgradeToWriterLock(millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return LockCookie +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLock.UpgradeToWriterLock(timeout) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Overlapped: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AsyncResult System.IAsyncResult +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EventHandle int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EventHandleIntPtr System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OffsetHigh int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OffsetLow int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Overlapped = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nativeOverlappedPtr System.Threading.NativeOverlapped* +function CS.System.Threading.Overlapped:Free(nativeOverlappedPtr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iocb System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback +function CS.System.Threading.Overlapped.Pack(iocb) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iocb System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback +---@param userData object +function CS.System.Threading.Overlapped.Pack(iocb, userData) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nativeOverlappedPtr System.Threading.NativeOverlapped* +---@return Overlapped +function CS.System.Threading.Overlapped:Unpack(nativeOverlappedPtr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iocb System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback +function CS.System.Threading.Overlapped.UnsafePack(iocb) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iocb System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback +---@param userData object +function CS.System.Threading.Overlapped.UnsafePack(iocb, userData) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.PreAllocatedOverlapped: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.PreAllocatedOverlapped = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.PreAllocatedOverlapped.Dispose() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.RegisteredWaitHandle: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.RegisteredWaitHandle = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param waitObject System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.RegisteredWaitHandle.Unregister(waitObject) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.SemaphoreFullException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.SemaphoreFullException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.SpinWait: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NextSpinWillYield bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.SpinWait = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.SpinWait.Reset() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.SpinWait.SpinOnce() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param condition System.Func +function CS.System.Threading.SpinWait:SpinUntil(condition) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param condition System.Func +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.SpinWait:SpinUntil(condition, millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param condition System.Func +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.SpinWait:SpinUntil(condition, timeout) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AvailableWaitHandle System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.Release() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param releaseCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.Release(releaseCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.Wait() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.Wait(millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.Wait(millisecondsTimeout, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +function CS.System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.Wait(cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.Wait(timeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.Wait(timeout, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.WaitAsync() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.WaitAsync(millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.WaitAsync(millisecondsTimeout, cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.WaitAsync(cancellationToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.WaitAsync(timeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Task +function CS.System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.WaitAsync(timeout, cancellationToken) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param state object +function CS.System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback.Invoke(state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param state object +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback.BeginInvoke(state, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.SpinLock: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsHeld bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsHeldByCurrentThread bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsThreadOwnerTrackingEnabled bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.SpinLock = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param lockTaken bool +function CS.System.Threading.SpinLock.Enter(lockTaken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.SpinLock.Exit() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param useMemoryBarrier bool +function CS.System.Threading.SpinLock.Exit(useMemoryBarrier) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param lockTaken bool +function CS.System.Threading.SpinLock.TryEnter(lockTaken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@param lockTaken bool +function CS.System.Threading.SpinLock.TryEnter(millisecondsTimeout, lockTaken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@param lockTaken bool +function CS.System.Threading.SpinLock.TryEnter(timeout, lockTaken) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.SynchronizationContext: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Current System.Threading.SynchronizationContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.SynchronizationContext = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SynchronizationContext +function CS.System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.CreateCopy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.IsWaitNotificationRequired() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.OperationCompleted() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.OperationStarted() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback +---@param state object +function CS.System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Post(d, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d System.Threading.SendOrPostCallback +---@param state object +function CS.System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Send(d, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param syncContext System.Threading.SynchronizationContext +function CS.System.Threading.SynchronizationContext:SetSynchronizationContext(syncContext) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param waitHandles System.IntPtr[] +---@param waitAll bool +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Wait(waitHandles, waitAll, millisecondsTimeout) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.SynchronizationLockException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.SynchronizationLockException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Thread: System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution.CriticalFinalizerObject +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApartmentState System.Threading.ApartmentState +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentContext System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts.Context +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentCulture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentPrincipal System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentThread System.Threading.Thread +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentUICulture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExecutionContext System.Threading.ExecutionContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAlive bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsBackground bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsThreadPoolThread bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ManagedThreadId int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Priority System.Threading.ThreadPriority +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ThreadState System.Threading.ThreadState +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Thread = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Thread.Abort() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param stateInfo object +function CS.System.Threading.Thread.Abort(stateInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return LocalDataStoreSlot +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:AllocateDataSlot() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return LocalDataStoreSlot +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:AllocateNamedDataSlot(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:BeginCriticalRegion() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:BeginThreadAffinity() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Thread.DisableComObjectEagerCleanup() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:EndCriticalRegion() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:EndThreadAffinity() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:FreeNamedDataSlot(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ApartmentState +function CS.System.Threading.Thread.GetApartmentState() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return CompressedStack +function CS.System.Threading.Thread.GetCompressedStack() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param slot System.LocalDataStoreSlot +---@return Object +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:GetData(slot) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return AppDomain +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:GetDomain() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:GetDomainID() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.Thread.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return LocalDataStoreSlot +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:GetNamedDataSlot(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Thread.Interrupt() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Thread.Join() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Thread.Join(millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Thread.Join(timeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:MemoryBarrier() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:ResetAbort() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Thread.Resume() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param state System.Threading.ApartmentState +function CS.System.Threading.Thread.SetApartmentState(state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param stack System.Threading.CompressedStack +function CS.System.Threading.Thread.SetCompressedStack(stack) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param slot System.LocalDataStoreSlot +---@param data object +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:SetData(slot, data) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:Sleep(millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:Sleep(timeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iterations int +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:SpinWait(iterations) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Thread.Start() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param parameter object +function CS.System.Threading.Thread.Start(parameter) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Thread.Suspend() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param state System.Threading.ApartmentState +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Thread.TrySetApartmentState(state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address byte +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileRead(address) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileRead(address) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address short +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileRead(address) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileRead(address) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address long +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileRead(address) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address System.IntPtr +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileRead(address) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address object +---@return Object +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileRead(address) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address sbyte +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileRead(address) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address float +---@return Single +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileRead(address) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address ushort +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileRead(address) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address uint +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileRead(address) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address ulong +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileRead(address) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address System.UIntPtr +---@return UIntPtr +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileRead(address) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address byte +---@param value byte +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileWrite(address, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address double +---@param value double +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileWrite(address, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address short +---@param value short +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileWrite(address, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address int +---@param value int +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileWrite(address, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address long +---@param value long +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileWrite(address, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address System.IntPtr +---@param value System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileWrite(address, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address object +---@param value object +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileWrite(address, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address sbyte +---@param value sbyte +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileWrite(address, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address float +---@param value float +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileWrite(address, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address ushort +---@param value ushort +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileWrite(address, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address uint +---@param value uint +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileWrite(address, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address ulong +---@param value ulong +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileWrite(address, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param address System.UIntPtr +---@param value System.UIntPtr +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:VolatileWrite(address, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Thread:Yield() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.ThreadLocal: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsValueCreated bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value T +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Values System.Collections.Generic.IList +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.ThreadLocal = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadLocal.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadLocal.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExceptionState object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.ThreadAbortException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.ThreadPool: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.ThreadPool = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param osHandle System.IntPtr +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPool:BindHandle(osHandle) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param osHandle System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPool:BindHandle(osHandle) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param workerThreads int +---@param completionPortThreads int +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPool:GetAvailableThreads(workerThreads, completionPortThreads) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param workerThreads int +---@param completionPortThreads int +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPool:GetMaxThreads(workerThreads, completionPortThreads) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param workerThreads int +---@param completionPortThreads int +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPool:GetMinThreads(workerThreads, completionPortThreads) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param callBack System.Threading.WaitCallback +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPool:QueueUserWorkItem(callBack) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param callBack System.Threading.WaitCallback +---@param state object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPool:QueueUserWorkItem(callBack, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param waitObject System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@param callBack System.Threading.WaitOrTimerCallback +---@param state object +---@param millisecondsTimeOutInterval int +---@param executeOnlyOnce bool +---@return RegisteredWaitHandle +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPool:RegisterWaitForSingleObject(waitObject, callBack, state, millisecondsTimeOutInterval, executeOnlyOnce) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param waitObject System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@param callBack System.Threading.WaitOrTimerCallback +---@param state object +---@param millisecondsTimeOutInterval long +---@param executeOnlyOnce bool +---@return RegisteredWaitHandle +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPool:RegisterWaitForSingleObject(waitObject, callBack, state, millisecondsTimeOutInterval, executeOnlyOnce) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param waitObject System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@param callBack System.Threading.WaitOrTimerCallback +---@param state object +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@param executeOnlyOnce bool +---@return RegisteredWaitHandle +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPool:RegisterWaitForSingleObject(waitObject, callBack, state, timeout, executeOnlyOnce) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param waitObject System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@param callBack System.Threading.WaitOrTimerCallback +---@param state object +---@param millisecondsTimeOutInterval uint +---@param executeOnlyOnce bool +---@return RegisteredWaitHandle +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPool:RegisterWaitForSingleObject(waitObject, callBack, state, millisecondsTimeOutInterval, executeOnlyOnce) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param workerThreads int +---@param completionPortThreads int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPool:SetMaxThreads(workerThreads, completionPortThreads) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param workerThreads int +---@param completionPortThreads int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPool:SetMinThreads(workerThreads, completionPortThreads) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param overlapped System.Threading.NativeOverlapped* +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPool:UnsafeQueueNativeOverlapped(overlapped) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param callBack System.Threading.WaitCallback +---@param state object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPool:UnsafeQueueUserWorkItem(callBack, state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param waitObject System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@param callBack System.Threading.WaitOrTimerCallback +---@param state object +---@param millisecondsTimeOutInterval int +---@param executeOnlyOnce bool +---@return RegisteredWaitHandle +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPool:UnsafeRegisterWaitForSingleObject(waitObject, callBack, state, millisecondsTimeOutInterval, executeOnlyOnce) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param waitObject System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@param callBack System.Threading.WaitOrTimerCallback +---@param state object +---@param millisecondsTimeOutInterval long +---@param executeOnlyOnce bool +---@return RegisteredWaitHandle +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPool:UnsafeRegisterWaitForSingleObject(waitObject, callBack, state, millisecondsTimeOutInterval, executeOnlyOnce) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param waitObject System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@param callBack System.Threading.WaitOrTimerCallback +---@param state object +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@param executeOnlyOnce bool +---@return RegisteredWaitHandle +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPool:UnsafeRegisterWaitForSingleObject(waitObject, callBack, state, timeout, executeOnlyOnce) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param waitObject System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@param callBack System.Threading.WaitOrTimerCallback +---@param state object +---@param millisecondsTimeOutInterval uint +---@param executeOnlyOnce bool +---@return RegisteredWaitHandle +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPool:UnsafeRegisterWaitForSingleObject(waitObject, callBack, state, millisecondsTimeOutInterval, executeOnlyOnce) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.ThreadStartException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.ThreadStartException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Handle System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param callback System.Threading.IOCompletionCallback +---@param state object +---@param pinData object +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle.AllocateNativeOverlapped(callback, state, pinData) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param preAllocated System.Threading.PreAllocatedOverlapped +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle.AllocateNativeOverlapped(preAllocated) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param handle System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle +---@return ThreadPoolBoundHandle +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle:BindHandle(handle) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param overlapped System.Threading.NativeOverlapped* +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle.FreeNativeOverlapped(overlapped) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param overlapped System.Threading.NativeOverlapped* +---@return Object +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPoolBoundHandle:GetNativeOverlappedState(overlapped) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.ThreadState: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Aborted System.Threading.ThreadState +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AbortRequested System.Threading.ThreadState +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Background System.Threading.ThreadState +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Running System.Threading.ThreadState +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Stopped System.Threading.ThreadState +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StopRequested System.Threading.ThreadState +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Suspended System.Threading.ThreadState +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SuspendRequested System.Threading.ThreadState +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Unstarted System.Threading.ThreadState +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WaitSleepJoin System.Threading.ThreadState +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.ThreadState = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Threading.ThreadState +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadState:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.ThreadPriority: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AboveNormal System.Threading.ThreadPriority +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BelowNormal System.Threading.ThreadPriority +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Highest System.Threading.ThreadPriority +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Lowest System.Threading.ThreadPriority +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Normal System.Threading.ThreadPriority +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.ThreadPriority = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Threading.ThreadPriority +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadPriority:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.ThreadStateException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.ThreadStateException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.ThreadStart: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.ThreadStart = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadStart.Invoke() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadStart.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadStart.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Timeout: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Infinite int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InfiniteTimeSpan System.TimeSpan +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Timeout = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Volatile: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Volatile = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Read(location) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location byte +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Read(location) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Read(location) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location short +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Read(location) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Read(location) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location long +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Read(location) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location System.IntPtr +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Read(location) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location sbyte +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Read(location) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location float +---@return Single +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Read(location) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location ushort +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Read(location) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location uint +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Read(location) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location ulong +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Read(location) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location System.UIntPtr +---@return UIntPtr +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Read(location) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location T +---@return T +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Read(location) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location bool +---@param value bool +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Write(location, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location byte +---@param value byte +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Write(location, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location double +---@param value double +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Write(location, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location short +---@param value short +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Write(location, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location int +---@param value int +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Write(location, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location long +---@param value long +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Write(location, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location System.IntPtr +---@param value System.IntPtr +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Write(location, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location sbyte +---@param value sbyte +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Write(location, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location float +---@param value float +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Write(location, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location ushort +---@param value ushort +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Write(location, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location uint +---@param value uint +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Write(location, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location ulong +---@param value ulong +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Write(location, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location System.UIntPtr +---@param value System.UIntPtr +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Write(location, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param location T +---@param value T +function CS.System.Threading.Volatile:Write(location, value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.Timer: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.Timer = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dueTime int +---@param period int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Timer.Change(dueTime, period) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dueTime long +---@param period long +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Timer.Change(dueTime, period) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dueTime System.TimeSpan +---@param period System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Timer.Change(dueTime, period) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dueTime uint +---@param period uint +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Timer.Change(dueTime, period) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Timer.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param notifyObject System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Timer.Dispose(notifyObject) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.WaitCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.WaitCallback = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param state object +function CS.System.Threading.WaitCallback.Invoke(state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param state object +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Threading.WaitCallback.BeginInvoke(state, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Threading.WaitCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.TimerCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.TimerCallback = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param state object +function CS.System.Threading.TimerCallback.Invoke(state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param state object +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Threading.TimerCallback.BeginInvoke(state, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Threading.TimerCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.WaitHandle: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WaitTimeout int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Handle System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SafeWaitHandle Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeWaitHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.WaitHandle = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.WaitHandle.Close() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Threading.WaitHandle.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param toSignal System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@param toWaitOn System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.WaitHandle:SignalAndWait(toSignal, toWaitOn) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param toSignal System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@param toWaitOn System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@param exitContext bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.WaitHandle:SignalAndWait(toSignal, toWaitOn, millisecondsTimeout, exitContext) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param toSignal System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@param toWaitOn System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@param exitContext bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.WaitHandle:SignalAndWait(toSignal, toWaitOn, timeout, exitContext) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param waitHandles System.Threading.WaitHandle[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.WaitHandle:WaitAll(waitHandles) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param waitHandles System.Threading.WaitHandle[] +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.WaitHandle:WaitAll(waitHandles, millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param waitHandles System.Threading.WaitHandle[] +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@param exitContext bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.WaitHandle:WaitAll(waitHandles, millisecondsTimeout, exitContext) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param waitHandles System.Threading.WaitHandle[] +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.WaitHandle:WaitAll(waitHandles, timeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param waitHandles System.Threading.WaitHandle[] +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@param exitContext bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.WaitHandle:WaitAll(waitHandles, timeout, exitContext) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param waitHandles System.Threading.WaitHandle[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.WaitHandle:WaitAny(waitHandles) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param waitHandles System.Threading.WaitHandle[] +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.WaitHandle:WaitAny(waitHandles, millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param waitHandles System.Threading.WaitHandle[] +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@param exitContext bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.WaitHandle:WaitAny(waitHandles, millisecondsTimeout, exitContext) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param waitHandles System.Threading.WaitHandle[] +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.WaitHandle:WaitAny(waitHandles, timeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param waitHandles System.Threading.WaitHandle[] +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@param exitContext bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.WaitHandle:WaitAny(waitHandles, timeout, exitContext) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@param exitContext bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(millisecondsTimeout, exitContext) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(timeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@param exitContext bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.WaitHandle.WaitOne(timeout, exitContext) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.WaitHandleCannotBeOpenedException: System.ApplicationException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.WaitHandleCannotBeOpenedException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.WaitHandleExtensions: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.WaitHandleExtensions = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return SafeWaitHandle +function CS.System.Threading.WaitHandleExtensions.GetSafeWaitHandle() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles.SafeWaitHandle +function CS.System.Threading.WaitHandleExtensions.SetSafeWaitHandle(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Threading.WaitOrTimerCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Threading.WaitOrTimerCallback = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param state object +---@param timedOut bool +function CS.System.Threading.WaitOrTimerCallback.Invoke(state, timedOut) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param state object +---@param timedOut bool +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Threading.WaitOrTimerCallback.BeginInvoke(state, timedOut, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Threading.WaitOrTimerCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Threading.BarrierPostPhaseException: System.Exception +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Threading.BarrierPostPhaseException = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Threading.Semaphore: System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Threading.Semaphore = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return SemaphoreSecurity +function CS.System.Threading.Semaphore.GetAccessControl() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@return Semaphore +function CS.System.Threading.Semaphore:OpenExisting(name) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@param rights System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreRights +---@return Semaphore +function CS.System.Threading.Semaphore:OpenExisting(name, rights) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.Semaphore.Release() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param releaseCount int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Threading.Semaphore.Release(releaseCount) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param semaphoreSecurity System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreSecurity +function CS.System.Threading.Semaphore.SetAccessControl(semaphoreSecurity) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@param rights System.Security.AccessControl.SemaphoreRights +---@param result System.Threading.Semaphore +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Semaphore:TryOpenExisting(name, rights, result) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@param result System.Threading.Semaphore +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Semaphore:TryOpenExisting(name, result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field Exception System.Exception +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventArgs +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Threading.LockRecursionPolicy: System.Enum +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field NoRecursion System.Threading.LockRecursionPolicy +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field SupportsRecursion System.Threading.LockRecursionPolicy +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Threading.LockRecursionPolicy = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Threading.LockRecursionPolicy +function CS.System.Threading.LockRecursionPolicy:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim: object +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field CurrentReadCount int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsReadLockHeld bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsUpgradeableReadLockHeld bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field IsWriteLockHeld bool +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RecursionPolicy System.Threading.LockRecursionPolicy +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RecursiveReadCount int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RecursiveUpgradeCount int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field RecursiveWriteCount int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field WaitingReadCount int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field WaitingUpgradeCount int +---@source System.Core.dll +---@field WaitingWriteCount int +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim.Dispose() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim.EnterReadLock() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim.EnterUpgradeableReadLock() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim.EnterWriteLock() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim.ExitReadLock() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim.ExitUpgradeableReadLock() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim.ExitWriteLock() end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim.TryEnterReadLock(millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim.TryEnterReadLock(timeout) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim.TryEnterUpgradeableReadLock(millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim.TryEnterUpgradeableReadLock(timeout) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim.TryEnterWriteLock(millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim.TryEnterWriteLock(timeout) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Threading.Barrier: object +---@source System.dll +---@field CurrentPhaseNumber long +---@source System.dll +---@field ParticipantCount int +---@source System.dll +---@field ParticipantsRemaining int +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Threading.Barrier = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Threading.Barrier.AddParticipant() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param participantCount int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Threading.Barrier.AddParticipants(participantCount) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Barrier.Dispose() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Barrier.RemoveParticipant() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param participantCount int +function CS.System.Threading.Barrier.RemoveParticipants(participantCount) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Threading.Barrier.SignalAndWait() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Barrier.SignalAndWait(millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Barrier.SignalAndWait(millisecondsTimeout, cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +function CS.System.Threading.Barrier.SignalAndWait(cancellationToken) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Barrier.SignalAndWait(timeout) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param timeout System.TimeSpan +---@param cancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Threading.Barrier.SignalAndWait(timeout, cancellationToken) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Timers.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Timers.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8f73d820d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Timers.lua @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.dll +---@field SignalTime System.DateTime +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs +function CS.System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Timers.Timer: System.ComponentModel.Component +---@source System.dll +---@field AutoReset bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Enabled bool +---@source System.dll +---@field Interval double +---@source System.dll +---@field Site System.ComponentModel.ISite +---@source System.dll +---@field SynchronizingObject System.ComponentModel.ISynchronizeInvoke +---@source System.dll +---@field Elapsed System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Timers.Timer = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler +function CS.System.Timers.Timer.add_Elapsed(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler +function CS.System.Timers.Timer.remove_Elapsed(value) end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Timers.Timer.BeginInit() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Timers.Timer.Close() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Timers.Timer.EndInit() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Timers.Timer.Start() end + +---@source System.dll +function CS.System.Timers.Timer.Stop() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Timers.TimersDescriptionAttribute: System.ComponentModel.DescriptionAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Description string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Timers.TimersDescriptionAttribute = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Web.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Web.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..28ec6d9bb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Web.lua @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission: System.Security.CodeAccessPermission +---@source System.dll +---@field Level System.Web.AspNetHostingPermissionLevel +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission.Copy() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param securityElement System.Security.SecurityElement +function CS.System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission.FromXml(securityElement) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission.Intersect(target) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission.IsSubsetOf(target) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission.IsUnrestricted() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return SecurityElement +function CS.System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission.ToXml() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param target System.Security.IPermission +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Web.AspNetHostingPermission.Union(target) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Web.AspNetHostingPermissionAttribute: System.Security.Permissions.CodeAccessSecurityAttribute +---@source System.dll +---@field Level System.Web.AspNetHostingPermissionLevel +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Web.AspNetHostingPermissionAttribute = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return IPermission +function CS.System.Web.AspNetHostingPermissionAttribute.CreatePermission() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Web.AspNetHostingPermissionLevel: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field High System.Web.AspNetHostingPermissionLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Low System.Web.AspNetHostingPermissionLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Medium System.Web.AspNetHostingPermissionLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Minimal System.Web.AspNetHostingPermissionLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.Web.AspNetHostingPermissionLevel +---@source System.dll +---@field Unrestricted System.Web.AspNetHostingPermissionLevel +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Web.AspNetHostingPermissionLevel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Web.AspNetHostingPermissionLevel +function CS.System.Web.AspNetHostingPermissionLevel:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Windows.Input.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Windows.Input.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2eb794987 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Windows.Input.lua @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Windows.Input.ICommand +---@source System.dll +---@field CanExecuteChanged System.EventHandler +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Windows.Input.ICommand = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Windows.Input.ICommand.add_CanExecuteChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Windows.Input.ICommand.remove_CanExecuteChanged(value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param parameter object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Windows.Input.ICommand.CanExecute(parameter) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param parameter object +function CS.System.Windows.Input.ICommand.Execute(parameter) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Windows.Markup.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Windows.Markup.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ce8005769 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Windows.Markup.lua @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Windows.Markup.ValueSerializerAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.dll +---@field ValueSerializerType System.Type +---@source System.dll +---@field ValueSerializerTypeName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Windows.Markup.ValueSerializerAttribute = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.Linq.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.Linq.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2febbd527 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.Linq.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1307 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Linq.XName: object +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Namespace System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field NamespaceName string +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Linq.XName = {} + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XName.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param expandedName string +---@return XName +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XName:Get(expandedName) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceName string +---@return XName +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XName:Get(localName, namespaceName) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XName.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param left System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@param right System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XName:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param expandedName string +---@return XName +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XName:op_Implicit(expandedName) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param left System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@param right System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XName:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XName.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Linq.Extensions: object +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Linq.Extensions = {} + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.Extensions.AncestorsAndSelf() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param name System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.Extensions.AncestorsAndSelf(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.Extensions.Ancestors() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param name System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.Extensions.Ancestors(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.Extensions.Attributes() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param name System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.Extensions.Attributes(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.Extensions.DescendantNodesAndSelf() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.Extensions.DescendantNodes() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.Extensions.DescendantsAndSelf() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param name System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.Extensions.DescendantsAndSelf(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.Extensions.Descendants() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param name System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.Extensions.Descendants(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.Extensions.Elements() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param name System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.Extensions.Elements(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.Extensions.InDocumentOrder() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.Extensions.Nodes() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.Extensions.Remove() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.Extensions.Remove() end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field None System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field PreserveWhitespace System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field SetBaseUri System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field SetLineInfo System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Linq.ReaderOptions: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field None System.Xml.Linq.ReaderOptions +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field OmitDuplicateNamespaces System.Xml.Linq.ReaderOptions +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Linq.ReaderOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.Linq.ReaderOptions +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.ReaderOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Linq.SaveOptions: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field DisableFormatting System.Xml.Linq.SaveOptions +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field None System.Xml.Linq.SaveOptions +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field OmitDuplicateNamespaces System.Xml.Linq.SaveOptions +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Linq.SaveOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.Linq.SaveOptions +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.SaveOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute: System.Xml.Linq.XObject +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field EmptySequence System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field IsNamespaceDeclaration bool +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Name System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field NextAttribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field PreviousAttribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute = {} + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return Double +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return Single +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute:op_Explicit(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute.Remove() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param value object +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute.SetValue(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Linq.XCData: System.Xml.Linq.XText +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Linq.XCData = {} + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XCData.WriteTo(writer) end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Linq.XComment: System.Xml.Linq.XNode +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Linq.XComment = {} + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XComment.WriteTo(writer) end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Linq.XContainer: System.Xml.Linq.XNode +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field FirstNode System.Xml.Linq.XNode +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field LastNode System.Xml.Linq.XNode +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Linq.XContainer = {} + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param content object +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.Add(content) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param content object[] +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.Add(content) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param content object +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.AddFirst(content) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param content object[] +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.AddFirst(content) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.CreateWriter() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.DescendantNodes() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.Descendants() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param name System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.Descendants(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param name System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@return XElement +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.Element(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.Elements() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param name System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.Elements(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.Nodes() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.RemoveNodes() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param content object +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.ReplaceNodes(content) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param content object[] +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XContainer.ReplaceNodes(content) end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Linq.XDeclaration: object +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Encoding string +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Standalone string +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Version string +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Linq.XDeclaration = {} + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XDeclaration.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Linq.XDocument: System.Xml.Linq.XContainer +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Declaration System.Xml.Linq.XDeclaration +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field DocumentType System.Xml.Linq.XDocumentType +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Root System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Linq.XDocument = {} + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@return XDocument +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XDocument:Load(stream) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param options System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions +---@return XDocument +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XDocument:Load(stream, options) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param textReader System.IO.TextReader +---@return XDocument +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XDocument:Load(textReader) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param textReader System.IO.TextReader +---@param options System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions +---@return XDocument +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XDocument:Load(textReader, options) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param uri string +---@return XDocument +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XDocument:Load(uri) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param uri string +---@param options System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions +---@return XDocument +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XDocument:Load(uri, options) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@return XDocument +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XDocument:Load(reader) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param options System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions +---@return XDocument +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XDocument:Load(reader, options) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param text string +---@return XDocument +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XDocument:Parse(text) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param text string +---@param options System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions +---@return XDocument +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XDocument:Parse(text, options) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Save(stream) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param options System.Xml.Linq.SaveOptions +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Save(stream, options) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param textWriter System.IO.TextWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Save(textWriter) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param textWriter System.IO.TextWriter +---@param options System.Xml.Linq.SaveOptions +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Save(textWriter, options) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Save(fileName) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param options System.Xml.Linq.SaveOptions +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Save(fileName, options) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.Save(writer) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XDocument.WriteTo(writer) end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Linq.XDocumentType: System.Xml.Linq.XNode +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field InternalSubset string +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field PublicId string +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field SystemId string +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Linq.XDocumentType = {} + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XDocumentType.WriteTo(writer) end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Linq.XElement: System.Xml.Linq.XContainer +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field EmptySequence System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field FirstAttribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field HasAttributes bool +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field HasElements bool +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field IsEmpty bool +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field LastAttribute System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Name System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement = {} + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.AncestorsAndSelf() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param name System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.AncestorsAndSelf(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param name System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@return XAttribute +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Attribute(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Attributes() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param name System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Attributes(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.DescendantNodesAndSelf() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.DescendantsAndSelf() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param name System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.DescendantsAndSelf(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return XNamespace +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.GetDefaultNamespace() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param prefix string +---@return XNamespace +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.GetNamespaceOfPrefix(prefix) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param ns System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.GetPrefixOfNamespace(ns) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@return XElement +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:Load(stream) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param options System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions +---@return XElement +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:Load(stream, options) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param textReader System.IO.TextReader +---@return XElement +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:Load(textReader) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param textReader System.IO.TextReader +---@param options System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions +---@return XElement +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:Load(textReader, options) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param uri string +---@return XElement +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:Load(uri) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param uri string +---@param options System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions +---@return XElement +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:Load(uri, options) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@return XElement +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:Load(reader) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param options System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions +---@return XElement +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:Load(reader, options) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return Double +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return Single +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:op_Explicit(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param text string +---@return XElement +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:Parse(text) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param text string +---@param options System.Xml.Linq.LoadOptions +---@return XElement +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement:Parse(text, options) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.RemoveAll() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.RemoveAttributes() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param content object +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.ReplaceAll(content) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param content object[] +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.ReplaceAll(content) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param content object +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.ReplaceAttributes(content) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param content object[] +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.ReplaceAttributes(content) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Save(stream) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param options System.Xml.Linq.SaveOptions +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Save(stream, options) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param textWriter System.IO.TextWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Save(textWriter) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param textWriter System.IO.TextWriter +---@param options System.Xml.Linq.SaveOptions +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Save(textWriter, options) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Save(fileName) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param options System.Xml.Linq.SaveOptions +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Save(fileName, options) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Save(writer) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param name System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@param value object +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.SetAttributeValue(name, value) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param name System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@param value object +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.SetElementValue(name, value) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param value object +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.SetValue(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XElement.WriteTo(writer) end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace: object +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field NamespaceName string +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field None System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Xml System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Xmlns System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace = {} + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param namespaceName string +---@return XNamespace +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace:Get(namespaceName) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param localName string +---@return XName +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace.GetName(localName) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param ns System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace +---@param localName string +---@return XName +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace:op_Addition(ns, localName) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param left System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace +---@param right System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param namespaceName string +---@return XNamespace +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace:op_Implicit(namespaceName) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param left System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace +---@param right System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNamespace.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Linq.XNode: System.Xml.Linq.XObject +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field DocumentOrderComparer System.Xml.Linq.XNodeDocumentOrderComparer +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field EqualityComparer System.Xml.Linq.XNodeEqualityComparer +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field NextNode System.Xml.Linq.XNode +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field PreviousNode System.Xml.Linq.XNode +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode = {} + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param content object +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode.AddAfterSelf(content) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param content object[] +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode.AddAfterSelf(content) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param content object +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode.AddBeforeSelf(content) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param content object[] +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode.AddBeforeSelf(content) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode.Ancestors() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param name System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode.Ancestors(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param n1 System.Xml.Linq.XNode +---@param n2 System.Xml.Linq.XNode +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode:CompareDocumentOrder(n1, n2) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode.CreateReader() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param readerOptions System.Xml.Linq.ReaderOptions +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode.CreateReader(readerOptions) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param n1 System.Xml.Linq.XNode +---@param n2 System.Xml.Linq.XNode +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode:DeepEquals(n1, n2) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode.ElementsAfterSelf() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param name System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode.ElementsAfterSelf(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode.ElementsBeforeSelf() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param name System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode.ElementsBeforeSelf(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param node System.Xml.Linq.XNode +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode.IsAfter(node) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param node System.Xml.Linq.XNode +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode.IsBefore(node) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode.NodesAfterSelf() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode.NodesBeforeSelf() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@return XNode +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode:ReadFrom(reader) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode.Remove() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param content object +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode.ReplaceWith(content) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param content object[] +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode.ReplaceWith(content) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode.ToString() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param options System.Xml.Linq.SaveOptions +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode.ToString(options) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNode.WriteTo(writer) end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Linq.XNodeDocumentOrderComparer: object +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNodeDocumentOrderComparer = {} + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param x System.Xml.Linq.XNode +---@param y System.Xml.Linq.XNode +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNodeDocumentOrderComparer.Compare(x, y) end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Linq.XNodeEqualityComparer: object +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNodeEqualityComparer = {} + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param x System.Xml.Linq.XNode +---@param y System.Xml.Linq.XNode +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNodeEqualityComparer.Equals(x, y) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param obj System.Xml.Linq.XNode +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XNodeEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(obj) end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Linq.XObject: object +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field BaseUri string +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Document System.Xml.Linq.XDocument +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Parent System.Xml.Linq.XElement +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Changed System.EventHandler +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Changing System.EventHandler +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Linq.XObject = {} + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XObject.add_Changed(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XObject.remove_Changed(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XObject.add_Changing(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XObject.remove_Changing(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param annotation object +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XObject.AddAnnotation(annotation) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XObject.Annotation(type) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XObject.Annotations(type) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XObject.Annotations() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return T +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XObject.Annotation() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param type System.Type +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XObject.RemoveAnnotations(type) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XObject.RemoveAnnotations() end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Linq.XObjectChange: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Add System.Xml.Linq.XObjectChange +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Name System.Xml.Linq.XObjectChange +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Remove System.Xml.Linq.XObjectChange +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Value System.Xml.Linq.XObjectChange +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Linq.XObjectChange = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.Linq.XObjectChange +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XObjectChange:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Linq.XObjectChangeEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Add System.Xml.Linq.XObjectChangeEventArgs +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Name System.Xml.Linq.XObjectChangeEventArgs +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Remove System.Xml.Linq.XObjectChangeEventArgs +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Value System.Xml.Linq.XObjectChangeEventArgs +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field ObjectChange System.Xml.Linq.XObjectChange +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Linq.XObjectChangeEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Linq.XProcessingInstruction: System.Xml.Linq.XNode +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Data string +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Target string +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Linq.XProcessingInstruction = {} + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XProcessingInstruction.WriteTo(writer) end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Linq.XStreamingElement: object +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Name System.Xml.Linq.XName +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Linq.XStreamingElement = {} + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param content object +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XStreamingElement.Add(content) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param content object[] +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XStreamingElement.Add(content) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XStreamingElement.Save(stream) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param options System.Xml.Linq.SaveOptions +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XStreamingElement.Save(stream, options) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param textWriter System.IO.TextWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XStreamingElement.Save(textWriter) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param textWriter System.IO.TextWriter +---@param options System.Xml.Linq.SaveOptions +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XStreamingElement.Save(textWriter, options) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param fileName string +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XStreamingElement.Save(fileName) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param fileName string +---@param options System.Xml.Linq.SaveOptions +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XStreamingElement.Save(fileName, options) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XStreamingElement.Save(writer) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XStreamingElement.ToString() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param options System.Xml.Linq.SaveOptions +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XStreamingElement.ToString(options) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XStreamingElement.WriteTo(writer) end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Linq.XText: System.Xml.Linq.XNode +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Linq.XText = {} + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Linq.XText.WriteTo(writer) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.Resolvers.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.Resolvers.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0ef10380e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.Resolvers.lua @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Resolvers.XmlKnownDtds: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field All System.Xml.Resolvers.XmlKnownDtds +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field None System.Xml.Resolvers.XmlKnownDtds +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Rss091 System.Xml.Resolvers.XmlKnownDtds +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Xhtml10 System.Xml.Resolvers.XmlKnownDtds +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Resolvers.XmlKnownDtds = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.Resolvers.XmlKnownDtds +function CS.System.Xml.Resolvers.XmlKnownDtds:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Resolvers.XmlPreloadedResolver: System.Xml.XmlResolver +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Credentials System.Net.ICredentials +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field PreloadedUris System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Resolvers.XmlPreloadedResolver = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@param value byte[] +function CS.System.Xml.Resolvers.XmlPreloadedResolver.Add(uri, value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@param value byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.Resolvers.XmlPreloadedResolver.Add(uri, value, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@param value System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Xml.Resolvers.XmlPreloadedResolver.Add(uri, value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@param value string +function CS.System.Xml.Resolvers.XmlPreloadedResolver.Add(uri, value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param absoluteUri System.Uri +---@param role string +---@param ofObjectToReturn System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Resolvers.XmlPreloadedResolver.GetEntity(absoluteUri, role, ofObjectToReturn) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param absoluteUri System.Uri +---@param role string +---@param ofObjectToReturn System.Type +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.Resolvers.XmlPreloadedResolver.GetEntityAsync(absoluteUri, role, ofObjectToReturn) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +function CS.System.Xml.Resolvers.XmlPreloadedResolver.Remove(uri) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param baseUri System.Uri +---@param relativeUri string +---@return Uri +function CS.System.Xml.Resolvers.XmlPreloadedResolver.ResolveUri(baseUri, relativeUri) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param absoluteUri System.Uri +---@param type System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Resolvers.XmlPreloadedResolver.SupportsType(absoluteUri, type) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.Schema.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.Schema.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fb88843d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.Schema.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1738 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.IXmlSchemaInfo +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsDefault bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsNil bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field MemberType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SchemaAttribute System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SchemaElement System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SchemaType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Validity System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidity +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.IXmlSchemaInfo = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Exception System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaException +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Message string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Severity System.Xml.Schema.XmlSeverityType +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventArgs +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlAtomicValue: System.Xml.XPath.XPathItem +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsNode bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field TypedValue object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValueAsBoolean bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValueAsDateTime System.DateTime +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValueAsDouble double +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValueAsInt int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValueAsLong long +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValueType System.Type +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlAtomicValue = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XmlAtomicValue +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlAtomicValue.Clone() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlAtomicValue.ToString() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param nsResolver System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlAtomicValue.ValueAs(type, nsResolver) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field InstanceNamespace string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AttributeFormDefault System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AttributeGroups System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Attributes System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BlockDefault System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ElementFormDefault System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Elements System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field FinalDefault System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Groups System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Id string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Includes System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsCompiled bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Items System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Notations System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SchemaTypes System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field TargetNamespace string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field UnhandledAttributes System.Xml.XmlAttribute[] +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Version string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param validationEventHandler System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema.Compile(validationEventHandler) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param validationEventHandler System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +---@param resolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema.Compile(validationEventHandler, resolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param validationEventHandler System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +---@return XmlSchema +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema:Read(stream, validationEventHandler) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param reader System.IO.TextReader +---@param validationEventHandler System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +---@return XmlSchema +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema:Read(reader, validationEventHandler) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param validationEventHandler System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +---@return XmlSchema +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema:Read(reader, validationEventHandler) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema.Write(stream) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param namespaceManager System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema.Write(stream, namespaceManager) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param writer System.IO.TextWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema.Write(writer) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param writer System.IO.TextWriter +---@param namespaceManager System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema.Write(writer, namespaceManager) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema.Write(writer) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param namespaceManager System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema.Write(writer, namespaceManager) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAll: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Items System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAll = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnnotated: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Annotation System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnnotation +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Id string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field UnhandledAttributes System.Xml.XmlAttribute[] +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnnotated = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnnotation: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Id string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Items System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field UnhandledAttributes System.Xml.XmlAttribute[] +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnnotation = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaParticle +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ProcessContents System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentProcessing +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnyAttribute: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnnotated +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ProcessContents System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentProcessing +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnyAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAppInfo: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Markup System.Xml.XmlNode[] +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Source string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAppInfo = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnnotated +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AttributeSchemaType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AttributeType object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field DefaultValue string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field FixedValue string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Form System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field QualifiedName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field RefName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SchemaType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SchemaTypeName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Use System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaUse +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttributeGroup: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnnotated +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AnyAttribute System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnyAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Attributes System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field QualifiedName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field RedefinedAttributeGroup System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttributeGroup +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttributeGroup = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnnotated +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field RefName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttributeGroupRef = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaChoice: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Items System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaChoice = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCollection: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NameTable System.Xml.XmlNameTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValidationEventHandler System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCollection = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCollection.add_ValidationEventHandler(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCollection.remove_ValidationEventHandler(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param ns string +---@param uri string +---@return XmlSchema +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCollection.Add(ns, uri) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param ns string +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@return XmlSchema +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCollection.Add(ns, reader) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param ns string +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param resolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +---@return XmlSchema +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCollection.Add(ns, reader, resolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schema System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema +---@return XmlSchema +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCollection.Add(schema) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schema System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema +---@param resolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +---@return XmlSchema +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCollection.Add(schema, resolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schema System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCollection +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCollection.Add(schema) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param ns string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCollection.Contains(ns) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schema System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCollection.Contains(schema) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param array System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XmlSchemaCollectionEnumerator +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCollection.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCollectionEnumerator: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Current System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCollectionEnumerator = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCollectionEnumerator.MoveNext() end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCompilationSettings: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field EnableUpaCheck bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCompilationSettings = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexContent: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentModel +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Content System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContent +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsMixed bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexContent = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexContentExtension: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContent +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AnyAttribute System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnyAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Attributes System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseTypeName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Particle System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaParticle +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexContentExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexContentRestriction: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContent +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AnyAttribute System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnyAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Attributes System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseTypeName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Particle System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaParticle +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexContentRestriction = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AnyAttribute System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnyAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Attributes System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AttributeUses System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AttributeWildcard System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnyAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Block System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BlockResolved System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ContentModel System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentModel +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ContentType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ContentTypeParticle System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaParticle +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsAbstract bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsMixed bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Particle System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaParticle +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaComplexType = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContent: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnnotated +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContent = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentModel: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnnotated +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Content System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContent +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentModel = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentProcessing: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Lax System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentProcessing +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field None System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentProcessing +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Skip System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentProcessing +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Strict System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentProcessing +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentProcessing = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentProcessing +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentProcessing:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentType: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ElementOnly System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Empty System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Mixed System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field TextOnly System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentType +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentType +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field TokenizedType System.Xml.XmlTokenizedType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field TypeCode System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValueType System.Type +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Variety System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatypeVariety +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value object +---@param targetType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ChangeType(value, targetType) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value object +---@param targetType System.Type +---@param namespaceResolver System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ChangeType(value, targetType, namespaceResolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param datatype System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.IsDerivedFrom(datatype) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param s string +---@param nameTable System.Xml.XmlNameTable +---@param nsmgr System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype.ParseValue(s, nameTable, nsmgr) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatypeVariety: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Atomic System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatypeVariety +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field List System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatypeVariety +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Union System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatypeVariety +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatypeVariety = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatypeVariety +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatypeVariety:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field All System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Empty System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Extension System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field List System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field None System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Restriction System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Substitution System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Union System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDocumentation: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Language string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Markup System.Xml.XmlNode[] +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Source string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDocumentation = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaParticle +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Block System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BlockResolved System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Constraints System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field DefaultValue string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ElementSchemaType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ElementType object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Final System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field FinalResolved System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field FixedValue string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Form System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsAbstract bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsNillable bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field QualifiedName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field RefName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SchemaType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SchemaTypeName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SubstitutionGroup System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaEnumerationFacet: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaFacet +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaEnumerationFacet = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaException: System.SystemException +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LineNumber int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LinePosition int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Message string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SourceSchemaObject System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SourceUri string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaException = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaExternal: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Id string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Schema System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SchemaLocation string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field UnhandledAttributes System.Xml.XmlAttribute[] +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaExternal = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaFacet: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnnotated +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsFixed bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaFacet = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field None System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Qualified System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Unqualified System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaFractionDigitsFacet: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaNumericFacet +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaFractionDigitsFacet = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroup: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnnotated +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Particle System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field QualifiedName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroup = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaParticle +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Items System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupRef: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaParticle +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Particle System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field RefName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupRef = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaIdentityConstraint: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnnotated +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Fields System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field QualifiedName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Selector System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaXPath +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaIdentityConstraint = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaImport: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaExternal +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Annotation System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnnotation +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaImport = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInclude: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaExternal +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Annotation System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnnotation +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInclude = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInference: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Occurrence System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInference.InferenceOption +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field TypeInference System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInference.InferenceOption +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInference = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param instanceDocument System.Xml.XmlReader +---@return XmlSchemaSet +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInference.InferSchema(instanceDocument) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param instanceDocument System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param schemas System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@return XmlSchemaSet +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInference.InferSchema(instanceDocument, schemas) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.InferenceOption: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Relaxed System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInference.InferenceOption +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Restricted System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInference.InferenceOption +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.InferenceOption = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInference.InferenceOption +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.InferenceOption:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInferenceException: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaException +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInferenceException = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInferenceException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInfo: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ContentType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsDefault bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsNil bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field MemberType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SchemaAttribute System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SchemaElement System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaElement +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SchemaType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Validity System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidity +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInfo = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaKey: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaIdentityConstraint +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaKey = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaKeyref: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaIdentityConstraint +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Refer System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaKeyref = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaLengthFacet: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaNumericFacet +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaLengthFacet = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaMaxExclusiveFacet: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaFacet +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaMaxExclusiveFacet = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaMaxInclusiveFacet: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaFacet +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaMaxInclusiveFacet = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaMaxLengthFacet: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaNumericFacet +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaMaxLengthFacet = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaMinExclusiveFacet: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaFacet +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaMinExclusiveFacet = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaMinInclusiveFacet: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaFacet +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaMinInclusiveFacet = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaMinLengthFacet: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaNumericFacet +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaMinLengthFacet = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaNotation: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnnotated +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Public string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field System string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaNotation = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaNumericFacet: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaFacet +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaNumericFacet = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LineNumber int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LinePosition int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Namespaces System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Parent System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SourceUri string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param item System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection.Add(item) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param item System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection.Contains(item) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param array System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XmlSchemaObjectEnumerator +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param item System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection.IndexOf(item) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param index int +---@param item System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection.Insert(index, item) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param item System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection.Remove(item) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectEnumerator: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Current System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectEnumerator = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectEnumerator.MoveNext() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectEnumerator.Reset() end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectTable: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Names System.Collections.ICollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Values System.Collections.ICollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectTable = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectTable.Contains(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return IDictionaryEnumerator +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectTable.GetEnumerator() end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaParticle: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnnotated +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field MaxOccurs decimal +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field MaxOccursString string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field MinOccurs decimal +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field MinOccursString string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaParticle = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaPatternFacet: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaFacet +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaPatternFacet = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaRedefine: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaExternal +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AttributeGroups System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Groups System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Items System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SchemaTypes System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaRedefine = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaGroupBase +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Items System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSequence = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CompilationSettings System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCompilationSettings +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field GlobalAttributes System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field GlobalElements System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field GlobalTypes System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsCompiled bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NameTable System.Xml.XmlNameTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlResolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValidationEventHandler System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet.add_ValidationEventHandler(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet.remove_ValidationEventHandler(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param targetNamespace string +---@param schemaUri string +---@return XmlSchema +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet.Add(targetNamespace, schemaUri) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param targetNamespace string +---@param schemaDocument System.Xml.XmlReader +---@return XmlSchema +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet.Add(targetNamespace, schemaDocument) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schema System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema +---@return XmlSchema +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet.Add(schema) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schemas System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet.Add(schemas) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet.Compile() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param targetNamespace string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet.Contains(targetNamespace) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schema System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet.Contains(schema) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schemas System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet.CopyTo(schemas, index) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schema System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema +---@return XmlSchema +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet.Remove(schema) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schemaToRemove System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet.RemoveRecursive(schemaToRemove) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schema System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema +---@return XmlSchema +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet.Reprocess(schema) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return ICollection +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet.Schemas() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param targetNamespace string +---@return ICollection +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet.Schemas(targetNamespace) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleContent: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContentModel +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Content System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContent +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleContent = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleContentExtension: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContent +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AnyAttribute System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnyAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Attributes System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseTypeName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleContentExtension = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaContent +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AnyAttribute System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnyAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Attributes System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseTypeName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Facets System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleContentRestriction = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleType: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Content System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeContent +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleType = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeContent: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnnotated +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeContent = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeList: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeContent +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseItemType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ItemType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ItemTypeName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeList = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeContent +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseTypeName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Facets System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeRestriction = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeUnion: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeContent +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseMemberTypes System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleType[] +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseTypes System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObjectCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field MemberTypes System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName[] +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSimpleTypeUnion = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaTotalDigitsFacet: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaNumericFacet +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaTotalDigitsFacet = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnnotated +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseSchemaType object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseXmlSchemaType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Datatype System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDatatype +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field DerivedBy System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Final System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field FinalResolved System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsMixed bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field QualifiedName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field TypeCode System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param typeCode System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@return XmlSchemaComplexType +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType:GetBuiltInComplexType(typeCode) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param qualifiedName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@return XmlSchemaComplexType +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType:GetBuiltInComplexType(qualifiedName) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param typeCode System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@return XmlSchemaSimpleType +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType:GetBuiltInSimpleType(typeCode) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param qualifiedName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@return XmlSchemaSimpleType +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType:GetBuiltInSimpleType(qualifiedName) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param derivedType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType +---@param baseType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType +---@param except System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaDerivationMethod +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType:IsDerivedFrom(derivedType, baseType, except) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaUnique: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaIdentityConstraint +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaUnique = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaUse: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field None System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaUse +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Optional System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaUse +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Prohibited System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaUse +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Required System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaUse +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaUse = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaUse +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaUse:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationException: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaException +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SourceObject object +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationException = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationFlags: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AllowXmlAttributes System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationFlags +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field None System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationFlags +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ProcessIdentityConstraints System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationFlags +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ProcessInlineSchema System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationFlags +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ProcessSchemaLocation System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationFlags +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ReportValidationWarnings System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationFlags +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationFlags +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LineInfoProvider System.Xml.IXmlLineInfo +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SourceUri System.Uri +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValidationEventSender object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlResolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValidationEventHandler System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.add_ValidationEventHandler(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.remove_ValidationEventHandler(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schema System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.AddSchema(schema) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.EndValidation() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.GetExpectedAttributes() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.GetExpectedParticles() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param defaultAttributes System.Collections.ArrayList +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.GetUnspecifiedDefaultAttributes(defaultAttributes) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.Initialize() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param partialValidationType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.Initialize(partialValidationType) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schemaInfo System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInfo +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.SkipToEndElement(schemaInfo) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param attributeValue string +---@param schemaInfo System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInfo +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.ValidateAttribute(localName, namespaceUri, attributeValue, schemaInfo) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param attributeValue System.Xml.Schema.XmlValueGetter +---@param schemaInfo System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInfo +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.ValidateAttribute(localName, namespaceUri, attributeValue, schemaInfo) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param schemaInfo System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInfo +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.ValidateElement(localName, namespaceUri, schemaInfo) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param schemaInfo System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInfo +---@param xsiType string +---@param xsiNil string +---@param xsiSchemaLocation string +---@param xsiNoNamespaceSchemaLocation string +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.ValidateElement(localName, namespaceUri, schemaInfo, xsiType, xsiNil, xsiSchemaLocation, xsiNoNamespaceSchemaLocation) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schemaInfo System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInfo +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.ValidateEndElement(schemaInfo) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schemaInfo System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInfo +---@param typedValue object +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.ValidateEndElement(schemaInfo, typedValue) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schemaInfo System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaInfo +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.ValidateEndOfAttributes(schemaInfo) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param elementValue string +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.ValidateText(elementValue) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param elementValue System.Xml.Schema.XmlValueGetter +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.ValidateText(elementValue) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param elementValue string +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.ValidateWhitespace(elementValue) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param elementValue System.Xml.Schema.XmlValueGetter +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidator.ValidateWhitespace(elementValue) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidity: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Invalid System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidity +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NotKnown System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidity +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Valid System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidity +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidity = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidity +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidity:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaWhiteSpaceFacet: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaFacet +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaWhiteSpaceFacet = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaXPath: System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAnnotated +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XPath string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaXPath = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlSeverityType: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Error System.Xml.Schema.XmlSeverityType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Warning System.Xml.Schema.XmlSeverityType +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSeverityType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.Schema.XmlSeverityType +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlSeverityType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AnyAtomicType System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AnyUri System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Attribute System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Base64Binary System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Boolean System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Byte System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Comment System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Date System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field DateTime System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field DayTimeDuration System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Decimal System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Document System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Double System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Duration System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Element System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Entity System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Float System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field GDay System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field GMonth System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field GMonthDay System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field GYear System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field GYearMonth System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field HexBinary System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Id System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Idref System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Int System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Integer System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Item System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Language System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Long System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Namespace System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NCName System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NegativeInteger System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NmToken System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Node System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field None System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NonNegativeInteger System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NonPositiveInteger System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NormalizedString System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Notation System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field PositiveInteger System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ProcessingInstruction System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field QName System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Short System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field String System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Text System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Time System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Token System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field UnsignedByte System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field UnsignedInt System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field UnsignedLong System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field UnsignedShort System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field UntypedAtomic System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field YearMonthDuration System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlTypeCode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.XmlValueGetter: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlValueGetter = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlValueGetter.Invoke() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlValueGetter.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.XmlValueGetter.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.Schema.Extensions: object +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.Schema.Extensions = {} + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IXmlSchemaInfo +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.Extensions.GetSchemaInfo() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IXmlSchemaInfo +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.Extensions.GetSchemaInfo() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param partialValidationType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@param schemas System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@param validationEventHandler System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.Extensions.Validate(partialValidationType, schemas, validationEventHandler) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param partialValidationType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@param schemas System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@param validationEventHandler System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +---@param addSchemaInfo bool +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.Extensions.Validate(partialValidationType, schemas, validationEventHandler, addSchemaInfo) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param schemas System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@param validationEventHandler System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.Extensions.Validate(schemas, validationEventHandler) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param schemas System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@param validationEventHandler System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +---@param addSchemaInfo bool +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.Extensions.Validate(schemas, validationEventHandler, addSchemaInfo) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param partialValidationType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@param schemas System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@param validationEventHandler System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.Extensions.Validate(partialValidationType, schemas, validationEventHandler) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param partialValidationType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@param schemas System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@param validationEventHandler System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +---@param addSchemaInfo bool +function CS.System.Xml.Schema.Extensions.Validate(partialValidationType, schemas, validationEventHandler, addSchemaInfo) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..254a4cdd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.lua @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtension: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtension = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param any System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaAny +---@param mixed bool +---@param schemas System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas +---@param importer System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter +---@param compileUnit System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit +---@param mainNamespace System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace +---@param options System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerationOptions +---@param codeProvider System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtension.ImportAnyElement(any, mixed, schemas, importer, compileUnit, mainNamespace, options, codeProvider) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value string +---@param type string +---@return CodeExpression +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtension.ImportDefaultValue(value, type) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param ns string +---@param context System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@param schemas System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas +---@param importer System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter +---@param compileUnit System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit +---@param mainNamespace System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace +---@param options System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerationOptions +---@param codeProvider System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtension.ImportSchemaType(name, ns, context, schemas, importer, compileUnit, mainNamespace, options, codeProvider) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType +---@param context System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaObject +---@param schemas System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas +---@param importer System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter +---@param compileUnit System.CodeDom.CodeCompileUnit +---@param mainNamespace System.CodeDom.CodeNamespace +---@param options System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerationOptions +---@param codeProvider System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtension.ImportSchemaType(type, context, schemas, importer, compileUnit, mainNamespace, options, codeProvider) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtensionCollection: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtension +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtensionCollection = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param type System.Type +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtensionCollection.Add(name, type) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param extension System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtension +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtensionCollection.Add(extension) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtensionCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param extension System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtension +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtensionCollection.Contains(extension) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param array System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtension[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtensionCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param extension System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtension +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtensionCollection.IndexOf(extension) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param index int +---@param extension System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtension +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtensionCollection.Insert(index, extension) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtensionCollection.Remove(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param extension System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtension +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtensionCollection.Remove(extension) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a5668d327 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.lua @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.DateTimeSerializationSection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Mode System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.DateTimeSerializationSection.DateTimeSerializationMode +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.DateTimeSerializationSection = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.DateTimeSerializationMode: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Default System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.DateTimeSerializationSection.DateTimeSerializationMode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Local System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.DateTimeSerializationSection.DateTimeSerializationMode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Roundtrip System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.DateTimeSerializationSection.DateTimeSerializationMode +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.DateTimeSerializationMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.DateTimeSerializationSection.DateTimeSerializationMode +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.DateTimeSerializationMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.RootedPathValidator: System.Configuration.ConfigurationValidatorBase +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.RootedPathValidator = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.RootedPathValidator.CanValidate(type) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value object +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.RootedPathValidator.Validate(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.SchemaImporterExtensionElement: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.SchemaImporterExtensionElement = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.SchemaImporterExtensionElementCollection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.SchemaImporterExtensionElement +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.SchemaImporterExtensionElement +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.SchemaImporterExtensionElementCollection = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.SchemaImporterExtensionElement +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.SchemaImporterExtensionElementCollection.Add(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.SchemaImporterExtensionElementCollection.Clear() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.SchemaImporterExtensionElement +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.SchemaImporterExtensionElementCollection.IndexOf(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.SchemaImporterExtensionElementCollection.Remove(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param element System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.SchemaImporterExtensionElement +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.SchemaImporterExtensionElementCollection.Remove(element) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param index int +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.SchemaImporterExtensionElementCollection.RemoveAt(index) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.SchemaImporterExtensionsSection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SchemaImporterExtensions System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.SchemaImporterExtensionElementCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.SchemaImporterExtensionsSection = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.SerializationSectionGroup: System.Configuration.ConfigurationSectionGroup +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field DateTimeSerialization System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.DateTimeSerializationSection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SchemaImporterExtensions System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.SchemaImporterExtensionsSection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlSerializer System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.XmlSerializerSection +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.SerializationSectionGroup = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.XmlSerializerSection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CheckDeserializeAdvances bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field TempFilesLocation string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field UseLegacySerializerGeneration bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.Configuration.XmlSerializerSection = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.Serialization.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.Serialization.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..379516809 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.Serialization.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1756 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.CodeExporter: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IncludeMetadata System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.CodeExporter = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerationOptions: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field EnableDataBinding System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerationOptions +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field GenerateNewAsync System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerationOptions +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field GenerateOldAsync System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerationOptions +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field GenerateOrder System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerationOptions +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field GenerateProperties System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerationOptions +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field None System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerationOptions +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerationOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerationOptions +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.CodeGenerationOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.CodeIdentifier: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.CodeIdentifier = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param identifier string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.CodeIdentifier:MakeCamel(identifier) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param identifier string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.CodeIdentifier:MakePascal(identifier) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param identifier string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.CodeIdentifier:MakeValid(identifier) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.CodeIdentifiers: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field UseCamelCasing bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.CodeIdentifiers = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param identifier string +---@param value object +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.CodeIdentifiers.Add(identifier, value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param identifier string +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.CodeIdentifiers.AddReserved(identifier) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param identifier string +---@param value object +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.CodeIdentifiers.AddUnique(identifier, value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.CodeIdentifiers.Clear() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param identifier string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.CodeIdentifiers.IsInUse(identifier) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param identifier string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.CodeIdentifiers.MakeRightCase(identifier) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param identifier string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.CodeIdentifiers.MakeUnique(identifier) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param identifier string +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.CodeIdentifiers.Remove(identifier) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param identifier string +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.CodeIdentifiers.RemoveReserved(identifier) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.CodeIdentifiers.ToArray(type) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.ImportContext: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ShareTypes bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field TypeIdentifiers System.Xml.Serialization.CodeIdentifiers +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Warnings System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.ImportContext = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XmlSchema +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.GetSchema() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(reader) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(writer) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlTextParser +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Normalized bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field WhitespaceHandling System.Xml.WhitespaceHandling +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.IXmlTextParser = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.SchemaImporter: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Extensions System.Xml.Serialization.Advanced.SchemaImporterExtensionCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SchemaImporter = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.SoapAttributeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AttributeName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field DataType string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapAttributeAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.SoapAttributeOverrides: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] System.Xml.Serialization.SoapAttributes +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] System.Xml.Serialization.SoapAttributes +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapAttributeOverrides = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param member string +---@param attributes System.Xml.Serialization.SoapAttributes +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapAttributeOverrides.Add(type, member, attributes) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param attributes System.Xml.Serialization.SoapAttributes +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapAttributeOverrides.Add(type, attributes) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.SoapAttributes: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SoapAttribute System.Xml.Serialization.SoapAttributeAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SoapDefaultValue object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SoapElement System.Xml.Serialization.SoapElementAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SoapEnum System.Xml.Serialization.SoapEnumAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SoapIgnore bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SoapType System.Xml.Serialization.SoapTypeAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapAttributes = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.SoapCodeExporter: System.Xml.Serialization.CodeExporter +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapCodeExporter = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param metadata System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection +---@param member System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMemberMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapCodeExporter.AddMappingMetadata(metadata, member) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param metadata System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection +---@param member System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMemberMapping +---@param forceUseMemberName bool +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapCodeExporter.AddMappingMetadata(metadata, member, forceUseMemberName) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xmlMembersMapping System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMembersMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapCodeExporter.ExportMembersMapping(xmlMembersMapping) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xmlTypeMapping System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapCodeExporter.ExportTypeMapping(xmlTypeMapping) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.SoapElementAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field DataType string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ElementName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsNullable bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapElementAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.SoapEnumAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapEnumAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.SoapIgnoreAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapIgnoreAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.SoapIncludeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapIncludeAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.SoapReflectionImporter: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapReflectionImporter = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param elementName string +---@param ns string +---@param members System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionMember[] +---@return XmlMembersMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapReflectionImporter.ImportMembersMapping(elementName, ns, members) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param elementName string +---@param ns string +---@param members System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionMember[] +---@param hasWrapperElement bool +---@param writeAccessors bool +---@return XmlMembersMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapReflectionImporter.ImportMembersMapping(elementName, ns, members, hasWrapperElement, writeAccessors) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param elementName string +---@param ns string +---@param members System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionMember[] +---@param hasWrapperElement bool +---@param writeAccessors bool +---@param validate bool +---@return XmlMembersMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapReflectionImporter.ImportMembersMapping(elementName, ns, members, hasWrapperElement, writeAccessors, validate) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param elementName string +---@param ns string +---@param members System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionMember[] +---@param hasWrapperElement bool +---@param writeAccessors bool +---@param validate bool +---@param access System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMappingAccess +---@return XmlMembersMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapReflectionImporter.ImportMembersMapping(elementName, ns, members, hasWrapperElement, writeAccessors, validate, access) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return XmlTypeMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapReflectionImporter.ImportTypeMapping(type) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param defaultNamespace string +---@return XmlTypeMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapReflectionImporter.ImportTypeMapping(type, defaultNamespace) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapReflectionImporter.IncludeType(type) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param provider System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapReflectionImporter.IncludeTypes(provider) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.SoapSchemaExporter: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapSchemaExporter = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xmlMembersMapping System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMembersMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapSchemaExporter.ExportMembersMapping(xmlMembersMapping) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xmlMembersMapping System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMembersMapping +---@param exportEnclosingType bool +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapSchemaExporter.ExportMembersMapping(xmlMembersMapping, exportEnclosingType) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xmlTypeMapping System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapSchemaExporter.ExportTypeMapping(xmlTypeMapping) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.SoapSchemaImporter: System.Xml.Serialization.SchemaImporter +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapSchemaImporter = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@param baseType System.Type +---@param baseTypeCanBeIndirect bool +---@return XmlTypeMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapSchemaImporter.ImportDerivedTypeMapping(name, baseType, baseTypeCanBeIndirect) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param ns string +---@param member System.Xml.Serialization.SoapSchemaMember +---@return XmlMembersMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapSchemaImporter.ImportMembersMapping(name, ns, member) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param ns string +---@param members System.Xml.Serialization.SoapSchemaMember[] +---@return XmlMembersMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapSchemaImporter.ImportMembersMapping(name, ns, members) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param ns string +---@param members System.Xml.Serialization.SoapSchemaMember[] +---@param hasWrapperElement bool +---@return XmlMembersMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapSchemaImporter.ImportMembersMapping(name, ns, members, hasWrapperElement) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param ns string +---@param members System.Xml.Serialization.SoapSchemaMember[] +---@param hasWrapperElement bool +---@param baseType System.Type +---@param baseTypeCanBeIndirect bool +---@return XmlMembersMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapSchemaImporter.ImportMembersMapping(name, ns, members, hasWrapperElement, baseType, baseTypeCanBeIndirect) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.SoapSchemaMember: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field MemberName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field MemberType System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapSchemaMember = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.SoapTypeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IncludeInSchema bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field TypeName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.SoapTypeAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.UnreferencedObjectEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field UnreferencedId string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field UnreferencedObject object +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.UnreferencedObjectEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.UnreferencedObjectEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.UnreferencedObjectEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Xml.Serialization.UnreferencedObjectEventArgs +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.UnreferencedObjectEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Xml.Serialization.UnreferencedObjectEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.UnreferencedObjectEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.UnreferencedObjectEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAnyAttributeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAnyAttributeAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAnyElementAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Order int +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAnyElementAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAnyElementAttributes: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAnyElementAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAnyElementAttributes = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAnyElementAttribute +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAnyElementAttributes.Add(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAnyElementAttribute +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAnyElementAttributes.Contains(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param array System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAnyElementAttribute[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAnyElementAttributes.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAnyElementAttribute +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAnyElementAttributes.IndexOf(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param index int +---@param attribute System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAnyElementAttribute +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAnyElementAttributes.Insert(index, attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAnyElementAttribute +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAnyElementAttributes.Remove(attribute) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ElementName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Form System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsNullable bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Order int +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field DataType string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ElementName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Form System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsNullable bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NestingLevel int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttributes: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttributes = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttribute +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttributes.Add(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttribute +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttributes.Contains(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param array System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttribute[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttributes.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttribute +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttributes.IndexOf(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param index int +---@param attribute System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttribute +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttributes.Insert(index, attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttribute +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttributes.Remove(attribute) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AttributeName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field DataType string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Form System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Attr System.Xml.XmlAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ExpectedAttributes string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LineNumber int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LinePosition int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ObjectBeingDeserialized object +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeEventArgs +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeOverrides: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributes +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributes +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeOverrides = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param member string +---@param attributes System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributes +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeOverrides.Add(type, member, attributes) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param attributes System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributes +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeOverrides.Add(type, attributes) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributes: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlAnyAttribute System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAnyAttributeAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlAnyElements System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAnyElementAttributes +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlArray System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlArrayItems System.Xml.Serialization.XmlArrayItemAttributes +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlAttribute System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlChoiceIdentifier System.Xml.Serialization.XmlChoiceIdentifierAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlDefaultValue object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlElements System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttributes +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlEnum System.Xml.Serialization.XmlEnumAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlIgnore bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Xmlns bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlRoot System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlText System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTextAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlType System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributes = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlChoiceIdentifierAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field MemberName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlChoiceIdentifierAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlCodeExporter: System.Xml.Serialization.CodeExporter +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlCodeExporter = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param metadata System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection +---@param member System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMemberMapping +---@param ns string +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlCodeExporter.AddMappingMetadata(metadata, member, ns) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param metadata System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection +---@param member System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMemberMapping +---@param ns string +---@param forceUseMemberName bool +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlCodeExporter.AddMappingMetadata(metadata, member, ns, forceUseMemberName) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param metadata System.CodeDom.CodeAttributeDeclarationCollection +---@param mapping System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeMapping +---@param ns string +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlCodeExporter.AddMappingMetadata(metadata, mapping, ns) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xmlMembersMapping System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMembersMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlCodeExporter.ExportMembersMapping(xmlMembersMapping) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xmlTypeMapping System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlCodeExporter.ExportTypeMapping(xmlTypeMapping) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlDeserializationEvents: System.ValueType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field OnUnknownAttribute System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeEventHandler +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field OnUnknownElement System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementEventHandler +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field OnUnknownNode System.Xml.Serialization.XmlNodeEventHandler +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field OnUnreferencedObject System.Xml.Serialization.UnreferencedObjectEventHandler +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlDeserializationEvents = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field DataType string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ElementName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Form System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaForm +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsNullable bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Order int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttributes: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttributes = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttributes.Add(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttributes.Contains(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param array System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttributes.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttributes.IndexOf(attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param index int +---@param attribute System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttributes.Insert(index, attribute) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param attribute System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttribute +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementAttributes.Remove(attribute) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Element System.Xml.XmlElement +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ExpectedElements string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LineNumber int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LinePosition int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ObjectBeingDeserialized object +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementEventArgs +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlEnumAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlEnumAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIgnoreAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlIncludeAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMapping: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ElementName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XsdElementName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMapping = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param key string +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMapping.SetKey(key) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMappingAccess: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field None System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMappingAccess +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Read System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMappingAccess +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Write System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMappingAccess +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMappingAccess = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMappingAccess +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMappingAccess:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMemberMapping: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Any bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CheckSpecified bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ElementName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field MemberName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field TypeFullName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field TypeName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field TypeNamespace string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XsdElementName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMemberMapping = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param codeProvider System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMemberMapping.GenerateTypeName(codeProvider) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMembersMapping: System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMapping +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMemberMapping +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field TypeName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field TypeNamespace string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMembersMapping = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlNamespaceDeclarationsAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlNamespaceDeclarationsAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlNodeEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LineNumber int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LinePosition int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NamespaceURI string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ObjectBeingDeserialized object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Text string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlNodeEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlNodeEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlNodeEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Xml.Serialization.XmlNodeEventArgs +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlNodeEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Xml.Serialization.XmlNodeEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlNodeEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlNodeEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param elementName string +---@param ns string +---@param members System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionMember[] +---@param hasWrapperElement bool +---@return XmlMembersMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter.ImportMembersMapping(elementName, ns, members, hasWrapperElement) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param elementName string +---@param ns string +---@param members System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionMember[] +---@param hasWrapperElement bool +---@param rpc bool +---@return XmlMembersMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter.ImportMembersMapping(elementName, ns, members, hasWrapperElement, rpc) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param elementName string +---@param ns string +---@param members System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionMember[] +---@param hasWrapperElement bool +---@param rpc bool +---@param openModel bool +---@return XmlMembersMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter.ImportMembersMapping(elementName, ns, members, hasWrapperElement, rpc, openModel) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param elementName string +---@param ns string +---@param members System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionMember[] +---@param hasWrapperElement bool +---@param rpc bool +---@param openModel bool +---@param access System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMappingAccess +---@return XmlMembersMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter.ImportMembersMapping(elementName, ns, members, hasWrapperElement, rpc, openModel, access) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return XmlTypeMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter.ImportTypeMapping(type) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param defaultNamespace string +---@return XmlTypeMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter.ImportTypeMapping(type, defaultNamespace) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param root System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute +---@return XmlTypeMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter.ImportTypeMapping(type, root) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param root System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute +---@param defaultNamespace string +---@return XmlTypeMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter.ImportTypeMapping(type, root, defaultNamespace) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter.IncludeType(type) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param provider System.Reflection.ICustomAttributeProvider +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionImporter.IncludeTypes(provider) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionMember: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsReturnValue bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field MemberName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field MemberType System.Type +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field OverrideIsNullable bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SoapAttributes System.Xml.Serialization.SoapAttributes +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlAttributes System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributes +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlReflectionMember = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field DataType string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ElementName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsNullable bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaEnumerator: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Current System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaEnumerator = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaEnumerator.Dispose() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaEnumerator.MoveNext() end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaExporter: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaExporter = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param ns string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaExporter.ExportAnyType(ns) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param members System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMembersMapping +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaExporter.ExportAnyType(members) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xmlMembersMapping System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMembersMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaExporter.ExportMembersMapping(xmlMembersMapping) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xmlMembersMapping System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMembersMapping +---@param exportEnclosingType bool +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaExporter.ExportMembersMapping(xmlMembersMapping, exportEnclosingType) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xmlMembersMapping System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMembersMapping +---@return XmlQualifiedName +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaExporter.ExportTypeMapping(xmlMembersMapping) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xmlTypeMapping System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaExporter.ExportTypeMapping(xmlTypeMapping) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter: System.Xml.Serialization.SchemaImporter +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param typeName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@param elementName string +---@return XmlMembersMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter.ImportAnyType(typeName, elementName) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@param baseType System.Type +---@return XmlTypeMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter.ImportDerivedTypeMapping(name, baseType) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@param baseType System.Type +---@param baseTypeCanBeIndirect bool +---@return XmlTypeMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter.ImportDerivedTypeMapping(name, baseType, baseTypeCanBeIndirect) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param ns string +---@param members System.Xml.Serialization.SoapSchemaMember[] +---@return XmlMembersMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter.ImportMembersMapping(name, ns, members) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@return XmlMembersMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter.ImportMembersMapping(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param names System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName[] +---@return XmlMembersMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter.ImportMembersMapping(names) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param names System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName[] +---@param baseType System.Type +---@param baseTypeCanBeIndirect bool +---@return XmlMembersMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter.ImportMembersMapping(names, baseType, baseTypeCanBeIndirect) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param typeName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@return XmlTypeMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter.ImportSchemaType(typeName) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param typeName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@param baseType System.Type +---@return XmlTypeMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter.ImportSchemaType(typeName, baseType) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param typeName System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@param baseType System.Type +---@param baseTypeCanBeIndirect bool +---@return XmlTypeMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter.ImportSchemaType(typeName, baseType, baseTypeCanBeIndirect) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@return XmlTypeMapping +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaImporter.ImportTypeMapping(name) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsAny bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field MethodName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemaProviderAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas: System.Collections.CollectionBase +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsCompiled bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schema System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas.Add(schema) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schema System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema +---@param baseUri System.Uri +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas.Add(schema, baseUri) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schemas System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas.Add(schemas) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schema System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas.AddReference(schema) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param handler System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +---@param fullCompile bool +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas.Compile(handler, fullCompile) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param targetNamespace string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas.Contains(targetNamespace) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schema System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas.Contains(schema) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param array System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@param type System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas.Find(name, type) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param ns string +---@return IList +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas.GetSchemas(ns) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schema System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas.IndexOf(schema) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param index int +---@param schema System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas.Insert(index, schema) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schema System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas:IsDataSet(schema) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schema System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSchemas.Remove(schema) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationCollectionFixupCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationCollectionFixupCallback = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param collection object +---@param collectionItems object +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationCollectionFixupCallback.Invoke(collection, collectionItems) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param collection object +---@param collectionItems object +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationCollectionFixupCallback.BeginInvoke(collection, collectionItems, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationCollectionFixupCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationFixupCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationFixupCallback = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param fixup object +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationFixupCallback.Invoke(fixup) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param fixup object +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationFixupCallback.BeginInvoke(fixup, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationFixupCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationGeneratedCode: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationGeneratedCode = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReadCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReadCallback = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReadCallback.Invoke() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReadCallback.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReadCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReader: System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationGeneratedCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReader = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriteCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriteCallback = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param o object +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriteCallback.Invoke(o) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param o object +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriteCallback.BeginInvoke(o, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriteCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriter: System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationGeneratedCode +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriter = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field UnknownAttribute System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeEventHandler +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field UnknownElement System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementEventHandler +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field UnknownNode System.Xml.Serialization.XmlNodeEventHandler +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field UnreferencedObject System.Xml.Serialization.UnreferencedObjectEventHandler +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.add_UnknownAttribute(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.remove_UnknownAttribute(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.add_UnknownElement(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElementEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.remove_UnknownElement(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.Serialization.XmlNodeEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.add_UnknownNode(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.Serialization.XmlNodeEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.remove_UnknownNode(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.Serialization.UnreferencedObjectEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.add_UnreferencedObject(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.Serialization.UnreferencedObjectEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.remove_UnreferencedObject(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xmlReader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.CanDeserialize(xmlReader) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(stream) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param textReader System.IO.TextReader +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(textReader) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xmlReader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(xmlReader) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xmlReader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param encodingStyle string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(xmlReader, encodingStyle) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xmlReader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param encodingStyle string +---@param events System.Xml.Serialization.XmlDeserializationEvents +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(xmlReader, encodingStyle, events) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xmlReader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param events System.Xml.Serialization.XmlDeserializationEvents +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(xmlReader, events) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param mappings System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMapping[] +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer:FromMappings(mappings) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param mappings System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMapping[] +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer:FromMappings(mappings, evidence) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param mappings System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMapping[] +---@param type System.Type +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer:FromMappings(mappings, type) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param types System.Type[] +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer:FromTypes(types) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param types System.Type[] +---@param mappings System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMapping[] +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer:GenerateSerializer(types, mappings) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param types System.Type[] +---@param mappings System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMapping[] +---@param parameters System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer:GenerateSerializer(types, mappings, parameters) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer:GetXmlSerializerAssemblyName(type) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param defaultNamespace string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer:GetXmlSerializerAssemblyName(type, defaultNamespace) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param o object +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Serialize(stream, o) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param o object +---@param namespaces System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Serialize(stream, o, namespaces) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param textWriter System.IO.TextWriter +---@param o object +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Serialize(textWriter, o) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param textWriter System.IO.TextWriter +---@param o object +---@param namespaces System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Serialize(textWriter, o, namespaces) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xmlWriter System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param o object +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, o) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xmlWriter System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param o object +---@param namespaces System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, o, namespaces) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xmlWriter System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param o object +---@param namespaces System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces +---@param encodingStyle string +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, o, namespaces, encodingStyle) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xmlWriter System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param o object +---@param namespaces System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces +---@param encodingStyle string +---@param id string +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, o, namespaces, encodingStyle, id) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerAssemblyAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AssemblyName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CodeBase string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerAssemblyAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerFactory: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerFactory = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return XmlSerializer +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerFactory.CreateSerializer(type) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param defaultNamespace string +---@return XmlSerializer +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerFactory.CreateSerializer(type, defaultNamespace) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param extraTypes System.Type[] +---@return XmlSerializer +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerFactory.CreateSerializer(type, extraTypes) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param overrides System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeOverrides +---@return XmlSerializer +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerFactory.CreateSerializer(type, overrides) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param overrides System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeOverrides +---@param extraTypes System.Type[] +---@param root System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute +---@param defaultNamespace string +---@return XmlSerializer +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerFactory.CreateSerializer(type, overrides, extraTypes, root, defaultNamespace) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param overrides System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeOverrides +---@param extraTypes System.Type[] +---@param root System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute +---@param defaultNamespace string +---@param location string +---@return XmlSerializer +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerFactory.CreateSerializer(type, overrides, extraTypes, root, defaultNamespace, location) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param overrides System.Xml.Serialization.XmlAttributeOverrides +---@param extraTypes System.Type[] +---@param root System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute +---@param defaultNamespace string +---@param location string +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return XmlSerializer +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerFactory.CreateSerializer(type, overrides, extraTypes, root, defaultNamespace, location, evidence) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param root System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRootAttribute +---@return XmlSerializer +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerFactory.CreateSerializer(type, root) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xmlTypeMapping System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeMapping +---@return XmlSerializer +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerFactory.CreateSerializer(xmlTypeMapping) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerImplementation: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Reader System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationReader +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ReadMethods System.Collections.Hashtable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field TypedSerializers System.Collections.Hashtable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field WriteMethods System.Collections.Hashtable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Writer System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializationWriter +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerImplementation = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerImplementation.CanSerialize(type) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return XmlSerializer +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerImplementation.GetSerializer(type) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param ns string +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces.Add(prefix, ns) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces.ToArray() end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerVersionAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ParentAssemblyId string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Version string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerVersionAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTextAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field DataType string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Type System.Type +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTextAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AnonymousType bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IncludeInSchema bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field TypeName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeAttribute = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeMapping: System.Xml.Serialization.XmlMapping +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field TypeFullName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field TypeName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XsdTypeName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XsdTypeNamespace string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Serialization.XmlTypeMapping = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.XPath.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.XPath.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4c7b451a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.XPath.lua @@ -0,0 +1,791 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XPathNavigator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable.CreateNavigator() end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XPath.XmlCaseOrder: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LowerFirst System.Xml.XPath.XmlCaseOrder +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field None System.Xml.XPath.XmlCaseOrder +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field UpperFirst System.Xml.XPath.XmlCaseOrder +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XPath.XmlCaseOrder = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.XPath.XmlCaseOrder +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XmlCaseOrder:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XPath.XmlDataType: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Number System.Xml.XPath.XmlDataType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Text System.Xml.XPath.XmlDataType +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XPath.XmlDataType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.XPath.XmlDataType +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XmlDataType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XPath.XPathDocument: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathDocument = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XPathNavigator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathDocument.CreateNavigator() end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XPath.XPathException: System.SystemException +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Message string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathException = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Expression string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ReturnType System.Xml.XPath.XPathResultType +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param expr object +---@param comparer System.Collections.IComparer +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression.AddSort(expr, comparer) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param expr object +---@param order System.Xml.XPath.XmlSortOrder +---@param caseOrder System.Xml.XPath.XmlCaseOrder +---@param lang string +---@param dataType System.Xml.XPath.XmlDataType +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression.AddSort(expr, order, caseOrder, lang, dataType) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XPathExpression +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression.Clone() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xpath string +---@return XPathExpression +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression:Compile(xpath) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xpath string +---@param nsResolver System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver +---@return XPathExpression +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression:Compile(xpath, nsResolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param nsResolver System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression.SetContext(nsResolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param nsManager System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression.SetContext(nsManager) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XPath.XPathItem: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsNode bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field TypedValue object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValueAsBoolean bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValueAsDateTime System.DateTime +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValueAsDouble double +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValueAsInt int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValueAsLong long +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValueType System.Type +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathItem = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param returnType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathItem.ValueAs(returnType) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param nsResolver System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathItem.ValueAs(returnType, nsResolver) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XPath.XPathNamespaceScope: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field All System.Xml.XPath.XPathNamespaceScope +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ExcludeXml System.Xml.XPath.XPathNamespaceScope +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Local System.Xml.XPath.XPathNamespaceScope +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNamespaceScope = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.XPath.XPathNamespaceScope +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNamespaceScope:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator: System.Xml.XPath.XPathItem +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseURI string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CanEdit bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field HasAttributes bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field HasChildren bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field InnerXml string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsEmptyElement bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsNode bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NamespaceURI string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NameTable System.Xml.XmlNameTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NavigatorComparer System.Collections.IEqualityComparer +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field OuterXml string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Prefix string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SchemaInfo System.Xml.Schema.IXmlSchemaInfo +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field TypedValue object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field UnderlyingObject object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValueAsBoolean bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValueAsDateTime System.DateTime +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValueAsDouble double +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValueAsInt int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValueAsLong long +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValueType System.Type +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlLang string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlType System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaType +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.AppendChild() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newChild string +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.AppendChild(newChild) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newChild System.Xml.XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.AppendChild(newChild) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newChild System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.AppendChild(newChild) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.AppendChildElement(prefix, localName, namespaceURI, value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param schemas System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@param validationEventHandler System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.CheckValidity(schemas, validationEventHandler) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XPathNavigator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.Clone() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param nav System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +---@return XmlNodeOrder +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.ComparePosition(nav) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xpath string +---@return XPathExpression +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.Compile(xpath) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.CreateAttribute(prefix, localName, namespaceURI, value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.CreateAttributes() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XPathNavigator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.CreateNavigator() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param lastSiblingToDelete System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.DeleteRange(lastSiblingToDelete) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.DeleteSelf() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xpath string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.Evaluate(xpath) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xpath string +---@param resolver System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.Evaluate(xpath, resolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param expr System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.Evaluate(expr) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param expr System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression +---@param context System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.Evaluate(expr, context) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.GetAttribute(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.GetNamespace(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param scope System.Xml.XmlNamespaceScope +---@return IDictionary +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.GetNamespacesInScope(scope) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.InsertAfter() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newSibling string +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.InsertAfter(newSibling) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newSibling System.Xml.XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.InsertAfter(newSibling) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newSibling System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.InsertAfter(newSibling) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.InsertBefore() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newSibling string +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.InsertBefore(newSibling) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newSibling System.Xml.XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.InsertBefore(newSibling) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newSibling System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.InsertBefore(newSibling) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.InsertElementAfter(prefix, localName, namespaceURI, value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.InsertElementBefore(prefix, localName, namespaceURI, value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param nav System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.IsDescendant(nav) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param other System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.IsSamePosition(other) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.LookupNamespace(prefix) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.LookupPrefix(namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xpath string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.Matches(xpath) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param expr System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.Matches(expr) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param other System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveTo(other) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveToAttribute(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveToChild(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeType +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveToChild(type) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveToFirst() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveToFirstAttribute() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveToFirstChild() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveToFirstNamespace() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param namespaceScope System.Xml.XPath.XPathNamespaceScope +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveToFirstNamespace(namespaceScope) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveToFollowing(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@param end System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveToFollowing(localName, namespaceURI, end) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeType +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveToFollowing(type) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeType +---@param end System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveToFollowing(type, end) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param id string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveToId(id) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveToNamespace(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveToNext() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveToNext(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeType +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveToNext(type) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveToNextAttribute() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveToNextNamespace() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param namespaceScope System.Xml.XPath.XPathNamespaceScope +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveToNextNamespace(namespaceScope) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveToParent() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveToPrevious() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.MoveToRoot() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.PrependChild() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newChild string +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.PrependChild(newChild) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newChild System.Xml.XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.PrependChild(newChild) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newChild System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.PrependChild(newChild) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.PrependChildElement(prefix, localName, namespaceURI, value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.ReadSubtree() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param lastSiblingToReplace System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +---@return XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.ReplaceRange(lastSiblingToReplace) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newNode string +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.ReplaceSelf(newNode) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newNode System.Xml.XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.ReplaceSelf(newNode) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newNode System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.ReplaceSelf(newNode) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xpath string +---@return XPathNodeIterator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.Select(xpath) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xpath string +---@param resolver System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver +---@return XPathNodeIterator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.Select(xpath, resolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param expr System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression +---@return XPathNodeIterator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.Select(expr) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@param matchSelf bool +---@return XPathNodeIterator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.SelectAncestors(name, namespaceURI, matchSelf) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeType +---@param matchSelf bool +---@return XPathNodeIterator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.SelectAncestors(type, matchSelf) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return XPathNodeIterator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.SelectChildren(name, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeType +---@return XPathNodeIterator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.SelectChildren(type) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@param matchSelf bool +---@return XPathNodeIterator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.SelectDescendants(name, namespaceURI, matchSelf) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeType +---@param matchSelf bool +---@return XPathNodeIterator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.SelectDescendants(type, matchSelf) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xpath string +---@return XPathNavigator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.SelectSingleNode(xpath) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xpath string +---@param resolver System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver +---@return XPathNavigator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.SelectSingleNode(xpath, resolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param expression System.Xml.XPath.XPathExpression +---@return XPathNavigator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.SelectSingleNode(expression) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param typedValue object +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.SetTypedValue(typedValue) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value string +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.SetValue(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.ToString() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param nsResolver System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.ValueAs(returnType, nsResolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator.WriteSubtree(writer) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Current System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CurrentPosition int +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XPathNodeIterator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator.Clone() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator.MoveNext() end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeType: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field All System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Attribute System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Comment System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Element System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Namespace System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ProcessingInstruction System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Root System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SignificantWhitespace System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Text System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Whitespace System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeType +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XPath.XPathResultType: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Any System.Xml.XPath.XPathResultType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Boolean System.Xml.XPath.XPathResultType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Error System.Xml.XPath.XPathResultType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Navigator System.Xml.XPath.XPathResultType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeSet System.Xml.XPath.XPathResultType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Number System.Xml.XPath.XPathResultType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field String System.Xml.XPath.XPathResultType +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathResultType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.XPath.XPathResultType +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XPathResultType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.XPath.Extensions: object +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.XPath.Extensions = {} + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return XPathNavigator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.Extensions.CreateNavigator() end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param nameTable System.Xml.XmlNameTable +---@return XPathNavigator +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.Extensions.CreateNavigator(nameTable) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param expression string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.Extensions.XPathEvaluate(expression) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param expression string +---@param resolver System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.Extensions.XPathEvaluate(expression, resolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param expression string +---@return XElement +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.Extensions.XPathSelectElement(expression) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param expression string +---@param resolver System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver +---@return XElement +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.Extensions.XPathSelectElement(expression, resolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param expression string +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.Extensions.XPathSelectElements(expression) end + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@param expression string +---@param resolver System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.Extensions.XPathSelectElements(expression, resolver) end + + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@class System.Xml.XPath.XDocumentExtensions: object +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +CS.System.Xml.XPath.XDocumentExtensions = {} + +---@source System.Xml.Linq.dll +---@return IXPathNavigable +function CS.System.Xml.XPath.XDocumentExtensions.ToXPathNavigable() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.XmlConfiguration.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.XmlConfiguration.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2118109be --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.XmlConfiguration.lua @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlConfiguration.XmlReaderSection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CollapseWhiteSpaceIntoEmptyStringString string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ProhibitDefaultResolverString string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlConfiguration.XmlReaderSection = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlConfiguration.XsltConfigSection: System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ProhibitDefaultResolverString string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlConfiguration.XsltConfigSection = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.Xsl.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.Xsl.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b0c4b698b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.Xsl.lua @@ -0,0 +1,522 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Xsl.IXsltContextFunction +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ArgTypes System.Xml.XPath.XPathResultType[] +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Maxargs int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Minargs int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ReturnType System.Xml.XPath.XPathResultType +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Xsl.IXsltContextFunction = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xsltContext System.Xml.Xsl.XsltContext +---@param args object[] +---@param docContext System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.IXsltContextFunction.Invoke(xsltContext, args, docContext) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Xsl.IXsltContextVariable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsLocal bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsParam bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field VariableType System.Xml.XPath.XPathResultType +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Xsl.IXsltContextVariable = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xsltContext System.Xml.Xsl.XsltContext +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.IXsltContextVariable.Evaluate(xsltContext) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field OutputSettings System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field TemporaryFiles System.CodeDom.Compiler.TempFileCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param stylesheet System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param settings System.Xml.Xsl.XsltSettings +---@param stylesheetResolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +---@param debug bool +---@param typeBuilder System.Reflection.Emit.TypeBuilder +---@param scriptAssemblyPath string +---@return CompilerErrorCollection +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform:CompileToType(stylesheet, settings, stylesheetResolver, debug, typeBuilder, scriptAssemblyPath) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param executeMethod System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param queryData byte[] +---@param earlyBoundTypes System.Type[] +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Load(executeMethod, queryData, earlyBoundTypes) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param stylesheetUri string +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Load(stylesheetUri) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param stylesheetUri string +---@param settings System.Xml.Xsl.XsltSettings +---@param stylesheetResolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Load(stylesheetUri, settings, stylesheetResolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param compiledStylesheet System.Type +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Load(compiledStylesheet) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param stylesheet System.Xml.XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Load(stylesheet) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param stylesheet System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param settings System.Xml.Xsl.XsltSettings +---@param stylesheetResolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Load(stylesheet, settings, stylesheetResolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param stylesheet System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Load(stylesheet) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param stylesheet System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable +---@param settings System.Xml.Xsl.XsltSettings +---@param stylesheetResolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Load(stylesheet, settings, stylesheetResolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param inputUri string +---@param resultsFile string +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Transform(inputUri, resultsFile) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param inputUri string +---@param results System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Transform(inputUri, results) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param inputUri string +---@param arguments System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param results System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Transform(inputUri, arguments, results) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param inputUri string +---@param arguments System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param results System.IO.TextWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Transform(inputUri, arguments, results) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param inputUri string +---@param arguments System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param results System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Transform(inputUri, arguments, results) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param results System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Transform(input, results) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param arguments System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param results System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Transform(input, arguments, results) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param arguments System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param results System.IO.TextWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Transform(input, arguments, results) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param arguments System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param results System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Transform(input, arguments, results) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param arguments System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param results System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param documentResolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Transform(input, arguments, results, documentResolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable +---@param results System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Transform(input, results) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable +---@param arguments System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param results System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Transform(input, arguments, results) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable +---@param arguments System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param results System.IO.TextWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Transform(input, arguments, results) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable +---@param arguments System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param results System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Transform(input, arguments, results) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable +---@param arguments System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param results System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param documentResolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslCompiledTransform.Transform(input, arguments, results, documentResolver) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XsltMessageEncountered System.Xml.Xsl.XsltMessageEncounteredEventHandler +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.Xsl.XsltMessageEncounteredEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList.add_XsltMessageEncountered(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.Xsl.XsltMessageEncounteredEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList.remove_XsltMessageEncountered(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param extension object +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList.AddExtensionObject(namespaceUri, extension) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param parameter object +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList.AddParam(name, namespaceUri, parameter) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList.Clear() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param namespaceUri string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList.GetExtensionObject(namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList.GetParam(name, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param namespaceUri string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList.RemoveExtensionObject(namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList.RemoveParam(name, namespaceUri) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Xsl.XsltCompileException: System.Xml.Xsl.XsltException +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltCompileException = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltCompileException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Xsl.XsltContext: System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Whitespace bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltContext = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param baseUri string +---@param nextbaseUri string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltContext.CompareDocument(baseUri, nextbaseUri) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param node System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltContext.PreserveWhitespace(node) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param name string +---@param ArgTypes System.Xml.XPath.XPathResultType[] +---@return IXsltContextFunction +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltContext.ResolveFunction(prefix, name, ArgTypes) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param name string +---@return IXsltContextVariable +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltContext.ResolveVariable(prefix, name) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Xsl.XsltException: System.SystemException +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LineNumber int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LinePosition int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Message string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SourceUri string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltException = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Xsl.XsltMessageEncounteredEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Message string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltMessageEncounteredEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Xsl.XsltMessageEncounteredEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltMessageEncounteredEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Xml.Xsl.XsltMessageEncounteredEventArgs +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltMessageEncounteredEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Xml.Xsl.XsltMessageEncounteredEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltMessageEncounteredEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltMessageEncounteredEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlResolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param url string +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Load(url) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param url string +---@param resolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Load(url, resolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param stylesheet System.Xml.XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Load(stylesheet) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param stylesheet System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param resolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Load(stylesheet, resolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param stylesheet System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param resolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Load(stylesheet, resolver, evidence) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param stylesheet System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Load(stylesheet) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param stylesheet System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable +---@param resolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Load(stylesheet, resolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param stylesheet System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable +---@param resolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Load(stylesheet, resolver, evidence) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param stylesheet System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Load(stylesheet) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param stylesheet System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +---@param resolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Load(stylesheet, resolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param stylesheet System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +---@param resolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Load(stylesheet, resolver, evidence) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param inputfile string +---@param outputfile string +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Transform(inputfile, outputfile) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param inputfile string +---@param outputfile string +---@param resolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Transform(inputfile, outputfile, resolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable +---@param args System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Transform(input, args) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable +---@param args System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param output System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Transform(input, args, output) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable +---@param args System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param output System.IO.Stream +---@param resolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Transform(input, args, output, resolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable +---@param args System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param output System.IO.TextWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Transform(input, args, output) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable +---@param args System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param output System.IO.TextWriter +---@param resolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Transform(input, args, output, resolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable +---@param args System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param resolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Transform(input, args, resolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable +---@param args System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param output System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Transform(input, args, output) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable +---@param args System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param output System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param resolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Transform(input, args, output, resolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +---@param args System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Transform(input, args) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +---@param args System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param output System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Transform(input, args, output) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +---@param args System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param output System.IO.Stream +---@param resolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Transform(input, args, output, resolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +---@param args System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param output System.IO.TextWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Transform(input, args, output) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +---@param args System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param output System.IO.TextWriter +---@param resolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Transform(input, args, output, resolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +---@param args System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param resolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Transform(input, args, resolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +---@param args System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param output System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Transform(input, args, output) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +---@param args System.Xml.Xsl.XsltArgumentList +---@param output System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param resolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +function CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XslTransform.Transform(input, args, output, resolver) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Xsl.XsltSettings: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Default System.Xml.Xsl.XsltSettings +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field EnableDocumentFunction bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field EnableScript bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field TrustedXslt System.Xml.Xsl.XsltSettings +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Xsl.XsltSettings = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e71500789 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.Xml.lua @@ -0,0 +1,5751 @@ +---@meta + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Xml.IFragmentCapableXmlDictionaryWriter +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field CanFragment bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Xml.IFragmentCapableXmlDictionaryWriter = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +function CS.System.Xml.IFragmentCapableXmlDictionaryWriter.EndFragment() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param generateSelfContainedTextFragment bool +function CS.System.Xml.IFragmentCapableXmlDictionaryWriter.StartFragment(stream, generateSelfContainedTextFragment) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.IFragmentCapableXmlDictionaryWriter.WriteFragment(buffer, offset, count) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Xml.IStreamProvider +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Xml.IStreamProvider = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Xml.IStreamProvider.GetStream() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Xml.IStreamProvider.ReleaseStream(stream) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Xml.IXmlBinaryReaderInitializer +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Xml.IXmlBinaryReaderInitializer = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param dictionary System.Xml.IXmlDictionary +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@param session System.Xml.XmlBinaryReaderSession +---@param onClose System.Xml.OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose +function CS.System.Xml.IXmlBinaryReaderInitializer.SetInput(buffer, offset, count, dictionary, quotas, session, onClose) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param dictionary System.Xml.IXmlDictionary +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@param session System.Xml.XmlBinaryReaderSession +---@param onClose System.Xml.OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose +function CS.System.Xml.IXmlBinaryReaderInitializer.SetInput(stream, dictionary, quotas, session, onClose) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Xml.IXmlBinaryWriterInitializer +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Xml.IXmlBinaryWriterInitializer = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param dictionary System.Xml.IXmlDictionary +---@param session System.Xml.XmlBinaryWriterSession +---@param ownsStream bool +function CS.System.Xml.IXmlBinaryWriterInitializer.SetOutput(stream, dictionary, session, ownsStream) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Xml.IXmlDictionary +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Xml.IXmlDictionary = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param key int +---@param result System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.IXmlDictionary.TryLookup(key, result) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param value string +---@param result System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.IXmlDictionary.TryLookup(value, result) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param value System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param result System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.IXmlDictionary.TryLookup(value, result) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Xml.IXmlMtomReaderInitializer +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Xml.IXmlMtomReaderInitializer = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param encodings System.Text.Encoding[] +---@param contentType string +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@param maxBufferSize int +---@param onClose System.Xml.OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose +function CS.System.Xml.IXmlMtomReaderInitializer.SetInput(buffer, offset, count, encodings, contentType, quotas, maxBufferSize, onClose) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param encodings System.Text.Encoding[] +---@param contentType string +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@param maxBufferSize int +---@param onClose System.Xml.OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose +function CS.System.Xml.IXmlMtomReaderInitializer.SetInput(stream, encodings, contentType, quotas, maxBufferSize, onClose) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Xml.IXmlMtomWriterInitializer +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Xml.IXmlMtomWriterInitializer = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param maxSizeInBytes int +---@param startInfo string +---@param boundary string +---@param startUri string +---@param writeMessageHeaders bool +---@param ownsStream bool +function CS.System.Xml.IXmlMtomWriterInitializer.SetOutput(stream, encoding, maxSizeInBytes, startInfo, boundary, startUri, writeMessageHeaders, ownsStream) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Xml.IXmlTextReaderInitializer +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Xml.IXmlTextReaderInitializer = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@param onClose System.Xml.OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose +function CS.System.Xml.IXmlTextReaderInitializer.SetInput(buffer, offset, count, encoding, quotas, onClose) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@param onClose System.Xml.OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose +function CS.System.Xml.IXmlTextReaderInitializer.SetInput(stream, encoding, quotas, onClose) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Xml.IXmlTextWriterInitializer +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Xml.IXmlTextWriterInitializer = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param ownsStream bool +function CS.System.Xml.IXmlTextWriterInitializer.SetOutput(stream, encoding, ownsStream) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Xml.OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Xml.OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose.Invoke(reader) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose.BeginInvoke(reader, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Xml.UniqueId: object +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field CharArrayLength int +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field IsGuid bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Xml.UniqueId = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.UniqueId.Equals(obj) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.UniqueId.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param id1 System.Xml.UniqueId +---@param id2 System.Xml.UniqueId +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.UniqueId:op_Equality(id1, id2) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param id1 System.Xml.UniqueId +---@param id2 System.Xml.UniqueId +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.UniqueId:op_Inequality(id1, id2) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param chars char[] +---@param offset int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.UniqueId.ToCharArray(chars, offset) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.UniqueId.ToString() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.UniqueId.TryGetGuid(buffer, offset) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param guid System.Guid +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.UniqueId.TryGetGuid(guid) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlBinaryReaderSession: object +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlBinaryReaderSession = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param id int +---@param value string +---@return XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlBinaryReaderSession.Add(id, value) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlBinaryReaderSession.Clear() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param key int +---@param result System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlBinaryReaderSession.TryLookup(key, result) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param value string +---@param result System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlBinaryReaderSession.TryLookup(value, result) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param value System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param result System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlBinaryReaderSession.TryLookup(value, result) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlBinaryWriterSession: object +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlBinaryWriterSession = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlBinaryWriterSession.Reset() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param value System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param key int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlBinaryWriterSession.TryAdd(value, key) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlDictionary: object +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Empty System.Xml.IXmlDictionary +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionary = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param value string +---@return XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionary.Add(value) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param key int +---@param result System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionary.TryLookup(key, result) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param value string +---@param result System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionary.TryLookup(value, result) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param value System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param result System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionary.TryLookup(value, result) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader: System.Xml.XmlReader +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field CanCanonicalize bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param dictionary System.Xml.IXmlDictionary +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader:CreateBinaryReader(buffer, offset, count, dictionary, quotas) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param dictionary System.Xml.IXmlDictionary +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@param session System.Xml.XmlBinaryReaderSession +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader:CreateBinaryReader(buffer, offset, count, dictionary, quotas, session) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param dictionary System.Xml.IXmlDictionary +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@param session System.Xml.XmlBinaryReaderSession +---@param onClose System.Xml.OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader:CreateBinaryReader(buffer, offset, count, dictionary, quotas, session, onClose) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader:CreateBinaryReader(buffer, offset, count, quotas) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader:CreateBinaryReader(buffer, quotas) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param dictionary System.Xml.IXmlDictionary +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader:CreateBinaryReader(stream, dictionary, quotas) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param dictionary System.Xml.IXmlDictionary +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@param session System.Xml.XmlBinaryReaderSession +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader:CreateBinaryReader(stream, dictionary, quotas, session) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param dictionary System.Xml.IXmlDictionary +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@param session System.Xml.XmlBinaryReaderSession +---@param onClose System.Xml.OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader:CreateBinaryReader(stream, dictionary, quotas, session, onClose) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader:CreateBinaryReader(stream, quotas) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader:CreateDictionaryReader(reader) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader:CreateMtomReader(buffer, offset, count, encoding, quotas) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param encodings System.Text.Encoding[] +---@param contentType string +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader:CreateMtomReader(buffer, offset, count, encodings, contentType, quotas) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param encodings System.Text.Encoding[] +---@param contentType string +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@param maxBufferSize int +---@param onClose System.Xml.OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader:CreateMtomReader(buffer, offset, count, encodings, contentType, quotas, maxBufferSize, onClose) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param encodings System.Text.Encoding[] +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader:CreateMtomReader(buffer, offset, count, encodings, quotas) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader:CreateMtomReader(stream, encoding, quotas) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param encodings System.Text.Encoding[] +---@param contentType string +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader:CreateMtomReader(stream, encodings, contentType, quotas) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param encodings System.Text.Encoding[] +---@param contentType string +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@param maxBufferSize int +---@param onClose System.Xml.OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader:CreateMtomReader(stream, encodings, contentType, quotas, maxBufferSize, onClose) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param encodings System.Text.Encoding[] +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader:CreateMtomReader(stream, encodings, quotas) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@param onClose System.Xml.OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader:CreateTextReader(buffer, offset, count, encoding, quotas, onClose) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader:CreateTextReader(buffer, offset, count, quotas) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader:CreateTextReader(buffer, quotas) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@param onClose System.Xml.OnXmlDictionaryReaderClose +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader:CreateTextReader(stream, encoding, quotas, onClose) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@return XmlDictionaryReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader:CreateTextReader(stream, quotas) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.EndCanonicalization() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.GetAttribute(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.GetNonAtomizedNames(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localNames string[] +---@param namespaceUri string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.IndexOfLocalName(localNames, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localNames System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString[] +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.IndexOfLocalName(localNames, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.IsLocalName(localName) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.IsLocalName(localName) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param namespaceUri string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.IsNamespaceUri(namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.IsNamespaceUri(namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.IsStartArray(type) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.IsStartElement(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.MoveToStartElement() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.MoveToStartElement(name) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.MoveToStartElement(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.MoveToStartElement(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param array bool[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadArray(localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param array System.DateTime[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadArray(localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param array decimal[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadArray(localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param array double[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadArray(localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param array System.Guid[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadArray(localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param array short[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadArray(localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param array int[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadArray(localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param array long[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadArray(localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param array float[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadArray(localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param array System.TimeSpan[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadArray(localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param array bool[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadArray(localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param array System.DateTime[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadArray(localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param array decimal[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadArray(localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param array double[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadArray(localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param array System.Guid[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadArray(localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param array short[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadArray(localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param array int[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadArray(localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param array long[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadArray(localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param array float[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadArray(localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param array System.TimeSpan[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadArray(localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadBooleanArray(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadBooleanArray(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param namespaceResolver System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadContentAs(type, namespaceResolver) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadContentAsBase64() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadContentAsBinHex() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param chars char[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadContentAsChars(chars, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadContentAsDecimal() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadContentAsFloat() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadContentAsGuid() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadContentAsQualifiedName(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadContentAsString() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param strings string[] +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadContentAsString(strings, index) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param strings System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString[] +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadContentAsString(strings, index) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadContentAsTimeSpan() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@return UniqueId +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadContentAsUniqueId() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadDateTimeArray(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadDateTimeArray(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadDecimalArray(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadDecimalArray(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadDoubleArray(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadDoubleArray(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadElementContentAsBase64() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadElementContentAsBinHex() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadElementContentAsBoolean() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadElementContentAsDateTime() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadElementContentAsDecimal() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadElementContentAsDouble() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadElementContentAsFloat() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadElementContentAsGuid() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadElementContentAsInt() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadElementContentAsLong() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadElementContentAsString() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadElementContentAsTimeSpan() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@return UniqueId +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadElementContentAsUniqueId() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadFullStartElement() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadFullStartElement(name) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadFullStartElement(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadFullStartElement(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadGuidArray(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadGuidArray(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadInt16Array(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadInt16Array(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadInt32Array(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadInt32Array(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadInt64Array(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadInt64Array(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadSingleArray(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadSingleArray(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadStartElement(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadString() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadTimeSpanArray(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadTimeSpanArray(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.ReadValueAsBase64(buffer, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param includeComments bool +---@param inclusivePrefixes string[] +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.StartCanonicalization(stream, includeComments, inclusivePrefixes) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param count int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.TryGetArrayLength(count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param length int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.TryGetBase64ContentLength(length) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.TryGetLocalNameAsDictionaryString(localName) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.TryGetNamespaceUriAsDictionaryString(namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param value System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader.TryGetValueAsDictionaryString(value) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas: object +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Max System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field MaxArrayLength int +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field MaxBytesPerRead int +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field MaxDepth int +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field MaxNameTableCharCount int +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field MaxStringContentLength int +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field ModifiedQuotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotaTypes +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param quotas System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas.CopyTo(quotas) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotaTypes: System.Enum +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field MaxArrayLength System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotaTypes +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field MaxBytesPerRead System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotaTypes +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field MaxDepth System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotaTypes +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field MaxNameTableCharCount System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotaTypes +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field MaxStringContentLength System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotaTypes +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotaTypes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotaTypes +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotaTypes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString: object +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Dictionary System.Xml.IXmlDictionary +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Empty System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Key int +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString.ToString() end + + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter: System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@field CanCanonicalize bool +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter = {} + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@return XmlDictionaryWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter:CreateBinaryWriter(stream) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param dictionary System.Xml.IXmlDictionary +---@return XmlDictionaryWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter:CreateBinaryWriter(stream, dictionary) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param dictionary System.Xml.IXmlDictionary +---@param session System.Xml.XmlBinaryWriterSession +---@return XmlDictionaryWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter:CreateBinaryWriter(stream, dictionary, session) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param dictionary System.Xml.IXmlDictionary +---@param session System.Xml.XmlBinaryWriterSession +---@param ownsStream bool +---@return XmlDictionaryWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter:CreateBinaryWriter(stream, dictionary, session, ownsStream) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param writer System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@return XmlDictionaryWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter:CreateDictionaryWriter(writer) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param maxSizeInBytes int +---@param startInfo string +---@return XmlDictionaryWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter:CreateMtomWriter(stream, encoding, maxSizeInBytes, startInfo) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param maxSizeInBytes int +---@param startInfo string +---@param boundary string +---@param startUri string +---@param writeMessageHeaders bool +---@param ownsStream bool +---@return XmlDictionaryWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter:CreateMtomWriter(stream, encoding, maxSizeInBytes, startInfo, boundary, startUri, writeMessageHeaders, ownsStream) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@return XmlDictionaryWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter:CreateTextWriter(stream) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@return XmlDictionaryWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter:CreateTextWriter(stream, encoding) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@param ownsStream bool +---@return XmlDictionaryWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter:CreateTextWriter(stream, encoding, ownsStream) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.EndCanonicalization() end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param stream System.IO.Stream +---@param includeComments bool +---@param inclusivePrefixes string[] +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.StartCanonicalization(stream, includeComments, inclusivePrefixes) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param array bool[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteArray(prefix, localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param array System.DateTime[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteArray(prefix, localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param array decimal[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteArray(prefix, localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param array double[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteArray(prefix, localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param array System.Guid[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteArray(prefix, localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param array short[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteArray(prefix, localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param array int[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteArray(prefix, localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param array long[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteArray(prefix, localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param array float[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteArray(prefix, localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceUri string +---@param array System.TimeSpan[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteArray(prefix, localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param array bool[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteArray(prefix, localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param array System.DateTime[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteArray(prefix, localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param array decimal[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteArray(prefix, localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param array double[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteArray(prefix, localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param array System.Guid[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteArray(prefix, localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param array short[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteArray(prefix, localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param array int[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteArray(prefix, localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param array long[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteArray(prefix, localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param array float[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteArray(prefix, localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param array System.TimeSpan[] +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteArray(prefix, localName, namespaceUri, array, offset, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param value string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteAttributeString(prefix, localName, namespaceUri, value) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param value string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteAttributeString(localName, namespaceUri, value) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteBase64Async(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param value string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteElementString(prefix, localName, namespaceUri, value) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param value string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteElementString(localName, namespaceUri, value) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader +---@param defattr bool +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteNode(reader, defattr) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param defattr bool +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteNode(reader, defattr) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteQualifiedName(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteStartAttribute(prefix, localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteStartAttribute(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteStartElement(prefix, localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteStartElement(localName, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param value System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteString(value) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param value System.Guid +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteValue(value) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param value System.TimeSpan +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteValue(value) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param value System.Xml.IStreamProvider +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteValue(value) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param value System.Xml.UniqueId +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteValue(value) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param value System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteValue(value) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param value System.Xml.IStreamProvider +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteValueAsync(value) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteXmlAttribute(localName, value) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param localName System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +---@param value System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteXmlAttribute(localName, value) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param namespaceUri string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteXmlnsAttribute(prefix, namespaceUri) end + +---@source System.Runtime.Serialization.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param namespaceUri System.Xml.XmlDictionaryString +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDictionaryWriter.WriteXmlnsAttribute(prefix, namespaceUri) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.ConformanceLevel: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Auto System.Xml.ConformanceLevel +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Document System.Xml.ConformanceLevel +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Fragment System.Xml.ConformanceLevel +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.ConformanceLevel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.ConformanceLevel +function CS.System.Xml.ConformanceLevel:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.DtdProcessing: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Ignore System.Xml.DtdProcessing +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Parse System.Xml.DtdProcessing +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Prohibit System.Xml.DtdProcessing +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.DtdProcessing = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.DtdProcessing +function CS.System.Xml.DtdProcessing:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.EntityHandling: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ExpandCharEntities System.Xml.EntityHandling +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ExpandEntities System.Xml.EntityHandling +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.EntityHandling = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.EntityHandling +function CS.System.Xml.EntityHandling:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.Formatting: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Indented System.Xml.Formatting +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field None System.Xml.Formatting +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.Formatting = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.Formatting +function CS.System.Xml.Formatting:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.IApplicationResourceStreamResolver +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.IApplicationResourceStreamResolver = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param relativeUri System.Uri +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Xml.IApplicationResourceStreamResolver.GetApplicationResourceStream(relativeUri) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.IHasXmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.IHasXmlNode = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.IHasXmlNode.GetNode() end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.IXmlLineInfo +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LineNumber int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LinePosition int +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.IXmlLineInfo = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.IXmlLineInfo.HasLineInfo() end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param scope System.Xml.XmlNamespaceScope +---@return IDictionary +function CS.System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver.GetNamespacesInScope(scope) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver.LookupNamespace(prefix) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param namespaceName string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver.LookupPrefix(namespaceName) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.NamespaceHandling: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Default System.Xml.NamespaceHandling +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field OmitDuplicates System.Xml.NamespaceHandling +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.NamespaceHandling = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.NamespaceHandling +function CS.System.Xml.NamespaceHandling:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.NameTable: System.Xml.XmlNameTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.NameTable = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param key char[] +---@param start int +---@param len int +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.NameTable.Add(key, start, len) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param key string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.NameTable.Add(key) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param key char[] +---@param start int +---@param len int +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.NameTable.Get(key, start, len) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.NameTable.Get(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.NewLineHandling: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Entitize System.Xml.NewLineHandling +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field None System.Xml.NewLineHandling +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Replace System.Xml.NewLineHandling +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.NewLineHandling = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.NewLineHandling +function CS.System.Xml.NewLineHandling:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.ReadState: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Closed System.Xml.ReadState +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field EndOfFile System.Xml.ReadState +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Error System.Xml.ReadState +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Initial System.Xml.ReadState +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Interactive System.Xml.ReadState +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.ReadState = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.ReadState +function CS.System.Xml.ReadState:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.ValidationType: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Auto System.Xml.ValidationType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field DTD System.Xml.ValidationType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field None System.Xml.ValidationType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Schema System.Xml.ValidationType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XDR System.Xml.ValidationType +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.ValidationType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.ValidationType +function CS.System.Xml.ValidationType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.WhitespaceHandling: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field All System.Xml.WhitespaceHandling +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field None System.Xml.WhitespaceHandling +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Significant System.Xml.WhitespaceHandling +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.WhitespaceHandling = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.WhitespaceHandling +function CS.System.Xml.WhitespaceHandling:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.WriteState: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Attribute System.Xml.WriteState +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Closed System.Xml.WriteState +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Content System.Xml.WriteState +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Element System.Xml.WriteState +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Error System.Xml.WriteState +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Prolog System.Xml.WriteState +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Start System.Xml.WriteState +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.WriteState = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.WriteState +function CS.System.Xml.WriteState:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlAttribute: System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseURI string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field InnerText string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field InnerXml string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NamespaceURI string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field OwnerDocument System.Xml.XmlDocument +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field OwnerElement System.Xml.XmlElement +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ParentNode System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Prefix string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SchemaInfo System.Xml.Schema.IXmlSchemaInfo +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Specified bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlAttribute = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newChild System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlAttribute.AppendChild(newChild) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param deep bool +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlAttribute.CloneNode(deep) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newChild System.Xml.XmlNode +---@param refChild System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlAttribute.InsertAfter(newChild, refChild) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newChild System.Xml.XmlNode +---@param refChild System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlAttribute.InsertBefore(newChild, refChild) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newChild System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlAttribute.PrependChild(newChild) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param oldChild System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlAttribute.RemoveChild(oldChild) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newChild System.Xml.XmlNode +---@param oldChild System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlAttribute.ReplaceChild(newChild, oldChild) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlAttribute.WriteContentTo(w) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlAttribute.WriteTo(w) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlAttributeCollection: System.Xml.XmlNamedNodeMap +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] System.Xml.XmlAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] System.Xml.XmlAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] System.Xml.XmlAttribute +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlAttributeCollection = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param node System.Xml.XmlAttribute +---@return XmlAttribute +function CS.System.Xml.XmlAttributeCollection.Append(node) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param array System.Xml.XmlAttribute[] +---@param index int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlAttributeCollection.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newNode System.Xml.XmlAttribute +---@param refNode System.Xml.XmlAttribute +---@return XmlAttribute +function CS.System.Xml.XmlAttributeCollection.InsertAfter(newNode, refNode) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newNode System.Xml.XmlAttribute +---@param refNode System.Xml.XmlAttribute +---@return XmlAttribute +function CS.System.Xml.XmlAttributeCollection.InsertBefore(newNode, refNode) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param node System.Xml.XmlAttribute +---@return XmlAttribute +function CS.System.Xml.XmlAttributeCollection.Prepend(node) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param node System.Xml.XmlAttribute +---@return XmlAttribute +function CS.System.Xml.XmlAttributeCollection.Remove(node) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlAttributeCollection.RemoveAll() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param i int +---@return XmlAttribute +function CS.System.Xml.XmlAttributeCollection.RemoveAt(i) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param node System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlAttributeCollection.SetNamedItem(node) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlCDataSection: System.Xml.XmlCharacterData +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ParentNode System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field PreviousText System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlCDataSection = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param deep bool +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlCDataSection.CloneNode(deep) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlCDataSection.WriteContentTo(w) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlCDataSection.WriteTo(w) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlCharacterData: System.Xml.XmlLinkedNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Data string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field InnerText string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Length int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlCharacterData = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param strData string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlCharacterData.AppendData(strData) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param offset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlCharacterData.DeleteData(offset, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param offset int +---@param strData string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlCharacterData.InsertData(offset, strData) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@param strData string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlCharacterData.ReplaceData(offset, count, strData) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param offset int +---@param count int +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlCharacterData.Substring(offset, count) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlComment: System.Xml.XmlCharacterData +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlComment = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param deep bool +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlComment.CloneNode(deep) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlComment.WriteContentTo(w) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlComment.WriteTo(w) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlConvert: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:DecodeName(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:EncodeLocalName(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:EncodeName(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:EncodeNmToken(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param ch char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:IsNCNameChar(ch) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param ch char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:IsPublicIdChar(ch) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param ch char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:IsStartNCNameChar(ch) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param ch char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:IsWhitespaceChar(ch) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param ch char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:IsXmlChar(ch) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param lowChar char +---@param highChar char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:IsXmlSurrogatePair(lowChar, highChar) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param s string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToBoolean(s) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param s string +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToByte(s) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param s string +---@return Char +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToChar(s) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param s string +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToDateTime(s) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param s string +---@param format string +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToDateTime(s, format) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param s string +---@param formats string[] +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToDateTime(s, formats) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param s string +---@param dateTimeOption System.Xml.XmlDateTimeSerializationMode +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToDateTime(s, dateTimeOption) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param s string +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToDateTimeOffset(s) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param s string +---@param format string +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToDateTimeOffset(s, format) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param s string +---@param formats string[] +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToDateTimeOffset(s, formats) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param s string +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToDecimal(s) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param s string +---@return Double +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToDouble(s) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param s string +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToGuid(s) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param s string +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToInt16(s) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param s string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToInt32(s) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param s string +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToInt64(s) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param s string +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToSByte(s) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param s string +---@return Single +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToSingle(s) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value bool +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToString(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value byte +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToString(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value char +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToString(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToString(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToString(value, format) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@param dateTimeOption System.Xml.XmlDateTimeSerializationMode +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToString(value, dateTimeOption) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.DateTimeOffset +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToString(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.DateTimeOffset +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToString(value, format) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToString(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value double +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToString(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Guid +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToString(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value short +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToString(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value int +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToString(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value long +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToString(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToString(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value float +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToString(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.TimeSpan +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToString(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value ushort +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToString(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value uint +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToString(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value ulong +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToString(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param s string +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToTimeSpan(s) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param s string +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToUInt16(s) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param s string +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToUInt32(s) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param s string +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:ToUInt64(s) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:VerifyName(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:VerifyNCName(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:VerifyNMTOKEN(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param publicId string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:VerifyPublicId(publicId) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param token string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:VerifyTOKEN(token) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param content string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:VerifyWhitespace(content) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param content string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlConvert:VerifyXmlChars(content) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlDateTimeSerializationMode: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Local System.Xml.XmlDateTimeSerializationMode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field RoundtripKind System.Xml.XmlDateTimeSerializationMode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Unspecified System.Xml.XmlDateTimeSerializationMode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Utc System.Xml.XmlDateTimeSerializationMode +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlDateTimeSerializationMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.XmlDateTimeSerializationMode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDateTimeSerializationMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlDeclaration: System.Xml.XmlLinkedNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Encoding string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field InnerText string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Standalone string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Version string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlDeclaration = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param deep bool +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDeclaration.CloneNode(deep) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDeclaration.WriteContentTo(w) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDeclaration.WriteTo(w) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlDocument: System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseURI string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field DocumentElement System.Xml.XmlElement +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field DocumentType System.Xml.XmlDocumentType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Implementation System.Xml.XmlImplementation +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field InnerText string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field InnerXml string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NameTable System.Xml.XmlNameTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field OwnerDocument System.Xml.XmlDocument +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ParentNode System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field PreserveWhitespace bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SchemaInfo System.Xml.Schema.IXmlSchemaInfo +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Schemas System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlResolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeChanged System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeChanging System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeInserted System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeInserting System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeRemoved System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeRemoving System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.add_NodeChanged(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.remove_NodeChanged(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.add_NodeChanging(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.remove_NodeChanging(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.add_NodeInserted(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.remove_NodeInserted(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.add_NodeInserting(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.remove_NodeInserting(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.add_NodeRemoved(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.remove_NodeRemoved(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.add_NodeRemoving(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.remove_NodeRemoving(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param deep bool +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.CloneNode(deep) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return XmlAttribute +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateAttribute(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param qualifiedName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return XmlAttribute +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateAttribute(qualifiedName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return XmlAttribute +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateAttribute(prefix, localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param data string +---@return XmlCDataSection +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateCDataSection(data) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param data string +---@return XmlComment +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateComment(data) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XmlDocumentFragment +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateDocumentFragment() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param publicId string +---@param systemId string +---@param internalSubset string +---@return XmlDocumentType +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateDocumentType(name, publicId, systemId, internalSubset) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return XmlElement +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateElement(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param qualifiedName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return XmlElement +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateElement(qualifiedName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return XmlElement +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateElement(prefix, localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return XmlEntityReference +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateEntityReference(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XPathNavigator +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateNavigator() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param nodeTypeString string +---@param name string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateNode(nodeTypeString, name, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@param name string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateNode(type, name, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param type System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@param prefix string +---@param name string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateNode(type, prefix, name, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param target string +---@param data string +---@return XmlProcessingInstruction +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateProcessingInstruction(target, data) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param text string +---@return XmlSignificantWhitespace +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateSignificantWhitespace(text) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param text string +---@return XmlText +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateTextNode(text) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param text string +---@return XmlWhitespace +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateWhitespace(text) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param version string +---@param encoding string +---@param standalone string +---@return XmlDeclaration +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.CreateXmlDeclaration(version, encoding, standalone) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param elementId string +---@return XmlElement +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.GetElementById(elementId) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return XmlNodeList +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return XmlNodeList +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.GetElementsByTagName(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param node System.Xml.XmlNode +---@param deep bool +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.ImportNode(node, deep) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param inStream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(inStream) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param txtReader System.IO.TextReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(txtReader) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param filename string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(filename) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(reader) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xml string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(xml) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.ReadNode(reader) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param outStream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.Save(outStream) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param writer System.IO.TextWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.Save(writer) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param filename string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.Save(filename) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.Save(w) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param validationEventHandler System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.Validate(validationEventHandler) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param validationEventHandler System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +---@param nodeToValidate System.Xml.XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.Validate(validationEventHandler, nodeToValidate) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xw System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.WriteContentTo(xw) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocument.WriteTo(w) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlDocumentFragment: System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field InnerXml string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field OwnerDocument System.Xml.XmlDocument +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ParentNode System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlDocumentFragment = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param deep bool +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocumentFragment.CloneNode(deep) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocumentFragment.WriteContentTo(w) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocumentFragment.WriteTo(w) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlDocumentType: System.Xml.XmlLinkedNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Entities System.Xml.XmlNamedNodeMap +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field InternalSubset string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Notations System.Xml.XmlNamedNodeMap +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field PublicId string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SystemId string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlDocumentType = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param deep bool +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocumentType.CloneNode(deep) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocumentType.WriteContentTo(w) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDocumentType.WriteTo(w) end + + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlDataDocument: System.Xml.XmlDocument +---@source System.Data.dll +---@field DataSet System.Data.DataSet +---@source System.Data.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlDataDocument = {} + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param deep bool +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDataDocument.CloneNode(deep) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return XmlElement +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDataDocument.CreateElement(prefix, localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@return XmlEntityReference +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDataDocument.CreateEntityReference(name) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param elemId string +---@return XmlElement +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDataDocument.GetElementById(elemId) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param r System.Data.DataRow +---@return XmlElement +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDataDocument.GetElementFromRow(r) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param name string +---@return XmlNodeList +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDataDocument.GetElementsByTagName(name) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param e System.Xml.XmlElement +---@return DataRow +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDataDocument.GetRowFromElement(e) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param inStream System.IO.Stream +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDataDocument.Load(inStream) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param txtReader System.IO.TextReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDataDocument.Load(txtReader) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param filename string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDataDocument.Load(filename) end + +---@source System.Data.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlDataDocument.Load(reader) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlNodeList: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeList = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeList.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param index int +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeList.Item(index) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlNodeOrder: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field After System.Xml.XmlNodeOrder +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Before System.Xml.XmlNodeOrder +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Same System.Xml.XmlNodeOrder +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Unknown System.Xml.XmlNodeOrder +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeOrder = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.XmlNodeOrder +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeOrder:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlNodeReader: System.Xml.XmlReader +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AttributeCount int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseURI string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CanReadBinaryContent bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CanResolveEntity bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Depth int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field EOF bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field HasAttributes bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field HasValue bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsDefault bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsEmptyElement bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NamespaceURI string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NameTable System.Xml.XmlNameTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Prefix string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ReadState System.Xml.ReadState +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SchemaInfo System.Xml.Schema.IXmlSchemaInfo +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlLang string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlSpace System.Xml.XmlSpace +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeReader = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeReader.Close() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param attributeIndex int +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeReader.GetAttribute(attributeIndex) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeReader.GetAttribute(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeReader.GetAttribute(name, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeReader.LookupNamespace(prefix) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param attributeIndex int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeReader.MoveToAttribute(attributeIndex) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeReader.MoveToAttribute(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeReader.MoveToAttribute(name, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeReader.MoveToElement() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeReader.MoveToFirstAttribute() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeReader.MoveToNextAttribute() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeReader.Read() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeReader.ReadAttributeValue() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeReader.ReadContentAsBase64(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeReader.ReadContentAsBinHex(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeReader.ReadElementContentAsBase64(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeReader.ReadElementContentAsBinHex(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeReader.ReadString() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeReader.ResolveEntity() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeReader.Skip() end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlNodeType: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Attribute System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CDATA System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Comment System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Document System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field DocumentFragment System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field DocumentType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Element System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field EndElement System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field EndEntity System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Entity System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field EntityReference System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field None System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Notation System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ProcessingInstruction System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SignificantWhitespace System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Text System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Whitespace System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlDeclaration System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.XmlNodeType +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlNotation: System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field InnerXml string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field OuterXml string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field PublicId string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SystemId string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlNotation = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param deep bool +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNotation.CloneNode(deep) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNotation.WriteContentTo(w) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNotation.WriteTo(w) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlOutputMethod: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AutoDetect System.Xml.XmlOutputMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Html System.Xml.XmlOutputMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Text System.Xml.XmlOutputMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Xml System.Xml.XmlOutputMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlOutputMethod = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.XmlOutputMethod +function CS.System.Xml.XmlOutputMethod:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlParserContext: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseURI string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field DocTypeName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field InternalSubset string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NamespaceManager System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NameTable System.Xml.XmlNameTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field PublicId string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SystemId string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlLang string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlSpace System.Xml.XmlSpace +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlParserContext = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlProcessingInstruction: System.Xml.XmlLinkedNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Data string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field InnerText string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Target string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlProcessingInstruction = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param deep bool +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlProcessingInstruction.CloneNode(deep) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlProcessingInstruction.WriteContentTo(w) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlProcessingInstruction.WriteTo(w) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Empty System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsEmpty bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param other object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName.Equals(other) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param a System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@param b System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param a System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@param b System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName:op_Inequality(a, b) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName.ToString() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param ns string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlQualifiedName:ToString(name, ns) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlReader: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AttributeCount int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseURI string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CanReadBinaryContent bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CanReadValueChunk bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CanResolveEntity bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Depth int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field EOF bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field HasAttributes bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field HasValue bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsDefault bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsEmptyElement bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NamespaceURI string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NameTable System.Xml.XmlNameTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Prefix string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field QuoteChar char +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ReadState System.Xml.ReadState +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SchemaInfo System.Xml.Schema.IXmlSchemaInfo +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Settings System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValueType System.Type +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlLang string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlSpace System.Xml.XmlSpace +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlReader = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.Close() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.IO.Stream +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader:Create(input) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.IO.Stream +---@param settings System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader:Create(input, settings) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.IO.Stream +---@param settings System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings +---@param baseUri string +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader:Create(input, settings, baseUri) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.IO.Stream +---@param settings System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings +---@param inputContext System.Xml.XmlParserContext +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader:Create(input, settings, inputContext) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.IO.TextReader +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader:Create(input) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.IO.TextReader +---@param settings System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader:Create(input, settings) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.IO.TextReader +---@param settings System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings +---@param baseUri string +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader:Create(input, settings, baseUri) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param input System.IO.TextReader +---@param settings System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings +---@param inputContext System.Xml.XmlParserContext +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader:Create(input, settings, inputContext) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param inputUri string +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader:Create(inputUri) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param inputUri string +---@param settings System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader:Create(inputUri, settings) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param inputUri string +---@param settings System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings +---@param inputContext System.Xml.XmlParserContext +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader:Create(inputUri, settings, inputContext) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param settings System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader:Create(reader, settings) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.Dispose() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param i int +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.GetAttribute(i) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.GetAttribute(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.GetAttribute(name, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.GetValueAsync() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param str string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader:IsName(str) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param str string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader:IsNameToken(str) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.IsStartElement() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.IsStartElement(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localname string +---@param ns string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.IsStartElement(localname, ns) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.LookupNamespace(prefix) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param i int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.MoveToAttribute(i) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.MoveToAttribute(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param ns string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.MoveToAttribute(name, ns) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XmlNodeType +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.MoveToContent() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.MoveToContentAsync() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.MoveToElement() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.MoveToFirstAttribute() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.MoveToNextAttribute() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.Read() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadAsync() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadAttributeValue() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param namespaceResolver System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadContentAs(returnType, namespaceResolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param namespaceResolver System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadContentAsAsync(returnType, namespaceResolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadContentAsBase64(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadContentAsBase64Async(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadContentAsBinHex(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadContentAsBinHexAsync(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadContentAsBoolean() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadContentAsDateTime() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadContentAsDateTimeOffset() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadContentAsDecimal() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadContentAsDouble() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadContentAsFloat() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadContentAsInt() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadContentAsLong() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadContentAsObject() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadContentAsObjectAsync() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadContentAsString() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadContentAsStringAsync() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param namespaceResolver System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAs(returnType, namespaceResolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param namespaceResolver System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAs(returnType, namespaceResolver, localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param namespaceResolver System.Xml.IXmlNamespaceResolver +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsAsync(returnType, namespaceResolver) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsBase64(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsBase64Async(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsBinHex(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsBinHexAsync(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsBoolean() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsBoolean(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsDateTime() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsDateTime(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsDecimal() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsDecimal(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsDouble() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return Double +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsDouble(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Single +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsFloat() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return Single +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsFloat(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsInt() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsInt(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsLong() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsLong(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsObject() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsObject(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsObjectAsync() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsString() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsString(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementContentAsStringAsync() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementString() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementString(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localname string +---@param ns string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadElementString(localname, ns) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadEndElement() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadInnerXml() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadInnerXmlAsync() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadOuterXml() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadOuterXmlAsync() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadStartElement() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadStartElement(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localname string +---@param ns string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadStartElement(localname, ns) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadString() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XmlReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadSubtree() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadToDescendant(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadToDescendant(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadToFollowing(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadToFollowing(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadToNextSibling(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadToNextSibling(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadValueChunk(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ReadValueChunkAsync(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.ResolveEntity() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.Skip() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReader.SkipAsync() end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Async bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CheckCharacters bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CloseInput bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ConformanceLevel System.Xml.ConformanceLevel +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field DtdProcessing System.Xml.DtdProcessing +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IgnoreComments bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IgnoreProcessingInstructions bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IgnoreWhitespace bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LineNumberOffset int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LinePositionOffset int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field MaxCharactersFromEntities long +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field MaxCharactersInDocument long +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NameTable System.Xml.XmlNameTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ProhibitDtd bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Schemas System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaSet +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValidationFlags System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationFlags +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValidationType System.Xml.ValidationType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlResolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValidationEventHandler System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings.add_ValidationEventHandler(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings.remove_ValidationEventHandler(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XmlReaderSettings +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings.Clone() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlReaderSettings.Reset() end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlResolver: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Credentials System.Net.ICredentials +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlResolver = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param absoluteUri System.Uri +---@param role string +---@param ofObjectToReturn System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.XmlResolver.GetEntity(absoluteUri, role, ofObjectToReturn) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param absoluteUri System.Uri +---@param role string +---@param ofObjectToReturn System.Type +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlResolver.GetEntityAsync(absoluteUri, role, ofObjectToReturn) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param baseUri System.Uri +---@param relativeUri string +---@return Uri +function CS.System.Xml.XmlResolver.ResolveUri(baseUri, relativeUri) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param absoluteUri System.Uri +---@param type System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlResolver.SupportsType(absoluteUri, type) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlSecureResolver: System.Xml.XmlResolver +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Credentials System.Net.ICredentials +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlSecureResolver = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param securityUrl string +---@return Evidence +function CS.System.Xml.XmlSecureResolver:CreateEvidenceForUrl(securityUrl) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param absoluteUri System.Uri +---@param role string +---@param ofObjectToReturn System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.XmlSecureResolver.GetEntity(absoluteUri, role, ofObjectToReturn) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param absoluteUri System.Uri +---@param role string +---@param ofObjectToReturn System.Type +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlSecureResolver.GetEntityAsync(absoluteUri, role, ofObjectToReturn) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param baseUri System.Uri +---@param relativeUri string +---@return Uri +function CS.System.Xml.XmlSecureResolver.ResolveUri(baseUri, relativeUri) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlSignificantWhitespace: System.Xml.XmlCharacterData +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ParentNode System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field PreviousText System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlSignificantWhitespace = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param deep bool +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlSignificantWhitespace.CloneNode(deep) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlSignificantWhitespace.WriteContentTo(w) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlSignificantWhitespace.WriteTo(w) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlSpace: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Default System.Xml.XmlSpace +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field None System.Xml.XmlSpace +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Preserve System.Xml.XmlSpace +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlSpace = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.XmlSpace +function CS.System.Xml.XmlSpace:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlText: System.Xml.XmlCharacterData +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ParentNode System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field PreviousText System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlText = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param deep bool +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlText.CloneNode(deep) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param offset int +---@return XmlText +function CS.System.Xml.XmlText.SplitText(offset) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlText.WriteContentTo(w) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlText.WriteTo(w) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlElement: System.Xml.XmlLinkedNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Attributes System.Xml.XmlAttributeCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field HasAttributes bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field InnerText string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field InnerXml string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsEmpty bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NamespaceURI string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NextSibling System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field OwnerDocument System.Xml.XmlDocument +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ParentNode System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Prefix string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SchemaInfo System.Xml.Schema.IXmlSchemaInfo +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlElement = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param deep bool +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlElement.CloneNode(deep) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlElement.GetAttribute(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlElement.GetAttribute(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return XmlAttribute +function CS.System.Xml.XmlElement.GetAttributeNode(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return XmlAttribute +function CS.System.Xml.XmlElement.GetAttributeNode(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return XmlNodeList +function CS.System.Xml.XmlElement.GetElementsByTagName(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return XmlNodeList +function CS.System.Xml.XmlElement.GetElementsByTagName(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlElement.HasAttribute(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlElement.HasAttribute(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlElement.RemoveAll() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlElement.RemoveAllAttributes() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlElement.RemoveAttribute(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlElement.RemoveAttribute(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param i int +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlElement.RemoveAttributeAt(i) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return XmlAttribute +function CS.System.Xml.XmlElement.RemoveAttributeNode(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param oldAttr System.Xml.XmlAttribute +---@return XmlAttribute +function CS.System.Xml.XmlElement.RemoveAttributeNode(oldAttr) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlElement.SetAttribute(name, value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@param value string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlElement.SetAttribute(localName, namespaceURI, value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return XmlAttribute +function CS.System.Xml.XmlElement.SetAttributeNode(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newAttr System.Xml.XmlAttribute +---@return XmlAttribute +function CS.System.Xml.XmlElement.SetAttributeNode(newAttr) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlElement.WriteContentTo(w) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlElement.WriteTo(w) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlTextReader: System.Xml.XmlReader +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AttributeCount int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseURI string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CanReadBinaryContent bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CanReadValueChunk bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CanResolveEntity bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Depth int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field DtdProcessing System.Xml.DtdProcessing +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field EntityHandling System.Xml.EntityHandling +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field EOF bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field HasValue bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsDefault bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsEmptyElement bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LineNumber int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LinePosition int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Namespaces bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NamespaceURI string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NameTable System.Xml.XmlNameTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Normalization bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Prefix string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ProhibitDtd bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field QuoteChar char +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ReadState System.Xml.ReadState +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field WhitespaceHandling System.Xml.WhitespaceHandling +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlLang string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlResolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlSpace System.Xml.XmlSpace +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.Close() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param i int +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.GetAttribute(i) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.GetAttribute(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.GetAttribute(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param scope System.Xml.XmlNamespaceScope +---@return IDictionary +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.GetNamespacesInScope(scope) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return TextReader +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.GetRemainder() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.HasLineInfo() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.LookupNamespace(prefix) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param i int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.MoveToAttribute(i) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.MoveToAttribute(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.MoveToAttribute(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.MoveToElement() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.MoveToFirstAttribute() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.MoveToNextAttribute() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.Read() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.ReadAttributeValue() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param array byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param len int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.ReadBase64(array, offset, len) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param array byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param len int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.ReadBinHex(array, offset, len) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.ReadChars(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.ReadContentAsBase64(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.ReadContentAsBinHex(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.ReadElementContentAsBase64(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.ReadElementContentAsBinHex(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.ReadString() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.ResetState() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.ResolveEntity() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextReader.Skip() end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlTextWriter: System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseStream System.IO.Stream +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Formatting System.Xml.Formatting +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Indentation int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IndentChar char +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Namespaces bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field QuoteChar char +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field WriteState System.Xml.WriteState +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlLang string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlSpace System.Xml.XmlSpace +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.Close() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.Flush() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param ns string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.LookupPrefix(ns) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteBase64(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteBinHex(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param text string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteCData(text) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param ch char +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteCharEntity(ch) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteChars(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param text string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteComment(text) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param pubid string +---@param sysid string +---@param subset string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteDocType(name, pubid, sysid, subset) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteEndAttribute() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteEndDocument() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteEndElement() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteEntityRef(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteFullEndElement() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteName(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteNmToken(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param text string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteProcessingInstruction(name, text) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param ns string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteQualifiedName(localName, ns) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteRaw(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param data string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteRaw(data) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param ns string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteStartAttribute(prefix, localName, ns) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteStartDocument() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param standalone bool +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteStartDocument(standalone) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param ns string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteStartElement(prefix, localName, ns) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param text string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteString(text) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param lowChar char +---@param highChar char +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteSurrogateCharEntity(lowChar, highChar) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param ws string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTextWriter.WriteWhitespace(ws) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlTokenizedType: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CDATA System.Xml.XmlTokenizedType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ENTITIES System.Xml.XmlTokenizedType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ENTITY System.Xml.XmlTokenizedType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ENUMERATION System.Xml.XmlTokenizedType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ID System.Xml.XmlTokenizedType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IDREF System.Xml.XmlTokenizedType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IDREFS System.Xml.XmlTokenizedType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NCName System.Xml.XmlTokenizedType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NMTOKEN System.Xml.XmlTokenizedType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NMTOKENS System.Xml.XmlTokenizedType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field None System.Xml.XmlTokenizedType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NOTATION System.Xml.XmlTokenizedType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field QName System.Xml.XmlTokenizedType +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlTokenizedType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.XmlTokenizedType +function CS.System.Xml.XmlTokenizedType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlEntity: System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseURI string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field InnerText string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field InnerXml string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NotationName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field OuterXml string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field PublicId string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SystemId string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlEntity = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param deep bool +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlEntity.CloneNode(deep) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlEntity.WriteContentTo(w) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlEntity.WriteTo(w) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlUrlResolver: System.Xml.XmlResolver +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CachePolicy System.Net.Cache.RequestCachePolicy +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Credentials System.Net.ICredentials +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Proxy System.Net.IWebProxy +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlUrlResolver = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param absoluteUri System.Uri +---@param role string +---@param ofObjectToReturn System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.XmlUrlResolver.GetEntity(absoluteUri, role, ofObjectToReturn) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param absoluteUri System.Uri +---@param role string +---@param ofObjectToReturn System.Type +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlUrlResolver.GetEntityAsync(absoluteUri, role, ofObjectToReturn) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param baseUri System.Uri +---@param relativeUri string +---@return Uri +function CS.System.Xml.XmlUrlResolver.ResolveUri(baseUri, relativeUri) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlEntityReference: System.Xml.XmlLinkedNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseURI string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlEntityReference = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param deep bool +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlEntityReference.CloneNode(deep) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlEntityReference.WriteContentTo(w) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlEntityReference.WriteTo(w) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader: System.Xml.XmlReader +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field AttributeCount int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseURI string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CanReadBinaryContent bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CanResolveEntity bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Depth int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field EntityHandling System.Xml.EntityHandling +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field EOF bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field HasValue bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsDefault bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsEmptyElement bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LineNumber int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LinePosition int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Namespaces bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NamespaceURI string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NameTable System.Xml.XmlNameTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Prefix string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field QuoteChar char +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ReadState System.Xml.ReadState +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Schemas System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SchemaType object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValidationType System.Xml.ValidationType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlLang string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlResolver System.Xml.XmlResolver +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlSpace System.Xml.XmlSpace +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ValidationEventHandler System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.add_ValidationEventHandler(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.Xml.Schema.ValidationEventHandler +function CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.remove_ValidationEventHandler(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.Close() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param i int +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.GetAttribute(i) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.GetAttribute(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.GetAttribute(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.HasLineInfo() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.LookupNamespace(prefix) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param i int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.MoveToAttribute(i) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.MoveToAttribute(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.MoveToAttribute(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.MoveToElement() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.MoveToFirstAttribute() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.MoveToNextAttribute() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.Read() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.ReadAttributeValue() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.ReadContentAsBase64(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.ReadContentAsBinHex(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.ReadElementContentAsBase64(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.ReadElementContentAsBinHex(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.ReadString() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.ReadTypedValue() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.ResolveEntity() end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlException: System.SystemException +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LineNumber int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LinePosition int +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Message string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SourceUri string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlException = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Xml.XmlException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlWhitespace: System.Xml.XmlCharacterData +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ParentNode System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field PreviousText System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlWhitespace = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param deep bool +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWhitespace.CloneNode(deep) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWhitespace.WriteContentTo(w) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWhitespace.WriteTo(w) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlImplementation: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlImplementation = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XmlDocument +function CS.System.Xml.XmlImplementation.CreateDocument() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param strFeature string +---@param strVersion string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlImplementation.HasFeature(strFeature, strVersion) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlWriter: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Settings System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field WriteState System.Xml.WriteState +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlLang string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field XmlSpace System.Xml.XmlSpace +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.Close() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param output System.IO.Stream +---@return XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter:Create(output) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param output System.IO.Stream +---@param settings System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings +---@return XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter:Create(output, settings) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param output System.IO.TextWriter +---@return XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter:Create(output) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param output System.IO.TextWriter +---@param settings System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings +---@return XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter:Create(output, settings) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param outputFileName string +---@return XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter:Create(outputFileName) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param outputFileName string +---@param settings System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings +---@return XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter:Create(outputFileName, settings) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param output System.Text.StringBuilder +---@return XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter:Create(output) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param output System.Text.StringBuilder +---@param settings System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings +---@return XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter:Create(output, settings) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param output System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@return XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter:Create(output) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param output System.Xml.XmlWriter +---@param settings System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings +---@return XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter:Create(output, settings) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.Dispose() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.Flush() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.FlushAsync() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param ns string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.LookupPrefix(ns) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param defattr bool +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteAttributes(reader, defattr) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param defattr bool +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteAttributesAsync(reader, defattr) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(localName, value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param ns string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(localName, ns, value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param ns string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteAttributeString(prefix, localName, ns, value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param ns string +---@param value string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteAttributeStringAsync(prefix, localName, ns, value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteBase64(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteBase64Async(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteBinHex(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteBinHexAsync(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param text string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteCData(text) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param text string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteCDataAsync(text) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param ch char +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteCharEntity(ch) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param ch char +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteCharEntityAsync(ch) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteChars(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteCharsAsync(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param text string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteComment(text) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param text string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteCommentAsync(text) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param pubid string +---@param sysid string +---@param subset string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteDocType(name, pubid, sysid, subset) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param pubid string +---@param sysid string +---@param subset string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteDocTypeAsync(name, pubid, sysid, subset) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteElementString(localName, value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param ns string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteElementString(localName, ns, value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param ns string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteElementString(prefix, localName, ns, value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param ns string +---@param value string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteElementStringAsync(prefix, localName, ns, value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteEndAttribute() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteEndDocument() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteEndDocumentAsync() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteEndElement() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteEndElementAsync() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteEntityRef(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteEntityRefAsync(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteFullEndElement() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteFullEndElementAsync() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteName(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteNameAsync(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteNmToken(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteNmTokenAsync(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param defattr bool +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteNode(reader, defattr) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param navigator System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +---@param defattr bool +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteNode(navigator, defattr) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param reader System.Xml.XmlReader +---@param defattr bool +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteNodeAsync(reader, defattr) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param navigator System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator +---@param defattr bool +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteNodeAsync(navigator, defattr) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param text string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteProcessingInstruction(name, text) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@param text string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteProcessingInstructionAsync(name, text) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param ns string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteQualifiedName(localName, ns) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param ns string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteQualifiedNameAsync(localName, ns) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteRaw(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param data string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteRaw(data) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteRawAsync(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param data string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteRawAsync(data) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteStartAttribute(localName) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param ns string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteStartAttribute(localName, ns) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param ns string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteStartAttribute(prefix, localName, ns) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteStartDocument() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param standalone bool +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteStartDocument(standalone) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteStartDocumentAsync() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param standalone bool +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteStartDocumentAsync(standalone) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement(localName) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param ns string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement(localName, ns) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param ns string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteStartElement(prefix, localName, ns) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param localName string +---@param ns string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteStartElementAsync(prefix, localName, ns) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param text string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteString(text) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param text string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteStringAsync(text) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param lowChar char +---@param highChar char +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteSurrogateCharEntity(lowChar, highChar) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param lowChar char +---@param highChar char +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteSurrogateCharEntityAsync(lowChar, highChar) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteValue(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteValue(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value System.DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteValue(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value decimal +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteValue(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value double +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteValue(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value int +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteValue(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteValue(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value object +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteValue(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value float +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteValue(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param value string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteValue(value) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param ws string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteWhitespace(ws) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param ws string +---@return Task +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriter.WriteWhitespaceAsync(ws) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlLinkedNode: System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NextSibling System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field PreviousSibling System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlLinkedNode = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Async bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CheckCharacters bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field CloseOutput bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ConformanceLevel System.Xml.ConformanceLevel +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field DoNotEscapeUriAttributes bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Encoding System.Text.Encoding +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Indent bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IndentChars string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NamespaceHandling System.Xml.NamespaceHandling +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NewLineChars string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NewLineHandling System.Xml.NewLineHandling +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NewLineOnAttributes bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field OmitXmlDeclaration bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field OutputMethod System.Xml.XmlOutputMethod +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field WriteEndDocumentOnClose bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XmlWriterSettings +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings.Clone() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlWriterSettings.Reset() end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlNamedNodeMap: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Count int +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlNamedNodeMap = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNamedNodeMap.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNamedNodeMap.GetNamedItem(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNamedNodeMap.GetNamedItem(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param index int +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNamedNodeMap.Item(index) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param name string +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNamedNodeMap.RemoveNamedItem(name) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param localName string +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNamedNodeMap.RemoveNamedItem(localName, namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param node System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNamedNodeMap.SetNamedItem(node) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field DefaultNamespace string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NameTable System.Xml.XmlNameTable +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param uri string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager.AddNamespace(prefix, uri) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param scope System.Xml.XmlNamespaceScope +---@return IDictionary +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager.GetNamespacesInScope(scope) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager.HasNamespace(prefix) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager.LookupNamespace(prefix) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param uri string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager.LookupPrefix(uri) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager.PopScope() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager.PushScope() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@param uri string +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager.RemoveNamespace(prefix, uri) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlXapResolver: System.Xml.XmlResolver +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlXapResolver = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param absoluteUri System.Uri +---@param role string +---@param ofObjectToReturn System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Xml.XmlXapResolver.GetEntity(absoluteUri, role, ofObjectToReturn) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param appStreamResolver System.Xml.IApplicationResourceStreamResolver +function CS.System.Xml.XmlXapResolver:RegisterApplicationResourceStreamResolver(appStreamResolver) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlNamespaceScope: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field All System.Xml.XmlNamespaceScope +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ExcludeXml System.Xml.XmlNamespaceScope +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Local System.Xml.XmlNamespaceScope +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlNamespaceScope = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.XmlNamespaceScope +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNamespaceScope:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlNameTable: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlNameTable = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param array char[] +---@param offset int +---@param length int +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNameTable.Add(array, offset, length) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param array string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNameTable.Add(array) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param array char[] +---@param offset int +---@param length int +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNameTable.Get(array, offset, length) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param array string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNameTable.Get(array) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlNode: object +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Attributes System.Xml.XmlAttributeCollection +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field BaseURI string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ChildNodes System.Xml.XmlNodeList +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field FirstChild System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field HasChildNodes bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field InnerText string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field InnerXml string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] System.Xml.XmlElement +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field this[] System.Xml.XmlElement +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LastChild System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field LocalName string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Name string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NamespaceURI string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NextSibling System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NodeType System.Xml.XmlNodeType +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field OuterXml string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field OwnerDocument System.Xml.XmlDocument +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field ParentNode System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Prefix string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field PreviousSibling System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field PreviousText System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field SchemaInfo System.Xml.Schema.IXmlSchemaInfo +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Value string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlNode = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newChild System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNode.AppendChild(newChild) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNode.Clone() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param deep bool +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNode.CloneNode(deep) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return XPathNavigator +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNode.CreateNavigator() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNode.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param prefix string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNode.GetNamespaceOfPrefix(prefix) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param namespaceURI string +---@return String +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNode.GetPrefixOfNamespace(namespaceURI) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newChild System.Xml.XmlNode +---@param refChild System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNode.InsertAfter(newChild, refChild) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newChild System.Xml.XmlNode +---@param refChild System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNode.InsertBefore(newChild, refChild) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNode.Normalize() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newChild System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNode.PrependChild(newChild) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNode.RemoveAll() end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param oldChild System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNode.RemoveChild(oldChild) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param newChild System.Xml.XmlNode +---@param oldChild System.Xml.XmlNode +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNode.ReplaceChild(newChild, oldChild) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xpath string +---@return XmlNodeList +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNode.SelectNodes(xpath) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xpath string +---@param nsmgr System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager +---@return XmlNodeList +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNode.SelectNodes(xpath, nsmgr) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xpath string +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNode.SelectSingleNode(xpath) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param xpath string +---@param nsmgr System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager +---@return XmlNode +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNode.SelectSingleNode(xpath, nsmgr) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param feature string +---@param version string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNode.Supports(feature, version) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNode.WriteContentTo(w) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param w System.Xml.XmlWriter +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNode.WriteTo(w) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedAction: System.Enum +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Change System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedAction +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Insert System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedAction +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Remove System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedAction +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedAction = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedAction +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedAction:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Action System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedAction +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NewParent System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field NewValue string +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field Node System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field OldParent System.Xml.XmlNode +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@field OldValue string +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventArgs = {} + + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@class System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Xml.dll +CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler = {} + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventArgs +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Xml.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Xml.XmlNodeChangedEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0226b8445 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/System.lua @@ -0,0 +1,16165 @@ +---@meta + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.DateTime: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxValue System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinValue System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Date System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Day int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DayOfWeek System.DayOfWeek +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DayOfYear int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Hour int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Kind System.DateTimeKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Millisecond int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Minute int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Month int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Now System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Second int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ticks long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TimeOfDay System.TimeSpan +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Today System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UtcNow System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Year int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.DateTime = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.TimeSpan +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime.Add(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime.AddDays(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime.AddHours(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime.AddMilliseconds(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime.AddMinutes(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param months int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime.AddMonths(months) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime.AddSeconds(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime.AddTicks(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime.AddYears(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t1 System.DateTime +---@param t2 System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.DateTime:Compare(t1, t2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.DateTime.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.DateTime.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@param month int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.DateTime:DaysInMonth(year, month) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTime.Equals(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t1 System.DateTime +---@param t2 System.DateTime +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTime:Equals(t1, t2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTime.Equals(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dateData long +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime:FromBinary(dateData) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fileTime long +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime:FromFileTime(fileTime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fileTime long +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime:FromFileTimeUtc(fileTime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d double +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime:FromOADate(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.DateTime.GetDateTimeFormats() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format char +function CS.System.DateTime.GetDateTimeFormats(format) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format char +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +function CS.System.DateTime.GetDateTimeFormats(format, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +function CS.System.DateTime.GetDateTimeFormats(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.DateTime.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TypeCode +function CS.System.DateTime.GetTypeCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTime.IsDaylightSavingTime() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTime:IsLeapYear(year) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d System.DateTime +---@param t System.TimeSpan +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime:op_Addition(d, t) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 System.DateTime +---@param d2 System.DateTime +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTime:op_Equality(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t1 System.DateTime +---@param t2 System.DateTime +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTime:op_GreaterThan(t1, t2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t1 System.DateTime +---@param t2 System.DateTime +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTime:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(t1, t2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 System.DateTime +---@param d2 System.DateTime +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTime:op_Inequality(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t1 System.DateTime +---@param t2 System.DateTime +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTime:op_LessThan(t1, t2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t1 System.DateTime +---@param t2 System.DateTime +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTime:op_LessThanOrEqual(t1, t2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 System.DateTime +---@param d2 System.DateTime +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.DateTime:op_Subtraction(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d System.DateTime +---@param t System.TimeSpan +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime:op_Subtraction(d, t) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime:Parse(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime:Parse(s, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param styles System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime:Parse(s, provider, styles) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param format string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime:ParseExact(s, format, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param format string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param style System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime:ParseExact(s, format, provider, style) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param formats string[] +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param style System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime:ParseExact(s, formats, provider, style) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@param kind System.DateTimeKind +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime:SpecifyKind(value, kind) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.DateTime.Subtract(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.TimeSpan +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime.Subtract(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.DateTime.ToBinary() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.DateTime.ToFileTime() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.DateTime.ToFileTimeUtc() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime.ToLocalTime() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.DateTime.ToLongDateString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.DateTime.ToLongTimeString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.DateTime.ToOADate() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.DateTime.ToShortDateString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.DateTime.ToShortTimeString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.DateTime.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.DateTime.ToString(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.DateTime.ToString(format) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.DateTime.ToString(format, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.DateTime.ToUniversalTime() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param result System.DateTime +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTime:TryParse(s, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param styles System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +---@param result System.DateTime +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTime:TryParse(s, provider, styles, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param format string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param style System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +---@param result System.DateTime +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTime:TryParseExact(s, format, provider, style, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param formats string[] +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param style System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +---@param result System.DateTime +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTime:TryParseExact(s, formats, provider, style, result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.DateTimeOffset: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxValue System.DateTimeOffset +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinValue System.DateTimeOffset +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Date System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Day int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DayOfWeek System.DayOfWeek +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DayOfYear int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Hour int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LocalDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Millisecond int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Minute int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Month int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Now System.DateTimeOffset +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Offset System.TimeSpan +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Second int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ticks long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TimeOfDay System.TimeSpan +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UtcDateTime System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UtcNow System.DateTimeOffset +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UtcTicks long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Year int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.DateTimeOffset = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param timeSpan System.TimeSpan +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.Add(timeSpan) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param days double +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.AddDays(days) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param hours double +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.AddHours(hours) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param milliseconds double +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.AddMilliseconds(milliseconds) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param minutes double +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.AddMinutes(minutes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param months int +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.AddMonths(months) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param seconds double +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.AddSeconds(seconds) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ticks long +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.AddTicks(ticks) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param years int +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.AddYears(years) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param first System.DateTimeOffset +---@param second System.DateTimeOffset +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:Compare(first, second) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.DateTimeOffset +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.CompareTo(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.DateTimeOffset +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param first System.DateTimeOffset +---@param second System.DateTimeOffset +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:Equals(first, second) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.DateTimeOffset +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.EqualsExact(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fileTime long +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:FromFileTime(fileTime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param milliseconds long +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(milliseconds) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param seconds long +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:FromUnixTimeSeconds(seconds) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dateTimeOffset System.DateTimeOffset +---@param timeSpan System.TimeSpan +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:op_Addition(dateTimeOffset, timeSpan) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.DateTimeOffset +---@param right System.DateTimeOffset +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.DateTimeOffset +---@param right System.DateTimeOffset +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:op_GreaterThan(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.DateTimeOffset +---@param right System.DateTimeOffset +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dateTime System.DateTime +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:op_Implicit(dateTime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.DateTimeOffset +---@param right System.DateTimeOffset +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.DateTimeOffset +---@param right System.DateTimeOffset +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:op_LessThan(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.DateTimeOffset +---@param right System.DateTimeOffset +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:op_LessThanOrEqual(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.DateTimeOffset +---@param right System.DateTimeOffset +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:op_Subtraction(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dateTimeOffset System.DateTimeOffset +---@param timeSpan System.TimeSpan +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:op_Subtraction(dateTimeOffset, timeSpan) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:Parse(input) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:Parse(input, formatProvider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@param styles System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:Parse(input, formatProvider, styles) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@param format string +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:ParseExact(input, format, formatProvider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@param format string +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@param styles System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:ParseExact(input, format, formatProvider, styles) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@param formats string[] +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@param styles System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:ParseExact(input, formats, formatProvider, styles) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.DateTimeOffset +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.Subtract(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.TimeSpan +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.Subtract(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.ToFileTime() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.ToLocalTime() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param offset System.TimeSpan +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.ToOffset(offset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.ToString(formatProvider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.ToString(format) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.ToString(format, formatProvider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.ToUniversalTime() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.ToUnixTimeMilliseconds() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset.ToUnixTimeSeconds() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@param result System.DateTimeOffset +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:TryParse(input, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@param styles System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +---@param result System.DateTimeOffset +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:TryParse(input, formatProvider, styles, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@param format string +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@param styles System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +---@param result System.DateTimeOffset +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:TryParseExact(input, format, formatProvider, styles, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@param formats string[] +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@param styles System.Globalization.DateTimeStyles +---@param result System.DateTimeOffset +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.DateTimeOffset:TryParseExact(input, formats, formatProvider, styles, result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.AccessViolationException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.AccessViolationException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Action: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Action = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Action.Invoke() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Action: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Action = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj T +function CS.System.Action.Invoke(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj T +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.BeginInvoke(obj, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Action: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Action = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +function CS.System.Action.Invoke(arg1, arg2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Action: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Action = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +function CS.System.Action.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Action: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Action = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +function CS.System.Action.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Action: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Action = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +function CS.System.Action.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Action: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Action = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +function CS.System.Action.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Action: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Action = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +function CS.System.Action.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Action: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Action = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +function CS.System.Action.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Action: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Action = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +function CS.System.Action.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Action: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Action = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +function CS.System.Action.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Action: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Action = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +---@param arg12 T12 +function CS.System.Action.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +---@param arg12 T12 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Action: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Action = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +---@param arg12 T12 +---@param arg13 T13 +function CS.System.Action.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +---@param arg12 T12 +---@param arg13 T13 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Action: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Action = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +---@param arg12 T12 +---@param arg13 T13 +---@param arg14 T14 +function CS.System.Action.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +---@param arg12 T12 +---@param arg13 T13 +---@param arg14 T14 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Action: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Action = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +---@param arg12 T12 +---@param arg13 T13 +---@param arg14 T14 +---@param arg15 T15 +function CS.System.Action.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, arg15) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +---@param arg12 T12 +---@param arg13 T13 +---@param arg14 T14 +---@param arg15 T15 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, arg15, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Action: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Action = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +---@param arg12 T12 +---@param arg13 T13 +---@param arg14 T14 +---@param arg15 T15 +---@param arg16 T16 +function CS.System.Action.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, arg15, arg16) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +---@param arg12 T12 +---@param arg13 T13 +---@param arg14 T14 +---@param arg15 T15 +---@param arg16 T16 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, arg15, arg16, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Action: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Action = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +function CS.System.Action.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Action.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ActivationContext: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationManifestBytes byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeploymentManifestBytes byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Form System.ActivationContext.ContextForm +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Identity System.ApplicationIdentity +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ActivationContext = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identity System.ApplicationIdentity +---@return ActivationContext +function CS.System.ActivationContext:CreatePartialActivationContext(identity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param identity System.ApplicationIdentity +---@param manifestPaths string[] +---@return ActivationContext +function CS.System.ActivationContext:CreatePartialActivationContext(identity, manifestPaths) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.ActivationContext.Dispose() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ContextForm: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Loose System.ActivationContext.ContextForm +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StoreBounded System.ActivationContext.ContextForm +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ContextForm = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.ActivationContext.ContextForm +function CS.System.ContextForm:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Activator: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Activator = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.Activator:CreateComInstanceFrom(assemblyName, typeName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@param hashValue byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHashAlgorithm +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.Activator:CreateComInstanceFrom(assemblyName, typeName, hashValue, hashAlgorithm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param activationContext System.ActivationContext +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.Activator:CreateInstance(activationContext) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param activationContext System.ActivationContext +---@param activationCustomData string[] +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.Activator:CreateInstance(activationContext, activationCustomData) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param domain System.AppDomain +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.Activator:CreateInstance(domain, assemblyName, typeName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param domain System.AppDomain +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.Activator:CreateInstance(domain, assemblyName, typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param domain System.AppDomain +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@param securityAttributes System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.Activator:CreateInstance(domain, assemblyName, typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes, securityAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.Activator:CreateInstance(assemblyName, typeName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.Activator:CreateInstance(assemblyName, typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@param securityInfo System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.Activator:CreateInstance(assemblyName, typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes, securityInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.Activator:CreateInstance(assemblyName, typeName, activationAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Activator:CreateInstance(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param nonPublic bool +---@return Object +function CS.System.Activator:CreateInstance(type, nonPublic) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param args object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Activator:CreateInstance(type, args) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param args object[] +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Activator:CreateInstance(type, args, activationAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Object +function CS.System.Activator:CreateInstance(type, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Activator:CreateInstance(type, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param domain System.AppDomain +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param typeName string +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.Activator:CreateInstanceFrom(domain, assemblyFile, typeName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param domain System.AppDomain +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param typeName string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.Activator:CreateInstanceFrom(domain, assemblyFile, typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param domain System.AppDomain +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param typeName string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@param securityAttributes System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.Activator:CreateInstanceFrom(domain, assemblyFile, typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes, securityAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param typeName string +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.Activator:CreateInstanceFrom(assemblyFile, typeName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param typeName string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.Activator:CreateInstanceFrom(assemblyFile, typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param typeName string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@param securityInfo System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.Activator:CreateInstanceFrom(assemblyFile, typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes, securityInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param typeName string +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.Activator:CreateInstanceFrom(assemblyFile, typeName, activationAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return T +function CS.System.Activator:CreateInstance() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param url string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Activator:GetObject(type, url) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param url string +---@param state object +---@return Object +function CS.System.Activator:GetObject(type, url, state) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.AggregateException: System.Exception +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InnerExceptions System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.AggregateException = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return AggregateException +function CS.System.AggregateException.Flatten() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Exception +function CS.System.AggregateException.GetBaseException() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.AggregateException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param predicate System.Func +function CS.System.AggregateException.Handle(predicate) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.AggregateException.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.AppContext: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BaseDirectory string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TargetFrameworkName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.AppContext = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Object +function CS.System.AppContext:GetData(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param switchName string +---@param isEnabled bool +function CS.System.AppContext:SetSwitch(switchName, isEnabled) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param switchName string +---@param isEnabled bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.AppContext:TryGetSwitch(switchName, isEnabled) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.AppDomain: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ActivationContext System.ActivationContext +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationIdentity System.ApplicationIdentity +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationTrust System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrust +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BaseDirectory string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentDomain System.AppDomain +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DomainManager System.AppDomainManager +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DynamicDirectory string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FriendlyName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Id int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFullyTrusted bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsHomogenous bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MonitoringIsEnabled bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MonitoringSurvivedMemorySize long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MonitoringSurvivedProcessMemorySize long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MonitoringTotalAllocatedMemorySize long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MonitoringTotalProcessorTime System.TimeSpan +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PermissionSet System.Security.PermissionSet +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RelativeSearchPath string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SetupInformation System.AppDomainSetup +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ShadowCopyFiles bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssemblyLoad System.AssemblyLoadEventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssemblyResolve System.ResolveEventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DomainUnload System.EventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FirstChanceException System.EventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ProcessExit System.EventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve System.ResolveEventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ResourceResolve System.ResolveEventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeResolve System.ResolveEventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UnhandledException System.UnhandledExceptionEventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.AppDomain = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.AssemblyLoadEventHandler +function CS.System.AppDomain.add_AssemblyLoad(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.AssemblyLoadEventHandler +function CS.System.AppDomain.remove_AssemblyLoad(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.ResolveEventHandler +function CS.System.AppDomain.add_AssemblyResolve(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.ResolveEventHandler +function CS.System.AppDomain.remove_AssemblyResolve(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.AppDomain.add_DomainUnload(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.AppDomain.remove_DomainUnload(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.AppDomain.add_FirstChanceException(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.AppDomain.remove_FirstChanceException(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.AppDomain.add_ProcessExit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.AppDomain.remove_ProcessExit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.ResolveEventHandler +function CS.System.AppDomain.add_ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.ResolveEventHandler +function CS.System.AppDomain.remove_ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.ResolveEventHandler +function CS.System.AppDomain.add_ResourceResolve(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.ResolveEventHandler +function CS.System.AppDomain.remove_ResourceResolve(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.ResolveEventHandler +function CS.System.AppDomain.add_TypeResolve(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.ResolveEventHandler +function CS.System.AppDomain.remove_TypeResolve(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.UnhandledExceptionEventHandler +function CS.System.AppDomain.add_UnhandledException(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.UnhandledExceptionEventHandler +function CS.System.AppDomain.remove_UnhandledException(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +function CS.System.AppDomain.AppendPrivatePath(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@return String +function CS.System.AppDomain.ApplyPolicy(assemblyName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.AppDomain.ClearPrivatePath() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.AppDomain.ClearShadowCopyPath() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.AppDomain.CreateComInstanceFrom(assemblyName, typeName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param typeName string +---@param hashValue byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHashAlgorithm +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.AppDomain.CreateComInstanceFrom(assemblyFile, typeName, hashValue, hashAlgorithm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param friendlyName string +---@return AppDomain +function CS.System.AppDomain:CreateDomain(friendlyName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param friendlyName string +---@param securityInfo System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return AppDomain +function CS.System.AppDomain:CreateDomain(friendlyName, securityInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param friendlyName string +---@param securityInfo System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@param info System.AppDomainSetup +---@return AppDomain +function CS.System.AppDomain:CreateDomain(friendlyName, securityInfo, info) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param friendlyName string +---@param securityInfo System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@param info System.AppDomainSetup +---@param grantSet System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param fullTrustAssemblies System.Security.Policy.StrongName[] +---@return AppDomain +function CS.System.AppDomain:CreateDomain(friendlyName, securityInfo, info, grantSet, fullTrustAssemblies) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param friendlyName string +---@param securityInfo System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@param appBasePath string +---@param appRelativeSearchPath string +---@param shadowCopyFiles bool +---@return AppDomain +function CS.System.AppDomain:CreateDomain(friendlyName, securityInfo, appBasePath, appRelativeSearchPath, shadowCopyFiles) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param friendlyName string +---@param securityInfo System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@param appBasePath string +---@param appRelativeSearchPath string +---@param shadowCopyFiles bool +---@param adInit System.AppDomainInitializer +---@param adInitArgs string[] +---@return AppDomain +function CS.System.AppDomain:CreateDomain(friendlyName, securityInfo, appBasePath, appRelativeSearchPath, shadowCopyFiles, adInit, adInitArgs) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.AppDomain.CreateInstance(assemblyName, typeName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.AppDomain.CreateInstance(assemblyName, typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@param securityAttributes System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.AppDomain.CreateInstance(assemblyName, typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes, securityAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.AppDomain.CreateInstance(assemblyName, typeName, activationAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@return Object +function CS.System.AppDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(assemblyName, typeName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.AppDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(assemblyName, typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@param securityAttributes System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Object +function CS.System.AppDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(assemblyName, typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes, securityAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.AppDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(assemblyName, typeName, activationAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param typeName string +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.AppDomain.CreateInstanceFrom(assemblyFile, typeName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param typeName string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.AppDomain.CreateInstanceFrom(assemblyFile, typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param typeName string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@param securityAttributes System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.AppDomain.CreateInstanceFrom(assemblyFile, typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes, securityAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param typeName string +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System.AppDomain.CreateInstanceFrom(assemblyFile, typeName, activationAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@return Object +function CS.System.AppDomain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(assemblyName, typeName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param typeName string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.AppDomain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(assemblyFile, typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@param securityAttributes System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Object +function CS.System.AppDomain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(assemblyName, typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes, securityAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.AppDomain.CreateInstanceFromAndUnwrap(assemblyName, typeName, activationAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System.AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@param assemblyAttributes System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System.AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, assemblyAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@param assemblyAttributes System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param securityContextSource System.Security.SecurityContextSource +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System.AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, assemblyAttributes, securityContextSource) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@param requiredPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param optionalPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param refusedPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System.AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, requiredPermissions, optionalPermissions, refusedPermissions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System.AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@param requiredPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param optionalPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param refusedPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System.AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, evidence, requiredPermissions, optionalPermissions, refusedPermissions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@param dir string +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System.AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, dir) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@param dir string +---@param isSynchronized bool +---@param assemblyAttributes System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System.AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, dir, isSynchronized, assemblyAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@param dir string +---@param requiredPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param optionalPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param refusedPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System.AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, dir, requiredPermissions, optionalPermissions, refusedPermissions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@param dir string +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System.AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, dir, evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@param dir string +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@param requiredPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param optionalPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param refusedPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System.AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, dir, evidence, requiredPermissions, optionalPermissions, refusedPermissions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@param dir string +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@param requiredPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param optionalPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param refusedPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param isSynchronized bool +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System.AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, dir, evidence, requiredPermissions, optionalPermissions, refusedPermissions, isSynchronized) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@param dir string +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@param requiredPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param optionalPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param refusedPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param isSynchronized bool +---@param assemblyAttributes System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System.AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, dir, evidence, requiredPermissions, optionalPermissions, refusedPermissions, isSynchronized, assemblyAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param callBackDelegate System.CrossAppDomainDelegate +function CS.System.AppDomain.DoCallBack(callBackDelegate) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(assemblyFile) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param assemblySecurity System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(assemblyFile, assemblySecurity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param assemblySecurity System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@param args string[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(assemblyFile, assemblySecurity, args) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param assemblySecurity System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@param args string[] +---@param hashValue byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHashAlgorithm +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(assemblyFile, assemblySecurity, args, hashValue, hashAlgorithm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param args string[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(assemblyFile, args) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param args string[] +---@param hashValue byte[] +---@param hashAlgorithm System.Configuration.Assemblies.AssemblyHashAlgorithm +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(assemblyFile, args, hashValue, hashAlgorithm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param assemblySecurity System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@param args string[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssemblyByName(assemblyName, assemblySecurity, args) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param args string[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssemblyByName(assemblyName, args) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssemblyByName(assemblyName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param assemblySecurity System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssemblyByName(assemblyName, assemblySecurity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param assemblySecurity System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@param args string[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssemblyByName(assemblyName, assemblySecurity, args) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param args string[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.AppDomain.ExecuteAssemblyByName(assemblyName, args) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.AppDomain.GetAssemblies() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.AppDomain:GetCurrentThreadId() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Object +function CS.System.AppDomain.GetData(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.AppDomain.GetType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.AppDomain.InitializeLifetimeService() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.AppDomain.IsCompatibilitySwitchSet(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.AppDomain.IsDefaultAppDomain() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.AppDomain.IsFinalizingForUnload() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rawAssembly byte[] +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.AppDomain.Load(rawAssembly) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rawAssembly byte[] +---@param rawSymbolStore byte[] +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.AppDomain.Load(rawAssembly, rawSymbolStore) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rawAssembly byte[] +---@param rawSymbolStore byte[] +---@param securityEvidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.AppDomain.Load(rawAssembly, rawSymbolStore, securityEvidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyRef System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.AppDomain.Load(assemblyRef) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyRef System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param assemblySecurity System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.AppDomain.Load(assemblyRef, assemblySecurity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyString string +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.AppDomain.Load(assemblyString) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyString string +---@param assemblySecurity System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.AppDomain.Load(assemblyString, assemblySecurity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.AppDomain.ReflectionOnlyGetAssemblies() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param domainPolicy System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +function CS.System.AppDomain.SetAppDomainPolicy(domainPolicy) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +function CS.System.AppDomain.SetCachePath(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param data object +function CS.System.AppDomain.SetData(name, data) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param data object +---@param permission System.Security.IPermission +function CS.System.AppDomain.SetData(name, data, permission) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +function CS.System.AppDomain.SetDynamicBase(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param policy System.Security.Principal.PrincipalPolicy +function CS.System.AppDomain.SetPrincipalPolicy(policy) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.AppDomain.SetShadowCopyFiles() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +function CS.System.AppDomain.SetShadowCopyPath(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param principal System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal +function CS.System.AppDomain.SetThreadPrincipal(principal) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.AppDomain.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param domain System.AppDomain +function CS.System.AppDomain:Unload(domain) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.AppDomainInitializer: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.AppDomainInitializer = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param args string[] +function CS.System.AppDomainInitializer.Invoke(args) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param args string[] +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.AppDomainInitializer.BeginInvoke(args, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.AppDomainInitializer.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.AppDomainManager: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationActivator System.Runtime.Hosting.ApplicationActivator +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EntryAssembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HostExecutionContextManager System.Threading.HostExecutionContextManager +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HostSecurityManager System.Security.HostSecurityManager +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InitializationFlags System.AppDomainManagerInitializationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.AppDomainManager = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param state System.Security.SecurityState +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.AppDomainManager.CheckSecuritySettings(state) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param friendlyName string +---@param securityInfo System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@param appDomainInfo System.AppDomainSetup +---@return AppDomain +function CS.System.AppDomainManager.CreateDomain(friendlyName, securityInfo, appDomainInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param appDomainInfo System.AppDomainSetup +function CS.System.AppDomainManager.InitializeNewDomain(appDomainInfo) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.AppDomainManagerInitializationOptions: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.AppDomainManagerInitializationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RegisterWithHost System.AppDomainManagerInitializationOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.AppDomainManagerInitializationOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.AppDomainManagerInitializationOptions +function CS.System.AppDomainManagerInitializationOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.AppDomainSetup: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ActivationArguments System.Runtime.Hosting.ActivationArguments +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AppDomainInitializer System.AppDomainInitializer +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AppDomainInitializerArguments string[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AppDomainManagerAssembly string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AppDomainManagerType string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationBase string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationTrust System.Security.Policy.ApplicationTrust +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CachePath string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ConfigurationFile string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DisallowApplicationBaseProbing bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DisallowBindingRedirects bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DisallowCodeDownload bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DisallowPublisherPolicy bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DynamicBase string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LicenseFile string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LoaderOptimization System.LoaderOptimization +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PartialTrustVisibleAssemblies string[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PrivateBinPath string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PrivateBinPathProbe string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SandboxInterop bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ShadowCopyDirectories string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ShadowCopyFiles string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TargetFrameworkName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.AppDomainSetup = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.AppDomainSetup.GetConfigurationBytes() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param switches System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.System.AppDomainSetup.SetCompatibilitySwitches(switches) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte[] +function CS.System.AppDomainSetup.SetConfigurationBytes(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param functionName string +---@param functionVersion int +---@param functionPointer System.IntPtr +function CS.System.AppDomainSetup.SetNativeFunction(functionName, functionVersion, functionPointer) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.AppDomainUnloadedException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.AppDomainUnloadedException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ApplicationException: System.Exception +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ApplicationException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ApplicationId: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Culture string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ProcessorArchitecture string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PublicKeyToken byte[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Version System.Version +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ApplicationId = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ApplicationId +function CS.System.ApplicationId.Copy() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ApplicationId.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ApplicationId.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ApplicationId.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ApplicationIdentity: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CodeBase string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ApplicationIdentity = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ApplicationIdentity.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ArgIterator: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ArgIterator = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.ArgIterator.End() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ArgIterator.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ArgIterator.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TypedReference +function CS.System.ArgIterator.GetNextArg() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rth System.RuntimeTypeHandle +---@return TypedReference +function CS.System.ArgIterator.GetNextArg(rth) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return RuntimeTypeHandle +function CS.System.ArgIterator.GetNextArgType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ArgIterator.GetRemainingCount() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ArgumentException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Message string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ParamName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ArgumentException = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.ArgumentException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ArgumentNullException: System.ArgumentException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ArgumentNullException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: System.ArgumentException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ActualValue object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Message string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ArithmeticException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ArithmeticException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Array: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFixedSize bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsReadOnly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSynchronized bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Length int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LongLength long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Rank int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SyncRoot object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Array = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@return ReadOnlyCollection +function CS.System.Array:AsReadOnly(array) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +---@param length int +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:BinarySearch(array, index, length, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +---@param length int +---@param value object +---@param comparer System.Collections.IComparer +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:BinarySearch(array, index, length, value, comparer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:BinarySearch(array, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param value object +---@param comparer System.Collections.IComparer +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:BinarySearch(array, value, comparer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param index int +---@param length int +---@param value T +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:BinarySearch(array, index, length, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param index int +---@param length int +---@param value T +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:BinarySearch(array, index, length, value, comparer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param value T +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:BinarySearch(array, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param value T +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:BinarySearch(array, value, comparer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +---@param length int +function CS.System.Array:Clear(array, index, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Array.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sourceArray System.Array +---@param sourceIndex int +---@param destinationArray System.Array +---@param destinationIndex int +---@param length int +function CS.System.Array:ConstrainedCopy(sourceArray, sourceIndex, destinationArray, destinationIndex, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array TInput[] +---@param converter System.Converter +function CS.System.Array:ConvertAll(array, converter) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sourceArray System.Array +---@param destinationArray System.Array +---@param length int +function CS.System.Array:Copy(sourceArray, destinationArray, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sourceArray System.Array +---@param destinationArray System.Array +---@param length long +function CS.System.Array:Copy(sourceArray, destinationArray, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sourceArray System.Array +---@param sourceIndex int +---@param destinationArray System.Array +---@param destinationIndex int +---@param length int +function CS.System.Array:Copy(sourceArray, sourceIndex, destinationArray, destinationIndex, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sourceArray System.Array +---@param sourceIndex long +---@param destinationArray System.Array +---@param destinationIndex long +---@param length long +function CS.System.Array:Copy(sourceArray, sourceIndex, destinationArray, destinationIndex, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +function CS.System.Array.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index long +function CS.System.Array.CopyTo(array, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param elementType System.Type +---@param length int +---@return Array +function CS.System.Array:CreateInstance(elementType, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param elementType System.Type +---@param length1 int +---@param length2 int +---@return Array +function CS.System.Array:CreateInstance(elementType, length1, length2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param elementType System.Type +---@param length1 int +---@param length2 int +---@param length3 int +---@return Array +function CS.System.Array:CreateInstance(elementType, length1, length2, length3) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param elementType System.Type +---@param lengths int[] +---@return Array +function CS.System.Array:CreateInstance(elementType, lengths) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param elementType System.Type +---@param lengths int[] +---@param lowerBounds int[] +---@return Array +function CS.System.Array:CreateInstance(elementType, lengths, lowerBounds) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param elementType System.Type +---@param lengths long[] +---@return Array +function CS.System.Array:CreateInstance(elementType, lengths) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Array:Empty() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Array:Exists(array, match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param match System.Predicate +function CS.System.Array:FindAll(array, match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:FindIndex(array, startIndex, count, match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:FindIndex(array, startIndex, match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:FindIndex(array, match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:FindLastIndex(array, startIndex, count, match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:FindLastIndex(array, startIndex, match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:FindLastIndex(array, match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return T +function CS.System.Array:FindLast(array, match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return T +function CS.System.Array:Find(array, match) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param action System.Action +function CS.System.Array:ForEach(array, action) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IEnumerator +function CS.System.Array.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dimension int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array.GetLength(dimension) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dimension int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Array.GetLongLength(dimension) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dimension int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array.GetLowerBound(dimension) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dimension int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array.GetUpperBound(dimension) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Array.GetValue(index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index1 int +---@param index2 int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Array.GetValue(index1, index2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index1 int +---@param index2 int +---@param index3 int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Array.GetValue(index1, index2, index3) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param indices int[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Array.GetValue(indices) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index long +---@return Object +function CS.System.Array.GetValue(index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index1 long +---@param index2 long +---@return Object +function CS.System.Array.GetValue(index1, index2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index1 long +---@param index2 long +---@param index3 long +---@return Object +function CS.System.Array.GetValue(index1, index2, index3) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param indices long[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Array.GetValue(indices) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:IndexOf(array, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param value object +---@param startIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:IndexOf(array, value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param value object +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:IndexOf(array, value, startIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param value T +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:IndexOf(array, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param value T +---@param startIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:IndexOf(array, value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param value T +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:IndexOf(array, value, startIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Array.Initialize() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:LastIndexOf(array, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param value object +---@param startIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:LastIndexOf(array, value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param value object +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:LastIndexOf(array, value, startIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param value T +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:LastIndexOf(array, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param value T +---@param startIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:LastIndexOf(array, value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param value T +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Array:LastIndexOf(array, value, startIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param newSize int +function CS.System.Array:Resize(array, newSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +function CS.System.Array:Reverse(array) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +---@param length int +function CS.System.Array:Reverse(array, index, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param index int +function CS.System.Array.SetValue(value, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param index1 int +---@param index2 int +function CS.System.Array.SetValue(value, index1, index2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param index1 int +---@param index2 int +---@param index3 int +function CS.System.Array.SetValue(value, index1, index2, index3) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param indices int[] +function CS.System.Array.SetValue(value, indices) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param index long +function CS.System.Array.SetValue(value, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param index1 long +---@param index2 long +function CS.System.Array.SetValue(value, index1, index2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param index1 long +---@param index2 long +---@param index3 long +function CS.System.Array.SetValue(value, index1, index2, index3) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param indices long[] +function CS.System.Array.SetValue(value, indices) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +function CS.System.Array:Sort(array) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param keys System.Array +---@param items System.Array +function CS.System.Array:Sort(keys, items) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param keys System.Array +---@param items System.Array +---@param comparer System.Collections.IComparer +function CS.System.Array:Sort(keys, items, comparer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param keys System.Array +---@param items System.Array +---@param index int +---@param length int +function CS.System.Array:Sort(keys, items, index, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param keys System.Array +---@param items System.Array +---@param index int +---@param length int +---@param comparer System.Collections.IComparer +function CS.System.Array:Sort(keys, items, index, length, comparer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param comparer System.Collections.IComparer +function CS.System.Array:Sort(array, comparer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +---@param length int +function CS.System.Array:Sort(array, index, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +---@param length int +---@param comparer System.Collections.IComparer +function CS.System.Array:Sort(array, index, length, comparer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +function CS.System.Array:Sort(array) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +function CS.System.Array:Sort(array, comparer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param comparison System.Comparison +function CS.System.Array:Sort(array, comparison) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param index int +---@param length int +function CS.System.Array:Sort(array, index, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param index int +---@param length int +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +function CS.System.Array:Sort(array, index, length, comparer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param keys TKey[] +---@param items TValue[] +function CS.System.Array:Sort(keys, items) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param keys TKey[] +---@param items TValue[] +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +function CS.System.Array:Sort(keys, items, comparer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param keys TKey[] +---@param items TValue[] +---@param index int +---@param length int +function CS.System.Array:Sort(keys, items, index, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param keys TKey[] +---@param items TValue[] +---@param index int +---@param length int +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IComparer +function CS.System.Array:Sort(keys, items, index, length, comparer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array T[] +---@param match System.Predicate +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Array:TrueForAll(array, match) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ArraySegment: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Array T[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Count int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Offset int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ArraySegment = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.ArraySegment +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ArraySegment.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ArraySegment.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ArraySegment.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.ArraySegment +---@param b System.ArraySegment +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ArraySegment:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.ArraySegment +---@param b System.ArraySegment +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ArraySegment:op_Inequality(a, b) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ArrayTypeMismatchException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ArrayTypeMismatchException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.AssemblyLoadEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LoadedAssembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.AssemblyLoadEventArgs = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.AssemblyLoadEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.AssemblyLoadEventHandler = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sender object +---@param args System.AssemblyLoadEventArgs +function CS.System.AssemblyLoadEventHandler.Invoke(sender, args) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sender object +---@param args System.AssemblyLoadEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.AssemblyLoadEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, args, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.AssemblyLoadEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.AsyncCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.AsyncCallback = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ar System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.AsyncCallback.Invoke(ar) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ar System.IAsyncResult +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.AsyncCallback.BeginInvoke(ar, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.AsyncCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Attribute: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeId object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Attribute = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Attribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.Assembly +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@return Attribute +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttribute(element, attributeType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.Assembly +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Attribute +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttribute(element, attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@return Attribute +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttribute(element, attributeType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Attribute +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttribute(element, attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.Module +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@return Attribute +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttribute(element, attributeType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.Module +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Attribute +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttribute(element, attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.ParameterInfo +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@return Attribute +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttribute(element, attributeType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.ParameterInfo +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Attribute +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttribute(element, attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.Assembly +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttributes(element) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.Assembly +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttributes(element, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.Assembly +---@param attributeType System.Type +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttributes(element, attributeType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.Assembly +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttributes(element, attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.MemberInfo +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttributes(element) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttributes(element, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@param type System.Type +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttributes(element, type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@param type System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttributes(element, type, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.Module +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttributes(element) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.Module +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttributes(element, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.Module +---@param attributeType System.Type +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttributes(element, attributeType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.Module +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttributes(element, attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.ParameterInfo +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttributes(element) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.ParameterInfo +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttributes(element, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.ParameterInfo +---@param attributeType System.Type +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttributes(element, attributeType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.ParameterInfo +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +function CS.System.Attribute:GetCustomAttributes(element, attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Attribute.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Attribute.IsDefaultAttribute() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.Assembly +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Attribute:IsDefined(element, attributeType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.Assembly +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Attribute:IsDefined(element, attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Attribute:IsDefined(element, attributeType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Attribute:IsDefined(element, attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.Module +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Attribute:IsDefined(element, attributeType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.Module +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Attribute:IsDefined(element, attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.ParameterInfo +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Attribute:IsDefined(element, attributeType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param element System.Reflection.ParameterInfo +---@param attributeType System.Type +---@param inherit bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Attribute:IsDefined(element, attributeType, inherit) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Attribute.Match(obj) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.AttributeTargets: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field All System.AttributeTargets +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Assembly System.AttributeTargets +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Class System.AttributeTargets +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Constructor System.AttributeTargets +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Delegate System.AttributeTargets +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Enum System.AttributeTargets +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Event System.AttributeTargets +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Field System.AttributeTargets +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GenericParameter System.AttributeTargets +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Interface System.AttributeTargets +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Method System.AttributeTargets +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Module System.AttributeTargets +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Parameter System.AttributeTargets +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Property System.AttributeTargets +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReturnValue System.AttributeTargets +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Struct System.AttributeTargets +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.AttributeTargets = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.AttributeTargets +function CS.System.AttributeTargets:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.AttributeUsageAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AllowMultiple bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Inherited bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ValidOn System.AttributeTargets +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.AttributeUsageAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.BadImageFormatException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FileName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FusionLog string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Message string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.BadImageFormatException = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.BadImageFormatException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.BadImageFormatException.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Base64FormattingOptions: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InsertLineBreaks System.Base64FormattingOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Base64FormattingOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Base64FormattingOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Base64FormattingOptions +function CS.System.Base64FormattingOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.BitConverter: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsLittleEndian bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.BitConverter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.BitConverter:DoubleToInt64Bits(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.System.BitConverter:GetBytes(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +function CS.System.BitConverter:GetBytes(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +function CS.System.BitConverter:GetBytes(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +function CS.System.BitConverter:GetBytes(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +function CS.System.BitConverter:GetBytes(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.BitConverter:GetBytes(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +function CS.System.BitConverter:GetBytes(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ushort +function CS.System.BitConverter:GetBytes(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +function CS.System.BitConverter:GetBytes(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +function CS.System.BitConverter:GetBytes(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return Double +function CS.System.BitConverter:Int64BitsToDouble(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte[] +---@param startIndex int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.BitConverter:ToBoolean(value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte[] +---@param startIndex int +---@return Char +function CS.System.BitConverter:ToChar(value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte[] +---@param startIndex int +---@return Double +function CS.System.BitConverter:ToDouble(value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte[] +---@param startIndex int +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.BitConverter:ToInt16(value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte[] +---@param startIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.BitConverter:ToInt32(value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte[] +---@param startIndex int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.BitConverter:ToInt64(value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte[] +---@param startIndex int +---@return Single +function CS.System.BitConverter:ToSingle(value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte[] +---@return String +function CS.System.BitConverter:ToString(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte[] +---@param startIndex int +---@return String +function CS.System.BitConverter:ToString(value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param length int +---@return String +function CS.System.BitConverter:ToString(value, startIndex, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte[] +---@param startIndex int +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.BitConverter:ToUInt16(value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte[] +---@param startIndex int +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.BitConverter:ToUInt32(value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte[] +---@param startIndex int +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.BitConverter:ToUInt64(value, startIndex) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Boolean: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FalseString string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TrueString string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Boolean = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Boolean.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Boolean.CompareTo(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Boolean.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Boolean.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Boolean.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TypeCode +function CS.System.Boolean.GetTypeCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Boolean:Parse(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Boolean.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Boolean.ToString(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param result bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Boolean:TryParse(value, result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Buffer: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Buffer = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param src System.Array +---@param srcOffset int +---@param dst System.Array +---@param dstOffset int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Buffer:BlockCopy(src, srcOffset, dst, dstOffset, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Buffer:ByteLength(array) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Buffer:GetByte(array, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source void* +---@param destination void* +---@param destinationSizeInBytes long +---@param sourceBytesToCopy long +function CS.System.Buffer:MemoryCopy(source, destination, destinationSizeInBytes, sourceBytesToCopy) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source void* +---@param destination void* +---@param destinationSizeInBytes ulong +---@param sourceBytesToCopy ulong +function CS.System.Buffer:MemoryCopy(source, destination, destinationSizeInBytes, sourceBytesToCopy) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param array System.Array +---@param index int +---@param value byte +function CS.System.Buffer:SetByte(array, index, value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Byte: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxValue byte +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinValue byte +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Byte = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Byte.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Byte.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj byte +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Byte.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Byte.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Byte.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TypeCode +function CS.System.Byte.GetTypeCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Byte:Parse(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Byte:Parse(s, style) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Byte:Parse(s, style, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Byte:Parse(s, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Byte.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Byte.ToString(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.Byte.ToString(format) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Byte.ToString(format, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param result byte +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Byte:TryParse(s, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param result byte +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Byte:TryParse(s, style, provider, result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.CannotUnloadAppDomainException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.CannotUnloadAppDomainException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Char: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxValue char +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinValue char +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Char = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Char.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Char.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param utf32 int +---@return String +function CS.System.Char:ConvertFromUtf32(utf32) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param highSurrogate char +---@param lowSurrogate char +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Char:ConvertToUtf32(highSurrogate, lowSurrogate) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param index int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Char:ConvertToUtf32(s, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Char.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@return Double +function CS.System.Char:GetNumericValue(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param index int +---@return Double +function CS.System.Char:GetNumericValue(s, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TypeCode +function CS.System.Char.GetTypeCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@return UnicodeCategory +function CS.System.Char:GetUnicodeCategory(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param index int +---@return UnicodeCategory +function CS.System.Char:GetUnicodeCategory(s, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsControl(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsControl(s, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsDigit(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsDigit(s, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsHighSurrogate(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsHighSurrogate(s, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsLetter(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsLetter(s, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsLetterOrDigit(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsLetterOrDigit(s, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsLower(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsLower(s, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsLowSurrogate(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsLowSurrogate(s, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsNumber(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsNumber(s, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsPunctuation(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsPunctuation(s, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsSeparator(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsSeparator(s, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsSurrogate(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsSurrogate(s, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param highSurrogate char +---@param lowSurrogate char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsSurrogatePair(highSurrogate, lowSurrogate) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsSurrogatePair(s, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsSymbol(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsSymbol(s, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsUpper(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsUpper(s, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsWhiteSpace(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:IsWhiteSpace(s, index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return Char +function CS.System.Char:Parse(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@return Char +function CS.System.Char:ToLower(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Char +function CS.System.Char:ToLower(c, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@return Char +function CS.System.Char:ToLowerInvariant(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Char.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@return String +function CS.System.Char:ToString(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Char.ToString(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@return Char +function CS.System.Char:ToUpper(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Char +function CS.System.Char:ToUpper(c, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c char +---@return Char +function CS.System.Char:ToUpperInvariant(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param result char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Char:TryParse(s, result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.CharEnumerator: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Current char +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.CharEnumerator = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.CharEnumerator.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.CharEnumerator.Dispose() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.CharEnumerator.MoveNext() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.CharEnumerator.Reset() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.CLSCompliantAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsCompliant bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.CLSCompliantAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Comparison: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Comparison = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param x T +---@param y T +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Comparison.Invoke(x, y) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param x T +---@param y T +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Comparison.BeginInvoke(x, y, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Comparison.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Console: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BackgroundColor System.ConsoleColor +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BufferHeight int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BufferWidth int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CapsLock bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CursorLeft int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CursorSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CursorTop int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CursorVisible bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Error System.IO.TextWriter +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ForegroundColor System.ConsoleColor +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field In System.IO.TextReader +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InputEncoding System.Text.Encoding +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsErrorRedirected bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsInputRedirected bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsOutputRedirected bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeyAvailable bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LargestWindowHeight int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LargestWindowWidth int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NumberLock bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Out System.IO.TextWriter +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OutputEncoding System.Text.Encoding +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Title string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TreatControlCAsInput bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WindowHeight int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WindowLeft int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WindowTop int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WindowWidth int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CancelKeyPress System.ConsoleCancelEventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Console = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.ConsoleCancelEventHandler +function CS.System.Console:add_CancelKeyPress(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.ConsoleCancelEventHandler +function CS.System.Console:remove_CancelKeyPress(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Console:Beep() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param frequency int +---@param duration int +function CS.System.Console:Beep(frequency, duration) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Console:Clear() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sourceLeft int +---@param sourceTop int +---@param sourceWidth int +---@param sourceHeight int +---@param targetLeft int +---@param targetTop int +function CS.System.Console:MoveBufferArea(sourceLeft, sourceTop, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, targetLeft, targetTop) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sourceLeft int +---@param sourceTop int +---@param sourceWidth int +---@param sourceHeight int +---@param targetLeft int +---@param targetTop int +---@param sourceChar char +---@param sourceForeColor System.ConsoleColor +---@param sourceBackColor System.ConsoleColor +function CS.System.Console:MoveBufferArea(sourceLeft, sourceTop, sourceWidth, sourceHeight, targetLeft, targetTop, sourceChar, sourceForeColor, sourceBackColor) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Console:OpenStandardError() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bufferSize int +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Console:OpenStandardError(bufferSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Console:OpenStandardInput() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bufferSize int +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Console:OpenStandardInput(bufferSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Console:OpenStandardOutput() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bufferSize int +---@return Stream +function CS.System.Console:OpenStandardOutput(bufferSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Console:Read() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ConsoleKeyInfo +function CS.System.Console:ReadKey() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param intercept bool +---@return ConsoleKeyInfo +function CS.System.Console:ReadKey(intercept) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Console:ReadLine() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Console:ResetColor() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param width int +---@param height int +function CS.System.Console:SetBufferSize(width, height) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left int +---@param top int +function CS.System.Console:SetCursorPosition(left, top) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param newError System.IO.TextWriter +function CS.System.Console:SetError(newError) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param newIn System.IO.TextReader +function CS.System.Console:SetIn(newIn) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param newOut System.IO.TextWriter +function CS.System.Console:SetOut(newOut) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left int +---@param top int +function CS.System.Console:SetWindowPosition(left, top) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param width int +---@param height int +function CS.System.Console:SetWindowSize(width, height) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.System.Console:Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +function CS.System.Console:Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +function CS.System.Console:Write(buffer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Console:Write(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +function CS.System.Console:Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +function CS.System.Console:Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +function CS.System.Console:Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.Console:Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +function CS.System.Console:Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +function CS.System.Console:Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +function CS.System.Console:Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +function CS.System.Console:Write(format, arg0) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +function CS.System.Console:Write(format, arg0, arg1) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +---@param arg2 object +function CS.System.Console:Write(format, arg0, arg1, arg2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +---@param arg2 object +---@param arg3 object +function CS.System.Console:Write(format, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg object[] +function CS.System.Console:Write(format, arg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +function CS.System.Console:Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +function CS.System.Console:Write(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Console:WriteLine() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.System.Console:WriteLine(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +function CS.System.Console:WriteLine(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +function CS.System.Console:WriteLine(buffer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer char[] +---@param index int +---@param count int +function CS.System.Console:WriteLine(buffer, index, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +function CS.System.Console:WriteLine(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +function CS.System.Console:WriteLine(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +function CS.System.Console:WriteLine(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +function CS.System.Console:WriteLine(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +function CS.System.Console:WriteLine(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +function CS.System.Console:WriteLine(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +function CS.System.Console:WriteLine(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +function CS.System.Console:WriteLine(format, arg0) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +function CS.System.Console:WriteLine(format, arg0, arg1) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +---@param arg2 object +function CS.System.Console:WriteLine(format, arg0, arg1, arg2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +---@param arg2 object +---@param arg3 object +function CS.System.Console:WriteLine(format, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg object[] +function CS.System.Console:WriteLine(format, arg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +function CS.System.Console:WriteLine(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +function CS.System.Console:WriteLine(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ConsoleCancelEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Cancel bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SpecialKey System.ConsoleSpecialKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ConsoleCancelEventArgs = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ConsoleCancelEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ConsoleCancelEventHandler = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ConsoleCancelEventArgs +function CS.System.ConsoleCancelEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.ConsoleCancelEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ConsoleCancelEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ConsoleCancelEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ConsoleColor: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Black System.ConsoleColor +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Blue System.ConsoleColor +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Cyan System.ConsoleColor +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DarkBlue System.ConsoleColor +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DarkCyan System.ConsoleColor +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DarkGray System.ConsoleColor +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DarkGreen System.ConsoleColor +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DarkMagenta System.ConsoleColor +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DarkRed System.ConsoleColor +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DarkYellow System.ConsoleColor +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Gray System.ConsoleColor +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Green System.ConsoleColor +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Magenta System.ConsoleColor +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Red System.ConsoleColor +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field White System.ConsoleColor +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Yellow System.ConsoleColor +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ConsoleColor = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.ConsoleColor +function CS.System.ConsoleColor:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ConsoleKey: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field A System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Add System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Applications System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attention System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field B System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Backspace System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BrowserBack System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BrowserFavorites System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BrowserForward System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BrowserHome System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BrowserRefresh System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BrowserSearch System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BrowserStop System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field C System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Clear System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CrSel System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field D System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field D0 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field D1 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field D2 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field D3 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field D4 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field D5 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field D6 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field D7 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field D8 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field D9 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Decimal System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Delete System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Divide System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DownArrow System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field E System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field End System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Enter System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EraseEndOfFile System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Escape System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Execute System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExSel System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F1 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F10 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F11 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F12 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F13 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F14 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F15 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F16 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F17 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F18 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F19 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F2 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F20 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F21 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F22 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F23 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F24 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F3 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F4 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F5 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F6 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F7 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F8 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field F9 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field G System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field H System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Help System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Home System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field I System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Insert System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field J System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field K System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field L System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LaunchApp1 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LaunchApp2 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LaunchMail System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LaunchMediaSelect System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LeftArrow System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LeftWindows System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field M System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MediaNext System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MediaPlay System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MediaPrevious System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MediaStop System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Multiply System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field N System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NoName System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NumPad0 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NumPad1 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NumPad2 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NumPad3 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NumPad4 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NumPad5 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NumPad6 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NumPad7 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NumPad8 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NumPad9 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field O System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Oem1 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Oem102 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Oem2 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Oem3 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Oem4 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Oem5 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Oem6 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Oem7 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Oem8 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OemClear System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OemComma System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OemMinus System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OemPeriod System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OemPlus System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field P System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Pa1 System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Packet System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PageDown System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PageUp System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Pause System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Play System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Print System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PrintScreen System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Process System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Q System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field R System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RightArrow System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RightWindows System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field S System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Select System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Separator System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Sleep System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Spacebar System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Subtract System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field T System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Tab System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field U System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UpArrow System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field V System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VolumeDown System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VolumeMute System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VolumeUp System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field W System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field X System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Y System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Z System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Zoom System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ConsoleKey = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.ConsoleKey +function CS.System.ConsoleKey:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ConsoleKeyInfo: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Key System.ConsoleKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field KeyChar char +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Modifiers System.ConsoleModifiers +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ConsoleKeyInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.ConsoleKeyInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ConsoleKeyInfo.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ConsoleKeyInfo.Equals(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ConsoleKeyInfo.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.ConsoleKeyInfo +---@param b System.ConsoleKeyInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ConsoleKeyInfo:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.ConsoleKeyInfo +---@param b System.ConsoleKeyInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ConsoleKeyInfo:op_Inequality(a, b) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ConsoleModifiers: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Alt System.ConsoleModifiers +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Control System.ConsoleModifiers +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Shift System.ConsoleModifiers +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ConsoleModifiers = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.ConsoleModifiers +function CS.System.ConsoleModifiers:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ConsoleSpecialKey: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ControlBreak System.ConsoleSpecialKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ControlC System.ConsoleSpecialKey +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ConsoleSpecialKey = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.ConsoleSpecialKey +function CS.System.ConsoleSpecialKey:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ContextBoundObject: System.MarshalByRefObject +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ContextBoundObject = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ContextMarshalException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ContextMarshalException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ContextStaticAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ContextStaticAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Convert: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DBNull object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Convert = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param conversionType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.Convert:ChangeType(value, conversionType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param conversionType System.Type +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Object +function CS.System.Convert:ChangeType(value, conversionType, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param typeCode System.TypeCode +---@return Object +function CS.System.Convert:ChangeType(value, typeCode) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param typeCode System.TypeCode +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Object +function CS.System.Convert:ChangeType(value, typeCode, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inArray char[] +---@param offset int +---@param length int +function CS.System.Convert:FromBase64CharArray(inArray, offset, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +function CS.System.Convert:FromBase64String(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return TypeCode +function CS.System.Convert:GetTypeCode(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Convert:IsDBNull(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inArray byte[] +---@param offsetIn int +---@param length int +---@param outArray char[] +---@param offsetOut int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToBase64CharArray(inArray, offsetIn, length, outArray, offsetOut) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inArray byte[] +---@param offsetIn int +---@param length int +---@param outArray char[] +---@param offsetOut int +---@param options System.Base64FormattingOptions +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToBase64CharArray(inArray, offsetIn, length, outArray, offsetOut, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inArray byte[] +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToBase64String(inArray) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inArray byte[] +---@param options System.Base64FormattingOptions +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToBase64String(inArray, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inArray byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param length int +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToBase64String(inArray, offset, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param inArray byte[] +---@param offset int +---@param length int +---@param options System.Base64FormattingOptions +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToBase64String(inArray, offset, length, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Convert:ToBoolean(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Convert:ToBoolean(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Convert:ToBoolean(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Convert:ToBoolean(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Convert:ToBoolean(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Convert:ToBoolean(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Convert:ToBoolean(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Convert:ToBoolean(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Convert:ToBoolean(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Convert:ToBoolean(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Convert:ToBoolean(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Convert:ToBoolean(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Convert:ToBoolean(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Convert:ToBoolean(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Convert:ToBoolean(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ushort +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Convert:ToBoolean(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Convert:ToBoolean(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Convert:ToBoolean(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Convert:ToByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Convert:ToByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Convert:ToByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Convert:ToByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Convert:ToByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Convert:ToByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Convert:ToByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Convert:ToByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Convert:ToByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Convert:ToByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Convert:ToByte(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Convert:ToByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Convert:ToByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Convert:ToByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Convert:ToByte(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param fromBase int +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Convert:ToByte(value, fromBase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ushort +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Convert:ToByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Convert:ToByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Convert:ToByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +---@return Char +function CS.System.Convert:ToChar(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +---@return Char +function CS.System.Convert:ToChar(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return Char +function CS.System.Convert:ToChar(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@return Char +function CS.System.Convert:ToChar(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Char +function CS.System.Convert:ToChar(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return Char +function CS.System.Convert:ToChar(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +---@return Char +function CS.System.Convert:ToChar(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@return Char +function CS.System.Convert:ToChar(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return Char +function CS.System.Convert:ToChar(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Char +function CS.System.Convert:ToChar(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Char +function CS.System.Convert:ToChar(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@return Char +function CS.System.Convert:ToChar(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +---@return Char +function CS.System.Convert:ToChar(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Char +function CS.System.Convert:ToChar(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Char +function CS.System.Convert:ToChar(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ushort +---@return Char +function CS.System.Convert:ToChar(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +---@return Char +function CS.System.Convert:ToChar(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +---@return Char +function CS.System.Convert:ToChar(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Convert:ToDateTime(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Convert:ToDateTime(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Convert:ToDateTime(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Convert:ToDateTime(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Convert:ToDateTime(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Convert:ToDateTime(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Convert:ToDateTime(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Convert:ToDateTime(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Convert:ToDateTime(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Convert:ToDateTime(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Convert:ToDateTime(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Convert:ToDateTime(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Convert:ToDateTime(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Convert:ToDateTime(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Convert:ToDateTime(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ushort +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Convert:ToDateTime(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Convert:ToDateTime(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.Convert:ToDateTime(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Convert:ToDecimal(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Convert:ToDecimal(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Convert:ToDecimal(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Convert:ToDecimal(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Convert:ToDecimal(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Convert:ToDecimal(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Convert:ToDecimal(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Convert:ToDecimal(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Convert:ToDecimal(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Convert:ToDecimal(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Convert:ToDecimal(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Convert:ToDecimal(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Convert:ToDecimal(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Convert:ToDecimal(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Convert:ToDecimal(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ushort +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Convert:ToDecimal(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Convert:ToDecimal(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Convert:ToDecimal(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +---@return Double +function CS.System.Convert:ToDouble(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +---@return Double +function CS.System.Convert:ToDouble(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return Double +function CS.System.Convert:ToDouble(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@return Double +function CS.System.Convert:ToDouble(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Double +function CS.System.Convert:ToDouble(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Convert:ToDouble(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +---@return Double +function CS.System.Convert:ToDouble(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@return Double +function CS.System.Convert:ToDouble(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return Double +function CS.System.Convert:ToDouble(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Double +function CS.System.Convert:ToDouble(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Double +function CS.System.Convert:ToDouble(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@return Double +function CS.System.Convert:ToDouble(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +---@return Double +function CS.System.Convert:ToDouble(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Double +function CS.System.Convert:ToDouble(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Double +function CS.System.Convert:ToDouble(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ushort +---@return Double +function CS.System.Convert:ToDouble(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +---@return Double +function CS.System.Convert:ToDouble(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +---@return Double +function CS.System.Convert:ToDouble(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt16(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt16(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param fromBase int +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt16(value, fromBase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ushort +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt32(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt32(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param fromBase int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt32(value, fromBase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ushort +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt64(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt64(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param fromBase int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt64(value, fromBase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ushort +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Convert:ToSByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Convert:ToSByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Convert:ToSByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Convert:ToSByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Convert:ToSByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Convert:ToSByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Convert:ToSByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Convert:ToSByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Convert:ToSByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Convert:ToSByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Convert:ToSByte(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Convert:ToSByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Convert:ToSByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Convert:ToSByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Convert:ToSByte(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param fromBase int +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Convert:ToSByte(value, fromBase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ushort +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Convert:ToSByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Convert:ToSByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Convert:ToSByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +---@return Single +function CS.System.Convert:ToSingle(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +---@return Single +function CS.System.Convert:ToSingle(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return Single +function CS.System.Convert:ToSingle(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@return Single +function CS.System.Convert:ToSingle(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Single +function CS.System.Convert:ToSingle(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return Single +function CS.System.Convert:ToSingle(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +---@return Single +function CS.System.Convert:ToSingle(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@return Single +function CS.System.Convert:ToSingle(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return Single +function CS.System.Convert:ToSingle(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Single +function CS.System.Convert:ToSingle(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Single +function CS.System.Convert:ToSingle(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@return Single +function CS.System.Convert:ToSingle(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +---@return Single +function CS.System.Convert:ToSingle(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Single +function CS.System.Convert:ToSingle(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Single +function CS.System.Convert:ToSingle(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ushort +---@return Single +function CS.System.Convert:ToSingle(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +---@return Single +function CS.System.Convert:ToSingle(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +---@return Single +function CS.System.Convert:ToSingle(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +---@param toBase int +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value, toBase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +---@param toBase int +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value, toBase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@param toBase int +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value, toBase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@param toBase int +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value, toBase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ushort +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ushort +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Convert:ToString(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt16(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt16(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param fromBase int +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt16(value, fromBase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ushort +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt32(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt32(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param fromBase int +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt32(value, fromBase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ushort +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt32(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value bool +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.DateTime +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt64(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt64(value, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param fromBase int +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt64(value, fromBase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ushort +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt64(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Convert:ToUInt64(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Converter: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Converter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input TInput +---@return TOutput +function CS.System.Converter.Invoke(input) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input TInput +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Converter.BeginInvoke(input, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return TOutput +function CS.System.Converter.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.CrossAppDomainDelegate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.CrossAppDomainDelegate = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.CrossAppDomainDelegate.Invoke() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.CrossAppDomainDelegate.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.CrossAppDomainDelegate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.DataMisalignedException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.DataMisalignedException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.DateTimeKind: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Local System.DateTimeKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Unspecified System.DateTimeKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Utc System.DateTimeKind +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.DateTimeKind = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.DateTimeKind +function CS.System.DateTimeKind:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.DayOfWeek: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Friday System.DayOfWeek +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Monday System.DayOfWeek +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Saturday System.DayOfWeek +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Sunday System.DayOfWeek +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Thursday System.DayOfWeek +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Tuesday System.DayOfWeek +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Wednesday System.DayOfWeek +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.DayOfWeek = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.DayOfWeek +function CS.System.DayOfWeek:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.DBNull: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value System.DBNull +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.DBNull = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.DBNull.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TypeCode +function CS.System.DBNull.GetTypeCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.DBNull.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.DBNull.ToString(provider) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Decimal: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxValue decimal +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinusOne decimal +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinValue decimal +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field One decimal +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Zero decimal +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Decimal = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 decimal +---@param d2 decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:Add(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:Ceiling(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 decimal +---@param d2 decimal +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Decimal:Compare(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Decimal.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Decimal.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 decimal +---@param d2 decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:Divide(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Decimal.Equals(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 decimal +---@param d2 decimal +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Decimal:Equals(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Decimal.Equals(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:Floor(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param cy long +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:FromOACurrency(cy) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:GetBits(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Decimal.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TypeCode +function CS.System.Decimal.GetTypeCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 decimal +---@param d2 decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:Multiply(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:Negate(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 decimal +---@param d2 decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Addition(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Decrement(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 decimal +---@param d2 decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Division(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 decimal +---@param d2 decimal +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Equality(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Char +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Double +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Single +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 decimal +---@param d2 decimal +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Decimal:op_GreaterThan(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 decimal +---@param d2 decimal +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Decimal:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value byte +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ushort +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Increment(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 decimal +---@param d2 decimal +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Inequality(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 decimal +---@param d2 decimal +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Decimal:op_LessThan(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 decimal +---@param d2 decimal +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Decimal:op_LessThanOrEqual(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 decimal +---@param d2 decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Modulus(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 decimal +---@param d2 decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Multiply(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 decimal +---@param d2 decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:op_Subtraction(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:op_UnaryNegation(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:op_UnaryPlus(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:Parse(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:Parse(s, style) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:Parse(s, style, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:Parse(s, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 decimal +---@param d2 decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:Remainder(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:Round(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@param decimals int +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:Round(d, decimals) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@param decimals int +---@param mode System.MidpointRounding +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:Round(d, decimals, mode) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@param mode System.MidpointRounding +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:Round(d, mode) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 decimal +---@param d2 decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:Subtract(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Decimal:ToByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@return Double +function CS.System.Decimal:ToDouble(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Decimal:ToInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Decimal:ToInt32(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Decimal:ToInt64(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Decimal:ToOACurrency(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Decimal:ToSByte(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@return Single +function CS.System.Decimal:ToSingle(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Decimal.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Decimal.ToString(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.Decimal.ToString(format) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Decimal.ToString(format, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Decimal:ToUInt16(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Decimal:ToUInt32(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Decimal:ToUInt64(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Decimal:Truncate(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param result decimal +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Decimal:TryParse(s, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param result decimal +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Decimal:TryParse(s, style, provider, result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Delegate: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Target object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Delegate = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Delegate.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Delegate +---@param b System.Delegate +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Delegate:Combine(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param delegates System.Delegate[] +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Delegate:Combine(delegates) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param firstArgument object +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Delegate:CreateDelegate(type, firstArgument, method) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param firstArgument object +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param throwOnBindFailure bool +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Delegate:CreateDelegate(type, firstArgument, method, throwOnBindFailure) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param target object +---@param method string +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Delegate:CreateDelegate(type, target, method) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param target object +---@param method string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Delegate:CreateDelegate(type, target, method, ignoreCase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param target object +---@param method string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param throwOnBindFailure bool +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Delegate:CreateDelegate(type, target, method, ignoreCase, throwOnBindFailure) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Delegate:CreateDelegate(type, method) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodInfo +---@param throwOnBindFailure bool +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Delegate:CreateDelegate(type, method, throwOnBindFailure) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param target System.Type +---@param method string +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Delegate:CreateDelegate(type, target, method) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param target System.Type +---@param method string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Delegate:CreateDelegate(type, target, method, ignoreCase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param target System.Type +---@param method string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param throwOnBindFailure bool +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Delegate:CreateDelegate(type, target, method, ignoreCase, throwOnBindFailure) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param args object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Delegate.DynamicInvoke(args) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Delegate.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Delegate.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Delegate.GetInvocationList() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Delegate.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 System.Delegate +---@param d2 System.Delegate +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Delegate:op_Equality(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 System.Delegate +---@param d2 System.Delegate +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Delegate:op_Inequality(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Delegate +---@param value System.Delegate +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Delegate:Remove(source, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source System.Delegate +---@param value System.Delegate +---@return Delegate +function CS.System.Delegate:RemoveAll(source, value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.DivideByZeroException: System.ArithmeticException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.DivideByZeroException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.DllNotFoundException: System.TypeLoadException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.DllNotFoundException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Double: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Epsilon double +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxValue double +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinValue double +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NaN double +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NegativeInfinity double +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PositiveInfinity double +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Double = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Double.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Double.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj double +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Double.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Double.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Double.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TypeCode +function CS.System.Double.GetTypeCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d double +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Double:IsInfinity(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d double +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Double:IsNaN(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d double +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Double:IsNegativeInfinity(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d double +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Double:IsPositiveInfinity(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left double +---@param right double +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Double:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left double +---@param right double +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Double:op_GreaterThan(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left double +---@param right double +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Double:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left double +---@param right double +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Double:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left double +---@param right double +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Double:op_LessThan(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left double +---@param right double +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Double:op_LessThanOrEqual(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return Double +function CS.System.Double:Parse(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@return Double +function CS.System.Double:Parse(s, style) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Double +function CS.System.Double:Parse(s, style, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Double +function CS.System.Double:Parse(s, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Double.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Double.ToString(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.Double.ToString(format) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Double.ToString(format, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param result double +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Double:TryParse(s, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param result double +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Double:TryParse(s, style, provider, result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.DuplicateWaitObjectException: System.ArgumentException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.DuplicateWaitObjectException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.EntryPointNotFoundException: System.TypeLoadException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.EntryPointNotFoundException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Enum: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Enum = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Enum.CompareTo(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Enum.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param enumType System.Type +---@param value object +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.Enum:Format(enumType, value, format) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Enum.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param enumType System.Type +---@param value object +---@return String +function CS.System.Enum:GetName(enumType, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param enumType System.Type +function CS.System.Enum:GetNames(enumType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TypeCode +function CS.System.Enum.GetTypeCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param enumType System.Type +---@return Type +function CS.System.Enum:GetUnderlyingType(enumType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param enumType System.Type +---@return Array +function CS.System.Enum:GetValues(enumType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param flag System.Enum +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Enum.HasFlag(flag) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param enumType System.Type +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Enum:IsDefined(enumType, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param enumType System.Type +---@param value string +---@return Object +function CS.System.Enum:Parse(enumType, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param enumType System.Type +---@param value string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Object +function CS.System.Enum:Parse(enumType, value, ignoreCase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param enumType System.Type +---@param value byte +---@return Object +function CS.System.Enum:ToObject(enumType, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param enumType System.Type +---@param value short +---@return Object +function CS.System.Enum:ToObject(enumType, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param enumType System.Type +---@param value int +---@return Object +function CS.System.Enum:ToObject(enumType, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param enumType System.Type +---@param value long +---@return Object +function CS.System.Enum:ToObject(enumType, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param enumType System.Type +---@param value object +---@return Object +function CS.System.Enum:ToObject(enumType, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param enumType System.Type +---@param value sbyte +---@return Object +function CS.System.Enum:ToObject(enumType, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param enumType System.Type +---@param value ushort +---@return Object +function CS.System.Enum:ToObject(enumType, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param enumType System.Type +---@param value uint +---@return Object +function CS.System.Enum:ToObject(enumType, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param enumType System.Type +---@param value ulong +---@return Object +function CS.System.Enum:ToObject(enumType, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Enum.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Enum.ToString(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.Enum.ToString(format) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Enum.ToString(format, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param result TEnum +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Enum:TryParse(value, ignoreCase, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param result TEnum +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Enum:TryParse(value, result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Environment: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CommandLine string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentDirectory string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentManagedThreadId int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExitCode int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HasShutdownStarted bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Is64BitOperatingSystem bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Is64BitProcess bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MachineName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NewLine string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OSVersion System.OperatingSystem +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ProcessorCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StackTrace string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemDirectory string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemPageSize int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TickCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UserDomainName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UserInteractive bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UserName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Version System.Version +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WorkingSet long +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Environment = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param exitCode int +function CS.System.Environment:Exit(exitCode) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.System.Environment:ExpandEnvironmentVariables(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param message string +function CS.System.Environment:FailFast(message) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param message string +---@param exception System.Exception +function CS.System.Environment:FailFast(message, exception) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Environment:GetCommandLineArgs() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param variable string +---@return String +function CS.System.Environment:GetEnvironmentVariable(variable) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param variable string +---@param target System.EnvironmentVariableTarget +---@return String +function CS.System.Environment:GetEnvironmentVariable(variable, target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IDictionary +function CS.System.Environment:GetEnvironmentVariables() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.EnvironmentVariableTarget +---@return IDictionary +function CS.System.Environment:GetEnvironmentVariables(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param folder System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@return String +function CS.System.Environment:GetFolderPath(folder) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param folder System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@param option System.Environment.SpecialFolderOption +---@return String +function CS.System.Environment:GetFolderPath(folder, option) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Environment:GetLogicalDrives() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param variable string +---@param value string +function CS.System.Environment:SetEnvironmentVariable(variable, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param variable string +---@param value string +---@param target System.EnvironmentVariableTarget +function CS.System.Environment:SetEnvironmentVariable(variable, value, target) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.SpecialFolder: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AdminTools System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationData System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CDBurning System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CommonAdminTools System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CommonApplicationData System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CommonDesktopDirectory System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CommonDocuments System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CommonMusic System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CommonOemLinks System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CommonPictures System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CommonProgramFiles System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CommonProgramFilesX86 System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CommonPrograms System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CommonStartMenu System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CommonStartup System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CommonTemplates System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CommonVideos System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Cookies System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Desktop System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DesktopDirectory System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Favorites System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Fonts System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field History System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InternetCache System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LocalApplicationData System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LocalizedResources System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MyComputer System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MyDocuments System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MyMusic System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MyPictures System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MyVideos System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NetworkShortcuts System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Personal System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PrinterShortcuts System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ProgramFiles System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ProgramFilesX86 System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Programs System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Recent System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Resources System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SendTo System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StartMenu System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Startup System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field System System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SystemX86 System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Templates System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UserProfile System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Windows System.Environment.SpecialFolder +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.SpecialFolder = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Environment.SpecialFolder +function CS.System.SpecialFolder:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.SpecialFolderOption: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Create System.Environment.SpecialFolderOption +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DoNotVerify System.Environment.SpecialFolderOption +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.Environment.SpecialFolderOption +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.SpecialFolderOption = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.Environment.SpecialFolderOption +function CS.System.SpecialFolderOption:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.EnvironmentVariableTarget: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Machine System.EnvironmentVariableTarget +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Process System.EnvironmentVariableTarget +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field User System.EnvironmentVariableTarget +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.EnvironmentVariableTarget = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.EnvironmentVariableTarget +function CS.System.EnvironmentVariableTarget:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.EventArgs: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Empty System.EventArgs +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.EventArgs = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.EventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.EventHandler = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.EventArgs +function CS.System.EventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.EventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.EventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.EventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.EventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.EventHandler = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e TEventArgs +function CS.System.EventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e TEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.EventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.EventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Exception: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Data System.Collections.IDictionary +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HelpLink string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HResult int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InnerException System.Exception +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Message string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Source string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StackTrace string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TargetSite System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Exception = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Exception +function CS.System.Exception.GetBaseException() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.Exception.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Exception.GetType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Exception.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ExecutionEngineException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ExecutionEngineException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.FieldAccessException: System.MemberAccessException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.FieldAccessException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.FlagsAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.FlagsAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.FormatException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.FormatException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.FormattableString: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ArgumentCount int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Format string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.FormattableString = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param index int +---@return Object +function CS.System.FormattableString.GetArgument(index) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.FormattableString.GetArguments() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param formattable System.FormattableString +---@return String +function CS.System.FormattableString:Invariant(formattable) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.FormattableString.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.FormattableString.ToString(formatProvider) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Func: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Func = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.Invoke() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Func.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Func: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Func = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg T +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.Invoke(arg) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg T +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Func.BeginInvoke(arg, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Func: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Func = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.Invoke(arg1, arg2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Func.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Func: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Func = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Func.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Func: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Func = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Func.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Func: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Func = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Func.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Func: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Func = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Func.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Func: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Func = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Func.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Func: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Func = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Func.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Func: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Func = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Func.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Func: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Func = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Func.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Func: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Func = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Func.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Func: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Func = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +---@param arg12 T12 +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +---@param arg12 T12 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Func.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Func: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Func = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +---@param arg12 T12 +---@param arg13 T13 +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +---@param arg12 T12 +---@param arg13 T13 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Func.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Func: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Func = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +---@param arg12 T12 +---@param arg13 T13 +---@param arg14 T14 +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +---@param arg12 T12 +---@param arg13 T13 +---@param arg14 T14 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Func.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Func: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Func = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +---@param arg12 T12 +---@param arg13 T13 +---@param arg14 T14 +---@param arg15 T15 +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, arg15) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +---@param arg12 T12 +---@param arg13 T13 +---@param arg14 T14 +---@param arg15 T15 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Func.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, arg15, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@class System.Func: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source System.Core.dll +CS.System.Func = {} + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +---@param arg12 T12 +---@param arg13 T13 +---@param arg14 T14 +---@param arg15 T15 +---@param arg16 T16 +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.Invoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, arg15, arg16) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param arg4 T4 +---@param arg5 T5 +---@param arg6 T6 +---@param arg7 T7 +---@param arg8 T8 +---@param arg9 T9 +---@param arg10 T10 +---@param arg11 T11 +---@param arg12 T12 +---@param arg13 T13 +---@param arg14 T14 +---@param arg15 T15 +---@param arg16 T16 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Func.BeginInvoke(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9, arg10, arg11, arg12, arg13, arg14, arg15, arg16, callback, object) end + +---@source System.Core.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return TResult +function CS.System.Func.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.GC: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxGeneration int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.GC = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytesAllocated long +function CS.System.GC:AddMemoryPressure(bytesAllocated) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.GC:CancelFullGCNotification() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.GC:Collect() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param generation int +function CS.System.GC:Collect(generation) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param generation int +---@param mode System.GCCollectionMode +function CS.System.GC:Collect(generation, mode) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param generation int +---@param mode System.GCCollectionMode +---@param blocking bool +function CS.System.GC:Collect(generation, mode, blocking) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param generation int +---@param mode System.GCCollectionMode +---@param blocking bool +---@param compacting bool +function CS.System.GC:Collect(generation, mode, blocking, compacting) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param generation int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.GC:CollectionCount(generation) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.GC:EndNoGCRegion() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.GC:GetGeneration(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param wo System.WeakReference +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.GC:GetGeneration(wo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param forceFullCollection bool +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.GC:GetTotalMemory(forceFullCollection) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +function CS.System.GC:KeepAlive(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param maxGenerationThreshold int +---@param largeObjectHeapThreshold int +function CS.System.GC:RegisterForFullGCNotification(maxGenerationThreshold, largeObjectHeapThreshold) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bytesAllocated long +function CS.System.GC:RemoveMemoryPressure(bytesAllocated) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +function CS.System.GC:ReRegisterForFinalize(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +function CS.System.GC:SuppressFinalize(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param totalSize long +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.GC:TryStartNoGCRegion(totalSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param totalSize long +---@param disallowFullBlockingGC bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.GC:TryStartNoGCRegion(totalSize, disallowFullBlockingGC) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param totalSize long +---@param lohSize long +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.GC:TryStartNoGCRegion(totalSize, lohSize) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param totalSize long +---@param lohSize long +---@param disallowFullBlockingGC bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.GC:TryStartNoGCRegion(totalSize, lohSize, disallowFullBlockingGC) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return GCNotificationStatus +function CS.System.GC:WaitForFullGCApproach() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return GCNotificationStatus +function CS.System.GC:WaitForFullGCApproach(millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return GCNotificationStatus +function CS.System.GC:WaitForFullGCComplete() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param millisecondsTimeout int +---@return GCNotificationStatus +function CS.System.GC:WaitForFullGCComplete(millisecondsTimeout) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.GC:WaitForPendingFinalizers() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.GCCollectionMode: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Default System.GCCollectionMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Forced System.GCCollectionMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Optimized System.GCCollectionMode +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.GCCollectionMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.GCCollectionMode +function CS.System.GCCollectionMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.GCNotificationStatus: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Canceled System.GCNotificationStatus +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Failed System.GCNotificationStatus +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NotApplicable System.GCNotificationStatus +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Succeeded System.GCNotificationStatus +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Timeout System.GCNotificationStatus +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.GCNotificationStatus = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.GCNotificationStatus +function CS.System.GCNotificationStatus:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Guid: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Empty System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Guid = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.Guid +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Guid.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Guid.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param g System.Guid +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Guid.Equals(g) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Guid.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Guid.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Guid:NewGuid() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Guid +---@param b System.Guid +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Guid:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a System.Guid +---@param b System.Guid +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Guid:op_Inequality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Guid:Parse(input) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@param format string +---@return Guid +function CS.System.Guid:ParseExact(input, format) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Guid.ToByteArray() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Guid.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.Guid.ToString(format) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Guid.ToString(format, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@param result System.Guid +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Guid:TryParse(input, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@param format string +---@param result System.Guid +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Guid:TryParseExact(input, format, result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IAppDomainSetup +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationBase string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ApplicationName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CachePath string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ConfigurationFile string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DynamicBase string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field LicenseFile string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PrivateBinPath string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PrivateBinPathProbe string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ShadowCopyDirectories string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ShadowCopyFiles string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IAppDomainSetup = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IAsyncResult +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AsyncState object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AsyncWaitHandle System.Threading.WaitHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CompletedSynchronously bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsCompleted bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IAsyncResult = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ICloneable +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ICloneable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.ICloneable.Clone() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IComparable +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IComparable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IComparable.CompareTo(obj) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IComparable +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IComparable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other T +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IComparable.CompareTo(other) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IConvertible +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IConvertible = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TypeCode +function CS.System.IConvertible.GetTypeCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.IConvertible.ToBoolean(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Byte +function CS.System.IConvertible.ToByte(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Char +function CS.System.IConvertible.ToChar(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.IConvertible.ToDateTime(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.IConvertible.ToDecimal(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Double +function CS.System.IConvertible.ToDouble(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.IConvertible.ToInt16(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IConvertible.ToInt32(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.IConvertible.ToInt64(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return SByte +function CS.System.IConvertible.ToSByte(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Single +function CS.System.IConvertible.ToSingle(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.IConvertible.ToString(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param conversionType System.Type +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Object +function CS.System.IConvertible.ToType(conversionType, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.IConvertible.ToUInt16(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.IConvertible.ToUInt32(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.IConvertible.ToUInt64(provider) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ICustomFormatter +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ICustomFormatter = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg object +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.ICustomFormatter.Format(format, arg, formatProvider) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IDisposable +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IDisposable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IDisposable.Dispose() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IEquatable +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IEquatable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.IEquatable.Equals(other) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IFormatProvider +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IFormatProvider = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param formatType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.IFormatProvider.GetFormat(formatType) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IFormattable +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IFormattable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.IFormattable.ToString(format, formatProvider) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IndexOutOfRangeException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IndexOutOfRangeException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.InsufficientExecutionStackException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.InsufficientExecutionStackException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.InsufficientMemoryException: System.OutOfMemoryException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.InsufficientMemoryException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Int16: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxValue short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinValue short +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Int16 = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Int16.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Int16.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj short +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Int16.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Int16.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Int16.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TypeCode +function CS.System.Int16.GetTypeCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Int16:Parse(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Int16:Parse(s, style) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Int16:Parse(s, style, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Int16:Parse(s, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Int16.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Int16.ToString(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.Int16.ToString(format) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Int16.ToString(format, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param result short +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Int16:TryParse(s, style, provider, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param result short +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Int16:TryParse(s, result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Int32: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxValue int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinValue int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Int32 = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Int32.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Int32.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Int32.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Int32.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Int32.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TypeCode +function CS.System.Int32.GetTypeCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Int32:Parse(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Int32:Parse(s, style) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Int32:Parse(s, style, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Int32:Parse(s, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Int32.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Int32.ToString(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.Int32.ToString(format) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Int32.ToString(format, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param result int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Int32:TryParse(s, style, provider, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param result int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Int32:TryParse(s, result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Int64: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxValue long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinValue long +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Int64 = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Int64.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Int64.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj long +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Int64.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Int64.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Int64.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TypeCode +function CS.System.Int64.GetTypeCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Int64:Parse(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Int64:Parse(s, style) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Int64:Parse(s, style, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Int64:Parse(s, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Int64.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Int64.ToString(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.Int64.ToString(format) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Int64.ToString(format, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param result long +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Int64:TryParse(s, style, provider, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param result long +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Int64:TryParse(s, result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IntPtr: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Zero System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Size int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IntPtr = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pointer System.IntPtr +---@param offset int +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.IntPtr:Add(pointer, offset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.IntPtr.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IntPtr.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pointer System.IntPtr +---@param offset int +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.IntPtr:op_Addition(pointer, offset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value1 System.IntPtr +---@param value2 System.IntPtr +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.IntPtr:op_Equality(value1, value2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.IntPtr:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.IntPtr:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.IntPtr +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IntPtr:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.IntPtr +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.IntPtr:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.IntPtr +function CS.System.IntPtr:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value void* +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.IntPtr:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value1 System.IntPtr +---@param value2 System.IntPtr +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.IntPtr:op_Inequality(value1, value2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pointer System.IntPtr +---@param offset int +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.IntPtr:op_Subtraction(pointer, offset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pointer System.IntPtr +---@param offset int +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.IntPtr:Subtract(pointer, offset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.IntPtr.ToInt32() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.IntPtr.ToInt64() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IntPtr.ToPointer() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.IntPtr.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.IntPtr.ToString(format) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.InvalidCastException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.InvalidCastException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.InvalidOperationException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.InvalidOperationException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.InvalidProgramException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.InvalidProgramException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.InvalidTimeZoneException: System.Exception +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.InvalidTimeZoneException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IObservable +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IObservable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param observer System.IObserver +---@return IDisposable +function CS.System.IObservable.Subscribe(observer) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IObserver +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IObserver = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.IObserver.OnCompleted() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param error System.Exception +function CS.System.IObserver.OnError(error) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value T +function CS.System.IObserver.OnNext(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IProgress +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IProgress = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value T +function CS.System.IProgress.Report(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.IServiceProvider +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.IServiceProvider = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param serviceType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.IServiceProvider.GetService(serviceType) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Lazy: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsValueCreated bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value T +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Lazy = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Lazy.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.LoaderOptimization: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DisallowBindings System.LoaderOptimization +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DomainMask System.LoaderOptimization +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MultiDomain System.LoaderOptimization +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MultiDomainHost System.LoaderOptimization +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NotSpecified System.LoaderOptimization +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SingleDomain System.LoaderOptimization +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.LoaderOptimization = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.LoaderOptimization +function CS.System.LoaderOptimization:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.LoaderOptimizationAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value System.LoaderOptimization +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.LoaderOptimizationAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.LocalDataStoreSlot: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.LocalDataStoreSlot = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.MarshalByRefObject: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.MarshalByRefObject = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param requestedType System.Type +---@return ObjRef +function CS.System.MarshalByRefObject.CreateObjRef(requestedType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.MarshalByRefObject.GetLifetimeService() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.MarshalByRefObject.InitializeLifetimeService() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Math: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field E double +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PI double +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Math = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Math:Abs(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Abs(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Math:Abs(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Math:Abs(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Math:Abs(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Math:Abs(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +---@return Single +function CS.System.Math:Abs(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Acos(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Asin(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Atan(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param y double +---@param x double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Atan2(y, x) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a int +---@param b int +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Math:BigMul(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Math:Ceiling(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Ceiling(a) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Cos(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Cosh(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a int +---@param b int +---@param result int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Math:DivRem(a, b, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a long +---@param b long +---@param result long +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Math:DivRem(a, b, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Exp(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Math:Floor(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Floor(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param x double +---@param y double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:IEEERemainder(x, y) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Log(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a double +---@param newBase double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Log(a, newBase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Log10(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param val1 byte +---@param val2 byte +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Math:Max(val1, val2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param val1 decimal +---@param val2 decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Math:Max(val1, val2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param val1 double +---@param val2 double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Max(val1, val2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param val1 short +---@param val2 short +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Math:Max(val1, val2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param val1 int +---@param val2 int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Math:Max(val1, val2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param val1 long +---@param val2 long +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Math:Max(val1, val2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param val1 sbyte +---@param val2 sbyte +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Math:Max(val1, val2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param val1 float +---@param val2 float +---@return Single +function CS.System.Math:Max(val1, val2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param val1 ushort +---@param val2 ushort +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Math:Max(val1, val2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param val1 uint +---@param val2 uint +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Math:Max(val1, val2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param val1 ulong +---@param val2 ulong +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Math:Max(val1, val2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param val1 byte +---@param val2 byte +---@return Byte +function CS.System.Math:Min(val1, val2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param val1 decimal +---@param val2 decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Math:Min(val1, val2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param val1 double +---@param val2 double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Min(val1, val2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param val1 short +---@param val2 short +---@return Int16 +function CS.System.Math:Min(val1, val2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param val1 int +---@param val2 int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Math:Min(val1, val2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param val1 long +---@param val2 long +---@return Int64 +function CS.System.Math:Min(val1, val2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param val1 sbyte +---@param val2 sbyte +---@return SByte +function CS.System.Math:Min(val1, val2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param val1 float +---@param val2 float +---@return Single +function CS.System.Math:Min(val1, val2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param val1 ushort +---@param val2 ushort +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.Math:Min(val1, val2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param val1 uint +---@param val2 uint +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.Math:Min(val1, val2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param val1 ulong +---@param val2 ulong +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.Math:Min(val1, val2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param x double +---@param y double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Pow(x, y) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Math:Round(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@param decimals int +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Math:Round(d, decimals) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@param decimals int +---@param mode System.MidpointRounding +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Math:Round(d, decimals, mode) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@param mode System.MidpointRounding +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Math:Round(d, mode) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Round(a) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@param digits int +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Round(value, digits) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@param digits int +---@param mode System.MidpointRounding +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Round(value, digits, mode) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@param mode System.MidpointRounding +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Round(value, mode) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value decimal +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Math:Sign(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Math:Sign(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value short +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Math:Sign(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Math:Sign(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Math:Sign(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Math:Sign(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Math:Sign(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Sin(a) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Sinh(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Sqrt(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Tan(a) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Tanh(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d decimal +---@return Decimal +function CS.System.Math:Truncate(d) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d double +---@return Double +function CS.System.Math:Truncate(d) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.MemberAccessException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.MemberAccessException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.MethodAccessException: System.MemberAccessException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.MethodAccessException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.MidpointRounding: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AwayFromZero System.MidpointRounding +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ToEven System.MidpointRounding +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.MidpointRounding = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.MidpointRounding +function CS.System.MidpointRounding:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.MissingFieldException: System.MissingMemberException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Message string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.MissingFieldException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.MissingMemberException: System.MemberAccessException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Message string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.MissingMemberException = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.MissingMemberException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.MissingMethodException: System.MissingMemberException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Message string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.MissingMethodException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ModuleHandle: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EmptyHandle System.ModuleHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MDStreamVersion int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ModuleHandle = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param handle System.ModuleHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ModuleHandle.Equals(handle) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ModuleHandle.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ModuleHandle.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fieldToken int +---@return RuntimeFieldHandle +function CS.System.ModuleHandle.GetRuntimeFieldHandleFromMetadataToken(fieldToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param methodToken int +---@return RuntimeMethodHandle +function CS.System.ModuleHandle.GetRuntimeMethodHandleFromMetadataToken(methodToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeToken int +---@return RuntimeTypeHandle +function CS.System.ModuleHandle.GetRuntimeTypeHandleFromMetadataToken(typeToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.ModuleHandle +---@param right System.ModuleHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ModuleHandle:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.ModuleHandle +---@param right System.ModuleHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ModuleHandle:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fieldToken int +---@return RuntimeFieldHandle +function CS.System.ModuleHandle.ResolveFieldHandle(fieldToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fieldToken int +---@param typeInstantiationContext System.RuntimeTypeHandle[] +---@param methodInstantiationContext System.RuntimeTypeHandle[] +---@return RuntimeFieldHandle +function CS.System.ModuleHandle.ResolveFieldHandle(fieldToken, typeInstantiationContext, methodInstantiationContext) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param methodToken int +---@return RuntimeMethodHandle +function CS.System.ModuleHandle.ResolveMethodHandle(methodToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param methodToken int +---@param typeInstantiationContext System.RuntimeTypeHandle[] +---@param methodInstantiationContext System.RuntimeTypeHandle[] +---@return RuntimeMethodHandle +function CS.System.ModuleHandle.ResolveMethodHandle(methodToken, typeInstantiationContext, methodInstantiationContext) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeToken int +---@return RuntimeTypeHandle +function CS.System.ModuleHandle.ResolveTypeHandle(typeToken) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeToken int +---@param typeInstantiationContext System.RuntimeTypeHandle[] +---@param methodInstantiationContext System.RuntimeTypeHandle[] +---@return RuntimeTypeHandle +function CS.System.ModuleHandle.ResolveTypeHandle(typeToken, typeInstantiationContext, methodInstantiationContext) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.MTAThreadAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.MTAThreadAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.MulticastDelegate: System.Delegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.MulticastDelegate = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.MulticastDelegate.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.MulticastDelegate.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.MulticastDelegate.GetInvocationList() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.MulticastDelegate.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 System.MulticastDelegate +---@param d2 System.MulticastDelegate +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.MulticastDelegate:op_Equality(d1, d2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param d1 System.MulticastDelegate +---@param d2 System.MulticastDelegate +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.MulticastDelegate:op_Inequality(d1, d2) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.MulticastNotSupportedException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.MulticastNotSupportedException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.NonSerializedAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.NonSerializedAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.NotFiniteNumberException: System.ArithmeticException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OffendingNumber double +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.NotFiniteNumberException = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.NotFiniteNumberException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.NotImplementedException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.NotImplementedException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.NotSupportedException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.NotSupportedException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Nullable: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Nullable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param n1 T? +---@param n2 T? +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Nullable:Compare(n1, n2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param n1 T? +---@param n2 T? +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Nullable:Equals(n1, n2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param nullableType System.Type +---@return Type +function CS.System.Nullable:GetUnderlyingType(nullableType) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Nullable: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HasValue bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value T +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Nullable = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Nullable.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Nullable.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return T +function CS.System.Nullable.GetValueOrDefault() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param defaultValue T +---@return T +function CS.System.Nullable.GetValueOrDefault(defaultValue) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value T? +---@return T +function CS.System.Nullable:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value T +---@return Nullable +function CS.System.Nullable:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Nullable.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.NullReferenceException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.NullReferenceException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Object = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Object.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param objA object +---@param objB object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Object:Equals(objA, objB) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Object.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Object.GetType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param objA object +---@param objB object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Object:ReferenceEquals(objA, objB) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Object.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ObjectDisposedException: System.InvalidOperationException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Message string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ObjectName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ObjectDisposedException = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.ObjectDisposedException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ObsoleteAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsError bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Message string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ObsoleteAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.OperatingSystem: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Platform System.PlatformID +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ServicePack string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Version System.Version +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field VersionString string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.OperatingSystem = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.OperatingSystem.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.OperatingSystem.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.OperatingSystem.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.OperationCanceledException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CancellationToken System.Threading.CancellationToken +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.OperationCanceledException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.OutOfMemoryException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.OutOfMemoryException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.OverflowException: System.ArithmeticException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.OverflowException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ParamArrayAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ParamArrayAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.PlatformID: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MacOSX System.PlatformID +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Unix System.PlatformID +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Win32NT System.PlatformID +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Win32S System.PlatformID +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Win32Windows System.PlatformID +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field WinCE System.PlatformID +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Xbox System.PlatformID +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.PlatformID = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.PlatformID +function CS.System.PlatformID:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.PlatformNotSupportedException: System.NotSupportedException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.PlatformNotSupportedException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Predicate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Predicate = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Predicate.Invoke(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj T +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.Predicate.BeginInvoke(obj, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Predicate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Progress: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ProgressChanged System.EventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Progress = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Progress.add_ProgressChanged(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System.Progress.remove_ProgressChanged(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Random: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Random = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Random.Next() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param maxValue int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Random.Next(maxValue) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param minValue int +---@param maxValue int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Random.Next(minValue, maxValue) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param buffer byte[] +function CS.System.Random.NextBytes(buffer) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Double +function CS.System.Random.NextDouble() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.RankException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.RankException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ResolveEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Name string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RequestingAssembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ResolveEventArgs = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ResolveEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ResolveEventHandler = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sender object +---@param args System.ResolveEventArgs +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.ResolveEventHandler.Invoke(sender, args) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sender object +---@param args System.ResolveEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.ResolveEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, args, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Assembly +function CS.System.ResolveEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.RuntimeArgumentHandle: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.RuntimeArgumentHandle = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.RuntimeFieldHandle: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.RuntimeFieldHandle = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.RuntimeFieldHandle.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param handle System.RuntimeFieldHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.RuntimeFieldHandle.Equals(handle) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.RuntimeFieldHandle.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.RuntimeFieldHandle.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.RuntimeFieldHandle +---@param right System.RuntimeFieldHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.RuntimeFieldHandle:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.RuntimeFieldHandle +---@param right System.RuntimeFieldHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.RuntimeFieldHandle:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.RuntimeMethodHandle: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.RuntimeMethodHandle = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.RuntimeMethodHandle.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param handle System.RuntimeMethodHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.RuntimeMethodHandle.Equals(handle) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return IntPtr +function CS.System.RuntimeMethodHandle.GetFunctionPointer() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.RuntimeMethodHandle.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.RuntimeMethodHandle.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.RuntimeMethodHandle +---@param right System.RuntimeMethodHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.RuntimeMethodHandle:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.RuntimeMethodHandle +---@param right System.RuntimeMethodHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.RuntimeMethodHandle:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.RuntimeTypeHandle: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Value System.IntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.RuntimeTypeHandle = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.RuntimeTypeHandle.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param handle System.RuntimeTypeHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.RuntimeTypeHandle.Equals(handle) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.RuntimeTypeHandle.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ModuleHandle +function CS.System.RuntimeTypeHandle.GetModuleHandle() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.RuntimeTypeHandle.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left object +---@param right System.RuntimeTypeHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.RuntimeTypeHandle:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.RuntimeTypeHandle +---@param right object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.RuntimeTypeHandle:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left object +---@param right System.RuntimeTypeHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.RuntimeTypeHandle:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.RuntimeTypeHandle +---@param right object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.RuntimeTypeHandle:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.SByte: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxValue sbyte +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinValue sbyte +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.SByte = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.SByte.CompareTo(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value sbyte +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.SByte.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.SByte.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj sbyte +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.SByte.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.SByte.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TypeCode +function CS.System.SByte.GetTypeCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return SByte +function CS.System.SByte:Parse(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@return SByte +function CS.System.SByte:Parse(s, style) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return SByte +function CS.System.SByte:Parse(s, style, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return SByte +function CS.System.SByte:Parse(s, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.SByte.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.SByte.ToString(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.SByte.ToString(format) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.SByte.ToString(format, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param result sbyte +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.SByte:TryParse(s, style, provider, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param result sbyte +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.SByte:TryParse(s, result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.SerializableAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.SerializableAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Single: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Epsilon float +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxValue float +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinValue float +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NaN float +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field NegativeInfinity float +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field PositiveInfinity float +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Single = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Single.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value float +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Single.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Single.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj float +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Single.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Single.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TypeCode +function CS.System.Single.GetTypeCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param f float +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Single:IsInfinity(f) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param f float +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Single:IsNaN(f) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param f float +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Single:IsNegativeInfinity(f) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param f float +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Single:IsPositiveInfinity(f) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left float +---@param right float +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Single:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left float +---@param right float +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Single:op_GreaterThan(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left float +---@param right float +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Single:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left float +---@param right float +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Single:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left float +---@param right float +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Single:op_LessThan(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left float +---@param right float +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Single:op_LessThanOrEqual(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return Single +function CS.System.Single:Parse(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@return Single +function CS.System.Single:Parse(s, style) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Single +function CS.System.Single:Parse(s, style, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return Single +function CS.System.Single:Parse(s, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Single.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Single.ToString(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.Single.ToString(format) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.Single.ToString(format, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param result float +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Single:TryParse(s, style, provider, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param result float +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Single:TryParse(s, result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.StackOverflowException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.StackOverflowException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.STAThreadAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.STAThreadAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.String: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Empty string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field this[] char +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Length int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.String = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.String.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param strA string +---@param indexA int +---@param strB string +---@param indexB int +---@param length int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String:Compare(strA, indexA, strB, indexB, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param strA string +---@param indexA int +---@param strB string +---@param indexB int +---@param length int +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String:Compare(strA, indexA, strB, indexB, length, ignoreCase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param strA string +---@param indexA int +---@param strB string +---@param indexB int +---@param length int +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String:Compare(strA, indexA, strB, indexB, length, ignoreCase, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param strA string +---@param indexA int +---@param strB string +---@param indexB int +---@param length int +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param options System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String:Compare(strA, indexA, strB, indexB, length, culture, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param strA string +---@param indexA int +---@param strB string +---@param indexB int +---@param length int +---@param comparisonType System.StringComparison +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String:Compare(strA, indexA, strB, indexB, length, comparisonType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param strA string +---@param strB string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String:Compare(strA, strB) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param strA string +---@param strB string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String:Compare(strA, strB, ignoreCase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param strA string +---@param strB string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String:Compare(strA, strB, ignoreCase, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param strA string +---@param strB string +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param options System.Globalization.CompareOptions +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String:Compare(strA, strB, culture, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param strA string +---@param strB string +---@param comparisonType System.StringComparison +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String:Compare(strA, strB, comparisonType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param strA string +---@param indexA int +---@param strB string +---@param indexB int +---@param length int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String:CompareOrdinal(strA, indexA, strB, indexB, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param strA string +---@param strB string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String:CompareOrdinal(strA, strB) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param strB string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.CompareTo(strB) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param values System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Concat(values) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg0 object +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Concat(arg0) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Concat(arg0, arg1) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +---@param arg2 object +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Concat(arg0, arg1, arg2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +---@param arg2 object +---@param arg3 object +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Concat(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param args object[] +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Concat(args) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param str0 string +---@param str1 string +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Concat(str0, str1) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param str0 string +---@param str1 string +---@param str2 string +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Concat(str0, str1, str2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param str0 string +---@param str1 string +---@param str2 string +---@param str3 string +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Concat(str0, str1, str2, str3) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param values string[] +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Concat(values) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param values System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Concat(values) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.String.Contains(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param str string +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Copy(str) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sourceIndex int +---@param destination char[] +---@param destinationIndex int +---@param count int +function CS.System.String.CopyTo(sourceIndex, destination, destinationIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.String.EndsWith(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.String.EndsWith(value, ignoreCase, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param comparisonType System.StringComparison +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.String.EndsWith(value, comparisonType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.String.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.String.Equals(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a string +---@param b string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.String:Equals(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a string +---@param b string +---@param comparisonType System.StringComparison +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.String:Equals(a, b, comparisonType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param comparisonType System.StringComparison +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.String.Equals(value, comparisonType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Format(provider, format, arg0) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Format(provider, format, arg0, arg1) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +---@param arg2 object +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Format(provider, format, arg0, arg1, arg2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param format string +---@param args object[] +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Format(provider, format, args) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Format(format, arg0) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Format(format, arg0, arg1) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param arg0 object +---@param arg1 object +---@param arg2 object +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Format(format, arg0, arg1, arg2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param args object[] +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Format(format, args) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return CharEnumerator +function CS.System.String.GetEnumerator() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TypeCode +function CS.System.String.GetTypeCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@param startIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.IndexOf(value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.IndexOf(value, startIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.IndexOf(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param startIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.IndexOf(value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.IndexOf(value, startIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@param comparisonType System.StringComparison +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.IndexOf(value, startIndex, count, comparisonType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param startIndex int +---@param comparisonType System.StringComparison +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.IndexOf(value, startIndex, comparisonType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param comparisonType System.StringComparison +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.IndexOf(value, comparisonType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param anyOf char[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.IndexOfAny(anyOf) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param anyOf char[] +---@param startIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.IndexOfAny(anyOf, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param anyOf char[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.IndexOfAny(anyOf, startIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param startIndex int +---@param value string +---@return String +function CS.System.String.Insert(startIndex, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param str string +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Intern(str) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param str string +---@return String +function CS.System.String:IsInterned(str) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.String.IsNormalized() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param normalizationForm System.Text.NormalizationForm +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.String.IsNormalized(normalizationForm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.String:IsNullOrEmpty(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.String:IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param separator string +---@param values System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Join(separator, values) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param separator string +---@param values object[] +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Join(separator, values) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param separator string +---@param value string[] +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Join(separator, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param separator string +---@param value string[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Join(separator, value, startIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param separator string +---@param values System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@return String +function CS.System.String:Join(separator, values) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.LastIndexOf(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@param startIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.LastIndexOf(value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value char +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.LastIndexOf(value, startIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.LastIndexOf(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param startIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.LastIndexOf(value, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.LastIndexOf(value, startIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@param comparisonType System.StringComparison +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.LastIndexOf(value, startIndex, count, comparisonType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param startIndex int +---@param comparisonType System.StringComparison +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.LastIndexOf(value, startIndex, comparisonType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param comparisonType System.StringComparison +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.LastIndexOf(value, comparisonType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param anyOf char[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.LastIndexOfAny(anyOf) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param anyOf char[] +---@param startIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.LastIndexOfAny(anyOf, startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param anyOf char[] +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.String.LastIndexOfAny(anyOf, startIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.String.Normalize() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param normalizationForm System.Text.NormalizationForm +---@return String +function CS.System.String.Normalize(normalizationForm) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a string +---@param b string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.String:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param a string +---@param b string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.String:op_Inequality(a, b) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param totalWidth int +---@return String +function CS.System.String.PadLeft(totalWidth) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param totalWidth int +---@param paddingChar char +---@return String +function CS.System.String.PadLeft(totalWidth, paddingChar) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param totalWidth int +---@return String +function CS.System.String.PadRight(totalWidth) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param totalWidth int +---@param paddingChar char +---@return String +function CS.System.String.PadRight(totalWidth, paddingChar) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param startIndex int +---@return String +function CS.System.String.Remove(startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +---@return String +function CS.System.String.Remove(startIndex, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param oldChar char +---@param newChar char +---@return String +function CS.System.String.Replace(oldChar, newChar) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param oldValue string +---@param newValue string +---@return String +function CS.System.String.Replace(oldValue, newValue) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param separator char[] +function CS.System.String.Split(separator) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param separator char[] +---@param count int +function CS.System.String.Split(separator, count) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param separator char[] +---@param count int +---@param options System.StringSplitOptions +function CS.System.String.Split(separator, count, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param separator char[] +---@param options System.StringSplitOptions +function CS.System.String.Split(separator, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param separator string[] +---@param count int +---@param options System.StringSplitOptions +function CS.System.String.Split(separator, count, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param separator string[] +---@param options System.StringSplitOptions +function CS.System.String.Split(separator, options) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.String.StartsWith(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.String.StartsWith(value, ignoreCase, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value string +---@param comparisonType System.StringComparison +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.String.StartsWith(value, comparisonType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param startIndex int +---@return String +function CS.System.String.Substring(startIndex) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param startIndex int +---@param length int +---@return String +function CS.System.String.Substring(startIndex, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.String.ToCharArray() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param startIndex int +---@param length int +function CS.System.String.ToCharArray(startIndex, length) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.String.ToLower() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return String +function CS.System.String.ToLower(culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.String.ToLowerInvariant() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.String.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.String.ToString(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.String.ToUpper() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return String +function CS.System.String.ToUpper(culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.String.ToUpperInvariant() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.String.Trim() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param trimChars char[] +---@return String +function CS.System.String.Trim(trimChars) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param trimChars char[] +---@return String +function CS.System.String.TrimEnd(trimChars) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param trimChars char[] +---@return String +function CS.System.String.TrimStart(trimChars) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.StringComparer: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentCulture System.StringComparer +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentCultureIgnoreCase System.StringComparer +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InvariantCulture System.StringComparer +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InvariantCultureIgnoreCase System.StringComparer +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ordinal System.StringComparer +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OrdinalIgnoreCase System.StringComparer +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.StringComparer = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param x object +---@param y object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.StringComparer.Compare(x, y) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param x string +---@param y string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.StringComparer.Compare(x, y) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return StringComparer +function CS.System.StringComparer:Create(culture, ignoreCase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param x object +---@param y object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.StringComparer.Equals(x, y) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param x string +---@param y string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.StringComparer.Equals(x, y) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.StringComparer.GetHashCode(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.StringComparer.GetHashCode(obj) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.StringComparison: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentCulture System.StringComparison +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentCultureIgnoreCase System.StringComparison +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InvariantCulture System.StringComparison +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field InvariantCultureIgnoreCase System.StringComparison +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ordinal System.StringComparison +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field OrdinalIgnoreCase System.StringComparison +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.StringComparison = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.StringComparison +function CS.System.StringComparison:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.StringSplitOptions: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field None System.StringSplitOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RemoveEmptyEntries System.StringSplitOptions +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.StringSplitOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.StringSplitOptions +function CS.System.StringSplitOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.SystemException: System.Exception +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.SystemException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ThreadStaticAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ThreadStaticAttribute = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.TimeoutException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.TimeoutException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.TimeSpan: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxValue System.TimeSpan +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinValue System.TimeSpan +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TicksPerDay long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TicksPerHour long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TicksPerMillisecond long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TicksPerMinute long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TicksPerSecond long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Zero System.TimeSpan +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Days int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Hours int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Milliseconds int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Minutes int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Seconds int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Ticks long +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TotalDays double +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TotalHours double +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TotalMilliseconds double +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TotalMinutes double +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TotalSeconds double +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.TimeSpan = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ts System.TimeSpan +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.TimeSpan.Add(ts) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t1 System.TimeSpan +---@param t2 System.TimeSpan +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.TimeSpan:Compare(t1, t2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.TimeSpan.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.TimeSpan +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.TimeSpan.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.TimeSpan.Duration() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeSpan.Equals(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeSpan.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t1 System.TimeSpan +---@param t2 System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeSpan:Equals(t1, t2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.TimeSpan:FromDays(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.TimeSpan:FromHours(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.TimeSpan:FromMilliseconds(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.TimeSpan:FromMinutes(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value double +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.TimeSpan:FromSeconds(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value long +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.TimeSpan:FromTicks(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.TimeSpan.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.TimeSpan.Negate() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t1 System.TimeSpan +---@param t2 System.TimeSpan +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.TimeSpan:op_Addition(t1, t2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t1 System.TimeSpan +---@param t2 System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeSpan:op_Equality(t1, t2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t1 System.TimeSpan +---@param t2 System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeSpan:op_GreaterThan(t1, t2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t1 System.TimeSpan +---@param t2 System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeSpan:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(t1, t2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t1 System.TimeSpan +---@param t2 System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeSpan:op_Inequality(t1, t2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t1 System.TimeSpan +---@param t2 System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeSpan:op_LessThan(t1, t2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t1 System.TimeSpan +---@param t2 System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeSpan:op_LessThanOrEqual(t1, t2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t1 System.TimeSpan +---@param t2 System.TimeSpan +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.TimeSpan:op_Subtraction(t1, t2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t System.TimeSpan +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.TimeSpan:op_UnaryNegation(t) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t System.TimeSpan +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.TimeSpan:op_UnaryPlus(t) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.TimeSpan:Parse(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.TimeSpan:Parse(input, formatProvider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@param format string +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.TimeSpan:ParseExact(input, format, formatProvider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@param format string +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@param styles System.Globalization.TimeSpanStyles +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.TimeSpan:ParseExact(input, format, formatProvider, styles) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@param formats string[] +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.TimeSpan:ParseExact(input, formats, formatProvider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@param formats string[] +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@param styles System.Globalization.TimeSpanStyles +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.TimeSpan:ParseExact(input, formats, formatProvider, styles) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param ts System.TimeSpan +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.TimeSpan.Subtract(ts) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.TimeSpan.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.TimeSpan.ToString(format) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.TimeSpan.ToString(format, formatProvider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@param result System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeSpan:TryParse(input, formatProvider, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param result System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeSpan:TryParse(s, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@param format string +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@param styles System.Globalization.TimeSpanStyles +---@param result System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeSpan:TryParseExact(input, format, formatProvider, styles, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@param format string +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@param result System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeSpan:TryParseExact(input, format, formatProvider, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@param formats string[] +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@param styles System.Globalization.TimeSpanStyles +---@param result System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeSpan:TryParseExact(input, formats, formatProvider, styles, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@param formats string[] +---@param formatProvider System.IFormatProvider +---@param result System.TimeSpan +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeSpan:TryParseExact(input, formats, formatProvider, result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.TimeZone: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field CurrentTimeZone System.TimeZone +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DaylightName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StandardName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.TimeZone = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param year int +---@return DaylightTime +function CS.System.TimeZone.GetDaylightChanges(year) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.TimeZone.GetUtcOffset(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeZone.IsDaylightSavingTime(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@param daylightTimes System.Globalization.DaylightTime +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeZone:IsDaylightSavingTime(time, daylightTimes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.TimeZone.ToLocalTime(time) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param time System.DateTime +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.TimeZone.ToUniversalTime(time) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.TimeZoneInfo: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BaseUtcOffset System.TimeSpan +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DaylightName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DisplayName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Id string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Local System.TimeZoneInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StandardName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SupportsDaylightSavingTime bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Utc System.TimeZoneInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.TimeZoneInfo = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo:ClearCachedData() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dateTime System.DateTime +---@param destinationTimeZone System.TimeZoneInfo +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo:ConvertTime(dateTime, destinationTimeZone) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dateTime System.DateTime +---@param sourceTimeZone System.TimeZoneInfo +---@param destinationTimeZone System.TimeZoneInfo +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo:ConvertTime(dateTime, sourceTimeZone, destinationTimeZone) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dateTimeOffset System.DateTimeOffset +---@param destinationTimeZone System.TimeZoneInfo +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo:ConvertTime(dateTimeOffset, destinationTimeZone) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dateTime System.DateTime +---@param destinationTimeZoneId string +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo:ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(dateTime, destinationTimeZoneId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dateTime System.DateTime +---@param sourceTimeZoneId string +---@param destinationTimeZoneId string +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo:ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(dateTime, sourceTimeZoneId, destinationTimeZoneId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dateTimeOffset System.DateTimeOffset +---@param destinationTimeZoneId string +---@return DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo:ConvertTimeBySystemTimeZoneId(dateTimeOffset, destinationTimeZoneId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dateTime System.DateTime +---@param destinationTimeZone System.TimeZoneInfo +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo:ConvertTimeFromUtc(dateTime, destinationTimeZone) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dateTime System.DateTime +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo:ConvertTimeToUtc(dateTime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dateTime System.DateTime +---@param sourceTimeZone System.TimeZoneInfo +---@return DateTime +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo:ConvertTimeToUtc(dateTime, sourceTimeZone) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param id string +---@param baseUtcOffset System.TimeSpan +---@param displayName string +---@param standardDisplayName string +---@return TimeZoneInfo +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo:CreateCustomTimeZone(id, baseUtcOffset, displayName, standardDisplayName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param id string +---@param baseUtcOffset System.TimeSpan +---@param displayName string +---@param standardDisplayName string +---@param daylightDisplayName string +---@param adjustmentRules System.TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule[] +---@return TimeZoneInfo +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo:CreateCustomTimeZone(id, baseUtcOffset, displayName, standardDisplayName, daylightDisplayName, adjustmentRules) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param id string +---@param baseUtcOffset System.TimeSpan +---@param displayName string +---@param standardDisplayName string +---@param daylightDisplayName string +---@param adjustmentRules System.TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule[] +---@param disableDaylightSavingTime bool +---@return TimeZoneInfo +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo:CreateCustomTimeZone(id, baseUtcOffset, displayName, standardDisplayName, daylightDisplayName, adjustmentRules, disableDaylightSavingTime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.TimeZoneInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param id string +---@return TimeZoneInfo +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo:FindSystemTimeZoneById(id) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param source string +---@return TimeZoneInfo +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo:FromSerializedString(source) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo.GetAdjustmentRules() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dateTime System.DateTime +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo.GetAmbiguousTimeOffsets(dateTime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dateTimeOffset System.DateTimeOffset +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo.GetAmbiguousTimeOffsets(dateTimeOffset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ReadOnlyCollection +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo:GetSystemTimeZones() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dateTime System.DateTime +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo.GetUtcOffset(dateTime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dateTimeOffset System.DateTimeOffset +---@return TimeSpan +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo.GetUtcOffset(dateTimeOffset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.TimeZoneInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo.HasSameRules(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dateTime System.DateTime +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo.IsAmbiguousTime(dateTime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dateTimeOffset System.DateTimeOffset +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo.IsAmbiguousTime(dateTimeOffset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dateTime System.DateTime +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo.IsDaylightSavingTime(dateTime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dateTimeOffset System.DateTimeOffset +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo.IsDaylightSavingTime(dateTimeOffset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dateTime System.DateTime +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo.IsInvalidTime(dateTime) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo.ToSerializedString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.TimeZoneInfo.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.AdjustmentRule: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DateEnd System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DateStart System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DaylightDelta System.TimeSpan +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DaylightTransitionEnd System.TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DaylightTransitionStart System.TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.AdjustmentRule = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dateStart System.DateTime +---@param dateEnd System.DateTime +---@param daylightDelta System.TimeSpan +---@param daylightTransitionStart System.TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime +---@param daylightTransitionEnd System.TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime +---@return AdjustmentRule +function CS.System.AdjustmentRule:CreateAdjustmentRule(dateStart, dateEnd, daylightDelta, daylightTransitionStart, daylightTransitionEnd) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.AdjustmentRule.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.AdjustmentRule.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.TransitionTime: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Day int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DayOfWeek System.DayOfWeek +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsFixedDateRule bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Month int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TimeOfDay System.DateTime +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Week int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.TransitionTime = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param timeOfDay System.DateTime +---@param month int +---@param day int +---@return TransitionTime +function CS.System.TransitionTime:CreateFixedDateRule(timeOfDay, month, day) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param timeOfDay System.DateTime +---@param month int +---@param week int +---@param dayOfWeek System.DayOfWeek +---@return TransitionTime +function CS.System.TransitionTime:CreateFloatingDateRule(timeOfDay, month, week, dayOfWeek) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TransitionTime.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TransitionTime.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.TransitionTime.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t1 System.TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime +---@param t2 System.TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TransitionTime:op_Equality(t1, t2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param t1 System.TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime +---@param t2 System.TimeZoneInfo.TransitionTime +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TransitionTime:op_Inequality(t1, t2) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.TimeZoneNotFoundException: System.Exception +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.TimeZoneNotFoundException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Tuple: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Tuple = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.Tuple:Create(item1) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.Tuple:Create(item1, item2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.Tuple:Create(item1, item2, item3) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.Tuple:Create(item1, item2, item3, item4) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.Tuple:Create(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@param item6 T6 +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.Tuple:Create(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@param item6 T6 +---@param item7 T7 +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.Tuple:Create(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@param item6 T6 +---@param item7 T7 +---@param item8 T8 +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.Tuple:Create(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Tuple: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item1 T1 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Tuple = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Tuple.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Tuple.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Tuple.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Tuple: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item1 T1 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item2 T2 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Tuple = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Tuple.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Tuple.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Tuple.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Tuple: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item1 T1 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item2 T2 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item3 T3 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Tuple = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Tuple.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Tuple.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Tuple.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Tuple: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item1 T1 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item2 T2 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item3 T3 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item4 T4 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Tuple = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Tuple.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Tuple.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Tuple.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Tuple: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item1 T1 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item2 T2 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item3 T3 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item4 T4 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item5 T5 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Tuple = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Tuple.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Tuple.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Tuple.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Tuple: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item1 T1 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item2 T2 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item3 T3 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item4 T4 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item5 T5 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item6 T6 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Tuple = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Tuple.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Tuple.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Tuple.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Tuple: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item1 T1 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item2 T2 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item3 T3 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item4 T4 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item5 T5 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item6 T6 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item7 T7 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Tuple = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Tuple.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Tuple.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Tuple.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Tuple: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item1 T1 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item2 T2 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item3 T3 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item4 T4 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item5 T5 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item6 T6 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item7 T7 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Rest TRest +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Tuple = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Tuple.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Tuple.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Tuple.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.TupleExtensions: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.TupleExtensions = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.Deconstruct(item1) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@param item6 T6 +---@param item7 T7 +---@param item8 T8 +---@param item9 T9 +---@param item10 T10 +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.Deconstruct(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8, item9, item10) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@param item6 T6 +---@param item7 T7 +---@param item8 T8 +---@param item9 T9 +---@param item10 T10 +---@param item11 T11 +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.Deconstruct(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8, item9, item10, item11) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@param item6 T6 +---@param item7 T7 +---@param item8 T8 +---@param item9 T9 +---@param item10 T10 +---@param item11 T11 +---@param item12 T12 +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.Deconstruct(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8, item9, item10, item11, item12) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@param item6 T6 +---@param item7 T7 +---@param item8 T8 +---@param item9 T9 +---@param item10 T10 +---@param item11 T11 +---@param item12 T12 +---@param item13 T13 +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.Deconstruct(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8, item9, item10, item11, item12, item13) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@param item6 T6 +---@param item7 T7 +---@param item8 T8 +---@param item9 T9 +---@param item10 T10 +---@param item11 T11 +---@param item12 T12 +---@param item13 T13 +---@param item14 T14 +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.Deconstruct(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8, item9, item10, item11, item12, item13, item14) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@param item6 T6 +---@param item7 T7 +---@param item8 T8 +---@param item9 T9 +---@param item10 T10 +---@param item11 T11 +---@param item12 T12 +---@param item13 T13 +---@param item14 T14 +---@param item15 T15 +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.Deconstruct(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8, item9, item10, item11, item12, item13, item14, item15) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@param item6 T6 +---@param item7 T7 +---@param item8 T8 +---@param item9 T9 +---@param item10 T10 +---@param item11 T11 +---@param item12 T12 +---@param item13 T13 +---@param item14 T14 +---@param item15 T15 +---@param item16 T16 +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.Deconstruct(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8, item9, item10, item11, item12, item13, item14, item15, item16) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@param item6 T6 +---@param item7 T7 +---@param item8 T8 +---@param item9 T9 +---@param item10 T10 +---@param item11 T11 +---@param item12 T12 +---@param item13 T13 +---@param item14 T14 +---@param item15 T15 +---@param item16 T16 +---@param item17 T17 +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.Deconstruct(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8, item9, item10, item11, item12, item13, item14, item15, item16, item17) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@param item6 T6 +---@param item7 T7 +---@param item8 T8 +---@param item9 T9 +---@param item10 T10 +---@param item11 T11 +---@param item12 T12 +---@param item13 T13 +---@param item14 T14 +---@param item15 T15 +---@param item16 T16 +---@param item17 T17 +---@param item18 T18 +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.Deconstruct(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8, item9, item10, item11, item12, item13, item14, item15, item16, item17, item18) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@param item6 T6 +---@param item7 T7 +---@param item8 T8 +---@param item9 T9 +---@param item10 T10 +---@param item11 T11 +---@param item12 T12 +---@param item13 T13 +---@param item14 T14 +---@param item15 T15 +---@param item16 T16 +---@param item17 T17 +---@param item18 T18 +---@param item19 T19 +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.Deconstruct(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8, item9, item10, item11, item12, item13, item14, item15, item16, item17, item18, item19) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.Deconstruct(item1, item2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@param item6 T6 +---@param item7 T7 +---@param item8 T8 +---@param item9 T9 +---@param item10 T10 +---@param item11 T11 +---@param item12 T12 +---@param item13 T13 +---@param item14 T14 +---@param item15 T15 +---@param item16 T16 +---@param item17 T17 +---@param item18 T18 +---@param item19 T19 +---@param item20 T20 +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.Deconstruct(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8, item9, item10, item11, item12, item13, item14, item15, item16, item17, item18, item19, item20) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@param item6 T6 +---@param item7 T7 +---@param item8 T8 +---@param item9 T9 +---@param item10 T10 +---@param item11 T11 +---@param item12 T12 +---@param item13 T13 +---@param item14 T14 +---@param item15 T15 +---@param item16 T16 +---@param item17 T17 +---@param item18 T18 +---@param item19 T19 +---@param item20 T20 +---@param item21 T21 +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.Deconstruct(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8, item9, item10, item11, item12, item13, item14, item15, item16, item17, item18, item19, item20, item21) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.Deconstruct(item1, item2, item3) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.Deconstruct(item1, item2, item3, item4) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.Deconstruct(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@param item6 T6 +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.Deconstruct(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@param item6 T6 +---@param item7 T7 +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.Deconstruct(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@param item6 T6 +---@param item7 T7 +---@param item8 T8 +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.Deconstruct(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@param item6 T6 +---@param item7 T7 +---@param item8 T8 +---@param item9 T9 +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.Deconstruct(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8, item9) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Tuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToValueTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToValueTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToValueTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToValueTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToValueTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToValueTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToValueTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToValueTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToValueTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToValueTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToValueTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToValueTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToValueTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToValueTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToValueTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToValueTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToValueTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToValueTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToValueTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToValueTuple() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.TupleExtensions.ToValueTuple() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Type: System.Reflection.MemberInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Delimiter char +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field EmptyTypes System.Type[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FilterAttribute System.Reflection.MemberFilter +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FilterName System.Reflection.MemberFilter +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FilterNameIgnoreCase System.Reflection.MemberFilter +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Missing object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Assembly System.Reflection.Assembly +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssemblyQualifiedName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Attributes System.Reflection.TypeAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BaseType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ContainsGenericParameters bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaringMethod System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DeclaringType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DefaultBinder System.Reflection.Binder +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FullName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GenericParameterAttributes System.Reflection.GenericParameterAttributes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GenericParameterPosition int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GenericTypeArguments System.Type[] +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field GUID System.Guid +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field HasElementType bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAbstract bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAnsiClass bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsArray bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAutoClass bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAutoLayout bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsByRef bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsClass bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsCOMObject bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsConstructedGenericType bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsContextful bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsEnum bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsExplicitLayout bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsGenericParameter bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsGenericType bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsGenericTypeDefinition bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsImport bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsInterface bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsLayoutSequential bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsMarshalByRef bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsNested bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsNestedAssembly bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsNestedFamANDAssem bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsNestedFamily bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsNestedFamORAssem bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsNestedPrivate bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsNestedPublic bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsNotPublic bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsPointer bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsPrimitive bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsPublic bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSealed bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSecurityCritical bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSecuritySafeCritical bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSecurityTransparent bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSerializable bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsSpecialName bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsUnicodeClass bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsValueType bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsVisible bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MemberType System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Module System.Reflection.Module +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Namespace string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ReflectedType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field StructLayoutAttribute System.Runtime.InteropServices.StructLayoutAttribute +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeHandle System.RuntimeTypeHandle +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeInitializer System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UnderlyingSystemType System.Type +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Type = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Type.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Type.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param filter System.Reflection.TypeFilter +---@param filterCriteria object +function CS.System.Type.FindInterfaces(filter, filterCriteria) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param memberType System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param filter System.Reflection.MemberFilter +---@param filterCriteria object +function CS.System.Type.FindMembers(memberType, bindingAttr, filter, filterCriteria) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Type.GetArrayRank() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param callConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@param types System.Type[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@return ConstructorInfo +function CS.System.Type.GetConstructor(bindingAttr, binder, callConvention, types, modifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param types System.Type[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@return ConstructorInfo +function CS.System.Type.GetConstructor(bindingAttr, binder, types, modifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param types System.Type[] +---@return ConstructorInfo +function CS.System.Type.GetConstructor(types) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Type.GetConstructors() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Type.GetConstructors(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Type.GetDefaultMembers() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type.GetElementType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return String +function CS.System.Type.GetEnumName(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Type.GetEnumNames() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type.GetEnumUnderlyingType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Array +function CS.System.Type.GetEnumValues() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return EventInfo +function CS.System.Type.GetEvent(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return EventInfo +function CS.System.Type.GetEvent(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Type.GetEvents() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Type.GetEvents(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return FieldInfo +function CS.System.Type.GetField(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return FieldInfo +function CS.System.Type.GetField(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Type.GetFields() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Type.GetFields(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Type.GetGenericArguments() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Type.GetGenericParameterConstraints() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type.GetGenericTypeDefinition() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Type.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type.GetInterface(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type.GetInterface(name, ignoreCase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param interfaceType System.Type +---@return InterfaceMapping +function CS.System.Type.GetInterfaceMap(interfaceType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Type.GetInterfaces() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +function CS.System.Type.GetMember(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Type.GetMember(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param type System.Reflection.MemberTypes +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Type.GetMember(name, type, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Type.GetMembers() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Type.GetMembers(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Type.GetMethod(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Type.GetMethod(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param callConvention System.Reflection.CallingConventions +---@param types System.Type[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Type.GetMethod(name, bindingAttr, binder, callConvention, types, modifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param types System.Type[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Type.GetMethod(name, bindingAttr, binder, types, modifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param types System.Type[] +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Type.GetMethod(name, types) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param types System.Type[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.System.Type.GetMethod(name, types, modifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Type.GetMethods() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Type.GetMethods(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type.GetNestedType(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type.GetNestedType(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Type.GetNestedTypes() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Type.GetNestedTypes(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.Type.GetProperties() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +function CS.System.Type.GetProperties(bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return PropertyInfo +function CS.System.Type.GetProperty(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@return PropertyInfo +function CS.System.Type.GetProperty(name, bindingAttr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param types System.Type[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@return PropertyInfo +function CS.System.Type.GetProperty(name, bindingAttr, binder, returnType, types, modifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param returnType System.Type +---@return PropertyInfo +function CS.System.Type.GetProperty(name, returnType) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param types System.Type[] +---@return PropertyInfo +function CS.System.Type.GetProperty(name, returnType, types) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param returnType System.Type +---@param types System.Type[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@return PropertyInfo +function CS.System.Type.GetProperty(name, returnType, types, modifiers) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param types System.Type[] +---@return PropertyInfo +function CS.System.Type.GetProperty(name, types) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type.GetType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeName string +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type:GetType(typeName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeName string +---@param throwOnError bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type:GetType(typeName, throwOnError) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeName string +---@param throwOnError bool +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type:GetType(typeName, throwOnError, ignoreCase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeName string +---@param assemblyResolver System.Func +---@param typeResolver System.Func +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type:GetType(typeName, assemblyResolver, typeResolver) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeName string +---@param assemblyResolver System.Func +---@param typeResolver System.Func +---@param throwOnError bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type:GetType(typeName, assemblyResolver, typeResolver, throwOnError) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeName string +---@param assemblyResolver System.Func +---@param typeResolver System.Func +---@param throwOnError bool +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type:GetType(typeName, assemblyResolver, typeResolver, throwOnError, ignoreCase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param args object[] +function CS.System.Type:GetTypeArray(args) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return TypeCode +function CS.System.Type:GetTypeCode(type) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param clsid System.Guid +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type:GetTypeFromCLSID(clsid) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param clsid System.Guid +---@param throwOnError bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type:GetTypeFromCLSID(clsid, throwOnError) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param clsid System.Guid +---@param server string +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type:GetTypeFromCLSID(clsid, server) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param clsid System.Guid +---@param server string +---@param throwOnError bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type:GetTypeFromCLSID(clsid, server, throwOnError) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param handle System.RuntimeTypeHandle +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type:GetTypeFromHandle(handle) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param progID string +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type:GetTypeFromProgID(progID) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param progID string +---@param throwOnError bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type:GetTypeFromProgID(progID, throwOnError) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param progID string +---@param server string +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type:GetTypeFromProgID(progID, server) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param progID string +---@param server string +---@param throwOnError bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type:GetTypeFromProgID(progID, server, throwOnError) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return RuntimeTypeHandle +function CS.System.Type:GetTypeHandle(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param target object +---@param args object[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Type.InvokeMember(name, invokeAttr, binder, target, args) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param target object +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@return Object +function CS.System.Type.InvokeMember(name, invokeAttr, binder, target, args, culture) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param invokeAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param target object +---@param args object[] +---@param modifiers System.Reflection.ParameterModifier[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param namedParameters string[] +---@return Object +function CS.System.Type.InvokeMember(name, invokeAttr, binder, target, args, modifiers, culture, namedParameters) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Type.IsAssignableFrom(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Type.IsEnumDefined(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Type.IsEquivalentTo(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Type.IsInstanceOfType(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param c System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Type.IsSubclassOf(c) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type.MakeArrayType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rank int +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type.MakeArrayType(rank) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type.MakeByRefType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeArguments System.Type[] +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type.MakeGenericType(typeArguments) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type.MakePointerType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Type +---@param right System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Type:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param left System.Type +---@param right System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Type:op_Inequality(left, right) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param typeName string +---@param throwIfNotFound bool +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@return Type +function CS.System.Type:ReflectionOnlyGetType(typeName, throwIfNotFound, ignoreCase) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Type.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.TypeAccessException: System.TypeLoadException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.TypeAccessException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.TypeCode: System.Enum +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Boolean System.TypeCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Byte System.TypeCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Char System.TypeCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DateTime System.TypeCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DBNull System.TypeCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Decimal System.TypeCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Double System.TypeCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Empty System.TypeCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Int16 System.TypeCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Int32 System.TypeCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Int64 System.TypeCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Object System.TypeCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field SByte System.TypeCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Single System.TypeCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field String System.TypeCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UInt16 System.TypeCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UInt32 System.TypeCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UInt64 System.TypeCode +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.TypeCode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.TypeCode +function CS.System.TypeCode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.TypedReference: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.TypedReference = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param o object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.TypedReference.Equals(o) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.TypedReference.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.TypedReference +---@return Type +function CS.System.TypedReference:GetTargetType(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target object +---@param flds System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] +---@return TypedReference +function CS.System.TypedReference:MakeTypedReference(target, flds) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target System.TypedReference +---@param value object +function CS.System.TypedReference:SetTypedReference(target, value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.TypedReference +---@return RuntimeTypeHandle +function CS.System.TypedReference:TargetTypeToken(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.TypedReference +---@return Object +function CS.System.TypedReference:ToObject(value) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.TypeInitializationException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.TypeInitializationException = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.TypeInitializationException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.TypeLoadException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Message string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.TypeLoadException = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.TypeLoadException.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.TypeUnloadedException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.TypeUnloadedException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.UInt16: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxValue ushort +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinValue ushort +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.UInt16 = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.UInt16.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ushort +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.UInt16.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.UInt16.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj ushort +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.UInt16.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.UInt16.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TypeCode +function CS.System.UInt16.GetTypeCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.UInt16:Parse(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.UInt16:Parse(s, style) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.UInt16:Parse(s, style, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return UInt16 +function CS.System.UInt16:Parse(s, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.UInt16.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.UInt16.ToString(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.UInt16.ToString(format) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.UInt16.ToString(format, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param result ushort +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.UInt16:TryParse(s, style, provider, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param result ushort +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.UInt16:TryParse(s, result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.UInt32: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxValue uint +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinValue uint +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.UInt32 = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.UInt32.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.UInt32.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.UInt32.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj uint +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.UInt32.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.UInt32.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TypeCode +function CS.System.UInt32.GetTypeCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.UInt32:Parse(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.UInt32:Parse(s, style) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.UInt32:Parse(s, style, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.UInt32:Parse(s, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.UInt32.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.UInt32.ToString(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.UInt32.ToString(format) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.UInt32.ToString(format, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param result uint +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.UInt32:TryParse(s, style, provider, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param result uint +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.UInt32:TryParse(s, result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.UInt64: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MaxValue ulong +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinValue ulong +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.UInt64 = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.UInt64.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.UInt64.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.UInt64.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj ulong +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.UInt64.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.UInt64.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return TypeCode +function CS.System.UInt64.GetTypeCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.UInt64:Parse(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.UInt64:Parse(s, style) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.UInt64:Parse(s, style, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.UInt64:Parse(s, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.UInt64.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.UInt64.ToString(provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@return String +function CS.System.UInt64.ToString(format) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param format string +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@return String +function CS.System.UInt64.ToString(format, provider) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param style System.Globalization.NumberStyles +---@param provider System.IFormatProvider +---@param result ulong +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.UInt64:TryParse(s, style, provider, result) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +---@param result ulong +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.UInt64:TryParse(s, result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.UIntPtr: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Zero System.UIntPtr +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Size int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.UIntPtr = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pointer System.UIntPtr +---@param offset int +---@return UIntPtr +function CS.System.UIntPtr:Add(pointer, offset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.UIntPtr.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.UIntPtr.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pointer System.UIntPtr +---@param offset int +---@return UIntPtr +function CS.System.UIntPtr:op_Addition(pointer, offset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value1 System.UIntPtr +---@param value2 System.UIntPtr +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.UIntPtr:op_Equality(value1, value2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value uint +---@return UIntPtr +function CS.System.UIntPtr:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value ulong +---@return UIntPtr +function CS.System.UIntPtr:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.UIntPtr +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.UIntPtr:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.UIntPtr +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.UIntPtr:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.UIntPtr +function CS.System.UIntPtr:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value void* +---@return UIntPtr +function CS.System.UIntPtr:op_Explicit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value1 System.UIntPtr +---@param value2 System.UIntPtr +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.UIntPtr:op_Inequality(value1, value2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pointer System.UIntPtr +---@param offset int +---@return UIntPtr +function CS.System.UIntPtr:op_Subtraction(pointer, offset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pointer System.UIntPtr +---@param offset int +---@return UIntPtr +function CS.System.UIntPtr:Subtract(pointer, offset) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System.UIntPtr.ToPointer() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.UIntPtr.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return UInt32 +function CS.System.UIntPtr.ToUInt32() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return UInt64 +function CS.System.UIntPtr.ToUInt64() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.UnauthorizedAccessException: System.SystemException +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.UnauthorizedAccessException = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs: System.EventArgs +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ExceptionObject object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsTerminating bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.UnhandledExceptionEventHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.UnhandledExceptionEventHandler = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs +function CS.System.UnhandledExceptionEventHandler.Invoke(sender, e) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param sender object +---@param e System.UnhandledExceptionEventArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.System.UnhandledExceptionEventHandler.BeginInvoke(sender, e, callback, object) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.System.UnhandledExceptionEventHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ValueTuple: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ValueTuple = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.ValueTuple +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ValueTuple.CompareTo(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.ValueTuple:Create() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.ValueTuple:Create(item1) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.ValueTuple:Create(item1, item2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.ValueTuple:Create(item1, item2, item3) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.ValueTuple:Create(item1, item2, item3, item4) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.ValueTuple:Create(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@param item6 T6 +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.ValueTuple:Create(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@param item6 T6 +---@param item7 T7 +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.ValueTuple:Create(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param item1 T1 +---@param item2 T2 +---@param item3 T3 +---@param item4 T4 +---@param item5 T5 +---@param item6 T6 +---@param item7 T7 +---@param item8 T8 +---@return ValueTuple +function CS.System.ValueTuple:Create(item1, item2, item3, item4, item5, item6, item7, item8) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ValueTuple.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.ValueTuple +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ValueTuple.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ValueTuple.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ValueTuple.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ValueTuple: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item1 T1 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ValueTuple = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.ValueTuple +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ValueTuple.CompareTo(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ValueTuple.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.ValueTuple +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ValueTuple.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ValueTuple.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ValueTuple.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ValueTuple: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item1 T1 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item2 T2 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ValueTuple = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other (T1, T2) +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ValueTuple.CompareTo(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ValueTuple.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other (T1, T2) +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ValueTuple.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ValueTuple.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ValueTuple.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ValueTuple: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item1 T1 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item2 T2 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item3 T3 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ValueTuple = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other (T1, T2, T3) +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ValueTuple.CompareTo(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ValueTuple.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other (T1, T2, T3) +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ValueTuple.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ValueTuple.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ValueTuple.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ValueTuple: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item1 T1 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item2 T2 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item3 T3 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item4 T4 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ValueTuple = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other (T1, T2, T3, T4) +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ValueTuple.CompareTo(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ValueTuple.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other (T1, T2, T3, T4) +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ValueTuple.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ValueTuple.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ValueTuple.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ValueTuple: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item1 T1 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item2 T2 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item3 T3 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item4 T4 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item5 T5 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ValueTuple = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ValueTuple.CompareTo(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ValueTuple.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ValueTuple.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ValueTuple.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ValueTuple.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ValueTuple: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item1 T1 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item2 T2 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item3 T3 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item4 T4 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item5 T5 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item6 T6 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ValueTuple = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ValueTuple.CompareTo(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ValueTuple.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ValueTuple.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ValueTuple.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ValueTuple.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ValueTuple: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item1 T1 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item2 T2 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item3 T3 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item4 T4 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item5 T5 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item6 T6 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item7 T7 +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ValueTuple = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ValueTuple.CompareTo(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ValueTuple.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ValueTuple.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ValueTuple.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ValueTuple.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ValueTuple: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item1 T1 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item2 T2 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item3 T3 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item4 T4 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item5 T5 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item6 T6 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Item7 T7 +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Rest TRest +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ValueTuple = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.ValueTuple +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ValueTuple.CompareTo(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ValueTuple.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other System.ValueTuple +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ValueTuple.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ValueTuple.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ValueTuple.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.ValueType: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.ValueType = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.ValueType.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.ValueType.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.ValueType.ToString() end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Version: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Build int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Major int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MajorRevision short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Minor int +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field MinorRevision short +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Revision int +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Version = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System.Version.Clone() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param version object +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Version.CompareTo(version) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.Version +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Version.CompareTo(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Version.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param obj System.Version +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Version.Equals(obj) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Version.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param v1 System.Version +---@param v2 System.Version +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Version:op_Equality(v1, v2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param v1 System.Version +---@param v2 System.Version +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Version:op_GreaterThan(v1, v2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param v1 System.Version +---@param v2 System.Version +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Version:op_GreaterThanOrEqual(v1, v2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param v1 System.Version +---@param v2 System.Version +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Version:op_Inequality(v1, v2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param v1 System.Version +---@param v2 System.Version +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Version:op_LessThan(v1, v2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param v1 System.Version +---@param v2 System.Version +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Version:op_LessThanOrEqual(v1, v2) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@return Version +function CS.System.Version:Parse(input) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Version.ToString() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param fieldCount int +---@return String +function CS.System.Version.ToString(fieldCount) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param input string +---@param result System.Version +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Version:TryParse(input, result) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.Void: System.ValueType +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.Void = {} + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.WeakReference: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field IsAlive bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Target object +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TrackResurrection bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.WeakReference = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.WeakReference.GetObjectData(info, context) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System.WeakReference: object +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System.WeakReference = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param info System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +function CS.System.WeakReference.GetObjectData(info, context) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target T +function CS.System.WeakReference.SetTarget(target) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param target T +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.WeakReference.TryGetTarget(target) end + + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@class System._AppDomain +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field BaseDirectory string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DynamicDirectory string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field Evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field FriendlyName string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field RelativeSearchPath string +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ShadowCopyFiles bool +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssemblyLoad System.AssemblyLoadEventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field AssemblyResolve System.ResolveEventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field DomainUnload System.EventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ProcessExit System.EventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field ResourceResolve System.ResolveEventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field TypeResolve System.ResolveEventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@field UnhandledException System.UnhandledExceptionEventHandler +---@source mscorlib.dll +CS.System._AppDomain = {} + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.AssemblyLoadEventHandler +function CS.System._AppDomain.add_AssemblyLoad(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.AssemblyLoadEventHandler +function CS.System._AppDomain.remove_AssemblyLoad(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.ResolveEventHandler +function CS.System._AppDomain.add_AssemblyResolve(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.ResolveEventHandler +function CS.System._AppDomain.remove_AssemblyResolve(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System._AppDomain.add_DomainUnload(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System._AppDomain.remove_DomainUnload(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System._AppDomain.add_ProcessExit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.EventHandler +function CS.System._AppDomain.remove_ProcessExit(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.ResolveEventHandler +function CS.System._AppDomain.add_ResourceResolve(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.ResolveEventHandler +function CS.System._AppDomain.remove_ResourceResolve(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.ResolveEventHandler +function CS.System._AppDomain.add_TypeResolve(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.ResolveEventHandler +function CS.System._AppDomain.remove_TypeResolve(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.UnhandledExceptionEventHandler +function CS.System._AppDomain.add_UnhandledException(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param value System.UnhandledExceptionEventHandler +function CS.System._AppDomain.remove_UnhandledException(value) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param path string +function CS.System._AppDomain.AppendPrivatePath(path) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System._AppDomain.ClearPrivatePath() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System._AppDomain.ClearShadowCopyPath() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System._AppDomain.CreateInstance(assemblyName, typeName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@param securityAttributes System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System._AppDomain.CreateInstance(assemblyName, typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes, securityAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyName string +---@param typeName string +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System._AppDomain.CreateInstance(assemblyName, typeName, activationAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param typeName string +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System._AppDomain.CreateInstanceFrom(assemblyFile, typeName) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param typeName string +---@param ignoreCase bool +---@param bindingAttr System.Reflection.BindingFlags +---@param binder System.Reflection.Binder +---@param args object[] +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@param securityAttributes System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System._AppDomain.CreateInstanceFrom(assemblyFile, typeName, ignoreCase, bindingAttr, binder, args, culture, activationAttributes, securityAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param typeName string +---@param activationAttributes object[] +---@return ObjectHandle +function CS.System._AppDomain.CreateInstanceFrom(assemblyFile, typeName, activationAttributes) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System._AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@param requiredPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param optionalPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param refusedPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System._AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, requiredPermissions, optionalPermissions, refusedPermissions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System._AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@param requiredPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param optionalPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param refusedPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System._AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, evidence, requiredPermissions, optionalPermissions, refusedPermissions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@param dir string +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System._AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, dir) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@param dir string +---@param requiredPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param optionalPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param refusedPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System._AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, dir, requiredPermissions, optionalPermissions, refusedPermissions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@param dir string +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System._AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, dir, evidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@param dir string +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@param requiredPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param optionalPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param refusedPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System._AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, dir, evidence, requiredPermissions, optionalPermissions, refusedPermissions) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param access System.Reflection.Emit.AssemblyBuilderAccess +---@param dir string +---@param evidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@param requiredPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param optionalPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param refusedPermissions System.Security.PermissionSet +---@param isSynchronized bool +---@return AssemblyBuilder +function CS.System._AppDomain.DefineDynamicAssembly(name, access, dir, evidence, requiredPermissions, optionalPermissions, refusedPermissions, isSynchronized) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param theDelegate System.CrossAppDomainDelegate +function CS.System._AppDomain.DoCallBack(theDelegate) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param other object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System._AppDomain.Equals(other) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@return Int32 +function CS.System._AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(assemblyFile) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param assemblySecurity System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Int32 +function CS.System._AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(assemblyFile, assemblySecurity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyFile string +---@param assemblySecurity System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@param args string[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.System._AppDomain.ExecuteAssembly(assemblyFile, assemblySecurity, args) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +function CS.System._AppDomain.GetAssemblies() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@return Object +function CS.System._AppDomain.GetData(name) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System._AppDomain.GetHashCode() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param rgszNames System.IntPtr +---@param cNames uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param rgDispId System.IntPtr +function CS.System._AppDomain.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgDispId) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System._AppDomain.GetLifetimeService() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Type +function CS.System._AppDomain.GetType() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param iTInfo uint +---@param lcid uint +---@param ppTInfo System.IntPtr +function CS.System._AppDomain.GetTypeInfo(iTInfo, lcid, ppTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param pcTInfo uint +function CS.System._AppDomain.GetTypeInfoCount(pcTInfo) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return Object +function CS.System._AppDomain.InitializeLifetimeService() end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param dispIdMember uint +---@param riid System.Guid +---@param lcid uint +---@param wFlags short +---@param pDispParams System.IntPtr +---@param pVarResult System.IntPtr +---@param pExcepInfo System.IntPtr +---@param puArgErr System.IntPtr +function CS.System._AppDomain.Invoke(dispIdMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pDispParams, pVarResult, pExcepInfo, puArgErr) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rawAssembly byte[] +---@return Assembly +function CS.System._AppDomain.Load(rawAssembly) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rawAssembly byte[] +---@param rawSymbolStore byte[] +---@return Assembly +function CS.System._AppDomain.Load(rawAssembly, rawSymbolStore) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param rawAssembly byte[] +---@param rawSymbolStore byte[] +---@param securityEvidence System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Assembly +function CS.System._AppDomain.Load(rawAssembly, rawSymbolStore, securityEvidence) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyRef System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@return Assembly +function CS.System._AppDomain.Load(assemblyRef) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyRef System.Reflection.AssemblyName +---@param assemblySecurity System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Assembly +function CS.System._AppDomain.Load(assemblyRef, assemblySecurity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyString string +---@return Assembly +function CS.System._AppDomain.Load(assemblyString) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param assemblyString string +---@param assemblySecurity System.Security.Policy.Evidence +---@return Assembly +function CS.System._AppDomain.Load(assemblyString, assemblySecurity) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param domainPolicy System.Security.Policy.PolicyLevel +function CS.System._AppDomain.SetAppDomainPolicy(domainPolicy) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +function CS.System._AppDomain.SetCachePath(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param name string +---@param data object +function CS.System._AppDomain.SetData(name, data) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param policy System.Security.Principal.PrincipalPolicy +function CS.System._AppDomain.SetPrincipalPolicy(policy) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param s string +function CS.System._AppDomain.SetShadowCopyPath(s) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@param principal System.Security.Principal.IPrincipal +function CS.System._AppDomain.SetThreadPrincipal(principal) end + +---@source mscorlib.dll +---@return String +function CS.System._AppDomain.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.FileStyleUriParser: System.UriParser +---@source System.dll +CS.System.FileStyleUriParser = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.FtpStyleUriParser: System.UriParser +---@source System.dll +CS.System.FtpStyleUriParser = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.GenericUriParser: System.UriParser +---@source System.dll +CS.System.GenericUriParser = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.GenericUriParserOptions: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field AllowEmptyAuthority System.GenericUriParserOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field Default System.GenericUriParserOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field DontCompressPath System.GenericUriParserOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field DontConvertPathBackslashes System.GenericUriParserOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field DontUnescapePathDotsAndSlashes System.GenericUriParserOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field GenericAuthority System.GenericUriParserOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field Idn System.GenericUriParserOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field IriParsing System.GenericUriParserOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field NoFragment System.GenericUriParserOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field NoPort System.GenericUriParserOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field NoQuery System.GenericUriParserOptions +---@source System.dll +---@field NoUserInfo System.GenericUriParserOptions +---@source System.dll +CS.System.GenericUriParserOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.GenericUriParserOptions +function CS.System.GenericUriParserOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.GopherStyleUriParser: System.UriParser +---@source System.dll +CS.System.GopherStyleUriParser = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.HttpStyleUriParser: System.UriParser +---@source System.dll +CS.System.HttpStyleUriParser = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.LdapStyleUriParser: System.UriParser +---@source System.dll +CS.System.LdapStyleUriParser = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.NetPipeStyleUriParser: System.UriParser +---@source System.dll +CS.System.NetPipeStyleUriParser = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.NetTcpStyleUriParser: System.UriParser +---@source System.dll +CS.System.NetTcpStyleUriParser = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.NewsStyleUriParser: System.UriParser +---@source System.dll +CS.System.NewsStyleUriParser = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.StringNormalizationExtensions: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.StringNormalizationExtensions = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.StringNormalizationExtensions.IsNormalized() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param normalizationForm System.Text.NormalizationForm +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.StringNormalizationExtensions.IsNormalized(normalizationForm) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.StringNormalizationExtensions.Normalize() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param normalizationForm System.Text.NormalizationForm +---@return String +function CS.System.StringNormalizationExtensions.Normalize(normalizationForm) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.Uri: object +---@source System.dll +---@field SchemeDelimiter string +---@source System.dll +---@field UriSchemeFile string +---@source System.dll +---@field UriSchemeFtp string +---@source System.dll +---@field UriSchemeGopher string +---@source System.dll +---@field UriSchemeHttp string +---@source System.dll +---@field UriSchemeHttps string +---@source System.dll +---@field UriSchemeMailto string +---@source System.dll +---@field UriSchemeNetPipe string +---@source System.dll +---@field UriSchemeNetTcp string +---@source System.dll +---@field UriSchemeNews string +---@source System.dll +---@field UriSchemeNntp string +---@source System.dll +---@field AbsolutePath string +---@source System.dll +---@field AbsoluteUri string +---@source System.dll +---@field Authority string +---@source System.dll +---@field DnsSafeHost string +---@source System.dll +---@field Fragment string +---@source System.dll +---@field Host string +---@source System.dll +---@field HostNameType System.UriHostNameType +---@source System.dll +---@field IdnHost string +---@source System.dll +---@field IsAbsoluteUri bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsDefaultPort bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsFile bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsLoopback bool +---@source System.dll +---@field IsUnc bool +---@source System.dll +---@field LocalPath string +---@source System.dll +---@field OriginalString string +---@source System.dll +---@field PathAndQuery string +---@source System.dll +---@field Port int +---@source System.dll +---@field Query string +---@source System.dll +---@field Scheme string +---@source System.dll +---@field Segments string[] +---@source System.dll +---@field UserEscaped bool +---@source System.dll +---@field UserInfo string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.Uri = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param name string +---@return UriHostNameType +function CS.System.Uri:CheckHostName(name) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param schemeName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Uri:CheckSchemeName(schemeName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param uri1 System.Uri +---@param uri2 System.Uri +---@param partsToCompare System.UriComponents +---@param compareFormat System.UriFormat +---@param comparisonType System.StringComparison +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Uri:Compare(uri1, uri2, partsToCompare, compareFormat, comparisonType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param comparand object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Uri.Equals(comparand) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param stringToEscape string +---@return String +function CS.System.Uri:EscapeDataString(stringToEscape) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param stringToEscape string +---@return String +function CS.System.Uri:EscapeUriString(stringToEscape) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param digit char +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Uri:FromHex(digit) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param components System.UriComponents +---@param format System.UriFormat +---@return String +function CS.System.Uri.GetComponents(components, format) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.Uri.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param part System.UriPartial +---@return String +function CS.System.Uri.GetLeftPart(part) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param character char +---@return String +function CS.System.Uri:HexEscape(character) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param pattern string +---@param index int +---@return Char +function CS.System.Uri:HexUnescape(pattern, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Uri.IsBaseOf(uri) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param character char +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Uri:IsHexDigit(character) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param pattern string +---@param index int +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Uri:IsHexEncoding(pattern, index) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Uri.IsWellFormedOriginalString() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param uriString string +---@param uriKind System.UriKind +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Uri:IsWellFormedUriString(uriString, uriKind) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param toUri System.Uri +---@return String +function CS.System.Uri.MakeRelative(toUri) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@return Uri +function CS.System.Uri.MakeRelativeUri(uri) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param uri1 System.Uri +---@param uri2 System.Uri +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Uri:op_Equality(uri1, uri2) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param uri1 System.Uri +---@param uri2 System.Uri +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Uri:op_Inequality(uri1, uri2) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.Uri.ToString() end + +---@source System.dll +---@param uriString string +---@param uriKind System.UriKind +---@param result System.Uri +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Uri:TryCreate(uriString, uriKind, result) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param baseUri System.Uri +---@param relativeUri string +---@param result System.Uri +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Uri:TryCreate(baseUri, relativeUri, result) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param baseUri System.Uri +---@param relativeUri System.Uri +---@param result System.Uri +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.Uri:TryCreate(baseUri, relativeUri, result) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param stringToUnescape string +---@return String +function CS.System.Uri:UnescapeDataString(stringToUnescape) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.UriBuilder: object +---@source System.dll +---@field Fragment string +---@source System.dll +---@field Host string +---@source System.dll +---@field Password string +---@source System.dll +---@field Path string +---@source System.dll +---@field Port int +---@source System.dll +---@field Query string +---@source System.dll +---@field Scheme string +---@source System.dll +---@field Uri System.Uri +---@source System.dll +---@field UserName string +---@source System.dll +CS.System.UriBuilder = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param rparam object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.UriBuilder.Equals(rparam) end + +---@source System.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.System.UriBuilder.GetHashCode() end + +---@source System.dll +---@return String +function CS.System.UriBuilder.ToString() end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.UriComponents: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field AbsoluteUri System.UriComponents +---@source System.dll +---@field Fragment System.UriComponents +---@source System.dll +---@field Host System.UriComponents +---@source System.dll +---@field HostAndPort System.UriComponents +---@source System.dll +---@field HttpRequestUrl System.UriComponents +---@source System.dll +---@field KeepDelimiter System.UriComponents +---@source System.dll +---@field NormalizedHost System.UriComponents +---@source System.dll +---@field Path System.UriComponents +---@source System.dll +---@field PathAndQuery System.UriComponents +---@source System.dll +---@field Port System.UriComponents +---@source System.dll +---@field Query System.UriComponents +---@source System.dll +---@field Scheme System.UriComponents +---@source System.dll +---@field SchemeAndServer System.UriComponents +---@source System.dll +---@field SerializationInfoString System.UriComponents +---@source System.dll +---@field StrongAuthority System.UriComponents +---@source System.dll +---@field StrongPort System.UriComponents +---@source System.dll +---@field UserInfo System.UriComponents +---@source System.dll +CS.System.UriComponents = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.UriComponents +function CS.System.UriComponents:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.UriFormat: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field SafeUnescaped System.UriFormat +---@source System.dll +---@field Unescaped System.UriFormat +---@source System.dll +---@field UriEscaped System.UriFormat +---@source System.dll +CS.System.UriFormat = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.UriFormat +function CS.System.UriFormat:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.UriFormatException: System.FormatException +---@source System.dll +CS.System.UriFormatException = {} + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.UriHostNameType: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Basic System.UriHostNameType +---@source System.dll +---@field Dns System.UriHostNameType +---@source System.dll +---@field IPv4 System.UriHostNameType +---@source System.dll +---@field IPv6 System.UriHostNameType +---@source System.dll +---@field Unknown System.UriHostNameType +---@source System.dll +CS.System.UriHostNameType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.UriHostNameType +function CS.System.UriHostNameType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.UriIdnScope: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field All System.UriIdnScope +---@source System.dll +---@field AllExceptIntranet System.UriIdnScope +---@source System.dll +---@field None System.UriIdnScope +---@source System.dll +CS.System.UriIdnScope = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.UriIdnScope +function CS.System.UriIdnScope:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.UriKind: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Absolute System.UriKind +---@source System.dll +---@field Relative System.UriKind +---@source System.dll +---@field RelativeOrAbsolute System.UriKind +---@source System.dll +CS.System.UriKind = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.UriKind +function CS.System.UriKind:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.UriParser: object +---@source System.dll +CS.System.UriParser = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param schemeName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.UriParser:IsKnownScheme(schemeName) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param uriParser System.UriParser +---@param schemeName string +---@param defaultPort int +function CS.System.UriParser:Register(uriParser, schemeName, defaultPort) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.UriPartial: System.Enum +---@source System.dll +---@field Authority System.UriPartial +---@source System.dll +---@field Path System.UriPartial +---@source System.dll +---@field Query System.UriPartial +---@source System.dll +---@field Scheme System.UriPartial +---@source System.dll +CS.System.UriPartial = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return System.UriPartial +function CS.System.UriPartial:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source System.dll +---@class System.UriTypeConverter: System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter +---@source System.dll +CS.System.UriTypeConverter = {} + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param sourceType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.UriTypeConverter.CanConvertFrom(context, sourceType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.UriTypeConverter.CanConvertTo(context, destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@return Object +function CS.System.UriTypeConverter.ConvertFrom(context, culture, value) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param culture System.Globalization.CultureInfo +---@param value object +---@param destinationType System.Type +---@return Object +function CS.System.UriTypeConverter.ConvertTo(context, culture, value, destinationType) end + +---@source System.dll +---@param context System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext +---@param value object +---@return Boolean +function CS.System.UriTypeConverter.IsValid(context, value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.AI.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.AI.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c0d7989b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.AI.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1625 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--Status of path. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPathStatus: System.Enum +-- +--The path terminates at the destination. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field PathComplete UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPathStatus +-- +--The path cannot reach the destination. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field PathPartial UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPathStatus +-- +--The path is invalid. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field PathInvalid UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPathStatus +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPathStatus = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPathStatus +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPathStatus:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--A path as calculated by the navigation system. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPath: object +-- +--Corner points of the path. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field corners UnityEngine.Vector3[] +-- +--Status of the path. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field status UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPathStatus +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPath = {} + +-- +--The number of corners along the path - including start and end points. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: results - Array to store path corners. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param results UnityEngine.Vector3[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPath.GetCornersNonAlloc(results) end + +-- +--Erase all corner points from path. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPath.ClearCorners() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuilder: object +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuilder = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param includedWorldBounds UnityEngine.Bounds +---@param includedLayerMask int +---@param geometry UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshCollectGeometry +---@param defaultArea int +---@param markups System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param results System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuilder:CollectSources(includedWorldBounds, includedLayerMask, geometry, defaultArea, markups, results) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param root UnityEngine.Transform +---@param includedLayerMask int +---@param geometry UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshCollectGeometry +---@param defaultArea int +---@param markups System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param results System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuilder:CollectSources(root, includedLayerMask, geometry, defaultArea, markups, results) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param buildSettings UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSettings +---@param sources System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param localBounds UnityEngine.Bounds +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +---@return NavMeshData +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuilder:BuildNavMeshData(buildSettings, sources, localBounds, position, rotation) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param data UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshData +---@param buildSettings UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSettings +---@param sources System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param localBounds UnityEngine.Bounds +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuilder:UpdateNavMeshData(data, buildSettings, sources, localBounds) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param data UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshData +---@param buildSettings UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSettings +---@param sources System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param localBounds UnityEngine.Bounds +---@return AsyncOperation +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuilder:UpdateNavMeshDataAsync(data, buildSettings, sources, localBounds) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param data UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshData +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuilder:Cancel(data) end + + +-- +--Level of obstacle avoidance. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.ObstacleAvoidanceType: System.Enum +-- +--Disable avoidance. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field NoObstacleAvoidance UnityEngine.AI.ObstacleAvoidanceType +-- +--Enable simple avoidance. Low performance impact. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field LowQualityObstacleAvoidance UnityEngine.AI.ObstacleAvoidanceType +-- +--Medium avoidance. Medium performance impact. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field MedQualityObstacleAvoidance UnityEngine.AI.ObstacleAvoidanceType +-- +--Good avoidance. High performance impact. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field GoodQualityObstacleAvoidance UnityEngine.AI.ObstacleAvoidanceType +-- +--Enable highest precision. Highest performance impact. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field HighQualityObstacleAvoidance UnityEngine.AI.ObstacleAvoidanceType +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.ObstacleAvoidanceType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.AI.ObstacleAvoidanceType +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.ObstacleAvoidanceType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Navigation mesh agent. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent: UnityEngine.Behaviour +-- +--Gets or attempts to set the destination of the agent in world-space units. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field destination UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Stop within this distance from the target position. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field stoppingDistance float +-- +--Access the current velocity of the NavMeshAgent component, or set a velocity to control the agent manually. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field velocity UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Gets or sets the simulation position of the navmesh agent. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field nextPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Get the current steering target along the path. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field steeringTarget UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The desired velocity of the agent including any potential contribution from avoidance. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field desiredVelocity UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The distance between the agent's position and the destination on the current path. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field remainingDistance float +-- +--The relative vertical displacement of the owning GameObject. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field baseOffset float +-- +--Is the agent currently positioned on an OffMeshLink? (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field isOnOffMeshLink bool +-- +--The current OffMeshLinkData. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field currentOffMeshLinkData UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkData +-- +--The next OffMeshLinkData on the current path. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field nextOffMeshLinkData UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkData +-- +--Should the agent move across OffMeshLinks automatically? +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field autoTraverseOffMeshLink bool +-- +--Should the agent brake automatically to avoid overshooting the destination point? +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field autoBraking bool +-- +--Should the agent attempt to acquire a new path if the existing path becomes invalid? +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field autoRepath bool +-- +--Does the agent currently have a path? (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field hasPath bool +-- +--Is a path in the process of being computed but not yet ready? (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field pathPending bool +-- +--Is the current path stale. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field isPathStale bool +-- +--The status of the current path (complete, partial or invalid). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field pathStatus UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPathStatus +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field pathEndPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--This property holds the stop or resume condition of the NavMesh agent. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field isStopped bool +-- +--Property to get and set the current path. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field path UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPath +-- +--Returns the owning object of the NavMesh the agent is currently placed on (Read Only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field navMeshOwner UnityEngine.Object +-- +--The type ID for the agent. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field agentTypeID int +-- +--Specifies which NavMesh layers are passable (bitfield). Changing walkableMask will make the path stale (see isPathStale). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field walkableMask int +-- +--Specifies which NavMesh areas are passable. Changing areaMask will make the path stale (see isPathStale). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field areaMask int +-- +--Maximum movement speed when following a path. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field speed float +-- +--Maximum turning speed in (deg/s) while following a path. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field angularSpeed float +-- +--The maximum acceleration of an agent as it follows a path, given in units / sec^2. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field acceleration float +-- +--Gets or sets whether the transform position is synchronized with the simulated agent position. The default value is true. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field updatePosition bool +-- +--Should the agent update the transform orientation? +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field updateRotation bool +-- +--Allows you to specify whether the agent should be aligned to the up-axis of the NavMesh or link that it is placed on. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field updateUpAxis bool +-- +--The avoidance radius for the agent. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field radius float +-- +--The height of the agent for purposes of passing under obstacles, etc. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field height float +-- +--The level of quality of avoidance. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field obstacleAvoidanceType UnityEngine.AI.ObstacleAvoidanceType +-- +--The avoidance priority level. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field avoidancePriority int +-- +--Is the agent currently bound to the navmesh? (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field isOnNavMesh bool +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent = {} + +-- +--True if the destination was requested successfully, otherwise false. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: target - The target point to navigate to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param target UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.SetDestination(target) end + +-- +--Enables or disables the current off-mesh link. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: activated - Is the link activated? +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param activated bool +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.ActivateCurrentOffMeshLink(activated) end + +-- +--Completes the movement on the current OffMeshLink. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.CompleteOffMeshLink() end + +-- +--True if agent is successfully warped, otherwise false. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: newPosition - New position to warp the agent to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param newPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.Warp(newPosition) end + +-- +--Apply relative movement to current position. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: offset - The relative movement vector. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param offset UnityEngine.Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.Move(offset) end + +-- +--Stop movement of this agent along its current path. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.Stop() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param stopUpdates bool +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.Stop(stopUpdates) end + +-- +--Resumes the movement along the current path after a pause. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.Resume() end + +-- +--Clears the current path. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.ResetPath() end + +-- +--True if the path is succesfully assigned. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: path - New path to follow. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param path UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPath +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.SetPath(path) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param hit UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.FindClosestEdge(hit) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param targetPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param hit UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.Raycast(targetPosition, hit) end + +-- +--True if a path is found. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: targetPosition - The final position of the path requested. +-- path - The resulting path. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param targetPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param path UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPath +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.CalculatePath(targetPosition, path) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param areaMask int +---@param maxDistance float +---@param hit UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.SamplePathPosition(areaMask, maxDistance, hit) end + +-- +--Sets the cost for traversing over geometry of the layer type. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: layer - Layer index. +-- cost - New cost for the specified layer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param layer int +---@param cost float +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.SetLayerCost(layer, cost) end + +-- +--Current cost of specified layer. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: layer - Layer index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param layer int +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.GetLayerCost(layer) end + +-- +--Sets the cost for traversing over areas of the area type. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: areaIndex - Area cost. +-- areaCost - New cost for the specified area index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param areaIndex int +---@param areaCost float +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.SetAreaCost(areaIndex, areaCost) end + +-- +--Current cost for specified area index. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: areaIndex - Area Index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param areaIndex int +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent.GetAreaCost(areaIndex) end + + +-- +--Shape of the obstacle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshObstacleShape: System.Enum +-- +--Capsule shaped obstacle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field Capsule UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshObstacleShape +-- +--Box shaped obstacle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field Box UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshObstacleShape +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshObstacleShape = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshObstacleShape +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshObstacleShape:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--An obstacle for NavMeshAgents to avoid. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshObstacle: UnityEngine.Behaviour +-- +--Height of the obstacle's cylinder shape. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field height float +-- +--Radius of the obstacle's capsule shape. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field radius float +-- +--Velocity at which the obstacle moves around the NavMesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field velocity UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Should this obstacle make a cut-out in the navmesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field carving bool +-- +--Should this obstacle be carved when it is constantly moving? +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field carveOnlyStationary bool +-- +--Threshold distance for updating a moving carved hole (when carving is enabled). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field carvingMoveThreshold float +-- +--Time to wait until obstacle is treated as stationary (when carving and carveOnlyStationary are enabled). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field carvingTimeToStationary float +-- +--The shape of the obstacle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field shape UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshObstacleShape +-- +--The center of the obstacle, measured in the object's local space. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field center UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The size of the obstacle, measured in the object's local space. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field size UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshObstacle = {} + + +-- +--Link type specifier. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkType: System.Enum +-- +--Manually specified type of link. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field LinkTypeManual UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkType +-- +--Vertical drop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field LinkTypeDropDown UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkType +-- +--Horizontal jump. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field LinkTypeJumpAcross UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkType +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkType +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--State of OffMeshLink. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkData: System.ValueType +-- +--Is link valid (Read Only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field valid bool +-- +--Is link active (Read Only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field activated bool +-- +--Link type specifier (Read Only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field linkType UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkType +-- +--Link start world position (Read Only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field startPos UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Link end world position (Read Only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field endPos UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The OffMeshLink if the link type is a manually placed Offmeshlink (Read Only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field offMeshLink UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLink +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLinkData = {} + + +-- +--Link allowing movement outside the planar navigation mesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLink: UnityEngine.Behaviour +-- +--Is link active. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field activated bool +-- +--Is link occupied. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field occupied bool +-- +--Modify pathfinding cost for the link. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field costOverride float +-- +--Can link be traversed in both directions. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field biDirectional bool +-- +--NavMeshLayer for this OffMeshLink component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field navMeshLayer int +-- +--NavMesh area index for this OffMeshLink component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field area int +-- +--Automatically update endpoints. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field autoUpdatePositions bool +-- +--The transform representing link start position. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field startTransform UnityEngine.Transform +-- +--The transform representing link end position. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field endTransform UnityEngine.Transform +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLink = {} + +-- +--Explicitly update the link endpoints. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.OffMeshLink.UpdatePositions() end + + +-- +--Result information for NavMesh queries. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit: System.ValueType +-- +--Position of hit. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Normal at the point of hit. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field normal UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Distance to the point of hit. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field distance float +-- +--Mask specifying NavMesh area at point of hit. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field mask int +-- +--Flag set when hit. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field hit bool +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit = {} + + +-- +--Contains data describing a triangulation of a navmesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshTriangulation: System.ValueType +-- +--Vertices for the navmesh triangulation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field vertices UnityEngine.Vector3[] +-- +--Triangle indices for the navmesh triangulation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field indices int[] +-- +--NavMesh area indices for the navmesh triangulation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field areas int[] +-- +--NavMeshLayer values for the navmesh triangulation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field layers int[] +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshTriangulation = {} + + +-- +--Contains and represents NavMesh data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshData: UnityEngine.Object +-- +--Returns the bounding volume of the input geometry used to build this NavMesh (Read Only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field sourceBounds UnityEngine.Bounds +-- +--Gets or sets the world space position of the NavMesh data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Gets or sets the orientation of the NavMesh data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshData = {} + + +-- +--The instance is returned when adding NavMesh data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshDataInstance: System.ValueType +-- +--True if the NavMesh data is added to the navigation system - otherwise false (Read Only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field valid bool +-- +--Get or set the owning Object. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field owner UnityEngine.Object +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshDataInstance = {} + +-- +--Removes this instance from the NavMesh system. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshDataInstance.Remove() end + + +-- +--Used for runtime manipulation of links connecting polygons of the NavMesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshLinkData: System.ValueType +-- +--Start position of the link. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field startPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--End position of the link. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field endPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--If positive, overrides the pathfinder cost to traverse the link. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field costModifier float +-- +--If true, the link can be traversed in both directions, otherwise only from start to end position. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field bidirectional bool +-- +--If positive, the link will be rectangle aligned along the line from start to end. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field width float +-- +--Area type of the link. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field area int +-- +--Specifies which agent type this link is available for. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field agentTypeID int +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshLinkData = {} + + +-- +--An instance representing a link available for pathfinding. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshLinkInstance: System.ValueType +-- +--True if the NavMesh link is added to the navigation system - otherwise false (Read Only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field valid bool +-- +--Get or set the owning Object. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field owner UnityEngine.Object +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshLinkInstance = {} + +-- +--Removes this instance from the game. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshLinkInstance.Remove() end + + +-- +--Specifies which agent type and areas to consider when searching the NavMesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshQueryFilter: System.ValueType +-- +--A bitmask representing the traversable area types. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field areaMask int +-- +--The agent type ID, specifying which navigation meshes to consider for the query functions. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field agentTypeID int +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshQueryFilter = {} + +-- +--The cost multiplier for the supplied area index. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: areaIndex - Index to retreive the cost for. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param areaIndex int +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshQueryFilter.GetAreaCost(areaIndex) end + +-- +--Sets the pathfinding cost multiplier for this filter for a given area type. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: areaIndex - The area index to set the cost for. +-- cost - The cost for the supplied area index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param areaIndex int +---@param cost float +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshQueryFilter.SetAreaCost(areaIndex, cost) end + + +-- +--Singleton class to access the baked NavMesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh: object +-- +--Area mask constant that includes all NavMesh areas. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field AllAreas int +-- +--Set a function to be called before the NavMesh is updated during the frame update execution. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field onPreUpdate UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh.OnNavMeshPreUpdate +-- +--Describes how far in the future the agents predict collisions for avoidance. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field avoidancePredictionTime float +-- +--The maximum number of nodes processed for each frame during the asynchronous pathfinding process. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field pathfindingIterationsPerFrame int +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param sourcePosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param targetPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param hit UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit +---@param areaMask int +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:Raycast(sourcePosition, targetPosition, hit, areaMask) end + +-- +--True if either a complete or partial path is found. False otherwise. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sourcePosition - The initial position of the path requested. +-- targetPosition - The final position of the path requested. +-- areaMask - A bitfield mask specifying which NavMesh areas can be passed when calculating a path. +-- path - The resulting path. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param sourcePosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param targetPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param areaMask int +---@param path UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPath +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:CalculatePath(sourcePosition, targetPosition, areaMask, path) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param sourcePosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param hit UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit +---@param areaMask int +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:FindClosestEdge(sourcePosition, hit, areaMask) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param sourcePosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param hit UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit +---@param maxDistance float +---@param areaMask int +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:SamplePosition(sourcePosition, hit, maxDistance, areaMask) end + +-- +--Sets the cost for traversing over geometry of the layer type on all agents. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param layer int +---@param cost float +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:SetLayerCost(layer, cost) end + +-- +--Gets the cost for traversing over geometry of the layer type on all agents. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param layer int +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:GetLayerCost(layer) end + +-- +--Returns the layer index for a named layer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param layerName string +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:GetNavMeshLayerFromName(layerName) end + +-- +--Sets the cost for finding path over geometry of the area type on all agents. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: areaIndex - Index of the area to set. +-- cost - New cost. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param areaIndex int +---@param cost float +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:SetAreaCost(areaIndex, cost) end + +-- +--Gets the cost for path finding over geometry of the area type. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: areaIndex - Index of the area to get. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param areaIndex int +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:GetAreaCost(areaIndex) end + +-- +--Index if the specified are, or -1 if no area found. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: areaName - Name of the area to look up. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param areaName string +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:GetAreaFromName(areaName) end + +-- +--Calculates triangulation of the current navmesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@return NavMeshTriangulation +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:CalculateTriangulation() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param vertices UnityEngine.Vector3[] +---@param indices int[] +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:Triangulate(vertices, indices) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:AddOffMeshLinks() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:RestoreNavMesh() end + +-- +--Representing the added navmesh. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: navMeshData - Contains the data for the navmesh. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param navMeshData UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshData +---@return NavMeshDataInstance +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:AddNavMeshData(navMeshData) end + +-- +--Representing the added navmesh. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: navMeshData - Contains the data for the navmesh. +-- position - Translate the navmesh to this position. +-- rotation - Rotate the navmesh to this orientation. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param navMeshData UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshData +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +---@return NavMeshDataInstance +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:AddNavMeshData(navMeshData, position, rotation) end + +-- +--Removes the specified NavMeshDataInstance from the game, making it unavailable for agents and queries. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: handle - The instance of a NavMesh to remove. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param handle UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshDataInstance +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:RemoveNavMeshData(handle) end + +-- +--Representing the added link. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: link - Describing the properties of the link. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param link UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshLinkData +---@return NavMeshLinkInstance +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:AddLink(link) end + +-- +--Representing the added link. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: link - Describing the properties of the link. +-- position - Translate the link to this position. +-- rotation - Rotate the link to this orientation. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param link UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshLinkData +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +---@return NavMeshLinkInstance +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:AddLink(link, position, rotation) end + +-- +--Removes a link from the NavMesh. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: handle - The instance of a link to remove. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param handle UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshLinkInstance +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:RemoveLink(handle) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param sourcePosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param hit UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit +---@param maxDistance float +---@param filter UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshQueryFilter +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:SamplePosition(sourcePosition, hit, maxDistance, filter) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param sourcePosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param hit UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit +---@param filter UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshQueryFilter +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:FindClosestEdge(sourcePosition, hit, filter) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param sourcePosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param targetPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param hit UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit +---@param filter UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshQueryFilter +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:Raycast(sourcePosition, targetPosition, hit, filter) end + +-- +--True if a either a complete or partial path is found and false otherwise. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sourcePosition - The initial position of the path requested. +-- targetPosition - The final position of the path requested. +-- filter - A filter specifying the cost of NavMesh areas that can be passed when calculating a path. +-- path - The resulting path. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param sourcePosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param targetPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param filter UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshQueryFilter +---@param path UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshPath +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:CalculatePath(sourcePosition, targetPosition, filter, path) end + +-- +--The created settings. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@return NavMeshBuildSettings +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:CreateSettings() end + +-- +--Removes the build settings matching the agent type ID. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: agentTypeID - The ID of the entry to remove. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param agentTypeID int +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:RemoveSettings(agentTypeID) end + +-- +--The settings found. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: agentTypeID - The ID to look for. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param agentTypeID int +---@return NavMeshBuildSettings +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:GetSettingsByID(agentTypeID) end + +-- +--The number of registered entries. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:GetSettingsCount() end + +-- +--The found settings. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index to retrieve from. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return NavMeshBuildSettings +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:GetSettingsByIndex(index) end + +-- +--The name associated with the ID found. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: agentTypeID - The ID to look for. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param agentTypeID int +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:GetSettingsNameFromID(agentTypeID) end + +-- +--Removes all NavMesh surfaces and links from the game. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMesh:RemoveAllNavMeshData() end + + +-- +--A delegate which can be used to register callback methods to be invoked before the NavMesh system updates. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.OnNavMeshPreUpdate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.OnNavMeshPreUpdate = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.OnNavMeshPreUpdate.Invoke() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.OnNavMeshPreUpdate.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.OnNavMeshPreUpdate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--Bitmask used for operating with debug data from the NavMesh build process. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags: System.Enum +-- +--No debug data from the NavMesh build process is taken into consideration. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags +-- +--The triangles of all the geometry that is used as a base for computing the new NavMesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field InputGeometry UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags +-- +--The voxels produced by rasterizing the source geometry into walkable and unwalkable areas. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field Voxels UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags +-- +--The segmentation of the traversable surfaces into smaller areas necessary for producing simple polygons. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field Regions UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags +-- +--The contours that follow precisely the edges of each surface region. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field RawContours UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags +-- +--Contours bounding each of the surface regions, described through fewer vertices and straighter edges compared to RawContours. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field SimplifiedContours UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags +-- +--Meshes of convex polygons constructed within the unified contours of adjacent regions. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field PolygonMeshes UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags +-- +--The triangulated meshes with height details that better approximate the source geometry. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field PolygonMeshesDetail UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags +-- +--All debug data from the NavMesh build process is taken into consideration. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field All UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Used with NavMeshBuildSource to define the shape for building NavMesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSourceShape: System.Enum +-- +--Describes a Mesh source for use with NavMeshBuildSource. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field Mesh UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSourceShape +-- +--Describes a TerrainData source for use with NavMeshBuildSource. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field Terrain UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSourceShape +-- +--Describes a box primitive for use with NavMeshBuildSource. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field Box UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSourceShape +-- +--Describes a sphere primitive for use with NavMeshBuildSource. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field Sphere UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSourceShape +-- +--Describes a capsule primitive for use with NavMeshBuildSource. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field Capsule UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSourceShape +-- +--Describes a ModifierBox source for use with NavMeshBuildSource. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field ModifierBox UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSourceShape +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSourceShape = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSourceShape +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSourceShape:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Used for specifying the type of geometry to collect. Used with NavMeshBuilder.CollectSources. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshCollectGeometry: System.Enum +-- +--Collect meshes form the rendered geometry. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field RenderMeshes UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshCollectGeometry +-- +--Collect geometry from the 3D physics collision representation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field PhysicsColliders UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshCollectGeometry +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshCollectGeometry = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshCollectGeometry +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshCollectGeometry:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--The input to the NavMesh builder is a list of NavMesh build sources. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSource: System.ValueType +-- +--Describes the local to world transformation matrix of the build source. That is, position and orientation and scale of the shape. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field transform UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +-- +--Describes the dimensions of the shape. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field size UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The type of the shape this source describes. See Also: NavMeshBuildSourceShape. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field shape UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSourceShape +-- +--Describes the area type of the NavMesh surface for this object. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field area int +-- +--Describes the object referenced for Mesh and Terrain types of input sources. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field sourceObject UnityEngine.Object +-- +--Points to the owning component - if available, otherwise null. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field component UnityEngine.Component +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSource = {} + + +-- +--The NavMesh build markup allows you to control how certain objects are treated during the NavMesh build process, specifically when collecting sources for building. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildMarkup: System.ValueType +-- +--Use this to specify whether the area type of the GameObject and its children should be overridden by the area type specified in this struct. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field overrideArea bool +-- +--The area type to use when override area is enabled. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field area int +-- +--Use this to specify whether the GameObject and its children should be ignored. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field ignoreFromBuild bool +-- +--Use this to specify which GameObject (including the GameObject’s children) the markup should be applied to. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field root UnityEngine.Transform +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildMarkup = {} + + +-- +--The NavMeshBuildSettings struct allows you to specify a collection of settings which describe the dimensions and limitations of a particular agent type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSettings: System.ValueType +-- +--The agent type ID the NavMesh will be baked for. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field agentTypeID int +-- +--The radius of the agent for baking in world units. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field agentRadius float +-- +--The height of the agent for baking in world units. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field agentHeight float +-- +--The maximum slope angle which is walkable (angle in degrees). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field agentSlope float +-- +--The maximum vertical step size an agent can take. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field agentClimb float +-- +--The approximate minimum area of individual NavMesh regions. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field minRegionArea float +-- +--Enables overriding the default voxel size. See Also: voxelSize. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field overrideVoxelSize bool +-- +--Sets the voxel size in world length units. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field voxelSize float +-- +--Enables overriding the default tile size. See Also: tileSize. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field overrideTileSize bool +-- +--Sets the tile size in voxel units. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field tileSize int +-- +--The maximum number of worker threads that the build process can utilize when building a NavMesh with these settings. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field maxJobWorkers uint +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field preserveTilesOutsideBounds bool +-- +--Options for collecting debug data during the build process. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field debug UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugSettings +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSettings = {} + +-- +--The list of violated constraints. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: buildBounds - Describes the volume to build NavMesh for. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param buildBounds UnityEngine.Bounds +function CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildSettings.ValidationReport(buildBounds) end + + +-- +--Specify which of the temporary data generated while building the NavMesh should be retained in memory after the process has completed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugSettings: System.ValueType +-- +--Specify which types of debug data to collect when building the NavMesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field flags UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugFlags +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshBuildDebugSettings = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Accessibility.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Accessibility.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2947e8365 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Accessibility.lua @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--A class containing methods to assist with accessibility for users with different vision capabilities. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AccessibilityModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Accessibility.VisionUtility: object +---@source UnityEngine.AccessibilityModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Accessibility.VisionUtility = {} + +-- +--The number of unambiguous colors in the palette. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: palette - An array of colors to populate with a palette. +-- minimumLuminance - Minimum allowable perceived luminance from 0 to 1. A value of 0.2 or greater is recommended for dark backgrounds. +-- maximumLuminance - Maximum allowable perceived luminance from 0 to 1. A value of 0.8 or less is recommended for light backgrounds. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AccessibilityModule.dll +---@param palette UnityEngine.Color[] +---@param minimumLuminance float +---@param maximumLuminance float +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Accessibility.VisionUtility:GetColorBlindSafePalette(palette, minimumLuminance, maximumLuminance) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Analytics.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Analytics.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..54af2c793 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Analytics.lua @@ -0,0 +1,2323 @@ +---@meta + +---@source Unity.Analytics.DataPrivacy.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.DataPrivacy: object +---@source Unity.Analytics.DataPrivacy.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.DataPrivacy = {} + +---@source Unity.Analytics.DataPrivacy.dll +---@param success System.Action +---@param failure System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.DataPrivacy:FetchPrivacyUrl(success, failure) end + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.DataPrivacy.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.DataPrivacyButton: UnityEngine.UI.Button +---@source Unity.Analytics.DataPrivacy.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.DataPrivacyButton = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent: object +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field sdkVersion string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field debugMode bool +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent = {} + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param action System.Action> +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:Register(action) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param action System.Action> +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:Unregister(action) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param eventName string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:Custom(eventName, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param stepIndex int +---@param achievementId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:AchievementStep(stepIndex, achievementId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param achievementId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:AchievementUnlocked(achievementId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param rewarded bool +---@param network UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@param placementId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:AdComplete(rewarded, network, placementId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param rewarded bool +---@param network string +---@param placementId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:AdComplete(rewarded, network, placementId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param rewarded bool +---@param network UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@param placementId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:AdOffer(rewarded, network, placementId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param rewarded bool +---@param network string +---@param placementId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:AdOffer(rewarded, network, placementId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param rewarded bool +---@param network UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@param placementId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:AdSkip(rewarded, network, placementId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param rewarded bool +---@param network string +---@param placementId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:AdSkip(rewarded, network, placementId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param rewarded bool +---@param network UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@param placementId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:AdStart(rewarded, network, placementId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param rewarded bool +---@param network string +---@param placementId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:AdStart(rewarded, network, placementId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:ChatMessageSent(eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:CustomEvent(eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param name string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:CutsceneSkip(name, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param name string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:CutsceneStart(name, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param actionId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:FirstInteraction(actionId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param index int +---@param name string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:GameOver(index, name, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param name string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:GameOver(name, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:GameStart(eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param transactionContext string +---@param price float +---@param itemId string +---@param itemType string +---@param level string +---@param transactionId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:IAPTransaction(transactionContext, price, itemId, itemType, level, transactionId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param currencyType UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionType +---@param transactionContext string +---@param amount float +---@param itemId string +---@param balance float +---@param itemType string +---@param level string +---@param transactionId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:ItemAcquired(currencyType, transactionContext, amount, itemId, balance, itemType, level, transactionId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param currencyType UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionType +---@param transactionContext string +---@param amount float +---@param itemId string +---@param itemType string +---@param level string +---@param transactionId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:ItemAcquired(currencyType, transactionContext, amount, itemId, itemType, level, transactionId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param currencyType UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionType +---@param transactionContext string +---@param amount float +---@param itemId string +---@param balance float +---@param itemType string +---@param level string +---@param transactionId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:ItemSpent(currencyType, transactionContext, amount, itemId, balance, itemType, level, transactionId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param currencyType UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionType +---@param transactionContext string +---@param amount float +---@param itemId string +---@param itemType string +---@param level string +---@param transactionId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:ItemSpent(currencyType, transactionContext, amount, itemId, itemType, level, transactionId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param name string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:LevelComplete(name, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param index int +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:LevelComplete(index, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param name string +---@param index int +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:LevelComplete(name, index, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param name string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:LevelFail(name, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param index int +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:LevelFail(index, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param name string +---@param index int +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:LevelFail(name, index, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param name string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:LevelQuit(name, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param index int +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:LevelQuit(index, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param name string +---@param index int +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:LevelQuit(name, index, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param name string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:LevelSkip(name, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param index int +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:LevelSkip(index, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param name string +---@param index int +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:LevelSkip(name, index, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param name string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:LevelStart(name, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param index int +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:LevelStart(index, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param name string +---@param index int +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:LevelStart(name, index, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param name string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:LevelUp(name, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param index int +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:LevelUp(index, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param name string +---@param index int +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:LevelUp(name, index, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param rewarded bool +---@param network UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@param placementId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:PostAdAction(rewarded, network, placementId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param rewarded bool +---@param network string +---@param placementId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:PostAdAction(rewarded, network, placementId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param message_id string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:PushNotificationClick(message_id, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:PushNotificationEnable(eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param screenName UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenName +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:ScreenVisit(screenName, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param screenName string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:ScreenVisit(screenName, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param shareType UnityEngine.Analytics.ShareType +---@param socialNetwork UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialNetwork +---@param senderId string +---@param recipientId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:SocialShare(shareType, socialNetwork, senderId, recipientId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param shareType UnityEngine.Analytics.ShareType +---@param socialNetwork string +---@param senderId string +---@param recipientId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:SocialShare(shareType, socialNetwork, senderId, recipientId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param shareType string +---@param socialNetwork UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialNetwork +---@param senderId string +---@param recipientId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:SocialShare(shareType, socialNetwork, senderId, recipientId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param shareType string +---@param socialNetwork string +---@param senderId string +---@param recipientId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:SocialShare(shareType, socialNetwork, senderId, recipientId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param shareType UnityEngine.Analytics.ShareType +---@param socialNetwork UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialNetwork +---@param senderId string +---@param recipientId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:SocialShareAccept(shareType, socialNetwork, senderId, recipientId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param shareType UnityEngine.Analytics.ShareType +---@param socialNetwork string +---@param senderId string +---@param recipientId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:SocialShareAccept(shareType, socialNetwork, senderId, recipientId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param shareType string +---@param socialNetwork UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialNetwork +---@param senderId string +---@param recipientId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:SocialShareAccept(shareType, socialNetwork, senderId, recipientId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param shareType string +---@param socialNetwork string +---@param senderId string +---@param recipientId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:SocialShareAccept(shareType, socialNetwork, senderId, recipientId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param storeType UnityEngine.Analytics.StoreType +---@param itemId string +---@param itemName string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:StoreItemClick(storeType, itemId, itemName, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param storeType UnityEngine.Analytics.StoreType +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:StoreOpened(storeType, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param tutorialId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:TutorialComplete(tutorialId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param tutorialId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:TutorialSkip(tutorialId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param tutorialId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:TutorialStart(tutorialId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param stepIndex int +---@param tutorialId string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:TutorialStep(stepIndex, tutorialId, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param authorizationNetwork UnityEngine.Analytics.AuthorizationNetwork +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:UserSignup(authorizationNetwork, eventData) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@param authorizationNetwork string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEvent:UserSignup(authorizationNetwork, eventData) end + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventAttribute = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.StandardEventName: UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventAttribute +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field sendName string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field path string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field tooltip string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.StandardEventName = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventParameter: UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventAttribute +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field sendName string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field tooltip string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field groupId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventParameter = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.RequiredParameter: UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventParameter +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.RequiredParameter = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.OptionalParameter: UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventParameter +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.OptionalParameter = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.CustomizableEnum: UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventAttribute +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Customizable bool +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.CustomizableEnum = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.EnumCase: UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventAttribute +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Style UnityEngine.Analytics.EnumCase.Styles +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.EnumCase = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.Styles: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Analytics.EnumCase.Styles +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Snake UnityEngine.Analytics.EnumCase.Styles +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Lower UnityEngine.Analytics.EnumCase.Styles +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Styles = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Analytics.EnumCase.Styles +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Styles:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionSource: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionSource +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Store UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionSource +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Earned UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionSource +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Promotion UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionSource +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Gift UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionSource +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field RewardedAd UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionSource +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field TimedReward UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionSource +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field SocialReward UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionSource +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionSource = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionSource +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionSource:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionType: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Soft UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Premium UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionType +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Aarki UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field AdAction UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field AdapTv UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Adcash UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field AdColony UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field AdMob UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field AerServ UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Airpush UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Altrooz UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Ampush UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field AppleSearch UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field AppLift UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field AppLovin UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Appnext UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field AppNexus UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Appoday UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Appodeal UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field AppsUnion UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Avazu UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field BlueStacks UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Chartboost UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field ClickDealer UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field CPAlead UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field CrossChannel UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field CrossInstall UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Epom UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Facebook UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Fetch UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Fiksu UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Flurry UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Fuse UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Fyber UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Glispa UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Google UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field GrowMobile UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field HeyZap UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field HyperMX UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Iddiction UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field IndexExchange UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field InMobi UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Instagram UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Instal UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Ipsos UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field IronSource UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Jirbo UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Kimia UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Leadbolt UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Liftoff UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Manage UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Matomy UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field MediaBrix UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field MillenialMedia UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Minimob UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field MobAir UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field MobileCore UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Mobobeat UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Mobusi UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Mobvista UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field MoPub UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Motive UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Msales UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field NativeX UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field OpenX UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Pandora UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field PropellerAds UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Revmob UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field RubiconProject UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field SiriusAd UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Smaato UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field SponsorPay UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field SpotXchange UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field StartApp UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Tapjoy UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Taptica UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Tremor UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field TrialPay UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Twitter UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field UnityAds UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Vungle UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Yeahmobi UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field YuMe UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.AuthorizationNetwork: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Analytics.AuthorizationNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Internal UnityEngine.Analytics.AuthorizationNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Facebook UnityEngine.Analytics.AuthorizationNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Twitter UnityEngine.Analytics.AuthorizationNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Google UnityEngine.Analytics.AuthorizationNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field GameCenter UnityEngine.Analytics.AuthorizationNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AuthorizationNetwork = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Analytics.AuthorizationNetwork +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AuthorizationNetwork:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenName: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenName +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field MainMenu UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenName +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Settings UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenName +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Map UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenName +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Lose UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenName +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Win UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenName +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Credits UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenName +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Title UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenName +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field IAPPromo UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenName +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field CrossPromo UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenName +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field FeaturePromo UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenName +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Hint UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenName +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Pause UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenName +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Inventory UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenName +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Leaderboard UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenName +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Achievements UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenName +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Lobby UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenName +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenName = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenName +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenName:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.ShareType: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Analytics.ShareType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field TextOnly UnityEngine.Analytics.ShareType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Image UnityEngine.Analytics.ShareType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Video UnityEngine.Analytics.ShareType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Invite UnityEngine.Analytics.ShareType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Achievement UnityEngine.Analytics.ShareType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.ShareType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Analytics.ShareType +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.ShareType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialNetwork: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Facebook UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Twitter UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Instagram UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field GooglePlus UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Pinterest UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field WeChat UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field SinaWeibo UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field TencentWeibo UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field QQ UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Zhihu UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field VK UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field OK_ru UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialNetwork = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialNetwork +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialNetwork:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.StoreType: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Soft UnityEngine.Analytics.StoreType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field Premium UnityEngine.Analytics.StoreType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.StoreType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Analytics.StoreType +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.StoreType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.CustomEvent: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.CustomEvent = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.AchievementStep: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field stepIndex int +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field achievementId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AchievementStep = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.AchievementUnlocked: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field achievementId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AchievementUnlocked = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.AdComplete: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field rewarded bool +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field network UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field placementId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AdComplete = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.AdOffer: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field rewarded bool +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field network UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field placementId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AdOffer = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.AdSkip: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field rewarded bool +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field network UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field placementId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AdSkip = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.AdStart: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field rewarded bool +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field network UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field placementId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AdStart = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.PostAdAction: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field rewarded bool +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field network UnityEngine.Analytics.AdvertisingNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field placementId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.PostAdAction = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.ChatMessageSent: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.ChatMessageSent = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.CutsceneStart: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field name string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.CutsceneStart = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.CutsceneSkip: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field name string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.CutsceneSkip = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.GameOver: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field index int +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field name string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.GameOver = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.GameStart: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.GameStart = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.IAPTransaction: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field transactionContext string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field price float +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field itemId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field itemType string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field level string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field transactionId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.IAPTransaction = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.ItemAcquired: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field currencyType UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field transactionContext string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field amount float +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field itemId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field balance float +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field itemType string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field level string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field transactionId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.ItemAcquired = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.ItemSpent: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field currencyType UnityEngine.Analytics.AcquisitionType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field transactionContext string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field amount float +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field itemId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field balance float +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field itemType string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field level string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field transactionId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.ItemSpent = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.LevelComplete: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field name string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field index int +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.LevelComplete = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.LevelFail: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field name string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field index int +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.LevelFail = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.LevelQuit: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field name string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field index int +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.LevelQuit = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.LevelSkip: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field name string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field index int +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.LevelSkip = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.LevelStart: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field name string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field index int +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.LevelStart = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.LevelUp: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field name string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field index int +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.LevelUp = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.FirstInteraction: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field actionId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.FirstInteraction = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.PushNotificationClick: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field message_id string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.PushNotificationClick = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.PushNotificationEnable: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.PushNotificationEnable = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenVisit: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field screenName UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenName +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.ScreenVisit = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialShare: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field shareType UnityEngine.Analytics.ShareType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field socialNetwork UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field senderId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field recipientId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialShare = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialShareAccept: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field shareType UnityEngine.Analytics.ShareType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field socialNetwork UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field senderId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field recipientId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.SocialShareAccept = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.StoreItemClick: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field storeType UnityEngine.Analytics.StoreType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field itemId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field itemName string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.StoreItemClick = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.StoreOpened: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field storeType UnityEngine.Analytics.StoreType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.StoreOpened = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.TutorialComplete: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field tutorialId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.TutorialComplete = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.TutorialSkip: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field tutorialId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.TutorialSkip = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.TutorialStart: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field tutorialId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.TutorialStart = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.TutorialStep: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field stepIndex int +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field tutorialId string +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.TutorialStep = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.UserSignup: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +---@field authorizationNetwork UnityEngine.Analytics.AuthorizationNetwork +---@source Unity.Analytics.StandardEvents.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.UserSignup = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventTracker: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field m_Trigger UnityEngine.Analytics.EventTrigger +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field payload UnityEngine.Analytics.StandardEventPayload +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventTracker = {} + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventTracker.TriggerEvent() end + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventTrackerSettings: object +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field paramCountMax int +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field triggerRuleCountMax int +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventTrackerSettings = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventParam: object +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field requirementType UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventParam.RequirementType +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field groupID string +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field valueProperty UnityEngine.Analytics.ValueProperty +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field name string +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field value object +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventParam = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.RequirementType: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventParam.RequirementType +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field Required UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventParam.RequirementType +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field Optional UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventParam.RequirementType +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.RequirementType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventParam.RequirementType +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.RequirementType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventParamListContainer: object +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field parameters System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventParamListContainer = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.StandardEventPayload: object +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field standardEventType System.Type +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field parameters UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventParamListContainer +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field name string +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.StandardEventPayload = {} + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.StandardEventPayload.Send() end + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.TrackableField: UnityEngine.Analytics.TrackablePropertyBase +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.TrackableField = {} + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@return Object +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.TrackableField.GetValue() end + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.TrackablePropertyBase: object +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.TrackablePropertyBase = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.ValueProperty: object +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field valueType string +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field propertyValue string +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field target UnityEngine.Analytics.TrackableField +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.ValueProperty = {} + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.ValueProperty.IsValid() end + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.PropertyType: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field Disabled UnityEngine.Analytics.ValueProperty.PropertyType +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field Static UnityEngine.Analytics.ValueProperty.PropertyType +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field Dynamic UnityEngine.Analytics.ValueProperty.PropertyType +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.PropertyType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Analytics.ValueProperty.PropertyType +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.PropertyType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsTracker: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field eventName string +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsTracker = {} + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsTracker.TriggerEvent() end + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerBool: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field All UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerBool +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field Any UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerBool +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerBool +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerBool = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerBool +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerBool:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerLifecycleEvent: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerLifecycleEvent +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field Awake UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerLifecycleEvent +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field Start UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerLifecycleEvent +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field OnEnable UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerLifecycleEvent +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field OnDisable UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerLifecycleEvent +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field OnApplicationPause UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerLifecycleEvent +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field OnApplicationUnpause UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerLifecycleEvent +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field OnDestroy UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerLifecycleEvent +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerLifecycleEvent = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerLifecycleEvent +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerLifecycleEvent:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerOperator: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field Equals UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerOperator +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field DoesNotEqual UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerOperator +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field IsGreaterThan UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerOperator +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field IsGreaterThanOrEqualTo UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerOperator +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field IsLessThan UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerOperator +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field IsLessThanOrEqualTo UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerOperator +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field IsBetween UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerOperator +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field IsBetweenOrEqualTo UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerOperator +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerOperator = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerOperator +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerOperator:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerType: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field Lifecycle UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerType +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field External UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerType +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field Timer UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerType +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field ExposedMethod UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerType +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerType +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerListContainer: object +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerListContainer = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.EventTrigger: object +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field repetitionCount int +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field triggerType UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerType +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field lifecycleEvent UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerLifecycleEvent +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field initTime float +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field repeatTime float +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@field repetitions int +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.EventTrigger = {} + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.EventTrigger.AddRule() end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@param index int +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.EventTrigger.RemoveRule(index) end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@param gameObject UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.EventTrigger.Test(gameObject) end + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.TrackableTrigger: object +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.TrackableTrigger = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerMethod: object +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerMethod = {} + + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerRule: object +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerRule = {} + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerRule.Test() end + +---@source Unity.Analytics.Tracker.dll +---@param error bool +---@param message string +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.TriggerRule.Test(error, message) end + + +-- +--Unity Performace provides insight into your game performace. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.PerformanceReportingModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.PerformanceReporting: object +-- +--Controls whether the Performance Reporting service is enabled at runtime. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.PerformanceReportingModule.dll +---@field enabled bool +-- +--Time taken to initialize graphics in microseconds, measured from application startup. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.PerformanceReportingModule.dll +---@field graphicsInitializationFinishTime long +---@source UnityEngine.PerformanceReportingModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.PerformanceReporting = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.ContinuousEvent: object +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.ContinuousEvent = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param metricName string +---@param del System.Func +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.ContinuousEvent:RegisterCollector(metricName, del) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param eventName string +---@param count int +---@param data T[] +---@param ver int +---@param prefix string +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.ContinuousEvent:SetEventHistogramThresholds(eventName, count, data, ver, prefix) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param eventName string +---@param count int +---@param data T[] +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.ContinuousEvent:SetCustomEventHistogramThresholds(eventName, count, data) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param customEventName string +---@param metricName string +---@param interval float +---@param period float +---@param enabled bool +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.ContinuousEvent:ConfigureCustomEvent(customEventName, metricName, interval, period, enabled) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param eventName string +---@param metricName string +---@param interval float +---@param period float +---@param enabled bool +---@param ver int +---@param prefix string +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.ContinuousEvent:ConfigureEvent(eventName, metricName, interval, period, enabled, ver, prefix) end + + +-- +--Session tracking states. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsSessionState: System.Enum +-- +--Session tracking has stopped. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field kSessionStopped UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsSessionState +-- +--Session tracking has started. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field kSessionStarted UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsSessionState +-- +--Session tracking has paused. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field kSessionPaused UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsSessionState +-- +--Session tracking has resumed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field kSessionResumed UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsSessionState +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsSessionState = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsSessionState +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsSessionState:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Provides access to the Analytics session information for the current game instance. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsSessionInfo: object +-- +--The current state of the session. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field sessionState UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsSessionState +-- +--A random, unique GUID identifying the current game or app session. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field sessionId long +-- +--The number of sessions played since the app was installed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field sessionCount long +-- +--The time elapsed, in milliseconds, since the beginning of the current game session. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field sessionElapsedTime long +-- +--Reports whether the current session is the first session since the player installed the game or application. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field sessionFirstRun bool +-- +--A random GUID uniquely identifying sessions played on the same instance of your game or app. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field userId string +-- +--Reports the current custom user ID. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field customUserId string +-- +--Reports the current custom device ID. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field customDeviceId string +-- +--The current user identity token that the Analytics server returns based on AnalyticsSessionInfo.userId. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field identityToken string +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field sessionStateChanged UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsSessionInfo.SessionStateChanged +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field identityTokenChanged UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsSessionInfo.IdentityTokenChanged +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsSessionInfo = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsSessionInfo.SessionStateChanged +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsSessionInfo:add_sessionStateChanged(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsSessionInfo.SessionStateChanged +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsSessionInfo:remove_sessionStateChanged(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsSessionInfo.IdentityTokenChanged +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsSessionInfo:add_identityTokenChanged(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsSessionInfo.IdentityTokenChanged +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsSessionInfo:remove_identityTokenChanged(value) end + + +-- +--Dispatched when the Analytics session state changes. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sessionState - Current session state. +-- sessionId - Current session id. +-- sessionElapsedTime - Length of the current session in milliseconds. +-- sessionChanged - True, if the sessionId has changed; otherwise false. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.SessionStateChanged: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.SessionStateChanged = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param sessionState UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsSessionState +---@param sessionId long +---@param sessionElapsedTime long +---@param sessionChanged bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.SessionStateChanged.Invoke(sessionState, sessionId, sessionElapsedTime, sessionChanged) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param sessionState UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsSessionState +---@param sessionId long +---@param sessionElapsedTime long +---@param sessionChanged bool +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.SessionStateChanged.BeginInvoke(sessionState, sessionId, sessionElapsedTime, sessionChanged, callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.SessionStateChanged.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--Defines the delegate signature to handle AnalyticsSettings.IdentityTokenChanged events. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.IdentityTokenChanged: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.IdentityTokenChanged = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param token string +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.IdentityTokenChanged.Invoke(token) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param token string +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.IdentityTokenChanged.BeginInvoke(token, callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.IdentityTokenChanged.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--Unity Analytics provides insight into your game users e.g. DAU, MAU. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics: object +-- +--Reports whether Unity is set to initialize Analytics on startup. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field initializeOnStartup bool +-- +--Reports whether the player has opted out of data collection. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field playerOptedOut bool +-- +--Get the Analytics event endpoint. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field eventUrl string +-- +--Get the Analytics dashboard endpoint. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field dashboardUrl string +-- +--Get the Analytics config endpoint. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field configUrl string +-- +--Controls whether to limit user tracking at runtime. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field limitUserTracking bool +-- +--Controls whether the sending of device stats at runtime is enabled. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field deviceStatsEnabled bool +-- +--Controls whether the Analytics service is enabled at runtime. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field enabled bool +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics = {} + +-- +--Resume Analytics initialization. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics:ResumeInitialization() end + +-- +--Attempts to flush immediately all queued analytics events to the network and filesystem cache if possible (optional). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics:FlushEvents() end + +-- +--User Demographics (optional). +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: userId - User id. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param userId string +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics:SetUserId(userId) end + +-- +--User Demographics (optional). +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: gender - Gender of user can be "Female", "Male", or "Unknown". +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param gender UnityEngine.Analytics.Gender +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics:SetUserGender(gender) end + +-- +--User Demographics (optional). +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: birthYear - Birth year of user. Must be 4-digit year format, only. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param birthYear int +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics:SetUserBirthYear(birthYear) end + +-- +--Tracking Monetization (optional). +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: productId - The id of the purchased item. +-- amount - The price of the item. +-- currency - Abbreviation of the currency used for the transaction. For example “USD” (United States Dollars). See http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiISO_4217 for a standardized list of currency abbreviations. +-- receiptPurchaseData - Receipt data (iOS) receipt ID (android) for in-app purchases to verify purchases with Apple iTunes / Google Play. Use null in the absence of receipts. +-- signature - Android receipt signature. If using native Android use the INAPP_DATA_SIGNATURE string containing the signature of the purchase data that was signed with the private key of the developer. The data signature uses the RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 scheme. Pass in null in absence of a signature. +-- usingIAPService - Set to true when using UnityIAP. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param productId string +---@param amount decimal +---@param currency string +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics:Transaction(productId, amount, currency) end + +-- +--Tracking Monetization (optional). +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: productId - The id of the purchased item. +-- amount - The price of the item. +-- currency - Abbreviation of the currency used for the transaction. For example “USD” (United States Dollars). See http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiISO_4217 for a standardized list of currency abbreviations. +-- receiptPurchaseData - Receipt data (iOS) receipt ID (android) for in-app purchases to verify purchases with Apple iTunes / Google Play. Use null in the absence of receipts. +-- signature - Android receipt signature. If using native Android use the INAPP_DATA_SIGNATURE string containing the signature of the purchase data that was signed with the private key of the developer. The data signature uses the RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 scheme. Pass in null in absence of a signature. +-- usingIAPService - Set to true when using UnityIAP. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param productId string +---@param amount decimal +---@param currency string +---@param receiptPurchaseData string +---@param signature string +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics:Transaction(productId, amount, currency, receiptPurchaseData, signature) end + +-- +--Tracking Monetization (optional). +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: productId - The id of the purchased item. +-- amount - The price of the item. +-- currency - Abbreviation of the currency used for the transaction. For example “USD” (United States Dollars). See http:en.wikipedia.orgwikiISO_4217 for a standardized list of currency abbreviations. +-- receiptPurchaseData - Receipt data (iOS) receipt ID (android) for in-app purchases to verify purchases with Apple iTunes / Google Play. Use null in the absence of receipts. +-- signature - Android receipt signature. If using native Android use the INAPP_DATA_SIGNATURE string containing the signature of the purchase data that was signed with the private key of the developer. The data signature uses the RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 scheme. Pass in null in absence of a signature. +-- usingIAPService - Set to true when using UnityIAP. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param productId string +---@param amount decimal +---@param currency string +---@param receiptPurchaseData string +---@param signature string +---@param usingIAPService bool +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics:Transaction(productId, amount, currency, receiptPurchaseData, signature, usingIAPService) end + +-- +--Custom Events (optional). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param customEventName string +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics:CustomEvent(customEventName) end + +-- +--Custom Events (optional). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param customEventName string +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics:CustomEvent(customEventName, position) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param customEventName string +---@param eventData System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics:CustomEvent(customEventName, eventData) end + +-- +--Use it to enable or disable a custom event. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param customEventName string +---@param enabled bool +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics:EnableCustomEvent(customEventName, enabled) end + +-- +--Use it to check to custom event enable status. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param customEventName string +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics:IsCustomEventEnabled(customEventName) end + +-- +--This API is used for registering a Runtime Analytics event. Note: This API is for internal use only and is likely change in the future. Do not use in user code. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: eventName - Name of the event. +-- maxEventPerHour - Hourly limit for this event name. +-- maxItems - Maximum number of items in this event. +-- vendorKey - Vendor key name. +-- prefix - Optional event name prefix value. +-- ver - Event version number. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param eventName string +---@param maxEventPerHour int +---@param maxItems int +---@param vendorKey string +---@param prefix string +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics:RegisterEvent(eventName, maxEventPerHour, maxItems, vendorKey, prefix) end + +-- +--This API is used for registering a Runtime Analytics event. Note: This API is for internal use only and is likely change in the future. Do not use in user code. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: eventName - Name of the event. +-- maxEventPerHour - Hourly limit for this event name. +-- maxItems - Maximum number of items in this event. +-- vendorKey - Vendor key name. +-- prefix - Optional event name prefix value. +-- ver - Event version number. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param eventName string +---@param maxEventPerHour int +---@param maxItems int +---@param vendorKey string +---@param ver int +---@param prefix string +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics:RegisterEvent(eventName, maxEventPerHour, maxItems, vendorKey, ver, prefix) end + +-- +--This API is used to send a Runtime Analytics event. Note: This API is for internal use only and is likely change in the future. Do not use in user code. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: eventName - Name of the event. +-- ver - Event version number. +-- prefix - Optional event name prefix value. +-- parameters - Additional event data. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param eventName string +---@param parameters object +---@param ver int +---@param prefix string +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics:SendEvent(eventName, parameters, ver, prefix) end + +-- +--Use this API to set the event end point URL. Note: This API is for internal use only and is likely change in the future. Do not use in user code. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: eventName - Name of the event. +-- ver - Event version number. +-- endPoint - Event end point URL. +-- prefix - Optional event name prefix value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param eventName string +---@param endPoint string +---@param ver int +---@param prefix string +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics:SetEventEndPoint(eventName, endPoint, ver, prefix) end + +-- +--Use this API to set the event priority. Note: This API is for internal use only and is likely change in the future. Do not use in user code. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: eventName - Name of the event. +-- ver - Event version number. +-- prefix - Optional event name prefix value. +-- eventPriority - Event priority. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param eventName string +---@param eventPriority UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventPriority +---@param ver int +---@param prefix string +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics:SetEventPriority(eventName, eventPriority, ver, prefix) end + +-- +--Use it to enable or disable an event. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param eventName string +---@param enabled bool +---@param ver int +---@param prefix string +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics:EnableEvent(eventName, enabled, ver, prefix) end + +-- +--Use it to check to an event enable status. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@param eventName string +---@param ver int +---@param prefix string +---@return AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Analytics:IsEventEnabled(eventName, ver, prefix) end + + +-- +--User Demographics: Gender of a user. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.Gender: System.Enum +-- +--User Demographics: Male Gender of a user. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field Male UnityEngine.Analytics.Gender +-- +--User Demographics: Female Gender of a user. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field Female UnityEngine.Analytics.Gender +-- +--User Demographics: Unknown Gender of a user. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field Unknown UnityEngine.Analytics.Gender +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Gender = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Analytics.Gender +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.Gender:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Analytics API result. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsResult: System.Enum +-- +--Analytics API result: Success. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field Ok UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsResult +-- +--Analytics API result: Analytics not initialized. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field NotInitialized UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsResult +-- +--Analytics API result: Analytics is disabled. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field AnalyticsDisabled UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsResult +-- +--Analytics API result: Too many parameters. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field TooManyItems UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsResult +-- +--Analytics API result: Argument size limit. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field SizeLimitReached UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsResult +-- +--Analytics API result: Too many requests. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field TooManyRequests UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsResult +-- +--Analytics API result: Invalid argument value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field InvalidData UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsResult +-- +--Analytics API result: This platform doesn't support Analytics. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field UnsupportedPlatform UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsResult +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsResult = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsResult:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Analytics event priority. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventPriority: System.Enum +-- +--Any current or previous events in the memory queue persist immediately to the filesystem and dispatcher service makes the events available to send to the server. It adds the events to the bottom of the dispatch queue and makes them available to send to the server. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field FlushQueueFlag UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventPriority +-- +--Any current or previous events in the memory queue persist immediately to the filesystem. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field CacheImmediatelyFlag UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventPriority +-- +--Use this flag to send events while in the stop state. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field AllowInStopModeFlag UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventPriority +-- +--Events with this flag are given higher priority compared to others while dispatching to the server. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field SendImmediateFlag UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventPriority +-- +--Events will be stored in the memory queue, and will not persist in the file system. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field NoCachingFlag UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventPriority +-- +--In case of failure to post the event to the server, it will not attempt to send them again. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field NoRetryFlag UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventPriority +-- +--This priority queues events in-memory. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field NormalPriorityEvent UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventPriority +-- +--This priority queues events in-memory and writes them to the filesystem immediately. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field NormalPriorityEvent_WithCaching UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventPriority +-- +--This priority is similar to the Analytics.AnalyticsEventPriority.NormalPriorityEvent, except these events will be stored in the memory queue and will not persist in the file system. In case of failure to post the event to the server, it will not attempt to send them again. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field NormalPriorityEvent_NoRetryNoCaching UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventPriority +-- +--Any current or previous events in the memory queue persist immediately to the filesystem. It adds the events to the bottom of the dispatch queue and makes them available to send to the server. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field HighPriorityEvent UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventPriority +-- +--This priority lets you send events in the stop state, and makes any current or previous events in the memory queue persist immediately to the filesystem. It adds the events to the bottom of the dispatch queue and makes them available to send to the server. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field HighPriorityEvent_InStopMode UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventPriority +-- +--This priority is similar to the Analytics.AnalyticsEventPriority.HighPriorityEvent, except these events are given a highest priority than other events in the disptach queue. It adds the events to the top of the dispatch queue and makes them available to send to the server. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field HighestPriorityEvent UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventPriority +-- +--This priority is similar to the Analytics.AnalyticsEventPriority.HighestPriorityEvent, except these events will be stored in the memory queue and will not persist in the file system. In case of failure to post the event to the server, it will not attempt to send them again. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +---@field HighestPriorityEvent_NoRetryNoCaching UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventPriority +---@source UnityEngine.UnityAnalyticsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventPriority = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventPriority +function CS.UnityEngine.Analytics.AnalyticsEventPriority:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Android.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Android.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..46b31ec78 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Android.lua @@ -0,0 +1,596 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--Values that indicate the status of an Android asset pack. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackStatus: System.Enum +-- +--Indicates that the Android asset pack is not available for the application. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field Unknown UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackStatus +-- +--Indicates that the Android asset pack status should soon change. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field Pending UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackStatus +-- +--Indicates that the device is downloading the Android asset pack. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field Downloading UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackStatus +-- +--Indicates that the device has downloaded the Android asset pack and is unpacking the asset pack to its final location. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field Transferring UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackStatus +-- +--Indicates that the device has downloaded the Android asset pack and the asset pack is available to the application. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field Completed UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackStatus +-- +--Indicates that the device failed to download the Android asset pack. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field Failed UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackStatus +-- +--Indicates that the Android asset pack download is canceled. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field Canceled UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackStatus +-- +--Indicates that the device has paused the Android asset pack download until it connects to the WiFi network. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field WaitingForWifi UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackStatus +-- +--Indicates that the Android asset pack is not installed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field NotInstalled UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackStatus +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackStatus = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackStatus +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackStatus:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Values that indicate the type of Android asset pack error when the status is either AndroidAssetPackStatus.Failed or AndroidAssetPackStatus.Unknown. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackError: System.Enum +-- +--Indicates that there is no error. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field NoError UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackError +-- +--Indicates that this application is unavailable in the Google's Play Store. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field AppUnavailable UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackError +-- +--Indicates that the requested Android asset pack is not available in the Google Play Store. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field PackUnavailable UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackError +-- +--Indicates that the request was invalid. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field InvalidRequest UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackError +-- +--Indicates that the requested download is not found. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field DownloadNotFound UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackError +-- +--Indicates that the Asset Delivery API is not available. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field ApiNotAvailable UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackError +-- +--Indicates that the Android asset pack is not accessible because there was an error related to the network connection. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field NetworkError UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackError +-- +--Indicates that the application does not have permission to download asset packs under the current device circumstances. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field AccessDenied UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackError +-- +--Indicates that there is not enough storage space on the device to download the Android asset pack. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field InsufficientStorage UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackError +-- +--Indicates that the device does not have the Play Store application installed or has an unofficial version. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field PlayStoreNotFound UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackError +-- +--Indicates that the app requested to use mobile data while there were no Android asset packs waiting for WiFi. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field NetworkUnrestricted UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackError +-- +--Indicates that the end user does not own the application on the device. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field AppNotOwned UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackError +-- +--Indicates that unknown error occured while downloading an asset pack. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field InternalError UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackError +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackError = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackError +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackError:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Represents the download progress of a single Android asset pack. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackInfo: object +-- +--The name of the Android asset pack that the device is downloading. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field name string +-- +--The status of the Android asset pack that the device is downloading. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field status UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackStatus +-- +--The total size of the Android asset pack in bytes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field size ulong +-- +--The downloaded size of the Android asset pack in bytes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field bytesDownloaded ulong +-- +--The transfering progress of the downloaded Android asset pack. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field transferProgress float +-- +--Indicates an error which the device encountered when downloading the Android asset pack. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field error UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackError +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackInfo = {} + + +-- +--Represents the state of a single Android asset pack. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackState: object +-- +--The name of the Android asset pack the status query is for. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field name string +-- +--The status of the Android asset pack. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field status UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackStatus +-- +--Indicates an error code that describes what happened when querying the Android asset pack state. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field error UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackError +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackState = {} + + +-- +--Represents the choice of an end user that indicates if your application can use mobile data to download Android asset packs. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackUseMobileDataRequestResult: object +-- +--Indicates if mobile data can be used to download Android asset packs. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field allowed bool +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackUseMobileDataRequestResult = {} + + +-- +--Represents an asynchronous Android asset pack download operation. AndroidAssetPacks.DownloadAssetPackAsync returns an instance of this class. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Android.DownloadAssetPackAsyncOperation: UnityEngine.CustomYieldInstruction +-- +--Checks if the operation is still running. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field keepWaiting bool +-- +--Checks if the operation is finished. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field isDone bool +-- +--Gets the progress of the operation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field progress float +-- +--Gets the names of Android asset packs downloaded by this operation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field downloadedAssetPacks string[] +-- +--Gets the names of Android asset packs that failed to download. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field downloadFailedAssetPacks string[] +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Android.DownloadAssetPackAsyncOperation = {} + + +-- +--Represents an asynchronous Android asset pack state request operation. AndroidAssetPacks.GetAssetPackStateAsync returns an instance of this class. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Android.GetAssetPackStateAsyncOperation: UnityEngine.CustomYieldInstruction +-- +--Checks if the operation is still running. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field keepWaiting bool +-- +--Checks if the operation is finished. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field isDone bool +-- +--Gets the total size in bytes of all Android asset packs that had their status checked by this operation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field size ulong +-- +--Gets the states of all Android asset packs that had their status checked by this operation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field states UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackState[] +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Android.GetAssetPackStateAsyncOperation = {} + + +-- +--Represents an asynchronous operation that requests to use mobile data to download Android asset packs. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Android.RequestToUseMobileDataAsyncOperation: UnityEngine.CustomYieldInstruction +-- +--Checks if the operation is still running. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field keepWaiting bool +-- +--Checks if the operation is finished. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field isDone bool +-- +--Indicates whether the end user allowed the application to use mobile data to download Android asset packs. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field result UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPackUseMobileDataRequestResult +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Android.RequestToUseMobileDataAsyncOperation = {} + + +-- +--Provides methods for handling Android asset packs. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPacks: object +-- +--Checks if all core Unity asset packs are downloaded. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field coreUnityAssetPacksDownloaded bool +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPacks = {} + +-- +--Returns an array of asset pack names for core Unity asset packs with the fast-follow or on-demand delivery type. If Unity did not create any core asset packs for this application with previously mentioned delivery types, or if the PlayCore plugin is missing, this returns an empty array. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPacks:GetCoreUnityAssetPackNames() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@param assetPackNames string[] +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPacks:GetAssetPackStateAsync(assetPackNames, callback) end + +-- +--Returns an object that represents the query operation. If you yield this object inside a coroutine, the coroutine pauses until the operation is complete. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: assetPackNames - The array of names of the Android asset packs to query the state of. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@param assetPackNames string[] +---@return GetAssetPackStateAsyncOperation +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPacks:GetAssetPackStateAsync(assetPackNames) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@param assetPackNames string[] +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPacks:DownloadAssetPackAsync(assetPackNames, callback) end + +-- +--Returns an object that represents the download operation. If you yield this object inside a coroutine, the coroutine pauses until the operation is complete. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: assetPackNames - The array of names of Android asset packs to download. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@param assetPackNames string[] +---@return DownloadAssetPackAsyncOperation +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPacks:DownloadAssetPackAsync(assetPackNames) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPacks:RequestToUseMobileDataAsync(callback) end + +-- +--Returns an object that represents the request operation. If you yield this object inside a coroutine, the coroutine pauses until the operation is complete. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@return RequestToUseMobileDataAsyncOperation +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPacks:RequestToUseMobileDataAsync() end + +-- +--Returns the full path to the location where the device stores the assets for the Android asset pack. If the asset pack you specify is not on the device, or if it does not use the fast-follow or on-demand delivery type, this returns an empty string. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: assetPackName - The name of the Android asset pack to get path. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@param assetPackName string +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPacks:GetAssetPackPath(assetPackName) end + +-- +--Cancels Android asset pack downloads. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: assetPackNames - The array of names of the Android asset packs to cancel the download for. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@param assetPackNames string[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPacks:CancelAssetPackDownload(assetPackNames) end + +-- +--Removes Android asset pack. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: assetPackName - The name of the Android asset pack to remove. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@param assetPackName string +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.AndroidAssetPacks:RemoveAssetPack(assetPackName) end + + +-- +--AndroidHardwareType describes the type of Android device on which the app is running. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Android.AndroidHardwareType: System.Enum +-- +--The Generic category includes all other Android devices. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field Generic UnityEngine.Android.AndroidHardwareType +-- +--ChromeOS devices are capable of running Android apps and typically have a laptop form factor. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field ChromeOS UnityEngine.Android.AndroidHardwareType +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Android.AndroidHardwareType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Android.AndroidHardwareType +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.AndroidHardwareType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Interface into Android specific functionality. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Android.AndroidDevice: object +-- +--When running on a Chrome OS device, hardwareType is set to AndroidHardwareType.ChromeOS. It is set to AndroidHardwareType.Generic in all other cases. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field hardwareType UnityEngine.Android.AndroidHardwareType +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Android.AndroidDevice = {} + +-- +--Set sustained performance mode. When enabled, sustained performance mode is intended to provide a consistent level of performance for a prolonged amount of time. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@param enabled bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.AndroidDevice:SetSustainedPerformanceMode(enabled) end + + +-- +--Contains callbacks invoked when permission request is executed using Permission.RequestUserPermission. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Android.PermissionCallbacks: UnityEngine.AndroidJavaProxy +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field PermissionGranted System.Action +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field PermissionDenied System.Action +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field PermissionDeniedAndDontAskAgain System.Action +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Android.PermissionCallbacks = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.PermissionCallbacks.add_PermissionGranted(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.PermissionCallbacks.remove_PermissionGranted(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.PermissionCallbacks.add_PermissionDenied(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.PermissionCallbacks.remove_PermissionDenied(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.PermissionCallbacks.add_PermissionDeniedAndDontAskAgain(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.PermissionCallbacks.remove_PermissionDeniedAndDontAskAgain(value) end + + +-- +--Structure describing a permission that requires user authorization. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Android.Permission: System.ValueType +-- +--Used when requesting permission or checking if permission has been granted to use the camera. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field Camera string +-- +--Used when requesting permission or checking if permission has been granted to use the microphone. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field Microphone string +-- +--Used when requesting permission or checking if permission has been granted to use the users location with high precision. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field FineLocation string +-- +--Used when requesting permission or checking if permission has been granted to use the users location with coarse granularity. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field CoarseLocation string +-- +--Used when requesting permission or checking if permission has been granted to read from external storage such as a SD card. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field ExternalStorageRead string +-- +--Used when requesting permission or checking if permission has been granted to write to external storage such as a SD card. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@field ExternalStorageWrite string +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Android.Permission = {} + +-- +--Whether the requested permission has been granted. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: permission - A string representing the permission to request. For permissions which Unity has not predefined you may also manually provide the constant value obtained from the Android documentation here: https:developer.android.comguidetopicspermissionsoverview#permission-groups such as "android.permission.READ_CONTACTS". +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@param permission string +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.Permission:HasUserAuthorizedPermission(permission) end + +-- +--Request that the user grant access to a device resource or information that requires authorization. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: permission - A string that describes the permission to request. For permissions which Unity has not predefined you may also manually provide the constant value obtained from the Android documentation here: https:developer.android.comguidetopicspermissionsoverview#permission-groups such as "android.permission.READ_CONTACTS". +-- callbacks - An instance of callbacks invoked when permission request is executed. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@param permission string +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.Permission:RequestUserPermission(permission) end + +-- +--Request that the user grant access to a device resource or information that requires authorization. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: callbacks - An instance of callbacks invoked when permission request is executed. +-- permissions - An array of strings that describe the permissions to request. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@param permissions string[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.Permission:RequestUserPermissions(permissions) end + +-- +--Request that the user grant access to a device resource or information that requires authorization. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: permission - A string that describes the permission to request. For permissions which Unity has not predefined you may also manually provide the constant value obtained from the Android documentation here: https:developer.android.comguidetopicspermissionsoverview#permission-groups such as "android.permission.READ_CONTACTS". +-- callbacks - An instance of callbacks invoked when permission request is executed. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@param permission string +---@param callbacks UnityEngine.Android.PermissionCallbacks +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.Permission:RequestUserPermission(permission, callbacks) end + +-- +--Request that the user grant access to a device resource or information that requires authorization. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: callbacks - An instance of callbacks invoked when permission request is executed. +-- permissions - An array of strings that describe the permissions to request. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AndroidJNIModule.dll +---@param permissions string[] +---@param callbacks UnityEngine.Android.PermissionCallbacks +function CS.UnityEngine.Android.Permission:RequestUserPermissions(permissions, callbacks) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Animations.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Animations.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b3262826d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Animations.lua @@ -0,0 +1,3555 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--A PlayableBinding that contains information representing an AnimationPlayableOutput. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationPlayableBinding: object +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationPlayableBinding = {} + +-- +--Returns a PlayableBinding that contains information that is used to create an AnimationPlayableOutput. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the AnimationPlayableOutput. +-- key - A reference to a UnityEngine.Object that acts as a key for this binding. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param key UnityEngine.Object +---@return PlayableBinding +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationPlayableBinding:Create(name, key) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.IAnimationJob +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.IAnimationJob = {} + +-- +--Defines what to do when processing the animation. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The animation stream to work on. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.IAnimationJob.ProcessAnimation(stream) end + +-- +--Defines what to do when processing the root motion. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The animation stream to work on. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.IAnimationJob.ProcessRootMotion(stream) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.IAnimationJobPlayable +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.IAnimationJobPlayable = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.IAnimationJobPlayable.GetJobData() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param jobData T +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.IAnimationJobPlayable.SetJobData(jobData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.IAnimationWindowPreview +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.IAnimationWindowPreview = {} + +-- +--Notification callback when the Animation window starts previewing an AnimationClip. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.IAnimationWindowPreview.StartPreview() end + +-- +--Notification callback when the Animation window stops previewing an AnimationClip. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.IAnimationWindowPreview.StopPreview() end + +-- +--Notification callback when the Animation Window updates its PlayableGraph before sampling an AnimationClip. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: graph - The Animation window PlayableGraph. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.IAnimationWindowPreview.UpdatePreviewGraph(graph) end + +-- +--Returns the new root of the PlayableGraph. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: graph - The Animation window PlayableGraph. +-- inputPlayable - Current root of the PlayableGraph. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param inputPlayable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.IAnimationWindowPreview.BuildPreviewGraph(graph, inputPlayable) end + + +-- +--Use this attribute in a script to mark a property as non-animatable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.NotKeyableAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.NotKeyableAttribute = {} + + +-- +--Constrains the orientation of an object relative to the position of one or more source objects, such that the object is facing the average position of the sources. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.AimConstraint: UnityEngine.Behaviour +-- +--The weight of the constraint component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field weight float +-- +--Activates or deactivates the constraint. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field constraintActive bool +-- +--Locks the offset and rotation at rest. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field locked bool +-- +--The rotation used when the sources have a total weight of 0. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field rotationAtRest UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Represents an offset from the constrained orientation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field rotationOffset UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The axes affected by the AimConstraint. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field rotationAxis UnityEngine.Animations.Axis +-- +--The axis towards which the constrained object orients. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field aimVector UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The up vector. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field upVector UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The world up Vector used when the world up type is AimConstraint.WorldUpType.Vector or AimConstraint.WorldUpType.ObjectRotationUp. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field worldUpVector UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The world up object, used to calculate the world up vector when the world up Type is AimConstraint.WorldUpType.ObjectUp or AimConstraint.WorldUpType.ObjectRotationUp. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field worldUpObject UnityEngine.Transform +-- +--The type of the world up vector. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field worldUpType UnityEngine.Animations.AimConstraint.WorldUpType +-- +--The number of sources set on the component (read-only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field sourceCount int +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AimConstraint = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param sources System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AimConstraint.GetSources(sources) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param sources System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AimConstraint.SetSources(sources) end + +-- +--Returns the index of the added source. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: source - The source object and its weight. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Animations.ConstraintSource +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AimConstraint.AddSource(source) end + +-- +--Removes a source from the component. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the source to remove. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AimConstraint.RemoveSource(index) end + +-- +--The source object and its weight. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the source. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return ConstraintSource +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AimConstraint.GetSource(index) end + +-- +--Sets a source at a specified index. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the source to set. +-- source - The source object and its weight. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +---@param source UnityEngine.Animations.ConstraintSource +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AimConstraint.SetSource(index, source) end + + +-- +--Specifies how the world up vector used by the aim constraint is defined. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.WorldUpType: System.Enum +-- +--Uses and defines the world up vector as the Unity Scene up vector (the Y axis). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field SceneUp UnityEngine.Animations.AimConstraint.WorldUpType +-- +--Uses and defines the world up vector as a vector from the constrained object, in the direction of the up object. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field ObjectUp UnityEngine.Animations.AimConstraint.WorldUpType +-- +--Uses and defines the world up vector as relative to the local space of the object. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field ObjectRotationUp UnityEngine.Animations.AimConstraint.WorldUpType +-- +--Uses and defines the world up vector as a vector specified by the user. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field Vector UnityEngine.Animations.AimConstraint.WorldUpType +-- +--Neither defines nor uses a world up vector. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Animations.AimConstraint.WorldUpType +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.WorldUpType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Animations.AimConstraint.WorldUpType +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.WorldUpType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--A Playable that controls an AnimationClip. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationClipPlayable: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationClipPlayable = {} + +-- +--A AnimationClipPlayable linked to the PlayableGraph. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: graph - The PlayableGraph object that will own the AnimationClipPlayable. +-- clip - The AnimationClip that will be added in the PlayableGraph. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param clip UnityEngine.AnimationClip +---@return AnimationClipPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationClipPlayable:Create(graph, clip) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@return PlayableHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationClipPlayable.GetHandle() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationClipPlayable +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationClipPlayable:op_Implicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@return AnimationClipPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationClipPlayable:op_Explicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationClipPlayable +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationClipPlayable.Equals(other) end + +-- +--Returns the AnimationClip stored in the AnimationClipPlayable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@return AnimationClip +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationClipPlayable.GetAnimationClip() end + +-- +--Returns the state of the ApplyFootIK flag. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationClipPlayable.GetApplyFootIK() end + +-- +--Sets the value of the ApplyFootIK flag. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: value - The new value of the ApplyFootIK flag. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationClipPlayable.SetApplyFootIK(value) end + +-- +--Returns the state of the ApplyPlayableIK flag. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationClipPlayable.GetApplyPlayableIK() end + +-- +--Requests OnAnimatorIK to be called on the animated GameObject. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationClipPlayable.SetApplyPlayableIK(value) end + + +-- +--The humanoid stream of animation data passed from one Playable to another. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream: System.ValueType +-- +--Returns true if the stream is valid; false otherwise. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field isValid bool +-- +--The scale of the Avatar. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field humanScale float +-- +--The left foot height from the floor. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field leftFootHeight float +-- +--The right foot height from the floor. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field rightFootHeight float +-- +--The position of the body center of mass relative to the root. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field bodyLocalPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The rotation of the body center of mass relative to the root. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field bodyLocalRotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +-- +--The position of the body center of mass in world space. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field bodyPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The rotation of the body center of mass in world space. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field bodyRotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +-- +--The left foot velocity from the last evaluated frame. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field leftFootVelocity UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The right foot velocity from the last evaluated frame. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field rightFootVelocity UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream = {} + +-- +--The muscle value. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: muscle - The Muscle that is queried. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param muscle UnityEngine.Animations.MuscleHandle +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.GetMuscle(muscle) end + +-- +--Sets the muscle value. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: muscle - The Muscle that is queried. +-- value - The muscle value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param muscle UnityEngine.Animations.MuscleHandle +---@param value float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.SetMuscle(muscle, value) end + +-- +--Reset the current pose to the stance pose (T Pose). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.ResetToStancePose() end + +-- +--The position of this IK goal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index UnityEngine.AvatarIKGoal +---@return Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.GetGoalPositionFromPose(index) end + +-- +--The rotation of this IK goal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index UnityEngine.AvatarIKGoal +---@return Quaternion +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.GetGoalRotationFromPose(index) end + +-- +--The position of this IK goal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index UnityEngine.AvatarIKGoal +---@return Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.GetGoalLocalPosition(index) end + +-- +--Sets the position of this IK goal relative to the root. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. +-- pos - The position of this IK goal. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index UnityEngine.AvatarIKGoal +---@param pos UnityEngine.Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.SetGoalLocalPosition(index, pos) end + +-- +--The rotation of this IK goal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index UnityEngine.AvatarIKGoal +---@return Quaternion +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.GetGoalLocalRotation(index) end + +-- +--Sets the rotation of this IK goal relative to the root. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. +-- rot - The rotation of this IK goal. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index UnityEngine.AvatarIKGoal +---@param rot UnityEngine.Quaternion +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.SetGoalLocalRotation(index, rot) end + +-- +--The position of this IK goal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index UnityEngine.AvatarIKGoal +---@return Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.GetGoalPosition(index) end + +-- +--Sets the position of this IK goal in world space. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. +-- pos - The position of this IK goal. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index UnityEngine.AvatarIKGoal +---@param pos UnityEngine.Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.SetGoalPosition(index, pos) end + +-- +--The rotation of this IK goal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index UnityEngine.AvatarIKGoal +---@return Quaternion +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.GetGoalRotation(index) end + +-- +--Sets the rotation of this IK goal in world space. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. +-- rot - The rotation of this IK goal. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index UnityEngine.AvatarIKGoal +---@param rot UnityEngine.Quaternion +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.SetGoalRotation(index, rot) end + +-- +--Sets the position weight of the IK goal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. +-- value - The position weight of the IK goal. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index UnityEngine.AvatarIKGoal +---@param value float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.SetGoalWeightPosition(index, value) end + +-- +--Sets the rotation weight of the IK goal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. +-- value - The rotation weight of the IK goal. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index UnityEngine.AvatarIKGoal +---@param value float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.SetGoalWeightRotation(index, value) end + +-- +--The position weight of the IK goal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index UnityEngine.AvatarIKGoal +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.GetGoalWeightPosition(index) end + +-- +--The rotation weight of the IK goal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The AvatarIKGoal that is queried. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index UnityEngine.AvatarIKGoal +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.GetGoalWeightRotation(index) end + +-- +--The position of this IK Hint. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The AvatarIKHint that is queried. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index UnityEngine.AvatarIKHint +---@return Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.GetHintPosition(index) end + +-- +--Sets the position of this IK hint in world space. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The AvatarIKHint that is queried. +-- pos - The position of this IK hint. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index UnityEngine.AvatarIKHint +---@param pos UnityEngine.Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.SetHintPosition(index, pos) end + +-- +--Sets the position weight of the IK Hint. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The AvatarIKHint that is queried. +-- value - The position weight of the IK Hint. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index UnityEngine.AvatarIKHint +---@param value float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.SetHintWeightPosition(index, value) end + +-- +--The position weight of the IK Hint. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The AvatarIKHint that is queried. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index UnityEngine.AvatarIKHint +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.GetHintWeightPosition(index) end + +-- +--Sets the look at position in world space. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: lookAtPosition - The look at position. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param lookAtPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.SetLookAtPosition(lookAtPosition) end + +-- +--Sets the LookAt clamp weight. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: weight - The LookAt clamp weight. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param weight float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.SetLookAtClampWeight(weight) end + +-- +--Sets the LookAt body weight. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: weight - The LookAt body weight. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param weight float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.SetLookAtBodyWeight(weight) end + +-- +--Sets the LookAt head weight. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: weight - The LookAt head weight. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param weight float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.SetLookAtHeadWeight(weight) end + +-- +--Sets the LookAt eyes weight. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: weight - The LookAt eyes weight. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param weight float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.SetLookAtEyesWeight(weight) end + +-- +--Execute the IK solver. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationHumanStream.SolveIK() end + + +-- +--An implementation of IPlayable that controls an animation layer mixer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationLayerMixerPlayable: System.ValueType +-- +--Returns an invalid AnimationLayerMixerPlayable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field Null UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationLayerMixerPlayable +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationLayerMixerPlayable = {} + +-- +--A new AnimationLayerMixerPlayable linked to the PlayableGraph. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: graph - The PlayableGraph that will contain the new AnimationLayerMixerPlayable. +-- inputCount - The number of layers. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param inputCount int +---@return AnimationLayerMixerPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationLayerMixerPlayable:Create(graph, inputCount) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@return PlayableHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationLayerMixerPlayable.GetHandle() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationLayerMixerPlayable +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationLayerMixerPlayable:op_Implicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@return AnimationLayerMixerPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationLayerMixerPlayable:op_Explicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationLayerMixerPlayable +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationLayerMixerPlayable.Equals(other) end + +-- +--True if the layer is additive, false otherwise. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: layerIndex - The layer index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param layerIndex uint +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationLayerMixerPlayable.IsLayerAdditive(layerIndex) end + +-- +--Specifies whether a layer is additive or not. Additive layers blend with previous layers. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: layerIndex - The layer index. +-- value - Whether the layer is additive or not. Set to true for an additive blend, or false for a regular blend. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param layerIndex uint +---@param value bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationLayerMixerPlayable.SetLayerAdditive(layerIndex, value) end + +-- +--Sets the mask for the current layer. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: layerIndex - The layer index. +-- mask - The AvatarMask used to create the new LayerMask. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param layerIndex uint +---@param mask UnityEngine.AvatarMask +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationLayerMixerPlayable.SetLayerMaskFromAvatarMask(layerIndex, mask) end + + +-- +--An implementation of IPlayable that controls an animation mixer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationMixerPlayable: System.ValueType +-- +--Returns an invalid AnimationMixerPlayable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field Null UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationMixerPlayable +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationMixerPlayable = {} + +-- +--A new AnimationMixerPlayable linked to the PlayableGraph. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: graph - The PlayableGraph that will contain the new AnimationMixerPlayable. +-- inputCount - The number of inputs that the mixer will update. +-- normalizeWeights - True to force a weight normalization of the inputs. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param inputCount int +---@param normalizeWeights bool +---@return AnimationMixerPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationMixerPlayable:Create(graph, inputCount, normalizeWeights) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@return PlayableHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationMixerPlayable.GetHandle() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationMixerPlayable +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationMixerPlayable:op_Implicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@return AnimationMixerPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationMixerPlayable:op_Explicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationMixerPlayable +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationMixerPlayable.Equals(other) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationPlayableExtensions: object +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationPlayableExtensions = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param clip UnityEngine.AnimationClip +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationPlayableExtensions.SetAnimatedProperties(clip) end + + +-- +--A IPlayableOutput implementation that connects the PlayableGraph to an Animator in the Scene. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationPlayableOutput: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field Null UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationPlayableOutput +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationPlayableOutput = {} + +-- +--A new AnimationPlayableOutput attached to the PlayableGraph. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: graph - The PlayableGraph that will contain the AnimationPlayableOutput. +-- name - The name of the output. +-- target - The Animator that will process the PlayableGraph. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param name string +---@param target UnityEngine.Animator +---@return AnimationPlayableOutput +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationPlayableOutput:Create(graph, name, target) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@return PlayableOutputHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationPlayableOutput.GetHandle() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param output UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationPlayableOutput +---@return PlayableOutput +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationPlayableOutput:op_Implicit(output) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param output UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutput +---@return AnimationPlayableOutput +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationPlayableOutput:op_Explicit(output) end + +-- +--The targeted Animator. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@return Animator +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationPlayableOutput.GetTarget() end + +-- +--Sets the Animator that plays the animation graph. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: value - The targeted Animator. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Animator +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationPlayableOutput.SetTarget(value) end + + +-- +--A Playable that can run a custom, multi-threaded animation job. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationScriptPlayable: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field Null UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationScriptPlayable +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationScriptPlayable = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param jobData T +---@param inputCount int +---@return AnimationScriptPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationScriptPlayable:Create(graph, jobData, inputCount) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@return PlayableHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationScriptPlayable.GetHandle() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationScriptPlayable.GetJobData() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param jobData T +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationScriptPlayable.SetJobData(jobData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationScriptPlayable +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationScriptPlayable:op_Implicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@return AnimationScriptPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationScriptPlayable:op_Explicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationScriptPlayable +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationScriptPlayable.Equals(other) end + +-- +--Sets the new value for processing the inputs or not. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: value - The new value for processing the inputs or not. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationScriptPlayable.SetProcessInputs(value) end + +-- +--true if the inputs will be processed; false otherwise. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationScriptPlayable.GetProcessInputs() end + + +-- +--The stream of animation data passed from one Playable to another. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream: System.ValueType +-- +--Returns true if the stream is valid; false otherwise. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field isValid bool +-- +--Gets the delta time for the evaluated frame. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field deltaTime float +-- +--Gets or sets the avatar velocity for the evaluated frame. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field velocity UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Gets or sets the avatar angular velocity for the evaluated frame. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field angularVelocity UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Gets the root motion position for the evaluated frame. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field rootMotionPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Gets the root motion rotation for the evaluated frame. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field rootMotionRotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +-- +--Returns true if the stream is from a humanoid avatar; false otherwise. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field isHumanStream bool +-- +--Gets the number of input streams. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field inputStreamCount int +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream = {} + +-- +--Returns the same stream, but as an AnimationHumanStream. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@return AnimationHumanStream +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream.AsHuman() end + +-- +--Returns the AnimationStream of the playable input at index. Returns an invalid stream if the input is not an animation Playable. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The input index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return AnimationStream +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream.GetInputStream(index) end + +-- +--Returns the weight of the Playable input as a float. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The input index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream.GetInputWeight(index) end + +-- +--Deep copies motion from a source animation stream to the current animation stream. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: animationStream - The source animation stream with the motion to deep copy. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param animationStream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream.CopyAnimationStreamMotion(animationStream) end + + +-- +--Position, rotation and scale of an object in the AnimationStream. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.TransformStreamHandle: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformStreamHandle = {} + +-- +--Whether this is a valid handle. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformStreamHandle.IsValid(stream) end + +-- +--Bind this handle with an animated values from the AnimationStream. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformStreamHandle.Resolve(stream) end + +-- +--Returns true if the handle is resolved, false otherwise. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformStreamHandle.IsResolved(stream) end + +-- +--The position of the transform in world space. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformStreamHandle.GetPosition(stream) end + +-- +--Sets the position of the transform in world space. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - The position of the transform in world space. +-- stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformStreamHandle.SetPosition(stream, position) end + +-- +--The rotation of the transform in world space. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Quaternion +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformStreamHandle.GetRotation(stream) end + +-- +--Sets the rotation of the transform in world space. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- rotation - The rotation of the transform in world space. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformStreamHandle.SetRotation(stream, rotation) end + +-- +--The position of the transform relative to the parent. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformStreamHandle.GetLocalPosition(stream) end + +-- +--Sets the position of the transform relative to the parent. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- position - The position of the transform relative to the parent. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformStreamHandle.SetLocalPosition(stream, position) end + +-- +--The rotation of the transform relative to the parent. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Quaternion +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformStreamHandle.GetLocalRotation(stream) end + +-- +--Sets the rotation of the transform relative to the parent. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- rotation - The rotation of the transform relative to the parent. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformStreamHandle.SetLocalRotation(stream, rotation) end + +-- +--The scale of the transform relative to the parent. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformStreamHandle.GetLocalScale(stream) end + +-- +--Sets the scale of the transform relative to the parent. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: scale - The scale of the transform relative to the parent. +-- stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param scale UnityEngine.Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformStreamHandle.SetLocalScale(stream, scale) end + +-- +--Returns true if the position can be read. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformStreamHandle.GetPositionReadMask(stream) end + +-- +--Returns true if the rotation can be read. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformStreamHandle.GetRotationReadMask(stream) end + +-- +--Returns true if the scale can be read. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformStreamHandle.GetScaleReadMask(stream) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +---@param scale UnityEngine.Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformStreamHandle.GetLocalTRS(stream, position, rotation, scale) end + +-- +--Sets the position, rotation and scale of the transform relative to the parent. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- position - The position of the transform relative to the parent. +-- rotation - The rotation of the transform relative to the parent. +-- scale - The scale of the transform relative to the parent. +-- useMask - Set to true to write the specified parameters if the matching stream parameters have not already been modified. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +---@param scale UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param useMask bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformStreamHandle.SetLocalTRS(stream, position, rotation, scale, useMask) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformStreamHandle.GetGlobalTR(stream, position, rotation) end + +-- +--Sets the position and rotation of the transform in world space. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- position - The position of the transform in world space. +-- rotation - The rotation of the transform in world space. +-- useMask - Set to true to write the specified parameters if the matching stream parameters have not already been modified. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +---@param useMask bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformStreamHandle.SetGlobalTR(stream, position, rotation, useMask) end + + +-- +--Handle for a Component property on an object in the AnimationStream. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.PropertyStreamHandle: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PropertyStreamHandle = {} + +-- +--Whether or not the handle is valid. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PropertyStreamHandle.IsValid(stream) end + +-- +--Resolves the handle. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PropertyStreamHandle.Resolve(stream) end + +-- +--Returns true if the handle is resolved, false otherwise. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PropertyStreamHandle.IsResolved(stream) end + +-- +--The float property value. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PropertyStreamHandle.GetFloat(stream) end + +-- +--Sets the float property value into a stream. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- value - The new float property value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param value float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PropertyStreamHandle.SetFloat(stream, value) end + +-- +--The integer property value. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PropertyStreamHandle.GetInt(stream) end + +-- +--Sets the integer property value into a stream. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- value - The new integer property value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param value int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PropertyStreamHandle.SetInt(stream, value) end + +-- +--The boolean property value. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PropertyStreamHandle.GetBool(stream) end + +-- +--Sets the boolean property value into a stream. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- value - The new boolean property value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param value bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PropertyStreamHandle.SetBool(stream, value) end + +-- +--Returns true if the property can be read. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that holds the animated values. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PropertyStreamHandle.GetReadMask(stream) end + + +-- +--Handle to read position, rotation and scale of an object in the Scene. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.TransformSceneHandle: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformSceneHandle = {} + +-- +--Whether this is a valid handle. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that manages this handle. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformSceneHandle.IsValid(stream) end + +-- +--The position of the transform in world space. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that manages this handle. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformSceneHandle.GetPosition(stream) end + +-- +--Sets the position of the transform in world space. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that manages this handle. +-- position - The position of the transform in world space. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformSceneHandle.SetPosition(stream, position) end + +-- +--The position of the transform relative to the parent. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that manages this handle. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformSceneHandle.GetLocalPosition(stream) end + +-- +--Sets the position of the transform relative to the parent. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that manages this handle. +-- position - The position of the transform relative to the parent. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformSceneHandle.SetLocalPosition(stream, position) end + +-- +--The rotation of the transform in world space. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that manages this handle. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Quaternion +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformSceneHandle.GetRotation(stream) end + +-- +--Sets the rotation of the transform in world space. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that manages this handle. +-- rotation - The rotation of the transform in world space. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformSceneHandle.SetRotation(stream, rotation) end + +-- +--The rotation of the transform relative to the parent. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that manages this handle. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Quaternion +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformSceneHandle.GetLocalRotation(stream) end + +-- +--Sets the rotation of the transform relative to the parent. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that manages this handle. +-- rotation - The rotation of the transform relative to the parent. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformSceneHandle.SetLocalRotation(stream, rotation) end + +-- +--The scale of the transform relative to the parent. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that manages this handle. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformSceneHandle.GetLocalScale(stream) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +---@param scale UnityEngine.Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformSceneHandle.GetLocalTRS(stream, position, rotation, scale) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformSceneHandle.GetGlobalTR(stream, position, rotation) end + +-- +--Sets the scale of the transform relative to the parent. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream that manages this handle. +-- scale - The scale of the transform relative to the parent. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param scale UnityEngine.Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.TransformSceneHandle.SetLocalScale(stream, scale) end + + +-- +--Handle to read a Component property on an object in the Scene. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.PropertySceneHandle: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PropertySceneHandle = {} + +-- +--Whether or not the handle is valid. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream managing this handle. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PropertySceneHandle.IsValid(stream) end + +-- +--Resolves the handle. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream managing this handle. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PropertySceneHandle.Resolve(stream) end + +-- +--Returns true if the handle is resolved, false otherwise. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream managing this handle. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PropertySceneHandle.IsResolved(stream) end + +-- +--The float property value. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream managing this handle. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PropertySceneHandle.GetFloat(stream) end + +-- +--Sets the float property value to an object in the Scene. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream managing this handle. +-- value - The new float property value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param value float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PropertySceneHandle.SetFloat(stream, value) end + +-- +--The integer property value. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream managing this handle. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PropertySceneHandle.GetInt(stream) end + +-- +--Sets the integer property value to an object in the Scene. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream managing this handle. +-- value - The new integer property value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param value int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PropertySceneHandle.SetInt(stream, value) end + +-- +--The boolean property value. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream managing this handle. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PropertySceneHandle.GetBool(stream) end + +-- +--Sets the boolean property value to an object in the Scene. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stream - The AnimationStream managing this handle. +-- value - The new boolean property value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param value bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PropertySceneHandle.SetBool(stream, value) end + + +-- +--Static class providing utility functions for animation scene handles. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationSceneHandleUtility: object +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationSceneHandleUtility = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param handles Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param buffer Unity.Collections.NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationSceneHandleUtility:ReadInts(stream, handles, buffer) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param handles Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param buffer Unity.Collections.NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationSceneHandleUtility:ReadFloats(stream, handles, buffer) end + + +-- +--Static class providing utility functions for animation stream handles. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStreamHandleUtility: object +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStreamHandleUtility = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param handles Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param buffer Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param useMask bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStreamHandleUtility:WriteInts(stream, handles, buffer, useMask) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param handles Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param buffer Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param useMask bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStreamHandleUtility:WriteFloats(stream, handles, buffer, useMask) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param handles Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param buffer Unity.Collections.NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStreamHandleUtility:ReadInts(stream, handles, buffer) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@param handles Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param buffer Unity.Collections.NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStreamHandleUtility:ReadFloats(stream, handles, buffer) end + + +-- +--An implementation of IPlayable that controls an animation RuntimeAnimatorController. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable: System.ValueType +-- +--Returns an invalid AnimatorControllerPlayable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field Null UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable = {} + +-- +--A AnimatorControllerPlayable. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: graph - The PlayableGraph object that will own the AnimatorControllerPlayable. +-- controller - The RuntimeAnimatorController that will be added in the graph. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param controller UnityEngine.RuntimeAnimatorController +---@return AnimatorControllerPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable:Create(graph, controller) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@return PlayableHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.GetHandle() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param handle UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.SetHandle(handle) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable:op_Implicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@return AnimatorControllerPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable:op_Explicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.Equals(other) end + +-- +--The value of the parameter. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The parameter name. +-- id - The parameter ID. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param name string +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.GetFloat(name) end + +-- +--The value of the parameter. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The parameter name. +-- id - The parameter ID. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param id int +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.GetFloat(id) end + +-- +--Send float values to the AnimatorController to affect transitions. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The parameter name. +-- id - The parameter ID. +-- value - The new parameter value. +-- dampTime - The damper total time. +-- deltaTime - The delta time to give to the damper. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param value float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.SetFloat(name, value) end + +-- +--Send float values to the AnimatorController to affect transitions. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The parameter name. +-- id - The parameter ID. +-- value - The new parameter value. +-- dampTime - The damper total time. +-- deltaTime - The delta time to give to the damper. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param id int +---@param value float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.SetFloat(id, value) end + +-- +--The value of the parameter. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The parameter name. +-- id - The parameter ID. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param name string +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.GetBool(name) end + +-- +--The value of the parameter. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The parameter name. +-- id - The parameter ID. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param id int +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.GetBool(id) end + +-- +--Sets the value of the given boolean parameter. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The parameter name. +-- id - The parameter ID. +-- value - The new parameter value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param value bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.SetBool(name, value) end + +-- +--Sets the value of the given boolean parameter. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The parameter name. +-- id - The parameter ID. +-- value - The new parameter value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param id int +---@param value bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.SetBool(id, value) end + +-- +--The value of the parameter. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The parameter name. +-- id - The parameter ID. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param name string +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.GetInteger(name) end + +-- +--The value of the parameter. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The parameter name. +-- id - The parameter ID. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param id int +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.GetInteger(id) end + +-- +--Sets the value of the given integer parameter. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The parameter name. +-- id - The parameter ID. +-- value - The new parameter value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param value int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.SetInteger(name, value) end + +-- +--Sets the value of the given integer parameter. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The parameter name. +-- id - The parameter ID. +-- value - The new parameter value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param id int +---@param value int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.SetInteger(id, value) end + +-- +--Sets the value of the given trigger parameter. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The parameter name. +-- id - The parameter ID. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param name string +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.SetTrigger(name) end + +-- +--Sets the value of the given trigger parameter. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The parameter name. +-- id - The parameter ID. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param id int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.SetTrigger(id) end + +-- +--Resets the value of the given trigger parameter. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The parameter name. +-- id - The parameter ID. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param name string +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.ResetTrigger(name) end + +-- +--Resets the value of the given trigger parameter. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The parameter name. +-- id - The parameter ID. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param id int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.ResetTrigger(id) end + +-- +--True if the parameter is controlled by a curve, false otherwise. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The parameter name. +-- id - The parameter ID. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param name string +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.IsParameterControlledByCurve(name) end + +-- +--True if the parameter is controlled by a curve, false otherwise. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The parameter name. +-- id - The parameter ID. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param id int +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.IsParameterControlledByCurve(id) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.GetLayerCount() end + +-- +--The layer name. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: layerIndex - The layer index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param layerIndex int +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.GetLayerName(layerIndex) end + +-- +--The layer index. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: layerName - The layer name. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param layerName string +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.GetLayerIndex(layerName) end + +-- +--The layer weight. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: layerIndex - The layer index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param layerIndex int +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.GetLayerWeight(layerIndex) end + +-- +--Sets the weight of the layer at the given index. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: layerIndex - The layer index. +-- weight - The new layer weight. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param layerIndex int +---@param weight float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.SetLayerWeight(layerIndex, weight) end + +-- +--An AnimatorStateInfo with the information on the current state. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: layerIndex - The layer index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param layerIndex int +---@return AnimatorStateInfo +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(layerIndex) end + +-- +--An AnimatorStateInfo with the information on the next state. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: layerIndex - The layer index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param layerIndex int +---@return AnimatorStateInfo +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.GetNextAnimatorStateInfo(layerIndex) end + +-- +--An AnimatorTransitionInfo with the informations on the current transition. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: layerIndex - The layer's index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param layerIndex int +---@return AnimatorTransitionInfo +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.GetAnimatorTransitionInfo(layerIndex) end + +-- +--An array of all the AnimatorClipInfo in the current state. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: layerIndex - The layer index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param layerIndex int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(layerIndex) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param layerIndex int +---@param clips System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfo(layerIndex, clips) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param layerIndex int +---@param clips System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.GetNextAnimatorClipInfo(layerIndex, clips) end + +-- +--The number of AnimatorClipInfo in the current state. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: layerIndex - The layer index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param layerIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.GetCurrentAnimatorClipInfoCount(layerIndex) end + +-- +--The number of AnimatorClipInfo in the next state. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: layerIndex - The layer index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param layerIndex int +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.GetNextAnimatorClipInfoCount(layerIndex) end + +-- +--An array of all the AnimatorClipInfo in the next state. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: layerIndex - The layer index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param layerIndex int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.GetNextAnimatorClipInfo(layerIndex) end + +-- +--True if there is a transition on the given layer, false otherwise. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: layerIndex - The layer index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param layerIndex int +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.IsInTransition(layerIndex) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.GetParameterCount() end + +-- +--See AnimatorController.parameters. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return AnimatorControllerParameter +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.GetParameter(index) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateName string +---@param transitionDuration float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.CrossFadeInFixedTime(stateName, transitionDuration) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateName string +---@param transitionDuration float +---@param layer int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.CrossFadeInFixedTime(stateName, transitionDuration, layer) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateName string +---@param transitionDuration float +---@param layer int +---@param fixedTime float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.CrossFadeInFixedTime(stateName, transitionDuration, layer, fixedTime) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateNameHash int +---@param transitionDuration float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.CrossFadeInFixedTime(stateNameHash, transitionDuration) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateNameHash int +---@param transitionDuration float +---@param layer int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.CrossFadeInFixedTime(stateNameHash, transitionDuration, layer) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateNameHash int +---@param transitionDuration float +---@param layer int +---@param fixedTime float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.CrossFadeInFixedTime(stateNameHash, transitionDuration, layer, fixedTime) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateName string +---@param transitionDuration float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.CrossFade(stateName, transitionDuration) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateName string +---@param transitionDuration float +---@param layer int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.CrossFade(stateName, transitionDuration, layer) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateName string +---@param transitionDuration float +---@param layer int +---@param normalizedTime float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.CrossFade(stateName, transitionDuration, layer, normalizedTime) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateNameHash int +---@param transitionDuration float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.CrossFade(stateNameHash, transitionDuration) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateNameHash int +---@param transitionDuration float +---@param layer int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.CrossFade(stateNameHash, transitionDuration, layer) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateNameHash int +---@param transitionDuration float +---@param layer int +---@param normalizedTime float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.CrossFade(stateNameHash, transitionDuration, layer, normalizedTime) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateName string +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.PlayInFixedTime(stateName) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateName string +---@param layer int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.PlayInFixedTime(stateName, layer) end + +-- +--Plays a state. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stateName - The state name. +-- stateNameHash - The state hash name. If stateNameHash is 0, it changes the current state time. +-- layer - The layer index. If layer is -1, it plays the first state with the given state name or hash. +-- fixedTime - The time offset (in seconds). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateName string +---@param layer int +---@param fixedTime float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.PlayInFixedTime(stateName, layer, fixedTime) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateNameHash int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.PlayInFixedTime(stateNameHash) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateNameHash int +---@param layer int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.PlayInFixedTime(stateNameHash, layer) end + +-- +--Plays a state. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stateName - The state name. +-- stateNameHash - The state hash name. If stateNameHash is 0, it changes the current state time. +-- layer - The layer index. If layer is -1, it plays the first state with the given state name or hash. +-- fixedTime - The time offset (in seconds). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateNameHash int +---@param layer int +---@param fixedTime float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.PlayInFixedTime(stateNameHash, layer, fixedTime) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateName string +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.Play(stateName) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateName string +---@param layer int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.Play(stateName, layer) end + +-- +--Plays a state. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stateName - The state name. +-- stateNameHash - The state hash name. If stateNameHash is 0, it changes the current state time. +-- layer - The layer index. If layer is -1, it plays the first state with the given state name or hash. +-- normalizedTime - The time offset between zero and one. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateName string +---@param layer int +---@param normalizedTime float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.Play(stateName, layer, normalizedTime) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateNameHash int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.Play(stateNameHash) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateNameHash int +---@param layer int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.Play(stateNameHash, layer) end + +-- +--Plays a state. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stateName - The state name. +-- stateNameHash - The state hash name. If stateNameHash is 0, it changes the current state time. +-- layer - The layer index. If layer is -1, it plays the first state with the given state name or hash. +-- normalizedTime - The time offset between zero and one. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stateNameHash int +---@param layer int +---@param normalizedTime float +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.Play(stateNameHash, layer, normalizedTime) end + +-- +--True if the state exists in this layer, false otherwise. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: layerIndex - The layer index. +-- stateID - The state ID. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param layerIndex int +---@param stateID int +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorControllerPlayable.HasState(layerIndex, stateID) end + + +-- +--The type of custom stream property to create using BindCustomStreamProperty +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.CustomStreamPropertyType: System.Enum +-- +--A float value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field Float UnityEngine.Animations.CustomStreamPropertyType +-- +--A boolean value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field Bool UnityEngine.Animations.CustomStreamPropertyType +-- +--An integer value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field Int UnityEngine.Animations.CustomStreamPropertyType +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.CustomStreamPropertyType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Animations.CustomStreamPropertyType +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.CustomStreamPropertyType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Static class providing extension methods for Animator and the animation C# jobs. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorJobExtensions: object +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorJobExtensions = {} + +-- +--Creates a dependency between animator jobs and the job represented by the supplied job handle. To add multiple job dependencies, call this method for each job that need to run before the Animator's jobs. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: animator - The Animator instance that calls this method. +-- jobHandle - The JobHandle of the job that needs to run before animator jobs. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param jobHandle Unity.Jobs.JobHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorJobExtensions.AddJobDependency(jobHandle) end + +-- +--Returns the TransformStreamHandle that represents the new binding. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: animator - The Animator instance that calls this method. +-- transform - The Transform to bind. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param transform UnityEngine.Transform +---@return TransformStreamHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorJobExtensions.BindStreamTransform(transform) end + +-- +--Returns the PropertyStreamHandle that represents the new binding. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: animator - The Animator instance that calls this method. +-- transform - The Transform to target. +-- type - The Component type. +-- property - The property to bind. +-- isObjectReference - isObjectReference need to be set to true if the property to bind does animate an Object like SpriteRenderer.sprite. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param transform UnityEngine.Transform +---@param type System.Type +---@param property string +---@return PropertyStreamHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorJobExtensions.BindStreamProperty(transform, type, property) end + +-- +--Returns the PropertyStreamHandle that represents the new binding. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: animator - The Animator instance that calls this method. +-- name - The name of the property. +-- type - The type of property to create (float, integer or boolean). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param property string +---@param type UnityEngine.Animations.CustomStreamPropertyType +---@return PropertyStreamHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorJobExtensions.BindCustomStreamProperty(property, type) end + +-- +--Returns the PropertyStreamHandle that represents the new binding. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: animator - The Animator instance that calls this method. +-- transform - The Transform to target. +-- type - The Component type. +-- property - The property to bind. +-- isObjectReference - isObjectReference need to be set to true if the property to bind does animate an Object like SpriteRenderer.sprite. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param transform UnityEngine.Transform +---@param type System.Type +---@param property string +---@param isObjectReference bool +---@return PropertyStreamHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorJobExtensions.BindStreamProperty(transform, type, property, isObjectReference) end + +-- +--Returns the TransformSceneHandle that represents the new binding. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: animator - The Animator instance that calls this method. +-- transform - The Transform to bind. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param transform UnityEngine.Transform +---@return TransformSceneHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorJobExtensions.BindSceneTransform(transform) end + +-- +--Returns the PropertySceneHandle that represents the new binding. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: animator - The Animator instance that calls this method. +-- transform - The Transform to target. +-- type - The Component type. +-- property - The property to bind. +-- isObjectReference - isObjectReference need to be set to true if the property to bind does access an Object like SpriteRenderer.sprite. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param transform UnityEngine.Transform +---@param type System.Type +---@param property string +---@return PropertySceneHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorJobExtensions.BindSceneProperty(transform, type, property) end + +-- +--Returns the PropertySceneHandle that represents the new binding. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: animator - The Animator instance that calls this method. +-- transform - The Transform to target. +-- type - The Component type. +-- property - The property to bind. +-- isObjectReference - isObjectReference need to be set to true if the property to bind does access an Object like SpriteRenderer.sprite. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param transform UnityEngine.Transform +---@param type System.Type +---@param property string +---@param isObjectReference bool +---@return PropertySceneHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorJobExtensions.BindSceneProperty(transform, type, property, isObjectReference) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorJobExtensions.OpenAnimationStream(stream) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param stream UnityEngine.Animations.AnimationStream +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorJobExtensions.CloseAnimationStream(stream) end + +-- +--Newly created handles are always resolved lazily on the next access when the jobs are run. To avoid a cpu spike while evaluating the jobs you can manually resolve all handles from the main thread. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: animator - The Animator instance that calls this method. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorJobExtensions.ResolveAllStreamHandles() end + +-- +--Newly created handles are always resolved lazily on the next access when the jobs are run. To avoid a cpu spike while evaluating the jobs you can manually resolve all handles from the main thread. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: animator - The Animator instance that calls this method. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.AnimatorJobExtensions.ResolveAllSceneHandles() end + + +-- +--Represents the axes used in 3D space. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.Axis: System.Enum +-- +--Represents the case when no axis is specified. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Animations.Axis +-- +--Represents the X axis. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field X UnityEngine.Animations.Axis +-- +--Represents the Y axis. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field Y UnityEngine.Animations.Axis +-- +--Represents the Z axis. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field Z UnityEngine.Animations.Axis +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.Axis = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Animations.Axis +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.Axis:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.IConstraint +-- +--The weight of the constraint component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field weight float +-- +--Activate or deactivate the constraint. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field constraintActive bool +-- +--Lock or unlock the offset and position at rest. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field locked bool +-- +--Gets the number of sources currently set on the component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field sourceCount int +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.IConstraint = {} + +-- +--Returns the index of the added source. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: source - The source object and its weight. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Animations.ConstraintSource +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.IConstraint.AddSource(source) end + +-- +--Removes a source from the component. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the source to remove. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.IConstraint.RemoveSource(index) end + +-- +--The source object and its weight. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the source. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return ConstraintSource +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.IConstraint.GetSource(index) end + +-- +--Sets a source at a specified index. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the source to set. +-- source - The source object and its weight. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +---@param source UnityEngine.Animations.ConstraintSource +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.IConstraint.SetSource(index, source) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param sources System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.IConstraint.GetSources(sources) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param sources System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.IConstraint.SetSources(sources) end + + +-- +--Constrains the position of an object relative to the position of one or more source objects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.PositionConstraint: UnityEngine.Behaviour +-- +--The weight of the constraint component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field weight float +-- +--The translation used when the sources have a total weight of 0. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field translationAtRest UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The offset from the constrained position. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field translationOffset UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The axes affected by the PositionConstraint. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field translationAxis UnityEngine.Animations.Axis +-- +--Activates or deactivates the constraint. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field constraintActive bool +-- +--Locks the offset and position at rest. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field locked bool +-- +--The number of sources set on the component (read-only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field sourceCount int +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PositionConstraint = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param sources System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PositionConstraint.GetSources(sources) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param sources System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PositionConstraint.SetSources(sources) end + +-- +--Returns the index of the added source. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: source - The source object and its weight. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Animations.ConstraintSource +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PositionConstraint.AddSource(source) end + +-- +--Removes a source from the component. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the source to remove. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PositionConstraint.RemoveSource(index) end + +-- +--The source object and its weight. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the source. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return ConstraintSource +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PositionConstraint.GetSource(index) end + +-- +--Sets a source at a specified index. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the source to set. +-- source - The source object and its weight. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +---@param source UnityEngine.Animations.ConstraintSource +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.PositionConstraint.SetSource(index, source) end + + +-- +--Constrains the rotation of an object relative to the rotation of one or more source objects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.RotationConstraint: UnityEngine.Behaviour +-- +--The weight of the constraint component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field weight float +-- +--The rotation used when the sources have a total weight of 0. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field rotationAtRest UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The offset from the constrained rotation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field rotationOffset UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The axes affected by the RotationConstraint. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field rotationAxis UnityEngine.Animations.Axis +-- +--Activates or deactivates the constraint. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field constraintActive bool +-- +--Locks the offset and rotation at rest. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field locked bool +-- +--The number of sources set on the component (read-only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field sourceCount int +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.RotationConstraint = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param sources System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.RotationConstraint.GetSources(sources) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param sources System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.RotationConstraint.SetSources(sources) end + +-- +--Returns the index of the added source. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: source - The source object and its weight. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Animations.ConstraintSource +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.RotationConstraint.AddSource(source) end + +-- +--Removes a source from the component. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the source to remove. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.RotationConstraint.RemoveSource(index) end + +-- +--The source object and its weight. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the source. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return ConstraintSource +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.RotationConstraint.GetSource(index) end + +-- +--Sets a source at a specified index. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the source to set. +-- source - The source object and its weight. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +---@param source UnityEngine.Animations.ConstraintSource +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.RotationConstraint.SetSource(index, source) end + + +-- +--Constrains the scale of an object relative to the scale of one or more source objects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.ScaleConstraint: UnityEngine.Behaviour +-- +--The weight of the constraint component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field weight float +-- +--The scale used when the sources have a total weight of 0. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field scaleAtRest UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The offset from the constrained scale. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field scaleOffset UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The axes affected by the ScaleConstraint. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field scalingAxis UnityEngine.Animations.Axis +-- +--Activates or deactivates the constraint. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field constraintActive bool +-- +--Locks the offset and scale at rest. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field locked bool +-- +--The number of sources set on the component (read-only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field sourceCount int +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.ScaleConstraint = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param sources System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.ScaleConstraint.GetSources(sources) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param sources System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.ScaleConstraint.SetSources(sources) end + +-- +--Returns the index of the added source. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: source - The source object and its weight. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Animations.ConstraintSource +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.ScaleConstraint.AddSource(source) end + +-- +--Removes a source from the component. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the source to remove. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.ScaleConstraint.RemoveSource(index) end + +-- +--The source object and its weight. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the source. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return ConstraintSource +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.ScaleConstraint.GetSource(index) end + +-- +--Sets a source at a specified index. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the source to set. +-- source - The source object and its weight. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +---@param source UnityEngine.Animations.ConstraintSource +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.ScaleConstraint.SetSource(index, source) end + + +-- +--Constrains the orientation of an object relative to the position of one or more source objects, such that the object is facing the average position of the sources. +-- The LookAtConstraint is a simplified Animations.AimConstraint typically used with a Camera. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.LookAtConstraint: UnityEngine.Behaviour +-- +--The weight of the constraint component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field weight float +-- +--The rotation angle along the z axis of the object. The constraint uses this property to calculate the world up vector when Animations.LookAtConstraint.UseUpObject is false. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field roll float +-- +--Activates or deactivates the constraint. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field constraintActive bool +-- +--Locks the offset and rotation at rest. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field locked bool +-- +--The rotation used when the sources have a total weight of 0. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field rotationAtRest UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Represents an offset from the constrained orientation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field rotationOffset UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The world up object, used to calculate the world up vector when Animations.LookAtConstraint.UseUpObject is true. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field worldUpObject UnityEngine.Transform +-- +--Determines how the up vector is calculated. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field useUpObject bool +-- +--The number of sources set on the component (Read Only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field sourceCount int +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.LookAtConstraint = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param sources System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.LookAtConstraint.GetSources(sources) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param sources System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.LookAtConstraint.SetSources(sources) end + +-- +--Returns the index of the added source. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: source - The source object and its weight. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Animations.ConstraintSource +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.LookAtConstraint.AddSource(source) end + +-- +--Removes a source from the component. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the source to remove. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.LookAtConstraint.RemoveSource(index) end + +-- +--Returns the source object and its weight. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the source. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return ConstraintSource +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.LookAtConstraint.GetSource(index) end + +-- +--Sets a source at a specified index. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the source to set. +-- source - The source object and its weight. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +---@param source UnityEngine.Animations.ConstraintSource +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.LookAtConstraint.SetSource(index, source) end + + +-- +--Handle for a muscle in the AnimationHumanStream. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.MuscleHandle: System.ValueType +-- +--The muscle human part. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field humanPartDof UnityEngine.HumanPartDof +-- +--The muscle human sub-part. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field dof int +-- +--The name of the muscle. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field name string +-- +--The total number of DoF parts in a humanoid. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field muscleHandleCount int +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.MuscleHandle = {} + +-- +--Fills the array with all the possible muscle handles on a humanoid. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: muscleHandles - An array of MuscleHandle. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param muscleHandles UnityEngine.Animations.MuscleHandle[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.MuscleHandle:GetMuscleHandles(muscleHandles) end + + +-- +--Constrains the orientation and translation of an object to one or more source objects. The constrained object behaves as if it is in the hierarchy of the sources. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Animations.ParentConstraint: UnityEngine.Behaviour +-- +--The weight of the constraint component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field weight float +-- +--Activates or deactivates the constraint. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field constraintActive bool +-- +--Locks the offsets and position (translation and rotation) at rest. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field locked bool +-- +--The number of sources set on the component (read-only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field sourceCount int +-- +--The position of the object in local space, used when the sources have a total weight of 0. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field translationAtRest UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The rotation used when the sources have a total weight of 0. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field rotationAtRest UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The translation offsets from the constrained orientation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field translationOffsets UnityEngine.Vector3[] +-- +--The rotation offsets from the constrained orientation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field rotationOffsets UnityEngine.Vector3[] +-- +--The translation axes affected by the ParentConstraint. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field translationAxis UnityEngine.Animations.Axis +-- +--The rotation axes affected by the ParentConstraint. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field rotationAxis UnityEngine.Animations.Axis +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Animations.ParentConstraint = {} + +-- +--The translation offset. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the constraint source. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.ParentConstraint.GetTranslationOffset(index) end + +-- +--Sets the translation offset associated with a source by index. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the constraint source. +-- value - The new translation offset. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +---@param value UnityEngine.Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.ParentConstraint.SetTranslationOffset(index, value) end + +-- +--The rotation offset, as Euler angles. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the constraint source. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.ParentConstraint.GetRotationOffset(index) end + +-- +--Sets the rotation offset associated with a source by index. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the constraint source. +-- value - The new rotation offset. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +---@param value UnityEngine.Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.ParentConstraint.SetRotationOffset(index, value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param sources System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.ParentConstraint.GetSources(sources) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param sources System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.ParentConstraint.SetSources(sources) end + +-- +--Returns the index of the added source. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: source - The source object and its weight. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Animations.ConstraintSource +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.ParentConstraint.AddSource(source) end + +-- +--Removes a source from the component. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the source to remove. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.ParentConstraint.RemoveSource(index) end + +-- +--The source object and its weight. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the source. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return ConstraintSource +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.ParentConstraint.GetSource(index) end + +-- +--Sets a source at a specified index. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the source to set. +-- source - The source object and its weight. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param index int +---@param source UnityEngine.Animations.ConstraintSource +function CS.UnityEngine.Animations.ParentConstraint.SetSource(index, source) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..316a0f841 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.lua @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--ReplayKit is only available on certain iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices running iOS 9.0 or later. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.ReplayKit: object +-- +--A boolean that indicates whether the ReplayKit API is available (where True means available). (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field APIAvailable bool +-- +--A Boolean that indicates whether ReplayKit broadcasting API is available (true means available) (Read Only). +--Check the value of this property before making ReplayKit broadcasting API calls. On iOS versions prior to iOS 10, this property will have a value of false. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field broadcastingAPIAvailable bool +-- +--A boolean value that indicates that a new recording is available for preview (where True means available). (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field recordingAvailable bool +-- +--A boolean that indicates whether ReplayKit is making a recording (where True means a recording is in progress). (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field isRecording bool +-- +--Boolean property that indicates whether a broadcast is currently in progress (Read Only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field isBroadcasting bool +-- +--Boolean property that indicates whether a broadcast is currently paused (Read Only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field isBroadcastingPaused bool +-- +--A boolean that indicates whether ReplayKit is currently displaying a preview controller. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field isPreviewControllerActive bool +-- +--Camera enabled status. True, if camera enabled; false otherwise. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field cameraEnabled bool +-- +--Microphone enabled status. True, if microphone enabled; false otherwise. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field microphoneEnabled bool +-- +--A string property that contains an URL used to redirect the user to an on-going or completed broadcast (Read Only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field broadcastURL string +-- +--A string value of the last error incurred by the ReplayKit: Either 'Failed to get Screen Recorder' or 'No recording available'. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field lastError string +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.ReplayKit = {} + +-- +--A boolean value of True if recording started successfully or False if an error occurred. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: enableMicrophone - Enable or disable the microphone while making a recording. Enabling the microphone allows you to include user commentary while recording. The default value is false. +-- enableCamera - Enable or disable the camera while making a recording. Enabling camera allows you to include user camera footage while recording. The default value is false. To actually include camera footage in your recording, you also have to call ShowCameraPreviewAt as well to position the preview view. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param enableMicrophone bool +---@param enableCamera bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.ReplayKit:StartRecording(enableMicrophone, enableCamera) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param enableMicrophone bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.ReplayKit:StartRecording(enableMicrophone) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.ReplayKit:StartRecording() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param callback UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.ReplayKit.BroadcastStatusCallback +---@param enableMicrophone bool +---@param enableCamera bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.ReplayKit:StartBroadcasting(callback, enableMicrophone, enableCamera) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param callback UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.ReplayKit.BroadcastStatusCallback +---@param enableMicrophone bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.ReplayKit:StartBroadcasting(callback, enableMicrophone) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param callback UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.ReplayKit.BroadcastStatusCallback +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.ReplayKit:StartBroadcasting(callback) end + +-- +--A boolean value of True if recording stopped successfully or False if an error occurred. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.ReplayKit:StopRecording() end + +-- +--Stops current broadcast. +--Will terminate currently on-going broadcast. If no broadcast is in progress, does nothing. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.ReplayKit:StopBroadcasting() end + +-- +--Pauses current broadcast. +--Will pause currently on-going broadcast. If no broadcast is in progress, does nothing. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.ReplayKit:PauseBroadcasting() end + +-- +--Resumes current broadcast. +--Will resume currently on-going broadcast. If no broadcast is in progress, does nothing. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.ReplayKit:ResumeBroadcasting() end + +-- +--A boolean value of True if the video preview window opened successfully or False if an error occurred. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.ReplayKit:Preview() end + +-- +--A boolean value of True if the recording was discarded successfully or False if an error occurred. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.ReplayKit:Discard() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param posX float +---@param posY float +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.ReplayKit:ShowCameraPreviewAt(posX, posY) end + +-- +--Shows camera preview at coordinates posX and posY. The preview is width by height in size. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param posX float +---@param posY float +---@param width float +---@param height float +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.ReplayKit:ShowCameraPreviewAt(posX, posY, width, height) end + +-- +--Hide the camera preview view. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.ReplayKit:HideCameraPreview() end + + +-- +--Function called at the completion of broadcast startup. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: hasStarted - This parameter will be true if the broadcast started successfully and false in the event of an error. +-- errorMessage - In the event of failure to start a broadcast, this parameter contains the associated error message. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.BroadcastStatusCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.BroadcastStatusCallback = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param hasStarted bool +---@param errorMessage string +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.BroadcastStatusCallback.Invoke(hasStarted, errorMessage) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param hasStarted bool +---@param errorMessage string +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.BroadcastStatusCallback.BeginInvoke(hasStarted, errorMessage, callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.ReplayKit.BroadcastStatusCallback.EndInvoke(result) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Apple.TV.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Apple.TV.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8b4c2ff53 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Apple.TV.lua @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +---@meta + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Apple.TV.Remote: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field allowExitToHome bool +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field allowRemoteRotation bool +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field reportAbsoluteDpadValues bool +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field touchesEnabled bool +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Apple.TV.Remote = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Apple.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Apple.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..47220871e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Apple.lua @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--Destination of Frame Capture +--This is a wrapper for MTLCaptureDestination. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Apple.FrameCaptureDestination: System.Enum +-- +--Capture in XCode itself. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DevTools UnityEngine.Apple.FrameCaptureDestination +-- +--Capture to a GPU Trace document. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field GPUTraceDocument UnityEngine.Apple.FrameCaptureDestination +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Apple.FrameCaptureDestination = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Apple.FrameCaptureDestination +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.FrameCaptureDestination:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Interface to control XCode Frame Capture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Apple.FrameCapture: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Apple.FrameCapture = {} + +-- +--Is Capture destination supported. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param dest UnityEngine.Apple.FrameCaptureDestination +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.FrameCapture:IsDestinationSupported(dest) end + +-- +--Begin Capture in XCode frame debugger. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.FrameCapture:BeginCaptureToXcode() end + +-- +--Begin Capture to the specified file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param path string +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.FrameCapture:BeginCaptureToFile(path) end + +-- +--End Capture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.FrameCapture:EndCapture() end + +-- +--Begin capture to Xcode at the beginning of the next frame, and end it at the end of the next frame. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.FrameCapture:CaptureNextFrameToXcode() end + +-- +--Begin capture to the specified file at the beginning of the next frame, and end it at the end of the next frame. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param path string +function CS.UnityEngine.Apple.FrameCapture:CaptureNextFrameToFile(path) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Assertions.Comparers.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Assertions.Comparers.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..08681e1f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Assertions.Comparers.lua @@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--A float comparer used by Assertions.Assert performing approximate comparison. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Assertions.Comparers.FloatComparer: object +-- +--Default instance of a comparer class with deafult error epsilon and absolute error check. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field s_ComparerWithDefaultTolerance UnityEngine.Assertions.Comparers.FloatComparer +-- +--Default epsilon used by the comparer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field kEpsilon float +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Comparers.FloatComparer = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param a float +---@param b float +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Comparers.FloatComparer.Equals(a, b) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj float +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Comparers.FloatComparer.GetHashCode(obj) end + +-- +--Result of the comparison. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - Expected value. +-- actual - Actual value. +-- error - Comparison error. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected float +---@param actual float +---@param error float +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Comparers.FloatComparer:AreEqual(expected, actual, error) end + +-- +--Result of the comparison. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - Expected value. +-- actual - Actual value. +-- error - Comparison error. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected float +---@param actual float +---@param error float +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Comparers.FloatComparer:AreEqualRelative(expected, actual, error) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..671e4a08d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.lua @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--An extension class that serves as a wrapper for the Assert class. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.MustExtensions: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.MustExtensions = {} + +-- +--An extension method for Assertions.Assert.IsTrue. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.MustExtensions.MustBeTrue() end + +-- +--An extension method for Assertions.Assert.IsTrue. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.MustExtensions.MustBeTrue(message) end + +-- +--An extension method for Assertions.Assert.IsFalse. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.MustExtensions.MustBeFalse() end + +-- +--An extension method for Assertions.Assert.IsFalse. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.MustExtensions.MustBeFalse(message) end + +-- +--An extension method for Assertions.Assert.AreApproximatelyEqual. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected float +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.MustExtensions.MustBeApproximatelyEqual(expected) end + +-- +--An extension method for Assertions.Assert.AreApproximatelyEqual. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected float +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.MustExtensions.MustBeApproximatelyEqual(expected, message) end + +-- +--An extension method for Assertions.Assert.AreApproximatelyEqual. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected float +---@param tolerance float +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.MustExtensions.MustBeApproximatelyEqual(expected, tolerance) end + +-- +--An extension method for Assertions.Assert.AreApproximatelyEqual. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected float +---@param tolerance float +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.MustExtensions.MustBeApproximatelyEqual(expected, tolerance, message) end + +-- +--An extension method for Assertions.Assert.AreNotApproximatelyEqual. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected float +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.MustExtensions.MustNotBeApproximatelyEqual(expected) end + +-- +--An extension method for Assertions.Assert.AreNotApproximatelyEqual. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected float +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.MustExtensions.MustNotBeApproximatelyEqual(expected, message) end + +-- +--An extension method for Assertions.Assert.AreNotApproximatelyEqual. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected float +---@param tolerance float +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.MustExtensions.MustNotBeApproximatelyEqual(expected, tolerance) end + +-- +--An extension method for Assertions.Assert.AreNotApproximatelyEqual. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected float +---@param tolerance float +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.MustExtensions.MustNotBeApproximatelyEqual(expected, tolerance, message) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected T +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.MustExtensions.MustBeEqual(expected) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected T +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.MustExtensions.MustBeEqual(expected, message) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected T +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.MustExtensions.MustNotBeEqual(expected) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected T +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.MustExtensions.MustNotBeEqual(expected, message) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.MustExtensions.MustBeNull() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.MustExtensions.MustBeNull(message) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.MustExtensions.MustNotBeNull() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Must.MustExtensions.MustNotBeNull(message) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Assertions.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Assertions.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7208a9c17 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Assertions.lua @@ -0,0 +1,937 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--The Assert class contains assertion methods for setting invariants in the code. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert: object +-- +--Obsolete. Do not use. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field raiseExceptions bool +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj1 object +---@param obj2 object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:Equals(obj1, obj2) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj1 object +---@param obj2 object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:ReferenceEquals(obj1, obj2) end + +-- +--Asserts that the condition is true. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- condition - true or false. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param condition bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:IsTrue(condition) end + +-- +--Asserts that the condition is true. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- condition - true or false. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:IsTrue(condition, message) end + +-- +--Return true when the condition is false. Otherwise return false. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: condition - true or false. +-- message - The string used to describe the result of the Assert. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param condition bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:IsFalse(condition) end + +-- +--Return true when the condition is false. Otherwise return false. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: condition - true or false. +-- message - The string used to describe the result of the Assert. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param condition bool +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:IsFalse(condition, message) end + +-- +--Assert the values are approximately equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: tolerance - Tolerance of approximation. +-- expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected float +---@param actual float +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreApproximatelyEqual(expected, actual) end + +-- +--Assert the values are approximately equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: tolerance - Tolerance of approximation. +-- expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected float +---@param actual float +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreApproximatelyEqual(expected, actual, message) end + +-- +--Assert the values are approximately equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: tolerance - Tolerance of approximation. +-- expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected float +---@param actual float +---@param tolerance float +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreApproximatelyEqual(expected, actual, tolerance) end + +-- +--Assert the values are approximately equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: tolerance - Tolerance of approximation. +-- expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected float +---@param actual float +---@param tolerance float +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreApproximatelyEqual(expected, actual, tolerance, message) end + +-- +--Asserts that the values are approximately not equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: tolerance - Tolerance of approximation. +-- expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected float +---@param actual float +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotApproximatelyEqual(expected, actual) end + +-- +--Asserts that the values are approximately not equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: tolerance - Tolerance of approximation. +-- expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected float +---@param actual float +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotApproximatelyEqual(expected, actual, message) end + +-- +--Asserts that the values are approximately not equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: tolerance - Tolerance of approximation. +-- expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected float +---@param actual float +---@param tolerance float +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotApproximatelyEqual(expected, actual, tolerance) end + +-- +--Asserts that the values are approximately not equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: tolerance - Tolerance of approximation. +-- expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected float +---@param actual float +---@param tolerance float +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotApproximatelyEqual(expected, actual, tolerance, message) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected T +---@param actual T +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreEqual(expected, actual) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected T +---@param actual T +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreEqual(expected, actual, message) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected T +---@param actual T +---@param message string +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreEqual(expected, actual, message, comparer) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected UnityEngine.Object +---@param actual UnityEngine.Object +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreEqual(expected, actual, message) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected T +---@param actual T +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotEqual(expected, actual) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected T +---@param actual T +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotEqual(expected, actual, message) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected T +---@param actual T +---@param message string +---@param comparer System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotEqual(expected, actual, message, comparer) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are not equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected UnityEngine.Object +---@param actual UnityEngine.Object +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotEqual(expected, actual, message) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value T +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:IsNull(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value T +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:IsNull(value, message) end + +-- +--Assert the value is null. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: value - The Object or type being checked for. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Object +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:IsNull(value, message) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value T +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:IsNotNull(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value T +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:IsNotNull(value, message) end + +-- +--Assert that the value is not null. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: value - The Object or type being checked for. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Object +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:IsNotNull(value, message) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected sbyte +---@param actual sbyte +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreEqual(expected, actual) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected sbyte +---@param actual sbyte +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreEqual(expected, actual, message) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are not equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected sbyte +---@param actual sbyte +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotEqual(expected, actual) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are not equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected sbyte +---@param actual sbyte +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotEqual(expected, actual, message) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected byte +---@param actual byte +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreEqual(expected, actual) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected byte +---@param actual byte +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreEqual(expected, actual, message) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are not equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected byte +---@param actual byte +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotEqual(expected, actual) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are not equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected byte +---@param actual byte +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotEqual(expected, actual, message) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected char +---@param actual char +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreEqual(expected, actual) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected char +---@param actual char +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreEqual(expected, actual, message) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are not equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected char +---@param actual char +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotEqual(expected, actual) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are not equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected char +---@param actual char +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotEqual(expected, actual, message) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected short +---@param actual short +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreEqual(expected, actual) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected short +---@param actual short +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreEqual(expected, actual, message) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are not equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected short +---@param actual short +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotEqual(expected, actual) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are not equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected short +---@param actual short +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotEqual(expected, actual, message) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected ushort +---@param actual ushort +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreEqual(expected, actual) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected ushort +---@param actual ushort +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreEqual(expected, actual, message) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are not equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected ushort +---@param actual ushort +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotEqual(expected, actual) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are not equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected ushort +---@param actual ushort +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotEqual(expected, actual, message) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected int +---@param actual int +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreEqual(expected, actual) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected int +---@param actual int +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreEqual(expected, actual, message) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are not equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected int +---@param actual int +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotEqual(expected, actual) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are not equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected int +---@param actual int +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotEqual(expected, actual, message) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected uint +---@param actual uint +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreEqual(expected, actual) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected uint +---@param actual uint +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreEqual(expected, actual, message) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are not equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected uint +---@param actual uint +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotEqual(expected, actual) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are not equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected uint +---@param actual uint +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotEqual(expected, actual, message) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected long +---@param actual long +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreEqual(expected, actual) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected long +---@param actual long +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreEqual(expected, actual, message) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are not equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected long +---@param actual long +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotEqual(expected, actual) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are not equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected long +---@param actual long +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotEqual(expected, actual, message) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected ulong +---@param actual ulong +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreEqual(expected, actual) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected ulong +---@param actual ulong +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreEqual(expected, actual, message) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are not equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected ulong +---@param actual ulong +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotEqual(expected, actual) end + +-- +--Assert that the values are not equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: expected - The assumed Assert value. +-- actual - The exact Assert value. +-- message - The string used to describe the Assert. +-- comparer - Method to compare expected and actual arguments have the same value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param expected ulong +---@param actual ulong +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert:AreNotEqual(expected, actual, message) end + + +-- +--An exception that is thrown when an assertion fails. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Assertions.AssertionException: System.Exception +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Message string +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Assertions.AssertionException = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Audio.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Audio.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f9110bdf9 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Audio.lua @@ -0,0 +1,371 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--An implementation of IPlayable that controls an AudioClip. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Audio.AudioClipPlayable: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioClipPlayable = {} + +-- +--A AudioClipPlayable linked to the PlayableGraph. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: graph - The PlayableGraph that will contain the new AnimationLayerMixerPlayable. +-- clip - The AudioClip that will be added in the PlayableGraph. +-- looping - True if the clip should loop, false otherwise. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param clip UnityEngine.AudioClip +---@param looping bool +---@return AudioClipPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioClipPlayable:Create(graph, clip, looping) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@return PlayableHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioClipPlayable.GetHandle() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Audio.AudioClipPlayable +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioClipPlayable:op_Implicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@return AudioClipPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioClipPlayable:op_Explicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Audio.AudioClipPlayable +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioClipPlayable.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@return AudioClip +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioClipPlayable.GetClip() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.AudioClip +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioClipPlayable.SetClip(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioClipPlayable.GetLooped() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioClipPlayable.SetLooped(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioClipPlayable.IsPlaying() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioClipPlayable.IsChannelPlaying() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@return Double +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioClipPlayable.GetStartDelay() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@return Double +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioClipPlayable.GetPauseDelay() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param startTime double +---@param startDelay double +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioClipPlayable.Seek(startTime, startDelay) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param startTime double +---@param startDelay double +---@param duration double +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioClipPlayable.Seek(startTime, startDelay, duration) end + + +-- +--The mode in which an AudioMixer should update its time. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerUpdateMode: System.Enum +-- +--Update the AudioMixer with scaled game time. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@field Normal UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerUpdateMode +-- +--Update the AudioMixer with unscaled realtime. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@field UnscaledTime UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerUpdateMode +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerUpdateMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerUpdateMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerUpdateMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--AudioMixer asset. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixer: UnityEngine.Object +-- +--Routing target. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@field outputAudioMixerGroup UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerGroup +-- +--How time should progress for this AudioMixer. Used during Snapshot transitions. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@field updateMode UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerUpdateMode +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixer = {} + +-- +--The snapshot identified by the name. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - Name of snapshot object to be returned. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param name string +---@return AudioMixerSnapshot +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixer.FindSnapshot(name) end + +-- +--Groups in the mixer whose paths match the specified search path. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: subPath - Sub-string of the paths to be matched. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param subPath string +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixer.FindMatchingGroups(subPath) end + +-- +--Transitions to a weighted mixture of the snapshots specified. This can be used for games that specify the game state as a continuum between states or for interpolating snapshots from a triangulated map location. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: snapshots - The set of snapshots to be mixed. +-- weights - The mix weights for the snapshots specified. +-- timeToReach - Relative time after which the mixture should be reached from any current state. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param snapshots UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerSnapshot[] +---@param weights float[] +---@param timeToReach float +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixer.TransitionToSnapshots(snapshots, weights, timeToReach) end + +-- +--Returns false if the exposed parameter was not found or snapshots are currently being edited. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - Name of exposed parameter. +-- value - New value of exposed parameter. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param value float +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixer.SetFloat(name, value) end + +-- +--Returns false if the parameter was not found or could not be set. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - Exposed parameter. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param name string +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixer.ClearFloat(name) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param value float +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixer.GetFloat(name, value) end + + +-- +--Object representing a group in the mixer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerGroup: UnityEngine.Object +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@field audioMixer UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixer +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerGroup = {} + + +-- +--An implementation of IPlayable that controls an audio mixer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerPlayable: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerPlayable = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param inputCount int +---@param normalizeInputVolumes bool +---@return AudioMixerPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerPlayable:Create(graph, inputCount, normalizeInputVolumes) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@return PlayableHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerPlayable.GetHandle() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerPlayable +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerPlayable:op_Implicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@return AudioMixerPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerPlayable:op_Explicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerPlayable +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerPlayable.Equals(other) end + + +-- +--Object representing a snapshot in the mixer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerSnapshot: UnityEngine.Object +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@field audioMixer UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixer +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerSnapshot = {} + +-- +--Performs an interpolated transition towards this snapshot over the time interval specified. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: timeToReach - Relative time after which this snapshot should be reached from any current state. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param timeToReach float +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioMixerSnapshot.TransitionTo(timeToReach) end + + +-- +--A PlayableBinding that contains information representing an AudioPlayableOutput. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Audio.AudioPlayableBinding: object +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioPlayableBinding = {} + +-- +--Returns a PlayableBinding that contains information that is used to create an AudioPlayableOutput. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: key - A reference to a UnityEngine.Object that acts as a key for this binding. +-- name - The name of the AudioPlayableOutput. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param key UnityEngine.Object +---@return PlayableBinding +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioPlayableBinding:Create(name, key) end + + +-- +--A IPlayableOutput implementation that will be used to play audio. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Audio.AudioPlayableOutput: System.ValueType +-- +--Returns an invalid AudioPlayableOutput. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@field Null UnityEngine.Audio.AudioPlayableOutput +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioPlayableOutput = {} + +-- +--A new AudioPlayableOutput attached to the PlayableGraph. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: graph - The PlayableGraph that will contain the AnimationPlayableOutput. +-- name - The name of the output. +-- target - The AudioSource that will play the AudioPlayableOutput source Playable. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param name string +---@param target UnityEngine.AudioSource +---@return AudioPlayableOutput +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioPlayableOutput:Create(graph, name, target) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@return PlayableOutputHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioPlayableOutput.GetHandle() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param output UnityEngine.Audio.AudioPlayableOutput +---@return PlayableOutput +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioPlayableOutput:op_Implicit(output) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param output UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutput +---@return AudioPlayableOutput +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioPlayableOutput:op_Explicit(output) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@return AudioSource +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioPlayableOutput.GetTarget() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.AudioSource +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioPlayableOutput.SetTarget(value) end + +-- +--Returns true if the output plays when seeking. Returns false otherwise. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioPlayableOutput.GetEvaluateOnSeek() end + +-- +--Controls whether the output should play when seeking. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: value - Set to true to play the output when seeking. Set to false to disable audio scrubbing on this output. Default is true. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Audio.AudioPlayableOutput.SetEvaluateOnSeek(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2af14a90b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.lua @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +---@meta + +---@source Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.CompatibilityAssetBundleManifest: UnityEngine.ScriptableObject +---@source Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.CompatibilityAssetBundleManifest = {} + +---@source Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll +---@param results System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary +function CS.UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.CompatibilityAssetBundleManifest.SetResults(results) end + +---@source Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.CompatibilityAssetBundleManifest.GetAllAssetBundles() end + +---@source Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.CompatibilityAssetBundleManifest.GetAllAssetBundlesWithVariant() end + +---@source Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll +---@param assetBundleName string +---@return Hash128 +function CS.UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.CompatibilityAssetBundleManifest.GetAssetBundleHash(assetBundleName) end + +---@source Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll +---@param assetBundleName string +---@return UInt32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.CompatibilityAssetBundleManifest.GetAssetBundleCrc(assetBundleName) end + +---@source Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll +---@param assetBundleName string +function CS.UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.CompatibilityAssetBundleManifest.GetDirectDependencies(assetBundleName) end + +---@source Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll +---@param assetBundleName string +function CS.UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.CompatibilityAssetBundleManifest.GetAllDependencies(assetBundleName) end + +---@source Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.CompatibilityAssetBundleManifest.ToString() end + +---@source Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.CompatibilityAssetBundleManifest.OnBeforeSerialize() end + +---@source Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.CompatibilityAssetBundleManifest.OnAfterDeserialize() end + + +---@source Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.BundleDetails: System.ValueType +---@source Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll +---@field FileName string +---@source Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll +---@field Crc uint +---@source Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll +---@field Hash UnityEngine.Hash128 +---@source Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll +---@field Dependencies string[] +---@source Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.BundleDetails = {} + +---@source Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.BundleDetails.Equals(obj) end + +---@source Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.BundleDetails.GetHashCode() end + +---@source Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll +---@param a UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.BundleDetails +---@param b UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.BundleDetails +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.BundleDetails:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll +---@param a UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.BundleDetails +---@param b UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.BundleDetails +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.BundleDetails:op_Inequality(a, b) end + +---@source Unity.ScriptableBuildPipeline.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.BundleDetails +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Build.Pipeline.BundleDetails.Equals(other) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.CrashReportHandler.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.CrashReportHandler.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ce68a70b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.CrashReportHandler.lua @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--Engine API for CrashReporting Service. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CrashReportingModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.CrashReportHandler.CrashReportHandler: object +-- +--This Boolean field will cause CrashReportHandler to capture exceptions when set to true. By default enable capture exceptions is true. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CrashReportingModule.dll +---@field enableCaptureExceptions bool +-- +--The Performance Reporting service will keep a buffer of up to the last X log messages (Debug.Log, etc) to send along with crash reports. The default is 10 log messages, the max is 50. Set this to 0 to disable capture of logs with your crash reports. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CrashReportingModule.dll +---@field logBufferSize uint +---@source UnityEngine.CrashReportingModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.CrashReportHandler.CrashReportHandler = {} + +-- +--Value that was previously set for the key, or null if no value was found. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CrashReportingModule.dll +---@param key string +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.CrashReportHandler.CrashReportHandler:GetUserMetadata(key) end + +-- +--Set a custom metadata key-value pair to be included with crash reports. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CrashReportingModule.dll +---@param key string +---@param value string +function CS.UnityEngine.CrashReportHandler.CrashReportHandler:SetUserMetadata(key, value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Diagnostics.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Diagnostics.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1b5f8e214 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Diagnostics.lua @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--Specifies the category of crash to cause when calling ForceCrash(). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Diagnostics.ForcedCrashCategory: System.Enum +-- +--Cause a crash by performing an invalid memory access. +-- +--The invalid memory access is performed on each platform as follows: +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AccessViolation UnityEngine.Diagnostics.ForcedCrashCategory +-- +--Cause a crash using Unity's native fatal error implementation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field FatalError UnityEngine.Diagnostics.ForcedCrashCategory +-- +--Cause a crash by calling the abort() function. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Abort UnityEngine.Diagnostics.ForcedCrashCategory +-- +--Cause a crash by calling a pure virtual function to raise an exception. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field PureVirtualFunction UnityEngine.Diagnostics.ForcedCrashCategory +-- +--Cause a crash by calling the abort() function within the Mono dynamic library. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field MonoAbort UnityEngine.Diagnostics.ForcedCrashCategory +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Diagnostics.ForcedCrashCategory = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Diagnostics.ForcedCrashCategory +function CS.UnityEngine.Diagnostics.ForcedCrashCategory:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--A utility class that you can use for diagnostic purposes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Diagnostics.Utils: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Diagnostics.Utils = {} + +-- +--Manually causes an application crash in the specified category. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param crashCategory UnityEngine.Diagnostics.ForcedCrashCategory +function CS.UnityEngine.Diagnostics.Utils:ForceCrash(crashCategory) end + +-- +--Manually causes an assert that outputs the specified message to the log and registers an error. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Diagnostics.Utils:NativeAssert(message) end + +-- +--Manually causes a native error that outputs the specified message to the log and registers an error. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Diagnostics.Utils:NativeError(message) end + +-- +--Manually causes a warning that outputs the specified message to the log and registers an error. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param message string +function CS.UnityEngine.Diagnostics.Utils:NativeWarning(message) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Diagnostics.PlayerConnection: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field connected bool +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Diagnostics.PlayerConnection = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param remoteFilePath string +---@param data byte[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Diagnostics.PlayerConnection:SendFile(remoteFilePath, data) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.EventSystems.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.EventSystems.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..566225670 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.EventSystems.lua @@ -0,0 +1,959 @@ +---@meta + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.AxisEventData: UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field moveVector UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field moveDir UnityEngine.EventSystems.MoveDirection +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.AxisEventData = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.AbstractEventData: object +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field used bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.AbstractEventData = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.AbstractEventData.Reset() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.AbstractEventData.Use() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData: UnityEngine.EventSystems.AbstractEventData +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field currentInputModule UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseInputModule +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field selectedObject UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData: UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field hovered System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field pointerEnter UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field lastPress UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field rawPointerPress UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field pointerDrag UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field pointerClick UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field pointerCurrentRaycast UnityEngine.EventSystems.RaycastResult +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field pointerPressRaycast UnityEngine.EventSystems.RaycastResult +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field eligibleForClick bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field pointerId int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field delta UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field pressPosition UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field worldPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field worldNormal UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field clickTime float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field clickCount int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field scrollDelta UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field useDragThreshold bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field dragging bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field button UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData.InputButton +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field enterEventCamera UnityEngine.Camera +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field pressEventCamera UnityEngine.Camera +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field pointerPress UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData.IsPointerMoving() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData.IsScrolling() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData.ToString() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventHandle: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Unused UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventHandle +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Used UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventHandle +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventHandle = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventHandle:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.IEventSystemHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IEventSystemHandler = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerEnterHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerEnterHandler = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerEnterHandler.OnPointerEnter(eventData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerExitHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerExitHandler = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerExitHandler.OnPointerExit(eventData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerUpHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerUpHandler = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerUpHandler.OnPointerUp(eventData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerDownHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerDownHandler = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerDownHandler.OnPointerDown(eventData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerClickHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerClickHandler = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IPointerClickHandler.OnPointerClick(eventData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.IInitializePotentialDragHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IInitializePotentialDragHandler = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IInitializePotentialDragHandler.OnInitializePotentialDrag(eventData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.IBeginDragHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IBeginDragHandler = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IBeginDragHandler.OnBeginDrag(eventData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.InputButton: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Left UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData.InputButton +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Right UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData.InputButton +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Middle UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData.InputButton +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.InputButton = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData.InputButton +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.InputButton:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.IDragHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IDragHandler = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IDragHandler.OnDrag(eventData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.IEndDragHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IEndDragHandler = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IEndDragHandler.OnEndDrag(eventData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.FramePressState: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Pressed UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData.FramePressState +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Released UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData.FramePressState +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field PressedAndReleased UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData.FramePressState +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field NotChanged UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData.FramePressState +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.FramePressState = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData.FramePressState +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.FramePressState:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.IScrollHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IScrollHandler = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IScrollHandler.OnScroll(eventData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.IDropHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IDropHandler = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IDropHandler.OnDrop(eventData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.IUpdateSelectedHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IUpdateSelectedHandler = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IUpdateSelectedHandler.OnUpdateSelected(eventData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.ISelectHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.ISelectHandler = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.ISelectHandler.OnSelect(eventData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.IDeselectHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IDeselectHandler = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IDeselectHandler.OnDeselect(eventData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.IMoveHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IMoveHandler = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.AxisEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.IMoveHandler.OnMove(eventData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.ISubmitHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.ISubmitHandler = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.ISubmitHandler.OnSubmit(eventData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.ICancelHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.ICancelHandler = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.ICancelHandler.OnCancel(eventData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem: UnityEngine.EventSystems.UIBehaviour +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field current UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field sendNavigationEvents bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field pixelDragThreshold int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field currentInputModule UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseInputModule +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field firstSelectedGameObject UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field currentSelectedGameObject UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field lastSelectedGameObject UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field isFocused bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field alreadySelecting bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem.UpdateModules() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param selected UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param pointer UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem.SetSelectedGameObject(selected, pointer) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param selected UnityEngine.GameObject +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem.SetSelectedGameObject(selected) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +---@param raycastResults System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem.RaycastAll(eventData, raycastResults) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem.IsPointerOverGameObject() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param pointerId int +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem.IsPointerOverGameObject(pointerId) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventSystem.ToString() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTriggerType: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field PointerEnter UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTriggerType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field PointerExit UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTriggerType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field PointerDown UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTriggerType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field PointerUp UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTriggerType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field PointerClick UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTriggerType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Drag UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTriggerType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Drop UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTriggerType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Scroll UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTriggerType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field UpdateSelected UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTriggerType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Select UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTriggerType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Deselect UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTriggerType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Move UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTriggerType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field InitializePotentialDrag UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTriggerType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field BeginDrag UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTriggerType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field EndDrag UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTriggerType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Submit UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTriggerType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Cancel UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTriggerType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTriggerType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTriggerType +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTriggerType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTrigger: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field delegates System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field triggers System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTrigger = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTrigger.OnPointerEnter(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTrigger.OnPointerExit(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTrigger.OnDrag(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTrigger.OnDrop(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTrigger.OnPointerDown(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTrigger.OnPointerUp(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTrigger.OnPointerClick(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTrigger.OnSelect(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTrigger.OnDeselect(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTrigger.OnScroll(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.AxisEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTrigger.OnMove(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTrigger.OnUpdateSelected(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTrigger.OnInitializePotentialDrag(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTrigger.OnBeginDrag(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTrigger.OnEndDrag(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTrigger.OnSubmit(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTrigger.OnCancel(eventData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents: object +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field pointerEnterHandler UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.EventFunction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field pointerExitHandler UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.EventFunction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field pointerDownHandler UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.EventFunction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field pointerUpHandler UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.EventFunction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field pointerClickHandler UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.EventFunction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field initializePotentialDrag UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.EventFunction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field beginDragHandler UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.EventFunction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field dragHandler UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.EventFunction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field endDragHandler UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.EventFunction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field dropHandler UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.EventFunction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field scrollHandler UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.EventFunction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field updateSelectedHandler UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.EventFunction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field selectHandler UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.EventFunction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field deselectHandler UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.EventFunction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field moveHandler UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.EventFunction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field submitHandler UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.EventFunction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field cancelHandler UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.EventFunction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param data UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:ValidateEventData(data) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param target UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +---@param functor UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.EventFunction +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:Execute(target, eventData, functor) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param root UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +---@param callbackFunction UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.EventFunction +---@return GameObject +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:ExecuteHierarchy(root, eventData, callbackFunction) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:CanHandleEvent(go) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param root UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return GameObject +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents:GetEventHandler(root) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param handler T1 +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction.Invoke(handler, eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param handler T1 +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction.BeginInvoke(handler, eventData, callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventFunction.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseInput: UnityEngine.EventSystems.UIBehaviour +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field compositionString string +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field imeCompositionMode UnityEngine.IMECompositionMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field compositionCursorPos UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field mousePresent bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field mousePosition UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field mouseScrollDelta UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field touchSupported bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field touchCount int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseInput = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param button int +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseInput.GetMouseButtonDown(button) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param button int +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseInput.GetMouseButtonUp(button) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param button int +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseInput.GetMouseButton(button) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param index int +---@return Touch +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseInput.GetTouch(index) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param axisName string +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseInput.GetAxisRaw(axisName) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param buttonName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseInput.GetButtonDown(buttonName) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseInputModule: UnityEngine.EventSystems.UIBehaviour +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field input UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseInput +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field inputOverride UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseInput +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseInputModule = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseInputModule.Process() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param pointerId int +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseInputModule.IsPointerOverGameObject(pointerId) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseInputModule.ShouldActivateModule() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseInputModule.DeactivateModule() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseInputModule.ActivateModule() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseInputModule.UpdateModule() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseInputModule.IsModuleSupported() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerInputModule: UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseInputModule +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field kMouseLeftId int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field kMouseRightId int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field kMouseMiddleId int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field kFakeTouchesId int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerInputModule = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param pointerId int +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerInputModule.IsPointerOverGameObject(pointerId) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerInputModule.ToString() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.TriggerEvent: UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.TriggerEvent = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.Entry: object +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field eventID UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTriggerType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field callback UnityEngine.EventSystems.EventTrigger.TriggerEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.Entry = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.MouseButtonEventData: object +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field buttonState UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData.FramePressState +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field buttonData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.MouseButtonEventData = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.MouseButtonEventData.PressedThisFrame() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.MouseButtonEventData.ReleasedThisFrame() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule: UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerInputModule +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field inputMode UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule.InputMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field allowActivationOnMobileDevice bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field forceModuleActive bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field inputActionsPerSecond float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field repeatDelay float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field horizontalAxis string +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field verticalAxis string +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field submitButton string +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field cancelButton string +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule.UpdateModule() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule.IsModuleSupported() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule.ShouldActivateModule() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule.ActivateModule() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule.DeactivateModule() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule.Process() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseRaycaster: UnityEngine.EventSystems.UIBehaviour +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field eventCamera UnityEngine.Camera +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field priority int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field sortOrderPriority int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field renderOrderPriority int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field rootRaycaster UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseRaycaster +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseRaycaster = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +---@param resultAppendList System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseRaycaster.Raycast(eventData, resultAppendList) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseRaycaster.ToString() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.Physics2DRaycaster: UnityEngine.EventSystems.PhysicsRaycaster +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.Physics2DRaycaster = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +---@param resultAppendList System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.Physics2DRaycaster.Raycast(eventData, resultAppendList) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.PhysicsRaycaster: UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseRaycaster +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field eventCamera UnityEngine.Camera +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field depth int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field finalEventMask int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field eventMask UnityEngine.LayerMask +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field maxRayIntersections int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.PhysicsRaycaster = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +---@param resultAppendList System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.PhysicsRaycaster.Raycast(eventData, resultAppendList) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.InputMode: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Mouse UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule.InputMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Buttons UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule.InputMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.InputMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.EventSystems.StandaloneInputModule.InputMode +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.InputMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.TouchInputModule: UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerInputModule +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field allowActivationOnStandalone bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field forceModuleActive bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.TouchInputModule = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.TouchInputModule.UpdateModule() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.TouchInputModule.IsModuleSupported() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.TouchInputModule.ShouldActivateModule() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.TouchInputModule.Process() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.TouchInputModule.DeactivateModule() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.TouchInputModule.ToString() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.MoveDirection: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Left UnityEngine.EventSystems.MoveDirection +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Up UnityEngine.EventSystems.MoveDirection +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Right UnityEngine.EventSystems.MoveDirection +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Down UnityEngine.EventSystems.MoveDirection +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.EventSystems.MoveDirection +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.MoveDirection = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.EventSystems.MoveDirection +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.MoveDirection:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.RaycastResult: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field module UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseRaycaster +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field distance float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field index float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field depth int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field sortingLayer int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field sortingOrder int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field worldPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field worldNormal UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field screenPosition UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field displayIndex int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field gameObject UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field isValid bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.RaycastResult = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.RaycastResult.Clear() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.RaycastResult.ToString() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.EventSystems.UIBehaviour: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.UIBehaviour = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.UIBehaviour.IsActive() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.EventSystems.UIBehaviour.IsDestroyed() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Events.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Events.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..839287a82 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Events.lua @@ -0,0 +1,425 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--THe mode that a listener is operating in. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Events.PersistentListenerMode: System.Enum +-- +--The listener will use the function binding specified by the even. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field EventDefined UnityEngine.Events.PersistentListenerMode +-- +--The listener will bind to zero argument functions. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Void UnityEngine.Events.PersistentListenerMode +-- +--The listener will bind to one argument Object functions. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Object UnityEngine.Events.PersistentListenerMode +-- +--The listener will bind to one argument int functions. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Int UnityEngine.Events.PersistentListenerMode +-- +--The listener will bind to one argument float functions. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Float UnityEngine.Events.PersistentListenerMode +-- +--The listener will bind to one argument string functions. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field String UnityEngine.Events.PersistentListenerMode +-- +--The listener will bind to one argument bool functions. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Bool UnityEngine.Events.PersistentListenerMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Events.PersistentListenerMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Events.PersistentListenerMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.PersistentListenerMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Controls the scope of UnityEvent callbacks. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventCallState: System.Enum +-- +--Callback is not issued. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Off UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventCallState +-- +--Callback is always issued. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field EditorAndRuntime UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventCallState +-- +--Callback is only issued in the Runtime and Editor playmode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RuntimeOnly UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventCallState +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventCallState = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventCallState +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventCallState:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Abstract base class for UnityEvents. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase = {} + +-- +--Get the number of registered persistent listeners. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase.GetPersistentEventCount() end + +-- +--Get the target component of the listener at index index. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Index of the listener to query. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return Object +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase.GetPersistentTarget(index) end + +-- +--Get the target method name of the listener at index index. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Index of the listener to query. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase.GetPersistentMethodName(index) end + +-- +--Modify the execution state of a persistent listener. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Index of the listener to query. +-- state - State to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +---@param state UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventCallState +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase.SetPersistentListenerState(index, state) end + +-- +--Remove all non-persisent (ie created from script) listeners from the event. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase.RemoveAllListeners() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase.ToString() end + +-- +--Given an object, function name, and a list of argument types; find the method that matches. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: obj - Object to search for the method. +-- functionName - Function name to search for. +-- argumentTypes - Argument types for the function. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@param functionName string +---@param argumentTypes System.Type[] +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase:GetValidMethodInfo(obj, functionName, argumentTypes) end + +-- +--Given an object type, function name, and a list of argument types; find the method that matches. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: objectType - Object type to search for the method. +-- functionName - Function name to search for. +-- argumentTypes - Argument types for the function. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param objectType System.Type +---@param functionName string +---@param argumentTypes System.Type[] +---@return MethodInfo +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase:GetValidMethodInfo(objectType, functionName, argumentTypes) end + + +-- +--Zero argument delegate used by UnityEvents. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction.Invoke() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param arg0 T0 +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction.Invoke(arg0) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param arg0 T0 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction.BeginInvoke(arg0, callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param arg0 T0 +---@param arg1 T1 +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction.Invoke(arg0, arg1) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param arg0 T0 +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction.BeginInvoke(arg0, arg1, callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param arg0 T0 +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction.Invoke(arg0, arg1, arg2) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param arg0 T0 +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction.BeginInvoke(arg0, arg1, arg2, callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param arg0 T0 +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction.Invoke(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param arg0 T0 +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction.BeginInvoke(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--A zero argument persistent callback that can be saved with the Scene. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent: UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent = {} + +-- +--Add a non persistent listener to the UnityEvent. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: call - Callback function. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param call UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.AddListener(call) end + +-- +--Remove a non persistent listener from the UnityEvent. If you have added the same listener multiple times, this method will remove all occurrences of it. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: call - Callback function. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param call UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.RemoveListener(call) end + +-- +--Invoke all registered callbacks (runtime and persistent). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke() end + + +-- +--One argument version of UnityEvent. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent: UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param call UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.AddListener(call) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param call UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.RemoveListener(call) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param arg0 T0 +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke(arg0) end + + +-- +--Two argument version of UnityEvent. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent: UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param call UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.AddListener(call) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param call UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.RemoveListener(call) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param arg0 T0 +---@param arg1 T1 +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke(arg0, arg1) end + + +-- +--Three argument version of UnityEvent. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent: UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param call UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.AddListener(call) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param call UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.RemoveListener(call) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param arg0 T0 +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke(arg0, arg1, arg2) end + + +-- +--Four argument version of UnityEvent. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent: UnityEngine.Events.UnityEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param call UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.AddListener(call) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param call UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.RemoveListener(call) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param arg0 T0 +---@param arg1 T1 +---@param arg2 T2 +---@param arg3 T3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1d61ffd26 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.lua @@ -0,0 +1,426 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--Represents a compact identifier for the data of a NavMesh node. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId = {} + +-- +--Returns true if the PolygonId has been created empty and has never pointed to any node in the NavMesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId.IsNull() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param x UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId +---@param y UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId:op_Equality(x, y) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param x UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId +---@param y UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId:op_Inequality(x, y) end + +-- +--Returns the hash code for use in collections. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId.GetHashCode() end + +-- +--Returns true if two PolygonId objects refer to the same NavMesh node. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param rhs UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId.Equals(rhs) end + +-- +--Returns true if two PolygonId objects refer to the same NavMesh node. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId.Equals(obj) end + + +-- +--A world position that is guaranteed to be on the surface of the NavMesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshLocation: System.ValueType +-- +--Unique identifier for the node in the NavMesh to which the world position has been mapped. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field polygon UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId +-- +--A world position that sits precisely on the surface of the NavMesh or along its links. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshLocation = {} + + +-- +--Bit flags representing the resulting state of NavMeshQuery operations. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus: System.Enum +-- +--The operation has failed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field Failure UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus +-- +--The operation was successful. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field Success UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus +-- +--The operation is in progress. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field InProgress UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus +-- +--Bitmask that has 0 set for the Success, Failure and InProgress bits and 1 set for all the other flags. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field StatusDetailMask UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus +-- +--Data in the NavMesh cannot be recognized and used. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field WrongMagic UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus +-- +--Data in the NavMesh world has a wrong version. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field WrongVersion UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus +-- +--Operation ran out of memory. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field OutOfMemory UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus +-- +--A parameter did not contain valid information, useful for carring out the NavMesh query. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field InvalidParam UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus +-- +--The node buffer of the query was too small to store all results. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field BufferTooSmall UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus +-- +--Query ran out of node stack space during a search. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field OutOfNodes UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus +-- +--Query did not reach the end location, returning best guess. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field PartialResult UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PathQueryStatus:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--The types of nodes in the navigation data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshPolyTypes: System.Enum +-- +--Type of node in the NavMesh representing one surface polygon. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field Ground UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshPolyTypes +-- +--Type of node in the NavMesh representing a point-to-point connection between two positions on the NavMesh surface. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@field OffMeshConnection UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshPolyTypes +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshPolyTypes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshPolyTypes +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshPolyTypes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Assembles together a collection of NavMesh surfaces and links that are used as a whole for performing navigation operations. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshWorld: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshWorld = {} + +-- +--Returns true if the NavMeshWorld has been properly initialized. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshWorld.IsValid() end + +-- +--Returns a reference to the single NavMeshWorld that can currently exist and be used in Unity. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@return NavMeshWorld +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshWorld:GetDefaultWorld() end + +-- +--Tells the NavMesh world to halt any changes until the specified job is completed. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: job - The job that needs to be completed before the NavMesh world can be modified in any way. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param job Unity.Jobs.JobHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshWorld.AddDependency(job) end + + +-- +--Object used for doing navigation operations in a NavMeshWorld. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshQuery: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshQuery = {} + +-- +--Destroys the NavMeshQuery and deallocates all memory used by it. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshQuery.Dispose() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param start UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshLocation +---@param end UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshLocation +---@param areaMask int +---@param costs Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@return PathQueryStatus +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshQuery.BeginFindPath(start, end, areaMask, costs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param iterations int +---@param iterationsPerformed int +---@return PathQueryStatus +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshQuery.UpdateFindPath(iterations, iterationsPerformed) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param pathSize int +---@return PathQueryStatus +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshQuery.EndFindPath(pathSize) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param path Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshQuery.GetPathResult(path) end + +-- +--Returns true if the node referenced by the specified PolygonId is active in the NavMesh. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: polygon - Identifier of the NavMesh node to be checked. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param polygon UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshQuery.IsValid(polygon) end + +-- +--Returns true if the node referenced by the PolygonId contained in the NavMeshLocation is active in the NavMesh. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: location - Location on the NavMesh to be checked. Same as checking location.polygon directly. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param location UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshLocation +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshQuery.IsValid(location) end + +-- +--Agent type identifier. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: polygon - Identifier of a node from a NavMesh surface or link. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param polygon UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshQuery.GetAgentTypeIdForPolygon(polygon) end + +-- +--Object containing the desired position and NavMesh node. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - World position of the NavMeshLocation to be created. +-- polygon - Valid identifier for the NavMesh node. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param polygon UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId +---@return NavMeshLocation +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshQuery.CreateLocation(position, polygon) end + +-- +--An object with position and valid PolygonId - when a point on the NavMesh has been found. +-- +--An invalid object - when no NavMesh surface with the desired features has been found within the search area. See Also: NavMeshQuery.IsValid. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - World position for which the closest point on the NavMesh needs to be found. +-- extents - Maximum distance, from the specified position, expanding along all three axes, within which NavMesh surfaces are searched. +-- agentTypeID - Identifier for the agent type whose NavMesh surfaces should be selected for this operation. The Humanoid agent type exists for all NavMeshes and has an ID of 0. Other agent types can be defined manually through the Editor. A separate NavMesh surface needs to be baked for each agent type. +-- areaMask - Bitmask used to represent areas of the NavMesh that should (value of 1) or shouldn't (values of 0) be sampled. This parameter is optional and defaults to NavMesh.AllAreas if unspecified. See Also:. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param extents UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param agentTypeID int +---@param areaMask int +---@return NavMeshLocation +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshQuery.MapLocation(position, extents, agentTypeID, areaMask) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param locations Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param targets Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param areaMasks Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshQuery.MoveLocations(locations, targets, areaMasks) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param locations Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param targets Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param areaMask int +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshQuery.MoveLocationsInSameAreas(locations, targets, areaMask) end + +-- +--A new location on the NavMesh placed as closely as possible to the specified target position. +-- +--The start location is returned when that start is inside an area which is not allowed by the areaMask. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: location - Position to be moved across the NavMesh surface. +-- target - World position you require the agent to move to. +-- areaMask - Bitmask with values of 1 set at the indices corresponding to areas that can be traversed, and with values of 0 for areas that should not be traversed. This parameter can be omitted, in which case it defaults to NavMesh.AllAreas. See Also:. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param location UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshLocation +---@param target UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param areaMask int +---@return NavMeshLocation +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshQuery.MoveLocation(location, target, areaMask) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param polygon UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId +---@param neighbourPolygon UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId +---@param left UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param right UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshQuery.GetPortalPoints(polygon, neighbourPolygon, left, right) end + +-- +--Transformation matrix for the surface owning the specified polygon. +-- +--Matrix4x4.identity when the NavMesh node is a. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: polygon - NavMesh node for which its owner's transform must be determined. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param polygon UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshQuery.PolygonLocalToWorldMatrix(polygon) end + +-- +--Inverse transformation matrix of the surface owning the specified polygon. +-- +--Matrix4x4.identity when the NavMesh node is a. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: polygon - NavMesh node for which its owner's inverse transform must be determined. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param polygon UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshQuery.PolygonWorldToLocalMatrix(polygon) end + +-- +--Ground when the node is a polygon on a NavMesh surface. +-- +--OffMeshConnection when the node is a. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: polygon - Identifier of a node from a NavMesh surface or link. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param polygon UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId +---@return NavMeshPolyTypes +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshQuery.GetPolygonType(polygon) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param hit UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit +---@param start UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshLocation +---@param targetPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param areaMask int +---@param costs Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@return PathQueryStatus +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshQuery.Raycast(hit, start, targetPosition, areaMask, costs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param hit UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshHit +---@param path Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param pathCount int +---@param start UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshLocation +---@param targetPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param areaMask int +---@param costs Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@return PathQueryStatus +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshQuery.Raycast(hit, path, pathCount, start, targetPosition, areaMask, costs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AIModule.dll +---@param node UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.PolygonId +---@param edgeVertices Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param neighbors Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param edgeIndices Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param verticesCount int +---@param neighborsCount int +---@return PathQueryStatus +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AI.NavMeshQuery.GetEdgesAndNeighbors(node, edgeVertices, neighbors, edgeIndices, verticesCount, neighborsCount) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.Animations.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.Animations.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..40475a59a --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.Animations.lua @@ -0,0 +1,74 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--Describes how an AnimationStream is initialized +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Animations.AnimationStreamSource: System.Enum +-- +--AnimationStream will be initialized with the default values from the Animator. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field DefaultValues UnityEngine.Experimental.Animations.AnimationStreamSource +-- +--AnimationStream will be initialized with the values from the previous AnimationPlayableOutput connected to the same Animator. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@field PreviousInputs UnityEngine.Experimental.Animations.AnimationStreamSource +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Animations.AnimationStreamSource = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Experimental.Animations.AnimationStreamSource +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Animations.AnimationStreamSource:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Static class providing experimental extension methods for AnimationPlayableOutput . +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Animations.AnimationPlayableOutputExtensions: object +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Animations.AnimationPlayableOutputExtensions = {} + +-- +--Returns the AnimationStreamSource of the output. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: output - The AnimationPlayableOutput instance that calls this method. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@return AnimationStreamSource +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Animations.AnimationPlayableOutputExtensions.GetAnimationStreamSource() end + +-- +--Sets the stream source for the specified AnimationPlayableOutput. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: output - The AnimationPlayableOutput instance that calls this method. +-- streamSource - The AnimationStreamSource to apply on this output. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param streamSource UnityEngine.Experimental.Animations.AnimationStreamSource +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Animations.AnimationPlayableOutputExtensions.SetAnimationStreamSource(streamSource) end + +-- +--Returns the sorting order of the output. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: output - The AnimationPlayableOutput instance that calls this method. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@return UInt16 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Animations.AnimationPlayableOutputExtensions.GetSortingOrder() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param sortingOrder ushort +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Animations.AnimationPlayableOutputExtensions.SetSortingOrder(sortingOrder) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.AssetBundlePatching.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.AssetBundlePatching.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..74048b7bc --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.AssetBundlePatching.lua @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +---@meta + +---@source UnityEngine.AssetBundleModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.AssetBundlePatching.AssetBundleUtility: object +---@source UnityEngine.AssetBundleModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AssetBundlePatching.AssetBundleUtility = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.AssetBundleModule.dll +---@param bundles UnityEngine.AssetBundle[] +---@param filenames string[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.AssetBundlePatching.AssetBundleUtility:PatchAssetBundles(bundles, filenames) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d23c55459 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.lua @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--Provides access to the audio samples generated by Unity objects such as VideoPlayer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider: object +-- +--Unique identifier for this instance. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@field id uint +-- +--Index of the track in the object that created this provider. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@field trackIndex ushort +-- +--Object where this provider came from. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@field owner UnityEngine.Object +-- +--True if the object is valid. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@field valid bool +-- +--The number of audio channels per sample frame. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@field channelCount ushort +-- +--The expected playback rate for the sample frames produced by this class. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@field sampleRate uint +-- +--The maximum number of sample frames that can be accumulated inside the internal buffer before an overflow event is emitted. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@field maxSampleFrameCount uint +-- +--Number of sample frames available for consuming with Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.ConsumeSampleFrames. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@field availableSampleFrameCount uint +-- +--Number of sample frames that can still be written to by the sample producer before overflowing. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@field freeSampleFrameCount uint +-- +--Then the free sample count falls below this threshold, the Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.sampleFramesAvailable event and associated native is emitted. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@field freeSampleFrameCountLowThreshold uint +-- +--Enables the Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.sampleFramesAvailable events. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@field enableSampleFramesAvailableEvents bool +-- +--If true, buffers produced by ConsumeSampleFrames will get padded when silence if there are less available than asked for. Otherwise, the extra sample frames in the buffer will be left unchanged. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@field enableSilencePadding bool +-- +--Pointer to the native function that provides access to audio sample frames. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@field consumeSampleFramesNativeFunction UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.ConsumeSampleFramesNativeFunction +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@field sampleFramesAvailable UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.SampleFramesHandler +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@field sampleFramesOverflow UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.SampleFramesHandler +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider = {} + +-- +--Release internal resources. Inherited from IDisposable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.Dispose() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param sampleFrames Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@return UInt32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.ConsumeSampleFrames(sampleFrames) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.SampleFramesHandler +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.add_sampleFramesAvailable(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.SampleFramesHandler +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.remove_sampleFramesAvailable(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.SampleFramesHandler +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.add_sampleFramesOverflow(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.SampleFramesHandler +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.remove_sampleFramesOverflow(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param handler UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.SampleFramesEventNativeFunction +---@param userData System.IntPtr +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.SetSampleFramesAvailableNativeHandler(handler, userData) end + +-- +--Clear the native handler set with Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.SetSampleFramesAvailableNativeHandler. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.ClearSampleFramesAvailableNativeHandler() end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param handler UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.SampleFramesEventNativeFunction +---@param userData System.IntPtr +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.SetSampleFramesOverflowNativeHandler(handler, userData) end + +-- +--Clear the native handler set with Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.SetSampleFramesOverflowNativeHandler. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.ClearSampleFramesOverflowNativeHandler() end + + +-- +--Type that represents the native function pointer for consuming sample frames. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: providerId - Id of the provider. See Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.id. +-- interleavedSampleFrames - Pointer to the sample frames buffer to fill. The actual C type is float*. +-- sampleFrameCount - Number of sample frames that can be written into interleavedSampleFrames. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.ConsumeSampleFramesNativeFunction: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.ConsumeSampleFramesNativeFunction = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param providerId uint +---@param interleavedSampleFrames System.IntPtr +---@param sampleFrameCount uint +---@return UInt32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.ConsumeSampleFramesNativeFunction.Invoke(providerId, interleavedSampleFrames, sampleFrameCount) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param providerId uint +---@param interleavedSampleFrames System.IntPtr +---@param sampleFrameCount uint +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.ConsumeSampleFramesNativeFunction.BeginInvoke(providerId, interleavedSampleFrames, sampleFrameCount, callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return UInt32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.ConsumeSampleFramesNativeFunction.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--Delegate for sample frame events. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: provider - Provider emitting the event. +-- sampleFrameCount - How many sample frames are available, or were dropped, depending on the event. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.SampleFramesHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.SampleFramesHandler = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param provider UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider +---@param sampleFrameCount uint +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.SampleFramesHandler.Invoke(provider, sampleFrameCount) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param provider UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider +---@param sampleFrameCount uint +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.SampleFramesHandler.BeginInvoke(provider, sampleFrameCount, callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.SampleFramesHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--Type that represents the native function pointer for handling sample frame events. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: userData - User data specified when the handler was set. The actual C type is void*. +-- providerId - Id of the provider. See Experimental.Audio.AudioSampleProvider.id. +-- sampleFrameCount - Number of sample frames available or overflowed, depending on event type. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.SampleFramesEventNativeFunction: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.SampleFramesEventNativeFunction = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param userData System.IntPtr +---@param providerId uint +---@param sampleFrameCount uint +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.SampleFramesEventNativeFunction.Invoke(userData, providerId, sampleFrameCount) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param userData System.IntPtr +---@param providerId uint +---@param sampleFrameCount uint +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.SampleFramesEventNativeFunction.BeginInvoke(userData, providerId, sampleFrameCount, callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Audio.SampleFramesEventNativeFunction.EndInvoke(result) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f66ef7f2f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.lua @@ -0,0 +1,957 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--The light type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightType: System.Enum +-- +--An infinite directional light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Directional UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightType +-- +--A point light emitting light in all directions. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Point UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightType +-- +--A spot light emitting light in a direction with a cone shaped opening angle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Spot UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightType +-- +--A light shaped like a rectangle emitting light into the hemisphere that it is facing. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Rectangle UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightType +-- +--A light shaped like a disc emitting light into the hemisphere that it is facing. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Disc UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightType +-- +--A pyramid-shaped spot light. This type is only compatible with Scriptable Render Pipelines; it is not compatible with the built-in render pipeline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field SpotPyramidShape UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightType +-- +--A box-shaped spot light. This type is only compatible with Scriptable Render Pipelines; it is not compatible with the built-in render pipeline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field SpotBoxShape UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightType +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--The lightmode. A light can be realtime, mixed, baked or unknown. Unknown lights will be ignored by the baking backends. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightMode: System.Enum +-- +--The light is realtime. No contribution will be baked in lightmaps or light probes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Realtime UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightMode +-- +--The light is mixed. Mixed lights are interpreted based on the global light mode setting in the lighting window. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Mixed UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightMode +-- +--The light is fully baked and has no realtime component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Baked UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightMode +-- +--The light should be ignored by the baking backends. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Unknown UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Available falloff models for baking. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.FalloffType: System.Enum +-- +--Inverse squared distance falloff model. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field InverseSquared UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.FalloffType +-- +--Inverse squared distance falloff model (without smooth range attenuation). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field InverseSquaredNoRangeAttenuation UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.FalloffType +-- +--Linear falloff model. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Linear UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.FalloffType +-- +--Quadratic falloff model. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Legacy UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.FalloffType +-- +--Falloff model is undefined. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Undefined UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.FalloffType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.FalloffType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.FalloffType +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.FalloffType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Sets the method to use to compute the angular attenuation of spot lights. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.AngularFalloffType: System.Enum +-- +--Uses a lookup table to calculate falloff and does not support the inner angle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LUT UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.AngularFalloffType +-- +--No falloff inside inner angle then compute falloff using analytic formula. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AnalyticAndInnerAngle UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.AngularFalloffType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.AngularFalloffType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.AngularFalloffType +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.AngularFalloffType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Contains normalized linear color values for red, green, blue in the range of 0 to 1, and an additional intensity value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LinearColor: System.ValueType +-- +--The red color value in the range of 0.0 to 1.0. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field red float +-- +--The green color value in the range of 0.0 to 1.0. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field green float +-- +--The blue color value in the range of 0.0 to 1.0. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field blue float +-- +--The intensity value used to scale the red, green and blue values. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field intensity float +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LinearColor = {} + +-- +--Returns the normalized linear color value. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: color - Light color. +-- intensity - Light intensity. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param color UnityEngine.Color +---@param intensity float +---@return LinearColor +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LinearColor:Convert(color, intensity) end + +-- +--Returns a black color. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return LinearColor +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LinearColor:Black() end + + +-- +--A helper structure used to initialize a LightDataGI structure as a directional light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.DirectionalLight: System.ValueType +-- +--The light's instanceID. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field instanceID int +-- +--True if the light casts shadows, otherwise False. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field shadow bool +-- +--The lightmode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field mode UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightMode +-- +--The light's position. Only relevant for cookie placement. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The light's orientation. Only relevant for cookie placement. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field orientation UnityEngine.Quaternion +-- +--The direct light color. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field color UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LinearColor +-- +--The indirect light color. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field indirectColor UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LinearColor +-- +--The penumbra width for soft shadows in radians. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field penumbraWidthRadian float +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field direction UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.DirectionalLight = {} + + +-- +--A helper structure used to initialize a LightDataGI structure as a point light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.PointLight: System.ValueType +-- +--The light's instanceID. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field instanceID int +-- +--True if the light casts shadows, otherwise False. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field shadow bool +-- +--The lightmode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field mode UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightMode +-- +--The light's position. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The light's orientation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field orientation UnityEngine.Quaternion +-- +--The direct light color. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field color UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LinearColor +-- +--The indirect light color. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field indirectColor UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LinearColor +-- +--The light's range. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field range float +-- +--The light's sphere radius, influencing soft shadows. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field sphereRadius float +-- +--The falloff model to use for baking the point light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field falloff UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.FalloffType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.PointLight = {} + + +-- +--A helper structure used to initialize a LightDataGI structure as a spot light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.SpotLight: System.ValueType +-- +--The light's instanceID. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field instanceID int +-- +--True if the light casts shadows, otherwise False. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field shadow bool +-- +--The lightmode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field mode UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightMode +-- +--The light's position. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The light's orientation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field orientation UnityEngine.Quaternion +-- +--The direct light color. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field color UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LinearColor +-- +--The indirect light color. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field indirectColor UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LinearColor +-- +--The light's range. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field range float +-- +--The light's sphere radius, influencing soft shadows. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field sphereRadius float +-- +--The outer angle for the spot light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field coneAngle float +-- +--The inner angle for the spot light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field innerConeAngle float +-- +--The falloff model to use for baking the spot light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field falloff UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.FalloffType +-- +--The angular falloff model to use for baking the spot light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field angularFalloff UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.AngularFalloffType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.SpotLight = {} + + +-- +--A helper structure used to initialize a LightDataGI structure as a rectangle light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.RectangleLight: System.ValueType +-- +--The light's instanceID. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field instanceID int +-- +--True if the light casts shadows, otherwise False. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field shadow bool +-- +--The lightmode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field mode UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightMode +-- +--The light's position. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The light's orientation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field orientation UnityEngine.Quaternion +-- +--The direct light color. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field color UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LinearColor +-- +--The indirect light color. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field indirectColor UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LinearColor +-- +--The light's range. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field range float +-- +--The width of the rectangle light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field width float +-- +--The height of the rectangle light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field height float +-- +--The falloff model to use for baking the rectangular light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field falloff UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.FalloffType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.RectangleLight = {} + + +-- +--A helper structure used to initialize a LightDataGI structure as a disc light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.DiscLight: System.ValueType +-- +--The light's instanceID. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field instanceID int +-- +--True if the light casts shadows, otherwise False. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field shadow bool +-- +--The lightmode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field mode UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightMode +-- +--The light's position. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The light's orientation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field orientation UnityEngine.Quaternion +-- +--The direct light color. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field color UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LinearColor +-- +--The indirect light color. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field indirectColor UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LinearColor +-- +--The light's range. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field range float +-- +--The radius of the disc light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field radius float +-- +--The falloff model to use for baking the disc light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field falloff UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.FalloffType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.DiscLight = {} + + +-- +--Use this Struct to help initialize a LightDataGI structure as a box-shaped spot light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.SpotLightBoxShape: System.ValueType +-- +--The light's instanceID. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field instanceID int +-- +--Specifies whether the light casts shadows or not. This is true if the light does cast shadows and false otherwise. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field shadow bool +-- +--The lightmode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field mode UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightMode +-- +--The light's position. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The light's orientation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field orientation UnityEngine.Quaternion +-- +--The direct light color. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field color UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LinearColor +-- +--The indirect light color. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field indirectColor UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LinearColor +-- +--The light's range. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field range float +-- +--The width of the box light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field width float +-- +--The height of the box light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field height float +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.SpotLightBoxShape = {} + + +-- +--Use this Struct to help initialize a LightDataGI structure as a pyramid-shaped spot light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.SpotLightPyramidShape: System.ValueType +-- +--The light's instanceID. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field instanceID int +-- +--Specifies whether the light casts shadows or not. This is true if the light does cast shadows and false otherwise. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field shadow bool +-- +--The lightmode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field mode UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightMode +-- +--The light's position. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The light's orientation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field orientation UnityEngine.Quaternion +-- +--The direct light color. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field color UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LinearColor +-- +--The indirect light color. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field indirectColor UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LinearColor +-- +--The light's range. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field range float +-- +--The opening angle of the shorter side of the pyramid light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field angle float +-- +--The aspect ratio for the pyramid shape. Values larger than 1 extend the width and values between 0 and 1 extend the height. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field aspectRatio float +-- +--The falloff model to use for baking the pyramid light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field falloff UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.FalloffType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.SpotLightPyramidShape = {} + + +-- +--A helper structure used to initialize a LightDataGI structure with cookie information. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.Cookie: System.ValueType +-- +--The cookie texture's instance id projected by the light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field instanceID int +-- +--The uniform scale factor for downscaling cookies during lightmapping. Can be used as an optimization when full resolution cookies are not needed for indirect lighting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field scale float +-- +--The scale factors controlling how the directional light's cookie is projected into the scene. This parameter should be set to 1 for all other light types. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field sizes UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.Cookie = {} + +-- +--Returns a default initialized cookie helper struct. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Cookie +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.Cookie:Defaults() end + + +-- +--The interop structure to pass light information to the light baking backends. There are helper structures for Directional, Point, Spot and Rectangle lights to correctly initialize this structure. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightDataGI: System.ValueType +-- +--The light's instanceID. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field instanceID int +-- +--The cookie texture's instance id projected by the light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field cookieID int +-- +--The uniform scale factor for downscaling cookies during lightmapping. Can be used as an optimization when full resolution cookies are not needed for indirect lighting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field cookieScale float +-- +--The color of the light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field color UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LinearColor +-- +--The indirect color of the light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field indirectColor UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LinearColor +-- +--The orientation of the light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field orientation UnityEngine.Quaternion +-- +--The position of the light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The range of the light. Unused for directional lights. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field range float +-- +--The cone angle for spot lights. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field coneAngle float +-- +--The inner cone angle for spot lights. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field innerConeAngle float +-- +--The light's sphere radius for point and spot lights, or the width for rectangle lights. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field shape0 float +-- +--The height for rectangle lights. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field shape1 float +-- +--The type of the light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field type UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightType +-- +--The lightmap mode for the light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field mode UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightMode +-- +--Set to 1 for shadow casting lights, 0 otherwise. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field shadow byte +-- +--The falloff model to use for baking point and spot lights. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field falloff UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.FalloffType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightDataGI = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param light UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.DirectionalLight +---@param cookie UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.Cookie +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightDataGI.Init(light, cookie) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param light UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.PointLight +---@param cookie UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.Cookie +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightDataGI.Init(light, cookie) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param light UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.SpotLight +---@param cookie UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.Cookie +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightDataGI.Init(light, cookie) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param light UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.RectangleLight +---@param cookie UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.Cookie +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightDataGI.Init(light, cookie) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param light UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.DiscLight +---@param cookie UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.Cookie +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightDataGI.Init(light, cookie) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param light UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.SpotLightBoxShape +---@param cookie UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.Cookie +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightDataGI.Init(light, cookie) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param light UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.SpotLightPyramidShape +---@param cookie UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.Cookie +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightDataGI.Init(light, cookie) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param light UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.DirectionalLight +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightDataGI.Init(light) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param light UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.PointLight +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightDataGI.Init(light) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param light UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.SpotLight +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightDataGI.Init(light) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param light UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.RectangleLight +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightDataGI.Init(light) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param light UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.DiscLight +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightDataGI.Init(light) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param light UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.SpotLightBoxShape +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightDataGI.Init(light) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param light UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.SpotLightPyramidShape +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightDataGI.Init(light) end + +-- +--Initialize a light so that the baking backends ignore it. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param lightInstanceID int +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightDataGI.InitNoBake(lightInstanceID) end + + +-- +--Utility class for converting Unity Lights to light types recognized by the baking backends. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightmapperUtils: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightmapperUtils = {} + +-- +--Returns the light's light mode. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: baketype - The lights baketype. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param baketype UnityEngine.LightmapBakeType +---@return LightMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightmapperUtils:Extract(baketype) end + +-- +--Extracts the indirect color from a light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param l UnityEngine.Light +---@return LinearColor +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightmapperUtils:ExtractIndirect(l) end + +-- +--Extracts the inner cone angle of spot lights. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param l UnityEngine.Light +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightmapperUtils:ExtractInnerCone(l) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param l UnityEngine.Light +---@param dir UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.DirectionalLight +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightmapperUtils:Extract(l, dir) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param l UnityEngine.Light +---@param point UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.PointLight +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightmapperUtils:Extract(l, point) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param l UnityEngine.Light +---@param spot UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.SpotLight +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightmapperUtils:Extract(l, spot) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param l UnityEngine.Light +---@param rect UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.RectangleLight +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightmapperUtils:Extract(l, rect) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param l UnityEngine.Light +---@param disc UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.DiscLight +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightmapperUtils:Extract(l, disc) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param l UnityEngine.Light +---@param cookie UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.Cookie +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.LightmapperUtils:Extract(l, cookie) end + + +-- +--Interface to the light baking backends. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.Lightmapping: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.Lightmapping = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param del UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.Lightmapping.RequestLightsDelegate +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.Lightmapping:SetDelegate(del) end + +-- +--Returns the currently set conversion delegate. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return RequestLightsDelegate +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.Lightmapping:GetDelegate() end + +-- +--Resets the light conversion delegate to Unity's default conversion function. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.Lightmapping:ResetDelegate() end + + +-- +--Delegate called when converting lights into a form that the baking backends understand. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: requests - The list of lights to be converted. +-- lightsOutput - The output generated by the delegate function. Lights that should be skipped must be added to the output, initialized with InitNoBake on the LightDataGI structure. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.RequestLightsDelegate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.RequestLightsDelegate = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param requests UnityEngine.Light[] +---@param lightsOutput Unity.Collections.NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.RequestLightsDelegate.Invoke(requests, lightsOutput) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param requests UnityEngine.Light[] +---@param lightsOutput Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.RequestLightsDelegate.BeginInvoke(requests, lightsOutput, callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.RequestLightsDelegate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--Experimental render settings features. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.RenderSettings: object +-- +--If enabled, ambient trilight will be sampled using the old radiance sampling method. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field useRadianceAmbientProbe bool +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.GlobalIllumination.RenderSettings = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9286788a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.lua @@ -0,0 +1,210 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--An implementation of IPlayable that produces a Camera texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.CameraPlayable: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.CameraPlayable = {} + +-- +--A CameraPlayable linked to the PlayableGraph. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: graph - The PlayableGraph object that will own the CameraPlayable. +-- camera - Camera used to produce a texture in the PlayableGraph. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param camera UnityEngine.Camera +---@return CameraPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.CameraPlayable:Create(graph, camera) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return PlayableHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.CameraPlayable.GetHandle() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.CameraPlayable +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.CameraPlayable:op_Implicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@return CameraPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.CameraPlayable:op_Explicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.CameraPlayable +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.CameraPlayable.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Camera +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.CameraPlayable.GetCamera() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Camera +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.CameraPlayable.SetCamera(value) end + + +-- +--An implementation of IPlayable that allows application of a Material shader to one or many texture inputs to produce a texture output. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.MaterialEffectPlayable: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.MaterialEffectPlayable = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param pass int +---@return MaterialEffectPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.MaterialEffectPlayable:Create(graph, material, pass) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return PlayableHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.MaterialEffectPlayable.GetHandle() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.MaterialEffectPlayable +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.MaterialEffectPlayable:op_Implicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@return MaterialEffectPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.MaterialEffectPlayable:op_Explicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.MaterialEffectPlayable +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.MaterialEffectPlayable.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Material +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.MaterialEffectPlayable.GetMaterial() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Material +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.MaterialEffectPlayable.SetMaterial(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.MaterialEffectPlayable.GetPass() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value int +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.MaterialEffectPlayable.SetPass(value) end + + +-- +--An implementation of IPlayable that allows mixing two textures. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.TextureMixerPlayable: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.TextureMixerPlayable = {} + +-- +--A TextureMixerPlayable linked to the PlayableGraph. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: graph - The PlayableGraph object that will own the TextureMixerPlayable. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@return TextureMixerPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.TextureMixerPlayable:Create(graph) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return PlayableHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.TextureMixerPlayable.GetHandle() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.TextureMixerPlayable +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.TextureMixerPlayable:op_Implicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@return TextureMixerPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.TextureMixerPlayable:op_Explicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.TextureMixerPlayable +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.TextureMixerPlayable.Equals(other) end + + +-- +--A PlayableBinding that contains information representing a TexturePlayableOutput. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.TexturePlayableBinding: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.TexturePlayableBinding = {} + +-- +--Returns a PlayableBinding that contains information that is used to create a TexturePlayableOutput. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: key - A reference to a UnityEngine.Object that acts as a key for this binding. +-- name - The name of the TexturePlayableOutput. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param key UnityEngine.Object +---@return PlayableBinding +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.TexturePlayableBinding:Create(name, key) end + + +-- +--An IPlayableOutput implementation that will be used to manipulate textures. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.TexturePlayableOutput: System.ValueType +-- +--Returns an invalid TexturePlayableOutput. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Null UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.TexturePlayableOutput +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.TexturePlayableOutput = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param name string +---@param target UnityEngine.RenderTexture +---@return TexturePlayableOutput +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.TexturePlayableOutput:Create(graph, name, target) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return PlayableOutputHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.TexturePlayableOutput.GetHandle() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.TexturePlayableOutput +---@return PlayableOutput +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.TexturePlayableOutput:op_Implicit(output) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutput +---@return TexturePlayableOutput +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.TexturePlayableOutput:op_Explicit(output) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return RenderTexture +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.TexturePlayableOutput.GetTarget() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.RenderTexture +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables.TexturePlayableOutput.SetTarget(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3c00b24d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.lua @@ -0,0 +1,2058 @@ +---@meta + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.IScriptableRuntimeReflectionSystem +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.IScriptableRuntimeReflectionSystem = {} + +-- +--Whether a reflection probe was updated. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.IScriptableRuntimeReflectionSystem.TickRealtimeProbes() end + + +-- +--Empty implementation of IScriptableRuntimeReflectionSystem. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.ScriptableRuntimeReflectionSystem: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.ScriptableRuntimeReflectionSystem = {} + +-- +--Whether a reflection probe was updated. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.ScriptableRuntimeReflectionSystem.TickRealtimeProbes() end + + +-- +--Global settings for the scriptable runtime reflection system. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.ScriptableRuntimeReflectionSystemSettings: object +-- +--The current scriptable runtime reflection system instance. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field system UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.IScriptableRuntimeReflectionSystem +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.ScriptableRuntimeReflectionSystemSettings = {} + + +-- +--The ExternalGPUProfiler API allows developers to programatically take GPU frame captures in conjunction with supported external GPU profilers. +-- +--GPU frame captures can be used to both analyze performance and debug graphics related issues. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.ExternalGPUProfiler: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.ExternalGPUProfiler = {} + +-- +--Begins the current GPU frame capture in the external GPU profiler. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.ExternalGPUProfiler:BeginGPUCapture() end + +-- +--Ends the current GPU frame capture in the external GPU profiler. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.ExternalGPUProfiler:EndGPUCapture() end + +-- +--Returns true when a development build is launched by an external GPU profiler. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.ExternalGPUProfiler:IsAttached() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.WaitForPresentSyncPoint: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BeginFrame UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.WaitForPresentSyncPoint +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field EndFrame UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.WaitForPresentSyncPoint +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.WaitForPresentSyncPoint = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.WaitForPresentSyncPoint +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.WaitForPresentSyncPoint:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsJobsSyncPoint: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field EndOfFrame UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsJobsSyncPoint +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AfterScriptUpdate UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsJobsSyncPoint +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AfterScriptLateUpdate UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsJobsSyncPoint +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field WaitForPresent UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsJobsSyncPoint +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsJobsSyncPoint = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsJobsSyncPoint +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsJobsSyncPoint:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceSettings: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field waitForPresentSyncPoint UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.WaitForPresentSyncPoint +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field graphicsJobsSyncPoint UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsJobsSyncPoint +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceSettings = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.TextureCreationFlags: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.TextureCreationFlags +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field MipChain UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.TextureCreationFlags +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Crunch UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.TextureCreationFlags +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.TextureCreationFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.TextureCreationFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.TextureCreationFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Use this format usages to figure out the capabilities of specific GraphicsFormat +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.FormatUsage: System.Enum +-- +--Use this to create and sample textures. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Sample UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.FormatUsage +-- +--Use this to sample textures with a linear filter +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Linear UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.FormatUsage +-- +--Use this to create sparse textures +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Sparse UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.FormatUsage +-- +--Use this to create and render to a rendertexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Render UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.FormatUsage +-- +--Use this to blend on a rendertexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Blend UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.FormatUsage +-- +--Use this to get pixel data from a texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field GetPixels UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.FormatUsage +-- +--Use this to set pixel data to a texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field SetPixels UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.FormatUsage +-- +--Use this to set pixel data to a texture using `SetPixels32`. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field SetPixels32 UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.FormatUsage +-- +--Use this to read back pixels data from a rendertexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ReadPixels UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.FormatUsage +-- +--Use this to perform resource load and store on a texture +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LoadStore UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.FormatUsage +-- +--Use this to create and render to a MSAA 2X rendertexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field MSAA2x UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.FormatUsage +-- +--Use this to create and render to a MSAA 4X rendertexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field MSAA4x UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.FormatUsage +-- +--Use this to create and render to a MSAA 8X rendertexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field MSAA8x UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.FormatUsage +-- +--Use this enumeration to create and render to the Stencil sub element of a RenderTexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field StencilSampling UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.FormatUsage +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.FormatUsage = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.FormatUsage +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.FormatUsage:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Use a default format to create either Textures or RenderTextures from scripts based on platform specific capability. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.DefaultFormat: System.Enum +-- +--Represents the default platform-specific LDR format. If the project uses the linear rendering mode, the actual format is sRGB. If the project uses the gamma rendering mode, the actual format is UNorm. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LDR UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.DefaultFormat +-- +--Represents the default platform specific HDR format. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field HDR UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.DefaultFormat +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.DefaultFormat = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.DefaultFormat +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.DefaultFormat:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Use this format to create either Textures or RenderTextures from scripts. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat: System.Enum +-- +--The format is not specified. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A one-component, 8-bit unsigned normalized format that has a single 8-bit R component stored with sRGB nonlinear encoding. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R8_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A two-component, 16-bit unsigned normalized format that has an 8-bit R component stored with sRGB nonlinear encoding in byte 0, and an 8-bit G component stored with sRGB nonlinear encoding in byte 1. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R8G8_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, 24-bit unsigned normalized format that has an 8-bit R component stored with sRGB nonlinear encoding in byte 0, an 8-bit G component stored with sRGB nonlinear encoding in byte 1, and an 8-bit B component stored with sRGB nonlinear encoding in byte 2. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R8G8B8_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 32-bit unsigned normalized format that has an 8-bit R component stored with sRGB nonlinear encoding in byte 0, an 8-bit G component stored with sRGB nonlinear encoding in byte 1, an 8-bit B component stored with sRGB nonlinear encoding in byte 2, and an 8-bit A component in byte 3. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R8G8B8A8_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A one-component, 8-bit unsigned normalized format that has a single 8-bit R component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R8_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A two-component, 16-bit unsigned normalized format that has an 8-bit R component stored with sRGB nonlinear encoding in byte 0, and an 8-bit G component stored with sRGB nonlinear encoding in byte 1. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R8G8_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, 24-bit unsigned normalized format that has an 8-bit R component in byte 0, an 8-bit G component in byte 1, and an 8-bit B component in byte 2. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R8G8B8_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 32-bit unsigned normalized format that has an 8-bit R component in byte 0, an 8-bit G component in byte 1, an 8-bit B component in byte 2, and an 8-bit A component in byte 3. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R8G8B8A8_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A one-component, 8-bit signed normalized format that has a single 8-bit R component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R8_SNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A two-component, 16-bit signed normalized format that has an 8-bit R component stored with sRGB nonlinear encoding in byte 0, and an 8-bit G component stored with sRGB nonlinear encoding in byte 1. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R8G8_SNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, 24-bit signed normalized format that has an 8-bit R component in byte 0, an 8-bit G component in byte 1, and an 8-bit B component in byte 2. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R8G8B8_SNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 32-bit signed normalized format that has an 8-bit R component in byte 0, an 8-bit G component in byte 1, an 8-bit B component in byte 2, and an 8-bit A component in byte 3. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R8G8B8A8_SNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A one-component, 8-bit unsigned integer format that has a single 8-bit R component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R8_UInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A two-component, 16-bit unsigned integer format that has an 8-bit R component in byte 0, and an 8-bit G component in byte 1. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R8G8_UInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, 24-bit unsigned integer format that has an 8-bit R component in byte 0, an 8-bit G component in byte 1, and an 8-bit B component in byte 2. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R8G8B8_UInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 32-bit unsigned integer format that has an 8-bit R component in byte 0, an 8-bit G component in byte 1, an 8-bit B component in byte 2, and an 8-bit A component in byte 3. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R8G8B8A8_UInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A one-component, 8-bit signed integer format that has a single 8-bit R component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R8_SInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A two-component, 16-bit signed integer format that has an 8-bit R component in byte 0, and an 8-bit G component in byte 1. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R8G8_SInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, 24-bit signed integer format that has an 8-bit R component in byte 0, an 8-bit G component in byte 1, and an 8-bit B component in byte 2. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R8G8B8_SInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 32-bit signed integer format that has an 8-bit R component in byte 0, an 8-bit G component in byte 1, an 8-bit B component in byte 2, and an 8-bit A component in byte 3. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R8G8B8A8_SInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A one-component, 16-bit unsigned normalized format that has a single 16-bit R component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R16_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A two-component, 32-bit unsigned normalized format that has a 16-bit R component in bytes 0..1, and a 16-bit G component in bytes 2..3. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R16G16_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, 48-bit unsigned normalized format that has a 16-bit R component in bytes 0..1, a 16-bit G component in bytes 2..3, and a 16-bit B component in bytes 4..5. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R16G16B16_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 64-bit unsigned normalized format that has a 16-bit R component in bytes 0..1, a 16-bit G component in bytes 2..3, a 16-bit B component in bytes 4..5, and a 16-bit A component in bytes 6..7. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R16G16B16A16_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A one-component, 16-bit signed normalized format that has a single 16-bit R component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R16_SNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A two-component, 32-bit signed normalized format that has a 16-bit R component in bytes 0..1, and a 16-bit G component in bytes 2..3. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R16G16_SNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, 48-bit signed normalized format that has a 16-bit R component in bytes 0..1, a 16-bit G component in bytes 2..3, and a 16-bit B component in bytes 4..5. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R16G16B16_SNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 64-bit signed normalized format that has a 16-bit R component in bytes 0..1, a 16-bit G component in bytes 2..3, a 16-bit B component in bytes 4..5, and a 16-bit A component in bytes 6..7. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R16G16B16A16_SNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A one-component, 16-bit unsigned integer format that has a single 16-bit R component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R16_UInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A two-component, 32-bit unsigned integer format that has a 16-bit R component in bytes 0..1, and a 16-bit G component in bytes 2..3. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R16G16_UInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, 48-bit unsigned integer format that has a 16-bit R component in bytes 0..1, a 16-bit G component in bytes 2..3, and a 16-bit B component in bytes 4..5. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R16G16B16_UInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 64-bit unsigned integer format that has a 16-bit R component in bytes 0..1, a 16-bit G component in bytes 2..3, a 16-bit B component in bytes 4..5, and a 16-bit A component in bytes 6..7. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R16G16B16A16_UInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A one-component, 16-bit signed integer format that has a single 16-bit R component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R16_SInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A two-component, 32-bit signed integer format that has a 16-bit R component in bytes 0..1, and a 16-bit G component in bytes 2..3. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R16G16_SInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, 48-bit signed integer format that has a 16-bit R component in bytes 0..1, a 16-bit G component in bytes 2..3, and a 16-bit B component in bytes 4..5. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R16G16B16_SInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 64-bit signed integer format that has a 16-bit R component in bytes 0..1, a 16-bit G component in bytes 2..3, a 16-bit B component in bytes 4..5, and a 16-bit A component in bytes 6..7. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R16G16B16A16_SInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A one-component, 32-bit unsigned integer format that has a single 32-bit R component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R32_UInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A two-component, 64-bit unsigned integer format that has a 32-bit R component in bytes 0..3, and a 32-bit G component in bytes 4..7. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R32G32_UInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, 96-bit unsigned integer format that has a 32-bit R component in bytes 0..3, a 32-bit G component in bytes 4..7, and a 32-bit B component in bytes 8..11. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R32G32B32_UInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 128-bit unsigned integer format that has a 32-bit R component in bytes 0..3, a 32-bit G component in bytes 4..7, a 32-bit B component in bytes 8..11, and a 32-bit A component in bytes 12..15. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R32G32B32A32_UInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A one-component, 32-bit signed integer format that has a single 32-bit R component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R32_SInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A two-component, 64-bit signed integer format that has a 32-bit R component in bytes 0..3, and a 32-bit G component in bytes 4..7. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R32G32_SInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, 96-bit signed integer format that has a 32-bit R component in bytes 0..3, a 32-bit G component in bytes 4..7, and a 32-bit B component in bytes 8..11. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R32G32B32_SInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 128-bit signed integer format that has a 32-bit R component in bytes 0..3, a 32-bit G component in bytes 4..7, a 32-bit B component in bytes 8..11, and a 32-bit A component in bytes 12..15. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R32G32B32A32_SInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A one-component, 16-bit signed floating-point format that has a single 16-bit R component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R16_SFloat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A two-component, 32-bit signed floating-point format that has a 16-bit R component in bytes 0..1, and a 16-bit G component in bytes 2..3. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R16G16_SFloat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, 48-bit signed floating-point format that has a 16-bit R component in bytes 0..1, a 16-bit G component in bytes 2..3, and a 16-bit B component in bytes 4..5. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R16G16B16_SFloat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 64-bit signed floating-point format that has a 16-bit R component in bytes 0..1, a 16-bit G component in bytes 2..3, a 16-bit B component in bytes 4..5, and a 16-bit A component in bytes 6..7. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R16G16B16A16_SFloat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A one-component, 32-bit signed floating-point format that has a single 32-bit R component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R32_SFloat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A two-component, 64-bit signed floating-point format that has a 32-bit R component in bytes 0..3, and a 32-bit G component in bytes 4..7. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R32G32_SFloat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, 96-bit signed floating-point format that has a 32-bit R component in bytes 0..3, a 32-bit G component in bytes 4..7, and a 32-bit B component in bytes 8..11. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R32G32B32_SFloat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 128-bit signed floating-point format that has a 32-bit R component in bytes 0..3, a 32-bit G component in bytes 4..7, a 32-bit B component in bytes 8..11, and a 32-bit A component in bytes 12..15. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R32G32B32A32_SFloat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, 24-bit unsigned normalized format that has an 8-bit R component stored with sRGB nonlinear encoding in byte 0, an 8-bit G component stored with sRGB nonlinear encoding in byte 1, and an 8-bit B component stored with sRGB nonlinear encoding in byte 2. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field B8G8R8_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 32-bit unsigned normalized format that has an 8-bit B component stored with sRGB nonlinear encoding in byte 0, an 8-bit G component stored with sRGB nonlinear encoding in byte 1, an 8-bit R component stored with sRGB nonlinear encoding in byte 2, and an 8-bit A component in byte 3. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field B8G8R8A8_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, 24-bit unsigned normalized format that has an 8-bit B component in byte 0, an 8-bit G component in byte 1, and an 8-bit R component in byte 2. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field B8G8R8_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 32-bit unsigned normalized format that has an 8-bit B component in byte 0, an 8-bit G component in byte 1, an 8-bit R component in byte 2, and an 8-bit A component in byte 3. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field B8G8R8A8_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, 24-bit signed normalized format that has an 8-bit B component in byte 0, an 8-bit G component in byte 1, and an 8-bit R component in byte 2. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field B8G8R8_SNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 32-bit signed normalized format that has an 8-bit B component in byte 0, an 8-bit G component in byte 1, an 8-bit R component in byte 2, and an 8-bit A component in byte 3. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field B8G8R8A8_SNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, 24-bit unsigned integer format that has an 8-bit B component in byte 0, an 8-bit G component in byte 1, and an 8-bit R component in byte 2 +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field B8G8R8_UInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 32-bit unsigned integer format that has an 8-bit B component in byte 0, an 8-bit G component in byte 1, an 8-bit R component in byte 2, and an 8-bit A component in byte 3. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field B8G8R8A8_UInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, 24-bit signed integer format that has an 8-bit B component in byte 0, an 8-bit G component in byte 1, and an 8-bit R component in byte 2. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field B8G8R8_SInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 32-bit signed integer format that has an 8-bit B component in byte 0, an 8-bit G component in byte 1, an 8-bit R component in byte 2, and an 8-bit A component in byte 3. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field B8G8R8A8_SInt UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 16-bit packed unsigned normalized format that has a 4-bit R component in bits 12..15, a 4-bit G component in bits 8..11, a 4-bit B component in bits 4..7, and a 4-bit A component in bits 0..3. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R4G4B4A4_UNormPack16 UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 16-bit packed unsigned normalized format that has a 4-bit B component in bits 12..15, a 4-bit G component in bits 8..11, a 4-bit R component in bits 4..7, and a 4-bit A component in bits 0..3. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field B4G4R4A4_UNormPack16 UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, 16-bit packed unsigned normalized format that has a 5-bit R component in bits 11..15, a 6-bit G component in bits 5..10, and a 5-bit B component in bits 0..4. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R5G6B5_UNormPack16 UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, 16-bit packed unsigned normalized format that has a 5-bit B component in bits 11..15, a 6-bit G component in bits 5..10, and a 5-bit R component in bits 0..4. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field B5G6R5_UNormPack16 UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 16-bit packed unsigned normalized format that has a 5-bit R component in bits 11..15, a 5-bit G component in bits 6..10, a 5-bit B component in bits 1..5, and a 1-bit A component in bit 0. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R5G5B5A1_UNormPack16 UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 16-bit packed unsigned normalized format that has a 5-bit B component in bits 11..15, a 5-bit G component in bits 6..10, a 5-bit R component in bits 1..5, and a 1-bit A component in bit 0. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field B5G5R5A1_UNormPack16 UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 16-bit packed unsigned normalized format that has a 1-bit A component in bit 15, a 5-bit R component in bits 10..14, a 5-bit G component in bits 5..9, and a 5-bit B component in bits 0..4. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field A1R5G5B5_UNormPack16 UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, 32-bit packed unsigned floating-point format that has a 5-bit shared exponent in bits 27..31, a 9-bit B component mantissa in bits 18..26, a 9-bit G component mantissa in bits 9..17, and a 9-bit R component mantissa in bits 0..8. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field E5B9G9R9_UFloatPack32 UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, 32-bit packed unsigned floating-point format that has a 10-bit B component in bits 22..31, an 11-bit G component in bits 11..21, an 11-bit R component in bits 0..10. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field B10G11R11_UFloatPack32 UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 32-bit packed unsigned normalized format that has a 2-bit A component in bits 30..31, a 10-bit B component in bits 20..29, a 10-bit G component in bits 10..19, and a 10-bit R component in bits 0..9. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field A2B10G10R10_UNormPack32 UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 32-bit packed unsigned integer format that has a 2-bit A component in bits 30..31, a 10-bit B component in bits 20..29, a 10-bit G component in bits 10..19, and a 10-bit R component in bits 0..9. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field A2B10G10R10_UIntPack32 UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 32-bit packed signed integer format that has a 2-bit A component in bits 30..31, a 10-bit B component in bits 20..29, a 10-bit G component in bits 10..19, and a 10-bit R component in bits 0..9. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field A2B10G10R10_SIntPack32 UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 32-bit packed unsigned normalized format that has a 2-bit A component in bits 30..31, a 10-bit R component in bits 20..29, a 10-bit G component in bits 10..19, and a 10-bit B component in bits 0..9. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field A2R10G10B10_UNormPack32 UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 32-bit packed unsigned integer format that has a 2-bit A component in bits 30..31, a 10-bit R component in bits 20..29, a 10-bit G component in bits 10..19, and a 10-bit B component in bits 0..9. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field A2R10G10B10_UIntPack32 UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 32-bit packed signed integer format that has a 2-bit A component in bits 30..31, a 10-bit R component in bits 20..29, a 10-bit G component in bits 10..19, and a 10-bit B component in bits 0..9. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field A2R10G10B10_SIntPack32 UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 32-bit packed unsigned normalized format that has a 2-bit A component in bits 30..31, a 10-bit R component in bits 20..29, a 10-bit G component in bits 10..19, and a 10-bit B component in bits 0..9. The components are gamma encoded and their values range from -0.5271 to 1.66894. The alpha component is clamped to either 0.0 or 1.0 on sampling, rendering, and writing operations. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field A2R10G10B10_XRSRGBPack32 UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 32-bit packed unsigned normalized format that has a 2-bit A component in bits 30..31, a 10-bit R component in bits 20..29, a 10-bit G component in bits 10..19, and a 10-bit B component in bits 0..9. The components are linearly encoded and their values range from -0.752941 to 1.25098 (pre-expansion). The alpha component is clamped to either 0.0 or 1.0 on sampling, rendering, and writing operations. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field A2R10G10B10_XRUNormPack32 UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 32-bit packed unsigned normalized format that has a 10-bit R component in bits 20..29, a 10-bit G component in bits 10..19, and a 10-bit B component in bits 0..9. The components are gamma encoded and their values range from -0.5271 to 1.66894. The alpha component is clamped to either 0.0 or 1.0 on sampling, rendering, and writing operations. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R10G10B10_XRSRGBPack32 UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 32-bit packed unsigned normalized format that has a 10-bit R component in bits 20..29, a 10-bit G component in bits 10..19, and a 10-bit B component in bits 0..9. The components are linearly encoded and their values range from -0.752941 to 1.25098 (pre-expansion). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R10G10B10_XRUNormPack32 UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 64-bit packed unsigned normalized format that has a 10-bit A component in bits 30..39, a 10-bit R component in bits 20..29, a 10-bit G component in bits 10..19, and a 10-bit B component in bits 0..9. The components are gamma encoded and their values range from -0.5271 to 1.66894. The alpha component is clamped to either 0.0 or 1.0 on sampling, rendering, and writing operations. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field A10R10G10B10_XRSRGBPack32 UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, 64-bit packed unsigned normalized format that has a 10-bit A component in bits 30..39, a 10-bit R component in bits 20..29, a 10-bit G component in bits 10..19, and a 10-bit B component in bits 0..9. The components are linearly encoded and their values range from -0.752941 to 1.25098 (pre-expansion). The alpha component is clamped to either 0.0 or 1.0 on sampling, rendering, and writing operations. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field A10R10G10B10_XRUNormPack32 UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGB_DXT1_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, block-compressed format. Each 64-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGB texel data with sRGB nonlinear encoding. This format has a 1 bit alpha channel. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_DXT1_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGB_DXT1_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, block-compressed format. Each 64-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGB texel data. This format has a 1 bit alpha channel. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_DXT1_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, block-compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data with the first 64 bits encoding alpha values followed by 64 bits encoding RGB values with sRGB nonlinear encoding. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_DXT3_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, block-compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data with the first 64 bits encoding alpha values followed by 64 bits encoding RGB values. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_DXT3_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, block-compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data with the first 64 bits encoding alpha values followed by 64 bits encoding RGB values with sRGB nonlinear encoding. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_DXT5_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, block-compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data with the first 64 bits encoding alpha values followed by 64 bits encoding RGB values. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_DXT5_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A one-component, block-compressed format where each 64-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized red texel data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R_BC4_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A one-component, block-compressed format where each 64-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of signed normalized red texel data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R_BC4_SNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A two-component, block-compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RG texel data with the first 64 bits encoding red values followed by 64 bits encoding green values. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RG_BC5_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A two-component, block-compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of signed normalized RG texel data with the first 64 bits encoding red values followed by 64 bits encoding green values. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RG_BC5_SNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, block-compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned floating-point RGB texel data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGB_BC6H_UFloat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, block-compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of signed floating-point RGB texel data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGB_BC6H_SFloat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, block-compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data with sRGB nonlinear encoding applied to the RGB components. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_BC7_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, block-compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_BC7_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, PVRTC compressed format where each 64-bit compressed texel block encodes a 8×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGB texel data with sRGB nonlinear encoding. This format has no alpha and is considered opaque. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGB_PVRTC_2Bpp_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, PVRTC compressed format where each 64-bit compressed texel block encodes a 8×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGB texel data. This format has no alpha and is considered opaque. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGB_PVRTC_2Bpp_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, PVRTC compressed format where each 64-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGB texel data with sRGB nonlinear encoding. This format has no alpha and is considered opaque. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGB_PVRTC_4Bpp_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, PVRTC compressed format where each 64-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGB texel data. This format has no alpha and is considered opaque. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGB_PVRTC_4Bpp_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, PVRTC compressed format where each 64-bit compressed texel block encodes a 8×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data with the first 32 bits encoding alpha values followed by 32 bits encoding RGB values with sRGB nonlinear encoding applied. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_PVRTC_2Bpp_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, PVRTC compressed format where each 64-bit compressed texel block encodes a 8×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data with the first 32 bits encoding alpha values followed by 32 bits encoding RGB values. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_PVRTC_2Bpp_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, PVRTC compressed format where each 64-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data with the first 32 bits encoding alpha values followed by 32 bits encoding RGB values with sRGB nonlinear encoding applied. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_PVRTC_4Bpp_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, PVRTC compressed format where each 64-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data with the first 32 bits encoding alpha values followed by 32 bits encoding RGB values. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_PVRTC_4Bpp_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, ETC compressed format where each 64-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGB texel data. This format has no alpha and is considered opaque. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGB_ETC_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, ETC2 compressed format where each 64-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGB texel data with sRGB nonlinear encoding. This format has no alpha and is considered opaque. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGB_ETC2_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A three-component, ETC2 compressed format where each 64-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGB texel data. This format has no alpha and is considered opaque. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGB_ETC2_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, ETC2 compressed format where each 64-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGB texel data with sRGB nonlinear encoding, and provides 1 bit of alpha. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGB_A1_ETC2_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, ETC2 compressed format where each 64-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGB texel data, and provides 1 bit of alpha. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGB_A1_ETC2_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, ETC2 compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data with the first 64 bits encoding alpha values followed by 64 bits encoding RGB values with sRGB nonlinear encoding applied. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_ETC2_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, ETC2 compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data with the first 64 bits encoding alpha values followed by 64 bits encoding RGB values. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_ETC2_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A one-component, ETC2 compressed format where each 64-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized red texel data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R_EAC_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A one-component, ETC2 compressed format where each 64-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of signed normalized red texel data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R_EAC_SNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A two-component, ETC2 compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RG texel data with the first 64 bits encoding red values followed by 64 bits encoding green values. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RG_EAC_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A two-component, ETC2 compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of signed normalized RG texel data with the first 64 bits encoding red values followed by 64 bits encoding green values. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RG_EAC_SNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, ASTC compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data with sRGB nonlinear encoding applied to the RGB components. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_ASTC4X4_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, ASTC compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_ASTC4X4_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, ASTC compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 5×5 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data with sRGB nonlinear encoding applied to the RGB components. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_ASTC5X5_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, ASTC compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 5×5 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_ASTC5X5_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, ASTC compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 6×6 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data with sRGB nonlinear encoding applied to the RGB components. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_ASTC6X6_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, ASTC compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 6×6 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_ASTC6X6_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, ASTC compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes an 8×8 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data with sRGB nonlinear encoding applied to the RGB components. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_ASTC8X8_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, ASTC compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes an 8×8 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_ASTC8X8_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, ASTC compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 10×10 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data with sRGB nonlinear encoding applied to the RGB components. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_ASTC10X10_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, ASTC compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 10×10 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_ASTC10X10_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, ASTC compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 12×12 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data with sRGB nonlinear encoding applied to the RGB components. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_ASTC12X12_SRGB UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, ASTC compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 12×12 rectangle of unsigned normalized RGBA texel data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_ASTC12X12_UNorm UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, ASTC compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 4×4 rectangle of float RGBA texel data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_ASTC4X4_UFloat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, ASTC compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 5×5 rectangle of float RGBA texel data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_ASTC5X5_UFloat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, ASTC compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 6×6 rectangle of float RGBA texel data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_ASTC6X6_UFloat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, ASTC compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes an 8×8 rectangle of float RGBA texel data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_ASTC8X8_UFloat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, ASTC compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 10×10 rectangle of float RGBA texel data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_ASTC10X10_UFloat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--A four-component, ASTC compressed format where each 128-bit compressed texel block encodes a 12×12 rectangle of float RGBA texel data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RGBA_ASTC12X12_UFloat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Indicates how a Renderer is updated. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingMode: System.Enum +-- +--Renderers with this mode are not ray traced. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Off UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingMode +-- +--Renderers with this mode never update. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Static UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingMode +-- +--Renderers with this mode update their Transform, but not their Mesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DynamicTransform UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingMode +-- +--Renderers with this mode have animated geometry and update their Mesh and Transform. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DynamicGeometry UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.TextureFormat +---@param isSRGB bool +---@return GraphicsFormat +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:GetGraphicsFormat(format, isSRGB) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return TextureFormat +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:GetTextureFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat +---@param isSRGB bool +---@return GraphicsFormat +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:GetGraphicsFormat(format, isSRGB) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat +---@param readWrite UnityEngine.RenderTextureReadWrite +---@return GraphicsFormat +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:GetGraphicsFormat(format, readWrite) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsSRGBFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsSwizzleFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return GraphicsFormat +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:GetSRGBFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return GraphicsFormat +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:GetLinearFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return RenderTextureFormat +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:GetRenderTextureFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return UInt32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:GetColorComponentCount(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return UInt32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:GetAlphaComponentCount(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return UInt32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:GetComponentCount(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:GetFormatString(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsCompressedFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsPackedFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:Is16BitPackedFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return GraphicsFormat +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:ConvertToAlphaFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsAlphaOnlyFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsAlphaTestFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:HasAlphaChannel(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsDepthFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsStencilFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsIEEE754Format(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsFloatFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsHalfFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsUnsignedFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsSignedFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsNormFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsUNormFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsSNormFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsIntegerFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsUIntFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsSIntFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsXRFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsDXTCFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsRGTCFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsBPTCFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsBCFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsPVRTCFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsETCFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsEACFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsASTCFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.TextureFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:IsCrunchFormat(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return FormatSwizzle +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:GetSwizzleR(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return FormatSwizzle +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:GetSwizzleG(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return FormatSwizzle +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:GetSwizzleB(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return FormatSwizzle +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:GetSwizzleA(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return UInt32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:GetBlockSize(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return UInt32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:GetBlockWidth(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return UInt32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:GetBlockHeight(format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return UInt32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:ComputeMipmapSize(width, height, format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param depth int +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@return UInt32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormatUtility:ComputeMipmapSize(width, height, depth, format) end + + +-- +--A data structure used to represent the Renderers in the Scene for GPU ray tracing. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure = {} + +-- +--Destroys this RayTracingAccelerationStructure. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure.Dispose() end + +-- +--See Also: RayTracingAccelerationStructure.Dispose. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure.Release() end + +-- +--Builds this RayTracingAccelerationStructure on the GPU. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure.Build() end + +-- +--Updates the transforms of all instances in this RayTracingAccelerationStructure. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure.Update() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param relativeOrigin UnityEngine.Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure.Build(relativeOrigin) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param relativeOrigin UnityEngine.Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure.Update(relativeOrigin) end + +-- +--Add an instance to this RayTracingAccelerationStructure. Instance geometry can be either a Renderer or a GraphicsBuffer that includes a number of axis-aligned bounding boxes. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: targetRenderer - The renderer to be added to RayTracingAccelerationStructure. +-- subMeshMask - A bit mask of any size that indicates whether or not to add a submesh to the RayTracingAccelerationStructure. For a Renderer with multiple submeshes, if subMeshMask[i] = true, the submesh is added to the RayTracingAccelerationStructure. For a Renderer with only one submesh, you may pass an uninitialized array as a default value. +-- subMeshTransparencyFlags - A bit array of any size that indicates whether a given submesh is transparent. For a Renderer with multiple submeshes, if subMeshTransparencyFlag[i] = true, that submesh is marked as transparent. For a Renderer with only one submesh, pass an array with a single initialized entry, and indicate whether or not the one submesh is transparent. +-- enableTriangleCulling - A bool that indicates whether the GPU driver-level culling passes (such as front-face culling or back-face culling) should cull this Renderer. Culling is enabled (true) by default. +-- frontTriangleCounterClockwise - A bool that indicates whether to flip the way triangles face in this renderer. If this is set to true, front-facing triangles will become back-facing and vice versa. Set to false by default. +-- mask - An 8-bit mask you can use to selectively intersect this renderer with rays that only pass the mask. All rays are enabled (0xff) by default. +-- aabbBuffer - A GraphicsBuffer that defines a number of axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABBs). An AABB is defined by a list of bounds, written as floats in the following order: minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ. +-- numElements - The number of axis-aligned bounding boxes defined in the given GraphicsBuffer. +-- material - The Material to apply to an instance defined by axis-aligned bounding boxes in a GraphicsBuffer. +-- instanceTransform - The object to world matrix to apply to an instance defined by axis-aligned bounding boxes in a GraphicsBuffer. This is optional, and takes the value of a Matrix4x4.identity by default. +-- isCutOff - A bool that indicates whether the Material applied to a GraphicsBuffer instance has cutoff transparency. +-- reuseBounds - A bool that indicates whether Unity reuses the AABBs defined in the GraphicsBuffer without change. If the exact same bounds can be used across multiple acceleration structures or multiple frames, set this to true. This is false by default. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param targetRenderer UnityEngine.Renderer +---@param subMeshMask bool[] +---@param subMeshTransparencyFlags bool[] +---@param enableTriangleCulling bool +---@param frontTriangleCounterClockwise bool +---@param mask uint +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure.AddInstance(targetRenderer, subMeshMask, subMeshTransparencyFlags, enableTriangleCulling, frontTriangleCounterClockwise, mask) end + +-- +--Add an instance to this RayTracingAccelerationStructure. Instance geometry can be either a Renderer or a GraphicsBuffer that includes a number of axis-aligned bounding boxes. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: targetRenderer - The renderer to be added to RayTracingAccelerationStructure. +-- subMeshMask - A bit mask of any size that indicates whether or not to add a submesh to the RayTracingAccelerationStructure. For a Renderer with multiple submeshes, if subMeshMask[i] = true, the submesh is added to the RayTracingAccelerationStructure. For a Renderer with only one submesh, you may pass an uninitialized array as a default value. +-- subMeshTransparencyFlags - A bit array of any size that indicates whether a given submesh is transparent. For a Renderer with multiple submeshes, if subMeshTransparencyFlag[i] = true, that submesh is marked as transparent. For a Renderer with only one submesh, pass an array with a single initialized entry, and indicate whether or not the one submesh is transparent. +-- enableTriangleCulling - A bool that indicates whether the GPU driver-level culling passes (such as front-face culling or back-face culling) should cull this Renderer. Culling is enabled (true) by default. +-- frontTriangleCounterClockwise - A bool that indicates whether to flip the way triangles face in this renderer. If this is set to true, front-facing triangles will become back-facing and vice versa. Set to false by default. +-- mask - An 8-bit mask you can use to selectively intersect this renderer with rays that only pass the mask. All rays are enabled (0xff) by default. +-- aabbBuffer - A GraphicsBuffer that defines a number of axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABBs). An AABB is defined by a list of bounds, written as floats in the following order: minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ. +-- numElements - The number of axis-aligned bounding boxes defined in the given GraphicsBuffer. +-- material - The Material to apply to an instance defined by axis-aligned bounding boxes in a GraphicsBuffer. +-- instanceTransform - The object to world matrix to apply to an instance defined by axis-aligned bounding boxes in a GraphicsBuffer. This is optional, and takes the value of a Matrix4x4.identity by default. +-- isCutOff - A bool that indicates whether the Material applied to a GraphicsBuffer instance has cutoff transparency. +-- reuseBounds - A bool that indicates whether Unity reuses the AABBs defined in the GraphicsBuffer without change. If the exact same bounds can be used across multiple acceleration structures or multiple frames, set this to true. This is false by default. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param aabbBuffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param numElements uint +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param isCutOff bool +---@param enableTriangleCulling bool +---@param frontTriangleCounterClockwise bool +---@param mask uint +---@param reuseBounds bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure.AddInstance(aabbBuffer, numElements, material, isCutOff, enableTriangleCulling, frontTriangleCounterClockwise, mask, reuseBounds) end + +-- +--Add an instance to this RayTracingAccelerationStructure. Instance geometry can be either a Renderer or a GraphicsBuffer that includes a number of axis-aligned bounding boxes. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: targetRenderer - The renderer to be added to RayTracingAccelerationStructure. +-- subMeshMask - A bit mask of any size that indicates whether or not to add a submesh to the RayTracingAccelerationStructure. For a Renderer with multiple submeshes, if subMeshMask[i] = true, the submesh is added to the RayTracingAccelerationStructure. For a Renderer with only one submesh, you may pass an uninitialized array as a default value. +-- subMeshTransparencyFlags - A bit array of any size that indicates whether a given submesh is transparent. For a Renderer with multiple submeshes, if subMeshTransparencyFlag[i] = true, that submesh is marked as transparent. For a Renderer with only one submesh, pass an array with a single initialized entry, and indicate whether or not the one submesh is transparent. +-- enableTriangleCulling - A bool that indicates whether the GPU driver-level culling passes (such as front-face culling or back-face culling) should cull this Renderer. Culling is enabled (true) by default. +-- frontTriangleCounterClockwise - A bool that indicates whether to flip the way triangles face in this renderer. If this is set to true, front-facing triangles will become back-facing and vice versa. Set to false by default. +-- mask - An 8-bit mask you can use to selectively intersect this renderer with rays that only pass the mask. All rays are enabled (0xff) by default. +-- aabbBuffer - A GraphicsBuffer that defines a number of axis-aligned bounding boxes (AABBs). An AABB is defined by a list of bounds, written as floats in the following order: minX, minY, minZ, maxX, maxY, maxZ. +-- numElements - The number of axis-aligned bounding boxes defined in the given GraphicsBuffer. +-- material - The Material to apply to an instance defined by axis-aligned bounding boxes in a GraphicsBuffer. +-- instanceTransform - The object to world matrix to apply to an instance defined by axis-aligned bounding boxes in a GraphicsBuffer. This is optional, and takes the value of a Matrix4x4.identity by default. +-- isCutOff - A bool that indicates whether the Material applied to a GraphicsBuffer instance has cutoff transparency. +-- reuseBounds - A bool that indicates whether Unity reuses the AABBs defined in the GraphicsBuffer without change. If the exact same bounds can be used across multiple acceleration structures or multiple frames, set this to true. This is false by default. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param aabbBuffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param numElements uint +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param instanceTransform UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param isCutOff bool +---@param enableTriangleCulling bool +---@param frontTriangleCounterClockwise bool +---@param mask uint +---@param reuseBounds bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure.AddInstance(aabbBuffer, numElements, material, instanceTransform, isCutOff, enableTriangleCulling, frontTriangleCounterClockwise, mask, reuseBounds) end + +-- +--Updates the transform of the instance associated with the given Renderer for this RayTracingAccelerationStructure. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param renderer UnityEngine.Renderer +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure.UpdateInstanceTransform(renderer) end + +-- +--Returns the total size of this RayTracingAccelerationStructure on the GPU in bytes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return UInt64 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure.GetSize() end + + +-- +--An enum controlling which RayTracingAccelerationStructure.RayTracingModes a Renderer must have in order to be added to the RayTracingAccelerationStructure. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingModeMask: System.Enum +-- +--Disable adding Renderers to this RayTracingAccelerationStructure. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Nothing UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure.RayTracingModeMask +-- +--Only add Renderers with RayTracingMode.Static set to the RayTracingAccelerationStructure. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Static UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure.RayTracingModeMask +-- +--Only add Renderers with RayTracingMode.DynamicTransform set to the RayTracingAccelerationStructure. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DynamicTransform UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure.RayTracingModeMask +-- +--Only add Renderers with RayTracingMode.DynamicGeometry set to the RayTracingAccelerationStructure. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DynamicGeometry UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure.RayTracingModeMask +-- +--Add all Renderers to the RayTracingAccelerationStructure except for those with that have RayTracingMode.Off. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Everything UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure.RayTracingModeMask +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingModeMask = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure.RayTracingModeMask +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingModeMask:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Defines whether Unity updates a RayTracingAccelerationStructure automatically, or if the user updates it manually via API. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.ManagementMode: System.Enum +-- +--Gives user control over populating and updating the RayTracingAccelerationStructure. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Manual UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure.ManagementMode +-- +--Automatically populates and updates the RayTracingAccelerationStructure. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Automatic UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure.ManagementMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.ManagementMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure.ManagementMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.ManagementMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Defines whether a RayTracingAccelerationStructure is updated by the user or by the Engine, and whether to mask certain object layers or RayTracingModes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RASSettings: System.ValueType +-- +--An enum that selects whether a RayTracingAccelerationStructure is automatically or manually updated. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field managementMode UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure.ManagementMode +-- +--An enum controlling which RayTracingModes a Renderer must have in order to be added to the RayTracingAccelerationStructure. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field rayTracingModeMask UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure.RayTracingModeMask +-- +--A 32-bit mask that controls which layers a GameObject must be on in order to be added to the RayTracingAccelerationStructure. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field layerMask int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RASSettings = {} + + +-- +--The rendering configuration to use when prewarming shader variants. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.ShaderWarmupSetup: System.ValueType +-- +--The vertex data layout to use when prewarming shader variants. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field vdecl UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeDescriptor[] +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.ShaderWarmupSetup = {} + + +-- +--Prewarms shaders in a way that is supported by all graphics APIs. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.ShaderWarmup: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.ShaderWarmup = {} + +-- +--Prewarms all shader variants for a given Shader, using a given rendering configuration. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param shader UnityEngine.Shader +---@param setup UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.ShaderWarmupSetup +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.ShaderWarmup:WarmupShader(shader, setup) end + +-- +--Prewarms the shader variants for a given Shader that are in a given ShaderVariantCollection, using a given rendering configuration. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param collection UnityEngine.ShaderVariantCollection +---@param shader UnityEngine.Shader +---@param setup UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.ShaderWarmupSetup +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.ShaderWarmup:WarmupShaderFromCollection(collection, shader, setup) end + + +-- +--A shader for GPU ray tracing. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader: UnityEngine.Object +-- +--The maximum number of ray bounces this shader can trace (Read Only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field maxRecursionDepth float +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader = {} + +-- +--Sets the value of a float uniform. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the property being set. +-- nameID - The ID of the property as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- val - The float value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param val float +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetFloat(nameID, val) end + +-- +--Sets the value of a int uniform. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the property being set. +-- nameID - The ID of the property as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- val - The int value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param val int +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetInt(nameID, val) end + +-- +--Sets the value for a vector uniform. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the property being set. +-- nameID - The ID of the property as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- val - The vector to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param val UnityEngine.Vector4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetVector(nameID, val) end + +-- +--Sets the value of a matrix uniform. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the property being set. +-- nameID - The ID of the property as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- val - The matrix to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param val UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetMatrix(nameID, val) end + +-- +--Sets a vector array uniform. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the property being set. +-- nameID - The ID of the property as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- values - The array of vectors to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param values UnityEngine.Vector4[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetVectorArray(nameID, values) end + +-- +--Sets a matrix array uniform. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the property being set. +-- nameID - The ID of the property as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- values - The matrix array to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param values UnityEngine.Matrix4x4[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetMatrixArray(nameID, values) end + +-- +--Binds a texture resource. This can be a input or an output texture (UAV). +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - The ID of the resource as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- name - The name of the texture being set. +-- texture - The texture to bind the named local resource to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param texture UnityEngine.Texture +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetTexture(nameID, texture) end + +-- +--Binds a ComputeBuffer or GraphicsBuffer to a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - The ID of the buffer name in shader code. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- name - The name of the buffer in shader code. +-- buffer - The buffer to bind the named local resource to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param buffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetBuffer(nameID, buffer) end + +-- +--Sets the value for RayTracingAccelerationStructure property of this RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the RayTracingAccelerationStructure being set. +-- nameID - The ID of the RayTracingAccelerationStructure as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- accelerationStructure - The value to set the RayTracingAccelerationStructure to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param accelerationStructure UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetAccelerationStructure(nameID, accelerationStructure) end + +-- +--Selects which Shader Pass to use when executing ray/geometry intersection shaders. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: passName - The Shader Pass to use when executing ray tracing shaders. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param passName string +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetShaderPass(passName) end + +-- +--Binds a global texture to a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - The ID of the texture as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- name - The name of the texture to bind. +-- globalTextureName - The name of the global resource to bind to the RayTracingShader. +-- globalTextureNameID - The ID of the global resource as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param globalTextureNameID int +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetTextureFromGlobal(nameID, globalTextureNameID) end + +-- +--Dispatches this RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayGenFunctionName - The name of the ray generation shader. +-- width - The width of the ray generation shader thread grid. +-- height - The height of the ray generation shader thread grid. +-- depth - The depth of the ray generation shader thread grid. +-- camera - Optional parameter used to setup camera-related built-in shader variables. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayGenFunctionName string +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param depth int +---@param camera UnityEngine.Camera +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.Dispatch(rayGenFunctionName, width, height, depth, camera) end + +-- +--Binds a ComputeBuffer or GraphicsBuffer to a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - The ID of the buffer name in shader code. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- name - The name of the buffer in shader code. +-- buffer - The buffer to bind the named local resource to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param buffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetBuffer(nameID, buffer) end + +-- +--Sets the value of a float uniform. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the property being set. +-- nameID - The ID of the property as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- val - The float value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param val float +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetFloat(name, val) end + +-- +--Sets the value of a int uniform. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the property being set. +-- nameID - The ID of the property as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- val - The int value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param val int +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetInt(name, val) end + +-- +--Sets the value for a vector uniform. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the property being set. +-- nameID - The ID of the property as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- val - The vector to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param val UnityEngine.Vector4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetVector(name, val) end + +-- +--Sets the value of a matrix uniform. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the property being set. +-- nameID - The ID of the property as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- val - The matrix to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param val UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetMatrix(name, val) end + +-- +--Sets a vector array uniform. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the property being set. +-- nameID - The ID of the property as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- values - The array of vectors to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param values UnityEngine.Vector4[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetVectorArray(name, values) end + +-- +--Sets a matrix array uniform. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the property being set. +-- nameID - The ID of the property as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- values - The matrix array to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param values UnityEngine.Matrix4x4[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetMatrixArray(name, values) end + +-- +--Sets the values for a float array uniform. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the property being set. +-- nameID - The ID of the property as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- values - The float array to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param values float[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetFloats(name, values) end + +-- +--Sets the values for a float array uniform. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the property being set. +-- nameID - The ID of the property as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- values - The float array to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param values float[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetFloats(nameID, values) end + +-- +--Sets the values for a int array uniform. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the property being set. +-- nameID - The ID of the property as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- values - The int array to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param values int[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetInts(name, values) end + +-- +--Sets the values for a int array uniform. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the property being set. +-- nameID - The ID of the property as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- values - The int array to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param values int[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetInts(nameID, values) end + +-- +--Sets the value of a boolean uniform. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the property being set. +-- nameID - The ID of the property as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- val - The boolean value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param val bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetBool(name, val) end + +-- +--Sets the value of a boolean uniform. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the property being set. +-- nameID - The ID of the property as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- val - The boolean value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param val bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetBool(nameID, val) end + +-- +--Binds a texture resource. This can be a input or an output texture (UAV). +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - The ID of the resource as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- name - The name of the texture being set. +-- texture - The texture to bind the named local resource to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param texture UnityEngine.Texture +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetTexture(name, texture) end + +-- +--Binds a ComputeBuffer or GraphicsBuffer to a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - The ID of the buffer name in shader code. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- name - The name of the buffer in shader code. +-- buffer - The buffer to bind the named local resource to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param buffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetBuffer(name, buffer) end + +-- +--Binds a ComputeBuffer or GraphicsBuffer to a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - The ID of the buffer name in shader code. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- name - The name of the buffer in shader code. +-- buffer - The buffer to bind the named local resource to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param buffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetBuffer(name, buffer) end + +-- +--Binds a constant buffer created through a ComputeBuffer or a GraphicsBuffer. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - The ID of the property name for the constant buffer in shader code. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- name - The name of the constant buffer in shader code. +-- buffer - The buffer to bind as constant buffer. +-- offset - The offset in bytes from the beginning of the ComputeBuffer or GraphicsBuffer to bind. Must be a multiple of SystemInfo.constantBufferOffsetAlignment, or 0 if that value is 0. +-- size - The number of bytes to bind. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param buffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param offset int +---@param size int +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetConstantBuffer(nameID, buffer, offset, size) end + +-- +--Binds a constant buffer created through a ComputeBuffer or a GraphicsBuffer. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - The ID of the property name for the constant buffer in shader code. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- name - The name of the constant buffer in shader code. +-- buffer - The buffer to bind as constant buffer. +-- offset - The offset in bytes from the beginning of the ComputeBuffer or GraphicsBuffer to bind. Must be a multiple of SystemInfo.constantBufferOffsetAlignment, or 0 if that value is 0. +-- size - The number of bytes to bind. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param buffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param offset int +---@param size int +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetConstantBuffer(name, buffer, offset, size) end + +-- +--Binds a constant buffer created through a ComputeBuffer or a GraphicsBuffer. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - The ID of the property name for the constant buffer in shader code. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- name - The name of the constant buffer in shader code. +-- buffer - The buffer to bind as constant buffer. +-- offset - The offset in bytes from the beginning of the ComputeBuffer or GraphicsBuffer to bind. Must be a multiple of SystemInfo.constantBufferOffsetAlignment, or 0 if that value is 0. +-- size - The number of bytes to bind. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param buffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param offset int +---@param size int +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetConstantBuffer(nameID, buffer, offset, size) end + +-- +--Binds a constant buffer created through a ComputeBuffer or a GraphicsBuffer. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - The ID of the property name for the constant buffer in shader code. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- name - The name of the constant buffer in shader code. +-- buffer - The buffer to bind as constant buffer. +-- offset - The offset in bytes from the beginning of the ComputeBuffer or GraphicsBuffer to bind. Must be a multiple of SystemInfo.constantBufferOffsetAlignment, or 0 if that value is 0. +-- size - The number of bytes to bind. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param buffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param offset int +---@param size int +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetConstantBuffer(name, buffer, offset, size) end + +-- +--Sets the value for RayTracingAccelerationStructure property of this RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the RayTracingAccelerationStructure being set. +-- nameID - The ID of the RayTracingAccelerationStructure as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- accelerationStructure - The value to set the RayTracingAccelerationStructure to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param accelerationStructure UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetAccelerationStructure(name, accelerationStructure) end + +-- +--Binds a global texture to a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - The ID of the texture as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- name - The name of the texture to bind. +-- globalTextureName - The name of the global resource to bind to the RayTracingShader. +-- globalTextureNameID - The ID of the global resource as given by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param globalTextureName string +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader.SetTextureFromGlobal(name, globalTextureName) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..466e60c0b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.lua @@ -0,0 +1,905 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--Represents a linear 2D transformation between brush UV space and a target XY space (typically this is a Terrain-local object space.) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.BrushTransform: System.ValueType +-- +--(Read Only) Brush UV origin, in XY space. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field brushOrigin UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--(Read Only) Brush U vector, in XY space. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field brushU UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--(Read Only) Brush V vector, in XY space. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field brushV UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--(Read Only) Target XY origin, in Brush UV space. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field targetOrigin UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--(Read Only) Target X vector, in Brush UV space. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field targetX UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--(Read Only) Target Y vector, in Brush UV space. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field targetY UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.BrushTransform = {} + +-- +--Bounding rectangle in target XY space. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@return Rect +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.BrushTransform.GetBrushXYBounds() end + +-- +--BrushTransform describing the brush. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: brushRect - Brush rectangle, in target XY coordinates. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param brushRect UnityEngine.Rect +---@return BrushTransform +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.BrushTransform:FromRect(brushRect) end + +-- +--Point transformed to Brush UV space. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: targetXY - Point in target XY space. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param targetXY UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.BrushTransform.ToBrushUV(targetXY) end + +-- +--Target XY coordinate. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: brushUV - Brush UV coordinate to transform. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param brushUV UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.BrushTransform.FromBrushUV(brushUV) end + + +-- +--The context for a paint operation that may span multiple connected Terrain tiles. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext: object +-- +--(Read Only) The Terrain used to build the PaintContext. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field originTerrain UnityEngine.Terrain +-- +--(Read Only) The pixel rectangle that this PaintContext represents. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field pixelRect UnityEngine.RectInt +-- +--(Read Only) The width of the target terrain texture. This is the resolution for a single Terrain. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field targetTextureWidth int +-- +--(Read Only) The height of the target terrain texture. This is the resolution for a single Terrain. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field targetTextureHeight int +-- +--(Read Only) The size of a PaintContext pixel in terrain units (as defined by originTerrain.) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field pixelSize UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--(Read Only) Render target that stores the original data from the Terrain tiles. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field sourceRenderTexture UnityEngine.RenderTexture +-- +--(Read Only) RenderTexture that an edit operation writes to modify the data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field destinationRenderTexture UnityEngine.RenderTexture +-- +--(Read Only) The value of RenderTexture.active at the time CreateRenderTargets is called. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field oldRenderTexture UnityEngine.RenderTexture +-- +--(Read Only) The number of Terrain tiles in this PaintContext. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field terrainCount int +-- +--The minimum height of all Terrain tiles that this PaintContext touches in world space. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field heightWorldSpaceMin float +-- +--The height range (from Min to Max) of all Terrain tiles that this PaintContext touches in world space. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field heightWorldSpaceSize float +-- +--Unity uses this value internally to transform a [0, 1] height value to a texel value, which is stored in TerrainData.heightmapTexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field kNormalizedHeightScale float +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext = {} + +-- +--Returns the Terrain object. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: terrainIndex - Index of the terrain. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param terrainIndex int +---@return Terrain +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext.GetTerrain(terrainIndex) end + +-- +--Returns the clipped pixel rectangle. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: terrainIndex - Index of the Terrain. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param terrainIndex int +---@return RectInt +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext.GetClippedPixelRectInTerrainPixels(terrainIndex) end + +-- +--Returns the clipped pixel rectangle. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: terrainIndex - Index of the Terrain. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param terrainIndex int +---@return RectInt +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext.GetClippedPixelRectInRenderTexturePixels(terrainIndex) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param terrain UnityEngine.Terrain +---@param boundsInTerrainSpace UnityEngine.Rect +---@param inputTextureWidth int +---@param inputTextureHeight int +---@param extraBorderPixels int +---@param texelPadding bool +---@return PaintContext +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext:CreateFromBounds(terrain, boundsInTerrainSpace, inputTextureWidth, inputTextureHeight, extraBorderPixels, texelPadding) end + +-- +--Creates the sourceRenderTexture and destinationRenderTexture. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: colorFormat - Render Texture format. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param colorFormat UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext.CreateRenderTargets(colorFormat) end + +-- +--Releases the allocated resources of this PaintContext. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: restoreRenderTexture - When true, indicates that this function restores RenderTexture.active +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param restoreRenderTexture bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext.Cleanup(restoreRenderTexture) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param terrainSource System.Func +---@param defaultColor UnityEngine.Color +---@param blitMaterial UnityEngine.Material +---@param blitPass int +---@param beforeBlit System.Action +---@param afterBlit System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext.Gather(terrainSource, defaultColor, blitMaterial, blitPass, beforeBlit, afterBlit) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param terrainDest System.Func +---@param blitMaterial UnityEngine.Material +---@param blitPass int +---@param beforeBlit System.Action +---@param afterBlit System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext.Scatter(terrainDest, blitMaterial, blitPass, beforeBlit, afterBlit) end + +-- +--Gathers the heightmap information into sourceRenderTexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext.GatherHeightmap() end + +-- +--Applies an edited heightmap PaintContext by copying modifications back to the source Terrain tiles. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: editorUndoName - Unique name used for the undo stack. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param editorUndoName string +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext.ScatterHeightmap(editorUndoName) end + +-- +--Gathers the Terrain holes information into sourceRenderTexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext.GatherHoles() end + +-- +--Applies an edited Terrain holes PaintContext by copying modifications back to the source Terrain tiles. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: editorUndoName - Unique name used for the undo stack. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param editorUndoName string +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext.ScatterHoles(editorUndoName) end + +-- +--Gathers the normal information into sourceRenderTexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext.GatherNormals() end + +-- +--Gathers the alphamap information into sourceRenderTexture. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: inputLayer - TerrainLayer used for painting. +-- addLayerIfDoesntExist - Set to true to specify that the inputLayer is added to the terrain if it does not already exist. Set to false to specify that terrain layers are not added to the terrain. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param inputLayer UnityEngine.TerrainLayer +---@param addLayerIfDoesntExist bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext.GatherAlphamap(inputLayer, addLayerIfDoesntExist) end + +-- +--Applies an edited alphamap PaintContext by copying modifications back to the source Terrain tiles. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: editorUndoName - Unique name used for the undo stack. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param editorUndoName string +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext.ScatterAlphamap(editorUndoName) end + +-- +--Flushes the delayed actions created by PaintContext heightmap and alphamap modifications. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext:ApplyDelayedActions() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.ITerrainInfo +-- +--Read only. The Terrain represented by this context. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field terrain UnityEngine.Terrain +-- +--Read only. PaintContext.pixelRect, clipped to this Terrain, in Terrain pixel coordinates. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field clippedTerrainPixels UnityEngine.RectInt +-- +--Read only. PaintContext.pixelRect, clipped to this Terrain, in PaintContext pixel coordinates. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field clippedPCPixels UnityEngine.RectInt +-- +--Controls gathering from this Terrain within the PaintContext. The default is true. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field gatherEnable bool +-- +--Controls scattering to this Terrain within the PaintContext. The default is true. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field scatterEnable bool +-- +--Modify this value, if required, to store and retrieve values relevant to the PaintContext operation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field userData object +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.ITerrainInfo = {} + + +-- +--This static class provides events that Unity triggers when Terrain data changes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainCallbacks: object +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field heightmapChanged UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainCallbacks.HeightmapChangedCallback +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field textureChanged UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainCallbacks.TextureChangedCallback +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainCallbacks = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainCallbacks.HeightmapChangedCallback +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainCallbacks:add_heightmapChanged(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainCallbacks.HeightmapChangedCallback +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainCallbacks:remove_heightmapChanged(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainCallbacks.TextureChangedCallback +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainCallbacks:add_textureChanged(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainCallbacks.TextureChangedCallback +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainCallbacks:remove_textureChanged(value) end + + +-- +--Use this delegate type with heightmapChanged to monitor all changes to the Terrain heightmap. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: terrain - The Terrain object that references a changed TerrainData asset. +-- heightRegion - The heightmap region that changed, in samples. +-- synched - Indicates whether the changes were fully synchronized back to CPU memory. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.HeightmapChangedCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.HeightmapChangedCallback = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param terrain UnityEngine.Terrain +---@param heightRegion UnityEngine.RectInt +---@param synched bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.HeightmapChangedCallback.Invoke(terrain, heightRegion, synched) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param terrain UnityEngine.Terrain +---@param heightRegion UnityEngine.RectInt +---@param synched bool +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.HeightmapChangedCallback.BeginInvoke(terrain, heightRegion, synched, callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.HeightmapChangedCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--Use this delegate type with textureChanged to monitor all the changes to Terrain textures. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: terrain - The Terrain object that references a changed TerrainData asset. +-- textureName - The name of the texture that changed. +-- texelRegion - The region of the Terrain texture that changed, in texel coordinates. +-- synched - Indicates whether the changes were fully synchronized back to CPU memory. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TextureChangedCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TextureChangedCallback = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param terrain UnityEngine.Terrain +---@param textureName string +---@param texelRegion UnityEngine.RectInt +---@param synched bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TextureChangedCallback.Invoke(terrain, textureName, texelRegion, synched) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param terrain UnityEngine.Terrain +---@param textureName string +---@param texelRegion UnityEngine.RectInt +---@param synched bool +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TextureChangedCallback.BeginInvoke(terrain, textureName, texelRegion, synched, callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TextureChangedCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--A set of utility functions for custom terrain paint tools. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility: object +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility = {} + +-- +--Built-in terrain paint material. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@return Material +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility:GetBuiltinPaintMaterial() end + +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param minBrushWorldSize float +---@param maxBrushWorldSize float +---@param terrainTileWorldSize float +---@param terrainTileTextureResolutionPixels int +---@param minBrushResolutionPixels int +---@param maxBrushResolutionPixels int +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility:GetBrushWorldSizeLimits(minBrushWorldSize, maxBrushWorldSize, terrainTileWorldSize, terrainTileTextureResolutionPixels, minBrushResolutionPixels, maxBrushResolutionPixels) end + +-- +--Transform from terrain space to Brush UVs. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: terrain - Reference terrain, defines terrain UV and object space. +-- brushCenterTerrainUV - Center point of the brush, in terrain UV space (0-1 across the terrain tile). +-- brushSize - Size of the brush, in terrain space. +-- brushRotationDegrees - Brush rotation in degrees (clockwise). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param terrain UnityEngine.Terrain +---@param brushCenterTerrainUV UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param brushSize float +---@param brushRotationDegrees float +---@return BrushTransform +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility:CalculateBrushTransform(terrain, brushCenterTerrainUV, brushSize, brushRotationDegrees) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext +---@param dst UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext +---@param scaleOffset UnityEngine.Vector4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility:BuildTransformPaintContextUVToPaintContextUV(src, dst, scaleOffset) end + +-- +--Sets up all of the material properties used by functions in TerrainTool.cginc. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: paintContext - PaintContext describing the area we are editing, and the terrain space. +-- brushXform - BrushTransform from terrain space to Brush UVs. +-- material - Material to populate with transform properties. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param paintContext UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext +---@param brushXform UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.BrushTransform +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility:SetupTerrainToolMaterialProperties(paintContext, brushXform, material) end + +-- +--Releases the allocated resources of the specified PaintContext. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: ctx - The PaintContext containing the resources to release. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param ctx UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility:ReleaseContextResources(ctx) end + +-- +--PaintContext containing the combined heightmap data for the specified region. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: terrain - Reference Terrain tile. +-- boundsInTerrainSpace - The region in terrain space to edit. +-- extraBorderPixels - Number of extra border pixels required. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param terrain UnityEngine.Terrain +---@param boundsInTerrainSpace UnityEngine.Rect +---@param extraBorderPixels int +---@return PaintContext +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility:BeginPaintHeightmap(terrain, boundsInTerrainSpace, extraBorderPixels) end + +-- +--Helper function to complete a heightmap modification. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: ctx - The heightmap paint context to complete. +-- editorUndoName - Unique name used for the undo stack. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param ctx UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext +---@param editorUndoName string +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility:EndPaintHeightmap(ctx, editorUndoName) end + +-- +--PaintContext that contains the combined Terrain holes data for the specified region. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: terrain - Reference Terrain tile. +-- boundsInTerrainSpace - The region in Terrain space to edit. +-- extraBorderPixels - Number of extra border pixels required. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param terrain UnityEngine.Terrain +---@param boundsInTerrainSpace UnityEngine.Rect +---@param extraBorderPixels int +---@return PaintContext +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility:BeginPaintHoles(terrain, boundsInTerrainSpace, extraBorderPixels) end + +-- +--Helper function to complete a Terrain holes modification. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: ctx - The Terrain holes PaintContext to complete. +-- editorUndoName - Unique name used for the undo stack. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param ctx UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext +---@param editorUndoName string +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility:EndPaintHoles(ctx, editorUndoName) end + +-- +--PaintContext containing the combined normalmap data for the specified region. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: terrain - Reference Terrain tile. +-- boundsInTerrainSpace - The region in terrain space from which to collect normals. +-- extraBorderPixels - Number of extra border pixels required. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param terrain UnityEngine.Terrain +---@param boundsInTerrainSpace UnityEngine.Rect +---@param extraBorderPixels int +---@return PaintContext +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility:CollectNormals(terrain, boundsInTerrainSpace, extraBorderPixels) end + +-- +--PaintContext containing the combined alphamap data for the specified region. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: terrain - Reference Terrain tile. +-- inputLayer - Selects the alphamap to paint. +-- boundsInTerrainSpace - The region in terrain space to edit. +-- extraBorderPixels - Number of extra border pixels required. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param terrain UnityEngine.Terrain +---@param boundsInTerrainSpace UnityEngine.Rect +---@param inputLayer UnityEngine.TerrainLayer +---@param extraBorderPixels int +---@return PaintContext +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility:BeginPaintTexture(terrain, boundsInTerrainSpace, inputLayer, extraBorderPixels) end + +-- +--Helper function to complete a texture alphamap modification. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: ctx - The texture paint context to complete. +-- editorUndoName - Unique name used for the undo stack. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param ctx UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.PaintContext +---@param editorUndoName string +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility:EndPaintTexture(ctx, editorUndoName) end + +-- +--Built in "Hidden/BlitCopy" material. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@return Material +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility:GetBlitMaterial() end + +-- +--Built in "HiddenTerrainEngineHeightBlitCopy" material. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@return Material +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility:GetHeightBlitMaterial() end + +-- +--Built in "HiddenTerrainTerrainLayerUtils" material. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@return Material +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility:GetCopyTerrainLayerMaterial() end + +-- +--Alphamap texture at mapIndex. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: terrain - Terrain tile. +-- mapIndex - Index to retrieve. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param terrain UnityEngine.Terrain +---@param mapIndex int +---@return Texture2D +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility:GetTerrainAlphaMapChecked(terrain, mapIndex) end + +-- +--Returns the index of the terrain layer if it exists or -1 if it doesn't exist. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: terrain - Terrain tile. +-- inputLayer - Terrain layer to search for. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param terrain UnityEngine.Terrain +---@param inputLayer UnityEngine.TerrainLayer +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility:FindTerrainLayerIndex(terrain, inputLayer) end + + +-- +--Enumeration of the render passes in the built-in paint material. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.BuiltinPaintMaterialPasses: System.Enum +-- +--Built-in render pass for raising and lowering Terrain height. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field RaiseLowerHeight UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility.BuiltinPaintMaterialPasses +-- +--Built-in render pass for stamping heights on the Terrain. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field StampHeight UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility.BuiltinPaintMaterialPasses +-- +--Built-in render pass for setting Terrain height. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field SetHeights UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility.BuiltinPaintMaterialPasses +-- +--Built-in render pass for smoothing the Terrain height. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field SmoothHeights UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility.BuiltinPaintMaterialPasses +-- +--Built-in render pass for painting the splatmap texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field PaintTexture UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility.BuiltinPaintMaterialPasses +-- +--Built-in render pass for painting Terrain holes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field PaintHoles UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility.BuiltinPaintMaterialPasses +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.BuiltinPaintMaterialPasses = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainPaintUtility.BuiltinPaintMaterialPasses +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.BuiltinPaintMaterialPasses:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Provides a set of utility functions that are used by the terrain tools. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainUtility: object +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainUtility = {} + +-- +--Automatically connects neighboring terrains. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainUtility:AutoConnect() end + + +-- +--Type for mapping 2D (X,Z) tile coordinates to a Terrain object. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainMap: object +-- +--Indicates the error status of the TerrainMap. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field m_errorCode UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.ErrorCode +-- +--Mapping from TileCoord to Terrain. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field m_terrainTiles System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainMap = {} + +-- +--Returns a valid Terrain object if successful, null otherwise. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: tileX - Tile X coordinate. +-- tileZ - Tile Z coordinate. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param tileX int +---@param tileZ int +---@return Terrain +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainMap.GetTerrain(tileX, tileZ) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param originTerrain UnityEngine.Terrain +---@param filter UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TerrainFilter +---@param fullValidation bool +---@return TerrainMap +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainMap:CreateFromConnectedNeighbors(originTerrain, filter, fullValidation) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param originTerrain UnityEngine.Terrain +---@param filter UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TerrainFilter +---@param fullValidation bool +---@return TerrainMap +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainMap:CreateFromPlacement(originTerrain, filter, fullValidation) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param gridOrigin UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param gridSize UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param filter UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.TerrainFilter +---@param fullValidation bool +---@return TerrainMap +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainMap:CreateFromPlacement(gridOrigin, gridSize, filter, fullValidation) end + + +-- +--Terrain map filter. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: terrain - Terrain object to apply filter to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainFilter: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainFilter = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param terrain UnityEngine.Terrain +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainFilter.Invoke(terrain) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param terrain UnityEngine.Terrain +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainFilter.BeginInvoke(terrain, callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainFilter.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--Specifies a set of 2D tile coordinates. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TileCoord: System.ValueType +-- +--Tile X coordinate. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field tileX int +-- +--Tile Z coordinate. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field tileZ int +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TileCoord = {} + + +-- +--Error states used by the TerrainMap. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.ErrorCode: System.Enum +-- +--No error detected. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field OK UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.ErrorCode +-- +--Indicates that there are two terrain tiles occupying one grid cell in the TerrainMap. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field Overlapping UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.ErrorCode +-- +--Indicates that the adjacent terrain tiles have different sizes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field SizeMismatch UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.ErrorCode +-- +--Indicates that the adjacent terrain tiles are not aligned edge to edge. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@field EdgeAlignmentMismatch UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.ErrorCode +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.ErrorCode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainUtility.TerrainMap.ErrorCode +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.ErrorCode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Type for mapping Terrain.groupingID coordinates to TerrainMap. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainGroups: System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary +---@source UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.TerrainAPI.TerrainGroups = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d2a2727e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.lua @@ -0,0 +1,107 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--An implementation of IPlayable that controls playback of a VideoClip. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.VideoClipPlayable: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.VideoClipPlayable = {} + +-- +--A VideoClipPlayable linked to the PlayableGraph. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: graph - The PlayableGraph object that will own the VideoClipPlayable. +-- looping - Indicates if VideoClip loops when it reaches the end. +-- clip - VideoClip used to produce textures in the PlayableGraph. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param clip UnityEngine.Video.VideoClip +---@param looping bool +---@return VideoClipPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.VideoClipPlayable:Create(graph, clip, looping) end + +---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll +---@return PlayableHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.VideoClipPlayable.GetHandle() end + +---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.VideoClipPlayable +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.VideoClipPlayable:op_Implicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@return VideoClipPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.VideoClipPlayable:op_Explicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.VideoClipPlayable +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.VideoClipPlayable.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll +---@return VideoClip +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.VideoClipPlayable.GetClip() end + +---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Video.VideoClip +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.VideoClipPlayable.SetClip(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.VideoClipPlayable.GetLooped() end + +---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.VideoClipPlayable.SetLooped(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.VideoClipPlayable.IsPlaying() end + +---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll +---@return Double +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.VideoClipPlayable.GetStartDelay() end + +---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll +---@return Double +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.VideoClipPlayable.GetPauseDelay() end + +---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll +---@param startTime double +---@param startDelay double +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.VideoClipPlayable.Seek(startTime, startDelay) end + +---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll +---@param startTime double +---@param startDelay double +---@param duration double +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.VideoClipPlayable.Seek(startTime, startDelay, duration) end + + +-- +--Extension methods for the Video.VideoPlayer class. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.VideoPlayerExtensions: object +---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.VideoPlayerExtensions = {} + +-- +--The sample provider for the specified track. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: vp - The "this" pointer for the extension method. +-- trackIndex - The audio track index for which the sample provider is queried. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VideoModule.dll +---@param trackIndex ushort +---@return AudioSampleProvider +function CS.UnityEngine.Experimental.Video.VideoPlayerExtensions.GetAudioSampleProvider(trackIndex) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Internal.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Internal.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3d6fe3154 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Internal.lua @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +---@meta + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Internal.DefaultValueAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Value object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Internal.DefaultValueAttribute = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Internal.DefaultValueAttribute.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Internal.DefaultValueAttribute.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Internal.ExcludeFromDocsAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Internal.ExcludeFromDocsAttribute = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Jobs.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Jobs.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5d2e3fe66 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Jobs.lua @@ -0,0 +1,169 @@ +---@meta + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Jobs.IJobParallelForTransform +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Jobs.IJobParallelForTransform = {} + +-- +--Execute. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Index. +-- transform - TransformAccessArray. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +---@param transform UnityEngine.Jobs.TransformAccess +function CS.UnityEngine.Jobs.IJobParallelForTransform.Execute(index, transform) end + + +-- +--Extension methods for IJobParallelForTransform. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Jobs.IJobParallelForTransformExtensions: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Jobs.IJobParallelForTransformExtensions = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param transforms UnityEngine.Jobs.TransformAccessArray +---@param dependsOn Unity.Jobs.JobHandle +---@return JobHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Jobs.IJobParallelForTransformExtensions.Schedule(transforms, dependsOn) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param transforms UnityEngine.Jobs.TransformAccessArray +---@param batchSize int +---@param dependsOn Unity.Jobs.JobHandle +---@return JobHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Jobs.IJobParallelForTransformExtensions.ScheduleReadOnly(transforms, batchSize, dependsOn) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param transforms UnityEngine.Jobs.TransformAccessArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Jobs.IJobParallelForTransformExtensions.RunReadOnly(transforms) end + + +-- +--Position, rotation and scale of an object. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Jobs.TransformAccess: System.ValueType +-- +--The position of the transform in world space. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The rotation of the transform in world space stored as a Quaternion. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +-- +--The position of the transform relative to the parent. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field localPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The rotation of the transform relative to the parent transform's rotation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field localRotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +-- +--The scale of the transform relative to the parent. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field localScale UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Matrix that transforms a point from local space into world space (Read Only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field localToWorldMatrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +-- +--Matrix that transforms a point from world space into local space (Read Only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field worldToLocalMatrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +-- +--Use this to determine whether this instance refers to a valid Transform. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field isValid bool +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Jobs.TransformAccess = {} + + +-- +--TransformAccessArray. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Jobs.TransformAccessArray: System.ValueType +-- +--isCreated. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field isCreated bool +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field this[] UnityEngine.Transform +-- +--Returns array capacity. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field capacity int +-- +--Length. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field length int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Jobs.TransformAccessArray = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param capacity int +---@param desiredJobCount int +---@param array UnityEngine.Jobs.TransformAccessArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Jobs.TransformAccessArray:Allocate(capacity, desiredJobCount, array) end + +-- +--Dispose. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Jobs.TransformAccessArray.Dispose() end + +-- +--Add. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: transform - Transform. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param transform UnityEngine.Transform +function CS.UnityEngine.Jobs.TransformAccessArray.Add(transform) end + +-- +--Remove item at index. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +function CS.UnityEngine.Jobs.TransformAccessArray.RemoveAtSwapBack(index) end + +-- +--Set transforms. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: transforms - Transforms. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param transforms UnityEngine.Transform[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Jobs.TransformAccessArray.SetTransforms(transforms) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.LowLevel.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.LowLevel.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..41455aff6 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.LowLevel.lua @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--The representation of a single system being updated by the player loop in Unity. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.LowLevel.PlayerLoopSystem: System.ValueType +-- +--This property is used to identify which native system this belongs to, or to get the name of the managed system to show in the profiler. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field type System.Type +-- +--A list of sub systems which run as part of this item in the player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field subSystemList UnityEngine.LowLevel.PlayerLoopSystem[] +-- +--A managed delegate. You can set this to create a new C# entrypoint in the player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field updateDelegate UnityEngine.LowLevel.PlayerLoopSystem.UpdateFunction +-- +--A native engine system. To get a valid value for this, you must copy it from one of the PlayerLoopSystems returned by PlayerLoop.GetDefaultPlayerLoop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field updateFunction System.IntPtr +-- +--The loop condition for a native engine system. To get a valid value for this, you must copy it from one of the PlayerLoopSystems returned by PlayerLoop.GetDefaultPlayerLoop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field loopConditionFunction System.IntPtr +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.LowLevel.PlayerLoopSystem = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.LowLevel.PlayerLoopSystem.ToString() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.LowLevel.UpdateFunction: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.LowLevel.UpdateFunction = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.LowLevel.UpdateFunction.Invoke() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.LowLevel.UpdateFunction.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.LowLevel.UpdateFunction.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--The class representing the player loop in Unity. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.LowLevel.PlayerLoop: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.LowLevel.PlayerLoop = {} + +-- +--Returns the default update order of all engine systems in Unity. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return PlayerLoopSystem +function CS.UnityEngine.LowLevel.PlayerLoop:GetDefaultPlayerLoop() end + +-- +--Returns the current update order of all engine systems in Unity. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return PlayerLoopSystem +function CS.UnityEngine.LowLevel.PlayerLoop:GetCurrentPlayerLoop() end + +-- +--Set a new custom update order of all engine systems in Unity. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param loop UnityEngine.LowLevel.PlayerLoopSystem +function CS.UnityEngine.LowLevel.PlayerLoop:SetPlayerLoop(loop) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Lumin.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Lumin.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fdbc43e06 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Lumin.lua @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--This attribute provides a way to declaratively define a Lumin privilege requirement that is automatically added to the manifest at build time. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Lumin.UsesLuminPrivilegeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field privilege string +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Lumin.UsesLuminPrivilegeAttribute = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Networking.Match.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Networking.Match.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..38a2f55b0 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Networking.Match.lua @@ -0,0 +1,272 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--Details about a UNET MatchMaker match. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.Match.MatchInfo: object +-- +--IP address of the host of the match,. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field address string +-- +--Port of the host of the match. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field port int +-- +--The numeric domain for the match. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field domain int +-- +--The unique ID of this match. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field networkId UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkID +-- +--The binary access token this client uses to authenticate its session for future commands. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field accessToken UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkAccessToken +-- +--NodeID for this member client in the match. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field nodeId UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NodeID +-- +--This flag indicates whether or not the match is using a Relay server. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field usingRelay bool +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Match.MatchInfo = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Match.MatchInfo.ToString() end + + +-- +--A class describing the match information as a snapshot at the time the request was processed on the MatchMaker. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.Match.MatchInfoSnapshot: object +-- +--The network ID for this match. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field networkId UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkID +-- +--The NodeID of the host for this match. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field hostNodeId UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NodeID +-- +--The text name for this match. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field name string +-- +--The average Elo score of the match. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field averageEloScore int +-- +--The maximum number of players this match can grow to. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field maxSize int +-- +--The current number of players in the match. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field currentSize int +-- +--Describes if the match is private. Private matches are unlisted in ListMatch results. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field isPrivate bool +-- +--The collection of match attributes on this match. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field matchAttributes System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary +-- +--The collection of direct connect info classes describing direct connection information supplied to the MatchMaker. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field directConnectInfos System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Match.MatchInfoSnapshot = {} + + +-- +--A component for communicating with the Unity Multiplayer Matchmaking service. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.Match.NetworkMatch: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +-- +--The base URI of the MatchMaker that this NetworkMatch will communicate with. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field baseUri System.Uri +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Match.NetworkMatch = {} + +-- +--This method is deprecated. Please instead log in through the editor services panel and setup the project under the Unity Multiplayer section. This will populate the required infomation from the cloud site automatically. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: programAppID - Deprecated, see description. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param programAppID UnityEngine.Networking.Types.AppID +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Match.NetworkMatch.SetProgramAppID(programAppID) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param matchName string +---@param matchSize uint +---@param matchAdvertise bool +---@param matchPassword string +---@param publicClientAddress string +---@param privateClientAddress string +---@param eloScoreForMatch int +---@param requestDomain int +---@param callback UnityEngine.Networking.Match.NetworkMatch.DataResponseDelegate +---@return Coroutine +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Match.NetworkMatch.CreateMatch(matchName, matchSize, matchAdvertise, matchPassword, publicClientAddress, privateClientAddress, eloScoreForMatch, requestDomain, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param netId UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkID +---@param matchPassword string +---@param publicClientAddress string +---@param privateClientAddress string +---@param eloScoreForClient int +---@param requestDomain int +---@param callback UnityEngine.Networking.Match.NetworkMatch.DataResponseDelegate +---@return Coroutine +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Match.NetworkMatch.JoinMatch(netId, matchPassword, publicClientAddress, privateClientAddress, eloScoreForClient, requestDomain, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param netId UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkID +---@param requestDomain int +---@param callback UnityEngine.Networking.Match.NetworkMatch.BasicResponseDelegate +---@return Coroutine +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Match.NetworkMatch.DestroyMatch(netId, requestDomain, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param netId UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkID +---@param dropNodeId UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NodeID +---@param requestDomain int +---@param callback UnityEngine.Networking.Match.NetworkMatch.BasicResponseDelegate +---@return Coroutine +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Match.NetworkMatch.DropConnection(netId, dropNodeId, requestDomain, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param startPageNumber int +---@param resultPageSize int +---@param matchNameFilter string +---@param filterOutPrivateMatchesFromResults bool +---@param eloScoreTarget int +---@param requestDomain int +---@param callback UnityEngine.Networking.Match.NetworkMatch.DataResponseDelegate> +---@return Coroutine +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Match.NetworkMatch.ListMatches(startPageNumber, resultPageSize, matchNameFilter, filterOutPrivateMatchesFromResults, eloScoreTarget, requestDomain, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param networkId UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkID +---@param isListed bool +---@param requestDomain int +---@param callback UnityEngine.Networking.Match.NetworkMatch.BasicResponseDelegate +---@return Coroutine +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Match.NetworkMatch.SetMatchAttributes(networkId, isListed, requestDomain, callback) end + + +-- +--A class describing one member of a match and what direct connect information other clients have supplied. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.Match.MatchInfoDirectConnectSnapshot: object +-- +--NodeID of the match member this info refers to. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field nodeId UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NodeID +-- +--The public network address supplied for this direct connect info. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field publicAddress string +-- +--The private network address supplied for this direct connect info. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field privateAddress string +-- +--The host priority for this direct connect info. Host priority describes the order in which this match member occurs in the list of clients attached to a match. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field hostPriority UnityEngine.Networking.Types.HostPriority +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Match.MatchInfoDirectConnectSnapshot = {} + + +-- +--A delegate that can handle MatchMaker responses that return basic response types (generally only indicating success or failure and extended information if a failure did happen). +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: success - Indicates if the request succeeded. +-- extendedInfo - A text description of the failure if success is false. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.Match.BasicResponseDelegate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Match.BasicResponseDelegate = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param success bool +---@param extendedInfo string +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Match.BasicResponseDelegate.Invoke(success, extendedInfo) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param success bool +---@param extendedInfo string +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Match.BasicResponseDelegate.BeginInvoke(success, extendedInfo, callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Match.BasicResponseDelegate.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.Match.DataResponseDelegate: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Match.DataResponseDelegate = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param success bool +---@param extendedInfo string +---@param responseData T +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Match.DataResponseDelegate.Invoke(success, extendedInfo, responseData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param success bool +---@param extendedInfo string +---@param responseData T +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Match.DataResponseDelegate.BeginInvoke(success, extendedInfo, responseData, callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Match.DataResponseDelegate.EndInvoke(result) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..474514ff2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.lua @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--The type of the connected target. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.ConnectionTarget: System.Enum +-- +--No target is connected, this is only possible in a Player. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.ConnectionTarget +-- +--The connected target is a Player. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Player UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.ConnectionTarget +-- +--The connected target is an Editor. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Editor UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.ConnectionTarget +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.ConnectionTarget = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.ConnectionTarget +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.ConnectionTarget:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.IConnectionState +-- +--Supplies the type of the established connection, as in whether the target is a Player or an Editor. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field connectedToTarget UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.ConnectionTarget +-- +--The name of the connected target. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field connectionName string +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.IConnectionState = {} + + +-- +--Arguments passed to Action callbacks registered in PlayerConnection. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.MessageEventArgs: object +-- +--The Player ID that the data is received from. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field playerId int +-- +--Data that is received. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field data byte[] +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.MessageEventArgs = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.IEditorPlayerConnection +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.IEditorPlayerConnection = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param messageId System.Guid +---@param callback UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.IEditorPlayerConnection.Register(messageId, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param messageId System.Guid +---@param callback UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.IEditorPlayerConnection.Unregister(messageId, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.IEditorPlayerConnection.DisconnectAll() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param callback UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.IEditorPlayerConnection.RegisterConnection(callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param callback UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.IEditorPlayerConnection.RegisterDisconnection(callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param callback UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.IEditorPlayerConnection.UnregisterConnection(callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param callback UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.IEditorPlayerConnection.UnregisterDisconnection(callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param messageId System.Guid +---@param data byte[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.IEditorPlayerConnection.Send(messageId, data) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param messageId System.Guid +---@param data byte[] +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection.IEditorPlayerConnection.TrySend(messageId, data) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Networking.Types.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Networking.Types.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e743a9842 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Networking.Types.lua @@ -0,0 +1,157 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--Describes the access levels granted to this client. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkAccessLevel: System.Enum +-- +--Invalid access level, signifying no access level has been granted/specified. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field Invalid UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkAccessLevel +-- +--User access level. This means you can do operations which affect yourself only, like disconnect yourself from the match. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field User UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkAccessLevel +-- +--Access level Owner, generally granting access for operations key to the peer host server performing it's work. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field Owner UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkAccessLevel +-- +--Administration access level, generally describing clearence to perform game altering actions against anyone inside a particular match. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field Admin UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkAccessLevel +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkAccessLevel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkAccessLevel +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkAccessLevel:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--The AppID identifies the application on the Unity Cloud or UNET servers. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.Types.AppID: System.Enum +-- +--Invalid AppID. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field Invalid UnityEngine.Networking.Types.AppID +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Types.AppID = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Networking.Types.AppID +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Types.AppID:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Identifies a specific game instance. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.Types.SourceID: System.Enum +-- +--Invalid SourceID. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field Invalid UnityEngine.Networking.Types.SourceID +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Types.SourceID = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Networking.Types.SourceID +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Types.SourceID:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Network ID, used for match making. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkID: System.Enum +-- +--Invalid NetworkID. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field Invalid UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkID +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkID = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkID +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkID:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--The NodeID is the ID used in Relay matches to track nodes in a network. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NodeID: System.Enum +-- +--The invalid case of a NodeID. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field Invalid UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NodeID +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NodeID = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NodeID +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NodeID:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--An Enum representing the priority of a client in a match, starting at 0 and increasing. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.Types.HostPriority: System.Enum +-- +--The Invalid case for a HostPriority. An Invalid host priority is not a valid host. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field Invalid UnityEngine.Networking.Types.HostPriority +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Types.HostPriority = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Networking.Types.HostPriority +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Types.HostPriority:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Access token used to authenticate a client session for the purposes of allowing or disallowing match operations requested by that client. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkAccessToken: object +-- +--Binary field for the actual token. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field array byte[] +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkAccessToken = {} + +-- +--Accessor to get an encoded string from the m_array data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkAccessToken.GetByteString() end + +-- +--Checks if the token is a valid set of data with respect to default values (returns true if the values are not default, does not validate the token is a current legitimate token with respect to the server's auth framework). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkAccessToken.IsValid() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Networking.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Networking.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3e38579e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Networking.lua @@ -0,0 +1,2772 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--MovieTexture has been removed. Use VideoPlayer instead. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandlerMovieTexture: UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandler +-- +--MovieTexture has been removed. Use VideoPlayer instead. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll +---@field movieTexture UnityEngine.MovieTexture +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandlerMovieTexture = {} + +-- +--MovieTexture has been removed. Use VideoPlayer instead. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll +---@param uwr UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest +---@return MovieTexture +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandlerMovieTexture:GetContent(uwr) end + + +-- +--Transport Layer API. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport: object +-- +--Deprecated. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field IsStarted bool +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport = {} + +-- +--True if the given endpoint is using a platform protocol. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: endPoint - EndPoint instance to check. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param endPoint System.Net.EndPoint +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:DoesEndPointUsePlatformProtocols(endPoint) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param endPoint System.Net.EndPoint +---@param exceptionConnectionId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:ConnectEndPoint(hostId, endPoint, exceptionConnectionId, error) end + +-- +--Initializes the NetworkTransport. Should be called before any other operations on the NetworkTransport are done. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:Init() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param config UnityEngine.Networking.GlobalConfig +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:Init(config) end + +-- +--Shut down the NetworkTransport. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:Shutdown() end + +-- +--The assetId of the game object's Prefab. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: go - Target GameObject to get assetId for. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetAssetId(go) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param id int +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:AddSceneId(id) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetNextSceneId() end + +-- +--Returns host ID just created. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: topology - The Networking.HostTopology associated with the host. +-- minTimeout - Minimum simulated delay in milliseconds. +-- maxTimeout - Maximum simulated delay in milliseconds. +-- port - Port to bind to (when 0 is selected, the OS will choose a port at random). +-- ip - IP address to bind to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param topology UnityEngine.Networking.HostTopology +---@param minTimeout int +---@param maxTimeout int +---@param port int +---@param ip string +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:AddHostWithSimulator(topology, minTimeout, maxTimeout, port, ip) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param topology UnityEngine.Networking.HostTopology +---@param minTimeout int +---@param maxTimeout int +---@param port int +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:AddHostWithSimulator(topology, minTimeout, maxTimeout, port) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param topology UnityEngine.Networking.HostTopology +---@param minTimeout int +---@param maxTimeout int +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:AddHostWithSimulator(topology, minTimeout, maxTimeout) end + +-- +--Returns the ID of the host that was created. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: topology - The Networking.HostTopology associated with the host. +-- port - Port to bind to (when 0 is selected, the OS will choose a port at random). +-- ip - IP address to bind to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param topology UnityEngine.Networking.HostTopology +---@param port int +---@param ip string +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:AddHost(topology, port, ip) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param topology UnityEngine.Networking.HostTopology +---@param port int +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:AddHost(topology, port) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param topology UnityEngine.Networking.HostTopology +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:AddHost(topology) end + +-- +--Web socket host id. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: port - Port to bind to. +-- topology - The Networking.HostTopology associated with the host. +-- ip - IP address to bind to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param topology UnityEngine.Networking.HostTopology +---@param port int +---@param ip string +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:AddWebsocketHost(topology, port, ip) end + +-- +--Web socket host id. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: port - Port to bind to. +-- topology - The Networking.HostTopology associated with the host. +-- ip - IP address to bind to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param topology UnityEngine.Networking.HostTopology +---@param port int +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:AddWebsocketHost(topology, port) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param address string +---@param port int +---@param network UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkID +---@param source UnityEngine.Networking.Types.SourceID +---@param node UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NodeID +---@param error byte +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:ConnectAsNetworkHost(hostId, address, port, network, source, node, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param error byte +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:DisconnectNetworkHost(hostId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param error byte +---@return NetworkEventType +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:ReceiveRelayEventFromHost(hostId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param address string +---@param port int +---@param exceptionConnectionId int +---@param relaySlotId int +---@param network UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkID +---@param source UnityEngine.Networking.Types.SourceID +---@param node UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NodeID +---@param bytesPerSec int +---@param bucketSizeFactor float +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:ConnectToNetworkPeer(hostId, address, port, exceptionConnectionId, relaySlotId, network, source, node, bytesPerSec, bucketSizeFactor, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param address string +---@param port int +---@param exceptionConnectionId int +---@param relaySlotId int +---@param network UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkID +---@param source UnityEngine.Networking.Types.SourceID +---@param node UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NodeID +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:ConnectToNetworkPeer(hostId, address, port, exceptionConnectionId, relaySlotId, network, source, node, error) end + +-- +--Returns the number of unread messages in the read-queue. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetCurrentIncomingMessageAmount() end + +-- +--Returns the total number of messages still in the write-queue. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetCurrentOutgoingMessageAmount() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetIncomingMessageQueueSize(hostId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetOutgoingMessageQueueSize(hostId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetCurrentRTT(hostId, connectionId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetCurrentRtt(hostId, connectionId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetIncomingPacketLossCount(hostId, connectionId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetNetworkLostPacketNum(hostId, connectionId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetIncomingPacketCount(hostId, connectionId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetOutgoingPacketNetworkLossPercent(hostId, connectionId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetOutgoingPacketOverflowLossPercent(hostId, connectionId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetMaxAllowedBandwidth(hostId, connectionId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetAckBufferCount(hostId, connectionId, error) end + +-- +--Dropping packet count. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetIncomingPacketDropCountForAllHosts() end + +-- +--Packets count received from start for all hosts. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetIncomingPacketCountForAllHosts() end + +-- +--Packets count sent from networking library start (from call Networking.NetworkTransport.Init) for all hosts. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetOutgoingPacketCount() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetOutgoingPacketCountForHost(hostId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetOutgoingPacketCountForConnection(hostId, connectionId, error) end + +-- +--Messages count sent from start (from call Networking.NetworkTransport.Init) for all hosts. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetOutgoingMessageCount() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetOutgoingMessageCountForHost(hostId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetOutgoingMessageCountForConnection(hostId, connectionId, error) end + +-- +--Total payload (in bytes) sent from start for all hosts. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetOutgoingUserBytesCount() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetOutgoingUserBytesCountForHost(hostId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetOutgoingUserBytesCountForConnection(hostId, connectionId, error) end + +-- +--Total payload and protocol system headers (in bytes) sent from start for all hosts. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetOutgoingSystemBytesCount() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetOutgoingSystemBytesCountForHost(hostId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetOutgoingSystemBytesCountForConnection(hostId, connectionId, error) end + +-- +--Total data (user payload, protocol specific data, ip and udp headers) (in bytes) sent from start for all hosts. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetOutgoingFullBytesCount() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetOutgoingFullBytesCountForHost(hostId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetOutgoingFullBytesCountForConnection(hostId, connectionId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetPacketSentRate(hostId, connectionId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetPacketReceivedRate(hostId, connectionId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetRemotePacketReceivedRate(hostId, connectionId, error) end + +-- +--Time in micro seconds. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetNetIOTimeuS() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param port int +---@param network ulong +---@param dstNode ushort +---@param error byte +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetConnectionInfo(hostId, connectionId, port, network, dstNode, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param address string +---@param port int +---@param network UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkID +---@param dstNode UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NodeID +---@param error byte +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetConnectionInfo(hostId, connectionId, address, port, network, dstNode, error) end + +-- +--Timestamp. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetNetworkTimestamp() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param remoteTime int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetRemoteDelayTimeMS(hostId, connectionId, remoteTime, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param channelId int +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param size int +---@param error byte +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:StartSendMulticast(hostId, channelId, buffer, size, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param error byte +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:SendMulticast(hostId, connectionId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param error byte +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:FinishSendMulticast(hostId, error) end + +-- +--Closes the opened socket, and closes all connections belonging to that socket. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: hostId - Host ID to remove. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:RemoveHost(hostId) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param address string +---@param port int +---@param exeptionConnectionId int +---@param error byte +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:Connect(hostId, address, port, exeptionConnectionId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param address string +---@param port int +---@param exeptionConnectionId int +---@param error byte +---@param conf UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionSimulatorConfig +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:ConnectWithSimulator(hostId, address, port, exeptionConnectionId, error, conf) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param error byte +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:Disconnect(hostId, connectionId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param channelId int +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param size int +---@param error byte +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:Send(hostId, connectionId, channelId, buffer, size, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param channelId int +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param size int +---@param error byte +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:QueueMessageForSending(hostId, connectionId, channelId, buffer, size, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param error byte +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:SendQueuedMessages(hostId, connectionId, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param channelId int +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param bufferSize int +---@param receivedSize int +---@param error byte +---@return NetworkEventType +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:Receive(hostId, connectionId, channelId, buffer, bufferSize, receivedSize, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param channelId int +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param bufferSize int +---@param receivedSize int +---@param error byte +---@return NetworkEventType +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:ReceiveFromHost(hostId, connectionId, channelId, buffer, bufferSize, receivedSize, error) end + +-- +--Used to inform the profiler of network packet statistics. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: packetStatId - The ID of the message being reported. +-- numMsgs - Number of messages being reported. +-- numBytes - Number of bytes used by reported messages. +-- direction - Whether the packet is outgoing (-1) or incoming (0). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param direction int +---@param packetStatId int +---@param numMsgs int +---@param numBytes int +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:SetPacketStat(direction, packetStatId, numMsgs, numBytes) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param connectionId int +---@param notificationLevel int +---@param error byte +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:NotifyWhenConnectionReadyForSend(hostId, connectionId, notificationLevel, error) end + +-- +--The UDP port number, or -1 if an error occurred. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: hostId - Host ID. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetHostPort(hostId) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param broadcastPort int +---@param key int +---@param version int +---@param subversion int +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param size int +---@param timeout int +---@param error byte +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:StartBroadcastDiscovery(hostId, broadcastPort, key, version, subversion, buffer, size, timeout, error) end + +-- +--Stop sending the broadcast discovery message. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:StopBroadcastDiscovery() end + +-- +--True if it is running. False if it is not running. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:IsBroadcastDiscoveryRunning() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param key int +---@param version int +---@param subversion int +---@param error byte +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:SetBroadcastCredentials(hostId, key, version, subversion, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param port int +---@param error byte +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetBroadcastConnectionInfo(hostId, port, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param address string +---@param port int +---@param error byte +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetBroadcastConnectionInfo(hostId, address, port, error) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param hostId int +---@param buffer byte[] +---@param bufferSize int +---@param receivedSize int +---@param error byte +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetBroadcastConnectionMessage(hostId, buffer, bufferSize, receivedSize, error) end + +-- +--Enable or disable a multicast lock. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param enabled bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:SetMulticastLock(enabled) end + +-- +--True if the provided native encryption plugin was loaded successfully and is being used by the transport layer. False otherwise. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: libraryName - The path to the native encryption plugin to load, relative to the executable. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param libraryName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:LoadEncryptionLibrary(libraryName) end + +-- +--Unloads the currently loaded encryption plugin, if one is loaded. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:UnloadEncryptionLibrary() end + +-- +--True if an encryption plugin has been loaded and is being used, false otherwise. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:IsEncryptionActive() end + +-- +--The maximum amount of bytes that can you can safely send over the network so they fit in the given maximum packet size after encryption. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: maxPacketSize - The largest packet size that the network allows, in bytes. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param maxPacketSize short +---@return Int16 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkTransport:GetEncryptionSafeMaxPacketSize(maxPacketSize) end + + +-- +--Event that is returned when calling the Networking.NetworkTransport.Receive and Networking.NetworkTransport.ReceiveFromHost functions. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkEventType: System.Enum +-- +--Data event received. Indicating that data was received. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field DataEvent UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkEventType +-- +--Connection event received. Indicating that a new connection was established. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field ConnectEvent UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkEventType +-- +--Disconnection event received. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field DisconnectEvent UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkEventType +-- +--No new event was received. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field Nothing UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkEventType +-- +--Broadcast discovery event received. +--To obtain sender connection info and possible complimentary message from them, call Networking.NetworkTransport.GetBroadcastConnectionInfo() and Networking.NetworkTransport.GetBroadcastConnectionMessage() functions. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field BroadcastEvent UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkEventType +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkEventType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkEventType +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkEventType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Enumeration of all supported quality of service channel modes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.QosType: System.Enum +-- +--There is no guarantee of delivery or ordering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field Unreliable UnityEngine.Networking.QosType +-- +--There is no guarantee of delivery or ordering, but allowing fragmented messages with up to 32 fragments per message. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field UnreliableFragmented UnityEngine.Networking.QosType +-- +--There is no guarantee of delivery and all unordered messages will be dropped. Example: VoIP. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field UnreliableSequenced UnityEngine.Networking.QosType +-- +--Each message is guaranteed to be delivered but not guaranteed to be in order. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field Reliable UnityEngine.Networking.QosType +-- +--Each message is guaranteed to be delivered, also allowing fragmented messages with up to 32 fragments per message. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field ReliableFragmented UnityEngine.Networking.QosType +-- +--Each message is guaranteed to be delivered and in order. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field ReliableSequenced UnityEngine.Networking.QosType +-- +--An unreliable message. Only the last message in the send buffer is sent. Only the most recent message in the receive buffer will be delivered. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field StateUpdate UnityEngine.Networking.QosType +-- +--A reliable message. Note: Only the last message in the send buffer is sent. Only the most recent message in the receive buffer will be delivered. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field ReliableStateUpdate UnityEngine.Networking.QosType +-- +--A reliable message that will be re-sent with a high frequency until it is acknowledged. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field AllCostDelivery UnityEngine.Networking.QosType +-- +--There is garantee of ordering, no guarantee of delivery, but allowing fragmented messages with up to 32 fragments per message. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field UnreliableFragmentedSequenced UnityEngine.Networking.QosType +-- +--Each message is guaranteed to be delivered in order, also allowing fragmented messages with up to 32 fragments per message. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field ReliableFragmentedSequenced UnityEngine.Networking.QosType +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.QosType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Networking.QosType +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.QosType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Possible Networking.NetworkTransport errors. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkError: System.Enum +-- +--The operation completed successfully. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field Ok UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkError +-- +--The specified host not available. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field WrongHost UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkError +-- +--The specified connectionId doesn't exist. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field WrongConnection UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkError +-- +--The specified channel doesn't exist. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field WrongChannel UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkError +-- +--Not enough resources are available to process this request. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field NoResources UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkError +-- +--Not a data message. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field BadMessage UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkError +-- +--Connection timed out. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field Timeout UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkError +-- +--The message is too long to fit the buffer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field MessageToLong UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkError +-- +--Operation is not supported. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field WrongOperation UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkError +-- +--The protocol versions are not compatible. Check your library versions. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field VersionMismatch UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkError +-- +--The Networking.ConnectionConfig does not match the other endpoint. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field CRCMismatch UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkError +-- +--The address supplied to connect to was invalid or could not be resolved. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field DNSFailure UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkError +-- +--This error will occur if any function is called with inappropriate parameter values. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field UsageError UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkError +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkError = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkError +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.NetworkError:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Define how unet will handle network io operation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.ReactorModel: System.Enum +-- +--Network thread will sleep up to threadawake timeout, or up to receive event on socket will happened. Awaked thread will try to read up to maxpoolsize packets from socket and will try update connections ready to send (with fixing awaketimeout rate). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field SelectReactor UnityEngine.Networking.ReactorModel +-- +--Network thread will sleep up to threadawake timeout, after that it will try receive up to maxpoolsize amount of messages and then will try perform send operation for connection whihc ready to send. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field FixRateReactor UnityEngine.Networking.ReactorModel +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.ReactorModel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Networking.ReactorModel +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.ReactorModel:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Defines size of the buffer holding reliable messages, before they will be acknowledged. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionAcksType: System.Enum +-- +--Ack buffer can hold 32 messages. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field Acks32 UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionAcksType +-- +--Ack buffer can hold 64 messages. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field Acks64 UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionAcksType +-- +--Ack buffer can hold 96 messages. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field Acks96 UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionAcksType +-- +--Ack buffer can hold 128 messages. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field Acks128 UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionAcksType +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionAcksType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionAcksType +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionAcksType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Defines parameters of channels. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.ChannelQOS: object +-- +--Channel quality of service. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field QOS UnityEngine.Networking.QosType +-- +--Returns true if the channel belongs to a shared group. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field BelongsToSharedOrderChannel bool +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.ChannelQOS = {} + + +-- +--This class defines parameters of connection between two peers, this definition includes various timeouts and sizes as well as channel configuration. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionConfig: object +-- +--Defines maximum packet size (in bytes) (including payload and all header). Packet can contain multiple messages inside. Default value = 1500. +-- +--Note that this default value is suitable for local testing only. Usually you should change this value; a recommended setting for PC or mobile is 1470. For games consoles this value should probably be less than ~1100. Wrong size definition can cause packet dropping. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field PacketSize ushort +-- +--Defines the fragment size for fragmented messages (for QOS: ReliableFragmented and UnreliableFragmented). Default value = 500. +-- +--Under fragmented quality of service modes, the original message is split into fragments (up to 64) of up to FragmentSize bytes each. The fragment size depends on the frequency and size of reliable messages sent. Each reliable message potentially could be re-sent, so you need to choose a fragment size less than the remaining free space in a UDP packet after retransmitted reliable messages are added to the packet. For example, if Networking.ConnectionConfig.PacketSize is 1440 bytes, and a reliable message's average size is 200 bytes, it would be wise to set this parameter to 900 – 1000 bytes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field FragmentSize ushort +-- +--Defines the maximum wait time in milliseconds before the "not acknowledged" message is re-sent. Default value = 1200. +-- +--It does not make a lot of sense to wait for acknowledgement forever. This parameter sets an upper time limit at which point reliable messages are re-sent. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field ResendTimeout uint +-- +--Defines the timeout in milliseconds before a connection is considered to have been disconnected. Default value = 2000. +-- +--Unity Multiplayer defines conditions under which a connection is considered as disconnected. Disconnection can happen for the following reasons: +-- +--(1) A disconnection request was received. +-- +--(2) The connection has not received any traffic at all for a time longer than DisconnectTimeout (Note that live connections receive regular keep-alive packets, so in this case "no traffic" means not only no user traffic but also absence of any keep-alive traffic as well). +-- +--(3) Flow control determines that the time between sending packets is longer than DisconnectTimeout. Keep-alive packets are regularly delivered from peers and contain statistical information. This information includes values of packet loss due to network and peer overflow conditions. Setting NetworkDropThreshold and OverflowDropThreshold defines thresholds for flow control which can decrease packet frequency. When the time before sending the next packet is longer than DisconnectTimeout, the connection will be considered as disconnected and a disconnect event is received. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field DisconnectTimeout uint +-- +--Timeout in ms which library will wait before it will send another connection request. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field ConnectTimeout uint +-- +--Defines minimum time in milliseconds between sending packets. This duration may be automatically increased if required by flow control. Default value = 10. +-- +--When Send() is called, Unity Multiplayer won’t send the message immediately. Instead, once every SendTimeout milliseconds each connection is checked to see if it has something to send. While initial and minimal send timeouts can be set, these may be increased internally due to network conditions or buffer overflows. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field MinUpdateTimeout uint +-- +--Defines the duration in milliseconds between keep-alive packets, also known as pings. Default value = 500. +-- +--The ping frequency should be long enough to accumulate good statistics and short enough to compare with DisconnectTimeout. A good guideline is to have more than 3 pings per disconnect timeout, and more than 5 messages per ping. For example, with a DisconnectTimeout of 2000ms, a PingTimeout of 500ms works well. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field PingTimeout uint +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field ReducedPingTimeout uint +-- +--Defines the timeout in milliseconds after which messages sent via the AllCost channel will be re-sent without waiting for acknowledgement. Default value = 20 ms. +-- +--AllCost delivery quality of service (QOS) is a special QOS for delivering game-critical information, such as when the game starts, or when bullets are shot. +-- +--Due to packets dropping, sometimes reliable messages cannot be delivered and need to be re-sent. Reliable messages will re-sent after RTT+Delta time, (RTT is round trip time) where RTT is a dynamic value and can reach couple of hundred milliseconds. For the AllCost delivery channel this timeout can be user-defined to force game critical information to be re-sent. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field AllCostTimeout uint +-- +--Defines the percentage (from 0 to 100) of packets that need to be dropped due to network conditions before the SendUpdate timeout is automatically increased (and send rate is automatically decreased). Default value = 5. +-- +--To avoid receiver overflow, Unity Multiplayer supports flow control. Each ping packet sent between connected peers contains two values: +-- +--(1) Packets lost due to network conditions. +-- +--(2) Packets lost because the receiver does not have free space in its incoming buffers. +-- +--Like OverflowDropThreshold, both values are reported in percent. Use NetworkDropThreshold and OverflowDropThreshold to set thresholds for these values. If a value reported in the ping packet exceeds the corresponding threshold, Unity Multiplayer increases the sending timeout for packets up to a maximum value of DisconnectTimeout. +-- +--Note: wireless networks usually exhibit 5% or greater packet loss. For wireless networks it is advisable to use a NetworkDropThreshold of 40-50%. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field NetworkDropThreshold byte +-- +--Defines the percentage (from 0 to 100) of packets that need to be dropped due to lack of space in internal buffers before the SendUpdate timeout is automatically increased (and send rate is automatically decreased). Default value = 5. +-- +--To avoid receiver overflow, Unity Multiplayer supports flow control. Each ping packet sent between connected peers contains two values: +-- +--(1) Packets lost due to network conditions. +-- +--(2) Packets lost because the receiver does not have free space in its incoming buffers. +-- +--Like NetworkDropThreshold, both values are reported in percent. Use NetworkDropThreshold and OverflowDropThreshold to set thresholds for these values. If a value reported in the ping packet exceeds the corresponding threshold, Unity Multiplayer increases the sending timeout for packets up to a maximum value of DisconnectTimeout. +-- +--Note: wireless networks usually exhibit 5% or greater packet loss. For wireless networks it is advisable to use a NetworkDropThreshold of 40-50%. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field OverflowDropThreshold byte +-- +--Defines the maximum number of times Unity Multiplayer will attempt to send a connection request without receiving a response before it reports that it cannot establish a connection. Default value = 10. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field MaxConnectionAttempt byte +-- +--Defines the duration in milliseconds that the receiver waits for before it sends an acknowledgement back without waiting for any data payload. Default value = 33. +-- +--Network clients that send data to a server may do so using many different quality of service (QOS) modes, some of which (reliable modes) expect the server to send back acknowledgement of receipt of data sent. +-- +--Servers must periodically acknowledge data packets received over channels with reliable QOS modes by sending packets containing acknowledgement data (also known as "acks") back to the client. If the server were to send an acknowledgement immediately after receiving each packet from the client there would be significant overhead (the acknowledgement is a 32 or 64 bit integer, which is very small compared to the whole size of the packet which also contains the IP and the UDP header). AckDelay allows the server some time to accumulate a list of received reliable data packets to acknowledge, and decreases traffic overhead by combining many acknowledgements into a single packet. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field AckDelay uint +-- +--Gets or sets the delay in milliseconds after a call to Send() before packets are sent. During this time, new messages may be combined in queued packets. Default value: 10ms. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field SendDelay uint +-- +--Defines the maximum size in bytes of a reliable message which is considered small enough to include in a combined message. Default value = 100. +-- +--Since each message sent to a server contains IP information and a UDP header, duplicating this information for every message sent can be inefficient in the case where there are many small messages being sent frequently. Many small reliable messages can be combined into one longer reliable message, saving space in the waiting buffer. Unity Multiplayer will automatically combine up to MaxCombinedReliableMessageCount small messages into one message. To qualify as a small message, the data payload of the message should not be greater than MaxCombinedReliableMessageSize. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field MaxCombinedReliableMessageSize ushort +-- +--Defines the maximum number of small reliable messages that can be included in one combined message. Default value = 10. +-- +--Since each message sent to a server contains IP information and a UDP header, duplicating this information for every message sent can be inefficient in the case where there are many small messages being sent frequently. Many small reliable messages can be combined into one longer reliable message, saving space in the waiting buffer. Unity Multiplayer will automatically combine up to MaxCombinedReliableMessageCount small messages into one message. To qualify as a small message, the data payload of the message should not be greater than MaxCombinedReliableMessageSize. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field MaxCombinedReliableMessageCount ushort +-- +--Defines maximum number of messages that can be held in the queue for sending. Default value = 128. +-- +--This buffer serves to smooth spikes in traffic and decreases network jitter. If the queue is full, a NoResources error will result from any calls to Send(). Setting this value greater than around 300 is likely to cause significant delaying of message delivering and can make game unplayable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field MaxSentMessageQueueSize ushort +-- +--Determines the size of the buffer used to store reliable messages that are waiting for acknowledgement. It can be set to Acks32, Acks64, Acks96, or Acks128. Depends of this setting buffer can hold 32, 64, 96, or 128 messages. Default value = Ack32. +-- +--Messages sent on reliable quality of service channels are stored in a special buffer while they wait for acknowledgement from the peer. This buffer can be either 32, 64, 96 or 128 positions long. It is recommended to begin with this value set to Ack32, which defines a buffer up to 32 messages in size. If you receive NoResources errors often when you send reliable messages, change this value to the next possible size. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field AcksType UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionAcksType +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field IsAcksLong bool +-- +--When starting a server use protocols that make use of platform specific optimisations where appropriate rather than cross-platform protocols. (Playstation/Xbox consoles only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field UsePlatformSpecificProtocols bool +-- +--Gets or sets the bandwidth in bytes per second that can be used by Unity Multiplayer. No traffic over this limit is allowed. Unity Multiplayer may internally reduce the bandwidth it uses due to flow control. The default value is 1.5MB/sec (1,536,000 bytes per second). The default value is intentionally a large number to allow all traffic to pass without delay. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field InitialBandwidth uint +-- +--Defines, when multiplied internally by InitialBandwidth, the maximum bandwidth that can be used under burst conditions. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field BandwidthPeakFactor float +-- +--WebSocket only. Defines the buffer size in bytes for received frames on a WebSocket host. If this value is 0 (the default), a 4 kilobyte buffer is used. Any other value results in a buffer of that size, in bytes. +-- +--WebSocket message fragments are called "frames". A WebSocket host has a buffer to store incoming message frames. Therefore this buffer should be set to the largest legal frame size supported. If an incoming frame exceeds the buffer size, no error is reported. However, the buffer will invoke the user callback in order to create space for the overflow. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field WebSocketReceiveBufferMaxSize ushort +-- +--Defines the size in bytes of the receiving buffer for UDP sockets. It is useful to set this parameter equal to the maximum size of a fragmented message. Default value is OS specific (usually 8kb). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field UdpSocketReceiveBufferMaxSize uint +-- +--Defines path to SSL certificate file, for WebSocket via SSL communication. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field SSLCertFilePath string +-- +--Defines the path to the file containing the private key for WebSocket via SSL communication. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field SSLPrivateKeyFilePath string +-- +--Defines the path to the file containing the certification authority (CA) certificate for WebSocket via SSL communication. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field SSLCAFilePath string +-- +--(Read Only) The number of channels in the current configuration. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field ChannelCount int +-- +--(Read Only) The number of shared order groups in current configuration. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field SharedOrderChannelCount int +-- +--The list of channels belonging to the current configuration. +-- +--Note: any ConnectionConfig passed as a parameter to a function in Unity Multiplayer is deep copied (that is, an entirely new copy is made, with no references to the original). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field Channels System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionConfig = {} + +-- +--Validate parameters of connection config. Will throw exceptions if parameters are incorrect. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param config UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionConfig +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionConfig:Validate(config) end + +-- +--Channel id, user can use this id to send message via this channel. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: value - Add new channel to configuration. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Networking.QosType +---@return Byte +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionConfig.AddChannel(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param channelIndices System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionConfig.MakeChannelsSharedOrder(channelIndices) end + +-- +--Channel QoS. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: idx - Index in array. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param idx byte +---@return QosType +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionConfig.GetChannel(idx) end + +-- +--List of channel IDs belonging to the group. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: idx - Group id. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param idx byte +---@return IList +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionConfig.GetSharedOrderChannels(idx) end + + +-- +--Class defines network topology for host (socket opened by Networking.NetworkTransport.AddHost function). This topology defines: (1) how many connection with default config will be supported and (2) what will be special connections (connections with config different from default). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.HostTopology: object +-- +--Defines config for default connections in the topology. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field DefaultConfig UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionConfig +-- +--Defines how many connection with default config be permitted. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field MaxDefaultConnections int +-- +--Returns count of special connection added to topology. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field SpecialConnectionConfigsCount int +-- +--List of special connection configs. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field SpecialConnectionConfigs System.Collections.Generic.List +-- +--Defines the maximum number of messages that each host can hold in its pool of received messages. The default size is 128. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field ReceivedMessagePoolSize ushort +-- +--Defines the maximum number of messages that each host can hold in its pool of messages waiting to be sent. The default size is 128. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field SentMessagePoolSize ushort +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field MessagePoolSizeGrowthFactor float +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.HostTopology = {} + +-- +--Connection config. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: i - Config id. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param i int +---@return ConnectionConfig +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.HostTopology.GetSpecialConnectionConfig(i) end + +-- +--Id of this connection. You should use this id when you call Networking.NetworkTransport.Connect. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: config - Connection config for special connection. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param config UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionConfig +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.HostTopology.AddSpecialConnectionConfig(config) end + + +-- +--Defines global paramters for network library. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.GlobalConfig: object +-- +--Defines (1) for select reactor, minimum time period, when system will check if there are any messages for send (2) for fixrate reactor, minimum interval of time, when system will check for sending and receiving messages. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field ThreadAwakeTimeout uint +-- +--Defines reactor model for the network library. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field ReactorModel UnityEngine.Networking.ReactorModel +-- +--This property determines the initial size of the queue that holds messages received by Unity Multiplayer before they are processed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field ReactorMaximumReceivedMessages ushort +-- +--Defines the initial size of the send queue. Messages are placed in this queue ready to be sent in packets to their destination. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field ReactorMaximumSentMessages ushort +-- +--Defines maximum possible packet size in bytes for all network connections. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field MaxPacketSize ushort +-- +--Defines how many hosts you can use. Default Value = 16. Max value = 128. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field MaxHosts ushort +-- +--Defines how many worker threads are available to handle incoming and outgoing messages. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field ThreadPoolSize byte +-- +--Defines the minimum timeout in milliseconds recognised by the system. The default value is 1 ms. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field MinTimerTimeout uint +-- +--Defines the maximum timeout in milliseconds for any configuration. The default value is 12 seconds (12000ms). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field MaxTimerTimeout uint +-- +--Deprecated. Defines the minimal timeout for network simulator. You cannot set up any delay less than this value. See Also: MinTimerTimeout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field MinNetSimulatorTimeout uint +-- +--Deprecated. Defines maximum delay for network simulator. See Also: MaxTimerTimeout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field MaxNetSimulatorTimeout uint +-- +--Defines the callback delegate which you can use to get a notification when the host (defined by hostID) has a network event. The callback is called for all event types except Networking.NetworkEventType.Nothing. +-- +--See Also: Networking.NetworkEventType +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field NetworkEventAvailable System.Action +-- +--Defines the callback delegate which you can use to get a notification when a connection is ready to send data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field ConnectionReadyForSend System.Action +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.GlobalConfig = {} + + +-- +--Create configuration for network simulator; You can use this class in editor and developer build only. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionSimulatorConfig: object +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionSimulatorConfig = {} + +-- +--Destructor. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.ConnectionSimulatorConfig.Dispose() end + + +-- +--Networking Utility. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.Utility: object +-- +--This property is deprecated and does not need to be set or referenced. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@field useRandomSourceID bool +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Utility = {} + +-- +--Utility function to get the client's SourceID for unique identification. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@return SourceID +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Utility:GetSourceID() end + +-- +--Deprecated; Setting the AppID is no longer necessary. Please log in through the editor and set up the project there. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param newAppID UnityEngine.Networking.Types.AppID +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Utility:SetAppID(newAppID) end + +-- +--Utility function to fetch the program's ID for UNET Cloud interfacing. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@return AppID +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Utility:GetAppID() end + +-- +--Utility function that accepts the access token for a network after it's received from the server. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param netId UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkID +---@param accessToken UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkAccessToken +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Utility:SetAccessTokenForNetwork(netId, accessToken) end + +-- +--Utility function to get this client's access token for a particular network, if it has been set. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UNETModule.dll +---@param netId UnityEngine.Networking.Types.NetworkID +---@return NetworkAccessToken +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Utility:GetAccessTokenForNetwork(netId) end + + +-- +--Helpers for downloading asset bundles using UnityWebRequest. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestAssetBundle: object +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestAssetBundle = {} + +-- +--A UnityWebRequest configured to downloading a Unity Asset Bundle. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: uri - The URI of the asset bundle to download. +-- crc - If nonzero, this number will be compared to the checksum of the downloaded asset bundle data. If the CRCs do not match, an error will be logged and the asset bundle will not be loaded. If set to zero, CRC checking will be skipped. +-- version - An integer version number, which will be compared to the cached version of the asset bundle to download. Increment this number to force Unity to redownload a cached asset bundle. +-- +--Analogous to the version parameter for WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload. +-- hash - A version hash. If this hash does not match the hash for the cached version of this asset bundle, the asset bundle will be redownloaded. +-- cachedAssetBundle - A structure used to download a given version of AssetBundle to a customized cache path. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestAssetBundle:GetAssetBundle(uri) end + +-- +--A UnityWebRequest configured to downloading a Unity Asset Bundle. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: uri - The URI of the asset bundle to download. +-- crc - If nonzero, this number will be compared to the checksum of the downloaded asset bundle data. If the CRCs do not match, an error will be logged and the asset bundle will not be loaded. If set to zero, CRC checking will be skipped. +-- version - An integer version number, which will be compared to the cached version of the asset bundle to download. Increment this number to force Unity to redownload a cached asset bundle. +-- +--Analogous to the version parameter for WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload. +-- hash - A version hash. If this hash does not match the hash for the cached version of this asset bundle, the asset bundle will be redownloaded. +-- cachedAssetBundle - A structure used to download a given version of AssetBundle to a customized cache path. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestAssetBundle:GetAssetBundle(uri) end + +-- +--A UnityWebRequest configured to downloading a Unity Asset Bundle. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: uri - The URI of the asset bundle to download. +-- crc - If nonzero, this number will be compared to the checksum of the downloaded asset bundle data. If the CRCs do not match, an error will be logged and the asset bundle will not be loaded. If set to zero, CRC checking will be skipped. +-- version - An integer version number, which will be compared to the cached version of the asset bundle to download. Increment this number to force Unity to redownload a cached asset bundle. +-- +--Analogous to the version parameter for WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload. +-- hash - A version hash. If this hash does not match the hash for the cached version of this asset bundle, the asset bundle will be redownloaded. +-- cachedAssetBundle - A structure used to download a given version of AssetBundle to a customized cache path. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@param crc uint +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestAssetBundle:GetAssetBundle(uri, crc) end + +-- +--A UnityWebRequest configured to downloading a Unity Asset Bundle. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: uri - The URI of the asset bundle to download. +-- crc - If nonzero, this number will be compared to the checksum of the downloaded asset bundle data. If the CRCs do not match, an error will be logged and the asset bundle will not be loaded. If set to zero, CRC checking will be skipped. +-- version - An integer version number, which will be compared to the cached version of the asset bundle to download. Increment this number to force Unity to redownload a cached asset bundle. +-- +--Analogous to the version parameter for WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload. +-- hash - A version hash. If this hash does not match the hash for the cached version of this asset bundle, the asset bundle will be redownloaded. +-- cachedAssetBundle - A structure used to download a given version of AssetBundle to a customized cache path. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@param crc uint +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestAssetBundle:GetAssetBundle(uri, crc) end + +-- +--A UnityWebRequest configured to downloading a Unity Asset Bundle. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: uri - The URI of the asset bundle to download. +-- crc - If nonzero, this number will be compared to the checksum of the downloaded asset bundle data. If the CRCs do not match, an error will be logged and the asset bundle will not be loaded. If set to zero, CRC checking will be skipped. +-- version - An integer version number, which will be compared to the cached version of the asset bundle to download. Increment this number to force Unity to redownload a cached asset bundle. +-- +--Analogous to the version parameter for WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload. +-- hash - A version hash. If this hash does not match the hash for the cached version of this asset bundle, the asset bundle will be redownloaded. +-- cachedAssetBundle - A structure used to download a given version of AssetBundle to a customized cache path. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@param version uint +---@param crc uint +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestAssetBundle:GetAssetBundle(uri, version, crc) end + +-- +--A UnityWebRequest configured to downloading a Unity Asset Bundle. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: uri - The URI of the asset bundle to download. +-- crc - If nonzero, this number will be compared to the checksum of the downloaded asset bundle data. If the CRCs do not match, an error will be logged and the asset bundle will not be loaded. If set to zero, CRC checking will be skipped. +-- version - An integer version number, which will be compared to the cached version of the asset bundle to download. Increment this number to force Unity to redownload a cached asset bundle. +-- +--Analogous to the version parameter for WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload. +-- hash - A version hash. If this hash does not match the hash for the cached version of this asset bundle, the asset bundle will be redownloaded. +-- cachedAssetBundle - A structure used to download a given version of AssetBundle to a customized cache path. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@param version uint +---@param crc uint +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestAssetBundle:GetAssetBundle(uri, version, crc) end + +-- +--A UnityWebRequest configured to downloading a Unity Asset Bundle. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: uri - The URI of the asset bundle to download. +-- crc - If nonzero, this number will be compared to the checksum of the downloaded asset bundle data. If the CRCs do not match, an error will be logged and the asset bundle will not be loaded. If set to zero, CRC checking will be skipped. +-- version - An integer version number, which will be compared to the cached version of the asset bundle to download. Increment this number to force Unity to redownload a cached asset bundle. +-- +--Analogous to the version parameter for WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload. +-- hash - A version hash. If this hash does not match the hash for the cached version of this asset bundle, the asset bundle will be redownloaded. +-- cachedAssetBundle - A structure used to download a given version of AssetBundle to a customized cache path. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@param hash UnityEngine.Hash128 +---@param crc uint +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestAssetBundle:GetAssetBundle(uri, hash, crc) end + +-- +--A UnityWebRequest configured to downloading a Unity Asset Bundle. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: uri - The URI of the asset bundle to download. +-- crc - If nonzero, this number will be compared to the checksum of the downloaded asset bundle data. If the CRCs do not match, an error will be logged and the asset bundle will not be loaded. If set to zero, CRC checking will be skipped. +-- version - An integer version number, which will be compared to the cached version of the asset bundle to download. Increment this number to force Unity to redownload a cached asset bundle. +-- +--Analogous to the version parameter for WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload. +-- hash - A version hash. If this hash does not match the hash for the cached version of this asset bundle, the asset bundle will be redownloaded. +-- cachedAssetBundle - A structure used to download a given version of AssetBundle to a customized cache path. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@param hash UnityEngine.Hash128 +---@param crc uint +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestAssetBundle:GetAssetBundle(uri, hash, crc) end + +-- +--A UnityWebRequest configured to downloading a Unity Asset Bundle. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: uri - The URI of the asset bundle to download. +-- crc - If nonzero, this number will be compared to the checksum of the downloaded asset bundle data. If the CRCs do not match, an error will be logged and the asset bundle will not be loaded. If set to zero, CRC checking will be skipped. +-- version - An integer version number, which will be compared to the cached version of the asset bundle to download. Increment this number to force Unity to redownload a cached asset bundle. +-- +--Analogous to the version parameter for WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload. +-- hash - A version hash. If this hash does not match the hash for the cached version of this asset bundle, the asset bundle will be redownloaded. +-- cachedAssetBundle - A structure used to download a given version of AssetBundle to a customized cache path. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@param cachedAssetBundle UnityEngine.CachedAssetBundle +---@param crc uint +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestAssetBundle:GetAssetBundle(uri, cachedAssetBundle, crc) end + +-- +--A UnityWebRequest configured to downloading a Unity Asset Bundle. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: uri - The URI of the asset bundle to download. +-- crc - If nonzero, this number will be compared to the checksum of the downloaded asset bundle data. If the CRCs do not match, an error will be logged and the asset bundle will not be loaded. If set to zero, CRC checking will be skipped. +-- version - An integer version number, which will be compared to the cached version of the asset bundle to download. Increment this number to force Unity to redownload a cached asset bundle. +-- +--Analogous to the version parameter for WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload. +-- hash - A version hash. If this hash does not match the hash for the cached version of this asset bundle, the asset bundle will be redownloaded. +-- cachedAssetBundle - A structure used to download a given version of AssetBundle to a customized cache path. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@param cachedAssetBundle UnityEngine.CachedAssetBundle +---@param crc uint +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestAssetBundle:GetAssetBundle(uri, cachedAssetBundle, crc) end + + +-- +--A DownloadHandler subclass specialized for downloading AssetBundles. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandlerAssetBundle: UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandler +-- +--Returns the downloaded AssetBundle, or null. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll +---@field assetBundle UnityEngine.AssetBundle +-- +--If true, the AssetBundle will be loaded as part of the UnityWebRequest process. If false, the AssetBundle will be loaded on demand when accessing the DownloadHandlerAssetBundle.assetBundle property. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll +---@field autoLoadAssetBundle bool +-- +--Returns true if the data downloading portion of the operation is complete. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll +---@field isDownloadComplete bool +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandlerAssetBundle = {} + +-- +--The same as DownloadHandlerAssetBundle.assetBundle +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: www - A finished UnityWebRequest object with DownloadHandlerAssetBundle attached. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAssetBundleModule.dll +---@param www UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest +---@return AssetBundle +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandlerAssetBundle:GetContent(www) end + + +-- +--Helpers for downloading multimedia files using UnityWebRequest. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestMultimedia: object +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestMultimedia = {} + +-- +--A UnityWebRequest properly configured to download an audio clip and convert it to an AudioClip. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: uri - The URI of the audio clip to download. +-- audioType - The type of audio encoding for the downloaded audio clip. See AudioType. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@param audioType UnityEngine.AudioType +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestMultimedia:GetAudioClip(uri, audioType) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@param audioType UnityEngine.AudioType +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestMultimedia:GetAudioClip(uri, audioType) end + +-- +--MovieTexture has been removed. Use VideoPlayer instead. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestMultimedia:GetMovieTexture(uri) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestMultimedia:GetMovieTexture(uri) end + + +-- +--A helper object for form sections containing generic, non-file data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.MultipartFormDataSection: object +-- +--The section's name, or null. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field sectionName string +-- +--The raw binary data contained in this section. Will not be null or empty. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field sectionData byte[] +-- +--The desired file name of this section, or null if this is not a file section. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field fileName string +-- +--The Content-Type header for this section, or null. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field contentType string +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.MultipartFormDataSection = {} + + +-- +--A DownloadHandler subclass specialized for downloading audio data for use as AudioClip objects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandlerAudioClip: UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandler +-- +--Returns the downloaded AudioClip, or null. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll +---@field audioClip UnityEngine.AudioClip +-- +--Create streaming AudioClip. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll +---@field streamAudio bool +-- +--Create AudioClip that is compressed in memory. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll +---@field compressed bool +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandlerAudioClip = {} + +-- +--The same as DownloadHandlerAudioClip.audioClip +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: www - A finished UnityWebRequest object with DownloadHandlerAudioClip attached. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestAudioModule.dll +---@param www UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest +---@return AudioClip +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandlerAudioClip:GetContent(www) end + + +-- +--A helper object for adding file uploads to multipart forms via the [IMultipartFormSection] API. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.MultipartFormFileSection: object +-- +--The section's name, or null. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field sectionName string +-- +--The raw binary data contained in this section. Will not be null or empty. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field sectionData byte[] +-- +--The desired file name of this section, or null if this is not a file section. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field fileName string +-- +--The Content-Type header for this section, or null. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field contentType string +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.MultipartFormFileSection = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.IMultipartFormSection +-- +--The section's name, or null. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field sectionName string +-- +--The raw binary data contained in this section. Must not be null or empty. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field sectionData byte[] +-- +--The desired file name of this section, or null if this is not a file section. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field fileName string +-- +--The value to use in the Content-Type header, or null. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field contentType string +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.IMultipartFormSection = {} + + +-- +--Asynchronous operation object returned from UnityWebRequest.SendWebRequest(). +-- +--You can yield until it continues, register an event handler with AsyncOperation.completed, or manually check whether it's done (AsyncOperation.isDone) or progress (AsyncOperation.progress). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation: UnityEngine.AsyncOperation +-- +--Returns the associated UnityWebRequest that created the operation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field webRequest UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation = {} + + +-- +--Provides methods to communicate with web servers. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest: object +-- +--The string "GET", commonly used as the verb for an HTTP GET request. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field kHttpVerbGET string +-- +--The string "HEAD", commonly used as the verb for an HTTP HEAD request. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field kHttpVerbHEAD string +-- +--The string "POST", commonly used as the verb for an HTTP POST request. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field kHttpVerbPOST string +-- +--The string "PUT", commonly used as the verb for an HTTP PUT request. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field kHttpVerbPUT string +-- +--The string "CREATE", commonly used as the verb for an HTTP CREATE request. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field kHttpVerbCREATE string +-- +--The string "DELETE", commonly used as the verb for an HTTP DELETE request. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field kHttpVerbDELETE string +-- +--If true, any CertificateHandler attached to this UnityWebRequest will have CertificateHandler.Dispose called automatically when UnityWebRequest.Dispose is called. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field disposeCertificateHandlerOnDispose bool +-- +--If true, any DownloadHandler attached to this UnityWebRequest will have DownloadHandler.Dispose called automatically when UnityWebRequest.Dispose is called. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field disposeDownloadHandlerOnDispose bool +-- +--If true, any UploadHandler attached to this UnityWebRequest will have UploadHandler.Dispose called automatically when UnityWebRequest.Dispose is called. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field disposeUploadHandlerOnDispose bool +-- +--Defines the HTTP verb used by this UnityWebRequest, such as GET or POST. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field method string +-- +--A human-readable string describing any system errors encountered by this UnityWebRequest object while handling HTTP requests or responses. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field error string +-- +--Determines whether this UnityWebRequest will include Expect: 100-Continue in its outgoing request headers. (Default: true). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field useHttpContinue bool +-- +--Defines the target URL for the UnityWebRequest to communicate with. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field url string +-- +--Defines the target URI for the UnityWebRequest to communicate with. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field uri System.Uri +-- +--The numeric HTTP response code returned by the server, such as 200, 404 or 500. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field responseCode long +-- +--Returns a floating-point value between 0.0 and 1.0, indicating the progress of uploading body data to the server. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field uploadProgress float +-- +--Returns true while a UnityWebRequest’s configuration properties can be altered. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field isModifiable bool +-- +--Returns true after the UnityWebRequest has finished communicating with the remote server. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field isDone bool +-- +--Returns true after this UnityWebRequest encounters a system error. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field isNetworkError bool +-- +--Returns true after this UnityWebRequest receives an HTTP response code indicating an error. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field isHttpError bool +-- +--The result of this UnityWebRequest. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field result UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.Result +-- +--Returns a floating-point value between 0.0 and 1.0, indicating the progress of downloading body data from the server. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field downloadProgress float +-- +--Returns the number of bytes of body data the system has uploaded to the remote server. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field uploadedBytes ulong +-- +--Returns the number of bytes of body data the system has downloaded from the remote server. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field downloadedBytes ulong +-- +--Indicates the number of redirects which this UnityWebRequest will follow before halting with a “Redirect Limit Exceeded” system error. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field redirectLimit int +-- +--**Deprecated.**. HTTP2 and many HTTP1.1 servers don't support this; we recommend leaving it set to false (default). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field chunkedTransfer bool +-- +--Holds a reference to the UploadHandler object which manages body data to be uploaded to the remote server. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field uploadHandler UnityEngine.Networking.UploadHandler +-- +--Holds a reference to a DownloadHandler object, which manages body data received from the remote server by this UnityWebRequest. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field downloadHandler UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandler +-- +--Holds a reference to a CertificateHandler object, which manages certificate validation for this UnityWebRequest. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field certificateHandler UnityEngine.Networking.CertificateHandler +-- +--Sets UnityWebRequest to attempt to abort after the number of seconds in timeout have passed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field timeout int +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field isError bool +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest = {} + +-- +--Clears stored cookies from the cache. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: domain - An optional URL to define which cookies are removed. Only cookies that apply to this URL will be removed from the cache. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:ClearCookieCache() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:ClearCookieCache(uri) end + +-- +--Signals that this UnityWebRequest is no longer being used, and should clean up any resources it is using. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.Dispose() end + +-- +--An AsyncOperation indicating the progress/completion state of the UnityWebRequest. Yield this object to wait until the UnityWebRequest is done. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@return AsyncOperation +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.Send() end + +-- +--Begin communicating with the remote server. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@return UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.SendWebRequest() end + +-- +--If in progress, halts the UnityWebRequest as soon as possible. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.Abort() end + +-- +--The value of the custom request header. If no custom header with a matching name has been set, returns an empty string. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - Name of the custom request header. Case-insensitive. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.GetRequestHeader(name) end + +-- +--Set a HTTP request header to a custom value. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The key of the header to be set. Case-sensitive. +-- value - The header's intended value. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param value string +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.SetRequestHeader(name, value) end + +-- +--The value of the HTTP header from the latest HTTP response. If no header with a matching name has been received, or no responses have been received, returns null. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the HTTP header to retrieve. Case-insensitive. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param name string +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.GetResponseHeader(name) end + +-- +--A dictionary containing all the response headers received in the latest HTTP response. If no responses have been received, returns null. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@return Dictionary +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.GetResponseHeaders() end + +-- +--An object that retrieves data from the uri. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: uri - The URI of the resource to retrieve via HTTP GET. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:Get(uri) end + +-- +--An object that retrieves data from the uri. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: uri - The URI of the resource to retrieve via HTTP GET. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:Get(uri) end + +-- +--A UnityWebRequest configured to send an HTTP DELETE request. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: uri - The URI to which a DELETE request should be sent. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:Delete(uri) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:Delete(uri) end + +-- +--A UnityWebRequest configured to transmit a HTTP HEAD request. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: uri - The URI to which to send a HTTP HEAD request. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:Head(uri) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:Head(uri) end + +-- +--A UnityWebRequest properly configured to download an image and convert it to a Texture. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: uri - The URI of the image to download. +-- nonReadable - If true, the texture's raw data will not be accessible to script. This can conserve memory. Default: false. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:GetTexture(uri) end + +-- +--A UnityWebRequest properly configured to download an image and convert it to a Texture. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: uri - The URI of the image to download. +-- nonReadable - If true, the texture's raw data will not be accessible to script. This can conserve memory. Default: false. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@param nonReadable bool +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:GetTexture(uri, nonReadable) end + +-- +--OBSOLETE. Use UnityWebRequestMultimedia.GetAudioClip(). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@param audioType UnityEngine.AudioType +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:GetAudioClip(uri, audioType) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:GetAssetBundle(uri) end + +-- +--Deprecated. Replaced by UnityWebRequestAssetBundle.GetAssetBundle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@param crc uint +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:GetAssetBundle(uri, crc) end + +-- +--Deprecated. Replaced by UnityWebRequestAssetBundle.GetAssetBundle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@param version uint +---@param crc uint +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:GetAssetBundle(uri, version, crc) end + +-- +--Deprecated. Replaced by UnityWebRequestAssetBundle.GetAssetBundle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@param hash UnityEngine.Hash128 +---@param crc uint +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:GetAssetBundle(uri, hash, crc) end + +-- +--Deprecated. Replaced by UnityWebRequestAssetBundle.GetAssetBundle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@param cachedAssetBundle UnityEngine.CachedAssetBundle +---@param crc uint +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:GetAssetBundle(uri, cachedAssetBundle, crc) end + +-- +--A UnityWebRequest configured to transmit bodyData to uri via HTTP PUT. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: uri - The URI to which the data will be sent. +-- bodyData - The data to transmit to the remote server. +-- +--If a string, the string will be converted to raw bytes via System.Text.Encoding.UTF8. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@param bodyData byte[] +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:Put(uri, bodyData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@param bodyData byte[] +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:Put(uri, bodyData) end + +-- +--A UnityWebRequest configured to transmit bodyData to uri via HTTP PUT. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: uri - The URI to which the data will be sent. +-- bodyData - The data to transmit to the remote server. +-- +--If a string, the string will be converted to raw bytes via System.Text.Encoding.UTF8. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@param bodyData string +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:Put(uri, bodyData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@param bodyData string +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:Put(uri, bodyData) end + +-- +--A UnityWebRequest configured to send form data to uri via POST. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: uri - The target URI to which form data will be transmitted. +-- postData - Form body data. Will be URLEncoded prior to transmission. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@param postData string +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:Post(uri, postData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@param postData string +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:Post(uri, postData) end + +-- +--A UnityWebRequest configured to send form data to uri via POST. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: uri - The target URI to which form data will be transmitted. +-- formData - Form fields or files encapsulated in a WWWForm object, for formatting and transmission to the remote server. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@param formData UnityEngine.WWWForm +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:Post(uri, formData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@param formData UnityEngine.WWWForm +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:Post(uri, formData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@param multipartFormSections System.Collections.Generic.List +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:Post(uri, multipartFormSections) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@param multipartFormSections System.Collections.Generic.List +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:Post(uri, multipartFormSections) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@param multipartFormSections System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param boundary byte[] +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:Post(uri, multipartFormSections, boundary) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@param multipartFormSections System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param boundary byte[] +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:Post(uri, multipartFormSections, boundary) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@param formFields System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:Post(uri, formFields) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@param formFields System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:Post(uri, formFields) end + +-- +--Escapes characters in a string to ensure they are URL-friendly. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: s - A string with characters to be escaped. +-- e - The text encoding to use. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param s string +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:EscapeURL(s) end + +-- +--Escapes characters in a string to ensure they are URL-friendly. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: s - A string with characters to be escaped. +-- e - The text encoding to use. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param s string +---@param e System.Text.Encoding +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:EscapeURL(s, e) end + +-- +--Converts URL-friendly escape sequences back to normal text. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: s - A string containing escaped characters. +-- e - The text encoding to use. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param s string +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:UnEscapeURL(s) end + +-- +--Converts URL-friendly escape sequences back to normal text. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: s - A string containing escaped characters. +-- e - The text encoding to use. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param s string +---@param e System.Text.Encoding +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:UnEscapeURL(s, e) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param multipartFormSections System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param boundary byte[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:SerializeFormSections(multipartFormSections, boundary) end + +-- +--40 random bytes, guaranteed to contain only printable ASCII values. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:GenerateBoundary() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param formFields System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest:SerializeSimpleForm(formFields) end + + +-- +--Responsible for rejecting or accepting certificates received on https requests. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.CertificateHandler: object +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.CertificateHandler = {} + +-- +--Signals that this [CertificateHandler] is no longer being used, and should clean up any resources it is using. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.CertificateHandler.Dispose() end + + +-- +--Manage and process HTTP response body data received from a remote server. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandler: object +-- +--Returns true if this DownloadHandler has been informed by its parent UnityWebRequest that all data has been received, and this DownloadHandler has completed any necessary post-download processing. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field isDone bool +-- +--Error message describing a failure that occurred inside the download handler. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field error string +-- +--Returns the raw bytes downloaded from the remote server, or null. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field data byte[] +-- +--Convenience property. Returns the bytes from data interpreted as a UTF8 string. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field text string +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandler = {} + +-- +--Signals that this DownloadHandler is no longer being used, and should clean up any resources it is using. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandler.Dispose() end + + +-- +--A general-purpose DownloadHandler implementation which stores received data in a native byte buffer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandlerBuffer: UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandlerBuffer = {} + +-- +--The same as DownloadHandlerBuffer.text +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: www - A finished UnityWebRequest object with DownloadHandlerBuffer attached. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@param www UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandlerBuffer:GetContent(www) end + + +-- +--An abstract base class for user-created scripting-driven DownloadHandler implementations. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandlerScript: UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandlerScript = {} + + +-- +--Download handler for saving the downloaded data to file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandlerFile: UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandler +-- +--Should the created file be removed if download is aborted (manually or due to an error). Default: false. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field removeFileOnAbort bool +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandlerFile = {} + + +-- +--Helper object for UnityWebRequests. Manages the buffering and transmission of body data during HTTP requests. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.UploadHandler: object +-- +--The raw data which will be transmitted to the remote server as body data. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field data byte[] +-- +--Determines the default Content-Type header which will be transmitted with the outbound HTTP request. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field contentType string +-- +--Returns the proportion of data uploaded to the remote server compared to the total amount of data to upload. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field progress float +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UploadHandler = {} + +-- +--Signals that this UploadHandler is no longer being used, and should clean up any resources it is using. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UploadHandler.Dispose() end + + +-- +--A general-purpose UploadHandler subclass, using a native-code memory buffer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.UploadHandlerRaw: UnityEngine.Networking.UploadHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UploadHandlerRaw = {} + + +-- +--A specialized UploadHandler that reads data from a given file and sends raw bytes to the server as the request body. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.UploadHandlerFile: UnityEngine.Networking.UploadHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UploadHandlerFile = {} + + +-- +--Helpers for downloading image files into Textures using UnityWebRequest. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestTextureModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestTexture: object +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestTextureModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestTexture = {} + +-- +--A UnityWebRequest properly configured to download an image and convert it to a Texture. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: uri - The URI of the image to download. +-- nonReadable - If true, the texture's raw data will not be accessible to script. This can conserve memory. Default: false. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestTextureModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestTexture:GetTexture(uri) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestTextureModule.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestTexture:GetTexture(uri) end + +-- +--A UnityWebRequest properly configured to download an image and convert it to a Texture. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: uri - The URI of the image to download. +-- nonReadable - If true, the texture's raw data will not be accessible to script. This can conserve memory. Default: false. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestTextureModule.dll +---@param uri string +---@param nonReadable bool +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestTexture:GetTexture(uri, nonReadable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestTextureModule.dll +---@param uri System.Uri +---@param nonReadable bool +---@return UnityWebRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequestTexture:GetTexture(uri, nonReadable) end + + +-- +--A DownloadHandler subclass specialized for downloading images for use as Texture objects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestTextureModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandlerTexture: UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandler +-- +--Returns the downloaded Texture, or null. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestTextureModule.dll +---@field texture UnityEngine.Texture2D +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestTextureModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandlerTexture = {} + +-- +--The same as DownloadHandlerTexture.texture +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: www - A finished UnityWebRequest object with DownloadHandlerTexture attached. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestTextureModule.dll +---@param www UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest +---@return Texture2D +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.DownloadHandlerTexture:GetContent(www) end + + +-- +--Defines codes describing the possible outcomes of a UnityWebRequest. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Networking.Result: System.Enum +-- +--The request hasn't finished yet. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field InProgress UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.Result +-- +--The request succeeded. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field Success UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.Result +-- +--Failed to communicate with the server. For example, the request couldn't connect or it could not establish a secure channel. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field ConnectionError UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.Result +-- +--The server returned an error response. The request succeeded in communicating with the server, but received an error as defined by the connection protocol. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field ProtocolError UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.Result +-- +--Error processing data. The request succeeded in communicating with the server, but encountered an error when processing the received data. For example, the data was corrupted or not in the correct format. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +---@field DataProcessingError UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.Result +---@source UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Result = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Networking.UnityWebRequest.Result +function CS.UnityEngine.Networking.Result:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b1adb9244 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.lua @@ -0,0 +1,222 @@ +---@meta + +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.IJobParticleSystem +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.IJobParticleSystem = {} + +-- +--Implement this method to access and modify particle properties. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: jobData - Contains the particle properties. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@param jobData UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.ParticleSystemJobData +function CS.UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.IJobParticleSystem.Execute(jobData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.IJobParticleSystemParallelFor +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.IJobParticleSystemParallelFor = {} + +-- +--Implement this method to access and modify particle properties. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: jobData - Contains the particle properties. +-- index - The index of the current particle. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@param jobData UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.ParticleSystemJobData +---@param index int +function CS.UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.IJobParticleSystemParallelFor.Execute(jobData, index) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.IJobParticleSystemParallelForBatch +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.IJobParticleSystemParallelForBatch = {} + +-- +--Implement this method to access and modify particle properties. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: jobData - Contains the particle properties. +-- startIndex - The first particle index that this job should process. +-- count - The number of particles that this job should process. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@param jobData UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.ParticleSystemJobData +---@param startIndex int +---@param count int +function CS.UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.IJobParticleSystemParallelForBatch.Execute(jobData, startIndex, count) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.IParticleSystemJobExtensions: object +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.IParticleSystemJobExtensions = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@param ps UnityEngine.ParticleSystem +---@param dependsOn Unity.Jobs.JobHandle +---@return JobHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.IParticleSystemJobExtensions.Schedule(ps, dependsOn) end + +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@param ps UnityEngine.ParticleSystem +---@param minIndicesPerJobCount int +---@param dependsOn Unity.Jobs.JobHandle +---@return JobHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.IParticleSystemJobExtensions.Schedule(ps, minIndicesPerJobCount, dependsOn) end + +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@param ps UnityEngine.ParticleSystem +---@param innerLoopBatchCount int +---@param dependsOn Unity.Jobs.JobHandle +---@return JobHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.IParticleSystemJobExtensions.ScheduleBatch(ps, innerLoopBatchCount, dependsOn) end + + +-- +--A container to hold x, y, and z-axis data for particles. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.ParticleSystemNativeArray3: System.ValueType +-- +--The x-axis value for each particle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field x Unity.Collections.NativeArray +-- +--The y-axis value for each particle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field y Unity.Collections.NativeArray +-- +--The z-axis value for each particle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field z Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field this[] UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.ParticleSystemNativeArray3 = {} + + +-- +--A container to hold 4 arrays of data for particles. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.ParticleSystemNativeArray4: System.ValueType +-- +--The x-axis value for each particle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field x Unity.Collections.NativeArray +-- +--The y-axis value for each particle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field y Unity.Collections.NativeArray +-- +--The z-axis value for each particle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field z Unity.Collections.NativeArray +-- +--The w-axis value for each particle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field w Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field this[] UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.ParticleSystemNativeArray4 = {} + + +-- +--This struct specifies all the per-particle data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.ParticleSystemJobData: System.ValueType +-- +--Specifies the number of particles alive in the Particle System. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field count int +-- +--The position of each particle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field positions UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.ParticleSystemNativeArray3 +-- +--The velocity of each particle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field velocities UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.ParticleSystemNativeArray3 +-- +--Specifies an axis of rotation for each particles, in radians. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field axisOfRotations UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.ParticleSystemNativeArray3 +-- +--The rotation of each particle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field rotations UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.ParticleSystemNativeArray3 +-- +--The angular velocity of each particle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field rotationalSpeeds UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.ParticleSystemNativeArray3 +-- +--The size of each particle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field sizes UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.ParticleSystemNativeArray3 +-- +--The initial color of each particle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field startColors Unity.Collections.NativeArray +-- +--Specifies how long each particle has been alive. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field aliveTimePercent Unity.Collections.NativeArray +-- +--The lifetime of each particle, stored as 1.0f / lifetime. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field inverseStartLifetimes Unity.Collections.NativeArray +-- +--The random seed assigned to each particle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field randomSeeds Unity.Collections.NativeArray +-- +--This array contains the custom data values when you use a CustomDataModule, or when you call SetCustomParticleData. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field customData1 UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.ParticleSystemNativeArray4 +-- +--This array contains the custom data values when you use a CustomDataModule, or when you call SetCustomParticleData. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field customData2 UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.ParticleSystemNativeArray4 +-- +--Specifies a mesh index for each particle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field meshIndices Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.ParticleSystemJobs.ParticleSystemJobData = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Playables.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Playables.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..05ab2b492 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Playables.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1646 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--Implements high-level utility methods to simplify use of the Playable API with Animations. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.AnimationPlayableUtilities: object +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.AnimationPlayableUtilities = {} + +-- +--Plays the Playable on the given Animator. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: animator - Target Animator. +-- playable - The Playable that will be played. +-- graph - The Graph that owns the Playable. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param animator UnityEngine.Animator +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.AnimationPlayableUtilities:Play(animator, playable, graph) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param animator UnityEngine.Animator +---@param clip UnityEngine.AnimationClip +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@return AnimationClipPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.AnimationPlayableUtilities:PlayClip(animator, clip, graph) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param animator UnityEngine.Animator +---@param inputCount int +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@return AnimationMixerPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.AnimationPlayableUtilities:PlayMixer(animator, inputCount, graph) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param animator UnityEngine.Animator +---@param inputCount int +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@return AnimationLayerMixerPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.AnimationPlayableUtilities:PlayLayerMixer(animator, inputCount, graph) end + +---@source UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll +---@param animator UnityEngine.Animator +---@param controller UnityEngine.RuntimeAnimatorController +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@return AnimatorControllerPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.AnimationPlayableUtilities:PlayAnimatorController(animator, controller, graph) end + + +-- +--This structure contains the frame information a Playable receives in Playable.PrepareFrame. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData: System.ValueType +-- +--The current frame identifier. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field frameId ulong +-- +--Time difference between this frame and the preceding frame. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field deltaTime float +-- +--The weight of the current Playable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field weight float +-- +--The accumulated weight of the Playable during the PlayableGraph traversal. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field effectiveWeight float +-- +--The accumulated delay of the parent Playable during the PlayableGraph traversal. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field effectiveParentDelay double +-- +--The accumulated speed of the parent Playable during the PlayableGraph traversal. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field effectiveParentSpeed float +-- +--The accumulated speed of the Playable during the PlayableGraph traversal. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field effectiveSpeed float +-- +--Indicates the type of evaluation that caused PlayableGraph.PrepareFrame to be called. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field evaluationType UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData.EvaluationType +-- +--Indicates that the local time was explicitly set. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field seekOccurred bool +-- +--Indicates the local time wrapped because it has reached the duration and the extrapolation mode is set to Loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field timeLooped bool +-- +--Indicates the local time did not advance because it has reached the duration and the extrapolation mode is set to Hold. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field timeHeld bool +-- +--The PlayableOutput that initiated this graph traversal. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field output UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutput +-- +--The accumulated play state of this playable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field effectivePlayState UnityEngine.Playables.PlayState +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData = {} + + +-- +--Describes the cause for the evaluation of a PlayableGraph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.EvaluationType: System.Enum +-- +--Indicates the graph was updated due to a call to PlayableGraph.Evaluate. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Evaluate UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData.EvaluationType +-- +--Indicates the graph was called by the runtime during normal playback due to PlayableGraph.Play being called. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Playback UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData.EvaluationType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.EvaluationType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData.EvaluationType +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.EvaluationType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.INotification +-- +--The identifier is a name that identifies this notifications, or class of notifications. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field id UnityEngine.PropertyName +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.INotification = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.INotificationReceiver +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.INotificationReceiver = {} + +-- +--The method called when a notification is raised. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: origin - The playable that sent the notification. +-- notification - The received notification. +-- context - User defined data that depends on the type of notification. Uses this to pass necessary information that can change with each invocation. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param origin UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param notification UnityEngine.Playables.INotification +---@param context object +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.INotificationReceiver.OnNotify(origin, notification, context) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.IPlayable +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.IPlayable = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return PlayableHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.IPlayable.GetHandle() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.IPlayableBehaviour +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.IPlayableBehaviour = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.IPlayableBehaviour.OnGraphStart(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.IPlayableBehaviour.OnGraphStop(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.IPlayableBehaviour.OnPlayableCreate(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.IPlayableBehaviour.OnPlayableDestroy(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.IPlayableBehaviour.OnBehaviourPlay(playable, info) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.IPlayableBehaviour.OnBehaviourPause(playable, info) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.IPlayableBehaviour.PrepareFrame(playable, info) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +---@param playerData object +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.IPlayableBehaviour.ProcessFrame(playable, info, playerData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.IPlayableOutput +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.IPlayableOutput = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return PlayableOutputHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.IPlayableOutput.GetHandle() end + + +-- +--Default implementation for Playable notifications. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.Notification: object +-- +--The name that identifies this notification. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field id UnityEngine.PropertyName +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.Notification = {} + + +-- +--Wrap mode for Playables. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorWrapMode: System.Enum +-- +--Hold the last frame when the playable time reaches it's duration. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Hold UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorWrapMode +-- +--Loop back to zero time and continue playing. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Loop UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorWrapMode +-- +--Do not keep playing when the time reaches the duration. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorWrapMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorWrapMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorWrapMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorWrapMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Playables are customizable runtime objects that can be connected together and are contained in a PlayableGraph to create complex behaviours. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.Playable: System.ValueType +-- +--Returns an invalid Playable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Null UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.Playable = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param inputCount int +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.Playable:Create(graph, inputCount) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return PlayableHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.Playable.GetHandle() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.Playable.IsPlayableOfType() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Type +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.Playable.GetPlayableType() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.Playable.Equals(other) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.IPlayableAsset +-- +--Duration in seconds. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field duration double +-- +--A description of the PlayableOutputs generated by this asset. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field outputs System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.IPlayableAsset = {} + +-- +--The playable injected into the graph, or the root playable if multiple playables are injected. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: graph - The graph to inject playables into. +-- owner - The game object which initiated the build. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param owner UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.IPlayableAsset.CreatePlayable(graph, owner) end + + +-- +--A base class for assets that can be used to instantiate a Playable at runtime. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableAsset: UnityEngine.ScriptableObject +-- +--The playback duration in seconds of the instantiated Playable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field duration double +-- +--A description of the outputs of the instantiated Playable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field outputs System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableAsset = {} + +-- +--The playable injected into the graph, or the root playable if multiple playables are injected. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: graph - The graph to inject playables into. +-- owner - The game object which initiated the build. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param owner UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableAsset.CreatePlayable(graph, owner) end + + +-- +--PlayableBehaviour is the base class from which every custom playable script derives. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBehaviour: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBehaviour = {} + +-- +--This function is called when the PlayableGraph that owns this PlayableBehaviour starts. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: playable - The Playable that owns the current PlayableBehaviour. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBehaviour.OnGraphStart(playable) end + +-- +--This function is called when the PlayableGraph that owns this PlayableBehaviour stops. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: playable - The Playable that owns the current PlayableBehaviour. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBehaviour.OnGraphStop(playable) end + +-- +--This function is called when the Playable that owns the PlayableBehaviour is created. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: playable - The Playable that owns the current PlayableBehaviour. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBehaviour.OnPlayableCreate(playable) end + +-- +--This function is called when the Playable that owns the PlayableBehaviour is destroyed. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: playable - The Playable that owns the current PlayableBehaviour. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBehaviour.OnPlayableDestroy(playable) end + +-- +--This function is called when the Playable play state is changed to Playables.PlayState.Delayed. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: playable - The Playable that owns the current PlayableBehaviour. +-- info - A FrameData structure that contains information about the current frame context. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBehaviour.OnBehaviourDelay(playable, info) end + +-- +--This function is called when the Playable play state is changed to Playables.PlayState.Playing. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: playable - The Playable that owns the current PlayableBehaviour. +-- info - A FrameData structure that contains information about the current frame context. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBehaviour.OnBehaviourPlay(playable, info) end + +-- +--This method is invoked when one of the following situations occurs: +--

+-- The effective play state during traversal is changed to Playables.PlayState.Paused. This state is indicated by FrameData.effectivePlayState.

+-- The PlayableGraph is stopped while the playable play state is Playing. This state is indicated by PlayableGraph.IsPlaying returning true. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: playable - The Playable that owns the current PlayableBehaviour. +-- info - A FrameData structure that contains information about the current frame context. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBehaviour.OnBehaviourPause(playable, info) end + +-- +--This function is called during the PrepareData phase of the PlayableGraph. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: playable - The Playable that owns the current PlayableBehaviour. +-- info - A FrameData structure that contains information about the current frame context. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBehaviour.PrepareData(playable, info) end + +-- +--This function is called during the PrepareFrame phase of the PlayableGraph. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: playable - The Playable that owns the current PlayableBehaviour. +-- info - A FrameData structure that contains information about the current frame context. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBehaviour.PrepareFrame(playable, info) end + +-- +--This function is called during the ProcessFrame phase of the PlayableGraph. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: playable - The Playable that owns the current PlayableBehaviour. +-- info - A FrameData structure that contains information about the current frame context. +-- playerData - The user data of the ScriptPlayableOutput that initiated the process pass. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +---@param playerData object +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBehaviour.ProcessFrame(playable, info, playerData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Object +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBehaviour.Clone() end + + +-- +--Describes the type of information that flows in and out of a Playable. This also specifies that this Playable is connectable to others of the same type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.DataStreamType: System.Enum +-- +--Describes that the information flowing in and out of the Playable is of Animation type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Animation UnityEngine.Playables.DataStreamType +-- +--Describes that the information flowing in and out of the Playable is of Audio type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Audio UnityEngine.Playables.DataStreamType +-- +--Describes that the information flowing in and out of the Playable is of type Texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Texture UnityEngine.Playables.DataStreamType +-- +--Describes that the Playable does not have any particular type. This is use for Playables that execute script code, or that create their own playable graphs, such as the Sequence. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Playables.DataStreamType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.DataStreamType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Playables.DataStreamType +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.DataStreamType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Struct that holds information regarding an output of a PlayableAsset. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBinding: System.ValueType +-- +--A constant to represent a PlayableAsset has no bindings. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBinding[] +-- +--The default duration used when a PlayableOutput has no fixed duration. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DefaultDuration double +-- +--The name of the output or input stream. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field streamName string +-- +--A reference to a UnityEngine.Object that acts a key for this binding. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field sourceObject UnityEngine.Object +-- +--The type of target required by the PlayableOutput for this PlayableBinding. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field outputTargetType System.Type +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field sourceBindingType System.Type +-- +--The type of the output or input stream. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field streamType UnityEngine.Playables.DataStreamType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBinding = {} + + +-- +--Traversal mode for Playables. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableTraversalMode: System.Enum +-- +--Causes the Playable to prepare and process it's inputs when demanded by an output. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Mix UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableTraversalMode +-- +--Causes the Playable to act as a passthrough for PrepareFrame and ProcessFrame. If the PlayableOutput being processed is connected to the n-th input port of the Playable, the Playable only propagates the n-th output port. Use this enum value in conjunction with PlayableOutput SetSourceOutputPort. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Passthrough UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableTraversalMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableTraversalMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableTraversalMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableTraversalMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Extensions for all the types that implements IPlayable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.IsNull() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.IsValid() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.Destroy() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return PlayableGraph +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.GetGraph() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Playables.PlayState +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.SetPlayState(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return PlayState +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.GetPlayState() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.Play() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.Pause() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value double +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.SetSpeed(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Double +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.GetSpeed() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value double +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.SetDuration(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Double +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.GetDuration() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value double +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.SetTime(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Double +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.GetTime() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Double +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.GetPreviousTime() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.SetDone(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.IsDone() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.SetPropagateSetTime(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.GetPropagateSetTime() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.CanChangeInputs() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.CanSetWeights() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.CanDestroy() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value int +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.SetInputCount(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.GetInputCount() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value int +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.SetOutputCount(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.GetOutputCount() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param inputPort int +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.GetInput(inputPort) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param outputPort int +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.GetOutput(outputPort) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param inputIndex int +---@param weight float +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.SetInputWeight(inputIndex, weight) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param input V +---@param weight float +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.SetInputWeight(input, weight) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param inputIndex int +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.GetInputWeight(inputIndex) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param inputIndex int +---@param sourcePlayable V +---@param sourceOutputIndex int +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.ConnectInput(inputIndex, sourcePlayable, sourceOutputIndex) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param inputIndex int +---@param sourcePlayable V +---@param sourceOutputIndex int +---@param weight float +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.ConnectInput(inputIndex, sourcePlayable, sourceOutputIndex, weight) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param inputPort int +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.DisconnectInput(inputPort) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sourcePlayable V +---@param sourceOutputIndex int +---@param weight float +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.AddInput(sourcePlayable, sourceOutputIndex, weight) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param delay double +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.SetDelay(delay) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Double +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.GetDelay() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.IsDelayed() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value float +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.SetLeadTime(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.GetLeadTime() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return PlayableTraversalMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.GetTraversalMode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param mode UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableTraversalMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableExtensions.SetTraversalMode(mode) end + + +-- +--Defines what time source is used to update a Director graph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorUpdateMode: System.Enum +-- +--Update is based on DSP (Digital Sound Processing) clock. Use this for graphs that need to be synchronized with Audio. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DSPClock UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorUpdateMode +-- +--Update is based on Time.time. Use this for graphs that need to be synchronized on gameplay, and that need to be paused when the game is paused. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field GameTime UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorUpdateMode +-- +--Update is based on Time.unscaledTime. Use this for graphs that need to be updated even when gameplay is paused. Example: Menus transitions need to be updated even when the game is paused. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UnscaledGameTime UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorUpdateMode +-- +--Update mode is manual. You need to manually call PlayableGraph.Evaluate with your own deltaTime. This can be useful for graphs that are completely disconnected from the rest of the game. For example, localized bullet time. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Manual UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorUpdateMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorUpdateMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorUpdateMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorUpdateMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Use the PlayableGraph to manage Playable creations and destructions. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph = {} + +-- +--Returns the Playable with no output connections at the given index. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the root Playable. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.GetRootPlayable(index) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param source U +---@param sourceOutputPort int +---@param destination V +---@param destinationInputPort int +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.Connect(source, sourceOutputPort, destination, destinationInputPort) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param input U +---@param inputPort int +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.Disconnect(input, inputPort) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable U +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.DestroyPlayable(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable U +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.DestroySubgraph(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output U +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.DestroyOutput(output) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.GetOutputCountByType() end + +-- +--The PlayableOutput at this given index, otherwise null. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The output index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return PlayableOutput +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.GetOutput(index) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return PlayableOutput +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.GetOutputByType(index) end + +-- +--Evaluates all the PlayableOutputs in the graph, and updates all the connected Playables in the graph. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: deltaTime - The time in seconds by which to advance each Playable in the graph. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.Evaluate() end + +-- +--The newly created PlayableGraph. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the graph. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return PlayableGraph +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph:Create() end + +-- +--The newly created PlayableGraph. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the graph. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@return PlayableGraph +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph:Create(name) end + +-- +--Destroys the graph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.Destroy() end + +-- +--A boolean indicating if the graph is invalid or not. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.IsValid() end + +-- +--A boolean indicating if the graph is playing or not. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.IsPlaying() end + +-- +--A boolean indicating if the graph is done playing or not. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.IsDone() end + +-- +--Plays the graph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.Play() end + +-- +--Stops the graph, if it is playing. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.Stop() end + +-- +--Evaluates all the PlayableOutputs in the graph, and updates all the connected Playables in the graph. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: deltaTime - The time in seconds by which to advance each Playable in the graph. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param deltaTime float +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.Evaluate(deltaTime) end + +-- +--Returns how time is incremented when playing back. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return DirectorUpdateMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.GetTimeUpdateMode() end + +-- +--Changes how time is incremented when playing back. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: value - The new DirectorUpdateMode. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorUpdateMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.SetTimeUpdateMode(value) end + +-- +--Returns the table used by the graph to resolve ExposedReferences. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return IExposedPropertyTable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.GetResolver() end + +-- +--Changes the table used by the graph to resolve ExposedReferences. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.IExposedPropertyTable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.SetResolver(value) end + +-- +--Returns the number of Playable owned by the Graph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.GetPlayableCount() end + +-- +--Returns the number of Playable owned by the Graph that have no connected outputs. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.GetRootPlayableCount() end + +-- +--The number of PlayableOutput in the graph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.GetOutputCount() end + +-- +--Returns the name of the PlayableGraph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph.GetEditorName() end + + +-- +--Status of a Playable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.PlayState: System.Enum +-- +--The Playable has been paused. Its local time will not advance. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Paused UnityEngine.Playables.PlayState +-- +--The Playable is currently Playing. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Playing UnityEngine.Playables.PlayState +-- +--The Playable has been delayed, using PlayableExtensions.SetDelay. It will not start until the delay is entirely consumed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Delayed UnityEngine.Playables.PlayState +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayState = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Playables.PlayState +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayState:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableHandle: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Null UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableHandle +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableHandle = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param x UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableHandle +---@param y UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableHandle:op_Equality(x, y) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param x UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableHandle +---@param y UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableHandle:op_Inequality(x, y) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param p object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableHandle.Equals(p) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableHandle.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableHandle.GetHashCode() end + + +-- +--See: Playables.IPlayableOutput. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutput: System.ValueType +-- +--Returns an invalid PlayableOutput. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Null UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutput +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutput = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return PlayableOutputHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutput.GetHandle() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutput.IsPlayableOutputOfType() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Type +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutput.GetPlayableOutputType() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutput +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutput.Equals(other) end + + +-- +--Extensions for all the types that implements IPlayableOutput. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputExtensions: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputExtensions = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputExtensions.IsOutputNull() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputExtensions.IsOutputValid() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Object +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputExtensions.GetReferenceObject() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Object +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputExtensions.SetReferenceObject(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Object +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputExtensions.GetUserData() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Object +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputExtensions.SetUserData(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputExtensions.GetSourcePlayable() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value V +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputExtensions.SetSourcePlayable(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value V +---@param port int +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputExtensions.SetSourcePlayable(value, port) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputExtensions.GetSourceOutputPort() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputExtensions.GetWeight() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value float +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputExtensions.SetWeight(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param origin UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param notification UnityEngine.Playables.INotification +---@param context object +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputExtensions.PushNotification(origin, notification, context) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputExtensions.GetNotificationReceivers() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param receiver UnityEngine.Playables.INotificationReceiver +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputExtensions.AddNotificationReceiver(receiver) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param receiver UnityEngine.Playables.INotificationReceiver +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputExtensions.RemoveNotificationReceiver(receiver) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputExtensions.GetSourceInputPort() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value int +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputExtensions.SetSourceInputPort(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value int +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputExtensions.SetSourceOutputPort(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputHandle: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Null UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputHandle +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputHandle = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputHandle.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputHandle +---@param rhs UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputHandle:op_Equality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputHandle +---@param rhs UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputHandle:op_Inequality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param p object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputHandle.Equals(p) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutputHandle.Equals(other) end + + +-- +--A IPlayable implementation that contains a PlayableBehaviour for the PlayableGraph. PlayableBehaviour can be used to write custom Playable that implement their own PrepareFrame callback. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.ScriptPlayable: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Null UnityEngine.Playables.ScriptPlayable +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.ScriptPlayable = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param inputCount int +---@return ScriptPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.ScriptPlayable:Create(graph, inputCount) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param template T +---@param inputCount int +---@return ScriptPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.ScriptPlayable:Create(graph, template, inputCount) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return PlayableHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.ScriptPlayable.GetHandle() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.ScriptPlayable.GetBehaviour() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.ScriptPlayable +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.ScriptPlayable:op_Implicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@return ScriptPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.ScriptPlayable:op_Explicit(playable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Playables.ScriptPlayable +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.ScriptPlayable.Equals(other) end + + +-- +--A PlayableBinding that contains information representing a ScriptingPlayableOutput. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.ScriptPlayableBinding: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.ScriptPlayableBinding = {} + +-- +--Returns a PlayableBinding that contains information that is used to create a ScriptPlayableOutput. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: key - A reference to a UnityEngine.Object that acts as a key for this binding. +-- type - The type of object that will be bound to the ScriptPlayableOutput. +-- name - The name of the ScriptPlayableOutput. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param key UnityEngine.Object +---@param type System.Type +---@return PlayableBinding +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.ScriptPlayableBinding:Create(name, key, type) end + + +-- +--A IPlayableOutput implementation that contains a script output for the a PlayableGraph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.ScriptPlayableOutput: System.ValueType +-- +--Returns an invalid ScriptPlayableOutput. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Null UnityEngine.Playables.ScriptPlayableOutput +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.ScriptPlayableOutput = {} + +-- +--The created ScriptPlayableOutput. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: graph - The PlayableGraph that will contain the ScriptPlayableOutput. +-- name - The name of this ScriptPlayableOutput. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param name string +---@return ScriptPlayableOutput +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.ScriptPlayableOutput:Create(graph, name) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return PlayableOutputHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.ScriptPlayableOutput.GetHandle() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output UnityEngine.Playables.ScriptPlayableOutput +---@return PlayableOutput +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.ScriptPlayableOutput:op_Implicit(output) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableOutput +---@return ScriptPlayableOutput +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.ScriptPlayableOutput:op_Explicit(output) end + + +-- +--Instantiates a PlayableAsset and controls playback of Playable objects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector: UnityEngine.Behaviour +-- +--The current playing state of the component. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@field state UnityEngine.Playables.PlayState +-- +--Controls how the time is incremented when it goes beyond the duration of the playable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@field extrapolationMode UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorWrapMode +-- +--The PlayableAsset that is used to instantiate a playable for playback. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@field playableAsset UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableAsset +-- +--The PlayableGraph created by the PlayableDirector. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@field playableGraph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +-- +--Whether the playable asset will start playing back as soon as the component awakes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@field playOnAwake bool +-- +--Controls how time is incremented when playing back. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@field timeUpdateMode UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorUpdateMode +-- +--The component's current time. This value is incremented according to the PlayableDirector.timeUpdateMode when it is playing. You can also change this value manually. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@field time double +-- +--The time at which the Playable should start when first played. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@field initialTime double +-- +--The duration of the Playable in seconds. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@field duration double +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@field played System.Action +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@field paused System.Action +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@field stopped System.Action +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector = {} + +-- +--Tells the PlayableDirector to evaluate it's PlayableGraph on the next update. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.DeferredEvaluate() end + +-- +--Instatiates a Playable using the provided PlayableAsset and starts playback. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: asset - An asset to instantiate a playable from. +-- mode - What to do when the time passes the duration of the playable. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@param asset UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableAsset +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.Play(asset) end + +-- +--Instatiates a Playable using the provided PlayableAsset and starts playback. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: asset - An asset to instantiate a playable from. +-- mode - What to do when the time passes the duration of the playable. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@param asset UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableAsset +---@param mode UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorWrapMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.Play(asset, mode) end + +-- +--Sets the binding of a reference object from a PlayableBinding. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: key - The source object in the PlayableBinding. +-- value - The object to bind to the key. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@param key UnityEngine.Object +---@param value UnityEngine.Object +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.SetGenericBinding(key, value) end + +-- +--Evaluates the currently playing Playable at the current time. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.Evaluate() end + +-- +--Instatiates a Playable using the provided PlayableAsset and starts playback. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: asset - An asset to instantiate a playable from. +-- mode - What to do when the time passes the duration of the playable. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.Play() end + +-- +--Stops playback of the current Playable and destroys the corresponding graph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.Stop() end + +-- +--Pauses playback of the currently running playable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.Pause() end + +-- +--Resume playing a paused playable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.Resume() end + +-- +--Discards the existing PlayableGraph and creates a new instance. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.RebuildGraph() end + +-- +--Clears an exposed reference value. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: id - Identifier of the ExposedReference. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@param id UnityEngine.PropertyName +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.ClearReferenceValue(id) end + +-- +--Sets an ExposedReference value. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: id - Identifier of the ExposedReference. +-- value - The object to bind to set the reference value to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@param id UnityEngine.PropertyName +---@param value UnityEngine.Object +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.SetReferenceValue(id, value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@param id UnityEngine.PropertyName +---@param idValid bool +---@return Object +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.GetReferenceValue(id, idValid) end + +-- +--Returns a binding to a reference object. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: key - The object that acts as a key. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@param key UnityEngine.Object +---@return Object +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.GetGenericBinding(key) end + +-- +--Clears the binding of a reference object. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: key - The source object in the PlayableBinding. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@param key UnityEngine.Object +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.ClearGenericBinding(key) end + +-- +--Rebinds each PlayableOutput of the PlayableGraph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.RebindPlayableGraphOutputs() end + +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.add_played(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.remove_played(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.add_paused(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.remove_paused(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.add_stopped(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector.remove_stopped(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..04edbff73 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1161 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--Update phase in the native player loop that waits for the operating system (OS) to flip the back buffer to the display and update the time in the engine. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.TimeUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.TimeUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Waits for the operating system (OS) to flip the back buffer to the display and update the time in the engine. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.WaitForLastPresentationAndUpdateTime: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.WaitForLastPresentationAndUpdateTime = {} + + +-- +--Update phase in the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.Initialization: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.Initialization = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PlayerUpdateTime: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PlayerUpdateTime = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateCameraMotionVectors: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateCameraMotionVectors = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DirectorSampleTime: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DirectorSampleTime = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.AsyncUploadTimeSlicedUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.AsyncUploadTimeSlicedUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.SynchronizeState: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.SynchronizeState = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.SynchronizeInputs: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.SynchronizeInputs = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.XREarlyUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.XREarlyUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Update phase in the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.EarlyUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.EarlyUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PollPlayerConnection: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PollPlayerConnection = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ProfilerStartFrame: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ProfilerStartFrame = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PollHtcsPlayerConnection: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PollHtcsPlayerConnection = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.GpuTimestamp: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.GpuTimestamp = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.AnalyticsCoreStatsUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.AnalyticsCoreStatsUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UnityWebRequestUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UnityWebRequestUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateStreamingManager: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateStreamingManager = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ExecuteMainThreadJobs: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ExecuteMainThreadJobs = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ProcessMouseInWindow: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ProcessMouseInWindow = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ClearIntermediateRenderers: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ClearIntermediateRenderers = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ClearLines: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ClearLines = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PresentBeforeUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PresentBeforeUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ResetFrameStatsAfterPresent: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ResetFrameStatsAfterPresent = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateAsyncReadbackManager: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateAsyncReadbackManager = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateTextureStreamingManager: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateTextureStreamingManager = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdatePreloading: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdatePreloading = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.RendererNotifyInvisible: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.RendererNotifyInvisible = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PlayerCleanupCachedData: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PlayerCleanupCachedData = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateMainGameViewRect: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateMainGameViewRect = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateCanvasRectTransform: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateCanvasRectTransform = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateInputManager: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateInputManager = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ProcessRemoteInput: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ProcessRemoteInput = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.XRUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.XRUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ScriptRunDelayedStartupFrame: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ScriptRunDelayedStartupFrame = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateKinect: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateKinect = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DeliverIosPlatformEvents: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DeliverIosPlatformEvents = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DispatchEventQueueEvents: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DispatchEventQueueEvents = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PhysicsResetInterpolatedTransformPosition: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PhysicsResetInterpolatedTransformPosition = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.SpriteAtlasManagerUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.SpriteAtlasManagerUpdate = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.TangoUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.TangoUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ARCoreUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ARCoreUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PerformanceAnalyticsUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PerformanceAnalyticsUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Update phase in the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.FixedUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.FixedUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Update phase in the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.Update: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.Update = {} + + +-- +--Update phase in the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PreLateUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PreLateUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Update phase in the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PostLateUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PostLateUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ClearLines: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ClearLines = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DirectorFixedSampleTime: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DirectorFixedSampleTime = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ScriptRunBehaviourUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ScriptRunBehaviourUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.AudioFixedUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.AudioFixedUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DirectorUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DirectorUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ScriptRunDelayedDynamicFrameRate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ScriptRunDelayedDynamicFrameRate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DirectorFixedUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DirectorFixedUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ScriptRunDelayedTasks: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ScriptRunDelayedTasks = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.LegacyFixedAnimationUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.LegacyFixedAnimationUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.XRFixedUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.XRFixedUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PhysicsFixedUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PhysicsFixedUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.Physics2DFixedUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.Physics2DFixedUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DirectorFixedUpdatePostPhysics: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DirectorFixedUpdatePostPhysics = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ScriptRunDelayedFixedFrameRate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ScriptRunDelayedFixedFrameRate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.NewInputFixedUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.NewInputFixedUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Update phase in the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PreUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PreUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.Physics2DLateUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.Physics2DLateUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.AIUpdatePostScript: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.AIUpdatePostScript = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DirectorUpdateAnimationBegin: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DirectorUpdateAnimationBegin = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.LegacyAnimationUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.LegacyAnimationUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PhysicsUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PhysicsUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DirectorUpdateAnimationEnd: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DirectorUpdateAnimationEnd = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DirectorDeferredEvaluate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DirectorDeferredEvaluate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.Physics2DUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.Physics2DUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UIElementsUpdatePanels: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UIElementsUpdatePanels = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.CheckTexFieldInput: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.CheckTexFieldInput = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateNetworkManager: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateNetworkManager = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.IMGUISendQueuedEvents: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.IMGUISendQueuedEvents = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateMasterServerInterface: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateMasterServerInterface = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.SendMouseEvents: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.SendMouseEvents = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UNetUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UNetUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.AIUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.AIUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.EndGraphicsJobsAfterScriptUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.EndGraphicsJobsAfterScriptUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.WindUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.WindUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ParticleSystemBeginUpdateAll: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ParticleSystemBeginUpdateAll = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateVideo: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateVideo = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ScriptRunBehaviourLateUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ScriptRunBehaviourLateUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.NewInputUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.NewInputUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ConstraintManagerUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ConstraintManagerUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PlayerSendFrameStarted: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PlayerSendFrameStarted = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateRectTransform: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateRectTransform = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateCanvasRectTransform: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateCanvasRectTransform = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PlayerUpdateCanvases: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PlayerUpdateCanvases = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateAudio: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateAudio = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateVideo: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateVideo = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DirectorLateUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DirectorLateUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ScriptRunDelayedDynamicFrameRate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ScriptRunDelayedDynamicFrameRate = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.VFXUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.VFXUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ParticleSystemEndUpdateAll: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ParticleSystemEndUpdateAll = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.EndGraphicsJobsAfterScriptLateUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.EndGraphicsJobsAfterScriptLateUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateSubstance: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateSubstance = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateCustomRenderTextures: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateCustomRenderTextures = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the Player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.XRPostLateUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.XRPostLateUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateAllRenderers: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateAllRenderers = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateLightProbeProxyVolumes: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateLightProbeProxyVolumes = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.EnlightenRuntimeUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.EnlightenRuntimeUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateAllSkinnedMeshes: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateAllSkinnedMeshes = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ProcessWebSendMessages: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ProcessWebSendMessages = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.SortingGroupsUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.SortingGroupsUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateVideoTextures: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateVideoTextures = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DirectorRenderImage: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.DirectorRenderImage = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PlayerEmitCanvasGeometry: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PlayerEmitCanvasGeometry = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.FinishFrameRendering: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.FinishFrameRendering = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.BatchModeUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.BatchModeUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PlayerSendFrameComplete: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PlayerSendFrameComplete = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateCaptureScreenshot: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateCaptureScreenshot = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PresentAfterDraw: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PresentAfterDraw = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ClearImmediateRenderers: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ClearImmediateRenderers = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateResolution: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.UpdateResolution = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.InputEndFrame: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.InputEndFrame = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.GUIClearEvents: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.GUIClearEvents = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ShaderHandleErrors: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ShaderHandleErrors = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ResetInputAxis: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ResetInputAxis = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ThreadedLoadingDebug: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ThreadedLoadingDebug = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ProfilerSynchronizeStats: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ProfilerSynchronizeStats = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.MemoryFrameMaintenance: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.MemoryFrameMaintenance = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ExecuteGameCenterCallbacks: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ExecuteGameCenterCallbacks = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the Player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.XRPreEndFrame: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.XRPreEndFrame = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ProfilerEndFrame: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.ProfilerEndFrame = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PlayerSendFramePostPresent: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PlayerSendFramePostPresent = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PhysicsSkinnedClothBeginUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PhysicsSkinnedClothBeginUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PhysicsSkinnedClothFinishUpdate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.PhysicsSkinnedClothFinishUpdate = {} + + +-- +--Native engine system updated by the native player loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.TriggerEndOfFrameCallbacks: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.PlayerLoop.TriggerEndOfFrameCallbacks = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Profiling.Experimental.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Profiling.Experimental.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b92971ba3 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Profiling.Experimental.lua @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--A raw data representation of a screenshot. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Profiling.Experimental.DebugScreenCapture: System.ValueType +-- +--A non-owning reference to the image data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field rawImageDataReference Unity.Collections.NativeArray +-- +--The format in which the image was captured. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field imageFormat UnityEngine.TextureFormat +-- +--Width of the image. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field width int +-- +--Height of the image. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field height int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Experimental.DebugScreenCapture = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c02b6aba3 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.lua @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--Flags that specify which fields to capture in a snapshot. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.CaptureFlags: System.Enum +-- +--Corresponds to the ManagedHeapSections, ManagedStacks, Connections, TypeDescriptions fields in a Memory Snapshot. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ManagedObjects UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.CaptureFlags +-- +--Corresponds to the NativeObject and NativeType fields in a Memory Snapshot. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field NativeObjects UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.CaptureFlags +-- +--Corresponds to the NativeAllocations, NativeMemoryRegions, NativeRootReferences, and NativeMemoryLabels fields in a Memory Snapshot. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field NativeAllocations UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.CaptureFlags +-- +--Corresponds to the NativeAllocationSite field in a Memory Snapshot. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field NativeAllocationSites UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.CaptureFlags +-- +--Corresponds to the NativeCallstackSymbol field in a Memory Snapshot. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field NativeStackTraces UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.CaptureFlags +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.CaptureFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.CaptureFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.CaptureFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Container for memory snapshot meta data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.MetaData: object +-- +--User defined meta data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field content string +-- +--Memory snapshot meta data containing platform information. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field platform string +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.MetaData = {} + + +-- +--Memory profiling API container class. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.MemoryProfiler: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field createMetaData System.Action +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.MemoryProfiler = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.MemoryProfiler:add_createMetaData(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.MemoryProfiler:remove_createMetaData(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param path string +---@param finishCallback System.Action +---@param captureFlags UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.CaptureFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.MemoryProfiler:TakeSnapshot(path, finishCallback, captureFlags) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param path string +---@param finishCallback System.Action +---@param screenshotCallback System.Action +---@param captureFlags UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.CaptureFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.MemoryProfiler:TakeSnapshot(path, finishCallback, screenshotCallback, captureFlags) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param finishCallback System.Action +---@param captureFlags UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.CaptureFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Memory.Experimental.MemoryProfiler:TakeTempSnapshot(finishCallback, captureFlags) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Profiling.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Profiling.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2b0289e09 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Profiling.lua @@ -0,0 +1,564 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--The different areas of profiling, corresponding to the charts in ProfilerWindow. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Profiling.ProfilerArea: System.Enum +-- +--CPU statistics. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field CPU UnityEngine.Profiling.ProfilerArea +-- +--GPU statistics. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field GPU UnityEngine.Profiling.ProfilerArea +-- +--Rendering statistics. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Rendering UnityEngine.Profiling.ProfilerArea +-- +--Memory statistics. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Memory UnityEngine.Profiling.ProfilerArea +-- +--Audio statistics. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Audio UnityEngine.Profiling.ProfilerArea +-- +--Video playback statistics. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Video UnityEngine.Profiling.ProfilerArea +-- +--3D Physics statistics. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Physics UnityEngine.Profiling.ProfilerArea +-- +--2D physics statistics. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Physics2D UnityEngine.Profiling.ProfilerArea +-- +--Network messages statistics. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field NetworkMessages UnityEngine.Profiling.ProfilerArea +-- +--Network operations statistics. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field NetworkOperations UnityEngine.Profiling.ProfilerArea +-- +--UI statistics. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UI UnityEngine.Profiling.ProfilerArea +-- +--Detailed UI statistics. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UIDetails UnityEngine.Profiling.ProfilerArea +-- +--Global Illumination statistics. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field GlobalIllumination UnityEngine.Profiling.ProfilerArea +-- +--Virtual Texturing statistics. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field VirtualTexturing UnityEngine.Profiling.ProfilerArea +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.ProfilerArea = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Profiling.ProfilerArea +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.ProfilerArea:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Controls the from script. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field supported bool +-- +--Specifies the file to use when writing profiling data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field logFile string +-- +--Enables the logging of profiling data to a file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field enableBinaryLog bool +-- +--Sets the maximum amount of memory that Profiler uses for buffering data. This property is expressed in bytes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field maxUsedMemory int +-- +--Enables the Profiler. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field enabled bool +-- +--Enables the recording of callstacks for managed allocations. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field enableAllocationCallstacks bool +-- +--The number of ProfilerArea|Profiler Areas that you can profile. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field areaCount int +-- +--Resize the profiler sample buffers to allow the desired amount of samples per thread. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field maxNumberOfSamplesPerFrame int +-- +--Size of the used heap in bytes, (or 0 if the profiler is disabled). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field usedHeapSize uint +-- +--Size of the memory allocated by Unity (or 0 if the profiler is disabled). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field usedHeapSizeLong long +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler = {} + +-- +--Enable or disable a given ProfilerArea. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: area - The area you want to enable or disable. +-- enabled - Enable or disable the collection of data for this area. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param area UnityEngine.Profiling.ProfilerArea +---@param enabled bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:SetAreaEnabled(area, enabled) end + +-- +--Returns whether or not a given ProfilerArea is currently enabled. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: area - Which area you want to check the state of. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param area UnityEngine.Profiling.ProfilerArea +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:GetAreaEnabled(area) end + +-- +--Displays the recorded profile data in the profiler. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: file - The name of the file containing the frame data, including extension. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param file string +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:AddFramesFromFile(file) end + +-- +--Enables profiling on the thread from which you call this method. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: threadGroupName - The name of the thread group to which the thread belongs. +-- threadName - The name of the thread. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param threadGroupName string +---@param threadName string +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:BeginThreadProfiling(threadGroupName, threadName) end + +-- +--Frees the internal resources used by the Profiler for the thread. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:EndThreadProfiling() end + +-- +--Begin profiling a piece of code with a custom label. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - A string to identify the sample in the Profiler window. +-- targetObject - An object that provides context to the sample,. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:BeginSample(name) end + +-- +--Begin profiling a piece of code with a custom label. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - A string to identify the sample in the Profiler window. +-- targetObject - An object that provides context to the sample,. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param targetObject UnityEngine.Object +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:BeginSample(name, targetObject) end + +-- +--Ends the current profiling sample. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:EndSample() end + +-- +--Returns the runtime memory usage of the resource. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param o UnityEngine.Object +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:GetRuntimeMemorySize(o) end + +-- +--The amount of native-memory used by a Unity object. This returns 0 if the Profiler is not available. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: o - The target Unity object. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param o UnityEngine.Object +---@return Int64 +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:GetRuntimeMemorySizeLong(o) end + +-- +--Returns the size of the mono heap. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return UInt32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:GetMonoHeapSize() end + +-- +--The size of the managed heap. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:GetMonoHeapSizeLong() end + +-- +--Returns the used size from mono. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return UInt32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:GetMonoUsedSize() end + +-- +--Returns a long integer value of the memory in use. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:GetMonoUsedSizeLong() end + +-- +--Returns true if requested size was successfully set. Will return false if value is disallowed (too small). +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: size - Size in bytes. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param size uint +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:SetTempAllocatorRequestedSize(size) end + +-- +--Size in bytes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return UInt32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:GetTempAllocatorSize() end + +-- +--Returns the amount of allocated and used system memory. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return UInt32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:GetTotalAllocatedMemory() end + +-- +--The amount of memory allocated by Unity. This returns 0 if the Profiler is not available. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:GetTotalAllocatedMemoryLong() end + +-- +--Returns the amount of reserved but not used system memory. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return UInt32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:GetTotalUnusedReservedMemory() end + +-- +--The amount of unused memory in the reserved pools. This returns 0 if the Profiler is not available. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:GetTotalUnusedReservedMemoryLong() end + +-- +--Returns the amount of reserved system memory. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return UInt32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:GetTotalReservedMemory() end + +-- +--Memory reserved by Unity in bytes. This returns 0 if the Profiler is not available. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:GetTotalReservedMemoryLong() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param stats Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@return Int64 +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:GetTotalFragmentationInfo(stats) end + +-- +--Returns the amount of allocated memory for the graphics driver, in bytes. +-- +--Only available in development players and editor. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:GetAllocatedMemoryForGraphicsDriver() end + +-- +--Write metadata associated with the current frame to the Profiler stream. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: id - Module identifier. Used to distinguish metadata streams between different plugins, packages or modules. +-- tag - Data stream index. +-- data - Binary data. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param id System.Guid +---@param tag int +---@param data System.Array +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:EmitFrameMetaData(id, tag, data) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param id System.Guid +---@param tag int +---@param data System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:EmitFrameMetaData(id, tag, data) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param id System.Guid +---@param tag int +---@param data Unity.Collections.NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:EmitFrameMetaData(id, tag, data) end + +-- +--Write metadata associated with the whole Profiler session capture. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: id - Unique identifier associated with the data. +-- tag - Data stream index. +-- data - Binary data. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param id System.Guid +---@param tag int +---@param data System.Array +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:EmitSessionMetaData(id, tag, data) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param id System.Guid +---@param tag int +---@param data System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:EmitSessionMetaData(id, tag, data) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param id System.Guid +---@param tag int +---@param data Unity.Collections.NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Profiler:EmitSessionMetaData(id, tag, data) end + + +-- +--Records profiling data produced by a specific Sampler. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Profiling.Recorder: object +-- +--Returns true if Recorder is valid and can collect data. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field isValid bool +-- +--Enables recording. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field enabled bool +-- +--Accumulated time of Begin/End pairs for the previous frame in nanoseconds. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field elapsedNanoseconds long +-- +--Gets the accumulated GPU time, in nanoseconds, for a frame. The Recorder has a three frame delay so this gives the timings for the frame that was three frames before the one that you access this property on. (Read Only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field gpuElapsedNanoseconds long +-- +--Number of time Begin/End pairs was called during the previous frame. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field sampleBlockCount int +-- +--Gets the number of Begin/End time pairs that the GPU executed during a frame. The Recorder has a three frame delay so this gives the timings for the frame that was three frames before the one that you access this property on. (Read Only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field gpuSampleBlockCount int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Recorder = {} + +-- +--Recorder object for the specified Sampler. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: samplerName - Sampler name. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param samplerName string +---@return Recorder +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Recorder:Get(samplerName) end + +-- +--Configures the recorder to only collect data from the current thread. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Recorder.FilterToCurrentThread() end + +-- +--Configures the recorder to collect samples from all threads. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Recorder.CollectFromAllThreads() end + + +-- +--Provides control over a CPU Profiler label. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Profiling.Sampler: object +-- +--Returns true if Sampler is valid. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field isValid bool +-- +--Sampler name. (Read Only) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field name string +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Sampler = {} + +-- +--Recorder object associated with the Sampler. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Recorder +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Sampler.GetRecorder() end + +-- +--Sampler object which represents specific profiler label. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - Profiler Sampler name. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@return Sampler +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Sampler:Get(name) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param names System.Collections.Generic.List +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.Sampler:GetNames(names) end + + +-- +--Custom CPU Profiler label used for profiling arbitrary code blocks. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Profiling.CustomSampler: UnityEngine.Profiling.Sampler +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.CustomSampler = {} + +-- +--CustomSampler object or null if a built-in Sampler with the same name exists. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - Name of the Sampler. +-- collectGpuData - Specifies whether this Sampler records GPU timings. If you want the Sampler to record GPU timings, set this to true. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param collectGpuData bool +---@return CustomSampler +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.CustomSampler:Create(name, collectGpuData) end + +-- +--Begin profiling a piece of code with a custom label defined by this instance of CustomSampler. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.CustomSampler.Begin() end + +-- +--Begin profiling a piece of code with a custom label defined by this instance of CustomSampler. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param targetObject UnityEngine.Object +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.CustomSampler.Begin(targetObject) end + +-- +--End profiling a piece of code with a custom label. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Profiling.CustomSampler.End() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bdb19eca8 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.lua @@ -0,0 +1,2145 @@ +---@meta + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DisplayNameAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field displayName string +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DisplayNameAttribute = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.MaxAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field max float +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.MaxAttribute = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.MinAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field min float +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.MinAttribute = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.MinMaxAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field min float +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field max float +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.MinMaxAttribute = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field renderer System.Type +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field eventType UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEvent +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field menuItem string +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field allowInSceneView bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessAttribute = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TrackballAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field mode UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TrackballAttribute.Mode +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TrackballAttribute = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Mode: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TrackballAttribute.Mode +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Lift UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TrackballAttribute.Mode +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Gamma UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TrackballAttribute.Mode +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Gain UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TrackballAttribute.Mode +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Mode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TrackballAttribute.Mode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Mode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusionMode: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field ScalableAmbientObscurance UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusionMode +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field MultiScaleVolumetricObscurance UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusionMode +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusionMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusionMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusionMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusionQuality: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Lowest UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusionQuality +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Low UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusionQuality +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Medium UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusionQuality +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field High UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusionQuality +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Ultra UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusionQuality +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusionQuality = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusionQuality +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusionQuality:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusionModeParameter: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusionModeParameter = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusionQualityParameter: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusionQualityParameter = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusion: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectSettings +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field mode UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusionModeParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field intensity UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field color UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field ambientOnly UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.BoolParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field noiseFilterTolerance UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field blurTolerance UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field upsampleTolerance UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field thicknessModifier UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field directLightingStrength UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field radius UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field quality UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusionQualityParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusion = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param context UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AmbientOcclusion.IsEnabledAndSupported(context) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.EyeAdaptation: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Progressive UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.EyeAdaptation +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Fixed UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.EyeAdaptation +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.EyeAdaptation = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.EyeAdaptation +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.EyeAdaptation:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.EyeAdaptationParameter: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.EyeAdaptationParameter = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AutoExposure: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectSettings +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field filtering UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector2Parameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field minLuminance UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field maxLuminance UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field keyValue UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field eyeAdaptation UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.EyeAdaptationParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field speedUp UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field speedDown UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AutoExposure = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param context UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.AutoExposure.IsEnabledAndSupported(context) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Bloom: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectSettings +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field intensity UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field threshold UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field softKnee UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field clamp UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field diffusion UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field anamorphicRatio UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field color UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field fastMode UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.BoolParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field dirtTexture UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TextureParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field dirtIntensity UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Bloom = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param context UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Bloom.IsEnabledAndSupported(context) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ChromaticAberration: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectSettings +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field spectralLut UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TextureParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field intensity UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field fastMode UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.BoolParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ChromaticAberration = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param context UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ChromaticAberration.IsEnabledAndSupported(context) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.GradingMode: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field LowDefinitionRange UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.GradingMode +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field HighDefinitionRange UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.GradingMode +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field External UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.GradingMode +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.GradingMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.GradingMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.GradingMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Tonemapper: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Tonemapper +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Neutral UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Tonemapper +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field ACES UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Tonemapper +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Custom UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Tonemapper +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Tonemapper = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Tonemapper +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Tonemapper:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.GradingModeParameter: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.GradingModeParameter = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TonemapperParameter: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TonemapperParameter = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorGrading: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectSettings +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field gradingMode UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.GradingModeParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field externalLut UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TextureParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field tonemapper UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TonemapperParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field toneCurveToeStrength UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field toneCurveToeLength UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field toneCurveShoulderStrength UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field toneCurveShoulderLength UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field toneCurveShoulderAngle UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field toneCurveGamma UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field ldrLut UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TextureParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field ldrLutContribution UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field temperature UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field tint UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field colorFilter UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field hueShift UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field saturation UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field brightness UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field postExposure UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field contrast UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field mixerRedOutRedIn UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field mixerRedOutGreenIn UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field mixerRedOutBlueIn UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field mixerGreenOutRedIn UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field mixerGreenOutGreenIn UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field mixerGreenOutBlueIn UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field mixerBlueOutRedIn UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field mixerBlueOutGreenIn UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field mixerBlueOutBlueIn UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field lift UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector4Parameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field gamma UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector4Parameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field gain UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector4Parameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field masterCurve UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SplineParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field redCurve UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SplineParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field greenCurve UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SplineParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field blueCurve UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SplineParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field hueVsHueCurve UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SplineParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field hueVsSatCurve UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SplineParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field satVsSatCurve UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SplineParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field lumVsSatCurve UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SplineParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorGrading = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param context UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorGrading.IsEnabledAndSupported(context) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.KernelSize: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Small UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.KernelSize +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Medium UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.KernelSize +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Large UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.KernelSize +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field VeryLarge UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.KernelSize +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.KernelSize = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.KernelSize +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.KernelSize:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.KernelSizeParameter: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.KernelSizeParameter = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DepthOfField: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectSettings +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field focusDistance UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field aperture UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field focalLength UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field kernelSize UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.KernelSizeParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DepthOfField = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param context UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DepthOfField.IsEnabledAndSupported(context) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FastApproximateAntialiasing: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field fastMode bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field keepAlpha bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FastApproximateAntialiasing = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Fog: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field enabled bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field excludeSkybox bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Fog = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Grain: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectSettings +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field colored UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.BoolParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field intensity UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field size UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field lumContrib UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Grain = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param context UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Grain.IsEnabledAndSupported(context) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.LensDistortion: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectSettings +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field intensity UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field intensityX UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field intensityY UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field centerX UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field centerY UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field scale UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.LensDistortion = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param context UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.LensDistortion.IsEnabledAndSupported(context) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.MotionBlur: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectSettings +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field shutterAngle UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field sampleCount UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.IntParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.MotionBlur = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param context UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.MotionBlur.IsEnabledAndSupported(context) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionPreset: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Lower UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionPreset +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Low UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionPreset +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Medium UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionPreset +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field High UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionPreset +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Higher UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionPreset +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Ultra UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionPreset +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Overkill UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionPreset +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Custom UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionPreset +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionPreset = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionPreset +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionPreset:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionResolution: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Downsampled UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionResolution +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field FullSize UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionResolution +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Supersampled UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionResolution +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionResolution = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionResolution +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionResolution:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionPresetParameter: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionPresetParameter = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionResolutionParameter: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionResolutionParameter = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflections: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectSettings +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field preset UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionPresetParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field maximumIterationCount UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.IntParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field resolution UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflectionResolutionParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field thickness UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field maximumMarchDistance UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field distanceFade UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field vignette UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflections = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param context UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ScreenSpaceReflections.IsEnabledAndSupported(context) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SubpixelMorphologicalAntialiasing: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field quality UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SubpixelMorphologicalAntialiasing.Quality +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SubpixelMorphologicalAntialiasing = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SubpixelMorphologicalAntialiasing.IsSupported() end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Quality: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Low UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SubpixelMorphologicalAntialiasing.Quality +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Medium UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SubpixelMorphologicalAntialiasing.Quality +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field High UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SubpixelMorphologicalAntialiasing.Quality +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Quality = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SubpixelMorphologicalAntialiasing.Quality +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Quality:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TemporalAntialiasing: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field jitterSpread float +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field sharpness float +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field stationaryBlending float +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field motionBlending float +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field jitteredMatrixFunc System.Func +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field jitter UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field sampleIndex int +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TemporalAntialiasing = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TemporalAntialiasing.IsSupported() end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param camera UnityEngine.Camera +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TemporalAntialiasing.GetJitteredProjectionMatrix(camera) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param context UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TemporalAntialiasing.ConfigureJitteredProjectionMatrix(context) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param context UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TemporalAntialiasing.ConfigureStereoJitteredProjectionMatrices(context) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.VignetteMode: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Classic UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.VignetteMode +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Masked UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.VignetteMode +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.VignetteMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.VignetteMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.VignetteMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.VignetteModeParameter: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.VignetteModeParameter = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vignette: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectSettings +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field mode UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.VignetteModeParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field color UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field center UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector2Parameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field intensity UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field smoothness UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field roundness UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field rounded UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.BoolParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field mask UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TextureParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field opacity UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vignette = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param context UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vignette.IsEnabledAndSupported(context) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.HistogramMonitor: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Monitor +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field width int +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field height int +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field channel UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.HistogramMonitor.Channel +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.HistogramMonitor = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Channel: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Red UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.HistogramMonitor.Channel +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Green UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.HistogramMonitor.Channel +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Blue UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.HistogramMonitor.Channel +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Master UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.HistogramMonitor.Channel +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Channel = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.HistogramMonitor.Channel +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Channel:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.LightMeterMonitor: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Monitor +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field width int +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field height int +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field showCurves bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.LightMeterMonitor = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.MonitorType: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field LightMeter UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.MonitorType +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Histogram UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.MonitorType +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Waveform UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.MonitorType +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Vectorscope UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.MonitorType +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.MonitorType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.MonitorType +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.MonitorType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Monitor: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field output UnityEngine.RenderTexture +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Monitor = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param context UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Monitor.IsRequestedAndSupported(context) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.VectorscopeMonitor: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Monitor +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field size int +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field exposure float +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.VectorscopeMonitor = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.WaveformMonitor: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Monitor +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field exposure float +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field height int +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.WaveformMonitor = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field overrideState bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride.GetHash() end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride.GetValue() end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field value T +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param from T +---@param to T +---@param t float +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride.Interp(from, to, t) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param x T +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride.Override(x) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride.GetHash() end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param prop UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride:op_Implicit(prop) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param from float +---@param to float +---@param t float +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FloatParameter.Interp(from, to, t) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.IntParameter: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.IntParameter = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param from int +---@param to int +---@param t float +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.IntParameter.Interp(from, to, t) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.BoolParameter: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.BoolParameter = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorParameter: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorParameter = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param from UnityEngine.Color +---@param to UnityEngine.Color +---@param t float +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorParameter.Interp(from, to, t) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param prop UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorParameter +---@return Vector4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorParameter:op_Implicit(prop) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector2Parameter: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector2Parameter = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param from UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param to UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param t float +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector2Parameter.Interp(from, to, t) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param prop UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector2Parameter +---@return Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector2Parameter:op_Implicit(prop) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param prop UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector2Parameter +---@return Vector4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector2Parameter:op_Implicit(prop) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector3Parameter: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector3Parameter = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param from UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param to UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param t float +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector3Parameter.Interp(from, to, t) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param prop UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector3Parameter +---@return Vector2 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector3Parameter:op_Implicit(prop) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param prop UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector3Parameter +---@return Vector4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector3Parameter:op_Implicit(prop) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector4Parameter: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector4Parameter = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param from UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@param to UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@param t float +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector4Parameter.Interp(from, to, t) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param prop UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector4Parameter +---@return Vector2 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector4Parameter:op_Implicit(prop) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param prop UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector4Parameter +---@return Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Vector4Parameter:op_Implicit(prop) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SplineParameter: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SplineParameter = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param from UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Spline +---@param to UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Spline +---@param t float +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SplineParameter.Interp(from, to, t) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TextureParameterDefault: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TextureParameterDefault +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Black UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TextureParameterDefault +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field White UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TextureParameterDefault +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Transparent UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TextureParameterDefault +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Lut2D UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TextureParameterDefault +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TextureParameterDefault = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TextureParameterDefault +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TextureParameterDefault:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TextureParameter: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ParameterOverride +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field defaultState UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TextureParameterDefault +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TextureParameter = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param from UnityEngine.Texture +---@param to UnityEngine.Texture +---@param t float +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TextureParameter.Interp(from, to, t) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessBundle: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field attribute UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessAttribute +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field settings UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectSettings +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessBundle = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessDebug: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field postProcessLayer UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field lightMeter bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field histogram bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field waveform bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field vectorscope bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field debugOverlay UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DebugOverlay +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessDebug = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DebugOverlay: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DebugOverlay +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Depth UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DebugOverlay +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Normals UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DebugOverlay +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field MotionVectors UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DebugOverlay +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field NANTracker UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DebugOverlay +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field ColorBlindnessSimulation UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DebugOverlay +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field _ UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DebugOverlay +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field AmbientOcclusion UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DebugOverlay +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field BloomBuffer UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DebugOverlay +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field BloomThreshold UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DebugOverlay +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field DepthOfField UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DebugOverlay +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DebugOverlay = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DebugOverlay +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DebugOverlay:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorBlindnessType: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Deuteranopia UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorBlindnessType +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Protanopia UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorBlindnessType +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field Tritanopia UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorBlindnessType +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorBlindnessType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorBlindnessType +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorBlindnessType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessDebugLayer: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field lightMeter UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.LightMeterMonitor +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field histogram UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.HistogramMonitor +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field waveform UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.WaveformMonitor +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field vectorscope UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.VectorscopeMonitor +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field overlaySettings UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessDebugLayer.OverlaySettings +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field debugOverlayTarget UnityEngine.RenderTexture +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field debugOverlayActive bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field debugOverlay UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DebugOverlay +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessDebugLayer = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param monitor UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.MonitorType +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessDebugLayer.RequestMonitorPass(monitor) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param mode UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DebugOverlay +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessDebugLayer.RequestDebugOverlay(mode) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param cmd UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer +---@param source UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param sheet UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PropertySheet +---@param pass int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessDebugLayer.PushDebugOverlay(cmd, source, sheet, pass) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.OverlaySettings: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field linearDepth bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field motionColorIntensity float +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field motionGridSize int +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field colorBlindnessType UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorBlindnessType +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field colorBlindnessStrength float +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.OverlaySettings = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectRenderer: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectRenderer = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectRenderer.Init() end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@return DepthTextureMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectRenderer.GetCameraFlags() end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectRenderer.ResetHistory() end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectRenderer.Release() end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param context UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectRenderer.Render(context) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectRenderer: UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectRenderer +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field settings T +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectRenderer = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectSettings: UnityEngine.ScriptableObject +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field active bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field enabled UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.BoolParameter +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectSettings = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param state bool +---@param excludeEnabled bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectSettings.SetAllOverridesTo(state, excludeEnabled) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param context UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectSettings.IsEnabledAndSupported(context) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectSettings.GetHash() end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEvent: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field BeforeTransparent UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEvent +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field BeforeStack UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEvent +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field AfterStack UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEvent +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEvent = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEvent +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEvent:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field volumeTrigger UnityEngine.Transform +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field volumeLayer UnityEngine.LayerMask +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field stopNaNPropagation bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field finalBlitToCameraTarget bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field antialiasingMode UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer.Antialiasing +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field temporalAntialiasing UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TemporalAntialiasing +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field subpixelMorphologicalAntialiasing UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SubpixelMorphologicalAntialiasing +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field fastApproximateAntialiasing UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.FastApproximateAntialiasing +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field fog UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Fog +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field debugLayer UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessDebugLayer +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field breakBeforeColorGrading bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field sortedBundles System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary> +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field cameraDepthFlags UnityEngine.DepthTextureMode +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field haveBundlesBeenInited bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param resources UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessResources +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer.Init(resources) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer.InitBundles() end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@return PostProcessBundle +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer.GetBundle() end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param settingsType System.Type +---@return PostProcessBundle +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer.GetBundle(settingsType) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer.GetSettings() end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param cmd UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer +---@param camera UnityEngine.Camera +---@param destination UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param depthMap UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier? +---@param invert bool +---@param isMSAA bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer.BakeMSVOMap(cmd, camera, destination, depthMap, invert, isMSAA) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer.ResetHistory() end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param context UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer.HasOpaqueOnlyEffects(context) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param evt UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEvent +---@param context UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer.HasActiveEffects(evt, context) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param cam UnityEngine.Camera +---@param cmd UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer.UpdateVolumeSystem(cam, cmd) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param context UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer.RenderOpaqueOnly(context) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param context UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer.Render(context) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Antialiasing: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer.Antialiasing +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field FastApproximateAntialiasing UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer.Antialiasing +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field SubpixelMorphologicalAntialiasing UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer.Antialiasing +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field TemporalAntialiasing UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer.Antialiasing +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Antialiasing = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer.Antialiasing +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Antialiasing:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SerializedBundleRef: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field assemblyQualifiedName string +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field bundle UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessBundle +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SerializedBundleRef = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessManager: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field settingsTypes System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field instance UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessManager +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessManager = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param layer UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer +---@param results System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param skipDisabled bool +---@param skipZeroWeight bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessManager.GetActiveVolumes(layer, results, skipDisabled, skipZeroWeight) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param layer UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer +---@return PostProcessVolume +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessManager.GetHighestPriorityVolume(layer) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param mask UnityEngine.LayerMask +---@return PostProcessVolume +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessManager.GetHighestPriorityVolume(mask) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param layer int +---@param priority float +---@param settings UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectSettings[] +---@return PostProcessVolume +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessManager.QuickVolume(layer, priority, settings) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessProfile: UnityEngine.ScriptableObject +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field settings System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field isDirty bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessProfile = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessProfile.AddSettings() end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return PostProcessEffectSettings +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessProfile.AddSettings(type) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param effect UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessEffectSettings +---@return PostProcessEffectSettings +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessProfile.AddSettings(effect) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessProfile.RemoveSettings() end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param type System.Type +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessProfile.RemoveSettings(type) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessProfile.HasSettings() end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessProfile.HasSettings(type) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessProfile.GetSetting() end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param outSetting T +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessProfile.TryGetSettings(outSetting) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field camera UnityEngine.Camera +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field command UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field source UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field destination UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field sourceFormat UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field flip bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field resources UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessResources +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field propertySheets UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PropertySheetFactory +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field userData System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field debugLayer UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessDebugLayer +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field width int +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field height int +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field stereoActive bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field xrActiveEye int +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field numberOfEyes int +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field stereoRenderingMode UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext.StereoRenderingMode +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field screenWidth int +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field screenHeight int +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field isSceneView bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field antialiasing UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer.Antialiasing +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field temporalAntialiasing UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TemporalAntialiasing +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext.Reset() end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext.IsTemporalAntialiasingActive() end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param overlay UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.DebugOverlay +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext.IsDebugOverlayEnabled(overlay) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param cmd UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer +---@param source UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param sheet UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PropertySheet +---@param pass int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext.PushDebugOverlay(cmd, source, sheet, pass) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param cmd UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer +---@param nameID int +---@param depthBufferBits int +---@param colorFormat UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat +---@param readWrite UnityEngine.RenderTextureReadWrite +---@param filter UnityEngine.FilterMode +---@param widthOverride int +---@param heightOverride int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext.GetScreenSpaceTemporaryRT(cmd, nameID, depthBufferBits, colorFormat, readWrite, filter, widthOverride, heightOverride) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param depthBufferBits int +---@param colorFormat UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat +---@param readWrite UnityEngine.RenderTextureReadWrite +---@param widthOverride int +---@param heightOverride int +---@return RenderTexture +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext.GetScreenSpaceTemporaryRT(depthBufferBits, colorFormat, readWrite, widthOverride, heightOverride) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param isTAAEnabled bool +---@param isAOEnabled bool +---@param isSSREnabled bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext.UpdateSinglePassStereoState(isTAAEnabled, isAOEnabled, isSSREnabled) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.StereoRenderingMode: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field MultiPass UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext.StereoRenderingMode +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field SinglePass UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext.StereoRenderingMode +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field SinglePassInstanced UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext.StereoRenderingMode +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field SinglePassMultiview UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext.StereoRenderingMode +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.StereoRenderingMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext.StereoRenderingMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.StereoRenderingMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessResources: UnityEngine.ScriptableObject +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field blueNoise64 UnityEngine.Texture2D[] +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field blueNoise256 UnityEngine.Texture2D[] +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field smaaLuts UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessResources.SMAALuts +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field shaders UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessResources.Shaders +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field computeShaders UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessResources.ComputeShaders +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field changeHandler UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessResources.ChangeHandler +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessResources = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Shaders: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field bloom UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field copy UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field copyStd UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field copyStdFromTexArray UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field copyStdFromDoubleWide UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field discardAlpha UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field depthOfField UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field finalPass UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field grainBaker UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field motionBlur UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field temporalAntialiasing UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field subpixelMorphologicalAntialiasing UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field texture2dLerp UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field uber UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field lut2DBaker UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field lightMeter UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field gammaHistogram UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field waveform UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field vectorscope UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field debugOverlays UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field deferredFog UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field scalableAO UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field multiScaleAO UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field screenSpaceReflections UnityEngine.Shader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Shaders = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@return Shaders +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Shaders.Clone() end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ComputeShaders: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field autoExposure UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field exposureHistogram UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field lut3DBaker UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field texture3dLerp UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field gammaHistogram UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field waveform UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field vectorscope UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field multiScaleAODownsample1 UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field multiScaleAODownsample2 UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field multiScaleAORender UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field multiScaleAOUpsample UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field gaussianDownsample UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ComputeShaders = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@return ComputeShaders +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ComputeShaders.Clone() end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SMAALuts: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field area UnityEngine.Texture2D +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field search UnityEngine.Texture2D +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.SMAALuts = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ChangeHandler: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ChangeHandler = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ChangeHandler.Invoke() end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ChangeHandler.BeginInvoke(callback, object) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ChangeHandler.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessVolume: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field sharedProfile UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessProfile +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field isGlobal bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field blendDistance float +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field weight float +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field priority float +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field profile UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessProfile +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessVolume = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessVolume.HasInstantiatedProfile() end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorUtilities: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorUtilities = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param x float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorUtilities:StandardIlluminantY(x) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param x float +---@param y float +---@return Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorUtilities:CIExyToLMS(x, y) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param temperature float +---@param tint float +---@return Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorUtilities:ComputeColorBalance(temperature, tint) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param color UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorUtilities:ColorToLift(color) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param color UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorUtilities:ColorToInverseGamma(color) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param color UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@return Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorUtilities:ColorToGain(color) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param x float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorUtilities:LogCToLinear(x) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param x float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorUtilities:LinearToLogC(x) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param c UnityEngine.Color +---@return UInt32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorUtilities:ToHex(c) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param hex uint +---@return Color +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.ColorUtilities:ToRGBA(hex) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.HableCurve: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field uniforms UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.HableCurve.Uniforms +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field whitePoint float +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field inverseWhitePoint float +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.HableCurve = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param x float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.HableCurve.Eval(x) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param toeStrength float +---@param toeLength float +---@param shoulderStrength float +---@param shoulderLength float +---@param shoulderAngle float +---@param gamma float +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.HableCurve.Init(toeStrength, toeLength, shoulderStrength, shoulderLength, shoulderAngle, gamma) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Uniforms: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field curve UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field toeSegmentA UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field toeSegmentB UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field midSegmentA UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field midSegmentB UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field shoSegmentA UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field shoSegmentB UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Uniforms = {} + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.HaltonSeq: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.HaltonSeq = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param index int +---@param radix int +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.HaltonSeq:Get(index, radix) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PropertySheet: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field properties UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PropertySheet = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PropertySheet.ClearKeywords() end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param keyword string +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PropertySheet.EnableKeyword(keyword) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param keyword string +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PropertySheet.DisableKeyword(keyword) end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PropertySheetFactory: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PropertySheetFactory = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param shaderName string +---@return PropertySheet +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PropertySheetFactory.Get(shaderName) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param shader UnityEngine.Shader +---@return PropertySheet +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PropertySheetFactory.Get(shader) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PropertySheetFactory.Release() end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field whiteTexture UnityEngine.Texture2D +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field whiteTexture3D UnityEngine.Texture3D +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field blackTexture UnityEngine.Texture2D +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field blackTexture3D UnityEngine.Texture3D +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field transparentTexture UnityEngine.Texture2D +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field transparentTexture3D UnityEngine.Texture3D +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field fullscreenTriangle UnityEngine.Mesh +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field copyStdMaterial UnityEngine.Material +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field copyStdFromDoubleWideMaterial UnityEngine.Material +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field copyMaterial UnityEngine.Material +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field copyFromTexArrayMaterial UnityEngine.Material +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field copySheet UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PropertySheet +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field copyFromTexArraySheet UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PropertySheet +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field scriptableRenderPipelineActive bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field supportsDeferredShading bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field supportsDepthNormals bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field isSinglePassStereoSelected bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field isSinglePassStereoEnabled bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field isVREnabled bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field isAndroidOpenGL bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field defaultHDRRenderTextureFormat UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field isLinearColorSpace bool +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param size int +---@return Texture2D +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities:GetLutStrip(size) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param cmd UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer +---@param source UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param destination UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities:CopyTexture(cmd, source, destination) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param format UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities:isFloatingPointFormat(format) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param obj UnityEngine.Object +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities:Destroy(obj) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param camera UnityEngine.Camera +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities:IsResolvedDepthAvailable(camera) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param profile UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessProfile +---@param destroyEffects bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities:DestroyProfile(profile, destroyEffects) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param volume UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessVolume +---@param destroyProfile bool +---@param destroyGameObject bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities:DestroyVolume(volume, destroyProfile, destroyGameObject) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param layer UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities:IsPostProcessingActive(layer) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param layer UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessLayer +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities:IsTemporalAntialiasingActive(layer) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities:GetAllSceneObjects() end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param obj T +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities:CreateIfNull(obj) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param x float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities:Exp2(x) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param camera UnityEngine.Camera +---@param offset UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities:GetJitteredPerspectiveProjectionMatrix(camera, offset) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param camera UnityEngine.Camera +---@param offset UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities:GetJitteredOrthographicProjectionMatrix(camera, offset) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param context UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PostProcessRenderContext +---@param origProj UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param jitter UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities:GenerateJitteredProjectionMatrixFromOriginal(context, origProj, jitter) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities:GetAllAssemblyTypes() end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities:GetAllTypesDerivedFrom() end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param expr System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities:GetMemberAttributes(expr) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param expr System.Linq.Expressions.Expression> +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities:GetFieldPath(expr) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param rt UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param loadAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferLoadAction +---@param storeAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferStoreAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities.SetRenderTargetWithLoadStoreAction(rt, loadAction, storeAction) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param rt UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param loadAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferLoadAction +---@param storeAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferStoreAction +---@param depthLoadAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferLoadAction +---@param depthStoreAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferStoreAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities.SetRenderTargetWithLoadStoreAction(rt, loadAction, storeAction, depthLoadAction, depthStoreAction) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param color UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param colorLoadAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferLoadAction +---@param colorStoreAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferStoreAction +---@param depth UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param depthLoadAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferLoadAction +---@param depthStoreAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferStoreAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities.SetRenderTargetWithLoadStoreAction(color, colorLoadAction, colorStoreAction, depth, depthLoadAction, depthStoreAction) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param destination UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param clear bool +---@param viewport UnityEngine.Rect? +---@param preserveDepth bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities.BlitFullscreenTriangle(source, destination, clear, viewport, preserveDepth) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param destination UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param propertySheet UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PropertySheet +---@param pass int +---@param loadAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferLoadAction +---@param viewport UnityEngine.Rect? +---@param preserveDepth bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities.BlitFullscreenTriangle(source, destination, propertySheet, pass, loadAction, viewport, preserveDepth) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param destination UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param propertySheet UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PropertySheet +---@param pass int +---@param clear bool +---@param viewport UnityEngine.Rect? +---@param preserveDepth bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities.BlitFullscreenTriangle(source, destination, propertySheet, pass, clear, viewport, preserveDepth) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param destination UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param pass int +---@param eye int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities.BlitFullscreenTriangleFromDoubleWide(source, destination, material, pass, eye) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param destination UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param propertySheet UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PropertySheet +---@param pass int +---@param eye int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities.BlitFullscreenTriangleToDoubleWide(source, destination, propertySheet, pass, eye) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param destination UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param propertySheet UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PropertySheet +---@param pass int +---@param clear bool +---@param depthSlice int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities.BlitFullscreenTriangleFromTexArray(source, destination, propertySheet, pass, clear, depthSlice) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param destination UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param propertySheet UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PropertySheet +---@param pass int +---@param clear bool +---@param depthSlice int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities.BlitFullscreenTriangleToTexArray(source, destination, propertySheet, pass, clear, depthSlice) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param destination UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param depth UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param propertySheet UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PropertySheet +---@param pass int +---@param clear bool +---@param viewport UnityEngine.Rect? +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities.BlitFullscreenTriangle(source, destination, depth, propertySheet, pass, clear, viewport) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param destinations UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier[] +---@param depth UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param propertySheet UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.PropertySheet +---@param pass int +---@param clear bool +---@param viewport UnityEngine.Rect? +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities.BlitFullscreenTriangle(source, destinations, depth, propertySheet, pass, clear, viewport) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param destination UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities.BuiltinBlit(source, destination) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param destination UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param mat UnityEngine.Material +---@param pass int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities.BuiltinBlit(source, destination, mat, pass) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.RuntimeUtilities.GetAttribute() end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Spline: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field k_Precision int +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field k_Step float +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field curve UnityEngine.AnimationCurve +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@field cachedData float[] +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Spline = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param frame int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Spline.Cache(frame) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param t float +---@param length int +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Spline.Evaluate(t, length) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Spline.Evaluate(t) end + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.Spline.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TextureFormatUtilities: object +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TextureFormatUtilities = {} + +---@source Unity.Postprocessing.Runtime.dll +---@param texture UnityEngine.Texture +---@return RenderTextureFormat +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PostProcessing.TextureFormatUtilities:GetUncompressedRenderTextureFormat(texture) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..641e3b179 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.lua @@ -0,0 +1,673 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--The virtual texturing system. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.System: object +-- +--Request all avalable mips. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field AllMips int +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.System = {} + +-- +--Update the virtual texturing system. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.System:Update() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.EditorHelpers: object +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.EditorHelpers = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param textures UnityEngine.Texture[] +---@param errorMessage string +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.EditorHelpers:ValidateTextureStack(textures, errorMessage) end + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.EditorHelpers:QuerySupportedFormats() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Debugging: object +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field debugTilesEnabled bool +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field resolvingEnabled bool +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field flushEveryTickEnabled bool +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Debugging = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Debugging:GetNumHandles() end + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param debugHandle UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Debugging.Handle +---@param index int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Debugging:GrabHandleInfo(debugHandle, index) end + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Debugging:GetInfoDump() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Handle: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field handle long +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field group string +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field name string +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field numLayers int +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field material UnityEngine.Material +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Handle = {} + + +-- +--Class responsable for virtual texturing feedback analysis. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Resolver: object +-- +--Width of the texture that the internal buffers can hold. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field CurrentWidth int +-- +-->Height of the texture that the internal buffers can hold. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field CurrentHeight int +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Resolver = {} + +-- +--Disposes this object. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Resolver.Dispose() end + +-- +--Update the internal buffers. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: width - Width of the texture passed in during Process. +-- height - Height of the texture passed in during Process. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param width int +---@param height int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Resolver.UpdateSize(width, height) end + +-- +--Process the passed in feedback texture. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: cmd - The commandbuffer used to schedule processing. +-- rt - Texture containing the feedback data. +-- x - X position of the subrect that is processed. +-- width - Width of the subrect that is processed. +-- y - Y position of the subrect that is processed. +-- height - Height of the subrect that is processed. +-- mip - Miplevel of the texture to process. +-- slice - Arrayslice of the texture to process. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param cmd UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer +---@param rt UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Resolver.Process(cmd, rt) end + +-- +--Process the passed in feedback texture. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: cmd - The commandbuffer used to schedule processing. +-- rt - Texture containing the feedback data. +-- x - X position of the subrect that is processed. +-- width - Width of the subrect that is processed. +-- y - Y position of the subrect that is processed. +-- height - Height of the subrect that is processed. +-- mip - Miplevel of the texture to process. +-- slice - Arrayslice of the texture to process. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param cmd UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer +---@param rt UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param x int +---@param width int +---@param y int +---@param height int +---@param mip int +---@param slice int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Resolver.Process(cmd, rt, x, width, y, height, mip, slice) end + + +-- +--Settings for a virtual texturing GPU cache. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.GPUCacheSetting: System.ValueType +-- +--Format of the cache these settings are applied to. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--Size in MegaBytes of the cache created with these settings. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field sizeInMegaBytes uint +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.GPUCacheSetting = {} + + +-- +--Filtering modes available in the virtual texturing system. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.FilterMode: System.Enum +-- +--Bilinear filtering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field Bilinear UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.FilterMode +-- +--Trilinear filtering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field Trilinear UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.FilterMode +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.FilterMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.FilterMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.FilterMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Static class representing the Streaming Virtual Texturing system. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Streaming: object +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Streaming = {} + +-- +--Make a rectangle in UV space resident for a given Virtual Texture Stack. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: mat - The Material that contains the Virtual Texture Stack. The Virtual Texture Stacks contained in a Material are declared in the Material's Shader. +-- stackNameId - The unique identifier for the name of the Virtual Texture Stack, as declared in the Shader. To find the identifier for a given Shader property name, use Shader.PropertyToID. +-- r - The rectangle in 0-1 UV space to make resident. Anything outside the [ 0...1 [ x [ 0...1 [ rectangle will be silently ignored. +-- mipMap - The mip level to make resident. Mips are numbered from 0 (= full resolution) to n (= lowest resolution) where n is the mipmap level what is a single tile in size. Requesting invalid mips is silently ignored. +-- numMips - The number of mip levels starting from 'mipMap' to make resident. Requesting invalid mips is silently ignored. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param mat UnityEngine.Material +---@param stackNameId int +---@param r UnityEngine.Rect +---@param mipMap int +---@param numMips int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Streaming:RequestRegion(mat, stackNameId, r, mipMap, numMips) end + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param mat UnityEngine.Material +---@param stackNameId int +---@param width int +---@param height int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Streaming:GetTextureStackSize(mat, stackNameId, width, height) end + +-- +--Sets the CPU cache size (in MegaBytes) used by Streaming Virtual Texturing. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param sizeInMegabytes int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Streaming:SetCPUCacheSize(sizeInMegabytes) end + +-- +--Sets the GPU cache settings used by Streaming Virtual Texturing. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param cacheSettings UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.GPUCacheSetting[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Streaming:SetGPUCacheSettings(cacheSettings) end + + +-- +--Static class representing the Procedural Virtual Texturing system. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Procedural: object +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Procedural = {} + +-- +--Sets the Procedural Virtual Texturing CPU cache size (in MegaBytes). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param sizeInMegabytes int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Procedural:SetCPUCacheSize(sizeInMegabytes) end + +-- +--The size of the CPU caches. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Procedural:GetCPUCacheSize() end + +-- +--Sets the Procedural Virtual Texturing GPU cache settings. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param cacheSettings UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.GPUCacheSetting[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Procedural:SetGPUCacheSettings(cacheSettings) end + +-- +--An array of GPU cache settings. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Procedural:GetGPUCacheSettings() end + + +-- +--Struct that contains all parameters required to create a ProceduralTextureStack. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.CreationParameters: System.ValueType +-- +--Internal limit of maximum number of layers. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field MaxNumLayers int +-- +--Internal limit on maximum number of requests per frame. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field MaxRequestsPerFrameSupported int +-- +--Width of the virtual UV space the stack has. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field width int +-- +--Height of the virtual UV space the stack has. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field height int +-- +--How many request do you plan on processing each frame. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field maxActiveRequests int +-- +--Size of a single tile inside the stack. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field tilesize int +-- +--The layers this stack contains. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field layers UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat[] +-- +--Filtering mode that will be used when sampling this PVT stack. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field filterMode UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.FilterMode +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.CreationParameters = {} + + +-- +--Handle for a (CPUTextureStackRequestParameters|CPU or GPUTextureStackRequestParameters|GPU) TextureStackRequest. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackRequestHandle: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackRequestHandle = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param h1 UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Procedural.TextureStackRequestHandle +---@param h2 UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Procedural.TextureStackRequestHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackRequestHandle:op_Inequality(h1, h2) end + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackRequestHandle.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Procedural.TextureStackRequestHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackRequestHandle.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackRequestHandle.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param h1 UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Procedural.TextureStackRequestHandle +---@param h2 UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Procedural.TextureStackRequestHandle +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackRequestHandle:op_Equality(h1, h2) end + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param status UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Procedural.RequestStatus +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackRequestHandle.CompleteRequest(status) end + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param status UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Procedural.RequestStatus +---@param fenceBuffer UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackRequestHandle.CompleteRequest(status, fenceBuffer) end + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param requestHandles Unity.Collections.NativeSlice> +---@param status Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackRequestHandle:CompleteRequests(requestHandles, status) end + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param requestHandles Unity.Collections.NativeSlice> +---@param status Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param fenceBuffer UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackRequestHandle:CompleteRequests(requestHandles, status, fenceBuffer) end + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackRequestHandle.GetRequestParameters() end + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param handles Unity.Collections.NativeSlice> +---@param requests Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackRequestHandle:GetRequestParameters(handles, requests) end + + +-- +--Per-layer properties of a request. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.GPUTextureStackRequestLayerParameters: System.ValueType +-- +--X offset inside the destination RenderTexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field destX int +-- +--Y offset inside the destination RenderTexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field destY int +-- +--RenderTarget where the tile should be generated on. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field dest UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.GPUTextureStackRequestLayerParameters = {} + +-- +--Gets the width of the RenderTexture asociated with the request. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.GPUTextureStackRequestLayerParameters.GetWidth() end + +-- +--Gets the height of the RenderTexture asociated with the request. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.GPUTextureStackRequestLayerParameters.GetHeight() end + + +-- +--Per-layer properties of a ProceduralTextureRequest. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.CPUTextureStackRequestLayerParameters: System.ValueType +-- +--Datasize (in bytes) of a single scanline of the tile data for this layer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field scanlineSize int +-- +--Datasize (in bytes) of a single scanline of the tile's lower-resolution mip data for this layer, used for trilinear filtering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field mipScanlineSize int +-- +--Indicates that this request needs both the actual tile data as well as the corresponding data at the next lower-resolution mip. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field requiresCachedMip bool +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.CPUTextureStackRequestLayerParameters = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@return NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.CPUTextureStackRequestLayerParameters.GetData() end + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@return NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.CPUTextureStackRequestLayerParameters.GetMipData() end + + +-- +--A single procedural virtual texture tile generation request, to be filled in GPU memory. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.GPUTextureStackRequestParameters: System.ValueType +-- +--Miplevel of the requested rectangle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field level int +-- +--X offset of the requested rectangle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field x int +-- +--Y offset of the requested rectangle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field y int +-- +--Width of the requested rectangle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field width int +-- +--Height of the requested rectangle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field height int +-- +--Number of layers inside the request. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field numLayers int +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.GPUTextureStackRequestParameters = {} + +-- +--Properties of the requested layer. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Layer index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return GPUTextureStackRequestLayerParameters +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.GPUTextureStackRequestParameters.GetLayer(index) end + + +-- +--A single procedural virtual texture tile generation request, to be filled in CPU memory. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.CPUTextureStackRequestParameters: System.ValueType +-- +--Miplevel of the requested rectangle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field level int +-- +--X offset of the requested rectangle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field x int +-- +--Y offset of the requested rectangle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field y int +-- +--Width of the requested rectangle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field width int +-- +--Height of the requested rectangle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field height int +-- +--Number of layers inside the request. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field numLayers int +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.CPUTextureStackRequestParameters = {} + +-- +--Properties of the requested layer. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Layer index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return CPUTextureStackRequestLayerParameters +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.CPUTextureStackRequestParameters.GetLayer(index) end + + +-- +--The status that can be given to a request. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.RequestStatus: System.Enum +-- +--No data is provided and the VT system should fall back to a lower resolution. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field Dropped UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Procedural.RequestStatus +-- +--Data is filled in properly and can be used by the VT system. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field Generated UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Procedural.RequestStatus +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.RequestStatus = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Procedural.RequestStatus +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.RequestStatus:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Procedural virtual texturing stack. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackBase: object +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field borderSize int +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@field AllMips int +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackBase = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param requestHandles Unity.Collections.NativeSlice> +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackBase.PopRequests(requestHandles) end + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackBase.IsValid() end + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackBase.Dispose() end + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param mpb UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackBase.BindToMaterialPropertyBlock(mpb) end + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param mat UnityEngine.Material +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackBase.BindToMaterial(mat) end + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackBase.BindGlobally() end + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param r UnityEngine.Rect +---@param mipMap int +---@param numMips int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackBase.RequestRegion(r, mipMap, numMips) end + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param r UnityEngine.Rect +---@param mipMap int +---@param numMips int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackBase.InvalidateRegion(r, mipMap, numMips) end + +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@param r UnityEngine.Rect +---@param mipMap int +---@param numMips int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.TextureStackBase.EvictRegion(r, mipMap, numMips) end + + +-- +--Procedural virtual texturing stack where request data resides in GPU memory. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.GPUTextureStack: UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Procedural.TextureStackBase +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.GPUTextureStack = {} + + +-- +--Procedural virtual texturing stack where request data resides in CPU memory. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.CPUTextureStack: UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Procedural.TextureStackBase +---@source UnityEngine.VirtualTexturingModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VirtualTexturing.CPUTextureStack = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Rendering.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Rendering.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b71b32036 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Rendering.lua @@ -0,0 +1,11996 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--Represents an asynchronous request for a GPU resource. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadbackRequest: System.ValueType +-- +--Checks whether the request has been processed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field done bool +-- +--This property is true if the request has encountered an error. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field hasError bool +-- +--Number of layers in the current request. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field layerCount int +-- +--The size in bytes of one layer of the readback data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field layerDataSize int +-- +--The width of the requested GPU data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field width int +-- +--When reading data from a ComputeBuffer, height is 1, otherwise, the property takes the value of the requested height from the texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field height int +-- +--When reading data from a ComputeBuffer, depth is 1, otherwise, the property takes the value of the requested depth from the texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field depth int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadbackRequest = {} + +-- +--Triggers an update of the request. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadbackRequest.Update() end + +-- +--Waits for completion of the request. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadbackRequest.WaitForCompletion() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param layer int +---@return NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadbackRequest.GetData(layer) end + + +-- +--Allows the asynchronous read back of GPU resources. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback = {} + +-- +--Waits until the completion of every request. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:WaitAllRequests() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:Request(src, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param size int +---@param offset int +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:Request(src, size, offset, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:Request(src, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param size int +---@param offset int +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:Request(src, size, offset, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:Request(src, mipIndex, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.TextureFormat +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:Request(src, mipIndex, dstFormat, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:Request(src, mipIndex, dstFormat, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param x int +---@param width int +---@param y int +---@param height int +---@param z int +---@param depth int +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:Request(src, mipIndex, x, width, y, height, z, depth, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param x int +---@param width int +---@param y int +---@param height int +---@param z int +---@param depth int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.TextureFormat +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:Request(src, mipIndex, x, width, y, height, z, depth, dstFormat, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param x int +---@param width int +---@param y int +---@param height int +---@param z int +---@param depth int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:Request(src, mipIndex, x, width, y, height, z, depth, dstFormat, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param src UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:RequestIntoNativeArray(output, src, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param src UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param size int +---@param offset int +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:RequestIntoNativeArray(output, src, size, offset, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param src UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:RequestIntoNativeArray(output, src, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param src UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param size int +---@param offset int +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:RequestIntoNativeArray(output, src, size, offset, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:RequestIntoNativeArray(output, src, mipIndex, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.TextureFormat +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:RequestIntoNativeArray(output, src, mipIndex, dstFormat, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:RequestIntoNativeArray(output, src, mipIndex, dstFormat, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param x int +---@param width int +---@param y int +---@param height int +---@param z int +---@param depth int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.TextureFormat +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:RequestIntoNativeArray(output, src, mipIndex, x, width, y, height, z, depth, dstFormat, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param x int +---@param width int +---@param y int +---@param height int +---@param z int +---@param depth int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:RequestIntoNativeArray(output, src, mipIndex, x, width, y, height, z, depth, dstFormat, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param src UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:RequestIntoNativeSlice(output, src, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param src UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param size int +---@param offset int +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:RequestIntoNativeSlice(output, src, size, offset, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param src UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:RequestIntoNativeSlice(output, src, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param src UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param size int +---@param offset int +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:RequestIntoNativeSlice(output, src, size, offset, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:RequestIntoNativeSlice(output, src, mipIndex, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.TextureFormat +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:RequestIntoNativeSlice(output, src, mipIndex, dstFormat, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:RequestIntoNativeSlice(output, src, mipIndex, dstFormat, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param x int +---@param width int +---@param y int +---@param height int +---@param z int +---@param depth int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.TextureFormat +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:RequestIntoNativeSlice(output, src, mipIndex, x, width, y, height, z, depth, dstFormat, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param x int +---@param width int +---@param y int +---@param height int +---@param z int +---@param depth int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@param callback System.Action +---@return AsyncGPUReadbackRequest +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AsyncGPUReadback:RequestIntoNativeSlice(output, src, mipIndex, x, width, y, height, z, depth, dstFormat, callback) end + + +-- +--Broadly describes the stages of processing a draw call on the GPU. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.SynchronisationStage: System.Enum +-- +--All aspects of vertex processing. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field VertexProcessing UnityEngine.Rendering.SynchronisationStage +-- +--The process of creating and shading the fragments. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field PixelProcessing UnityEngine.Rendering.SynchronisationStage +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SynchronisationStage = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.SynchronisationStage +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SynchronisationStage:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--This functionality is deprecated, and should no longer be used. Please use GraphicsFence. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.GPUFence: System.ValueType +-- +--This functionality is deprecated, and should no longer be used. Please use GraphicsFence.passed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field passed bool +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.GPUFence = {} + + +-- +--Provides an interface to control GPU frame capture in Microsoft's PIX software. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PIX: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PIX = {} + +-- +--Begins a GPU frame capture in PIX. If not running via PIX, or as a development build, then it has no effect. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PIX:BeginGPUCapture() end + +-- +--Ends the current GPU frame capture in PIX. If not running via PIX, or as a development build, then it has no effect. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PIX:EndGPUCapture() end + +-- +--Returns true if running via PIX and in a development build. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PIX:IsAttached() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderHardwareTier: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Tier1 UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderHardwareTier +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Tier2 UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderHardwareTier +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Tier3 UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderHardwareTier +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderHardwareTier = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderHardwareTier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderHardwareTier:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Format of the mesh index buffer data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat: System.Enum +-- +--16 bit mesh index buffer format. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UInt16 UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat +-- +--32 bit mesh index buffer format. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UInt32 UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.IndexFormat:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Mesh data update flags. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.MeshUpdateFlags: System.Enum +-- +--Indicates that Unity should perform the default checks and validation when you update a Mesh's data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Default UnityEngine.Rendering.MeshUpdateFlags +-- +--Indicates that Unity should not check index values when you use Mesh.SetIndexBufferData to modify a Mesh's data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DontValidateIndices UnityEngine.Rendering.MeshUpdateFlags +-- +--Indicates that Unity should not reset skinned mesh bone bounds when you modify Mesh data using Mesh.SetVertexBufferData or Mesh.SetIndexBufferData. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DontResetBoneBounds UnityEngine.Rendering.MeshUpdateFlags +-- +--Indicates that Unity should not notify Renderer components about a possible Mesh bounds change, when you modify Mesh data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DontNotifyMeshUsers UnityEngine.Rendering.MeshUpdateFlags +-- +--Indicates that Unity should not recalculate the bounds when you set Mesh data using Mesh.SetSubMesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DontRecalculateBounds UnityEngine.Rendering.MeshUpdateFlags +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.MeshUpdateFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.MeshUpdateFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.MeshUpdateFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Data type of a VertexAttribute. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeFormat: System.Enum +-- +--32-bit float number. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Float32 UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeFormat +-- +--16-bit float number. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Float16 UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeFormat +-- +--8-bit unsigned normalized number. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNorm8 UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeFormat +-- +--8-bit signed normalized number. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field SNorm8 UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeFormat +-- +--16-bit unsigned normalized number. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNorm16 UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeFormat +-- +--16-bit signed normalized number. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field SNorm16 UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeFormat +-- +--8-bit unsigned integer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UInt8 UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeFormat +-- +--8-bit signed integer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field SInt8 UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeFormat +-- +--16-bit unsigned integer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UInt16 UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeFormat +-- +--16-bit signed integer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field SInt16 UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeFormat +-- +--32-bit unsigned integer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UInt32 UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeFormat +-- +--32-bit signed integer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field SInt32 UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeFormat +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeFormat = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeFormat +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeFormat:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Possible attribute types that describe a vertex in a Mesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttribute: System.Enum +-- +--Vertex position. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Position UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttribute +-- +--Vertex normal. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Normal UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttribute +-- +--Vertex tangent. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Tangent UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttribute +-- +--Vertex color. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Color UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttribute +-- +--Primary texture coordinate (UV). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field TexCoord0 UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttribute +-- +--Additional texture coordinate. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field TexCoord1 UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttribute +-- +--Additional texture coordinate. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field TexCoord2 UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttribute +-- +--Additional texture coordinate. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field TexCoord3 UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttribute +-- +--Additional texture coordinate. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field TexCoord4 UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttribute +-- +--Additional texture coordinate. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field TexCoord5 UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttribute +-- +--Additional texture coordinate. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field TexCoord6 UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttribute +-- +--Additional texture coordinate. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field TexCoord7 UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttribute +-- +--Bone blend weights for skinned Meshes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BlendWeight UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttribute +-- +--Bone indices for skinned Meshes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BlendIndices UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttribute +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttribute = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttribute +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttribute:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Options for the data type of a shader constant's members. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderParamType: System.Enum +-- +--A float. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Float UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderParamType +-- +--An integer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Int UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderParamType +-- +--A boolean. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Bool UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderParamType +-- +--A half-precision float. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Half UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderParamType +-- +--A short. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Short UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderParamType +-- +--An unsigned integer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UInt UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderParamType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderParamType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderParamType +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderParamType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Options for the shader constant value type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderConstantType: System.Enum +-- +--The shader constant is a vector or a scalar (a vector with one column). The related ShaderData.ConstantInfo stores the number of columns. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Vector UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderConstantType +-- +--The shader constant is a matrix. The related ShaderData.ConstantInfo stores the number of rows and columns. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Matrix UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderConstantType +-- +--The shader constant is a struct. The related ShaderData.ConstantInfo stores the struct's size and members. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Struct UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderConstantType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderConstantType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderConstantType +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderConstantType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Opaque object sorting mode of a Camera. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.OpaqueSortMode: System.Enum +-- +--Default opaque sorting mode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Default UnityEngine.Rendering.OpaqueSortMode +-- +--Do rough front-to-back sorting of opaque objects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field FrontToBack UnityEngine.Rendering.OpaqueSortMode +-- +--Do not sort opaque objects by distance. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field NoDistanceSort UnityEngine.Rendering.OpaqueSortMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.OpaqueSortMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.OpaqueSortMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.OpaqueSortMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Determine in which order objects are renderered. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueue: System.Enum +-- +--This render queue is rendered before any others. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Background UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueue +-- +--Opaque geometry uses this queue. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Geometry UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueue +-- +--Alpha tested geometry uses this queue. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AlphaTest UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueue +-- +--Last render queue that is considered "opaque". +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field GeometryLast UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueue +-- +--This render queue is rendered after Geometry and AlphaTest, in back-to-front order. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Transparent UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueue +-- +--This render queue is meant for overlay effects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Overlay UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueue +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueue = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueue +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueue:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--This enum describes what should be done on the render target when it is activated (loaded). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferLoadAction: System.Enum +-- +--When this RenderBuffer is activated, preserve the existing contents of it. This setting is expensive on tile-based GPUs and should be avoided whenever possible. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Load UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferLoadAction +-- +--Upon activating the render buffer, clear its contents. Currently only works together with the RenderPass API. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Clear UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferLoadAction +-- +--When this RenderBuffer is activated, the GPU is instructed not to care about the existing contents of that RenderBuffer. On tile-based GPUs this means that the RenderBuffer contents do not need to be loaded into the tile memory, providing a performance boost. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DontCare UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferLoadAction +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferLoadAction = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferLoadAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferLoadAction:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--This enum describes what should be done on the render target when the GPU is done rendering into it. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferStoreAction: System.Enum +-- +--The RenderBuffer contents need to be stored to RAM. If the surface has MSAA enabled, this stores the non-resolved surface. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Store UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferStoreAction +-- +--Resolve the (MSAA'd) surface. Currently only used with the RenderPass API. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Resolve UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferStoreAction +-- +--Resolve the (MSAA'd) surface, but also store the multisampled version. Currently only used with the RenderPass API. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field StoreAndResolve UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferStoreAction +-- +--The contents of the RenderBuffer are not needed and can be discarded. Tile-based GPUs will skip writing out the surface contents altogether, providing performance boost. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DontCare UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferStoreAction +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferStoreAction = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferStoreAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferStoreAction:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Control Fast Memory render target layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.FastMemoryFlags: System.Enum +-- +--Use the default fast memory layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Rendering.FastMemoryFlags +-- +--Sections of the render target not placed in fast memory will be taken from the top of the image. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field SpillTop UnityEngine.Rendering.FastMemoryFlags +-- +--Sections of the render target not placed in fast memory will be taken from the bottom of the image. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field SpillBottom UnityEngine.Rendering.FastMemoryFlags +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.FastMemoryFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.FastMemoryFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.FastMemoryFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Blend mode for controlling the blending. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode: System.Enum +-- +--Blend factor is (0, 0, 0, 0). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Zero UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode +-- +--Blend factor is (1, 1, 1, 1). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field One UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode +-- +--Blend factor is (Rd, Gd, Bd, Ad). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DstColor UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode +-- +--Blend factor is (Rs, Gs, Bs, As). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field SrcColor UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode +-- +--Blend factor is (1 - Rd, 1 - Gd, 1 - Bd, 1 - Ad). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field OneMinusDstColor UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode +-- +--Blend factor is (As, As, As, As). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field SrcAlpha UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode +-- +--Blend factor is (1 - Rs, 1 - Gs, 1 - Bs, 1 - As). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field OneMinusSrcColor UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode +-- +--Blend factor is (Ad, Ad, Ad, Ad). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DstAlpha UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode +-- +--Blend factor is (1 - Ad, 1 - Ad, 1 - Ad, 1 - Ad). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field OneMinusDstAlpha UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode +-- +--Blend factor is (f, f, f, 1); where f = min(As, 1 - Ad). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field SrcAlphaSaturate UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode +-- +--Blend factor is (1 - As, 1 - As, 1 - As, 1 - As). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field OneMinusSrcAlpha UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Blend operation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp: System.Enum +-- +--Add (s + d). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Add UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Subtract. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Subtract UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Reverse subtract. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ReverseSubtract UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Min. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Min UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Max. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Max UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Logical Clear (0). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LogicalClear UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Logical SET (1) (D3D11.1 only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LogicalSet UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Logical Copy (s) (D3D11.1 only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LogicalCopy UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Logical inverted Copy (!s) (D3D11.1 only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LogicalCopyInverted UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Logical No-op (d) (D3D11.1 only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LogicalNoop UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Logical Inverse (!d) (D3D11.1 only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LogicalInvert UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Logical AND (s & d) (D3D11.1 only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LogicalAnd UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Logical NAND !(s & d). D3D11.1 only. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LogicalNand UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Logical OR (s | d) (D3D11.1 only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LogicalOr UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Logical NOR !(s | d) (D3D11.1 only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LogicalNor UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Logical XOR (s XOR d) (D3D11.1 only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LogicalXor UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Logical Equivalence !(s XOR d) (D3D11.1 only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LogicalEquivalence UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Logical reverse AND (s & !d) (D3D11.1 only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LogicalAndReverse UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Logical inverted AND (!s & d) (D3D11.1 only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LogicalAndInverted UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Logical reverse OR (s | !d) (D3D11.1 only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LogicalOrReverse UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Logical inverted OR (!s | d) (D3D11.1 only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LogicalOrInverted UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Multiply (Advanced OpenGL blending). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Multiply UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Screen (Advanced OpenGL blending). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Screen UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Overlay (Advanced OpenGL blending). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Overlay UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Darken (Advanced OpenGL blending). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Darken UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Lighten (Advanced OpenGL blending). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Lighten UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Color dodge (Advanced OpenGL blending). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ColorDodge UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Color burn (Advanced OpenGL blending). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ColorBurn UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Hard light (Advanced OpenGL blending). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field HardLight UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Soft light (Advanced OpenGL blending). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field SoftLight UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Difference (Advanced OpenGL blending). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Difference UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Exclusion (Advanced OpenGL blending). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Exclusion UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--HSL Hue (Advanced OpenGL blending). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field HSLHue UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--HSL saturation (Advanced OpenGL blending). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field HSLSaturation UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--HSL color (Advanced OpenGL blending). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field HSLColor UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--HSL luminosity (Advanced OpenGL blending). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field HSLLuminosity UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Depth or stencil comparison function. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction: System.Enum +-- +--Depth or stencil test is disabled. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Disabled UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction +-- +--Never pass depth or stencil test. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Never UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction +-- +--Pass depth or stencil test when new value is less than old one. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Less UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction +-- +--Pass depth or stencil test when values are equal. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Equal UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction +-- +--Pass depth or stencil test when new value is less or equal than old one. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LessEqual UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction +-- +--Pass depth or stencil test when new value is greater than old one. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Greater UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction +-- +--Pass depth or stencil test when values are different. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field NotEqual UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction +-- +--Pass depth or stencil test when new value is greater or equal than old one. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field GreaterEqual UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction +-- +--Always pass depth or stencil test. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Always UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Backface culling mode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.CullMode: System.Enum +-- +--Disable culling. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Off UnityEngine.Rendering.CullMode +-- +--Cull front-facing geometry. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Front UnityEngine.Rendering.CullMode +-- +--Cull back-facing geometry. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Back UnityEngine.Rendering.CullMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CullMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.CullMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CullMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Specifies which color components will get written into the target framebuffer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ColorWriteMask: System.Enum +-- +--Write alpha component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Alpha UnityEngine.Rendering.ColorWriteMask +-- +--Write blue component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Blue UnityEngine.Rendering.ColorWriteMask +-- +--Write green component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Green UnityEngine.Rendering.ColorWriteMask +-- +--Write red component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Red UnityEngine.Rendering.ColorWriteMask +-- +--Write all components (R, G, B and Alpha). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field All UnityEngine.Rendering.ColorWriteMask +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ColorWriteMask = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.ColorWriteMask +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ColorWriteMask:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Specifies the operation that's performed on the stencil buffer when rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp: System.Enum +-- +--Keeps the current stencil value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Keep UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp +-- +--Sets the stencil buffer value to zero. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Zero UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp +-- +--Replace the stencil buffer value with reference value (specified in the shader). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Replace UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp +-- +--Increments the current stencil buffer value. Clamps to the maximum representable unsigned value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field IncrementSaturate UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp +-- +--Decrements the current stencil buffer value. Clamps to 0. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DecrementSaturate UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp +-- +--Bitwise inverts the current stencil buffer value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Invert UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp +-- +--Increments the current stencil buffer value. Wraps stencil buffer value to zero when incrementing the maximum representable unsigned value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field IncrementWrap UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp +-- +--Decrements the current stencil buffer value. Wraps stencil buffer value to the maximum representable unsigned value when decrementing a stencil buffer value of zero. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DecrementWrap UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Ambient lighting mode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.AmbientMode: System.Enum +-- +--Skybox-based or custom ambient lighting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Skybox UnityEngine.Rendering.AmbientMode +-- +--Trilight ambient lighting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Trilight UnityEngine.Rendering.AmbientMode +-- +--Flat ambient lighting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Flat UnityEngine.Rendering.AmbientMode +-- +--Ambient lighting is defined by a custom cubemap. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Custom UnityEngine.Rendering.AmbientMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AmbientMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.AmbientMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AmbientMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Default reflection mode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.DefaultReflectionMode: System.Enum +-- +--Skybox-based default reflection. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Skybox UnityEngine.Rendering.DefaultReflectionMode +-- +--Custom default reflection. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Custom UnityEngine.Rendering.DefaultReflectionMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.DefaultReflectionMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.DefaultReflectionMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.DefaultReflectionMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Determines how Unity will compress baked reflection cubemap. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionCubemapCompression: System.Enum +-- +--Baked Reflection cubemap will be left uncompressed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Uncompressed UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionCubemapCompression +-- +--Baked Reflection cubemap will be compressed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Compressed UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionCubemapCompression +-- +--Baked Reflection cubemap will be compressed if compression format is suitable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Auto UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionCubemapCompression +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionCubemapCompression = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionCubemapCompression +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionCubemapCompression:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Defines a place in camera's rendering to attach Rendering.CommandBuffer objects to. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent: System.Enum +-- +--Before camera's depth texture is generated. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BeforeDepthTexture UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--After camera's depth texture is generated. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AfterDepthTexture UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--Before camera's depth+normals texture is generated. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BeforeDepthNormalsTexture UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--After camera's depth+normals texture is generated. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AfterDepthNormalsTexture UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--Before deferred rendering G-buffer is rendered. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BeforeGBuffer UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--After deferred rendering G-buffer is rendered. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AfterGBuffer UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--Before lighting pass in deferred rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BeforeLighting UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--After lighting pass in deferred rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AfterLighting UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--Before final geometry pass in deferred lighting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BeforeFinalPass UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--After final geometry pass in deferred lighting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AfterFinalPass UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--Before opaque objects in forward rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BeforeForwardOpaque UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--After opaque objects in forward rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AfterForwardOpaque UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--Before image effects that happen between opaque & transparent objects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BeforeImageEffectsOpaque UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--After image effects that happen between opaque & transparent objects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AfterImageEffectsOpaque UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--Before skybox is drawn. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BeforeSkybox UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--After skybox is drawn. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AfterSkybox UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--Before transparent objects in forward rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BeforeForwardAlpha UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--After transparent objects in forward rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AfterForwardAlpha UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--Before image effects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BeforeImageEffects UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--After image effects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AfterImageEffects UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--After camera has done rendering everything. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AfterEverything UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--Before reflections pass in deferred rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BeforeReflections UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--After reflections pass in deferred rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AfterReflections UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--Before halo and lens flares. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BeforeHaloAndLensFlares UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +-- +--After halo and lens flares. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AfterHaloAndLensFlares UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraEvent:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Defines a place in light's rendering to attach Rendering.CommandBuffer objects to. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.LightEvent: System.Enum +-- +--Before shadowmap is rendered. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BeforeShadowMap UnityEngine.Rendering.LightEvent +-- +--After shadowmap is rendered. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AfterShadowMap UnityEngine.Rendering.LightEvent +-- +--Before directional light screenspace shadow mask is computed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BeforeScreenspaceMask UnityEngine.Rendering.LightEvent +-- +--After directional light screenspace shadow mask is computed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AfterScreenspaceMask UnityEngine.Rendering.LightEvent +-- +--Before shadowmap pass is rendered. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BeforeShadowMapPass UnityEngine.Rendering.LightEvent +-- +--After shadowmap pass is rendered. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AfterShadowMapPass UnityEngine.Rendering.LightEvent +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.LightEvent = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.LightEvent +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.LightEvent:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Allows precise control over which shadow map passes to execute Rendering.CommandBuffer objects attached using Light.AddCommandBuffer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowMapPass: System.Enum +-- +--+X point light shadow cubemap face. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field PointlightPositiveX UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowMapPass +-- +---X point light shadow cubemap face. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field PointlightNegativeX UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowMapPass +-- +--+Y point light shadow cubemap face. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field PointlightPositiveY UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowMapPass +-- +---Y point light shadow cubemap face. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field PointlightNegativeY UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowMapPass +-- +--+Z point light shadow cubemap face. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field PointlightPositiveZ UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowMapPass +-- +---Z point light shadow cubemap face. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field PointlightNegativeZ UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowMapPass +-- +--First directional shadow map cascade. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DirectionalCascade0 UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowMapPass +-- +--Second directional shadow map cascade. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DirectionalCascade1 UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowMapPass +-- +--Third directional shadow map cascade. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DirectionalCascade2 UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowMapPass +-- +--Fourth directional shadow map cascade. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DirectionalCascade3 UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowMapPass +-- +--Spotlight shadow pass. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Spotlight UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowMapPass +-- +--All point light shadow passes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Pointlight UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowMapPass +-- +--All directional shadow map passes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Directional UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowMapPass +-- +--All shadow map passes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field All UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowMapPass +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowMapPass = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowMapPass +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowMapPass:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Built-in temporary render textures produced during camera's rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType: System.Enum +-- +--A globally set property name. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field PropertyName UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +-- +--The raw RenderBuffer pointer to be used. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BufferPtr UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +-- +--The given RenderTexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RenderTexture UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BindableTexture UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +-- +--Currently active render target. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field CurrentActive UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +-- +--Target texture of currently rendering camera. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field CameraTarget UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +-- +--Camera's depth texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Depth UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +-- +--Camera's depth+normals texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DepthNormals UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +-- +--Resolved depth buffer from deferred. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ResolvedDepth UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +-- +--Deferred lighting (normals+specular) G-buffer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field PrepassNormalsSpec UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +-- +--Deferred lighting light buffer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field PrepassLight UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +-- +--Deferred lighting HDR specular light buffer (Xbox 360 only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field PrepassLightSpec UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +-- +--Deferred shading G-buffer #0 (typically diffuse color). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field GBuffer0 UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +-- +--Deferred shading G-buffer #1 (typically specular + roughness). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field GBuffer1 UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +-- +--Deferred shading G-buffer #2 (typically normals). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field GBuffer2 UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +-- +--Deferred shading G-buffer #3 (typically emission/lighting). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field GBuffer3 UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +-- +--Reflections gathered from default reflection and reflections probes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Reflections UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +-- +--Motion Vectors generated when the camera has motion vectors enabled. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field MotionVectors UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +-- +--Deferred shading G-buffer #4 (typically occlusion mask for static lights if any). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field GBuffer4 UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +-- +--G-buffer #5 Available. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field GBuffer5 UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +-- +--G-buffer #6 Available. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field GBuffer6 UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +-- +--G-buffer #7 Available. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field GBuffer7 UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Shader pass type for Unity's lighting pipeline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PassType: System.Enum +-- +--Regular shader pass that does not interact with lighting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Normal UnityEngine.Rendering.PassType +-- +--Legacy vertex-lit shader pass. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Vertex UnityEngine.Rendering.PassType +-- +--Legacy vertex-lit shader pass, with mobile lightmaps. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field VertexLM UnityEngine.Rendering.PassType +-- +--Legacy vertex-lit shader pass, with desktop (RGBM) lightmaps. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field VertexLMRGBM UnityEngine.Rendering.PassType +-- +--Forward rendering base pass. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ForwardBase UnityEngine.Rendering.PassType +-- +--Forward rendering additive pixel light pass. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ForwardAdd UnityEngine.Rendering.PassType +-- +--Legacy deferred lighting (light pre-pass) base pass. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LightPrePassBase UnityEngine.Rendering.PassType +-- +--Legacy deferred lighting (light pre-pass) final pass. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LightPrePassFinal UnityEngine.Rendering.PassType +-- +--Shadow caster & depth texure shader pass. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ShadowCaster UnityEngine.Rendering.PassType +-- +--Deferred Shading shader pass. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Deferred UnityEngine.Rendering.PassType +-- +--Shader pass used to generate the albedo and emissive values used as input to lightmapping. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Meta UnityEngine.Rendering.PassType +-- +--Motion vector render pass. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field MotionVectors UnityEngine.Rendering.PassType +-- +--Custom scriptable pipeline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ScriptableRenderPipeline UnityEngine.Rendering.PassType +-- +--Custom scriptable pipeline when lightmode is set to default unlit or no light mode is set. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ScriptableRenderPipelineDefaultUnlit UnityEngine.Rendering.PassType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PassType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.PassType +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PassType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--How shadows are cast from this object. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode: System.Enum +-- +--No shadows are cast from this object. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Off UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode +-- +--Shadows are cast from this object. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field On UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode +-- +--Shadows are cast from this object, treating it as two-sided. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field TwoSided UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode +-- +--Object casts shadows, but is otherwise invisible in the Scene. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ShadowsOnly UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Shadow resolution options for a Light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.LightShadowResolution: System.Enum +-- +--Use resolution from QualitySettings (default). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field FromQualitySettings UnityEngine.Rendering.LightShadowResolution +-- +--Low shadow map resolution. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Low UnityEngine.Rendering.LightShadowResolution +-- +--Medium shadow map resolution. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Medium UnityEngine.Rendering.LightShadowResolution +-- +--High shadow map resolution. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field High UnityEngine.Rendering.LightShadowResolution +-- +--Very high shadow map resolution. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field VeryHigh UnityEngine.Rendering.LightShadowResolution +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.LightShadowResolution = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.LightShadowResolution +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.LightShadowResolution:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Graphics device API type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType: System.Enum +-- +--OpenGL 2.x graphics API. (deprecated, only available on Linux and MacOSX) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field OpenGL2 UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +-- +--Direct3D 9 graphics API. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Direct3D9 UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +-- +--Direct3D 11 graphics API. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Direct3D11 UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +-- +--PlayStation 3 graphics API. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field PlayStation3 UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +-- +--No graphics API. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Null UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Xbox360 UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +-- +--OpenGL ES 2.0 graphics API. (deprecated on iOS and tvOS) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field OpenGLES2 UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +-- +--OpenGL ES 3.0 graphics API. (deprecated on iOS and tvOS) +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field OpenGLES3 UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field PlayStationVita UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +-- +--PlayStation 4 graphics API. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field PlayStation4 UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +-- +--Xbox One graphics API using Direct3D 11. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field XboxOne UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +-- +--PlayStation Mobile (PSM) graphics API. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field PlayStationMobile UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +-- +--iOS Metal graphics API. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Metal UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +-- +--OpenGL (Core profile - GL3 or later) graphics API. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field OpenGLCore UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +-- +--Direct3D 12 graphics API. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Direct3D12 UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +-- +--Nintendo 3DS graphics API. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field N3DS UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +-- +--Vulkan (EXPERIMENTAL). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Vulkan UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +-- +--Nintendo Switch graphics API. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Switch UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +-- +--Xbox One graphics API using Direct3D 12. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field XboxOneD3D12 UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +-- +--Game Core Xbox One graphics API using Direct3D 12. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field GameCoreXboxOne UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field GameCoreScarlett UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +-- +--Game Core XboxSeries graphics API using Direct3D 12. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field GameCoreXboxSeries UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field PlayStation5 UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field PlayStation5NGGC UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsDeviceType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--An enum that represents. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsTier: System.Enum +-- +--The lowest graphics tier. Corresponds to low-end devices. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Tier1 UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsTier +-- +--The medium graphics tier. Corresponds to mid-range devices. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Tier2 UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsTier +-- +--The highest graphics tier. Corresponds to high-end devices. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Tier3 UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsTier +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsTier = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsTier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsTier:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Contains information about a single sub-mesh of a Mesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.SubMeshDescriptor: System.ValueType +-- +--Bounding box of vertices in local space. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field bounds UnityEngine.Bounds +-- +--Face topology of this sub-mesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field topology UnityEngine.MeshTopology +-- +--Starting point inside the whole Mesh index buffer where the face index data is found. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field indexStart int +-- +--Index count for this sub-mesh face data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field indexCount int +-- +--Offset that is added to each value in the index buffer, to compute the final vertex index. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field baseVertex int +-- +--First vertex in the index buffer for this sub-mesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field firstVertex int +-- +--Number of vertices used by the index buffer of this sub-mesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field vertexCount int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SubMeshDescriptor = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SubMeshDescriptor.ToString() end + + +-- +--Information about a single VertexAttribute of a Mesh vertex. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeDescriptor: System.ValueType +-- +--The vertex attribute. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field attribute UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttribute +-- +--Format of the vertex attribute. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field format UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeFormat +-- +--Dimensionality of the vertex attribute. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field dimension int +-- +--Which vertex buffer stream the attribute should be in. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field stream int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeDescriptor = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeDescriptor.ToString() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeDescriptor.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeDescriptor.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeDescriptor +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeDescriptor.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeDescriptor +---@param rhs UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeDescriptor +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeDescriptor:op_Equality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeDescriptor +---@param rhs UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeDescriptor +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttributeDescriptor:op_Inequality(lhs, rhs) end + + +-- +--Graphics Format Swizzle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.FormatSwizzle: System.Enum +-- +--The channel specified contains red. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field FormatSwizzleR UnityEngine.Rendering.FormatSwizzle +-- +--The channel specified contains green. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field FormatSwizzleG UnityEngine.Rendering.FormatSwizzle +-- +--The channel specified contains blue. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field FormatSwizzleB UnityEngine.Rendering.FormatSwizzle +-- +--The channel specified contains alpha. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field FormatSwizzleA UnityEngine.Rendering.FormatSwizzle +-- +--The channel specified is not present for the format +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field FormatSwizzle0 UnityEngine.Rendering.FormatSwizzle +-- +--The channel specified is not present for the format. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field FormatSwizzle1 UnityEngine.Rendering.FormatSwizzle +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.FormatSwizzle = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.FormatSwizzle +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.FormatSwizzle:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Identifies a RenderTexture for a Rendering.CommandBuffer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier: System.ValueType +-- +--All depth-slices of the render resource are bound for rendering. For textures which are neither array nor 3D, the default slice is bound. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AllDepthSlices int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param type UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinRenderTextureType +---@return RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier:op_Implicit(type) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@return RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier:op_Implicit(name) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@return RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier:op_Implicit(nameID) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param tex UnityEngine.Texture +---@return RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier:op_Implicit(tex) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param buf UnityEngine.RenderBuffer +---@return RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier:op_Implicit(buf) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier.ToString() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rhs UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier.Equals(rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param rhs UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier:op_Equality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param rhs UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier:op_Inequality(lhs, rhs) end + + +-- +--This enum describes optional flags for the RenderTargetBinding structure. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetFlags: System.Enum +-- +--No flag option (0). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetFlags +-- +--The depth buffer bound for rendering may also bound as a samplable texture to the graphics pipeline: some platforms require the depth buffer to be set to read-only mode in such cases (D3D11, Vulkan). This flag can be used for both packed depth-stencil as well as separate depth-stencil formats. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ReadOnlyDepth UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetFlags +-- +--The stencil buffer bound for rendering may also bound as a samplable texture to the graphics pipeline: some platforms require the stencil buffer to be set to read-only mode in such cases (D3D11, Vulkan). This flag can be used for both packed depth-stencil as well as separate depth-stencil formats. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ReadOnlyStencil UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetFlags +-- +--Both depth and stencil buffers bound for rendering may be bound as samplable textures to the graphics pipeline: some platforms require the depth and stencil buffers to be set to read-only mode in such cases (D3D11, Vulkan). This flag can be used for both packed depth-stencil as well as separate depth-stencil formats. +-- This flag is a bitwise combination of RenderTargetFlags.ReadOnlyDepth and RenderTargetFlags.ReadOnlyStencil. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ReadOnlyDepthStencil UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetFlags +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Describes a render target with one or more color buffers, a depthstencil buffer and the associated loadstore-actions that are applied when the render target is active. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBinding: System.ValueType +-- +--Color buffers to use as render targets. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field colorRenderTargets UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier[] +-- +--Depth/stencil buffer to use as render target. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field depthRenderTarget UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +-- +--Load actions for color buffers. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field colorLoadActions UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferLoadAction[] +-- +--Store actions for color buffers. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field colorStoreActions UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferStoreAction[] +-- +--Load action for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field depthLoadAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferLoadAction +-- +--Store action for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field depthStoreAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferStoreAction +-- +--Optional flags. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field flags UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetFlags +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBinding = {} + + +-- +--Reflection Probe usage. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeUsage: System.Enum +-- +--Reflection probes are disabled, skybox will be used for reflection. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Off UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeUsage +-- +--Reflection probes are enabled. Blending occurs only between probes, useful in indoor environments. The renderer will use default reflection if there are no reflection probes nearby, but no blending between default reflection and probe will occur. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BlendProbes UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeUsage +-- +--Reflection probes are enabled. Blending occurs between probes or probes and default reflection, useful for outdoor environments. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BlendProbesAndSkybox UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeUsage +-- +--Reflection probes are enabled, but no blending will occur between probes when there are two overlapping volumes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Simple UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeUsage +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeUsage = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeUsage +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeUsage:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeType: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Cube UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Card UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeType +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Values for ReflectionProbe.clearFlags, determining what to clear when rendering a ReflectionProbe. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeClearFlags: System.Enum +-- +--Clear with the skybox. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Skybox UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeClearFlags +-- +--Clear with a background color. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field SolidColor UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeClearFlags +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeClearFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeClearFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeClearFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Reflection probe's update mode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeMode: System.Enum +-- +--Reflection probe is baked in the Editor. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Baked UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeMode +-- +--Reflection probe is updating in realtime. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Realtime UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeMode +-- +--Reflection probe uses a custom texture specified by the user. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Custom UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--ReflectionProbeBlendInfo contains information required for blending probes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeBlendInfo: System.ValueType +-- +--Reflection Probe used in blending. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field probe UnityEngine.ReflectionProbe +-- +--Specifies the weight used in the interpolation between two probes, value varies from 0.0 to 1.0. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field weight float +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeBlendInfo = {} + + +-- +--An enum describing the way a realtime reflection probe refreshes in the Player. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeRefreshMode: System.Enum +-- +--Causes the probe to update only on the first frame it becomes visible. The probe will no longer update automatically, however you may subsequently use RenderProbe to refresh the probe +-- +--See Also: ReflectionProbe.RenderProbe. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field OnAwake UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeRefreshMode +-- +--Causes Unity to update the probe's cubemap every frame. +--Note that updating a probe is very costly. Setting this option on too many probes could have a significant negative effect on frame rate. Use time-slicing to help improve performance. +-- +--See Also: ReflectionProbeTimeSlicingMode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field EveryFrame UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeRefreshMode +-- +--Sets the probe to never be automatically updated by Unity while your game is running. Use this to completely control the probe refresh behavior by script. +-- +--See Also: ReflectionProbe.RenderProbe. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ViaScripting UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeRefreshMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeRefreshMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeRefreshMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeRefreshMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--When a probe's ReflectionProbe.refreshMode is set to ReflectionProbeRefreshMode.EveryFrame, this enum specify whether or not Unity should update the probe's cubemap over several frames or update the whole cubemap in one frame. +--Updating a probe's cubemap is a costly operation. Unity needs to render the entire Scene for each face of the cubemap, as well as perform special blurring in order to get glossy reflections. The impact on frame rate can be significant. Time-slicing helps maintaning a more constant frame rate during these updates by performing the rendering over several frames. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeTimeSlicingMode: System.Enum +-- +--Instructs Unity to use time-slicing by first rendering all faces at once, then spreading the remaining work over the next 8 frames. Using this option, updating the probe will take 9 frames. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AllFacesAtOnce UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeTimeSlicingMode +-- +--Instructs Unity to spread the rendering of each face over several frames. Using this option, updating the cubemap will take 14 frames. This option greatly reduces the impact on frame rate, however it may produce incorrect results, especially in Scenes where lighting conditions change over these 14 frames. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field IndividualFaces UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeTimeSlicingMode +-- +--Unity will render the probe entirely in one frame. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field NoTimeSlicing UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeTimeSlicingMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeTimeSlicingMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeTimeSlicingMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeTimeSlicingMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Used by CommandBuffer.SetShadowSamplingMode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSamplingMode: System.Enum +-- +--Default shadow sampling mode: sampling with a comparison filter. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field CompareDepths UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSamplingMode +-- +--Shadow sampling mode for sampling the depth value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RawDepth UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSamplingMode +-- +--In ShadowSamplingMode.None, depths are not compared. Use this value if a Texture is not a shadowmap. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSamplingMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSamplingMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSamplingMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSamplingMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Light probe interpolation type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage: System.Enum +-- +--Light Probes are not used. The Scene's ambient probe is provided to the shader. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Off UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage +-- +--Simple light probe interpolation is used. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BlendProbes UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage +-- +--Uses a 3D grid of interpolated light probes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UseProxyVolume UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage +-- +--The light probe shader uniform values are extracted from the material property block set on the renderer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field CustomProvided UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.LightProbeUsage:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Built-in shader types used by Rendering.GraphicsSettings. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderType: System.Enum +-- +--Shader used for deferred shading calculations. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DeferredShading UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderType +-- +--Shader used for deferred reflection probes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DeferredReflections UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderType +-- +--Shader used for legacy deferred lighting calculations. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LegacyDeferredLighting UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderType +-- +--Shader used for screen-space cascaded shadows. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ScreenSpaceShadows UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderType +-- +--Shader used for depth and normals texture when enabled on a Camera. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DepthNormals UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderType +-- +--Shader used for Motion Vectors when enabled on a Camera. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field MotionVectors UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderType +-- +--Default shader used for light halos. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LightHalo UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderType +-- +--Default shader used for lens flares. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LensFlare UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderType +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Built-in shader modes used by Rendering.GraphicsSettings. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderMode: System.Enum +-- +--Don't use any shader, effectively disabling the functionality. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Disabled UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderMode +-- +--Use built-in shader (default). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UseBuiltin UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderMode +-- +--Use custom shader instead of built-in one. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UseCustom UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Defines set by editor when compiling shaders, based on the target platform and GraphicsTier. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine: System.Enum +-- +--UNITY_NO_DXT5nm is set when compiling shader for platform that do not support DXT5NM, meaning that normal maps will be encoded in RGB instead. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_NO_DXT5nm UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--UNITY_NO_RGBM is set when compiling shader for platform that do not support RGBM, so dLDR will be used instead. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_NO_RGBM UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_USE_NATIVE_HDR UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--UNITY_ENABLE_REFLECTION_BUFFERS is set when deferred shading renders reflection probes in deferred mode. With this option set reflections are rendered into a per-pixel buffer. This is similar to the way lights are rendered into a per-pixel buffer. UNITY_ENABLE_REFLECTION_BUFFERS is on by default when using deferred shading, but you can turn it off by setting “No support” for the Deferred Reflections shader option in Graphics Settings. When the setting is off, reflection probes are rendered per-object, similar to the way forward rendering works. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_ENABLE_REFLECTION_BUFFERS UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--UNITY_FRAMEBUFFER_FETCH_AVAILABLE is set when compiling shaders for platforms where framebuffer fetch is potentially available. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_FRAMEBUFFER_FETCH_AVAILABLE UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--UNITY_ENABLE_NATIVE_SHADOW_LOOKUPS enables use of built-in shadow comparison samplers on OpenGL ES 2.0. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_ENABLE_NATIVE_SHADOW_LOOKUPS UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--UNITY_METAL_SHADOWS_USE_POINT_FILTERING is set if shadow sampler should use point filtering on iOS Metal. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_METAL_SHADOWS_USE_POINT_FILTERING UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_NO_CUBEMAP_ARRAY UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--UNITY_NO_SCREENSPACE_SHADOWS is set when screenspace cascaded shadow maps are disabled. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_NO_SCREENSPACE_SHADOWS UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--UNITY_USE_DITHER_MASK_FOR_ALPHABLENDED_SHADOWS is set when Semitransparent Shadows are enabled. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_USE_DITHER_MASK_FOR_ALPHABLENDED_SHADOWS UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--UNITY_PBS_USE_BRDF1 is set if Standard Shader BRDF1 should be used. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_PBS_USE_BRDF1 UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--UNITY_PBS_USE_BRDF2 is set if Standard Shader BRDF2 should be used. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_PBS_USE_BRDF2 UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--UNITY_PBS_USE_BRDF3 is set if Standard Shader BRDF3 should be used. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_PBS_USE_BRDF3 UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--UNITY_NO_FULL_STANDARD_SHADER is set if Standard shader BRDF3 with extra simplifications should be used. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_NO_FULL_STANDARD_SHADER UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--UNITY_SPECCUBE_BLENDING is set if Reflection Probes Box Projection is enabled. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_SPECCUBE_BOX_PROJECTION UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--UNITY_SPECCUBE_BLENDING is set if Reflection Probes Blending is enabled. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_SPECCUBE_BLENDING UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--UNITY_ENABLE_DETAIL_NORMALMAP is set if Detail Normal Map should be sampled if assigned. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_ENABLE_DETAIL_NORMALMAP UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--SHADER_API_MOBILE is set when compiling shader for mobile platforms. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field SHADER_API_MOBILE UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--SHADER_API_DESKTOP is set when compiling shader for "desktop" platforms. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field SHADER_API_DESKTOP UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--UNITY_HARDWARE_TIER1 is set when compiling shaders for GraphicsTier.Tier1. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_HARDWARE_TIER1 UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--UNITY_HARDWARE_TIER2 is set when compiling shaders for GraphicsTier.Tier2. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_HARDWARE_TIER2 UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--UNITY_HARDWARE_TIER3 is set when compiling shaders for GraphicsTier.Tier3. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_HARDWARE_TIER3 UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--UNITY_COLORSPACE_GAMMA is set when compiling shaders for Gamma Color Space. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_COLORSPACE_GAMMA UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--UNITY_LIGHT_PROBE_PROXY_VOLUME is set when Light Probe Proxy Volume feature is supported by the current graphics API and is enabled in the. You can only set a Graphics Tier in the Built-in Render Pipeline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_LIGHT_PROBE_PROXY_VOLUME UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--UNITY_HALF_PRECISION_FRAGMENT_SHADER_REGISTERS is set automatically for platforms that don't require full floating-point precision support in fragment shaders. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_HALF_PRECISION_FRAGMENT_SHADER_REGISTERS UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--UNITY_LIGHTMAP_DLDR_ENCODING is set when lightmap textures are using double LDR encoding to store the values in the texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_LIGHTMAP_DLDR_ENCODING UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--UNITY_LIGHTMAP_RGBM_ENCODING is set when lightmap textures are using RGBM encoding to store the values in the texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_LIGHTMAP_RGBM_ENCODING UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--UNITY_LIGHTMAP_FULL_HDR is set when lightmap textures are not using any encoding to store the values in the texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_LIGHTMAP_FULL_HDR UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--Is virtual texturing enabled and supported on this platform. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_VIRTUAL_TEXTURING UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--Unity enables UNITY_PRETRANSFORM_TO_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION when Vulkan pre-transform is enabled and supported on the target build platform. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_PRETRANSFORM_TO_DISPLAY_ORIENTATION UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--Unity enables UNITY_ASTC_NORMALMAP_ENCODING when DXT5nm-style normal maps are used on Android, iOS or tvOS. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_ASTC_NORMALMAP_ENCODING UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--SHADER_API_ES30 is set when the Graphics API is OpenGL ES 3 and the minimum supported OpenGL ES 3 version is OpenGL ES 3.0. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field SHADER_API_GLES30 UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +-- +--Unity sets UNITY_UNIFIED_SHADER_PRECISION_MODEL if, in Player Settings, you set Shader Precision Model to Unified. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UNITY_UNIFIED_SHADER_PRECISION_MODEL UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Video shaders mode used by Rendering.GraphicsSettings. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VideoShadersIncludeMode: System.Enum +-- +--Exclude video shaders from builds. This effectively disables video functionality. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Never UnityEngine.Rendering.VideoShadersIncludeMode +-- +--Include video shaders in builds when referenced by scenes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Referenced UnityEngine.Rendering.VideoShadersIncludeMode +-- +--Include video shaders in builds (default). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Always UnityEngine.Rendering.VideoShadersIncludeMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VideoShadersIncludeMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.VideoShadersIncludeMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VideoShadersIncludeMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Texture "dimension" (type). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension: System.Enum +-- +--Texture type is not initialized or unknown. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Unknown UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension +-- +--No texture is assigned. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension +-- +--Any texture type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Any UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension +-- +--2D texture (Texture2D). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Tex2D UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension +-- +--3D volume texture (Texture3D). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Tex3D UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension +-- +--Cubemap texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Cube UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension +-- +--2D array texture (Texture2DArray). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Tex2DArray UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension +-- +--Cubemap array texture (CubemapArray). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field CubeArray UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.TextureDimension:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Support for various Graphics.CopyTexture cases. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.CopyTextureSupport: System.Enum +-- +--No support for Graphics.CopyTexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Rendering.CopyTextureSupport +-- +--Basic Graphics.CopyTexture support. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Basic UnityEngine.Rendering.CopyTextureSupport +-- +--Support for Texture3D in Graphics.CopyTexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Copy3D UnityEngine.Rendering.CopyTextureSupport +-- +--Support for Graphics.CopyTexture between different texture types. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DifferentTypes UnityEngine.Rendering.CopyTextureSupport +-- +--Support for Texture to RenderTexture copies in Graphics.CopyTexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field TextureToRT UnityEngine.Rendering.CopyTextureSupport +-- +--Support for RenderTexture to Texture copies in Graphics.CopyTexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RTToTexture UnityEngine.Rendering.CopyTextureSupport +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CopyTextureSupport = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.CopyTextureSupport +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CopyTextureSupport:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--The HDR mode to use for rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraHDRMode: System.Enum +-- +--Uses RenderTextureFormat.ARGBHalf. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field FP16 UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraHDRMode +-- +--Uses RenderTextureFormat.RGB111110Float. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field R11G11B10 UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraHDRMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraHDRMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraHDRMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraHDRMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--How much CPU usage to assign to the final lighting calculations at runtime. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.RealtimeGICPUUsage: System.Enum +-- +--25% of the allowed CPU threads are used as worker threads. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Low UnityEngine.Rendering.RealtimeGICPUUsage +-- +--50% of the allowed CPU threads are used as worker threads. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Medium UnityEngine.Rendering.RealtimeGICPUUsage +-- +--75% of the allowed CPU threads are used as worker threads. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field High UnityEngine.Rendering.RealtimeGICPUUsage +-- +--100% of the allowed CPU threads are used as worker threads. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Unlimited UnityEngine.Rendering.RealtimeGICPUUsage +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RealtimeGICPUUsage = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.RealtimeGICPUUsage +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RealtimeGICPUUsage:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Describes the desired characteristics with respect to prioritisation and load balancing of the queue that a command buffer being submitted via Graphics.ExecuteCommandBufferAsync or [[ScriptableRenderContext.ExecuteCommandBufferAsync] should be sent to. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ComputeQueueType: System.Enum +-- +--This queue type would be the choice for compute tasks supporting or as optimisations to graphics processing. CommandBuffers sent to this queue would be expected to complete within the scope of a single frame and likely be synchronised with the graphics queue via GPUFences. Dispatches on default queue types would execute at a lower priority than graphics queue tasks. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Default UnityEngine.Rendering.ComputeQueueType +-- +--Background queue types would be the choice for tasks intended to run for an extended period of time, e.g for most of a frame or for several frames. Dispatches on background queues would execute at a lower priority than gfx queue tasks. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Background UnityEngine.Rendering.ComputeQueueType +-- +--This queue type would be the choice for compute tasks requiring processing as soon as possible and would be prioritised over the graphics queue. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Urgent UnityEngine.Rendering.ComputeQueueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ComputeQueueType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.ComputeQueueType +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ComputeQueueType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Enum type defines the different stereo rendering modes available. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.SinglePassStereoMode: System.Enum +-- +--Render stereo using multiple passes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Rendering.SinglePassStereoMode +-- +--Render stereo to the left and right halves of a single, double-width render target. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field SideBySide UnityEngine.Rendering.SinglePassStereoMode +-- +--Render stereo using GPU instancing. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Instancing UnityEngine.Rendering.SinglePassStereoMode +-- +--Render stereo using OpenGL multiview. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Multiview UnityEngine.Rendering.SinglePassStereoMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SinglePassStereoMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.SinglePassStereoMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SinglePassStereoMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Flags describing the intention for how the command buffer will be executed. Set these via CommandBuffer.SetExecutionFlags. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBufferExecutionFlags: System.Enum +-- +--When no flags are specified, the command buffer is considered valid for all means of execution. This is the default for new command buffers. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBufferExecutionFlags +-- +--Command buffers flagged for async compute execution will throw exceptions if non-compatible commands are added to them. See ScriptableRenderContext.ExecuteCommandBufferAsync and Graphics.ExecuteCommandBufferAsync. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AsyncCompute UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBufferExecutionFlags +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBufferExecutionFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBufferExecutionFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBufferExecutionFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Types of data that you can encapsulate within a render texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTextureSubElement: System.Enum +-- +--Color element of a RenderTexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Color UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTextureSubElement +-- +--The depth element of a RenderTexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Depth UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTextureSubElement +-- +--The stencil element of a RenderTexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Stencil UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTextureSubElement +-- +--The Default element of a RenderTexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Default UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTextureSubElement +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTextureSubElement = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTextureSubElement +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTextureSubElement:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Options for the application's actual rendering threading mode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderingThreadingMode: System.Enum +-- +--Use the Direct enum to directly render your application from the main thread. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Direct UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderingThreadingMode +-- +--Use SingleThreaded for internal debugging. It uses only a single thread to simulate RenderingThreadingMode.MultiThreaded. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field SingleThreaded UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderingThreadingMode +-- +--Generates intermediate graphics commands via the main thread. The render thread converts them into low-level platform API graphics commands. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field MultiThreaded UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderingThreadingMode +-- +--Generates intermediate graphics commands via several worker threads. A single render thread then converts them into low-level platform API graphics commands. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LegacyJobified UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderingThreadingMode +-- +--Main thread generates intermediate graphics commands. Render thread converts them into low-level platform API graphics commands. Render thread can also dispatch graphics jobs to several worker threads. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field NativeGraphicsJobs UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderingThreadingMode +-- +--Generates intermediate graphics commands via several worker threads and converts them into low-level platform API graphics commands. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field NativeGraphicsJobsWithoutRenderThread UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderingThreadingMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderingThreadingMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderingThreadingMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderingThreadingMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--The types of camera matrices that support late latching. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraLateLatchMatrixType: System.Enum +-- +--The camera's view matrix. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field View UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraLateLatchMatrixType +-- +--The camera's inverse view matrix. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field InverseView UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraLateLatchMatrixType +-- +--The camera's view projection matrix. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ViewProjection UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraLateLatchMatrixType +-- +--The camera's inverse view projection matrix. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field InverseViewProjection UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraLateLatchMatrixType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraLateLatchMatrixType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraLateLatchMatrixType +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraLateLatchMatrixType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Specifies the OpenGL ES version. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.OpenGLESVersion: System.Enum +-- +--No valid OpenGL ES version +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Rendering.OpenGLESVersion +-- +--OpenGL ES 2.0 +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field OpenGLES20 UnityEngine.Rendering.OpenGLESVersion +-- +--OpenGL ES 3.0 +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field OpenGLES30 UnityEngine.Rendering.OpenGLESVersion +-- +--OpenGL ES 3.1 +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field OpenGLES31 UnityEngine.Rendering.OpenGLESVersion +-- +--OpenGL ES 3.1 with Android Extension Pack +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field OpenGLES31AEP UnityEngine.Rendering.OpenGLESVersion +-- +--OpenGL ES 3.2 +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field OpenGLES32 UnityEngine.Rendering.OpenGLESVersion +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.OpenGLESVersion = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.OpenGLESVersion +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.OpenGLESVersion:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Describes the various stages of GPU processing against which the GraphicsFence can be set and waited against. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.SynchronisationStageFlags: System.Enum +-- +--All aspects of vertex processing in the GPU. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field VertexProcessing UnityEngine.Rendering.SynchronisationStageFlags +-- +--All aspects of pixel processing in the GPU. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field PixelProcessing UnityEngine.Rendering.SynchronisationStageFlags +-- +--All compute shader dispatch operations. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ComputeProcessing UnityEngine.Rendering.SynchronisationStageFlags +-- +--All previous GPU operations (vertex, pixel and compute). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AllGPUOperations UnityEngine.Rendering.SynchronisationStageFlags +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SynchronisationStageFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.SynchronisationStageFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SynchronisationStageFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--The type of the GraphicsFence. Currently the only supported fence type is AsyncQueueSynchronization. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsFenceType: System.Enum +-- +--The GraphicsFence can be used to synchronise between different GPU queues, as well as to synchronise between GPU and the CPU. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field AsyncQueueSynchronisation UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsFenceType +-- +--The GraphicsFence can only be used to synchronize between the GPU and the CPU. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field CPUSynchronisation UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsFenceType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsFenceType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsFenceType +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsFenceType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Used to manage synchronisation between tasks on async compute queues and the graphics queue. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsFence: System.ValueType +-- +--Determines whether the GraphicsFence has passed. +-- +--Allows the CPU to determine whether the GPU has passed the point in its processing represented by the GraphicsFence. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field passed bool +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsFence = {} + + +-- +--Script interface for. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsSettings: UnityEngine.Object +-- +--Transparent object sorting mode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field transparencySortMode UnityEngine.TransparencySortMode +-- +--An axis that describes the direction along which the distances of objects are measured for the purpose of sorting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field transparencySortAxis UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Is the current render pipeline capable of rendering direct lighting for rectangular area Lights? +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field realtimeDirectRectangularAreaLights bool +-- +--If this is true, Light intensity is multiplied against linear color values. If it is false, gamma color values are used. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field lightsUseLinearIntensity bool +-- +--Whether to use a Light's color temperature when calculating the final color of that Light." +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field lightsUseColorTemperature bool +-- +--Stores the default value for the RenderingLayerMask property of newly created Renderers. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field defaultRenderingLayerMask uint +-- +--Enable/Disable SRP batcher (experimental) at runtime. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field useScriptableRenderPipelineBatching bool +-- +--If this is true, a log entry is made each time a shader is compiled at application runtime. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field logWhenShaderIsCompiled bool +-- +--Disables the built-in update loop for Custom Render Textures, so that you can write your own update loop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field disableBuiltinCustomRenderTextureUpdate bool +-- +--If and when to include video shaders in the build. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field videoShadersIncludeMode UnityEngine.Rendering.VideoShadersIncludeMode +-- +--The RenderPipelineAsset that defines the active render pipeline for the current quality level. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field currentRenderPipeline UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineAsset +-- +--Deprecated, use GraphicsSettings.defaultRenderPipeline instead. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field renderPipelineAsset UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineAsset +-- +--The RenderPipelineAsset that defines the default render pipeline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field defaultRenderPipeline UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineAsset +-- +--An array containing the RenderPipelineAsset instances that describe the default render pipeline and any quality level overrides. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field allConfiguredRenderPipelines UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineAsset[] +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsSettings = {} + +-- +--Returns true if shader define was set when compiling shaders for current GraphicsTier. Graphics Tiers are only available in the Built-in Render Pipeline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param tier UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsTier +---@param defineHash UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsSettings:HasShaderDefine(tier, defineHash) end + +-- +--Returns true if shader define was set when compiling shaders for a given GraphicsTier. Graphics Tiers are only available in the Built-in Render Pipeline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param defineHash UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsSettings:HasShaderDefine(defineHash) end + +-- +--Returns the GraphicsSettings object. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Object +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsSettings:GetGraphicsSettings() end + +-- +--Set built-in shader mode. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: type - Built-in shader type to change. +-- mode - Mode to use for built-in shader. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param type UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderType +---@param mode UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsSettings:SetShaderMode(type, mode) end + +-- +--Mode used for built-in shader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: type - Built-in shader type to query. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param type UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderType +---@return BuiltinShaderMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsSettings:GetShaderMode(type) end + +-- +--Set custom shader to use instead of a built-in shader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: type - Built-in shader type to set custom shader to. +-- shader - The shader to use. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param type UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderType +---@param shader UnityEngine.Shader +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsSettings:SetCustomShader(type, shader) end + +-- +--The shader used. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: type - Built-in shader type to query custom shader for. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param type UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderType +---@return Shader +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsSettings:GetCustomShader(type) end + + +-- +--Use the OnDemandRendering class to control and query information about your application's rendering speed independent from all other subsystems (such as physics, input, or animation). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.OnDemandRendering: object +-- +--True if the current frame will be rendered. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field willCurrentFrameRender bool +-- +--Get or set the current frame rate interval. To restore rendering back to the value of Application.targetFrameRate or QualitySettings.vSyncCount set this to 0 or 1. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field renderFrameInterval int +-- +--The current estimated rate of rendering in frames per second rounded to the nearest integer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field effectiveRenderFrameRate int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.OnDemandRendering = {} + + +-- +--List of graphics commands to execute. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer: object +-- +--Name of this command buffer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field name string +-- +--Size of this command buffer in bytes (Read Only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field sizeInBytes int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer = {} + +-- +--Converts and copies a source texture to a destination texture with a different format or dimensions. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: src - Source texture. +-- dst - Destination texture. +-- srcElement - Source element (e.g. cubemap face). Set this to 0 for 2D source textures. +-- dstElement - Destination element (e.g. cubemap face or texture array element). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param dst UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.ConvertTexture(src, dst) end + +-- +--Converts and copies a source texture to a destination texture with a different format or dimensions. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: src - Source texture. +-- dst - Destination texture. +-- srcElement - Source element (e.g. cubemap face). Set this to 0 for 2D source textures. +-- dstElement - Destination element (e.g. cubemap face or texture array element). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param srcElement int +---@param dst UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param dstElement int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.ConvertTexture(src, srcElement, dst, dstElement) end + +-- +--Adds an "AsyncGPUReadback.WaitAllRequests" command to the CommandBuffer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.WaitAllAsyncReadbackRequests() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadback(src, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadback(src, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param size int +---@param offset int +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadback(src, size, offset, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param size int +---@param offset int +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadback(src, size, offset, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadback(src, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadback(src, mipIndex, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.TextureFormat +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadback(src, mipIndex, dstFormat, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadback(src, mipIndex, dstFormat, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param x int +---@param width int +---@param y int +---@param height int +---@param z int +---@param depth int +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadback(src, mipIndex, x, width, y, height, z, depth, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param x int +---@param width int +---@param y int +---@param height int +---@param z int +---@param depth int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.TextureFormat +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadback(src, mipIndex, x, width, y, height, z, depth, dstFormat, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param x int +---@param width int +---@param y int +---@param height int +---@param z int +---@param depth int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadback(src, mipIndex, x, width, y, height, z, depth, dstFormat, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param src UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeArray(output, src, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param src UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param size int +---@param offset int +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeArray(output, src, size, offset, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param src UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeArray(output, src, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param src UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param size int +---@param offset int +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeArray(output, src, size, offset, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeArray(output, src, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeArray(output, src, mipIndex, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.TextureFormat +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeArray(output, src, mipIndex, dstFormat, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeArray(output, src, mipIndex, dstFormat, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param x int +---@param width int +---@param y int +---@param height int +---@param z int +---@param depth int +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeArray(output, src, mipIndex, x, width, y, height, z, depth, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param x int +---@param width int +---@param y int +---@param height int +---@param z int +---@param depth int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.TextureFormat +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeArray(output, src, mipIndex, x, width, y, height, z, depth, dstFormat, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param x int +---@param width int +---@param y int +---@param height int +---@param z int +---@param depth int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeArray(output, src, mipIndex, x, width, y, height, z, depth, dstFormat, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param src UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeSlice(output, src, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param src UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param size int +---@param offset int +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeSlice(output, src, size, offset, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param src UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeSlice(output, src, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param src UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param size int +---@param offset int +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeSlice(output, src, size, offset, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeSlice(output, src, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeSlice(output, src, mipIndex, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.TextureFormat +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeSlice(output, src, mipIndex, dstFormat, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeSlice(output, src, mipIndex, dstFormat, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param x int +---@param width int +---@param y int +---@param height int +---@param z int +---@param depth int +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeSlice(output, src, mipIndex, x, width, y, height, z, depth, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param x int +---@param width int +---@param y int +---@param height int +---@param z int +---@param depth int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.TextureFormat +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeSlice(output, src, mipIndex, x, width, y, height, z, depth, dstFormat, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param output Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param src UnityEngine.Texture +---@param mipIndex int +---@param x int +---@param width int +---@param y int +---@param height int +---@param z int +---@param depth int +---@param dstFormat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.RequestAsyncReadbackIntoNativeSlice(output, src, mipIndex, x, width, y, height, z, depth, dstFormat, callback) end + +-- +--Add a "set invert culling" command to the buffer. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: invertCulling - A boolean indicating whether to invert the backface culling (true) or not (false). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param invertCulling bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetInvertCulling(invertCulling) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a float parameter on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- val - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param nameID int +---@param val float +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeFloatParam(computeShader, nameID, val) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set an integer parameter on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- val - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param nameID int +---@param val int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeIntParam(computeShader, nameID, val) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a vector parameter on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- val - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param nameID int +---@param val UnityEngine.Vector4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeVectorParam(computeShader, nameID, val) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a vector array parameter on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Property name. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- values - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param nameID int +---@param values UnityEngine.Vector4[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeVectorArrayParam(computeShader, nameID, values) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a matrix parameter on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- val - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param nameID int +---@param val UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeMatrixParam(computeShader, nameID, val) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a matrix array parameter on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- values - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param nameID int +---@param values UnityEngine.Matrix4x4[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeMatrixArrayParam(computeShader, nameID, values) end + +-- +--Adds a command to select which Shader Pass to use when executing ray/geometry intersection shaders. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- passName - The Shader Pass to use when executing ray tracing shaders. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param passName string +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingShaderPass(rayTracingShader, passName) end + +-- +--Clear all commands in the buffer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.Clear() end + +-- +--Clear random write targets for level pixel shaders. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.ClearRandomWriteTargets() end + +-- +--Add a command to set the rendering viewport. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: pixelRect - Viewport rectangle in pixel coordinates. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param pixelRect UnityEngine.Rect +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetViewport(pixelRect) end + +-- +--Add a command to enable the hardware scissor rectangle. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: scissor - Viewport rectangle in pixel coordinates. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param scissor UnityEngine.Rect +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.EnableScissorRect(scissor) end + +-- +--Add a command to disable the hardware scissor rectangle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DisableScissorRect() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param depthBuffer int +---@param filter UnityEngine.FilterMode +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@param antiAliasing int +---@param enableRandomWrite bool +---@param memorylessMode UnityEngine.RenderTextureMemoryless +---@param useDynamicScale bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT(nameID, width, height, depthBuffer, filter, format, antiAliasing, enableRandomWrite, memorylessMode, useDynamicScale) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param depthBuffer int +---@param filter UnityEngine.FilterMode +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@param antiAliasing int +---@param enableRandomWrite bool +---@param memorylessMode UnityEngine.RenderTextureMemoryless +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT(nameID, width, height, depthBuffer, filter, format, antiAliasing, enableRandomWrite, memorylessMode) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param depthBuffer int +---@param filter UnityEngine.FilterMode +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@param antiAliasing int +---@param enableRandomWrite bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT(nameID, width, height, depthBuffer, filter, format, antiAliasing, enableRandomWrite) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param depthBuffer int +---@param filter UnityEngine.FilterMode +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@param antiAliasing int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT(nameID, width, height, depthBuffer, filter, format, antiAliasing) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param depthBuffer int +---@param filter UnityEngine.FilterMode +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT(nameID, width, height, depthBuffer, filter, format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param depthBuffer int +---@param filter UnityEngine.FilterMode +---@param format UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat +---@param readWrite UnityEngine.RenderTextureReadWrite +---@param antiAliasing int +---@param enableRandomWrite bool +---@param memorylessMode UnityEngine.RenderTextureMemoryless +---@param useDynamicScale bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT(nameID, width, height, depthBuffer, filter, format, readWrite, antiAliasing, enableRandomWrite, memorylessMode, useDynamicScale) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param depthBuffer int +---@param filter UnityEngine.FilterMode +---@param format UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat +---@param readWrite UnityEngine.RenderTextureReadWrite +---@param antiAliasing int +---@param enableRandomWrite bool +---@param memorylessMode UnityEngine.RenderTextureMemoryless +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT(nameID, width, height, depthBuffer, filter, format, readWrite, antiAliasing, enableRandomWrite, memorylessMode) end + +-- +--Add a "get a temporary render texture" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - Shader property name for this texture. +-- width - Width in pixels, or -1 for "camera pixel width". +-- height - Height in pixels, or -1 for "camera pixel height". +-- depthBuffer - Depth buffer bits (0, 16 or 24). +-- filter - Texture filtering mode (default is Point). +-- format - Format of the render texture (default is ARGB32). +-- readWrite - Color space conversion mode. +-- antiAliasing - Anti-aliasing (default is no anti-aliasing). +-- enableRandomWrite - Should random-write access into the texture be enabled (default is false). +-- desc - Use this RenderTextureDescriptor for the settings when creating the temporary RenderTexture. +-- memorylessMode - Render texture memoryless mode. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param depthBuffer int +---@param filter UnityEngine.FilterMode +---@param format UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat +---@param readWrite UnityEngine.RenderTextureReadWrite +---@param antiAliasing int +---@param enableRandomWrite bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT(nameID, width, height, depthBuffer, filter, format, readWrite, antiAliasing, enableRandomWrite) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param depthBuffer int +---@param filter UnityEngine.FilterMode +---@param format UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat +---@param readWrite UnityEngine.RenderTextureReadWrite +---@param antiAliasing int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT(nameID, width, height, depthBuffer, filter, format, readWrite, antiAliasing) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param depthBuffer int +---@param filter UnityEngine.FilterMode +---@param format UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat +---@param readWrite UnityEngine.RenderTextureReadWrite +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT(nameID, width, height, depthBuffer, filter, format, readWrite) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param depthBuffer int +---@param filter UnityEngine.FilterMode +---@param format UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT(nameID, width, height, depthBuffer, filter, format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param depthBuffer int +---@param filter UnityEngine.FilterMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT(nameID, width, height, depthBuffer, filter) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param depthBuffer int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT(nameID, width, height, depthBuffer) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT(nameID, width, height) end + +-- +--Add a "get a temporary render texture" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - Shader property name for this texture. +-- width - Width in pixels, or -1 for "camera pixel width". +-- height - Height in pixels, or -1 for "camera pixel height". +-- depthBuffer - Depth buffer bits (0, 16 or 24). +-- filter - Texture filtering mode (default is Point). +-- format - Format of the render texture (default is ARGB32). +-- readWrite - Color space conversion mode. +-- antiAliasing - Anti-aliasing (default is no anti-aliasing). +-- enableRandomWrite - Should random-write access into the texture be enabled (default is false). +-- desc - Use this RenderTextureDescriptor for the settings when creating the temporary RenderTexture. +-- memorylessMode - Render texture memoryless mode. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param desc UnityEngine.RenderTextureDescriptor +---@param filter UnityEngine.FilterMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT(nameID, desc, filter) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param desc UnityEngine.RenderTextureDescriptor +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRT(nameID, desc) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param slices int +---@param depthBuffer int +---@param filter UnityEngine.FilterMode +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@param antiAliasing int +---@param enableRandomWrite bool +---@param useDynamicScale bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRTArray(nameID, width, height, slices, depthBuffer, filter, format, antiAliasing, enableRandomWrite, useDynamicScale) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param slices int +---@param depthBuffer int +---@param filter UnityEngine.FilterMode +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@param antiAliasing int +---@param enableRandomWrite bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRTArray(nameID, width, height, slices, depthBuffer, filter, format, antiAliasing, enableRandomWrite) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param slices int +---@param depthBuffer int +---@param filter UnityEngine.FilterMode +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +---@param antiAliasing int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRTArray(nameID, width, height, slices, depthBuffer, filter, format, antiAliasing) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param slices int +---@param depthBuffer int +---@param filter UnityEngine.FilterMode +---@param format UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRTArray(nameID, width, height, slices, depthBuffer, filter, format) end + +-- +--Add a "get a temporary render texture array" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - Shader property name for this texture. +-- width - Width in pixels, or -1 for "camera pixel width". +-- height - Height in pixels, or -1 for "camera pixel height". +-- slices - Number of slices in texture array. +-- depthBuffer - Depth buffer bits (0, 16 or 24). +-- filter - Texture filtering mode (default is Point). +-- format - Format of the render texture (default is ARGB32). +-- readWrite - Color space conversion mode. +-- antiAliasing - Anti-aliasing (default is no anti-aliasing). +-- enableRandomWrite - Should random-write access into the texture be enabled (default is false). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param slices int +---@param depthBuffer int +---@param filter UnityEngine.FilterMode +---@param format UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat +---@param readWrite UnityEngine.RenderTextureReadWrite +---@param antiAliasing int +---@param enableRandomWrite bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRTArray(nameID, width, height, slices, depthBuffer, filter, format, readWrite, antiAliasing, enableRandomWrite) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param slices int +---@param depthBuffer int +---@param filter UnityEngine.FilterMode +---@param format UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat +---@param readWrite UnityEngine.RenderTextureReadWrite +---@param antiAliasing int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRTArray(nameID, width, height, slices, depthBuffer, filter, format, readWrite, antiAliasing) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param slices int +---@param depthBuffer int +---@param filter UnityEngine.FilterMode +---@param format UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat +---@param readWrite UnityEngine.RenderTextureReadWrite +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRTArray(nameID, width, height, slices, depthBuffer, filter, format, readWrite) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param slices int +---@param depthBuffer int +---@param filter UnityEngine.FilterMode +---@param format UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRTArray(nameID, width, height, slices, depthBuffer, filter, format) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param slices int +---@param depthBuffer int +---@param filter UnityEngine.FilterMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRTArray(nameID, width, height, slices, depthBuffer, filter) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param slices int +---@param depthBuffer int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRTArray(nameID, width, height, slices, depthBuffer) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param slices int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GetTemporaryRTArray(nameID, width, height, slices) end + +-- +--Add a "release a temporary render texture" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - Shader property name for this texture. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.ReleaseTemporaryRT(nameID) end + +-- +--Adds a "clear render target" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: clearDepth - Should clear depth buffer? +-- clearColor - Should clear color buffer? +-- backgroundColor - Color to clear with. +-- depth - Depth to clear with (default is 1.0). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param clearDepth bool +---@param clearColor bool +---@param backgroundColor UnityEngine.Color +---@param depth float +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.ClearRenderTarget(clearDepth, clearColor, backgroundColor, depth) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param clearDepth bool +---@param clearColor bool +---@param backgroundColor UnityEngine.Color +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.ClearRenderTarget(clearDepth, clearColor, backgroundColor) end + +-- +--Add a "set global shader float property" command. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param value float +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalFloat(nameID, value) end + +-- +--Sets the given global integer property for all shaders. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param value int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalInt(nameID, value) end + +-- +--Add a "set global shader vector property" command. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param value UnityEngine.Vector4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalVector(nameID, value) end + +-- +--Add a "set global shader color property" command. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param value UnityEngine.Color +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalColor(nameID, value) end + +-- +--Add a "set global shader matrix property" command. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param value UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalMatrix(nameID, value) end + +-- +--Adds a command to enable global shader keyword. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: keyword - The name of the global shader keyword to enable. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param keyword string +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.EnableShaderKeyword(keyword) end + +-- +--Adds a command to disable global shader keyword. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: keyword - The name of the global shader keyword to disable. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param keyword string +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DisableShaderKeyword(keyword) end + +-- +--Add a command to set the view matrix. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: view - View (world to camera space) matrix. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param view UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetViewMatrix(view) end + +-- +--Add a command to set the projection matrix. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: proj - Projection (camera to clip space) matrix. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param proj UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetProjectionMatrix(proj) end + +-- +--Add a command to set the view and projection matrices. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: view - View (world to camera space) matrix. +-- proj - Projection (camera to clip space) matrix. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param view UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param proj UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetViewProjectionMatrices(view, proj) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set the global depth bias. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: bias - Scales the GPU's minimum resolvable depth buffer value to produce a constant depth offset. The minimum resolvable depth buffer value varies by device. +-- +--Set to a negative value to draw geometry closer to the camera, or a positive value to draw geometry further away from the camera. +-- slopeBias - Scales the maximum Z slope, also called the depth slope, to produce a variable depth offset for each polygon. +-- +--Polygons that are not parallel to the near and far clip planes have Z slope. Adjust this value to avoid visual artifacts on such polygons. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param bias float +---@param slopeBias float +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalDepthBias(bias, slopeBias) end + +-- +--Set flags describing the intention for how the command buffer will be executed. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: flags - The flags to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param flags UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBufferExecutionFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetExecutionFlags(flags) end + +-- +--Add a "set global shader float array property" command. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param values float[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalFloatArray(nameID, values) end + +-- +--Add a "set global shader vector array property" command. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param values UnityEngine.Vector4[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalVectorArray(nameID, values) end + +-- +--Add a "set global shader matrix array property" command. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param values UnityEngine.Matrix4x4[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalMatrixArray(nameID, values) end + +-- +--Set the current stereo projection matrices for late latching. Stereo matrices is passed in as an array of two matrices. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: projectionMat - Stereo projection matrices. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param projectionMat UnityEngine.Matrix4x4[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetLateLatchProjectionMatrices(projectionMat) end + +-- +--Mark a global shader property id to be late latched. Possible shader properties include view, inverseView, viewProjection, and inverseViewProjection matrices. The Universal Render Pipeline (URP) uses this function to support late latching of shader properties. If you call this function when using built-in Unity rendering or the High-Definition Rendering Pipeline (HDRP), the results are ignored. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: matrixPropertyType - Camera matrix property type to be late latched. +-- shaderPropertyID - Shader property name id. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param matrixPropertyType UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraLateLatchMatrixType +---@param shaderPropertyID int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.MarkLateLatchMatrixShaderPropertyID(matrixPropertyType, shaderPropertyID) end + +-- +--Unmark a global shader property for late latching. After unmarking, the shader property will no longer be late latched. This function is intended for the Universal Render Pipeline (URP) to specify late latched shader properties. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: matrixPropertyType - Camera matrix property type to be unmarked for late latching. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param matrixPropertyType UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraLateLatchMatrixType +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.UnmarkLateLatchMatrix(matrixPropertyType) end + +-- +--Adds a command to begin profile sampling. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - Name of the profile information used for sampling. +-- sampler - The CustomSampler that the CommandBuffer uses for sampling. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.BeginSample(name) end + +-- +--Adds a command to begin profile sampling. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - Name of the profile information used for sampling. +-- sampler - The CustomSampler that the CommandBuffer uses for sampling. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.EndSample(name) end + +-- +--Adds a command to begin profile sampling. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - Name of the profile information used for sampling. +-- sampler - The CustomSampler that the CommandBuffer uses for sampling. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sampler UnityEngine.Profiling.CustomSampler +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.BeginSample(sampler) end + +-- +--Adds a command to begin profile sampling. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - Name of the profile information used for sampling. +-- sampler - The CustomSampler that the CommandBuffer uses for sampling. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sampler UnityEngine.Profiling.CustomSampler +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.EndSample(sampler) end + +-- +--Increments the updateCount property of a Texture. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: dest - Increments the updateCount for this Texture. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param dest UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.IncrementUpdateCount(dest) end + +-- +--Adds a command to multiply the instance count of every draw call by a specific multiplier. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param multiplier uint +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetInstanceMultiplier(multiplier) end + +-- +--Add a "set active render target" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rt - Render target to set for both color & depth buffers. +-- color - Render target to set as a color buffer. +-- colors - Render targets to set as color buffers (MRT). +-- depth - Render target to set as a depth buffer. +-- mipLevel - The mip level of the render target to render into. +-- cubemapFace - The cubemap face of a cubemap render target to render into. +-- depthSlice - Slice of a 3D or array render target to set. +-- loadAction - Load action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- storeAction - Store action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- colorLoadAction - Load action that is used for the color buffer. +-- colorStoreAction - Store action that is used for the color buffer. +-- depthLoadAction - Load action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- depthStoreAction - Store action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rt UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRenderTarget(rt) end + +-- +--Add a "set active render target" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rt - Render target to set for both color & depth buffers. +-- color - Render target to set as a color buffer. +-- colors - Render targets to set as color buffers (MRT). +-- depth - Render target to set as a depth buffer. +-- mipLevel - The mip level of the render target to render into. +-- cubemapFace - The cubemap face of a cubemap render target to render into. +-- depthSlice - Slice of a 3D or array render target to set. +-- loadAction - Load action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- storeAction - Store action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- colorLoadAction - Load action that is used for the color buffer. +-- colorStoreAction - Store action that is used for the color buffer. +-- depthLoadAction - Load action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- depthStoreAction - Store action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rt UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param loadAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferLoadAction +---@param storeAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferStoreAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRenderTarget(rt, loadAction, storeAction) end + +-- +--Add a "set active render target" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rt - Render target to set for both color & depth buffers. +-- color - Render target to set as a color buffer. +-- colors - Render targets to set as color buffers (MRT). +-- depth - Render target to set as a depth buffer. +-- mipLevel - The mip level of the render target to render into. +-- cubemapFace - The cubemap face of a cubemap render target to render into. +-- depthSlice - Slice of a 3D or array render target to set. +-- loadAction - Load action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- storeAction - Store action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- colorLoadAction - Load action that is used for the color buffer. +-- colorStoreAction - Store action that is used for the color buffer. +-- depthLoadAction - Load action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- depthStoreAction - Store action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rt UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param colorLoadAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferLoadAction +---@param colorStoreAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferStoreAction +---@param depthLoadAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferLoadAction +---@param depthStoreAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferStoreAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRenderTarget(rt, colorLoadAction, colorStoreAction, depthLoadAction, depthStoreAction) end + +-- +--Add a "set active render target" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rt - Render target to set for both color & depth buffers. +-- color - Render target to set as a color buffer. +-- colors - Render targets to set as color buffers (MRT). +-- depth - Render target to set as a depth buffer. +-- mipLevel - The mip level of the render target to render into. +-- cubemapFace - The cubemap face of a cubemap render target to render into. +-- depthSlice - Slice of a 3D or array render target to set. +-- loadAction - Load action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- storeAction - Store action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- colorLoadAction - Load action that is used for the color buffer. +-- colorStoreAction - Store action that is used for the color buffer. +-- depthLoadAction - Load action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- depthStoreAction - Store action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rt UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param mipLevel int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRenderTarget(rt, mipLevel) end + +-- +--Add a "set active render target" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rt - Render target to set for both color & depth buffers. +-- color - Render target to set as a color buffer. +-- colors - Render targets to set as color buffers (MRT). +-- depth - Render target to set as a depth buffer. +-- mipLevel - The mip level of the render target to render into. +-- cubemapFace - The cubemap face of a cubemap render target to render into. +-- depthSlice - Slice of a 3D or array render target to set. +-- loadAction - Load action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- storeAction - Store action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- colorLoadAction - Load action that is used for the color buffer. +-- colorStoreAction - Store action that is used for the color buffer. +-- depthLoadAction - Load action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- depthStoreAction - Store action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rt UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param mipLevel int +---@param cubemapFace UnityEngine.CubemapFace +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRenderTarget(rt, mipLevel, cubemapFace) end + +-- +--Add a "set active render target" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rt - Render target to set for both color & depth buffers. +-- color - Render target to set as a color buffer. +-- colors - Render targets to set as color buffers (MRT). +-- depth - Render target to set as a depth buffer. +-- mipLevel - The mip level of the render target to render into. +-- cubemapFace - The cubemap face of a cubemap render target to render into. +-- depthSlice - Slice of a 3D or array render target to set. +-- loadAction - Load action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- storeAction - Store action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- colorLoadAction - Load action that is used for the color buffer. +-- colorStoreAction - Store action that is used for the color buffer. +-- depthLoadAction - Load action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- depthStoreAction - Store action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rt UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param mipLevel int +---@param cubemapFace UnityEngine.CubemapFace +---@param depthSlice int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRenderTarget(rt, mipLevel, cubemapFace, depthSlice) end + +-- +--Add a "set active render target" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rt - Render target to set for both color & depth buffers. +-- color - Render target to set as a color buffer. +-- colors - Render targets to set as color buffers (MRT). +-- depth - Render target to set as a depth buffer. +-- mipLevel - The mip level of the render target to render into. +-- cubemapFace - The cubemap face of a cubemap render target to render into. +-- depthSlice - Slice of a 3D or array render target to set. +-- loadAction - Load action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- storeAction - Store action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- colorLoadAction - Load action that is used for the color buffer. +-- colorStoreAction - Store action that is used for the color buffer. +-- depthLoadAction - Load action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- depthStoreAction - Store action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param color UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param depth UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRenderTarget(color, depth) end + +-- +--Add a "set active render target" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rt - Render target to set for both color & depth buffers. +-- color - Render target to set as a color buffer. +-- colors - Render targets to set as color buffers (MRT). +-- depth - Render target to set as a depth buffer. +-- mipLevel - The mip level of the render target to render into. +-- cubemapFace - The cubemap face of a cubemap render target to render into. +-- depthSlice - Slice of a 3D or array render target to set. +-- loadAction - Load action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- storeAction - Store action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- colorLoadAction - Load action that is used for the color buffer. +-- colorStoreAction - Store action that is used for the color buffer. +-- depthLoadAction - Load action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- depthStoreAction - Store action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param color UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param depth UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param mipLevel int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRenderTarget(color, depth, mipLevel) end + +-- +--Add a "set active render target" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rt - Render target to set for both color & depth buffers. +-- color - Render target to set as a color buffer. +-- colors - Render targets to set as color buffers (MRT). +-- depth - Render target to set as a depth buffer. +-- mipLevel - The mip level of the render target to render into. +-- cubemapFace - The cubemap face of a cubemap render target to render into. +-- depthSlice - Slice of a 3D or array render target to set. +-- loadAction - Load action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- storeAction - Store action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- colorLoadAction - Load action that is used for the color buffer. +-- colorStoreAction - Store action that is used for the color buffer. +-- depthLoadAction - Load action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- depthStoreAction - Store action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param color UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param depth UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param mipLevel int +---@param cubemapFace UnityEngine.CubemapFace +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRenderTarget(color, depth, mipLevel, cubemapFace) end + +-- +--Add a "set active render target" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rt - Render target to set for both color & depth buffers. +-- color - Render target to set as a color buffer. +-- colors - Render targets to set as color buffers (MRT). +-- depth - Render target to set as a depth buffer. +-- mipLevel - The mip level of the render target to render into. +-- cubemapFace - The cubemap face of a cubemap render target to render into. +-- depthSlice - Slice of a 3D or array render target to set. +-- loadAction - Load action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- storeAction - Store action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- colorLoadAction - Load action that is used for the color buffer. +-- colorStoreAction - Store action that is used for the color buffer. +-- depthLoadAction - Load action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- depthStoreAction - Store action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param color UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param depth UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param mipLevel int +---@param cubemapFace UnityEngine.CubemapFace +---@param depthSlice int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRenderTarget(color, depth, mipLevel, cubemapFace, depthSlice) end + +-- +--Add a "set active render target" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rt - Render target to set for both color & depth buffers. +-- color - Render target to set as a color buffer. +-- colors - Render targets to set as color buffers (MRT). +-- depth - Render target to set as a depth buffer. +-- mipLevel - The mip level of the render target to render into. +-- cubemapFace - The cubemap face of a cubemap render target to render into. +-- depthSlice - Slice of a 3D or array render target to set. +-- loadAction - Load action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- storeAction - Store action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- colorLoadAction - Load action that is used for the color buffer. +-- colorStoreAction - Store action that is used for the color buffer. +-- depthLoadAction - Load action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- depthStoreAction - Store action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param color UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param colorLoadAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferLoadAction +---@param colorStoreAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferStoreAction +---@param depth UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param depthLoadAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferLoadAction +---@param depthStoreAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferStoreAction +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRenderTarget(color, colorLoadAction, colorStoreAction, depth, depthLoadAction, depthStoreAction) end + +-- +--Add a "set active render target" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rt - Render target to set for both color & depth buffers. +-- color - Render target to set as a color buffer. +-- colors - Render targets to set as color buffers (MRT). +-- depth - Render target to set as a depth buffer. +-- mipLevel - The mip level of the render target to render into. +-- cubemapFace - The cubemap face of a cubemap render target to render into. +-- depthSlice - Slice of a 3D or array render target to set. +-- loadAction - Load action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- storeAction - Store action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- colorLoadAction - Load action that is used for the color buffer. +-- colorStoreAction - Store action that is used for the color buffer. +-- depthLoadAction - Load action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- depthStoreAction - Store action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param colors UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier[] +---@param depth UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRenderTarget(colors, depth) end + +-- +--Add a "set active render target" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rt - Render target to set for both color & depth buffers. +-- color - Render target to set as a color buffer. +-- colors - Render targets to set as color buffers (MRT). +-- depth - Render target to set as a depth buffer. +-- mipLevel - The mip level of the render target to render into. +-- cubemapFace - The cubemap face of a cubemap render target to render into. +-- depthSlice - Slice of a 3D or array render target to set. +-- loadAction - Load action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- storeAction - Store action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- colorLoadAction - Load action that is used for the color buffer. +-- colorStoreAction - Store action that is used for the color buffer. +-- depthLoadAction - Load action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- depthStoreAction - Store action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param colors UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier[] +---@param depth UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param mipLevel int +---@param cubemapFace UnityEngine.CubemapFace +---@param depthSlice int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRenderTarget(colors, depth, mipLevel, cubemapFace, depthSlice) end + +-- +--Add a "set active render target" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rt - Render target to set for both color & depth buffers. +-- color - Render target to set as a color buffer. +-- colors - Render targets to set as color buffers (MRT). +-- depth - Render target to set as a depth buffer. +-- mipLevel - The mip level of the render target to render into. +-- cubemapFace - The cubemap face of a cubemap render target to render into. +-- depthSlice - Slice of a 3D or array render target to set. +-- loadAction - Load action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- storeAction - Store action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- colorLoadAction - Load action that is used for the color buffer. +-- colorStoreAction - Store action that is used for the color buffer. +-- depthLoadAction - Load action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- depthStoreAction - Store action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param binding UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBinding +---@param mipLevel int +---@param cubemapFace UnityEngine.CubemapFace +---@param depthSlice int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRenderTarget(binding, mipLevel, cubemapFace, depthSlice) end + +-- +--Add a "set active render target" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rt - Render target to set for both color & depth buffers. +-- color - Render target to set as a color buffer. +-- colors - Render targets to set as color buffers (MRT). +-- depth - Render target to set as a depth buffer. +-- mipLevel - The mip level of the render target to render into. +-- cubemapFace - The cubemap face of a cubemap render target to render into. +-- depthSlice - Slice of a 3D or array render target to set. +-- loadAction - Load action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- storeAction - Store action that is used for color and depth/stencil buffers. +-- colorLoadAction - Load action that is used for the color buffer. +-- colorStoreAction - Store action that is used for the color buffer. +-- depthLoadAction - Load action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- depthStoreAction - Store action that is used for the depth/stencil buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param binding UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBinding +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRenderTarget(binding) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set the buffer with values from an array. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: buffer - The destination buffer. +-- data - Array of values to fill the buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param buffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param data System.Array +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeBufferData(buffer, data) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param buffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param data System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeBufferData(buffer, data) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param buffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param data Unity.Collections.NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeBufferData(buffer, data) end + +-- +--Adds a command to process a partial copy of data values from an array into the buffer. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: buffer - The destination buffer. +-- data - Array of values to fill the buffer. +-- managedBufferStartIndex - The first element index in data to copy to the compute buffer. +-- graphicsBufferStartIndex - The first element index in compute buffer to receive the data. +-- count - The number of elements to copy. +-- nativeBufferStartIndex - The first element index in data to copy to the compute buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param buffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param data System.Array +---@param managedBufferStartIndex int +---@param graphicsBufferStartIndex int +---@param count int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeBufferData(buffer, data, managedBufferStartIndex, graphicsBufferStartIndex, count) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param buffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param data System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param managedBufferStartIndex int +---@param graphicsBufferStartIndex int +---@param count int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeBufferData(buffer, data, managedBufferStartIndex, graphicsBufferStartIndex, count) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param buffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param data Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param nativeBufferStartIndex int +---@param graphicsBufferStartIndex int +---@param count int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeBufferData(buffer, data, nativeBufferStartIndex, graphicsBufferStartIndex, count) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set the counter value of append/consume buffer. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: buffer - The destination buffer. +-- counterValue - Value of the append/consume counter. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param buffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param counterValue uint +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeBufferCounterValue(buffer, counterValue) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.Dispose() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.Release() end + +-- +--Returns a new GraphicsFence. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stage - The synchronization stage. See Graphics.CreateGraphicsFence. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return GraphicsFence +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.CreateAsyncGraphicsFence() end + +-- +--Returns a new GraphicsFence. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: stage - The synchronization stage. See Graphics.CreateGraphicsFence. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param stage UnityEngine.Rendering.SynchronisationStage +---@return GraphicsFence +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.CreateAsyncGraphicsFence(stage) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param fenceType UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsFenceType +---@param stage UnityEngine.Rendering.SynchronisationStageFlags +---@return GraphicsFence +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.CreateGraphicsFence(fenceType, stage) end + +-- +--Instructs the GPU to wait until the given GraphicsFence is passed. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: fence - The GraphicsFence that the GPU will be instructed to wait upon before proceeding with its processing of the graphics queue. +-- stage - On some platforms there is a significant gap between the vertex processing completing and the pixel processing beginning for a given draw call. This parameter allows for a requested wait to be made before the next item's vertex or pixel processing begins. If a compute shader dispatch is the next item to be submitted then this parameter is ignored. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param fence UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsFence +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.WaitOnAsyncGraphicsFence(fence) end + +-- +--Instructs the GPU to wait until the given GraphicsFence is passed. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: fence - The GraphicsFence that the GPU will be instructed to wait upon before proceeding with its processing of the graphics queue. +-- stage - On some platforms there is a significant gap between the vertex processing completing and the pixel processing beginning for a given draw call. This parameter allows for a requested wait to be made before the next item's vertex or pixel processing begins. If a compute shader dispatch is the next item to be submitted then this parameter is ignored. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param fence UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsFence +---@param stage UnityEngine.Rendering.SynchronisationStage +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.WaitOnAsyncGraphicsFence(fence, stage) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param fence UnityEngine.Rendering.GraphicsFence +---@param stage UnityEngine.Rendering.SynchronisationStageFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.WaitOnAsyncGraphicsFence(fence, stage) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a float parameter on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- val - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param name string +---@param val float +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeFloatParam(computeShader, name, val) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set an integer parameter on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- val - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param name string +---@param val int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeIntParam(computeShader, name, val) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a vector parameter on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- val - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param name string +---@param val UnityEngine.Vector4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeVectorParam(computeShader, name, val) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a vector array parameter on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Property name. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- values - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param name string +---@param values UnityEngine.Vector4[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeVectorArrayParam(computeShader, name, values) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a matrix parameter on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- val - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param name string +---@param val UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeMatrixParam(computeShader, name, val) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a matrix array parameter on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- values - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param name string +---@param values UnityEngine.Matrix4x4[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeMatrixArrayParam(computeShader, name, values) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set multiple consecutive float parameters on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- values - Values to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param name string +---@param values float[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeFloatParams(computeShader, name, values) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set multiple consecutive float parameters on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- values - Values to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param nameID int +---@param values float[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeFloatParams(computeShader, nameID, values) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set multiple consecutive integer parameters on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- values - Values to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param name string +---@param values int[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeIntParams(computeShader, name, values) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set multiple consecutive integer parameters on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- values - Values to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param nameID int +---@param values int[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeIntParams(computeShader, nameID, values) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a texture parameter on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- kernelIndex - Which kernel the texture is being set for. See ComputeShader.FindKernel. +-- name - Name of the texture variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- rt - Texture value or identifier to set, see RenderTargetIdentifier. +-- mipLevel - Optional mipmap level of the read-write texture. +-- element - Optional parameter that specifies the type of data to set from the RenderTexture. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param kernelIndex int +---@param name string +---@param rt UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeTextureParam(computeShader, kernelIndex, name, rt) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a texture parameter on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- kernelIndex - Which kernel the texture is being set for. See ComputeShader.FindKernel. +-- name - Name of the texture variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- rt - Texture value or identifier to set, see RenderTargetIdentifier. +-- mipLevel - Optional mipmap level of the read-write texture. +-- element - Optional parameter that specifies the type of data to set from the RenderTexture. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param kernelIndex int +---@param nameID int +---@param rt UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeTextureParam(computeShader, kernelIndex, nameID, rt) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a texture parameter on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- kernelIndex - Which kernel the texture is being set for. See ComputeShader.FindKernel. +-- name - Name of the texture variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- rt - Texture value or identifier to set, see RenderTargetIdentifier. +-- mipLevel - Optional mipmap level of the read-write texture. +-- element - Optional parameter that specifies the type of data to set from the RenderTexture. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param kernelIndex int +---@param name string +---@param rt UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param mipLevel int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeTextureParam(computeShader, kernelIndex, name, rt, mipLevel) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a texture parameter on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- kernelIndex - Which kernel the texture is being set for. See ComputeShader.FindKernel. +-- name - Name of the texture variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- rt - Texture value or identifier to set, see RenderTargetIdentifier. +-- mipLevel - Optional mipmap level of the read-write texture. +-- element - Optional parameter that specifies the type of data to set from the RenderTexture. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param kernelIndex int +---@param nameID int +---@param rt UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param mipLevel int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeTextureParam(computeShader, kernelIndex, nameID, rt, mipLevel) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a texture parameter on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- kernelIndex - Which kernel the texture is being set for. See ComputeShader.FindKernel. +-- name - Name of the texture variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- rt - Texture value or identifier to set, see RenderTargetIdentifier. +-- mipLevel - Optional mipmap level of the read-write texture. +-- element - Optional parameter that specifies the type of data to set from the RenderTexture. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param kernelIndex int +---@param name string +---@param rt UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param mipLevel int +---@param element UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTextureSubElement +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeTextureParam(computeShader, kernelIndex, name, rt, mipLevel, element) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a texture parameter on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- kernelIndex - Which kernel the texture is being set for. See ComputeShader.FindKernel. +-- name - Name of the texture variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- rt - Texture value or identifier to set, see RenderTargetIdentifier. +-- mipLevel - Optional mipmap level of the read-write texture. +-- element - Optional parameter that specifies the type of data to set from the RenderTexture. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param kernelIndex int +---@param nameID int +---@param rt UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param mipLevel int +---@param element UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTextureSubElement +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeTextureParam(computeShader, kernelIndex, nameID, rt, mipLevel, element) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set an input or output buffer parameter on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- kernelIndex - Which kernel the buffer is being set for. See ComputeShader.FindKernel. +-- name - Name of the buffer variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- buffer - Buffer to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param kernelIndex int +---@param nameID int +---@param buffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeBufferParam(computeShader, kernelIndex, nameID, buffer) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set an input or output buffer parameter on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- kernelIndex - Which kernel the buffer is being set for. See ComputeShader.FindKernel. +-- name - Name of the buffer variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- buffer - Buffer to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param kernelIndex int +---@param name string +---@param buffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeBufferParam(computeShader, kernelIndex, name, buffer) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set an input or output buffer parameter on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- kernelIndex - Which kernel the buffer is being set for. See ComputeShader.FindKernel. +-- name - Name of the buffer variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- buffer - Buffer to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param kernelIndex int +---@param nameID int +---@param buffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeBufferParam(computeShader, kernelIndex, nameID, buffer) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set an input or output buffer parameter on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- kernelIndex - Which kernel the buffer is being set for. See ComputeShader.FindKernel. +-- name - Name of the buffer variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- buffer - Buffer to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param kernelIndex int +---@param name string +---@param buffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeBufferParam(computeShader, kernelIndex, name, buffer) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a constant buffer on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - The ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- nameID - The ID of the property name for the constant buffer in shader code. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- name - The name of the constant buffer in shaders code. +-- buffer - The buffer to bind as constant buffer. +-- offset - The offset in bytes from the beginning of the buffer to bind. Must be a multiple of SystemInfo.constantBufferOffsetAlignment, or 0 if that value is 0. +-- size - The number of bytes to bind. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param nameID int +---@param buffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param offset int +---@param size int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeConstantBufferParam(computeShader, nameID, buffer, offset, size) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a constant buffer on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - The ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- nameID - The ID of the property name for the constant buffer in shader code. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- name - The name of the constant buffer in shaders code. +-- buffer - The buffer to bind as constant buffer. +-- offset - The offset in bytes from the beginning of the buffer to bind. Must be a multiple of SystemInfo.constantBufferOffsetAlignment, or 0 if that value is 0. +-- size - The number of bytes to bind. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param name string +---@param buffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param offset int +---@param size int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeConstantBufferParam(computeShader, name, buffer, offset, size) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a constant buffer on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - The ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- nameID - The ID of the property name for the constant buffer in shader code. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- name - The name of the constant buffer in shaders code. +-- buffer - The buffer to bind as constant buffer. +-- offset - The offset in bytes from the beginning of the buffer to bind. Must be a multiple of SystemInfo.constantBufferOffsetAlignment, or 0 if that value is 0. +-- size - The number of bytes to bind. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param nameID int +---@param buffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param offset int +---@param size int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeConstantBufferParam(computeShader, nameID, buffer, offset, size) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a constant buffer on a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - The ComputeShader to set parameter for. +-- nameID - The ID of the property name for the constant buffer in shader code. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- name - The name of the constant buffer in shaders code. +-- buffer - The buffer to bind as constant buffer. +-- offset - The offset in bytes from the beginning of the buffer to bind. Must be a multiple of SystemInfo.constantBufferOffsetAlignment, or 0 if that value is 0. +-- size - The number of bytes to bind. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param name string +---@param buffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param offset int +---@param size int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetComputeConstantBufferParam(computeShader, name, buffer, offset, size) end + +-- +--Add a command to execute a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to execute. +-- kernelIndex - Kernel index to execute, see ComputeShader.FindKernel. +-- threadGroupsX - Number of work groups in the X dimension. +-- threadGroupsY - Number of work groups in the Y dimension. +-- threadGroupsZ - Number of work groups in the Z dimension. +-- indirectBuffer - ComputeBuffer with dispatch arguments. +-- argsOffset - Byte offset indicating the location of the dispatch arguments in the buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param kernelIndex int +---@param threadGroupsX int +---@param threadGroupsY int +---@param threadGroupsZ int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DispatchCompute(computeShader, kernelIndex, threadGroupsX, threadGroupsY, threadGroupsZ) end + +-- +--Add a command to execute a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to execute. +-- kernelIndex - Kernel index to execute, see ComputeShader.FindKernel. +-- threadGroupsX - Number of work groups in the X dimension. +-- threadGroupsY - Number of work groups in the Y dimension. +-- threadGroupsZ - Number of work groups in the Z dimension. +-- indirectBuffer - ComputeBuffer with dispatch arguments. +-- argsOffset - Byte offset indicating the location of the dispatch arguments in the buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param kernelIndex int +---@param indirectBuffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param argsOffset uint +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DispatchCompute(computeShader, kernelIndex, indirectBuffer, argsOffset) end + +-- +--Add a command to execute a ComputeShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeShader - ComputeShader to execute. +-- kernelIndex - Kernel index to execute, see ComputeShader.FindKernel. +-- threadGroupsX - Number of work groups in the X dimension. +-- threadGroupsY - Number of work groups in the Y dimension. +-- threadGroupsZ - Number of work groups in the Z dimension. +-- indirectBuffer - ComputeBuffer with dispatch arguments. +-- argsOffset - Byte offset indicating the location of the dispatch arguments in the buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeShader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param kernelIndex int +---@param indirectBuffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param argsOffset uint +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DispatchCompute(computeShader, kernelIndex, indirectBuffer, argsOffset) end + +-- +--Adds a command to build the RayTracingAccelerationStructure to be used in a ray tracing dispatch. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: accelerationStructure - The RayTracingAccelerationStructure to be generated. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param accelerationStructure UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.BuildRayTracingAccelerationStructure(accelerationStructure) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param accelerationStructure UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure +---@param relativeOrigin UnityEngine.Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.BuildRayTracingAccelerationStructure(accelerationStructure, relativeOrigin) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set the RayTracingAccelerationStructure to be used with the RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - The RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the RayTracingAccelerationStructure in shader coder. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- rayTracingAccelerationStructure - The RayTracingAccelerationStructure to be used. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param name string +---@param rayTracingAccelerationStructure UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingAccelerationStructure(rayTracingShader, name, rayTracingAccelerationStructure) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set the RayTracingAccelerationStructure to be used with the RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - The RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the RayTracingAccelerationStructure in shader coder. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- rayTracingAccelerationStructure - The RayTracingAccelerationStructure to be used. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param nameID int +---@param rayTracingAccelerationStructure UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingAccelerationStructure +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingAccelerationStructure(rayTracingShader, nameID, rayTracingAccelerationStructure) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set an input or output buffer parameter on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - The RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- name - The name of the constant buffer in shader code. +-- nameID - The ID of the property name for the constant buffer in shader code. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- buffer - Buffer to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param name string +---@param buffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingBufferParam(rayTracingShader, name, buffer) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set an input or output buffer parameter on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - The RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- name - The name of the constant buffer in shader code. +-- nameID - The ID of the property name for the constant buffer in shader code. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- buffer - Buffer to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param nameID int +---@param buffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingBufferParam(rayTracingShader, nameID, buffer) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a constant buffer on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - The RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- nameID - The ID of the property name for the constant buffer in shader code. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- name - The name of the constant buffer in shader code. +-- buffer - The buffer to bind as constant buffer. +-- offset - The offset in bytes from the beginning of the buffer to bind. Must be a multiple of SystemInfo.constantBufferOffsetAlignment, or 0 if that value is 0. +-- size - The number of bytes to bind. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param nameID int +---@param buffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param offset int +---@param size int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingConstantBufferParam(rayTracingShader, nameID, buffer, offset, size) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a constant buffer on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - The RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- nameID - The ID of the property name for the constant buffer in shader code. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- name - The name of the constant buffer in shader code. +-- buffer - The buffer to bind as constant buffer. +-- offset - The offset in bytes from the beginning of the buffer to bind. Must be a multiple of SystemInfo.constantBufferOffsetAlignment, or 0 if that value is 0. +-- size - The number of bytes to bind. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param name string +---@param buffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param offset int +---@param size int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingConstantBufferParam(rayTracingShader, name, buffer, offset, size) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a constant buffer on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - The RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- nameID - The ID of the property name for the constant buffer in shader code. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- name - The name of the constant buffer in shader code. +-- buffer - The buffer to bind as constant buffer. +-- offset - The offset in bytes from the beginning of the buffer to bind. Must be a multiple of SystemInfo.constantBufferOffsetAlignment, or 0 if that value is 0. +-- size - The number of bytes to bind. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param nameID int +---@param buffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param offset int +---@param size int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingConstantBufferParam(rayTracingShader, nameID, buffer, offset, size) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a constant buffer on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - The RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- nameID - The ID of the property name for the constant buffer in shader code. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- name - The name of the constant buffer in shader code. +-- buffer - The buffer to bind as constant buffer. +-- offset - The offset in bytes from the beginning of the buffer to bind. Must be a multiple of SystemInfo.constantBufferOffsetAlignment, or 0 if that value is 0. +-- size - The number of bytes to bind. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param name string +---@param buffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param offset int +---@param size int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingConstantBufferParam(rayTracingShader, name, buffer, offset, size) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a texture parameter on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the texture variable in shader code. +-- nameID - The ID of the property name for the texture in shader code. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- rt - Texture value or identifier to set, see RenderTargetIdentifier. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param name string +---@param rt UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingTextureParam(rayTracingShader, name, rt) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a texture parameter on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the texture variable in shader code. +-- nameID - The ID of the property name for the texture in shader code. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- rt - Texture value or identifier to set, see RenderTargetIdentifier. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param nameID int +---@param rt UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingTextureParam(rayTracingShader, nameID, rt) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a float parameter on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- val - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param name string +---@param val float +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingFloatParam(rayTracingShader, name, val) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a float parameter on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- val - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param nameID int +---@param val float +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingFloatParam(rayTracingShader, nameID, val) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set multiple consecutive float parameters on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- values - Values to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param name string +---@param values float[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingFloatParams(rayTracingShader, name, values) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set multiple consecutive float parameters on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- values - Values to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param nameID int +---@param values float[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingFloatParams(rayTracingShader, nameID, values) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set an integer parameter on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- val - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param name string +---@param val int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingIntParam(rayTracingShader, name, val) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set an integer parameter on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- val - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param nameID int +---@param val int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingIntParam(rayTracingShader, nameID, val) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set multiple consecutive integer parameters on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- values - Values to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param name string +---@param values int[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingIntParams(rayTracingShader, name, values) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set multiple consecutive integer parameters on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- values - Values to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param nameID int +---@param values int[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingIntParams(rayTracingShader, nameID, values) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a vector parameter on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- val - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param name string +---@param val UnityEngine.Vector4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingVectorParam(rayTracingShader, name, val) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a vector parameter on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- val - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param nameID int +---@param val UnityEngine.Vector4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingVectorParam(rayTracingShader, nameID, val) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a vector array parameter on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Property name. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- values - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param name string +---@param values UnityEngine.Vector4[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingVectorArrayParam(rayTracingShader, name, values) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a vector array parameter on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Property name. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- values - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param nameID int +---@param values UnityEngine.Vector4[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingVectorArrayParam(rayTracingShader, nameID, values) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a matrix parameter on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- val - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param name string +---@param val UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingMatrixParam(rayTracingShader, name, val) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a matrix parameter on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- val - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param nameID int +---@param val UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingMatrixParam(rayTracingShader, nameID, val) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a matrix array parameter on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- values - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param name string +---@param values UnityEngine.Matrix4x4[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingMatrixArrayParam(rayTracingShader, name, values) end + +-- +--Adds a command to set a matrix array parameter on a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - RayTracingShader to set parameter for. +-- name - Name of the variable in shader code. +-- nameID - Property name ID. Use Shader.PropertyToID to get this ID. +-- values - Value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param nameID int +---@param values UnityEngine.Matrix4x4[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRayTracingMatrixArrayParam(rayTracingShader, nameID, values) end + +-- +--Adds a command to execute a RayTracingShader. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rayTracingShader - RayTracingShader to execute. +-- rayGenName - The name of the ray generation shader. +-- width - The width of the ray generation shader thread grid. +-- height - The height of the ray generation shader thread grid. +-- depth - The depth of the ray generation shader thread grid. +-- camera - Optional parameter used to setup camera-related built-in shader variables. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rayTracingShader UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RayTracingShader +---@param rayGenName string +---@param width uint +---@param height uint +---@param depth uint +---@param camera UnityEngine.Camera +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DispatchRays(rayTracingShader, rayGenName, width, height, depth, camera) end + +-- +--Generate mipmap levels of a render texture. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rt - The render texture requiring mipmaps generation. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rt UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GenerateMips(rt) end + +-- +--Generate mipmap levels of a render texture. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rt - The render texture requiring mipmaps generation. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rt UnityEngine.RenderTexture +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.GenerateMips(rt) end + +-- +--Force an antialiased render texture to be resolved. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rt - The antialiased render texture to resolve. +-- target - The render texture to resolve into. If set, the target render texture must have the same dimensions and format as the source. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rt UnityEngine.RenderTexture +---@param target UnityEngine.RenderTexture +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.ResolveAntiAliasedSurface(rt, target) end + +-- +--Add a "draw mesh" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: mesh - Mesh to draw. +-- matrix - Transformation matrix to use. +-- material - Material to use. +-- submeshIndex - Which subset of the mesh to render. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use (default is -1, which renders all passes). +-- properties - Additional Material properties to apply onto the Material just before this Mesh is drawn. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param mesh UnityEngine.Mesh +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param submeshIndex int +---@param shaderPass int +---@param properties UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawMesh(mesh, matrix, material, submeshIndex, shaderPass, properties) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param mesh UnityEngine.Mesh +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param submeshIndex int +---@param shaderPass int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawMesh(mesh, matrix, material, submeshIndex, shaderPass) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param mesh UnityEngine.Mesh +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param submeshIndex int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawMesh(mesh, matrix, material, submeshIndex) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param mesh UnityEngine.Mesh +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawMesh(mesh, matrix, material) end + +-- +--Add a "draw renderer" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: renderer - Renderer to draw. +-- material - Material to use. +-- submeshIndex - Which subset of the mesh to render. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use (default is -1, which renders all passes). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param renderer UnityEngine.Renderer +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param submeshIndex int +---@param shaderPass int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawRenderer(renderer, material, submeshIndex, shaderPass) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param renderer UnityEngine.Renderer +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param submeshIndex int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawRenderer(renderer, material, submeshIndex) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param renderer UnityEngine.Renderer +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawRenderer(renderer, material) end + +-- +--Add a "draw procedural geometry" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: matrix - Transformation matrix to use. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use (or -1 for all passes). +-- topology - Topology of the procedural geometry. +-- vertexCount - Vertex count to render. +-- instanceCount - Instance count to render. +-- properties - Additional material properties to apply just before rendering. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param topology UnityEngine.MeshTopology +---@param vertexCount int +---@param instanceCount int +---@param properties UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawProcedural(matrix, material, shaderPass, topology, vertexCount, instanceCount, properties) end + +-- +--Add a "draw procedural geometry" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: matrix - Transformation matrix to use. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use (or -1 for all passes). +-- topology - Topology of the procedural geometry. +-- vertexCount - Vertex count to render. +-- instanceCount - Instance count to render. +-- properties - Additional material properties to apply just before rendering. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param topology UnityEngine.MeshTopology +---@param vertexCount int +---@param instanceCount int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawProcedural(matrix, material, shaderPass, topology, vertexCount, instanceCount) end + +-- +--Add a "draw procedural geometry" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: matrix - Transformation matrix to use. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use (or -1 for all passes). +-- topology - Topology of the procedural geometry. +-- vertexCount - Vertex count to render. +-- instanceCount - Instance count to render. +-- properties - Additional material properties to apply just before rendering. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param topology UnityEngine.MeshTopology +---@param vertexCount int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawProcedural(matrix, material, shaderPass, topology, vertexCount) end + +-- +--Add a "draw procedural geometry" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: matrix - Transformation matrix to use. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use (or -1 for all passes). +-- topology - Topology of the procedural geometry. +-- indexCount - Index count to render. +-- instanceCount - Instance count to render. +-- indexBuffer - The index buffer used to submit vertices to the GPU. +-- properties - Additional material properties to apply just before rendering. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param indexBuffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param topology UnityEngine.MeshTopology +---@param indexCount int +---@param instanceCount int +---@param properties UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawProcedural(indexBuffer, matrix, material, shaderPass, topology, indexCount, instanceCount, properties) end + +-- +--Add a "draw procedural geometry" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: matrix - Transformation matrix to use. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use (or -1 for all passes). +-- topology - Topology of the procedural geometry. +-- indexCount - Index count to render. +-- instanceCount - Instance count to render. +-- indexBuffer - The index buffer used to submit vertices to the GPU. +-- properties - Additional material properties to apply just before rendering. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param indexBuffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param topology UnityEngine.MeshTopology +---@param indexCount int +---@param instanceCount int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawProcedural(indexBuffer, matrix, material, shaderPass, topology, indexCount, instanceCount) end + +-- +--Add a "draw procedural geometry" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: matrix - Transformation matrix to use. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use (or -1 for all passes). +-- topology - Topology of the procedural geometry. +-- indexCount - Index count to render. +-- instanceCount - Instance count to render. +-- indexBuffer - The index buffer used to submit vertices to the GPU. +-- properties - Additional material properties to apply just before rendering. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param indexBuffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param topology UnityEngine.MeshTopology +---@param indexCount int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawProcedural(indexBuffer, matrix, material, shaderPass, topology, indexCount) end + +-- +--Add a "draw procedural geometry" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: matrix - Transformation matrix to use. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use (or -1 for all passes). +-- topology - Topology of the procedural geometry. +-- properties - Additional material properties to apply just before rendering. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- bufferWithArgs - Buffer with draw arguments. +-- argsOffset - Byte offset where in the buffer the draw arguments are. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param topology UnityEngine.MeshTopology +---@param bufferWithArgs UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param argsOffset int +---@param properties UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawProceduralIndirect(matrix, material, shaderPass, topology, bufferWithArgs, argsOffset, properties) end + +-- +--Add a "draw procedural geometry" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: matrix - Transformation matrix to use. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use (or -1 for all passes). +-- topology - Topology of the procedural geometry. +-- properties - Additional material properties to apply just before rendering. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- bufferWithArgs - Buffer with draw arguments. +-- argsOffset - Byte offset where in the buffer the draw arguments are. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param topology UnityEngine.MeshTopology +---@param bufferWithArgs UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param argsOffset int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawProceduralIndirect(matrix, material, shaderPass, topology, bufferWithArgs, argsOffset) end + +-- +--Add a "draw procedural geometry" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: matrix - Transformation matrix to use. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use (or -1 for all passes). +-- topology - Topology of the procedural geometry. +-- properties - Additional material properties to apply just before rendering. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- bufferWithArgs - Buffer with draw arguments. +-- argsOffset - Byte offset where in the buffer the draw arguments are. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param topology UnityEngine.MeshTopology +---@param bufferWithArgs UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawProceduralIndirect(matrix, material, shaderPass, topology, bufferWithArgs) end + +-- +--Add a "draw procedural geometry" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: indexBuffer - Index buffer used to submit vertices to the GPU. +-- matrix - Transformation matrix to use. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use (or -1 for all passes). +-- topology - Topology of the procedural geometry. +-- bufferWithArgs - Buffer with draw arguments. +-- argsOffset - Byte offset where in the buffer the draw arguments are. +-- properties - Additional material properties to apply just before rendering. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param indexBuffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param topology UnityEngine.MeshTopology +---@param bufferWithArgs UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param argsOffset int +---@param properties UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawProceduralIndirect(indexBuffer, matrix, material, shaderPass, topology, bufferWithArgs, argsOffset, properties) end + +-- +--Add a "draw procedural geometry" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: indexBuffer - Index buffer used to submit vertices to the GPU. +-- matrix - Transformation matrix to use. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use (or -1 for all passes). +-- topology - Topology of the procedural geometry. +-- bufferWithArgs - Buffer with draw arguments. +-- argsOffset - Byte offset where in the buffer the draw arguments are. +-- properties - Additional material properties to apply just before rendering. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param indexBuffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param topology UnityEngine.MeshTopology +---@param bufferWithArgs UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param argsOffset int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawProceduralIndirect(indexBuffer, matrix, material, shaderPass, topology, bufferWithArgs, argsOffset) end + +-- +--Add a "draw procedural geometry" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: indexBuffer - Index buffer used to submit vertices to the GPU. +-- matrix - Transformation matrix to use. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use (or -1 for all passes). +-- topology - Topology of the procedural geometry. +-- bufferWithArgs - Buffer with draw arguments. +-- argsOffset - Byte offset where in the buffer the draw arguments are. +-- properties - Additional material properties to apply just before rendering. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param indexBuffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param topology UnityEngine.MeshTopology +---@param bufferWithArgs UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawProceduralIndirect(indexBuffer, matrix, material, shaderPass, topology, bufferWithArgs) end + +-- +--Add a "draw procedural geometry" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: matrix - Transformation matrix to use. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use (or -1 for all passes). +-- topology - Topology of the procedural geometry. +-- properties - Additional material properties to apply just before rendering. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- bufferWithArgs - Buffer with draw arguments. +-- argsOffset - Byte offset where in the buffer the draw arguments are. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param topology UnityEngine.MeshTopology +---@param bufferWithArgs UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param argsOffset int +---@param properties UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawProceduralIndirect(matrix, material, shaderPass, topology, bufferWithArgs, argsOffset, properties) end + +-- +--Add a "draw procedural geometry" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: matrix - Transformation matrix to use. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use (or -1 for all passes). +-- topology - Topology of the procedural geometry. +-- properties - Additional material properties to apply just before rendering. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- bufferWithArgs - Buffer with draw arguments. +-- argsOffset - Byte offset where in the buffer the draw arguments are. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param topology UnityEngine.MeshTopology +---@param bufferWithArgs UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param argsOffset int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawProceduralIndirect(matrix, material, shaderPass, topology, bufferWithArgs, argsOffset) end + +-- +--Add a "draw procedural geometry" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: matrix - Transformation matrix to use. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use (or -1 for all passes). +-- topology - Topology of the procedural geometry. +-- properties - Additional material properties to apply just before rendering. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- bufferWithArgs - Buffer with draw arguments. +-- argsOffset - Byte offset where in the buffer the draw arguments are. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param topology UnityEngine.MeshTopology +---@param bufferWithArgs UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawProceduralIndirect(matrix, material, shaderPass, topology, bufferWithArgs) end + +-- +--Add a "draw procedural geometry" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: indexBuffer - Index buffer used to submit vertices to the GPU. +-- matrix - Transformation matrix to use. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use (or -1 for all passes). +-- topology - Topology of the procedural geometry. +-- bufferWithArgs - Buffer with draw arguments. +-- argsOffset - Byte offset where in the buffer the draw arguments are. +-- properties - Additional material properties to apply just before rendering. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param indexBuffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param topology UnityEngine.MeshTopology +---@param bufferWithArgs UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param argsOffset int +---@param properties UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawProceduralIndirect(indexBuffer, matrix, material, shaderPass, topology, bufferWithArgs, argsOffset, properties) end + +-- +--Add a "draw procedural geometry" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: indexBuffer - Index buffer used to submit vertices to the GPU. +-- matrix - Transformation matrix to use. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use (or -1 for all passes). +-- topology - Topology of the procedural geometry. +-- bufferWithArgs - Buffer with draw arguments. +-- argsOffset - Byte offset where in the buffer the draw arguments are. +-- properties - Additional material properties to apply just before rendering. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param indexBuffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param topology UnityEngine.MeshTopology +---@param bufferWithArgs UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param argsOffset int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawProceduralIndirect(indexBuffer, matrix, material, shaderPass, topology, bufferWithArgs, argsOffset) end + +-- +--Add a "draw procedural geometry" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: indexBuffer - Index buffer used to submit vertices to the GPU. +-- matrix - Transformation matrix to use. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use (or -1 for all passes). +-- topology - Topology of the procedural geometry. +-- bufferWithArgs - Buffer with draw arguments. +-- argsOffset - Byte offset where in the buffer the draw arguments are. +-- properties - Additional material properties to apply just before rendering. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param indexBuffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param topology UnityEngine.MeshTopology +---@param bufferWithArgs UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawProceduralIndirect(indexBuffer, matrix, material, shaderPass, topology, bufferWithArgs) end + +-- +--Adds a "draw mesh with instancing" command. +-- +--The command will not immediately fail and throw an exception if Material.enableInstancing is false, but it will log an error and skips rendering each time the command is being executed if such a condition is detected. +-- +--InvalidOperationException will be thrown if the current platform doesn't support this API (i.e. if GPU instancing is not available). See SystemInfo.supportsInstancing. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: mesh - The Mesh to draw. +-- submeshIndex - Which subset of the mesh to draw. This only applies to meshes that are composed of several materials. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use, or -1 which renders all passes. +-- matrices - The array of object transformation matrices. +-- count - The number of instances to be drawn. +-- properties - Additional Material properties to apply onto the Material just before this Mesh is drawn. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param mesh UnityEngine.Mesh +---@param submeshIndex int +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param matrices UnityEngine.Matrix4x4[] +---@param count int +---@param properties UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawMeshInstanced(mesh, submeshIndex, material, shaderPass, matrices, count, properties) end + +-- +--Adds a "draw mesh with instancing" command. +-- +--The command will not immediately fail and throw an exception if Material.enableInstancing is false, but it will log an error and skips rendering each time the command is being executed if such a condition is detected. +-- +--InvalidOperationException will be thrown if the current platform doesn't support this API (i.e. if GPU instancing is not available). See SystemInfo.supportsInstancing. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: mesh - The Mesh to draw. +-- submeshIndex - Which subset of the mesh to draw. This only applies to meshes that are composed of several materials. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use, or -1 which renders all passes. +-- matrices - The array of object transformation matrices. +-- count - The number of instances to be drawn. +-- properties - Additional Material properties to apply onto the Material just before this Mesh is drawn. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param mesh UnityEngine.Mesh +---@param submeshIndex int +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param matrices UnityEngine.Matrix4x4[] +---@param count int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawMeshInstanced(mesh, submeshIndex, material, shaderPass, matrices, count) end + +-- +--Adds a "draw mesh with instancing" command. +-- +--The command will not immediately fail and throw an exception if Material.enableInstancing is false, but it will log an error and skips rendering each time the command is being executed if such a condition is detected. +-- +--InvalidOperationException will be thrown if the current platform doesn't support this API (i.e. if GPU instancing is not available). See SystemInfo.supportsInstancing. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: mesh - The Mesh to draw. +-- submeshIndex - Which subset of the mesh to draw. This only applies to meshes that are composed of several materials. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use, or -1 which renders all passes. +-- matrices - The array of object transformation matrices. +-- count - The number of instances to be drawn. +-- properties - Additional Material properties to apply onto the Material just before this Mesh is drawn. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param mesh UnityEngine.Mesh +---@param submeshIndex int +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param matrices UnityEngine.Matrix4x4[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawMeshInstanced(mesh, submeshIndex, material, shaderPass, matrices) end + +-- +--Add a "draw mesh with instancing" command. +-- +--Draw a mesh using Procedural Instancing. This is similar to Graphics.DrawMeshInstancedIndirect, except that when the instance count is known from script, it can be supplied directly using this method, rather than via a ComputeBuffer. +--If Material.enableInstancing is false, the command logs an error and skips rendering each time the command is executed; the command does not immediately fail and throw an exception. +-- +--InvalidOperationException will be thrown if the current platform doesn't support this API (for example, if GPU instancing is not available). See SystemInfo.supportsInstancing. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: mesh - The Mesh to draw. +-- submeshIndex - Which subset of the mesh to draw. This only applies to meshes that are composed of several materials. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use, or -1 which renders all passes. +-- count - The number of instances to be drawn. +-- properties - Additional Material properties to apply onto the Material just before this Mesh is drawn. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param mesh UnityEngine.Mesh +---@param submeshIndex int +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param count int +---@param properties UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawMeshInstancedProcedural(mesh, submeshIndex, material, shaderPass, count, properties) end + +-- +--Add a "draw mesh with indirect instancing" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: mesh - The Mesh to draw. +-- submeshIndex - Which subset of the mesh to draw. This only applies to meshes that are composed of several materials. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use, or -1 which renders all passes. +-- properties - Additional Material properties to apply onto the Material just before this Mesh is drawn. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- bufferWithArgs - The GPU buffer containing the arguments for how many instances of this mesh to draw. +-- argsOffset - The byte offset into the buffer, where the draw arguments start. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param mesh UnityEngine.Mesh +---@param submeshIndex int +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param bufferWithArgs UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param argsOffset int +---@param properties UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawMeshInstancedIndirect(mesh, submeshIndex, material, shaderPass, bufferWithArgs, argsOffset, properties) end + +-- +--Add a "draw mesh with indirect instancing" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: mesh - The Mesh to draw. +-- submeshIndex - Which subset of the mesh to draw. This only applies to meshes that are composed of several materials. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use, or -1 which renders all passes. +-- properties - Additional Material properties to apply onto the Material just before this Mesh is drawn. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- bufferWithArgs - The GPU buffer containing the arguments for how many instances of this mesh to draw. +-- argsOffset - The byte offset into the buffer, where the draw arguments start. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param mesh UnityEngine.Mesh +---@param submeshIndex int +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param bufferWithArgs UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param argsOffset int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawMeshInstancedIndirect(mesh, submeshIndex, material, shaderPass, bufferWithArgs, argsOffset) end + +-- +--Add a "draw mesh with indirect instancing" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: mesh - The Mesh to draw. +-- submeshIndex - Which subset of the mesh to draw. This only applies to meshes that are composed of several materials. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use, or -1 which renders all passes. +-- properties - Additional Material properties to apply onto the Material just before this Mesh is drawn. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- bufferWithArgs - The GPU buffer containing the arguments for how many instances of this mesh to draw. +-- argsOffset - The byte offset into the buffer, where the draw arguments start. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param mesh UnityEngine.Mesh +---@param submeshIndex int +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param bufferWithArgs UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawMeshInstancedIndirect(mesh, submeshIndex, material, shaderPass, bufferWithArgs) end + +-- +--Add a "draw mesh with indirect instancing" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: mesh - The Mesh to draw. +-- submeshIndex - Which subset of the mesh to draw. This only applies to meshes that are composed of several materials. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use, or -1 which renders all passes. +-- properties - Additional Material properties to apply onto the Material just before this Mesh is drawn. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- bufferWithArgs - The GPU buffer containing the arguments for how many instances of this mesh to draw. +-- argsOffset - The byte offset into the buffer, where the draw arguments start. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param mesh UnityEngine.Mesh +---@param submeshIndex int +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param bufferWithArgs UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param argsOffset int +---@param properties UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawMeshInstancedIndirect(mesh, submeshIndex, material, shaderPass, bufferWithArgs, argsOffset, properties) end + +-- +--Add a "draw mesh with indirect instancing" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: mesh - The Mesh to draw. +-- submeshIndex - Which subset of the mesh to draw. This only applies to meshes that are composed of several materials. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use, or -1 which renders all passes. +-- properties - Additional Material properties to apply onto the Material just before this Mesh is drawn. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- bufferWithArgs - The GPU buffer containing the arguments for how many instances of this mesh to draw. +-- argsOffset - The byte offset into the buffer, where the draw arguments start. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param mesh UnityEngine.Mesh +---@param submeshIndex int +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param bufferWithArgs UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param argsOffset int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawMeshInstancedIndirect(mesh, submeshIndex, material, shaderPass, bufferWithArgs, argsOffset) end + +-- +--Add a "draw mesh with indirect instancing" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: mesh - The Mesh to draw. +-- submeshIndex - Which subset of the mesh to draw. This only applies to meshes that are composed of several materials. +-- material - Material to use. +-- shaderPass - Which pass of the shader to use, or -1 which renders all passes. +-- properties - Additional Material properties to apply onto the Material just before this Mesh is drawn. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- bufferWithArgs - The GPU buffer containing the arguments for how many instances of this mesh to draw. +-- argsOffset - The byte offset into the buffer, where the draw arguments start. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param mesh UnityEngine.Mesh +---@param submeshIndex int +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param shaderPass int +---@param bufferWithArgs UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawMeshInstancedIndirect(mesh, submeshIndex, material, shaderPass, bufferWithArgs) end + +-- +--Adds a command onto the commandbuffer to draw the VR Device's occlusion mesh to the current render target. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: normalizedCamViewport - The viewport of the camera currently being rendered. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param normalizedCamViewport UnityEngine.RectInt +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.DrawOcclusionMesh(normalizedCamViewport) end + +-- +--Set random write target for level pixel shaders. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Index of the random write target in the shader. +-- buffer - Buffer to set as the write target. +-- preserveCounterValue - Whether to leave the append/consume counter value unchanged. +-- rt - RenderTargetIdentifier to set as the write target. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +---@param rt UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRandomWriteTarget(index, rt) end + +-- +--Set random write target for level pixel shaders. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Index of the random write target in the shader. +-- buffer - Buffer to set as the write target. +-- preserveCounterValue - Whether to leave the append/consume counter value unchanged. +-- rt - RenderTargetIdentifier to set as the write target. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +---@param buffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param preserveCounterValue bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRandomWriteTarget(index, buffer, preserveCounterValue) end + +-- +--Set random write target for level pixel shaders. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Index of the random write target in the shader. +-- buffer - Buffer to set as the write target. +-- preserveCounterValue - Whether to leave the append/consume counter value unchanged. +-- rt - RenderTargetIdentifier to set as the write target. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +---@param buffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRandomWriteTarget(index, buffer) end + +-- +--Set random write target for level pixel shaders. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Index of the random write target in the shader. +-- buffer - Buffer to set as the write target. +-- preserveCounterValue - Whether to leave the append/consume counter value unchanged. +-- rt - RenderTargetIdentifier to set as the write target. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +---@param buffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param preserveCounterValue bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRandomWriteTarget(index, buffer, preserveCounterValue) end + +-- +--Set random write target for level pixel shaders. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Index of the random write target in the shader. +-- buffer - Buffer to set as the write target. +-- preserveCounterValue - Whether to leave the append/consume counter value unchanged. +-- rt - RenderTargetIdentifier to set as the write target. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +---@param buffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetRandomWriteTarget(index, buffer) end + +-- +--Adds a command to copy ComputeBuffer or GraphicsBuffer counter value. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: src - Append/consume buffer to copy the counter from. +-- dst - A buffer to copy the counter to. +-- dstOffsetBytes - Target byte offset in dst buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param dst UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param dstOffsetBytes uint +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.CopyCounterValue(src, dst, dstOffsetBytes) end + +-- +--Adds a command to copy ComputeBuffer or GraphicsBuffer counter value. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: src - Append/consume buffer to copy the counter from. +-- dst - A buffer to copy the counter to. +-- dstOffsetBytes - Target byte offset in dst buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param dst UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param dstOffsetBytes uint +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.CopyCounterValue(src, dst, dstOffsetBytes) end + +-- +--Adds a command to copy ComputeBuffer or GraphicsBuffer counter value. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: src - Append/consume buffer to copy the counter from. +-- dst - A buffer to copy the counter to. +-- dstOffsetBytes - Target byte offset in dst buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param dst UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param dstOffsetBytes uint +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.CopyCounterValue(src, dst, dstOffsetBytes) end + +-- +--Adds a command to copy ComputeBuffer or GraphicsBuffer counter value. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: src - Append/consume buffer to copy the counter from. +-- dst - A buffer to copy the counter to. +-- dstOffsetBytes - Target byte offset in dst buffer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param dst UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param dstOffsetBytes uint +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.CopyCounterValue(src, dst, dstOffsetBytes) end + +-- +--Adds a command to copy a texture into another texture. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: src - Source texture or identifier, see RenderTargetIdentifier. +-- dst - Destination texture or identifier, see RenderTargetIdentifier. +-- srcElement - Source texture element (cubemap face, texture array layer or 3D texture depth slice). +-- srcMip - Source texture mipmap level. +-- dstElement - Destination texture element (cubemap face, texture array layer or 3D texture depth slice). +-- dstMip - Destination texture mipmap level. +-- srcX - X coordinate of source texture region to copy (left side is zero). +-- srcY - Y coordinate of source texture region to copy (bottom is zero). +-- srcWidth - Width of source texture region to copy. +-- srcHeight - Height of source texture region to copy. +-- dstX - X coordinate of where to copy region in destination texture (left side is zero). +-- dstY - Y coordinate of where to copy region in destination texture (bottom is zero). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param dst UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.CopyTexture(src, dst) end + +-- +--Adds a command to copy a texture into another texture. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: src - Source texture or identifier, see RenderTargetIdentifier. +-- dst - Destination texture or identifier, see RenderTargetIdentifier. +-- srcElement - Source texture element (cubemap face, texture array layer or 3D texture depth slice). +-- srcMip - Source texture mipmap level. +-- dstElement - Destination texture element (cubemap face, texture array layer or 3D texture depth slice). +-- dstMip - Destination texture mipmap level. +-- srcX - X coordinate of source texture region to copy (left side is zero). +-- srcY - Y coordinate of source texture region to copy (bottom is zero). +-- srcWidth - Width of source texture region to copy. +-- srcHeight - Height of source texture region to copy. +-- dstX - X coordinate of where to copy region in destination texture (left side is zero). +-- dstY - Y coordinate of where to copy region in destination texture (bottom is zero). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param srcElement int +---@param dst UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param dstElement int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.CopyTexture(src, srcElement, dst, dstElement) end + +-- +--Adds a command to copy a texture into another texture. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: src - Source texture or identifier, see RenderTargetIdentifier. +-- dst - Destination texture or identifier, see RenderTargetIdentifier. +-- srcElement - Source texture element (cubemap face, texture array layer or 3D texture depth slice). +-- srcMip - Source texture mipmap level. +-- dstElement - Destination texture element (cubemap face, texture array layer or 3D texture depth slice). +-- dstMip - Destination texture mipmap level. +-- srcX - X coordinate of source texture region to copy (left side is zero). +-- srcY - Y coordinate of source texture region to copy (bottom is zero). +-- srcWidth - Width of source texture region to copy. +-- srcHeight - Height of source texture region to copy. +-- dstX - X coordinate of where to copy region in destination texture (left side is zero). +-- dstY - Y coordinate of where to copy region in destination texture (bottom is zero). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param srcElement int +---@param srcMip int +---@param dst UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param dstElement int +---@param dstMip int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.CopyTexture(src, srcElement, srcMip, dst, dstElement, dstMip) end + +-- +--Adds a command to copy a texture into another texture. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: src - Source texture or identifier, see RenderTargetIdentifier. +-- dst - Destination texture or identifier, see RenderTargetIdentifier. +-- srcElement - Source texture element (cubemap face, texture array layer or 3D texture depth slice). +-- srcMip - Source texture mipmap level. +-- dstElement - Destination texture element (cubemap face, texture array layer or 3D texture depth slice). +-- dstMip - Destination texture mipmap level. +-- srcX - X coordinate of source texture region to copy (left side is zero). +-- srcY - Y coordinate of source texture region to copy (bottom is zero). +-- srcWidth - Width of source texture region to copy. +-- srcHeight - Height of source texture region to copy. +-- dstX - X coordinate of where to copy region in destination texture (left side is zero). +-- dstY - Y coordinate of where to copy region in destination texture (bottom is zero). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param srcElement int +---@param srcMip int +---@param srcX int +---@param srcY int +---@param srcWidth int +---@param srcHeight int +---@param dst UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param dstElement int +---@param dstMip int +---@param dstX int +---@param dstY int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.CopyTexture(src, srcElement, srcMip, srcX, srcY, srcWidth, srcHeight, dst, dstElement, dstMip, dstX, dstY) end + +-- +--Add a "blit into a render texture" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: source - Source texture or render target to blit from. +-- dest - Destination to blit into. +-- mat - Material to use. +-- pass - Shader pass to use (default is -1, meaning "all passes"). +-- scale - Scale applied to the source texture coordinate. +-- offset - Offset applied to the source texture coordinate. +-- sourceDepthSlice - The texture array source slice to perform the blit from. +-- destDepthSlice - The texture array destination slice to perform the blit to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Texture +---@param dest UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.Blit(source, dest) end + +-- +--Add a "blit into a render texture" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: source - Source texture or render target to blit from. +-- dest - Destination to blit into. +-- mat - Material to use. +-- pass - Shader pass to use (default is -1, meaning "all passes"). +-- scale - Scale applied to the source texture coordinate. +-- offset - Offset applied to the source texture coordinate. +-- sourceDepthSlice - The texture array source slice to perform the blit from. +-- destDepthSlice - The texture array destination slice to perform the blit to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Texture +---@param dest UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param scale UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param offset UnityEngine.Vector2 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.Blit(source, dest, scale, offset) end + +-- +--Add a "blit into a render texture" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: source - Source texture or render target to blit from. +-- dest - Destination to blit into. +-- mat - Material to use. +-- pass - Shader pass to use (default is -1, meaning "all passes"). +-- scale - Scale applied to the source texture coordinate. +-- offset - Offset applied to the source texture coordinate. +-- sourceDepthSlice - The texture array source slice to perform the blit from. +-- destDepthSlice - The texture array destination slice to perform the blit to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Texture +---@param dest UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param mat UnityEngine.Material +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.Blit(source, dest, mat) end + +-- +--Add a "blit into a render texture" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: source - Source texture or render target to blit from. +-- dest - Destination to blit into. +-- mat - Material to use. +-- pass - Shader pass to use (default is -1, meaning "all passes"). +-- scale - Scale applied to the source texture coordinate. +-- offset - Offset applied to the source texture coordinate. +-- sourceDepthSlice - The texture array source slice to perform the blit from. +-- destDepthSlice - The texture array destination slice to perform the blit to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Texture +---@param dest UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param mat UnityEngine.Material +---@param pass int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.Blit(source, dest, mat, pass) end + +-- +--Add a "blit into a render texture" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: source - Source texture or render target to blit from. +-- dest - Destination to blit into. +-- mat - Material to use. +-- pass - Shader pass to use (default is -1, meaning "all passes"). +-- scale - Scale applied to the source texture coordinate. +-- offset - Offset applied to the source texture coordinate. +-- sourceDepthSlice - The texture array source slice to perform the blit from. +-- destDepthSlice - The texture array destination slice to perform the blit to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param dest UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.Blit(source, dest) end + +-- +--Add a "blit into a render texture" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: source - Source texture or render target to blit from. +-- dest - Destination to blit into. +-- mat - Material to use. +-- pass - Shader pass to use (default is -1, meaning "all passes"). +-- scale - Scale applied to the source texture coordinate. +-- offset - Offset applied to the source texture coordinate. +-- sourceDepthSlice - The texture array source slice to perform the blit from. +-- destDepthSlice - The texture array destination slice to perform the blit to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param dest UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param scale UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param offset UnityEngine.Vector2 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.Blit(source, dest, scale, offset) end + +-- +--Add a "blit into a render texture" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: source - Source texture or render target to blit from. +-- dest - Destination to blit into. +-- mat - Material to use. +-- pass - Shader pass to use (default is -1, meaning "all passes"). +-- scale - Scale applied to the source texture coordinate. +-- offset - Offset applied to the source texture coordinate. +-- sourceDepthSlice - The texture array source slice to perform the blit from. +-- destDepthSlice - The texture array destination slice to perform the blit to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param dest UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param mat UnityEngine.Material +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.Blit(source, dest, mat) end + +-- +--Add a "blit into a render texture" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: source - Source texture or render target to blit from. +-- dest - Destination to blit into. +-- mat - Material to use. +-- pass - Shader pass to use (default is -1, meaning "all passes"). +-- scale - Scale applied to the source texture coordinate. +-- offset - Offset applied to the source texture coordinate. +-- sourceDepthSlice - The texture array source slice to perform the blit from. +-- destDepthSlice - The texture array destination slice to perform the blit to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param dest UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param mat UnityEngine.Material +---@param pass int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.Blit(source, dest, mat, pass) end + +-- +--Add a "blit into a render texture" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: source - Source texture or render target to blit from. +-- dest - Destination to blit into. +-- mat - Material to use. +-- pass - Shader pass to use (default is -1, meaning "all passes"). +-- scale - Scale applied to the source texture coordinate. +-- offset - Offset applied to the source texture coordinate. +-- sourceDepthSlice - The texture array source slice to perform the blit from. +-- destDepthSlice - The texture array destination slice to perform the blit to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param dest UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param sourceDepthSlice int +---@param destDepthSlice int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.Blit(source, dest, sourceDepthSlice, destDepthSlice) end + +-- +--Add a "blit into a render texture" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: source - Source texture or render target to blit from. +-- dest - Destination to blit into. +-- mat - Material to use. +-- pass - Shader pass to use (default is -1, meaning "all passes"). +-- scale - Scale applied to the source texture coordinate. +-- offset - Offset applied to the source texture coordinate. +-- sourceDepthSlice - The texture array source slice to perform the blit from. +-- destDepthSlice - The texture array destination slice to perform the blit to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param dest UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param scale UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param offset UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param sourceDepthSlice int +---@param destDepthSlice int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.Blit(source, dest, scale, offset, sourceDepthSlice, destDepthSlice) end + +-- +--Add a "blit into a render texture" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: source - Source texture or render target to blit from. +-- dest - Destination to blit into. +-- mat - Material to use. +-- pass - Shader pass to use (default is -1, meaning "all passes"). +-- scale - Scale applied to the source texture coordinate. +-- offset - Offset applied to the source texture coordinate. +-- sourceDepthSlice - The texture array source slice to perform the blit from. +-- destDepthSlice - The texture array destination slice to perform the blit to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param source UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param dest UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param mat UnityEngine.Material +---@param pass int +---@param destDepthSlice int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.Blit(source, dest, mat, pass, destDepthSlice) end + +-- +--Add a "set global shader float property" command. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param value float +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalFloat(name, value) end + +-- +--Sets the given global integer property for all shaders. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param value int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalInt(name, value) end + +-- +--Add a "set global shader vector property" command. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param value UnityEngine.Vector4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalVector(name, value) end + +-- +--Add a "set global shader color property" command. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param value UnityEngine.Color +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalColor(name, value) end + +-- +--Add a "set global shader matrix property" command. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param value UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalMatrix(name, value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param propertyName string +---@param values System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalFloatArray(propertyName, values) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param values System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalFloatArray(nameID, values) end + +-- +--Add a "set global shader float array property" command. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param propertyName string +---@param values float[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalFloatArray(propertyName, values) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param propertyName string +---@param values System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalVectorArray(propertyName, values) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param values System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalVectorArray(nameID, values) end + +-- +--Add a "set global shader vector array property" command. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param propertyName string +---@param values UnityEngine.Vector4[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalVectorArray(propertyName, values) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param propertyName string +---@param values System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalMatrixArray(propertyName, values) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param values System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalMatrixArray(nameID, values) end + +-- +--Add a "set global shader matrix array property" command. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param propertyName string +---@param values UnityEngine.Matrix4x4[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalMatrixArray(propertyName, values) end + +-- +--Add a "set global shader texture property" command, referencing a RenderTexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param value UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalTexture(name, value) end + +-- +--Add a "set global shader texture property" command, referencing a RenderTexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param value UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalTexture(nameID, value) end + +-- +--Add a "set global shader texture property" command, referencing a RenderTexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param value UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param element UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTextureSubElement +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalTexture(name, value, element) end + +-- +--Add a "set global shader texture property" command, referencing a RenderTexture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param value UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param element UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTextureSubElement +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalTexture(nameID, value, element) end + +-- +--Add a "set global shader buffer property" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- name - The name of the property. +-- value - The buffer to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param value UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalBuffer(name, value) end + +-- +--Add a "set global shader buffer property" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- name - The name of the property. +-- value - The buffer to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param value UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalBuffer(nameID, value) end + +-- +--Add a "set global shader buffer property" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- name - The name of the property. +-- value - The buffer to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param value UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalBuffer(name, value) end + +-- +--Add a "set global shader buffer property" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - The name ID of the property retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- name - The name of the property. +-- value - The buffer to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nameID int +---@param value UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalBuffer(nameID, value) end + +-- +--Add a command to bind a global constant buffer. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - The name ID of the constant buffer retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- name - The name of the constant buffer to override. +-- buffer - The buffer to bind. +-- offset - Offset from the start of the buffer in bytes. +-- size - Size in bytes of the area to bind. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param buffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param nameID int +---@param offset int +---@param size int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalConstantBuffer(buffer, nameID, offset, size) end + +-- +--Add a command to bind a global constant buffer. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - The name ID of the constant buffer retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- name - The name of the constant buffer to override. +-- buffer - The buffer to bind. +-- offset - Offset from the start of the buffer in bytes. +-- size - Size in bytes of the area to bind. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param buffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +---@param name string +---@param offset int +---@param size int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalConstantBuffer(buffer, name, offset, size) end + +-- +--Add a command to bind a global constant buffer. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - The name ID of the constant buffer retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- name - The name of the constant buffer to override. +-- buffer - The buffer to bind. +-- offset - Offset from the start of the buffer in bytes. +-- size - Size in bytes of the area to bind. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param buffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param nameID int +---@param offset int +---@param size int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalConstantBuffer(buffer, nameID, offset, size) end + +-- +--Add a command to bind a global constant buffer. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nameID - The name ID of the constant buffer retrieved by Shader.PropertyToID. +-- name - The name of the constant buffer to override. +-- buffer - The buffer to bind. +-- offset - Offset from the start of the buffer in bytes. +-- size - Size in bytes of the area to bind. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param buffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +---@param name string +---@param offset int +---@param size int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetGlobalConstantBuffer(buffer, name, offset, size) end + +-- +--Add a "set shadow sampling mode" command. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: shadowmap - Shadowmap render target to change the sampling mode on. +-- mode - New sampling mode. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param shadowmap UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param mode UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSamplingMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetShadowSamplingMode(shadowmap, mode) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param mode UnityEngine.Rendering.SinglePassStereoMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.SetSinglePassStereo(mode) end + +-- +--Send a user-defined event to a native code plugin. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: callback - Native code callback to queue for Unity's renderer to invoke. +-- eventID - User defined id to send to the callback. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param callback System.IntPtr +---@param eventID int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.IssuePluginEvent(callback, eventID) end + +-- +--Send a user-defined event to a native code plugin with custom data. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: callback - Native code callback to queue for Unity's renderer to invoke. +-- data - Custom data to pass to the native plugin callback. +-- eventID - Built in or user defined id to send to the callback. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param callback System.IntPtr +---@param eventID int +---@param data System.IntPtr +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.IssuePluginEventAndData(callback, eventID, data) end + +-- +--Send a user-defined blit event to a native code plugin. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: callback - Native code callback to queue for Unity's renderer to invoke. +-- command - User defined command id to send to the callback. +-- source - Source render target. +-- dest - Destination render target. +-- commandParam - User data command parameters. +-- commandFlags - User data command flags. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param callback System.IntPtr +---@param command uint +---@param source UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param dest UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param commandParam uint +---@param commandFlags uint +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.IssuePluginCustomBlit(callback, command, source, dest, commandParam, commandFlags) end + +-- +--Deprecated. Use CommandBuffer.IssuePluginCustomTextureUpdateV2 instead. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: callback - Native code callback to queue for Unity's renderer to invoke. +-- targetTexture - Texture resource to be updated. +-- userData - User data to send to the native plugin. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param callback System.IntPtr +---@param targetTexture UnityEngine.Texture +---@param userData uint +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.IssuePluginCustomTextureUpdate(callback, targetTexture, userData) end + +-- +--Deprecated. Use CommandBuffer.IssuePluginCustomTextureUpdateV2 instead. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: callback - Native code callback to queue for Unity's renderer to invoke. +-- targetTexture - Texture resource to be updated. +-- userData - User data to send to the native plugin. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param callback System.IntPtr +---@param targetTexture UnityEngine.Texture +---@param userData uint +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.IssuePluginCustomTextureUpdateV1(callback, targetTexture, userData) end + +-- +--Send a texture update event to a native code plugin. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: callback - Native code callback to queue for Unity's renderer to invoke. +-- targetTexture - Texture resource to be updated. +-- userData - User data to send to the native plugin. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param callback System.IntPtr +---@param targetTexture UnityEngine.Texture +---@param userData uint +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.IssuePluginCustomTextureUpdateV2(callback, targetTexture, userData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rt UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param resolver System.IntPtr +---@param slice int +---@param x int +---@param width int +---@param y int +---@param height int +---@param mip int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.ProcessVTFeedback(rt, resolver, slice, x, width, y, height, mip) end + +-- +--This functionality is deprecated, and should no longer be used. Please use CommandBuffer.CreateGraphicsFence. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param stage UnityEngine.Rendering.SynchronisationStage +---@return GPUFence +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.CreateGPUFence(stage) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return GPUFence +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.CreateGPUFence() end + +-- +--This functionality is deprecated, and should no longer be used. Please use CommandBuffer.WaitOnAsyncGraphicsFence. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: fence - The GPUFence that the GPU will be instructed to wait upon. +-- stage - On some platforms there is a significant gap between the vertex processing completing and the pixel processing completing for a given draw call. This parameter allows for requested wait to be before the next items vertex or pixel processing begins. Some platforms can not differentiate between the start of vertex and pixel processing, these platforms will wait before the next items vertex processing. If a compute shader dispatch is the next item to be submitted then this parameter is ignored. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param fence UnityEngine.Rendering.GPUFence +---@param stage UnityEngine.Rendering.SynchronisationStage +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.WaitOnGPUFence(fence, stage) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param fence UnityEngine.Rendering.GPUFence +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer.WaitOnGPUFence(fence) end + + +-- +--Static class providing extension methods for CommandBuffer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBufferExtensions: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBufferExtensions = {} + +-- +--Adds a command to put a given render target into fast GPU memory. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rid - The render target to put into fast GPU memory. +-- fastMemoryFlags - The memory layout to use if only part of the render target is put into fast GPU memory, either because of the residency parameter or because of fast GPU memory availability. +-- residency - The amount of the render target to put into fast GPU memory. Valid values are 0.0f - 1.0f inclusive. +--A value of 0.0f is equal to none of the render target, and a value of 1.0f is equal to the whole render target. +-- copyContents - When this value is true, Unity copies the existing contents of the render target into fast memory. +--When this value is false, Unity does not copy the existing contents of the render target into fast memory. +--Set this value to true if you plan to add to the existing contents, and set it to false if you plan to overwrite or clear the existing contents. +--Where possible, set this value to false for better performance. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rid UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param fastMemoryFlags UnityEngine.Rendering.FastMemoryFlags +---@param residency float +---@param copyContents bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBufferExtensions.SwitchIntoFastMemory(rid, fastMemoryFlags, residency, copyContents) end + +-- +--Adds a command to remove a given render target from fast GPU memory. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rid - The render target to remove from fast GPU memory. +-- copyContents - When this value is true, Unity copies the existing contents of the render target when it removes it from fast GPU memory. When this value is false, Unity does not copy the existing contents of the render target when it removes it from fast GPU memory. Set this value to true if you plan to add to the existing contents, and set it to false if you plan to overwrite or clear the existing contents. Where possible, set this value to false for better performance. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rid UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param copyContents bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBufferExtensions.SwitchOutOfFastMemory(rid, copyContents) end + + +-- +--Provides an interface to the Unity splash screen. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.SplashScreen: object +-- +--Returns true once the splash screen has finished. This is once all logos have been shown for their specified duration. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field isFinished bool +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SplashScreen = {} + +-- +--Initializes the splash screen so it is ready to begin drawing. Call this before you start calling Rendering.SplashScreen.Draw. Internally this function resets the timer and prepares the logos for drawing. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SplashScreen:Begin() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param stopBehavior UnityEngine.Rendering.SplashScreen.StopBehavior +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SplashScreen:Stop(stopBehavior) end + +-- +--Immediately draws the splash screen. Ensure you have called Rendering.SplashScreen.Begin before you start calling this. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SplashScreen:Draw() end + + +-- +--The behavior to apply when calling ParticleSystem.Stop|Stop. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.StopBehavior: System.Enum +-- +--Immediately stop rendering the SplashScreen. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field StopImmediate UnityEngine.Rendering.SplashScreen.StopBehavior +-- +--Jumps to the final stage of the Splash Screen and performs a fade from the background to the game. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field FadeOut UnityEngine.Rendering.SplashScreen.StopBehavior +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.StopBehavior = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.SplashScreen.StopBehavior +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.StopBehavior:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Spherical harmonics up to the second order (3 bands, 9 coefficients). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field this[] float +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2 = {} + +-- +--Clears SH probe to zero. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2.Clear() end + +-- +--Add ambient lighting to probe data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param color UnityEngine.Color +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2.AddAmbientLight(color) end + +-- +--Add directional light to probe data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param direction UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param color UnityEngine.Color +---@param intensity float +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2.AddDirectionalLight(direction, color, intensity) end + +-- +--Evaluates the Spherical Harmonics for each of the given directions. The result from the first direction is written into the first element of results, the result from the second direction is written into the second element of results, and so on. The array size of directions and results must match and directions must be normalized. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: directions - Normalized directions for which the spherical harmonics are to be evaluated. +-- results - Output array for the evaluated values of the corresponding directions. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param directions UnityEngine.Vector3[] +---@param results UnityEngine.Color[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2.Evaluate(directions, results) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2 +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2 +---@param rhs float +---@return SphericalHarmonicsL2 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2:op_Multiply(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param lhs float +---@param rhs UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2 +---@return SphericalHarmonicsL2 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2:op_Multiply(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2 +---@param rhs UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2 +---@return SphericalHarmonicsL2 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2:op_Addition(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2 +---@param rhs UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2 +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2:op_Equality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2 +---@param rhs UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2 +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SphericalHarmonicsL2:op_Inequality(lhs, rhs) end + + +-- +--Describes the visibility for a batch. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchVisibility: System.ValueType +-- +--Input property specifying the offset into the BatchCullingContext.visibleIndices where the batch's visibile indices start. (readonly). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field offset int +-- +--Input property specifying the total number of instances in the batch. (readonly). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field instancesCount int +-- +--Output property that has to be set to the number of visible instances in the batch after culling. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field visibleCount int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchVisibility = {} + + +-- +--Culling context for a batch. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchCullingContext: System.ValueType +-- +--Planes to cull against. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field cullingPlanes Unity.Collections.NativeArray +-- +--Visibility information for the batch. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field batchVisibility Unity.Collections.NativeArray +-- +--Array of visible indices for all the batches in the group. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field visibleIndices Unity.Collections.NativeArray +-- +--Array of uints containing extra data for the visible indices for all the batches in the group. Elements in this array correspond to elements in Rendering.BatchCullingContext.visibleIndices. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field visibleIndicesY Unity.Collections.NativeArray +-- +--See Also: LODParameters. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field lodParameters UnityEngine.Rendering.LODParameters +-- +--Culling matrix. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field cullingMatrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +-- +--The near frustum plane for this culling context. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field nearPlane float +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchCullingContext = {} + + +-- +--A group of batches. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup = {} + +-- +--Deletes a group. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup.Dispose() end + +-- +--The batch's index in the BatchedRendererGroup. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: mesh - The Mesh to draw. +-- subMeshIndex - Specifies which subset of the mesh to draw. This applies only to meshes that are composed of several materials. +-- material - Material to use. +-- layer - to use. +-- castShadows - Whether the meshes cast shadows. +-- receiveShadows - Whether the meshes receive shadows. +-- invertCulling - Specify whether to invert the backface culling (true) or not (false). This flag can "flip" the culling mode of all rendered objects. Major use case: rendering reflections for mirrors, water etc. Since virtual camera for rendering the reflection is mirrored, the culling order has to be inverted. You can see how the Water script in Effects standard package does that. +-- bounds - Bounds to use. Should specify the combined bounds of all the instances. +-- instanceCount - The number of instances to draw. +-- customProps - Additional material properties to apply. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- associatedSceneObject - The GameObject to select when you pick an object that the batch renders. +-- sceneCullingMask - Additional culling mask usually used for scene based culling. See Also: EditorSceneManager.GetSceneCullingMask. +-- renderingLayerMask - Rendering layer this batch lives on. See Also: Renderer.renderingLayerMask. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param mesh UnityEngine.Mesh +---@param subMeshIndex int +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param layer int +---@param castShadows UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode +---@param receiveShadows bool +---@param invertCulling bool +---@param bounds UnityEngine.Bounds +---@param instanceCount int +---@param customProps UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock +---@param associatedSceneObject UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup.AddBatch(mesh, subMeshIndex, material, layer, castShadows, receiveShadows, invertCulling, bounds, instanceCount, customProps, associatedSceneObject) end + +-- +--The batch's index in the BatchedRendererGroup. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: mesh - The Mesh to draw. +-- subMeshIndex - Specifies which subset of the mesh to draw. This applies only to meshes that are composed of several materials. +-- material - Material to use. +-- layer - to use. +-- castShadows - Whether the meshes cast shadows. +-- receiveShadows - Whether the meshes receive shadows. +-- invertCulling - Specify whether to invert the backface culling (true) or not (false). This flag can "flip" the culling mode of all rendered objects. Major use case: rendering reflections for mirrors, water etc. Since virtual camera for rendering the reflection is mirrored, the culling order has to be inverted. You can see how the Water script in Effects standard package does that. +-- bounds - Bounds to use. Should specify the combined bounds of all the instances. +-- instanceCount - The number of instances to draw. +-- customProps - Additional material properties to apply. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- associatedSceneObject - The GameObject to select when you pick an object that the batch renders. +-- sceneCullingMask - Additional culling mask usually used for scene based culling. See Also: EditorSceneManager.GetSceneCullingMask. +-- renderingLayerMask - Rendering layer this batch lives on. See Also: Renderer.renderingLayerMask. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param mesh UnityEngine.Mesh +---@param subMeshIndex int +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param layer int +---@param castShadows UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode +---@param receiveShadows bool +---@param invertCulling bool +---@param bounds UnityEngine.Bounds +---@param instanceCount int +---@param customProps UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock +---@param associatedSceneObject UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param sceneCullingMask ulong +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup.AddBatch(mesh, subMeshIndex, material, layer, castShadows, receiveShadows, invertCulling, bounds, instanceCount, customProps, associatedSceneObject, sceneCullingMask) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param mesh UnityEngine.Mesh +---@param subMeshIndex int +---@param material UnityEngine.Material +---@param layer int +---@param castShadows UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode +---@param receiveShadows bool +---@param invertCulling bool +---@param bounds UnityEngine.Bounds +---@param instanceCount int +---@param customProps UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock +---@param associatedSceneObject UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param sceneCullingMask ulong +---@param renderingLayerMask uint +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup.AddBatch(mesh, subMeshIndex, material, layer, castShadows, receiveShadows, invertCulling, bounds, instanceCount, customProps, associatedSceneObject, sceneCullingMask, renderingLayerMask) end + +-- +--Sets flag bits that enable special behavior for this Hybrid Renderer V2 batch. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: batchIndex - Batch index. Must be a Hybrid Renderer V2 batch. +-- flags - Flag bits to set for the batch. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param batchIndex int +---@param flags ulong +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup.SetBatchFlags(batchIndex, flags) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param batchIndex int +---@param cbufferLengths Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param cbufferMetadata Unity.Collections.NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup.SetBatchPropertyMetadata(batchIndex, cbufferLengths, cbufferMetadata) end + +-- +--Updates a batch. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: batchIndex - Batch index. +-- instanceCount - New number of instances in the batch. +-- customProps - Additional material properties to apply. See MaterialPropertyBlock. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param batchIndex int +---@param instanceCount int +---@param customProps UnityEngine.MaterialPropertyBlock +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup.SetInstancingData(batchIndex, instanceCount, customProps) end + +-- +--Matrices associated with the batch specified by batchIndex. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: batchIndex - Batch index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param batchIndex int +---@return NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup.GetBatchMatrices(batchIndex) end + +-- +--An array of writable int properties for the batch specified by batchIndex. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: batchIndex - Batch index. +-- propertyName - Property name. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param batchIndex int +---@param propertyName string +---@return NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup.GetBatchScalarArrayInt(batchIndex, propertyName) end + +-- +--An array of writable float properties for the batch specified by batchIndex. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: batchIndex - Batch index. +-- propertyName - Property name. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param batchIndex int +---@param propertyName string +---@return NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup.GetBatchScalarArray(batchIndex, propertyName) end + +-- +--An array of writable vector properties for the batch specified by batchIndex, arranged linearly as individual int elements. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: batchIndex - Batch index. +-- propertyName - Property name. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param batchIndex int +---@param propertyName string +---@return NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup.GetBatchVectorArrayInt(batchIndex, propertyName) end + +-- +--An array of writable vector properties for the batch specified by batchIndex. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: batchIndex - Batch index. +-- propertyName - Property name. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param batchIndex int +---@param propertyName string +---@return NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup.GetBatchVectorArray(batchIndex, propertyName) end + +-- +--An array of writable matrix properties for the batch specified by batchIndex. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: batchIndex - Batch index. +-- propertyName - Property name. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param batchIndex int +---@param propertyName string +---@return NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup.GetBatchMatrixArray(batchIndex, propertyName) end + +-- +--An array of writable int properties for the batch specified by batchIndex. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: batchIndex - Batch index. +-- propertyName - Property name. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param batchIndex int +---@param propertyName int +---@return NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup.GetBatchScalarArrayInt(batchIndex, propertyName) end + +-- +--An array of writable float properties for the batch specified by batchIndex. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: batchIndex - Batch index. +-- propertyName - Property name. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param batchIndex int +---@param propertyName int +---@return NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup.GetBatchScalarArray(batchIndex, propertyName) end + +-- +--An array of writable vector properties for the batch specified by batchIndex, arranged linearly as individual int elements. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: batchIndex - Batch index. +-- propertyName - Property name. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param batchIndex int +---@param propertyName int +---@return NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup.GetBatchVectorArrayInt(batchIndex, propertyName) end + +-- +--An array of writable vector properties for the batch specified by batchIndex. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: batchIndex - Batch index. +-- propertyName - Property name. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param batchIndex int +---@param propertyName int +---@return NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup.GetBatchVectorArray(batchIndex, propertyName) end + +-- +--An array of writable matrix properties for the batch specified by batchIndex. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: batchIndex - Batch index. +-- propertyName - Property name. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param batchIndex int +---@param propertyName int +---@return NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup.GetBatchMatrixArray(batchIndex, propertyName) end + +-- +--Sets the bounding box of the batch. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: batchIndex - Batch index. +-- bounds - The new bounds for the batch specified by batchIndex. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param batchIndex int +---@param bounds UnityEngine.Bounds +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup.SetBatchBounds(batchIndex, bounds) end + +-- +--Number of batches inside the group. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup.GetNumBatches() end + +-- +--Removes a batch from the group. +-- Note: For performance reasons, the removal is done via emplace_back() which will simply replace the removed batch index with the last index in the array and will decrement the size. +-- If you're holding your own array of batch indices, you'll have to either regenerate it or apply the same emplace_back() mechanism as RemoveBatch does. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Batch index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup.RemoveBatch(index) end + +-- +--Enables or disables Rendering.BatchCullingContext.visibleIndicesY. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: enabled - Pass true to enable the array, or false to disable it. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param enabled bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup.EnableVisibleIndicesYArray(enabled) end + + +-- +--Culling callback function. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: rendererGroup - Group to cull. +-- cullingContext - Culling context. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.OnPerformCulling: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.OnPerformCulling = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rendererGroup UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup +---@param cullingContext UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchCullingContext +---@return JobHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.OnPerformCulling.Invoke(rendererGroup, cullingContext) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rendererGroup UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchRendererGroup +---@param cullingContext UnityEngine.Rendering.BatchCullingContext +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.OnPerformCulling.BeginInvoke(rendererGroup, cullingContext, callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return JobHandle +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.OnPerformCulling.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--A declaration of a single color or depth rendering surface to be attached into a RenderPass. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.AttachmentDescriptor: System.ValueType +-- +--The load action to be used on this attachment when the RenderPass starts. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field loadAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferLoadAction +-- +--The store action to use with this attachment when the RenderPass ends. Only used when either ConfigureTarget or ConfigureResolveTarget has been called. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field storeAction UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderBufferStoreAction +-- +--The GraphicsFormat of this attachment. To use in place of format. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field graphicsFormat UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.GraphicsFormat +-- +--The format of this attachment. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field format UnityEngine.RenderTextureFormat +-- +--The surface to use as the backing storage for this AttachmentDescriptor. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field loadStoreTarget UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +-- +--When the renderpass that uses this attachment ends, resolve the MSAA surface into the given target. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field resolveTarget UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +-- +--The currently assigned clear color for this attachment. Default is black. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field clearColor UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Currently assigned depth clear value for this attachment. Default value is 1.0. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field clearDepth float +-- +--Currently assigned stencil clear value for this attachment. Default is 0. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field clearStencil uint +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AttachmentDescriptor = {} + +-- +--Binds this AttachmentDescriptor to the given target surface. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: tgt - The surface to use as the backing storage for this AttachmentDescriptor. +-- loadExistingContents - Whether to read in the existing contents of the surface when the RenderPass starts. +-- storeResults - Whether to store the rendering results of the attachment when the RenderPass ends. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param target UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +---@param loadExistingContents bool +---@param storeResults bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AttachmentDescriptor.ConfigureTarget(target, loadExistingContents, storeResults) end + +-- +--When the renderpass that uses this attachment ends, resolve the MSAA surface into the given target. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: tgt - The target surface to receive the MSAA-resolved pixels. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param target UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetIdentifier +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AttachmentDescriptor.ConfigureResolveTarget(target) end + +-- +--When the RenderPass starts, clear this attachment into the color or depth/stencil values given (depending on the format of this attachment). Changes loadAction to RenderBufferLoadAction.Clear. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: clearCol - Color clear value. Ignored on depth/stencil attachments. +-- clearDep - Depth clear value. Ignored on color surfaces. +-- clearStenc - Stencil clear value. Ignored on color or depth-only surfaces. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param clearColor UnityEngine.Color +---@param clearDepth float +---@param clearStencil uint +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AttachmentDescriptor.ConfigureClear(clearColor, clearDepth, clearStencil) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.AttachmentDescriptor +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AttachmentDescriptor.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AttachmentDescriptor.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AttachmentDescriptor.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.AttachmentDescriptor +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.AttachmentDescriptor +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AttachmentDescriptor:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.AttachmentDescriptor +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.AttachmentDescriptor +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.AttachmentDescriptor:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +-- +--Values for the blend state. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendState: System.ValueType +-- +--Default values for the blend state. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field defaultValue UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendState +-- +--Determines whether each render target uses a separate blend state. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field separateMRTBlendStates bool +-- +--Turns on alpha-to-coverage. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field alphaToMask bool +-- +--Blend state for render target 0. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field blendState0 UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBlendState +-- +--Blend state for render target 1. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field blendState1 UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBlendState +-- +--Blend state for render target 2. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field blendState2 UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBlendState +-- +--Blend state for render target 3. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field blendState3 UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBlendState +-- +--Blend state for render target 4. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field blendState4 UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBlendState +-- +--Blend state for render target 5. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field blendState5 UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBlendState +-- +--Blend state for render target 6. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field blendState6 UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBlendState +-- +--Blend state for render target 7. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field blendState7 UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBlendState +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendState = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendState +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendState.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendState.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendState.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendState +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendState +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendState:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendState +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendState +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendState:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +-- +--Camera related properties in CullingParameters. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraProperties: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraProperties = {} + +-- +--Shadow culling plane. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Plane index (up to 5). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return Plane +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraProperties.GetShadowCullingPlane(index) end + +-- +--Set a shadow culling plane. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Plane index (up to 5). +-- plane - Shadow culling plane. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +---@param plane UnityEngine.Plane +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraProperties.SetShadowCullingPlane(index, plane) end + +-- +--Camera culling plane. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Plane index (up to 5). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return Plane +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraProperties.GetCameraCullingPlane(index) end + +-- +--Set a camera culling plane. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Plane index (up to 5). +-- plane - Camera culling plane. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +---@param plane UnityEngine.Plane +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraProperties.SetCameraCullingPlane(index, plane) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraProperties +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraProperties.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraProperties.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraProperties.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraProperties +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraProperties +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraProperties:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraProperties +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraProperties +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraProperties:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.e__FixedBuffer: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field FixedElementField byte +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.e__FixedBuffer = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.e__FixedBuffer: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field FixedElementField byte +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.e__FixedBuffer = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.e__FixedBuffer: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field FixedElementField float +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.e__FixedBuffer = {} + + +-- +--Flags used by ScriptableCullingParameters.cullingOptions to configure a culling operation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingOptions: System.Enum +-- +--Unset all CullingOptions flags. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingOptions +-- +--When this flag is set, Unity performs the culling operation even if the Camera is not active. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ForceEvenIfCameraIsNotActive UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingOptions +-- +--When this flag is set, Unity performs occlusion culling as part of the culling operation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field OcclusionCull UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingOptions +-- +--When this flag is set, Unity culls Lights as part of the culling operation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field NeedsLighting UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingOptions +-- +--When this flag is set, Unity culls Reflection Probes as part of the culling operation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field NeedsReflectionProbes UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingOptions +-- +--When this flag is set, Unity culls both eyes together for stereo rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Stereo UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingOptions +-- +--When this flag is set, Unity does not perform per-object culling. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field DisablePerObjectCulling UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingOptions +-- +--When this flag is set, Unity culls shadow casters as part of the culling operation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ShadowCasters UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingOptions +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingOptions +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Parameters that configure a culling operation in the Scriptable Render Pipeline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableCullingParameters: System.ValueType +-- +--Maximum amount of culling planes that can be specified. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field maximumCullingPlaneCount int +-- +--The amount of layers available. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field layerCount int +-- +--This parameter controls how many visible lights are allowed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field maximumVisibleLights int +-- +--Number of culling planes to use. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field cullingPlaneCount int +-- +--Is the cull orthographic. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field isOrthographic bool +-- +--LODParameters for culling. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field lodParameters UnityEngine.Rendering.LODParameters +-- +--The mask for the culling operation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field cullingMask uint +-- +--The matrix for the culling operation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field cullingMatrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +-- +--Position for the origin of the cull. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field origin UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Shadow distance to use for the cull. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field shadowDistance float +-- +--Flags to configure a culling operation in the Scriptable Render Pipeline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field cullingOptions UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingOptions +-- +--Reflection Probe Sort options for the cull. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field reflectionProbeSortingCriteria UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeSortingCriteria +-- +--Camera Properties used for culling. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field cameraProperties UnityEngine.Rendering.CameraProperties +-- +--The view matrix generated for single-pass stereo culling. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field stereoViewMatrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +-- +--The projection matrix generated for single-pass stereo culling. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field stereoProjectionMatrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +-- +--Distance between the virtual eyes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field stereoSeparationDistance float +-- +--This parameter determines query distance for occlusion culling. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field accurateOcclusionThreshold float +-- +--This parameter controls how many active jobs contribute to occlusion culling. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field maximumPortalCullingJobs int +-- +--The lower limit to the value ScriptableCullingParameters.maximumPortalCullingJobs. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field cullingJobsLowerLimit int +-- +--The upper limit to the value ScriptableCullingParameters.maximumPortalCullingJobs. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field cullingJobsUpperLimit int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableCullingParameters = {} + +-- +--Get the distance for the culling of a specific layer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param layerIndex int +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableCullingParameters.GetLayerCullingDistance(layerIndex) end + +-- +--Set the distance for the culling of a specific layer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param layerIndex int +---@param distance float +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableCullingParameters.SetLayerCullingDistance(layerIndex, distance) end + +-- +--Fetch the culling plane at the given index. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return Plane +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableCullingParameters.GetCullingPlane(index) end + +-- +--Set the culling plane at a given index. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +---@param plane UnityEngine.Plane +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableCullingParameters.SetCullingPlane(index, plane) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableCullingParameters +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableCullingParameters.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableCullingParameters.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableCullingParameters.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableCullingParameters +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableCullingParameters +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableCullingParameters:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableCullingParameters +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableCullingParameters +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableCullingParameters:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.e__FixedBuffer: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field FixedElementField byte +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.e__FixedBuffer = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.e__FixedBuffer: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field FixedElementField float +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.e__FixedBuffer = {} + + +-- +--A struct containing the results of a culling operation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults: System.ValueType +-- +--Array of visible lights. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field visibleLights Unity.Collections.NativeArray +-- +--Off-screen lights that still affect visible vertices. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field visibleOffscreenVertexLights Unity.Collections.NativeArray +-- +--Array of visible reflection probes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field visibleReflectionProbes Unity.Collections.NativeArray +-- +--The number of per-object light indices. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field lightIndexCount int +-- +--The number of per-object reflection probe indices. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field reflectionProbeIndexCount int +-- +--The number of per-object light and reflection probe indices. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field lightAndReflectionProbeIndexCount int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults = {} + +-- +--Fills a buffer with per-object light indices. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeBuffer - The compute buffer object to fill. +-- buffer - The buffer object to fill. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param computeBuffer UnityEngine.ComputeBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults.FillLightAndReflectionProbeIndices(computeBuffer) end + +-- +--Fills a buffer with per-object light indices. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: computeBuffer - The compute buffer object to fill. +-- buffer - The buffer object to fill. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param buffer UnityEngine.GraphicsBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults.FillLightAndReflectionProbeIndices(buffer) end + +-- +--Array of indices that map from VisibleLight indices to internal per-object light list indices. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: allocator - The allocator to use. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param allocator Unity.Collections.Allocator +---@return NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults.GetLightIndexMap(allocator) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param lightIndexMap Unity.Collections.NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults.SetLightIndexMap(lightIndexMap) end + +-- +--Array of indices that map from VisibleReflectionProbe indices to internal per-object reflection probe list indices. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: allocator - The allocator to use. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param allocator Unity.Collections.Allocator +---@return NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults.GetReflectionProbeIndexMap(allocator) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param lightIndexMap Unity.Collections.NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults.SetReflectionProbeIndexMap(lightIndexMap) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param lightIndex int +---@param outBounds UnityEngine.Bounds +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults.GetShadowCasterBounds(lightIndex, outBounds) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param activeLightIndex int +---@param viewMatrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param projMatrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param shadowSplitData UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSplitData +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults.ComputeSpotShadowMatricesAndCullingPrimitives(activeLightIndex, viewMatrix, projMatrix, shadowSplitData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param activeLightIndex int +---@param cubemapFace UnityEngine.CubemapFace +---@param fovBias float +---@param viewMatrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param projMatrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param shadowSplitData UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSplitData +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults.ComputePointShadowMatricesAndCullingPrimitives(activeLightIndex, cubemapFace, fovBias, viewMatrix, projMatrix, shadowSplitData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param activeLightIndex int +---@param splitIndex int +---@param splitCount int +---@param splitRatio UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param shadowResolution int +---@param shadowNearPlaneOffset float +---@param viewMatrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param projMatrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@param shadowSplitData UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSplitData +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults.ComputeDirectionalShadowMatricesAndCullingPrimitives(activeLightIndex, splitIndex, splitCount, splitRatio, shadowResolution, shadowNearPlaneOffset, viewMatrix, projMatrix, shadowSplitData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +-- +--Values for the depth state. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.DepthState: System.ValueType +-- +--Default values for the depth state. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field defaultValue UnityEngine.Rendering.DepthState +-- +--Controls whether pixels from this object are written to the depth buffer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field writeEnabled bool +-- +--How should depth testing be performed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field compareFunction UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.DepthState = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.DepthState +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.DepthState.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.DepthState.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.DepthState.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.DepthState +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.DepthState +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.DepthState:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.DepthState +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.DepthState +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.DepthState:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +-- +--Settings for ScriptableRenderContext.DrawRenderers. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.DrawingSettings: System.ValueType +-- +--The maxiumum number of passes that can be rendered in 1 DrawRenderers call. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field maxShaderPasses int +-- +--How to sort objects during rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field sortingSettings UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingSettings +-- +--What kind of per-object data to setup during rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field perObjectData UnityEngine.Rendering.PerObjectData +-- +--Controls whether dynamic batching is enabled. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field enableDynamicBatching bool +-- +--Controls whether instancing is enabled. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field enableInstancing bool +-- +--Sets the Material to use for all drawers that would render in this group. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field overrideMaterial UnityEngine.Material +-- +--Selects which pass of the override material to use. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field overrideMaterialPassIndex int +-- +--Configures what light should be used as main light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field mainLightIndex int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.DrawingSettings = {} + +-- +--Get the shader passes that this draw call can render. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Index of the shader pass to use. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return ShaderTagId +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.DrawingSettings.GetShaderPassName(index) end + +-- +--Set the shader passes that this draw call can render. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Index of the shader pass to use. +-- shaderPassName - Name of the shader pass. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +---@param shaderPassName UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderTagId +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.DrawingSettings.SetShaderPassName(index, shaderPassName) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.DrawingSettings +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.DrawingSettings.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.DrawingSettings.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.DrawingSettings.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.DrawingSettings +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.DrawingSettings +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.DrawingSettings:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.DrawingSettings +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.DrawingSettings +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.DrawingSettings:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.e__FixedBuffer: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field FixedElementField int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.e__FixedBuffer = {} + + +-- +--A struct that represents filtering settings for ScriptableRenderContext.DrawRenderers. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.FilteringSettings: System.ValueType +-- +--Creates a FilteringSettings struct that contains default values for all properties. With these default values, Unity does not perform any filtering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field defaultValue UnityEngine.Rendering.FilteringSettings +-- +--Unity renders objects whose Material.renderQueue value is within range specified by this Rendering.RenderQueueRange. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field renderQueueRange UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueueRange +-- +--Unity renders objects whose GameObject.layer value is enabled in this bit mask. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field layerMask int +-- +--Unity renders objects whose Renderer.renderingLayerMask value is enabled in this bit mask. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field renderingLayerMask uint +-- +--Determines if Unity excludes GameObjects that are in motion from rendering. This refers to GameObjects that have an active Motion Vector pass assigned to their Material or have set the Motion Vector mode to per object motion (Menu: Mesh Renderer > Additional Settings > Motion Vectors > Per Object Motion). +--For Unity to exclude a GameObject from rendering, the GameObject must have moved since the last frame. To exclude a GameObject manually, enable a pass. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field excludeMotionVectorObjects bool +-- +--Unity renders objects whose SortingLayer.value value is within range specified by this Rendering.SortingLayerRange. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field sortingLayerRange UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingLayerRange +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.FilteringSettings = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.FilteringSettings +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.FilteringSettings.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.FilteringSettings.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.FilteringSettings.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.FilteringSettings +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.FilteringSettings +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.FilteringSettings:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.FilteringSettings +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.FilteringSettings +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.FilteringSettings:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +-- +--Gizmo subsets. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.GizmoSubset: System.Enum +-- +--Use to specify gizmos that should be rendered before ImageEffects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field PreImageEffects UnityEngine.Rendering.GizmoSubset +-- +--Use to specify gizmos that should be rendered after ImageEffects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field PostImageEffects UnityEngine.Rendering.GizmoSubset +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.GizmoSubset = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.GizmoSubset +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.GizmoSubset:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--LODGroup culling parameters. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.LODParameters: System.ValueType +-- +--Indicates whether camera is orthographic. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field isOrthographic bool +-- +--Camera position. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field cameraPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Camera's field of view. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field fieldOfView float +-- +--Orhographic camera size. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field orthoSize float +-- +--Rendering view height in pixels. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field cameraPixelHeight int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.LODParameters = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.LODParameters +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.LODParameters.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.LODParameters.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.LODParameters.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.LODParameters +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.LODParameters +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.LODParameters:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.LODParameters +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.LODParameters +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.LODParameters:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +-- +--What kind of per-object data to setup during rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PerObjectData: System.Enum +-- +--Do not setup any particular per-object data besides the transformation matrix. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Rendering.PerObjectData +-- +--Setup per-object light probe SH data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LightProbe UnityEngine.Rendering.PerObjectData +-- +--Setup per-object reflection probe data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ReflectionProbes UnityEngine.Rendering.PerObjectData +-- +--Setup per-object light probe proxy volume data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LightProbeProxyVolume UnityEngine.Rendering.PerObjectData +-- +--Setup per-object lightmaps. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Lightmaps UnityEngine.Rendering.PerObjectData +-- +--Setup per-object light data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LightData UnityEngine.Rendering.PerObjectData +-- +--Setup per-object motion vectors. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field MotionVectors UnityEngine.Rendering.PerObjectData +-- +--Setup per-object light indices. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field LightIndices UnityEngine.Rendering.PerObjectData +-- +--Setup per-object reflection probe index offset and count. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ReflectionProbeData UnityEngine.Rendering.PerObjectData +-- +--Setup per-object occlusion probe data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field OcclusionProbe UnityEngine.Rendering.PerObjectData +-- +--Setup per-object occlusion probe proxy volume data (occlusion in alpha channels). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field OcclusionProbeProxyVolume UnityEngine.Rendering.PerObjectData +-- +--Setup per-object shadowmask. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ShadowMask UnityEngine.Rendering.PerObjectData +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PerObjectData = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.PerObjectData +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PerObjectData:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Values for the raster state. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.RasterState: System.ValueType +-- +--Default values for the raster state. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field defaultValue UnityEngine.Rendering.RasterState +-- +--Controls which sides of polygons should be culled (not drawn). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field cullingMode UnityEngine.Rendering.CullMode +-- +--Enable clipping based on depth. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field depthClip bool +-- +--Enables conservative rasterization. Before using check for support via SystemInfo.supportsConservativeRaster property. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field conservative bool +-- +--Scales the minimum resolvable depth buffer value in the GPU's depth bias setting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field offsetUnits int +-- +--Scales the maximum Z slope in the GPU's depth bias setting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field offsetFactor float +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RasterState = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.RasterState +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RasterState.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RasterState.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RasterState.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.RasterState +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.RasterState +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RasterState:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.RasterState +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.RasterState +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RasterState:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +-- +--Visible reflection probes sorting options. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeSortingCriteria: System.Enum +-- +--Do not sort reflection probes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeSortingCriteria +-- +--Sort probes by importance. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Importance UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeSortingCriteria +-- +--Sort probes from largest to smallest. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Size UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeSortingCriteria +-- +--Sort probes by importance, then by size. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ImportanceThenSize UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeSortingCriteria +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeSortingCriteria = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeSortingCriteria +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeSortingCriteria:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Defines a series of commands and settings that describes how Unity renders a frame. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipeline: object +-- +--Returns true when the RenderPipeline is invalid or destroyed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field disposed bool +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipeline = {} + + +-- +--An asset that produces a specific IRenderPipeline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineAsset: UnityEngine.ScriptableObject +-- +--Queue index. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field terrainBrushPassIndex int +-- +--Array of 32 Rendering Layer Mask names. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field renderingLayerMaskNames string[] +-- +--Default material. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field defaultMaterial UnityEngine.Material +-- +--Returns the default shader. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field autodeskInteractiveShader UnityEngine.Shader +-- +--Returns the default shader. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field autodeskInteractiveTransparentShader UnityEngine.Shader +-- +--Returns the default shader. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field autodeskInteractiveMaskedShader UnityEngine.Shader +-- +--Return the detail lit Shader for this pipeline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field terrainDetailLitShader UnityEngine.Shader +-- +--Return the detail grass Shader for this pipeline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field terrainDetailGrassShader UnityEngine.Shader +-- +--Return the detail grass billboard Shader for this pipeline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field terrainDetailGrassBillboardShader UnityEngine.Shader +-- +--Default material. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field defaultParticleMaterial UnityEngine.Material +-- +--Default material. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field defaultLineMaterial UnityEngine.Material +-- +--Default material. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field defaultTerrainMaterial UnityEngine.Material +-- +--Default material. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field defaultUIMaterial UnityEngine.Material +-- +--Default material. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field defaultUIOverdrawMaterial UnityEngine.Material +-- +--Default material. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field defaultUIETC1SupportedMaterial UnityEngine.Material +-- +--Default material. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field default2DMaterial UnityEngine.Material +-- +--Default shader. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field defaultShader UnityEngine.Shader +-- +--Return the default SpeedTree v7 Shader for this pipeline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field defaultSpeedTree7Shader UnityEngine.Shader +-- +--Return the default SpeedTree v8 Shader for this pipeline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field defaultSpeedTree8Shader UnityEngine.Shader +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineAsset = {} + + +-- +--Render Pipeline manager. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineManager: object +-- +--Returns the active RenderPipeline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field currentPipeline UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipeline +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field beginFrameRendering System.Action +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field beginCameraRendering System.Action +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field endFrameRendering System.Action +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field endCameraRendering System.Action +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineManager = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineManager:add_beginFrameRendering(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineManager:remove_beginFrameRendering(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineManager:add_beginCameraRendering(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineManager:remove_beginCameraRendering(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineManager:add_endFrameRendering(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineManager:remove_endFrameRendering(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineManager:add_endCameraRendering(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderPipelineManager:remove_endCameraRendering(value) end + + +-- +--Describes a material render queue range. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueueRange: System.ValueType +-- +--Minimum value that can be used as a bound. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field minimumBound int +-- +--Maximum value that can be used as a bound. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field maximumBound int +-- +--A range that includes all objects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field all UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueueRange +-- +--A range that includes only opaque objects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field opaque UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueueRange +-- +--A range that includes only transparent objects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field transparent UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueueRange +-- +--Inclusive lower bound for the range. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field lowerBound int +-- +--Inclusive upper bound for the range. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field upperBound int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueueRange = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueueRange +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueueRange.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueueRange.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueueRange.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueueRange +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueueRange +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueueRange:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueueRange +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueueRange +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderQueueRange:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +-- +--A set of values that Unity uses to override the GPU's render state. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateBlock: System.ValueType +-- +--Specifies the new blend state. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field blendState UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendState +-- +--Specifies the new raster state. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field rasterState UnityEngine.Rendering.RasterState +-- +--Specifies the new depth state. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field depthState UnityEngine.Rendering.DepthState +-- +--Specifies the new stencil state. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field stencilState UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilState +-- +--The value to be compared against and/or the value to be written to the buffer, based on the stencil state. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field stencilReference int +-- +--Specifies which parts of the GPU's render state to override. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field mask UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateMask +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateBlock = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateBlock +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateBlock.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateBlock.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateBlock.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateBlock +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateBlock +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateBlock:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateBlock +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateBlock +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateBlock:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +-- +--Specifies which parts of the render state that is overriden. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateMask: System.Enum +-- +--No render states are overridden. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Nothing UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateMask +-- +--When set, the blend state is overridden. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Blend UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateMask +-- +--When set, the raster state is overridden. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Raster UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateMask +-- +--When set, the depth state is overridden. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Depth UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateMask +-- +--When set, the stencil state and reference value is overridden. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Stencil UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateMask +-- +--When set, all render states are overridden. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Everything UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateMask +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateMask = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateMask +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateMask:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Values for the blend state. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBlendState: System.ValueType +-- +--Default values for the blend state. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field defaultValue UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBlendState +-- +--Specifies which color components will get written into the target framebuffer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field writeMask UnityEngine.Rendering.ColorWriteMask +-- +--Blend factor used for the color (RGB) channel of the source. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field sourceColorBlendMode UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode +-- +--Blend factor used for the color (RGB) channel of the destination. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field destinationColorBlendMode UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode +-- +--Blend factor used for the alpha (A) channel of the source. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field sourceAlphaBlendMode UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode +-- +--Blend factor used for the alpha (A) channel of the destination. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field destinationAlphaBlendMode UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendMode +-- +--Operation used for blending the color (RGB) channel. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field colorBlendOperation UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +-- +--Operation used for blending the alpha (A) channel. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field alphaBlendOperation UnityEngine.Rendering.BlendOp +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBlendState = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBlendState +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBlendState.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBlendState.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBlendState.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBlendState +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBlendState +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBlendState:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBlendState +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBlendState +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderTargetBlendState:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +-- +--Represents an active render pass until disposed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ScopedRenderPass: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScopedRenderPass = {} + +-- +--Ends the current render pass in the ScriptableRenderContext that was used to create the ScopedRenderPass. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScopedRenderPass.Dispose() end + + +-- +--Represents an active sub pass until disposed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ScopedSubPass: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScopedSubPass = {} + +-- +--Ends the current sub pass in the ScriptableRenderContext that was used to create the ScopedSubPass. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScopedSubPass.Dispose() end + + +-- +--Defines state and drawing commands that custom render pipelines use. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext = {} + +-- +--Emits UI geometry into the Scene view for rendering. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: cullingCamera - Camera to emit the geometry for. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param cullingCamera UnityEngine.Camera +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext:EmitWorldGeometryForSceneView(cullingCamera) end + +-- +--Emits UI geometry for rendering for the specified camera. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: camera - Camera to emit the geometry for. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param camera UnityEngine.Camera +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext:EmitGeometryForCamera(camera) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param samples int +---@param attachments Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param depthAttachmentIndex int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.BeginRenderPass(width, height, samples, attachments, depthAttachmentIndex) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param width int +---@param height int +---@param samples int +---@param attachments Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param depthAttachmentIndex int +---@return ScopedRenderPass +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.BeginScopedRenderPass(width, height, samples, attachments, depthAttachmentIndex) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param colors Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param inputs Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param isDepthReadOnly bool +---@param isStencilReadOnly bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.BeginSubPass(colors, inputs, isDepthReadOnly, isStencilReadOnly) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param colors Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param inputs Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param isDepthStencilReadOnly bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.BeginSubPass(colors, inputs, isDepthStencilReadOnly) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param colors Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param isDepthReadOnly bool +---@param isStencilReadOnly bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.BeginSubPass(colors, isDepthReadOnly, isStencilReadOnly) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param colors Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param isDepthStencilReadOnly bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.BeginSubPass(colors, isDepthStencilReadOnly) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param colors Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param inputs Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param isDepthReadOnly bool +---@param isStencilReadOnly bool +---@return ScopedSubPass +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.BeginScopedSubPass(colors, inputs, isDepthReadOnly, isStencilReadOnly) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param colors Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param inputs Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param isDepthStencilReadOnly bool +---@return ScopedSubPass +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.BeginScopedSubPass(colors, inputs, isDepthStencilReadOnly) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param colors Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param isDepthReadOnly bool +---@param isStencilReadOnly bool +---@return ScopedSubPass +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.BeginScopedSubPass(colors, isDepthReadOnly, isStencilReadOnly) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param colors Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param isDepthStencilReadOnly bool +---@return ScopedSubPass +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.BeginScopedSubPass(colors, isDepthStencilReadOnly) end + +-- +--Schedules the end of the currently active sub pass. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.EndSubPass() end + +-- +--Schedules the end of a currently active render pass. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.EndRenderPass() end + +-- +--Submits all the scheduled commands to the rendering loop for execution. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.Submit() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param cullingResults UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults +---@param drawingSettings UnityEngine.Rendering.DrawingSettings +---@param filteringSettings UnityEngine.Rendering.FilteringSettings +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.DrawRenderers(cullingResults, drawingSettings, filteringSettings) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param cullingResults UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults +---@param drawingSettings UnityEngine.Rendering.DrawingSettings +---@param filteringSettings UnityEngine.Rendering.FilteringSettings +---@param stateBlock UnityEngine.Rendering.RenderStateBlock +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.DrawRenderers(cullingResults, drawingSettings, filteringSettings, stateBlock) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param cullingResults UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults +---@param drawingSettings UnityEngine.Rendering.DrawingSettings +---@param filteringSettings UnityEngine.Rendering.FilteringSettings +---@param renderTypes Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param stateBlocks Unity.Collections.NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.DrawRenderers(cullingResults, drawingSettings, filteringSettings, renderTypes, stateBlocks) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param cullingResults UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults +---@param drawingSettings UnityEngine.Rendering.DrawingSettings +---@param filteringSettings UnityEngine.Rendering.FilteringSettings +---@param tagName UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderTagId +---@param isPassTagName bool +---@param tagValues Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param stateBlocks Unity.Collections.NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.DrawRenderers(cullingResults, drawingSettings, filteringSettings, tagName, isPassTagName, tagValues, stateBlocks) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param settings UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowDrawingSettings +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.DrawShadows(settings) end + +-- +--Schedules the execution of a custom graphics Command Buffer. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: commandBuffer - Specifies the Command Buffer to execute. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param commandBuffer UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.ExecuteCommandBuffer(commandBuffer) end + +-- +--Schedules the execution of a Command Buffer on an async compute queue. The ComputeQueueType that you pass in determines the queue order. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: commandBuffer - The CommandBuffer to be executed. +-- queueType - Describes the desired async compute queue the supplied CommandBuffer should be executed on. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param commandBuffer UnityEngine.Rendering.CommandBuffer +---@param queueType UnityEngine.Rendering.ComputeQueueType +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.ExecuteCommandBufferAsync(commandBuffer, queueType) end + +-- +--Schedules the setup of Camera specific global Shader variables. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: camera - Camera to setup shader variables for. +-- stereoSetup - Set up the stereo shader variables and state. +-- eye - The current eye to be rendered. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param camera UnityEngine.Camera +---@param stereoSetup bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.SetupCameraProperties(camera, stereoSetup) end + +-- +--Schedules the setup of Camera specific global Shader variables. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: camera - Camera to setup shader variables for. +-- stereoSetup - Set up the stereo shader variables and state. +-- eye - The current eye to be rendered. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param camera UnityEngine.Camera +---@param stereoSetup bool +---@param eye int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.SetupCameraProperties(camera, stereoSetup, eye) end + +-- +--Schedule notification of completion of stereo rendering on a single frame. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: camera - Camera to indicate completion of stereo rendering. +-- eye - The current eye to be rendered. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param camera UnityEngine.Camera +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.StereoEndRender(camera) end + +-- +--Schedule notification of completion of stereo rendering on a single frame. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: camera - Camera to indicate completion of stereo rendering. +-- eye - The current eye to be rendered. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param camera UnityEngine.Camera +---@param eye int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.StereoEndRender(camera, eye) end + +-- +--Schedule notification of completion of stereo rendering on a single frame. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: camera - Camera to indicate completion of stereo rendering. +-- eye - The current eye to be rendered. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param camera UnityEngine.Camera +---@param eye int +---@param isFinalPass bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.StereoEndRender(camera, eye, isFinalPass) end + +-- +--Schedules a fine-grained beginning of stereo rendering on the ScriptableRenderContext. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: camera - Camera to enable stereo rendering on. +-- eye - The current eye to be rendered. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param camera UnityEngine.Camera +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.StartMultiEye(camera) end + +-- +--Schedules a fine-grained beginning of stereo rendering on the ScriptableRenderContext. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: camera - Camera to enable stereo rendering on. +-- eye - The current eye to be rendered. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param camera UnityEngine.Camera +---@param eye int +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.StartMultiEye(camera, eye) end + +-- +--Schedules a stop of stereo rendering on the ScriptableRenderContext. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: camera - Camera to disable stereo rendering on. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param camera UnityEngine.Camera +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.StopMultiEye(camera) end + +-- +--Schedules the drawing of the skybox. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: camera - Camera to draw the skybox for. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param camera UnityEngine.Camera +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.DrawSkybox(camera) end + +-- +--Schedules an invocation of the OnRenderObject callback for MonoBehaviour scripts. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.InvokeOnRenderObjectCallback() end + +-- +--Schedules the drawing of a subset of Gizmos (before or after post-processing) for the given Camera. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: camera - The camera of the current view. +-- gizmoSubset - Set to GizmoSubset.PreImageEffects to draw Gizmos that should be affected by postprocessing, or GizmoSubset.PostImageEffects to draw Gizmos that should not be affected by postprocessing. See also: GizmoSubset. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param camera UnityEngine.Camera +---@param gizmoSubset UnityEngine.Rendering.GizmoSubset +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.DrawGizmos(camera, gizmoSubset) end + +-- +--Schedules the drawing of a wireframe overlay for a given Scene view Camera. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: camera - The Scene view Camera to draw the overlay for. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param camera UnityEngine.Camera +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.DrawWireOverlay(camera) end + +-- +--Draw the UI overlay. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: camera - The camera of the current view. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param camera UnityEngine.Camera +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.DrawUIOverlay(camera) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param parameters UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableCullingParameters +---@return CullingResults +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.Cull(parameters) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ScriptableRenderContext:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +-- +--Shader tag ids are used to refer to various names in shaders. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderTagId: System.ValueType +-- +--Describes a shader tag id not referring to any name. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field none UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderTagId +-- +--Gets the name of the tag referred to by the shader tag id. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field name string +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderTagId = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderTagId.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderTagId +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderTagId.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderTagId.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param tag1 UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderTagId +---@param tag2 UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderTagId +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderTagId:op_Equality(tag1, tag2) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param tag1 UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderTagId +---@param tag2 UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderTagId +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderTagId:op_Inequality(tag1, tag2) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@return ShaderTagId +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderTagId:op_Explicit(name) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param tagId UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderTagId +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderTagId:op_Explicit(tagId) end + + +-- +--Settings for ScriptableRenderContext.DrawShadows. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowDrawingSettings: System.ValueType +-- +--Culling results to use. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field cullingResults UnityEngine.Rendering.CullingResults +-- +--The index of the shadow-casting light to be rendered. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field lightIndex int +-- +--Set this to true to make Unity filter Renderers during shadow rendering. Unity filters Renderers based on the Rendering Layer Mask of the Renderer itself, and the Rendering Layer Mask of each shadow casting Light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field useRenderingLayerMaskTest bool +-- +--The split data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field splitData UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSplitData +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowDrawingSettings = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowDrawingSettings +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowDrawingSettings.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowDrawingSettings.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowDrawingSettings.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowDrawingSettings +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowDrawingSettings +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowDrawingSettings:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowDrawingSettings +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowDrawingSettings +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowDrawingSettings:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +-- +--Describes the culling information for a given shadow split (e.g. directional cascade). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSplitData: System.ValueType +-- +--The maximum number of culling planes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field maximumCullingPlaneCount int +-- +--The number of culling planes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field cullingPlaneCount int +-- +--The culling sphere. The first three components of the vector describe the sphere center, and the last component specifies the radius. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field cullingSphere UnityEngine.Vector4 +-- +--A multiplier applied to the radius of the culling sphere. +-- +--Values must be in the range 0 to 1. With higher values, Unity culls more objects. Lower makes the cascades share more rendered objects. Using lower values allows blending between different cascades as they then share objects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field shadowCascadeBlendCullingFactor float +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSplitData = {} + +-- +--The culling plane. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The culling plane index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return Plane +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSplitData.GetCullingPlane(index) end + +-- +--Sets a culling plane. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the culling plane to set. +-- plane - The culling plane. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +---@param plane UnityEngine.Plane +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSplitData.SetCullingPlane(index, plane) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSplitData +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSplitData.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSplitData.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSplitData.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSplitData +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSplitData +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSplitData:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSplitData +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSplitData +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowSplitData:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.e__FixedBuffer: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field FixedElementField byte +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.e__FixedBuffer = {} + + +-- +--How to sort objects during rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingCriteria: System.Enum +-- +--Do not sort objects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingCriteria +-- +--Sort by renderer sorting layer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field SortingLayer UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingCriteria +-- +--Sort by material render queue. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RenderQueue UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingCriteria +-- +--Sort objects back to front. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BackToFront UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingCriteria +-- +--Sort objects in rough front-to-back buckets. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field QuantizedFrontToBack UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingCriteria +-- +--Sort objects to reduce draw state changes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field OptimizeStateChanges UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingCriteria +-- +--Sort renderers taking canvas order into account. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field CanvasOrder UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingCriteria +-- +--Sorts objects by renderer priority. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field RendererPriority UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingCriteria +-- +--Typical sorting for opaque objects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field CommonOpaque UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingCriteria +-- +--Typical sorting for transparencies. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field CommonTransparent UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingCriteria +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingCriteria = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingCriteria +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingCriteria:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Describes a renderer's sorting layer range. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingLayerRange: System.ValueType +-- +--Inclusive lower bound for the range. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field lowerBound short +-- +--Inclusive upper bound for the range. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field upperBound short +-- +--A range that includes all objects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field all UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingLayerRange +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingLayerRange = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingLayerRange +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingLayerRange.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingLayerRange.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingLayerRange +---@param rhs UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingLayerRange +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingLayerRange:op_Inequality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingLayerRange +---@param rhs UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingLayerRange +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingLayerRange:op_Equality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingLayerRange.GetHashCode() end + + +-- +--Type of sorting to use while rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.DistanceMetric: System.Enum +-- +--Perspective sorting mode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Perspective UnityEngine.Rendering.DistanceMetric +-- +--Orthographic sorting mode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Orthographic UnityEngine.Rendering.DistanceMetric +-- +--Sort objects based on distance along a custom axis. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field CustomAxis UnityEngine.Rendering.DistanceMetric +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.DistanceMetric = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.DistanceMetric +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.DistanceMetric:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--This struct describes the methods to sort objects during rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingSettings: System.ValueType +-- +--Used to calculate the distance to objects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field worldToCameraMatrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +-- +--Used to calculate the distance to objects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field cameraPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Used to calculate distance to objects, by comparing the positions of objects to this axis. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field customAxis UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--What kind of sorting to do while rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field criteria UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingCriteria +-- +--Type of sorting to use while rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field distanceMetric UnityEngine.Rendering.DistanceMetric +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingSettings = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingSettings +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingSettings.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingSettings.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingSettings.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingSettings +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingSettings +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingSettings:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingSettings +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingSettings +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingSettings:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +-- +--Values for the stencil state. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilState: System.ValueType +-- +--Default values for the stencil state. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field defaultValue UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilState +-- +--Controls whether the stencil buffer is enabled. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field enabled bool +-- +--An 8 bit mask as an 0–255 integer, used when comparing the reference value with the contents of the buffer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field readMask byte +-- +--An 8 bit mask as an 0–255 integer, used when writing to the buffer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field writeMask byte +-- +--The function used to compare the reference value to the current contents of the buffer for front-facing geometry. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field compareFunctionFront UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction +-- +--What to do with the contents of the buffer if the stencil test (and the depth test) passes for front-facing geometry. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field passOperationFront UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp +-- +--What to do with the contents of the buffer if the stencil test fails for front-facing geometry. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field failOperationFront UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp +-- +--What to do with the contents of the buffer if the stencil test passes, but the depth test fails for front-facing geometry. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field zFailOperationFront UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp +-- +--The function used to compare the reference value to the current contents of the buffer for back-facing geometry. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field compareFunctionBack UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction +-- +--What to do with the contents of the buffer if the stencil test (and the depth test) passes for back-facing geometry. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field passOperationBack UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp +-- +--What to do with the contents of the buffer if the stencil test fails for back-facing geometry. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field failOperationBack UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp +-- +--What to do with the contents of the buffer if the stencil test passes, but the depth test fails for back-facing geometry. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field zFailOperationBack UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilState = {} + +-- +--The function used to compare the reference value to the current contents of the buffer. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: value - The value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilState.SetCompareFunction(value) end + +-- +--What to do with the contents of the buffer if the stencil test (and the depth test) passes. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: value - The value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilState.SetPassOperation(value) end + +-- +--What to do with the contents of the buffer if the stencil test fails. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: value - The value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilState.SetFailOperation(value) end + +-- +--What to do with the contents of the buffer if the stencil test passes, but the depth test fails. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: value - The value to set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilState.SetZFailOperation(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilState +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilState.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilState.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilState.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilState +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilState +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilState:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilState +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilState +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilState:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +-- +--Describes the rendering features supported by a given render pipeline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.SupportedRenderingFeatures: object +-- +--Get / Set a SupportedRenderingFeatures. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field active UnityEngine.Rendering.SupportedRenderingFeatures +-- +--Flags for supported reflection probes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field reflectionProbeModes UnityEngine.Rendering.SupportedRenderingFeatures.ReflectionProbeModes +-- +--This is the fallback mode if the mode the user had previously selected is no longer available. See SupportedRenderingFeatures.mixedLightingModes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field defaultMixedLightingModes UnityEngine.Rendering.SupportedRenderingFeatures.LightmapMixedBakeModes +-- +--Specifies what LightmapMixedBakeModes that are supported. Please define a SupportedRenderingFeatures.defaultMixedLightingModes in case multiple modes are supported. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field mixedLightingModes UnityEngine.Rendering.SupportedRenderingFeatures.LightmapMixedBakeModes +-- +--What baking types are supported. The unsupported ones will be hidden from the UI. See LightmapBakeType. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field lightmapBakeTypes UnityEngine.LightmapBakeType +-- +--Specifies what modes are supported. Has to be at least one. See LightmapsMode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field lightmapsModes UnityEngine.LightmapsMode +-- +--Determines if Enlighten Realtime Global Illumination is supported by the currently selected pipeline. If it is not supported, Enlighten-specific settings do not appear in the Editor, which then defaults to the CPU Lightmapper, unless the Project was upgraded from 2019.2 or earlier. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field enlighten bool +-- +--Are light probe proxy volumes supported? +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field lightProbeProxyVolumes bool +-- +--Are motion vectors supported? +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field motionVectors bool +-- +--Can renderers support receiving shadows? +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field receiveShadows bool +-- +--Are reflection probes supported? +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field reflectionProbes bool +-- +--Determines if the renderer supports renderer priority sorting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field rendererPriority bool +-- +--Determines if the renderer supports terrain detail rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field terrainDetailUnsupported bool +-- +--Determines whether the function to render UI overlays is called by SRP and not by the engine. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field rendersUIOverlay bool +-- +--Determines if the renderer will override the Environment Lighting and will no longer need the built-in UI for it. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field overridesEnvironmentLighting bool +-- +--Determines if the renderer will override the fog settings in the Lighting Panel and will no longer need the built-in UI for it. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field overridesFog bool +-- +--Specifies whether the render pipeline overrides the Realtime Reflection Probes settings in the Quality settings. If It does, the render pipeline does not need the built-in UI for Realtime Reflection Probes settings. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field overridesRealtimeReflectionProbes bool +-- +--Determines if the renderer will override halo and flare settings in the Lighting Panel and will no longer need the built-in UI for it. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field overridesOtherLightingSettings bool +-- +--Determines whether the Scriptable Render Pipeline will override the default Material’s Render Queue settings and, if true, hides the Render Queue property in the Inspector. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field editableMaterialRenderQueue bool +-- +--Specifies whether the renderer overrides the LOD bias settings in the Quality Settings Panel. If It does, the renderer does not need the built-in UI for LOD bias settings. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field overridesLODBias bool +-- +--Specifies whether the renderer overrides the maximum LOD level settings in the Quality Settings Panel. If It does, the renderer does not need the built-in UI for maximum LOD level settings. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field overridesMaximumLODLevel bool +-- +--Determines whether the Renderer supports probe lighting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field rendererProbes bool +-- +--Determines if the renderer supports Particle System GPU instancing. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field particleSystemInstancing bool +-- +--Determines if this renderer supports automatic ambient probe generation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field autoAmbientProbeBaking bool +-- +--Determines if this renderer supports automatic default reflection probe generation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field autoDefaultReflectionProbeBaking bool +-- +--Specifies whether the render pipeline overrides the Shadowmask settings in the Quality settings. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field overridesShadowmask bool +-- +--Describes where the Shadowmask settings are located if SupportedRenderingFeatures.overridesShadowmask is set to true. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field overrideShadowmaskMessage string +-- +--A message that tells the user where the Shadowmask settings are located. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field shadowmaskMessage string +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SupportedRenderingFeatures = {} + + +-- +--Supported modes for ReflectionProbes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeModes: System.Enum +-- +--Default reflection probe support. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Rendering.SupportedRenderingFeatures.ReflectionProbeModes +-- +--Rotated reflection probes are supported. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Rotation UnityEngine.Rendering.SupportedRenderingFeatures.ReflectionProbeModes +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeModes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.SupportedRenderingFeatures.ReflectionProbeModes +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ReflectionProbeModes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Same as MixedLightingMode for baking, but is used to determine what is supported by the pipeline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.LightmapMixedBakeModes: System.Enum +-- +--No mode is supported. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Rendering.SupportedRenderingFeatures.LightmapMixedBakeModes +-- +--Same as MixedLightingMode.IndirectOnly but determines if it is supported by the pipeline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field IndirectOnly UnityEngine.Rendering.SupportedRenderingFeatures.LightmapMixedBakeModes +-- +--Same as MixedLightingMode.Subtractive but determines if it is supported by the pipeline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Subtractive UnityEngine.Rendering.SupportedRenderingFeatures.LightmapMixedBakeModes +-- +--Determines what is supported by the rendering pipeline. This enum is similar to MixedLightingMode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Shadowmask UnityEngine.Rendering.SupportedRenderingFeatures.LightmapMixedBakeModes +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.LightmapMixedBakeModes = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.SupportedRenderingFeatures.LightmapMixedBakeModes +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.LightmapMixedBakeModes:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Holds data of a visible light. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleLight: System.ValueType +-- +--Accessor to Light component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field light UnityEngine.Light +-- +--Light type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field lightType UnityEngine.LightType +-- +--Light color multiplied by intensity. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field finalColor UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Light's influence rectangle on screen. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field screenRect UnityEngine.Rect +-- +--Light transformation matrix. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field localToWorldMatrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +-- +--Light range. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field range float +-- +--Spot light angle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field spotAngle float +-- +--Light intersects near clipping plane. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field intersectsNearPlane bool +-- +--Light intersects far clipping plane. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field intersectsFarPlane bool +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleLight = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleLight +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleLight.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleLight.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleLight.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleLight +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleLight +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleLight:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleLight +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleLight +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleLight:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +-- +--Holds data of a visible reflection reflectionProbe. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleReflectionProbe: System.ValueType +-- +--Probe texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field texture UnityEngine.Texture +-- +--Accessor to ReflectionProbe component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field reflectionProbe UnityEngine.ReflectionProbe +-- +--Probe bounding box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field bounds UnityEngine.Bounds +-- +--Probe transformation matrix. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field localToWorldMatrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +-- +--Shader data for probe HDR texture decoding. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field hdrData UnityEngine.Vector4 +-- +--Probe projection center. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field center UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Probe blending distance. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field blendDistance float +-- +--Probe importance. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field importance int +-- +--Should probe use box projection. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field isBoxProjection bool +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleReflectionProbe = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleReflectionProbe +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleReflectionProbe.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleReflectionProbe.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleReflectionProbe.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleReflectionProbe +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleReflectionProbe +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleReflectionProbe:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleReflectionProbe +---@param right UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleReflectionProbe +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.VisibleReflectionProbe:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +-- +--A collection of Rendering.ShaderKeyword that represents a specific platform variant. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.PlatformKeywordSet: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PlatformKeywordSet = {} + +-- +--Check whether a specific shader keyword is enabled. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param define UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PlatformKeywordSet.IsEnabled(define) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param define UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PlatformKeywordSet.Enable(define) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param define UnityEngine.Rendering.BuiltinShaderDefine +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.PlatformKeywordSet.Disable(define) end + + +-- +--Type of a shader keyword, eg: built-in or user defined. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeywordType: System.Enum +-- +--No type is assigned. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeywordType +-- +--The keyword is built-in the runtime and it is systematically reserved. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BuiltinDefault UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeywordType +-- +--The keyword is built-in the runtime and it is optionally reserved depending on the features used. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BuiltinExtra UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeywordType +-- +--The keyword is built-in the runtime and can be automatically stripped if unusued. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field BuiltinAutoStripped UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeywordType +-- +--The keyword is defined by the user. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UserDefined UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeywordType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeywordType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeywordType +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeywordType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Identifier of a specific code path in a shader. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeyword: System.ValueType +-- +--The index of the shader keyword. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field index int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeyword = {} + +-- +--Returns the string name of the global keyword. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeyword +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeyword:GetGlobalKeywordName(index) end + +-- +--Returns the type of global keyword: built-in or user defined. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeyword +---@return ShaderKeywordType +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeyword:GetGlobalKeywordType(index) end + +-- +--Returns true if the keyword is local. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeyword +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeyword:IsKeywordLocal(index) end + +-- +--Returns the string name of the keyword. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param shader UnityEngine.Shader +---@param index UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeyword +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeyword:GetKeywordName(shader, index) end + +-- +--Returns the type of keyword: built-in or user defined. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param shader UnityEngine.Shader +---@param index UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeyword +---@return ShaderKeywordType +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeyword:GetKeywordType(shader, index) end + +-- +--Returns the string name of the keyword. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param shader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param index UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeyword +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeyword:GetKeywordName(shader, index) end + +-- +--Returns the type of keyword: built-in or user defined. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param shader UnityEngine.ComputeShader +---@param index UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeyword +---@return ShaderKeywordType +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeyword:GetKeywordType(shader, index) end + +-- +--Returns true if the keyword has been imported by Unity. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeyword.IsValid() end + +-- +--Returns the type of keyword: built-in or user defined. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return ShaderKeywordType +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeyword.GetKeywordType() end + +-- +--Returns the string name of the keyword. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeyword.GetKeywordName() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeyword.GetName() end + + +-- +--A collection of Rendering.ShaderKeyword that represents a specific shader variant. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeywordSet: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeywordSet = {} + +-- +--Check whether a specific shader keyword is enabled. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param keyword UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeyword +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeywordSet.IsEnabled(keyword) end + +-- +--Enable a specific shader keyword. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param keyword UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeyword +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeywordSet.Enable(keyword) end + +-- +--Disable a specific shader keyword. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param keyword UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeyword +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeywordSet.Disable(keyword) end + +-- +--Return an array with all the enabled keywords in the ShaderKeywordSet. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderKeywordSet.GetShaderKeywords() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.e__FixedBuffer: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field FixedElementField uint +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.e__FixedBuffer = {} + + +-- +--Type of a given shader property. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyType: System.Enum +-- +--The property holds a Vector4 value representing a color. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Color UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyType +-- +--The property holds a Vector4 value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Vector UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyType +-- +--The property holds a floating number value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Float UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyType +-- +--The property holds a floating number value in a certain range. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Range UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyType +-- +--The property holds a Texture object. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Texture UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyType +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Flags that control how a shader property behaves. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyFlags: System.Enum +-- +--No flags are set. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyFlags +-- +--Signifies that Unity hides the property in the default Material Inspector. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field HideInInspector UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyFlags +-- +--In the Material Inspector, Unity queries the value for this property from the Renderer's MaterialPropertyBlock, instead of from the Material. The value will also appear as read-only. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field PerRendererData UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyFlags +-- +--Do not show UV scale/offset fields next to Textures in the default Material Inspector. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field NoScaleOffset UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyFlags +-- +--Signifies that values of this property contain Normal (normalized vector) data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Normal UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyFlags +-- +--Signifies that values of this property contain High Dynamic Range (HDR) data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field HDR UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyFlags +-- +--Signifies that values of this property are in gamma space. If the active color space is linear, Unity converts the values to linear space values. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Gamma UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyFlags +-- +--You cannot edit this Texture property in the default Material Inspector. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field NonModifiableTextureData UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyFlags +-- +--Signifies that value of this property contains the main texture of the Material. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field MainTexture UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyFlags +-- +--Signifies that value of this property contains the main color of the Material. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field MainColor UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyFlags +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.ShaderPropertyFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Adding a SortingGroup component to a GameObject will ensure that all Renderers within the GameObject's descendants will be sorted and rendered together. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingGroup: UnityEngine.Behaviour +-- +--Name of the Renderer's sorting layer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field sortingLayerName string +-- +--Unique ID of the Renderer's sorting layer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field sortingLayerID int +-- +--Renderer's order within a sorting layer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field sortingOrder int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingGroup = {} + +-- +--Updates all Sorting Group immediately. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.SortingGroup:UpdateAllSortingGroups() end + + +-- +--A flag representing each UV channel. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Rendering.UVChannelFlags: System.Enum +-- +--First UV channel. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field UV0 UnityEngine.Rendering.UVChannelFlags +-- +--Second UV channel. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field UV1 UnityEngine.Rendering.UVChannelFlags +-- +--Third UV channel. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field UV2 UnityEngine.Rendering.UVChannelFlags +-- +--Fourth UV channel. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +---@field UV3 UnityEngine.Rendering.UVChannelFlags +---@source UnityEngine.ParticleSystemModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.UVChannelFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Rendering.UVChannelFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Rendering.UVChannelFlags:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.SceneManagement.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.SceneManagement.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..df919152d --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.SceneManagement.lua @@ -0,0 +1,715 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--Run-time data structure for *.unity file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field handle int +-- +--Returns the relative path of the Scene. Like: "AssetsMyScenesMyScene.unity". +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field path string +-- +--Returns the name of the Scene that is currently active in the game or app. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field name string +-- +--Returns true if the Scene is loaded. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field isLoaded bool +-- +--Return the index of the Scene in the Build Settings. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field buildIndex int +-- +--Returns true if the Scene is modifed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field isDirty bool +-- +--The number of root transforms of this Scene. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field rootCount int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field isSubScene bool +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene = {} + +-- +--Whether this is a valid Scene. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene.IsValid() end + +-- +--An array of game objects. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene.GetRootGameObjects() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param rootGameObjects System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene.GetRootGameObjects(rootGameObjects) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene +---@param rhs UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene:op_Equality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene +---@param rhs UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene:op_Inequality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param other object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene.Equals(other) end + + +-- +--Derive from this base class to provide alternative implementations to the C# behavior of specific SceneManagement.SceneManager methods. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManagerAPI: object +-- +--The specific SceneManagement.SceneManagerAPI instance to use to handle overridden SceneManagement.SceneManager methods. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field overrideAPI UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManagerAPI +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManagerAPI = {} + + +-- +--Scene management at run-time. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager: object +-- +--The total number of currently loaded Scenes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field sceneCount int +-- +--Number of Scenes in Build Settings. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field sceneCountInBuildSettings int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field sceneLoaded UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field sceneUnloaded UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field activeSceneChanged UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager = {} + +-- +--The active Scene. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Scene +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:GetActiveScene() end + +-- +--Returns false if the Scene is not loaded yet. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: scene - The Scene to be set. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param scene UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:SetActiveScene(scene) end + +-- +--A reference to the Scene, if valid. If not, an invalid Scene is returned. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: scenePath - Path of the Scene. Should be relative to the project folder. Like: "AssetsMyScenesMyScene.unity". +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param scenePath string +---@return Scene +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:GetSceneByPath(scenePath) end + +-- +--A reference to the Scene, if valid. If not, an invalid Scene is returned. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - Name of Scene to find. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@return Scene +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:GetSceneByName(name) end + +-- +--A reference to the Scene, if valid. If not, an invalid Scene is returned. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: buildIndex - Build index as shown in the Build Settings window. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param buildIndex int +---@return Scene +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:GetSceneByBuildIndex(buildIndex) end + +-- +--A reference to the Scene at the index specified. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Index of the Scene to get. Index must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than SceneManager.sceneCount. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return Scene +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:GetSceneAt(index) end + +-- +--A reference to the new Scene that was created, or an invalid Scene if creation failed. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sceneName - The name of the new Scene. It cannot be empty or null, or same as the name of the existing Scenes. +-- parameters - Various parameters used to create the Scene. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sceneName string +---@param parameters UnityEngine.SceneManagement.CreateSceneParameters +---@return Scene +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:CreateScene(sceneName, parameters) end + +-- +--This will merge the source Scene into the destinationScene. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sourceScene - The Scene that will be merged into the destination Scene. +-- destinationScene - Existing Scene to merge the source Scene into. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sourceScene UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene +---@param destinationScene UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:MergeScenes(sourceScene, destinationScene) end + +-- +--Move a GameObject from its current Scene to a new Scene. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: go - GameObject to move. +-- scene - Scene to move into. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param scene UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:MoveGameObjectToScene(go, scene) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:add_sceneLoaded(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:remove_sceneLoaded(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:add_sceneUnloaded(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:remove_sceneUnloaded(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:add_activeSceneChanged(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:remove_activeSceneChanged(value) end + +-- +--Array of Scenes in the Hierarchy. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:GetAllScenes() end + +-- +--A reference to the new Scene that was created, or an invalid Scene if creation failed. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sceneName - The name of the new Scene. It cannot be empty or null, or same as the name of the existing Scenes. +-- parameters - Various parameters used to create the Scene. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sceneName string +---@return Scene +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:CreateScene(sceneName) end + +-- +--Loads the Scene by its name or index in Build Settings. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sceneName - Name or path of the Scene to load. +-- sceneBuildIndex - Index of the Scene in the Build Settings to load. +-- mode - Allows you to specify whether or not to load the Scene additively. See SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode for more information about the options. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sceneName string +---@param mode UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:LoadScene(sceneName, mode) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sceneName string +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:LoadScene(sceneName) end + +-- +--A handle to the Scene being loaded. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sceneName - Name or path of the Scene to load. +-- sceneBuildIndex - Index of the Scene in the Build Settings to load. +-- parameters - Various parameters used to load the Scene. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sceneName string +---@param parameters UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneParameters +---@return Scene +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:LoadScene(sceneName, parameters) end + +-- +--Loads the Scene by its name or index in Build Settings. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sceneName - Name or path of the Scene to load. +-- sceneBuildIndex - Index of the Scene in the Build Settings to load. +-- mode - Allows you to specify whether or not to load the Scene additively. See SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode for more information about the options. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sceneBuildIndex int +---@param mode UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:LoadScene(sceneBuildIndex, mode) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sceneBuildIndex int +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:LoadScene(sceneBuildIndex) end + +-- +--A handle to the Scene being loaded. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sceneName - Name or path of the Scene to load. +-- sceneBuildIndex - Index of the Scene in the Build Settings to load. +-- parameters - Various parameters used to load the Scene. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sceneBuildIndex int +---@param parameters UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneParameters +---@return Scene +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:LoadScene(sceneBuildIndex, parameters) end + +-- +--Use the AsyncOperation to determine if the operation has completed. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sceneName - Name or path of the Scene to load. +-- sceneBuildIndex - Index of the Scene in the Build Settings to load. +-- mode - If LoadSceneMode.Single then all current Scenes will be unloaded before loading. +-- parameters - Struct that collects the various parameters into a single place except for the name and index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sceneBuildIndex int +---@param mode UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode +---@return AsyncOperation +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:LoadSceneAsync(sceneBuildIndex, mode) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sceneBuildIndex int +---@return AsyncOperation +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:LoadSceneAsync(sceneBuildIndex) end + +-- +--Use the AsyncOperation to determine if the operation has completed. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sceneName - Name or path of the Scene to load. +-- sceneBuildIndex - Index of the Scene in the Build Settings to load. +-- mode - If LoadSceneMode.Single then all current Scenes will be unloaded before loading. +-- parameters - Struct that collects the various parameters into a single place except for the name and index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sceneBuildIndex int +---@param parameters UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneParameters +---@return AsyncOperation +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:LoadSceneAsync(sceneBuildIndex, parameters) end + +-- +--Use the AsyncOperation to determine if the operation has completed. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sceneName - Name or path of the Scene to load. +-- sceneBuildIndex - Index of the Scene in the Build Settings to load. +-- mode - If LoadSceneMode.Single then all current Scenes will be unloaded before loading. +-- parameters - Struct that collects the various parameters into a single place except for the name and index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sceneName string +---@param mode UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode +---@return AsyncOperation +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:LoadSceneAsync(sceneName, mode) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sceneName string +---@return AsyncOperation +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:LoadSceneAsync(sceneName) end + +-- +--Use the AsyncOperation to determine if the operation has completed. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sceneName - Name or path of the Scene to load. +-- sceneBuildIndex - Index of the Scene in the Build Settings to load. +-- mode - If LoadSceneMode.Single then all current Scenes will be unloaded before loading. +-- parameters - Struct that collects the various parameters into a single place except for the name and index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sceneName string +---@param parameters UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneParameters +---@return AsyncOperation +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:LoadSceneAsync(sceneName, parameters) end + +-- +--Returns true if the Scene is unloaded. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sceneBuildIndex - Index of the Scene in the Build Settings to unload. +-- sceneName - Name or path of the Scene to unload. +-- scene - Scene to unload. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param scene UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:UnloadScene(scene) end + +-- +--Returns true if the Scene is unloaded. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sceneBuildIndex - Index of the Scene in the Build Settings to unload. +-- sceneName - Name or path of the Scene to unload. +-- scene - Scene to unload. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sceneBuildIndex int +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:UnloadScene(sceneBuildIndex) end + +-- +--Returns true if the Scene is unloaded. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sceneBuildIndex - Index of the Scene in the Build Settings to unload. +-- sceneName - Name or path of the Scene to unload. +-- scene - Scene to unload. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sceneName string +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:UnloadScene(sceneName) end + +-- +--Use the AsyncOperation to determine if the operation has completed. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sceneBuildIndex - Index of the Scene in BuildSettings. +-- sceneName - Name or path of the Scene to unload. +-- scene - Scene to unload. +-- options - Scene unloading options. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sceneBuildIndex int +---@return AsyncOperation +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:UnloadSceneAsync(sceneBuildIndex) end + +-- +--Use the AsyncOperation to determine if the operation has completed. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sceneBuildIndex - Index of the Scene in BuildSettings. +-- sceneName - Name or path of the Scene to unload. +-- scene - Scene to unload. +-- options - Scene unloading options. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sceneName string +---@return AsyncOperation +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:UnloadSceneAsync(sceneName) end + +-- +--Use the AsyncOperation to determine if the operation has completed. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sceneBuildIndex - Index of the Scene in BuildSettings. +-- sceneName - Name or path of the Scene to unload. +-- scene - Scene to unload. +-- options - Scene unloading options. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param scene UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene +---@return AsyncOperation +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:UnloadSceneAsync(scene) end + +-- +--Use the AsyncOperation to determine if the operation has completed. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sceneBuildIndex - Index of the Scene in BuildSettings. +-- sceneName - Name or path of the Scene to unload. +-- scene - Scene to unload. +-- options - Scene unloading options. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sceneBuildIndex int +---@param options UnityEngine.SceneManagement.UnloadSceneOptions +---@return AsyncOperation +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:UnloadSceneAsync(sceneBuildIndex, options) end + +-- +--Use the AsyncOperation to determine if the operation has completed. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sceneBuildIndex - Index of the Scene in BuildSettings. +-- sceneName - Name or path of the Scene to unload. +-- scene - Scene to unload. +-- options - Scene unloading options. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sceneName string +---@param options UnityEngine.SceneManagement.UnloadSceneOptions +---@return AsyncOperation +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:UnloadSceneAsync(sceneName, options) end + +-- +--Use the AsyncOperation to determine if the operation has completed. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sceneBuildIndex - Index of the Scene in BuildSettings. +-- sceneName - Name or path of the Scene to unload. +-- scene - Scene to unload. +-- options - Scene unloading options. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param scene UnityEngine.SceneManagement.Scene +---@param options UnityEngine.SceneManagement.UnloadSceneOptions +---@return AsyncOperation +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:UnloadSceneAsync(scene, options) end + + +-- +--Used when loading a Scene in a player. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode: System.Enum +-- +--Closes all current loaded Scenes +-- and loads a Scene. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Single UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode +-- +--Adds the Scene to the current loaded Scenes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Additive UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Provides options for 2D and 3D local physics. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LocalPhysicsMode: System.Enum +-- +--No local 2D or 3D physics Scene will be created. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LocalPhysicsMode +-- +--A local 2D physics Scene will be created and owned by the Scene. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Physics2D UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LocalPhysicsMode +-- +--A local 3D physics Scene will be created and owned by the Scene. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Physics3D UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LocalPhysicsMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LocalPhysicsMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LocalPhysicsMode +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LocalPhysicsMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--This struct collects all the LoadScene parameters in to a single place. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneParameters: System.ValueType +-- +--See LoadSceneMode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field loadSceneMode UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneMode +-- +--See SceneManagement.LocalPhysicsMode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field localPhysicsMode UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LocalPhysicsMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LoadSceneParameters = {} + + +-- +--This struct collects all the CreateScene parameters in to a single place. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SceneManagement.CreateSceneParameters: System.ValueType +-- +--See SceneManagement.LocalPhysicsMode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field localPhysicsMode UnityEngine.SceneManagement.LocalPhysicsMode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.CreateSceneParameters = {} + + +-- +--Scene unloading options passed to SceneManager.UnloadScene. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SceneManagement.UnloadSceneOptions: System.Enum +-- +--Unload the scene without any special options. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.SceneManagement.UnloadSceneOptions +-- +--Unloads all objects that are loaded from the scene's serialized file. Without this flag, only GameObject and Components within the scene's hierarchy are unloaded. +-- +--Note: Objects that are dynamically created during the build process can be embedded in the scene's serialized file. This can occur when asset types are created and referenced inside the scene's post-processor callback. Some examples of these types are textures, meshes, and scriptable objects. Assets from your assets folder are not embedded in the scene's serialized file. +--Note: This flag does not unload assets which can be referenced by other scenes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field UnloadAllEmbeddedSceneObjects UnityEngine.SceneManagement.UnloadSceneOptions +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.UnloadSceneOptions = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.SceneManagement.UnloadSceneOptions +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.UnloadSceneOptions:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Scene and Build Settings related utilities. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneUtility: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneUtility = {} + +-- +--Scene path (e.g "AssetsScenesScene1.unity"). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param buildIndex int +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneUtility:GetScenePathByBuildIndex(buildIndex) end + +-- +--Build index. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: scenePath - Scene path (e.g: "AssetsScenesScene1.unity"). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param scenePath string +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneUtility:GetBuildIndexByScenePath(scenePath) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Scripting.APIUpdating.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Scripting.APIUpdating.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ee5be7257 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Scripting.APIUpdating.lua @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +---@meta + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Scripting.APIUpdating.MovedFromAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field IsInDifferentAssembly bool +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Scripting.APIUpdating.MovedFromAttribute = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Scripting.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Scripting.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8f2bd1312 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Scripting.lua @@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--Ensure an assembly is always processed during managed code stripping. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Scripting.AlwaysLinkAssemblyAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Scripting.AlwaysLinkAssemblyAttribute = {} + + +-- +--API to control the garbage collector on the Mono and IL2CPP scripting backends. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Scripting.GarbageCollector: object +-- +--Set and get global garbage collector operation mode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field GCMode UnityEngine.Scripting.GarbageCollector.Mode +-- +--Reports whether incremental garbage collection is enabled. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field isIncremental bool +-- +--The target duration of a collection step when performing incremental garbage collection. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field incrementalTimeSliceNanoseconds ulong +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field GCModeChanged System.Action +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Scripting.GarbageCollector = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Scripting.GarbageCollector:add_GCModeChanged(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Scripting.GarbageCollector:remove_GCModeChanged(value) end + +-- +--Returns true if additional garbage collection work remains when the method returns and false if garbage collection is complete. Also returns false if incremental garbage collection is not enabled or is not supported on the current platform. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: nanoseconds - The maximum number of nanoseconds to spend in garbage collection. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param nanoseconds ulong +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Scripting.GarbageCollector:CollectIncremental(nanoseconds) end + + +-- +--Garbage collector operation mode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Scripting.Mode: System.Enum +-- +--Disable garbage collector. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Disabled UnityEngine.Scripting.GarbageCollector.Mode +-- +--Enable garbage collector. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Enabled UnityEngine.Scripting.GarbageCollector.Mode +-- +--Disable automatic invokations of the garbage collector, but allow manually invokations. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field Manual UnityEngine.Scripting.GarbageCollector.Mode +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Scripting.Mode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Scripting.GarbageCollector.Mode +function CS.UnityEngine.Scripting.Mode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--PreserveAttribute prevents byte code stripping from removing a class, method, field, or property. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Scripting.PreserveAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Scripting.PreserveAttribute = {} + + +-- +--Only allowed on attribute types. If the attribute type is marked, then so too will all CustomAttributes of that type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Scripting.RequireAttributeUsagesAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Scripting.RequireAttributeUsagesAttribute = {} + + +-- +--When the type is marked, all types derived from that type will also be marked. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Scripting.RequireDerivedAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Scripting.RequireDerivedAttribute = {} + + +-- +--When a type is marked, all interface implementations of the specified types will be marked. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Scripting.RequiredInterfaceAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Scripting.RequiredInterfaceAttribute = {} + + +-- +--When a type is marked, all of it's members with [RequiredMember] will be marked. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Scripting.RequiredMemberAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Scripting.RequiredMemberAttribute = {} + + +-- +--When the interface type is marked, all types implementing that interface will be marked. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Scripting.RequireImplementorsAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Scripting.RequireImplementorsAttribute = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.SearchService.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.SearchService.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d5b759385 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.SearchService.lua @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--A class attribute that allows you to define label constraints on a MonoBehavior or ScriptableObject's field in the object selector. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SearchService.ObjectSelectorHandlerWithLabelsAttribute: System.Attribute +-- +--The labels to match. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field labels string[] +-- +--Boolean that indicates whether all labels, or only one of them, should match. Default is true. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field matchAll bool +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SearchService.ObjectSelectorHandlerWithLabelsAttribute = {} + + +-- +--A class attribute that allows you to define tag constraints on a MonoBehavior or ScriptableObject's field in the object selector. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SearchService.ObjectSelectorHandlerWithTagsAttribute: System.Attribute +-- +--The tags to match. Because a GameObject can only have one tag, only one of them must be present. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field tags string[] +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SearchService.ObjectSelectorHandlerWithTagsAttribute = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Serialization.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Serialization.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3962469eb --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Serialization.lua @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--Use this attribute to rename a field without losing its serialized value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAsAttribute: System.Attribute +-- +--The name of the field before the rename. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field oldName string +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Serialization.FormerlySerializedAsAttribute = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Serialization.UnitySurrogateSelector: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Serialization.UnitySurrogateSelector = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param context System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext +---@param selector System.Runtime.Serialization.ISurrogateSelector +---@return ISerializationSurrogate +function CS.UnityEngine.Serialization.UnitySurrogateSelector.GetSurrogate(type, context, selector) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param selector System.Runtime.Serialization.ISurrogateSelector +function CS.UnityEngine.Serialization.UnitySurrogateSelector.ChainSelector(selector) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return ISurrogateSelector +function CS.UnityEngine.Serialization.UnitySurrogateSelector.GetNextSelector() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d1ddd06c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter.lua @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--iOS GameCenter implementation for network services. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter.GameCenterPlatform: object +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field localUser UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ILocalUser +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter.GameCenterPlatform = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter.GameCenterPlatform.LoadAchievementDescriptions(callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param id string +---@param progress double +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter.GameCenterPlatform.ReportProgress(id, progress, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter.GameCenterPlatform.LoadAchievements(callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param score long +---@param board string +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter.GameCenterPlatform.ReportScore(score, board, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param category string +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter.GameCenterPlatform.LoadScores(category, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param board UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ILeaderboard +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter.GameCenterPlatform.LoadScores(board, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param board UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ILeaderboard +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter.GameCenterPlatform.GetLoading(board) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter.GameCenterPlatform.ShowAchievementsUI() end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter.GameCenterPlatform.ShowLeaderboardUI() end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param userIds string[] +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter.GameCenterPlatform.LoadUsers(userIds, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@return ILeaderboard +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter.GameCenterPlatform.CreateLeaderboard() end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@return IAchievement +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter.GameCenterPlatform.CreateAchievement() end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter.GameCenterPlatform:ResetAllAchievements(callback) end + +-- +--Show the default iOS banner when achievements are completed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter.GameCenterPlatform:ShowDefaultAchievementCompletionBanner(value) end + +-- +--Show the leaderboard UI with a specific leaderboard shown initially with a specific time scope selected. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param leaderboardID string +---@param timeScope UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.TimeScope +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.GameCenter.GameCenterPlatform:ShowLeaderboardUI(leaderboardID, timeScope) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c459315dc --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.lua @@ -0,0 +1,252 @@ +---@meta + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.LocalUser: UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.UserProfile +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field friends UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.IUserProfile[] +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field authenticated bool +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field underage bool +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.LocalUser = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.LocalUser.Authenticate(callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.LocalUser.Authenticate(callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.LocalUser.LoadFriends(callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param friends UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.IUserProfile[] +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.LocalUser.SetFriends(friends) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.LocalUser.SetAuthenticated(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.LocalUser.SetUnderage(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.UserProfile: object +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field userName string +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field id string +-- +--Returns the ID provided in the Apple GameKit by GKPlayer.playerID (deprecated and marked obsolete in iOS 12.4). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field legacyId string +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field gameId string +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field isFriend bool +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field state UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.UserState +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field image UnityEngine.Texture2D +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.UserProfile = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.UserProfile.ToString() end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param name string +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.UserProfile.SetUserName(name) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param id string +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.UserProfile.SetUserID(id) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param id string +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.UserProfile.SetLegacyUserID(id) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param id string +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.UserProfile.SetUserGameID(id) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param image UnityEngine.Texture2D +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.UserProfile.SetImage(image) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.UserProfile.SetIsFriend(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param state UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.UserState +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.UserProfile.SetState(state) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Achievement: object +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field id string +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field percentCompleted double +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field completed bool +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field hidden bool +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field lastReportedDate System.DateTime +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Achievement = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Achievement.ToString() end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Achievement.ReportProgress(callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Achievement.SetCompleted(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Achievement.SetHidden(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param date System.DateTime +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Achievement.SetLastReportedDate(date) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.AchievementDescription: object +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field id string +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field title string +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field image UnityEngine.Texture2D +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field achievedDescription string +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field unachievedDescription string +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field hidden bool +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field points int +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.AchievementDescription = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.AchievementDescription.ToString() end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param image UnityEngine.Texture2D +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.AchievementDescription.SetImage(image) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Score: object +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field leaderboardID string +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field value long +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field date System.DateTime +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field formattedValue string +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field userID string +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field rank int +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Score = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Score.ToString() end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Score.ReportScore(callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param date System.DateTime +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Score.SetDate(date) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param value string +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Score.SetFormattedValue(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param userID string +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Score.SetUserID(userID) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param rank int +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Score.SetRank(rank) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Leaderboard: object +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field loading bool +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field id string +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field userScope UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.UserScope +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field range UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Range +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field timeScope UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.TimeScope +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field localUserScore UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.IScore +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field maxRange uint +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field scores UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.IScore[] +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field title string +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Leaderboard = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param userIDs string[] +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Leaderboard.SetUserFilter(userIDs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Leaderboard.ToString() end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Leaderboard.LoadScores(callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param score UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.IScore +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Leaderboard.SetLocalUserScore(score) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param maxRange uint +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Leaderboard.SetMaxRange(maxRange) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param scores UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.IScore[] +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Leaderboard.SetScores(scores) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param title string +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Leaderboard.SetTitle(title) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Impl.Leaderboard.GetUserFilter() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a147a8c07 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.lua @@ -0,0 +1,487 @@ +---@meta + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Local: object +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field localUser UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ILocalUser +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Local = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param userIDs string[] +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Local.LoadUsers(userIDs, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param id string +---@param progress double +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Local.ReportProgress(id, progress, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Local.LoadAchievementDescriptions(callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Local.LoadAchievements(callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param score long +---@param board string +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Local.ReportScore(score, board, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param leaderboardID string +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Local.LoadScores(leaderboardID, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Local.ShowAchievementsUI() end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Local.ShowLeaderboardUI() end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@return ILeaderboard +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Local.CreateLeaderboard() end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@return IAchievement +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Local.CreateAchievement() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ISocialPlatform +-- +--See Social.localUser. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field localUser UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ILocalUser +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ISocialPlatform = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param userIDs string[] +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ISocialPlatform.LoadUsers(userIDs, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param achievementID string +---@param progress double +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ISocialPlatform.ReportProgress(achievementID, progress, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ISocialPlatform.LoadAchievementDescriptions(callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ISocialPlatform.LoadAchievements(callback) end + +-- +--See Social.CreateAchievement.. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@return IAchievement +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ISocialPlatform.CreateAchievement() end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param score long +---@param board string +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ISocialPlatform.ReportScore(score, board, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param leaderboardID string +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ISocialPlatform.LoadScores(leaderboardID, callback) end + +-- +--See Social.CreateLeaderboard. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@return ILeaderboard +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ISocialPlatform.CreateLeaderboard() end + +-- +--See Social.ShowAchievementsUI. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ISocialPlatform.ShowAchievementsUI() end + +-- +--See Social.ShowLeaderboardUI. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ISocialPlatform.ShowLeaderboardUI() end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param user UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ILocalUser +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ISocialPlatform.Authenticate(user, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param user UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ILocalUser +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ISocialPlatform.Authenticate(user, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param user UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ILocalUser +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ISocialPlatform.LoadFriends(user, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param board UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ILeaderboard +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ISocialPlatform.LoadScores(board, callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param board UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ILeaderboard +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ISocialPlatform.GetLoading(board) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ILocalUser +-- +--The users friends list. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field friends UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.IUserProfile[] +-- +--Checks if the current user has been authenticated. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field authenticated bool +-- +--Is the user underage? +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field underage bool +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ILocalUser = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ILocalUser.Authenticate(callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ILocalUser.Authenticate(callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ILocalUser.LoadFriends(callback) end + + +-- +--User presence state. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.UserState: System.Enum +-- +--The user is online. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field Online UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.UserState +-- +--The user is online but away from their computer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field OnlineAndAway UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.UserState +-- +--The user is online but set their status to busy. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field OnlineAndBusy UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.UserState +-- +--The user is offline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field Offline UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.UserState +-- +--The user is playing a game. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field Playing UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.UserState +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.UserState = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.UserState +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.UserState:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.IUserProfile +-- +--This user's username or alias. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field userName string +-- +--This user's global unique identifier. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field id string +-- +--Is this user a friend of the current logged in user? +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field isFriend bool +-- +--Presence state of the user. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field state UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.UserState +-- +--Avatar image of the user. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field image UnityEngine.Texture2D +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.IUserProfile = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.IAchievement +-- +--The unique identifier of this achievement. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field id string +-- +--Progress for this achievement. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field percentCompleted double +-- +--Set to true when percentCompleted is 100.0. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field completed bool +-- +--This achievement is currently hidden from the user. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field hidden bool +-- +--Set by server when percentCompleted is updated. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field lastReportedDate System.DateTime +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.IAchievement = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.IAchievement.ReportProgress(callback) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.IAchievementDescription +-- +--Unique identifier for this achievement description. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field id string +-- +--Human readable title. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field title string +-- +--Image representation of the achievement. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field image UnityEngine.Texture2D +-- +--Description when the achivement is completed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field achievedDescription string +-- +--Description when the achivement has not been completed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field unachievedDescription string +-- +--Hidden achievement are not shown in the list until the percentCompleted has been touched (even if it's 0.0). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field hidden bool +-- +--Point value of this achievement. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field points int +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.IAchievementDescription = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.IScore +-- +--The ID of the leaderboard this score belongs to. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field leaderboardID string +-- +--The score value achieved. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field value long +-- +--The date the score was achieved. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field date System.DateTime +-- +--The correctly formatted value of the score, like X points or X kills. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field formattedValue string +-- +--The user who owns this score. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field userID string +-- +--The rank or position of the score in the leaderboard. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field rank int +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.IScore = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.IScore.ReportScore(callback) end + + +-- +--The scope of the users searched through when querying the leaderboard. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.UserScope: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field Global UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.UserScope +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field FriendsOnly UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.UserScope +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.UserScope = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.UserScope +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.UserScope:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--The scope of time searched through when querying the leaderboard. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.TimeScope: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field Today UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.TimeScope +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field Week UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.TimeScope +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field AllTime UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.TimeScope +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.TimeScope = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.TimeScope +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.TimeScope:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--The score range a leaderboard query should include. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Range: System.ValueType +-- +--The rank of the first score which is returned. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field from int +-- +--The total amount of scores retreived. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field count int +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Range = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ILeaderboard +-- +--The leaderboad is in the process of loading scores. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field loading bool +-- +--Unique identifier for this leaderboard. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field id string +-- +--The users scope searched by this leaderboard. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field userScope UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.UserScope +-- +--The rank range this leaderboard returns. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field range UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.Range +-- +--The time period/scope searched by this leaderboard. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field timeScope UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.TimeScope +-- +--The leaderboard score of the logged in user. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field localUserScore UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.IScore +-- +--The total amount of scores the leaderboard contains. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field maxRange uint +-- +--The leaderboard scores returned by a query. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field scores UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.IScore[] +-- +--The human readable title of this leaderboard. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@field title string +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ILeaderboard = {} + +-- +--Only search for these user IDs. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: userIDs - List of user ids. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param userIDs string[] +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ILeaderboard.SetUserFilter(userIDs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.GameCenterModule.dll +---@param callback System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.SocialPlatforms.ILeaderboard.LoadScores(callback) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Sprites.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Sprites.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a9ee98a61 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Sprites.lua @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--Helper utilities for accessing Sprite data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Sprites.DataUtility: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Sprites.DataUtility = {} + +-- +--Inner UV's of the Sprite. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sprite UnityEngine.Sprite +---@return Vector4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Sprites.DataUtility:GetInnerUV(sprite) end + +-- +--Outer UV's of the Sprite. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sprite UnityEngine.Sprite +---@return Vector4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Sprites.DataUtility:GetOuterUV(sprite) end + +-- +--Return the padding on the sprite. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sprite UnityEngine.Sprite +---@return Vector4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Sprites.DataUtility:GetPadding(sprite) end + +-- +--Minimum width and height of the Sprite. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sprite UnityEngine.Sprite +---@return Vector2 +function CS.UnityEngine.Sprites.DataUtility:GetMinSize(sprite) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Subsystems.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Subsystems.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..821acd46e --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Subsystems.lua @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +---@meta + +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Subsystems.ExampleSubsystem: UnityEngine.IntegratedSubsystem +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Subsystems.ExampleSubsystem = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Subsystems.ExampleSubsystem.PrintExample() end + +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Subsystems.ExampleSubsystem.GetBool() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Subsystems.ExampleSubsystemDescriptor: UnityEngine.IntegratedSubsystemDescriptor +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@field supportsEditorMode bool +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@field disableBackbufferMSAA bool +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@field stereoscopicBackbuffer bool +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@field usePBufferEGL bool +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Subsystems.ExampleSubsystemDescriptor = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.Extensions.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.Extensions.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cd5e2a56b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.Extensions.lua @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +---@meta + +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.Extensions.SubsystemDescriptorExtensions: object +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.Extensions.SubsystemDescriptorExtensions = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@return SubsystemProxy +function CS.UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.Extensions.SubsystemDescriptorExtensions.CreateProxy() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.Extensions.SubsystemExtensions: object +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.Extensions.SubsystemExtensions = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@return TProvider +function CS.UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.Extensions.SubsystemExtensions.GetProvider() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e8f089442 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.lua @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--Registration entry point for subsystems to register their descriptor. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemDescriptorStore: object +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemDescriptorStore = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@param descriptor UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemDescriptorWithProvider +function CS.UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemDescriptorStore:RegisterDescriptor(descriptor) end + + +-- +--Information about a SubsystemWithProvider that can be queried before creating a subsystem instance. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemDescriptorWithProvider: object +-- +--A unique string that identifies the SubsystemWithProvider that this descriptor can create. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@field id string +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemDescriptorWithProvider = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemDescriptorWithProvider: UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemDescriptorWithProvider +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemDescriptorWithProvider = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@return TSubsystem +function CS.UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemDescriptorWithProvider.Create() end + + +-- +--A provider that supplies data to a subsystem, generally for platform-specific implementations. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemProvider: object +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@field running bool +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemProvider = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemProvider: UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemProvider +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemProvider = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemProvider.Start() end + +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemProvider.Stop() end + +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemProvider.Destroy() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemProxy: object +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@field provider TProvider +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@field running bool +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemProxy = {} + + +-- +--A subsystem is initialized from a SubsystemDescriptorWithProvider for a given subsystem (Session, Plane, Face, etc.) and provides an interface to interact with that given subsystem until it is Destroyed. After a subsystem is created, it can be Started or Stopped to turn on and off functionality and preserve performance. The base type for the subsystem only exposes this functionality; this class is designed to be a base class for derived classes that expose more functionality specific to a given subsystem. +-- +--*Note:* Initializing a second subsystem from the same subsystem descriptor will return a reference to the existing subsystem, because only one subsystem is currently allowed for a single subsystem provider. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemWithProvider: object +-- +--Whether or not the subsystem is running. +-- +--This returns true after Start has been called on the subsystem, and false after Stop is called. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@field running bool +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemWithProvider = {} + +-- +--Starts an instance of a subsystem. +-- +--Once the instance is started, the subsystem representing this instance is active and can be interacted with. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemWithProvider.Start() end + +-- +--Stops an instance of a subsystem. +-- +--Once the instance is stopped, the subsystem representing this instance is no longer active and should not consume CPU resources. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemWithProvider.Stop() end + +-- +--Destroys this instance of a subsystem. +-- +--Also unloads all resources acquired during the initialization step. Call this when you no longer need this instance of a subsystem. +-- +--Note: Once a subsystem is Destroyed, script can still hold a reference but calling a method on it will result in a NullArgumentException. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemWithProvider.Destroy() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemWithProvider: UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemWithProvider +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +---@field subsystemDescriptor TSubsystemDescriptor +---@source UnityEngine.SubsystemsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.SubsystemsImplementation.SubsystemWithProvider = {} diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.TestTools.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.TestTools.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b971c30e0 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.TestTools.lua @@ -0,0 +1,163 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--Allows you to exclude an Assembly, Class, Constructor, Method or Struct from TestTools.Coverage. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.TestTools.ExcludeFromCoverageAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.ExcludeFromCoverageAttribute = {} + + +-- +--Describes a covered sequence point used by TestTools.Coverage. For an example of typical usage, see TestTools.Coverage.GetSequencePointsFor. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.TestTools.CoveredSequencePoint: System.ValueType +-- +--The method covered by the sequence point. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field method System.Reflection.MethodBase +-- +--The offset in bytes from the start of the method to the first Intermediate Language instruction of this sequence point. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field ilOffset uint +-- +--The number of times the sequence point has been visited. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field hitCount uint +-- +--The name of the file that contains the sequence point. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field filename string +-- +--The line number of the file that contains the sequence point. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field line uint +-- +--The column number of the line of the file that contains the sequence point. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field column uint +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.CoveredSequencePoint = {} + + +-- +--Describes the summary of the code coverage for the specified method used by TestTools.Coverage. For an example of typical usage, see TestTools.Coverage.GetStatsFor. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.TestTools.CoveredMethodStats: System.ValueType +-- +--The covered method. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field method System.Reflection.MethodBase +-- +--The total number of sequence points in the method. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field totalSequencePoints int +-- +--The total number of uncovered sequence points in the method. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field uncoveredSequencePoints int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.CoveredMethodStats = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.CoveredMethodStats.ToString() end + + +-- +--Describes the interface for the code coverage data exposed by mono. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.TestTools.Coverage: object +-- +--Returns true if code coverage is enabled; otherwise, returns false. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field enabled bool +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.Coverage = {} + +-- +--Array of sequence points. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: method - The method to get the sequence points for. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodBase +function CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.Coverage:GetSequencePointsFor(method) end + +-- +--Coverage summary. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: method - The method to get coverage statistics for. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodBase +---@return CoveredMethodStats +function CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.Coverage:GetStatsFor(method) end + +-- +--Array of coverage summaries. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: methods - The array of methods. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param methods System.Reflection.MethodBase[] +function CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.Coverage:GetStatsFor(methods) end + +-- +--Array of coverage summaries. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: type - The type. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param type System.Type +function CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.Coverage:GetStatsFor(type) end + +-- +--Array of coverage summaries. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.Coverage:GetStatsForAllCoveredMethods() end + +-- +--Resets the coverage data for the specified method. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: method - The method. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param method System.Reflection.MethodBase +function CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.Coverage:ResetFor(method) end + +-- +--Resets all coverage data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.TestTools.Coverage:ResetAll() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2faf82fe3 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.lua @@ -0,0 +1,680 @@ +---@meta + +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontFeatureLookupFlags: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontFeatureLookupFlags +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field IgnoreLigatures UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontFeatureLookupFlags +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field IgnoreSpacingAdjustments UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontFeatureLookupFlags +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontFeatureLookupFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontFeatureLookupFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontFeatureLookupFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--The values used to adjust the position of a glyph or set of glyphs. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphValueRecord: System.ValueType +-- +--The positional adjustment that affects the horizontal bearing X of the glyph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field xPlacement float +-- +--The positional adjustment that affectsthe horizontal bearing Y of the glyph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field yPlacement float +-- +--The positional adjustment that affects the horizontal advance of the glyph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field xAdvance float +-- +--The positional adjustment that affects the vertical advance of the glyph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field yAdvance float +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphValueRecord = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param a UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphValueRecord +---@param b UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphValueRecord +---@return GlyphValueRecord +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphValueRecord:op_Addition(a, b) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphValueRecord.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphValueRecord.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphValueRecord +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphValueRecord.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphValueRecord +---@param rhs UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphValueRecord +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphValueRecord:op_Equality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphValueRecord +---@param rhs UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphValueRecord +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphValueRecord:op_Inequality(lhs, rhs) end + + +-- +--The positional adjustment values of a glyph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphAdjustmentRecord: System.ValueType +-- +--The index of the glyph in the source font file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field glyphIndex uint +-- +--The GlyphValueRecord contains the positional adjustments of the glyph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field glyphValueRecord UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphValueRecord +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphAdjustmentRecord = {} + + +-- +--The positional adjustment values of a pair of glyphs. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphPairAdjustmentRecord: System.ValueType +-- +--The positional adjustment values for the first glyph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field firstAdjustmentRecord UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphAdjustmentRecord +-- +--The positional adjustment values for the second glyph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field secondAdjustmentRecord UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphAdjustmentRecord +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field featureLookupFlags UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontFeatureLookupFlags +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphPairAdjustmentRecord = {} + + +-- +--The various options (flags) used by the FontEngine when loading glyphs from a font face. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphLoadFlags: System.Enum +-- +--Load glyph metrics and bitmap representation if available for the current face size. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field LOAD_DEFAULT UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphLoadFlags +-- +--Load glyphs at default font units without scaling. This flag implies LOAD_NO_HINTING and LOAD_NO_BITMAP and unsets LOAD_RENDER. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field LOAD_NO_SCALE UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphLoadFlags +-- +--Load glyphs without hinting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field LOAD_NO_HINTING UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphLoadFlags +-- +--Load glyph metrics and render outline using 8-bit or antialiased image of the glyph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field LOAD_RENDER UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphLoadFlags +-- +--Load glyphs and ignore embedded bitmap strikes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field LOAD_NO_BITMAP UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphLoadFlags +-- +--Load glyphs using the auto hinter instead of the font's native hinter. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field LOAD_FORCE_AUTOHINT UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphLoadFlags +-- +--Load glyph metrics and render outline using 1-bit monochrome. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field LOAD_MONOCHROME UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphLoadFlags +-- +--Load glyphs using the font's native hinter. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field LOAD_NO_AUTOHINT UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphLoadFlags +-- +--Load glyph metrics without using the 'hdmx' table. This flag is mostly used to validate font data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field LOAD_COMPUTE_METRICS UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphLoadFlags +-- +--Load glyph metrics without allocating and loading the bitmap data. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field LOAD_BITMAP_METRICS_ONLY UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphLoadFlags +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphLoadFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphLoadFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphLoadFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Error code returned by the various FontEngine functions. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngineError: System.Enum +-- +--Error code returned when the function was successfully executed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field Success UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngineError +-- +--Error code returned by the LoadFontFace function when the file path to the source font file appears invalid. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field Invalid_File_Path UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngineError +-- +--Error code returned by the LoadFontFace function when the source font file is of an unknown or invalid format. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field Invalid_File_Format UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngineError +-- +--Error code returned by the LoadFontFace function when the source font file appears invalid or improperly formatted. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field Invalid_File_Structure UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngineError +-- +--Error code indicating an invalid font file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field Invalid_File UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngineError +-- +--Error code indicating failure to load one of the tables of the font file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field Invalid_Table UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngineError +-- +--Error code returned by the LoadGlyph function when referencing an invalid or out of range glyph index value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field Invalid_Glyph_Index UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngineError +-- +--Error code returned by the LoadGlyph function when referencing an invalid Unicode character value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field Invalid_Character_Code UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngineError +-- +--Error code returned by the LoadGlyph or SetFaceSize functions using an invalid pointSize value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field Invalid_Pixel_Size UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngineError +-- +--Error code indicating failure to initialize the font engine library. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field Invalid_Library UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngineError +-- +--Error code indicating an invalid font face. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field Invalid_Face UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngineError +-- +--Error code indicating failure to initialize the font engine library and / or successfully load a font face. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field Invalid_Library_or_Face UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngineError +-- +--Error code returned when the FontEngine glyph packing or rendering process has been cancelled. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field Atlas_Generation_Cancelled UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngineError +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field Invalid_SharedTextureData UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngineError +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngineError = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngineError +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngineError:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--The rendering modes used by the Font Engine to render glyphs. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphRenderMode: System.Enum +-- +--Renders a bitmap representation of the glyph from an 8-bit or antialiased image of the glyph outline with hinting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field SMOOTH_HINTED UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphRenderMode +-- +--Renders a bitmap representation of the glyph from an 8-bit or antialiased image of the glyph outline with no hinting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field SMOOTH UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphRenderMode +-- +--Renders a bitmap representation of the glyph from a binary (1-bit monochrome) image of the glyph outline with hinting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field RASTER_HINTED UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphRenderMode +-- +--Renders a bitmap representation of the glyph from a binary (1-bit monochrome) image of the glyph outline with no hinting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field RASTER UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphRenderMode +-- +--Renders a signed distance field (SDF) representation of the glyph from a binary (1-bit monochrome) image of the glyph outline with no hinting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field SDF UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphRenderMode +-- +--Renders a signed distance field (SDF) representation of the glyph from a binary (1-bit monochrome) image of the glyph outline with no hinting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field SDF8 UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphRenderMode +-- +--Renders a signed distance field (SDF) representation of the glyph from a binary (1-bit monochrome) image of the glyph outline with no hinting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field SDF16 UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphRenderMode +-- +--Renders a signed distance field (SDF) representation of the glyph from a binary (1-bit monochrome) image of the glyph outline with no hinting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field SDF32 UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphRenderMode +-- +--Renders a signed distance field (SDF) representation of the glyph from an 8-bit or antialiased image of the glyph outline with hinting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field SDFAA_HINTED UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphRenderMode +-- +--Renders a signed distance field (SDF) representation of the glyph from an 8-bit or antialiased image of the glyph outline with no hinting. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field SDFAA UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphRenderMode +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphRenderMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphRenderMode +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphRenderMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--The modes available when packing glyphs into an atlas texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphPackingMode: System.Enum +-- +--Place the glyph against the short side of a free space to minimize the length of the shorter leftover side. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field BestShortSideFit UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphPackingMode +-- +--Place the glyph against the longer side of a free space to minimize the length of the longer leftover side. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field BestLongSideFit UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphPackingMode +-- +--Place the glyph into the smallest free space available in which it can fit. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field BestAreaFit UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphPackingMode +-- +--Place the glyph into available free space in a Tetris like fashion. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field BottomLeftRule UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphPackingMode +-- +--Place the glyph into the available free space by trying to maximize the contact point between it and other glyphs. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field ContactPointRule UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphPackingMode +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphPackingMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphPackingMode +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphPackingMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--The FontEngine is used to access data from source font files. This includes information about individual characters, glyphs and relevant metrics typically used in the process of text parsing, layout and rendering. +-- +--The types of font files supported are TrueType (.ttf, .ttc) and OpenType (.otf). +-- +--The FontEngine is also used to raster the visual representation of characters known as glyphs in a given font atlas texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine: object +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine = {} + +-- +--A value of zero (0) if the initialization of the Font Engine was successful. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@return FontEngineError +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine:InitializeFontEngine() end + +-- +--A value of zero (0) if the Font Engine and used resources were successfully released. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@return FontEngineError +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine:DestroyFontEngine() end + +-- +--A value of zero (0) if the font face was loaded successfully. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: filePath - The path of the source font file relative to the project. +-- pointSize - The point size used to scale the font face. +-- sourceFontFile - The byte array that contains the source font file. +-- font - The font to load the data from. The Unity font must be set to Dynamic mode with Include Font Data selected. +-- faceIndex - The face index of the font face to load. When the font file is a TrueType collection (.TTC), this specifies the face index of the font face to load. If the font file is a TrueType Font (.TTF) or OpenType Font (.OTF) file, the face index is always zero (0). +-- familyName - The family name of the font face to load. +-- styleName - The style name of the font face to load. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param filePath string +---@return FontEngineError +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine:LoadFontFace(filePath) end + +-- +--A value of zero (0) if the font face was loaded successfully. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: filePath - The path of the source font file relative to the project. +-- pointSize - The point size used to scale the font face. +-- sourceFontFile - The byte array that contains the source font file. +-- font - The font to load the data from. The Unity font must be set to Dynamic mode with Include Font Data selected. +-- faceIndex - The face index of the font face to load. When the font file is a TrueType collection (.TTC), this specifies the face index of the font face to load. If the font file is a TrueType Font (.TTF) or OpenType Font (.OTF) file, the face index is always zero (0). +-- familyName - The family name of the font face to load. +-- styleName - The style name of the font face to load. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param filePath string +---@param pointSize int +---@return FontEngineError +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine:LoadFontFace(filePath, pointSize) end + +-- +--A value of zero (0) if the font face was loaded successfully. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: filePath - The path of the source font file relative to the project. +-- pointSize - The point size used to scale the font face. +-- sourceFontFile - The byte array that contains the source font file. +-- font - The font to load the data from. The Unity font must be set to Dynamic mode with Include Font Data selected. +-- faceIndex - The face index of the font face to load. When the font file is a TrueType collection (.TTC), this specifies the face index of the font face to load. If the font file is a TrueType Font (.TTF) or OpenType Font (.OTF) file, the face index is always zero (0). +-- familyName - The family name of the font face to load. +-- styleName - The style name of the font face to load. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param filePath string +---@param pointSize int +---@param faceIndex int +---@return FontEngineError +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine:LoadFontFace(filePath, pointSize, faceIndex) end + +-- +--A value of zero (0) if the font face was loaded successfully. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: filePath - The path of the source font file relative to the project. +-- pointSize - The point size used to scale the font face. +-- sourceFontFile - The byte array that contains the source font file. +-- font - The font to load the data from. The Unity font must be set to Dynamic mode with Include Font Data selected. +-- faceIndex - The face index of the font face to load. When the font file is a TrueType collection (.TTC), this specifies the face index of the font face to load. If the font file is a TrueType Font (.TTF) or OpenType Font (.OTF) file, the face index is always zero (0). +-- familyName - The family name of the font face to load. +-- styleName - The style name of the font face to load. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param sourceFontFile byte[] +---@return FontEngineError +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine:LoadFontFace(sourceFontFile) end + +-- +--A value of zero (0) if the font face was loaded successfully. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: filePath - The path of the source font file relative to the project. +-- pointSize - The point size used to scale the font face. +-- sourceFontFile - The byte array that contains the source font file. +-- font - The font to load the data from. The Unity font must be set to Dynamic mode with Include Font Data selected. +-- faceIndex - The face index of the font face to load. When the font file is a TrueType collection (.TTC), this specifies the face index of the font face to load. If the font file is a TrueType Font (.TTF) or OpenType Font (.OTF) file, the face index is always zero (0). +-- familyName - The family name of the font face to load. +-- styleName - The style name of the font face to load. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param sourceFontFile byte[] +---@param pointSize int +---@return FontEngineError +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine:LoadFontFace(sourceFontFile, pointSize) end + +-- +--A value of zero (0) if the font face was loaded successfully. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: filePath - The path of the source font file relative to the project. +-- pointSize - The point size used to scale the font face. +-- sourceFontFile - The byte array that contains the source font file. +-- font - The font to load the data from. The Unity font must be set to Dynamic mode with Include Font Data selected. +-- faceIndex - The face index of the font face to load. When the font file is a TrueType collection (.TTC), this specifies the face index of the font face to load. If the font file is a TrueType Font (.TTF) or OpenType Font (.OTF) file, the face index is always zero (0). +-- familyName - The family name of the font face to load. +-- styleName - The style name of the font face to load. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param sourceFontFile byte[] +---@param pointSize int +---@param faceIndex int +---@return FontEngineError +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine:LoadFontFace(sourceFontFile, pointSize, faceIndex) end + +-- +--A value of zero (0) if the font face was loaded successfully. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: filePath - The path of the source font file relative to the project. +-- pointSize - The point size used to scale the font face. +-- sourceFontFile - The byte array that contains the source font file. +-- font - The font to load the data from. The Unity font must be set to Dynamic mode with Include Font Data selected. +-- faceIndex - The face index of the font face to load. When the font file is a TrueType collection (.TTC), this specifies the face index of the font face to load. If the font file is a TrueType Font (.TTF) or OpenType Font (.OTF) file, the face index is always zero (0). +-- familyName - The family name of the font face to load. +-- styleName - The style name of the font face to load. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param font UnityEngine.Font +---@return FontEngineError +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine:LoadFontFace(font) end + +-- +--A value of zero (0) if the font face was loaded successfully. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: filePath - The path of the source font file relative to the project. +-- pointSize - The point size used to scale the font face. +-- sourceFontFile - The byte array that contains the source font file. +-- font - The font to load the data from. The Unity font must be set to Dynamic mode with Include Font Data selected. +-- faceIndex - The face index of the font face to load. When the font file is a TrueType collection (.TTC), this specifies the face index of the font face to load. If the font file is a TrueType Font (.TTF) or OpenType Font (.OTF) file, the face index is always zero (0). +-- familyName - The family name of the font face to load. +-- styleName - The style name of the font face to load. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param font UnityEngine.Font +---@param pointSize int +---@return FontEngineError +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine:LoadFontFace(font, pointSize) end + +-- +--A value of zero (0) if the font face was loaded successfully. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: filePath - The path of the source font file relative to the project. +-- pointSize - The point size used to scale the font face. +-- sourceFontFile - The byte array that contains the source font file. +-- font - The font to load the data from. The Unity font must be set to Dynamic mode with Include Font Data selected. +-- faceIndex - The face index of the font face to load. When the font file is a TrueType collection (.TTC), this specifies the face index of the font face to load. If the font file is a TrueType Font (.TTF) or OpenType Font (.OTF) file, the face index is always zero (0). +-- familyName - The family name of the font face to load. +-- styleName - The style name of the font face to load. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param font UnityEngine.Font +---@param pointSize int +---@param faceIndex int +---@return FontEngineError +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine:LoadFontFace(font, pointSize, faceIndex) end + +-- +--A value of zero (0) if the font face was loaded successfully. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: filePath - The path of the source font file relative to the project. +-- pointSize - The point size used to scale the font face. +-- sourceFontFile - The byte array that contains the source font file. +-- font - The font to load the data from. The Unity font must be set to Dynamic mode with Include Font Data selected. +-- faceIndex - The face index of the font face to load. When the font file is a TrueType collection (.TTC), this specifies the face index of the font face to load. If the font file is a TrueType Font (.TTF) or OpenType Font (.OTF) file, the face index is always zero (0). +-- familyName - The family name of the font face to load. +-- styleName - The style name of the font face to load. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param familyName string +---@param styleName string +---@return FontEngineError +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine:LoadFontFace(familyName, styleName) end + +-- +--A value of zero (0) if the font face was loaded successfully. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: filePath - The path of the source font file relative to the project. +-- pointSize - The point size used to scale the font face. +-- sourceFontFile - The byte array that contains the source font file. +-- font - The font to load the data from. The Unity font must be set to Dynamic mode with Include Font Data selected. +-- faceIndex - The face index of the font face to load. When the font file is a TrueType collection (.TTC), this specifies the face index of the font face to load. If the font file is a TrueType Font (.TTF) or OpenType Font (.OTF) file, the face index is always zero (0). +-- familyName - The family name of the font face to load. +-- styleName - The style name of the font face to load. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param familyName string +---@param styleName string +---@param pointSize int +---@return FontEngineError +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine:LoadFontFace(familyName, styleName, pointSize) end + +-- +--A value of zero (0) if the font face was successfully unloaded and removed from the cache. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@return FontEngineError +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine:UnloadFontFace() end + +-- +--A value of zero (0) if the font faces were successfully unloaded and removed from the cache. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@return FontEngineError +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine:UnloadAllFontFaces() end + +-- +--The names and styles of the system fonts. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine:GetSystemFontNames() end + +-- +--A value of zero (0) if the font face was successfully scaled to the given point size. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: pointSize - The point size used to scale the font face. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param pointSize int +---@return FontEngineError +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine:SetFaceSize(pointSize) end + +-- +--Returns the FaceInfo of the currently loaded typeface. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@return FaceInfo +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine:GetFaceInfo() end + +-- +--An array that contains the names of the font faces and styles. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine:GetFontFaces() end + +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param unicode uint +---@param glyphIndex uint +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine:TryGetGlyphIndex(unicode, glyphIndex) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param unicode uint +---@param flags UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphLoadFlags +---@param glyph UnityEngine.TextCore.Glyph +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine:TryGetGlyphWithUnicodeValue(unicode, flags, glyph) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param glyphIndex uint +---@param flags UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.GlyphLoadFlags +---@param glyph UnityEngine.TextCore.Glyph +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.LowLevel.FontEngine:TryGetGlyphWithIndexValue(glyphIndex, flags, glyph) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.TextCore.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.TextCore.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2a2ac7655 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.TextCore.lua @@ -0,0 +1,284 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--A structure that contains information about a given typeface and for a specific point size. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.TextCore.FaceInfo: System.ValueType +-- +--The name of the font typeface also known as family name. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field familyName string +-- +--The style name of the typeface which defines both the visual style and weight of the typeface. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field styleName string +-- +--The point size used for sampling the typeface. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field pointSize int +-- +--The relative scale of the typeface. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field scale float +-- +--The line height represents the distance between consecutive lines of text. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field lineHeight float +-- +--The Ascent line is typically located at the top of the tallest glyph in the typeface. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field ascentLine float +-- +--The Cap line is typically located at the top of capital letters. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field capLine float +-- +--The Mean line is typically located at the top of lowercase letters. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field meanLine float +-- +--The Baseline is an imaginary line upon which all glyphs appear to rest on. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field baseline float +-- +--The Descent line is typically located at the bottom of the glyph with the lowest descender in the typeface. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field descentLine float +-- +--The position of characters using superscript. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field superscriptOffset float +-- +--The relative size / scale of superscript characters. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field superscriptSize float +-- +--The position of characters using subscript. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field subscriptOffset float +-- +--The relative size / scale of subscript characters. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field subscriptSize float +-- +--The position of the underline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field underlineOffset float +-- +--The thickness of the underline. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field underlineThickness float +-- +--The position of the strikethrough. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field strikethroughOffset float +-- +--The thickness of the strikethrough. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field strikethroughThickness float +-- +--The width of the tab character. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field tabWidth float +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.FaceInfo = {} + +-- +--Returns true if the FaceInfo structures have the same values. False if not. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: other - The FaceInfo structure to compare this FaceInfo structure with. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.TextCore.FaceInfo +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.FaceInfo.Compare(other) end + + +-- +--A rectangle that defines the position of a glyph within an atlas texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphRect: System.ValueType +-- +--The x position of the glyph in the font atlas texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field x int +-- +--The y position of the glyph in the font atlas texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field y int +-- +--The width of the glyph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field width int +-- +--The height of the glyph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field height int +-- +--A GlyphRect with all values set to zero. Shorthand for writing GlyphRect(0, 0, 0, 0). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field zero UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphRect +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphRect = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphRect.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphRect.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphRect +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphRect.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphRect +---@param rhs UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphRect +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphRect:op_Equality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphRect +---@param rhs UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphRect +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphRect:op_Inequality(lhs, rhs) end + + +-- +--A set of values that define the size, position and spacing of a glyph when performing text layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphMetrics: System.ValueType +-- +--The width of the glyph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field width float +-- +--The height of the glyph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field height float +-- +--The horizontal distance from the current drawing position (origin) relative to the element's left bounding box edge (bbox). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field horizontalBearingX float +-- +--The vertical distance from the current baseline relative to the element's top bounding box edge (bbox). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field horizontalBearingY float +-- +--The horizontal distance to increase (left to right) or decrease (right to left) the drawing position relative to the origin of the text element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field horizontalAdvance float +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphMetrics = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphMetrics.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphMetrics.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphMetrics +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphMetrics.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphMetrics +---@param rhs UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphMetrics +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphMetrics:op_Equality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphMetrics +---@param rhs UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphMetrics +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphMetrics:op_Inequality(lhs, rhs) end + + +-- +--A Glyph is the visual representation of a text element or character. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.TextCore.Glyph: object +-- +--The index of the glyph in the source font file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field index uint +-- +--The metrics that define the size, position and spacing of a glyph when performing text layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field metrics UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphMetrics +-- +--A rectangle that defines the position of a glyph within an atlas texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field glyphRect UnityEngine.TextCore.GlyphRect +-- +--The relative scale of the glyph. The default value is 1.0. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field scale float +-- +--The index of the atlas texture that contains this glyph. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@field atlasIndex int +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.Glyph = {} + +-- +--Returns true if the glyphs have the same values. False if not. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: other - The glyph to compare with. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TextCoreModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.TextCore.Glyph +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.TextCore.Glyph.Compare(other) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Tilemaps.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Tilemaps.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6063887c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Tilemaps.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1278 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--Class passed onto Tiles when information is queried from the Tiles. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Tilemaps.ITilemap: object +-- +--The origin of the Tilemap in cell position. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field origin UnityEngine.Vector3Int +-- +--The size of the Tilemap in cells. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field size UnityEngine.Vector3Int +-- +--Returns the boundaries of the Tilemap in local space size. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field localBounds UnityEngine.Bounds +-- +--Returns the boundaries of the Tilemap in cell size. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field cellBounds UnityEngine.BoundsInt +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.ITilemap = {} + +-- +--Sprite at the XY coordinate. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return Sprite +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.ITilemap.GetSprite(position) end + +-- +--Color of the at the XY coordinate. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return Color +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.ITilemap.GetColor(position) end + +-- +--The transform matrix. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.ITilemap.GetTransformMatrix(position) end + +-- +--TileFlags from the Tile. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return TileFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.ITilemap.GetTileFlags(position) end + +-- +--placed at the cell. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return TileBase +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.ITilemap.GetTile(position) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.ITilemap.GetTile(position) end + +-- +--Refreshes a Tile at the given XYZ coordinates of a cell in the :Tilemap. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.ITilemap.RefreshTile(position) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.ITilemap.GetComponent() end + + +-- +--Class for a default tile in the Tilemap. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tile: UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileBase +-- +--Sprite to be rendered at the Tile. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field sprite UnityEngine.Sprite +-- +--Color of the Tile. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field color UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Matrix4x4|Transform matrix of the Tile. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field transform UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +-- +--GameObject of the Tile. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field gameObject UnityEngine.GameObject +-- +--TileFlags of the Tile. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field flags UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileFlags +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field colliderType UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tile.ColliderType +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tile = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@param tilemap UnityEngine.Tilemaps.ITilemap +---@param tileData UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileData +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tile.GetTileData(position, tilemap, tileData) end + + +-- +--Base class for a tile in the Tilemap. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileBase: UnityEngine.ScriptableObject +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileBase = {} + +-- +--This method is called when the tile is refreshed. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- tilemap - The Tilemap the tile is present on. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@param tilemap UnityEngine.Tilemaps.ITilemap +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileBase.RefreshTile(position, tilemap) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@param tilemap UnityEngine.Tilemaps.ITilemap +---@param tileData UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileData +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileBase.GetTileData(position, tilemap, tileData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@param tilemap UnityEngine.Tilemaps.ITilemap +---@param tileAnimationData UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileAnimationData +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileBase.GetTileAnimationData(position, tilemap, tileAnimationData) end + +-- +--Whether the call was successful. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- tilemap - The Tilemap the tile is present on. +-- go - The GameObject instantiated for the Tile. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@param tilemap UnityEngine.Tilemaps.ITilemap +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileBase.StartUp(position, tilemap, go) end + + +-- +--Enum for determining what collider shape is generated for this Tile by the TilemapCollider2D. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Tilemaps.ColliderType: System.Enum +-- +--No collider shape is generated for the Tile by the TilemapCollider2D. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tile.ColliderType +-- +--The Sprite outline is used as the collider shape for the Tile by the TilemapCollider2D. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field Sprite UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tile.ColliderType +-- +--The grid layout boundary outline is used as the collider shape for the Tile by the TilemapCollider2D. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field Grid UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tile.ColliderType +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.ColliderType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tile.ColliderType +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.ColliderType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--The tile map stores component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap: UnityEngine.GridLayout +-- +--Gets the Grid associated with this tile map. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field layoutGrid UnityEngine.Grid +-- +--Returns the boundaries of the Tilemap in cell size. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field cellBounds UnityEngine.BoundsInt +-- +--Returns the boundaries of the Tilemap in local space size. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field localBounds UnityEngine.Bounds +-- +--The frame rate for all tile animations in the tile map. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field animationFrameRate float +-- +--The color of the tile map layer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field color UnityEngine.Color +-- +--The origin of the Tilemap in cell position. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field origin UnityEngine.Vector3Int +-- +--The size of the Tilemap in cells. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field size UnityEngine.Vector3Int +-- +--Gets the anchor point of tiles in the Tilemap. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field tileAnchor UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Orientation of the tiles in the Tilemap. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field orientation UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.Orientation +-- +--Orientation Matrix of the orientation of the tiles in the Tilemap. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field orientationMatrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +-- +--The origin of the Tilemap in cell position inclusive of editor preview tiles. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field editorPreviewOrigin UnityEngine.Vector3Int +-- +--The size of the Tilemap in cells inclusive of editor preview tiles. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field editorPreviewSize UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field tilemapTileChanged System.Action +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap:add_tilemapTileChanged(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap:remove_tilemapTileChanged(value) end + +-- +--Center of the cell transformed into local space coordinates. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Grid cell position. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.GetCellCenterLocal(position) end + +-- +--Center of the cell transformed into world space coordinates. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Grid cell position. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return Vector3 +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.GetCellCenterWorld(position) end + +-- +--Tilemaps.TileBase|Tile of type T placed at the cell. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return TileBase +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.GetTile(position) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.GetTile(position) end + +-- +--An array of at the given bounds. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: bounds - Bounds to retrieve from. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param bounds UnityEngine.BoundsInt +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.GetTilesBlock(bounds) end + +-- +--Sets a. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- tile - to be placed the cell. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@param tile UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileBase +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.SetTile(position, tile) end + +-- +--Sets an array of. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: positionArray - An array of positions of Tiles on the Tilemap. +-- tileArray - An array of to be placed. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param positionArray UnityEngine.Vector3Int[] +---@param tileArray UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileBase[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.SetTiles(positionArray, tileArray) end + +-- +--Fills bounds with array of tiles. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Bounds to be filled. +-- tileArray - An array of to be placed. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.BoundsInt +---@param tileArray UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileBase[] +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.SetTilesBlock(position, tileArray) end + +-- +--Returns true if there is a Tile at the position. Returns false otherwise. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position to check. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.HasTile(position) end + +-- +--Refreshes a. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.RefreshTile(position) end + +-- +--Refreshes all. The tile map will retrieve the rendering data, animation data and other data for all tiles and update all relevant components. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.RefreshAllTiles() end + +-- +--Swaps all existing tiles of changeTile to newTile and refreshes all the swapped tiles. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: changeTile - Tile to swap. +-- newTile - Tile to swap to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param changeTile UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileBase +---@param newTile UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileBase +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.SwapTile(changeTile, newTile) end + +-- +--Whether the Tilemap contains the tile. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: tileAsset - Tile to check. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param tileAsset UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileBase +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.ContainsTile(tileAsset) end + +-- +--The total number of different. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.GetUsedTilesCount() end + +-- +--The number of tiles filled. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: usedTiles - The array to be filled. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param usedTiles UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileBase[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.GetUsedTilesNonAlloc(usedTiles) end + +-- +--Sprite at the XY coordinate. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return Sprite +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.GetSprite(position) end + +-- +--The transform matrix. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.GetTransformMatrix(position) end + +-- +--Sets the transform matrix of a tile given the XYZ coordinates of a cell in the. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- transform - The transform matrix. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@param transform UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.SetTransformMatrix(position, transform) end + +-- +--Color of the at the XY coordinate. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return Color +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.GetColor(position) end + +-- +--Sets the color of a. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- color - Color to set the to at the XY coordinate. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@param color UnityEngine.Color +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.SetColor(position, color) end + +-- +--TileFlags from the Tile. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return TileFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.GetTileFlags(position) end + +-- +--Sets the TileFlags onto the Tile at the given position. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- flags - TileFlags to add onto the Tile. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@param flags UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.SetTileFlags(position, flags) end + +-- +--Adds the TileFlags onto the Tile at the given position. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- flags - TileFlags to add (with bitwise or) onto the flags provided by Tile.TileBase. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@param flags UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.AddTileFlags(position, flags) end + +-- +--Removes the TileFlags onto the Tile at the given position. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- flags - TileFlags to remove from the Tile. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@param flags UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.RemoveTileFlags(position, flags) end + +-- +--GameObject instantiated by the Tile at the position. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return GameObject +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.GetInstantiatedObject(position) end + +-- +--Returns the GameObject to be instantiated by the Tile at the position. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - The position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return GameObject +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.GetObjectToInstantiate(position) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@param colliderType UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tile.ColliderType +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.SetColliderType(position, colliderType) end + +-- +--Collider type of the at the XY coordinate. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return ColliderType +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.GetColliderType(position) end + +-- +--Does a flood fill with the given starting from the given coordinates. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Start position of the flood fill on the Tilemap. +-- tile - to place. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@param tile UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileBase +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.FloodFill(position, tile) end + +-- +--Does a box fill with the given. Starts from given coordinates and fills the limits from start to end (inclusive). +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- tile - to place. +-- startX - The minimum X coordinate limit to fill to. +-- startY - The minimum Y coordinate limit to fill to. +-- endX - The maximum X coordinate limit to fill to. +-- endY - The maximum Y coordinate limit to fill to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@param tile UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileBase +---@param startX int +---@param startY int +---@param endX int +---@param endY int +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.BoxFill(position, tile, startX, startY, endX, endY) end + +-- +--Inserts cells into the Tilemap. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - The target position to insert at. +-- insertCells - The number of columns, rows or layers of cells to insert. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@param insertCells UnityEngine.Vector3Int +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.InsertCells(position, insertCells) end + +-- +--Inserts cells into the Tilemap. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - The target position to insert at. +-- numColumns - The number of columns to insert. +-- numRows - The number of rows to insert. +-- numLayers - The number of layers of cells to insert. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@param numColumns int +---@param numRows int +---@param numLayers int +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.InsertCells(position, numColumns, numRows, numLayers) end + +-- +--Removes cells from within the Tilemap's bounds. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - The target position to remove from. +-- deleteCells - The number of columns, rows and layers of cells to remove. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@param deleteCells UnityEngine.Vector3Int +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.DeleteCells(position, deleteCells) end + +-- +--Removes cells from within the Tilemap's bounds. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Target position to delete from. +-- numColumns - The number of columns to remove. +-- numRows - The number of rows to remove. +-- numLayers - The number of layers of cells to remove. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@param numColumns int +---@param numRows int +---@param numLayers int +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.DeleteCells(position, numColumns, numRows, numLayers) end + +-- +--Clears all tiles that are placed in the Tilemap. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.ClearAllTiles() end + +-- +--Resizes tiles in the Tilemap to bounds defined by origin and size. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.ResizeBounds() end + +-- +--Compresses the origin and size of the Tilemap to bounds where tiles exist. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.CompressBounds() end + +-- +--The editor preview placed at the cell. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the editor preview Tile on the Tilemap. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return TileBase +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.GetEditorPreviewTile(position) end + +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.GetEditorPreviewTile(position) end + +-- +--Sets an editor preview. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the editor preview Tile on the Tilemap. +-- tile - The editor preview to be placed the cell. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@param tile UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileBase +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.SetEditorPreviewTile(position, tile) end + +-- +--Returns true if there is an Editor Preview Tile at the position. Returns false otherwise. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position to check. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.HasEditorPreviewTile(position) end + +-- +--Sprite at the XY coordinate. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the editor preview Tile on the Tilemap. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return Sprite +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.GetEditorPreviewSprite(position) end + +-- +--The transform matrix. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the editor preview Tile on the Tilemap. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return Matrix4x4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.GetEditorPreviewTransformMatrix(position) end + +-- +--Sets the transform matrix of an editor preview tile given the XYZ coordinates of a cell in the. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the editor preview Tile on the Tilemap. +-- transform - The transform matrix. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@param transform UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.SetEditorPreviewTransformMatrix(position, transform) end + +-- +--Color of the editor preview at the XY coordinate. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return Color +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.GetEditorPreviewColor(position) end + +-- +--Sets the color of an editor preview. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the editor preview Tile on the Tilemap. +-- color - Color to set the editor preview to at the XY coordinate. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@param color UnityEngine.Color +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.SetEditorPreviewColor(position, color) end + +-- +--TileFlags from the editor preview Tile. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@return TileFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.GetEditorPreviewTileFlags(position) end + +-- +--Does an editor preview of a flood fill with the given starting from the given coordinates. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Start position of the flood fill on the Tilemap. +-- tile - TileBase to place. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@param tile UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileBase +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.EditorPreviewFloodFill(position, tile) end + +-- +--Does an editor preview of a box fill with the given. Starts from given coordinates and fills the limits from start to end (inclusive). +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: position - Position of the Tile on the Tilemap. +-- tile - to place. +-- startX - The start X coordinate limit to fill to. +-- startY - The start Y coordinate limit to fill to. +-- endX - The ending X coordinate limit to fill to. +-- endY - The ending Y coordinate limit to fill to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +---@param tile UnityEngine.Object +---@param startX int +---@param startY int +---@param endX int +---@param endY int +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.EditorPreviewBoxFill(position, tile, startX, startY, endX, endY) end + +-- +--Clears all editor preview tiles that are placed in the Tilemap. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.ClearAllEditorPreviewTiles() end + + +-- +--Flags controlling behavior for the TileBase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileFlags: System.Enum +-- +--No TileFlags are set. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileFlags +-- +--TileBase locks any color set by brushes or the user. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field LockColor UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileFlags +-- +--TileBase locks any transform matrix set by brushes or the user. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field LockTransform UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileFlags +-- +--TileBase does not instantiate its associated GameObject in editor mode and instantiates it only during play mode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field InstantiateGameObjectRuntimeOnly UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileFlags +-- +--All lock flags. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field LockAll UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileFlags +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--The tile map renderer is used to render the tile map marked out by a component. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TilemapRenderer: UnityEngine.Renderer +-- +--Size in number of tiles of each chunk created by the TilemapRenderer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field chunkSize UnityEngine.Vector3Int +-- +--Bounds used for culling of Tilemap chunks. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field chunkCullingBounds UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Maximum number of chunks the TilemapRenderer caches in memory. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field maxChunkCount int +-- +--Maximum number of frames the TilemapRenderer keeps unused chunks in memory. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field maxFrameAge int +-- +--Active sort order for the TilemapRenderer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field sortOrder UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TilemapRenderer.SortOrder +-- +--The mode in which the TileMapRenderer batches the for rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field mode UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TilemapRenderer.Mode +-- +--Returns whether the TilemapRenderer automatically detects the bounds to extend chunk culling by. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field detectChunkCullingBounds UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TilemapRenderer.DetectChunkCullingBounds +-- +--Specifies how the Tilemap interacts with the masks. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field maskInteraction UnityEngine.SpriteMaskInteraction +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TilemapRenderer = {} + + +-- +--Determines the orientation of. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Orientation: System.Enum +-- +--Orients tiles in the XY plane. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field XY UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.Orientation +-- +--Orients tiles in the XZ plane. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field XZ UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.Orientation +-- +--Orients tiles in the YX plane. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field YX UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.Orientation +-- +--Orients tiles in the YZ plane. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field YZ UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.Orientation +-- +--Orients tiles in the ZX plane. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field ZX UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.Orientation +-- +--Orients tiles in the ZY plane. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field ZY UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.Orientation +-- +--Use a custom orientation to all tiles in the tile map. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field Custom UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.Orientation +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Orientation = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tilemap.Orientation +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Orientation:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--A Struct for containing changes to a Tile when it has been changed on a Tilemap. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Tilemaps.SyncTile: System.ValueType +-- +--The position of the Tile on a Tilemap which has changed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3Int +-- +--The Tile at the given position on the Tilemap. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field tile UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileBase +-- +--The properties of the Tile at the given position on the Tilemap. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field tileData UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileData +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.SyncTile = {} + + +-- +--A Struct for the required data for rendering a Tile. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileData: System.ValueType +-- +--Sprite to be rendered at the Tile. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field sprite UnityEngine.Sprite +-- +--Color of the Tile. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field color UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Matrix4x4|Transform matrix of the Tile. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field transform UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +-- +--GameObject of the Tile. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field gameObject UnityEngine.GameObject +-- +--TileFlags of the Tile. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field flags UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileFlags +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field colliderType UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Tile.ColliderType +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileData = {} + + +-- +--Sort order for all tiles rendered by the TilemapRenderer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Tilemaps.SortOrder: System.Enum +-- +--Sorts tiles for rendering starting from the tile with the lowest X and the lowest Y cell positions. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field BottomLeft UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TilemapRenderer.SortOrder +-- +--Sorts tiles for rendering starting from the tile with the highest X and the lowest Y cell positions. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field BottomRight UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TilemapRenderer.SortOrder +-- +--Sorts tiles for rendering starting from the tile with the lowest X and the highest Y cell positions. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field TopLeft UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TilemapRenderer.SortOrder +-- +--Sorts tiles for rendering starting from the tile with the highest X and the lowest Y cell positions. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field TopRight UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TilemapRenderer.SortOrder +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.SortOrder = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TilemapRenderer.SortOrder +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.SortOrder:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Determines how the TilemapRenderer should batch the for rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Mode: System.Enum +-- +--Batches each Sprite from the Tilemap into grouped chunks to be rendered. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field Chunk UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TilemapRenderer.Mode +-- +--Sends each Sprite from the Tilemap to be rendered individually. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field Individual UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TilemapRenderer.Mode +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Mode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TilemapRenderer.Mode +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.Mode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Returns whether the TilemapRenderer automatically detects the bounds to extend chunk culling by. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Tilemaps.DetectChunkCullingBounds: System.Enum +-- +--The TilemapRenderer will automatically detect the bounds of extension by inspecting the Sprite/s used in the Tilemap. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field Auto UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TilemapRenderer.DetectChunkCullingBounds +-- +--The user adds in the values used for extend the bounds for culling of Tilemap chunks. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field Manual UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TilemapRenderer.DetectChunkCullingBounds +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.DetectChunkCullingBounds = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TilemapRenderer.DetectChunkCullingBounds +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.DetectChunkCullingBounds:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--A Struct for the required data for animating a Tile. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileAnimationData: System.ValueType +-- +--The array of that are ordered by appearance in the animation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field animatedSprites UnityEngine.Sprite[] +-- +--The animation speed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field animationSpeed float +-- +--The start time of the animation. The animation will begin at this time offset. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field animationStartTime float +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TileAnimationData = {} + + +-- +--Collider for 2D physics representing shapes defined by the corresponding Tilemap. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TilemapCollider2D: UnityEngine.Collider2D +-- +--Maximum number of Tile Changes accumulated before doing a full collider rebuild instead of an incremental rebuild. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field maximumTileChangeCount uint +-- +--The amount of Collider shapes each Tile extrudes to facilitate compositing with neighboring Tiles. This eliminates fine gaps between Tiles when using a CompositeCollider2D. This is calculated in Unity units within world space. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field extrusionFactor float +-- +--Returns true if there are Tilemap changes that require processing for Collider updates. Returns false otherwise. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +---@field hasTilemapChanges bool +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TilemapCollider2D = {} + +-- +--Processes Tilemap changes for Collider updates immediately, if there are any. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Tilemaps.TilemapCollider2D.ProcessTilemapChanges() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Timeline.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Timeline.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b9744717f --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.Timeline.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1386 @@ +---@meta + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.ActivationTrack: UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field postPlaybackState UnityEngine.Timeline.ActivationTrack.PostPlaybackState +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ActivationTrack = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param inputCount int +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ActivationTrack.CreateTrackMixer(graph, go, inputCount) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param director UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector +---@param driver UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyCollector +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ActivationTrack.GatherProperties(director, driver) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.PostPlaybackState: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Active UnityEngine.Timeline.ActivationTrack.PostPlaybackState +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Inactive UnityEngine.Timeline.ActivationTrack.PostPlaybackState +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Revert UnityEngine.Timeline.ActivationTrack.PostPlaybackState +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field LeaveAsIs UnityEngine.Timeline.ActivationTrack.PostPlaybackState +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.PostPlaybackState = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Timeline.ActivationTrack.PostPlaybackState +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.PostPlaybackState:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.AnimationPlayableAsset: UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableAsset +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field eulerAngles UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field useTrackMatchFields bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field matchTargetFields UnityEngine.Timeline.MatchTargetFields +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field removeStartOffset bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field applyFootIK bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field loop UnityEngine.Timeline.AnimationPlayableAsset.LoopMode +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field clip UnityEngine.AnimationClip +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field duration double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field outputs System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field clipCaps UnityEngine.Timeline.ClipCaps +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.AnimationPlayableAsset = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.AnimationPlayableAsset.CreatePlayable(graph, go) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.AnimationPlayableAsset.LiveLink() end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.AnimationPlayableAsset.ResetOffsets() end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param director UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector +---@param driver UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyCollector +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.AnimationPlayableAsset.GatherProperties(director, driver) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.LoopMode: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field UseSourceAsset UnityEngine.Timeline.AnimationPlayableAsset.LoopMode +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field On UnityEngine.Timeline.AnimationPlayableAsset.LoopMode +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Off UnityEngine.Timeline.AnimationPlayableAsset.LoopMode +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.LoopMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Timeline.AnimationPlayableAsset.LoopMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.LoopMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.MatchTargetFields: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field PositionX UnityEngine.Timeline.MatchTargetFields +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field PositionY UnityEngine.Timeline.MatchTargetFields +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field PositionZ UnityEngine.Timeline.MatchTargetFields +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field RotationX UnityEngine.Timeline.MatchTargetFields +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field RotationY UnityEngine.Timeline.MatchTargetFields +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field RotationZ UnityEngine.Timeline.MatchTargetFields +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.MatchTargetFields = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Timeline.MatchTargetFields +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.MatchTargetFields:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackOffset: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field ApplyTransformOffsets UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackOffset +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field ApplySceneOffsets UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackOffset +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Auto UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackOffset +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackOffset = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackOffset +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackOffset:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.AnimationTrack: UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field eulerAngles UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field applyOffsets bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field trackOffset UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackOffset +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field matchTargetFields UnityEngine.Timeline.MatchTargetFields +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field infiniteClip UnityEngine.AnimationClip +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field avatarMask UnityEngine.AvatarMask +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field applyAvatarMask bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field outputs System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field inClipMode bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field infiniteClipOffsetPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field infiniteClipOffsetRotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field infiniteClipOffsetEulerAngles UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field infiniteClipPreExtrapolation UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.ClipExtrapolation +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field infiniteClipPostExtrapolation UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.ClipExtrapolation +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field openClipOffsetPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field openClipOffsetRotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field openClipOffsetEulerAngles UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field openClipPreExtrapolation UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.ClipExtrapolation +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field openClipPostExtrapolation UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.ClipExtrapolation +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.AnimationTrack = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param clip UnityEngine.AnimationClip +---@return TimelineClip +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.AnimationTrack.CreateClip(clip) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param infiniteClipName string +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.AnimationTrack.CreateInfiniteClip(infiniteClipName) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param animClipName string +---@return TimelineClip +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.AnimationTrack.CreateRecordableClip(animClipName) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param director UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector +---@param driver UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyCollector +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.AnimationTrack.GatherProperties(director, driver) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip: object +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field kDefaultClipCaps UnityEngine.Timeline.ClipCaps +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field kDefaultClipDurationInSeconds float +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field kTimeScaleMin double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field kTimeScaleMax double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field hasPreExtrapolation bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field hasPostExtrapolation bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field timeScale double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field start double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field duration double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field end double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field clipIn double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field displayName string +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field clipAssetDuration double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field curves UnityEngine.AnimationClip +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field hasCurves bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field asset UnityEngine.Object +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field underlyingAsset UnityEngine.Object +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field parentTrack UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field easeInDuration double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field easeOutDuration double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field eastOutTime double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field easeOutTime double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field blendInDuration double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field blendOutDuration double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field blendInCurveMode UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.BlendCurveMode +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field blendOutCurveMode UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.BlendCurveMode +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field hasBlendIn bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field hasBlendOut bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field mixInCurve UnityEngine.AnimationCurve +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field mixInPercentage float +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field mixInDuration double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field mixOutCurve UnityEngine.AnimationCurve +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field mixOutTime double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field mixOutDuration double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field mixOutPercentage float +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field recordable bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field exposedParameters System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field clipCaps UnityEngine.Timeline.ClipCaps +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field animationClip UnityEngine.AnimationClip +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field postExtrapolationMode UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.ClipExtrapolation +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field preExtrapolationMode UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.ClipExtrapolation +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field extrapolatedStart double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field extrapolatedDuration double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param time double +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.EvaluateMixOut(time) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param time double +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.EvaluateMixIn(time) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param time double +---@return Double +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.ToLocalTime(time) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param time double +---@return Double +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.ToLocalTimeUnbound(time) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param sequenceTime double +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.IsExtrapolatedTime(sequenceTime) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param sequenceTime double +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.IsPreExtrapolatedTime(sequenceTime) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param sequenceTime double +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.IsPostExtrapolatedTime(sequenceTime) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param curvesClipName string +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.CreateCurves(curvesClipName) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.ToString() end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.ConformEaseValues() end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.ClipExtrapolation: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.ClipExtrapolation +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Hold UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.ClipExtrapolation +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Loop UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.ClipExtrapolation +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field PingPong UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.ClipExtrapolation +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Continue UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.ClipExtrapolation +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ClipExtrapolation = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.ClipExtrapolation +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ClipExtrapolation:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.BlendCurveMode: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Auto UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.BlendCurveMode +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Manual UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.BlendCurveMode +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.BlendCurveMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip.BlendCurveMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.BlendCurveMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset: UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableAsset +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field editorSettings UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.EditorSettings +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field duration double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field fixedDuration double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field durationMode UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.DurationMode +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field outputs System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field clipCaps UnityEngine.Timeline.ClipCaps +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field outputTrackCount int +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field rootTrackCount int +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field markerTrack UnityEngine.Timeline.MarkerTrack +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param index int +---@return TrackAsset +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.GetRootTrack(index) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.GetRootTracks() end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param index int +---@return TrackAsset +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.GetOutputTrack(index) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.GetOutputTracks() end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.CreatePlayable(graph, go) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param director UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector +---@param driver UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyCollector +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.GatherProperties(director, driver) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.CreateMarkerTrack() end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param parent UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset +---@param name string +---@return TrackAsset +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.CreateTrack(type, parent, name) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param parent UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset +---@param trackName string +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.CreateTrack(parent, trackName) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param trackName string +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.CreateTrack(trackName) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.CreateTrack() end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param clip UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.DeleteClip(clip) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param track UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.DeleteTrack(track) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.MediaType: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Animation UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.MediaType +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Audio UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.MediaType +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Texture UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.MediaType +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Video UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.MediaType +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Script UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.MediaType +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Hybrid UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.MediaType +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Group UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.MediaType +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.MediaType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.MediaType +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.MediaType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.DurationMode: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field BasedOnClips UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.DurationMode +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field FixedLength UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.DurationMode +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.DurationMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.DurationMode +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.DurationMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.EditorSettings: object +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field fps float +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field scenePreview bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.EditorSettings = {} + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset: UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableAsset +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field start double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field end double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field duration double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field muted bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field mutedInHierarchy bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field timelineAsset UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field parent UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableAsset +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field isEmpty bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field hasClips bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field hasCurves bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field isSubTrack bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field outputs System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field curves UnityEngine.AnimationClip +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field locked bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field lockedInHierarchy bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field supportsNotifications bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset.GetClips() end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset.GetChildTracks() end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param curvesClipName string +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset.CreateCurves(curvesClipName) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param inputCount int +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset.CreateTrackMixer(graph, go, inputCount) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset.CreatePlayable(graph, go) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@return TimelineClip +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset.CreateDefaultClip() end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@return TimelineClip +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset.CreateClip() end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param clip UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineClip +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset.DeleteClip(clip) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param type System.Type +---@param time double +---@return IMarker +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset.CreateMarker(type, time) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param time double +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset.CreateMarker(time) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param marker UnityEngine.Timeline.IMarker +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset.DeleteMarker(marker) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset.GetMarkers() end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset.GetMarkerCount() end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param idx int +---@return IMarker +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset.GetMarker(idx) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param director UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector +---@param driver UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyCollector +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset.GatherProperties(director, driver) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackColorAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field color UnityEngine.Color +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackColorAttribute = {} + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.AudioPlayableAsset: UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableAsset +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field clip UnityEngine.AudioClip +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field loop bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field duration double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field outputs System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field clipCaps UnityEngine.Timeline.ClipCaps +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.AudioPlayableAsset = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.AudioPlayableAsset.CreatePlayable(graph, go) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.AudioTrack: UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field outputs System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.AudioTrack = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param clip UnityEngine.AudioClip +---@return TimelineClip +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.AudioTrack.CreateClip(clip) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.ClipCaps: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Timeline.ClipCaps +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Looping UnityEngine.Timeline.ClipCaps +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Extrapolation UnityEngine.Timeline.ClipCaps +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field ClipIn UnityEngine.Timeline.ClipCaps +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field SpeedMultiplier UnityEngine.Timeline.ClipCaps +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Blending UnityEngine.Timeline.ClipCaps +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field AutoScale UnityEngine.Timeline.ClipCaps +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field All UnityEngine.Timeline.ClipCaps +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ClipCaps = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Timeline.ClipCaps +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ClipCaps:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.ControlPlayableAsset: UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableAsset +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field sourceGameObject UnityEngine.ExposedReference +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field prefabGameObject UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field updateParticle bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field particleRandomSeed uint +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field updateDirector bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field updateITimeControl bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field searchHierarchy bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field active bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field postPlayback UnityEngine.Timeline.ActivationControlPlayable.PostPlaybackState +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field duration double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field clipCaps UnityEngine.Timeline.ClipCaps +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ControlPlayableAsset = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ControlPlayableAsset.OnEnable() end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ControlPlayableAsset.CreatePlayable(graph, go) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param director UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector +---@param driver UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyCollector +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ControlPlayableAsset.GatherProperties(director, driver) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.ControlTrack: UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ControlTrack = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param director UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector +---@param driver UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyCollector +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ControlTrack.GatherProperties(director, driver) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.IMarker +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field time double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field parent UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.IMarker = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param parent UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.IMarker.Initialize(parent) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.INotificationOptionProvider +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field flags UnityEngine.Timeline.NotificationFlags +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.INotificationOptionProvider = {} + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.Marker: UnityEngine.ScriptableObject +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field parent UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field time double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.Marker = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param aPent UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.Marker.OnInitialize(aPent) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.MarkerTrack: UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field outputs System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.MarkerTrack = {} + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalTrack: UnityEngine.Timeline.MarkerTrack +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalTrack = {} + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalAsset: UnityEngine.ScriptableObject +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalAsset = {} + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalEmitter: UnityEngine.Timeline.Marker +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field retroactive bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field emitOnce bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field asset UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalAsset +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalEmitter = {} + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalReceiver: UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalReceiver = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param origin UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param notification UnityEngine.Playables.INotification +---@param context object +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalReceiver.OnNotify(origin, notification, context) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param asset UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalAsset +---@param reaction UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalReceiver.AddReaction(asset, reaction) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param reaction UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalReceiver.AddEmptyReaction(reaction) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param asset UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalAsset +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalReceiver.Remove(asset) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalReceiver.GetRegisteredSignals() end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param key UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalAsset +---@return UnityEvent +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalReceiver.GetReaction(key) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalReceiver.Count() end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param idx int +---@param newKey UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalAsset +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalReceiver.ChangeSignalAtIndex(idx, newKey) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param idx int +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalReceiver.RemoveAtIndex(idx) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param idx int +---@param reaction UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalReceiver.ChangeReactionAtIndex(idx, reaction) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param idx int +---@return UnityEvent +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalReceiver.GetReactionAtIndex(idx) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param idx int +---@return SignalAsset +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.SignalReceiver.GetSignalAssetAtIndex(idx) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAssetExtensions: object +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAssetExtensions = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@return GroupTrack +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAssetExtensions.GetGroup() end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param group UnityEngine.Timeline.GroupTrack +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAssetExtensions.SetGroup(group) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.GroupTrack: UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field outputs System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.GroupTrack = {} + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.ILayerable +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ILayerable = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param inputCount int +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ILayerable.CreateLayerMixer(graph, go, inputCount) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.PostPlaybackState: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Active UnityEngine.Timeline.ActivationControlPlayable.PostPlaybackState +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Inactive UnityEngine.Timeline.ActivationControlPlayable.PostPlaybackState +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Revert UnityEngine.Timeline.ActivationControlPlayable.PostPlaybackState +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.PostPlaybackState = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Timeline.ActivationControlPlayable.PostPlaybackState +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.PostPlaybackState:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.BasicPlayableBehaviour: UnityEngine.ScriptableObject +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field duration double +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field outputs System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.BasicPlayableBehaviour = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.BasicPlayableBehaviour.OnGraphStart(playable) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.BasicPlayableBehaviour.OnGraphStop(playable) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.BasicPlayableBehaviour.OnPlayableCreate(playable) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.BasicPlayableBehaviour.OnPlayableDestroy(playable) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.BasicPlayableBehaviour.OnBehaviourPlay(playable, info) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.BasicPlayableBehaviour.OnBehaviourPause(playable, info) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.BasicPlayableBehaviour.PrepareFrame(playable, info) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +---@param playerData object +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.BasicPlayableBehaviour.ProcessFrame(playable, info, playerData) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param owner UnityEngine.GameObject +---@return Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.BasicPlayableBehaviour.CreatePlayable(graph, owner) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.DirectorControlPlayable: UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBehaviour +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field director UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.DirectorControlPlayable = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param director UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector +---@return ScriptPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.DirectorControlPlayable:Create(graph, director) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.DirectorControlPlayable.OnPlayableDestroy(playable) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.DirectorControlPlayable.PrepareFrame(playable, info) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.DirectorControlPlayable.OnBehaviourPlay(playable, info) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.DirectorControlPlayable.OnBehaviourPause(playable, info) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +---@param playerData object +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.DirectorControlPlayable.ProcessFrame(playable, info, playerData) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.ITimeControl +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ITimeControl = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param time double +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ITimeControl.SetTime(time) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ITimeControl.OnControlTimeStart() end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ITimeControl.OnControlTimeStop() end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.NotificationFlags: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field TriggerInEditMode UnityEngine.Timeline.NotificationFlags +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field Retroactive UnityEngine.Timeline.NotificationFlags +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field TriggerOnce UnityEngine.Timeline.NotificationFlags +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.NotificationFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Timeline.NotificationFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.NotificationFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.ParticleControlPlayable: UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBehaviour +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field particleSystem UnityEngine.ParticleSystem +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ParticleControlPlayable = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param component UnityEngine.ParticleSystem +---@param randomSeed uint +---@return ScriptPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ParticleControlPlayable:Create(graph, component, randomSeed) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param ps UnityEngine.ParticleSystem +---@param randomSeed uint +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ParticleControlPlayable.Initialize(ps, randomSeed) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ParticleControlPlayable.OnPlayableDestroy(playable) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param data UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ParticleControlPlayable.PrepareFrame(playable, data) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ParticleControlPlayable.OnBehaviourPlay(playable, info) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ParticleControlPlayable.OnBehaviourPause(playable, info) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.PrefabControlPlayable: UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBehaviour +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field prefabInstance UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.PrefabControlPlayable = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param prefabGameObject UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param parentTransform UnityEngine.Transform +---@return ScriptPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.PrefabControlPlayable:Create(graph, prefabGameObject, parentTransform) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param prefabGameObject UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param parentTransform UnityEngine.Transform +---@return GameObject +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.PrefabControlPlayable.Initialize(prefabGameObject, parentTransform) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.PrefabControlPlayable.OnPlayableDestroy(playable) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.PrefabControlPlayable.OnBehaviourPlay(playable, info) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.PrefabControlPlayable.OnBehaviourPause(playable, info) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.TimeControlPlayable: UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBehaviour +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimeControlPlayable = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param timeControl UnityEngine.Timeline.ITimeControl +---@return ScriptPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimeControlPlayable:Create(graph, timeControl) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param timeControl UnityEngine.Timeline.ITimeControl +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimeControlPlayable.Initialize(timeControl) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimeControlPlayable.PrepareFrame(playable, info) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimeControlPlayable.OnBehaviourPlay(playable, info) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimeControlPlayable.OnBehaviourPause(playable, info) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.TimeNotificationBehaviour: UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBehaviour +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field timeSource UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimeNotificationBehaviour = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param duration double +---@param loopMode UnityEngine.Playables.DirectorWrapMode +---@return ScriptPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimeNotificationBehaviour:Create(graph, duration, loopMode) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param time double +---@param payload UnityEngine.Playables.INotification +---@param flags UnityEngine.Timeline.NotificationFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimeNotificationBehaviour.AddNotification(time, payload, flags) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimeNotificationBehaviour.OnGraphStart(playable) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimeNotificationBehaviour.OnBehaviourPause(playable, info) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimeNotificationBehaviour.PrepareFrame(playable, info) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.PlayableTrack: UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackAsset +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.PlayableTrack = {} + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackMediaType: System.Attribute +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field m_MediaType UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelineAsset.MediaType +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackMediaType = {} + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackClipTypeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field inspectedType System.Type +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field allowAutoCreate bool +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackClipTypeAttribute = {} + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.NotKeyableAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.NotKeyableAttribute = {} + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackBindingFlags: System.Enum +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackBindingFlags +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field AllowCreateComponent UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackBindingFlags +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field All UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackBindingFlags +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackBindingFlags = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackBindingFlags +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackBindingFlags:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackBindingTypeAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field type System.Type +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field flags UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackBindingFlags +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TrackBindingTypeAttribute = {} + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.HideInMenuAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.HideInMenuAttribute = {} + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.CustomStyleAttribute: System.Attribute +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field ussStyle string +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.CustomStyleAttribute = {} + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.ITimelineClipAsset +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@field clipCaps UnityEngine.Timeline.ClipCaps +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.ITimelineClipAsset = {} + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelinePlayable: UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableBehaviour +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelinePlayable = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param tracks System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param autoRebalance bool +---@param createOutputs bool +---@return ScriptPlayable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelinePlayable:Create(graph, tracks, go, autoRebalance, createOutputs) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param graph UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableGraph +---@param timelinePlayable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param tracks System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@param go UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param autoRebalance bool +---@param createOutputs bool +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelinePlayable.Compile(graph, timelinePlayable, tracks, go, autoRebalance, createOutputs) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param playable UnityEngine.Playables.Playable +---@param info UnityEngine.Playables.FrameData +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.TimelinePlayable.PrepareFrame(playable, info) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyCollector +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyCollector = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param gameObject UnityEngine.GameObject +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyCollector.PushActiveGameObject(gameObject) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyCollector.PopActiveGameObject() end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param clip UnityEngine.AnimationClip +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyCollector.AddFromClip(clip) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param clips System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyCollector.AddFromClips(clips) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param name string +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyCollector.AddFromName(name) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param name string +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyCollector.AddFromName(name) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param obj UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param clip UnityEngine.AnimationClip +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyCollector.AddFromClip(obj, clip) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param obj UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param clips System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyCollector.AddFromClips(obj, clips) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param obj UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param name string +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyCollector.AddFromName(obj, name) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param obj UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param name string +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyCollector.AddFromName(obj, name) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param component UnityEngine.Component +---@param name string +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyCollector.AddFromName(component, name) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param obj UnityEngine.GameObject +---@param component UnityEngine.Component +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyCollector.AddFromComponent(obj, component) end + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param obj UnityEngine.Object +---@param clip UnityEngine.AnimationClip +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyCollector.AddObjectProperties(obj, clip) end + + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@class UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyPreview +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyPreview = {} + +---@source Unity.Timeline.dll +---@param director UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector +---@param driver UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyCollector +function CS.UnityEngine.Timeline.IPropertyPreview.GatherProperties(director, driver) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.U2D.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.U2D.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..338a5f3e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.U2D.lua @@ -0,0 +1,582 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--A collection of APIs that facilitate pixel perfect rendering of sprite-based renderers. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.U2D.PixelPerfectRendering: object +-- +--To achieve a pixel perfect render, Sprites must be displaced to discrete positions at render time. This value defines the minimum distance between these positions. This doesn’t affect the GameObject's transform position. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field pixelSnapSpacing float +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.U2D.PixelPerfectRendering = {} + + +-- +--A struct that holds a rich set of information that describes the bind pose of this Sprite. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteBone: System.ValueType +-- +--The name of the bone. This is useful when recreating bone hierarchy at editor or runtime. You can also use this as a way of resolving the bone path when a Sprite is bound to a more complex or richer hierarchy. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field name string +-- +--The position in local space of this bone. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The rotation of this bone in local space. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +-- +--The length of the bone. This is important for the leaf bones to describe their length without needing another bone as the terminal bone. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field length float +-- +--The ID of the parent of this bone. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field parentId int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteBone = {} + + +-- +--A list of methods designed for reading and writing to the rich internal data of a Sprite. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteDataAccessExtensions: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteDataAccessExtensions = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param channel UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttribute +---@return NativeSlice +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteDataAccessExtensions.GetVertexAttribute(channel) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param channel UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttribute +---@param src Unity.Collections.NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteDataAccessExtensions.SetVertexAttribute(channel, src) end + +-- +--A list of bind poses for this sprite. There is no need to dispose the returned NativeArray. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sprite - The sprite to retrieve the bind pose from. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteDataAccessExtensions.GetBindPoses() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src Unity.Collections.NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteDataAccessExtensions.SetBindPoses(src) end + +-- +--A read-only list of indices indicating how the triangles are formed between the vertices. The array is marked as undisposable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteDataAccessExtensions.GetIndices() end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src Unity.Collections.NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteDataAccessExtensions.SetIndices(src) end + +-- +--An array of SpriteBone that belongs to this Sprite. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sprite - The sprite to get the list of SpriteBone from. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteDataAccessExtensions.GetBones() end + +-- +--Sets the SpriteBones for this Sprite. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param src UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteBone[] +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteDataAccessExtensions.SetBones(src) end + +-- +--True if the channel exists. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param channel UnityEngine.Rendering.VertexAttribute +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteDataAccessExtensions.HasVertexAttribute(channel) end + +-- +--Sets the vertex count. This resizes the internal buffer. It also preserves any configurations of VertexAttributes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param count int +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteDataAccessExtensions.SetVertexCount(count) end + +-- +--Returns the number of vertices in this Sprite. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteDataAccessExtensions.GetVertexCount() end + + +-- +--A list of methods that allow the caller to override what the SpriteRenderer renders. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteRendererDataAccessExtensions: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteRendererDataAccessExtensions = {} + +-- +--Stop using the deformable buffer to render the Sprite and use the original mesh instead. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteRendererDataAccessExtensions.DeactivateDeformableBuffer() end + + +-- +--Manages SpriteAtlas during runtime. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteAtlasManager: object +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field atlasRequested System.Action> +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field atlasRegistered System.Action +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteAtlasManager = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value System.Action> +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteAtlasManager:add_atlasRequested(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value System.Action> +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteAtlasManager:remove_atlasRequested(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteAtlasManager:add_atlasRegistered(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteAtlasManager:remove_atlasRegistered(value) end + + +-- +--Sprite Atlas is an asset created within Unity. It is part of the built-in sprite packing solution. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteAtlas: UnityEngine.Object +-- +--Return true if this SpriteAtlas is a variant. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field isVariant bool +-- +--Get the tag of this SpriteAtlas. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field tag string +-- +--Get the total number of Sprite packed into this atlas. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@field spriteCount int +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteAtlas = {} + +-- +--Return true if Sprite is packed into this SpriteAtlas. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sprite UnityEngine.Sprite +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteAtlas.CanBindTo(sprite) end + +-- +--Clone the first Sprite in this atlas that matches the name packed in this atlas and return it. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: name - The name of the Sprite. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param name string +---@return Sprite +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteAtlas.GetSprite(name) end + +-- +--The size of the returned array. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sprites - Array of Sprite that will be filled. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sprites UnityEngine.Sprite[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteAtlas.GetSprites(sprites) end + +-- +--Clone all the Sprite matching the name in this atlas and fill them into the supplied array. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sprites - Array of Sprite that will be filled. +-- name - The name of the Sprite. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll +---@param sprites UnityEngine.Sprite[] +---@param name string +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteAtlas.GetSprites(sprites, name) end + + +-- +--Input parameters for the SpriteShape tessellator. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeParameters: System.ValueType +-- +--The world space transform of the GameObject used for calculating the UVs of the Fill texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field transform UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +-- +--The texture to be used for the fill of the SpriteShape. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field fillTexture UnityEngine.Texture2D +-- +--The scale to be used to calculate the UVs of the fill texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field fillScale uint +-- +--The tessellation quality of the input Spline that determines the complexity of the mesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field splineDetail uint +-- +--The threshold of the angle that indicates whether it is a corner or not. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field angleThreshold float +-- +--The local displacement of the Sprite when tessellated. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field borderPivot float +-- +--The threshold of the angle that decides if it should be tessellated as a curve or a corner. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field bevelCutoff float +-- +--The radius of the curve to be tessellated. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field bevelSize float +-- +--If true, the Shape will be tessellated as a closed form. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field carpet bool +-- +--If enabled the tessellator will consider creating corners based on the various input parameters. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field smartSprite bool +-- +--If enabled, the tessellator will adapt the size of the quads based on the height of the edge. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field adaptiveUV bool +-- +--The borders to be used for calculating the uv of the edges based on the border info found in Sprites. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field spriteBorders bool +-- +--Stretch the UV mapping for the Fill texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field stretchUV bool +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeParameters = {} + + +-- +--SpriteShapeSegment contains info of sub-meshes generated by the SpriteShape generator C# Job later fed to SpriteShapeRenderer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeSegment: System.ValueType +-- +--Geometry index of list of sub-meshes generated by SpriteShape. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field geomIndex int +-- +--Index count of SpriteShape sub-mesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field indexCount int +-- +--Vertex count of SpriteShape sub-mesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field vertexCount int +-- +--Index of sprite that is used to generate segment/corner for this SpriteShapeSegment. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field spriteIndex int +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeSegment = {} + + +-- +--Renders SpriteShapes defined through the SpriteShapeUtility.GenerateSpriteShape API. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeRenderer: UnityEngine.Renderer +-- +--Rendering color for the SpriteShape. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field color UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Specifies how the SpriteShape interacts with the masks. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field maskInteraction UnityEngine.SpriteMaskInteraction +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeRenderer = {} + +-- +--Prepare and generate the SpriteShape geometry that will be fed to SpriteShape generator for rendering. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: handle - JobHandle for the C# based SpriteShape Generator Job. +-- shapeParams - Sprite Shape generation input params. +-- sprites - Input list of Sprites. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@param handle Unity.Jobs.JobHandle +---@param shapeParams UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeParameters +---@param sprites UnityEngine.Sprite[] +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeRenderer.Prepare(handle, shapeParams, sprites) end + +-- +--NativeArray of Bounds of SpriteShapeRenderer. The size of this will always be 1. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@return NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeRenderer.GetBounds() end + +-- +--Size to be reserved for the NativeArray. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: dataSize - Size to be reserved for the segments array. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@param dataSize int +---@return NativeArray +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeRenderer.GetSegments(dataSize) end + +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@param dataSize int +---@param indices Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param vertices Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param texcoords Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeRenderer.GetChannels(dataSize, indices, vertices, texcoords) end + +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@param dataSize int +---@param indices Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param vertices Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param texcoords Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param tangents Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeRenderer.GetChannels(dataSize, indices, vertices, texcoords, tangents) end + +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@param dataSize int +---@param indices Unity.Collections.NativeArray +---@param vertices Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param texcoords Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param tangents Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +---@param normals Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeRenderer.GetChannels(dataSize, indices, vertices, texcoords, tangents, normals) end + + +-- +--Additional data about the shape's control point. This is useful during tessellation of the shape. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeMetaData: System.ValueType +-- +--The height of the tessellated edge. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field height float +-- +--The threshold of the angle that decides if it should be tessellated as a curve or a corner. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field bevelCutoff float +-- +--The radius of the curve to be tessellated. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field bevelSize float +-- +--The Sprite to be used for a particular edge. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field spriteIndex uint +-- +--True will indicate that this point should be tessellated as a corner or a continuous line otherwise. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field corner bool +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeMetaData = {} + + +-- +--Data that describes the important points of the shape. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.U2D.ShapeControlPoint: System.ValueType +-- +--The position of this point in the object's local space. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The position of the left tangent in local space. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field leftTangent UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The position of the right tangent point in the local space. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field rightTangent UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The various modes of the tangent handles. They could be continuous or broken. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field mode int +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.U2D.ShapeControlPoint = {} + + +-- +--Describes the information about the edge and how to tessellate it. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.U2D.AngleRangeInfo: System.ValueType +-- +--The minimum angle to be considered within this range. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field start float +-- +--The maximum angle to be considered within this range. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field end float +-- +--The render order of the edges that belong in this range. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field order uint +-- +--The list of Sprites that are associated with this range. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@field sprites int[] +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.U2D.AngleRangeInfo = {} + + +-- +--A static class that helps tessellate a SpriteShape mesh. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeUtility: object +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeUtility = {} + +-- +--Generate a mesh based on input parameters. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: mesh - The output mesh. +-- shapeParams - Input parameters for the SpriteShape tessellator. +-- points - A list of control points that describes the shape. +-- metaData - Additional data about the shape's control point. This is useful during tessellation of the shape. +-- sprites - The list of Sprites that could be used for the edges. +-- corners - The list of Sprites that could be used for the corners. +-- angleRange - A parameter that determins how to tessellate each of the edge. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@param mesh UnityEngine.Mesh +---@param shapeParams UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeParameters +---@param points UnityEngine.U2D.ShapeControlPoint[] +---@param metaData UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeMetaData[] +---@param angleRange UnityEngine.U2D.AngleRangeInfo[] +---@param sprites UnityEngine.Sprite[] +---@param corners UnityEngine.Sprite[] +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeUtility:Generate(mesh, shapeParams, points, metaData, angleRange, sprites, corners) end + +-- +--Generate a mesh based on input parameters. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: renderer - SpriteShapeRenderer to which the generated geometry is fed to. +-- shapeParams - Input parameters for the SpriteShape tessellator. +-- points - A list of control points that describes the shape. +-- metaData - Additional data about the shape's control point. This is useful during tessellation of the shape. +-- sprites - The list of Sprites that could be used for the edges. +-- corners - The list of Sprites that could be used for the corners. +-- angleRange - A parameter that determins how to tessellate each of the edge. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.SpriteShapeModule.dll +---@param renderer UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeRenderer +---@param shapeParams UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeParameters +---@param points UnityEngine.U2D.ShapeControlPoint[] +---@param metaData UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeMetaData[] +---@param angleRange UnityEngine.U2D.AngleRangeInfo[] +---@param sprites UnityEngine.Sprite[] +---@param corners UnityEngine.Sprite[] +function CS.UnityEngine.U2D.SpriteShapeUtility:GenerateSpriteShape(renderer, shapeParams, points, metaData, angleRange, sprites, corners) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.UI.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.UI.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..991299c8b --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.UI.lua @@ -0,0 +1,2813 @@ +---@meta + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.AnimationTriggers: object +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field normalTrigger string +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field highlightedTrigger string +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field pressedTrigger string +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field selectedTrigger string +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field disabledTrigger string +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.AnimationTriggers = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Button: UnityEngine.UI.Selectable +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field onClick UnityEngine.UI.Button.ButtonClickedEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Button = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnPointerClick(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Button.OnSubmit(eventData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdate: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Prelayout UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdate +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Layout UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdate +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field PostLayout UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdate +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field PreRender UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdate +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field LatePreRender UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdate +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field MaxUpdateValue UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdate +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdate = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdate +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdate:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.ICanvasElement +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field transform UnityEngine.Transform +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.ICanvasElement = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param executing UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdate +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ICanvasElement.Rebuild(executing) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ICanvasElement.LayoutComplete() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ICanvasElement.GraphicUpdateComplete() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ICanvasElement.IsDestroyed() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdateRegistry: object +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field instance UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdateRegistry +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdateRegistry = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param element UnityEngine.UI.ICanvasElement +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdateRegistry:RegisterCanvasElementForLayoutRebuild(element) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param element UnityEngine.UI.ICanvasElement +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdateRegistry:TryRegisterCanvasElementForLayoutRebuild(element) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param element UnityEngine.UI.ICanvasElement +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdateRegistry:RegisterCanvasElementForGraphicRebuild(element) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param element UnityEngine.UI.ICanvasElement +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdateRegistry:TryRegisterCanvasElementForGraphicRebuild(element) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param element UnityEngine.UI.ICanvasElement +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdateRegistry:UnRegisterCanvasElementForRebuild(element) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdateRegistry:IsRebuildingLayout() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdateRegistry:IsRebuildingGraphics() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.ColorBlock: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field defaultColorBlock UnityEngine.UI.ColorBlock +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field normalColor UnityEngine.Color +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field highlightedColor UnityEngine.Color +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field pressedColor UnityEngine.Color +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field selectedColor UnityEngine.Color +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field disabledColor UnityEngine.Color +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field colorMultiplier float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field fadeDuration float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.ColorBlock = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ColorBlock.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.UI.ColorBlock +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ColorBlock.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param point1 UnityEngine.UI.ColorBlock +---@param point2 UnityEngine.UI.ColorBlock +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ColorBlock:op_Equality(point1, point2) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param point1 UnityEngine.UI.ColorBlock +---@param point2 UnityEngine.UI.ColorBlock +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ColorBlock:op_Inequality(point1, point2) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ColorBlock.GetHashCode() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.ClipperRegistry: object +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field instance UnityEngine.UI.ClipperRegistry +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.ClipperRegistry = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ClipperRegistry.Cull() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param c UnityEngine.UI.IClipper +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ClipperRegistry:Register(c) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param c UnityEngine.UI.IClipper +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ClipperRegistry:Unregister(c) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.IClipper +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.IClipper = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.IClipper.PerformClipping() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Clipping: object +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Clipping = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param rectMaskParents System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param validRect bool +---@return Rect +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Clipping:FindCullAndClipWorldRect(rectMaskParents, validRect) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.IClippable +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field gameObject UnityEngine.GameObject +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field rectTransform UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.IClippable = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.IClippable.RecalculateClipping() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param clipRect UnityEngine.Rect +---@param validRect bool +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.IClippable.Cull(clipRect, validRect) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param value UnityEngine.Rect +---@param validRect bool +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.IClippable.SetClipRect(value, validRect) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param clipSoftness UnityEngine.Vector2 +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.IClippable.SetClipSoftness(clipSoftness) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls: object +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field factory UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls.IFactoryControls +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param resources UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls.Resources +---@return GameObject +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls:CreatePanel(resources) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param resources UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls.Resources +---@return GameObject +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls:CreateButton(resources) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param resources UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls.Resources +---@return GameObject +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls:CreateText(resources) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param resources UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls.Resources +---@return GameObject +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls:CreateImage(resources) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param resources UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls.Resources +---@return GameObject +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls:CreateRawImage(resources) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param resources UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls.Resources +---@return GameObject +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls:CreateSlider(resources) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param resources UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls.Resources +---@return GameObject +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls:CreateScrollbar(resources) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param resources UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls.Resources +---@return GameObject +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls:CreateToggle(resources) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param resources UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls.Resources +---@return GameObject +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls:CreateInputField(resources) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param resources UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls.Resources +---@return GameObject +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls:CreateDropdown(resources) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param resources UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls.Resources +---@return GameObject +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.DefaultControls:CreateScrollView(resources) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.ButtonClickedEvent: UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.ButtonClickedEvent = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.IFactoryControls +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.IFactoryControls = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param name string +---@param components System.Type[] +---@return GameObject +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.IFactoryControls.CreateGameObject(name, components) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Resources: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field standard UnityEngine.Sprite +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field background UnityEngine.Sprite +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field inputField UnityEngine.Sprite +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field knob UnityEngine.Sprite +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field checkmark UnityEngine.Sprite +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field dropdown UnityEngine.Sprite +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field mask UnityEngine.Sprite +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Resources = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Dropdown: UnityEngine.UI.Selectable +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field template UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field captionText UnityEngine.UI.Text +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field captionImage UnityEngine.UI.Image +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field itemText UnityEngine.UI.Text +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field itemImage UnityEngine.UI.Image +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field options System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field onValueChanged UnityEngine.UI.Dropdown.DropdownEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field alphaFadeSpeed float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field value int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Dropdown = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param input int +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Dropdown.SetValueWithoutNotify(input) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Dropdown.RefreshShownValue() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param options System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Dropdown.AddOptions(options) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param options System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Dropdown.AddOptions(options) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param options System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Dropdown.AddOptions(options) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Dropdown.ClearOptions() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Dropdown.OnPointerClick(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Dropdown.OnSubmit(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Dropdown.OnCancel(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Dropdown.Show() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Dropdown.Hide() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Graphic: UnityEngine.EventSystems.UIBehaviour +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field defaultGraphicMaterial UnityEngine.Material +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field color UnityEngine.Color +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field raycastTarget bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field raycastPadding UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field depth int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field rectTransform UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field canvas UnityEngine.Canvas +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field canvasRenderer UnityEngine.CanvasRenderer +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field defaultMaterial UnityEngine.Material +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field material UnityEngine.Material +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field materialForRendering UnityEngine.Material +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field mainTexture UnityEngine.Texture +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Graphic = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.SetAllDirty() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.SetLayoutDirty() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.SetVerticesDirty() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.SetMaterialDirty() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.OnCullingChanged() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param update UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdate +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.Rebuild(update) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.LayoutComplete() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.GraphicUpdateComplete() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.OnRebuildRequested() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.SetNativeSize() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param sp UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param eventCamera UnityEngine.Camera +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.Raycast(sp, eventCamera) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param point UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.PixelAdjustPoint(point) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Rect +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.GetPixelAdjustedRect() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param targetColor UnityEngine.Color +---@param duration float +---@param ignoreTimeScale bool +---@param useAlpha bool +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.CrossFadeColor(targetColor, duration, ignoreTimeScale, useAlpha) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param targetColor UnityEngine.Color +---@param duration float +---@param ignoreTimeScale bool +---@param useAlpha bool +---@param useRGB bool +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.CrossFadeColor(targetColor, duration, ignoreTimeScale, useAlpha, useRGB) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param alpha float +---@param duration float +---@param ignoreTimeScale bool +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.CrossFadeAlpha(alpha, duration, ignoreTimeScale) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param action UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.RegisterDirtyLayoutCallback(action) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param action UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.UnregisterDirtyLayoutCallback(action) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param action UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.RegisterDirtyVerticesCallback(action) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param action UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.UnregisterDirtyVerticesCallback(action) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param action UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.RegisterDirtyMaterialCallback(action) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param action UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Graphic.UnregisterDirtyMaterialCallback(action) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRaycaster: UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseRaycaster +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field sortOrderPriority int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field renderOrderPriority int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field ignoreReversedGraphics bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field blockingObjects UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRaycaster.BlockingObjects +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field blockingMask UnityEngine.LayerMask +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field eventCamera UnityEngine.Camera +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRaycaster = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +---@param resultAppendList System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRaycaster.Raycast(eventData, resultAppendList) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRebuildTracker: object +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRebuildTracker = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param g UnityEngine.UI.Graphic +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRebuildTracker:TrackGraphic(g) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param g UnityEngine.UI.Graphic +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRebuildTracker:UnTrackGraphic(g) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRegistry: object +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field instance UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRegistry +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRegistry = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param c UnityEngine.Canvas +---@param graphic UnityEngine.UI.Graphic +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRegistry:RegisterGraphicForCanvas(c, graphic) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param c UnityEngine.Canvas +---@param graphic UnityEngine.UI.Graphic +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRegistry:RegisterRaycastGraphicForCanvas(c, graphic) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param c UnityEngine.Canvas +---@param graphic UnityEngine.UI.Graphic +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRegistry:UnregisterGraphicForCanvas(c, graphic) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param c UnityEngine.Canvas +---@param graphic UnityEngine.UI.Graphic +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRegistry:UnregisterRaycastGraphicForCanvas(c, graphic) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param canvas UnityEngine.Canvas +---@return IList +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRegistry:GetGraphicsForCanvas(canvas) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param canvas UnityEngine.Canvas +---@return IList +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRegistry:GetRaycastableGraphicsForCanvas(canvas) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.IMask +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field rectTransform UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.IMask = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.IMask.Enabled() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.IMaskable +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.IMaskable = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.IMaskable.RecalculateMasking() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Image: UnityEngine.UI.MaskableGraphic +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field sprite UnityEngine.Sprite +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field overrideSprite UnityEngine.Sprite +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field type UnityEngine.UI.Image.Type +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field preserveAspect bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field fillCenter bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field fillMethod UnityEngine.UI.Image.FillMethod +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field fillAmount float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field fillClockwise bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field fillOrigin int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field eventAlphaThreshold float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field alphaHitTestMinimumThreshold float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field useSpriteMesh bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field defaultETC1GraphicMaterial UnityEngine.Material +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field mainTexture UnityEngine.Texture +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field hasBorder bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field pixelsPerUnitMultiplier float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field pixelsPerUnit float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field material UnityEngine.Material +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field minWidth float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field preferredWidth float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field flexibleWidth float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field minHeight float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field preferredHeight float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field flexibleHeight float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field layoutPriority int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Image = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Image.DisableSpriteOptimizations() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Image.OnBeforeSerialize() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Image.OnAfterDeserialize() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Image.SetNativeSize() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Image.CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Image.CalculateLayoutInputVertical() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param screenPoint UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param eventCamera UnityEngine.Camera +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Image.IsRaycastLocationValid(screenPoint, eventCamera) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.FontData: object +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field defaultFontData UnityEngine.UI.FontData +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field font UnityEngine.Font +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field fontSize int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field fontStyle UnityEngine.FontStyle +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field bestFit bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field minSize int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field maxSize int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field alignment UnityEngine.TextAnchor +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field alignByGeometry bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field richText bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field horizontalOverflow UnityEngine.HorizontalWrapMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field verticalOverflow UnityEngine.VerticalWrapMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field lineSpacing float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.FontData = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.FontUpdateTracker: object +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.FontUpdateTracker = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param t UnityEngine.UI.Text +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.FontUpdateTracker:TrackText(t) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param t UnityEngine.UI.Text +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.FontUpdateTracker:UntrackText(t) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.OptionData: object +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field text string +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field image UnityEngine.Sprite +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.OptionData = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.BlockingObjects: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRaycaster.BlockingObjects +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field TwoD UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRaycaster.BlockingObjects +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field ThreeD UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRaycaster.BlockingObjects +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field All UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRaycaster.BlockingObjects +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.BlockingObjects = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.GraphicRaycaster.BlockingObjects +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.BlockingObjects:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.OptionDataList: object +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field options System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.OptionDataList = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.AspectRatioFitter: UnityEngine.EventSystems.UIBehaviour +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field aspectMode UnityEngine.UI.AspectRatioFitter.AspectMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field aspectRatio float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.AspectRatioFitter = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.AspectRatioFitter.SetLayoutHorizontal() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.AspectRatioFitter.SetLayoutVertical() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.AspectRatioFitter.IsComponentValidOnObject() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.AspectRatioFitter.IsAspectModeValid() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.ContentSizeFitter: UnityEngine.EventSystems.UIBehaviour +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field horizontalFit UnityEngine.UI.ContentSizeFitter.FitMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field verticalFit UnityEngine.UI.ContentSizeFitter.FitMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.ContentSizeFitter = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ContentSizeFitter.SetLayoutHorizontal() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ContentSizeFitter.SetLayoutVertical() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.DropdownEvent: UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.DropdownEvent = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.FitMode: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Unconstrained UnityEngine.UI.ContentSizeFitter.FitMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field MinSize UnityEngine.UI.ContentSizeFitter.FitMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field PreferredSize UnityEngine.UI.ContentSizeFitter.FitMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.FitMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.ContentSizeFitter.FitMode +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.FitMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Type: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Simple UnityEngine.UI.Image.Type +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Sliced UnityEngine.UI.Image.Type +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Tiled UnityEngine.UI.Image.Type +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Filled UnityEngine.UI.Image.Type +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Type = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.Image.Type +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Type:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.FillMethod: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Horizontal UnityEngine.UI.Image.FillMethod +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Vertical UnityEngine.UI.Image.FillMethod +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Radial90 UnityEngine.UI.Image.FillMethod +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Radial180 UnityEngine.UI.Image.FillMethod +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Radial360 UnityEngine.UI.Image.FillMethod +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.FillMethod = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.Image.FillMethod +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.FillMethod:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.OriginHorizontal: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Left UnityEngine.UI.Image.OriginHorizontal +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Right UnityEngine.UI.Image.OriginHorizontal +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.OriginHorizontal = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.Image.OriginHorizontal +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.OriginHorizontal:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.OriginVertical: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Bottom UnityEngine.UI.Image.OriginVertical +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Top UnityEngine.UI.Image.OriginVertical +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.OriginVertical = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.Image.OriginVertical +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.OriginVertical:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Origin90: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field BottomLeft UnityEngine.UI.Image.Origin90 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field TopLeft UnityEngine.UI.Image.Origin90 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field TopRight UnityEngine.UI.Image.Origin90 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field BottomRight UnityEngine.UI.Image.Origin90 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Origin90 = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.Image.Origin90 +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Origin90:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Origin180: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Bottom UnityEngine.UI.Image.Origin180 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Left UnityEngine.UI.Image.Origin180 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Top UnityEngine.UI.Image.Origin180 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Right UnityEngine.UI.Image.Origin180 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Origin180 = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.Image.Origin180 +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Origin180:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Origin360: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Bottom UnityEngine.UI.Image.Origin360 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Right UnityEngine.UI.Image.Origin360 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Top UnityEngine.UI.Image.Origin360 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Left UnityEngine.UI.Image.Origin360 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Origin360 = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.Image.Origin360 +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Origin360:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.InputField: UnityEngine.UI.Selectable +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field shouldHideMobileInput bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field shouldActivateOnSelect bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field text string +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field isFocused bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field caretBlinkRate float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field caretWidth int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field textComponent UnityEngine.UI.Text +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field placeholder UnityEngine.UI.Graphic +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field caretColor UnityEngine.Color +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field customCaretColor bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field selectionColor UnityEngine.Color +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field onEndEdit UnityEngine.UI.InputField.SubmitEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field onValueChange UnityEngine.UI.InputField.OnChangeEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field onValueChanged UnityEngine.UI.InputField.OnChangeEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field onValidateInput UnityEngine.UI.InputField.OnValidateInput +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field characterLimit int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field contentType UnityEngine.UI.InputField.ContentType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field lineType UnityEngine.UI.InputField.LineType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field inputType UnityEngine.UI.InputField.InputType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field touchScreenKeyboard UnityEngine.TouchScreenKeyboard +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field keyboardType UnityEngine.TouchScreenKeyboardType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field characterValidation UnityEngine.UI.InputField.CharacterValidation +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field readOnly bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field multiLine bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field asteriskChar char +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field wasCanceled bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field caretSelectPosition int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field caretPosition int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field selectionAnchorPosition int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field selectionFocusPosition int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field minWidth float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field preferredWidth float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field flexibleWidth float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field minHeight float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field preferredHeight float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field flexibleHeight float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field layoutPriority int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputField = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param input string +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputField.SetTextWithoutNotify(input) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param shift bool +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputField.MoveTextEnd(shift) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param shift bool +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputField.MoveTextStart(shift) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param screen UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputField.ScreenToLocal(screen) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputField.OnBeginDrag(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputField.OnDrag(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputField.OnEndDrag(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputField.OnPointerDown(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param e UnityEngine.Event +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputField.ProcessEvent(e) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputField.OnUpdateSelected(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputField.ForceLabelUpdate() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param update UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdate +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputField.Rebuild(update) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputField.LayoutComplete() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputField.GraphicUpdateComplete() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputField.ActivateInputField() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputField.OnSelect(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputField.OnPointerClick(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputField.DeactivateInputField() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputField.OnDeselect(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputField.OnSubmit(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputField.CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputField.CalculateLayoutInputVertical() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup: UnityEngine.UI.LayoutGroup +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field startCorner UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup.Corner +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field startAxis UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup.Axis +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field cellSize UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field spacing UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field constraint UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup.Constraint +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field constraintCount int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup.CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup.CalculateLayoutInputVertical() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup.SetLayoutHorizontal() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup.SetLayoutVertical() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.AspectMode: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.UI.AspectRatioFitter.AspectMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field WidthControlsHeight UnityEngine.UI.AspectRatioFitter.AspectMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field HeightControlsWidth UnityEngine.UI.AspectRatioFitter.AspectMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field FitInParent UnityEngine.UI.AspectRatioFitter.AspectMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field EnvelopeParent UnityEngine.UI.AspectRatioFitter.AspectMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.AspectMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.AspectRatioFitter.AspectMode +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.AspectMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler: UnityEngine.EventSystems.UIBehaviour +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field uiScaleMode UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler.ScaleMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field referencePixelsPerUnit float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field scaleFactor float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field referenceResolution UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field screenMatchMode UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler.ScreenMatchMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field matchWidthOrHeight float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field physicalUnit UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler.Unit +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field fallbackScreenDPI float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field defaultSpriteDPI float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field dynamicPixelsPerUnit float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup: UnityEngine.UI.LayoutGroup +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field spacing float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field childForceExpandWidth bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field childForceExpandHeight bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field childControlWidth bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field childControlHeight bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field childScaleWidth bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field childScaleHeight bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field reverseArrangement bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.ILayoutElement +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field minWidth float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field preferredWidth float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field flexibleWidth float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field minHeight float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field preferredHeight float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field flexibleHeight float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field layoutPriority int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.ILayoutElement = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ILayoutElement.CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ILayoutElement.CalculateLayoutInputVertical() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.ILayoutController +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.ILayoutController = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ILayoutController.SetLayoutHorizontal() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ILayoutController.SetLayoutVertical() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.ILayoutGroup +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.ILayoutGroup = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Corner: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field UpperLeft UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup.Corner +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field UpperRight UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup.Corner +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field LowerLeft UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup.Corner +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field LowerRight UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup.Corner +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Corner = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup.Corner +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Corner:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.ILayoutSelfController +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.ILayoutSelfController = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.ILayoutIgnorer +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field ignoreLayout bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.ILayoutIgnorer = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Axis: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Horizontal UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup.Axis +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Vertical UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup.Axis +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Axis = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup.Axis +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Axis:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Constraint: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Flexible UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup.Constraint +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field FixedColumnCount UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup.Constraint +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field FixedRowCount UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup.Constraint +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Constraint = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.GridLayoutGroup.Constraint +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Constraint:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.LayoutElement: UnityEngine.EventSystems.UIBehaviour +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field ignoreLayout bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field minWidth float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field minHeight float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field preferredWidth float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field preferredHeight float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field flexibleWidth float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field flexibleHeight float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field layoutPriority int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutElement = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutElement.CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutElement.CalculateLayoutInputVertical() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.HorizontalLayoutGroup: UnityEngine.UI.HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.HorizontalLayoutGroup = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.HorizontalLayoutGroup.CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.HorizontalLayoutGroup.CalculateLayoutInputVertical() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.HorizontalLayoutGroup.SetLayoutHorizontal() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.HorizontalLayoutGroup.SetLayoutVertical() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.LayoutGroup: UnityEngine.EventSystems.UIBehaviour +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field padding UnityEngine.RectOffset +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field childAlignment UnityEngine.TextAnchor +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field minWidth float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field preferredWidth float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field flexibleWidth float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field minHeight float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field preferredHeight float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field flexibleHeight float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field layoutPriority int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutGroup = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutGroup.CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutGroup.CalculateLayoutInputVertical() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutGroup.SetLayoutHorizontal() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutGroup.SetLayoutVertical() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.ScaleMode: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field ConstantPixelSize UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler.ScaleMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field ScaleWithScreenSize UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler.ScaleMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field ConstantPhysicalSize UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler.ScaleMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.ScaleMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler.ScaleMode +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ScaleMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.LayoutUtility: object +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutUtility = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param rect UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@param axis int +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutUtility:GetMinSize(rect, axis) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param rect UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@param axis int +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutUtility:GetPreferredSize(rect, axis) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param rect UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@param axis int +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutUtility:GetFlexibleSize(rect, axis) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param rect UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutUtility:GetMinWidth(rect) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param rect UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutUtility:GetPreferredWidth(rect) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param rect UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutUtility:GetFlexibleWidth(rect) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param rect UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutUtility:GetMinHeight(rect) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param rect UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutUtility:GetPreferredHeight(rect) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param rect UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutUtility:GetFlexibleHeight(rect) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param rect UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@param property System.Func +---@param defaultValue float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutUtility:GetLayoutProperty(rect, property, defaultValue) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param rect UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@param property System.Func +---@param defaultValue float +---@param source UnityEngine.UI.ILayoutElement +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutUtility:GetLayoutProperty(rect, property, defaultValue, source) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.ScreenMatchMode: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field MatchWidthOrHeight UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler.ScreenMatchMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Expand UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler.ScreenMatchMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Shrink UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler.ScreenMatchMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.ScreenMatchMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler.ScreenMatchMode +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ScreenMatchMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Unit: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Centimeters UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler.Unit +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Millimeters UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler.Unit +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Inches UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler.Unit +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Points UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler.Unit +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Picas UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler.Unit +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Unit = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.CanvasScaler.Unit +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Unit:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.VerticalLayoutGroup: UnityEngine.UI.HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.VerticalLayoutGroup = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.VerticalLayoutGroup.CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.VerticalLayoutGroup.CalculateLayoutInputVertical() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.VerticalLayoutGroup.SetLayoutHorizontal() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.VerticalLayoutGroup.SetLayoutVertical() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Mask: UnityEngine.EventSystems.UIBehaviour +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field rectTransform UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field showMaskGraphic bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field graphic UnityEngine.UI.Graphic +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Mask = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Mask.MaskEnabled() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Mask.OnSiblingGraphicEnabledDisabled() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param sp UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param eventCamera UnityEngine.Camera +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Mask.IsRaycastLocationValid(sp, eventCamera) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param baseMaterial UnityEngine.Material +---@return Material +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Mask.GetModifiedMaterial(baseMaterial) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.IMaterialModifier +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.IMaterialModifier = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param baseMaterial UnityEngine.Material +---@return Material +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.IMaterialModifier.GetModifiedMaterial(baseMaterial) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.MaskUtilities: object +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.MaskUtilities = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param mask UnityEngine.Component +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.MaskUtilities:Notify2DMaskStateChanged(mask) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param mask UnityEngine.Component +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.MaskUtilities:NotifyStencilStateChanged(mask) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param start UnityEngine.Transform +---@return Transform +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.MaskUtilities:FindRootSortOverrideCanvas(start) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param transform UnityEngine.Transform +---@param stopAfter UnityEngine.Transform +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.MaskUtilities:GetStencilDepth(transform, stopAfter) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param father UnityEngine.Transform +---@param child UnityEngine.Transform +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.MaskUtilities:IsDescendantOrSelf(father, child) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param clippable UnityEngine.UI.IClippable +---@return RectMask2D +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.MaskUtilities:GetRectMaskForClippable(clippable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param clipper UnityEngine.UI.RectMask2D +---@param masks System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.MaskUtilities:GetRectMasksForClip(clipper, masks) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.MaskableGraphic: UnityEngine.UI.Graphic +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field onCullStateChanged UnityEngine.UI.MaskableGraphic.CullStateChangedEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field maskable bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field isMaskingGraphic bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.MaskableGraphic = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param baseMaterial UnityEngine.Material +---@return Material +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.MaskableGraphic.GetModifiedMaterial(baseMaterial) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param clipRect UnityEngine.Rect +---@param validRect bool +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.MaskableGraphic.Cull(clipRect, validRect) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param clipRect UnityEngine.Rect +---@param validRect bool +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.MaskableGraphic.SetClipRect(clipRect, validRect) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param clipSoftness UnityEngine.Vector2 +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.MaskableGraphic.SetClipSoftness(clipSoftness) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.MaskableGraphic.ParentMaskStateChanged() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.MaskableGraphic.RecalculateClipping() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.MaskableGraphic.RecalculateMasking() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Navigation: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field mode UnityEngine.UI.Navigation.Mode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field wrapAround bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field selectOnUp UnityEngine.UI.Selectable +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field selectOnDown UnityEngine.UI.Selectable +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field selectOnLeft UnityEngine.UI.Selectable +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field selectOnRight UnityEngine.UI.Selectable +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field defaultNavigation UnityEngine.UI.Navigation +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Navigation = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.UI.Navigation +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Navigation.Equals(other) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.LayoutRebuilder: object +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field transform UnityEngine.Transform +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutRebuilder = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutRebuilder.IsDestroyed() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param layoutRoot UnityEngine.RectTransform +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutRebuilder:ForceRebuildLayoutImmediate(layoutRoot) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param executing UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdate +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutRebuilder.Rebuild(executing) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param rect UnityEngine.RectTransform +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutRebuilder:MarkLayoutForRebuild(rect) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutRebuilder.LayoutComplete() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutRebuilder.GraphicUpdateComplete() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutRebuilder.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutRebuilder.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LayoutRebuilder.ToString() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.RawImage: UnityEngine.UI.MaskableGraphic +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field mainTexture UnityEngine.Texture +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field texture UnityEngine.Texture +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field uvRect UnityEngine.Rect +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.RawImage = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.RawImage.SetNativeSize() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Mode: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.UI.Navigation.Mode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Horizontal UnityEngine.UI.Navigation.Mode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Vertical UnityEngine.UI.Navigation.Mode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Automatic UnityEngine.UI.Navigation.Mode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Explicit UnityEngine.UI.Navigation.Mode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Mode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.Navigation.Mode +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Mode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.RectMask2D: UnityEngine.EventSystems.UIBehaviour +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field padding UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field softness UnityEngine.Vector2Int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field canvasRect UnityEngine.Rect +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field rectTransform UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.RectMask2D = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param sp UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param eventCamera UnityEngine.Camera +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.RectMask2D.IsRaycastLocationValid(sp, eventCamera) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.RectMask2D.PerformClipping() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.RectMask2D.UpdateClipSoftness() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param clippable UnityEngine.UI.IClippable +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.RectMask2D.AddClippable(clippable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param clippable UnityEngine.UI.IClippable +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.RectMask2D.RemoveClippable(clippable) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect: UnityEngine.EventSystems.UIBehaviour +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field content UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field horizontal bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field vertical bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field movementType UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.MovementType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field elasticity float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field inertia bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field decelerationRate float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field scrollSensitivity float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field viewport UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field horizontalScrollbar UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field verticalScrollbar UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field horizontalScrollbarVisibility UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.ScrollbarVisibility +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field verticalScrollbarVisibility UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.ScrollbarVisibility +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field horizontalScrollbarSpacing float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field verticalScrollbarSpacing float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field onValueChanged UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.ScrollRectEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field velocity UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field normalizedPosition UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field horizontalNormalizedPosition float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field verticalNormalizedPosition float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field minWidth float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field preferredWidth float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field flexibleWidth float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field minHeight float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field preferredHeight float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field flexibleHeight float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field layoutPriority int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param executing UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdate +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.Rebuild(executing) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.LayoutComplete() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.GraphicUpdateComplete() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.IsActive() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.StopMovement() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param data UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.OnScroll(data) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.OnInitializePotentialDrag(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.OnBeginDrag(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.OnEndDrag(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.OnDrag(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.CalculateLayoutInputVertical() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.SetLayoutHorizontal() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.SetLayoutVertical() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Slider: UnityEngine.UI.Selectable +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field fillRect UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field handleRect UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field direction UnityEngine.UI.Slider.Direction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field minValue float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field maxValue float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field wholeNumbers bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field value float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field normalizedValue float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field onValueChanged UnityEngine.UI.Slider.SliderEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Slider = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param input float +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Slider.SetValueWithoutNotify(input) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param executing UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdate +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Slider.Rebuild(executing) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Slider.LayoutComplete() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Slider.GraphicUpdateComplete() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Slider.OnPointerDown(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Slider.OnDrag(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.AxisEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Slider.OnMove(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Selectable +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Slider.FindSelectableOnLeft() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Selectable +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Slider.FindSelectableOnRight() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Selectable +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Slider.FindSelectableOnUp() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Selectable +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Slider.FindSelectableOnDown() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Slider.OnInitializePotentialDrag(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param direction UnityEngine.UI.Slider.Direction +---@param includeRectLayouts bool +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Slider.SetDirection(direction, includeRectLayouts) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.CullStateChangedEvent: UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.CullStateChangedEvent = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.StencilMaterial: object +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.StencilMaterial = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param baseMat UnityEngine.Material +---@param stencilID int +---@return Material +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.StencilMaterial:Add(baseMat, stencilID) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param baseMat UnityEngine.Material +---@param stencilID int +---@param operation UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp +---@param compareFunction UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction +---@param colorWriteMask UnityEngine.Rendering.ColorWriteMask +---@return Material +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.StencilMaterial:Add(baseMat, stencilID, operation, compareFunction, colorWriteMask) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param baseMat UnityEngine.Material +---@param stencilID int +---@param operation UnityEngine.Rendering.StencilOp +---@param compareFunction UnityEngine.Rendering.CompareFunction +---@param colorWriteMask UnityEngine.Rendering.ColorWriteMask +---@param readMask int +---@param writeMask int +---@return Material +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.StencilMaterial:Add(baseMat, stencilID, operation, compareFunction, colorWriteMask, readMask, writeMask) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param customMat UnityEngine.Material +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.StencilMaterial:Remove(customMat) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.StencilMaterial:ClearAll() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.ContentType: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Standard UnityEngine.UI.InputField.ContentType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Autocorrected UnityEngine.UI.InputField.ContentType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field IntegerNumber UnityEngine.UI.InputField.ContentType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field DecimalNumber UnityEngine.UI.InputField.ContentType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Alphanumeric UnityEngine.UI.InputField.ContentType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Name UnityEngine.UI.InputField.ContentType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field EmailAddress UnityEngine.UI.InputField.ContentType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Password UnityEngine.UI.InputField.ContentType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Pin UnityEngine.UI.InputField.ContentType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Custom UnityEngine.UI.InputField.ContentType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.ContentType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.InputField.ContentType +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ContentType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.InputType: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Standard UnityEngine.UI.InputField.InputType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field AutoCorrect UnityEngine.UI.InputField.InputType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Password UnityEngine.UI.InputField.InputType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.InputField.InputType +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.InputType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.CharacterValidation: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.UI.InputField.CharacterValidation +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Integer UnityEngine.UI.InputField.CharacterValidation +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Decimal UnityEngine.UI.InputField.CharacterValidation +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Alphanumeric UnityEngine.UI.InputField.CharacterValidation +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Name UnityEngine.UI.InputField.CharacterValidation +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field EmailAddress UnityEngine.UI.InputField.CharacterValidation +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.CharacterValidation = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.InputField.CharacterValidation +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.CharacterValidation:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Text: UnityEngine.UI.MaskableGraphic +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field cachedTextGenerator UnityEngine.TextGenerator +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field cachedTextGeneratorForLayout UnityEngine.TextGenerator +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field mainTexture UnityEngine.Texture +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field font UnityEngine.Font +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field text string +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field supportRichText bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field resizeTextForBestFit bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field resizeTextMinSize int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field resizeTextMaxSize int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field alignment UnityEngine.TextAnchor +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field alignByGeometry bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field fontSize int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field horizontalOverflow UnityEngine.HorizontalWrapMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field verticalOverflow UnityEngine.VerticalWrapMode +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field lineSpacing float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field fontStyle UnityEngine.FontStyle +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field pixelsPerUnit float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field minWidth float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field preferredWidth float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field flexibleWidth float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field minHeight float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field preferredHeight float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field flexibleHeight float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field layoutPriority int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Text = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Text.FontTextureChanged() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param extents UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@return TextGenerationSettings +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Text.GetGenerationSettings(extents) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param anchor UnityEngine.TextAnchor +---@return Vector2 +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Text:GetTextAnchorPivot(anchor) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Text.CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Text.CalculateLayoutInputVertical() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Text.OnRebuildRequested() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.LineType: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field SingleLine UnityEngine.UI.InputField.LineType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field MultiLineSubmit UnityEngine.UI.InputField.LineType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field MultiLineNewline UnityEngine.UI.InputField.LineType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.LineType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.InputField.LineType +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.LineType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Toggle: UnityEngine.UI.Selectable +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field toggleTransition UnityEngine.UI.Toggle.ToggleTransition +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field graphic UnityEngine.UI.Graphic +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field onValueChanged UnityEngine.UI.Toggle.ToggleEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field group UnityEngine.UI.ToggleGroup +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field isOn bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Toggle = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param executing UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdate +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Toggle.Rebuild(executing) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Toggle.LayoutComplete() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Toggle.GraphicUpdateComplete() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Toggle.SetIsOnWithoutNotify(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Toggle.OnPointerClick(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Toggle.OnSubmit(eventData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.OnValidateInput: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.OnValidateInput = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param text string +---@param charIndex int +---@param addedChar char +---@return Char +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.OnValidateInput.Invoke(text, charIndex, addedChar) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param text string +---@param charIndex int +---@param addedChar char +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.OnValidateInput.BeginInvoke(text, charIndex, addedChar, callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +---@return Char +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.OnValidateInput.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.SubmitEvent: UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.SubmitEvent = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.OnChangeEvent: UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.OnChangeEvent = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.VertexHelper: object +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field currentVertCount int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field currentIndexCount int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.VertexHelper = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.VertexHelper.Dispose() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.VertexHelper.Clear() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param vertex UnityEngine.UIVertex +---@param i int +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.VertexHelper.PopulateUIVertex(vertex, i) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param vertex UnityEngine.UIVertex +---@param i int +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.VertexHelper.SetUIVertex(vertex, i) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param mesh UnityEngine.Mesh +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.VertexHelper.FillMesh(mesh) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param color UnityEngine.Color32 +---@param uv0 UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@param uv1 UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@param uv2 UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@param uv3 UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@param normal UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param tangent UnityEngine.Vector4 +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.VertexHelper.AddVert(position, color, uv0, uv1, uv2, uv3, normal, tangent) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param color UnityEngine.Color32 +---@param uv0 UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@param uv1 UnityEngine.Vector4 +---@param normal UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param tangent UnityEngine.Vector4 +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.VertexHelper.AddVert(position, color, uv0, uv1, normal, tangent) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param color UnityEngine.Color32 +---@param uv0 UnityEngine.Vector4 +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.VertexHelper.AddVert(position, color, uv0) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param v UnityEngine.UIVertex +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.VertexHelper.AddVert(v) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param idx0 int +---@param idx1 int +---@param idx2 int +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.VertexHelper.AddTriangle(idx0, idx1, idx2) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param verts UnityEngine.UIVertex[] +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.VertexHelper.AddUIVertexQuad(verts) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param verts System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param indices System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.VertexHelper.AddUIVertexStream(verts, indices) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param verts System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.VertexHelper.AddUIVertexTriangleStream(verts) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param stream System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.VertexHelper.GetUIVertexStream(stream) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.BaseVertexEffect: object +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.BaseVertexEffect = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param vertices System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.BaseVertexEffect.ModifyVertices(vertices) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.BaseMeshEffect: UnityEngine.EventSystems.UIBehaviour +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.BaseMeshEffect = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param mesh UnityEngine.Mesh +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.BaseMeshEffect.ModifyMesh(mesh) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param vh UnityEngine.UI.VertexHelper +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.BaseMeshEffect.ModifyMesh(vh) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.IVertexModifier +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.IVertexModifier = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param verts System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.IVertexModifier.ModifyVertices(verts) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.IMeshModifier +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.IMeshModifier = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param mesh UnityEngine.Mesh +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.IMeshModifier.ModifyMesh(mesh) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param verts UnityEngine.UI.VertexHelper +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.IMeshModifier.ModifyMesh(verts) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Outline: UnityEngine.UI.Shadow +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Outline = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param vh UnityEngine.UI.VertexHelper +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Outline.ModifyMesh(vh) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.PositionAsUV1: UnityEngine.UI.BaseMeshEffect +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.PositionAsUV1 = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param vh UnityEngine.UI.VertexHelper +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.PositionAsUV1.ModifyMesh(vh) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Shadow: UnityEngine.UI.BaseMeshEffect +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field effectColor UnityEngine.Color +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field effectDistance UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field useGraphicAlpha bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Shadow = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param vh UnityEngine.UI.VertexHelper +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Shadow.ModifyMesh(vh) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.MovementType: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Unrestricted UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.MovementType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Elastic UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.MovementType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Clamped UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.MovementType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.MovementType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.MovementType +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.MovementType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.ScrollbarVisibility: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Permanent UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.ScrollbarVisibility +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field AutoHide UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.ScrollbarVisibility +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field AutoHideAndExpandViewport UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.ScrollbarVisibility +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.ScrollbarVisibility = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRect.ScrollbarVisibility +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ScrollbarVisibility:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRectEvent: UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.ScrollRectEvent = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar: UnityEngine.UI.Selectable +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field handleRect UnityEngine.RectTransform +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field direction UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar.Direction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field value float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field size float +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field numberOfSteps int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field onValueChanged UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar.ScrollEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param input float +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar.SetValueWithoutNotify(input) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param executing UnityEngine.UI.CanvasUpdate +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar.Rebuild(executing) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar.LayoutComplete() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar.GraphicUpdateComplete() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar.OnBeginDrag(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar.OnDrag(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar.OnPointerDown(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar.OnPointerUp(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.AxisEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar.OnMove(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Selectable +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar.FindSelectableOnLeft() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Selectable +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar.FindSelectableOnRight() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Selectable +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar.FindSelectableOnUp() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Selectable +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar.FindSelectableOnDown() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar.OnInitializePotentialDrag(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param direction UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar.Direction +---@param includeRectLayouts bool +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar.SetDirection(direction, includeRectLayouts) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Direction: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field LeftToRight UnityEngine.UI.Slider.Direction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field RightToLeft UnityEngine.UI.Slider.Direction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field BottomToTop UnityEngine.UI.Slider.Direction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field TopToBottom UnityEngine.UI.Slider.Direction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Direction = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.Slider.Direction +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Direction:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.SliderEvent: UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.SliderEvent = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.SpriteState: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field highlightedSprite UnityEngine.Sprite +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field pressedSprite UnityEngine.Sprite +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field selectedSprite UnityEngine.Sprite +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field disabledSprite UnityEngine.Sprite +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.SpriteState = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.UI.SpriteState +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.SpriteState.Equals(other) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.ToggleTransition: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.UI.Toggle.ToggleTransition +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Fade UnityEngine.UI.Toggle.ToggleTransition +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.ToggleTransition = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.Toggle.ToggleTransition +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ToggleTransition:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.ToggleEvent: UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.ToggleEvent = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.ToggleGroup: UnityEngine.EventSystems.UIBehaviour +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field allowSwitchOff bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.ToggleGroup = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param toggle UnityEngine.UI.Toggle +---@param sendCallback bool +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ToggleGroup.NotifyToggleOn(toggle, sendCallback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param toggle UnityEngine.UI.Toggle +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ToggleGroup.UnregisterToggle(toggle) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param toggle UnityEngine.UI.Toggle +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ToggleGroup.RegisterToggle(toggle) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ToggleGroup.EnsureValidState() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ToggleGroup.AnyTogglesOn() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ToggleGroup.ActiveToggles() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Toggle +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ToggleGroup.GetFirstActiveToggle() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param sendCallback bool +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.ToggleGroup.SetAllTogglesOff(sendCallback) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Direction: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field LeftToRight UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar.Direction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field RightToLeft UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar.Direction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field BottomToTop UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar.Direction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field TopToBottom UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar.Direction +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Direction = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.Scrollbar.Direction +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Direction:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.ScrollEvent: UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.ScrollEvent = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Selectable: UnityEngine.EventSystems.UIBehaviour +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field allSelectablesArray UnityEngine.UI.Selectable[] +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field allSelectableCount int +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field allSelectables System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field navigation UnityEngine.UI.Navigation +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field transition UnityEngine.UI.Selectable.Transition +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field colors UnityEngine.UI.ColorBlock +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field spriteState UnityEngine.UI.SpriteState +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field animationTriggers UnityEngine.UI.AnimationTriggers +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field targetGraphic UnityEngine.UI.Graphic +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field interactable bool +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field image UnityEngine.UI.Image +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field animator UnityEngine.Animator +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Selectable = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param selectables UnityEngine.UI.Selectable[] +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Selectable:AllSelectablesNoAlloc(selectables) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Selectable.IsInteractable() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param dir UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@return Selectable +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Selectable.FindSelectable(dir) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Selectable +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Selectable.FindSelectableOnLeft() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Selectable +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Selectable.FindSelectableOnRight() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Selectable +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Selectable.FindSelectableOnUp() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@return Selectable +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Selectable.FindSelectableOnDown() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.AxisEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Selectable.OnMove(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Selectable.OnPointerDown(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Selectable.OnPointerUp(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Selectable.OnPointerEnter(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.PointerEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Selectable.OnPointerExit(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Selectable.OnSelect(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@param eventData UnityEngine.EventSystems.BaseEventData +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Selectable.OnDeselect(eventData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Selectable.Select() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UI.Transition: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.UI.Selectable.Transition +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field ColorTint UnityEngine.UI.Selectable.Transition +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field SpriteSwap UnityEngine.UI.Selectable.Transition +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +---@field Animation UnityEngine.UI.Selectable.Transition +---@source UnityEngine.UI.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UI.Transition = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UI.Selectable.Transition +function CS.UnityEngine.UI.Transition:__CastFrom(value) end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8814fad93 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.lua @@ -0,0 +1,575 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--A collection of easing curves to be used with ValueAnimations. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing: object +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:Step(t) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:Linear(t) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:InSine(t) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:OutSine(t) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:InOutSine(t) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:InQuad(t) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:OutQuad(t) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:InOutQuad(t) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:InCubic(t) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:OutCubic(t) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:InOutCubic(t) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@param power int +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:InPower(t, power) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@param power int +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:OutPower(t, power) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@param power int +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:InOutPower(t, power) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:InBounce(t) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:OutBounce(t) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:InOutBounce(t) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:InElastic(t) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:OutElastic(t) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:InOutElastic(t) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:InBack(t) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:OutBack(t) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:InOutBack(t) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@param s float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:InBack(t, s) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@param s float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:OutBack(t, s) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@param s float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:InOutBack(t, s) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:InCirc(t) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:OutCirc(t) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t float +---@return Single +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.Easing:InOutCirc(t) end + + +-- +--Container object used to animate multiple style values at once. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.StyleValues: System.ValueType +-- +--Top distance from the element's box during layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field top float +-- +--Left distance from the element's box during layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field left float +-- +--Fixed width of an element for the layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field width float +-- +--Fixed height of an element for the layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field height float +-- +--Right distance from the element's box during layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field right float +-- +--Bottom distance from the element's box during layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field bottom float +-- +--Color to use when drawing the text of an element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field color UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Background color to paint in the element's box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field backgroundColor UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Tinting color for the element's backgroundImage. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unityBackgroundImageTintColor UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Color of the border to paint inside the element's box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderColor UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Space reserved for the left edge of the margin during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field marginLeft float +-- +--Space reserved for the top edge of the margin during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field marginTop float +-- +--Space reserved for the right edge of the margin during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field marginRight float +-- +--Space reserved for the bottom edge of the margin during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field marginBottom float +-- +--Space reserved for the left edge of the padding during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field paddingLeft float +-- +--Space reserved for the top edge of the padding during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field paddingTop float +-- +--Space reserved for the right edge of the padding during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field paddingRight float +-- +--Space reserved for the bottom edge of the padding during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field paddingBottom float +-- +--Space reserved for the left edge of the border during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderLeftWidth float +-- +--Space reserved for the right edge of the border during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderRightWidth float +-- +--Space reserved for the top edge of the border during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderTopWidth float +-- +--Space reserved for the bottom edge of the border during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderBottomWidth float +-- +--The radius of the top-left corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element's box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderTopLeftRadius float +-- +--The radius of the top-right corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element's box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderTopRightRadius float +-- +--The radius of the bottom-left corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element's box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderBottomLeftRadius float +-- +--The radius of the bottom-right corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element's box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderBottomRightRadius float +-- +--Specifies the transparency of an element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field opacity float +-- +--Specifies how much the item will grow relative to the rest of the flexible items inside the same container. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field flexGrow float +-- +--Specifies how the item will shrink relative to the rest of the flexible items inside the same container. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field flexShrink float +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.StyleValues = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ITransitionAnimations +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ITransitionAnimations = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param from float +---@param to float +---@param durationMs int +---@param onValueChanged System.Action +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ITransitionAnimations.Start(from, to, durationMs, onValueChanged) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param from UnityEngine.Rect +---@param to UnityEngine.Rect +---@param durationMs int +---@param onValueChanged System.Action +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ITransitionAnimations.Start(from, to, durationMs, onValueChanged) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param from UnityEngine.Color +---@param to UnityEngine.Color +---@param durationMs int +---@param onValueChanged System.Action +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ITransitionAnimations.Start(from, to, durationMs, onValueChanged) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param from UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param to UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param durationMs int +---@param onValueChanged System.Action +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ITransitionAnimations.Start(from, to, durationMs, onValueChanged) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param from UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param to UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param durationMs int +---@param onValueChanged System.Action +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ITransitionAnimations.Start(from, to, durationMs, onValueChanged) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param from UnityEngine.Quaternion +---@param to UnityEngine.Quaternion +---@param durationMs int +---@param onValueChanged System.Action +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ITransitionAnimations.Start(from, to, durationMs, onValueChanged) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param from UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.StyleValues +---@param to UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.StyleValues +---@param durationMs int +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ITransitionAnimations.Start(from, to, durationMs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param to UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.StyleValues +---@param durationMs int +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ITransitionAnimations.Start(to, durationMs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param fromValueGetter System.Func +---@param to float +---@param durationMs int +---@param onValueChanged System.Action +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ITransitionAnimations.Start(fromValueGetter, to, durationMs, onValueChanged) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param fromValueGetter System.Func +---@param to UnityEngine.Rect +---@param durationMs int +---@param onValueChanged System.Action +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ITransitionAnimations.Start(fromValueGetter, to, durationMs, onValueChanged) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param fromValueGetter System.Func +---@param to UnityEngine.Color +---@param durationMs int +---@param onValueChanged System.Action +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ITransitionAnimations.Start(fromValueGetter, to, durationMs, onValueChanged) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param fromValueGetter System.Func +---@param to UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param durationMs int +---@param onValueChanged System.Action +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ITransitionAnimations.Start(fromValueGetter, to, durationMs, onValueChanged) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param fromValueGetter System.Func +---@param to UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param durationMs int +---@param onValueChanged System.Action +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ITransitionAnimations.Start(fromValueGetter, to, durationMs, onValueChanged) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param fromValueGetter System.Func +---@param to UnityEngine.Quaternion +---@param durationMs int +---@param onValueChanged System.Action +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ITransitionAnimations.Start(fromValueGetter, to, durationMs, onValueChanged) end + +-- +--Triggers an animation changing this element's layout style values. See Also: IStyle.top, IStyle.left, IStyle.width, IStyle.height. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param to UnityEngine.Rect +---@param durationMs int +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ITransitionAnimations.Layout(to, durationMs) end + +-- +--Triggers an animation changing this element's positioning style values. See Also: IStyle.top, IStyle.left. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param to UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param durationMs int +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ITransitionAnimations.TopLeft(to, durationMs) end + +-- +--Triggers an animation changing this element's size style values. See Also: IStyle.width, IStyle.height. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param to UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param durationMs int +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ITransitionAnimations.Size(to, durationMs) end + +-- +--Triggers an animation changing this element's transform scale. See Also: ITransform.scale. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param to float +---@param duration int +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ITransitionAnimations.Scale(to, duration) end + +-- +--Triggers an animation changing this element's transform position. See Also: ITransform.position. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param to UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@param duration int +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ITransitionAnimations.Position(to, duration) end + +-- +--Triggers an animation changing this element's transform rotation. See Also: ITransform.rotation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param to UnityEngine.Quaternion +---@param duration int +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ITransitionAnimations.Rotation(to, duration) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.IValueAnimation +-- +--Tells if the animation is currently active. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field isRunning bool +-- +--Duration of the transition in milliseconds. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field durationMs int +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.IValueAnimation = {} + +-- +--Starts the animation using this object's values. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.IValueAnimation.Start() end + +-- +--Stops this animation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.IValueAnimation.Stop() end + +-- +--Returns this animation object into its object pool. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.IValueAnimation.Recycle() end + + +-- +--Implementation object for transition animations. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ValueAnimation: object +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field durationMs int +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field easingCurve System.Func +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field isRunning bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field onAnimationCompleted System.Action +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field autoRecycle bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field valueUpdated System.Action +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field initialValue System.Func +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field interpolator System.Func +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field from T +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field to T +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ValueAnimation = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ValueAnimation.Start() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ValueAnimation.Stop() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ValueAnimation.Recycle() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param e UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@param interpolator System.Func +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ValueAnimation:Create(e, interpolator) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param easing System.Func +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ValueAnimation.Ease(easing) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param callback System.Action +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ValueAnimation.OnCompleted(callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return ValueAnimation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ValueAnimation.KeepAlive() end diff --git a/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.UIElements.lua b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.UIElements.lua new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b1c685681 --- /dev/null +++ b/nvim/mason/packages/lua-language-server/libexec/meta/default utf8/UnityEngine.UIElements.lua @@ -0,0 +1,8986 @@ +---@meta + +-- +--Element that can be bound to a property. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.BindableElement: UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +-- +--Binding object that will be updated. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field binding UnityEngine.UIElements.IBinding +-- +--Path of the target property to be bound. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field bindingPath string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.BindableElement = {} + + +-- +--Manipulator that tracks Mouse events on an element and callbacks when the elements is clicked. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Clickable: UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerManipulator +-- +--Specifies the mouse position saved during the last mouse event on the target Element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field lastMousePosition UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field clickedWithEventInfo System.Action +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field clicked System.Action +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Clickable = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Clickable.add_clickedWithEventInfo(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Clickable.remove_clickedWithEventInfo(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Clickable.add_clicked(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Clickable.remove_clicked(value) end + + +-- +--Use this class to display a contextual menu. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.ContextualMenuManager: object +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ContextualMenuManager = {} + +-- +--Checks if the event triggers the display of the contextual menu. This method also displays the menu. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: eventHandler - The element for which the menu is displayed. +-- evt - The event to inspect. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param evt UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +---@param eventHandler UnityEngine.UIElements.IEventHandler +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ContextualMenuManager.DisplayMenuIfEventMatches(evt, eventHandler) end + +-- +--Displays the contextual menu. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: triggerEvent - The event that triggered the display of the menu. +-- target - The element for which the menu is displayed. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param triggerEvent UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +---@param target UnityEngine.UIElements.IEventHandler +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ContextualMenuManager.DisplayMenu(triggerEvent, target) end + + +-- +--Manipulator that displays a contextual menu when the user clicks the right mouse button or presses the menu key on the keyboard. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.ContextualMenuManipulator: UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseManipulator +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ContextualMenuManipulator = {} + + +-- +--Script interface for VisualElement cursor style property IStyle.cursor. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Cursor: System.ValueType +-- +--The texture to use for the cursor style. To use a texture as a cursor, import the texture with "Read/Write enabled" in the texture importer (or using the "Cursor" defaults). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field texture UnityEngine.Texture2D +-- +--The offset from the top left of the texture to use as the target point (must be within the bounds of the cursor). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field hotspot UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Cursor = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Cursor.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.UIElements.Cursor +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Cursor.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Cursor.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param style1 UnityEngine.UIElements.Cursor +---@param style2 UnityEngine.UIElements.Cursor +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Cursor:op_Equality(style1, style2) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param style1 UnityEngine.UIElements.Cursor +---@param style2 UnityEngine.UIElements.Cursor +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Cursor:op_Inequality(style1, style2) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Cursor.ToString() end + + +-- +--This class provides information about the event that triggered displaying the drop-down menu. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuEventInfo: object +-- +--If modifier keys (Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Windows/Command) were pressed to trigger the display of the dropdown menu, this property lists the modifier keys. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field modifiers UnityEngine.EventModifiers +-- +--If the triggering event was a mouse event, this property is the mouse position expressed using the global coordinate system. Otherwise this property is zero. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field mousePosition UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--If the triggering event was a mouse event, this property is the mouse position. The position is expressed using the coordinate system of the element that received the mouse event. Otherwise this property is zero. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field localMousePosition UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuEventInfo = {} + + +-- +--An item in a drop-down menu. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuItem: object +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuItem = {} + + +-- +--A separator menu item. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuSeparator: UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuItem +-- +--The submenu path where the separator will be added. Path components are delimited by forward slashes ('/'). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field subMenuPath string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuSeparator = {} + + +-- +--A menu action item. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuAction: UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuItem +-- +--The name of the item. The name can be prefixed by its submenu path. Path components are delimited by forward slashes ('/'). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field name string +-- +--The status of the item. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field status UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuAction.Status +-- +--Provides information on the event that triggered the drop-down menu. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field eventInfo UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuEventInfo +-- +--The userData object stored by the constructor. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field userData object +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuAction = {} + +-- +--Always return Status.Enabled. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: a - Unused parameter. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param a UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuAction +---@return Status +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuAction:AlwaysEnabled(a) end + +-- +--Always return Status.Disabled. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: a - Unused parameter. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param a UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuAction +---@return Status +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuAction:AlwaysDisabled(a) end + +-- +--Update the status flag of this item by calling the item status callback. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: eventInfo - Information about the event that triggered the display of the drop-down menu, such as the mouse position or the key pressed. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param eventInfo UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuEventInfo +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuAction.UpdateActionStatus(eventInfo) end + +-- +--Execute the callback associated with this item. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuAction.Execute() end + + +-- +--A drop-down menu. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenu: object +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenu = {} + +-- +--The list of items in the menu. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return List +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenu.MenuItems() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param actionName string +---@param action System.Action +---@param actionStatusCallback System.Func +---@param userData object +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenu.AppendAction(actionName, action, actionStatusCallback, userData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param actionName string +---@param action System.Action +---@param status UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuAction.Status +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenu.AppendAction(actionName, action, status) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param atIndex int +---@param actionName string +---@param action System.Action +---@param actionStatusCallback System.Func +---@param userData object +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenu.InsertAction(atIndex, actionName, action, actionStatusCallback, userData) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param atIndex int +---@param actionName string +---@param action System.Action +---@param status UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuAction.Status +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenu.InsertAction(atIndex, actionName, action, status) end + +-- +--Add a separator line in the menu. The separator is added at the end of the current item list. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: subMenuPath - The submenu path where the separator will be added. Path components are delimited by forward slashes ('/'). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param subMenuPath string +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenu.AppendSeparator(subMenuPath) end + +-- +--Add a separator line in the menu. The separator is added at the end of the specified index in the list. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: atIndex - Index where the separator should be inserted. +-- subMenuPath - The submenu path where the separator is added. Path components are delimited by forward slashes ('/'). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param subMenuPath string +---@param atIndex int +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenu.InsertSeparator(subMenuPath, atIndex) end + +-- +--Remove the menu item at index. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The index of the item to remove. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param index int +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenu.RemoveItemAt(index) end + +-- +--Update the status of all items by calling their status callback and remove the separators in excess. This is called just before displaying the menu. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param e UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenu.PrepareForDisplay(e) end + + +-- +--Status of the menu item. The values of this enumeration should be used as flags. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Status: System.Enum +-- +--The item is not displayed. This is the default value and represents the absence of flags. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuAction.Status +-- +--The item is displayed normally. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Normal UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuAction.Status +-- +--The item is disabled and is not be selectable by the user. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Disabled UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuAction.Status +-- +--The item is displayed with a checkmark. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Checked UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuAction.Status +-- +--The item is not displayed. This flag can be used with other flags. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Hidden UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuAction.Status +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Status = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenuAction.Status +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Status:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Gates control when the dispatcher processes events. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.EventDispatcherGate: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventDispatcherGate = {} + +-- +--Implementation of IDisposable.Dispose. Opens the gate. If all gates are open, events in the queue are processed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventDispatcherGate.Dispose() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.UIElements.EventDispatcherGate +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventDispatcherGate.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventDispatcherGate.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventDispatcherGate.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.UIElements.EventDispatcherGate +---@param right UnityEngine.UIElements.EventDispatcherGate +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventDispatcherGate:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.UIElements.EventDispatcherGate +---@param right UnityEngine.UIElements.EventDispatcherGate +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventDispatcherGate:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +-- +--Dispatches events to a IPanel. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.EventDispatcher: object +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventDispatcher = {} + + +-- +--Base class for objects that can get the focus. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Focusable: UnityEngine.UIElements.CallbackEventHandler +-- +--Return the focus controller for this element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field focusController UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusController +-- +--True if the element can be focused. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field focusable bool +-- +--An integer used to sort focusables in the focus ring. Must be greater than or equal to zero. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field tabIndex int +-- +--Whether the element should delegate the focus to its children. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field delegatesFocus bool +-- +--Return true if the element can be focused. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field canGrabFocus bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Focusable = {} + +-- +--Attempt to give the focus to this element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Focusable.Focus() end + +-- +--Tell the element to release the focus. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Focusable.Blur() end + + +-- +--Base class for defining in which direction the focus moves in a focus ring. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusChangeDirection: object +-- +--Focus came from an unspecified direction, for example after a mouse down. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unspecified UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusChangeDirection +-- +--The null direction. This is usually used when the focus stays on the same element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field none UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusChangeDirection +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusChangeDirection = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param fcd UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusChangeDirection +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusChangeDirection:op_Implicit(fcd) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IFocusRing +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IFocusRing = {} + +-- +--Get the direction of the focus change for the given event. For example, when the Tab key is pressed, focus should be given to the element to the right. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param currentFocusable UnityEngine.UIElements.Focusable +---@param e UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +---@return FocusChangeDirection +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IFocusRing.GetFocusChangeDirection(currentFocusable, e) end + +-- +--Get the next element in the given direction. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param currentFocusable UnityEngine.UIElements.Focusable +---@param direction UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusChangeDirection +---@return Focusable +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IFocusRing.GetNextFocusable(currentFocusable, direction) end + + +-- +--Class in charge of managing the focus inside a Panel. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusController: object +-- +--The currently focused VisualElement. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field focusedElement UnityEngine.UIElements.Focusable +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusController = {} + + +-- +--Element that draws IMGUI content. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IMGUIContainer: UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +-- +--USS class name of elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ussClassName string +-- +--The function that is called to render and handle IMGUI events. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field onGUIHandler System.Action +-- +--When this property is set to true, onGUIHandler is not called when the Element is outside the viewport. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field cullingEnabled bool +-- +--ContextType of this IMGUIContrainer. Currently only supports ContextType.Editor. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field contextType UnityEngine.UIElements.ContextType +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field canGrabFocus bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IMGUIContainer = {} + +-- +--Marks layout as dirty to trigger a redraw. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IMGUIContainer.MarkDirtyLayout() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param evt UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IMGUIContainer.HandleEvent(evt) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IMGUIContainer.Dispose() end + + +-- +--Controls how many items can be selected at once. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.SelectionType: System.Enum +-- +--Selections are disabled. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.UIElements.SelectionType +-- +--Only one item is selectable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Single UnityEngine.UIElements.SelectionType +-- +--Multiple items are selectable at once. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Multiple UnityEngine.UIElements.SelectionType +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.SelectionType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.SelectionType +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.SelectionType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.ITransform +-- +--The position of the VisualElement's transform. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The rotation of the VisualElement's transform stored as a Quaternion. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field rotation UnityEngine.Quaternion +-- +--The scale of the VisualElement's transform. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field scale UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--Transformation matrix calculated from the position, rotation and scale of the transform (Read Only). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field matrix UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ITransform = {} + + +-- +--Used by manipulators to match events against their requirements. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.ManipulatorActivationFilter: System.ValueType +-- +--The button that activates the manipulation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field button UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseButton +-- +--Any modifier keys (ie. ctrl, alt, ...) that are needed to activate the manipulation. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field modifiers UnityEngine.EventModifiers +-- +--Number of mouse clicks required to activate the manipulator. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field clickCount int +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ManipulatorActivationFilter = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ManipulatorActivationFilter.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.UIElements.ManipulatorActivationFilter +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ManipulatorActivationFilter.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ManipulatorActivationFilter.GetHashCode() end + +-- +--True if the event matches the requirements. False otherwise. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: e - The mouse event. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param e UnityEngine.UIElements.IMouseEvent +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ManipulatorActivationFilter.Matches(e) end + +-- +--True if the event matches the requirements. False otherwise. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: e - The pointer event. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param e UnityEngine.UIElements.IPointerEvent +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ManipulatorActivationFilter.Matches(e) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param filter1 UnityEngine.UIElements.ManipulatorActivationFilter +---@param filter2 UnityEngine.UIElements.ManipulatorActivationFilter +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ManipulatorActivationFilter:op_Equality(filter1, filter2) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param filter1 UnityEngine.UIElements.ManipulatorActivationFilter +---@param filter2 UnityEngine.UIElements.ManipulatorActivationFilter +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ManipulatorActivationFilter:op_Inequality(filter1, filter2) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IManipulator +-- +--VisualElement being manipulated. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field target UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IManipulator = {} + + +-- +--Base class for all Manipulator implementations. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Manipulator: object +-- +--VisualElement being manipulated. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field target UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Manipulator = {} + + +-- +--Describes a MouseButton. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseButton: System.Enum +-- +--The Left Mouse Button. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field LeftMouse UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseButton +-- +--The Right Mouse Button. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field RightMouse UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseButton +-- +--The Middle Mouse Button. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field MiddleMouse UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseButton +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseButton = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseButton +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseButton:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Class that manages capturing mouse events. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseCaptureController: object +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseCaptureController = {} + +-- +--True if a handler is capturing the mouse, false otherwise. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseCaptureController:IsMouseCaptured() end + +-- +--Stops an event handler from capturing the mouse. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: handler - The event handler to stop capturing the mouse. If this handler is not assigned to capturing the mouse, nothing happens. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseCaptureController:ReleaseMouse() end + +-- +--True if the handler captures the mouse. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: handler - Event handler to check. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseCaptureController.HasMouseCapture() end + +-- +--Assigns an event handler to capture mouse events. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: handler - The event handler that captures mouse events. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseCaptureController.CaptureMouse() end + +-- +--Stops an event handler from capturing the mouse. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: handler - The event handler to stop capturing the mouse. If this handler is not assigned to capturing the mouse, nothing happens. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseCaptureController.ReleaseMouse() end + + +-- +--MouseManipulators have a list of activation filters. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseManipulator: UnityEngine.UIElements.Manipulator +-- +--List of Activationfilters. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field activators System.Collections.Generic.List +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseManipulator = {} + + +-- +--Describes in which context a VisualElement hierarchy is being ran. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.ContextType: System.Enum +-- +--Currently running in an Unity Player. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Player UnityEngine.UIElements.ContextType +-- +--Currently running in the Unity Editor. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Editor UnityEngine.UIElements.ContextType +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ContextType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.ContextType +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ContextType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Offers a set of values that describe the intended usage patterns of a specific VisualElement. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UsageHints: System.Enum +-- +--No particular hints applicable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.UIElements.UsageHints +-- +--Marks a VisualElement that changes its transformation often (i.e. position, rotation or scale). +--When specified, this flag hints the system to optimize rendering of the VisualElement for recurring transformation changes. The VisualElement's vertex transformation will be done by the GPU when possible on the target platform. +--Please note that the number of VisualElements to which this hint effectively applies can be limited by target platform capabilities. For such platforms, it is recommended to prioritize use of this hint to only the VisualElements with the highest frequency of transformation changes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field DynamicTransform UnityEngine.UIElements.UsageHints +-- +--Marks a VisualElement that hosts many children with DynamicTransform applied on them. +--A common use-case of this hint is a VisualElement that represents a "viewport" within which there are many DynamicTransform VisualElements that can move individually in addition to the "viewport" element also often changing its transformation. However, if the contents of the aforementioned "viewport" element are mostly static (not moving) then it is enough to use the DynamicTransform hint on that element instead of GroupTransform. +--Internally, an element hinted with GroupTransform will force a separate draw batch with its world transformation value, but in the same time it will avoid changing the transforms of all its descendants whenever a transformation change occurs on the GroupTransform element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field GroupTransform UnityEngine.UIElements.UsageHints +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UsageHints = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.UsageHints +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UsageHints:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IPanel +-- +--Root of the VisualElement hierarchy. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field visualTree UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +-- +--This Panel EventDispatcher. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field dispatcher UnityEngine.UIElements.EventDispatcher +-- +--Describes in which context a VisualElement hierarchy is being ran. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field contextType UnityEngine.UIElements.ContextType +-- +--Return the focus controller for this panel. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field focusController UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusController +-- +--The Contextual menu manager for the panel. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field contextualMenuManager UnityEngine.UIElements.ContextualMenuManager +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IPanel = {} + +-- +--Top VisualElement at the position. Null if none was found. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: point - World coordinates. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param point UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@return VisualElement +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IPanel.Pick(point) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param point UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param picked System.Collections.Generic.List +---@return VisualElement +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IPanel.PickAll(point, picked) end + + +-- +--A static class to capture and release pointers. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerCaptureHelper: object +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerCaptureHelper = {} + +-- +--True if element captured the pointer. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: handler - The VisualElement being tested. +-- pointerId - The captured pointer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param pointerId int +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerCaptureHelper.HasPointerCapture(pointerId) end + +-- +--Captures the pointer. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: handler - The VisualElement that captures the pointer. +-- pointerId - The pointer to capture. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param pointerId int +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerCaptureHelper.CapturePointer(pointerId) end + +-- +--Tests whether an element captured a pointer and, if so, tells the element to release the pointer. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: handler - The element which potentially captured the pointer. +-- pointerId - The captured pointer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param pointerId int +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerCaptureHelper.ReleasePointer(pointerId) end + +-- +--The element that is capturing the pointer. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: panel - The panel that holds the element. +-- pointerId - The captured pointer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param pointerId int +---@return IEventHandler +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerCaptureHelper.GetCapturingElement(pointerId) end + +-- +--Releases the pointer. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: panel - The panel that holds the element that captured the pointer. +-- pointerId - The captured pointer. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param pointerId int +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerCaptureHelper.ReleasePointer(pointerId) end + + +-- +--PointerManipulators have a list of activation filters. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerManipulator: UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseManipulator +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerManipulator = {} + + +-- +--Contains timing information of scheduler events. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.TimerState: System.ValueType +-- +--Start time in milliseconds, or last callback time for repeatable IScheduledItem. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field start long +-- +--Current time in milliseconds. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field now long +-- +--Time difference in milliseconds between now and the previous callback. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field deltaTime long +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TimerState = {} + +-- +--True if the objects are equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: obj - The object to compare with. +-- other - The object to compare with. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TimerState.Equals(obj) end + +-- +--True if the objects are equal. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: obj - The object to compare with. +-- other - The object to compare with. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.UIElements.TimerState +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TimerState.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TimerState.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param state1 UnityEngine.UIElements.TimerState +---@param state2 UnityEngine.UIElements.TimerState +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TimerState:op_Equality(state1, state2) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param state1 UnityEngine.UIElements.TimerState +---@param state2 UnityEngine.UIElements.TimerState +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TimerState:op_Inequality(state1, state2) end + + +-- +--Defaines how the position values are interpreted by the layout engine. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Position: System.Enum +-- +--The element is positioned in relation to its default box as calculated by layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Relative UnityEngine.UIElements.Position +-- +--The element is positioned in relation to its parent box and does not contribute to the layout anymore. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Absolute UnityEngine.UIElements.Position +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Position = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.Position +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Position:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Defines what should happend if content overflows an element bounds. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Overflow: System.Enum +-- +--The overflow is not clipped. It renders outside the element's box. Default Value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Visible UnityEngine.UIElements.Overflow +-- +--The overflow is clipped, and the rest of the content will be invisible. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Hidden UnityEngine.UIElements.Overflow +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Overflow = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.Overflow +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Overflow:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Abstract base class for VisualElement containing text. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.TextElement: UnityEngine.UIElements.BindableElement +-- +--USS class name of elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ussClassName string +-- +--The text associated with the element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field text string +-- +--When true, a tooltip displays the full version of elided text. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field displayTooltipWhenElided bool +-- +--Returns true if text is elided, false otherwise. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field isElided bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TextElement = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param textToMeasure string +---@param width float +---@param widthMode UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.MeasureMode +---@param height float +---@param heightMode UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.MeasureMode +---@return Vector2 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TextElement.MeasureTextSize(textToMeasure, width, widthMode, height, heightMode) end + + +-- +--Boxes against which the VisualElement content is clipped. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.OverflowClipBox: System.Enum +-- +--Clip the content against the box outside the padding areas but inside the borders. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field PaddingBox UnityEngine.UIElements.OverflowClipBox +-- +--Clip the content against the box inside the padding areas. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ContentBox UnityEngine.UIElements.OverflowClipBox +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.OverflowClipBox = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.OverflowClipBox +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.OverflowClipBox:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Defines the main-axis of the flex layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.FlexDirection: System.Enum +-- +--Top to Bottom. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Column UnityEngine.UIElements.FlexDirection +-- +--Bottom to Top. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ColumnReverse UnityEngine.UIElements.FlexDirection +-- +--Left to Right. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Row UnityEngine.UIElements.FlexDirection +-- +--Right to Left. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field RowReverse UnityEngine.UIElements.FlexDirection +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.FlexDirection = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.FlexDirection +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.FlexDirection:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--By default, items will all try to fit onto one line. You can change that and allow the items to wrap as needed with this property. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Wrap: System.Enum +-- +--All items will be on one line. Default Value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field NoWrap UnityEngine.UIElements.Wrap +-- +--Items will wrap onto multiple lines, from top to bottom. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Wrap UnityEngine.UIElements.Wrap +-- +--Items will wrap onto multiple lines from bottom to top. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field WrapReverse UnityEngine.UIElements.Wrap +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Wrap = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.Wrap +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Wrap:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Defines the alignement behavior along an axis. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Align: System.Enum +-- +--Let Flex decide. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Auto UnityEngine.UIElements.Align +-- +--Start margin of the item is placed at the start of the axis. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field FlexStart UnityEngine.UIElements.Align +-- +--Items are centered on the axis. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Center UnityEngine.UIElements.Align +-- +--End margin of the item is placed at the end of the axis. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field FlexEnd UnityEngine.UIElements.Align +-- +--Default. stretch to fill the axis while respecting min/max values. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Stretch UnityEngine.UIElements.Align +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Align = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.Align +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Align:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Defines the alignment along the main axis, how is extra space distributed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Justify: System.Enum +-- +--Items are packed toward the start line. Default Value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field FlexStart UnityEngine.UIElements.Justify +-- +--Items are centered along the line. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Center UnityEngine.UIElements.Justify +-- +--Items are packed toward the end line. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field FlexEnd UnityEngine.UIElements.Justify +-- +--Items are evenly distributed in the line; first item is on the start line, last item on the end line. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field SpaceBetween UnityEngine.UIElements.Justify +-- +--Items are evenly distributed in the line with equal space around them. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field SpaceAround UnityEngine.UIElements.Justify +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Justify = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.Justify +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Justify:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Specifies which part of the text the Element replaces with an ellipsis when textOverflow is set to TextOverflow.Ellipsis. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.TextOverflowPosition: System.Enum +-- +--The ellipsis replaces content at the end of the text. This is the default value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field End UnityEngine.UIElements.TextOverflowPosition +-- +--The ellipsis replaces content at the beginning of the text. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Start UnityEngine.UIElements.TextOverflowPosition +-- +--The ellipsis replaces content in the middle of the text. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Middle UnityEngine.UIElements.TextOverflowPosition +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TextOverflowPosition = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.TextOverflowPosition +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TextOverflowPosition:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Specifies how the text Element treats hidden overflow content. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.TextOverflow: System.Enum +-- +--The Element clips overflow content and hides it. This is the default value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Clip UnityEngine.UIElements.TextOverflow +-- +--The Element clips overflow content and hides it, but displays an ellipsis ("...") to indicate that clipped content exists. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Ellipsis UnityEngine.UIElements.TextOverflow +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TextOverflow = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.TextOverflow +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TextOverflow:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Specifies whether or not a VisualElement is visible. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Visibility: System.Enum +-- +--The VisualElement is visible. Default Value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Visible UnityEngine.UIElements.Visibility +-- +--The VisualElement is hidden. Hidden VisualElements will take up space in their parent layout if their positionType is set to PositionType.Relative. Use the display property to both hide and remove a VisualElement from the parent VisualElement layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Hidden UnityEngine.UIElements.Visibility +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Visibility = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.Visibility +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Visibility:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Word wrapping over multiple lines if not enough space is available to draw the text of an element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.WhiteSpace: System.Enum +-- +--Text will wrap when necessary. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Normal UnityEngine.UIElements.WhiteSpace +-- +--Text will never wrap to the next line. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field NoWrap UnityEngine.UIElements.WhiteSpace +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.WhiteSpace = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.WhiteSpace +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.WhiteSpace:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--UQuery is a set of extension methods allowing you to select individual or collection of visualElements inside a complex hierarchy. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UQuery: object +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQuery = {} + + +-- +--Defines how an element is displayed in the layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.DisplayStyle: System.Enum +-- +--The element displays normally. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Flex UnityEngine.UIElements.DisplayStyle +-- +--The element is not visible and absent from the layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.UIElements.DisplayStyle +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DisplayStyle = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.DisplayStyle +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DisplayStyle:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Template Container. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.TemplateContainer: UnityEngine.UIElements.BindableElement +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field templateId string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field contentContainer UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TemplateContainer = {} + + +-- +--Instantiates a TextElement using the data read from a UXML file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory = {} + + +-- +--Defines UxmlTraits for the TextElement. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.BindableElement.UxmlTraits +-- +--Enumerator to get the child elements of the UxmlTraits of TextElement. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field uxmlChildElementsDescription System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits = {} + +-- +--Initializer for the UxmlTraits for the TextElement. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: ve - VisualElement to initialize. +-- bag - Bag of attributes where to get the value from. +-- cc - Creation Context, not used. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param ve UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@param bag UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes +---@param cc UnityEngine.UIElements.CreationContext +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits.Init(ve, bag, cc) end + + +-- +--Query object containing all the selection rules. Can be saved and rerun later without re-allocating memory. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryState: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryState = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param element UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@return UQueryState +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryState.RebuildOn(element) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryState.First() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryState.Last() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param results System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryState.ToList(results) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return List +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryState.ToList() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryState.AtIndex(index) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param funcCall System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryState.ForEach(funcCall) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param result System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param funcCall System.Func +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryState.ForEach(result, funcCall) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param funcCall System.Func +---@return List +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryState.ForEach(funcCall) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryState +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryState.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryState.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryState.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param state1 UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryState +---@param state2 UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryState +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryState:op_Equality(state1, state2) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param state1 UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryState +---@param state2 UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryState +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryState:op_Inequality(state1, state2) end + + +-- +--Instantiates and clones a TemplateContainer using the data read from a UXML file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field uxmlName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field uxmlQualifiedName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory = {} + + +-- +--Defines UxmlTraits for the TemplateContainer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.BindableElement.UxmlTraits +-- +--Returns an empty enumerable, as template instance do not have children. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field uxmlChildElementsDescription System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits = {} + +-- +--Initialize TemplateContainer properties using values from the attribute bag. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: ve - The object to initialize. +-- bag - The attribute bag. +-- cc - The creation context; unused. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param ve UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@param bag UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes +---@param cc UnityEngine.UIElements.CreationContext +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits.Init(ve, bag, cc) end + + +-- +--Utility Object that contructs a set of selection rules to be ran on a root visual element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param classname string +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.Class(classname) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param id string +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.Name(id) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param classNames string[] +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.Descendents(name, classNames) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param classname string +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.Descendents(name, classname) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param classes string[] +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.Children(name, classes) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param className string +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.Children(name, className) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param classes string[] +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.OfType(name, classes) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param className string +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.OfType(name, className) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param selectorPredicate System.Func +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.Where(selectorPredicate) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.Active() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.NotActive() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.Visible() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.NotVisible() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.Hovered() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.NotHovered() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.Checked() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.NotChecked() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.Selected() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.NotSelected() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.Enabled() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.NotEnabled() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.Focused() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.NotFocused() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return UQueryState +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.Build() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param s UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder:op_Implicit(s) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param builder1 UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder +---@param builder2 UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder:op_Equality(builder1, builder2) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param builder1 UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder +---@param builder2 UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder:op_Inequality(builder1, builder2) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.First() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.Last() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return List +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.ToList() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param results System.Collections.Generic.List +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.ToList(results) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.AtIndex(index) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param result System.Collections.Generic.List +---@param funcCall System.Func +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.ForEach(result, funcCall) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param funcCall System.Func +---@return List +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.ForEach(funcCall) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param funcCall System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.ForEach(funcCall) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryBuilder.GetHashCode() end + + +-- +--UQuery is a set of extension methods allowing you to select individual or collection of visualElements inside a complex hierarchy. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryExtensions: object +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryExtensions = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param classes string[] +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryExtensions.Q(name, classes) end + +-- +--The first element matching all the criteria, or null if none was found. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: e - Root VisualElement on which the selector will be applied. +-- name - If specified, will select elements with this name. +-- classes - If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). +-- className - If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param classes string[] +---@return VisualElement +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryExtensions.Q(name, classes) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param className string +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryExtensions.Q(name, className) end + +-- +--The first element matching all the criteria, or null if none was found. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: e - Root VisualElement on which the selector will be applied. +-- name - If specified, will select elements with this name. +-- classes - If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). +-- className - If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param className string +---@return VisualElement +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryExtensions.Q(name, className) end + +-- +--QueryBuilder configured with the associated selection rules. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: e - Root VisualElement on which the selector will be applied. +-- name - If specified, will select elements with this name. +-- classes - If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). +-- className - If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param classes string[] +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryExtensions.Query(name, classes) end + +-- +--QueryBuilder configured with the associated selection rules. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: e - Root VisualElement on which the selector will be applied. +-- name - If specified, will select elements with this name. +-- classes - If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). +-- className - If specified, will select elements with the given class (not to be confused with Type). +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param className string +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryExtensions.Query(name, className) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param classes string[] +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryExtensions.Query(name, classes) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param name string +---@param className string +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryExtensions.Query(name, className) end + +-- +--An empty QueryBuilder on a specified root element. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: e - Root VisualElement on which the selector will be applied. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return UQueryBuilder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UQueryExtensions.Query() end + + +-- +--Describes the picking behavior. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.PickingMode: System.Enum +-- +--Picking enabled. Default Value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Position UnityEngine.UIElements.PickingMode +-- +--Disables picking. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Ignore UnityEngine.UIElements.PickingMode +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PickingMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.PickingMode +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PickingMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Base class for objects that are part of the UIElements visual tree. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement: UnityEngine.UIElements.Focusable +-- +--USS class name of local disabled elements. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field disabledUssClassName string +-- +--Used for view data persistence (ie. tree expanded states, scroll position, zoom level). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field viewDataKey string +-- +--This property can be used to associate application-specific user data with this VisualElement. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field userData object +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field canGrabFocus bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field focusController UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusController +-- +--A combination of hint values that specify high-level intended usage patterns for the VisualElement. +--This property can only be set when the VisualElement is not yet part of a Panel. Once part of a Panel, this property becomes effectively read-only, and attempts to change it will throw an exception. +--The specification of proper UsageHints drives the system to make better decisions on how to process or accelerate certain operations based on the anticipated usage pattern. +--Note that those hints do not affect behavioral or visual results, but only affect the overall performance of the panel and the elements within. +--Generally it advised to always consider specifying the proper UsageHints, but keep in mind that some UsageHints may be internally ignored under certain conditions (e.g. due to hardware limitations on the target platform). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field usageHints UnityEngine.UIElements.UsageHints +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field transform UnityEngine.UIElements.ITransform +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field layout UnityEngine.Rect +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field contentRect UnityEngine.Rect +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field worldBound UnityEngine.Rect +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field localBound UnityEngine.Rect +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field worldTransform UnityEngine.Matrix4x4 +-- +--Determines if this element can be pick during mouseEvents or IPanel.Pick queries. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field pickingMode UnityEngine.UIElements.PickingMode +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field name string +-- +--Returns true if the VisualElement is enabled in its own hierarchy. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field enabledInHierarchy bool +-- +--Returns true if the VisualElement is enabled locally. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field enabledSelf bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field visible bool +-- +--Called when the VisualElement visual contents need to be (re)generated. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field generateVisualContent System.Action +-- +--Returns the UIElements experimental interfaces. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field experimental UnityEngine.UIElements.IExperimentalFeatures +-- +--Access to this element physical hierarchy +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field hierarchy UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.Hierarchy +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field cacheAsBitmap bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field parent UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field panel UnityEngine.UIElements.IPanel +-- +--child elements are added to this element, usually this +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field contentContainer UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field this[] UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +-- +--Number of child elements in this object's contentContainer +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field childCount int +-- +--Retrieves this VisualElement's IVisualElementScheduler +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field schedule UnityEngine.UIElements.IVisualElementScheduler +-- +--Reference to the style object of this element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field style UnityEngine.UIElements.IStyle +-- +--Returns the custom style properties accessor for this element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field customStyle UnityEngine.UIElements.ICustomStyle +-- +--Returns a VisualElementStyleSheetSet that manipulates style sheets attached to this element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field styleSheets UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementStyleSheetSet +-- +--Text to display inside an information box after the user hovers the element for a small amount of time. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field tooltip string +-- +--Returns the VisualElement resolved style values. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field resolvedStyle UnityEngine.UIElements.IResolvedStyle +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.Focus() end + +-- +--Sends an event to the event handler. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: e - The event to send. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param e UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.SendEvent(e) end + +-- +--Changes the VisualElement enabled state. A disabled VisualElement does not receive most events. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: value - New enabled state +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param value bool +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.SetEnabled(value) end + +-- +--Triggers a repaint of the VisualElement on the next frame. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.MarkDirtyRepaint() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param localPoint UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.ContainsPoint(localPoint) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param rectangle UnityEngine.Rect +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.Overlaps(rectangle) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.ToString() end + +-- +--A class list. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.GetClasses() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.ClearClassList() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param className string +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.AddToClassList(className) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param className string +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.RemoveFromClassList(className) end + +-- +--Toggles between adding and removing the given class name from the class list. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: className - The class name to add or remove from the class list. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param className string +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.ToggleInClassList(className) end + +-- +--Enables or disables the class with the given name. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: className - The name of the class to enable or disable. +-- enable - A boolean flag that adds or removes the class name from the class list. If true, EnableInClassList adds the class name to the class list. If false, EnableInClassList removes the class name from the class list. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param className string +---@param enable bool +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.EnableInClassList(className, enable) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param cls string +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.ClassListContains(cls) end + +-- +--Searchs up the hierachy of this VisualElement and retrieves stored userData, if any is found. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Object +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.FindAncestorUserData() end + +-- +--Add an element to this element's contentContainer +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param child UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.Add(child) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param index int +---@param element UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.Insert(index, element) end + +-- +--Removes this child from the hierarchy +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param element UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.Remove(element) end + +-- +--Remove the child element located at this position from this element's contentContainer +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param index int +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.RemoveAt(index) end + +-- +--Remove all child elements from this element's contentContainer +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.Clear() end + +-- +--Retrieves the child element at position +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return VisualElement +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.ElementAt(index) end + +-- +--The index of the child, or -1 if the child is not found. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: element - The child to return the index for. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param element UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.IndexOf(element) end + +-- +--Returns the elements from its contentContainer +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.Children() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param comp System.Comparison +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.Sort(comp) end + +-- +--Brings this element to the end of its parent children list. The element will be visually in front of any overlapping sibling elements. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.BringToFront() end + +-- +--Sends this element to the beginning of its parent children list. The element will be visually behind any overlapping sibling elements. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.SendToBack() end + +-- +--Places this element right before the sibling element in their parent children list. If the element and the sibling position overlap, the element will be visually behind of its sibling. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sibling - The sibling element. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param sibling UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.PlaceBehind(sibling) end + +-- +--Places this element right after the sibling element in their parent children list. If the element and the sibling position overlap, the element will be visually in front of its sibling. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: sibling - The sibling element. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param sibling UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.PlaceInFront(sibling) end + +-- +--Removes this element from its parent hierarchy +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.RemoveFromHierarchy() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.GetFirstOfType() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.GetFirstAncestorOfType() end + +-- +--Returns true if the element is a direct child of this VisualElement +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param child UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.Contains(child) end + +-- +--Finds the lowest commont ancestor between two VisualElements inside the VisualTree hierarchy +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@return VisualElement +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.FindCommonAncestor(other) end + + +-- +--Instantiates a VisualElement using the data read from a UXML file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory = {} + + +-- +--Defines UxmlTraits for the VisualElement. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits +-- +--Returns an enumerable containing UxmlChildElementDescription(typeof(VisualElement)), since VisualElements can contain other VisualElements. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field uxmlChildElementsDescription System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits = {} + +-- +--Initialize VisualElement properties using values from the attribute bag. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: ve - The object to initialize. +-- bag - The attribute bag. +-- cc - The creation context; unused. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param ve UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@param bag UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes +---@param cc UnityEngine.UIElements.CreationContext +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits.Init(ve, bag, cc) end + + +-- +--The modes available to measure VisualElement sizes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.MeasureMode: System.Enum +-- +--The element should give its preferred width/height without any constraint. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Undefined UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.MeasureMode +-- +--The element should give the width/height that is passed in and derive the opposite site from this value (for example, calculate text size from a fixed width). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Exactly UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.MeasureMode +-- +--At Most. The element should give its preferred width/height but no more than the value passed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field AtMost UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.MeasureMode +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MeasureMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.MeasureMode +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MeasureMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Hierarchy is a struct allowing access to the hierarchy of visual elements +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Hierarchy: System.ValueType +-- +--Access the physical parent of this element in the hierarchy +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field parent UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +-- +--Number of child elements in this object's contentContainer +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field childCount int +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field this[] UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Hierarchy = {} + +-- +--Add an element to this element's contentContainer +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param child UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Hierarchy.Add(child) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param index int +---@param child UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Hierarchy.Insert(index, child) end + +-- +--Removes this child from the hierarchy +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param child UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Hierarchy.Remove(child) end + +-- +--Remove the child element located at this position from this element's contentContainer +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param index int +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Hierarchy.RemoveAt(index) end + +-- +--Remove all child elements from this element's contentContainer +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Hierarchy.Clear() end + +-- +--The index of the element, or -1 if the element is not found. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: element - The element to return the index for. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param element UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Hierarchy.IndexOf(element) end + +-- +--Retrieves the child element at position +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param index int +---@return VisualElement +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Hierarchy.ElementAt(index) end + +-- +--Returns the elements from its contentContainer +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return IEnumerable +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Hierarchy.Children() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param comp System.Comparison +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Hierarchy.Sort(comp) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.Hierarchy +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Hierarchy.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Hierarchy.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Hierarchy.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param x UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.Hierarchy +---@param y UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.Hierarchy +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Hierarchy:op_Equality(x, y) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param x UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.Hierarchy +---@param y UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.Hierarchy +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Hierarchy:op_Inequality(x, y) end + + +-- +--VisualElementExtensions is a set of extension methods useful for VisualElement. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementExtensions: object +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementExtensions = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param p UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementExtensions.WorldToLocal(p) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param p UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementExtensions.LocalToWorld(p) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param r UnityEngine.Rect +---@return Rect +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementExtensions.WorldToLocal(r) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param r UnityEngine.Rect +---@return Rect +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementExtensions.LocalToWorld(r) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param dest UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@param point UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@return Vector2 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementExtensions.ChangeCoordinatesTo(dest, point) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param dest UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@param rect UnityEngine.Rect +---@return Rect +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementExtensions.ChangeCoordinatesTo(dest, rect) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementExtensions.StretchToParentSize() end + +-- +--The given VisualElement's left and right edges will be aligned with the corresponding edges of the parent element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementExtensions.StretchToParentWidth() end + +-- +--Add a manipulator associated to a VisualElement. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: ele - VisualElement associated to the manipulator. +-- manipulator - Manipulator to be added to the VisualElement. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param manipulator UnityEngine.UIElements.IManipulator +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementExtensions.AddManipulator(manipulator) end + +-- +--Remove a manipulator associated to a VisualElement. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: ele - VisualElement associated to the manipulator. +-- manipulator - Manipulator to be removed from the VisualElement. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param manipulator UnityEngine.UIElements.IManipulator +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementExtensions.RemoveManipulator(manipulator) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IExperimentalFeatures +-- +--Returns the animation experimental interface. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field animation UnityEngine.UIElements.Experimental.ITransitionAnimations +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IExperimentalFeatures = {} + + +-- +--Define focus change directions for the VisualElementFocusRing. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementFocusChangeDirection: UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusChangeDirection +-- +--The focus is moving to the left. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field left UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusChangeDirection +-- +--The focus is moving to the right. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field right UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusChangeDirection +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementFocusChangeDirection = {} + + +-- +--Implementation of a linear focus ring. Elements are sorted according to their focusIndex. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementFocusRing: object +-- +--The focus order for elements having 0 has a focusIndex. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field defaultFocusOrder UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementFocusRing.DefaultFocusOrder +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementFocusRing = {} + +-- +--Get the direction of the focus change for the given event. For example, when the Tab key is pressed, focus should be given to the element to the right in the focus ring. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param currentFocusable UnityEngine.UIElements.Focusable +---@param e UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +---@return FocusChangeDirection +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementFocusRing.GetFocusChangeDirection(currentFocusable, e) end + +-- +--Get the next element in the given direction. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param currentFocusable UnityEngine.UIElements.Focusable +---@param direction UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusChangeDirection +---@return Focusable +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementFocusRing.GetNextFocusable(currentFocusable, direction) end + + +-- +--Ordering of elements in the focus ring. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.DefaultFocusOrder: System.Enum +-- +--Order elements using a depth-first pre-order traversal of the element tree. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ChildOrder UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementFocusRing.DefaultFocusOrder +-- +--Order elements according to their position, first by X, then by Y. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field PositionXY UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementFocusRing.DefaultFocusOrder +-- +--Order elements according to their position, first by Y, then by X. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field PositionYX UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementFocusRing.DefaultFocusOrder +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DefaultFocusOrder = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementFocusRing.DefaultFocusOrder +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DefaultFocusOrder:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IVisualElementScheduledItem +-- +--Returns the VisualElement this object is associated with. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field element UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +-- +--Will be true when this item is scheduled. Note that an item's callback will only be executed when it's VisualElement is attached to a panel. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field isActive bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IVisualElementScheduledItem = {} + +-- +--If not already active, will schedule this item on its VisualElement's scheduler. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IVisualElementScheduledItem.Resume() end + +-- +--Removes this item from its VisualElement's scheduler. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IVisualElementScheduledItem.Pause() end + +-- +--Cancels any previously scheduled execution of this item and re-schedules the item. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: delayMs - Minimum time in milliseconds before this item will be executed. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param delayMs long +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IVisualElementScheduledItem.ExecuteLater(delayMs) end + +-- +--This ScheduledItem. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: delayMs - The minimum number of milliseconds after activation where this item's action will be executed. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param delayMs long +---@return IVisualElementScheduledItem +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IVisualElementScheduledItem.StartingIn(delayMs) end + +-- +--This ScheduledItem. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: intervalMs - Minimum amount of time in milliseconds between each action execution. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param intervalMs long +---@return IVisualElementScheduledItem +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IVisualElementScheduledItem.Every(intervalMs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param stopCondition System.Func +---@return IVisualElementScheduledItem +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IVisualElementScheduledItem.Until(stopCondition) end + +-- +--This ScheduledItem. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: durationMs - The total duration in milliseconds where this item will be active. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param durationMs long +---@return IVisualElementScheduledItem +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IVisualElementScheduledItem.ForDuration(durationMs) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IVisualElementScheduler +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IVisualElementScheduler = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param timerUpdateEvent System.Action +---@return IVisualElementScheduledItem +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IVisualElementScheduler.Execute(timerUpdateEvent) end + +-- +--Reference to the scheduled action. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: timerUpdateEvent - The action to be executed. +-- updateEvent - The action to be executed. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param updateEvent System.Action +---@return IVisualElementScheduledItem +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IVisualElementScheduler.Execute(updateEvent) end + + +-- +--This structure manipulates the set of StyleSheet objects attached to the owner VisualElement. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementStyleSheetSet: System.ValueType +-- +--Number of style sheets attached to the owner element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field count int +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field this[] UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleSheet +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementStyleSheetSet = {} + +-- +--Adds a style sheet for the owner element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param styleSheet UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleSheet +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementStyleSheetSet.Add(styleSheet) end + +-- +--Removes all style sheets for the owner element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementStyleSheetSet.Clear() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param styleSheet UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleSheet +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementStyleSheetSet.Remove(styleSheet) end + +-- +--True if the style sheet is attached to the owner element, false otherwise. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param styleSheet UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleSheet +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementStyleSheetSet.Contains(styleSheet) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementStyleSheetSet +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementStyleSheetSet.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementStyleSheetSet.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementStyleSheetSet.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementStyleSheetSet +---@param right UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementStyleSheetSet +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementStyleSheetSet:op_Equality(left, right) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param left UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementStyleSheetSet +---@param right UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementStyleSheetSet +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElementStyleSheetSet:op_Inequality(left, right) end + + +-- +--Instantiates a BindableElement using the data read from a UXML file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory = {} + + +-- +--Defines UxmlTraits for the BindableElement. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.UxmlTraits +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits = {} + +-- +--Initialize EnumField properties using values from the attribute bag. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param ve UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@param bag UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes +---@param cc UnityEngine.UIElements.CreationContext +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits.Init(ve, bag, cc) end + + +-- +--Instantiates an IMGUIContainer using the data read from a UXML file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory = {} + + +-- +--Defines UxmlTraits for the IMGUIContainer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.UxmlTraits +-- +--Returns an empty enumerable, as IMGUIContainer cannot have VisualElement children. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field uxmlChildElementsDescription System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits = {} + + +-- +--VisualElement that can implement custom immediate mode rendering. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.ImmediateModeElement: UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +-- +--When this property is set to true, the Element does not repaint itself when it is outside the viewport. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field cullingEnabled bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ImmediateModeElement = {} + + +-- +--Abstract base class for controls. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseField: UnityEngine.UIElements.BindableElement +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ussClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field labelUssClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field inputUssClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field noLabelVariantUssClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field labelDraggerVariantUssClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field value TValueType +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field labelElement UnityEngine.UIElements.Label +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field label string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseField = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param newValue TValueType +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseField.SetValueWithoutNotify(newValue) end + + +-- +--Defines UxmlTraits for the BaseField. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.BindableElement.UxmlTraits +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param ve UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@param bag UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes +---@param cc UnityEngine.UIElements.CreationContext +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits.Init(ve, bag, cc) end + + +-- +--Traits for the BaseField. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseFieldTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseField.UxmlTraits +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseFieldTraits = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param ve UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@param bag UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes +---@param cc UnityEngine.UIElements.CreationContext +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseFieldTraits.Init(ve, bag, cc) end + + +-- +--This is the direction of the Slider and SliderInt. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.SliderDirection: System.Enum +-- +--An horizontal slider is made with a SliderDirection Horizontal. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Horizontal UnityEngine.UIElements.SliderDirection +-- +--An vertical slider is made with a SliderDirection Vertical. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Vertical UnityEngine.UIElements.SliderDirection +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.SliderDirection = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.SliderDirection +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.SliderDirection:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--This is a base class for the Slider fields. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseSlider: UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseField +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ussClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field labelUssClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field inputUssClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field horizontalVariantUssClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field verticalVariantUssClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field dragContainerUssClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field trackerUssClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field draggerUssClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field draggerBorderUssClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field textFieldClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field lowValue TValueType +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field highValue TValueType +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field range TValueType +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field pageSize float +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field showInputField bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field value TValueType +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field direction UnityEngine.UIElements.SliderDirection +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseSlider = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param newValue TValueType +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseSlider.SetValueWithoutNotify(newValue) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param factor float +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseSlider.AdjustDragElement(factor) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IBindable +-- +--Binding object that will be updated. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field binding UnityEngine.UIElements.IBinding +-- +--Path of the target property to be bound. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field bindingPath string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IBindable = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IBinding +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IBinding = {} + +-- +--Called at regular intervals to synchronize bound properties to their IBindable counterparts. Called before the Update() method. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IBinding.PreUpdate() end + +-- +--Called at regular intervals to synchronize bound properties to their IBindable counterparts. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IBinding.Update() end + +-- +--Disconnects the field from its bound property +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IBinding.Release() end + + +-- +--Extensions methods to provide additional IBindable functionality. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IBindingExtensions: object +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IBindingExtensions = {} + +-- +--True if this IBindable is bound to a property. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: control - This Bindable object. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IBindingExtensions.IsBound() end + + +-- +--Styled visual element to match the IMGUI Box Style. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Box: UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +-- +--USS class name of elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ussClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Box = {} + + +-- +--A clickable button. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Button: UnityEngine.UIElements.TextElement +-- +--USS class name of elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ussClassName string +-- +--Clickable MouseManipulator for this Button. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field clickable UnityEngine.UIElements.Clickable +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field onClick System.Action +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field clicked System.Action +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Button = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Button.add_onClick(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Button.remove_onClick(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Button.add_clicked(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Button.remove_clicked(value) end + + +-- +--Collapsable section of UI. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Foldout: UnityEngine.UIElements.BindableElement +-- +--USS class name of elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ussClassName string +-- +--USS class name of toggle elements in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field toggleUssClassName string +-- +--USS class name of content element in a Foldout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field contentUssClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field contentContainer UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field text string +-- +--Contains the collapse state. True if the Foldout is open and the contents are visible. False if it's collapsed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field value bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Foldout = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param newValue bool +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Foldout.SetValueWithoutNotify(newValue) end + + +-- +--User message types. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.HelpBoxMessageType: System.Enum +-- +--Neutral message. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.UIElements.HelpBoxMessageType +-- +--Info message. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Info UnityEngine.UIElements.HelpBoxMessageType +-- +--Warning message. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Warning UnityEngine.UIElements.HelpBoxMessageType +-- +--Error message. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Error UnityEngine.UIElements.HelpBoxMessageType +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.HelpBoxMessageType = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.HelpBoxMessageType +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.HelpBoxMessageType:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Instantiates a Box using the data read from a UXML file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory = {} + + +-- +--Makes a help box with a message to the user. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.HelpBox: UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +-- +--The USS class name for Elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ussClassName string +-- +--The USS class name for labels in Elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field labelUssClassName string +-- +--The USS class name for images in Elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field iconUssClassName string +-- +--The USS class name for the HelpBoxMessageType.Info state in Elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field iconInfoUssClassName string +-- +--The USS class name for the HelpBoxMessageType.Warning state in Elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field iconwarningUssClassName string +-- +--The USS class name for the HelpBoxMessageType.Error state in Elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field iconErrorUssClassName string +-- +--The message text. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field text string +-- +--The type of message. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field messageType UnityEngine.UIElements.HelpBoxMessageType +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.HelpBox = {} + + +-- +--Instantiates a Foldout using the data read from a UXML file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory = {} + + +-- +--A VisualElement representing a source texture. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Image: UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +-- +--USS class name of elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ussClassName string +-- +--The texture to display in this image. You cannot set this and Image.vectorImage at the same time. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field image UnityEngine.Texture +-- +--The VectorImage to display in this image. You cannot set this and Image.image at the same time. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field vectorImage UnityEngine.UIElements.VectorImage +-- +--The source rectangle inside the texture relative to the top left corner. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field sourceRect UnityEngine.Rect +-- +--The base texture coordinates of the Image relative to the bottom left corner. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field uv UnityEngine.Rect +-- +--ScaleMode used to display the Image. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field scaleMode UnityEngine.ScaleMode +-- +--Tinting color for this Image. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field tintColor UnityEngine.Color +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Image = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.BindableElement.UxmlTraits +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param ve UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@param bag UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes +---@param cc UnityEngine.UIElements.CreationContext +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits.Init(ve, bag, cc) end + + +-- +--Provides an Element displaying text. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Label: UnityEngine.UIElements.TextElement +-- +--USS class name of elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ussClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Label = {} + + +-- +--Instantiates a Button using the data read from a UXML file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory = {} + + +-- +--Defines UxmlTraits for the Button. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.TextElement.UxmlTraits +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits = {} + + +-- +--Options for displaying alternating background colors for ListView rows. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.AlternatingRowBackground: System.Enum +-- +--Do not alternate background colors for rows. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.UIElements.AlternatingRowBackground +-- +--Display alternating background colors only for rows that contain content. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ContentOnly UnityEngine.UIElements.AlternatingRowBackground +-- +--Display alternating background colors for all rows in the ListView, regardless of whether they contain content. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field All UnityEngine.UIElements.AlternatingRowBackground +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.AlternatingRowBackground = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.AlternatingRowBackground +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.AlternatingRowBackground:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--A vertically scrollable area that only creates visual elements for visible items while allowing the binding of many more items. As the user scrolls, visual elements are recycled and re-bound to new data items. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.ListView: UnityEngine.UIElements.BindableElement +-- +--USS class name for elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ussClassName string +-- +--The USS class name. Enable the showBorder property to apply this class to the ListView. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderUssClassName string +-- +--The USS class name of item elements in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field itemUssClassName string +-- +--The USS class name of the drag hover bar. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field dragHoverBarUssClassName string +-- +--The USS class name that is applied to the element on drag hover. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field itemDragHoverUssClassName string +-- +--The USS class name of item elements in elements of this type, when they are selected. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field itemSelectedVariantUssClassName string +-- +--The USS class name for odd rows in the ListView. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field itemAlternativeBackgroundUssClassName string +-- +--The items data source. This property must be set for the list view to function. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field itemsSource System.Collections.IList +-- +--Callback for constructing the VisualElement that will serve as the template for each recycled and re-bound element in the list. This property must be set for the list view to function. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field makeItem System.Func +-- +--Callback for unbinding a data item from the visual element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unbindItem System.Action +-- +--Callback for binding a data item to the visual element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field bindItem System.Action +-- +--Computed pixel aligned height for the list elements. This value will change depending on the current panel's dpi scaling. See Also: ListView.itemHeight. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field resolvedItemHeight float +-- +--ListView requires all visual elements to have the same height so that it can calculate a sensible scroller size. This property must be set for the list view to function. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field itemHeight int +-- +--Enable this property to display a border around the ListView. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field showBorder bool +-- +--Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the user can drag list items to reorder them. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field reorderable bool +-- +--Returns the selected item's index in the items source. If multiple items are selected, returns the first selected item's index. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field selectedIndex int +-- +--The indices of selected items in the items source. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field selectedIndices System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +-- +--Returns the selected item from the items source. If multiple items are selected, returns the first selected item. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field selectedItem object +-- +--The selected items from the items source. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field selectedItems System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field contentContainer UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +-- +--Controls the selection state. You can set the state to disable selections, have one selectable item, or have multiple selectable items. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field selectionType UnityEngine.UIElements.SelectionType +-- +--Enable this property to display alternating background colors for rows in the ListView. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field showAlternatingRowBackgrounds UnityEngine.UIElements.AlternatingRowBackground +-- +--When you bind a list view to an array, this property controls whether the list view displays the collection size as the first list item. Set to true to display the collection size, false to omit it. Default is true. See Also: UnityEditor.UIElements.BindingExtensions.Bind +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field showBoundCollectionSize bool +-- +--This flag indicates whether the ListView should show a horizontal scroll bar when its content does not fit. The default value is False. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field horizontalScrollingEnabled bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field onItemChosen System.Action +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field onItemsChosen System.Action> +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field onSelectionChanged System.Action> +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field onSelectionChange System.Action> +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ListView = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ListView.add_onItemChosen(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ListView.remove_onItemChosen(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param value System.Action> +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ListView.add_onItemsChosen(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param value System.Action> +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ListView.remove_onItemsChosen(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param value System.Action> +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ListView.add_onSelectionChanged(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param value System.Action> +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ListView.remove_onSelectionChanged(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param value System.Action> +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ListView.add_onSelectionChange(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param value System.Action> +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ListView.remove_onSelectionChange(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param evt UnityEngine.UIElements.KeyDownEvent +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ListView.OnKeyDown(evt) end + +-- +--Scroll to a specific item index and make it visible. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Item index to scroll to. Specify -1 to make the last item visible. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param index int +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ListView.ScrollToItem(index) end + +-- +--Adds an item to the collection of selected items. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Item index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param index int +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ListView.AddToSelection(index) end + +-- +--Removes an item from the collection of selected items. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Item index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param index int +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ListView.RemoveFromSelection(index) end + +-- +--Sets the currently selected item. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - Item index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param index int +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ListView.SetSelection(index) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param indices System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ListView.SetSelection(indices) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param indices System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ListView.SetSelectionWithoutNotify(indices) end + +-- +--Unselects any selected items. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ListView.ClearSelection() end + +-- +--Scroll to a specific visual element. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: visualElement - Element to scroll to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param visualElement UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ListView.ScrollTo(visualElement) end + +-- +--Clear, recreate all visible visual elements, and rebind all items. This should be called whenever the items source changes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ListView.Refresh() end + + +-- +--Instantiates a HelpBox with data from a UXML file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory = {} + + +-- +--Defines UxmlTraits for the HelpBox. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.UxmlTraits +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits = {} + +-- +--Initializes HelpBox properties with values from an attribute bag. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: ve - The Element to initialize. +-- bag - The attribute bag. +-- cc - The creation context; unused. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param ve UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@param bag UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes +---@param cc UnityEngine.UIElements.CreationContext +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits.Init(ve, bag, cc) end + + +-- +--A min/max slider containing a representation of a range. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.MinMaxSlider: UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseField +-- +--USS class name of elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ussClassName string +-- +--USS class name of labels in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field labelUssClassName string +-- +--USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field inputUssClassName string +-- +--USS class name of tracker elements in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field trackerUssClassName string +-- +--USS class name of dragger elements in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field draggerUssClassName string +-- +--USS class name of the minimum thumb elements in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field minThumbUssClassName string +-- +--USS class name of the maximum thumb elements in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field maxThumbUssClassName string +-- +--This is the low value of the range represented on the slider. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field minValue float +-- +--This is the high value of the range represented on the slider. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field maxValue float +-- +--This is the value of the slider. This is a Vector2 where the x is the lower bound and the y is the higher bound. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field value UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--Returns the range of the low/high limits of the slider. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field range float +-- +--This is the low limit of the slider. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field lowLimit float +-- +--This is the high limit of the slider. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field highLimit float +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MinMaxSlider = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param newValue UnityEngine.Vector2 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MinMaxSlider.SetValueWithoutNotify(newValue) end + + +-- +--Instantiates an Image using the data read from a UXML file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory = {} + + +-- +--Defines UxmlTraits for the Image. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.UxmlTraits +-- +--Returns an empty enumerable, as images generally do not have children. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field uxmlChildElementsDescription System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits = {} + + +-- +--Instantiates a Label using the data read from a UXML file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory = {} + + +-- +--Defines UxmlTraits for the Label. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.TextElement.UxmlTraits +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits = {} + + +-- +--Styled visual element that matches the EditorGUILayout.Popup IMGUI element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.PopupWindow: UnityEngine.UIElements.TextElement +-- +--USS class name of elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ussClassName string +-- +--USS class name of content elements in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field contentUssClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field contentContainer UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PopupWindow = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.INotifyValueChanged +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field value T +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.INotifyValueChanged = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param newValue T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.INotifyValueChanged.SetValueWithoutNotify(newValue) end + + +-- +--Instantiates a ListView using the data read from a UXML file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory = {} + + +-- +--INotifyValueChangedExtensions is a set of extension methods useful for objects implementing INotifyValueChanged. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.INotifyValueChangedExtensions: object +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.INotifyValueChangedExtensions = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param callback UnityEngine.UIElements.EventCallback> +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.INotifyValueChangedExtensions.RegisterValueChangedCallback(callback) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param callback UnityEngine.UIElements.EventCallback> +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.INotifyValueChangedExtensions.UnregisterValueChangedCallback(callback) end + + +-- +--Defines UxmlTraits for the ListView. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.BindableElement.UxmlTraits +-- +--Returns an empty enumerable, as list views generally do not have children. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field uxmlChildElementsDescription System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits = {} + +-- +--Initialize ListView properties using values from the attribute bag. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: ve - The object to initialize. +-- bag - The attribute bag. +-- cc - The creation context; unused. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param ve UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@param bag UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes +---@param cc UnityEngine.UIElements.CreationContext +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits.Init(ve, bag, cc) end + + +-- +--Instantiates a MinMaxSlider using the data read from a UXML file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory = {} + + +-- +--Defines UxmlTraits for the MinMaxSlider. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseField.UxmlTraits +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits = {} + +-- +--Initialize MinMaxSlider properties using values from the attribute bag. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: ve - The element to initialize. +-- bag - The bag of attributes. +-- cc - Creation Context, unused. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param ve UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@param bag UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes +---@param cc UnityEngine.UIElements.CreationContext +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits.Init(ve, bag, cc) end + + +-- +--Instantiates a PopupWindow using the data read from a UXML file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory = {} + + +-- +--Defines UxmlTraits for the PopupWindow. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.TextElement.UxmlTraits +-- +--Returns an empty enumerable, as popup windows generally do not have children. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field uxmlChildElementsDescription System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits = {} + + +-- +--A button that executes an action repeatedly while it is pressed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.RepeatButton: UnityEngine.UIElements.TextElement +-- +--USS class name of elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ussClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.RepeatButton = {} + +-- +--Set the action that should be executed when the button is pressed. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: clickEvent - The action to execute. +-- delay - The initial delay before the action is executed for the first time. +-- interval - The interval between each execution of the action. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param clickEvent System.Action +---@param delay long +---@param interval long +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.RepeatButton.SetAction(clickEvent, delay, interval) end + + +-- +--A vertical or horizontal scrollbar. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Scroller: UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +-- +--USS class name of elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ussClassName string +-- +--USS class name of elements of this type, when they are displayed horizontally. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field horizontalVariantUssClassName string +-- +--USS class name of elements of this type, when they are displayed vertically. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field verticalVariantUssClassName string +-- +--USS class name of slider elements in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field sliderUssClassName string +-- +--USS class name of low buttons in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field lowButtonUssClassName string +-- +--USS class name of high buttons in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field highButtonUssClassName string +-- +--The slider used by this scroller. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field slider UnityEngine.UIElements.Slider +-- +--Bottom or left scroll button. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field lowButton UnityEngine.UIElements.RepeatButton +-- +--Top or right scroll button. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field highButton UnityEngine.UIElements.RepeatButton +-- +--Value that defines the slider position. It lies between lowValue and highValue. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field value float +-- +--Minimum value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field lowValue float +-- +--Maximum value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field highValue float +-- +--Direction of this scrollbar. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field direction UnityEngine.UIElements.SliderDirection +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field valueChanged System.Action +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Scroller = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Scroller.add_valueChanged(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param value System.Action +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Scroller.remove_valueChanged(value) end + +-- +--Updates the slider element size as a ratio of total range. A value greater than 1 will disable the Scroller. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: factor - Slider size ratio. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param factor float +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Scroller.Adjust(factor) end + +-- +--Will change the value according to the current slider pageSize. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Scroller.ScrollPageUp() end + +-- +--Will change the value according to the current slider pageSize. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Scroller.ScrollPageDown() end + +-- +--Will change the value according to the current slider pageSize. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param factor float +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Scroller.ScrollPageUp(factor) end + +-- +--Will change the value according to the current slider pageSize. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param factor float +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Scroller.ScrollPageDown(factor) end + + +-- +--Instantiates a RepeatButton using the data read from a UXML file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory = {} + + +-- +--Defines UxmlTraits for the RepeatButton. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.TextElement.UxmlTraits +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits = {} + +-- +--Initialize RepeatButton properties using values from the attribute bag. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: ve - The object to initialize. +-- bag - The attribute bag. +-- cc - The creation context; unused. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param ve UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@param bag UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes +---@param cc UnityEngine.UIElements.CreationContext +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits.Init(ve, bag, cc) end + + +-- +--Instantiates a Scroller using the data read from a UXML file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory = {} + + +-- +--Defines UxmlTraits for the Scroller. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.UxmlTraits +-- +--Returns an empty enumerable, as scrollers do not have children. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field uxmlChildElementsDescription System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits = {} + +-- +--Initialize Scroller properties using values from the attribute bag. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: ve - The object to initialize. +-- bag - The attribute bag. +-- cc - The creation context; unused. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param ve UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@param bag UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes +---@param cc UnityEngine.UIElements.CreationContext +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits.Init(ve, bag, cc) end + + +-- +--Abstract base class used for all text-based fields. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.TextInputBaseField: UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseField +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ussClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field labelUssClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field inputUssClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field textInputUssName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field text string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field isReadOnly bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field isPasswordField bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field selectionColor UnityEngine.Color +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field cursorColor UnityEngine.Color +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field cursorIndex int +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field selectIndex int +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field maxLength int +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field doubleClickSelectsWord bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field tripleClickSelectsLine bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field isDelayed bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field maskChar char +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TextInputBaseField = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TextInputBaseField.SelectAll() end + + +-- +--Mode configuring the ScrollView for the intended usage. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.ScrollViewMode: System.Enum +-- +--Configure ScrollView for vertical scrolling. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Vertical UnityEngine.UIElements.ScrollViewMode +-- +--Configure ScrollView for horizontal scrolling. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Horizontal UnityEngine.UIElements.ScrollViewMode +-- +--Configure ScrollView for vertical and horizontal scrolling. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field VerticalAndHorizontal UnityEngine.UIElements.ScrollViewMode +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ScrollViewMode = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.ScrollViewMode +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ScrollViewMode:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Displays its contents inside a scrollable frame. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.ScrollView: UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +-- +--USS class name of elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ussClassName string +-- +--USS class name of viewport elements in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field viewportUssClassName string +-- +--USS class name of content elements in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field contentUssClassName string +-- +--USS class name of horizontal scrollers in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field hScrollerUssClassName string +-- +--USS class name of vertical scrollers in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field vScrollerUssClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field horizontalVariantUssClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field verticalVariantUssClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field verticalHorizontalVariantUssClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field scrollVariantUssClassName string +-- +--Should the horizontal scroller be visible. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field showHorizontal bool +-- +--Should the vertical scroller be visible. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field showVertical bool +-- +--The current scrolling position. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field scrollOffset UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--This property is controlling the scrolling speed of the horizontal scroller. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field horizontalPageSize float +-- +--This property is controlling the scrolling speed of the vertical scroller. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field verticalPageSize float +-- +--Controls the rate at which the scrolling movement slows after a user scrolls using a touch interaction. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field scrollDecelerationRate float +-- +--The amount of elasticity to use when a user tries to scroll past the boundaries of the scroll view. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field elasticity float +-- +--The behavior to use when a user tries to scroll past the boundaries of the ScrollView content using a touch interaction. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field touchScrollBehavior UnityEngine.UIElements.ScrollView.TouchScrollBehavior +-- +--Represents the visible part of contentContainer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field contentViewport UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +-- +--Horizontal scrollbar. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field horizontalScroller UnityEngine.UIElements.Scroller +-- +--Vertical Scrollbar. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field verticalScroller UnityEngine.UIElements.Scroller +-- +--Contains full content, potentially partially visible. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field contentContainer UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ScrollView = {} + +-- +--Scroll to a specific child element. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: child - The child to scroll to. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param child UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ScrollView.ScrollTo(child) end + + +-- +--This is the Toggle field. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Toggle: UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseField +-- +--USS class name of elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ussClassName string +-- +--USS class name of labels in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field labelUssClassName string +-- +--USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field inputUssClassName string +-- +--USS class name of elements of this type, when there is no text. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field noTextVariantUssClassName string +-- +--USS class name of elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field checkmarkUssClassName string +-- +--USS class name of text elements in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field textUssClassName string +-- +--Optional text after the toggle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field text string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Toggle = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param newValue bool +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Toggle.SetValueWithoutNotify(newValue) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.TwoPaneSplitView: UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field fixedPane UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field flexedPane UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field fixedPaneIndex int +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field fixedPaneInitialDimension float +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field orientation UnityEngine.UIElements.TwoPaneSplitViewOrientation +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field contentContainer UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TwoPaneSplitView = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param index int +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TwoPaneSplitView.CollapseChild(index) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TwoPaneSplitView.UnCollapse() end + + +-- +--Instantiates a ScrollView using the data read from a UXML file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory = {} + + +-- +--Defines UxmlTraits for the ScrollView. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.UxmlTraits +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits = {} + +-- +--Initialize ScrollView properties using values from the attribute bag. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: ve - The object to initialize. +-- bag - The attribute bag. +-- cc - The creation context; unused. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param ve UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@param bag UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes +---@param cc UnityEngine.UIElements.CreationContext +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits.Init(ve, bag, cc) end + + +-- +--Defines UxmlTraits for TextInputFieldBase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseFieldTraits +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param ve UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@param bag UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes +---@param cc UnityEngine.UIElements.CreationContext +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits.Init(ve, bag, cc) end + + +-- +--A slider containing floating point values. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Slider: UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseSlider +-- +--USS class name of elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ussClassName string +-- +--USS class name of labels in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field labelUssClassName string +-- +--USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field inputUssClassName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Slider = {} + + +-- +--Instantiates a Toggle using the data read from a UXML file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory = {} + + +-- +--Defines UxmlTraits for the Toggle. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseFieldTraits +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits = {} + +-- +--Initialize Toggle properties using values from the attribute bag. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: ve - The object to initialize. +-- bag - The attribute bag. +-- cc - The creation context; unused. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param ve UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@param bag UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes +---@param cc UnityEngine.UIElements.CreationContext +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits.Init(ve, bag, cc) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement.UxmlTraits +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field uxmlChildElementsDescription System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param ve UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@param bag UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes +---@param cc UnityEngine.UIElements.CreationContext +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits.Init(ve, bag, cc) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IPointerCaptureEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IPointerCaptureEvent = {} + + +-- +--Instantiates a Slider using the data read from a UXML file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory = {} + + +-- +--Defines UxmlTraits for the Slider. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseFieldTraits +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits = {} + +-- +--Initialize Slider properties using values from the attribute bag. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: ve - The object to initialize. +-- bag - The attribute bag. +-- cc - The creation context; unused. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param ve UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@param bag UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes +---@param cc UnityEngine.UIElements.CreationContext +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits.Init(ve, bag, cc) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.TwoPaneSplitViewOrientation: System.Enum +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Horizontal UnityEngine.UIElements.TwoPaneSplitViewOrientation +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Vertical UnityEngine.UIElements.TwoPaneSplitViewOrientation +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TwoPaneSplitViewOrientation = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.TwoPaneSplitViewOrientation +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TwoPaneSplitViewOrientation:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--A slider containing Integer discrete values. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.SliderInt: UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseSlider +-- +--USS class name of elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ussClassName string +-- +--USS class name of labels in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field labelUssClassName string +-- +--USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field inputUssClassName string +-- +--The value to add or remove to the SliderInt.value when it is clicked. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field pageSize float +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.SliderInt = {} + + +-- +--Instantiates a SliderInt using the data read from a UXML file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory = {} + + +-- +--Defines UxmlTraits for the SliderInt. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.BaseFieldTraits +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits = {} + +-- +--Initialize SliderInt properties using values from the attribute bag. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: ve - The object to initialize. +-- bag - The bag of attributes. +-- cc - The creation context; unused. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param ve UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@param bag UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes +---@param cc UnityEngine.UIElements.CreationContext +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits.Init(ve, bag, cc) end + + +-- +--A textfield is a rectangular area where the user can edit a string. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.TextField: UnityEngine.UIElements.TextInputBaseField +-- +--USS class name of elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ussClassName string +-- +--USS class name of labels in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field labelUssClassName string +-- +--USS class name of input elements in elements of this type. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field inputUssClassName string +-- +--Set this to true to allow multiple lines in the textfield and false if otherwise. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field multiline bool +-- +--The string currently being exposed by the field. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field value string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TextField = {} + +-- +--Selects text in the textfield between cursorIndex and selectionIndex. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: cursorIndex - The caret and selection start position. +-- selectionIndex - The selection end position. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param rangeCursorIndex int +---@param selectionIndex int +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TextField.SelectRange(rangeCursorIndex, selectionIndex) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param newValue string +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TextField.SetValueWithoutNotify(newValue) end + + +-- +--Base class for pointer capture events and mouse capture events. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerCaptureEventBase: UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field relatedTarget UnityEngine.UIElements.IEventHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field pointerId int +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerCaptureEventBase = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param target UnityEngine.UIElements.IEventHandler +---@param relatedTarget UnityEngine.UIElements.IEventHandler +---@param pointerId int +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerCaptureEventBase:GetPooled(target, relatedTarget, pointerId) end + + +-- +--Event sent when a VisualElement releases a pointer. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerCaptureOutEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerCaptureEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerCaptureOutEvent = {} + + +-- +--Event sent when a pointer is captured by a VisualElement. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerCaptureEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerCaptureEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerCaptureEvent = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IMouseCaptureEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IMouseCaptureEvent = {} + + +-- +--Event sent when the handler capturing the mouse changes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseCaptureEventBase: UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerCaptureEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field relatedTarget UnityEngine.UIElements.IEventHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseCaptureEventBase = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param target UnityEngine.UIElements.IEventHandler +---@param relatedTarget UnityEngine.UIElements.IEventHandler +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseCaptureEventBase:GetPooled(target, relatedTarget) end + + +-- +--Event sent before a handler stops capturing the mouse. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseCaptureOutEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseCaptureEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseCaptureOutEvent = {} + + +-- +--Event sent after a handler starts capturing the mouse. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseCaptureEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseCaptureEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseCaptureEvent = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IChangeEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IChangeEvent = {} + + +-- +--Sends an event when a value in a field changes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.ChangeEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase> +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field previousValue T +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field newValue T +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ChangeEvent = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param previousValue T +---@param newValue T +---@return ChangeEvent +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ChangeEvent:GetPooled(previousValue, newValue) end + + +-- +--Instantiates a TextField using the data read from a UXML file. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory = {} + + +-- +--Defines UxmlTraits for the TextField. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.TextInputBaseField.UxmlTraits +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits = {} + +-- +--Initialize TextField properties using values from the attribute bag. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: ve - The object to initialize. +-- bag - The attribute bag. +-- cc - The creation context; unused. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param ve UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@param bag UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes +---@param cc UnityEngine.UIElements.CreationContext +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits.Init(ve, bag, cc) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.ICommandEvent +-- +--Name of the command. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field commandName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ICommandEvent = {} + + +-- +--Base class for command events. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.CommandEventBase: UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field commandName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.CommandEventBase = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param systemEvent UnityEngine.Event +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.CommandEventBase:GetPooled(systemEvent) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param commandName string +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.CommandEventBase:GetPooled(commandName) end + + +-- +--The event sent to probe which elements accepts a command. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.ValidateCommandEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.CommandEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ValidateCommandEvent = {} + + +-- +--The event sent when an element should execute a command. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.ExecuteCommandEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.CommandEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ExecuteCommandEvent = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IDragAndDropEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IDragAndDropEvent = {} + + +-- +--Base class for drag and drop events. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.DragAndDropEventBase: UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DragAndDropEventBase = {} + + +-- +--The event sent to a dragged element when the drag and drop process ends. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.DragExitedEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.DragAndDropEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DragExitedEvent = {} + +-- +--An initialized event. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: systemEvent - An IMGUI drag exited event. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param systemEvent UnityEngine.Event +---@return DragExitedEvent +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DragExitedEvent:GetPooled(systemEvent) end + + +-- +--Use the DragEnterEvent class to manage events that occur when dragging enters an element or one of its descendants. The DragEnterEvent is cancellable, it does not trickle down, and it does not bubble up. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.DragEnterEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.DragAndDropEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DragEnterEvent = {} + + +-- +--Use the DragLeaveEvent class to manage events sent when dragging leaves an element or one of its descendants. The DragLeaveEvent is cancellable, it does not trickle down, and it does not bubble up. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.DragLeaveEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.DragAndDropEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DragLeaveEvent = {} + + +-- +--The event sent when the element being dragged enters a possible drop target. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.DragUpdatedEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.DragAndDropEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DragUpdatedEvent = {} + +-- +--An initialized event. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: systemEvent - An IMGUI drag updated event. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param systemEvent UnityEngine.Event +---@return DragUpdatedEvent +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DragUpdatedEvent:GetPooled(systemEvent) end + + +-- +--The event sent to an element when another element is dragged and dropped on the element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.DragPerformEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.DragAndDropEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DragPerformEvent = {} + + +-- +--The base class for all UIElements events. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase: object +-- +--Retrieves the type ID for this event instance. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field eventTypeId long +-- +--The time when the event was created. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field timestamp long +-- +--Whether this event type bubbles up in the event propagation path. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field bubbles bool +-- +--Whether this event is sent down the event propagation path during the TrickleDown phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field tricklesDown bool +-- +--The target visual element that received this event. Unlike currentTarget, this target does not change when the event is sent to other elements along the propagation path. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field target UnityEngine.UIElements.IEventHandler +-- +--Whether StopPropagation() was called for this event. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field isPropagationStopped bool +-- +--Whether StopImmediatePropagation() was called for this event. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field isImmediatePropagationStopped bool +-- +--Return true if the default actions should not be executed for this event. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field isDefaultPrevented bool +-- +--The current propagation phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field propagationPhase UnityEngine.UIElements.PropagationPhase +-- +--The current target of the event. This is the VisualElement, in the propagation path, for which event handlers are currently being executed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field currentTarget UnityEngine.UIElements.IEventHandler +-- +--Whether the event is being dispatched to a visual element. An event cannot be redispatched while it being dispatched. If you need to recursively dispatch an event, it is recommended that you use a copy of the event. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field dispatch bool +-- +--The IMGUIEvent at the source of this event. The source can be null since not all events are generated by IMGUI. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field imguiEvent UnityEngine.Event +-- +--The original mouse position of the IMGUI event, before it is transformed to the current target local coordinates. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field originalMousePosition UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase = {} + +-- +--Stops propagating this event. The event is not sent to other elements along the propagation path. This method does not prevent other event handlers from executing on the current target. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase.StopPropagation() end + +-- +--Immediately stops the propagation of the event. The event is not sent to other elements along the propagation path. This method prevents other event handlers from executing on the current target. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase.StopImmediatePropagation() end + +-- +--Whether the default actions are prevented from being executed for this event. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase.PreventDefault() end + +-- +--Implementation of IDisposable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase.Dispose() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.EventCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventCallback = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param evt TEventType +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventCallback.Invoke(evt) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param evt TEventType +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventCallback.BeginInvoke(evt, callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.EventCallback: System.MulticastDelegate +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventCallback = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param evt TEventType +---@param userArgs TCallbackArgs +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventCallback.Invoke(evt, userArgs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param evt TEventType +---@param userArgs TCallbackArgs +---@param callback System.AsyncCallback +---@param object object +---@return IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventCallback.BeginInvoke(evt, userArgs, callback, object) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param result System.IAsyncResult +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventCallback.EndInvoke(result) end + + +-- +--Use this enum to specify during which phases the event handler is executed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.TrickleDown: System.Enum +-- +--The event handler should be executed during the AtTarget and BubbleUp phases. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field NoTrickleDown UnityEngine.UIElements.TrickleDown +-- +--The event handler should be executed during the TrickleDown and AtTarget phases. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field TrickleDown UnityEngine.UIElements.TrickleDown +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TrickleDown = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.TrickleDown +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TrickleDown:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Generic base class for events, implementing event pooling and automatic registration to the event type system. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase: UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field eventTypeId long +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Int64 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase:TypeId() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase:GetPooled() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase.Dispose() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IEventHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IEventHandler = {} + +-- +--Sends an event to the event handler. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: e - The event to send. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param e UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IEventHandler.SendEvent(e) end + +-- +--Handle an event. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: evt - The event to handle. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param evt UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IEventHandler.HandleEvent(evt) end + +-- +--True if the object already has event handlers for the TrickleDown phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IEventHandler.HasTrickleDownHandlers() end + +-- +--True if object has event handlers for the BubbleUp phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IEventHandler.HasBubbleUpHandlers() end + + +-- +--Interface for classes capable of having callbacks to handle events. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.CallbackEventHandler: object +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.CallbackEventHandler = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param callback UnityEngine.UIElements.EventCallback +---@param useTrickleDown UnityEngine.UIElements.TrickleDown +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.CallbackEventHandler.RegisterCallback(callback, useTrickleDown) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param callback UnityEngine.UIElements.EventCallback +---@param userArgs TUserArgsType +---@param useTrickleDown UnityEngine.UIElements.TrickleDown +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.CallbackEventHandler.RegisterCallback(callback, userArgs, useTrickleDown) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param callback UnityEngine.UIElements.EventCallback +---@param useTrickleDown UnityEngine.UIElements.TrickleDown +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.CallbackEventHandler.UnregisterCallback(callback, useTrickleDown) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param callback UnityEngine.UIElements.EventCallback +---@param useTrickleDown UnityEngine.UIElements.TrickleDown +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.CallbackEventHandler.UnregisterCallback(callback, useTrickleDown) end + +-- +--Sends an event to the event handler. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: e - The event to send. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param e UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.CallbackEventHandler.SendEvent(e) end + +-- +--Handle an event, most often by executing the callbacks associated with the event. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: evt - The event to handle. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param evt UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.CallbackEventHandler.HandleEvent(evt) end + +-- +--True if object has event handlers for the TrickleDown phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.CallbackEventHandler.HasTrickleDownHandlers() end + +-- +--True if object has event handlers for the BubbleUp phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.CallbackEventHandler.HasBubbleUpHandlers() end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IFocusEvent +-- +--Related target. See implementation for specific meaning. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field relatedTarget UnityEngine.UIElements.Focusable +-- +--Direction of the focus change. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field direction UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusChangeDirection +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IFocusEvent = {} + + +-- +--Base class for focus related events. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusEventBase: UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field relatedTarget UnityEngine.UIElements.Focusable +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field direction UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusChangeDirection +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusEventBase = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param target UnityEngine.UIElements.IEventHandler +---@param relatedTarget UnityEngine.UIElements.Focusable +---@param direction UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusChangeDirection +---@param focusController UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusController +---@param bIsFocusDelegated bool +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusEventBase:GetPooled(target, relatedTarget, direction, focusController, bIsFocusDelegated) end + + +-- +--Event sent immediately before an element loses focus. This event trickles down and bubbles up. This event cannot be cancelled. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusOutEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusOutEvent = {} + + +-- +--Event sent immediately after an element has lost focus. This event trickles down, it does not bubble up, and it cannot be cancelled. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.BlurEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.BlurEvent = {} + + +-- +--Event sent immediately before an element gains focus. This event trickles down and bubbles up. This event cannot be cancelled. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusInEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusInEvent = {} + + +-- +--Event sent immediately after an element has gained focus. This event trickles down, it does not bubble up, and it cannot be cancelled. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.FocusEvent = {} + + +-- +--The propagation phases of an event. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.PropagationPhase: System.Enum +-- +--The event is not propagated. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.UIElements.PropagationPhase +-- +--The event is sent from the panel's root element to the target element's parent. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field TrickleDown UnityEngine.UIElements.PropagationPhase +-- +--The event is sent to the target. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field AtTarget UnityEngine.UIElements.PropagationPhase +-- +--The event is sent to the target element, which can then execute its default actions for the event at the target phase. Event handlers do not receive the event in this phase. Instead, ExecuteDefaultActionAtTarget is called on the target element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field DefaultActionAtTarget UnityEngine.UIElements.PropagationPhase +-- +--The event is sent from the target element's parent back to the panel's root element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field BubbleUp UnityEngine.UIElements.PropagationPhase +-- +--The event is sent to the target element, which can then execute its final default actions for the event. Event handlers do not receive the event in this phase. Instead, ExecuteDefaultAction is called on the target element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field DefaultAction UnityEngine.UIElements.PropagationPhase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PropagationPhase = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.PropagationPhase +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PropagationPhase:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Sends an event when text from a TextField changes. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.InputEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +-- +--The text before the change occured. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field previousData string +-- +--The new text. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field newData string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.InputEvent = {} + +-- +--An initialized event. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: newData - The new text. +-- previousData - The text before the change occured. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param previousData string +---@param newData string +---@return InputEvent +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.InputEvent:GetPooled(previousData, newData) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IKeyboardEvent +-- +--Flag set holding the pressed modifier keys (Alt, Control, Shift, Windows/Command). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field modifiers UnityEngine.EventModifiers +-- +--The character. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field character char +-- +--The key code. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field keyCode UnityEngine.KeyCode +-- +--Return true if the Shift key is pressed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field shiftKey bool +-- +--Return true if the Control key is pressed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ctrlKey bool +-- +--Return true if the Windows/Command key is pressed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field commandKey bool +-- +--Return true if the Alt key is pressed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field altKey bool +-- +--Returns true if the platform-specific action key is pressed. This key is Cmd on macOS, and Ctrl on all other platforms. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field actionKey bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IKeyboardEvent = {} + + +-- +--Base class for keyboard events. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.KeyboardEventBase: UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field modifiers UnityEngine.EventModifiers +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field character char +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field keyCode UnityEngine.KeyCode +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field shiftKey bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ctrlKey bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field commandKey bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field altKey bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field actionKey bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.KeyboardEventBase = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param c char +---@param keyCode UnityEngine.KeyCode +---@param modifiers UnityEngine.EventModifiers +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.KeyboardEventBase:GetPooled(c, keyCode, modifiers) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param systemEvent UnityEngine.Event +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.KeyboardEventBase:GetPooled(systemEvent) end + + +-- +--Event sent when a key is pressed on the keyboard. This event trickles down and bubbles up. This event is cancellable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.KeyDownEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.KeyboardEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.KeyDownEvent = {} + + +-- +--Event sent when a key is released on the keyboard. This event trickles down and bubbles up. This event is cancellable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.KeyUpEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.KeyboardEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.KeyUpEvent = {} + + +-- +--Event sent after layout calculations, when the position or the dimension of an element changes. This event cannot be cancelled, it does not trickle down, and it does not bubble up. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.GeometryChangedEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +-- +--The old dimensions of the element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field oldRect UnityEngine.Rect +-- +--The new dimensions of the element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field newRect UnityEngine.Rect +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.GeometryChangedEvent = {} + +-- +--An initialized event. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: oldRect - The old dimensions of the element. +-- newRect - The new dimensions of the element. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param oldRect UnityEngine.Rect +---@param newRect UnityEngine.Rect +---@return GeometryChangedEvent +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.GeometryChangedEvent:GetPooled(oldRect, newRect) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IMouseEvent +-- +--Flag set holding the pressed modifier keys (Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Windows/Command). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field modifiers UnityEngine.EventModifiers +-- +--The mouse position in the panel coordinate system. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field mousePosition UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--The mouse position in the current target coordinate system. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field localMousePosition UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--Mouse position difference between the last mouse event and this one. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field mouseDelta UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--The number of times the button is pressed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field clickCount int +-- +--Integer that indicates which mouse button is pressed: 0 is the left button, 1 is the right button, 2 is the middle button. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field button int +-- +--A bitmask that describes the currently pressed buttons. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field pressedButtons int +-- +--Return true if the Shift key is pressed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field shiftKey bool +-- +--Return true if the Ctrl key is pressed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ctrlKey bool +-- +--Return true if the Windows/Command key is pressed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field commandKey bool +-- +--Return true if the Alt key is pressed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field altKey bool +-- +--Returns true if the platform-specific action key is pressed. This key is Cmd on macOS, and Ctrl on all other platforms. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field actionKey bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IMouseEvent = {} + + +-- +--The base class for mouse events. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseEventBase: UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field modifiers UnityEngine.EventModifiers +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field mousePosition UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field localMousePosition UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field mouseDelta UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field clickCount int +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field button int +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field pressedButtons int +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field shiftKey bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ctrlKey bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field commandKey bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field altKey bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field actionKey bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field currentTarget UnityEngine.UIElements.IEventHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseEventBase = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param systemEvent UnityEngine.Event +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseEventBase:GetPooled(systemEvent) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param position UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param button int +---@param clickCount int +---@param delta UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@param modifiers UnityEngine.EventModifiers +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseEventBase:GetPooled(position, button, clickCount, delta, modifiers) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param triggerEvent UnityEngine.UIElements.IMouseEvent +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseEventBase:GetPooled(triggerEvent) end + + +-- +--Mouse down event. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseDownEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseDownEvent = {} + +-- +--An initialized event. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: systemEvent - An IMGUI mouse event. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param systemEvent UnityEngine.Event +---@return MouseDownEvent +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseDownEvent:GetPooled(systemEvent) end + + +-- +--Mouse up event. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseUpEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseUpEvent = {} + +-- +--An initialized event. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: systemEvent - An IMGUI mouse event. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param systemEvent UnityEngine.Event +---@return MouseUpEvent +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseUpEvent:GetPooled(systemEvent) end + + +-- +--Mouse move event. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseMoveEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseMoveEvent = {} + +-- +--An initialized event. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: systemEvent - An IMGUI mouse event. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param systemEvent UnityEngine.Event +---@return MouseMoveEvent +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseMoveEvent:GetPooled(systemEvent) end + + +-- +--The event sent when clicking the right mouse button. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.ContextClickEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ContextClickEvent = {} + + +-- +--Mouse wheel event. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.WheelEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseEventBase +-- +--The amount of scrolling applied with the mouse wheel. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field delta UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.WheelEvent = {} + +-- +--An initialized event. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: systemEvent - A wheel IMGUI event. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param systemEvent UnityEngine.Event +---@return WheelEvent +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.WheelEvent:GetPooled(systemEvent) end + + +-- +--Event sent when the mouse pointer enters an element or one of its descendent elements. The event is cancellable, it does not trickle down, and it does not bubble up. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseEnterEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseEnterEvent = {} + + +-- +--Event sent when the mouse pointer exits an element and all its descendent elements. The event is cancellable, it does not trickle down, and it does not bubble up. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseLeaveEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseLeaveEvent = {} + + +-- +--Event sent when the mouse pointer enters a window. The event is cancellable, it does not trickle down, and it does not bubble up. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseEnterWindowEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseEnterWindowEvent = {} + + +-- +--Event sent when the mouse pointer exits a window. The event is cancellable, it does not trickle down, and it does not bubble up. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseLeaveWindowEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseLeaveWindowEvent = {} + +-- +--An initialized event. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: systemEvent - An IMGUI MouseLeaveWindow event. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param systemEvent UnityEngine.Event +---@return MouseLeaveWindowEvent +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseLeaveWindowEvent:GetPooled(systemEvent) end + + +-- +--Event sent when the mouse pointer enters an element. The event trickles down, it bubbles up, and it is cancellable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseOverEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseOverEvent = {} + + +-- +--Event sent when the mouse pointer exits an element. The event trickles down, it bubbles up, and it is cancellable. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseOutEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseOutEvent = {} + + +-- +--The event sent when a contextual menu requires menu items. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.ContextualMenuPopulateEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.MouseEventBase +-- +--The menu to populate. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field menu UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenu +-- +--The event that triggered the ContextualMenuPopulateEvent. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field triggerEvent UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ContextualMenuPopulateEvent = {} + +-- +--An initialized event. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: triggerEvent - The event that triggered the display of the contextual menu. +-- menu - The menu to populate. +-- target - The element that triggered the display of the contextual menu. +-- menuManager - The menu manager that displays the menu. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param triggerEvent UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +---@param menu UnityEngine.UIElements.DropdownMenu +---@param target UnityEngine.UIElements.IEventHandler +---@param menuManager UnityEngine.UIElements.ContextualMenuManager +---@return ContextualMenuPopulateEvent +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ContextualMenuPopulateEvent:GetPooled(triggerEvent, menu, target, menuManager) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IPanelChangedEvent +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IPanelChangedEvent = {} + + +-- +--Abstract base class for events notifying of a panel change. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.PanelChangedEventBase: UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field originPanel UnityEngine.UIElements.IPanel +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field destinationPanel UnityEngine.UIElements.IPanel +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PanelChangedEventBase = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param originPanel UnityEngine.UIElements.IPanel +---@param destinationPanel UnityEngine.UIElements.IPanel +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PanelChangedEventBase:GetPooled(originPanel, destinationPanel) end + + +-- +--Event sent after an element is added to an element that is a descendent of a panel. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.AttachToPanelEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.PanelChangedEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.AttachToPanelEvent = {} + + +-- +--Event sent just before an element is detach from its parent, if the parent is the descendant of a panel. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.DetachFromPanelEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.PanelChangedEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.DetachFromPanelEvent = {} + + +-- +--A static class that holds pointer type values. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerType: object +-- +--The pointer type for mouse events. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field mouse string +-- +--The pointer type for touch events. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field touch string +-- +--The pointer type for pen events. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field pen string +-- +--The pointer type for events created by unknown devices. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unknown string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerType = {} + + +-- +--A static class that holds pointer ID values. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerId: object +-- +--The maximum number of pointers the implementation supports. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field maxPointers int +-- +--Represents an invalid pointer ID value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field invalidPointerId int +-- +--The mouse pointer ID. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field mousePointerId int +-- +--The base ID for touch pointers. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field touchPointerIdBase int +-- +--The number of touch pointers the implementation supports. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field touchPointerCount int +-- +--The base ID for pen pointers. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field penPointerIdBase int +-- +--The number of pen pointers the implementation supports. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field penPointerCount int +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerId = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IPointerEvent +-- +--Identifies the pointer that sends the event. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field pointerId int +-- +--The type of pointer that created this event. This value is taken from the value defined in `PointerType`. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field pointerType string +-- +--Returns true if the pointer is a primary pointer +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field isPrimary bool +-- +--Integer that indicates which mouse button is pressed: 0 is the left button, 1 is the right button, 2 is the middle button. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field button int +-- +--A bitmask that describes the currently pressed buttons. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field pressedButtons int +-- +--The pointer position in the Screen or World coordinate system. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The pointer position in the current target coordinate system. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field localPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The difference between the pointer's position during the previous mouse event and its position during the current mouse event. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field deltaPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--The amount of time that has passed since the last recorded change in pointer values, in seconds. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field deltaTime float +-- +--The number of times the button is pressed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field clickCount int +-- +--The amount of pressure currently applied by a touch. If the device does not report pressure, the value of this property is 1.0f. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field pressure float +-- +--The pressure applied to an additional pressure-sensitive control on the stylus. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field tangentialPressure float +-- +--Angle of the stylus relative to the surface, in radians +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field altitudeAngle float +-- +--Angle of the stylus relative to the x-axis, in radians. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field azimuthAngle float +-- +--The rotation of the stylus around its axis, in radians. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field twist float +-- +--An estimate of the radius of a touch. Add `radiusVariance` to get the maximum touch radius, subtract it to get the minimum touch radius. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field radius UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--Determines the accuracy of the touch radius. Add this value to the radius to get the maximum touch radius, subtract it to get the minimum touch radius. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field radiusVariance UnityEngine.Vector2 +-- +--Flags that hold pressed modifier keys (Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Windows/Cmd). +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field modifiers UnityEngine.EventModifiers +-- +--Returns true if the Shift key is pressed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field shiftKey bool +-- +--Returns true if the Ctrl key is pressed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ctrlKey bool +-- +--Returns true if the Windows/Cmd key is pressed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field commandKey bool +-- +--Returns true if the Alt key is pressed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field altKey bool +-- +--Returns true if the platform-specific action key is pressed. This key is Cmd on macOS, and Ctrl on all other platforms. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field actionKey bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IPointerEvent = {} + + +-- +--Base class for pointer events. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerEventBase: UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field pointerId int +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field pointerType string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field isPrimary bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field button int +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field pressedButtons int +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field localPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field deltaPosition UnityEngine.Vector3 +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field deltaTime float +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field clickCount int +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field pressure float +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field tangentialPressure float +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field altitudeAngle float +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field azimuthAngle float +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field twist float +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field radius UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field radiusVariance UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field modifiers UnityEngine.EventModifiers +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field shiftKey bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field ctrlKey bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field commandKey bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field altKey bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field actionKey bool +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field currentTarget UnityEngine.UIElements.IEventHandler +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerEventBase = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param systemEvent UnityEngine.Event +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerEventBase:GetPooled(systemEvent) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param touch UnityEngine.Touch +---@param modifiers UnityEngine.EventModifiers +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerEventBase:GetPooled(touch, modifiers) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param triggerEvent UnityEngine.UIElements.IPointerEvent +---@return T +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerEventBase:GetPooled(triggerEvent) end + + +-- +--Event sent when a pointer is pressed. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerDownEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerDownEvent = {} + + +-- +--Event sent when a pointer changes state. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerMoveEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerMoveEvent = {} + + +-- +--An event sent when a pointer does not change for a set amount of time determined by the operating system. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerStationaryEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerStationaryEvent = {} + + +-- +--Event sent when the last depressed button of a pointer is released. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerUpEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerUpEvent = {} + + +-- +--Event sent to find the first VisualElement that displays a tooltip. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.TooltipEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +-- +--Text to display inside the tooltip box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field tooltip string +-- +--Rectangle of the hovered VisualElement in the panel coordinate system. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field rect UnityEngine.Rect +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.TooltipEvent = {} + + +-- +--The event sent when the left mouse button is clicked. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.ClickEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ClickEvent = {} + + +-- +--Class used to send a IMGUI event that has no equivalent UIElements event. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IMGUIEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IMGUIEvent = {} + +-- +--An initialized event. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: systemEvent - The IMGUI event used to initialize the event. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param systemEvent UnityEngine.Event +---@return IMGUIEvent +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IMGUIEvent:GetPooled(systemEvent) end + + +-- +--Event sent when a pointer exits an element and all of its descendant. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerLeaveEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerLeaveEvent = {} + + +-- +--Event sent when a pointer enters a VisualElement. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerOverEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerOverEvent = {} + + +-- +--Event sent when a pointer exits an element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerOutEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerEventBase +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.PointerOutEvent = {} + + +-- +--Event sent after the custom style properties of a VisualElement have been resolved. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.CustomStyleResolvedEvent: UnityEngine.UIElements.EventBase +-- +--Returns the custom style properties accessor for the targeted VisualElement. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field customStyle UnityEngine.UIElements.ICustomStyle +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.CustomStyleResolvedEvent = {} + + +-- +--Represents a vertex of geometry for drawing content of VisualElement. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Vertex: System.ValueType +-- +--A special value representing the near clipping plane. Always use this value as the vertex position's z component when building 2D (flat) UI geometry. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field nearZ float +-- +--Describes the vertex's position. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.Vector3 +-- +--A color value for the vertex. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field tint UnityEngine.Color32 +-- +--The UV coordinate of the vertex. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field uv UnityEngine.Vector2 +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Vertex = {} + + +-- +--A class that represents the vertex and index data allocated for drawing the content of a VisualElement. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.MeshWriteData: object +-- +--The number of vertices successfully allocated for VisualElement content drawing. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field vertexCount int +-- +--The number of indices successfully allocated for VisualElement content drawing. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field indexCount int +-- +--A rectangle describing the UV region holding the texture passed to MeshGenerationContext.Allocate. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field uvRegion UnityEngine.Rect +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MeshWriteData = {} + +-- +--Assigns the value of the next vertex of the allocated vertices list. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: vertex - The value of the next vertex. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param vertex UnityEngine.UIElements.Vertex +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MeshWriteData.SetNextVertex(vertex) end + +-- +--Assigns the value of the next index of the allocated indices list. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: index - The value of the next index. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param index ushort +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MeshWriteData.SetNextIndex(index) end + +-- +--Fills the values of the allocated vertices with values copied directly from an array. +--When this method is called, it is not possible to use SetNextVertex to fill the allocated vertices array. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: vertices - The array of vertices to copy from. The length of the array must match the allocated vertex count. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param vertices UnityEngine.UIElements.Vertex[] +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MeshWriteData.SetAllVertices(vertices) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param vertices Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MeshWriteData.SetAllVertices(vertices) end + +-- +--Fills the values of the allocated indices with values copied directly from an array. Each 3 consecutive indices form a single triangle. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: indices - The array of indices to copy from. The length of the array must match the allocated index count. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param indices ushort[] +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MeshWriteData.SetAllIndices(indices) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param indices Unity.Collections.NativeSlice +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MeshWriteData.SetAllIndices(indices) end + + +-- +--Offers functionality for generating visual content of a VisualElement during the generateVisualContent callback. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.MeshGenerationContext: object +-- +--The element for which VisualElement.generateVisualContent was invoked. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field visualElement UnityEngine.UIElements.VisualElement +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MeshGenerationContext = {} + +-- +--An object that gives access to the newely allocated data. If the returned vertex count is 0, then allocation failed (the system ran out of memory). +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: vertexCount - The number of vertices to allocate. The maximum is 65535 (or UInt16.MaxValue). +-- indexCount - The number of triangle list indices to allocate. Each 3 indices represent one triangle, so this value should be multiples of 3. +-- texture - An optional texture to be applied on the triangles allocated. Pass null to rely on vertex colors only. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param vertexCount int +---@param indexCount int +---@param texture UnityEngine.Texture +---@return MeshWriteData +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.MeshGenerationContext.Allocate(vertexCount, indexCount, texture) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.ICustomStyle +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ICustomStyle = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param property UnityEngine.UIElements.CustomStyleProperty +---@param value float +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ICustomStyle.TryGetValue(property, value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param property UnityEngine.UIElements.CustomStyleProperty +---@param value int +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ICustomStyle.TryGetValue(property, value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param property UnityEngine.UIElements.CustomStyleProperty +---@param value bool +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ICustomStyle.TryGetValue(property, value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param property UnityEngine.UIElements.CustomStyleProperty +---@param value UnityEngine.Color +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ICustomStyle.TryGetValue(property, value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param property UnityEngine.UIElements.CustomStyleProperty +---@param value UnityEngine.Texture2D +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ICustomStyle.TryGetValue(property, value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param property UnityEngine.UIElements.CustomStyleProperty +---@param value UnityEngine.UIElements.VectorImage +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ICustomStyle.TryGetValue(property, value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param property UnityEngine.UIElements.CustomStyleProperty +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ICustomStyle.TryGetValue(property, value) end + + +-- +--Describes how to interpret a Length value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.LengthUnit: System.Enum +-- +--Interprets length as pixel. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Pixel UnityEngine.UIElements.LengthUnit +-- +--Interprets length as a percentage. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Percent UnityEngine.UIElements.LengthUnit +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.LengthUnit = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.LengthUnit +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.LengthUnit:__CastFrom(value) end + + +-- +--Describes a VisualElement background. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Background: System.ValueType +-- +--The texture to display as a background. You cannot set this and Background.vectorImage at the same time. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field texture UnityEngine.Texture2D +-- +--The VectorImage to display as a background. You cannot set this and Background.texture at the same time. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field vectorImage UnityEngine.UIElements.VectorImage +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Background = {} + +-- +--A new background object. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: t - The texture to use as a background. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param t UnityEngine.Texture2D +---@return Background +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Background:FromTexture2D(t) end + +-- +--A new background object. +-- +--```plaintext +--Params: vi - The vector image to use as a background. +-- +--``` +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param vi UnityEngine.UIElements.VectorImage +---@return Background +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Background:FromVectorImage(vi) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.UIElements.Background +---@param rhs UnityEngine.UIElements.Background +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Background:op_Equality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.UIElements.Background +---@param rhs UnityEngine.UIElements.Background +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Background:op_Inequality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.UIElements.Background +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Background.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Background.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Background.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Background.ToString() end + + +-- +--Define a custom style property for an element to be retrieved with CustomStyleResolvedEvent. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.CustomStyleProperty: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field name string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.CustomStyleProperty = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.CustomStyleProperty.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.UIElements.CustomStyleProperty +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.CustomStyleProperty.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.CustomStyleProperty.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param a UnityEngine.UIElements.CustomStyleProperty +---@param b UnityEngine.UIElements.CustomStyleProperty +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.CustomStyleProperty:op_Equality(a, b) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param a UnityEngine.UIElements.CustomStyleProperty +---@param b UnityEngine.UIElements.CustomStyleProperty +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.CustomStyleProperty:op_Inequality(a, b) end + + +-- +--Reprensents a distance value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.Length: System.ValueType +-- +--The length value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field value float +-- +--The unit of the value property. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unit UnityEngine.UIElements.LengthUnit +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Length = {} + +-- +--The created length. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param value float +---@return Length +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Length:Percent(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param value float +---@return Length +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Length:op_Implicit(value) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.UIElements.Length +---@param rhs UnityEngine.UIElements.Length +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Length:op_Equality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.UIElements.Length +---@param rhs UnityEngine.UIElements.Length +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Length:op_Inequality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.UIElements.Length +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Length.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Length.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Length.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.Length.ToString() end + + +-- +--Style value that can be either a Background or a StyleKeyword. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleBackground: System.ValueType +-- +--The Background value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field value UnityEngine.UIElements.Background +-- +--The style keyword. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field keyword UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleBackground = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleBackground +---@param rhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleBackground +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleBackground:op_Equality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleBackground +---@param rhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleBackground +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleBackground:op_Inequality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param keyword UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword +---@return StyleBackground +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleBackground:op_Implicit(keyword) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param v UnityEngine.UIElements.Background +---@return StyleBackground +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleBackground:op_Implicit(v) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param v UnityEngine.Texture2D +---@return StyleBackground +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleBackground:op_Implicit(v) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleBackground +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleBackground.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleBackground.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleBackground.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleBackground.ToString() end + + +-- +--Style value that can be either a Color or a StyleKeyword. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor: System.ValueType +-- +--The Color value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field value UnityEngine.Color +-- +--The style keyword. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field keyword UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor +---@param rhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor:op_Equality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor +---@param rhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor:op_Inequality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor +---@param rhs UnityEngine.Color +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor:op_Equality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor +---@param rhs UnityEngine.Color +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor:op_Inequality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param keyword UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword +---@return StyleColor +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor:op_Implicit(keyword) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param v UnityEngine.Color +---@return StyleColor +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor:op_Implicit(v) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor.ToString() end + + +-- +--Style value that can be either a Cursor or a StyleKeyword. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleCursor: System.ValueType +-- +--The Cursor value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field value UnityEngine.UIElements.Cursor +-- +--The style keyword. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field keyword UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleCursor = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleCursor +---@param rhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleCursor +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleCursor:op_Equality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleCursor +---@param rhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleCursor +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleCursor:op_Inequality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param keyword UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword +---@return StyleCursor +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleCursor:op_Implicit(keyword) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param v UnityEngine.UIElements.Cursor +---@return StyleCursor +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleCursor:op_Implicit(v) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleCursor +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleCursor.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleCursor.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleCursor.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleCursor.ToString() end + + +-- +--Style value that can be either an enum or a StyleKeyword. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum: System.ValueType +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field value T +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field keyword UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum +---@param rhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum:op_Equality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum +---@param rhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum:op_Inequality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param keyword UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword +---@return StyleEnum +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum:op_Implicit(keyword) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param v T +---@return StyleEnum +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum:op_Implicit(v) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum.ToString() end + + +-- +--Style value that can be either a float or a StyleKeyword. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat: System.ValueType +-- +--The float value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field value float +-- +--The style keyword. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field keyword UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat +---@param rhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat:op_Equality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat +---@param rhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat:op_Inequality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param keyword UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword +---@return StyleFloat +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat:op_Implicit(keyword) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param v float +---@return StyleFloat +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat:op_Implicit(v) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat.ToString() end + + +-- +--Style value that can be either a Font or a StyleKeyword. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFont: System.ValueType +-- +--The Font value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field value UnityEngine.Font +-- +--The style keyword. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field keyword UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFont = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFont +---@param rhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFont +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFont:op_Equality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFont +---@param rhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFont +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFont:op_Inequality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param keyword UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword +---@return StyleFont +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFont:op_Implicit(keyword) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param v UnityEngine.Font +---@return StyleFont +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFont:op_Implicit(v) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFont +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFont.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFont.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFont.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFont.ToString() end + + +-- +--Style value that can be either an integer or a StyleKeyword. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleInt: System.ValueType +-- +--The integer value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field value int +-- +--The style keyword. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field keyword UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleInt = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleInt +---@param rhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleInt +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleInt:op_Equality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleInt +---@param rhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleInt +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleInt:op_Inequality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param keyword UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword +---@return StyleInt +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleInt:op_Implicit(keyword) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param v int +---@return StyleInt +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleInt:op_Implicit(v) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleInt +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleInt.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleInt.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleInt.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleInt.ToString() end + + +-- +--Style value that can be either a Length or a StyleKeyword. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength: System.ValueType +-- +--The Length value. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field value UnityEngine.UIElements.Length +-- +--The style keyword. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field keyword UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +---@param rhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength:op_Equality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param lhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +---@param rhs UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength:op_Inequality(lhs, rhs) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param keyword UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword +---@return StyleLength +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength:op_Implicit(keyword) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param v float +---@return StyleLength +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength:op_Implicit(v) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param v UnityEngine.UIElements.Length +---@return StyleLength +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength:op_Implicit(v) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param other UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength.Equals(other) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param obj object +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength.Equals(obj) end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return Int32 +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength.GetHashCode() end + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@return String +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength.ToString() end + + +-- +--Keyword that can be used on any style value types. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword: System.Enum +-- +--Means that there's no keyword defined for that property. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Undefined UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword +-- +--Means that an inline style from IStyle has no value or keyword. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Null UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword +-- +--For style properties accepting auto. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Auto UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword +-- +--For style properties accepting none. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field None UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword +-- +--The initial (or default) value of a style property. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field Initial UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword = {} + +---@source +---@param value any +---@return UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleKeyword:__CastFrom(value) end + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IResolvedStyle +-- +--Alignment of the whole area of children on the cross axis if they span over multiple lines in this container. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field alignContent UnityEngine.UIElements.Align +-- +--Alignment of children on the cross axis of this container. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field alignItems UnityEngine.UIElements.Align +-- +--Similar to align-items, but only for this specific element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field alignSelf UnityEngine.UIElements.Align +-- +--Background color to paint in the element's box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field backgroundColor UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Background image to paint in the element's box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field backgroundImage UnityEngine.UIElements.Background +-- +--Color of the element's bottom border. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderBottomColor UnityEngine.Color +-- +--The radius of the bottom-left corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element's box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderBottomLeftRadius float +-- +--The radius of the bottom-right corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element's box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderBottomRightRadius float +-- +--Space reserved for the bottom edge of the border during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderBottomWidth float +-- +--Color of the element's left border. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderLeftColor UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Space reserved for the left edge of the border during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderLeftWidth float +-- +--Color of the element's right border. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderRightColor UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Space reserved for the right edge of the border during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderRightWidth float +-- +--Color of the element's top border. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderTopColor UnityEngine.Color +-- +--The radius of the top-left corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element's box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderTopLeftRadius float +-- +--The radius of the top-right corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element's box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderTopRightRadius float +-- +--Space reserved for the top edge of the border during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderTopWidth float +-- +--Bottom distance from the element's box during layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field bottom float +-- +--Color to use when drawing the text of an element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field color UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Defines how an element is displayed in the layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field display UnityEngine.UIElements.DisplayStyle +-- +--Initial main size of a flex item, on the main flex axis. The final layout mught be smaller or larger, according to the flex shrinking and growing determined by the other flex properties. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field flexBasis UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat +-- +--Direction of the main axis to layout children in a container. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field flexDirection UnityEngine.UIElements.FlexDirection +-- +--Specifies how much the item will grow relative to the rest of the flexible items inside the same container. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field flexGrow float +-- +--Specifies how the item will shrink relative to the rest of the flexible items inside the same container. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field flexShrink float +-- +--Placement of children over multiple lines if not enough space is available in this container. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field flexWrap UnityEngine.UIElements.Wrap +-- +--Font size to draw the element's text. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field fontSize float +-- +--Fixed height of an element for the layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field height float +-- +--Justification of children on the main axis of this container. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field justifyContent UnityEngine.UIElements.Justify +-- +--Left distance from the element's box during layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field left float +-- +--Space reserved for the bottom edge of the margin during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field marginBottom float +-- +--Space reserved for the left edge of the margin during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field marginLeft float +-- +--Space reserved for the right edge of the margin during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field marginRight float +-- +--Space reserved for the top edge of the margin during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field marginTop float +-- +--Maximum height for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field maxHeight UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat +-- +--Maximum width for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field maxWidth UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat +-- +--Minimum height for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field minHeight UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat +-- +--Minimum width for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field minWidth UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat +-- +--Specifies the transparency of an element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field opacity float +-- +--Space reserved for the bottom edge of the padding during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field paddingBottom float +-- +--Space reserved for the left edge of the padding during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field paddingLeft float +-- +--Space reserved for the right edge of the padding during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field paddingRight float +-- +--Space reserved for the top edge of the padding during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field paddingTop float +-- +--Element's positioning in its parent container. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.UIElements.Position +-- +--Right distance from the element's box during layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field right float +-- +--The element's text overflow mode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field textOverflow UnityEngine.UIElements.TextOverflow +-- +--Top distance from the element's box during layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field top float +-- +--Tinting color for the element's backgroundImage +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unityBackgroundImageTintColor UnityEngine.Color +-- +--Background image scaling in the element's box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unityBackgroundScaleMode UnityEngine.ScaleMode +-- +--Font to draw the element's text. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unityFont UnityEngine.Font +-- +--Font style and weight (normal, bold, italic) to draw the element's text. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unityFontStyleAndWeight UnityEngine.FontStyle +-- +--Size of the 9-slice's bottom edge when painting an element's background image. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unitySliceBottom int +-- +--Size of the 9-slice's left edge when painting an element's background image. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unitySliceLeft int +-- +--Size of the 9-slice's right edge when painting an element's background image. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unitySliceRight int +-- +--Size of the 9-slice's top edge when painting an element's background image. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unitySliceTop int +-- +--Horizontal and vertical text alignment in the element's box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unityTextAlign UnityEngine.TextAnchor +-- +--The element's text overflow position. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unityTextOverflowPosition UnityEngine.UIElements.TextOverflowPosition +-- +--Specifies whether or not an element is visible. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field visibility UnityEngine.UIElements.Visibility +-- +--Word wrapping over multiple lines if not enough space is available to draw the text of an element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field whiteSpace UnityEngine.UIElements.WhiteSpace +-- +--Fixed width of an element for the layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field width float +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IResolvedStyle = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IStyle +-- +--Alignment of the whole area of children on the cross axis if they span over multiple lines in this container. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field alignContent UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum +-- +--Alignment of children on the cross axis of this container. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field alignItems UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum +-- +--Similar to align-items, but only for this specific element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field alignSelf UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum +-- +--Background color to paint in the element's box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field backgroundColor UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor +-- +--Background image to paint in the element's box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field backgroundImage UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleBackground +-- +--Color of the element's bottom border. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderBottomColor UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor +-- +--The radius of the bottom-left corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element's box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderBottomLeftRadius UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +-- +--The radius of the bottom-right corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element's box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderBottomRightRadius UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +-- +--Space reserved for the bottom edge of the border during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderBottomWidth UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat +-- +--Color of the element's left border. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderLeftColor UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor +-- +--Space reserved for the left edge of the border during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderLeftWidth UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat +-- +--Color of the element's right border. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderRightColor UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor +-- +--Space reserved for the right edge of the border during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderRightWidth UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat +-- +--Color of the element's top border. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderTopColor UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor +-- +--The radius of the top-left corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element's box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderTopLeftRadius UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +-- +--The radius of the top-right corner when a rounded rectangle is drawn in the element's box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderTopRightRadius UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +-- +--Space reserved for the top edge of the border during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field borderTopWidth UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat +-- +--Bottom distance from the element's box during layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field bottom UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +-- +--Color to use when drawing the text of an element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field color UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor +-- +--Mouse cursor to display when the mouse pointer is over an element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field cursor UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleCursor +-- +--Defines how an element is displayed in the layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field display UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum +-- +--Initial main size of a flex item, on the main flex axis. The final layout mught be smaller or larger, according to the flex shrinking and growing determined by the flex property. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field flexBasis UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +-- +--Direction of the main axis to layout children in a container. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field flexDirection UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum +-- +--Specifies how much the item will grow relative to the rest of the flexible items inside the same container. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field flexGrow UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat +-- +--Specifies how the item will shrink relative to the rest of the flexible items inside the same container. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field flexShrink UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat +-- +--Placement of children over multiple lines if not enough space is available in this container. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field flexWrap UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum +-- +--Font size to draw the element's text. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field fontSize UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +-- +--Fixed height of an element for the layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field height UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +-- +--Justification of children on the main axis of this container. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field justifyContent UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum +-- +--Left distance from the element's box during layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field left UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +-- +--Space reserved for the bottom edge of the margin during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field marginBottom UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +-- +--Space reserved for the left edge of the margin during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field marginLeft UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +-- +--Space reserved for the right edge of the margin during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field marginRight UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +-- +--Space reserved for the top edge of the margin during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field marginTop UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +-- +--Maximum height for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field maxHeight UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +-- +--Maximum width for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field maxWidth UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +-- +--Minimum height for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field minHeight UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +-- +--Minimum width for an element, when it is flexible or measures its own size. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field minWidth UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +-- +--Specifies the transparency of an element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field opacity UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFloat +-- +--How a container behaves if its content overflows its own box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field overflow UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum +-- +--Space reserved for the bottom edge of the padding during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field paddingBottom UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +-- +--Space reserved for the left edge of the padding during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field paddingLeft UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +-- +--Space reserved for the right edge of the padding during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field paddingRight UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +-- +--Space reserved for the top edge of the padding during the layout phase. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field paddingTop UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +-- +--Element's positioning in its parent container. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field position UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum +-- +--Right distance from the element's box during layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field right UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +-- +--The element's text overflow mode. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field textOverflow UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum +-- +--Top distance from the element's box during layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field top UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +-- +--Tinting color for the element's backgroundImage +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unityBackgroundImageTintColor UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleColor +-- +--Background image scaling in the element's box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unityBackgroundScaleMode UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum +-- +--Font to draw the element's text. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unityFont UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleFont +-- +--Size of the 9-slice's bottom edge when painting an element's background image. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unityFontStyleAndWeight UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum +-- +--Specifies which box the element content is clipped against. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unityOverflowClipBox UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum +-- +--Size of the 9-slice's bottom edge when painting an element's background image. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unitySliceBottom UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleInt +-- +--Size of the 9-slice's left edge when painting an element's background image. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unitySliceLeft UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleInt +-- +--Size of the 9-slice's right edge when painting an element's background image. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unitySliceRight UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleInt +-- +--Size of the 9-slice's top edge when painting an element's background image. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unitySliceTop UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleInt +-- +--Horizontal and vertical text alignment in the element's box. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unityTextAlign UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum +-- +--The element's text overflow position. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field unityTextOverflowPosition UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum +-- +--Specifies whether or not an element is visible. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field visibility UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum +-- +--Word wrapping over multiple lines if not enough space is available to draw the text of an element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field whiteSpace UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleEnum +-- +--Fixed width of an element for the layout. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field width UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleLength +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IStyle = {} + + +-- +--Style sheets are applied to visual elements in order to control the layout and visual appearance of the user interface. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleSheet: UnityEngine.ScriptableObject +-- +--A hash value computed from the stylesheet content. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field contentHash int +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleSheet = {} + + +-- +--The theme style sheet is a collection of themes, style sheets, and rules used to define default UI appearance. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.ThemeStyleSheet: UnityEngine.UIElements.StyleSheet +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.ThemeStyleSheet = {} + + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param attributeName string +---@param value string +---@return Boolean +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes.TryGetAttributeValue(attributeName, value) end + + +-- +--Factory for the root UXML element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlRootElementFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +-- +--Returns "UXML". +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field uxmlName string +-- +--Returns the qualified name for this element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field uxmlQualifiedName string +-- +--Returns the empty string, as the root element can not appear anywhere else bit at the root of the document. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field substituteForTypeName string +-- +--Returns the empty string, as the root element can not appear anywhere else bit at the root of the document. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field substituteForTypeNamespace string +-- +--Returns the empty string, as the root element can not appear anywhere else bit at the root of the document. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field substituteForTypeQualifiedName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlRootElementFactory = {} + +-- +--Returns null. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param bag UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes +---@param cc UnityEngine.UIElements.CreationContext +---@return VisualElement +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlRootElementFactory.Create(bag, cc) end + + +-- +--Defines UxmlTraits for the UXML root element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlRootElementTraits: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlTraits +-- +--Returns an enumerable containing UxmlChildElementDescription(typeof(VisualElement)), since the root element can contain VisualElements. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field uxmlChildElementsDescription System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlRootElementTraits = {} + + +-- +--Factory for the root Style element. +-- +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@class UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlStyleFactory: UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlFactory +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field uxmlName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field uxmlQualifiedName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field substituteForTypeName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field substituteForTypeNamespace string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@field substituteForTypeQualifiedName string +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlStyleFactory = {} + +---@source UnityEngine.UIElementsModule.dll +---@param bag UnityEngine.UIElements.IUxmlAttributes +---@param cc UnityEngine.UIElements.CreationContext +---@return VisualElement +function CS.UnityEngine.UIElements.UxmlStyleFactory.Create(bag, cc) end + + +-- +--Defines UxmlTraits for the